#the bath scene was gay but the bed scene was like GAY GAY
remma-demma · 3 months
There were only four sleeping bags?? This shit IS yuri
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bengiyo · 11 months
Be My Favorite Ep 11 Stray Thoughts
Last week, we all fell into intense brain rot over the ace!Kawi discourse, and did not appreciate Aou in those shorts enough or the fact that Max FUCKS. We suspect that Pisaeng may or may not have time traveled. Kawi is dealing with some of his own intimacy issues. It feels like they had their first time at the end of the episode. Also, Pear is not happy with her mom for abandoning them, Pisaeng’s mom pulled a complete reversal to support him, and Kawi reflected on his dad urging him to live his life for himself.
It’s like they knew I still was skeptical of Pisaeng’s mom, Daow, so they have her working out her issues with Pear’s dad, Phong.
I’m glad that Pear found a way to give herself peace about her mom.
I like Pear reading a poem over these scenes. The bed kissing was pretty decent.
Okay, the morning after scene was really sweet. I liked that.
I’m not sure how I feel about the flashback to a conversation we weren’t part off with the magic guy. I don’t mind the show laying out its core thesis about being present in your life and focusing on the things you can control explicitly for the audience, but it felt a bit weird. I feel like I need to brace for high-impact drama now.
Everyone has graduated, but what did Not do after getting wrecked so hard?
Domestic montages, my beloved.
I’m encouraged that these two stayed together for years, and maintained friendships with the characters we liked.
Sponge baths, my beloathed.
This timeline is too enjoyable, and Kawi doesn’t seem to have a job. They’re going to take this timeline from us. What happened to Kawi’s music aspirations?
Oh, never mind. Seems like Kawi is still involved in music.
Is Kawi about to get sick and die and then force Pisaeng to travel back to the past (Samurai Jack)?
Okay, but this actually just got super heavy. This show has not been soft about its support for gay political issues, and medical care is one of the big concerns queer people face without family and domestic protections. Some of my actual work is helping couples circumvent these blocks.
I am genuinely invested in this terminal medical condition plotline.
Oh ho! So he does go back to the past (Samurai Jack) and now we return to the day of the amusement park, now with double the time travel shenanigans!
Okay, high-key I love this. I haven’t been this stressed by the thematic implications within a BL in a really long time. We had the magic man imply that we can’t alter our destinies, but we can fix our mistakes. Kawi wasn’t destined to win the lottery, and it feels like they’re saying he wasn’t destined to save his dad either. Pisaeng is convinced that he is the reason that Kawi got sick and is facing death in the future even a Max insists that it couldn’t be his fault. Now he’s gone back to the past and altered the happy timeline we saw completely. Now he and Kawi will both face each other as time travelers trying to fix what they believe to be their mistakes in the finale. I’m so excited because we all felt that they went into that bed scene without clearing something, and now we have to face it.
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dangermousie · 16 days
On rewatch this is even better. Mmmm, this is the sequence where he falls for her. (I love that it took a whole year for him to be able to get out of bed, yikes.)
But yeah, knowing what we know now, you can tell he just doesn't like being touched and yeah don't blame him between associating touch with pain and loathing the way he looks.
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Woo, bath time! I want someone to make me a giant bath but not if I have to be in a torture dungeon first.
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EEEEE but also yeah, once again, he doesn't really want to be touched at all.
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Well I guess there are pluses in knowing exactly what you will be buying, heh.
But also I love this scene, because he's kinda standing still there all dead inside and she's undressing him and blah blah also jeez every time I see the scars they freak me the hell out no wonder he has body image issues.
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And then it hits her she's undressing a man and heeeeee she totally gets all shy. Which makes sense, because when he was just in bed unconscious etc she only saw him as a patient but now he's well enough she can see him as a man and well, she IS a girl.
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I actually really like how much this moment makes him fall for her because as he puts later he hated himself and the way he looked and what happened to him and she actually looked at that mangled body and got shy and viewed him as a man one can blush about and that really restored so much to him and like (I mean, it's bad enough for your average person to go from normal to mangled, but this man was supposed to be the pinnacle of physical perfection and also a deity and the novel makes it clear how close to impossible it is to leave lasting scars on a deity so he is an incredible freak in their world) - this IS a solid reason to go for someone who saved your life but now saved your sense of self too.
Semi side note, I love how consistent that is that she doesn't just like him or w/e, she genuinely desires him. His fiancee sees his torso and runs out in disgust and XY looks at him in full knowledge of what every inch of him looks like and wants, wants, wants - I mean, the scene where she wakes up after he leaves and there is a lock of his hair in her hand and she says something like "he left me a lock of his hair to drive me mad with want" and it's perfectly tailored to his issues. (And for her it's sort of like that but in reverse - plenty of men swoon for her when she's in her proper looks and place as the princess but he was in love when she had neither and looked like a scruffy dude village physician with no manners. In a way, he needs to have his body found attractive and she needs for someone to look beyond beauty of hers, and they both give each other what they need.)
I would normally crack up and go "Jing, don't you know gay men exist" but you know what - he's so very much a sheltered highborn lady, I don't think he does. Heh.
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roxannepolice · 8 months
Honestly? Taking a few minutes before going to bed to lie in bath and read tensimm fluff is among the best things I’ve ever done for my mental health. It’s just such an important reset at the end of the day. So this is a huge thanks to everyone who still feeds me something nice for the evening – you’re pretty much keeping me going. Special shoutout to everyone who does post-ytnw happily ever after except the Master is in the wet bleached raccoon but in a nice suite mode. You’re heavensents.
But I also started thinking, what is it about this specific set of regenerations – arguably the angstiest and messiest – that brings me so much comfort? And I think the answer is just how… honest? Those versions feel? Not in the sense that they are always honest with each other, that’s specifically not the case, but in the sense that, at least in their more private scenes – and I’ll never be over the subtle increase in intimacy when the Master pulls out a private phone when he hears the Doctor’s voice – there’s this feeling of understanding. Understanding without judgement or a goal or a point. Just… pure connection. Like, much as it’s fun to say that Ten is all “I can fix him”, there is a very clear sense that he is not deluded about the Master – but more importantly, he is not deluded about himself, at least by the time of EoT. So I suppose this is why it’s so easy for me to accept that if they were left alone for a while, that honesty would quickly turn to fluff (and cathartic sex, and some angst after all, and crack too), but that would not be the end, there is also the maintenance that their dynamic isn’t heading anywhere, because it’s in too perfect a dynamic equilibrium that can fuel a whole universe, or at least the psyche of an adult neurotic woman who’s rambling about gay aliens instead of facing a daunting task of writing an e-mail to her very nice, friendly and helpful supervisor, look I do this because once I start writing anything it’s easier to get to serious stuff, so once again thanks to everyone still providing shabby nasty naked little dirt man and his coatless bleeding husband in the year of our lord 2023.
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absolutebl · 2 years
Oh! My Sunshine Night
Binge watch.
Okay so I am hopped up on cold meds and jet lagged and I decided to try to watch this soapy mess because why tf not?
Ep 1
Oh no, it’s good. Like: this is a good opening. And I do love OhmFluke, but you know who I really love? Noh (orig. Nitiman). Gah.
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For the first time in a long while two boys in a BL make for actually believable brothers. Whacha know?
Fluke’s hair is AWFUL.
And suddenly the whole thing goes v odd. I’m not sure if that’s the captions, or if the show itself is trying to be existential. What an odd meet cute and what strange dialogue.
I’m so confused.
It’s like it’s trying to be both BL and transcendental poetry.
I like spunky Fluke tho.
Linguistic corner: these two are using chan/nai for I/you - v formal.
Poor Noh, they always make him play sports when it’s clear he just... doesn’t.
How much do I love the whipping boy side couple?
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Ep 2
Is the thing with the apples just to make Fluke cry?
I like the conflicted poor little rich kids family dynamic.
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But there’s a lot of establishing scenes, it’s moving pretty slowly.
Sorry this one isn’t whipping me into a verbal frenzy. I’d drink, but not on top of cold meds. You know those warnings on med labels? They’re for me. I’m the one that shouldn’t operate machinery, not even a computer.
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Wait. What? Why didn’t we get to SEE this bit?
Ep 3
So this is about classical music and no one is actually playing and no one is singing, so I’m absolutely fine with it.
The fencers with the unrequited crushes are boring to me. But there is a kind of Midsummer Night’s Dream aspect to these relationship dynamics.
GAH! The apple collecting thing was so cute and so romantic.
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Not a lot of BL tropes so far in this show, but I like it’s brand of sappy.
I love how utterly incapable of flirting Kim is.
The opening the car door thing did, in fact, make me hoot with laughter.
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Fluke’s pretty darn good at being a bossy bitch and Ohm does exasperation well. Honestly, I’m liking this show a lot more than I thought I would.
Oh yay! We  get to see Rain sleeping in his boys room. Lovely. I do enjoy whipping boy trope, v kinky.
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*sits back and smiles in dominant smug*
I ALSO love the little brat in-crush with Rugby Rain. It’s all very delish.
It’s thanksgiving all over again, I’m all about the side dishes.
Okay, the end of this episode was so confusing. Are they play acting a couple break up for the girl? Are they actually arguing? What are they arguing about? Were they dating? What happened? What’d I miss? Why the dramatic soap opera music? Why the overacting?
What is going on?
Ep 4
Oh I forgot about the fencers.
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And finally a BL trope, crash into me. (At least it wasn’t a pratfall kiss.)
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Oh I do like a gay fencer sword pun.
Very nice. 
Also, a shower scene already? Are these two the PokeTongue’s of this show?
Who let Star Hunter in the house?
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Rain + Sun and the insults was great. Very funny. These two are kinda of alike, actually. Fun fun. I like these characters.
Bounce bounce.
Why didn’t anyone tell me this was such a goofy show?
I’m getting a tiny bleed of Japanese slapstick absurdist leaking in and I’m not mad about it. The weird apples and arbitrary mood swings should have tipped me off.
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This show has almost a panto play going on.
Rain IDing his brother’s bf and being like, welcome to the fam, I leave him in you care was such a Dom move.
Oh, baby is a floppy drunk! Finally some BL tropes are dropping. And another crash into me. And a wet towel sponge bath. Tropes coming thick & fast now (speaking of thick & fast.... wait, no, bad cold meds, don’t go there)...
Okay, we are back in familiar territory. I thought this one was going to be original. Silly me! This is BL!
Not sure if I am disappointed or not.
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Ep 5
Bathroom drama.
Fencing sword boys drama. Why so mean? Honestly, if I were Kim I’d be out too.
Ooo Rain with the consent, even if it’s just a hook up. Also... boys. Bunk beds? Everyone is gonna know. Like EVERYONE.
This show is going places I really did not expect.
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Oh! It was all a fake out. *pout*
Okay baby boy, you get down with those fantasies. I’m with you. He hot.
What’s with Sun and the magical Ikea box?
Also, they’ve know each other since childhood trope? Really?
*whines” I don’t want to add another one to that trope list.
Ep 6
I like the plot of butler dad kinda finding out his son is involved with the heir. Good dramatic twisting. Also, evil homophobic jerk nozzle, turns out.
I remain engaged.
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Did the stretching part make me grin?
Yes t did. Boys rolling around on mats together never fails to please.
There are a lot of faen fatals and fatales. Like this show is lousy with them. I see why everyone called it a soap opera.
I am so happy that there is no singing I don’t even mind that no one can play an instrument in that whole band (orchestra).
Honestly, the band leader (conductor) looks like First’s (of JaFirst) older brother. It’s wigging me out. 
Ep 7
Look, I admit, I am not even half way through and I am flagging a bit. This is a long arse show.
Speaking of arses...
Another shower scene?
(Anyone else notice that it’s always the same shower? No? Just me. Can’t be helped. Unforgotten Night has made me overly concerned with Thai pluming in BL ... not a euphemism.) 
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Boy this series has a supper voyeuristic lens. Not that I’m complaining, never that.
(Bops over to see if the director is gay.... MDL = no info on subject. Well, okay then.)
Returns to shower scene, arses, pluming, and supposition.
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Oh! Wound tending!
Ooo, rejected fencing cutie makes move on Sun! Kim is not pleased. you snooze you loose, big boy.
Coils within coils, this is such a soap. I love it. Did I mention I was raised on bread, water & East Enders?
Okay maybe not raised.
Definitely watched too much of it tho.
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Oooo, that was a very Light On Me moment.
Okay I have consumed Korean soft tofu stew and more loopy-making cold meds, and will work on a pomegranate while I continue to watch.
Ep 8
Mostly worked on the pomegranate.
Meds took effect.
Stuff happened int he show but I forgot to make notes. Pomegranate distraction.
Oddly, I’m missing the swordsmen.
Ep 9
Oh, hair drying. Cute. I kinda have come around to this trope over the years I’ve had it shoved in my face... erm... flopped on my head.
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Oh! My Showering Night more like it.
I declare this BL official winner of this trope. 
Meanwhile beach frolic. AND a woods frolic.
Ep 10
Finally I’m half way through!
Oooo we have a magic heart rebooting BOOP! to go with the magic apples.
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Oooo more shower scene, this time with added bonus sexitimes. Also neck kisses! My favorite.
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I’m sorry but I just keep imagining what if we had gotten to this level with Nitman?
Oh, what could have been.
Nice kisses! But also no sex on the beach boys, no one enjoys that.
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Meanwhile, the fencers can’t figure their shit out, because they keep fighting with the wrong swords.
And our main couple is being quite tame with a shoulder lean, side hug, water watching triple trope strike on the beach.
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Okay weird dream helicopter thing.
Look, Mean Rich Paw, I’d kick him out of the house for wearing that outfit alone.
No other reasons needed.
Disown the fucker.
Band shirt/vest/thingy, no inheritance for you!
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Man the fashion this year in BL has been brutal.
Ep 11
I don’t know If I can finish this tonight.
Invited up to the Sun’s room is he? (occasional flashes of DeanPharm).
Okay, wait, the premise of Sun’s illness is SO STRANGE. He has to eat apples and stay away from his parents to save his heart?
What the hell is going on?
The whipping boy always has to run, identity separation is part of the trope. Because his identity is too tied to the spoiled prince, he has to try to make it on his own to realize he can’t.
I like the twist of butler dad encouraging him to leave, tho. (Usually whipping boy is abandoned or an orphan.)
Ep 12
OMG who eats shrimp when they are allergic to shellfish? for fuck’s sake.
Another white towel sponge bath? I take back what I said about lack of tropes.
I do love the tug and cuddle my human bolster pillow. It’s very sleepy entitled.
I am v bored by the parents buying the estate plot-line. I can’t decide if doctor lady is running a con or father and son are running a reverse con on her?
The parents have died! Rain is missing! The doctor lady is indeed evil! Ohm has to act!
Oh fuck me not the amnesia trope.
Okay, I gotta go to bed. I really tried. Had this been a normal length Thai BL I would have made it. But the rise of the amnesia trope did me in.
Ep 13 
I am glad Dad Butler is evil enough to recognize Dr. lady is also Evil. And we have a textbook soap opera definition hostile takeover. The evils go up against each other. 
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We are in true Heirs level soap opera territory now. 
Someone is definitely going to be kidnapped soon. 
Ep 14 
This is my surprised face, the man allergic to shellfish, who still eats shrimp, goes wandering off into the forest with no survival skills when he has a brain injury. 
A time-lapse 3 months. 
Finally, the attack of the amnesia trope! 
I am so unhappy about this.
Ep 15 
We are moving into Bold & Beautiful level soap. 
The guys in the woods are still looking for Rain, still wearing exactly the same clothes that they’ve been wearing for 3 months. 
Apple boy, still eating apples and still talking to completely whacked out mother. I hate her. While Kim turns into a forgetful depressed rich recluse in the mountains. Now I understand why people got frustrated with this show. 
I feel like I read this as a really bad 70s romance novel, or maybe it’s meant to be like a Jane Eyre remake? 
Anyway, finally, our boys are reunited, but of course, amnesia trope. We hates it precious. All the friends have arrived. Or to be more precise all the incestuous faen fatals have arrived. 
Ep 16
After 3 months, one would have hoped the fencing boys had figured out their shit. I guess not. More evil fashion. 
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I just can’t even. At least they took it off him fast. Wish it had gotten ripped in the process. 
Fencing boys now figuring everything out in the best way possible. 
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This show keep surprising me with how high heat it is. 
Ep 17 
Magical, candy-colored comets. I just can’t with this show. Also… new crumbs. 
The refractory period on these rebound couples is as fast as the show is slow. Some weird monogamy mathematical principle must be in play. 
And it’s finally revealed that they are childhood sweethearts. 
OhmFluke do give good kiss. Fluke dose submission v well. 
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In fact * waves hands airily about* good kisses all around. Well done cast! 
Also, and I am only admitting this to you people, but I totally have a fetish for CMNM and we NEVER get to see it, so thank you for this one, OMSN. 
Ep 18 
Good sex, bad plot. 
That’s my ultimate review of this show. (Which makes this kinda a runner up to KP to be honest) 
Look, I get that BL has rules that must be obeyed: 
boys must damsel off into the woods alone. 
boys must talk to their not-quite boyfriend while said bf is asleep, but he is never actually asleep. 
not one drop of rain is ever allowed to touch your boyfriend’s head because DOOM AWAITS 
Clear? OK. No I don’t understand why these rules exist either. I don’t make them, the BL gods do. 
Anyway OMSN is all over rule #1. 
Anyway, back to this damn show. Attempted kidnapping, and Kim has to save his boyfriend with a bow & arrow plus some arbitrary somersaulting in, what is this now? The Hunger Games BL? 
*ooo, wait a moment - KOREA make that happen! - where was i?* 
Look, my dumb new dictation software made that into all caps and I’m leaving it because it’s entirely appropriate.
Meanwhile, you can not do a close-up of a gun if it doesn’t have a trigger. I understand there are weird regulations in place but just do a further away shot OK? 
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Oh look, it’s ABL’s Angels. 
Want to start a detective agency, pretty boys? I’ll be your voice in the box. You can have all the shower scenes you want. We could invite MaxTul? I’m sure they’d be game. (Frankly Manner of Death had a more cohesive plot than this.) 
We basically end on a pastiche of troops that the show didn’t manage to hit earlier: boys on bridges, a forehead kiss, back hugs, put a robe on him, and... 
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How do I sum this up? 
I am left with mostly a profound feeling of confusion. Where did Dad Butler go? And yet I am also curiously satisfied. I mean, all the sex scenes were good. I don’t know how to rate this. Less annoying than LITA, not as boring as it could’ve been? Except that I was really quick on the fast forward button and skipped a ton of establishing shots. This was probably agony to get through if you watched it week-by-week, but it’s OK as a high-speed binge. 
What the hell?
Quick Pitch: 
Kim, a tsundere musician meets Sun, a sunshine transfer student with a weak heart. Also there’s a hot older brother + their household servant, and a couple of fencers for good measure. Initially this pretends to be a normal university BL, then it slips on wet tiles and falls right on trough multiple shower scenes into ludicrous soap opera territory leaving one with a sensation rather like trying to hold onto soap in a communal shower. Ultimately, everyone seems pretty happy they bent over, but no one actually got clean. 
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Or should I say soap dishes? 
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thealogie · 6 months
speaking of tony blair, i’m convinced michael only did that third film because he didn’t get to play it gay enough in The Queen. The Special Relationship was basically just clinton/blair rpf. that one scene of blair in the bath talking to his wife about another man, then it cuts to clinton in bed doing the same thing?? unhinged. at one point i thought they were going to start having phone sex. no one asked for this. his need for gay acting truly knows no bounds
fr fr that movie didn’t need to exist but Peter Morgan was like I’m gonna write Blair calling Clinton babygirl and metaphorically singing stand by your man while this man is publicly accused of sexually harassing an intern.
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watermelonsloth · 8 months
The “Who’s Like Kushina” Argument is the Dumbest Part of the Naruto Shipping Fandom
It’s says it all in the title; I find the argument about Naruto’s partner being like Kushina really stupid.
Now, I could talk about how the series itself doesn’t even take this argument seriously because Naruto does not marry someone similar to Kushina. I could discuss how saying Naruto should find a woman specifically inherently eliminates gay ships even when there’s an argument to be made about Naruto being better off with one of the male characters(not cool pushing heteronormativity on your newborn son, Kushina /hj). I could question if Naruto would even be compatible with someone with a personality like Kushina. I could mention how shipping shouldn’t be based on whatever the characters’ parents wished for the same way it shouldn’t be based on the wants they had when they were twelve.
What I’m actually going to say is that a lot of people have missed the point.
People reference Kushina’s last words for her son a lot(more than I ever would’ve guessed before joining the Naruto fandom), but I haven’t found a lot of people talking about the scene in full context or it’s purpose. They only ever seem to mention how Kushina wants Naruto to find someone “like her.” I’m not going to breakdown the entire scene since it’s not all relevant to what I’m talking about, but, as a quick reminder, it basically goes as follows: Kushina and Minato are dying and she tries to voice as many of her wishes as possible, which include: don’t be a picky eater, eat enough to grow up strong, bathe regularly, go to bed early, sleep well, make trustworthy friends, study ninjutsu, and listen to teachers. Then she discusses the shinobi vices(money, alcohol, and women). No one talks about her financial advice or telling Naruto not to partake in underage/excessive drinking, but people love to talk about what she says about women. This is the translation I found:
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She’s talking about him not getting with a weirdo/bad person. Yes, she says to “find someone like your mother”, but, in context, she’s referring to herself as a good person. The anime even has her saying “don’t get hooked on bad women.” It’s just her saying that she doesn’t want him getting stuck in an unhealthy relationship with a bad person.
It. Has. Nothing. To. Do. With. Personality. Parallels.
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citriarchive · 3 months
okay one more shitpost nithvinn thought and then im dead but i started thinking about like. sick gays right. and yaevinn is like. mostly complaisant when sick. a little bit complainy and will sometimes get out of bed but knows that 1) it doesn't feel good to do that and 2) nithral will fucking sniff him out anyway
meanwhile with nithral it's that scene from that spongebob episode where spongebob is trying to get gary to take a bath but specifically the part where he's trying to throw gary into the tub but EVEN MORE specifically the last part where gary does this fucking shit and while the literal image of that is hilarious i feel like yaevinn does in fact fucking tuck nithral into bed and then go downstairs and nithral is just fucking There and YOU HAVE A FEVER OF 102 YOU FREAK WHY ARE YOU COOKING????? but like nicer than that. like a yaevinncore version of that. does that make sense. is this anything. can you tell my sleep meds are Workingn't. i am so tired but i can't sleep. this is getting the inane rambling tag bc this has "ikea will noclip me into the backrooms"!yaev energy yfm holy fuck this is nonsense
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doodleferp · 9 months
Vash and Ari Being Idiots In Love For An Entire Tumblr Post
Me being me, I have many unfinished drafts that are nearing some level of completion, but I had no idea what to start out with. So I figured — what better way to start writing about these two than to list off some fluffy headcanons!
Some of these were suggested by friends, others were inspired by super-cute stories, others came from my weird lil noggin.
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I am not exaggerating in the slightest when I say that Vash and Ari are the biggest, dumbest simps on the planet. They have and will only continue to make people around them disgusted with how disgustingly-sappy, overly-affectionate they are with one another.
They’re constantly engaging in illicit hand-holding. They have weird conversations. They flop on each other. They make weird noises at each other and sing nonsense stuff. They purposefully mispronounce words. They turn almost everything into really bad innuendo. They are weapons of Class-G Cuteness and every other couple on No Man's Land pales in comparison.
In the past, Ari genuinely did not consider herself a very confrontational person. That is, until she started hanging out with Vash. He adopted not an introvert, but a ride-and-die hoe. The moment Ari thinks someone is disrespecting him, she busts through the wall to show them why that is not a thing they should have done. She is the woman at the counter and he is the guy who asked for no pickles.
Both of them are involuntarily touch-starved, and thus they take every opportunity to be glued to the other's hip. A touch, a stroke, whatever. they can. They'll hold hands or link arms while they walk, and since Vash has much more stamina than Ari, he'll carry her when she gets too tired to walk through the desert. Sneak-attack hugs and kisses are also Vash’s specialty.
As mentioned previously, Ari has all the tism and she makes weird noises to, among other things, illustrate her moods/reactions, and even just when she's bored. This clicks very well with Vash's Plant Brain, and he responds with his own mood sounds.
They constantly sleep together -- and that's not a euphemism, they are so hooked on snuggling up together in the same space that they actually have trouble sleeping when they're forced to sleep apart. Vash is a total snuggle bug and he absolutely craves body heat, so constantly snuggling is a must. Ari is partial to being the snugglee, but she loves being his big spoon. Sometimes while in the position she'll whisper "Little spoon?" and Vash will immediately snuggle up to her and curl up in a ball, ready for big spoon cuddles.
Not long after they started their snuggling together, they started getting their sleeping clothes mixed up and will occasionally wear the others’ pajamas. The clothes-sharing slowly escalates into sharing each others coats on occasion, and once they settle in Kasted it has spiraled out of control in the best way.
While they lived together in Kasted City, Vash would very quickly put down the fitted sheet on their bed, then dump all of the other blankets on top of him and Ari in a big pile while they were still warm. After their kiddos were born, he did it to them with initially-tiny but gradually-growing piles of laundry.
In addition to sleeping together constantly, they constantly shower/bathe together. They wash each other's hair, wash each other's bodies, help each other shave, etcetera. Baths can last for upwards of an hour because they’re too busy cuddling and talking and have long since finished cleaning themselves.
Remember that scene from Bob's Burgers where Linda dumped the entire bottle of bubble bath into the tub and turned it into like a paste? That's what Vash did when he was reintroduced to bubble baths. As Ari walks in, he rises from the depths, bubble beard hanging from his face, and makes a weird croaking sound. Ari has never not laughed at this and she's not about to start now.
Because Ari is still a gay by technicality, she got Vash into the "sir/ma'am" game that us gays play. You know the one. We all do it. They also constantly switch up the pronoun and it always gets at least one or two stares.
Also, fake arguments and random scenarios all the time. Like, out of nowhere one of them will start talking a certain way or doing a certain thing, and the other will join in without batting an eye and then ten minutes later they're wondering why they're pretending to be a couple of Tomases trying doughnuts for the first time.
I’m not joking when I say that these two are so cringe that people have thought they’re pretending to date for…whatever reason. They’ve been denied “couple discounts” for some ungodly reason, have been denied a single bedroom by a few weird innkeepers, and a few people have even asked if the other has kidnapped them. Those are truly interesting encounters, I’ll tell you hwat.
In short, these two are just completely and utterly smitten for one another and make no attempts to hide any of it. They’re both total idiots and everyone else has to suffer through it or go someplace else because no, it will not stop for any reason. Never.
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c. doodleferp, 2023
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floraone · 2 years
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As promised, this year I'll host it again: September is around the corner, and with it smutember, or at least the Sailor Moon fandom corner side of it, that is, if you're on-board here lol. It's open for all types of fanwork, and all ships within the fandom.
Just like the previous years, it runs alongside to the official daily word prompts on the official smutember blog: Smutember is an event that runs all throughout September for all fandoms. The following is meant as an addition, not a replacement. If you want to do daily prompts, please use the official word prompts (linked above). And while these prompts are amazing, for older fandoms such as ours, daily prompts can sometimes be a little intimidating. Because of this, and in now Sailor Moon fandom smutember tradition, I again customized an alternative weekly trope list that can still incorporate the official themes.
As always now, down below you have a list of TROPE AND THEME PROMPTS. This year, since it's our anniversary year in the Sailor Moon fandom, I've added a few of the classic tropes, as well as a remix of some you've seen in the previous years. Because they're meant to spark a variety of ideas, there's a lot of them! You can pick as many of the tropes you want and with them, post once (or if you're motivated, more times) per week, instead of daily.
Be it for fanart or fanfic or any other sort of fanwork, tropes can be combined, (and they can be combined with the daily themes too), whatever floats your boat. Also, specifically: This event isn’t Usamamo-centric only. I will reblog any Sailor Moon content of any pairing as long as it follows the rules! (See below)
The aim of this event is to create sex-positive content together that celebrates a healthy depiction of consentual sexuality. Erotic fanfiction is a beautiful art, especially in a fandom of ours so largely cultivated by women and for women, as well as a strong inclusive focus on queer and gender-queer content and their creators!
And like in 2020 previously, all entries that follow the rules will be compiled in an online-only e-zine! This also means that art that may be too explicit for tumblr can still be included in the e-zine!
Here are the weekly trope challenges:
Reinvent a trope!
WEEK 1 (September 1st - 7th): Pick 1 or 2
🍋 Bedsharing 🍋 Flirting Under Fire 🍋 You Wake Up In A Room 🍋 Huddling for Warmth 🍋 Second Chance Sex 🍋 You Talk In Your Sleep 🍋 Awkward/Clumsy Sex 🍋 Freaky Friday 🍋 Friends to Lovers 🍋 Bathhouse/Onsen/Shower/Bath 🍋 Traveling 🍋 Sex with the Ex/Break-Up Sex 🍋 Established Relationship 
WEEK 2 (September 8th - 14th): Pick 1 or 2
🍋 Fake Dating 🍋 Shunga 🍋 Battle Couple 🍋 Two-Person Pool Party 🍋 Missing Scene 🍋 Work-Out Sex 🍋 Enemies to Lovers 🍋 Blackout/Quarantine/Lockdown 🍋 Roommates 🍋 Now or Never 🍋 Sleeps With Everyone But You 🍋 Sexual Fantasies 🍋 Slow Burn 🍋 Reality TV AU 🍋 Woke Up Gay
WEEK 3 (September 15th - 21st): Pick 1 or 2
🍋 Only One Bed 🍋 Sex At Work 🍋 Pegging 🍋 Hurt/Comfort 🍋 First Times 🍋 Special Delivery 🍋 Friends With Benefits 🍋 Introduction By Hook-Up 🍋 Touch-Starved 🍋 Pining 🍋 Accidental Pornomancer 🍋 Locked In Together In A Small Space/ Trapped Together 🍋 Dry Hump 🍋 Wall Bang 🍋 Guilty Pleasures 🍋 Bad Ideas 🍋 Caught In The Rain 🍋 The Internet Is For Porn 🍋 On The Run 🍋 Stranded
WEEK 4 (September 22nd - 30th): Pick 1 or 2
🍋 Just the Tip 🍋 Accidental Nudity 🍋 Praise Kink 🍋 _____(pick whatever)___to-lovers 🍋 Mrs. Robinson 🍋 Dr. Chiba 🍋 Talking In Bed 🍋 In Public 🍋 Aroused by your___(pick a feature)___ 🍋 Mindlink 🍋 Quest For Sex 🍋 Sex Games 🍋 Online Dating 🍋 Confessions of lust and love 🍋 Teach Seduction 🍋 Practice Kiss 🍋 Coffee Shop AU 🍋 Identity Reveal 🍋 Middle of the Night Sex
In Addition to these trope themes, now and until September, I'll be posting a few sex-positive cues of the next weeks as a sort of checklist that is meant to help you generate ideas for your sexy trope fics!
1. Rating: These fics don’t necessarily need to be M or, in the case of Ao3, E- rated. Obviously, they are very, very welcome to be explicit for this event, but you can also go T-rated and stay in lime or ‘blacked out’-territory if you’re uncomfortable with writing explicit scenes! Both is perfectly and absolutely welcome! This of course also goes for fanart - your fanart may depict sexy scenes, but does NOT have to be explicit! (It can, though! Be aware that for tumblr’s guidelines, when sharing your art first, you may have to clip your images as a sort of preview. The original can then be sent to me privately to include into the e-zine!) 2. Minimum Age of Characters: Since this is a community event, if you do go explicit M rated material: age them up where necessary! So that everyone can be comfortable writing and reading these, let them be 18 at the minimum if they’re going to openly and explicitly wohoo. (16-17 is the global average age of consent worldwide, and also the average age for first sex among girls in many western countries. However, since most fanfic readers are located in the US, where the age of consent is 18, we’re going with 18 so that everyone can be comfortable reading!) If you go for canon fics at a time they are below this age, where you do not want to age up (say you’re going for an episode fix!) please stay in T territory for this event. 3. Off limits: Depictions of sexual acts that contain harmful, violent and non-consenting behaviour with non-consenting individuals (or those that aren’t able to consent, for instance because of their age, or state of mind among else!). If it doesn’t fly by law or the ICD in real life, please refrain from depicting it in the context of this event. This means that dubcon and noncon will not be reblogged for the event, so that people can be safely consuming the content without being triggered. All content will be screened in this regard, and I may contact you regarding trigger warnings. This is not at all to censor content, or that this content is in any form less valid (as long as it is properly tagged and not including characters that aren’t of age), but simply to ensure a safe environment for everyone reading. 4. Tag your triggers. Except the aforementioned limitation of harmful content, nothing is off limits. Explore your kinks! But if you write something that might be offensive to your readers, please tag it. This is ALSO a good way for your readers to find exactly what they ARE looking for! On Ao3 this can be done directly on the fic tags, for FF fics and fic links you can do it here on Tumblr via the fic post tags or in ANs. This is in consideration of your readers. 5. You can obviously post art for this event too. All previous rules apply here, as well. Unfortunately, Tumblr is now against tasteful nudity. That doesn’t mean you can’t link to a deviant art or similar account though, should you want to. And, since this year will include an e-zine at the end of it, all art will still be included fully in it. Here too, please tag your triggers. If you still want to post art on Tumblr, choose a T rated image - clip them where needed, or keep them (semi-)clothed, show us a heated kiss, etc! (Obviously we would love ALL the art and the nude body is a beautiful, wonderful thing, but obviously Tumblr doesn’t agree with us anymore!) 6. Have fun! Celebrate sexuality in an open, sex-positive way with us, try to be unapologetic about your likes while you write this, and appreciate the beauty that comes in the form of content with a largely female-gazing creator-base and audience! Smut in fanfiction has been beautifully put as the subjectification of sexuality (as opposed to  objectification). So let’s celebrate this art form together! 7. Reviews: No one is forced to review. It can be uncomfortable to review a fic that contains sexual acts for any number of always valid reasons. Keep in mind, however, that much like a Burlesque dancer on stage, putting out sexual content can also be very intimidating to an author, and nothing is more discouraging than silence when baring yourself to an audience like this. That being said: Both Ao3 and FF have the option to review in anon mode. That means you have the option to remain anonymous while cheering the author on all the same. Just like the Burlesque dancer, your resident smut authors prefer to go on stage to loud cheering - it makes it all less awkward for them, and feels a little more like a big celebration!
If you’re unsure what sex positivity entails and want to read up, I wrote a post about it here.
This event is not supposed to cause harm. This means that I will screen all content before I reblog it here, and include it in the e-zine. So that everyone of age can feel safe reading the fanworks in the event, dubcon and noncon will not be reblogged and included in the e-zine, and accurate tagging and content warning will be watched. This does NOT MEAN that you cannot post this material: your own desire to write it and someone else’s desire to explicitly read this material are valid. I do not entitle myself to censor. It just means it will not be reblogged and shared through the event so that everyone may feel safe to read to the best of my ability. (But, of course, remember that I, too, might be biased, and not discover subtle forms of it, either. We’re all, in the end, a product of our upbringing and society, and I cannot be completely unbiased.)
During the event, I will be posting all Sailor Moon Smutember contributions in this format on my blog if you @ me to the post.
The official hashtag for the event is #smutember2022 hosted by the official smutember blog. Using it helps people find the content who search for it as well as those who wish to block it!
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nysocboy · 2 months
Gemstones Episode 3.8: Is Peter a woman? Are Kelvin and Keefe lovers? Does Jesse dye his hair?
Episode 3.7 was the worst in the series due to its chronological disaster, plot incongruity, annoying misdirections, and assertion that the guys were just good buddies.  Maybe that was intentional,  to disorient the viewers so they would not be expecting Episode 3.8 : It is intricately plotted, and gives us a huge number of queer codes, including one that most fans consider definitive.
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Reunited with the Loved Ones: After their rescue, the siblings are taken to Rogers Regional Medical Center to be examined.  Gideon must have finally phoned the family, because the partners and kids burst in, coincidentally in the order they need to be in to reach their loved ones without bumping into each other.  
We cut to the siblings being interviewed by the police.  BJ and Gideon stand in front of them.  Amber is not present. Keefe waits by the door, still not included in the family; but he does get a bit where he knocks over a trash can and yells "I hate what you had to endure."   They all hate Eli, who left them to suffer and possibly be killed. 
Next, having established that May-May wasn't in on the kidnapping plot, she and Eli bond.  
Which of you is a woman?: With the marital problem plotlines nearly over, we have time for a deep-dive into the Militia. 
Peter and Chuck are driving a U-Haul full of explosives, followed by a ragtag caravan of militia men. Marshall and Dakota (Sturgill Simpson, Quinn Dunn-Baker) complain that they don't know where he's going.  
Does Peter know?  Two compounds have been destroyed.  The kidnapping scheme has been foiled. Everyone has forgotten the first scheme, which required the truckload of explosives.
They stop at Dodge's Fried Chicken, a real fast-food place on Savannah Highway in Charleston (next to a KFC, har har).  Marshall continues to grumble. Peter asserts that complaining is "like a woman," and Marshall retorts that he drives "like a woman."  They continue to call each other women until Chuck gets tired of it and tells them to focus on the new plan.  Whatever it is.
Peter re-asserts his authority: if they rebel against him, they are rebelling against God, because he is the Keeper of the Word. Uh-oh, another Messiah.We see again parallels between the Militia and Kelvin's God Squad in Season 2: both societies devoted to the masculine, suspicious of women, informed by homoerotic or homosocial desire. run by a messianic figure. The militia is the dark side of Kelvin's God Squad  We can go even farther and juxtapose Kelvin's bodybuilder fetish with the militia's fetishization of the soldier.  
Seasons 1 and 2 featured gay-subtext friendships to counterbalance the development of the Kelvin-Keefe romance.  I was surprised to not find one in Season 3, but maybe it's here, in Peter and Marshall's bickering.
Sexy Time:  With almost no sleep, almost nothing to eat, and only a bucket to poop in for 36 hours or several days (depending on the chronology), I'd be interested in dinner and bed rather than sexy time, but after two militia scenes, we cut to the two couples having sex.
First, BJ and Judy take a bath together. BJ: "The whole time you were in captivity, I would light candles and just cry."  It sounds like they were held for longer than a day.  Also, his eye, puffed out from his fight with Stephen, is almost healed. Maybe a week? 
He continues: "The best way to reset is with a really good, deep f*king."  They play a game of helicopter-penis with an incest motif.  You can sort of see BJ's dick, actually a prosthetic, in the swirling water.
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Next it's Kelvin and Keefe's turn.  Keefe has changed into a sleeveless leather top with gold studs from the Jim Morrison Mr. Mojo collection.  Kelvin has showered and restored his top wave.  After keeping his body under wraps all season, he displays his backside and butt, again becoming an object of homoerotic desire.  Keefe pretends to give him a massage, but slides right past his shoulders to concentrate on his butt. 
After being invited to fondle an ex-boyfriend's bare butt, most people would assume that he wanted to get back together, but Keefe has received so many mixed signals in the past that he has to be very careful.  His questions are skillfully designed to push Kelvin to a decision: are they going to be post-breakup pals, good buddies with benefits, or lovers?
First he eliminates the post-breakup pal option by asking if Kelvin and Taryn are dating.  Immediately after asking, he has Kelvin spread his legs, feels up his inner thighs, and starts"taking liberties," as Adam Devine reveals.  The actor needed to be semi-aroused so his penis would look bigger for a cut scene with frontal nudity.  In-universe, Keefe is answering his own question.
Kelvin: "Nah. She ain't my type." I've heard gay men say "You're not my type" to reject a flirtatious woman without coming out, but why would Kelvin feel the need to be closeted with his ex-boyfriend?  This must be a structural ploy to avoid having him say "gay."  
He continues: "I hated all the forced claps and laughter and fun times.  I like doing claps and laughters with you."  I've analyzed this scene in detail, and I still can't think of an in-universe reason for bringing up Taryn's work performance. That wasn't the question, and besides, Kelvin quit his youth minister job, so he's in no position to hire Keefe back.  
But Keefe assumes that he's talking about the assistant youth pastor job, and responds in kind: "I love getting the children zazzed up and excited to learn about Jesus with you." 
Now Kelvin clarifies that he was answering the "Are you and Taryn dating" question, not "Can I have my old job back?"    "I mean, Taryn was nice and all, but she's not you." She was nice, but you can't build a romance from niceness.  You need passion. 
Keefe understands:  "She tried to replace me, but it was a failed try." They're going to be romantic partners, combining eros and phileo, trying to "build something" for the future., reguardless of its impact on Kelvin's career.  Which shouldn't be a problem.  He's not working for the church anymore.  They can move to Atlanta and march in Pride Parades.
Cut to Gideon driving Eli somewhere while they discuss how the siblings still aren't talking to him.  
Eli explains that he would have paid if he thought they were really in danger; "I knew they weren't."  Dude, Peter killed a man, tortured another, and sent his guys out to assault his own sons.  The militia was planning to kill one of them "after church."  Their lives were definitely in danger.  Besides, the church paid $500,000 to avoid a scandal.  $1,000,000 to get its pastors back seems like a bargain.
Next they discuss what Gideon is going to do with his life.  He doesn't know.  Eli notes that when he was a young man, he never would have imagined becoming a preacher, hint hint. You want the succession to skip over your children and go straight to Gideon, Pontius, and Abraham?  Gemstone Brothers Ministries.
Back at the mansion, Chuck sneaks a phone call to his brother Karl, to complain that escaping put him and his dad in a bad spot with the militia. Oh, was not wanting to be murdered inconsiderate?  Terribly sorry, Bro.  He insists that he wouldn't really have killed his cousins. Everybody's got excuses.
I can be true to myself:  The siblings meet for lunch at Jason's Steak House, and discuss how the kidnapping ordeal has changed them.
 Judy: "Things are better than before the kidnapping." You and BJ having a second honeymoon?  
Kelvin: "Makes everything snap into focus, that's for sure." You and Keefe having a second honeymoon?  
Jesse: "I can be more honest, true to myself." He's stopped dying his sideburns, letting the natural gray appear.
Jesse asks them to return to their jobs at the church, and they agree. They don't mention Keefe returning as assistant youth minister, but it's implied: everyone has apparently forgotten about the Smut Busters scandal. Then they hold hands.  In this season, holding hands has been awkward and uncomfortable for the siblings, so this is an important milestone in their relationship.  
Not much left in the episode, but what's left includes most important scene in the series. 
Military fetish photos, Kelvin's butt, and BJ's dick on RG Beefcake and Boyfriends
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winterberryholly · 1 year
A snippet from a NejiKank fic I have been trying to get posted for months (currently listed on my WIP list as yeah they team gay keep scrolling) This scene takes place during the reception of Gaara and Lee’s wedding. (NejiKank, GaaLee, onesided Nejiten, onesided Kankiba. M)
Note that this scene is early in the fic, so this has more of the onesided Nejiten than the NejiKank, but I promise it’s a NejiKank fic! :)
“Ah hah,” says Kankurou. He gestures between Neji and Tenten with his senbon and waggles his eyebrows in a way that makes Neji feel skewered himself. “You wanna bang her.”
Neji’s complete and utter shock at the audacity causes him to gasp mid-sip.
“I do not—“
— is all Neji can spit out before he begins fully choking on his wine.
As Kankurou shouts and whacks him repeatedly across the back, his lungs burning from the wine he’s inhaled, Neji thinks that perhaps he is in hell. It makes sense. The too-bright lights. The gaudy decor. The Kankurou.
“Easy! You don’t have to get all—“ He waves his arms wildly around. “Just because you’re into some chick. I get it, man. I was messed up over Kiba for like…whew!!”
“I’m fine,” Neji snaps.
He is decidedly not fine. He is mortified, not least of all because Kankurou is right, though Neji would never be so crass as to say it like that (despite his being “messed up” over his teammate for far longer than “whew”). Is it really that obvious?
(Does everyone know that he’s made weak just from the sliver of skin exposed by the slit of her dress, that sometimes the soft moans Tenten makes when he works out her shoulders after training echo in his memory at random, making his breath catch in his throat during the most mundane of activities...)
“I didn’t realize it was such a big secret,” Kankuro continues, making Neji all the more tempted to throw himself over the nearest balcony. “But now…y’know, that explains a lot.”
“What do you mean?”
Kankuro makes a dismissive flick of his wrist in Neji’s direction. “You. Your whole deal. Being that horny all the time must be awful. I dunno how you do it.” He grins wickedly and leans in closer. “Did it make it worse or better, being on the same team as her?”
Between her tendency towards hands-on displays of friendly affection, her cavalier attitude towards dressing and bathing in front of her teammates, the countless nights spent lying ramrod straight mere inches away from her, willing his body not to respond to her breath on his neck, or the soft moans she made in her sleep…
Worse. So much worse.
“I’m not an animal,” he spits.
“Don’t let her hear you say that, Hyuuga. What if that’s what she wants?”
Neji doesn’t know what she wants, exactly. But he can confirm that it’s not him. She’d told him as much, when he’d finally mustered up the courage to ask (“But I love you so much, Neji. I mean it. You’re my best friend in the whole world.”) And that’s okay, because it has to be. Tenten is his best friend, too, and Neji can’t dream of losing her just because he can’t get over her. Surely he’s not that pathetic.
But every so often, Neji still finds himself looking at her a little too long, or dreaming of taking her to bed, waking up both aching with want and sick to his stomach -
“Oi, you in there?”
Neji remembers to breathe; Kankuro gives a dramatic “phew” of relief.
“Thought you died, Hyuuga. Thank God. Everyone woulda blamed it on me.”
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bengiyo · 8 months
I Feel You Linger in the Air Ep 9 Stray Thoughts
Last week, the lesbians suffered. Let's remind ourselves of that before we talk about the gay sex. We saw the sordid details of Euangphueng being forced into this marriage with Robert, and at no point did anyone care what she wanted. Euangphueng and Maey were discovered by Robert, and he punished both of them: Maey he imprisoned, and Euangphueng he raped. Meanwhile, Yai and Jom lived their gay little lives giving offerings to a monk together, having fantastic sex, enjoying baths, watching fireflies, and having piggyback rides. Yai's dad had Chan spy on them, and had decided to force a marriage upon Yai as well, apparently doing the same as he did to Euangphueng, who he married off to keep her from being too gay.
Oh, Jom is sick. I'm glad only Prik showed up to see him in Yai's bed.
I'm only not recoiling at this sponge baths because these two are already sexual.
Been a while since I saw the word sodomite. This is about how I expected that conversation to go. Luang can't just send Yai away because that would be embarrassing.
Bright does so much with his eyes.
I really love Euangphueng admitting that she let Fong Kaew into the house to ease the situation with Robert, and that she apologized.
It's intriguing that Yai is trying to shield Jom from worries about Luang, and Jom can't really say he's from the future.
Of course they sent Busabong over to remind Yai that he will obey.
Man, how much does Yai know about his sister?
Nonkul's breakdown as Jom reckons with Yai's nuptials was so good. Holy shit he's good.
I appreciate that Luang was direct with Jom. It's the kind of era-appropriate reaction that could easily be overplayed as needlessly cruel.
Oh Ming. I love how he gets to the heart of it. He doesn't necessarily understand queer love, but he recognizes suffering and doesn't like it.
Look at Ming and Fong Kaew: allies.
Ming is the best straight man in this show.
Why is James even here to help save Ming?
Thank you, Gaga, for continuing to provide subtitles even when they were speaking English.
Nonkul made me feel the old gay ache in my joints when he gathered himself and exhaled before creating distance with Yai.
Nonkul's eyes are killing me in this breakup scene.
Reminding Yai that he said that change takes time as he's telling him to accept this proposal hurts.
I feel so much for Yai and Jom, and Euangphueng and Maey, and all of us who had to do what we had to do.
Jom brought Nuey to the house?? Oh shit! Looks like they're just going to give up and send Yai away.
I'm so curious about what Jom did after learning about the engagement and that conversation with Luang and then Fong Kaew. Something about the way Jom said that change takes time makes me think we've reached the Finding Out part of Luang and Dech Fucking Around.
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unnamedpheonix · 9 months
(Mark and Jack thinking about the bath scene)
Mark lay in bed staring at the ceiling. His mind was filled of thoughts of the day. Most of them however, were about Jack. The way his brown hair sat beautifully on his head and his laugh. God Mark loved his laugh. The way Jacks wet hair shone in the sun. His cheerful grin. It made him light up on the inside. Mark rolled over in bed, still lost in thought. "I wonder what it would be like..." he said to himself quietly. "I wonder if Jack would ever want..." Mark trailer off. Of cource there was nothing there. Jack wasnt gay, and he sure as hell wasnt going to let Jack know any of this. That could ruin everything they ever had. "If only..." Mark soon fell into a blissful sleep.
Jack lay awake in bed, feeling embarrassed. Ugh, he was so stupid! Jesus, how could he let that shit slip. He was doing so well. It was just an accident...he was just nervous! Damn it! And the things he wanted to say. Pitiful. If only he could reach out to Mark. To say what he really meant to say. But some things are best left consealed. And Mark would never think about him that way. Oh, but the way Mark was leaning over him, his beautiful hair flowing down past his eyes, his strong arms so close to his shoulders, he just wanted fall into them. Even the thought made Jack flustered. "If only..." Jack said as he closed his eyes.
If only they realised! Denial can be scary for multiple reasons! Mark and Jack seem to be feeling it here! Gosh the drama! Hooe you enjoyed!!!!
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palavapeite · 1 year
@aha-my-villainous-thoughts tagged me in the Last Lines game thingie. Thank youuuuuuu!!!!
Not quite sure how that works, but since I haven't touched any of my WIPs in a month and also have a bad habit of not writing from start to end necessarily, I'm just gonna have to wing it, won't I? For some of these it's gonna be the last sentence of the draft/manuscript and for some the last bit I remember writing. Also, it is highly likely that more than half of these will never actually get written, some of these files are more like thought playgrounds than actual WIPs.
From oldest to newest, here we go:
Blonde & Leggy 3: [Subtitle redacted]
Stede’s mouth keeps talking – thankfully, on the subject of Ed he can keep talking for quite a while without having to think about what to say next – but his thoughts are already elsewhere. 
This won’t do. 
It simply, he decides, won’t do.
[I am afraid this is where the fic's been stuck for months and everything past this is a construction site because eeeeeeh I'm having some problems with flow and figuring out the right order of scenes and events. ]
(Did you expect a love song?)
Seeing Dion and Anton exchange a look, Viago grinned awkwardly in a manner that he hoped conveyed how much of a fucking embarrassment he thought Deacon was (not without affection), just in case there was any doubt.
[I really really want to finish this, I just need to find the voice again and it's not been happening for me...]
What is left for encore
“Power metal, huh. Well… I like the sound of the rest though. Nothing I trust as much as Izzy’s taste.” 
[aka the metal band AU I will never realistically actually write/finish. but i've been nostalgia-watching so many of my fave band documentaries and this is the WIP file where I go to vibe, alright?]
Your smile is like a breath of cringe
Glancing around his cabin, he was relieved to see that Izzy had left unnoticed sometime in the past three to thirteen minutes that Ed guesstimated he had been staring out between the drawn curtains.
Time to get ready for battle, he figured, and looked around for his gun and his knife.
Fine. He was fine.
This was fine.
[@thebeautifulsoup and I were both going to write a Jason-Isaacs-as-Stede's-rebound-boyfriend fic, but she was the only one who actually pulled through with this beautiful fic. Mine got kneecapped by seasonal depression and self-doubts, so it's just been... sitting there.]
Bonnet's Playthings: Brothel, Baths and Bed & Breakfast
This was how Stede Bonnet found out that he had been having breakfast with Blackbeard. 
[This could have been another silly frenzied 10k in two days, but then I got bogged down in, like, scene 3 and I've not yet made up my mind on how to best fix it.]
The not-technically-a-wip-more-of-a-notes-and-snippets-cluster
"Not really. More like…" Stede releases a shuddering breath. "Like I was wrong. I came out as gay thinking it would set something inside me free, make something inside me finally make sense, but then life went on and I still felt trapped, and I thought maybe I’m not gay at all, maybe I’m just broken."
[I don't think this will ever come to anything, but I might harvest some of those 5 pages of dialogue if ever I need something depressing...]
This was fun! Tagging, if they haven't already done it (I've seen this float about recently) and only if they feel like it: @slow-burn-sally , @thebeautifulsoup , @emmyllou , @pudentilla and @greaseonmymouth :-*
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sapphicsoie · 2 years
73 questions
on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now? solid 6, i am excited to live in norway for 5 months.
describe yourself in a hashtag? #wellshitok
if you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be? timothee chalamet if it's a film that has the vibe of cmybn, but tom holland if it's a movie that is mainstream.
if your life was a musical, what would the marquee say? probably something like "don't worry!"
what’s one thing people don’t know about you? people don't know that i sleep with a baby blanket named blankey who is actually not a blanket i have had since i was a baby but actually the same type of blanket i had when i was 5. this is the third blanket i have had since then, she (yes she uses she/her pronouns) is from lands end (i buy a new one whenever she turns to literal threads). i got the one i sleep with now when i was 15.
what’s your wake up ritual? i don't really have one unless i'm like at camp or have class, then i will read in bed for a bit if i can, shower, drink a tea and eat breakfast, and brush my teeth last. i also like to listen to music.
what’s your go to bed ritual? i always wash my face and either shower or have a bath, then do skincare, take out contacts, brush teeth, put on lip balm, read in bed, then sleep.
what’s your favorite time of day? i love when the sun is setting.
your go to for having a good laugh? tiktok, or sonny with a chance or kim possible compilations.
dream country to visit? iceland or new zealand
what’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had? that my dad who is slightly homophobic is actually into kinky gay sex and is a bottom.
heels or flats/sneakers? sneakers.
vintage or new? depends, i would say new for clothes because they don't make cute vintage clothes for fat women, but i love vintage cameras and furniture
who do you want to write your obituary? my best friend katie and if i die before her, my mom.
style icon? fictional? noora amelie sætre. irl? i love zendaya's style for the most part.
what are three things you cannot live without? my phone, my antidepressants, and something to read.
what’s one ingredient you put in everything? GARLIC but also love salt and pepper. i am very white.
what 3 people living or dead would you want to make dinner for? ummmm maybe like my grandma who i never met and or like isak valtersen, sana bakkoush and even bech næsheim from skam lmao.
what’s your biggest fear in life? feeling like my life is meaningless and i won't be rememebered.
window or aisle seat? used to be window, now it's aisle. i gotta pee!!
what’s your current tv obsession? haven't been watching tv AT ALL but i loved moon knight.
favorite app? tumblr or ao3 if that counts as an app, more of a website tho
secret talent? i am very flexible, and can do all three splits, and a perfect cartwheel.
most adventurous thing you’ve ever done in your life? i dated a girl in high school in a small town in the deep south
how would you define yourself in three words? determined, honest, lonely
favorite piece of clothing you own? rn it's a plain ribbed t-shirt from target
a must have clothing item that everyone should have? plain ribbed shirt and comfy high rise jeans
a superpower you would want? shape shifting
what’s inspiring you in life right now? to be transparent, i am simply existing for the most part. i do really want to graduate so i can move to nyc and try acting and not be in school for the first time in 15 years.
best piece of advice you’ve received? that it is okay to feel and show your emotions and that doesn't make you any less strong or capable.
best advice you’d give your teenage self? you won't feel this awful forever. i promise. also, don't let her hurt you over and over again. and lastly, just because you are in pain doesn't mean you have to force your anger and sadness and despair onto others, be kind.
a book everyone should read? i don't read as much as i used to, but i think a book/series that made me who i am is a series of unfortunate events by lemony snicket.
what would you like to be remembered for? i hope i'm remembered as someone who left the world better than it was in some way shape or form, even if it's trivial.
how do you define beauty? i think it depends on the person and what kind of beauty. i think there is no simple way to define beauty because it's so subjective.
what do you love most about your body? my eyes, they are a really pretty shade of blue with a gold ring around the pupil.
best way to take a rest/decompress? listen to music, read, lay in the pitch dark listening to music or city rain sounds
favorite place to view art? gonna be transparent i cannot look at art for more than like 30 seconds, so maybe a museum but i don't really view art :/
if your life was a song, what would the title be? liability by lorde.
if you could master one instrument, what would it be? piano, i played it growing up but stopped.
if you had a tattoo, where would it be? probably somewhere pretty hidden, maybe my ankle or the side of ribs?? idk
dolphins or koalas? koalas literally fuck dolphins
what’s your spirit animal? a platypus.
best gift you’ve ever received? probably my macbook, i use it a lot. idk i've never been given a super sentimental gift?? my friend recently gave me a really pretty drawing of me for my birthday though.
best gift you’ve given? horrible at gifts but got my dad a fancy speaker for christmas but little does he know it was 75% off.
what’s your favorite board game? don't really play them at all and never really have but i like chess
what’s your favorite color? baby pink
least favorite color? any bright colour. or like orange. or teal. i am picky.
diamond or pearls? pearls!!!
drugstore makeup or designer? mostly designer but the occasional drugstore product
blow-dry or air-dry? air-dry unless someone else is doing my hair
pilates or yoga? yoga
coffee or tea? tea, but if i need caffeine, coffee.
what’s the weirdest word in the english language? hippomonstrosesquippiedaliophobia.
dark chocolate or milk chocolate? milk but i'm not a huge chocolate gal
stairs or elevators? elevators
summer or winter? winter 4ever i hate sweating
you are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat? probably something nutritious if we are being practical like salmon and quinoa but if we are being honest, steak and yorkshire pudding
a dessert you don’t like? super chocolatey stuff. or ice cream that is fruit flavoured. disgusting.
a skill you’re working on mastering?
best thing to happen to you today? the children went home and i get to drink tonight
worst thing to happen to you today? woke up at 7.30 am and had to spend time with children until they finally left at 12 pm
best compliment you’ve ever received? that i am determined and resilent.
favorite smell? christmas eve candle by yankee candle. smells like childhood.
hugs or kisses?
if you made a documentary, would it be about? a documentary about how internet culture and grooming affected girls born in the late 90's-early 2000's, like myself and so many of my friends did some crazy shit online as a kid.
last piece of content you consumed that made you cry?
lipstick or lipgloss? lipgloss!!
sweet or savory? savoury but i also love sweets
girl crush? zendaya, maybe margot robbie?? josefine frida pettersen is gorgeous
how do you know your in love? when you never get tired of being around them. like your social battery never runs out with them.
a song you can listen to on repeat? currently kjøre oss by marie ulven (girl in red before she was girl in red)
if you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? probably a rich person who lives in nyc or canada or norway
what are you most excited for about this time in your life? moving to oslo in the fall!!
tagged by @silkscream
tagging: @peterthepark @spidervee @indouloureux
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