#the LENGTHS they go to for that love! they love harder than any 2 people ever have! and its not even bc they wanna bone! WHAT!!!!
hellhoundlair · 1 year
hiiiii happy wincest wednesday!! what episode do you think has the most canonical wincest?
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"canonical wincest" will always be hard to point to, because of course in canon their relationship is platonic (the sheer intensity of their love nonwithstanding.) HOWEVER... the way sex and violence plays with the boundary of familial love and desire is fucking ..... idk Its fucking!
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marzipanandminutiae · 11 months
I was just looking into the notion that widowers only had to mourn for 1 year after their wives' deaths, during the Victorian era, while widows had to mourn for two. because I've heard that a lot, but it seems to jive more with the Pop History version of the era where mourning existed because Imposing Rules On People Is Fun and All Marriages Were For Money than with the real version, inhabited by real people who idealized love matches and theoretically practiced formal mourning to show that they were going through something and needed gentle treatment
what I've gathered from a brief search for period sources seems to be:
one source from 1839 mentioned the "widows = 2 years; widowers = 1 year" thing
every other source I read (about 7, from various points in the era) implied or stated that the minimum normal period of mourning for widows and widowers was the same
That's a small sample size, but I still think it's significant
men's clothing could often be harder to visibly alter to reflect mourning, relying heavily on things like black cufflinks and collar studs that could be trickier to notice at first glance than. you know. a bonnet with a black veil over someone's face
a lot of sources talking about mourning clothes were fashion magazines aimed at women, and thus would be more likely to talk about women's mourning attire than men's
so my takeaway is that while some people at some parts of this 60-year period felt it acceptable for widowers to mourn for half the period of widows, many others at other times expected any bereaved spouse regardless of gender. obviously, in a highly misogynistic society, women's adherence to ettiquette could be much more scrutinized than men's; a widower who married six months after his wife's death would be looked askance at, but probably not subject to as much censure as a widow who did the same. and obviously, things don't go according to plan and the formal mourning system could of course backfire- forcing a woman into months of social seclusion for an abusive husband, for example
the overall goal was to convey "handle with care" to the outside world. for many people, widowers were expected to need as much care as widows- and therefore to mourn for the same length of time
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Call of Duty but make it 🐺werewolves🐺
{Author's Note} Inspired by @deadbranch's werewolf AU so definitely go check it out. I’ve leaned more into the supernatural aspect than her series has and thought it'd be fun to post it for October hehe. If y'all want some good werewolf/soldier content, check out the "Shape-Shifters" episode from Netflix's Love, Death, and Robots. It fits this AU perfectly and gives a good visual for how things would work. >Call of Duty Werewolves AU -> Part 2 *I’d love hearing any ideas y’all have and would be happy to answer with more headcanons if you guys want. Werewolves and werewolf AUs are my JAM*
~ ~ ~
First, some lore for this AU...
>Werewolves are usually forced into organizations like the military to keep them under control. They are feared by most of humanity and treated more as assets rather than citizens with laws put into place to make sure they don't hurt the people around them. Medication is often taken to suppress their lycanthropy and violent force is used if they ever get out of hand. There are plenty of groups who specialize in the hunting and killing of werewolves.
>Natural werewolves are born with their abilities and have an easier time with their transformations as a result. 
>Bitten werewolves gain their abilities after being bitten by another werewolf. They tend to be more vicious when transformed and often have a harder time managing themselves. 
>Transformations are not dictated by the cycles of the Moon but instead by a werewolf’s will and emotions. However, many werewolves revere the Moon and often hold celebrations as it passes through its phases each month.
>Werewolves only gain about a foot in height when they transform, due to the shape of their feet changing and their spine lengthening to allow for quadrupedal movement (ex. 6'4" -> 7'4"). Their muscle mass/weight remain about the same as it is the face and head that undergo the most dramatic changes.
>Hair length and style remain relatively the same when transformed. Bitten werewolves tend to have less hair than natural werewolves. 
>Eyes are reflective in both forms; natural werewolves keep their human eye colors when transformed, while bitten werewolves tend to have more unusual eye colors (brown to amber, blue to silver, etc.). 
>Moon madness/blindness is when a werewolf is overwhelmed by the light of a full moon and transforms without meaning to, regressing to a state of mind that is driven more by instinct rather than higher reason (werewolf equivalent to human psychosis). This is more common among bitten werewolves and can lead to violent outbursts if not properly addressed.
>Among werewolves, moonstones are said to restore a werewolf’s humanity when they’ve lost control. Because of their relative rarity, however, this belief exists only in the realm of legend rather than truth. 
🌙 🐺 🌙
💲Price is well-known for his experience and the ease with which he can transform. He commands those around him with confidence, acting as a supporting presence and capable leader. He should never be underestimated, however, as his temper frightens even the toughest werewolves.
💀Ghost was nearly killed by the werewolf who turned him and so views his lycanthropy as more of a curse. He bears numerous scars from the attack and tends to be quite vicious when transformed. He is the largest of the 141 with oversized fangs, tufted ears, and blazing amber eyes. 
🧼Soap comes from a family of Scottish werewolves who eagerly embrace their lycanthropy. He has great control over his transformations and suffers little pain as a result. His trademark Mohawk and bright blue eyes remain when shifted, making him easily identifiable.
🧢Gaz still struggles with his transformations after being bitten but he doesn't find them particularly overwhelming. Price and Soap have both been a huge help in that regard, offering their advice and companionship when needed. He's become far more confident in his abilities and enjoys the company of his fellow lycanthropic soldiers.
🦿Alex was attacked by a moon-blinded werewolf and unfortunately lost his lower left leg as a result. He's managed to find enjoyment in his new life, however, thanks in part to his association with the 141, and uses his enhanced abilities to his advantage. Laswell had a unique prosthetic made for him that adapts to his transforming body.
🪦Graves is a born-and-bred werewolf. He’s proud of his abilities and encourages use of them among his Shadows. He makes for a loyal and headstrong soldier who is known for his disarming charm and willingness to get his hands dirty. Shadow Company functions more as a tight-knit family rather than a horde of military operatives, due primarily to Graves’ leadership and his embracing of their lycanthropy.
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sunflowersatori · 1 year
kiss it better - pt. 2
sukuna x nurse!reader
contents: modern au, f!reader, sukuna is just a guy™️, it's your weekend off but ofc he's gonna bother you, some swearing, innuendos
word count: 2.5K
a/n: people seemed to like the first one so here's part two (which was supposed to be about the same length but I definitely let get away from me), i know i made him ooc at the end there but i really just wanted him to be so whipped its not even funny ((also i apologize for the un-aestheticness of my posts i will try harder in the future 💀))
You were laying on the couch relaxing when your phone began to ring, the number for your building's intercom system on the screen. It was odd, you weren’t expecting any company until later today, but you shrugged it off and picked up anyway. Maybe it was a package you had forgotten about.
You should have known better. 
“Hey sweetheart.”
You immediately frowned as Sukuna’s voice came through the speaker, “What do you want?”
“Well I found myself in need of a little TLC and I was nearby, so…think you can patch me up?”
“Why me??” You rubbed your temples to quell the headache you knew was coming, “Can’t you go bother some other nurse?”
“Aww but you’re my favourite.”
There weren’t many options. You knew that if you hung up now he’d just call his twin brother to be let in and still come bother you. Yuji lived a few floors below you with his boyfriend Megumi, coincidentally another nurse. You’d run into Sukuna coming to visit when you were arriving home from a day shift, which unfortunately meant he’d found out where you lived.
You let out a deep sigh, “Fine.”
His reply was cut off by you buzzing him in, effectively dropping the call.
Soon enough there was a knock on the door, and you went over to open it, letting Sukuna smugly saunter into your apartment.
“You do know it’s my weekend off right?”
“Why do you think I’m here and not at the clinic?” he asked, eyes flashing knowingly.
You knew that he knew. Your coworker had texted you last night telling you that the “big sexy broody man with the tattoos” had come in asking for you, and she’d told him you had the weekend off from work. This also meant that he had gotten in a fight last night, and this morning.
“Is it like a sexual thing? Are you a masochist or something?” You wondered aloud as you went over to grab your first aid kit.
You could nearly hear the smirk in Sukuna’s voice when he replied, “I’m not, but if you’re asking after my sexual preferences I’d be happy to give you a few demonstrations.”
“Stop that. I’m just trying to figure out why you’re willingly going out and getting beaten up like every night,” You said, and brought your supplies over to the kitchen counter.
“That’s hurtful,” he came over to lean against the counter next to you, “you think I’m not winning all these fights?”
“Need I remind you that just a month ago I was relocating your shoulder?”
“Just took a hit at the wrong angle sweetheart, besides, like I told you back then, the other guy looked worse than me.”
You shook your head, “Just show me where you’re hurt so I can kick you out and go back to relaxing.”
Sukuna held out his hands for you, which you could see had blood on them - not a rare occurrence - and a few knuckles looked to be split.
“I told you I needed some TLC, so where’s that tender loving?” he crooned with a grin.
You took his hands and examined them, “Right now you’re lucky that I’m even giving you care.”
The injuries were surface level, so you didn’t have to worry about setting any breaks or sprains, and just got straight to cleaning him up.
“So, what does such a pretty nurse do on her weekend off?”
“I have some friends coming over later. We’re all going to get ready and go out to a bar,” you replied as you carefully wiped the dried blood off his hands.
“You don’t sound very excited. Need me to come along and make things more fun for you?”
You could practically hear the leer in his voice, but you chose to ignore it.
“No,” you frowned,” I’m excited…I am. I’m just tired, and going out isn’t really my thing…but we haven’t gone out together in a while because I’m always on night shift, and they really wanted to go…”
Sukuna was staring at you when you looked up at him. You couldn’t pin the expression on his face, but the scrutiny made you blush a bit so you quickly looked back down to his hands. Normally it would have taken a lot less time for you to bandage his injured knuckles, but you needed to make sure that when you were done you didn’t still have a blush on your face.
If he noticed that you were a bit slow today, he either didn’t care or didn’t comment. Knowing Sukuna, it very well could have been both. The man was probably enjoying the extra attention.
“You’re all done,” you said, stepping back once everything was clean and wrapped.
He stood, taking a look at the work and giving you a lazy grin.
“What a good job, see this is why you’re my favourite.”
He suddenly stepped closer, trapping you against the opposite counter. As had become the norm since he’d dislocated his shoulder, he gently took your chin and tilted it up so you were looking at him and leaned in close.
“Thanks sweetheart.”
It still made your heart race every time he did it, but you tried your hardest to compose yourself and slipped out of his reach.
“Alright, alright, now go,” you started pushing him toward the door, “I have a hot date with a couch in about two minutes.”
“Any chance I could get in on that?”
You closed the door in his face, but you could still hear him laughing as he walked away from your apartment.
As you threw yourself on the couch you noticed how warm you felt, and you couldn’t help but think about how nice that broad chest of his would be to lay against.
You groaned and shoved your face into a pillow.
Hours later, you’d luckily shaken off your flustered thoughts, but sadly for you, your mind had other things to worry about.
You clenched a glass of water in your hand as you looked out at the crowd, knowing your friends were somewhere on the dance floor. The outing had been fine at first, but now you were too hot and it was too loud, and there were too many people around.
You needed some space.
There was a small porch in front of the bar, so you decided to step out onto it, hoping the cool night air would do you some good.
Just as you had taken a calming breath, a body slammed into yours and you lost your balance, causing you to tumble to the sidewalk hard. 
You were vaguely aware of two men fighting right next to you, but your brain was still more concerned about the initial sting of hitting concrete.
“Hey knock it off!” You heard a familiar voice shout, bringing things back into focus.
“Can’t you see there’s other people around that might get caught in your shit?! Look what you did to this girl.”
When you looked up, it was to see Sukuna standing between you and the two guys fighting, who had paused to size him up.
“Why the fuck do you think we care?”
Sukuna's only reply was a solid punch to the man’s jaw. The guy went flying to the ground, and the other one figured it was probably best for his health if he left, so he made himself scarce.
“Hey,” you heard Sukuna’s voice, much softer this time.
You looked back over to find him crouching next to you, a hint of concern in his eyes.
“You okay?”
You nodded, and winced when you tried to shakily stand. Your knee was skinned, and some bits of rock and gravel had dug into your palm and forearm, but other than that you were alright. Nevertheless, Sukuna took your good arm and pulled you up.
“Want me to take you home?”
You nodded and he led you to his car. You managed to remember that you should probably let your friends know where you went, so you sent a text telling them you weren’t feeling well and that you were heading back to your apartment. 
Sukuna was quiet on the drive, hands clenching and unclenching on the steering wheel and occasionally glancing over at you. Something was bothering him, that much you could tell, but what it was, you weren’t sure. It didn’t take long to get back to your building, and then Sukuna was walking you up to your unit, keeping a hand close to your back to support you if you needed it.
You turned to him once you reached your door, “Thanks for getting me home, and helping me back there.”
“It was nothing sweetheart, I’m glad nothing else happened.”
“Yeah, anyway I should..probably..” you motioned to your door and moved to push it open.
“You’re not gonna let me come in?”
You froze, “What, why?”
“Because you’re hurt,” he said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
You gave him a dry look, “I am a nurse you know, I think I can take care of myself.” 
“But you shouldn’t have to.” 
His words caught you off guard. The sincerity, and the way he shoved his hands in his pockets and looked the slightest bit embarrassed.
“You’re always taking care of people…let someone take care of you this time.”
You couldn’t help but stand there in silence for a moment, weighing his words, but something tugged at your heart, and you pushed the door wider so he could come in too.
“Okay. You can come in…I’m just gonna shower first, and wash up. I’ll be out soon,” you said, and headed off to your bathroom. 
You let the hot water sink into your skin as you thought about what Sukuna had said, wondering what it was he was thinking. Once you were out and changed into more comfortable clothes you returned to the kitchen. Sukuna was rummaging around the cabinets and mumbling soft curses, somehow having managed to change into sweats and a t-shirt. 
“First aid kit is top left…where did you get those clothes?”
“I ran down to Yuji’s while you were in the shower,” he said over his shoulder, “Being a twin has its perks.”
He found the first aid kit and pulled it down, turning to give you a smirk.
“Come sit sweetheart,” he patted the counter in front of him.
You padded over and pushed yourself up to sit on the counter and face him. He seemed to be digging through the contents of your first aid kit.
“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”
He shook his head and tsked at you, “I bring you home and offer to take care of you and this is how you thank me? I’ve been watching you do this for a while now, I think I have some idea of what to do.”  
After pulling out what he needed, he took the arm with the scrapes on it and wiped it, being careful not to press too hard. He wrapped it in gauze, which wasn’t totally necessary as the scrapes weren’t too serious, but you simply let him continue without a word otherwise.
He cleaned the gash on your knee as well, this time picking out a bandaid and gently smoothing it over the spot.
“Almost done,” He said, getting down on his knees in front of you. He was tenderly holding your leg. Ankle in one hand and calf in the other.
“What are you doing?”
“Proving a point” he said softly, and leaned in to press his lips against the bandaid on your knee.
“Maybe you should kiss it better.”
“Why would I do that?”
“A kiss always makes it feel better.”
He looked up at you, “Better?”
You nodded and he rose, standing between your legs and leaning into your space with his hands on either side of you.
“Does it hurt anywhere else?”
His voice was low and gentle, and he was looking at you like you were the most precious thing in the world.
You took a deep breath and pointed to your face. 
Then you were being kissed, soft and sweet, and Sukuna’s hands were cupping your face as if you might break into a thousand pieces if he laid one finger wrong.
Your hands gripped his shirt, tugging him closer and he obliged. His hands slid from your face and down your back until he had them under your thighs and he was tugging you closer. 
“Hold onto me,” he whispered against your lips, and after you wrapped your arms around his neck he picked you up easily and walked over to your couch. 
You leaned into another kiss, letting him sit down on the couch with you in his lap as you gently threaded your hands in his hair. He kept you close, kissing you tenderly until you were both out of breath and had to pull away.
Neither of you went far, not wanting to let the moment die by putting distance between you.
“So…” he murmured after a moment, “you gonna kick me out sweetheart?” His hands were on your waist, thumbs lightly stroking your ribs.
You shook your head as you traced your fingers over his cheekbones, then followed his tattoos down the line of his jaw and to where they were just barely peeking out from the neckline of his shirt. Your eyes blinked slowly, and you began to realize how tired you were.
“Hey,” Sukuna took your chin in his hand and tilted your face to look at him, “you falling asleep on me?”
“No,” you pouted, but of course your body decided that that was the perfect time to yawn.
Sukuna snorted, “Sure. C’mon, it’s bedtime.”
He easily lifted you again, and after prompting you for directions he managed to get you to your bedroom and tuck you in.
“Alright sweetheart, I’ll be on the couch if you need me,” he said, brushing your hair away from your forehead so he could place a kiss there.
Before he could move away your hand reached out and grasped his shirt.
“Stay here.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to-”
“Noo…don’t go…” You whined and tugged his shirt more, interrupting him.
He sighed and took your hand, pressing a kiss to your palm, “Okay sweetheart, okay. Just let me shower real quick and then I’ll come back, promise.”
You nodded, and he tucked you back in before going off to shower. Even though you were teetering on the edge of sleep, you desperately wanted to stay awake long enough for him to come back.
A few minutes later, he was walking back into the bedroom, turning off the light as he did. He came around to the opposite side of the bed, and you felt it dipping behind you as he got in. A strong, tattooed arm wrapped around your waist and pulled you back against his chest.
Sukuna sighed as you settled in, “You have no idea the things I’d do for you, do you sweetheart?”
He was stroking your cheek, but you were already asleep in his arms, so he simply pressed a kiss to your head, and settled in to sleep himself.
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roseykat · 11 months
Holy shit, those minsung headcanons were🥵🥵🥵have no words. It was amazing.
Have you thought any of what they would be like in a poly relationship? I'm so weak for them
poly!minsung is on my brain 24/7 babes
1: Minho can sometimes be the most dominant one, followed by Jisung who switches a lot, but there are times where you dominate either one of them, or both at the same time.
2: Jisung is known to be bratty, but Minho…just as equally imo. That’s why you sometimes feel the need to stuff a ball gag in his mouth, maybe make him gag on your fingers - something that’ll stop him from mouthing off.
3: Minho secretly loves it when you and Jisung give him head at the same time. He enjoys watching you both try and silently challenge each other to suck his cock, but in the process of that, he’ll feel double the pleasure.
4: You and Jisung sometimes team up to dominate Minho. You’d handcuff him to the bed and as soon as you both get him hard, you’d take turns riding his cock. You’d go first until you’re cumming and creaming down his length, then Jisung would go next until he’s practically brainless from having such a strong orgasm. But poor Minho is just an overstimulated mess under you both.
5: Threesomes always go fucking nuts between you guys. There’s no one certified position that you guys remain in throughout the entire duration of having sex. It’s at least four to five, maybe seven if you’ve all got the stamina. Which leads me into my next points of favourite positions.
6: Minho’s favourite position is where he’s fucking Jisung from behind who in turn is eating you out. He likes hearing Jisung whimpering into your pussy as he’s about to cum and then hearing you on the brink of tears bc he knows Jisung always gives good brain.
7: Jisung’s favourite position is where Minho is fucking him from behind while his cock is buried inside of you to the fucking hilt. Like everytime Minho jolts his hips forward, it’s powerful enough to move Jisung’s hips which in turn can practically make him fuck you if that makes sense? But Jisung personally loves the silky dragging feeling of his cock going in and out of your pussy.
8: One of your favourite positions; taking both of them at the same time through means of double penetration. There’s no better way to feel both of them than to have their cocks stuffing both of your holes until you’re leaking down their lengths at the same time.
9: To use and to be used. Using both of these men for your own pleasure is their pleasure too. You can make Minho eat you out until you cum on his tongue and then right after have Jisung fuck you wordless. Or it could be the opposite where both of them just use your body however they see fit, and at the same time in most cases.
10: Also, another one of Minho’s favourite positions is where he power bottoms, letting Jisung fuck him as you’re riding his face (Minho’s).
11: Aside from sex - as in the hardcore fucking, the love making is something else. It’s twice the amount of passion than a relationship with only two people. There’s triple the amount of care, love, and worshiping of one another. There’s literally nothing like it. It’s a little bit more softer and slower in comparison to when you guys really fuck, and for some reason, the orgasms seem to hit you all harder.
12: Voyeurism goes off in this relationship. At the beginning of the relationship, you guys agreed that it was okay to sleep with a partner, if the other wasn’t there. For example, you and Minho could be fucking without Jisung present. On that note, whenever that happens, it opens up a glorious chance for the other partner to silently watch. For example, if you’re just coming home from somewhere and Minho just so happens to be dicking down Jisung, you could just stop and watch them go at it without them ever knowing.
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sociopathicartist · 2 months
Heya! I was wondering if u could do a headcanon of how Sans would act to being at disneyland with his S/O for the first time??
hey! thank you for requesting these, this was light-hearted and fun:) i’ve never been to disneyland before so forgive me if some of my stuff wasn’t correct, i’m going off of what i see online.
UT Sans Disneyland headcanons.
Being at Disneyland didn’t appeal much to Sans at first. Why? Standing in 2-hour lines for a ride and seeing characters from movies he didn’t get to watch growing up just wasn’t a very appealing idea to him, at the least, he could only see himself going if Papyrus wanted him to.
So when you suggested the idea on a random whim one night in bed, it took a bit of convincing to get him to go with you. It was a good portion of money that the both of you’d be spending, and he just wasn’t sure if the price would be worth it for the experience.
But eventually, your pleas got to him, and he finally gave in.
➭ road trip
Sans surprisingly did enjoy the drive down to disneyland.
He drove the whole way there for you. Since you took care of him in many other aspects of your domestic life, so when it came to things like cooking or driving, he always jumped the gun and made sure it wasn’t a task of yours.
He kept playing eye-spy the entire way down with you, stopping at the gas station for snacks (a lot more often than he should have), and jamming out to some tunes with you on the radio. He didn’t want you to be bored on the drive there, and his hand somehow kept sneaking its way over to your thigh and mindlessly rubbing up and down without any further motives while you two talked.
➭ hanging out at the hotel
You didn’t ask him, but you were pretty sure that Sans’ favorite part of the whole trip was getting to stay in one of the resort hotels. He always loved staying in the hotels when you went anywhere, which evened out since you also loved doing the same with him, but he was enthralled with the rooms. Why was there disneyland on the headboard of the bed? Why was the carpet fireworks? Why was this bed so damn comfortable? He probably could have sunk into the mattress and stayed there the whole time if you hadn’t pried him away from his all-famous napping sessions.
He also really liked just collapsing on the bed after being outside all day, and if you got within an arm-length radius of him you’d be pulled down onto the bed, trapped with him, and most likely not to be seen again until morning.
‘uh-oh, seems you’re stuck here with me now.’
‘Sansss, don’t do this again, I have to get showered off and changed.’
‘tough, my bones are locking up around you, can’t let you go, babe.’
➭ going around the park
Surprisingly despite his doubts, Sans actually had a lot of fun on the disney rides. He obviously wasn’t a big fan of the lines you both had to wait in and despite the looks you got from other people around you, he kept clinging to you like velcro the entire wait while you both talked to pass the time. You couldn’t blame him, even though he didn’t have skin and the heat didn’t really bother him, he didn’t like standing still for so long without doing anything.
He wasn’t too big of a fan of getting photos with some of the characters, (you could have sworn that he was a bit shy about it), but he did put on some silly mickey mouse ears and snag some fun pictures with you for whatever princesses or mascots you wanted to see. It was just a little bit harder for him to relate to wanting to see the characters that much since he didn’t watch these movies growing up in the underground, but he did love seeing you happy about it.
➭ snacks and food
This may be a huuuge shock, but Sans really liked the snacks and meals. Despite his ick for the expensive price tags, he was almost always dragging you to get snacks with him every time he saw something he could eat. These snacks were just so weird and a bit cool to him, food wasn't mickey mouse shaped or disney movie themed back at home.
‘baby, babe, try this.’
‘Sans, isn’t that your fourth one? Do you want to go get something else to munch on instead?’
‘ehehe, i know something else i’d like to munch on.’
He also really liked the themed dinners, it was pretty cool being able to see characters come out and walk around the tables while you both ate. Needless to say, this man was pretty satisfied with your meal options during your trip.
➭ souvenirs
Sans did find quite a few things he wanted to bring back for Papyrus and your other friends, mostly just cute little trinkets or figures. He did take fondly to some of the more sci-fi stuff they had there, and he couldn’t help but grab some stuff he liked that he swore he’d be able to find a place for back at home in your shared bedroom.
He wasn’t a big fan of the themed shirts, but with some convincing, you both got a matching pyjama set that you said you’d make him wear with you since he held up a doll of stitch and said that it looked identical to you.
‘babe, you can’t deny that the resemblance is uncanny.’
‘Sans, I love you, but it’s time to put the stitch doll down.’
‘i guess you’re right, humans aren’t blue anyway.’
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hockeyboysimagines · 5 months
would you write #1 from the smut list with Jarvy? I need more of him on this app thanks☺️☺️
So happy I got a Seth request. He’s definitely underrated and if you like reading about him, might I interest you in the fic I have for him? I’ll link it here!
Seth Jarvis was a tease. There was no other way to describe him at this point and he was killing you slowly and he knew it.
His accidental touches and dirty text messages over the last few hours, had finally boiled over the second he closed the car door.
This is how you and him had ended up tangled in the back of the Tiguan, windows fogged up, thankfully because you were parked in a public parking lot.
He was more touchy than normal tonight and what would have been a quick make out any other time, was turning into something else. He had your skirt pushed up around your hips and was attempting to yank down your underwear, and hold you upright at the same time. The backseat was spacious enough to make it possible but not comfortable.
“What-what are you doing?” You asked breathlessly as he slid them down your legs and undid the button on his jeans. Your chest felt tight and your breath was coming out in gasps as you reached forward and gave the hair that hung down the back of his neck a small tug.
He grinned “I’m about to give you the ride of your life.”
You felt your cheeks redden and looked around. The parking lot was not empty, not even close and there were people walking around everywhere. The others were still inside and it would be mortifying is Svech came out looking for you guys and saw something he shouldn’t, but the idea of getting caught was kind of hot. Seth sometimes forgot he was an nhl player and just did things that normal people would get in trouble for, but taking a risk like this was a big one.
“Really? right here? you know people are going to see us...”
The cheekiest smile you’d ever seen spread across his face and he moved his jeans out of the way, patting his knee.
“Jump on babe.”
The sensation of him inside never ever got old, no matter what the situation was. It was chilly and cramped in the car, and you were almost positive you had thrown your back out and had a brush burn on your right knee, but he had one hand fisted in your hair and the other hand anchored on your hip as you moved up and down his length. His lips moved across your chest tongue wet and hot against your skin and you gave a little shiver
You knew people were shooting looks at the car, and they definitely knew what was going on in there, and you were thankful for the window tint and the condensation on the glass so they couldn’t see that it was Seth Jarvis in the car and not someone random.
“Seth I think people know we’re-“ you braced a hand on the window, fingers slipping against the wet glass.
“Let them look.” He said breathlessly “Let them see how beautiful my girl is.”
You didn’t have a chance to respond because he started thrusting harder and your vision went fuzzy as you got smacked with an earth shattering orgasm. Breathing heavily you leaned forward, forehead pressed against his.
“Okay that was pretty hot.” You whispered in his ear, lips grazing his skin. His heart was beating loudly in his chest and he looked down between you, reaching for your underwear and handing them to you.
He smiled “Told you. Now let’s get out of here before someone calls the cops for indecent exposure.”
“Really? No round two in the car?”
He raised his eyebrows “Oh you wanna go again?”
“Just figured since we’re already here, and you’re into exhibitionism now apparently. No one will see us at home.”
He smiled slyly, and started the car “We can open the blinds”
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fourteentrout · 13 days
Eris Oneshot: "A Blood That Burns"
Eris Week Day 2: Childhood/Legacy
A short one shot about Eris and his mom for @erisweekofficial.
Read here on AO3 or check out the preview below!
Description: Eris cuts his hair and talks to his mom. Both are harder to reckon with than he'd expected.
Word Count: 3,246
Preview Below the Cut
Eris looked into the mirror like it would tell him a secret. He peered at himself, observing as if he were another person. His eyes passed over his features, his sharp cheekbones, his sharper eyebrows. What did people see when they looked at him? Just another one of the Vanserra brothers, they-all-look-the-same? A cruel, egotistical prick, his hunger for power etched into his very features? A pathetic whelp?
His father?
Eris registered the rage on his face before he even truly felt it, the flames in his eyes guttering out as an unsettling kind of fear slipped in. He looked tired, which almost made him look more like Beron. Older, more weathered. Though certainly not as powerful. Dark circles under his eyes, his long hair tangled and oily, his skin pallid. 
Pathetic, indeed. 
With a disappointed scoff, he grabbed the scissors off of the vanity before him. Not even combing it beforehand, he sectioned off a large portion of his hair and cut through it until it was severed completely. It hung limply from his enclosed fist without luster. It all felt quite unceremonious. 
Ashamed of thinking that it would feel more momentous, Eris continued to hack away uneven chunks with rage-fueled vigor, that lingering fear settling like lead in the pit of his stomach. He barely tried to make sure the length of each sheaf matched up, eventually snipping all the way around until his hair hung in an uneven curtain, ending above his shoulders. He would have to cut much more for it to be presentable. 
With an unseemly groan, he let the shears clatter to the vanity, covering his face with his hands. 
The thing was. 
The thing was, Eris couldn't remember the last time his brothers looked at him and didn't just see another version of their father. 
He didn't know the last time his mother touched him like he was her baby, her pride and joy. He didn't know if that's what he ever was. She could never say he has his father's eyes and feel happy about it, so why would he ever have been something precious to her in the first place?
Especially not when her little light came into the world. The Vanserra brother who wasn’t a Vanserra. The one child who was born to be loved by her. 
The grimace on Eris’ face deepened as he took up the scissors again, cutting with more precision, more intention. Cutting and cutting and cutting, until he had to switch to a less broad pair of shears. 
His arms ached with the strain of being held in odd positions for so long. By the time he was done, his discarded red hair made him feel like he was lost in a sea of fire, or perhaps blood. He was disgusted by it. He had never cut it so short. With a wave of his hand, he sent every severed strand away to the large waste bin in the laundry room. 
Eris looked in the mirror, at his father’s eyes. Wrath still burned hot underneath his skin, and he stopped pretending it hadn’t always been there, and wouldn’t always be there. He stopped pretending that fire wasn’t something that raged, and wasn’t something that lived in his very blood. 
If people were only ever going to see a second Beron, a legacy—not a separate male, not a person—then there was no point in pretending he was anything else. He reached into one of the vanity drawers, drawing out his simple, dark crown, meant for ceremonies and balls. It wasn't fashioned like his father's crown, decked with gold-plated laurels and oak leaves. Beron wasn't willing to grant that honor to any of his sons, nevermind the one closest to succeeding him. But Eris’ crown, as simple as it was, was regal and harsh, much like him, much like Beron. It would certainly complete the ensemble. He settled it onto his head, the metal digging uncomfortably into his skull, and looked at himself anew. 
Same dark circles. Same waxen skin. His father's haircut, his father's eyes, his father’s rage, his father's crown, if he pretended hard enough. 
As he stared and stared, hoping to see a glimmer of himself, or anyone else but Beron, he heard an urgent patter of footsteps in the hallway. Just as he started to turn, his mother flung open his bedroom door, her eyes wide. In the hand not bracing the door open, she clutched a lock of his discarded hair.
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So I just finished binding Trust Life by the absolutely amazing @chaiandsage (Hello, I am ready to be perceived now, I hope that I have done your story even the slightest bit of justice) and I just wanted to make a post both showing it off, and going through what I learned doing this bind because I did a few new things here and want to talk about it.
Also I'm not going to subject you all to this, so most everything but the final product here is going to be below the cut.
(Also so sorry that the photos aren't the best. I am... Very bad at photography, lmao)
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Ok, so let's start off with some of the cool things I learned during this bind. Or, maybe not necessarily cool, but they are things I learned and I think that learning is cool!
First off, I learned how to download and add fonts to Microsoft Word, which while not interesting, does open up a whole world of fonts for future binds. Is it a little late in the game to have found this? Probably. But it is what it is. I actually downloaded a pretty good chunk of different ones, but the fonts I actually used were MF Love Dings for the heart motif dividers, which was a new download, and then a few standard fonts - Edwardian Script ITC for the title pages, Baskerville Old Face for the chapter headers, Book Antiqua for the chapter titles, and good old Garamond for the actual text of the novel.
Here is the divider and the title fonts. I just think they are neat.
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Another thing I learned was how to make book cloth! I found these squares of white cotton fabric at a dollar tree and decided to give it a go. The way I did mine was by painting them first (a task in and of itself, and as you can see on the cover, did not turn out super even, but I love them nonetheless) and then I glued down a layer of tissue paper to give it a little stiffness and make it stick to the chipboard easier, it was a super cool process and I look forward to trying it again in the future now that I have done it once and have a better idea of how I can improve in the future
And now onto some of the other cooler parts of the process!
So I had a lot of fun doing the formatting, it's my favourite part of any binding process, I cannot tell you how many fics I have formated that I have yet to print out and actually bind because I enjoy the process so much (the answer is actually 5 that are completely formatted and ready to go, 3 that I am actively in the middle of formatting, 4 projects completed - including this one, which... may technically count as 3, granted 2 of them were gifts for other people - and 3 that I am planning on doing that I haven't gotten to start on yet. Oh, and a 5 part series that I have printed out but haven't actually bound yet. I have a problem, lmao.) As I mentioned, I downloaded a few fonts for this but it just ended up looking so good in the end. Here is what some of the inner formatting looks like (I did just take the screenshots from word, I thought it was easier than getting the pages in the book)
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Something else! This was the first time I actually broke a single fic into multiple parts, and I do not regret it. Each section is fairly large on its own, so it would have been a monster all together. I gave them basically the same title pages and such, just used the main stories summary for all of them and copy pasted everything - work smarter, not harder - and kept the same format for the chapters and such. There were 2 obvious spots (at least imo) for breaking things up, those being at the end of chapter 24, and then again at the end of 57, if you know, you know. However, that made the divide be 24 chapter, 33 chapter, 9 chapters. I was a little worried about how that divide to affect the look of the books, but I was pleasantly surprised how well it worked out. Book 2 there is quite obviously the largest part (it's basically double the length of book 1) but book 3 was surprisingly long for being only 9 chapters and I think they look fairly cohesive together. I didn't realize how long the last nine chapters themselves were. The first and third ones are actually about the same size together as book two, which is pretty cool!
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When it came time to put together the actual books, I stuck with my tried and true french link stitch, as I find it to be a sturdy stitch, and then used green, yellow, and red card stock for the end pages, I felt it thematic.
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I'm super excited to have this as a physical book now, thank again to chaiandsage for allowing me to bind this amazing story and just for writing it in the first place! I read it like twice in the span of a month, and I swear I have read chapter 57 and 58 themselves way too many times to count. Not even going to mention the amount of times I read the last 6 chapters because I just love a good happy ending.
But yeah, I'm really happy how this bind turned out, I still have to put an actual cover in these - which I plan on doing, I have a friend who is going to help me with the cover design when they are free, so there will be an update at some point.
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oleander-neruim · 2 months
Welcoming in a few of our more prominent members of the Isles.
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• Joel Beans, the still so-called temporary head of the Isles for the past 20 years. He's grown cold and distant to most outside of his love for his son. A well hidden paranoia has set in, those around him and trying to dethrone him effective in having him have his guard on high at all times.
• Hermes Mythos-Beans, the loosely-titled prince of the Isles, he's become something of a symbol for the creation of the new-era of the Isles. He's seen more with his artwork or instruments rather than with any sort of political or fighting scenes. He tries hard to uphold padre's name and even harder to keep his father safe as much as he can.
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• Eddie Mythos, a loved and respected man of the Isles. He was once a cherished father figure to many of the Kestrals & still so for some pirates outside of the Faction. Since his passing, he still remains a quite positive memory among any pirates who knew him in life.
• Scott Denholm, the last survivor of the grand-standing family name. He's more away from home than not nowadays, tending to be one to keep others at arms length. Since his abrupt return and prolonged stay on the Isles, he's made a face for himself of being a major supporter of the left-behind Mythos family.
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• Owen Orange, a charismatic and eerily persuasive character on the Isles. She's not shy to voice her thoughts, clear on how he views Joel as some undeserving intruder on their Isles. Many find it hard to say no to him and she's become rather savvy at rallying people to her side, however he may have that play out.
• Martyn Woods, a snappy and stubborn member. Many have noticed an odd shift in his personality since the first Fall of the Isles. Most attribute it a reaction to such an event or to the rumored rejection & built rivalry of sorts between him & a certain ex-Heron captain.
Important faces seen during the journey through the sirens.
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• Siren Joel: an imposter's face plastered on a monster. An uncanny resemblance to the partner of our story's Captain.
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• The true face of the lead siren, it's disguise falling off after finding the danger they're in.
• Another captured siren, baring a striking resemblance to their captor's long-passed partner.
Pt. 1 || Pt. 2 || Pt. 3 || Pt.4 [Here] || Pt. 5
As it now stands, I am done with the character sketch line up. Up next is the pennings which are going great and then I can start exploding with my nonsense <3.
I did rush the out-of-disguise designs of the sirens but I will clean them up in the pennings.
As always, questions and comments are always appreciated and my askbox is wide open for them.
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dracaesusurro · 2 years
“You’ve got to be kiddin’ me”
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Pairing: kit walker x reader
Warnings: angst, swearing, violence
Summary: kit and reader had a huge fight and reader makes him jealous and it works….
“Oh kit I have had it up to here with you and you constant goddamn paranoia” Y/n yells hands flying all over, voice enraged.
“Oh how can you be so stupid that guy was hittin’ on you harder than a hammer and your too blind to see it” Kit yelled equally as loud, retaliating with her statements.
This had been going on for an hour, yelling, screaming, insults and points practically spat at each-other in order to prove a point that neither were getting across. If it wasn’t it for some guy who happened to be gawking at Kit’s girlfriend all night and having the nerve to come over and flirt with her knowing damn well who she was here with, this fight wouldn’t even be happening. This was according to kit of course. And if it wasn’t for kits total lack of self control and anger management, if he hadn’t indented that guys face in at the pub, then they wouldn’t be fighting like two lions in one den.
“Your jealous ALL the damn time. I get it kit I’m yours, we’re together, why, gosh why on earth can’t you get that into your thick skull!” Kit wasn’t about to let that slide.
“Jealous?! Excuse me for not lovin’ the idea of that guys arms and filthy slobber all over ya’ just cause your too nice to say NO!” The whole fight was pointless they knew this, but neither wanted to back down.
They’ve been in a loving relationship for 4 years. To say they loved each other to death was an understatement. They rarely fought or had any disagreements but this was different. Not in a good way at all.
“Look listen y/n i don’t Like to share and I don’t like people thinkin’ they can come and Harass whatever they see. Yeah I was jealous but he was the asshole here not me” kit lowered his voice slightly in order to slow the fight. It only made y/n more furious.
“Oh baby i don’t need no knight in shining armor to come save me, if I was uncomfortable I would’ve said something, and I certainly don’t need you starting fucking fights wherever we go. Is that clear or do I need to yell some more in order for you to take a hint” The sarcasm and bitterness sting like venom coming from her. Kit had no idea had to response, if she was uncomfortable? She was ok with a douche hittin’ on her?
He wanted to yell some more, finish the argument, but he was confused and honestly tired but he wanted to hit her back just as equally, so he did “maybe if you like being hit on everywhere you go, you should go back right to that bar and finish what he started. I don’t care, act like some fucking tramp all ya want” He said the words slowly, and bitterly.
Y/n gasped slightly, too silent for him to hear but her face spoke louder than words in that moment. Kit was a respectable man, no matter how big the fights were shit never got to far, not this far. But he stepped out of line and Y/n was hurt. “Alright darlin’ whatever you wish for” She said loudly arms flew in-front of her gesturing anger. He gave her confused face, not sure what either meant or what they were going to do. Normally a situation like this would be resolved- well hours ago but the length of this fight secretly worried both of them.
What did this mean.
Was this their end.
Before kit could open his mouth to say anything, anything at all, the door slammed and the truck turned on and just like that she was gone. And he didn’t know where.
“God fucking dammit” he went back into their room and didn’t come out.
It had been hours and still no sign of her.
This had him worried shitless at this point, he wasn’t one to back down from anything easily, he was no quitter, but he didn’t care right now not if it brought her back.
He had no truck, no car to go find her a taxi wasn’t a valuable option at 2 in the morning. So he walked to the bar they were at previously hoping to find her downing a beer, forgetting about the fight and giving him one of her famous, gorgeous smiles.
The night was cold and the music from the bar echoed in the silence of the night. She must be here, where else would she go this time of night?
He opened the door to the bar and walked through, warm air and loud noises vibrating through him. He walked over to the bar bench. Not there. Walked around the bathrooms, poked his head into the woman’s. Not there. “You have got to be fuckin’ kiddin’ me!” Well the search is over, there she was, sitting on that assholes lap from earlier, he was whispering something to her but kit didn’t care to know. Something in his chest hurt, like when you tripped as a kid, fell on you chest and couldn’t find your breath for a couple minutes until the oxygen forced its way through your lungs only for you to come to you senses and feel the pain that the fall inflicted. This was like that, first his breath hitched, then came the pain. No anger. Oddly enough just plain pain.
Kit slowly walked over to their booth, maybe he was imagining it. The sound of her sweet laughter got louder and so did the pounding of his heart against his rib cage. “Mhm” he cleared his throat loudly trying to gain their attention.
“Kit, nice of you to join us. Took your advice honey” she smiled sarcastically, that hurt even more. “Ok enough let’s go…” he waited locking eyes with her. She didn’t shift. “NOW” this startled her and she got up to look him eye to eye wanting to threaten him but the asshole beat her to it. He got up with a grunt “Not cool dude back off. She can do what she-” kit swung one right on his oddly large jaw and he went flying back. Booze will do that to ya.
“Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Or do you wanna go for a round three big boy” kit towered over his slumped body, only to be dragged back by her frail hand and pulled outside. “Ok. Ok enough of this shit, what do you want huh?” Her nose was red she was cold. Kits eyes softened, the hurt still fresh on the surface. He lifted a finger and pointed right in her face, “ your cruel you know that, plain fuckin cruel” he felt tears coming up but he did not want to cry here. “And how’s that walker, how am I the cruel one?” She challenged still riled up, not noting his sad face. Walker? She never called him that! “God whatever your a- a AGH” his frustration is only to cover his pain, she saw through that. Her guilt surfaced and she reached over to him “kit? Talk to me?” She didn’t know what to say, they’ve already said too much already. “Why would you do that?” “Gosh cause you told me to!” What? Oh. “You can’t honestly believe I’d want to see you with another guy!” “Well you seemed super keen on it” gosh things were getting heated again. The exhaustion was present and they didn’t need any more. “I’m sorry your right” y/n looked at her feet and started walking to the truck, kit grabbed her arm and pulled her- rather harshly- into his chest and hugged her tight. “I’m sorry too darlin’. Won’t happen again” she sunk into it. Happily.
They sat in bed under the cover, cuddled up, “I’m glad that’s over” she let out in the silence.
She heard a sigh escape his lips, the ‘I have something to say but I can’t get it out’ type. She recognized it, “what is it kit? You can talk to me you know that love” she got up on her elbows and face him. She noticed his red eyes and sad posture “I was kinda scared ya know. Really scared hah” he chuckled dryly. “What? Scared of what kit” she reached over and cupped his face “you know….” He waited to see if she got it, she didn’t “us breakin up” he whispered so lightly she almost didn’t catch it. “Kit honey, you really think I can live without you? I love you more than life and I ain’t kidding” he smiled something sweet, those dimples gosh, “well mrs walker I love you too very much so” he said what now? Mrs walker? “I’d be your misses any day mr walker” she kissed his lips. “Glad to hear it, now let me show you exactly how much I love ya”
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unloneliest · 1 year
im so fucking good at making sexy little leverage aus and then never writing them. this is my ma spencer au, which has been lifted directly from my twitter with minimal editing, & which i am haunted by always.
ok so the au. this is going to be very long. every time i listen to spent gladiator 2 by tmg i think abt the leverage team/eliot specifically.
lyrics for context:
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so i was thinking abt an au where eliot was never on the team, bc like. eliot fully got Out of the game, but interacts w them on an early case and ends up falling in with them anyways? BUT i also think a lot about how hard it'd be for any of them to retire bc there's people who hate them who know their faces, yknow? so how WOULD eliot be able to have retired &what has to change for eliot to be that comfortable getting out?
so i figure he maybe got out of the moreau situation earlier. maybe he broke up with the horse girl but they stayed on good terms, and maybe he never did the worst things he ever did for moreau because he had his Getting Out Of There chef connection moment sooner.
but that doesn't undo how recognizable eliot would be to various parties and i was like. well then. what if the chef who was that pivotal person for eliot was a trans woman and was as pivotal with eliot being gendery as she was with eliot retiring?
so like. early 2000s nonbinary/transfeminine he/she eliot spencer finding a few small towns to live in pretty at random but having a home in each one and cycling through them with no discernable pattern?? and being a loved part of the local queer community in all of them?
it's similar to my "eliot never left home and is luke gilmore girls but also co-created a queer bar in his town" au (aside: thank you @lycanqueer for pointing out that connection ages ago, i have been unwell about it ever since).
like . eliot!!!!! eliot probably first connecting with the team bc of the two horse job and slowly begrudgingly helping, joining in on the tap out job, etc.
eliot being like a parent figure to various queer kids in the different towns and they call him "ma spencer" and she wears his practical boots with flannels still but maybe they're with a more feminine tank top and maybe you're as likely to see ma spencer in a no nonsense knee length skirt as a sturdy pair of jeans. and maybe sometimes he braids her hair . and she's mr. spencer too and well respected by the folks of whatever town he's staying in, too stubborn and helpful and intimidating not to be!
eliot being openly down for a casual relationship both with parker and hardison from when she first gets to know them onward—and him keeping his past quiet still, but it getting harder to keep the parts of her life seperate as he finds herself getting closer with the team & with more serious feelings for parker and hardison.
maybe the team's hitter is Tara? i feel like she's capable of that? but she has to be the grifter when sophie goes on her break and eliot joins in "Just Once" but it ends up being more than that.
eliot would have a lot of complicated feelings abt joining in—like, both being happy with the peace she found & not wanting to risk that but still feeling like he needs to pay penance and that this is a way to do that.
and then season 3 hits completely different. i think this eliot would talk about his past once she found out they were targeting moreau, but i think team dynamics would overall be super different in general. the team would be way less of a unit with nate than when you see things from his perspective—espeicially without eliot always there to insulate the team from the worst of him.
anyways im gonna be thinking about this for the next 800 years. will i ever write this fic? probably no. but ma spencer is so real to me
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spaceorphan18 · 3 months
Ahh, I didn't know you liked Bridgerton! (I was away from tumblr for a moment and just now catching up on your blog) I'm obsessed with Penelope and Colin. How did you like season 3? I always love reading your thoughts! I saw so many people complain but I mostly really enjoyed it. I wish it didn't have so many random plotlines, and I didn't like the insta-baby but overall they're my favourite couple in the show haha.
Hi Nonny! Welcome back to the Tumblr! <3
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I hope you don't mind me indulging a little with your ask, lol. If you've followed me for any length of time, you do know I can't shut up - but I realized I haven't really said my actual thoughts on the season, etc, I just started meta'ing and haven't looked back. So, pull up a chair, Nonny, as I chatter non-stop for a bit about Bridgerton and my thoughts on season 3, lol.
I'll put it under a cut to save the rest of your souls....
Part 1: How did we get here?
Am I big fan of historical romance? No, not really. Did I expect this show to ever have a grip on me? Not even a little bit. How in the world did this happen? Idk - it appears that favorite tropes and character designs and dynamics seem to transcend genre. And I'm an old sap.
The tl:dr version is that I watched Seasons 1 and 2 after Season 2 came out. It was fine. Not a huge fan of Season 1, I did like Season 2 though. And then kind of forgot it existed. Eloise was by far my favorite character - because I liked her spunk. And the friendship between Eloise and Penelope was the best part of the show.
And then I was reminded that Season 3 dropped and did not expect the shock that I got. I went in completely blind - I hadn't seen a single promo. I did know, because I looked up the books when I originally watched, that it would be Pen and Colin's story. But I was kind of fascinated at how they were going to go about it. Penelope was not a stereotypical leading lady. And Colin was very boy-ish looking in the early seasons. How was this going to work?
Oh man, the glow ups. The glow ups got me. Pen is so, so gorgeous this entire season. When she's wearing her hair down, omg... Or that one look where she's like a housewife writing in her journal. God damn, girl. She can get it. And then Colin... ha. When he got out of the carriage, I was like - oh shit. It was the pirate coat. A good pirate coat will always do me in.
But more than that - really, the dynamics of the characters just really sold me. I love friends to lovers. I love the angst and the pull. I love the whole she fell first he fell harder. I love that I unintentionally just go for the same kind of characters and their dynamics over and over and over.
And then, you know, between the first part and second part, I rewatched the first two seasons, which was helpful. (Though, still not a huge fan of season 1.) Was addicted to the promo tour (my god I love a good promo tour). And @ckerouac - got me to watch Derry Girls which really cemented my love of Nicola Coughlin. And, you know, once you start going down a hole, you just have to keep on going until you get to the other side.
Idk how we really got here, Nonny, but here we are! Lol
Part 2: My thoughts on Season 3
So, briefly, I just fell in love with Part 1 right off the bat. LOVED IT. Part 2, honestly, I felt disappointed after seeing it the first time. (I remember episode 6, in particular, thinking - wow that was not a very good episode).
And then... I rewatched it and then rewatched it again after watching Seasons 1 and 2 and kind of started to take it a part a bit, and it's grown on me. A lot! I actually do really love the season as a whole and appreciate what we've got...
Breaking it down a little more:
Pen and Colin's story: I still do think the first half is stronger. The whole Colin helping Pen find a husband, Lord Debling (who is a doll), Colin figuring out his issues, that carriage scene... ooff, all really, really good. The second half - there just needed to be more. At first, it was hard to watch them go through a wedding while being mad at each other, but I feel like now that I've had time to digest it all, it is /so/ good. It's a really, really fascinating dynamic going on there. I could and probably will go on at length about it later... a couple of things, though
They just needed more. The plot was so delicious. I did love the conflict over lady whistledown and I wish we had seen that tension played out better and resolved better. The end of episode 8 was a bit to fast. I swear - Season 4 better have some solidly good Polin moments or idek... They've been such a big part of the show as a whole, I hope they get to continue their development, even if it they go back to their Seasons 1 and 2 focus.
The season works better if you remember what happened in seasons 1 and 2. I had zero memory of the plots from the first two seasons going in. I didn't realize Colin's personality had changed. I couldn't remember any of the Polin moments in the first two seasons. This third season makes a whole lot more sense being built from what came before it, and honestly, I kind of love that. It makes the story more layered and engaging.
As for the insta-baby, I mean, they set it up at the beginning of the season, but it wasn't something I needed to enjoy the couple. I do wonder if they'll go back and explore that 9 months, or if things will pick up after post-baby.
Also, on perhaps a shallower note? I thought the actors had great chemistry. And I have so much respect for Nicola Coughlin for allowing herself to be presented in such a way. She is GORGEOUS in every aspect and the backlash over her body is ABSURD. If you can’t get on board that a larger woman can be seen as desirable than you can fuck right off because she is amazing.
Poor Luke Newton has gotten some push back, too, which I think is a little unfair. He's not expressive the way Jonny Bailey is, but Colin really isn't Anthony, and is much more an inward character. And the awkwardness of his attempt at rake-ishness in the beginning is supposed to be awkward. Colin isn't smoldering like the Duke from Season 1, either. He's a sweet, romantic kid who adores his bff-turned-wife, and the whole season (I mean, can we talk about the all the mirrors?) is about cutting through the bullshit we do to try to mask who we really are.
The thing about Luke Newton that I really appreciate is that he really understands who his character is and keeps that front and center. Colin is trying to be something he's not, and the real Colin slips out unintendedly, and that kind of subtly is hard to play.
The absolute best moments were when they laughed together - they both really shine when Pen and Colin are allowed to be the sweet friends they've been all along.
Anyway tl:dr - loved their relationship, and my heart will just be broken if we don't get more good development as the seasons continue.
Penelope and Eloise: The fact that this relationship was angled as another romance per se was also delicious. As I said above - Pen and Eloise were probably my favorite dynamic pre-Polin and it was devastating to watch them work their relationship out. But again, it was all so delicious. I loved it and thought it was perfect.
The Featheringtons: I LOVED THEM! They were perfection. I love that they leaned into some really good comedy with the sisters. Not only were they able to show off Nicola's excellent comedic skills, the family as a whole was just a whole delight. I loved the sisters. I loved their husbands. I even liked Portia - and, honestly, I wasn't a huge fan of her in earlier seasons. I loved that they linked Pen and Portia, it really made them seem like mother and daughter.
Colin and his family: There were some fascinating dynamics!
Colin and Eloise: yes, the third part of the platonic love triangle I loved their dynamic during the season. Eloise never really knowing how to handle Colin. The fact that they're close and yet awkwardly so. The fact that they both care so much about Pen in different ways and how LW just hangs over both dynamics. Ooff, so good.
Colin and Anthony & Benedict (and let's throw George in here, too): Love it. Wish there had been more. The brothers are hilarious and wonderful together and just I ate it all up with a spoon. Also, as an aside, I love that George is slowly coming into focus. The kid is adorable.
Colin and Francesca (and let's throw Hyacinth in here, too): Hilariously, Colin and Francesca speak zero times to each other during the whole season. Isn't that weird? Really, their plot lines do not intersect except tangentially for family moments. It's so weird. I feel like I have no sense of this dynamic. As for Hyacinth - I adore her, and I feel like she has more personality than Francesca :P
Colin and Violet: I kind of loved this. She's a mother who understands her kids. And even though Violet wasn't around that much for the A-Plot, I like what role she did have to play in getting Colin to act.
Alright, so the rest of the subplots... It did feel like an abundance of them, but was there really more than previous seasons? Or was it the fact that Pen and Colin usually were subplots, and now that they're the main focus, everything else kind of shifts awkwardly around them?
Anthony and Kate: I love them to pieces, and wish there had been more of them. Their dynamic remains sexy and smart. Kate remains one of the best characters on the show, and is such an intelligent woman. I'm so glad she had wonderful, insightful conversations with her new family. I really would have loved to have had a Kate and Penelope scene. Also, the India thing was awkward - I lol'd because it clearly was written as an 'out' for the couple. But it's ultimately fine. But yes - bring back Kanthony in future seasons. I really don't care how much Jonathan Bailey is doing other things.
Cressida Cowper: I thought she was a fantastic villain, and the fact that she was so wrapped up with Eloise was kind of delicious. I don't think they needed to linger on her private life as much as they did. But I was fascinated that there seemed to be some queer coding in there, and wondered, for a bit if she was going to be a lesbian. I also think her ending was a little weak and she just kind of scampered off without any reprieve. I do wonder if she'll be back, tbh.
Francesca: Oof. It was intriguing on first watch but I find it incredibly dragging on subsequent watches and have a tendency to skip over it. I think this is the one plot line that really could have been cut down. I understand that it's set up but it was kind of meh for me. However, I am totally fine with her love interest being changed to a woman. Let's do this bisexuals! Speaking of which...
Benedict: My god, it felt like the show doesn't know what to do with him - and I am hoping Season 4 is his, because they NEED to do something with Benedict. So, to be clear, I LOVE that they made him bisexual. But the woman he was with was so boring, and I just did not care - because I knew it ultimately wasn't going to go anywhere. And, what was with the never ending orgy? Did we really need to cut back to it ten times? Please, show, give Benedict something interesting to do.
The Mondriches: Look, I feel bad saying it, but these people ultimately served no purpose to the show and could have been lifted right out. I'm sure the actors are lovely but if they're not going to directly service the story, then why are we wasting our time? Though, at least they really aren't the ones taking up the most time.
The Queen: They could have played up the rivalry between her and LW a lot more, and they just didn't. It felt... a little anticlimactic. Also, now what do they do with her as a character? Meh.
Violet and Lady Danbury's brother: I just don't care. I get it. I get that Violet should have something to do outside her children. But there are already a million plots, and not everyone needs to have their own individual story. By the time they threaded this in around episode 3 it did feel like too much.
Did I miss anything?
So... that's how I felt on everything. I have seen commentary about the pushback on Season 3. There are some things I agree about and a lot I don't.
About the actors: I disagree, Nicola and Luke are a delight, and they don't deserve the pushback they've been getting.
About the subplots: It is too many, and I do think they should have either made the season longer, or cut a few things.
About Polin not being as steamy: I think Daphne and Simon's soft core porn-a-thon set an expectation that doesn't necessarily work when you're going for other tropes. I did like the steamy scenes we got (though the last one should have been longer -- we better get some happy sex in season 4 or I will be annoyed) but Polin doesn't have the same dynamic as (what is their shipper name??) Daphne/Simon. We were never going to get the porn-a-thon.
Kanthany didn't either in Season 2, I don't know what to tell people. I appreciate that they're servicing the story they're telling and not just relying on sex. But, I will say, it is still the romance genre, based on books that do feature a lot of sex, so I can understand disappointment in some respects. There is a reason people watch these things, and when it's not met, it can be frustrating.
Idk, what else are people bitching about? (that's rhetorical) I think two years is too long a wait for a show like this. And the anthology aspect of it can make it hard when the focus shifts. People adored Anthony and Kate and to shift it to a very different type of love story can feel jarring, especially, I think if you've spent the past two years digesting what we've already had.
And then there are some people who are just never happy.
And I mean, I already feel a little 'meh' about Season 4. (It'll be Benedicts, there are so many hints...) I'll continue to watch, but I am incredibly sad that this was the year my favorites got to shine. My only hope is that Pen and Colin continue to occupy a space in the story... lord help us, though, in that it doesn't take another ten years to finish...
So.... them my thoughts! I'm sure I'll have more of them as I settle into this bright new world.
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Omg, how cute are they????
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local-pal · 3 months
Dooming about Arcane Season 2, send help.
I’m throwing this word vomit on here. I'm sorry in advance.
So, Viktor’s been my favorite League character (for lore purposes only, I don’t reeeeeally play him much) since I can remember. And I don’t know if it’s nostalgia or fear of change speaking here but I didn’t care much for his character in Arcane. 
I don’t think lore Viktor is perfect, far from it. Though his characterization has come a long way ever since he was just a silly evil communist Russian stereotype, he’s not that developed and you can kinda tell the current lore was being held back by having to fit in the already established role he had, and the canon at the time. Like him being kind of a one-dimensional asshole even before he turned into the Machine Herald—because Jayce was also an absolute asshole and assholes only really do well with one another.  His silly goal of turning all of Runeterra into machines, or whatever the writers feel the Glorious Evolution is at the time. Blitzcrank just being shoved in there. His discussion with Jayce being only glazed over. His characterization is also really inconsistent in the games. I can’t blame League of Legends because his model and voiceover are incredibly old (ASU with Arcane, maybe?), but Legends of Runeterra’s feel like the writers didn’t really read through all of his lore and kinda stuck with the old evil communist Russian robot thing a bit. Also, his role as the one enhancing the Underground’s people has kinda been replaced by both Renata Glasc and some other cards of Legends of Runeterra. He doesn’t have much left at the moment.
So a complete retcon might not be that bad? But I’m not at all hyped for the lore being replaced with the one in Arcane. The following is all speculative—Internet-friendly itemized list coming up.
1| The Marketing
Viktor wasn’t really marketed as a main character in Arcane like how Jinx, Vi, Cait, and Jayce were. Honestly, I was surprised he was even there at all when I first watched the series. He didn’t get a skin, didn’t get merch (as far as I know), didn’t get a (now discontinued) Path of Champions story, nor an icon in the game. 
As far as I can tell from the marketing for season two, this is the case again. I don’t wanna sound like I don’t like the characters, because I loved Arcane (I watched it eleven times in the first year!), but I’m not happy with the story focusing on Jinx and Vi again. I felt like their relationship was almost established, with some more screen time in season two to fully cement the way the writers wanted it to go. Like there isn’t much to do unless they want to kill or redeem Jinx, at least from what I can see. I really hope I’m wrong and they do something more interesting with her, though I could not imagine why. 
So, does the marketing imply that the story is not gonna focus on him? I would be extremely disappointed. I think his character is the best to focus on the political themes on Arcane, but I’m not a writer.
2| The Season Is The Same Length As The First One
I don’t feel like there’s enough time in a six-hour show to tackle this as a main plot point and Viktor’s transformation into the Machine Herald; and they said this was the finale. And I honestly fully expected it to be the story of season two. 
Do I sound entitled? I feel like I might come off entitled. Maybe I do feel entitled.
Viktor’s (and by extension, Jayce’s) was always one of the most interesting stories League had for in my opinion. Not much of the Piltover and Zaun lore tackles any themes quite like his, as superficial as they might be. At least it kinda tries to say something about transhumanism and how people from oppressed groups have to try much harder than those from privileged ones (by pointing out the difference in Viktor’s and Jayce's attitude towards work, and both of their origins and perception by outsiders.) This is kinda what Arcane is trying to convey for much of its runtime as well, so it seemed like a good fit.
I highly doubt that’s gonna happen now. At most, they show the beginning of his life as the Machine Herald, but I honestly don’t think we’re getting much of what comes after—things like the work he does in the Undercity, his cult, all of the rumors, a deep look into his philosophy, Jayce’s feelings about his transformation. It seems like there’s not enough time. And I’m not even getting into my issues with his characterization in Arcane. So I guess it’s time for…
3| The Hexcore: Oh my God. Please don’t do this to me, Arcane.
They are sooooooooooo gonna make the Hexcore corrupt him and turn him insane. The more I think about it, the more convinced I am. Please let me be wrong. Please let him become radicalized (by the war?) and let all of his further development come from him and not from an entity that’s making him insane. That would make his entire character so easy to dismiss by the story. “Oh, he’s just insane now.”, “Oh, the Hexcore is putting all of its ideas on his head, this is not really him.” (Remember how it’s implied that it’s alive and it learns?)
I think I was always interested in thinking how could this philosophy (the Glorious Evolution) sprout from a somewhat normal person, albeit one under a lot of emotional distress over his banishment from Piltover. How much is it his actual ideology and how much has it been distorted by rumors or so? Because he seemed fairly reasonable in his color story. It seemed interesting to explore—something like the actual man, Viktor; and the legend, the Machine Herald. He even has a cult, come on. 
For what it’s worth, I’ve been dooming about this ever since the third act came out. I thought killing Sky was gonna be a turning point of some sort. I don’t know, I kinda deluded myself while I was watching. I was like, okay, THIS is the beginning of the Machine Herald! But I’m hazy on how act three Viktor is gonna come to similar conclusions to those of the Machine Herald himself. Which is why I’m scared they are gonna take the easy way out and make the Hexcore speak to him. This has been very exacerbated by being told that Arcane is canon now. And I’m sure they’d said they wouldn’t do that. I don’t know what I expected from Riot and how they manage the story. 
I hope I’m so wrong that I’m gonna look back at this and laugh myself to tears at how pessimistic I was being. He did look a little bit evil while confronting the council.
4| Jayce.
Contrasting what I feel about Viktor’s character, I think Jayce’s characterization in Arcane is superb. He might be my favorite character? Though they kinda took lore Viktor’s story and stole it from him. (A bit of a tangent, but if we’re lucky we get some parallelism if Viktor is ever exiled from Piltover without Jayce defending him. Kind of a “he did it for you but you won’t do it for him” kinda way, even when both had a lot to sacrifice. That would be fucking cool.)
I guess I’m worried about his willingness to use weird-ass magic to enhance people, unlike lore Jayce. Where is the Divorce Arc going to come from? Using Hextech as weapons? Are they not gonna present an opposing view of transhumanism? Everyone except Heimer seemed pretty on board, to be honest. And that might change with him getting to see other sides of the Undercity, so I don’t even know.
It kinda feels like they swapped their stories and viewpoints. In Arcane, Viktor is the one to oppose progress by wanting to destroy the Hexcore because it took a life. Though it might be just the guilt of the moment. My Viktor would never oppose progress for something as insignificant as that, come on! (/hf)
They BETTER give me toxic yaoi, too.
5| The Rest of the Lore.
So, are they gonna re-write everything? Jayce and Viktor being the ones pioneering Hextech has so many branching consequences for the lore at large. What happens with Camille? How fast is Hextech gonna develop? Noxus getting involved in the war between Piltover and the Undercity? Where does Swain fit in all of that, or is he not contemporary to these characters? They mentioned building Piltover specifically to flee the unyielding reign of mages; are they gonna elaborate on that? Are the Rune Wars going to be relevant like Heimerdinger said? 
The good thing about Arcane being self-contained used to be that nobody had to think about what they were retroactively changing. This is going to be a clusterfuck.
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s-che · 2 months
The Dream Library: Apocalypse World 2
The Dream Library had our second Apocalypse World one-shot earlier this week, ending out the end of a month of talking about D. Vincent and Meguey Baker’s game of high octane apocalyptica. Next month, we'll be continuing our semester of PBTA one-shots and book-club discussions with two excellent historical games: Night Witches and Sagas of the Icelanders.
If you'd like to get in on the discussion and maybe even sign up for a one-shot, shoot me a message -- we'd love to have you.
As with the last play report, I want to open by making two things absolutely clear:
Apocalypse World is a sicknasty game that deserves to get played way more often than it does, especially by people who are working and playing in a design lineage which has been forever altered by Meg and Vincent’s work.
Apocalypse World is a game done absolutely dirty by short-term play, a fact which came out way harder in this session than it did the first time round. We had a ton of fun, of course — but the fact that our play was capped at the 3-hour mark meant we barely scratched the surface of what this game can do. 
This time, I ran the game following Vincent Baker’s advice on running Apocalypse World in a con slot, which helped a lot — and still didn’t scratch the itch I have to play this game and only this game for the next hundred or so years. Most notably, we ended up dividing play into two micro-sessions — meaning we got to turn our bio-break into a narrative breather as well and flex some of the game’s “long-term” rules. I’ve broken my thoughts up here by session, which felt appropriate.
Session 1: A Desert Landscape
I had no idea where the session was going to start when we settled down to play — beyond the fact that I was going to open in media res with someone (the answer ended up being my first volunteer, @tormentedbyvisions) in a very bad spot. Details came quickly when we looked for them — a collapsing office tower and glimpses of a desert landscape out the broken windows, dotted with more towers in the distance. Goldman (The Savvyhead, any pronouns), an elderly survivor who, as it turned out, loved nothing more than telling people lies about the world as it was, is cornered on the second floor as a gang headed by a warlord named Dremmer picked their way through the rubble below. Cut forward a few seconds and we have Goldman leaping from a hole in the wall to land on the dune below as Dremmer’s gang fire wildly at a phantom drawn from the psychic maelstrom.
Meanwhile James (The Driver, he/him) and October (The Skinner, they/them) raced along the desert highway looking for their friend. A bad role lead to an ambush, a flipped car, and a surprisingly civil conversation with a would-be raider named Jackabacka — who James enlisted to get the car unstuck and then left unconscious in a ditch. Meeting back up with Goldman — a little battered from his fall from the building, but mostly fine — the game headed back to their home: the outskirts of an oil-refining city which sprang into existence at the moment we needed it, and never before. We wrapped on our first microsession by developing character Hx and nailing down who all these people were to each other.
What did we learn? For one, Apocalypse World is a great game to make shit up in. I talked at length in my last session write-up about the instruction to “barf forth apocalyptica” and how good getting really in the juice of a genre feels, but there’s more than just that happening here. Apocalypse World has a deeper philosophy of storytelling and play (one related, I think, to what I called “fluid mapmaking” in a recent article) which really relishes in moments of hesitation and consideration. There’s an approach to play which some games and players take where “good improv” is ultimately about maximal flexibility — where the ultimate end is to hide the fact that you’re “making things up” at all, and make the game world seem as fully realized as possible. Improv is just a way to get there — since we cannot possibly have prepped for every occasion, improv fills in the gaps. The hyper-performative role of the GM is never permitted to ask for a second to think or talk through some ideas out loud (in the way a non-GM player might) — their role is a kind of computer-referee (a “stable,” as opposed to fluid, mapmaker) who presents only the truth.
Apocalypse World bucks this trend in several ways: in the way moves prompt big narrative swings, in the suggestion you spend session one just following the characters around and seeing what happens, in the MC philosophy (to “always say what your prep demands,” yes, but also to “barf forth apocalyptica,” to “ask provocative questions and build on the answers,” and to “sometimes, disclaim decision-making), and also (and perhaps most importantly) in the “umms” and “hmms” which permeate the play examples. Apocalypse World is a game which is invested in modeling collaborative — really collaborative — play and which, as a result, never felt like a burden or a trap. It felt like my players and I were all together mapping and remapping a world with the tools and toys the Bakers had given us (and what lovely tools and toys they are) but never restricted by the thing we were trying to make. It felt like we were playing. 
On another note about the first session — and this isn’t textual to Apocalypse Worlds, but to Vincent’s con-running method, but — the practice of giving players something to do (in this case, filling out the details of their character sheets) while the narrative spotlight is on others is one of those design ideas that, once you’re exposed to it, you’ll never forget. This is something I’ve seen others to — most recently (and extensively) @jdragsky's Seven Part Pact is a game that does this over and over and over again — but it really hit me in this session what a lifesaver it is. Especially in online games, where losing focus and energy is so easy, giving people something to do which keeps them invested in the game (in the way, in person, just being in a space together might) is the kind of thing I’m going to start putting in all my games. 
Session 2: Lord Terry’s Gasland Refinery
Back from a brief break, I introduced the players to the threat map I’d designed while they were away. It was populated, mostly, by people we’d already talked a little bit about — the refinery where they lived, Dremmer’s Gang in the north, the landscape of the desert highway all around them — plus a couple of strange details thrown in for good measure (at the last minute, I decided to add the Red Priory, the setting of the last oneshot I ran, on the map in the far east — a fact which I could talk about for hours. People need to play Apocalypse World with me west marches style PLEASE). 
Jumping back into the swing of play wasn’t as easy as I’d hoped — the result, I think, of breaking up the session like we did meant we needed to do the usual beginning of session dipping our toes in the water again, but this time with a much sharper awareness of the ticking clock. Still, we got somewhere — thanks in no small part to the fun of just bopping around with these characters. It’s rare that you get to say “okay, now it’s a week later. What has that week looked like?” especially in the context of a oneshot. The cost of starting a session to the players — okay, what has your life looked like? how much barter are you losing to afford that? — quickly transformed what had been a pretty generic setting into a place that had some teeth. Barfing forth apocalyptica — and some yes-anding with the players — gave us Lord Terry, a feudal tyrant whose authority rests (shakily) on the loyalty of his retained soldiers and the terror of the serfs (including our players). 
Truthfully, we didn’t get particularly far in this session: some tinkering in Goldman’s workshop, an argument with Terry, a scouting mission which ended in a tense standoff with Jackabacka, and then a race back home as October washed Jackabacka’s blood off their knife and James bled out in the backseat. I don’t think the “plottiness” of the session got anywhere — but that has also maybe never felt like less of the point. The joy of our second session was absolutely frontloaded — in the moments of thinking about the community to which we (tangentially) belonged and the powers that be, there. 
Apocalypse World tells you it is best played in a long campaign — and I think this was the moment it was most clearly right. I would love to tell you what happens next to James, or whether Lord Terry is going to be dethroned, or if Dremmer’s really the threat he seems to be. None of those are questions I thought I’d be asking, going into this session — they’re questions the game gave me over the course of play. We had some hiccups, of course (combat is brutal when you don’t have a medic, and I wish, in retrospect, that I’d pushed players to read people more often), but on the whole Apocalypse World is a marvelous engine for generating a really collaborative story.
Which makes me ask, like I did last time — what the fuck happened? People talk a lot about PBTA as a philosophy and not just a mechanic — but I think at some point in history that philosophy seems to have fallen out and gotten slimmed down to "PBTA is when 2d6+"
This isn't to say there aren't good PBTA games being written now — we'll be playing some of them in this unit — but, GOD. There is shit in this game that, hearing it from downstream, you would never know about. People should know about it! You, right now, should know about it! Go and play Apocalypse World right now! and also forever!!
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1ovede1uxe · 2 months
ahh ive been looking everywhere for open matchup requests so im so excited😭
also i couldnt find the original post so im so sorry if i missed any rules 😭❤️
OKAY soo first my appearance: i am 5'8, i have medium length brown hair, freckles, blue eyes, and im on the skinnier side. i usually like to just wear pajamas but i really like grunge style!
my personality: i might be a tiny bit shy at first but i get comfortable usually pretty quick and im really outgoing and bubbly! i LOVE to talk and i tend to be pretty loud😭 i also laugh like ALOT, and i laugh hard. i usually end up clapping really hard, falling over, or running into people💀 but all in all i just really enjoy being friends with everyone and being nice but i think i may come off as annoying lmao
random things i like: i love cats, i also love to cook and bake, i like to write, i also enjoy watching tv, i love coffee, i also love cows, and i love to thrift and shop, and eating omg i eat so much
things i like in a guy: taller than me (but it doesnt matter), protective, romantic, funny and will match my energy and laugh with me, and someone who likes to cuddle😭
my love language: lowkey all 5 but if i had to choose one id say physical touch! i dont really care for pda but when no one is around i am very touchy 😭
i also am an entj and a gemini!
i hope that was enough info😭❤️ thank you in advance!!!!
hi! i'm so excited to get to write this for you! i hope I picked a character that's to your liking.
My number one match for you is. . Guido Mista! He's quite the popular pick but quite honestly I feel like he would blend with your personality best.
Mista on his own is already an outgoing guy, so he's absolutely going to match your energy the second you get comfortable. He's friends with everyone the same way you are, but don't get me wrong, since he's hella supportive, the second you don't like someone, its we don't like him. You already know he's a goof, so he's gonna make you laugh and he thinks your laugh, especially the harder ones are absolutely adorable, even if you are running into people.
Mista also loves food no doubt, and will absolutely eat or sample anything you put in front of him (or he'll sneak in the kitchen while you're cooking just to taste, I mean can you blame him?). Just don't cut anything into fours.
I see Mista as someone who's smooth and romantic, so he can totally cater to all of those love languages, but he's not over the top like some other italians in this series. He'd respect your desire to not do any kind of PDA, but he still goes with you everywhere when he can, and once you're together alone it makes it all the more special when you're all affectionate.
Physically, he's a bit shorter but he is still taller than you (coming in around 5'10"). He doesn't care what you wear around him, he still thinks you're stunning fresh out of bed in the morning, and when you dress in grunge outfits he's going to hype you up (he thinks you look soooo cool, and he thinks you did even before he made a move on you).
little bonus stuff, he totally buys you random little gifts that remind him of you, even if its something you mention in passing. you will receive many cow plushies. he will make you coffee how you like it (or try his best to) on sunday mornings :3
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i sincerely hope you liked this! you seem like a super cool person :D
p.s. my extremely close runner up for you was my man joseph from battle tendency, as i felt the connection in personality with the goofiness and pretty much everything else, however, i feel like romantically, he'd definitely want pda, and also might be a little clueless romantically sometimes, at least in the part 2 era,, so mista takes the cake for this one
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