#that's far more unique than simply being protective of his family
6lostgirl6 · 1 year
A Night To Dismember
Pairing: Michael Myers x Fem!Reader
TW: Detailed Gore, Mentions of Murder, Mentions of Sexual Assault [Not by Michael], Slightly Possessive Michael, Protective Michael, Mature Audience only!
A/N: Requested by my bestie @prettywhenibleed! I really hope you enjoy this and it was an absolute pleasure to write this for you!! Love you, my favorite slasher whore! ❤️ This isn't my best work, I'm afraid, forgive me.
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The Smith's Grove Sanitarium operated according to a schedule that was consistently set in motion without interruption. No authorized doctor employed by the sanitarium, however, would have foreseen this. Medical specialists thought they were completely familiar with Michael Myers' behavior. He was docile and kept to himself, despite being the most dangerous and threatening patient in the hospital. 
But if you left him alone, there was a chance he would treat you in a similar fashion. The sole exception would be if touching his masks or otherwise bothered him. Even being among other patients was something he never enjoyed.
You were a new patient, recently exiled from society and your family because of your dreadful infatuation with fire and burning objects of interest. Your arrival left the building in absolute shock. On your first day, you were assigned to the recreation room. When you entered the room, your initial instinct was to walk over to the largest and most dangerous man within the sanatorium while grinning brightly. You only watched him work on a paper mache mask while standing over his hunched figure in the corner of the room, his hospital-approved supplies scattered along the table. 
You thought the colors were stunning, which you happily expressed. 
As a precaution against Michael harming you, guards stood by the recreation room's entrance wielding batons. Michael, on the other hand, did the exact opposite, giving you a cursory glance before grunting and slackly pointing for you to sit next to him. 
It was like you and Michael had your own timetable inside the sanitarium, and this went on for the next few months without fail. As directed by his psychiatrist, Michael was permitted to create his masks in the recreation area in the mornings. You would follow not far behind and take your normal seat beside him at a table chosen at random, apart from the other patients. You would merely watch him create his masks and ramble about whatever was on your mind. Michael never responded to the conversation, but that didn't stop you from talking to him because he had his own style of doing so without words. You have grown accustomed to deciphering his thoughts from his basic grunts and gestures.
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"Hey, Mikey." You said with a smile, taking a seat at your usual spot next to Michael's side, placing your tray of food onto the table.
Michael was in the middle of placing wet paper mache on the face mold for his mask, his fingers caked in colors of paint and residue from the paper mache. He paused for a moment, giving you a small grunt as acknowledgement before returning to his activity.
You smiled more, chuckling at his usual ways of communicating as you watched him craft. You've always been interested in his masks and the variety of patterns he would use for each one. Many of his masks had their own unique qualities. However, you knew to only look, not touch.
"I see you're adding bright colors this time; are those happy pills finally working?" You teased him, nudging him softly with your body.
Michael huffed through his nose, which you learned was his way of chuckling as he shook his head at you. In the past, It took a while, but you had a better understanding of Michael's gestures and emotions than the doctors.
Simply because you treated him like a person, not an experiment.
"Maybe next time then." You replied, turning towards your tray before glancing at his project once more. "You're really good at that, Mikey. You're really talented."
Once again, Michael paused his movements, his stained fingers holding the paper mache while his eyes remained downcast. His fingers twitched before he resumed, and you almost thought you said something wrong.
"I didn't mean-"
You were cut off as Michael grabbed another mold from the table, pushing it in your direction. Your eyes widened slightly as you pushed your tray out of the way as Michael's slow movements brought other materials in your direction.
Still in slight awe, you watched him turn towards you, and your eyes connected through his favorite orange mask. You couldn't help the way your heart skipped a beat at the way his eyes stared into your own, seemingly piercing into your own soul.
The doctors were wrong; his eyes weren't soulless, nor were they black, resembling a massive void of nothingness. They were blue, similar to a clear sky or the glimmering waves of the ocean.
He huffed before pointing a finger at the materials and then towards you. He wanted you to mold with him.
"Thank you, Mikey." You said softly, a bright smile on your face.
When your eyes met Michael's, he was unable to comprehend the sensation in his chest. Usually, when his sight fell on their figures, individuals would tremble or turn away. He wasn't concerned by their fear of the facility's most dangerous patient. He actually benefited from the fear he instilled in the hearts of many who came to the sanitarium.
Yet you didn't...and he liked that.
He liked that you weren't scared of him, speaking to him, or even touching him like you've been these past few months. The thought of you being scared of him made him feel...hollow.
When you started working on your own mask using the materials that were laid out on the table, Michael couldn't help but covertly place a palm on his chest to feel how his heart was refusing to settle down. He almost wanted to groan in annoyance, hating the way he liked being around you and having your attention.
He had been content with his solitude for a long time, He preferred being alone and had been for many years. However, the notion of you leaving him made the murderous itch inside him threaten to resurface.
He decided that he would keep you with him, protect you with everything he has, and extinguish anyone who threatened to ruin that. With darkened eyes, he returned to working on his mask.
On that day, you and Michael became closer.
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You weren't born yesterday and you certainly weren't born stupid. Trouble was afoot in the institution and it was either happening under the doctors' noses or they simply didn't care enough to investigate. Over the past week, you would hear feminine screams down the hallway in the women's section of the institution during the late hours of the night. Last night, the screams could be heard two doors down from your room.
The screams and cries began when a new guard was appointed to the institution, supposedly replacing a well-known guard who was at the age of retirement. Due to your paranoia, you would sit on the edge of your bed, watching the door in the chance of someone entering your room when they weren't supposed to.
During the days, you would spend all you could with Michael, hoping that your association with him would make you seem off limits to mess with, or you hoped. Yet, Michael couldn't protect you when the sun went down and the men and women would return to their respective cells on opposite sides of the institution.
Tonight, you were following the same routine, sitting on the edge of your bed and watching the door. Your mind was in shambles, trying to come up with a plan in that chance, that horrid chance of the new guard coming for you. You hoped it wasn't what you were thinking, and for once, you prayed.
God never heard your prayers, and he certainly didn't now, especially when the jingling of keys were heading down the hallway, towards your room.
Michael couldn't sleep and when he couldn't sleep, he would simply pass the time by creating more masks or painting designs onto them. He was sitting at his desk, the surface covered in paper mache, markers, paint, and crayons. He was in the middle of adding a touch of red when he heard the distant sound of screaming.
His annoyance was disguised under his mask as he sighed and tightened his grip on the crayon in his hand to the point that it almost broke in half. He puffed again at the commotion and went on, indifferent to the screams. Perhaps a patient was making a scene during the nightly check-ins.
In order to block out the noises, Michael withdrew within the walls of his mind. It was a way that allowed Michael to escape freely from the confinement of his cell. He would always imagine a life outside the institution, with you. He would imagine the way he would protect you and provide for you. The thought used to sicken himn, but now he enjoyed it, the possibility. The sound of keys jingling, seemingly opening his cage, caused him to pause, though. With a loud crash, the cell door swung open, and shouting could now be heard outside of his room.
"Want some, freak?" The guard asked him in an mocking manner while Michael remained at his desk, his back to the guard. Michael immediately understood what the guard was pulling when he heard the feminine screams and intended to ignore it. 
He continued to ignore his surroundings, ignoring the rage building within his chest. The sound of his bed creaking didn't deter him from continuing on with his activity. However, it all changed when the victim screamed one word.
Your trapped figure on his bed, with your nightgown pushed up so that only your thighs were visible, caught Michael's attention as his head whirled around. Your eyes were filled to the brim with tears, which streamed down your cheeks as you sobbed and struggled. His eyes quickly shifted to the guard hovering over you, and he developed tunnel vision instinctively.
A ferocious roar erupts from Michael's mouth and takes hold of the guard by the neck and collar of his shirt, throwing him off balance. In the midst, you shakily brought yourself to a sitting position, fixing the bottom of your nightgown to cover yourself. Your eyes watched as Michael picked up the guard, pinning him to the wall with eerie silence. The man in his grasp was yelling in pain and fear as Michael kept him pinned, his legs dangling in the air.
"L-Let go! Let go, you fucking punk!" The guard cried out.
Michael did not like that, not at all. Without a second thought, Michael hurled him into his desk, his art supplies falling to the ground in a cluster of clangs while the man groaned in pain. Like a predator stalking his prey, Michael's towering form stalked over to the smaller male, his eyes black as night and void of any life or mercy within. His large hand reached out to grab the same red colored pencil,
Michael's next action seemed to be a blur, he body launching onto the guard and stabbing him with the colored pencil, his resiliant strength making the pencil tear through flesh and muscle.
You watched in a sickening twist of fascination and awe, watching as Michael stabbed the guard over and over, leaving no body part untouched, the man;s screams filling the room. Your heart felt warm, knowing that Michael was willing enough to kill someone for you.
Lastly, Michael stabbed him until his chest, stomach, and face was shrouded in punctures, cuts, and wounds. With one last jab, the colored pencil stabbed into his neck, making the man gurgle on his own blood.
"Michael..." You whispered, your eyes taking in his bloodied form as he slowly turned to you, heaving himself up and moving towards you. It was as if he was a trained dog hoping he made his master proud. However, you were nothing of the sort. When he was close enough, you wrapped your arms around him, pressing yourself into his strong form. "Thank you..."
Michael gave a small huff, hesitantly touching your head with his bloody palm, staining your strands with the bodily fluid. Without another word, Michael pushed you away and grabbed your hand, pulling you off the bed and heading towards the door.
"Where we are going?" You asked in confusion, following behind the behemoth of a man down the stark white hallway.
In response, Michael tugged on your hand and you decided to go along with whatever he had in his mind. He saved you after all; even when he didn't have to, he did. It made you feel safe and protected in his presence.
"Alright, Alright." You muttered, your figures turning a corner and out of sight.
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Red and white.
Those were the colors you would never forget. The way the walls were coated in blood and bodily fluids of various nurses and guards that laid along the floor in mangled messes.
Michael was strong, very strong. You remembered the way he smashed a guard's skull in with his fingers alone. You shuddered at the thought, crossing your arms and staring at the wall in front of you as you waited for Michael to finish off his last victim. A nurse arriving at the right place at the wrong time as Michael ambushed her, his hands around her throat as he strangled her.
Michael walked over to you, his muffled huffing practically hovering over your ear as he showed you shoes and coat. You stared at the items with a blank expression, wondering what he wanted you to do with these.
He huffed before shaking the items in his hands, motioning the items towards you. You sighed before taking the items with a small smile, throwing on the shoes and coat. You felt the warmth of the fabric soothe your cold figure.
"Thank you..." You muttered softly, looking up at him as he stared down at you.
He couldn't help but think you looked...cute.
He offered you his bloodied hand, which you instantly took and followed him to the exit. You both were finally going to be free and it was all thanks to him.
After a few hours of walking, your feet were beginning to ache and the adrenaline from earlier was wearing off.
After your fifth yawn, Michael stopped in his tracks, turning towards you in the middle of the field. He simply stared at you as you bent forward to rest your hands on your knees.
Michael, I need to rest for a moment. Please my-" Your words were cut off when Michael stormed over to you, grabbing you roughly around the hips, hoisting you into his arms. His arm went around your waist, while the other held your back in a bridal style fashion.
Your eyes widened from his sudden roughness, however you couldn't complain as you basked in his warmth, nuzzling your face in the bloodied fabric of his robe.
"Thank you." You said, closing your eyes and allowing yourself to finally relax for the first time tonight. You didn't notice the way Michael was staring at you in his arms, his darkened eyes filled with something unknown, dangerous...maybe even a little bit of caring.
Silently, he turned and resumed walking through the field, making sure to keep you safe as you began to doze in his arms.
Finally, you were his.
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lizzylucky · 2 months
Draxum hadn't accounted for the fact that when he gave four hatchling turtles the DNA of a human being in order to give them greater intelligence, he would effectively be making himself a surrogate father to actual children, with wildly different needs.
When he sent his gargoyles to obtain a sample of DNA from Big Mama's prized warrior, the intention was to create his own. They were to be the prototypes for an army of simple creatures with just enough heightened intelligence to learn combat and follow commands, that he might defend Yokai kind with.
Instead, he quickly discovered the integration of human DNA had been a little over successful in allowing his test subjects to learn and think and feel in a civilized manner, going so far as to override some of their natural instincts as turtles that would otherwise allow them to learn to care for themselves. He had to feed them, by hand, with bottles.
Like infants.
They were easily distraught by unfamiliar things, and quickly became dependent on Draxum in every sense of the word. They babbled, they cried, they explored things with their hands, their tails, their mouths.
It was an unplanned adjustment needed to be made, but no matter. If anything, learning to understand the new hybrid emotions of these turtles would allow Draxum greater advantages when they grew enough to safely learn combat. Preferences, likes and dislikes, needs, diet, and so on, all became more complex areas of study.
Even a couple years in, he found himself continually surprised. Brain scans had shown that the turtles were more intelligent, still, than anticipated. They, truly, seemed more human in mind and function than anything else, with only some base instincts and behaviors left to influence their personalities. They retained many reptilian traits, but overall had the bipedal anatomy and function of humans and some Yokai. It had been an infuriating discovery at first, but Draxum had to admit that over time he became fond of it.
Each turtle had developed his own personality. The eldest, for example, had a love of plush toys, and showed a fierce protective instinct over the others. The youngest, Draxum had learned, was contrastedly reckless and excitable, not nearly so reserved or gentle as the first. Additionally, he was, decidedly, to be kept away from any and every writing utensil unless under strict supervision (unfortunately, this was learned a little too late, as was evidenced by the clear markings left in several work benches). Then, of course, were the slider and the softshell, who had the most bizarre relationship. They were constantly fighting with each other, but utterly inseparable, and each showed an incredible and unique curiosity, constantly exploring and watching and studying, with concentration filling their eyes in ways Draxum had never seen in other children so young.
Embarrassingly, it took another couple years before Draxum realized he couldn't simply refer to them by their species' names. It certainly was effective, but they were not the mild, simple creatures he had once expected them to be, and he knew that they never would.
Now, they were vocal, playful, inquisitive... energetic. By the gods, were they energetic. They never stopped moving, never stopped talking, never stopped eating, never stopped wanting or needing.
...This is why Draxum never had children of his own. It took all the time and energy he had to spare, and then some. Although it would be a lie to say he wished they were any other way.
They had so much capacity to learn, and with their emotional propensity could one day come to understand exactly why Draxum was doing this, which he knew would be an edge in their combative styles.
As he introduced them, slowly, to more of the world's culture and knowledge, he felt, in a new way, that their very existences were revolutionary. A perfect, synergistic unity between two entirely different families of genetic material, with numerous enhanced abilities. And they were children. They maintained all the properties of regular children, but had so much more in store! Such grand destinies! They would be, inarguably, the greatest warriors of their time when they were grown. They would be the compassionate, skillful heroes of all Yokai, the first of a new generation of super mutants, and the key to overcoming the evils of the humans who had overtaken the surface and posed such threat to all who lived below.
It was with great reluctance that he allowed himself to accept, however, that not all of mankind was evil. There were many forms of art, beautiful in different ways, there were some rare people filled with kindness, inventions that utilized resources in ways Yokai kind had never thought to. Perhaps he had been a little stubborn in his ways, a bias cementing over time that blinded him to some of the beauty that did yet exist in such a species.
Make no mistake, humans were a threat. Innocent families lived in fear, in hiding, of the governments and ruthless sciences designed to invade, to blaspheme the name of knowledge, with no regard for the safety of this people.
Draxum could live with being an outlaw to the Yokai if his experiments would lead to their salvation. He may be their villain in today's papers, but in history books he would be a hero.
Still, he wished to amend some of his practices. Even if only to his turtles, he would be known for his ability to change and understand. He would be fair, and he would be truthful.
And so it was that he told the turtles the nature of their existence. Perhaps he muted some of the details, to protect their minds until they had more understanding, but he would not lie to them about their DNA. He told them of Lou Jitsu, and their human genetics, and he begrudgingly allowed them access to the culture of the humans. He would let them choose their interests unbiased.
In the process, he came to know of some of the revolutionaries of human history. Though he wasn't particularly inclined to believe there were no evils involved, he was intrigued by the strange moral code that the humans boasted from their different time periods. The turtles, as well, were fascinated by the stories of war heroes and generals, seamstresses and inventors, artists and royalty.
Initially, when it came time to redesignate his turtles, Draxum had been inclined toward the names of those whose legacies persisted in the humans' culture even today- perhaps a president for the slider, a scientist for the softshell, a great general for the snapper, and an artist for the young box turtle. It seemed, somehow, clandestinely right; carefully considered to exemplify each of their personalities.
And although he had begun to get used to the possibility of names like "Monroe" and "Edison", his indecision on the matter seemed to be working against him. He was taking too long, and the boys were growing smarter.
It was a day in August, later that year, that he found his two youngest arguing over a Renaissance book, oddly enough. The elder two took to a game of knocking "secret patterns" on each other's carapaces, which he dismissed before he could allow himself the confusion that came with wondering why a five year old would want to knock on a spiked shell for fun.
After breaking up the fight and confiscating the book (which, as it turned out, the youngest only wanted because it had pictures in it, much to the chagrin of the other, who insisted that reading it was much better than just looking at the pictures), Draxum found himself idly flipping through pages of rustic images and rudimentary ideas, developed by people with strange names.
Maybe he was simply too tired to consider it properly, but, feeling defeated in his endeavor, he chose four names at random and assigned them to the young turtles, deciding it had been long enough.
It took a while to get used to, but soon "Raphael", "Leonardo", "Donatello", and "Michaelangelo" truly fit.
Over time, the boys grew... ravenous. They devoured everything- food, information, technique. They were learning quickly everything Draxum taught them. They practiced with Huginn and Muninn, leapt up, around, over, and through everything in the lab, and took special interest in action-filled films.
And Draxum grew fonder. He wasn't entirely surprised, of course; it's natural to develop some sense of sentimentality when caring for anything this long. Even if they had been the simple minded turtles he expected, he knew this was inevitable, to a degree.
What startled him was the sudden sense of fear that came with watching them train. The alarm that made his heart beat harder when one of them fell from somewhere high or any time they ran simple drills with weapons not blunted and made from wood.
He subtly began to intensify their defensive strategies, taught them where they were most vulnerable so they could protect those spots, insisted on perfecting their abilities to parry, block, and dodge before anything else.
And, over time, he found himself training them less often than before, thinking, "I must preserve their innocence and prolong their childhood experiences". After all, it was an essential part of development, was it not? If it were tarnished too much, they might become unwise or unjust as warriors. And, really, Raphael was only 8 years old, and he was the eldest; they were much too young to be exposed to the harshness of what their combative training was really for.
He told himself that, time and time again. He told them that, making certain they understood that their training was not a game. It wasn't untrue, certainly.
Really, he just wasn't ready. He wasn't ready to admit to what extent he cared about them, because it was too much. It was more than he could ever have been prepared for. It was more than that passion to protect Yokai kind ever was, and if he ever realized that, he might become the compromise to his own purposes, to the very reason these turtles exist this way to begin with, and then what? What was he to tell them, why was he to train them, who did they exist for if not the inhabitants of the Hidden City?
No. He couldn't do that. He simply would not allow it, not when so much was at stake.
And yet...
More and more often he desired simply to watch them. He was growing weary with worry, and with that tight feeling that arose in his chest each time one of his boys so much as frowned.
Raphael loved to carry his brothers on his shoulders. And he prided himself on being the big brother, in every way. He liked repeating instructions Draxum gave to the others, and tended to play caretaker anytime someone was sad, or had a bruised knee. He often played the "bad guy" in their made up games so the younger ones could "win", he was the mediator in big decisions, like what book they should read before bed, and he seemed always ready with an armful of stuffed animals when he wanted to express affection. So strong, incredibly strong, but soft spoken and sweet.
Leonardo adored Raphael. Just as Raphael did Draxum, Leonardo liked to imitate and repeat instructions. He tended to take charge in many of their childish endeavors, and had a propensity for dramatics and heroism, often pretending to rescue his brothers. This seemed to irritate Donatello to no end, unless he was also playing the hero, and often times he was. The two were usually glued to the hip, though Leonardo liked to make a point to tell all his brothers about everything that went on, and would take a movie night with the three of them over a one on one outing with Draxum any day. He was exuberant and joyous, and very driven by the concept of justice.
Donatello, similarly, seemed to care very dearly about maintaining a bond with all three of his brothers, but he was peculiar, often more reserved and enjoying his alone time. That child read and read like he might never get a chance to again, and he absorbed what he read like a sponge. Quite a few times Draxum found him pulling apart whatever he could get his hands on, and though an effort was made, there was no hiding place the boy couldn't discover in his quest for Draxum's tools. In spite of his quizzical, sometimes stoic nature, Donatello was sensitive, and very thoughtful. He would spend hours talking about his books and his ideas- some of which were very clever- and he was expressive in secondary ways- sitting nearer his brothers even without interacting, crafting things out of paper as gifts. Even the little heart-shaped mark on the back of his soft shell seemed a fitting part of him- he wore his heart on his sleeve, so to speak, and didn't even realize it.
And Michaelangelo. There was an innocence and joy and goodness about the smallest turtle that had struck Draxum. Even when he was younger he always wore a smile and liked to see the good side of things. And he idolized his brothers. With him had grown his creative inclinations, filling every colouring book, drawing on every wall, and absolutely plastering the other turtles with stickers. They were a pain to wash off, but Draxum couldn't bring himself to mind it, especially given the elder three always loved their baths. Ironically, it seemed Michealangelo did not, enjoying it only under specific circumstances. Heat, bubble bath, and bath toys had quickly become a necessity. So too did bath crayons, the need to express himself coming through even when bathing. Everything about the ornate box turtle was bright and colourful.
Draxum... loved them. Dearly. Every facet of their personalities and growth. Every unique trait and behavior.
It was terrifying. He couldn't afford to love them. He couldn't afford to see any more goodness in the humanity they showed. He couldn't afford to change his goals right now.
So he continued disregarding the feeling, trying to reason that everything he did for them was to nurture their instincts as warriors, as science experiments, as specimen.
But a pained scream one day, different from any of the ones he heard when they were frightened as infants, when one of them tripped and fell, when a spat led to hitting, sent his heart into his throat and had him racing through doorways with more urgency than he had felt for anything before.
He had demanded an explanation, panic translating to perceived anger, and three of his boys looked up with teary eyes. Three, but Donatello remained curled up on the ground, wailing his little heart out without ever looking up, and it was one of the most heart wrenching, painful sounds Draxum'd ever heard.
Raphael sat not far from the smaller boy, looking over his shoulder seemingly at nothing, at Donatello, then up at Draxum and back again. Both Leonardo and Michaelangelo burst into frantic, panicked explanations, none of their words coherent enough to understand through their tears.
When Raphael stood, exposing red-tipped spikes on his shell and pointing frantically to Donatello's, it didn't take long to figure out well enough what had happened.
It became quickly a very long day. All four turtles were distraught, and though Draxum had more than enough first aid knowledge to address the situation, bile had threatened to rise the very moment he pulled out the suture kit.
The cuts were deep, and jagged. And poor Donatello cried the entire time, even after a numbing agent had been applied.
Draxum had never thought that in depth about Donatello's soft shell. Not like that. He chose a softshell for the experiment because it would provide greater flexibility, greater agility. It gave an advantage that the hard-shelled turtles did not have.
Now, here... The soft carapace, spongy and leathery and bloody...
It was an accident. Of course it was, Draxum never doubted that. He had to assure that none of his boys were in trouble, no one was in trouble, no one had done anything wrong.
But for the first time he had to be honest with himself. For the first time he couldn't deny how much he cared about the turtles. His turtles. His boys.
He wouldn't, either. If this was what it was, if this was something that could happen again because he insisted on making them into warriors, into fighters- if this could happen on purpose, if this could happen worse, if this could happen with malice and hatred in mind...
Draxum wasn't unused to physical affection, by now. All four boys adored hugs, although Donatello was usually more reserved about them. Now, Donatello clung like his life depended on it, sniffling and whimpering, having cried so long he had no more tears. Draxum clung back, idly smoothing over the edges of the bandages, holding the frightened, exhausted turtle to his chest, cradling.
He did so until well after Donatello fell asleep. He couldn't bring himself to put him down. He accompanied the others to bed, assuring them once more that things were alright, and then simply stood in the walkway, holding his boy tightly.
He couldn't do this. He couldn't go through with it. They were children, every bit as innocent and deserving as the Yokai he wished to avenge and protect. He could train them, prepare them to protect themselves, but he could never send them into battle, ask them to put their lives on the line, much less demand it.
How could he?
It took months of processing, of agonizing his way through the healing process with Donatello, of watching the other boys proving their humanity, their curiosity, and their innocence time and time and time again. His mind was constantly at war with itself, his heart constantly in turmoil and distress, worsened by the turtles' confusion at his sudden change in behavior.
What was even worse was that they would.
They would absolutely sacrifice everything they had for his approval, and for what they understood as "right". He could see them, easily, being willing to submit their very lives to a greater cause if he asked it.
But was he "right"? Even if this experiment had gone exactly as planned, was he right for ever considering putting these turtles into the station of a warrior? Even if they had remained turtles in mind, if they never expressed complex emotion, if they could not speak, if they did not have distinct and colourful personalities, would it have been right?
Was what he saw in them now what they would have been at heart, regardless of circumstance?
Or was it the humanity, that he stole from Lou Jitsu?
Perhaps... perhaps it was time to learn. To consider the root of his motivations.
He couldn't do this to them.
How could he?
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llondonfog · 1 year
let's make no mistake about it, i genuinely find lilia one of the most fascinating characters in twst— a 700 yr old fae who spent centuries as the most revered general of briar valley, confidant to the royal family, did an about-turn to fatherhood immediately upon finding an abandoned baby and now romps around a school campus with said son and the heir apparent to the draconia family pretending to be 680 years younger than he actually is???? fucking insane.
we know absolutely nothing about his own personal life; no immediate family to speak of (besides his adopted son), and we can safely assume they're no longer among the living. we have no idea what his own childhood was like, but i think we can extrapolate by the way that he initially raised silver that it wasn't conventional. were tensions always so high between fae and humans, did lilia simply grow up in a time where war was a common occurrence, that to serve in the briar valley army was the obvious path to take? we can only gather bits and pieces about his previous lifestyle from his card lines, and it would seem that his life prior to silver was a harsh one, with little to no time for personal amusement or exploration of interests.
and one doesn't just become a renown general fitting for the history books by simply leading an army for so many years— it's clear that he was so very good at it. did he too share the fae consensus that humans were not to be trusted, and if so, at what point did that begin to change? was it truly raising silver that altered his perspective? and more to that point, can we assume that he was truly looking for the boy as his new card title suggests? and if so, why? was it for silver's unique magic, did he really come from royalty, was he considered a threat to the draconias? does any of this have to do with the disappearance of malleus' parents so many centuries prior??
i'm so torn between the idea of lilia being instructed to find and raise silver for some greater purpose and over time, realizing how much he's grown to care and love the child, versus the idea of somehow this little baby being enough to give the fierce general pause, to take him in as his own. i also wonder if lilia even proclaimed himself as silver's father to begin with, or if that's simply a title silver gave him on his own and only then did the ramifications of what he meant to the boy truly sink in. it must have been such a shock, the realization that a human could look up at him with such pure love and think of him as a father— for what does he know of rearing a child, and a human one at that? lilia himself even admits this at countless points, and the more we learn of silver's childhood, the more clear it becomes that while the mutual affection is truly there, the understanding of how to properly care for another being of any kind is clearly lacking.
which is understandable when we think of lilia's past experiences— he was simply a guardian, a 'bodyguard' to an extent to malleus, and someone who intervened to provide the kind of life lessons and guidance that an absent father figure could no longer give. but he did not raise the prince, nor was he responsible for caring for him daily. if what we know so far is to be believed, there was little to no time of lilia's role as a general to his departure and caring for silver. for once in his life, he gets to taste the unfettered freedom of no longer shouldering the weight of a nation's protection, and to be frank, goes a little mad with it. it makes sense why he was cavorting around the world while leaving silver at home, he simply never got to enjoy these freedoms before and perhaps selfishly took advantage of that fact while neglecting the ramifications of leaving a child to care for itself (especially one with a narcoleptic condition).
(and even now he kind of seeks that familiar comfort of warfare— we see him gaming as a kind of warlord with idia, which makes sense that he was unable to fully part with that portion of his identity if it truly made up his entire persona for nearly 600 years.)
anyways all this to say that i have no doubt that lilia truly cares for silver. but i think there's something to be said for fae emotional differences, and that he massively underestimates or doesn't know how to acknowledge that silver loves him before even himself. that the things he does to his family (re halloween, his departure party) are ignorantly cruel at best. at the same time, how could you blame him? as a general and being accustomed to loss of life, what is the use of a long, drawn out goodbye? and to have spent the majority of his life in such a mindset, it's understandable, even if reprehensible, to apply this logic to silver, malleus, and sebek. on the flip side, how utterly fascinating how lilia seems to be fooling himself with these forced and abrupt goodbyes— he admits it himself that he fears becoming weak before his family, that vulnerability so at odds with the kind of power and strength he wielded for years.
i have absolutely no idea what the next part of ch7 will bring us, but i really cannot wait to explore more of lilia in his general years, at the height of his glory. and i really do hope that we get the truth of what we all know— his happiest dream, his sweetest memory, being that of when he found silver at last. how fitting would that be, especially for silver who had wept miserably to malleus about his failures to lilia as his son. how fitting to know that lilia does not see him in that way, that his happiest moment that he would choose to relive and dream is the one where he gathers up silver in his arms, and inevitably sets in motion his course to become his father.
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lullabyes22-blog · 9 months
Sometimes I feel like one of those cats that isn’t yours but, instead of occasionally leaving mice or birds by your door, I drop a wholeass AU at your feet.
I have another one :D it’s kind of a wild ride, I do apologize in advance for the essay XD
I simply call this The Robot AU (It’s a little more complicated from robots, they’re more of a horrific combination of mechanical and flesh all stemming back from the supernova-ed remains of a dead god)
By far the strangest one is Sevika as her origins are complicated leading to a unique upbringing. She is something called a Disasembaler, but more than that she is of a phased out subtype called ‘The Constructed’ people who were built in factories instead of developing on the mycelium-like root system or being born to parents. The Constructed are most commonly made during war time or a time of high economic stress to keep up with a high demand for soldiers or workers if supply is dwindling, a key draw to them is that they are already in adult forms, with developed brains and functioning bodies and pre-existing coding, meaning they don’t have to be trained.
Sevika’s particular branch was made specifically to be killing machines as their name would suggest. They were created by Piltover to quell one of the first uprisings, the squadrons that were made were launched into the city via individual shuttles meant to both carry the person inside to their desired location and to cause as much damage to the infrastructure as possible. 
Sevika was an interesting case because her pod didn’t open and instead of self-destructing, due to faulty wiring, she instead went dormant for several melinia until one day it spat her out. Sevika never really had a childhood, she was “born” an adult, while her brain was technically fully developed she understood the world about as well as a newborn. Being seen as a boogie-man and the literal face of death she wasn’t exactly perceived well, leading to feelings of alienation and building resentment, these were later weaponized by Silco to get her on his side. 
Though Sevika was given the nickname “the dragon” due to a slight defect in her waste disposal system. Usually the waste produced takes the form of liquid that once it hits the air it turns into a colorless, odorless gas expelled along openings along various parts of the body, most of them are located along the back. However, hers invade into the ventilation chamber and have holes in them, having not not fully been processed the liquid is red. This then spills into her ventilation chamber causing her to constantly express a highly flammable gas. 
Silco is something called a “Firstborn” which comes directly from the mycelium-like structures, one of two things happens to them, they are taken to group homes or adopted into families, the former happened to him. (it's nothing really official people can basically go to "the baby spot" and pick out a child the way someone does a pastry) ironically people like this are seen as more pure as they are believed to be more closely connected with their god. After being drowned and exposed to the Pilt’s toxins the metal covering his face began to be eaten away by “red rot” or by its better known name, rust. 
He hides this with a porcelain mask, it used to be just white but he allowed Jinx to decorate it and never painted over. If you were to take it off that the rust has eaten away part of his face plate allowing for the intricate metal structures and delicate inner workings (which would usually be protected by said face plate) to be exposed. The rust has also started to spread to the inner workers leading to more and more difficulty with mauvering that side of his face. (think: chewing, smiling, blinking, and even movement of the eye itself)
If you look at his left hand you’ll notice that he’s missing his pinky finger. This is courtesy of Sevika.
Jinx is something called a Derivative. These are people who were born to parents rather than being made in a factory or coming from the “original source”. As she is younger and is the next generation she reflects a newer, sleeker design. Most notably her face is a screen able to project a typical face or can replace her expressions with emoticons. She’s upgraded herself multiple times installing weapon systems, however this altering has become something of an addiction, to the point of being akin to self mutilation.
With the need to constantly change she is almost unrecognizable from the girl she used to be, one might notice that she was trying to mimic Silco in her younger years, but is now starting to try her own aesthetics. 
It’s also not recommended for a growing person to undergo so many drastic changes such as weapon installments, leading to her having stunted growth and some internal deformities similar to Sevika’s. However instead of spitting focus fluid into her lungs she simply bleeds into them leading to the formation of crystalline structures which inhibit her breathing.
Vi (as Jinx’s sister) looks very similar to how Jinx used to look before her modifications. However, something that is to be noted is that her gauntlets are not something she can slip on and off, they are now a permanent part of her. She is still trying to figure out how to live with big ass hands.
Mel is by far the one who underwent the most change other than Jinx. She started as a war machine like her mother with heavy armor and internal weapon systems. However when she was banished she rid herself of her heavy armor for something sleeker and removed her weapon systems. This was to her mother’s disapproval but ya know…. It’s kind of the point. 
A staple of Piltover is to have over the top modifications. (think outfits from the capitol in hunger games, except permanent) whereas the people who live in Zaun can’t afford these types of changes (except if they do it themselves and if they do they tend to try to bulk-up for greater protection).
I welcome all your AUs they are like delicious treats for my brain to chew on 😭💗💗💗
Oooh this is a fascinating one - especially given all the chem-modifications and body augmentations already present in Zaun, all of which are deeply cyberpunk-dystopia.
I like the idea of Jinx's crystals inhibiting her breathing - a secondhand metaphor for the trauma that inhibits her full growth. Imagine Sevika as exuding fiery spume every moment - she would legit shimmer at a distance like a heat mirage on the highway. Also someone should draw Mel's upgraded armor I am sure it's pure gold - literally 💫
Also imagine Fortiche animating all this in Angel's Egg art style 🥺👀
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onskepa · 5 months
Syawn: bonds beyond clans
Hellooooooooo everyone! here is another long awaited chapter! This one is focused on Lu'Lafyon, the oldest triplet. Hope you all enjoy this one!
Syawn series
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After many wars in the past, tragic loss and new bonds forming, many clans have become closer than ever. The center of all these bonds are the Omatikaya clan, and to be more specific is the ever growing sully family. Their bond ties deep with the Metkayina clan, the Olangi clan, the Anurai clan, and so many more. One of the many clans the Sully family is very close to is the Tayrangi clan. The Olo’eykte, the fearless warrior and wise leader, Ikeyni. She fought so many battles right beside Jake sully. She knows him and his extended family very well. 
Dont think she is alone in leading her clan. Her mate and beloved, Tstentey assisted her. He holds not specific title. Not that he desired to. Simply being a ikran rider and teacher to the young is enough of a title for him. Of course he did participate in the war against the humans. Yet after that, he continued to live his humble life with ikeyni. 
When they received word of the miracle birth of three na’vi children born from the same mother at the same time, they had to go see. Be a witness of something that is sure to be a once in a lifetime opportunity. And meeting them face to face brought great joy to Ikenyi. Seeing life blossom after many losses was always a welcoming change. 
Ikenyi and tentsey promised Jake sully and neytiri that they would vow to protect the triplets and that both would make a strong bond with them when they get older. Welcoming them to their clan should they like it. And it was a promise the couple would hold on. But among the three siblings, one of them would hold a unique bond with ikeyni. A bond she would treasure forever. 
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The couple saw the children again 4 years later.  The Tayrangi clan were celebrating the newly adult na’vi who passed their iknimaya. As a great celebration, ikeyni sent a message to her old battle friend Jake Sully to come and give his wise words to the young adults. Give them encouragement and to be proud of how far they have come. 
And while the main star was supposed to be Jake, his three little grandchildren stole the entire clan's attention. Who can ignore three cute little ones? 
“Jealous of your own grandchildren toruk makto?” Ikeyni asks, teasing Jake one day. Many of her clan gathered around neteyam sully and his mate, the one who birthed such a miracle. The small family were centered in the village, a spot for everyone to see. 
“Nah, if anything I feel more sorry for them, they are not used to so much attention '' Jake responds. Ikenyi sees how nervous and uncomfortable they were. Heading over, she has everyone to continue with their duties as to leave the family alone. She bends down to help syawn, “forgive my people. They are not over the fact of your little ones' ' ikeyni apologizes. Syawn shakes her head and smiles “it is alright. We should have expected this. Yet we still become overwhelmed”. 
Bending down to their levels, ikeyni smiles at the triplets who cling to their parents' legs. All three silent while staring intently at her. “Hello little ones, do you like my home?” she asks. The triplets dont reply instantly, merely observing her, while blinking at the same time. Ikeyni won't admit it out loud, but seeing do things as one is a bit creepy yet intriguing. 
“Come now you three, we practiced before” syawn kindly tells her children. Neteyam and syawn gently push forward the three in front of them. There were slight whimpers of protest but among the three, one of them stood in front of the other two. As a cute way of protecting them. “A brave one you are '' the olo’eykte compliments. 
The one that protects the other two, was focusing on her head piece. A gasp of realization, the triplet pointed at Ikeynis face. 
She blinked twice, confusion was written on her face. 
The child repeats. And the other two followed. 
Neteyam picks up the child and gives a frown, “lu’lafyon enough, she is not a slinger!” 
Syawn was blushing in embarrassment. “I think it is your head piece olo’eykte, it almost resembles the head of a slinger. It doesn't help that you are covered in red paint…” she muttered the possible reason behind her son’s outburst. Syawn and neteyam were ready for anything the tyrangi leader would say or do. Anything. 
Except for her laughing outburst. 
They and others nearby saw how loud and penguin ikeyni was laughing. 
“HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh my eywa!! HAHAHA! Oh he has a good eye!” she cackles out. After a few minutes she controlled herself and composed. Standing in front of neteyam, she stretches her arms out. “May I?” she asks. Neteyam hesitantly hands lu’lafyon over to ikeyni. Settling in her arms, the little one stares up at her. 
“Lu’lafyon is it?” 
The little one nods. 
His siblings clinging onto her legs, reaching up for him. 
“Very bold of you to call me such a thing, little one. No fear, no fear at all” 
Hearing words coming from the olo’eykte, it brought some form of comfort to the parents. At least they are not in trouble. 
“Come, let me guide you to your tents” ikeyni says as she leads the way. Still holding lu’lafyon and the other two little ones right at her sides following close.
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“Slinger?” tsentey repeats, eyes wide in surprise. 
Ikeyni couldn't help but giggle some more as she prepares for the night. 
“Yes, my headpiece reminded them of that horrid creature” she replies as she takes off the said head piece, admiring the craft. Tsentey sits beside her, smiling at her. 
“Perhaps I should make something else to replace it, something less….slinger looking” he whispers into her ear. 
Ikeyni looks back at him, frowning a bit. 
“And replace your greatest gift to me? Never, this was your first courting gift to me. How can I replace this treasure?” 
“Fair enough” tsentey says. 
They stayed in a comfortable silence for a couple of minutes before it was broken again. 
“Those three….you saw potential in one of them don't you?” Tsentey asks. Looking down at Ikeyni, he sees her face. An expression was displayed. 
“Too early to tell. But yes, there is a spark in all of them….however, one of them just shines a little bit brighter”
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Ever since their first meet, both Ikeyni, and her beloved mate Tsentey, have taken interested in of the darling triplets. And that would be lu’lafyon Sully. 
Lu’lafyon, the oldest triplet. Open minded, odd little one. Not that Ikeyni had any expectations for the little one, simply that he is full of surprises. One fun memory she recalls was when she was preparing a hunt in the sea with her group. As she prepared her ikran, her dear friend made some noises to notify her. Turning around she sees little lu’lafyon staring up at her ikran. 
“Lu’lafyon..? What brings you here little one?” she asks as she bends down to meet him at eye level. 
Lu’lafyon gave her a quick glance before bravely walking towards her ikran, raising his little hand to pet the creature. Bold he was, not a sign of fear. 
Her ikran let out a satisfied sound, enjoying the attention from lu’lafyon. “My ikran seems to like you lu’lafyon. Seems you hold a certain charm that can't be resist” she comments. Finally looking at her, little lu’lafyon smiles, “snack?” he asks. 
“Hm? You want to give her a snack?” she asks, the boy nods. Not seeing anything wrong, Ikeyni gives him the ok to do so. And pulling out from his small pouch was an interesting treat she has never seen before. Her ikran takes a sniff at it before taking it gently from the child, eating it well. Seemed like her ikran enjoyed the treat, whatever that was. 
“What kind of treat did you offer just now?” ikeyni asks lu’lafyon giggles while covering his mouth. 
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“Dad, have you seen lu’lafyon? We can't find him anywhere!” neteyam asks jake in a rather panicked tone. Syawn was tending to her children when she looked away for one second only to find her eldest child gone. Where he went is beyond anyone. Searching high and low, syawn couldnt find her baby so she told neteyam. 
“I havent seen him all day, maybe he is with his siblings?” jake asks. 
Neteyam shakes his head, “no, they are with syawn. Im worried that he might be-” 
“He is flying” 
Behind neteyam was lu’law and lu tstunwi as they held hands and smiled. 
The siblings led neteyam and jake outside to join syawn who was looking up. 
“What is going on??” Neteyam asks as he joins his mate. 
“Lu’lafyon…..sky……up…..here……” syawn says, her finger pointing up in the sky, shaking as she couldnt believe what she was looking up. Neteyam and jake sees what she is pointing at their jaws drop. 
Lu’lafyon was riding on an ikran. And not just any ikran, but the olo’eytke’s ikran. And not on its back oh no, the little one was riding on the ikrans HEAD! 
Lu’lafyon cries out in glee as Ikeyni does the same as they make a loop in the air. Nothing was holding the boy down, he simply clung onto the ikran with little to no protection. 
“Oh he is definitely going to ask to do that when we get back home” lo’ak says out of nowhere while he joins in on the view. 
“Hell to the no” syawn replies. 
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“I say he will make a fine rider in our skies. I saw it in his eyes. The excitement, the thrill the young boy felt. I know that feeling all to well” tsentey days with a wide grin on his face. 
He was training the young warriors when he saw ikeyni taking young lu’lafyon up to the skies with her ikran. Witnessing the boy’s big smile and cries of joy, tsentey knew from that moment that lu’lafyon would make a great ikran rider. Potential of many things. 
“I merely took him for a flight since he was curious. However I dont think his parents were pleased at my reckless choice. Placing him on my ikran’s head with no security was dangerous' ' ikeyni says as she reflects on her past actions. She plans to apologize the next day, giving the poor parents a great scare. 
“Yes, I will join you. There is something I would like to see for myself” tsentey whispers and he places a kiss on ikeyni’s cheek.
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“And you weave it like this….yes there you go. Already catching on” ikeyni compliments lu’lafyon as he carefully makes a new bracelet with the materials made or found within the Tayrangi territory. A piece of the clan to take with him wherever he goes. 
Ikeyni makes herself a bracelet as well, to match lu’lafyon. 
“One down, 2 to go!” the little one says with a wide smile. 
“Are you making more for your siblings?” she asks. Lu’lafyon nods enthusiastically. 
“We are always together, so we should always match!” 
The na’vi nods, understanding his little logic. 
“Well I am sure they will love it” 
She looks over to see tsentey teaching the other two siblings how to create a certain arm band. Using the skins of an animal, tsentey was careful to instruct the children. And it seemed it was not so hard since lu’tstunwi and lu’law were too focused on every word he said. 
“Lu’lafyon, how about I show you something to add to the bracelet?” 
Lu’lafyon gasps excitedly, his tail swaying in excitement as well “Really? Like what?”
Ikeyni grins, “it is something that you will only see and get in our clan”
A special bead, for a special child.
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The next time ikeyni sees the boy, this time it was her visiting the omatikaya. The children were celebrating their 5th birthday. The sully family insisted on just celebrating within their clan, but many clans also insisted on joining in the celebration. Ikeyni and tsentey were no different. However it didn't take much words or anything to know they will have competition with the other olo’eyktans and tsahiks. 
Competition for what exactly? 
On who can give the best present to the triplets. 
Perhaps by gaining favor, you win the triplets, you win the clan. 
While ikeyni understands this as to form strong bonds and alliances.  And she now knows it will take more than just a pretty gift to win them over. While at first she did struggle on how to prove it, it was thanks to her dear mate with her perfect idea.
Which is why she and tsenteyhas prepared something very special for the triplets. Not for gaining favor, but merely to show how strong their clan's bond is with the omatikaya. 
So when the moment came of the triplets revealing their presents. They were in awe. 
Others were left in some confusion. 
“A bead?” the Zeswa olo’eykte asks. 
“Not just any bead” the zeswa tashik whispers. 
The triplets were holding their little beads and showing it to everyone. Their beads were of hard amber, and inside was a drop of blood. 
“I Ikeyni, Olo’eykte of the Tayrangi clan, and my mate Tsentey sees lu’lafyon, lu’tstunwi and lu’law as Tayrangi na’vi. As they are of Omatikaya, there are now also Tayrangi. My home is now theirs' ' Ikeyni proudly states. 
The little ones hugged her tightly in gratefulness, lu’lafyon the most. 
“Does that mean we can do your clan iknimaya?!” 
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Lu’lafyon sully. You can ask him many things and many things he will answer. But if you ask him, “what is the best part of your life?”. That will be a very hard question, he loves everything about his life. His siblings, his family, his clan. Everything. And it will be very hard to pinpoint exactly what he enjoys the most. But he loves his life and lives everyday to the fullest. 
And as such, many people he has come to meet, lu’lafyon loves them all. And one person in particular. Someone he has come to see as an aunt. The olo’eykte of the Tayrangi clan, Ikeyni. 
From his earliest memories to his recent ones, ikeyni is someone he aspires to be. Strong, powerful, honorable and a good sense of humor.  Lu’lafyon always sees her at the same level as his father and grandfather. From the stories he was told, ikeyni isn't someone to be taken so loosely on. 
While lu’lafyon isnt sure what he wants, one thing he does have his mind set on. And that is to pass the Tayrangi iknimaya, alongside Omatikaya iknimaya. But he fears doing something like this, alone. 
Being a triplet has its perks and worrying sides. 
Ly’lafyon always does things with his siblings. Anything he eats, does, or participates in, so do his siblings. “Brother are you sure?” lu’tstunwi asks him one day. 
Lu’lafyon nods, he may seem confident but on the inside he is very worried about what his siblings would say. 
“Doing iknimaya at the tayrangi…while doing the omatikaya…” lu’law mutters, repeating what he said. 
“That seems a lot. One iknimaya is already full of trials and risky paths. We would be doubling it all” lu’tstunwi says. 
“I know, trust me I know. And it will seem to take much longer. I am not forcing you guys, but just asking if you are willing to do it with me” 
Lu’law taps her chin for a moment before looking at her brother, “and what if we say no?”  
A kind smile appeared of lu’lafyons face, “then I won't do it either” 
“WHAT?!” the other lu’s shouts in unison. 
“What what?” 
Lu’law and lu’tstunwi get closer to their oldest sibling. 
“Just because we may not want to shouldn't stop you brother, don't let our choice bring you down” lu’tstunwi says while holding lu’lafyons left hand, lu’law doing the same with his right hand. 
“I know, but it wouldn't be right if I do something and you two are not part of it. If you will do only omatikaya iknimaya, then so will I. Like grandpa always says. Sullys stick together” lu’lafyon explains. A small huff escaping him, a small sound of sadness. 
Lu’tstunwi and lu’law look at each other. 
“You are right, sully’s do stick together” lu’law says. 
“And together, we will do both,” ‘lu’tstunwi adds. 
“Yes, Okatikaya and Tayrangi iknimaya” 
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“You three are insane” neteyam says with a sigh. 
It was a long day for him and syawn, and to return with his children saying the more ridiculous thing they could ever come up with since lo’ak’s insane remarks. 
Syawn looks at her children in worry and in surprise. 
The triplets all sat in the same position, side by side, with equal determined expressions. 
“You do realize that it requires double the effort? In everything?” syawn slowly asks her children, seeing if they really know what they are doing. 
“More like triple the effort” lu’law says with a slight giggle. Neteyam rolls his eyes. 
“This is not some game or joke you can make light of. This is serious, two iknimaya’s at once? No one has ever done it before” he adds. 
“That is because no one tried. And true, why would anyone do both? But remember what ikeyni said. We are tayrangi too. But I, WE, want to prove to her that we earned it rather that simply telling” lu’lafyon says. 
“Exactly, she said it. Confirmed it. Why go further? And taking your siblings down with you” neteyam presses on. 
Lu’tstunwi places a hand on his brother’s shoulder as he smiles, “no down father. We see this as a great challenge. Grandfather told us how you pushed yourself to greater heights. If you can, why not us?” 
Neteyam shakes his head, still in denial. Syawn places her hand on his shoulder, as to comfort him. 
“No, you are doing one iknimaya and that is our clan. The trials here are deadly enough, doing further is risking your life” neteyam pushes, his voice sounding more impatient by the second. 
Lu’lafyon leans forward, trying to lock eyes with his father. 
“Please dad, we understand but let us try this. I want to try this. Already other clans hold high expectations from us and standards. They want to see what we triplets can do. Why not show them that?” 
Syawn took a sharp turn of her neck to look at her eldest. 
“What the other clans think of should not matter to you, any of you. Don't push yourselves just to satisfy the clans. You are not some spectacle to admire. You three are still children, ignoring the other’s ridiculous comments of being something greater. You three are already great in your own ways. If the reason for the tayrangi iknimaya is to impress others then forget it. I dont want you all to risk your lives for a dumb cause….damn it you are still babies!” 
The triplets all lower their faces, looking down at the matted floor. Lu’law and lu’tstunwi turn to their older brother, waiting what he will do. 
But lu’lafyon is still determined. 
“The first trials….let us do the first trials……and if we can't keep up, we will call quits on the tayrangi and only do omatikaya….not to impress others. We just want to be the best we can be. Like you father, you and grandpa, uncle loki and everyone” lu’lafyon tries again. His eyes softened, slightly pouting. 
Neteyam sees this, inwardly sighing. Ruffling his son's hair, he looks at lu’lafyon straight in the eyes, gold clashing with gold. 
“The first trials…I will talk with ikeyni abouts this. I hope to see the end of the chaos you three will walk into” neteyam says. 
In short, he allowed the lu’s to do the two iknimaya’s.
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“Your father is right, you are insane” ikeyni says after being told the news of what the triplets plan to do. 
Lu’lafyon deflates his shoulders, rolling his eyes, “I was hoping you would be on my side for this” 
“Lu’lafyon, you don't have to strain yourself on this. The times you come to visit, it already proves to me you are tayrangi. Eating, sleeping, living like a tayrangi. That is all the proof I need. Don't stress your family on this' ' ikeyni says. 
Secretly she would agree with lu’lafyon on doing two iknimaya but her mate, being the voice of reason when it calls for it, has shown her the massive down sides to it. It is a long grueling process, and it will be longer for the children. 
“Really lu’lafyon. What is your goal in all of this? What do you desire to achieve?” she presses on. 
Reading the boy’s expressions, his eyes darting left and right, tail moving slowly and low, ears pinned to the back. 
“Didn't think that far did you?” she concluded. 
“Its not that. Its just, i need a better goal than proving others something. I want to have a goal that can help me go further, further than anything else. But also not a goal where I can lose my mind, a goal where I stand proud with my siblings but having a path of my own” lu’lafyon confesses. 
This sparked something in ikeyni. She looks outside and sees lu’tstunwi with the metkayina warriors, lu’law with the okamtikaya healers. Jake with many olo’eyktans from other clans. This gave her an idea. Turning back to lu’lafyon, she smiles. 
“Become tayangi,” she says. 
Lu’lafyon tilts his head in confusion. 
“I will train you lu’lafyon. I will train you and let you go through the iknimaya. Your goal shall be to become the Olo’eyktan of the Tayangi clan”
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Aaaaaaaaaand that is it with this one! Sorry for the long delay, I was almost done when I learned that ikeyni had a mate! So I went back to re-write some parts of the story to add him. But I hope you like it! Until next time! See ya!
Like the story, put your name on the taglist for the next chapter!
@quirkyhero @mochacoffeeumai26 @theunfortunateplace @moonchildxoxx @galactict3a @cloudyw1ndzz @ikeyniofthetayrangi @skittlebum @thehoneymushroomhealer
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soullessduck13 · 1 year
Not ur DMs but oh man!! Do I have a character analysis to dump upon you. I’m not gonna do a ton of editing, but I do wish to share.
Oh bro, Q!Foolish is so cool as a character. Him and BBH are literally both insane in the exact same way, but with such different views on morality. It results in wildly different ideas of themselves and the world around them!
Foolish is selfish and he knows it, but he also loves his family dearly. He will do anything to protect the people he cares about even though that circle is pretty small. Anyone outside the circle is fair game tho. (BBH is an exception because he’s trusted, but Foolish and him love endangering each other for sport). By “fair game,” I mean Foolish will actively throw anyone under the bus just because he feels like it. Honestly doesn’t even have to be for any particular gain. He will absolutely do things just to see what happens. He acts like a morally grey immortal who doesn’t quite understand how normal people think anymore.
At the same time, a lot of his actions do have motives. A big part of his character is that Foolish just wants rare/unique items and will do nearly anything (including endanger others) to get them. He sees the island as a game to win, which makes it easy to not care about consequences for himself and others. He’s not malicious and he doesn’t seek to cause others pain, but will still do things knowing full well they could harm. He also fully accepts other people seeking retribution for his actions, because he’s got a “fair is fair” type mentality. He will simply deal with whatever consequences float his way for his actions.
Because Foolish is aware of his selfishness, he will never try and take a moral high ground. He doesn’t think he’s a morally just person, and he doesn’t care to be. He cares about chaos for the sake of fun, doing things to get him stuff, and protecting those he loves.
(Also, Foolish & Jaiden as people are both the embodiment of chaotic neutral. Everything they do together is fun as Jaiden enables the hell out of any idea Foolish has. Morality be damned, they just wanna be menaces for the sake of it.)
Also also, Foolish is actually smarter than he appears and presents himself. He’s actually a strategist at heart, but will only use it for his own personal gain and often under the table lol. He’s silly, but he uses that to play all fields and knows how to keep things secret. His behavior will often trick others into underestimating him, but unfortunately also leads to people fundamentally not understanding him or his motives.
Idk,, I stay spinning these Minecraft people in my brain like a microwave lol. I could probably give similar level analysis on a handful of my other main QSMP people, but yeah. Foolish is especially cool to me because people who have zero illusion about being morally fucked by normal standards are soooo interesting! It’s a very atypical way to aproach the world not giving a shit about morality while also being zero percent malicious. His /goal/ isn’t ever to hurt people for the sake of it, he’s just a means to an end kind of guy. He’s neat because about him and his explanation for his actions tends to embody a genuine sense of neutrality in the most insane way possible.
god this is so cool
I really want to watch more of Foolish’s vods to really get a grasp of him and I can’t really add onto this much at all but oh anon I appreciate so much. Thank you for this meal of a character analysis served on a silver platter
I think the type of morally grey Foolish is, is by the far the most fun to me. It’s that loyalty to these select few people and that loyalty will not change unless extreme circumstances causes it to. So so interesting. And also like. Him being friends with others but if given the popular he will screw them over? That’s hilarious. Good for him, doing things for the bit and for his own personal gain. I wouldn’t, probably, but selfish characters are soooooo… rotating around inside my head.
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cartoonartistpng · 1 year
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Dadphiles!Silver Sheet
Technically Silver 2.0 since I wasn't happy with his old design. Now he's far more snazzy.
Silver's eyes glowing aren't a unique feature of this AU, by the way, it's just how I draw him.
This post will be updated as time goes on. New additions will be marked as (✨New!✨). Last update: (Mar 6, 2024)
-> Dadphiles AU Masterpost
🔹After receiving his dad’s crystal, young Silver was always on the lookout for something to help hide it, knowing the shard would be something a bandit would try to steal. He got into the habit of stuffing it in his chest fur.
🔹Eventually, Silver would find twine to wrap around the crystal and wear as a necklace. As Silver grew older, the twine got smaller. Pre-06, Silver couldn’t take the necklace off even if he wanted, as it could no longer fit over his head. Not without cutting it.
🔹While wearing the crystal, Silver is ignored by Iblis and its monsters for reasons unknown to him. This has led Silver to establish a sort of safe haven for other survivors. Silver’s clothes and cuffs are hand-made gifts from the survivors out of thanks. With Silver’s input, the designs are dedicated to his lost brothers, even with the limited resource options.
🔹 Silver has enhanced sight, mainly being able to see better at night than a normal hedgehog. This is a combination of evolution and his practice of working in darkness. However, his pupil does give off an iridescent glow.
🔹Due to his appearance (blue glow, near-white fur, crescent markings) and his preference for working in the darkness, the survivors of his haven call him “Moon Child”.
🔹Silver only trusts Blaze with the knowledge and, eventually, shares the protection of his father’s crystal.
🔹Like his brothers, Silver believes the three are blood-related. That Sonic is on the other side of the world--far from Iblis' destructive path and a place full of green and blue--and that Shadow is somewhere "made of metal". When his family disappeared, Silver grew determined to find them. Inspired by his speedy brother, he began traveling the world. Yet as the years passed and he found nothing but wastelands, doubt began to creep in. While he never completely gave up, Silver shifted priorities to building a safe haven, not unlike the one he was granted as a kid.
🔹 Also like his brothers, Silver does not remember what his dad looks like or even his name, beyond his eyes and voice. However, he believes this is for his father's safety, who obviously has a powerful ability others would hunt him for. Silver finds this theory perfectly normal.
🔹Silver cannot actually read or write fluently. He recognizes some words, having been taught by Blaze, but it was difficult to find free time between shifts to do so.
🔹Silver had noticed that Blaze was always very poised when standing, sitting, or moving. She explained the concept of “proper manners and etiquette” to him, which only confused him. Regardless, Blaze would often catch Silver trying to emulate her posture.
Post-06 Facts:
🔹(✨New!✨) Silver is far more forgiving of Mephiles' actions than his brothers, mostly because his definition of "wrong" is skewed from living in an apocalypse. His brothers end up having to explain a lot more to Silver than they initially beleived.
🔹Despite being the youngest of the trio, Silver is also the tallest. Coupled with his psychokinesis, it's easy to keep things out of his brothers' reach, much to their annoyance.
🔹Due to a lack of proper food in the future, Silver cannot handle any spices. Sonic is incredibly gutted to learn his brother doesn't like chili dogs.
🔹Silver has a bit of a hoarding problem in the beginning of his life with his brothers, still not used to so much being simply available. This leads to his brothers finding random piles of food and clothes stuffed in odd places around the house.
🔹(✨New!✨) Silver lives in the past with his brothers and cannot travel through time, like Canon!Silver can.
🔹(✨New!✨) Between the events at Soleanna and the loss of his brothers' crystals, Silver grows far more protective over his own crystal.
🔹(✨New!✨) Following Sonic Unleashed, Silver legally goes by Silver Prower, like his brothers.
(Old Ref Sheet)
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skysaunter · 3 months
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𝐃𝐔𝐀𝐋 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒 : : 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐓, 𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖 𝐈𝐒 𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐈𝐍 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐌𝐄. twin!verse affiliated with @forcenexus
3 headcanons i wrote over the past week. questions provided by @tapalslegacy & @techniiciian 💕 thanks guys!! i'll take more questions if y'all have any!!
aside from vader being an individual entity with his own unique thoughts and emotions?  quite a few, i’d argue.  to clarify, in this alternate universe, anakin and vader are identical twins.  they are not clones nor versions of anakin from a different universe, but twin boys carried to term by shmi skywalker.  their physical resemblance does not equate to identical thoughts, feelings, or life experiences,
as far as forcenexus/emrys and i have discussed, the events of the phantom menace unfold as usual, but the twins are separated at the age of nine.  qui-gon likely favored anakin, as he showed the greatest potential to become a good jedi—emphasis on good.
i’ve thought a lot about why qui-gon didn’t take vader along with him, and i’m sure i could come up with some extremely contrived but reasonable excuses, such as sensing a darkness within vader even at his young age, or qui-gon noticing that vader was not only temperamental but also quick to resort to violence—traits extremely unsuitable for a child already considered too old to train.  i could even rationalize his behavior by giving him a righteous justification, such as vader’s standoffish behavior towards the world around him was a protective measure to shield his family, especially his twin brother, from bullies and external dangers threatening to do harm.
but nothing makes more sense than vader voluntarily staying behind because he simply couldn't bear the thought of leaving his mother.
while i want to say this is for a very noble reason—and to some extent, it is—i must also acknowledge his choice to stay was not entirely selfless.  even if qui-gon had extended the offer to train him as well, vader would have willingly sacrificed the prospect of a better life because the weight of abandoning his mother would have been too heavy a burden to bear.
anakin, too, was deeply attached to his mother—but he was still able to leave her behind, albeit with the hope of one day freeing his family from slavery.
i think this example already reveals a fundamental difference between the two brothers.  vader’s struggles may hold a superficial resemblance to anakin’s, but the reality of their motivations and emotional resilience is far more complex.
this is a difficult question to answer, and i say that mainly because by the time vader is an adult, he is too self-aware of his current circumstances to misdirect his anger/resentment towards his brother.  at the same time, emotions can often defy reason, and he’s not only been trained but encouraged to give in to these negative feelings.  so yes, i do think there are times he experiences irrational bouts of anger whenever he thinks of his brother and the life he seems to embody.  however, i believe his emotions stem more from envy of his brother’s life than from genuine resentment towards him as a person.
the jedi of the prequel era are known for their strict discipline and emotional suppression, which, in some cases, reaches unhealthy levels, especially if mishandled — not saying this happens to all jedi, i’m saying this is the canonical explanation for jedi who are unable to release their feelings into the force.  these neglected feelings will become an internalized conflict, something anakin deals with throughout his entire life — but it’s nothing compared to what vader endured growing up under sidious’s tutelage.
first off, i don’t believe for a second that sidious groomed vader in the same manner as anakin.  to provide some insight into what i mean by that, i’m gonna just be frank about it: sidious was incomprehensibly cruel towards vader.  why?  because sidious had no incentive to show kindness.  he already favored one of the twins significantly, so why extend that courtesy to the other?
besides, this touches on sidious’s knowledge-seeking nature.  he relished in testing limits, especially if it yielded new insights, regardless of the cost—up to and including the subject’s life, as demonstrated with the zillo beast in TCW.   sidious was unabashedly self-serving; his self-interest was absolute.
for this reason, i don’t see why i wouldn’t apply the same logic in regard to the twins.   anakin, ostensibly nurtured by the jedi and under the guidance of the council, would thrive in his environment, becoming a celebrated hero during the clone wars.  meanwhile, vader would suffer in the shadows, enduring physical and mental abuse by sidious.  he would watch from afar as anakin garnered fame and admiration, all while biding his time on behalf of his master's grand plan.
sidious would absolutely use these points against vader by the way, and i don’t mean, “look at how accomplished and heroic your brother is,” because vader doesn’t give a flying fuck about his brother’s accomplishments.  he’s more pissed that sidious would praise anakin over what he perceives as ‘nothing special’.  sort of like, “well i can do that too but i don’t see you applauding me, you stupid old man wtf”
tbh, knowing that kinda makes it significantly worse for him, too.  vader despises that he craves praise from sidious—his abuser, the man who enslaved him a second time—yet he can't help himself.  it’s the child in him that wants to feel praise, to feel worthy of acknowledgment.
vader is acutely aware of sidious's tactics to provoke his temper, exploit his insecurities, and manipulate his feelings to foster genuine contempt for his brother.  the rule of two dictates that only the strongest survives to become the true apprentice.  however, having spent most of his life under sidious’s thumb, vader has grown far too perceptive of his master's manipulations to direct his negative feelings towards anakin.
overall, i want to say vader is catastrophically self-aware of his predicament; he understands he’s a pawn, but it’s easier to cling to the belief that he is a crucial asset, that sidious expects him to defeat his brother because a jedi is no match for a sith.  but vader would sooner die than acknowledge that, and he’d rather die than slaughter anakin, his own flesh and blood, the last vestige of their late mother.
after all, the force hasn’t spared his brother.  anakin, too, has been corrupted, brainwashed by the jedi to do their bidding.
vader's plan is to rectify this, to save his brother, once sidious is removed from the equation.
[10:26 PM] han solo for president: i thought of a really sad headcanon. what if vader still doesn't know how to read or write because sidious legit did not treat him like anything more than a tool/weapon/slave. like?? he might understand certain shapes mean certain letters, and certain sequences of letters mean XYZ ( exit / enter sign ) but outside of a superficial comprehension, i don't think he really knows anything??
and the only reason why his manner of speech might come off as 'refined' on the surface, especially in comparison to the way anakin speaks, is because sidious is a politician, therefore has a larger vocabulary pool.
when sidious kidnapped him, the kid only knew informal/colloquial huttese, basic, binary, and didn't know how to read or write. so that means he learned everything else through verbal communication and conjecture... and that's it
[10:32 PM] the future president’s son: i’m sobbing
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thanks for reading!
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aiyexayen · 3 months
you NEED to tell me all your thoughts and the bts process of Everything You‘re Not Supposed To Do. and i know youre dabbling in a sequel so probably more like tell me Everything that has to do with this verse!!!! i NEED to know!!! the idea of this fic is so unique, i havent seen it anywhere else before! and its ingredients are so precisely and carefully mixed (as all your rarepairs are!) that im astonished its not ,, canon ,,
its such a cool set-up! lqq joining tianchuang, lqq seeking out siji manor years after qin huaizhang teaches her his disguise skills but finding an abandoned estate, han ying going from wariness to desire and affection for lqq! everything thats going on with zzs in the background and that we dont get to see!!!!!!! there are two moments of this AU that are burned into my mind—one is lqq reflecting on her own disappointment at finding what she hoped to maybe become her new home abandoned, the other is zzs realizing he has been outsmarted and giving in to his fate. idk why but these two moments moved me very deeply. the image of lqq taking qhz up on his invitation, but too late. finding only withered grounds, empty houses, dust. and then zzs surrendering to the fact that he has been outsmarted. that his two disciples turned what he taught them against him, that he lost because he, too, is human. the only reason they could outsmart him in the first place being that he let them so close to him, that he underestimated what he means to them, what they are ready to do for him. eugh!!!!! so good!!!
please ramble! i loved reading your thoughts re: The Only Place You Wanna Be! <3
ooouhoohoohooheehee i love this fic (Everything That You're Not Supposed To Do) and thinking about it and talking about it.
starting by dragging a point over from ao3 about having a difficult time believing zhou zishu would go that far in some of the scenes! because i actually had such a fascinating time myself playing with just how far i thought zhou zishu would go. how far would he push liu qianqiao and han ying? how hard would he make them work? as his lovers? as his subordinates? as the sole occupants of the venn diagram where those two circles overlap in such a complicated way. they're so *entangled.*
zhou zishu, of the infamously soft heart. zhou zishu, who knows this about himself and becomes colder and harder to compensate. zhou zishu, who murdered an innocent family down to the servants, down to a little girl he *knew* and cared about. zhou zishu, who drugged his san-shidi to keep him out of the way during that mission--to keep him safe from it--to keep him safe from the worst of tian chuang--to keep him safe from zhou zishu himself.
and i feel like the zishu in this story does a lot to keep both his family and his lovers out of the depths of his business, but while his family/sect he'll do more to protect, he *needs* his lovers to be able to protect themselves.
he'll go harder on them than anyone else because he needs them to be *the best*--no mistakes. no way they can be his weakness and vice versa.
or, at least, that's what liu qianqiao would tell you.
but a very delightful bit of ambiguity i have in this particular fic is pov. we never get zhou zishu's pov. *is* he so ruthless? how many backup plans on backup plans does he have? is he in the shadows after all, waiting to swoop in if they need him? does he retain much awareness and empathy for their humanity? has his own human fallibility projected inhuman standards on them to make himself feel safe, and it simply hasn't backfired yet? is it some jumbled mix of the above?
and! i love that we will never know. that, truthfully, we don't even need to.
anyway! all that was a big part of the bts process, sitting with zishu's character and his headspace in tian chuang, sitting with my pov characters and how i wanted to play with this perspective on it all.
and of course, as always, thinking about liu qianqiao. the idea that a choice that in another au might have been kinder to her than gui gu--to study further under qin huaizhang among the blossoms of siji shanzhuang--ends up merely being complicated in a different way.
something that still requires her to become the best at what she does, rise in the ranks, thrive in danger, make a home only out of the people she can trust.
going to gui gu ought to have her letting go of her obsessions and hurts, but it was never really good at what it wanted to be good at, this concept of second chances missing the mark with its meng po tang, and so it only let her steep in her hurts longer and let her grudges fester. meanwhile this other path both took her further away from the jianghu and required her to actually deal with her shit besides. there was enough of qin huaizhang's legacy, especially in some of the older members of siji shanzhuang that were definitely still around when she joined, to make that true.
i also like to think that in essence liu qianqiao's original choice set her up for more success, too.
in canon, in choosing to become a ghost, she chose to die in a sense, to stop living, but to become a ghost--a permanently frozen echo of the life she had lived up to that point, of the things that killed her.
because humans be human, she went on to still form relationships and find new purpose to an extent. but she didn't necessarily actively expect or want to, and her very identity as a ghost required her to always have the clinging cobwebs of her past laid over everything she did and planned and wanted.
but in choosing to go after qin huaizhang, she was *choosing* to live. she decided that she still had the capacity to be a person, to heal, to find meaning in living. and even if that road took her first to disappointment and then to tian chuang of all places, it still took her somewhere. and she was ready to embrace whatever it was she found.
i have a fondness for canon liu qianqiao and her role as yan gui and her relationship with luo fumeng and xie-wang and her tortuous journey through the weeds with yu qiufeng, trying to sort out and settle these matters that weighed on her too long in her state of self-imposed death.
but i'm also *so* compelled by a liu qianqiao, with all her passion and ambition and cleverness and *care*, who chose to live in that one crucial moment instead. and i just wanted very badly to see her reaction to and influence on a zhou zishu who was rapidly approaching his own choice on that matter.
anyhow! i am indeed working on a sequel to this fic. i haven't fully decided if i want to try another 5+1 things format for it, or if i want to explore zhou zishu's pov as well, or what.
but it will pick up right where the first one leaves off, with all the dramatic fallout of liu qianqiao's plan.
here's hoping it doesn't take too long to actually write 😅
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koukaaa-descent · 7 months
info post for indigo
I am using this format to organize my thoughts about him and just generally solidify my idea of him. yippee.,, this will probably be edited every once and a while so that I can add/remove stuff.. huzzah
Indigo is about 6’3 although he hunches over slightly, mainly to be more comfortable with his stature because of his peculiar anatomy. Seems to be (physically) around the age of thirty, but it’s very hard to tell since it’s not as if he retains enough human features to compare examples of age. You’d have more luck trying to compare him age-wise to a Bracken.
He is technically undead. Kind of a Frankenstein’s monster situation. The company stitches people and creatures together and ‘programs’ them so that they collect scrap and willingly die. It’s not an easy process, and a lot of individuals fall through the cracks and get thrown into it all with free will. Most of the time, those individuals simply go along with the flow. A majority of the time none of them actually remember anything before their placement with a crew, and thus rarely find the motivation to defy, abandon or otherwise act in ways unsavory to the company. A select few have ever actually been willing to do so, often with little results.
Since the scanner messes with memory with use and he’s unsure of when he was ‘revived’ or if he was even alive beforehand, as far as Indigo knows, he is 53 days old at the time of his death. A certain member of his original crew knew otherwise, but died before anything could be said about it.
Indigo is curious, apathetic towards other people, and empathetic towards creatures. He regards other humanoids as a person might regard strange animals; he knows that they are like him in theory, but he simply separates himself from them.
Indigo ‘matures’ extremely quickly. The average lifetime of a scrapper is usually around two weeks. He manages to live for about a month and a half, a record unseen before.
Indigo is ‘born’ into a cruel, short world. He acts accordingly. In his short lifetime he is only able to recognize Monsoon as family just before his death—after Monsoon, too, has died. Before then, he views Monsoon as a strange creature, and is unsure of why such fondness lingers so deeply.
Indigo struggles to recognize emotions and has varyingly successful attempts to put a name to them as he feels them. The most knowledge he has of emotion was originally learned from his first crew, who died within his first week of life. Two of them died because of his actions. The third died attempting to protect him from a Masked early on—on the first day. Indigo does not mourn them.
Indigo was ‘born’ understanding how to speak, read, and write. However, he cannot sing. His vocal cords cannot handle extended held notes. (Totally unrelated to this—he is able to mimic some stuff with unnerving accuracy. A few examples would be a Snare Flea’s shriek, the sound a Masked makes as they convert another individual, and an Eyeless Dog’s breathing.)
Indigo, while fairly humanoid, has varyingly strange features beneath the suit. White eyes (entirely, without a glow, sort of glassy), short & curly hair, varying patches of scales as well as very short talons. They extend from the bone of his fingertips and do not function well as claws (think passerines). His legs are just barely digigrade in a way that makes walking ache constantly, as his shoes do not fit very well for his unique situation. Indigo prefers to stand on the pads of his feet rather than his heel, seeing as he has more support and his bone structure is significantly more comfortable like that.
Indigo named himself.
While he/him pronouns are preferred, Indigo does not mind being referred to with it/its, or they/them. He is first and foremost separated from humanity. (need to emphasize this later)
He struggles with verbal speech, and occasionally lisps because of his teeth. Where molars should be, fangs were; it created a rather terrible problem regarding speaking and just existing. He bites the inside of his cheeks and his tongue a lot.
Indigo has an extended tailbone. This means; extremely short tail. As in, just a tiny wiggly pointed nub that isn’t even visible if he doesn’t pull his shirt up over it.
The relationship between Indigo and Monsoon is entirely platonic. Indigo himself has no perceived notion of social stereotypes regarding physical touch and intimacy, and does not care much about public displays of affection.
Indigo is extremely sensitive to light, likely as a result of whatever entities the Company ripped parts from in order to create him. This creates some odd scenarios (ex. getting flash banged might actually outright blind him for up to seven minutes, pointing a flashlight at his face without warning will have the standard effect of a flash bang minus the deafening for a short duration, he cannot stay outdoors without his helmet as the sunlight forces him to squint, etc.)
If I had to give percentages, I’d say that Indigo is 20% human, 70% entity (stuff taken from standard entities), and 10% ‘where the fuck did that come from?’
He retains a humanoid shape solely because of the company-issued uniforms. They’re rather baggy, as one could imagine.
His nose is flatter than usual, almost feline in nature. This creates the illusion that his face is rather flat from the sides. His facial features themselves are sharp if that makes sense, with rounded edges.
Indigo does not have ears. He only has small ear-holes and the tiniest outer ridge extending from it, like a lizard.
Indigo dies in the process of destroying Gordion, otherwise known as the beast named ‘Death’. (I know it’s named Jeb, I’m dramatic.) I’ve taken liberties with lc lore for the sake of my ocs if that hasn’t already come across.
He cannot cry. He is physically incapable of it, despite retaining the reflex to do so.
other ocs (in advance once I finish info sheets for them); Monsoon, who is directly related to Indigo, and Lamp, who is… technically a jester.
related posts (containing lore regarding Indigo); the antithesis of hate, holding on real tight, excerpt from myth maker, visual reference for indigo’s coloring, another info post regarding both Indigo and Monsoon, both of us are going to die here, I just hadn't expected that you'd be first, the death of gordion
last updated 2024/3/12
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voraciousvore · 10 months
The Half-Blood Giant (2/51)
***Contains soft, safe, willing vore***
Chapter 2: A New Life
Chester had, of course, been enamored with his miniature wife before, but now he was obsessed with her. Her scent while pregnant was enchanting to him, her taste even more tantalizing than before. He wanted nothing more than to cuddle with her, to hold her in his hands protectively, nuzzle her with his nose, taste her with his lips and tongue. When her tummy grew noticeably gravid, he couldn’t resist running his huge finger along the curves of her body and resting the tip of it on the precious little bump. He burned with love for her. 
Jackie enjoyed being fawned over, but her pregnancy took a hefty toll on her. Morning sickness hit her harder than she anticipated. She had weird cravings for random foods that weren’t always readily available in the Land of Giants. She was tired and listless most of the time. She noticed, too, that her blood magic was often drained, so she struggled to cast spells. She had to use her magic sparingly. 
This last point was a problem, because Chester’s preoccupation with her inevitably extended to his powerful natural desire to eat her. If she couldn’t use her blood magic reliably, he couldn’t swallow her without killing her. He could still hold her in his mouth and play with her on his tongue, but he’d been spoiled with being able to properly ingest her and feel her wriggle inside his stomach. He struggled to rein in his predatory compulsions, but he managed to control himself because he loved her. 
Receiving such overwhelming advances from a hungry giant like Chester could, at times, be cloying and suffocating for Jackie. Propitiously, she had an easier time with her lightning magic. She decided to take a break and ventured to the human realm via a lightning portal to announce to her parents her pregnancy. They were overjoyed by this revelation, but also concerned, for obvious reasons. They were supportive of Jackie in her choice to marry a giant and stay in his world, but they still were uneasy around Chester, and had never traveled to the Land of Giants themselves. The idea of having a future half-giant grandson or granddaughter unnerved them. They didn’t know what to expect. 
Similarly, Chester’s parents responded with mixed feelings to the big news. While they wanted Chester to continue their bloodline, and were happy for him to have a child, they didn’t want him to have a child with a human. Secretly, they had hoped that the relationship was just a phase, and Chester would eventually succumb to his primordial instincts and eat Jackie permanently. During their visit, Jackie overheard Chester’s father grumbling to his wife that they would have to rely on Jasper for grandchildren. Indignation flared within her, but she bit back her words, yet again. She realized it simply wasn’t worth it to cause needless strife within the family; she wouldn’t change their minds by yelling at them and starting drama. She hoped they would warm up to the child after it was born. 
Jackie sensed, with all the magic draining out of her, that this child would be special. It was already unique, considering that romantic relations that resulted in fertilization between a human and giant, as far as she knew, were unprecedented. Her pregnant belly was bulging at the seams, and felt like it was stretched to the limit, but fortunately she didn’t feel pain, just chronic fatigue. As the child within grew, she could feel it moving, giving her vibrant kicks occasionally. She thought it bizarre, yet strangely comforting, to have a living person inside her. She wondered if Chester felt the same way when she was inside his stomach. 
Chester doted on her, trying his very best to keep her comfortable. They daydreamed about what it would be like to be parents. They argued over baby names, and whether they wanted a girl or a boy. Jackie was partial to wanting a boy; Chester didn’t particularly care either way. Jackie, a fan of classical literature, liked the name Virgil for a boy; Chester preferred a more traditional giant name, like Hunter. To the relief of both, Jackie’s pregnancy seemed to progress like a normal human pregnancy, without any complications. Jackie made visits to the human realm to see a doctor at regular intervals, and returned with human-sized baby supplies so they would have everything they needed when it was time. 
As her due date came closer, Jackie decided to stay with her parents for a few weeks, so she could go to a human hospital for the delivery. Chester was sad to see her go, but he understood there wouldn’t be anyone in the Land of Giants who could help her when it was time. Obviously, he couldn’t go with her to the human realm: He’d terrify the poor humans with his gargantuan stature, and he wouldn’t have enough to eat. He lamented he wouldn’t be able to see the birth of his child or physically be present to support Jackie. Normally, despite the difficulties involved, he wasn’t bothered by their size difference. If anything, he liked it better, to have a cute little wife small enough to fit in his pocket. It made him feel big and strong. In this case, though, it upset him deeply. Without any contact with Jackie, he was forced to sit around idly at home alone, twiddle his thumbs, and hope for the best. His days felt gloomier and emptier without her. 
Luckily, Chester didn’t have to wait for long. The baby came significantly earlier than expected, and Jackie returned to her giant husband within about a week. Chester was sitting glumly at his dining room table, eating breakfast, when a flash of blue sparks near the surface of the table made him jump and slam his knees against the wood. He hardly noticed the pain, as he watched with excitement as his lovely wife stepped out onto the table. 
“Jackie!” he bellowed with joy. “You’re back early!” He made a move to scoop her up in his hands, but he stopped. She was holding a small, delicate bundle in her arms. Chester gaped with wonder. “Is that...” 
Jackie nodded with a smile and starry eyes. “Yes. He came early.” 
Chester leaned in closer, planting his elbows on the table. He swallowed. “May I...?” Jackie acquiesced, and the new giant father rested his hand, palm up, on the table. Jackie stretched forward and gently placed the baby securely in the vast landscape of his giant hand. Chester, scared to make even the lightest movement of his hand with the precious cargo nestled in his palm, squinted his eyes and moved his face in as close as he could. 
His newborn son was small, so shockingly small. He was barely the size of the nail on Chester’s pinky. The giant could hardly make out the fine details of his face, even when he focused in close. He’d need a magnifying glass. The little bundle looked like it could get lost in the folds of skin in his palm. Chester should have known to expect this, with a wife that didn’t even reach the height of his smallest finger, but to actually behold the magnitude of size contrast in stark reality was quite different. He was disturbed by this revelation. How could he be a good father to a son he could barely even see, much less care for, if he had to worry about smashing the poor thing by accident? 
With Chester’s face being so large, it was difficult for him to conceal his feelings from Jackie, since she could see every subtle twitch of his facial muscles. She could tell he was worried about something, though she could only speculate as to what he was thinking. “Don’t you dare try to eat him,” she admonished, half-jokingly.  
Chester couldn’t help but chuckle in reply. He tried to keep the volume of his rumbling voice low, so as not to awaken the baby. “Don’t worry, I only have an open mouth for you, my little meatball,” he jested in reply. His face grew serious again as his eyes returned to the baby. Out of curiosity, he inhaled the scent through his nose. His brow furrowed with concern. 
“What’s bothering you, Chester? Talk to me,” Jackie asked. 
“He smells like a human,” Chester explained. He sighed. “I guess I should have expected that, but it worries me. I fear for his safety here.” 
“Don’t worry about that,” Jackie assured him. “I’m a human too, and you keep me safe.” 
“It’s not just that,” Chester continued. “He’s... he’s so small. What am I going to do? A big hulking brute like me, I’ll be useless. You’ll have to do everything. I’m scared I’ll squish him between my fingers or something if I try to take care of him. I just want to be a good father, but I can’t do anything.” 
Jackie shook her head and smiled. “I’ll make you a deal, Chester. I’ll take care of the baby, feed him and bathe him and change his diapers, and you protect us from other giants. How’s that sound?” 
“I dunno...” Chester mumbled, not convinced. 
“Besides, love, he won’t be small and fragile like this forever. He’ll grow. And who knows how big he’ll get? For all we know, he might turn into a giant!” Jackie pointed out with a laugh. She didn’t believe such a thing was possible, but then again, she didn’t believe it was possible to have a child with her giant lover either. 
“I suppose you’re right,” Chester said softly. He went silent, regarding the tiny creature in his hand. The baby stirred, and Chester froze up. The baby looked up at him, squirmed around, and started to wail. Chester panicked. “Oh gosh, why’s he crying? Is he frightened? What do I do?” He dared not move, lest he hurt his miniscule son. He was sweating. 
“It’s okay, sweetie. He’s probably just hungry,” Jackie consoled him, climbing over the side of his hand to reclaim the baby from his palm. Once Jackie was back on the table, Chester retracted his hand, curling his fingers into a fist. He felt agitated, as if he had done something wrong. He watched, biting his lip, as Jackie nursed the child. The baby calmed down and Chester let out a sigh of relief. He thought he had scared his son with his ridiculous size. He gripped the edge of the table and rested his chin on his hands as he observed. 
Once Jackie fed and burped the baby, she cradled him in her arms and walked over to Chester’s towering head. Even when standing level with his face, she barely reached his lower lip. She sat down on his knuckle and leaned against his chin. Above her head, she could feel his lips curling into a smile. She stroked his chin with her hand, running her fingers through his light stubble. Chester hadn’t bothered to shave, since he wasn’t expecting Jackie back so soon. The baby made cooing noises. 
“See, Chester? It’ll be okay. We’re a family now,” Jackie purred. Her giant husband didn’t respond, since she was resting on his chin and he didn’t want to jostle her, but he nevertheless felt a pleasant warmth spread through his body. He never thought this day would come. Deep down, though he hadn’t vocalized his concerns to Jackie, he had feared things would go terribly wrong. He knew Jackie had felt the same way, but Chester had been unwavering in his external confidence, to reassure her. He was a source of strength for her to lean on, both metaphorically and literally. 
He breathed in deeply through his nose, committing his new son’s scent to memory. While he smelled like a human, he could definitely detect the giant blood in him as well. The scent reminded him of Jackie, and he liked that. He was relieved to find the fragrance didn’t whet his appetite like Jackie’s, perhaps because his son was his own flesh and blood. Jackie’s aroma was the equivalent of fresh-baked cookies or sizzling meat on the grill when he was hungry, and inevitably awakened his digestive system. 
“Chester, can you carry us over to the baby’s crib?” Jackie requested. Chester obliged with alacrity, carefully collecting Jackie with the baby in his gigantic hand and carrying them to his spare bedroom, where they had set up the nursery. He shuffled his feet over the carpet, so he wouldn’t scramble them up as he walked, and held Jackie up to his torso so she could lean against his body for support. The giant didn’t need to worry, for the tiny humans were soothed by the rhythmic rocking of his enormous strides. 
Jackie placed the baby in his crib, which was on the nightstand next to the giant bed, and he promptly fell asleep again. The new parents watched him for a while before Chester scooped up Jackie in his hand and petted her with his fingers. “How are you feeling, my little sweet pea? Tired?” His stomach growled, betraying his true intentions. His cheeks bloomed pink like roses. 
“I see your belly missed me,” Jackie remarked wryly, smirking.  
Chester chortled, pressing his hand to his midsection. “Perhaps.” Jackie felt the vibrations of his deep voice through her body. The sensation filled her with calm, made her feel protected and safe by her giant husband. She experienced the same emotion when she was inside him, listening to the soothing, steady pulse of his innards, intimately acquainted with every fine movement of his massive body. 
She looked down at the baby, who was fast asleep. “I guess now is a good time, while he’s asleep. You’ll just have to be ready to let me out if he gets fussy.” 
The giant nodded and brought her up to his lips. Knowing the routine, Jackie undressed so her clothes wouldn’t get ruined. Chester pressed his lips against her naked body in a loving kiss. She kissed back, until she was sucked into his lips, enveloped by his flesh, surrounded by his teeth, back into the familiar wet warmth of his capacious mouth. He tasted her, savored her on his tongue, hummed deep in his throat, enjoyed every moment before swallowing her down. He laid down on the bed next to the dresser, stroking his belly as he felt Jackie fall into his stomach and move around inside. He gazed over at the crib, at the sleeping baby, no larger than a little bean to him. He reached out his great arm and wrapped his fingers around the crib. For now, he was content. 
Chapter 3
Chapter 1
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noaheadiegamedev · 2 years
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Species: Human
Homeworld: Asteroid L5R-7KJH
Pronouns: She/Her
“Learn to use yer tools - or yer tools will learn to use you.”
Backstory after the jump.
For three generations, Gasket's family defended Sprocket Gulch, a scrapyard-turned-village, against the killer robots that ravaged their world. When the war broke out eighty years ago, and the capital city fell, Gasket's grandfather used his Juggernaut class power armor - cutting edge technology in his time - to clear the city’s scrapyard of robots. He then founded the village and established and maintained its defense perimeter, which his son took up after his passing. When this successor  - Gasket’s father - was slain in an especially brutal robot attack, Gasket inherited her grandfather's Juggernaut suit, and with it the mantle of Sprocket Gulch's defender. She used the armor to protect her home, and was the closest thing the village had to a leader. Despite her tireless efforts and critical life-saving decisions, she alone took the blame for any tragedy that befell them. As a result, she was considered both the worst yet only possible person for the job. Nevertheless, she dutifully carried on.
By the time she was thirty, the soil was barren, all useful scrap metal was used up, and excursions to find the materials necessary to sustain the village had become increasingly perilous. Sprocket Gulch's resources were dwindling, and Gasket realized her world would soon collapse unless she took drastic action. Gasket gathered a group of twenty men for a mission through the capital city's ruins. Her plan: storm the military research base located deep within, where the robots' command servers were located. Destroy the servers, and the war would be over. A gruesome defeat was almost certain, but Gasket knew the alternative - being starved out by the robots - would be a far crueler fate.
During the week-long journey to the city, Gasket grew closer to her platoon, shedding her gruff exterior and gaining a sense of family she had never felt before. When they arrived at the city's gates, the group's newfound unity gave them the strength to venture forth - and begin a campaign far grislier than any of them could ever imagine.
The harsh reality: the robots sent only their weakest drones to attack the village. Those that defended the capital were at least ten times as deadly, and ten times as numerous. In a matter of hours, Gasket lost half her men. In spite of the hell they found themselves in, the surviving soldiers remained loyal to Gasket, as they charged through the streets and into the military base.
The robots roaming the base's halls were even deadlier than those that guarded the streets. Each was a unique warmachine unto itself. Gasket's platoon was simply no match for these super-killers. The siege devolved into a mad dash for the servers, with Gasket and her squad running more than fighting. By the time they reached the server room, they were reduced to only six warriors. Worse still, they were surrounded, outnumbered a million to one. Covered by her comrades, Gasket used her ion cannon to destroy the servers, with each one taking out ten thousand drones. She took to this with the righteous, systematic fervor of a woman fighting desperately for what remained of her crumbling world, shouting the name of a fallen soldier with each pull of the trigger. When the last server was destroyed, the war ended, and Gasket emerged victorious.
She and her squad - now only four strong - contacted Sprocket Gulch to start the exodus back to the capital. During the wait, the soldiers raided the base. They found a bounty of resources, including fifty years of rations, a thriving arboretum, a vast database of scientific knowledge, an army's worth of weapons and armaments - and a single rocketship with room for but one person. When the villagers arrived, they voted unanimously that Gasket was the most deserving to pilot the rocket and find help to rebuild the city. Initially, she refused, but her squadmates convinced her that they were well-equipped to defend themselves. Trusting her newfound family, Gasket said goodbye, and set off into space, still wearing her grandfather's armor.
Gasket traveled to distant worlds, spreading her grandfather's ashes and rediscovering the universe from which her people were cut off for nearly a century. During her travels, Gasket made it a priority to learn about sentient machines from across the cosmos, and differentiate them from the mindless drones that terrorized her people. In time, her story caught the attention of the Thrasher League. She accepted their offer to fight in the arena, and the League helped rebuild her homeworld by sending a small fleet of construction freighters.
Gasket is a thrasher who appears rough on the outside, but is approachable once you get to know her. She enjoys talking shop with other mechanics, and trading war stories with other veterans. She's always ready to defend her fellow thrashers, and more than once has gone to blows for them. 
Despite its obsolescence, Gasket refuses to modify her grandfather's suit with newer technology. She also will not replace its parts with those standard for Juggernaut suits, nor even repaint or refurbish it. She fixes it herself using scrap metal, believing that anything else would taint her grandfather's memory. She has repeatedly patched the suit back together from what many would consider total disrepair, and has sworn to retire from the League if the suit becomes truly wrecked beyond her expertise.
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3 Terrible Three Questions - Unique Magic Edition
Question 1: What is your Unique Magic, and what does it do? 
🌰 “It’s called ‘Lover’s Favor.’ I can take any object – let’s say, oh, a hairbrush– and give it to someone, with the instruction that it be returned to me by a certain time. This can be a vague time period, like two weeks from now, or more specific, like Monday the 15th at 4:30PM. No matter what date I set though, the object will always find its way back to me on that deadline – usually through the person it was given to. The affected objects radiate a passive, compulsory force, making the assigned person want to return them by the date. Though, that’s not always the case – the spell does have a failsafe, where if not delivered to me, they’ll simply reappear, usually on my doorstep or in my bag. It’s always a shame when that happens, especially when I cast it specifically in the hopes of meeting someone again, but, alas. No good relationship was ever perfectly engineered.”
🎶 “I call it ‘Enthralling Lament’. Whenever I play music, and whenever I wish for it to come into effect, it causes anyone who hears my playing to become fully entranced by the song. No talking, no distractions, not even other thoughts: their full attention becomes wholly placed on me and my music. While someone is within this trance, they’re also put into a more heightened state of suggestion, allowing me to somewhat influence their thoughts and actions, however vaguely. I… may have used this power to convince the dorm head to let me practice during late-night hours once or twice. But as far as you know, that’s hearsay.”
🏹 “Mine’s called ‘Golden Pelt’. When I fire it up, it not only makes me even stronger and more resilient than normal, but it also protects me from physical attacks and damage. Bruises, scratches, even broken bones– can’t get a thing while it’s active! Though, it only works for a minute tops, and I gotta wait for all the blot to dry up before I can use it again. I guess fate decided a Unique Magic as great as mine needed a serious handicap.”
Question 2: How did you discover your Unique Magic?
🌰 “It was during middle school. There was this… guy, I was seeing at the time, but he told me he lived a good way’s away. I was worried about being able to see him again, so, I steadily crafted my Unique Magic to guarantee that I would always have a way to draw him back to me – without outright forcing it, of course. There’s no romance in that. Though, by the time I finally perfected it… well… let’s just say, the romance fell apart. Of course, my Unique Magic has its uses outside of why it was created, but it still upsets me that I haven’t yet used it for its intended purpose.”
🎶 “It was honestly a bit of a surprise. No one in my family was a mage, and since I wasn’t born with the ability to use it, I initially believed I was incapable of performing magic altogether. That was, until I composed my first actual performance piece, a wonderfully haunting lament. I had spent weeks perfecting it, and I wanted everyone who heard it to be as enthralled by it as I was. Only, when I played it… I found that my audience was all quite literally enthralled. I experimented some more, and discovered that I could induce this state with any song I played, so long as I desired it to happen. It was around this time that one of my teachers realized I was a mage, and recommended me for magic school. I’ve refined it further since then, and gave it the name “Enthralling Lament” in honor of its origin.
🏹 “It was during a bout of wrestling as a kid. The neighborhood kids had turned it into a contest, and I really wanted to win. Unfortunately, there was this one kid who liked to claw people to win, and he’d argue the rules so much it was easier to just let him have his way. It came down to me and him, and when he started clawing at me, all I could think about was pushing through the pain and coming out on top– and suddenly, I felt this huge rush of adrenaline. His claws felt like nothing, and I pinned him like it was nothing too. Didn’t realize it was magic until I got home, and couldn’t find any scratch marks on me. Man, I was so excited to tell my folks about it… well. At least the other kids treated me like royalty for a week.”
Question 3: Does your Unique Magic have any special conditions or quirks?
🌰 “My Unique Magic only works if I kiss the object it’s casted on first. It acts as a sort of indicator – a clear mark of what object should receive the enchantment. Although, it does limit what objects I can cast it on. I’m not willing to put my mouth on everything.”
🎶 “I can only use my Unique Magic while playing music. That’s somewhat of a given considering its nature, though it does limit its versatility. I should also note that, while it does produce a heightened state of suggestibility, this is not true hypnosis or mind control. I can more easily persuade someone to act a certain way, but I can not force them to do anything. In fact, I’ve observed that quite a few people are actively resistant to my attempts at coercion.”
🏹 “It can’t protect me from other spells. Believe me, I’ve tried, but I’ve never been able to pull it off. I guess even the greatest abilities still can’t be perfect…” 
As you can see, your faithful mod’s been thinking a lot about the Terrible Three’s Unique Magics lately, so I also decided to include some additional trivia and their incantations as well!
-Delano’s magic was inspired by depictions of courtly love in various Arthurian legends. In particular, there was a trope of a lady giving an object to her favorite knight before he set out on a journey or fought in a battle, with the promise that it would return unharmed – and, by implication, that he would return safely as well.
-Lionel’s magic of course comes from the Nemean Lion’s famous golden fur, which was impervious to all forms of attack. Fun fact, this is also why Lionel has so much arrow-shaped jewelry and is into archery: in the original myth, Hercules initially tried and failed to kill the lion with arrows.
-Piper’s magic isn’t directly based on any one ability of Forte’s, but more so the idea of those abilities: manipulating people into wanting to stay and appreciate his musical talents – and by extension, him – for as long as possible. Also, I couldn’t settle on any exact rules for how the music-based semi-tangible illusions Forte uses in the movie would work as a Unique Magic, so I decided to go for something more symbolic instead.
🌰 “My beloved, heed my wish. Take this object, and keep it well. Promise it will return unscathed. Lover’s Favor.”
🏹 “My gold will never tarnish! Victory is mine! Golden Pelt!”
🎶 “Let your troubles fade away. Let your sorrows be soothed by my song. Let my music become your heart’s very keeper! Enthralling Lament!”
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tfw bellum comes back w the good kuro content amen 🙏 maybe amaryllis hibiscus n ivy from the botanical prompts for joker and dagger if thats good w you? :D
aaaaa that's definitely good with me!! my heart ;w;
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amaryllis :   what is something or someone that your muse takes pride in ?   how do they express that pride ?
Oh, most assuredly his knife-throwing is the thing he takes the most pride in! Well, truth be told, he thinks he’s actually sort of a boring person aside from that. He doesn’t think he has any unique features or interesting hobbies or some such. His skill with knives, though? He’s worked hard to be good at that. It’s the most fascinating, eye-catching thing about him! (Well. Eye-catching in the good way.) To a lesser degree, he takes pride in his S/O, if he happens to have one. That’s less to be proud of, as far as he’s concerned, simply because he didn’t help make his beloved who they are; their parents have more reason to be proud than him. But he’s happy to have them. Though, he expresses his pride for both in a similar way — showing off. He becomes a blatant showboat throwing his daggers at a target, just to display how great his aim is. As for his S/O… he’ll parade them around with him, just letting people see them, and just beaming when he gets to be with them. He doesn’t have much to be proud of, so he’ll make sure he celebrates what he does have.
hibiscus :   how does your muse view the gentler ,   daintier things in life ?   as things worth preserving   &   caring for ,   or things only bound to wither   &   disappear ?
He definitely views those things as something to protect. If something is fragile, doesn’t that mean you should be careful around it? If people are careful and treat those things like they should be treated, then they might last. Just because something is inherently delicate is no reason to break it on purpose, and he gets angry at people who think, Oh, it’s going to disappear someday anyway, so why treat it with any respect? Admittedly, his own experiences have colored this a bit. His family were all just people, existing with conditions and disabilities, but the world decided they weren’t worthy of being treated gently because they were ‘breakable’ anyway. He… hopes he can take as much care as possible with things and people who deserve it. Even if it’s not easy sometimes, it’s worthwhile.
ivy :   what are your muse’s views on marriage ?   do they believe it is something strictly for love ,   or an institution rooted in business   &   social benefits ?   do they desire or have they desired to be married ?
Oof, what a loaded question. He wants so badly to think of marriage as something that exists only for love. He knows it isn’t really like that, though, not for most people. Marriage is… ugh. Dagger has this view that marriage should be something you do for love. It’s a sacred vow, doesn’t that count for anything?? He’s just sort of forced to acknowledge that the reality is, for other people, it’s half business and half a social ladder. It’s not like that for him, though. For him, marriage is only for when he loves someone and wants to be with them forever. … And, yes, he absolutely wants to get married someday! He’s been a hopeless romantic since he was a teenager. He just needs to find the right person, and once he does, he’s more than ready to exchange rings.
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amaryllis :   what is something or someone that your muse takes pride in ?   how do they express that pride ?
The biggest thing he has to be proud of? His family. Maybe he didn’t quite ‘raise’ them or anything, but they’re the closest people that he has in his life, and he takes a lot of pride in that. They’ve all stood by each other, even when things were hard. None of them just rolled over and gave up. He’s proud that they’re all still alive and still together. That’s the kind of thing he can’t really express his pride in any other way besides telling them how he feels. It’s something he tries not to do often, if only for the fact that he doesn’t want to seem overly emotional. Even though he… is overly emotional, all the time. He still tries to tell him as much as his own head will let him, that he’s proud of them all.
hibiscus :   how does your muse view the gentler ,   daintier things in life ?   as things worth preserving   &   caring for ,   or things only bound to wither   &   disappear ?
He has similar feelings as Dagger about this. Joker knows that gentle, soft, delicate things are usually fated to wither away, sooner or later. However, that doesn’t mean people shouldn’t take care with them. So what if that flower is going to be trampled on later? Do you have to be the one to do it? Can’t you just pay attention and step around it and keep it alive for one more day? Even though he does what he needs to in order to ensure his family’s survival, he never goes out of his way to break a fragile thing. Regardless of whether or not he can actually protect something delicate, he refuses to actively break it. There are exceptions, of course, it’s just… he’s not got the sadistic streak that will allow him to speed up a delicate thing’s destruction just because it’s destined to die.
ivy :   what are your muse’s views on marriage ?   do they believe it is something strictly for love ,   or an institution rooted in business   &   social benefits ?   do they desire or have they desired to be married ?
That’s a tricky one. He sees it as a mixed bag, simply for the fact that he’s observed it going a multitude of ways. Some people use it to elevate their social status or to obtain financial security, and he doesn’t think there’s necessarily anything wrong with that. He’s also seen people marry for nothing other than love, and there’s nothing wrong with that either. As far as he’s concerned? He doesn’t know what he thinks for himself. While he wants to believe he’d only marry for love, he isn’t sure he could turn it down should some wealthy person want to marry him — for some unfathomable reason. Even if he didn’t love them, it would enable him to better take care of his family for the foreseeable future. He just settles on believing that marriage is different in definition for everyone, and leaves it at that.
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dalmascan-requiem · 1 year
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Willows of the Canary
There exists an oft-forgotten fairytale. It's a tale of a princess and her knight; one of love and growth. A tale of an idyllic kingdom--and of what is hiding just underneath the surface that threatens its peace.
Even in a fairytale world, nothing is perfect... and sometimes love isn't enough. Will these two have their happily ever after?
Let's meet our heroes.
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Princess Eir
As the sole heir to the throne, Eir has lived a sheltered life--one she's very much hated. In the public eye, the Princess acts demure and polite, the very image of royalty. However, behind closed doors, Eir's personality is a lot more blunt and rough.
To get away from the stifling castle, Eir tends to sneak out, posing as a mercenary. She claims this lets her see how her subjects live and how to serve them better--but no one is sure if she's telling the truth about this, or simply making up an excuse.
As the future Queen, Eir is well-versed in magic, and she is especially skilled in white and ice-based black magic. She has also learned knifeplay and how to keep a low profile from Gemna--but don't tell her father that.
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Reyna is an overly-serious knight, a man of few words and one to hide his emotions. He is not particularly comfortable with the pomp and circumstance of the royal court, but regardless of this and no one knowing where he came from, Reyna has been tasked with being the Princess's protector.
The reality is that Reyna is part Blaer family, a group of assassins and spies that were formally in the royal family's employ. They travelled the kingdom as dancers and practitioners of Kreigstanz, and used this cover to suss out any threats to the throne.
However, when the King's brother suddenly died, the Blaer family was accused of murdering him, and they where exiled to the harsh, far northern ends of the kingdom.
Keeping all of this in mind, it makes little sense why Reyna would want to become a knight and protect the royal family. Is he looking to get revenge for his family, or is he looking to break away from them?
An elderly Bangaa, Gemna has been in the employ of the royal family for longer than any alive can remember. When Eir's mother died shortly after she was born, Gemna raised the young princess, essentially becoming the woman's surrogate mother. She is often more interested in Eir's needs and desires than those of the kingdom itself.
While Gemna often helps Eir with her schemes and sneaking out of the castle, she does so in order to ensure she is as safe as possible (no one would be able to stop her, anyway). The Bangaa taught Eir how to move about silently and defend herself, and generally does her best to prepare her for the world outside the castle.
No one knows much about Gemna other than her role in the castle as the princess's handmaiden. She has no blood family to speak of, nor does she speak of the past.
The Bangaa's unique skillset implies she had less than a savory life before coming into the castle's employ. No one pries, however--Gemna has always had the royal family's needs in mind first and foremost.
The King
Simply put, the king is the king. He is kind to his subjects, though that doesn't mean he's a pushover as hell be firm and harsh as the situation demands. The King does his best to prepare Eir for her ascension to the throne, but his overprotective nature often hinders more than it helps.
Granted, the King's overzealous efforts to protect his daughter aren't completely unwarranted. After the King's brother died under mysterious circumstances and the Queen passing shortly after Eir's birth, he wants to do everything in his power to keep her safe.
He is a master of ice magic, as his ascension to the throne required.
The Kingdom
The land where this fairytale takes place is an idyllic alpine locale. The land provides many of the kingdom's resources, and its people aren't left wanting--provided they live near the castle town. The farther away one gets from the King's watchful gaze, the less the kingdom's citizens have, and the more desperate they become to carve out a decent life.
The kingdom itself is relatively secluded--while other countries are nearby, there has not been any strife or tension in many decades. This is attributed to the King's father, who brokered a peace treaty with nearby nations to trade some of their natural resources in exchange for neutrality in their conflicts.
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myflowertreeflower · 3 months
Surprise Your Loved Ones with Same Day Rakhi Delivery this Raksha Bandhan
Introduction to Raksha Bandhan
Get ready to celebrate the beautiful bond between brothers and sisters this Raksha Bandhan with a special touch of surprise! This year, make your loved ones feel extra special by opting for same day Rakhi delivery services. Embrace the joy of gifting and spreading love on this auspicious occasion with just a click away. Let's dive into how you can make this Raksha Bandhan truly unforgettable with same day Rakhi delivery!
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The Importance of Rakhi and Brother-Sister Bond
Raksha Bandhan, also known as Rakhi, is a special Indian festival that celebrates the beautiful bond between brothers and sisters. It is a day filled with love, traditions, and the promise of protection. The tying of the sacred thread or rakhi by the sister on her brother's wrist symbolizes her love and prayers for his well-being. The brother, in return, promises to protect his sister from all harm and showers her with gifts as a token of his affection. This ritual not only strengthens their relationship but also reinforces the importance of family bonds in Indian culture.
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Same Day Rakhi Delivery Services
Are you looking to surprise your loved ones this Raksha Bandhan with a thoughtful gesture? Look no further than Same Day Rakhi Delivery services! With the convenience of online platforms, sending a beautiful rakhi to your brother on the same day has never been easier. These services are a game-changer for those who may have forgotten about the occasion or simply want to make the day extra special with a last-minute gift. Whether you live far away from your sibling or just want to add an element of surprise, opting for same-day delivery ensures that your token of love reaches them right on time. Gone are the days of worrying about delayed deliveries or missed opportunities to celebrate important occasions. Thanks to Same Day Rakhi Delivery services, you can now express your affection and strengthen your bond with just a few clicks. So why wait? Embrace the convenience and joy that quick delivery services bring this festive season!
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Benefits of Choosing Same Day Delivery
Are you someone who always finds themselves caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life? Do you often forget to plan ahead for special occasions like Raksha Bandhan? Well, choosing same day delivery for your Rakhi Online needs can be a game-changer! Moreover, same day delivery services often offer a wide range of options to choose from, ensuring that you find the perfect Rakhi that suits your sibling's tastes and preferences. So why wait? Embrace the convenience and thrill of same day Rakhi delivery this festive season!
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Top Online Platforms for Same Day Rakhi Delivery
Looking for the best online platforms to send your Rakhi on the same day? Look no further! There are several top-notch websites that offer reliable and efficient same-day Rakhi delivery services. These platforms understand the importance of timely delivery, especially when it comes to celebrating festivals like Raksha Bandhan. If you prefer personalized Rakhis or unique designs, DEF.net might be the perfect choice for you. Their creative collection will surely impress your sibling and make this Raksha Bandhan even more special. With these top online platforms at your disposal, you can surprise your loved ones with a beautiful Rakhi without any hassle.
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Tips for Choosing the Perfect Rakhi Gift
When it comes to choosing the perfect Rakhi gift for your sibling, it's essential to consider their preferences and interests. Think about what they love - whether it's a hobby, favorite color, or something they've mentioned wanting. Personalized gifts are always a great idea for adding that special touch. Consider customizing a gift with their name, a meaningful quote, or even a memorable date. Choose something that reflects your bond and shows your sibling how much they mean to you on this special occasion of Raksha Bandhan.
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Make this Raksha Bandhan a truly memorable and special occasion by surprising your loved ones with same day Rakhi delivery. With the convenience of online platforms offering such services, you can ensure that your sibling receives their Rakhi on time, even if you're miles apart. Choose from a wide variety of Rakhis and gifts to express your love and strengthen the bond between siblings. Opting for same day delivery not only saves time but also adds an element of surprise to the celebration. This Raksha Bandhan, make sure to show your appreciation and affection through thoughtful gestures and meaningful gifts delivered right at their doorstep. Embrace the essence of this beautiful festival by celebrating it with joy, love, and the convenience of same day Rakhi delivery services available online.
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