#that time my cat was Alistair
narathebard · 9 months
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They're the same picture
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ringneckedpheasant · 2 years
i wouldn’t say that my parents are ““accepting”” of my ““lifestyle”” but it’s been sooo long since my mom has asked me abt having kids and also last time i brought alistair to their house i was constantly referring to my parents as his grandma and grandpa and when i left my dad was like “come back soon alistair :-)” like. he actually enjoys it when i bring him over whereas he’s complained Literally every single time one of my siblings has brought a dog over
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charliemwrites · 7 months
Introducing: Rook “Duke” Alistair
(Just a little character intro before she makes a proper appearance in the SpecGru fic)
It’s 2am.
It’s 2am and Kate’s phone is buzzing. A rapid, violent bzzt-bzzt-bzzzzzzt pattern that shakes the few other items on the nightstand. Incessant. Important.
She plucks it off the charger already wide awake, propped on one elbow to block some of the screen light from reaching the other side of the bed.
“Laswell,” she answers, hushed.
The voice on the other end is not. “Gooood mornin’, boss.”
“It’s 2am, Duke.”
“It’s 2:17 to be precise.”
Kate doesn’t bother to check the clock. “You're calling for a good reason, I assume.”
“Of course!” In the background, there’s a computerized ding. Then the clacking of a keyboard. Duke continues, still bright as birdsong, “I have a lead on that terrorist cell. Not - hold on - Nelson, put my slushee back in there I’ll get it in a damn minute! Anyway, not the one with the ugly flag. The one with the dumb name.”
Nelson, Kate thinks vaguely, is going to get mysteriously transferred if he doesn’t stop messing with a certain tech’s frozen treats. This is the third time this week.
“The Gun Fathers?” she offers.
“Haha, yeah them!” More clicking. A thump and a yelp in the background. “They’re planning on taking some exchange students hostage in Russia.”
Kate’s slips out of bed, phone held in place with her shoulder. Sighs a little wistfully at her wife’s sleeping form, but duty calls. She’ll make this up to her - dinner at that nice tapas place, maybe. Duke can get them a reservation.
“What students?”
“Working on the individual files now, but it looks like a fun mix. Some Australians, some Brits, a bunch of US citizens… ooh, someone from France, that’s rough.”
Hell, that’s a lot of governments to coordinate with.
“Where?” Kate asks, tugging her socks on.
“Looks like they’re going to grab them from a hotel in the Caucuses. Caucuses? Cauc-ussies? Cucksies?”
She pauses to drop a gentle kiss to her wife’s cheek, then pads out of their bedroom. The house is dark, cool. She navigates without light, stepping into her shoes.
“How many?”
The cats stretch as she passes through the living room, snatching her shoulder holster out of the hall closet.
“16 students total, not sure how many terrorists. Aw, is Chauncey awake? Give him a smooch for me! These dummies usually go for a ratio of three innocents to one dummy though. Ugh it’s not a round number.”
More clacking. The sound of a plastic rapper through the earpiece. Duke’s broken out the candies then.
“What else have you got for me?”
“It looks like we’ve got about 35 hours until they move in. But! We confiscated their new supply of guns during that border raid soooooo—” she clicks her tongue, the typing sounds get much louder and faster for a moment. “They should be… pretty… low… on… ammo…”
A pause Duke seems to focus on something. Kate takes the opportunity to finish’s dressing, keys in her hand. She pats Chauncey and Augustus as she passes them.
“I’ll be there in fifteen,” she says.
A hum. “Eleven, actually. I have the traffic system pulled up.”
Of course she does. Laswell would tell her to stop doing that if she thought it would do any good.
“I’m sending a bunch of files your way,” Duke adds. “Drive safe and give Chauncey that damn smooch!”
The phone beeps as the call disconnects. When Kate looks at her phone screen, she’s got a small library of information waiting for her. Names, locations, pictures and security feeds - and a note promising more on the way.
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gallifreyanhotfive · 3 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 60
Very soon after regenerating, the Second Doctor had pulled a large earring out of a trunk in the TARDIS, which he described as very fashionable once and remembered that at one point he used to wear it. (Novel: The Power of the Daleks)
Borusa once wrote a history book titled Rassilon the God. (Cat's Cradle: Time's Crucible)
Like all other Time Lords upon initiation into the Academy, it has been confirmed that Susan once gazed into the Untempered Schism. (Audio: E is for...)
Many years after Nyssa left the Fifth Doctor to stay on Terminus, she had an adventure with the Fourth Doctor. This meant the Doctor had met Nyssa before Traken. (Novel: Asylum)
The First Doctor trained to be a ninja on Quinnis. (Novel: The Devil Goblins from Neptune)
The Ninth Doctor once got stranded when the TARDIS burped and jumped ahead 20 years in the future. From 20 years in the past, he communicated with a 12 year old girl named Sally Sparrow, knowing all about where to leave messages for her because she wrote about it in her homework, and that homework had been given to him by a spy in the future. Sally Sparrow successfully returned the TARDIS to the Doctor and grew up to be that very same spy who gave the Doctor the homework in the first place. (Short story: What I Did on My Christmas Holidays by Sally Sparrow) This story was later adapted into Blink.
Amendment 9 of the Fourth Constitutional Addendum is a Gallifreyan law also known as the "Stupidity Clause." K-9 brought it up while trying to think of a way to get Romana II found innocent during her trial. (Audio: Mindbomb)
On one of their first trips off Gallifrey, the First Doctor and Susan went to Garazone, where Susan bought him a model of the Nightjar after hearing stories about it. The Doctor put it up in the TARDIS. (Audio: Pursuit of the Nightjar)
This Nightjar model is still in the TARDIS by his Eleventh incarnation. (Audio: All of Time and Space)
Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart and Doris once saved Susan from drowning. (Short story: The Gift)
Soul catching refers to the Gallifreyan rite in which a Time Lord transfers their mind to another's shortly before their death, after which their mind will join the Matrix. The Third Doctor used it on Waro once, and the Eighth Doctor once used it to communicate with the Beast. (Novel: The Devil Goblins from Neptune; The Taint)
The Thirteenth Doctor once identified Halogi-Kari as a Harbinger, a rare and powerful race. He was a Wolf of Fenric and had transported Ace to Iceworld on Svartos when she was young. (Novel: At Childhood's End)
The Fifth Doctor once went temporarily blind when he plugged himself into a defense net and got overwhelmed. (Audio: The Children of Seth)
The Eighth Doctor tried to warn the Seventh Doctor of the circumstances of his upcoming regeneration, but the Seventh Doctor decided that he would proceed as he would have anyway (as foreknowledge is dangerous to the Web of Time.) (Novel: The Eight Doctors) This means that the Seventh Doctor knew he was about to die and regenerate in the beginning of the TV Movie.
Near the end of his life, the Seventh Doctor grew depressed and lonely, and he knew he should go to Gallifrey and give himself to the Chief Hospitaller and his team of psycho-techs. Gallifrey had access to neurosurgery, therapy, and drugs, and the last resort was forced regeneration with the hope that the next body would not have the same melancholia. (Novel: The Eight Doctors)
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grox-empire · 7 months
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Yk I'm hardly into warriors anymore but I found some really ancient edgy ass scourge fanart in my files today and decided I wanted to draw it again but edgier this time. This was the end result.
Original below cut!
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2019 alistair art jumpscare
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atomic-taco-muffin · 8 months
Could I request for (Ever after high) Alistair x male reader that is twins with Kitty?
M!reader is a playful, independent, flirty and can be really mean, he loves causing mischief, he directly follows in Cheshire's foot steps.
They at first don't like each other considering how rude reader is but after time they start liking each other (maybe bc Alistair saves readers life or sm)
This is so cute, oh my gods
Alistair x M!Reader: Rivals
Warnings: Pure, cloud made fluff, Alistair being a cutie-patootie
Rating: SFW
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(he looks so sassy)
You and Alistair have known each other since you were kids in Wonderland. And the both of you had hated each other. Alistair hated how mean you got with your pranks. Sure you were the son of the Cheshire Cat but you could have toned it down a bit at least. You hated Alistair for always having to ruin the mood and stand up against you. When you moved with your twin sister, Kitty, to Ever After High, you were thrilled having to never see his stupid face again. And during the first year or two, it was peaceful. Until, one year, Alistair just had to show his face with that stupid Bunny Blanc.
"Ugh, of all faces, it had to be you," You grumbled as you rolled your eyes.
"Still causing mischief or have you finally learned to be nice?" Alistair replied. You scoffed and turned your head away, not wanting to look at his stupid face. His stupid, yet pretty face. Woah! What were you thinking?! You hate Alistair! Why are you thinking romantic thoughts about him? Throughout the next few weeks saving Wonderland, your mind continued to think about Alistair and how pretty and handsome he actually was. But your distracted mind nearly cost you your life when Courtly Jester fired a spell at your direction. Thankfully, you were quickly pushed out of the way by none of than your rival, Alistair. The two of you rolled to the side and you found him on top of you.
"Uh, s-sorry," Alistair said with a blush.
"Don't be," you replied and then pulled him into a kiss, much to his and everyone else's surprise. The two were then rudely interrupted when Raven signed the Book of Destiny and began fighting Courtly. After Raven had won, Wonderland was now saved. As you and your friends were heading back to Ever After, Alistair stopped you by gently grabbing your wrist.
"I um...I love you," he said with a blush. You blushed as well but gently placed a kiss on his cheek.
"I love you too," you said.
"Promise you'll visit?"
"I will if you visit Ever After." Alistair smiled and nodded before giving you a soft kiss on your lips.
"I'll see you then," he said. You nodded and headed back to Ever After with everyone else, smiling at the mental image of you and Alistair kissing.
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j-restlessgeek · 11 months
Wow. Yesterday was absolutely insane. It was so much. Such a fun ride to be part of. Everyone was so nice, sweet and caring, had a great time. Seriously everyone was so sweet and nice. Even met tumblr people :3 ( @wednesdayday @follivora @blatantlyhidden ) who are some of the coolest, sweetest and nicest people I ever met. Am gonna life of all the hugs I got for a long time, especially the häärijä hug (believe me if you ever encounter him in the wild or at a concert, he will hug you first and so freaking soft and warm, seriously that was the best hug I got in my life, no joke. It felt so welcoming. He’s such a sweet and caring human and so patient too. Big thanks to my sibling who shoved me in his direction). He signed my plushie :3. (which again turned so much bigger (look at it)
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The concert itself was a total blast, Jere is a born performer and entertainer. It was so much fun to be there. We are one big family :3 (still wondering if that makes us all to honorary pöyhönen). There was even a person that came from canada in the audience, freaking canada (which is not a cat jump away) made me think of Alistair and Bison :3.
Thanks to everyone who made my time so insanely good and impossible to forget. Thank you 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛
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bulldagger-bait · 7 days
Okay this is literally my third time making this post bc i keep fucking it up
I have two names picked out for future pets!!
1. A black cat with green eyes who i'll name pickles
2. A ginger beastie (prolly a cat) upon whomst i shall bequeath the name alistair
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bloogers-boogers · 5 months
If you like my idea of Edon Adam being more powerful than Angel Adam you'll love this! Adam loves animals and can't stand to see any in pain including human sinners who look like animals so when he sees Allister abusing Husk for some reason he sees a little cat being abused by a human man (Alistair looks more human than dear so Adam sees him as a human) Adam is like "don't kitty ill save you!!!" Adam would then take Husk's contact collar in and Destroy the color unintentionally freeing Husk from Alistair with all of Husk's power intact Adam becoming Husk get out of jail Alistair card and Husk will be milking Adam's love of the kitty to get back at Allister he might be Adams new pet cat but it's 100000000 times better then being Alistair slave the worst thing Edon Adam has done to him is Snuggle him and use Husk like a teddy bear when sleeping and Lucifer doesn't mind because this clearly gets under Alistair skin and enjoys any kind of payback if it Is involves the radio demon.
OH SHITT he broke the chain 😮 ajddkdbsodhdid I love how Lucifer doesn’t mind just cause it pisses Alastor off HOLY ajdkwdjwod I love this hc
Like, I like that idea of Adam being able to break down some contracts over his passion for animals but I feel he releases this sorta of power because he’s linked to Lucifer (soul) who I can feel is able to break soul contracts if he wanted to. So if Lucifer owns Adam’s soul (a already powerful being in both heaven or hell) then the power just takes over when he’s full on demon mode. Like, Lucifer unintentionally lends him his power through their bond contract (I guess this is somehow something he shares with the first humans of Eden).
“Leave him alone!” Adam shouts at Alastor with obvious anger. Watching the man yanked harshly on to Husk’s collar.
Alastor chuckles, “ah. You’ve caught me, first man. What would a weak human like you would do to punish me?” The radio demon feign distress.
“I wouldn’t mess with me if I were you, Adam,” the demon warned more seriously, kicking Husk on the chin as a warning.
Adam gritted his teeth furiously.
“Good thing I’m not you.”
*Lucifer drinking tea with Charlie oblivious of it all*
“Oh? Are you okay dad?” Charlie asked seeing Lucifer’s red pupils grow darker in bright red, no longer visible besides the red inferno of his sclera.
“Hmm? Oh, yes why?” The devil asks confused while placing his tea cup on the table.
They both turned in a snap to where they hear a huge commotion (blast) coming from Alastor’s room.
“Oh fuck.”
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Tag 9 people you want to know about
@silhalei tagged me, I honestly didn't think anyone was paying me any mind on this app lol
Last song: Die With A Smile-Lady Gaga and Bruno Mars
Favorite color: My fav colors are pink and blue. I try to get everything I own in pink, and if I don't have pink, its in blue
Currently reading: Not Reading Anything
Currently watching: Nothing. I don't really watch tv.
Last movie: Don't remember tbh
Sweet, spicy or savory: SWEET. I love sweets, one thing about me is my pockets will be RAN from the sheer amount of times I get 'little treats'.
Relationship status: Happily Single lmao
Current obsession: CULLEN. CULLEN RUTHERFORD. ALISTAIR THEIRIN. NEVE GALLUS. That is all, if I continue, my autism will show.
Tea or coffee: I like both but I prefer coffee.
Age: 18, I turn 19 in December.
About Me: I'm from America, specifically Jersey, but I live in Pennsylvania. I'm Black American, and I'm currently a university student working to get a degree in Music Education.
Likes: I like Dragon Age, Kingdoms of Amalur, and I really like cats even though I'm allergic. (I have 3.)
Feel free to ask me any question you may have, even though I'd be inclined to wonder why anyone would have any questions about me lol.
People I want to know more about: @alistairsprayerwarrior @charmedcleric @thechildofbhaalhasawoken
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aloy-sobek · 7 months
Vet Bills and a Sick Kitty Boy
Hello all, over the past month and a half I have incurred some medical bills for my cat Alistair, that while one bill hurts but isn't world ending. Multiple have put us in a bind.
Our Total: $430/$1176.86
My Paypal: tielfingriley or paypal.me/tieflingriley
The Story:
So my sweet yet very hungry boy Alistair, had been having stomach troubles. He's 12 years old, so not uncommon for a cat his age, and he has always had a bit of a sensitive tum, but this was different. He was projectile vomiting mostly water, and I had noticed he was loosing weight. He is a long cat, and his healthy weight sits at 15-16 pounds.
So we take him to the vet and the do a initial blood panel with a special panel to check a for a heart protein, it is here that I learn my asthmatic cat also has a heart murmur! But because of the special check it had to be sent to THE ONLY LAB IN THE US THAT CHECKS FOR IT, which meant it was pricey
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Good news, blood came back fine. His heart and kidneys weren't failing but he was still vomiting water at this time. At this point we were moved to a different vet who noted his long term tum issues. Informing me that long term inflammation can lead to Gastrol Intestinal Cancer. (Maybe) They only DEFINITIVE way of checking was to slice him open and do biopsies, which wasn't ideal. Instead we opted for an Ultrasound, it would check for inflammation, which would say absolutely yes or no on inflammation, but would still be a maybe on the cancer (however its the same treatment either way). But could also check Liver, Pancreas, and Gallbladder. I of course chose this because it was far less invasive to the boy. Alistair did need to be sedated. He isn't a violent cat, but he is a squirmy noodle.
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This is when things got really spicy for us financially. You see this happened RIGHT before my birthday. Like legit I found out my cat had maybe cancer the day before. And my husband a few weeks prior had bought me a rather nice gift of storage drawers? IDK what you would call it but furniture for my art supplies to be stored in. It was a bit pricey but I was having a rough time and a history of astronomically shitty birthdays. (As you can see, the universe has a sense of humor)
So the Ultrasound came back. Yes there are signs of inflammations, so cancer is still a maybe. However, what had the doctors eyes and was concerning her more was the pancreas. It was, extended and incorrect. She believed that it wasn't producing a enzyme to help break down food, particularly fat, for absorption. Essentially, on top of the inflammation, Alistair was slowly starving to death. However before just popping some pig panceas pills inside my boy, she wants to make sure. So more blood work, TO THE ONLY LAB IN THE US OF COURSE, an another bill.
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Now we are waiting on this information. He is on some pro and prebiotics that have stopped the vomiting entirely. However his weight is still quite thin. I am unsure if we will have more hefty bills. For reference a checkup at this vet is 50 bucks. So normally its not to rough on us, and check up plus vaccines is 100 which is a planned event. None of this was planned to say the least.
Alistair saved my life. I know logically getting a cat as a means to not kill yourself isn't the best thing to do, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Ive had him since September of 2012. I love that fluffy biscuit stealing bastard with my entire heart. I have a tattoo on him on my arm, my first and currently only tattoo. Because of him, I was able to live a longer and healthier life and I want that for him.
Despite being a cat, he loves biscuits, potato chips, and the tops of muffins but only the tops. He can and will open cookie jars for cookies. I have explained he is an obligate carnivore and he has explained like a good southern he cant turn down a carb.
He will fist fight you for cheese. Love to play fetch with a hair tie. Isn't a lap cat with the exception of me. LOVES NAPS, and likes to watch Markiplier.
He's a very good boy with separation anxiety, and tummy issues who just wants to nap and eat and I think we can all relate.
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Oh...and he has a little mustache
Thank you to all who donate and to everyone who spreads the word to help us get out of this debt.
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exalted-dawn-drabbles · 3 months
Ed!! For DADWC: "aloe being slathered on a sunburn" for Shaesa/Alistair?
Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu for sending this prompt Gin! (For context, one of you lovely people sent me this ask a hot minute ago and I had it marked as one I wanted to do only for me to realize I must have somehow deleted it :((( so im sorry for losing your prompt but thank you for sending it regardless!!!! Hope you enjoy!!!)
for @dadrunkwriting
Rated T: for very very slight innuendos, slice of life, romance, comedy, ~2.2k words (yeah idk how that happened in one night either)
Maybe Days | By Exalted_Dawn
“Uh… so not to ask what we have all been wondering, but may I ask why are you walking like that?” Zevran’s voice cut their travel pace just as efficiently as any one of his daggers. Sharp and pinpointed as always. And a little too mirthful to mean anything good, in Alistair's opinion.
Shaesa turned stiffly to face him, scowling and square as a sign. “Like what?” 
“That,” he said, tipping his head to look at her from head to toe. “You have been shuffling for the past half-hour. You look like you are walking with a reasonably-sized stick shoved up your behind,” he said. “Are you in need of a rest? I could massage you, if you like. Your shoulders in particular look rather-” He reached a hand out to rest on Shae’s shoulder, and Alistair nearly tripped in his stumbling flail backwards as Shae jolted and scrambled out from beneath Zevran’s touch.
“What the fuck, Zev?!” she barked, looking almost white as a sheet as she wheeled around to glare at the man. “Don’t startle me like that. I almost pulled a sword on you.” 
Zevran and Alistair both stared at her in bewilderment, Zevran in particular. Even Alistair knew that that wasn’t much of an excuse– Zevran had been about as subtle as a drunken druffalo in his approach to that one. 
Still though, she insisted on glowering at them with undisguised, near-righteous offense.
Raising a brow, Zevran strode forward again, his hand one again raised to try and touch Shaesa’s arm, but this time she waddled backwards before he even got within a foot of her. Then he tried again, only for her to duck and spin away entirely. It was obvious now, as Alistair watched, that her movements were distinctly stiff and uncomfortable.
He frowned. “Shae?” he asked, trying to keep his tone light. “Not that I don’t think we need it, but surely there are better times to be practicing your dance moves for the Landsmeet? What’s wrong?” 
“It’s nothing! I’m fine!” she snapped, scurrying away to the left this time. A bemused, but ultimately unmotivated Zevran easily trotted after her. 
Alistair wasn’t convinced. “Shae, if you’re injured-” 
“I’m not,” she growled, turning her ire onto him. “I’m just a bit-”
Zevran’s hand clamped down again on Shae’s shoulder, and she practically yelped, smacking Zev’s hand away and cowering back like a wounded cat. Suddenly, the assassin’s face blossomed into a wide, bob cat’s grin. “Aha! You did get sunburned during yesterday’s sparring match, didn’t you?!” he exclaimed, finally releasing Shae with a laugh. She glared up at him, and Alistair could see actual tears in her eyes as she tenderly prodded at the spot that had grabbed her with her fingers. Zevran tutted a little, nudging her in her arm with his elbow. “Did not Wynne warn you about the dangers of sparring sleeveless? You didn’t listen to her?”
Shaesa pouted at him weakly. “It was hot out and I was sweating too much. I didn’t want to soak my sleeves through.”
“Nothing but pitiful excuses,” Zevran hummed blithely. Alistair nearly pointed out that Zevran was hardly one to talk, considering how… exposed he regularly insisted on being. But then, he’d never seen the elf with a burn either, so he wasn’t sure if that was an argument that would win once made. Zevran continued. “Regardless, you should see to it that the burn is treated. We will still be on the road for some time, and you wouldn’t want it to get infected further. I have some soothing gel– if you would like, we can find you some privacy and I could-”
It was his own voice that barked out louder and more suddenly than even Shaesa’s, who he had practically yelled over in his rush to shoot down Zevran’s suggestion. Suddenly, the area they had been traversing seemed suddenly far too quiet.
Shaesa and Zevran both stared at him in surprise. Maker, even he was thrown off by his own interruption.
Alistair shuffled, his face heating uncomfortably. “W-What I meant to say is that I won’t leave you alone with her. You may have agreed to join our cause, but don’t think I have forgotten the contract that sent you to us. It would be reckless to let Shaesa go off alone into the wilds with someone hired to kill her.” 
Especially if she was meant to… expose herself to him. Alistair swallowed, and viciously shoved away the images that thought conjured to mind. 
But if Zevran was offended by his excuse made in haste, then he didn’t show it. The Crow smiled wide, raising his hands in mock surrender and taking a very clearly advertised step sideways, away from Shae. “Ah- my apologies. I did not mean to cause any alarm. Your fears are well founded.”
Shaesa made a face. “Zev-”
He held up his hand again, shushing Shae before she could even begin. He continued. “Of course, if you would like to volunteer to help our fantastically fried friend here, I would be more than happy to lend you the salve.” As if to prove a point, he deftly produced a small, metal tin from his hip pouch and waved it between two fingers.
He wasn’t sure which of them looked more horrified– him or Shae.
“What?!” he quacked, his face now almost the same shade as Shae’s. “No. I-”
“Then you would let our beloved leader suffer for the entire trip back to camp?” Zevran pressed, faking innocence.
Shaesa hissed. ““Zevran.”
“Of course not!” Alistair said at the same time, the both of them sounding several shades of scandalized.
“Then I see no issue here!” Zevran finished happily, tossing the lotion to Alistair. The latter only barely caught it, but by the time it was firmly in grasp, Zevran was already walking away. “I swear, you Fereldans and your modesty,” he tutted, batting his hand at an imaginary annoyance. “Whenever you two are finished, I will be over here by this tree, resting and enjoying the shade while I can.”
As though to prove his point, he collapsed onto a bed of shadowed grass and shut his eyes with a contented sigh, the sound a strikingly effective bookend to the conversation. Shae and Alistair were left speechless. 
Left to their own devices, they eyed each other nervously, neither wanting to make the first move. But with Zevran firmly planted in his spot, it was clear there would be no easy way of backing out of this. 
Shae shrugged a shoulder, gesturing to a nearby copse of trees, and without much else to do, Alistair nodded and followed after her. The trunks of the trees didn’t provide nearly enough cover for Alistair’s liking, but then, he doubted that even a private, locked room would calm the pounding of his heart. This was ridiculous. Of course, he didn’t want Shaesa to be in pain– they still had almost an hour more of walking until they neared camp– but still, surely there was a better solution than-
Shaesa cleared her throat, her eyes forward as she methodically shrugged out of her coat-sleeves, revealing a thin-strapped, cream chemise underneath. “Sorry about that,” she began, a touch of tired frustration to her voice, even as she flashed him a grin. “Seems being a busy-body is an elven thing everywhere, even in Antiva. I’ll yell at him about it later.” She finished ridding herself of the overgarment, her muscles flexing and rolling as she set the quilted blue jacket aside. 
Alistair frowned.
The whole of her back was a blistered, bright red. Skin peeled where her bones jutted and he could see spots where the burns had been rubbed raw. It looked bad. Worse than bad. 
Shaesa shifted a bit, flashing him an uneasy look. He had been staring. 
Alistair flushed, though for a different reason now, and his attention quickly dropped back to the tin in his hand. “Don’t trouble yourself. I doubt any amount of thrashing will force manners through his head,” Alistair murmured, his throat still a bit tight. The lid of the jar popped open after a moment of fiddling, and almost delicately, Alistair dragged his fingers through the clear, white goo. “You’re sure you’re okay with me doing this?” he asked, trying not to sound unwilling. “I can… try to look away, if you’d prefer?”
She merely laughed a little. “If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather you not go blindly poking at my very sore back. I don’t mind it, Alistair. I trust you.” 
The way those words made his stomach tumble probably should have been more alarming to him, but unable and now a bit unwilling to back away from that edge. Not with Shaesa’s encouragement at least. 
Laden with salve, he reached out, and carefully touched his fingers to her skin.
Immediately, Shaesa bit out a sharp hiss and flinched. “Ah fuck, that’s freezing,” she laughed, and immediately dispersing any worries Alistair had of hurting her. He continued, allowing his hand to drag downward, leaving a stripe of ointment that stretched from her nape to the hem of her low-cut top. 
Her skin was scalding. Even through the film of salve, he could feel the way it burned at his fingertips as he steadily applied attention to the spots he deemed needed it most. It felt almost fevered, but somehow hotter than even that, and he had to keep himself from wincing when he thought about how much it must have been hurting her for this entire time. If he had known, Alistair never would have let her come out with them to collect water.
“Sweet Andraste, Shae, why didn’t you say anything?” The ointment applied, he began carefully working it into her skin, and tried desperately not to think about how often he had imagined doing something like this. Her beauty marks seemed to jeer at him, coming in and out of view as his palms passed along the planes of her back. Strong and sturdy, but somehow stately. Like the stocky war horses Eamon kept at the stables. 
Though, even with his abysmal experience, Alistair knew better than to share that thought aloud. Not unless he wanted a sunburnt fist to the face, at least. 
Shaesa shrugged. “Because I’m stubborn and ox-headed?” she suggested. 
A grin pulled at his lips. “I was thinking ‘prouder than one of those prissy, Orlesian lap cats.’” An elbow was driven into his stomach, rightfully so. He barked a laugh. “And catty too. Clearly.”
The woman in front of him snorted, but even from where he stood behind her, he could see the way her ears flexed as she smiled. “Careful. I might be sunburned, but it doesn’t mean I won’t still throw you on your ass, Alistair.”
“I would be a fool to forget it,” he agreed, taking no pains to hide the warmth of affection in his voice when he said it. 
His hands rounded her shoulders, gliding up the curve of her neck before dropping back down to pass over the length of her arms. And it would be a lie to say that he didn’t revel a bit in the way she shivered as he did it. Maybe…
“Alright,” he said, letting his hands fall back to his sides. “You have been properly attended to, my Lady. At least well enough to withstand Wynne’s lectures once she finds out about this when we return.” 
Shaesa stiffly bent to pick up her jacket and, seeing her struggle to maneuver her arms into the sleeves, Alistair helped her into it. She picked at it irritably, pulling at the spots that stuck to her from the salve. “Thank you,” she said at last. “That admittedly feels much better.” 
He grinned. “Just doing my duty to solidify my place as ‘Most Useful Companion’.” 
“Well seeing as how you saved my life from Zevran’s dubious intentions and sun poisoning, I would say you’re off to a pretty good start,” she hummed. “A few more months, and maybe you’ll begin to catch up with Fen.”
“Ouch,” he hissed, clutching at his chest in mock-pain. But he could not fight the smile on his face. She began to turn towards the road, and gladly he followed. “I’m losing to the one who licks his own arse in his downtime?”
“Hey– I don’t see you guarding my tent at night.”
“I could,” he offered, too quickly. He only realized what it sounded like after he said it. “...If that was what you wanted.”
But to either his relief or disappointment, she simply snorted. “Now you’re sounding like Zevran.” 
“Oh, so we’re using real insults now?” he shot back. 
She laughed, shaking her head. It really was such a pretty sound.
“But maybe,” she said, letting her eyes flick up to his playfully. He almost didn’t catch it. 
Ahead of them, the brush began to thin, and Alistair could see the road, and the tree beyond where Zevran was undoubtedly still waiting, his arms folded beneath his head where he lay stretched out like an alley cat.
“Maybe…?” he echoed distractedly. His gaze touched hers in confusion.
She grinned brightly, and the smile stretched all the way to the corners of her eyes. And, to Alistair’s utter shock, she actually winked at him. 
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lionmythflower · 6 months
Headcannons. Alastair and Chase Redford.
ily rhakdbakdnw ty for the ask :D
Ok ok
Let's do this (this is based of the show plot line bc I can't remember the book plot line and I don't even think Alistair and chase were in the books)
Pausing my music for this
Ok so first how Alistair came to wonderland for a bit of background info
Heard sm1 say that smth bad was happening where he lived and his mother told him to follow a white bunny cuz she was the Alice before him
And blah blah blah he goes to wonderland and such but then he doesn't go back to where he came from bc of whatever bad is happening
I hc that he was from like our world so there's no magic from there
and he meets everyone in wonderland and becomes friends w Kitty, Maddie,Lizzie, bunny and chase
And probably at some point Alistair realizes he has feels for chase and most likely goes to Maddie to talk abt it
And Maddie is completely normal abt it cuz shit like this is normal in wonderland
but anyways when chase realizes he likes Alistair he goes to Lizzie and Lizzie is js like bro idk js ask him out?
Lmao so he does and Alistair is like gnskfbskfbns
And then they date
and they'll probably like middle school age when they start dating
(Bunny is js casually in a qpr w the rest of their wonderlandian friends (Lizzie, Maddie and Kitty))
The land gets cursed by miss evil queen aka raven's mom lol
And the mad hatter, Lizzie , Maddie and Kitty escape
But bunny Alistair and chase don't
And the three of them basically js form a very close friendship (besides Alistair and chase) and help each other deal w their friends being gone
Alistair mostly comforts bunny when she's sad abt not being w her partners
And chase and Alistair help eachother get through it
And one day a few years later
bunny and Alistair are being the sillys that they are and exploring Wonderland for the 5th time that week
And they find the story book of legends and such, blah blah y'all know what happened w that and the Cheshire cat kitty's mom
And cue them trying to figure out ever after high bc this place is so weird
And people hitting on both Alistair and bunny and their oblivious asses js not noticing 😭😭
Anyways everyone thinks they're a couple bc even tho everyone in wonderland acts like that w their friends it's not normal in ever after
But bunny gets reunited w her partners:D
And now Alistair is separated from his
And they're co-dependant on eachother so neither of them take it well
I'm sorry ( no I'm not) but Alistair would 100% go off on headmaster grimm for being rude to him or any of his friends
Alistair is just going of at grimm with a bunch of wonderland cusses and our world cusses (lmao this is the real reason why grimm doesn't like Alistair)
But anyways
Alistair seeing darling and being like oh hi darling! 🥰 bc darling has 100% caught Alistair almost getting killed by some of the cards and helped him out lol
Anyways the rumors that bunny and Alistair are dating went away when Alistair mentioned his boyfriend and Maddie kissed bunny in the cafeteria lol
But then imagine w the wonderland episodes
They would probably go differently lol
w/ chase helping the girls bc that's his bsfs
alistair would be so happy to see chase again when raven broke the curse on wonderland
But anyways
They all lived happily ever after
Alistair is a very fidgety person and also has anxiety and ADHD (and panic attacks)
And chase has sensory overloads and anxiety attacks (he has autism and anxiety)
(Cuz I said so got both of the last two bullets)
Alistair gives asexual vibes and probably js gay
And chase give demiromantic and maybe bi??? Idk
Chase is indecisive as fuck and Alistair is impulsive as fuck
They balance eachother out
Alistair rambles so much
And he doesn't think most of his friends listen
But then Chase will remember smth he said in a ramble a whil ago and alistair is ill js be like :D
Chase calls Alistair, Ali and he says he hates the nickname but he secretly loves it
Alistair is lalalala and chase is okokokok
Alistair gets sick so easily it's not even funny anymore
Chase takes care of him when he's sick
Alistair is the friend that has a bag w literally anything and everything in it
(Lizzie made it and Maddie somehow made it like her hat where you can take anything out of it)
Alistair is an introvert that acts like an extrovert and then he goes and hangs out w chase and is silent for like 3 hours as he recharges w his bf
They take naps together:) <3
Alistair steals chase's clothes bc chase is taller so they're rlly baggy on him and he likes that lol
Chase more often than not has earbuds or headphones on to block out noise
chase is the kind of person that you'd think would be rlly scary and then you see him curled up on a couch with Alistair and it's js like oh!
Also the kind of person that everyone things is homophobic and then it turns out he has a boyfriend
Alistair makes playlists for all his friends and has made so so many for chase lol
Alistair gives trans vibes tbh like ftm yk?
idk what chase is but there's no way he's cis
Alr that's all I can think of
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letstalkwhump · 1 year
Let's Talk Whump
Welcome to Let’s Talk Whump, a series of interviews that spotlight the amazing people in our whump community. I’m Malice and I’ll be your host. 
Joining us today is the fabulous @ashintheairlikesnow!
It’s great to have you here, Ash! Let’s kick this interview off with a fact or two about yourself!
Hi! I go by Ash, I am an ageless elder crone, and my life is built around the whims of an old dog and a very young cat. My primary hobby is reading, and I especially get lost in books on cults and new religious movements, World War I, and vampires.
What does whump mean to you? 
To me, whump is physical, mental, and emotional suffering. What causes that suffering can be any one of a number of things, and any of them might be what fascinates about the story. 
But it's whump when someone hurts.
And how did you find the whump community? What made you want to join?
I had gone through a tumultuous few months in 2019, including being laid off. I was reading and writing in-between frantically applying and interviewing for new jobs, and somewhere in there I stumbled back onto Tumblr after a long… long… hiatus. 
In August of 2019 I did a fanfiction writing challenge and the prompt for day 11 was 'whump'. A friend of mine had to explain to me what the word even meant, which is when I realized there was a whole subgenre dedicated to my favorite thing to write! After that, I started following some blogs with whump in their name and shortly after, took a chance on posting some writing, too. 
2019 you say, and yet I would affectionately swear you’ve been around the whump community forever! Do you think  your view on whump changed since you joined? 
Definitely! I was more timid when it came to what I would or wouldn't write out in detail early on. Eventually I gained confidence and started including things that delved into full horror, where before I wasn't sure how it would be received. 
I think I have come to appreciate a ton of tropes that didn't really speak to me or that I struggled with at first! Finding certain writers that really did a great job with them helped me get over that.
ANd now for the best bit; Let’s talk whump tropes! Do you have a few particular faves?
Noncon and recovery from it - one of my favorite things about whump isn't even the harm but the way a character recovers from it, and noncon can be a violation of physical self, identity, everything. So I enjoy the noncon but also watching someone rebuild themself afterward. 
Trauma recovery - on a related note. Most of my stories really focus heavily not on the worst of times, but in what comes after. How do you find yourself again when everything about you was erased? Or beaten, or broken? Resilience is essential in my work. 
BBU - I started writing at the beginning of the BBU taking off in early 2020 - I think my first Kauri piece was written in January 2020 actually. I love world building and dystopian fiction, so I never stop finding new awful details about the BBU to bring to the light. 
Creepy/intimate whumpers - Whumpers that get under your skin without necessarily treading into noncon territory. Think like @comfy-whumpee's Alistair, a master of overwhelming, awful affection and the power of control. Or @for-the-love-of-angst's Zever, a father-figure to OC Taron turned captor. 
Shades of gray - whumpees who weren't the good guys, but who have been forced to struggle and suffer. I like writing, and reading, imperfect people who are trying to make themselves better than they've been, or bad people who have their reasons who run into someone they can't get away from. 
Hype time! Do you have a few pieces of your favourite work that you’d like to share?
This is so hard! Oh my gosh. I need to think about this. 
Haunted - a Kauri piece. The way this one delves into the emptiness of Kauri from someone else's perspective… there are some metaphors in here I am really proud of. 
Blood, Freely Given - a vampire walks into a hospital. God, I love when I get the chance to work in a more horror-centered space. This one is lyrical and I love it.
I’m Here - a boy remembers everything he was made to forget. This was maybe the most intense thing I've written. It is disjointed and chaotic and I adore it.
Oh my god! I am obsessed with Blood, Given Freely’s vibes! Creepy but somehow tugging at my emotions- damn! Do you have a particular writing routine?
My best writing happens in a coffeeshop with a pastry and a latte on hand! I almost always sit down and put on a playlist based on whichever story, then write out a whole piece on two or three hours. Then I spend a day or two editing and cleaning up, then post. 
I used to try to write once or twice a week. Lately that's fallen off to every other week or even less. Life gets busy! But I still write when the mood strikes me. 
And do you find somethings are easier for you to write than others?
I am so so so bad at writing fight scenes or action. It's like pulling teeth! On the other hand, I am pretty good at dialogue, I think. The different voices of different characters come to me fairly easily. 
Can we get a peek behind the curtains and see what your currently working on?
I am half-heartedly trying to get started on a novel that I keep going back and forth on, involving a man looking for a vampire in 1926 upstate New York. But not for the reasons you think.
Actually, maybe exactly for those reasons.
I am definitely enjoying writing horror more often. My OC Finn Schneider's story is pure nightmare fuel, and I find myself thinking about him a lot. 
Do you have a joke or pun you would like to share to spread some smiles today?
When I was in high school, I decided to start telling bad jokes on purpose, as my "thing". To my credit, I kept it up for years. I had jokes I would tell at every party. They were all terrible.
I was surprised that people kept asking me to tell more.
Now I can't remember any of them. 
I mostly run screaming from puns. They are the real monsters here. 
Haha, puns seem to be very popular in the whump community, particularly in our urls! Would you care to share some writing advice with our readers?
My best advice has always been and will always be just to write often. Like any muscle, it gets stronger with exercise, like any skill you get better primarily through practice. Even if you doubt yourself, keep writing. You will look back and be shocked at how you improved even without realizing it over time. 
Try to set aside time to write. It doesn't have to be anything in particular, any one story. Write anything at all. 
Shout-out time for some of the wonderful people on here!
Oooooh it would be such a wildly long list. I will try! Okay, here are just a few:
@albino-whumpee who we recently lost created some incredible whump art from a very personal place. I miss them. 
@wildfaewhump @comfy-whumpee @whump-tr0pes @hackles-up @card-games-and-pain @whumpiary @sableflynn @redwingedwhump @whump-it @for-the-love-of-angst @boxboysandotherwhump @whumptywhumpdump @winedark-whump @justplainwhump @just-horrible-things … gosh there are so many!
Finally, is there anything you'd like to add?
The whump community has been an incredible place to make my writing "home". I've met some pretty amazing people on this hellsite! May we all continue to enjoy the suffering of our silly little guys here together! 
Thank you for joining us, Ash. It was an absolute pleasure to have you on the show! 
And to all you fabulous folk at home, have a whump-derful day!
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measurelessdreamer · 2 months
I've seen many posts about people missing how common asks used to be so I have been trying to send about an ask a week. Now I send this ask first anytime I follow someone as I really don't want to bother anyone, so I'd love to know if you enjoy receiving asks and if so what kind of asks. Not having energy for asks or being comfortable with them is perfectly okay.
The categories I have in my ask notebook that I file under are in colour. Please feel free to make your response as long as you want or private (the asker cannot directly respond to private responses).
Self, Job/Work: please let me know what you are comfortable with from eh idk just ask it to nothing personal at all.
Baggishield/Tolkien, Dragon Age, Johnlock/Sherlock, ineffable spouses, other fandom: Please let me know what fandoms. I think my main fandoms and ships are Bagginshield/The Hobbit, Sherlock/Johnlock, Dragon Age Inquisition, {Pippin/Faramir Merry/Eowyn}/The Lord of the Rings and I dip my toes in a few that I currently can't remember but ships I don't engage with the canon of at all are: Good Omens but only for Crowley/Azirapheal, Stranger Things but only for Steve/Eddie , The Witcher but only for Geralt/Jaskier, and Ladybug and Cat Noir but only for Adrinette .
OC's, art/drawing, their writing, blog specific only
Story snippets ideas and prompts: Do you like receiving them?
Pets: I'd love to know all about them
Garden and Hobbies: What type of gardening and/or hobbies?
Like being tagged in things: If so what kinds of things?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
Oh, hi! Thanks for the message! I honestly didn't know that asks are no longer as common as they used to be. I've never been a good candidate to receive them since I don't have so many followers (I always thought you needed at least 500 to get asks lol) and I'm not much of a creator. I usually just reblog stuff that makes me happy and occasionally (like once in three years) I share a fic I wrote here so I never had high hopes which is why I was very surprised when I received this ask and it made me so happy! Seriously, you're so cool for doing this, especially when people don't expect it at all. Even though it's through social media, it requires a bit of coming out of your personal bubble and putting yourself out there and I rarely do that in my life no matter how safe the space is. So it's really cool and thank you. I received probably like 2 asks aside from this one in my whole life, but yeah, I enjoy it a lot. ^^
As for what kind of asks...
Self, Job/Work: I'm good with sharing some stuff as long as it's not something that hits too close to home, but I would probably say that's the case. Asking about how I'm doing in general and what I do and what I enjoy about it is probably fine.
Fandoms: Asks about fandoms would most definitely be my favourite. I always enjoy ranting about stuff I love with other like-minded people. I love Bagginshield, The Hobbit, LOTR (Faramir especially), Ted Lasso (and particularly royjamie), Star Wars (obikin is very close to my heart), The Walking Dead (rickyl is the goat ship of that fandom for me), and probably my favourite otps are superbat (superman/batman) and spirk (kirk/spock) so I enjoy these fandoms too. Fandoms where I have no ships but I enjoy them all the same are Mass Effect (only the original trilogy) and The Witcher (the games, I only read two books so far sadly, I ship geraskier from the show but I don't like the show otherwise). All these things are something I enjoy talking about. ^^ I also like Johnlock/Sherlock and I played the Dragon Age trilogy (but I enjoyed Origins the most and aside from the Cullen romance and meeting Alistair and Morrigan in Inquisition, I didn't enjoy that game very much).
I write fanfics sometimes. I haven't written many and it usually takes me a lot of time to finish anything, but I enjoy it. I'm happy to talk about my writing any day even if it frustrates me to no end.
Story snippets ideas and prompts: Not sure about this. I think receiving them is nice, but I wouldn't be able to do anything about them aside from talking and speculating about them. I'm not very good at writing something from a prompt, so probably no story would come of it, but if it's only discussion people seek, then I'm happy to provide! And if it turns out to be very interesting, then I'm all for taking it further!
Pets: I have lots. I'm happy to talk about them any time.
Garden and Hobbies: Not much of a garden person, I'm afraid, but I enjoy nature more than anything. I live in a very Shire-like country, which is the best thing when I want to let my imagination roam. I enjoy running (but I started only recently so I'm rubbish), reading (fantasy and romance especially), learning French, playing video games, hiking, watching movies and tv shows, and I recently started to learn how to play the Irish tin whistle.
I like being tagged in things, sure! Something funny or heartwarming is usually the best, but I love posts with random facts which are super elaborate and interesting. It can't have anything to do with politics, though, tumblr is my escapist haven. :D
I think I answered everything to the best of my ability. Sorry that it's so long! Thank you again for sending the ask! I hope you have an amazing day!
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mercymaker · 10 months
oc questions tag meme!
a while back the lovely @kelemvorr tagged me in this and i'm trying my best to answer everything so here we are!
to no one's surprise i'm doing this with maleane!
Maleane. The child of a terrible, absolutely bad, no-good year.
Mal (not to be confused with Mel lmao).
cis fem. she/her pronouns.
Star sign:
thank you for including this website! i tried to figure out and in my mind mal was born somewhere mid-end summer so that would be, uh, an owl?
160cm (5'3).
very very bi.
she's a drow that was born on the surface. somewhere in a cave, though, so half-way back home, i guess?
Favourite fruit:
mal is very fond of berries, it took her a while to go out and try proper fruit that's not growing in the wild! but once she does she grows to like all sorts of citrus varieties.
Favourite season:
it would technically fall under uh.. fall, BUT! her favorite time of the year is end of summer into the beginning of autumn.
Favourite flower:
lilacs and, while it's technically grass and not a flower, mal really likes fields full of clover blossoms.
Favourite scent:
mint and a blend between lavender and rosemary.
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate:
considering mal's a bit of a sweet tooth, i think she'd really enjoy a hot chocolate.
Average hours of sleep:
some nights she sleeps, some nights she does not. when she does, it varies anywhere from a couple of hours to like... a whole night.
Dog or cat person:
considering she's herself much like a cat, she prefers the feline variety.
Dream trip:
honestly? most of the world (and beyond). she'd like to see and experience everything she'd been missing out stuck living in the woods for the majority of her life.
Favourite fictional character:
i will be honest with you, i have no clue on in-universe fictional characters. she definitely has one though, since she read a bunch of books. it may or may not be someone from something lewd. who knows? not me!
Number of blankets they sleep with:
depends on the season. usually one. i do see her rolling in a pile of furs in winter though!
Random fact:
mal loves loves loves loves swimming!
tagging the super hot beegeethree moots for this: @euryalex @ruinbringer @margaritalaux-antille @katsigian @vspin @elizascarlets @jerichoes @arduath @dameayliins @minthara @everlong1997 @aeternaamantess @rigaudon @alistairs @laezels @dravanias @lord-woolsley @roarmoreau @baldurians @liaratisoni @avallachs @sylvitaur @selunestears @kiaransalee @aylindame @elluvians
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