#that was a lot of rambling hehe but i really love it deeply and i don't talk about them enough
noxtivagus · 1 year
'twas a good morning fr hehe
#🌙.rambles#i rlly like how i look today . even w the messy hair#i missed my friends a lot i'm rlly glad i saw them again today 🫶🏼#suddenly i genuinely feel a lot better i think i was Too distant from reality fr T_T#i wna. spend more time w my friends irl fr :c#like or even online n really just in general#we don't have to talk everyday nah but#i'd rlly like to at least. talk w my friends more regularly#esp since i've been rather distant lately n idk feeling that distance for me just 🥹#i really like my eyes#that's a bit random but yeah just thinking about that#nyways i'm probably gna nap a bit hehe#i miss my friends#like even if it's just laughing or smiling together#or even just the silences#irl or online it doesn't matter#i miss calling more often i miss hearing your voice n seeing your smile#i remember every single time. v clearly still. too shy to say outright but they all rlly mean so much to me#every word every message n every thought w the ppl in my life that i cherish so deeply#i love them all so much unconditionally but i'm not rlly sure what i can do for them#i want to do more but yeah i hesitate too much#working on that though!! slowly n surely!!#i.. really care a lot so please let me do stuff for you. ask away and i'll give.#hmm thinking a bit of recent times n i'm rlly so afraid of being forgotten n left behind huh#but. despite that when i care when i love in whatever way it's always unconditional. eternal. it'll always mean a lot to me n i'll always#remember.
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irritablepoe · 8 months
Finishing another rewatch of the hobbit trilogy but over time it evolved from emotional devastation bc of Thorin's death to "I'm gonna read a fix-it fanfic later"
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marimbles · 5 months
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happy holidays @0ellestrid0! I was your secret santa for @mlsecretsanta 💜
I don’t know much about solarpunk but I was intrigued by the concept and wanted to give it a shot! hopefully this is ok. random silly solarpunk AU ideas under the cut hehe
since solarpunk is about solar power and green/eco-friendly societal structure, I figured plants would be central to an ML solarpunk AU. it’s cool to imagine a version of Paris with lots of green areas and clever, space-saving, clean-energy solutions. I like the idea of the dupain-chengs having their own greenhouse where they grow ingredients for use in the bakery. And I wanted marinette to have her own greenhouse too where she grows plants that she uses as fibers and dyes for making clothes! So that’s what I drew here. Chat Noir likes to help marinette in her garden and he nerds out about the plants which she thinks is very cute:)
The plant in the middle is associated with ladybug and chat noir. I love sun/moon symbolism and that seemed to fit a solarpunk AU really well so I ran with it haha. in this AU I thought tikki could be a spotted sun beetle and plagg could be a black moon cat (or panther?). sun beetles would be associated with the sundrop plant (first image), and moon cats would be associated with moonflowers (second image). chat noir’s tattoo is a moonflower and in my mind ladybug would have a matching one that’s a sundrop.
The moonflower is inspired by the actual plant of the same name, which blooms only at night, except I wanted to also make it bioluminescent bc that’s cool lol. (I’ve been playing lots of tears of the kingdom and I always love the blue nightshades and silent princesses that glow blue in the dark!) irl moonflowers are actually a type of morning glory, which typically bloom in the morning in full sunlight and then close up at night. so in this AU the sundrop is the corresponding plant (since “sunflower” is already taken, haha) and it would also glow, but only during the day when it’s blooming.
I thought maybe sundrops and moonflowers could have magical effects and marinette is experimenting to discover them. maybe there’s stuff about them in the grimoire and she’s trying to unlock special powers for her and chat noir. maybe those effects and the symbolism of the plants could help her understand more about her and chat’s roles and abilities and potential and even help her discover the key to defeating hawkmoth…hmm… (I really haven’t thought too deeply about it lol I just like glowing plants)
As for their outfits…I was just trying to make them look sort of “punk”-y 😂 I feel like in all the punk AUs like steampunk, cyberpunk, etc, people are always wearing goggles and boots and aprons and vests and stuff with pockets and zippers and arm braces. So. I made a vague attempt fjdkkd
anyway thanks for humoring me with my rambling lol I hope you enjoy and that you had a good holiday!
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firethekitty · 7 months
Ranking Every Wolfwood!!
happy wolfwood wednesday! i've ranked every wolfwood and it very quickly got out of hand and turned into more of a character analysis/meta. it was really fun and helped me better understand why i love this guy so much!
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yes, really!
i hope you guys enjoy and that my autistic rambling makes sense!
1. trimax wolfwood. yeah he’s perfect. nothing else to say. god bless
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while i can’t fit everything i love about him into one post, just know that i’ve written almost 30,000 words in wolfwood (and vash) character studies. so when i say “i like trimax wolfwood” that really means “i am fucking obsessed with trimax wolfwood”.
he’s the perfect mix of silly and heartbreaking, funny and serious, annoying like an older brother, deeply kind, so so painfully human; and a PERFECT foil to vash. simply phenomenal writing.
my only complaint would be that his tits are not on display like they are in the 1998 anime. but i can appreciate the subtly, so this doesn’t detract from his otherwise flawless score.
2. 98 wolfwood. omg hiiiii hehe twirling my hair ohh he’s so handsome what an absolutely beautiful design for him. his nose, his spider-esque shape, his TITS…… they even kept his little whiskers!
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on top of an amazing design, he’s a very good balance of silly, irritable, playfully annoying, and serious! he fits pre-trimax wolfwood to a T!
but, as trimax progressed…
he’s cool. too cool. he has too much pull. wolfwood should NOT have swag. genuinely it is imperative to his character that he is, and i say this as lovingly as possible, a fucking loser with no friends.
wolfwood is a deeply traumatized man. he isn’t nearly as charming as we, the audience, thinks he is. no one laughs at his jokes, his insults are crude and immature, he embarrasses himself in front of literal children…
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god, he is so painfully awkward. and who wouldn’t be in his situation? to have your childhood stolen and forced to grow up as a weapon? not allowed to interact casually with anyone else during the most important developmental stage of your life?
he's just not suave like tri98 wolfwood is. so, while 98 wolfwood is an excellent character, he doesn’t entirely read “wolfwood” to me. similar to how 98 vash is good on his own, but he’s just not “vash”. this is, of course, the result of making an anime out of a manga that wasn’t even 30% finished at the time. while i don’t understand the reasoning behind this, i know that nightow desperately needed the funds the anime brought in, as well as the motivation to keep making trimax, so i have to simply make peace with the dated characterizations tri98 has.
but don’t get me started on the milly situation. really a godawful writing decision, idk who approved that mess.
3. tristamp wolfwood. he is so bullyable. he’s like a sopping wet cat. absolute fucking dweeb.
i debated this for a long time—whether i should rank tristamp wolfwood above tri98 wolfwood. and i asked myself, do i love tri98 wolfwood because he’s a good character and is similar to trimax wolfwood? does he even remind me of trimax wolfwood at all? well, not really, he’s very clearly based on pre-trimax, just like tri98 vash is.
ultimately i decided i do genuinely just prefer tri98 wolfwood, but i felt the need to defend tristamp wolfwood because i see a lot of fair criticisms but also really dumb discourse throughout the fandom about him. so here’s my attempt at trying to address these:
so, there are some things i really enjoy about him and some things i really dislike; and, unlike vash, most of these criticisms are not a result of time/pacing issues. they’re easily fixable.
like, for the love of god he NEEDS to get sillier. they got the loser part down, but he’s a bit too overtly sad in tristamp. i think he will be more like his trimax self in season 2, but wolfwood’s humor is in-part a coping mechanism and important to his character. he’s an older brother! he’s fucking annoying! he thinks he's funny when he isn't! we do get a little bit of this with him and meryl, when he's tormenting her at the campfire, and that’s what i want to see more of. even if he’s playing it up, he should be working on getting their guards down, convincing them he isn't going to betray them.
since tristamp takes place in a weird prequel sort of canon, i get that he would look/act younger than he is in trimax. i think he was modeled after the teenage wolfwood we see in the flashback scenes of him training for the eye of michael, where he’s noticeably less outgoing and more reserved.
however, this doesn’t change the fact that he WAS silly as a kid in trimax, before his “teenage angst phase” (hate to call it that when it’s more like a “realizing he’s going to die by the gun and not being able to do anything about it” phase). but he’s still a lot quieter and reserved in tristamp as a kid, so i think we really need to find a good balance here in the trigun adaptations.
another example of an easily fixable issue—i really hate how they did the “vash sees how kind wolfwood is” scene, in which wolfwood gives money/snacks to children. in tristamp, wolfwood already knows the kid is zazie, which tells us absolutely nothing about his character. this scene is almost entirely worthless, only good for reminding vash that he should eat, which gives tristamp its own not-as-good hospital yuri scene.
and, so, about the elephant in the room… i don’t think he was whitewashed. let me try to explain my thought process.
tristamp, as far as i can tell, doesn’t seem to be taking any inspiration from tri98, whose wolfwood is very explicitly a brown man. trimax wolfwood i feel is a bit more ambiguous in his skin tone, which alternates between dark screentones and completely uncolored pretty much at solid 50/50 odds. just fairly inconsistent overall, even on the official manga covers.
but this doesn’t mean wolfwood is white in tristamp, and it doesn’t mean he doesn’t have his aquiline nose. the notorious scenes of him in the suns, looking white as a fucking sheet, shows us how a 3D environment can diminish a character’s silhouette and distinctive features.
compare this to scenes of wolfwood in a dim environment, or to the 2D scenes of child wolfwood and livio that i can't include bc i'm only allowed 10 pics. he looks MUCH better, much darker than vash, and as they both should appear in such lighting. it just doesn't add up—he should be much darker in strong light if they followed the same color values:
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SO, even though i feel like all of this is more of a technical issue rather than malicious whitewashing, that doesn’t mean i think it’s acceptable. it looks fucking awful, and the lighting system needs major improvement to work with darker skin tones.
and, like, at the end of the day, wolfwood isn’t canonically latino, and he doesn't really have a consistent skin tone either. it’s a great headcanon, one i partially share, but it’s not canon. the only ethnicity that could technically be considered somewhat canon is japanese, as wolfwood was based off a japanese singer named tortoise matsumoto. you can see this resemblance best in early trigun!
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and i really need to defend his nose!!! a lot of people say he lost his nose but he didn’t!! i promise it’s there!!! another victim of his 3D model, you can only see his nose from the side or in the 2D frame after he gets his shit wrecked. see how clearly he has a very well-defined nose when he’s hand-drawn? this is what i mean when i say a 3D environment can drastically alter a character’s important features, as much as i otherwise adore the animation for this show.
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also, if you think nightow would let studio orange get away with not including his nose, you got another thing coming.
in conclusion, while i think tristamp wolfwood is a great start, he’s just not quite there yet. but i have immense faith that the next time we see him, he’ll look and act a lot more like he does in trimax!
i know this is true, because there are already some shots in tristamp where i’m just like. oh yeah. there he is. that’s wolfwood. there's the guy i love so much
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well, that was long! this was really fun to write and i
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oh jesus christ what the hell is that thing
4. badlands rumble wolfwood. ah, now here’s a great example of overt whitewashing. no lighting excuses this time, just blatant colorism.
even if he wasn’t ghostly white, there's just something about his design that makes me viscerally uncomfortable and i can’t pinpoint what it is exactly. he’s just so… angular. he has no scruff, no kitty cat mouth, his eyes are very oddly shaped, almost no eyebrows... i just really hate looking at him!
his ONLY saving grace is how mentally ill he acts in this movie. and his tits. otherwise i don’t really have much to say about him!
ok, now we’re done! and here’s a handy wolfwood chart i made to summarize everything.
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really hope this was fun to read and if people liked this i'd be glad to write a vash version or other characters!! happy woowoo wednesday :)
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shkika · 1 year
All, any, and every drop of Pebbles & Suns content adds +5 years to my lifespan. Every word from you about them is double that. Thank you for your service
I'm really charmed you like my rambles though oh gosh. Let's try to do a small Suns and by extension Pebbles ramble.
A warning from me is that this will be a VERY headcanon-y, because we know so little about Suns. I'll still reference the game, but I will also fill any holes I see fitting.
Which means btw that this will be very LONG I am sorry hehe.
I'm gonna pick apart their natural conversation they have in the deep green pearl. I think it's unfair to craft an idea of how they interacted when Suns was worried about Pebbles literally dying WHILE killing his sister.
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WHICH HOLLY SUNS. I think they have ISSUES! Because god you are MEAN to someone who is being genuinely vulnerable to you. And sometimes that means you yourself are scared of being vulnerable.
Even after Pebbles tells them to ease down, because he's genuinely looking for advice, Suns doesn't miss out on implying he's stupid.
We also know Pebbles really looked up to Suns as well, with them acknowledging this in their conversation with NSH and with Pebbles himself referring to them as mentor-like.
In my interpretation of Suns' character, they were made by a very religious colony. As in they were kind cultish in their way of treating Suns. You've seen vague(?) hints on my blog pointing towards this with Moon saying they have political power over their own colony and with the entire deal of that one Sunstone comic I made (x). (and even here (x) "Blesseth be my name" as a little joke that people probably use their name to exclaim.
I don't think they ever wanted that attention or responsibility. I think things were messy and words were often put in their mouth by various houses. Pushed to make decisions they wouldn't have really made. Their fluffy over the top garments didn't really fit at first until they grew to play the god they were made to be. They played being an all knowing god and they hated it, but they grew into that persona until it became an undeniable part of their character.
They LOOK really put together. And they LOOK like they have a lot of power and are revered by the ancients with no drawbacks.
At least that's how it looked to Pebbles at first.
Not only was he referred to as an abomination from before being even built. With some ancients on Moon REFUSING TO MOVE on him, because they don't want him.
Now we have Suns who by all means is kind of the opposite in every way of the person who Pebbles is constantly compared to (Moon) and is STILL adored, even worshiped.
And you get the idea of how maybe they became someone who he really looked up to. And they had very similar interests too!
(Time for canon lmao)
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Moon about the music pearl (riv campaign) states that there were those that loved cultural archiving. Obviously Pebbles is one of those iterators and given he and SRS were close friends I don't doubt they enjoyed being art nerds together. <3
So they clicked. They were genuine friends, but there was some sort of dynamic there. Suns was probably kind of condescending all the time as we see in the conversation. They tried their best to be good influence, but I cannot tell you if they succeeded.. eeh
They also didn't spare him any harsh truths, despite of what Pebbles might need to actually hear. Which ironically I think perhaps made Pebbles feel more respected. Aside the fact they showed genuine interest in his research and theories and so on.
I also think Suns really enjoyed Pebbles' company, despite the fact I can't tell you how healthy it was for them to have yet another person look up to them so much.
In conclusion those two are a complicated mess to me I think!!!! They care and they left each other deeply hurt and it's sad they never got to reconcile.
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mangledscrimp · 7 months
this is a response to your twitter post im on priv and also shy: i would literally love to see you talk about ranlay. any and all text related to ranlay is a valuable resource.
Mega ramble incoming; Miracle Mask spoilers, Unwound Future spoils, Layton anime spoils
Some silly or sad hcs abt ‘em (most of these are shared hcs or hcs I got from other peopleee ) I know they’re cringe LEAVE ME ALONEEE
(๑・̑3・̑๑)([ ˃̶͈̀]∀[˂̶͈́])
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Ok Let’s start with some silly ones :3
Randall and Hershel’s Garden
Since Hershel practically lives at the University, Hershel and Randall start a garden there and plant fruits and vegetables to cook a nice meal at home. Or even walk together in the garden for a nice distraction from life and work.
2. Dancing
I like to think Randall is a pretty good dancer. Though, Hershel has two left feet. Randall teaches Hershel some basic moves as they intertwine their fingers. Or just hold hands and stare deeply into each-others eyes.
(Doodles I did of it hehehe)
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-Randall doesn’t mind if Hershel can’t dance, he still enjoys doing anything with him regardless. He enjoys Hershel’s light that he brings into his life.
a song that I think they’d dance to together in their free time; (posted like this so you can listen to it as you scroll through ‘em HEHE )
3. Pajamas and Sleepin
What would Hershel and Randall wear to bed?Hershel wears a sweater all the time no matter the weather (well obviously not summer) , He feels pretty insecure about his body since he hasn’t been with someone in such an intimate way since Claire’s accident. Randall teases him for that as he kisses him and tells him how beautiful he looks at any given moment. Randall would only wear boxers to bed or just…nothing at all if you’re brave enough LOLL. Randall has a lot of body heat so he doesn’t need any PJs. Often times, Hershel holds Randall while they sleep for warmth but Randall starts sweating like crazy because of the blanket + Hershel’s body heat, he doesn’t tell Hershel to stop hugging him tho since he loves the affection. Randall often wakes up to Hershel either spooning him or Laying close to his chest. HEHEHEEEE
One of my favorite hcs with Randall is him growing wings from the mask in order for it to not be damaged. I like to think that his wings kinda flutter when he’s doing anything with Hershel. He just starts hovering in the air when Hershel kisses him, bringing hershel up with him as he holds his face
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Randall annoys Hershel at any given moment he can. Pinching his cheeks, interrupting Hershel when he does lecture plans, nuzzling all over Hershel like a cat (hehehee), or even kissing him straight on the mouth when they argue. Hershel doesn’t mind what Randall does, in fact, he loves it. He enjoys the attention Randall gives him since it makes him feel special, like someone actually cares about him with a passion.
6. Hairsss (Inspired by sweeetrandall HEHEHE)
The more time Randall spent away from Henry and Angela, the more his hair grew out. Randall wanted to be more of his own person than who he was before the fall, and Henry and Angela didn’t really help with that. During his time with Hershel, his hair grew back into that spiky style we see after he unmasks himself in miracle mask, with side burns and a bit of beard scruff (i love that hc so muchhh rahhggh) . He feels much more confident in who he is with longer hair and a scruffy beard. Hershel enjoys his confidence and scratchy kisses. Hershel also has the occasional Beard Scruff since he rarely takes care of himself.
7. Relaxation
Randall and Hershel’s ideal vacation spot is anywhere they can be together. Hershel often spends time on the couch reading while Randall makes them tea so that they can cuddle together with a cup of belle classic, though Randall prefers a cup of chai.
Going a bit away from that, whenever Hershel tries to relax himself in the bathtub, Randall hops in beside him (Ranlay bathing RanLay bathing RanLay bathingggg, they need to be squeaky clean, no mud in sight)
(slowly entering the sad territory, so sorry)
8. Comforting
Hershel has nightmares in his sleep about his past, replaying the worst moments over and over again. From him and Randall’s adventure in the ruins to Claire’s explosion accident. He often wakes up in a cold sweat from his nightmares. Whenever this happens or when Randall feels hershel squirming next to him, he’ll wrap his arms around him and whisper sweet words in Hershel’s ears with a tired but loving voice to try and calm him down.
9. Wishing
(This is during stansbury before the fall)
Randall would spend so much time together with Hershel. Going on expeditions or studying together for a big test at home. It would make Randall start to fall in love with Hershel the more he hanged out with him. Randall would often find himself wishing that Hershel was a girl. He knew that at home he would be shamed for ever finding interest in a man, none the less one of his best friends. Often going to their tree study spot under the stars, wishing and begging that Hershel would magically turn into a girl so that he could be with him. Randall still loved Angela a lot and would do absolutely anything for her. But his feelings were torn apart between his forbidden love for Hershel and Angela.
10. Flowers
Before Hershel set off to find the relic treasure, he would often send flowers to Randall every week while he was out on an adventure. Bouquets with a mixture of trillium flowers and violets would always be at Randall’s doorstep with a hand written note attached possibly saying;
“My love, I’m out on another busy trip but i hope these flowers brighten your days without me. I will be back fairly soon. Enjoy the flowers, my darling.
-With love, Hershel Layton”
Randall would enjoy receiving these flowers in person or delivered to his doorstep. But a year after Hershel had gone to discover the secret behind the relic treasure, Randall received these bouquets less and less each passing month. He began to worry about Hershel’s whereabouts and question where and why he was gone for so long without a call or a letter. Randall grew depressed and longed for Hershel as he had no contact from him in years. After receiving a call from the hospital Hershel was staying at he immediately ran over and held Hershel’s hand with tears flowing out of his eyes happy to see his beloved partner return, gently kissing his hand. Sadly Hershel couldn’t feel it since he was trapped in an ice bath for so long. Randall didn’t care as he continued to kiss him.
Song that gave me inspo for this;
ok. my silly babies.
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sillyshipping · 1 year
HII... looks at you gently..... could i request headcanons about sasha nein please 🥺 (romantic edition)
yeah yeah of course!! ty for the request ^^ romantic hcs for sasha coming right up :-] sorry if some of these aren't fully accurate lol, i made a lot of assumptions about his character but that's basically what headcanons are hehe.. these were so fun, i look forward to doing more of this kind of stuff in the future :D
🧠Romantic headcanons for Sasha Nein🚬
i imagine he would get flustered really easily, especially through physical touch. he probably isn't used to much physical affection, so once he gets it, it hits him harder than it would otherwise. it might take him a moment to process it, but once he does, it hits him like a truck. it would affect him a great deal, he'd think about those moments for a long time.
he would express his love through how he generally acts around you and doing things for you. i think he'd struggle with showing affection physically and with words, so he would do other subtle things to show that he loves you! maybe he puts something important on hold because he cares about you, or maybe he goes out of his way to remember tiny details about you, maybe he gives you something that reminds him of you! he would also help you do things that you might struggle with, whether it's a heavy amount of work or simply cleaning ur room :-] he wouldn't be judgemental at all either way, he'd be more than happy to help you.
he would have a much easier time opening up and being more vulnerable around you. he trusts you a lot! he isn't scared of showing his emotions around you :-] and on the other hand, if you opened up to him, he would do his best to help you and give you advice on whatever it is you need help with. he would be very patient and understanding with you, especially with his background knowledge on mental health!
there would be moments he'd ramble about what he likes about you. maybe he says something and worries if he came off as blunt or hurtful, so he'd try making up for it by complimenting you! then he would snowball into thoughtlessly talking about why and how he likes you and would get very embarrassed once he realizes what he's doing. oopsies !
he doesn't laugh or smile a whole lot, but when he's around you, it's hard for him not to. everything you say echoes in his mind and he can't help but smile or chuckle about it. he would cherish the moments that he spends with you, reminiscing over it and feeling so lucky that he gets to be with you.
quite a hopeless romantic! he's a sucker for traditionally romantic things, like dates at fancy restaurants, slow dancing to love songs, gifting bouquets and heart chocolate boxes, kissing the front of ur hand while holding it in his (what a gentleman), etc etc. he'd probably be pretty nervous or shy to initiate these though! if you were to invite him to go somewhere romantic or give him a particularly romantic gift, his heart would flutter with joy.
if he was feeling extra confident, he'd give pecks on your cheek and hold your hand :-] he'd get soo shy about it though and would try to act as casual as possible, but you'd be able to tell how flustered he is. he'd be blushing hard under his glasses and would be stumbling over his words.
if you're a psychic u bet he would telepathically talk to you, like all the time. he would give you little secret messages and send you comments that only You are allowed to hear. like whispering but to the max. he might poke fun at what's going on sometimes when he doesn't want anyone else to hear, too. i think he actually has a pretty good sense of humor and likes to joke around! he just has a deadpan delivery and others might not get his jokes at times. but yes he's silly and will be silly around you
overall he would deeply care about you and your well-being and would want the best for you. he would go out of his way to make life easier for you. he has so much love to share and to give 😁💚
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garlic-sauc3 · 6 months
i saw ur recent post :) i know nothing abt dc and booster gold but what sort of superhero is booster gold?? feel free to ramble hehe
ooh this is interesting. you see people tend to stereotype booster as either a time travelling hero, or a self absorbed sell out. and sure hes got elements of both, but he is way more than that
he kinda acts like a classic golden hero -- I mean he took a lot of inspiration from superman originally -- but he does sponsorships and advertisements and whatever because he was also a football player before, and athletes do that all the time, and he figured why dont superheroes do that? and that's the thing that most people dont understand -- both in canon (either intentionally, like in the original booster gold comics, or unintentionally like newer stuff or when he gets represented in shows a lot) and just in the general fanbase -- hes perceived as shallow and barely a hero, if anything just a laughingstock. but at his core, hes selfless and he wants to help people. he likes money, sure, he loves being rich, but he also grew up poor, so it doesnt take that big of an adjustment when he loses his funds. basically, booster gold is very heroic and can be very selfless, hes just kind of perceived as a glory hound
and then the time travelling element is fun, but I don't really like it as his main focus. nowadays hes just brought in because theres time travel involved, but I much prefer his original time aspect presented in booster gold 1986 and time masters 1990, in my opinion the aspect of him always meant to time travel back, as well as the methods of travel and the rules put in place. going to the 80s and saving people, as well as just being stuck there because the time sphere broke (and not being able to time travel instantaneously) and then we he did get to time travel forward he learned that 1) you can only use each time travel method once, which adds a fun barrier to time travel but still makes it fun and 2) he was always intended to go to the 80s and save the president, which also adds a build up to what happens in time masters which expands more on time travel and ties these two elements together in a way I really enjoy. him discovering that being booster gold, the hero, is his destiny is also a plotline I really enjoy. I feel by removing this element and restriction of time travel it kind of removes his important character arc with this
but also, the other thing that drives his character is his lack of secret identity. nobody knows his real name, sure, but he doesnt have a real real name anyway. he lives as booster gold, not as a "michael jon carter" (which he does not!! go by btw). his identity is tied so strongly to being a superhero he doesnt know how to live without it. when he loses his suit or even just power in his suit, he has no idea what to do. in booster gold #13 when his suit is drained of power and hes injured and sickly from the previous issue, he is so glad to get his flight ring back even if it's just a hint of his previous powers, and the entire time he is just struggling without the powers he was accustomed to because of the suit. on top of that, the issues in #25 that he has from not being a hero, where he doesn't know how to live normally but also considers going back to the 25th century because he cant live in the 20th century anymore (for multiple reasons) but that was also when he has to accept that being booster gold is his destiny, and he cant get rid of it (he doesnt know how)
anyways I dont know if this makes sense at all or actually answers your question but I just think that booster gold and like how he is perceived by the public and by himself is very interesting and I just love a hero who's secret identity is so tied up in being a hero (where they dont even have a secret identity) that they don't know how to not be a hero, especially when its tied with being a celebrity and having fame and wealth, while also caring deeply about being a hero and helping (if I had a nickel...) idk i just love that kind of hero
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oletusfragments · 11 months
(think of this as a continuation cause I have no shame writing for this man wwwww- also, I'd like to say that reading your posts has been such a blast! I love seeing these letters, and I hope more people find your content enjoyable <3 keep it up!)
💌 - Naib Subedar
To: Naib Subedar,
Hello again! It's been quite a while since I wrote my last letter to you. So sorry about that, by the way- things had been hectic and I believe miss Nightingale lost my original reply to your response.
I do come with good news, however- thanks to your help, I've learned how to deal with hunters and rescue much better than before! I always had trouble with Nightmare and Grace, but your help really got me through them, and the others all got out unscathed because of your lessons.
Hehe, I suppose I'd like to say that... I'm indebted to you, Naib. Thank you so, so much for helping me- you are quite an impressive rescuer, and I was right to seek you out for advice. Not a lot of survivors really help me out with matters like these due to my appearance, after all...
As for your offer of celebration... Is it alright if we do it in private? Don't get me wrong- I don't mind having everyone else around! But... I'm ashamed of showing my face to other people. That, and I also want to get to know you better- take things slow, you know?
Ah, here I am, rambling again.. I'll end it here. Please let me know your response, and your preference in food as well! I'd like to make some that we can both enjoy while we celebrate.
- 🍒 'Marise'
✦ — Your letter has been delivered!
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And does he secretly beam at you with pride when you prove yourself. Naib sees it too. How far you've improved, how excellent you look. He'd appear disinterested in others' conversation until he passes by the other manor occupants and hear their words of praise towards you, proclaiming that you are the savior of their matches. And does he feel proud when he hears it all.
Naib wants to congratulate you too, for your achievements. He's here, thinking of words to say to you when you meet but yet you beat him to it. He definitely did not expect a second letter to come. Truth to be told, he never expected this much gratitude from you either. He thought you'd leave as fast as you approached him. In the days of spending time with each other training he has grown to regard you as a pleasant company.
Later, he'll spend some time with you again for celebration. Alone with you.
Is it a date now? He slapped himself at that thought. Breathing deeply as he shoos away the idea.
Oh, he shouldn't keep you waiting for a reply any longer. The sooner he writes a reply, the sooner he'll see you again.
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Dear Marise,
It's no problem. You need to give yourself more credit. It was you and your efforts that made you what you are now. I could see how hard you worked to prove and save others. You should keep this up, prove those who didn't believe in you wrong.
As for the celebration, do not worry. It'll only be you and me. That was the plan from the start. Why should they be involved anyway? This celebration is only for you and about you. Don't be too worried about it. It's your party so do whatever you want, but not too chaotic though. It wouldn't be a proper celebration if you're uncomfortable.
And as for the foods I like, I'm not really picky but I do miss the dishes from back home. It has been quite a long time since I've had them. But I think anything you make will be fine, I trust you.
Anyway, see you later.
– Naib
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fumifooms · 7 months
HI. I loved your marchil fics and I love your lil blurbs and hcs and all you're lil thoughts on them it's beautiful and makes my heart melt. It's just seeing this lil guy and how he has all his feelings locked away in a box until marcille walks over and picks right through the lock and gets him to open up (well in a metaphorical sense-).
I KNOWW RIGHT, I love how you described it!! There’s so much fun imagery and metaphors you can do with them… They lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship, as people say
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I love their dynamic they are so romcom shaped… Speaking of romcoms I recently read Dame na watashi ni koishite kudasai/Please love me ! which has major marchil energy, I love reading it while thinking of them lmao. They banter and she infiltrates his social sphere & gets all the family gossip and also he owns a cafe and cooks her things, it’s like my coffeeshop AU but real 😭💗
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People when getting into marchil:
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Thank you for this ask! 🥺 It’s always really nice to hear things like these… I never know what to respond though so naturally I shall go overboard, handing out more marchil thoughts as per popular demand! Marchil nation is a tiny island I’m sorry for getting you invested, but also mwahahaha hahahA YES HAHAHA YESSS! Handing you these ramblings as apology
My motivation to write essays has been waning lately BUT I do have a big post about theories and facts on Chilchuck’s family planned, his wife and daughters plus some Chil’s dad and siblings, the whole package. On top of more marchil crumbs to post oof… Ideally I should also rework the first part of the marchil crumbs to make it more streamlined and dare I say convincing. Also fanart and fics which I hope to get around to finishing up… I def want to make more marchil content, but I honestly have no clue which idea to work on next… (I take requests and prompts btw~). I want to make more fluff but I also want to make more hurt/comfort, ahh dilemma
One idea I have that’s particularly relevant is a fic that I’d call Locks of Hair, about blonde hair and the key to his heart. I’d love touching on his attraction to blondes and how that might affect their relationship in a neat lil introspective oneshot like I like to make. LOCKS of hair? Being the KEY to his heart? I love the english language. There’s sorta this trope where if a character loves money has a liking for blondes it’s because like, the hair is "golden", and I’d find playing with that so funny too.
Another that really has my heart right now is Marcille’s mom visiting them to see her daughter and meet her new partner Chilchuck, and it throws them into a frenzy to prepare for it, Chil being entirely too stressed and dreading. And seeing them her mom’s eyes soften and she tells them they remind her of her and her late husband… The bittersweet pride mixed with anticipation at how her daughter has grown into someone who can accept loss, and is willing to throw all of herself into loving despite them not even having 20 years together ahead of them……. I think about marchil proposals and marriage a lot. Hey hey did you know that in Japan "I want to drink your miso soup every day" is a way to propose, because that’s so Dungeon Meshi. The way proposals are so meaningful with these two because it truly is like "i want to give my lifetime to you, knowing all that it entails, but I believe that it’s worth the trouble. That it’s worth it." I have so much proposal dialogue between them written up oogh they make me so emotional
You truly are a warrior for reading all I wrote about them omg, if you like these sorta convos then maybe you’d enjoy joining our dunmeshi discord! I rarely get the chance to speak with another marchil enthusiast~ We have a lot of big convos on characters and ships over there hehe, ofc no pressure though, invite link in comment just in case. I get cuteness agression over them TOOOOO I need them-shaped stress balls to squeeze in affection
-trips and falls and some of my favorite marchil moments slip out-Soulmates ❤️ (delusional)
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sourweather-fics · 10 months
im gonna sound like a broken record but GOD i love how you write Nigel!!! i'm Literally on the verge of tears. How he always smells of cinnamon chewing gum, and cigarettes. How gentle and understanding he is with Adam. How cool, relaxed but deeply caring he is in the coming of age stories. i love him i love him i love him
WA I need to you understand that when I read this i squealed with delight because!!! you noticed the cinnamon gum!!!!!!! I like to make little head canons really consistent throughout my work hehe, like the gum, or how wills Favorite food is always blueberry pancakes, or how Hannibal is often associated with citrus <3<3<3 they're like little signatures i leave in my stories uwah
actually, my best friend reads a LOT of my work, and she's gotten to the point where she'll call me out if I mention anything about Will smelling of coffee and cedar, because she's heard it so many times 🤭🤭🤭
anyway YES since so much of what happened to make Nigel who he is happened during his adulthood, I want to believe that a young version of him is a lot softer in the middle <3 just as brash and cocky and fiercely devoted but a lot more warm, more earnest and tender <3<3<3
oop I'm rambling ah but thank you for the sweet message it made my night<3
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noxtivagus · 1 year
listening to stardust children god i love tien n feower so much
#🌙.rambles#[ gbf. ]#I PERSONALLY LIKE THE SONG OKAY#they're so cool. i love them both so much#quatre's one of apollo's favs tho T_T#he's so cute tho ngl he n apollo r rather similar. pretty similar. really similar to me 💀#i want to kiss esser.. oh my god.#I'M SORRY. HELP#I'M. HEATING UP OH MY GOD I GOT A BIT FLUSTERED THIS IS EMBARRASSING....#i switch names like often from like jpn to the english translation i'm so sorry but#tien. esser. her white day hdfkajsdlfkds in the gbf wiki.... SHES SO CUTE ILL CRY#OH. OH. HER VA IS EULA#OH MY GOD HDFLKAJSDLK I KNEW IT....... i love her voice a lot hehe i find it so adorable when tien does that lil 'mhm' in agreement thing#idk how to say it but yk the thing.#she's like.. just a bit taller than me i think. or maybe more than i think but#>< oh my god. suddenly it just hit me while listening to stardust children rn that i really really really like tien#i love how. makoto from p5 is esser n joker is quatre (if i'm not mistaken?) it's rather amusing#random but. i'm being dragged into the hell of uhhh.. fandom..? stuff again IDK HOW TO PHRASE IT BETTER BUT 😭#i think soon. i can. finally start writing stories properly again. i've been imagining more again like i used to long ago hehe#but like. oh dear when i get into smth i get into it deeply n the thing is i'm into a lot of things rn n hdjfaklsdfjsdklfjdsf#SCHOOL AGAIN TMRRW.... T_T wish me luck sob#random edit bcs i randomly thought abt orchestral n rock as probably my top two fav music genres n i love them both tgther#too n. vg osts have a bunch of that hehe like ff n octopath uwahh ><
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pangyham · 4 months
hmm.. a bit of a ramble but it's really weird playing g3nshin rn because of how differently i see it? spent a lot of my G3nshin Phase holed up in my room mindlessly grinding and was so fixated that i developed a really strong attachment to it and was deeply fandom pilled and deranged LMFAO... perhaps its because of that that i burnt myself out a lot and became overly (though rightfully) critical of it
playing it now as someone who's less depressed and has a Life outside soc med is.. a lot more enjoyable actually. i think g3nshin works best as a game to be played in moderation, like idle clicker games hahaha. playing it Casually has never been an option for me until now.. wow.. the wonders of getting your shit together
i dont think.. i can confidently say i love the game or that it's one of my favorites because it being a gacha game ruins a lot of its potential and valuation and i dont wanna dogpile it rn lmao but [insert other reasons why g3nshin is Bad]
but mannn. i love worldbuilding. i love huge expansive maps and story quests. love random exposition drops lmao. g3nshin offers a lot of narratives that are extractive albeit the corny executions and poor storytelling but it's a fun game to wind down to. didnt think id be saying this but ive missed this game. hehe
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notbooper · 11 months
Hehe here's some ramblings ab my weird Groundhog Day Price au thing :) this is kinda me laying out a timeline of everything and whatever else comes to mind
Heads up: I don't think I'll ever turn this into one long cohesive fic, it'll probably just be little ficlets and then long ramble-y bits like this
Read my first post regarding this au or else you'll be lost bc I explain a lot of things from my intro that I don't exactly plan to put into in depth writing.
Cw: I love Price so much so I put him through hell <3, temporary character death, depictioms of death n violence and bodily harm, non canon timeline bc oops and fuck canon (just a bit), this is not written like a fic like the first part, so it's just me rambling, also formatting is terrible ik I'm so sorry I just needed to get this out of my system, Ghoap content
Not edited bc lazy
So uh timeline is funky bc I forgor ab canon and consistency and also despite the fact I've played both 2019 and mw2 multiple times I'm still dumb. N e way:
I assume that the boys aren't familiar with each other at the beginning of mw2 but price knows all of them bc he hand picked them. I assume that they haven't worked w each other b4 those events but we're throwing that out the window here bc I forgot :)
So they had one very brief mission together before the events of mw2, the one described in my little intro blurb, nothing too serious or long, not enough time for team bonding, simply something I made up for expository ab the whole Groundhog Day thing.
Also ok explaining background Ghoap w my fucky timeline bc I totally forgor I wrote some implied Ghoap:
I dug my own grave by saying I wanted to set my blurb b4 mw2 and make that mission quick and they don't even get any time to like bond properly, but we can make this work ok? Ok. I don’t see Ghost as a self sacrificing person despite the fact that he's military and it kinda comes w the job and his status as definitely dead and shit and just his kinda general disposition. I can see it if he's v close w someone but otherwise it usually isn't "practical" bc of how useful he knows he is. In this scenario though ima say that Ghost had been heavily injured in the heli wreck and knew that he wasn’t gonna get too far. Once the heli crashed, he had been the closest to Gaz and had tried to pull him out, for the sole purpose of during the time before he could tell how fond Prive was of him, and because Ghost cares deeply for Price he made an effort to rescue Gaz, that doesn't work obviously and he ends up terribly injured. Later on, once they start taking heavy fire and closer to his death Ghost realizes that he's not going to make it too far and decides that when there needs to be a sacrifice, bc he knows there will, he'll go down.
Cut to Ghost sees that Soap's ab to get fucked up and takes the shot 4 him. Soap's reaction, unlike Ghost's reasoning, is based in vague Ghoap. Soap comes to the conclusion, b4 they even get out of the heli, that the Lieutenant does not like him. Fine, he's clashed w/ COs b4, nothing new. He was hoping that since they were gonna be on this same tiny team that maybe the could be friendly but he supposed not. So imagine his shock when the man who seemed to despise him sacrifices himself for Soap. He's touched, truly, especially bc that Soap will never know that Ghost's real reasoning. That Soap believes in that moment that maybe that Ghost didn't hate him and maybe kinda really liked him but didn't show it. He beliebes that if THE Ghost sacraficed himself for Soap, that he must feel that Soap was a valuable member of the team, maybe moreso than him. That Soap is also in the middle of watching his entire team get wiped out and realizing that it's now him and Price against what feels like an entire army so his extreme emotional reaction to Ghost's death is also in part from that.
There, intro Ghoap explained :)
Explanation of how this Groundhog Day shit works btw:
The first time it happens is in my little intro blurb thing. Price will go through an event where any one or more of the 141 dies, and then he will be sort of sent back in time to varying amounts of time before the events happen so that he can prevent their deaths. Price can't control it obviously. How Price discerns that these aren't weird premonitions and actually events that he lived through is that he always gets sent back with some scars from whatever shit show happened. Like for example in my blurb he would come back with his palms all scarred up from the broken glass he grabbed from the window soap got tackled out of at the end. It's a weird mechanic ik but shhhhh it's for angst purposes. It's there as a sort of reminder for Price for all the times he's "failed" his boys bc I FUCKING LOVE ANGST n e way,
Then the events of mw2 happen ofc. There are different points throughout in which I will kill the boys so here's that death list:
Gaz- something to do with the helicopter bit, obviously, like he gets no breaks, idc if you get tired of how many heli deaths I give this man, I like it. I think everyone gets one death during mw2 events
Side note: one thing I feel like I'm having a hard time balancing is making this compelling by "killing" off the boys and traumatizing Price, and also not making the boys look more incompetent if that makes sense? Like I had three deaths drafted up for Gaz but felt it was too much?
Kate: 110% dies at one point during the whole hostage thing. Gives an extra oof to John's whole apology bit to her afterwards (ome of my fav interactions in the game tbh)
Ghost: this fucker is proving the hardest to brainstorm for tbh. Like if anyone, for any of these parts at all, wants to put in any ideas feel free to, but I just feel like the others have NDEs that I can use as deaths, but honestly I feel like Ghost is I don't want to say better than the others but there's not really a point in mw2 in which I feel like I could take inspo for a death? So ig tldr: TBD but maybe none at all and when the timeline expands to after current canon I give him smtg big to give my boy some attention?
Soap: alone, obviously. This one is more complex then the others. They're all gonna be situations in which John can do something, whether directly or indirectly to change the outcome. I think for alone John cycles through that loop for a bit, not being able to make contact with anyone in Las almas and he gets lucky that after a few cycles we get canon alone events. This will def be it's own little chapter fic drabble thing bc I have so much to say ab this and how it affects Price
Bonus soap thought: I also wanted to do Graves tank fight purely bc that's the part I had the most trouble with in my first playthrough of the game. I had to repeat that section an ungodly amt of time and shaped me into the avid Graves hater I am today. I'm digressing but n e way I decided against the tank bit bc alone was just so much more yummier in my head.
N e way that's my sort of ramblings for now, small bits and pieces will be on the way, probably
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dykeyote · 1 year
do you have hcs about what your favs are like when sleepy?
HEHE OH THIS IS SO FUN i do ...... i love sleepy little guys . ok hello its next day valentine and i wrote a whole long paragraph and then fell asleepers and i dont wanna take fifty years to reply to asks the way i always do so im just doing jeddie and yvonne bc theyre my tippy top favs rn :3 im really into syd too rn but if i take the time to do a big research dive into eveery time hes ever mentioned sleeping im gonna fuck myself over bc i can Vaguely remember him having sleep habits of some sort that are brought up once or twice and if i dive into all that this is gonna take even longer to post!!!!!!!
i think jedidiah gets sleepy very quickly and easily but is kind of in denial of this fact . hes like an old man the second its like 8 pm hes getting sleepy but he forces himself to stay up until 8 am thru the sheer power of paranoia and freakishness anyway . he gets kinda sleepy mumbly he like tries to go on long rambles but its sort of incoherent and quiet . also i think he sleeps in the weirdest positions EXCLUSIVELY he cant sleep if all his limbs arent bent in weird positions and his head isnt tilted weirdly and his pillow isnt in the most hyperspecific configuration possible . also i feel like he needs a clock by him to sleep ..... he needs to Hear the ticking or he cant sleep . i also think he has a lot of rituals (sorry for ocdjedding i cant help it) abt checking to be sure sydneys alive and shit like that so he tends to like . practically fall asleep and then get very anxious and checky and then almost fall back asleep again and hten loop for a while before he properly zonks out
yvonne i think is very much the opposite she can stay up SUPER late . whenever theyd hang out w the above at night jeddied start nodding off in the middle of it and yvonned shake him up . i think they tend to snore and sleeptalk theyre Quite noisy when theyre asleep joshua is deeply annoyed by it but yvonne tells him 2 stop being a big baby . i think they get very grouchy when shes tired in the mornings they NEEED to wake up late and have had breakfast in order to talk to u or else theyre grumbling and glaring and making huffy noises about it . on the contrary i think at NIGHTS when shes sleepy shes very silly and chatty and they go on big rambles and enjoy cuddling up and things like that . tired vs sleepy ........ i think they also sleep Splayed About all over the place and i dont think they usually have a blanket they seem like the type to run hot to me ... goths who run hot i salute u . they can also sleep anywhere i feel like they can sleep in a chair or leaning against something or at a desk or standing up at any time if theyre sleepy they can just zonk out
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egg-emperor · 1 year
Thoughts on Eggman getting super drunk on eggnog? What kind of drunk do you think he'd be like?
Because he's a really big guy, very uniquely so, and I headcanon he has larger than average organs too, it takes quite a lot to even feel a bit drunk. But he can still easily get there if he wants to or gets carried away because he can really go for it when he gulps it down. It's easy for it to be a case of getting carried away when it comes to eggnog, sometimes he wants to see how fast he can drink it, not thinking about how it'll end up affecting him, then it suddenly hits him hard and that's how he can end up super drunk.
As long as nobody bothers him as his temper is still just as quick when he's sober, he can feel relaxed one minute and excited the next, actually very happy and positive most of the time. He sighs in delight and says he feels better and needed that if it gets him into a rare calmer relaxed mood that's surprising for people to see and he giggles at how the sudden floaty feeling makes him feel dizzy and silly. As much as he loves being a super genius that's always thinking deeply, it's nice to switch off for a little while and feel warm and jolly.
His robots really wish he'd stay that way and remain seated the whole time but after a small struggle he soon manages to pull himself up and when he realizes how jolly and wobbly and silly he feels, he suddenly wants to get playful and for some fun and amusement. He's silly all the time but if his robots weren't aware that he'd been drinking at first, they'll soon realize what's up as he's stumbling and slurring and not making complete sense and they're like here we go again because they know he won't behave lol
He gets rowdy and boisterous and when he's not entirely aware or in control then it's even more wild than usual. He'll do everything as loudly as possible, whether he's singing out of tune, rambling about his plans and how great he is with much less sense than usual, swooning over himself and talking about how he's so handsome in intimate detail and admiring and feeling himself up in the mirror and his robots find it awkward how it's especially obvious how into himself he is as they don't like to be reminded too much. XD
He'll feel very cheeky and have the desire to cause all kinds of mischief that makes him giggle and gets him the attention he wants and he'll only get worse if people give him a reaction that he finds funny and entertaining. He likes to do all the most embarrassing and shocking things he can and try to bother and people. It's not easy holding him back from getting himself into trouble, especially if he manages to get outside, so his robots try their best to keep him indoors because it's enough chasing him around in there!
He gets big cravings for snacks or chocolate or candy to keep the good mood going with treating himself. He'll raid the pantry or fridge even if he's not long since eaten a meal and will eat his favorite food to his heart's content, despite his robots' disapproval of how excessive it is. But he uses the excuse of sobering up, though it never really helps much when he's super drunk, instead it's easier for him to get carried away and blissfully indulge without a care in the world. He's always very pleased after lots of booze and food.
He can start feeling especially affectionate if he's been drinking with someone he's attracted to and expresses it through both actions and words in different ways than usual. He gets eager for some fun and gets bold and vocal with his desires, like if he suddenly wants to be held and receive belly rubs, cuddles, and kisses and praise. He'll get needy and whine if he doesn't get what he wants and reaches his arms out to demand them to come over and give it to him and it's so cute, how could one refuse hehe
He can get naughty and in the mood when he's jolly and playful. He gets cheeky and handsy and says dirty things to them without any filter, even if others are around that really don't want to know. He gradually starts losing his clothes with the excuse that it feels hot but he's obviously showing off. They can end up drunkenly making out and more if they've drank as much and both want it too. And if he's alone he can still end up getting dirty and intimate, just with his reflection in the mirror and own body instead lol
When his robots or anyone else isn't happy with his behavior or shenanigans and try to tell him what to do, instead of being angry he can just find it amusing and start feeling devious as he keeps doing it just to get them worked up. There are times he can get grumpy but he starts acting like a stubborn bratty kid more than the big loud angry man he usually is while sober. It's still possible to bring out the latter in the worst cases but everyone usually knows not to push him as they especially don't want to get on his bad side then.
He finds it extremely hard to balance and walk the dizzier he feels as it's already a miracle how he isn't clumsier while sober with the way he's built with his heavy body, lanky legs, and big feet. He'll wobble and stumble a lot even while just a bit tipsy the moment he loses the slightest bit of control and focus on his movement and it gets worse the drunker he gets and he's a mess. He'll insist he's got it but struggles just to stand and grips onto things for balance and just laughs about how everything is spinning.
He'll wobble and fall easily so everyone better not stand too close if they don't want him to potentially fall on top and crush them! And once he's on the floor, he won't be able to get up on his own and will be passed out in the deepest sleep but his robots know he'll be mad if they don't move him somewhere more comfortable, so they have to drag and lift his heavy body and it requires bigger more powerful robots. Reason 23475 why he needs a big strong muscular man like the ones he's into, they could handle him fhsjgnsksjgk
So yeah I imagine it's usually pleasant for him and bad for those around him, aside from when he has to deal with the harsh consequences the next day from going overboard of course. He can get really angry or down and start ranting and moping about his frustrations while drunk if he's in an especially bad mood before he starts drinking and it brings it out more, or he's only just put into one after by someone and kills it for him, but most of the time it's a way to stop feeling all those negative things and just feel good for a while.
He always likes to celebrate every event and reward himself with booze and will also use it to deal with defeats because unless something sets off his usual temper, he more often gets lucky enough for it to put him in a good mood and it makes him want to keep drinking more, and if it's one of his favorites like eggnog, champagne, or rice wine. He'll be happy and carefree, sometimes in a more relaxed and dazed way, excited and energetic way where he'll get cheeky and cause trouble, or both and he has a good time either way!
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