#that boy is nothing but trouble
thebigolbee · 10 months
Absolutely distraught that Marlow isnt in fnv. Distraught I say!!!!!
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I don't know if his tall ass staring down at the player with his little mustache would be a blessing or a curse honestly. It'd be like a jumpscare every time you turned around. You randomly take 1 damage when he flicks you in the back of the head for fun.
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dingani-m · 10 months
Chapter 1 - Trouble
Mkuzo arrived at the mahogany door; it was decorated with a tree carving. Beside it he saw a small wooden statue of a woman with a basket on her head, looking off in the distance. He wondered if he had been transported to the days of nomads, spirit walkers, and talking animals. He took a deep breath and reluctantly raised his fist to knock on the door. He could hear music seeping through the cracks, and through the window he saw a figure approach. Light pierced through the dark and the spotlight was on him. He raised his eyes and greeted the host whose face was mixed with surprise and disappointment. He loathed these social obligations but promised his father he would attend. After all, maybe today would finally be the day he meets a lovely Zambian woman. He soldiered on carefully, avoiding any landmines. One misstep and the entire country would be snickering. He stepped into the foyer, and there hung a golden chandelier that looked like it belonged in a foreign antique shop. The room was adorned with rich purple velour curtains that cascaded like waterfalls; there was an air of regalness in this palace some people called home.
Mkuzo followed the host into the courtyard, a mystical garden with lanterns draped across the trees. Along the outer rims were emerald green crawlers and ruby petunias. Everyone gathered under a wooden thatch, drinking merrily at the bar. Mkuzo weaved through the busy crowd, trying to find refuge in the nearest dark corner. He could feel the unwelcome stares; he stood out like a peacock in a den of leopards. But he was used to that by now. 
Mkuzo was just about to reach the shrouded corner at the edge of the courtyard when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see a beautiful stranger glowing under the stars. The stranger's hand was outstretched. Mkuzo looked at him puzzled, noticing his earnest cocoa eyes. He was taken aback by the intensity of the stranger’s gaze and shifted his weight.
“I think these may be yours,” the stranger said, holding Mkuzo's earrings in his palm.
Mkuzo apprehensively reached for them, half expecting this encounter to be one of those landmines his mother had warned him about. “Thank you,” he replied, graciously nodding his head and avoiding the stranger’s eyes before turning and bolting to the corner.
“My name is Chanda, by the way, and you’re welcome,” the stranger yelled.
Mkuzo’s heart raced. He leaned against the wall flustered, replaying the encounter in his head like an old VHS tape. It wasn’t a landmine, but internally he was combusting. He looked up and could see Chanda swarmed by a group of women. He is a ladies' man, Mkuzo thought. Clearly, I lost my only chance to have a proper introduction with him. Mkuzo analyzed Chanda as he confidently moved through the crowd. If this was a den of leopards, Chanda was a proud lion, strutting through the veld. He commanded attention and filled everyone's bellies with laughter. When he smiled, the room smiled back; when he spoke, the room applauded. Mkuzo knew what they say about guys like him: they’re usually nothing but trouble. 
Plates were piling up, the bar was running out of drinks, and the DJ had switched over to a slow tempo playlist. The night was coming to an end, and Mkuzo finally saw his opportunity to leave. He slipped through the back door and stood in the driveway. He was in the middle of ordering his Yango taxi when the door behind him slammed shut. He panicked, as there was barely any light around, and slowly turned to find Chanda.
 “I didn’t quite catch your name back there.” His voice was like honey.
 “Mm, Mkuzo. Mkuzo Banda,” he said nervously. 
“Eh, eh Banda, like The Professor Banda?”
Mkuzo had gotten used to people recognizing his family name at this point. His family was well known, and sometimes for all the wrong reasons. 
“Yup. That’s my uncle. Wonderful man,” Mkuzo said. 
“Cool, um, so do you come to a lot of these?”
The conversation felt surreal, and the awkward pauses between each response made it worse for Mkuzo. Since when does a peacock befriend a lion, he thought to himself.
“Yeah! No, um, occasionally. I much prefer to stay home if I'm being honest,” Mkuzo said.
“I hear you. It’s exhausting having to parade in front of these people. Everyone acts like we are friends, but they’re just trying to get insider information about who's sleeping with who and whose family stole money from the government to build this thing. When you think about it, it’s all a fun game ‘cause you could tell whatever story you like with enough drama, and they’ll believe you. I once convinced everyone I was American by switching up my accent when I introduced myself. You should’ve seen how they treated me before I finally confessed that I was born and raised in Lusaka.”
Mkuzo laughed. “I am sure they ate that up. You know how we love and loathe Western culture.” 
Mkuzo’s phone vibrated. The driver had messaged him, saying he was five minutes away from his location. He looked up and saw Chanda observing him patiently. 
“Well, I’m glad you had a great time performing for everyone, and I hope you enjoy the rest of the party,” Mkuzo said.
“Thanks. Ah, I noticed you weren’t really talking to anyone back there, and I’m not sure if you just prefer flying solo, but we should link up sometime. I can assure you I’m not like the others. I’m cool,” Chanda said.
Mkuzo giggled. Sweat gathered between his fingertips and he felt his phone slipping from his hand. He regained his composure. “Okay, smooth, brother. Here’s my insta. We can chat there.”
“Alright, get home safe,” Chanda said with a smile. 
The driver arrived and Mkuzo entered the car. As they pulled out of the driveway, he glanced at the mahogany door that closed as Chanda danced his way back into the palace. That didn't feel like a conversation. It felt like a dance of desire, and Mkuzo stumbled right into Chanda’s arms. When he looked away, Chanda’s words drew him closer, as if Chanda yearned for Mkuzo to stay. The shadows revealed what their eyes could not see but their hearts desired.
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egophiliac · 11 months
We ARE going to bring up Captain Amelia. You have good taste! GOOD TASTE I SAY! *aka I just rewatched Treasure Planet and got hit with, "Oh yeahhhhh... that explains a lot!"*
honestly, the Meg/Jasmine/Amelia trifecta tells you 90% about me as a person. (the rest is covered by Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Uranus and, uhhh, I'll stop baring my soul to the world now)
and speaking of Amelia, this is tangential, but like -- there's one Twst comic I have been kicking at for a while where I needed an RSA sports/flight teacher and, uh, well
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someday I will wrangle this stupid comic into coherency and she'll get to make an appearance (in the background of a single panel, half-obscured by a tall hat) (but I will know she's there and that's the important thing)
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liauditore · 3 days
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[asmr boyfriend voice] woof woof bark bark
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puppiesandnightlock · 4 months
LINK: You Disgrace The Human Race
Summary: Jon and Damian decide to hate each other, but it doesn't go as planned.
ft. Damian being a smartass, Jon being a dumbass, and that one scenario where one is caught in the rain and the other helps them out a lil bit. (2nd one shot)
Life was good as Jon Kent, alright?
He walked into school and there were people fawning over him, groups of his peers who demanded his attention. Sure, schoolwork was there, but it could wait. Besides, who needed school when they weren’t going anywhere, anyways?
His brother Kon had gone into high school with the same ideas, and came out passing everything with fairly decent grades, surely he could too, and have even more time. 
He was wrong, evidently, as his latest report card had him failing nearly every one of his classes. 
And that was when fate decided to drop one very aggravating, very hot boy in his lap. 
He wouldn’t lie, he had seen Damian around some time, but had never gotten a full glimpse of him. It was always just his hand going up in class or his clothes with varying shades of green sweep around the corner. 
Now that he knew him, and his family’s history with teens like him. He was determined to not be another sucker.
No offense, Kon.
Besides, he was so annoying, with his smug smirks and stupid remarks and his pretty eyes and there was NO WAY he was falling for it.
However, now that he knew who he was, and put a name to the face in a way, Damian was everywhere .
In his AP class, bumping into him in the hallways, seeing him at lunch. Damian never acknowledged him farther than a “Excuse me,” when he bumped into him and moved to get by.
It was infuriating, frankly, because now that he knew that he existed, a foolish part of him wanted to be seen. Would a hello kill him?
He asked just that as they collided in the halls, sending Damian’s books and papers flying all over the hallway. 
“What’s your problem, dude?” The girl Damian was walking with scowled at him, helping Damian pick up his stuff. If he remembered correctly, her name was Maya.
“It was an accident.” Jon bit back, picking up the book that landed in front of him, but not adding it to the stack the other boy had in his arms.
“Accident, my ass.” Maya scoffed, Damian reaching a hand in front of her to stop her movement.
“It’s alright. You can head up without me, I'll be there as soon as I collect the rest of my items.”
She nodded and left, but not before a glare sent Jon’s way.
“The book, please, Kent.” Damian held a hand out, waiting.
“Oh, so now you acknowledge my existence.”
“I’m sorry, I was unaware we were friends.” Damian raised an eyebrow at his seemingly offended tone.
“We are not! ” Jon sputtered. “But it would be nice to be said hi every now and then by the person i am in forced socialization with on weekends.”
“I was under the impression that you hated me?” His calm air rubbed at Jon's heighted one the wrong way and he glowered at the shorter boy.
“I do hate you!”
“Feeling is mutual. Now, my book?”
They faced off, staring at each other. Jon slowly raised the book up above his head, watching the distaste spread across his face.
“I cannot believe you. Truly, you put the juvenile in juvenile delinquent.” Damian eyed the book above him, gaze calculating.
“That may be, but let’s think about this, short-stack, how high are you going to have to jump to get what you want?”
Damian seemed bored, and completely unfazed. “I am not a trick dog. Besides, how do you know that one is even important to me? Let’s see, my next class is Advanced Algebra ll, if that isn’t my math book then you can very well keep it.”
Jon brought it down to eye level to read the title, “This is for Englis- HEY!”   
As soon as it was lowered, Damian snatched it out of his hands. “Pleasure doing business with you, Kent.”
He watched as the other sashayed past him, an annoying little laugh escaping him.
“I hate you.” Jon seethed to himself, definitely not watching him leave, before turning on his heel and going the opposite direction.
Honestly, what was this guy’s problem?
Damian minded his own business, went along with his day, and ignored him. Obviously if you didn’t like someone at all, you would never demand their attention!
But now, coming down the hall with the newly reclaimed book in his hand, he asked himself exactly why Jonathan Kent seemed so insistent on getting his attention, only to use it to mock him.
He was certainly feeling similar to how the delinquent said he felt, although hate was a bit strong. 
Insane dislike? That was closer.
Much more like an annoying prick in his side, or a constantly probing pain. Something that in theory, could be brushed away, but kept coming back.
An untrained puppy?
No, no, Jonathan wasn’t cute enough to be a puppy. Not that he wasn’t attractive. Not that he was attractive to begin with.
None of this was going to fit, so it was much easier to file him away with the label of “annoyance.”  
Surely, this too would pass.  
Damian shuffled through the day as usual, answering questions and avoiding all contact with Jon if possible. He did not need something to distract him from his studies, nor convince him to divide his attention.
The final bell rang and he gathered his books, shoving what he could in his bag, but only ones that wouldn’t smush the papers in the carefully color-coded folders.
He hauled the rest out and wrinkled his nose as the cold air hit him. It was unusually chilly for the day, and little droplets of water began to fall in a slowly scattered shower. 
It would be a pain to make the walk outside all the way to the vast pick up area where one of his older brothers was sure to be waiting with the car.
He gathered up the last of his stretcher and hugged his books to his chest, so as not to destroy the ones that wouldn’t fit in his bag. 
Damian had made it halfway when a warm weight draped across his shivering form and he looked up.
Jonathan was holding his jacket over him and placing it on his shoulders.
“Gimme your books.” He demanded in a less than friendly tone. Damian stared at the taller boy, wondering slightly if he’d hit his head by accident.
“ Oh for God’s sake -” The boy muttered, yanking them out of his grip and moving him forwards.
“What the hell are you doing?” He found his voice somewhere between then and where they were rounding the building to the parking lot.
“I’m carrying your stupid books, what does it look like?” Jon’s voice was irritated, ushering him along quicker.
 Damian quirked an eyebrow. “Careful, I might just start thinking you don’t hate me after all.”
Jon scoffed. “Can’t have Mr. Perfect ruining his spotless attendance with a sick day, can we? Don’t think this means we’re friends or anything, I just don’t want your demise on my hands.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Damian muttered, tightening the borrowed leather jacket around himself.
They reached the car and Jon handed him his books, Damian trying to offer him the sweater back.
“Keep it, it’s already infested with your good boy cooties.”
“What are you, five?”
“And a half!” Jon smirked, trotting off. “Keep your stupid face out of the rain.”
“Ass.” Damian muttered, sliding into the backseat of the car.
Dick was the driver today and he looked in the rear-view mirror, smiling.
“Who’s your friend, lil D?”
“He’s not my friend, he’s the most annoying human being to ever grace my presence.”
“Well, looked pretty friendly to me, carrying your books. I don’t think that’s your jacket either, is it now?” Dick tapped his finger on the steering wheel, keeping his eyes on the road and a knowing smirk on his face.
“Just shut up and drive, dick. ” Damian hissed, subconsciously burrowing into the warmth the borrowed jacket offered.
“That felt more targeted than my actual name.” Dick pouted. “I’m just trying to bond with my baby brother!”
“I am not a baby, Richard. ”
“Mhm.” They switched lanes and made their way home, Damian grumbling all the while.
The leather jacket stayed on, and ended up folded over his desk chair for the next few days.
What they don’t know, won’t hurt them.
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cienie-isengardu · 4 months
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Mortal Kombat 1 Behind the Scenes AU: Deep in trouble (Mom is visiting #2)
Author Note: A continuation to “Get. Lost.”, “Dating”, “Permission”, "Why date a punk like him" & "Panic (Mom is visiting)"
[Cage’s Mansion] [Waiting for Liu Kang] [Special Bonus] [Grandmaster’s commentary] [Climbing scene] [Madam Bo’s Inn] [Cage’s Mansion 2 (fire extinguisher)] [Medic] [Shang Tsung’s sad face] [Smoke’s Fall] [Scenography (1)] [Scenography (2)] [Show off!] [Favorite brother] [Climbing on the wall (nonsense)] [Tomas’ commentary] [Perfectly fine] [Sexy, sexy man~♪] [Brothers between filming - Scenography(3)] [Wrong team!] [Since when you two are friends?!] [I like being evil sorcerer more] [I forgot my line, sorry!] [Read the script Kuai!] [Get. Lost.] [Dating] [Permission] [Why date a punk like him…] [Panic (Mom is visiting)] [Decapitation then]
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nade2308 · 5 months
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"Look at this fucking beaut."
Or as I like to call it: Love at first punch
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thatumbrellaoni · 10 months
It's disappointing that Duel Links doesn't fully translate dialogues, so I did them myself. Emphasized lines are what went untranslated.
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RYOU: Ah...
RYOU: Oh, huh? I'm sure it was on the news that you went missing...
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KUDARAGI: What are you talking about?
RYOU: Does that mean people who come to Duel Links go missing?
KUDARAGI: Like I said, what the hell are you talking about!
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RYOU: What do I do? What if I've gone missing too? I'll be in a lot of trouble...
RYOU: Ah, sorry! Did you need something?
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KUDARAGI: This guy...
KUDARAGI: (He's not listening... Doesn't seem afraid of me either... This guy's the type to be very bad news... What a waste when he's got such a cute face...)
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RYOU: Hey, are you listening?
KUDARAGI: Look who's talking!!
In the end, what went missing is the translation lmao
I wonder if Yami Bakura has untranslated dialogue. Gonna go hunt for them, I guess.
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
gods, I had a thought, and its aching like a bitch.
spider not wanting a na'vi to fit in, to be like everyone else, to have an ikran, to bond with anyone. yeah, that'd be an added bonus, one he wouldn't pass up if given the chance; but it's not the reason, no where close to the reason.
he wants to connect with the great mother, with eywa, more then anything else in his short life. he felt her all around him, watched his family, his people, connect with her. he watched the relief and fulfillment they felt, longing to feel the same. what child doesn't want to be surrouned in their mother, their creators embrace?
he knows she's there, she wants him, that he is her child; but he can't connect to her like everyone else.
his chest aches and his body feels somehow empty; tears prick in his eyes at random but nothing soothes him; he longs for quiet, heading off into the woods until nothing but the sound of ewya fills his ears, and it is still not enough.
sometimes he would follow his family to the tree of souls, finding the small alcove in the great trees trunk, and he would cling to her, desperate to feel the slightest connection to the great mother (it never worked, and he normally got picked on for trying - it never stopped him though).
it made him feel like even more of an outsider, he couldn't even do right by his mother, couldn't connect to her, couldn't show her his respect and love and devotion to her and her world. it was a whole new level of sorowness, like a chasm formed in his soul.
he would give anything just to connect to her. his life, his blood, his everything.
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nympippi · 1 year
The amazing, the clairvoyant, the girl who will beat anybody’s ass, Gwendolyn Blake!!
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In this au Gwen is pretty much the same, except she’s learning to accept her gift and is actively experimenting with it.
In this au, Gwen gets really interested in criminal justice and helping people like she did with the boys before they came back. She likes putting her gift to good use and helping others,
She is an honorary ghost boy along with Finney, but she’s also the boys little sister, they always try to look out for her in some way. But yeah she doesn’t really change much in this au.
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secretsivekept · 2 years
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I redrew it :> Only real change I made is that it’s DaniXToby, not DaniXAstro. Toby is a nerd who doesn’t know how to handle affection.
To all the new followers I got from the previous Danny Phantom fanart I’ve made—I’m sorry the first post you see from me is an Astro Boy crossover I conceived when I was 12 LMAO
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dandyshucks · 27 days
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i am not immune to thinking its funny to cover unrelated drawings with silly explosive emojis
anyways ummm serves up another plate of Guzbug cheek kisses ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
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rainymoodlet · 10 months
i mean legit the best example i can give of dan’s purposeful censorship of his life was in that last post tbh
his reality: horrific absolute monster deadbeat dad who made him and his family’s life a living hell
what he says: my dad was mean to my mom :(
#he’s not LYING… he just… refuses to go further fjdjjf#like if his siblings want to vent to him abt their dad??? go ahead#but dan is a Steel Fortress ugh#i could talk abt him for hours i’m sorry pff#it wasn’t that he was expected to be a protector or his mother or younger siblings assigned him that role - he’s just… like that#he decided very early on that he could Handle It - no matter what It was#because as long as someone could handle it they could all be okay#it wasn’t that he was expected to step between his mother and his father he just… did#and earlier in the same day he and his dad could have gone out hunting and sat in odd comfortable but not at all friendly or loving silence#but god… he’s been so repressed for so long#he only knows how to be there for others - i don’t think (even for as insightful and confident in himself#because of his years of introspection that he has) that i can properly even put into words#how much this man has mistaken having a restricted section in his library for healing and Moving On#he still has trouble hanging out with his siblings - he still feels guilt - he still feels like he’s been stuck in some strange limbo#of life. he’s very lucky to be where he is and doing what he loves#but some mornings he wakes up and he’s still that fourteen year old boy#whose face aches and ribs hurt and when he comes to… he doesn’t feel any ownership of the space he occupies#he’s just… there.#daniel is the boy who practices a few smiles as he pushes himself to sit in bed because he can hear his baby siblings running down#the hall to let him know breakfast is ready - and he told them yesterday that the broken nose was nothing and the black eye was fine#and giving them that relief will always come before the sick feeling in his stomach and the fear coiling around his neck#i could wax poetic abt this sumbitch for hours omg pls bless you if you read this AT ALL idk if anything i say abt daniel makes sense fjfhf#child abuse tw //#military yt man marries local selvadoradan beauty whose twenty years younger than him - does their eldest son have some#Serious Generational Trauma?? vote now on your phones!!! 📞#dan takin a hit for everyone in the house at one point or another: light work no reaction#dan learning there’s cucumbers in his food: 😰😭😢🤕
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galactic-aesir · 2 years
Does Traximus know how young the turtles are? He meets them in the gladiator arena after their one-day bout in prison but im pretty sure they're the only kids there…
When he meets Splinter (hypothetically) at the end of the Battle Nexus arc, do you think Splinter just off handedly mentions it and Traximus freaks?
He thought they were seasoned warriors! They’re toddlers! He fought alongside a bunch of toddlers! The Triceraton Federation imprisoned and enslaved a group of infants! As hostages! He’s mad! He’s freaking out! He's worried about them now!
Splinter nods with understanding and pats him gently on the arm. “Imagine what it feels like to be their father.”
Truly, he thinks, Splinter is the strongest warrior in the multiverse.
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goatmattersinc · 6 months
Insane to drop the first OP change 9 episodes from the end of the show.
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
If you’re still doing the ask game writing thingy, may I humbly offer…
1. Sabine and Ezra [Sabezra, if you’re feeling it] with Chopper
2. Impromptu food fight! 🤪
FUN FACT! I actually had plans ALREADY for a food fight scene in my Medieval AU (Part One), so I wrote that! For context, Sabine and Ezra are somewhere between 5&7 and 7&9 (i'm still working on the exact ages).
If Mother were here, she would tell Sabine that it would be impolite to smash her whole plate of food over the head of that ugly boy, who was apparently trying to get seconds on dessert before he’d even finished his vegetables by stealing the sweet of the boy next to him. But Mother wasn’t here, and the boy next to him happened to be Ezra, and Ezra looked like he was going to cry, so Sabine committed the impolite act with unremorseful gusto. Then, for good measure, she dumped her glass of juice over the stupid boy’s head while he was still too shocked to move. The sound of shattering dishware hushed the whole créche into utter silence, except for Chopper’s naughty warble of laughter. Sabine glared down at Ezra, who was looking at her like she was a hero of legends, and put her hands on her hips. She was about to chastise him for just sitting there while his dessert got stolen, when the boy got himself together and made a face at Ezra. “Are you gonna let a girl fight for you like that?” Sabine was ready to lunge forward into a good old fistfight at the insult, but Ezra grabbed his own plate of food, smashed it into the bully’s chest, and yelled, “It’s called TEAMWORK, stupid!” Another moment of shocked silence. Then the créche erupted into chaos. Oleg was assaulted with a volley of mashed potatoes from every side, Leia lovingly hurled her vegetables into her brother’s face, Chopper used his grabber arms to pick up a bowl of fruit and fling its contents at whoever was closest, the tiny Yoda baby was screeching with delight, and Sabine climbed up to stand on the table, pulling Ezra with her, then raised their joined hands in the air like a king signaling the start of a cavalry charge and screamed: “FOOD FIGHT!”
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