#that boy just takes loss after loss they hate him fr
lunar-years · 9 months
They can’t even let Jonathan keep his one singular friend how devastating
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bigtreefest · 6 months
The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond: pick me up and sling me over your shoulder like those bags of grain pls (edit to title after watching through: Men are stupid)
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I’ve never done a complete 180° flip on characters like this in a movie before. Let’s go through it, shall we?
This movie did NOT offer subtitles, and I’d be lying if I said it was easy to understand the southern accents without them. And that’s with my keen ability to understand a Pittsburgh accent, which is arguably worse at times.
Absolutely wild, but when do I not exaggerate and say that? This is somewhat of a play-by-play of what was going through my mind as I watched.
First off, CE was to die for in the movie. I don’t know exactly what it was about it (I know exactly what it was) but I fell in love. Country accent Chris Evans is something else, but Boston accent is much better. But this is a good look, I like it.
Such a simple man with a good heart, and smart enough to get a scholarship to ole miss!? He seemed decent, and the acting was actually pretty good.
The little clueless look of mild discomfort on his face the whole time was so adorable. Any time he was at a party or visiting his mother. I also took note of the way this disappeared as soon as he was home with his dad. As soon as he was in his domain and in control. This is me commending his ability to portray that dichotomy of environments.
But fr, like, how does everyone know who he is and not say anything about him being poor?
I love the way he turned down Caroline at the dance tho. He very obviously does not want to be there, but isn’t that the point? But that statement about him being hired by Fisher struck an alarm for me. Is she almost fetishizing the poor boy?
Fishy is outta left field. It’s unfortunate she’s been forced into this kind of a life, but she’s… a lot.
Also, it’s movies like this that remind me how much the south lags in terms of modernity and stays rooted in tradition sometimes. Like, if you think about it, this takes place at a very similar time as to when Steeb was growing up in Brooklyn in cap, but like, it’s totally worlds away.
Omg, not him hinting at being an escort to make ends meet and get his mom better. He’s ready to sell his soul and body to this girl for his ma and a condition that can’t really heal.
Vinnie definitely saw the diamond in the driveway. I saw her look down when she first saw Jimmy.
Omg not Jimmy having a condom on him during that strip search. Iolllllll
Also also, not the assisted suicide. This lady on her death bed is really spitting facts. It’s a rude awakening for dear Fishy. She knows how much she loves Jimmy and knows that really should be her number one concern.
Poor thing is just peculiar and no one gets her. But to be fair, she does not make it easy.
Fishy, have fun in Europe. You deserve it. You need to get outta this town. It’s not for you. Rip. She doesn’t leave.
I JUST SQUEALED. The way he backed her up against that wall when she’s talking about the way he dresses. I’m gonna throw up. Do that to me. Please. Oop. She struck a nerve talking about his father.
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The boys in the yard absolutely suck. All boys in this movie suck.
Why does Jimmy like Vinnie so much? Everyone else very evidently does not.
Dude, tbh the postman game makes me uncomfortable. No need for all this young adult fornication is too much.
I get it’s Halloween, but these costumes and masks are fucking creepy as hell. I didn’t sign up for Fishy’s opium fever dream. She is good at playing the piano tho. Poor thing is in pain.
I FUCKING KNEW IT. Vinnie sucks. And Jimmy just slept with her!!! I’m CRYING. THIS IS SO FUCKED UP. I CANT BELIEVE YOU JUST DID THAT, JIMMY. I BLAME BOTH OF YOU, LITTLE BITCHES. (This was very evidently the moment of the switch-up. Little horny bastardized ruining everything. Keep it in your pants until you have the full story.) (I’m not hating on him for sleeping with Vinnie, I’m hating on him for not seeing Vinnie’s poor character sooner.)
Fisher, you’re a queen, calling Jimmy a scared little boy in the dark. Jimmy, you ARE such a stupid little boy. No way you like these people even though you say you do. Everyone here sucks. This all is making me soupy saddy in the bad way.
Not her saying Jimmy is like god to her. Fishy!!!! You know nothing of what he’s done.
He convinced Vinnie to give back the Diamond. I TOLD YOU knew that she stole it. I really don’t know what he saw in her. Sure, no shame in being poor, but she still kinda sucks
Now that Jimmy is driving Fishy home, he’s still being a little bitch. Check yourself, boy, I swear.
Ohhhhhh. He didn’t want to be with Fisher bc he thinks she can do better than him? I mean, agreed, but that’s still no excuse for your immorality.
They both know she doesn’t belong, but she’s got a lot to stay for. Use your Paris education to fix the world, girl!!!
Despite Jimmy’s amusement of Fisher at the first party and his confession at the end, she still does not get enough credit besides the one lady on her deathbed
Poor Fisher knows no one will ever love her or see her for who she truly is. This is so sad. So I guess he finally kissed her at the levee? What an unsatisfying ending. Fishy deserves the world and Jimmy is such a BOY😭🙄.
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doflamingosstrings · 9 months
Do you ever thinking about the plot where Evil (young) titan Raiden x good titan Kung Lao are ex-lover while Raiden is just a total stalker creep and following Kung Lao in every, single, timeline after their break up?? Like the guy miss that boi's body soo much that he couldn't get enough of them and Kung Lao is tired of his shiet. [Lao break up with him first bcs he thinks Rai just using his body for his own good and that's true]
Then Kung Lao be like: 'I'm tired of your bullshiet' and just agreed to having hate seggs one last time with Rai before he kick the hell out of him.
Like trulyyy is my thought in two weeks now and I can not get enough of this 😭 I just wanted to share you this idea hope you don't mind bcs my English is not very good, also luv your work on AO3 so much!!
A wonderful Idea! You are a genius, I wrote it right away!
Raiden x Kung Lao. 18+, Smut, minor violence, ~7.5k words!
One would think creating an entirely new timeline would keep your enemies away, but a titan’s obsession goes further than anyone could reasonably expect.
Kung Lao had shot up suddenly, something had woken him from his sleep. He placed his hands flat on his bed as he raised his upper body. He was staring at darkness, but he knew something was coming. He blinked once, and there was nothing, then again, still nothing. Kung Lao glanced aside, and though he didn't see anything, there was this familiar feeling in his chest that he couldn't ignore.
Kung Lao grimaced, how many times would he have to go through this? He wasn't sure how much more of this he could take.
Kung Lao tossed his blanket aside, ready to get up and defend himself, but before he could even move his body, a portal had opened up in front of his bed.
“Fuck,” Kung Lao said as he placed his feet on the ground and stood up properly.
Kung Lao could feel wind inside his room as the portal opened up wider. Kung Lao stuck his hands out, he had to control the portal himself, he had to close it before Raiden was able to get to him.
Kung Lao frowned as he closed his hands, his fingers folding down in an attempt to close the gaping hole in the middle of his room. Every time Raiden appeared, it got more and more difficult to push him back. It seemed like he was relentless, and his seemingly unending energy was something Kung Lao could match.
Even though he had agreed to forbid the crossing of timelines when he met with the other Titans, this agreement only helped if the other side accepted the terms, and Raiden did not.
Raiden had a particular interest in Kung Lao, one that was incessant and unhealthy. Before Kung Lao had inherited his titan powers and reset the timeline for the better, he had been in a rather fervent relationship with the man he had grown up with. At first, it was perfect, dream-like even, but as the timeline decayed, and people died, Raiden seemed to become more protective over his friend.
When it started, Kung Lao found it sweet. In a world where no one seemed safe, Raiden, the love of his life, the man he had grown up with, cared for him more than anything else. Kung Lao was always his top priority, and he almost coddled him with care.
Eventually, he stopped feeling like a fairy tale couple, and it became more like he was a damsel stuck in a tower, kept away from harm, and subsequently, everything else.
This relationship of theirs became unbearable to Kung Lao after a while, Kung Lao was Raiden’s sun, but Raiden was Kung Lao’s moon. In the end, at the dawn of time, before he made the choice to start anew, he broke away from Raiden, and Kung Lao thought that was that.
What he didn't know was that in an alternate timeline, Raiden was the one who inherited the power of time, and instead of starting over and moving on as Kung Lao did, he seethed over his loss, and he vowed to get what he lost back, by any means necessary.
Raiden’s desire for Kung Lao was primal, it was compulsive and it was a positive for no one involved. Week after week, he had to impede Raiden from hopping through timelines to reach him. At one point Kung Lao hoped Raiden would find another Kung Lao from another timeline to obsess over, but that's not what he wanted. Raiden desired him, and at first, he was flattered, but that feeling went away after the second time he managed to find him.
Raiden had fought through his former allies, faces that he no doubt had to have found familiar. He didn't care though, he ran through them, bloodied them up, and broke their bones with no mercy to spare. He’d crush the skulls of everyone dear to him if it meant he’d get his love back. Kung Lao was just grateful all of their lives were spared somehow, and whether that was intentional or not, Kung Lao wasn't going to give Raiden another chance to do any more devastation.
Kung Lao only wished for Raiden to move on, to stop this chase of theirs, but there was no stopping a predator from reaching its prey.
If Kung Lao could remember correctly, this must have been Raiden’s 86th attempt to force his way into this timeline, though he’s only succeeded 7 of those attempts. The first time was pure destruction. His friends were almost killed, his academy, which he watched grow from the first initiate, was almost turned to rubble. Raiden’s power was fierce, and if nothing else, it was destructive. What more could Lightning do but injure and destroy?
The next few times Kung Lao was able to anticipate his appearance, with the help of Geras of course. He, Geras, Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, and Kensh were able to fend him off with little trouble now that they knew what they were dealing with. The last few times Raiden managed to slip through he only ever got a hand through.
Kung Lao was hoping this would be one of those times, but with his increasing attempts, Kung Lao had been overworking himself, and he had started to falter. Those powers Raiden had were no joke, and if he weren't a titan, Kung Lao wasn't sure he’d be able to fend him off.
Kung Lao stood firmly in front of the portal as he slowly clenched his hands together as he focussed all of his energy possible on closing the portal quickly, but he was caught off guard and he hadn't been able to properly rest in days. Raiden had attempted to come through six separate times in the past week, so understandably, Kung Lao’s ability to work efficiently was being hindered.
Kung Lao was sure this was on purpose, the increase in visits and this attempt at night when he was most vulnerable, and it seemed that Raiden’s plan was rather well thought out.
Kung Lao attempted to close the portal once more, focusing all his strength on this one final attempt, but his heart skipped a beat once he saw a hand forcing its way through the rift in time which caused Kung Lao to falter.
“No..” Kung Lao thought to himself as he saw Raiden’s hand grip onto the side of the portal, seemingly pulling himself through with sheer force.
Kung Lao glared and took a step forward. He couldn't let him through, that just wasn't a possibility.
Kung Lao tried again, straining himself as he focussed all the power he had that came with being a god and demanded the rift closed.
Kung Lao was surprised to see the portal closing, his sinking heart rising back up momentarily, but he could feel himself instantly choke up once he saw Raiden’s other hand shooting through the rift and grabbing onto the other side of the portal.
Kung Lao’s eyes widened as he took a step back. This couldn't be happening. His face was plastered with worry as he saw two legs forming from the rift and being placed on the ground roughly, like he was looking for solid footing.
“NO!” Kung Lao yelled as he stuck his hand out, but his heart dropped once he saw Raiden’s face appear, and as soon as it did, the portal closed behind him.
The portal had closed so quickly it almost seemed like Raiden was in a panic to get rid of it, not wanting to be sent back any time soon after all the effort it took for him to get this far.
Kung Lao was staring at Raiden in disbelief, he couldn't believe what he was seeing.
Dark red lighting sparked around his hands, and Kung Lao wasn't sure if that was a remnant of him summoning the rift in time, or if it was a threat to keep him still. Either way, it was intimidating.
Kung Lao had a look of horror on his face, like death had come for him, and there was nothing he could do. That's how he felt at least.
“Don’t look at me like that…” Raiden said, his brows furrowed in what seemed like genuine sadness.
Kung Lao couldn't help his expression, his worst case scenario had just come true, and he was standing right in front of him.
Raiden stood there for a moment, seemingly in awe as he gazed at the man he adored with all of his being.
“...” Raiden’s mouth was open but he didn't say anything. Raiden then started moving forward, which caused Kung Lao to immediately step backward, but before his back could hit the wall, Raiden’s arms were wrapped around him.
Kung Lao expected a barrage of words to be falling out of the other's mouth, but as Raiden’s arms enveloped his body he could feel the other man breathing in a hefty breath. Raiden pressed his body against Kung Lao’s, placing his forehead against his shoulder.
Kung Lao was frozen at first, unable to comprehend the absurdity of this situation. Kung Lao was expecting violence and anger, so this sudden softness was throwing him off. Kung Lao could feel the other's heavy breathing as Raiden took in his scent.
“God…” Raiden said as he let out his breath slowly, as if he were trying to hold in his excitement. “...I missed this..” Raiden said lovingly as he attempted to hold Kung Lao even tighter.
Though Kung Lao was certainly caught off guard, Raiden’s words had snapped him out of it. Kung Lao wriggled out of his past lover's tight grip, placing his hands on Raiden’s chest, and harshly pushed him off of him.
Normally, Kung Lao wouldn't have been so rough with someone hugging him, but he saw Raiden as a significant threat, so he didn't hold back. Raiden had been pushed away, and had tumbled to the ground. The push was aggressive, so he had fallen right on his ass.
Kung Lao fixed his posture, standing up straight with his feet apart, and his hands up in a defensive manner. He was doing his best to look intimidating, but the fact that he had just woken up was obvious as he had no shirt on, only a pair of sweatpants.
Kung Lao glanced aside, his hat was sitting against the bedside table behind him. He wasn't sure whether he should go for it or not, as turning around would easily leave him vulnerable, but then again, he fought best with his weapon of choice aiding him.
Kung Lao then glanced back down at Raiden who was sitting on the ground strangely calm. His head was tilted down so Kung Lao couldn't see his expression. His hands were flat on the ground, keeping himself upright as his breathing remained steady and calm. Kung Lao would have expected Raiden to blow up, but he was as calm as ever.
Kung Lao then twitched when he saw Raiden raise his head. What he didn’t expect to see though, were eyes full of adoration staring back up at him.
Raiden smiled and placed his hands on the ground. Kung Lao was confused at first, but when he saw Raiden start crawling toward him, his confusion only worsened. Kung Lao’s brows furrowed as Raiden placed one hand in front of the other, inching toward him on the ground. Kung Lao took a step back, but just like a moment ago, there wasn't much space he could escape with.
Kung Lao was stiff when he felt hands on his leg. Raiden reached for Kung Lao’s right leg, quickly wrapping his arms around it, attaching himself to the younger man.
Raiden pulled himself further so his chest was touching the other’s pants, his arms moving upward and gripping his thigh tightly. Raiden just started forward momentarily as Kung Lao looked down at him. Raiden then leaned his head forward and placed a kiss on his clothed thigh.
Kung Lao attempted to pull back, but Raiden’s grip was far too tight, like he was almost afraid to let go. Raiden then glanced up at Kung Lao, which made him flinch. Raiden raised his body so he was no longer sitting on the ground, he steadied himself on his knees and placed his lips against Kung Lao’s navel.
Kung Lao felt like he was stuck in a dream, or maybe a nightmare, he wasn't quite sure, but when he felt his lips against his bare skin that made him react.
Kung Lao had reeled his arm back quickly and clenched his fist, and not a moment later his fist met Raiden’s cheek harshly. Kung Lao couldn't deny the fact that he was hesitant to do so, after all, Raiden had a history of being rather aggressive. Kung Lao was sure he had hit him hard, but Raiden only loosened his grip around him, though his hands had snaked their way up to his waist, Raiden still on his knees, though he was holding his head further away.
Kung Lao could see he had a mark on his cheek where he was hit, but Raiden just turned his head and softened his eyes.
“...You held back..” Raiden said and Kung Lao frowned. He wanted to refuse, but the words wouldn't come out. Kung Lao found the other man’s smile almost creepy, after all, who would be grinning like that after being hit?
Kung Lao then tried again, reeling his arm back once more, but this time, Raiden placed a foot flat on the ground and started to stand up properly. Raiden smoothly followed Kung Lao’s arm with his own, grabbing the younger man’s wrist harshly before he could get another solid hit on him. Raiden then placed both feet flat on the floor and stood up straight. He fixed his posture, and it was now obvious who was taller, even if it wasn't by all that much.
Raiden had one hand holding Kung Lao’s wrist tightly, while he placed his other hand on Kung Lao’s shoulder, and let it slide down his arm till their hands met. Raiden attempted to lock their fingers together, but Kung Lao pulled away.
Raiden took in a deep breath, just like he did a few moments earlier. “Lao…” Raiden said, and Kung Lao’s heart skipped a beat at the nickname. He hadn't been called that in so long. “I missed you…” Raiden said as he looked into the other’s eyes.
Raiden’s eyes were lidded, and full of desire, but Kung Lao’s were wide and fearful. Raiden then frowned slightly, noticing his expression.
“Don't look so upset…” Radien said with a face that almost looked like a sad puppy.
Kung Lao furrowed his brows at his words, did he even know what he was saying? He was silent at first, but he eventually came up with the right words that were festering in his throat.
“How could I not be?!” Kung Lao asked aloud, fighting against Raiden’s grip.
Raiden’s eyes softened as he glanced away momentarily, as if he were sad. He let out a breath, then spoke. “This won't be like that last time…” Raiden said, his tone almost pleading, but Kung Lao couldn't believe that.
“My ass,” Kung Lao replied, knowing he had to be full of shit. “You've always been a fucking liar,” Kung Lao said almost too calm for the situation. Instead of a titan that threatened the safety of his timeline, Kung Lao felt as if he were simply talking to an ex who had wronged him.
The corner of Raiden’s lip twitched, but then his frown was back. “Lao…I just…” Raiden said as he attempted to grab his hand again, but Kung Lao had it balled in a tight fist. Raiden then sighed, and allowed his free hands to move and slide down to the younger man’s waist.
Kung Lao breathed in sharply when he felt Raiden’s hand settle on his waist. His fingers were pressing into his skin not harshly, but firmly, a feeling that was more telling than he noticed.
“Please…?” Raiden said softly as he moved his body forward, pressing his chest against his former friends.
Kung Lao pulled back slightly so they were no longer touching, but not a second later did Raiden move forward so they were once again.
Kung Lao grit his teeth and knit his brows together. “Fuck you,” he cursed out, but it was clear to both of them that there was a significant lack of venom in his words.
Raiden didn't even seem to mind his words, just smiling as he squeezed the other’s waist together and walked Kung Lao forward till his back hit the wall.
Kung Lao bit the inside of his cheek as he felt himself being walked back into the wall behind him. As soon as his warm skin felt the chill of the wall, he inherently focused on the heat of the other’s body against his.
“I love you…” Raiden said in reply to Kung Lao’s words as he leaned forward, and placed a kiss on his neck.
Kung Lao held back a hiss, not wanting to enjoy the feeling of Raiden’s mouth against him. He didn't want to, but as Raiden’s hand moved behind him and placed pressure on the small of his back, he couldn't help but feel his heartbeat start to quicken.
“You're gorgeous,” Raiden said as his lips traveled down his neck.
Raiden’s kisses were so delicate, almost like he was holding back as he lightly nipped at his skin. Kung Lao knew he wanted nothing more to mark him up, to bite at his skin and make him bleed, but right now, his lips and even his teeth were as light as a fairy’s.
Raiden groaned as his mouth made its way down to his collarbone, it was clear he wanted more, so much more.
Kung Lao hated this feeling, the feeling of being swept away in something he shouldn't. He tried to steady his heart rate, forcing his breathing to become more steady. Kung Lao then moved his free hand and grabbed Raiden’s face, forcing his head away from his body.
Kung Lao could feel his skin tingling at his touches and he knew he had to stop this before he’d do something he’d regret. Kung Lao tightened his fingers against Raiden’s cheeks, squishing them slightly as he held his face away and glared at him.
“Fuck off back to your timeline! I want nothing to do with you…” Kung Lao said. His words were vicious at first, but after his second sentence left his mouth, his words seemed to trail off ever so slightly.
Kung Lao could feel Raiden chuckle as he snapped his head away, forcing Kung Lao’s hand off his face. Raiden then shifted his hands, letting go of Kung Lao entirely for a moment. Raiden then replaced his left hand on Kung Lao’s back, mirroring the way his other hand was a moment earlier, as his right hand grabbed his left wrist.
Kung Lao was thrown off by the switch up, a familiar position as the one they were just in. Raiden’s eyes were still soft as he brought Kung Lao’s arm forward and placed his lips on the palm of his hand. Raiden closed his eyes as he did, kissing his hand adamantly which made Kung Lao flush.
“There's nothing worth shit in my timeline…” Raiden said, finally replying to Kung Lao’s words.
“But in this one..” Raiden said as he opened his eyes and allowed his lips to place another kiss on the underside of Kung Lao’s wrist. “... You're here,” Raiden finished his sentence as he then stuck out his tongue, and licked at Kung Lao’s wrist.
Kung Lao couldn't help himself but flush, that was such a sensitive area he was giving his attention to, and he felt vulnerable letting those teeth of his so close to it.
“Raiden…” Kung Lao said with a frown. “You can't be here,” Kung Lao said as Raiden pulled his face away.
“Wherever you are…that’s where I need to be,” Raiden said solemnly as he held the other’s hand tighter.
Kung Lao shook his head. “...” He paused, his heart racing as he came up with the right words to say. “You can't…be with me Raiden..” Kung Lao said Raiden seemed to freeze.
Raiden’s brows furrowed, an expression he surprisingly had not seen yet today as he glanced back up at him. “Why?” Raiden asked firmly as he stepped closer, his face inches away from his friend’s.
Kung Lao grimaced and bared his teeth. “You know why,” Kung Lao said simply knowing Raiden knew better than anyone as to why they had split in the first place.
“But I love you…” Raiden said, almost as if he were lost as his glare turned into a frown. Raiden looked like he was confused, panicked even.
“I…” Raiden said as he moved Kung Lao’s hand, placing it against his chest. Kung Lao was surprised that he was able to feel Raiden’s heartbeat, and it was beating quickly. “I love you more than anyone ever could..” Raiden said, but that was the problem.
“I'd do anything for you…” Raiden said, and Kung Lao knew that was more than true. “You're my entire world…Lao…” Raiden said, and there was that nickname again.
Kung Lao then turned his head away, not wanting the other man to see his expression. “..Don't call me that..” He said, hating the way he suddenly felt choked up.
“Lao…” Raiden said sweetly, in a tone that didn’t match the situation as Kung Lao turned his face further away.
“...Lao…?” Raiden asked in a sing-song voice, his words coming out slowly. Raiden then placed a hand on Kung Lao’s cheek, allowing his thumb to caress his face for a moment.
Kung Lao’s teeth were grit tightly as he felt pressure being put on his cheek. He tried to fight it at first, but eventually, his face was forced back to its original position. Kung Lao closed his eyes tightly, not even wanting to look at Raiden, knowing he wouldn't be able to hold back the feelings that had been trapped in his chest for all these years. He wasn't sure if he’d yell, cry, or hit him, but he knew he was on the brink of breaking.
Raiden admired Kung Lao’s face, knowing he’d happily stare at him for all eternity if he could. Raiden smiled, this is why he came to his timeline, why he’d fought so hard to get here, even if Kung Lao didn't want him. To see that gorgeous face of his, to hold this beautiful body of his, to taste his tanned skin, to devour him whole and never let him recover.
Radein just stared at Kung Lao. whose eyes were still closed shut. He then held Kung Lao’s face firmly, tilted his head, and leaned forward, closing his eyes as he placed his lips on the other man’s.
That got Kung Lao to open his eyes, but as soon as he did, Raiden leaned in and stuck his tongue in the other’s mouth, invading it as if it were his own. Kung Lao felt his heart leap out of his chest as he placed his hands on Raiden’s shoulders. Kung Lao attempted to push him away, but Raiden had slithered his fingers in Kung Lao’s hair and pulled on it tightly as he kissed him desperately.
Raiden almost didn't care about breathing, he only wanted to be intertwined with Kung Lao at any cost.
“Mmm,” Raiden groaned as their mouths danced together in what anyone could tell was a deeply debauched lust.
“Hahh..” Kung Lao breathed out as he forced his face away in order to be able to take a proper breath. His breathing was heavy, but Raiden didn't care. He simply placed both of his hands on Kung Lao’s cheeks and went in for another.
“Hngh-” Kung Lao moaned as he felt those lips against his again. They were so soft, but they were so aggressive.
Raiden felt intoxicated as he tasted the other’s saliva after what could only have been millennia. There were very few things he missed more than that taste, but luckily for him, they were all attached to the same body.
Raiden then pulled away, only because he needed to see the expression on his friend’s face. As soon as their tongues released from each other, Kung Lao looked hungry. His eyes were lowered, and his mouth was hanging open as he breathed in deep breaths. Raiden enjoyed the look of his wet lips and starving eyes, and who was he to deny the man he traveled universes for?
“ I know what you want..” Raiden said as he let his hands slowly trail down his body. Kung Lao knew he shouldn't give in to Raiden’s ministrations, but he always knew how to unravel him effortlessly.
“I always do…” Raiden finished his sentence as his fingers lightly traced Kung Lao’s nipples.
Kung Lao shivered, he really shouldn't be doing this right now. Kung Lao had his hand on the outside of Raiden’s arms as his fingers teased his chest. Kung Lao couldn't look anywhere but down as he watched Raiden slid his nipples between his fingers and slid them up and down.
Kung Lao clenched his teeth and hissed out a shiver, trying to hold himself back as best he could. Raiden didn't seem to approve of that though, and then pinched both of them roughly which had Kung Lao letting out a gasp in surprise.
“There it is..” Raiden said as he let one of his hands to drop away, only to be replaced with his mouth.
Raiden placed a kiss on Kung Lao’s right nipple, glancing up to see his face perfectly flushed and begging for more.
Raiden then stuck out his tongue and gave his nipple a long, slow lick, relishing the feeling of it after so long. “Hmm..” Raiden moaned as he covered Kung Lao’s pert bud in his saliva. Once the tip of his tongue got to it he pressed down roughly on his hard nipple, shuckling when he heard Kung Lao’s muffled moan.
Raiden then traced around it carefully, feeling a hand being placed in his hair as he did. Raiden then wrapped his lips back around his nipple, sucking on it adamantly as he glanced up again.
The look on Kung Lao’s face was indescribable and Raiden wanted to see more of his expressions.
Raiden then pulled his face away and switched to his other nipple, giving it a chaste kiss as his free hand played with the other one, lightly tracing the sensitive bud now soaked in his spit. Kung Lao had to hold himself back from pushing on Raiden’s head, wanting more of his mouth on his body.
Kung Lao hated how easily he fell apart under Radien’s sweet words, it had always been like this. He hated how even after all this time, he could still remember the way his bare skin felt pressed against his.
Raiden was sucking Kung Lao’s nipple adamantly, just loving the fact that he could taste his skin and hear the softness in his moans again. Raiden then pulled his face away and Kung Lao had to hold back any disappointed noises he wanted to make, but even without his voice, Raiden knew he was disappointed. After all, he never stopped thinking about him.
“You did always love when I sucked your nipples till they were red and sensitive,” Raiden said, and Kung Lao flushed. Hearing it out loud sounded so vulgar. “And I would continue, baby..” Raiden started as he lowered his body back down to the ground, now on his knees. “But I've been craving something else for eons…” Raiden said as he raised his hands and slipped his fingers under the hem of Kung Lao’s pants.
Kung Lao’s eyes widened when he felt his pants being quickly dropped to the floor. He flushed even brighter when he saw the way Raiden’s eyes glistened.
“No underwear…?” Raiden asked, glancing up at him briefly. Raiden then laughed. “Some things never change I suppose,” He said, remembering he never had underwear on in the past when they fucked.
Raiden then hummed as he placed his hands on Kung Lao’s bare thighs, squeezing his muscles slightly before he slid his hands down his legs, caressing his skin underneath. Raiden leaned his head forward, taking a deep breath in as he placed his nose right under Kung Lao’s balls. Raiden looked up, Kung Lao’s hard cock twitching right above his face.
“Raiden..” Kung Lao whispered, but Raiden didn't respond. Instead, he stuck out his tongue and placed it right at the base of his cock.
Kung Lao shivered and leaned against the wall as he felt Raiden’s tongue slowly moving up his shaft. Raiden’s tongue was delicate as it traced over every vein of Kung Lao’s dick. He shivered, closing his eyes as he felt the other’s tongue seemingly teasing him.
Raiden smiled as his tongue made its way up and eventually laying flat against his head. Raiden then kissed the tip of his cock which had Kung Lao sucking in air through his teeth. Raiden then placed another kiss, then another, then another, and another, until he felt Kung Lao’s grip in his hair tighten ever so slightly. It was hardly noticeable, but Raiden took each and every one of his movements and ingrained them into his mind.
Raiden then wrapped his lips around the tip of Kung Lao’s cock which had him taking a very shaky breath.
“Ngh…” Kung Lao tried to hold back his voice, but once he felt Raiden’s hot mouth sinking down on his dick he couldn't control himself any longer.
“Oh shit…” Kung Lao moaned as he opened his eyes, a wave of lust washing over him as he saw how Raiden’s lips looked wrapped around his dick.
Kung Lao’s mouth was parted in awe as he felt Raiden’s tongue rubbing against him lovingly. He had no trouble taking all of his length down his throat and he couldn't stop the way his voice couldn't stay stable.
“Oh fuh-...fuck..” Kung Lao stuttered out as he stared down at the scene under him.
It had been embarrassingly long since the last time he’d had his dick in somebody’s mouth, but that was simply one of the consequences of being the god of a timeline, the creator of the universe. It was a drawback he claimed he didn't miss very much, but at this very moment, for a second, he considered giving away his titan abilities if it meant he could have his cock down Raiden’s throat any time he wanted.
“Mhmm…yeah,” Kung Lao moaned as his eyes lidded. Once he could feel Raiden’s lips touching the base of his pelvis again, Kung Lao couldn't stop himself from putting pressure on Raiden’s head, forcing his head to stay there as his cock throbbed inside of his throat.
“Haughh….hah- oh fuck…” Kung Lao moaned as he held Raiden’s head steady. Raiden’s throat was so hot and tight around his dick, he almost felt like it was on fire. Kung Lao was leaning forward slightly as he forced Raiden to stay still. He felt so sensitive and he could feel the way he throbbed in his mouth.
Raiden then hummed, which had Kung Lao protesting in sensitive twitches and moans.
“Ahh- hahh...ngh..hahh..” Kung Lao let out as he felt the vibrations along his cock. This felt too good, dangerously so, and Raiden knew that's what he was thinking. Raiden then pulled his head away, letting Kung Lao’s cock slide out of his mouth and fling back up.
Raiden coughed and took a deep breath once his cock was free, though he very much enjoyed having it down his throat. Kung Lao’s scent was intoxicating, but his taste was almost making him feel drunk.
Raiden had one desire, one thing that had been on his mind since before he had even got here, which is why he had stopped so soon. Raiden glanced up at Kung Lao whose breathing was heavy already. Raiden smiled as he placed his hand on the back of Kung Lao’s right thigh, and lifted it up.
Kung Lao was caught off guard with his leg being forcefully raised. He placed his hands on the wall behind him, pressing all his weight on it so he could stay upright.
“Raiden..?” Kung Lao asked as he tried to catch his breath, but before he could get another word out, Raiden’s face was being pressed in between Kung Lao’s ass.
Kung Lao’s posture stiffened significantly, and he hadn't even realized he was slouching so much. He let out a rather loud whine as he felt Raiden’s tongue right against his hole, and that was his weakness.
Raiden was holding Kung Lao’s thigh as far apart as he could, as his other hand was gripping Kung Lao’s ass, spreading him apart as best he could as he shoved his tongue in between them.
This. This was what Raiden had been craving for ages. It was like a drug to him. To Raiden, there was nothing so delectable in any realm, and now, he felt so incredibly starved, and he was going to get his fill.
“Mmm,” Raiden groaned as his tongue circled Kung Lao’s tight hole. Raiden wished he could see his meal, but he couldn’t because of the position he was in. Raiden just knew it looked as delectable as it tasted, wanting more and more by the second.
“So good..” Raiden said, but Kung Lao could hardly make out what he said as his words were muffled in between his cheeks.
Kung Lao hissed when he felt Raiden’s tongue plunging into him and he leaned back, wanting more of the feeling as his tongue impaled his hole. Raiden wrapped his lips around Kung Lao's pucked hole, almost as if he were making out with it. He pressed his face in further, but his tongue could only get so far, which frustrated him.
“Ugh-ngh- hahhh..” Kung Lao moaned as he tried to make out words, but he was so desperate for more he couldn't make out anything but that.
“More…ahhh fuck-” Kung Lao moaned as he felt Raiden's tongue licking at his walls.
Raiden seemed like he could never be sated as his grip on Kung Lao’s legs was so rough it was almost bruising him, but Kung Lao could hardly notice as he felt himself getting closer to orgasm from just his mouth attacking all of his most sensitive places.
“Oh my god- hngh…” Kung Lao moaned out desperately, but that's when Raiden pulled his mouth away, and this time, Kung Lao loudly protested with a disappointed sigh.
Raiden licked his lips as he spread his legs apart further. He looked up at the sight above him, and it was like he fell in love all over again. His asshole was so tight and so fucking pink. It looked swollen from his tongue trading him, but it was clenching around nothing, as if his hole was just begging to be destroyed.
“Hahh..” Raiden moaned as he stared up at Kung Lao’s hole.
“Im gonna fuck that hole, “ Raiden said, though he meant it as more of a promise than anything.
Kung Lao felt a shiver run down his spine as Raiden spoke, and at this point, he wanted nothing more than for Raiden to keep that promise of his.
Raiden then stood up, allowing Kung Lao’s leg to be placed back down on the ground, but not for very long. Raiden smirked as he took a step forward, leaning in and placing a passionate kiss on Kung Lao’s lips. Kung Lao could taste his hole on Raiden’s lips, and he was disappointed when he pulled his mouth away so quickly.
Raiden chuckled. “I thought you wanted me to fuck off,” Raiden said with a smile but Kung Lao just glared at him, scoffed, and pushed him away slightly.
Kung Lao then turned and bent over his bed, his chest laying flat on his sheets as he reached backward and spread himself open for Raiden to take.
Raiden’s eyes widened, he definitely wasn't expecting that. He blinked a few times as Kung Lao spread his asscheeks apart, revealing that sweet little hole of his that had Raiden wrapped around it. Raiden’s eyes lowered as he stared at how it clenched and loosened, Kung Lao was so irresistible, so much so it had him traveling timelines, and it was most certainly worth it, just for this.
Raiden then took a step forward and placed a hand on Kung Lao’s bare ass. He rubbed it softly, admiring how smooth it was before he squeezed it rather tightly. His ass was like jelly, and he couldn't help himself but give it a firm slap.
Raiden raised his hand, and then quickly dropped it, hitting Kung Lao’s ass harshly which made him let out a desperate cry. Raiden chuckled, and did it again, enjoying the way his flesh jiggled after it was hit.
Raiden quickly leaned his head down and kissed the area he had hit. He caressed it softly, then placed a soft kiss there. Raiden then smiled against his skin as he opened his mouth and bit rather roughly down on his ass, causing Kung Lao to yelp.
Raiden pulled away to see his work, loving how his teeth looked marked on that ass of his. Raiden then leaned down once more and placed a kiss on Kung Lao’s twitching hole. He pulled back up.
“Fuck Raiden…Fuck..” Kung Lao moaned in frustration as he spread himself apart further. He was so horny it was embarrassing, and Kung Lao felt pathetic at how he’d fallen apart like this, but the only thought on his mind was Raiden’s cock fucking him until he couldn't speak.
“Oh Lao…” Raiden said sweetly as he rubbed his ass cheek with one hand, and unbuttoned his pants with the other.
Raiden’s eyes were fixated on his hole as he tightened and begged for him to fuck him senseless.
Kung Lao preened at the nickname, remembering the times he had used it so long ago when he was balls deep, buried inside of him.
Raiden had pulled his cock out and started stroking himself. He was already rock hard, and he had been that way since he was on the ground, kissing at Kung Lao’s leg.
“I’ll help you, don't worry,” Raiden said as he stroked his cock and aligned his tip with his hole.
“Oh, it's so wet…” Raiden said in a whisper as if he were in awe, even though he was the one who had made it so wet in the first place.
Kung Lao moaned as he felt the tip of his cock right against his hole. He felt a wave of pure debauchery flossing his body as he imagined how that dick of his would feel as it was shoved inside. God, he wanted it so bad. He wanted to be fucked, it was the only thing he could think about, how shameless could he be.
But when Kung Lao felt Raiden’s cock start to push inside of him, all he could do was moan and enjoy it.
“Just like that…” Raiden said as he took in a deep breath as he slid his cock inside of Kung Lao.
Both of them were surprisingly silent as Raiden's cock slid inside, stopping at first as his head was enveloped by otherworldly warmth. Raiden was already out of breath, but he continued, and slid himself inside of Kung Lao’s ass even further, only stopping once his entire length was inside of him.
Kung Lao’s mouth was hanging open as he shivered and twitched at the feeling of being full. He could feel that tight, painful stretch around his rim, but that cock inside of him felt like nothing but heaven.
“Good boy…” Raiden praised as he placed his hands on Kung Lao’s hips, and slowly started pulling out of him.
Kung Lao was laying there in anticipation as the other pulled out, but he was quickly satisfied once he felt his hips snap back, his cock being shoved deeply inside of him as he cried out in pure pleasure.
“Ah! Ahh-uhh- fuuck..” Kung Lao moaned out as he gripped the sheets on his bed tightly.
Raiden held the others' hips tightly, living how vocal Kung Lao had become, a sharp contrast from how they’d started.
“Oh, Kung Lao..” Raiden said as he slammed his cock into the other man, Kung Lao moaning pathetically with every single one of his thrusts.
“I'm never letting go of you…” Raiden said as his heart was full of desire, of want, of pure need.
Raiden chuckled as his pace stayed quick and unrelenting, seemingly exactly what Kung Lao wanted. “I'm all you'll ever need Lao,” He said lovingly, but Kung Lao couldn't even think as his ass was being pounded into jelly.
His ass felt so soft, his insides were so plush and delectable, it was hot and tight and Raiden didn't ever want to pull out.
Raiden smiled as he fucked into the other man at a quicker pace. “Y'know…” Raiden said, letting his words trail off playfully as he felt a fire building inside of him. “I’d make you pregnant if I could…” Raiden said, and Kung Lao shivered at those words, and he wasn't sure why.
“Haughh..nghhh-ahh..ahh..!” Kung Lao moaned out loudly, ad if an indication of how close he was since he was being fucked too good to speak.
“So good..” Raiden said as he watched the way his cock slid in and out of that tight hole of his. “I'm going to cum in you,” Raiden said as he continued his motions. “Paint your warm hole with my cum..” Raiden said as if he were in a trance.
“Yeah…” Raiden said as he pounded into Kung Lao, whose legs were twitching frantically.
Raiden couldn't believe just how in love he was with the man under him, in fact, love seemed like a frivolous word compared to how his heart wanted to eat him whole. There was nothing he wanted so purely in any world other than the man he had right now, and there was no chance he’d ever let go of him, not when he knew he was all he needed.
If it only meant that he’d stay with him forever, Raiden would happily rip out his heart and allow Kung Lao to feast on it entirely.
Raiden didn't know how to convey how utterly he needed Kung Lao, but he figured he’d have time for all of that in the eons they would now have together, for Raiden had no intention of letting Kung Lao out of his sight any longer.
“You're mine, Kung Lao,” Raiden said with a glint in his eyes as he gripped his hips tightly.
“Hnghh…fuhh..” Kung Lao could hardly get out a full word as he felt himself losing it.
“Go on…cum with my dick inside of you,” Raiden said with a smile. “Just like how you used to..” Raiden said and Kung Lao couldn’t help but oblige as he came all over his bed and stomach without having to be touched.
“Ahh- oh fuckk..Ahh..” Kung Lao moaned as his eyes rolled back.
Raiden smiled genuinely, feeling pure adoration as the love of his life came while skewered on his dick. There was nothing so pleasurable.
“So good for me,” Raiden moaned as he gripped his hips tightly. “Squeezing so tight like that..” Raiden said with half a moan as Kung Lao squeezed down on his shaft because of his orgasm.
“My cum’s gonna drip out of you..” Raiden said, his speech almost slurred as he felt himself come undone as he came inside Kung Lao’s tight hole.
“Ahhh..Hahh..ugh..” Raiden moaned out as he threw his head back, feeling himself spilling his white, hot pleasure inside of the love of his life.
“Oh- god- ahhh..” Raiden moaned as he came far more than either of them were expecting.
Kung Lao could feel cum filling up his insides, and he shivered as Raiden bottomed out inside of him one last time.
Kung Lao was groaning against the bed, only now loosening his grip on the now-ruined sheets of his bed. His legs and cock were twitching as he tried to come back from the most intense orgasm he’s had in years.
“No one could ever fuck you like this,” Raiden said as he rubbed Kung Lao’s back comfortingly. “Stay with me, Lao…” Raiden said, leaning down so he could kiss his back. "Through all timelines...to any extent...for all eternity..." Raiden said with a pause as he met the others' gaze.
Kung Lao turned his face and Raiden took the opportunity to place a hand on his cheek and bring his face closer.
“...I'll have you…” Raiden finished his sentence and he placed his lips on Kung Lao’s, and caught him in a kiss.
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dilfsuzanneyk · 1 year
bbc ghosts (obvious choice I know)
thank you for the ask!
Favourite character: ROBIN BEST BOY!! unbothered and knows when to shut up we love to see it
Second favourite character: tory mp julian fawcett obviously. he's horrible and i love him
Least favourite character: barclay. i hate his ass i hope alison kills him in the last series
The character I'm most like: robin probably! i'm perfectly fine with just going off to do my own thing if i'm uninterested, but i also just like causing shit (nothing harmful just a bit of fun). also i love chess hehe (im by no means good at it). i connected with him during Gone Gone too. i don't take loss very well, i don't like the expectation everyone has where you have to be mellow and quiet after it because sometimes you're just not ready to do that yet. so him spending the day just having fun and then having a moment of quiet after to really process struck a chord with me. he's like me fr
Favourite pairing: CHESS HUSBANDS!!! they're in love but not in the way you think. a qpr to me. i know they banged though just trust me. a close second would be humphrey/sophie tbh i've recently gotten really interested in those two
Least favourite pairing: captain/havers. there's just not much there to me, and i'm a sucker for captain being broken and constantly expecting abandonment because of what happened between them only to slowly unlearn that with the other ghosts.
Favourite moment: the bit in s3e4 where julian and robin get spooked and run around through the forest. and then the next morning they're cuddling in the alcove. your honour they're besties they're roommates they're chess mates
rating out of 10: 9/10 babey!! would be a 10/10 but we'll see when the last series comes out :] amazing show everyone go check it out rn
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nerdyenby · 7 months
netflix live action atla reaction
Ep 1
I don’t feel like the opening sequence actually added anything to the story. I mean, it gave the other nations some more agency I guess, but it doesn’t actually accomplish anything, at least not at first glance
Kyoshi voicing the opening is so random what the
I’ve heard criticism about the show starting with Aang and I agree, but I also think that the point of remakes is to give us different perspectives on the same story. I’m not a huge fan but I don’t hate it either
The bending looks so weird, not necessarily bad, just off
Idk how I feel about the southern water tribe seeming so much more built up, it kinda diminishes the first impression of what the war has done to them
Other people have already talked about them butchering Katara’s character so I’ll just say yeah and move on. Hopefully she’ll grow into herself and become more confident and proactive, but I guess we’ll see
Iroh don’t feel like Iroh tbh
Gran Gran reciting the og intro is painful, we already got this info three times in the past twenty minutes queen
Katara, kindly never liken your loss to Aang’s. You just met this kid who just found out everyone he’s ever known is dead, you don’t know him and you don’t know what he’s going through. You can empathize with his grief, but don’t act like it’s the same please
So far my expectation of “mid” has been holding true but the scenery is beautiful and the establishing shots are absolutely stunning
“Protect those who can’t protect themselves” ZANE NINJAGO?!????
Ayo Zuko kinda in character?!??? Who wudda thunk
“Let’s go save that weird kid” Yeah!!!! Sokka!!!!!!
Kick their ass Aang!!!!!
Ok but we’ve seen him fly without the glider several times now, why does he need it?
Ok, yeah, I’d kill for Sokka/Aang bromance
Ep 2
Iron’s saintly patience makes it’s debut lol
MOMO!!!! He’s so ugly I love him
If Gran Gran had the scroll the whole time, why did she only just now tell Katara about it? Her letter just says that it’s dangerous but the fire nation hasn’t come to their village in years
“But most importantly, you must have- sticky rice!” “Uncle, we don’t have time for this” oh, now we’re getting somewhere!!
This show is so stupid, I love it
Suki best character after four lines of dialogue real not clickbait????
Shirtless guy per episode: 2/2
Katara’s outfit is so pretty!!! My irl watched the show before me and said the costumes are good but feel like costumes and I second that but it’s fun seeing how they interpret the og outfits
Suki is playing with him and having too much fun with it, as am I
Aang being afraid of himself is such a good decision, really reminiscent of his reaction to burning Katara in original
Ewwww romance /hj
Obsessed with the discussion of what it’s like being a nonbender and the extra steps you have to take
Yeah ok, they’ve already done Suki better than the original
Kyoshi boutta throw hands with a twelve year old fr
Women win these
Dang, Sukka kinda cute
The cgi is decent but Momo not having a shadow is so distracting
Ep 3
That’s… that’s Azula…
A resistance??? Epic!! I’m sure everything will work out just fine for these kids
I’m so excited to see what they do with Azula
Don’t love Aang teaching Katara instead of the other way around
“What makes you think we’re outsiders?” *Katara and Sokka look pointedly at their bright blue clothes*
Teo my love!!!!!
The inventor’s actor looks so much like him, I didn’t realize he didn’t have a name in the original lol
Ewww stop hitting on her Jet istg
Ok stop, you’ve fundamentally misunderstood Jet as a character. He does not think he’s cool, he doesn’t give a shit. He thinks he’s right. He’s too angry to care about charming people. He’s a boy hardened by loss and war, he’s not a fuckboy for pete’s sake
I really like this take on Sokka: he’s smart as a whip but was born and raised to fight, he’s never had the opportunity to take himself or his ideas seriously
“We don’t need to be afraid of our pain, we just need to decide what we’re going to do with it” that’s the good stuff right there
However, it is not escaping my notice that Katara only improves when guys give her advice
The blasting jelly looks so stupid
Ep 4
Bumi time!!!! I really do wish Aang mentioned him earlier
It’s giving season 2 finale and I’m here for it
Ok I’m kinda into this, the way it’s folding aspects of different episodes of the original together is really making it a distinct story. Still against live action remakes on principle, but it’s at least doing something interesting.
Bumi my love!!!! He’s so silly and unhinged, I would die for him
Katara popping off!!!!!! Love her taking ownership of her power
I really like Bumi getting into how he’s seen all the devastation of the past century and that Aang doesn’t know what that’s like, his rage and pain is so important to me
Oma and Shu lesbians?!????? /vpos
I am so glad their getting into Iroh’s actions as a general, it hurts but it’s something I missed in the original
DAMN lil zuko deserves the world, man
THE ‘LEAVES FROM THE VINE’ MOTIF GOT TEARS IN MY EYES INSTANTLY, WHAT THE HELL???? Atla has me in a chokehold and always will tbh
I really like that we’re getting Sokka and Katara bonding in the cave of two lovers. Romance is OUT family is IN!!
Zuko is kinda crushing it
Platonic love for the win!!!!!
Katara is so quick with it!!!
Bumi getting the emotional confrontation he always deserved my beloved
Aang’s lil “is that really so bad?” I love him so much. The only way the world can heal is childlike hope and an unwillingness to sit back and accept tragedy
“Home? Everything I need is on this boat” AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Ep 5
Sokka is a mess this episode, good for him
Heibai my beloved
This whole episode is so fascinating, I’m just along for the ride lol
Ep 6
Roku is so silly goofy and for what
June girlbossin’
Ew why she up in Iroh’s face???
Blue Spirit time baby!!!!!!
Zuko and Aang actual conversation time?????
The boys are bonding!!!!
What the fuck?! They made his scar less severe???? Zuko has a vision impairment, how dare you take that away
Zuko’s crew being the division he refused to sacrifice is everything, actually
Bro I thought there were only six episodes, if it ended there I would’ve lost it
Ep 7
Zhao SUCKS, man gleefully tried to murder a child
I knew the wolf was Yue
Making Yue a spiritual leader is a move I respect, idk how I feel about her being a waterbender now
I don’t know how I feel about Yue’s characterization, her personality feels weirdly unnatural
No one told Kuruk that friendship is magic ig
Kill that man Katara, you can and you should
Rare Aang L
“So no plan?” “… I’m working on it, uncle” love them
Sokka popping off!!
“Go kick his ass” how did I know he was gonna say that lmao
Did her hair fall down lol, that was so forced
Ep 8
I saw it coming but I like the other waterbending women getting a role
General Katara my beloved, I don’t see people putting her in leadership positions post-war very often but she deserves it, she’s a great leader
Don’t think I like the moon and ocean spirits only visiting, feels like an odd and unnecessary change to make
THEY KILLED MOMO?!!??!!? WHAT THE FUCK?!????!??!!!!
Nvm he’s fine
Aang telling Katara to go easy on Zuko!!!!
We’re really ending the season without Aang waterbending a single time lol
It was enjoyable!! Not great but pretty good!!! It starts slow but once it gets going it does some really interesting stuff. I’m not a fan of all the changes they made, but a few of them are ones I’m very glad are there. The effects are decent but whoever is doing the fake beards needs to be fired. Definitely some choices made that I don’t like regarding some of the characters (specifically Katara and Iroh) but it overall is distinct enough from the original to be a worthwhile watch and also pretty fun
0 notes
vrisrezis · 4 years
Aot crush and relationship hcs
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Tw as I talk about suicide for reiners bit
- liking you makes him guilty (if you’re a soldier that is) and he doesn’t completely know what to even do about the situation
- as stares at you quite a bit and is self aware it’s obvious and tries not to too much
- you’re special to him
- probably tries to bring you along home with him and bertholdt before he even confesses he likes you but it probably works in his favor
- he honestly wants to marry you, a thought in his head before he even confesses his feelings
- not a blushy boy all the time but whos to say he can’t? You can totally make him blush
- when he finally decides to confess, he’s quite nervous about it but hey.. he’s lost a lot that was important you guys don’t have much time left
- a part of him wished he never became the armored titan so he’d have a longer time with you but at the same time if it weren’t for that he wouldn’t have met you (again if you’re a soldier but ok)
- if not hey it’s fine, he got to know you growing up and had a bigass crush on you that was so obvious that porco would purposelessly flirt with you to piss him off
- in a relationship, hugs and cuddles are quite often from Reiner you make him all soft and he’s such a cuddly man look at them big arms
- he’s the best hugger and cuddler tbh
- even if it looks weird, he likes to be the small spoon sometimes, just to be held and feel safe and protected for once
- he’s just so used to protecting you, which he loves and insists on doing but sometimes just wants to feel safe and protected by you
- likes patting your head
- gabi adores you so much, you guys are besties at this point
- gabis just really happy Reiner could find somebody to care and love for, it’s about damn time
- does not like you fighting, but if you have to then you have to
- will spoil you and buy you whatever you want, he does it cause he wants to spoil you though...
- when gabi finds this out you know she’s coming along for your dates more often to just get something
- dates are as often as you and Reiner can have them, which is more than most of the characters I’ve written for already
- you being with Reiner comes with a lot of emotional baggage that he doesn’t wanna put on you, he’s put it on a lot of people and he’s gotten a lot of people killed (who died in order to protect him such as bertholdt and ymir and etc)
- just be there for him, he doesn’t need you to understand he just needs somebody to not see him as a complete piece of shit so he can feel less guilty about it
- he has so much guilt :(
- so much to the point he doesn’t wanna live in this life anymore, but you being there makes it easier for him to have a will to live, for you
- at this point in his life he goes along with whatever you want
- he hates the idea of being separated from you at all
- yeah he’s a clingy boy in his adult years because he knows his time is coming up
- when he dies he says he wants you to look after gabi
- while the idea of dying sooner makes him feel better, can’t say he likes the idea of leaving you though he is constantly at a conflict between whether he’s happy to be the armored titan because he gets to protect you, die sooner etc or if he hates it cuz he can’t live longer to be with you and actually grow old with you
- even with his short life span, he wants to marry you
- it’s his final wish
- deep down Reiner wishes you could’ve started a family ;(
- he tells you to forget about him when he dies and start a family though tbh
- he loves you so much
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(S4 eren does not exist, the reason for that is the whole reason he became a shit head, I won’t spoil for the non manga readers or those that aren’t caught up with the manga, but yeah)
- this blushy boy can’t help the nervousness he feels around you and doesn’t always know what to say around you
- you make him at a loss for words honestly which isn’t like him
- he thinks about approaching you often, but he gets so tongue tied
- mikasa usually has to do the talking and we all know she isn’t the most talkative gal ever
- he might try to impress you, even in his titan form he tries to impress you
- especially if it’s early on and it’s a new development he’s gonna wanna show it off
- doesn’t like being babied (as shown with mikasa) so he might wanna be the one to protect you and do things for you
- would die at being complimented or touched in anyway by you
- people don’t give him enough credit, he’s lost his mother, he has lost other people he grew to care for, he’s a protective boy and is scared to lose you or fail you
- he is oblivious to any feelings that might be returned
- he is usually one to cling around often as well
- he feels comfortable being vulnerable and crying in front of you
- but he still wants to seem like he at least knows what to do and he can protect you and whatnot but truth is he’s really scared he’ll fail you like he did with his mother and hannes
- this will be a slowburn for a longtime unless you say something eren is a loser with this shit
- even with armin and mikasas encouragements he is scared to tell you
- so he simply asks you questions to see if he can get any indication that you love him back, or at the very least like him
- it takes awhile since he’s dumb but when he gets an answer he wants, he asks you out
- being in a relationship with eren means him constantly being at your side and attached to you at the hip
- if not soulmates why always together ??
- FR though
- he likes having an arm around you if you’re shorter, let’s not forget as an adult he’s 6’0
- kisses your cheek often
- jealousy is also often, he has a lack of confidence compared to others sometimes but it’s nothing that’s an issue or anything
- you teach him what freedom really is, the freedom to love somebody in full, unconditionally, the freedom to have that feeling and it being the most amazing feeling
- play with his hair, he loves it
- not so much when it starts to get really long just cuz it gets knots sometimes but brushing his hair and putting it up it always nice and he appreciates it
- can we all agree he looks better with his hair up
- forehead kisses if he’s taller, it’s likely to be a newer development since he was quite shorter/average height back then
- while he hates being babied, he will let you take care of him if he really needed it
- but mainly likes taking care of you
- neck kisses don’t have to be a sexual giving hickeys thing and eren is living proof since he loves giving cute neck kisses
- likes to grab your hands and just kiss em
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- first of all, keep in mind this man is like in his early/mid 30s and now like almost 40
- he’s not gonna have this schoolboy crush, he thinks it’s childish
- at least that’s what he says
- he can be caught staring at you often, very often
- like he’s so obvious damn, but it looks like he’s glaring at you
- only hange and Erwin can tell that he likes you with his stares gonna be real!
- finds excuses for you to be around him, maybe that’s having you in his squad now, maybe it’s helping him clean, whatever it is he’s getting you
- so maybe in his own way clingy
- he often talks to you in a similar fashion that he does with Erwin and hange, somewhat more “casual” in Levi’s terms, or kinda “teasing” as teasing as a levi can be and it not sounding like teasing
- deep down worries for you often and is protective, eren is already protective enough because of who he has lost just think about Levi he literally loses everyone
- tries not to be overwhelmingly protective, it can be annoying and would make him obvious
- also if you think it’s impossible to make him blush think again all you gotta do is hug him, he doesn’t even hug back but still!
- eventually decides you could die at any moment, life is short, especially in this world
- so he just asks you out and gets it over with
- so now you date!
- it’s hard not to worry for Levi with the constant bullshit he goes through, but it does feel nice to have somebody worry about him so he takes it
- he just doesn’t like the idea of you worrying about him too much since he’s supposed to be humanity’s strongest, he wants you to have some hope/faith
- likes patting your head, doesn’t matter how tall you are compared to him
- nobody would have the balls to call him short except for you
- we all know he isn’t good at his emotions but he will allow himself to be soft and vulnerable when y’all are alone
- doesn’t tolerate pda
- he also keeps the relationship mainly secretive because you could become a target, he doesn’t care if eren and the others know though
- likes kissing your hand a lot, or your neck/collarbone
- totally into pressing your foreheads together he finds it nice
- he at least can hug back now but that takes a long time lol
- Yes. you can squish his cheeks. Will he be extremely annoyed? Yes. Will he do anything about it? No.
- he’s so soft for you? God
- has nightmares about losing you often, so you share the same room so he feels better knowing you’re alive next to him
- or you comforting him back to sleep works
- will buy you things if he can, likes spoiling you when he can but not toooo much
- if you suggest turning into a titan he says no
- while a part of him is like yeah a guaranteed 13 yrs he also is like no he wanna spend the rest of his days with you he cannot allow it
- yeahhhh so maybe he’s got some naive hopes, but this time he thinks he can achieve them and finish this shit ... he can only hope
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- not enough people write for my best boy, sad day ;(
- him with a crush though? Let’s be real he blushes quite a bit it annoys him though especially if you ever comment on it
- you just make him all mushy and god he loves you so much
- hand on his smushed cheek with a goofy smile and just stares at you, this happens all the time
- Sasha loves to remind him of that like everytime he does it
- very defensive of you, if anyone disrespects you they are catching these hands
- so it is likely fights with Jean bc he disrespected you (even if he was joking) are often
- he always tries to make you laugh, especially when you’re going through a rough time. He wants to see you smile and laugh and hates seeing you sad at all
- probably flirts with you, but he makes it sound like a joke so it’s hard to take him seriously
- he’s protective if he has to be, he’s not as strong as others but he can hold his own very well. (He’s canonly the fastest or at least one of the fastest, so he can get you out of situations fast)
- is overall even more goofy around you than he normally is because he just wants you laughing
- he can be clingy even while just being friends, often finds excuses to hang around you
- gets teased a lot by Sasha and Jean about his rather obvious crush
- sometimes he just daydreams about you so if anyone hears him sigh dreamily or zone out they know it’s cuz he’s thinking about you
- like seriously daydreams about you so much, the only time he isn’t is when he’s around you (which even then it still happens sometimes) or during like fights where he could die at any moment
- would die at being touched physically, or being complimented
- he will be like “yeah ofc I am haha ;D” in a joking way, but he is dying on the inside
- gonna be real confessing takes a longer time than anyone on this list like even eren and Reiner because he is so scared of rejection and losing the friendship you have he holds it so close to him
- it’s extremely important since it’s not often he ever likes somebody? Plus you make him feel the happiest he’s ever felt like? Honestly he cannot do without you man
- when he finally does (thanks to Jean and Sasha pushing him to do so) he’s a blushing mess
- dating him though is wonderful, he’s attached to you at the hip, you guys are always together he hates being separated
- it’s annoying for everyone else though
- if you’re not around for some reason he doesn’t stfu about you
- he gets sad when you guys are apart ;(
- cheek kisses are often since they’re easy to give (it’s likely he’s shorter than you so just... easy cheek kiss... or because of the huge burst of height he gets as he ages he’s extremely taller and again cheek kisses are easy)
- loves hugging you, or just having his arms engulfed around you in some way
- terrible pickup lines? Absolutely. He’s mainly joking but sometimes he’s being serious
- before he’d do anything to make you laugh it’s even moreso now that you’re dating
- hand holding is often
- he is good at comforting you if need it
- would like to just be held after a tough day
- likes to hug you from behind
- loves kissing your hands <3
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- my god if anyone is blushy it is Jean but I think we know this based off his interaction with mikasa
- cannot stop staring at you, at least Connie has some control and is just not aware of it. Jean is aware of his staring but has no self control.
- unlike Connie who has the confidence to jokingly flirt Jean doesn’t have that confidence. Acts like a cocky bastard but actually isn’t.
- probably says he made a move, or that he’s going to but hasnt and everyone knows it
- gets extremely nervous around you, palms sweaty, knees weak (arms are heavy)
- if you ever got hurt, protective mode (especially if it was to protect him cuz Christ he will lose it)
- scared to lose you, he lost Marco he doesn’t wanna lose you too
- he loves you so much, its come to the point where he can’t live without you. If you died he wouldn’t know what to do and he would probably go crazy without you around
- he’s always worried about you and watching out for you
- probably really jealous even before dating you, he’s constantly worried other people will have a better chance with you (if he noticed somebody else likes you he is all on that, he knows)
- he will try to impress you, also because of his jealousy but still. He wants to prove he can be good for you romantically
- so he’s constantly playing up how strong he is until you kick his ass in a fight
- however despite how nervous he gets around you, after some time he eventually is kinda himself. He doesn’t wanna seem like a dick around you so he acts overly nice but eventually you get close enough to where he can be himself
- likes to tease you sometimes
- probably calls you an idiot, especially if you are one or act like one at all. He don’t mean it but you know that.
- eventually will confess, because he’s sick of Sasha and connies teasing and lame attempts to be wingmen
- they’re so obvious abt it btw Sasha will just be there like “hey Jean y/n looks very cute today don’t you think so?” And Connie just nudges him, “yeah tell them how cute they are today, I think they look adoraaable” and he’s like “yes you’re very cute today” and then they just leave and make it awkward for you both
- when he tells you how he feels he’s stuttering so much, it’s painful
- dating Jean is still awkward, he’s still nervous but moreso that he might fuck up somehow and you’ll break it off with him
- eventually yeah, cuddlebug
- loves hugs
- clingy af
- mans can cook, you already know he cooking you something as much as he can
- loves giving you forehead kisses if you’re shorter, if not then cheek kisses are cool too
- before you dated he’d probably try to nervously compliment you and just stutter and die inside, in fact there was a time he didn’t talk to you at all because he never knew what to say
- he tries not to impress you as much but still does and is a jealous boy but less jealous cuz you’re dating him
- he needs constant reassurance
- he’s such a sweetheart deep down he is willing to do so much for you
- still calls you an idiot or any other nickname but more comfortable with it now that you’re dating and likes teasing you
- also eventually tells you how much he loves and cares for you, and tells you the extents of his love
- he loves always being around you and gets annoyed when Sasha and Connie tag along but you probably don’t mind
- he loves you though so he’s like . Ok
- he’ll follow you wherever you go tbh
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- he’s also a blushy boy at times, especially if you’re in close proximity in some way
- complimenting him? Do you want him to pass out?
- I feel like people act like he’s overly mean to his crush but I don’t think he’d be mean. He’d try really hard to get along with them to the point where he might act like he likes the same stuff they do
- he’s clingy in general w/ you. Honestly not being around you for even a little feels like forever. Sometimes it’s just months before he can see you again, that hurts him ;(
- he’s such a softie deep down I can’t
- super protective as well (again I think everyone in aot is but mannn porco is so protective)
- he has seen some shit he knows what happens to people and he doesn’t want it happening to you
- very loyal to you tbh
- will find any excuse to touch you physically even if it puts a blush on his face, the first time he did he died but still... he liked the feeling and doesn’t ever wanna miss that feeling
- wraps an arm around you “casually” and “friendly” like all the time
- since him and pieck are pretty much always together, now it’s the three of you that are always together
- pieck finds it sweet though, and loves that he has somebody he could care for as much as he does
- ofc she tries to wingman, whenever he’s not around she asks you what you think of him. If you think of him as something more or what
- it’s because of one of your talks with pieck about porco does she finally encourage porco to tell you how he feels
- it takes awhile, he’s mainly worried of rejection or that he’ll lose you while you’re dating
- when you’re dating though, an arm around you at all times. If not holding your hand. (Ofc if you’re not currently discussing important matters)
- but yeah doesn’t mind pda, just not too much
- holds your hand if he is not having an arm around you
- kisses you like a lot, ofc when nobody else is around (or just pieck is around) but yknow
- he’s clingy, likes spending alone time w/ you but again wouldn’t mind if pieck was there
- gabi loves aww’ing at you guys and tbh so does pieck
- it does embarrass him sometimes but he loves you so he deals with it
- speaking of love he loves to remind you how much you mean to him and how much he loves you, he is not making the mistake of not letting you know how much he adores you
- teases tf outta you, like Jean would call you nicknames like idiot or something but he adores you too much for mean nicknames
- to make up for it he has pet names
- he’s also pretty jealous too btw
- make him feel better with lots of smooches
- he likes squishing your cheeks, surprisingly doesn’t mind if you do the same to him =)
- when cuddling he puts his face in either your chest or neck and peppers little kisses there
- pickup lines .. yeah they’re so bad he doesn’t care as long as they make you either blush or laugh
- low key just ... gently holds you, he loves u so much he’s so soft
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dumdumsun · 4 years
Forever and Never
A/N: Welcome back, luvs ❤️ Glad to have you back
Warnings: mentions of marijuana
Word Count: 2876
Two: Gotta Have Soul
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“What was school like for you?”
“Like, a regular school day?”
“Yeah, like a regular school day.”
A normal day of school for me was like walking around in a glass bubble. This isn’t a metaphor for personal space, but rather the concept of fitting in. Clearly, I fit in at school, but not in the way I expected to. I could walk amongst my peers and smile in their faces, talk with them, but it’d be difficult to hear through the glass of my bubble. We could reach out to each other and hope for a connection, but our hands would forever be disconnected by the glass. But they seemed to be fine with it. They didn’t want to come into my bubble, they just wanted to admire me from the outside. And I supposed I was fine with that, as well. It wasn’t like I opened my bubble for anyone, even invited anyone inside. I let Dina in once and got paranoid. Paranoid that she’d take up the air, that she’d hate my bubble and what I’d have to offer within it. So, I did what I thought was best and kindly asked her to leave. Assured her that she could maybe come back another time, when I was ready. As the sweet and considerate person that she was, she had no problem with it.
Stan didn’t need to live in a glass bubble because he didn’t need to fit in. And I’ve never needed to open the bubble myself to allow him access. He was welcome anytime and entered as he pleased. He was the only person who understood me. I realize that we had more in common than I thought. No one understood our fashion senses, our tastes in music, the way we preferred to keep to ourselves. I could breathe around him and smile and laugh, I mean actually laugh. It was just a shame it all had to wait until after school. Stan and I lived in two different worlds at school. Sometimes I’d catch a ride with him if he left his house the same time I did mine. The second we would set foot on the school campus, we were strangers. It wasn’t that we were embarrassed of each other, I just think Stan was intimidated by the crowd I attracted. Hell, I was intimidated by the crowd I attracted. I’d much rather be walking down those halls with Stan, Dina, and Sydney (if she was comfortable with me). Luckily, I had classes with each of them.
I had nearly every class with Dina, save for honor choir and theatre classes. We found a way to sit near each other in every class we had and talked about everything and nothing for the entire hour. Half of my classes were with Stanley, and those hours were full of glancing at each other and playfully winking or blowing kisses. He’d pass me notes old-school style, but always avoided the route that would lead to either Ricky or Brad. We had a couple of run-ins that led to them teasing Stan before the note could even reach me. Study hall was one of the only times Stan and I would actually sit together and talk in school. Sometimes we’d study, sometimes we’d skip and go smoke outside. Nonetheless, we’d make the most out of our time together.
I only had two classes with Sydney and both included Dina, so there still wasn’t much going on between us at school. She wasn’t as active in gym class as we were, so it was a lot of her cheering us on when we played basketball or dodgeball. She was usually the person to hand me Stan’s notes in science, having to dodge Ricky and Brad’s grabbing hands so that I could quickly snatch it. Luckily, I only had two classes with Ricky and Brad, and they both included Dina and Stan. So, I was never trapped in an uncomfortable situation with Ricky before their eyes.
Science was the most chaotic class for me. Not only did I not care for the subject, but my seat was away from both Stan and Dina. I was nearly sandwiched between Ricky and Brad, which set me on edge most days. Despite this, I simply tried my best to focus on my school work. “And yes, during arousal, there is an increase in all sorts of things, including adrenaline and, of course, blood flow,” Mr File droned on as I wrote down notes in my notebook. Dina always said she thought it was cute how I used different colors for each day. Little did she know, once I started this system, I couldn’t stop it. This was to the point that I had to buy a set of pens for each class. I couldn’t use my green math pen for my Tuesday science class. “And the blood flow continues down and then gets trapped within the corpora cavernosa. The penis expands, and this is how the Homo sapien male is able to hold an erection. Yes?”
My attention was diverted to Bradley, who raised his hand. Once he was called on, he set his hand back down and straightened his posture. “From my experience, Mr File, the holding of an erection is far more successful in the hands of a Homo sapien female.” His inappropriate joke sent an eruption of laughter throughout the classroom. I rolled my eyes in irritation.
“Very funny, Mr Lewis.” Mr File deadpanned.
“Just talkin’ science.”
“Moving on.” As my teacher turned back to the chalkboard, Ricky and Brad reached over my head to high five each other. I scoffed and continued on with my notes. From the corner of my eye, I saw Ricky turn around to speak to Sydney.
“Ah. Oh, come on, fire crotch. Laugh. That was funny.”
“Don’t be a prick, Ricky,” I hissed, the boy’s head snapping over to me. “It wasn’t even that funny.”
Ricky tilted his head at me and gave a soft smile, his hand reaching over and clasping around my wrist. “Okay, babe, I’ll leave your friend alone-”
“And don’t call me babe.” I yanked my wrist from his grasp. He froze, shocked, his mouth opening and closing as if at a loss for words.
“Mr Berry, if you could take your eyes off of Ms (Y/L/N) for one second to listen to my lecture, that would be very much appreciated.” At the sound of Mr File’s voice, Ricky quickly turned forward and returned to his notes.
“I’ll definitely try my best, sir.” He smirked, Bradley chuckling and reaching over my head again to give his friend another high five. My eyes fell on Stanley, who was watching the interaction in annoyance. When his gaze met mine, he gave me a sympathetic look. I only held my fingers in the position of a gun up to my temple and pretended to fire it. He shook his head in amusement before turning his attention back to Mr File. Glancing over my shoulder, I watched as Sydney glanced between Dina and our teacher before her gaze settled on me. She gave me a small smile and mouthed a ‘thank you’. I winked at her and gave a thumbs up. That was the start of one of the very few friendly interactions we’d have throughout the week.
On my way home from school that day, I spotted Syd and ran to catch up with her. “Hey, Sydney.” I grinned, the girl jumping a bit when I appeared by her side.
“O-Oh. Um, hey, Zip.”
“You don’t have to call me that,” I chuckled. “You’re normal.”
She smiled and stared down at her feet. “Uh… Why are you walking with me?” I frowned at her question, but she raised her head quickly. “Like, no offense, but… you usually just… keep to yourself. Or you get a ride from Stanley.”
“I stayed after for theatre rehearsal,” I shrugged. “But we never talk. We’re neighbors, Syd. And we’re both friends with Dina. Isn’t it weird we never talk?”
“Yeah… Yeah, I guess it is.”
“I’m not saying we should hang out everyday and tell each other secrets, but… you know.”
“No, yeah, I get it. I mean, Dina likes you… So does everyone else, so you must be really cool to be around.”
“Well, that’s something you can find out for the both of us. Because I still don’t get it…” I turned my head forward, my voice trailing off. We continued our journey home in comfortable silence, every now and then striking up pebble throwing contests. Sydney had a really nice smile. It was a shame she didn’t use it much. When we reached my street, our walk didn’t last much longer. “Here’s my stop.” I announced, stepping away towards the mailbox to retrieve our mail. Sydney nodded with a smile.
“I’ll, uh… I’ll see you tomorrow-”
“Oh, hey, Syd!” Stan’s voice called out. We both turned our heads to see him getting up from his porch, making his way to the middle of the street to meet Syd. “And my lovely Zip.”
“Hey, beautiful.” I winked, pulling out a couple envelopes from the box. Stanley chuckled fondly at me before looking back to Syd, who was waiting expectantly.
“Oh, my leg fell asleep. One sec,” He then began shaking and stretching his leg, Sydney standing by awkwardly. The sight alone was enough to have me quietly laughing to myself. Stan let out a sigh once he was done and planted his foot back on the ground. “Can I walk with you?”
“Sure. Why not?” Syd shrugged. Stan smiled and turned forward with her.
As they walked away, I noticed one of the envelopes was addressed to me. Maybe a bit too enthusiastically, I ripped it open. Inside was a lonely check. No note. Just like last time. And the time before that. Taking out the check, my eyes bulged at the number written down. Four hundred dollars?! Four hundred fucking dollars from Dad in two weeks! I tried to think of the upcoming dates. Was Aunt Pam’s birthday coming up? Uncle David’s? Jacob’s? No one’s. So… why did Dad send me twice as much this time? My head lifted to find Stanley happily dancing back up to his house, twirling and jumping with his bare feet. I laughed at the sight. As he descended the slope to his house, he motioned for me to follow. Setting the mail on the porch swing, I pocketed my check and hurried down to Stan’s.
“What about this one?” I held up Elton John’s Goodbye Yellow Brick Road on vinyl. “I love me some Elton John.”
“Whatever you want, Nugget.” I heard him from the couch. Satisfied with my decision, I put the music on, nodding to the beat of Crocodile Rock as I joined Stanley on the couch. He had just taken out one of his pre-rolled joints from his case and was lighting it up.
“What’s up with you and Sydney Novak?” I cheekily grinned, my friend puffing on the smoke as he removed the joint from his mouth. “You wanted to… walk with her?”
“I wanted to hang out with her. We’ve never hung out before. I just thought she’d want more friends.”
“Uh-huh…” I raised a brow, taking the joint when it was offered to me. As I inhaled the smoke, Stan waved me off.
“Whatever. So… what’s been going on with you? It’s been about three weeks since you got back and you haven’t spoken a word about where you disappeared to.”
I quickly handed the joint back as I exhaled, the smoke clouding my vision. “Yeah, I don’t really wanna talk about that…”
“Oh.” Stan cleared his throat.
“Let’s just say it was… very depressing.”
“Well, what about your dad? How’s he been?”
“He’s good, I think. Working in Georgia still. Oh!” I lifted my hip a bit to retrieve the check from my back pocket. “Look at this fucking shit, Stan! My dad sends me a two hundred dollar check every two weeks. But look what I got this time.” Stan leaned over, squinting his eyes as if he weren’t seeing right.
“Four hundred?!”
“Four hundred!”
“Jesus, (Y/N), what does he do?!”
“In all honesty, Stan, I have no fucking idea. He doesn’t like talking about it.”
“Well, that’s not suspicious at all.” Stan mumbled, silencing himself by placing the joint between his lips. It didn’t take too long for our highs to kick in. When they did, we were draped over one another, lazily drawing shapes in the air. I reached over and tickled Stan’s foot, which was just beside my head. He quietly giggled and retracted his foot from me. I laughed loudly and dropped my arm.
“This is where we peak, huh? This is, like, as good as it gets,” I watched as he lifted his head, attempting to make eye contact with me. “Like, we’re not gonna have shit going for us besides a lousy paycheck we slave for. And we’re gonna settle for someone who makes us all feel a little less lonely… or we just end up alone and blame everyone else for it. And then… In, like, ten years we’re gonna go to our high school reunion and then we’re gonna find out that… We all were pieces of shit at the age of seventeen and that’s as good as we got. It’s as good as we’ll ever get,” I pointed to him. “At least, that’s what you told me.”
“Nugget… you talk too much,” He flopped back onto the ground. “But yeah, you’re right. But, like… not you.”
“Not me?”
“No, you’re gonna… move away again. But for good. You’re gonna become the best… damn actress of our time and you’re gonna walk on red carpets and go on talk shows and go ‘Yeah, my best friend Stanley Barber was the best thing that’s ever happened to me’, and then-”
“That’s not how I talk!” I burst out laughing, which triggered his own laughter. We spent the next few moments rolling on the floor, trying to catch our breaths in the midst of our cackling. Even in my haze, I thought to myself, If this is where I peak, I’m the most successful of them all to peak with Stan. How could no one have wanted to hang out with him? He was the only thing that kept me sane most days with his carefree philosophy on life. There was never a dull moment with him. Never a single second of doubt in his ability to make me smile, to make me feel good about myself. And maybe it was selfish to depend on him that much, but I hadn’t even realized I’d been doing it.
When our highs almost completely wore off, I wished Stan a goodbye and headed back home. Entering the house, Jacob was just about to exit. “Oh, hey, Bug-” He stopped and sniffed. “You smell like weed.”
“You’ll live.” I smiled and walked inside. In the kitchen, Aunt Pam was making dinner while dancing to the music on the radio. Upon my arrival, she clapped and went to hug me.
“(Y/N), how was your-” She stepped back and sniffed. “Ugh, you smell like weed…”
“I honestly don’t care. But I wanted to tell you that you should call your dad. It’s been a couple of weeks with no call. Remember he said he’d check on you every other day?”
“I remember. I’ll call him right now.” Heading upstairs to my room, I pulled out my cell phone. I accessed my contacts before pressing on my dad’s, holding the phone up to my ear. When the call was answered, there was no greeting. Just faint breathing from the other end. “Uh… Dad-”
“Hey, sweetheart,” He rushed out, sounding out of breath. “What- What did you call for?”
“What did I… Dad, you said you’d call me three times a week. It’s been two weeks with no call.”
“You’re right, you’re right, doll.” He sighed. I frowned in disgust. He never called me ‘doll’. “How’s school going? Straight A’s?”
“Um… not really,” I mumbled as I entered my bedroom, setting my backpack on the ground before flopping on my bed, sighing contently. “A couple of B’s, but I’m trying. Uh, I got the check.”
“Yeah, yeah, your allowance.” He huffed.
“Uh-huh… but you gave me twice as much.”
“Yeah, for homecoming. Pam said it was next week.”
“Oh, yeah…,” I rolled onto my back. “Almost forgot.”
“Yeah, so just… buy yourself something pretty- Listen, sweetheart, I’ve gotta go, but I promise to call you in two days.”
“Okay, Dad. Love you-” I was cut off when he abruptly hung up the phone. Sighing, I let my arm flop down beside my head. If I had to be completely honest, that was normal behavior from my dad lately. Sure, I mentioned he wasn’t present in his mind, but this was different. He was clearly occupied. Very occupied. I brushed it off as him being hard at work, but…
Something told me there was more going on with my Dad. And it scared me.
Taglist: @melinda-hargreeves @sapphicsyn @stqnley @lonely-kermit @give-the-boy-a-hug @moatsnow
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kazuwhora · 3 years
hi love! could i have a tokyorev match up pls? to start i’m a sagittarius + infp. i tend to be quiet around people i don’t know and i think i have a poker face but i’ve been told by friends that i don’t :( i can’t commit to anything whether it’s hobbies or shows, but when i get excited about something i cannot shut up about it lowkey obsessed with myself but also very insecure abt my body + personality and i hate feeling vulnerable/unsafe around ppl. lmk if you need more info
hi babe love u I match u up with me too bad so sad deal with it
but fr im gonna match you up with the best boy CHIFUYU ESRHJGW
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no but like, its the way he is absolutely obsessed with you. absolutely over the moon OBSESSED with you. you think you have a poker face? he's gonna laugh at you and tell you no you absolutely do not babe. not a chance. sometimes he might let you believe it, but probably not. when he does let you believe it, it's really only to tease you. but you're in luck, both you and chifuyu are sagitarrians. you have troubles committing to any hobbies or new interests? he does too. it's the sagittarius way and there isn't a single thing about this that bothers him in the slightest. he's just as happy to bounce from series to series, hobby to hobby, because you keep his life utterly exciting.
chifuyu is one to easily reserve himself and let you take the spotlight as well. there are times where he will just beg to listen to you talk in circles about something new you've gotten into, and it will make his cheeks a lil pink and plaster a permanent grin on his lips because GOD does he love you and how excited you get about things. part of him wishes he could get nearly that excited, but chifuyu has some emotional baggage that stops him from getting to that point (what man in this show doesnt I swear to god please bring him to therapy for me)
poor baby doesn't really understand you to the full extent though. like he gets really confused with your insecurities because on the surface you seem like you're so confident with yourself and surefooted when it comes to your appearance and personality, and of course being absolutely over the moon in love with you this is the part that he can understand and resonate with. but then he starts to notice the way you hide your vulnerabilities and insecurities around your self image and identity with the mask of confidence and he's just ?? really confused?? maybe you do have a great pokerface after all is what he'll think to himself because the way you exude near self-obsession to hide the struggles of being vulnerable and at a loss with your true self is mind blowing to him. these are never things you've ever admitted to him, but he picks up on them immediately. he picks up on the way you look at yourself when your emotions have gotten the best of you, the way you slightly draw back from your usual self every now and again, and he's so lost with himself because he doesn't know how to help :( what else can he do besides pepper u with kisses at the most unexpected times telling you how lucky he is to have scored someone as beautiful and cool as you, how lucky he is to have someone by his side that brings him so much joy with everything you say. he is desperate to let you know what you are to him in hopes of boosting your confidence and taking down the facade of self obsession that makes up for the insecurities because in chifuyus mind, you are perfect. every part of you, and you're his counterpart. his balance, and his pull.
pls run your hands through his hair when he gets frustrated like this and tell him he doesn't need to stress, because he will stress.
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pandoraimperatrix · 4 years
can you do sunflower for batcat? love your work!
Season 4 in the Hoe!Bruce arc.
And yeah, it’s smut.
Thank you for the request <3
The night was always ending when a fight blew up. Tabitha and Barbara were nowhere to be found, just great, just perfectly great. Selina marched to where the commotion was centred, and, when she discovered it was a catfight between to wasted bitches over Bruce fucking Wayne, who was just standing there laughing, blood rushed to her head so fast it made her ears ring, anger taking the rest of her body in hot waves. She grabbed her bullwhip and with the help of the staff, ended the fight and declared the bar closed, sending everyone home or to fucking hell, she didn’t care.
But, when she came back, fuming, Bruce was still there, sitting on the bar, serving himself drinks as if he had any right.
“Why are you are doing this?” she teared the tequila cup off his hands and slammed it on the table, spilling most of it.
“Doing what?” he had the nerve to ask. “Partying? You used to tell me I didn’t know how to have fun. I know now, you are just jealous I’m not having fun with you.” He took her wrist and drank the remaining content of the cup.
“Urgh” she rolled her eyes and pulled her arm back. “You should slow down with the dope it’s turning you completely delusional.”
“Truth hurts, doesn’t it?”
“Oh please. Look, I don’t get it. Gotham is huge, why my place? You could be partying in your castle in Italy. You don’t need to be here.”
“Chalet in Sweden,” he smirked and drank directly from the bottle, “what if I want to be here?”
“Whatever, I’m just tired of cleaning up after you and your prissy whores. If you want to keep coming to the Sirens, you’ll have to behave yourself.”
He laughed, it sounded dark, fake, and not at all how she remembered his laugh when they were younger and sillier. When she’d tell him a joke so lame it was barely enough funny to be considered as such, but he would find hilarious and laugh so much she’d think he was laughing at her instead and they would fight. Seeing him there, so different, corrupted, broke her heart, but also made his pull over her grow twofold, curiosity and cats had always been a dangerous combination, and before Selina could stop herself she had stepped in closer.
“Make me,” he said looking down her body.
Selina tried to ignore the goosebumps that spread through her body by rolling her eyes.
“What? God, you are pathetic,” and deciding he didn’t deserve more of her attention, or maybe too afraid of how weird he made her feel now, Selina clicked her heels around, ready to leave him and that stupid conversation behind, maybe get someone to drag his ass out.
“Yeah, leave, that’s what you’re really good at.”
She stopped, grabbing the fabric of her tight skirt to conceal her shaking hands.
“What?” she managed to ask, her voice creaking, higher than the usual.
The air stood still, unusually dry. It felt just like their relationship, the once reliable ocean had disappeared.
“Forget it” he spat in a low voice.
“No,” she turned back, now it wasn’t only her hands, her whole body was shaking, “say it,” she dared him. “You started, now you’ll finish.”
He looked different. Gone was the stranger. The rich playboy that came to her bar night after night to party hard with a bunch of assholes. Who constantly pretended they knew nothing about each other so well she actually doubted. It felt like a weird collage of an old familiar face on a stranger’s body. Reality felt fragile, like time was folding in itself.
“You know what I mean,” his voice cracked, all his artifices dissolving, exposing him exactly how he was. Still very young, and so close, if she just reached, he could be hers again. “You left. Why do you think I-“
“I didn’t leave!” she shouted, months and months of hurt and frustration spilling out, and when she heard her voice she noticed she was crying. “You told me to go!”
He furrowed his brow, and it was so long since last time she saw that confused frown, that particular look of hurt. A wave of loss took her over, she faltered and he came closer, not yet touching her, but she could smell the booze, sweat, the sickling perfume of the girl he had been kissing in front of her just a while ago, past and present mixing, time became an illusion, and everything felt possible.
“So what?! I was hurt, I was…” he paused, covering his eyes with his palms, breathing hard before letting his arms fall and looking at her. “Selina, how many times before I ran after you like a kicked puppy after a fight? How many times have I humiliated myself for your attention? Your respect? And the one time, the only time I needed you to be the one to fight for me you just left.”
Selina didn’t know what to say, she just stood there gobsmacked, suddenly the whole world became this breakable thing and any move rehearsed by her would result in catastrophe.
But he still waited, his eyes begging for an answer, a reaction, anything. After a long while of silence, his shoulders fell, and he swallowed bitterly.
“And now you don’t even have anything to say,” he finally said. “What was I expecting? You are right, you always were, I am pathetic.”
Before she could think twice or plan otherwise, her lips were against his, and, after that, there was no return. Unlike the last time they had been themselves around each other, Bruce didn’t reject her. One hand pulled her flush against him by her waist, the other one went to her face, delicately, pushing her curls away and wiping her tears. She didn’t want to open her eyes never again, things had felt so wrong lately. She had been trying so hard to convince herself that she was better than ever. That she was making something of herself against all odds. But even after learning to apply shimmering makeup on her eyelids, everything around her looked lacklustre. Pointless. And part of herself hated how only on the lips of a asshole that treated her like shit sometimes and like she was his whole world in another, who was just five minutes ago cheering over two poor idiots ruining themselves for his attention, there, right there, she found meaning.
But they had to breathe eventually, and his lips left hers, his hot panting, thick with tequila, fanning on her face.
“Selina, look at me,” he pleaded.
She didn’t, but pushed him against the bar rail and kissed him again, now working to free him from his already half-buttoned shirt. Again, he didn’t deny her, reaching for her face as soon as his arms were free again, cupping it with both of his hands.
“Please,” he said ending the kiss with a peck and when her eyes remained shut, he sucked her earlobe earning a sob that was pleasure and despair in the same measure, “Selina, please.”
She fluttered her eyes open, and he smiled, and it looked so earnest, so relieved, so him, Bruce, her Bruce. Selina tried to kiss him again, and for a moment of terror and confusion she thought he would leave her, but he dove to kiss her neck instead, pushing the straps of her tank top and bra down her shoulder, unafraid of cup her breast as if it wasn’t the first time for them to be like that. She couldn’t help but wonder, if it was just result of practice using other girls’ bodies, or if he had just thought about it, about them, her, for so long it felt natural. She hopped it was the later, but as soon as she remembered about the other girls she was mad at him again, and pushed him away.
“What-“ despite not having a single drop of alcohol, she felt drunk, her brain fuzzy, maybe it was oxygen depletion, maybe her heart was beating too fast “are you think you are doing? I’m not…” she stopped again, sucking air in “if you think you can just-“ god what was wrong with her?! She couldn’t finish a single sentence. “I’m not like them,” she said finally, meaning the girls she had shunned off her club just a while ago. They held each other gazes for a while. Selina felt ashamed, especially because as soon as the last words left her mouth she noticed that she didn’t regret kissing Bruce, not at all, but she didn’t want that night to end like that either, she wasn’t ready to let him go after all he said.
Bruce looked confused, and still Bruce-like how he hadn’t been in such a long time. And that was scarier than if he had reverted completely to his new persona, because she never thought that asshole had anything to do with the meek boy who used to be her friend. But there he was, towering over her, shirtless and half-wasted, with lips swollen by her hungry kisses. Her Bruce. Not the stranger for who she had just second-hand embarrassment and disdain for. But the one whom she feared, for he had reign over her heart.
He approached her, and she didn’t avoid him. Bruce’s hands grabbed her waist, pulling her close again. He kept his gaze fixed on her eyes, and moved slowly when he inserted his hands under the hem of her shirt, sliding them up through her skin and pulling the fabric off her. Selina held her arms up to help him discard the piece of clothing, heat pooling down her navel.
“No, you’re not,” he finally said, and then rested his forehead against hers, sighing, “you… Selina, you have no idea.”
Deciding neither of them was exactly good at talking about feelings, Selina took his lips again, and Bruce seemed to agree they were done talking. His grip lowered and he hoisted her up, pulling her legs around his waist and guided them both back to the bar countertop, lying her down there while he kissed down her throat, sucking and licking her skin in a way she knew she’d have to hide the next day.
He continued his way kissing down her sternum and belly, while one his hands caressed her leg and the other one held hers. And it felt at the same time incredibly sweet having his fingers intertwined with hers, and hot while his large hand slid down her thigh. But then, he started fumbling with her skirt, unsure of how to take it off, Selina was momentarily brought back from her horny induced mind fog to giggle at his annoyance. Bruce looked up from the irritating fashion trap and smiled at her. Selina tuned around on the bar top, exposing her back zipper to him and looking at him over her shoulder. Bruce kissed the small of her back and pulled the zipper down, but before stripping her of her tight vinyl skirt, he used the opportunity to undo her bra too. Just a few moments after that, Selina was lying on her back again, only in her panties and high heels, under the gaze of a very turned on Bruce Wayne who was looking at her as if she was a very tasty meal that he had no idea of what start eating first.
Luckily for her, it didn’t take long before he decided to go straight for the main course.
“Fuck,” Selina moaned when without more wait, Bruce pulled her lacy thong aside and sucked her clit. She felt him smiling against her, and one little part of her wanted to kick him for being so smug, but the thought was fast forgotten when he continued doing miracles with that talented tongue of his. Her heaving and whimpering filled the empty club lounge, and Bruce chuckled when the orgasm hit her so hard, Selina’s involuntary spasms almost threw her off the surface of the bar top, making him hold her there until she calmed herself.
“Are you okay?” he asked her, whipping his mouth with the back of his hand.
Selina took a couple of breaths, before sitting up.
She pulled him closer by his belt, and then, looking straight into his eyes, she undid the buckle. He dove to kiss her, but she avoided his lips.
“Shhh,” she made, “I want to see.”
“Your face,” and then her warm small hand was around him.
Bruce closed his eyes shut, his mouth opening in a silent moan when she started pumping.
“Does it feel good?” She asked, feeling unsure of what she was doing, he was so smooth and hard, but she was afraid her nails might hurt him.
He swallowed.
“Hmmm” she made, her free hand on his neck, thumb rubbing his skin there too. “Tell me what you like.”
He smirked, and reached for her face, pulling her for a kiss, sucking her bottom lip as he let her go.
“I like you.”
She let out a chuckle from the back of her throat.
“Right now, I’m sure you do,” she said, feeling brave enough to pump a little harder, Bruce moaned.
Selina then opened her legs wide and urged him to draw closer.
Bruce replaced her hand with his own and rubbed the tip of his dick on her wet entrance.
Selina’s chest was heaving and he looked up worried.
“Are you ready?”
She bit her lower lip and nodded. In a swift motion, Bruce slid inside. Selina shut her eyes hard, she expected pain but felt none, the sensation was unfamiliar, but not bad, not bad at all. Her nails broke the skin of his shoulders, and she felt Bruce’s breath close. She thought he was about to kiss her again, but he rested his forehead on her temple.
“Are you okay?” he asked, and she could hear the restraint in the tightness of his voice.
“Yeah,” she managed “B,” she called.
“Hm” he made, opening his eyes, they were so dark, she could barely see the blue.
“Kiss me.”
He smiled first, one hand holding her face sweetly, and then he did as asked, kissing her, slowly and meticulously, while his hips started moving. His free hand slid down her waist and went to her clit. The wave of the pleasure due to the double stimulation got Selina surprised making her break the kiss to cry out. Bruce then kissed her chin, and her throat, he was getting momentum, and his rhythm becoming erratic. Selina was holding him by his shoulders for dear life, her head hanging behind while she tried to match his trusts with her own, both of them desperate for release.
She locked her shins behind him and pulled him closer, hugging his neck. Bruce let go of her face and clit to slam his palms on the bar top to stead them both as he went harder against her, thanking his lucky stars when she started trashing again and pulled him with her over the edge of pleasure with another loud curse.
They were breathing hard when the world stopped spinning. Bruce pulled out, feeling like he had just given up something he’d miss badly for the rest of his life. Selina was speechless, her eyes still closed, legs still open, with their mixed fluids dripping from her. He never seen her more beautiful. But he knew well there was something very wrong. That was not how their first time should go. With him half drunk, still smelling like some other girl’s perfume, on a bar after a nasty fight. Well, the fight made sense. Every time he fantasied before about having sex with Selina it had a fight involved before the make up.
But this… This was all wrong. They didn’t make up, they didn’t fix anything. They only made it more complicated and if he had no idea of where they stood in each other’s lives before, now he was too afraid to ask even himself.
They heard noise of someone approaching and Selina opened her eyes wide in alarm, she jumped off the bar top on wobbly legs, looking for her clothing.
“Selina,” he tried, fixing his pants.
“Later,” she said, rapidly putting her top back on without even putting her bra first. “You need to go.”
She couldn’t find her skirt but started pushing Bruce towards the back door.
When they finally reached the back of the service area, and Bruce stepped outside, they notice it was already morning, and they frowned under the aggressive sunlight.
“Selina, plea-“
And to his surprise she pulled him for another kiss, it was hard and fast, and made him a little dizzy.
“Later,” she said, and closed the door on his face.
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maevemarethyu · 4 years
Unexpected (5/?)
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(Not my GIF)
(This is my shitty border though. First try and all.)
You weren’t expecting it. Neither of you were.
That didn’t mean you weren’t happy with how it ended.
Bucky Barnes x Reader Fic.
Warnings: I don’t think there are any in this one? Sad Boi Hours, Firearms?
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“That went well.”
Before the last word can leave your mouth, the newly familiar feeling of being wrapped in Bucky envelopes your senses. Your arms wind themselves around his large torso and relief seeps into your veins as you hold each other. It was really over. You and Patrick, he and Claire. It was done and you should be relived.
You weren’t. You felt sick and in pain. It hurts. Its terrifying. And James…
He was shaking in your grip. Or was that you?
Claire’s vicious words rise in your mind and you instinctively grip Bucky’s shirt tightly.
“It’s not true.” His voice reverberates in your ear and you pull your head away from his chest to look into his ice-blue eyes. “What he said. I don’t believe a word of it.”
Instead of trying to find words, you barrel back into his chest, nearly knocking the both of you onto the floor. After silently standing there for a few moments, your mouth opens on its own accord.
“They’re wrong about the both of us. They’re bitter and scared.” As they should be. There was no mercy for them in New York.
A chuckle rumbles around you and you finally peel yourself away from the giant of a man. “Frank.” He says after a moment. “Frank Castle. So you’re?”
“Y/N Castle. I’m sorry for not telling you before. Frankie made me promise to not make it known for my own safety. Started going by Patrick’s last name when Frank was drafted into special ops and, after the trial, we kept it even more on the down low.”
You had to assume the Avengers were briefed on your brother. It didn’t seem apparent that a mass murdering anti-hero wouldn’t be on their radar.
“Nat’s gonna lose it. she used to have an interest in your brother if you know what I mean.”
You do. You do know what he means and the mental image of your brother and the Black Widow together sent a shiver down your spine. The world would never be ready for that.
The words please god no are cut off by the sound of your phone ringing followed closely by Bucky’s and, with a simultaneous sigh, you both pull out your respectful devices.
“Dr. Castle.”
Matt mumbles something incoherently from his end of the line before the familiar voice of Karen tells him to shut up. “Hey Y/N. Not to worry you or anything but, Frank just called and he’s fully intent of going to prison so if you could-“
“How’d it go?!” Foggy yells, drowning out Karen’s plea and you rub your forehead with your free hand. They know how much you hate when they talk over each other. It always resulted in an instant headache.
A gentle hand on your shoulder draws your eyes back to Bucky who appears to be getting his own array of questions. He keeps his voice low to prevent any eavesdropping.
“You okay?” The warmth in his eyes offset their icy color and you feel the tension slip from your body before nodding.
“Don’t like to me Doll.” With a grumble, he takes the phone from your hand and turns on the speaker, then doing the same with his phone. A cacophony of your friend’s voices echo through your home and overwhelm you. You loved them, really, but right now all you want to do is curl up on the couch with Laysa (who somehow managed to sleep through the entire ordeal) and maybe drink yourself into a stupor.
As if reading your mind Bucky clears his throat loudly and the voices fall silent.
“We appreciate you all but, I think Y/N and I agree when we say we need some time to-“
“Unwind.” You supply when he falters and he gives you a bright smile. “Things got a bit heated and we want the time to process everything before we tell you guys what happened.”
“And maybe get you some ice for your hand.” James adds under his breath and you nearly snort from trying to hold back a laugh.
“We get it. Just call us when you’re ready.” A man says from Bucky’s phone and you let out a breath.
“Thanks Stevie. We’ll talk to you soon.”
“Let’s just hope its before your brother goes on another spree. I won’t be able to keep him out of prison this time.” Matt mumbles before ending the call.
James doesn’t give the Avengers time to question, quickly hitting the end button and turning off his phone.
You both let out a collective sigh of relief at the sweet silence.
“I’m glad Matt didn’t dial in Fr-“
A loud bang on your door causes a shriek to erupt from your throat and, before you can fully process what’s going on, a metal arm grips your arm gently and moves you away from the noise. Bucky tucks you behind him and draws a pistol from the waistband of his jeans. His movements are so fluid that you’re almost at a loss for words.
“James Buchannan Barnes you brought a gun into my home?!” You keep your voice low despite your anger and he throws an apologetic look over his shoulder. You open your mouth to berate him some more when the door is thrown open, the lock doing nothing to prevent the force behind it.
A rain of dust from the sheetrock causes you to cough uncontrollably and cover your eyes but, the sound of an angry growl forces them open again. You knew that noise.
“Frankie?!” You sputter, walking out from behind the wall that was Bucky Barnes.
Lo and behold, there he was, your brother in all of his furious glory. You’d only seen it yourself maybe once or twice and, for some twisted reason, you found it comforting.
To your relief, James drops his weapon instantly and moves out of the way as Frank storms into your home. You had to admire your brother’s one-track mind as he completely ignores the other man and focuses on you.
“Where is he?” He was seething, red in the face, and breathing heavily.
“You broke my door.” You deadpan, crossing your arms across your chest. Sure, he was set on murdering your now ex-husband but, that didn’t excuse property damage. “You have a fucking key.”
You know he means business when he uses your full name instead of the various nicknames he had given you throughout your childhood.
“Long gone. Took his shit and ran when I called yoU!” Before you can finish your sentence, he pulls you into a tight hug and fresh tears spring to your eyes at the familiarity of it. It hadn’t been long since the last time he held you like this, barely a week, but the circumstances couldn’t be more different. You couldn’t be more different.
Last week you had been happily married and wanting to start a real family. Now you were divorced and seriously needing your brother to come cheer you up.
A tiny squeak breaks you from your thoughts causing your eyes to fly open and lock on Bucky’s ocean blue orbs as he bends down to pick up a whining Laysa. He nods towards the hall with the nursery and coddles her into his chest before leaving the living room quietly. The way it became second nature for James to care for the little cub leaves you with a fuzzy feeling in your chest.
Frank placing a kiss on your temple brings your focus back to him and he eyes you curiously.
“Is there a reason the Winter Soldier is in my baby sister’s house minutes after I get a call about her scumbag husband?” He questions lightly.
You scoff at the thought. You know your brother and you know his question is anything but innocent as his eyes watch the hallway like a hawk.
“The woman Pat was…” You can’t finish the sentence, not in front of him. “James’ wife. He caught them on camera. Ran all the way here when he found out Patrick was married. We wanted to confront them together.”
You can’t be sure but, an almost appreciative look enters your brother’s dark eyes and a warm feeling floods your body. For some reason the idea of Frank and Bucky not hating each other hadn’t crossed your mind. You assumed that they would instantly butt heads as most Alpha males did when in the same room.
Your thought may sound primitive to others but, reducing people down to their most basic forms came with the territory when you spent all your time studying the animal kingdom.
What you had in front of you was incredibly rare and you watch with wide eyes when Bucky emerges from the nursery and Frank releases his hold on you to properly greet him with a firm shake that probably would have broken Patrick’s hand.
Two Alpha males who’re not related coexisting peacefully. Your coworker Whitney wouldn’t believe you.
“Your sister has a mean right hook.” Bucky’s soft as velvet voice forces an embarrassed snort from you despite your brother’s proud look and when Frank looks between you and Bucky with a single raised brow, you cave.
“Okay! I may have hit her but, she deserved it.” You defend and, for the first time since he entered your home, Frank cracks a smirk. “And Bucky threw Patrick!”
“It was more of a toss really.” The world renowned and feared Winter Soldier shuffles his feet shyly, refusing to meet your eyes and Frank’s smirk widens into a full blow grin.
You shake your head with a laugh before your mind wanders to the little cub in the nursery. “How is she?”
James perks up instantly. “She’s good, fell asleep as soon as I put her in the crib.”
You can feel your brother’s eyes on you but, you ignore it in favor of wiping the residual tears from your eyes. “That’s good. It’s a wonder she can fall back asleep after being so rudely awoken.”
Frank has the decency to look properly admonished and you have to mentally take a step back. You currently had two of the most dangerous people in New York in your house and yet you had both of them shuffling their feet. You were definitely telling Sam about this.
“Sorry sis. I’ll fix it later.” Frank mutters, shaking the dust off of his jacket before turning towards the door. “Right now. I’m going to go hunt down your piece of shit ex and do much more than toss him around.”
With a fearsome grin, he flashes the two firearms on his belt and you huff in exasperation. “I told you I don’t want any guns in my house! Now, there’s four.”
Both men stare at you in confusion and you roll your eyes. “Buck you have another strapped to your right ankle. You’ve been favoring that foot since you walked in. I’m not dumb.”
The blue-eyed man’s face reddens when he realizes he’s been caught and Frank barks out a harsh laugh.
“There she is.” He smiles proudly. “I’m serious about the door though. I’ll fix it later. I’ve been waiting too long to put Patrick in his place.”
“No! You’ll fix it no-“
He’s out the broken door before you can finish your sentence and a frustrated growl erupts from your throat. Once again, your brother’s one-track mind ceases to amaze you and Bucky barely manages to catch the heavy oak door before it completely falls off of its hinges.
“I’m going to beat some sense into him next time I see him.” You vow, causing Bucky to grin sheepishly as he sets the door against the wall.
“So that was Frank Castle?” James laughs lightly.
“Yeah.” You hum. “That was Frank Castle.”
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Chapter shorter than I hoped but, It was necessary for the story to flow better
Tags: @luthien-t​ @vicmc624
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bellamygateoldblog · 4 years
Warning: Long. I’m sorry. I was excited.
• First thought, I'm being forced to watch without subtitles & and it might just be me but these actors are impossible to understand on the first listen.
• "The shepherd teaches us that winning the last war brings upon the final evolution of a species" so....aliens? ALIE? Ascending into a 'higher' form of existence meaning either life after death (ALIE style) or these people want to become Gods?
• They "believe in transcendence" so i must be on the right lines.
• Bardo have "different plans" for the two killers. Void!Echo might be cominggggg.
• "Death is life" / "may we meet again" / "death is not the end" — "winning the last war brings upon the final evolution of a species"???? I’ve connected the dots.
• I'm sorry but all this hyper-focus on Clarke and being "The Key to everything" is kinda embarassing me, like 😳 it's just so odd. That this alien cult from another part of the galaxy/universe is fixated on this random teenager born on a space station around Earth. I know, I know it's to do with Becca's tech, but it's still very much sounding like the "super important special protagonist" trope which I hate and until that detail about the code/tech is revealed it will continue to make me rme. LMAO.
• "Rise and shine errand boy" OK MA.
• Indra is out looking for their friends which confirms LGBT wrath squad literally told nobody they were leaving, and since Gaia was kidnapped, there's no news from them at all.
• Emori trying desperately to help Murphy stay out of hell. At first I thought she was reassuring him, but she was explaining why he needs to do these “errands,” because she believes in his ‘vision’ of hell last season.
• "besides [Murphy's] worshipped me for years."
• Memori is the inverse of Bellarke. There, I said it.
• "You don't know me very well-" / "i know you went into that tavern to save a child at great risk to yourself..." is the pretty much the exact same scene as Murphy's with Luna in s4: "you don't know me very well" / "I know you stole medicine to save [a child]..."
• Luna's spirit followed them across the galaxy/universe this season.
• I don't know anything about chess but the fear on Murphy's face when Slim Sheidy moved his Queen makes me think Emori is in danger this season for as long as he's still alive.
• Echo indirectly preaching "love is strength"
• "You don't talk about yourself much and you're a shapeshifter"
• Dude maybe Echo really is getting an arc this season.
• "Bellamy this isn't real" implies she's had to shut “this” down before, and that there's been something between them for a while. And Bellamy literally shut her up with a kiss, telling her and us that she’s being silly. Also, Echo was the one putting it off.
• Tall girlfriend short boyfriend rights!
• The shot of the ring becoming Echo's eye. Oh my GOD.
• "I know you're in pain Echo, I feel it" what a dumb fuck thing to say LMAO what gave it away?????? The way I'm crying right now in front of you??????
• "I'm the monster from Hope's bedtime stories"
• Octavia:
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• Octavia is telling EVERYONE else what we already knew. The parallel was NEVER to Finn. It was to Octavia. After Lincoln died. TELL EM.
• "I wish I hugged him instead"
• Octecho Murphamy parallel oh jesus.
• Octavia is like "no Murphy Echo! I'm not letting you go until you admit you're not useless! it's not your fault!"
• Octavia telling Echo love is the answer, love is what she needs, not death or violence. Love is strength. Here we go bitches.
• !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “YOU’RE ONE OF THE HUNDRED”
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• Am i actually right with all these Echo theories i’ve had? I’m feeling so validated.
• It’s a shame none of these scenes will be edited and made into gifsets by fandom the way other Clarke/bellarke/anti-Echo-centred ones have been them with their none-existent Finn ‘parallel’ lmaooooo, because nobody cares for Echo and Octavia.
• Everyone is yelling for Echo. I feel that.
• Diyoza is checking her nails. I feel that too.
• "THAT'S DISHES YOUNG LADY" ajaksjajsjskasjsjdkskdjdj
• I'm so sad we're back in Sanctum😔😔😔
• Emori is fr pregnant.
• Are we really doing a sexism thing, here with Shiedheda and Murphy? I thought those things didn't exist anymore?🤔
• "how you respond to the loss of your Queen will tell me which you are (a leader or a follower)" — I'm going to be unhappy if Emori dies just so Murphy can become a "leader" by the end. Don’t. Especially not after this conversation about “not liking women very much.”
• Well there goes that theory of Hope favouring Murphy from the stories because she was told he was similar to her father. Sigh.
• "I like you John, you amuse me" is a pretty good way of summarising how his character has been used this season.
• "Everyone I ever loved was killed fighting in wars. Some that didn't need to be fought"
• "I LIKE OUR CHANCES" callback.
• Men who?
• "Violence and rage will only destroy your soul"
• “Revenge is a game with no winners” motherly advice vs “They loved people too. Where does it end?” / “it doesn’t end here. I don’t believe in karma” motherly advice.
• These quotes are making me nervous about void!Echo. I hope she gets brought back from the dark eventually. Or makes the dark her bitch.
• This Diyoza-Hope scene looks paralleled to the Octecho one! Thus Echo also wants to "go back to the way things were."
• "They took my mommy away" — Like ‘they’ took Octavia's and Echo's. Two other warrior women in the same group. Clarke dealt with the loss of hers. Madi with the loss of hers. There’s Gaia and Indra’s strained relationship. Emori + being cast out by her parents. The child sacrifices. Murphy + Sheidheda’s mother throwing him in the conclave meaning he doesn’t like women. Is this season about mommy issues?
• A little confused why he’s talking about Lexa as if she directly stole his legacy. Wasn’t he in power when Indra was a child?
• Octavia is laying there staring at a blank book.
• I'm dying at Octavia monologing, completely oblivious to Echo cutting her face with broken glass behind her. LMAO. She's become so accustomed to Echo's whimpering she's not even phased anymore.
• Dying again at Echo out of nowhere just going DO YOU KNOW WHY AZGEDA WARRIORS SCAR THEIR OWN FACES?
• Octavia, again:
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• "We do it to symbolize that the pain is over. The wound is healed."
• That's such a good explanation. And here begins Echo's healing journey. As her wounds heal over the next few episodes so will she. And by the end her scars will symbolise that journey.
• Here Echo goes again being the smartest person in the room, always. "We're not prisoners, we're recruits."
• Tasya is making me super uncomfortable with the jittery, eery way Echo is moving around. I love it.
• The way Echo casually saunters out of the fucking room with not a single care in the world oh she knowsssss. AJDKSHFJSF
• Echo leading again!!! Making the decisions. Octavia following after her (literally) and backing her.
• "This is how my people show they're ready to go to war" — making everyone extremely uncomfortable and I love that for her. Also, "my people."
• Embracing her Azgeda-ness.
• Octavia understanding and jumping in to aid Echo's plan combined with the close-up of Echo's determined abliet slightly unhinged expression makes me believe Echo is leaning into her "spy" along with her Azgeda and going undercover, making them believe she's on their side when she's not. But there's still a part of me thinking Echo is spiraling and is going to war out of habit and because she feels she has nowhere else to go/ "no home." Aka, the detail to finish off the S7 O/E parallels: "this is who I am" / "I'm here for the war."
• Furthermore, her scarring herself could be a callback to Octavia telling Ilian to help her feel something.
• I love this season a lot.
• Back in Sanctum again😒
• How does a chess game take all fucking DAY?
• OH 🙂 That's how.
• Yeah it makes absolutely no sense Raven would ask about Octavia before Echo.
• Raven looking at Clarke when finding out Bellamy's dead as if she isn't the only one there who's his actual family, who spent 6 entire years with him + more. Raven Clarke-Prop Reyes strikes again.
• Clarke's like *sad confusion*
• The scene of Clarke finding out about Bellamy's death didn't feel so much about her as it did "well what does this mean for them now?"
• "From the ashes we will rise" becomes "from the ashes, through the bridge, the shepherd will rise" Gotta say, not as catchy.
• "please call me Bill" - No. No Bill. Only Cadogan.
• We're going back to Earth this season aren't we?
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harveywritings92 · 5 years
Jaime Reyes with a Symbiote Host S/O Fic/HC
When he first meets Y/n Jaime like everyone else on the team, immediately assumes she's sick, she was sweaty,pale, breathing pretty hard and looked like she hadn't slept in days and could pass out at any second! 
Jaime keeps his distance at first observing Y/n from afar, bemused she didn't seem dangerous just scared and lonely.
Is very concerned and when Her {mentor} set some ground rules and precautions which included incendiary bombs. Epi-pens filled with a chemical labeled: phenethylamine and sonic emitters scattered through out the base.
in case of a "loss of control" situation were to occur much to Nightwing's churning, he was highly against having Y/n on the team at first because of her ...situation. But, her mentor and league assured him she was safe, so long as she takes her shots and has some chocolate.
He also noticed her odd dietary habits on chocolate pudding,fishsticks and Dr pepper! (sorry if you don't like DP.) which grosses everyone out! 
But gives Jaime a mini Heart-attack, Because he legit thought Y/n was pregnant along with Super-boy who swore he heard something thumping around inside her body! 
The theory was quickly deflected by Nightwing who told them to wait when Y/n's ready to explain.
Bart was the first one who made the first move to talk to her, he saw Y/n sitting by herself eating M&Ms watching TV, the speedster sat down next to her and asked how she was settling .
Y/n seemed confused and looked around to see if he actually talking to her. which led to her awkwardly having a full conversation with Bart which Jaime joined in on after Bart coaxed him over.
Definitely notices Y/n's...ticks, the muttering and having conversations with herself, her doing odd things like clicking pens, wince at certain sound volumes and her mood swings.
the one night he caught her walking...no, shambling? towards the living room before sitting down and watching TV, he heard her say "You humans are weird..." in a low husky voice.
She woke up the next morning confused how she got there, everyone brushed it off assuming she sleepwalking except for Jaime being bonded with the scarab has taught him to know when someone's being controlled. 
Was surprised when one day out of the blue Y/n snapped at someone to shut up during a briefing, everyone looked up at her surprised the h/c flushed a muttered an apology.
Jaime tried to focus on the meeting but soon found himself watching the pale girl, fidget and whisper. "Not now...Later I promise..." suddenly she turn look at him.
Jaime quickly looked towards Nightwing then heard her mumble. "He's not watching us..." The briefing was again interrupted by a someone aggressively clicking their pen... Nightwing cleared his throat and the girl realized again everyone was looking at her. 
she blinked and looked down at her hand and realized it her who was doing clicking the pen, she shot Nightwing a look he nodded and Y/n apologized again, excusing herself from the meeting...
Goes after her to see if his suspicions are true, and if she was like him..Well he soon fond out that he was half right. But, Jaime nearly crapped himself when walked into the infirmary to find y/n jabbing an Epi-pen into her thigh and this goo monster head thing was protruding from her shoulder. 
"There...happy Thrasher?" huffed wiping sweat off her brow, the monster's maw stretched into a jack-o-lantern like grin. "More then you could ever know.." it's deep voice purred lightly headbutting her forehead. "Like Catnip to you isn't it?" she said tiredly disposing the needle, before noticing Jaime watching them from the door. 
They both scream alerting the rest of the team who rush to the infirmary to find Blue-Beetle and what they assume is Y/n suited up weapons out and staring each other down, after a tense few seconds M'gann broke the silence.
"A Klyntar?! You let a klyntar join the team?" she yelled at Nightwing in disgust after defusing the situation, the team pretty much had to start up another meeting so, Nightwing could explain who Y/n and Thrasher were.
Which Blue Beetle didn't attend as  the scarab explained to Jaime exactly what a klyntar was, it is parasitic alien that bonds to a host and in turn gives that host powers. Downside? it needs to feed on phenethylamine to stay stable and sane or it will forcibly takes control of the host's mind and go on a killing in order to feed. 
*Disturbed when he finds out where phenethylamine comes from human brains, wonders how the League has been getting it.
*Relieved when he finds out it’s also found in chocolate, caffeine and some species of fish which would explain Y/n's odd diet preferences, Starts keeping chocolate on hand in case she needs it.
*Not gonna lie Jaime has rough time focusing on missions sometimes because...Dios Mio that suit is tight! 
*Is actually jealous of Thrasher at first, while everyone else is put off or grossed out by their odd romantic-ish bond, Jaime actually finds himself comparing and competing with the symbiote for Y/n's affection.
*They put aside their differences, once. When Y/n is forcibly separated from Thrasher and the Scarab is temporarily inactive, causing Jaime and the Symbiote to bond...and oh, boy Jaime has a whole new respect for Y/n... How someone can handle holding back all that primal rage, intense urges and hunger. every single day...really put a new light on her.
*Y/n totally wouldn't mind seeing Jaime and Thrasher bonded again...god damn. She totally gets how he feels now... seeing her in the suit! they are hot!  
*Both the scarab and Thrasher tease their hosts over the obvious hormonal reaction that happens when to two are near each other.
*Y/n has lost control of Thrasher once, since being on the team. I wasn't her fault though she'd been kidnapped and starved to the point where she couldn't keep the symbiote docile anymore, it was terrifying and heartbreaking for Jaime as he was forced to use his sonic wave canon on them the scream that came from the bond pair still haunts him.
*Visits her while she's in recovery, hates that he can't touch her because reinforced glass cell Batman has her confined in.
*Ecstatic when she's fr...both of them are finally free to come home. 
*Has to deal with Bart constantly playing matchmaker with them, like setting up game or pizza night and backing out a the last second...they really should tell the speedster they've been dating for three months....
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Whumptober #15: Scars
This is late for the same reason some babies are born late: they just don’t wanna come out of there.
It took me a while to get to where I was happy with this, and it helps to explain a good bit about Carlos. Content includes: descriptions of blood and slight gore, implied torture, dehumanization, mentions of gang violence, hurt/comfort, emotional whump
“Did that uh…” Ben gestured in towards his own neck with a waggling finger. Carlos was a few feet away, on his back with his feet kicked up casually against the wall as if they weren’t both chained to it. “Did that thing on your neck hurt…?”
His friend was tossed back in the cell after being gone long enough for Ben to have actually fallen asleep despite his worry. The sound of flesh smacking the floor and a pained groan woke him up with a start, and he scrambled over immediately. What was the damage, he thought frantically. Was it permanent this time? Did Carlos still look human shaped???
Carlos craned his head back so that he could stare in Ben’s direction. “You mean the big old fucking tattoo on my neck? That you get by stickin’ a million needles into your skin for like three fuckin’ hours? THAT thing?”
Ben shook his head and sighed. “I really don’t have time to navigate your Disneyland of sarcasm today. I just don’t.”
Carlos scoffed and went back to staring at the ceiling of their cell. “See, that’s where you’re wrong! You got all the time in the world.” He arched his back up off the ground in a cat-like stretch, held the pose for a moment that made Ben stare, then settled back in with his hands laced behind his head. “We BOTH got all the time in the world, Benny boy.”
Green eyes fluttered open as Ben lifted Carlos up in his arms. Long fingers were firmly clapped over the left side of his neck, and Ben could see those fingers were bloody, but he was still breathing. If he had enough air in his lungs to groan he’d be okay. It couldn’t be that bad.
The other man had more muscle on him but it was all lean and wiry, and he fit against Ben’s chest despite his broader shoulders and longer arms. He always did. All of him was still human shaped anyway, at the very least, and Ben silently thanked the impassive nothingness around them.
“Hey, bud. You okay?”
Stupid questions usually got stupid answers, but this time it was vital. Neither of them were ever really “okay” but what Ben meant was “Are you still here with me?” and “Do you think this one is fatal?” and “Am I going to be alone soon?”
Carlos knew this and shook his head. “Nah, I’m alright man. Just…just b-burns.” His hands were shaking just a little but other than that he was relaxed. Almost limp. Despite whatever had happened to him his eyes were almost… calm. Unnaturally glassy as they darted around like manic green fireflies, unable to focus.
Ben gently took the man’s hand away from his neck to see the damage–and felt like he’d choke on his own breath. The entire left side of Carlos’ throat was one huge open wound.
“M'ok Benny-boy. D-don’t worry…”
“Please don’t call me Benny boy. I’m not a boy.”
“Sure thing Benny-Man.”
“Oh shut up. I’ll never understand how you can crack jokes while we’re basically waiting for our torturer to be done… Jacking off and ordering pizza! Or whatever it is he’s doing out there…” Ben said with a hateful glance toward the bolted metal door.
“Well what do you expect me to do? Cry about it?” Carlos said back, suddenly snappy. Edging on a defensiveness that Ben knew from experience not to test.
He sighed. “Well, why don’t you tell me why you decided to get a NECK tattoo. Of all things. I mean no shade or anything, you do you, but I’m kinda surprised you landed an internship at all with that thing. It’s hardly professional, is all.”
His answer was two big middle fingers. Then Carlos was pressing a soft touch to the praying hands, rosary clasped between them, on the left side of his throat. The design was big. Unmistakeable and loud in bold black ink, unable to be hidden away with even a high shirt collar. There were words in flowing, dramatic script beside it. Lest We Forget.
“I uh… I got it to… cover something up.” That was a response Ben hadn’t even dreamed of hearing, and he perked up. Interested in an anxious way.
“…A scar?”
Carlos fingered the tattoo again for a moment, then let his hand fall back to the ground with a sigh. “Yeah. A scar.”
“Jesus fuck, Jesus fuck.” The skin on Carlos’ neck had been peeled away. Looked like that anyway, red and raw under the sprinkling of blue mystery powder the scientist used as his own weird blood clotting and disinfecting agent. That powder was often the reason either of them stayed alive to have more fun the next day, so their relationship with it was very love/hate.
“That’s b-blasphemous. Jesus d-doesn’t wanna fuck you.” Carlos’ skin felt cold against Ben’s hands even though he was sweating, and Carlos could feel a fear settle in his stomach like ice. Carlos was going into shock. Was already in it.
“Oh sorry, are you saying he wants to fuck YOU?” Ben offered a breathless chuckle, trying to add brave words to the improv play they were putting on, but knowing someone could very easily die from the kind of state Carlos was in. There had been just enough blood loss and pain and in fear in the removal of Carlos’ tattoo, that his body no longer knew what to do with itself. The bleeding may have been stopped but Ben knew if they didn’t do something Carlos’ organs might decide to quit the whole production and exit stage right.
“Okay. Okay, just relax. It’s okay. M'gonna take care of you. I got you, buddy.” He tapped into his own medical training and went about reciting his ABC’s.
“It was stupid. Back when…” Carlos started reluctantly, but heaved a sigh and finally got the words out. “Back when I was still in a gang. Sixteen, seventeen. Got in a nasty fight and then the guy pulled a knife and it wasn’t a fight no more. You feel me?”
Ben was quiet. He’d scooted over as far as the chain on his ankle would allow, which put him just in touching distance of his friend. He took advantage of it since, while Carlos would deny it up and down for days, physical touch always seemed to calm him. Ground him. He reached out and laid a hand on Carlos’ wrist. A comforting gesture.
“I don’t… Judge you for being sucked into a gang. You were young. You were…”
“Stupid. I know.” Carlos finished for him and looked away. That wrist stayed soft and accepting of Ben’s touch though. “Anyway I got rushed to the hospital. Bunch of stitches. They had to call my parents and I had to talk to the police and… It was a big fuckin’ thing.”
“Did you decide to get out then?”
“Nah. In fact I saw it as a trophy. I lied to my mom and I lied to the police and I went right back out there. Kept doing my thing, and now I had a battle scar to show off.”
Ben’s head tilted. “So if getting sliced across the neck didn’t scare you out of it… What did?”
Carlos didn’t look at him.
“C'mon buddy, look at me. Keep looking right at me, okay? I’m right here.” Ben had laid Carlos back down on the floor, stripping off his shirt and draping it over the prone man’s chest as the only form of blanket they had. His pants were stripped off too and rolled up, propped up under Carlos’ ankles so his feet were elevated a little.
It wasn’t nearly enough to keep Carlos warm, and Ben had finally laid down on the cold floor next to his friend. Draped part of his own body over him as well, arm over his chest and finding a hand to hold tight. “You’re gonna be okay. I got you.”
“He took it. That was my new…life. Away fr-from all that street shit. It was m-my new beginning. He cut it out because he said– he said–”
“Shhh, it’s okay. It’s over now.” Ben squeezed the hand in his a little tighter, heart breaking as he realized the magnitude of what had really happened. He hoped Carlos didn’t say what he knew was coming, but there was no stopping it. The words came stuttering out of his friend’s clammy, quivering lips in hollow notes.
“He said he wa-was the only one th-that got to put marks on m-my body. He said I was his rat now. Nothin’ more…”
“No.” Ben pressed his forehead to Carlos’ cheek, feeling his chest ache with grief and fury at the same time. He’d been called a “lab rat” before but he’d managed to keep himself from believing it. He’d managed to keep his head above water and remember who he was.
He wasn’t sure if Carlos could.
“No way. You don’t belong to him. You understand me? Look. Look at me.”
After a minute or two Carlos turned those brilliant green eyes over to Ben. They were serious. A little wet. More than a little haunted. “Don’t ever let anyone ever tell you there’s such a thing as a knife fight. Or a gun fight. You don’t ‘fight’ with weapons like that. You hurt the other person before they hurt you. It’s over in less than half a minute, and nine times outta ten you don’t know they mean to kill you till you’re on the ground. Any stupid bastard that tries to brag about his skills with a deadly weapon? That’s when you know he’s never had to really hurt anyone. He’s never watched anyone die.”
Ben heard the way Carlos’ voice cracked a little at the end there, and put two and two together. His own life might not have meant much to him as a dumb, misguided teenager, but it was another thing entirely when you lose a friend.
Carlos took a ragged sigh. “Anyway. I made the decision to get the fuck out. Joined one of those online schools for medical assisting that you see on the commercials. ‘Cuz my mom was a nurse, you know? And yeah. Heh. I got an internship. Was gonna work through it and then earn my BA at a real brick and mortar. Real legit. Turn my whole fuckin’ life around, yanno?”
Ben couldn’t help the smile that crept onto his face. “You did good, man. I’m proud of you.”
The blush that bloomed over Carlos’ nose was immediate and beet red. “Fuck you.”
Ben’s smile didn’t leave his lips. “Fuck you too.”
“Fuck the scientist. Okay? He doesn’t know anything.” Ben whispered fervently against Carlos’ skin. Like a prayer. Or an admonition. “He doesn’t know how hard you worked to get off the streets. He doesn’t know what Lest We Forget you were trying to remember. And he doesn’t know that the scar you’re gonna have now? It won’t be his either.” He didn’t know what possessed him to do it, but Ben pressed a short, quick kiss to Carlos’ jaw. Something about praying still, maybe.
“It won’t be his because you’re gonna survive. You’re gonna show his ass how strong you are. And this mark on your neck? It’s gonna remind him every time he looks at it: you didn’t kill me, motherfucker. You didn’t kill me and you didn’t erase anything. You can’t get in my brain, no matter what you do to my body.”
Carlos was quiet through all that. Too quiet. Ben lifted his head and pressed two fingers to the side of Carlos’ neck that still had skin. His pulse was... okay. Better than before even. His eyes were a little clearer, even if they looked exhausted as they gazed up at Ben.
“Man. You’re really gay. I ever tell you that?”
Ben broke out into an almost hysterical giggle. Yeah. Carlos was strong. He would be okay. “I mean???? You’re not wrong! Literally!”
Ben kept him talking for long enough that he felt it was safe to let the man sleep. Kept wrapped around him the whole time, and neither of them minded in the least. The blue powder worked it’s magic (or science, if you will) well enough that Carlos’ neck would scar over in a matter of days. Fresh pink skin where a tattoo used to be. Where a declaration used to be.
Ben resolved to do his best to keep reminding Carlos’ that it was still there. Just not skin deep.
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faintly-aloof · 5 years
The Skam 11 questions tag
1.       always repost the rules
2.       answer the questions given to you by the one who tagged you!
3.       give 11 questions
4.       tag 11 people
Thank you @homofilskammer and @hufflepuff-ish for tagging me, guys! I appreciate it, you rock!
1. When did you first start watching skam?
It was during Christmas right after season 3 of og finished, I binged all three seasons in a few days.
2. What is your favourite season to watch out of the 4?
Season 3 without a doubt. I love that season with all my heart.
3. Favourite remake
That’s a hard one, I feel like I can't really choose. Season 1 is my favourite in Skam it and Skam nl, season 2 in Druck, Wtfock, season 3 in Skam fr, Skam it and Skam es and Druck (i just said all of them lol), season 4 in Druck even though just one episode is out.
4. Least Favourite scene to watch
The one in season 2 where William leaves Noora crying on the ground because I hate that, and hotel scene in season 3 because it hurts too much.
5. Character you relate to the most
I guess it could be Eva, since she was feeling alone in her season, she was trying to find herself, trying to belong somewhere. And Even because of his mental ilness.
6. How many times have you rewatched skam?
A lot of times lol. I don’t usually rewatch other series but Skam is the exception. It always makes me feel different things. I always find smth new in it that I haven’t noticed before.
7. What remakes have you watched?
All of them, Im obssessed ok.
8. Which characters do you wish would get their own season after season 4?
Engel from skam nl, that girl deserves it, she would be an amazing main.
Elia from skam it, Eliott from skam france.
I’m buzzin‘ about Arthur’s season, i can’t even describe how excited I am.
9. Remake with the best soundtrack
Druck and Skam nl use amazing songs. And actually, what i didn’t expect at all was the soundtrack from Skam fr season 3, even though they had a low budget they used such an amazing artists that i haven’t heard about before.
10. What country would you want to get their own remake?
I would love to see a Slavic country, like Polish maybe. I know it wouldn’t be perfect, it would probably be a disaster, but i would watch it anyway. Also what about a Vietnamese skam? That would be wonderful.
11. One thing you would have changed in Skam and/or the remakes
It would certainly be the moment from season 2 where William walks away from Noora while she is crying and begging him on the ground, I hate that scene to pieces, that’s why I’m so glad that skam it and druck got rid of this scene
Also, I would love to get a season 3 without cheating, and I would change season 4 of og and france because Sana and Imane deserved so much more.
 1.       If you could create an ultimate girl squad, who out of the skam universe would be in it and why?
There would definitely be Noora and Sana from og, Eva from Skam it, Cris from Skam es, Kiki and Amira from Druck, Imane and Alexia from Skam fr and Engel, Isa and Liv and Janna from Skam nl, and Zoe from Wtfock.
2.       If you could change one thing in each remake, what would it be?
(same answer) It would certainly be the moment from season 2 where William walks away from Noora while she is crying and begging him on the ground, I hate that scene to pieces, that’s why I’m so glad that skam it and druck got rid of this scene
Also, I would love to get a season 3 without cheating, and I would change season 4 of og and france because Sana and Imane deserved so much more.
3.       What is one plotline that you wish to see in a remake of your choice? (go wild lol)
Mental illness. I know that they acknowledged mi in season 3 but that's not enough since it's not from the point of view of a person dealing with mi. I feel like so much ppl would be so grateful to finally get our Even season since we didn't get it in the original. I want to get into his head, to feel his struggles, pain, thoughts.
4.       Which side character would you want to have their own season?
I would give my life for an Engel season. I love that girl to pieces, she is so well written. Also, an Elia’s season would make my life so much happier lol.
5.       What do you wish the fandom would appreciate more in each remake? (could be a season, a character, a scene, anything)
I feel like season one of each remake is not very appreciated. Like I get that it doesn't really have the biggest plot twist or whatever, but it's so important. The loss of friends, trying to find new ones and belong somewhere, finding yourself, struggles in a relationship, people deal with these themes on a daily basis. It's actually so helpful to see it on the screen.
6.       If you could create a crossover between the og/one of the remakes and a movie/tv series/book, what would it be?
Can we get a Skam in Harry Potter’s world? How freaking amazing would that be? The characters being wizards in Hogwarts while dealing with the problems that are acknowledged in Skam. Now I want this really bad.
7.       A crack ship that you wish would happen?
Elippo! pls made it happen
8.       Is there a character that is very different from you/you never thought you would like, but you ended up loving?
I have never really been a fan of Jonas, idk why, he wasn't bad or anything just not a person I would have a lot in common with but that changed with Giovanni, he is the best friend you could get, so helpful and understanding and omg everyone should have their own Gio.
9.       What is your favorite friendship? 
The Italian boy squad is the definition of friendship, also the Skam nl girl squad.
10.   Do you read any og/remakes fanfiction and if so, do you have any favorite fanfictions?
Actually, i don't. I used to love fanfics when I was younger but now I don't really like it as much? I am certain that the ppl writing these are doing amazing jobs and maybe I will give a shot to some of the fanfics I sometimes see on my dashboard, but now I'm not really in the mood for it.
11.   Would you have preferred if Skam worked a bit more like Skins did, in terms of every character gets a full episode from their pov instead of an entire season?
Definitely not. I loved Skins but just the thought of not being in the main character’s head for like three months straight? no i don't want it lol
But i wouldn't have a problem with the entirely last season to have episodes about the characters that didn't get their own season.
My 11 questions:
1. If you could get a Skam from any country where would it take place?
2. What character in all Skam universes is your least favorite?
3. If there would be a chance to get a Skam feature movie, about which character would you want it to be?
4. If you could play one of the characters, who would you choose?
5. What would you say to your favorite characters if you met them?
6. If you could create one Skam character, what would the person be like?
7. Which Skam would you choose to get renewed for their own seasons?
8. What character is the most similar to you?
9. If you could change one season from Skam and do it your way, what would it be about? (it can be anything)
10. Would you want to see Skam taking place in your country (if it already doesn't)?
11. In which girl/boy squad would you love to belong to?
I tag:
@loveforpiccolinoandbambi @lucasonthesun @sunflowerchaos @notactuallygay @idonthaveanydamnidea @amorgignitamore @247-series @icnthndlemylifesorry @skamuniverses @all-the-mecs @children-with-the-cheap-cocaine
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julesthequirky · 6 years
The Big Empty
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Summary: Castiel is gone and you’re all alone. You decide on a whim to do a stupid thing. It’s stupid, but it might just work. You’d do anything just to see Cas again.
Warnings: Canon violence
WC: 3128
Feedback is GOLD. If you like it, reblog it! Don’t be afraid to leave a comment.
As always my work is unbeta’d so all mistakes are mine.
“Bring him back!” you yelled at Jack after watching Castiel die.
You didn’t wait for him to answer before you screamed again.
“Bring him back!!! Now!!” The tears cracked your voice, your throat ripping in pain as you relentlessly screamed.
You grabbed hold of his shoulders, tears rimming your eyes, your chest tightening, heart palpitating. “Do it!!!!
Sam came in and wrapped his arm around your stomach and pulled you away from Jack. You grabbed at Sam’s arm, struggling to get free, screaming for Jack to bring back Castiel.
In the end, you fell lax against Sam, your hands holding his plaid shirt and you cried against his solid chest. You shook, gripping him tight, your heart shredding all over again.
He picked you up and carried you out.
 * * * * *
 “I can’t do that.”
“Billie, please…” your hope vanquishing fast.
“I’m Death. I reap souls, human souls. I don’t reap angels.”
“Then who does. Somebody must.”
Billie crossed her arms. “Angels don’t have souls. They have always existed, after being part of God’s creation, that is.”
“Where do angels go when they die?”
“Nowhere. They go into nothingness. Before God, there was-”
“Nothing,” you interrupted. “Take me there.”
Billie laughed once. “That ain’t my domain.”
“I need to go there.”
“And honey, I need a long vacation in the Bahamas, but it looks like we both ain’t getting what we want.”
“I need to say goodbye. Let me grieve.”
“Why can’t you grieve like a normal human?”
“No normal human would even know Death existed.” you stated.
“Touché,” Billie agreed. “But I still can’t grant what you want.”
“I’ll do anything.”
She quirked a brow. “When people say that they usually don’t mean anything.”
“Well, I mean it.”
She nodded, and began to walk a circle around you.
“You were always his favourite. Many times he’d beg to spare your life. ‘Just this once, Billie.’ he’d say. I’d agree, with a consequence of course. Nothing in this life gets you anything for free. He’d comply, as always, loyal to you.” she sighed. “He made you the most perfect heaven. Why couldn’t you have waited? You would have gotten everything you wanted. Castiel. And you would have been so happy. You realize you’re throwing all that away, right?”
Your mind reeled. Castiel had already prepared you a room in Heaven. Where he would always accompany you. Forever. He loved you.
“Why did you tell me that?”
“Because that’s what you’ll give up. You’ll give up your perfect heaven Castiel so lovingly prepared for you. Because there’s no way for you to return from the Emptiness.”
“But if Castiel’s there…” you started and petered off.
“There’s no way of knowing for sure, if he’ll wake.”
“He’s still there.”
“If you sleep, you sleep for eternity.”
You nodded.
“What about the Winchesters, do they know you came to seek me? do they know about your suicidal stint?”
You shook your head. “No. They’re much too busy these days, with Jack.”
“Ah, Lucifer’s son.”
You nodded.
“They don’t know I’m doing this.”
“Do you think they’ll miss you?”
They wouldn’t. You knew it. They had way too much on their plate at the moment. You wouldn’t even be a wisp of a thought. You shook your head.
“You’re wrong. Dean will hate himself. He thinks of you as his little sister, someone he must protect. At all costs. He’ll blame himself and he might not be able to cope with another loss. He’ll drown his sorrows. And Sam, he loved you, but he knew of your affections for Castiel. You were his best friend. Someone he could have a laugh with and talk for hours on end with. With you gone that won't happen and neither will he comfort you in your loss and hope that maybe one day you return his affections. Your death will rip them apart, Y/N. Dean will forever be bitter, full of hatred and angry, losing all hope. Michael will get his true vessel, thanks to the girl who loved Castiel so much she killed herself. And Sam will drift away, trying to cope, trying to manage and who knows the fate of Jack? Does this change your mind knowing this?”
You closed your eyes. Dammit Sammy. Dammit Dean. Dammit, dammit, dammit. You pinched the bridge of your nose between your fingers, inhaling a deep breath.
You exhaled and looked at her. The sad thing was it didn’t change your mind.
“That won’t happen if they stick together. They’re better together. Stronger.”
“Maybe, I’m just telling you. You won’t know. It’s a risk you’ll have to take. Does it change your mind?”
You shook your head.
“I can't guarantee it will work. It’s never happened before. You’ll know its worked, and if it hasn’t.”
“Can you send them a message from me?”
“Honey, I ain’t no messenger.”
“Anybody will do.”
“You ain’t picky are you?”
You shook your head and fired a quick prayer to the boys in hope they stay together.
“I’m ready when you are.”
You were going to see Castiel. Your heart brimmed at the possibility.
  You woke up on the ground, your cheek sticking to the cold floor. It was a strange feeling, opening your eyes and seeing nothing. You sat up, disoriented and a sudden panic at your throat, claustrophobia clawing your chest, feeling the blankness close in around you. You heaved ragged breaths in and out.
“Castiel!!!” you yelled.
You hoped he was awake. Hoped he heard you. This was your eternity. You would live here forever.
You heard distant voices. You whipped your head to the direction they came from and stood up. You strained your ears again, hope burning your heart, wanting to hear them again.
You waited.
You saw two tiny pinpricks ahead of you. You smiled and began to run. The floor beneath you whizzed you along at breakneck speed and you stood in front of Castiel. And Castiel. You looked between the two, confusion etched on your face. Shock registered on one and a mad grin on the other.
“Castiel?” you looked at the two.
One laughed, a little nasally and entirely crazy.
“You. You’re not supposed to be here. You’re no angel. You’re just a little mud monkey.”
You blanched at the voice. God, he looked like Cas, but he didn’t sound like Cas. He had an odd accent and his nasally voice gave a vicious bite at the end of his words. His eyes held no love for you, they held annoyance and anger at you being here.
You turned to the real Castiel. He was looking at you in awe, sadness tinting his expression.
“How did you get here?” The other Castiel pronounced every word scathingly.
“I know someone.”
“You killed yourself for him. Aw,” he mocked you. He looked at Cas, pushing you slightly away.
Castiel growled when he noticed you stumble back.
“Don’t touch her.”
“You have a, a fondness for that? You fell for the amoeba. You had no idea she had this planned, did you?” The other Castiel chuckled darkly. “And now she’s stuck here, just like you.”
Castiel looked at you and something inside you gave a pang. You averted your gaze, fearing what he’d say. He didn’t know you had sacrificed everything just for a chance.
“Look at her. Hmmm, a low little scum of the Earth, in love with a divine entity. It really doesn’t get any more messed up than that.”
“Don’t call her that.”
The other Cas strode up to him and stood face to face.
“You’re both in my territory now, I can say or do whatever I like. Thanks to you, I am awake. And I. Don’t. Like. Being. Awake. I want to go back to sleep. In all of forever, nothing. Ever wakes up here. And I mean, ever. Ever.”
Somehow Cas had woken up.
“What are you?” you asked.
The other Cas, spun on his heel and headed straight for you, he came at such a speed you wanted to run. You gasped in a breath, eyes wide. He tipped your chin up with a flick of his wrist.
“I’m a friendly neighbourhood Cosmic Entity.”
“Why do you look like Castiel?”
He bent down, pushing his face to yours. You wanted to shrink away but he held you fast.
He smiled, teeth bared.
“It wouldn’t be no fun if I showed up in my true form now, would it. You’ll scream and tear out your eyes. It’ll be embarrassing for all of us.”
“So you’re the Empty?”
His smile widened. “You’re smart,” he turned to Cas. “She’s smart.”
He stroked your cheek.
“What did you do, Y/N?” Castiel questioned from behind Empty!Cas.
“Yes. What did you do? I too, would like to know the answer to that question.”
“I made a deal.”
Castiel’s face crumpled.
“What. Kind. Of deal?”
“I gave up my heaven and my life for a chance to come here.”
“So you gave up your slice of heaven for a chance, a very slim one in fact.”
You nodded.
“Hmm, and what would have happened if it had not have worked?”
“My soul would be reaped. I knew exactly what I was heading into.”
“No, no, no, no.” Castiel pined.
He pulled you away from the Cosmic Entity and cupped your face with his large hands. You leaned into his touch, smiling a little.
“Why? Y/N, you didn’t- God this was reckless of you.”
Your fingers curled round his hands. Seeing Cas, feeling Cas made you whole and happy, but thinking about and remembering his death saddened you.
“You died, Cas…” you whispered, a tear making its way down your cheek.
“You should have waited. Your heaven. Y/N, do you realise what you gave up?”
You nodded.
“I know. You would have been in my Heaven.”
“And we would have had a beautiful forever.” He wiped the rest of your tears away.
“I had to.” you hiccuped, looking into his sapphire eyes.
“And now, you’re stuck here. Forever,” the Cosmic Entity spoke. And I want to know why you’re awake.”
He poked Cas.
“I don’t know.”
“Well, think.”
“The Winchesters must have made a deal-”
“No, no, no, no,” He interrupted shaking his head. “Not with me and I’m the only one that has any pull here. Not heaven, not hell, not G.O.D himself, so. Think. Harder,” he sneered. “Wrack that perky little brain of yours.” He tapped Castiel’s forehead.
“Stay away from me.” Cas warned.
“Okay, fine, I’ll wrack it for you.”
The Cosmic Entity taking on Cas’ form put his hand on Castiel’s head. You rushed forward as Castiel started yelling in pain, falling to his knees. Empty!Cas gripped your head and you went down in pain as you felt your brain surge. Your hands gripped his arm, but he wouldn’t let go and you screamed in agony, the pressure in your head building.
Then it was gone. You were on your hands and knees breathing heavily, stars in your eyes, head hurting. Beside you, you heard Castiel.
“What did, what did you do to me?”
“I read your mind, such as it is, and hers.”
You groaned on the ground. Castiel slowly sat on his knees.
“What do you want?”
“What do I want? I want you to shut! Up! I want, hmmmm having you awake, it’s like a gnat flew right up here, and it’s trapped and it’s buzzing.” he said, tapping his head.
“Having me awake, it’s causing you pain.” “Cas…” you groaned.
“If you can’t sleep, I can't sleep. Yeah. And I like sleep. I need sleep.”
“Then get rid of me.” Cas grunted.
“No!” you shouted. You were scared the Empty would throw Cas deep into the Emptiness.
“Oh I should, should I?”
“Send me back to Earth.”
“Or I throw you so far deep into the Empty that you can't bother me anymore, hmm.”
“No. No, no, no, no. Send him back to Earth. He belongs there.”
The Empty crouched down to you.
“He belongs here. Asleep,” His hand cradled your head. His hand was in essence Castiel’s but you didn’t lean in to his touch. “What about you, hmmm. How do I get you to sleep?” He stroked your hair.
“Send. Him. Back.”
“That’s not part of the deal. Mm-mm, no, no. Besides, you don’t want him to go back.”
“I do. Sam and Dean need him.”
“Ohh save it! I have tiptoed through all your little tulips,” His fingers danced on your head. “Your memories, your little feelings, yes. I know what you hate. I know who you love,” He looked to Castiel. “What you fear. There is nothing for him back there.”
“That’s not true!!”
“It is, mmm-mmm. Oh it is. He was such a constant festering disappointment.”
“He wasn’t. Not to me.”
The Empty shoved you further on the ground.
“No. Don’t you touch her.” Castiel crawled over to you and The Cosmic Entity kicked him back. Castiel grunted hitting the floor.
“If I can get you both to sleep then I can sleep. Just let’s lay down and and try and sleep.” He said stroking your back.
“Hmmm, think about it. Infinite peace, yes, no regrets, no pain.” You were beginning to feel quite tired until he tapped you. “Kiddo save. Yourself.”
“She’s already saved.” A voice close by growled. You turned and saw Cas on his knees.
The Empty kicked him hard in the stomach and he fell, groaning.
“Stop!” you yelled loud enough to wake every sleeping demon and angel.
“You can prance, and you can preen, and you can scream, and yell, and remind me of my failings, but somehow I am awake, and I will stay awake, and I will keep you awake until we both go insane.”
The truth hurt for Empty!Cas. He punched Castiel in the face, his head whipping to one side. You made your way over.
“I will fight you,” Cas slowly stood up.”I will fight you. I will fight you forever. For eternity. ”
The Empty shook his head. “No. No.”
“Release me.”
Castiel stepped closer to him, getting up in his face. “Release. Me. Release Y/N.”
Empty Cas smiled a twisted wolfish grin.
“Sorry, buddy. No can do.”
“I’m not leaving without her.”
“It’s okay, Cas. You can go. You don’t have to wait for me.” you said behind him.
Castiel turned back around and embraced you.
“She knew this would happen. Oh boy, did she.”
He hugged you tight and you inhaled his scent for one last time.
“I don’t want to go back without you.”
“That’s not how it works, Cas.” you said.
“One life for a life.” Empty!Cas stated.
“I will find a way for you. I will. I will get you out of here. You don’t deserve this eternity. I will give you your heaven.”
“Cas… I already have my heaven. It was seeing you again. Here. That’s all I wanted. To get to say goodbye. You gave me a great couple of years. And I loved every single minute of it. I wouldn’t change it for the world.”
He let the tear fall down his cheek. You gave a sad smile.
“Oh enough with the sentimental crap.”
You cupped his cheek, ignoring the Empty. “Tell them I died happy. And that I’m fine. Tell them it’s not their fault. Not Sam’s. Not Dean’s, especially not Jack’s.”
Castiel nodded then leant down, pressing his lips to yours, giving you a small kiss.
“In death, I promise you. I will bring you back.”
“Time’s up.” The Cosmic Entity pulled Castiel away.
“Y/N… I-” He never got to finish the sentence as he vanished from your existence back to Earth.
Castiel Fic Tags:
@greenappleeyes @sugarcookiedean @one-to-beam-up @mypassionsarenysins
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sleepychai · 7 years
Virgil x Shy Witch!Reader
Requested: Yes
Request: @companionjones Alright so this is going to sound really weird but Virgil x F!Reader where she’s a witch that comes into Thomas’s mind and meets Virgil in his room? She’s really soft spoken.
Words: 2689
You rushed around the corner, barely managing to keep your balance as the sound of heavy feet draws near. You huffed out in exhaustion but continued to push yourself as his voice boomed throughout the hallways, and his thundering steps nearing closer. You raced past a corner and darted into the nearest room before closing the door shut. You slapped a hand over your mouth to quieten the sound of your erratic breathing.
You listened to the footsteps as they pound past the door followed by more angry shouts. You backed away slowly from the door and started pacing the dimly lit room.
“What the hell did I just get myself into?” You whispered harshly to yourself. “Where am I and what on earth is this place? Why is Prince here? Does he live here? What kind of magic did I use?” You finished by staring at your pale green skin before you continued your pacing with fingers massaging your temples.
“Holy shit what kind of mess did I get into?”
“Whatever it is it’s spiking up your anxiety.” A cold voice intervened your personal rant from behind you.
You gasped and whipped your head around to find a dark clothed figure with dark eye shadow and vibrant purple hair. It looked like a darker, a MUCH darker version of Roman.
You instantly backed yourself up to the nearest corner. If you could merge yourself into the walls, you would. Your heartbeat and breathing had increased with every second that passed, your body began to shake with fear and questions zoomed around your mind wondering if the figure would kill you.
The figure took a step closer to you which only caused you to push yourself against the wall even more. Seeing this, the figure stopped his movements and raised his hands in a gentle and calm manner, almost as if worried you might freak out. You looked into his eyes and see the nervous glint in his eyes and something else. Concerned maybe?
You surveyed his figure, eyeing him with fear, waiting for him to make a move. A tear escaped your eyes without realisation, not going unnoticed by the dark boy.
“I’m not going to hurt you. I promise.” He said gently.
Somehow, this brought you comfort and safety, but you have no idea why. You visibly started to relax, your shaking muscles calming down from its panicked state. You brought your hands up to your chest and held them close to you, gripping your hand as to help you calm down.
The boy noticed your calming state and slowly lowered his hands, eyes watching you carefully. You stared at each other, waiting for one to make a move. Eventually you managed to calm down enough to slow your heartrate down slightly.
With a weary voice, the boy spoke up. “Are you ok?”
You only nodded in return, eyes averting away from the boy and gazing at the floor, letting your hat hide your eyes from the boy.
“Is it ok with me asking who you are?” The boy sounded slightly panicked himself, voice quavered a little.
With a quiet and almost inaudible voice, you answer. “M-My name is…(Y/n). (Y-Y/n) (L/n). I am a w-witch…from the kingdom of fan-tasies.” If it wasn’t for the deadly silent room, the boy wouldn’t have heard you.
“You mean you came from Roman’s Imagination?” The boy didn’t sound that frightened, he sounded rather surprised than anything.
You nodded. “P-Prince Roman, he-he has been….cha-chasing me for a-a while.”
Silence overcame the two of you, nothing being heard for several seconds, until his voice spoke up.
“My name is Anxiety.” You looked up at the boy, staring at him. “But you can call me Virgil.”
Virgil had no idea what he was doing. Everything he did was on instincts that he didn’t even knew he had. Instincts he never thought he had. This girl comes barging into his room, almost causing him to have an attack, and suddenly he’s trying to calm her down? What’s so special about her? If it had been anyone else, he probably would’ve pushed them out of the room. Something about her made his heart jump slightly with a new feeling. Something Virgil had never experienced but whatever the feeling was, he seemed to take a strange liking to it.
“Is it ok if I come closer to you?” Virgil just allowed his instincts take over.
You stared at him for a few seconds before silently nodding your head, watching him intently.
Virgil slowly and cautiously took small step towards you as to not to frighten you too much. Really, what had gotten over him? Once he was an arm’s length away, he slowly raised his hands up to yours, only stopping once seeing you flinch. His arms froze in place mid-air between the two of you. You gulped down your nerves and slowly moved your hands away from your chest and towards Virgil’s open ones.
You shakily placed your hands in his, letting the sudden comfort of safety wash over you. Virgil gently grips your hand and rubs his thumbs on the back of your hands.
Your eyes widen and you gasped as a tingling sensation rippled throughout your body. You stared at your hands as they changed from their pale green skin to (s/c) skin. You followed the change as it completely covered you from head to toe. You smiled lightly at the change.
Virgil however, stood there frozen in shock. Unable to process what had just happened. He debated whether to take his hands away from you, afraid that he had done something that you had not wanted but after seeing your reaction, decided against it. So he asked.
“What the hell just happened?”
It took a few seconds for you to come out of your daze to answer him. “M-My skin changed to its na-natural form.”
“Natural form?”
“Yes. Since I am fr-from Prince Roman’s Kingdom, when-whenever he would near me, my skin would ch-change its colour to g-green, th-the stereotypical colour of witches. However, when y-y-you touched me, my…my skin changed, even though P-Prince Roman is still clearly wi-within range.”
Virgil stared as your (s/c) skin with glazed eyes. Again, he had no idea what came over him. A few seconds passed of silent awe over your skin.
“So,” Virgil drawed your attention and you stared into his eyes, making Virgil internally flutter. How did she have so much effect on him?! “Do you have any idea how you ended up here?”
You looked down in deep thought, recalling the events before you appeared here. “I…I remember I was pr-practicing a new spe-spell. B-But the moment I fl-flicked my hand, I was bl-blinded by light. Wh-when my vision re-returned, I ended up h-here. I-I don’t even know wh-where here is.” You looked up at him in question.
“You’re in the mindspace.” Virgil answered, but continued once he saw your confused expression. “You’re in the mind of Thomas Sanders, where his personalities live.”
Your eyes widened in shock. “Oh-Oh my god, I’m-I’m sorry. I-I didn’t mean to-!”
“It’s fine.” Virgil had cut you off before another panic attack had a chance to seep into your mind. “Like you said, you were practicing a spell. I don’t think anyone else would’ve mind. Well, except of course Roman.”
“Th-There are other?!”
“In total there’s four. Patton is Morality, he a literal definition of sunshine. Logan is Logic, he’s the logical side of the mind. Roman is Prince, he’s the fantasy side of the mind. An idiot if you ask me. And I’m Anxiety, the personification of worry-wart.”
You stared at Virgil through his explanation. Your panic didn’t settle as you thought about what the others might be like. Would they all be like Roman? Would they want her vanquished and out of here? Or would they be like Virgil? Would they accept you? Thoughts of acceptation were close to disappearing, but Virgil spoke up.
“Don’t worry, we’re not all stupid like Roman. We won’t hate you. Sure it might take Roman a while but we’ll work on that.”
What the hell was Virgil saying?! He would normally vomit and gag in disgust before he even thought about doing anything like this! What made you different from anything else?! Virgil was at a mental loss.
A few seconds passed of just the two of you staring at each other, something glazed in both of your eyes, you knew what it was but you refused to accept it, especially considering how you just met.  Virgil’s hands involuntarily tightened around yours, not aggressively but more comfortingly. It washed you with a feeling of safety and awe. Cliché it may be, but it felt like love at first sight, even though both of you refused to accept it.
The silence was abruptly cut as the door had burst opened, so much that it fell off its hinges. Both you and Virgil flinched in fear. There stood an angered Roman with his sword ready.
“YOU!” Roman pointed and shouted towards you, raising his sword and slashing it down seconds later. You only just managed to escape the blade as you vaulted to the other side of the room and slipped down onto the floor, cowering behind the bed. Another yell is heard before a loud thud and crash.
Cautiously, you peek over to the door and catch sight of Roman groaning and struggling to stand up from a broken bookshelf. Virgil stood over him, anger seethed out and around him. He glared down at Roman with fierce eyes and Roman glared at him with shock and anger.
“What on earth are you doing Virgil?!” Roman shouted. He stood up face to face with Virgil, both of them eyeing each other and neither one of them willing to back down.
Then two other people entered the room, both similar in looks. Both had glasses but one had a cardigan tied loosely around his neck and a blue shirt. The other had a black shirt on with a blue tie.
“What is going on here?!” The cardigan man asked in a fatherly tone.
“It seems to be some sort of conflict between the two.” The other explained.
Roman then pointed his finger at you, which caused you to shrink back a bit behind the bed. “Virgil is keeping that wicked witch in his room! She must be vanquished!”
“No she doesn’t she’s afraid and hurt and you’re not making it better!” Virgil argued back.
The other two men, which you concluded to be Logan and Patton, still not sure who’s who, stared at your shivering figure. You whimpered in fear and let the tears brim your eyes, having no energy to stop them from falling.
“She doesn’t belong here! She is a creature of havoc! She deserves to be thrown out on the streets!” Romans words hurt you more than it should’ve. Sure you don’t belong here, but it wasn’t your fault. Besides, you weren’t even apart of the villainous acts that happened throughout the kingdom.
“Roman, maybe you shouldn’t be so harsh on her. How do you know she’s a witch?” The cardigan man questions, slowly approaching Roman.
“Look at her Patton! Her skin is green!” Roman turned to look at you and his face contorted to confusion and horror. “Her…Her skin…It’s (s/c).”
“That’s because in your head you think she’s green when it’s not and because of that her skin turns green whenever your around. And because of me her skin has finally returned to it’s natural colour. Hopefully for good!” Virgil shouts getting closer to Roman in an irritated way.
“She is a witch and she has no right to deserve to live in Thomas’ mind. What if she corrupts him!” Roman argued.
“That would be impossible. She would, however, become an imaginary person for Thomas and act as we do in the mind. But due to her being from Romans dream land, would not have any affect at all on Thomas’ personalities. That is, if we accept her.” Logan explained.
“Well I refuse to accept her! She is a vile creature!” Roman shouted.
“That’s because you’re too stupid to realise that she doesn’t mean any fucking harm!” Virgil screamed.
“That’s enough!” Patton yelled in his fatherly tone, dispersing the fight in seconds. He glared between the two, placing himself between them. “I need an explanation to what is going on here. And no shouting!”
Virgil and Roman glared between themselves and Patton, but they only glared at Patton for a split second before they got shut down by Patton’s own glare.
“This witch here,” Roman begun by pointing to you. “Has infiltrated Thomas’ mind and is bound to cause havoc and wreck upon it.”
“That is not true. You haven’t heard her real story. You haven’t bothered to hear her out.” Virgil begun but stopped after a look from Patton.
Patton then turned his gaze to you. “How about we hear it from you. What happened? How did you come here?” His voice was calm and soothing.
You opened your mouth but only small squeaks and whimpers came out. You placed your hands over your face and brought your knees up to your chest, gasping shallowly for breath. Virgil noticed your silent attack instantly and walked over to you, sitting down and hesitantly wrapped his arms around you. You leaned onto him and enjoyed the strange comfort of his arms.
“She was practicing a spell and somehow teleported here.” Virgil briefly explained.
“How do you know that?!” Roman questioned before being silenced by Patton.
“Unlike you, I actually took the time to listen to her side.” Virgil said.
“Well she doesn’t appear to be a threat.” Logan stated.
“That’s what she wants you to think.” Roman argued but got quickly shut down.
“Well she seems shy and scared so why not give her a chance?” Patton questioned.
“But she is an evil creature.”
“From my perspective she seems harmless.” Logan stated.
“That’s because you haven’t seen her true power!”
“Well I say we give her a chance. Besides, she will hardly have any magic any way whilst in the mind space.”
“I agree. I’m sure Thomas will be fine with it as well.” Patton agreed to Logan then turned to you and Virgil, giving you both a smile, even though your form is still silent and shivering.
“Well I refuse to accept her!” Roman shouted.
“Actually Roman, it’s three personalities against one. And I’m sure as hell that we’re stronger than you so we are giving her a chance whether you like it or not.” Virgil growled, still holding your figure. You peeked your head up and stared into Virgil’s eyes, only finding comfort and protectiveness.
Stares exchange between the sides, minds seemingly having a battle between them. Patton then gasped and clenched his fist.
“Ok, Roman get out of the room. Leave them be and if I even see you flinch at her I will ground you.” He threatened as he begun to usher them out. “I need to go to Thomas and calm him down. Roman you can join me since it’s initially your fault.”
Roman huffed and begun to complain but was silenced by Patton hard glare. He groaned and followed him out along with Logan, who touched the door and instantly it had fixed itself.
Virgil shuffled and side hugge you, cradling you side to side. You leaned your head on his chest and clung onto his shirt, enjoying the comfort that it brought. Virgil smiled at you and propped his chin on your forehead. He slowly took off your hat and begun to stroke your hair. You sighed in content and leanned your whole body on him. Soon enough, Virgil had you in cradled in his lap. He didn’t mind though, for some reason.
Soon enough you feel asleep, listening to the rhythmic sound of his heart beating against his chest.
I’m so sorry if this was bad. I’m still a bit confused on how to do sides x readers but I hope this was okay. I’m sorry if it’s not what you wanted.
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