#the artstyle changed huh
dizzydeadeye · 2 years
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who wouldve thought (i did)
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fauchart · 1 year
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Tarasque learns of the Papas' demise
It's brutal news, especially with Primo having been his biggest anchor since his very first days in the Ministry.
Dewdrop's words will stick - as the head of security, he should have known, should have done something, should have stuck with them every single minute just in case, he thinks. Doesn't matter that the very top of the Church made sure no word got out until the deed was done. Made sure nobody who would try to stop things would be around.
Also, ever wondered why Dewdrop's horn fell off on-stage one time? Yeah, that's why :] It held on a while but had to break eventually after sustaining so much damage and suffering Dewdrop's headbanging and jumping around during shows.
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colloline · 27 days
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Something i made while trying out a new brush
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squirreltastrophe · 4 months
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decided it's about time to redo my character refs (and also make an actual character lineup sob) so I'm gonna post those and also ramble about my guys just a bit! cause I've been wanting to actually talk about my ocs here for a while :D
honestly feels kinda weird to not start with Ophelia but Jinny's who I wanted to draw today so :Pc
some more in depth info about my favorite ghost girl under the cut!!!!
Jinny's entire life (afterlife?) has been made up of self sacrifice after self sacrifice after self sacrifice. if you asked how she feels about this, she'd grin and say she's happy to help everyone!!! all the time!!!! no matter what!!!!!! don't worry about me why are you worried about me!!!!!!!!!
when Jinny arrived in the underworld, she was immediately slotted into the caretaker role that would define her for so long. she lives at a little ghost orphanage and takes care of her younger siblings there. she's a little bitter she was forced into this role, but if she doesn't take care of the kids then who will?
one of Jinny's biggest grand plans for taking care of everyone is to become a super duper awesome knight!!!! she's pretty convinced that being a knight will fix everyone's problems forever. too bad this dream doesn't seem very likely given how she's constantly underestimated and oversimplified. :(
but that doesn't bother Jinny — that just means it'll be even cooler when she proves everyone wrong!!!!
(oh also transparent Jinny. as a treat :3)
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mewharley · 2 months
it's here!!!! ( @frankenfossil look what I got~ :3)
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I've been reading this comic for years, YEARS, and it's wonderful
I can't recommend it enough
please check it out
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I love it so much...
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voidedjuice · 2 years
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Great year for gay oc art & also fishbians (fish lesbians)
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fail-fren · 1 year
Btw I've finally watched and finished trigun stampede and.... yea I didn't like it all that much
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hanaaria · 1 year
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july 6th 2022 vs july 17th 2023
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floofballsammy · 11 months
Artstyle evolving is a wild thing you guys. Like, wtf happened????
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(drawing aint finished btw)
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kinos-fortress-2 · 11 months
i hate how difficult is drawing medic. i hope he dies and explodes i can’t fucking draw that man. why his face is the most difficult part.
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shepscapades · 3 months
giggling kickimg my feet
I'm sorry I just love these two in your artstyle and in your au (dbhc docsuma save me, save me dbhc docsuma,,,)
Also I'm such a big fan of body language in your comics so--
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closed position! It's a sign of anger, discomfort and overall it can be seen as creating a barrier which well happens here, Xisuma was leaving when Doc stopped him, X doesn't want to talk to him but he still pretends like it's completely fine, the "Sure! What's up?" is bolder than his previous talking because it's clearly forced here, he really doesn't want to stay here any longer but on the other hand he also doesn't want to upset Doc (trying to please everyone huh)
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it shows in how his speech is constructed here, he wants the conversation to end as fast as possible, he's not hesitant he just flatly anwers everything as if he didn't care about the outcome or about Doc's concerns, just dismissing him, shoving him away , trying to hide his nervousness from Doc but well.. failing as we can see in the next pages
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Doc starts feeling uncomfortable and unsure, he's overwhelmed by the flat response because he knows Xisuma never talks like that, he knows him, he knows X would at least reconsider what he's saying
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Xisuma's response really worries Doc here (love the visual of a shadow behind the speech bubble indicating that it's in fact supposed to be a bit worrying as a response) Doc is certain now that something isn't right, he talks about his concerns and once again rubs his neck which shows he's really uncomfortable right now.
Xisuma's tail stills and his speech bubbles become loose and foggy, as if he just started wondering about something, as if he started slowly coming back to his senses because of Doc's reaction, he's busy and doesn't want to talk with Doc but still he doesn't want to upset his friend and it's exactly what he just did. X becomes unsure he's unsure of himself 'what am I doing?' (also just a quick thought, I love his shoes, like what even are they)
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it continues on the next page, his speech bubbles still loose and foggy, he's rubbing the back of his neck - he's unsure, he shouldn't act like that, he maybe even feels a bit bad about himself: how could he just dismiss Doc and his concerns like that? He's not himself and he knows it, his fins also drop which indicates his unsureness even more, he's afraid of himself (also his style of speech changes, he's not speaking flatly like before but actually hesitates a bit before saying anything)
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Xisuma's concerns disappear instantly as if something took over him the moment he started getting close to thinking something isn't right (Evil X heheheheh <3) it's visible in his eyes (they deifinetely weren't pink before, it's kinda cool it's the only time we see them in this comic tho) speech bubbles: the lines are bolder as if they were forcing his thoughts to stay in them, to not wander around, to not overthink anything, to not think about anything else in contrast to the loose foggy speech bubbles. Also colour of the text changed, from Xisuma's normal toned purplish pink to very saturated pink, which could be a sign of control (this control doesn't last very long because in the next page it changes back to a bit more toned purplish pink but still a bit bolder than the one from the loose bubbles from before
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the concerning thing is that X isn't as nervous as he was at the start, now he doesn't dismiss Doc with ending all of his statements with "." but with "!" (+the tail swishing) as if he was more cheerful now, as if he forgot about anything that just happened. Doc is ofc concerned about that (his eye glowing yellow, him standing in a closed position in the last panel, still unsure and unconvinced. Worried about his friend too, he knows something isn't right,,,
aye uh, I just wrote this in one sitting, sorry if this is nonsense but dbhc docsuma is doing things to my brain
I could ramble about this even more but I think it would lose sense after some time so tee hee
I could talk about manipulation and it's victims so much more but uhhh too much writing already, also love body language with all my heart so this is a treat for me
MAYYYY THIS BREAKDOWN IS INSANENNEEEEE I’m gonna clear up some of the emotions that are being traded here (like, I think X’s standoffishness might be more of a restless kind of thing than anger or annoyance) when I make the explanation/breakdown post, but MAN I just wanted to post this so I can thank u for your insanity and let you know it goes SUPER seen and I’m kicking my feet like a crazy person (there are a LOT of really really good theory posts and asks that I can’t/don’t want to answer yet so this is also me saying I read/see everything please know this) but i hated to let this sit in my ask box HEHE
It’s SOOO gratifying to see someone pick through all of the details :D and i can’t wait to explain everything in more detail!!! >:D
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eluriart · 1 year
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Flirting Contest
Start - Previous - [END]
Killer belongs to rahafwabas
Cross belongs to jakei
Ccino belongs to black-nyanko
Author ramble note under the cut:
I first wanna thank you all for your support. It was a long project for me but all your reblogs, taggs and comments helped me finish it (i need to learn how to answer comments gbjjfgk!!!) It made me so happy to know that people liked this silly comic.
I learned a lot. Like… A lot. And my artstyle changed quite a bit which was a challenge because i kept trying to not change the artstyle too much during the final steps (the final part is a good exemple huh). I hope it did not bother you too much. I also hope you could easily read the text (terrible english and terrible handwriting but i’m trying).
Anyway… More comics are planned. I hope to improve more and share even better one’s with you all!
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cartoonsbyandie · 5 months
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I always had this impression that Nakamori's color palette has changed the most dramatically in all of his appearances and I've always wanted to see if that's actually true, because I'm sick in the head and apparently didn't have anything better to do. So here are the results! While this isn't EVERY appearance, it's most of them, and ones I consider important as far as color palettes go.
Quality is a factor on a bunch of these, and so is the lighting of the shots, especially the OVAs which maybe I shouldn't've included since they throw things off a bit. I tried to find decent quality images of Naka in bright indoor lighting, but it wasn't always possible.
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So to my eye, you can separate Naka's 'main' color palettes (and artstyle shifts) based on his suit colors, kinda like Lupin ironically:
Green suit (Ep. 76-515)
Gray/Brown Suit (515-983)
Black suit (1105-onward + all movies from 14 onward)
My other takeaways are:
No one can decide if his hair is black or brown, huh
His skin color's been pretty consistent actually, until recently when they made it darker.
Dunno what was going on with the first Magic Kaito TV special. The art style for the rest of them is nothing like it.
I probably should've ordered these chronologically to get a better idea of how the colors shifted over time. It is interesting to me how Nakamori's color palette for the movies has been consistent since Movie 14, but they didn't change his palette in DetCo to match it until super recently. And then Magic Kaito 1412 is just off doing entirely its own thing.
I most associate Nakamori with wearing green since I think that's what he wears straight through Magic Kaito 1412. If you count every episode he's in as a separate appearance, I think green might technically be the most common, but if you don't then I think brown wins.
Honestly these color palette shifts are probably true for Every character. I don't know why it feels so drastic for Nakamori. Probably because it's not like Rachel's hair randomly turns black for a few hundred episodes.
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alterspark · 22 days
Art Update!
I'm still messing around with my artstyle so this probably isn't the final version of it, as much as I liked how simple my Ravage drawing was too simple. While testing things out I thought "huh it would be cool if I drew one of my moots-"
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So here's TFA Wasp for @woozywaspy !!!
The colouring is all over the place and I'm definitely gonna change that but as I said I'm trying to find an artstyle that can be versatile while also not looking too much like my main one.
Also I'm trying to decide whether to keep the 'o' in my signature a sparkle or change it to a normal star...
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ikroah · 1 year
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I've given everything I have, didn't know I'd run up such a tab, Oh, Lord, ain't the reapin' ever done? —“Ain’t the Reapin’ Ever Done,” Eddie Noack (1972)
It Keeps Right On a-Hurtin’ #25 - Ring-a-Ding-Ding IV
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Read IKROAH on Archive of Our Own
Notes / Original Pencils / Transcript:
At long last! As I've mentioned a few times, this issue got...delayed because I spent 2023 getting divorced, falling in love again, going outside, touching grass, laughing, playing, et cetera. But even if you toss all that aside this issue would still have been a doozy because I've been wanting to try an issue in this artstyle, and with a much large page size, for...well, for over a year now, ha. The thumbnails for this issue are nearly a whole year old!
Usually I have a lot of fun commentary about how a script changes over the course of working on an issue, or how the production panned out, but the making of this issue has been stretched over such a long time that I can't even begin to really describe it. Lemme just show you the original pencils so we can get out of here and move onto the next one, which will hopefully take far less than the time it takes to carry a pregnancy to term.
Oh, actually, there is one thing! If you spotted this happy couple on the first page, then check out @memepipboy's comics too.
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Also, here's Vulpes in the dead Yamcha pose.
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Which is also about how I feel after going on a bender of productivity last week to get the whole issue colored before it slipped away again.
Original Pencils:
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EXT. NEW VEGAS STRIP. A small plaza outside the casinos is flushed with lights and people, all coming and going, even at such a late hour. The crowd is monitored by the Strip's POLICE SECURITRONS. Two people are exiting a casino: ROSE OF SHARON CASSIDY, and
AGNES: Oh God, I'm--
AGNES: --wait, are you NCR?
The MESSENGER that has called out AGNES' name is a surly and middle-aged man in uniform.
MESSENGER: Correct, ma'am. I'm a messenger.
AGNES: Courier, huh.
CASS: Hell do you want, boot boy? We're busy.
MESSENGER: Your presence is requested at the embassy on the south side of the Strip.
The exchange has caught the eye of a BYSTANDER READING A NEWSPAPER.
AGNES: You said requested, as opposed to, um, required?
MESSENGER: Yes. I'll be blunt with you, Sands: the incident near Gecko and your subsequent desertion have made you a fugitive of military police since 2269. I'm sure you know that--but this is not an arrest.
MESSENGER: This isn't even about your personal case, necessarily. It's only from chance reports at the Mojave Outpost and Boulder City that intelligence was made aware of your presence here at all. The NCR merely wants to let you know that you--as well as your companion--are persons of interest to us in two of our other open investigations: the Legion raid on Nipton, and recent terrorist attacks on merchants in the area such as Crimson Caravan.*
CAPTION: *Various events of IKROAH #7-16. -Lou.
MESSENGER: There's also some other matters, which are classified.
CASS, at AGNES' side, listens intently. Then she glares at AGNES, who is grimacing but avoiding her eye contact.
MESSENGER: Now, our intelligence officers only want to speak to you, not arrest you. So there should be no cause for alarm or any worry on your part. It's your choice to come to us willingly--and on your own time. But--
AGNES sweats nervously.
MESSENGER: My orders are to make this next part very clear. This is merely the current state of our interest in you and your companion. If your presence does become required, as opposed to merely requested, by the NCR--and it very well may--
MESSENGER: --consider this a nice, friendly notice. I'm here because the NCR knows where you are. And the NCR wanted you to know that, because it wants you to keep it in mind as you mull over whether--and when--you might be feeling co-operative. That is all. We'll be in touch, Miss Sands.
The MESSENGER departs. The BYSTANDER READING A NEWSPAPER observed the entire exchange. The moment that the MESSENGER is gone, he speaks:
BYSTANDER: Ahh...I must admit, it does make me glad when people discuss my work.
AGNES: W-what?
CASS: Pardon?
BYSTANDER: And it was fortunate, as it turns out, that you were spared that night in Nipton.
AGNES: Oh...oh no--
BYSTANDER: Very fortunate indeed--
The BYSTANDER grins.
BYSTANDER: --that you were spared from the burning tires, spared from the teeth of the dogs, spared even from the cross and stake--all of this, there, was the finest work yet of VULPES INCULTA--against the profligates of the west, and for the glory and the might of CAESAR'S LEGION.*
AGNES and CASS are transfixed where they stand, taken aback by the reveal. CASS scowls while AGNES squirms with terror. She remembers:
The raging fires and the horror show of NIPTON. Crucified bodies and dogs to eat the corpses.
VULPES: During our talk in Nipton, I admittedly became quite curious about you, Agnes. You had intrigued me for some reason, and I wanted to know what it was. Only later did I finally place it.
Her hands up in front of her face, a futile barrier between herself and three men. Benny. His gun, pointed at her, shining in the light from the moon and the lantern.
VULPES: A tabloid story from the news on the radio. A courier shot in the head near Goodsprings Cemetery.
The SECURITRON with the cowboy face, VICTOR, carried her out of her grave. Or so she was told.
VULPES: --who miraculously returned from the grave. It was you.
There were three men. Two besides Benny. She found them later, one was dead and the other had two more with him.
VULPES: It was also you, as I would later discover...who slaughtered that pack of Great Khans in Boulder City. Clearly no ordinary courier.
VULPES: Why, even now, you assassinate the leader of the Chairmen in his own casino--in his own bedroom, no less. Very impressive.
AGNES: But how did you--
VULPES: Know? From one saboteur to another, I do have to commend you, Agnes. You're quite covert...for someone who had no reason to realize that she was already being watched, that is. Just as we have been watching Benny, the dearly departed.
VULPES grins wider.
VULPES: My network of frumentarii have detected something of a conspiracy in Vegas...something about a certain piece of platinum, I hear. Which reminds me--the mail has gotten so unreliable lately, don't you think?
AGNES is visibly panicked as VULPES continues.
VULPES: The NCR'S interest in you is not misplaced, Agnes Sands, given your recent exploits.
CASS is suddenly going down the casino steps--
VULPES: But I doubt that they are as quite aware of the bigger picture as--
--and raising her fist, and--
VULPES: the--
--punching VULPES in the face.
VULPES is flung to the ground, his nose bloodied. One of his teeth have been knocked clean from his mouth. He stares upward, in disbelief, up at the furious woman who's laid him out.
VULPES: Ah...yes. Rose of Sharon Cassidy. I've--
PTOOEY. A wad of spit splats against VULPES' cheek. CASS points a finger at him as he shuffles back onto his feet.
CASS: Get my name out of your mouth right now. I'm not afraid of you. You just piss me off. And unless you get lost I'll deck you so hard that you forget my name. Hopefully how to form complete sentences, too.
CASS: I think we've heard enough, you goddamn dogfucker, and whatever you're selling, we don't fucking want any.
VULPES: Ah...so no less impudent than last time, despite...well.
VULPES wipes the blood from his face with the back of his hand, muttering from behind his palm in LATIN.
VULPES: Sī cognōscere nōn vīs canis senex tum nēquam praeter futuendum eris.
VULPES reaches his bloody hand toward his dislodged hat.
VULPES: Agnes--the Legion has a particular use for you, a use which comes with certain courtesies that are not extended to your companion.
VULPES: ...she would do well to keep this in mind.
VULPES returns his hat to his head. AGNES has rejoined CASS at the base of the steps.
AGNES: "Use?" What use? I don't have anything--I mean, I'm not--whatever you--whatever the Legion wants with me, I don't know anything. About this, or about Benny. If you want the chip, I--
VULPES: Agnes, Agnes--you're a terrible liar. Or else just terribly naive.
VULPES turns to leave.
VULPES: If the NCR is interested in you, and they are, then seizing you for ourselves is certainly useful enough on its own. But truthfully, this isn't about the NCR. The Legion is interested in you--I am interested in you--because Mr. House is interested in you. You and that chip.
AGNES: Mr. House!? But I...no, no, I just thought the chip--
VULPES: Vale, courier. And vale, Rose of Sharon Cassidy. And be safe in your travels, if you can help it--you never know when somebody might be watching.
As VULPES departs, a SECURITRON approaches behind AGNES and CASS, casting a shadow over the both of them.
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jadetheblade4 · 5 months
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Are They Stupid?
A Dog Man Fanfic by Swirly Twirly
Summary: Petey escapes Cat Jail, but the local guard that checks up on him is the one on his tail!! Will the shennanigans ever cease... (Takes place somewhere before A Tale Of Two Kitties) (Not a ship thing sorry weirdos but this gal wants to write for the silly of it ^_^)
Part 1:
It was yet another normal day at Cat Jail, Collardale. The guard was doing his normal everyday rounds, albeit with a positive demeanor. He had been having a great day so far, thinking that nothing much could ruin it. He went to Petey's cell with a skip in his step.
"Gooooooood morning, Petey!" proclaimed the Guard, banging onto the cold metal bars of the cell. Petey, startled by this sudden noise, lifted his head up from his piles of papers and blueprints of escape. His face contorted into an annoyed glance once he saw who it was, his ears turned downward in disinterest.
"Aaaaaand goodbye to you, Guard..." Petey retorts, waving him off and continuing to work on his plans.
The guard chuckled. "Aw, cheer up, buddy! Big Jim and a bunch of other cats are planning on taking a sewing class today. You should join them!"
"Don't call me buddy! Besides, why would I want to be with any of those nut jobs? They're all stupid goofballs that don't have anything better to do with their life!" Petey took great offense in that chuckle, even slightly hissing his words to subconciously tell him to back off.
The guard tilts his head slightly, frowning a bit. "Then...what are you doing with your time?" he questioned, leaning onto the bars of Petey's cell. 
Petey's sneer immediately dissapears the moment he realizes how suspicious he looks. "I- um...Well..." he stutters, trying to find something to pass off as an excuse. Suddenly, his ears perk up, a quick idea passing through his genius mind.
He picked up a piece of paper that was a shopping list of some sort but for evil machinery. The contents didn't matter, though. He turned it over and quickly doodled a crude-looking drawing of the guard and himself holding hands, trying to make it as nice as possible with his ratty artstyle.
"Well, for your information... I'm...drawing a picture!! Of us!! Hanging out or whatever, just come see it!" proclaimed the orange cat, waving the drawing above his head.
The guard's face lights up in glee. "Really, Petey? You drew a picture for me??" he squealed in excitement. He never would've thought that Petey would do something nice for him for a change!
Petey nods convincingly. "Uh huh, just open the cell door and come inside to see it!!"
Unlocking the door to petey's cell, the guard steps inside gleefully. "What does it look like? Oh, I hope you capture my likeness onto it!!"
"Yeah, yeah, here ya go, I made it with care and whatnot, blah blah blah sappy stuff..." Petey shoves the drawing onto the guard, who happily accepted it.  The guard's eyes go wide as he scans the picture. A huge grin spreads across his face. "Aw, Petey, I love it!!! It looks so nice!!! C'mere you!!" He goes over to him and pulls him into a tight and loving hug.
"Oof!" Petey's breath slips out of him as he's trapped in the guard's iron grip. "Ok, man, hands off the merchandise!!" He squirms, trying to get away, but the guy has no plans of letting him go at the moment.
"This is the most thoughtful gift i have ever recieved in my whole entire life!!!! the guard proclaimed, continuing to cuddle him more. He comically spins him around and even kisses his cheek a couple of times, the gift really meaning a lot to him somehow.
"EUGH!! Alright ALRIGHT I GET IT I'm such a great pal now GET OFF!!!" Petey wriggled around his grasp until he popped off. He let out a "hmph!" as he tidied himself up from his sudden invasion of privacy. The guard jumped off to the side, a bit hurt by Petey's sudden cold nature. The orange cat notices his sudden deflate and feels a certain pull in his heart. "I mean, uh, no problem... figured I'd repay you for dealing with my, uh, schemes and stuff..." Petey stuttered, shifting his feet.
The guard's face lights back up again as he looks back at the picture. "Aww, it's nothing, Petey!! Just doing my duty!!" he said. Petey let out a smile, strangely happy about his half-assed drawing. He then shakes his head and tries to focus on the task at hand.
"I was thinking about hanging it up over there on the right side corner of my cell, can ya be a dear and put it there for me?" he bats his eyes innocently and points to said corner. The guard happily agreed. "Of course, dear pal!" He gives him one final hug and rushes to the wall to hang it up.
With a devious smile on his face, he tiptoes out of the cell. "Heheh, what a doofus..." the cat giggled. A few moments later, he escapes from the jail once more. "Ahh, finally! I can get back to doing what i usually do..." He walks back to his lab and breathes a sigh of relief. "The life...OF CRIME!!! HAW HAW HAW!!!!" he announces. The large building echoed his words, alerting the butler from the staircase.
"Heya Petey! Been a while since I've seen you around!!" he quickly steps down and joins him as Petey parades around his home. "Breaking out this time was a bit difficult," Petey went on, "but now things can finally get back on tra-"
A tv at the corner of the supposed room they're in suddenly announces its lovely presence by blaring breaking news from its LD screen. Petey and Butler turn their attention to the tv. It shows none other than Sarah Hatoff,  greatest reporter, in front of the very Cat Jail Petey just escaped from moments ago.
"BREAKING NEWS, FELLOW CITIZENS OF COLLARDALE!!!" Sarah declared. "We are currently receiving reports of a runaway warden of sorts from the Cat Jail looking for a certain fiendish feline...PETEY!!!" A mugshot of his face is shown on the screen right next to a goofy-looking photo of the guard, to which Petey frowns upon. "He informs us that if we see the cat anywhere to report to him...and...only him." Sarah scratched her head in confusion. "Huh. Guess the police aren't needed. This is Sarah Hatoff, signing out."
The butler turned to Petey. "Huh, I guess you don't need to, after all!" he said with a dumbass smile on his face. Petey grimaces and pinches the middle of his forehead in frustration. "AAUGH....Why is there always SOMETHING to ruin the mood..." he groaned, marching up the steps to the lab's roof with the butler following right behind. 
Up above, Petey and the butler scan their surroundings. The day-to-day hustle and bustle of the city rings out from below, showing no sign of anything unusual. The butler tilts his head. "Nobody here yet..." he muttered.
The orange cat crossed his shoulders and shook his head. "...Hmph! What am I even worried about anyways?!?" He laughed at how absurd he was acting at the moment to save face as he started walking back towards the stairs. "This lab is one of the most discrete and perfectly hidden buildings in all of the city of Collardale! It'll take a while before-"
A loud buzz-like sound suddenly calls out and the pair jumped in suprise. Petey rushed back and leaned over the roof once more to see a tiny guard waiting patiently at the door, pressing the goddamn buzzer.
"HOW DID HE FIND MY LAB!?!" Petey screamed. He quickly covered his mouth and dragged Butler down to the ground before Guard could see up above. He grabbed his butler by the shirt and whispered, "How did he find my lab?!?!?!"
The butler shrugged. "Gee, Petey, I don't have a clue how the guy could think of coming here."
"Hmm...strange." Petey let him go and scratched his head. He peered over the roof to look at his big fat-ass "PETEY'S SECRET LAB" sign. "Oh, by the way, I think you need to change a few of the lightbulbs on my lab's sign this weekend. A few of them are starting to fade out."
The butler rolled his eyes and sighed. "I'll buy lightbulbs later this evening, I guess..." he muttered again, peering over and looking at the sign with him.
Petey raised his eyebrow. "Also, quit muttering and mumbling so much, it's starting to irritate me >:( ."
The guard pressed the buzzer again. His hand contained a small piece of paper. "Helloooo?"  he called out. "I'm an authority from the local Cat Jail! Is anyone home?" He looked up at the tall building, to which Petey noticed just in time and ducked. Unfortunately, the butler ducked a bit too late, therefore leading the guard to only catch sight of him and not Petey.
"Oh, hey there! I just wanted to ask a couple of questions, if ya don't mind!!" he shouted from below to up above. The butler pops out again and gives a thumbs up, then goes down again.
Petey facepalms himself and groans annoyingly. He then faces the butler, who smiled sheepishly.
"You better not tell him im here. In fact, make him regret coming here in the first place!! I don't wanna be involved with the guy any further!!" he yelled, grudgingly going downstairs.
The butler shifted uneasily in place. "Uh, sure, Petey... I'll see what I can do, I guess..." he mumbled once more as he followed the grumpy cat.
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