#that will always be my name
i just found my discord account and scrounged around for the servers I never left and said goodbye to all my old rp partners and internet friends and everyone who made me me. and I may be sobbing but i am so happy I got myself to say goodbye. these people were a bug part of me. I've always had issues with fearing forgetting the people who formed me as a person so i'm so happy that this time around I still had contact with them and I got to finally say goodbye.
if you still have contact with any of your old friends, I encourage you to talk to them. say goodbye. thank them. tell them you love them. it feels so nice.
I'll miss you guys. thank you.
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beldaroot · 2 months
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there has been more moments than i can count in the past seven months where i felt destroyed by all the death and carnage i've seen due to the colonialism and imperialism of the world. but there was something in particular about hind's death that made me think the world would stop turning bc how could anything continue given how gruesome and inhumane her death was? and yet, the world did not stop. and i thought we were once again left to remember her story only in our minds as she became another number, as her murderers went on killing unpunished, and as her mother grieved with rage when all she wanted was to keep her daughter warm and as safe as she could manage in this man-made hell on earth.
however, hind, a girl who only got to experience her kindergarten graduation, is now being immortalized in universities across the nation. her story did resonate to the masses and we will not let her be forgotten nor forgive those complicit in her death. real justice would be having hind alive, but these students are showing that they will stop the world and burn the status quo it upholds to the ground if it means her people can truly be liberated.
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gojoest · 26 days
to say satoru is just clingy would be quite wrong actually.
“give me a kiss”, he pleads, voice soft, and eyes even softer. tenderness seeping from them as he looks at you, his gaze slowly shifting from your eyes to your lips in anticipation.
“i just gave you one”, you push a finger against his puckered lips.
“that was a long time ago, give me another”, he rolls closer to you. his body now completely on your side of the bed and his head on your pillow.
he throws an arm over you, his hand reaching at your back to pull you in until you’re squished chest to chest.
“that was three seconds ago”, you correct him.
“come on, my delicate. give me my air. or else i’ll suffocate and die”
“mmm? i am your air?”
“yes, you are”, he nods his head and puckers his lips again, waiting.
you kiss him softly. almost through a chuckle at his words at first, until his soft pink lips melt your sounds into a low hum. his hand trailing up from your back to your hair, fingers dancing like a tender rain on your scalp.
when you pull your face away, you drag a needy moan out of him along with it. almost like he’s out of air again.
“another one”, his breath shallow. “give me another”
to say he’s just clingy would be wrong. he’s just a human, so in love, who can’t hold his breath for too long.
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violent138 · 3 months
Damian: "Red Hood has a pretty severe concussion. What do I do?"
Tim: "Extraction's still ten minutes out, just keep him talking."
Damian, urgently pressing the comm: "I don't want to talk to him, he's even more insufferable than usual."
Jason, lying on the ground, eyes closed: "That's funny Junior, because head trauma's the only thing that makes you bearable."
Damian, to Tim: "I'm leaving. It won't be the first time we've had a closed casket."
Tim, groaning disgustedly: "Robin--ugh, seriously, just stay there and keep him awake."
Damian, seething even more when he sees Jason's smirk: "Fine."
Jason, cracking open one eye: "Aww, are you concerned about me?"
Damian: "Shut up. The only thing I'm concerned about is our family's reputation after your public wipeout on that stupid motorcycle."
Damian: "Are you still awake?" *kicks him* "Todd?"
Jason, grinning: "You said our family."
Damian, furious: "I didn't. You've lost more brain cells than you could afford."
Jason: "Wait 'till Tim hears, I think he'll want a group hug. Bruce is probably going to get emotionally constipated. Dickie would probably cry--"
Damian, panicking as he hears the Batmobile get closer: "Stop. Do not tell him--"
Jason: "You better erase every single fucking video of me crashing then."
Damian: "You have a deal."
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stil-lindigo · 9 months
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the fox god.
a comic about a trickster.
creative notes:
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all my other comics
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some good news!! the spanish state's ministry of equality has finally passed one of the most progressive trans laws on the planet, shielded free and universal access to abortion and banned conversion therapy and genital surgery for intersex babies, among a lot of other feminist policies. the minister of equality irene montero gave a speech thanking spain's lgtb and trans associations for helping her draft these legislations. couldn't be more proud!!
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stargatebarbie · 5 months
If you feel comfortable please tell me about your middle name in the tags too! I'm nosey and don't know what to do with my own middle name lmao
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originalartblog · 5 months
Apparently much-needed reminder that reposting artists' art (by saving the images or screenshotting them and reuploading them yourself) on other platforms without the artists' expressed permission and without credit is theft and an insult to their passion and craft. You are profiting (in views, in attention, in feedback) from someone else's work and ideas, who do not get that feedback for sharing their creation.
If you are an art reposter, you are a thief and I have no respect for you.
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louisegluckpdf · 1 year
well now im curious
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worfs-glorious-hair · 12 days
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Ninejack walked so that Fifteen x Rogue could run
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hugs-and-stabbies · 1 month
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The self-awareness on this guy 😞 someone pls send him an "are you bi?" quiz STAT
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bixels · 1 month
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Scary Sunset.
I'm concepting things way outta order in this story, but I'm sure you can piece things together. Context is for a storybeat where, after defeating and capturing Adagio (thus having all three sirens in her possession), Sunset enacts her revenge plot to release the sirens on Canterlot as Thea discovers she's been manipulated. In a confrontation, the two scuffle and fight over the siren orbs while Sunset struggles with her conflicting wants and emotions.
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croquel · 4 months
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i might make this look marginally better um... some other time
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wombywoo · 1 month
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Your Cassidy design gives me life, exactly how I envisioned her.
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I’m so glad y’all liked my Cassidy design!!
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swagsmeister · 28 days
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charlie could write symphony no. 9 but beethoven could never write dayman
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