#the broom is a decorative thing that used to smell like cinnamon
marlynnofmany · 1 month
Things said far too often in this house:
"Dang it, cat, get back in here. Don't eat the broom! Why are you like this?"
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shadygrovearchive · 1 year
Basic Equipment Guide
I’m going to list some equipment, define what it is, and give its general purpose. Now, firstly, you don’t need any of this stuff to do magick.  The tools and gestures and everything traditionally associated with magick are merely to help focus your mind, but your mind is all you really need.  That’s not to say you can’t/shouldn’t use them, just that you don’t have to if you don’t want to.
Altar:  a flat surface large enough to hold your supplies.  Your magickal workspace.  Usually positioned so you are facing North when using it, or able to be moved to face the direction associated with the element most closely related to the intended working about to be performed.  Or stuck against whatever wall you have room for it on in your tiny apartment.
Wand: a rod, traditionally the length of the space between your wrist and the crook of your elbow and the thickness of your thumb, usually made of wood, though sometimes metal tubing, and can be carved and/or decorated with stones, beads, leather, skins, fur, wire, whatever the owner likes.  It is used to direct energy. Staff: a rod, traditionally the length of the distance between your temple and the ground and the thickness of your circled thumb and forefinger.  It can be decorated to suit the user, and is used in the same manner as a wand. Athame: [a-thuh-may (with the first a sounding like the a in staff)] a dagger, usually decorated or ornate, and not necessarily sharp, since it’s not a physical cutting tool.  It’s used to direct energy like a wand and cut spiritual or metaphorical things during rituals (e.g., a spell to sever ties with someone or to cut something out of your life).  Can also be used to cut a door in a magick circle to allow someone to pass through without breaking the circle. Sword: Outsized athame, used for the same things. Knife: It’s a knife, usually plain but sharp.  This one is used for actually cutting physical objects during spells. Incense:  a mix of herbs that are smoldered to release a sweet smelling smoke.  Available in stick, cone, or even loose to be used in a censor.  Choice of scent can either be your personal incense (i.e., just one you really like) or for a specific magickal purpose. Censor:  a metal container with vents that holds a glowing ember of charcoal and filled with herbs to burn as incense (which is where the word comes from, because it’s burned in cens-or). Holy Water:  Sometimes Sun or Moon Water, depending on how it’s made, is purified or distilled water that has been blessed and consecrated in some way and is used a cleansing or blessing substance. Broom:  A small broom, used for ceremonially “sweeping” energies.  Any broom will do for this, though most people like a hand-sized one.  Those cinnamon scented twig brooms they sell around the holidays work well. Altar/Circle Candles:  a few different types of (usually pillar) candles can be used and re-used during a ritual (not counting any that may be used in the actual spellwork).  Quarter candles are placed at the four cardinal directions on the circle and generally colored to match that element (Earth-Green, Air-Yellow, Fire-Red, Water-Blue).  God/dess candle(s) are placed in the upper part of the altar, out of the way of the work space, and are sometimes just a single candle for both.  Illuminator candles are exactly what they sound like: large candles placed on/around your altar to light up your workspace, if you really want to do things old school.  (Personally, it’s the 21st century and too many candles is just a fire hazard.  I’ll use the provided electric lights to illuminate my room, thanks.) Elemental Symbols: physical representations of the elements. These are a matter of personal choice.  I personally use a pentacle for Earth, my athame for Air, my wand for Fire, and a chalice for Water because those are the elements the four Tarot suits are associated with, but you can use whatever you like.  A rock, a feather, a lighter, a seashell.  I’ve known someone who had little figurines of a bear, an eagle, a dragon, and a shark.  I do caution against using an actual open flame for fire, just because it sits on the Southern part of the altar, which is where you’re generally going to be standing, and constantly reaching over a candle is just asking to get burned. Divination tools:  these come in many forms from many different cultures.  Runes, Tarot, Yijing, knucklebones, scrying mirrors, even dice and playing cards.  The “randomness” of their display is the universe’s way of communicating.
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halfdeadfriedrice · 7 months
A variety of To Dos that, as a list, at least explain why when i go home i just fall over instead of doing anything. jesus. okay.
Sew plushie!! :3
watch/read like 12 more armsock tutorials
find and read face paint tutorials and also bone tutorials
shopping list: tights (arms, legs), fingernails, toenails?, boxer shorts (x2), fabric markers, face paint, whatever you need to make bones ...
honestly though plushie first
find homestuck horn tutorial (or buy some) - this is how we can still win halloween. when you are not grey, do not explain intricacies of humanstuck roleswap to truly win.
set up sewing machine
practice and learn basics of sewing machine (here but relevant for other tasks)
you might as well get in the spirit and put up the halloween decorations. time is passing and you have to mark it somehow. you don't have to sound excited but you will appreciate new things to look at
weekend prep: find your missing supplies and pack the weekend bag. message people if you want to organize something ahead of time. get cash. also RSVP.
ask pals to share their calendars because you don't remember what's on the various agendas.
obviously baldurs gate is on the agenda but should be supplemented with other items from this list, especially the free ones.
reverse the directions of all the ceiling fans to see if that thing about running them and dispersing the warm air is true
unpack various suitcases. they do not belong in the kitchen.
would it be worth turning around the side table in the living room? you could put gaming supplies in it perhaps. also i would support you cleaning it out and doing something more useful with that space.
speaking of: clean out the stuff under the TV again.
clean garage. especially clean everywhere delphine sits and pees.
clean back room. stop hiding clothes, just donate/get rid of. hang jackets. haul shit out of closet and deal with it. put the stuff you are storing in more reasonable piles.
re-sort bookshelves. back room and bedroom. check behind books for missing stuff. put the bag o books under bed on shelves. donation donation donation.
find your missing kink supplies and repack your bag for the weekend
clean out linen closet. refold so it is neat. get some nice smelly stuff ?? try to figure out why everything in your closet smells bad and remedy. anything that sucks but is helpful to have should go in the attic.
attic: all bins must have lids. any lids without bins and vice versa should be got rid of.
gather all clothes that ought to be donated and do so (multi-stage process; try on clothes, get rid of things you haven't worn in a year. less unworn things taking up dresser space.
flop warm and cold weather wardrobe. do this before donation run.
hang blinds. purchase new battery for drill or rent drill from library. i know you would buy cooler, better cell-shade blinds that can go up and down but you can't afford them so stop whining and put up the new blinds.
clean windows (as much as possible, we are aware of the existence of spiders)
ALT TO BUYING NEW TABLE: rearrange kitchen so that sitting in the kitchen is viable and enjoyable. also like. spruce up the table.
get rid of shit. like. raze it. if you cannot bear to donate it then get some new boxes and put it in the attic. no more piles of artistic garbage.
get rid of all the fucking plastic bags.
hang the decor in the kitchen you bought
go to best buy to pick up thing
House (money):
new filter for the bigger return.
figure out how to repair split cushions on desk chair so that it is nice to sit in.
go spend like $100 on bins that match. container store??? bins with lids.
a new bedroom LAMP IMAGINE.
buy a new silverware set and get rid of all unmatching silverware, and also all shitty knives.
buy some firewood and more cinnamon brooms.
buy a new kitchen table (and chairs) - SMALL also honestly preferably VERY COOL, because the midcentury modern piece you have now is VERY COOL it's just also TOO BIG.
buy a mount (either for ceiling cross-beam or free-standing - more mobile if free standing) for hammock chair. sit in it and never move again.
please please please sell garage furniture. if you do you can probably buy a new table with the proceeds, and put the old one in the garage.
buy new mirrored closet doors- optimize space and get a mirror.
when you do this you must have blinds in place.
buy a clothes chest for front of bed for clothes and also the cat to use as stairs
call a contractor to a) replace that one glass pane that broke when you were trying to open a window and b) unstick all your windows that the last contractors painted shut.
tbh we also need to get a termite contract in place it's just that it's $500
purchase curtains or purchase fabric to make curtains. inventory curtain rods and maybe purchase more of those.
honestly some bistro curtains in the kitchen would be super nice and a good place to start.
paint. living room. a wall at a time if you must. figure out the colors.
measure all hanging art and buy frames for it
measure and hang shelves in living room, but only after you paint??
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Aot characters as college roommates headcanon-
a/n: somehow this turned poly. I have no regrets.
Content warning: foul language, mature content, OCD and anxiety mention
ft: you x Levi Ackerman x Jean Kirstein x Eren Yeager, Erwin Smith, Zeke Yeager
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claims he’s twenty one but the mf looks ten and acts eighty four
owns a VCR. He has a fit whenever you suggest he dumps it for a tv
he owns a flip phone 
he can never take a good picture- his fingers are always covering the lens
cleans the bathroom even when someone is using it 
takes cold showers
somehow always knows when someone (eren) never washes their hands. 
man has a tingle for unflushed toilets- and when you flush wipes down the toilet, he will try to commit homicide by mop. Poor Zeke still has nightmares. 
Will give you the silent treatment if you leave a stain on the WHITE carpet. -”Dammit, Levi, I told you we should have gone with hardwood!” (Jean) “...You’re cleaning that up.” 
Self appoints himself as your building’s custodian 
Insults your cleaning just so he has an excuse to clean more
Fusses over you if you’re at the door and you haven’t tucked your shirt and collar in. He clears his throat to remind you when  you’ve forgotten something
Pointedly alerts you (in public) that you haven’t worn deodorant
Is a total mother hen- cooks, cleans, even sews. The only time he ever really gets angry is whenever Zeke walks by. You and Jean joke that Levi’s hair sticks up like a cat. 
claims he’s not clingy but likes to sleep in your clothing hamper when you’re not home. You once caught him cuddling in Jean’s bed, clutching yours’ and Eren’s clothes tightly. He claimed that he was searching for loose change. 
He definitely has favorites: it goes you, Jean, then Eren. If you ever piss him off, Levi will go find Zeke and punch the shit out of him before he ever yells at you. 
Poor thing unwittingly makes sexual jokes all the time and he doesn’t understand why you three are cracking up on the floor laughing
suffers from OCD, and sometimes he will be focused on one thing for several hours. You have to gently take him away from what he’s obsessing over, and you and Eren get him to build a pillow fort
You and Levi are both avid readers
You have to be the one to go to him when he’s hurting, because he won’t come to you asking for help
Likes to sit in between your thighs and lay his head on your stomach
Is allergic to pet dander and sneezes every time Eren and/or Zeke are around 
Gets sunburns easily
Names his broom and mop 
Collects rocks and decorates them. He actually names them after you three. The rock version of Zeke is broken in half and has a post-it note with the words “suck it” taped to it
Calls his mother for everything
Is actually really sensitive (Jean found out when he saw Levi burst into tears watching Titanic)
You and he watch Westerns when he’s sad, and you tell him that the cowboys look like Kenny
Levi watches South Park, and he called his mom once just to say, “Oh my god! They killed Kenny!”
Can sing really well but he’s shy about it
His favorite musical is Be More Chill
Gets turned on by the smell of bleach
Believes there is nothing tea can’t fix (he also prefers homeopathic remedies to medicine) 
Has the chubbiest cheeks you’ve ever seen
If you’ve booped him and somehow survived, you have passed Levi’s vibe check (Zeke did NOT pass the vibe check) 
Puts your good grades on the fridge and if you failed he puts on lipstick and kisses the bad grades 
Is surprisingly shy and stutters a lot 
Loves to wear your clothes 
Sneezes like a kitten
Smells like tea leaves
Hogs blankets
Is an actual clueless cinnamon roll. One time, Jean and Eren introduced him to porn, and he fainted.
Depends on you three to translate internet slang 
Hates long-winded text messages
Typed up a confession to you three and he didn’t realize he never pressed send. He was crushed that you didn’t acknowledge the text. But Hanji helped him out and it all turned out fine. 
Blanket hog
Loves to be the little spoon
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so first thing’s first, he has severe anxiety, and since you, Eren, and Levi were already together when he first moved in, he feels like the odd one out. 
Eren is convinced he dyes his hair
is the second cleanest of you 4. He and Levi bond over cleaning and shopping for cleaning supplies
Is very health and safety conscious. You, Eren, and Levi aren’t always the best at taking care of yourselves, and since you three “lack basic common sense”, he has invested in buying three kiddie leashes
Has dragged y’all to Urgent Care multiple times for trivial things (like when you and Eren got high and he was convinced you two got pink eye, or when Levi tripped over a pebble and Jean threw him over his shoulder and ran to Urgent Care making ambulance siren noises) 
a professional hairstylist 
paints his nails to match his clothes
gets turned on by people putting on latex gloves 
A total surfer dude
Is obsessed with the Beach Boys 
Like Levi, he is a total mama’s boy
Enjoys Spanish soap operas even though he has no idea what they’re saying or what’s going on (he has yet to find out about subtitles) 
Once he dressed up as Levi’s Uncle Kenny and Levi couldn’t stop screaming 
Only bothers to take a foreign language to learn curse words
Wears sweater vests
Has seasonal ties, socks, and underwear
Owns a hello kitty watch
Was afraid of coming out so he lied about liking Mikasa
Has bad allergies but always forgets his EpiPen (it’s a good thing you, Eren, and Levi carry spares)
Kicks in his sleep
Uses emoticons instead of actually texting words
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This dude never makes his bed. And if he sleeps in Levi’s bed and doesn’t make it, Levi chases him around with a cheese grater
Falls asleep pretty much anywhere. He could be walking or eating, or even chatting, and then he’ll just nod off. Ymir knows how many times he’s called you guys to come to pick him up from strange places. 
He uses “I was sleepwalking” as an excuse for every freaking thing
Used a clothing iron to flatten his hair once
You and him are stoner buddies
Is obsessed with Pokémon Go. You, Levi, and Jean have had to yank him back on the sidewalk multiple times. Eren has barged in on you 3 when you’re showering or on the toilet, because he’s “gotta catch ‘em all!” 
Plays games against his computer and punches the screen when he loses
You bonded with him over your loves of food, sleeping, and pranks- you two waxed off Dean Erwin Smith’s eyebrows and superglued them onto Levi’s eyebrows, and you’ve been causing trouble ever since
Teases you 3 about being unable to grow facial hair
Will kill for food
Has a meltdown if you let him sleep through a meal
Has untreated ADHD 
Has a perfectly good washing machine to use and still takes his dirty laundry to his mother’s
Walks around naked with you (Levi has walked into walls and suffered from nose bleeds) 
Gets out of the shower wet just to say “I got that drip, son,” 
Knows all Disney songs by heart 
Body slams and tackles people as his way of affection
His hair gets in your faces. Jean and Levi have threatened to cut it all off
Eren grows out his hair so when he cuts it he has enough to give away
Never studies and is shocked when he fails 
Sheds everywhere
Is clingy as fuck and he knows it. He hangs off of you, Levi, and Jean like a sloth
Hardcore grunge fan
Plays in a band as a lead singer 
Doesn’t need to snort crack to act like a crack head
Emotionally invested in the lives of fictional characters
Is the smartest dumbass you’ll ever meet
He’s cute and he knows it
Leaves hair in the drain
Brings his half brother everywhere because his mother wants Zeke to be more sociable
Loudest mf to ever exist
Reads everything he sees out loud
Clumsy lovable idiot 
Totally took the Tide Pod Challenge 
Hates being shorter than Jean
Levi has lured him into the shower with beef jerky 
Has gaslighted your other friends into paying for everything, from broken appliances to his fourth of the rent
Horny lil’ shit 
Obsessed with conspiracy theories - “Who shot JFK? No one knows because they don’t want you to know!” “Eren, who the fuck is “they”?” -you
You, Levi, and Jean call him “Ereh” to piss him off
Got a haircut once and Zeke was actually convinced it was another person 💀
Bed hogger
Types texts in all caps
Refuses to enter a room without being "summoned"
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urmomsavampire · 2 years
(can pertain to any high school witch for the most part)
How to get ingredients:
you may think herbs and ingredients are hard to find at first but you are totally wrong here’s some places to find them or schemes to get them.
1. be a tea junky (no one will suspect a thing) - especially loose leaf teas, it’s really easy to find chamomile, peppermint and lavender.
2. ravage through your seasonings in the middle of the night - some of the most commonly used ingredients are probably right in your kitchen like salt, cinnamon, and basil.
3. start a garden- this one isn’t as easy as the others or as accessible but it’s a great way to get something going.
(now we are getting into VERY intricate territory)
4. find someone who does have a garden - i don’t care who they are just ask if you could take some clippings and if you are polite they might say sure.
5. if you can find a witchy fellow from school and become friends - this could also be strictly a money made purchase from them but you could also become friends and regularly trade and gift each other stuff that relates to the craft.
How to find witchy friends:
if you are just starting your journey find a friend to do it with that knows just about as much as you, theirs no shame in it. for the people already somewhat experienced or knowledgeable here’s some tips:
1. draw sigils or pentacles on your hands - you can easily cover them up with a sweater or some long sleeve piece of clothing if needed. anybody close enough to you will get the idea you practice because of this.
2. do a spell - there’s really not many ways to find a witchy friend to practice with, so if you want to get one go manifest them.
3. having someone in mind - do you already think or know someone who does practice? go ask them and if they do, see if you can become friends or the other way around if that makes you more comfortable.
4. Online friends - i know it’s not exactly the same but you can still get knowledge from people about certain tips and tricks well being friends.
(just watch out for creeps online and don’t ignore red flags because you can always find another friend)
How or where to practice?
1. think about the elements - which ones you could you tune into the most to your ability physically, mentally and spiritually. if you live by a beach you may practice cleansing rituals in the water or if you live by a forest you could go grounding.
2. smoke - one of those things most broom closet witches have to worry about, how something smells or the limitations they have on burning stuff. for the smell (like burning paper) you could either use incense or candles to tone it down and don’t worry the fire element isn’t the only one you can use.
(when i first started I almost felt pressure to burn stuff)
3. something everybody is able to dig into - shadow work, i know sounds quite intimidating but shadow work is a great way to learn about yourself and the world around you. you don’t even need a pen and paper you can do it mentally if that’s what you need.
4. use color magick to your advantage - you can apply it to clothes, jewelry, artwork, makeup, and even how you decorate your room. this is a really down low sort of way to practice just make sure you’re mentally dissecting what you are doing and implanting intention seeds into each piece.
thank you for reading :))))
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littlewitchygreen · 4 years
Closeted Witch Tips
Unfortunately it is true for many of us that we can’t practice openly for whatever reason. If you are still in the broom closet, here is a collection of tips that either I have used myself before I was more open about my practice or that friends of mine have used successfully. Included are tips about hiding supplies, keeping grimoires or Books of Shadows private, and actively practicing discretely.
Supplies can often be hidden as other things, so long as they are explained away as something else. If they can’t be, then there are ways to either hide them in plain sight or do without them altogether until it is safer to have them.
Candles In some cases, people can pass off candles as just liking the smell or thinking they’re cool. In many cases, most people won’t look at candles and think ‘witchcraft’ first. However, if you can’t openly keep candles, then using birthday candles is a good alternative, since they come in a variety of colors and are small and easily hidden in drawers or mint tins, and don’t have much of a smell when they burn. If you can’t burn candles either without being caught, then electric candles can also work in a pinch and also tend to be on the smaller side, making them easier to hide as well.
Plants If you can pass off keeping plants as just an interest in gardening or liking them, then great! If keeping live plants isn’t an option though, feel free to turn to your surroundings and use what is there by gathering it yourself (though please don’t eat or burn anything if you aren’t completely certain about what it is!). If even this isn’t an option for you, then I suggest turning to the grocery store for help. The spice isle can be a witch’s best friend, as can the tea section (loose or bagged, since you can cut the bags if you need to) - just check the ingredients list to make sure you know it is only made of the plant you are wanting and you can find everything from sage to cinnamon to bay leaves in it, all while passing it off as an interest in food or cooking.
Crystals If you can, try to pass them off as just something you find ‘cool’ or ‘pretty’ - and if you are worried about them being too obvious clumped together in your space, then spread them out decoratively or hide some of them away while keeping the less obvious ones out. If not, then try to get really small ones that you can hide away in something like a mint tin, like the candles. If you can’t do that, then unfortunately this is one of the things that are harder to hide than others, and there isn’t much else to do.
Tarot If you have a good hiding place, then you can keep your tarot cards there. However, if you can’t and want to use specifically tarot cards, then I would suggest a digital app if you are worried about your cards being found. If even this isn’t possible, then there are ways to use regular playing cards in place of tarot cards - and then you can pass it off as just a game for when friends come over.
Chalices If you use cups in your practice, you can try to find a cup that you can pass off as a drinking cup you keep in your room (or wherever you are practicing). If this isn’t possible, then even something as small as a thimble can work - and it has the added benefit of being small enough to tuck away in other kinds of containers.
Knives If you have an athame or a knife you use in your practice, this is a harder one to explain away, so options are more limited. However, if you are able to keep a butter knife in your room, you can use that and claim you accidentally brought it with you when having a snack. If you want to use a plastic to-go knife, you can claim it was an extra from going out to eat and you forgot to take it out of your room. You can even use a needle, since you can hide it away or use it in a bulletin board, or your own fingers if that is still too much.
Pendulums In a lot of cases, pendulums can be passed off as necklaces or jewelry. If that isn’t the case for you though, and you can’t hide one, then I suggest making your own. I’ve heard stories of people using everything from ordinary necklaces that they own to fruit slices hanging from string or strands of their own hair that they take apart afterward. So long as it is free to move and somewhat weighted, anything can become a pendulum, so feel free to get creative.
Grimoires and Books of Shadows
This is arguably one of the things witches care about keeping hidden most. It is often the place where the most incriminating things are written, and can be both very private and difficult to hide from nosy family and friends.
Digital Digital copies are probably the easiest to hide, and has the added benefit of being difficult to destroy if that is a concern. There is no physical copy, and if you name it something else then it can be hard to notice anything being weird about it from an outside perspective. I’ve seen people use Google Docs for it, unpublished Wattpad stories, and even free vault apps with passwords disguised to look and even function like calculators. This keeps the danger of a physical copy out of the equation entirely.
Disguised For people who want a physical copy but have nosy people in their life, disguising your copies could work too. If you take the jacket off of a hardcover book and tape it onto your grimoire or BoS, then it will be disguised as that book. You can also keep it in a binder labelled for a class, too, or anything else that comes to mind that makes it look like something else.
Displaced If you have a place outside of where you practice where you can keep your book and trust is safe for you and it, then you can keep a physical copy there instead. This takes it out of your home entirely, but has the disadvantage of making it potentially harder to access or having someone else come across what is inside.
Active Practice
Active practice is one of the harder things to do discretely, as it is harder to explain away if caught. However, there are ways to do it, and here’s a few tips that I’ve seen work before.
Altars For anyone who uses altars in their practice, this can be a harder one to hide, depending on what you want to have. If you can pass off an altar as a shelf full of decoration, that is possibly the easiest option. If not, you can try tucking it away inside a drawer or keeping the materials in a shoebox that you set up each time you need it. If even that isn’t enough, you can either make a more permanent version of a travel altar (there are a lot of examples on the internet, and even here on Tumblr if you need ideas), or have a drawing of one that you use in place of one with physical objects. A digital one is also possible - a lot of closeted witches use games like the Sims or Animal Crossing to build a digital altar, if that is what works for you.
Magic Performing magic either through rituals or spells can also be hard to do. If you have your own room, doing spellwork or rituals after everyone else has gone to sleep can work well, as there is little to no danger of someone walking in on you. If you share a room or don’t have much privacy in your room, then you will have to learn when people will be around and find times to practice based on that. If you can, try to let people know you are busy with school, or a project, etc and to avoid disturbing you for a certain amount of time. If this won’t work either, then you may have to take your practice outdoors if possible. If none of the above is possible, then you may have to practice without materials, and work magic and do rituals with only your will and energy to fuel it - which is possible to do.
I hope these tips are of use to some witches, and if anyone has other suggestions to add, please feel free to do so! I did my best to cover everything I could think of, but if there is anything I missed here, feel free to ask and I will see if I can help find an answer. As always, best wishes.
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mxvladdy · 4 years
Fall Head cannons
A hidden Pumpkin spice hoe
He stocks up on pumpkin spice and apple spice coffees and teas
Diavolo gave him a bag from the human realm years ago and he has been hooked ever since
Will deny deny DENY that wonderful fall smell is coming from his office
Has a favorite pair of fall sweat pants. They are ratty and have a few holes but are sinfully soft and cool. Only wears them when he is in his private study.
Actually loves the human fall season
He loves the crispy leaves and the bite of winter on the air the most though
Likes to take walks in parks and the like to enjoy some time alone
He is a huge apple fan. Will treat himself to hot apple cider and fresh apple cake donuts when topside
Modeling during this time is his favorite. The colors accent his skin tone so well. Always makes more during this time.
Weirdly has a great eye for fall wreaths. He makes them sometimes as gifts or to make a quick buck
He is stoked for the fall sales and new releases
He is the worst with playing holiday music. He has his playlist on lock and repeats it nearly every day
He doesn't like going outside during this time. It’s too cold for this boyo.
Like the youngest brother, he brings out his stockpile of pillows for his tub
Has a couple of heat lamps he brings out during this time.
A very cozy fall snake boi
The unapologetic fall thot. Flaunts it just to annoy Lucifer.
Cozy sweaters with cat designs? Check. Hot coffee (pumpkin spice)? Check.
He can be found in the human realm at whatever local bookstore has tickled his fancy that year.
He loves the smell of fall and the fall fairs that happen during this time
Loves the evening hayrides too
Fall? Fuck yes.
Fall makeup palettes are his jam.  And the seasonal nail polish? Yass
Oversized sweaters and patterned leggings are his go to
The cold is bad for your skin though:(. He stocks up on moisturizers and face masks. All fall-themed of course
His devilgram is absolutely poppin for the holidays
Food holidays? Food holidays. He’s sold on all of this
Find him in his room doing a Food Network marathon.
Loves all the seasonal treats and family-oriented holidays
Favorite thing it do though is collect mushrooms in the forest. For tasty dishes and to persevere for family crafts. Gives a lot to Mammon to work with
Loves the scented pinecones you can buy at the market. Has and will eat them if left alone
The fall season doesn’t make a difference to him. He's cozy no matter what.
He likes how happy his twin gets though.
Will help him decorate and make the room festive. No lights though, he wants to be able to sleep ya know.
Loves shopping for pillows. Decorative or regular
Is a hoarder of fuzzy blankets and hot water bottles
Haha! What a wonderful mix of traditions!
Will bring human traditions down to the Devildom. Much to the chagrin of the other nobles
Likes candied apples and fresh baked goods. Barbatos has a field day expanding his culinary skills
Will try the seasonal "classics". Isn't the biggest fan of mulled wine though
Has so many pairs of fuzzy fall socks. Wears with his school uniform, don't judge.
The palace is never so brilliantly decorated as it is in the fall.
Like Asmo, fall color schemes just catch his eye.
Uses earthy and inviting colors. Scented pine cones (with a few teeth marks but what can you do) and cinnamon brooms are tastefully put up around the halls.
Soft greens and autumn browns are his go-to. High key watches HGTV for ideas. Is a Martha Stewart fan.
Is an excellent bartender and has made many signatures fall drinks based on all three realms.
Hot chocolate fend. Doesn’t normally have a sweet tooth but a good mug of chocolate sprinkled with red chili is his weakness.
It's a stark contrast to the usual decorum but the prince loves it.
Oh, how lovely!
Honestly is more of a spring person but fall is nice.
He likes to cook during this time and experiment with fall favorites with Barbatos
Friendly competition between the two on who can make the most inventive goodies for the fall feasts
Barbatos is good with drinks, while Simone is OP with soups and stew.
Small boy doesn’t get it but if it’s a chance to bake and show off to Michael then he’s game
Marathons Food Network with Beel and takes notes. Everyone is excited when he goes to the kitchens with his notebook.
He likes the sweaters and is over the moon when he gets one from Asmo.
Gets tricked by Solomon a few times about human traditions till Simone steps in. 
Outside of cooking he likes doing crafts.
Embroidery is his favorite thing to do. Gifts them to the brothers and the other exchange students. All fall-themed and adorable.
It’s spooky season and he is ready to torment Luke and Mammon. For science of course.
Is a big fan of fire pits. Plans bonfires and makes sure to bring enough mulled wine (for himself) and apple cider for the rest of the crew.
Is a fan of haunted corn mazes. Are they real ghosts? Maybe, don’t worry about it
A cardigan fool and pulls them off amazingly well  
Is a hidden bobbing for apple master. You won’t win. Even Beel sweats against him.
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whichwitchami · 3 years
Hi! I'm wondering, how often do you practice your witchcraft? Things like be with your deities/what do you do with them, cast spells, anything like that? (I hope this isn't too prying, sorry if it is. And I'm aware that everyone's craft varies and I'm not trying to copy yours, I'm just looking for some help on how to shape my own practice. I'm a new witch and very busy with family/kids and also in the broom closet since my husband is Christian, so I can't practice as much as I'd like). TIA! ❤️
You’re not being invasive or coming off as you’re trying to copy me! We learn best through communication and hearing what works for others, what doesn't, and then trying it ourselves. I get that. 
So with my spirit companions, I’d say I do something with them on average once a week. So we sing in the car, we watch movies, they hang around while I do a craft, some thing like that. It’s not necessarily planned (unless the little one whose only 5 wants to watch a movie, cos we gotta make sure its safe for her). Again, not really planned, they just show up and if I have time we hang out. 
Casting spells I do as needed. If something comes up that I feel a spell will be helpful for, I’ll go ahead and cast one. 
Deities....again the answer is kinda as needed?
I have a couple of systems in place, one where I switch out my altar every new moon to a new deity so I have some time to work with each of them. I’ll also do a tarot reading for new moon intentions. Then I do a tarot reading for myself every Sunday to do some shadow work and prep for the week. 
I also reach out when I need them. For example Mani helps me keep my patience at work a lot, Freyja helps me speak my truth etc. so I’ll leave an offering and pray to them when those themes come up in my life. 
Another idea comes from the amazing @breelandwalker who can probably explain better, but its basically focusing on one Deity per season. (or in my case 2 or 3 per season cos I have so many)
For example: 
Spring (March, April, May in the northern hemisphere): Frigg and Persephone
Summer (June, July, August): Sol and Freyja
Fall (September, October, November) Thor, Ancestor work, Spirit Guides
Winter (December, January, February) Hades and Mani 
why each Deity went with a certain season is personal, but this is my break down. Obviously I work will all of them throughout the year, but having set seasons for decorations, altars, etc. can help it be less overwhelming and make sure there’s fairly even attention towards each. 
That can be a lot when you’re busy and in the broom closet, the good thing is there’s lots of ways to make small witchcraft in your every day.
Some examples: 
1. glamor spell while washing your face/ brushing your hair, focus on confidence and whatever else you need that day
2. choose clothes accordingly. Maybe you have a necklace that reminds you of Persephone, so you wear it in honor of her. To anybody else you’re just accessorizing 
3. Meditate? if you have time even 30 seconds of breathing and appreciating your craft/ deity is good
4. Enchant your coffee, sprinkle in some cinnamon for luck, prosperity, protection (idk what cinnamon means to you but that's what it means to me) or other herbs/ spices that taste yummy in coffee and have correspondences based on what you need (doing your own research is highly encouraged and please be mindful that using herbs is ok in small amounts but I’m not an herbalist and I’m not recommending medicinal doses) 
5. Stir clockwise to invite good things, counter-clockwise to banish negativity.
6. Household chores as dedication to deities is awesome. I’ll clean the house in honor of Thor or Freyja and do the dishes in honor of Frigg. I’ve found my deities love it when I use self care as an offering. you can also weave some magic into this by adding lemon, orange, lavender etc. to floor washes and cleaning sprays. People will just assume you want the house to smell good as well as be clean. As you clean mentally manifest things like peace, love, and protection in the home. 
7. Journaling, take 5 minutes at the end of your night to reflect on the day, write down things you’re grateful for, not only is it good for your mental health but its an awesome way to secretly bond with deities
8. Cooking magic! Similar to the cinnamon in the coffee, using rosemary, thyme, sage, salt, pepper, all the herbs you normally use (and produce too! Garlic, potatoes, apples etc.) is a great way to bring magic into your day. Look up the properties of what you use on a daily basis (this can get iffy though, cos some people debate the ethics of magic in cooking especially if you’re going to share the food. Your husband and kids might not appreciate that the food comes with a magical kick....)
9. Candles! many people love a good scented candle. Pick one in a scent you associate with a magical need or a deity and light it. 100% people are gonna think you just love your house smelling wonderful. 
That’s just a handful of small ways you can bring subtle magic into your every day life. It’s a lot easier than you think, and you don’t need a lot of materials to do it! 
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dollfaceeeeee · 4 years
God of Mischief
Ignore me, I’m in my writing mindset lately, but here’s something for my favorite stabby boy. 💚
Sugarspill Coffee Shoppe was oddly quiet for a cool, rainy night in northern Oregon.
Decorated to the brim with an assortment of collectible mugs and Knick knacks, all dedicated to the newest rag tag group of superheroes in the world, the Avengers, it gave me an almost annoyed headache as I went to work on cleaning some of them.
Swirled in cross cross patterns of silky reds and blues, I knew instantly which avenger the mug was for, and I eyed the old contents of the mug with distaste before setting it back on the rack with the others.
I was coated, from head to toe in flour, and a spill of coffee from an older woman who dropped her mug earlier and left it there without saying anything.
It seemed I would be picking shards of porcelain from the floors forever, now.
Sighing, my eyes drifted toward the torrential throttle of rain that shattered across the dark street outside, and for the first time, I was reminded of the time, and how awful it would be to walk home after my shift.
I only lived three blocks away, and I insisted my roommate that I would be just fine, even after she reminded me of the rough weather that was coming today.
Partially, I wish I would have let her talk me into getting a ride home.
Shaking my head, I circled the counter before grabbing the broom and going back to work on the floor, trying to sweep up the remaining shards of pottery from the floor, the ones I could barely see on the white linoleum.
Sugarspill Coffee Shoppe was owned by my roommate’s father, Bruce Banner, and he occasionally stopped in for a cup of coffee, but he always told me he hated the use of the Avengers mugs.
His daughter, Layla, thought they were the funniest things on the planet.
I almost didn’t notice the new faces that strolled in, then, their clothes drenched from the rain; five of them total, moving in unison, their faces streaked with mud.
Looking up, I met the eyes of the guy in front, and instantly felt uneasy as he stared at me, his eyes glassy and cold.
“You’re Foster, ain’t ya? That fucking bitch that’s seeing Thor’s brother, right, the one that almost wiped out New York?”
Another thing about me, I’ve been seeing Loki Odinson for some time.
The younger, much more charming brother of Thor, stepped into my life on a day much like this one, dark and dangerous and drenched from the rain, and I was captured almost instantly.
I didn’t see him often, with him being imprisoned by order of both Nick Fury himself and the Avengers, but Thor snuck me into Asgard from time to time to see him in the prisons, against Odin’s wishes.
My whole body froze, my jaw locking together sharply as I clenched tightly onto the broom in my hands, debating my options about the situation.
There are five of them, I thought briefly, and none of them are out of shape; each of them flashed glossy, calculating looks at me, probably trying to decide, for themselves, what the plan of action was, too.
Before I could think about it, I darted for the counter, but I wasn’t fast enough; tripping over the countless pieces of pottery leftover on the floor and falling into a helpless heap on the floor, followed by the broom, which knocked heavily into the back of my skull.
Two of the men moved forward, dragging me to my feet by the elbows; shoving me against the coffee shoppe counter, my back rocking into the metal with rather painful force.
For the first time, I wished that I knew the Avengers myself, or knew a way to call Thor to come save me, but I had no way out of this one.
All I could do was pray it wasn’t too awful for me.
The one in front, the one that I assumed led the posse, moved toward me fluently, squatting down slightly to be in view, before reaching forward to tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear.
“I’m guessing that’s a yes to my question,” he mused, smiling a grimy, uneven smile.
I had no idea that anyone, besides Thor, Loki, and myself, knew about me having relations with Loki, but I guess it wasn’t a secret anymore.
Or I was being followed.
Using a trick that Loki himself taught me, I brought my knee up against the guy’s shin, making him rock backward on his heels as I fought against the hold held on me.
“He will kill you, you know. If you do anything to me, he won’t hesitate. He will kill you.”
The two guys holding me gave the leader a sharp look, as if this thought did not occur to them at all, but it was an obvious statement.
If Loki could make an entire city roll under his feet, who knows what he would do to a mere five men?
Wincing at the idea, the leader shook his head before retaining his composure, spitting in my face.
“I highly fucking doubt that, little girl.”
He came closer to me again, and I shut my eyes, willing the scene to unfold without me seeing it, hoping it would end quickly.
But that wasn’t quite true.
Nearby, a high pitched sound almost shattered my eardrums, so sharp and bleak that it melted in with the thunder overhead, making the men holding me double over in pain, with me following close behind.
Snapping my eyes open just in time, I watched the windows of the shoppe shatter, all in rhythmic unison, before the front door rattled open and a tall man dressed in all black strolled in.
He was drenched, covered in rain and barely showing his face, I watched as the lightbulb over my head shifted before being knocked out, and we were all left in complete darkness.
In one swift motion, the man in all black grabbed the man by the door by his collar and dragged him upward, being lifted without difficulty or pain, before being slammed down on one of the shoppe tables with considerable force.
The man in black looked toward me, just for a moment, and I caught the familiar flash of bright emerald eyes and sleek black hair, and I could barely find my breath.
Loki took the rest of the pack out with ease, leaving the leader for last; the leader dragging me up and sharply in front of him.
Quickly, a knife was laid across my throat, and I closed my eyes again, afraid to look, afraid that this was all a dream.
The storm roared outside, and I was grateful for Thor, relieved that he was keeping an eye on me.
“Leave us alone, man, this doesn’t concern you.”
“It doesn’t? Oh, do tell, how it doesn’t?”
The man behind me shook, and I could feel the fidgeting of his muscles sharply.
With one sharp fidget of his hand..
“Just..just leave, man. This is about that Loki guy. This chick is with him, you know. A human, with that..that freak.”
Loki’s laugh was humorless, and dark, and it made my throat tighten as I heard him take a step forward.
“You stupid, moronic mortals, with your simple knives and shaking fingers. Your existence is small. You will only matter for a flash of a second, and then it will be over. I could care less about your plans, or your leisures, or anything else you wish to accomplish today. But if you do not take your hands off of her, I will personally make your death as slow, and ugly, and awful as you could possibly imagine. Would you like that?”
The guy behind me swallowed heavily, his hand lowering to his side before he pushed me forward rather roughly; my body stumbling into the hard body of Loki.
Oddly enough, he was warm for being so wet, seeping with heat and comfort, and he smelled of soap and cinnamon.
“There, now you have her. Who..who are you, anyway?”
Opening my eyes, I looked up into the familiar, sharp face of Loki, and his presence knocked into me like a fiery beacon at full force.
His eyes were sharp, and tired, but the same endless green that made my heart somersault violently in my chest.
Wrapping an arm around my waist, he pulled me tightly against his side before shifting his gaze toward the man against the counter.
“Oh, you don’t know? You haven’t a clue who I am, foolish mortal?”
I watched as the guy tried to process the words, before Loki removed his hood, and the guy’s face turned white as stone.
“Loki, son of Odin, brother of Thor. You’d do your best to remember that.”
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Halloween Special: S/O who is a fanatic for Halloween
Happy Halloween, followers! It’s the most spooky time of the year, so let’s get this orgy party started!
If you weren't such an obvious Halloween lover he might have tried to pretend he grew out of it. 
But since he's got no reason to hide, BIG SPOOKY ENERGY.
His family always made it a whole neighborhood affair, safer for kids to visit houses they knew, so you guys are doing all but a haunted house in your front yard.
Full sized candy bars for the kids cause mama didn't raise a sadist.
Has spooky movies on tv all day and through the evening. 
Gets so into the decorating, kinda forgot to actually make a costume. 
That's fine, he has a few ugly Halloween sweaters stashed for when this (usually) happens. 
Your house started smelling like cinnamon since October first. 
She's been saving so many recipes to try out for the month because no we can't make pumpkin flavored things in April we are civilized. 
She is almost the person to suggest making homemade candy to give out.
But after she gets sick of hearing stories of people getting in trouble over it she concedes to a handful of fun size per kid.
Goes for the less spooky decorations,  but things like black cats and animated spell books are in all of the windows.
Much conflict over picking a cute Halloween costume or one that she can most definitely not answer the door in. 
So you get both and go to a few parties so she can get full use of them. 
She surprises you by inviting the whole family over to spend Halloween night. 
What? You two couldn't possibly finish all of the goodies she made. 
He grew up feeling like Halloween was always a bit… commercial. 
Sure his parents would give out candy but would never waste money on cheap decorations that would fall apart in a year.
His family tradition was to cuddle up with spiced drinks, sweets, and spooky books around the fire. Maybe a movie night, if one caught his dad's interest. 
But with some gentle coaxing you can show him the more eccentric side. 
He is delighted when you suggest couple costumes,  but draws the line at some of the raunchier suggestions. 
He is well enough endowed he is not wearing an inflatable penis costume how dare.
When he buys some bat cufflinks on his own volition consider him hooked.
Bastard sneaks his favorite candies from the bowl and hides them in the pantry, for later of course. 
You might have to beat this guy away from the candy stash with a broom. 
He'll bitch about the sudden yard work that comes with raking leaves but oh man when you give him permission to spookify the yard?
Some of his decorations were a little too realistic and you two got a few concerned parents knocking at your door. 
Godbrand thinks more candy for him if kids don't show, but you convince him to tone it down enough to make the doorbell stop.
Loves to get overdetailed with his costume. 
He once figured out a way to hide a small smoke machine under a coat to make his ghost pirate more convincing. 
And you bet your ass he's making as amazing a costume for you as well. 
Now you might just need to negotiate with him about how much skin it's going to be showing. 
It really shouldn't surprise you that he goes on a haul of undead animal statues, being a vet and all. 
He likes to go to city events, like haunted mazes and autumn markets. Something about seeing people just having shameless fun and death not being such a taboo topic for once. 
He gets a little bashful about dressing up, thinking he's too old, but he could never say no to you. 
He doesn't really want to answer the door every five minutes to give out candy, so he's much more in favor of putting out a bowl and a sign. 
Of course he's not stupid, never completely fills it in case some rude kids take it all, so he will refill it a few times. 
The evening itself is spent cuddled up, spooky old movies and popcorn. 
And a subtle hint about how tomorrow Christmas decorations are allowed to be put up. 
Never quite got the whole thing to be honest, but he tries to make you happy. 
He might roll his eyes a bit about the yet another corny decoration you bring home, but he helps you hang it up anyway. 
Once he realizes that a few terrifying decorations decreases the chances of EVERY kid coming to your house he'll lean into it. 
He has to give away candy for free? Only the brave shall claim their prize. 
Is reluctant to dress up in anything that is gaudy or store bought. 
His hard limit about costumes is that they actually have to be dark in theme. If he's being asked to do this, he's doing it right. 
Despite all the heel digging you can tell he's enjoying himself, smiling when people compliment your outfits and taking part in more than enough pieces of candy when they are left out. 
BONUS! DracuLisa
Drac is actually the one who needs to convince Lisa that letting the kids have a night of enough candy to kill a man is a thing they can endorse. 
Her doctorate might disagree, but oh well.
They both hadn't actually celebrated in years before getting together, but that made finding their own little traditions more fun.
Vlad pretending to be very offended when Lisa suggests he can dress up as a vampire because he already has the wardrobe for it. 
Lisa does up the interior of the home with lots of autumn decor, complete with dried sprigs if spices from her garden before the frost destroys them. Vlad gets the responsibility of decorating the front.
Lisa is semi surprised by how detailed Vlad gets, adding ghosts in the trees and carving a few pumpkins to lead up to their door. 
Everything handmade, even if it means some of the carved faces look a bit derpy instead of scary. 
There's a few kitchen accidents when Lisa tries to make healthy options for cooler weather treats, most involving exploding pumpkin seeds.
Vlad comforts her behind suppressed chuckles when she caves in and goes back to the sugar and butter originals. 
Once they have a son they have a little more fun with it, but still mostly at home. 
Vlad tells Adrian spooky stories that get him in trouble later when Lisa has to comfort their now terrified child in the wee hours of the morning. 
They dress him up for school, and tolerate trick or treating for a few years until they decide it's safer to just stay in and buy him all the candy he wants.
-Mod Soviet
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An after Christmas Snack
fandom: Stony (Steve x Tony), MCU
summary: Christmas season had ended, but Steve is still finding some things to remind him of the past celebration and, oh boy, he intends to celebrate. 
length: 1 449
a/n: HEY, LOOK AT THAT, FIRST FIC IN 2020! And I think it is a very me kind of fic, buuut I am not gonna tell you what I mean exactly, I am sure you can figure it out while reading *wink wink*. you will get one hint though, this fic is inspired by this lovely post.  also, I still have a Christmas tree at my house so this fic is totally valid ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . as always, feedback, reblogs and likes are appreciated and needed!
An after Christmas Snack
"Tony, I brought you a snack - what the - ?!"
Steve stopped, catching a shining object with the corner of his eyes and staring at it. Silver branches, blue and red ornaments. A Christmas tree. A Captain America themed Christmas tree Tony had proudly decorated and put on display in his workshop and he and Steve had a good laugh about it, while Steve had been secretly flattered.
Back in December. It was the end of January.
"Huh?" Tony turned around from his workbench, stopping the spinning hologram of his suits. Always upgrading, adding something to make his armor better and more efficient. "Oh, hi, baby. Is that for me?" Tony smiled, eyes lingering on a cheese grilled sandwich Steve was holding on a plate.
"Uh, yeah, but - why you didn't put the Christmas tree away yet?" Steve asked while Tony walked to him, taking the steaming hot sandwich in his hand and then tossing it to his other hand, just to blow on his fingers as the hot bread stung his fingertips. There was a reason people used plates.
"Duhno," Tony shrugged, biting into the sandwich, cheese strands stretching from his mouth. "Tho shoon."
"Too soon?" Steve laughed, watching his boyfriend getting his mouth dirty with ketchup. Tony shrugged again, grinning adorably. There was something really sweet about Tony's love for Christmas trees. Each December every corner of the Tower had a Christmas tree, no matter if it was a conference room, one of the gyms or private floors of the Avengers team. While on the main floors, they tried to limit the number of Christmas trees and keep them in the main rooms, Tony didn't have the same composure on his and Steve's floor. They had a full-size Christmas tree in the living room, bedroom, Tony's study, smaller one in the kitchen standing on the window sill, and even in the bathroom - the smallest one of them all, decorated with figures made out of soap. It was a very unusual place to put a Christmas tree in, but soon became Steve's favorite one and it was a pleasure to catch one of the apple-cinnamon scented soaps and use for his showers or baths shared with Tony. Gradually, Christmas trees were slowly disappearing from the Tower after 6th January, safely stored for another year, but somehow Tony managed to keep the one in his workshop.
"Do you plan to keep it till Valentine's Day?" Steve teased.
"Easter if it goes well," Tony answered and Steve wasn't sure if it was a joke or not, but he just shook his head fondly. There was a crash coming somewhere from the workshop and Tony whipped around with an irritated look on his face. "Dummy! I told you to watch out!"
Steve blinked, noticing another thing when Tony turned around and away from him. Something that he didn't notice earlier, hidden under layers of shirts and suit jackets or baggy Christmas sweaters, but becoming perfectly noticeable when Tony wore his undersuit compression shirt.
Seemed that Christmas trees were not the only thing that was left after the Christmas season. Steve remembered the moments that led to this one very vividly - the way Tony enthusiastically piled more mashed potatoes and roast beef on his plate, second helpings of sticky toffee pudding cake, and that their evening kisses tasted of hot chocolate and sugar cookies. Denying anyone food wasn't in Steve's nature and he had happily cooked with the rest of the team and they all spend many good days, eating and laughing and relaxing, and it was a pleasure to watch them all and especially Tony, his Tony who loved food, but had days when he was neglecting eating in favor of working. Steve had been just happy to see his boyfriend slow down and enjoy the season.
Steve couldn't turn his gaze away. He always had some sort of weakness for Tony's softer shape, not as angular and sharp as his own body, but rounder and more delicate with a round, bubble butt, curved hips and a belly that formed a soft slope and wasn't rock hard and didn't have to be. The compression shirt fitted snugly around Tony's shape, pronouncing the belly that became a bit rounder in the past weeks and little more sticking out and that coupled with the way how low Tony liked to wear his pants and how it left his whole tummy on display was making Steve's breath quicker. Yet, the worst (or best) was to come. When Tony turned away completely from him, scolding Dummy about something Steve didn't register, he saw Tony's silhouette and while the sight of his boyfriend's ass was gorgeous, as always, something new appeared. Little rolls above the belt on both sides of Tony's waist. Love handles.
That made Steve's mouth water. He wanted to haul Tony over his shoulder and carry him out to kiss and touch and admire.
And what exactly was stopping him?
Despite, Tony still going off on the increasingly sorry looking Dummy, Steve sneaked to his boyfriend and wrapped arms around him, pressing Tony's back into him.
"Stop being so tough on Dummy," Steve whispered into his boyfriend's ear, and Tony huffed, still irritated.
"Dummy, clean it!" Tony ended his rant, pointing his finger in the direction where his creation made a mess. They both observed as Dummy used his claw to grab a broom and swiped the floor from broken bits of something and Tony couldn't stay mad for long seeing his special bot's honest effort. "Good boy, Dummy," he praised and the bot perked up and resumed cleaning, looking a lot less sorry.
Steve ran his nose over Tony's ear delicately and inhaled. God, Tony didn't only look delicious but smelled delicious too.
"Whatcha doing?" Tony asked in a singing voice, twitching his head away from the tingling feeling on his ear. Encouraged by the playful tone, Steve brushed his fingers along Tony's sides, gently and light, testing the new curves.
"Steheve," Tony giggled, still open and enjoying the closeness, just twisting his hips a bit, causing the nicest friction between their bodies. Steve made some approving sound in his throat, liking what he was feeling, just a soft and warm and wonderful body. The material of the compression shirt was very thin and clung to Tony's torso like a second skin, and was smooth and allowed his fingers to glide down easily and feel every curve. Speaking of curves -
"HEY!" Tony jumped, a startled laugh escaping his throat when not knowing when the sweet contouring of his sides changed into firm burying of fingertips, right into his belly, just in the very center. "Dohahan't," Tony laughed, batting on the hands that tried to come back, this time deliberately teasing and tickling around his belly button. The shirt hugged his rounder tummy snugly and there was a small dent in the material, just where his belly button was, something Steve had noticed right away, making it a very easy target. "No no nohoho, come ohohn," Tony continued to laugh, successfully knocking Steve's stubborn hands away and managing to turn around. Still wrapped in an embrace of strong arms, Tony looked at his boyfriend with a playful smile, hoping that, despite the short distraction, it all was going in the direction he thought. It felt very nice, when Steve's hands firmly slid down his back, smoothly gliding on the slippery material, stopping above his butt, thumbs resting on the small pockets.
"You can go lower if you like," Tony encouraged in a low murmur.
Steve smiled hungrily, wondering if his hands were big enough to still cup each cheek. Tony's breath stopped when it turned out that yep, they still were. Nice and firm and round globes, sitting perfectly on each palm, carrying a nice weight. There was no other feeling like digging his fingers into the glorious thing that Tony's ass was, and Tony shivered, pressing closer into him. Steve made some very needy whimper that escaped without his consent, when Tony's softer belly pressed into his hard one, the contrast driving him crazy.
Tony was warm and eager and Steve wanted to make his boyfriend melt like he had melt butter for Christmas cookies Tony had so enthusiastically devoured.
The very dark, promising look in Steve's eyes was a good enough reason for Tony to put his all projects on hold.
"Dummy! You're on workshop duty!" Tony called, pushing his hips into Steve's and hooking one leg around his soldier's thigh. With a more predatory smile, Steve slid his arms below Tony's butt and carried him out of the workshop, having his own snack to enjoy.
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rainandhotchocolate · 4 years
Last Christmas
A/N Day number 3!! This one was harder to write cause I have a massive headache lelel so I hope it’s ok! This is just hella angsty/sad, about Sirius and Remus’ first Christmas without James and Lily. 
Enjoy! xx
“Come here,” James grinned, opening his arms wide. Sirius couldn’t help but grin back at him, his smile had always been infectious, and give him a huge bear hug. He winked at Lily who was standing behind him, leaving against the bannister, cradling a small bundle of blankets in her arms.
“And how is my godson?” Sirius made his way over to Lily who rolled her eyes at him.
“No hi for me then?” She pouted, but still tilted Harry forwards so that Sirius could peel back the blankets (Gryffindor coloured, gifted by Remus and Sirius when he was born). Harry was fast asleep, his mouth moving up and down.
“Fuck he’s so cute,” Sirius shook his head. All he wanted to do was stare down at him, or maybe squeeze him, but instead Sirius looked up and gave Lily a peck on the cheek.
“Have your parents come by yet?” Sirius asked Lily, following her into the living room. It would never not be weird that they have a whole house by themselves, at age 20. There was a large white fireplace that always made Sirius smirk, remembering James trying to connect it to the floo network whilst Lily and himself stood in the doorway sniggering and Remus dictated everything he was doing wrong.
Lily looked tired as she sat down on the couch, rocking Harry lightly. Her normally porcelain skin looked dull and pale, large blue-ish grey bags hanging under her eyes. James kissed the top of her head, wrapping her arms around her shoulders, one hand on the top of Harry’s head.
“So, what are you doing here?”
“I can’t just drop in on my favourite homebound couple?”
“Not when Dumbledore has banned anyone from seeing us.”
Sirius gave Lily a cheeky smile, ignoring her suspicious glare.
“Ok, ok, Remus wanted me to stall you.”
“For what?”
“Obviously something I can’t tell you, you dolt,” Sirius snorted, enjoying watching James get exceedingly excited. They’d been cooped up for about three weeks now and James had already sent him seventeen letters.
Sirius woke with a start, jumping upwards and narrowly missing slamming his arm on the bedside table.
“Are you awake yet?” Remus yelled from the kitchen. Sirius rubbed his eyes roughly, blinking in the light streaming in through the window. It was blindingly light. He stretched out his back, pulling of the covers so that he could peak out the window at the snow-covered ground and trees. It looked magical. Sirius closed the blinds forcefully and turned away.
Remus had laid out an oversized Christmas jumper on the bed that was bright green and had reindeer jumping over a twinkling Christmas tree. After a moment of staring he sighed and pulled it on. He wasn’t going to run Remus’ irritatingly optimistic outlook.
“It smells good in here, moony,” Sirius could smell cinnamon French toast and bacon frying. His stomach started to rumble.
“Took you long enough, though you might have- sleep well?” He cut himself off, turning to Harry to pour him a glass of apple juice. He was smiling happily in a small chair they’d bought specially for him. Sirius sat down next to him and wiped the maple syrup off his face, kissing the top of his head.
They had been ignoring the topic of death, or certain people, or really anything that reminded them of the gut-wrenching pain they’d felt a few months previous in Godric’s Hollow.
“Has uh Santa arrived yet?” Sirius watched Harry play with his food happily. Remus was stuck on keeping him involved in muggle traditions like Lil-
“Yes, we haven’t looked yet though, we were waiting for you,” Remus smiled warmly at the two of them, holding plates of their breakfast, “Before or after food?”
“After?” Sirius smiled at him, trying to keep his thoughts at bay. What would have they done? Did we get him the right things?
“Sounds good.”
They ate in silence, speaking occasionally to Harry as he babbled away. There was something about Christmas that made being with Harry so much worse. These were the moments they were meant to take photos of and put them in one of Lily’s photo albums or something. Were they meant to dress up?
“Ok, who’s ready for some presents!” Remus had his plastered grin on, the one he always gave to Professor McGonagall to get out of detention. Sirius was sure that Harry didn’t actually know what was going on but he reacted to Remus’ sudden enthusiasm with clapping hands, his bright green eyes twinkling.
Remus picked him up, pulling him against his waist and nodded to Sirius to head into the living room where they had put up a relatively small Christmas tree and tried to help Harry decorate it. The room was covered in presents, all around the tree and couch, wrapped terribly in brightly coloured paper that Remus had found in a muggle Christmas store in London.
“Ok Harry, which one do you want to pick first?” Sirius sat down on the floor with him as Harry crawled forwards, looking at the colours surrounding him.
“I have a feeling he is unsure what he’s picking,” Remus smirked as Harry merely giggled, touching all the wrapping paper. Remus looked over at Sirius who was avoiding his gaze, watching Harry like a hawk. He knew that Remus wanted to talk about it. How do you talk about a huge fucking gaping hole sitting in your chest about 80% of your day? About how it felt like all of the air had been sucked out of his lungs when he thought about them, let alone dreamt about them, waking up and thinking they were still there. Still alive.
“Dis dis” Harry tried to pick up the largest present sitting underneath the tree and fell onto his backside, still giggling.
“Alright, let's get that one opened,” Sirius took the opportunity to move out of Remus’ eye line and help him unwrap. It was a large book that Remus had bought him on magical animals and their properties. It had huge moving pictures of each animal, and Sirius made sure to find the page on werewolves first to show Harry.
“Classy move,” Remus snorted, but a smile flickered on his face and Sirius counted that as a victory.
They spent the next hour unwrapping Harry’s gifts, another broom, as his last one was… destroyed, a large toy snitch, a tiny cauldron that brewed small amounts of steam in different colours depending on what was put into it, and a number of small outfits and sweets.
“Dada?” Harry turned to Remus suddenly, looking up at him, head crooked to one side. Sirius’ throat constricted. Was he being absolute prick by wanting to avoid talking about this dead child’s parents? What a fucking asshole, bloody prat.
“He’s not here, Harry,” Remus said slowly, placing a hand on his shoulder carefully, rubbing his thumb across his clavicle.
“Mama?” Harry looked confused, Sirius wanted to be sick. The air was constricting in his throat. They’d told Harry that his parents wouldn’t be around anymore. They’d had to tell him a few times actually. Sirius knew that one day they would have to tell him exactly what had happened.
“She’s not here either, love,” Remus’ voice hitched. If Remus cried Sirius was toast.
“Where?” Harry's face had screwed up. Remus and Sirius had spoken about Christmas a few times, Remus wanted to discuss what they would say to Harry, how they would explain that his parents weren’t there for something that Lily had gone on and on about the moment it had begun to get cold. Why they were asleep in the house before Sirius found him in his crib crying loudly.
“They aren’t here anymore, Harry, remember?” Remus’ eyes were getting red, “Do you remember last Christmas?”
Harry shook his head and Sirius lifted him up and sat him against his knee so that he was facing Remus.
“Well, last Christmas your mum and dad dressed you up in a bright red reindeer outfit,” Remus laughed, wiping a tear from his eye but continuing to smile brightly for Harry, “and James jumped you around all the furniture whilst Lily tried to hide all the valuables. And then we came over for lunch and brought mashed potatoes which you ate for the first time, and we all opened presents together.”
Harry didn’t say anything back, but continued to smile happily up at Remus. Remus looked up at Sirius, eyes bright red and desperate. He silently asked for Sirius to continue.
“Uhh, I, do you know the first time you spent a whole day with us?” Sirius bopped Harry upon his knee, smiling down at him as he shook his head again.
“We surprised your mum and dad, when they’d just had you and were falling asleep standing up. We had a muggle spa connected to the floo network – the fireplace over there, so that they could get away for the whole day without Dumbledore suspecting anything.” Sirius took a second, his voice breaking every second word, “So we took care of you for the day. It was really hot so we set up a tiny pool in the back garden and dipped your feet in.”
“I’d forgotten that,” Remus mused, tickling Harry’s stomach and making him laugh louder.
“So had I, I… had a dream about it.”
A silence fell over them, Remus still grinning at Harry, but his eyes were looking down, avoiding Harry’s green eyes. Sirius noticed himself doing that sometimes too.
“I dream about them too, sometimes.” Remus bit his lip, still looking at Harry.
“Do you think it will ever be… not so hard,” Sirius mumbled, not wanting Harry to hear him.
“Maybe. I think though, it helps. Talking about them.” Remus looked up at him, finally. It made Sirius want to choke. They should be here with them, Lily should be bopping Harry on her knee, smiling as they opened presents together. James should be chatting about the best way to get him onto a broom as soon as possible in hushed whispers so Lily wouldn’t hit him on the back of the head.
Harry crawled forwards to grab the toy snitch, turning it around in his hand and squishing it softly.
“I miss them.” Sirius said slowly, watching Harry. He looked so happy. Sirius would do anything watch him remain happy for the rest of his life. To never have to think about his parents being murdered in their own house, whilst he was there.
“I miss them too.” Remus reached out an gripped Sirius’ hand tightly. Sirius felt like he might break a finger, but he let him hold on. Maybe they could get through this. Together.
 Taglist:  @averytruerayofsunshine @siriuslyjanhvi @blushingskywalker @blackpinkdolan @thebabblingbookworm @cherrie511 @imlukesnirvana @avengersassemblee @maraudersandco @sly-vixen-up2nogood @katbernoulli @sirius-lysad @evyiione @minerva26love @aikeia @gollyderek @greatwombatblaze  @songforhema  @your-typical-giggle @myownviperroom
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mad-but-magick · 7 years
Samhain Traditions for Broom-Closet Witches
When reading about Samhain traditions, you’re likely to find a number of big, in-depth rituals and practices that are less than subtle. But if you’re still in the broom-closet, a baby-witchling, or just don’t have the time and/or supplies for some of the more elaborate Sabbat practices, here are a few easy ways to celebrate.
Jack-o-lanterns - Carving pumpkins is one of the Pagan traditions that has made its way into secular practice, and won’t raise any eyebrows in most of the western world. Leaving candles lit serves to guide the spirits of loved ones home for a visit on Samhain night, and carving faces into pumpkins (the practice actually started with turnips, which look terrifying) are meant to frighten off unfriendly spirits. For a little extra protection, sprinkle some salt inside the jack-o-lantern before putting the candle inside; salt will further deter any unwelcome visitors.
Apples - Apples are largely regarded in mythology as the food of the dead. (You can also use pomegranates, as is traditional in Greco-Roman mythology, but they tend to be a little more noticeable.) Keep a bowl of them near your front door on Samhain as gifts for hungry spirits- use a cute basket and it’s easily dismissed as a simple seasonal decoration. If you can’t keep a whole bowl of them, leave an apple outside your front door, or bury it nearby if need be. They’ll still find the offering, no worries. You can also eat apple or pomegranate as part of your Samhain ritual- just be sure to leave some for any spirit guests that come around.
Incense - Burning incense is a common form of offering to spirits and deities, and can be explained away by a simple “it smells good!”. If you’re expecting a visit from loved ones who have passed on, maybe try to select an incense that you associate with them. Before lighting, say a quick prayer. If you’re honoring someone specific, let them know; if you’re honoring the spirit world at large, say so. (If you can’t burn incense, you can also use an oil warmer, or throw a skillet of water on the stove with apple slices, cinnamon, and whatever other herbs you like- it acts as an air freshener without the smoke. Just keep an eye on it- I’ve burned a few too many things by forgetting about them lol.)
Heirlooms - If you want to honor ancestral spirits this Samhain, it’s the perfect time to dust off gran’s pearls or great-granddad’s pocket watch. If your heirlooms aren’t wearable, anything that belonged to them will do- just place it on your altar or in a special spot (window ledge, bedside table, etc.). And if you don’t have anything that belonged to them, you can use something that reminds you of them; if your great aunt often wore rose perfume, put a rose on your nightstand. Spirits who are close to you will understand the gesture that you’re thinking of them.
Communication - Samhain is the time of year where the veil between worlds is thinnest. What better opportunity to chat with those who have passed on? And while communicating with the dead can often be a challenge, on Samhain, it is usually much easier. Even if you just sit and talk aloud- no big ritual or anything- the spirits will hear you.
Blessed Samhain, my dears! 🖤
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As October nears, one of my favorite things is to get a cinnamon broom. I love the scent and they are lovely to decorate with. Cinnamon brooms are also great for house magic! Hang them above your doorway (especially the backdoor) to ward off negativity and bad energy/vibes. Many people will simply use the broom to clear negative energy, by gently sweeping a space of its "psychic sludge". Besoms are traditionally made as a means of protecting and cleansing spaces. This can be used as one. As you sweep, you mentally picture the broom bringing in positive success energy, as you sweep the energy INTO your space. I like to follow it up with a floor wash. Cinnamon is thought to bring good fortune in business and money matters. This is a great tool for attracting success. Hanging one in your place of business will also bring in abundance. Highly fragranced, the broom fills your space with the aroma of warm cinnamon making your space smell incredible. A cinnamon broom could easily enhance any environment, simply by standing it in a corner and letting the wonderful cinnamon fragrance waft out into the space. If you have an older cinnamon broom that needs refreshing - hold it over a steaming pot. The steam releases the scent of the cinnamon in the broom. You can also add more cinnamon essential oil to it. Be aware that cinnamon oil can be a skin irritant, so please be mindful of it coming into contact with bare skin. Have fun with a little house magic and enjoy the lovely fall scent of cinnamon in your space! https://www.instagram.com/p/CFm3NLrDUsw/?igshid=17vhqbmrmg7rs
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tipsycad147 · 4 years
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Cinnamomum zeylanicum and C. verum
General Information
The cinnamon tree is an Asian evergreen member of the laurel family. It has brown, papery bark and leathery leaves. Yellow flowers appear in the summer followed by purple berries. The best cinnamon is grown in Sri Lanka.
Cinnamon is a tropical tree that is not suited to propagation in most parts of North America and nor does it enjoy being grown in a pot. Best to buy it.
History and Folklore
Cinnamon is a much-beloved spice with a long and rich history. It was mentioned in Chinese books on healing more than four thousand years ago. It was also used in Egypt and Europe. In Egypt, it was part of a mix of herbs and spices that were used to fill body cavities during mummification. In Europe, it was such a hit that it was one of the sparks of the age of exploration.
Harvesting & Storage
Cinnamon sticks, popularly used for flavouring cider or ground and mixed with sugar for a variety of uses, are formed from the bark. The leaves and buds also contain volatile oils and fragrance and oil can be extracted from any of these. The oil obtained from the leaf is not as strong and also not as likely to cause skin irritation.
Household Use
Add cinnamon to potpourri. Ground cinnamon sprinkled in cabinets will discourage bugs from entering.
Cinnamon sticks may be used to decorate crafts and gift wrap for Yule.
Cinnamon in Magick
Cinnamon is associated with the element of fire and the sun. It can be added to any spell to speed up the action.
Cinnamon is commonly used in incense. It smells really good and fills the room with a warm, comfy feeling, especially nice on cold winter days. It can be burned to sanctify an area or object, to increase the spiritual “mood”, to aid in healing spells or in healing in general (this is appropriate for burning right in the sick room) and also to enhance the male libido. The oil may be used to anoint objects during blessing and protection rituals. (Be sure to dilute this heavily with a carrier if it’s going to touch your skin!)
Cinnamon and cinnamon oil can be used in love spells and to make charms to draw love, happiness, and money. Those cinnamon scented brooms you can buy at gift shops can be charged to bring these things to your household and hung up somewhere near the door.
If you are in need of some quick cash, make a bowl out of cinnamon clay, write the amount of money you need on a piece of paper and place it in the bowl with a few coins as offerings of good faith. when you get the money, bury the paper and the coins in the yard and your bowl is ready for your next money request.
Other herbs that enhance cinnamon’s money-drawing properties are cloves, cardamom, nutmeg, and ginger.
Healing Attributes
Cinnamon is great for upset stomachs, including car sickness and morning sickness, and digestive problems, including gas, vomiting, and diarrhoea. However, women who are pregnant should not ingest large amounts of cinnamon as it can endanger the pregnancy. I find cinnamon gum or to be very effective for morning sickness without the dangers of actually ingesting cinnamon tea. People with ulcers should also avoid ingesting cinnamon as it can irritate them. Again, chewing cinnamon gum occasionally is a reasonable alternative and effective against mild stomach upsets like that associated with motion sickness. Don’t overdo it though, as over-chewing of cinnamon gum can deaden the nerves of the mouth and cause inflammation.
It is called for in teas and other healing beverages when a warming effect is desired. It is also useful in combination as it stimulates the action of other herbs. A cup of cinnamon tea after dinner is said to stimulate digestion and help regulate blood sugar.
Cinnamon should not be applied topically as it is considered a dermal toxin and it is extremely irritating to mucous membranes in particular. Cinnamon oil, however, (not essential oil) can be applied to a toothache to deaden the pain, much like clove oil, but it is not as effective as clove oil.
Culinary Use
Cinnamon is a common spice in the kitchen often used in combination with sugar. It is especially tasty with apples, and orange squashes, such as pumpkin and acorn squash. It is an important mulling spice, great in cider and wine.
For an exotic flavor, try coating your chicken with cinnamon (no sugar) and browning it before adding stewed tomatoes and chopped peppers, heat and serve over rice. It’s an important spice for savoury dishes in India, Morocco and Greece. Also, try adding cinnamon and cayenne to your hot cocoa for a Mexican flair.
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psychoticgirl · 7 years
Cinnamon and Gunpowder
Talented chef Loki has been kidnapped by the pirate queen Lady Sif, but she offers to spare his life in exchange for a meal.
Sifki Week Day 4: alternate universe
Also posted on AO3
Loki barked out orders to the maids and servants in his kitchen, not allowing a single plate to leave the room without his inspection and final flourish of sauce. He smiled to himself, he really was quite talented. He had traveled with his employer, Jonathan Laufey, a wealthy businessman and naval commander to his beach home, planning to cook meals in the spacious kitchen all summer long. But Loki had hardly been there a week and was serving one of his favorite dishes, a flavorful chicken and sausage jambalaya when the chaos began.
He had been in the kitchen, sprinkling powdered sugar atop fresh beignets when the loud bang came from the foyer. Unable to resist, he had stuck his head out of the kitchen door to peer into the dining room, just in time to notice the hole in the front door where the lock had previously been. A moment later the door was kicked in, and a great hulking beast of a man I would later know as Volstagg entered the room. He was quickly followed by a man with dark hair, who quietly and smoothly dropped Mr. Sturluson, the butler, to the ground with a blow over his head.
The man who entered next matched every definition and rendering of a swashbuckling pirate Loki had ever come across, from the ruffled shirt to the wide smile under his upturned mustache. He wasted no time striding across the room with a branded sword to order Mrs. Laufey and her maid to the ground. Loki assumed this stereotype of a buccaneer was their leader.
Until his gaze was drawn by the sound of clopping boots over the screams of the servants towards the door. She was a pillar of menace, the woman who now entered the dining room. She was tall and wore a maroon long-coat, her raven colored hair hung loose over her shoulder and was adorned with a large stylish hat.
Loki was frozen at the site of her, terror rushing through his veins. Loki knew at once who he was seeing; the infamous pirate queen Lady Sif. There were multiple accounts of her death, credible witnesses had seen her perish by gunshot and drowning across the Caribbean. Yet here she was not 10 paces from him. The scoundrel sauntered to a chair, using it as a stepping stool to step upon the dining room table. She opened her coat and pulled two rose quartz-handled pistols from her hip.
Mr. Laufey sat frozen, staring up at this devilish woman. His voice was low, but Loki could hear the tremor. “What do you want, Lady?”
“Heard you were in the neighborhood, so figured I’d pay you a visit.”
Laufey looked down at his wife and children. “If it’s money you want, take it. Just please don’t hurt them.”
The pirate laughed, “Oh now you care about the welfare of others? How rich.” Lady Sif lifted his chin with the heel of her boot, leveling both pistols at him. “I’ll see you in hell, Laufey.”
She then fired, point blank, into Loki’s employer’s chest, send his chair tumbling over. Loki saw the dreadful woman drop from the table and seat herself at an open chair, pulling Laufey’s plate towards her, before reason took over Loki’s mind and he turned to flee.
He’d barely made it three paces before he was struck over the head with his own frying pan. Dazed, he was dragged out to the dining area by the silent man. The swashbuckling blonde was pulling servants out of every nook and cranny, instructing everyone to remain on the floor around the table.
The room was full of commotion, women and men alike sobbing and wailing and pleading with their captors. Until the pirate queen raised a pistol and fired it nonchalantly into the ceiling, bringing an immediate quiet to the room.
She stood slowly, sliding the now empty tray away while pushing back from the table and wiping her mouth with a linen napkin. Loki tried not to look at the blood splatter that had soaked into the cloth.
“I have no grudge against you lot, so cooperate and I will show mercy. Now tell me, who’s the chef of this house?”
Loki’s heart stopped dead at her question, and he remained frozen on the floor. Several maids and even one of the children all pointed their finger at him without hesitations. The unforgivable double-crossers.
The woman looked directly at him, the mad pleasure in her gaze made him flinch. “Alright, cookie. You’re coming with us.” She flicked the barrel of her gun from the direction of the behemoth towards Loki.  
Before he even had time to fully register her words, Loki’s wrists were bound with rope and he had been thrown over the shoulder of the bear-sized man. Despite his vocal lashings and physical attempts at escape, Loki had been brought aboard the ship and thrown into a dark room. Loki sat on the floor of his quarters, hardly bigger than the broom closet of his former home and tried not to wretch with seasickness and overwhelming dread at the current state of his affairs. Everything had gone so terribly, horribly wrong so quickly.
“Welcome aboard the Bifrost, cook. There’s no better way to travel than this ship.” Lady Sif had visited him later that night, not long after he felt the boat rock and sway as it cut across choppy waters, spiriting him away from land and his life. After a formal introduction as the captain of the pirate ship Bifrost, Sif had also identified herself as the sole keeper of Loki’s fate.
“If you’d like to stay above water and in my good graces, you must abide by my terms. The only thing I ask is that you are to prepare a meal for me each Sunday night. Something as delicious as was presented to that scourge Laufey. If the meal is to my satisfaction, you keep your life for another week. Do we have an accord?”
“Are you insane?” Loki asked in disbelief. She seemed to consider his words before shrugging.
“Likely. But today is already Friday so it might be best to spend your time pondering the forthcoming menu, yes?”
Despite his protests that there were not the supplies needed aboard a ship in the middle of a sea for such a task, she left the room with a smile and a wave. Later, the grim, silent man, whom the captain referred to as Hogun escorted him to the kitchen. The man was like Loki’s shadow, never more than a yard away and always with a suspicious look in his eye. The kitchen was small, and despite being provided with pilfered wares and food stuff from the summer home, the task before him still felt momentous.
He’d had to improvise, given his limited resources. Nearly all of Saturday was devoted to inventorying his supplies. There was sugar and flour, spices and salted meats. And rum of course.  With the help of his considerable charm, Loki was able to talk this Hogun fellow into lending him a line and hook for fishing. The task of actually catching something edible was less easy, and Loki tried not to mind the guffaws of the Lady’s crew as he slid and struggled to land a fish.
But successful he eventually was. And driven by the will to survive and spite over the Lady’s absurd challenge Loki managed to find inspiration in the small kitchen. She had looked in on him only once, standing in the doorway and twirling a dagger in her hand. Loki had felt like a mouse being watched by a hungry cat.
When the sun was setting over the sea, drawing Sunday and perhaps his time on Earth to a close, Loki loaded a board with his finished plates and covered them with overturned pots. With Hogun leading the way, Loki walked carefully above deck and towards the cabin. He was glad for his silent companion for once, for it seemed all of the captain’s considerable crew, save the stoic man who spent all his time in the crow’s nest with a telescope to his eye, had gathered outside the kitchen, sniffing the air like wild dogs.
Hogun pushed through the crowd and crossed the ship, knocked and then opened the door to the captain’s chambers. The quarters were larger than Loki had expected and lavishly decorated. He was momentarily stunned to see the abundance of pillows, rugs, and furs spread out across the floor and the large bed. But what truly stopped him in his tracks was the enormous bookshelf lining a far wall.  Sif was seated in a chair near the bed, a book open on her lap upon their entrance.
She thanked and dismissed Hogun and cleared her throat, pulling Loki out of his hypnosis. “You can set it down over there.” She gestured to the small table to his left. It was set with two plates, a 3-pronged candle holder blazing softly in the middle. Loki silently followed her directions, trying to ignore the way his legs threatened to give way. This was it. He could be made to walk the plank at any moment now if she was not pleased with his offerings. He made to leave, turning towards the door, desperate to spend his final moments alone possibly writing a letter to his beloved mother.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Her voice was threatening, freezing his hand on her doorknob. “Sit down, Loki.”
“I will not,” he shook his head. Hadn’t she asked enough of him? Lady Sif approached, her boots making slow, deliberate clops, until she was standing quite close to him. He noticed that she smelled of lilac.
“A meal can be quite bland and unsavory without good company and stimulating conversation, don’t you agree?” Her voice was low, sending a shiver up his spine. That gave her a wide smile.      
“I’m pleased you regard my life-and-death scenario as an amusing game!” He shouted, suddenly furious.
“It is quite fun,” she said and then laughed. “Now take your seat, please.”
Loki obliged and sat at the table. Instead of sitting opposite, the captain chose to sit next to him, lifting the lids off the plates before them.
All day Sunday, he worked to bone and smoke the fish he’d caught over the small fire and simmered it in rum and spices, making a flavorful broth. He’d mashed potatoes with sprigs of thyme and for dessert he even managed rum-poached figs drizzled with honey. Carefully, Lady Sif dished a plate with a sample of each and then slid it across the swaying table to him, then filled another for herself.
She raised a fork in expectation, looking at him.
“This is for you,” he objected. “And I must confess I don’t have much of an appetite given your investigation.”
“Have you poisoned it, then?” She eyed him suspiciously.
Loki sighed and dug his fork into the meat, making a show of eating without keeling over. The captain grinned at his embellishment and followed suit. Her face melted into placidity at the first taste. She closed her eyes, savoring the bite and letting out a low moan. She continued on, indulging time into each meticulous bite, and Loki found her hungry reaction to his food almost...beautiful.
He had to admit too, after the first bite had reached his stomach that he was actually quite ravenous, not having more than sea biscuits and a small chunk of bacon since his capture.
“Oh, this is wonderful.” Sif managed between bites. “I must say this is my best idea yet.”
Loki nearly choked on his broth at her words. “Your idea?”
She grinned. “Well yes. Taking you aboard. I’m all for equality and hard work with my crew but I do need to remind them who is in charge on this ship. So I sleep on silk sheets, drink wine, and get the largest shares of treasures. But this, a break from brine water and gruel to exult in a proper meal? That’s brilliant leadership. Now speaking of wine...”
She hopped up, opening a cabinet and pulling out a bottle. She splashed a large amount of red wine into her cup and filled his nearly to the brim as well.
“Now tell me Loki, how does a man as pretty as yourself end up hiding away in kitchens?”
Loki glared at her, expected a mocking, teasing look but Sif was leaned forward over her plate. She actually seemed interested.
“Spite, mainly,” he said with a shrug. For all he knew, she could throw him overboard any second so why not be honest. She let out an explosive laugh.
“Please,” she circled a finger, “Elaborate.”
“My family is actually quite well to do,” Loki confessed. “And they always expected my brother and me to follow in the family legacy of becoming an army general or a lawyer or some boring, moneyed nonsense. Once I found out,” Loki paused, thinking back to the most painful night in his life. “Once I discovered some unsavory family secrets, I decided I’d follow my passion instead.”
“And have you been vindicated in your choice?” Sif asked, eyeing him while licking a drizzle of honey from her fork. Loki paused to drink from his cup, the alcohol was making his skin feel warm.
“I’ve enjoyed my work very much,” he scraped his spoon around his empty plate, “Up until it lead to my capture and imminent death.” She laughed again, and for some reason Loki found himself smiling too. It was all very absurd.
“Fear not, chef,” she raised the wine bottle in salute, “consider your weekly rent paid. It was a very fine meal deserving of a queen and you have earned your keep aboard the Bifrost .”
Loki’s relief was immediate and all consuming. He’d done it!  His life had been spared, at least temporarily. He allowed himself a small chuckle while Lady Sif refilled their glasses in toast.
“What about you?” he asked, feeling emboldened by drink and her favor of his food. “How did a b-, a-a, uh, woman end up a pirate?” He stumbled, stopping short of calling her beautiful. Although it wouldn’t have been a lie. Growing up and hearing tales of pirates, he’d always imagined buccaneers as dirty, smelly people with missing teeth and skin marred by scabies. But Sif had spoiled that image; her face was hardened from sun and sea, yes, but also youthful and striking.  
“I once was a legitimate privateer,” she sat back in her seat and eyed him. “I fought to bring peace to the seas and the entire Caribbean. I worked for many commanders, some more noble than others. But it was your friend Laufey that turned my tides.
“See Mr. Laufey, instead of helping the locals of these islands as a commander should, he’s killing them. Buying and stealing land out from under the poor and then leaving their earth barren or full of his beloved, profitable sugarcane. When I tried to bring his crimes to light, he instead named me a traitor, a pirate. It was his word against mine, so I decided to make an honest man out of him.” She took a long pull from her cup, and Loki did the same. “See, we’re not so different you and me. Both driven by spite and vengeance..” She winked at him.
Loki’s head swam with this new information. She killed and sailed in search of... atonement?
“So you’re a vigilante?”  
“Oh I do like the sound of that,” she laughed. “Pirate, vigilante, war bringer, whatever suits you best, aye.”
Loki tipped back his cup, drinking until it was empty. Was it possible for pirates to have morals? He hadn’t even known it was possible for pirates to be fetching until recently, what else had he mistaken in his life. At this moment though, he couldn’t focus on much more besides his happiness at knowing he would live another week. The captain had spared him. Loki looked over and found her leaned forward again, dragging her finger across his empty plate to catch the last traces of honey from the edge. She looked at him, her finger in her mouth. Loki swallowed hard.
“Now, I know this isn’t part of the bargain, but I would ask one more thing of you.” She jumped up and walked to her library, pulling a small book from her shelf handing it to him. “Most of my crew is illiterate but you’ve proven to be quite clever. If you’d be so kind...”
Loki turned the book over and was surprised to find it was a collection of poetry. She sat back down, her face eager as she emptied the last of the wine bottle between their cups. Usually he did not drink more than one serving of any alcohol, as he prefered to keep in control of himself but he had no protests tonight. His happiness seemed reflected in the pirate queen’s smile. If he was honest, which apparently he was being tonight, she really was quite lovely. Her wine stained lips were red against unexpectedly white teeth, and her skin had an attractive pale flush. The scent of lilacs hit his nose again when she leaned over, putting a hand on his arm.
He blinked rapidly and then turned to the book in his hand. He cleared his throat and opened it to a random page and read aloud in slow, confidential voice:
“She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellowed to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies.
"One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or softly lightens o’er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express,
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.
"And on that cheek, and o’er that brow,
So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
A heart whose love is innocent!”
Loki softly closed the book in his lap and looked up into the open, burning gaze of Lady Sif. She seemed so near, leaned close to hear every enunciated sound. The sweet, heady words, her allure, made him feel dizzy. Perhaps it was the wine in his veins mixed with the thrill of his life extended, unable to look away from her red lips Loki swayed with the rhythm of the ship and brushed his mouth against hers. She tasted like honey and cinnamon of his dessert and pushed her lips firmer against his. His heart raced and then suddenly stopped at the feel of cold metal under his chin. The click of the pistol’s hammer cocking into place broke through his haze. The pirate withdrew her lips infinitesimally away, but pushed the barrel of her gun deeper into his flesh.
“Brazen scoundrel,” she smiled, her warm breath ghosting across his lips. “Perhaps you’re more at home here than one would think..”
Loki opened his mouth to protest, to apologize, put she lifted her gun-free hand up to cover his lips. “Save that silver tongue for our next mealtime.”
“I look forward to it,” Loki smiled, and found himself being honest once again.
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