#that second GIF used to be my phone ringtone
unhingedgirlythings · 2 months
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SUMMERY : Reader gets her date interrupted when Hotch calls up asking for her to get to the BAU. Reader rushes over still dressed up and a certain dr can’t keep her eyes off her teehee.
Tags:fem reader , a huge amount of awkwardness, reader is over her love life
A/N: I WANTED AWKWARD SPENCER REID, bare with me tho cuz I haven’t written a fanfic since I was 13 and it was horrible so please be kind and let me know your thoughts :))) enjoyyy.
You were used to your phone ringing at the WORST possible times, I mean with your job that was something you just had to prepare yourself for. Serial killers don’t take a break just so you can have a girls night out or take a nice relaxing bath after a long day. Although never in your life did you imagine the wave of relief that would wash over you as the all too familiar ringtone blared from your phone. Normally you would groan and feel your body grow more exhausted whilst hesitantly picking up the phone, but not tonight. Nope. Fortunately for hotch, you couldn’t have answered the phone faster. “what’s up” low and behold hotch was on the other end requesting your presence ASAP!
You tried to hide your glee as you glanced over at the douche-ist blind date that the great quote on quote “matchmaker” of the century Garcia, had raved on about the week before. To be fair the date didn’t start off bad, it was actually the most decent one you’ve had yet. Honestly you were ready to finally praise Penelope for actually finding you a decent man to take your mind off the unrequited school girl crush that you had on a certain “kid” genius. somehow you escaped the dude who clearly was stuck in some frat boy mindset, well not without some snarky comment made towards you which you shut down a little harsher then needed but seriously you couldn’t hold back anymore, you had no idea what possessed Penelope into thinking you would EVER consider going home with the king of fucking douchebags (most likely the biceps and tight clothing that the man sported). Nevertheless here you were speeding down the freeway, thinking way too hard about your love life completely blanking and forgetting to drop by your apartment to quickly change into something more work appropriate.
Before you knew it you’ve parked your car, walking into the cold air. A shiver runs down your body and the shock hits you when you realize. Here you are in a little skimpy black dress that clings to your curves in “just the right way” according to Penelope before shoving you out into your car heading to that horrible excuse of a date, “ahh shit. Fucken seriously! Of course this is just my luck … I mean at least I look good” groaning and mumbling to yourself, you make your way into the building. You knew Hotch would be understanding, I mean you never know when you’re gonna be called in and it sounded urgent so yeah, sometimes you and your coworkers walk in with inappropriate work wear. You will never forget the time he called everyone in at god knows what time, Spencer had walked into the room with his pjs sporting a fluffy dress robe, you seriously thought someone was going to have to perform cpr on you that night.
Walking into the building in heels was definitely a pain in your ass, but you managed as you pushed the briefing room door open. A low wolf whistle from Derek Morgan was the last thing you needed right now “damn sweetheart, who knew you could clean up so nicely“ As you make your way into the room, you playfully roll your eyes at him.“haha very funny” you cringed as everyone’s attention was now drawn to you. while taking a seat next to JJ, wishing to be wearing literally anything else “Sorry Hotch, i came straight from..” you hesitate for a second, glancing around before continuing “A date, but this sounded important so I didn’t have time to change”The stoned faced man simply nods at you “It’s fine. You're here, right now we have a lot to cover” He starts debriefing the team, leaving no detail out of the case, no matter how brutal, you tried your hardest to give him your unwavering attention, but you could feel someone’s eyes on you. And out of the corner of your eye see him. Spencer.
His stare was hot and intense, and fuck was it making you become a flustered mess. You glanced at him from your peripheral trying your best to be subtle about it, it was getting harder and harder to focus on Hotch and the case, not Reid. But when his puppy dog eyes drifted up, down and all over your body, your body involuntarily reacted, slightly squirming in your seat. Before you could stop yourself, your eyes turn and lock onto his gorgeous brown ones, a smirk graces your lips as he finally notices your eyes now on him. Looking like a kid being caught with his hand in the cookie jar, he turns pink from the embarrassment and shame of being caught, and god did that make your head spin. Now it was his turn to awkwardly squirm in his seat while staring at Hotch with all his attention. You giggle under your breath at his fumbling awkwardness. Before you know it everyone around you starts to pack up their things and stand up, leaving you confused. Of course you spent the whole debriefing paying so little attention to the case and more on Spencer.
Sighing, you pull the hem of your dress down as you stand trying to save yourself from even more embarrassment. “soooo how did it go? Was he as yummy as you’d hoped?” Garcia wraps her arms around yours as you try not to stumble down the stairs towards your desk “you, my love are officially banned from meddling in my love life” you could already hear the trail of complaints bouncing around in her head as you plopped down onto your desk chair, reaching for the new case folder hoping to catch yourself up before take off in the morning “aww come on I for sure thought you’d be jumping his bones, all those rippling muscles, who In Their right mind could resist” the thought of the man you had seen a few hours prior put a foul taste in your mouth, causing your face to scrunch up in disgust “he was a complete dick, he legit referred to himself as an “alpha male” AN ALPHA ,Only thing I wanted to jump , was off a building at that point” a defeated look from her was all the conformation you needed, no longer were you going on blind dates, and your love life was back to being non existent and sad “sorry Pen I tried, I really really tried, you just have horrific taste in men like my god do we need to get you some help. These guys are basically human garbage” whilst looking up your eyes naturally drift and settle on Spencers desk frowning as you watch him, his heads buried in the case file whilst obsessively jotting down notes like some multitasking god, your heart couldn’t help but pine after his more, the looks you shared moments before didn’t help your case either. Resting your chin in the palm of your hand, you drag your eyes away trying to spare yourself from going into one of your Spencer Reid spirals. You look up at Penelope already disliking the pitiful look she was giving you “are you sure your ready to give up?, I mean I know this cute guy who would be super into you, he's just your type “the new voice startled you, turning in your seat you’re met with Emily smirking down at you whilst leaning against your desk inserting herself into the conversation with JJ beside her “wow ok fun, are we all just gonna just dive head first into my personal life?, don’t we have a case to work on?” trying to deter the subject of the conversation off of you was a bust, as the women you call friends gleam down at you with a shared look “yeah no this is too entertaining to sit out on.” you couldn’t believe you were having this conversation right now, letting out a groan you leaned back in your chair covering your face in hopes of hiding the redness in your cheeks “sweetheart, what you need is a good ol one night stand, get a certain pretty boy out of your system” if you weren’t already melting into a puddle of embarrassment, you definitely were now “Morgan shut up please for the love of everything holy”
you could only pray Spencer wasn’t paying attention to the little group that was forming at your desk, maybe he was being good and reading the case file like the rest of them should be doing but of course luck wasn’t in your favor tonight “what are we talking about?” Before you could shut the whole conversation down Morgan happily answered Spencer “oh, we were just discussing Y/L/N’s love life. I think she needs a good root, what do you think?” that stupid smirk Morgan was happily wearing was enough to make your blood boil, now you truly wished to disappear “ok ok that’s enough” you shoot up from your seat avoiding any eye contact with Spencer not wanting to see his reaction to your humiliating red face “conversation over, my love life is going back to being non existent, thank you for your concern but it’s over, officially dead so no more talking about it.” you snatch the file off your desk ready to get the hell out of whatever situation you found yourself in “i'm going home to at least get some sleep before we leave tomorrow or I’ll be a zombie all day” with that you hastily made your way out of the building and into the cool night air once again.
wrapping your arms around yourself in hopes to provide some warmth, you slowly make your way to the car park. Before you could make it to your car you could hear foot steps getting closer and closer until they were right behind you, stopping along with yours once you had reached front of your car. Quickly spinning around you slam them onto the car's hood, arm in your hand, face down and pinned.
“Ow ow ow ow Ow!” Shit. It was Spencer. The man you’ve been daydreaming about and here you were pinning him to the hood of your car. “oh shit sorry, my god, don’t walk up on me like that holy shit Spence you scared me” you pull away off him whilst letting go of his arm and backing away a little. Spencer lets out a hiss of pain as he pushes himself off the hood, rubbing his arm to try and relieve the pain “sorry I was just trying to make sure you got to your car safely. It’s late a-and” he looks at your dress whilst clearing his throat looking away awkwardly “are you ok? you seemed upset in there” he looks back at you whilst giving you a smile that made you wanna pass away on the spot “yeah I’m ok, just having your dating life put on full blast in front of the team like that can be a tad embarrassing” silence was the only response you were met with, you glance up at Spencer trying to think of something, anything to say in this moment “you look really nice by the way, it’s unfortunate your date turned out that way.” His eyes meet yours, your breath gets caught in your throat as heat creeps up your neck to your face “t-thanks” tugging on the hem of your dress you smile sheepishly “not the most comfortable outfit, honestly wish Pen let me wear my sweater but you know”
“Penelope” you both say, you giggle as Spencer chuckles. “Oh by the way, I thought you may want these, may help a little tomorrow” he hands you the notes he took from the briefing, Your fingertips brush against his, the feeling of warmth from his hands sends a shiver down your spine. “Thanks Spence. I appreciate it” you stand there longer than needed before you start to turn away from him. “You know, that even though there aren't any hard statistics, it’s roughly estimated that every 1 in 3 or 4 blind dates actually end up as a success” he rambles on, looking back at him you try to pay attention but you can’t stop your eyes from sifting down towards his lips “so there is a chance” his voice fades away as his words become background noise and your thoughts become louder and louder, all you could think about was him, the feeling of wanting only grew stronger with each passing minute. It didn’t help that his lips were tempting you, calling you in. you couldn’t hold yourself back much longer, will power growing weaker and weaker “fuck it” your body moves before commen sense had its time to put a stop to whatever ridiculous thoughts you had muster up, suddenly your lips press onto his without thinking it through. It was short and one sided yet sweet, the faint taste of coffee and sugar overwhelmed your senses
The sudden realization hits you hard as you push yourself off Reid, the feelings of regret and fear settles itself in your stomach making you feel sick “Sorry I wasn’t thinking, shit sorry, forget that happened ok” you back away keeping your eyes glued to the ground in fear that you’ll look up and only see rejection written on his face. What in the hell possessed you to do that?, why the fuck did you do that, the only reason you kept your feelings shoved down was to protect your friendship with Spencer, nothing meant more to you then the bond you both shared and now you’ve ruined it and for what? A stupid kiss? “wait, uh No no it was just unexpected I didn’t hate it actually quite the opposite” your head snaps back up at a red faced flustered Spencer Reid “don't apologize“ his warm hands warp around your cold ones as he steps closer to you once again “did you um maybe want to try that again? Only if you want to though I don’t want you to regret anything” you giggle as he starts to nervously stumble over his words, this time more confident in your actions your lips find his for the second time tonight.
The taste of coffee meets your lips again as your body relaxes into the kiss, which is very reciprocated this time. The warmth radiating from Spencer chases the cold night air away. As your bodies shuffle closer together. you both hesitantly pull away from each, you wanted to stay here in this moment for as long as possible but of course your bed was calling your name along with the early flight departure. “I should go” you really didn’t want to “I know“ his hands stayed on your waist for a moment before slipping away “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow” the sweet look on his face drove you crazy, the urge to say fuck it and stay with him for the remainder of the night was overpowered by the sleepless night before, you settle for placing a goodnight kiss on his cheek instead “night Spence” winking you open your car door and make your way in, you turn the car on and roll the window down to call out to him as he backs away with a smug smirk on his face “sweet dreams pretty boy” with that you drive away replaying the events of tonight in your mind, god you couldn’t wait to get the case over with so you could finally have a date that wasn’t going to end in ruins, especially with the man you’ve been crushing on since your first day, yeah no you weren’t going to get any sleep tonight now.
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multi-kpop-fanfics · 6 months
Cats and Coffee for Two
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pairing: photgrapher/barista!Wonwoo x barista fem!reader (ft. other sebongs)
genre: fluff, comedy, coworkers to lovers!AU, mutual pining, smut - minors dni.
warnings: mentions of food, alcohol and cat hairs, mentions of headaches and insecurities
smut warnings: oral sex (f rec), unprotected sex (contraception is mentioned but wrap it), creampie, praise, use of petnames, body worship, semi-public sex, manhandling, marking, making out, aftercare
word count: 12.2k
summary: Job hunting is a tough sport and Wonwoo has experienced it to its core. One fine autumn day comes where he's finally free from the shackles of unemployment, but he will soon find himself in the shackles of coffee, tea and cat hairs, But most importantly, he will have to share these shackles with you.
Author's note: this is my entry for the fall-ing for you collab hosted by @svthub! another long piece written by yours truly lmao
p.s.: huge thank you to @bitchlessdino, @gyuwoncheol, @wongyuseokie, @onlymingyus, @wonwussy, @horanghater and @shuadotcom for helping me out with the fic in more ways than one💕
©multi-kpop-fanfics, 2023. No reposting allowed. No translations allowed without permission.
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“....We received your CV and cover letter. While your educational details are impressive, the lack of working experience does not make you a suitable candidate for the work position in our company. 
We thank you for your time and effort, and we wish you the best of luck.”
“Well fuck off, autogenerated e-mail response.” Wonwoo grumbles and sends the mail straight to the trash bin with an annoyed huff.
Another job opportunity flushed down the drain, to the point where another headache punches its way into his skull. 
He’s tired. He’s tired, drained and disappointed as fuck. He knew job hunting is a tough sport, but he didn’t expect to be kicked to the curb for such a long time. He was hoping to get a chance for an interview, but not even that? 
It makes him wonder if the years he spent in college were worth it after all. 
Wonwoo’s headache gets stronger, to the point he’s struggling to keep his eyes open. He closes his laptop and gets up from his seat, making a beeline to the cupboard where he stores his medical supplies.
He swallows a painkiller, followed by a generous gulp of water from a bottle, hoping it will soothe the pain soon enough.
He walks over to the couch, plopping down unceremoniously. His energy levels have dropped to absolute zero and the maroon colored couch pillow suddenly seems like a gift sent by the Heavens. He takes off his glasses and lays his head on the pillow, eyes closing shut within a few seconds.
Two hours later, his sweet slumber is disrupted by the familiar ringtone of his phone, but the noise doesn’t make him any less terrified. 
“Hi loser, it’s me, your professional emotional and mental support!” A bright voice echoes from the other end of the line.
Wonwoo checks the ID of the caller and groans when he sees Seokmin’s name.
“What is wrong with you, Seokmin?”
“Bold of you to ask that question.”
“I am serious, Seok. Haven’t you heard of afternoon naps?”
“Dude, it’s eight o’clock.”
Wonwoo checks his watch and sighs in disappointment. “Fuck, I overslept, damnit.”
“Just how long were you asleep for?”
“Doesn’t matter anymore. Why did you call me?”
“Oh I don’t know, because you’re my friend and I want to check up on you because you’ve been in a slump lately?”
“Damn, way to call me out, I guess.”
“If I don’t call you out, then who will?!”
“....Fair point.”
“Anyways, I’m planning to grab some drinks with Minghao in an hour.”
“Oh nice, hope you have fun.”
“And you’re coming with us.”
“Oh come on! It won’t be anything wild, just the three of us drinking some alcohol!” Seokmin whines. “Please? Just this once?”
Wonwoo ponders over his friend’s request and grumbles from his end.
“Fine, if it means to make you hop off my ass, I guess.”
“What ass?”
“You know what, I changed my mi-”
“I’m just kidding!”
“You better be.”
“Okay okay, no need to get your claws out!” 
“Anyways, I’ll see you guys in an hour.” 
“Nice! Make sure to shower before getting out of the house.”
“Fuck you, Seokmin.”
Wonwoo ends the phone call and gets up from the couch, stretching his arms above his head. He takes a whiff from his shirt and he scrunches his eyes in disappointment.
“He’s right, I should take a shower.”
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Wonwoo is glad he accepted Seokmin’s invitation, because he had no idea how much he needed this. Not that he would ever admit it.
“You seem less tense than earlier.” Minghao comments.
“It’s all thanks to the alcohol.” 
“And the good company!” Seokmin butts in with his soju glass. “It’s okay to admit I was right.”
“And let it get to your head? No thank you.”
“Wonwoo is right, it will get to your head.” 
“I hate you both!” Seokmin whines and downs his shot.
“Now that’s a lie and you know it.” The younger man deadpans.
Wonwoo watches the bickering between his friends, the rim of the soju glass resting on his bottom lip. But his mind is wicked enough to slip back into his own worries, his face frowning once more.
“Wonwoo? Are you okay?”
Minghao’s voice snaps him out of his trance.
“Hm? Yeah, all good.”
“Buddy, with all due respect, you were looking like your pet cat died or something.” Seokmin narrows his eyes.
“Fuck off, Salem is perfectly fine!” Wonwoo shivers.
“Are you still worried about finding a job?” Minghao asks, hitting the nail on the head.
“Well, how can I not be? I have been struggling ever since I graduated and all I’ve managed to do is photoshoots for stupid influencers!”
He realizes his voice was louder than it was supposed to be, judging from the side-eyeing glares he earned from other customers.
“Damn, you really had to stoop so low?” Seokmin scratches his head.
“Money makes the world go around, or something like that.”
“Then what’s the problem?” Minghao asks again.
“I don’t have enough work experience, let alone serious one, which means my CV doesn’t look very professional right now.”
“I may have a solution to your problem.”
Wonwoo’s eyes go wide, his irises filling with hope.
“Do you remember Joshua? From the Social Relations department?”
“Yeah, I do.”
“He’s currently working at SVT Cat Cafe, he manages the paperwork and stuff. He could put in a few words for you, if you don’t mind.” Minghao sips the last of his soju.
“You should take the offer, Wonwoo! The cafe is really cute and you will love the kitties!” Seokmin grins excitedly.
“It’s…It sounds really good, to be honest. Almost too good to be true.” Wonwoo lets out a breath he was holding all this time.
“You can always check out their website and send your CV in their email address. They are still hiring people, so it’s a good chance.” 
“Hao, I don’t know what to say, seriously.” Wonwoo laughs nervously.
“People usually say thank you.” Seokmin jokes.
“One more word and I’ll shove the entire soju bottle in your mouth, I swear.”
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The view through the window is nothing short of idyllic, almost like the aesthetic images you see on Pinterest and Instagram. Maple leaves are dancing to the rhythm of the November winds, adding color to the dull concrete of the pavement, even if you know they won’t stay there for long.
You can’t say you’ve gotten used to the chilly weather, especially after your late vacation in Greece - it’s always too warm there, as you were warned beforehand. But you’re definitely glad you can enjoy a hot cup of coffee with cinnamon and chocolate sprinkles before the opening.
You hear tiny meows behind the mahogany counter and you walk in front of it, letting out a sigh when you pinpoint the source of the noises.
“Tofu, I swear to God.” You put the cup down and pick the white kitty in your arms. “I know you like roaming around but your cat hairs are invisible and I don’t want them in the beverages.”
The feline just tilts her head sideways and purrs in your arms, her green eyes staring at you, as if she is the most innocent creature in the universe (she is, most of the time).
“Your boba eyes aren’t working on me, missy. I know your true nature.”
Tofu responds with another meow, as if she’s asking you ‘who, me?’.
You go back and forth with the cat’s meows and purrs, utterly unaware of the presence of two men just a few feet away.
“Does that happen on a daily basis?” Wonwoo asks with a hushed voice.
“Yeah, with almost every single cat.” Joshua responds. “Although Tofu is her favorite.”
“I think I can see that.” 
You hear a couple of whispers behind you and you turn your attention to the two men.
“Oh, Joshua! You’re early today.” You comment. “And who is the gentleman next to you?”
“U-Uh, hi. I’m Jeon Wonwoo.” The man fixes his glasses nervously.
“Nice to meet you! I’m Y/N.” You stretch your arm, waiting for a handshake. 
“L-Likewise.” Wonwoo hesitantly shakes your hand.
“Wonwoo will be the photographer for our social media accounts and official website, starting today.” Joshua adds.
“Oh, that’s great news!” You exclaim. “I promise you’ll have a wonderful time working here, Wonwoo.”
“I sure hope so.”
“Well, I’m afraid I have to take my leave now, business is calling.” Joshua announces after checking his watch. “Do not worry, Wonwoo. I’m leaving you in great hands. And paws.”
“See you later, Shua!” You bid your coworker farewell.
Tofu walks around Wonwoo’s legs and rubs herself all over him.
“I think she likes you.”
“You think so?” Wonwoo asks as he bends down to pet the cat, a fond smile on his face as the feline leans into his hand.
“She’s pretty picky with people, so seeing her so warm towards someone she has never seen before is pretty much a miracle.” You chuckle.
“Well, I should feel honored then.” He responds with a small smile.
“Would you like to order something? I could fix you a cup before the opening.”
“Um, could I have an iced americano then?”
“Wow, you’re brave.” You laugh in disbelief.
“What makes you say that?”
“You just ordered iced coffee in the middle of autumn. Does your throat have a death wish?” You put a few ice cubes in a plastic cup.
“Force of habit, I guess.” Wonwoo replies.
“That sounded very…moody.”
“Sorry, it wasn’t my intention…” He laces his fingers together and purses his lips together.
“You aren’t quite the extroverted one, are you?” You place the cup with the bitter liquid in front of him.
“Not really.” 
“It’s okay! You will be able to overcome it with time.” You try to reassure him.
“If you say so.” Wonwoo takes a sip of his coffee. “I’ll go check out the rest of the cafe, if you don’t mind.”
“Sure, feel free to explore a bit!” You smile at him while you wrap your apron around your waist.
“The coffee is really good, by the way.” 
“Thank you! It’s my job, after all.”
Wonwoo searches for his wallet in his backpack, but you stop him before he finds it.
“It’s on the house, no need to pay for it.”
“Good luck today, Wonwoo.”
“T-Thanks. You too, Y/N.”
He looks at you one last time before he goes to the open space of the cafe to familiarize himself with his surroundings.
The day progresses without any problems - if anything, the regular customers have already started gossiping about Wonwoo, although most of it revolves around his God-like facial features.
You kinda wish you were serving the coffee instead of making it behind the counter. At least you would have been able to see Wonwoo up close in action with his camera. But you can’t say you haven’t been stealing glances through the window that separates the two spaces of the cafe.
“Eyeing the new guy, are we now?” One of your coworkers leans on the counter in an attempt to gossip.
“Oh, shut up, Chan.”
“What? I’m just asking!”
“Define asking?”
“For someone who claims to be the sunshine type in this business, you’re pretty snappy right now.” The ashen-haired man snickers.
“I’m not snappy! It’s rush hour and I’m trying to focus on my job.” You defend yourself.
“It’s rush hour for everyone here, you’re not special, Y/N.”
“Either way, you’re not getting anything out of me, Chan.” You place two porcelain cups filled with hot chocolate. “Now get these to table four.”
“Vibe killer.” Chan grumbles under his breath as he places the cups on the disk.
“I heard that, shortie!” 
“No cupcakes for you tomorrow!” He mocks you before disappearing into the outer space of the cafe.
You let out an exasperated sigh, followed by a short laugh and you return to the coffee machine, checking the orders you have received and start making them one by one.
While the cafe hasn’t been operating for long, you’ve been part of it since day one. You feel glad to be finally putting your barista working license to work and do something that you love dearly - blame your undying love for coffee and cats.
Chan was also one of the first employees who joined the team, but he’s on the service part and he’s damn good at it (even if he did break a couple of glasses on his first week). The regular patrons know him by name and he never fails to make them swoon over with just a single smile of his.
Chan is a sweetheart, but also a little shit when it comes to teasing you. Although he never once overstepped with teasing. But he always goes overboard with the treats he gets you from the bakery across the street. You still remember the six pieces of cinnamon rolls he got you two weeks ago and how persistent he was for you to eat them all (you ate them all eventually).
Late in the afternoon, your shift comes to an end and you hang your apron, starting to pack up your stuff. Wonwoo walks into the main area and starts dismantling his camera to put it back in its box.
“So, how did the first day go?” You attempt to strike conversation.
“It was….interesting, I suppose.” He shrugs.
“You sound a bit tired….”
“My social battery died about halfway through the shift, to be honest.” He admits with a heavy sigh. “At least the cats are sociable enough to let me pet them.”
“I think you should go home and get some rest.” You give him some advice.
“I don’t think rest is going to happen anytime soon, but thanks.” He zips up his bag and throws it over his shoulder. “Goodnight and see you tomorrow, Y/N.” He bids you farewell and disappears through the doors of the cafe.
Shame, he’s cute but so uptight, you think. It’s not like there’s anything else you can do right now, so you leave the cafe, locking it shut and you walk towards the bus station to catch your ride back home.
A while later, you’re laying in your bed under the covers and decide to scroll through your socials for a while before falling asleep. You open Instagram and check your notifications, your eyes zooming on the purple circle around the profile picture of the cat cafe.
You click on it and a smile creeps on your face when you see Wonwoo’s picture on one of the Instagram stories, tagging Wonwoo’s account and welcoming him to the team. Curiosity gets the better of you and you click on the tag, leading you to his personal account. You frown a bit when you notice it’s private, but you don’t hesitate to send him a following request.
You hope he won’t think you’re a creep or something. I mean, he can definitely recognize you from your profile picture, right?
To your luck, a notification pops up on the top part of your screen and you squeal when you realize that Wonwoo has followed you back.
You waste zero time to check the pictures he has posted over the years and you quickly understand that he’s not the type to show off his face. But the one thing that’s prominent in his account is the astronomical amount of breathtaking pictures from the places he has visited throughout his life. You break into a giggling fit when you click on a post with his cat and you read a few comments from his friends, lovingly making fun of his ‘cat dad’ tendencies. Your heart swells when you see more photos of him playing with a black cat and petting him until said cat slaps his hands away.
Now you know why Tofu liked him at first sight.
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One week later.
Today is an off day for you and you plan to sleep until midday. But your boss has other plans.
You want to cuss at everything around you within a radius of ten kilometers when your phone rings and you rub your eyes to forcefully wake yourself up and answer the call.
“Good morning, Boss.” 
“Good morning, Y/N. I’m sorry for calling you so early, but you need to come as soon as you can at the cafe.”
“Why is that? I mean, it’s my day off today.”
“I know, but I wouldn’t call you if it wasn’t an emergency.”
“Did something happen?”
“Yoona just called me from the hospital, she had an accident yesterday.”
“What?!” You nearly jump out of the bed. “Is she okay?!”
“She’s out of harm's way, but her arm has suffered a fracture and she won’t be able to work for the next two months.”
“Oh my God….”
“We really need you here, Y/N.”
“Yes, yes of course. I’ll be there in half an hour.” You say and end the call. 
You grumble and get out of the bed, your feet taking you to the bathroom to wash your face and fix your hair. Once you’re out, you go back to the bedroom and pick a hoodie with jeans to put on.
You walk out of your apartment and fasten your jacket around you, jogging to the bus station to catch your ride to work.
Twenty minutes later, you arrive at the cafe and you’re welcomed with a literal mess in the barista bench and a yelling Chan and a frustrated Wonwoo. 
“This isn’t how you’re supposed to turn it!”
“And what do you know about coffee machines?!”
“All corks are manufactured to fasten towards a certain direction!.”
“You’re just a photographer, not an engineer!”
“And you’re just a waiter, not a barista!”
“Whoa, whoa! Both of you, get away from the machines!” You yell at them and shoo them away to get to work. “Jesus, what the hell did you do here?!”
“We were just trying to make the orders!” Chan defends himself.
“You could have just told the customers that coffee won’t be served until the barista is here!”
“That’s what I suggested as well, but he said ‘he knows better’.” Wonwoo shrugs.
“Yeah, that’s because I’ve been here longer than you!” The shorter man retorts.
“Sometimes, it’s productive to listen to other people’s ideas, they might help you in ways you could never imagine.” You sigh as your hands fiddle with the machine and check the orders one by one.
“Finally, someone with common sense.” Wonwoo points towards you. “At least some people know how to think in here.” He walks away and picks up his camera again, resuming his initial tasks.
“I can’t believe you took his side!” Chan complains to you.
“I didn’t take his side, our opinions just happened to collide!” 
“Oh my God, you’re so into him, it actually sickens me.” The man fake gags.
“Can you stop bringing that up?! What if he listens?!” You whip your head around and glare at your friend.
“So you admit it! You have a crush on him!”
“Yeah I do. You can get your ‘detective of the year’ honorary badge now.” You groan.
“I- Ugh, whatever.”
“Look, Chan, I wasn’t even supposed to be here today. Please don’t make this any harder than it already is.” 
 Chan lets out a deep breath to calm down as he picks up the serving disk.
“I know, Y/N. I hope the remaining apple pie in the box will lighten up your mood and fill in your empty stomach. It’s freshly baked.” 
“......You idiot.”
“I love you too, work wife.” He flashes you a grin and runs back to the customers.
You take a peek in the pastry box and the aroma of cinnamon and apples hits your nostrils like the early morning sunlight enters a cold room.
Your fingers don’t hesitate to dip in the box and pick a bite from the dessert, putting it in your mouth to eat it. You hum in approval when the sweet warmth envelopes your taste buds, giving you a much needed energy boost.
You return to your work at hand, completely unaware of Wonwoo’s eyes watching you like a hawk, an unreadable expression overcoming his features. The tuxedo cat jumping on the shelf next to his head snaps him out of it, letting out a cranky meow at him.
“What is it, Taro?” He raises his hand to pet her fur.
Taro meows back as she flops down on the surface to stretch herself out for more pets.
“Jealous of not giving you enough attention?”
She meows even louder this time, as if she’s saying yes.
“I’m sorry, your Highness.” Wonwoo ruffles her belly. “A man has to work to get by.”
Taro narrows her eyes, as if she’s doubting his words.
“Okay fine, I was looking at her! What are you gonna do about it?”
The cat raises her front paws in the air and Wonwoo lets out an airy laugh, positioning his camera towards the long-haired feline to capture her in a few poses.
“Hope those pictures will be enough for you to stop blackmailing me.”
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Two weeks later.
God, these double shifts are fucking killing me, you mentally groan while sitting in one of the tables next to the cat trees. But it’s nice working early, since you get to come here and chill with the cats before opening time.
One of the resident cats jumps next to you, rubbing himself on your thigh.
“Good morning to you too, Dino Nugget. Did you sleep well?”
The orange cat jumps in your lap and sits in a loaf position without even asking you.
“Wow sir, it’s not even free real estate.” You laugh and run your hand over his fur.
He turns around and starts pawing at your hand, as if it’s a toy. He then opens his jaw to nibble at your finger, his teeth grazing your skin a bit harsher than usual.
“Ow, dude! That’s my hand, not your chew toy!” You yelp lightly.
You hear the clicking sound of a camera not far away from you and you snap your head to the source of the sound, your eyes falling on Wonwoo.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you-”
“No no, it’s okay! You were just doing your job.” You wave your hand.
“Do you….mind if I sit with you?” He asks sheepishly.
“Of course not! I was about to ask you, actually.” You smile.
Wonwoo makes himself comfortable next to you, smiling towards the orange cat.
“You seem to have loosened up a bit.”
“Yeah. But moments like those are also nice.” He says. “It can get….hectic sometimes and I don’t always deal well with pressure.”
“That’s exactly why the kitties are here! They have this magic ability to take away the negativity from you.” 
“Including this one?” He points towards Dino Nugget.
“Yeah. But he will try to bite you, no matter what.”
“Well, he’s an orange cat. What did you expect?” Wonwoo deadpans and you look at him with a shocked expression.
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t want to-”
You cut him off with a laughter loud enough to scare Dino Nugget off your lap.
“You’re so serious about cats, it’s actually funny!” You admit between laughs.
“Of course I’m serious about them! And you aren’t?”
“I am! I just didn’t expect that random orange cat fact, y’know.”
“Oh, okay.” Wonwoo purses his lips.
Silence befalls the outer space.
“Great, now I made things awkward again.” He sighs in defeat.
“No, you didn’t! It was just…. well…”
“Awkward behaviour.”
“.....Yeah, actually.”
“God, Seokmin is so fucking right.” Wonwoo curses at himself.
“Who’s Seokmin?”
“One of my best friends and the bane of my existence. He has been pestering me about my lack of social skills and stuff like that.”
“I would say he sounds almost like Chan.”
“Seokmin doesn’t buy me pastries every day.”
“Did you just emit jealousy, Wonwoo?”
“No, I’m just stating the facts. I’m 100% sure he will show up today with another box of fresh desserts.”
“You can always get a bite from them.” You nudge his shoulder.
“I don’t think he would like that.”
“Why are you so negative about Chan?”
“I’m not negative! He’s just… you guys seem really close with each other, that’s all.”
“Wonwoo, we’re just friends! The work husband and wife thing is just for funsies!” You reassure him and his features soften almost immediately.
“If you say so.”
“Wonwoo, I’m being serious.”
“I know. I don’t mean to call you a liar or something.”
“Okay…” You trail off with an uncertain look written over your face.
Another moment of silence passes until Wonwoo speaks up again.
“How are you handling the double shifts?”
“Terribly. My sleep schedule has been fucked up and I don’t think I’ll be able to fix it any time soon.” You slouch in your seat.
“Any updates about the recruitment?”
“Absolutely nothing so far. Unless a miracle happens.” You scoff.
“Can you teach me how to make coffee then?” Wonwoo asks you and your eyes shoot up in surprise.
“I- Uhm, yeah I can, but why?”
“I want to help you.”
“With making coffee?!”
“Yes. What’s so weird about it?” 
“N-Nothing! I just didn’t expect you to offer to help me.”
“The truth is that I haven’t been the best towards you, while you’ve been very warm and welcoming towards me since day one.” He admits while averting your gaze.
“But giving you extra work outside of your expertise is outrageous!”
“But I’m the one asking for it!” 
A loud chirping sound comes from behind you and you notice Henry shooting a death glare at you for disrupting his beauty sleep.
“Go to sleep, Henry.” You roll your eyes at the tabby cat and the feline yawns before stretching his hind legs.
“So? What do you think?” Wonwoo asks you again.
You look at him and you can see a fire being ignited in his eyes, as if he really wants to do that.
You check your watch and look between Wonwoo and the inner space of the cafe, solidifying your decision.
“Get up.” You pat his back.
“Does that mean yes?”
“It means that you need to pay a lot of attention and catch up quickly. We have less than an hour and a half until the cafe opens.” You walk into the cafe and towards the barista counter.
Wonwoo goes towards the cat trees, smiling brightly towards the felines.
“Watch me learn how to brew coffee and win her over, okay?”
Two sharp knocks on the window wall snap him back to reality and he looks at you furiously waving at him to come inside.
Wonwoo jogs back in the cafe, joining you behind the counter.
“Where do you think you’re going?” You put your hands on your waist.
“Uh, to watch you make coffee?”
“Rule number one: Never enter the barista area without lint-rolling your clothes first.” You point towards a shelf away from the counter, where a couple of lint rollers are.
“When did you even clean yourself up?” Wonwoo asks while running the roller over his hoodie and jeans.
“When you were talking to the cats.” You deadpan.
“Okay, my clothes are clean. Now what?”
“Rule number two: Always wear a barista apron while working behind your counter. We hang them right next to the window wall.”
He picks one of the aprons and puts the top strap around his neck, tying the lower one around his waist. You don’t miss the double loop and you wonder how slim his waist must be and how you hands would-
“What is rule number three?” His question cuts your train of thoughts and you try to get yourself together.
“Wash your hands thoroughly, of course.”
“Yes ma’am.”
The first steps of Wonwoo’s barista adventures go rather smoothly - he realizes he’s good at memorizing the various coffee blends. Handling the machine isn’t that much difficult, but it’s definitely not as easy as assembling his camera.
His eyes never leave your skilled hands, effortlessly maneuvering a glass under the machine, clicking the proper buttons to make a serve of espresso. 
“That looked so easy, but something tells me it won’t be as easy as I think it is.” Wonwoo laughs awkwardly.
“It’s actually not very hard. You just have to be careful with the amount of coffee you will put in the portafilter.” 
“Can I try now?”
“Don’t be impatient. You need to throw away the used shot and then purge the machine with water first.” You explain with a smile.
“Hm, okay. I think I can do that.” 
He takes out the portafilter and disposes of the used espresso shot. He cleans the portafilter separately while running the machine with only water. 
“Good job! It was smart to clean the portafilter during the machine run.” 
“Thought it would save me time.”
“And you thought well. This can be really useful during rush hour.”
“What’s next?”
“You dry the filter and fill it in with the desired amount of espresso. But remember, it needs to be even!”
“Got that.” He grabs the bag of ground coffee and takes a few spoonfuls of the blend and puts it in the clean filter, tapping it on the counter to flatten the surface. 
“Use the tamper to tamp it down and make it compact enough.” You remind him of the next step.
He wordlessly follows your tip and does exactly as you told him, locking the portafilter in the machine. He grabs a demitasse glass and places it under the machine and presses the button, watching the dark brown liquid flow into the cup.
“Congratulations, you just made your first cup of espresso!” You give him tiny claps and he smiles sheepishly. 
“Moment of truth.” He breathes out and hands you over the glass to taste the coffee he made. You take a sip and allow your taste buds to absorb the rich flavor.
“Not bad for the first time!” You hum in satisfaction.
“Thank God, I thought I would poison you or something.” Wonwoo lets out a heavy breath.
“Why are you so critical of yourself?”
“I have been classified as a kitchen hazard.”
“Well, this isn’t a kitchen, as you can see.” 
“But still-”
“No buts. You asked to learn how to make coffee and you have to accept that you’re going to make mistakes in the process.”
“I know, but it’s kinda scary.” 
“It was scary for you to work among so many people the first week, but you didn’t give up, did you?” You cross your arms over your chest.
“I am doing it for the cats, Y/N.”
“If that’s what makes your boat float, then who am I to disagree?” You laugh and clean the machine all over again.
The words die down in Wonwoo’s throat and he tries to find something to occupy himself with.
“You don’t have to do anything else around here now.” You tell him.
“Oh. Was that all?” His voice comes out almost disappointed.
“Only for now. It’s not like we have a lot of time left until customers start coming in and I would hate to throw you in the den of wolves right away. Besides, your friends seem to miss you already.” You turn your head to the window wall and Wonwoo follows suit, breaking out in laughter when he sees Dino Nugget scratching against the window.
“Oh my God, not him again.”
“Hey, don’t be mean to him!”
“Y/N, he literally bit you an hour ago.”
“He’s just an orange cat - or so you said. He’s also Chan’s fave.”
“Well too bad I already have a fave.” Wonwoo unties his apron and hangs it.
“Ooh, who is it?” You ask with curiosity.
“That’s my secret.”
“Okay mister secretive.” You scoff lightly.
Secretive. What a great word to describe me, Wonwoo thinks with a tight-lipped smile that fights to become a grin when he returns to the cafe cats, sitting down on one of the tables to fiddle with his camera.
He skims through the picture he has taken so far, stopping at the one where Dino Nugget is in your lap and you’re petting him with a loving smile on his face.
As if on cue, Tofu tip toes her way next to Wonwoo and puts her paw over his hand, raising her body on her hind legs.
“Isn’t she beautiful?” 
The feline purrs loudly and rubs her head on the back of his hand.
“Yeah, I think so too.”
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Hours later, at Joshua’s place.
“So you’re telling me that Wonwoo is smitten with Y/N?”
“Yeah! You have to trust me on this, Shua, I just know it!” Chan repeatedly taps his soju glass on the table.
“Okay, but why are you so pressed about it?”
“Because none of them are doing anything about it! And I hate mutual pining with a burning passion!”
“Sounds like you’re scared of losing your work wife to me.” Joshua smirks in his glass.
“I’m not scared! I just want to look out for her!”
“As her work husband?”
“And her bestie, duh!” 
“You’re so dramatic about this.”
“And you’re so nonchalant about this!”
“It’s their business, not mine, Chan!”
“And since when do you not care about gossip, Joshua?” The younger man raises his eyebrow.
“Don’t you see I’m making an effort to stay gossip-free?” Joshua whines in defeat. 
“And it’s failing miserably.”
The older man sighs and drinks a bit of his soju. “Yeah, it fucking did.”
“What, you know things I don’t?”
“Let’s just say that running the HR of an establishment grants you perks that someone like you doesn’t have.”
“Just tell me already! I wasn’t there today, come on!”
“Wonwoo and Y/N were both seen behind the barista counter today.”
“Okay….Maybe he was taking pics of her during the deed? Y’know, for promotion purposes?”
“You don’t understand - Y/N was showing him how to operate the coffee machine. He even managed to make a few batches of espresso.”
Chan chokes on alcohol and starts coughing loudly, smacking his chest.
“Whoa, whoa, breathe!” Joshua offers him a glass of water. “I didn’t mean to kill you!”
“Well - gah - I certainly felt like dying!” He gasps for breath. “But - How? When did things escalate so fast?!”
“From what I’ve heard, Wonwoo wanted to help Y/N until someone applies for the position and Boss agreed to it, as long as he’s under Y/N’s supervision.”
“Fuck this, I can help her too!”
“Bitch you don’t even know which way the corks turn!” Joshua laughs.
“Fuck you too, Hong!”
“You know, this could work in their favor. And yours, eventually.”
“They will get to spend more time together and grow closer, you idiot!”
“Well yeah, but that also depends on whether one of the two will fuck up the process or not!” Chan retorts.
“Just….have some faith, okay?” Joshua tries to convince him.
“If you say so, I guess.”
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Two months later.
“Did you have a secret glow up or something?” Seokmin scans Wonwoo from the top to the bottom.
“You can just admit you were checking me out.” Wonwoo rolls his eyes.
“As long as the right person isn’t checking you out, my eyes don’t matter, friend.”
“Oh my God, just say you want to talk about Y/N.”
“Yes I fucking do, because she’s clearly the reason you’ve changed!” Seokmin slams his hands on the table. “And for the better!”
“I don’t feel like I’ve undergone any drastic changes, though.” 
“That’s because you’re extremely harsh on yourself and refuse to see the truth!”
“And the truth is?”
Seokmin grunts in disappointment. “That you are head over heels for Y/N, you idiot.”
“And what if I am? I mean, she hasn’t really shown any real interest towards me.” Wonwoo shrugs.
“Dude, she has literally taken you under her wing and taught you how to make coffee! While she was swamped with work!”
“I just wanted to help her, she was doing double shifts for two weeks straight!”
“And I’m more than sure that she likes you even more because of that!”
“I was just trying to be nice, just like that.”
“Wonwoo, nobody is nice just like that. Everyone has their own agendas.” Seokmin smirks. “It all boils down to the benefits these agendas hold. And yours is going to benefit a lot of people.”
“Let’s say you’re right then. Why didn’t she just confess? She’s like, the definition of an extrovert.”
“Not everyone has the guts or lack of tact to just go to their crush and confess their feelings to them, you know.” 
“How can you be so sure that Y/N has a crush on me?”
“I’m going to ask you a few questions and I want you to answer them truthfully.” Seokmin puts his palms together.
“Yes, dear therapist.” Wonwoo crosses his arms in front of his chest and mocks his friend.
“Does she know your coffee order?”
“Yeah, but she knows the coffee order of most regulars, it’s her job.”
“Fair point, but does she make coffee for you during work and accompany it with a snack?”
Wonwoo racks his brain for instances that match Seokmin’s question and to his surprise, he recalls a lot of them.
“You don’t even have to say anything, I can see the answer written all over your face.”
“Is that even enough to count as proof?”
“I’m not done yet.” Seokmin takes a sip of water to clear his throat. “Moving on to my next question - does she ask you about your day, how did you sleep and stuff like that?”
“Yeah, but that’s basic human decency.”
“Ugh, whatever. Have you ever complimented her appearance? Like, ‘Hey, that color looks very pretty on you!’ or something like that?”
“.....No.” Wonwoo replies with an awkward expression.
Seokmin rolls his eyes and drags his palms over his face dramatically.
“Why are you acting like this?! I’m not ignoring her on purpose!”
“Then why aren’t you doing anything?!”
“How can I do something when she’s so pretty and popular and a fucking sunshine and I’m….this?” Wonwoo vaguely gestures at himself.
Seokmin sighs audibly and rests his elbows on the table. “Can you tell me what’s really going on? Because I am not buying the shit you’ve said so far.”
Wonwoo’s expression turns bitter the moment Seokmin calls him out.
“There’s a contender?”
“Yeah, that fucking dipshit called Chan. He never misses a chance to show off that stupid smile of his to everyone and call himself Y/N’s ‘work husband’. He has the audacity to buy her snacks whenever their shifts overlap!” 
“Oh my God.” Seokmin bursts out in laughter.
“I’m sharing my problems with you and you’re laughing?”
“I am laughing because you’re green with jealousy!”
“I- I’m not jealous! I’m just stating the facts here! Nothing more and nothing less.”
“Wonwoo, it’s just you and me here, you can be honest.”
“I- Fine, I am jealous of that short bitch and the relationship he has with Y/N.”
“And that’s fine! But you also need to keep in mind that Y/N probably knows this Chan guy longer than she knows you, so it’s kind of natural to have a closer relationship with him.”
“You are not helping right now, Seok.”
Silence befalls the two friends as they pick on the leftovers of their food, contemplating their discussion.
“Something just popped into my head.” Seokmin speaks up again.
“It better not be another brain fart of yours.” Wonwoo grimaces.
“You should go to work tomorrow with your motorbike!”
“Okay. And?” 
“And….You should dress up a tad bit fancier for once.”
“Why should I even-”
“Shhhhhhh, just… Just do as I say, okay? Now zip it, I wasn’t finished yet.” Seokmin shushes him. “Let me think…. a white button-up and those dark blue wide leg jeans you have?”
“What about those?”
“You’re wearing them tomorrow. No questions asked.”
“Seokmin, it’s the middle of November, I’m gonna freeze to death.”
“You’re gonna wear a heavy jacket on top, you idiot. Besides, it won’t be that cold tomorrow.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“Ever heard of weather forecasts?”
“Fuck you.”
“I’m not the one you want to fuck, let’s be real here.” Seokmin smirks and Wonwoo throws a fried potato at him. 
“I swear to God, if I end up making a fool of myself or catching a cold, you won’t hear from me ever again.” 
“Cool, does that mean I get to adopt Salem after your death?”
“Keep your grimy hands off my cat, bitch.”
“I will, because you’ll be alive and Y/N will be in your arms within the span of….twenty four hours. Maybe less, if you play your cards right.” Seokmin winks.
“Has anyone ever told you that you look scary when you have something specific in mind?”
“You can just admit you like it when I look scary because it makes me even sexier.”
“You’re fucking gross.”
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Wonwoo wakes up at 7:30 sharp, as always. But today is different - today is the day he finally confesses to you. Blame Seokmin’s idea, blame Chan’s behavior towards you, blame his own cowardice - whatever the reason is, Wonwoo is dead set on achieving his goal today.
He opens his closet and skims through his clothes until he finds the ones Seokmin specifically told him to wear.
He’s worried he might catch a cold with just a white button down and jeans, but there’s always his trusty fuzzy jacket - the cold never passes through that and it definitely won’t pass now, no matter what he’s wearing underneath.
The thought of wearing this particular outfit to work in order to impress you makes him feel stupid and giddy at the same time, as if he’s the nerdy highschooler in love with the pretty girl of the class. 
“How damn cliché.” He chuckles to himself and takes out the clothes to hang them in front of the closet. He goes to the bathroom, jumping in the shower for a quick refreshment. It only takes him five minutes to wash his hair and body, wrapping a towel around his waist. He takes a quick look at himself in the mirror and nods in satisfaction. 
The gym has definitely paid off, he thinks and grabs the hair dryer to dry his hair. Once he’s done, he chooses to lightly run his fingers through them, not wanting to disrupt the curly form.
He returns to the bedroom to put on his clothes, humming in approval when he sees his reflection in the full body mirror. He spritzes his favorite perfume all over him and wears his horn-rimmed glasses to complete the look and wears his jacket on top to keep himself warm. 
He really doesn’t want to admit it, but Seokmin might be right on the money this time.
He’s about to leave when his eyes fall on the spare helmet he keeps in the corner of his closet and decides to take it with him - in case the plan works out, he wants to keep you safe while you’re riding with him on his bike.
He just hopes you aren’t afraid of motorbikes.
Salem walks in the bedroom and meows at Wonwoo to get his attention.
“Hi buddy. How do I look?”
The cat purrs loudly as he rubs himself on Wonwoo’s jeans.
“Thanks for the approval. I hope Y/N approves too.”
Salem meows again and paws on his dad’s leg.
“I’ll see you later, pal. Hopefully with some pretty company.”
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“So it’s official?” 
“Unfortunately, yes. Yoona has completed her rehab, but she has decided to move out of Seoul.” Your boss notifies you.
“I see…” You think and mixed feelings wash over you. You’re sad that Yoona is leaving so soon, but that also means you’ll get to spend even more time with Wonwoo behind the barista counter.
“But on the bright side, we managed to get a new employee!”
“W-What? When did that happen?”
“Just yesterday! I asked them if they could start soon and they will be here tomorrow morning.” Your boss grins widely. “Can I count on you to show them the ropes?”
“Oh, um, yeah, of course!” You form a fake smile.
“Great! You’ll get an extra this month for this, do not worry about that.”
“I appreciate it, Boss.” 
The lady walks away and your shoulders slouch in defeat, your dreams of watching Wonwoo’s forearms operate the coffee machine.
“A penny for your thoughts, wife?” Chan comes up to the counter.
“A penny might be too little for the amount of thoughts I have, Chan.”
“You don’t seem excited today.”
“Boss just told me that Yoona is leaving and we already have a replacement for her.” You frown.
“I know you’re sad you probably won’t see Yoona again, but at least you won’t have to work overtime again!” Chan tries to lift your mood.
“That’s not the only problem, Chan.”
“What is it then- Oh. Oh.”
“Yeah, exactly.”
“Well, I mean…It’s not like you won’t see him ever again.”
“But it’s not the same!” 
“Oh my God, can you just confess already?! I’m tired of this rom-com!” Chan whines.
“You know what?” Your mouth falls open. “I might do it today.”
“Finally! But why is your mouth hanging like that?”
You point towards the door and Wonwoo who walks inside, looking like the male lead of a k-drama.
“Can you please close your mouth? A fly could enter and you could choke.” He snickers and you slap his arm.
“Good morning!” Wonwoo greets the two of you with a bright smile.
“Good morning Wonwoo! You seem to be in a good mood today.”
“Yeah, you could say that. By the way, I bought you some honey cupcakes.” He puts the pastry box on the counter and he walks next to you to wear his apron.
“What?! They told me they had run out today!” Chan is flabbergasted.
“Well, you weren’t lucky enough to catch the fresh batch, Channie.” Wonwoo smirks and the younger man grimaces and almost slams the water glasses on his disk.
“Who are you and what have you done to the Wonwoo I know?” You narrow your eyes at him.
“I am him. Just a bit elevated.” He puffs out his chest ever so slightly.
“Does the elevation come with a brand new motorbike?”
“Oh that? I already had it, but it was under repair for a good chunk of time.”
“But now you can ride it again, right?”
“Of course! Otherwise I wouldn’t be here now.”
“It looks really cool by the way.” 
“The motorbike?”
“Everything, actually.”
“Everything?” He tilts his head sideways.
You clear your throat. “By the way, Boss told me we’re getting a new barista tomorrow.” 
“Oh, I see.” He replies with a monotonous voice. “So no more sessions?”
“Yeah, pretty much. But I’m sure you probably miss your camera.”
“It’s not like I wasn’t touching it at all. Besides, working with you is really fun.”
“Not anymore, since it’s the last day today.”
“Well then, we should make the most of it, right?” He looks at you with a swirling mix of warmth and seduction.
“B-Be careful with the cinnamon, you don’t want to overdo it.” You stammer over your words, turning your head away.
“Yes ma’am.” Wonwoo chuckles, not missing the light flush over your cheeks as he resumes his task.
As if your brains are connected to the same thinking bubble, they both repeat the same phrase over and over again.
This is going smoother than cream.
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“Is it legal to do this?” Wonwoo asks with uncertainty.
“Relax, we’re not gonna commit crimes. We can just say we stayed behind to clean up! Not that anyone will care that we made two cups of coffee.” You reassure him.
“But the machine isn’t on. How are you going to make coffee without it?”
You flash a warm smile. “This is exactly why I wanted it to be the two of us.”
You search under the counter for a few seconds and you pull out a black box that has been tightly sealed. You open it carefully and take out a coffee pot made of copper, a sealed bag of coffee blend and a mini gas heater.
“What is all this?” Wonwoo’s curiosity is piqued.
“This is something I learned during my vacation in Greece. I will show you how to make traditional Greek coffee.”
Wonwoo’s eyes widen and he finds himself walking behind the counter and right next to you.
You open the sealed bag and the rich aroma quickly spreads in the air, satisfied hums echoing in the silent cafe.
“You get it now, don’t you?”
“It smells so good.”
“Wait until you actually taste it.” You giggle. 
“Judging from the tools, it must be hard to make it.”
“You’re not entirely wrong.” You fill the coffee pot with cold water. “It requires a lot of technique and “meraki”, as the locals usually call it.”
“What does it mean?”
“It’s the love and passion poured in the coffee brewing process. Even if it’s served as a product to a customer, it’s always created with fine motions and the hope of conveying said effort to the customer through a cup of Greek coffee.”
“This sounds more like a confession of love to me.” Wonwoo comments and you are happy the lighting is dim enough to hide the creeping blush on your cheeks.
“Well, that’s one way to put it.” You set the coffee pot on the table and take out two small porcelain cups from the box.
“That’s really pretty.”
“Thanks. I got them as a souvenir from a local shop, along with the briki.”
“The what?”
“That’s the greek word for the coffee pot! They use this specific one because it’s the best at storing the heat in its walls and allowing the coffee to roast slowly.”
“I stand corrected. This is a ritual of love, not just a confession.” He chuckles at your excitement.
That’s why I’m doing it, you four-eyed hot bastard! You mentally scream but keep your smiley facade on.
“Why did you get only two of these?” He keeps asking you questions.
“The old lady at the shop had made only two of those.” You explain. “But she did think I was buying it for my boyfriend and myself.” You end your sentence with an awkward laugh.
“I think that’s adorable, Y/N.” He rests his hand on his palm, almost 
“It would be, if I had a real boyfriend.”
“Well, you can always share a cup with your work husband.”
You raise your eyebrow. “Are you jealous, Wonwoo?”
“Me? No, not at all.” He brushes it off. “I just mentioned Chan because you’re really close to him.”
“Hmm, if you say so.” You shrug.
A beat of awkward silence passes and Wonwoo attempts to shift the mood to his favor.
“Can you guide me? Making the coffee, I mean.” He almost stutters.
“O-Oh, of course I can!” You slide behind him and watch him tighten his apron around his slender waist. Since when did he have such a slender waist?!
He picks up a teaspoon and puts four spoonfuls in the water, turning on the heat.
“The heat should be medium to low. Stir it only at the beginning and then let it heat through.”
He gives the coffee a few stirs to evenly spread the blend in the water, until it starts heating up.
“Be careful not to stir the coffee all the time, while it is roasting. Give a little bit more love and attention to create the right amount of kaimaki.” You give him gentle directions and he follows them to the last detail.
“What is kaimaki?” 
“It’s the creamy foam that forms on top of the coffee after brewing it.”
“It’s dark brown because of the blend?”
“Exactly. You’re a fast learner, aren’t you?” You give him a sly smile.
“I have a great teacher.” He reciprocates the smile and your heart skips a bit for the umpteenth time today.
Watching him brew such a difficult type of coffee with his sleeves rolled up and his deft hands carefully looking at the kaimaki makes the butterflies in your stomach dance like a hurricane.
Everything feels so intimate - from the cafe itself to the set of porcelain cups you bought as a memento from Greece, the words of the old lady who thought you bought them for a lover echoing in your head once again.
“I am turning the gas off now.” Wonwoo announces and you nod affirmatively. He does as he said and picks up the briki, but he accidentally touches the side of it and almost burns his hand.
“Wonwoo!” You gasp and immediately grasp his hands, knocking down the coffee and spilling it over the counter. “Are your hands okay?!”
“I’m okay, but-”
“Oh shit.” You curse and grab a bunch of paper towels to wipe the spilled coffee before it seeps into the wood.
He notices the coffee reaching up to the base of the cups and he picks them up, putting them in the sink to wash them. He washes and dries them thoroughly, followed by the copper coffee pot.
Hurried movements and a curse of strings are heard through the glass wall, the eyes of multiple cats staring at the two of you trying to clean up the mess you made.
After a few minutes, the counter looks as good as new, but both of you look frustrated and even more tired than before.
“Well, this was an ordeal.” You let out a huff as you throw the wasted paper towels in the bin and hang your apron next to the others.
“Y/N, I am really sorry.” Wonwoo sulks, not daring to look you in the eyes.
“Wonu, it’s okay! It was just an accident, accidents happen all the time here.” You try to make him feel better.
“But you were looking forward to this-”
“Wonwoo.” You stop him from completing his sentence. “It’s okay. I am not mad at you.” You gingerly hold his face with your hands, the rate of your heart reaching Mach speed because of the heat on his skin.
You realize you’re too close for comfort and retract your hands, scared you might have overstepped his boundaries. 
Wonwoo holds your wrists with his hands and gently places them on his chest. He can feel your fingertips almost trembling, the tension skyrocketing. 
“Wonu, I don’t understand-”
He gently holds the side of your neck and kisses you with the desire he was holding for the past two months. He lets go of his uncertainty and embraces his feelings for you, expressing them through this kiss.
It feels like you’re in a fever dream, every fiber of your existence is standing on the edge of inferno and you don’t want it to stop. Yet his mouth feels like an oasis - and you won’t let anything separate you from it.
You let out a whine when Wonwoo breaks the kiss, but you shudder when he rips his glasses off his face and lifts you up to put you on top of the counter.
“You have no idea how long I wanted to feel your touch on me, Y/N.” He rasps. “You’ve been plaguing my thoughts ever since I met you and I just couldn’t-”
You cut him off by pulling the collar of his shirt and smash your lips on him again, seizing control this time. You wrap your legs around his waist and jerk his body forward, colliding with your chest.
Your hands are deeply rooted in his permed locks, raking your nails on his scalp. He’s no better than you, his palms glued to your thighs.
“I’ve been feeling the exact same way, Wonu.” You moan against his mouth.
“God, please don’t stop calling me that.” 
“I had no intention of stopping, Wonu.”
He breaks the kiss again and pushes you on your back, planting his hands on each side of your head. 
“Please tell me you want this.” He begs you. “I want, need to touch you, take care of you, fucking worship you.” 
“Do it. Please do it, Wonu, I need you so bad.” 
He lets out a shaky breath and unbuttons the first three buttons of his shirt and bunches up your sweater to reveal the hem of your jeans and unbutton it with the same dexterity he uses his camera. He pulls them down and lets the fabric pool in front of his feet, his hands caressing your naked legs.
“Pretty.” He fiddles with the lacey details of your panties.
“Me or my underwear?” 
“Smooth. But as much as I’d love you to sweet talk, I think you should do other things with your mouth.”
“Your wish is my command, sunshine.” 
Wonwoo puts your legs over his shoulders and tenderly traces his lips on your inner thighs, giving you a glance before sliding your panties to the side.
He gives your clit a quick peck and glides his tongue through your folds, all the way down to your entrance. And repeats the motion, again and again, speeding up with each drag of his wet muscle.
You drag your nails on the mahogany counter and bite your bottom lip to suppress your moans, but his mouth is being so kind and loving to your pussy that it makes you want to scream his name until the windows crash in tiny pieces from the volume of your voice.
He stops to take a breather, a glossy film coating his lips. “Best fucking pussy I’ve ever tasted.”
“Never thought the shy photographer slash barista would be cursing after eating pussy like a God.” You laugh breathlessly.
“I can do much more, if you let me.” He suggests with a gaze full of desire, lips parted again and ready to engulf your clit again.
“I will, but not here.” You put your hand in his hair to stop him. “I don’t want to risk being seen by bypassing people.”
“I don’t know about people, but there are a bunch of cats staring from the glass wall.” Wonwoo chuckles as he watches you gasp when you turn your head towards the window and you see thirteen pairs of glowing cat eyes staring at the two of you.
“I love them but they are fucking scaring me right now, can we please get out of here?” You ask him.
“My place or yours?” Wonwoo picks up your jeans and gives them to you to put them on.
“Mine is a twenty-minute ride with the bus from here.” You say.
“My place it is, then.” Wonwoo grins as he wipes his lips with the back of his hand. “Hope you aren’t scared of motorbikes.”
“Would you laugh if I said I’ve been thinking of being your backpack princess?”
“Would you believe me if I told you I brought an extra helmet just in case you wanted to be my backpack princess?”
“Who are you and what have you done to the cute and super shy Wonwoo?” You shoot him a playful glare.
“He’s still here. He just decided to act according to his desires and feelings.”
“I would like you to pass him my earnest thanks.”
“He accepts them with pleasure. Ready to go?” He offers you his hand.
“Yes sir.” You giggle and button your jeans, lacing your hand with his, as he guides you out of the cafe.
You make sure you turn off the lights and lock the doors before Wonwoo hands you over the extra helmet, checking up on whether you fastened it good enough. As soon as you settle on the bike behind him, he turns on the engine and grabs your arms, putting them around his waist, as if he’s telling you to hold on tight. You let out a squeal when he speeds away from the cafe, but the helmet around your head mutes your voice. Even though it’s your first time riding on a bike, you’re not scared at all. If anything, you find it very fun and kind of liberating.
Perhaps it’s the fact that Wonwoo reciprocated your feelings after two months of mutual pining.
You don’t even realize how fast the time passes when Wonwoo taps your hands to let go of him and get off the bike.
“W-We’re here already?” You ask dumbfounded as you take off the helmet.
“Baby, I wasn’t even speeding up.” He chuckles as he turns off the engine of the bike, taking off his own helmet. “But it’s for the better, I suppose.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Because it means you’re looking forward to what will happen within that house.” He smirks in your face and you grab his hand, pulling him towards the entrance.
“You’re so eager.” He’s trying to fish out his keys from his bag.
“I wonder whose fault is that.” You tease him.
“I intend to make it up to you, sweetheart.” He reassures you and finds the keys after a bit of searching, sliding them in the keyhole to unlock the door.
As soon as both of you are inside his house, you pin him on the door and kiss him hungrily, your hands sliding off your coat first and his jacket second, aiming for his buttoned shirt next.
“Bedroom, please.” Wonwoo breaks the kiss and you nod in agreement. He lifts you up in his arms, his arms under your thighs keeping you safe. 
You’re certain he’s gonna pin you down on the bed, but you’re proven wrong when he pins you on the nearest bedroom wall, grinding his clothed bulge right on your crotch.
“Didn’t peg you for the needy type.” You grip his shoulders to hold onto him tighter.
“How can I not be needy when I have the girl of my dreams right where I want her?” He groans and lets down your legs, hands flying to the button of your jeans. “Can I?”
“Fuck yes, please throw them away if you can.” You breathe heavily.
He eagerly unbuttons your jeans and drags them down along with your panties, throwing them somewhere in the room. He then unbuttons his own jeans, dropping them down to his ankles with his boxers and kicking them away. He’s just one thrust away from entering you, but his mind goes blank.
“Wonwoo? What’s wrong?”
“I- Fuck, I don’t have any condoms.” He curses under his breath.
“It’s okay. I am clean and on the pill, you can go raw.” You reassure him.
“Y/N, I’m serious.”
“I’m serious too! Are you clean?” 
“Yeah, I got tested two weeks ago and haven’t slept with someone for God knows how long.” He blurts out, cheeks flushed a cute pink.
“You’re so cute.” You stifle a laugh.
“You and your pussy are cuter than me, darling.” He laughs and hooks his forearms under your thighs to pry them open and keep them locked closed to your chest. The wall is cold against your back, but the rest of your body feels on fire.
You let out a whiny moan when Wonwoo starts by pushing the tip of his cock, taking his time to ease himself inside you and not hurt you. When he finally manages to fit his shaft in your hole, he throws his head back and his mouth falls open, deep moans vibrating from his chest.
“You’re- Oh god, Wonwoo, it feels so full.” You dig your nails in his shoulder blades, bunching up the dress shirt.
“Fuuuuck, I know.” He groans and pulls his hips away until only his tip is inside you, pushing back with a fluid thrust. A gasp escapes your lips when the thrust makes your body jerk up against the wall.
“Ah- Please do that again.” You beg, giving him your best pleading eyes.
“Shit, with pleasure.” He licks his bottom lip and thrusts inside you the same way, his eyes glued on your face to study your expressions.
He gets the green light when you nod in agreement and repeats the same thrusting pattern, full-bodied yet slow thrusts that rub your molten walls deliciously.
None of you are able to form coherent sentences, you only express yourselves through wanton moans. You feel your skin getting sticky with sweat and your orgasm starting to build up dangerously close to the climax.
“Are you close, sunshine?” He asks you between pants and you nod furiously.
“Hold on tight.” He instructs you and you claw on him like a rescued cat as he lifts you from the wall and walks over to the bed, gently placing you on your back on the mattress. 
“W-Wonu, please, I need to cum!” You hiccup and try to wrap your legs around his waist.
“I know, baby, I know.” He puts one knee on the mattress and angles your hips upwards to hit it deeper. He bends his torso down to touch your chest, his lips hovering over yours as his breath mingles with yours.
“Wanna cum together, sunshine?”
“Yes, yes, please!” 
“Where do you want me to cum?”
“Inside, fuck, do it inside!”
Wonwoo gasps loudly and loses his balance, crumbling on you at the same time his orgasm crashes upon him. His back shudders while his cock paints your walls white and your lips are busy kissing and biting his neck to muffle your own orgasmic noises. Your walls clench around his cock and you milk him dry until he has nothing else to give, breathing against his neck rapidly.
Both of you take some time and remain still, your breaths slowly regaining their normal rhythms. You can feel your body complaining, legs growing limp and your torso being crushed by Wonwoo’s weight.
“Wonu, you’re heavy…”
“Fuck, sorry.” He gently lifts himself off you and his cock slips out of your pussy, the mixture of your cum and his nearly spilling on the sheets. He’s fast enough to catch it with his fingers and push it back inside you, enjoying the way you shudder for him/
“I couldn’t help it, sunshine. Not when you look so pretty.” He sucks his fingers clean. “And taste so damn good.”
“Can you just…clean me up?”
“You didn’t even have to tell me.” 
He picks you up in bridal style and carries you to the bathroom, letting you sit on the edge of the tub as he lets the water from the tap run warm.
“Do you mind if I fall asleep in the process?” You mumble tiredly.
“Not at all, sweetheart. I’ll take care of everything, you don’t have to worry.” He presses a kiss on your temple.
“Thank you, Wonu.”
You end up falling asleep halfway through the bath, but Wonwoo doesn’t mind. The lovesick grin on his face doesn’t falter until he’s done drying your hair and putting you in a pair of clean comfy clothes - his clothes.
As soon as you’re under the bedsheets, you cling onto him in your sleep, chest rising and falling peacefully in his arms.
Wonwoo can’t believe this is real, even if he can touch your face and hug you closer to his body. 
There is one thing coursing through his mind before drifting off to sleep - Seokmin was right after all.
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Your deep slumber is disturbed by the ringtone of your phone and you grumble in your sleep to find the strength and get up to search for your phone. You nearly fall down on your knees when you try to stand up, grabbing the edge of the bed at the last minute to stabilize yourself.
“Nngh……Baby? What are you doing?” Wonwoo asks with a scratchy voice, in a similar state as you.
“Someone is calling me and I don’t know where the hell my phone is!” You curse out loud as you keep searching under the pile of clothes.
Your phone stops ringing and you plop down on the floor dramatically. 
“Y/N, it was just a phone call.” Wonwoo tries to reassure you as he gets out of bed.
“But what if it was something important?”
“Then whoever it was, they will probably call again.”
Suddenly, it hits you.
“Wonwoo, what time is it?” You ask him with fear in your eyes.
“I don’t know, let me check real quick.” He walks back to his nightstand and opens the screen of his phone, a loud ‘fuck’ echoing from his mouth.
“I don’t want you to panic, but it’s 10AM.” He deadpans.
“Fuck, I knew it! We’re fucking late to work!” You spring up on your feet and pick up your clothes, making a beeline for the bathroom.
You splash water over your face and almost squeal when you notice the vibrant purple marks on your neck and collarbones, mortified at the thought of someone seeing them.
“Baby, are you good there?” Wonwoo yells from the bedroom.
“No! I need a fucking turtleneck!” You yell back and stomp your way back to the bedroom.
“Okay but why?” He peeks his head from the closet and takes a better look at your torso. “Yeah, forget I asked.” He purses his lips and picks a cream colored turtleneck, giving it to you.
“God, I love you so much.” You breathe a sigh of relief and immediately put it on, running back to the bathroom. The scent of cedar and peaches gives you a hard time to focus on making your hair look presentable, but you resist the urge to duck your nose under the soft fabric.
Wonwoo does a double take on himself and decides to go with a black turtleneck, his eyes shying away from the marks you left on him last night. However, part of him feels very smug about them, knowing he’s gonna be walking in the cafe with your marks of claim all over his body.
“Come on, stop dwindling, we’re gonna be even more late!” You appear in front of him again and pull on his sleeve repeatedly.
“Oh my God, stop pulling me!” He laughs at your desperation and follows you to the living room, picking up his coat from yesterday.
About half an hour after riding on Wonwoo’s motorbike and some annoying traffic, you both make it safely into the cafe. You’re welcomed by a very frustrated Chan and the new barista intern, struggling with the coffee machine.
“And here I thought you actually ditched work today.” He gives you a smile full of irony.
“I’m really sorry, Chan, I slept through my alarm clock. I swear it wasn’t on purpose!” You defend yourself with a lie while fastening your apron to get to work.
“Whatever you say.” He sighs. “Just…get to work, I’m so fucking done with this monstrosity.”
You quickly greet the new intern with a warm smile and turn your back on the two men to focus on the training at hand.
Wonwoo begins to put his camera together, checking his equipment. He can feel Chan’s scrutinizing gaze on him.
“For how long are you going to keep burning holes in my back?” The older man asks.
“Until you admit that you spent the night with Y/N.” Chan crosses his arms in front of his chest.
Wonwoo puts his camera down and straightens his back, now towering over the guy.
“Yeah, I did. Want me to tell you how exactly we spent our night?” 
“No need, I was able to put two and two together when I came here and cleaned up the entire place.” Chan pinches the bridge of his nose.
“My patience ran thin and so did hers, I guess you already know how things went down.” Wonwoo smirks.
“Well it was about fucking time, dude.” Chan pats Wonwoo’s shoulder. “You were blueballing the poor girl for two months now and I was starting to feel that way as well.” 
Chan goes to the outer space of the cafe, leaving Wonwoo utterly stunned. The younger man gets a few orders from the early customers and makes a beeline for the window seats of the cats, bypassing the table Joshua is sitting on.
“I am so sorry, darlings. I hope none of you were traumatized from whatever vulgarities you witnessed last night.” He pets them one by one, cooing at them as if they were his own kids.
“Why are you trying to console the cats?” The older man asks.
“If I were to tell you, you’d need consolation as well.” 
“Do I smell work gossip?”
“More like work porn.”
Joshua puts his hand over his mouth like a gossip girl, his eyes shining like those of an imp.
“Don’t tell me-”
“Yeah, they did.”
“Damn, I gotta give it to your intuition.”
“How about giving me a fucking break already?!” Chan whispers in frustration.
“What, you saw cum on the floor or something?” Joshua jokes, but the waiter’s expression is stone-cold.
“You cannot be serious.”
“Fucking try me, Shua.”
He turns his head around and watches you and Wonwoo giggling together, his face turning back to his friend.
“At least your work wife is happy now.”
Chan smiles gently as he leans against the wall.
“That she definitely is.”
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summary: *yn* and damon are friends. good friends. just friends. nothing more, nothing less. until elena's eighteenth birthday party and the captain of the waterpolo team comes along, leaving damon wondering how much he really likes that term.
warnings: swearing, drinking, fluff, vampire stuff, cheating (kinda??)
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"What do you think?"
"Give me a spin."
*yn* resisted the urge to roll her eyes as she complied, shuffling her body around in a circle.
"Oooh I really like this one." Caroline observed. She shifted on the small couch placed into the middle of the boutique as she took a few moments to run her eyes over *yn*'s body.
"I think this might be the one."
This time *yn* couldn't restrain herself as she threw her hands up in frustration and huffed.
"Care, you've said that about all of them."
"I'm sorry, it's not my fault you look good in everything!"
*yn* groaned in response as she shoved the curtain across the metal rod, concealing herself from Caroline once more.
"I give up." She exclaimed dramatically as she pulled the red dress over her head. "I'm just going to go with the blue one."
"If that's what it takes for you to stop whining." She heard Caroline mumble on the other side of the curtain.
"I heard that!"
The shrill ringtone of Caroline's phone rung out through the store.
"Oh sorry Elena's calling, be right back."
*yn* shook her head as she heard Caroline answer the phone and hurry out of the store. She slipped the blue dress back on over her head just as her shoulder bag began to vibrate.
She couldn't fight the small smile threatening to tug on her lips at the Caller ID.
"Well if it isn't my second favourite Salvatore brother."
"Ouch, why is it that you're always so mean to me?" Damon's amused voice slipped out through the speaker.
"Because being nice is boring." She answered as she slipped out of the change room.
"Using my own logic against me, I've taught you too well." She smiled at his words as she made her way over to the mirror.
"What are you up to? Down for a little road trip?"
"Can't sorry. Helping Caroline plan Elena's birthday party." *yn* twisted around in front of the mirror, scrutinising the dress from every angle.
"Ah yes the big eighteenth how could I forget."
"Why? Where are you going?" *yn* asked as she finally drew her attention away from the mirror.
Her brow furrowed at her answer. "Another potential Stefan victim?"
"Yep. The sheriff gave Elena another location."
"She's not going with-"
"No way. Told her I'd take it on myself."
There was a pause as *yn* glanced out the shop window to make sure Caroline was still out the front on the phone, her ears occupied and unable to listen in.
"They're going to be like the other victims, aren't they?"
She felt herself grow nauseous at the thought of what Damon would no doubt find in Tennessee. Even his verbal reports back to her had been enough to make her skin crawl. If there had been any doubts before if Stefan was a ripper, they were long gone by now.
"Are we ever going to tell her?"
There was a pause on the other end of the line. She heard Damon let out a sigh.
"If I find him and sort him out we won't ever have to."
"Alright just- just let me know how you go ok?" Despite her best efforts she couldn't hide the concern laced through her words.
"Always do. See you at the party."
"See you at the party."
"Oh *yln*-"
Damon's voice crackled through the speaker just as her finger hovered over the button to end the call.
"Yeah?" She pressed the phone to her ear once more.
There was a pause on the other end of the line.
"Wear the red one." *yn* swore she could practically hear his smirk through the phone before he hung up.
*yn* whirled around, the phone still pressed to her ear. Her eyes darted around the store and then out through the windows that revealed the main street of Mystic Falls.
Her heart was thumping in her chest and a blush was creeping up onto her cheeks. Damon was no where to be seen.
"Ugh god Elena is still complaining about this party, I swear it's like no one wants to have fun in this town anymore- are you ok?"
*yn* turned to see Caroline staring at her, brow raised when she noticed her flushed complexion.
"Uh- yeah fine." *yn* lied, swallowing as she turned to go back into the change room.
"Ok..." Caroline studied her before turning her attention back to her phone.
She glanced up once more after a few moments to see *yn* emerging from the change room, back in her jeans and tank top. Her brow furrowed.
"I thought you were getting the blue one?"
"Yeah I um-"
*yn* glanced down at the red material clutched in her arms.
"I changed my mind."
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The bass felt like it was pounding against her skull. Sweaty bodies were brushing against her on all sides. She could already feel the back of her knees start to slick with sweat as she weaved through the crowd.
Apparently this was Caroline's definition of a 'small' party. Bodies occupied every square inch of the Salvatore boarding house. Her eyes slid over the hundred or so faces. Some she recognised from school. Others she had never seen before in her life.
She smoothed down the front of her short dress as she stepped around a couple making out at the bottom of the staircase. She could feel multiple sets of eyes on her as she moved deeper into the house. The waterpolo team bunched in the corner didn't even make an attempt to look away as she walked past.
She smirked to herself. She'd shown up with the intention of looking hot, so far it seemed to be going according to plan. She surveyed the crowd once more. A flash of blonde hair caught her eye, which she instantly made a beeline for.
Caroline swung around at *yn*'s voice, a grin spreading across her lips as she looked her up and down.
"Oh my freaking god you look so hot." She squealed as she lurched forward and wrapped her arms her shoulders.
*yn* laughed and squeezed her tightly back. "So do you."
"Who the hell are these people?"
"Friends of friends." Caroline shrugged. *yn* raised a brow at her before turning to survey the room. Her eyes involuntarily searching for one person in particular.
"C'mon, I need a shot." Caroline announced as she grabbed *yn*'s hand and tugged her towards the drinks table.
*yn* grinned as she let Caroline lead her through the crowd.
"Is everyone here?" *yn* shouted over the thumping bass.
"I think so." Caroline shouted back, her eyes gleaming as she spotted a bottle of tequila.
*yn* turned around, her eyes scanning the crowd once more.
"Oh actually I haven't seen that reporter girl yet, what's her name - Andrea or-"
"What?" *yn*'s neck snapped back around to look at Caroline.
"Andie's coming?"
Caroline paused and glanced up at her. She had just been about to pour the clear liquid into a shot glass.
"Yeah, Damon insisted on inviting her. Poor girl probably didn't have a choice knowing him." Caroline remarked as she turned her attention back to the bottle in her hand.
"Right." *yn* swallowed. She pressed her lips into a hard line. "Yeah."
She felt sick as she glanced down at the tight red dress covering her body. She suddenly felt incredibly stupid. That for even a moment she had let herself divulge in suppressed fantasies, that she'd let herself get hopeful that something might happen with the vampire that was supposed to be nothing more than one of her good friends.
That she had let herself indulge those feelings that she had always worked so hard to deny and ignore.
"Ok here-" Caroline cut herself off, the shot in her hand for *yn* to take suspended in midair.
She studied her friend for a moment. She withheld a sigh when she saw the tears threatening to pool in *yn*'s eyes.
"Ok no." She announced, slamming the shots back onto the table. The sound made *yn* jump, her eyes focusing back on her friend.
"We are so not doing this tonight."
"You are not letting your night get ruined by Damon Salvatore of all people."
"Care-" *yn* began, glancing over her shoulder quickly to make sure Damon wasn't in sight before turning back to her. "He's my friend."
"Oh please." Caroline scoffed as she folded her arms in front of her chest. "You don't think I can tell when my best friend is crushing on a guy?"
*yn* felt her cheeks redden.
"Although I've been trying to ignore it given it is Damon-"
She ignored the glare *yn* gave her. "- and I've been hoping it was just a little phase, but clearly that was wishful thinking." She sighed as she gestured to *yn* who had opened her mouth to respond.
"I've known for months, so don't even try and deny it."
*yn* clamped her mouth shut. She felt her resolve weaken under Caroline's stare.
"If you tell a soul-"
"-you'll stake me I know. Your secret's safe with me." Caroline insisted.
With that *yn* felt her shoulders slump in defeat as her barriers finally crumbled down.
"I like him. A lot." She admitted.
"I think I always knew there was something there, but I don't think I realised how much until-" She cut herself off and bit her lip as she felt her eyes begin to water.
Caroline's hard gaze softened at the sight. "Hey, it's ok." Caroline comforted her, running a hand down her arm. "Do you want to go somewhere and talk about it?"
"No." *yn* shook her head as she sniffed. "No, like you said. I don't want this to ruin my night. It's been so long since we've actually had fun."
It was true. Before Damon and Stefan returned to Mystic Falls, *yn* was the life of the party, drinking almost every weekend and staying out way past curfew - much to her parents chagrin. But now, she could barely even remember what it felt like to be drunk and let loose.
Her answer made Caroline's eyes brighten. "Exactly, and you look way too hot right now to be crying over a guy."
*yn* followed Caroline's gaze to look around the room of warm bodies. Her eyes flitted over a few guys, her confidence sparking once more when she saw their eyes were already on her.
"You could have literally anyone you want in here."
She could have anyone she wanted, except for Damon. Almost as if she could read her mind, Caroline grabbed her hand.
"Ok, in my opinion you have two options right now." Caroline continued.
"You can go and tell Damon how you feel and let it out, or-" She paused as she raised the cup up to *yn*'s face. "You can get trashed with me and forget all about stupid boys."
*yn* raised a brow, not missing the hint of bitterness in Caroline's voice. It sounded a little bit too personal to just be about Damon. She decided to let it go however, as her eyes flickered down to the red solo cup and then back at Caroline.
"Make it a double."
Caroline's grin widened, "now you're sounding like my best friend."
*yn* watched as she eagerly poured extra into her cup, internally wincing at how free handed she was being with the liquor.
"To being hot and getting drunk." Caroline toasted once she'd handed *yn* her drink.
"To being hot and getting drunk." *yn* echoed, clinking their cups together before pressing it to her lips. She winced as the liquor burned her throat. She definitely had not missed that feeling.
"Ugh, speak of the devil."
*yn* followed Caroline's gaze behind her shoulder. She twisted around to see Elena and Damon making their way down the stairs.
Damon was dressed in black jeans and a blue button down with the sleeves rolled up his forearms. He looked annoyingly hot, as usual.
The pair hadn't spotted them yet as Caroline and *yn* made their way through the crowd towards them.
"Happy birthday!" Her and Caroline chorused as they reached them.
"You look amazing." *yn* grinned as she pulled her other best friend in for a tight hug.
"Thank you, so do you. The red is hot." Elena chuckled as they pulled away from each other.
*yn* could feel Damon's eyes on her but kept her focus on Elena.
"You like?" Caroline asked her, gesturing to the party around them.
"I-" Elena cut herself off as she glanced around the room. "This is keeping it small?"
Caroline didn't answer her, instead shooting her an innocent smile.
Elena couldn't fight the grin spreading across her lips as she let out a dramatic and defeated huff, "what are we drinking?"
Caroline giggled and gripped Elena's arm and tugged her towards the drinks table.
*yn* watched them go, feeling Damon's eyes still on her. Caroline's words echoed in her head. She was right. Just because she had feelings doesn't mean she had to act weird or let it get to her. He was still her friend, first and foremost. There was no reason to change how she was around him.
She took a breath and made sure her face was the perfect picture of normalcy before turning around to meet his gaze.
"Hey yourself." He answered, his eyes dragging down her front before flicking up to her face.
"Nice dress."
"Thanks, I had help picking it out."
A smirk twitched up onto his lips. "Well, they've got excellent taste. They're a good friend."
Friend. The word stung more than it usually did.
She forced a smile onto her lips, "that they are."
"*yn*! Get over here we're doing birthday shots!" Elena called out to her.
*yn* glanced over her shoulder and nodded before looking back up at Damon.
"Sorry, duty calls." She shrugged innocently.
"Please." He gestured for her to go. It was then that she noticed the bottle of bourbon in his hand. "Don't let me stop you."
She shot him one last grin before making her way towards Elena and Caroline.
Damon's eyes followed her the whole way there.
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"I am every parents worst nightmare." Alaric sighed. "I am the chaperone teacher from hell."
"I love high school parties." Damon grinned as he jumped up onto the ledge.
"Isn't Andie supposed to be coming?"
"10 o'clock broadcast, she'll be here in a little bit."
"Uh huh." Ric remarked as he took a deep drink. Damon's brow furrowed as he glanced up from his glass.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"What is what supposed to mean?"
"That little face you just made. Something wrong with Andie?"
"With your fake compelled girlfriend? No not at all." Ric drawled sarcastically.
"Hey it's a complicated dynamic ok."
"Or it's a distraction."
Damon's eyes narrowed even further. "Distraction from what exactly Ric?"
"Hey Mr Saltzman!" A loud voice prevented Ric from answering.
They both glanced up to see a tall, muscular guy approaching them through the door that led into the party. He was wearing a Mystic Falls High varsity jacket.
Damon frowned when he saw a flash of red behind him. He froze mid sip when he saw that flash of red belonged to *yn*'s dress.
"Jake." Alaric nodded in greeting.
Jake came to a stand still in front of them, a wide grin on his face. "*yn* told me you were chaperoning."
Then all eyes were on *yn*, who was now standing beside him. Jake's arm wrapped around her shoulders to pull her against him.
Damon felt something twist inside him.
"Had to see it for myself."
"Here I am." Alaric chuckled awkwardly.
"See I told you!" She giggled as she swayed against him. Her eyes were glassy and cheeks were flushed. A bottle in her hand.
"Badass Mr Saltzman." Jake complimented. It was then that his eyes landed on Damon. Confusion flashed across his features as he tried to place him.
"Oh Jake this is my friend." *yn* introduced, "Damon Salvatore."
Friend. It was what he was to her, the correct title to describe their relationship. But tonight, in front of this guy, it prodded something inside him. Unfurling inside him like a wasp injecting its barbed stinger into his veins.
"Salvatore... oh shit so you own this place?" Jake's eyes lit up in recognition.
"Home sweet home." Damon remarked, unable to hide the annoyance in his voice as he took a deep sip of his bourbon.
"It's dope. Sickest party location for sure." Jake complimented.
"Oi Masters!"
The group turned around to see another boy standing at the precipice of the home. "We're about to start another round, get your ass in here!"
"Beer pong." Jake explained to the group. "I'm the reigning champion." He boasted proudly. Damon rolled his eyes when Jake glanced down at *yn* for a reaction who giggled and patted his chest.
"I didn't realise we were in the presence of such a high performance athlete." He remarked earning a snort from Ric.
The liquor swishing around in Jake's stomach seemed to hinder his ability to pick up on Damon's sarcasm as he looked up and shot him another grin.
"Alright, it was nice meeting you Damon. See you in school Mr Saltzman."
Ric tilted his head in acknowledgement and Damon simply shot him a tight lipped smile.
"See you guys later." *yn* waved before bursting into a fit of giggles as Jake eagerly pulled her back inside.
Damon glanced down. His grip on his glass tightened. Jake's hand was entwined with hers.
Ric glanced between the disappearing couple and Damon.
"Careful buddy, you might break that glass."
"I hate high school jocks." Was all Damon responded with as he drained his drink and immediately reached for the bottle.
"What's his deal anyway?"
"Who? Jake Masters?" Alaric queried. He let out a scoff when Damon inclined his head.
"Uh I don't know, he's the captain of the waterpolo team. Not the greatest at history, thinks he's gods gift to women, the usual." Alaric shrugged.
Damon hummed in response. He swirled his drink in his hand absentmindedly as his eyes fixed on the doorway that *yn* and Jake had disappeared through.
"What time is Andie getting here again?" Ric asked him.
"Damon." Ric repeated after a few moments.
Ric tried to hide his amused smirk as he studied his friend. "I said what time is Andie getting here again?"
"Oh uh-" Damon's eyes shifted back to the doorway. "11 or something." He spoke dismissively.
Almost as if they had a mind of his own, his legs pulled him up onto his feet. Unable to fight the pull to head inside anymore, he slammed his glass down. "I'm just going to go grab another drink."
Ric raised a brow and glanced at the nearly full bottle of bourbon placed between them. He smirked in amusement.
"You do that buddy."
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"Oops sorry!"
Damon glared as another drunk teenager fumbled into him. He pressed the bottle to his lips and tilted his head back. His brow furrowed when the taste of bourbon didn't reach his tastebuds.
He glanced down and cursed under his breath when he saw it was empty. He tossed it to the ground before promptly plucking another bottle out of the hands of a girl passing him who looked like she was about to puke.
"No no, trust me you don't want this." He stared into her eyes, "you want to go outside and puke your guts out on the grass, not on my expensive leather couch."
He rolled his eyes as she nodded numbly and walked past him. He pressed his body against the wooden support beam, his eyes drifting over the unfamiliar faces.
"If you're looking for *yn*, I last saw her in the stoner den."
He glanced to his left to see Elena standing beside him.
"I wasn't. But thanks for the update." He answered as he pressed the new bottle to his lips.
Elena didn't need to know that he'd spent the last twenty minutes trying to find her and had now given up and decided to sulk in the corner.
"Whatever you say."
His eyes narrowed as he glared down at her. She met his gaze with an innocent smile. He resisted the urge to ask her what she meant by that, because a part of him knew exactly what she was hinting at - which had been exactly what Ric had been hinting at - and that was a conversation he wasn't exactly ready to face.
"Have fun sulking." She patted his shoulder and disappeared into the crowd. He watched her go as he took another gulp. What had started out as a fun night was quickly becoming a chore.
He stiffened when his ears detected a laugh that he knew like the back of his hand. Sure enough, it wasn't long until his eyes fell on *yn*.
He clenched his jaw when he saw that she was following after Jake Masters. He was still holding her hand, and was now leading her towards the centre of the room where a dance floor had formed.
Jake turned to *yn* and leant down, whispering in her ear as he encircled his arms around her waist. She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck as the two began to move to the heavy bass.
As Jake moved, a vein in his neck pulsed out. Damon felt the veins stir under his eyes. All he needed was to sink his teeth into that vein and he could rip his head clean-
"Hasn't anyone ever taught you it's rude to stare?"
Damon ripped his eyes away from the couple, turning his steely gaze to Caroline.
"What do you want blondie." He muttered as he turned his attention back to the dance floor.
"Nothing. Just here to remind you that you are in front of hundreds of people so now is not really the time to get your dracula on."
He rolled his eyes, "I'm fine."
"Really? Because to me it looks like you're about to go rip Jake Masters head off."
Damon's gums ached at he mention of his name.
"Don't you have other things to be worried about blondie?" He sneered.
"Not really."
"Not even your little wolf boy getting it on with a leggier version of you over there?"
Caroline followed his gaze to see Tyler and none other than slutty Sophie of all people grinding on each other in the middle of the room. Caroline ground her teeth and crossed her arms in front of her chest.
"Doesn't bother me." Her voice raised an octave.
"You sure about that? I think that bottle is suffocating." Caroline glanced down and huffed as she loosened the grip on the wine bottle.
"This isn't about me." Caroline hissed as she turned to face him.
"This is about you admitting that seeing Jake and *yn* together is driving you crazy."
"Why would it?"
"Uh gee Damon, I don't know let me think, maybe because you have feelings for her?"
Her words were like a slap in the face. It was the first time anyone had said it out loud. Had dared to voice what they had all been thinking. All of a sudden it felt very real. Very much a possibility that Damon did indeed have feelings for his friend. He felt like the room was closing in on him.
Damon shook his head and forced a chuckle out past his lips, "sorry blondie, but you don't know what you're talking about."
"Really?" She raised her brow, "so that doesn't bother you in the slightest?"
He turned his head and his eyes found *yn*'s figure instantly. His jaw clenched and he pursed his lips.
She had turned around to press her back against Jake's. His hands were roaming her side, brushing the red fabric higher up her thighs. He was placing kisses along her neck and muttering into her ear which was making her giggle.
That single wasp inside him had now spawned into a hive, stinging him from the inside out. Right then and there, he could have ripped the heads off every single person in this room. Tear them limb from limb. Anything to get rid of this sick feeling in his stomach.
A feeling he hadn't felt in a long time, perhaps ever.
A feeling you most definitely did not have towards a friend.
"Oh is that Jake Masters with *yn*?" Elena had reappeared beside him.
"Good for her, he's so hot-"
Damon didn't hear anything else after that, because in that moment Jake had leant in and whispered into her ear once more.
"What do you say we go find somewhere quieter to talk?"
His pulse was ringing in his ears, Jake's smarmy voice slithering around in his head. His legs had moved before he had even decided to. Making a beeline for *yn*.
He had no idea what his plan was. All he knew was that if he didn't get her away from his guy, he was going to murder someone. Jealousy had never agreed with him. It made him even uglier than usual.
"I need to talk to you."
*yn* twisted around in Jake's arms, her eyes widening in surprise at the sight of Damon standing in front of her.
"I'm a little busy."
Damon glared at Jake behind her before his eyes flickered down to her.
"It's important."
"I'm sure it can wait." She shot back.
Jake glanced between them, his brow furrowing as he tried to understand what was going on.
"Jake-" Damon began as he locked eyes with the teenager. "Why don't you go do us proud and win another beer pong championship." He cocked his head and grinned, "and don't come back."
Jake's eyes clouded over momentarily, before he blinked and his eyes focused on *yn*.
"Will do!" Jake grinned.
"Damon!" *yn* protested. It was futile as Jake's hands slipped from around her waist. They watched as he marched towards the kitchen with a determined pace.
"What the hell." She growled as she glared up at him. "I was having fun."
"Of course you were, who wouldn't be with the reigning beer pong champion of Mystic Falls." Damon drawled as he gripped her elbow and dragged her through the crowd.
"I wasn't planning on marrying the guy." She snapped back as he led her up the stairs. "He's hot, it's a party. You do the math."
He gritted his teeth at her answer as he guided her into his bedroom.
"You're drunk."
She huffed as she stormed into the centre of the room.
He shut the door. The noise from the party underneath them was immediately dampened. Now only a dull roar, background noise that occasionally seeped in through the floorboards.
"I don't want you making a decision you'll regret tomorrow."
She inhaled sharply before swivelling around to face him. Her fists clenched at her sides.
"That's not your decision to make."
"You're right. It's not." He nodded as he stalked towards her, "but I'm the one who's going to have to pick up the pieces if you get hurt."
She let out a bark of laughter. "Get hurt? I was dancing with him not running off to get eloped."
"Well we all know where it was heading."
Her eyes narrowed at his response.
"Last time I checked you're my friend, not my parent."
Friend. There it was again. That one little noun that was causing so much heartache. So much turmoil inside him.
*yn* knew she should leave it at that. But anger and liquor never mixed well inside her. And she was hurt and confused. All she had wanted to do was distract herself from him and her feelings, yet now it seemed like she couldn't escape him.
Now she felt like she was going crazy because if she didn't know any better, she could have sworn he was jealous.
"Don't you have anything better to do? Isn't your girlfriend supposed to be here?"
Damon didn't miss the way her lips almost curled into a sneer as they formed the word.
"She's working late."
His answer made her stomach drop. Of course they were still together. How stupid could she be to even let herself think for one moment that they might have broken up, that he might-
"Right." She nodded. "Well, I appreciate the whole friend intervention thing or whatever this is." She gestured to him as she took a few steps forward. "But I'm going back to the party."
She had made it all the way past him when she felt his hand curl around her forearm, rooting her in place.
"You seem to be really enjoying using the word 'friend' tonight."
Silence fell over the pair. Her eyes fluttered shut as she inhaled shakily. She opened her eyes once more and stared at the closed door. She could feel Damon's eyes burning holes in the back of her head.
His hand was yet to leave her bare arm.
"Well that's what you are."
She remembered Caroline's words as she tried to control her nerves. She exhaled as she tried to calm her beating heart as she turned to face him.
She kept her gaze defiant and determined as they locked eyes. He searched her eyes, seemingly looking for something in particular.
"I don't know." He began as he took a step toward her.
His ring band was burning into her skin. Her heart hammered.
"Do friends get the urge to rip the heads off arrogant jocks who touch their other friends?"
*yn* swallowed as she held his gaze. Her mind was going at a million miles an hour. She could barely process what was happening.
"Do friends feel physically ill when they hear the word friend being used to describe their relationship?"
Another step forward. His piercing green eyes flickered down to her lips and then back to her eyes.
She cut herself off as Damon's hand cradled the side of her face. His teeth captured his bottom lip as his eyes once again fell to her mouth. The pad of his thumb glided over her bottom lip.
"I don't think I want to be your friend anymore *yn*." He murmured, his voice causing goosebumps to rise on the back of her neck.
"In fact, I don't think I've hated the word as much as I do right now." He whispered as he pressed his forehead against hers.
The alcohol running through her veins was clouding her reasoning, not even giving her a chance to think about Andie or Jake, or what the implications of this in the morning would be.
But in that moment, she didn't care. All she could think about was the smell of his cologne invading her senses and the feeling of his fingers running along her hot skin. About how desperate she was to have his mouth on hers.
All it took was the slightest tilt of *yn*'s chin to connect their lips. Her eyes fluttered shut as he finally let go of her arm to bring his other hand up to her cheek, cupping her face in his hands.
Their lips moved in sync as she pressed herself against him, nearly letting out a moan at the feeling. Her hands threaded themselves through his hair as he moved one hand to ensnare her waist. His hand travelled down just as she-
"They're kissing!" The muffled voice on the other side of the door made them pull apart in surprise. She glanced over her shoulder.
"Caroline?" *yn* asked as Damon ran a hand over her lower back. Damon nodded.
"And Elena."
*yn* let out a breathy laugh as she turned back to look up at him.
"Moment ruined?" He asked, a rare smile spreading across his lips as he studied her.
"Kinda." She grinned back as she leant up to capture his lips in another kiss.
They pulled apart after a few moments, pressing their foreheads together as they caught their breaths.
"I have to say *yln*." Damon murmured, a smirk twisting up onto his lips.
"I love not being your friend."
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I love this fic, it's been so long since I've just done a stand alone fic!!! As always, feedback is always appreciated. Please give it back here x
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lesbianpepsi · 1 year
'Cause I love, to love, to love you
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Fem!reader
Summary: Ever since Wednesday had been gifted a phone you decided to steal her phone to play a prank on her. But much to your surprise you see something unexpected on her phone.
Warnings: bad writing, some swearing
Words: 1.833k
A/N: i wrote this on my phone since my laptop is having a mental breakdown on me rn. not proof read since it's 3am and it's exam season lmao. sorryyy. also this is my first 'fic' post here. hope this isn't too bad lmao, enjoy:)
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One of your absolute favourite hobbies, if it even counts as a hobby, is to "borrow" someone's phone for a few minutes and do something to the phone.
Whether it be quickly change their ringtone to something embarrassing, take a ungodly amount of selfies in thirty seconds, or even send yourself a message complimenting yourself or agreeing to do something stupid.
You always found an annoying trick to play. But you always had one that was your absolute favourite. A classic, some might say.
"Borrowing" someone's phone and changing their wallpaper to something incredibly stupid.
If you were lucky the persons phone would already have unattractive selfies they took as a joke, or a friend would send them one of themself that would automatically save to the phone.
You've done that over a thousand times to all of your friends and family members, and to you it never gets old.
Enid has always been the easiest victim because, one, her passcode is literally '2929', two, Enid always has a grip on her phone but in your or hers dorm room that grip instantly weakens and she always leaves her phone around the place.
The hardest victim to play this prank on is your girlfriend, Wednesday Addams.
Although the goth is not often using her actual device, she always makes sure to keep it close to her person.
The rare times you've managed to snag it while she's in the bathroom or during her writing time, if she isn't looking, for the life of you, you cannot guess her passcode.
Hers has to be much more complex than Enid's simple four digit passcode, since you've tried everything you could've thought of as a six digit passcode, yet to no avail.
You've tried birthdays, important dates to Wednesday, her favourite numbers, secret messages using numbers.
Nothing works.
You've been patiently waiting for the day to finally play the harmless prank on your girlfriend for weeks, and on a quiet Saturday night, it finally happened.
Saturday had always been your favourite day, who doesn't think Saturday as the best day?
You especially loved Saturdays since the fact the following day follows is Sunday, a day with also no school. Which meant Wednesday was allowed to come over to your dorm room and stay over for the night.
The school had a rule where sleepovers weren't permitted unless it was on the weekend, something that annoyed you greatly, but it was better than nothing.
This particular Saturday you and Wednesday decided to have a simple day. Both of you wanted to have more of a relaxing day rather than one full of plans for once.
It was ten in the evening and you and Wednesday had just finished the first episode of Criminal Minds, a show that took you a while of begging to get Wednesday to actually agree to watch with you.
With a smile you turned your head to look at her, her head already turned to look at you.
"So, what did you think?" You asked eagerly, hoping the goth actually enjoyed one of your favourite shows.
She gave a blank expression as she answered the question. "It was tolerable at best." You grinned at the response; pride filling in you since in Wednesday language that meant she actually liked it.
"I knew you'd like it!" You had the urge to add 'I told you so' but you opted to leave that out. "Whose your favourite character?"
Wednesday's raises her brows slightly at that. "A favourite character? I've only seen a singular episode and don't have a good enough concept of each character's personality to answer that question." She replied in a monotone voice as she glanced back at the screen before back at you.
You stared at her in silence for a moment before a slight smirk replaced the grin on your face.
"It's Hotch isn't it?" Wednesday gives you an annoyed stare as she crosses her arms over stomach. "Just because you've watched this show a myriad of times doesn't make you a profiler." She grumbled, confirming the answer to your question.
You chuckled as you teasingly nudged your shoulder with hers. "I know. I just know my girlfriend so well."
The corners of Wednesday's lips quirked up for a moment before they returned to their normal straight line. "Don't get too cocky, Y/n."
You chuckle once again as you moved your hand to holds Wednesday's, knowing the simple display of affection was one she didn't mind much.
Your smile only grew when Wednesday didn't hesitate to interlock your hands.
"I wouldn't dream of it. But I do know when we watch season two you will definitely love Emily but say otherwise."
Wednesday let out a scoff at your words. "I only remember agreeing to watch one episode of this show, not an entire season."
You shrugged your shoulders before saying. "Fine, I guess I'll have to watch the next episode alone while you sleep then."
Her dark chocolate brown eyes narrowed the ever slightest at that, as if she was trying to profile you to see if you were lying or not.
You stated back with the same amount of intensity, using it as an excuse to admire your girlfriend's beauty.
Wednesday uncharacteristically broke the eye contact first as she let out an angry huff.
"Only one more episode then." You grin at her words, already knowing that meant there were a lot more episodes ahead of you two.
"But I need to empty my bladder first." She states before she let go of your hand to stab up. Once she was out of the bed and standing she gave you a menacing glare before saying. "Don't start the episode without me."
You nodded your head.
"Go piss girl." You said as you let out a small laugh at your own words, still finding the meme enjoyable.
Wednesday stared blankly at you for a few seconds before she turned around and headed towards the bathroom.
She never understood the joke no matter how many times you told her the meme.
Once you heard the shutting of the door you didn't hesitate to roll over to Wednesday's side and retrieve her phone.
Pressing on the screen her lock screen appeared, her lockscreen wallpaper simply being a black background.
Very Wednesday, you thought to yourself. Was the chances of you actually figuring Wednesday's password slim? Yes. Impossible? No.
You were determined to change the girl's wallpaper to something stupid at least once.
Swiping up the phone presented the password screen to you, the circular numbers taking up the entire screen.
Your thumb hovered over the numbers as you thought of what possibly could her password.
Your first guess was '233267' since under each number was one letter that in order spelt 'Addams'.
Much to your disappointment the phone vibrated as the password emptied, telling you that the password was incorrect.
Knowing you didn't have much time to waste you quickly thought of another password you hadn't tried before.
'782378' This time the letters under the numerals spelt Pubert, the name of Wednesday's youngest brother.
Once again the phone vibrated angrily, taunting you that you got it wrong once again.
You sighed as you glanced over at the bathroom door knowing Wednesday would walk through them any minute.
Accepting your defeat you decided to give one last attempt before giving up. This time you just mimicked Wednesday's blank expression as you entered a six digit passcode you hadn't tried before.
'111111' You rolled your eyes as you entered the final digit expecting to hear the vibration once again, especially due to the fact how simple the password was.
But to your surprise you didn't feel a vibration in your hand. Instead you heard nothing.
Your eyes snapped back towards the screen and to your utter delight and shock you were in Wednesday's phone.
You actually managed to guess her password!
(You decided to ignore the fact it was literally more hackable and easier to guess than Enid's passcode)
A smug smile appeared on your face as you straightened your posture, pushing yourself slightly up as your mind rushed with different things you could change her wallpaper to.
Your eyes glanced at her home screen and you fully expected her home screen to be the same as her lock screen.
But it wasn't.
Her wallpaper was a picture of you two on your first date.
You were not expecting that.
The picture itself was a selfie you took, your face closer to the camera with Wednesday sitting behind you. You had a wide smile on your face while Wednesday had her iconic death stare.
In the background of the photo was the gorgeous forest of Nevermore. It was where you had your first date with Wednesday.
Wednesday had prepared a picnic and mapped out the best spot in the forest where she apparently knew the two of you wouldn't be interrupted. It was truly magical.
The longer you stared at the home screen the harder you found it to go actually change the picture.
Suddenly, you heard the obnoxiously loud taps from behind the bathroom door, indicating Wednesday was going to come out any second.
You glanced at the door before back at her phone. Even if it was a few seconds before Wednesday emerged that was still plenty of time for you to change it.
You smiled slightly to yourself as you shut the phone off and placed it back to its orignal spot before shifting back to your side of the bed.
As expected the bathroom door opened a few moments later and silently Wednesday walked over to the bed and got in.
She skilfully sneaked under the blanket you two were sharing and entered your personal space before she turned her head to look at you.
"Are you going to put the continuing episode on or not?" She asked impatiently with a tilt of her head.
You didn't reply at first. Instead you leaned down to kiss Wednesday's cold lips.
The shorter girl took a second to notice what was happening before you felt her kiss you back, you couldn't help but smile against her lips at the feeling.
The kiss itself was brief but it still managed to take away your breath as Wednesday pulled away.
She looked up at you with the smallest tint of pink tainting her ears, something you so desperately wanted to comment on.
"Although that was pleasurable why did you kiss me?" You shrugged your shoulders weakly as your grabbed Wednesday's hand with your hand. "I just wanted to kiss you." You said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
The rare small smile slowly appeared on Wednesday's face as she turned to look at the TV screen at the foot of your bed. She shifted closer to you as she did so.
You pressed one final kiss to Wednesday's head before you grabbed the remote with your free hand and pressed play for the next episode.
Although your prank was a failure this time you didn't mind.
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chukys-mouthguard · 4 days
for the prompt request #4 “I know I said you could call me anytime, but… It’s the middle of the night” with quinn hughes and a little bit of angst a lil bit of fluff 😁
thank you so much for this request, i love a little angsty/fluff with Quinn 🫶🏼 hope you like this!!
note: i literally never know how to end these and like i know they are meant to be quick little blurbs and nothing crazy but my brain starts going and i wanna end up writing so much 🫠 so sorry if my endings suck sometimes
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“I’m gonna kill her…” 
Quinn groaned as he heard your ringtone coming from his phone, that he could’ve sworn he’d put on silent. Pulling it from his side table he grumpily answered, “y/n, i swear to god. I know I said you could call me anytime, but…it’s the middle of the night.” 
“Quintin Hughes, don’t be mad at me, please?” 
Immediately he knew you were drunk by the tone of his voice, and you only ever called him Quintin after one too many vodka lemonades.
“Send me the address, I’ll come and get you.” 
Rolling his eyes he hung up the phone, tossing back the covers before throwing on a hoodie and shoes to come pick you up. 
You knew Quinn was mad the second you sat down in passenger seat. His jaw clenched as he didn’t even look at you, eyes on the road waiting for the sound of the door closing and the click of your seatbelt signaling for him to drive. 
Once back to his place you slowly trailed behind him, Quinn still not saying a word as he disappeared into the kitchen, you heading to his room only to find he’d laid out a tshirt and some shorts for you already. Despite his silence and angered essence in the car, you knew it wasn’t directed at you. At least, not entirely. Quinn had been down since the Canucks playoff exit and his sleep schedule had been a mess. So a late night drunk call after he’d finally fallen asleep at a decent time was not something he was thrilled about. 
Quinn soon appeared in the doorway of the bathroom as you were taking off your makeup. A water bottle and some chips in hand. “I thought you might want these?” 
His voice soft, laced with exhaustion as you could see on his face just how tired he was. 
“Thank you…and I’m sorry.” 
He shrugged, crossing his arms as he leaned against the doors frame. Watching you finish up in the bathroom, the two of you making your way to his room and finding your places on his bed. 
“It’s my fault…I didn’t put my phone on silent. Or do not disturb. So I did it to myself.” 
Quinn slightly chuckling as he rested his head against the wall, eyes closing as you broke open the water and chips. “Well, I should’ve been more cognizant of the fact that it was so late. I could’ve called someone else.” 
He glanced at you with a smirk on his face. “We all know I’m the person you will always call. Drunk y/n loves calling Quintin Hughes to save the day.” Mocking your tone in which you call his name when you’re intoxicated, Quinn laughs while you just blush. 
“I can’t help it when you always have water and chips ready to go for me! And it’s the variety pack of chips so it’s always a surprise!” 
Quinn shook his head, the funny thing being is that you didn’t make that comment because you were drunk. You were just that much of a good to genuinely enjoy that he kept a variety pack of chips at his place. 
“Well, look,” setting the now empty bag of chips on one of his bedside tables you moved to sit more in front of him as you spoke. “I will try and not make these drunk calls a frequent thing. Especially with you’re sleep schedule being a mess right now. I’ll try and be more aware. I’m sorry.” 
“Y/n, it’s not that big of a deal. I don’t mind taking care of your drunk ass. But maybe just give me a heads up next time if you’re going out, so I’m at least aware that I might be on call.” 
“Oh my gosh, should we get pagers? Like doctors used to have back in the day? And I could page you when I need you?” 
Reaching behind him, Quinn grabbed a pillow, playfully smacking it across your face. “You’re done, take your drunk ass to bed right now.” 
Quinn placing the pillow back behind his head as he rolled over, pulling the covers over him. “Fucking pagers…you are something else y/n.” 
He chuckled into the pillow as you couldn’t control your drunken laughter. “Well, just kidding we can scrap that idea.”
Quinn asked as he was trying to calm his laughter. “I don’t think they make pagers anymore. Google says they mostly use phones nowadays. So it looks like your stuck getting calls from my Quintin!” 
Rolling over you wrapped an arm around him, pulling him close to you as he groaned, “Not unless I block your number.”
“You wouldn’t dare!”
Quinn laughed at your offended tone, “trust me, Jack drunk called me like crazy once he turned 21 and he got his number blocked for a few weeks. Don’t try me y/n. And if you want to keep your endless supply of water and variety bag chips, I suggest you trust me.” 
“Aye aye captain!” 
Playfully saluting to him he just covered his face with a pillow as he laughed at you before rolling over. 
Smiling to himself he’d finally calmed down from all the laughter, drifting off to sleep. The fastest he’d been able to sleep in weeks, thanks to having you by his side. 
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vxmpjules · 1 year
You and Miguel get into an argument and You wanna do anything possible to not think about it.
Not a smut, a part is lightly suggestive not that much idk
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You sighed as you already knew Miguel wasn't coming back anytime soon. He was gonna stay in the headquarters, swarming himself with work and putting more stress on his shoulders, just to not deal with the argument.
You knew him, his way of handling things, he ignored them, then he came back without talking about it and everything was back to normal. It was a simple cycle, you were used to it. But the endless nights you spent crying as he left you home alone, without no comfort, you were tired so you decided to take a different approach.
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Miguel was at the headquarters, as you had your phone to your ear, talking to one of your girlfriends excitedly. "Call me when you get here" you chimed before hanging the phone up continuing putting your makeup on.
Finishing your makeup, you look at yourself in the mirror and you looked absolutely amazing. You and your girlfriends had planned to go to the club together, this being your coping mechanism for this argument with Miguel, you'd try your best to not think about him.
You already heard honking outside meaning the night had finally begun, applying some perfume before running outside the apartment you and Miguel owned. Locking it quickly and going down the stairs, exiting the building and getting in your girlfriends car
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You got to the club and went to the bar to get some drinks. Talking to a random guy that had already bought you half of your drinks, it was pretty evident that the guy was flirting, but you went with it, anything to not think about Miguel. You felt your phone vibrating in your purse, turning it on to see Miguel calling you, which surprised you, maybe he was gonna apologize? Or stop with the stupid silent treatment and come home. But you decided that should just ignore him, like he does to you, so he could feel how you felt.
You turned off your phone and kept talking with the guy, ignoring the phone that was blowing up like crazy. Getting bored from the guy you excused yourself from him and went to floor, dancing to the song, before hearing your ringtone again. With a sigh you went to a corner and picked up.
"Hey, I saw that you've been calling me, I have no service at the club, sorry" you quickly explained with a bitter tone "Donde estás?" Miguel asked, completely ignoring the fact you just mentioned it a second ago, he didn't believe you until he listened closely to the background noise. "I can't hear you I'm kinda busy" you say hurriedly before hanging up on him as you rolled your eyes, the purpose of being here was to get him off your head, not for him to be the main thing on your thoughts right now.
You looked over at the dance floor, seeing your girlfriends calling you over to dance, you quickly rushed over since your favorite song was playing. You started dancing ignoring the phone as Miguel blew up your texts, another call came in, you answered thinking if you answered it he would stop.
"Look, i can't text you with a drink my hand, eh?" You say at the phone, your voice almost not being audible by the loud music. "Why are you at club?" Miguel questioned angrily, his fast breathing being noticible through the speaker. "Shouldn't have left me hanging after the argument Miguel." You retort with a snort, you couldn't with him, not right now.
"Now, I'm kinda busy." You remarked coldly at man before hanging up. Shoving the phone back in your purse, you kept dancing until a fairly attractive guy started dancing with you, you both being dangerously too close. If Miguel where to see this, this mere guy, a stranger with his beloved, he'd turn this guy into dust, right there.
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Miguel quickly changed himself and got to the very same club you where at, no way was he gonna let you out there, mad at him and not afraid to do anything. He couldn't let someone else touch you, you were his, and only his.
He entered the club, to be greeted by the sight of you and that guy, being too close even for your own liking. Miguel scoffed at your actions making his way to you, pushing his way through the crowd of dancing strangers.
He finally got to you, shoving the guy away and placing his hands on your hips, as you hadn't notice that he was there.
You felt bigger hands on your hips as a breath left your lips as you felt Miguel's face in your neck. "Almost beat the guy to death" he said calmly in your neck as he caressed your hips slowly. Gradually sinking his fangs into your neck.
"Maybe this way people will know you're mine, mhm? That you have an owner" he whispered in your ear as he turned you over face him. He pulled your chin for you to look up at him, "You had me worried..." He sighed as he looked deep in your eyes with a frown. "I'm sorry for arguing earlier, I'll stop with how i treat you after our arguments, mhm?" He stated with a small smile before kissing you tenderly.
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I'm cfyin this is so shit and i love ATSV smmmm give me some asks or sum idc anything
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tobbotobbs · 1 year
what about cod men with reader who BLASTS music like ayesha erotica, nikki minaj and etc randomly while chilling or has headphones and does that while on field
Ohhhh I think they would probably be all so confused or worried if it happened in the middle of a mission lol, here my thoughts to that scenario:
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When Ghost heard you playing Nasty from Ayesha for the first time on the middle of interrogating someone they captured and kept alive on their mission, he was very irritated. Soap tried to get the new, right information out of the soldier meanwhile you two and Gaz stood in the darker corner, staring at the horrified man as you quietly sang the lines of the song playing over your headset.
,,Damn I'm sorry I blew you off, I was doing lunch with Microsoft. I'm sucking off a C.E.O, if he's not a millionaire then I've got to go~"
,,What the hell?! Y/n quit that singing! What even is that?", Ghost looked disgusted at you, questioning why he was even befriended with you in first place but quick to remember that you're actually his favorite person on earth, except for when you were listening to sich filth. In the middle of a mission. He quickly became used to it though, just told you once in a while to keep it down or put the music off if the operation was in need of your attention. He didn't enjoy the music as it was, the text too vulgar and flithy for his liking, but he couldn't deny that the melodies of some of your songs were quite catchy sometimes. Of course he grew even more annoyed when you and Gaz would play songs together on base and Soap would jump in on it with his ugly singing.
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He didn't knew you were listening to that kind of music. He sometimes heard you playing some songs as loud as you could in your room, but he never understood a thing of what was sang and your door was always locked, as if to keep people out from seeing you dance some kind of risky dance to this music. Oh boy, if he knew.
Emo Boy was suddenly playing. It scared the shit out if Soap, Kyle and yourself even though it was your ringtone.
,,Oh shit! Sorry guys, Mama's calling. Don't wait for me with the movie!", you were smiling at them and quickly picking up and talking to your mum over the phone.
,,Was that-", ,,Emo Boy by Ayesha Erotica?", ,,Oh. My. God. I heard that right?!!?", ,,Yeah...I didn't know Y/n would listen to that type of music Soap!", ,,Me neither Gaz...it's a catchy song though", ,,Oh it really is. Probably why he chose it?", ,,Yeah...you think he's also into other songs of that genre?", ,,Maybe. Are you?", ,,Oh hell nuh. Not me, no no".
Gaz raises a brow at that and smirks. Then they both start laughing. ,,Oh you are so listening to this kind of music man!", ,,Pah, and if I am? You knew the song by name and artist by just a few seconds of melody playing!", ,,Ah yeah you got me there mate heh"
,,Alright guys, I'm back! Let's start this movie night shall we?", you grinned and sat next to Kyle again, who just smiled at you and nodded, reaching for the remote control. ,,Tell me, is that the music you alway listen and dance to in your room?", ,,Uhm yeah, whx Kyle?", ,,...Wanna show me one of those dances someday?", he grinned suggestively and you just giggled at that.
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Oh this man showed you this tyoe of music, actually. He was playing some song from Doja Cat on the radio of the car from his so nicely called "Hype or Horn Me Up" playlist. You were confused at first. The words used in the songs were...interesting. And Soap was dancing and tapping to it like he was in some dance off. It was amusing and fun. Of course his taste in music wore off on you and so it surprised noone on the team when you were running past them on the field, gun in hand while looking as if you had the time of your life, the could hear for a short time the music blasting through your headphones as you went to go for the next kills.
,,I ain't tryna be cool like you hmmhmhmhmm", you sang while aiming to shoot an enemy, the new song coming on another Doja Cat favourite of you and soap. Hitting the target clean in the head you smirked. ,,I'm bitch. I'm a boss. I'm bitch, I'm a boss, I'm a shine like gloss!", ,,Oi yes you are Darlin!", Soap beamed from behind you. Price was just sighing and pinching his nosebridge while Ghost was just standing next to him like an annoyed older sibling.
You guys would play this type of music all around the base, 24/7. All week long. Until Price got so mad he made you do the dishes and gave you one month of cleaning duty. You did in fact not keep it down afterwards and everyone just had to live with it. Some of the younger recruits actually enjoyed it and envied you guys for that, made them feel less stressed and more relaxed.
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Oh boy. Oh. Boy. He nearly died. First time you blasted that music on the car ride to some pub out of town because you guys all got some time off duty? He was thinking about how he could never go to heaven now, or even just into a church. He would perish just standing on the steps of a church. But then he remembered, he wasn't even religious. So that was fine. But then he thought "Why the fuck is this muppet listening to THAT?!!?!?". You currently sat in the driver's seat and danced to S.L.U.T by Bea Miller. Before that a song way worse was playing, Price recalled (it was I Want Your Bite by Cara Cunningham). This one now wasn't too bad. It was quite nice actually. Way more innocent than ghe other one. John was thankful for that, he grew very hot and was all flustered by the other song which made him feel a little uncomfortable.
,,Oh we're nearly there Cap!", ,,Y-Yes. Just...just put the car to a stop yeah?", ,,Whatever you say Captain!", you smiled while the next song came on. ,,Oh my god this one is so good!". Price looked over to you, awaiting something more innocent again like before. He thought wrong.
,,Ride it, slide it, bite, get inside it
Come on, touch my body
I know that you like it, you can't hide it
Come on touch my body
Hotter, bigger, faster, longer, thicker
Come on touch my body!", you sang loud and proud to the lines of Treat Me Like A Slut by Kim Petras. John officially was a tomato now. He loved seeing you having your fun, but this was surely and never will be his kind of music choice.
,,Treat Me Like A Slut, little dirty bitch I love to fuck!", ,,Okayyy I think it's- oh look there's the pub! Get us a good parking lot and then we'll have some fun kid, a'right?", ,,Yes!".
Poor guy always gets all red when he hears some of his boys play such music. And with Soap and you, and occasionally also Kyle, on his team that was a lot of times. But he wouldn't be too mad about it. Just sometimes id you played it too loud or while he was in an important meeting. He did enjoy seeing you all have your fun so he is not too strict with punishments.
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You are playing some pretty filthy, nasty song in your shared house. Ale just came back from grocery shopping, Rudy in tow helping him with the bags. You were wearing just a shirt and boxers while singing to the song, looking through some magazines on the couch and just waiting for Alejandro to be back. He new of your guilty pleasure for those songs, this kind of music. He adored the way you would get all red sometimes when he talked about it to you, but he doesn't judge. He actually listens to songs like this as well. Obviously in spanish. He showed you some in his native language and you enjoyed them, even if you didn't know what was said.
Alejandro would laugh sometimes when you randomly put the music on while you were in a fight. It always made his mood go all the way up hearing and seeing you enjoy this music, especially if you would listen to the spanish ones he had shown you. For him it is no problem. He trusts you with being focused on missions so he allows you to listen to music, sometimes you even listen together over the radio.
The same goes for Rodolfo, but the poor guy would be worried sick if you would start blasting loud music on missions out of nowhere. Give the little guy a warning beforehand so he doesn't shoot you out of shock hehe. He also shows you songs in spanish, some that are not as filthy as yours but have the same kind of energy and he translates them for you.
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Little german/austrian boy listens to filthy music himself. He is the biggest Rammstein fan there is. One of his favourite songs is probably Bück Dich (Bend Over) and Dicke Titten (Big Boobs/Big Tits). He also really enjoys Labyrinth by OOMPH! It's not really filthy with words but the meaning is pretty dirty. It's also a banger like, he was so happy you enjoyed listening to music with him. To that kind of music as well. He really wantes to visit a Rammstein concert with you someday, if you said yes.
He doesn't listen to music on the job though. And because he's your colonel he asked you kindly to not do it either. On the flight to wherever the mission was? Yes of course he will even listen with you to calm his nerves. At the base? Sometimes he even gets Horangi to join you guys, who really hates this kind of music because he heard too much of it in hia home country (he absolutely hates kpop and all the horny people coming with it).
When you showed him some of your favourite artists and they would sing too fast or use words he didn't understand, you would try to translate for him and the most funny german ever. He told you it was fine to try to explain in english but you really wanted to make him happy and maybe even laugh a little when you tried to explain that the person in the song just sang "Ich möchte in deinen Titten ertrinken" (I wanna drown on those tits/boobs of yours). He is so sweet if someone came up and would make fun of you listening to such music, like he would finally use his rank for once and make them regret for ever saying that to you.
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patriwoso · 10 months
are you flirting with me?
lena oberdorf x reader
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“Pick up” You grumble, the facetime ringtone going on longer than you liked.
“Hey baby” She spoke, your favourite sound. “Sorry I left you hanging, my mom was on the phone.”
You bite you lip softly, fiddling with the drawstring on the hoodie you were wearing, her hoodie.
“Don’t worry, your here now. I missed your face.” You smirk softly.
“Are you flirting with me Miss Y/L/N” She gasps.
“Maybe I am, Miss Oberdorf.”
The next morning, your alarm wasn’t much help.
“Y/N!!” Gio shouts, barging through the door. “Wake up!” She throws a pillow at you.
“Fuck Gio” You groan, throwing the pillow back but completely off target.
“Spent too much time on call to you lover girl eh?” She teased.
You stuck your finger up at her then flopped your head back onto your pillow.
“What are you moping about?” Gio slumps beside you, trying to look at your phone to see who you were messaging.
“Hmm, nothing.” you quickly turn your phone off, not wanting her to see. “Why are you still up anyways, you said you were going to sleep.” You raise an eyebrow slightly.
Gio shrugged. “Got bored, came to make a drink.”
You fiddle with your phone case, eager for your own space to continue your message conversation.
“I went back to claim what was mine.” Gio looks at you.
“You what?” You look at her, confused.
“You used my face wash.. I just went to get it back. And i saw the polaroid on your cabinet.”
“Of….” You tried to act dumb but you knew exactly what she was talking about.
“You and.. Lena” She looked at you with an expression to tell you that you can let her know anything.
“Hmm” You hummed, blushing slightly.
“There was one of you kissing. Are you guys.. you know”
“Yes, well done detective Gio. Lena and I are dating.” You huff, admitting defeat.
“How long?”
“A year”
L x
I miss you ❤️
Miss you too pretty girl. Hope your flying over for my game at the weekend. I know your schedule is free 😉
L x
I’ll see what I can do x
You walked through the tunnel and out onto the pitch, standing beside Caitlin and Rafa as the UWCL anthem played throughout Emirates Stadium.
Wolfsburg had been knocked out of the competition at the quarter final stages by Lyon which meant Lena was able to fly over for your semi final game against Barcelona.
You didn’t know where about she was sat but you knew she was in the stadium. A member of the coaching staff managed to get you a couple tickets for the boxes for Lena and her friends.
When the whistle blew you played you absolute heart out. A sold out stadium against the best in the world and you dreams in the champions league all fell on this game.
You managed to score yourself a goal at the 27th minute but the enjoyment had been zapped right out of you when Aitana got an equaliser at the 34th.
Jonas’ half time team talk was simple. Keep possession and attack on the left, their weakest side.
You got out again, the ref blew the whistle and the second half began.
Foul after foul and finally the ref was on your side, giving Arsenal a free kick.
Frida took it and you got your head on the end, getting it past Paños.
You started celebrating, jumping onto your teammates, making it 2-1 at the 90th minute.
The ref blew the whistle and you looked up, confused. Then you felt your heart drop. 3 letters on the screen. VAR
“What!” You looked around, Lia’s hand falling onto your shoulder.
Lena was up in the crowd, her phone in hand and taking a video of the scene in front of her. When the ref confirmed the goal, you ran round the pitch. She smiled to herself, your jersey under her jumper.
“Well done, my girl.” She whispered under her breath.
The full time whistle blew and you had beaten the spanish side. You did a lap of the pitch and signed a few things for some fans.
A young boy asked for your shirt but you had to tell him you’d promised it to someone else. That someone in the crowd too.
You made your way up to the box Lena was in with Jule, Jill and Lynn.
“MVP MVP MVP” They started chanted.
You blushed and told them to shut up, embarassed as everyone looked at you.
You slipped your arms around Lena’s waist and buried you head into her neck. She whispered in your ear. “You are amazing, talented, a special girl.”
“Are you flirting with me, Miss Oberdorf.” You giggled softly.
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httpsserene · 8 months
i've been looking for weeks and months but can't find a single x male reader fic/au/etc... could u spare sum for the boys too😭🤲
ɪ ᴄᴀʀᴇ ᴡ/ ᴍᴠ33
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📖ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: max is over at daniel’s where they're supposed to be doing whatever best buds do. but somehow, the topic of his father comes up, and it brings max to a…realization of sorts. it also causes the two of you to argue, and for several discoveries to be made in the early morning hours; some of the depressing-kind, and some of the heartwarming-and-life-changing-kind. 📖ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ:  angst and fluff (hurt/comfort). argument. jos verstappen's a+ parenting. no beta we die like alphatauri's engines. 📖ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 4k words 📖ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: max verstappen x male!reader (race not specified) 📖ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: oneshot 📖ꜱᴏᴜɴᴅᴛʀᴀᴄᴋ: ivy • frank ocean
ᴘʀᴇꜰᴀᴄᴇ:  i *usually* don’t write for male readers (as a cis woman idk i think it’s sus? idk, but maybe it’s not since i do support and love mxm ships, so maybe that’s hypocritical?)....but since it is my first request and max’s birthday (when i started writing this) i figured i could spare sum for da boys :)))) i scrolled through the tag and most of it was f1 x platonic!male!reader which is lowkey depressing, the boys deserve to simp wholeheartedly with us girlies ✊🏽  i hope “the boys” enjoy this and it makes the f1 x male!reader life a lil better! (you also didn’t specify who you wanted, so i went with max bc of his birthday) big shout out to the best kitties in the world, jimmy and sassy, for being great sports in this fic ☠️ they were wonderful setting devices!  this is not an accurate description of max’s relationship with his father. we all don’t know what’s going on there, but it did become a wonderful plot point. so, it’ll probably be the only thing jos the boss is good for besides being max’s sperm-donor 🙂.
want to be added to my taglist? or my f1 kinktober taglist? send me a message !
prompts from @forestryprompts and @dumplingsjinson
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it’s 3:23 AM, and you’re brutally jarred out of your sleep by your phone ringing. you’re disoriented–still in that sleepy “where the fuck am i” stage–and don’t quite catch the first phone call. a few seconds pass by without another call, and you’re convinced you hallucinated. usually, there’s only two reasons for you to be disturbed in the middle of the night. number one, when sassy “accidentally” presses all ten pounds of her body weight into your spleen with one paw; and number two; when max returns from partying, a late flight, or streaming. glancing around, you guess sassy is the bengal curled up on max’s side of the bed, gravitating to where his scent is the strongest as max is over at daniel’s; missing her favorite parent. and you guess that jimmy’s the heat source curled against your feet under the duvet, as that’s his favorite spot to sleep and his favorite place to prey on your toes. you lay straight back, head resting on your pillow and shrug, dismissing it as a problem for the morning.
then another call starts ringing through. now, you’re awake enough to start processing the important information. you always set your phone on dnd when going to bed, and there’s only a few numbers that are set to bypass it during sleep. this ringtone in particular, identifies the caller as max, which is peculiar. max doesn’t disturb your sleep unless absolutely necessary, he already feels guilty enough for doing so when traveling. with that thought, you reach for the phone with a reaction time you’d only relate to your boyfriend’s occupation. 
you breathe out, “maxy, baby? are you okay? did something happen?”
a panicked and slightly desperate giggle slips out of the receiver, “heyyyy, it’s daniel, actually–”
“daniel?” you softly exclaim, sitting up in bed, worriedly continuing, “where’s max? did something happen? is he okay–”
“well,” daniel starts, “i wouldn’t say he’s ‘okay’, so to speak–” 
“oh my god! what does that mean, daniel? i’m coming over right now give me like, fifteen minutes–” you say rushedly, already leaping out of the bed. jimmy yowls in shock of being disturbed, panically darting out of the duvet, and sassy shoots up–airplane ears activated and all. 
daniel cuts you off, “NO! uh, no! i’m actually already on the way back to yours with him right now! he’s like- kinda drunk- tipsy i guess, one would say uh- but–”
“are you driving, daniel? if-if you’ve drank you should’ve let him sleep over, or called me to come get him if he’s being a menace!”
“no, uh-” daniel starts whispering, “we’re in an uber. ma- i mean- your boyfriend is kind of out of it, and not in a drunk way.”
“what the fuck,” you bite out, switching to hold the phone to your ear with your shoulder, as you pull on a pair of sweatpants (max’s) over your boxers, “does that mean, daniel?!”
“so, like,” daniel whispers even quieter, “hypothetically, we started talking about ma- sorry, his- wonderful childhood, and i guess me saying that seeing his father stabbing a mechanic with a fork isn't a normal thing to experience, kind of sent him into a spiral.”
“oh, fuck” you pause, while pulling one of max’s championship hoodies on. 
“yeah, that’s pretty much what i’d say,” daniel sighs, “but, then um, he tried to like rationalize it to me? like, he’d bring up different crazy memories, and i’d be like ‘no, mate, that’s not normal either,’ and everytime he’d bring up a positive interaction with his dad, he realized it correlated to how well he performed, and he kind of um-shut down.”
“oh. fuck.” you repeat. sassy, in a rare show of solidarity, winds between your legs and mews gently at you as if she’s letting you know that she’s here. “um, well,” you say, running a stressed hand through your hair, “you should be on max’s list to come up to the apartment, but i’ll call down to give them a heads up. text me when you get here, please?”
“will do,” daniel perks up, “i’m sorry by the way. i should’ve left it alone, or distracted him away from the topic. but you know how he gets, probably better than me.” 
now it’s your turn to let a depressing chuckle escape, “probably not, dan. i’ve known him for fourteen years and dated him for five of those, and he hasn’t done more than agree that his dad ‘isn’t perfect’” you wave your hand through the air, brushing the train of thought away, “anyways, i can get the spare room ready for you, so you don’t have to uber back?”
daniel nervously laughs, “forgive me for saying this, but i don’t really want to be present for whatever conversation is going to happen. or have to pretend like i’m unaware of anything. max would do his best to avoid me for as long as he can if he knew i was around, and i don’t want to risk that…after what happened when i left red bull.”
“yeah, you’re right. don’t forget to text me when you get here,” you state.
daniel’s text comes through when you’ve just gathered the ibuprofen and water bottles. you thumbs-up the message, and go to sit in the living room to wait for a knock on the door.  you plop down on the couch and your leg bounces anxiously. jimmy gracefully hops up into your lap, and he must be an emotional support cat because he sits down on that leg, and leans into your torso butting his head into your chest asking for pets. you indulge him, a shaky laugh erupting, “thanks, jimmy,” and you lean down to press a few kisses to his cheeks. silence overcomes the room, and then three knocks break the still air in the apartment, and both you and jimmy jump off the couch and race to the entryway. you push jimmy behind you with a foot as you open the door, knowing damn well he’ll sneak into the hallway if given a chance. 
max stumbles through the doorway first. his eyes are bloodshot with a cold and unseeing look glazed over them, red-rimmed and looking so distraught at tonight’s realization, that your heart aches for him. you wish you could take his pain away, or at least carry some of it for him. his hair is sticking out in different directions like he was anxiously tugging at it, but the most surprising observation is the tear tracks on his cheeks. max doesn’t cry, like at all. 
well, that’s not exactly true. he’s one of the men that says crying is “strong” and not a sign of weakness when you cry and even encourages you to cry it out on his chest. but, when it’s himself, he refuses to cry until everything gets too much. he’ll come up to you and sit or stand pressed right up against you, grabs at and plays with your hand to let you know that he needs comfort, before he looks at you and softly asks with a cracking voice if he can have a hug. you always set aside what you’re doing as quickly as you can, because you’re not going to let an opportunity of caring for max in a rare vulnerable time pass, and pull him into your chest. even though he’s broader than you, he appears to shrink himself within your arms, and presses his face into your shoulder while he cries. his tears are always silent, but his body is loud; he shakes, and his hands grab at whatever you’re wearing in fists like he’s afraid that you’d slip out of his grasp.
anyways, you’ve never known him to really cry with other people. with a soft, “max…” you reach out to him, but he brushes right past your hand and goes straight for the bedroom. jimmy trots after him, and sassy falls into step from whatever pocket she was hiding in. you freeze, shocked at his behavior while also understanding, he’s had a life-changing realization that he’s never allowed himself to address. you feel guilty that you're jealous of the fact that he had it with daniel. 
daniel clears his throat, still standing outside the doorway, “...you know he doesn’t mean to ignore you like that, right?”
you nod, “when did he start crying?”
“he held it together until we got into the uber, i think. he was turned towards the window the whole time and refused to look at me. i didn’t notice he cried until we got out.”
“are you sure you don’t want to stay the night? it’s late, dan. or at least let me get you the uber back” you offer again with a questioning look.
daniel refuses both options, “nah, don’t worry about it. i’ll make max take me to lunch one day to pay me back. i’d say good luck but that seems redundant. be gentle with him, alright?”
you sigh, “i’ll be gentle, dan. can’t say the same for him,” daniel’s face saddens more, “get home safe alright, dan? text me when you get there.”
“of, course,” daniel nods, “goodnight.”
you watch him walk into the elevator before closing the door. you turn the lock, and step forward until you can rest your forehead onto the cool wood. eventually, you push off the door and turn around to grab the water and ibuprofen from the settee and make your way to the bedroom. max is sitting at the foot of the bed, elbows on his knees and his head resting in his hands.
pausing, you place the water and meds on the nightstand first, then you sit next to him and lightly place your hand on his upper back, attempting to rub between his shoulder blades to provide comfort. max shrugs your hand off. you pause, blinking a few times trying to discover the best course of action. you decide to ignore the second blatant dismissal of the night, and pull his hand off his face and push him to sit up straight. you forcefully straddle his lap, ignoring his grumbles, and grab his face, thumbs resting on his cheeks and directing him to look straight at you. 
“max, you’ve got to communicate with me here. i was terrified, when daniel called me! you refuse to talk about your dad with me, which is fine, okay? but you have to talk to somebody. whether it’s me, daniel, a therapist, christian, or even fucking helmut marko—you need to talk to someone. you’ve repressed this shit your whole life, and when whatever film you had over your eyes when looking at your father slipped away, you shut down completely? that can’t happen again! i don’t want it to happen again…daniel sounded completely fucking terrified—like he was afraid he broke you or something. and if you’re scaring me right now with how-h-how out of it you look, i can’t imagine what it was like for him,” you finish, taking a few deep breaths. max doesn’t say anything, just stares at you blankly. 
you make a distressed groan, both hands releasing max’s face to rub at your eyes and drag down your cheeks. doing so, you continue talking, “max. you don’t even have to talk, baby, not to me at least. i don’t care if you journal, if you meditate, if you go goddamn axe throwing; but, you need to see a professional. cause, how your brain is coping, and how you’re rationalizing it isn’t good. you aren’t the problem, nothing you could’ve done differently would have made your dad change; you are not the problem, max, he is. okay? i’ve known you for fourteen years, and not once have i pressured the topic after you said that ‘you’re fine,’ but, you have to at least promise me that you’ll start doing something.”
max parts his lips, thinking about what to say, as you fully sit on his lap. you look at him with wide eyes filled with worry—with care— and you’re anxiously playing with the hairs on the nape of your neck. 
“i don’t want to talk about it.”
“that’s not an option,” you state, with a furrowed brow, “can you at least tell me what caused the breakdown?”
and, that’s what gets get’s max going. his cheeks flush, and his eyes darken, and he starts talking with a firmer voice.
“it wasn’t a breakdown, first of all. i was just overwhelmed and overreacting. it’s nothing serious, like you’re pretending it is. i don’t need this—this false worry, showing up all of sudden when you know how the relationship between my father and i has been for all of the time we’ve known each other.”
you pull away, retreating off his lap and stand in front of him with your arms crossed over your chest. 
“false worry?? that’s what you think this is,” you start with an exasperated tone, “max, ‘for all the time we’ve known each other’ all you’ve done is deflect from my questions about you two, or tell me that everything is fine when it’s clearly not! and i gave you the space you wanted, because i was afraid that you’d stop talking to me, that you’d stop trusting me. but now, as your boyfriend, i can’t let it go unaddressed anymore!”
“you already did for fourteen years! it shouldn’t be that difficult for you to keep ignoring it.”
“because you asked me to, max! you didn’t want to talk about it then, and you need to talk about it now! i don’t give a fuck if you don’t want to share it with me, but it needs to be with somebody!”
“i already told you I didn’t want to talk about it, yet you keep insisting!” 
“that’s because i fucking care about you!” 
“well, did i ask for you to care about me?”
you’re stunned silent. the room is filled with heavy breaths from the two of you. this might be the most serious argument you’ve had, in awhile, or ever. 
it’s the third blatant dismissal of the night, and you’re calling it quits, daniel did tell you to be gentle, and if you keep going like this you’re word choice will become less gentle.
“you���re right,” you exhale, relaxing your clenched jaw, “you didn’t ask for me to care. and you shouldn’t have to ask for anybody to care. and, for some ‘unbelievable’ reason, i do happen to actually care,” you finish, your words dripping with exhaustion and defeat.
you walk around to the side of the bed, grabbing a pillow off the top and point at the nightstand, “the ibuprofen and water are for you. at least, finish one bottle before you go to bed, please.” you start walking towards the closet. 
“wait,” max calls out, finally standing up with a confused look in his eyes, “why’d you grab a pillow?”
you grab a blanket out of the closet, and sigh, “i’m sleeping on the couch.”
“what? no-no you’re not,” max stutters out, disbelieving.
“uh, yes i am.”
“what, no! no, schatje, i’m sorry, please come to bed,” max utters out, looking absolutely heartbroken. 
“i’m going to sleep on the couch, max,” you repeat, “if i go to bed, i won’t be able to not talk about it, and we’re clearly going to talk in circles about it. both of us are tired, frustrated, and mad, and we’re going to end up even angrier, so i’m going to sleep on the couch.”
max, crossing the room quickly, grabs at your waist with his large hands, and pleads, “if you’ve made up your mind about it, you can at least take the bed, i’ll sleep on the couch, schat.”
you, grab his hands off your waist, having to fight him a little bit for it (you may be a man, but your man is a professional athlete, you’ll be outmatched any day) and press them into his chest, “you’re still pretty drunk, max. i’ll let you take the bed so you can be comfortable, you seem like you’re going to have a pretty bad hangover, i can smell the alcohol on you still.”
max looks upset, but eventually concedes. you press your lips to his cheek, “i’ll see you in the morning, babe. then, with clearer minds we can talk, ‘kay?”
sassy baps jimmy on the face before nuzzling in between max’s legs, while jimmy makes to follow you out as you shut the door gently.
situating yourself on the couch, you squeeze your eyes shut. usually you’d be hugging max’s arm to your chest but tonight, jimmy is benevolent enough to leave his usual spot at your feet to fill in for max. even with the comfort the bengal’s purring body provides, you know you’re only in for a fitful night of sleep.
you wake up a few hours later, your body not able to keep you under for long you guess, as the early morning sun has barely started lightening the room. you take a minute to get your bearings, not used to waking up on the couch (in the past when you have accidentally fallen asleep on the couch, you magically wake up in bed laying on top of your boyfriend, how weird), and jimmy is no longer laying with you. he’s with max, who’s sitting on his floor below you, with his back facing you.
you rub at your eyes and whisper, “max?” he startles, and turns around to face you. his eyes have fresh bags underneath, his hair is still slightly damp from a shower, and you can tell he hasn’t gotten any sleep. even though you got a couple hours of shut-eye, the matching bags under your eyes prove that your sleep was restless.
“hey,” he whispers back sheepishly, “i know you told me to go to bed, but i couldn’t fall asleep. i only came out here a few minutes ago though, and i was just going to wait until you woke up in the morning.”
you sit up straight, and pull max onto the couch with you, “max, what? you could’ve at least layed down on the other couch, and not sit on the–”
max cuts you off.
“i just…couldn’t go to bed alone tonight, okay? i still feel raw–i think is the word for it. i’m exhausted and cried out, and the only person who can make me feel better is you right now. so i was just going to sit here, and be next to you, without disturbing you like you wanted, because being in your general vicinity already makes me feel better, even if you're mad at me.”
your mouth is left gaping, and you feel guilty now, your chest aches. leaving max at a time where he was vulnerable, even if you were right down the hallway–
“and, don’t feel bad about your decision to sleep out here. you decided that space was the best course of action for you, and you are probably right, because i was ready to argue with you,” max continues rambling, “honestly, you sleeping out here made me realize that i never want you to be angry with me like that, ever again. at first, i was scared that if i opened up about my relationship with my dad you would think i’m weak, or that you'd judge me for it, or that you’d leave me. but when i was in the shower earlier, i got really…scared.”
he pauses, taking a few deep breaths and you don’t make to interrupt him.
“i got scared because i thought you left me right now. that you lied to me about sleeping on the couch, and you were actually planning to leave. and, obviously you did not, you are still here right now but, it made me realize that i do need to talk to you. and that the reason i thought you were leaving was because of how i thought i scared you away with my issues. but i realize now, that the way i’ll scare you away is by not talking about my issues,” he turns to look at you with an earnest expression.
“so, if you are okay with it, i will talk to you. about everything, even though it may take me some time to work up the courage. i am uncomfortable with talking to a…professional, but i will, if you truly think it will help me. but i do not want to risk the chance that my refusal to communicate costs me a lifetime with you,” he ends.”
you stare at him blankly, and max begins to fidget at your silence. you lean forward and pull him into a hug, tears gathering in your eyes. he nestles his head in the crook of your neck, and presses gentle kisses into your skin. 
“max, all i want is for you to talk to me about it. i want to share the burden you feel, and understand you better than the back of my hand. most of all, i hope having somebody who understands you to that depth makes you feel lighter, and validates your emotions.”
max says something, but it’s muffled by your body.
“what was that, baby?”
max pulls away to look at you with bashful eyes and pinkened cheeks, “you know i can’t imagine my life without you.”
“likewise,” you respond, just as meek.
“no, really. i've fallen in love with you,” he continues.
“max, you told me you loved me years ago,” you say laughingly.
“no, like, i’ve fallen in love with you again. everytime i think i can’t fall any deeper, you manage to prove me wrong,” he says intensely.
you pout at him, hands coming up to feel at your heated cheeks, “oh, max! stop, you’re going to make me cry. that’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me. i fall in love with you again, everytime you finish a race, and come home to me. that you chose me as the man you want to see after a tiring race weekend, regardless of the outcome. 
max smiles all teeth, “there’s no other person i want to share my highs and lows with. well, hopefully more highs than lows. i have the ring for you already, but i at least need to win eight championships before i retire so you’re able to marry a record-breaking champion. i am proposing to you this year though, i cannot wait any longer.”
you stare at him unseeing for a minute, and he looks awfully confused for a man who just announced his plans to give you his last name. 
“max,” you start shakingly, “what do you mean you already have the ring?”
max’s carefree expression drops, and becomes pale, “what are you talking about? i never said anything about a ring–”
“you literally just did?! the part before you said you were proposing to me this year, and before becoming an eight-time world–”
max claps, cutting you off while standing up. he offers you his hand, “alright! we should go to bed now, right? together, yes that’s a great idea.”
taglist: @saintslewis @cherry2stems
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© httpsserene 2023
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clinemezes · 1 year
change of plans
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paring: ethan landry x fem!reader (reader uses she/her pronouns)
*no gf au
summary: you and ethan had plans to meet up with the rest of the group, but there's a slight change of plans.
it was a rainy friday afternoon, classes were over and you were in your dorm. you were alone since your roommate went on a school trip with other people from her class, but you didn't mind- you had the whole place to yourself.
sam had planned for a "family night" and you, ethan, mindy, chad and anika were all supposed to meet up at her apartment, since tara and quinn already lived there. sam even invited danny, or 'cute boy' as quinn called him.
it was currently 6:45, and you were waiting for ethan, who was at econ. econ didn't end until 8:00 but he texted you and said he was leaving early. you figured he was leaving earlier because you were supposed to meet at sam's but what you didn't know was that ethan was tired.
Ethan's Pov:
i left econ early, just like i promised y/n i would. i was going to stop at my dorm first but honestly, i'm too tired. plus her dorm is closer and a shorter walk.
my back was killing me, almost weighing me down from all the heavy textbooks in my bookbag, and my feet feel like they're about to just give up.
i was going to text y/n that i was on the way but my phone died. i didn't care though, i just needed to be with her.
you were growing impatient. you sent him like a hundred texts but he didn't respond to any of them.
is ethan ignoring me?
no, surely he wouldn't do that-
a knock on the front door interrupted your thoughts. you answer it, and it was exactly who you knew it would be.
but he looks so stressed..and dreadful?
"hey eth." you say softly.
but he doesn't respond. instead he walks through the door, closing it behind him and wraps his arms around your waist, letting his head fall onto your shoulders.
"i miss you." he mumbled. it was almost inaudible, but you still heard it.
you pull back from the hug and bring your hands up to cup his face.
"are you okay?" you ask him.
"i'm just tired, that's all." he mumbles again.
you nod, taking his hand and leading him into your bedroom. you then sit on your bad and watch as ethan takes off his shoes and dramatically dumps his bookbag on the floor.
you get yourself into a comfortable position, preparing for what you knew was bound to happen next.
"c'mere" you whisper, and seconds later, ethan if flopping himself down on top of you. using you as his personal pillow.
his head lies on your chest, legs tangled with yours and his arms wrapped lazily around you.
with one hand holding the remote trying to find something to watch, the other one finds it's way into ethan's hair, softly playing with it.
you guys didn't say much after that, but occasionally made small talk.
"where's your roommate?"
"she's on that school trip, remember?
"oh yeah."
about half an hour later, ethan was out like a light. lightly snoring every once in a while.
and eventually, you found yourself dozing off as well.
that of course was until mindy called you, the familiar ringtone made you jump a little.
however, ethan wasn't fazed and was still sound asleep.
"hello?" you answer, voice a little streaky.
"y/n! where the hell are you and ethan?!"
your eyes widened.
oh shit
you had completely forgotten that you were supposed to meet up at sam's place tonight.
you look down at ethan. he looked so peaceful and you couldn't bring yourself to wake him up.
"y/n? hello?"
"oh yeah. we're uh- we're kinda busy"
"doing what?" she exclaimed.
you're about to respond when ethan stirred a little, turning his head to look up at you.
"who's that?" ethan mouthed.
you smile at him, shaking your head.
"i'll call you later." you said into the phone, not even answering mindy's question.
"y/n wait-"
you hang up before she can finish and ethan gives you a questioning look.
"it was just mindy." you tell him.
he shoots up and starts to panic.
"oh that game night of whatever was tonight wasn't it? oh my god what time is it-"
"hey calm down e, it's okay"
"well i feel bad now."
"it's okay. just lay back down and go back to sleep." you were quick to reassure him.
"are you sure?" he asks, eyes still glossy from the lack of sleep.
you nod your head, you can tell he feels guilty. but y'all were already late, two hours late- so why wake him up?
a couple minutes later, ethan went back to sleep, still laying on top of you and you occupied yourself watching the movie that was playing on the tv.
you get a text and you sigh because you already knew who it was. except it wasn't just mindy this time, it was the whole groupchat.
mindy: why'd you hang up on me?
mindy: you never answered my question
tara: yeah where the hell are you guys??
tara: we're having so much fun!
anika: wish you were here 🥺
sam: yeah we even got those cookies that you and ethan like
chad: oh those were for y/n and ethan? i ate them already 😐
chad: my bad
you laugh at the texts before quickly responding.
y/n: i told you guys that we are busy
y/n: sorry we're not there
tara: that's a shame
anika: you guys are totally missing out!
mindy: BUSY DOING WHAT!???
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anika: aww 😊
chad: seriously? y'all are ditching us so you can cuddle? 🙄
anika: you guys are so cute!!
mindy: gross
mindy: really just blew us off so you can stay in bed all night 😑
y/n: it wasn't intentional
y/n: we'll be there next game night!
sam: **FAMILY night
y/n: whatever
danny: maybe the next family night should be at y/n's place?
chad: wtf
chad: who the hell invited him to the groupchat? 🤨
you put your phone down and laugh. ethan is going to wake up wondering why he has thirty messages from the group and probably like one hundred missed calls from chad.
Sam's Pov:
i walk in the kitchen and smile as i hear the group talking,
"wow." "can't believe we're out here partying and they're at home cuddling." "gross."
even though y/n and ethan weren't here, i'm glad everyone else showed up, well, except quinn. well, she was here, but she hasn't came out of her room all night. she was too busy screwing some random guy from school in her class. she probably didn't even know his name.
i put more chips in the bowl, joining the others in the living room. i was about to ask what movie we should watch but i was interrupted by quinn's faint, loud voice coming from her bedroom.
"wait she's been here the whole time?" anika asked, confused.
chad turns to danny and pats his shoulder.
"man, maybe you're right. maybe we should have family night at y/n's place next time."
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talkdutchtome · 10 months
Charles Lecrerc
Childhood friends to lovers
I've Loved You Since Before I Knew What Love Was
Pairings- Charles Leclerc x Childhoodbestfriend!Reader
Warnings- Mentions of cheating, Angst with a happy ending, not proof-read
Notes- This is pretty short but let me know if you would like a part 2. This is also my first one-shot so i do apologise is if it isn't very good- my writing is a work in progress!
Masterlist Requests
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“Charles can I come over?”  
 It was two am and you just had a huge argument with your on-and-off again boyfriend. He had come home drunk again with lipstick marks on his shirt and scratches all over his back; casing a screaming match between the two of you that eventually ended up with you leaving your shared apartment telling him that you were over and that he’d never see you again. You’d be back tomorrow of course, you knew that, he knew that, and Charles knew that too. Which is why, when he woke up in the middle of the night to the ringtone he set specially for you, he didn’t need to ask why you were calling or why you needed to come over. This situation had happened a thousand times over; you have an argument with your boyfriend, so you phone him up begging him to let you stay at his apartment, he lets you come over and cry on his shoulder, sleep in his bed all the while hiding the feelings he’s had for you for as long as he can remember.  
Charles had been your best friend since you were both 9 years old. He remembers the day he met you like it was yesterday, he thinks about it almost every day. You were sat all alone on the school playground, having just moved to Monaco from the UK. Due to your lack of knowledge of the French language most of the children had ignored you all day, apart from one. A young Charles Leclerc approached you, sat on the bench next to you and started a conversation in albeit broken English. Despite the language barrier, something clicked that day between the two of you and you had been best friends ever since. From that day on you were both completely inseparable, to the point that everyone who knew you thought you were together. Even though everytime somebody asked what was between the two of you, you just laughed it off stating that you were best friends but nothing more, Charles couldn’t help but think that you would eventually end up together; how could you not he used to think to himself, this is how the story is supposed to end. That was until your boyfriend came into the picture and Charles had to give himself a reality check, had to constantly remind himself that it was you and somebody else now, that he would never get a chance to show you how good he could love you.  
Not only did Charles have to accept that you and him were now never going to happen, but he also had to accept that now you had a boyfriend, you didn’t have the same time that you used to have for him. The races you attended became few and far between, you would cancel plans with him, telling him that you were busy with work but then he would open Instagram and see that you were out with your boyfriend. The worst thing about it all for Charles was knowing that your boyfriend didn’t care about you, he didn’t appreciate you. Charles had heard from your own mouth all of the horrible things he had done to you. No matter what Charles did, no matter how well he had treated you for 16 years; he still came second to somebody who disrespected you, who cheated on you endlessly. There was nothing Charles could ever do to be enough for you, nothing he could do to make you love him like he loved you. 
That’s why, when he got your call, when he heard you rambling about all the horrible things your boyfriend had done this time, he wanted to tell you not to come, to tell you to go and find a different shoulder to cry on. But of course, he didn’t do that, because before you were the girl who he loved hopelessly, you were his best friend; and he knew that no matter what he would always be there when his best friend needed him.  So, he let you know that the key to his apartment was under the door mat like usual and he was already pouring two glasses of your favorite wine (the same wine he always kept a stash of despite not particularly enjoying it himself). 
“I just don’t know why he keeps doing this. He tells me all the time that he loves me and that I’m the only one he wants, but then he comes home smelling like someone else” the same words you had spoken so many times tumbling from your mouth as you sat on Charles’ couch. He listens to every word you say, although he doesn’t need to, having heard them so many times he could give the advice he gave to you in his sleep. The advice he gives you is genuine; he tells you that you deserve more than somebody who treats you like that. This conversation is like muscle memory to him at this point, until you say something you havent said in any of the other conversations before- “But who else would want me? Have you ever thought that I go back to him because this is all I can get, all I deserve” Charles is stunned, he immediately wants to tell you that he’s right here and he’s loved you since before he knew what love was; but he doesn’t. He doesn’t tell you that because your friendship, even in this completely dysfunctional state, means too much to him to lose. Instead, he tells you that he knows that there's someone out there for you, you just have to find them. “You're such a good friend” you tell him and despite the fact that he knows that’s all he is and all he’ll ever be, the words hit him like a ton of bricks.  
The next morning Charles wakes up on the couch and even though he already knows that he’ll find when he walks into his bedroom, he still goes to check. Just like every other time this has happened, you had left whilst he was still sleeping, leaving behind only a note that thanked him for his friendship. There is no doubt in his mind that your boyfriend had phoned you early hours of the morning to apologize and beg for your forgiveness, there is also no doubt in his mind that you had accepted his apologies and had gone home to kiss and make up with him and even though he had been through this situation more times that he can count, each time he can feel his heartbreaking a little more. 
The next time he sees you is a month later, in a circumstance so similar to the one before that it would be humorous if it wasn’t so infuriating. The one difference was the patience that Charles had for the situation; he had a bad week at work, first you said you were going to come to the race and then just didn’t turn up, then a Ferrari strategy error fucked up his race so badly he ended up finishing P14. But in spite of all that, he still sat up talking with you until almost four in the morning. He was tired, angry and just plain sick of hurting so when your phone rang and the screen lit up with a nauseating picture of you and your boyfriend kissing, indicating who was phoning you, Charles simply took your phone and declined the call. “Charles what the fuck?” you asked him half angry half confused.  
“Okay you need to listen to me. You can go and call that prick in a minute if you really want to but first you need to listen to me. I don’t even know who you are anymore. We have been best friends since we were children and yet the only time, I see you now is when you need me to comfort you. I get phone calls from your mum asking if you're okay because you go months at a time without even sending her so much as a text message. You are constantly disrespecting yourself by going back to the same person no matter what he does, and I have loved you too hard and for too long to be able to sit and watch it for any longer. I just can’t do it any-” his rant trails off once he catches sight of your shocked face and it dawns on him what he’s just said, “You love me?” you ask him with a trembling voice. He looks at you, looking up at him with your doe eyes wide, holding back tears. He stumbles over his words, trying to find some way to back track, to find a way to back to before he told you how he felt and ruined your friendship forever. Now is the time, you realize, now is the time to tell him everything you had never told him. The time to tell him that you had been pining over him since you met each other and that for so long you truly thought you would both be together, but when he made it into Formula 1 and you saw the endless models who you knew he could have at the drop of a hat, you realized you never stood a chance and forced yourself to move on. Now is the time to tell him how you constantly went back to your boyfriend no matter how he treated you, because you were trying to force yourself not to love Charles. Now was the time to tell him that you had loved Charles since before you knew what love was. But when you opened your mouth, nothing came out, years after years of suppressing those feelings had made it, so you were physically unable to voice them, so you did the next best thing. You leant over and connected your lips with his, letting the fireworks that erupted when your mouth touched his do the talking.  
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kimingyuslover · 15 days
the call
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synopsis : you never thought that one call could leave you in a tearful night.
word count : 759
pairing : lee seokmin x afab!reader
warnings : reader is mentioned wearing a dress, angst (sorry not sorry), tears.
a.n : i feel like i need more angst in my life & i want to create a oneshot that will have the readers bawling their eyes out. idk to you guys, but i cried a little while writing this.
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the white mini dress you wore is adoring to everyone's eyes. you decided that it was time for you to have a date again, after your last one, which is 3 weeks ago.
the night ends so quickly, the date went absolutely wonderful, you have to thank Mingyu– who arranged this date, with lots of food.
"yeah, the date went so excellent! i think we'd have another date next week" you say as you start to open your laptop to finish the proposal you've been writing for ages.
"should i expect a barbecue dinner next month? you probably ended with this guy" Mingyu said on the other side, making you let out a giggle.
"i don't know, but maybe—
you got cut off by the ringtone from your phone, someone calls you, "wait a sec Mingyu, i need to pick up another call" which Mingyu answered with, "yeah sure, call me again right after that"
you can't figure the name of the contacts on your phone, and you can't remember whose this number belongs to, but you answer it because you think it's maybe something important?
"hello?" you let out.
"y/n," the other person replied. you know who this is, and you're planning to hang up the call, but before you can do it, he speaks again.
"i'm sorry! please don't hang up, i need to let this out, my hearts feels heavy if i have to carry this every day." he said, you replied nothing, and he take that as a yes, he can speak to you.
"i want you to know that, i still love you. i messed up a big time while we're still in a relationship, i'm sorry that i don't take the blame even though it's my fault, i'm sorry i neglected you, neglected our relationship. i need you to know that my heart still belongs to you. i tried, i really tried to leave you alone because that's what a good ex should do, right? but when i heard you already go on dates, my heart started to aches so much that it really brought tears to my eyes. that night, i had a few drinks because of the pressure my company put me in, i shouldn't lashed it out on you that night. i'm not in my right state of mind. my mind wanders around when you leave me, i feel miserable, i feels like shit, an asshole, a prick, bastard, and other terms that i used to believe i'm not one of them. i promise your mom to always protect you, but in the end, i was the one who hurt you," you heard him letting out a silent sobs. you don't want to cut him. you feel your own tears start to huddle in your eyes.
"i never made any attempt to make time for you because i think, i need space where i'm alone, far from you, and of course, i was wrong. i never want you to be far from me, i want you to hold me close every time I had a shitty day like you used to before my work schedule demanding every time i have and i start to distancing myself from you. i regret every single second when i'm thinking about what i did to you, i never deserved you, and you deserve so much more than me," now, it's your time to let out your silent sobs.
"Everyday, every night when i see my apartment, all i see is you. every corner of this building held it memory of you, i missed you, i missed us before everything happens" notices your sobs, he pauses for awhile.
"you don't need to answer me, i just want to let you know that every inch of me loves you until now. you deserve a man who can make his time for you, who can control his emotion better than me," he stop for a second, "who can love you better than i do"
that's your breaking down point. you try to speak, "seokmin, i'm sorry"
"it's not your fault. it's mine, it's never yours, i made us this way, so i have to accept it. " he chuckles dryly, and not long after that, he hangs up the call.
minutes later, you received a text from the same number
i'm not drunk or tipsy. everything that comes out of my mouth is proof that i, in fact, is still mourning for our relationship.
i hope you'll have a good life, away from me, goodbye, my love.
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jackhues · 8 months
(mockingbird au!) mother's day - platonic!hughes
request: okay hear me out for your mockingbird au maybe it’s mother’s day or father’s day and un buys a gift of either jim or ellen and a little card with something like to the second mom i always wanted 🥺🫶🏼
requested by: anon : )
notes: continue sending in requests for the au! check out the request rules below! thanks for requesting <3
likes are good, reblogs are better <3
mockingbird! au request rules!
tags: @woodruff-edwards , @austinbutlerscaresme , @svechnikovvv ,  @hockeyboysarehot , @emptyflowerpots , @mysticaldonkey ,  @lam-ila ,  @babydollmarauders , @starjoyyy , @kjohnson-91  , @gavinbrindley, @hischierdevils , @jackhughesily , @panarin10 , @equallyshaw , @power2myheart , @lynnismypseudonym , @beccaiscold , @akengii , @nowandkei , @cinnamonpancakes ,  @mitchymainer ,  @lifeofpriya , @marshmallow-babe, @hughesx3 , @emsully2002  ,  @starsandhughes , @huggy-hischier73 ,  @doglady5678 , @thatoneblog , @exonct07 @hughesmedicine , @qwanelledingele , @mindless-rock , @ireadthensuetheauthors , @huggy-hischier94, @slaythehousedownboots , @diary-of-jj
join my taglist!
gif not mine!
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"ooh, this one's cute," you held up a card.
jack looked up from the corny jokes he was reading on the other cards, looking through the one you picked out.
the two of you were doing mother's day card shopping for ellen, but couldn't decide on one card. you'd already bought a cute gift from the both of you, but the card was one place you and jack couldn't agree.
"i just think she'll like the jokes more," jack said, holding up his corny joke-filled card.
"it's ellen, not jim," you reminded him.
"but this one's so funny," he tried again, reading one of the jokes and laughing like a four year old.
"let's just get both cards," you decided, placing them in the shopping cart. "one from each of us. that way, we can write her a personalized message."
"i like that idea," jack smiled. "why didn't i think of it?"
you laughed, "that's something i'd rather not get into right now. c'mon. we still need to get wrapping paper."
you tapped the pen against your chin thoughtfully, stumped as to how to write the card. sure, you'd written cards before, but never one for ellen.
this was your first mother's day being jack's girlfriend, and in such a short amount of time, ellen had already become more of a mom to you than your own mother.
she was supportive and kind, cheering you on whenever you needed her.
she was caring and sweet, always ready to be your shoulder to cry on if needed.
she was always there for you, taking you in as if you were her own child.
she was the one who showed you what a mother's love should look like.
how could you ever convey all that in a single card?
you stared at the blank page, promising yourself you'd try.
"where's my phone?" you moved the couch pillows, trying to find it.
jack patted the ground, helping you in your search. your ringtone had been blaring for a while, but you had no idea where it was.
"oh, here it is!" jack pulled it out from under his coffee table triumphantly. "look, it's my mom!"
"hurry and answer it," you told him. "i don't want her to hang up."
he fumbled for a second, before answering the facetime message. "hi mom!"
"hi jackie," ellen waved, sniffling slightly. "where's y/n? i want to see her."
"i'm right here, ellen," you said, taking the phone from jack and waving to his mom. her eyes were watery, and she kept sniffling on the facetime. "what's wrong? are you crying?"
jack looked up at that, noticing his mom's teary eyes and shaky voice.
"it's a good kind of crying, i promise," she laughed a little. "your card, it was so beautiful. i just, i loved it so much. the way you--" she shook her head, wiping her eyes, "i just loved it, y/n. and you should know, i'm glad you and jack met. i'm glad i was able to show you all of that, to be all of that for you. because i promise, you mean just as much to me."
"now you're gonna make me cry," you laughed to try and stop the tears.
ellen laughed as well, the two of you doing your best to keep the tears at bay. it was a special moment for you two, being able to share how important you were to each other.
at least until jack continued, "i'm so fucking confused right now."
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thewriterg · 2 years
♡︎𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞♡︎
pairing(s): Spencer Reid x gn!reader, Spencer Reid x assassin!reader
summary: You usually kept quiet in a lot of situations so everyone knew to steer and let Spencer do his job when you started to get irritable at the fact your holiday leave was cut short but in the end he does what a doctor does best make it all better
word count: 750+
warning(s): Reader is Sleep deprived and a grumpy ass hole, kisses, cuddles, pet names, and language
A/n:—GIF; @merriell— You guys are getting two fics today because food poisoning seems to love me 😊
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You were more grumpy today then normal and everyone steered clear of you since you walked into the BAU twenty minutes late and even Hotch knew that it wasn't the day to bitch at you declaring that you would just have to go over the case on the jet
You had worked a hard year and you and the team had finally got assigned on your holiday leave around this time of year crime got low other than robbery that lower rank detectives and police officers were perfectly capable of solving on their own
So four days into your break you didn't expect to hear the screeching ringtone of your work phone that you had tucked away in your bedside table at 6:30 in the morning with Rossi's gruff voice in your ear about having a case in Ohio you wanted to tear your hair out of your scalp
So four days into your break you didn't expect to hear the screeching ringtone of your work phone that you had tucked away in your bedside table at 6:30 in the morning with Rossi's gruff voice in your ear about having a case in Ohio you wanted to tear your hair out of your scalp
“Allright, wheels up in ten” Hotch stated into the silence of the conference room before exiting a steel thermos in his hand on his way to get another cup you assumed and without looking around the room you could still sense the awkward tension you were a high rank detective and an assassin for majority of your life for crying out loud
You stood suddenly from your seat the chair pushing back its wheels rolling in all different types of directions as you exited the room just as Hotch had meer minutes before Spencer wanted to go after you without a second thought but before he could Hotch was back rushing the team to the jet
You laid against the leather couch tossing and turning against the surface all attempts to get an extra hour of sleep out the window as you just irritably sighed staring at the back couch cushions your back turned to the rest of the jet
“Hey honey, you alright what’s going on?” Spencer question deep concern littering his speech and the tone of your boyfriend’s voice could make you cry
“I’m just… I’m just really tired and frustrated” Your voice didn’t go over a mumble and Spencer not plucking with his luck decided he would just have to toon the the rest of the world out and focus on the words that spilled from your lips
“C-can I try something? It’s a remedy my mom used to do for me when I was younger and couldn’t sleep” Your eyebrows furrowed only in the slightest was something you did when you were contemplating something or trying to think quick on your feet
Instead of talking you just scooted towards the back of the couch and the doctor was quick to take a quarter of the half couch deciding something more comfortable and compatible for you both the brunette took his hand underneath one of your armpits as if you were an I can’t he were picking up to sit on his hip and guided you to his chest scooting over to the now empty space
Before you could even register what was happening Spencer’s hands found their way to your warm body and it sent a small frown to his face. Who would be able to sleep if they were that warm?
They weren’t like ice cycles that migrated on the roof of your house but they were cool like the slight breeze of your cracked window as you slept The pad of his thumb met with the skin of your nose as he traced the slight curve of it before moving to your jawline, then a little under your eye socket, the curve of your chin and finally back to your nose
The touch grounded you in a way, it made you focus, redirected your train of thought. Your eyes watered from the exhaustion beginning to burn the longer you kept them open
“Go to sleep dove, I got you I promise” That melted right through the ice of your heart as your began to blink your burning tears away closing your eyes letting the soft touches on your face re-guide your focus Spencer started humming random Christmas songs lowly in your ear and you and him both knew you were a goner
The team took small lingering gazes at you both relieved and all around amazed. How the brunette could calm you down in a second from your most unethical high was still a case they couldn’t solve for themselves but they let it go untouched respectfully.
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baby-alien11 · 1 year
Dinner with the Ulrich family (Y/N Ulrich universe)
My requests are open btw (unfortunately for many of you, I won't write smut for Jack for the simple fact that I'm three soon to be four years older than him and I would be uncomfortable writting that for him, there are enough people sexualising him on tik tok which is wrong because he turned eighteen like a few months ago)
taglist: @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @aonungsgirlfriend @ethanlandryluver
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Lately, things have been bussy in Jack's life because of the new fame he gainned for Avatar and Scream VI, making him a little tired because of the interviews and next projects to film, so in a week when he didn't had any compromises he decided to spend a day with you in your house (of course after going to the gym), and Butters was also there
During most part of the day, the two of you spend time in your room watching movies and sleeping, with Butters and baby dragon Jake between you to, the only times when both of you leave the bedroom was to go to the bathroom or to eat when Skeet called you
That was until the middle of "Hamilton", when Skeet openned the door, with the sight of the two of you laying in your bed with Butters sleeping in one of your pillows
"Kids, time to get up", Skeet said turning the lights on, "Dinner's ready"
"Can we go when we reach the final of the first act?", you asked with sweetness, "It's only one song left"
"You can finish it later", Skeet responded, "Come on, the food is going to get cold"
Sighing in defeat, you and Jack got up from your bed to walk downstairs with Butters following close
At first you only were expecting a small dinner between you, your dad, Jack (and Butters), so you were surprised and happy to see two blond heads in the dinning room
"What are you doing here?", you smiled hugging your older siblings
"Dad said he needed help with the two tornados in his house", Naiia joked
"The champ!", Jakob exclaimed hugging Jack
"Hey man", Jack answered with a smile
After setting the table with the plates and drinks for everyone and serving Butters food, the five of you sit at the table to eat the chinese food that the twins had bought
"So, how was everyones day?", Jakob asked
"Surprisingly, chill", Skeet responded causing you and Jack to look at him with offense
"Wait, the two tornados haven't done a dissaster?", Naiia said in shock
"Today they are chill, so I got to talk with my agent about going to the MEGACON with a little Scream reunion", Skeet revealed causing big smiles on everyone
"That's awesome", Jack exclaimed
"Who's going?", you asked
"Neve, Matthew and Jamie", Skeet answered
"The OG's", Jakob joked, "So, I have a question about that, is Stu really dead?"
"Jack", you said turning to look at your boyfriend, "Ethan also had a TV falling into his head, what do you think about Stu's fate?"
"If Ethan is dead after that, also Stu", Jack shrugged
"Yeah, but Ethan was stabbed like a million times, Stu not so much", Naiia replied, "He could be alive, with scars and in a mental facility"
"Just like in the Tik Tok theories", you exclaimed
"What if we call uncle Matthew and ask him?", Skeet interrupted taking out his phone
Putting the phone on speaker, it was only a few seconds of the ringtone when he answered
"What's up Skeet?", Matthew greeted from the other side
"Hey man", Skeet greeted, "My kids want to ask you something"
"Hi, uncle Matthew", you speak due to being the "baby" of the family, "We were having a debate about the first Scream, is Stu alive?"
Instead of an answer, the only thing that was heard after the question was the sound of the call ending
"He hang up on us", Naiia pointed
"So rude", Jakob commented, "Anyways, Jack, how's everything?"
"Crazy", Jack admited with honesty, "That's the word to describe everything that is happening"
"Including the Ethan defenders?", you joked feeling how Butters jumped into your lap, "He was at econ, I know, trust me"
"That is actually fun", Jack laughed
"Believe me kid, you are going to have a lot of that", Skeet joked
"Yeah, it's not cool to see thirst traps of Billy Loomis in my for you page", Naiia murmured
"Oh my god, I thought I was the only one", you sighed
"What?", Skeet exclaimed in confusion
"It's for the scream tag", Jakob explained
"There a lot of videos dedicated to every character", Jack continued, "Including the theories, rankings and so much more"
"Welcome to Gen-Z, dad", Naiia joked
While the four of you laughed at that comment, Skeet only smiled at the sight of his four kids (including Jack) having fun
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aectpen · 4 months
pairing: sunghoon x ex figure skater->idol!fem oc
synopsis: 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧'𝐬 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐲 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐲 𝐤𝐩𝐨𝐩 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧 𝐮𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩, 𝐤𝐚𝐲𝐨, 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐇𝐘𝐁𝐄.
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐮𝐧𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬, 𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬.
chapter five: memory lane
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are you up?
and this is?
any trace of fatigue exited her body. she practically jumped up from her position once she saw who messaged her. she propped herself up on her elbows and laid on her belly, swinging her feet like a little girl.
hm where'd you get my number?
you never changed it
i remember your ringtone was you singing it when you got your first phone
"he remembers that?" she asked herself, dumbfounded. she had always assumed he kind of forgot about her existence once he debuted let alone remember minor details.
what are you up to?
he was typing for quite a while, but the speech bubble disappeared.
not much i just can't sleep
do you have a schedule tomorrow?
chaerin watched the speech bubble again, anticipating his response. insteading of just disappearing, chaerin was met with her reflection paired with a facetime call. she looked back at herself with pure horror. why was he calling her so suddenly?
this must be by accident, right?
either way, she rubbed the tiredness from her eyes and fixed her hair before accepting the call.
"sorry, i was too lazy to type," sunghoon laughed. he was laying on his side, snuggling into his pillow. "but to answer your question, no. we have an off day for once."
"i wish, we have practice really early," chaerin pouted. she couldn't wait until they had their comeback, but the process of getting there was grueling.
"practice is... fun!" he tried his best be enthusiastic, flashing his smile.
"you don't sound so convincing, but i'll try to be optimistic." she responded, her pout turned into a forced grin.
sunghoon turned onto his back, using the facetime screen as a mirror to fix his hair. chaerin only watched quietly, lips slightly parted. she knew he was hot now, but she was at a loss for words.
"chaerin," he sing-songed "you're staring."
"i was actually looking at myself. who knew i'd look this good at this hour." she dramatically posed for the camera.
he gave a side eye "i'll take your word for it."
an awkward silence lingered before sunghoon decided to break it. "do you want to meet up tomorrow after you're done practicing?"
chaerin stroked her chin, "i'll check my schedule" she brought her face out of frame for 5 seconds "okay, i guess i'll see you tomorrow!"
sunghoon shook his head at her foolishness, "okay, goodnight!" he waved.
"goodnight!" she waved back.
once the call disconnected, the smile didn't leave chaerin's lips. she didn't have anything to look forward to tomorrow, but now she did.
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“what is this girl smiling about?" jie nudged haru. chaerin was looking rather cheerful on their way to practice at the crack of dawn.
"she was up late too, maybe she's delirious." zena added, chaerin oblivious to their discussion about her mood.
throughout practice they noticed her particularly eager for it to be over and glancing at her phone in the distance. "is it crack?" sujin asked.
"huh?" chaerin had no clue that they had clocked her anticipation.
"crack. are you on crack?" haru deadpanned.
"i wish i was. it would probably help me get through this," she plopped on the couch to check her phone.
i got us some milkshakes
when will you be finished up
the moment she read his message, their dance instructor announced that practice was over for the day. chaerin quickly told the girls not to wait up and that she wasn't going home with them. they were all confused, but tired enough to let it slide.
im done now
where are you?
look behind you...
sure enough, sunghoon was a few feet behind her holding up two vanilla milk shakes, smiling.
"how long were you standing there?" she side eyed him, grabbing the milkshake.
"i just got here, i just wanted to say that." he began walking away from her.
she speed walked to catch up to him "so, what do you want to do?"
"i have an idea of what i want to do, but my manager has to get back to me on it" his phone began buzzing in his pocket "that's probably him."
chaerin waited around, looking out the window while he took the call. she sipped on the milkshake wondering if he remembered that it was her favorite treat after practice.
"okay, my plan is happening. come on" he didn't let her ask any questions, so she silently followed him.
"the garage?" chaerin asked.
"well isn't that where cars are?" sunghoon asked in a mocking tone.
"where are you taking me?" chaerin crossed her arms, still following his lead.
"i told you no questions ten questions ago." he opened the door to a van for her. his manager was in the driver's seat waiting for them.
"it better be good. i don't like surprises." chaerin stared out the window of the van. the entire ride, she concocted multiple outcomes in her mind. sunghoon laughed at her impatience which only made her more impatient.
once they arrived at their destination, chaerin recognized that building from anywhere. sunghoon looked back to see her reaction. she looked back at him wide eyed. it was the ice skating rink she had first learned to ice skate as a child. sunghoon remembered her mention this to him when they drove by it to get to a competition.
"thank you, thank you, thank you!" she ran to the entrance like a child. sunghoon's manager had rented it out for them for the entire afternoon.
chaerin strolled around the building reminiscing on her childhood memories there. at first, she was terrified of the idea of ice skating, but this is where she fell in love with it.
"sunghoon, come here!" she pointed at a wooden bench. she carved her name into it when she was ten years old. she spent a lot of time here, evidence of her presence scattered all over the place.
she noticed he didn't walk over, but was staring at a photo. so she went over to see what he was looking at.
he smiled down at her and pointed up at the photo. she was around six years old, her two front teeth missing from her wide smile. "cute!"
"let's skate already!" she pulled his arm towards the rink.
chaerin was a little rusty, so she kept coming close to falling. "hey. its not funny!" sunghoon could barely get out a "sorry" in his fit of laughter.
once she got her balance back, the two challenged each other to their old tricks the rest of their time there. one upping one another just like old times.
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