#that’s not Scott Langs story
whatohitsonfirewelp · 2 years
Y’all: antman 3 opened the new phase for mcu!!
Me: tell me you don’t love Scott Lang without telling me you don’t love Scott Lang
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reallyunluckyrunaway · 3 months
....what are your weekend plans?
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frankthesnek · 2 months
✨️ New Story ✨️
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Three Words, Two Words (rated T)
Stony (Tony Stark/Steve Rogers)
Pre-slash, feelings realization, first kiss, missing/alternate scene, PDA
1k words
Stony Bingo space O2: trust @cap-ironman
Tony doesn't realize how much weight his question of, "you trust me?" holds for Steve in Endgame. Those three little words bring some realizations to the surface for Steve and, impulsive as ever, he acts on them.
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antvnger · 6 months
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Scott did as he was told, more out of a panicked confusion than actual obedience. Then when the masonry crashes right where Scott would have been does he let out a yelp of shock and horror. Holy shit that could’ve been me!
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He looks at the projection in amazement and some fear, clearly trying to recover from what just happened.
“Th-thank you. Thank you! You - you saved my life.” @benevolentgodloki
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teddypines · 3 months
Backstory (part 1)
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Summary: How Cat met the Avengers, Loki and S.H.I.E.L.D.
Note: I tried to follow the timeline as much as i could, but i got a bit creative with it. Art/picture is from google, credits go to whoever made it.
somewhere in 2012, just after the incident with Loki when everyone was in the lobby of Stark tower. A little kitten walked through the rubble, past the broken glass and into the same lobby. There was a weird long man muzzled and chained up, while another lay on the floor with a lot of people around him. Looked a bit odd to the kitten because for some reason there were two of the same man at that moment. One letting out a weird gasp as another man gave him a little tap with his hammer and the other walking away with a briefcase and a little man following him. 
The moment got even more chaotic when a big green guy bursted through a door out of nowhere. The briefcase guy fell and dropped the briefcase only for the long man to pick it up momentarily. He disappeared and then it was like time stopped for everyone once again. The kitten looked around at the frozen people and the people in black gear. She saw them before but it was weird to see them now. The kitten walked up to the one she knew, one with D-90 on his back, and meowed up at him. “Hey, are you here again, little one? You know you are not supposed to see us. Come on, get back to your previous spot, you know the rules by now. Until next time, okay?” The guard said. The kitten meowed up at him and watched him walk into an orange square.
Only the tall man wasn’t back in his place this time like the rest. Everything went crazy and people started to panic even more. The kitten got scared and ran around trying not to be hurt by all the big people. She ran past the little man and looked at him, she could feel he was like the briefcase man. Future Scot looked at the kitten and gave her a small pet. “Don’t tell anyone okay? We were never here.” He said before running off after Tony.
The kitten found a hiding place near the unconscious green guy and stayed there until some people in suites found her near him and picked her up. She protested and started talking to men who picked her up. Quickly after she got taken out of the suited mens hands and was met with big blue eyes. “What a little fighter Freyja would be proud of you.” The kitten blinked at the men and then got distracted by his hair. Fighting with the long blond locks which made the man laugh. “Thor? What the hell are you doing? We need to find Loki! We can’t just let Capsicale do all the work” The weird heart attack man said to Thor. “Well this is a kitten, one of the greatest gifts in the universe. And as for my brother and Steve, they will figure it out themselves. Not like Loki can do much with a muzzle and handcuffs.” Thor answered.
Moments later, said mentioned Steve came into the lobby with the tall man, who is now known as Loki to the kitten. She looked at both men and then back at Thor and the weird heart attack men. They were weird, like her, she liked it. Everything went pretty fast after this. The big green man woke up, but he wasn't so big and green anymore. A different man and woman joined the group again. They all talked too much and too fast for the kitten to understand. The people in suits took Loki for a while, he looked angry, but the kitten didn’t know why. The others just walked out of the lobby and down the street.
“Thor? Why are you holding a kitten?” The new man in purple asked as he looked at the kitten. “I found her in the lobby, she looks cute don’t you think?” Thor answered the man in purple. “She does look cute,” The woman answered. “see, Natasha argees” Thor boomed at the man in purple. “You are not keeping her” The weird heart attack man said to Thor. Steve and the man in purple both rolled their eyes. “Like Thor would listen to you Tony.” Natasha said as she stopped at a shop and opened the door for everyone. 
“Table for 6 please” Tony said to the staff, who were still cleaning the rubble in the shop. “7, we are with 7” Thor corrected Tony before helping the not so big green guy push more chairs to a table. The kitten was still in his arms, still looking around her and taking in the shop. Everyone sat down after a while and someone asked for their order before disappearing. “Sooo, we are keeping the kitten?” The not so big green guy asked. “Yes” Thor answered as Tony answered with “No” 
“We are not keeping the kitten Bruce. Thor can bring her to the nearest shelter and they will find her a home.” Tony said to Bruce. This upset Thor a bit. “Then she’ll just go to Asgard with me. She is not leaving my side” He said before putting the kitten on the table. The kitten wobbled a bit before walking around the table. She felt a hand run over her head and back as she walked past the purple man. She meowed at him and jumped into his lap. He groaned which made the others laugh. 
“Don’t laugh!" I am hurting and the kitten just jumped me! She’s a loving little monster” The man in purple said. “Owh stop whining Clint. She just wants to show you love” Natasha said to Clint before the food was placed on the table. Everyone distributed the food and drinks before eating in silence. The kitten is just laying on Clint’s lap, getting a small bite of meat every once in a while. She liked this, she wanted to stay with them, even if it was at a weird moment in time when she met them. Even when Tony said they could not keep her, they all knew the kitten was going to stay with them for the rest of their lives.
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alohastyles-x · 2 years
Can I please have a Tony stark x reader or Scott lang x reader or Vision x reader ZombieAU? Either one works! Thanks:) take your time babe!!
omg yes, I'm so sorry this took a bit to write, I wanted to make sure I got down Scott's personality hehe <3 I absolutely loved this concept, and I hope you enjoy where I took this! big shout out to @atlaese and @theyear1980 for help :)
Zombified - marvel
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*lets pretend this gif is from the mcu lol*
Pairing: Scott Lang x Zombie!Tony Stark x Zombie!Vision x reader
Prompt: While camping out in a convenience store, Character A watches as a frightened Character B bangs on the glass, trying to make it past the blockade that Character A put in front of the door. Character A can just barely tell what Character B is saying: “Help! Let me in! They’re coming! [ pretty sure this one is from @deity-prompts ]
Word Count: 3.5k
warnings: descriptions of violence and gore, horror story,
this story is apart of my house of horrors event!
House of Horror Stories Guidelines | House of Horror Stories Masterlist
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Silence filled the musty air as you leaned against the wall, rifle in hand. There was a shifting outside and in the atmosphere surrounding you. What was once peaceful was now unnerving, shadows dancing out of the corner of your eye. Your heart raced as footsteps were heard outside. They were running, gaining speed and getting closer to where you sat. You closed your eyes, trying to steady your breath before making sure the rifle was loaded and cocked, waiting to be used. Your hand rested delicately next to the trigger as you aimed the gun up towards the front doors of the convenience store. 
You had already blocked the doors off with heavy furniture left behind and cut the electric cords so the automatic opener feature wasn’t working. This had eased your mind, knowing you had the upper hand. Now all you had to do was wait, wait for the perfect shot… whoever was outside was getting closer… and closer… until a figure appeared disheveled in front of the door. His fists rose and he began banging on the door furiously. 
“Hey! Let me in! Please! There’s this... god, what is that? This thing after me. What are we calling them? Zombies? Yeah that!” He shouted. You recognized his voice- it was Scott Lang, otherwise known as Ant Man, one of the newer Avenger recruits. You lowered the gun, staring at him in disbelief. 
Okay pause- you’re probably wondering what he’s talking about. Zombies? Seriously? Get real, right? Unfortunately, his description is very, very accurate. 
The world had changed since the reverse snap and the fall of the Avengers. After Thanos had accomplished his self-deemed destiny to eliminate half of the universes’ populations on every planet, in every galaxy, what was left of the Avengers worked tirelessly to figure out how to reverse engineer the snap. After a long and grueling battle they succeeded in defeating Thanos’ army, and bringing back the half of the population that disappeared… 
… but at what cost. 
Biologist Ellie Mae had come back to find the love of her life Linda Gahle had died in the 5 years she was gone. Her grief was instrumental in the events that led to where you were today: holed up in an abandoned convenience store that, by some miracle, still had its windows intact.
 You see, Ellie had been so distraught over her wife's death, that she spent days, weeks and months trying to bring her back. Ellie succeeded… kind of. What she created wasn’t Linda, it wasn’t even human at all; it was a monster. Skin as ashy and pale as a decomposing body, eyes dull and lifeless, skin haphazardly stitched back together from Ellie’s surgical procedures to reinstate Linda’s organs- she created a zombie. A zombie that was hungry for meat, thirsty for blood. Ellie died at the hands of her very own creation that soon was let loose on the streets. 
Others weren’t as lucky as Ellie. Many that came in contact with the, now, zombified Linda survived… if you could even call it that. More and more Zombies came to life, popping up out of the freshly dug dirt in graveyards, morgues, and even on the street just mere hours after they were found deceased. The time it took to turn always varied, depending on just how much of the disease got in through the bites before the zombies moved on to better looking meals. 
When the outbreak had occurred, you had lost everything all at once. Your home wasn’t safe to stay in, and the small little family you once had was infected, leaving you to do the hardest thing imaginable: end their suffering. The kickback from the shotgun you used left a dark purple bruise on your shoulder after multiple shots were fired to end it all. The tears had stained your cheeks, making their way through the blood splatter that had landed on your face.  
Without giving yourself a second to process what just happened and what you just did, you threw some clothes into a bag, as well as some survival tools your dad had prepared after the news broke of the infections. 
The world had turned upside down. More and more people were turning daily- the Zombies now outnumbered the humans. But things turned dark when the infections reached the heroes-the New Avengers- that were left after the snap. 
No one knew how, assuming they had the technology to shield themselves from it. In fact, that’s what everyone was hoping for: that the New Avengers could stay safe long enough to find a cure. But everyone was mistaken. 
To everyone’s surprise, Tony Stark was the first to go- or, rather, come back zombified. It was a giant conspiracy as to how he got infected after his sacrifice- as far as anyone knew he was dead and buried. 
The world was slowly running out of humans and as far as you knew, you were one of the few left alive in your town. No one had even tried to break into the convenience store you had bunkered down in. It was an eerie thought. 
You had just lit a candle for the night next to your makeshift bed. Lucky for you, no one decided they needed pet beds in a zombie apocalypse, so you took the seven pet beds the store had in stock and made yourself a comfy place to sleep. 
It really wasn’t all that bad given the circumstances. The store still had plenty of food, water, and other things. You assumed more people were focused on fleeing the city rather than stocking up on essentials, which left the convenience store nearly full. 
After making your rounds to each entrance and then settling in for the night, you were caught off guard by a sound off in the distance: yelling. 
That led to where you were now, staring Scott Lang down as he continued banging on the door, pleading for you to help him. Suddenly, as if someone flicked a switch in your brain, you got to work assessing the situation. 
“Meet me at the back door, it’s easier to get you in that way!” You shouted, hoping he could hear you over his incessant banging. 
“What?” He yelled back, stilling his fists. You rolled your eyes and pointed towards the back of the store. 
“Back! Door!” You yelled back. He nodded and took off. 
“Fucks sake,” you muttered under your breath as you followed his actions and jogged towards the back door. This one you didn’t feel the need to block as much save for a large heavy box. It was a heavy door that locked automatically so no one outside could enter. 
You grunted as you slid the box away from the door, and quickly opened it. Scott Lang stood there, looking around anxiously as the noises of hungry zombies filled the outside air. You waved him in, and shut the door tightly as soon as he stepped inside. 
“Thank you, I’m so grateful,” Scott whispered. He was currently waiting for his eyes to adjust to the dark stock-room. 
“Anything for an Avenger,” you responded, winking- even though you knew he couldn’t see it. 
“Follow me, I’m set up in here.” 
You led him into the store, bringing him to the corner where your makeshift bed was. You had a small box next to it with a kerosene lantern from your home sitting on it. 
“Nice place you got here,” Scott said, chuckling to himself. “No, really though, this is insane that this place isn’t ransacked more than it is.” 
“Yeah, I got lucky I guess,” you chuckled. “Uh, so, there aren't any more pet beds, but I can break mine down and set one up for you…”
“Oh, that’s not necessary. I can sleep on the floor,” Scott responded with a bright smile. 
“The floor? Jesus, Scott, no. I’m not going to make you sleep on the floor,” you said. You began to break down your bed, pulling 4 of the pet beds out and setting them up on the other side of the box night stand. 
“I never got your name,” Scott responded, watching you make his bed for him. He felt awkward and unsure of how to act and respond. 
“Oh, it’s y/n.” You said, simply. It made him chuckle, the way the two of you were able to make small talk amid a zombie apocalypse. He looked around, and grabbed a box of crackers off the shelf next to him. 
“So, what kind of supplies do you have, y/n?” 
“Guns, knives, plenty of food and water clearly, and that’s about it, aside from what the store offers.” You responded, finishing laying out the blanket atop the pet beds for him. He silently thanked you with a nod of his head, before moving to sit down. You took him in as he was sitting, wondering what he was doing all the way out here.  
He had a large bruise on his upper cheekbone, a small slit in his eyebrow.  You assumed he must have fallen and hit his head against a rock or something. As you moved your eyes down, you noticed a lot of blood on his shirt, and then his sleeve. Without thinking, you knelt before him and moved his shirt up, exposing his toned stomach. 
“Oh, shit!” You muttered, seeing a deep gash slashed across his abdomen. He brought his gaze down to where your hands were already carefully inspecting it. 
“Oh that? You should see the other guy,” he winced. Even in pain he was attempting to keep up his comedic act. You smirked. 
“I’m sure, tough guy. Here, I’ve got some supplies to help clean the wound.” You reached for a small red bag perched near the box nightstand. In it contained a few antibiotic pills known to help cure the infection, as well as hydrogen peroxide and other wound cleaning solutions, some gauze and some stitching equipment. 
“Here, take this and lay back,” you said, gently pushing him back down onto the bed, handing him one of the antibiotics. The kerosene lantern casted a glow on the wound making it shiny and look even more grotesque. He drew in a breath as you poured the hydrogen peroxide on it; his abs flexed in response. 
“So, what brought you out here?” You asked, attempting to distract him from the pain. 
“I honestly didn’t know anyone was out here, but man, I’m glad someone was. Tony and Vision- well, zombie Tony and Zombie Vision teamed up, and you know, the two of them as humans were unstoppable together… let alone as Zombies. So-ow,” he winced as you began to stitch the wound together. You muttered an apology before he continued.
“- so, I led them out here, hoping to distract them from civilization, but that was a bust. I’m not sure where they are now.” He finished. You glanced up at him. The way he just brushed off the fact that both Tony was alive and that he was now loose as a zombie made your heart drop. 
“I’m sorry… what?” You asked, your hand hovering over his wound. You were two stitches away from closing the wound shut.
“What part did you not get?” He asked, a confused look on his face. He forgot that not everyone was aware of the situation regarding Tony. You raised your eyebrow at him as you finished stitching him up. 
“How did Tony come back?” You asked. 
“Oh, right, not everyone knows. Well, after Tony’s sacrifice, Pepper lost it. She couldn’t wrap her head around him being gone, no matter how hard she tried. She put on a brave face, I’ll admit that as well; she had us all fooled. When she heard of the experiment Ellie performed, she reached out immediately to get the information on what she did to bring back her lover. She paid an ungodly amount of money for the secret, and then performed it herself. Tony was back, but within a matter of minutes the disease had spread through his body, turning him into a zombie. Pepper was able to send an alert out before… before…” he couldn’t even finish his sentence, but he didn’t have to. You know what he was trying to say. Before the inevitable happened before Pepper ended up just like Ellie; lifeless on the floor. 
“And Vision?” You asked. 
“We’re still not sure. We think Tony somehow managed to infect his harddrive- or something- with a similar infection. I don’t even know how that is possible, but here we are,” Scott answered. You had finished your stitching job, and were about to cover it with a bandage to keep it clean, but Scott moved your hand away. 
“Wow. Brilliant stitching job, are you a doctor?” He asked, inspecting your work. 
“No, just sewn a few costumes here and there,” you smiled brightly, happy for the recognition of your work. 
He caught your eye, and returned the smile. A feeling of butterflies fluttered in your stomach, making your heart stop in your chest for a second. 
“Alright, you can finish bandaging this up. Let's hope this antibiotic kicks in soon,” Scott said, wiping a few beads of sweat from his brow. He laid back down and you placed the bandage over his wound, and began to tape it up. 
A sudden clatter outside made you stop cold, a shiver running down your spine. Scott had leaned up suddenly on his elbows, looking around the shelf blocking his view from the door. An electrical buzzing filled the air. 
“Shit!” Scott said loudly, pushing himself up to his feet. Another clatter came from the direction of the door. “Where’s the gun?” 
“What do you mean, what is - oh my god!” You said, turning to view the door. A zombified Vision was slicing through the door with the stone in his head. 
“y/n, where is the gun?” Scott asked again, more firmly this time. You passed him one of the rifles you had. 
“Stay here.” 
“What? No, I’m helping you!” You said, picking up the second rifle and loading it. Scott shook his head, but didn’t stop you. He had a feeling he wouldn’t be able to stop you unless he tied you up. As enticing as the idea was for other reasons,  he knew right now wasn’t the time for those thoughts. 
“Oh wait,” he started, running back to the back door where he had dropped a bag he forgot to pick back up. You hadn’t even noticed he had a bag on him ever before he came in.  “My suit!” He exclaimed, quickly stripping his clothing and slipping into the suit. 
“Are you kidding me? You, an actual superhero, forgot you had your suit with you? Why weren’t you wearing it?” You yelled frantically. 
“I didn’t want it to get damaged!” He responded. You shook your head at the ridiculousness, and watched as he picked up his rifle and came back into the main store. 
A loud bang came from the front doors, and you realized it was the sound of the furniture toppling over as Vision and Tony made their way into the store. They didn’t move like you thought Zombies would, all wobbly and slow. No, no. They were fast, almost faster than before. 
Your heart rate sped up as you froze, absolutely shocked at the sight before you. Tony’s skin, unlike the other zombies you had seen, was a blueish green with red blemishes all over. Vision looked the same, but he didn’t talk. You noticed that Tony didn’t either.
Scott didn’t hesitate though. He fired the rifle at Tony, hitting him in the arm. In the next second, Vision had sliced the rifle in half. 
“Great, you wanna play dirty? We can play dirty,” Scott said, activating his suit and shrinking down to the size of an ant. You watched as he attacked both Tony and Vision, growing in and out of size, shrinking and growing, punching left and right, taking hits here and there. You were unsure of what to do, it seemed like he had the upper hand. 
Thn, as if suddenly aware of your presence, Tony turned to face you, his eyes dead and lifeless. Your eyes grew wide as you realized he was headed towards you. You raised the rifle and went to pull the trigger…
Nothing happened. It was jammed. 
“Fuck!” You yelled. Of course this would happen. Of course the rifle would jam right as Tony was about to strike. You stumbled out of the way, smacking right into the shelf behind you. You quickly remembered the knife you had strapped to your thigh above your jeans. You grabbed it, slashing quickly at Tony’s arm as he came up to strike. 
“y/n!” Scott yelled out, growing large and squashing vision under his foot. It was just a temporary fix to the situation. He turned his attention to Tony, lunging at him. In a split second he miniaturized right before your eyes, and landed on Tony’s shoulder. Tony flicked him off at record speed, and you took the split second he was distracted to your advantage. You leaned out with the knife, stabbing Tony in the head. He fell to the ground, writhing around. There was no blood at the stab wound, only a green ooze that poured out of the wound. 
Scott returned to normal human size, wiping his hands off on eachother. 
“That was easy,” he muttered, and you looked at him like he was crazy. 
“Easy? That was the most terrifying two minutes of my life,” you muttered. He flashed you a smile. You couldn’t help but smile back, and for a split second, it was as if the two of you weren’t standing next to the corpses of the once greatest heroes of all time. As if the world wasn’t deteriorating around you. It was a nice distraction. 
It was a distraction you couldn’t afford. Lost in the gaze of the other, no one noticed that Tony had withered his way to Scott. He popped up suddenly, taking a giant chunk of skin out of Scott’s arm. 
A blood curdling scream left your lips, as you watched horrified as Scott’s blood sprayed everywhere– on you, on Tony, and on the floor below. You leaned down to pick up the knife you had dropped before, and lunged at Tony. 
But you weren’t fast enough. Tony had turned, backing away from where you were aiming.  Scott stumbled backwards, his breathing labored as he held his arm to his chest. 
“Go!” You screamed, wanting him to run and find help. He didn’t listen. He couldn’t hear you over the sound of blood rushing to the wound site. His ears began to ring, and suddenly a bright light appeared before him. 
You were unaware he was dying, too busy fighting off Tony. Vision began to twitch from his original position on the floor. No, no no, you thought to yourself. You could handle Tony, at least for a little while… but both Tony and Vision? That was nearly impossible for an average human like yourself. 
Suddenly, the fighting stopped. You dropped your arms that were raised to block a blow from Tony that never came. Taken aback by the lack of violence, you felt your heart rate increase at the growing silence. 
The silence didn’t last long. Behind you came a deep groaning and grumbling. Your blood ran cold, and your heart stopped in your chest. There was only one person that was behind you last you knew. Only one person who  had the capability to make the grumbling sounds you were hearing now. 
“y/n…” it came out raspy, and grunted, as if he was choking the words out. 
Chills ran up your spine, and you slowly turned to look behind you. As much as you didn’t want to, your brain was moving you without your permission. 
Behind you stood a zombified Scott Lang, blood no longer dripping from his wound. His skin was now a pale and ashy color, his eyes an infected greenish-yellow. He was no longer holding his wounded arm, instead it hung a good two inches lower than the other one, the upper bone sticking out of the open bite. 
“No…, no, no, no!” You cried out, knowing it was now too late for you. There was no escaping this. No escaping three bloodthirsty zombies that stood before you, eyeing you like you were their last meal.  
A blood curdling scream filled the air of the convenience store, before the sloppy sounds of biting and tearing of flesh followed, blood staining the linoleum floor below your body, and then, finally, the satisfied grunts of the zombies.
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| 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 |
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thegrandharveyspecter · 10 months
//Why is Ant-Man so important on a Suits blog?
[Valid question, glad you asked. Ya'll only know the story behind this blog and that my partner inspired it, but ya'll don't know the story behind Scott and I. Buckle up, kiddos, it's story time.
You know how people say things like: "I read this/watched this/found this/experienced this/etc. right when I needed it" or "this came to me at the perfect time"? That's pretty much what happened with Scott and I. I found him when I needed him most.
I didn't need him back in 2020 when I first started my "MCU journey", if you will. I didn't need him in 2021 or 2022. I needed him this year, 2023. I didn't know a thing about Ant-Man until this year when I watched his movies for the first time to get ready for Quantumania. I had seen him in Civil War, but that was ages ago and I forgot about him. Like I said, I didn't need him back then. I needed him now.
You might be wondering: "Why? What happened?" Long story short on that one; one of my friends basically ruined my life for a few months. And I'm not saying that for dramatic effect, I'm saying it because it's true. She threw a huge wrench in my life and I was miserable. It was hard to function properly.
On the other hand, I have a best friend who I hadn't seen or done anything with in 2-3 years. Years. It's not like we had a falling out, but I need a really good reason to leave my house. I need some kind of event or something. Guess what that was? Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. I may have known nothing about Ant-Man prior to this, but the trailers really intrigued me and I was willing to give him a chance. So very glad that I did.
I messaged my friend and she was so excited and happy that I asked her to go. By extension, that made me really happy because it'd been so long. The week prior, I watched the first two Ant-Man movies and pretty much fell in love. You can thank Ant-Dad for that. I love a good family dynamic.
I almost didn't get to go because I was really sick that morning. I think what happened was that I was psyching myself out, you know? It had been years, I hadn't left my house in forever, I was miserable for months and had been having constant panic attacks. I think that's why I felt so sick, but I felt great when I woke up again. It took like 5-10 minutes to convince my mom to let me go lol. Could we have gone a different day? Yeah, but I didn't want to go on a different day. I wanted to go on the day we planned.
Know something that really warmed my heart about this? When my friend and I were waiting for the movie to start, she said: "I was looking forward to this all week. I was thinking about it all day, even after your mom called and said you couldn't go." That was so sweet, because she wanted to be with my as much as I did with her. It was a great night all around and one of the best I had in months. It was great to be with my friend again and it was so much fun.
So there you have it. That's the story behind Scott and I and why he's so important. He helped me reconnect with one of my best friends and helped me start to get out of a bad slump. Because of that, I think Scott will always have a special place in my heart, not just Quantumania.]
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Okay, so I'm very new to this blog and don't know your story about Ant-Man. AKA, how did you "find him" (ex: by following MCU movies or randomly hearing the movie from somewhere else)? What made you like him so much? Why is he important to you? Do you relate in many ways? Tell me everything. (That sounds so pushy lmao but I really am curious!)
😂 You’re fine, Anon. You’re fine I promise. First of all, welcome to my mess of a blog! Glad you’re here. I think you’re actually the first person in a long time if not ever to ask me these questions, but I’m very happy to share.
So I’ve been a big fan of Marvel ever since the first Iron Man came out. Once I watched that one, well I was hooked. Little did I know just how vast the MCU would become and how deeply involved I would be over time.
But honestly, Ant-Man slipped under my radar until I went to watch Civil War in theaters. Scott Lang made his debut into my life, and I was like *points at screen* “That’s Paul Rudd since when was he in the MCU?” I mean, I’m a fan of his, but not enough to follow everything he’s in. I watched the fight scene and watched what Scott could do. And I was intrigued.
But what really got me if I’m being honest was this.
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Like this is legit how I would react too. I’d be nervous and excited and I’d get my words mixed up which happens often and I’d just be so star struck and like “Wow this is awesome!” That was so relatable that I was like “I wanna know who this guy is.”
As soon as I got home, I rented Ant-Man on my laptop, and it was hook line and sinker. I didn’t have a chance.
Scott is more like the Everyman. He’s just a regular guy trying to do what’s right, and he makes mistakes and tries to fix them and this whole superhero gig just kinda fell into his lap. He’s intelligent and kind and funny and loyal and protective over his family, especially his daughter. He doesn’t take himself seriously, but he’s such a good asset to any group and often overlooked. Much like how I overlooked him until Civil War. But I’ve looked for him ever since.
And honestly, I just see a lot of me in him. I’ve had Marvel fans I’m friends with confirm it lol. We played a game once of who are you in the MCU where the closest match in personality wins. I said I was Scott Lang, and I won the game. I have other favorites, sure, but, you know, no one else just resonates with me more. In this fandom or in any other I’m in. It’s hard to explain, but I’ve never fit more with a character before, and it’s really nice for me to have Scott.
So there’s the story. I don’t know if that’s what you were looking for or hoping for, but yeah, there it is. In my head, Scott and I are like ��🏻 and thick as thieves, I mean burglars lol.
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lucidloving · 11 months
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Kurt Vonnegut, based on John Greenleaf, "Maud Muller" // Whittier // Lang Leav // Erica Jong, Becoming Light: Poems New & Selected // @dvoyd // Matt Haig, The Midnight Library // @ojibwa // magazine clipping, on Bronnie Ware's The Top Five Regrets of the Dying // r.h. // F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Basil and Josephine Stories
[Requested by @alwaysanangel-neveragod]
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lxkeee · 7 months
A rrequest if that okay. I want Lucifer x Angel daughter figure!Reader. Like before he fell, he had a share close bond with a child angel who look up to him like a father figure (she does look up to the other angels like they're uncles and aunt for her too but Lucifer is closer). Like sharing his ideas with ideas, teaching her to fly when she was a still a newborn, helping her with her powers (I vote for ICE POWERS ❄️), doing hobbies together like art. Kinda like Morgan x Tony Stark or like Scott Lang x Cassie
Her personality : Shy, kind, dreamer too but reserve, well-behaved, sensitive, and never like cussing
And aafter he fell in hell with Lilith, she was alone in heaven, growing up to be a well mature messenger of heaven .
While in hell, Lucifer tell the tale of a small angel who could have been her sister
What do you think, is it a good story
pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Adopted! Fem angel! Reader [platonic!]
fandom: Hazbin Hotel
genre: fluff and cute
notes: will be making a male version of this. Someone remind me.
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“Luci, throw me up again please!” a childlike voice giggles and Lucifer smiles, his angel wings fluttering behind his back. In his hand is a small angel, no older than six, a bright smile on her face, a small halo above her head. Chubby baby cheeks he just wants to squish forever.
The older angel chuckles softly, “Alright, alright... 1, 2, 3, and up we go!” he cheers, throwing the small child up in the air making her giggle loudly, her small wings fluttering behind her back in excitement and Lucifer effortlessly catching her. Soft and gentle chuckles escaping his lips as he places a gentle kiss on the child's forehead making the small girl laugh, a childlike giggle escaping her lips.
She was one of the recently created angels and the older angels are tasked with watching over one child. Lucifer, one of the older angels was tasked to watch over a little one and he was paired up with this sweet child. He needs to guide her and make sure she won't have any trouble living in heaven.
“Luci,Luci!” the small girl calls out to him excitedly in his arms, Lucifer raises an eyebrow and looks down at the smaller angel that's on his arms.
“What is it little [y/n]?” he asks softly, booping her nose with his pinky finger. A small giggle leaving the girl's lips.
“Look! Look! I can do this!” [y/n] says with a small giggle, showing her tiny chubby hands to him and slowly it glowed a pale blue and accidentally shot him a blast of snow... To his face.
Laughter was heard coming out of the smaller girl's lips as Lucifer stood there in shock. Still caught off guard by the snow attack on his beautiful face.
Regardless, he wasn't mad. It wasn't strong yet to hurt him but boy, it was so cold. He was amazed that the child's powers have already developed at this age, he can tell she'll be strong in the future.
Using his hands, he wiped off the snow from his face before chuckling as he looked down at the laughing girl that was in his arms.
“Meany little lady, shooting me with snow.” he says with a small pout making the smaller girl giggle, “'m sorry, I was supposed to make a snowflake...” she murmurs softly and apologetically.
Lucifer smiles softly and ruffles her hair, “It's fine little [y/n]. You didn't mean to.” he says with a smile, making the girl's frown disappear as she returns back to smiling brightly at him. Lucifer eventually helped her in slightly controlling her powers and the girl managed to finally create snowflakes.
Lucifer started calling her 'Little snowflake.'
And [y/n] eventually started calling him dad.
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All throughout her life, she spent it underneath her father's wings. She shared the same beliefs as him, as his influence.
She was just 11 years old when her dad fell from grace.
The small child sobbing and cried in Michael's arms, as she watched Lucifer falling down and away from heaven. Lucifer crying silently as he watched his daughter's crying face, her tiny arms reaching out to him but Michael held her back. They don't know when they'll see each other again.
She was later on educated why he was cast out of the heavenly city, she didn't fight or argue with the higher angels, choosing to be obedient while deep down, believing that her father was a good man and still is.
She was taken underneath Gabriel's wing, the older woman guiding her how to use her powers.
But she misses Lucifer, her dad. She misses his warmth and comfort.
She grew up to be one of the most powerful archangels. Both she and Gabriel are God's messengers.
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Timeskip. The reader would be somewhere around 27,000 ish years old but looks like in her early twenties.
[Y/n] chokes on her tea as Gabriel announces the news to her, the tea splashing out of the cup. Thankfully not spilling on the important documents that are on the desk in front of her, they were in the messenger office doing paperwork.
“Excuse me? Adam is dead?” [y/n] asked in disbelief and the older woman nodded, “Apparently.” Gabriel says with a shrug.
It has been millennia since then, where she has last seen her father. She grew up without him but his guidance continues to guide her all throughout her life.
She grew up to be a strong and mature woman, has risen up the ranks, a rank below the Seven Virtues.
[Y/n] places down the cup of tea on the table before looking at her mentor, Gabriel.
“And you're telling me because?” [y/n] asked with a blank expression, already fully prepared for a new job to be placed on her shoulders. Gabriel deadpans at her, “Unfortunately the exorcists failed to bring his body back here and we don't have any detailed report on what happened and I want you to go down there to do those things.” Gabriel explained, a hand on her hip.
[Y/n] deadpans back at her, “Do I look like Hu Tao to you or something?” she asked and Gabriel raised an eyebrow at her, confused who this Hu Tao is.
“Who?” Gabriel asked with a confused tone, “Tao.” [y/n] answers seriously.
(10/10 comedy right there)
Gabriel still couldn't understand her, please someone end her misery.
“Anyways, I want you to go down there okay?” Gabriel says sternly, [y/n] sighs very loudly.
“I am not a funeral director nor a press. I am a messenger of God!” [y/n] says a deadpan, her lips pressed in a thin line. Gabriel sighs. How did Lucifer manage this kid?
“Besides, why do we need to bring his body back here? Can't we just leave it there to rot or something? Dude is finally where he belongs.” [y/n] asked flatly with a raised eyebrow, Gabriel sighs once more. She was not amused.
Eventually, [y/n] didn't get to escape the new responsibility as she was pushed into a portal by none other than Gabriel, a portal to hell.
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In hell, specifically the pride ring. An angelic portal can be seen opening at the red skies of the city. The portal closing briefly after a figure emerged from it. The phenomenon catching and sparking the interest of the hell dwellers.
[Y/n] sighs softly as she falls, falling backwards making the tip of her wings pushed in front by the pressure of the wind. Closing her eyes for a few moments, she could recall the day Lucifer, her dad fell from grace.
Is this what he felt during that day? She asked herself before opening her eyes, turning her body so she could face the approaching fiery red grounds of hell, extending her wings to its full size, fluttering as she finally stabilized herself and kept herself afloat.
Once she was close to the ground, she straightened her wings so she could dive faster.
Landing on the ground roughly but gracefully, a crater formed underneath her shoes where she landed. Extending her arm in front of her, a golden hologram forming above her palm.Time to look for that damn body.
In the distance, up in a small hill was a hotel called Hazbin Hotel.
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@adaizel @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @thedarkkitten @selvyyr @froggybich @brithedemonspawn @kottenox @totallymitya @many-fandoms-lover @dou-dou @mezzyb0nb0n @n1chxyaaenthusiast @cherry-4200 @koirb @galaxyj3lly @crystalplays28 @luleck @scootinonyourmom @rory-cakes @mixplara @crescent-z @bitchyzombienacho @kalisha2004 @altervex @nehy019 @napbatata @kouyoumarryme @sxgacxbe @kooidoom @yukichan67 @apple-pop @akiralovespenguins @storydays @kaurochika @amphiroxx @lil-writer-523
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softearz · 3 months
𝑁𝐼𝑁𝐸𝑇𝐸𝐸𝑁 𝐸𝐼𝐺𝐻𝑇𝑌 𝑁𝐼𝑁𝐸. — the anthology! ⋆˚ 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
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— work in progress ౨ৎ return to masterlist —
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— WELCOME TO NEW YORK ౨ৎ joey tribbiani. chandler's sister didn't except anything from new york, maybe a job — but not love.
— BLANK SPACE ౨ৎ billy loomis. a romance of a girl who thinks she can change him, and a boy who has no intention of doing so.
— STYLE ౨ৎ eddie munson. don't we say that opposites attract? nobody would've expect hawkins' sweetheart to find love in the freak.
— OUT OF THE WOODS ౨ৎ draco malfoy. the story of a boy who can't seem to stay away from problems ; and a girl who's tired of fixing his mistakes.
— ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS STAY ౨ৎ tom ryder. he fucked up; he wants you back.
— SHAKE IT OFF ౨ৎ chrissy cunningham. you and your best friends decide that you don't need men anymore.
— I WISH YOU WOULD ౨ৎ steve harrington. you and steve broke up after an argument ; the thing is, neither of you want to stay away from the other.
— BAD BLOOD ౨ৎ hermione granger. academic rivals with the best two students in howgarts.
— WILDEST DREAMS ౨ৎ eliot. you think eliot is gonna leave you after sleeping with you ; he proves you otherwise.
— HOW YOU GET THE GIRL ౨ৎ eddie munson. when eddie comes knocking at his best friend's door to ask you advices about a girl he likes, you don't understand he talks about you.
— THIS LOVE ౨ৎ luna lovegood. after looking love everywhere, you realize it's been in front of you all this time.
— I KNOW PLACES ౨ৎ tom!peter parker. fame when you're a superhero is heavy ; sometimes, you just need a little break from it.
— CLEAN ౨ৎ jake peralta. getting out of a toxic relationship, an unlikely friendship forms between you and a police officer.
— WONDERLAND ౨ৎ quinn bailey. giving your trust is hard ; being betrayed once again feels too heavy.
— YOU ARE IN LOVE ౨ৎ chandler bing. two best friends (idiots) in love.
— NEW ROMANTICS ౨ৎ loki laufeyson. you should've known dating the infamous god of mischief would've turned into a betrayal ; once again.
— SLUT! ౨ৎ cassie howard. when two of the most popular girls — who also happen to be friends — start dating, the rumors go hard; good thing you don't care what people say.
— SAY DON'T GO ౨ৎ stu macher. you knew your boyfriend was ghostface; you weren't sure why you didn't say anything to the police. what you didn't knew was that he didn't plan on keeping you alive.
— NOW THAT WE DON'T TALK ౨ৎ peter quill. after your childhood best friends left to join a new group, you decide to forget him ; but it's hard when he suddenly comes back into your life.
— SUBURBAN LEGENDS ౨ৎ robin buckley. you've been cheated on by your now ex-boyfriend ; good thing you have your friend to cheer you up.
— IS IT OVER NOW? ౨ৎ scott lang. scott lang just wante to spend a nice sunday afternoon with his daughter ; he didn't expect you to knock at his door in tears after a bad breakup.
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softearz © ─ all rights reserved!
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waywardcrow · 9 months
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Chapter IV.
Summary: 1943. 1975. 2024. Three different decades, three different lives, three different times your life and Bucky's interwined; he lost you twice, will he do it again?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader.
TW: It can change each chapter but themes of Bucky as soldier and as the Winter Soldier in general, flashbacks and dreams in italics like this, lots of feels, reader's being a little anxious, some stalking lol, a brief sex scene (p in v), very bad written smut, implied domestic violence (not from Bucky), murder mentioned, past lives, past 40'sreader is mentioned to be named Beth but that changes for 2024 version of her so I nicknamed her little bird for Bucky, Ace for everybody else, this will be a +18 story so minors dni.
Disclaimer: Please remember english is not my first language so if I make a mistake or forget something let me know.
Pictures from pinterest and graphic and dividers by the amazing @ firefly-graphics so all credits to the creators.
Previous chapter <;<<
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You were fired, that wasn’t a surprise.
Mia Alexander didn’t sue you for every penny you had, that was shocking.
But getting a call from Pepper Potts herself, that was the real main event of your whole life.
She asked you to go and pay her a visit at her office in the Avengers tower, like if that didn’t send you in a spiral of bliss and terror, what will you wear? What could a woman like her want to talk with someone like you? Even if Sergeant Barnes –Bucky, you reminded yourself- told her what had happened in the gala, she might be mad at you.
Your head begun to think in the possibilities all the way there, considering that this was the reason why Mia didn’t sued you, maybe Pepper Potts would do it.
When you finally arrived to the tower your stomach was in knots, not even your lucky outfit made you feel better but like every other day in your life you sucked it up and walked to the front desk.
“Hi, I’m here to see Miss Potts?” you said, making it sound more like a question and the receptionist stared at your vintage midi skirt and blouse like he understood your hesitation. You offered him a smile before telling him your name so he looked for it in the screen in front of him and gave you a visitant pass.
“Third floor, follow the hall, last door in your right” he said and then went back to his screen.
“Oh, ok, thanks” your neck was hot with embarrassment when you reached the elevators and just became more evident when you got in and someone else did too.
“Good morning, third floor too?” Scott Lang, THE Scott Lang, asked you and you could only nod like an idiot. He did a double take on your face and smiled “hey, I know you; you are the girl who throws champagne at evil bosses.”
You were turning purple, it was a sure thing.
“What?” it was all you said.
“Yeah, the other night you did an incredible stunt, Sam told us everything” so Captain America knew too, great. Scott must saw something in your expression because his changed “is ok, seriously, when we hear what she did no one blamed you for it, I was sure Hope was about to kick her ass and don’t let me start with Yelena” your head was spinning “I think it was brave and more subtle than ruining your boss company and driving a car to his pool”
That earned a strangled laugh from you.
“Are you going to see Miss Potts too, Mr. Lang?” you asked when the elevator doors opened again and you walked with him.
“Actually I’m going to see Maria Hill but I’ll see you later” he smiled at you with such honesty that you relaxed for the first time in all day, making your way to your destiny you noticed the front desk for Miss Potts assistant was empty and you were just on time which was as good as being late.
Without not knowing what to do, you knocked at her door.
“Come in”.
Taking a deep breath, you did it squaring your shoulders and trying to tell yourself everything would be fine.
“Good morning, Miss Potts, I hope is ok I called, there was no one and-“
“It’s completely fine” she said gesturing for you to sit in front of her and went to address your formally even if contradicted her next words “Please call me Pepper, everyone does.
There was something about her, a professionalism that was inspiring but also made her approachable and you couldn’t help but smile.
“Only if you call me by my first name too”
“It’s what you like to be called? Because Sam told me about your friend calling you Ace when he went with Sergeant Barnes to the hospital, I think it fits you” at her words it was impossible not to blush again; first of all because of the mention of Bucky, the recurrent thought of your head the last days and then because of the nickname Harper gave you.
“I mean, yeah, my friends call me that” it was an exaggeration, you only had one friend.
“Maybe we should stick to it, between me and you Pepper is not even my name but I think is perfect for me” there was something like nostalgia in her eyes but she didn’t let you think too much about it “and I like that my employees feel comfortable when we talk.”
“Excuse me, what?” it was really embarrassing how you couldn’t form a decent sentence in front of her.
“I would like you to be my assistant, Ace” she said and then your life really changed.
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Bucky still could tasted you, the other you, the one who reincarnated and was born in a rich Italian family in 1950, the one that somehow found him when he was The Winter Soldier.
He wasn’t supposed to fuck you in your fiancée’s car, well ex fiancée, you couldn’t marry a dead asshole. His mind couldn’t know why he needed you that bad but his body did, Bucky was sure it was the conditioning what made him be such a caveman with you but the truth was, you were his mirror back then.
You wanted him since Lucas bragged about his connections to Hydra and how they lend him their best asset to protect the arsenal his father’s company will provided for them. Your whole attention was in the silent assassin who looked at you like you were everything he could ever want.
Lucas wasn’t great with you, his little bird, that’s why he snapped his neck and took you away, sometimes his nightmares will let him breath and remember you surrounding him, riding his cock, high in pleasure, telling him that you loved him before you both were found and he was dragged back to Hell.
As a small blessing, he didn’t remembered that while dreaming, Bucky was too lost on you, in the salty taste of your skin against his tongue when he traced the valley of your naked breasts with it.
“Give me one more, little bird” he ordered, thrusting in and out of you with an incredible skill considering the small space “drench my cock again.”
His english was perfect with you, no sign of hesitation, not remembering he wasn’t supposed to speak it so naturally when it wasn’t necessary; the Brooklyn accent showing up without effort.
“I- I can’t” you sobbed, drunk on him, your body asking for more.
“You will” his metal hand let go your neck to play with your clit, the cold metal sending you to your climax once again, taking him with you.
The softness of your skin against his was the last thing he remembered before waking up.
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Harper called you when you got back home and screamed when you tell her the news; she made a joke about coming to work with you so she could see Sam Wilson every day, making you feel better. Since you convinced your parents go and have the retirement they deserved, Harper was the only one you had and she was more than what you deserved but sometimes you wished for more, for someone to go home to.
Like a fool, your mind went to Sergeant Barnes; you needed to thank him for what he did for you.
If not for him, you would have be ruined but how could someone put that in a thank you card?
Maybe you could bake something for him.
Bucky likes apple pie.
The thought came out of nowhere with an intense hint of pain between your eyebrows, what was that?
Maybe a nap would help, your new job waited for you and this was the chance you dreamed of, ruining it wasn’t an option.
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When Bucky went to check on you that night, you were already sleeping in your couch, making very difficult for him to let you there. Of course he could break in and carry you to your room without waking you up but it would make you feel unsafe.
It was hard for him to go back to a civilian life, or the closest he could have, his actions needed to be careful, especially around you. It was also torture he remembered almost everything and you nothing at all, that he couldn’t tell you about that night on your porch in 1943 or your breakfast with him, Steve and the Howlies when your unit was sent to Europe and destiny brought you both together again, he couldn't tell you about that time in Italy.
Bucky wanted you to know everything but you will never believe him, in the best case you'd believe it was a joke or a proof of him losing his mind but you could also believe him dangerous –which he was- and get away from him where Bucky would not be able protect you.
Sited there in your fire escape, he started to memorize every part of you he could see through the darkness, if that was all he could have from you, he would make it be enough.
Tag list: @cjand10 @bunnyforhim @cookingdancingchick
Next chapter >>>
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Hello lovelies! Sorry for bringing this short chapter, I tried to start going through their past lives but witout giving so much details so this don't gets very confusing, if it still is please tell me so I can work on it, what de you think? I'll love to read about it in the comments!
Love, Lily.
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averizz · 5 months
⧗⍟ 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 analysis
"but it would've been fun, if you could've been the one" - the 1, taylor swift
one thing that will always keep me up at night is these two. the potential they had, their chemistry, and what could have unfolded if the writers had chosen to pair them up. they've been almost inseparable since they met and were always there for one another when they needed it. grounding each other, how they're always glancing in the other's direction for support or approval, allowing themselves to be vulnerable around each other, heck just the way they look at each other speaks volume. speaking of which, here are a few excerpts from scott lang's book:
"Cap couldn't stop talking about her jaw-dropping exploits on missions"
"And for every war story Cap had about fighting alongside Nat, he had another of her just being, well... alongside at critical and painful moments ... being a comfort during the emotional funeral of Peggy Carter"
they are opposites in ways but perfectly balance each other out. she learned from him the significance of trust and camaraderie and he from her the art of espionage, evading enemies without causing a scene, amongst other things. their dynamic is one of the most popular in the mcu canon and though they weren't meant to be in this universe, i'm glad they became an item in some alternate timelines, like in the next avengers movie starring their son james rogers, and in the ultimate avengers animated movie. don't get me wrong, i loved seeing their friendship develop on screen, but that's not to say that something more couldn't have transpired if their situation had allowed it to.
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antvnger · 6 months
Okay gang, it's Ant-Mun's turn for a poll!
Take it away, Ant-Mun!
((Alright guys, this one goes out to everybody's favorite storyteller and BFF you gotta have--))
((That's right! This poll is showing some love to Luis. It's gonna be tough, so here you go.))
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old man have safe clip || crazy stupid fine clip || truth serum clip
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After the events of Endgame”, we had:
1) Wanda trapping innocent people in her fanfiction
2) Sam and Bucky fighting left-wing terrorists while dealing with racism, political corruption, and therapy
3) Alternate Loki learning about the horrible truth of the multiverse
4) Clint trying to stay retired, but had to relive his various traumas during Christmas time
5) Thor losing the love of his life to cancer
6) Peter Parker losing his aunt and being forgotten by literally the entire universe
7) Strange watching his former love, Christine, get married, and then traveling through the multiverse to stop Wanda
8) Shuri and all of Wakanda dealing with the death of T’Challa and conflict with another nation
9) Bruce going back to space to get his son back
So everyone was having a tough time due to personal problems and reliving traumas. All this to say that it’s hilarious that Scott Lang and Hope van Dyne were the ones that came out of “Endgame” as the true winners. Based on the marketing, Scott and Hope have become beloved celebrities by selling their Avenger stories (which helps explain all the Ant-Man love in “Ms. Marvel” and “Hawkeye”).
Of course, Kang. But that’s a new issue. Before Kang arrived, it looks like Scott and Hope were absolutely living their best lives.
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Anywhere but Westview: alternate futures for Wanda if someone, ANYONE, had actually looked out for her after Endgame:
Clint takes her in and she lives with him and his family, eventually meeting Kate and Yelena
She throws in with Sam and Bucky and helps out against the Flag Smashers
She ends up bonding with Peter Parker and eventually accompanies him against Mysterio and the Multiverse (also, I only just thought of this, but Wanda meeting Quentin Beck would be pretty interesting, as he could try to sway her with their mutual hatred of Tony).
She accompanies Steve to put back the Stones and convinces him to return to the present instead of going back to the 40s.
T’Challa and Shuri, feeling guilty over not being able to save Vision, invite her to stay in Wakanda, and she eventually helps Shuri against Namor.
Peter Quill invites her to join the Guardians because he wants a buffer between Thor and himself and she ends up becoming close with the crew, especially Rocket and Nebula. (While I would love to imagine her written into Volume 3, I respect Gunn too much to pollute his story.)
Scott asks her if she wants to meet Cassie, and she ends up bonding with the Lang family, eventually going with them to the Quantum Realm and battling Kang
Bruce offers her help to make amends between the two of them, and she goes with him to Sakaar
Strange is fascinated by her powers and invites her to Kamar-Taj
Rhodey, seeking to make amends with her in a way Tony never wanted to, offers her a place to stay.
If anyone wants to try their hand at making one of these a full fanfic story, be my guest.
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