#that is disgusting
anti-spop · 5 months
literally so sick of tumblr forcing me to see c//a smut
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kirua9 · 11 months
So now after having a (viral, not bacterial or allergic) conjunctivitis, idk how ppl like all these aesthetics with sick appearance and red eyes, especially. Like all those makeups as if "you cried a lot"
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hoplesshipper · 9 months
Genuinely what is it with mxtx's works that it garners so many abuse-apologists.
They are the most delusional people I've had the displeasure of talking to. There are literally people saying shen Jiu isn't a monster because he didn't beat binghe- as much as he could have. Hello??? Are we all there in the head???
It makes me so angry and sad at the same time because how can you think like that. How can you relate so much to an abuser. You can relate to his abused side, but then to say that he wasn't a monster and that he was actually just misunderstood all along?? Do you even like the character at that point?? Or the fucked up version of it you made in your head.
That's actually just what you want people to say about you, isn't it?
I have no choice but to think that you're a horrible person too.
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How much ya wanna bet that out there in the wild, there is at least one Horace X Halt shipper.
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keeganmantle · 8 months
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How's your night? Marina is giving me lots of love.😁😊
I'm still anxious from everything. It's gonna be a while before I feel fully better. At least everyone knows the truth.😁
So I should calm down knowing that. Thank you guys for supporting me and having my back. I'm trying to go on with my life. It's been 2 months. People need to move on and get a life. I'm ignoring that creep. I have her blocked. I flagged and reported her. So everything's fine. At least I have my girlfriend to talk to and of course, my comfort characters to look at and admire.😁🥺
Like I said and will keep saying, these female characters have given me comfort for a long time. For years. Bigtime during my Facebook days. There's just something about these characters especially Marina that help me feel safe.❤
Thanks for the love guys. Please give me comfort if you can. It's gonna be a while. I'm so sick of these evil people. Please mass report that creepy Tumblr blog. That girl made a big mistake. I feel violated. Tumblr, are you ok? What is wrong with you?😥
I really do feel violated.😰
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caressthosecheekbones · 9 months
oh wtfffff her period blood wtf I am losing my mind
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piqued-curiosity · 2 years
I hate this so much!
the worst thing is that the one who posted that photo is a ""lesbian"".
she sees a man with his penis and says "yep, that's a woman, that's a lesbian :)
My jaw literally dropped and I feel nauseous (for anyone wanting to take a look, it’s a cartoon art piece of two nude people, supposedly a lesbian relationship, but one had a penis and it’s tagged ‘trans butch’).
Hate is such an understatement. This fills me with so many feelings that I don’t think the English language can describe. How dare these people completely walk all over lesbian sexuality, go out of their way to push men onto us, encourage those men to invade our boundaries…and still consider themselves to be not homophobic. It’s just an art piece, but it says so much about how people view lesbians. They just casually try to insert dick into things about us, and expect us to continue going about our business unbothered despite us having always being incredibly vocal about our hatred of dicks. It’s violating, and they must know it. And I hate that they can get away with it under the guise of “inclusivity”. It’s not “inclusivity”, it’s lesbophobia plain and simple. It’s a violation of lesbian sexuality and it’s rubbing in our faces the devastation our community has experienced at the hands of gender ideology.
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cat-eye-nebula · 2 years
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“Headless Women” in Film & TV Marketing
“The trope of decapitating women and fragmenting them into sexual parts is systematic. Women's bodies are made equivalent in the consumer's mind to other desired objects: boats, cars, gadgets. This dehumanization of women in our own mainstream culture hides in plain sight. It informs young women about themselves before they have learned to think critically about who they are and what they want.”
The Tumblr project Headless Women of Hollywood purpose is to showcase the way movie posters tend to market films using women’s bodies—minus that crucial bit with the brain and face. This is a strange marketing trend film-goers might not notice until someone points it out. So far it’s more than 100 “headless women” TV and film posters, with more being added daily. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, American Beauty, Crazy, Stupid, Love, and Minions all have used headless women in their ad campaigns. (Full article)
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slicedblackolives · 2 months
as a woman with elevated testosterone (pcos) who uses steroids (asthma inhalers) i must say i am feeling very cheated in the athletic prowess department. when is my dangerous masculine olympic level strength and speed supposed to kick in. do i need to go to professor x
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oliversrarebooks · 8 months
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emotional-moss · 1 year
idk y’all should treat fat men better. and i don’t mean mildly chubby guys i mean honest-to-god love-handles-and-double-chins fat guys. stop calling them shit like discord mods or gross weebs or nasty creeps or neckbeards or that they’re stinky or sweaty or beer bellied or whatever else. fatphobia isn’t cute, even repackaged in a neat little box of “ew men”
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valtsv · 9 months
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are we still doing this because i have a late submission
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flussoperpetuo · 2 months
I have to rant a little about what's happening at the Olympics because I'm feeling ashamed as an Italian and angry as a queer person. For those who don't know, there is an Algerian athlete competing in women's boxing named Imane Khelif, who just today had a match against her Italian competitor Angela Carini. Khelif is a cisgender woman who allegedly* naturally produces more testosterone than the average. She was previously disqualified from the IBA World Boxing Championships for failing an unspecified medical test but was cleared by the IOC to compete in the Olympics (side note, the IBA is currently unrecognised by the IOC for internal governance issues and ties to the Russian government). Fast forward to today, Carini decides to withdraw from the match after only 40-odd seconds because Khelif hit her on the nose and apparently it hurt too much. Unsurprisingly Khelif has become the target of a massive shitstorm, including the press mistakenly calling her transgender (which she isn't) and many people, including members of the Italian government and the elongated muskrat himself, spreading misinformation and disgusting transphobic and racist rhetoric. It was so bad that even the Algerian government intervened, and pictures of Khelif as a young girl have been publicly released. I know that the participation of trans people in sport is a thorny conversation, but this whole shitshow isn't helping anyone and the facts are just being weaponised to attack intersex and trans people by the same far-righters who don't give a rat's dick about actual women's rights. So I'm sad about Carini's loss because she's my compatriot, sure, but I'm even angrier at both those people who use Khelif, an innocent athlete who has all the right to compete against other women, as the target for their campaigns of hatred, and those who don't bother finding proper information and remain content in their prejudices.
* edited the post slightly because there is no official confirmation that Khelif is intersex, nor that she has higher testosterone levels for medical or physiological reasons, and she never failed a testosterone test that we know of.
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Of the 19 hijackers who carried out the Sept 11 attacks:
15 were from Saudi Arabia (a powerful/oil-rich country the U.S. works hard to maintain diplomatic relations with)
2 were from the United Arab Emirates (also a powerful/oil-rich country the U.S. works hard to maintain diplomatic relations with)
1 was from Egypt, 1 from Lebanon.
None of the hijackers were from Iraq.
None of the Sept 11 hijackers were Iraqi.
None of the 9/11 hijackers were from Iraq.
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mumigeonjo · 3 months
Inside cats,,🐱🐱
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l-na · 7 months
hi everyone please pay attention to this
a fellow black trans mutual of mine, @rulerofpurple was terminated today for criticizing tumblr's unjustified banning of trans women and black people on their platform. @rulerofpurple 's partner was banned as well.
here are the screenshots of his cohost post discussing it.
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please spread this around! @rulerofpurple was terminated and wants his mutuals to know!
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