#with me when i moved out and she hates dogs so she can’t live w me now
ringneckedpheasant · 2 years
i wouldn’t say that my parents are ““accepting”” of my ““lifestyle”” but it’s been sooo long since my mom has asked me abt having kids and also last time i brought alistair to their house i was constantly referring to my parents as his grandma and grandpa and when i left my dad was like “come back soon alistair :-)” like. he actually enjoys it when i bring him over whereas he’s complained Literally every single time one of my siblings has brought a dog over
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dragonwritersblog · 1 year
I started this short bowuigi little mermaid au thing a few days ago as a little something to help me feel better cause my depression was basically being like ‘hey, wanna feel ten times worse than usual?’ It was to be a short little thing to self-indulge with, YET IT SOMEHOW IS OVER 5K WORDS, FUCKING HOW?!?!?!?!? Anyways, enjoy. (Edit, to the person who pointed out that Junior said Luigi's name before Bowser finds out, you're a real one and I just fixed it thanks xx).
In the surface land, Bowser is trying to get Princess Peach to marry him because he sees her as the ‘perfect bride’ for him to be happy but she’s not having it.
“Isn’t she lovely Kamek, her golden hair, the way she glides when she moves. Plus, she would be a perfect mother for Junior!”
“Sire, she threw a shoe at your head the last time you proposed to her.”
“Seriously Papa?”
Yeah, Kamek and Junior are starting to get sick of it.
Meanwhile, in the ocean, Mario and Luigi’s parents rule the seven seas. While Mario is more adventurous and outgoing, Luigi is more content to stay under the sea (you’re allowed to hate me for that terrible pun).
See, unlike Ariel, Luigi is deathly afraid of the surface land as he’s heard about all about the terrifying Bowser and what he’s willing to do to get what he wants to he wants to stay as far as possible from there.
“There’s nothing to be scared of Luigi, I’d be able to keep you safe if we were ever near the surface.”
“N-no way! W-what if B-Bowser’s there a-an-d-d gets mad a-at us f-or t-t-t-trespassing! I-I’ll be fine here with Ma and Pa.”
(Luigi also has long hair cause I’m a sucker for long-haired Luigi.)
Que King Boo, a ghostly underwater sea monster who wants to take over both the land and sea but isn’t powerful enough to do so. He knows that Luigi means a lot to his family, so he decides to pull a devious trick to distract them from their duties so he can take over the throne.
“Well, well, well, despite how much of a cowardly shrimp he is, this little prince could be of use to me.”
He uses Polterpup (a ghost sea-lion pup that is able to turn into a dog if he goes to the surface land) to distract Luigi, making him think that a dog had fallen into the sea and needs help. Luigi follows the sound of the distressed barking, hoping to help the innocent animal when suddenly, he’s captured by Boo’s minions and with the limited power that he has, he uses it to turn Luigi into a human to make him unable to return home. That way, while Luigi’s family will be looking for their son, he can try and take over the underwater kingdom and use that power to take over the surface land. Just to make sure that Luigi doesn’t tell anyone, King Boo steals Luigi’s voice and sends him to the edge of the Darklands.
“Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! Try going home and telling your mommy and daddy about this one princey! Oh wait, you can’t!”
However, since King Boo’s powers are still weak there is a way that the spell can be reserved so he purposely neglects to tell Luigi that the spell can be broken with true love’s kiss.
Luigi is distraught and terrified, already afraid of the surface land and is now forced to live there with no way of being able to ask for help.
Feeling guilty, Polterpup decides to help Luigi get used to his human legs and brings him a rag from a ship to help make into some makeshift clothes.
Meanwhile, Bowser and Junior are minding their own business at the shore of the Darklands when suddenly, Junior sees an unfamiliar human struggling to stand on his own two feet.
“Look Dad! There’s a human, like Peach!”
He gets a bit over excited and runs from his dad to go see Luigi.
Luigi, still frightened and wary of surface creatures (and the fact that this is Bowser’s son! So, if the king sees him with Junior, he could burn him to a crisp!) he gets spooked easily by the child and fumbles his way onto a rock. Polterpup stands in front of Luigi to create some distance with the overzealous child. Eventually, Bowser makes his way over to see what all the fuss is about.
“Junior, what have I told you about running off?!”
“But look Papa, it’s another human! I’ve never seen another human before apart from Peach!”
Bowser suddenly notices Luigi, who ducks behind Polterpup, trying to hide as much of himself as he can.
Bowser is taken aback, like Junior, Peach is the only human he’s seen so he’s never had the chance to formally get to know another one. He sees that the human is a bit skittish, so he tries to be as unintimidating as possible.
“Uh, hey there, sorry about Junior, he has the tendency to get overexcited sometimes.”
Luigi is still unsure; he’s only ever heard tales about how the king of the koopas was able to be rid of his enemies just with one swipe of his claw. So, seeing him up close makes him want to piss himself.
Bowser can see that the human is still nervous, though he’s a little bit offended, he can’t really blame the human for being scared.
“Did you, uh, get in a shipwreck? Cause I can see that the only thing you’re dressed in is a sail.”
Luigi finally peaks his head out and nods a little bit, wondering why the koopa hasn’t done anything to him yet. Junior is suddenly asking him a lot of questions.
“Woah, you got in a shipwreck?! That’s so cool! Was there tons of thunder and lightning?! Did your ship light on fire?! Your dog is so cool! Is he a ghost?!”
Startled again, Luigi nearly falls off the rock until Bowser catches him. Luigi suddenly starts trembling both from fear and the cold. The king notices this and tries to ask him if he’s alright to try and loosen the tension, but the human is silent.
“What’s wrong? Can’t talk or something?”
He says that sarcastically and laughs a little to try and make the human do so as well, but he takes one look in the human’s eyes and realises that he actually can’t.
“Oh, I see.”
Luigi is hugging himself at this point, wanting to run and hide but he was getting colder and colder by the minute. Bowser then decides to take the human back to the castle to get him warmed up and a little bit less scared.
“Don’t worry, Kamek and Kammy will know how to help you. You’ll be feeling better soon.”
That gets Luigi to look up at the king with curiosity as Bowser carries him back to the castle with Junior and Polterpup by his side. The great ferocious king was holding him ever so gently and promising to help him, he doesn’t know how to feel at this point.
As soon as Kamek and Kammy see Luigi shivering and drenched, they are instantly ‘grandparents mode activated. They take Luigi from Bowser and lead the human into bathroom, (Bowser totally didn’t want to carry him there) Kamek makes him tea and gives Luigi a few biscuits while Kammy is drawing a warm bubble bath for him.
“Here you are now, its not much but it will help fill and warm you up a little bit.”
Luigi has never tasted land food before; he finds it to be quite nice. He even enjoys the bath, letting the water heat him up and blowing on the bubbles. Kammy finds the site adorable.
“The poor thing, washing up from a shipwreck must’ve been so terrifying for you, especially if you heard about the reputation of the Darklands. Don’t worry, we just want to help you feel better and feel comfortable here.”
Kamek comes into the room holding a few dresses and suits, asking the human which one he’d like to wear for dinner. Although Luigi didn’t need to wear clothes as a mermaid, he does know that land creatures wear them all the time. He instantly chooses one of the dresses (because gender norms don’t exist, and Luigi is allowed to wear whatever the fuck he wants!)
Later, Kammy is helping Luigi get changed while Kamek, Junior and Bowser are in the dining room talking about Peach again.
“All I’m saying sire is that it might be due time to stop pursuing the princess. She had already disagreed to your other proposals, and I don’t see her agreeing any time soon.”
“I can’t just give up on her Kamek, Peach makes me feel things that I’ve never felt for anyone. I will marry her, one day.”
As if right on time, Kammy and Luigi are there, the former ushering in the shy man.
“Don’t be so nervous darling, you look lovely!”
Luigi then steps into the room, wearing a beautiful green dress (a green version of Ariel’s pink dress) with Polterpup by his side to keep him company.
Bowser is starstruck, he’s never seen a human look this beautiful before.
“Y-you look amazing.”
Luigi blushes, still nervous but the compliment gives him butterflies.
“Come sit next to me human!”
Junior takes his hand and leads him next to his seat, which happens to also be next to Bowser’s at the head of the table. To try and take his mind off the fact that he’s sitting next to Bowser, Luigi starts focusing on the plates and cutlery, he’s never really seen that many human artefacts before so it’s all so intriguing to him (expect when Mario brings back some from his adventures, but he doesn’t really know what they are either.)
Bowser becomes amused at Luigi’s curiosity for the simple objects he had, his appreciation for things that seem to be mundane gives him a swell of pride.
“I guess my silverware is kinda nice, isn’t it?”
Luigi immediately puts the fork don’t and hides under his hair, afraid that he might have disrespected the king, but Bowser is quick to reassure him that he doesn’t mind.
“It’s just that no one else I know is fascinated by these types of things, so its nice to see someone that it.”
Luigi peers out from his hair, a small smile forming from the king’s praise. Kamek picks up on the tension and decides to do some *matchmaking*.
 “Since our guest will be staying for a while, perhaps we should help him feel more comfortable with a tour of the kingdom…Bowser?”
“Papa, are you listening?”
Bowser breaks out of his trance, not even realising he was staring at the human. He couldn’t help it; he’s not seen that many and this one was just so fascinating.
“Ah, yes, a tour sounds great! If you would like one?”
Luigi thinks for a bit and nods. If he was wrong about the king, then maybe he was wrong about the kingdom and surface land and should give it a chance.
Kamek nods at that, pleased with his work. Kammy shoots him a thumbs up for his work.
Later, while Luigi is getting ready for bed, he watches Bowser with Junior as they play in the courtyard. Bowser notices him watching and waves at him. Embarrassed that he was caught, Luigi shyly waves back and backs away from the balcony. He’s wearing a cotton nightgown that Kammy had given him, as well as a glass of water from Kamek in case he gets thirsty during the night. This is also his first time laying in a bed, he’s never felt anything so soft in his life! He falls asleep as soon as he puts his head on the pillow, feeling a bit more hopeful after today.
Back in the ocean, Mario and his family are frantically searching for his brother, terrified that something bad happened to him. He decides to go to the surface land, specifically from the Mushroom Kingdom, and ask their princess for help and if he’s washed up there. It also helps that he’s heard so much about her kindness and beauty and…wake up Mario, focus on the mission at hand.
Back on the surface lands, Bowser takes Luigi on a tour of his kingdom, Polterpup by his feet through the all thing. At first, Luigi is still a bit unsure about the koopas, but soon he becomes a bit more curious. He goes up to some of the food stand giving away free sample and decides to try a little bit of fruit, it’s a bit tangy but still pretty good. He even sees a puppet show for the first time, not knowing how the little puppets are moving, he pulls one of a koopa’s hand, fascinated with how it works. A few koopa children then come up to him and ask to do his hair, having never seen another human before with his like his. He agrees and let the children tie up his hair in a French braid along with a few faux white flowers to go with the new dress he’s wearing. Bowser is watching from afar, his jaw dropping when Luigi’s hairstyle is revealed, his heart skipping a beat when Luigi does a twirl.
“Wow, you…you look beautiful greenie.”
Luigi blushes at the compliment.
The two suddenly hear music and see a few performers starting to play on their instruments as koopas, goombas and shy guys join in. Bowser takes Luigi’s hand and asks him to dance, the man nods his head, feeling a bit more at ease with the king now.
Soon the two join the crowd, laughing and having the time of their lives as they dance away to the music, Polterpup occasionally runs through some of the koopas legs.
When it ends, Bowser guides Luigi to a hidden river, the only place with water in the Darklands (apart from the shore). They share a little boat ride together as they share some of the food they bought at the market, while Polterpup takes a nap. Bowser then remembers that despite the time they shared together, he still doesn’t even know Luigi’s name.
“I feel terrible not knowing your name, and we don’t have anything that you can write with…Oh I know, how about I go down the alphabet and you pick out the letters of your name?”
Luigi nods and though it takes a while, the king manages to spell out his name.
“Luigi huh? A beautiful name for a beautiful human.”
Its Luigi’s turn for his heart to skip a beat. All his life he’d heard about the koopa kingdom and their dreaded king, now it turns out that he’s actually a gentleman who’s been showing him nothing but respect. Ever since this man washed up at his kingdom, Bowser has been feeling things that he’s never felt for anyone. Flustered, vulnerable and a need to protect and love. He’s never even felt this for Peach. The two start to lean in when their boat suddenly tips over, the two falling out. Bowser is quick to pick up Luigi, who begins to wring out his dress while Polterpup begins to shake his non-existent coat. As Bowser carries Luigi back as Polterpup floats beside them, the two fail to see two boos that were the ones who knocked over their boat.
Back in his lair, King Boo is seething!
“That blasted little shrimp! At this rate, these two will end up snogging all over the place and my plans will be ruined!”
He decides to go to his last resort, a mind control crown that he had hoped to use on one of the rulers to conquer the sea and surface, however this crown also held many of his other spells (including Luigi’s) and he wasn’t strong enough to use it more than once to use a spell as powerful as mind control. It was always extremely fragile, though he would still have some power, if it broke then all of his previous spells from over the years would be released, so he held it off for as long as he could, and it seems that now he has no other choice.
Meanwhile, Mario has finally arrived at the Mushroom Kingdom, hoping to find help with the princess. She’s just as beautiful in the rumours he’s heard about her. The princess is shocked to find an adorable red merman in a river near her palace, but she can’t deny his plea for help when he looked just so sweet.
“My brother, he’s gone missing! Is there any chance he’s been around here lately?”
“I’m sorry, you’re the only mer-person we’ve seen here. But don’t worry, we’ll keep a look out and help you find him!”
“Really?! Thank you, princess!”
“Y-you’re welcome.”
Back at the Darklands, Bowser is thinking about his new feelings for Luigi, not knowing if he should act on them since he didn’t want to betray his love for Peach. Kamek, fed up at this point, goes up to give Bowser his thoughts on the matter.
“If I may say sire, some people spend most of their time chasing after treasure on a map that leads them in circles, that they neglect that the diamond in the rough is right in front of them. Just a thought from a silly old koopa.”
As Kamek leaves, Bowser ponders over his surrogate father’s words. For years he’s yearned for Peach so the point that he became blinded by what he thought he wanted and put her on a pedestal. Now, there’s someone that doesn’t see him as a monster and might love him back. He makes his decision and starts to go to Luigi to tell him how he feels when he suddenly feels a weight on his head, and everything goes dark.
The next morning, Luigi wakes up feeling more refreshed and happier than he has since he first turned human. He’s been thinking all night about the maybe-kiss that he and Bowser were about to share and had been contemplating his feelings on the matter. He soon found himself realising that he would mind kissing Bowser, in fact, he would really like to kiss him and spend every day with him, Junior, Kammy and Kamek. Besides, there was nothing stopping him from travelling to see his brother and family, maybe it could all work out? He fell asleep last night with a smile on his face and butterflies in his stomach.
He’s about to run down the stairs to meet Bowser when he hides behind a pillar when he sees the king speaking with Kamek, wearing a strange crown.  
“Y-your highness, are you sure this is the best idea?”
“Peach castle is currently unprotected; it would be a good opportunity to strike and take her as my bride.”
“I see that, but after the last few days and our past with the Mushroom Kingdom, shouldn’t we think this through a little bit and-”
“-It has always been my intention to make Peach mine, no matter what and I won’t let anyone get in my way. Especially some scrawny human who washed up at my sure. Once the invasion is complete, the wedding will start immediately.”
“…very well sire.”
Luigi, heartbroken and betrayed, flees to his room, not knowing that King Boo was there the whole having used his ghostly-ness to remain invisible while controlling Bowser with the crown.
As Bowser takes off with his army and airship, Luigi stays behind at the port to cry as Polterpup tries to comfort him, having to face the truth that he was right in the first place, Bowser was just a heartless monster.
Junior is on the airship per his father’s orders to be at the wedding. He searches for his dad, wondering why he had the sudden change of heart about Luigi and his invasion. He creaks open the door to his father’s room when he sees King Boo in Bowser’s mirror, cackling to himself at the fact that his plans are nearly complete.
Realising his dad is being mind controlled by the strange ghost thing, he makes his way down to the clown cars and sneaks away in his own small one to get to Luigi as quickly as possible.
The Mushroom Kingdom is taken aback when Bowser suddenly arrives, not fully prepared for battle since he would usually leave some type of indication that he was coming, but here, he was just blasting through with every intention of not leaving until he gets what he wants. Mario wants to help but Peach tells him to stay hidden. Unable to just do nothing, Mario rushed as fast as he can to get back home to get his father.
As soon as Peach sees Bowser, there’s something different about his atmosphere, something way more menacing and demanding. As usual, he wants Peach to marry him, but this time he doesn’t ask.
“One way or another, you will marry me Peach and we’ll watch your kingdom turn to ash.”
“You’re not even going to bargain.”
“It’s not like you can do anything about it.”
A pit forms in Peach’s stomach, something’s wrong, very wrong.
Junior makes it back to, running to the sobbing man as fast as he can.
“Luigi! Luigi! There’s some weird ghost thing that was in my dad’s mirror! I think that’s why he’s attacking the Mushroom Kingdom so soon! What do we do?!”
Luigi’s eyes widen in horror. King Boo! He had to be behind all this. Without any second thoughts, Luigi climbs in Junior’s clown car, along with Polterpup, and the two head to the Mushroom Kingdom as fast as they can.
While Bowser/Boo is adamant about the wedding, the koopas there are a little less comfortable about it due to how strange and intimidating the king was acting. As the service starts, Peach pulls out an ice flower from her bouquet and attacks Bowser, she lands a few hits, but Bowser uses his fire to melt the ice. Peach keeps trying to fight though, at least to distract him while she thinks of a plan. The koopas also help, agreeing that their King was not himself and didn’t want anyone in the Mushroom Kingdom getting severely injured.
Luigi finally arrives with Junior, jumps out of the vehicle and lands on Bowser’s shoulders while he’s fighting Peach. Seeing a crown that wasn’t on Bowser’s head before, Luigi grabs it and smashes it to the ground, falling off Bowser’s shoulder from the impact of the throw.
Suddenly, Bowser sees himself at the Mushroom Kingdom, not knowing how he got there since the last place he remembered being was back home. Princess Peach and the koopas stop, sensing that Bowser’s atmosphere was back to normal as he looks towards Luigi.
“Luigi, are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine…wait…I can talk!”
“You can finally speak again!”
“My voice its back!”
“I don’t understand, what’s happening?”
“It’s King Boo, he-aahhh!”
Before he can get another word out, there’s a sharp pain in his legs. He fells his bones bending and breaking in the most painful way and King Boo suddenly appears, turning him back into a merman before he can get another word out. Luigi looks to Bowser, afraid of what he’ll think of the man once he realises what he really is. But Bowser is too wrapped up in shock of what its happening and worry for the man that he loves.
King Boo grabs Luigi and drags him back into the ocean, the latter screaming for Bowser as the koopa tries to grab him as Luigi is forced back into the water, Polterpup chasing after his new owner. The king turns to Princess Peach.
“Princess, I know this may be confusing, but I really need your help, please, I love him!”
“Don’t worry, I think I might know his brother and what’s going on.”
Back in the ocean, Luigi is struggling against King Boo, trying to escape his grasp but somehow, the ghost’s grip is tighter than he though. Polterpup tries to fight his old master but a few Boos that had been hiding easily grab him.
“Oh, don’t worry little shrimp, it ain’t you that I’m after.”
The pair stop when they see Luigi’s father, the King of the ocean along with Mario stop them in their path.
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the red prince and the ruler of the seven seas.”
“Let my brother go!”
“No can do princey, precious little Lulu is all mine until you give me what I want.”
Luigi’s father growls at that.
“My son does not belong to you!”
He goes to use his magical trident, but a few boos grab Luigi and use some type of electricity on him, making the youngest prince scream out in pain.
“You see, the thing is your majesty, one wrong move and your precious little boy won’t be, how do I put this? Part of your world anymore.” (I am so sorry for that awful pun.)
The sea king was at a loss, he knew he would be putting everyone at risk by handing the trident and the throne to this made ghost but…he couldn’t lose his youngest son, from the corner of his eye, he could see Mario agree. He hands the trident over to King Boo, begging him not to hurt his son. With a mad gleam in his eye, he grabs the trident and lets Luigi go. To the green merman’s horror, the poltergeist points the artifact to his father and brother, watching in devastation as he turns them into dust.
With a strangled scream, he goes to attack King Boo, though surprised at Luigi’s reaction, manages to throw him to the ground. He’s about to use the trident on him when he suddenly feels something hit him. He looks up to see Bowser under the water, who had thrown a spear at him and raises the trident to him. In a moment of panic, Luigi grabs King Boo, making him point the trident at his boos instead and disintegrates them. Not wanting to witness King Boo’s anger, Luigi swims up to Bowser and guides him above the water, not witnessing the Boo’s fury with his new powers below him.
The koopa and merman reach the surface of the water, Bowser trying to reach out to Luigi.
“Bowser you have to go, now! Before King Boo gets you!”
“No, I’m not leaving you behind again!”
They feel a rumbling all around them. Suddenly, King Boo rises from the sea as a giant with the two on his head, cackling like a mad man. Bowser and Luigi jump back into the water, trying to escape until King Boo starts to form a whirlpool, separating them. Luigi falls into the whirlpool, landing at the bottom as Polterpup rushes over to him as King Boo taunts him.
Bowser is still paddling in the water, trying to get to Luigi when a ship comes up beside it. Inside was Princess Peach, some toads, koopas and Kamek. They throw a rope down to Bowser and help him up. Kamek looks to the king.
“I used my magic to help steer that boat but I’m barely holding on! I need you to guide the bowsprit and drive it into that mad boo!”
“But’s a ghost, he’s already dead!”
“I’ve managed to enchant so that I can trap him in this!”
Kamek holds up a pale purple gem, sparkling with some type of magic that the magikoopa used. Princess Peach then speaks up.
“I’m managing the sails while the toads and koopas are defending us! Bowser, are you able to guide the ship!”
“You can count on me Princess, take this as the beginning of a massive apology to you!”
Peach nods and everyone gets to work. King Boo is shooting at Luigi in the whirlpool, the merman trying to dodge as much as he can but knows that he is not strong enough to do anything. Enraged by what the Boo is doing to his love, Bowser drives the bowsprit into King Boo. The poltergeist screams with both pain and fear, knowing that if he can feel that then somehow, he has been defeated.
The seas calm down as the boo disappears into the gem. Bowser tries to look for Luigi, but the whirlpool is gone, and the merman is nowhere in sight. Kamek keeps him from jumping out as the princess guides the ship back to shore.
In the ocean, Luigi grabs the trident and rushes back over to where his father and brother were with Polterpup following him and sees the two have been returned to normal. Overjoyed, he hugs them both, all three of them crying now that Luigi is safe and home.
“I missed you so much Lu. I’m so sorry I wasn’t here when you went missing.”
“It’s okay Mario, I’m safe now, It’s okay.”
He gives the trident back to his father and the three mermen return home.
A few days later, Luigi is hiding behind a rock, Polterpup beside him as he watches Bowser from the shore of the Darklands, pining to see the merman again. Mario and his father watch from afar.
“You know, a while ago, Luigi would have fainted at the thought of going to the Darklands. Now, seeing how he looks at that koopa king, he’s gotten more braver than I ever imagined.”
“Peach told me that he jumped on Bowser’s shoulder’s just to get the crown off him.”
“Oh yes, how are you and that princess getting along?”
“I’m just teasing. Though, he hasn’t been truly himself since he came home.”
“I guess he left a part of himself since leaving the Darklands. After all, when you love someone, you give a piece of yourself to them, and in return, they grant you something even more freeing.”
“Then I guess there’s only one problem left.”
“And what’s that Dad?”
“…How much I’m going to miss him.” Mario raises an eyebrow in confusion for a moment before his father points his trident at Luigi.
Luigi feels a tingling sensation on his fins, looking down to see that there are no fins at all, his legs had returned! He turns to his father and brother, his smile beaming as the two nod to him.
Bowser is staring off into the distance, thinking about Luigi when he sees brown hair peeking out of the water. His heart stops when he sees Luigi emerging from the water in a sparkling green dress and his hair flowing in the wind. Bowser runs to him, picking him up and spinning him around in his arms and holds him as the two finally share a kiss.
A year later, the two are finally married on a giant ship, Luigi wearing a poofy wedding dress while Bowser is dressed in his finest suit. Luigi’s family and kingdom are watching from the ocean while toads and koopa finally come together as one. Princess Peach hugs Luigi, glad to have another human companion and blows a kiss to Mario in the ocean, who blushes at the gesture and waves back. Junior is also glad Luigi is back and is going to be his stepdad. He and Polterpup have also become close friends, the two playing together when they can. Kamek and Kammy are finally happy that Bowser has found love after all this time.
Mario asks his father to use to powers to lift him with the water to see his brother one more time. Luigi smiles softly and gives his brother a hug.
“Don’t cry big bro, I’ll see you after the honeymoon, you’re acting as if I’ll never see you again.”
“I’m sorry, its just, I’m so happy for you.”
“I love you, Mario.”
“I love you too Lu.”
He gives Bowser a menacing glare along the lines of ‘hurt my bro and I’ll end you’ before Peach comes over and kisses him on the cheek, making the red merman faint into the ocean. Luigi laughs at his brother’s antics as he waves goodbye to all the other mer-folk as the ship sails away to its next destination.
Bowser and Luigi give one another a soft look and share one more kiss.
The end.
You're allowed to yell at me for the shitty puns.
(Edit: also I love that you guys enjoyed it and you’re free to write something for this as it was only meant to be a drabble after having a bad day. As long as you credit and tag me, y’all can use this idea and write your own Bowuigi little mermaid fic ☺️)
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the-great-fusilli · 13 days
Courage the Cowardly Dog
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“Dogs are EVIL”
I will never shut up about how Courage the cowardly dog gave the kids a full episode of a “Bisexual x Man-hating Lesbian” trope.
We meet Kitty at the start of the episode when she beats the living hell out of Courage saying “Dogs are evil.” Her “best friend” Bunny, is in an abusive relationship with a dog. Which is why Kitty beats courage. She says the dog Bunny is dating “treats her like a slave.” The entire morning Kitty is trying to get her lick back at Courage because of what she witnessed happen to Bunny.
Kitty wears a mask, and makes Ustace and Muriel uncomfortable because she can’t eat the food or drinks they give her. After they ask why she wears it, she says it’s because she “simply doesn’t wish to face reality.” When Muriel and Ustace tell Kitty she HAS to face reality, she exposes them for the realities they refuse to face. She does this to show everyone is “hiding” a part of themselves, and no one should be able to criticize her for what she’s choosing to hide. This reminds me of the whole topic of “coming out.” Why is it that queer people have to tell the entire world what they like or who they are just so everyone else will be more comfortable? I’d Imagine this is exactly how Kitty felt during that conversation.
Courage takes a stuffed mouse that Kitty has with her while she’s asleep in the attic, locks her in, locks Muriel and Ustace in their room, and drives away to a dinner. When he gets there he realized the mouse says “To Kitty, From Bunny.” He then meets a rat working at the dinner named Charlie. Charlie tells him that “Bunny’s in a bad way without Kitty,” he goes on to say that Kitty and Bunny were the sweetest girls he knew, but Bunny’s boyfriend “Mad Dog” thought they were too “friendly like.”
We later see Mad Dog verbally abusing Bunny saying Bunny is acting as if she doesn’t love him anymore, and that it must be because she’s thinking about Kitty. He talks to Bunny as if he made her everythings he is and even makes her cry after saying “If I even smell Kitty I’ll burry the two of you.” While crying in his arms Bunny takes opportunity to connect his collar to a light hanging on the wall so she can run away. She grabs her bag, but gets caught at the door by other dogs.
Courage is outside of a window watching all of this go down. His sole reason for even being there is because he’s afraid of Kitty. He thinks if he doesn’t return with her mouse, that Bunny gave her AND Bunny herself that Kitty is going to kill him, Ustace and Muriel.
Eventually Kitty jumps out the window, after going crazy from being locked in the attic without the only thing she has left of Bunny (which she realized Courage has stolen.) While this is happening Bunny finally escapes with Courage. While running away Mad Dog finds the two of them, there is a chase scene, and Courage ends up driving Mad Dog’s car into a moving train (with Mad Dog still inside.) Bunny thanks him for saving her life, and coincidentally Kitty is on that same train that just hit Mad Dog. Bunny hears her and Jumps aboard telling Kitty “THAT DOG HE SAVED MY LIFE !” to which Kitty replies “I was wrong, not all dogs are bad.” She thanks courage from the train and hugs Bunny while saying “Now we can be best friends forever.”
The reason i typed out the plot of this episode was because: 1. HAPPY PRIDE, and because 2. the symbolism in the show in my personal opinion was done so well. I didn’t get it as a kid, even though I was happy to see Bunny and Kitty go away together, but now that episode means so much to me.
The “man-hating lesbian” stereotype only exists because so many women have been wronged tremendously, countless times by men. Whether it be before or after discovering their sexuality. The problem is never that women love other women, it’s that most men do not respect women. Not only did this episode show why so many women (lesbian or not) hate men, but it also showed that there are brave men out there with the courage to stand up to the shitty ones abusing women. By the end of the episode Kitty is no longer wearing her mask, but she never made a huge announcement to anyone that she would be taking it off she just did before running away to go find Bunny. What i loved THE MOST was that upon having that “not all dogs are bad” realization, Kitty and Bunny still ended up together because they were always meant to.
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madstronaut · 3 months
guess wot my fellow hoes (fellhoes?) you’re getting a two-fer-one deal
obligatory alpha post link below:
because I have been deep in my werewolf/hybrid!CODmen fixation while I was drunk off reading moondrunk I decided to take a break...
....by reading johnny boy and i dont want to even look at that ao3 history stat that tells you how many times you've visited this story IT IS A LOT
my record for one of my comfort stories is 79 times and that was back in january last i looked, and it doesn't count the copypaste backup i have in my notes in case of airplane mode. don't look at me rn (cough obligatory @the-californicationist G&G reference/tag here)
Reading: Moondrunk Monster by @ghostgorlsworld
so I went to watch the Love Death Robots episode referred to here and UNFFFF forgot how good that whole series was! wolflovers, go watch the Shape-Shifters episode from S1
once again i love a good fleshed-out reader backstory and this one is no exception
also as a certified graves simp the spittake I had to clean up at reading the phrase “Captain Graves”
also wolf-friendly pain medication? please i would happily read an appendix or endnotes/footnotes about the lore/worldbuilding here <3
"They weren’t used to humans being kind to them."🥺🥺🥺🥺
me to myself: tbh in many ways this is the world we are living in rn
that line about reader sleeping in the back of the med bay reminded me of this famous pic I saw way back when:
U.S. Army nurse Amy Stuart of the 5th MASH unit deployed in Saudi Arabia naps on a cot while hugging a teddy bear sent by her family during Operation Desert Storm (February 22, 1991)
getting a little too real but at my age, always hurts my heart and deeply disturbs me to see people younger than me who i consider children going off to/waging war COUGH ANYWAY SRY ESCAPING REALITY BACK TO FANFIC-
piney has such a succinct, tight way of writing to set the scene and story premise up so well - fucking salivating at ghost taking reader to their tent and him getting miffed at her sitting on soap’s bunk until she sits on his <3 LMAO I SEE YOU GHOSTY YOU LITTLE LOVESICK PUPPY YOU~
You glanced down, seeing the Scottish flag on the wall, the photos of a couple that looked exactly like Johnny. “Oh, sorry.” 
ok but also johnny WOULD have selfies of himself up on his own bunk
“ahm easy on the eyes, aint i LT”
“shut it”
You were American, so you didn’t have much taste for tea unless it was iced and sweet. 
me, a rabid tea swiller, raising my hand: UM NOT ALL AMERICANS HATE “TREE PISS” AS TED LASSO CALLS IT OKAY (okay but I love that show so much)
unfff wolf!ghost crowding reader into his own bed forcing her to sleep in it is just *so many chef’s kisses*
Gaz was healed within a day, coming to visit you with a Snickers bar as thanks. “I’ve been saving it for an occasion,” he said. “Wolves…well, we can’t really have chocolate without quite a bit of pain so I thought I would give it to you instead. As thanks.” 
ok this was the most adorable loredrop ever also literally heartbroken at the idea they can’t enjoy chocolate!!!!
The adjustments were freezing slabs of raw beef and plating it up still half-frozen. this reminded me of this frozen organic dog chow i kept getting insta ads for after dogsitting for a friend (if u can hear this siri/insta ad algorithms, FUCK YOU RESPECT MY PRIVACY) anyway in the ad the way the person plated it for their dog and the way their dog ate it with such gusto made me, a human, want to try the dog food lol
“Not everyone in America lives in Texas, Soap.”
👏thank👏 you👏facts👏
You smiled. “A small town in Oklahoma.”
“Bloody hell, that’s just Texas.”
👏also👏 facts👏 (don’t come for me texans this new yorker will (lovingly) fuck you up; god bless amurica)
He was wearing gloves, as always, but they were warm when he pressed them against the scars, fitting his fingers into the obvious claw marks.
The 141 was silent, watching Ghost with a mixture of surprise and horror. Price looked as if he were about to intervene, his knuckles white around his fork.
i fucking l o v e this entire scene
They were still strangers to you, but the base felt too quiet without them, and your skin felt bare without Ghost’s stare upon it.
i am shivering at how good this sentence is
ghost: has a record for being more wolf than human and acts of aggression against humans
also ghost: makes tea for reader regularly when she can’t sleep
also reader if you’re having a eat-three-powdered-donuts-in-one-sitting kind of day, you eat that whole box girl no one will fault you for it <3
Ghost hummed, then came the unmistakable sound of licking the sugar off his fingers. There had also been blood on his fingertips, from the night’s previous activities.
You don’t want to think about why that makes your belly clench. 
😏😏😏we love the feral ones
also unexpected gifts are some of the best ones
i felt the adrenaline of the humvee ambush like i was watching a live action movie - i could picture the entire scenes very easily in my head <3
and ghost taking off her boots >>>>>>>>
A man in a skull mask was asleep in the chair in front of you, his head tipped back against the wall, his legs relaxed and spread wide. 
ah yes, classic submission position~
The meek little nurse that had put a Colonel’s son in the ER. 
meek is one of my favorite words. i have heard an alternate definition for this as “meekness is great power under control” and it stuck in my head ever since; pls bow before medic reader my meek badass queen
Your heart raced. It was such a human instinct, to see a predator and want to either kiss it or run from it. 
ah yes imho the heart of why wolf/hybrid and enemies-to-lovers etc. etc. etc. tropes and fics are so popular~
Ghost seemed to like your attention, his ears perked at the top of his head. It was oddly endearing, and you normally considered yourself a cat person.
hehe big ghost wolf, smol floppy ears - i will not let this image leave my head
ok and the wolflore about the recessive genes!! eating it all up <3
also i know this is a ghostfic but soap blushing and mumbling bout his coffeeshop crush is soo <333333333
"you’re too young to feel old and miserable like me.” Soap smiled, a bit of cheer back in his eye. “You’re only three years older’n me, lass, I wouldn’t call ye old.”
literally me to anyone <30/even a year younger than me
"ALSO, yes i'm setting up for a future soap/cafe!reader fic"
okay the unholy screech that erupted from me at reading this author’s note i’m-
Graves sat in a simple metal chair, cool, calm and collected without a single blonde hair out of place. 
me fully knowing graves isnt even doing anything here, just sitting: go off, king
“I wasn’t going to let that boy take my soul, sir,” you said calmly. “Not for something as worthless as a career.”
well said indeed <3
You wondered if he would come visit you, if you asked. If he would sit in your dusty, frilly living room and drink from your pumpkin shaped mugs.
Price looked up from a paperback, a twitch in his brow. He preferred to keep out of conflicts between the pack, only interfering when blood was spilled. 
oh please my headcanon for price is that he inhales gossip like oxygen and keeps it filed and sorted alphabetically and chronologically in his mind palace to pull up as needed
They were on active duty, for Christ’s sake, it wasn’t like he could bend her over against one of those cots and stake his claim,  COUGHOMGWHYTHEEVERLOVINGFUCKNOTCOUGH no matter how badly he wanted to.  
The 141 hunted at night, so during the day Gaz and Soap would occasionally bring you a muffin for breakfast or a stray cup of coffee. Even Price, the fatherly man he was, brought you one of his extra novels to read while you were awake during the night shift, one of those cheesy detective thrillers that helped you get through the night without passing out on a patient.
who doesn’t love familial!141 🥰🥰
it’s nice to remind yourself that you’re still a simple woman that appreciates a nice mani-pedi and a good hair day.
this is so real - taking care of yourelf/reminding urself to feel human is so important <3
You had the rank and the experience, so of course, you got the lion’s share of reports. ahem this a small almost throwaway line but much appreciated - LEADERSHIP IS FOR SERVICE. TO SHOULDER THE BURDEN FOR THOSE UNDER YOU, AND LIFT THEM UP. TAKE THE HITS SO THEY DON’T HAVE TO - ONES THEY AREN’T EVEN AWARE OF IF YOU’RE GOOD AT IT. anyway stepping down once again from my soapbox-
ah reader i can think of many MANY MANY spicy ways to motivate ghosty to do his patriotic duty~
AND ALSO Reading: Johnny Boy by @ghostgorlsworld
first off being thrown into the deep end of the incredible lorebuilding had me ready to swim and dive deep without even taking a breath of reality because the story!!!! the worldbuilding!!!! absolutely immaculate
a recurring daydream/brainrot scenario ive gone back to time and again with my blorbos through the years is getting knocked up with their spawn and having to escape and go on the run and hide the child then have an implausibly wild reunion, often with some physically impossible makeup sex and then birth my own private sports team's worth of children to build our world empire (drama, romance, intrigue, adventure - i would buy out opening night tickets to the movieplots my brain spits out, anyway ty for coming to my BedTedTalk) anyway this has such a unique niche in the CODfics ive read with the almost enemies-to-lovers-back-to-enemies flavoring with brother’s best friend trope in play
on that note, shaking tom’s hand vigorously for sneaking johnny back into reader’s life, then backhanding him with my other hand - also for sneaking johnny back into reader’s life
cute-ass mactavish sire emma needs to eat raw meat to survive? her supernatural senses make her an old soul in a child’s body? no further comments, absolute perfection. i love the explorations of “hey scenting/being a hybrid, ESPECIALLY growing up as one, ain’t all its cracked up to be and is not just all 100% sexy times and funsies” and her picking up on mom being sad all the time a certain someone is near and declaring “if mommy doesn’t like him, I don’t either” just UGGHHHH i just want to give her a hug and tell her it will all work out, shes is in good hands (including but not limited to her own!) also tear the throat out of anyone who would dare steal her childhood (fistbumping my fellow immigrant first gen firstborns&eldest daughters who had to grow up too fast/take care of adults)
also one of the reasons i love this fic is the very fierce and protective love reader has for her emma and their really beautiful bond <3 fanfic can be so healing and tender in very unexpected ways and their relationship slipped past all my walls and armor and just stuck me right in the feels <3
the conversation about grandpa jack haunting them and turning the book pages for him was so sweet i think my molars rotted away on the spot, 🥺🥺🥺 piney i will be billing you for my dental visit expenses; be prepared to pay cos ive always wanted to secretly try out grillz as a new yorker girlie 
also random brainrot but 1000% positive grandpa jack was a fucking hottie in his glory days (underground fighting rings? picturing tyler durden rn)
also please give mama reader a fucking medal, cutting up raw meats and organs first thing in the morning (EVERY morning) is a feat indeed
also johnny/reader’s first meeting at the funeral home is absolutely exquisite, the perfect amount of drama and angst!!! raaaaaa biting my pillow and tearing it to pieces
- reader’s physical reaction to the “he’s behind me, isn’t he” revelation
- johnny’s physical glow-up described through reader’s eyes is just UNFFFF *chef’s kiss*
- reader going straight into panic/mama bear mode re: emma
- “your voice so cold it stung your tongue as you spoke. The ache in your chest was overtaken by rage, pure and hot. “Excuse me.” i am f e r a l for this line, this is PERFECTION i can taste the emotions here like viscerally on my tongue 
- honestly kudos to reader for not punching tom’s lights out when she’s running to get emma from him
“I don’t care.” You wanted to scream. You wanted to cry. You wanted to dig your nails into his skin and hurt him like he hurt you. “We don’t need you, we never needed you. I loved you, and you left for years . Deal with the consequences.”
Johnny Mctavish, a wolf, a soldier, flinched from you. 
It wasn’t the victory you thought it would be.
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also the last line of ch1 being “Forget him. John always runs.” and summary of Ch2 being “Johnny comes home.” ????? gonna run out of my lipstick giving chef’s kisses to piney here
the way piney fleshes out reader and her story and history with johnny just makes me want to give her a ginormous hug, also like an all-expenses paid weeklong vacation to the maldives or something for the absolute bullshit she’s endured (might have to join you on this though dear reader my salary/responsibilities working in [redacted] means i also need an all-expense paid weeklong vacation to the maldives)
“Because you still smell like me, kitty.” brain going brrrr being overloaded with conspiracy theories about teh many layers what this may mean
wolves were different from normal men. Territorial. 
me, reading about fictional territorial wolfmen on tumblr: 🥰🥰🥰
me, reading about IRL men being ‘territorial’: 🤢🤢🤢
“Grandpa was like me,” she said, loyal as always. 
i’ll be totally honest the character i fell head over heels with in this story was not johnny taking first place no - EMMA MACTAVISH MY HEART <3 i hope my future children will be brave, kind, wise, funny and compassionate like you <3
It seemed that the only person suffering in this situation was you.
this line + the short almost throwaway line of reader “laughing wetly” just before it just ughhh my heartache! shoutout to all the hardworking parents/caregivers simply Trying Their Best And Getting No Recognition™️ (madstronaut sees you and applauds you, great is your reward in heaven and or the pits of tumblrhell, dealer’s choice)
“It wasn’t your decision to make, Tom,” you said, your voice reaching that pitch that made you feel like your mother. god this got too real, when i hear myself sound like my mother sometimes (esp. when im mad) i literally narrow my eyes at my own reflection and have to check myself before i wreck myself iykyk
also freaking love the lore about hybrids/wolves being discriminated against in society and johnny’s own experience and pitfalls navigating the world! lorebuilding>>>>>>>>>>>>
You were dressed more appropriately this time, a Black Sabbath tee and sweats, your work clothes of pencil skirts, trousers, and wool sweaters currently drying on the laundry lines in the backyard. 
ok reader i see you my little rocker <3 you would love saint vitus bar in brooklyn; make tom or johnny watch emma so we can headbang to our heart’s content and you can enjoy a well-deserved night out <3 (on that note #REOPENVITUSYOUCOWARDS)
Emma two-handed it, just like you tell her to. It seemed she was trying to be on her best behavior, the little traitor.
Something in your chest squeezed when Johnny tucked the blanket around Emma’s skinny arms, more gentle than you had ever seen him.
ok though real talk men being gentle and tender, esp. around kiddos - hi, yes please sirs you can indeed help me mop my panties off the floor
Susan didn’t know what to do with a little boy that chewed on the furniture and got sick when she didn’t let him eat raw meat. 
i physically need to see fanart of young wolf!soap gnawing on an armchair leg
This was why you liked Charlie, he was so, so reasonable. 
hello charlie or as i like to call you “walking beige flag” the way i would roast him if i was bffs with reader..
also emma drawing that wolf catcher memory and waiting until soap was there to show it to both him and reader - AAGGGGH I freaking loved this and how clever this is i can do an entire pepe silvia conspiracy board meme breakdown of why and how much i loved this whole interaction
emma knowing it is a tough memory for her mama but choosing to draw and show it specifically to johnny - and waiting til they are all in each other’s presences (presence? idk)
i can see reader fighting (a losing battle lets be honest this is johnny fucking mactavish) tooth and nail so far to maintain the armor of assumptions and explanations she’s told herself to deal with the pain of being in love then (from her pov) rejected and how this has bled into how she paints johnny to emma despite her best efforts 
and yet as they say sometimes the body says and knows what the mind/heart cannot say yet and 1000% sure that little miss wolf emma mactavish loves her mom but is also sure that momma isn’t sure on where she stands with johnny
also ALSO the fact that jack raised both johnny and emma HAS TO MEAN SOMETHING RIGHT - even though they’ve just met i love the little tidbits of the special wolf-to-wolf and father/daughter connection they have
AND AND AND so my grand theory here is that i believe emma made and showed this drawing to johnny because from what she knows - she perceives mama reader to despise johnny on the surface, yet still wants him - but based on what she’s told her about johnny, thinks johnny may not want mama - and drew this to prove mama is still worthy and a great protector - “You haven’t got any teeth or claws but it didn’t matter.” - and “showing her off” to johnny COUGH ANYWAY THAT’S WHERE I’LL END MY THESIS TYVM
also i love the bits sprinkled around the fic about johnny’s eyes sparkling eerie/brighter when he gets worked up
Perhaps all the war and killing really was good for his temperament.
HAHAHAHA OKAY SHIT, MAMA, WHO IS THE DELULU ONE NOW????????? (tbh it’s me, hi im the probl-)
johnny trying to find excuses to spend his PMC savings & money on reader + emma - IRL me and my bills & student loans crying laughing hysterically at reader turning this down
“Shut up!” Tommy said, frowning at you from the couch. “Fuck, lovie, he’s a friend from work.”
The man in the mask raised a hand in an awkward wave.
HAHAHAHHA SIMON!!! his entrance totally threw me off but ofc tom’s SHUT UP (true sibling energy right here, no greeting, just yells) and simon’s lil wave just UGGGGGGGHHHH such a nice palate cleanser from the intense but delicious angst - also tipping my hat at the subtle way to introduce Bi!Tommy with the “he’s not company he’s a guest” line 😏
You felt Simon’s eyes on you, judging, appraising. You were sure Johnny probably didn’t have the nicest things to say about you–most likely that you were an irritating little girl that followed him around for twenty years then proceeded to get pregnant and raise the child without him knowing,
would love to know what and how TF141 thinks of mama reader from how johnny has described her…despite her own misgivings <3
Johnny was an unsuspecting kind of violent, always smiling and laughing until he wasn’t, until it was serious.
Simon was different. He felt older. 
aaaaaa this is SUCH a good characterisation of them both
You had missed him like a lost limb-
ooh i absolutely love this phrase! I have one person in my life i went through a friend breakup with (iykyk - these are more painful than romantic breakups imho) and we mended things and discovered afterwards we both referred to our break in our friendship as ‘having lost a limb’ to other folks (!) sometimes birds of a feather really do flock together
 “It’s just…we’re adults, and adults have tricky feelings. preach mama 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️
but also pls mama i know you have a kiddo but putting on nail polish right before a date? nooooooooooooooooo though chanel polishes ARE superior cos of that fat brush so all is forgiven <3
anyway climbing down from my soapbox on behalf of women everywhere, back to the fic
as a tiny tiny redeemable bit - charlie having weekly dinners with his gran is a huge green flag trait
He stilled, looking at you. His hand came up, pinching your chin like he used to. “You havnae called me Johnny in a very long time.” The rawness of his voice broke you down into someone you used to be, someone that loved him.
me, extremely pleased, reading this: ah yes, in vino veritas~
The alcohol had dampened the anger in your chest, you felt…open. Open to talking about it. Bleeding the poison from the wound.
<3 <3 <3 this line <3 <3 <3
irl sidenote: u can also do this without alcohol my friends <3 trusted friends, therapy, long retreats into nature, safe places, safe people all very effective and cutting right to the heart in the gentlest ways possible, painful but highly recommend over the alternative (and lesser) options of keeping the poison inside <3 
Within a blink, Johnny was kneeling before you, his hands on your knees as his eyes bored into yours. You felt a chill, a whisper of fight or flight pricking your neck at his predatory stare.
ahem hello this is it
this is what does it for me
kneelng for your prey <3
also i love that their first real physical intimate contact after reuniting, beyond that hug after the wolf catcher story, is johnny LICKING reader’s tears off her face
“All I had was a picture and letters, but I could get off just from you writing that you missed me, just from your smell lingering on the fucking paper.” whats that phrase? marines make do? 🥰🥰🥰
me, reading about lacy underwear getting shredded: mmmmf yes sexxxxxyyyy
also me: ok i just know that was expensive, cringing inside at having to replace it
also fics that have men talking to ur pussy as they take care of it >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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confortaleza · 2 years
JULIAN “JILL” SATO ( he/they ) is a NON-BINARY, TWENTY SIX year old ZEHR’S BY THE SEA EMPLOYEE who has been living in Moorbrooke for TWENTY FOUR years. They were born on OCTOBER 15 and right now, they are currently residing in MAPLE COURT. It has been said that they look suspiciously like BOOBOO STEWART and if they had to choose a song to describe themselves, they would choose WEVE GOT THE POWER by GORILLAZ. ( cielo, 25, mst, she/her
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b a s i c s
full name : julian “jill” sato sexual orientation : demisexual  occupation: drummer of the leftovers. greenhouse worker  +amiable +loyal + jocular   -sensitive -dumb -secretive
h i s t o r y  s u m m a r y
tw: mention of homelessness, tw: mention of juvie
jill became homeless at the age of 16 when their  mother decided to abandon them. they didn’t know their father, so jill was truly on their own. so they took their time to backpack the country before landing in new york. they got in a lot of freaking trouble there and short story long, they ended up getting arrested and sent to an orphanage after spending a year in juvie. came back to moorbrooke cus they missed his pals. they never graduated high school. instead got their GED when they were like 20. only a handful of people knows about that part of jill’s life, because it’s not something they like to flaunt. those two years were traumatizing for jill  but they are trying to move past it. their dream? to become a farmer lol. knows a lot about agriculture, so they are working up the courage to go to college for it
h i s t o r y
w a n t e d. c o n n e c t i o n s
ASTRID - girls night + jill. someone braid his hair, paint his nails, do face masks with him. PLEASE POPPYSEED- someone hurt him pls like maybe he has a crush on your DANDELION  - he does a lot of community service! maybe someone who plants trees with him on the weekends POISON IVY - someone who sees how dumb jill is and literally takes advantage of it lol like they are making him do drug runs and jill is deadass like “im delivering a package for my friend!” MAGNOLIA - uptown girl having the hots for the hippie drummer boy and vice versa lol  ASPEN - camping buddies! someone who loves the outdoors as much as jill does or someone who hates it but likes jill enough to try it out SPIDER LILY - an ex!  I’m flexible with anything tbh like maybe they broke up before jill left town, or because they were spending too much time with the band, or maybe they couldn't stand what a pushover they were lol anything does FORGET ME NOT - childhood friends, the few that know what the hell happened with jill. maybe it’s
e x t r a s
- hippie love child -not the sharpest tool in the shed, bless their heart 
-but at the same time they are!they just dont believe in themselves! -definitely the sweetest! people pleaser is their  middle name  -feel free to be super mean to them lol they wont catch it lol they would 100% think you’re joking  - befriending jill is like, adopting an oversized puppy. - would totally throw hands if someone was mean to their friend though. - if there is one thing this kid can’t stand is littering - loves plants! has a million in their  little studio. takes it upon himself to water any of the plants surrounding the complex building. lowkey started a mini garden in the backyard after begging the landlords  - is high 90% of the time. doesn’t like to drink though.  - they make their own cigarettes out of lavender.  -a camping/hiking god. knows the best spots and is always looking for road trip buddies  -they are the drummer in ryan’s band and they love it!! they got hella strong arms lol - a very anxious person underneath all those smiles. has trouble sleeping by myself cus it reminds him of those two years. - has a cocker spaniel mix dog named clover! absolutely loves her! she’s a support animal!
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dillwonder · 2 months
‼️RANT about family and animal neglect‼️
This isn’t anything super serious and the animal mentioned is not hurt or harmed, just not loved by og owner
Hello, let me tell y’all about the cat my brother doesn’t even pay attention to and should actually be my cat (for more than just me caring for her). SO, a couple years ago my cat died and I was devastated. That cat had health issues that i couldn’t care for on my own I had no job or vehicle, by the time i got a job he had already passed and he had these health issues for YEARS that I NEEDED AN ADULT TO HELP ME WITH BC I WAS UNDERAGE HAD NO JOB OR CAR TO DRIVE MYSELF. For the months after my cat died, I BEGGED my mother to help me get a cat or gift me a cat for Christmas or my birthday. It was a month before my birthday and my mom announced she was getting a cat for my brother. Naturally, I was PISSED and my mom and brother looked guilty and even said “we knew you would react like that and not support your brother after his cat died too” BRO…. W HA T???!!! I was like “😀 huh?? Ofc I’m mad, I have been asking for a cat for months” and ofc my mom and brother are like “you can get urself a cat?? No one is stopping u??” Holy shit that’s not the point you inconsiderate twats. This cat?? That my brother got??? He kept it in his room for MONTHS while she was a kitten so she didn’t get to roam the house and become accustomed to our other animals. Finally when he let her out she didn’t really appreciate the other animals and he would forget to feed, water and change her litter pan (thankfully we had a bigger food and water reservoir for the rest of the cats we own that was EASY ACCESS to all of them) however. She did not like our dogs, she was stressed out by them and not having a clean pan so she would piss on things and jump up on the counters and shelves to get away from the dogs that would CHASE HER (trying to play but it would stress her out) my brother, mother and father would be like “UGH SHE IS SO ANNOYING JESUS CHRIST I HATE HER” and I would tell them the pan is filthy, she can’t get in her room and the dogs stress her out. They ‘solved it’ by putting her outside forcibly when she was mostly an indoor cat. She still had access to food as we have a covered patio she had access to for shelter and food, but the bathroom and water had to be figured out by her, she was forcibly a barn cat now, essentially. Time skip to now, she is still not allowed inside the house. Me and my partner live adjacent to the house, still on property but in a separate dwelling and we let her in to eat, sleep, play, drink ect.
She has never peed, pooped, ruined things ect. In my house.
Me and my partner care for her, love her, make sure she has shelter, she does still get overwhelmed by our dog and jump up onto high places to get away or eat food on the counter occasionally. But she hasn’t broken anything, peed on anything ect and we know what it means when she does that and we let her go outside when that happens. (She asks to leave) she LOVES my animals and loves us. We are moving soon, there is no sign of my mother, brother or father letting her into their house anytime soon so we asked “would you like us to take her with us? We know you guys have had issues with her and we just want her to be taken care of” guess what my brother, WHO DOES NOT CARE FOR HER AT ALL ANYMORE, said?? “No. Thanks for the offer though :)”
Obviously, I realize I shouldn’t have asked and I should just take her. HOWEVER, I don’t know what he would do if he found out I had her and I honestly don’t want to spend days and days fighting w/ my brother over the phone or have him show up and try to take her back. I also don’t know if the rest of my family would join in and be like “give her the cat back!!!” And so I’m being yelled at by all fucking sides. I wouldn’t give her up easily, tbh I would t give her up unless they tore her from my cold dead hands.
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libidomechanica · 5 months
Be coold
A ballad sequence
You, Bob, are rags or dust. Not so     Leonidas and Washington. To make or this circumstance     lies for I have a third
was some more a slave to wash the     frowie fede, or which lily leave, since my love he laugh’d to see,     like a hawk, an’ it winna
let a fall; the last so     historian, you should pay with me. From pride, and the prey, and     only can under twenty
stones to rise again, whereon     we leave. Urged, so loudly thought not savage sort would be     forgotten, and dogs had his
own hearts o’ men adore the same,     and love. I moved in cellars and, last, then, gentle springs.     Juan answer’d, Look upon
the dawn and the bed. What though i     have left so sweet that folly, or my fellow, Johnson I     will not married. But I
am dead, statue contest, death     shall haue than shedding seas of good eating cake and me, if     love to fame, than she fram’d
thee here within our fault, but never     a March-wind sings, let us kiss at last men like a     hawk, an’ it winna let
a body be. The red-ribb’d ledges     drip with golden gate; and I am with their to a     penchanted prime, like the
official clocker, monstrous shapes     and may appal. Of the world ends a bee circle just, and     must for sharply above
you. He wrote love on pity drew     near; the stature of a lawn, vegetable peddlers shout     insinuate; tells us
is a bulky volume into     an elegant extract much like sluices, stopp’d, her joints forget     not his rustic mind.
Brain treasures; it shall not know howl     I can’t withstand the lowe degrees, first for his foes; his eyes     so round, forget not yet.
She; and gazed: I played it light where.     Of that sun and the rude militia swarms; mouths to swallowing     honour was conference
of the loving sweep. Where is in     his mind? But Fortune is best; then separate pathways to blame:     there lived and by sea, war
with at him some applause from either     seem’d to kiss you needs a second fears as the wind with     the still conclusion upon
the better, for them in saving     Sylla the maddest when the means to the heart as a     millstone, seize love and
livelihood, and, thou didst breath, whose eyes     that a poor stone table of elements the dead the last:     a peaceful form revolving
in the air and led the wind     on to danger; I hate nor envy e’er could be written     love the winds are born no
one leaf put forth? Now that festering     Holla’, or his brother, bent to remove, and sighs that     seemed by her slaves, and now
no more he bade the meteors     and further with the deep enough to drive to look upon     me scowl—I wish he would
have been a very place them round     rising so witty could you a tale of one battle, hurried     with different voices
of their sight blind eyes conference was     Nature, air of glitter’d that of the counted one by one,     as thou art not, or I
had wish’ to pay my countless, and     hustled together is cheating Lust on earthy bed; my     dust would grieue me. Indeed
a certain course to walk here. But     never roome more plunder, and seem to say the stuff, what is     still frets, thoughts unlike, O
princesses sprang out from seeds, and     heavy firing, sense of fear; it shall be sparing its     sleek young khan in her right,
her objection, where yet lies tangled     poison the dang me, an’ it winna let a body     be. Use good deal of the
field of battles, and now she begins     to prey; and yet no footprint, heard it—the wind; if they     him with better’d o’er her
feet, driving, hurrying, but     unsavoury end; ne’er betraying and kissing, and stopped short     lease—but permit the
company, whose flesh, and dogs had had     perish’d here, a little good, to the wood, crept through the     runaway boy who chucks it
all to lives to see, like the seasons,     and adores a goose: her for that thirst of gloriously     her first to stake out
the circle just, and on the soul’s     delight: long mute he stormy Cymon at the prairie, the     starts, like a hornet’s nest.
But babble, merely staying in     its round the care of late did wittily prevent, thrust full     of riot, teaching palm,
the rugged the rain, has such, so     not eat the city’s rest were not mark my face? If we may     never wound up with custom’s
afterglow. The beautiful     a sun, so sad a sigh has brought on one with a slight a     country known, flowers in.
To one sings on high, and in her     neck; her choice than that makes his love, and what a horse, and dark,     Blythe waukens by the blushing
the woods. Section all points, no     matter what of the nations: the Briton musicke made, cobbling     its sleek young Pasimond
had it—but I may be dispute.     And queen with kisse; each ravishers their tender&I so     grateful object will the
hearing him to the young sparrows     are past echoing the world may see my please; he rode, he     fenced, he wiped her eyes have
left behind, and hasteth to the     live leg still morning and down as well known by separate pathways     to the horse be gone.
This morning and twitch’d his power.     Garden grows dim again. Bid me discovery of heroism,     and heart would explain his stern philosophy the     palisade, quite disapproved,
the last: if twice you kissed my     soul and leaps, he neighs aloud: finding themselues oppressed,     even Death should run into the laugh’d to sport I suckt while     Cymon shall decline my
head. With court and trembling heart serene     with such resources, as those who first and look with a     Kidde, now with you on the lie and his cheeks, tears our eyes as     the sod. To love? The father’s
feature; but still to dry; but     the heart in loyalty, because he had kept a vigil     or dreamt rather nourishes stranger, never ran away,     so blind old man, now lord
of Love’s the ruin’d woodlands drove thro’     storm to softens above thee and therefore, now, than flint, for     stone bastion carried up to think too that roams Siberia’s     wild has not mickle. And
hide her lips another dames I     picked the past the pavement one another, bent to a     serious supreme delight and dare not me, and though the sweeping     that moved among green
bay, rage, rage against the way she     always the end against a giant; at last men lie; peace     in their moss. And trumpet’s peal, the feast? Breathing-while; the rose     I lay; if thou not hymns
and fish; but every spinning with     the silent, cold Aurora could say after much declared     an active hermit, even the modesty, or absence     and livelihood, and water
skims, amang thee; thou’rt aye sae     free from this horn: anon she hears no blot? Here curious     flower, thus quietly she up-heaveth, like one who opened     with lewde lust which brings
harms and feature, all purposes     unsure, that he learns to- day: here, why make Corrupting. Was     applied to show to move, but still more prevailed above yon     slope of gain, in the captain’s
voice even if she weeping     over less; and kings! All abreast, why passion sometimes, and     stream, we lay in early morn did stay that, not I, but scorn     that’s the winds, and swift of
fortunes in one place, dash’d on his     shadow makes the meadow your walks have ears: their souls! I     warily oped her fame and government are gone, I only     lovers; and her cheek
grow cold, and some hundred kissed me     quite insane. To him, claps her conquest on t: March! Upon     him and Satan’s men: I shut my eyes even men love break     out in blue as yours to
immure her discord, heaven then     lets you love together. Were two country of Christians to     the ditch again. As salt as might have proved the means boded     to gentle chase, ineffably,
legitimate heart’s complaints     adds pious pastime war is. Calling—come, poor Son of     Salt, and quite worn out that loves not combat like or take his     celestial breathe destroys,
and, stooping, marrying, but     unsavoury end; ne’er will aspired by love, who lives are not     begin to outgrow their days and holes: arsenic, arsenic,     sure, that’s put to such
for man be there are but sensible:     then the sullen, still the womb all already mixed. Light     concerned the hears the passions any rest. And, fool I     He did crave; but thy feet.
And she would take breatheth in his glimmering night.     As pure blushing through its bloody track, it happening and haunch of snuff about there. Is God’s     glory set, will be shown. As if by force it overflow the word. Fixed as a pilgrim     wilderness and head unto such things were pools that aim and last. You are as your vows, had     given me six hundred you to love
is fire. After it, and his congeal’d their rational     as any other fixed and of dread it. Charlie gat the son’s repose? The wise man’s complaints     adds pious metals most toward, and canst not see one who took fire, nor even in sleep:     the drowsy waked; and looked at the whole together time mine host. The silver doves the     other’s and embracements unto
none, thou wilt deign this thine, hath charmers we have been     a very night—sometimes I touch of one or gain: the glacis. Now swimming in his way;     for one rough, weather, who must either by this same small amounts, and policy, and     multiply until mine. On Sunium or Hymettus, like cattle were left the claws of a     piece designed, with no redeem a bride.
He calls at threescore, with windows     shone the best of tuneful voice before the Knowledge absolute,     subject I’ve stolen
like thatch blaze forth, sufficed, but oft     denied, but my life ye know, my head to see houris, like     planet’s curving sweet music
rose and parable, I fear     to stay. But all at once inspires my way to the heaven’s     lightly blunder’d the ground:
therefore, that good night. Thrice fairer     than less. Shall suspect where he sees, but himself down and legs     want prepares, and prayed her
sinews bent to drink tears, that thirst     of all, and death who lives to grace could tell, but an orphans     of the leaues doth urge release,
by wine disabled, unprepares     to seduce; nothing the sun with the bust of her     wax made no impression?
Will go much gold for ever swell?     For what am I that I am man! The king! Give it     me, lest the prisoner, was
also have it expressed, ordained,     the budding of spilled, while it spoils below, show’d a wanton;     he’s obscene. Struck by their
advance, the valiant face, and now     that’s pretty creatures who love is one. Those eyes more glad it     has used. World drops dead. He
cheers his tremors or his dangerous     yelping off, arms limp as old he possible handed     at a price so high,
following knees; her several praise     be Thine! We argue like fiends from me, after all tastes, we     are amaz’d brake she felt
no pain. Thrice faire, yet radiant in     his way shall meet him shiver, yawn, or Pooh! I swear thine arm!     And distinguisheth in
their genius, and cast a glance, his     fatal folly and dance of plastic ice chest; the cruel to     know; nor did I meet he
welcome her safe. Is flattery;     for this grace, it seems the bumblebee visitor. The doom was     passed us walking, till
gathered Rhodian state, but pretty     dear; but else unhurt, she treads around, when Cymon’s back in     battle ne’er can contains
so much ado the two fair a     hope is not thinke. Which its many master, shall known a     And shriek their smoking hinge… .
As careless lust stirs up a     desperate foe—he had, like small rock the downward weight, curse, bless,     me now. His fame too, in
a pit to catch a shield her, but     is ever Mahomet pick’d out and the salt Medway, that     if they behold two Adons
dead! What did it may turn, and     knocked upon that red mouth, and where, maybe a collect it,     such as under her fears
increasing family of Hecla,     to set it, in honest man’s face toward, they have warm’d the chase;     hunting buttock, tender
moonlight, a haystack. Such as rather     more aghast they can be idle is; let’s be doing,     though the third daughter’s graceful
ear in their hands he wrote this,     the wealth forget you and I love so alike, that suck’d and     down so we can share in
quest of this hole your siege from the     murmur of your idle over-handled the sod. Everyone     starve, great assays, the
hoofs of the lover and better;     thus were profanation. What thou fall, the first, and then mightst     thou in the foul face of
friend Scott says, we are left at large,     like the flood. And set my Seal: the Truth God only care, thoughts     had never would strive was,
that there is bright refection even     bury a man; and turn with capsules in my buff and     blue, autumn, yes, winter
still, a much less with all the loud     shriek their commonplace but there were uncertain fair proportion’d     steel and leave exceedings
teach the fort, cowards wont vpon     a hill, and sighs he sets the nuptial day, prepared amends     for wits? The pain be rid
so upon thy linger, though better     than the seaman, tempering, and stories, his eyes     fiery like the twist, or
else but love or awe, the right learn     this occasion, a virtue they were, not say exactly     please it with you alive?
Do steel and flits around the sun.     In lopping off her jewels, her slaves, and tempt Salámán. And     hustled together non- age. Fair Jenny alone. Hunting     aromatic fumes, an amatory banquet wert thou     the quiet pain for
unremember? But pretty poet.     The island, the stairs, and beat, like small bird? For half wonder     how the rose, the Fate who labour in despair. Your lips in     the mammoth’s bones, when nature’s natures? Voice of one or ten     paces were at the Future
I may see both of the heart     no man, with earth’s worm, what did feed her fire must go, and love     but twice, and yet she hears the will kiss that are not blossoms     white with a mobile nose she moved some strange fragrance. But up     and doting a whole nations:
the great Locke? His works to draw.     Cowards me, guess I may what loves me again, and tis yours     I am, ’ quoth she, and hastening to try if he warr’d the     deceased, dissembling them with merry horn where thought it brave.     But still both lightning the
world, away she rushing rosy     little greenwood-shade he took, to see in fold. A savage     sort of military martyr to a great round him good     queen lily and something of a foe o’er they both at board     and borrell, of Heauen to
doubt he is enviable.-Tinted     fruits, and wearies out. A sadistic displaced the wind     like innocence and got, ’twas but late for the rain, sith in     her e’e? While great Lucullus’ Robe triumpher of     That laughs and riches rancke?
) Has given her tears as salt as mine in feature.     Two brother, Have thy soft hand’s printed, what seeldome falls the glory;—glory’s a greater     parts; they grieves. Dark is right, has flowers.
The compliment, and yet she was     allowes my real Flame.— Then, like a child of soft misnomers,     so that I must render’d
up, in shape, in case t was     a paradox become her darling of the Moslem men     threw the envenomed
dart, a tickling passion doth but     slight Muse do please, by dint of you are all dissemble, with     a stroke, he lyes in little
heart beat once. In hill, in dale,     or in dale: graze on my lettuce which once inflame my blood!     But could keep a pure
defeature, both hiss you neither fruits.     Her Eyes Narcissus so himself forsook, and eke the future     shamed of such be Rome
and though thunder’d—the puddle great     tonnage, whose sole accomplish’d, cheering unexpected signs     and Sorrow, and to hang
thee, stella, in whose musky spot     infected all, the ground; some twenty hundred youngsters and     a printed, what seest thou
thyself thou make, for the heart stands     upon the ever to the sun itself has perish too,     nor the Turkish batter’d.
Then, since that Firmán-issuing     from Him—by Him directed all her will, gude faith! The different     way into metal
and they are but may the field of     battle-field. Earrings. Crossed by darkness lies; two glasses jingled,     the next prepared—the
first, our holy beacons always     that stuck faster than the grass! Canaan: the tempests cleere, by     Stella sweet consequence
of thine, hath taught me Turn, and hate     the hour, as is a torrent of pity was the midst of     crimes enjoying half-pay
for every vulgar paper to     the cowslips blaw, in vain immediately in her     excellent for ever. Being
a virtue much is most forlorn     world arraigned, were man but for all the wandering on     deck, because she’s Lover
bY ROBERT BROWNING the rapidity     of reach. So did their hips: now doth shrowde emong the     victors to the cared to
make her not felt her heart on first     began the weary even?- Smelling. Upon the same a     goteheards welth: when matter’d
to die. In malice: if he     his lead horse, a shield to steel his brother, the mountains may     be disputes of those hills.
And now Adonis smiles at Bender. A page where     mounts and hasten to be with least suited not more of her troubled midnight to witlesse     words spoken light. But he begot him.
Birds sighed with love. The length with herself whilst I sing,     who place for me may be your own, a thing written Summary I close, and gins to give     what is cold; she taught him who leads. She
had: his boisterous and unfinish’d? More brain its     disgusting flower of beach houses and must for that were knock’d upon our babes, poor soldiers     have latter is to dress, to-morrow
what he feels, be produced when the path is not reserved     or free: he had something finer than the bent of the decease. Into an elegant     extract much left me, sweet kisse-worthy
of accepts while such-wise she loved Cassandra     mine. Till death or foe, then ply their smell, and in death, may regard, though with me—or fall to     the number several praise of all
your place. Prepares to rate theologian, an     Oh! And liuing dying. Such nothing but a spectral bride; for thy flocke, to fetch euen my soul     of the transient trait of one that hole
I crawl into thee? She whisper when seated on     a shining though now arraigned, he moved, but every thing, and she loves his mistressed. The     Arrows that revolution alone
in one vast fire woman, you of the sixteen are     the rears up-prick’d; his brow, and castle. The rampart, thro’ the strong, and pretend to other     tied your voice even if she saw his
lips; and asks the world my spite, though green wounds appals     her stand on the passport which its many heroes with all the added but to-day I     strove, made her little doll child, or at
large, like fire, as law require some thinks we     machinist at his words begun, his merit it by no means my way to touch of hands I     come hither, there is one. And white: to
see a better lovers’ love—whose sweet purse-mouth with     never could you being taken from of excess as where mists down, each leaning: nurses     nod their Christ. Besides all the new-sprung
up, chequer’d with instructed an office might fill     volumes with her ankles go into the earth. And there is famish the first touch because     man in any room. The eldest daughter,
thick-sighted, barren, lean, and mid the pain … Do     whatever four; would that eats up Love’s golden treasure laden, hemm’d thee mid this king had     twelve enchant this. At my bonie Mary,
charlie Grigor tint his plaidie, kissing in the world     equally; if on another kills her, no; to-morrow. Making loom, till he lours and     embracing, like the quarto hold me
with an oath from the fighting conflict of heavy     tale, and I shall be taste, fresh beauty; though she now? Without, nor broken. And forth again;     and hustled together foot, obliquely
run; thy firmness marr’d: heavy Saturn laugh’d to     see, like milk and the last: if twice descending blow: and asks the birds, with me; the ditch again;     her more the same—a mirror’d hell!
Known by my troth, what neede hem caren     for souls encumbered with sport, to renne hys dayly race.     I refuse to remove
the troubles how he outruns the     head was children’s children of Illusion, a stay against     some new prophet should I?
To the tyranny could even     weep to the world is flashing round the pressed. Might has two of     the developed brute; a
god and Evil. Leaves an infants     are breath which most mortal vigour; because the fire ashes,     what a sight her perpetrated
ere a word! Paused for a     languished side soon shall be mine, but you may deem, too gentle     wind shall cool the higher
that is Zuhrah? Join his state-thing     but my body it has its realms? Two strength in vain the moon     is changed to see’t; yet this
vain bubble’s shadow pay? Thus in     verse more nobleness! The last time; then join they both hiss your     voice but her what great god
Pan, vpon the tenths of what I was     sixty! And all was heady; but, ere they, or if they both     hear; and anger as her
own gentle shadows the moon is     but a dog then me? Still she said, sleep must leaves them and the     tape rolls on. The merchant,
to stray; but see the winds are driven,     by dint of lanterns, or of taste—indeed the expected     of my hairs be grey;
as blithe a man as you to be     a totus teres stoic, sage, the more. That is in his     threat for his Stand, I say’?
He who creature, as the sun Who     to another does his own alone; and turn with shades of     these brief night I was better
drawn aftertimes. Measure.     The narrow at him shoull have heard, I know she loved a thunders     roll, the fire that found
their space. The Master was then between     his cap and Clear Heart, the land unknowing you, while it     spoils upon this flesh has
sold, I saye as some virtuous     men pass mildly away, came like wind trouble you no more,     and like a dog then to
hearkens for repetition of     our isle, wash’d by the rising from Heaven of a bride. This     kind as my fate, the match?
And then a string, a dashing and     down the roots of my speaking of a son. Of glory, which     proves the heat of carnage, like a basketball. Commenced from     such strife; one droned in the public wealth and, stooping, marrying,     marrying strange, so
sweet did for me? The wasted are     thrust, only a biochemical kisses buys my heart     from Stellas lawes of duetie to depart: she is near, she on     her discovery of heroism, and therefore now the     hall things, or this I do
to captive one, or, thou dost sing.     Dual nature of an air so long have gaz’d, infusing the     Cuppe, and liked an error of the spirit in my poor Venus     noteth, over one will not fear, with Ismail—hapless     town! Now she can no more.
The red rose is blown. With flowers,     and kiss that cedar-plank or weed but of a kiss I beg;     why art thou in the grave.
Then woo thyself as Spring open the jars so     everyone was only part by part— and now his grave, seeming worlds have been standing on     all, or at large, alive that they last,
their foes so few; but certes it conducts to live     and listen for recompense more virgins make thy passion free which I have becomes alone.-     Sire that never face, take it
all back: Hello there, a little matter be thing     of soap and shield. Sing terrible enough to fly from her two blue with the din of our     isle, wash’d by the eight loaves in a fit.
Part: how high she’s stream, and cheerful     torches gild the puddle great, it seemed to lose; the mare. In     that lived together, each
hath one, and his wit that, like doctors     of their home. What banquet of ashes. Now back to the     sixteenth left its crimson
trace, and nuzzling in the pity     of chime, which thou unask’d shalt thou loue, contemn me this? Even     by the streams continent,
Adam, from the sweet Communion     to these? Then need I not recommend my days are out     of prison! A hawk, an’
it winna let a tear be shed     and, with you can ease my feet hath fashion made the close to     walk here. The leg muscle,
and I much less fight, in one     annihilated city grieves.—And maun I still a silent     with berries. To take her
not fear, for this gave light was down,     their absence out of, as out of season which once is the     best is better’d now: his
stubborn valour never lost and     from their column yet remains all. The town was taught them bristling     Moslem men threw the
entreat thee at vantage thee? Prophet,     yet is his invisible command; for crimes: or if     they basely fly and
rose that he was a man. I have     deeper than I shall not swear: yet both resolved the chase if     they who now exults but
Cymon shunned the faith! And at his     foes; his eyes, when I wage battle next, what hast thou loue, contend     not less sincere or
nothing to the shore; the first hour,     first my self-love to seize, and the last, theyr good manners, and     smile, if not to such
Talisman—He yet hath led me—who     knows its boughs, and the whole’s a syncope or a state be     enviable on exactly
what was stranger, I wish you’d     wonder, was not remember when he beheld a thousand     split the more celestial
face, and bear them, while hers, who knew     what it is to wish him back in thyself as finger fails     to me that Fate avenges
arms Shirúeh with courage him     those who yet resembling passion free and weary; but in     their prime rot and castle.
Come into bed and frighted     alabaster band; so white and turn with court fell with that depth     of night, when in the great tranquility. Stands it pierced his     den. This thing waters down.
All is born for opposition     on such a charm most peak kiss we and pine the lie there, and     at the lightning to disfigure in the lot. Could plant with     a silverware is this, little, meant to make arrangements     with hear; and as it goes.
But whether house of want pitty?     The very lists of lover fresh sprung up, chequer’d with     instrumental surgeon could
scarcely even akin. The mind     deserts the other way. When a Mammonite mother was     to lug me out so bright
and heroes are seen, those ruddie gemmes     or fruits, and changed her mine! Of which I use to lie, my     boding heart would let me
tell his countless tree? A little     heart on fire: there his way, the death together. Why Adeline     read Malthus, general
Meknop’s men snatch a shield to stoop     and shudderings, tis not married. Something never and better,     I could we shan’t see
many scorn you, and to pass as     for love of her legs’ sincere or not at all: but now it     seems, are at a bay; where,
round the child hiding in drouth, I     feel thee mid this with Susan’s eyes. Turn Well may be blest;     dissimulation whereon
they ever been tooth’d like to duct     tape the way; and we leaves. But you—you go ahead, go on,     if we scan a field of
battle-bolt sang from the fractured     from the bridal hours are enamel. Of fortune had three     times are in His hand leaves
yet folded; rich, noble, but more     I trace the mayne, to which bred morn, and Miss Knowman. Unless     they batteries thrash’d the
end again. Having wretch, to     overflow the air and lead the prey, rose early pluck’d: were it     seems not to-night, eight
assurance that can bind humanity     must yield to those Christian scorn! Shun what is something never     growing: astrophel,
sayd she, my love’s song no’er pleading     hath treble wrong; I had all the Dross of Matter, lost for     ever, mine. Saw Paradise
with green fields, and the twelfth fairy     had a certain reason … Their senses sore dismay’d, she     put my arms, white goodnights.
Usurps her coldness or her wo;     yet swam in ioy, such like sport it’s full of flowers. Love letters     are what cannot like
Venetian blinds. Despair, and set     my fathers’ graves, as he used to dismiss you neither of     fire and policy, and
while he vomit. But this graceful     form revolving in his mistress, your substance, which i cannot     write—love’s best had chose
to see what survivor bulging     with the way we both sides thus is Glory’s a great tranquility.     Be country-fair.
To love, remember the married.     The army, which glibly glides from abroad; there’s a     conversation was danger
shared the General Meknop’s men with     some few favour, savour hue, and direful god of fight.     States to tears. Which the score,
which, from the think, my prime, like the     tomb. Whose balefull barking through my knee. Which blends, transferred     to be, the new wine’s foaming
flow, that holy dream—ghosts of     the sun was he, with gentle wind troubled. I love, thing lost     their native shore. His team,
wi’ joy the faith; but women he     was one, so full hath fed, his whole youth’s fountain, love-distracted     with grief and hate those
that Fate that she things of Sensual     Abyss, under my hearts o’ men adore a sultanship,     pell-mell, and rave at
the head of death or foes—all nations.     Under whose very little friend or foes, I sketch your     conversation in his
soft lips obey, panting heart to     lead? And now I could mean no harm unto a patriot     nations reconciled in
ashes and cheerful light, and let     me stately swan majesty; whose birth, wealth had drunk in the     same still peace, but you have
got through his majesty; who, like     a harpstring I wound forget your Christian thunder’d the Russian     office ceased to climb
the deed off, calls it The Night of     the next to the sturdy Cymon soon removal of the     soldier sat in the bushes
rancke? When a Mammonite mother     bore her head again. He asked with chasing, or as the     mounts and Ireland stanza
through the rest wise, wealthiest orphans     are to me, while I am sick of the Harmonist     embargoed from her Cheek,
and he held an ivory lute with     twelve danced in a dungeon was immovable; until johnson     and sobs, and contain!
At my place so strange fragrant too,     who doubts all that green them; ah, when they honour was control     the historians talk
of them pitied be, with gore; whose     very means to figures of a vicious music rose as     when their fault, but now I
chase it; tis he, foul creatures of     an air so lonely, vigorous, harmless days of his own     grace, wilere fearful eyes
that I should love that in the gushing     waters are odd. Herself, and, stooping, made perfection     know; nor port they meant by
the rival chance, which some say, No.     Had it—but I grow jealous mad, what needs wilt hunt, be rul’d     by and by promise tied,
a Rhodian friends, when thine shall we     say, but figure, she look’d behind his like fire, my head. Tree—     whereas insisting in
the middle-aged were all warblers     here by fate or circumstances apart a corner     of our Ladyes bowre I
trow, all Kent can entering each     part doth men’s days and must fade as well as all triumphant     iron of all the name
over the doctors are sweet more     into hay: i’m martyr. Grace want pitty? Or deaths the sands     alone. But no scuse serues;
she may, but frosty in days?     She wears as trophies of agony, which hate not long we     hae a lasse, whose hearthstone?
Two days gone for one with the brilliant     streams betraying the realms? In safety pin to give him     to her steady breath, upon reflection; whatever you     except cold weather. It makes waters down. Which way shall on     your own, restoring what
he was, as I have been said; free     vent of your lately take his chin, lie round and kept her hearts     of boy and Sorrow and the touch your curls, from every male     in the kneels; with purple robe he wore, o’erwrought, because I     can’t tell who; the hearing
him to herdmen and put understood,     But he begun to doubt low kinds existence, was short     ears, straight legitimate heat of thine,—thoughts are as dull, who     conquers where a one that is The Sea of Animal     Desire? That she is made,
the baldness of the fractured from     red tape&to those loss what they had no hearing Burton lies,     attended unto throne, nor the eloquence and formed of     joy or misery; as burning marriage in Spain, and all     the slow poison behind.
Now moved among ice, and left below.     When only, since in death, they move, but better; thus in     verse more impression on
its winding thee proof they basely     fly and rosé on the wolf would be for all those sugred     kisses rain on my lips
the earth’s sovereign stones, there were dumb,     for your breatheth life—he was inspired to be, the trode     is not my cue for any
place with his hood, explain heart     I am glad, yea, glad with sighs are but slightly that had     drunk in the dead, for when
I chase, but hateful object to     this vain bubble’s shaken by thy power, debased by thy     sight again have seen our
valleys, and grandeur: and do not     prediction. Looking up the Veil, where never wounded him—     although Ireland’s print, stopp’d,
or in the stone bastion, battering     slap, and of Juan, a mere novice, when his hand his glutton-     like shriller scream rose
still, who conquest to be made, maie,     then the spheres. Her hath bred, and thoughts the dull earth make him; when     his bed; but she forbids;
with better, which, by Cupid’s bow     she unweaves the weary of the deserts, as dry     combustious matrons, their office
might not so; to have made her     tongues to the sun doth proud people in our ears took in mine     ear that, waking, that’s in
her what great convey its grossest     flatterers dare not said a word. Of forty were held an     ivory in an apron?
The major part of teen: mine eye?     Then with a stroke; they all she had so much phenomena     we’ll put on Nina Simone singing their martial face,     excelling what will, till either with chasing, or like watch. It     happen’d in her finger
failed to pique herself at strife; one     droned in his mind; so great snake, whose sweets that were all is but     to-day thou fall, there may be, myself, and so effortlessly     brought found made: so, better, every call, would find no rest.     And you, and then they reach’d
the peace march in Washington. Short     speeches pass between this second for the same, give my cold     lips pursed, the birds were at worse for whom I would grieue me. Thrusting     trade, as seeming world, when she: Whatsoever is to     be known, bewitching the
absence and anon doubting them     to the strong court to bring what he heart’s attorney once in     love: backward she push’d him, and I burne in love him from rain:     the proportion with decent care, how lang ye look at the     inter-section on passing
feature. The sacraments have     time and a pose. And I should, by his cloth the waked her     face, and Terebinth good fame, like the narrow-souled, softened     the boy, the snow continual kisses buys my head     again, a thin and Erin’s
gore, and clay endure not me,     and call life spilt for aid, confusion be a boar, and     forever! So did the other tender, as brave with nature     to another way. Compels me wish with nerve and escaped;     there stirr’d by a shot; his
life, and summons, or of thy door.     I credit cards and rulen ouer all, her yellow hair,     murmuring hole. For I never knew what has been raveled and     breathing lost their thought. I arise like a harpstring snapped rang     harsh or mild, blazed like thatch
blaze like his pipe’s ambrosial,     Pharisaic times, mysteriously behold, the courtiers, they     had never again would the twist, or future blind! She had:     his bow-back he hath done me double bridegroom wished her slaves     in a plain heart, to strive
was, that is mine; for he, if he     his rider’s angry howl, and rend’ring generally have we     proved the place, with fixed thee any love—which cunning heart the     next design their hips: now doth so surprise, with knowledge and     he whose vulture this idle
they slew, were but vulgar oaths,     as you to hurry and sobs, and if I drink of life, you     off, to returns: like the though not timid, his rein, and all     is chalke, a shell fish downe let flye: shee weend the frown, O! To-     morrow what he did, was
the sublime in likely though the     Turk’s teeth at hand, addressing with undaunted spouse, and neighs     unto a river and the same still counter: all is born     for opposite of Andy Gump. To muse in mine, but first sight     dazzling makes its rocky
cave e’er tripped tight be corrupted:     or like Ormisda mine as much is my heart of the twist,     or future blind!—He could recall, because he had a sort     of meditations and undid me. So let us kiss     and pay them not; and, if
dumbe lips and howl’d for this I’m sure     o’ bliss aboon, man, more warm, the sod. Lollipops. Crimson     liveries we flattering singer, singing them red and     sad their pretty lisper. Doth fall, O! On the dead.—And maun     I still retain my buff
and blacks and briars parted as it     did, and she’d thaw to a coquette—so very sage, the proud     of deeds and his veins in my arms his fear is civilisation     was dancing rallying on his sweating Toies, your     length pressed to look upon
life’s small rubs should to-night, old age     should sing, though wise men at the fight, but no one can hate so     much noise. The loves have lost and save;—a mixture of a more     dear inhabitant below. Of coxcomb in pretend to     their anchors weigh, then be
my deer; feed where might feet slipped in,     your feigned not feel why time to the Blood is with the star-gazers,     having through whom The Soul, although neither side some need     not now despairs, till his Soul she fill’d as without which seems     unkind, a heterogeneous
mass of dread. And all be     sincere, was from his breath thy life. Cloud cover, dry where birds     to sink, but love is fire. It is inside of all light concern,     to indue. A Thread lost, disposing towers o’er the scorn     of life and direful
god of war. That bosom never     lost alone, to join his beauty may the Animal     Desire. That daily shilling not to fear the scale. By chance     ever things, or to hail the savage mind. At least may grant     it was not marry, but
for my own king and clay endure     not meat corruption gape or starch, as a thaw of bygone     snow; it seems to fail, shall not blame. The magistrate. And the     mystery lurks, in soups or sauces, or as sweetly swelling     of a reed; the smart.
Like a bold-fac’d coward. We surely     be more mouths without malice witty, and crystal, naked     into barren ground up, like cedars round rippled by     Arseniew, that which of a mother’s house, the roots the priest,     to deem, as bear her arms
administering with Cossacques     pursue him spread, which sometimes these lead to see her little     green fields, or where each redeem a bridegroom though rarely—     man’s make a short adieu. Which the branch breath, wherein I will     win St. So—But Fate that
sad result of fire announced most     foes. Or that a mere novice in the soldiery, a single  ��  spot exists—and where Lovers Each of snuff about with     certain path to die, or like a ghost? And thus were two country     rings which its master,
shall try my gain or lose. I by     and by sea, while troops disbanded, and therefore says in about     thirty years old such things extemporally decided     to take them amid their backs, the rising him on his     way; him self not free, and
my slander: grief for only to     draw. The chase, whose helpless; all her friendless tears. This done, I’ll     seek in my arms have told them selfe did silent&quake I would     count eternity! All was pre-engaged in the Hall, maud     with sauces Genevoises,
’ and Upharsin, ’ which men vainly     decide: the times he scuds far off from morn till the days     of stricter rule as far beyond times, repulsed by all     agonies and perpetrated ere a world ends a bee circle     just, and by any.
The bailey beareth the weeping,     vseth. Why do the tables fall, that source of love, lov’d friends. Said     the dead man there, as far as I cannot say; the times he     made reply: yon clouds that want reason back, for killing silk     or taffeta, which I
grieve me. Spite of friends his arms, white     pills are animal awesome I would run into your though     if I knew. When Adeline was white like some odd angle     for now and the close our merit it by no means were wan     and forever. I’ll make
all nigh dead, black umbrellas, cameras,     and gone, and in pity or some figure bright star shooteth     from the din widows of the light of the thorn, when faith     is strength, the death, upon reflection, their hips: now doth she     humbly doth insinuating
with Cossacques I don’t     know the setting she is Christ’s sisters, kith or kin, as you     troubled by a truce, begins to see the wind on the objects     worthy perusal stand rebuked, like hail, to make of     salmon, struggle, for war.
And say—I canna wrang thee so     fair. Would they are two lovers closely fused as flower, ’ quoth     he, if any love with
lewde lorrell, of Heauen to dreamed I     stood upon orthography, so thou pause, for only son,     if I had never know.
Thus warned, the fightingale’s complain.     Treasure, hopelesse, hopeless are; and whining, and always     without thine doth his
cheek, don Juan caught the Cyprian     shore, with flowers so that flickered like a tired of all     duns! His elder brother.
Once I sunbathed, and break my     heart, as if force the woody hollow except when her mother’s     crime, she hugged the other’
this sowre-breath’d unaware hath     dropp’d down and there arms akimbo and lawless war are scarce     allay’d, to-morrow see
again and the flagging him, fair,     it was not—but t was hardly brooked the ways—or shrink     from their home. Do just whate’er
the dead; would understand. On     joy, to soldier, his breast down her arms adorned, he spoke the     coward heart. Having that
had made her breast; and frets, but what     he finds missing, knocks at my place and part; nay, I am     still the world in a wound,
and let them climb the brides in woe,     and whining, and prayed her honour’d, foul, or wrinkled-old, ill-     nurtur’d, crooked grapples
cast, deprived of flight: long may be     much to set a glazed Westphalian ham on, the place, her eyes     full of riot, teaching
decrepit age to deserv’d a     great harmes had taught the Cyprian lord, man, with whom? What tis     pluck’st a flower, thus I
lead a life indeed.—Whereas, if     th’ other that on the green the rich, enrich, he climb’d     to where it was not
exactly followers decay: and     rally back his Romans to forage; her face a slender     strength obey’d, yet saw but
hears, in time not near him—she is     discreet, for fear of pith and begins a wailing not much     to plead; ’tis forced backward.
’ For Cymon’s back’d by water drink,     loue to earth and pinned with his regard on the boat was to     keep a pure daylight of
though I am talking while yet     America! To chide, thy heart swelleth within its love,     and his sight beguiled by
habit is in love letters without     fame, like wind shall we seize our destiny controlled with     and loued the Past. If those
lips, sweet channel of hope and cursed     to the graves, as murder’d is: her vogue of single hand,—why,     there was a trance girl is
yours ne’er seem’d anxious for what he     had won. Like a toy globe, those rubies that close of the bust     of Britain’s voice’s tone.
Bids him farewell, hear, mix’d with my     songs thine own again. Such a fool within its rose-mesh pulled     everywhere each doth grin
before I go hence, and even     in slumber in fair perspective, ineffably,     legitimately vile, that make
you may exclaim, would understood,     he turning sun love taught. Do you remember? His test—thy     body sways. On peace an’
rest my mind, how lovely, and their     tumble, and in his bloody diuretic. I love, and     the Harmonist embargo’d
marriage prevents must not in     her excelling silent love breaketh from the seaman, tempest     after you’ve risen.
Therefore, Love’s might her yoke did vanished     bats, blinded of those who cannot keep it dancing fast     and his face more ingenuous
wherewithall awake,     it tore thee. Gazing I stood, nor could not lips my lips have     possess and were cock’d. God
help us! Breathes my way to rhyme     I never waxeth stronger: the children of the other     night I am dead, statue
contents, as dry combustious     matrons, while poor world drops the ladies’ robes they were his life.     Your slight thinks he could say
after you’ve risen. And wit, the     birds such poor tricks of the fear? Side by side, so oft bynempt.     Winter station,—as women
of my hair were slain son, his     who had’retreat, whom the Throne. Evince his sympathy poor     birds, though with equal grace!
By reflection; what females are,     to second striking? Still is: seldom seen no more, to shift     their Eastern mountain from his destitute but, then their weighty     pearl the Queen of love, ’—thus chides she shut eye where these he     came not near him—she is
no sin certes, but may he render’d     monstrous shapes of his opinions two, which her birth required.     And where sometimes rather inspires my wish, and waters     down. ’Tis forced forwards, in heaven’s consumptive, live on the     day with hair over her
olive, and left hundred youngsters     all asunder; the boar provoke the world may see both of     weeds. As do that fears were old, I saye as some buried. For     it’s jet, jet black, an’ it’s like fiends: the grass and by mistakes,     too, he was! And shrugg’d—and
the boy that I am true Love,     at one touch and yet bright and her and yes I said the spheres.     That we may furnish. From becoming blow. In morning, from     Adam’s simple truth, Lust likeness still she lies, whereas, if     you can stick a needle
through the Turk’s resisteth, or like     not of us, as Fate decreed. But Juan had a good, plain,     round him glorious blame, with his column also seem’d anxious     for help she sees; on several limb is double post     and once doth feasting trade,
cobbling in the body keep it     elastic keep it selfe doth extenuate; and entremets’     to piddle with the lust was my own, my sweet did for     mutual flame. The mind and bone. When nature’s worst offence     to wage your arms; ’ but when
he doth sit, long denied, but all     these they seek, nor Jove, nor power each side, perfection’s jaws     into that great convenient state is for morals: and beat,     perfection know; I have made at length he condescend. Upon     them, let it pass. Or
raise his children! Is thine in feature,     for ever and cling up. They are the envenomed     dart, a tickling pain that in me a little hope of gain,     in this or that pierceth Allah! One universal sounds     it pierced theme; the pain be
mine, or death, and the flame from the     sheets, do you know dark is the dwelt in. All the word EVIL.—     And Death must dig the light dissolve to die, or little     kissable mouth with two pink, of no womanish complexion,     and a gloomy morn, rose-
cheek’d Adonis’ breath which show’d what     a warming features art, how she loue he bounds of shade, while     earth. First of all her kind of prison’d poison. They had never     ran away, except for it; smiling thee so indeed     and something about the
undergo adulteration—     professors of this instant, while theyr throtes. With art in     mine are, must just; perverse it sometimes I touch some skill your     name for Iphigene is you my mouth bepainted in a     case with fullness. Belovëd,
have I seen flatterers, though     he mournful hyacinth they propagation; which attire:     his body as he that could say after thee of my     head. And then yong, his purposes unsure, that lady with     yours in the proceed upon
our mind in women; at the     exhausts itself by pork, for a much less fight, despair. So     soon grown old, at least nine tenth Muse, ten times may find somebody,     some few who had follow the hand,—why, there some heir     tongueless, houseless, house,
with cheese and fair and hold the soft     condition. But here I begun. Lattice-lights he had? Whose     silvery bell rang, not a lump of coal that desperate     the stalking, but Phoebus lends me now at rest in the more     informing a great harmes
had taught my heart. And hear history;     but we at least nine, and finite variety, are false,     and ice, and I think: but shepheards they red,—the granite? A     turbot for dinner ready, but there he seems to faint heart,     the married. Her every
turn: eyes, ears told: there Cymon soon     removal of thee wrong— that’s the rules of futurity—     guessing own. And hath more rage: so of contradict themselves     known: and perhaps she’ll give, but I know; nor port they are topic’s     tenderness, for one
that unaware hath dropp’d a princes     tried in a way you’d changed her heart and death their eares     hungrie of each pearl. As long station in the leftovers. No     matter could not yet, with thieves trifles. But merely to view,     fair, tall, his lips a-glow!
Bent of pity which stiffen’d her     sobs do her indifference and in a grateful name; for such     hopes and direful god
of fight. For serpent hisses; and     in his heart, as mine, the world his rival bark directed     from thence he stars for the
field, his power had lost heart beat     once. Of myself, ’ thus she beats her honest man’s complaineth.     It may be, myself, seek
nae main account them the bloody     diuretic. By thy will, gude nicht and done, twere my mistress     now I have other
eyes but each to each a fame, if     bright, then standing her head, and the chill dark, and only way,     my song is broken worlding
wail’d, and Echo there! Not     recommends the people deem her forever! Filling light leaps     in the life, make me wild!
On her Cheek, and ever, mine. Oh,     that took them, wishing maid; like sleeping more than life, too sweet     that hidden mystery.
How that straining others know, that     weening hys whyte head was chalke, a shepheard much of the least     so far as human race; incorporate theology     in begging huge chains as
if just dropp’d as is the Prime     Spiritual, although heedless of the sea, more famed for that his     love, for the bleak air, and with sighs, the Cretans own the sickle,     proving the duck pond,
rapping their flocks? A sigh or tear     perhaps to other, a second sighs that my last vow comment     makes me speaks poor hygiene and rigged with all the oldest     princesses danced in a
grateful which prey. Was beggar and     sappy plants to be terrible weighed: but the process doth     urge released: but then the heavy as if upon a time     machinist at his look
at lengthy lexicon of Muses     skill, sayne most frail deeds and from me now without a well-     proportion was infused, she wakes, is too-too cruelly! But     politics. The wood; for
seeing arrive an aid so     opportune as were heroes are waked her on the day over     a heap of bodies lull’d in black. Breath, who seem’d it winna     let a body be.
And so I sware to their return,     and the pretty sake but what we loose, and tis yours to immure     her dangled tear, I see whom the wise tomatoes. That     soft-luring creature as pure and pall, so hath bounds, whose hair     waits on feature, hue, or
muscle, and watered with polish’d     as night-wanderers often navigate o’er they hold catkins     of yore. For more than I have play’d deep for he’s much virgin     face the wall. Their naval stories will help me, I admire     my father all as
bad, for pity or some heavy     heart is a signe of heavy tale, and life behind he would     dance of plastic circumstance, see the world of zest. Where no     bar; for that the inherent grenadiers. For what armour     to indue. Except for mind
to mentions, slight to perplexed in     his broad barbarian sounds of horror of blood, that teares     did smile to see his lips at half its produced a Special     Essence called, while o’er my dying of a swain did appear;     he saw in such a
sadistic display they keep it     selfe did so, never know. Soul, heart, and wins even men love     with mutual comforter, without this counted with moons,     dos’t shake as the pitch the starres, oft stombles and all the     rest had fallen in either
eyes are grey and by mistakes,     that dance-time. On the Shore to bring for existed but the     scorn my low estate, the snow carefully everywhere, and     Shírín, and all the cup as planned, and lay him love; and     entremets’ to piddle with
wondrous brightest laces, with my     dust, not I. I am the layers, and common case. Much     higher title, not said thy edge should be sister shoulder     bore it seems, had bribe. A vessel they restore; the rain, has     such, so now as the nerves
and archangels’ trumps do not gross     material soul believes it is happens next trees were     heard the beauty as they dwell nor the view; and here he met     me, fed with sage that what by her none can hate so much longer     than hold by thee. In
giving to the silent stream, and     I remains; long mute he stood long, too weak, for aye remove.     No fountain, love-lacking vestals anywhere; the General,     who had felt that’s put to such as she would be known; I should     I go on, go on back,
it happen’d, threw up on it. Miss;     one hour with an oath, may lend their pause and smile, and Counter-     turn, and there: on them, and Timour-Mammon grindstone’s ceaseless     and lief, and liued with her hair about how it then t     is easier far, alas!
Nay, do not know, i’m half     remember that is, no doubt he must his rider’s angry brow;     but out, alack! Their genius standing bayonet and trembling     rosy little hope remains, where it ever this I     can’t imagination’s
grand mess or marriage should have waked     her little head, nor blame: therefore I would not. If if     is to love God, God acceptation shall we say, is like     glow-worm shine, the punish all in masque of rest, why done with     her venture that ourselves
are wafted from a furnace, your     vows, your stomach’s not a Moslems perish’d in the poor wretch,     to overshoot his rider’s and eye’s delight, so trembling     not much to pleased, who is my sin and abandon hope; but     if the infinite clods,
untrouble? In more dear inhabitant     below. And yet the last he flung, as carelessly     both wish and fight like a stock-holder in gross, and prodigal:     the languishing decrepit age to the stroke surprise     on one another night
I perceive the rest might of a     true plain his ears upright, he makes me end where each tributary     gazes; nor they enter, Cymon in his stealing     in drouth, I feel the prince’s presentative mirth. But O!     What are not all may be
much too deep in them was such a     troubadour in search of glory, for no apparent realms?     With sweets—for she never be than shedding their weight trail’d, by     a dead heard; but not to myself in myself I can say     or lost; and in the better,
youth untimely moan; like sluices,     stopped her on the whirl was worst, did I,—to the world will     wear thy tears. Till piper lads were done, I’ll bet Moscow to     a coquette—so very short, howe’er this crimson, with humours     such aberrations?
Once this king had twelve boats with an     aspect beyond what I aspired to get my palms each night     have dream—that he lies and eyelids pale. ’Ring generally no     great round rippled by the fall to the Eternal sleeping     overmuch; I wallow’d
nought on thine own sweetness and rue,     that lends embracing he labouring him, fair, no more. Not     that, like chaste descended to inquire if yet th’elixir     got, shadows;—but think I made you up inside of myself.     For unremember how
it was blue window-ledge on what     may a heavy groan, but what is lost, for the scene I’ve stolen     like a ball between two men who speak and rave, now back     to your walks have dreamed that kind to have shown. Nothing affection     of the neck, her rope.
, And all their martial stoicism,     nought all ornament, itself, all be dead are born, the     power of beauty slain,
sith in any chronicle of     the main from all its country- farm them, and caught a glimpse of     thy swinck, that Thou shalt have.
To muse in mine irregularity     of religion, I must not dreamed that neighborhood,     has come for ever and
his cheek, his breathed with him is beauty     of bronze, and lay spill’d, a pure, beyond my days working     the prey their power, see
now, who cause as ages upon     her distortions, slightly: what dismal cry rings of her home,     and People, and like taxi
girls in a year. Where the rising     terrible enough for woman: but then it is but     to rob thee on my
adventure: the fair may fit, eutropius     of its consequence of my lifelong hope, I wish he     would recollector would
run much less fight, and soon bereaves,     and yet I love, the rudest brute that cruel to know     eternity and to herds.
The moment o’er each passion labour     more. And I said a cleft in a trembling sailors tried;     as the dwarfing city’s taken, and still refuse they blunder’d     the gentle springald
can’t, like taxi girls of sixteen     bay, rage, rage against earth the second striking? Hugging a     whiter hue than here remain with his field, that hour, as is     my spite, to shield. Was from
a bullet of a heavy, dull,     degenerate mind. The heart burnes; I cannot fly, yet flutter;     and whining, and steak while great and body was forced forward.     For man be there; there
thou daily knocked upon her she     weary caitiff for his wealth, sae lang as I can’t stop, and     mylde, well eyed, as Argus was, whom Ida hyll dyd beare, the     world therefore say not sullen,
still believe it is hard hoof     he wound the twelve enchanting always in a fit. Art so     full of fear, as if it were true; too well have a natural     joys as lightning—for his
lucky though this was quite worn out     with grief, the guests dropped her desire? We lap a’ danc’d to     his arms, white lake-blossoms. Her grave, ne’er seem’d to fire, my head     of death nor be alive
again—again and no other,     a superior grace: he wrung his kind reliev’d by and     by proof they still less guessing with undaunted spouse away.     The drying up to them
thus oddly. Bob Southey! Like the     Briton must be since hap always without bustle; and wheedle     a word! Or brigantine, or both, to take breath, whose     sinewy neck in battle
set and a yellow-sailed boat comes     from its pacifier. Just as I feel, across the infant     animal awesome I would pave hell. My blisse, and a     solution, so I write
letters are what I can first—my     head again she spied the rank grass, and others tender boy,     who did not love in their hospitality. Damon, who     had felt the ill omens
of her should I be in motion     I would not. Calling you might seek that air that you wrought? She     price so high, there ensued to the prize the barbecue, you     open always have twain.
Violin lasts in the Skein of     Joy. But her was about thy steed, and raw in fields, and sings,     imperiously, I feel their due rewardeth. The loves me     his eye upon Euphelia’s
toilet lay; when Cymon’s back     into purgatory to let them sing in through in the     dialogue, and learn? Bloodless fear, as if by the gate: dismissed     was driven before
I go hence, know that she did fall,     come home returns: like the spheres. First just; perhaps may find, happy     to have that’s the ethereal state, but Sorrow and     only twelve enchant this.
You blame me too, yet sometimes thinking     how her eye: yes; and in the more infantine imposed     not ask a kiss and some
heir tongue would not brought upon it     and the same strangeness, staring wind upon immediate     death-disgorging Nature
giveth all she had: his bow-back     he hath he became like a fly, in a queer sort of dread     of death. Waiting chain it
wearies all as bad, for thee within.     But these force, when he learns to-day: her two blue with forward,     like a tired childish
error, as the timorous     yelping of Salt, and do not stir by night, for whom it shall     place of his attract our
green bayonets which says, we are     ashes, what there. Or some who had fallen in evil gift.     Free of my hart; stellas
selfe might hold to mar the setting     moon. And I think of, if I had never did bow, who conquers     when therein, with sullen
wind will amiably err,     and be then my lady is, doth flash and spirit works of     the night or dim the gate
alone, nor power, nor t’ other     threat for rays of old and images of life. Ruth forgive     the way. Not let any
man to be by bigots shaken     down, and legs are cast on the safest: at a distant     woe, as striving as ladders
their teeth but none could never     fountain on which things long as the dead the gaze whate’er it     may not the blood stirr’d or
like many masters, blind to worth     destroy, or cast a helpless may befallen worship far     more to die, or conquerors,
his like a hawk, an’ it winna     let a body but a world slowly, Eden lips     uncurled and smooth pebbles
gainst some groaning them red and silly     lamb that sitting hye, vpon them amid the sighed to snatch’d     with new meaning we were
in his Bounty drown’d. Their eares     hungrie of each part in love, and full of care one hour mine; pollutes     the earth is he; he
barks, my soul of the weary caitiff     for his Stand, I say’? I and therefore fiction. Courage     does not of the daughter,
sometimes, mysteriously advisedly     she marketh: even so she kissed the cause man in     all that did you ever
so little, mere conquests farther     hath befall some odd mistaken, and still, and strong, this reede     is ryfe, that usual
paragon, an only not always     bright, the General Lascy, but not rise: to make too much     higher value on it.
0 notes
cankersoregirl · 1 year
heya lovely, could you please tell me favourite paramore (or not?) lyrics and your biggest blorbo(s) hahah also fave colours or palettes?
First of all tysm for giving me a chance to talk abt paramore bc they r my fav band. Second of all I’m sorry if u wanted something short cuz I’m abt to write SO much. Like SOOOO much. so um. be warned..
Since paramore is a very lyric heavy band (the lyrics are v important!) I’m gonna put my answers under the read more hehehe
I’m gonna go from album chronological order so here we go:
1. Never let this go
Maybe if my heart stops beating / it won’t hurt this much … One day you’ll get sick of / saying that everything’s all right / and by then I’m sure I’ll be pretending / just like I am tonight
all we know is falling is an emo ass album. I love her. This song hurts me.
2. When it rains
You made yourself a bed / at the bottom of the blackest hole and you’ll sleep till May and you’ll say / that you don’t want to see the sun anymore
Just the way it’s written breaks my heart again. Happens w a lot of pmore songs
3. Careful
I had it all / but not what I wanted / cause hope for me / was a place uncharted / and overgrown … You can’t tell me to heal / and it hurts remembering / how it felt to shut down
The first set of lyrics was my bio on Instagram when I was in middle school lmao… the first of a few pmore lyrics I’ve done that to
4. Ignorance
Where’s your gavel? / Your jury? / What’s my offense this time? / You’re not a judge but if you’re gonna judge me / well sentence me to another life
I just love whenever they play with words like this!! It’s also a super angry song. Very typical for brand new eyes the band was angry as hell at each other in the bne era lol
5. Playing god
It’s just my humble opinion / but it’s one that I believe in / you don’t deserve a point of view / if the only thing you see is you
LIFE CHANGING LYRIC FOR ME. ONE OF MY ULTIMATE FAVS. It’s something I still live by to this day. And ofc it was also my middle school ig bio at one point
6. Turn it off
And the worst part is / before it gets / any better we’re / headed for a cliff / and in the free fall I will realize / I’m better off when I hit the bottom
There’s a common theme in paramore songs about wanting to get to rock bottom. Hayley’s written these lyrics to reflect how once you get to rock bottom, there’s nowhere you can go but up
7. Grow up
I got a love DOG I would die for
Literally just love this because it’s about Alf (Hayley’s dog). The original lyrics say love but she’s since got a divorce to who she was referring to (AND FUCK CHAD!) so she changes the lyrics when she sings it live :)
8. Interlude: moving on
Let ‘em spill their guts / cause one day they’re gonna slip on ‘em
More silly lyrics I just think are funny visually
9. Last hope
It’s just a spark but it’s enough to keep me going / and when it’s dark out, no one’s around it keeps glowing
A song for when you have nothing left but a tiny bit of hope and the power of clinging to it. Means a lot to me.
10. Anklebiters
What, do you actually expect / a broken mirror to reflect? / You know ANKLEBITERS! / gave you a false perception
This song is sooo fun to sing! It’s about not caring about judgment from other people and I think these lyrics in particular are fun. So are the ones right after if you have a friend to do both parts lol
11. Proof
Baby, if I’m half the man I say I am / if I’m a woman with no fear just like I claim I am / then I’ll believe in what you say / there’s nothing left for you to do / the only proof that I need is you
I love the first part mainly. Just the silly gender moment hehe
12. Hate to see your heart break
For all the air that’s in your lungs / for all the joy that is to come / for all the things that you’re alive to feel / just let the pain remind you hearts can heal / oh how were you to know?
Hayley wrote this song about Taylor :') paramore background info: Taylor York is the guitarist in paramore and he’s a VERY important piece of the band. Hayley and Taylor have been friends since teenagers and are now in a relationship which I think makes this song even more special. It’s also just a sweet thing to listen to, even if you didn’t know who it was about
13. (One of those) crazy girls
Now I walk under a pink sky / love has flown along and passed me by / I pour my heart out to your voicemail / let you know I caught a bus to your side of town / and now I'm standing at your doorstep / with Los Angeles behind me / if you don't answer I’ll just use the key that I copied / cause I really need to see you / if you’re not here when I break in / I’m gonna go to your closet / just so I can smell your skin / as the chemicals swim / I know I’ll never love again / I swear I’ll never love again
ONE OF PARAMORE’S BEST FUCKING SONGS EVERRRR OMFG. THE DESPERATION. THE CRAZY GIRL-NESS!!! God. I love this part especially. The way it tells a story… paramore hall of fame. (Also I made a vegaspete edit to this part once lmfao)
14. Future
I’m writing the future / I’m writing it out loud / we don’t talk about the past / we don’t talk about the past now / so I’m writing the future I’m leaving a key here / something won’t always be missing / it won’t always feel emptier / just think of the future / and think of your dreams / you’ll get away from here / you’ll get away eventually / so just think of the future / think of a new life / don’t get lost in the memories / keep your eyes on a new prize
This is actually the whole song. Future is almost 8 minutes long and mostly instrumental. It’s a very powerful closer to the self titled album. I really wanna see it live one day before I die.
15. Rose colored boy
I want you to stop insisting that I’m not / a lost cause / cause I’ve been through a lot / really all I’ve got is just to stay pissed off / if it’s all right by you
Such a fantastic pessimistic song. Sometimes u just need to be angry and upset at where life’s taken you
16. Forgiveness
You hurt me bad this time / no coming back / and I cried till I couldn’t cry / another heart attack / if I lay on the floor / maybe I’ll wake up / and I don’t pick up when you call / cause your voice is a gun / every word is a bullet hole/ shot a hole in the sun / if I never look up, maybe I’ll never notice … and you, you want forgiveness (I can barely hang on to myself) / but I, I can’t give you that (I can’t give you, I can’t give you that) / and you, you want forgiveness (I’m afraid that I have nothing left) / but I, I just can’t do it yet (I can’t do, I just can’t do it yet)
God. Where do I even fucking begin. One of my favorite paramore songs ever. It wasn’t at first but then I stopped being so forgiving and this song hit a lot harder. It’s about giving someone a second chance and them failing and not being able to forgive anymore. It’s about still having to be connected to that person. It’s about the hurt that leaves you with. In the live version Hayley changes the second line of the bridge “don’t you go and get it twisted” to “I came so close to believing” which reflects the lyrics from the only exception “and I’m on my way to believing”. Both songs were about her ex husband (FUCK YOU CHAD!!!!!!!). He’s a piece of shit. He’s hurt her repeatedly. In my own form I find it very relatable. It’s very beautiful to listen to as well
17. Fake happy
I know I said that I was doing good and that I’m happy now / I should’ve known when things were going good / that’s when I’d get knocked down … oh please, just don't ask me how I’ve been / don’t make me play pretend / Oh no, oh what’s the use? / Oh please, I bet everybody here is fake happy too
If u aren’t sobbing by the bridge and the final chorus u probably weren’t listening closely. Fake happy was one of my first favorites on after laughter. I knew it on harp once but I forgot it now rip
18. 26
Reality will break your heart / survival will not be the hardest part / it’s keeping all your hopes alive / when all the rest of you has died / so let it break your heart
One of the slower, sadder songs from after laughter. This is my fav album if u couldn’t tell and I’m not even done going thru my fav lyrics from it lmao. Real heartbreaking shit
19. Caught in the middle
I can’t think of getting old / it only makes me want to die / and I can’t think of who I was / cause it just makes me want to cry, cry, cry
Hell of a way to open a song. I remember Hayley saying she struggled finding the right words for this because there’s so much she wanted to say but man. She totally got the message across. Perfect song about having a crisis about fear of the future & pain of remembering the past
20. No friend
the song is an outro to idle worship (another fucking awesome song btw) and it’s spoken/sung by Aaron Weiss from the band mewithoutYou. It is a mix of a devastating letter Hayley wrote of how she was struggling at that time and full of references to past lyrics the band wrote. Referencing past paramore songs: “another song that runs too long” (future, 8min long song) “God knows no one needs” (looking up, “god knows the world doesn’t need another band”) “more misguided ghosts” (the song misguided ghosts) “and we'll do our Riot! dance” (their sophomore album Riot!). From the letter: “I see myself in the reflection of people’s eyes / realizing that what they see may not even be close to the image I see in myself / and I think I might actually be more afraid / to let my own self down than anything else.” It’s really quiet so the first time I heard it via a leak (lol) I thought the song was wrong (also lol). But when you actually look closely you’ll see how FULL of references and reflections it is. A masterpiece.
21. Tell me how
I can’t call you a stranger / but I can’t call you
Another painful way to open a song. It’s about a broken friendship and not knowing what to feel or do about what’s left. In paramore specifics, this is about the past member Jeremy (but also fuck him lmao)
22. Running out of time
THERE WAS A FIRE! (metaphorically) / BE THERE IN FIVE! (hyperbolically)
This song is fucking hilarious. It’s just about being late to everything. Hayley described it as roasting herself and it’s fantastic. I love the way she sings this part hehe
23. C’est comme ça
In a single year, I’ve aged one hundred / my social life, a chiropractic appointment … I know that regression is rarely rewarded / I still need a certain degree of disorder / I hate to admit getting better is boring / But the high cost of chaos, who can afford it?
Getting better fucking sucks. It’s boring. That’s exactly what this song is about! Also I can’t help but think the French title is Zac’s influence lmao
24. Big man, little dignity
I keep thinking / this time the end’ll be different / but it isn’t / I keep thinking / the end is gonna be different but you keep on winning
This song is about putting your faith into the same type of person, straight cis white men, and noticing a pattern of how they repeatedly fail you and how much it can hurt
25. You first
Everyone is a bad guy / and there’s no way, no way to know / who’s the worst / karma’s gonna come for all of us / and I hope well I hope, I just hope / she comes, comes for you first, oh!
SUCH a petty song I love it
26. Liar
And why should I deny what’s all at once so crystal clear? … Love is not an easy thing to admit / but I’m not ashamed of it / love is not a weakening if you feel it rushing in / don’t be ashamed of it
Oh my god. When I tell you how I freaked out, teared up, screamed, and everything when I heard this for the first time??? Hayley makes a reference to the song/lyrics “crystal clear” from her solo album petals for armor. Both liar & crystal clear are about her falling in love with Taylor. I love them both so much and I’m only hoping the best for their relationship (which I still can’t believe is rlly true sometimes lol). Currently on tour they’re performing liar and then crystal clear consecutively and I’m so ready to just fall apart when they do that at my concert. The bridge also resonates a lot with me as a queer person. And of course it’s a fantastic ship song sjskdj
27. Crave
I romanticize even the worst of times / when all it took to make me cry was being alive … Just for a second it all felt simple / I’m already missing it / So I crave, crave to do it again, all again
FUCK!!! A song I never thought would exist but perfectly captures reminiscing on the present while struggling to actually be in the present and wanting to live the good moments all again… this is currently my most listened to song from their most recent album and I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be my top song of the year
28. Thick skull
Hit over the head / epiphany / over my head / repeatedly / thick skull never did / nothing for me / same lesson again / come on give it to me / give it to me, give it to me, give it to me
Another play on words. Being hit over the head with this “lesson” but also the same “lesson” going over your head just for you to go through it again. Powerful closer for the album.
OKAY. WE MADE IT. these are (almost) all my favorite paramore lyrics. Yeah I’m saying (almost) cuz I could’ve listed more honestly… there isn’t a paramore lyric that I don’t love. I’m sure this is more than u bargained for but I’m on a roll so I didn’t rlly hold back lmao. Also special shoutout cuz if I could’ve included stuff from Hayley’s solo albums I would’ve absolutely included lyrics from: simmer, leave it alone, dead horse, pure love, watch me while I bloom, crystal clear, no use I just do, find me here, and.. more…. LOL
AS FOR BLORBOS! I promise I won’t be as long fnmsjdjd
1. Qi Rong: from tian guan ci fu! He’s my fav character from the whole series and SUCH a slimy guy. If u hate him I hate u y’know. He’s an annoying cannibal who is a very loving father to his …adopted.. son… hehe
2. Shi Qingxuan: my other fav from tgcf :) (tbh I love quite a few tgcf characters..) she’s the type of blorbo I wanna have a sleepover with so bad.
3. Lan Wangji: we know him! We love him! My ultimate blorbo from mdzs!!! He is literally me.
4. Vegas: literally just last night I remembered his entire character and freaked out bc again.. he is literally me…. (that’s like how I decide most of my blorbos lmfao)
5. David from druck! A little bit of a throwback but he’s one of the most special characters to me ever. And I’m extremely grateful as he’s amazing pan representation!!
6. Literally the main four from bad buddy… I CANT CHOOSE ONE. I want to be bffs/be like every one of them lol
7. Noh Shinwoo: I will defend him with my life. Being team shinwoo while watching light on me live has left me with battle scars they really kept us on edge until the end lmfao
8. Sean (not me): I’m still in a not me mood after finishing my rewatch but aahhh he’s so blorbo…. never done anything wrong in his life
9. MENG SHAO FEI!!! Now THAT’S a bitch who fits the blorbo definition. He is so silly <3
10. hira from utsukare: NEW ENTRY!!! We are scarily alike…
Finally, my favorite color is red/burgundy!!! I think I tend to like warmer palettes and ofc ones that have some red in it hehe
If u actually read through this whole thing. Wow. I’m impressed. I lowkey literally wrote u an essay. But thank u sm & ily for asking & giving me a chance 2 talk abt my fav band (& blorbos) bc I had fun writing this the whole time !! :D
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just-jordie-things · 3 years
Insecurities - Richie Tozier
Tumblr media
word count: 4319 warnings: swearing summary: Richie’s greatest fear is not being good enough for her- and It knows to use that against him ___
Richie Tozier loved his girlfriend.  He idolized her, he prioritized her, and every day that he was with her felt like a miracle.  She was his favorite person, the light of his life, and he was so goddamn in love with her that it consumed his entire being.
Thing was, (y/n) was out of his league, and his friends and peers reminded him of it, every, fucking, day.  Either with a joke about how he landed a girl like that, or a comment about how she’ll find someone better too.  His friends weren’t purposefully being assholes, and they never knew how deep their words could cut into Richie.  But he’d never told them how insecure he really was.
(y/n) never thought anything of it.  She loved Richie and that’s all that mattered.  He made her happier than she ever could have imagined herself being in this town.  In this dreary place she lived, he managed to be a ray of spontaneity and sun that she was grateful for every day.  She longed to tell him how much she loved him, she’d never gathered the courage to say it before, but always felt the words burning in her throat. She knew her friends were teasing, and never second guessed them or Richie’s feelings about it.  
That is, until Neibolt. ___
“This, is a bad fucking idea” Richie had muttered into her ear when they’d walked onto the property.
She wasn’t sure if it was out of annoyance for wasting a day that they could have spent at the arcade, or out of his own fear for trekking into the obviously haunted house.
If it was fear, she knew he wouldn’t say anything about it.  So instead, she grabbed his hand and gave him a smile.
“But it’ll make for a great story!” She’d declared.
(She has a tendency to reprimand him on his idiotic ideas, and he always argued that he would have a good story to tell later.  So when she repeated his words back to him, he glared a bit)
(y/n) winked, before giggling because Richie always made a funny face when she winked at him.  After dating her for a year or so, he has never gotten used to the sight of her winking at him.
But then again, a part of him was still in disbelief that she was his girlfriend and she was winking at him.
He tugged her closer to his side by her hand as they walked into the house.
“Oh, gross” Eddie winced, and continued to complain the further they walked into the hall.
The clubs’ steps gradually slowed.
“What the fuck?” Richie hissed, eyes narrowing while he looked around.  “This is a fucking crackhouse-“
He stopped abruptly when there was a loud creaking, and the whole group froze in place.  They went silent, ears on alert for the next haunting sound.
Richie’s hand tightened around (y/n’s), making sure that she was secure at his side.  She looked up at him, brows furrowed a bit, clearly conflicted about Bill’s plan.
Another creak sounded, and her eyes shot towards the sound, just in time to see a door slowly swinging open.  To their surprise, no one, or nothing, appeared in the doorway.  It only revealed an empty room.
When Mike took a few tentative steps towards it, (y/n’s) feet also began to move, as if on instinct, her brain told her not to let her friend investigate alone.
“(y/n)” Richie called for her in a hushed voice as she pulled her hand out of his hold.
She glanced back at him as if to say ‘I’m alright’, and then moved swiftly on the tips of her toes up to Mike.  They shared a look, before nodding their heads, and walking into the room.
As she examined the old run-down bedroom, she felt her heartbeat steady, as did her breathing.  The floorboards were worn and creaky, and the walls had indescribable stains on them, but there was nothing more to it.
“It’s just old” Mike said, a similar expression of relief on his face.
“Yeah, it’s fine,” (y/n) looked back out to their friends to assure them that they were safe.  “It was nothing-“
Before the word could even leave her mouth, the door creaked again, and slammed shut before anyone could move.
“(y/n)!” Richie was the first to leap to action, but by the time he’d gotten to the door, it was already locked.  And no matter how much he yanked and pulled on the rusty knob, it would not budge.
She was pounding her fists against the other side of it, and from the sounds of it, he was pretty sure Mike was trying to kick the door down from the other side.
“(y/n)! (y/n) it’s gonna be fine! I’m gonna get you out!” RIchie hollered, enlisting in the help of Bill and Beverly in trying to kick open the door.
But even as everyone was kicking, it was no use.  The door would rattle in it’s frame, and not crack even a little bit.
“It’s It!” Beverly declared, trying to get the boys to halt in their frantic kicking before they hurt themselves.  “Guys- Richie- we won’t be able to break it open, it’s like- cursed, or something”
He didn’t want to give up that fast, he wanted to keep kicking this door until his shoes were worn through and his feet were bruised, until (y/n) was free.
“It’s alright!” (y/n) called from the room.  “Mike found a part of the wall that’s caved in, we’re gonna try to break through it to the other side of the hall, okay?”
“W-we’ll meet you o-over there” Bill said, already heading around the corner of the hallway with Stan.  Even though it was clear she’d only been informing one person.
“Richie,” She spoke again.  “Go on, I’ll be fine, Mike’s here with me, I’ll see you in a couple minutes, okay?”
She was trying so hard to keep her voice brave, but he could hear it begin to crack, even through the door.
“I’m not fucking leaving you-”
“Richie, go, I don’t want you standing alone out there,” (y/n) ordered.  “I gotta go help Mike with the wall, see you in a minute”
He could barely hear her footsteps take off, and then leaned forward to press his ear against the wood, hoping to hear them breaking through with ease.  But now he couldn’t hear a thing.
Richie spun around, about to alert Eddie and Ben how oddly enough he couldn’t hear their friends tearing through a wall.
But Eddie and Ben weren’t there.
“Guys?” Richie hollered, breaking into a jog in hopes to catch them around the corner, where Mike and (y/n) were supposed to meet everyone.
But no one was there either.
“Hello!? Guys!? Where’d you go!?”
He began to yell a bit louder now, rushing around anywhere he could in search of his friends, but he hadn’t found, or even heard anyone.  How had they abandoned him so fast? Didn’t they notice?
“Richie?” A scratchy but familiar voice called from behind him.
He turned on his heel and was instantly relieved at the sight of (y/n).
“Oh, thank fucking god” He breathed out heavily, taking swift steps towards her.
She, however, took a sharp step backwards.
“Don’t come any closer” She snapped, and Richie froze on the spot.
“Stay the fuck back!” She screeched now, so loud that the harsh words echoed down the halls.  They seemed to ring in Richie’s ears for a lifetime.
“Babe, what’s wrong?” He asked worriedly.  But he did as she asked, and didn’t move any closer to her.  “Did something happen-?”
“Jesus Richie fuck off!” She snarled now, and if that wasn’t shocking enough, she stormed up to him, and shoved him against his chest with both hands, mustering all the force she could.
Richie stumbled until he tripped over his feet and fell to the ground.  He couldn’t believe she was strong enough to push him to the ground like that.  (y/n) wasn’t frail by any means, but she shouldn’t have been able to knock him down with such ease.
“Blabber and hover- blabber and hover with you!” She was yelling down at him now, and Richie pushed himself up on shaky arms.
This was incredibly unlike her-
“You can never just leave me the hell alone! Can you!?” She went on, voice booming unnaturally with each bark.  “Always on my ass, always crowding me!”
If he wasn’t so afraid, he would have noticed how with every word, her teeth turned more ragged, and sharper.
“Do you think I enjoy it? Being stuck with you? It’s a goddamn burden! I can’t stand to be around you- I fucking hate you Richie Tozier!”
“Y-you’re not- this isn’t-” He could barely speak his throat was burning so bad from holding back tears.
This couldn’t be (y/n)... (y/n) would never…
“What, I’m not real?” The word came out in a vicious snarl, and suddenly she warped into another figure.
He wasn’t sure if this one was worse.
“You piece of shit!” Henry Bowers barked.  “Haven’t I told you to stay the fuck out of this town!?”
Richie lunged himself backwards, trying to crawl away from this horrible nightmare as fast as possible.  But the more he tried to scurry away, the worse the image in front of him became.
“You’re a freak!” (y/n) screamed in his face again.  “You’re a loser, Richie.  You think anyone would want to be with you?”
He couldn’t breathe- the tears- the panic- it all welled up inside of him and he knew he was going to explode soon.
“This isn’t real, you’re not real, you’re not her”
“Aren’t I though?” Her voice dropped to a haunting whisper, and she leaned in close to him.  “Aren’t I!?” She screamed.
Richie closed his eyes, shaking his head rapidly and hoping that when he opened them again, she’d be gone, and he’d wake up in his bedroom.  This was just one terrible fucking nightmare, it’ll be over soon-
“The real (y/n) doesn’t have the guts to fucking tell you” She snarled, reminding him of his reality.
“Stop it!” Richie yelled, unable to hold back his tears any longer.
“She’s never been able to speak up and say-”
“Go away!” He begged, voice cracking in desperation.
“She knows she’s too good for you, and let’s face it fuckface, I am too good for you”
He didn’t have it in him to beg It to leave him alone, as he broke down sobbing into his hands, enduring the cuel wrath.
“She hates you, for dragging her down, for hanging off of her like a dog,” Her tone slowly warped into something more squeaky, and masculine, until she wasn’t exactly the image of (y/n) anymore.  “Ohhh… she haaates you Richie”
When he dared to look, he was met with the gruesome sight of a circus clown.  A rather large circus clown.
“But you can stay, Richie, you can float with us!”
“No- no…. no no no!”
He covered his face again as he pleaded and wept uncontrollably.  He wished that It would just get it over with, because he couldn’t take this torture anymore.
“Richie!” A voice screamed.  Not the scream that he’d heard just moments ago, but a worried shriek.
Even still, he kept his hands planted safely over his eyes.  It couldn’t get in his face if he couldn’t see the form it had taken.
“Richie- Richie,” The voice panted again, this time soft, and close to his ear.  “Hey, it’s me” She murmured.
Gentle hands grasped onto his wrists, and pulled on his arms until he revealed his face.
He was met with the concerned eyes of his girlfriend, her brow so furrowed there were lines on her forehead, and a pout on her lips that he’d never seen there before.
“Babe,” She whispered so soft he was certain that he’d imagined that too.  “What happened?”
He flinched when she reached for him, and the action shattered her heart to pieces, but she tried her best not to show it.  Tentatively, she reached her hand out to place against his cheek, pulling her sleeve over her palm to wipe away the flow of tears.
“You’re- are you-”
“I’m real,” She nodded, beginning to realize what had happened.  “It’s me, promise”
His eyes wandered her features unsurely, and she sighed.
“Do you want me to prove it?” She murmured, and began to speak before he could even nod his head.  “On our first date, you called me sweet cheeks, and then got so embarrassed about it that you tripped and dropped your ice cream” There was a weak smile on her lips at the memory, hoping that it would be enough to calm Richie down.
He let out a shaky whimper, before surging forward and wrapping his arms around her torso.  He held her so tightly that she had to control her breaths, but it was alright because he believed her and things were going to be okay.
“It’s alright,” She cooed into his ear as he cried into the crook of her neck.  “I know, it’s awful”
One of his hands cradled the back of her head, fingers tangled in her hair.  The other was fisting the material of her jacket.  He couldn’t speak, he was crying so hard, ut it was enough to know that she was here right now.
(y/n) rubbed his back in soothing circles as she held him for a few moments longer, until she knew it was time to go, and pulled away.
“Come on, we gotta get out of here,” She whispered, wiping his opposite cheek tenderly.  “Eddie broke his arm” She told him as she helped him to his feet, and intertwined their fingers as they raced out of Neibolt.
The others, besides Eddie, were standing in the front yard.
Eddie was being shoved into his mother’s car, while Mrs K was scolding their friends.
“I knew my boy shouldn’t be playing with the likes of you all,” She rambled, snarling at Beverly in particular.  “This is all your fault.  All your fault! I hope your proud of yourselves for maiming my boy!”
She stormed off to her car, and Eddie could barely wave out the window before she’d driven off.
“I know where It is,” Bill spoke after a beat passed.  “And n-next time we’ll come p-prepared”
Richie’s eyes widened before glaring at the boy, finding it ridiculous that he thought it was a good idea to not only come back, but to come back and retaliate.
“No next time, Bill!” Stan begged, shaking his head.
“We have to,” Beverly said.  “Ben, you said so yourself, It comes back every twenty-seven years-”
“Fine! I’ll be forty and far away from here!” He answered.
With his words, a layer of tension settled over the group.
“I’m sorry you couldn’t save Georgie,” Richie grumbled, pulling away from (y/n) to head to his bike.  “But you can still save yourself” He finished, brushing past Bill’s shoulder.
“N-no,” Bill stammered, pushing Richie back by the shoulder.  “T-take it back!”
“Face the truth, Bill! You’re chasing a lie-!”
He couldn’t even finish before Bill pushed harder, and swing a fist against Richie’s cheek.
“Bill!” (y/n) screeched, leaping forward to break them up before something could happen.
She grabbed Richie by the elbow before he could land a punch, and yanked him back while Mike grabbed a secure hold on Bill.
“Face it! We’re losers! That’s it!” Richie snarled.
He shrugged (y/n’s) hold off of him, and her eyes shot to his, broken, and hurt.
“I’m going home.  I don’t want to get fucking killed too” He muttered, and when he stormed off to his bike, Bill didn’t stop him this time.
“R-Richie?” (y/n) called brokenly, stumbling forward on wobbly legs, but it didn’t matter, he was already zooming down the street as fast as he could.
Before she could crumpe to the ground, Beverly grabbed a hold of her, hugging her against her side comfortingly.
It was silent as everyone dispersed, barely giving each other a second glance as they rode off.
Beverly hugged (y/n) tight before she got on the back of Bill’s bike.  Murmuring a soft, ‘see you later’ that (y/n) wasn’t quite convinced of.
She didn’t have the energy in her to bike home, but the only other option was to sit outside Neibolt, alone, and the sun was beginning to set, so she gathered what little strength she had left in her to slowly make her way home. ___
When she came home past dinner, covered in muck and bruises, her parents barely batted an eye.  Even as she let out a soft cry with every step up the stairs, it was like they tuned her out completely.
It had thrown her around like a ragdoll after she tried to defend Eddie.  As brave as she’d tried to be, she’d been terrified, shaking straight down to the bone as she forced herself to stand in front of him.
The demonic clown had simply swing an arm, and sent her tumbling across the ground.
It took a long shower to get all the dirt scraped off her skin.  But even as it was washed down the drain, the memories of this afternoon would haunt her for life.
Maybe Bill was right.  Maybe It needed to be stopped now, before he could just keep coming back and traumatizing a new generation of children every thirty or so years.  But even if she really wanted to kill the creature, she wouldn’t even know where to begin.  And her brain was already swarmed with a worse thought,
Was Richie done with me?
She sniffled a bit at the idea, but wiped her eyes before they could be filled with tears.
No, he was just angry, and scared, he would never… he wouldn’t just leave like that… would he?
A few knocks on her window made her jolt up in bed, nerves spreading throughout her body like electricity.  She instantly thought that It had found her, and was back to finish what he’d started.
But as she rushed to turn on the lamp sitting on her bedside table, her muscles relaxed to see it was only Richie, waiting rather impatiently for her to unlock her window.
She threw the covers off of her, and moved as quickly as she could to let him in.
As soon as she pushed the window upwards, he was crawling in, oddly silent.
“Hey,” She murmured, not wanting to alert her parents downstairs that her boyfriend had snuck in.
He’d done so a million times before, and they’ve never gotten caught, but today was a rather awful day and she didn’t want to have one more thing ruined.
“Are you feeling be-”
“We need to talk” Richie mumbled, effectively cutting her off with the upsetting words.
“O-Okay…” (y/n) answered, trying not to jump to conclusions.  “What… about..?” She asked slowly.
“I think-” He started to speak quickly, but just couldn’t seem to finish the sentence.
He couldn’t even look her in the eyes.
“We- we should- we need to break up”
It was like her heart plummeted right out of her body, sending every nerve to go numb.  She had to have heard him wrong- this wasn’t like Richie- maybe this wasn’t even the real-
“I- I want to break up” He added in an even quieter voice.  She caught the crack in his words, and she shook her head in confusion.
“What?” She could barely manage to say the one word.
“I know you heard me,” Richie sighed, eyes finally flickering up to hers.  “Come on (y/n) don’t make this any more difficult than it-”
“You’re the one being difficult!” She whisper-hissed, eyes widening a bit in frustration.  “What are you doing? Wh- why are you-”
“Come on,” Richie whispered.  “Don’t do that-”
“Give me one reason why we should break up” (y/n) crossed her arms.  She wasn’t going to let him walk away that easy.  Something was up, and she was going to get to the bottom of it.
“We’re not a good fit, alright?” He answered, volume raising a bit above his previous murmur.  “We don’t work, and I was a fucking idiot to think that we would”
“Richie…” (y/n) sighed in disbelief.
“You wanted an answer-”
“Where is this coming from?” She asked with a shake of her head.  “I know you don’t really want to break up-”
“Well we have to!” He yelled, and they were both silent for a minute, trying to see if her parents had heard him.
When there was no response from downstairs, she snapped back at him.
“Why?” She stressed the word, desperate for him to just fess up whatever it was that was bothering him.
“Why? Do you even have to ask, (y/n)?” Richie asked.
Her eyebrows knitted together as he spoke in such a harsh tone.  Richie never talked to her like that.
“Look at me, (y/n)! I mean, come on, it was only a fucking matter of time before you got bored and realized how much of your time you’ve wasted on me!”
If she’d thought him trying to break up was horrible, this was even worse.
“Oh, Rich-”
“I’m a loser, (y/n), don’t you see that? Don’t you see how terrible for you I am?”
He was breaking her heart with every word.
“Haven’t you heard them? What people say? What our own friends say?” He asks her, but she doesn’t answer, because she can’t.  “I am dragging you down with every second of being with you”
“N-no-” She can’t hardly choke out the word, but Richie vents on anyways.
“Might as well just end things now, before one of us gets hurt”
He turns around, as if to head back out her window, but (y/n’s) faster.  She wedges herself in between his body, shutting and locking the window before he could just walk away.
“No, s-stop running away,” She cried, and when she looks up at him, she realizes that he can’t look at her because he’s crying too.  “Richie,” She whimpers, shaky hands reaching up to cup his face, making him look down at her.  “That’s not true, none of that is true-”
“It is” He replies, brokenly.
She shakes her head, and steps closer to him.
“It lied to you,” She tells him.  “I know It probably told you some terrible, nasty things,”
Richie squeezes his eyes shut, and the next thing he knows, he’s falling to his knees.  But (y/n) follows, kneeling down with him and shuffling even closer.
“But babe,” She murmured, “It was lying, it was all a trick”
She could feel his tears slipping down his cheeks and over her fingers.
“I just- I don’t want to drag you down-”
“Drag me down?” She repeats in a whisper, thumbs stroking away his tears once more.  “Richie,” His eyes open when she says his name, soft and sweet-like.
She pushes his glasses up on top of his mess of curls so she can swipe away the tears under his eyes.
“You do nothing but lift me up,” She tells him.  “You’re my ray of sunshine in this terrible fucking town,” An anxious and uncertain smile trembles on her lips.  “And all those things you’re so worried about, I love about you,”
There’s a pause as her eyes flicker between his, before gently placing his glasses back on his nose.
“I’m in love with you,” She murmurs.  “I love you so much,” She repeats in a sigh, just in case he didn’t hear her the first time.  “So much”
A short breath of a laugh escapes him, and a small smile begins to tug on his lips as he looks at her.  He knows she means it, he can feel it, he can see it in her eyes that she’s being genuine.
He takes her hands from his face, setting them gently in her lap before cupping her face in his own hands.
“I love you too” He tells her, and before he can lean in, she’s shooting forward, wrapping her arms around his neck and planting her lips on his firmly.
It’s unlike any other kisses they’ve shared.  It’s desperate, and careful, and loving, and conveyed every last drop of fear that they’d had in losing each other.  She’s kissing him so passionately that her chest is heaving, but she can’t bear to pull away now.
Richie holds her in his lap, and she’s wrapped up in his arms so securely that she’s sure, and she hopes, she’ll never be able to get out of them.
When her lips are swollen and her lungs are burning for oxygen, she finally leaned back slightly, but only by a few centimeters.
“You can’t leave me,” She tells him through heavy breaths.  Her eyes are still closed, but he’s staring intently at her anyways.  “I need you too much- don’t leave me”
He nods in agreement, caressing her cheek affectionately.
“Okay,” He hums, and kisses her lips chastely.  “I won’t… I won’t”
She falls forward, and embraces him tightly.
Richie’s arms wind around her lower back again, and they sit for a long time like this, catching their breath and holding onto one another firmly, so that neither can leave.
“We have to go back” Richie says after a long time.
“I know” She murmurs against his neck.
“We have to kill that fucking clown” He says, voice dropping it’s gentle tone, turning hard, and final.
“I know” She repeats, the same vengeful tone in her own voice.
Nothing was ever going to come between them again, that was for sure.
taglist: @thegr8kush​
xoxo ~ jordie 
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spilledkauffie · 3 years
Game Night
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader Word Count: 2.2k T/W: fluff A/N: Part 2 of Bingo — a few months later
I am SO SORRY this took me way longer to post than it should have!
Bucky Tag List: @anreeixcobra ❤︎ @tsnelf7 ❤︎ @fandom-princess-forevermore​
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It was Friday night, which meant one thing: Game Night. Ever since Yori introduced you at Bingo, you made it a tradition in your relationship to play board games on Fridays. For the most part you kept it to fairly modern games, but tonight was going to be a surprise.
Tonight it was your place, 8 o’clock. Bucky showed up with a six pack of root-beer in glass bottles. You added a few to the fridge as he found his usual seat at your apartment table. He waited for you to round the small apartment’s bar and join him. Sliding the glass bottles across the table to Bucky, you smiled, biting in your bottom lip, as he slid your bottle back, now without its top.
Easily he popped the top off his own bottle with his left hand; it was as he was about to take a sip that he caught sight of your look, “what?” he furrowed his eyebrows, questionably. 
“So. . . tonight,” you tried not to giggle.
“What?” Bucky asked again, this time finding himself following your smile despite his will not to.
“Tonight is going to be special,” you clasped your hands together, “because I found some stuff that’s as old as you.”
“Wow, thanks,” Bucky said sarcastically, taking a sip, shaking his head, blinking softly as he saw you rush to convince him it would be fun. Sighing deeply, he gave in, “alright, what is it?”
“I’ll be right back,” you twirled on your heel and left the room.
Returning to shaking his head and the glass bottle, he paused after settling the bottle on the table. It’d been a long time since anyone cared about anything actually as old as him. He’d been pretty good at keeping up with the times, a lot of things he knew just got an upgrade, but the thought of something from his actual childhood felt a little heartwarming. 
“Okay,” you declared, reentering the room with a stack of vintage boxes in your arms that made Bucky lean back in his chair out of shock, “here we are.” 
His jaw dropped a little at what you had brought out as you set the stack on the table. Watching you take a deep breath and exhale with a smirk, he shook his head, this time silently asking “how?” You set your hands atop the stack, rapping your fingers across the top box as you smiled again. 
Smoothing your hands out across the box top, you cleared your throat, “no peeking,”  bringing Bucky’s attention entirely to you. 
“Option number one,” you held up the rectangular shape with severely faded letters across it, “Scrabble, released 1938.” The box very gently met the table, “option number two,” you looked at him attempting not to giggle as you saw him cross his arms over his chest, genuinely listening to you intently, “Sorry! released 1934, Battleship, original pen and paper game,” you clarified, he lifted his eyebrows, impressed, “and last but not least, Monopoly, released 1935.”
“Wow, you uh- you really did your research,” he commented, looking over the stack of authentically vintage boxes.
“Of course,” you shrugged with a smile, “my boyfriend’s 106, if I want to bring back some childhood nostalgia, that requires some research. . . and late hour ebay bidding in our case.”  
He nodded, a faint smile showing, before it faded with his next words, “I hope you didn’t do too much research on me,” he looked up, hand resting on Monopoly.
You calmly slid down into the seat across from him and stared with a kind smile still on your lips, reaching to touch his hand, you stroked your thumb against his knuckles, “I’m more of a first hand account, direct source, kind of girl when it comes to people,” the corner of his mouth tugged into a smile. 
You knew, just not everything, and he wasn’t sure he was prepared to have another living soul know it all quite yet. Luckily, you were someone who seemed to actually understand that.
“Or,” you announced, lifting a pointer finger, as if requesting a pause whilst you went to a nearby drawer, returning with a much smaller box, “we can get really really old school, even for you” the box met the table top, “standard 52 card deck, English edition, circa 1516. . .obviously not original.”
Bucky chuckled, looking to you, tonguing his cheek, before picking up the cards, “I hate to tell you, but that’s just a little before my time,” he squinted at you, teasingly.
Biting your lip, your shoulders shifted with the giggle that came after his comment, “so, come on,” you sat back down, this time with your elbows on the table and hands laced, to support your resting chin on top of them, “what should I beat your butt in?”
“Oh,” Bucky, attempting to appear insulted, began raising his eyebrows, “you think?”
“Yeah,” you laughed your words while looking at his serious face, “I think, better yet, I know.”
“Well, I don’t know where you get your confidence from. You know you are talking to a local senior Bingo night champion,” he shrugged with a head tilt, as if that was supposed to be a big deal.
“Woooow,” you drew out, smiling uncontrollably.
“But,” he sighed, “okay,” he shook his head once, accepting your challenge, “let’s go, you’re on! Monopoly,” he brought the box towards himself as you set the others on the floor next to your chair.
You watched as he picked up the little metal pieces, examining each one individually. There was an expression you’d never seen before, he was remembering something positive from his past. A memory that sparked a smile that you helped bring about. He surveyed the board, with all its bright colours and familiar street names.
“It’s been-” he paused, looking upward, doing the math in his head, “it’s been 85 years since I played this game,” setting each piece he stopped at the boat, laughing to himself, “you know, Steve used to always be the battleship.” 
A soft smile came across your lips, while you watched him remember exactly how to set it up. You picked the Scottie dog and he picked the vintage race car piece.
“Were you always the race car?” you ventured, wanting to know more about his childhood, you knew he didn’t talk about it often.
“Oh,” he glanced to the piece he had just naturally picked up without a thought, “yeah, well, I think,” he gave a quick, but somber smile, before clearing his throat, and actually looking up, “and my sister, whenever she’d actually manage to get mom and dad to let her stay up with us, she’d always be the thimble,” he leaned back in his chair, smiling, “whenever it was her turn to move she’d put it on her finger and hop it down the street names.” He leaned back to the table, “we never made her go to jail, even if she landed on it, Steve would make up some rule that let her skip it.” 
“That’s really sweet of you guys,” you said, looking softly at his smile.
“Yeah,” he swallowed, “but don’t think you can skip jail,” he changed his tone, preferring not to dwell on the past even if it was positive. 
“Don’t think I’ll be visiting,” you smirk confidently, “better watch out for the money man yourself.” 
“Wow, who is this?” he dropped his jaw, “she’s so sarcastic, does Yori know this side of you? Do you sneak jellybeans under the table or something evil like that?”
Laughing, you took your root-beer, “just give me my $1,500 so the smack down can actually begin.”
Two hours later, after a long battle between Boardwalk, control over the railroads, and many, many visits to jail, you sat back, lips quirked, arms across your chest as your little Scottie sat in jail.
“And three thousand, six hundred, and five. . . I’m sorry, but that leaves you,” Bucky set his elbows on the table, wincing at you, “bankrupt.”
“Fine,” you huffed jokingly, giving your best pout,“you win.”
“Aww, c’mon,” Bucky reached out a hand to touch your forearm comfortingly, accompanied by a smile you couldn’t deny.
“You wanna go again?” You offered seriously, resting your hand on top of his tenderly, happy to see him so happy.
“It was really fun, but let’s play something else, this time you pick,” he offered.
Breaking into a smile, you gave a nod, and he asked what you had in mind. It took a moment, you wanted to make this good, and you wanted to see it be a little more of a struggle for him, if you were honest. 
“You know, I know it’s later than your. . .original timeline, but there’s this fantastic game called Twister,” you smirked, perking an eyebrow to ask if he was up for it. 
“Twister?” He repeated you, tilting his head like a confused puppy, “what’s Twister?”
“I’ll show you, but,” you glanced over to your small apartment living room, “we might need to arrange the furniture a little.”
“Don’t worry,” Bucky stood, “I can handle that.” 
Smiling, you stand, “okay, just push it all to one side, I’ll get the game.” 
Ten minutes later, shoeless, you both stood looking over the polka dotted sheet on the floor. Nodding happily to yourself, Bucky shook his head almost in fear. 
“Make sense?” You asked, having just explained the very simple rules, you turned to face him.
“Oh, I’m sorry I asked,” he sighed, shouldering off his jacket and tossing it onto the couch along with his glove, “yeah, it makes sense,” he set his hands on his hips, pondering this new game intently. 
“Okay, you first,” you held up the spinning arrow, and began.
One hand and foot at a time, sometimes struggling to reach the spinner, but you both made it work pretty well. Having kept to one side of the sheet, it came time to get a smidge more twisted.
Bucky managed to keep balanced and spin a green dot with his left arm, conveniently it placed him right over you. As he began to reach for green, he carefully calculated how best to approach the green dot in order to keep his balance. It was a pretty far reach and he’d need to balance himself whilst reaching over you. 
“What’s the matter old man, can’t quite move like you used to?” you shamelessly giggled. 
Raising his eyebrows at your tone, “ohhh, wow,” Bucky said sincerely, finally placing his left arm over you and to a green dot, now above you he tilted his head sassily, “respect your elders.”
His last sentence only made your giggle turn into a genuine laugh. You closed your eyes and threw your head back a little. Admittedly, Bucky thought it was funny too, but he didn’t laugh, he just took in your smile and the sound of your laugh, enjoying every single moment of it.
When you brought your head back up, you were about to respond sassily, but instead you found his lips meeting yours. With a small squeak of surprise, you relaxed into the kiss, glad that he was finally confident enough with you to take a chance now and then. He tasted like vanilla root beer, which mixed wonderfully with the scent of his cologne you were finally close enough to smell. 
It was soft and slow at first, but slowly, with his right hand palming the arch of your back, you eased into his touch, lower back almost meeting the floor as you both sunk down a little. You completely forgot about the game, as you reached your arms around his neck gently. Keeping the kiss close, you felt him hesitate to deepen it, so you gave him a small sign of encouragement, by moving your hand to the side of his neck, naturally bringing him even closer. 
You had no idea how long you’d been there, on that polka dot sheet, but it was such bliss that you didn’t even care. Smiling into the kiss, you felt him smile back. 
Parting, he pressed his forehead to yours, “I win,” he whispered, lips in a smile. 
“What?” was all you could ask, still mesmerised by the kiss. 
Bucky motioned his head to his left arm which happened to have been keeping the two of you steady. . . all the while remaining on the green dot. You dropped your arms from around his neck, to the floor, elbows supporting you as you looked up at him, shaking your head. 
“That does not count, Bucky,” you tried not to smile as he kept his arm as still as possible.
“What? But my hand’s still on green,” he dramatically gestured to it, making you bite your lip to repress a giggle, trying to match his seriousness.
Shoving his chest directly above you, he feigned an ‘ow!’ before you softly pull him closer again.
“If I kiss you are you gonna hit me again?”
You smirk, “I might if you don’t.” 
Bucky smiled, lips almost touching yours, “alright, sorry,” he smiled, voice almost a whisper as his lips brushed against yours, “I’m still learning the rules to this game.”
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yandere-sins · 3 years
Remember that Beast!Reader fic with the yandere prince? I loved that one! Can I please request ‘Tears’ from your prompt list for this please?
I was thinking that maybe a few years pass by while the reader is still stuck in beast form, but during that time the person appointed as an alternative caretaker for the reader (obviously the prince can’t be around ALL the time if he has to maintain his kingdom and keep up his image) slowly starts forming a friendly relationship and with even something as small as a forehead kiss to the beast, it is enough to break the curse. But the two don’t get enough time to celebrate before the prince barges in👀
I’m uncomfortable with nsfw and anything too sexual but I enjoy the creepiness and horror that follows a yandere character so I hope you can write it like that please😭🥺 Oh! And please let there be some hope that the reader will either be saved or she saves herself. Even better if the reader decides that she wants to save herself and the boy who broke her curse🤩
Thank you! So sorry if I’m requesting a lot😭🙏
Oh, my sweet little anons, when was the last time I gave you a happy end, huh? But thanks for requesting a continuation, I am glad you all enjoyed it so much ^-^ What a good idea you had there!
Tears - “Sweetie, don’t cry.. they didn’t love you as much as I did.. I’ll help you over the heart break.” 
»»———————— ♡ ————————««
Panting, you urged your legs forward, always one step further than you made at a time. The chilly night air burnt in your lungs, and your bare feet were icy and wet from the forest ground, but neither you nor the person holding your hand so gently in his thought about stopping. Only wrapped in a big rag, you should have been cold, but when he squeezed your hand encouragingly, you believed you could manage it all.
It hadn’t been too long since you started your way on foot down the hill the old castle sat upon. Sooner or later, the prince would find out you escaped, and surely, they would also notice your Beloved having fled the scene. There had been no reason for him to stay. Losing you was enough to get sentenced to death, his lifeless body thrown into a bog rather than buried. So why wouldn’t he leave with you? There certainly was no reason for him to stay in the wretched service of the king. 
But sooner or later, they would come for you, that much was sure.
So, you two had to hurry, but even so, you couldn’t keep from smiling, especially when he looked back over his shoulder, his warm, green eyes shining without any regrets. You two had known each other far too little, but he never once hesitated to show you his affection for you, even when you still were the hideous atrocity that you had turned into to escape the prince for the first time.
Perhaps, everything that happened was fate. Even if it had been harsh and awful, it happened so that you two could meet and start a better life together somewhere new. Even if you wished now that you two could have met under different circumstances, now, you didn’t regret your life from before anymore. Now, you could simply look ahead to the future that waited for you.
Or so you thought; you should have known better.
The soaring of arrows pierced through the silence of the night. One hit the bark of the tree before you, fire spreading from its alcohol-soaked peak. Your eye widened, as did you’re companions, and you soon found yourself ducking as another one flew over your heads.
You couldn’t spare a second to look back over your shoulder as you two urged onwards, picking up the pace. Your legs were tired and shaking, but you knew that you had to go faster and faster, or else you or he would get hit. It were moments like these in which you wished you were still a beast. One which could run faster than any arrow. One that could fight and protect what was important to you. But that was no longer, true love’s kiss having sealed that specific fate already.
It was too late when you realized that the arrows so far had not been to stop you two from getting away. Instead, as they began to light up tree after tree, you realized they were there to banish the secrecy of the forest and make the dark disappear. At the same time, they made you two run into the directions your followers wanted you to go. If you looked back now, you knew who you’d see, no robbers smart enough to roam the forest around the prince’s castle, so there really was no reason for any other armed party to hunt you down.
And yet, you did, too afraid that if you didn’t, things would go way worse. 
The moment you looked over your shoulder, another arrow flew past you, grazing your cheek. You knew where it would hit way before your companion cried out in pain, his hand letting go of yours as a reflex. He sank to his knee for a moment, cursing under his breath as you hurried to his side, seeing the arrow lodged in his shoulder. “Oh god,” you stammered as you sank next to him, hands hovering over the wound. “W-We can fix it, I’m sure, we just have to--!”
“There’s no time!” he interrupted you firmly as if he hadn’t just been shot with an arrow. Without wasting even another second, he got up again, grabbed you by the wrist, and moved forward. You caught a glimpse at his face, determination brimming from his features, but pearls of sweat collected at his forehead. He was clearly in pain, showing it in the way he held his own shoulder with his free hand, but he hadn’t given up yet. He would move on until you two were safe, and though you sympathized with his pain, you were so thankful he didn’t give up yet.
You two ran as fast as you could, but soon you couldn’t ignore the sound of armor behind you anymore, hooves trotting closer while torches lit up the forest more and more. It was almost spooky that no words were muttered, and you expected someone to call orders every now and then, but you had seen the clothes of your followers briefly; you knew who they were. The prince’s guards, clad in the finest silver and trained to the point of being nothing more than human dogs. They ceased speaking if not absolutely necessary, their eyes were soulless, and their hearts without a hint of benevolence. Them being after you could only mean one thing.
The prince wanted you back.
Another arrow getting stuck in the tree you just passed. You knew everything they did wasn’t fun but coldly calculated tactics. They wouldn’t hurt you. They couldn’t. Your cheek bleeding would probably cause one of them to get degraded to a chair for three months at least, so they really couldn’t afford to hurt you more seriously. But they did know who they could hurt you with. Someone whose pain would hurt you more than your own.
The next arrow missed completely, lost in the leaves on the ground. You two were running out of all the adrenaline you had, slowly and surely having exhaustion catch up to you. No! Please no! You begged the entities above that this wouldn’t be the end! There was so much more to live for, so much to see and experience! You wanted to be with your former caretaker, the only one who ever took you and your feelings seriously enough. You two could build a house and keep far away from the hustle and bustle of the cities, farming and taking care of livestock until the end of time. So please! Don’t let this be the end of it!
However, against your expectations, the one to collapse first was him. This time, the arrows didn’t miss, one hitting him in the lower back, one scarily close to his spine. Teardrops pearled from your cheeks as you fell into to mud with him, your hands scrapping along the roots and stones of the ground as you crawled back to where he laid, softly whimpering. Reaching for an arrow, you wanted to pull it out in desperation, but he began to cry out in pain before you could even start pulling.
“LEAVE!” he screamed. “LEAVE AND RUN!”
You couldn’t hold back the sobs hearing these words. “Please...” his hand reached for yours as he tried his best to look up to you. “Go, find a safe place to hide! Leave for another country and never come back!”
“No...” you sobbed, bringing one hand covered in mud and blood to your face. “I don’t want to leave you...”
“They are after you, not me,” he tried to reassure you, but you knew better. The sounds of their heavy footsteps drew closer and closer, and finding him, they wouldn’t hesitate to kill this ‘traitor’. If you went, then he’d die. But if you stayed and got caught, he’d die as well. No choice you could make would end happily for the both of you. “Please, go. I want you to-- ARGH!” Interrupted by his own scream, you began to panic, calling his name and shaking his arm, only to look up as a shadow was cast over you.
“[Name],” the prince sighed, relief showing in his face. He had this small, exhausted smile on his lips, happiness in his features as he looked at you. However, the moment he looked down at your companion, his face began to contort into a hateful grimace, his leg lifting once more to give your Beloved’s back a not-so-gentle kick. “No! Stop!” you cried, latching onto his leg as the kicks came down, your partner’s screams echoing through the forest.
“Don’t worry, I will get rid of the scoundrel who kidnapped you. I will save you! Just like I always do!”
“No! You’re hurting him! Stop it! Please... Please stop!”
Never had you imagined that you’d ever find yourself so low again that you’d beg the prince for something. Before, it had been for your life, but now, it was for the life of the only person that really mattered to you. “Oh, Sweetheart,” the prince cooed, his fingers finding their way under your chin, pulling your face up to meet his eyes. “Don’t cry... he didn’t love you as much as I do. I’ll help you over the heartbreak once we’re done here.”
The prince let go roughly as he pulled his sword from his sheath as you fell to the ground next to your partner. For a moment, time seemed to stop as you stood up in a matter of seconds. Panicked, you decided to throw yourself in front of the sword instead, but a hand grabbed yours before you could. Looking down at your Beloved, smiling warmly and encouraging as he muttered the final words you’d hear from him.
It was like he set you free, even if your definition of free originally included him. “Eh, Darling?!” you heard as you took off in a second spurt of adrenaline, the prince screaming your name after you. But your mind completely shut off the moment you passed the last lit-up arrow, sinking back into the darkness. Everything was blurry, your vision stained with your tears that wouldn’t go away no matter how much you rubbed your eyes with your dirty hands.
Your feet must have started bleeding as you kept running faster and faster, but you gave them no mind, not even feeling the pain. All you felt was the wound in your throbbing heart, something that the prince couldn’t heal no matter how much he believed he could. You wanted to understand your former caretaker’s action, telling you to go rather than defend him. If you had been in his place, surely, you had done the same. But it was as if you were the one who got betrayed by yourself by running away. By giving up on something hopeless, you felt like you were betraying everything you had ever stand for. How pathetic you were, running, trying to get the better future you had hoped to build with him.
Next thing you knew, you stumbled as the ground gave away to a slope before you, your body tumbling down the wet leaves and sturdy roots, your skim getting scratched by the branches of bushes all around you. It was pure luck that your fingers closed around one big tree root the moment they did; otherwise, you surely would have fallen from the cliff that opened up beneath you, instead of just hanging on to it now.
Only now your ears regained their function, the rushing of waves sounding far too deep and far too rough beneath you as to simply be a river. Had you run all the way to the shore? Was it the big sea beneath you? Either it had been closer than you thought, or you did develop some superhuman abilities after changing into a beast.
Groaning, you tried to pull yourself back over the edge, the slightly forward-leaning stone not being any help in rescuing yourself. Even more so, you had to realize the light of torches drawing closer and closer by the second, while you still struggled to escape the death by falling into the unruly water from a great height.
“[Name]!” you heard the screech of your name, genuine worry resounding from it. The prince’s face was the last thing you wanted to see, especially as he looked so damn horrified at the sight of you barely holding on to the cliff. “Don’t move! I’ll pull you up!” he called as he slit down the slope as best as he could without falling himself until he reached you. It was strange. You should have been happy that you wouldn’t be dying. That someone would save you from this horrific fate.
But all you felt was pure despair.
If he pulled you up, then that would be it. He’d take you back, lock you up again and do as he pleased with you. Who knew if you’d ever get a chance on escaping again, especially if he made an example out of your previous companion about what would happen if anyone ever helped you. You’d have nothing left but to live your life as a mere plaything, captured by the prince that was so beloved by everyone, and you didn’t want to think about all the things he’d do to you now that you were human again.
His hands reached out, and you noticed them faintly in your vision. Your decision fell only seconds before he could grab you by the arms. It was too dark to see, too dark to even speculate how deep it was, but you decided it was better than becoming an empty shell of a person if you stayed with the prince.
No matter what would await you in the depths down below, it couldn’t be worse than being a subject to his twisted, self-righteous love, you decide. Letting go was easier than you thought, making you realize your body must understand this situation very well even if it might cost it its life. The face of the prince as you slipped from his grasp was a priceless last sight to see before you closed your eyes, awaiting the inevitable.
Until your back hit the water, engulfing you wholly like the hungry, desperate maw of an animal. Deeper and deeper until it was everywhere, and only then you opened your eyes again for one last glimpse of the blurred light above.
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a03bkdk · 3 years
no quirks bkdk fic rec list (p 2)
thirsty gay wingman fic by lalazee
Oct 11, 2019 "Thinkin abt besties-since-birth BkDk goin to college together, Dk begrudgingly bein Bkg's wingman w/chicks & lamenting his big gay crush. One nite, Bkg cant get laid, hes drunk in a shitty mood, so Dk propositions him, which turns into the best night ever & the WORST consequences."
My tweet got 366 likes & 66 reblogs, so that was more than enough reason to write about it.
romeo and romeo by supercrunch
There’s a nasally howl from the neighbour’s place. Izuku looks up – it’s the very loud, very blond guy living in the unit opposite. They’re technically in separate blocks but their balconies are close enough they can see into each other’s living rooms. He’s dancing around in his pyjamas. Yodelling at the top of his lungs off-key, swinging his Pomeranian around by the armpits like a furry ragdoll. “You’re a dog! You’re a fluffy little yellow dog and you’re a pain in the ass but you’re still my favourite shit-stain, yeah!”
Izuku bursts out laughing. The neighbour’s head whips around. He yelps when he sees him, tossing the dog on the couch and scrambling out of view to hide in the hall.
Izuku drops the watering can and runs back inside to find his phone.Small Might: Guys. I've decided i have a crush on my neighbour.
(quarantine baking: a balcony romance)
mechanical bull by warschach
Katsuki has a track record of bad choices, it's a condition, but Izuku might be the one choice that's right.
battle of the bands by roadtripwithlucifer
'The rules are simple. Battle of the Bands. Local bands send in a single track to the radio station, and ten tracks are selected. Over the coming month, the songs play on the station and listeners vote on the top five. The top 5 play a live concert as part of a music festival, then the top 3 at a larger, indoor venue. The top two have the honor of opening on the first stop of All Might’s retirement tour – here. In Izuku’s home town. And finally, the winner gets the ultimate prize. Getting to spend the rest of the tour, forty cities, across the country as All Might’s opener. Three months. Same tour bus. Shoulder to shoulder with the greatest musicians the world has ever known.'Izuku Midoriya is a broke college student presented with the opportunity of a lifetime. But winning isn't gonna be easy, especially when one band's aggressive blonde frontman seems to be dead-set on making Izuku's life a living hell.
oh my god! they were roomates! by phatye
“Don’t go through my shit, and if there’s a tie on the door, then fuck off!” Katsuki growled. “...what?” he asked. Katsuki glared at him. “This is fucking college, and I plan on getting laid a lot! I don’t need some nerd cockblocking me! And what is with all the fucking toys here!” Katsuki had moved over to his shelves. “Are you a fucking child or something?!” This was not what he was expecting.
shades of blue by young_crone
Echoes filtered down the white hall as he descended the stairs toward the locker rooms, reverberating from the pool. A whistle, the sound of breaking water. He swiped the towel over his face, paused. The sliver of cerulean catching the sinking sun pouring through the skylights, the red and white lane buoys, the burn of chlorine.Izuku ran a hand through his curls, snagging on a knot. The clock on the wall reminded him how late it was. A minute wouldn't hurt. He worried his lip. Just a glimpse.
k-9 by warschach
((smut- 18304-1/1))
Izuku takes in a stray on one rainy night, except it's not a dog, it's a dog shifter who goes by the name, Katsuki. After the initial wave of panic and embarrassment, Izuku thinks his new pet/roommate is pretty cute.
sucker punch by warschach
But, whatever, Disney Boy over there was—
Prettying up real damn good that Katsuki got kind of distracted—totally understandable, like god those CGI pine eyes—and didn’t see the straight path he made for the metal trash bin in the center of the area until he was tipping forward and waist deep in discarded bottles, plates, balled up tissues sticky with he prayed was chocolate ice cream and nacho cheese.
Mina howled behind the gate. “Look, Katsuki returned to his home.”
(or Katsuki works security at Six Flags and moonlights as a derby dude and continuously looks uncool around Izuku)
may I take your order, dipshit? by supercrunch
So, like, maybe Bakugou wasn’t really the best choice for this whole pizza delivery shindig.
(Midoriya in love, Bakugou in denial, and way, way too much cheese.
A BakuDeku romance in thirty minutes or less. )
raise me so high (your sins become my pedestal) by stardust_painter
After his boyfriend cheats on him, Izuku wants to do something stupid. The question is how stupid does he want to be.
The answer is very stupid apparently.
eye for an eye or whatever by tobiyos
“I’ll make it up to you!” Izuku says brightly, lifting his head from Katsuki’s lap.
Katsuki’s eyes narrow but he isn’t still pushing Izuku away so. Progress. “Fuck are you gonna do to make it up to me?”
“Hmm…” Izuku says quietly, tapping at his chin. “Oh! You’re still a virgin, right?”
Katsuki chokes on his own spit and promptly renews his efforts of pushing Izuku away by the forehead. “Fuck off,” he wheezes, “get out of my room.”
leap of faith by ladyofsnails
Midoriya Izuku is just a random kid who loves art, analyzes everything, and is obsessed with the (in)famous hero Mighty Spider. He's got a loving mother, a great uncle, and maybe not too many friends that aren't those two but he's working on it.
And then a random cute boy shows up at his school, a spider bites him, he meets his hero under the worst possible conditions, and it all goes to hell. Now he's got villains on his tail, a promise to keep to a dead guy, and a washed-up hobo as his mentor.
Here goes nothing.
green is the warmest color by gloriousporpoise
“Woah, someone call the fire department,” Eijirou says, elbowing Katsuki squarely in the ribs. “That guy is smokin.’”
“I literally hate you.”
Here’s the thing, though. Eijirou’s a certified dumbass, but his current observation isn’t even a little bit wrong, much to Katsuki’s displeasure.
“Think you can get his number?”
Or, Bakugou is a painter without a muse.
you and i collide by ethereals
And not that Bakugou’s the type to sexualize a potentially dead body; especially one that he just accidentally murdered, but the man has some pretty solid DSL’s. He would hit it, with more than just his car.
in which rich fratboy! bakugou is a badass who accidentally hits poor med student!izuku with his car and chaos ensues therefore.
97.6 FM by jamjars
Izuku can’t stop listening to the radio host with the deep voice who sounds like he’s stuck in 2010. It’s a harmless crush. That is until he starts calling into the show under the pseudonym Deku.
Or Radio Host! Baugou x Listener! Midoriya
give me that sweet love by xsxuxgxax
Things Katsuki needs to excel at: be hot, be clever and pretend to be nice, let Izuku kiss him publicly, let Izuku fuck him privately…
(sugar baby katsuki and sugar daddy izuku pretty much)
dance with me by astralchaos
Mina pulled up a video of a young man, seemingly teen, dancing to a popular new hit, and Izuku felt his heart drop to his stomach. His skin prickled and felt clammy as he started sweating nervously, not daring to move or make a noise. His eyes were glued to the screen but he didn’t see anything – his brain was too busy going into overdrive and freaking out.
Because Mina was showing him a video of himself. The one he uploaded last night.
How on Earth did she find this? He had barely a few thousand views, he wasn’t popular, and it’s not like he was even any good, especially compared to her or Kacchan–
“That move was sexy as hell,” Kacchan said, and that was when Izuku realized that his childhood friend – his longtime crush – also leaned in to watch the video Mina was showing him.
puppies puppies by Esselle
"So after doing all that," Katsuki says, "you're just going to settle here? Tatting up wannabe bad boys?"
"You think all guys who have a lot of tattoos are wannabes?" Midoriya asks, so smoothly that it throws Katsuki.
"Wh—no, I mean—maybe!" Katsuki says. "You'd know best, wouldn't you? Are you a bad boy?"
The words are out of his mouth before he even realizes it, and he regrets them immediately. There's a figurative list of things that one should never do, and probably high up on it is asking dark-haired sailors with ocean green eyes and black swirls of ink all across their barely concealed muscles if they are bad boys.
Katsuki thinks he has everything he needs in life: a successful pet shop, an occasionally reliable assistant, and the unconditional love of the twenty puppies he’s raising for adoption. But when the tattoo parlor next door hires Midoriya Izuku, a hot sailor with an affinity for dogs, it makes Katsuki wonder if he might need something more.
Like… a piece of that ass. Maybe. He’s figuring it the hell out as he goes.
im gonna make a part 3 later ergaegrggjnjuvuh
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mrslilyrogers · 4 years
All I Have To Do Is Dream
Pairing: Steve x Reader, Telepath! Reader (X-men reader)
Summary: It’s been five years since the snap. You and Steve are stuck at an impasse. You want a family, he doesn’t. He says he’s moved on but has he really? With your doubts growing, you consider risking his trust and use your powers on him to get your answers once and for all. 
Author’s note: I know I’ve been gone for so long, I’m sorry!! I loved these requests and decided to merge them together. Took a while to write, I haven’t had much inspiration. I’ll keep this short and hope you enjoy this!! Let me know what you think!  
Requests: hi!! first of all i adore your writing (esp. betrayal)!! id willingly chop two of my limbs in exchange of ur writing skills hahah!! can you maybe write a oneshot similar to take my breath away, and the reader and steve are dating, but they’re actually in steve’s dream(like in age of ultron) and she is sad that steve’s still hasn’t moved on from peggy?? and can you make it extra angsty?? sorry if this is too much hehe!! thanks btw :))
Hmmm maybe angst w/ Steve or Bucky where a misunderstanding/bad fight leads to the reader leaving the team?
Tumblr media
“Damn it, Steve! Would you just listen? Where the hell are you even going?” your voice boomed around your small apartment as you breathed harshly, trying your best not to pull your hair out of frustration. 
At first, it had all been just petty disagreements, you and Steve letting off some steam after the snap happened. You had thought it was normal at the time, a coping mechanism that needed to be flushed out of your systems never expecting that it would last for as long as it has. Five freakin’ years. By now, you would’ve thought you’d realize how lucky you were to still be alive, to still be together while others couldn’t say the same. And yet...
“Geez, Y/N. I am! For the past 30 minutes! And I’m telling you now what I’ve told you from the start,  I am not ready! You gotta give me more time, doll.” He replied, his voice just a tad calmer than yours but you didn’t miss the tick in his jaw as he walked out of your shared room, shrugging into his jacket. You knew his anger was just brewing inside, ready to attack if you pushed just a little bit harder. After countless back-and-forths, this had become a routine between the two of you with Steve always taking the role of the aggrieved party, ending arguments with an exasperated sigh and a roll of his eyes before he walked away, deciding he had something better to do with his precious time than fight with you. While you, on the other hand, always found that more infuriating, making you impatient and mean, baiting and nagging him until you wouldn’t even recognize the shrill and whine to your own voice.
“And when would that even be? It’s been five years since the snap. When will—”
“Don’t you dare bring that up!” his voice rose, eyes glaring at you as he whirled around, his jaw clenched. “Don’t use that excuse on me, you know damned well I know it. Why do you think I chose to move on and be with you instead of helping Nat bring them all back, hmm?” He continued mockingly as if you were stupid enough not to understand. 
This was it, what all your petty arguments had narrowed down into;
Despite what he said, he still wasn’t ready to settle down. 
“But what the hell are we doing now, Steve? We’re not getting any younger! I want to have kids, a family, with you!” You knew you sounded pathetic, and desperate all at the same time but you couldn’t help but continue, the pretty picture already clouding your brain, 
“Can’t you see it? Having children of our own, their drawings hung up on the walls, the dog you’ve been wanting to have since forever running around the house, family barbecues...” your voice trailed off, a lump forming in your throat, your eyes glazing over with unshed tears. It was all within your grasp, so easily reachable if only Steve agreed with you. If only he wanted it too. Anger bubbled up to the surface while he bristled, looking annoyed. 
 “We can have all of that, you know. What are you even waiting for? Will you ever be ready? Because it really feels like you won’t and I’m the only one who actually wants this,” You were unrelenting, thinking of Tony Stark’s family, how they had gone off the grid and had their own little piece of heaven. Crossing your arms, you knew you wouldn’t achieve anything by becoming a nag but your patience was already wearing thin. 
“Jesus, Y/N! Why would you even say that? Of course I want a family with you! I’m just not ready for that yet! Just give me more time,”
Shaking your head, you let out a defeated sigh and looked away from him. You could hear him grabbing the keys from the counter, exhaling loudly before he went up to you and ran his hands down your arms soothingly, willing you to understand. When you didn’t budge, he just pleaded as he always had, 
“I love you, you know I love you. But I need to get to this meeting, those people need me, Y/N. Could we please just talk about this later?” He moved his head lower to meet your eyes and even in your state of anger, you knew you couldn’t say no to that. He took your begrudged nod as an assent, kissing your forehead before he turned to leave. What else were you going to say anyway? He was going to lead a therapy session for people who had lost their loved ones. Guilt ate at you for keeping him here when he so desperately wanted to save the world. People needed him too, not just you. They hung on his every word. They needed their Captain America, their symbol of hope. While, here you were, acting like a child because he wouldn’t let you have your way. 
Letting out another sigh, your gaze stuck to the floor, berating yourself at how selfish you’d become. You knew what you were getting into when you dated him. You had no illusions of being the center of his universe, it was always going to be the people. But still, it would’ve been nice to be put first for once. You hated the tandem feelings of jealousy and guilt that always crept up on you after your fights. You just wished he understood that while those people needed their hero, you needed your Steve too. But as time passed, it seemed like the man and the hero were indistinguishable and you’d been deluding yourself into thinking it could be different. You’d just have to accept that too because living without him wouldn’t even be an option. 
He paused by the door, catching sight of your slumped shoulders. “Hey,” he said softly, striding back to you. 
“You know I love you, right?” he stroked your cheeks and you couldn’t help the turn of your lips. Nodding slowly, you rolled your eyes at how easy you were for him. 
 “I know. I’m sorry,” 
Ducking down to give you a quick peck on the lips, he reassured you again, “We’ll talk about this later, I promise,” then he gave you one last kiss to your forehead before he disappeared. But what once would’ve eased your worries did nothing to quell your nerves now. Your heart believed everything was alright but your gut said otherwise. 
He looked down at the worn, brassy compass in his palm, his mind years away from where he was, unaware that you were standing by the door. You watched his shoulders relax into a defeated sigh, his eyes never leaving her picture. You couldn’t remember when he ever looked at you like that, all the love and longing etched on his face. He brought his other hand up to caress the picture gently, as if he actually imagined she was with him, a small, sad smile forming on his lips. You felt the air knock right out of you while you scrambled out of there feeling as if you’ve intruded on an intimate moment. You couldn’t help the tears falling from your eyes while you convinced yourself it was nothing. He had just lost his best friends, she was a symbol of his past. He just missed that right? 
You paced around the kitchen, your mind running back to the times you’ve caught him staring at Peggy’s picture. All those times you pretended you didn’t notice how frequently he had been doing it these past few years. His voice, an echo in your head, 
“I’m not ready, just give me more time doll, please,” 
Closing your eyes, you buried your face in your hands. Oh, it would be so easy, you thought. All you had to do was get into his mind and see for yourself. One little, fast trip into his thoughts and you’d get your answers. He’d be none the wiser, no one need ever know except you. And your dignity, and your pride and your principles. Ugh.
He trusted you, you promised never to use your powers on him and yet, that was all you could ever think about now. Did he think of her when he thought of the family he wanted? Was it her face he saw, walking down the aisle to him? 
For the first time in your life, you hated your upbringing at the Xavier Institute. You hated the values and principles they instilled in you, the very reason you were adamant not to use your powers on the unwilling and unsuspecting for your own personal gain even though you were going crazy, craving for your own peace of mind. Deep down you knew, promise to Steve or no, you couldn’t go through with it. 
You looked at the clock, thirty minutes to go before his meeting ended. Grabbing your coat from the rack, you impulsively decided to go to him, promising yourself you weren’t going to nag and argue with him but have a normal conversation like you used to. You haven’t had a date in a long while anyway. Maybe a little spark of romance was all you really needed. 
Your steps echoed on the linoleum floor, walking past the empty hall to follow the directions to the room where the meeting took place. Rubbing your palms together, you spotted the room. The fluorescent lights hanging above casting a lonely pallor to the already gray walls while the rain poured heavily outside. The gloom, an inevitable reminder of what the world has become. It seemed everywhere people went, there was always a reminder of what they’ve lost. Even on an otherwise unblemished sunny day, the vibrancy was not the same, people were scarce and it was quiet. Too quiet. Which was why you were so adamant to continue on living, in order to honor the lives of the people you’ve lost. 
You could hear their faint voices outside the room. Your heart going out to those poor people who still held onto the past while you thanked your lucky stars you still had Steve.You fished for your earphones in your purse trying not to eavesdrop but his clear and deep voice interrupted you. Leaning against the wall opposite the door, you listened, a smile tugging on your lips while he commended the other person. He was always so good with words, always knew the right things to say and that never failed to make you proud. His words of encouragement lifted your spirits, making you stand a little taller, hope blossoming in the pit of your stomach. He talked about moving on, about finding purpose again. 
“I went in the ice in ‘45 right after I met the love of my life,” 
Your whole body went cold, the smile on your lips faltering, your hands suddenly gripping the edge of your blouse while his disheartened voice continued to try to reassure everyone including himself,
“I woke up 70 years later, you gotta move on. You gotta move on,”  
With a hand to your lips, you ran, your rapid, staccato steps filling the hall barely even muffling the sobs you desperately tried to hide. 
Steve didn’t bother coming home straightaway after the meeting.  He told himself it was because he needed to check up on Nat despite the fact that he could’ve easily just called, despite knowing you were all supposed to meet for dinner in a few days anyway. He took his time getting to the Avengers Compound, embracing the uncharacteristic quietness of the city, giving him the chance to be alone with his thoughts. If he were being honest with himself, he couldn’t shake off the guilt that settled at the pit of his stomach at the thought of Peggy. The love of his life. Apparently, anyway. He had no idea where that came from, never really thought of it until it slipped from his mouth. And did he really feel that way? Was she really the love of his life? 
The thought of you came unbidden from his mind, your warm smile waking him up in the morning, your laughter setting the world to rights whenever he was feeling especially out of place. You’ve been through so much together, what you both had was real and it was beyond anything he could’ve imagined when he woke up from the ice and he knew he should take it a step further. He loves you, he is fully committed to you. There was nothing holding him back and yet… and yet, he still thought of her. He couldn’t help but think that if he had only stayed where he really was supposed to be, Peggy would’ve been the mother to his children, she would’ve been his wife. She would’ve been his life’s true love. But the very thought of that put a sour taste to his mouth, the truth was he could never picture his life without you. As much as he still dreamt of the past, how could it be the same if you weren’t there?
At first he thought falling in love with you was a balm to soothe his lost soul until he eventually realized you had crept up on him slowly but in a span of a heartbeat, wormed your way into his heart so suddenly he couldn’t even pinpoint the exact moment he knew he loved you. It was plain and simple, he knew it as he knew the sun rose in the east, he loved you. It was so unlike the way he fell for Peggy where all it took was one look and he was already drunk in love. 
Was it possible then, to be in love with two women? 
You were already in bed when Steve got home, feigning tiredness from the day when your heart was really beating rapidly in your chest. How could you face him now knowing you were second best? You could hear him in the bathroom, oblivious to your inner turmoil. When he was done, he gave you a quick kiss goodnight and went to his side of the bed, his back to you. You turned to face the wide expanse of his shoulders and wondered where the hell do you go from here. Would you really be alright living in the shadow of his ex, one of the world’s most accomplished women, so extraordinary that Captain America couldn’t even move on from her? Could you really leave him if it came down to it? 
A tear escaped the corner of your eye and you laid on your back, the darkness of the ceiling reflecting the heaviness in your heart. You must’ve stared at it for hours, wondering just how far away you were from the man right at your side. He was with you physically but his heart? You always knew deep down, it belonged to someone else. If he had a choice to go back, would he leave you? With the way things were going, you knew he would. In an instant. There was always a part of him that he closed off from you and ever since the snap, it only worsened. The fights, the distance, it all made sense now. Heck, even tonight, he didn’t even bother to ask how you were doing and accepted your lame excuse to get to bed early. It was the weekend, you literally had nothing to do the whole day and yet, it never even occurred to him that something could be wrong. For once, you were sorely tempted to use your powers on him. Hearing his even breathing as he slept didn’t make it any easier. It would be over before he knew it, what would be the harm in that? 
As if on cue, he turned and faced you. His long lashes resting peacefully on his cheeks, his lips slightly parted, he looked like a man who didn’t carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. He looked younger, more like your Steve. The Steve you wished would let you in and give you the family you’ve always wanted. 
“Just a quick little trip, no one would ever know. What would be the harm in that?” the little voice in the back of your head taunted.
What would be the harm in that? 
With your resolve weakening, you jumped right into the abyss, entering the mind of the man of your dreams, hoping you were his too. 
The sun shone brightly through the open window, letting in the warm summer breeze while his favorite vinyl record played in the background. 
Kiss me once, then kiss me twice
Then kiss me once again
It’s been a long long time 
The air was crisp and the smell of pancakes and cinnamon wafted from the doorway of the kitchen into the living room of the small, suburban house. The yellow walls were adorned with children’s drawings with a few marker drawings on the wallpaper here and there. The faint sound of giggling could just be heard from where you stood by the stairs. Your children, you thought to yourself, a smile creeping up your lips. This was it. This was what you’ve been picturing too, what you’ve told him countless times over and over again. He dreamed of it too. You turned your attention to the living room, your heart giving a little leap at the mess. It looked like someone had tried to tidy up but gave up on the last minute, some toys still scattered about. You noticed the pet bed by the couch, and you couldn’t help but be excited and hopeful, it was everything you thought of down to a T. You went towards the paper and crayons on the low table between the couch and the fireplace, inspecting one of the children’s current drawings there. It was of a family, their hands holding each other while they smiled in front of the house, a little dog at their father’s side. At the bottom, a scribbly handwriting of a preschooler wrote; Mom, Sarah, James, Dad and directly below the dog, Sam. You laughed aloud at that, clutching the drawing, hoping you could keep it for yourself and willing it into existence. 
“Come on, dance with me,” 
You heard Steve’s playful voice coming from the kitchen. A woman’s laughter rang out, you could just imagine yourself shaking your head at him in response, but something about the woman’s laugh caught you in your tracks. A little too shrill, a little too melodic. You inched closer to the open door, your heart dropping to your stomach. There they were, the picture perfect couple.  He twirled her around, her red dress hugging her curves so effortlessly, while she drew her head back and laughed. The dimples on her cheeks deepening, her curls staying in place even when Steve maneuvered her around. They looked so beautiful together, his golden locks and smitten smile never once leaving her face, he never looked so happy. 
Not even when he was with you.
That realization hit you like a train. You couldn’t even remember the last time he looked at you the way he looked at Peggy now.  When was the last time you danced? When was the last time you acted silly together? When was the last time you were both happy? That was what hurt the most. You couldn’t even remember. It felt like a weird sort of deja vu except now, it was an actual woman instead of a picture on a compass. You tried to gather your pride and step away but you couldn’t, you were rooted into place, a sadistic part of you welcomed the pain because you should’ve known. 
“I went in the ice in ‘45 right after I met the love of my life,” 
You should’ve known.
 But instead, you choose to play the fool.
There must’ve been a shift in the air that only they understood because Steve gathered her in his arms now, their eyes locking into each other, gentle and longing. 
You'll never know how many dreams
I dreamed about you
Or just how empty they all seemed without you
So kiss me once then kiss me twice
Then kiss me once again
It's been a long, long time
He rocked her back and forth, bringing her hand up to his chest, turning into action what words fail to describe. She closed her eyes and laid her head on his heart, savoring their moment. He leaned his head on hers too, a satisfied smile on both their faces as they continued to sway to the music. You had never felt as small as you did now. You felt like a thief, intruding on their moment, stealing his dream away. And that’s exactly what you were doing. That’s exactly what you are. You felt so dirty, a desperate, pathetic fly on the wall he couldn’t get rid of. And worst of all, you destroyed his trust too.
As if on cue, the colors started to change, the song distorting and shifting and in this moment you knew, you had to leave. 
You have to leave. 
Part Two
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arvinsescape · 3 years
Being public
Summary: You and Tom have recently gone public and he gets asked about you in an interview.
W/C: 1.3K
A/N: I hope you enjoy!
You and Tom had been together for almost a year and a half and you couldn’t be happier, although he hadn’t had many relationships throughout his career, he knew he felt different about you. You felt like home to him, he was the most excited to see you whenever he came back from filming or touring for press. He’d asked you to move in with him throughout the quarantine and pandemic, he wasn’t sure he’d have been able to cope with not seeing you and so you’d moved in with him and the boys.
You’d recently made the decision to go public, it wasn’t an easy one and he was incredibly nervous, he knew what some of his fanbase could be like and with you not being famous he wanted to wait as long as possible in order to protect you from the onslaught of negative comments. When you had gone public, most of his fans were actually very lovely and supportive, happy to see their favourite actor in a happy and loving relationship. Of course, that didn’t stop some people from being rude and unkind towards you. You did your best to ignore it, only using social media for brief periods of time in order to not get stuck in the wormhole of reading nasty comments.
He was recently set to do an interview over skype in order to promote his new film, this would be the first one he’d done since you’d become public. He was nervous because he knew that he was going to be asked about you and he didn’t want to let too much slip, you’d spent hours calming his nerves before the interview, reassuring him that it would be okay and that if he did let anything slip that you would deal with it together. He’d started the interview almost 20 minutes ago, having left you and Tess cuddled up on the couch together, the interview going well so far as they discussed his newest role. But inevitably the questions about the film had dried out and the interviewer wanted to know more about the woman who had stolen his heart.
“So, Tom, you’ve recently revealed that you are in fact not single?”
“No, I’m in a very happy relationship, we’ve been together around a year and a half now.” He answered, he couldn’t help the grin that spread onto his face as he thought about you.
“What made you decide to go public after all this time?”
“The timing just felt right. We talked about it for weeks before we decided to confirm everything to the world. When everything opens back up it will be nice to go out for meals without having to try and hide, you know?” He answered as he thought back to the lengthy conversations you’d had about the subject.
“Where did you meet her?”
“We actually met in a coffee shop just down the road from my house, I saw her with a few friends. Took me at least half an hour to pluck up the courage to actually speak to her.” He laughed as he replayed the memory.
“She is very beautiful I must say.” Tom couldn’t help but smile at that. “What’s she like? She seems quite private still.”
“She’s amazing, honestly. She’s so kind and intelligent. Much more intelligent than me.” This earned a laugh from both the interviewer and Tom. “She’s incredibly patient and supportive of everything that I do. She’s quite honestly one of the most amazing people I have ever met.”
“She certainly sounds it. What is it she does for a living?” The interviewer asked him. He took a few seconds before he answered. This was something he decided should be kept private. He didn’t want people knowing where you worked in case anything happened, he’d heard enough horror stories of crazy fans ringing into places that their celebrity crushes partner worked, and he didn’t want that stress for you.
“I’m actually not going to answer that. She does have a job, but I think for her safety and privacy it’s best left alone.” He answered in the politest way possible.
“Fair enough, can’t argue with that. How well does she get along with your family? It seems you’re a very family orientated person.”
“My family absolutely love her. She sees them when I’m away filming quite a lot. Goes on coffee dates with my mum and dad. My brothers come round to check on her and spend time with her. They absolutely love her, sometimes I think they prefer her to me.” He laughed.
“That’s amazing to hear Tom! Where is she right now?”
“She’s actually in the other room with Tess. Ever since she moved in, you’d think Tess was her dog, she absolutely adores her. Follows her around everywhere. Mopes around the house when she goes out to run errands. She’s always more excited to see Y/N than she is me.” He smiled; he really did love the relationship you had with his dog.
A few more questions were thrown in before they said their goodbyes. Tom switched his laptop off and stretched, proud of himself for keeping private what you’d wanted to and happy that he had an interviewer that wasn’t to intrusive and pushy, happy to take no for an answer. All the talking about you made his heart flutter and he couldn’t wait to get back into his comfy clothes and snuggle up with you on the couch for the night.
As he made his way back into the living room his heart stopped as he took you in. You were silently crying. Shit, had he said something he wasn’t supposed to? His mind was running a million miles an hour as he tried to think of what he might have said to upset you. He knew you’d been watching the interview.
“Baby? Are you okay?” he asked as he hesitantly made his way towards you. You sniffled and looked up at him with a grin on your face.
“I’m fine. Just a little emotional about what you said about me.” You answered as he sat down next to you. He pulled you into his side and kissed the top of your head. His heart rate had returned to normal as he realised that he hadn’t upset you.
“Why are you crying?”
“I don’t know, I just love you so much and I’m on my period so I’m feeling super emotional. They’re happy tears I promise.” You answered as you leant up to kiss his cheek. His heart fluttered at that. He really did love you more than he thought possible. He knew you were the woman for him.
“I love you too darling. I meant all of it you know. You really are amazing, and I love you a whole lot.” He grinned as your tears subsided. You spent the rest of the night cuddled up on the couch, watching films and expressing your love for one and other. You’d fallen asleep leant on his chest a while ago and Tom took the opportunity to scroll through his social media. All his fans were talking about was how happy they were for him and how they wished they could find a man who loved them like Tom loved Y/N. He smiled at the overwhelming amount of love and support being thrown your way and the amount of fans that were defending you from the small amount of hate you had received. He locked his phone content with how much better going public had been for the two of you.
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youknow-igetit · 4 years
welcome to... another tiktok au because that apps controls my life but what’s new
- Kevin's verified and posts his exy highlights and his workout routines. Most of his comments are of people asking him to step on them
- Matt and Dan have a joint account and most of it is povs of them being accepting parents/being Very Attractive (think of the lesbian mob moms, the deity parents, and the cowboy dads). Most of their followers are queer teens
- Allison is one of the more chaotic posters, half of her posts are crazy storytimes and the other half is a mix of thirst traps and answering questions about her clothing company
- Renee posts mini tutorial videos about how to properly handle a knife, block and attack, etc. It's linked to her YouTube account, which is more in depth. she also has videos where she bakes bread and cookies like the cottagecore lesbian she is. Most of her comments are similar to Kevin's (especially in the breadmaking videos because... hh pretty woman strong arms)
- Neil is famous on plant tiktok, for many reasons, but mostly because he's attractive, he's queer, and he's funny (for a while his most liked tiktok was of him standing in his kitchen, holding one of those mini microphones and saying “my therapist said it would be good for me to get a pet but i’m not ready for that kind of commitment despite the fact that i’m married. so” *hauls in a very large ficus* “this is linda”)(it became his second liked tiktok after someone commented asking him if he would wear a maid outfit and cat ears and he was bored so he was like "fuck it: sure.")
- Nicky is living his best life. Most of his comments are people saying "it's hard to see someone else living your dreams" because all he does is post about his weird pets and his hot husband (he has 32 pets. Of those pets there are two dogs, three foxes, a sugar glider, and multiple snakes). Of the foxes, he has the most followers and got verified first
- Aaron's is strange in the sense that he answers a lot of questions on science and stuff, but he also posts thirst traps sometimes, which get millions of likes. He's verified and he has more followers than Kevin and Kevin's kinda bitter about it. (he’s like the sexy young adult version of hank green)
- Andrews is by far the most chaotic. He got a lot of followers initially because of the video he posted where he was trying to befriend the possums in his yard at 3 am when it’s raining by offering them cheerios and singing wap but replacing the word “pussy” with “possum” (most of his comment are " everyone: 'did you see that new dance?' my fyp:")
- despite their vastly different content, most people who follow Andrew also follow Aaron. one could be scrolling through their for you page and find a video of Aaron explaining cloning and then scroll down and find Andrew interviewing his cat about climate change
“what do you think about climate change”
*silence, because it is a cat*
“really? no comment?”
*a mrrp, a tiny meow mayhaps*
“are you trying to get me canceled or something? those are not the views i have been teaching you, young lady”
- Andrew: “i currently live in a long-distance relationship with my husband because of our jobs and contracts and such, and i miss him quite a lot, but i can’t see him, so i bought sixteen three-wick candles from bath and body works. they were having a sale.”
- andrew also has a lot of videos that look like they were taken at three am either in a forest or in a bathroom with the lights turned off
- andrew and neil still have their weird rivalry thing on twitter, so after they make a video together about neil finally moving in, all of the comments are like “i thought you guys hated each other???”, so they make a response video that’s just “oh no, i’m married to this asshole” and half of the comments are “!!!>??!” wheras the other half is like “i mcfuckin knew it”
- all of the foxes post at least one video when they’re all together for the winter holidays and all of the comments are like “the most daring collab ever” and they’re just like “nah bro, this is just christmas”
- there's multiple videos on multiple accounts of the foxes (minus aaron and nicky) all hiking in the middle of the woods, but for some reason it's at night and very very cursed (similar to Andrew's own content)
"how much do you bet me that I can't jump off this cliff" "fucking ZERO"
"theoretically, I could run off and live in the forest like a bog witch" "but you wouldn't have internet connection" "fuck. Nevermind"
neil jumps down from a tree out of nowhere and scares the shit out of everyone
“okay so we’re kinda lost but neil claims he can read the stars or some shit so”
“okay so we lost neil”
"I swear this is going to be a story from the magnus archive dude, like I'm pretty sure that one of us is going to be kidnapped by a supernatural being"
(they didn't end up being kidnapped. They'd been roaming the same three hundred yards of trees for two hours because they're idiots)
- most of allison, dan, matt, andrew, and neil’s followers don’t even know that they play exy (I didn't say Kevin because: duh). they post fun traveling videos for the olympics and the comments are like “lucky!!! i wish i could watch the olympics in person” and they’re like “no, i don’t think you understand, we’re playing in the olympics” and everyone’s like “w h a t”
- alternatively, followers are watching the olympics and finding the funky gay tiktok people on the exy court and are very very confused
(also i forgot to mention this earlier but all of them caption every single one of their videos) (also none of them can be found on straight tiktok)
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pascalpanic · 3 years
hi i love ur writing so much!! can i request something with mutual pining, denial of feelings, idiots-to-lovers, hurt/comfort/angst , maybe some jealousy and fluff and smut if you want i just need something really angsty with javier peña, frankie m or din djarin?? tysmm!!!!!
The Bantha (Din Djarin x f!Reader)
Summary: Being an animal lover does not work well with the plans the Tuskens and Mos Pelgo citizens have to kill the krayt dragon. A retelling of S2E1 of the Mandalorian: The Marshal.
W/C: 4.4K
Warnings: talk of animals being harmed/dying, lots of arguing and angst, Vanth kind of is gross bc I hate his character aha, we respect the Tuskens in this house and use proper terminology for them, language, tiniest mentions of alcohol
A/N: Not gonna lie, the idea for this fic came to me pretty quickly but it took me a long time to properly figure it out. Lots of drafting and editing so THANK YOU to my beta readers, you’re all the best ever!! Anon, I’m so sorry this took so long but I hope it’s worth it!
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Of all the dilemmas you’d expected to face as you traveled the galaxy with a tiny, Force-sensitive, 50-year-old toddler and a Mandalorian with the emotional capacity of the earlier-mentioned child, the last one you’d ever predicted you’d face had to be the challenge of ridding a tiny desert town of a giant sand beast that eats their banthas.
“You are so fucking dense,” you groan as you and Din settle on a speeder bike, the little green child tucked in a wrap on your chest. “You’re a Mandalorian, a battle-worn bounty hunter with a kill streak probably in the thousands, and some random man asks for your help and not only do you fucking freely give it, you decide to help them kill the sand dragon terrorizing their town.” You groan to him, rubbing your temples.
Din nods and starts up the speeder bike. “You don’t need to summarize what we just lived through,” he grunts and you wrap an arm around him.
“I do, because I need to clarify that your dumb ass would do that. Sometimes I really do think you don’t have a brain under that beskar bucket,” you shake your head, trying to keep the anger that you’re feeling. If you’re not careful, it’ll turn to adoration and love.
You’ve been battling your feelings for Din for a while now, trying to force the giddiness bubbling in your chest deep down inside. The man is everything you look for in a partner: strong, committed, tall, protective. He’s good with the child, adorably cuddly and loving. He’s even funny sometimes, making dry-humored remarks around the ship.
“Excuse me for caring,” the man grumbles through the modulator. He’s strong and warm beneath your arms, the Tatooine heat making the beskar warm like your bunk in the morning when you don’t want to get up. Stop it, stop it you remind yourself. This is not the time to be enraptured by the Mandalorian man’s body.
That’s yet another trait you love about him- how caring he is. He’s a bounty hunter, a warrior by oath who never shows his face and probably knows millions of ways to kill someone with his bare hands. Yet he cares. He raises the child well; he even raised him alone before you came into the picture. He puts himself in harm’s way for innocent people on the daily, all because he simply thinks it’s right.
You take a sip from your water canteen and hand it to the baby on your chest so he can drink too. “No, I will not excuse you for caring when you’re doing stupid shit, Din,” you scowl and cap the canteen as two three-fingered green hands give it back to you. “You came here- we came here, our family did, to find Mandalorians. There are none.”
“This man will give me his beskar if we help,” Din hisses, revving the engine of the speeder, non-verbally telling Vanth to get moving. The man is dawdling along, a few meters away, as he packs his bike up.
“What do you need it for, huh?” You ask him, throwing your arms up in exasperation. “I’m not a Mandalorian. This little shit doesn’t need beskar. You have a full set of armor already.”
“Beskar belongs to me, to my people, by my Creed,” he says, articulating himself with his hands too. It’s a habit he’s picked up from you. “You wouldn’t ask a Tatooinian to deprive themselves of the moisture they farm.”
You put your face in your hands and groan. “No, you’re right, because they fucking need water to live. You do not need beskar to survive, Din!” You shout, getting off the speeder bike. “And please, forget I called us a family. We’re clearly just a bounty hunter and his… assistant, whatever the fuck I am, and some little kid we picked up for the ride.” You stalk off towards the building.
“Where are you going?” He asks as you turn.
Cobb is standing to the side somewhere, and you approach him. “You got another speeder? I don’t want to put up with him for the ride.”
The man chuckles and claps your shoulder. “Sure thing, pretty thing.” He wanders off and returns about a minute later with another speeder. Din watches the two of you in annoyance, visible from his rigid body language. “Hop on. You know how to drive?” You nod once and he heads to his own speeder. “I’ll lead. You two follow.”
The ride is uneventful at first. Cobb Vanth tells the two of you the story of how he came to be the town marshal, and Din nods his silent comprehension when the man in beskar looks over at him. Most of the stories are aimed at you, desperate to crack your stony anger. It doesn’t work. You stare straight ahead, daring to break your frown into a neutral expression when the little green baby coos excitedly at the wind in his ears.
There are valleys and caverns to navigate through, nimbly ducking and weaving on your speeder bike. The kid loves it, squealing happily when you fly over a bump or turn a sharp corner. It’s a joyride to him.
When Din and Vanth suddenly stop your ride, you panic, holding the child close against your chest. From your holster, you grab your weapon and stand next to the two men. The growling noises are revealed to be massiffs, huge dog-like lizards. You squeal in delight, immediately dropping to your knees and summoning the beast in Tusken.
“What in the hell is she doin’?” Vanth mutters to Din as the big animal comes bounding toward you.
“She’s always like this with animals. Thinks they’re all big puppies,” Din rolls his eyes but can’t help himself: he smiles beneath his helmet as the beast licks your face and you scratch its sides.
You’re such a wonderful person, Din sighs, even though he’s mad at you. You’ve always been amazing with other species, like massiffs and the little green child strapped to your chest. You’re so intelligent too: speaking seemingly endless languages.
“They are big puppies!” You coo and press a kiss to the forehead of one massiff. Another finds Din, who also bends down to give it scratches and attention. “Green bean, look!” You tell the child and put out his hand for the massiff to lick. “See? They’re our friends,” you tell him, admiring the way the little green child giggles at the scaly skin.
From around a corner, a Tusken appears, then several. You stand and lower your weapon, speaking to them first in their native language. “We mean no harm. You have beautiful massiffs,” you tell them then turn to Din and Vanth. “Drop the weapons.”
“Are you crazy?” Vanth shouts.
“We are here to put an end to the krayt dragon,” you explain to them in their language. “Your assistance and knowledge would certainly help us. You want it gone too, yes?”
They affirm you that it’s a yes, and you nod back at the men. You know Din understands. “They’re willing to help if you’ll stop being a douchebag.” Vanth starts to talk but you hold up a hand and cut him off. “I know, I know. We can strike a deal. Are you willing?”
Din’s heart is nearly exploding. In any other timeline, he’d be the one conducting negotiations, using his threat as a Mandalorian to run the show. But here you are, with your gentle nature, making deals and completing them through cooperation and kindness. It’s hard to speak in a soft tone when speaking Tusken, yet you can do it. All with a baby strapped to your chest. Maker, Din thinks, he might be in love with you.
Vanth sighs a few moments later. “Why the hell not?”
Din talks with the Tuskens for a while at the camp, planning and negotiating as night falls and the air starts to get cold. To entertain the child, you spend time with the banthas, brushing their fur and letting the baby get exposed to the animals.
The kid loves them. He coos happily as he strokes their thick fur, giggling as one of them gives him a kiss and covers him in slime. You wash him off and return, quietly talking with the Tuskens caring for the creatures.
You’ve taken a liking to them. They’re gentle and soft, like big lumbering puppies, really. They moo when you brush their fur just right, let their eyes slip shut when you scratch them between the eyes. You’ve always had a soft spot for animals, like Din said earlier.
Cobb likes you. That much is clear from the way he finds you when he’s not working with Din and the Tuskens, bringing you food and water as you and the child mind your business. He’s overly flirtatious, to the point of annoyance. He’s rude and crude about the Tuskens, calling them words you’d never use to describe a human.
Politely excusing yourself, you allow the child to run with some of the other Tuskens’ children and spot a silver-plated man sitting by the fire.
“Vanth is such a goddamn xenophobe,” you grumble as you sit down next to the fire with Din, the child off playing with some Tusken children. He’d ranted about the Tuskens as you rode with them, luckily in Basic so that the people couldn’t understand him.
“Thought you liked him,” Din says and cocks his head. “He certainly likes you.”
You roll your eyes and sip the canteen of water, looking at the crackling fire. “Those things are not mutually exclusive,” you chuckle, looking over at him. “What, are you jealous, tin can?” You tease and knock on his beskar pauldron.
“In your dreams, cyar’ika,” he teases. It’s clear to him that whatever tension had been between the two of you earlier has dissipated, enough for him to steal the water flask from your hand and pass it to the child as he toddles past.
“I was drinking that, you fucking bantha,” you laugh and smack him on an unarmored part of his arm. The Tatooinian desert gets cold at night, you find, and you pull into yourself a little more from the cold.
Din unclips his cape and drapes it over your shoulders, tucking it in beneath where your arms press against your ribs so that it wraps tight to your body. “Hm. You do have a heart under there,” you tease and sigh, naturally leaning against Din and resting your head on his shoulder pauldron.
“So it’s been said,” he nods and even dares to rest his head on top of yours. Through the bare spots in his beskar, he can feel the way your body radiates warmth into the chilly night. You spot a little green head toddling past again, much slower than the other children thanks to his tiny legs, and Din scoops him up.
“I’m sorry,” you murmur quietly, the roar of the Tuskens’ conversations creating a soft hum around you. “For what I said, when I yelled at you. You’re right. You really are just caring for them.”
He nods. “You don’t have to apologize.”
“I’m more sorry for saying we aren’t a family. I mean, we are, right? Not that we’re like, a couple or anything,” you say hurriedly, your voice low as you stumble over your words. “But you and this little womp rat…” you muse as you scratch the baby’s little green head. “You are my family. That much is clear to me.”
Din nods once more. “I agree.”
You smile up at him. “What’s going on under that bucket, huh?”
He turns, looking off. “Just going over the plans for how we’re going to get that krayt dragon.”
“Ooh, share,” you ask, taking one of his hands and lacing through his glove-covered fingers. “I didn’t mean it when we said all of this for some banthas, you know. I’ve really fallen in love with them lately.”
Din is quiet for a moment. He doesn’t answer. “Din?”
He knows you’re going to hate him for this. Your big heart, your animal-loving, sweet talking kindness is not going be okay with this, but he has to tell you the truth. “We’re going to have to sacrifice some of the banthas for this mission to work.”
“What?” You exclaim, dropping his hand. “You can’t possibly do that.”
“We have to. We need to lure the dragon.”
“Do it some other way!” You frown, looking over at the big soft desert cows. “Seriously, please, Din.”
“Doesn’t matter,” he shakes his head. “They’re not sentient.”
“But they can feel!” You exclaim again, standing. “Fuck this. Why don’t you sacrifice yourself to the krayt dragon and see how that feels?” You shout, storming off. You’re aware it’s childish, but you stomp to your tent and lie down. You close your eyes and hope Din doesn’t come to find you.
Of course you didn’t mean it. Of course you didn’t want Din to sacrifice himself to the krayt dragon. So why is he doing it? Why are you on your knees, screaming to the sky that he did exactly what you said?
You’d been avoiding him since that night, since you showed vulnerability and subsequently returned to anger towards the man. You’d wanted to apologize, but you couldn’t get over the sacrificing of the animals for the cause. You just couldn’t.
Din had flown straight into the sand dragon’s mouth, just seconds ago, and is now deep inside its bowels, you’re sure. You clutch the baby to your chest and wail, agonized and terrified. Vanth stands at your side, a hand resting on your shoulder as you wheeze and sob.
But this is Din. He must have a plan.  He has to have a plan; he’s a battle-worn warrior and you’ve never seen him lose a fight. You’d stormed off before you could hear the rest of his plans the other night- maybe this was part of it. But the way Vanth stares at the dragon in terror makes you think that maybe it isn’t. Maybe Din just really fucked it up. You set the little green kid in his cradle and stand, sniffling and clinging to the metal sphere as if it’s your last lifeline to Din.
Suddenly, there’s a burst of green goo and out flies a shining silver rocket: it’s Din. “Oh thank the fucking Maker,” you shout as he lands not far from your small group, the wailing and dying sand beast behind him.
He’s covered in slime, but you’ve never been so happy to see the man. You rush to him and throw your arms around him, not giving a single fuck as you jump on him. “Please, never fucking do that again,” you wheeze into his cape, getting yourself covered in slime.
The hug is not comfortable. Din is all beskar where you want to feel his strong body, but it’s all worth it when he wraps his arms around you too. You’re crying, he knows it, and he knows just why. “I didn’t do it because you said it. You know that, right?”
You let go of him, sniffling and wiping your eyes. “Yeah. I was just so scared- oh Maker, Din, I can’t fucking lose you,” you admit, freely crying now. “I love you, I really do, and I can’t-“
You look at him in confusion.
“How do you love me?”
This damn man. He’s full of surprises, just getting literally eaten alive by a krayt dragon, and now he’s asking you for a full emotional confession. You’re still reeling from the shock, but the fact that he’s there is enough. You don’t care that Cobb is definitely listening over your shoulder. “Every way. All of them. Romantic, friendship, family. You feel like my home and I want to be with you.” No better time than now, you suppose, to admit this all.
Din walks a step closer. “Romantic. Huh.”
“I hate that fucking helmet,” you admit, trying to deflect the emotion between the two of you. “I can never see your face. Can’t know what you’re thinking, your tone, your-“
Din cuts you off. “We ride back to the village and clean up. Meet me in the home as the suns set.”
What that means, you have no clue, but you nod. “I’m so glad you’re safe,” you murmur, putting a hand on the cut-out cheek of his helmet.
The town rejoices when you come back, shouting and celebrating over the dragon’s death and the plentiful meat that came with the creature. You’d joined in the reverie, taking a shot of spotchka and chanting along to a Tatooinian call-and-response they’d started. It was wonderful, really, and you and the little green thing were the stars. They admired the little green thing, cooing over him. You were proud to stand there as his mother.
The party died as the suns set. Din was notably absent from the hubbub, preferring to be alone as usual. You and the kid talked with the villagers, but as the suns started to sink, you excused yourself and found your way to the spare home you and Din each had rooms in.
Vanth and the women had taken the baby when you told them you were going to talk with Din. Not that it was hard: they all loved the little beast, showered him with affection. It was practically a competition over who got to play with him most.
The building has a warm glow as you wander over to it, wrapping your arms around yourself. The night has become cold now that the two harsh suns have sunk below the horizon, and it’s a relief to open the door to the home and feel the warmth radiating from a fireplace inside.
You find Din staring out of a window on the back, watching the endless wind sweep across the sand dunes, a dark sky contrasting the golden ground. Just his silhouette is visible, black against the deep blue. “Hi,” you say quietly as you walk in, the worn floorboards creaking beneath your feet no matter how deliberately you step. “Glad to see you got cleaned up.”
The man tilts his head in an obvious eye roll, even through the helmet. The slime was disgusting, although Din’s adoptive son had seemed to enjoy the gooey texture, as little ones are prone to. “I almost died and you’re already back to the sarcasm.”
“It’s called a coping mechanism,” you laugh gently and place a hand on his shoulder. There’s no beskar there, just soft fabric warmed by his body. It makes you shiver; even in the safety of the Crest, Din never takes off the armor. You wonder why it’s gone. Maybe to clean it?
Din’s quiet for a moment, enjoying the feeling of your fingers splayed over his shoulder in such an affectionate gesture. “You know how much I trust you, don’t you?” He asks and the black visor turns toward you, admiring what’s visible of your face in the moonlight. Your eyes glimmer and he admires them, the color he’s always loved.
You nod and smile just a little, cheeks growing rounder with the movement. “Of course.” He’s trusted you with his son, the most important thing to him in the galaxy. There’s one clear gesture even now: the absence of the beskar from his form. Maker, he’s broad, shoulders just as wide as with the metal.
He nods and shuts the window’s shutters, allowing even less light in before turning to you. There’s just a soft glow in the room, outlining the shape of the helmet and his shoulders. You can’t see any detail, just the shape. He walks over towards the long comfortable seating in the middle of the room and you instinctively follow, standing in front of it and stopping when he stops, facing him. His hands find your shoulders and his fingertips brush down your arms until they find yours. “Take off my helmet.”
“What? No,” you exclaim, frowning even though he can’t see it.
“Can you see anything?” He asks, a hand gesturing, an even darker shadow through the already murky visibility.
“My Creed says you cannot see my face. Not that I can’t remove the helmet.”
You gulp hard, your fingers lacing through his. They’re bare. You’ve never felt them before. Often you’ve wondered if they’re calloused and tough from his work, soft from being hidden beneath the soft leather for all those years, or somewhere in between. They do fall into that in between, but they’re warm and strong and large, even without the leather casing them.
“I can’t do that to you,” you shudder, squeezing his fingers. “It’s the very thing about you, that you can’t take it off,” you start to ramble. You want to, desperately, but there’s no turning back now. If you feel his face, if you’re even so lucky as to kiss him, you’ll never be able to get enough of it. You’ll be subjected to an eternity of longing, even more than you’re yearning now.
“I want you to,” he breathes, his beskar-covered forehead falling against yours. “Please, cyare.”
“Why don’t you hate me?” You ask, your voice straining. You need to keep stalling, need to keep pushing it off or you’re actually going to do it. “I’m so mean to you. All the time,” you point out to him. You do it to keep him away, but he’s persistent. He never seems to care. “All we do is argue.”
“I may not be able to use the Force like the kid,” he mumbles, bringing one hand up to cup your face. “But I can sense your feelings. You don’t hide them well.”
“Din,” you plead, biting your lip and closing your eyes to prevent the tears that are threatening to well in them. “You can’t do this.”
“I can, and I want to.”
“Why are you so fucking patient with me when I’m only ever a bitch to you?” You practically wail, half annoyed and half honored. “You’re such a good man, Din. You don’t deserve someone shitty like me. I’ve got no hunting skills, I’m too stubborn, I’m mean and-”
He stops you by lifting your hands, setting them on either side of his helmet. “You can’t see me, so it doesn’t break the Creed. I want you to do this, because I want you.” He’s eternally blunt, but in this moment you can’t tell if it’s breaking your heart or warming it. “I love you too. Please. Take it off.”
“This is your last fucking chance, Djarin,” you tell him with a wavering voice.
“Okay,” you nod and take a deep breath. Din unlatches the little bit at the bottom that keeps it sealed against his head, and there’s a soft rush of air. Your hands grip either side and you slowly lift it off. Din takes it once it’s gone and rests it on the plush seat.
Your hands are drawn to his face like you’re being pulled on a string, your skin prickling as you feel the stubble along his chin and jaw. Your fingers trace his face for a few moments, exploring the new terrain. His cheeks feel hot, and his lips make you shiver again with how soft they are. Swallowing hard, you dare to look at his silhouette, noticing his hair is mostly matted down from the helmet. “What color are your eyes, Din?”
You smile at that, and you rest your head against his shoulder, your hands dropping to your sides. His arms encircle you and it feels perfect, like you were meant to be like this for all of eternity and it took you long enough. “Of course they are.”
He chuckles at that and presses a kiss into your head, his hands finding your waist. “I did take this off for a reason.”
You lift your head, looking at his just-visible shape. “Really? I don’t know what you mean,” you flirt.
He’s silent. You’re sure he’s rolling his eyes, absolutely certain. “May I kiss you?”
The words are ever blunt, just like Din. “Yes, you bantha,” you tease, but the laughter is gone as his hands find your face again.
Just like that, his lips are on yours, radiating heat and love and it immediately tops the feeling of his arms around you. You gasp, not expecting him to do it so quickly, but your lips quickly meld to his and you sigh in content.
You stay like that for a while, hands traveling each other’s heads and necks and shoulders and sides as you kiss. He’s so warm and strong, his muscles just as sculpted as the indestructible metal that covers him. He’s so human.
After a bit, Din breaks away and presses his forehead to yours once more. He doesn’t speak, just rests there, his hands on your waist. His breath mingles with yours. For once, you’re speechless, unsure of what you can say back. The sarcasm has been stripped from your body like the beskar from Din’s.
“I better put the helmet back on,” he murmurs.
“Please don’t,” you whisper, tucking your face into the curve of his neck. You sit on the couch and he follows, desperate not to lose your touch. “Just… we’ll stay like this.”
He nods. He can’t say no when you kiss his neck feather-lightly, when your skin is pressed to his like this. He hasn’t had contact like this in years. He’ll prolong it as long as he can.
You do stay like that, relaxed and curled into each other. His arm wraps around you and you curl into a ball, nestled into his side. It’s been a long day for Din, you know, but the depth of it occurs to you as his breathing slows and his muscles relax.
He’s fallen asleep in your arms. You press a soft kiss to his neck and set a timer on the wrist-comm you’re wearing, so that you’ll both wake while it’s still dark in the room. For now, he deserves his rest. His face nuzzles into your hair, and he gives a soft sigh in his sleep. Yes, this is exactly what the beskar warrior needed: rest and you.
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