#that is not an excuse to infantilize me thanks
probablyaseamonster · 4 months
to all the people making fanart about My Little Pony infection AUs:
That was my childhood! MY. CHILDHOOD! My largest source of happiness because I sure as hell wasn't getting that from my family or anybody I interacted with after leaving the house. I lived vicariously through the Main Six because I apparently didn't understand how friendship worked since people either avoided me and gave me looks or pretended to be my friend just to gaslight me afterward (like i wasnt getting enough of that at home). The few friends I did manage to get never lasted long, and I'd spend hours wallowing in jealousy because my siblings managed to manifest massive friend groups despite being absolutely awful.
I happened upon Cupcakes by accident like so many other children and I could never look at my favourite show the same way again. Even when I was enjoying it there would always be those terrifying images at the back of my mind. Not even the most innocent media in my childhood were safe from adults who "liked" children.
You ruined it! You ruined the one good thing I had! And now you have the gall to be like
"Hey, remember when we destroyed the innocence of thousands of children and drew and wrote so much heinous art that we became an entire subset of the fandom? That was fun! Lets do that again, for old time's sake."
FUCK YOU. How come you get to enjoy your nostalgia at the expense of the people you already actively prevented from experiencing? How come you get to ruin the corpse of the characters you ruined during their life?
I don't fucking care if you're neurodivergent! I am too and you actively took away the only source of joy I had when I was surrounded by ableism on all sides. If you can't tell, this is an extremely personal subject to me!
The MLP revival shouldn't be more creepypasta shit. And don't you DARE call me a white Karen mom about this. Because of you, MLP is known for horror and characters brutally murdering each other, and don't get me wrong! I love that shit! I'm in the life series fandom for God's sake! I was a Magnus Archives fan! But this is different! This is an innocent piece of media I was LIVING on.
Can you all just fucking stay out of it? I would rather a timeline where only a few people made MLP fanworks in 2024 and were made fun of than you all doing this with its legacy. Abusers shouldn't be able to kick the actual mourners out of a funeral and assault whoever, dead or alive, is left.
Ive never understood the reason why people make DNI lists but I think I'm getting it now! Istg, if you come at me with more MLP horror, I am blocking you, and if you make fun of that statement I'm sorry but I would deck you in the face if you did that IRL because how dare you laugh at a person this angry? I get enough of that on the regular already and I don't need people I could've been friends with online adding themselves to the list.
Now how about you all squash your indeserved and harmful nostalgia and LEAVE so that us traumatized kids can enjoy what little content we still make?
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ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 2 months
Hi!! I have a one shot request (I hope I’m in the right place lmao)
What about a autistic (fem)reader who is super smart and seems to notice things about the case that the others haven’t and every time she tries to state her thoughts a rude sherif cuts her off/infantilising her and Emily defends her
Honestly my brain stopped at the thought of Emily, I need more of her 😔🫶
-anon ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
autistic fem!plus size reader, wc: 517.
cw! asshole elders :/
a/n: i have had this finished but sitting in my drafts because i was too lazy to post it, but here it is! i hope that i was able to capture what you were looking for right! :] this can either be read as platonic or romantic!
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You have been spoken over and shut down for the past hour, twenty minutes, and thirty seconds. 
You hated being silenced, but one thing that trumps that was being infantilized. You worked hard to get where you were now, and you hated being treated like a child just because your way of thinking was different from your peers. 
You have saved thousands of people and you’ll be damned if you continue to be treated like this.
“If you look closely, you can see that the area that these women were killed in must hold some kind of sentimental meaning to our unsub.” You grab the black marker and go to draw the inevitable triangle on the printed out map before you’re stopped by the sheriff.
“I beg your pardon?” You ask with furrowed eyebrows.
 “Hold it now, sweetheart. Don’t just go markin’ up stuff.”
“I’m sure the area these women were killed in was just pure coincidence, so we don’t wanna risk coloring in the paper just ‘cause you think you know somethin’.” He spoke as if he knew more than you did like he was the one with the degree, his tone absolutely rolling in condescension. 
“I’m sorry but –” You try to say but the old fart cuts you off. “I’m sure you are –”
“Excuse me, sheriff, but I’m afraid Special Agent _______ made a great point.” Emily was quick to come to your aide, emphasizing the words ‘Special Agent’ just to reinforce her point.
You could see it in her narrowed eyes, and everyone else’s really, that she was about done with the Sheriff’s embarrassingly large ego. You send her an appreciative – albeit shy – smile, and she gets up, her eyes trained on the map as well. 
“She’s right, because if you look here,” She points to the first crime scene and motions for you to draw a mark. “And here,” Her finger trails down to the second location and you follow close behind. “And here.” Her path finally ends, and so does your black ink. 
There it was, just like you had first thought, a perfect triangle connecting them all.
“The most important thing should be right –” You finish her words and color in a big circle in the middle. “Here.” Emily sends you a proud look and it threatens to weaken your knees.
“I mean… I suppose that makes sense.” The man grumbled before leaving with his tail between his legs. 
“Thank you.” You say quietly. The conversation was meant to be kept between the two of you. Of course you loved and trusted everyone on your team, but Emily was your comfort person, and she made time to understand you.
“No problem,” She responds back. “Everyone was done with his shit anyway.”
“Still, thank you.” You pressed the conversation, because you don’t really think she realized the gravity of the situation, of your appreciation. 
For most of your life you had never been given a voice, and having someone stick up for you and even paving the way for you to make your point known was something that no gratitude could give.
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @their-love @fandomsarelifee @theendofthe70s @nomajdetective @mgg-theprettiestboy @phoenixblack89 @celtic-crossbow @hallecarey1 @bunnybabe-babydoll @dixonzzgirl @violettavirus @khxna
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xjulixred45x · 6 months
Heyyyyyyyyyy! I was wondering if I could request a grounding scenario with Yan!Big Bro Gojo x Reader!Little Sister (probably 14-17 age range for Reader).
The situation:
They live together and he’s raising her seeing as there’s a bit of an age gap between them. She misbehaves and breaks a few of his rules because she’s in a teenage rebellion phase. He gets fed up with trying to be patient with her and gets to a breaking point where a grounding punishment turns into pure isolation and hell for Reader.
If this isn’t your regular type of request, I understand. Love ya so much, homie! Take care of yourself. 🖤🖤🖤🤘🤘🤘
First of all, thank you! I will take care as much as i can :3
And second: YEEEEESSS PLATONIC YANDERE!!! And Gojo again, this is gonna be SCARY!
Platonic Yandere Satoru Gojo x Teenage! Reader: Grounding
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: female
Warnings: PLATONIC YANDERE BEHAVIOR, ISOLATION, UNHEALTY MINDSET, MANIPULATION, GENERAL YANDERE BEHAVIOR, mental consequences of isolation, reader is a teen, i think is all.
a little context.
You and Satoru have a considerable age difference. and a considerable POWER difference. But it's the only thing you've known since you were kids.
You grew accustomed to his antics, his monstrous ego, but also his ridiculous rules.
I mean, you knew that it was normal to live overprotected because the Gojo clan, but especially Satoru, had many enemies, you could tolerate that. Not being okay, but you could accepted it.
But the older you got, the more ridiculous other things your brother made you do became annoy.
For example, never train, never try to improve on your own, his excuse? "You don't need it, I'm the strongest, why should you be strong?" In general being a full of himself asshole.
not being able to go out on your own without him, SPECIFICALLY HIM, which was becoming an uncomfortable thing, how much more did you want to have your own privacy and, well, you know, YOUR OWN LIFE APART FROM HIM. But I would come out with some manipulative shit.
"Why don't you want to be with your brother who loves you so much? Do you hate me?" things like that.
Not to mention he was super clingy. and no respect for personal space or your comfort, always treating you like a damn baby "who's my little baby sis? You're gonna stay with me forever Right? So i can watch over you"
Truth being told, you love your brother, but you HATE the way he always look down to you. You were FED UP of all of his ridiculous rules and stupid games.
So, when you were of the age to enter Jujustu Academy, you saw an opportunity, whether it was to prove to yourself or your brother your independence, it didn't matter, it was something you couldn't miss.
You began to reveal yourself, at first smaller things like talking back to Satoru when he said something too sweet for your taste or when he infantilized you.
Then do something more bolder like snap at him saying you were NOT a baby anymore, that you GROW UP and he NEEDED to see that you are not his "baby little sis" anymore. You give him an ultimátum.
To say that Satoru was surprised was an understatement, he even seemed a little hurt. but obviously I don't take it very seriously. as usual.
He thought you were simply trying to liven things up and he allowed it, he tried to be patient with you since you were in that special stage where teenage girls revealed themselves to their families.
Satoru thought that this was only temporary and even fun.
at first.
because then you started to gain confidence in doing things behind his back like training on your own, which, okay, he could TOLERATE it only because you stopped as soon as he came back and he had your full individual attention again, but he felt the change in your damn energy.
how you were getting stronger and more confident without him.
and he didn't like it at all.
But I didn't think that deserved a reprimand beyond a scolding or, at most, no sweets after dinner.
Satoru simply loved spoiling you.
He wanted to feel that he was still in control of the situation and OF YOU above all. that when he decided, you would stop all this about not wanting him around, that everything would return to normal.
he should have known better.
because then you started with a more risky step. going outside Gojo's property when he was away.
Again, it was the most difficult so far, not only because of your recent rebellion, everyone was watching you like hawks, but also because of your own fear of the consequences you could have from your brother.
He wouldn't do anything to you if he EVER found out, right? TRUE??
There was a way to find out...
and you did, you left the property and didn't return until two days later.
and it was fucking MAGICAL for you.
finally! being able to go out alone! being able to go where you wanted instead of where Satoru dragged you! being able to eat something other than sweets! IT WAS INCREDIBLE!
And to make matters worse, Satoru didn't return from his mission until about 3 days after you returned, the chances of him knowing were low. and I don't act any different.
You felt like you had gotten away with it.
without knowing it was like that because that's how Satoru wanted it.
I'm not going to lie, he was VERY angry when they informed him that you had run away, how fucking dare you? After everything he did and DOES for you? But since you returned shortly after, he calmed down. Maybe.
His patience was already wearing thin with you. and he felt like at this rate, anything, and I mean seriously, ANYTHING would send him into a spiral.
so you can imagine how he reacted when he saw that you had plans to enroll in Jujustu Tech....
His patience snapped like a stretched rope...
And he knew exactly what he NEEDED to do...
The last thing you remembered before being thrown into this place was how scared you were when you saw Satoru.
It wasn't because you knew why he was after you at that moment, but when you saw his eyes-look, you grew up looking into his eyes, they didn't generate the same type of concern in you as they did for the others. you were never able to see DANGER in them (even if you knew damn well you should have)--
You just...hadn't seen your brother as a danger to you. UNTIL THAT MOMENT.
See how angry he was and how he practically dragged you to wherever you were now, completely in the dark, with nothing to do or apparently not even a place to lie down.
You tried to hit the door that Satoru put you through but it was impossible, it was sealed.
Your own brother had sealed you. in a dark room. Just because you wanted to get rid of him.
You tried to break the surrounding walls, it was futile, again. break the floor? also. and there was no opening.
While you were doing this you were yelling at Satoru, what the hell was on his mind? I had to get you out of there. What was I going to do? Lock you up until you gave in? Has he become fucking crazy?!
It was his plan, yes. Making you "miss him" through isolation.
Maybe that would make you reconsider about the good Big brother you had asshole
and well, isolation never did anyone any good. including you.
You practically had no other distraction than your own mind, you tried to stay sane by doing things like math, or exercise, but they burned out your brain and your body very quickly.
Not to mention that every day due to the lack of exits or sunlight you were becoming physically weaker, which made you rely more on your imagination.
but that wasn't such a good idea.
Before you thought about how you were going to get rid of your brother, how you were going to become a sorceress of your own kind, make friends, learn.
but now everything went down the drain.
and for the person who claims to love you more than anyone else.
yes, you felt like you hated him, but at the same time you were SO desperate for any human interaction at this point. No one was allowed to interact with you to lighten the punishment.
The staff left you food, yes, but they didn't interact with you, which made everything more painful.
You felt like every day was worse. that you were more in your head, reliving the good times with your brother and other members of the clan so as not to fall into madness, but you felt increasingly weaker.
It was even difficult for you to eat at this pace. You would have seriously considered harming yourself if it hadn't been for Satoru changing the cutlery for a spoon-fork...
It's like he's teasing you, keeping an eye on you but not taking you out. as if to say "I'm waiting for you to give up"
and then one day...seeing your thin body, how you haven't bathed in what seems like weeks, and with the possibility of going back to normal and just...forget about this...you do it...you give up .
When Satoru FINALLY gets you out of the place and they go back to State, you're surprised to see the staff drastically cut, but at this point? It doesn't matter much anymore.
as long as Satoru doesn't leave you alone again. let it be so.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
Thanks for the Request! I hope You enjoy it❤️
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atom-writings · 9 months
HAIII could you write the heta men of your choice with a gn s/o who acts like a cat?? (rubbing their head in their arm while cuddling, BITING (affectionate), knocking shit over to get attention, and most catlike of all LAYING ON/CUDDLING THEM RIGHT WHEN THEY NEED TO GET UP)
hetalia romano, prussia, canada, russia, england, and america with a catlike s/o
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1.1k words ~ gender neutral headcanons
tw: a couple suggestive implications, but thats it!
a/n: people who let me do guys of my choice i am hopelessly in love with you. thank you.
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Romano is such a cat boyfriend, so good luck with that. Absolutely nothing is getting down in your household, I guess.
He finds your catlike affection cute for a bit, but it's definitely not his favourite. He'll happily cuddle whenever you want, just don't bite him! it's weird...
But he'd love how you always lay on him when he needs to do something. He didn't want to do it anyway. Now he has an adorable excuse!
When you push things off counters, he just doesn't care. Sure, he'll give you attention, but only briefly. His house is a mess, a broken glass is nothing new. Plus, he does the exact thing to you all the time.
Basically, he's fine with it. Would prefer a more... mature S/O, but internally he knows he's just as bad as you when it comes to that. Maybe that's why you get along so well!
Gilbert will never let anyone know this... but he's secretly a cat person. His massive dog army would make you think differently, but trust me on this (;
He'd just think you're SO cute! It doesn't even register to him that what you're doing is weird. He's just like, “Oh, you're headbutting me? I'll headbutt you back.”
His intense touch starved-ness makes your clingy and cuddly nature a perfect fit for what he wants.
Knocking stuff off counters would also work crazy well on him. As soon as you do that, he's running over and desperately cleaning everything up. You've got his full attention. First, he'll ask if you're ok, and then he'll get pissed. He promises to “punish” you later too...
(By “punishment,” he means he's gonna make you watch his terrible nerd shows.)
If you tried laying on him to get him to stay, he's just pushing you off. If he's in a particularly affectionate mood, he'll stay for a few more moments, but generally, you're just gonna end up on the floor. He's got stuff to do!
Matthew just... really doesn't know how to handle your affection. He hasn't had any romantic partners in a long time, so his only real reference for modern love is TV shows. And... they definitely don't act like cats in those. Are you weird, or is he?
He'll be super awkwardly accepting of it. Ok, you're curled up in his lap... so he pets your hair, right? When he wakes up to you laid flat over his body like a blanket, he just... doesn't know what to do. Where does he put his hand? Does he push you off?
Eventually, he'll get it. Then he's gonna go full cat owner mode. Constantly checking in with you, making sure you're always entertained, and cuddling you constantly.
He doesn't appreciate you breaking things to get his attention though... like, he's always willing to give it to you! No questions asked! You don't have to go to such drastic measures to get a hug.
If you flop on his lap when he's about to get up, he's just gonna accept his fate. You'll get no protests from him. Just... let him know when you're done, k?
Ivan doesn't even question anything you do. He just finds your cat-like behaviours super cute! It just makes him want to indulge you more.
Whenever you force him to continue cuddling, he just laughs and concedes. He's never had such a clingy S/O, and it makes him want to protect you even more.
However, this kind of thing does make him infantilize you even more. But on the bright side, expect him to buy you lots of cute clothes and build pillow forts for you two often (He might buy you a collar too ;)
He really doesn't mind you biting him. Once he knows you're alright with it, he'll probably bite you back! It's a weird point of pride for him to be covered in your little teeth marks.
Surprisingly, he also doesn't mind you breaking things to get his attention! He finds it... oddly romantic. Like, oh, you care about me enough to cause damage to things? Wow, you're so dedicated! (He has... problems.)
Basically, a S/O that acts like a cat would be great. He's such a dog boyfriend anyway.
Arthur doesn't see this as “acting like a cat” as much as he sees it as “immaturity.” Surprisingly, unlike how he feels normally about childish S/O, your behaviour could really grow on him. Of course, he'll always huff and sigh when you rub yourself against his arm anyway, but still!
He WILL get very annoyed by you sitting on his lap while he's busy though. Like, if he's just reading, whatever. But if you interrupt him when he's about to do something, he's just forcing you off his lap and walking away.
Also, do NOT break his glasses. Pissing him off like that will only make him ignore you more. Besides, if you wanted a super attentive partner, you really shouldn't go for Arthur anyway.
But despite all that, he really adores your habit of biting him. As long as it's not too painful, he does get a kick out of it, weirdly. When he bites you, it's always in a more... sensual way, but he adores how you do it so affectionately.
Basically, yeah, he thinks you're cute. But it's easy for you to get on his nerves if you act like that.
Alfred... doesn't really mind. But he thinks it's more entertaining than cute. He definitely realizes what you're doing early on in the relationship, and loves to tease you about it.
But... he also can't help the urge to take care of you because of it. He makes sure to always leave cute little snacks in your bag in case of emergency, and he NEVER misses a call from you. He gets a little paranoid about you getting taken advantage of because of how immature you can be.
You can bite him. He probably wouldn't even notice you did so.
However you show affection, he'll reciprocate. He's not much into the headbutting thing himself, he's a lot more uh... traditional? But he loves it when you do it!
He has to resist squeezing your cheeks every day that he wakes up next to you. It keeps getting harder.
You pushing stuff off every surface doesn't make him mad per se, but he definitely doesn't enjoy that habit. (Specifically, he would buy a bell that means you want attention. It's much cuter that way, and also you aren't breaking his things.)
In conclusion: it would be a very sweet relationship (:
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daykinking · 9 days
Brenna Lancaster - Introduction
[ Here's a written introduction to some of my intox OCs! A literal introduction. Was going to continue to write Brenna being all fucked up in church, but I just want to post already and I think 3.5k is enough for this sort of thing! Feel free to use my world or my characters as inspiration. ]
Brenna had started her day vibrating with excitement at 7am. It was her birthday, and she could finally drink.
Having grown up with somewhat of a helicopter mother, Brenna never had the inclination that she would be allowed a big bash for her and all her friends to get wasted. She would just have to wait until she moved out for that kind of fun.
Today was also Sunday. Usually she would still be asleep for another hour, but today, for her birthday, her parents were going to take her to the Waffle Factory for breakfast.
She had spent hours the night before planning out her outfit. Something subtly sexy that her parents wouldn't say was inappropriate for church. While she knew a plain black spaghetti strap would catch stink-eye from her mother, throwing a short jean jacket over the top would make it imperceptible, and then she could just take it off at church.
By the time her parents had awoken at 7:45 she was already done with her makeup and hair, and was sat on the living room sofa bouncing her leg rapidly.
"Good morniiiing!" she sang. "Ready to go?"
Her tired mother, Scheirre, put on her usual fake plastic smile, eyes closed so you couldn't read them, and said in an ultra-cheery, nearly infantilizing voice, "Ooh boy, someone's excited for breakfast, huh!"
"Excited for something," muttered her father Dylan as he miss-buttoned his gray flannel. "Can you wait 20 minutes honey?"
"Okay!" Brenna said, head heart and stomach twisting in anticipation. As the time moved by at a snail's pace, she opened Tumblr to distract herself, engaging with all the happy birthday asks and notifications. Some of her kink friends asked if she was drinking already. "Not yet, ugh, my parents won't hurry the fuck up. I want mimosas!"
"Are you going to go to church wasted?"
"I'm tryingggggguhhhhh!!"
Just the thought of sipping from a champagne glass in public made Brenna blush and squirm. Sure it'll be a little awkward with her parents there, but maybe they'll have a cute waiter.
The Waffle Factory was located on the west end of the mall, with an outdoor patio featuring cool-looking gas-powered fire pits. There was a bar outside as well.
Once indoors, there were 2 other groups ahead of them at the host stand. Brenna took this opportunity to excuse herself outside to vape.
The second she was back outside she made a beeline for the bar, whipping out her ID and slapping it down with a grin. The bartender, dark roots growing out under his bleach-yellow hair, turned his piercing blue eyes to the girl. He was easily six feet tall and very lanky, with only a smattering of tattoos on his arms, all weird lines and symbols. His white shirt hung loosely to his fatless form, hands of a skeleton wiping down the bartop with a rag. "How can I help you, miss?"
"I'd like a mimosa please!"
"Of course," he said, swooping up her ID. "Well happy birthday!"
"Thank you!" she cheesed, accepting the drink from him and taking a gleeful sip. She spied on the front door, taking a few more drinks. "Um...would you mind making this a little stronger?"
Without missing a beat, he topped off her glass with champagne. "Is this all going on your table's tab?"
Reflexively going to say "Yes," she stopped herself, realizing the talking-to she'd be in for if her parents knew how much she was about to spend on alcohol. "No, you can keep this card on file for me."
"I see." He accepted the card and opened a tab as she downed the rest of the mimosa. "Thank you!" Running up to the front door, she peeked in, seeing that her parents were still in line behind the other family.
"Actually can you pour me one more really quick?"
He smirked. "Sure thing, doll."
When she went back in to wait with her parents, Brenna felt wide-awake and alert. She knew the alcohol wasn't working quite yet, but it was still making her feel high just to think about how she was going to feel soon. Suddenly she tasted the champagne on her breath and felt a little self-conscious. Maybe it would kick in quicker since she hadn't eaten yet.
"Brenna," Scheirre said in a tone one would call to a dog, and snapped casually as she and Dylan followed the host to their booth. Brenna realized she'd been spacing out, glancing around as she followed as if she could see who could tell she had just drank.
No sooner had the host said "I'll be right back with your waters" than their server came up to the table.
"Salutations, my fine folks, my name is Axel and I will be your maitre-dee this morning. Can I get you started with some drinks?"
"Aren't you the bartender that was outside?" Dylan asked.
"Affirmative," said Axel with a slight bow at the waist.
Dylan rolled his eyes hard, trying not to outwardly cringe at this dude. "The wife and I are going to just stick with the waters." He gave a look to Brenna. "And it's our daughter's birthday today,"
"Happy birthday." "Thank you!"
"--so she's going to have her very first drink. Brenna, tell the nice man what you'd like."
She smiled sheepishly to the waiter, knowing they shared a secret. "I'd like a mimosa, please!"
Scheirre made a faux-scandalized face, reaching over to give her embarrassed daughter an awkward one-armed hug.
By the time Brenna had finished her glass, their food was already out. A mountain of waffles stood before her, covered in berries, syrup, and whipped cream. "Holy shit."
"Oops. Sorry." Her cheeks flushed red. Those words had kind of just come out on their own.
"Thank you very much," said Dylan to the server as he accepted his egg whites and arugula with chia seeds or whatever. Sheirre had ordered a plate of meat with a side of meat and some eggs, including the yolks from Dylan's whites.
"My deepest pleasure," said Axel with another bow. "Is there anything else you need? More drinks?"
"Just water again," Scheirre said without looking up.
"I'd like a coffee."
"And for the guest of honor?" he said, turning to Brenna. She felt her eyes vibrate. About to order another mimosa, she quickly calculated that her parents would get on her case.
"Orange juice please..."
"Of course." He flipped his little notepad shut, gave a bow once more, and left. Dylan muttered something about "smarmy weirdo."
The waffles were fantastic, but Brenna already regretted not ordering more alcohol. She didn't know when she was gonna get away with this again. She didn't drive; she didn't have any friends who drove. The nearest liquor store to the house was a 30 minute walk.
The restaurant around them was quite loud. Between bites as Brenna looked around, she was pretty excited to notice the slight drag in her vision. The lights left brief little tails like tadpoles, and all the colors in the room seemed brighter. This was Brenna's third time getting tipsy. But the first time outside of her bedroom.
As she took in the scenery she started smiling kind of stupidly, slightly agape, braces peeking out. Muted canned lights lit the place and the checkerboard walls were plastered with very talented artists' renditions of famous album covers reimagined with breakfast foods. Including actual non-parody album covers, like Flat As A Pancake, Whipped Cream and Other Delights, Viva Les Crepes, none of which Brenna recognized.
As she took a bite of her side of bacon Brenna noticed her skin felt a little numb. The drunken dullness of sense of touch had set in. She tried to keep her smile to herself as she crunched numbly on the bacon, taking only the best flavors from it.
Before long Axel had come back with the orange juice. She made sure to meet his eyes when she thanked him, hoping she looked doe-eyed enough. From his perspective she certainly did; her pupils were, as one might say, the size of the moon.
As she took a sip from the off-clear dappled plastic restaurant cup, she noticed...carbonation. She didn't feel it until it hit the tender flesh of her inner lip, and she was confused, so she took another sip.
Unable to differentiate between the taste of champagne already clinging to her tongue, or champagne in the cup, Brenna reasoned that it must just be really acidic juice, because it would have been odd and also a miracle if Axel had made her a mimosa in a plastic cup.
She washed down the second-to-last waffle with the rest of the drink, hitting her chest and releasing a loud belch.
"Brenna Nicole Lancaster!" Schierre shrieked.
"I'm sorry--"
"That wasn't ladylike, dear," said Dylan, shaking his head.
"I'm sorry!" She couldn't help but giggle, suppressing a second smaller burp and covering her mouth this time. "I didn't know it would be that loud."
"What?" she asked her mom, carefully trying to cut a bite out of her last waffle.
"Honey." It was a command. She wasn't obeying. "Look at me," she said sternly.
"Mm?" She locked eyes with her, or tried to. Fuck. Fuck. She had to keep refocusing. Oh fuck.
Scheirre's eyes narrowed. "Are you drunk?"
"I--w--I don't know, it's my first drink," she said, eyes darting around the pop art in the room.
"Did you get drunk before we left?"
"Wh--how would I do that? No!"
"Babe," Dylan said calmly to his wife, "maybe she's just a lightweight."
Scheirre raised her pale eyebrows over her green eyes, folding her freckled arms across each other as a curly red lock tumbled over her shoulder. "Our daughter's a lightweight, huh?"
"Okay. Calm down."
Brenna busied herself with the waffle, wanting so badly to talk to the horny people in her phone. But her mom was already being kind of controlling; for sure she'd snatch that phone right out of her hands again and try to look through it.
Right then, her savior came along. "Can I refill that for you?"
"Yes please!" she said, searching for his eyes again and beaming her gratefulness into his brain. He smiled back at her, then turned to Dylan. "Can I refill your coffee, sir?"
"Actually, I hate to say this...this basically tastes like water to me."
"Oh, so sorry, sir." He nodded, taking a step backward and catching Brenna's eye, holding it. "Should I make that stronger for you?"
"What? Of c--yes. Please," Dylan responded curtly.
Brenna gave him a secret thumbs up under the table. He winked at her quickly, bowed slightly, and left.
While waiting for her extra-extra mimosa, Brenna kicked her feet, pushing around the eggs left over in the syrup on her plate and taking a few bites here and there.
She felt the urge to burp again, but suppressed it as best she could. It worked...but then the bubbling in her chest turned into something else. She opened her mouth to ask for a sip of her mom's water, and instantly hiccupped, very hard. "Ough..."
Schierre stared hard at her, judging. Dylan silently passed the water cup over to her without looking.
"Thank yo--HIC--u...Ow."
Oh god, this was embarrassing. She was kind of regretting getting so drunk in front of her parents. Now she was gonna have to be in the car with them...
Thankfully her next cup of juice was here. She took maybe too eager of a drink. Braced for the carbonation, Brenna was suddenly hit with a sharp burn, instantly hacking a cough as she slapped the drink down to keep from spilling it. She pulled back from the table and spluttered, hoping that cute waiter wasn't looking. (He was.) Was that fucking...vodka?! (It was.)
"I thing I drang that too fas'" she said, alcohol stinging her sinuses. Upon taking a deep breath she hiccupped again, face bright red as ever, as she wiped drool from her chin.
She couldn't look her parents in the eyes, but she did need to finish her plate, and her screwdriver.
By the end of the meal, waiting on their check, Brenna found herself spacing out a lot, trying to feign conversation with her parents. Were she a little more sober, it might have been obvious to her that they were onto her.
Brenna waited to the car to announce that she really, really badly had to pee, and she couldn't hold it til church. She did this because she knew her parents wouldn't be willing to go back inside with her. Her dad handed her a 10. "Why don't you get yourself some coffee while you're in there."
"Thanks!" she said, not looking into it beyond another birthday gift. "Be right back."
Hopping back out of the car, Brenna stumbled a little, catching herself before colliding with the car parked next to them. She basically skipped inside the mall, feeling like she was swimming through the air as the colors of the parking lot swirled around her.
Brenna had been waiting to come to this mall for a long time. Her Tiktok feed was full of videos of people having the time of their lives, getting drunk and high as heaven. So despite never having been here before, she knew the Barbucks would be just to the left outside of Boredsom.
It never even crossed Brenna's mind but Dylan had wanted her to get coffee to sober up. It didn't cross Dylan's mind but they also serve alcohol at this particular coffee shop.
Time dilated as she stood in line, anxious that she was getting more sober by the second (she wasn't). Senses dulled, she could vaguely hear a group of very chatty women coming right toward her, but nothing registered until she was backed into by a 6-foot goddess of a woman. She knocked her right into the mall employee in line ahead of her. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" both Brenna and the woman who ran into her said at the same time. The employee Brenna had bumped into just giggled, twiddling one of her long, stick-straight pigtails.
"S'no worries," she said, smiling with her eyes closed.
"Hi, Claire," said the barista, "Grande mudslide?"
"Venti please?" she said with a sway.
The two chatted a while, or rather, Claire rambled to the barista while the order was rung in.
"I'm Stella," said the woman behind Brenna. "This is Cat," she said, revealing a much shorter and smaller woman with soft lavender-colored hair and big doe eyes.
"Hi! Sorry, we're super obnoxious," Cat apologized.
"It's okay. I'm Brenna."
"Brenna! I love that!" Cat cooed. She was wrapped tightly around Stella's waist. Brenna's eyeline came right to Stella's chest, which was impossible not to notice. She was wrapped tightly in a very short, strapless, ruched tube dress of gold tissue lame, the sort that looks trashy on almost any person in the entire world. She was pulling it off. Rather, filling it out. It made the gladiator flats work. She had a lot of artificially-blonde hair, stiff and wavy, pulled up in two half-pigtails on either side, an emulation of a lion's mane. The red gloss on her plumped lips was mesmerizing.
"I haven't seen you around," she said. "Have you been here before?"
"No, actually, it's...it's my birthday," Brenna replied, barely able to contain her excitement.
"OH MY GOD NO WAY!" The two women burst into celebration, a mixture of shouting and squealing. "Star!" Stella said to the girl behind the counter, "Whatever Brenna orders is on me."
"Oh my gosh, that's so sweet of you, you don't have to do that."
Stella waved a dismissive hand and nodded to Star, who then looked to Brenna.
"Oh, uh...I'm sorry. I wasn't looking at the menu..."
"You like sweet stuff, don't you," Cat said, clocking her instantly. "Get her a Bailey's slushy."
"Ooh, great choice."
Brenna thanked them all and stepped to the side to wait for her order. Clearly Stella and Cat knew this mall very well, and the workers here. Stella's voice was very loud, and also very slurred, so it was hard to make out what she was saying but you could tell she was having a good time. The two came over to wait with her, standing at the little tall table.
"So you're celebrating your birthday here?" Stella asked, a bright blush coming through under the freckling on her face. The table creaked every once in a while as she swayed.
"Uh, well, not really. My parents brought me here for breakfast and now we're going to church..."
"To church!"
"Ew," said Cat, reflexively. "Sorry. No offense."
"We gotta get you fuckin' loaded," said Stella. "Are your parents just waiting in the car?"
"You like weed?"
Brenna's eyes widened in shock. She had smoked a couple of bowls before, at a party. "Yeah!" She wasn't prepared for Stella to whip out a dab pen.
It was simple and pink, a small battery that could fit almost anywhere. Stella unscrewed the cartridge that was on it and replaced it with a fresh one. "Hit this til they call your order."
"Wh--okay!" Brenna was almost uncomfortably turned on. She did as she was told and hit the pen, maybe a little too hard right off the bat, and immediately went into a coughing fit. Her head swirled with the alcohol and the new substance, and it took her a while to notice Stella's laughter.
"You come back to life yet?"
"Mm-mmhmm..."  Brenna wiped some drool from her chin. Her head began to feel lighter, but her throat was fucked.
"Okay good, hit it again."
Looking up to meet Stella's eyes, Brenna shivered under her challenging gaze. Maintaining eye contact she hit the pen again obediently. She tried to suppress the coughing, and she didn't hit it as hard.
"Good girl, you're learning!"
Time dilated even more now. Everything around Brenna felt disconnected, like she and her new friends were on one plane, the Barbucks was on another, and her parents were on another planet.
"My parents! How long have I been in here?"
Cat giggled, gently stroking Brenna's back. "It's okay, sweetie, you're just high. Your coffee hasn't even come yet."
"Oh...right." Brenna took a deep breath of oxygen, allowing the sounds of the crowd to blend the world back together. The lights were so pretty. All the potted plants...wow. How pervasive is nature, that even inside the concrete jungle--
"Take another hit, cutie," Stella murmured across the table. Eyes fixated on the pothos crawling up a potted palm tree, Brenna obeyed.
Everything was engulfed in a soft cloud. Brenna's brain included. When her name was finally called and made its way to her through the fog, she realized she had been leaning in a very awkward position against the potted flowers behind her.
Though she was looking directly ahead of her at the coffee bar (okay, maybe a little slanted), the second Brenna took a step she began careening to the left. Her feet crossed themselves over each other and she slapped against the floor. "Oof!"
"Oh shit."
She was scooped up, body ragdolling along as Stella and Cat helped her walk to the counter. They took their hands off her as she grabbed for the drink, missing at first.
Brenna felt like a bobblehead as she turned carefully. The other two flanked her for a bit, and she wordlessly nodded toward the exit door. They walked her down the short hallway to where it was more quiet.
"You can walk okay, right?" said Stella. "I kind of feel bad for pressuring you like that."
"Nn-no, itw- was. Yes." Brenna used her left hand to help her right hand form a thumbs up, to show she was okay with this. The weed had rendered her unable to form sentences. "Thank." Suddenly perplexed, she pantomimed texting.
Cat swiped Brenna's phone from her back pocket, held Brenna's finger to the sensor, and started putting in her and Stella's numbers.
Brenna tried to hand the pen back to Stella, confused why it kept moving. And why it was so heavy.
"No, keep it," she said. "Happy birthday!" She held up her cold brew sangria, and Cat joined the cheers with her dalgona martini. Brenna knocked her paper coffee cup against theirs, delighted to remember there was booze inside of it. The three of them took a hefty drink, and suddenly both Stella and Cat also had weed pens. They cheersed with the pens, and Brenna eagerly took way too big of a hit.
After another fit of coughing, having to collapse against the wall for a bit, and getting rubbed on by some beautiful ladies, Brenna staggered toward the exit door, confident her parents wouldn't suspect a thing. She stepped out into the parking lot and stared at the skyline.
"Brenna. Brenna."
Oh, that's right. They were parked right out front. Hastily she pocketed the pen.
Taking a deep breath, Brenna willed herself to walk a straight line to the car, accidentally stumbling into it at the last minute. Her parents ignored this.
As she sat in the back seat she sipped on her spiked coffee, not a thought in her head. The christian radio station was playing, and for once in her life, Brenna felt close to god.
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redeyerhaenyra · 9 months
Howdy partner. Yer old comrade ominoose has arrived to the salon. I reckon you could fix me up some good kane X reader, at the time where that there fellar comes home different. How he'd re-fall in love with you as this new fellar and what his love language would be like now.
Much obliged. Xo
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How Kane re-falls in love with reader
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Summary: Kane falls in love with you once again.
Warnings: One mention of past sex, reader gets harassed but dw Kane punches him, fem reader, it's mostly fluff tbh, let me know if I missed anything!
Notes: Stop trying to be American I see through your cunning ruse- ty for requesting I'm really on the kane train todayyyy
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When Kane comes back from Area X, he is VASTLY different
He knows you're his wife, his woman, his girl, ladyfriend, better half, whatever you want to call it
He knows what those words mean, they mean he should love you... but he's not sure what love is
Love, such a very human thing. But, well, he isn't really human, anymore
He half expects you to freak out, at some point, to come to the realisation that this thing isn't Kane. And you do, but you don't care
Kane observes with awe when you realise he's not really the man you married, and yet still, you readily accept him.
Part of him thinks this infantile attempt to soothe your "petty human emotions" is laughable
But.. in time, he comes to endear it about you
No matter what form he came in, you loved Kane, and would take from him whatever he gave you
Like I've said before, Kane isn't really talkative much nowadays, but he still starts expressing his affection for you. Mostly it starts with helping around the house;
"One sec, I just need to finish putting the laundry away." "I took care of it."
"I just need to change the bedding." "I did it. Don't worry."
Don't worry?
Don't worry!?!?
Kane, who'd come back after 14 months so unfeeling, so stoic, had just told you, "Don't worry."
You're surprised. As is he.
He's a little frightened at what he's feeling, whatever it is being so foreign to him
He doesn't want you to worry. What does that mean?
What's happening to him?
Is it.. love?
The next time he is confirmed of his feelings, strange and wholly human as they are, is when you're out at a bar together.
He's stiff, and awkward, choosing not to drink any alcohol, but.. he finds himself enjoying your presence anyway
Just, basking in it, as you giggle in a tipsy stupour, chatting about your day
He isn't quite sure what beauty is, not yet. But as he looks at your tight red dress, cut just above your knee, he thinks he realises.
It tumbles out of his mouth with an uncoordination that was not common of him after Area X;
"You're beautiful."
You both stare at eachother for a moment. Kane didn't talk much, not anymore, and when he did, his words were impactful.
He hadn’t said anything like that since he'd come home.
You feel your eyes watering.
You thank him, and excuse yourself to the restroom to reapply your makeup before it can be ruined by your tears.
He let's you go, sitting still in his chair, occasionally nibbling on the seasoned fries you ordered.
He doesn't wonder where you are for the few minutes you're gone, why would he? You told him outright where you were going.
But then, he hears your voice. You sound apprehensive, uneasy.
"N-no, thankyou!" Kane hears you say, he turns around in his seat to see you unsuccessfully trying to avoid the attention of a black-out drunk guy
Kane's face remains completely stoic, but inside he feels.... hot
And not in the way when he fucks you, he feels... angry? Is this rage? He abruptly stands up in his chair.
All his focus is on you, he feels... protective of you. Possessive, maybe. You are his wife, his woman, no one gets the right to harass you like this, no one.
You instantly feel safe as he approaches from behind, tenderly wrapping his arm around your waist.
"She said no." Kane's voice, as usual, is deeply calm. But his eyes shine with hidden rage. The drunk guy blearily asks who Kane thinks he is;
"I'm her husband. Now go away."
You stare starry-eyed at him, at what he just confessed.
For the first time in.. forever, you'd heard Kane call himself your "husband."
Well your makeup was certainly ruined now, what with silent tears you shed at Kane's admission.
The drunk guy wasn't taking no for an answer, he moved to grab you, but Kane was there first, delivering a harsh punch straight across the guy's jaw, knocking him down.
It was a wonder the police weren't called, and you had scolded him for it on the way home.
"What were you thinking, Kane?! You could've gotten arrested or charged with assault for God's sake."
He sits back as he drives, seemingly to genuinely mull over your question. A few minutes later he answers;
"I was thinking... I am your husband. You are my wife.. it's my job to protect you.."
You stare at him, your heart fit to burst.
"...I love you," you start cautiously, and for the first time he replies with certainty;
"I love you too."
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ghostsy · 2 years
WARNINGS: yandere, possessiveness, implied abuse, imprisonment, dissociation, nsfw, slight (v slight) daddy kink, noncon
A/N: this is pretty short, just like...a yandere kirishima thought dump
read at your own discretion.
“Tell me you want me.”
The ceiling was white. She hated white, she decided. A blank canvas. Empty. She was so tired of empty. It was too smooth, no popcorn textures for her to count, nothing for her mind to grab onto. 
“I want you.”
A sigh, as if the words themselves gave him breath. Lips latched to her neck, biting and sucking and bruising. Too sharp teeth nicked at her skin, little rivulets of blood trickling down. But he wasn’t done.
“Tell me you need me.”
The walls were white too. Too dull, too cold, too sterile. Maybe he’d paint them if she asked. If she was good.
“I need you.”
His hands glided up and down, cupping her tits and squeezing at her waist. To make sure she was really there. In his bed. In his arms. Underneath him. Where she belonged. His touch was always too hot. Too hot as his fingers pushed her panties to the side, burning against her most sensitive place. 
“Tell me you’ll never leave me.”
Blue was a good color. She hadn’t seen the sky in a good long while. Maybe blue would let her breathe.
“I’ll never leave you.”
No matter how many times the words were forced from her lips, no amount of locks and chains and ropes and collars would ever soothe his paranoia. That didn’t stop him from using the accessories, however. There was a phantom itch at her ankle, underneath the too tight metal, that she would be unable to reach. 
He raised his head to watch her face, fingers taking their time, thumb swirling in circles and stars while his middle and ring finger, calloused and rough from years of breaking and being broken, pushed into her, petting and curling until the burning feeling inside her turned from disgust to anticipation.
Blue. Blue walls, she reminded herself. She changed her mind. She didn’t want to see the sky. It would just give her ideas, give her hope that had nowhere to go but to the void. Yellow?
“You’re mine.”
Yellow was a happy color. Would yellow walls make her happy?
“Say it.”
No, yellow was too happy. She feared the paint would mock her with its out of reach joy each time she caught its gaze.
His hand was at her throat. Why was it at her throat? Oh.
“I’m yours.”
Red? Not red. All she ever saw was red. His hair, his eyes, his punishments. All red. She decided she hated red more than white.
He ripped at the last of her clothes. Though, they weren’t really clothes, she thought. It was a shame. She used to love lace. And along with that love went her dignity.
She ruled out green for the same reasons as blue. Not pink either, he’d just use it as another excuse to infantilize her. 
“You’re beautiful, you know?”
What was left? Her mind was blanking on colors. What was his question?
“Don’t I get a thank you?”
There was a spark of irritation in his words. A spark that sent lighting through her nerves.
She fluttered her lashes, licking her lips, and his eyes glazed over, “Thank you, Daddy.” 
Yeah, fuck pink. 
That was close. She reached her head off the pillow, planting a kiss at his lips, soft and sweet, just the way he liked, to make up for her indiscretion. She had to be more careful with her colors. 
He smiled that razor sharp smile, and dipped his head to her breasts, taking a nipple in between his teeth, fingers speeding they’re motions. The tingling at her chest and in her gut was making it hard to focus.
Colors. What colors would she paint the walls? The knot in her stomach was growing, nerves dancing inside waiting with bated breath for the song to climax.
Black? Black could work.
The knot tightened, song roaring in her ears. Maybe the dark would hide her from her nightmares. Tighter and tighter, and louder and louder. Hide her from her shame.
Her vision went white, and try as she might, she couldn’t bring herself to hate the color still. 
The moonlight shone through the window bathing him in an ethereal light; she let her eyes wander his defined muscles as she came back down to Earth. Almost like a sculpture. What a nice view that could have been.
Drool was dripping from his fangs as he pulled his fingers from her, and she cursed herself for mourning the loss. His eyes were half lidded, glowing as he took the dewy fingers in his mouth, tongue licking sinfully over the digits, savoring the taste of her.
“You’re perfect.”
Black wouldn’t work. Too depressing, he’d tell her. He’d never be able to see her body. And to even suggest denying him of his rights would result only in his anger.
He guided his hand to her mouth, and she took his fingers between her lips, in and out and in and out, sucking the taste of his spit, and the taste of herself from them. She ran her tongue across the underside of the digits, meeting his gaze, wide eyed and wanting, and a sound more animal than man was forced from his throat.
She had to show some form of appreciation to spare herself from the angry red colors that reared their head whenever he felt she needed correction, drowning and burning her in heavy, suffocating lava.
He was shuffling out of his pants now. She couldn’t think of any more colors. Orange? No, orange reminded her of a different, more explosive type of anger—he always liked using orange as a threat. She tried her hardest to look away from the monster between his legs, but as he spread her knees, tip pressed against her, she spared a glance.
Fuck that was a bad idea, big and menacing and pushing into her. Oh god. Oh fuck. Stop. Too much. Too much. The walls, think about the walls. She hated this. Blue, black, green, red Red RED, fuck, please. 
The growl in his voice made her toes curl, and she hated herself for it. He groaned as he sheathed himself inside her, red locks tickling her neck, her vision going black; she swore she could feel him in her throat.
She hated it, hated the way she couldn’t hold back a whimper, hated the way he huffed out a laugh, tongue sweeping out to lick across his fanged teeth. She always hated this next part the most though.
“Tell me you love me.”
Try as she might, she would never get used to it. All of her nerves stood on end, and she found herself grateful for the lack of vibrance. It would have been too much, overwhelmed what little sensibilities she had left within her.
Maybe white was good. White was dull. White was empty.
“I love you.”
She decided she’d rather empty than any feeling at all.
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adelaidedrubman · 4 months
wipfire wildsday. or something
was tagged for wip day by dearies @cassietrn and @direwombat, thank you! against all odds we are back on wildfire chapter 19! here’s a very shaky early draft little excerpt of jestiny being her lovable charming relatable self. warnings for violence and killing that is… not particularly gruesome or gory but perhaps particularly cruel. wildfire is a romcom as we know
“Alright.” She cut off his self-important monologuing with a press down of her thumb and a laugh, wedging the radio between her shoulder and ear to continue talking as she reached to place hands on either side of the cultist’s head. “Let’s play a fuckin’ game then, and you can show me just how much you actually fucking care.”
“Excuse me?”
“You value their lives so much? Let’s see if you can save this one.” She leaned down, so terrified sobs could be picked up by the meager speakers. “I let her limp off with no more than a broken arm. If you can do one. Simple. Thing.” She paused for effect before clarifying, “Tell me her name.”
“What on earth are you —”
“You fucking heard me,” she ground out. “Show me how much you actually care. Tell me the fucking name of the woman you sent out here to die for your fucking bullshit excuse for a cause,” she demanded. “Pale. Skinny. Ballpark five-two. Freckles. Green eyes. Curly brown hair. What’s her name?”
“Whatever infantile point you think you’re proving —”
“Would putting a voice to it help?”
She jammed a knee down on the twisted limb, grabbing a fistful of brunette curls to yank back and guide her screams towards the radio. 
“Please —! P-Please —”
“I think she’d like you to remember her name too, John,” Jestiny offered in a sugary sweet sing-song, pressing a hand back over her mouth. “What the fuck is it?”
“Do you think you’re doing anything but displaying every ounce of bloodthirsty wrath pulsing through your —”
“C’mon, surely you remember her?” she pressed with a rise. “She’s family, after all. You wouldn’t have just been bullshitting about how much you care about ‘every single soul I rip from it,’ right?” she teased in mocking falsetto. “Shoveled pig shit at the farm for y’all. Would be leaving behind a younger sister by the name of Stephanie. Guess that brainwashed cultist!”
“— can all now see it isn’t enough for the Deputy to simply take from our Family, no. She has to revel in her cruelty, to —”
“Maybe he could use a phone-a-friend, ya think?” Jestiny hummed, yanking her captive up by the hair again. “Think fast — aaanything he would remember you by?”
“I — I —” she let out a few more sobs, before sniffling and continuing. “We never talked much, sir. But I was over at your r-ranch a little while back, with B-Brother Will and Brother Nathan. When Brother Nathan h-had to be corrected for gossiping about —”
“Well, that oughta jog his memory, huh?” she said with a click of her tongue against teeth as she shoved the woman’s head back down into the dirt. “Got a name for me yet, darlin’?”
“Brothers and Sisters and wayward souls in need of salvation alike, listen to the lows this sinner who would ask to be called a savior will stoop to in order to —”
“No! Please, please, please, no —” The woman cried up at Jessie, features that had been contorted in agony seeming to sink with hopelessness as John preached on. “I don’t want to die, I’ll do — anything! Please, I —” 
“Clock’s ticking!” Jestiny chimed into the radio. “Give me a fucking name!”
“Do you think you set the rules here?” John snapped, finally breaking down to resume addressing Jestiny directly. “Do you think any of this cuteness and cleverness is going to save you when —”
“I think I’m the one asking the fucking questions!” she shouted over pained screams. “What’s her name?!”
“Deputy Rook, mark my words —”
“Her name!” she screeched, hands tensing. “What’s her fucking name?!”
“Jessie —”
“Bzzzzzzzzzzz-zzzzzt!” She kept her jaw pressed down on the talk button as she held tight onto her skull and twisted, so that telltale snap of her neck followed by the sudden absence of screaming could be heard punctuating the mimicry of an incorrect buzzer noise she drew out. 
“So sorry, Caroline. No prize this time!” She released her hands to allow the woman’s skull to drop limp to the ground as she hopped up to stand, shifting her radio into her hand. “And a special thanks to all the Hope County viewers at home,” she enthused, pacing in circles around the dead body to run out unspent restless energy. “Be sure to tune in next week for another round of ‘Does John Seed Give a Minimal Fucking Shit About the Followers He Sends Out to Die?’ when the answer will still be hell fucking nope!”
She clicked the radio off with a final sharp inhale, clipping it back to her belt. She ran a hand through her hair as she tried to slow the still frantic heaves of her chest. 
She turned in about-face to find Adelaide and Sharky having emerged from their battle positions to stand in the open space of the field, staring on at her with wide eyes and hanging jaws. 
“What?” she asked, looking between the pair and the dead body at her feet with a shrug. “Did we start doin’ capture over kill and y’all forget to tell me, or something?”
Adelaide cleared her throat. “Killing is one thing, but sugar, did you have to drag it out for the poor gal like that?” she questioned, blinking away the look of shock with a shake of her head. “Edging is supposed to be for the bedroom, not the battlefield.”
“Making John Seed look like the lying, hypocritical, scumbag, piece of shit fraud that he is live on air is more satisfying than anything I’ve ever experienced in the bedroom,” Jestiny grunted in reply, nudging the corpse’s contorted arm with the toe of her boot. “She was gonna have to die anyways. At least her death proved a point.”
“Better than anything in the bedroom? Sounds like what we really need is to find you some more gifted lovers, then,” Adelaide mused, crossing her arms and looking down at the corpse with a pink lipstick frown. “And a, uh — more willing audience for the whole public humiliation kink deal. You know they have nightclubs for shit like that, right?”
sending no pressure tags out to @belorage @hctknives @fourlittleseedlings @galaxycunt @lordundying @florbelles @josephslittledeputy @afarcryfrommymain @poetikat @voidika @captastra @confidentandgood @deputyash @blissfulalchemist @shellibisshe @thedeadthree @nightbloodbix @miyabilicious @henbased @clicheantagonist @firstaidspray @strafethesesinners @jackiesarch @v0idbuggy @orionlancasterr @stacispratt @professorpineapple @strangefable @shallow-gravy @inafieldofdaisies @corvosattano @socially-awkward-skeleton @g0dspeeed @wrathfulrook @simplegenius042 + opt in/out for the wip day tag here!
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wildpeachfarm · 3 months
Thank you for being such a level headed blog in a time it is much needed while providing much needed relief today with the dnf omega verse posting 😂
While I agree with everything being said, I do think people are missing a big point trying to claim Caiti is an adult woman just bc she turned 18. Talk to most 21 year old and they say 18 is a baby, 25 say 21 is a baby so on. 18 is not some number where magically you stop having childish feeling and emotions. Humans are still developing and maturing all the way into their 20s
It’s about experience and adulting. she wanted to take adult actions while not making mature choices. It is a nuanced thing being 18 because you are still a teenager but also legally an adult but you just left high school but have a job but you can’t drink but but but
I just think people need to be very careful about saying…well she is 18, she is a fully fledged mature adult., cable of adult decision making and rationalization of complex feeling they may be feeling for the first time. That is something you’ll see predators use especially when grooming their victims where the second they turn 18, they go public with their “relationship” (this was something forever q/smp did, claiming the age of consent is lower in Brazil so it was okay)
The point is: Caiti was aware of the choices she was making, cognizant of her options (despite drinking), and choice to remain in a situation that made HER uncomfortable. If she cannot communicate her feeling in a situation like this, she should not be going to parties. She is of an age where she SHOULD be mentally mature enough to recognize some of this. This is not infantilizing her but stating a fact that she is immature and her actions have shown that. She needs to grow the hell up. And she better get used to being uncomfortable because that’s part of what being an adult is. It’s dealing with the uncomfortable-ness of situation and dealing with them in a mature and reasonable way. This is coming from a 30 year old touch adverse person who has to navigate a friendship with someone who is very touch affectionate and knowing not every touch is malice even though it makes me extremely uncomfortable to people to touch anywhere that isn’t my hands…so like I get it but Caiti can’t take this high road without taking personal responsibility that she was irresponsibility and overreacted. (I also think her ‘friends’ gaslit her into believing it was something it was not and she truly needs therapy to sort though all these feelings and emotions to even hope of having a functioning adult life with relationships)
I can only hope her vacation gave her time of reflection and she can see how far she has caused this to spiral and apologize to George in private at least. Because she just started and lead a hate campaign against a man who took responsibility and apologized for how his actions made her feel even if it was not his intentions. Her feelings are valid but that does not excuse her actions which were very malicious (side-eyeing her initial statement and subsequent responses). This is something that never should’ve been made public and should have been handled between the two of them and no one else
-sorry for the word vomit, it wasn’t sitting well with me seeing multiple platforms saying 18 year old are adults and can’t be treated like children. I hope those people are all under the age of 25 bc many adults reflect on how wrong they were when they thought they knew everything at 18-19 and were convinced they were emotionally intelligent. Hell I look back at 25 and realize how stupid I was and readily admit that. I worry for the youth growing up with social media as their morality benchmarks
thank you for adding your thoughts very appreciated :)
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teabutmakeitazure · 2 years
Mistaken Friendship - 2
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>Yan! Modern! Childe x Fem! Reader
a/n: just a little scenario I came up with. I wrote this in one long sitting btw so it might seem a bit rushed. To be frank, I'm coming around to like this au 👀
Warnings: physical assault, intimidation, vague isolation mention, dubious consent, suggestive towards the end, one curse word, broken bone oops
Word count: 1.7k
First part
“How’s your wrist?”
You don’t answer, choosing to stay quiet till he gets the hint and leaves. Ever since you got locked in his penthouse, he’s been adamant on having you act ‘normal’. Being the stubborn idiot that you are, you never play along, refusing to even meet him halfway at times. His mind games are too much for you to even bother and being someone who wears their emotions proudly, you don’t make an effort to hide your anger or resentment towards him when he isn’t in a foul mood.
The precautions you took in accordance with his emotions proved to be a wise decision when you lashed out when he was jittery. Turns out that he had come back after getting a rough scolding and in the end, was rough with you. The horrible crack from your wrist that echoed in the living room still repeats in your head sometimes. It’s been a whole week since he broke it.
Thankfully, he took you to a hospital when the skin turned into an ugly mix of green and purple. However, that still doesn’t hide the fact that he undoubtedly has monstrous strength. He broke and dislocated a carpal bone with just a single grip. You shudder under your blanket at the memory.
Your bed dips under his weight, and you pull your legs to your chest, curling into a foetal position to get away from him. With the covers now also over your head, you’re thankful for not being able to see him. No words have been exchanged since the incident and honestly, you’d like to keep it that way. Despite your court marriage, you’re back to sleeping in the room you did when this all first went down. The broken wrist just gave you an excuse to be away from him for a while.
Childe sighs as he falls backwards onto the mattress, head turning to look at the huge bump under the blanket. He’s been less and less home in order to avoid you but given that you just sit and stare at walls the entire day, he reckons that it isn’t good for your mental health. After all, you have his future family to raise.
With his arms now crossed over his chest, an idea pops into his mind. His muscles flex underneath the tight half-sleeved black shirt when he props himself up on two elbows.
“Do you… want to watch a movie with me?”
You don’t budge, clearly not buying his words.
“What about that show you were watching before we got together? You never got to complete it. We could watch that if you’d like.”
With a sharp exhale, he sits up, unknowing to the fact that you flinched at his uncharacteristic breathing. Once again, his head turns to look at your form. One week with no talking. Honestly, he’s as impressed as he is annoyed. The latter part is stronger than the former though.
“Are you really going to sulk today as well? It’s been an entire week, sunshine, get over it.”
He’s starting to think you fell asleep with how you’re not at all moving or responding. Regardless, Childe sighs for the umpteenth time and gets up, making way to his room. As soon as you hear the familiar click of his bedroom door, you hastily throw the covers off yourself and run to the bathroom, vision blurry.
You don’t like the way he infantilizes you when you cry, so you prefer to cry in private. When you were about to close the bathroom door, you vaguely made out a confused Childe standing a foot away from your bedroom door.
Your left hand rests on the kitchen counter as you poke at the cast. It’s thick and hard to the touch, rendering you unable to feel the skin underneath. You still try and wiggle your fingers a little to confirm that you can move them. As the painkiller is washed down your throat with water, you hope that it doesn’t throb tonight. When it did last night, you were tempted to go and sleep with Childe, his warmth always comforting, but stopped yourself as quickly as the thought came. He doesn’t deserve you, not after everything that happened. You can bear a few weeks of sleepless nights on your own.
Ironically, your inner monologue is interrupted as the lock on the main door clicks. You quickly get up, speeding towards your room. He isn’t supposed to be back this early. He’s never back this early. It’s hardly even 4 pm so how-
Something stops you from closing the bedroom door.
Your breath is caught in your throat when you look up and see a pair of dead, blue eyes staring back at you. Childe licks his lips at the eye contact, leaning in to touch foreheads when he opens the door wide enough.
“I know I like to chase after you but I married you specifically so that I wouldn’t have to do that anymore.”
He pulls away but immediately harshly grabs your face with one hand, the other one grabbing the cast on your hand. His grip isn’t tight there, but you start panicking anyway. Eyes blown wide in terror, he laughs at your expression. He always did find you addicting. Childe was pulled into you like a thirsty man in a desert to an oasis or like how the younger version of himself was attracted to conflict and chaos.
Blue eyes roam your face, memorising every detail from the shape of your eyelashes to the sound of your whimpering.
“I want you to be nice, okay? If not, I’m afraid your painkillers would be of no use.”
As emphasis, he dangles your broken wrist back and forth with a grin. With watery eyes, you follow him when he releases your face, hand still holding your cast. The panic is getting to you because your wrist is starting to painfully throb again. At least you just took a painkiller. It should be better in a few minutes.
Childe seats you down on the edge of the bed you usually share with him and then turns to lock the door. When the lock clicks into place and he turns around, arms crossed, dread settles in. The two of you partake in a staring contest, neither willing to yield. He shifts his weight from one foot to the other, and you raise your injured hand to your chest, suddenly mindful of having it elevated at all times.
After a few minutes of awkward silence, Childe breaks eye contact to roll up his sleeves. The maroon fabric of his dress shirt folds to reveal veiny arms up till his elbow. Oddly enough, he’s wearing black pants instead of his usual grey. Maybe he wore a suit today. Who knows? He hasn’t said goodbye to you ever since you started the silent treatment.
“I think it’s time we had a talk,” he says without looking up from folding sleeves.
You don’t grace him with an answer, choosing to listen instead.
“I know what I did was an asshole move. I’ve said sorry to you a few times but,” he looks up and into your eyes, “you didn’t reply.” He takes slow steps towards you and your gaze falls to the floor, refusing to look at him for longer. “Let’s go back to normal. I’ll take care of you like I have in the past.”
You don’t answer, hoping he gives up.
“I’m talking to you,” he growls. With his feet now in your sight, he’s right in front of you because your knees are touching his calves.
Before you know it, he’s grabbed a fistful of your hair and is pulling it backwards, successfully manoeuvring your head into making eye contact. You gasp at the pain, your normal hand trying to make him ease his grip.
“Childe, let go-”
“Oh so now you’re talking?” He sighs, releasing your head and rubbing the area tenderly. “Say something again.”
You fight the temptation to curse at him, settling for a sigh in its place. “I don’t want to talk to you.”
“But why? We were doing so good! Tell me,” he kneels down in front of you, “I’ll try my best to improve. I said I was sorry about your hand. If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t have even taken you to the hospital! You know how much I hate you being outside these safe four walls.”
“I want my family, Childe.”
His eyes widen at your words but you continue. He seems vulnerable right now. Maybe you can shoot your shot at getting some freedom.
“I want to meet my friends again. I… I don’t want to be confined to this place. It’s aggravating and I can’t take it anymore.”
One breath, then two. His head tilts a little as he squints his eyes.
“Sunshine, are you asking for a divorce?”
Your current anxiety level goes off the charts at his words. If he gets mad again, there’s no saying what he can do.
“Childe, that’s not what I’m trying to say! I just… I just want to be normal again. I’m not going to leave you-”
“You’re just making ground to say it explicitly, aren’t you?”
“No! That’s not-”
You’re cut off with him slamming his lips onto yours. A hand of his moves your injured one before he pushes you onto the bed, back flat against the mattress and legs dangling off the edge as he hovers above you. He moves your injured hand to your left, bringing your other one to cup his cheek. When he pulls away, you greedily take in as much air as you can with a fuzzy head.
“I must say, that was pretty bold of you to just complain to me like that. I’m impressed, but still,” he leans into your ear, hands now under your shirt. “I stole your first kiss after so long and now I want more. Let’s do something romantic, shall we?”
After a teasing caress to your abdomen, he gets off of you. There’s the sound of the bedside table’s drawer opening followed by a metallic clink as it closes. You’re pulled towards the bedrest with a yelp and something cool immediately wraps around your good wrist. One look was enough to confirm your suspicions.
“I originally got handcuffs for our more intimate affairs, but I guess we can do that and keep you in check at the same time. So then sunshine, let me see all of you.”
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The more people who use "omg you're just such a great writer, I got really sucked into the story and I got too emotional because you made the emotions so strong, so I felt bad for Spencer because Y/N was being mean to him" as an excuse to be a dickhead in the comments of my fic, the more years I am adding before I ever write another CM fic ever again
I am not responsible for your emotional baggage when it comes to a fictional character. You should not take out that baggage on me. You should be able to differentiate the way that you infantilize and baby a grown man and uwu shelter him and the capable, grown man that actually exists in the canon. Infantilizing to the point that when basic conflict comes up in a story, you freak out and perceive that the world is attacking him (when oh, he's been through enough!!!). If you want his fictional life to be calm, go read some fluff. Do not read a fic clearly marked as angst. You should be mature enough to twist your knuckles about it and scream into your pillow instead of screaming at the author of a fic about how he's been treated too cruelly.
It is not a compliment to my writing. You having intense preconceived notions about a character that directly conflict with the story is not a compliment to me or my writing. If you were actually caught up in the emotions of the fic, you would sympathize with the main character rather than calling her a bitch and getting angry with her for being mean to your blorbo. I have written many other high stakes emotional fics, and people have never, ever left comments with this stunning lack of maturity before (except for the last time I wrote a multichaptered CM fic 🙃).
Most people understand that basic conflict in a story means that sometimes the main character you love will do shitty things - and will be called out for it. (But they may also have the opportunity to heal and grow from those things if you read the rest of the fucking story.)
I could also go on a whole rant about how Spencer is heavily autistic coded and people baby the fuck out of him (or write him vastly out of character with none of his autistic traits) so apparently it's fucking criminal of me to write him in character and call him out for some of his canon traits being shitty. Because I didn't put him in a crib and put a fucking bonnet on him and shelter him from the fucking world.
But that is a rant for another day.
Anyway - the CM fandom has lost a "great writer" thanks to the behavior in the comments of that fic ✌
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theblogtini · 1 year
The only reason I’m slightly “poor Harry” is because he may not have liked his role in the familial institution but you can’t tell me he didn’t love his family. Didn’t he even say at the end of the NF doc he misses his family and friends? 
I sure can, anon. In fact, I don't think he gives a damn about his family at all -- only what they can do for him. And that's the biggest tragedy in this whole thing. It isn't what's happening to "poor Harry" as some people like to lament cos he's actually getting far less than his just dessert. It's the realization for his family of how little he actually cares about them and how far he's willing to go to hurt them.
Let's see: He trashed and blackmailed his family as his grandfather was dying and then threw him along with his grandmother and father under the bus for bad parenting right after he died. He was doing the "documentary" and the book knowing that his grandmother was terminally ill AND all the while STILL had the gall to harass her for $$. He then spent the period leading up to her funeral making demands to his grieving family and was looking positively murderous at the service just because he didn't get to sit at the front row. He hara$$ed his father too in private while publicly slagging and erasing him since he isn't as useful as his iconic dead mother whom he relentlessly exploits for $$ and clout. He tried to character assassinate his brother and cast aspersions upon his marriage with a callous disregard as to how it'd affect his nephews and niece, which, given the history with his own parents, is especially vile and cruel. He slandered them all to incite attacks against them and the family business and get them cancelled. If that's love then no, thanks, anon lol
Oh but he loved his family cos he said he missed them? PLS. More like he missed the perks and their clout that he'd taken for granted. It was a meaningless and manipulative lip service to take the edge off of his treachery and mask his malevolence. Just like when he sang the late Queen's praises while also reducing her to a puppet and a senile old lady. Or when he said he loved his brother to bits before throwing him under the bus on Oprah. The same m.o. as when his wife said that Kate was a nice person after humiliating her with the waity Katie dig.
He's hurt and abused a lot of people. But because his mummy died his apologists keep infantilizing and feeling sorry for him instead of for those he's hurt. Or they keep making excuses for him and downplaying his malice because they bought into his PR and don't like to admit that they'd been totally wrong/fooled. And ofc there's also the good ole misogyny where it's always the woman's fault. As the other anon said, you don't see people say "poor Meghan". I wonder tho if they'd still say "poor Harry" if he'd done any of those things to THEM?
Sorry for the rant but I'm also so damn sick of this "poor Harry" business lol
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molsno · 1 year
Your post on transandrophobia was the first time i'd heard of it and it from just reading your post it made sense why it couldn't be real. But i didnt want to adopt a new belief against something without looking into why people are for it. Upon reading many other posts and doing a bunch of thinking i now have a few thoughts on your post id appreciate your input on as you seem understanding and extremely well-read
please correct me if i'm wrong, but your argument against transandrophobia is that transandrophobia as the combination of androphobia/misandry and transphobia (to mirror transmisogyny being a combination of misogyny and transphobia) cannot exist because androphobia/misandry does not exist
you are completely correct that misandry does not exist in the same systemic way that misogyny does, it would be idiotic to argue otherwise, but our current system of gender stereotypes/expectations does also negatively impact men. Men are seen as inherently violent, dangerous, emotionless, and too sexual. (ie. men aren't belived when victims of rape bc/they must've enjoyed it, men are more likely to be incarcerated)
Men's Rights Activists and people like them were wrong in believing they suffered more than women and that women gaining rights was the cause of their suffering, but they did correctly identify that men also suffered from the patriarchy (and im forever gonna be salty that they were so close to understanding but instead of engaging in solidarity they decided to be misogynist about it)
When combined with other forms of oppression the often excused or ignored negative associations with masculinity are viewed as horrible problems
For example black men have to constantly make themselves less threatening when near white women because it is assumed they have malicious intent. Historically many many black men have been lynched in order to 'protect' white women. Yes it was very much racism, but it wasn't a coincidence that black men were the victims far more than black women.
Lesbians have historically been seen as inherently masculine therefore dangerous and predatory. The same associations now are used to justify transwomen being banned from women's spaces because they must be inherently masculine therefore inherently sexually predatory.
There is a narrative that Testosterone should be avoided for transmascs because it will make them into ugly violent monsters.
In specifically queer spaces there is often a strong stigma against being proud to be masculine. Which makes sense as most of the groups and people who have been openly proud of their masculinity before have been actively advocating for the elimination of queer people, but masculinity in itself is not anti-queer and shouldn't be treated as such.
There are many transmasc struggles seperate from transfem struggles that could potentially be more accurately described as an intersection of misogyny and transphobia, such as the infantilization and denial of control over our bodies, but because transfem people have established transmisogyny as a term to talk about their struggles and because there are several struggles resulting from our specifically trans masculinity, transandrophobia was chosen instead to not encroach on transfem's space while still having the ability to speak about our struggles.
thank you if you actually spent the time to read this and i genuinely hope you have a great day :]
thank you for being open to criticism with these ideas but oof, there's a lot to unpack here. frankly, I find it a little hard to believe you'd never heard the word transandrophobia before, considering you're regurgitating all of its talking points. you say that misandry doesn't exist at a systemic level, but then all of these points are framed as if it does. we'll go through that, but first, some foundations:
our current gender system may negatively impact men in a few narrow circumstances, but it is ultimately self-inflicted (even if some women do uphold it), and still benefits them. men are perceived as violent, dangerous, and too sexual because they continue to perpetuate a gender system that oppresses women with sexual violence. still, to this day, marital rape is not punished with the same severity as non-marital rape. still, to this day, women stay in abusive relationships out of fear that their boyfriends/husbands will commit acts of violence against them if they try to leave.
do you understand? violence, and ESPECIALLY sexual violence, is a tool men wield to maintain power, sometimes over other men, but especially over women. they wield this tool voluntarily because it benefits them, even if it does have its drawbacks in some circumstances. violence is punishable under the law, which is why men who perpetrate violence against other men tend to be incarcerated at higher rates than men who perpetrate violence against women. after all, women aren't considered full human beings with equal rights, so violence against them isn't a severe offense. our society was structured around the premise that women are men's property with which they can do whatever they want. that's why, for instance, when men are raped by women, they aren't believed; the very concept of a woman wielding sexual power over men is unthinkable in the eyes of society.
misogyny is one of the oldest forms of oppression - it's existed since nearly the dawn of society itself, and has existed in cultures all over the world for thousands of years. as a result, it is baked into the very foundation of society. if your analysis of gendered systems doesn't begin from this basic fact, then your analysis is incorrect.
certainly, men uphold very rigid, overly-restrictive notions of masculinity which can harm them in some cases, but this "toxic masculinity" as it's come to be known is really just a means of threatening other men with transmisogyny. I've written a whole post about it here.
with all of that out of the way, let's go through the rest of your examples of supposed misandry one by one.
first, while you are correct that there is a long history of violence being enacted upon black men because they are perceived as a threat to white women, the cause of this phenomenon is just racism. as you will recall in an earlier paragraph, I stated that men are perceived as violent and dangerous because they uphold a system of sexual ownership over women. any man that may pose a threat to another man's ownership over a woman must be punished with violence. now, black people regardless of gender are seen as hypersexual in this white supremacist society, so when it comes to black men in particular, they are perceived as being more likely to threaten a white man's ownership over a white woman - hence the amount of violence they face.
now, I need to say, I'm white, and while I do my best to learn about racism and how it intersects with other forms of oppression, my understanding will always be limited by my privilege as a white person. I've never experienced racism and I never will, so I don't have the full nuance to explain this topic in particular that comes with lived experience. that being said, I find it very callous and cruel that transandrophobia truthers repeatedly use the violence black men face as "proof" of their beliefs, especially because they act like black women aren't also subjected to racist violence, which they very much are. here's a thread by two black bloggers about this topic that I think discusses this phenomenon better than I ever could - be sure to check the read more link in it.
moving on, your point about lesbians and trans women (note the space) is, frankly, extremely insulting. misandry is not a part of my oppression. people don't hate me because I'm masculine, they hate me because I'm a tranny. they hate me SPECIFICALLY because I reject manhood in its entirety. they hate me because my very existence calls into question the validity of the assumptions that 1. there are two opposite mutually exclusive genders with absolutely no overlap and 2. manhood and masculinity is inherently superior to womanhood and femininity. that's why they portray people like me as a threat to cis women. if I'm free to exist in the way that makes me happiest, then the gender system that gives men absolute unchecked power over women will crumble. lesbians are also reviled and viewed as predatory for their rejection of subservience to men and their attraction to women, which - again, threatens men's control over them.
I'm going to go out of order here and address your point about queer spaces being hostile to masculinity. it just isn't true. I've never seen a single person provide an adequate explanation for how there is a stigma in queer spaces against masculinity that wasn't just lesbophobia and transmisogyny in disguise. it always boils down to "waah lesbians and trans women are mean to men and people who like men :(", a la this post.
now, last but not least, your points about transmascs. they're discouraged from transitioning because we live in a transphobic society. there is nothing unique about that. transfems are subjected to the exact same rhetoric.
transmascs do not experience an intersection of transphobia and misogyny. they may experience both of these, but they are not intersecting, and any assertion to the contrary demonstrates an abysmal understanding of intersection, whether willfully or not. I've already written another post about this exact topic.
I hope this was helpful, but for future reference, I'm going to say this: most women are not going to be so patient and understanding when you approach them with a giant wall of text asking them to explain misogyny to you. I did not have to do any of this for you, and you shouldn't expect me to. I've already written and reblogged many posts about the topics you've brought up here, as you've seen, and you could have easily found most of them by looking through my writing and transmisogyny tags. I hope you have a good day, but please do not do this again.
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ahkaraii · 7 months
i might have already asked but are you planning to update five or a lot can change in a year anytime soon?
As always, very happy people are still interested in this story because I've poured a lot of myself into it <3 My answer is, still, I do plan on finishing it! But I've left it on the backburner because I am no longer in the correct headspace, and also, I no longer have the same time availability I did before.
blah blah the usual excuses under cut
I think I hit a crossroads when I lost my old laptop some years back, with it went the psd files for about 12 parts of the story and I was never able to recover them. That, plus the fact that I started Five before I went through clinical rotations, and the karaii before that and the karaii after that are very different people. Not to be too melodramatic about it, but public hospitals in third world countries with intense local gang warfare is pretty ptsd-inducing, and fictional stories about child soldiers quickly start feeling a bit sour when you see in front of you real live people shaped by those forces in a very not-fictional sort of way. You see one person dying and then you see several couple more and you fuck up giving CPR once and all these things kinda pile on, y'know? My comic about Kakashi started feeling like something I couldn't get into anymore. For a while there, all my art felt like it had been drawn by a very different person that I could no longer recognize. Infantile, childish, narrow-visioned-- deep sunk in a place of fiction when real life in front of me demanded my attention.
I've been a medical doctor for a couple years now though, so I've grown into my big boy boots and am doing quite well for myself, as it were. I'm currently a postgraduate resident for psychiatry so art and fandom have returned to being a place for me to destress and chill :) My Five comic is a legacy I am very proud of and really truly do want to finish, but I need to get back into that headspace to do it proper-like. There are so many unfinished stories percolating there that I'd be long-term sad if I fumbled them all in an effort to speedrun an ending. It would be a disservice to my younger self, who was so ambitious and had such a clear vision, y'know?
As it is, these things take time, and patience, and if you've run out of them then I hope you enjoyed the ride, and find greener pastures <3 Life's really truly too short to sweat the small stuff. Enjoy your health while it lasts, and don't forget to make your own meaningful human connections 'cause those can keep you going for a long time :D And thanks for being interested enough to send me a message! I am genuinely very happy people still enjoy my old works enough to come asking me about them. Stay awesome, and don't forget to smell the flowers!
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marciabrady · 9 months
I'm seeing so much disdain for the OG Snow White (film but mostly heroine) in discussions about the remake. I'm floored, almost every popular Disney film has issues, even the beloved 90s era, and they continue to go without much criticism but people are acting like SW is Gone With the Wind level problematic. Even saying Snow White doesn't have fans??
I'm just convinced these are zoomers who have a tendency to think bc something isn't popular with them it's not popular with anyone else. Snow has been beloved for 70+ years, people who got to meet Adriana were excited, Snow has merch and little girls like her toys. This people must live in a bubble.
And unsurprisingly a lot are men who think any woman who does housekeeping and likes romance is a useless drip.
Sorry Marcia but I had to vent 😭 nobody I know fights for Snow like you. Even Cinderella gets more respect than Snow and I'm happy she gets some but Snow White went through literal murder and being on the run. Could any of the badass princesses handle that?
First off, thank you so much for calling out that "nobody I know fights for Snow like" me because I've literally considered it my life's work and it's frustrating that so many creators have stolen my intellectual content and made a huge audience off of it, while only stealing some of my points and not understanding the heart of what I'm saying and what I've been saying for my entire life (which is well documented on this blog; contrary to what certain people are saying about Snow White defenders, no, I didn't just selectively start to care to cosign on outrage on Rachel; I literally had a reaction to her horrible takes when they came out last year and made several posts about it).
People are defending Rachel in a way that, I feel, is infantilizing her and removing autonomy from a literal millionaire adult in her 20s. A grown woman made harmful comments and was disrespectful about a film whose historical impact is extremely profound (again, feel free to IM me about this because I have so many thoughts and don't love when they're stolen, so I'm being more guarded about what I'm saying now). And instead, people are turning around and excusing her hateful comments- which have even gotten the son of the original director of Snow White to speak out, at 91, saying his father and Walt Disney would be "rolling in their graves"- and they're saying things like "Rachel's just a 22 year old kid, guys, who's parroting what Disney is telling her! Don't blame her for what she's saying, she doesn't even know what she's saying!" and "she's right! Snow White IS old and outdated and awful and no one cares about Snow White!" Which is...
Most of the people speaking out on this and defending Rachel don't like Snow White, so why should their opinion matter? They're displaying that they have no insight or understanding of the source material and then they want to step on the people that actually do like the character by saying we aren't valid. First off, it's no secret I don't like Belle- did you see me running my mouth about how she was misinterpreted by Emma Watson? No, because she isn't my Princess and I'm not a fan of hers. I wasn't telling everyone "who cares, Belle is obviously the worst princess and CLEARLY has no fans" because that's not right and it's not my place. Us Snow White fans have literally always had to deal with people hating on her and misunderstanding her. She's perpetually maligned and the butt of the joke and I think that's why it's all the more imperative that we got someone who understood the character and was her protector, her defender, and brought her value and respect upon her legacy to a whole new generation of people who had been hating on her for years. And instead...we get Rachel who wants to change everyone about the character, admittedly didn't like her growing up, is misinterpreting the source material to an alarming degree (saying the Prince was a stalker is soooo wrong and even her implications that women aren't valid if they are romantic is sickening and misunderstands the movie; it's not called Snow White and the PRINCE it's called Snow White and the Seven DWARFS), and inspiring people to claim the only reason critiques are happening about the horrible comments she made is because the world, in 2023, can't handle a successful woman...like cut me a break
Let me start off by saying this. To all the people who think Rachel's comments are funny and never liked Snow White in the first place, and are calling her just a dumb cartoon character, she is the product of a legacy Adriana Caselotti upkept her entire life. She is the product of blood, sweat, and tears- the basis for which this entire company was built upon. It's one of the most culturally impactful films of all time- without Snow White, there are no Disney Princesses, there is no Disney Parks, there are no Disney Live Action Remakes- there's no Disney. And guess what? She has more value than just being an "outdated classic." In her original movie, she does display leadership qualities, survives years of abuse and forced labor, homelessness, misogyny, multiple murder attempts, and she endures. Both her character and her legacy. No one can deny her, the first female animated character to have a star on the Hollywood walk of fame, her impact on the film industry, on the Disney company, and on multiple generations of fans- from bonafide Hollywod A-Listers like Clark Gable and Carole Lombard who literally CRIED at a "stupid cartoon character"'s death and countless youngsters trying to get by during the depression, to adults who see themselves in Snow White to this day and a whole new crop of youngsters who find joy in Snow White's song. She isn't just a thing of history and of inks and paints- she is a product of so many people's talented labor and love and input, and if she wasn't, she- like any other material property- would've faded away with the passage of time, long ago.
Again, as much as I'd love to continue going into this, my creative content has gotten stolen so many times. But I do have more to say and I'm planning on doing it in a special project, on a much larger platform. I'll update you all on it when it's ready to be shared, but I'm doing something that will hopefully resurrect love and reverence for Snow White to the mainstream and will make all of the hard work and research and studying I've accomplished, over my entire life, come to fruition in a way I'm so excited about 💗
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neopuppy · 4 months
i do think infantilizing asian men is a big problem in the kpopper community but i think a big reason as to why people still see dream as “cotton candy boys” is because we remember when they were 14-16 years old. i was there when they debuted and i had already been in the kpop community for a few years. im an 00 baby and im asian too and i remember seeing dream like “wow these dudes are so young” because i was a big exo l and army and they were grown ass men. at the time, it was very odd for ALL the members of an idol group to debut at THAT young of age so i wasnt used to seeing these dudes my age that looked so young. plus it doesn’t help we kinda watched them grow up and theres so much content from when they were kids. kinda like how we view disney actors that we grew up with that never really shook the disney persona in our heads. i’m not excusing this mindset because i think it’s flawed but i think that’s why you see people say stuff like that about dream.
ive been an nctzen since the 7th sense and it took me a long time to see the sex appeal in dream because i still saw them as the hoverboarding nerds, even though im the exact same age as half of them (which i realize now that i was the problem)
all this to say, it’s still a big problem that people infantilize these asian men (especially) in their 20s but i think this mindset is why people (esp seasoned kpoppers that have been in the community for years) might say these things about dream more
ok so your timeline is the exact same as mine, except I watched Chewing Gum when it came out and said nahhhhhh, no thanks, bc even back then I was like this is too weird. even now I skip the video if it comes on my shuffle.
(I ended up ranting, sorry)..
BUT I’ve said this before many times, its sad how much more active even the nct dream smut community was on here like before I started posting bc when I first came on here looking for something to read during lockdown I saw so many fics from like 2017-2019 and they had TONS of engagement like…..5000+ notes for everything I was like????? werent some of these dudes like FRESHLY 18?🥴
this is personal but in general im having a bad week and I was listening to Jungkook yesterday and randomly teared up thinking abt everything he’s probably had to go thru chsjxjjsjx. bc when I got into bts I think JK was still 17 going onto 18 and the amount of sexualization I saw online was INSANE. it only got worse with time, but literally it back tracks as far as pre-debut and upsets me so fucking muche xnnejc im very sensitive abt it because I developed very early on in life and had grown men speaking to me inappropriately ever since a 1 digit age which I think really fucked up my head and made me internalize shit but like thats WHY I feel this way abt all of this
bc it took me a long time to become comfortable with my own body and expressing myself sexually bc I was over-sexualized from a very young age which made me regress where as I feel like kpop idols almost do the opposite at times……like they’re repressed to act like children well into their 20’s and end up ripping their clothes off as soon as they can.
JK is the best example of this for me bc I have followed him in bts since he was a minor? where as Dream I didn’t follow much prior to Ridin’ because their sound wasn’t my vibe(I still prefer 127’s music now). like thats why I was getting sad bc I was like mannnn JK’s sooooooo insanely talented and instead of letting him bloom artistically Bang PD let Scooter Braun paint him out to be this overly horny fuck boy. which is fine, whatever, its just music and he said multiple times its not personal for him at all but just cndjxjd ik he had to deal with so much at such a young age even some nasty ass old man telling him how pretty he was on tv when he was 15 saying JK his TYPE😐 I HATE THINKING ABT IT NDJEJXJDJD
its a double ended sword like being overly sexualized too young or infantilized as a whole adult, both are topics that piss me off. from one spectrum there is me who really clings to my childhood bc I feel like I was never treated or seen as a child bc of my rush thru puberty vs my friend who is super petite and has always wanted to be seen as womanly/adult bc she can pass for a kid. we had this discussion one day and I was like holy shit this is internalized trauma…
and the Asian men being infantilized thing is a WHOLE other topic because YES, and not just that but if I had a dollar for every time kpop fans call a male idol gay I’d be a millionaire. this also stems back to fetishization bc you see a hairless man with makeup and nice hair acting cute and you’re like well yes, twink, obviously
crazy when you realize Korea is one of the most misogynistic countries, but yeah gay ass twink, all of them, and stupid! THEY’VE NEVER SEEN A VAGINA IN THEIR LIFE! according to a lot of fans
I feel like I can’t say much on this subject bc you know….I write porn abt kpop idols but I’d rather see them as the adults they are instead of making goo goo ga ga edits of men in their mid-late 20’s who have been able to drink alcohol legally since 18 and most likely have been ran through more times than I can count on 2 hands
as a psa, its likely there are gay idols, and even some who haven’t had sex, but its just as likely that there are heterosexual idols who have sex and even have significant others. they’re human like the rest of us and get horny as often as any average person would I imagine
two sides to every coin right.
like yes I get why some may see Dreamies as youngins still but like get the fuck over it omg LMAOOO SORRY BUT LIKE????? THOSE ARE MEN, GROWN MEN!!!! if you don’t see it that way, go look at a 4th gen group and then come back, it’ll hit cnennxnsnsz
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