#but we all had nicknames so it would be easier to refer to each other.
i just found my discord account and scrounged around for the servers I never left and said goodbye to all my old rp partners and internet friends and everyone who made me me. and I may be sobbing but i am so happy I got myself to say goodbye. these people were a bug part of me. I've always had issues with fearing forgetting the people who formed me as a person so i'm so happy that this time around I still had contact with them and I got to finally say goodbye.
if you still have contact with any of your old friends, I encourage you to talk to them. say goodbye. thank them. tell them you love them. it feels so nice.
I'll miss you guys. thank you.
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idksmtms · 5 months
Golden Globes (Cillian Murphy x reader)
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Summary: Written from the perspective of press and viewers of the golden globes; how cute are Cillian Murphy and his girlfriend Y/n L/n?! From the red carpet to his acceptance speech, look at what a mesmerising couple these two make!
Word count: 2,250
Trigger Warnings: she/her pronouns, AFAB reader, very slight profanity, mostly just fluff (please let me know if I missed any) 
Disclaimer: This is written purely for fictional purposes and for the sake of writing. No disrespect is intended to the real people portrayed/concerned in this scenario. 
AN: Inspired by Yvonne and Cillian actually being the cutest couple ever at the Golden Globes. Also, if you catch the sneaky Succession reference: mwah! Edit: Just watched an interview clip where he says everyone calls him Cill as his nickname and I will be gratuitously using that from now on.
Always appreciate comments, likes, and reblogs :) 
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Part 1: Red Carpet 
“And next to arrive onto the red carpet is Cillian Murphy! He’s a favourite to win the Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Drama Motion Picture, and I mean, rightly so, he killed it in Oppenheimer!” 
“Right?! And I have to say, whoever styled him tonight knew what they were doing, because mmm chef’s kiss right there.” 
“For real, but knowing him he probably grabbed an old suit out of his closet and put it on, hahahah.” 
“I bet he wishes, but Y/n would never let him, and there she is! Oh look how stunning she looks! For all our viewers who are unaware, that’s Y/n L/n, Cillian Murphy’s girlfriend and the other half of our favourite couple!” 
“Is that a vintage Schiaparelli?! Um, someone did not come to play. Aw, look how cute they are, he refuses to let go of her hand. I want a man like that.” 
“The way he smiles at her?! You can really tell they love each other, and awwww she’s blushing!!! You guyssssss, I can’t handle this.” 
“Hahahah, she’s forcing him to go out and strut his stuff, how sweet. That’s the definition of a supportive partner right there, always wanting you to have your moment to shine.” 
“Honestly, and like, I know we’re supposed to be watching Cillian but guys look how SHE watches him. That’s true love right there, and no one can convince me otherwise.” 
“D’you remember that interview where he talked about the little gifts she gets him at the end of each of his movies?” 
“Oh my god yeah, that was adorable, she makes him something small to remember each of his movies, like she knits or crochets or crafts something for him right?” 
“Yeah, exactly, well apparently, since this was his sixth movie with Nolan, she made the little tokens for all the producers and like the lead team. I was in TEARS when I heard, because who is that sweet? Like who is THAT sweet to their partner’s whole team?” 
“I didn’t know that, oh my god, I love her even more. No wonder Cillian loves her, I get it, I fully support it.” 
“Ok, seems like Cillian’s done getting his pictures taken and- aw! He’s looking for her! Cillian, bestie, she’s right there, ok ok ok, they found each other. Look at that hug!” 
“A man who adjusts the train of your dress like that to help you walk easier??? That is a man worth having, and Cillian Murphy is clearly the best man. Gosh look at the way she leans into him when they walk, and he’s just rubbing her back all soft and sweet, aaaaa I think I’m gonna melt.” 
“Oo! Ok, they’re going for interviews and the next person to come up is…” 
Part 1.2: Interview 
“Hi Cillian! How are you feeling tonight?” 
“I’m doing well thank you, a little nervous I guess, how are you?” 
“I’m great! Having a lot of fun here at the Golden Globes! How did you enjoy the red carpet? Any chance to meet others yet?” 
“Yeah, it’s grand, very… opulent, heh, and no! Unfortunately I haven’t had a chance to properly greet anyone yet, but I’m sure when we get inside I’ll have plenty of time for that.” 
“Alright, let’s talk about your movie for a bit, how does it feel to see all the recognition it’s getting?” 
“It feels deserved, you know? Everyone worked so hard on that film and put in a hundred and ten percent and it feels like people have really noticed it and seen not only the talent but the effort the team put in.” 
“Were you expecting such resounding fame for the movie?” 
“I mean, I definitely knew at least some people would watch it because Chris made it, hahaha, and people have recognised how amazing he is, but I guess you never really know how popular a movie is going to be until it comes out. But it’s truly amazing to see how it resonated with audiences.” 
“You’ve spoken in past interviews about the importance of a strong and accepting support system for people in this line of work, how did such an intense movie fit into your life?” 
“I mean, I treated it like I treat all my roles - it is a job at the end of the day - but it’s always great to have my family willing to put up with odd schedules and having to be away from home for long periods of time. My girlfriend, heh, she’s actually really great with this stuff. She always makes sure to call me while I’m away, she comes to visit as often as she can, and she just has this way of making anywhere feel like home, you know? Regardless of where I am, or what I’m doing, I can count on her, and that’s probably the best part of my life. It’s a really bad habit of hers but she stays up late with me if I have an oddly timed call or interview or whatever, just to be there with me.” 
“Aw, that’s so sweet! It’s amazing the way you talk about her, she sounds like a great person!” 
“She really really is. I mean, there’s some people out there who are just blessed with the biggest hearts and even just their presence can make life better, you know? And that’s her. I don’t know where I would be without her in my life to be honest with you.” 
“Oh how cute! Well, we’ll let you go, tell your girlfriend how much we love her, and good luck with your award tonight!” 
“Thank you.” 
Part 2: The Main Event 
“And the Golden Globe goes to… Cillian Murphy!” You let out a rather unholy shriek that you were sure would be caught on camera and posted all over, but you were too excited to care. You jumped up, grabbing Cillian by his shoulders and pressing your lips to his mouth and face, over and over until there were lipstick smudges across his nose. 
“You did it Cill! You did it,” you whispered, rubbing at his face to try and wipe away the lipstick. He had the lightest red splotches across his nose and cheek but they mixed into the flush on his skin so you let him be after a moment. Your face hurt from smiling, your whole body buzzing because finally, finally, he had gotten the recognition he had long deserved. 
“Oh boy, my first question, do I have lipstick all over my nose? Ah, I’m just gonna leave it. Um, I-I knew the first time that I walked on Chris Nolan’s set that it was different. I could tell by the level of rigour, the level of focus, the level of dedication, the complete lack of any seating options for actors, heheh, that it was-that I was in the hands of a visionary director and master. I wanna thank Chris, and Emma, for having the faith in me for-for twenty years, and six feckin pictures! So, thanks so much. Um, one of the most beautiful and vulnerable things about being an actor is that you can’t do it on your own, really, and we had the most incredible ensemble cast in this movie, it was magic, and some of them are here today. Emily Blunt, Robert Downey Jr, Matt Damon, Gary Oldman, thank you for carrying me and holding me through this movie. Um, thank you to- thank you! Uh, thank you to Dara Langley, and everyone at Universal for believing in this movie from the very beginning. Uh, oh! To all my fellow nominees - if you’re Irish or not - you’re all legends, stunning work guys, I salute you. Um, to all my reps, all my team, uh thank you so much you’re the best. To my girlfriend, you are the light of my life, the love I couldn’t live without, thank you for always being there. To my family, I’m the luckiest man, I love you, thanks so much guys!” 
Part 3: Top Ten 
“Hello everyone and welcome back to the ATN News youtube channel! Today we are looking at our top ten favourite Cillian Murphy moments from the Golden Globes and spoiler alert: they all have something to do with his girlfriend because, let’s face it guys, they’re our favourite unproblematic power couple! Just a reminder that we did similar videos for some other celebrities so you can check them out on our channel but let’s get started! 
Number 1: When they were walking into the hall and he held her purse for her! This is a personal favourite because I love someone who notices the little things, and the fact that he just kinda slipped it from her hands?? Cuteness overload. 
Number 2: This one is my personal favourite. During the break, the camera was just kinda moseying around and it caught them whispering to each other and just laughing. Look at how lovey dovey they are, leaning against each other, just whispering in each other’s ears. I really wanna know what they’re saying because I’m sure they are the most hilarious people on earth, but it’s also so intimate that I don’t wanna disturb them, you know? And she’s holding his hand in her lap aaaa! I have to move on otherwise I’m just gonna sit here and watch this all day. 
Number 3: Ok, at number three we have the couple’s red carpet glam moment! After getting some solo pictures taken, Cillian had Y/n walk the carpet with him and they slayed. I mean they slayyyyyed. Their outfits were amazing, their chemistry was amazing, their poses were amazing just- amazing. The fact that she did the little heel kick in one of the pictures?? Iconic. Cillian, Y/n, if you guys are looking for recommendations I would frame the picture where Y/n’s kissing the air just before Cillian’s cheek, it’s funny and it’s cute. 
Number 4: This is a moment from an interview he gave where they asked him about life with Y/n, take a listen. 
“You know she’s just the best. We both have our own strengths at home and I think they fit together so well and it just works perfectly. Like, I’m terrible at D.I.Y. Just absolutely hopeless, and good or not, she’s tenacious. If she starts a project for the house, no matter how hard, she will learn what to do and she will finish it. It’s inspiring honestly. Just every little thing she does inspires me.” 
Number 5: Halfway through and this might also be my personal favourite (agh I can’t choose!). When Y/n fed Cillian something from her plate?? Guys, when I saw that, I kid you not I almost melted. She just gently taps his shoulder, lifts her fork to his mouth, and feeds him. Was he too nervous to eat?? Did she notice and make sure he ate something?? Or is that just something they do? Like if you walked into their house at a random dinner time she might just randomly feed him something?? Either way, it was cute and I bet they make everyone sick with their love and I’m here for it. 
Number 6: Another simple one, but when he sat back with his arm over her chair? He just kinda leaned to the side and put his arm on the back of her chair and she just kinda shifted closer into his side- and they didn’t even stop their conversations with other people! They just did it! Being that intune with someone is just nghdhm. I have no words. 
Number 7: Alright, so some fan pics came out after the event of the couple leaving the venue, and look at this, he’s carrying her shoes for her!!! The pictures are a little grainy, but you can clearly see him holding the heels that she was wearing during the event while they walk to the car. She’s even carrying his award for him, what a bunch of cutiepies!
Number 8:  Another one from the fan pics - and another personal favourite (leave me alone) - is those cuties dancing on the street! I think it’s near their house and the pictures capture him twirling her, and they’re both laughing so much and then they’re hugging and Cillian’s just swaying her (all while holding that Golden Globe mind you) and they just look so happy and in love. Brb, I need something to tackle this overdose of cute. 
Number 9: Our second last moment is when Y/n kissed Cillian right before he went up to accept his award! Just, the scream, the kiss, the lipstick on his face, all of it is so perfect. And the fact that he left it on his face while giving his speech? Our king, have no shame, proudly show her love! 
Number 10: And of course, the final favourite has to be Cillian’s speech. He was funny, he was gracious, and honestly? It was perfect. If my boyfriend called me the light of his life in a room full of famous people, on a live broadcast that like millions of people are watching, I would probably just start proposing to him at that moment. Like he really said “the love I couldn’t live without” can you imagine that kind of devotion?! I want that. 
Anyway! Thanks for watching our top ten Cillian Murphy moments. Don’t forget to like and subscribe!” 
AN: Yes, I did transcribe his whole acceptance speech. No further questions.
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bradshawsbaby · 1 year
Letters to My Love // Part III
Blue Moon
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Bob Floyd x Female Reader
Summary: When you signed up to volunteer with the USO, you never anticipated that you would meet a man like Ensign Robert Floyd. Fate brings you together one balmy spring evening in Charleston—the night before Bob is set to ship off across the Atlantic. Pen and paper become your only means of sharing your heart with the naval aviator who’s captivated it, igniting a correspondence that spans the distance between you. Can love blossom even as war rages and thousands of miles keep you apart?
Word Count: 2.8k
Author’s Note: I’m making a serious effort to be as historically accurate as possible in each of these letters, but I also realize that I may reference things that some people are unfamiliar with or confused about. I’d be happy to answer any questions about the time period if you have them!
Set the Mood: If you’re looking for some 1940s vibes, check out the playlist I made to pair with the story!
Song(s) referenced in this chapter: Chattanooga Choo Choo // Blue Moon
Dedication: As always, dedicated to my sweet friend, @luminousnotmatter​, as well as everyone who has offered such lovely support for this series!
Warnings: Alternating POV, references to war and its impact, allusions to rationing, plenty of fluff.
July 6, 1942
Dear Peach,
Is it alright if I call you Peach? I suppose being in and around the Navy for as long as I have, I’ve become sort of used to the notion of nicknames. We’ve got one for everyone around here, and Peach just seems to suit you. I admit, it’s how I’ve come to think of you. But if you don’t like it—or if it seems too familiar for me to be calling you a silly nickname—you let me know right away and I’ll be sure not to do it again.
Gosh, I can’t tell you how happy it made me to receive your letter. Mail Call is always a good day—you should see the smiles around here when the fellas get letters from their sweethearts and families. But it felt a hundred times better the day I got your letter. Benny was about ready to tear it out of my hands and open it himself, and Tommy Boy wasn’t too far behind. Paul practically had to knock their heads together so that I could have a little peace. I kept it in my pocket and saved it to read until after dinner that night. Let me tell you, it was certainly sweeter than any dessert they could cook up in the mess (although, admittedly, their dessert could use some work, even on a good day).
I’m sorry that it took me so long to write back. You wouldn’t believe this, Peach, but they’ve really got us working hard over here. It’s almost like there’s a war on or something.
I’m sorry, was that a terrible thing to say? I don’t mean to make light of it. None of us do. But I think we’ve found that if we look for a little bit of levity every now and then, it makes this whole thing a bit easier to bear. We haven’t been here long, but we’ve already seen and heard things we’d rather not remember. So we look for the good where we can find it—like Mail Call, when we get special letters from lovely girls back home, just like you.
To answer your question, I’m doing just fine. I suppose I won’t try to get one past the Office of Censorship this time around, but we’re still in the same region of Europe and expect to be so for the foreseeable future. I wish that I could paint you a beautiful picture of what life is like here, but it’s rather bleak at the moment. You can still see the pockets of beauty though—I’m sure it was a wonderful place before this war. I hope that one day, it will be again.
But I’m sure you don’t want to hear me ramble on about the sad state of the world right now. Should we talk about something happier? How was your Fourth of July? I hope it was swell. I admit, my mouth was watering a bit the other day when I thought about all the things my mother always makes to celebrate. I’ll never know how she manages to get it all done, but she prepares a feast for us every year. My favorite part has to be her apple cobbler—drop a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top, and I swear, it’s heaven. All of us were missing home a little extra this Independence Day, so we ended up swapping stories of home and all the ways our families celebrate. I have to say, it did help to dull some of the homesickness. Tommy Boy had us all dreaming about parades marching through town, and Benny couldn’t stop talking about his mother’s berry icebox cake. We made him promise that when this is all over, he’ll have us as dinner guests so that we can sample it for ourselves. Do you have any special Fourth of July traditions?
Speaking of families and traditions, I’m so glad to hear that Paddy, Dottie, and little Frankie are doing well. Although I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting your sister, from everything you’ve told me, it does sound like Paddy has found his perfect match. She sounds like a woman who can certainly keep him on his toes. By the way, please let Paddy know that we all played a rousing game of Rummy in his honor. We look forward to getting to play with him again when we get home.
Gosh, there’s just so much I want to say. But it’s kind of hard, isn’t it? Knowing the right things to say, I mean. I’ve always been kind of amazed at how eloquent people’s letters can be. Mine sort of just end up coming out like a jumbled mess. It’s like I want to tell you everything that crosses my mind—as if we were sitting on that bench together on King Street—but I can’t think of a proper way to do it. So I apologize now if this letter is horribly scatter-brained and messy. I’ll try my very best to be more organized in the future.
What I do have to tell you—and I should have said it earlier—is how much I appreciated your lovely description of your day back in Charleston. Unfortunately, it was rainy and gray here the day I received your letter, but reading your words made it feel as though the warm southern sunshine had been delivered right to us. I hope you don’t mind, but I read that part of your letter to some of the other fellas. They really appreciated it. They’re also very grateful to know that you’re thinking of us and wishing us all the best. So am I. It gives us the boost we need when the days get hard.
Nothing would make me happier than the thought of you saving a dance for me. Maybe next time, I’ll even get to hear that pretty singing voice of yours. I know you said I couldn’t be certain that you were a good singer because you were just humming, but trust me—I know. We listen to music over here sometimes when we’re able, but I do admit it’d be much more fun to be listening to it at another USO dance. Sometimes I’ll hear a song that played that night, and it makes me smile.
Anyway, they’re calling us now, and I should probably stop running my mouth so much. It’s funny—I’ve never been much of a talker (just ask Paul), but with you, I feel like I could write pages and pages, and it still wouldn’t be enough.
I hope this letter hasn’t bored you to tears, and I do hope to hear from you again soon. Thanks for sending along the sunshine.
Sincerely Yours,
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July 22, 1942
Dear Bobby,
Peach is just fine! It’s lovely, in fact. I’ve never had a nickname just for me before, so that one makes me feel quite special. On top of that, it’s also officially Dottie-approved. She insists she only happened to glance over and “accidentally” catch sight of the beginning of your letter, but I think she may have just been snooping. See? I told you she’d get on wonderfully with Benny and Tommy Boy.
Mail Call sounds like a wonderful day for all of you. The USO has been reminding us how important letter writing can be. They’ve been saying how much it boosts morale for our boys overseas, and clearly they were right. I’m touched that my letter seemed to mean so much. If it really does brighten your day, then I’d be happy to write hundreds of letters. I’m not so sure my words are really sweeter than ice cream or pie, but I will try my hardest.
You don’t have to apologize! I can only begin to imagine what it must be like for you over there. As happy as I am to receive your letters and to know that you’re doing alright, I understand that it may take a while for you to be able to write me. And you most certainly don’t need to apologize for trying to do what you can to preserve your peace of mind. My heart breaks to think what you and your friends, and all the other men over there fighting, have already seen and experienced. They say war is hell, and I absolutely believe it. I could never dream of being even half as brave as you are, Bobby. I mean that. If your heart ever feels heavy with all the burdens you have to carry, please know that you can lay it down with me. I’m more than happy to listen. I know that I won’t have all the answers—who does?—but I’ll always try my hardest to help you carry the load as best I can.
I’ve never been to Europe before, but my parents went to Paris for their honeymoon back in 1916, and my mother still talks about how beautiful and magical it was. It makes me so sad to think that countries that were once so full of life and art and beauty and culture have been reduced to war-torn husks. Like you, I have hope that one day very soon, this horrible war will be behind us and all those wonderful places will be filled with magic once more. And maybe one day in the future, I’ll get to travel there. I’d like that very much.
My Fourth of July was very nice! I have to admit, reading about your mother’s apple cobbler and Benny’s mother’s icebox cake had MY mouth watering. There must just be something about mothers because my mama also LOVES baking up a storm to celebrate Independence Day. One of her favorite desserts to make is—can you believe it?—peach tarts! Maybe we can convince our mothers to swap recipes.
This is the first Fourth of July that I haven’t celebrated with my parents back home in Georgia, but Paddy, Dottie, Frankie, and I had a wonderful day. It was Frankie’s first, so we took him to the parade in town, though I think he would have been more than happy to stay home. Poor baby is teething, and he’s been downright miserable some days. I’m sure Paul knows what that’s like, and I’m sure Natasha is dealing with the same with Paul, Jr. right now. It’s hard to watch him suffer—I know it just about kills Dottie.
Speaking of Dottie, she was rather upset that her baking plans got a bit derailed by our ration cards. I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but sugar is being rationed now. We pooled together as many ration cards as we could save, but there’s been such a demand for it that there was hardly any to be found. We settled on a simple pound cake with strawberries, which Dottie wasn’t happy about, but Paddy made sure to cheer her up by making a big show about how it was the best pound cake he’d ever tasted. Personally, I do think it could have used more sugar, but please don’t tell Dottie that I said that.
Thankfully, Frankie took a good nap that day, so he was in much better spirits by the time the fireworks went off. We went down by the water to watch them, and he was mesmerized. I enjoyed them, too, but it felt sort of strange to be having such a nice day when I thought of you and all the other men who have gone off to fight for us. It felt wrong somehow to be celebrating as though there wasn’t a terrible war waging halfway across the world, a war that’s been taking more and more of our men every day. But Paddy helped to put it into perspective for me slightly. He said that the men who are over there fighting—men like you, Bobby—are doing so precisely so that the rest of us can enjoy these freedoms. He said that, if it were him, he’d be happy to know that we were safe and still getting the chance to celebrate our independence. Was he right, Bobby? I hope it doesn’t feel like rubbing salt in a wound, me telling you about our Fourth of July.
Can I tell you something? I think Paddy’s been having a hard time wrestling with the fact that his job allows him to remain stateside during the war. I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, but I heard him and Dottie sitting up in the kitchen one night, talking. I think he feels a bit guilty, being a part of the Navy, but not having to go fight the same way you all are. Dottie has been trying so hard to reassure him, but I noticed that he’s been working even longer hours now—he wants to do whatever he can for the war effort, and to help bring you boys home as quickly as he can. That’s what we’re all hoping for.
I have to admit, I giggled a little bit when I read the part of your letter about feeling like what you write is a jumbled mess. I feel the same. It’s a little tricky to have a conversation on paper, isn’t it? It’s much easier when you’re sitting face to face. Tell you what? I’ll forgive your messiness, if you forgive mine. Does that sound like a deal?
Oh, I’m so glad to hear that the talk of sunshine made you happy, even on a gray and rainy day. And I’m happy that your friends enjoyed it, too. Would you say hello to Paul for me? I’m not sure if he even remembers me, but I’m still so grateful for his kindness at the dance. Maybe say hi to Tommy Boy and Benny for me, too? Even though I haven’t met them officially, I feel like I know them so well through your stories about them.
I’m not sure about where you are, but it’s brutally hot here in Charleston now. Still sunny though, so I’m picturing scooping some of it up and sending it your way. Unless we have errands to run, Dottie and I have been staying mainly inside with the baby. I know we’re supposed to be conserving as much power as possible, but Dottie doesn’t care a fig if there’s a war on when it’s this hot—she’s got all the fans running on full blast. I hope wherever you are, you’re able to keep cool.
I have to say, Ensign Floyd, you really are going to give me a big head one of these days. I assure you that I am not as talented a singer as you seem to think I am, but perhaps I’d be willing to sing along to one song at the next dance we attend. But you have to promise not to laugh when you discover I’m terrible at it. Humming, I promise you, is very different from singing.
Now that I’m on the topic of music, however, I wanted to mention that every time Dottie puts on one of her Glenn Miller records, I think of you and your mother. I know you said she was a big Glenn Miller fan, and I like to think that maybe somewhere in Iowa, she’s listening to “Chattanooga Choo Choo,” same as us.
Just last night, while we were cleaning the kitchen, Dottie and I were listening to the radio and “Blue Moon” came on. Do you know that one? The Al Bowlly song? I think he has such a lovely voice. Anyway, I was listening to the song while I was washing the dishes and it got me thinking about the moon. Gosh, that sounds so silly now that I actually write it out. But it’s true. I was thinking about the moon, and it struck me that the moon that was shining down on me was the same moon that was shining down on you. Even though I don’t even know exactly where in the world you are, when I look up at the moon at night, I can be sure that it’s the very same moon that you’re looking at. I don’t know, maybe it’s silly, but it kind of brought me some comfort. Does that sound horribly hokey? I’m sorry if it does. Maybe if it doesn’t strike you as too terribly sentimental, you can share it with Paul the next time he’s feeling down about missing Natasha and the kids. This war might be keeping us all apart, but at night, when we look up at the moon, we can remember that we’re not so far apart as it seems.
Your letter certainly didn’t bore me to tears, Bobby. On the contrary, it made my day. Now I just hope that MY letter doesn’t bore YOU to tears. Maybe when all this is over, you and I will feel more confident in our letter-writing abilities. I certainly do hope that’s the case.
Stay safe, Bobby. Sending you all my very best.
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avocado-writing · 2 years
1. I love your writing it’s amazing!!! Ilyyy/p ❤️
2. Are your short sfw requests still open? If so are you okay with writing one for Ladybug? One where he and the reader (code name Cherry/Cherry Bomb) are both in the train during the time when it crashes and in a moment of panic they both just hug each other and hope they survive it (before they both fall together into that giant momomon plushie thing like in the movie) afterwards the reader is like: “how the fuck did we survive this?” Ladybug: “just lucky ig”
🥺 ilu2!
I don't really write for Ladybug (or give reader codenames, actually) so I kept this one short! Hope it hits the spot!
Rated M for Sexual References (thank u vvalliu for the gif!)
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Well, with his fucking luck, you would end up in this situation.
It’s his first job back so they paired you up together. Wanted someone to keep an eye on him because he’s been acting differently, apparently. You drew the short straw and were stuck with babysitting duty. 
“Come on, Maria. Don’t make me do it,” you’d whined down the phone. Your handler had given you a gentle tut.
“It’s one job. Be pleased it’s not with Carver.”
Admittedly, you are pleased with that. Carver is a dick. But Ladybug - at least, that’s what they’re calling him nowadays - didn’t turn out to be much better. With a stupid laid-back attitude and an even stupider hat, you’d found yourself grinding your teeth at his greeting. 
“Hey! Cherry Bomb, I’ve not seen you for ages!”
“Just CB is fine.”
“Why’d you need a nickname… when you already have a nickname?” he asked, eyebrows furrowing under those ridiculous glasses. 
“It’s a codename, not a nickname. Can we just get on the train, please?”
The old Ladybug might have bickered back and, secretly, you would have enjoyed it. But this new one just shrugs and acquiesces. 
Snatch and grab. 
Should have been easy. Of course it wasn’t. Assassins running up and down the train like no man’s business. Too many of you to be coincidental, all the while Ladybug’s bad luck dragging you deeper into the dirt. You’re sort of annoyed at him but know, realistically, that luck doesn’t exist. Doesn’t make it any easier to fight off a snake when it’s trying to bite you in the goddamn eyeball, though. 
But through it all you can’t deny you’re… looking.
He’s attractive, that’s undeniable. Always has been, even back in the old days before he got that mature suaveness. Those arms, that hair. And he’s also kind of… nice. Which is a rare thing in this business. And you feel yourself soften to his new unwitting charm, smiling more than you frown, despite the circumstances.
Then, well, the train sort of explodes. 
Which, yeah, why wouldn’t it? Why wouldn’t a train with Ladybug on it explode? And as you’re there, flying through the debris, you see him open his arms to you, as if in slow-motion. 
You let yourself fall into him, feel him pull you flush to his body, scrunch your eyes shut so hard they hurt.
In his arms? It’s not a bad way to go.
Then… something soft. It still hurts, of course, but the softness is a surprise. And when you finally get the sense to look around you’re still very much alive. In the middle of a crash site and in pain, but alive. Ladybug is on top of you, having landed with one of his knees between your legs and his body resting on yours. You might have pushed him off of you if adrenaline wasn’t coursing through your veins.
His hair flops over his face, tickling your own. He’s close. Very close.
“How did we get outta that one?” he mutters.
“Just lucky, I guess,” you breathe back, and drag him down to kiss you. He tastes like smoke and blood and fuck, if it isn’t just perfect. You press your hips up into him and watch his eyebrows skyrocket.
A gun is fired into the air behind you. The two of you look over, and spot the White Death, clinging to life, abhorrent fury on his face at the sight of the two of you choosing now to kiss.
“Can you give me like, two minutes, bro? I’ve been waiting for this forever.”
And you burst into laughter, and despite everything, he kisses you again.
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missmics · 2 years
Last pic of the three of the Subway Boss Family is cute! Quick question, does Akari call them Uncles, or one dad or both her dads? Or does she have different nicknames for both of them?
Short answer; Ingo is 'dad' and Emmet is 'uncle' but she considers both terms to be pretty much interchangeable and is very confused when others don't. Ingo is the one who legally adopts her and Emmet is officially her uncle. That being said both take pretty much the same amount of responsibility in for her.
Long answer; Fic upon ye
It took months before Akari felt truly safe enough to let her new guardians out of sight for very long. Emmet and Ingo didn't blame her. Having been abandoned once was already traumatic for such a small child. She would throw tantrums when left unattended, even if only for the night while they slept in rooms adjacent. Eventually, they conceded and took turns having the second-hand crib (donated by a colleague whose children had outgrown it) in their rooms lest the neighbors start to worry. For one with such small lungs, she could scream very loudly.
At least on that front, she could have really been Ingo's daughter.
That was what they had eventually decided on when almost a year had passed and they realised they couldn't give her away. The intention had been to only foster her until her absentee parents were found. She had somehow become separated from them on their watch, and as such, it was their duty to ensure the safety of their young passenger. But there had been no progress. So they asked to keep her.
Ingo was more eloquent, so both brothers agreed it would be easier for him to argue their case. He became a dad, and Emmet an uncle.
Akari didn't refer to either as such.
Her Galarian was poor. Not unsurprising with her age and seeming newness to Unova. Instead she bestowed on both sloppily pronounced titles they didn't understand the meaning of. It was hard to interpret what she wanted at times, but she seemed content. She was happy and healthy and that was all that mattered.
Ingo and Emmet weren't sure she fully comprehended what adoption meant. The social worker had explained in her language, but she was still very small. Regardless, she became more confident with time. She stopped trailing them like a caboose and became more willing to be left to her own devices so long as at least one brother remained in the apartment. Her separation anxiety improved until finally it seemed worthwhile to chance finding her a place in the preschool downtown, close to the station, so that hopefully they could return to work as normal.
The first day she was left at the school it was hard to tell whether guardians or child was more nervous. Ingo and Emmet got very little work done that day.
"What if the other children treat her poorly?"
"She is upset. She hates us for leaving her."
"It is very difficult to make friends, she doesn't speak the same language, they might be mean to her."
"We left her. Like her old parents."
After spending the last hour of their shift in the office, staring at the clock and making very little progress on actual paperwork, they finally broke and left to pick Akari up.
But Akari was not upset.
She bounded up to them happily, chattering away incomprehensibly with the odd word here and there in understandable Galarian. Emmet nodded along, hiding any confusion behind the usual smile. The girl grabbed at Ingo's gloved hand—her own small enough to only close around a finger—and tugged. He obliged and hunched down to her eye level only to immediately have a paper shoved in his face. It was a drawing of three stick figures on a printed out page with cheery bubble letters reading 'family' in one corner. Apparently; the product of today's work.
The girl continued babbling away, the few parts he understood being adjectives describing her day. She then beamed proudly, pointing at each of the other parents in the process of collecting their children. As if explaining a difficult concept, she began to recite as she pointed:
"Mom, dad! Mom, dad! Mom, dad!"
"Moms and dads! Yes, excellent! Bravo!" Ingo praised, patting her head gently. She looked back at him happily before her face scrunched up in confusion. Slowly she raised her hand again, pointing right at Ingo's face making him go cross eyed as he tried to look at the tiny finger inches from his nose.
Ingo froze. His mouth fell open as he floundered to respond. She continued, pointing at Emmet.
Ingo broke out of his startled silence. Emmet's mouth fell open, his face going red. It was enough to make Ingo burst out laughing. He took the small child by the shoulders and pulled her into a hug while Emmet sputtered in the background.
"No, Emmet is 'uncle'. No mom, yes dad." He shook his head fondly, tilting his hat down to hide the tears building in his eyes. "Yes dad. Moms are girls."
He could practically see the gears turning behind her bright slate eyes as she struggled to comprehend the meaning.
"Moms girls…" She bit her thumb, before brightening. "Elesa!"
Ingo broke down laughing, joyful tears shining in his eyes.
Just wait until Elesa heard that one.
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000marie198 · 10 months
I think Prime mainly went with nicknames for the Tailses cause it was "easier" to play with, I struggle to see what they would have came up with for each if they had actual ones. (Also, considering how each shatterspace works, I could see all having different rules when it came to it. Mangey felt like he was named by his group, the pirates most definitely came up with titles for themselves, and considering how dystopian New Yoke is, I wouldn't be surprised if some folks straight up don't have names and go by a code one instead, as a case of either having some agency or was bestowed a title by the Council themselves.)
I mean, they do need different names for the different variants. And fitting ones according to both their character and world. Boscage Maze simply has names like that because it's a jungle world. Mangey was most definitely given to him by the Boscage Gang.
No Place barely has any land, I believe the crew adopted little Sails when he was much younger and his name is probably like those nicknames pirates have within their crew, like Catfish. Amy is literally the only character who has a full name that isn't the name of her species so I like how all her variants have Rose attached to their names and also indicates the Amy variants stuck to choosing their own name. Rusty was probably named by the CC but she still has Rose attached to it. The Boscage Gang just has names like that, No Place crew probably have titles chosen by themselves or others of their crew and it stuck.
And New Yoke is being ruled by tyrants.
Oh the CC definitely has codes appointed to New Yoke's citizens. Remember back in the first episode when that one sentry bot scanned someone and read a code instead of referring to the other with their name? But all that tyranny doesn't mean the citizens don't name their kids or don't choose a name for themselves that isn't a line of code digits. Like Rebel Rouge, Renegade Knucks.
As for Nine, just like Tails, he was an orphan. We don't know if he remembers his birth name but he might've, considering Nine is the name he chose for himself afterwards, when he created his extra tails and learned to fight back, when he made full use of his technological prowess. Nine was not given to him by the CC as a code, it's a name he chose for himself.
Anyways, point in case, some names indicate they started out from OG character's names and some say otherwise. It's hard to tell whether the variants used to have their birth names the same as the OGs or not.
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mariacallous · 1 month
It should come as no surprise that Nigella Lawson, who nicknamed her microwave the mee-cro-wah-vay and regularly refers to pomegranate seeds as “ruby jewels,” has her own name for rugelach: scuffles.
“Scuffles,” the British television cook and proclaimed food writer explains in a recent YouTube recipe tutorial, “is the really delightful American name for an even more delightful Ukrainian pastry, rohalyky. Now if you’ve ever encountered rugelach, you’ll know what they are, but think like doll’s-house-sized croissants.”
So much to unpack here.
As a Brit, I regularly have to turn to my North American colleagues for insight into the food habits and psyche of those across the pond, but only a few had heard of scuffles. Hmm. Further research online revealed that scuffles are a fairly popular Canadian Christmas pastry. A rugelach by any other name would taste as sweet, I concluded, and moved on.
… But not very far. 
I was as thrown by the term “scuffles” as I was by Nigella’s pronunciation of rugelach, with its long “oo” like in “arugula,” which is different to the way it’s typically pronounced in the U.K.: rog-a-lach. Ultimately, I reasoned that we’re probably all pronouncing it wrong and there was no need to be petty. 
Regional differences resolved, I whiled away a happy hour researching the origins of rugelach and their relationship to Ukranian rohalyky. Turns out, they’re essentially the same pastry, which has long been enjoyed across Eastern Europe by non-Jews and Jews, who called them “rugelach” in Yiddish. 
Finally, I addressed Nigella’s description: “doll’s-house-sized croissants,” concluding it’s a bit of a stretch given that 1) her recipe does not call for a laminated dough, 2) you rarely come across cinnamon croissants and 3) neither rohalyky nor rugelach are French. Later in the video, Nigella likens her scuffles to “miniature armadillos,” which if you squint, or live inside Lawson’s kitschy brain (and how I often wish I did), is much more plausible. 
Still with me? (Fellow Virgos, I know you are.) Time to dissect Nigella’s recipe, which you can find on the website of upmarket British online grocery store, Ocado. 
In a pleasant turn of events, I have few complaints. The scuffles are easier and simpler than most rugelach recipes I’ve come across; on the video tutorial, Nigella even makes the pastries by hand, no mixer required. And you could argue that Nigella’s scuffles are a gratifying hybrid of American- and Isreali-style rugelach. Like Israeli rugelach, she adds yeast to her dough — but unlike the babka-esque Israeli dough, hers doesn’t need to rise. Like American rugelach, she enriches her dough, calling for sour cream rather than the typical cream cheese. 
And then, in true Nigella style, she ever-so casually turned my world upside down.
After chilling for an hour or two, ’twas time to roll out the dough — but not in flour. No, in a technique that Lawson correctly calls “fascinating and revelatory,” she rolls out each quarter of dough in cinnamon sugar. 
“Geometrists, please turn away because I’m going to describe this as a circle,” Nigella quips as she displays a sparkling disc encrusted in warm, scented sugar (I imagine she might say), which she then cuts, pizza-style, into small triangles (Nigella, use a pizza cutter not a knife, it’s much easier!), rolls up into “enchanting” pastries that may or may not resemble “teeny-tiny croissants” (see above), and bakes. 
Having told us her recipe feeds a crowd (64 scuffles, to be exact), which I think we can all agree is very Jewish, Nigella then recommends serving the pastries with ice cream, which is… not very Jewish.
Sadly, as with the entire Ocado YouTube series, we do not get to see Nigella eating a scuffle, nor even sneaking into the kitchen in the middle of the night in a silk nightgown to snatch a couple from the jar. But in the absence of a television show (how much longer must we wait for you to grace our screens once again, Nigella?), this will have to do. 
I’ll pass on the ice cream but — just as I always cover my rising bread dough with a leopard-print shower cap and double-butter my toast (once when the toast is warm, so it melts; once when the toast is a little cooler, so it coats the surface) — I shall, forevermore, roll out my rugelach dough in cinnamon sugar, just like Nigella does.
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pluckyredhead · 1 year
Red Hood and the Outlaws #4 (2011)
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Back on Lobdell's bullshit!
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There had been vague references to Roy being a "screwup" in the first three issues of the book, but this issue confirms that he is, as he was pre-Flashpoint, an addict in recovery. There are two major differences, though: one, his sobriety seems a lot shakier than it was pre-Flashpoint (at least, before Lian's death), and two, he is now an alcoholic, rather than a narcotics addict. Pre-Flashpoint, Roy was regularly shown drinking casually and sometimes even actively drunk (Ollie's bachelor party), and it was never depicted as a problem for him, though Kyle at one point gently teases him about staying away from booze. (Interestingly, Ollie is occasionally depicted as having an unhealthy relationship with alcohol himself, but no line is ever drawn between his potential addiction and Roy's, in any continuity.)
I'm of two minds about the change. On the one hand, though I have a strong attachment to the original "Snowbirds Don't Fly," it was very much commenting on a specific cultural moment, as well as being very deliberately designed to open up conversation about drugs and drug addiction in comic books (prior to "Snowbirds," the depiction of drug use was banned by the Comics Code Authority). There's no reason to stick specifically to heroin, other than tradition. I hate to praise Tom King, and I have quibbles with him giving Roy an addiction to prescription drugs in Heroes in Crisis (if injuries in the field led to Roy's reliance on and then addiction to prescription painkillers, why is he the only superhero to develop an addiction? it should be like a third of them!), but it's a choice that feels very current, the way that heroin felt very current in 1971. (People obviously still do heroin, but you know what I mean.)
Making Roy an alcoholic instead of a heroin addict provides an interesting opportunity to compare the two addictions. Alcoholism is much more culturally accepted (and, you know, legal), easier to hide, and carries far less stigma, both when using and when in recovery. And yet RHATO depicts a Roy who appears to be in greater disgrace with the superhero community than pre-Flashpoint Roy ever was. It would have been interesting to explore the difference in how the two addictions are received, in getting and staying sober, in the dangers of using any substance to excess, even legal and widely accepted ones. A thoughtful writer could have told a really moving story with this change.
Of course, we're talking about Lobdell here, so the change feels completely arbitrary and downright lazy, especially since Lobdell (and King) has a habit of doing zero research and changing things at random. Both the alcoholism and the prescription drug addiction wind up coming across like all addictions are interchangeable, which is...shitty.
But, you know. It could have been good.
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On the other hand, here we have the debut of the single best thing about all of RHATO: the Jaybird nickname. Drink it in, friends.
Meanwhile, Kori gets attacked by this guy, Crux:
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She's TAMARANEAN. In fact, the word "Tamaranean" is used later on the same page. What a shitshow.
Crux is a human whose parents were killed when a random Tamaranean spaceship hit their car (why were Tamaraneans just cruising by Earth? no idea), so he devoted his life to destroying aliens in general and Tamaraneans in particular, including using alien DNA so he can turn himself into a giant bat-lizard at will.
Meanwhile, the hot lady sheriff turns out to be an Untitled, and she and Jason frisk each other sexily before she turns into a monster and attacks. It's boring.
The issue ends with Roy going to help Kori, who is losing her fight, and Jason facing off against the Untitled. So to sum of the events of the issue, two fights start and Roy calls Jason "Jaybird" for the first time. It's amazing how little story you can tell in when you average like two panels per page!
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recentadultburnout · 11 months
Info for writer in Thai series fandom : How Thai names work
This is the same as in Ao3. After AO3 was down for awhile, I think it's a good idea to put things on more than one platform. I would still suggest you check the AO3 version first, tho. I edit things a lot, so you get the newest version.
This is going to be the very basis of how Thai names work. And I must say that this is what I know from what I experience in my day-to-day life and not some linguistics lesson.
First, all your favorite characters were likely called by their nick names, not their legal names.
Secondly, their nick names were likely to have had nothing in common with their legal names.
So if you want accuracy, don't use that nickname on a legal document like a citizenship ID or something that they would have to formally register their name at, like a school, workplace, or hospital. 
I'm aware that throughout the show you might not ever hear anyone say their legal names, so you don't have anything to use. In that case, I would like to suggest you guys make the situation a bit more natural to use nicknames. If you want the teacher to call them, then make the teacher know them already and not read their names on roll call or make the doctor ask how they want to be called instead of reading it from the record.
But if you want to use their nickname like it's a legal name, it's not a big deal either! After all, writing fanfic is a hobby, and nobody should stress over a hobby.
Next, let me tell you how we Thai say each other's name.
Most Thais have a first name, a last name, and a nickname, and as we know, the nickname is what is used the most in the show, and yes, that is what happens in real life too. So you guys have tons of examples of how to use nicknames already. Let's skip that.
In Thai, we say first name and then last name when referring to someone's full name. We usually say our full name just once (if situation require) when introducing ourselves and usually with a nickname to accompany it if we want to be friendly and ok to let those we talk with use our nickname, but if it was a formal setting, then it would be "khun+first name" pattern people use to call each other. I think khun might be equal to mr. or miss, so you could just use "mr. first name"
What about when you want to use their full name in a teasing way? Or a mom yells their kid full name angrily?
Then it would be first name and last name without a nickname. I notice that sometimes people tend to write it like a nickname, first name, and last name when characters say a full name, which is fine, but it's not actually how it is normally said in a conversation, you know?
To make it easier to remember, just don't mix nicknames and full names, and if you use a nickname to call one character when describing a scene, then it's probably a good idea to use a nickname for all of the others too.
At least in day-to-day conversation. People wouldn't say their friend's name as nickname + last name and only say nickname + first name combination if the nicknames of the people they were referring to were the same as someone else they knew. But if they talked about celebrities, then nickname + first name would get used a lot, similar to using a singer's stage name or nickname + their band's name or company's name to refer to them.
In kindergarten, things are usually marked with a nickname, and when we grow up, they will be marked with a legal name and surname and/or class number, student ID.
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dicenote · 13 days
I really want to know what song you would pick for Ide :> (or if that's possible for the Matsuda/Ide ship)
And maybe for Namikawa too. He’s quite an interesting character!
Of course, and thanks for the ask! I'll admit I had a lot of trouble with picking stuff out, but I'm pretty happy with the songs I found. I've got one for Ide, one for MatsuIde, and one for Namikawa.
Ide: "Hiding" by Modern Baseball
Ide's difficult! He seems like such a simple guy, I'd bet he wouldn't even listen to music all that often, lol XD I wanted to find something that reflected his more reserved personality but also nodded to his complicated feelings about the Kira case. This song is quiet and kinda comforting in some places, but loud (and almost violent) in others.
Overall, it feels like "Hiding" is a song about the past, about happy memories that are long behind you. And for Ide, who spends a good chunk of the plot unsure about what's going to happen next, it feels fitting, in a weird way.
Some of the lyrics that I think fit him the best from this are:
"Entertain the cancer, we all answer upwards either way The waiting game is tied again. Backs of hands and phrases, misplaced gazes Things we still deny to selves and hesitate to talk about"
Those second 2 lines could definitely be interpreted in a more shippy context, but I like the "things we still deny" line referring to Kira's identity. Ide's stance on things is... kinda weird, isn't it? Like, he seems to hope that Light isn't Kira, but also he kinda sees it coming in the end. I dunno, he's such an interesting guy.
MatsuIde: "This Side of Paradise" by Coyote Theory
I was originally gonna look for something much angsty-er, but this one works just fine. Yes, it sounds kinda sad, but also happy at the same time? Something about it just screams MatsuIde to me.
I think part of it is the fact that the Task Force after the time skip (and particularly after Soichiro's death) is... kinda tragic. Like, we as the audience know that nothing they do is going to matter as far as finding Kira goes, but they still keep ongoing anyways. And since they're spending so much time on the case, they all pretty much isolate themselves from the rest of the world, especially Matsuda and Ide.
I can't remember who it was (I think @/tinycrescent?) but someone had the headcanon that Matsuda was, despite how social and bubbly he appears, a lonely person when it comes down to it. Honestly, I can see it- especially after Light is revealed to be Kira all along. He'd probably have a hard time trusting people after all that, with a few exceptions. And Ide is definitely one of those exceptions.
Ide doesn't seem like a social person to begin with, but I think Matsuda joking around with him gets him out of his shell a little bit. I think that the two of them get to be more comfortable around each other, like it "feels right" to exist together, if that makes sense.
"If you're lonely, come be lonely with me"
Namikawa: "Machine" by Regina Spektor
Gahh I really wish I knew Namikawa better, or this would've been easier 😅
(I was originally gonna go with "One-Winged Angel" from Final Fantasy 7, since Sephiroth was my little bro's nickname for Namikawa. But I figured that Namikawa deserved something a little better. So I went with "Machine".)
I picked this one because of the instrumentals. Namikawa strikes me as a methodical, intellectual kind of guy, and the piano in this song makes me think of that. At the same time, the pounding drums give off the impression that there's a lot going on beneath the surface, something darker that needs to be explored. This instrumental version sounds like something that would play when he's onscreen to me.
As for the lyrics... eh. They kind of fit him? Maybe if you squint. I dunno if it's accurate to say that Namikawa is "hooked into [a] machine", but there is something that's just a touch messed up about the whole Yotsuba thing. Like, the group is stuck cooperating with Kira during these meetings, no matter what- if they leave or disagree with Kira too much, they risk dying. It's kind of like they're stuck going along with Kira, not that Namikawa minds. As long as he stays on top, which he will.
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misslavenderlady · 1 year
Kiss and Make Up - Part 2 ❤️💙
Dwayne/Paul (smidge of OC too)
Summary: Now that Paul and Dwayne have talked it out and made up, they want to get intimate with one another again. All they want to do now is make love, not war~
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This was inspired by @ghoulgeousimmaculate and the feud between Paul and Dwayne in BREED and BREED Part 2 (which I highly recommend you guys read). It features their mate, Gem, who is the mother of their children. But this is just for the boys so they can reconnect.
This has references to her stuff, and takes place in the modern world, not 1987. PART 1 HERE
WARNINGS: Nsfw/Smut/18+ Readers Only, Neck Bites, Flirting, Pet Names, Dom/Sub, Daddy Kink, Love Making, Frottage, Analingus, Teasing, Anal Sex, Begging, Voyeurism, Masturbation
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"Hey, Sis!" Gem greeted the leader of the girls. "Have you seen Dwayne or Paul? I can't find them anywhere"
Gem seemed to always have a baby on her hip these days. Whether it be one twin or both, she was rarely seen without her little ones. She adored motherhood, especially with two wonderful baby daddies to help her along the way. Though today was different, as they weren't in their usual spots. 
"Yeah! Paul had Marko look after Jasper for a while and Dwayne asked Babydoll to keep an eye on Paulina. I think the two of them went off into that old suite near the back to talk for a while"
Curiosity played around in Gem's mind. After seeing her lovers fight endlessly for 9 months straight, it surprised her to think of the two actually going off for a casual conversation. 
Not wanting any trouble, she decided to go off into the halls of the cave and find them. It was best to be on standby to break up any fighting if need be. She gave Big Sis a nod before taking off. 
Little did she know that the boys were actually getting along just fine~ 
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"Ooooh God, Dwayne~" Paul sighed into their kiss, fingers running through dark locks all the while. 
Dwayne had the blond on his back, tongue slipping past his lips as he held him down on the bed. It was as if they were aching to make up for the lost time. The two of them were eagerly helping strip off jackets, pants, and shoes. Though decades had passed, they still couldn't get enough of each other's beautiful bodies.
Kiss after kiss, they had to have more. Paul's legs locked around Dwayne's hips as they moved. Moans spilled from their lips as their hardened cocks rubbed together. The precum that came from the tips allowed them to move easier. 
"Fuck, Dwayne, love your cock~" Paul moaned. His hips bucked upwards, desperate for more. 
"Mmmmh. Feels like when we were….fuck…both inside Gem~" Dwayne said with a growl. His cock twitched at the memory of them double stuffing their mate. 
Little did they know that she was actually close by. 
Gem had been traveling through the cave tunnels for quite some time, but her ear caught the faint sound of voices. They were coming from the room that Big Sis said the boys would be in.
She followed the noise, curious to figure out what was going on. 
The boys paid no attention to anything else besides each other. Their vampiric need to mate and ravish one another was far too strong. 
Dwayne took control the most, wrapping his strong hands around Paul's wrists and holding him down firmly so he could keep the blond in place. Though they both liked to dominate their mates together, Paul happily submitted to Dwayne.
"Your dick is so big, Daddy~" Paul purred out. 
"Fuck, call me that again," Dwayne growled. He had released Paul's lips in order to nibble on his neck. Paul always did make the sweetest noises when he bruised and bit into his skin. 
"Fuck me, Daddy~" 
Dwayne could barely control himself when that nickname got tossed around. It made him feel truly powerful. Maybe even more powerful than David. 
Getting met with obedience put him in quite a generous mood. Dwayne pulled away just for a moment, his hand reaching down to grab at Paul's chin. He couldn't get enough of those beautiful blue eyes staring at him. 
"How about you let Daddy do that thing you like so much?"
If Paul wasn't excited before, he certainly was after hearing that. He nodded eagerly, already wiggling around to turn over onto his stomach. 
"Heh. Such an eager thing~" Dwayne chuckled, already right to work kissing Paul's back. He loved to take his time, peppering each inch of skin with love. Paul sighed and giggled as the kisses went down his spine, and right over his tailbone. 
Gem had followed the sound of her two mates, finally making her way to the room. She was moments away from opening her mouth to call out for them, but found her voice silenced when she was greeted with quite a lustful sight. 
From the darkness of the shadows, she watched Dwayne spread Paul open and lick his lips like a ravenous wolf before digging in. Paul's back arched and he sang out the prettiest moans as Dwayne worked his magic. She couldn't believe what she was watching. 
There was no way she was interrupting this. 
"Oh my God…AAaahh~!!" Paul cried. He was so whiney and desperate, pure putty in Dwayne's hands. 
"Yeah, you like that, don't you, Baby~?" he growled, kneading the flesh of Paul's ass in his fingers. He let out a hearty spit on the exposed hole before diving right back in for more. 
Paul babbled mindlessly while squirming and wriggling under Dwayne. He was so sensitive to such treatment, yet his lover wouldn't go easy on him at all. All he could do was let the brunet man overstimulate him and lick at his hole as much as he pleased. 
Gem couldn't bring herself to look away. It was mesmerizing for her to see her lovers like this. It lit a fire in her belly, and she found herself slipping a hand down into her underwear. She was already so hot from their show. 
"Oooh fu-fuck! Daddy stop teasing and fuck me!!" Paul pleaded. 
He sounded so pathetic, very much the opposite of what Gem and her sisters were used to. In a way, seeing a dominant man turn submissive for once gave her a newfound sense of power. 
"Heh…alright, Paulie. You know I can't say no to you~" Dwayne cooed. 
Thankful for the dozens of bottles of lube hidden throughout the rooms of the cave for moments like this, Dwayne grabbed a nearby bottle and stroked his cock with the warm liquid. He was so sore with need. This was a long time coming. 
He mounted himself on top of Paul, carefully brushing his blond locks over the shoulder with one hand and lining his cock up with the other. 
"I'll be gentle. I know it's been a while, Baby"
The two men shivered and moaned out as Dwayne pushed himself inside. Their bodies could barely take the intense euphoria. Such a sight was making Gem feel her own pleasure. She bit her tongue to keep herself from moaning. There was no way she was interrupting this. All she wanted to do was watch and stroke her clit. 
True to his word, Dwayne moved his hips at a steady pace. Nothing too slow, but deep and thorough enough to make it easy on Paul. His hands slipped over Paul's arms and over his hands, fingers entwined together. 
It had been ages since they were romantic and intimate like this. For once they didn't fuck like wild animals in a primal state of heat. They acted like lovers who had been together long enough to know just what they desired most. 
It made Gem blush as she watched. They were both so perfect in her eyes. It was like watching their decades-long love story play out. She bit back another moan as her fingers moved at the same pace as their thrusting.
"Dwayne! Mmmmh fuck, you feel in…aah…incredible~" Paul sighed. His hips lifted higher, granting Dwayne the ability to fuck him deeper. Strands of blond hair stuck to his forehead and his eyes fluttered from the pleasure overwhelming him. 
"Paul…fuck, baby boy….mmmm…so good…~" Dwayne grunted. He was holding back, fighting the urge to plow the other vampire into the mattress. That wasn't what he wanted. Paul deserved sweetness after all the fighting they got into. 
Their fingers gripped tighter together as the thrusting went faster. The two voices blended together with every moan and sigh. It was all pure ecstasy for the two vampires, and they couldn't get enough. 
Gem's fingers were wet with slick as she fucked herself faster. Her cunt ached from the emptiness. She envied Paul for getting fucked by Dwayne, but she wouldn't dare take away his fun. 
"Fill me, Dwayne. Oooh sh-shit…need you to cum in-inside me~" Paul pleaded. 
"Of course, Paulie…mmmf…fuck, whatever you want, you can…God….have it~" Dwayne promised. 
The dark-haired vampire thrust as deep as possible. He wanted Paul to feel every single moment of getting fucked like this. The two of them savored every moment, their heads spinning with love for one another. 
Gem could practically feel how close they were. Perhaps it was from the connection she shared with the two of them. She wanted to cum at the same time they did. Her fingers worked their magic all the while. 
"Gonna cum! FUCK, gonna cum, Daddy!!" Paul whimpered. His face was buried into the sheets on the bed and his body trembled as it was hit with the force of pleasure that Dwayne granted him. 
Cum spilled from the tip of his cock and stained the bed beneath them. Paul's cries gave Dwayne the push he needed to reach his own orgasm. He growled and grunted, holding the blond down as he filled his ass with his seed. 
The two of them had made quite a mess together. They didn't care about that though. All Paul and Dwayne could think about was how amazing they felt. Though they panted and trembled from how much energy was taken out of their bodies, they still cuddled close together. Nuzzles and kisses were traded between the lovers. 
"God, I really did miss you, Dwayne"
"I missed you too. Let's not fight anymore, Paul. We're a team after all"
The loving moment was interrupted by a faint squeak from the other side of the room. Their eyes shot to the location, both of them now on edge. After being so focused on each other, they hadn't even noticed they had a guest. 
Though they both went from surprise to amusement when they realized their little peeping tom was none other than their mate. 
"Well hi there, Mama," Paul called out to Gem. "Whatcha doin' over there~?" 
Her face flushed a deep shade of red, embarrassment taking over from getting caught in such a lewd position. 
"S-Sorry…I didn't want to interrupt. You both looked so good, I just….couldn't help myself"
The two boys shared a look with one another. Devious thoughts danced around in their minds as a second wave of lust took over. They were certainly back to their old selves now. 
"Well we wouldn't want you to feel left out, baby girl," Dwayne purred. He beckoned Gem to come to join them, finger crooked in a "come hither" motion. "Come here~"
An eager smile spread across Gem's face as she rushed over to the bed. She didn't have to be told twice when it came to her two lovers. 
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Tag List: @britany1997 @ghoulgeousimmaculate @queerlittlem0nster @solobagginses
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cowboyjen68 · 1 year
Hi, Jen! I hope you are doing well.
This is a silly question but do you have any advice on dating someone with the same name? Is it common in wlw circles? I am interested in someone who I happen to share a name with (it‘s not too common but also not really unique) and I don‘t know if it would be too awkward if we started dating. But I also don‘t want to miss out on a potentially fulfilling connection! Any advice on how to navigate this? Thank you so much!
This is not silly at all because it can seem a bit weird to share a first name with your romantic partner.
My first girlfriend (7 years together) was also a Jen and we work together now. She is the reason I have the nickname CowboyJen. I always wore a cowboy hat and my friends started referring to me as CowboyJen in 1993 and it just stuck.  So in a fine lesbian tradition I earned my name through one of two paths available to getting an organic nickname. . 1.  By doing something stupid in front of them OR 2. Having a characteristic, habit or personality or fashion trait that stands out a bit.   
Definitely do not pass up the opportunity to date someone based solely on her name. Your friends will figure out how to differentiate the two of you (whether you like it or not) and you will likely find pet names for each other that make it easier to interact with each other. No one will think when you say “Jen is out for a walk” that you are talking about yourself in third person. And if they do, that is probably an issue they need to address LOL
Any weirdness we felt from sharing a name was quickly just a little inside joke and had no real consequences on our relationship. She goes by Jennifer or we still call her by her old last name (even though she has been married to a wonderful woman with a new last name for 10 years) and I am still CowboyJen to pretty much everyone in my life except college and high school friends who have a totally different name for me. (there were A LOT of Jennifers in my childhood years). 
     Every generation has a fair share of popular and therefore common names, so it is not all that rare for women who date each other to share a name or some derivative of a name. NOW a new girlfriend having an ex’s name might take a swifter approach to finding a nickname or using a pet name right away. That can be way more awkward, but not impossible to overcome.
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pinkiepiebones · 1 year
Zombie can I get a hc about some band ghoul interactions with each other? Who's closest with who, who would bite who if they had teeth, etc
You send this prompt on 3 December 2022 and I'm only just now writing AND it's not even a proper prompt fill I am sorry!!!! -
The one the fans like to call Dew is regarded by those in the upper echelons of the clergy as the most monstrous of the ghouls. Of course, ghouls are not summoned to be monstrous- they're free labour that just happen to have the countenance of mouthless, black-eyed gargoyles. But this one in the band, the one with the gnarled horns covered in sharp scales, the one that continues to shape-shift for itself a perpetually grinning mouth of needle-thin sharp teeth... That one's a creep.
Special was lounging on the ceiling of the library, his back against the fading fresco donated by Hieronymus Bosch during the reign of Papa Recalcitrant the Eighth (how did they allow that name to go on for eight Papas, Special had wondered). Somewhere in the forest of blackened bookcases, each shelf sagging with the literal and metaphorical weight of the knowledge painstakingly inked and hastily scribbled and even embroidered into the pages of the books the cradled, somewhere in the dense sea of arcane and profane knowledge, Special's human, Papa Emeritus the Fourth, wondered, looking for a specific book.
"Lemme order it off Amazon," Special had offered, holding his beloved phone up in his talons.
"Amazon does not carry the twelf-century litanies I'm looking for, Spesh," the Papa had countered as he geared up for the perilous library journey.
Many hours had past and the nameless ghoul known to all as Special was bored out of his skull. He had stayed on the ceiling to keep an eye out for the Papa's signal fire- they both agreed that if the Papa- Copia, we'll refer to him as his given name from now on- that if Copia had become too lost or too entranced or bewitched or otherwise indisposed by the library, he would light the nearest bookcase on fire to say to Special "fly down and save me, love." And yes, this would be far faster than Copia attempting to send a coherent text message.
So Special stretched- a learned habit, as he had no muscles to grow sore- and sat up to glance down at the literary labyrinth.
He looked up- er, down- and saw the nameless ghoul called Dew looking up at him.
/WHAT ARE YOU DOING/ Dew said- well, not quite 'said,' as ghouls don't possess the equipment to speak; they project their thoughts telepathically to the intended recipient, although it has been known to cause severe unpleasant reactions in humans. But 'said' is less for me to type.
Special shrugged. "I'm waiting for Copia and scrolling through tumblr," he replied- well, not quite 'replied,' as Special is a ghoul and thus also communicates telepathically; however, his telepathy happens to hit the human brain in the exact same way auditory stimuli does, thus earning him the nickname of Special. But, again, 'replied' is easier for me to type.
The ghoul called Dew spread it's ghastly wings, shaped to resemble tattered, decaying old appendages (all ghouls come with wing-like growths; some ghouls decide to alter the texture and appearance of them to resemble the wings of a bat or a bird or even the fins of a fish. Not Dew, though) and silently ascended to join it's sibling on the ceiling.
"What about you," Special asked, almost setting his phone beside him before remembering the problem of gravity and instead using his tail to firmly grasp it, "what brings you up here?"
"We're ghouls, man, we don't sleep."
/YES. I LIED./ Dew willed it's wings away from sight and sat like Special, crossing it's legs and leaning back on the palms of it's grey talons. /I HAVE NO REASON TO BE HERE/
"And yet, here you are."
The two fire ghouls sat in a silence that was only broken by the occasional rustle of fabric as Special, glamoured to appear human and wearing actual clothes, fidgeted to find a more comfortable position.
/SPECIAL/ Dew said suddenly. Special sat up straighter and turned his glamoured green eyes to his always-grinning sibling. "Yeah?"
/I AM GLAD YOU ARE HERE AND THAT YOU TEACH US IN THE BAND HOW TO APPEAR HUMAN./ It turned it's head and with no flourish it was wearing the glamour of it's band attire, black eyes replaced with wide lenses, twisted horns replaced with small and tasteful ones. Dew had created the full image of the stage-worn helmet (the helmets are quite real and not glamoured, created by Archbishop Necropolitus Cracoviensis to amplify a ghoul's innate shapeshifting powers).
Dew smiled and said- well, here it's more like 'projected it's telepathy through a series of rudimentary vocal chords in order to mimic the resonance of auditory speech- "I don't think we thank you enough for what you do. I know I don't, anyway."
The other ghoul smiled with perfectly imperfect teeth and ran a hand through his short messy hair. "Aww, well, you're welcome, and, uhhhhhh, and thanks for that." He gave Dew a gentle, sibling-like shoulder punch. "You're a good kid. You're a weirdo who licks too many things, but you're a good kid."
Dew nodded and reverted itself back to it's original ghoul form.
The two sat in silence again, watching smoke rise and curl around their hair and horns.
Special nodded, then said "oh shit, that's Copia. I gotta run, bud!" He stood and hopped off the ceiling, wings emerging from his back (and effectively ruining another shirt), and swooped down to find his human.
Dew chuckled. /YOU ARE A GOOD KID TOO, SPESH./
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wordsbyparker · 10 months
Oh boy have I been waiting to ask some questions.
Will the welp have a love interest? (You knew this question was coming)
Any facts or hc you have for the welp?
Will we be referred to as “the welp” for the whole series or will it change?
Will the welp shift or transform in the series and if yes do you know when?
How long do you plan the series to be?
How long does it take for you to complete a video from a draft script to posting the whole video?
Advice for a beginner writer? (Me)
Fun facts about any and all characters?
Thank you for the time.
My apologies for keeping you waiting, then! 😊 These are good questions! I’ll address them one at a time.
Will the welp have a love interest? (You knew this question was coming) No comment. You’ll have to wait and see. Maybe, maybe not. (And yes, I did know that question was coming. 😊)
Any facts or hc you have for the welp? I’ve tried to make them as generic as possible, so folks can come up with their own versions. 😊 We do know they are a visual artist. Sketching helps them process things, which is why Judith or the others find them working on drawings.
Will we be referred to as “the welp” for the whole series or will it change? Yes, the listener character will be called The Whelp for the majority of the series. That might change, I’m not sure yet. Aside from being a gender-neutral nickname, it is used as a term of endearment for the listener by the Carson pack. They are new to being a werewolf, and they have a lot to learn.
Will the welp shift or transform in the series and if yes do you know when? Yes! Their first shift is coming up, but we have a few more episodes to go, and more to learn, before we get there. 😊
How long do you plan the series to be? The current outline is 20 episodes. (It was 12, then some other characters showed up and the story itself got longer, and here we are.)
How long does it take for you to complete a video from a draft script to posting the whole video? It depends, but on average about 2 to 3 months.
Advice for a beginner writer? (Me) Congratulations! Welcome to the insanity! 😊 My advice, from a storytelling perspective:
Write in different formats and genres and see which one you feel more drawn to. Each medium is a different way to tell a story, and you may find that you like writing prose (like novels or short stories) more than you like poetry. You might find it easier to tell a story in a script format than another format. Play and learn what works for you and what you like to write. And you don’t have to stick to “just one” format or genre.
Read, watch, and/or listen. I say that because I know writers who don’t like to read but are amazing storytellers. You can learn a lot about telling a story from watching a movie, playing a video game with narratives, and listening to an audio RP or drama.
Remember that your first draft is so you can get the story out onto the page. The subsequent drafts are for revising and cleaning up. So many times we get caught up in “the first draft needs to be good”. No it doesn’t. The first draft is just the beginning. 😊
Fun facts about any and all characters? Oh, wow. So many. 😊 Where should I start….
Tyler was a very thoughtful little boy. He had this look on his face when he was processing something, and sometimes there are hints of it now that he’s older.
Mason didn’t meet Tyler until they were college, even though his grandfather lived in Tierney’s woods, next to the Carson homestead. Mason didn’t grow up in Raven’s Landing, and Mr. Tierney never introduced him or his parents to the Carson pack when he would visit.
Judith is a research librarian. Her mate Oliver was a history professor. They had a shared love of history, which is how they because friends and study partners.
Maggie and Daniel have the “short girl, tall guy” dynamic; and he is the only person allowed to tease her about being short. She’ll giggle when he does it. She’ll verbally tear someone up if they do it.
Daniel has already planned out the next tattoo for his sleeve, one to represent his and Maggie’s first child (a boy). He’s working on a smaller bow and quiver so he can take the boy hunting when he gets older.
Tyler loves Maggie’s enchiladas, and she will often bring two trays of them to pack gatherings so that everyone gets to have some.
Scott is a big teddy bear, even though he can look intimidating. He used to (playfully) scare Tyler when he was younger. Not to be mean, but because he could. Scott also stepped in as a surrogate dad of sorts when Oliver died.
Gretchen loves to read. She has a favorite reading spot in the backyard at her parents’ house. Old bookstores are like treasure troves to her.
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baiyu-universe · 2 years
The Truth staff shared notes on Bai Yu.
The character setting of Bai Sanwan is created by Bai Yu himself.
A careless noodle restaurant or tavern owner. Bai Sanwan is his nickname by others. No one knows his true name because he only sells three bowls of noodles every day and no more. When he's in a good mood, he'll make the noodle restaurant into a tavern and let people chat there.
Bai Sanwan used to be a god-tier motorcyclist but mysteriously retired. He concealed his identity and opened a noodle reataurant. There no one knows his past glory except that he always delivers (the food) on time. His noodles never become soggy. He's a sweeper monk type of person. His motorbike looks ordinary but it's made of professional stuff and has been with him for a long time.
Bai Sanwan is low-keyed, careless and free, gentle and considerate to others, but he's a person of principles and no one can change his rules.
These are the ideas that Dage (Big brother, referring to Bai Yu) sent us when he heard that we need to create the characters together. After reading it, we had to exclaim that he made everything so much easier: there were name, profession, twist and mystery so it was easy for us to continue our creation!
He's the speediest man, all owing to his efficient time management.
In Bai Sanwan's story, there's this description: he used to a famous motorcyclist of Tui Shi (Reasoning City) and is known as "the speedist man in Tui Shi". After first season of recording the show[1], we realised that he totally deserves the title!
He's always the first one to arrive on set and the first one to get ready. Eevery time there was a delay, I'd stand at the door of the lounge, worring that Dage who's always ready would "rush" into the set to start filming.
He even helped the staff to control the duration of the filming. Once the team talked a long time during lunch time, he started to countdown, teasingly urged us: "You'll only have five minutes to eat", "Hurry up, time to go!". Even our director applauded him secretly.
He comes fast and goes fast as well. During recording, some fans found out that Dage got off work earlier than other guests. It was not because he had less work. It was due to his efficient time management. After the recording of the show, each guest had individual filming of posters, interviews and etc, Dage would finish filming these parts using intervals when others were eating and resting. When filming the last part of show (team reviewing the whole story), he'd let the staff pack things up. So as soon as the reviwing part was done, he was already leaving leasurely with his staff.
Everyone was shocked: definitely the speediest man in Tui Shi!
He's down-to-earth, lovely, stubborn and funny, never turning back once he makes his decision!
Before recording the show, we only knew him as "male lead of hot-air dramas known for very good acting"... We were worried that he couldn't relax. So we specifically told him to treat recording of the show as playing games. We didn't expect him to be so relaxed and so real!
When hungry, he'd anticipate the eating time and occasionally he'd make suggestions about the food. Our second recording happend in Changsha[2], he asked curiously: why don't we have special local food? Such as stinky tofu?". So we arranged food stall in the 5th chapter, Dage got a whole bag of food while recording.
Later, he asked: when can we have noodles? So arranged him to cook his own noodles.
Dage was very serious about his clothing. In Chapter 4, we planned for a school style. We prepared him a very cool school uniform, but he considered it unlike how he actually dressed at school. So he prepared a casual school uniform, like how he actually dressed at school, and wore a beard for that, because he started to wear a beard when he was in high school. He's so real.
In pictures: He'd make a din when happy. He wouldn't stand when he could sit down and wouldn't sit when he could lie down. He was the one who jumped highest but was also the one who needed someone else's arms to go up the stairs. He ate the props for real.
Because his "cosplay" was too realistic, something funny happened that day. On the day of recording, Dage went to the set but was detained by the guard at the gate! The guard told him seriously: "We're recording a show. Students are not allowed! Are you a fan?" Dage laughed and asked: "Me looking like this, how can you mistake me for a student???" We had to explain to the guard for him to let him pass. When he was back to the lounge, he was still asking teasingly: "Are you sure he's not a shill?"[4]
No... he's really not!
When "voting the criminal", Dage is "fast, firm and precise", just like his own swift and decisive character.
Every time when the list of suspects was locked, he was keen on thinking who it was. He'd use a set of logic to explain all the evidences, and once he decided, he'd never hesitate or change. He wouldn't waver even another suspect admitted being the murderer.
When he turned out to be wrong, he'd comfort himself that "Participation is the most important". This confidence and firmness are very valuable in games.
He's the most unpredictable person in the show, increasing the difficulty of the game alone.
The audiences' impression of Dage after watching the show is that he's a fearless "giant tank", but for us staff, he's more of a surprise maker. He was always challenging us staff.
In the 1st chapter, we let Bai Laoshi to wait in the theatre in the darkness, but we couldn't locate him in the monitor. Then we discovered that he was crawling with intent to scare everyone. He even lifted Tengge (Shen Teng) in his arms. He was a shock to the guests but a surprise for us[3].
In the 2nd chapter, he could run freely in the total darkness. In the 4th chapter, he immediately grabbed Agent Xu (who was about to scare them)... A lot of "horrors" prepared by us became useless.
But he created quite some "horrors" for us. In the 4th chapter, after the guests had entered the secret room, he stayed outside and locked the door, every director of us was at a loss and had no idea what he was about. In our script, locking the door was supposed to be what Ke Wuku was going to do. Later we realised that he was just trying to scare us and in the process testing the mechanism of the door. His way of thinking!
Later, the detective team was going to investigate the suspects in Ke Wuku's room but we couldn't find Dage anywhere. Our directors were also searching for him (as he ran so fast)... We found out he was already been in Ke Wuku's room. He soothed the suspects, telling them: "Calm down. They didn't follow me. I'm on your side..." At that moment, all suspects were extremely confused: this is not on the script. Me, too: I didn't write this scene for him. It turned out he was trying to cheat facts out of the suspects.
In the 5th chapter, the team was locked by some brawny NPCs... And who would think that Dage would think up a way to lock all these brawny men too? He's so unpredictable!
No wonder some fans say: "When there's danger, Bai Yu's the most reliable person; when it's safe, Bai Yu's the most dangerous person!"
Bai Dage increased the difficulty of the game by himself. He brought us a lot of surprises. If there's a 2nd season, we hope that he'd bring us more surprises and frighten us more and keep challenging us. We'd think up better ways to deal with our Bai "the Big Tank" Bai Dage!
[1]: 10 weeks of show was recorded in 8 days of 3 sessions.
[2]: The first chapter of the show was recorded in Yantai in the building that was prepared for the show. But due to pandemic, not only the recording was delayed, they had to change the place and reconstruct the building in a different city.
[3]: Bai Yu, being mischievous as he is, in the livestream with other guests wouldn't admit that it was his own idea, insisting that it was the staff who ordered him to scare the guests (though everyone disbelieved him, lol).
[4]: When Bai Yu was at high school, once he took a taxi and the driver asked him: "Young man, where do you work?" Bai Yu said a random name and the driver was so happy: "My son works there too!"
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sunshine-mari · 13 days
Episode 1: Kewl Kamera And New People (6/7/24)
Mari was doing some nice spring cleaning of her attic, rearranging boxes she never opened, and nostalgic old toys she played with when she was a little kid.
She opened a dusty box, finding a few more old things from her childhood. She dug through it, putting the items into three different boxes; 'Keep', 'Throw Out' and 'Give Away'.
At the bottom of the box, she found an old video camera, covered with a thick layer of dust. She blew on it, dust flying all over the room, dancing through the air.
Mari had an idea. With a click of a button, Mari put the camera on the stand and started recording.
Mari: Hi! My name is Mari, and I'm tryna clean out my attic. What am I doing, this is stupid."
Mari walked over to the camera stand, picking up the camera, and turning it off.
???: Hey, don't do that!
Mari whipped her head over to see a tall girl with pigtails and pink eyes. She was wearing a pink bow in her hair, a white tee shirt, with a pink and white cardigan over it, a pink skirt, white socks with two pink stripes, and bunny slippers.
Mari: W-Who are you?!
???: I'm your Passion! Y'know, it's like Sanders Sides, but for you.
Passion smiled enthusiastically, putting her hands behind her back.
Mari: Huh, I guess we are so truly original.
Another girl popped up. She was shorter than Passion, her hair in space buns, and blue eyes. She was wearing a light blue cropped hoodie, two white hair clips, a white skirt, white fishnet socks, black finger less gloves, and black high tops.
???: Hey, bud, don't insult me like that.
Passion: Oh, that's Creativity! She's the oldest of the four of us, and is super chill.
Mari: I'm so confused...
Another girl popped up. She was shorter than Creativity, her hair down and brushed through, and her eyes yellow. She had a crown on her head, a yellow blouse, a very long black princess skirt, and yellow heels.
???: Don't be, hun. You're too amazing to be confused.
Passion: That's Ego for you! She's a middle child, like me!
Ego: That's sweet, Pas.
The final girl appeared. She was the shortest of the four, her hair down and messy, and purple eyes. She was wearing a purple butterfly hair clip, a black tube top with a skull on it, purple finger less gloves up to her elbows, a cute purple skirt, ripped gray socks, and six-inch black high tops.
???: This is so stupid.
Ego: Great, Miss Punk and Forcible has arrived.
Passion: What...?
Ego: Oh my god, it's a Coraline reference! Y'know, Miss Spink and Forcible?
???: Let's keep the nicknames to Creativity.
Creativity: You guys are all so dumb.
Passion: Oh, this is Anxiety!
Ego: Bye, Anx
Ego waved mockingly towards Anxiety, who rolled her eyes in response.
Passion: Guys, no fighting! We're here to help Mari with a problem, remember?
Creativity: What even was the problem in the first place?
Mari: Good question.
Passion: Well, you give up on things too easily. You never accomplish your dreams!
Ego: Well maybe if Little Misfortune could stop being so harsh, then maybe Mari would be happier. No, not maybe, she would be happier.
Mari: Ego, pump the breaks. I barely even know Anxiety, but she seems nice enough...
Ego: No, it's because you didn't see what she did to Logic, she-
Creativity snaps in Ego's face aggressively.
Creativity: Do I need to grab out the anti-spoiler spray? 'Cause I will not hesitate to.
Ego: Whatever. but my point still stands.
Anxiety: But why aren't we pointing the fingers at Passion? She's supposed to control all of Mari's motivation and such, so why are we blaming me?
Creativity: Anxiety does have a good point. It is your job to keep Mari motivated.
Mari: Woah, guys, calm down. I actually think that it would be better if we instead of pointing fingers and taking jabs, we try to figure out where I'm going wrong, you know.
Ego: It would be easier if Anxiety didn't get rid of Logi--
Mari: What did I just say about taking jabs at each other? We need to work together if we want to get anything done.
An idea struck Creativity.
Creativity: Yes! We need to work together to get anything done!
Mari: That's what I just said...?
Creativity: Mari, I found out why your motivation is so low! The four of us need to work together! Passion tries to always reign the rest of us in, Ego is to caught up in herself to help, and Anxiety is quote on quote "not allowed" to help with most things from Ego. The solution is, we need to work together more often!
Anxiety: That's kinda stupid. Even if it was true, what about you?
Creativity: True...
Passion: Well you did point out small ... how do I put this... gimmicks in our relationships, so we're at least making progress! But while you were explaining that, I had a few ideas that maybe you four can add on to.
Passion took a deep breath for dramatic purposes.
Passion: I think that taking breaks would benefit your motivation, because if you take a break of - let's say - a week, they you could be extra motivated. You can also do other things that get you motivated personally, something that pumps you up!
Anxiety: Or you can just focus on getting the damn thing done and over with.
Passion: Or that, even though that's a bit less healthy for your mentality. I remember Logic telling me - when they were still here - something about 'cognitive dissonance theory', where whenever you can't meet your own goals it creates an idea that we have to finish it quicker. Most people end up giving up, as its the easiest way to resolve the issue.
Mari: Huh, Passion, you're really smart with this...
Passion: Oh... Well I guess I learned a thing or two throughout the years, haha... Aside from that, another thing it could be is the fear of failure, kakorrhaphiophobia I think it's called, which I know you struggle with. When something doesn't take off as you hope it will, you think that it'll never take off.
Creativity: Can I add another thing?
Passion: Shoot!
Creativity: I think something else you can do is getting yourself out of the same day-to-day loop. I know its more difficult with school and all, but maybe if you set up a schedule. For example, an activity you do. You could read a book on Monday, do a mile on Tuesday, scroll on Tumblr or Pinterest all day, blah blah blah.
Ego: You could also remind yourself that you're doing this for a reason, and you can do it. You've been through many worse things in the past, why can't you now? BMC, got anything to add?
Anxiety: The hell is BMC?
Ego: Be More Chill? One of the best musicals in history?
Anxiety: Whatever. I guess it could be a normal response to hard situations, like fear and burnout. Whatever, I'm bored, so I'm leaving. If you interrupt me, I will scatter all my spiders in your room.
Anxiety disappeared, crossing her arms sassily.
Mari: She has spiders?
Creativity: Yeah, she's weird like that, she has - like - twelve spiders and twelve butterflies and such.
Mari: Huh... Well, I think I've learned a lot from this. Thank you, you three!
Mari smiled cheerfully.
Ego and Creativity sunk down, starting to talk about some other subject.
Passion: Hey, if you ever need anything, just call one of us, okay?
Mari nodded as Passion sunk down.
As Passion sunk down into the commons, she saw Ego and Creativity talking about how Disney movies are getting progressively worse.
Passion wanted to make something for a family dinner, or a movie night with pizza.
Passion: Hey, Tivi, Ego, wanna have a movie night with pizza tonight?
Creativity nodded
Ego: As long as I can pick the movie
Passion: Good, can on of you order the pizza while I call down Anx? Thanks!
Passion handed Creativity her phone and walked up the stairs. In the long corridor, the walls were painted white, and slowly turned black across what looked like millions of miles. She knocked on Anxiety's door nervously, as the effect the room had on people flowed out slightly.
Anxiety (through the door): Go away!
Passion: Anxiety, it's me, Pass, we're doing a movie and pizza night tonight. Ego wanted to pick the movie.
Anxiety: ...I'll think about it.
Passion: It wasn't a question. Do you want me to call you when the pizza comes or come down now?
Anxiety: Ugh... fine... Just give me a second, I need to finish feeding the spiders.
After about a minute, Anxiety perched her head through the door, a teal butterfly still snuggled up in her hair. Passion pushed back a laugh.
Anxiety: What's so funny?
Passion: You have a butterfly on your head.
Anxiety grabbed the butterfly gently, and looked at it for a second.
Anxiety: "Oh, it's just Aquarius. She has separation anxiety."
Anxiety put her hands cupped with Aquarius back in her room, who flew off and out of her hands cutely.
Anxiety: Let's just go.
The four ate pepperoni and bacon pizza together, while watching Heathers the musical, Ego, Creativity and Passion sing-screaming all of the songs, and Anxiety enjoying the dark themes and humor.
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