#the 10 image limit really is stupid
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Supernatural 10.11 There's No Place Like Home
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tsams-and-co-memes · 6 months
Frank is Pisces
I made a thread for this theory on TSBS Discord server and it blew up (it blew up so much more than I ever thought it would, like Jesus Christ. I'm super happy about it though). I figured that since I moved all my canon info stuff over here from the server, I might as well move my theory stuff over too
Long post warning, since there's a lot here. A lot of this exists because I was possessed by my adhd demon one night, noticed something about Frank, and then ran wild with it
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(Last two pictures are part of a chart that SqarletGecko made for this theory. If Sqarlet sees this at any point, hi, hello! I appreciate you for feeding into this, Sqarlet)
There will be more images tacked on later. I'd add them now, but unfortunately, there's a 10 picture limit to posts. As stupid as that is. ANYWAY
Frank’s strong enough to kill two different witherstorms. Although him outright killing them was never verified, it was one of the only ways he could’ve come back so soon. The only other way would’ve been to wait by the portal, but assuming Moon would’ve closed it off due to the dimensions that Frank was in housing witherstorms, Frank would’ve had to find another way out
His name is neither Frank nor Forkface, so it’s entirely possible that it could be Pisces
Sqarlet pointed out that Castor said “Pisces is probably off doing his own thing”, which could be anything, and it certainly doesn’t preclude Pisces being on earth as Frank, doing whatever he’s been doing
In the “Lunar Gets Friendzoned” vrchat episode, Castor mentions Pisces again, this time saying (in reference to how Lunar’s “final test” would go, and how someone would be sent to judge his ability to control his powers) “Could be Nebula, could be Libra. Could be Pisces, but I doubt that. Hell, it could even be Taurus.” This is the second time Castor’s mentioned Pisces, as if he doesn’t have a whopping 10 other signs he could pull names from (minus Gemini and Pisces, obviously). This could be a case of simply sticking to a smaller pool out of the 12 names, but still
Castor has mentioned Pisces offhandedly two different times. Yeah, there could be a really simple explanation for that, but it sticks out to me, and I can't pinpoint why
During an Uno video, they did a “one breath for yes, two for no” thing with Frank, and he confirmed that he had a bad past. Given some of the things that Castor has said about Taurus, it’s a possibility that Frank/Pisces was trying to get away from him. Some other Pisces traits are that they’re supposed to be super empathetic and deeply emotional. If Taurus said or did something that impacted Frank/Pisces enough, he could’ve chosen to leave
For a while, Frank didn’t seem to react much when people acted scared of him, but as he’s spent more time with the channels, he’s developing more emotionally, which would make sense if he was younger. According to a google search I ran, “Pisces emotional sensitivity is high, helping them to remain in tune with others also leaving them vulnerable to criticism, worrying about about the effects that their actions might have on others,” which could explain why he acted so sad when he briefly appeared in the lobby in an FFFS episode and everyone acted scared of him
Pisces has a heightened emotional sensitivity, they're very in tune with the emotions of those around them, and this in turn makes them worry about how others might react to them
In another Uno video, Foxy made a lighthearted comment to Frank about how he reminded him of his son, since he has a habit of inserting himself into situations and things. There are other characters who do this too, meaning that Foxy could’ve compared Frank to literally anyone, and yet, he chose a character that’s a child. If Frank is Pisces, he’d be the youngest of the astral bodies
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If you watch him, Frank does have some childlike mannerisms and behaviors. The first thing is the way he sometimes wants to show someone something, but then gets upset when they touch it. It’s like when a kid gets a new toy and shows their friend, but then gets upset when their friends tries playing with it because it’s theirs. The second thing is him apparently drawing on the wall underneath Earth’s bed. Drawing on walls is something that kids do. The third thing is him trying to feed Earth a piece of pizza. Kids will sometimes try to feed people too, though it’s typically only with people they’re close with, that they know pretty well
If Frank is Pisces and therefore the youngest of the astral bodies, there’s a chance that he chose to show up in the daycare because he knows it’s a safe place for kids, and that there are good caretakers there (Sun, Moon, Earth, and Lunar). He could’ve chosen a daycare attendant-esque form to blend in better with the daycare environment, or he could’ve copied what he saw of the caretakers there, much like how kids copy the adults they see
Pisces is the youngest of the astral bodies, so everything that Frank does that seems like something a kid might do,, could sort of tie in with that. Frank has seemed to somewhat mature and "grow up" in a sense as of recently though, so these childlike habits and behaviors have begun to become rarer and rarer
Pisces has ties to illusions, dreams, and the subconscious. This could explain the times when Frank appeared in both Monty and Earth’s dreams, and then dragged the Stitchwraith into his own mind. In the case of Monty’s dream, Frank knew that they’d had problems with their dad and he’d even offered to be their listening ear, so seeing the shape Monty was in emotionally and mentally after their dad died, Frank may have guided them to an image of their dad to try to promote a form of closure and emotional healing and recovery before Monty woke up (did I mention that being a healer is also a Pisces trait?). He was silent in the dream, so Monty’s mind couldn't have heard his signature heavy breathing and did something funky with that. In Earth’s case, Frank somehow knew that she was having a nightmare and he came to wake her up, repeatedly saying “no fear”, as if he was telling her not to be afraid. With the Stitchwraith, the Stitchwraith wasn’t aware that he’d been pulled into his own mind. Frank didn’t confirm that he was until he told the Stitchwraith that “It’s just a bad dream, a nightmare”, and told him to wake up
More Pisces traits are wanting to help people and being a healer. Adding in the ties to illusions, dreams, and the subconscious, I feel like creating dreams to help people recover from things wouldn't be too farfetched. In the case of Earth, Frank knew she was having a nightmare and wanted to wake her up so that she wouldn't be scared anymore. To this day, I have no way to explain how he could've possibly known about her having a nightmare, aside from sensing her distress and/or having some kind of connection to her subconscious
I found a snippet of an article that said “When we meet Pisces, we are taken aback by their remote coldness; they often act like confused geniuses or oddballs who have trouble interacting with others.” It’s confirmed that Frank is highly intelligent; he somehow knew how to get into Moon’s computer and registered himself as the primary user, and he somehow swiped Foxy’s voicebox and installed it in himself, then took it back out and reinstalled it in Foxy. Frank is also an oddball, but I don’t really need to explain that one
Frank has made it abundantly clear that he doesn’t like Ruin. He’s had many opportunities to take him out or even just attack him, but he hasn’t. Castor has stated that astral bodies typically don’t get involved with things or associate with people unless they really need to. If Frank is Pisces, he may have avoided going after Ruin because it’d go against the rules
There are some mixed messages on whether or not Pisces is a rule follower, but a couple things I found that stuck out to me implied that sometimes they follow the rules, and sometimes they do whatever they want as long as they’re satisfied. We were given a glimpse of this with Frank when Lunar tried to run him over with a car in a vrchat episode. Frank didn’t seem to care as much about the fact that he was nearly run over, and instead, became agitated with Lunar for parking incorrectly. He also made Lunar get in his car, and then proceeded to move it out of the alley and to the drive thru, where Lunar was supposed to be anyways. He might’ve also reacted poorly to Monty and Earth bringing a goose into the restaurant they were in, since animals don’t belong there. Beyond that, Frank’s also gotten upset with Sun and tried to menacingly follow him around the room when Sun cheated during a game of Uno, showing that he doesn’t like cheaters
Frank seems to have a knack for interrupting people’s dates. Most of the time, he’s trying to help but doesn’t seem to grasp that his behavior might be making people uncomfortable, BUT according to google, the Pisces sign is known for being jealous of other people’s love lives. After the death of Ruined Monty, Frank may have started to feel a little jealous of others
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According to google, “most Pisceans are very good at earning a stable living,” and “they are usually very effective in any career that needs collaboration with others or inventiveness.” It’s been stated before that Frank works in at least three different restaurants, and a restaurant type environment would require collaboration with others to keep everything running smoothly. He’d be earning good money from those three restaurant jobs, and another Pisces trait is wanting to help people, so working in a restaurant would be a way for him to do that
Strengths of Pisces would include being selfless and thoughtful, passionate and creative, gratitude and self-sacrifice, tolerance and a keen understanding, and being kind and sympathetic. Weaknesses of Pisces include being influenced by their surroundings, being careless, rash, and ill-disciplined, having an inability to confront reality due to an absence of confidence, being insecure, sentimentalism, indecisiveness, and a lack of foresight. These are all from a chart I found, and although I don’t think we’ve seen too many of these weaknesses in Frank yet, we’ve definitely seen a lot of the strengths
We have no idea where Frank was before he first showed up at the daycare. Fazbear apparently had him shipped in to replace Moon, but with how easily he got into Moon’s computer, it wouldn’t be too farfetched to assume that he could’ve possibly also hopped onto a different device and sent a fake email, posing as Fazbears to keep people from asking too many questions about why he’s there
Like Sqarlet has said, we’ve noticed a pattern of astral signs following the usual astrological descriptions, but it’s not necessarily a rule, nor is it to a T. It’s very possible that Frank mostly follows the general tendencies of Pisces, but still has individual quirks and such that are different. It could be a case where perfectionism or a preference for rule-following/organization is just a lil personal thing of his, unrelated to astrology
Another thing suggested by Sqarlet is that the Pisces dealio might explain why Frank’s general choice of appearance is generally uncanny/unsettling. Astral bodies don’t necessarily have a spectacular grasp on how to Aesthetic effectively, at least from an earthling’s perspective
Eclipse once used star power to get into Puppet’s dreamscape, when Puppet was on his way to get Lunar. If star power is what makes dreamscape stuff possible, then Frank would need access to it in order to do the same (see: all the dream stuff he did with Monty and him showing up in Stitchwraith’s dreamscape)
Whenever Frank appears, whoever he appears around is usually experiencing a negative emotion of some sort. Some instances of this can be seen when he showed up and tried to talk to Monty after Monty had a fight with their dad and was frustrated, when Earth and Sun were worrying about Lunar when Lunar lost his voice, when Sun got turned into a dragon and was panicking, and when Earth had a nightmare and was freaking out over it
Foxy’s implied that Frank was probably trying his best to be helpful, during all the dates that he unintentionally ruined. Which… means that although Frank is trying his best to be helpful, he might not understand what “normal” behavior looks like, then he messes up, and then he gets upset when people misunderstand him and his intentions, or when whatever he’s doing ends up backfiring in some way. Pisces’ loves to help others and can’t stand being misunderstood, so this lines up beautifully
During a podcast episode, Frank breathed heavier when Castor and Pollux were mentioned, implying that he may know them. Given how he even attempted to speak again, he likely had some kind of thoughts or feelings toward them, too
The astral bodies are typically aware of almost everything that happens. This might explain how Frank (if he’s Pisces) knew that Foxy would be alone on Christmas. It was only Foxy, Freddy, and Francine present when the Stitchwraith took FC, so unless Frank was spying on everyone or has taken to watching the channels like Ruin apparently does, he shouldn’t know what happened
If the Foxy’s Intervention episode is anything to go by, no one ever knows where Frank is, and yet, he still knows where he’s needed and goes there to help
With the way that Pisces deals with illusions just as much as dreams and the subconscious, it’s possible that the Frank that the Stitchwaith saw was just an illusion. This could explain why Frank wasn’t hit by Stitchwraith’s weird chest laser thing (unless he quickly teleported out of the way), and why we never saw him go up to the Stithwraith and try pushing him around or anything, despite how Frank was acting toward him. We’ve seen Frank physically interact with people before, so we know he can, but if he was an illusion, that wouldn’t be possible
Something else to consider that I haven't shared with the theory thread yet (that I can remember) is that when Pisces feels hurt or betrayed in any way, they can be incredibly vengeful. Their vengeance, according to a search I ran, could be intense enough to break trust and damage relationships, if they're not careful. In killing ruined Monty, Bloodmoon may have unknowingly made Frank feel so deeply hurt that Frank has now decided that he needs to get revenge on him. He kept saying things during their encounter that made it feel like he may be entertaining the idea of getting rid of one of the twins, which... follows a very "you took away someone who meant the world to me, let's see what happens when I do it to you" sort of logic
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factual-fantasy · 2 months
25 asks! Thank you! :}} 👹
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I have it in the back of my mind, but I haven't actually made any steps in making more master posts.. 😔
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ReBLOGGING is good! Its a feature of Tumblr and helps more people find my artwork! Very nice :))
RePOSTING is stealing my art and posting it on your own account. Giving you and only you all the credit. That's theft and no good!
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I think I remember wanting my sona to be an object head of some kind. I think I doodled probably a dozen different ideas before I got frustrated and just scribbled my most recent attempt out.
But then it hit me. I doodled two little white eyes on the scribble and I knew I had found my sona XDD
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XD Thank you for remembering my boundaries and respecting them! :)) And THANK YOU FOR THE CUPCAKE!! :DDD
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I haven't read it, but I've seen it blowing up all over tumblr. It must be pretty cool! :00
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<XD I won't lie, Bill is a fantastic villain. I just "hate" him because Stanley is my favorite character and Bill put his family through hell 💀
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Most of the team: "Aww 🥰💞💞"
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<XD These past 2-3 days have just hammered me health wise, but I can at least say that I've been sleeping enough!
And thanks for the check in! I wish you the best :))
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(Pokemon violet comic(?))
:DD Thank you!! I'm glad you liked it!! :)))
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If I ever really go into those series I would :00 But I cant remember the Godziilla movies- plus that would be really hard to draw <XDD
There's so many sonic medias that i wouldn't know which one to go by- and I've seen playthroughs of Poppy playtime but it never really grabbed my interest.. <XD
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I'll do my best to keep up with all that <XDD Thank you!
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(Frank butterfly post)
Oh there's no need to worry about Frank! It might be hard to tell- but that was actually a moth! Frank had bags under his eyes because he was out late studying moths :))
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<XD Well considering Homes intentions are intended to be unknown- you're free to imagine that! :D
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ohmygosh the third movie is so good I actually cant watch it anymore lest I burst into tears 😭😭😭💞💞💞 10/10 WOULD recommend cars 3--
Anyways- I ADORE the cars franchise and absolutely would have drawn them more.. if cars weren't so hard to draw <XD Plus my favorite thing to draw is angsty cuddles and hugs and big droopy eyes and tears- that's kiiiind'a hard to pull off if your characters are cars-
Of course I could always draw them as humans like many other artists have.. but idk, it just doesn't feel the same you know? <XD
Also thank you! I hope you day goes well too! :))
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@neo-metalscottic (Welcome home post(?)) (Octonauts eye study) (Oxem and Pepemijo comic)
AAAAA Thank you sop much! :DD I'm glad you've been liking my recent posts!
As for Oxem and Pepemijo, I cant show images because of the stupid 30 images limit-- But Pepemigo is based on/inspired by the Year of the dragon mask, and Oxem is based on the current season of Duets seasonal guide mask! :00
I imagine there are other dragons out there, like that other sky dragon that I made one time-- <XDD I don't really have any ideas for their powers or their story, but I had intended that Pepemijo at least knocked the krill out in self defense. Thankfully they wont be hunted by krill following that event- Oxem got them to a safe place and he knows that he should steer clear of krill territory in the future <XD
And of course! I'd love to see any critters that you've made! :DDD
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uhg, always disappointing to see.. thank you for letting me know though 😔
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<XD yup.
Also even though that disclaimer is there for FNAF and Octonauts, I still get people harassing me anyways!.... :')
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AAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! :DDD And I wish you luck on your slime rancher creative adventure!! :}}}
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AAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DDDD That means a lot!!! :))
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This shouldn't have made me laugh as much as it did XDD
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Somethin ain't right with that dog <XDD
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@edelgeist (Referencing this post)
oooh :00 I wasn't aware of that- thank you for the info! Perhaps I should invest in a cooling pad <XD
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I have not <:( But after googling it- I love the artstyle! :DD
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vshorttaxiway · 5 months
okay I'm pretty sure this isn't a new concept but this whole idea is the reason I've made this godforsaken tumblr, so I humbly present for your consideration...
top gun/marauders parallels
mav and sirius
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complicated family background
pretty boy turned dilf
little bit too up himself for his own good
motorbike/leather jackets
goose and james
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would die do anything for his wife and baby boy
adopts a mouthy short twink into his family at the drop of a hat
class clown
burns bright and dies young
"why is it always you two"
. . .
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I'm sorry
moving on!
rooster and harry
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the prodigal son
looks scarily like his father, down to the shared iconic glasses
shares his father's sense of humour, but is more reserved and angry because he only knows his father in memories (deeeeeep)
must reconcile with his godfather due to a misunderstanding (if you want to go really far here you can argue both of these misunderstandings stem from his now dead mother trying to protect him)
hangster and drarry
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a man and his arrogant blonde boyfriend rival
I have 100 more here including icemav/wolfstar and dagger squad/golden tro era characters but Tumblr has that stupid 10 image limit. if this gets one (1) note I'll make a part two
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aquaticshopkeep · 2 months
I just had a feeling It'd be you.
Welcome back.
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The vent is currently: Closed [Open for asks and interactions not in person]
Special Limited Stock: n/a
Sebastian is: Tired - Working, Waiting.
Don't stick around too long, but if you buy something maybe I won't mind too much.
Some rules for the shop, and dont forget them when you get back here again.
Don't get too raunchy. Every manner of criminal comes through here, and as funny as you making a fool of yourself would be, I am a supposedly married man.
I'll kick you out if you can't behave. It's my shop, I don't have to sell you anything.
If your idiot self can't handle the dangers of the Blacksite, maybe you shouldn't have taken the offer. There will be death, swearing, and maaaaybe some moderate blood and gore.
I'll see you around, Friends.
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Post last updated [Sep 22]
OOC under the cut:
Mod is 18+, I go by Lash/Lashy and any pronouns are fine. I've been rping on an off tumblr for 10+ years
This blog is semi-selective as I burned out really bad trying to rp with anyone who came to my inbox. All asks are welcome, but I may not answer all that i receive.
Please don't randomly @ me on other peoples posts, especially if it's someone's art.
I follow from my main @lashydsdomain my main is 18+.
Do not follow my main if you are a minor or don't have an age visible.
Any interaction (Oc, OOC, canon, other fandoms, ect.) is welcome.
Other Sebastians too!
You dont need images to rp with me! I just like drawing stupid hot fish men.
Please only DM me if you're wanting to plan something for rp/ask something OOC you don't want answered publicly. If you message me trying to rp in DMs I will redirect you to this post.
I'm still developing head cannons for Sebastian and how I play him might not be fully cannon to the game. I've also yet to finish the game, and also intend to keep this blog spoiler free even once I do. Please don't spoil me, but mentioning the monsters of the game is totally fine.
Things to keep in mind for this blog:
• Sebastian does not like being touched randomly. You wouldn't like being touched by strangers either. He might be digital but he will still react negatively
• Even though it's in his file Sebastian does not know his name was cleared. He couldn't bring himself to finish reading what was written. And also its tasty angst.
My own art will be posted here. Please do not use it for AI, don't take credit for my art or post it anywhere without permission. If you'd like to use my art as a profile icon just credit me somewhere.
If you'd like to post my art with credit somewhere (reblogs of posts from this blog are fine), shoot me a message to ask my permission.
The Sebastian on this blog has a slightly different design to the cannon one, but at his core is intended as the same character.
A reference of the big guy to see the differences (he still has tail bags, i just didn't draw them for this).
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If you ever draw fanart of my version of Sebastian, please tag me, I'd love to see it!
The black site banners were made by me! Feel free to use them just make sure you credit me somewhere (@ my main)
Might change things here if anything comes up, but that's all for now. Now bring the fish man some research.
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sorrygotthesesacks · 6 months
I seriously love their dynamic.
I’ve said before that the reason I started shipping them is because Silver is so different around Sebek than he is with anyone else (I see you, Sebek’s labwear vignette), and it’s always fun going back to reread and savor those moments where Silver steps out of his Disney prince(ss) role for just a moment and allows himself to be annoyed. I love how Sebek encourages it, too, whether intentionally or not.
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He really is, Silver. 🥰
But just as with Silver’s dorm vignette, Sebek sees no reason for Silver to change himself - at least not who Silver is at his core.
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Also, the fact that Sebek went looking for Silver. Everywhere.
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(Had to edit this to add Sebek's bit where he turns it right back around - stupid 10 image limit on the app.)
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elesketchii · 1 year
wawawawa pls go in to detail about how your art has developed through the years i will read all of it :3
it took an extensive amount of digging through dusty sketchbooks to compile all of these and trace them back to when they were made but here u go..long post ahead tw cringe (pt 1 because tumblrs image limit is stupid and i have too much to show)
i vividly remember making these at summer camp when i was like 9 or 10 circa 2016. i was really starting to get into undertale here so it was all i ever drew
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circa 2017 i got rly into creepypasta even though ut was still my Main interest. it spawned alot of stupid crossover art that will never see the light of day again. even with a gun to my head u won’t be able to convince me to show those online. at this point in time i learned what shading was and i actually began putting some sort of effort into creating a style of my own. i started taking more inspo from artists i looked up to online
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pt2 in the reblogs giveme a Minute :P
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pedge-stuff · 1 year
emerald velvet (pedro pascal x gn/m!reader)
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a/n: same vague universe as “marked.” drop a line if you have a sug. (do people not comment on tumblr posts anymore??? rip)
summary: Pedro is ready to tell the world about you.
There is a world where he comes out, ironically, to Jimmy Fallon. Casually, over a sip of black coffee from a Tonight Show-branded mug. Swallows down the lump in his throat, chokes, in the half second it takes for the audience to react. You can see, in the TV monitor, the shiny glint in his eye as the thundering applause rolls in.
You still can't help but feel like this is your fault. Like maybe you just forced a 47-year-old man onto a blue tweed couch to reveal the secret he'd perfected hiding for decades. It hadn't been an argument, not really. No one was mad. But looking at him now, you couldn't unsee the flash of hurt that had struck him upon your prodding— "would it be so bad?"
So stuck in the tension of the previous night, in his unwillingness to see you in the stupid dressing room before the show, you almost miss what comes next. Definitely missed what came after, couldn't hear over the dull roar in your ears: "He works in the building, actually—"
Pedro is recomposed, smiling on TV like a good actor does, and you're here, crying in your office, several floors above. A few shaky breaths, heels of your hands swiping over your eyes, and then you're down the hallway before you can even register standing up. No one in the SNL offices look twice as you pass; they don't watch Tonight Show tapings, though their host for the week is promoting the show. Amongst other, life-altering things.
You slip through the stage door in Studio 6B easily, standing in the dim cover of the backstage area. The crowd roars again, and it sounds so much louder here. You can feel the force of the applause. Hear the headset call for an act reset, see the blue curtains part, and then— 
You're in the air. Cheeks wet, chest pressed against Pedro's as you both gasp for air. One of the crew guys needs to take Pedro's mic pack, and maybe this can wait til you're back in his dressing room, but you can't bear to peel yourself off of him. He, who came out on national television and then, in the same conversation, claimed you as his own. He who slept turned away last night, embittered by the threat of change. But who loves you enough to suffer the consequences, anyways.
You slip quickly back to his dressing room, where you both are swept into separate congratulatory hugs. Claps on the back. A vague, fleeting embarrassment that you're very under-dressed, contrasted against Pedro's velvet emerald suit.
Nothing has ever mattered less.
— — — 
You would never tell him this, never admit to it for fear of stoking the hurt and guilt that had gripped him for years. But, you'd been curating an album on your phone: "Pictures I Will Share, When Sharing Is Possible."
They are easy enough to narrow down for Instagram's limit of 10. Harder to post. The first image, you favorite— a picture of him you'd taken on a hike last fall, which also serves as your phone background— taunts you from its little thumbnail.
The caption, at least, is easy enough: "What, did something happen?"
It is 11:29pm EST. In about 20 minutes, give or take a long monologue, your life will change forever.
You hit send, roll over, and fall asleep with your arm slung low on Pedro's waist.
As it should be.
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kanmom51 · 1 year
JM live 15 June 2023 20:46 or 8:46pm KST
cr./to the creators of the media used in this post.
*Disclaimer: I hate Tumblr and it's stupid ass image limit. My personal feeling about this post is that it's lacking, but I guess c'est la vie, did the best under the circumstances (at least that's what I'll keep telling myself).
Guess what?
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We already saw the pattern with JK, but is it possible that JM is joining in on the it? I guess we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?
I won't be talking about every single thing that came up in JM's 1 hr. and 20 min. live. What I will do is touch on a few of the interesting things that happened during the live (well, what I found interesting at least), and what followed the live as well. Because JM didn't just show and dip. He wanted to take up home in his pocket, although he did think that over 7 million at his place might be too much, maybe if it was half of that it would be ok, lol. But we know JM, for reals, he wouldn't do a live at home, so he did the second best thing, which was to come back to us with posts and comments on Weverse.
Anyways, what did we have in the live?
JM talked about the 10 year anniversary a bit. Telling us he's not really that excited, but the biggest emotion he's feeling is fun. I get the not feeling excited. He also explains why. I'm happy that he felt it fun, I can't help but think that it was a bit of a bitter sweet celebration for them. He touched, not touched on it, when he mentioned the two members in the army at the moment.
JM tells us what he's up to lately, his daily schedule, more or less.
He's asked if he's working on a song, and JM like JM answers this:
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He later gives us a little more detail: he's been working out and eating healthy and working on some music and living well. Once a week he allows himself to rest.
The question I ask is if JK allows him to rest too? Lol, nah. I guess that's the day they take off to visit Bammie. Ehm... we do have the scratch to prove it...
Jokes aside, JM talks about how it's good for him to have a set schedule and be at work. For him and JK both (that's me talking not JM). And seeing that RM kind of spilled the tea, we can guess that the workouts are probably, at least some of the time, together with JK.
At the 10:40 mark approx. Tae shows up in the comments.
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JM, the kind of sassy and a true Slytherin that he is tells Tae, he will if Tae continues to comment for the whole time.
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Well, I guess that was the end of it for Tae, lol.
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Fuck people for calling him chubby in the comments. I hate this obsession with his weight, but even more so I hate people sitting at home on their asses and calling this 1.73 meter tall man that weighs 62.5 kg after putting on over 4 kg to get there, chubby. Like wtf? Man is skinny. And minus those 4 kgs he was fucking too skinny. Do they want him to starve himself? Do they not remember the issues he had in the past with his weight (issues which always linger even if you are "eating healthy" as he put it)?
Ok, so at around 14:55 min. JM's asked for the first time about the rainy day fight. When watching live, I kind of thought he was evading the question, but him answering the question later on, I tend to believe that maybe he just misunderstood the question at that point.
JM talks about sleep and R.E.M and how when you dream your mind is active and you don't really get deep sleep, and watching a video about it. I find it kind of funny and coincidental - NOT - that JK seems to have said practically the same things using similar wording in his live as well.
But no, they definitely aren't spending time together.
JM tells us he went to sleep at 6 am, woke up at 12 pm, made himself some chicken breast to eat and went back to sleep. Sound familiar anyone?
Sleep patterns. Chicken breast for lunch.
But no, they definitley aren't spending time together.
JM is asked to do the live all night.
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He wants to sleep early.
Funny how that didn't work out for him... I guess someone was staying up to be able to speak with that very special person that happened to be in LA and would be waking up just as JM was supposed to go to sleep?
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Slept at 12 and woke up at 8, ate at 12 pm, rest and go to workout at 2:30 pm approx., start working at 5 pm, at night he studied English. Ehm...didn't somebody else just let us know, repeatedly, that he's working hard on his English?
From his 5 June live:
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Nah, I guess just another coincidence.
What I'm finding interesting is if JM is done with his promotions and it's off to the army any time now, why would he be working on his English?
Oh how I do hope that this is for something in the pipelines that involves the two of them TOGETHER!!!
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Well, it is hard to break a sleeping pattern that has been with you for years and years. We all know of JM and JK's late night/early morning escapades. All night buddies that they are.
Rainy day fight, JM's version:
So this time around JM understands the comment asking about the rainy day fight and gives us his version of it.
Of course we got JM's JK smile.
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He does tell us he's giving us an edited version of it. JK, on the other hand, edited without telling us, lol. Both said a lot about the what happened before and after, but magically didn't mention exactly what was said at the moment by JK to anger JM so so much for him to react the way he did.
Anyway, we got is the story from JM's pov. And yes, there are some differences, but I wouldn't expect otherwise. 2 people, 2 povs. No 2 stories would ever be exactly the same.
The main discrepancy I found was the timeline. JK's being when they were trainees, and JM's all over the place but still later on (2014-15). Idk, I'm gonna side with JK on this one, lol. Like I mentioned in the post about JK's live, I feel like this fight was way more impactful for JK than it was for JM. And as such it's more etched on his brain than it is for JM.
Something I found interesting was how each of them was keen to take responsibility for the fight. JK blaming himself for how he behaved and what he said, and JM the same.
What I also found interesting and very much not surprising is how this fandom roles. JK taking blame for the fight = "oh poor baby bunny JK, how big of him to take the blame"; JM taking blame fir the fight = "omg, how mean is JM picking on baby bunny JK, being so mean to him, ugh we hate JM."
Did I mention how there are some parts of this fandom that I absolutely despise?
One thing they both corroborated was the state of JK's eyes the morning after, lol.
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Both JM and JK were happy giggly while telling the story.
A fight that definitley left it's mark of them both but also something to reminisce back on fondly.
Something else we learnt from JM's live was that he most definitely watched JK's live. He watched JK tell us about the rainy day fight and he also found JK's impersonation of G-Dragon very funny.
When is your next album coming JM?
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Listening to army love letter
JM was truly moved by this.
Did JK cook Ramen for you?
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JM averting eyes away from camera and moving on at the speed of light to..."oh angel pt. 2 came out today..."
There are 1001 options to why not yet. I'm not going to even start going there, because it's irrelevant and unimportant.
What I do know is JM chose to answer that comment but a. unlike the other comments that had to do with JK which he did answer, this one answer didn't come with a JK or jungkookie attached to it. It was short and he was done with it, and b. the way he looked away from the camera while saying it and repeating it once before just changing the subject was just so sus and felt like overcompensating.
Of course there are those that jumped at it like the dead feeders that they are. This must mean that they haven't seen each other. That JM isn't important to JK, etc. etc.
Funny how JM and JK don't see each other but are eating the same things for lunch, like Chicken breast and rice… or how they aren't seeing each other but JM somehow, magically, adjusted JK's mood lamp at JK's place…telepathy and telekinesis I guess. Oh, and did we discuss the sleeping patterns yet or the fact that they both happened to bring up the science mambo jumbo about sleep and dreams, almost word for word? But nope. They definitley aren't seeing each other and definitley aren't close. Also, for someone that is distanced they sure seem to be keeping up with each others lives. JM must be really bored to be sitting down and watching JK's long ass lives.
Moving on.
JM, being the king of evading answering whatever he doesn't want to answer, reads out comments asking about travel and tattoos, and decides those are topics he does not deem answer worthy, lol.
Do I talk about the goldfish lips? Nah, I don't wanna. Go watch!
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And this is JK way back in 2015 already.
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JM assuming the position
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So after saying he should do the next live lying down, cheeky thing that he is decided he's taking JK's sleeping live and raising him one, by taking us all home with him in his pocket, lol.
Although he took it all back. Yeah yeah, excuses excuses. So he can't fit 7 million into his place. Boo hoo. 3.5 million he can but 7 he can't. I do not accept such a cop out.
And then he was done, well more or less. Hungry, asking us for recommendations for food, and tired, he says his goodbyes and turns the live off.
But that wasn't the end of it. Nope.
Remember JM said he'd update us when he got home?
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Well, he did. He came back to update us time after time after time.
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And a comment too
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Oh, and the next day as well.
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Also interesting how that 5 and 8 found their way time after time into JM's posts and/or comments. 58 that happens to represent JK time after time.
At the end of the day what did we get from the live?
We got the rainy day fight - JM's perspective (muddled up timeline though, but I forgive him, getting old does make you forgetful, lol).
We got JM tell us he has seen JK's live, the one with him telling us his side of the rainy day fight and doing his G-Dragon impersonation, and I think we can assume he saw the sleeping live too.
I can't help but wonder if JM was reprimanded for commenting on JKs previous lives (you know with the shrimp, not really shrimp, comment and let me tie your hair), or perhaps he's just laying there enjoying watching his bf crush on him live.
We had JM call army and their comments cute. Funny, huh? How JK did that too?
Kind of interesting how the two seem to be saying the same things (the cute and the sleep talk), acting the same way, eating the same things.
I was going to add a clip and link here to JK's chicken breast eating tales, him cooking chicken breast with rice, him talking about eating chicken breast for lunch. Him eating healthy now days. Sounds familiar does it? JM talking about eating chicken breast for lunch, about eating chicken breast with rice. About eating healthy lately...
But damn Tumblr won't allow me. So you guys will either have to take my word for it (please don't), or go looking. You will see I am right...
For fun I will just leave you here with this:
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Cause why not end this with an ear to ear smile on our faces?
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monstersdownthepath · 2 months
Monster Spotlight: Thorgothrel
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CR 8
Lawful Evil Large Ooze
Adventure Path: Iron Gods: The Choking Tower, pg. 90-91 (image taken from the Starfinder Alien Archive 3, pg. 114)
These excessively cruel creatures hail not from the Darklands or any strange plane in the Outer Sphere, but from within the universe itself. Arriving in ships designed for their protoplasmic forms, Thorgoglbltr-- I'm just going to shorten it to Thorgo. Arriving in ships from beyond the stars, Thorgos are a species of beings who consider themselves both advanced and enlightened enough that they know what's best for all life in the universe, and what's best is being really, really stupid. That's a dramatic oversimplification of their goals, but the slightly-more-complex-but-still-short-version is that Thorgos consider sapience to be a naturally self-destructive phenomenon, and that any species which evolves sapience is sure to bring ruin to not only itself, but its whole world.
Of course, rather than simply devolving themselves to senseless protoplasm and living out the rest of their existence in atavistic peace, they harness their intelligence to build starships to cruise out into the universe, because they simply have to inflict their vision of "peace" on every species they encounter, whether or not said species desires or even moderately agrees with the Thorgos' assessment. They're explicitly noted to have the technology and knowhow to perform downright miracles, their ability to perfectly manipulate the genetic structure of any lifeform they encounter after just a few short minutes of study--something which takes scientists in our world decades in carefully controlled laboratories--granting them the potential to eradicate any disease, repair any genetic deformity or defect, heal any wound, and effectively solve any problem that could be solved with a specialized lifeform... but in a similar vein to a certain other mad geneticist, Thorgos don't want to do any of that boring "make better societies" stuff, they want to remove sapience from every species in existence. Every other species first, naturally.
To this end, Thorgos have Atavistic Manipulation, a dangerous ability that's attached to their two slam attacks which themselves are stapled to the ends of pseudopods with a 20ft threat radius (10ft space/10ft reach). Not only do they deal 1d6+6 damage each, but more alarmingly they cause the targets to bleed Intelligence, something we've only seen once before on creatures with similar goals to the Thorgo. Unless the victim receives a DC 15 Heal check or some form of magical healing, they lose 1 point of Intelligence every round until they're rendered completely comatose as the protoplasm of the Thorgo invades their body and overrides their mind. Furthermore, if a Thorgo spends an hour tinkering with a creature's biology after the victim falls unconscious, the atavistic alien can cause the Intelligence damage to become permanent, setting the victim's max Int to 1 and requiring Heal, Limited Wish, Wish, or Miracle to undo.
And if you think what they can do in the field with their own two pseudopods is scary, it gets so much worse when they start hauling people back to their ships for more intense experimentation, up to and including making the atavistic regressions hereditary. If a species evolved sapience once, it stands to reason it may do so again; they have to be thorough if they want to make sure a world 'blessed' by their presence stays blessed.
But! We're not talking about their labs or other tools right now, we're talking about a basic scout/scientist. Every Thorgo comes equipped with that skeletal doohickey you see in their center, a generator that feeds the slime the electricity it needs to survive (which is why they're immune to Electricity, among other things) AND projects a powerful Force Field, the slime shielded from every angle by a shell of 40 hitpoints that recharges by 10 each round so long as it's got at least 1 hitpoint left in it. Unlike the Robots whose Force Fields require an entire day to recharge if they go offline, the Thorgo's advanced fields can be repaired in a single full-round action and a successful Disable Device check (which they have a +8 to) against a DC of 15... and they need to, because their bodies swiftly and dramatically break down in the presence of most atmospheres, including Golarion's own.
A Thorgo without its field loses 1d4 Con every single round until it gets the doohickey up and running again, putting a harsh time limit on how long it can stick around to fight... but because it's limited to a 20ft movespeed and no methods of swift egress, a Thorgo without its field will likely have to swiftly dispatch its foes to give itself the time it needs to get its field active! Good thing that its Poisonous Sublimation is a double-edged sword! The gas a Thorgo breaks down into when it's exposed to hostile atmospheres is violently poisonous, filling a 20ft cloud with lethal vapors that instantly kill any creature with 6 or less Hit Dice if they fail a DC 17 Fortitude save, which must be made every round one stays exposed to it. Creatures with more than 6 Hit Dice don't fare much better, losing 1d6 Con each time they fail their save! A DM wishing to use a Thorgo as a boss fight against a 5th~6th level party may want to reconsider the encounter, or at least weaken the poison, because managing to break through the thing's first layer of defense only to suddenly lose half the party to the resulting gas cloud will likely not go over well on the table.
While their shield stays up, Thorgos are still dangerous. They can subtract 5 HP from their shield at any time to launch a Force Ray, a touch attack dealing 10d6 Force damage to its target, making this a literal case of 'damned if you do, damned if you don't.' Hopefully the party has some method of petrifying the thing, because little else will work; attacking its HP directly will inevitably break the shield and unleash the Baby Cloudkill, but there's almost nothing else that can be done thanks to its pile of immunities. Thorgos are immune to Electricity and Cold and have 10 Acid Resistance, and despite being a sapient Ooze they retain the Ooze's normal immunity to all mind-affecting effects. They also can't be poisoned, put to sleep, paralyzed, polymorphed, or stunned, and you can't really effectively burst them down to avoid multiple rounds of the poison cloud unless you're a Vital Strike Enjoyer with some exotic two-handed weapon hitting them and them backing away, because they're also immune to critical hits and ALL forms of precision damage besides.
At least Fire and/or ranged attacks still work! Shattering their shield means they can no longer use their fierce ranged attack, letting a ranged party plink the slow-moving slime down with little issue. Just mind the reach, and try not to send the 6 Int Barbarian in for longer than absolutely necessary.
You can read more about them here.
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truebluewhocanoe · 10 months
Mutual 1: Hey does anyone know a lawyer who specializes in marital disputes and also adult kidnapping
Mutual 2: Check out this song I learned on my recorder 😇
Mutual 3: PPE is for chumps. I run my own lab and constantly have dangerous chemicals ready to go just to scare off my supervisor
Mutual 4: My dog doesn't like my yoyo tricks 😔
Mutual 5: Google, how do I unadopt a child? Send. Send. Why isnt it showing me the results
Mutual 6: Cat pin of the day is one of Khoshekh from Welcome to Night Vale. Image is a cognitohazard for lower life forms BTW
Mutual 7: Just blew up a dictator. Lol
Mutual 8: Help I forgot my login, how do I change my password?!?
Mutual 9: Fish n chips w/ the bff 🌹! Fantastic 🐟🍟😃
Mutual 10: Does anyone else get Really Scared when someone knocks on their door. Even if you know who it is and theyre just knocking so youll let them in
Mutual 11: Stop showing me those slime videos they're making me hungry 😕
Mutual 12: Just got this picture signed by all four Beatles, don't ask me how I did it 😎
Mutual 13: Me n the fam!!! Please ignore the guy in purple in the back he's a wanted criminal dont worry we stopped him right after taking this photo
Mutual 14: Throwback Thursday is stupid. Why limit yourself to just one day? Throwback every day of the week. Do it. You don't have a choice.
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slime-gods · 2 years
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Currently on the stream! he's having chat create new words alongside YouTube!
HE SPECIFICALLY STATES TO NOT USE SLURS OF ANY KIND (in his words, they want this to be fun and goofy, nothing offensive!)
if you are able!! join currently and learn new words! (currently they're making bunger a stupid insult pfff)
EDIT: Here's the new words he and chat created! use them as you will
Mailbox: A person who says nothing of note ie. Spam
Bunger: a mindless repetition eg. "No need to bunger it" (Bungering)
Rowling: someone you genuinely don't want to mention because you're so disappointed to even say their name (unspeakable dissapointment)
Cupcake: a sweetheart
Squinky: a huggable loveable individual who really means the world to you; someone you cherish your time with (platonic)
Morgana: (%^&"(*^"%"^*$(*"&
Spire: a leech that drains your money/energy (you're such a spire in my side)
Have fun!
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
Can you rank your favorite looks for Emily from Saint x?
K this is kinda hard because, some-fucking-how in the melee of cuts and angle changes and time jumps, there were whole ass outfits that we just,,, barely got to see. Or didn't even see apparently (😒 still not over that green top but whatever I guess)
So anyway, from least favorite to favorite:
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What was this? No seriously, what was this look? Who signed off on this?
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(Gifs by ohlexa and heda-in-the-clouds)
It was a fantastic top but the borderline JNCO jeans just took me out 😂
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(Gif by sassymajesty)
Not really an outfit, but it deserves its time to shine. It earned its place in the rankings
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(Gif by heda-in-the-clouds)
Whatever the hell this look was shot me right back to preteen baby gay days where tiny Andi could really really never understand why pretty young teacher's assistants or volunteers made her tummy feel all floppy. Still does. 7.5/10 would go through another gay awakening just to have her help me with my math homework
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(Gif by ohlexa)
I would do illegal and morally bankrupt things for that bellybutton freckle
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Idek man. Idk why. She's just really hot there and she looks like maybe some kinda undercover cop or reporter but really she's just an unstable stalker and that's so hot 🎶to me🎶
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I'm grouping these together because it's more the vibe than anything. Say what you will, but I am a sLut for girls in just plain t's and jeans idegaf. Hot women that are just rockin the comfy mood? Feelin casual babe? Enjoying a breezy day? Amazing. Sit on my face queen 🙏
Hang on! Gonna reblog in a minute with the rest cuz this stupid website has an image limit 😒
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Thought I could just quickly finish episode 30 this morning before work without pausing every five seconds to screenshot and check the manga, cus I thought for sure it would all be sexual tension/misunderstandings/angst (you know, the boring stuff 😂) but turns out A) they cut a LOT of stuff out for time and B) My Dude has a scene I thought was added to the anime but actually I just forgot it was in the manga, so here’s another anime-manga comparison no one asked for
I had to take out some images cus of the post limit, so opening context is that Godai’s at a pachinko parlor, stoops down to pick a pachinko ball off the floor, and sees that the other person reaching for it is Yotsuya.
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Anime staff REALLY wanted this episode to be fully 1/2 “the gang mopes around thinking that Kyoko got engaged without telling them” and for it to end on Kyoko finding a scantily clad woman in Godai’s new apartment, so they cut out a ton of scenes. The main thing is that it reduces the amount of screentime for the freeloader couple, so they just seem more annoying and less threatening (for example, the manga version of the pachinko scene has Godai at the parlor with the husband, who’s A: gambling away money he could be using to move out, and B: trying to bully Godai for more money). But a side effect is that the anime also significantly shortens this scene where Godai runs into Yotsuya and they go talk at a cafe. In the manga they sit and stare for a second before the typical “Oh, it’s you, what are you doing here?” kind of small talk, but…
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…in the anime, it’s so condensed that the first line is Yotsuya going “Buy me a drink,” and he starts saying it basically the moment they lock eyes 😂 These guys haven’t seen each other in 10 days (a month in the manga) and no “Hello” or “Oh it’s you,” just straight to hitting him up for food. In the manga it’s possible they both went for the pachinko ball and didn’t recognize each other til a moment later, but the anime makes it seem like either Yotsuya being surprised and just blurting this out OR that he already knew it was Godai and bent to get the ball as an excuse to talk to him.
The anime also heavily condenses the following scene to allow it to end on a dramatic note before cutting away to Kyoko finding the mystery woman in Godai’s apartment
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Again the scene is very condensed, so Yotsuya just quickly teases Godai (it’s unlikely he would have forgotten WHY Godai moved out) and calmly reveals it was a misunderstanding, that Kyoko (~ “Ms. Manager” subbed phonetically here as “Kanrinin-san”) isn’t getting married. Without anything else shown onscreen, it’s easy to read it as Yotsuya genuinely reassuring Godai, possibly having invited him to the cafe specifically to have this conversation.
The manga plays it VERY differently
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Yotsuya goes out of his way to make Godai feel stupid and unloved, telling him everyone’s fine without him, no one misses him, and explaining the misunderstanding by way of “you’re an idiot for taking it so seriously.”
In the vein of my last rant about the anime’s voice acting choices adding a LOT of nuance and clarity to Yotsuya’s ambiguous character (being fairly expressionless and often speaking in vague phrases or teasing/lies, it’s hard to know how to interpret his manga lines), this scene is difficult to interpret in the manga. He often says cruel things to Godai, is he being cruel here for fun? Then again, a following chapter has Kyoko angrily lying to Godai that all the apartments are full and he can’t move back, because she’s so hurt and jealous believing that he moved away from Ikkoku to live with another woman. Yotsuya’s opening line of “I didn’t expect to ever see you again,” and the existence of an earlier chapter where he gets upset about Godai trying to repair the hole between their walls—publicly humiliates him in retaliation—then bothers him for attention when Godai gives him the silent treatment (not even counting his worried tone of voice when he asks if Godai has somewhere to stay in the anime version of the scene where Godai moves out), could mean that he’s behaving the same way as Kyoko, being cruel to Godai because he’s so hurt that Godai left without even keeping in touch, or from worrying about him in the meantime.
I suspect Rumiko Takahashi wouldn’t have talked much about Yotsuya’s character in interviews, partly since he’s a side character and partly to maintain his air of mystery, but I’d LOVE to know what she was thinking about his motivations when she wrote for him, or if she had any secret backstory in mind to explain his actions. It’s entirely probable that she just wrote his character around whatever she thought would be funny in a given scene, though.
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starrclownshazbinblog · 8 months
I think you can fit more images using the browser version instead of the app (the app only allows 10 but the browser version I think up to 30). I really don't know why they did that with the app? Why would they limit it? Anyway.
That's stupid. But thanks for that, I'm not good at using Tumblr at all lol.
- ⭐️StarClown⭐️
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recycledraccoon · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers 💜💜
ʕ⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴥ⁠ꈍ⁠ʔฅ💛💛💛💛
1. I actually really like loose leaf tea. I'm very picky about tea but once I switched to quality loose leaf it was a huge door being opened for me. I actually have a whole table with a stone tea tray on it to brew in the Chinese Gong-fu style, tho I don't sit down for a full session very often since I have limited time in my evenings due to my work hours and I'm just tired on weekends. I drink some green tea I have at work, but I don't have a good container over there to brew it so I have an abomination set up involving two Styrofoam cups and the bottom half of a tiny tea strainer. I really need to just get a proper infuser-nesting mug lol.
2. So, when I last renamed this tumblr, I was going for the alliteration and joke because I had in real life made the "my trash is your trash as long as you properly recycle" more than once. I also found the image I use as my profile picture and thought it was funny. My ao3 does not share this name but it is another animal and another raccoon and trash icon. (I've thought about changing it to my current handles/nicknames but at this point I haven't changed literally anything about my Tumblr in so long I'm being stubborn about it.)
This is all to say, neither of these animals are my favorite.
I really really like North American Badgers specifically. I bought a cheap comforter specifically because I found a cheap comforter cover that was a North American Badger. I have two North American Badger statues that I bought specifically for use as tea pets. (I use the big one on my stone table but have used the small for my traveling tea set recently.)
I do hate that initially what got me started on badgers was being repeatedly sorted into Hufflepuff way back when, but I've LONG disavowed that for obvious reasons Besides, that's a European badger.
Anyway, North American Badgers make me exceedingly happy whenever I see stuff of them, especially since they're not exactly the popular types of badgers.
3. Unfortunately, similarly to badgers, I first started my journey to liking yellow due to the previously mentioned fictional house. I didn't start REALLY loving it tho until the recent few years, and I actually own a few articles of clothing in this color now.
4. A more minor one is that I am at some of my most happiest and most content when my dog gets on the bed to cuddle with me when I go to sleep, and I can fall sleep face-in-fur. She doesn't do this very often, far more likely to sleep on the floor as she's an independent breed. If I move too much or try to move her even a little she will leave without hesitation. I have made astounding space compromises at times to achieve this falling asleep scenario.
5. Stupid jokes. I make puns at work and Verbally OUT LOUD AS WELL AS PHYSICALLY imitate the ba-bum-toosh following the jokes. Literally every time for years whenever people ask me "what's up" (usually only in relation to the type of what's up that's about one's day) I go like "ceiling, wires, insulation, ventilation-" etc. I don't go on long, a few seconds/3-4 items usually, but do always follow up with a genuine answer and return the question. These types of stupid jokes bring me endless joy and yes I do think I'm very funny.
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