#that may be at fault for this. in any case im happy to draw something again. it's been a rough couple weeks!!
oshaskell · 6 months
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downtime with your CO
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firekitten830 · 9 months
thinking about gio .... tell us more about him he's literally silly + i like him so much
Makes a bulleted list
-full name Giovanni Morningstar, both of them chosen rather than given. Ooc I chose Giovanni because he is actually vaguely based on my pc from a different ttrpg, and that characters middle name is Giovanni. And Morningstar is a reference to The Devil. like from the bible dksgsjhd
-his divine blood specifically comes from Sharess, goddess of hedonism and indulgence that vanished when dnd 5e came out during the second sundering . So it is no surprise he is motivated almost entirely by hedonism
-he does not know this.
-he’s definitely not her only descendant but he’s her only descendant that inherited any of her magic
-he was not always a tiefling
-he didn’t always have access to his divine magic
-the previous two points were sparked by the same event
-he was born in waterdeep! Not baldurian but gets around enough to know some things
-wanted magic desperately but had absolutely 0 talent for it before his divine magic awakened so he learned the next best thing: stealing shit. Man has been conning and pickpocketing and just generally getting up to thievery and tomfoolery since he was like. 8 (charlatan background)
-folk hero background could fit him pretty well too! Before he got Tadpoled he sorta wandered from place to place helping common folks and robbing rich people blind. Sort of a Robin Hood type guy but he did also keep a good bit of money lol
-he’s a trans man :] no surgeries and he doesn’t want them, though he does take wizard testosterone or whatever it would be in dnd. Probably a potion or something
-queer and poly!! I imagine he has a couple lovers across the sword coast, some he’s going steady with and others he’s sort of off and on with. He’s so lucky he lives in a world where teleportation exists and is not that hard all things considered im so jealous fr (I’ve also decided that his dream guardian looks suspiciously like one of his boyfriends). Worm nerfing his magic has unfortunately made keeping in touch a bit harder but he’s been managing
-his blood is a pretty potent magical power source and several people have tried to abduct him to use him as a conduit for spells or rituals because of this. I imagine after That Scene™️ with Astarion he was like “oh shit I should’ve warned him about that. Oh well he seems fine” . In the moment he was too focused on there being a hot vampire straddling him
-his tattoos are tied to his magic and glow when he casts spells. You can tell which way he’s about to fucking get you because he’s conveniently color-coded
-may or may not be on the brink of turning into a mind flayer but I’m sure that’s like. Fine.
WAIT I just remember I made a dnd character sheet for him before I ever got bg3 and I wrote a whole background thing as well as a value/ flaw for him . I’ll put those under a read more tho this is already kinda long
this part is written ooc!!
“Sharp, charismatic, and hedonistic to a fault. He has a silver tongue and a knack for deception, able to lie his way into and out of nearly any situation. He’s been driven out of many towns for his infernal heritage, alongside the myriad cons and schemes he often pulls on the wealthy, though he’s welcomed into just as many as a minor celebrity, and in some cases, a hero. This suits him just fine, though; he’s always been one to dance from place to place anyway. He enjoys finery of all kinds, and is happy to trade fine food, drink, clothing and accessories for coin… though he much prefers to offer favors as payment. He does have many talents after all; a quick-fingered thief, an excellent negotiator, a ruthless conman, a somewhat formidable sorcerer, a gifted storyteller, and if it suits your fancy, an escort (though he does charge extra for events)… as well as some other things, of course~”
“It is fairly difficult to draw his ire;he’s more than willing to forgive and forget most wrongs against him. But it would be wise not to test his limits too much; his normally capricious manner becomes cold and relentless when he feels punishment is owed. People who hurt those he cares about often walk away with gruesome scars… if they walk away at all.”
And then I have a ummm ideals and flaw section written in character cause these are on his character sheet
Ideals: “The safety and happiness of those close to me matters far more than any laws, or the ‘greater good’”
Flaws: “I’ve been called self-serving on many occasions, and I’m always weak to a bit of liquor and a pretty face”
I am sure I will think of more things to say about him I inevitably always do but I’m a little sleepy so I’m ending this post now!!
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capricioussun · 2 years
I love match ups. If you’re still up for doing them:
Im a very laid back kind of person. I like relaxing for the most part on my days off, and spending time with the person who means the most to me. In getting to know me, I’m a bit stand offish at first, and seldom will make the first move in talking with someone. But once I’m emotionally present, I’m there for good. I like feeling secure, and I don’t like a lot of yelling or loud noises.
Personality wise, I’m a very sensitive introvert. I have a hard time with trying to not take things seriously, especially if it sounds bitterly sarcastic or overly negative.
I have ptsd and it most comes across as depression, but on occasion I have manic tendencies, so I’ll tend to do a total house clean or hike or something to try to wear myself out since I can’t sit still to save my life. Part of my mental disorder is that focusing on something is hard for me. I struggle with reading or with watching things unless I’m already super into it.
However, some of my better qualities is that I’m a good listener, and if advice is needed or requested, I have a lot to draw from. I strive for honesty, and I’ll do my best to be kindly honest. I care deeply very quickly, and I’m loyal to a fault.
And some trivia: my favorite color is green, my decoration style is owls, snakes, mushrooms, and skulls. I have a massive tea cabinet. And my favorite hobby is foraging for mushrooms and edible plants in my area (it’s a security thing. In case I run out of money I can still eat)
Hmmm, I’m surprising even myself here when I say I think a good partner for you would be Elester (Demonfell Papyrus)!
Elester is rather odd for a “demon”, even amongst his own kind, and the mortal world endeared him from the first time he’d ever been summoned. For the most part, he’s laid back, calm, and has a playful sense of humor.
He finds mortals curious, but charming, and while he lacks understanding of social cues and tone, he is very patiently curious, and certainly doesn’t cross any drawn lines. Once the two of you have become more familiar with each other, it would be important to Elester to have a solid understanding of your boundaries and interests, he’s very open and straightforward , and will ask questions to help him better understand you. It’s only once he’s achieved that better understanding that more of his own personality comes through, a bit cheeky, a little possessive, but he’s respectful, and very affectionate.
He would enjoy listening to you or spending quiet time together, just as much as he would enjoy helping you clean or work any bouts of mania out of your system by whatever means you prefer. He let’s you set the pace and just enjoys the ride, always happy to learn or comfort or help out with whatever he can.
He’s very loyal, and not quick to anger, protective, and very mindful of your preferences and boundaries. Has a little bit of crow tendencies, or maybe cat would be more accurate, and will bring you small gifts he knows aligns with your interest from time to time. He doesn’t take much very seriously, so he may help you relax, but isn’t dismissive, and is very good for comforting and listening. After a lot of time together, you would find yourself with a very dedicated and loving partner!
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argumentl · 3 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 38 - Discovery of new geoglyph in the Nazca lines.
K: Hi, this is Dir en grey's Kaoru with this week's episode of The Freedom of Expression. Joe san, Tasai san, welcome....
J: Ask me about it..haha
K: Wha..?
J: Ask me about it.
K: .....Today..
J: Haha, no no no. Hellooo? *points at  Tokyo Sports hoodie that he is wearing* Look, look, look, everyone. Tokyo Sports have...actually, where are you selling this again?
T: Don Quijote.
J: Its a collaboration with Don Quijote.
T: Yeah.
J: Have a look. *Shows off hoodie* 'UFO caught in power lines'. I don't know why this scene has been chosen for it though. I've put it on straight away.
K: I've got one too. Its cute, right?
J: It is cute!
T: Oh, that makes me happy.
J: Anyone can get this if they go to Don Quijote?
T: Yep.
J: By the way, how much is it?
T: Its about ¥2000.
J: This is..
K: Its good.
J: Yeah it is.
K: Its good for this time of year.
J: This is great for just going to the convenience store.
Kami: Its cheap. 
K: But isn't ¥2000 a bit expensive for Kami?
T: haha
Kami: Well, its cheap.
J: Honestly, its a bit loose in the body.
K: You don't have to say that.
J: Hahaha
T: No matter when it gets dirty..
J: Its okay? kinda thing?
K: On the otherhand, its easy to wear.
J: Easy to wear! Thats it. Easy to wear.
K: Yeh yeh.
J: Ah, its thin so its easy to wear, haha.
K: Great for when its just a bit chilly outside.
J: Just right for that.
T: Exactly.
J: So by all means, everyone, this is currently on sale at Don Quijote.
T: Thank you very much.
J: This is a super hot item.
T: Thank you.
K: Speaking of Tokyo Sports news, this week's story is..
T: Yeah. A new geoglyph in the Nazca lines has been discovered.
J: I've been waiting for this!
T: Another mystery to unfold.
J: Yeh, a mystery.
T: On the 16th of this month, Peru's Ministry of Culture announced that a group of archaeologists doing maintenance work in an area of the Nazca lines discovered a new geoglyph measuring at 37 meters. Its from an earlier era than any of the other geoglyphs that we know of. It hasn't been visible up to now because it was drawn on the side of a steep slope. But it has become possibe to get footage of it using drones etc, which means more discoveries like this might also be made from now on.
J: Its amazing, isn't it?
T: Did you see it?
J, K: Yeh yeh.
J: It looks like a cat.
K: The moment I saw it, I thought it was a fake.
J: Hahaha. Out of all the topics so far, your enthusiasm for this one is kinda different, right?
T: Its crazy, right? A cat...
J: It looks like that giraffe that Tasai drew recently.
K: haha, yeh.
J: I wondered if Tasai had drawn it.
T: Yeh, like presenting my own work.
J: Yeh yeh yeh. But then you probably didn't have time to go to Peru and do a 37 meter drawing.
T: Well, yeah. Looking at the design of the cat, Im not sure whether ancient people drew this.
J: What do you think, Kaoru?
K: Well, when I first saw it, I thought it was fake news.
J, T: Hahaha
J: It looks like it, doesn't it? It looks like a joke.
T: For sure.
K: It makes you think, 'Eh? Really??'
J: Yeah. Maybe they left it there as a joke.
T: The other designs in the Nazca lines, the birds and things, are drawn very precisely, aren't they? This one has a different touch to it.
K: This one is older than those though, isn't it?
T: Yeah, its older.
K: Maybe it all started from there.
J: Yeah. Its like the very beginning of the Nazca lines. It could've been like a practice attempt.
T: So like, it started from there, and became many different designs?
J: Yeah, that kind of thing, maybe?
T: I wonder.
J: But its said the Nazca lines have loads of mysteries about them. These days, in terms of technicalties, you would draw a small image first, and while looking at that, like when making a map, go equally to various places and leave stakes in the ground. And then gradually make it bigger. If you increase the size by the same amount, no matter what the angle, it eventually turns into that kind of shape, right? But to make that kinda of image back then, with all the obstacles that they faced, there is the theory that it could have been aliens. Its quite a deep rooted theory. What is Tokyo Sports' theory on this?
T: Well, there is the aliens theory, but also former AKB member, Kojima Haruna....Kojiharu, right? She drew a picture of a cat at some event back in 2015, or was it a tiger? It was a tiger. It looks exactly the same as this.
J: Hahaha
K: *looks at pic on Tasai's phone* Well...
Kami: You're talking about Kojiharu's drawing?
T: Yeah, like did she draw this? 
Kami: Oh right. Um, I also..A long time ago, I drew a picture at Tottori sand dunes with a friend.
J, K, T: Ehh?
Kami: It was like a male symbol..I competed with my friend over the size.
J: Kami, how did you draw it, this male symbol?
Kami: Well, I got a tree, and trees are kind of thick, right. I found a really thick one, and went back and forward with it many times. We were saying to each other, like 'Mine is bigger'. Stupid, right? Haha.
T: Kami's type of fun is interesting.
Kami: Yeah, we went to Tottori sand dunes, it was fun though. I wouldn't be allowed to draw it now though, that type of thing.
J: Ah, is it banned there?
Kami: Well, these days its all about public decency. Maybe that was my fault.
K: Definitely.
J: Yeah. Its due to your excesses, Kami, now it has become like this.
Kami: Yes.
J: Stop it!
Kami: Its like as a god, I was the creator of these new rules.
J: Haha
T: I see.
J: Yeh, I see.
Kami: Yes.
K: He puts it very well.
J: He does. So, what do you think about this Kojiharu theory?
T: Well, we got a good response from her. She said something like 'Tokyo Sports, stop being stupid', haha.
K: Tokyo Sports gets about doesn't it?
J: Its great isn't it? haha. Imagine Kojiharu speaking out to them about the Nazca lines.
T: Also, the Major League player, the pitcher Maeda Kenta (Maeken), there has been talk that it looks like it was drawn by him.
K: Basically, the picture is not very good then.
J: Haha. So, Tokyo Sport's conclusion is that this geoglyph is old, but in terms of skill, its not that good?
T: Yeah. Well, because aliens did it to help them relax.
K: Ahh, I see.
J: Like, a drunk alien drew it or something?
T: Yeh yeh. 
J: Ah, there are many possibilities.
K: Its great that there are still others that havn't been discovered yet.
J: Yeah.
Kami: Um, will it be said that I drew it if they find a vulgar drawing?
K, J, T: Hahaha
J: Hang on, you're  a god, so it wouldn't be strange to say you were alive when the Nazca lines were made, right?
Kami: Right.
T: It wouldn't be that odd to find one or two vulgar ones would it?
J: Well, as I said earlier, they could start with a small drawing, and then gradually extend it, but the question is what did they make these for? I can understand that kind of big bird being related to a religious custom or something, but I'm interested in what this funny cat was made for.
T: Yeah
K: Well, I don't mean big ones, but they are a lot of small ones like this, done by people a long time ago, right?
T: Ah yeh.
J: Ah, I see. Yeh yeh.
T: It wasn't that unusual for ancient peope to draw random doodles, like symbols or religious images and stuff.
J: Ah, yeh. Its interesting.
Kami: Joe, I really understand what you said about expanding the drawing equally bit by bit.
J: Oh really?
Kami: Yeh, at Tottori sand dunes, the picture I drew was only circles and a line, but i made it bigger in the same way.
J: Oh right, yeh.
Kami: Yeah, I did.
J: So does that mean you really knew how to draw?
Kami: No, I didn't know how to at all. It just came naturally.
J: Naturally?
Kami: Yes.
T: Incredible.
J: Of couse, you are a god. I somehow wish you'd drawn something more decent. Haha
Kami: Well, I have a knack for that type of thing.
J: Haha, do you? Like, this is you?
Kami: Yes. Im just a vulgar guy.
J: Ah, you're vulgar? A vulgar god.
Kami: Yes.
K: Well, anyway, it will be interesting if they find any more of these.
J: Yeh, im looking forward to that.
T: I wonder if there are any more?
J: Oh, there will be more.
T: Hmm, yeh.
J: Well, I don't remember exactly, but in the place where the Nazca lines are, there is a characteristic type if soil quality, like if it rains, or is windy, the geoglyphs don't disappear.
K: Well, yeah.
J: If you drew a picture in regular ground, it would disappear when it rained, right? So, did these ancient people knew about the soil quality in this area, and draw them there deliberately to preserve them, or did they draw them in lots of different places, and only these ones have survived? Im not an expert, so I don't know, but it makes you imagine things when you see them.
K: Yeah.
J: Isn't it great?
T: There must be more..
J: Yeah.
T: Mysteries in this world.
J: Yes, I think so.
Kami: Isn't there any theory about them drawing graffiti with friends?
J: Well, there may be that kind of theory.
T: Yeah.
Kami: Is there?
K: We just don't know what happened.
J: Right, we don't know. Yeh.
T: That cat does just look like a prank.
J: Yeah.
T: There is no message in it.
J: No, there isn't. Haha.
K: How did they draw it though?
J: As for that Tokyo Sports Tshirt, I wonder if anyone holds copyright for the Nazca lines images?
K: I don't know, haha.
T: How about that? Hmm.
K: I don't know.
J: If its a press photo though, you can use it anywhere as long as you credit it, right?
K: Well, in that case, Tasai's drawing is better..
J: Oh, that?!
T: Hahaha
J: Lets make it!
K: Hahaha
J: How about that with 'The Freedom of Expression'.
T: That sounds good.
J: Kaoru did not seem to agree, haha.
K: No, lets just think about it a little more.
J: Yes, ok.
K: Ok, well lets finish here. Please subscribe. Thank you very much.
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petri808 · 4 years
Fandom: Fairy Tail. Rating: Mature.  Nalu AU ANGST trigger warning.  Based on this post.  Just under 10k words
Lucy Heartfilia is diagnosed with a heart defect. Stuck in the hospital waiting on the transplant list, there is only one thing bringing any light to her dreary world; a volunteer named Natsu Dragneel who truly becomes her bittersweet savior.
@uzumaki2810 Here you go, I hope you like it :)  Also thank you to the angst queen @doginshoe IM SORRY I FORGOT TO ADD THIS MESSAGE ;-; she beta’d and bore the tears with me to make sure it was a good story :)
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
It all started back in her last year of middle school when puberty really kicked into overdrive and she developed a well-endowed chest.  She assumed the little pricks of pain related to the added weight cause they sure gave her a backache if she pushed herself too hard.  Exercise was overly exhausting, so there went any chances of making the cheer squad in high school.  Not that Lucy was really interested in sports, but by the start of high school she realized any physical activity needed to be avoided.  But she didn’t want to worry her father since it was a random pain that would only surface if she exerted herself; ergo it was her boob’s fault, and she kept the pain to herself.
As time passed, and her high school years carried on, Lucy did her best to ignore the symptoms, even when something new manifested itself.  Fatigue…  she was studying too hard.  Rapid heartbeat… well, there was that cute boy that just walked by.  Shortness of breath when she laid down…  it’s just from the weight of her chest.  Each and every time, Lucy found a rational explanation.  She buried her nose in her studies as an outlet, which she really didn’t mind so much.  Her favorite thing to do in the world was to write quick fantasy stories she’d make up, and she’d often spend her breaks holed up in the library researching some new topic of dragons or fairies or whatever had caught her attention.
“Ugghhhh,” Lucy flinches as the blinding white light breaks through the surface of her vision.  She shields her eyes and slowly opens them but can only manage a tiny squint.  Her mind was groggy, and she swore her limbs felt like dead weights.  “W-Where am I?”        
She hears the muffled sound of her father’s voice calling for a doctor.  Why was there a slight ringing in her ear?  Something about she’s awake now, hurry?  The rest had been too muffled to understand.  Had she been asleep?  Lucy was completely confused. But the light… the light was so bright!
“Ms. Heartfilia?  Ms. Heartfilia, can you hear me?”
It was a strange male voice talking to her.  Where did her father go?
“Yes,” she croaks out, flinching as her body is coming out of its slumber and suddenly a sharp pain hits her again.  Lucy winces, this was worse than before.
“Ms. Heartfilia, do you know where you are?”
She shakes her head.  
“You’re in the hospital, dear.”
Wait!  It was her father’s voice again.  What did he mean she was in a hospital!  Lucy forces herself to open her eyes fully, though, keeping her hand between her face and the overhead lights.  “Why am I in a hospital?!”
Lucy hears the doctor's voice again, seemingly at a distance because her viewpoint was limited, speaking to someone.  Fainted.  Temporary amnesia.  Congenital heat disease.  Wait what?!  “Hey what’s going on?!” she calls out then is hit by another spike of pain.  Damn it!  “Dad?   Hello?!”  But it’s like she was being ignored.  Birth defect.  Advanced case.  Surgery.  “Someone please talk to me!”  Tears prick at the corners of her eyes.  “Talk to me!!!”  A third, and now the largest stab of pain hits her.  Lucy cries out at the pain and curls in on herself.  More shouting and the voice returns, hands probing something near her chest, and machines starting to blare out warning beeps.
“Please calm down Ms. Heartfilia, calm down, don’t push yourself too much or the pain will get worse.”
How could this get any worse…
That was 3 years ago, and the sands of time were running low.
Her father had done all he could, dragging her to specialist after specialist, exhausting a chunk of his fortune on doctors from one coast to the other, only to be told Lucy would need a heart transplant or she may not see her twenty-first birthday.  The most they could do for her while she waited on the transplant list was implant a ventricular assist device into her body.  It gave her a small measure of freedom instead of being tied to a normal transcutaneous machine, but it was still uncomfortable.  Her movements were restricted, she had to be careful of catching a cold, and what ended up being the hardest part, was the breast reduction surgery they had her undergo at the same time of the VAD surgery to reduce the weight and strain it added to her heart.
For so long she’d blamed her large breasts for causing all her pains, but now that she knew they weren’t, it was sad to see them go.  They were a part of her after all, no matter how much of a headache they could be.  For weeks after the surgery, Lucy could barely look at herself in the mirror.  She didn’t recognize herself anymore.  This youthful woman with tubes sticking out of her stomach which attached to a device around her waist that helped her weakened heart muscles do their job to keep her alive.  That had been the diagnosis, a congenital birth defect that weakened her heart muscles, and as she aged, the muscles would continue to deteriorate.  Oh, her father was so furious when they were told she didn’t qualify for an artificial heart because death wasn’t imminent.  
It hadn’t taken long after completing high school that the depression had surfaced.  All of her friends were moving on to college, most to distant campuses so she had no one to talk to.  Lucy would hide away in her bedroom for days at a time as the internal struggle mounted.  Why continue to go through this pain and struggle… why not just end it quickly and painlessly.  It was tempting.  From the research she’d done on heart defects, the end wasn’t very pretty.  Her only hope was a donor, but people die every day on the transplant list waiting for a heart that never came, just growing weaker and weaker….
At least the VAD had given her two decent years, but her days of being an outpatient at the hospital had come to an end.  Even with the device assisting her heart, Lucy’s body was struggling to deal with the strain.  The smallest exertions required fuel from her heart to power her body, so even something as minimal as the fatigue of reading a book for too long could trigger an arrythmia or worse, and the pain that may accompany it.  She needed to stay in the hospital so that her heart could be constantly monitored and if there was any sudden change, they could address it quickly.
The doctors were doing their best to keep her alive in the hopes a donor would surface.  But you never knew when one would become available, and her time was running short.  The original prediction of not making it to twenty-one was fast approaching.  Frankly, Lucy felt like it was by the luck of the draw and the odds were better at a Las Vegas casino.  It was a lonely experience being cooped up in the hospital and thankfully there was one glimmer of happiness amongst the sterile white halls.
“Hi Natsu.”
He smirks, “I brought you something.”  The young man was bouncing on the balls of his feet with his hands clasped behind his back.  
All the volunteers that visited the hospital were kind people, but there was one that made Lucy smile the most.  A young man named Natsu Dragneel.  She’d told herself at the beginning of her medical odyssey that she wouldn’t let anyone get too close to her, not only for her protection but there’s.  The pain of losing someone you care about was an emotion Lucy had borne at the tender age of five when her mother lost her own battle to cancer, and it was a feeling she didn’t wish upon her worst enemy.  But this man sure made that promise a tough one to keep.    
Natsu’s adoptive mother was a long-time surgery nurse at this hospital, who had had taught him the value of life.  It was because of seeing her kindness towards people that spurred his decision to be a volunteer.  Even at eighteen years of age he knew that volunteering would be difficult, and five years later, he would admit it never got any easier.  Many volunteers eventually burn out, especially when dealing with the terminal patients, but Natsu pushed through, reminding himself it was those very patients that needed their support the most.
“Oh,” she quirks an eyebrow, “what is it?”
“Tada!” he whips out a single yellow rose with pinkish-red tipped petals and hands it to her.  “My younger sister showed me how to dye the tips, isn’t it cool!”
Lucy takes the flower, “wow that is really beautiful!  The pink even matches your hair.” She lifts it to her nose and picks up on the light rosy fragrance it exuded.  “Smells nice too.”  She tries to hand it back to Natsu.
“Tch, my hair’s not pink, it’s salmon, and I made it for you,” he smiles, “something to brighten your day.”  Natsu then walks over to the small bathroom and fills a cup with water, brings it back and places it on the small windowsill next to her bed.  “For the flower.”
“Thank you,” Lucy blushes a little and hands him back the bloom since she couldn’t reach the cup herself. “It was really kind of you to bring me that Natsu.”
“Nah,” he places the flower in the cup for her, “I’d do anything to make you smile.”
It wasn’t every day, but Natsu would come to see her as often as he could.  His regular job as a construction worker wasn’t a regular 9 to 5 kind of thing.  Some weeks he might work five days straight, while on slower periods like the winter and early spring months it may only be a couple of days a week depending on weather.  He’d told her that working with his hands was something he enjoyed immensely, and the company was training him to be a carpenter.  
Natsu sure wasn’t what she’d expected of a construction guy.  Oh, his hands showed the roughened appearance of someone who worked hard for a living, but she thought they would be these rough and tumble kind of men.  Not Natsu, with his goofy and sweet personality.  She could only imagine how well such a line of work helped to keep the man in shape.  He always wore t-shirts and jeans, but his trim features hidden behind the fabric were easily discernable.        
The light of the sun brought the yellow rose to life along with a slight tremor in her heart, not of pain but of adoration.  Lucy smiles sweetly at his remark, her eyes crinkling, glinting with a tinge of moisture she had no control over.  She didn’t want to admit her growing affection for this man who always said the sweetest things or made the most charming gestures.  Natsu was always so compassionate and supportive, while never making it seem like it was just his job as a volunteer to comfort the patients.  It was easy to wish that maybe… he was doing it just for her?  
Lucy ducks her head, hiding the hint of jealousy coating her cheeks and tone, “I’m sure you make such kind gestures for the other patients too.”
“Oh, no,” Natsu sits beside her and takes her hand, “just you.”  He gently lifts her chin, forcing her to face him.  She averts her eyes, but he stares forward, softening his glare, almost wanting to chuckle that he’s had such an effect on her.  “You’re special to me.”
Of all the patients in this small hospital, Lucy Heartfilia was the one his heart grieved for the most.  It wasn’t fair, at only twenty years old, for this beautiful and intelligent woman to be tied to a hospital bed, watching her life flash by in the form of ridges and valley peaks.  The first time they had met was two years ago, but back then she would only come in for overnight monitoring’s or check-ups, and after her major surgery, she stayed for a few months during the recovery process.  By now, they were friends, but it had taken work on his part to get her to open up to him.      
“No, I’m not…” Lucy sucks the corner of her bottom lip in to stifle the tremor.  
His tone deepens in a comeback, “Yes, you are.”
Her eyes finally snap to his, and when she sees the determination behind them, reality kicks in.  He was telling the truth!  Oh, heaven help her.  It was cute to dream, but not for it to be real.  She feels a sting in her chest and pushes his hands away.  “Please don’t,” her voice is barely a whisper, trembling from the stinging pain in her heart and her soul.  “I-I shouldn’t be….”  ‘This is so wrong…  Because I’m dying and he deserves someone better.  I shouldn’t have said anything.’  Stupid little daggers of jealousy!  She clutches her chest, willing her heart to still, and pain to subside, ‘please go away!’
“Hey, hey!” Natsu immediately switches his concern from being flirty to concerned.  “Lucy please calm down, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to upset you!”
“I-It’s okay, I-I’ll be okay.” She fights the tears back with all the strength she can muster.  Lucy didn’t want to cry in front of Natsu.  “Please, Natsu, I don’t want to get our hopes up l-like that…. If this… If things were different….”
“Shhh,” he cradles her face, “shhh, it’s okay Luce, I feel the same way.”
After a few moments, Lucy lets out a long exhale.  “I appreciate it, I really do.”  She looks up and cracks a pained smile.  “You’re the only thing keeping me going, but I-I just don’t even want to think about not being there for you…”
It was Natsu’s turn to crack.  “Please don’t finish that.”  He looks down, holding back the urge to cry or show how upset it makes him.  “I don’t want to think about that.”
“But it…”
“You don’t know that, no one knows that, and I,” his voice falters, seething with all the will of his soul placed behind it, “I will cling to hope till my dying breath.”
The sudden change in his demeanor, switches Lucy from feeling so self-absorbed in her own thoughts to realize, Natsu has had an effect on her, but she truly had an effect on him too.  It hurt even more now that his behaviors weren’t just a rouse to make her happy, and it killed her to think of what he will suffer when she goes.    
“I’m sorry, Natsu.  I didn’t realize.”  She grabs his hand, squeezing it hard.  “Natsu I’m sorry.  Let’s stop thinking about this then, hmm,” doing her best to keep her tone soft and comforting.  “Look at me, Natsu, please, I don’t want to keep fighting with you.”
He sighs, “you’re right.  That’s the last thing I wanna do with you.”  It was a surprise even to himself that he’d lost his cool, and for the first time the awareness of his growing infatuation became real.
“Good,” she squeezes his hand again.  “Hey, um, you know its lunch time, we could eat outside since it’s a nice day…” her voice grows tentative, “if you’ll join me.”
“Lucy Heartfilia, are you asking me out on a date?” He chuckles, ready to put all the sadness behind them.  “Because if that’s the case,” the sparkle in his eyes return, “I would be honored.”
For the next couple of months, Natsu and Lucy’s friendship flourishes, as her physical body slowly deteriorates.  It was hard, he couldn’t lie, to watch this happen, and if it wasn’t for the strength of his convictions or his plain stubborn attitude about it that kept him upbeat.  He knew that she needed him to be her strength, and that fueled his desire to make sure she smiles every day.  
Lucy didn’t know, but his mother would keep him updated on her condition.  Not that he needed to know all the technical jargon, for he could see it with his own eyes.  Lucy herself would tell him just enough information when she needed to, but he never pushed or pried for it, letting it always be on her terms.  The cardiomyopathy was getting worse, her heart muscles barely functioning on its own at this point.  She had her good days and bad days but walking around wasn’t really an option anymore aside from brief steps for a purpose.  It also meant that the muscles in her legs were weakening too.  Physical therapy once a week worked with Lucy on light stretches to keep them from completely atrophying, but it was all they could do for her at this point.  But no matter how much weight she lost, or that her hair didn’t hold its familiar luster, to Natsu she would always be the same radiant woman he adored.  
She’d resigned herself to this fate a lot better than Natsu would have thought a person could do.  When he tried to picture himself in her shoes, he was sure he wouldn’t have the strength to keep going, but that was what amazed him even more about her.  On her agreeable days, Natsu enjoyed getting her out of her room, even if for brief periods of time.  Lunch or dinner in the cafeteria, the grounds of the hospital on a sunny day, or even stargazing when the evening air was warm.  He’d bring a wheelchair, and off they’d go, talking about anything or nothing, avoiding the subject of her condition, just giving her a smidge of a normal existence for once.              
Lucy opens her eyes at the knock on her door to see a familiar face pop through.  “Hey Natsu,” she cracks a pained smile.  
“Hey Luce, how ya doin’ today?”
She starts to sit up in the hospital bed, but when it’s clear to Natsu the woman was struggling, he quickly rushes over and assists.  “Thanks,” another light smile.  “I’m sorry, I’ve been a little sore today.”
“Never apologize to me,” he smiles back warmly.  No matter what, he always did his best to appear upbeat for the patients despite his heart literally breaking for them.  He places his hand on hers, “so, tell me gorgeous, are ya hungry?  We could dinner date in the cafeteria if you’re up to it.  My treat,” he winks.
“Stop calling me gorgeous,” Lucy chides the sunny young man, despite the small rosy glow of her cheeks.  “I know I’m not, and that’s okay.”  With the help of a psychiatrist and over a year of therapy, Lucy had finally accepted her fate and kept moving forward as best she could.  If she will die someday, she will die with dignity.  Stress wasn’t very good on her heart, so once she made peace with her circumstances, even her physical ailments had benefitted.  
“Pfft,” Natsu pretends to be offended, “are you calling me a liar because I know I’m not blind.”  His grin growing along with the deepening of red along her cheeks.  “Besides, you know I won’t stop no matter how much you complain about it.”  
Lucy laughs and her eyes twinkle, “I know, so we’ll keep agreeing to disagree.”
It was in these moments, and why he did what he did, just to see this woman’s eyes light up, that sent his own heart into palpitations.  Deep down Natsu knew that the chances of Lucy making it out of this hospital were slim to none, but you’d never know it when he spoke to her.  He stifles the urge to sigh. Oh, how he wished the circumstances were different.  In a perfect world, Natsu would love nothing more than to walk this woman down the aisle.
He circles the topic back around, “so… dinner, on me?” he teases lightly with a wink.  “We can take a trip through pediatrics where there are a few recent arrivals.”
Her gaze lowers as she hides the seventh heaven emotions the young man stirs in her.  “I’d like that.”
Natsu squeezes her hand, “I’ll be right back, lemme grab your carriage milady.”
As Lucy waited the few minutes for Natsu to grab a wheelchair, she closes her eyes and does a breathing technique to calm her heart.  She hadn’t wanted to show the slight tinges of pain she was getting as they spoke, because she knew it would have worried him.  They’d been steadily increasing in frequency lately, and she fought to keep him from discovering that.  But she couldn’t help it.  Despite her condition, Lucy was still a young woman with an intact mind, she still had desires like any other, and when a handsome young man close to her age flirted with her, of course she would react to it!  She did her best not to let these thoughts sink in too deeply and told herself he was merely doing it to make her feel better.  It was a lie, but it was the best way to shield herself.
“Ready?”  Natsu extends his hand to help Lucy to her feet.
She nods and takes hold, gripping on while he maneuvers her around and onto the chair.  It weakened Lucy to where her muscles were slowly losing their strength because her heart was struggling to keep her body oxygenated and functioning properly.  With support she could stand for brief periods, but only with support.  At least with Natsu, she could put her faith in his hold that he’d never let her fall.  
After adjusting the foot plates and making sure Lucy was comfortable, Natsu takes off towards the cafeteria two floors down.  He’d already alerted dining when he’d gone out for the chair they were coming down, to prepare a meal within Lucy’s dietary needs.  It wasn’t a terribly restrictive diet, but there were some limits, such as no stimulants like caffeine, or anything with a high fat content.
Natsu loved these little dates as he called them.  On warm sunny days it may include a stroll outside for some fresh air, or if it was cold and rainy, merely sharing a cup of light hot chocolate in the visitor's lounge in front of the massive floor to ceiling windows.  But if Lucy wasn’t feeling well, he was content to sit by her side in her room, talking, telling stories, or doing anything just to cheer her up.  Sometimes he would fantasize during these events as if they were simply at home and relaxing like a normal couple.
“Oh yay, beef barley,” Lucy stirs and lifts a spoonful up before letting it flow back into the bowl.  “My fave.”  She knew why they gave it to her, but that didn’t make it anymore appetizing.  Barley was supposedly good for heart health, and the protein it contained was useful for her body.  She crunches up the soda crackers the meal came with and drops them into the soup, letting the pieces soak in.
“I don’t mind it,” Natsu shovels a spoonful into his mouth.  He always made it a point to eat the same thing they gave Lucy, so she felt more normal about it.  “But if you really don’t want it, I could ask them to make you a sandwich instead.”
“No, no,” she waves her hand, her voice oozing with a sense of longing mixed with frustration, “it’s okay, I’m fine with it.  I just would kill to eat a fatty, tasty, slathered in sauce cheeseburger with a side of waffle fries or something you know.”
Natsu snorts a laugh and almost chokes on his food as a mental picture of Lucy chomping down on a burger, with sauce dripping down her chin both amuses and arouses him.  “I-I can imagine,” he bangs his chest a couple times to dislodge some liquid that made it down the wrong pipe.  “Throw some sriracha sauce on that vision and you just named one of my favorite foods.”  Could this woman become any more of his dream girl?!
She giggles, “So, um…” Lucy hesitates for a second.  She didn’t want to sound desperate or anything, but loneliness was the quickest way to send her back into a depression and she cherished the time the man spent with her.  “How much time are you spending with me today?”    
“As long as you’d like,” he winks.  “I always do my rounds first and come to you last so I can stay as long as I want to.”
Ugh!  The flirty thing again!  Lucy wills her body to behave.  “Wow, that makes me pretty special, huh?”
“Extremely,” he leans in, letting his gaze grow half-lidded, and his tone mellowing into a soothing cadence. “I’m gonna steal your heart one day Luce, that’s a promise.”
“What?!  Pfft,” damn, she can feel the heat rising in her cheeks, “there’s no point in stealing a broken heart sir…”  Despite the desire to feel aroused over his comment, it also brought a sense of sadness to her she fought down the urge to let tears rise to the surface.  ‘He’s just teasing… he’s just being sweet, trying to make me feel normal… It’s not real Lucy, It’s not real!’  But oh, how she wished it was!  Natsu was the perfect man that any woman would kill for.  Sweet, strong, handsome, silly, she could go on and on with the list.  He was the one ray of sunshine in her dreary world now that she truly was all alone in it.  The stress of caring for her had driven her father into his own massive heart attack last year.  She had no one, except Natsu.
“I mean it Luce,” he reaches out and takes her hand, letting his thumb sweep over the skin.  “Broken or not, I want to steal it and have the person it’s attached to a—ll to myself.”
“Please don’t,” Lucy pulls her hand back.  She could feel the tears pooling and if she didn’t stop it now, they’d soon fall.  “You know I appreciate it, really I do Natsu.”  Lucy looks back up at him and cracks a pained smile.  “But you deserve someone who’s not broken.”
The absolute pain measured in Lucy’s eyes, and the sorrow in her voice was like a dagger straight through Natsu’s soul.  He could understand her desire of not wanting to believe in miracles or to shield herself from further pain, but that only killed him more.  She deserved so much more out of life. Ugh, if only he had a direct line to destiny so he could kick its ass and tell it to leave Lucy in peace!  He didn’t want to upset her anymore.  “Okay, I’ll stop pushing too hard.  But I promise you Luce, one day you will walk out of this hospital a healthy woman, and you can steal my heart instead.”
She sighs, “You can’t promise something like that.”
“I have faith,” Natsu gives her his wide, ear-to-ear grin and a wink.  “You’ll see.”
How could she stay upset after seeing that smile of his?  That damn ear-to-ear grin that lit up his eyes.  The eternal optimist, Natsu Dragneel trying so hard to keep her spirits up.  He and that smile may very well be the one thing keeping her going at this point.  “Okay, okay,” Lucy chuckles, “I give up, yes it's possible.”
“Woo Hoo!”  He pumps his fist in the air in an exaggerated victory, “that’s the spirit!  Now eat, so we can go check out the babies!”  
Lucy laughs again and nods with a smile, “okay.”
It was harder than she let on to him because she knew how much he enjoyed checking out all the new arrivals, but seeing those babies coming into this world while she would be leaving it shortly was painful.  All those hopeful, bright little lives….  They were a bittersweet reminder that a hospital holds two balances; the power to bring life into this world or take it away by not being able to heal a person.  She didn’t blame the doctors, for they were doing their best, because sometimes the sands of time runs its course and there is just nothing more they can do.  It was simply a part of life, to be born and die, never knowing when the grim reaper would come calling.  
“Look, look!  I was told three were born yesterday.” Natsu points excitedly as he parks her chair in front of the viewing window of the nursery.  He plasters his face against the clear glass.  “Two girls and one boy.  Awww, one already has some hair!”  Turning back to Lucy, “can you see okay, would you like me to help you stand up?”
“Thank you for the offer, but I can see just fine,” Lucy throws on a smile for effect.  “They are quite adorable, aren’t they?”
“Are you sure?  You know the doctors want you to stand sometimes so that your legs don’t atrophy as quickly.  I will gladly bear the weight.”
“Are you saying I’m heavy?!”  She was just teasing, but it was the perfect setup to do so.
“What?!” he waves his arms, “n-no way!  You’re not heavy, I meant I’m stronger so I can hold you up…”
“So, I’m weak?”
“Wait, what, no!”
Lucy giggles at how much the man was stepping all over his tongue.  “I’m just teasing you, Natsu.  I know I should, but I’m just a little tired today.”  That was partially true.
The man pouts, “so mean Luce,” he whines and throws on the saddest puppy dog expression he can muster, even a sniffle for effect.  “But it was an excuse to hold you in my arms.”
Oh, how quickly the tides can turn as his bold little statement sets her face ablaze.  He re—ally needed to stop with the flirting, or she was about to have an actual heart attack!  “All right,” Lucy groans, “just for a few minutes.”  It wasn’t the first time she’s allowed him to help her stand and maintain her balance, but before his little retort, she’d never thought twice about it.  
Natsu locks the chair and adjusts the foot plates out of the way so that Lucy can put her feet on the ground.  “Just take all the time you need,” his voice grows soft and soothing, “don’t rush.”
She tests her leg strength by pushing with the balls of her feet against the floor, rocking them and applying pressure to warm up the muscles.  Brief movements, like getting from the bed to the wheelchair were one thing, standing for a few minutes or walking a few feet were another.  It was frustrating and embarrassing, so she avoided it as much as possible, like when going to the bathroom.  Lucy didn’t mind when the nurses assisted her with that compromising predicament, but this was embarrassing in a different way.  
Once she feels her legs are ready, she holds out her hand which Natsu quickly takes hold of and braces her other on the arm of the chair to push herself up.  When she gets to a standing position, Natsu moves around her body, placing an arm around her waist as he gently guides her the two feet to the window.  He stays on constant alert, monitoring any change so if her legs decide to buckle, he can catch her.  As soon as she reaches the window, Lucy places her hands on the slight ledge of the sill.  Natsu then switches his position to stand directly behind her, wrapping both arms around her upper chest to hold her close, but above the tubes in her lower abdomen.  
Could he feel how much her body was heating up from the intimate contact?  Lucy fought her own emotions to keep from escalating and stressing her heart out, for she was keenly aware of how they would look to anyone passing by.  Dear heavens, it was hard to do with his chest pressed up against her back…. She wished they could stay like that forever.  ‘Breathe… just breathe, Lucy…. Look at the babies, just focus on the babies…’  That only made it worse.
The babies….  Just a day old. The little angels were like moldable clay.  They’ll grow… they’ll change…  Will they become teachers or astronauts some day?  Oh, look at the one, smiling in his sleep, how precious.  Someday, will they make their dreams come true?  What will they be like?  Good little kids or naughty, friendly, the life of the party or a shy introvert?  Like many young girls who dreamt of becoming a mother someday, Lucy had envisioned having a family of her own with the love of her life and the white picket fence.  A little girls fantasy.  She closes her eyes, praying that Natsu wasn’t paying attention to her.  The tears pool behind her eyelids and she stills the desire to sniffle.  That fantasy was now dashed like a shipwreck against the shoreline, never to sail the seven seas again.  Natsu would have made the perfect husband and father for such a fairytale, and he will one day, just not in her storybook ending.
She’d been so focused on fighting back her emotions, that Lucy hadn’t noticed Natsu’s head was now resting against her shoulder or how his face was curled against the nape.  
“It’s okay to cry sometimes Luce.”
His whispered voice, so close to her ear, breaks the dam.  Lucy squeezes her eyes tighter and fingertips curl, tensing against the windowsill.  Shit, he knew all along.  Her knees tremble as the tears flow freely, but she feels his hold tighten around her to keep her from falling.  It had been some time since she’d allowed herself to release the pain in this way.
Natsu hadn’t been certain of it until now, but in the last several times they’d come to the pediatric ward, he’d sensed a change in Lucy’s energy.  She always wore a smile with a hidden agenda and now he’s confirmed his suspicions.  Well, it was his mother really that pointed it out one day when he’d mentioned it to her.  The woman was great at understanding human emotions and after years of caring for patients, she’s learned to follow her intuition.  
“Lucy was a young woman who may not live to be a mother or have a family of her own, of course it might upset her to see the infants.”  His first inclination was to stop bringing the woman to this ward, but his mother gave him a second option.  “Help her grieve.”  Those three words coming out of his mother’s mouth stunned him briefly. What did she mean to help her grieve?!!  “If Lucy has no one to turn to, how can she process what is happening to her.  Show her it’s okay to be upset, help her let out the pain before it consumes her.”  
“I will hold you for as long as I need to Luce, just let the pain go.”
But it was killing him to do this!  Natsu had told his mother that he didn’t think he was strong enough. The woman simply smiled, patted his cheek and said, “I believe in you son.  If you truly care, then you’ll have the strength to move mountains for her.”  Damn his mother and her intuition, though Natsu realized only a fool couldn’t see how much he was falling for Lucy.  He’d sell his soul to a demon to get her a new heart.
Strangely, Lucy’s body wasn’t reacting like she thought it would.  Stress usually caused her blood pressure to rise and strain her heart muscles, but that wasn’t happening.  She couldn’t stop the tears from flowing like a broken spigot, and maybe that was the best thing, like a release of the pressure that had built up unbeknownst to her.  Her hands move from the windowsill to Natsu’s arms, clutching to and resting her head on them.  Lucy couldn’t look up, not yet, but she needed to let him know she heard his words, and they meant the world to her.  
She would have made an amazing mother, Natsu was sure of it, and it would be a lie to say he’s never thought of or imagined them staring through this viewing window at their own little boy or girl one day.  Would the child have Lucy’s beautiful golden waves or chocolate brown eyes?  Or maybe take Natsu’s salmon pink hair and onyx eyes.  No matter what, the child would be perfect and loved.  A child that as the day ticked down on the transplant list was losing hope of ever being born.  Crap!  Natsu squeezes his eyes closed tight.  He couldn’t let her see him struggling with this, but damn if those images didn’t just cut him deep.
Neither of them knew how long they were standing there or even if any of the other hospital staff had noticed.  They were in their own little world while time passed them by.  It was Lucy who finally let out a small exhale as a last release of all that had struck her today, and with that tension gone, the tears turned into exhaustion.  Ever cry so hard and for so long that your body became lethargic?  Lucy yawns wide and deep, her eyes growing heavy and clouded, a little lightheaded, ready to go to sleep.
Natsu kisses the crown of her head and without a word, maneuvers her so she can sit back down in her wheelchair.  He sets the foot panels in place and helps her feet onto them, then pushes her back to her room.  There is a companionable silence, as if all their wordless exchanges had communicated volumes that needed no explanation.  Once back in her own room, Natsu helps her onto the bed and set the wheelchair aside.
After helping to re-attach her heart monitors, Natsu checks, “is there anything else I can get you before I go?”  She shakes her head.  “In that case…”
Lucy motions for him to lean in closer and once he’s close enough, she hesitates briefly then places a kiss on his cheek.  “Thank you for everything Natsu.”
His eyes widen, shocked by what she’d just done.  “Luce?”
“I just felt like doing it,” she blushes.  “Tonight… I don’t know, I just feel so much better and it’s all because of you.”  Lucy closes her eyes as a yawn cuts through.  They were so tired…    
“You are very welcome,” Natsu smiles.  He moves to leave, but Lucy grabs his hand and squeezes.  When he turns back to look, her eyes are still closed, and there is a slight smile on her face which brings a swelling of his pride.  He leans down and kisses the back of her hand.  “Rest now, and I will see you again tomorrow.”
Mister Sandman beckoned to Lucy of mystical creatures bathed in glittering stars, calling upon father time to bring peace to a weary soul.  She didn’t know why, but though the pull was strong, she fought his dreamy reverie.  Today had been the most emotionally charged day in a long time.  All the tears Lucy had shed brought a new peace to her spirit, something in this entire experience not even a trained therapist could have given her.  The amount of love that Natsu provided, whether platonic or wishful yearnings, calmed her, and pushed away the emptiness she had felt for so long…. So long stuck in this pain.  She wanted to relive this day forever, safe in Natsu’s arms, drowning in the pool of his obsidian hues.  ‘… to steal his heart…’  Lucy knew she already had, just as he had stolen hers in a way.  A sense of warmth floods through her body, shielding her to the cool air-conditioned room.  Lucy’s smile widens as her mind slips into the abyss of dreams, of a pink-haired prince who’d finally set her soul free.
“Natsu wake up,” the voice repeats as the person attached to it shakes his sleeping form.  “Natsu wake up.”
“Huh?” His clouded mind hears the voice of his mother.  “What is it?”  He turns his head, his eyes temporarily pin-pointed from the harsh lamp light next to his bed.  “Mom, what are you doing in my room?”  Natsu pushes himself to a sitting position as his mother takes a seat next to him.  With his vision focusing better, he finally notices the moisture clouding his mother’s eyes.  “Mom, what is it?!”  
She takes his hand, squeezing it tightly with her head slightly lowered in pain.  “I-I’m sorry, son, but the hospital just called me…. Your friend, s-she had a massive heart attack.”
By the time his mother had finished the sentence, Natsu had stopped listening to anything she was saying. He knew, the moment she’d said I’m sorry… to wake him up in the middle of the night, it had to be….  All the blood drains from his face and his shoulders slump.  He felt dizzy, weak, like all of his strength were stripped away, leaving him an empty shell.  He turns his head slowly, the tears already flowing down his cheeks in an endless trickle to meet the woman’s sullen gaze.  This wasn’t happening!  Not yet!  Lucy was fine today!  Fine!!  He wanted to scream!  But his throat was closed up, choking back the sobs that wanted to break free.  
“Oh honey,” the woman wraps her arms around her son and pulls him tightly against her chest.  “I’m so sorry,” her own tears flowing freely and hitting his face.  “Don’t give up hope, they were able to save her, but she’s been placed in a medically induced coma.”
It couldn’t be true!  Why weren’t his cries coming out?!  Natsu’s voice refused to make a sound and all he could do was weep.  It hurt so much!  His fists clench at his stiffened sides.  This wasn’t fair!  
“Let it out son, don’t hold it in,” she coos, doing her best to soothe the pain.  “They believe she didn’t suffer because it happened while she was asleep, that should give you a bit of comfort.”
No, it doesn’t!  She was still in a coma!  He’d almost lost her!  And, “I-I never g-got to s-say good... good…” he couldn’t finish it.  What if she never woke up again?  Natsu’s heart ached at the thought he may never again hear her beautiful laughter or that silly snort she would sometimes make when he teased her.  This world was too cruel to do this to a woman who should be in college, starting the next stage of her life.  A fit of sobs racks his body, ‘I never got to tell her I love her…’
“Would you like me to drive you there, son?”
“Yes, please mom, i-if you don’t mind.”  
“Of course.”
Natsu paused in front of the closed door to Lucy’s new room, unsuccessfully preparing himself for what he knew he would find behind it.  On the way to the hospital, his mother had filled in a few more details that tore the man up and brought a wave of guilt flooding over him.  Had he caused the heart attack?
The heart monitor alarms had gone off only 30 minutes after he had left her for the evening, and the doctors wasted no time in implementing emergency resuscitative efforts.  They deemed it a miracle, but after 10 minutes of herculean efforts they were able to get her heart restarted.  Lucy was then moved to the ICU unit and placed on other machines such as a feeding tube and ventilator to keep her alive.
Maybe he shouldn’t have pushed her to see the infants after all.  Maybe the crying had stressed her out and neither of them had known it.  She seemed perfectly fine when he’d left!  Happy, in fact, happier than he’d seen in a long time.  Natsu’s fingers absentmindedly trail over the area she had kissed.  Lucy was at peace when he’d left.  His mom told him her sudden fatigue may have been a sign.  Or maybe he clenches his jaw, that kiss was her way of saying goodbye, like she knew something might happen once she’d closed her eyes.  The way she’d grabbed his hand when he tried to leave….  “Fuck!” he grits outs as the tears pool in his bloodshot eyes again.  “I shouldn’t have left her…”  
He pushes the door open and his knees buckle instantly at the sight.  Tubes… all the tubes, and monitors, the beeping and lights, bright flashing lights of the stat graphs, subcutaneous fluids hooked to her arms, the drips… slow drips of liquid and medicine flowing into Lucy’s body.  He wasn’t ready for it.  Her beautiful face partially hidden by the feeding tube running into her mouth and the breathing tubes entering her nostrils.  If it wasn’t for his mother standing at his side, Natsu would have collapsed to the floor when his legs lose all their strength and crumple.  The woman guides him to a chair placed beside the bed.  
“Oh god, Lucy!”  The tears pour out and sobs take control of his body.  He throws his upper body over hers, clutching desperately to the blanket covering her, and burying his face into its folds.  Natsu felt a part of his soul die right then and there.  “You don’t deserve this,” his muffled words stolen by the fabric.  Why couldn’t they find her a heart?!
“Son,” Natsu feels his mother’s hand resting on his shoulder, but he doesn’t respond.  “Son, there’s no telling how long Lucy will stay in this state, so it’s best you say your goodbyes now.  They say that people can hear you even if they are in a coma.”
But all he can do is shake his head fervently, denying it to the world and himself that Lucy wouldn’t come out of this.  He had hope, damn it!  Natsu refused to say goodbye because that meant he’d given up hope Lucy would recover somehow.  
The woman seemed to understand her son’s frustration and didn’t push.  “Then, just talk to her son, let her know you’re here.”  
“Mom, could you… I wanna be alone, please?”                
“I’ll come back in an hour to take you home.”  
Natsu just nods in response.  He hears the door open and close, the click of the lock like the final latch being set on a coffin, sealing them to their fate.  He’d known the dangers of giving his heart to Lucy and yet despite what was happening, still had no regrets.  She deserved the peace of knowing someone loved her, and if this really was the last moments, Natsu could have that tiny measure of satisfaction knowing he was the one who had provided it to her.
“But you’re not gonna die yet, Luce.  You can’t, do you hear me, you can’t!  It’s not your time yet, so you need to fight for me please…”  Oh, how his heart was shattering into a million pieces as if he was the one with the problem.  It fucking hurt!  Emotional daggers stabbing him in the chest repeatedly.  “You’re stronger than this, Lucy!  I know it, you’re gonna wake up from this!”
By the time his mother returns an hour later, the sheer exhaustion had consumed Natsu.  She finds him passed out, and it takes a bit of begrudging effort to get him to leave Lucy’s bedside.  He was so afraid to leave again in case she passed away, because he didn’t want her to die alone.  It was his mother that coaxed him into believing that she wasn’t alone as long as he kept her in his heart.    
Day after day, week after week, became a never-ending cycle of zombiesque activity.  Natsu’s body was there, trudging through routine, but his mind was broken, battling between keeping hope alive and giving up.  He went to work, did his job, then headed to the hospital.  It got to where the staff had placed a spare bed in the room, and he practically lived in the ICU with Lucy.  He was lucky that his mother was a long-time nurse and he a volunteer with an impeccable standing that the hospital allowed him to bend the visitor hour rules.  They knew the woman was alone in this world, so maybe they also felt a sense of duty to become that family for her, because nobody deserved to die alone.
He grew obsessed with anything to do with her condition and used the lonely hours to scour the internet for information.  Sure, much of the stories about coma patients being able to hear weren’t really solid or verifiable, but any glimmer of possibilities was worth the effort.  It couldn’t hurt to try.  Whether it was telling her about his day or what was happening in their town, Natsu would keep talking.  He bought a kindle and read stories he thought she would like, fantasies of princes saving princesses filled with mythical creatures.  He remembered her saying she used to write such stories and wished he had been able to read them.
When he was too tired to read, or his throat was too sore to continue, Natsu wrote her letters.  The staff and his family were getting worried about Natsu.  So, the hospital’s mental health service counselor had come in one day and spoke to him on the off chance that they could get through to him.  While he refused to listen to most of the advice, he found the writing to be helpful.  Maybe when Lucy awakens, she could read them. But for now, it was one way he could pour out some of his thoughts in silence.      
He was always tired and exhausted, pushing himself through this day-to-day routine, sometimes forgetting to eat.  Concerned staff would often pop their heads in to check on him to make sure he had or scolded him when the hours grew late and they knew he needed to work the next day.  His bloodshot eyes held dark bags under them, and his mother swore he was losing weight.  But he would always push them off saying he was fine.
“No, you are not son.  As a mother I am supremely proud to know I raised a son who cares this much, but I don’t want to lose you too.”
“And you’re not, I’m perfectly healthy.”
“You know as well as I stress is harmful to the body.”
Natsu sighs and runs a hand over his face, “mom, I’m fine, I even cut back on work hours to make you happy.”
“And I appreciate the gesture, but you’re still working, just here!”
“Mom, I’m fine!  Please, just leave me be, I-I don’t want to fight.  I just want… I’m not leaving her.  End of discussion.”
His mother sighs, knowing that her stubborn boy would not listen.  “Just please, Natsu, eat more, get more sleep, do it for me.”
“Okay, okay, I will.”        
“I love you, son.”
“I love you too, mom.”
She kisses his forehead and turns to leave, taking one last look at her boy, and to Lucy.  Grandeeney Dragneel pauses with a bittersweet smile as Natsu resumed reading quietly from his Kindle.  Somehow, she knew that young girl loved her son back, and it broke her heart to know they were like those star-crossed lovers from a long-lost folktale, never destined to truly be together.  She liked Lucy.  The girl was smart and sweet, very articulate whenever she visited during her rounds, and her strength through this all was remarkable.  Even after being dealt such a cruel hand by fate, she never grew bitter or resentful.  Her son couldn’t have fallen for a better girl.  Grandeeney slips away quietly before the moisture building in her eyes could be seen by Natsu, bracing against the closed door, and praying for a miracle.
Is this that tunnel people talk about?  Lucy wonders as all she could see through her eyelids is the brightest light that seemed just too brilliant to be normal.  Her eyes hurt a little from it, but if this was heaven, why is there still pain?  She forces her lids open and tries to shield them with her hand that… doesn’t seem to move, huh?  But it wasn’t just her arm, her entire body felt heavy.  The images filtering in through her vision were blurry, slowly gaining focus as her pupils adjust to the light to see, wait, ceiling tiles?  Why does heaven look so much like a hospital?
“Oh good, you’re awake.”
Lucy looks over and sees a doctor standing beside her.  “Where am I?”  Or more like why am I here?  
“Do you remember the heart attack?”  She shakes her head.  “You’ve been in a coma for two months after you suffered a massive heart attack.  But luckily, a local donor came through...”  He goes on to explain about the surgery telling her that the transplant surgery went well, her body was accepting the new heart, and while she’ll still be going through three to six months or rehabilitation and monitoring, she was on track to make a full recovery.  
“Oh-okay, thank you so much, doctor.”  It was a miracle to be alive again with a new heart.  But something felt wrong, missing?    
“I’ll be back in a couple hours to check on you again Ms. Heartfilia, but if anything feels off in the meantime, be sure to ring the nurses.”  He moves to leave, but she stops him.
“Doctor, the donor, can you tell me about them, please?”
The man hesitates for a moment.  “Well Ms. Heartfilia, privacy laws don’t allow me to….”
“You don’t have to tell me their name or anything.  Please, just a little information.  I’d like to know who saved my life.”
The man sighs and takes the seat next to the bed, clearly torn with what he was about to say.  “He was a young volunteer at the hospital who tragically fell asleep at the wheel and passed away from a car accident…”
The doctor's voice droned on for another minute as he tried to reassure her that the man didn’t suffer. It was quick and painless from a one-car crash.  As if that was supposed to make her feel any better.  Lucy didn’t need to be told the name as tears poured down her cheeks, because she knew.  She just knew.  That was what was missing, for she knew that if she’d had received the new heart, Natsu would have been the one by her side when she’d woken up… unless he could be there.  With all the wires attached to her arm, she could barely move them without the sting of the I.V. lines, but she didn’t care.  Lucy’s hands cover her lowered face as the tears continue to stream.
“I’m very sorry, Ms. Heartfilia.  Would you like me to have someone from mental health support to come see you?”
Lucy shakes her head. She couldn’t speak, she couldn’t even think.  
“Mrs. Dragneel would also like to speak to you when you’re up to it.”  
More tears and sobs choke out. Oh god that was Natsu’s mom, how could she face Natsu’s mother!  
Seeing the woman’s distress, the man nods and squeezes her shoulder, “Again, I’m truly sorry Ms. Heartfilia.  We all miss him very much.  Please try to get some rest,” and leaves the woman to grieve in her own way.  
Her head was spinning.  It wasn’t supposed to happen like this!  Why was destiny such a malicious bastard to take away the one person she had and leave her in this world all alone?  Lucy clasps a hand over her chest, recalling the last conversation, that last night with Natsu.  She squeezes her eyes to the pain of the memories…  He’d made her so happy… so very happy, and yes, she remembered thinking for the first time since her diagnosis; she didn’t feel alone anymore.  Fuck if she didn’t want to just keel over again, but that would mar the beautiful gift that she’s received.  Natsu believed with every fiber of his being that she would walk out of here one day and she will live on for him, that’s a promise.  “Our heart,” Lucy breathes out…  But how ironic that he was right all along.  She really did steal his heart in the cruelest of ways… 
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iyliss · 4 years
What does ‘destiny’ means for Saiou and Edo.
Honestly, trying to explain precisely and without missings what « destiny » means in season 2 is rather impossible. I will probably forget things, or maybe aspects will contradict themselves somedays but I don’t really care. There’s too much to tell, and right now I will try to focus on exactly one aspect. What do Saiou and Edo means when they talk about destiny. (Also I will use more or less precise quotes and rephrasing, but I can give the specific lines and episodes. I just don’t like how pictures looks on posts like this, and Im really writing this for myself before anyone else). So. What do I mean by all that. The concept of destiny is often used by both Edo and Saiou but it appears that they don’t really put the same exact meaning behind it. Though when they talk to each other they mostly use it in similar way, some other iterations don’t exactly match. For exemple, Edo initially can’t believe Saiou’s predictions may change or turn out wrong, while Saiou treats it rather calmly. Edo also many times iterates that destiny is an immovable object, that humans can’t pretend alter, while Saiou talks a lot about changing it. So. What does it mean for the both of them and why does it hold different meaning ? And please do know that that is just a massive piece text.
First, let’s consider Edo’s meaning. As said, Edo begin by sincerely thinking that destiny is absolutely impossible to change. It’s something that dictate people’s life, but that they can’t escape nor control beyond having some knowledge of it. In his first duel against Judai, he specify that it is something determined at birth, and already is written as such. In a way, it’s a rather god-like concept : all powerful and beyond humans’ reach. I think this all ties in Edo’s inner desire of some kind of absolute justice. In the earliest episodes, Edo sincerely think there’s a difference between exceptionnal people, who were given abilities and an incredible fate to accomplish, and everyone else who can’t ever reach the firsts’ level. It’s a justice in the sense that everyone will receive in measure of their greatness eventually, which is only given and not chosen. It’s also a justice in the sense of good and evil. Edo clearly doesnt believe in any justice system, chasing criminals himself. As such, destiny is the consequences of being an inherently bad person, that any good person (that Edo surely take himself for) has the right to punish. This divine justice destiny influence as such most of Edo’s early personnality. The way he disrespects others, and the way he grows to view Saiou. One of the thing that made him unable to notice the quite morally wrong things Saiou was doing, is because he still believes that there’s a strict limit between good, innocent people, and those who commits crimes. And Saiou can’t possibly be on the second case. It is further strenghtend by the absoluteness of his concept of destiny, potentially projecting that, destiny being always right, Saiou who incarnates it for him must be as well.
As such, Edo’s challenge against destiny was majorly based on accepting that it does not exist, first by breaking the order it had built. It went by having to face that Saiou may not always be right, but also that he may not be as special as he thought. And that’s the part where Judai is possibly able to save Saiou. If it’s Judai, instead of him, then it means for Edo that he is not really exceptional. It means destiny is wrong, and it means rebuilding the fundation of his ego. That’s why Edo stops talking about destiny rather brutally. The moment the rules break, he can’t do much but let go of them. That’s why, when the Light and Saiou still tells him about destiny, he just ignores it. Between the moment he realized his destiny had lost meaning and then, he ended up viewing himself and Saiou as much more whole and human (and also realized believing in destiny hadn’t help him as much as Saiou in himself had).
As for Saiou’s destiny The way he talks about it make it seem a lot less rigid. At the end his goal is to change it, by meeting Edo, then by observing Judai. He accepts the changes he sees and, as seen in his duel against Manjoume, choice is allowed. His is closer to the uncontrollable consequences of things. It’s kind of the meaning of that duel. Around the end, Saiou asks Manjoume to shuffle his deck before he draws the card on top, which will mean Manjoume either win or lose.  Right there, Manjoume both has and has no choice. He can choose when to stop the shuffling but, in the end, not knowing what card is on top, he doesnt really control anything. Choice matters (it is what decides what card will be on top), but having the right card is not really under control. In all that, Saiou is in a position of knowing what card will be drawn, but not how. He knows the outcome, but not the execution. And this situation of knowing the outcome but having little control over the process is how he uses destiny. That’s his « destiny of destruction » : he knows that he will eventually go through this but is rather powerless when it comes to preventing it. Edo is going to save him ? Sure but he doesnt know why or how, the best he can do is make sure he’s in his life. And so on. The predictions can be wrong, the result can change, but there’s always this aspect of not having control on whats to come. It is close to determinism.
When Saiou challenges his own destiny, it’s by managing to not care about it. The main issue that can arise from a certain kind of determism is the thought that people are actually powerless, and everything is just consequences of causes that can’t be control. The only way to get back control , in  Saiou’s situation, is by knowing the causes. That’s pretty much what he does when he tries to find out who will save him, and just about everytime he reads the future. He’s trying to find the causes of the consequences he already knows. That leads him to never really take actions. That’s one of the meaning behind his saying that he is imprisonned by destiny. Knowing it makes it impossible for him to actually think he’s changing anything. This is one main difference between Edo and Saiou’s concept of destiny. An opposition rather meaningful in season 2, between believing and knowing. Edo believed that some people were inherently better than others. It wasnt really based on any truth, and his path was to let go of that belief. Saiou knows the outcoms, it’s not something that can be undone, causality is based on logic and, at the end, it’s pretty much impossible to stop knowing that causes and consequences are a thing. His development is about not caring about it, or not focusing on it. The last thing Edo says about destiny is that he doesnt believe in it. The last thing Saiou has related to that is refusing to listen to the Light talking about serving destiny. So, no longer focusing on what’s to come, including no longer being able to tell the future.
And if you’re wondering, the meaning Saiou gives to destiny in season 4 is a bit different so… I wont really cover it here.
But, there’s something those two meanings have in common. They are the concentration of what both of them used as children to deal with their situation, and importantly filling the absence of adults in their life, and that they projected on a singular concept.
Edo was found lost and alone after his father’s death. He coped mostly by projecting the guidance he lacked onto his cards (leading to being so protective of them), and the idea of destiny brought by Saiou. I’m comparing the two because, while the D Heroes are quite obviously a reminder of his father, his « destiny » can be too as it is heavily based on heroic narratives. At the end of the day, all his talk about people’s fate being written in advance, the difference between the exceptionnal people, the unimportant one, and the evil ones, it’s like a story. Behind all this, there’s still a little boy dealing with loss by projecting himself into a story (inspired by the heroes from his father), where the hero is brave and strong and better than anyone else despise his tragic past, where there are unimportant npcs here to show how great the hero is, and a Big Bad to save someone he loves from. Thinking everything is written makes sense since it’s how stories always goes. At the beginning, Edo is very passionate about destiny, but also about heroes and how those cards are for him alone. His development goes by both accepting that Judai may save Saiou, that he isnt as important as he believed he was, and that heroes can be just fun as well. And it all comes from what he needed as a child : reassurance, justice (that adults couldn’t provide by not finding his father’s murderer), and promise that he had a future and a happy ending. Destiny was a continuation of his father’s legacy, and a way for him to keep building himself despite the lack of adults in his life.
As for Saiou, he pretty much says he used destiny as a survival tool when he was a kid. Especially to stay sane. The first effect destiny had on him was to keep some kind of rationality. The way he uses his power, and talks about destiny, is quite distant. Being able to understand both what was going on for him, and what would happen (his own prediction) has hardly controllable causalities, allowed him to make sense of it. On one side, as someone with more information, distancing himself surely was one of his own coping mechanism. On the other, thinking that there are so many factors leading to something can reduce guilt, especially when it comes to his « destiny of destruction ». Following destiny meant he wasnt in total control, so it wasnt completely his fault. Even if the whole guilt reducing part may not have worked, it did made him strongly feel like he had no real control on his life. That’s how destiny played for him the role an adult would have. Taking responsibility for his life, his action, and organise it. Saiou talks so often about being guided by destiny, as a way to separate himself from decision and actions he shouldn’t have had to take as a child. Interestingly, Saiou is conscious of using destiny like that since he is a child. When he refers to when he met Edo, he does think of it as his own intention, but view them as wrong. Unlike Edo, who’s transition out of destiny was rather brutal, Saiou don’t have a moment of realization. He may have known for a long time that, even if destiny like that isn’t so good to focus on, he won’t really stop. Escaping destiny in a way is not so much about changing what is to come, but letting go of the concept itself.
So I think Im running out of things to say if I want to keep it focus. I hope it makes some sense and interest, it’s hard constantly reminding myself of how the characters are and what they say so I can put down something coherent. I am pretty sure I won’t agree with some stuff in a bunch of week but I don’t really care, at least now some more thoughts are out in the wild.
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abloomntime · 3 years
A Bloom In Time Ch12 Dealing With The Past
Poppy's eyes widened when the giant snake like creature turned around in the opposite direction and began to float off somewhere still looking at her with that scowl. He was-....Sure something else wasn't he? She'd never seen anything like this before. Was he a swamp monster? Could be, she'd never been in a swamp before and didn't know what was hiding in it and she hadn't heard much stories about monsters except for the typical monster under your bed kind, and she still felt a pit of dread in her stomach harder than a rock when his gaze didn't budge from her face. It was almost like he was both suspicious and cautious in his movements as he held her up and away from her like someone who had to carry something but definately didn't enjoy doing so.
".......How do you know her?," he asked finally breaking the silence.
She flinched and blinked at the sudden question and all she could ask was, "W-what?"
"I SAID how did you meet the girl?"
"I-I-....S-She rescued me from prison." Well it was the truth. Even if it technically wasn't actual jail or a traditional dungeon. It was still prison to her.
He hummed and brought her around from the left side of him to the front to get a better look at her but still kept her at arm's length for obvious reasons. He was still dealing with the inner turmoil of emotions suddenly busting inside him, but if there was one thing he was good at it was keeping his mouth shut and his true emotions hidden. Right now he was feeling...He didn't know exactly. Anger? Guilt? Resentment? Maybe a little bit of happiness? He didn't know. Oh no no. Not angry at her or anyone else, but at Vanessa. If the kiddo really rescued a 'lady wearing an apron' (his yellow eyes glazed over her brown leather work apron) and it was Poppy, when it really wasn't a maid or cook after all. Then that also meant that......She was right there the whole time in that heavily chained room. ...And in all the few times he was there he never bothered to look inside ....she was so close...Right there. Which raised a whole bunch of other questions. Was she an ice statue like the others? How long had she been in there? Was she locked in there before or after he was chained up? Did-.....D-Did she know it was because of him? Oh peck! Did the kiddo say anything to her?! Did she recognize him?! Poppy hadn't given any indication she even recognized him so that was probably a big fat no. So then ....Did she resent him? D-Did she even know the reason she was locked away by the mad queen? Did she blame her friend? Guilt and anger at himself bubbled up from himself and he growled. STOP IT SNATCHER!! How many times did you have to tell yourself it's NOT your fault!! ALL OF IT WAS VANESSA'S!! HERS NOT YOURS!! The sudden growl made her jump and he snapped his thinking back towards her movements. The sight of her still scared form seemed to calm her down a lot making him sigh(or give a sigh sound since he didn't have lungs) and frown. Less intimidating than the harsh scowl. And he hoped it wouldn't scare her now that-.......Now that she was...She was back..POPPY WAS BACK AND SAFE! That one thought made him halt in his movements causing her to lightly swing in his grasp at the sudden stop and she blinked at him. His eyes looked over her studiously before she found herself slowly being lowered down, she was placed on her feet and the giant claws retreated back to the ghost who once again towered over her quietly. He studied her dirty still damp self yellow eyes stopping at the twinkling peice of gold around her wrist and blinked at the dirt covered gold bracelet. Yellow eyes widening at it before his ghost brain(if he even had one) kicked into high gear and years of experience being in this scenario rammed back into him making him hum and look back to her confused, lightly scared face. Poppy was safe...For now at least. But what if something happened again. He hissed and was still angry at himself for allowing this to happen to her. Her whole life was stopped because of him and now she had to pay the price for it....but what if-....HE COULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT NOW!! YES!! He was so puny and weak back then, but now he had the power to do whatever he wanted. He could take care of his forest, his minions, those kids, and himself...Why COULDN'T he do the same for her..He could..Make it up to her. Make amends and make up for everything he couldn't do for her...YEAH!! Well first he had to seal a deal with her, which meant no one could ever hurt her again. Just as a safety precaution. He'd done it before. And he knew jjuuuust the way to do it.
"This is a nice accessory you got here," he complimented pointing a claw at her wrist. "It's ok if I keep it, right? It's sparkly. I like that. It looks magical."
She blinked and looked to her wrist..And immediately pulled her wrist up and to her chest, her other hand clutching it as she scowled. "NO peckin' way, Ya purple onion reject! I don't know who ya think you are, but there's no way I'm giving you this. It's the only thing I got left from my home!"
He smiled at the sudden gesture even if it didn't nessacarily mean she wasn't giving it up because she missed him. "Im sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I am the Snatcher. Im the one who takes all your stuff when you forget it under the couch, or deep in the closet....Or in this case. Your SOUL!!" Again her face twisted onto one of fear and he continued to smile and hold up a clawed hand, making a small blue fire appear. "I took it the moment we touched. This small flame is your life force." It really wasn't but he was great at acting when you were a scary prince and people feared you. They beleived anything you told them.
"Y-You...PECKING DIRTY VARMANT!!" She suddenly charged and started jumping and grabbing at the small flames. Horrified and angry her 'life force' was being held hostage by some swamp monster. She was DONE absolutely DONE with her poor life. "GIVE IT BACK!! GIVE IT BACK GIVE IT BACK PLEASE!!"
"You can't have it back. It belongs to ME now. What are you gonna do? You're just a little girl. Only fire magical hurts me, and you're not a fire spirit." He lightly tainted smiling and still staring almost in a happy way at her. This was always too easy. "No one enters my forest and doesn't face some sort of consequences. But tell you what. I've got a piece of paper here, and a nifty one at that too. I've got some work that'll suit you just fine with your spunk." His hand with the tiny flame was suddenly engulfed in blue fire and as she gaped at it like many mortals he's seen. A moment later the bright light dimmed away completely to show a big scroll in his hand without the flame. In one swift motion he unfurled it and lowered it and himself down to her. His head practically upside down as he held it a foot from her face and the other hand grabbing one of her shoulders. "How about a deal!? You get to keep your body, mind, and soul and in return you help me with just a few minor things I can't do as a human. "
"......Deal?", she asked unsure before looking back to the long piece of paper and her hands reaching out to take it from him. He let her and watched in anticipation as she read over the thing. It was almost half her height. A deal with a swamp creature...There's something you don't see every day. The paper looked old and slightly torn around the edges here and there. At the very top of the paper was a fancy drawing of the creature before her with the face and his arms outstretched, beneath that was some very fancy writing that read "CONTRACT" in fancy bold captial cursive letters. The Rest was also in fancy cursive but lucking she could read it pretty well reading someone's fancy cursive order of flowers all the time. It read as followed:
You have been caught trespassing in the Subcon Forest owned by the benevolant and merciful the Snatcher. The punishment for invaded and disturbing the dead's sacred resting place will be your life long servitude and loyalty to said ruler The Snatcher. Refusing to comply will result in the reposession of one's soul as payment for your crime. But you are lucky enough to have been selected as few mortals to help the eternal after life and anything the Snatcher requests within reason of the servants morals and abilities. The following territories of the forest shall be availble for the signer to visit willingly as they please.
-The Subcon Forest
-The Employer's Home (with special permission)
-The Subcon Forest
These parts shall NOT be availible for any reason and will not be negotiated unless the employer says otherwise.
-The Haunted Manor
-The frozen bridge
-The Subcon Swamp
-The Subcon Well
-The frozen territory
-Any place my employer has said is off limits
By signing this the signer shall be paid for their service and loyalty with immortality, protection from the Snatcher and those under him, a home, and anything the signer requests within reason. Binding by contract means your soul shall remain bound to the contract which cannot be broken by any means except by will of the employer, a.k.a the Snatcher. And in return the signer shall do ask the Snatcher asks with they're full cooperation. If the Snatcher at any point terminates the contract the signer's soul shall be released from his care and they shall live a normal rest of their life. By agreeing you shall also be safe from other supernatural entities and their influences whatever they may be, including influences from the employer and other minions. Also by signing this the signer agrees to willing do this and become a certified minion of The Snatcher. If you have complaints, suggestions, or other, the signer must report them to their employer immediately. As a down payment for all provided by the Snatcher, he shall be given the contract with your soul will be bound to for eternity unless decided otherwise, but the servant will be allowed free of will, full freedom, tasks the employer asks something of them, mind, body, and their soul in their body.
And then there was a small line for her name. Poppy's blue eyes stared gobsmacked at it before rereading it again.......Before closing her mouth and looking up to the smiling spook with a raised brow.
"Do you REALLY expect me to hand over my life to YOU?!"
"Hey! You get to keep literally EVERYTHING. You're soul won't even belong to me. Only the contract it'll be connected too. Plus you don't literally have to do anything except minor tasks. Like going to the book store. You really can't expect me to easily buy books as I am do you?"
"NO! This is ridiculous! I'm not gonna-"
"Look, Po-...Miss." He almost said her name but made a clear throat noise and straightened back up looking down at her. "Perhaps I should've been more...Specific about what you owe me. You see this forest has thousands of spirits here. This is their home. They died here, they were buried somewhere here, and there's lots of obvious graves. Like or not you crashlanded into sacred burial ground disturbing them and annoying them all whether you like it or not. It doesn't matter if it's an accident, to them you invaded their sacred place. Which is also mine. There's a few powerful spirits here but none as powerful as myself. Im offering you a VERY generous deal, I even gave you your soul back once the flame left my hand." He smiled as Poppy suddenly blinked and looked at herself patted herself down as to check to see if her soul was still there. "All I want is a mortal helper to assist me in things I have trouble doing myself being an all powerful spirit. I even offer you anything you want in return. Within reason of course. Maybe you want out of here? To have the spirits forgive you?......Maybe some dry land by the looks of it. By refusing my offer you'd still be invading the undead's home and I don't think many are going to be as generous as I."
Her scowl quickly became a look of concern as she still stared at him. So he was a spirit huh? Was he right? Was there really big bad spirits like him around the swamp. She didn't think she'd ever see a spirit before like this. The guy was MASSIVE and obviously gave off danger vibes to her, but he offered her a deal, and....technically she DID kinda, sorta trespass on his home even if not intentionally. If she was a spirit she'd probably be upset someone walked into her final resting place too. Did it happen often if he was genuinely this annoyed about it? Was it true another spirit would get her if she didn't take his offer? Snatcher smiled wider showing off those fangs when she blinked and reread the contract over again....She didn't know documents too well, and she wasn't exactly an expert in laws like her old friend was, but it all seemed legit. Wasn't anything really underhanded in the paper except for the loyalty of becoming his 'minion' and doing as he asked without question. Boy her life just kept getting weirder and weirder by the hour.
"And what exactly kind of work would you have someone like ME do, Mr. Purple Shadow?," she asked raising a brow. "It's not like I have any special magical powers or anything."
"I don't need anyone else with magical powers around believe me. It's caused me nothing but trouble in the past anyways. Like I said, I only want a mortal helper to help me out with a whole bunch of things a big scary but handsome ghost like me can't."
"Like what?"
"Well as much fun as it would be to scare out an entire town and take the things I want, seeing everyone outside my forest scream and run away from me when I'm trying to simply buy books or something. It would be SO much easier if I had a normal looking mortal to do it for me and bring me things I want, and all kinds of other things a dead person like me can't. You like kids right? Live kids?" That question came out of no where and she rose a brow at how strange and sudden that one was. But he knew the answer was yes anyways, she always remembered how much she'd smile and laugh sweetly at all the children's antics. His minions were techincally those kids, and ...there was the girls. It WOULD be handy to have a lady who loves kids on hand right?...What would've their children have looked like if they ever had the chance to- He shook his head and looked back to her still confused face waiting for an answer.
"Uh....Y-Yes. I think they're some of the cutest creatures on the planet!'' She meant that bit too. "Why do you care though?"
"Because I have two small kids that drive me up a wall all the time. I could use a hand keeping them out of my hair."
Her brows rose. "You have childre-..." She suddenly froze. Blue eyes widening and remembering what the small alien girl said to her. Her father...A spirit. Snatcher- She suddenly pointed at him. "YOU'RE THAT LIL ALIEN'S FATHER?!"
He rose a brow. "Glad you finally caught up with what I was s-"
"She said you could help me!" Usually he'd be annoyed anyone would dare to interrupt him, but he just blinked at her sudden statement. "L-Look." SHe held out her hands holding the paper. "I-I just want some help! She told me you could help, but I don't know how! I'm lost, and everything's not where it should be, and Im having a very hard time believing anything is happening right now! I was frozen dead for a thousand years and rescued by an alien and now I'm talking to a giant purple ghost! I'm afraid I'm going crazy!''
"....Well, I can tell you everything you just said probably happened since I'm definately not an imaginary boogie man. But tell you what. You're lucky. That piece of paper there allows me to provide any help the signer might want within reason. You can clearly read it at the top there." He frowned a little bit. "I'll tell you this. I can't send anyone back in time, and wouldn't want to. But I can make life a lot easier for someone like you, and I can tell you already had it hard as it is. You lost so much already. So don't lose this too. Trust me, you'll regret it." Now she was put on the spot as she froze again and gave a helpless look between him and the paper...and gulped. "You know, you would also be untouchable to Pecking Vanessa. She'd be powerless against me therefore you too in a nutshell. Isn't it worth the price knowing you won't be a block of ice again."
Her eyes widened and she looked back to the paper with a sigh. "B-But...I don't h-have a pe-" He snapped his claws and a feathered pen appeared right next to her. She blinked at it for a moment but to his utter delight she reached a shaking hand up and grabbed it looking back down to the paper. "....W-What if I don't sign it?"
"Then another angry spirit will come and try to have at you for tresspassing. Im not the only ghost in this forest. Just the most powerful.~.....Sign your full name now."
The silence of the forest was interrupted by the soft scratching of a pen against paper slowly. Snatcher's smile became wider, and wider, and wider as she nervously signed away until she wrote the last 'n' of her last name. Once she did the pen disappeared in a small puff of smoke and she jumped, her grip on the contract loosening enough for the giant ghost to snatch it from her. At the same time a giant burst of energy throbbed hard within the very core of her body. Temparaily knocking the wind outta her. She gasped and fell to her hands and knees at the sudden tight feeling within her. Her body emitting a small purple light in the dead center of her chest before as soon it came it left and she stayed her gasping and blinking at the sudden sensation that came and left. Leaving goosebumps across the pale flesh and her shaking like a leaf again. Coughing and eventually snapping a scowl up to him. He smiled reading over the contract before it disappeared in a puff of flames too.
"That seals the deal, Lady! We're in business!"
"W-W-What the PECK was THAT?!," she demanded glaring at him.
"Relax. You're unharmed. It was just the bond ceiling between us and the magic forming a strong protective shield around your soul. Don't worry. You're safe now." His voice went a little soft there at the end as did his expression as he continued to stare at her. Poppy. His Poppy. His Princess of Flowers. She was safe. Free from any danger, out of Vanessa's grip, and safe at last. And with him after all this time. ....He shouldn't be happy about that. He still felt very guilty about her being locked away and frozen for a thousand years but I digress. But things were ok now. He would make sure of it. "SO. New Errand Girl." Still keeping up the act for now as he watched her get back onto her feet. "Tell me all about this little problem of yours. And follow me. You'll want to see you're new work place."
He went to grab her again but she took a step back and held up her hands still lightly scowling. "No thanks. I can walk."
He shrugged. "Suit yourself. Now. Are you going to tell me why the old blooming pecker locked you up and threw away the key?" he started forward again and she reluctantly followed. No sense in staying in the fog anyways right.
"To be honest I don't really remember." She gazed down as she walked, arms crossing over her chest. "It's...kinda fuzzy."
His full attention was on her as he scowled and hummed. "What do you remember?"
"I...remember these two big men in suits grabbing me from my stands when I was closing the shop. I think they might've been the Queen's knights." Snatcher scowled harder remembering those two very well. He could still almost feel them using their insane strength to hold him to the wall and chain him. "And then I was taken to the Queen's summer home and saw this monster...I mean the queen."
"No. You were right the first time. She was always a monster, it just took her a while to show everyone what was really inside. So don't give her any credit. She was never a queen, just a spider wearing a pretty mask."
She looked at him surprised. "Oh....Did you know her? I think the little alien said something about you were my age."
He bristled purple hair puffing up for a moment as he stared at her...before he scowled again. "Who DIDN'T know her?! She was Queen and then cursed EVERYTHING!!" He gave a small growl...before forced himself to calm down because she was looking at him funny and gave a sighing noise. "There's lots of spirits around here that was a poor victim of her tantrum." That wasn't a lie. There was lots of minions and dwellers that froze from her curse. "I'm sorry for what happened. But...A-Anyways, what happened after you met the crazy dame? What did she lock you up for?"
"I-......*sigh* I don't know. I think she said something about treason, but it's all fuzzy. And I SWEAR to you." She gave him an almost pleading look. "I didn't do anything but sell flowers in the square! I've never even met her before!''
He held up a hand. "OH! Believe me I believe you more than I would believe her. Lots of innocent lives were lost by her...But please. Feel free to continue." A guilty feeling bubbled up in himself and he had a pretty good idea what 'treason' Vanessa locked her away for.
She looked back down sadly...and shrugged. "That's about it. They threw me inside this big empty room, and locked me in. And then..." Her brows furrowed in thought. "....Uh. I don't remember what happened. All I remember was I was really cold and it was dark...and it was still so cold when I woke up. I could've sworn I was unconcious for a few hours."
He held up a hand again. "And let me take a guess at what happened next. Hattie blew the door down and took you back to her weird place in the sky, right?"
She nodded. "YES!! That's exactly it! She used her magic umbrella thing and there was this other little girl and then ..Hattie said you were a ghost and could help me. I still don't know how but ...I don't know. I guess knowing someone from my time was here after all was enough for me to get talked into getting teleported again. But then I ended up falling through the sky and crash landing into those poor trees." She looked at him. "H-How big is this Swamp, Mr. Snatcher Ghost?"
He rose a ghostly brow. "Don't call me Mr. Snatcher Ghost. Im known as Snatcher and nothing else and I would appreciate it if you'd call me that too. ...But the swamp's not that big. Maybe a small percent of my whole forest and territory. Subcon's a big place."
She stopped walking for a moment and looked at him. "Subcon..A-As in the Subconia or Subconette Kingdom?" She wondered which one she landed in.
He gazed at her silently for a moment before shrugging. "Both. A lot's changed over a thousand years, Lady. Those kingdoms don't exist anymore. Just some reminders left behind."
That was it. The thorn that pricked the skin. Poppy stopped staring there right at him for a good long moment....before the weight buckled from under her and she fell to her knees with a blank expression glanced to the ground. Immediately he floated over and held his hands arm unsure.
"H-Hey! Lady?!.....P-Poppy. Are you alright?" A choke came from her and fresh tears came down her face as she started crying, and he froze. A sudden feeling of guilt and worry bubbled up at the sudden crying. All the emotions and situation finally hitting her hard like a punch to the gut and finally breaking her down for him to see. Snatcher floated there for a moment still unsure what to do ....before unsurely putting one arm around her and his other hand being engulfed in flames, a hankercheif appearing in it before he awkwardly offered it to her. "Uh....There, there? It's ok. You're alright, right?"
She grabbed the small cloth from her and uselessly wiped at her face. "I-I LOST EVERYTHING!! AND EVERYONE I EVER CARED ABOUT IS G-G-GONE!!" She blew her nose into the small cloth and sniffed wiping her face with her arm. "W-W-What am I supposed to do?! My life is over!!"
"H-Hey! That's not true I-.....*sigh*" He rubbed the back of his head and tried to scramble for a solution. He was NOT good at having heart to heart talks even to himself, so...what would he say to this? He looked back to her as one thought crossed his mind. "I-I...I know exactly how you feel." He scowled. "Yeah. I know EXACTLY how that feels. Vanessa took everything from me too when she froze everything!" He growled and his grip on her became a bit tighter if he was being a lil protective. "I pecking didn't see it coming until it froze me right before my very eyes! I died before my life even took off the ground and now I'm stuck like this....But you aren't." He ...attempted a smile. "Listen, Poppy. I'm not good at this speaking from the heart stuff, but Im pretty good at speaking from experience stuff. So trust me when I saw you still got your whole life plus more ahead of you. It's....probably going to take a while for you to process this properly and start to move on like I did...But your friends wouldn't have wanted you to wallow over them. You can still do things now you're not a frozen statue locked in some room like Vanessa's trophy. And.....I-I promise I will help you. Alright?" And he meant it too. He owed it to her after all that happened. He'd help his dear friend-
"W-What AM I supposed to do now?...E-Everything's-"
"Gone?", he finished for her sighing again. "Look. I ....can't change the past no matter how badly I want to. But I can change the future, and so can you. Think of all the things you can do now without anyone to hold you back!" He might've been speaking from what he perceived as a positive but she gave him a funny look. "Uh...By that I mean vanessa of course. She's not holding you prisoner anymore."
"Gee...T-Thanks for the swell pep talk, Buddy. *hic*" She wiped her eyes again before trying to give back the cloth, to which Snatcher cringed and snapped his fingers making it disappear.
"Hey. I said I wasn't good at that kind of stuff....Hey." He rose a ghostly brow and looked around. "You said the kid brought you here. Where is she?"
She blinked and stared at him for a moment. "I-....I-I don't know. All I remember is falling and landing in swamp water."
He hummed and thought for a moment. Poppy blinked when she was grabbed and raised to her feet by him again. "I have a good idea about where she went. Come on. On your feet. I want to see if my hunch is right."
The shouting of the children still echoed through out the forest as the small hatted girl ran down the dirt path towards the tree house. Blue eyes frantically looking around at every dead tree, tombstone, and dweller that she passed. Desperately looking for a moment of pale skin and red hair. Bow was bounding behind her right on her tail also wearily looking around the forest passing dwellers and subconites alike as she hightailed it after. Both were worried Poppy would soon end up on the wrong side of the forest by now! The swamp! Snatcher's traps! ....GOOD PECKING GOSH!! WAS SNATCHER EVEN BACK YET!? She'd be dead meat without one of the girl's to explain why a grown woman was suddenly walking around in his forest. How could she have let go of her hand and not realize it!? She felt like crying once the sight of the ghost's familiar home came into view. Getting another rush at seeing it, she bounded towards it as fast as she could. Pulling back on her heels digging into the ground and grabbing the hat on her head as she came back to a sliding stop in front of the empty home. Panting and startling the ghosts around it. After a few seconds, Bow ended up stopping right behind her and falling to her knees gasping and wheezing after the long run they did as her friend looked around at everything. No one but the ghosts and Rough Patch that was curled up in Snatcher's chair looking like someone randomly placed a bush in his home.
"Are you looking for the boss, Newbie?," one of the subconites asked pointing in the direction Snatcher previously rushed off too. "You missed him. He left 'bout fifthteen minutes ago."
"OH NO!! OH NO!!" Hattie immediately turned and began running in the direction the minion pointed leaving Bow heaving and sitting there too tired to follow anymore. Running blindly into the woods wasn't the best idea but what was she supposed to do at that now? What if Snatcher spotted Poppy? What if she fell into one of his traps? What if- The child suddenly came to a screeching halt at what emerged out of the woods before her with a scowl. "....Snatcher?!"
The spirit scowled and laserfocused on the little girl right in front of him....Before edging a little bit to the right revealing the red haired tired looking woman behind him. The two girls locked eyes for a solid moment...Before Hattie sighed in releif and wiped her forehead.
"Kid. You have got a lot of explaining to do."
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fairycosmos · 4 years
3. I know i have to 'get out there' but it's hard when you've felt your whole life that nobody likes you. i literally only have one friend. i just feel really hopeless... i feel like im not meant for this kind of life, everything feels wrong and like im waiting for something's never gonna come, some kinda magic. i want of life of adventure and paint and write but instead i have to study because i'd feel like a loser w/o an education. i dont mind working i just dont want to study.
hey love, i'm really sorry to hear that. i think it's totally normal to be disappointed and even more so to be unsure about your future - it's not an indicator of failure, it's a natural part of growing up and finding your place in the world. i'm probably ignorant and don't know what it's like to actually be in your shoes, so i apologize if i come across as frustrating at some points. this is just my perspective. but i'm wondering if maybe taking more time away is an option for you? maybe working somewhere, focusing on your mental health for a while.... because the thing is your level of education has nothing to do with your worth as a person, and even more than that, there's no set time scale for this sort of thing. you could go back to college at 35, and it wouldn't matter. your life doesn't have to follow that stereotypical linear trajectory we're all forced to chase, in order for you to find happiness and success. and you don't have to justify your own personal choices to anyone, least of all to yourself. i just think it's important to try to focus on the factors of living that are in your control, that will bring you a sense of stability and peace. i know it's hard to let go of the internalised capitalistic idea of having to prove yourself through academia and getting a 'good job', but it's always useful to remind yourself of just how exploitative and made up that entire construct is. you're here and you're experiencing the world and with that you are fulfilling your point, you are doing enough. you are enough. everything else is background noise, that we're forced to muddle through, but background noise nonetheless. you don't need anyone's permission to prioritize your own needs and wants.
however, if you're dead set on studying this topic you don't like (which, i totally understand why you'd make that choice bc i know it's not that simple), then i reckon it's alright to just let yourself feel shitty for a while. any sadness, anger, disappointment, pain you feel about it is to be expected - and even though it fuckin sucks to have to carry it, its intensity definitely won't last. one way or another, you will adapt and so will your ability to cope. just don't use those emotions as an excuse to engage in self destructive behaviour, cause that'll only perpetuate the cycle and keep you in a dark place. having to force ourselves to do shit we hate is always going to feel like an everlasting burden we're never going to escape from, even if that's not the case in reality. and i had a lot of experience with that in school too - the main tactic i can remember making a difference, was like you said, finding little things to make the weight of it more bearable. i think that often starts first and foremost with our own mental health before anything else, because it controls the filter through which we see the world. if you don't like it in yourself you won't like it anywhere. when it comes to your social anxiety, are you receiving any support/would you be open to that? i think consistently seeing someone while you're in school - whether that's a counselor, a therapist, attending a support group or even just calling a hotline to begin with - could really help you manage the stress you're so afraid is waiting for you. having someone to talk to and learning why you are the way you are, and what tools could help you specifically in terms of coping mechanisms and finding a support network can honestly do wonders for your self esteem and the way you approach others. and of course it takes time, maybe that brand of self care is a lifelong process, but it's still important to engage with it. so balancing school with prioritizing your own wellbeing might be something that lightens the weight of the experience. anxiety tends to have us anticipating worst case scenarios and drawing on old insecurities to convince us we'll be alone and in pain forever, but what you've been through is truly not a mirror image of where you're going. making friends especially as an adult is fuckin hard, and struggling with it doesn't mean there's something irreparably wrong with you. just means it's hard to get to know ppl, but that's not a personal failing on your part. it's just a fact. most of them are too worried about their own 'flaws' to take note of yours. but that doesn't mean there aren't ppl out there you haven't met yet who will love you, even if that's hard to believe rn. also a side note, it could be a good idea to build up a routine where you're engaging in something that actively makes you happy at least a few times a week. can literally just be watching netflix, or taking up a hobby, meditating, going for a walk - i know college is v busy and it may not always be possible, but having small pockets of deliberate down time to look forward to is crucial. im not saying it'll cure everything or anything, just that it might make it all feel less overwhelming. but lastly, i want to say that it's ok if you give it a go and then decide you can't do it. that's an option, too. it doesn't have to be black and white. don't fault yourself for not wanting to spend 3 years doing something you hate, but also know that it's possible to get through it if it's a means to an end for you, especially if you seek the help you need. and whichever choice you go with, neither of them are 'wrong.' it's just your path.
anyway, i'm sorry this got super long. i think discussing it with someone you trust might be a good move, just to know that they have your back whether you work through uni or not. you're honestly doing so much better than you realize and i'm proud of you for continuing to try and strive despite how painful it all is. but i really hope that you can catch yourself when your brain is being unnecessarily unkind to you, and that you can then make the conscious choice to change the narrative and approach it from a place of patience and self appreciation. i think your life is still worth living even if it doesn't match up to where you think you should be, which is something i've been trying to accept lately too. that so much is beyond our control and we can literally only focus on the silver linings of the factors that are in our hands. that we can still be okay, living like that. and none of this is permanent, not the way it often seems like it is, but especially not the confusion. it just takes time to live the answers to all the existential questions you have. take it a day at a time. ANYWAY im rooting for you with all my heart and if you want to talk about this properly feel free to message me!! my overarching point is that you're not as alone as you feel. and you won't be in college, and you won't be if you look for work instead. so many of us understand where you're coming from. much love to you, take care 💗💗
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i didn’t die
also spoilers. like. major spoilers. im serious.
dont click that read more unless you’re totally okay with spoilers cause i talk about some endgame stuff too <3
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alright LOOK
each planet (Eden-6, Promethea, Pandora) they’re all circled and when their lines cross it leads to SOMETHING
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and looking at the grid that’s obviously what looks to be a wormhole
so we’ve also got the lines
“elpis - not what it seems. is elpis a lens? or a conduit. or both?”
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this is DEFINITELY on pandora (you see elpis up there) so it’s possible something is going to hit elpis and it’s going to beam to this vault-thing and open up a gateway to the Eridian Rift??? OR
we open this Vault and it beams something up to elpis and elpis helps open up part of the Eridian rift
i’d guess we’d need all 3 (?) active to open it?? Eden-6, Pandora, and Promethea
so something SEEMS to be getting beamed either from elpis to pandora or from pandora to elpis
but im going to get elpis to pandora given the way it’s being thrown out? like it hits elpis straight on and then defracts over pandora like a prism
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im guessing it’s such a broad spread bc it’s trying to hit the vault-temple-thing we see above (still... not quite convinced those are vaults like we’ve been seeing them in the past games (with lots of big loot inside). again something like teleporters makes way more sense to me)
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they also bring this up, that athenas and promethea have a draw to one another, which makes sense since part of the promethean vault key is on Athenas
“Although Athenas is not in the Promethean System, there is a strong pull detectable through use of [eridian resonator (customized) which I have discovered here (seen in purple)]” i have no idea if any of the bracketed stuff is right“
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more importantly it looks like one piece of Promethea’s asteroid belt is ‘highlighted’ which i imagine is that giant space laser
which ngl surprises me because
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this doesn’t really look eridian to me at all. like, okay, the laser part IS purple but... the actual tech doesn’t look Eridian at all. it looks VERY human. maybe maliwan/atlas discovered it and changed it somehow? that’s pretty much the only reason i can give. like they made it so it would only hit a certain area (concentrated) instead of the entire planet (like we see Elpis doing)
also if we look at Eden-6
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eden-6 seems to be 1 of 6 (or more) planets surrounding the gas giant (?) named Eden (which is such a cool fucking detail). or maybe that’s just a solar system named eden. either way. AWESOME.
my question is:
is Eden going to act similarly to Elpis? to the Asteroid Belt of Promethea?? because if that’s the case OH MAN MORE GIANT SPACE LASERS. maybe this is why ships keep on crashing to Eden-6. We know the planet is basically a ship graveyard, maybe there’s some Eridian interference that’s causing this to happen???
Also, when they say “Vaults lead to other Vaults” do y’all think this is tied into in any way the “Vault of Vaults” or whatever “It” is???
because THE VAULT OF VAULTS??? APPARENTLY WE WERE NAUGHTY AS FUCK FOR OPENING IT (the overseer says so when you accept the quest for the proving grounds)
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(also we now can guess this takes place after Athenas..?)
‘Vault... Key?’ i mean... think about it. we know the symbol for Vault is the circle with the arch. but this is different. this is diamond with, yes, with a vault shape in it. but... there’s obviously more to it than just the vault symbol
plus tannis is using it on pedestals dedicated to Vault Keys so i mean. you know.
and if this IS the symbol for Vault Key than oh man oh me oh my
that would mean opening up the ‘mini vaults’ on Pandora/Promethea/Eden-6 would lead to that big Eridian rift opening, whatever it is
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which could explain this line: “the Vaults lead to other Vaults” “Smart, Leda!”
looks like Typhon met someone who writes in blue. who’s name is Leda.
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calling it now typhon totally banged a Siren named Leda and had 2 twin kids (it runs in the family) the twins take after their parents: one red, one blue. possibly inherit the Cloth Map and learn about the purpose of the Vaults through it. i got nothing on the cage thing but tbh i wouldn’t be surprised if Typhon or Leda ended up going crazy at some point and/or having kids inside of a Vault for some ungodly reason. spewing random shit about ‘bandits this, bandits that’ to keep them from leaving. maybe they knew their adventures were going to (eventually) lead to the destruction of the universe so they wanted to keep their kids safe without having to admit they’ve doomed everyone outside this has no proof at all, im just spitballing lol i mean look at these love-sick FOOLS lmao
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look they both left messages (that i can’t read) with hearts at the end of them
“Genius! [gibberish i can’t make out] <3″ “you know it! <3″
we don’t know what the Vaults really are for, huh Tyreen?? NOW WE DO. NOW. WE DO.
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“by overlaying various found glyphs patterns emerge which are then...” ASDFGSHJ i CANT READ THIS “What is the machine?” “We’ll figure it out together!” MACHINE????????
i NEED it
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“Mapping in progress: the key-glyph [something] is an Eridian cypher hiding coordinates to some kind of cyber (????) structure” this perhaps???
also the proving grounds. let’s talk about those. we know they’re eridian, we know there’s 6 of them, we know there’s 1 at least on both Athenas and Eden-6.
we know those Eridian Ruins/Cyphers lead to the proving grounds. we know this much. so is it definitely confirmed the proving grounds hold a higher place in the story than they’re saying? i mean let me pull up my other draft talking about these in-depth and copy paste because there’s only 36 minutes until the NEXT endgame content stream
“Later in the campaign, you may be worthy of taking part in the Proving Grounds: themed gauntlets watched over by a Guardian known as the Overseer who wishes to test your mettle on behalf of the mysterious ‘Masters’.”
so it sounds like at least one is going to take place during the main campaign of the game.
as for uhh who the Masters are... I don’t know. I imagine they’re Eridian in some way/shape/form. to be honest, considering the Overseer is a Guardian (confirmed), I imagine these ‘Masters’ are just literally Eridians. some sort of council, perhaps. i mean “the masters will determine who is at fault” for “naughty humans opened the vault of vaults”. so i imagine they’re like a council.
Let’s start listing stuff we know about the Proving Grounds:
1. you get them by translating (we apparently get a translator later on in the story) Eridian texts (ciphers) left behind, which tell us where (?) these proving grounds are. why we’re not just using tannis... i dunno. something better not have happened to Tannis, gearbox
We’ve seen these texts in the Eden-6 gameplay, so it looks like maybe we won’t need the eridian doritos stabby thing to break any crystals. damn youuu
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“Ohhh good. Nonsense.”
i make jokes with my friend that soon i’ll be able to read Eridian given how much i stare at these tablets. it’s only a matter of time...
2. there’s apparently 6 of them, and at least 1 on each planet. We’ve seen the Athenas (Survival) and Eden-6 (Instinct) versions, which does make me wonder if there’s any tie between 6 of these trials and the 6 Sirens...
Also, given there’s supposedly 6 trials and only 5 planets (as the community has gotten devs to tell us), it makes me wonder a) if there’s actually 6 planets or b) why there’s only 1 planet with 2 per planet. i guess if that’s the eridian homeworld then it’d make sense if they have 2.
(Also Varnell did originally say 7 trials at first, but he gets a pass because he was live on stage and i would’ve made that mistake too knowing my dumb brain lol)
3. Apparently during the narrative of the game, at some point, we will unlock at least 1 trial.
“[proving grounds are] encased in the narrative of the game. a combat challenge the Eridians have left for the player to kinda prove themselves worthy for... things i won’t completely spoil right now, but uhhh prove themselves worthy to the ancient, lost, Eridians.”
so... YEAH. big news, gamers.
does this take place at the end of the game? its possible. its likely considering this is considered endgame content. it might not. it could be both, like sort of a repeatable thing. im not really certain. 
What I am certain about tho, is that this takes place after a huge story event.
So, maybe the BL3 story ends on a cliffhanger. Tbh i would upset if that happened, but THAT SAID, if the game does end on such a huge cliffhanger that this is AWFUL and the end of the universe is coming, I don’t think we’d be getting 4 story DLCs that completely ignore this problem.
The devs had said the entire story will be contained within bl3 (no splitting it up between dlcs), and it seems the games like to keep the timeline intact in the real world, so if imminent death is on its way, we can’t exactly wait 5 years irl and in-universe for borderlands 4.
So, if this is a cliffhanger ending, I don’t think whatever happens is... that big of a deal. Sort of the level of finding the Vault Map at the end of BL2. It’s big news! but it’s not going to end the universe. The story marches on. We figure out the new goalposts of this universe and keep doing stuff outside it.
Now that we know that, let’s take note of what the Overseer says at the start and end of this mission:
“Vault Hunter... I thought you might show up sooner or later. So naughty your species, so curious. The Vault of Vaults has been opened and it has been released. Prove your worth and I will reveal why the Masters made me wait for you”.
“Naughty humans opened the Vault of Vaults, but the Masters will determine who is at fault. Until next time, Warrior.”
so that’s some pretty fucking loaded dialogue, isn’t it?
im vvvvvvvvvv curious about who this ‘it’ character is... something the Eridians didn’t want out- well, that’s bad, because we (or the twins, or maliwan, or both I guess) just let it free. and the fact the Overseer won’t even reference the thing by name... that’s probably bad. If this is an actual entity, then that is mostly why I believe this particular Proving Ground takes place during the main story.
that said, ‘it’ could literally be anything. Knowledge, hope, whatever. the potion you brew to become a Siren. you know. anything. She called whatever was released ‘it’ and it doesn’t seem like we’re in a RUSH or anything. Just hanging out doing proving grounds. and apparently this is because we’ve been naughty humans. not evil, just naughty. like she’s giving us (or the cult) a slap on the wrist.
The Overseer doesn’t seem too affected by us opening the Vault of Vaults herself. The Masters apparently are trying to determine ‘who’s at fault here’, like it isn’t exactly clear. was it the humans for opening it? was it the eridians for making them openable?
it would be interesting if this isn’t even talking about something that happens in game, but instead like... she’s referencing Typhon and Leda. the Vault of Vaults had been opened (by Typhon and Leda) and IT has been released... whatever it is... maybe the reason Typhon and Leda locked their kids in a vault? ... i mean if we’re going by the eridium/slag causes psychos, then maybe that? we definitely find eridium on planets other than pandora...
also speaking of stuff taking place during the game, lets remember what was discussed in that interview: “[proving grounds are] encased in the narrative of the game... a combat challenge the Eridians have left for the player to kinda prove themselves worthy for... things i won’t completely spoil right now, but uhhh prove themselves worthy to the ancient, lost, Eridians.”
worthy of what, exactly?
I’m still of the belief that it’s for the title of Vault Guardian (and, yes, by proxy, i want to say Siren, but y’all won’t take me too seriously if i keep advocating for this crack theory lol... implying you took me seriously in the first place 🤡) because of the Guardian Rank
the fact we’re killing Fallen Guardians means, technically, a position HAS opened up... plus I don’t think the Watcher would have come in contact with Lilith if she didn’t think the Eridians needed us
that said, if this isn’t for just becoming Vault Guardians, then... idk. If this is strictly endgame stuff, i don’t even know what we’re trying to prove our worth for.
I guess worthy of not being thrown into alien prison is probably a good one. magic space prison is probably hard to get out of. like, ‘200 years an opening’ hard to get out of. and ur roommate is the destroyer 😨
i mean... maybe worthy of entering the Eridian Rift? i mean... it’s possible this rift leads to the eridian homeworld... there would have to be one HELL of huge Vault Monster to keep people from getting through :o
anyway, we’ve got 20 minutes until the new endgame content, i’ll be sure to add onto here if we learn anything new and/or i think of anything else. im vibrating over this shit, it’s awesome. i LOVE this map. might have to pick one up on ebay or smth.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
1. Candyland: What is your favorite type of candy? White chocolate. Like, white chocolate Reese’s. Yum. 2. Chutes & Ladders: Do you have a fear of going up on ladders? Does your house have a laundry chute somewhere? It does seem like it’d be scary. I would worry about it falling backward or it sliding off whatever it’s leaning against. Or me just falling off somehow. And no, we don’t have a laundry chute. That would be nice. 3. Operation: How many surgeries have you had in your lifetime? Seven. 4. Sorry!: Do you sometimes apologize, even when it’s not your fault? Yeppp. I’m quick to blame myself or find fault in something I did. I can be so understanding and forgiving when it comes to other people, but I’m very hard on myself.
5. Game of Life: What is your greatest accomplishment thus far? What do you hope to do with the rest of your life? You would think it would be graduating UC and obtaining my BA in psychology, but I feel like such a failure and disappointment because all that degree has done in the 5 years since I’ve graduated is collect dust on a shelf. I have NO idea what I want to do with my life, but I know I don’t even want to purse that anymore. :/ It just feels like such a waste now, not an accomplishment.
6. Cootie: Did you really used to think that boys/girls had cooties? Nah. I played with boys and girls growing up. 7. Trouble: What is something big that you got into a lot of trouble for? When I was like 11 or 12 I went into teen or adult chatrooms (remember AOL chatrooms??) and said inappropriate things and IMed with some guys. :X  Somehow my mom found out and yeah, needless to say she was not happy.  8. Puzzles: When was the last time you felt puzzled/confused? How often do you feel like you don’t fit in? I’ve felt confused about a lot of things for a long time now. I just don’t know what I’m doing or what I want to do or what the hell is wrong with me. I also have always felt I didn’t really fit in. I’ve often felt like the 3rd wheel or black sheep. 9. Hungry Hungry Hippos: What’s your favorite meal to eat? Wingstop garlic parm and lemon pepper boneless wings or ramen. 
10. Uno: Can you count to ten in another language? If so, which language? En Español.  11. Go Fish!: Have you ever been fishing before? Once. I found it quite boring. 12. Old Maid: Did you ever have a maid in your house, growing up? No. 13. Simon Says: Did you always do everything you were told as a child? I was a goody-goody for the most part. 14. Red Light, Green Light: When you approach a yellow light, are you more likely to slow down or speed up? I don’t drive. 15. Are you any good at jump rope, hopscotch, or hula hooping? Have you ever used a pogo stick before? Nope to all the above. 16. Do you prefer chalk or bubbles? I loved drawing with chalk as a kid.  17. Did you used to go on a lot of bike rides as a child? No. 18. Capture the Flag: What is your country’s flag? What about your state’s flag, if you have one? The American flag. My state’s flag has a bear and a red star on it. 19. Tic Tac Toe: When you played, were you the “hugs” or the “kisses”? I always liked being X. 20. Have you ever won a game of Marco Polo in the pool without cheating? I think so. My cousins and I played that all the time as kids. 21. Scrabble: Are you any good at spelling? Yes. 22. While playing rock, paper, scissors, which do you usually throw down first? Rock.
23. Were you always stuck being the pickle in the middle? What? 24. Limbo: How low can you go? Not low at all. 25. When playing, did you usually pick “Truth” or “Dare”? I would pick truth. And that’s if I played at all.
26. Have you been involved in any innocent games of Spin the Bottle or 7 Minutes in Heaven? I’ve never played either one.
27. Twister: Are you a flexible person (figuratively or literally)? Nope. 28. Did you used to pretend that the floor was lava? Yeah. My cousin’s and I would play with a balloon and try to keep it from falling on the floor. 29. Guess Who: Are you any good at guessing games? I’m usually like, “I don’t know, just tell me!” 30. Clue: Do you think that you would be able to successfully solve a murder case? I like reading or watching murder mysteries and try to figure it out while I go, and I’ve always wanted to go to a murder mystery party, but I don’t know if I could solve a murder case for real. Real life is a lot more complicated, it’s not alll laid out or presented for you like it is in a book or TV show. It’d also be very stressful.    31. Mouse Trap: Have you ever felt trapped before, in some way? Yes. 32. Labyrinth: Have you ever gotten lost in a maze? The maze of life, ha. 33. Jenga: Are you careful about what choices you make in life? I’ve made a lot of mistakes and have a lot of regrets.  34. Bop it or Skip-it? Bop It. 35. Tag: Are you in shape? Do you enjoy running? No. 36. Kickball: Did you kick the ball over the fence a lot as a kid? No. 37. Are you any good at mini-golf? I’ve only played once and it was when I was a kid, so it’s been quite a long time. 38. Telephone: What do you do with a rumor once it’s been told to you? I’m not one to spread rumors.  39. Hide and Seek: Have you ever hid so well that it felt like it took somebody forever to find you? What was your best hiding spot? Yeah. I don’t recall what my best hiding spot was. 40. What Time Is It, Mr. Fox?: When were you old enough to tell time on an analog clock as opposed to a digital one? I remember in kindergarten we had a big clock with movable minute and hour hands and my teacher would spend time (ha, get it) with us changing the hour and minute hand and going over it with us. 41. Mother May I: Did you always ask your parents for permission? Yeah, I was pretty good about that. 42. Follow the Leader: Can you be bossy at times? Only jokingly like with my brother. 43. Monopoly: Are you good with your money/finances? I’ve gotten a little better this year.  44. Chess: Have you ever wanted to be king/queen? Nah. 45. Play-doh or Slime? Play-doh. Man, the smell of Play-doh is super nostalgic for me.  [a-zebra-is-a-striped-horse] 
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bastardsunlight · 3 years
[sharklifting, ep. 69] Hawker’s trust in her right-hand men is absolute. When the radio crackles, she does not even flash Leon a knowing look, but his keen observation might pick up on the relief of tension in her compact, well-muscled frame. She turns to the desk, draining the last of her coffee and hooking one of her wicked claws through the strap of the signature mask that lies ready upon the table. On it goes, shielding her pretty face — and, mostly, those baleful molten-metal eyes — from view, and after it comes a black tactical glove to mostly conceal her weapon of a right hand. It is not that she does not trust the rest of her organization, or that she doubts their backbone, but some things simply do not need to be brought before eyes which have already seen life-ruining, mutated horror. She holds the door open for Leon as she leaves.
Sixteen’s collapse is imminent. He dimly registers the movement beside him, and when the vehicle trundles to a halt he nearly pitches forward out of his seat. If he is maneuvered out of the humvee, he locks his knees and stands there in an illusion of compliance. It is hardly willful; instead it is a programmed response which, ten or so years ago, might have held him upright to accept medical attention or inspection. Injuries this grievous were a rare but expected event, and he had been returned to serviceable condition in short order by a combination of expert medics and his own healing ability. He barely has one of those things now. A labored breath draws another concentrated intake of oxygen. It isn’t enough. His vision is tunneling and it is decidedly not the fault of his broken and dirtied lenses. He stands, then, almost dumbly, willing the world to stop spinning around a body that fights to shut down and the violently skewed perceptions of a mutation that refuses to let it.
She starts moving and, as always, he moves in tandem with her. Her first operative, Leon is acutely attuned to her moods and movements. There are few words exchanged between them at times like these and he simply seems to know. Before exiting, he leans over and presses a chaste kiss to the side of her mask.
“I trust you,” he said, “but I hope you’re right about him… ‘cause Chris won’t—he…” Shaking his head, Leon heads into the hallway and assumes his usual posture of her stoic bodyguard—as if she needs one—arms crossed over his chest, awaiting her pleasure. If Chris is a shield, Leon is a blade. He is well-suited to the task. Surgical precision and acrobatics seem to be his forte and he is more than happy to perform either or both on her behalf.
Revenant does good work. Leon has long since come to this conclusion. Unaffiliated with this governmetn or that organization, they are not tethered by political parties, international boundaries, making nice with slime-bags high up in this or that government, or lobbyists in some capitol or other. Some would say they are a terrorist organization. Nobody who has claimed loyalty to Sarah Hawker would argue too much, mostly because semantics equate to wasted time in their minds and they haven’t any to spare.
Sandman can almost feel the battle that is happening inside the entity called Sixteen. He signals his men to move out, to keep the perimeter, that he will handle this. Chris approaches and he shakes his head. Chris Redfield is too close to the situation. He cannot be the one to assist, because he may not. They cannot afford aggression right now and as much as Sandman has learned to respect and trust the younger operative, there’s something in his eyes the old coyote mislikes.
“I’ve got ‘im,” he says. Then, in an exercise of trust—it’s a risk, he knows, but he, like a few here and there in Revenant, is not fully human anymore, either a subject of Umbrella or Tricell tampering, or, in his case, a naturally-occurring phenomenon—he moves to the side of the rigid Apex and grabs one arm, pulling it over his shoulder. “Lean on me, son; I can’t carry you.”
Chris watches, gaze narrowed, jaw tight. His hackles are up, but he is holding back as best he can. By god he hates this, all of this, but Hawker has shown excellent judgment, so he is willing to give it… half a chance. Maybe.
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onenettvchannel · 4 years
#OneNETnewsInvestigates: American Netizens & Bashers are Boycotting the Nintendo for Skipping All the Independent Games and Caring for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
KYOTO, JAPAN -- A partner showcase presentation of Nintendo Direct Mini was not in good shape for the bashers around last Thursday at 10am (Eastern local time) for skipping all the Indie Games (which affects the Undertale and Jackbox Games). Miko Kubota (Radyo Patrol #20's Veteran Reporter) was on the scene for our Investigation to OneNETnews.
In case you're wondering on both of these... What is Nintendo, Nintendo Direct & Indie Games? According to the information database from Wikipedia, "Nintendo Co. Ltd. is a Japanese multinational consumer electronics & video game company headquartered in Kyoto City. The company was founded in 1889 as Nintendo Karuta by craftsman Fusajiro Yamauchi and originally produced handmade hanafuda playing cards. After venturing into various lines of business during the 1960s and acquiring a legal status as a public company under the current company name, Nintendo distributed its first video game console, the Color TV-Game, in 1977. It gained international recognition with the release of the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1985".
On the other hand adds, "Nintendo Direct is a series of online presentation or live shows produced by Nintendo, where information regarding the company's content or franchises is presented, such as information about games and consoles. The presentations began in Japan and North America with the first edition on October 2011. While a shorter version of the main type of Nintendo Direct that showcases information about software and hardware across all Nintendo platforms. There is also a separate vertent of this type of Nintendo Direct, named Nintendo Direct Mini: Partner Showcase that feature games from Nintendo's developing and publishing partners".
And for the Independent Games however... "An independent video game or indie game is a video game typically created by individuals or smaller development teams without the financial and technical support of a large game publisher, in contrast to most (triple-A) games".
#NintendoDirectMini: Partner Showcase | September 2020https://t.co/Nfzd8zXfzF
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) September 17, 2020
Just a few hours before the Partner Showcase, these bashers are deadly unhealthy. This happens before...
Yeah, I hate how nintendo fans begging for more newer nintendo games like Mario anniversary collection for example, than indie games and Third party games treatment which is don’t care about.
— Mat 💫 (@Iczer07) September 1, 2020
personally im skipping these partner showcases and staying uninformed about anything announced in them until Nintendo at least stops calling these streams Direct Minis
— snakehugz (@snakehugz) September 16, 2020
calling these filler streams "Direct Minis" tarnishes the reputation of the Nintendo Direct, please stop referring to it as if it is an actual Direct or Direct Mini
— snakehugz (@snakehugz) September 16, 2020
Nintendo fans thinking smash will be in the mini direct pic.twitter.com/tHiYRjbIhQ
— reyn time (@blackwidow2234) September 16, 2020
Really, Nintendo? Another partner showcase? If this is what you think of your fans, this is what I think of you. pic.twitter.com/QjYFG60Pql
— robothing (@MarioToenails) September 16, 2020
I'm not, and I'd say the same for indies who don't deserve the hate they've got in the last days. I'm just arguing that these last non-first party showcases had a bad timing. It doesn't help on anything with Nintendo's eternal silence.
— DoE (@DevilOfEdginess) August 27, 2020
i canot bleieve nbtendo didn’t give me my mario 64 remastered revengEan e at the indie game showcase!!!!!!!!!! fuck u nintendo idiot sitpid AAAAA AI HATE NINRENDOahahahaaaaaaa stipud idiot ocompany!!!!! pic.twitter.com/HJ5QxJ7qNU
— mindfloww (@mindfloww_) August 19, 2020
And after.
Example: Smashers LOVE to hate nintendo for every decision in any smash game. But then completely ignore or make fun of indie platform fighters. They'll go to great distances to play like....project m, or melee on an emulator. But won't touch Icons, Brawlout, or RoA.
— Jamison (@Ggjeed) July 22, 2020
>Nintendo indie direct >No smash announcement Wow Nintendo do you just like hate money or something? fuck you Nintendo, I'm never purchasing another game from you for the next 26 seconds you hate your fans and you just lost another one
— |VRG| Rusty! (@JohnExodiaWick) March 17, 2020
To be quite honest, I kinda hate watching #NintendoDirectMini and #NintendoDirect because it's usually filled with a lot of toxic fans who hate it even if it has FANTASTIC announcements because "Duh, no Smash means bad Direct, duh."
— Yaboichipsahoy (@YaBoiCh43658878) September 17, 2020
I'm unfollowing #Nintendo twitter. The past 6 months have been nothing but hate against Nintendo, and they had me convinced Nintendo was really doing us wrong. After today's #NintendoDirect, I know they just take their time and do it right.
— Tanishq Kancharla (@moonriseTK) September 3, 2020
— lucia ⛓ (@GDDR6X) September 3, 2020
Just a thought, but gaming fans should either A. Appreciate the indie titles that get announced and find the ones that look fun to them OR B. STFU 🤷🏼‍♂️#NintendoDirect pic.twitter.com/VdPwJKP3XC
— 𝔻 𝕒 𝕧 𝕚 𝕕 𝔾 𝕚 𝕝 𝕥 𝕚 𝕟 𝕒 𝕟 (@DaGiltyMan) August 26, 2020
Another crappy showcase. Great job Nintendo. You're the king when it comes to crappy showcases
— Robyn Wolph (@LegendOfZelda77) September 17, 2020
Worst direct ever, there wasnt even a reveal for the rest of the smash dlc 2, botw 2, splatoon 3, super mario galaxy 3, not even smash dlc 3 and 4 😡😡
— Dnamssdup (@DnaDan6) September 17, 2020
— Jaedon Daniels | SirPeelz (@JaedonDaniels1) September 17, 2020
Nintendo: We're going to showcase titles from our developing partners. Twitter: BOTW 2! Every Smash Reveal! PRIME 4!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's like you people can't read.
— Stormageddon222 (@Stormageddon222) September 17, 2020
Most of these reveals are old ones so that’s a bit shitty to do to us. 2.5/10
— Jaxon Skye (@WiiMusicDevil) September 17, 2020
These tweets are subject for boycotting with the honest shameless retards at the moment, in skipping all the Independent Games and caring for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
I hate indie games, leave that for Nintendo’s man!
— Jigen (@yesdimeji) September 16, 2020
Imagine being an indie game developer and working hard on your game for it to be released in the switch. And you have to deal with hate from nintendo fanboys just because you aren't a direct or new smash bros character. Atleast try their games out before assuming its bad. pic.twitter.com/8IqS6VH3RY
— 🖤Andrea Chan🖤 (@real_andreachan) August 31, 2020
I hate Nintendo fans. Count the indies & third parties in 2020 just like the 2017 image, or fuck off with your inaccurate comparison that you're posting just for clout. https://t.co/XTWYOrvL1n
— Billy (@Billybae10K) August 22, 2020
"WHERE WAS SMASH!?!?! I HATE NINTENDO!". Not everything has to be about Smash DLC and stuff like that. Just be happy with what we get. If you can't do that, then just don't watch the Indie and Third Party directs.
— Ruby (@ruby52986) August 26, 2020
— Cryptik (@PhantomCryptik) August 17, 2020
I understand why people are upset about the absence of a full #NintendoDirect but the Mini Partner Directs and the Indie Worlds are allowing the third party games to have room to flourish while Nintendo just relaxes and rides the #AnimalCrossingNewHorizions wave.
— Stephen C (@theday) August 26, 2020
You are funny. I imagine you do the same to every person you find that has a different opinion than you. I did not started this conversation to insult you nor boycott or call you a faggot. I just been incredibly underwhelmed with Nintendo recently.
— Hollowboy (@Koukunari) September 17, 2020
— sour (@sour_yoshi) September 16, 2020
How dare Nintendo draw a red circle around Mario's sexy mustache BOYCOTT THIS FUCKING GAME!!!!! https://t.co/ynnZk8BU3g
— Ελευθερία ή Θάνατος (@TheCutePyro) September 16, 2020
Sucks huh? Hahaha Nintendo fans should boycott this game and play Devil May Cry 2 (Now available on the Nintendo Switch) instead. pic.twitter.com/2n6b0pXzkT
— shhhh (@terukhoe) September 15, 2020
Mfw the entire internet tells me that Mario 3D All Stars is an absolute rip off with a stupid selling window and that I should boycott Nintendo for it pic.twitter.com/gACXQFJBHe
— Alek (@Trail_txt) September 13, 2020
#BoycottZelda #BoycottNintendo #STOPPERREO https://t.co/SUsGYyWNw9
— Маrshall [#AviciiForever ] ◢◤/⚫⚫⚫ #CowboyBebop20th (@MarshalAfterAll) September 11, 2020
Although this happens for Undertale & Jackbox Games are up for boycotting issue on Nintendo.
DON'T GET THE "UNDERTALE" OR "DELTARUNE" THEY WILL GIVE YOU THE COVID Their made by Toby "Radiation" Fox, yes you read that right, the same radiation as 5G!! BOYCOTT UNDERTALE NOW!
— Thomas (@thomasnet_mc) May 2, 2020
Why not cancel @tobyfox ? And boycott undertale while we are at it pic.twitter.com/Yq4sAeOyx1
— Angel Simp Ara (@karikoritene) August 29, 2019
were playing 1 of the jackbox games n i hate this 1
— 🍔 cheese 🌻 erasermic brainrot (@GargoyleHouse69) September 5, 2020
After however many months in quarantine I truly, from the bottom of my heart, hate Jackbox games. I cannot stress this enough.
— Katie Burke (@senicRTKate) July 24, 2020
— strawberry 🍓 ophie month (@loonacatgirIs) June 25, 2020
— Rinzy 🖌️🖋️ 💙 (@RinzyArt) March 25, 2020
The Jackbox games are fun. The Jackbox community is hot garbage. Your experience is a cut of the same cloth from every Jackbox stream I've seen. Inevitably, some shithead will drop in and ruin the fun for everyone. I hate people sometimes.
— G O Λ T S (@lordofgoats_) October 7, 2019
We speak with Justin Smith (@JBN029) on Twitter's Direct Message (a small affiliate from YouTube Gaming) told exclusively to OneNETnews for this response:
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Basher tweets are close to unfair for boycotting all the Nintendo products and games with the Hate Speech in a political way. His private response that only handles for the Hardcore fans of Nintendo with the newest games today. That doesn't mean the company of Nintendo has no shame to do and forced to shut down originally in Japan and worldwide.
Nintendo does not have a comment to OneNETnews as unfornate but... No apologies was made for this controversy at the Nintendo Direct Mini's partner showcase except for the hidden voiceover to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, takes over to Monster Hunter Stories 2.
Special Thanks to DJ Unikitty (formerly ColeThePony from Canada) for sending us a news tip.
SOURCE: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo_Direct https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvCod83ilJ3jwkkOxSS8yNw/about?disable_polymer=1 https://www.shacknews.com/article/120427/monster-hunter-stories-2-wings-of-ruin-will-let-us-befriend-rathalos-on-switch-in-2021
SEVERELY HONEST DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed from this news article are not necessarily those from the Nintendo Co. Ltd. Furthermore, the assumptions of this news article will NOT state, intervene or reflect those of our Radyo Patrol reporters. The station, management, interwebs and the network. Thanks for reading everypony!
-- OneNETnews Team
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battlemaiden13 · 7 years
so I got a question... assuming that the skelebros havn't learned about human female's "monthly woes" how do they react when their S/O has one for the first time around them. (I mean she's had them before but they either didn't notice or she was riding it out on her own in her own home) this includes everything.blood,cramps,moodiness,cravings and probably most fun to write about for some of the skelebaes ... the Pheromones we release lol. I wanna see how they react to that in particular XD
13: I split up the skeletons with different difficulties associated with periods. Since these are longer responses I didn’t want to focus on all the symptoms. Please be warned both Red and Syrup may be teetering on the edge of NSFW slightly. Ok Syrup a lot. so please keep that in mind. Sans - crampsYou groaned and dropped to the ground as soon as you walked in the door. You had just gotten home from work and it was a nightmare. Not because of the actual work but because your uterus decided to rip itself to pieces without your consent. “heya kid. tough day at work” You looked up to see Sans smiling lazily down at you. In reply to his question you simply groaned and curled in on yourself. Sans gave you a confused look, not that you could see it from your position on the floor, before he squatted down in front of you. He eyed you over before his grin turned to the shit eating one he has. The one he wears when he’s annoying his brother with puns, or when he’s figured out something no one else has. “sorry to be a pain kid, but period-ically i just have to egg myself on but oh cramps dear, you look bloody awful-““Sans I swear to god if you make another pun I’m confiscating you bloody ketchup!” You growled. Sans grin stretched “bloody?”“Shut the hell up and get me some pain killers!” Sans chuckled to himself as he stood up and walked to the kitchen allowing yourself to drag your own aching body to the couch. You and Sans spent the night chilling on the couch watching bad movies, eating junk food and joking with each other. Papyrus- moodiness Papyrus stood behind the couch at a loss of what to do. You had been laughing before suddenly becoming very angry at him and now you sat on the floor crying. Your emotions seemed to jump from one thing to the next in an instance and Papyrus was upset. He wanted to help you and hug you but wasn’t sure if touching you would make things worse. He didn’t want to upset you but seeing you like this was hurting him. He slowly bent down next to you and reached for your shoulder but hesitated, his hand hovering just above you. “H-HUMAN? ARE YOU OK?” Your boyfriends voice was laced with worry as he eyed you. You look up wiping your eyes with the sleeve of your jumper. “I am so sorry Papyrus. I know I’m being stupid and selfish and unfair. I didn’t mean to yell at you. I just, I don’t know what happened” Papyrus’ face softened and a small smile spread over his teeth. He gently grabbed your shoulder and pulled you into a hug. “IT IS QUITE ALRIGHT HUMAN. WE ARE ALL ALLOWED TO GET UPSET AT TIMES.” He gently stroked your hair as you curled yourself into his ribs. You considered for a moment telling your monster boyfriend why your emotions were going haywire but if your sweet darling skeleton just accepted it your didn’t really find the need to explain what was wrong and instead choose to pull yourself closer to the skeleton. Edge - Blood“HUMAN WHY ARE YOUR CLOTHES DRENCHED IN BLOOD?” Edge had just started to do the laundry and apparently found your clothes from yesterday. He was standing in the doorway eyeing you suspiciously as he held your dirty clothes. You rolled your eyes at his comment. “Ok drenched is a little dramatic Edge. There’s only a few drops.” “AND HOW DID THESE DROPS GET ON YOUR CLOTHES?” He asked, impatiently tapping im his foot on the ground. “It tends to happen when you bleed. Kind of my fault, I wasn’t expecting it to start until today” “WHY ARE YOU BLEEDING HUMAN! MY DATEMATE SHOULD BE STRONG ENOUGH SO NO ONE CAN MAKE THEM BLEED” you snorted. “Yeah tell that to Mother Nature” “WHO IS THIS MOTHER NATURE?! I WILL CRUSH THEM INTO DUST FOR DRAWING BLOOD FROM MY HUMAN” you paused in your task and looked over at the menacing skeleton who was glaring at the wall. “Say sweetie?” He turned to you and the angry expression he wore softened ever so slightly “do female monsters get periods?” Edge seemed to think for a second. “I HAVEN’T HEARD THE TERM. ARE FEMALE HUMANS WEAKENED IN THIS STATE?”“Not really. Some get really bad pains in their stomach. But honestly sweetie the blood is nothing to worry about. It’s normal”“IT IS NORMAL FOR HUMANS TO BLEED?” “Occasionally” “I DEMAND AN EXPLANATION” you sighed. You really didn’t want to have to talk with your boyfriend but it looked like he wasn’t going to shut up until you did. Red - moodiness Red didn't know what it was but something about you these last few days had been different. Sexy. I mean he always thought you were sexy but something about the last few days just seemed different, like that sexiness had been increased somehow. You currently stood at the kitchen counter leaning over it as you prepared yourself a snack. Red couldn't help himself he came up behind you and wrapped his bony arms around your waste, leaning into your ear to whisper "looks good babe. pretty hungry myself" he began to kiss your neck "think I want a snack of my own" you scoffed and pushed him away from you. "Go away Red. I ain't in the mood" the skeleton was taken aback but soon got over it rolling his eyes and leaning on the counter. "What's wrong babe" "Gah nothing, just drop it!" You snapped rather harshly "Gee doll what's the problem? Obviously somethin’s got ya panties in a twist" "Maybe your my problem!" You glared over at the skeleton but as soon as your eyes met his shocked sockets you immediately felt guilty and felt the tears welling up in your eyes “ah! I am so sorry Red!! I didn’t mean that! I am really I sorry, I just, argh!” “woah doll, what’s up, seriously is everythin ok?” The monster was seriously confused. What did he do to make you angry? And then suddenly you start crying? He does not know how to react to this situation. “I’m fine, it’s just mood swings. Always happens with my period. Look sweetie I’m really sorry about yelling at you. I’m just moody cause of the pain” you looked so upset. Red took a moment to register what you just said. When it did his face glowed a like red and he didn’t know what to say. He knew what a period was and what it entailed but the fact you openly admitted to him that you were currently on yours threw him off guard. He stood there awkwardly until he saw your face. You just looked so upset and he hated it! He grabbed your wrist and pulled you into a hug. “it’s ok babe, honestly if the worst ya gonna do is yell at me i think i can handle it” he said chuckling lightly Blue - BloodYou got out of bed and went to the bathroom. It was early in the morning and your boyfriend had just woken you up with his alarm. As he turned around to turn the thing off you escaped to the bathroom before he could pull you into a hug for another five minutes, leaving the small skeleton slightly disappointed as he turned back to where you use to lay. He shrugged it off though and sat up himself throwing off the covers and staring blankly at your spot for a few seconds before panic flooded his mind. He scrambled out of bed and raced to the bathroom throwing open the door to see you standing in front of the mirror fixing your hair. “MAIDEN! ARE YOU OK?!” His voice was panicked and the skeleton was trembling with tears in the corners of his sockets “What?” You turned to face him “I’m fine sweetie, why?” “THE BED. THERE WAS BLOOD EVERYWHERE! MAIDEN I FEAR YOU MIGHT BE MORTALLY WOUNDED!?” The skeleton cried in destress. You started at him for a while trying hard to understand what he said. “Ah damn it, sorry sweetie, I’ll clean the sheets I promise” you said turning back towards the mirror. “I DON’T CARE ABOUT THAT!” Blue yelled slamming his foot down on the ground like a spoiled brat who wasn’t getting what he wanted. You turned back to you boyfriend seeing the angry and scared expression on his face and watching the tears well up in his sockets. “WHY ARE YOU BLEEDING!? IS THERE SOMETHING GOING ON THAT YOU AREN’T TELLING ME? ARE YOU, IS EVERYTHING” Blue fidgeting on the spot for a second before he found in his voice “Maiden your not falling down are you?” His voice came out quiet and he couldn’t bring himself to look away from you. You started back at him before breaking down into a fit of laughter“Blue I’m fine, I’m just on my period, bleeding happens. I forgot it was coming this week hence the mess on the sheets. Sorry again about that cutie” the skeleton didn’t seem to happy about that answer “THIS HAPPENS OFTEN! MAIDEN YOU NEED TO SEE A DOCTOR” you look confused at the small skeleton “Blue, sweetie bell, do you know what a period is?” Blue still would not tear his eyes away from you. “NO BUT IM SURE IF BLOOD IS INVOLVED IT CANNOT BE HEALTHY” oh boy. You spent another hour calmly and slowly informing your adorable boyfriend what it was that was happening to you. Orange - cravings you were raiding the cupboards for the eighth time in the last hour. You knew chocolate wouldn’t just magically appear in any of them but maybe there was a spot you hadn’t checked yet and that was were all the chocolate was hiding. Unfortunately after another ten minutes of rummaging you figured this wasn’t the case and the house in fact just didn’t have any chocolate. You say in the middle of the kitchen floor pouting for a while. Soon Orange walked into the room and headed straight for the fridge opening the door, pulling out a bottle of honey he closed the door and leant on it looking down at you. “something got you down honey? you look floored” the skeleton stated taking a swig of the golden liquid in his hand. “There’s no chocolate” you said looking like it was the worst thing in the world“sorry, there’s left over taco ingredients or oatmeal cookies” “Noooooo I need chocolate! If I don’t get any I’m gonna die” you whined. Oranges eyed you for a moment before shrugging. “can’t have my girlfriend dying on me, blue will never let me get another one. he’ll think i’m to irresponsibly” Orange pushed himself away from the fridge, placed his honey on the counter and walked out the door. You groaned. What were you going to do without the smooth sweet chocolate that you needed to survive! This was the worst! You stood up and sadly walked back to the couch picking up the blanket and wrapping yourself into a sad burrito, sat on the couch. You sat there for a while until Orange sat on the other end of the couch placing a shopping bag on the table in front of you. “i wasn’t sure what type you wanted so i just got you your favorites” you eyed your boyfriend suspiciously but he wasn’t looking at you. Orange continued to watch the television, one arm slung over the back of the couch and the other clutching his honey bottle. You slowly reached over to the bag and pulled out at least three different types of chocolate. Squealing gleefully and diving onto the skeleton who chuckled and began to stroke your hair as you ripped into your chocolate snack. “we’ll make sure we’re stocked up for next month” Orange told you leaning down to kiss the top of your head before going back to the tv. You didn’t reply to busy enjoying the chocolate in your hands. Berry - cravings “QUEEN STOP EATING ALL THAT UNHEALTHY JUNK THIS INSTANCE” the small skeleton stomped his foot on the ground. He had every right to complain, all you’d been eating for the past two days was junk food and today was no exception. Your cravings had just been out of control this month. “YOU HAVE TO EAT SOMETHING HEALTHY”“But I don’t wanna. I feel like eating donuts so I’m going to eat donuts” you say stuffing another one of the pastries into your face before the box was snatched from your hands. “Beeeeeeryyyyy! You can’t take away my food like that!!” You could feel yourself getting angry“YES I CAN QUEEN. YOU HAVE BEEN EATING NOTHING BUT JUNK!! IT IS NOT GOOD FOR HUMANS.” “Berry I’m on my period I have cravings!” You tried and failed to snatch the box of treats back. Berry looked hesitant “PERIOD? ARE YOU SICK QUEEN?” He asked concern filling his eye sockets. “What? Are sort of? If I say yes can I have my snacks back?” Berry looked at the unhealthy but awfully delicious treats in his hands. “WILL THEY MAKE YOU BETTER?”“Yes” it was true. Cravings were the worst until you shut them up then you could go about your day like it was nothing. Berry hesitantly handed you back the box and you greedily began to stuff your face once more. “ALRIGHT QUEEN. BUT YOU MUST EAT SOMETHING HEALTHY TONIGHT AND I DEMAND YOU TELL ME ABOUT THIS ‘PERIOD’ IMMEDIATELY!” “Are you sure Berry?” The skeleton grab your wrist and dragged you to the couch. Looks like you were going to have to explain what was happening to your boyfriend. Syrup - cramps You felt like your gut was trying to tear itself out of your stomach, as far as you were concerned this was death. You were dying and this is what death felt like. You were currently lying on the couch in the living room clutching your gut as you moaned in pain. Apparently you were being pretty loud because Syrup had made his way to the couch and currently leant on the backrest glancing down at you. His usual thick jacket was no were to be found, instead a black tank top clung to his ribs. He was giving you a confused and slightly disappointed expression. “Syruuuuuuuuup” you whined “I’m dying” you felt terrible. Syrup disappeared from view and returned a few minutes later pushing you forward and sitting behind you so that you were leaning back into his chest. He placed two pain killers in one of your hands and held a glass of water in his own waiting for you to take it. “Ggghg thanks” you took the pills and down the water handing the glass back to Syrup who placed it on the coffee table before wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer to his chest. He exhaled deeply taking your scent in. You smelt Devine and he just wanted to be closer to you. He’s arms got tighter around you and his skull began nuzzling your neck lightly tickling you. “Syrup” you tried weakly only causing the skeleton to start kissing your neck in that spot he knows you loves, causing you to let out another moan. One of his hands began to slowly move down and you jumped to grab his wrist as it got to the edge of your pants. “We can’t! I’m, uh I...” your voice trailed off as your faced began to heat up. Syrup studied your face for a second before everything clicked into place. He grabbed your chin with his free hand forcing you to look into his lazy sockets. “you know my love, orgasms help relieve the pain of cramps.” was all he said before he captivated your lips in a rough heated kiss, he pulled back slightly admiring the flushed expression on your face “let’s see if we can’t make that pain disappear” he kissed you once more.
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cauldronoflove · 7 years
Ok so this is really obscure, but I've had this idea for a while now, and I'd love to see you work with it? Headcanons for a time travel AU in which Peter Parker is messing with Stark Tech and gets sent back to the 1940s? He could work with Peggy Carter in the SSR to solve the case and pretend to be her little brother. Plus in 2017 Tony and Steve working together to get him back. If you think it's weird or want to skip it no worries! If not, then thank you so much, I love your headcanons!!
i love this concept so much you dont even know?? but also okay i realized abt halfway through these 2.5k+ words that this wasnt exactly what you asked for and i feel kinda bad about that but i hope you still like it all the same!! also i wanna say thank you for thinking of me for this prompt im super flattered????
- peter wasnt technically supposed to be in the 4th basement of stark tower
- technically he was on his lunch break and was supposed to be using said time to both eat and work on his spanish homework
- but he'd heard these whispers from a couple of the older interns about some of the old stuff that mr. stark had thrown down there because he never had time to finish them and peter had an idea
- see, he's been wanting to move up a bit, have mr. stark trust him a little more, and what's better then maybe taking one of his old designs and making it better and making it work
- so thats why he's in the fourth basement of stark tower, trying to remember if he's had his tetanus shot because some of this stuff is seriously Old
- and then he stumbles onto this little pyramid shaped....doohickey
- its the only thing in 4 floors of Things that doesnt have a label or a file or a crude drawing taped to the front of it so now peter is Officially Curious
- he kinda fiddles with it for a few minutes until his phone beeps with his 'hey pete youre gonna be super late getting back to work again' alarm and he about drops this thing on the floor because like everyday the alarm scares him to death
- but because hes clumsy and because hes pete he actually does drop it and everything goes black
- but everything's fine because he wakes right back up and he's pretty sure that he electrocuted himself but thats happened dozens of times so he picks himself up and brushes himself off and realizes that he may have been out longer than he thought because theres fewer boxes in the room than before and geez his head hurts
- "are you quite alright?"
- oh god he mustve hit his head harder than he thought because that looks like
- "m-miss carter, no sorry, ma'am? oh, oh god i'm so sorry that was so rude, agent? agent ma'am?"
- "this is howard's fault isnt it"
- "howard? as in....oh god oh god"
- "do you know where you are?"
- peter parker loved a lot of things and one of those things was museums and one of those museums in particular had an exhibit on a certain mr. rogers and adjacent to that exhibit was a small plaque about the woman standing in front of him and oh god he was going to hyperventilate and throw up in front of a literal legend and hero at the same time
- "remind me to kill him later. right now lets get you something warm to drink, yes? maybe some new clothes, youre looking a little singed"
- flash forward half an hour and he's sitting in front of the agent carter sipping at some terribly bitter coffee while she pursed and unpursed her lips a few times
- (annnnd time skip back to present day)
- friday: mr stark theres a woman downstairs beating on the door asking for youtony, 47 names going through his head: ...go on
- enter may parker, in her pjs, fire in her eyes, carrying on the legacy of brunette women ready to end a stark's life
- "it is ten o'clock on a school night, i've talked to ned, i've talked to mj and liz, i've talked to every corner sub shop owner, i even had a nice long chat with pepper, yet no one could tell me anything so you better have answers as to where my nephew is anthony"
- and in that moment, tony stark's life flashed before his eyes
- "hey, friday, where is the kid?"
- "peter's vitals havent been detected since 1:32pm on floor D"
- tony: fu-
- (back to pete and peggy)
- so he's quickly caught her up on the gist of whats going on (aka he told her he's from 2017 ny and hed really just like to go home) and she's taking it surprisingly well, all nodding and hmm-ing and cursing howard stark under her breath, kinda how may is when tony does like.. anything
- but now shes leading him through their super secret base and he's trying not to stare because, has he mentioned, hes literally standing next to peggy carter
- "right, well, here's your cot. if you need anything, dugan can help you. he's that one, there, with the cigar. you get some rest and i'll find howard and see if we cant get your...issue squared away. oh, and whatever you do, dont accept anything dernier tries to give you, you've already blown up once today, i dont think you can afford another"
- present day
- tony's been working through the night, a marginally-more-than-slightly disgruntled may beside him, and an even-more-than-marginally-more-than-slightly peeved happy beside her
- ("how do you lose a teenage boy, tony" happy moans to his phone when he wakes up and sees all the missed calls and texts he has)
- good news: it only took like 2 1/2 hours and three shots of espresson for tony to figure out what happened to peter
- bad news: it wasnt even a Tony Stark Exclusive Design, it was a Howard Stark One-Time Use That Was Actually A Malfunction Design, he'd had several more coffees that werent even close to being strong enough, and he had a growing black eye from the punch may landed before happy could pull her away and calm her down (maybe that last part should be in the good news column)
- "so he's just stuck in the 40s alone, then" may surmises, rubbing at the tension headache in her temples
- tony doesnt respond because at this point he needs his other eye for miracle working and depth perception
- "well, probably not alone," happy begins. "i catalogued everything in that level, and that stuff came from one of howard's london facilities, so it was probably calibrated for that time, so he's probably with-"
- tony: "hap, please dont finish that sentence"
- may: "1940s london. so he's with steve, then, safe. with captain america. okay, i can handle that."
- tony: "no, ah, a little later than capsicle, probably"
- may: "so not safe with captain america"
- happy: "safe with agent carter, more likely"
- pete and peggy
- good news: pete made it through the night without being blown up by the howling commandoes
- bad news: once howard was finally located and sobered up, he explained that he hadnt built that particular device yet, so peter was kinda stuck
- peter wasnt coping well
- "i have a spanish test tomorrow! and a trig test on friday! and i'm supposed to hang out with ned on saturday, and then may's gonna kill me when i dont show up for sunday dinner, and shes gonna kill me in general because i never checked in because holy shit i never checked in!"
- howard: peggy he's crying what do i do
- peggy: do i have to do everything myself
- she advances on peter and takes his chin in her hand, locking eyes with him: peter, you know who i am, dont you?
- he nods as best as he can
- "then you must know that i'm going to do everything in my power and then some to get you back home, dont you?"
- "yes ma'am"
- "good. go take a walk while i talk to howard, and if anyone asks, youre my american brother in for a short visit." and then she pats him on the cheek and his soul kinda ascends then and there because agent carter just patted him on the cheek AND gave him permission to tell people he's her brother
- so he goes to take his walk but the thing is when he gets anxious, he likes to fiddle with the loose legos he keeps under his bed, building and rebuilding tiny structures to help ease his nerves
- needless to say, he's an Absolute Nervous Wreck while he waits for some kind of something from peggy or howard and there arent any legos to keep him busy
- so he kind of takes that walk right on down to the lab and starts poking around because even if he is a certified nervous wreck he's also thr most inquisitive little shit that ever did walk the earth
- peggy finds him two hours later with a pair of loose fitting goggles on his forehead, his sweater sleeves pushed up to his elbows, and some . substance on his hands
- "please dont tell me youre somehow howard's long lost son too," she says, taking his appearance in
- he shakes his head as the beakers in front of him emit a puff of green smoke directly into his already scrunched up face "no ma'am; it's just that mr. stark kinda has me on desk duty and never lets me get my hands dirty so i like to take every oppurtunity i can get"
- she nods, "good, because howard needs you to describe what you remember of the device, and then you and i are going to begin the slog through the logistics of it all"
- "ooooookay"
- which is how peter parker ends up sitting across from peggy carter, the both of them scribbling extremely advanced mathematics onto yellowing sheets of paper as howard stark tinkered with some spare parts he had lying around as he tried to construct a crude rendering of the device
- peggy mostly doesnt talk, actually, she hasnt spoken since explaining that shed picked her math skills up on an assignment shed once had where she learned she actually loved numbers and then howard had been letting her do calculations for him in her free time
- peter was too impressed to respond bc from what he gathered she'd only been on that mission for six months and she didnt have much free time which meant she'd had to pick it all up FAST
- anyway, they got at that for hours, until peter cant keep his eyes open and even howard is dwindling; peggy waves them both off to bed but stays and keeps scribbling away
- they repeat that routine for 3 days
- on the 5th night, after she waves them off, peter goes to his cot and he tosses and turns for hours, listening to the commandoes play poker and crack jokes, but he cant sleep
- finally he gets up and just starts walking, anywhere his feet take him
- coincidentally, his feet take him past what he quickly realizes is peggy's room
- "peter why are you still up? is everything all right?" she asks, pulling off these big hulking glasses that made him incredibly homesick because she reminds him so much of may in that moment, big glasses on, hunched over a book in her lap, hair pulled back out of her face
- and he apologizes, but she Knows something's terribly wrong, so she gets up and ushers him away from her doorway, and leads him down a hall or two and then theyre standing in an open space, and she's looking at him like shes trying to solve one of her equations
- "do you know how to throw a punch, peter"
- " whatever youre thinking i dont think its a good idea we dont have any gear and i dont want to get hurt-"
- she shakes her head and asks again, and he finally answers with a kinda
- "'kinda' will get you hurt; watch me" and she begins to demonstrate a few slow punches and he follows her movements and tries to copy them but hes a little sloppy but its ok because she corrects him and finally theyre just standing beside one another counting out punches when she asks "whats on your mind"
- and he doesnt even hesitate he just lets loose everything, how much he misses may and how terrible he feels that he cant get in touch with her, how much he misses ned and mj and liz, how much he misses his fire escape and the deli on the corner and the buildings and then he's crying again, but she gracefully doesnt point it out
- once he's done spitting out everything thats bothering him she gets this kind of sad smile and says, "you remind me of a man i knew. he cared so much about his friends, sometimes to the point of not even worrying about himself, whuch meant he was always in some sort of trouble, as you can imagine. but he always found his way out of a problem, even if he was the one who created it." she laughs slightly then. "i guess what i'm getting at is even if i cant get you back home, even if howard cant, i believe that youll figure it out."
- "are you comparing me to captain anerica right now because i'm already crying and i dont think i can take much more" he says through sniffles, his arms slack by his sides now
- she smiles and nods, keeping her stance, and peter feels an overwhelming sense of gratitude for this amazing woman who immediately helped him without much of a pause and who's made sure he was okay for the past 5 days and who's up at god knows what time showing him how to throw a punch and being his borderline therapist and he just wants to give her something in return
- "im not sure if im supposed to do this, because for all i know it could tear a hole in the fabric of time and space but i really want to show you this," he begins, pulling his wallet put of his pocket.
- he flicks the little photo holders out and theres may, and theres ned and mj and liz, and theres that cat he found that one time, and theres him and tony, and there, at the bottom, is the time he officially met steve after the whole fight thing and all
- "this was taken a couple months ago; well, a couple months for me, it's decades from now, but here," and he holds out his wallet for her to see and she looks over the photo curiously before she understands and a tear slips down her cheek and she smiles the most grand smile
- "thank you, peter" and she passes the wallet back and puts her hand on his shoulder and says "i promise i'll have you home in time for sunday dinner"
- and she does
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emperorhwangs · 7 years
Which hogwart houses do you think nuest members belong to ?
ok so i’m going to cheat a little and have some combined houses bc i think only one house can’t be enough to confine some of the members
Aron - Aron is a Gryffinpuff(?)/Huffledor(?) lol I don’t know what to call it
• he’s actually quite intelligent; he performed well in school and achieved a 2200 on his SAT (for reference, a 2400 is the full score and the Ivy League avg. is about 2150ish for the old SAT) 
• during the Pledis auditions, he ranked first out of all the trainees who auditioned
• he learned the entirety of the Korean language in under a year
• he speaks 3 languages: english, japanese, and korean
BuT (why he’s a gryffindor too)
• he can be brash and say things without thinking first, which has gotten him into trouble multiple times
• He perspective towards life seems to be to dive headfirst into things, without looking back
• he rejected his admission to NYU/rejected his academic future path to fully and completely pursue kpop (if this isn’t the definition of “taking the leap”, I don’t know what is)
• he won’t really censor his thoughts and is frank and stubborn, which can both be good and bad
• though he is the oldest member, he acts as if he is the maknae~ he tends to live vicariously without regrets
Ren (Minki/Mingi) - slytherpuff(?)
Slytherin gets a lot of hate for being the “evil” house, but that’s not how it is–the house itself is one of the most loyal and unified, with traits just as impressive as those of Gryffindor
• Ren oozes self confidence and is one of the few androgynous well known kpop stars–when he was been attacked for his “effeminate” image by a rude interviewer, he coolly, elegantly put him down, without a crack in his facade. He doesn’t flinch at insults to his appearance and instead hides his pain and buries it
• as you could see on PD101, ren is extra as hell; he knows how to draw attention for his benefit
• slytherins can tend to come off as a bit arrogant or prideful, and Ren definitely knows how gorgeous he is (there are an infinite amount of times where he’s complimented his own looks, lol, he even did it on PD101)
• slytherins are extremely loyal to their own, and Ren is extraordinarily loyal to his group 
Tumblr media
i giffed this a while back, but this was his reaction when he heard one of his labelmates dropped from top 11 (at the time he was the only one of NU’EST who wasn’t ranked within top 11)
• he’s been described as the most playful and mischievious, but he rarely laughs
• but Ren is a hufflepuff too, despite his seemingly cold exterior
• he is the maknae of the group, and if you have been Nu’est’s fan for a bit, you know the rest of the group spoil him and love him to death; he probably has the most skinship with the other members because they love him so much
• he is extremely selfless~ never once did he complain about being ranked lower than his fellow members, he was only happy they had made it so far
• he treats his fans like angels–there was a brother of a fan who ran into him at a cafe he goes to regularly and he remembered his name and greeted him every time they bumped into one another at the cafe from then on out
• he used to respond to private messages from fans and would comfort them through difficulties
• according to the other members, he complains the least
• he’s very tolerant of everyone and has encouraged fanboys to approach him as well, and he would be willing to hug them
• the younger trainees on PD101 all loved him and they stuck to him a lot; he was said to be a spirit raiser on the show
JR (Jonghyun) - ravenpuff(?) huffleclaw(?)
hufflepuff gets a lot of shit for being the “useless” house but there is nothing to be ashamed of if you are a hufflepuff
• nation’s leader, onibugi, is selfless almost to a fault
• he was the leader of Nu’est since he was 16(1!6!) an takes the failure of Nu’est onto himself; he always has carried the entire burden of the group on his shoulders
• in literally every group performance he was in, he was the leader and he stiLL nEVER gave himself more than a few lines (pun intended, but this was still so upsetting)
• he always puts the other group members before himself and looks over him as if he is their older brother, despite being younger than some of them. (look at the disappointment on his face when he saw Minhyun walk into D rank and Dongho when he forgot the lyrics during the grade reevaluation)
• he’s really friendly, despite being very introverted
• in fact, despite his natural introvertedness, he tries his best to push himself out of his own comfort zone so he can be warm to others and he has devised several ways for him to seem more extroverted (how selfless is this holy fuck)
• he’s also a ravenclaw, though
• he is a very capable leader who tries his best to avoid conflict by sorting the situation out
•ex. he could’ve been argumentative with Kwon Hyunbin when he wasn’t being an exemplary member and wasn’t pulling his weight, but he instead just talked some sense into him by mediating
• when he is quiet, it seems he is more analyzing and sorting out every situation silently. he seems to be a bit calculating so that he can approach problems more effectively.
• he is very driven and will push himself past boundaries–he was the only nu’est member who went up in grade reevaluations, going to rank B 
• despite his position as leader and rapper, he can also dance very well and he does so passionately
• he can play the piano, the flute, the clarinet, the saxophone, the tuba, the drums, and the trombone (that’s 8 instruments!!!)
Baekho (Dongho) - Gryffinpuff (i know this is an oxymoron, but hear me out)
• he looks like a formidable, scary, guy, but he is actually the softest human being ever. 
• he is always laughing, and the other members have said that if baekho isn’t laughing, there is something wrong (literally during the meringue time he just laughed the entire time even though he was just beating eggs)
• the other members refer to him as “baby tiger” despite his “sangnamja” appearance
• he’s been described as the most sincere and the most sensitive member 
• he didn’t even purposefully audition for Pledis he actually went there with a friend for emotional support and then he was casted (if that isn’t the most hufflepuff thing you’ve ever heard)
• he can’t sleep without hugging someone
• he is very caring and friendly, despite the jungle music editing MNET used, he picked up a lot of friends on the show and was loved by a lot of the younger trainees; seonho said that he would only share his special mango snack with Dongho
• but Dongho is also a good Gryffindor
• one time he almost fought a drug dealer who had threatened him and the group (omfg wht)
• he is willing to take the lead to be a leader, on adopt101 he patiently and diligently helped Haknyeon with his parts
• he can be just as ambitious as anyone, though it may come off as a little headstrong~ his clases w/ Sewoon~ but it isn’t malintentioned
• his instincts are sharp, and he isn’t afraid to voice them--when he heard the voice doubling in Daehwi’s BIL team, he wasn’t hesitant to immediately call them out. In this way, he wants to act justly and fairly
• hufflepuffs typically hold peace over everything, including justice in some cases for the sake of avoiding conflict, but that isn’t the case for Dongho because he is the type to call people out on their BS, immediately
• savage as hell *when watching Jonghyun’s center audition* --dongho: *it would’ve been very good....if you couldn’t hear anything”
Minhyun (CEO/Emperor Hwang) - ravenpuff
• Minhyun got the title CEO Hwang for good reason, he was able to form an incredibly strong team from only short analysis after spending some time with them and he found very strong team dynamics within the people he chose; he knew what he was doing when he chose the Justice League team
• Minhyun is supposedly the most intelligent of the members of Nu’est (even though he can’t type for shit)
• he is incredibly dedicated to his “studies”; though not necessarily academic, he will put his all into learning and  applying himself and has been called the most applied of the nu’est members
• he worked incredibly hard in preparation for the grade eval according to the other trainees and hence was most expected to rise in grade; however, he failed the reevaluation because of sheer exhaustion 
• when asked why he likes Minhyun so much, Seonho replied that “minhyun-hyung gives very good, practical advice”
• it may not be shown often, but I expect Minhyun is very intelligent (aside from the evaluation of group dynaimcs that formed the sorry, sorry team, he has shown that he can adapt successfully to several different concepts and master difficult dances even though he is a vocalist, and he dedicates his all to what he does)
• ravenclaws overlap with hufflepuff in their tendency to avoid all conflict, and this is very evident in Minhyun
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• he consistently would check on the other members of his team, not wanting to overstep any boundaries or make anyone uncomfortable, and he was a key part in the harmony of each group
• despite being regarded as the “face” of the group along with Minki, he is still very humble and doesn’t talk much about his visuals
• he’s the motherly figure of the group, always nagging them to pick up after themselves and keeps their dorm relatively neat and orderly (how messy is their dorm gonna be for the next 1.5 years those hoes better keep it clean for him)
• he apparently always has body lotion in his bag, for both him and others to use (how considerate is this I’m gonna cry)
• he is allergic to salt and will react to his own sweat, but he bears through it to train and pursue his dream, proving his will and determination 
this is probably way longer than you expected anon im sorry lolololololaslkjasfal;sdfja lsdfjsdfsdafjasdfla;dsf
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kappasigmalife · 7 years
Eternal Purgatory: Chp 7 Mind, Body and Soul
 Eternal Purgatory: Chp 7 Mind, Body and Soul
Paul awakens around 4pm after stoning with reefer the entire night and notices chris looking at psychology books from the library in the living room.
“what are you doing?  you don’t take psych.”
“last night I went somewhere that I don’t understand in the slightest.” Paul raises his eyebrow asking Chris to explain what exactly happened to him. As chris explains paul just looks at him as if hes making it up and proclaims even he doesn’t know much of robbys mind, asking how he could enter his subconscious.
Chris looks at him confused and retorts that he thinks robby may of just done it on his own and might be expressing his power to them, as he as found in a emotional state. Paul strokes his chin wondering if he might be capable of helping out with it. As the two converse, robby wakes up and sees chris and effectively looks the other way.
“morning paul, morning chris, how’d you sleep?” Paul looks at robby confused.
“fine thanks” Chris begins getting a little worried.
“find anything in your dreams big guy?”
Robby shrugs and says he found nothing strange as he slept and goes to get coffee. Brendan walks in wearing a Pikachu onesie and looks at paul and chris. Paul chuckles at seeing a chubby man dressed as a pokemon while chris thinks he looks adorable. Reefer pops up telling chris that the dean needs to speak to him immediately.
“oh good, another meeting with the holy man of assholes.” Reefer laughs as he looks at the tablet
“it truly hurts my heart to have you go through so much shit.” Chris rolls his eyes and walks to campus to the office only to see Alicia sitting at the waiting area holding papers.
“oh hey weren’t you at the party a month ago.” Alicia shrugs and looks at him.
“why yes I was why do you ask?” Chris replies
“because you seemed familiar and were talking to Brendan the whole time.” Alicia looks at chris and sees the connection linked between the two of them.
“yes hes my brother, im transferring from another school, and need to get registered for the winter so better now than later.” Chris looks at her confused.
“he never mentioned a sister, or family for that matter, we’ve been together 2 months” Alicia puts her arm on chris’s shoulder and looks him dead in the eyes
“theres a lot you don’t know about him, but until that day the truth comes out, that line with continue to shrink.” Chris looks annoyed and confused and wonders what she meant until Arthur calls him in. as chris walks in he locks the door and asks chris what he saw in robbys head. Refusing to disclose any personal matters, Arthur pulls out robbys file and explains that he is a rare case, an egnigma to purgatory as files are compiled based on memory but robbys is almost blank, aside from age, location, date of birth and name. chris looks and notices no details of his death and realizes that robby is effectively being repressed, perhaps by his own death or his past. Arthur notes that there was a concern over chris as well pulling out a roster of students and his name being crossed out.
“something has happened to you not in this world but the former earth you came from, it appears your not dead, but very much alive. I know nothing of the notion and I recommend seeing what is going on by going to the human world.” Chris looks at Arthur and wonders what the hell he means by traveling to the human world as if it was possible to do so. Back at the house robby looks at a empty journal and brushes off the dust. Taking out a pen he draws two entries, one finding a rat, and the other of the dark void that almost enveloped Chris. As helen notices robby and their eyes meet, he slams the book shut and walks out telling her not to touch the journal.
“that is a private matter that only I will accompany to, please respect it.” Helen looks at the journal on the floor and notices that it’s a leather bound drawing book that has his named carved inside of it.
“what the fuck is going on with this place.” as chris walks back to campus he notices that he will need to get to the human world and check on his body. as he contemplates how to do so he calls paul. Paul tells him that there are two ways to enter the human world but one takes a adnormally long time the other is in and out. he mentions he can wait for the eclipse in May, or he could be taken there through a portal.
“itll cost ya 500 for a round trip, so will you ride express, or wait a month for a opportunity to appear for a few minutes.” Chris forks over the money and tells paul to bring him now. Paul takes chris to the house were they enter the tv and go through a strange dimension crossing over worlds. As they arrive they enter through a hospital monitor and looks around.
“good thing no one can see us, Paul go into that computer and find my room.”
Paul checks the computer and sees Chris is in ICU, room 23 and takes him over. As the two look in the room, chris sees his mother, father, and younger brother s sitting in chairs watching comedy central.
“well im pulling the cover down and seeing whats up.” As chris pulls down the covers, he sees that his body is covered in frostbite and hes missing his right leg. Appalled he looks at his charts saying that he was in the freezer overnight but barely alive. His father had requested he be kept on life support and taken to icu to be evaluated until he awakens. Chris takes a deep breath and merely wishes to see his father get beaten down.
“Of all the horrible and atrocious things this man did to me, he cant even let me die in peace without making me suffer. I cant go back to the world like this, itll be agony until I die for real.” Paul pats him on the back and says he has the solution.
“I can cause a malfunction in the machine that’ll take you out, no pain, no nothing, just your body dies and you come back.”
Chris looks at paul
“sure, but I want to do something real quick with my body.” Back at the house, robby is smoking with reefer and asking for advice on what occurred in his dream.
“chris was there, and he was opening doors in my head, what does that even mean.” Reefer looks at him as if he has two heads and just lets out a puff of smoke retorting.
“I don’t know man, it appears that maybe he seeped into your brain, unlocking lost memories of forgotten times and wishing to finally awaken what you lost when you got here, or your secretly gay for him.” Robby glares at him as helen wonders where chris and paul ran off too.
“oh right, I was supposed to let you know, chris and paul headed to the human world to kill chris’s mortal body on life support.” Helen with her jaw dropped
Reefer takes another hit plainly stating.
“You heard me.” robby and helen look at one another and wonder if chris will return to the human world or if paul really would kill chris. Brendan walks in wondering when chris will get back, considering they had dinner plans at  new Italian restaurant, with robby telling him the situation, Brendan walks out and punches a wall.
“what the fuck Arthur, you could of killed chris in the human world you all powerful holy shit!!!” helen grows curious if its romantic Brendan wants chris back in purgatory, or disturbed he wants him to die. Robby shrugs and says to let it run its course as its nothing more than simple solution to a complex situation.
Back in the human world, paul enters the life support machine and awaits for chris to tell him when hes ready. Chris then enters his body and slowly opens his eyes, looking at his family. He tells his mother, hes sorry he didn’t spend more time with her, telling his little brother to not end up the way their father did, and finally asking their father to come closer so he may talk to him. As his father approaches, chris grabs him by the collar and pulls him close screaming in his ear.
As chris finishes, paul turns off the machine, killing chris’s mortal body and the two looking as his family crys over him.
“a shame your leaving your family like this, but living would have been terrible.” Chris replies stating that hes happier where he is.
“it doesn’t matter to me, I feel remorse for my mother and brother, my fater however, deserves to hear those as my last words.” Paul looks at Chris thinking of how vindictive he is and looks on as his father slumps over shocked and appalled.
“im impressed, didn’t think youd do that but its hilarious to see that man in pieces.” Chris smiles saying hes happy its done as the two enter the monitor and return to the human world. Chris is welcomed by Brendan with a hug and a kiss with robby curious of what it was like to get a second chance. Chris tells him there isn’t anything hed give for a second chance at life as purgatory already gave that to him. Paul tosses chris a bass guitar and tells him now that the sentimental shits gone, its time to start playing.
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