#that was unintentional while we were playing and while i was drawing but we kept doing it
luminisiv · 1 year
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day 10 of @oc-tober2023: mercy
The running theme of Neil as a player character was everyone figuring out he's a good person, he's just a trainwreck of a human being caught in a revenge loop that who needed a little support to get control of his life again. And despite everything, Mark knows that, and wants to help, too. Neil feels he's rather undeserving of this.
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thebunnednun · 3 months
Shadows in the Night! Trafalgar D. Water Law x Ethereal spirit! Reader (Part 1)
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I did say that I have other husbands just waiting to get published.
P.S. I do not own any of the images or art!!
Song: Nightmare By Set It Off.
Synopsis: While exploring the enigmatic ruins of a lost civilization, Law and his crew inadvertently awaken a hauntingly beautiful spirit. Invisible to everyone but Law, she delights in tormenting him, whispering tantalizingly close and stirring an unsettling desire within him.
Their relationship, fraught with tension and conflict, evolves from enemies to reluctant allies as the spirit reveals a dark truth: they are bound together for all eternity unless he helps her reclaim her physical body hidden within the ruins. Amidst ancient riddles and hidden dangers, the lines between hate and desire blur, creating an intoxicating mix of sexual and romantic tension.
In this gripping tale of supernatural intrigue and forbidden desire, Law’s resolve and sanity are tested. Can he break the curse, or will they remain forever entwined in the shadows of the forgotten ruins, bound by a fate that draws them inexorably closer?
On with the show!!~
______________Chatper 1: Echoes in the Ruins________________
The ruins sprawled before them, a testament to a civilization lost to time. The combined crews of the Heart Pirates and the Straw Hat Pirates moved cautiously through the ancient corridors, their footsteps echoing off the weathered stone walls.
"Remember," Law's voice echoed through the dimly lit chamber, "we're here to observe and document, not disturb. Any artifacts we find must be handled with care."
As Law issued his solemn reminder with caution in his tone, Robin, ever the archaeologist, was by his side. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity as she traced her fingers over the intricate carvings and hieroglyphs adorning the walls.
Nami grabbed Zoro with a knowing glint in her eyes and produced a stylish scarf from her bag.
"I think it's best if we stick together," she said, her tone firm but gentle. With a swift motion, she leashed Zoro to her arm with the scarf, earning a bemused look from the swordsman.
Zoro grumbled something under his breath about being treated like a child, but he didn't resist. He knew better than to argue with Nami when she had that look in her eyes. Smiling, she turned to scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger or treasure.
Meanwhile, Usopp couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over him like a heavy fog. His eyes darted nervously around the dimly lit corridors, his imagination running wild with every shadowy corner.
"I-I don't like this, guys," he muttered, his voice trembling slightly. "This place gives me the creeps." Franky, ever the protector, placed a reassuring hand on Usopp's shoulder, his mechanical fingers offering a sense of comfort. "Don't worry, Usopp! Super Franky is here to keep you safe," he declared, puffing out his chest proudly.
Chopper stayed close to Robin, marveling at the ancient surroundings with wide eyes. Sensing Chopper's unawarness, Franky positioned himself between Chopper and the darker recesses of the cave, determined to shield the little doctor from any potential threats.
As the group advanced further into the ruins, Brook found himself unintentionally causing a stir. With each step, his bones clacked and rattled against each other, echoing eerily through the corridors.
"Yohoho! My apologies, everyone! It seems I'm a bit... rambunctious today!" he chuckled nervously, trying to play off his unintentional spookiness.
On the Heart Pirates' side, Bepo, ever loyal, stuck close to Law. His large bear-like frame was a comforting presence amidst the ancient ruins. Shachi and Penguin, the inseparable pair, kept a watchful eye on their surroundings. Their hands were ready at their sides to draw their weapons at a moment's notice.
Luffy, heedless of Law's instructions, bounded forward with the enthusiasm of a child let loose in a candy store. His straw hat bobbed atop his head as he scanned the floor for treasures, his eyes alight with excitement. Spotting a glimmer of light, he reached down and plucked the shiny object from the ground, only to realize it was a peculiarly shaped rock resembling a piece of meat.
"Hey, Law, look what I found!" Luffy exclaimed, his arm cocked back as if to throw the rock.
"Wait, Luffy, I said not to—" Law's warning was cut short as Luffy, with his trademark grin, hurled the rock toward the entrance of the ruins.
The rock sailed through the air with surprising accuracy, its trajectory straight toward the open hatch of the Polar Tang's submarine. Law's eyes widened in disbelief as he watched the rock disappear into the darkness with a resounding clang of metal.
“LUFFY!” He and Nami bellowed, a mixture of frustration and exasperation evident in their voices, but it was too late.
As the echoes of Law's frustrated outburst reverberated through the cavernous chambers, Robin stepped forward with a calm demeanor. Her expression was serene despite the chaos around them.
"Luffy, dear," she began, her voice soft but firm, "I understand your excitement, but it's important to respect the rules set by Law. These ruins hold valuable historical significance, and any disturbance could cause irreparable damage."
Luffy's expression softened as he listened to Robin's explanation. His gaze dropped to the ground in sheepish realization.
"Sorry, Robin," he mumbled, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. "I didn't mean to mess things up."
Robin offered him a reassuring smile and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It's alright, Luffy. We all make mistakes. The important thing is that we learn from them."
As the group prepared to depart, Law's sharp instincts kicked in, alerting him to a sudden shift in the atmosphere. Without warning, the ground beneath them began to tremble, and the ancient ruins groaned under the weight of their intrusion.
"Everyone, out— now !" Law shouted in a whisper, his voice cutting through the chaos.
"The combined crews hurried toward the exit with a flurry of movements, their footsteps echoing off the crumbling walls. Dust and debris rained down around them as they emerged into the open air, their hearts pounding with adrenaline.
Once safely outside, Law surveyed the damage with a heavy heart. Despite their best intentions, their presence had inadvertently caused harm to the ancient structure.
"We'll have to call it a day," Law announced, his tone tinged with regret. "It's too risky to continue exploring in this state. We'll regroup and come back tomorrow, but we must be more cautious."
After the crews dispersed to tend to their wounds and reflect on the day's events, they all returned to the safety of their respective ships. A sense of relief washed over them, but there was also an undercurrent of unease. Each member sought solace in their own way, seeking refuge from the day's unsettling events.
Luffy, ever resilient, bounded onto the deck of the Thousand Sunny with a carefree laugh, his mind already occupied with thoughts of their next adventure. He found himself drawn to the galley, where Sanji was busy preparing a hearty meal to lift everyone's spirits after the close call in the ruins. With a wide grin, Luffy plopped down at the table, eagerly anticipating the feast that awaited him.
Zoro, tired from the day's activities, went to his hammock for a long nap. Robin climbed up to the crow's nest, trying to find relaxation among the swaying mast and billowing sails. Meanwhile, Brook, holding a bottle of sake, stared out at the vast expanse of the sea, his thoughts drifting to the mysteries hidden beneath its surface.
At the same time, Usopp sought refuge in his workshop, tinkering with his trusty slingshot as he tried to distract himself from the lingering sense of dread that clung to him like a suffocating fog. The familiar hum of machinery provided some comfort.
Back on the Polar Tang, Franky busied himself with repairs, his mechanical expertise proving invaluable as he worked tirelessly to mend the damage caused by their hasty retreat from the ruins. With each clang of metal against metal, he vowed to ensure that their next expedition would proceed without incident.
Chopper, ever the empathic healer, tended to the wounds (baby scratches) of his fellow crewmates with gentle care. With each bandage applied and hug administered, he silently vowed to protect his friends at any cost.
As the hours passed and the night wore on, Law found himself alone in his study. The soft glow of lamplight cast flickering shadows across the room. With weary eyes, he pored over ancient texts and sketches, his mind consumed by thoughts of the ruins and the secrets they held.
Suddenly, a faint rustling broke the silence, like the whisper of silk against a stone. Law's brow furrowed as he glanced around, but the room appeared empty, save for the eerie dance of shadows that played across the walls.
Before he could react, the figure spoke with a voice tinged with malice and madness. "You shouldn't have come here, Captain," it hissed, its words dripping with venom.
"It's just fatigue," he muttered to himself, attempting to dismiss the unsettling feeling that gnawed at the edges of his consciousness. "I need rest."
But as Law settled into his makeshift bed, the feeling of unease only grew stronger, a tangible presence that enveloped him like a suffocating blanket. He tossed and turned, unable to shake the sensation of being watched, his thoughts consumed by visions of shadowy figures lurking in the darkness.
With a resigned sigh, Law rose from his bed and padded silently through the dimly lit corridors of the submarine. The soft glow of lamplight cast eerie shadows on the walls, distorting the familiar surroundings into something altogether unfamiliar.
His footsteps echoed softly against the metal floor as he made his way to the kitchen, the promise of a glass of water the only respite from the oppressive weight of his unease. But as he reached for the fridge, his hand froze mid-air, his senses tingling with the presence of another.
A sudden movement shattered the silence, a figure emerging from the shadows with a deadly weapon in hand. Instinct took over as Law ducked, narrowly avoiding the swing of the frying pan.
The scent of nicotine drifted through the air as Law slowly stood up from the ground. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he caught a glimpse of blond hair.
It was only then that he realized it was Sanji, the cook of the Straw Hat Pirates. Sanji's expression was a mix of surprise and annoyance as he demanded, "What the hell are you doing sneaking around like that?" His cigarette dangled precariously from the corner of his mouth as his eyes widened in realization.
"I thought you were that rubber goof coming to swipe snacks!"
"Sorry to disappoint Blackleg-ya, I didn't mean to startle you," Law replied, his face blank although his heart was still racing from the encounter.
Sanji's expression softened as he recognized his friend's tiredness. "No harm done. Care for a drink?" he offered, gesturing toward a bottle of wine on the counter.
Grateful for the distraction, Law accepted the offer, and the two men sat down to share a quiet moment amidst the creepiness of the night. The comforting warmth of the wine washed away some of Law's apprehension, but the feeling of unease lingered, a constant presence in the back of his mind.
"Well, I’m calling it a night. Don’t let the rats eat everything." With that, Sanji waved before heading through the kitchen door. Alone, Law began to feel his eyelids droop, the weariness of the day weighing heavily on his shoulders.
As Law slumped at the kitchen table, his mind drifted into the hazy realm of sleep. Exhaustion finally claimed him, and his eyelids fluttered shut.
Drifting into a restless sleep, his dreams quickly turned vivid and unsettling. A hauntingly beautiful woman emerged from the shadows, her ethereal form shimmering in the dim light. She wore a flowing gown that seemed to be woven from the very fabric of light, its glowing tendrils whispering secrets as they brushed against her transparent skin.
Her hair fell around her like a silky waterfall, moving as if carried by an unseen breeze. Although her face remained hidden in shadows, her eyes, glowing with an eerie purple light, captivated Law, drawing him deeper into their depths.
She moved with a grace that was both mesmerizing and unnerving, sending a shiver down Law's spine. Her touch was tantalizingly close, the warmth of her breath ghosting over his skin as she leaned in, her fingers just inches away from his face.
The air around them crackled with an electric tension, a mix of fear and forbidden desire that set his senses ablaze.
Laws's heart pounded in his chest as she hovered nearer, her eyes locking onto his with an intensity that made it impossible to look away.
Her fingers danced tantalizingly close to his skin, almost grazing his cheek. The sensation was so vivid that it sent a thrilling jolt through his body. The scent of her— an intoxicating blend of wildflowers and something ancient— filled his senses, pulling him deeper into the enchantment.
As she leaned in closer, her lips parting as if to whisper secrets meant only for him, Law felt an overwhelming urge to reach out, to touch her, and discover the truth hidden in her elusive gaze. Yet, just as her fingers were about to brush against his skin, reality crashed back in.
The air grew colder, and the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end—a silent warning of the lurking danger that surrounded him. Law awoke with a start, the eerie feeling lingering as he instinctively grabbed his glass and hurled it toward the looming shadow.
"B AMM !"
The glass shattered against the floor, sharp shards scattering in all directions with a deafening clatter that reverberated through the silent kitchen. When Law looked up, all that remained was a shattered reflection staring back at him.
"I know I saw you."
An apparition cast in the fractured remnants of his own fear. The air seemed to thicken around him, suffocating in its intensity as the oppressive weight of the unknown bore down upon him with relentless force.
His heart pounded in his chest, each beat a thunderous echo in the confines of his mind. At that moment, as the shadows danced and swirled around him, Law couldn't shake the chilling certainty that he was not alone. Something sinister lurked just beyond the edge of his vision, waiting to ensnare him in its dark embrace.
A ghostly reminder of the woman he had seen.
Part two: Posted now.
As promised, @mororona @mochiclouds @@xxsliverwolfxx and @sosongstrawberry (Don't worry your fic is getting posted soon!)
Lemme know how y'all like it so far!~
To be posted on the ao3 account soon.
Be sure to check out my other works and leave likes and comments, they really help. I have a fic for almost everyone here in the master list. Drop a follow as well if you please. Don’t be shy to leave me a little reblog if you want.
My DM's and requests are open!
I promise I bite~
Seen you soon my loves!!~ <<33
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illfoandillfie · 3 years
Kinktober Day 1: Rimming
Kinktober Masterlist | Regular Masterlist
Pairing: Ben Hardy x Fem!Reader
Words: 3,560
Warnings: Rimming, anal sex, some vaginal fingering, himbo Ben (mild unintentional hypnosis I guess)
A/N: Welcome to Kinktober! This is actually an idea i’ve been thinking about for quite a while. We’ve done himbo Rog and himbo Gwil so it only seemed fair to do himbo Ben and since he’s obviously an ass man......only made sense that he’d be into anal lmao. It seemed like the perfect fit for the first of these prompts. But this is the first time I’ve written (or even really thought about) rimming so I hope it’s okay!
“Geeze Ben, could you maybe close your porn next time. Didn’t really expect to see that autoplay when I woke the computer up this morning,”  Ben snorted into his plate of eggs, “Which one was it?”  “Something called Anal Punisher 3.”  “Don’t know what you’re complaining about, that’s a good one.” His eyes twinkled teasingly and he poked his tongue out as you sat in front of your own plate.  “I’m sure it is.” You chuckled, able to see the funny side now that you weren’t staring directly at close up of a porn stars arsehole, “Just not when I’m trying to check my emails on our shared desktop.”   “As if you’ve never had a cheeky wank at that computer.”  “That’s what I have a laptop for,” You laughed again, shaking your head.  “Alright, fair play. I only left it up cause you got home early last night and I had to, um, clean up.”  You rolled your eyes at the flimsy excuse.  “And if you don’t want me watching Anal Punisher 3 then maybe you should let me punish your anal....arse....fuck, you know what I mean.”  It was your turn to snort into your breakfast, Ben’s clumsy attempt at seduction nearly making you inhale the scrambled eggs. When you finally got yourself under control you said, “I don’t care if you watch it, just shut it down when you’re finished.”   “Sorry love,”  “But  y’know, if you did want to anal arse fuck me tonight I wouldn’t say no.”  Ben’s eyes lit up in excitement. He’d either not heard the joke you’d made at his expense or decided it wasn’t worth bringing up if the possibility of anal was on the table, “Serious?”  “Serious. I’ll even put my plug in when I get dressed so we don’t have to spend as much time on foreplay.”  “If I hadn’t already married you, I’d propose on the spot.” 
But by the time Ben got home he seemed more interested in just cuddling on the couch. You’d done as you said you would and worn your plug all day, constantly thinking about what would happen later that night. Right up until Ben stepped inside yawning, when you snuck off to the bathroom to remove it, realising your plans were unlikely to go ahead. You’d half expected him to fall asleep on the couch after dinner but evidently, some part of him still wanted you. He tapped his thigh and beckoned you towards him, pulling you down so he could hold you close and kiss your shoulder. Soon enough that cuddling had turned to making out, you straddling his lap as you kissed him deeply, his large hands pulling you into him, stroking whatever bare skin he could find. Without thinking you dragged your fingers through his hair. He hummed in response so you did it again, your fingers creating small, firm circles against his scalp, drawing random patterns there as you focused on keeping your lips on his and your tongues entwined. Ben made soft pleased sounds as your fingers kept up their movement, almost moaning at the sensation. You could feel him getting harder under you as you carefully rocked your hips.   “Benny?”  “Huh?”  His hands had begun to roam more, moving down to your arse, grabbing and squeezing as he pulled you against him.  “Kinda got me excited here honey. Might wanna stop if you’re too tired to carry through,”  “What?”   He seemed nearly dazed, not properly comprehending what you were saying.   You shifted your hand to his chest, drawing small circles with your finger, “I mean I’ve been thinking about you fucking me all day anyway.”  “Think?”  “Exactly, thinking about our conversation this morning. Remember? Anal Punisher 3?”  “Anal?” It was still a question but there was a tone of excitement behind the dopey confusion.  “You said you wanted to.... I kinda really want you to.”  “Mmmm,”  “I mean I get it if you’re too tired,” you said softly, stroking your palms over his biceps, “but I’m up for it now if you are. So, do you still want to?”  “Mmhmm,” but as keen as he sounded, Ben didn’t seem inclined to move to the bedroom or even to begin to undress you. He was too caught up in feeling you up and trying to kiss you again.   “Don’t you want me Benny?”  He was slow to react, eyes still shut as he nodded, speech flowing like treacle “Want - you.”  “You can have me.” You had to lean back to stop him from kissing you again. As much as you liked making out, you were getting eager for more and wanted to know where he was at.  He nodded again, not seeming to hear you, and then, when he couldn’t immediately locate your lips again, opened his eyes.   It reminded you of the time a few friends had dragged you and Ben to a hypnotists show. None of your group had been pulled on stage to experience the hypnotic powers the man claimed to have, but those who had been had all worn similar expressions to Ben. Eyes heavy lidded and almost glazed over and when they’d gone back to their seats you’d noticed that they seemed a bit dazed and confused. You’d not seen Ben look like that before. Well, maybe a bit dazed after you gave him a proper good blow job, but nothing to this extent. Not even when you edged him repeatedly. He tended to get whiny and loud rather than glassy eyed and dopey. Usually more talkative too, begging or moaning your name. This was something new.  
Curiously, you stoked his hair back off his face and asked him how he felt, tugging lightly on the ends that reached the back of his neck.  “Good,” he sighed softly, “Kiss?”  You couldn’t deny him that when he’d asked so cutely, so you leaned in to kiss him again, letting him draw you in deeply for a moment. When the chance arose you let your lips slip from his, kissing along his jaw until you reached his ear, “What else do you want?”  Ben hummed softly and then said, “Arse.”  It was unusual for Ben to be so monosyllabic. Even when he was super horny and desperate for you, he could generally get most of a coherent sentence out. Nothing that would win any literary awards of course, but enough so you knew what he meant.  “What do you mean Benny?”  “Ummm....arse.....cock.”  It sounded like it had been a struggle for him to even think of the two words he wanted but you couldn’t help but giggle, “Does that mean you want to fuck me?”  “Yeah,”  “Okay baby. But you have to do everything I say, understand?”  Ben nodded.  “Can you do what I say Benny? Be a good boy and follow my instructions?”  He nodded again, “Yes. Please.”  You kissed him once more, trying not to laugh too much, and then scooted off his lap.  Ben whined as soon as the physical contact was broken.  “If you want my arse we gotta move to the bedroom,”  He frowned as if he didn’t quite understand but let you take his hand all the same and followed you to the bedroom. 
Ben’s hands began to wander again when you stopped to open your bedroom door, grasping your hips and then dropping lower to rest against your behind.   It was hard to ignore the tingle the light contact sent through you but you bit down on your rising need as you turned and grasped Ben’s hands, “Gotta wait for that Benny. Just a little longer.” You stepped back towards the bed and Ben smiled dopily as you pulled him along. “I mean I’m ready but not all the way. But if you help get me lubed up you can fuck my arse for as long as you want.”  It was like a light turned on inside Ben’s mind. His eyes still had that unfocused look but they were wider and he was nodding enthusiastically.  “You gonna undress me or should I start for you?” You laughed and when he didn’t immediately move you began pulling your shirt off over your head, too eager to wait. You reached behind you to unclasp your bra, “C’mon Benny. Help me out.”  Ben blinked twice before he seemed to understand but was soon offering his help, pulling the bra from your arms, gently cupping your breasts as he revealed them, thumbs falling into a familiar rhythm rubbing back and forth over your nipples. Still moving slowly, Ben leaned in and kissed your throat, humming in response as you pressed your chest into his hands and sighed contentedly. But he clearly had something else on his mind because soon enough his hands fell, fingers picking at the waistband of your leggings. Indulging him you quickly shed your pants, turning so he could see the thing he really wanted as you stripped off the final layer of clothing. Ben watched intently as you wiggled your hips teasingly and eked the waistband of your knickers down a few inches. And then something changed. 
You felt it in the air, a shift in energy, but even that wasn’t enough to prepare you as Ben growled and lunged forward, his hands tight on your waist as he lifted you onto the bed, barely giving you time to settle on your hands and knees before he dived in behind you.   All you could manage was to gasp his name as he rushed to tear your underpants down your thighs. But your surprise at his sudden movement doubled as he spread your cheeks and buried his face between them. He’d licked you like that once or twice but only when he’d been eating your pussy and teasingly snuck his tongue elsewhere as you tried to recover from your orgasm. This was entirely different.  
It felt similar to the vaguely tickly sensation he made you feel when he was helping you relax before a round of anal, when he would tease you with light strokes from his fingers until you were shivering and wanting more. But there was more heat to it. His breath hot and his tongue wet as he traced your hole. You felt like you’d been completely lit up from within, like he’d suddenly discovered a hundred more nerve endings than he usually hit. And adding to all the physical sensations of Ben’s fingers holding you open and his mouth exploring your darkest nooks, was the feeling of doing something properly filthy. You’d felt the same when you and Ben first tried anal, completely depraved at enjoying something so taboo. That feeling had lessened as you did it more, your enjoyment then stemming from Ben’s improved skills more than the act itself. But with your head against the sheets and your arse in the air you remembered why you’d liked feeling so downright dirty. It only heightened your desire and made every caress of Ben’s tongue sweeter.  
Of course, best of all was just how into Ben was. You wondered how he could possibly be breathing when every second seemed to be taken up with moans and groans as he feasted on you. The noises started softly as he tantalized you with hard licks against your arsehole and the surrounding area. But as his tongue explored deeper, as he pressed into you, making your arse feel slick and hot with his drool and making your pussy throb, he got louder. He seemed to enjoy you more and more, as if he’d never eaten anything as satisfying in his life. That was enough to have you shaking. You were already wet from grinding against him on the couch but the ways he was touching you and how thoroughly he was enjoying it had you positively soaked.   “Finger me Benny,” you gasped, trying to maintain some of the control you’d intended to have.  Ben did as you asked, never able to deny you what you craved, but it wasn’t up to his usual standard. His fingers weren’t as deft as normal, moving awkwardly and out of time. It was as if his fingers were trying to work off of muscle memory alone, his mind too consumed with something else to take any notice of your cunt.   With a needy whine you clumsily disentangled one fist from the sheets and batted Ben’s hand out of the way, replacing it with your own.  Ben didn’t make any indication that he’d noticed you start touching yourself, except to tighten his grip on your arse, holding you firmly as you began to writhe against your fingers. He happily went back to gripping a cheek in each hand, pulling them wide to give himself better access to your arsehole.   It seemed that wearing your plug had been a good idea because Ben found it easy to press his tongue into you, licking around and making your muscles tighten before withdrawing and sinking in again.   And that stimulation plus your own fingers in your cunt made you moan wantonly into the bedding.  Ben answered with his own long, loud moan of desire, sending a shiver along your spine. It was enough to tip you over the edge, your fingers massaging a spot within you as Ben rapidly tongued your hole. 
You rode out your high before letting your fingers slip back to tangle in the sheets once more, but Ben showed no signs of stopping. He might very well have kept up the intoxicating performance all night if you hadn’t whined his name. Even that wasn’t enough to make him stop entirely, just slow down and hum.  “Ben? Benny?” you gasped, as he readjusted his grip on you, “You gonna fuck me or what?”  Ben groaned as if he didn’t want to stop tasting you but wanted to move on to other things as well. And you were on the verge of instructing him to get the lube when you felt his fingers. He reached under you, two digits carefully tracing along your cunt, sliding through the creamy evidence of your earlier orgasm. He didn’t break contact, his fingers just as softly sliding along your crack and up to your arsehole. And then they were pushing against the ring of muscle.  Usually he’d take his time applying lube but he seemed too lost in the moment to remember it. You didn’t mind too much though. Lube might have made it a touch more comfortable but wearing the plug had helped loosen you up and Ben had thoroughly coated everything with his saliva and your own cum. His fingers breached you moderately easily, making you shiver and whine at the feeling of being filled again.   “God it’s a good thing we do this a lot,” you half sighed, half laughed into the sheets, as Ben’s fingers sank another inch into you.  Ben’s only response was to lean forward and lick around where his fingers were penetrating you, humming happily as he did so. 
Ben seemed inclined to spend just as long fingering you as he did licking you, but the way his fingers moved inside you quickly had you worked up and eager for more.   “God Ben. You’re hard right?”  Ben only pumped his fingers into you faster but you took it as a yes.  "So fuck me already. Please Benny,” It came out whinier than you’d expected so you cleared your throat and tried a proper demand, “I need your cock in my arse now Ben.”  You weren’t sure it would be enough to get Ben’s attention. He seemed too engrossed in fingering you to even hear what you were saying. But thankfully, something broke through his blinders.  Suddenly, his fingers disappeared. It was followed by the sound of his pants coming down and then you felt the head of his cock against your back entrance.  “Wait,” You gasped, “Wait. Lube.”  Ben repeated the word lube in a grunt, shifting hips slightly so he could run his shaft along your soaked cunt. You felt him between your lips, as if he were teasing you, sliding back and forth, coating his length in your juices.   A moment later, he returned to your other hole, his hands on your hips to pull your arse back onto him.  Ben let out a satisfied groan as he sank into you but you were panting roughly, almost seeing stars with how good it felt to finally be filled the way you wanted to be. Once or twice your breath hitched, the discomfort of his size pushing into you exacerbated by the lack of proper lube. But it wasn’t enough to truly bother, certainly not enough to stop. The fact that just seeing your arse had made Ben snap into an animalistic, almost feral demeanour had made you impossibly horny. And you were desperate for him to fuck you properly now he was fully sheathed in your arsehole’s tight embrace.   Ben moaned at the feeling, vocalising your own desire. And then he said something.   “What was that Benny?” you asked, unable to comprehend him.  “Fuck....arse......hngggg.....arse.....” he said though you were sure you were missing something. But as nonsensical as it was it was still hot. Knowing Ben was so desperate for this, for you, knowing you could make him babble incomprehensibly. It was insanely hot.   And then he began to fuck you.   You whined and brought your hand to your pussy again, finding your clit, though Ben’s frantic thrusts made it hard to keep the contact consistent.  
You screamed when you came, voice tearing out of your throat as Ben roughly pounded into you, his hips almost bruising hard against your arse.   It was nearly impossible for you to breathe under so much pleasure and you panted for air as the orgasm subsided.  But Ben was still going, still thrusting into you furiously, grunting with the effort as he neared his own release.   You gasped his name and told him to cum, trying to not get swept away by the feeling of his cock moving inside you, wanted him to keep going almost as much as you wanted to feel his semen warm you from the inside out, and drip out of you.   Your request was enough to make him shudder to a halt, his hands squeezing your hips tightly as he released himself with a groan.  He thrust a few more times and your limbs gave out. You felt them wobble and then collapse under you, Ben’s body pressing you into the mattress as he sank down too, still trying to fuck you.  
It took you saying his name twice before he stopped though he made a reluctant sort of a sound when he realised he had to pull out.  “Well if you didn’t fuck me so well you probably could have gone on a bit longer,” you laughed as he, somewhat grudgingly, pushed himself to his feet.  With a satisfied groan you rolled over and stretched your arm out to grab Ben’s hand so you could pull him onto the bed too.   He lay on his front, sighing as his head fell into the crook of your neck, his body resting almost entirely over yours.   You were half being crushed by his weight but you enjoyed it. It was comforting and warm and you softly drew your hands over his back as you caught your breath properly.  Ben was quiet as he lay there until, some ten minutes later, he suddenly pushed himself to his knees, blinking at you. His eyes still had a vaguely unfocused appearance but the more he blinked the more normal he seemed.   “Are you okay?” He asked slowly.  You laughed and nodded, “More than okay. Lie back down, I’m too tired to sit up.”  He compiled with your request, lowering himself again but this time on his back, “I have no idea what just came over me, babe.”  With a sigh you shifted to your side, propping your head up on one hand, “What do you mean?”  “All I know is I saw your arse and just needed it, more than anything else, more than air, I just wanted you.”  “Gotta admit, it was a little unexpected,” you lay your palm on Ben’s chest, his skin still flushed and warm to the touch, “But ummmm, definitely didn’t hate it.”  His hand landed gently on top of yours, holding you against his heart, “Did I use any lube at all?”  “Only spit and my cum.”  “Fucking hell. Are you sure you’re okay?”  “It’s fine Benny. If I’d needed anything else I would have made you stop. If I’m honest....kind of made it hotter.”  “Babe!”  “Not in a weird way! I’m not going to let you get away without lube all the time.” You laughed, “Just knowing you wanted me so badly was nice.”  “I always want you badly.”  You patted Ben’s chest softly, your heart fluttering, “Does that mean you’d want to eat my arse again another time?”  “You liked it?”  “Well you were very thorough.”  Ben groaned, throwing an arm over his eyes which just made you laugh again.  “I did enjoy it,” you said softly, deciding to put him out of his misery, “Wasn’t necessarily expecting it but it felt really good.”  “Well that’s something. I still don’t understand what just happened though.”  “What’s that saying...Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth?” 
Taglist: @labessieisallama @deakyclicks @jennyggggrrr @drowseoftaylor @hannafuckingsucks @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming @queenmylovely @ilovequeenmorethanyou @johndeaconshands @borhapbois @stardust-galaxies @cherries-n-rocknroll @rogersslave @scorpiogemini 
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leossmoonn · 4 years
pairing - remus lupin x fem,ravenclaw!reader
type - fluff
note - hey, guys! i got this idea from this imagine, but i decided to it with harry potter characters. enjoy! also requests are open!
summary - remus is turned on by your american accent
warnings - language, suggestive, implied smut at the end
*gif isnt mine*
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“Hey, guys!” You smiled as you entered the Gryffindor common room.
“Hey, Y/n,” Sirius smiled. “What’re y’all up to today?” You asked.
“Planning some pranks on Malfoy,” James smirked.
You looked over to see a scroll with all sorts of writing and drawings. You sat down in a nearby chair.
“Can I join?” You asked.
“As a Ravenclaw, aren’t you supoosed to be smart and tell us not to do this?” Sirius snorted.
“Yeah... but I’m not your usual Ravenclaw. Plus I’m from America and did this stuff all the time,” you shrugged.
“How are you not in our house?” James asked. “I dunno,” you shrugged.
Then, Remus walked down the boy’s dormitory stairs. He had a book in his hands and was playing with his hair.
“Hey, Remmy,” you smiled.
Remus’s head perked up at the sound of your voice. “H-hey, Y/n.”
“Watcha readin?” You got up and skipped over to him.
“Uh, Potions book. We have an exam,” he explained.
You looked over the book. “If you need help studying, we can do it together.”
Remus shut his book and held it over his stomach.
“No, it’s quite alright. I wouldn’t want to bore you. You’re so smart a-and I’m a little behind,” he spoke quickly.
“Oh, it’s no problem! I’m happy to help,” you smiled and put your hand on his arm.
His eyes flickered to his arm and back up to you. You stared at him through your long lashes, giving him an unintentional flirty look.
“Uh, sure,” he gave you a soft smile.
“Great! How about in thirty minutes?” You asked.
“Sounds good. I’ll see you later,” he said. You nodded and let him go.
As Remus left to check out a book from the library, he couldn’t stop thinking about you. Well, that was usual, but today was different.
You had transferred to Hogwarts only 3 months ago. Since then, you had made friends with the Mauraders, and stole the heart of a specific one: Remus Lupin.
Ever since he heard your voice, he was instantly drawn to you. He’d never heard an American accent before- not in real life. It made him more intrigued. And, not to mention, it also turned him on.
He never thought someone’s accent could make him feel the way he does, but you did it for him. He also thought you were gorgeous - definitely the most beautiful woman at Hogwarts. You were kind and so smart, which also made him more infautuated. You were just his dream girl and he wished he could have you. But he was awkard and didn’t know if you liked him or not, so he just remained freinds with you.
He was looking foward to your study session. You had done it a few times with him, but you were all touchy-feely today. He didn’t mind, it made it hard for him to think and breathe, but you never were like that with him. He hoped it was a sign that you liked him back.
While he went to the library, you continued hanging out with James and Sirius.
“Is Remus okay?” You asked.
“Yeah, he’s, uh, very springy,” Sirius snickered. James chuckled with his friend.
Your furrowed your brows. “Is that like a bro-code thing?”
“The fuck is a bro-code?” Sirius asked.
“It’s like a code guys have that girls dont k-”
“Oh! Like when we say Padfoot or Prongs?”
“I- no. Kind of, but no. It-” then you stopped yourself. They probably wouldn’t get it.
“You Americans are weird,” James said. “Yeah, well so are you. You call the bathroom the loo,” you smirked.
“Okay, fair,” James stated. You hummed and checked your watch.
“I’m gonna head out to get with Remus,” you said.
“Alright. Have fun,” Sirius smirked.
You smiled and left the common room. You got your books from your room and then headed down to the library.
“Hey, Remmy!” You exclaimed quietly. He looked up, smiling.
“Hey,” he whispered.
“Ready to work?” You asked.
He nodded and you sat down. You pulled out your books and started working.
You were there for a good three hours, and with every passing minute, you seemed to get even closer to him than you were before. It started as just next to him, a good three feet apart. Then at the end, you were practically on top of him. You were so close you might as well have sat on his lap. 
You however, didn’t have those exact intentions. You were moving closer because a) it was easier to help him study and b) his colonge smelled so nice, and c) he was radiating heat. You just wanted to cuddle at that moment. But you ignored the feelings and thoughts and kept on studying.
“I think I’m ready,” Remus sighed happily.
“Awesome!” You smiled.
“Thank you for helping,” he said.
You nodded. He stood up and your eyes widened as you saw something poking out from his pants. You quickly averted your gaze, but smirked.
You had been into Remus ever since you met him. He was smart and well put together. He was unbelievably cute and silly. He just attracted you to him immediately. You had suspicions he liked you, but you never acted on your thoughts. But the bulge in his pants further proved your suspicion.
“Well, I’ll see you after dinner, right?” Remus asked.
“You can count on it,” you smiled. You winked and turned to leave. You swayed your hips and felt Remus’s burning stare. You decided that after dinner you would confront him.
You straightened out your shirt and pulled up your skirt a little, showing a bit more skin than normal. You went into the Gyrffindor common room, finding your friends playing wizard chess.
“Hey, everyone,” you greeted.
They all looked at you and their eyes widened.
“Wow,” James muttered.
You smiled, “Can I speak to Remus alone?”
The boys looked over at Remus whose eyes kept going back and forth from your eyes and legs.
“Sure,” Sirirus smirked and went to their bedrooms.
“H-hey, Y/n. What’s up?” Remus asked.
“Nothing much. Did you ace the test?” You asked, sitting next to him on the couch. Your skirt rode up on your thighs, making Remus lick his lips. 
“I did. Thanks to you,” he smiled. 
“You’re welcome. Hey, I wanted to, uh, say something.”
“I’m all ears.”
You smiled nervously. “When you stood up... I saw your uh, friend.”
Remus looked at you confused, but then you flickered your eyes down to your pants and then it clicked. He gasped.
“Oh, blimey! I am so sorry, Y/n. You weren’t meant to see that. It’s just you’re so beautiful and smart. And your accent, oh, it’s so fucking hot,” he rambled. His face then went tomato red.
You gigled and moved closer to him. “If you have a crush on me, you should’ve just said so. And thank you. No one has ever been turned on by my accent before.”
“Well, I am,” he laughed nervously. “You like me, too?”
“Mhm,” you hummed. You kept getting closer to his lips. “Ever since I met you.”
He smiled softly and his eyes went down to your lips, then up to your eyes.
“Me, too. Can I... kiss you?” He whispered. He could feel your breath on his lips.
You nodded and he crashed his lips onto yours. You moaned quietly, wanting this for so long. You tangeled your fingers into his hair, pulling as you climbed on top of his lap. Remus put his hands on your waist and stood up, holding you up.
He walked up to stairs without breaking the kiss. You smiled into the kiss, knowing both of you both were going to have the night of your life. Remus pulled away to open the door, and then attached his lips to your neck. You groaned his name as he sucked your soft, sensitive skin.
He set you on the bed.
“Out,” he said to James and Sirius who you saw were gobsmacked.
They went out immediately, whispering about what they had just witnessed. Remus put a lock spell on the door and then climbed on top of you.
“I’ve been wanting to do this for so long,” you breathed.
He smiled, his eyes shining bright. “Me, too.”
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onceuponakdrama · 2 years
Doom At Your Service KDrama Review —
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Bingo Card For Doom At Your Service
Synopsis: Tak Dong Kyung, a webtoon editor, finds herself being terminally ill. Angry at the world, she drunkenly wishes to destroy it. In answer, a mysterious man who acts as a messenger of doom between God and humans appears at her door. They make a deal, in which she will die painlessly and he gets to destroy the world. 
Overall Main Plot: Rating - 6 out of 10 
I’m gonna be honest. I was not into this plot. I think the only thing that really pulled me in the details of their deal; Dong Kyung is a smart woman that managed that escape death; in order to prevent those who she loved being killed in her place, she decided to love Doom itself and destroy him. I think that little twist is what made me interested in continuing to watch the drama. Of course, they fall in love, but the whole thing that he had to die, in order for her to live, actually was a different type of entanglement that I didn’t realize I was more interested in. The world of the deities itself was interesting and it made me think more about the concepts we have of death and, of course, doom. There were just a few notes I had... 
Drawing The Plot - the big thing that bothered me the most was the fact that they kept doing that pushing and pulling of the romance that it made it frustrating to watch. I wanna note that I really hate the amnesia trope and, would you look at that, they threw it in. Of course, they were going to be drawn back to one another, but I was just so... bored. 
Fate/Destiny Trope - they were so focused on how they were meant to be together and that they were each other’s beginning and end and I think a part of me was aggravated that that’s all that they can focus on. When they included the actual elements of the fantasy drama, it’s what made it interesting, but the whole “she was made for me and he was made for me” was going on too much. I wasn’t really interested, since I felt like I knew they would be together since they are “fated to one another.” 
Characters: Rating - 8 out of 10 
↣ Tak Dong Kyung (played by Park Bo Young) - I love female leads with actual agency and it was very clear that she knew what she wanted. She definitely had more autonomy and did not hesitate to do what she felt like she needed. Granted, when she thought leaving everyone (to not love anyone) would save them, it was not a very smart idea, but she still did it out of her free will. She directed a lot of the moves for the drama and I think that’s what I really liked from the drama and from her character; she wasn’t just another romantic lead that didn’t have a choice. While she was written to die or be in love with Doom, she still made her own choices following what had happened. She made the major plot changes, such as deciding she was going to love him, erasing their minds, trying to solve her problems on her own, etc. There was a lot she did for the plot that drove it and I think she was written pretty well. 
↣ Doom/Myul Mang/Kim Saram (played by Seo In Guk) - he was cute, but, for a character, he didn’t really pull me in at first. I was more interested in him when it came to his love line with Dong Kyung because she made him more interesting. I think he was more appealing because she shaped him into what he is and it was definitely for the better. I did find his role interesting because he was supposed to be Doom and he causes those difficulties in life, intentional or unintentional. It did show that he’s greatly debated about it and how it was his fault or how it wasn’t; there was also that desire of wanting to be human and, by the end of the day, he got to live as he wanted and got to do the different things. I do find it funny that they made him into a doctor because, rather than destroying lives, he got to save them. 
↣ Na Ji Na (played by Shin Do Hyun) - I found her story much more interesting than the main storyline and I feel like a lot of viewers would agree with me. She was such a good supportive role; her friendship with Dong Kyung was great, but it was still clear that she was her own character and that she had her own problems/career/worries. She was more relatable, in the sense that she was driven, but also tired because she didn’t know where her career or love life was going, she didn’t know about her friend struggling and had trouble coping with that. I loved the female friendship in this drama and she was a great character to dive into. 
↣ Tak Sun Kyung (played by Dawon) - I found him irritating at first, but he grew on me. He really became that little puppy that was trying to get his life together for the sake of his sister, who really was his whole world. I loved his relationship with her and the real sibling vibes of it all. He had great character development; from not knowing where life was going to dealing with things at his own way and figuring things out that way. I also loved his relationship with Doom and how he was like “brother in law!” on him. Also as shoutout moment from when he was chasing that one guy who was married and cheated on his wife with Dong Kyung. He’s the lowkey MVP. 
↣ Cha Joo Ik (played by Lee Soo Hyuk) - I have never been more attracted to a man in my entire life. JESUS CHRIST. Anyways. His character was interesting, especially his character’s motives. I did find myself more interested in his and Ji Na’s relationship progression. The love triangle between them was interesting and it didn’t feel too unnatural, especially considering what these two characters are like and how well they mesh together. I still am not a favor of the whole “dating my boss” but they kind of made it work because he’s a lowkey business person rather than having that be the main thing about him. I also liked his development and progression and found his relationships to be so complex. He was interesting to watch. 
Romance: Rating - 6 out of 10 
Not going to lie, the romance was okay to me in this drama. It wasn’t incredibly great that I felt super invested, but it still was interesting to watch as it was starting to unfold. I think the major things that put me off where the destiny/fate trope that they had pushed and the whole amnesia period. I think the whole “he was made for me” trope was pushed so much that it lost focus as to why they may have fallen for each other. It still made somewhat sense that they feel in love, but as I was watching it, it felt like there was just a switch and suddenly they were willing to die for one another. I don’t think I really understood why they had gotten together, but I still enjoyed watching them together. They had some cute moments, especially when Doom was jealous of some literal high schooler who had a small crush on Dong Kyung. I think another thing that put me off was the whole amnesia plot, like dude. To me, that’s lazy writing of finding an obstacle as to why they can’t be together. Also, she made the choice on her own rather than it being a mutual decision between them. As a character, I loved that she had that agency and that chance to choose. But, as a love interest, it was a bad choice. We as the audience know they’re gonna get together anyways, so it felt pointless to include amnesia as a plot device to separate the two. 
Secondary Characters/B-Plot: Rating - 8 out of 10 
I was way more invested with the secondary romance that was happening rather than the first couple’s romance. I think they were just more relatable and that’s what made it so interesting to watch. As for the entirety of the secondary characters, I actually really enjoyed them. I think it was interesting to watch Dong Kyung’s loved ones have some other thing going on in their life rather than just being there for the main character. Even her coworkers had something else happening, one was a secret writer, another were in a secret relationship, etc. It was all little bits and pieces of watching these things happen and dropped. I think those who are actually watching it would notice though, but it was still interesting nevertheless. Doom only really had the deity that was “on his side” and she was interesting as well too. I kind of understood her role as a character, but I didn’t understand what she was supposed to mean to Doom. Was it a creator thing? Was it a love thing? It was kind of unclear as to what the relationship between the two was supposed to be and I think that’s what put me off from that relationship between the two. 
Additional Notes: 
Romance - In Guk played a very cute love interest for someone who’s supposed to bring doom to the world. I talked about it in his character notes, but it’s worth emphasizing: I think when he was in love was what made him more interesting to watch as he was developing. Otherwise, the romance felt kind of bland because I was thinking about what they were talking about it and it was constantly about how she was dying and how he was the one who was making her die and ugh. 
Family - I loved the importance of family in this. I think the emphasis of the complicated family dynamic, especially between the aunt and Dong Kyung was so complex and it felt understandable. I also loved how the baby of the family grew into wanting to run his own cafe and doing these things; Dawon played a very lovable younger brother (granted he was irritating in the beginning) that got his act together when his family needed him the most. 
Genre - I wanted to watch this drama because I was under the impression it was more of a romance drama, but it’s kind of more of a melodrama rather than a romance. It reminded me more of Tale of the Nine Tailed; it felt more similar to that vibe and it could have used more comedic relief to balance out all of the heavy drama that was happening. 
Female Friendship - I think this was another drama that had a good female friendship between the two. I liked how they supported one another and they had a great meet cute too; there weren’t riffs caused by love and I think it was great to watch the two of them together, especially when Dong Kyung was trying to support Ji Na’s career. 
Overall Rating: 7 out of 10 
↣ Yes: if you did like more of the serious, heavier romance dramas, this is a good drama watch. It did have a lot of dramatics, so if you like that element of dramas, this is a pretty good watch. The main couple and secondary are interesting in their own way and were entertaining to watch when they were together. This is also a good drama about family and friends and embracing life; it also has a lot of philosophical metaphors about life and how we are humans. There’s also a great female lead that has great autonomy as to what she wants, how she lives, and seeing how that affects how she behaves. There’s a lot of complexity to unravel and it’s interesting to watch as it goes. 
↣ No: this is not a romantic comedy and it shows with the soundtrack alone to set the tone for the scenes. It’s hard to watch if you can’t watch others struggle, especially with the female lead who has 2000 things come her way and she has to fight them on her own. The emphasis is also on the romantic relationships between the leads; it’s more of the sole focus and it’s kind of bland to watch as it goes. It also doesn’t pick up quickly. It picks up about 3/4 episodes after she announces she’ll fall in love with him to save herself and those she cares about. 
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feeling--pink · 4 years
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My Sweet Ride is an amazing episode of Phineas and Ferb and the only thing bad about it I that I wish we could have seen more people in full out 1950s clothes!! So I did that!! (Also including some MML kids because I love them and don’t draw them enough!)
Anyways!! If y’all want to see me rant about 1950s stuff for a very long time because I had a blast doing research for this project you should click the keep reading!! :D
Okay a quick prelude!! Not only am I going to talk about outfits I designed, but while doing research I was blown away about the attention to detail the original designers had for these outfits and characters so I’m going to talk about their outfits too! :D
Here are my sources if you want to look into this btw!! :D
Okay I’m going to start out by saying I just adore this outfit
That has nothing to do with anything I just really love it!!
I’m thinking I might make one of my own for Halloween but that’s off-topic
Okay- 1950s clothing!!
Candace is wearing a blouse (?) with a cardigan over the top, and a pleated swing skirt.
This is a classic 1950s girl’s style
More specifically its also a classic “preppy good kid” look
Which Candace absolutely is!!
Y’all should notice that all the skirts are past knee-length, which was standard of the time.
Candace also has a neck scarf, a common accessory, and a headband.
Ribbon headbands were still a thing in the 50s but the hard plastic headband was also coming into style in the later 1950s.
She’s wearing a pair of saddle shoes which were one of the popular options of the time among boys and girls
Her hair is long with curls at the end, another classic teenager look in the 50s!
While short hair was more popular among adult women, teenage girls often kept theirs long with slight curls on the end!
Bangs were also standard, but usually shorter than how I drew them
Sorry that bit’s inaccurate through all of them, it’s just easier for me to draw long!
Finally, in case you had any doubt about Candace’s outfit being time period, here’s an advertisement from the article I read:
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To start off we have a blouse and pencil shirt for Vanessa
Pencil and swing skirts were the two most common skirts of the time
She’s also wearing a belt, which I modified slightly to look like-
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The wide contour belt on the bottom right!
She’s also wearing a pillbox hat, one of the popular hats of the time!
Hats were generally not worn by teenagers because they were seen as “mature” 
But that fits pretty well with Vanessa’s character
It’s the same story with the pumps, which I also changed lightly to match time period ones a bit more
Now what made me make my original post about the outfits in My Sweet Ride was actually the hair
Specifically, Vanessa’s hair is modeled after the Bettie Page style
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This hair wasn’t actually that popular with the masses because it was seen as too simple, not classy, etc.
BUT it was popular among rebel girls in the USA
And like!!!!!! Y’all the designers did SUCH a good job to get down into details like that!!!!!!!!
But yeah her outfit’s great!! Next one!
For Stacy, I decided to change things up slightly and give her a dress!
Specifically, it’s a shirtwaist dress, which I modeled after the reference below
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Why the shirtwaist dress you may ask? Idk I think they’re neat
I thought it fit the vibe I was going for so I did that one I don’t know what to tell you jkdshsf-
Okay so generally, the belt wouldn’t have been a different color but I wanted to tie the green I used in a little more
Btw sorry I changed her color scheme a bit
I honestly haven’t fully figured out her original color scheme so I modified it a bit so it would look nice for this!
Pastels were very popular in the summer after all
I tried to stick to everyone else’s original color scheme though!
Stacy also has a headband tied up into a bow, which was standard
And to change things up I put her in a ponytail (with the end curled) which was popular with the teens!
Sklsdjhdkj I sound very “how do you do fellow teens“ while writing this that’s unintentional sorry
Shoes are penny loafers, another popular shoe at the time
I liked the little bows on the ends of some of the ones I saw and thought it was very Stacy!
That’s about it for her!
This has nothing to do with anything but I love drawing Phineas
He’s just a funky little triangle!! I love him!
I’ll admit here that I didn’t look into men’s hairstyles, so you won’t hear about that from me sorry!
Phineas is wearing a black button-up, standard. 
Black and white matched everything so they were the most common undershirt colors
Over that, he has a jacket that looks to be varsity jacket inspired, which was seen as super cool!
Full jeans were coming into popularity in the 50s but only with the younger generations
Finally, he also has saddle shoes like Candace does
So yeah it’s a solid 1950s outfit!!
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Ferb’s a greaser, need I say more?
No, really he has everything
The white t-shirt and jeans combo is exactly the greaser look, so much so that most teenagers avoided it to not fall into stereotypes
Tighter fit jeans were coming into style in the later 50s, so that’s also accurate
The leather jacket just amplifies the greaser look
The one thing is that for the life of me I couldn’t figure out what shoes he was wearing
So I gave him a pair of sho-loks and called it a day!
More about sho-loks in Milo’s portion!
Isabella makes an appearance with the first (and only) poodle skirt of the group!!
Poodle skirts, while definitely what most people think about when you say the 50s, actually weren’t that popular among teenagers
The embroidered designs were seen as childish, so children and preteens wore them the most
But here’s a fun tidbit you may not have caught from the show, Isabella is, in fact, a child
(I don’t know why I built that up so much sorry ldksjfhkds)
Anyways I decided if I was going to give anyone a classic poodle skirt it might as well be Isabella!
I modeled it after this poodle skirt:
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She’s also wearing a blouse with a peter pan collar, the most popular collar of the time
Another headband tied into a bow because it’s Isabella I had to give her a bow
Standard belt (nothing really to say about that)
And another pair of penny loafers with little bows because they’re cute gosh darn it!
Okay, I’ve been writing for a while but honestly a lot of the rest of these I just drew directly from reference so…
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I did say I would talk about shu-loks here though and I will!!!
Now we know Milo is shoelace-adverse
And while there are plenty of slip-on options I found the shu-lok to be fascinating!!
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As you can see above, the tongue snaps down to keep the shoe on your foot!! Isn’t that cool? :D
So yeah I gave Milo those!!  
We know Zack plays football so I gave him your standard sporty outfit
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Sorry I just find girls outfits infinitely more interesting so I kinda focused on those skjhgfdss
Oh! I do have something to say here!!
Converse were your typical sports shoe for the 50s so he has those!! Almost forgot that tidbit!!
Yeah, thick soles with wrinkles and stuff were seen as cool among teens so they got popular!
Finally, we have some patterned pants!!
Yeah- checkers, plaid, stripes, polka dots, etc. were all very popular!!
I just didn’t want to draw them a lot ‘cause it’s hard sksfjdhgs-
But I gave Melissa checkers because it would get the black and white of her color scheme and I liked the way the checkered pants looked!!
Girls did wear pants at the time by the way!!
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During summer and weekends mostly since they weren’t allowed to wear them to school
Short-sleeved turtle necks were also a thing and I thought that combo would look neat!!
Also, converse because it went with the outfit and that’s kinda what she’s wearing in the show!
Hair in a ponytail and side part bangs, both popular!
Yeah okay, that’s about it for Melissa!
By this point, y’all are hopefully getting the gist of 50s fashion so we’re going fast now
Blouse, swing skirt, penny loafers (different style but still penny loafers), headband
(here’s what I modeled the whole thing after:)
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I do want to mention the pullover sweater because I thought I should include one and I really like the flower embroidery on them
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Then finally we come to her hair!! I already mentioned the headband but I was specifically modeling her hair in the pageboy style which looks like this:
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Obviously, it looks a little stylized but what can you do?
And that’s it!! I had so much fun doing research and designing this and I think they all turned out pretty good!! I’m going to do more go this in the futures so if there's someone in particular you’d like to see let me know!! I’m planning on doing Cavendish, Dakota, and Sara at least in the next batch!! 
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Public stuffing
Standing in the mirror you start to observe your reflection packed into unbuttoned jeans when you hear the door slide open
You frantically try to suck in your recently expanding belly and you try to button your pants unsuccessfully. At that moment your partner Alice walks in seeing you in your pitiful state pants hanging open with a belly causing a divide of several inches in the gap. Your small boobs contained in a strained sports bra and nothing else to cover yourself. Alice obviously notices your embarrassment and goes in to tease
“Another outgrown pair piggy? You’re costing us a fortune...” she moved around behind you and pinched your multiplying back rolls, “why don’t we get you some food, here put on this shirt” Alice tossed you a once cute floral crop top that what certainly too tight, you feel your pussy getting wet as you refute the idea of the shirt
“This, this is tiny on me, it’s from when we first started dating” you whine
“I know fatty, that’s the point” she jiggled your gut “I’ll meet you in the car in 10, and you better be wearing exactly that” she winked and slipped away
You obediently put on the shirt and look at yourself. It came a couple inches down your gut, thankfully stretchy, but It required you to pull it down occasionally to keep it in place. The shirt was an off the shoulder cut with longer sleeves but the fabric cut into your shoulder fat and the sleeves made noticeable indents on your forearms. Looking down your pants were still unbuttoned so you grab a hair tie, wrap it around the button, and loop it through the hole and straining get it back over the button to make a makeshift close for your pants. You then grab your purse and walk out to the car
Alice is waiting in the car and you hop in, her grin widening as you approach the door, reaching its peak when you take a seat watching your belly expand.
“..This shirt is so tight on me babe..” you say as you play with the hem of the shirt which while you’re sitting was even higher up than before
“And look you can’t even see your pants are unbuttoned right now cause your gut covers it” Alice chuckled as you blush looking down at your dome shaped stomach remembering how flat and toned it once was.
In almost no time Alice pulls up to the local diner, and gets out standing in front of the car watching you struggle to get out of the seat, and then walked you inside
“Hey why don’t you sit down at a table and I’ll order” she winked and walked away as you went in the opposite direction towards the tables, feeling the stares of patrons eyes on your stomach hanging out of your shirt as you continuously get more and more turned on.
You plop your widening ass into a booth seat towards the back as you notice how close your belly is getting to touching the edge of the table when your back is all the way against the wall behind you. You sit and patiently wait for Alice to come back until you see her with a number for your food looking around for you.
You wave at her and when she catches sight of you she begins to walk back shaking her head laughing
“Oh really? A seat all the way back here? I don’t think so piggy, we’re getting front row seats for this meal, I want everyone to see you” Alice put out her hand and you take it as she try’s to help you up but your big bloated body has to heavingly scoot out of the booth. She walks you to a table in the middle of the seating area, front and center, this time a chair table so you’re visible from all angles. Alice pulls out a chair and you take it, sets the number on the counter space and takes the seat across from you
You notice a middle aged couple and their adolescent children about a table across from you, the parents eye you judgementally but keep to themselves. The only other patrons in the restaurant were a group of teenagers in a booth you spotted on your way over.
In very little time a waitress struggling under the weight of her tray was looking around for the table she was supposed to be delivering to, and kept looking at the families table until she realized you had the number and she approached confused.
“You’re #12 right?” Alice nodded for you
“Um alright,” she unloaded the tray onto your table and you turn bright red as you realize how much Alice ordered, you desperately try to thank the waitress as she leaves and she scoffs at you.
Alice not lifting a finger to grab anything to eat leans back and gives you a smug look and you realize she expects you to finish it all
You tentatively pick up a burger from the massive hoard of food in front of you and begin to eat it, slowly at first before realizing how good it is, and more importantly how hungry you are. Before you know it you’ve already eaten through 3 plates leaving your face covered in crumbs and sauces accumulating on your shirt from your reckless devouring.
Alice watching you with delight intermittently chiming in with benign small talk to fill the not so empty noise of you stuffing your face unable to control your hunger.
Licking off your fingers to get every last drop of food you go in on a club sandwhich, taking massive bites and drawing attention from the near by family, watching you in your pacified bloated body and getting judgemental glances at the already cleared plates.
You take a pause and catch your breath, wipe your hands on a napkin and notice the massive amount of food Alice bought was already dwindling, leaving a side of fries and half of a burger you didn’t completely finish from earlier as well as a coke. You grab said coke and wash down the food you’ve already eaten and let out an unintentional blelch, and quickly cover your mouth blushing bright red. Then you realize you’re breathing like a literal pig, panting from nothing but eating and Alice notices
“Well look at that, you’re out of breath from eating...” she slides her foot up against your leg dorm under the table and smiles at you clearly amused by your piggish behavior
You put your hands on your belly and realize how full you are, and the fact that your belly is now pressed against the edge of the table and Alice chimes in again “I hope you know by now we’re not leaving until you’re all finished...” seeing your depleted stuffed state.
Taking a deep breath you slowly jam the rest of the burger into your mouth leaving sauce and meat juices dripping from your mouth and take another long sip from the coke before dutifully finishing off the fries and finally leaning back in your chair exposing your entire belly to the world
“I’ll be right back, you can head on back to the car love” Alice said and once again walked away
Just then still in your leaned back position a kid no older than 10 from the table over says “Mommy she looks like the seals we saw at the zoo yesterday!” And an older sibling of the kid quietly pitches in with “nah I’d say she’s more like a pig” before snickering
“Austin! Jeremiah! That’s rude!” Their mother scolds them while their dad just laughs along with them
You decide to start on your way back to the car, and you take off your pants rubber band because it is far to tight now and heave your bloated body upwards stretching infront of the family and letting your massive gut hang out before again completely unintentionally letting out a massive burp and covering your mouth in shame as the family stares in judgement.
“You’d think you’d have a little shame good lord” the mom whispered upset her breath as she ushered her children out of the restaurant.
You’re slightly embarrassed but oh so turned on, you walk towards the door, needing to stop and take a breath, before proceeding to the car belly hanging a foot out in front of you like a bumper.
You realize your car is parked very close to someone else and realize you have to shimmy between them to get to the door.
You sigh and you press your ass against your car and your belly against the adjacent car and slide in until mortified, you realise, with your belly sandwiched right against the window, a teenager and his friends are in the car you’re pressed up against. Their shocked faces start at you until one of them rolls down a window
“Yo fatass get your stomach off my car” he said
You stumbling over your words frantically apologize, and scoot towards your door sucking in as much as possible and finally managing to open your door and painfully squeeze in and heavily seat yourself before the teenagers begin to drive off but not before yelling
“Why don’t you try to loose some weight piggy” followed by oinking noises. You sigh and lean back thankful to be done with that when you look up to see Alice holding a bag laughing, and you realize she saw that entire interaction
“Loose some weight fatty, teenagers right” Alice teased poking your bloated belly “that was a sight to see, could you really only get to the car by sliding like that? you really are getting big, I’ll have to start parking away from other cars” she smiled and started unpacking the bag she had. She pulled out a milkshake and some brownie lava cakes
“Oh no Alice look at my belly! I can’t eat that” you beg feeling your very stuffed gut like a bowling ball in your lap.
“Alright I guess I’ll just have to eat it myself then...” Alice waved the lava cake around letting you smell it, making your mouth drool thinking about the warm chocolate my goodness even though you just ate enough for a family when Alice pretending to start to take a bite before you object overwhelmed by your thoughts
“WAIT, ok ok ok nevermind I do want it, please can I have it?” You grovel before Alice leans your seat back and begins to feed you the cake interspersed with bites of milkshake until you had eaten the whole cake and half of the large shake. Alice puts the car in drive and takes you home as you lay back in the seat absolutely stuffed but still suckling on your milkshake in your food stained shirt exposing your round pale belly to the world.
“I must be the luckiest feeder in the world cause you’re an excellent pig.. I’ve been tracking your calories today and you ate 5,350 calories today, plus that shake I added body builder powder to which adds an extra 1,000 when you’re finished..” Alice chuckled as she parked the car in our driveway “Youre a perfect fatass you know?”
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emotionalgirl101 · 5 years
Zone | Changbin
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Scenario; possible mini series Pairing: Changbin x reader; 3racha fic Summary: Your assignment is due in a week, and you and your assigned partner can’t seem to agree on anything. Or can you? Warning: Soft dom!Changbin, arm kink, subtle power kink, fingering, marking, hinted voyeurism - Smut 16+ Words: 3,222
Tonight was not your typical Wednesday night. Usually, you'd be spending time in your dorm, curled up on the couch with a quick-to-make dinner, maybe watching tv or talking with a friend or two. However, it was getting close to exam season, meaning all your assignments were due at the same time. Luckily, you only had one left and it was due next week. That's why you were at the boys' dorm.
You had been paired with Changbin, which you didn't mind at all. You had spent most of the semester sitting at the same group table in your class. You wouldn't say you were that close, but you would say that he was a friend from class that you saw occasionally. Changbin was funny. He had a great sense of humour. He was on the stoic side at times and took to sarcastic humour for a bit of fun, but you'd caught him a few times being cutesy and embarrassing himself in front of his close friends. He didn't know that, though.
You were locked up in the boy's room, since his other housemates were in the main living area when you arrived. Changbin had clearly anticipated this, with the desk space already set up for the two of you upon your arrival.
You hadn't really started on anything. You had both chosen the topic together with ease, but the disagreements started when the conversation turned to how you were going to approach the essay. You believed the question was asking for both an analysis and opinion. Changbin was adamant that there was no opinion needed.
"It says it clearly right HERE! 'Discuss how you would be affected by the causes of-"
"No," he groaned out of pure frustration, "it's 'you' as in 'people', as in 'humans' in general. Not what you personally-"
"Me?! Unreasonable?! Your the one jumping at an answer when you haven't even gotten a reply from the tutor yet!" He lowered his voice but the venom was clear.
You were so exasperated, you were going to scream. You opted for whisper yelling so you wouldn't irritate his dumbass even more. "Well, why don't we explore both options and then continue with the CORRECT one once we get a reply?!"
"We can't afford to! We have so little time that we're both free. Can't you just accept your misreading the question."
"SHUT your mouth before someone comes in here." He growled.
If you were being honest, you loved when he was riled up. You remember the last time you heard him like this. You guys were walking to your cars after class. You turned to walk down the next corridor when you found two students in a very heated, very public argument. You could tell from the body language, the unrest in the clenching of their jaws, both of their arms crossed and staggered breathing, that it was going to go down hill fast. You hadn't realised that one of the guys was Changbin's roommates.
You didn't know the full story at the time. The guy had been harassing their younger roommate, Jeongin. It seemed like this guy never shook the jock mentality from high school, and Minho had finally had enough. He stepped in to protect Jeongin. The more the asshole talked, the harder it got for Minho  to not snap.
"Shit," Changbin swore under his breath. Wordlessly, he left your side. You thought he was crazy for getting involved. He immediately stood between Minho and the guy, facing the unfamiliar boy with his arms out patiently in front of his chest and bag still slung over his shoulder.
"Look, you both need to cool down," his head swung towards Minho, dressing him down as well. You were hopeful that this move made it clear to the aggressor opposite him that he wasn't taking sides. "let's move this somewhere else." He went to usher them into the secluded courtyard nearby, still being the only thing separating the two involved. Changbin eyed them both constantly, making sure nothing happened would while their guards were supposed to be down, and you followed behind them cautiously.
You kept a little distance, watching a younger boy, Jeongin, follow your lead. You heard footsteps and voices fading away. If it weren't for classes commencing at this time, you were sure the crowd would've followed. There was something about people gravitating towards drama that no one understood. It seemed a little part of everyone enjoyed spectating.
Changbin had dropped his bag near were you stood, leading the main culprits to the centre of the courtyard, and began to mediate. Well, at least he tried.
It was clear that the guy no one knew had a short temper. Every time Changbin uttered a word against him that made perfect sense, his nostrils would flare, and you could imagine his vision turned a bit more read. When Changbin did the same against the other, Minho, the boy would smirk with some sick sense of satisfaction. Minho kept a straight face throughout the whole exchange. This first perception of him being the mature one was quickly shattered once you met him properly.
Out of nowhere, the antagonist shoved Changbin when he wasn't focused on him. He barely stumbled and his eyes quickly became trained on the slightly taller guy. His tone was menacing. "Don't you dare. touch me. or my friends. again." He growled, "Now get the fuck out of here before I show you what i just saved you from." The guy's face when pale. Just like you, he noticed the unintentional and subtle flex of Changbin's toned arms when he seethed with anger. He near bolted out of there, Changbin's gaze following his every move, before they locked onto you. That turned you on way more than you liked to admit.
Ever since, whenever you played 'Short Kings Anthem', you thought of him.
You took a second to recover, and a victorious smirk spread across his lips. Whether it was the fact he thought he'd one or he noticed that you faltered, you didn't know, but the annoyance was right back at the forefront of your mind now. "Fine." you managed through gritted teeth. "See? You know i'm right. You're just too stubborn to admit it." "Bite me." You muttered, turning back to the desk. "Where?" "What?!" He cackled seeing how flustered you were at the unexpected response. Your eyes were boring into the desk. "I'd say 'fuck you' but you'd take the wrong way, too." "What if I take it the right way?" He whispered in your ear. His voice was low again but didn't harbour the same angst as before. The effect was still the same. You squeezed your thighs together and tried not to fall into whatever trap he was setting. Then you felt his hands. His left arm was situated on the back of your chair, but his right hand took purchase on your thigh. His hand gentle rubbed at the clothed flesh, getting higher and higher, teasingly. You released a shaky sigh. His right hand coming to pull back your hair that was obstructing the side of your face. You knew he liked it. He liked seeing you flustered. The control he had over you. How your cheeks were dusted pink and the rest of your complection paled. That you had to control your breathing, biting your lip to stop anything from slipping past them. He enjoyed how you could meet his eyes. You could feel his breath tickling over the flesh of your neck. His hand was still making it' way up your thigh, closer and closer to your heat. His other was playing with your hair. His hand finally reached your covered heat. You closer your eyes and willed yourself not to give in. His lips ghosted over your ear. "Stop biting your lip." His tone hit you again, a moan rolling out as you let the plum flesh go. You could feel is smirk when he pressed his own lips to your neck, ever so gently, barely touching the skin. You gasped softly. He did it again, this time with more veracity. You responded instantly, more notes being pulled out of you with every touch. "Those are the moans I love to hear." You could feel how wet he was making you. Every touch made your skin burn, a sense of lust taking over you. You had leaned back against the chair, relaxing into his control. His fingers kept playing with you over your clothes and kisses being peppered up and down your neck. You let your eyes flutter open, his arm perfectly in your line of vision, as your neck was craned away from the man beside you to allow him more access to your neck. You watched his muscles flex as he continued his movements. His veins lightly visible from the prolonged attack on your core. You moaned at the sight, slightly bucking up into his hand. He chuckled between kisses, slowly drawing back to see what sparked the reaction. He caught on quickly. He rubbed your clit with his thumb, testing his theory, and was satisfied when you bit your lip. Your eyes were glued to his arm. "Arm kink, huh?" You whimpered as he purposely flexed for you. You gasped, allowing your right hand to latch onto his thigh. You saw him swallow nothing. That didn't help you in your current situation. Your eyes moved to his face, narrowing in on his lips. As if he read your mind, he leaned in. The first kiss was gentle and warm, the ones that followed were heated and passionate. You moaned against him when he increased the pressure on your clit. You broke free of his lips, resting your head beside his own on his shoulder and your left hand came up to tangle in his hair. He continued his movements from before, kissing your neck and rubbing at your core, as you whimpered and gasped and every touch. You didn't notice the other set of eyes on you. Your right hand moved up his leg and began palming his hardened length through his jeans. He let out a groan, "That feels good, princess." and your breath hitched. You continued like this, both of you slightly picking up speed, until Changbin noticed how your breathing became more ragged. You could feel yourself slowly shifting from a simple sense of pleasure into how you felt when your orgasm began to build. Your eyes were shut and mouth agape when Changbin slowed his movements and pulled away from you. You almost whined until he reattached his lips on yours, allowing his tongue access when he wordlessly begged for it. He stood you both up without ending the kiss, arms moving to feel up the rest of your body. You found yourself exploring every inch of him, too. He kissed along your jaw, and your fingers tangled in his hair once again. "Do you want to keeping going, princess? Do you want more?" You whined out your consent as he gently pushed you back towards his bed. He rid you of the clothes on your bottom of half, stripping himself quickly as you tore off your other layers. You lazily let them fall to the side of the bed and onto the ground. You didn't notice the slight movement through the gape in the door. You lay back as Changbin climbed on top of you. He kneaded your breasts and left marks on your decolletage, never ceasing his movements as you wrapped your legs around his and tangled your fingers in his hair. You moaned a little louder than before. You bit your lip again, lifting your free hand above you to grip onto the sheets. Changbin looked up at you, taking your chin in his palm so you would look into his eyes. He removed his and, never breaking eye contact and moved it to your heat. The sight only making you wetter, whimpering when two fingers entered inside you. He moved them slowly at first, eyes never leaving yours, biting his lip at how much of a mess you were becoming. His pace increased. So did your moans. The drowned out the soft sounds coming from the doorway. Your orgasm was starting to build again. It was written all over your face. However, as much as Changbin wanted to please you, he had something else in mind. He pulled his fingers away from you and two his lips, smirking as he saw you already and your eyes on him. He reached into the draw of his nightstand as you whined protests from the loss of contact. "Binnie, please. I need you." He groaned at how need you were. A similar sound came from the hallway. Once he finished, he returned to you, stroking his protected length as he lined himself up. He leaned over you, "Remember, not too loud, princess." You nodded as his face came close to yours. "Ready?" he smiled warmly. His action contradicting how sweet his tone was, as he slammed into you before you could reply. Simultaneously, his mouth swallowed the cry escaping your lips. His grind started of slow enough, your face contorting in pleasure. You both tried to stifle your sounds with messy kisses and bitten lips. Changbin reinitiated his assault on your torso with his lips. Your hands scratched and clawed at whatever parts of his body you could get at. "More." You sung. He obliged, picking up the pace, but it wasn't enough for either of you. He sat up, pulling you with ease onto his lap. He gave a few shallow thrusts, focusing on the sensation of your lips on one another's. He went back to your neck. You arched your back. You through your head back, revelling in how it made you feel. You didn't feel his stare. Changbin's patience was waning. He picked your whole body up, still decorating you with kisses, especially on your face. Still inside of you, he pinned you to the wall, holding you up effortlessly. Your fingers traced his biceps and vienes. You clenched. He hissed yet smirked at your actions, enjoying you taking full advantage of his supply to your kink. "This might hurt a bit, baby." He hushed, moving a hand behind your hand. Then he slammed into you. The new angle did wonders, exploring every place within you. You couldn't stop the moans and cries leaving your lips with every thrust. He went harder and faster, your audible pleasure spurring him on. He started groaning and growling in time with your whimpers and sighs. You felt the pressure building, your eyes blurring, trying to focus on the shadow by the ajar door. You couldn't focus, not with how good Changbin was making you feel. You choked out a warning, trying to prevent yourself from being so loud. You pined for relief. For him. For the feeling that he would allow to wash all over you. You finally reached your high, in synchronicity with him. He rode out the feeling for both of you. Once both of you were satisfied, he returned and laid you down on his bed. You both basked in the afterglow, limbs wrapped in each other. Bated breath. Tingling sensations hitting you like waves on a shore. After a few beats, you dared to sneak a look at your counterpart. His eyes were already on you. You shared a tired, knowing smile, alone in the room. He leaned in and kissed you. You returned it without question. He smiled at you again, brighter this time. He then moved, still on the bed, grabbing some tissues. He returned to your side. "When I invited you over, I was only 70% sure this would be the end result." he said nonchalantly, being gentle to touch you, understanding how sensitive you were. The tissues in his hands used to clean you were tossed into the bin soon enough. You scoffed, "70%? Really? You're that confident." "I remember how you looked at me that day i threatened that asshole for going after Minho and Jeongin. I saw you. I saw how turned on you were. You pressed your legs together, then walked away like it was nothing." You were taken aback, almost chocking on air. "I-- fuck you, Seo Changbin." "Round two, already?" He teased. You hit him playfully, watching as he pretended to wince in pain from the blow you just struck. "Go freshen up in the bathroom. I'll check if the tutor replied yet." Ahh, yes. Even as amazing as that was, your hot sex couldn't fuck away the assignment lumming over your heads. You dressed yourself, accepting the oversized shirt and sweatpant Changbin gave you to change into. He told you there was a spare towel in the cupboard. You stepped into the hallway, mind left you reeling from what just happened and how good you felt. Though, at the same time, you couldn't help but fear the embarrassment that would come from being called out by one of Changbin's roommates. With that thought in mind, you were quick to collect yourself and almost sprinted to the bathroom closes to Changbin's room. You made a sharp turn, colliding into some. Great. You looked up to see Jisung. He seemed nervous, or maybe that was you. "H-hi Noona, um.. sor-sorry I'm in a rush. I'll see you later." You chalked the stutter up to him freaking out over being late to wherever he was going. You prayed to a higher power that he hadn't heard you. You weren't exactly close with Changbin's roommates. You knew them all, but were only really close to Chan and Minho, Changbin aside. Speak of the devil. Chan announced his arrival with a slight cough, eyes meeting yours in the mirror as he leaned on the doorframe. "Hey Channie~" You sung, hoping to sound like your usual self. You retrieved the spare towel and tried to just casually but the spare clothes from Changbin to the side of the sink. "Don't act so innocent, I heard you" You winced. Who were you kidding. The neighbour probably heard you, so of course Chan did. That's when it sunk in. Fuck, hopefully Jeongin wasn't poisoned by the filth of what happened behind Changbin's bedroom door. You let out a shake groan of self-reproach before looking back to Chan's smirking reflection. Sometimes you hated how much he teased you. Then again, you made it easier for him. Especially with the events from the same evening. Your next words came out a bit pained. You didn't really want an answer to them after all, did you? "Did the others-" "Lucky for you," He pushed himself off the frame, arms crossed, "most of them went out awhile before it all started." A sigh of relief. You felt a bit better that it seemed to be just Chan who cottoned on. "Well, I hope you enjoyed it." You deadpanned, watching as he decided to leave you be and tossing his last words over his shoulder. "Oh, well I know someone did." -----------------------------------------------
A/N: This was my first smut and I plan to write more since it wasn’t as awkward as i thought~  Credit to the owners of the few prompts I used and I’d love it if people have requests to please submit! I’m having a mental block with Question atm so I wrote this to hopefully stir up some creativity. If you like this please check out @skzsmutnetwork​ for more!
latest | Zone II (Teaser)
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phoenix-manga · 4 years
The Serpent and the Octopus [pt. 2]
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It was another day of mundane school work for the merchildren. It was the same old routine for them, from morning to noon they listen to the adults ramble on about something semi-interesting until the bell rings. 
Azul looks at the merchildren playing tag and swimming about in the classroom, he scoffs at them and continues to study his spells. He thinks that they’ll fall behind if they just continue to slack off and waste the opportunity to be better.
He was focusing so much on writing a spell that he failed to notice the leech twins swimming up to him, Floyd poked his side which made the octopus yelp in surprise, nearly dropping his fish bone pen. 
Floyd: Ahahaha! You’re so jittery today Azul!
Floyd grinned at him with his sharp teeth. Azul huffed and fixed the writing supplies that were scattered about from Floyd’s prank.
Jade: Don’t go around scaring people Floyd! What if I accidentally hit you as a reflex? 
Azul huffed and looked at the eel boy with a look of annoyance. But it doesn’t seem to faze Floyd a bit.
Floyd: Don’t worry about that! I can dodge easily!
Azul: What is it that you want anyway?
Azul fixed the remaining scrolls and books that were on his desk. Jade had a curious gleam in his eyes as he leaned over the desk and huddled closer to him.
Jade: I just heard from the teachers that there’s another royal visiting our school today
Azul scoffed at that, what was so great about royals visiting when they have had a few visits in the past years? What was so great about this one?
Azul: That’s it? Another royal merprince or princess visiting isn’t news, Jade…
Floyd: But this one is special, Azul! I’ve heard the royal is from the Serpent Sea
Floyd’s eyes twinkled with intrigue as he said this. Now that is definitely something worth listening to. Azul has read books about the Serpent Sea from the local library, and they were all interesting. 
How they live in a section of caves that are spacious enough to maneuver their long bodies, yet the maze-like tunnels will get you lost if you aren’t familiar with the area. And how it was so dark that sunlight could barely shine through the waters but with their bioluminescent bodies it was no problem navigating.
But what he was interested in the most was the theory that the Sea Witch’s lair was rumored to be the body of a deceased serpent. No one has solidified this claim but with the uncanny resemblance the lair had with the serpent folk it was a shocking theory to discuss to those who read about it. 
Before he could inquire anything else from the twins the teacher came rushing in. Their teacher swam in the classroom and clapped her hands to signal the children to go to their seats.
Teacher: Class, I have a special announcement to make! As you all know, the Serpent King is currently visiting the Coral Sea for a political discussion. 
However, this time we received some special news from our king! The Serpent King has brought his daughter along for a visit! We are given the opportunity to meet the princess of the Serpent Sea! Please treat her nicely, okay?
Most of the students were excited at the news and some were even speechless. Azul heard snickering; he recognized those two merkids who weren’t paying attention to the teacher. They were the ones who picked on him for being a slow swimmer and called his tentacles gross. He could hear their hushed conversations from his seat.
Merchild A: Princess… Pfft! I bet she’ll look like those ugly anglerfish. So creepy with large jaws!
Merchild B:I bet they’re more like those blobfish! People tell her she’s pretty only because she's a royal, I doubt they actually mean it!
As the two kids gossiped among themselves, Azul’s expression hardened into a scowl, he always hated how they thought so highly of themselves; that they weren’t ashamed of openly bad-mouthing someone they assumed would be different.
The merchildren started to go quiet as soon as the teacher motioned someone to come in, the majority of them were in awe as Cerule slowly and carefully swam into the classroom. 
Azul had to admit that he wasn’t expecting the princess to look so radiant.
Her oarfish tail was glittering in the water, almost like a jewel, and the red fins looked like lace decorating the tail. Her red and white hair was styled neatly into a braid with a golden shell clipped to one side of her head. 
For someone who was supposed to be the daughter of the intimidating Serpent King, she looked like the complete opposite. She had such a gentle face that would make anyone stop and admire. Azul could see that the two who were bad-mouthing her earlier had wide eyes and their jaws open, even the leech twins looked intrigued.
Cerule looked around the classroom, the eyes of all the people staring at her made her feel nervous but she kept her head high and made sure that she didn’t look the least bit bothered by their staring.
Teacher: Class, this is Princess Cerule! The Serpent King’s daughter, please say hello to our visitor
The students rose from their seats and greets her as they bowed.
Students: Nice to meet you!
Cerule: I-it’s nice to meet you too…
She greets the students with a graceful bow. The teacher urged her to sit at the available seat which just so happens to be next to Floyd. She carefully swam to sit next to the boy and made sure her tail wasn’t getting in the way.
The twins glanced at Cerule who was fidgeting on her seat, her tail was definitely too long and she looked like a group of canned sardines.
Jade: Are you alright?
Jade asked, seeing how uncomfortable the princess looked. Cerule faced the twins and wore a nervous smile, embarrassed to have to admit that she felt the space was too small for her long tail.
Cerule: Ah, I’m sorry… I’m not used to small spaces…
She looked away, as if she was ashamed to look quite foolish in front of strangers. Azul has never seen any royal act like this, she’s acting like a scared guppy in a room full of sharks. He had to admit, it was quite amusing to see someone of royal status act this way.
Teacher: Alright, let’s begin… instead of a lesson, for today we have a discussion about what the Serpent Sea is like 
Princess, would you care to share with us what your home is like? We don’t hear much from the Serpent Sea
Cerule: O-of course!
The entire class hour, the teacher and students inquired about what the Serpent Sea is really like and Cerule was starting to feel like she would have a small chat with her father about how other kingdoms perceive them. 
There were so many questions that were outrageous and it clearly doesn’t sound like her home at all. She has a feeling it was because of his unintentional wrong impressions; she is very aware that her father looks like he’s about to murder someone. 
As soon as the class hours were up, the teacher instructed the students that they were drawing lots on who was going to be the tour guide for Cerule and show her around the Coral Sea. The students were excitedly writing down their names on pieces of paper and passing it to the teacher.
Azul went back to his studies as the teacher rummaged through the papers. He couldn’t care less about being a tour guide to a royal, it’ll just take him away from his precious study time. The teacher pulls out a paper and calls out the name of the student.
Teacher: Azul! Seems like you get to be Cerule’s tour guide! Congrats!
At that announcement, the octopus dropped his writing pen in shock, he looked to see everyone looking at him. Some with envy while the twins were mouthing to him with a teasing look.
Floyd: Lucky you! We’re tagging along anyway, there’s no way me and Jade would leave you alone
He felt uncomfortable with the way the merchildren were staring at him, but it was partially worth it since the two bullies were eyeing him with such envy, just now weren’t they making fun of her before she showed up? 
It was satisfactory that he managed to snatch away a golden opportunity from them but then there is the princess… who was still struggling to keep her tail from wriggling too much.
He hasn’t formally talked to any of the visiting royals but he assumes that they would be the same. Know-it-all kids who think they’re better than everyone, despite his growing interest to know more about the serpents, he still feels like he should keep his distance.
As soon as class was over and Cerule was slowly getting out of her seat the other students who didn’t leave started to swarm around her. Cerule recoiled a bit at the bombardment of faces that got too close to her personal space. 
They were trying to persuade her to join them instead, but before Cerule could get a word out she felt someone’s hand pull her away from the crowd.
Jade: Hey! Don’t go against what the teacher said. It’s rude you know!
Jade had a glint in his eye that warned them not to intervene as he swam alongside his twin. Floyd held Cerule’s wrist as he swam towards Azul with a grin on his face.
Floyd: Azul~! Try to keep the princess near you, wouldn't want anyone else to snatch her away, right?
Floyd has this cheeky grin as he ushers the princess towards him. Azul gathers his things and looks at Cerule and introduces himself, showing curtsey before the royal.
Azul: Pleasure to meet you, princess. I’m Azul Ashengrotto. The twins are Jade and Floyd Leech, they’re my friends, you could say…
Cerule: Nice to meet you! Umm… where do we go exactly?
She asked nervously, twiddling her fingers.
Azul: We’re going to the Atlantica museum. It’s the best place to start the tour
Said Azul as he gathered his schoolbag and swam to exit the classroom, along with the other three right behind him.
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avengerscompound · 5 years
Catch and Release - 7
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Catch and Release: A Captain America Fanfic
Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Word Count:  2414
Rating:  E
Square filled:  @star-spangled-bingo​ - "It just slipped out."
Warnings:  Smut (Bisexual MMF, vaginal fingering, oral sex, double vaginal penetration) 
Synopsis: When you overexert yourself on a mission with Steve and Bucky, the boys admit to having fantasies that involve you.  Fantasies that you share.  But with one Super Soldier needs intimacy and the other is still dealing with being touch starved, exploring those desires without anyone catching feelings is a little tricky.
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Landing the Catch
It was a little over a week before either Steve or Bucky brought up sex again.  You had started to think that that was that.  Which would have been fine, of course.  The whole thing had gone on far longer than the usual trying out a threesome thing would normally have gone on for.  Not that it wasn’t fun either.  Bucky and Steve were good and as you still had no actual romantic prospects, filling your dry spell with your extremely hot friends was perfect.
You had spent a little time just hanging out with them, both alone and in the group, just to make sure the wires in your own head didn’t get crossed regarding who they were to you.  Pining over two men you couldn’t have was not how you wanted this to end.
It was the day you’d rejoined the group for regular training that they brought it back up with you.  Everyone had finished and headed out and you’d sat down against the wall downing the last of your water as you massaged your aching thighs.
Steve approached you and crouched down in front of you.  “You okay?  Didn’t push yourself too hard?”  He asked.
“Maybe a little.  I’m okay though.  Just a little sore.”  You said.
He began to massage your thighs and you closed your eyes and just enjoyed the feeling of his large hands working out the tension in your legs.  You let out a soft moan.  It was completely unintentional, but the way he was kneading your aching flesh felt so very good and it just slipped out.
Steve chuckled softly.  “I gotta say… I love those sounds you make.”
He spoke just over a whisper.  His voice a soft, gravelly rumble.  It reverberated right through you and made you shiver slightly.  “Well, what can I say, Steve?  You’re really good at getting me to make them.”
He smiled a little and looked back over his shoulder before turning his attention back to you.  “Do you want to come by tonight? See if I can’t draw some more out of you?”
“Steve…”  You said, seriously.  As much as you liked the offer, there was something about the fact this was at work and 10 minutes ago he had been in full Cap mode and Bucky wasn’t here.  It felt wrong.  Like he was crossing a line that shouldn’t be crossed.
He took his hands away immediately and his whole stance changed.  “I’m sorry.  Sorry.  I thought… I thought…”
“No,” you said putting your hand on his.  “You thought right.  But this is work and … does Bucky even know you’re asking?”
“Oh,” Steve said, relaxing a little.  “Yeah.  He’s over there.”
You looked where he was pointing and say Bucky lurking in the shadows.  He raised his hand and smiled at you.
“Sorry I made you uncomfortable,” Steve said, genuinely.  “You know… I would never intentionally link what we’ve been doing with work.  You’re one of our closest friends.  There are no conditions on that or work.”
“Yeah.  I do know.  But… in the future, maybe ask me… completely separate.  Is that okay?”  You said.
He nodded.  “Of course.  Here, let me help you up.”
He offered you his hands and pulled you to your feet.  “I’ll be around at about 7.30.”  You said as you headed to the elevator.
Steve smiled and gave a short nod.  “Looking forward to it.”
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When you went up to meet Steve and Bucky you had showered and dressed in a light dress with simple but pretty matching underwear.  There was a different feeling to everything this time.  The three of you ate sitting on the couch, and it was a lot more casual.  You’d experienced both the slightly formal dinner party and the more relaxed hang with them before without the sex.  No one was one thing all the time after all.  But the way it had relaxed spoke to you.  It was like previously they were overthinking everything.  Whereas now, they’d relaxed into the idea.
There was a lot more touching.  Steve and Bucky cuddled together.  They touched your leg, both just casual pats, but more intimate teasing too.  They played with your hands and played footsie with you.  When the meal was done, the touching became more.  They kissed each other and beckoned you in to join them.
You climbed over their laps and Steve curled his arm around you, letting you relax your weight against him.  He cradled your jaw as Bucky ran his hands up your legs.  “We’ve been thinking,” Steve whispered, as his lips ghosted over the shell of your ear.  “You really gave us something amazing.  Something I never thought I’d get to do.  I was okay with that of course.  I’ve never been the most sexual person, but Bucky really brought that out in me.  And then you… you were so patient with us.  If there’s anything you want to try…?”
You hummed and took a ragged breath and the cool steel of Bucky’s metal fingers crept up to the apex of your thigh.  “I wanted it too.”  You said.  “I talked you into it.”
Bucky chuckled and skimmed his fingers over your panties.  “That you did.”
“Still… we want to make sure you get everything you want too.”  Steve said.
“I’ll… I’ll think about it,” you gasped as Bucky’s fingers slipped under the elastic of your panties and between your folds.  “I’ve just been enjoying the ride.”
“I bet you have, you dirty girl,” Bucky teased as his fingers slid over your clit.  You moaned and lifted your hips.
“We had something, if you’re out of ideas,” Steve said.  “It might be asking a lot though.”
You leaned into Steve and kissed his neck as you slipped you hand down between the two of you and began to massage his dick.  “What is it?”
“Well,” he growled softly.  “Do you think you could take us both at the same time?”
Your breath caught and Bucky’s finger pushed inside of you and curled, stroking over your inner walls.  “I don’t know… we can try though.”
“Don't worry, darlin’,” Bucky cooed, adding a second finger to join the first.  “We’ll take it so slow you’ll be beggin’ for it.”
He pulled his hand away and Steve stood, lifting you bridal style and carrying you to their room.  He placed you on the bed and as you kicked your shoes off, he pulled your panties down.
Bucky crawled up the bed next to you and the two of you began to kiss.  It was one but graphic.  Your tongues circled together and dipped into the other’s mouth. He cradled you with one arm while his free hand teased and massages your breasts.
Steve kissed his way up the insides of your thighs and when he reached your cunt he placed a large, sloppy kiss over it, his tongue swirling around, and tasting all of you.
It wasn't long until he went from large and unfocused lapping all over, to sucking and nipping at your clit as he worked a single finger inside you.  You moaned into Bucky’s mouth and clenched around Steve’s finger.  One finger became two and Bucky sat up breaking the kiss and grabbing the lube from the bedside table.  As he squeezed it onto his fingers, Steve’s moved inside of you.  In the brief time you’d had a sexual relationship with Steve, he’d learned to play your body like an instrument.  He knew all the places to touch, and when and how hard.  His fingers pressed into your g-spot and he corkscrewed his wrist.  You bucked up hard and cried out as a jolt of pure pleasure shot right up your spine.
Steve sat up and watched you, as his fingers stroked over that sweet spot inside you against and again.  Your whole body shuddered and your legs trembled as an orgasm built inside you and pressed down, threatening to break.
One of Bucky’s fingers joined Steve’s two, adding to the stretch and creating a burn in your entrance.  He moved easily thanks to the way the lube mixed with your own fluids.  You dripped for them.   It ran down Steve’s wrist in rivulets as you tipped closer and closer to your climax.
“Fuck!  Fuck!  I’m gonna come.”  You babbled, your hands opening and closing in the sheets.
“Mmm?”  Steve hummed.  “Does this help?”
He twisted his wrist.  The way his fingers rubbed against Bucky’s stretched you wider, and his knuckles ground on your g-spot.  You bucked up wildly and your muscles clenched as a current tore through you and you came, gushing on their hands.
Your orgasm hadn’t even ended when Bucky added another finger.  Your cunt stretched and burned as it clenched and spasmed.  There was pain, but it blended with the pleasure, creating something new and good.
They kept pumping them in and out and curling them inside you and you came again, arching off the bed.  “Fuck!”  You cried as you fisted the sheets in your hands.
Steve pulled his hand free and grabbed the lube, squeezing it onto Bucky’s hand, adding to the mix.  Bucky pulled his hand out and folded his fingers on themselves before pushing four of his back into you.  It felt like even more than the two of them together.  Your cunt stretched around his knuckles making you moan and pant as your body adjusted to him.  Steve leaned down and kissed your neck slowly, sucking on your skin hard enough to mark you.  He began to rub your clit, his fingers flying back and forth over the swollen bundle of nerves.
You came again.  It tore through you and made you scream and shudder around Bucky’s fingers. As you came back down, Bucky pulled his fingers free and Steve brought his lips to your ear.  “What do you think, sweetheart?  I don’t think we’d be bigger than that.”
“Mm…” you hummed.  You were already feeling fuzzy, but you wanted nothing more than both their dicks inside you, stretching you and pounding into you as they chased their own release.  “Yeah, I want to do it.”
They both stood and Bucky took Steve’s hand and pulled him into a deep kiss.  As they kissed they shed themselves of their clothes, exposing their muscular forms and their hard, throbbing cocks.  You took the time to remove the rest of your clothes too.  
Bucky moved onto the bed beside you and the two of you began to kiss again.  Steve grabbed a condom and tore it open, watching the two of you, as Bucky grabbed your thigh and pulled it over his hip.  Steve rolled the condom down onto Bucky’s cock and then grabbed the lube.  He slicked Bucky’s cock, coating it liberally as he pumped his fist up and down Bucky’s shaft and teased the head of his cock up and down your aching cunt.
Bucky rolled onto his back, pulling you on top of him, so you were straddling your waist.  You rolled your hips, rocking back on forth on his cock as the two of you kissed hungrily.  Steve guided Bucky inside of you, slowly letting his cock fill and stretch you.  You both moaned and you pulled back breaking the kiss.  “You ready for us, darlin’?”  He growled as he rolled his hips up into you.
“Mm… I want it so bad.”  You groaned.
Steve grabbed a condom and sheathed himself, he positioned himself behind you as he slicked his cock and pressed the head of his cock up against your entrance.  He slowly sunk into you, letting your cunt adjust to the size of both of them.  You moaned and buried your face in Bucky’s neck.  Steve ran his hands down your back as Bucky held you close.  “That’s a girl.  Feels so fucking good, baby.  You like us both inside you?”  He whispered against your ear.
You moaned again and rolled your hips, wanted more from them, wanting everything.  Steve started to thrust as Bucky rutted up under you.  Everything felt good, but soft focus, like you were slightly high.
As Steve kept thrusting you felt your orgasm building, it swirled through your and pressed down in your core.  You squeezed your cunt around their cocks, making them groan loudly and their hands tighten on your back.
Steve pulled back and slipped from you, his cock slapped your ass as he thrust forward again and you squeaked in surprise.
“What the hell, Steve?”  Bucky groaned.
“Yeah, Steve.  I didn’t give you ass clearance.”  You said and Bucky burst out laughing, which made you start laughing too.
“It just slipped out,” Steve said, as he lined himself up and slid back in again.
You and Bucky completely broke down into laughter and Steve spanked your ass playful and then pinched Bucky’s hip.  “Focus.  I know you were both close then.”
“Oooh.  Steve’s bossy.”  You said.
“You didn’t already know that?”  Bucky said.
You started laughing again, but Steve began to thrust.  He went hard and fast and leaned forward wrapping his arm around you, slipping it between you and Bucky and rubbing your clit fast.  “Fuck!”  You gasped as your body clenched and shuddered in response.  Lightning ran through your veins, making your skin prickle and sweat bead on your skin.  “Oh god.  Fuck… there.  Right there.  Gonna…”
“Right there with you.”  Bucky groaned as he tried to match Steve’s pace.
Your body seized up and you cried out as you came, clenching around their cocks.  Bucky had not been kidding.  As your orgasm crashed through you, he jerked up and spilled inside you.
“Oh god.’  Steve groaned.  “Feel good.  Can feel you, Buck.”
“Yeah, Stevie.  Love it.”  Bucky groaned.  “Come with me.”
Steve jerked forward, slamming into your full and aching cunt and came.
“Holy shit.”  Bucky groaned as you both rolled off him and lay panting beside him.  Steve leaned over and kissed him lovingly, humming gently.
“You can say that again.”  You sighed.
Steve broke the kiss with Bucky and looked at you smiling a soft, contented smile.  He reached over and ran his fingers over your stomach.  “You okay?  Wasn’t too much?”
You nodded.  “Yeah, Steve.  You have a very satisfied customer.”
Steve chuckled and relaxed into the bed.  You considered getting up and dressing.  You didn’t want to repeat the last lot of awkwardness, but first, you’d just enjoy the high.  And if they wanted a second round… well, that might not be too bad either.
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kagemajaya · 4 years
Unripe Expression - High school romance and friendship done well
Misughan Pyohyeon - 2016, Aga - 9/10
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Jaewon and his boys - my favorite harem yet
I’m not much of a manga reader, if you don’t count BLs that is. BL manga is one of the very few things that can pull me out of boredom, and I consume on average one volume a day. Korean webtoons are definitely a part of this comic devotion of mine. They are almost always easy to consume (not something I can say for manga) and the format lends itself to binging extremely well. Many a night, starting a new 80+ chapter webtoon has been a grave mistake for me, as I end up welcoming the sun with whatever couple I’m on a journey with at the time. Another feature of most BL webtoons is that somehow their drama never suffocates me, no matter the seriousness. Albeit a huge generalization, even when they make me cry rivers, they never feel quite so pessimistic as their Japanese counterparts. I always know what sort of an emotional reaction I’ll get out of them - which is not a bad thing if you are reading romance as a enjoyable pastime.
Unripe Expression, while seemingly just another one of the cute high school romances with some light drama, changed my mind as it built towards something subtly different. Throughout the majority of the story, I had two main feelings: that the story was ordinary but very involving, and that the main cast was individually superb characters. They were well-written and had lives and feelings of their own, and they were all extremely sympathetic even after they made mistakes. At the end, my feelings on the boys remained strong, but another thought struck me. The story was their desires, interactions, overall relationships, and characterization otherwise. The romantic pursuits and the friendships that Aga showed us were nuanced and alive, and I love each and every one of them.
Jaewon, the MC, is a sweet guy and first and foremost I wanted his choice to be realized, and this was in spite of Junseo being my best boy. While Jaewon had agency in the narrative, and he had a choice from the very beginning, the romantic plot never revealed what it had in store for us at the end. This is a 70 chapter comic, and I only knew who the lucky guy was in the last 2-3 chapters, a truly unpredictable gem. This can rattle a lot of people, and perhaps, if I hadn’t been convinced by the relationships of Jaewon and the boys, I’d have felt the same. Looking up some reviews after I finished the story, I found that not a lot of people were happy about the ending, so this might not be one of the stories you choose to read when you are in the mood for wish fulfillment. Speaking for myself, it fulfilled my wishes in terms of great relationship development on all counts, so even if I felt sad for the unlucky ones, I was completely satisfied with the way this particular story turned out. I bought every one of their plotlines, and that none of them were tools for fanservice to the audience. I was reading the real lives of a bunch of good high school boys, and what I wanted for them was not really their concern. Aga certainly has the qualities of a writer that I respect passionately. They seem to be writing for art and not the reader. Having said that, I’m still a weak human, so I’d love to see a continuation story for the other boys who couldn’t get Jaewon. [Big spoilers past this point until marked otherwise.]
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Is it gonna be him or him or him? An embarrassment of riches...
First and foremost of those boys is of course Junseo, the reason for the public outcry in reviews. Junseo is the most well-built character and it is perfectly natural to be on his side as he helps Jaewon through his identity crisis and romantic troubles chasing Karam. He is sweet, loyal, a great friend, and as we witness him support his friend wholeheartedly, he falls in love with him in the process. The fact that he had already had a very intense relationship before high school and was broken hearted over it adds to our deep sympathy for him. His own transition from friend to boy in love is believable, and the story helps us support him in his quest through the first half of it - until we start getting a bit more into how Karam sees Jaewon (well at least me!)
My journey in what I want for Jaewon was quite shaky. In fact I’d say I’d have probably felt okay with whoever he ended up with. However, my top choice changed throughout the story; first Karam, then Junseo, and Karam again. I never stopped loving Junseo the best and feeling for him, but as mentioned, I wanted Jaewon to have who he wanted. We knew Karam was slightly interested in him from the beginning but the nature of that was not entirely clear. As we got further away from understanding him, my heart was turning towards Junseo and giving him what he wanted. However, Aga eventually turned the story back to Karam, with a new tool in the game - Jaewon’s first love Yoonsung. Yoonsung didn’t only trigger Karam to understand his own feelings better, he also showed us that Jaewon’s feelings were fully mutual. Karam can come across as the least developed of the group, and he is certainly the “less exciting” choice, but his own struggles with his feelings were gripping. Despite feeling that Jaewon was special, and despite being confessed to, he turned down Jaewon and still wanted to stay with him. This trope of being scared to lose a friend can come across as ordinary, but in this case the execution was superb. Karam wasn’t actually scared, and without respite, he kept sticking to Jaewon and flirting with him and doing everything in his power to stay in his heart. He didn’t want to lose Jaewon’s love for him to Yoonsung. The inherent selfishness of this is also inherently titillating to me - as long as Jaewon was only looking at him, he didn’t want to bother with the troubles that come with romance. Thankfully, Yoonsung came across as a very open threat to his possessive love. Little did he know, the real possible competition was Jaewon’s best friend Junseo.
Yoonsung himself comes across as the easy boy, the playboy who is playing games, and why would we ever root for him? The truth is we’ve read plenty of BL where the childhood love of the hero returns and has had a transformation of his own and gains the heart of his love again. Yoonsung is a charming boy, and from his perspective, the story is a sad one. The boy he’s loved all his life doesn’t pick him, and he doesn’t even make it simple. Jaewon’s protests against Yoonsung’s advances are flimsy at best. In the space of a few days, he gives hope to all three boys with his actions. Karam has already been confessed to, Yoonsung is allowed physical closeness, and Junseo emotional closeness. Jaewon’s relationships with each of them make these interactions believable and not-unlikeable. They are all a part of the natural flow, and in the end, as a boy who has been turned down, his confusion is natural. I find the final choice of Karam incredibly realistic, as he’s never stopped loving him. And luckily for Karam, he wasn’t too late to fix what he had almost undone. Unlucky for Junseo of course, because given enough time, I have no doubt that he could have made Jaewon forget about Karam’s rejection. Just the timing wasn’t right. Poor Yoonsung, on the other hand, was entirely too late. His time had been almost ten years ago. His unintentional rejection of Jaewon as a well-meaning child was the final chance he was ever going to get. 
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Jaewon is the wholesomest slut in the world of BL
Another entirely doki doki element of the webtoon is that throughout the story no one ever finds out how close Jaewon and Junseo were. It was their own world, making their friendship particularly special - and make no mistake, it was a friendship, of the best kind. A huge strength of this webtoon was that despite most of the boys being in love with Jaewon, it wasn’t only about romance. It was very much about friendship, friendship of people who might have romantic connections as well. Whilst in many romance stories, friendship can be neglected, it is even rarer to see lovers or love interests portrayed properly as a friend. The perfection of how Junseo was equally in love and a loyal friend is one of the biggest draws here. Of course, we don’t only have Junseo as a friend but also Jaehee, who was the only straight boy in the crowd, Jaewon’s other best friend. Jaehee had a smaller role compared to the others, however, from his initial reaction to how he got himself forgiven and how he silently watched over his friend without wanting to make him uncomfortable, he had a subtle and sweet character development of his own. He was the less complicated friend-the one who was always there, unlike Junseo who had to leave at the end. And that choice was probably the one that made me the saddest. It was clear to me that Jaewon wasn’t only a crush for Junseo, so seeing him throw away his friendship was particularly sad. Jaewon respected his choice in the end, as he had briefly been there with Karam and didn’t appreciate the situation he was put in (once again showing that Karam is not such a goodie two-shoes.) In the end, this made the ending particularly bittersweet - not only because best boy Junseo didn’t get the boy but also because they had lost their best friends in each other as well. If we ever get a sequel, I would love to see Junseo get a boyfriend of his own, and back to being friends with Jaewon - and close friends at that! If I had to complain about anything at all, it would be that friendship does come behind romance as the main theme, and this means that once the romantic plotline ends, we don’t get to see any “side stories” to see where they all end up. Given how important friendship is to the rest of the story, it would have been more fulfilling to have one for the road.
Spoilers done!
In the end, Unripe Expression was a great success - telling a heartfelt story of love and friendship of five sweet boys, all of whom you could route for, for their own happiness. Harem is a particularly difficult structure to realistically execute and Aga did it perfectly here. None of the characters’ interest in the main character felt forced and I never found myself thinking, oh my god, why does everyone like this one boy! Even if the last choice may be controversial to some, Unripe Expression tells the story of Jaewon’s romantic escapades in a heartfelt and well-constructed fashion. Hopefully, you’ll give this beautiful (and extremely bingeable) webtoon a shot and Aga will one day grace us with more of their imagination and more of these boys’ friendships.
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Rescued from the Depths:
@makesownluck​​ continued from X 
(Please don’t kill me for taking creative license with this or the fact that I continued it. I will also apologize heavily for Rose. She got super carried away. Hope the reply makes some miniscule amount of sense. There is absolutely never any pressure to match length or anything!)
Pure pandemonium had erupted upon the once leisure-filled decks and Rose, feeling more observer than participant in it, found herself clinging to Jack as tightly as she dared. Her exhaustion riddled orbs fixate on witnessing an emotional father bidding adieu to his bawling, petrified daughters. He had adorned himself with a brave face and spun a silvery tale in parting. While she was only being vaguely attentive in her eavesdropping, his words lodge in her cranium. “It’s goodbye for a little while,” the man professes. Nevertheless, she could see the truth laid bare in his eyes. With that thought, remained the knowledge of the conversation she had held with Mr. Andrews about the number of lifeboats the Titanic housed. Mr. Andrews’s words wage war on her already dismal dwellings. “There aren’t enough lifeboats even by half.” If what he claimed was true, and she had little doubt that it was having done the math herself and checked it by Mr. Andrews, her mind raced through countless more calculations until panic begins to inspire her to protest the offered spot on one of the lifeboats. This night would end with many innocent lives being lost. 
Whatever insistence she made was quickly overridden by the adamant and unrelenting persuasions of Jack and Cal. They had made an arrangement. Or at least Hockley claimed, that he had one with a ship’s officer to escape safely. Why he would offer such salvation to Jack, she is uncertain. Doubtful, she observes them both but allows herself to be ushered into the waiting lifeboat. She turns her back to the ocean and finds Jack’s outstretched hand, clutching his fingers with all her might willing him to come. Why couldn’t he just forget chivalry and join her? Why did he have to be as valiant and selfless as he had been the moment they first met?!
All too soon, the warmth of his contact is wrenched away, and she is pushed towards the back of the tiny wooden vessel to make room for more. Eerie traces of dimly illuminated indigo waters etched and ebbed across the side of the massive, struggling ‘Ship of Dreams.’ Oh, how that bestowed title torments her in that very moment. It was no longer a palace of celestial imaginings. It was a full-blown nightmare straight from the pit of hell!
While Rose was outwardly skillful in concealing her terror, it continued to bubble up inside of her chest. The force of which, battered heavily against her ribcages as her gaze shoots upwards, seeking, till they find Jack. He and Cal have a deal. She kept reminding herself. However, if they had a deal with an officer on the other side of the ship, why would they remain so stagnant in nearly the same place she had taken her leave of them? Conscience whispers, there is no deal. Is there? There is no grand reunion coming later on. Was there?! This was going to be their final goodbyes. The longer she ruminates upon these thoughts the more the internalized panic began to claw its way to the surface.
In the glow of the lone bursting flare, Rose could see the intolerable grief etched upon Jack’s handsome countenance. With that glimpse alone, she realizes, she can’t do this! She can’t abandon him now!!! She loves him more dearly, more ardently than her own life. She pictures where this road to supposed salvation will lead and it is the same hideous path she’d been set upon with Cal. A road that led her to near self-destruction.
She rallies courage around herself like a cloak, rises to her feet and she lunges quite forcefully forwards across the lifeboat to make the biggest leap of faith she can muster. However, sheer will alone does not propel her far enough towards her end-goal. Whilst her arms were outstretched and the ship had been briefly in reach, Rose finds herself plunging helplessly into the glassy indigo waters below.
There is little Rose can do to prepare herself or brace for the pending harsh impact. It’s all happening far too fast for actual cognition to fully ignite.
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The connection with the frigid water below is punishing, forcing her to let out a terrible gasp. Following that gasp comes an influx of salted water that burns down every inch of her esophagus. Choking, she scrambles to suck in another breath of air, but the effort is futile. This inhale is also tainted with water. Lungs heave out a final ratty cough expelling as much as she could before she’s pulled below.
Rose begins to kick furiously, her legs tangling precariously with her skirts. She desperately grapples with her cold-numbed hands, clawing for the surface. Yet, she finds herself being dragged farther downwards. Weighted as if her pockets, correction- Cal’s pockets, were lined with bricks rather than luxurious fabrics. With every second, the adorned articles of clothing seem to be growing heavier and heavier as the water absorbs into the once dry material. It does not occur to her panicking mind to shrug the dress-jacket off. Instead, her focus remains on getting back to the surface despite her rapidly waning energy.
Rose had desperately wished for this horrific fate. Not more than a night or so ago, she had stood on the Titanic’s stern. She peered into churning waters that beckoned with the promises of eternal liberation and prepared herself to take the readily offered exit. That alluring promise had been nothing more than a mere mirage which, Jack Dawson helped to expose. He rescued her and gave her life purpose again!!!  
Jack had also been right about the water feeling like ‘a thousand knives all over one’s body.’ The chill is suffocating, snatching the breath straight out of one’s lungs. Something Rose was now experiencing with terrifying, miserable clarity thanks to the miscalculation.  
The auburn-haired young woman is jarred from thoughts of her own death by a sudden forceful tug that propels her upwards till she resurfaces. A powerful arm coils around her middle and draws her nearer. Sputtering out water, Rose turns her alarmed orbs towards the source. There is an immediate, grateful softening  to the cerulean hues as she discovers Jack beside her in the water. Hoarse vocal cords rasp out, “J...J...Jack? Wh...wh... what are y... y... you doing ... he... here? Y... you we....were safe! You ha....had... had that deal. Did ... didn’t y... you?” Rose prods, with great effort. Guilt adds to the crimson stains stealing across her porcelain skin. It was her fault that he ended up in the water!
She shivers fiercely against the night’s unforgiving chill as it winds through sopping curls and weaves itself into the drenched fabrics surrounding her slender frame. Rose allows herself to be drawn closer to Jack’s sturdier build knowing full well that she can hardly rely on her own strength anymore. Stiff fingers clumsily attempt to curl around his deeply saturated shirt until the wooden lifeboat begins to gain on them.
It took a good deal of effort on the ladies behalves to hoist both bitterly cold  unintentional swimmers to ‘relative’ safety. Rose stiffly pauses near the ledge of the wooden raft and clumsily attempts to help with Jack’s rescue until the indomitable force she recognized as Molly Brown slung a blanket over her shoulders and ushered her towards an empty space away from the edges. “Well ain’t you two a sight for sore eyes,” Molly exclaims, in a purely materialized way. “Sure glad we made room for you. Thought we nearly lost you both.” She confides, taking up a seat near-by.
The air is torturous, hardly tolerable against her already numb skin. Every subtle strike of a breeze feels more like a slap than a caress. Rose allows her violently quivering limbs to be maneuvered closer to the familiar comfort of Jack’s. Gnashing teeth attempt to emit a strained sound of words, “God, I’m ... I’m s.... sorry, Jack. I... I couldn’t...  I... I cou... couldn’t ... leave you.“ She confides, her tired eyes flooding with hot tears.  The contrast between the tears and the cold was uncomfortably significant though, Rose actively elects to ignore it in favor of Jack’s comforting words.
Cerulean orbs linger, fixating on drinking in every inch of Jack’s beloved countenance. Her own tired mind is dogged with unrelenting doubts that are compounded by the soundtrack of horrific screams, calls for lost loved ones, and the sound of twisting and groaning metal. She briefly pries her gaze away to examine the endless horizons but she could discern no warm lights from responding vessels.
Internally, Rose did not relish boarding another ship of any kind. Still, she is far too keenly aware that they are thousands of miles off their intended destination and that if they did not receive help soon, the disastrous fate of the others, would also become their own.
Rose knew that if she let herself focus on any more of the sufferings playing out all around them, she might drown in something more deadly than the depths of the North Atlantic. Shifting her attention, she whispers in question, “th... thi... think we’ll ev ... ever see New York?” Right now, the thought of dry land itself felt like a pipedream, a fleeting, hopeless imagining. An imagining that was infinitely safer than reflecting on the fact that many of the people she had brushed shoulders with, locked eyes with, shared a laugh or smile with, or even saw milling around the various decks, would never reach the final destination. Was it selfish of her to want to fixate on something sanguine than death? Perhaps. But Rose was beyond the point of caring.
There is something about Jack’s claims that bids her to believe, dares her to dream, that this nightmare would cease with the awakening of dawn's first light. His words offer a salve to her troubled soul and she melts into it as eagerly as she does his proffered embrace.  
“You...you’re.... you’re shivering.” Rose blandly states, pointing out the obvious when her attention returns fully to Jack. She instinctively moves to shuffle more of the drier parts of her damp blankets around him and she nestles tighter against his side. While she didn’t have much warmth to share, she would gift him what she could. Feeling a renewed sense of gratitude for Jack, she breathes, “you ... you could have le... left me behind...” There is no chastisement in the shallows of her syllables but rather curiosity and relief. If he had left her, she would have surely died without his intervention but his health wouldn’t have been potentially jeopardized. 
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dredshirtroberts · 4 years
Hooooo boy we are feelin some EMOTIONS today, folks.
this is not a happy post, if you’d like to skip I entirely understand, and in fact encourage doing so.
I’ve been needing to do a one of these for a lil bit because I’ve got Thoughts and Feelings and they are complicated and I can’t accurately parse them in my head so we’re gonna air it out on Tumblr like a sheet on the line during laundry day.
here’s the thing.
I got some complicated family feelings in my chest places and it fucking *sucks*.
I was kept from spending time with my family by various means over the past several years to the point where I wasn’t attending holidays - which, in my family, is just not done. You can skip a holiday but you have to make it up on another occasion and I...wasn’t doing that anymore. Two separate people had me convinced I was not loved by my family, that they did not care for or appreciate me like *they* could and that I was better off not being around my family.
And maybe they had some valid points. Which I hate admitting because they used a lot of “valid points” to get me to be completely isolated in life without anyone but them and any time I branched out I was, for lack of a better term, “punished” for having denied them my attention or time or whatever. (this is of course not as nuanced a take on it as I would prefer but this is already going to be long without me going through the whole...everything, again. You can search the captain rambles and life post tags on my blog for more on this topic).
Anyway...so I’m no longer with people who are actively trying to keep me from talking to other people/being around people who are supportive of my own efforts and goals, etc. And I was welcomed back into my family with open arms and that was...honestly unexpected. After everything I’d had told to me about how they were and how they should be and what I should feel about them...I wasn’t expecting them to love me.
I rode that rose-colored wave for a *while*. But as the world descends into chaos and I learn more things about myself that make me feel more like *me* than I have...possibly ever now that I try and think about it, I am seeing things that I had hoped had been exaggerated or made up by those in my life who had hurt me.
My parents raised me in a very right-wing conservative household. The evangelical style of christianity didn’t come until I was already an adult but the building blocks must have been there or it wouldn’t have happened so...extremely when it finally did. There were a lot of...really shitty attitudes towards other people that I didn’t recognize growing up in it - I didn’t recognize it until a lot later, in fact.
They’re...They don’t see anything wrong with the way they are. Which, you know, *sucks*. 
There’s going to be a lot of dismissive phrases littered throughout this because I’m trying to be...i don’t know. I do it as a thing to lighten the mental load on myself - dismissiveness and joking around, exaggerating for effect, etc. - which i know might come off weird but like...this is really fucking bothering me guys and I...I’m doing my best.
Cause here’s the thing. I was raised believing the world was one way and that we were *right* about things. We had the answers and anyone (liberals) who didn’t agree with us were wrong and would either see the light and come to our side or were too stupid to know how wrong they were so we wouldn’t have associated with them anyway. (reasons why i’m currently frustrated with the political opposition to Republicans/Conservatives/The Right #1 actually)
And then I grew up and I saw the world was not that way. And I expected that my family would be able to see the world with the insight I had gained, and..they just...don’t.
I’ve excused a lot of their shit beliefs recently. not like, trying to defend them to anyone or anything but I don’t confront them. Mostly because I know while they won’t say it to my face, I know how they think about people who think like me (because I was there for those conversations, I was there and I thought like them and now i don’t and that makes me one of those idiots they talked about, a stupid person who can’t see the truth they believe so fully that they think is backed up by facts and figures but their facts and figures are *flawed* - mine aren’t better but I can acknowledge that and extrapolating data from all the things and coming to a conclusion is what I was taught to do but now that I do it for the wrong side what must they think of me? What must they say behind my back?)
I have...a lot of kinda fucked up shit about my family. Nothing overt, nothing that immediately screams to me “Hey fuck-o, this shit isn’t a universal experience and something is wrong here!” but it’ll be small things that I’m like “Ah, okay. Not everyone had this experience and those that did are currently working through the *trauma* of it by going to *therapy*. Hm.”
I’ve done some work in that respect and that’s good. Doesn’t make my issues go away but makes it so I can handle them a little better. Most of the time anyway.
I’m trying to make several things that are true but contradictory work together in my brain and it’s not going well.
1) my family cares about me and wants me to do well.
2) my family has hurt me in the past and is currently hurting me (though not intentionally and not maliciously - please dear god let it be unintentional and non-malicious). 
3) My family does not “agree” with LGBTetc people.
4) My family do not believe that there are systemic issues inherent in the government we live in/under and the society we must participate in (Because it benefits them, and they have not had to challenge their thoughts on this before).
5) My family are kind of racist.
6) My family was my only support system when I was leaving an abusive situation.
7) ...My family might have abused me a little.
I go back and forth on point seven a *lot*. See point 2 about the intentionality/maliciousness factors. If they didn’t mean to do it, does it still count? 
Does it matter if it still hurts?
My sister outright told me that she doesn’t agree with trans people (meaning she doesn’t believe you can be trans, really). But I’m okay because it’s me, and now I can be her gay best friend when we’re drinking at family stuff.
She didn’t understand why I was hurt by that. I attempted to explain it and she got defensive and angry so I just...didn’t fight about it. Just played the part. I’m her brother when it benefits her but otherwise I’m still her sister. I’m still mom and dad’s daughter. Even though I told them I’m not a girl. I told them I’m a guy.
Dad’s response was the most favorable initially and I think...he might eventually come around to it (he’s always wanted a son. he has a boy dog and has also imprinted really hard on his lawn roomba about it). He also might...not.
I’d like to transition further. Eventually. If it’s feasible. But also, right now it’s not. Right now it’s me cutting my hair short and not wearing dresses or skirts (even though they’re super comfy) because I want to avoid being misgendered as often as possible. It’s binding for uncomfortable and unsafe lengths of time because I am a MAN dammit, and I will be a man at this family function in whatever way I can. And when I go to the length that I do to be seen the way I want to be seen and I am *ignored*....
fuckin’ hurts you guys. I just fuckin’ hurts. 
but i don’t.
because I’m scared of losing them again.
And it’s fucked up because they’re *already* lost. They’re Fox-watchers and Trump-supporters and they don’t want to listen to science or facts or *anything* outside of what’s presented to them by pundits and talk show hosts, and the fucking EIB network with their political propaganda for anything that isn’t what the liberals want.
And I don’t know that I can get them back because they’re *real* far down that particular rabbit hole. And I’m...I’m just trying to figure out what I want in life. What makes me happy. And part of what I want is what I always wanted and never had.
I want my mom and dad to look at me, see me, see what I do see how I try and what I love and care about and tell me that I’m enough. That they love me because this is who I am and I am enough for them. Even if I wasn’t accomplished and didn’t try they would still love me because I’m *me*. and I’m their *child* and they *love me*.
And GOD it is so FUCKING painful to know that’s not a realistic thing to hope for. Because I’ve been trying for 28 GODDAMN years doing ANYTHING and EVERYTHING I can to be enough for them. I played good, christian, conservative little girl for SO goddamn long, even when I wasn’t Christian or conservative anymore, even when I saw the cracks, I wanted to be what they wanted.
And even now that I *am* what my dad wanted (a son) I’m not enough because to him i’m still a girl, to my mom I’m the failed daughter the one she didn’t do enough for so now it’s about how she fucked up and not about NO. This is ME. Stop. Stop LOOKING at me like that WHEN YOU DON’T SEE ME. YOU SEE SOME IDEALIZED VERSION OF ME WHO WAS NEVER GOING TO EXIST BECAUSE SHE WASN’T ENOUGH EITHER.
This is a lot more than I thought it would be, pain wise tonight, guys. My bad. 
I’m still struggling with my eating habits, I’m still struggling with my self-worth, and finding what makes me feel fulfilled. I’m getting better at some of it though.
I’ve smiled and laughed more in the past week or so than I have since I came out to my family. I wouldn’t have done that without my very very good friends who are very very kind to me and god I wish I could do more than draw stupid pictures and write stupid stories for them but it makes them happy too? so i’ll just do what I can and maybe it’ll be alright. 
Gonna try not to fall too deep down the abandonment issues pit tonight folks. I’m already upset enough. 
Good talk.
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Happy Together : 7
Perfect Illusion
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Character(s): (deceptively) dark!Steve
Warnings: this is a dark!fic, it contains non/dubious-consent elements. It goes without (and with) saying that this is 18+. [some touching]
Series Synopsis: The reader is stood up while awaiting a blind date, instead finding herself keeping company with the restaurant’s famous owner; Steve Rogers. After that night, she tries to forget her humiliation but she just can’t shake one thing about that night: him.
Chapter Summary: The reader makes a dire mistake.
Notes: So in this chapter, it ramps up just a little bit. We get some intense Steve and some very foolish reader. But let’s get going on this rollercoaster from hell.
Thanks to everyone who reads and as always, I looked forward to hearing from you in the replies/reblogs/tags/asks. <3
You washed your mouth out shakily as you held back the rest of the bile that threatened to rise. You brushed your teeth, trying to rid the acidic tang on your tongue. As you leaned over the sink, you noticed that there was vomit spattered across your dress. Never before had your fear become so visceral. You huffed as you closed your eyes, recalling the impatient fury which has hardened Steve's features. You had been lucky; saved by the very panic he had instilled in you.
You stripped away the soiled dress, creeping into the bedroom in your shift. You scurried into the closet and dropped the dress in the hamper, pulling a sleeping gown from a hanger. You shed the shift, discarding it into the tall basket, the nightie draped over the side waiting for you. As you reached back to unclasp your bra, the door of the closet shifted and a shadow appeared over you.
“There you--” Steve’s voice caught as you looked up at him, frozen in place as you kept your bra from slipping away from your chest. His eyes roved your body and his jaw squared. His gaze darkened and he exhaled loudly, visibly shuddering. “S-sorry.” 
The wood of the closet door groused as his grip tightened and he slowly backed out of the closet. You could see the battle against some unseen force in his staggered movements, the door closing in a single motion as he barricaded himself from you.
You were stuck in a tableau as you gaped at the door. You slowly looked down at yourself; had he been a few minutes later he would have caught you in a worse state. Your garters, and thigh highs would have swiftly followed your half-undone bra, which was barely held in place over your chest. You were about to spill forth and suspected he had seen more than you could from your vantage.
His shadow retreated from the other side of the door and you let your bra fall down your arms, setting it on the small chest of drawers for the next day. Your garters and thigh highs were added to the rest of the laundry and you changed into a fresh set of panties before pulling on the knee length nightie. The fabric was as thin as all the others, barely concealing what was underneath. You shivered as you contemplated leaving the small refuge. You couldn't hide there forever.
You shifted the door open and stepped out, keeping your attention on closing it behind you. When you looked up, the room was empty. The bathroom was open just a crack, steam seeping out as the shower pattered distantly. You were relieved to find him otherwise occupied. You approached the vanity but a noise kept you from sitting. Your palm was flat on table as the groans grew louder. Just audible past the stream of water. You dared to tiptoe past the bed, drawn by Steve's low growls. And then you heard it. A slap against the tile followed by a long moan, the syllables of your name floating through the mist.
You began to back pedal, nearly falling as you collided with the footboard of the bed. You caught yourself with the post and carried on past it, sitting at the vanity with wide eyes. You stared at your reflection as your cheeks burned. It wasn't hard to guess at the reason for such sounds. The faucet cranked and the shower head died. You quickly pulled open the drawer and pretended to be distracted by its contents.
You heard Steve enter, glancing at him behind you in the mirror. A towel was knotted low around his waist and his muscles rippled with each move. You looked away guiltily, finding your mind straying to what you could not see. He neared, his hands on your shoulders as he pressed himself to your back. His fingers played with the ends of your hair, “You should lay down, dear. You need your rest.”
His hand settled just above your chest, fingers twitching as if longing to venture lower. You nodded, a high-pitched “okay” as you carefully pulled away and stood, afraid to provoke the urges he was fighting. He smiled at you as you came around the stool, his arm grazing yours as he watched you climb up onto the bed dutifully. The weight of his gaze followed you as you slid your legs under the covers, hoping they could shield you.
“I'll be with you shortly, dear,” He turned to the closet, unhooking his towel and baring his ass as he opened the door. You looked away shocked and he disappeared inside. You doubted that was unintentional. You rolled over, blankets drawn up to your chin.
You heard him return, the bed dipping as he pulled back his side of the covers and got up beside you. He sat against the headboard, tugging the blankets away from you and his hand fell onto your arm, squeezing just slightly.
“Tell me how you broke the glass,” It wasn't a question. You were glad he couldn't see your face. He must have sensed as much as he nudged you towards him and you rolled flat on your back.
“I knocked it over while I was cleaning,” You said meekly, “I'm sorry.”
“I'm not mad. Did you cut yourself?” His fingers were in your hair again, feeling the ends as he spoke. You shook your head. “You must tell me if you hurt yourself or if you’re unwell...you scared me today.”
“Okay,” You complied, wanting him to just leave you be. He blinked at you, waiting. “Sweetheart.” He relaxed and you hid the bubble of anxiety as it slowly faded.
He moved to lay beside you, pulling the chain of the lamp before slinging his arm across you. He was as close as the night before and you steeled yourself against his touch. He kissed your cheek, your temple, your jawline. “You're so precious to me. You know that, dear?” 
His hand cradled your other cheek. You nodded and his lips continued to dapple your skin. He was flush against you and you felt his excitement prodding you through his thin pajamas. You tried to shimmy away but he had you trapped.
“I'm trying to be patient,” His voice was low, his breath hot, “But you make it so hard.” 
His hand closed on your chin and he turned your head. His mouth pushed against yours, begging for entrance, demanding it and you let his tongue past. He released your chin, his hand on your neck, squeezing once before trailing further. He cupped your breast through your nightie and hummed. He pulled away suddenly. 
“No.” He fell onto his back. “We must wait.” He reproached himself more than you. You saw his hand wander beneath the blanket, settling on the bulge hidden there. “Wait.” He groaned through clenched teeth. A shaky breath escaped him. He cleared his throat, reaching over to take your hand and sling your arm across his torso. “Goodnight, dear.” He kissed the top of your head as you were forced to rest it on his shoulder, cradled by his thick arm.
“Goodnight, sweetheart,” You returned, your voice thin. 
This man could barely fend off himself, how on earth were you to contend with him?
You quickly fell into the routine of your prison. Steve’s alarm woke you, he kissed your cheek and said good morning and you rose at the same time. He went to ready himself for a day outside and you set off to make him his breakfast as you stewed in self-pity. Then he would leave and you’d clean the dishes and the mess left from cooking. When you had finished that, you washed up yourself, opting to do so when he was away. 
Ever since he had walked in on you in the closet, he had become more fixated on your body. His hands would stray to thigh or breast before quickly recoiling and reproaching himself. It was terrifying. Much of your day was spent reading the outdated magazines and doing little chores before you started the evening meal. Without Steve to remind you, you didn’t often have much of an appetite.
He had allowed you another inch on your leash; the laundry room. Unlike the decor, the appliances were from this century. You were thankful as you weren’t sure you could manage ancient technology. Today, the hamper was full and you were determined to get it done. You dragged it through the kitchen and dining room until you reached the small room meant for washing. You dumped it into the machine and added soap, sitting in the cushioned chair as you opened the booklet titled “A Woman’s Day” and turned to the back page where the daily roster remained blank.
Well, apart from the crooked branches you had started drawing with the pen. As they stretched higher they became more twisted and rotten. Like you. Your core was there but with each day in this time capsule, you felt yourself changing. You were almost complacent, catching yourself enjoying the simple chores, the quiet. And other times you loathed the very same. And Steve. When he left you were relieved but with no other company, you found yourself longing for his return. And that frightened you more than him. Your own mind was holding you captive, lulled into a false sense of security. You didn’t belong here, even if it felt like it.
You were suddenly restless. You closed the book and set it atop the whirling washer. You stood and paced around the small room. What were you doing here? Why hadn’t you tried to fight back? Well, that was simple enough. You had that first day and he had swiftly crushed any hopes of resistance. He reminded you of your weakness every night when he held you to him. His arms were the bars of your cell. So then why hadn’t you tried to escape? He left you for hours a day and you all you did was play house. You could get a head start, run and find the police before Steve found you.
You stopped short, your hands clasped together before your chest as you thought. Christ, there were windows in almost every room. Break one and get out! You shook your head as if a veil had been lifted from you and marched into the kitchen, grabbing the broom from against the wall where you had left it. You looked to the window and a small smile curved your lips. He’d have no inkling of your intentions, especially after a whole week of you acting like his little pet. He’d be shocked; angry.
You gripped the wooden handle and sped towards the wed, jabbing out the end into the glass. But instead of a shatter, it was crack. The window didn’t dissemble into shards, instead the image cracked, the point of impact formed a spider web of discolored pixels. A ragged circle, half-black and the rest a mosaic spectrum, right in the middle of the illusion of rustling trees and playful squirrels. It was all fake! It wasn’t even a window.
The lump rose in your throat and you began to shake. Oh fuck! Steve would get home and realize you had tried to escape...and you hadn’t. Oh no, oh no, oh no. You slowly sunk down to your knees, sitting back as you let the broom fall beside you. You covered your face, letting out a few tears before sniffing back the rest. You had fought so hard to keep from a breakdown. You looked up at the smashed screen and whimpered. All of this was his twisted fantasy. Every window was a screen with some pre-programmed deception. You had been sitting here watching bullshit, dreaming of being free. There was no freedom.
You gulped and stood. You neared the window, pulling shut the curtains as you hoped you could distract Steve for a while before he noticed. Maybe even appease him enough that he’d believe whatever excuse you managed to you come up with. You replaced the broom in its place and returned to the laundry room, sitting with booklet in hand as you waited to switch over the laundry. You felt entirely deflated. You had been waiting for nothing. There would be no chance to flee, no window to climb through. Only Steve.
When the clothes were dry, you hung them in the closet and set the hamper back in its place. You had enough time to change before your keeper returned. You shed the long-sleeved dress in lieu of one with thick straps instead. You had opted most days for coverage but seeing as you had fucked up royally, you hoped that you could endear yourself to Steve. At least enough that he wouldn’t kill you. The thought gave you goosebumps. This man you had been living with for a week was a stranger. You didn’t know what he was capable of. Physically, you knew he could break you in half, but mentally...you still weren’t sure.
The top of your cleavage was just visible below the square neckline, your hairs was set neatly, directing all attention to the tight bodice and cinched waist. You wore heels high enough that they emphasized the movement of your hips. Even so, you felt entirely unprepared for his return. He was late that night which only stoked your dread. You sat at your vanity, bedroom door open as you listened for him and doodled along the borders of the booklet, framing the recipes with flowers and vines.
Heavy hands rested on your bare shoulders and you yelped. For all your expectation, you still hadn’t heard Steve enter. You looked up into the mirror as he leaned down to gaze back at your reflection. His head was next to yours and he kissed your cheek with a purr. “You look nice,” He said as he loomed over you, his hand wandering to the top of your chest, lingering on the bare skin. “Very nice, dear.”
“Thank you, sweetheart,” You made to snap shut the booklet but he quickly lowered his hand and caught it before the pages could meet.
“What’s this?” He grabbed the booklet and easily dislodged it from your grasp. He stood straight as he flipped through the pages and and turned on the stool to watch him with round eyes. He stopped at the back page where the tree grew to ash. “Hmm,” He sighed, “Now, Y/N,” He lowered himself to kneel before you, closing the book as he set it on your lap. He pulled your hands around the thin booklet, squeezing them between his large ones. “This isn’t a sketchbook. This is to help you manage your time.”
“I--I’m sorry,” Your voice was brittle, “I…” You couldn’t think of an excuse that wouldn’t anger him. Bored, lonely, sad… all of them would be an insult against him.
“If you wanted something to draw with, you could’ve asked,” He said gently, “Anything you need, you can ask me, dear. You know that, right?”
You looked away guiltily and forced yourself to nod. It wasn’t true. What you needed was to be rid of him but he’d never give you that. He grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him, pulling you to lean closer as he kissed your lips. His other hand was on your thigh, it slid down until it met the hem of your skirt and began to push it up your leg. His palm grazed along your thigh, fingers tugging at your garter as if tempted to rip it off.
“Mmm,” He pulled away, tugging your skirt back down. He stood and breathed deeply as if warding off some dark force. “So,” He offered his hand and you took it, standing up warily. “What’s for dinner? It smells amazing.”
tags: @ruff-m3rc @alexakeyloveloki @lanabanana-86 @sathlens @jessieray98 @lilithhellfire @kellyn1604 @ahideousthinginside @ironlady1993   @kloe-iel @grayxswan @iheartsebastianstan @myboyfriendgiriboy @tanelle83 @patzammit @phoenix21love @they-call-me-le @spaghettirogers @buckycaptspideypool @bethanyzed @biasedtittes @bbyspiiice @thoughtlesstales @glitterypinkkitty @selinbaskaya @vitamingrant @dil-emmuh @metalarmlover @queenoftheunderdark @lilly-evans-and-the-kpop @captainfreecandyvan @collette04 @this-is-my-design- @yagurlrosie @blackpantherimagines @kweenkxtrina @heavenlyblyss @secretlyactivated @roses-and-absinthe @xxxelettaxxx @rainbowkisses31 @celestiial-angel @alphabloodfur @xdatbitch @quant-um-fizzx @peaceloveyesh @bodhi-black @captainarp @booklover240 @kawaiiloverofanimu @everything-is-awesomesauce  @breezy1415  @alexakeyloveloki @beautiful-and-strange  @momc95 @buckycaptspideypool @justballoonfishthings @ms-munchkin @whosmarisaaarw @kxllyxnnx @calspixie @imdiegohargreeves @satinprincessxo @amethyst-the-thot @docharleythegeekqueen @iiqueer-vibesii @carol-damn-vers @l0rd-disick @jilldsumner @hufflebucky @nerdypinupcrystal @notyourtypicalrose @pink1031 @agent-spidey @wassupbitchesssss @lucifersnipnips @thirstyforsomeyandere @xxm3xxj @stuckybarton @heartbeats-wildly @tea-with-seb @the-lululemon @abesottedlass @poppyshawn @obsesseds-world @jazztherebel
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juleswolverton-hyde · 5 years
Confessions of a Coffee-Eater | 02
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Genre: Smut, College/University AU
Pairing: Student!/Poet!Namjoon x Student!/Poet!
Warnings: sub!Namjoon gets a handjob in the classroom during a lecture, allusion to smoking
Summary: It is in hard times beautiful things can occur and the addiction of primal instincts be suppressed in their proximity. However, when two souls from different social worlds meet in a poetry class, any former urges gain a new direction.
Some of which are sensual in emotion.
And may not be reciprocated.
Previous part / Next part
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There is a lyric which dictates that “sorry” seems to be the hardest word and last night while pondering a way to offer sincere apologies for the unintentional harassment the true meaning came forth as the song played on the radio. Replayed itself again and again as a pen twisted between fingers free from the engraving ink on skin, waiting for any potential customers. The last of the twilight cigarette smoke dissipated before settling into the corner of the back office to catch a few hours of sleep since the last hours of the night shift are dead in business.
The sole idea is offering a cup of anything but fantastic coffee from one of the machines spread around the building and hope a listening ear will be given to a remorseful poor man from Ilsan. A concept that becomes more and more terrifying with each step advancing towards the university building outside the city centre that both students and professors complain about, especially with having to attend and give morning lectures.
The cafeteria is bland like the rest of the dated interior which makes one think more of a high school than a proper academic environment, the only attempt at enlivening the area being the crisp white picnic tables standing in a neat row against an ugly brick wall between the stairs and the guard’s booth. Across from the still empty benches sits the wronged woman, engrossed in noting something down and thus not paying any attention to the anxious onyx beanie passing by towards the tiny coffee corner.
Ignorant to the split second of stopping to simply gaze for a little bit at how flowing hair falls over the shoulder clad in nighttime fabric, the outfit of the day not out of place in an office as the blouse on top of monotone pants and made more interesting with golden accents in the form of a belt and watch radiate a chic mood.
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She’s way out of my league. But still, I have to apologize.
Bearing the thought in mind, begotten in that instance of allowing romantic fascination without perverse intent to overtake body and soul, the debit card with little money on it is used to pay for two cappuccinos. Fortunately, last night’s tips make up for the expense so some groceries, later on, will have to be paid for in cash.
The coffees in hand, slowly the table at which Y/N is still working on something is approached while trying to keep breathing under control and composure steady. Notwithstanding, it crumbles to reveal a hint of panic when the busily scribbling pen is put down and eyes look from the page to the steaming cup of caffeine to a well-meaning man in a denim jacket beneath a grey vest with a brown collar.
A slim finger points at one of the bright yellow cups on the table. ‘Is that for me?’
‘Y- Yeah.’ A hand automatically rises to rub the back of the neck, gaze slightly averted to hide cheeks burning as the temperature inside seems to rise. ‘I want to say sorry. For yesterday, because what I- I shouldn’t have done what I did bu- but I couldn’t-’
‘Namjoon. That’s your name, right?’ The inquiry halts the apologetic stammering waterfall likely leading nowhere, a brief nod confirming the assumption. ‘It’s fine.’
‘But I looked at-’
‘Really, it’s okay.’ A welcoming hand gestures casually at the chair of which the back has been unconsciously gripped tightly, knuckles turning white. Strangely, though it could have been due to still being half-asleep, the same motioning fingers appear to want to reach out but can barely withhold themselves. A silly idea, judging by the even voice continuing to speak. ‘Have a seat. We still got a bit of time before we need to go. If you want to, of course.’
Without a second thought, any outerwear is draped over the offered seat before rapidly plopping down. Apparently doing so with much eagerness for a stunned breathless laugh escapes the girl about to take a sip of the peace offering. ‘Thank you, Miss.’
‘Miss?’ An inquisitive eyebrow raises, the unconsciously made mistake only realized too late.
Lips part in panic, wanting to protest yet all words fail to string themselves into a proper excuse. ‘I- I mean- I didn’t mean to- Y- Y/N, I swear I-’
‘Namjoon,’ kind digits wrap around the nautical map covering tensed muscles bared from beneath denim, ‘take a deep breath. Like that. There you go. Good b- Good.’
The slip of the tongue is laughed off, locks shaking slightly in unjust embarrassment fueling a heart truly wanting to shrink before vanishing from the earth entirely. 
Or so it did want to, the warmth in the chest now spreading its rosy glow throughout while repeating the error over and over mentally.
I’m pleasing her. She wanted to say I’m her good boy. I can be. I am. I am your good boy, Y/N.
‘Uhm, are you alright?’ The digits that retracted in a fashion wrongly perceived as trembling reach out again, slightly shaking the feather resting eternally on skin. The warmth of the palm perfectly enveloping it is comforting, a steady beacon guiding consciousness back to reality. 
Away from the perverse thought of that same hand pinning an absent-minded poor soul to the mattress in the same manner. Henceforth, albeit with a suppressed jolt of surprise as if waking from a dream, sight gradually focuses on the beautiful woman wearing a concerned expression. ‘Huh, what?’
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‘You were spacing out.’ A whimper can barely be silenced before being made audible at feeling the light squeeze asking for attention, fast-beating heart skipping beats. Once again distracted by the contact and the lips that want to be experienced from up close instead of far away. 
Yet sharply sane enough to muster a half-hearted excuse blaming the morning for the ridiculous behaviour. ‘Oh, ehm, yeah. I’m fine. It’s early.’
What am I doing? She doesn’t know me and I don’t really know her. I need to get a grip on myself.
‘Fortunately, there’s coffee to wake us up.’ The worry melts away into gentle kindness, leaving digits creating a cold wake as they wrap around the bright yellow cardboard cup bearing the university’s logo. But not chilling the honest man turned into a lovesick puppy mimicking the normalcy of drinking coffee while ignoring the pooling heat below.
We still have some time and I can’t move until I’ve calmed down. She shouldn’t know what she does to me, not yet. Not... ever.
‘Can I ask you something?’ To keep the conversation flowing, an innocent desire appears to form the lead to follow. Awkwardly shuffling to hide the strain in jeans, voice is kept as steadily as possible regardless of shyness overtaking demeanour slowly. 
‘Sure. Fire away.’
‘What were you penning down earlier? I- I saw you... uhm, just now- I saw you write something in your notebook.’
Why did I stutter? Why is she looking like that? Oh God, what do I do?
‘And you don’t suppose it actually has to do with the course?’ The sarcastic chuckle on the rim of the cup has a strangely flattered undertone, almost to be called endeared. 
Withholding innermost personal emotions. 
That circulate beneath the indecipherable surface of breathtaking affectionate irises locking gazes with genuine curiosity. ‘Why would it at this hour? It’s just a random thought more than a poem but then again, so is all my poetry. If it can be even called that.’ However, all playfulness fades into under-the-breath muttering as melancholia takes over and Y/N’s focus moves away to finish the cheap warm drink. ‘Just an amalgamation of thoughts.’
A loathsome sight to a boy with love for a woman whom he barely knows yet wants to ensure the happiness of. 
Without being aware of it, a hand glides over the thigh clad in obsidian as speech becomes urgent. ‘Hey, don’t talk like that. I’m sure it’s good.’
And moves away as if burned by fire when the intimacy is noticed thanks to a tilt of the head, enchanting eyes leaning to the side in rather odd fascination. ‘Oh God, I’m so sorry. Still, may- No, what am I saying? Y/N, I didn’t-’
‘Namjoon, it’s alright.’ Softly smiling fingers brush over shivering honey skin, gliding over it and drawing intricate calming patterns over inked stories to still the panic. ‘I don’t mind.’
‘Y- You don’t?’
‘No, I don’t. Please, say what you wanted to say.’
The bottom lip is briefly worried between teeth, a sigh rolling off the tongue when deciding to speak up at last in spite of wanting to disappear, be swallowed whole by the onyx beanie hiding earthly brown locks in dire need of a cut. ‘May I read it?’
‘Promise you won’t judge? You seem to know a great deal more than I about the genre.’ Mayhaps unaware of it, the palm resting on the place formerly deemed forbidden is enveloped as much as possible by a smaller one as a tiny thumb caresses the back of it.
Thus for a few seconds stretching into moments we sit, newly met strangers already of a bond with one another that does not touch grounds with that of lovers nor mere friends. It is of a different indescribable nature, testing the waters of uncharted territory.
But it feels safe.
Like a safe haven the map on the arm leads to.
She is my anchor. 
Which is shown by flipping the tables enough that Y/N’s hand rests between those of a poor sod from Ilsan on foreign soil. And it takes all inner strength to not put it on the cheek, to bask in the kindness. ‘Tell you what, I’ll let you read mine if you let me read yours. ‘Fair?’
The last sip of coffee is quickly gulped down before answering with the same confidence that shines bright in illuminated irises. ‘Fair.’
That dim when noticing the time. ‘We have to go.’
For nine o’clock on a September Tuesday will always be too early to analyze poetry.
But never too soon to see her.
‘Let’s go.’
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Nine o’clock on a September Tuesday will always be too early to analyze poetry.
But never too soon to see him.
To lean against the deep-voiced mixture of nicotine and cologne wearing glasses with a thick black frame that others shun, ignorantly afraid of the person they deem a delinquent. However, they cannot see the gentle soul beneath a prejudiced exterior, not feel the fast stiffening of muscles that melt away at a pleased hum.
‘Are you still awake?’ A low giggle resonates in the baritone inquiry, having a chance to talk in a short ten-minute break after processing a ton of poetical and theoretical analysis. 
Judging by the sloth-like sensation spreading throughout, the information might not be committed to memory until notes made on the automatic pilot are read through. ‘Barely.’
‘Want to get another coffee?’
‘Mhm, I’d rather sit here.’ A pleased smile naturally carves itself into lips. An odd thing to happen, but there is something in the subdued scent of soap beneath the heavier aromas of musk and tobacco or perhaps the combination of the three that creates a small piece of happiness. ‘Thank you.’
‘For what?’ Regardless of not being able to see Namjoon’s face, lashes fluttering shut, the quizzical look can vividly be imagined behind closed eyes. And it enhances the sense of kind joy, glad to be in the company of a good friend.
Or more. No, less. What are we? What do we mean? Hm, doesn’t matter now. Gods, should have drunk another espresso before heading out the door.
‘For letting me lean against you like this.’ As a sign of honest appreciation and to be more comfortable, the warm tribal jungle of aquatic blue and emerald green is further snuggled up against. ‘I like it.’
‘Don’t fall asleep, though. We’re halfway there.’ For a split second, there is the curious wish or, rather, expectation for the statement to be sealed with a chaste kiss on the top of the head. Withal, to unjust disappointment, it does not come for. It would have been absurd if it had, of course.
And yet the desire keeps gnawing on the inside. 
‘If I do, please wake me up before the professor sees.’ Fortunately, inner sensations can be suppressed by taking on a playful tone barely shy of badly lying. Nevertheless, a sudden memory of a promise erases the thought of being like this outside of the university, huddled together on a couch.
Or between the sheets.
The timid giant spent in the arms of a girl turned weirdly mischievous as of late.
Eyes languidly open, brought back from the equally as sudden and vibrant recalling of the awkward shuffling to apparently hide the endearing hardened shape in jeans. Voice remains even, luckily, when reminding the buff sweetheart of what is due to him as well. ‘Oh, right. I promised I’d let you read my new poem. Hold on, let me grab my notebook.’ 
Perhaps thanks to the fear of being caught red-handed with furiously blushing cheeks, locks immediately duck under the table to rummage around the backpack that is hardly filled with anything. Notwithstanding, the opposite is acted out until the rampant thoughts of a racing heart have calmed down. 
Only to almost start anew when bumping into Joon’s hand upon rising from beneath the piece of furniture.
‘I- I didn’t- Just making sure you wouldn’t get hurt.’ Swiftly, composure crumbles appealingly into haphazard helplessness as the shield against injury is retracted while actively trying not to stutter. 
‘Much appreciated. Truly.’ To quiet the doubt in the fellow poet’s behaviour, an assuring tone naturally slips into soft-spoken smiling speech. And works effectively as a rapidly breathing chest falls slower. 
Once more, comfort is sought by leaning against the jungle-shaded arm, leafing to the correct page before closing eyes again with the risk of falling asleep. ‘Here you go.’
Without waiting for another cue, Namjoon starts reading the poem in the only manner one should read poetry.
As much shame as it may cause.
It has to be done out loud.
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‘Youth shouldn’t think
About Death yet it
Contemplates its very
Existence and the relation
Between them.
Why fear something distant?
But incredibly close.
Lurking in effervescent ever-
Present shadows.
Waiting patiently.
For Age.
For Chance.
For Fate. 
For Opportunity.
For Time.
For Me.’
A breathless laugh attracts the tall man’s attention. ‘What?’
‘Nothing.’ In spite of partially meaning to mock oneself for the quality of the writing, the sudden outburst is mostly due to the surprising effect a voice, Namjoon’s voice has on the piece of writing. A hand unconsciously comes to rest on a muscled thigh, basking in the warmth and the slight movement leaning into the touch by pressing it against the one secretly wanting more. ‘I just like the way you read poetry. You have a good voice for it. It’s nice to listen to.’
‘Y/N,’ breath hitches in a beautiful whimper when the palm moves slightly upward, ‘people are looking.’
A shrug dismisses the worry, not bothered whatsoever by the ones who have silently cast a peer out on grounds of appearance. None would admit this outright, of course, but it is obvious in behaviour during seminars and lectures. ‘Don’t care.’
‘What if they think we are... you know... together?’
‘We’re all adults here, grownups with a sense of what a relationship entails. Besides, does it matter? Let them think whatever, Namjoon.’ As languidly as a cat, eyes open again to blink a few times before looking up at a flustered tanned face. Mayhaps a misperception, but it seems closer than before. 
He looks adorable. No, what am I doing? Focus! He read your poem, so this is not the time for fantasy.
Moving away a little bit from the intoxication caused by the combination of musk and tobacco, enhanced by the sensation of a big palm enveloping the one wandered more towards the inside of denim, speech is endeavoured to be made steady. Nevertheless, the attempt only succeeds in part as careful guidance testing the waters beneath the table leads to an intenser heat. ‘But what did you think of it?’ 
And ends in boldly being spread out across clothed hardened skin of which the ego rapidly grows breathless. Especially more so when willingly applying pressure, thoroughly enjoying the parting of plush lips risking being heard and expression contorting into laboured concentration. ‘Come on, don’t be shy.’
‘I- Is this what you, ah, ehm, think about in the morning?’ Hips slowly rock against the offender, seeking the desperately needed friction as skin begins to pass the state of glowing and grows dewy.
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‘“I was a woman who thought of dead things. All the time. I couldn’t help it.”’ Enough mental stability can be gathered to manage a blank stare signifying ignorance as to where the applicable quote stems from. Forcefully, the ability to pay attention is compelled to be enhanced as the waist is suppressed with a smirk into sitting quietly on the chair. ‘Ah, ah, ah. Sit still before someone catches you. Lidia Yuknavitch said this in The Chronology of Water: A Memoir. And I’ll be honest, I got that quote from Tumblr.’
‘D- Don’t stop.’ All attention is returned to the movements below that have not stopped in the meanwhile, teeth biting down on the lower lip succeeding in nullifying the groan that wants to become audible. 
‘Break time is almost over.’ Time for contact is running out, the chatty professor pacing back towards the lecturer with a steaming cup of cheap coffee. Every second ticks away faster, but the steps in the race towards craved oblivion are too little. On the other hand, it would be a just punishment for the public brashness. 
‘Could we- Can we g-get lunch? Together?’
‘Is that what you want? What you think about?’ The absurdity evokes an amused low chuckle, truly finding joy in seeing the tough yet submissive poet struggle. ‘We just met, Joon.’
‘Y- Yet you let m- me do this, Miss.’ Digits free from tribal ink wrap around the wrist, willing it to remain out of sight beneath the table without stopping. 
What are we doing? We’re basically strangers. But... he held my hand and now we’re doing this. We both want this. This is ridiculous and yet, with the way he calls me that, the power is intoxicating.
And held onto a tad longer, mischief triumphing long enough to find pleasure in the whine at being left hanging high and dry after the squeeze that could have invoked embarrassing euphoria. ‘Not for long, bad boy.’
‘Alright, so! Where were we? Ah, right, why rhyme pleases.’ The professor has returned from the momentous coffee break fully, yellow cup empty and the little caffeine forming enough fuel to make it through the last three quarters filled with poetic analysis. 
Forty-five minutes of swatting away secretive undecorated hands trying to find release, as shameful as it is, by themselves.
To, perhaps, play the part of the devil to the end.
And maybe, just maybe admit to something.
To desire bordering on young love.
To a tribal jungle and nautical map on muscled buff arms.
To him who is clearly struggling.
To Namjoon. 
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aeris-blue · 5 years
@dragonflydevi requested “Perhaps Potato and/or Stringbean showing off their font for the first time? Grillby may not understand the significance  quite yet, but Gaster is ecstatic lol” for the Cute requests.
Gaster was a mess as he zipped about the living room while he hastily shoved a multitude of papers into a satchel. “Breath Dings I’m sure it’s not that important,” Grillby smiled as he watched the skeleton slip his shoes on the wrong feet. Gaster grimaced when he noticed his mistake then sat on the couch arm to correct it.
‘It’s the Core Grillby, the single most important thing in the Underground that ties our entire community into some semblance of stability. If it’s malfunctioning I can’t waste a single moment.’
There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that Gaster’s selflessness was going to be his undoing. It didn’t matter what it took the monster would persevere through any of his own misfortune just to help someone else. The two children watching their father’s mad dash was a fine testament to that.
“Just take a deep breath. You’re panicking,” Grillby coached.
‘Grillby I’m sorry I had to call you here on such short notice but really I’m--’
Perhaps just to humor him Gaster’s ribs inflated then compressed before he stole another set. ‘Happy?’
“Yeah,” Grillby smirked.
‘String Bean has a teething ring in the refrigerator if he starts trying to eat table legs and if Potato gets cranky--’
“Set him in his crib,” Grillby put a hand on Gaster’s shoulder, “I’ve done this before.” Skeleton teething was as peculiar as everything else involved with young skeletons. They had teeth as long as Grillby had known them but they just began to develop a really strong bite reflex. Everything went into their mouths for investigation which normally just fell through the base of their jaw. Even Sans with his permanent smile seemed incapable of fighting the urge to tap his teeth against anything.
‘I know, I know, I just worry,’ he knelt down on the ground and wrapped an arm around each of his little boys. Gaster explained the situation to the children very thoroughly using his actual voice. 
There was a part of him that was a bit jealous since these two were going to be able to understand Gaster in a way he never could. The prospect had his dear friend delighted and he made a point to speak to them regularly desperate for someone to understand his words. Of course, he’d never shared this sentiment with anyone but Grillby saw the expression he gave whenever someone called him a mute. 
Gaster pulled away from his children with fondness still lingering in his eyelights, ‘Thank you again Grillby.’
‘It’s no problem,’ he signed flippantly, ‘I like spending time with my little nephews. And they like spending time with me!’ “Right boys?” Potato threw his arms up and made a grabbing motion, “As soon as your dad leaves.”
That seemed to be an unintentional push towards the door for the Royal Scientist, he bit something out in his Font then swung the door open. “Daba!” An odd sound for a door to make, Grillby thought but Gaster froze. He turned back into the house suddenly.
‘Did you see that?’ Gaster signed quickly.
“See what?”
‘Which one of you two said that?’ He reached a hand out and ran it along each of their jaws, ‘Come on do it again. Please?’
“What’s--” Grillby started but he was quickly sushed.
“Come on boys,” Gaster signed while he spoke, “who said that?”
Oh, the boy were finally trying to babble. Babybones seemed rather determined to communicate solely in rattles as long as they could force themselves to. It had taken Grillby quite a while to get used to the subtle differences and even then he felt he figured it out by watching Gaster more than actually listening.
Gaster’s magic fizzed and popped in the air around him like a reluctant flame as he tried to coax some sort of sound from his sons. His long thin fingers tickled at Potato’s ribs but only received a jittering rattle. Gaster stubbornly scoop both of the boys up into his arms then flopped on the couch, “Come on you silly boys, please? For Papa? For Dada? For Daddy?” He bounced them in his arms.
Grillby hated to be the one to remind him of work but, “Dings? The Core?”
‘It can wait,’ a pair of hand bullets flashed.
Did… Gaster just put off work because one of his boys might have said something? Wasn’t he just describing how important the Core was?
Grillby sat in the wooden chair just watching Gaster play with the boys as he babbled away in WingDings as if the results would be any different than usual. A true smile tugged at both edges of his friend’s teeth while his eyelights glowed like lanterns in the night. Stars, Gaster really was happy with them around, so proud, so bright, there wasn’t a doubt in Grillby’s mind that he loved them.
Gaster sighed, “Some other time then my little veggies.” He set them back down on their playmat with disappointment drawing a landscape over him. ‘If they start babbling will you call me?’
“Of course,” Grillby took mental note since his first instinct wouldn’t ever be to call Gaster.
“Good bye,” he sighed having lost his interest in the Core but was forced towards it.
“Buddaby,” came an enthusiastic coo. That time Grillby caught the subtle jaw movement but was quickly distracted when Gaster turned back to them.
“Which one of you is making Daddy late?” Gaster acted cross but his smile was way too eager and his eyelights impersonated stars.
“That was String Bean,” Grillby reported.
‘Really?’ Gaster’s face was going to split if he kept smiling like that. Grillby nodded and Gaster dove to the floor to scoop up String Bean. 
“Daba!” String Bean shouted now startled by his father’s presence. String Bean pushed against his father’s too close face.
“He has a Caps Lock just like me,” Gaster calmed himself as he bounced the child happily in his arms. “Tall scratchy letters,” he furrowed his brows as he thought and Grillby was delighted to watch String Bean imitate it. Gaster disappeared into their bedroom and came out with a book floating in front of him supported by a set of hand bullets. 
Gaster sat on the couch, “Which one is it?”
Potato was rather upset having been left to his own whims on the floor but before he could rattle Grillby scooped him up and sat next to Gaster on the couch. “What are we looking for?”
“String Bean’s name,” Gaster hummed.
Was that a trick question? Wait, he remembered now, skeleton names were chosen based on the ‘Font’ they had while they spoke. Potato smacked the paper as it moved in front of him and held the page in his grip.
“Whatcha got there Spud?” Gaster inquired as he pried the page from under the tiny hand. “I think you’re right. Papyrus,” Potato smacked the page repeatedly.
 “Hello Papyrus, my son, I’m so glad to finally know you,” tears built in his sockets heavy and fat as he clicked his teeth against the crown of String Bean-- Papyrus’s skull. 
That was going to take some getting used to.
“Hello Papyrus,” Grillby shook his tiny hand wondering if this meant the boy would finally be free of the pale green Gaster always dressed him in. Papyrus sounded like a name that deserved a much bolder color.
“Paps,” Potato smacked his brother’s face in the closest he could to affection.
Gaster was openly crying now as he stole Potato away from him, “Lower case… curly… and so unprofessional. I know that one. I’ve turned many an applicant away for using it. Hello, my little C-O-M-I-C S-A-N-S.”
“Comic Sans?” It was quite the mouth full, though not any odder than WingDings.
‘I think just S-A-N-S will be plenty fine,’ he squeezed his boys tight.
“We’ll need to come up with signs for them,” Grillby was snapping like a well tended hearth as he soaked in his dear friend’s merriment. He didn’t quite get the importance of it, at least not how it would send the Royal Scientist into a fit of happy tears, but he was happy to finally know his Nephews’s true names. 
‘Grillby,’ Gaster wiped at his tears while Papyrus assisted by pat patting his face, ‘they’re Common Centric Fonts. Everyone can understand them.’
How had Grillby never picked up on that? Gaster was terrified they were going to end up with a Font like his since they were made from him. That’s why he was so excited, well, at least part of it. Grillby wrapped an arm around Gaster’s shoulders, “I’m happy for you.” Grillby hadn’t expected it but Gaster rested his head against him.
Sans and Papyrus occupied themselves with the book while Gaster worked himself down from his excitement. Grillby hugged the boys close to his chest with his free arm basking in how grateful he was to share this moment with his nephews: Papyrus and Sans.
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