#the caffine high boi
painsandconfusion · 2 years
List of ways to trigger a (optional: former pet whumpee) whumpee? Like post rescud, in the healing stages, what could set them off? Im like so out of ideas. 😭😭
I got you! Here just the first ones I could think of-
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Upsetting moments.
Doors slamming.
Doing dishes/cooking in a way that bangs the pots.
Blaring alarms.
Scissors a little too close during a haircut.
Whumpee breaking something or burning food - waiting for punishment.
The sound of a door locking.
Seeing actual pets around and hearing ‘good boy!’ ‘good girl!’ ‘good pup!’(etc)
Triggering phrases that mirror their old commands.
“That’s perfect.”
“Be good.”
Ambiguously/potentially threatening phrases.
“What are you doing in here?”
“Where are you going?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Do you think that’s a good idea?”
“I have some friends coming over.”
Abrupt transitions.
Waking them up abruptly / loudly.
Sudden changes in emotion.
Getting angry over small things.
Plan changes.
Things that might make them think Whumper is coming back?
Seeing a similar vehicle to Whumper’s.
Unknown numbers calling.
Most importantly: Little comforts Whumper used to use as rewards.
Combing fingers through their hair.
Forehead kisses.
Holding their hand.
Little treats (chocolates, etc).
Buying new outfits for them.
Being bathed/massaged.
Things a little too similar to pet stuff.
High collared shirts or short necklaces that feel like a collar.
Heat of a straightener/curling iron that reminds them of the brand.
Deep bowls/dishes that are similar to dog food bowls.
(tags: @prisonerwhump @whumpawink @mabledonut @happy-little-sadist @paleassprince @distinctlywhumpthing @wibbly-wobbly-whump @batfacedliar-yetagain @suspicious-whumping-egg @wormwriting @meowsikbox @villainsvictim @throwawaywhumper @wild-selenite-caffine @whumpasaurus101 @thecitythatdoesntsleep @whumpworld @cryptidhongo @rose-pinkie @whumpberry-cookie @rainbows-and-whumperflies @astralrunic @cursedscribbles @shywhumpauthor)
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pinkiipeachiikeen · 5 months
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The Intruder (Osamu Miya x F! Reader Crack fic)
This was supposed to be a part of a larger story but I then realized that the only part of the story that I liked was this part so.. Enjoy!
Quick summary since this one is short: What do you get when you have a heavy sleeper, a twin brother with boundary issues and a sleep deprived, caffine high college student with a broom?
Complete and utter chaos. 
---This is a repost from my previous acc Pinkipeachiikeen (one 'i' after pink, not two like my new one) Keeping up with two accounts was too much so I decided to merge it into my main (was formerly pansexualproblemchild) and keep the name for the most part
Content warnings: Swearing and Violence with broom from a over caffinated y/n, VERY BRIEF mentions of creepy neighbors and serial killers. But seriously, its a crack fic yall. Have fun.
WC: 2090
Osamu has always been a heavy sleeper. He always saw that as one of the ways the gods compensated him for cursing him with the snoring bear he has for a twin brother. That or he’s just grown accustomed to sleeping in the roughest of places, whether it be the bunk under Atsumu or on a rocky bus ride with 10+ teenage  boys. His sleeping  habits haven’t been a problem since he was eleven and Atusmu decided to draw on his face with colorful sharpies. Let's just say Atsumu was afraid to sleep for the next week and a half, while Osamu  slept like a baby. The decadcade+ since then has been nothing but peaceful sleeping,
Well, until now, that is.
He vaguely remembers being shaken, but he didn’t really think it was anything to interrupt his beauty sleep over. He kind of just wrote it off as unimportant or maybe he possibly even dreamt it.
But those screams and grunts from his living room were definitely real and not dreamt. 
Osamu bolted out of bed and sped out to the living room, flicking on the light to find….
You, his lovely roommate of a few months in your favorite pikachu onesie, the one you showcased to him before he went to bed, declaring it your new favorite study tool since it's ‘comfy enough to cram in without passing out!’ before chugging at least two monster energies. He expected you to be asleep by now, but it wouldn’t be the first time you pulled an all nighter studying. He learned the hard way  to leave you alone when you get in your studying binges after you quickly snapped at him after he  asked a simple ‘hey you good?’. You apologized later with some snacks, but he definitely learned his lesson. What he didn’t expect was his twin brother being there as well.  It wouldn’t be too odd, since his brother drops by unannounced from time to time using the key under the mat to crash whenever he’s in town (despite  his complaints about it) , except  for the fact that
… you were beating him.
With a broomstick. 
“What the hell is going on here?!” He bellows.
The both of you freeze, looking like you’ve both been caught with your hands in the cookie jar. A subtle wave of nostalgia passed through him, the scene reminding him of  when their mother would catch them fighting over their nintendo when they were both supposed to be asleep. Osamu never thought he would feel like the mother in that situation, especially at  the ripe age of 24, with two adults the same age as him on the other end, and half expected you to say ‘it's all his fault!’ or ‘he started it!’ 
What he wasn’t expecting was “Why are there two of you?!”
Illusion shattered. “Huh?”
Atsumu uses your confusion to his advantage and snatches the broomstick out of your hands. “Aha!” he cheers. “Try hitting me now bitch!” 
You look at your hands, in all your sleep deprived glory, just now processing the lack of your (makeshift) weapon, then shrug, pulling your first back causing the onesie sleeve to slip down your shoulders
“ahtahat!,” Osamu chants, pulling your arm back like a mother telling their toddler ‘forks don’t go into the electrical socket’ “As funny as it would be to watch my brother get his ass kicked by pikachu I really don’t wanna tend to your injuries at two-something in the morning and you don’t need to get injured before that big test of yours.” He shares, creating some distance between you two. You murmur in agreement as Atsumu deflates from his defensive stance. “She’s really not this violent at all.” he reveals, trying to placate the situation. “A real ‘save the spiders, don’t squish them’ type of person, y’know?.” 
“Yeah, tell that to the broomstick shapes welts on my body!” he retorts. “You need to get your side piece a leash, goddamn.” 
“Excuse me?!’ You shove past Osamu to look at the bleach  blonde double. “Bitch I live here, and I ain’t no one's side piece. I don’t care whose face you have, don’t sneak into my apartment if you don’t wanna get whacked asshole!” 
 “And you!” you turn to point to Osamu. “Since when do you have a twin brother?!”
“Since when did you start rooming with a girl?” his brother pipes in. 
Osamu looks at  you with wide eyes. “What? Slow down.” he rubs his forehead. “It's too early for this.” he mutters. “Atsumu, Y/n has been my roommate for like four months now, Y/n I told you I had a brother before. I complain about him 24/7 and there's a photo of us together hanging up at Onigiri Miya.”
“Wait-” Atsumu cuts in,turning to you. “How do you know my brother's face and not mine? I’m literally famous.” Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.“Atsumu Miya? The setter for the MSBY Black Jackals?” 
You shake your head. “Dude, I get winded going up the stairs, there's no way i'm interested in sports outside of the occasional gay anime, thank you.” 
Atsumu looked absolutely appalled as Osamu covers a laugh with a cough. “And you mister!” you point at him. “First, you complain about your brother like he’s a prepubescent tweenager, I thought he was still in middle school, not grown.”
Atsumus mouth only widens in offense and disbelief. 
“Second, I go to Onigiri Miya to eat, pick up food to eat, or to help clean occasionally. I don’t look around.” 
Atsumu pouts. “Just what have you been saying about me?” 
“Oh no, I'm not done with you, bleach blonde!” Atsumu fiddles with his ends in defense. “I don’t care how big of a deal you are in the sports world, you don’t have the right to sneak in unannounced in the middle of the night!”
“I didn’t know he had a roommate!” 
“Doesn’t matter! Still rude AF. I thought you were a serial killer or something.” you retort.
“So, you think there's a potential serial killer, so your first thought is to grab the broom.” Osamu says slowly. 
Your face reddens. “W-well I wasn’t just gonna do nothin!”
“But a broom?” 
“Y’know what? I haven’t slept in 38 hours, and the only things keeping me up are the ungodly amount of caffeine I ingested, true crime podcasts, and the blessing of whatever god is taking pity on my grades right now. Rational thinking has vacated the building hours ago.  Y’all are just lucky I didn’t grab a knife!” You almost whisper shout- which Osamu learned from his mother is scarier from a woman then any screaming can be. Shouting is just irritation, or frustration, but whisper–shouting? Nothing made the twins  straighten up  quicker. 
“I, for one and VERY grateful, thank you very much.” He quickly adds. “In my recent first hand experience, being whacked with a broom is very painful and can put the fear of god into any intruder.” he reveals.
“See?” you point. “Besides! Going straight to the broom was not my intention. I tried waking you up  first since you are built like a dorrito, with fuckin’ cantolope arms and I very much am not.” you wave your hand up and down your body, showcasing the Pikachu onesie and unknowingly, part of your sports bra. Osamu tilts his head away guiltily once his eyes land there, catching his(now smug) brother's attention. “But I learned that if there ever was a fire that your ass would be getting left because you might as well have been in a coma! If there wasn’t a strange man trying to unlock the door I would’ve checked your pulse!” You share before pausing. “Wait a damn minute, Atsumu, do you have a personal key?”
Atsumu shakes his head. “I just used the one under the mat..” he muttered. 
“The WHAT!” you shout, causing the twins to step back and Osamu to start mentally writing the apology letter to the neighbors. 
“Osamu,” you take a deep breath in, lowering your voice. “ Why oh why is there a key under the mat?!” you seethe. 
“I- uh- I was tired of Atsumu blowing up my phone trying to get in, and I thought it would be nice to have if I ever forget my keys at the restaurant?” He replied, almost like he was asking a question himself. 
You blinked. Once, twice, three times.
Shit. I’m really in for it. He thinks.
“Did it ever, yknow,” you start. “Cross your mind,” your face tightens. “That your car keys are also attached to your keyring? So you wouldn’t have the possibility of leaving the restaurant in the first place? Or maybe you could just give Atsumu a key?”
“..But then he’d use the key to sneak in whenever he wanted.” he murmurs, regretting it almost instantly.
Both men physically recoil but you continue. “Oh, I know for a fact that the creepy dude upstairs would love to creep around my room and use my toothbrush when I'm away. He’s always a bit too willing to help me carry my laundry.”
Osamu's eyebrows furrowed in confusion before giving a deep sigh. No doubt, she’s been listening to too much true crime. He thought “I’mma regret asking, but why would our upstairs neighbor wanna use your toothbrush?” 
You shrug. “Dunno, ask the creep that got off on using my best friend's toothbrush for weeks. Pro tip, never live above a bar. Especially in a college town.” you share. Huh. Not the answer I was expecting. 
“But thats!” you sigh deflating. Huh. I guess the caffeine is wearing off. “That’s beside the point. Atsumu,” you turn to him, much more calmly than before,  “I would say I'm sorry for beating you with the broom, but that was totally on you.” Atsumu frowns at the non-apology. “If you want to crash here, fine, but let someone know beforehand? It had to have been months since you last crashed since it was before I moved in, Osamu could’ve easily thought you were an intruder too. Showing up here uninvited and out of the blue is both rude and problematic, even if he’s your twin brother.” Atsumu nods in agreement, shly looking at the ground like he just got a ‘stern talking to’  from Ma. “Now let's get you some frozen peas for that bruise.” you say, clapping your hands together before making your way to  the kitchen. 
As you look through the freezer for frozen produce Osamu takes a minute to process what the hell just happened. He always knew he would have to introduce the two of you at some point, but he never thought in a million years it would end up like that. 
“And Samu,” you call while handing the frozen peas wrapped in a paper towel to Atsumu. “If I find a key to our apartment under the doormat again, I will change the locks and leave your ass outside to freeze in the hallway. You’re gonna be the one crashing at your brothers. Understood?” You threaten. 
He nods quickly. “Yes, maam.”
You give a small smile. “Good. Now if that's settled I'mma attempt to get some sleep before my test, which is in,” you look at the stove clock. “Five hours. Great.” you grimace. 
“I '’’m sorry!” Atsumu apologizes sheepishly. “Is there anything i could do to apologize?”
You ponder before sporting a wicked grin. Osamu knows that look all too well, and it never seems to mean anything good for him. “Well, tonight is movie night. Every friday Osamu stay in and watch a movie or two, usually shitty ones that we just roast. You are invited if you buy snacks.” the smirk widens. “Plus, I wanna hear all the embarrassing stories you have about ‘Samu only a twin would know.”
“And there it is.” Osamu mutters as you giggle. 
“Ill see you there, kay?” You said before (finally) clocking out for the night, leaving the twins in silence for teh first time since Atsumus arrival. 
“So..” Atsumu starts. “She’s cute.”
“Don’t even start.” he states dryly.
“C’mon, I saw the way you checked them out!”
Osamu shakes his head, trying to fend off the blush taking oover his cheeks “I was just trying to be respectful!”
Atsumus shit eating grin only grows. “Sure, Mr. ‘Built-like-a-dorrito-with-cantolope-arms. Keep tellin’ yourself that.”
Needless to say, Atsumu  ended up with several more (non-broomstick shaped) bruises that night.
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pinkipeachiikeen · 1 year
The Intruder (Osamu x F!Reader Crack fic) (Featuring Atsumu Miya)
This was supposed to be a part of a larger story but I then realized that the only part of the story that I liked was this part so.. Enjoy!
Quick summary since this one is short: What do you get when you have a heavy sleeper, a twin brother with boundary issues and a sleep deprived, caffine high college student with a broom?
Complete and utter chaos. 
WC: 2,090
Story below the cut!
Content warnings: Swearing and Violence with broom from a over caffinated y/n, VERY BRIEF mentions of creepy neighbors and serial killers. But seriously, its a crack fic yall. Have fun.
Osamu has always been a heavy sleeper. He always saw that as one of the ways the gods compensated him for cursing him with the snoring bear he has for a twin brother. That or he’s just grown accustomed to sleeping in the roughest of places, whether it be the bunk under Atsumu or on a rocky bus ride with 10+ teenage  boys. His sleeping  habits haven’t been a problem since he was eleven and Atusmu decided to draw on his face with colorful sharpies. Let's just say Atsumu was afraid to sleep for the next week and a half, while Osamu  slept like a baby. The decadcade+ since then has been nothing but peaceful sleeping,
Well, until now, that is.
He vaguely remembers being shaken, but he didn’t really think it was anything to interrupt his beauty sleep over. He kind of just wrote it off as unimportant or maybe he possibly even dreamt it.
But those screams and grunts from his living room were definitely real and not dreamt. 
Osamu bolted out of bed and sped out to the living room, flicking on the light to find….
You, his lovely roommate of a few months in your favorite pikachu onesie, the one you showcased to him before he went to bed, declaring it your new favorite study tool since it's ‘comfy enough to cram in without passing out!’ before chugging at least two monster energies. He expected you to be asleep by now, but it wouldn’t be the first time you pulled an all nighter studying. He learned the hard way  to leave you alone when you get in your studying binges after you quickly snapped at him after he  asked a simple ‘hey you good?’. You apologized later with some snacks, but he definitely learned his lesson. What he didn’t expect was his twin brother being there as well.  It wouldn’t be too odd, since his brother drops by unannounced from time to time using the key under the mat to crash whenever he’s in town (despite  his complaints about it) , except  for the fact that
… you were beating him.
With a broomstick. 
“What the hell is going on here?!” He bellows.
The both of you freeze, looking like you’ve both been caught with your hands in the cookie jar. A subtle wave of nostalgia passed through him, the scene reminding him of  when their mother would catch them fighting over their nintendo when they were both supposed to be asleep. Osamu never thought he would feel like the mother in that situation, especially at  the ripe age of 24, with two adults the same age as him on the other end, and half expected you to say ‘it's all his fault!’ or ‘he started it!’ 
What he wasn’t expecting was “Why are there two of you?!”
Illusion shattered. “Huh?”
Atsumu uses your confusion to his advantage and snatches the broomstick out of your hands. “Aha!” he cheers. “Try hitting me now bitch!” 
You look at your hands, in all your sleep deprived glory, just now processing the lack of your (makeshift) weapon, then shrug, pulling your first back causing the onesie sleeve to slip down your shoulders
“ahtahat!,” Osamu chants, pulling your arm back like a mother telling their toddler ‘forks don’t go into the electrical socket’ “As funny as it would be to watch my brother get his ass kicked by pikachu I really don’t wanna tend to your injuries at two-something in the morning and you don’t need to get injured before that big test of yours.” He shares, creating some distance between you two. You murmur in agreement as Atsumu deflates from his defensive stance. “She’s really not this violent at all.” he reveals, trying to placate the situation. “A real ‘save the spiders, don’t squish them’ type of person, y’know?.” 
“Yeah, tell that to the broomstick shapes welts on my body!” he retorts. “You need to get your side piece a leash, goddamn.” 
“Excuse me?!’ You shove past Osamu to look at the bleach  blonde double. “Bitch I live here, and I ain’t no one's side piece. I don’t care whose face you have, don’t sneak into my apartment if you don’t wanna get whacked asshole!” 
 “And you!” you turn to point to Osamu. “Since when do you have a twin brother?!”
“Since when did you start rooming with a girl?” his brother pipes in. 
Osamu looks at  you with wide eyes. “What? Slow down.” he rubs his forehead. “It's too early for this.” he mutters. “Atsumu, Y/n has been my roommate for like four months now, Y/n I told you I had a brother before. I complain about him 24/7 and there's a photo of us together hanging up at Onigiri Miya.”
“Wait-” Atsumu cuts in,turning to you. “How do you know my brother's face and not mine? I’m literally famous.” Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion.“Atsumu Miya? The setter for the MSBY Black Jackals?” 
You shake your head. “Dude, I get winded going up the stairs, there's no way i'm interested in sports outside of the occasional gay anime, thank you.” 
Atsumu looked absolutely appalled as Osamu covers a laugh with a cough. “And you mister!” you point at him. “First, you complain about your brother like he’s a prepubescent tweenager, I thought he was still in middle school, not grown.”
Atsumus mouth only widens in offense and disbelief. 
“Second, I go to Onigiri Miya to eat, pick up food to eat, or to help clean occasionally. I don’t look around.” 
Atsumu pouts. “Just what have you been saying about me?” 
“Oh no, I'm not done with you, bleach blonde!” Atsumu fiddles with his ends in defense. “I don’t care how big of a deal you are in the sports world, you don’t have the right to sneak in unannounced in the middle of the night!”
“I didn’t know he had a roommate!” 
“Doesn’t matter! Still rude AF. I thought you were a serial killer or something.” you retort.
“So, you think there's a potential serial killer, so your first thought is to grab the broom.” Osamu says slowly. 
Your face reddens. “W-well I wasn’t just gonna do nothin!”
“But a broom?” 
“Y’know what? I haven’t slept in 38 hours, and the only things keeping me up are the ungodly amount of caffeine I ingested, true crime podcasts, and the blessing of whatever god is taking pity on my grades right now. Rational thinking has vacated the building hours ago.  Y’all are just lucky I didn’t grab a knife!” You almost whisper shout- which Osamu learned from his mother is scarier from a woman then any screaming can be. Shouting is just irritation, or frustration, but whisper–shouting? Nothing made the twins  straighten up  quicker. 
“I, for one and VERY grateful, thank you very much.” He quickly adds. “In my recent first hand experience, being whacked with a broom is very painful and can put the fear of god into any intruder.” he reveals.
“See?” you point. “Besides! Going straight to the broom was not my intention. I tried waking you up  first since you are built like a dorrito, with fuckin’ cantolope arms and I very much am not.” you wave your hand up and down your body, showcasing the Pikachu onesie and unknowingly, part of your sports bra. Osamu tilts his head away guiltily once his eyes land there, catching his(now smug) brother's attention. “But I learned that if there ever was a fire that your ass would be getting left because you might as well have been in a coma! If there wasn’t a strange man trying to unlock the door I would’ve checked your pulse!” You share before pausing. “Wait a damn minute, Atsumu, do you have a personal key?”
Atsumu shakes his head. “I just used the one under the mat..” he muttered. 
“The WHAT!” you shout, causing the twins to step back and Osamu to start mentally writing the apology letter to the neighbors. 
“Osamu,” you take a deep breath in, lowering your voice. “ Why oh why is there a key under the mat?!” you seethe. 
“I- uh- I was tired of Atsumu blowing up my phone trying to get in, and I thought it would be nice to have if I ever forget my keys at the restaurant?” He replied, almost like he was asking a question himself. 
You blinked. Once, twice, three times.
Shit. I’m really in for it. He thinks.
“Did it ever, yknow,” you start. “Cross your mind,” your face tightens. “That your car keys are also attached to your keyring? So you wouldn’t have the possibility of leaving the restaurant in the first place? Or maybe you could just give Atsumu a key?”
“..But then he’d use the key to sneak in whenever he wanted.” he murmurs, regretting it almost instantly.
Both men physically recoil but you continue. “Oh, I know for a fact that the creepy dude upstairs would love to creep around my room and use my toothbrush when I'm away. He’s always a bit too willing to help me carry my laundry.”
Osamu's eyebrows furrowed in confusion before giving a deep sigh. No doubt, she’s been listening to too much true crime. He thought “I’mma regret asking, but why would our upstairs neighbor wanna use your toothbrush?” 
You shrug. “Dunno, ask the creep that got off on using my best friend's toothbrush for weeks. Pro tip, never live above a bar. Especially in a college town.” you share. Huh. Not the answer I was expecting. 
“But thats!” you sigh deflating. Huh. I guess the caffeine is wearing off. “That’s beside the point. Atsumu,” you turn to him, much more calmly than before,  “I would say I'm sorry for beating you with the broom, but that was totally on you.” Atsumu frowns at the non-apology. “If you want to crash here, fine, but let someone know beforehand? It had to have been months since you last crashed since it was before I moved in, Osamu could’ve easily thought you were an intruder too. Showing up here uninvited and out of the blue is both rude and problematic, even if he’s your twin brother.” Atsumu nods in agreement, shly looking at the ground like he just got a ‘stern talking to’  from Ma. “Now let's get you some frozen peas for that bruise.” you say, clapping your hands together before making your way to  the kitchen. 
As you look through the freezer for frozen produce Osamu takes a minute to process what the hell just happened. He always knew he would have to introduce the two of you at some point, but he never thought in a million years it would end up like that. 
“And Samu,” you call while handing the frozen peas wrapped in a paper towel to Atsumu. “If I find a key to our apartment under the doormat again, I will change the locks and leave your ass outside to freeze in the hallway. You’re gonna be the one crashing at your brothers. Understood?” You threaten. 
He nods quickly. “Yes, maam.”
You give a small smile. “Good. Now if that's settled I'mma attempt to get some sleep before my test, which is in,” you look at the stove clock. “Five hours. Great.” you grimace. 
“I '’’m sorry!” Atsumu apologizes sheepishly. “Is there anything i could do to apologize?”
You ponder before sporting a wicked grin. Osamu knows that look all too well, and it never seems to mean anything good for him. “Well, tonight is movie night. Every friday Osamu stay in and watch a movie or two, usually shitty ones that we just roast. You are invited if you buy snacks.” the smirk widens. “Plus, I wanna hear all the embarrassing stories you have about ‘Samu only a twin would know.”
“And there it is.” Osamu mutters as you giggle. 
“Ill see you there, kay?” You said before (finally) clocking out for the night, leaving the twins in silence for teh first time since Atsumus arrival. 
“So..” Atsumu starts. “She’s cute.”
“Don’t even start.” he states dryly.
“C’mon, I saw the way you checked them out!”
Osamu shakes his head, trying to fend off the blush taking oover his cheeks “I was just trying to be respectful!”
Atsumus shit eating grin only grows. “Sure, Mr. ‘Built-like-a-dorrito-with-cantolope-arms. Keep tellin’ yourself that.”
Needless to say, Atsumu  ended up with several more (non-broomstick shaped) bruises that night.
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spaciebabie · 2 years
*Points* YOU! YES YOU! Tell me about your ocs please. Any oc. The oc you can never design right, or the oc that won't stop changing, Any. Just tell me about your ocs!
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this guy.....i have given him the most amount of trauma At The Start. he's already gone (and is still going thru shit) and b/c he's already had it tough he's gonna end up being the wisest person by the end of the story most likely (in his own way)
fuckin this guy's a tech nerd and if i knew more abt computers n junk i would be more specific but thats rlly. all i can say. he makes funny programs, he can code, he makes robots, aaalll that shit!!
fun fact: angie is a relatively new character that ive created for two! he (along w/ness) were not in the original story, but.....kat had like....NO friends and w/all the shit she was gonna go thru she really needed them lol. it also didn't make sense w/her character ta have her have no friends?? at that point in time i was revamping kat's personality cuz i realized she was too much Like Me and I didn't wanna create a self insert lol 😅
ANYWAYS- angie's got the worst of life w/in the last 2ish years, dead dad, depression caused from dead dad, struggling family b/c of the sudden loss of income (at this point in the story his family is more stable, but that's the reason he originally started working at kat's parent's cafe), anger issues caused by depression from dead dad, and on toppa all that, he's in honors classes!! man's has got it tough!!
he's also the eldest sibling in his houshold n has got 5 siblings!! (here's a wip of them i never finished. this would've been his fam 2 yrs ago)
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him n the sister he's smirking at are at eachother's throats a lot lol. she's sorta similar ta ness but a lot more blunt. they shoulder the burden of being the eldest, sort of a team but not really? angie takes the brunt of the burden. eldest siblings (me) understand.
he's got ta deal w/being held ta such a high standard n he's constantly under pressure ta succeed, ta do great ta make his family proud, n now that his dad is dead he feels like he owes it ta him ta do well by him.
beyond the sad stuff he had a major caffine addiction that his mother put a stop ta. he had a habit of procrastinating and then pulling coffee fueled all nighters, except now that he cant have coffee anymore he supplements it w/soda (his mother will NOT allow energy drinks he sneaks some anyways tho. ((his mother is not happy abt him drinking sodie)))
he's a meme king and irl shitposter and a very Big Boi (6ft!) he's got a new york accent as well!
fun fact numero dos: angie is one of the several characters who i am completely unsure of their orientation. i feel like he could be the queerest person on the planet and yet also be the straightest most cis-dude ever. idk ik he likes girls thats the most ive come up w/so far.
he loves his friends so much dude!! they've helped him thru so much and he's done so much dumb shit w/them (like The Bruisehouse, of which the trio of kat, angie, n ness is named after. they're still quite famous from what they did in elementary school). honestly he just wants ta relax. you can see that reflected in his clothing choices (yk besides being a sans kinnie n liking utdr) he's one of those kids in middle school who dresses in shorts n short sleeves no matter the weather n is like, "im not cold"
him n kat met first and were bffs b4 they met ness n she was added inta the group, so they're a bit closer in that aspect!
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essentially my gender journey
young me: imma wear dresses but also not dresses. i hate skirts. raR
middle school me: whoa i don't have to be a girl?? there's more than two options????
high school me: *gets referred to as a boy* huh. that felt... not bad??? kinda good?????? *gets referred to as them* same thing???????? how???
old me: [removed. because, you know, i have yet to get there.]
so as i'm currently stuck in a web of questioning and concerns, i'm going to make one thing clear:
my label with probably change throughout the years.
and if you're not alright with that, then i'd suggest unfollowing. i'm still a questioning blob of confusion and caffine, so please be patient while i figure this shit out. hell, i'm not even sure what real dysphoria feels like, but i'm trying to figure it out. i know when things give me gender euphoria- i think. idk, man, i'm stil super confused.
so yeah.
be patient throughout my questioning and sporatic label changes :)
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skylerskyhigh · 2 years
🥳 & 🤩
Thank you friend!
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🥳 Why did you start writing fanfic?
If it's fanfic specifically, I started it as a way to cope and vent from the stress of my life. High school was a horrible time for me, and I found solace in writing fanfics.
At first it started as a way to vent. If you check my old works, particularly from the Undertale fandom, it was... a lot. It was very dark, experimental, but it was also filled with a lot of hurt/comfort.
It evolved into a way to explore ideas, particularly the AUs. I found that I enjoyed taking characters and expanding on them, going backwards and making them deeper, exploring their hypothetical past and deepening their character.
Then it became a way for me to express myself. I got so interested in writing stories and it expanded from there. Writing "what ifs", tropes, testing out ideas, and generally being very experimental with what I want to write. There were... a lot of fics that have been stuffed into the depths of hell, but overall, writing has evolved from being a coping mechanism, to something I really enjoy.
🤩 What led to your interest in the fandom?
Since I'm deep in the ROTTMNT fandom, I'll answer for that! I just LOVE the show! I knew it was around back in 2018 but back then I had no way of watching it. But immediately I was drawn to the unique character designs and I was very curious.
Then recently, this year, I got to watch the movie and OH BOY was that a trip! It had EVERYTHING I love about a story!
Great character design. Great writing. Deep characters. STELLAR animation! Just, the animation got me hooked at just how dynamic, fluid, and bright everything is! Then, of course, was the amazing storytelling of the whole movie. As a writer, that movie just hit all the right spots. I've gotten into a little play by play debate with my sister- who also got sucked into the fandom- about all the beautiful animation details and styles. We drove our other family members mad with our caffinated ramblings about the brushes they used for a scene in the movie lol.
Then I found a way to watch the actual show and my stars was I in deep.
It was funny, for one. The jokes were on point and I was wheezing through every single episode. I even made a live reaction to my friend just laughing over my favourite parts. The comedy was just something I love, my brand of humour.
The writing is awesome! Not just the normal fun episodes, which were great on their own. They manage to sneak in important plot points in what seems like typical episodes, but it does relate to the progression of the plot and story! Which, as a writer, I applaud them. They have gotten me saying "You had me in the first half, not gonna lie" more than once. Mixing fun light-hearted episodes and plot progressing episodes, and doing it in such a way that's so smooth and almost realistic, that's what I love.
The characters were so well written. I fell in love with every character, even the one I didn't expect to adore! Baron Draxum started off as just "Oh another villain, cool" but then I was just HEAD OVER HEELS in love with his character!! Not just Draxum! I love Hueso! I love Cassandra! I love April! I even have a fondness for the other villains like MeatSweats, Hypno-pottamous and Warren Stone! That's not even mentioning the main turtle boys, whom I just ADORE!
The relationship with the brothers are just perfection! As a big sister of four, the dynamics were pretty accurate and I was enjoying every second of their interaction. The things they do are sometimes what me and my siblings do. Very chaotic, very loud. I understood Raph as a big sibling, I adore the relationship with Mikey and Leo, and I relate to Donnie for his autism.
Which!!! When I found out Donnie was autistic, I was surprised! He was very well written and as a fellow autistic, I kin very well to him. He helped me learn more things about myself that I didn't even know. The way the brothers treat him is also similar to how mine is. The more I watched and understood, the more in love with the show I got!
Again, the animation was stellar. I love it all! The style! The shots! The colors! The almost anime-like design to it! It was everything I love about animation!
And, of course, the potential storytelling this fandom has. I'm a sucker for good potential. It plays with tropes, flips them on their heads, and execute it so well that I just have to applaud them for it. Seriously, making Draxum this warring warrior scientist, and then just leaning into the dramatics. The whole relationship dynamic between Draxum and Splinter with the old "divorced parents co-parenting their children" is just delightful. Cassandra being so eccentric and energetic, you can't help but be swept by her energy. Switching the family dynamics of the turtle brothers was just genius, pure genius. Making the turtles look more humanoid and muscular and then making them both dramatic and proud, they knew what they were doing. The entire episode of the turtles dressing up. The ninpo powers. The Chad Kraang. The creators knew what they were doing and I am in awe at their magnificence.
This fandom is filled with passionate, creative, and amazing people! I've seen the stuff they have done and the dedication to this fandom (I do hope for a season 3) and its just been a fantastic experience all around! Y'all do have a fascination with angst though, just saying. There's... so much angst in this fandom and you eat it up more than the ORV fandom.
Anyway! That's all! Sorry for the long ask! Thanks for it though, it was fun! ^^
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blairpuffs · 1 year
High caffinated boi
theres lean in this coffee .... . . . .
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writeious-hand · 2 years
Coffee Shop AU
Again, a fic based upon my Kids on Brooms game. No warnings or tags I think to include aside from meet-cute fluff, and cliche.
Original Characters, not Dimension 20 Kids on Brooms. You will however notice that our fictional setting is heavily inspired by the Mountport Musical.
Let me know what you think. No Beta reader.
The old brass bell clanged against the glass of the door as Isidore stepped into her sanctuary. Greta the Great’s Caffine Emporium was a combined bookstore and local coffee shop, and had been a staple business of downtown Mountport for over 100 years. Now, it was a little dated, but was still a preferred hangout spot for many college students who wished to avoid the major crowds at Dunkin or Starbucks. 
Isidore had a little table she sat at by herself since the start of the semester, almost touching one of the bookshelves but it had a view of the street and of the door so she could people watch while searching for inspiration for her next project. Miss Galderspool,a kindly older woman, the great-granddaughter of Greta herself, would bring her over a red chocolate rooibos tea as she set up her sketchbook and colored pencils. 
Throughout her first semester at Mountport State University, Isidore had gotten to know the city through the view of her window seat. Finding the Coffee Emporium during the freshman Weekend of Welcome, Isidore visited at least twice a week, and had gotten used to seeing many of the other regulars and employees, as well as residents of the town as they kept their busy schedules. 
Everyone had something to do around Mountport. Passing by were fishermen in the morning, coming in from gathering tuna at the reef. Buskers and paper boys got to their corners. Then later in the day were businessmen, mothers with younger children, and in the afternoon you could see the campus tour guides showing around prospective new students. 
Today, the guides for this section of town were Tracy and Peightyn. Both girls are members of Delta Nu, and during the welcome week had done their best to convince her to join, as her mother was once a member and they hated to lose legacies. Isidore could tell Tracy truly was in her element as a tour guide, while Peightyn seemed more content to keep to the back and make sure there weren’t any stragglers as they weren’t technically on campus at the moment. They would come back after returning the visitors to campus and drink coffee that had so much added to it, Isisdore couldn’t imagine it would actually taste like coffee at all. Tracy was kind enough, sometimes waving at the underclassman she knew from being a teaching assistant for Fashion Design 101. Peightyn scared Isidore, even if their parents knew each other, and had told Isidore to say hi if she ever saw Peightyn.
Inside the store there were several regulars who tended to match her schedule. Sitting up at the coffee bar was Larch Pine, Mountport State’s star baseball player. After a horrible incident after his senior year of high school, the team kept him benched until the last game of his freshman year, when he was finally given the chance to play. He tended to run with the athletic crowd, but he always made time for his roommate, Kallipso.
Kallipso worked at the Emporium. He was very nice, and whenever he was restocking the bookshelves would always give Isidore a nod of recognition. Larch and Kal were physical opposites. Larch, being more of a next-door country boy, and Kallipso was the first punk goth person Isidore had ever seen. He wasn’t the friendliest looking, with a studded leather jacket covered in patches and bright red hair, but as Isidore had come to learn Kal was the same person who took care of the flower garden out front, and organized the arrangements for the tables. He would also bring over a fresh pot of water whenever he noticed her kettle was running low.
The lunch crowd was just starting to pour in as the last of the unspoken Brunch Club entered. Hair tossed like he had been running his hands through it repeatedly, the brunette boy would get a large black coffee with creamer before opening his own sketchbook. She knew he wasn’t an artist in design like herself, just based upon the ruler, protractor and frantic calculations he had pulled out before mid-terms. But she was curious about what he drew in there. If he wasn’t drawing, he would peruse the shelves and grab something to read, or talk with Kallipso as he was reshelving borrowed books or new stock.
Isidore’s sketchbook has some measurement and method to it, but after critique from her professors about being too vintage in design (too Victorian, some would say) Isidore had taken to drawing her fellow students as style references. Just as she was looking up to check on the angle of Kallipso’s nose, she realized there was a shadow over her table. Octavious stood beside her table, one hand on the strap to his satchel bag, the other on the back of his neck as he gave a sheepish half-smile.
“Hi. Sorry to bother you, but there aren’t any other tables open. I was wondering if I could sit here until another one opens up?”
For a second, Isidore was too surprised to respond, her mouth half-open as she tried to gather the words. “Its fine. I get it, I’ve actually probably taken up the spot for too long--”
“I don’t want to kick you out. I know this is your spot, I see you here all the time.”
Isidore was quickly trying to move her supplies to just one side of the small round table, instead of grabbing them to repack in her bag. “It has such a great atmosphere . It’s hardly ever this crowded…”
“Lucretia has a tuna salad sandwich for today’s special, I think that might be what’s drawing in the business.” The taller boy gently sat down across from her and began to unpack some supplies of his own. 
“I’m Octavious Zinc, by the way.” He reached his hand across the table.
“Isidore Mortem-Hallowell” She shook his hand delicately, and as conversation trailed off, the two started to lose themselves in their own work.
The next time either of them looked up from their work was to a surprising voice that belonged to a familiar stranger who had approached her table, once again. 
“I was wondering where you went, Octavious! You are supposed to help me through this Math for Liberal Arts final.” 
“Sorry Kal. Dr. Partycake kept me after class to discuss being his assistant for labs next year, so I got in during today’s lunch rush.” Isidore watched Octavious's countenance relax as he looked up at the broodish upperclassman. “Isidore was kind enough to let me sit with her since someone had already claimed my table.”
It was at that moment it seemed Kallipso even realized there was another person sitting with Octavious. It was the same moment Isidore realized she was currently sketching the upperclassman who had walked over to them and he was quite tall enough with them sitting to see directly onto her sketchbook. 
Kal’s head tilted to the side, and the bright red bangs almost seemed to block his vision, before an unexpected grin was thrown Isidore’s way. 
“Hey, it’s me! That’s actually pretty good. I figured you were some kind of art’s student with all the supplies you’d pull out. Why don’t you ever put me in your sketchpad?”
Octavious looked up, nose scrunched at his friend. “It’s a design book. I work out all my ideas on paper and then copy them into the application the school has us use. I don’t doodle in it.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. This seemed like no new argument for the two. 
“I’m also doing schoolwork, though I don’t see why art as a hobby would be a bad thing..” Isidore’s comment was lost in there light-hearted bickering. 
“Wait a second!” Kal reached over and grabbed Isidore’s sketchpad, causing her to give a squeak at its rough handling as he also grabbed Octavious’ design book. Flipping each book to the front cover and putting them side by side, it showed they were the exact same in dimensions and quality. “They’re the same! Ha! You do use a sketchpad!”
“Shove off, Kal.” Octavious was kind enough to hand Isidore back her sketchbook when it seemed Kal had proved his point. “Sorry about him, he has made it his new goal in life to be the biggest pest possible.”
“It’s fine. I need to head back to campus, I have class at 2, would hate to be late.” She tucked the returned treasure back into her bag, as well as the rest of her supplies. “It was nice to officially meet both of you.”
“It was nice to get to talk with you for once, Isidore” Kal’s sideways grin broke what had apparently been a resting bitch face Isidore had encountered before this happy accident. “Same here. Maybe we can make this a regular thing? I have some designs I’d love an actual artist's eye on.” Octavius looked up at her as she stood. 
“I think I’d enjoy that. Nice meeting both of you.” Isidore seemed to stutter for a moment, her body not sure what to do next. She removed her hand from the strap of her back for a brief wave before exiting Greta the Great’s Coffee Emporium. 
Over at the coffee bar, Peightyn turned to Tracy as the small underclassmen exited. “And you wanted her for Delta Nu? That was pathetic.” 
“Come on, girl. She is super sweet! And we need someone to take over painting banners when Olive leaves. She is super talented, and with a little guidance, she could totally rock Delta Nu letters!” Tracy took a sip of her favorite refresher, the Coffee Emporium’s version of the Pink Drink, which made the extra block of walking off campus totally worth it to her. “I mean don’t you feel bad, She looked like a kicked puppy when the other guy took her sketchbook.”
“We never see her with anyone. Do you really want to have a social outcast in our sorority?” Peightyn stared at her over the white chocolate matcha latte with caramel drizzle, iced which had become her regular order. She still had to stop herself from calling it a venti instead of a medium.  
“ I mean, I was under the impression Greek life was a chance to make lifelong friendships, and the kid looks like she could use a few friends.” Peightyn stopped herself from snapping at the young man further down the coffee bar. Normally, she and Tracy got a small table, but with the crowd, they just took the seats available once they got their orders put in. “Larch Pine, how has your season been?”
“Could be worse. And you ladies?” Larch gave the two sorority sisters an honest smile.
“I would be doing a lot better if your brothers at Kappa Omega Beta would share the theme for the Blue Harvest Bash party they invited us to.” Tracy answered for the pair of them, knowing Peightyn’s temper with those who went against her ideas. 
“Well, as much as I wish I could help, cross country and baseball training take up most of my time. The most I see the brothers is on weekends and at the bi-monthly meetings. Besides, since Bruce Porter took over as president of the chapter, things have been a little too uptight for my tastes around the house. That’s why I chose to stay with Kal.”
“I had forgotten Kallipso and you were still roomies.” Their discussion continued as Peightyn half turned to get a better look at the mall goth and his nerd protege. Kal had only taken a few steps from the table when Octavious paled and let out a sharp “Shit!”. At this, not only did Kal turn around confused but Larch got up to join him in calming down the freshman that they had adopted over one of the college’s events for incoming freshmen. 
“Hey man, what’s the problem?” Larch placed his hand on Octavious’ shoulder as Kal took the seat Isidore had claimed as her own. 
“This is the problem!” Octavius placed his open design book on the center of the circular table. However, instead of the normal engineering schematics, there was a rather elegant pale gold dress drawn out, with carefully placed tiny notes on fabric types and layers surrounding the model. “This isn’t my book!”
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mintcocodadmare · 5 years
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((So, I was looking through some of my old drawings and came across THIS THING-))
((It’s a chain of Dadmares! From the top;))
- Color @color-sanses
- Straws @sub-zero0
-Mint and Cotton, with Mint holding a probably-newborn Mindy @ask-cotton-candy-dadmare
- Ras @eternalskelepuns
-Coco @chocolatedadmare and Vans @ask-my-flavormares
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wifi-crusader · 2 years
*kicks down a door* Ok so I started watching "Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun" and my unga bunga banana brain went "crossover with sagau cult fic". Now we're here
Welcome to Demon School! Creator!
Alright, here's the drill. You were a big fan of Genshin and loved every character in the game. One night during a thunderstorm you were playing Genshin and bam! Lightning hit your home and now suddenly you're being dragged by a bald guy with horns speaking in enchantment table.
"W-wha-?" You yelled out in shocked as the demon snapped his fingers and started to sound like English. The man, now known to you as Sullivan or grandpa cuase he basically adopted you as his grandchild. You agree because let's just say you're parents ain't the best.
Moving on, you gotten acquainted with Iruma, the blackhole stomach, who I guess is now your brother or something. I don't know, I'm just the narrator. You've also found out that Hell also has videogames and you continued your passion with Genshin.
But oh boy, that lightning storm was rather inconvenient. Why? Well you see, there's some sort of barrier between you and them but the lightning storm weakened it. Now all a certain scientist in Dragonspine, Albedo is finding a way to breach into "your" realm.
But you don't half to worry about that for now because you're getting enrolled to Demon School. There you were now about to fight Mr. Alice Asmodeus because Iruma chanted a forbidden spell at the opening. You being a good sibling wanted to be fair and challenged Iruma to Rock, Paper, Scissors and Iruma can't say no, literally. Loser has to fight Alice and you can already guess who lost.
Now outside you put your dukes up and as Asmodeus charges, you threw a punch and Alice gotten launched by a strong gust of wind (ehe~). You, being freaked out, went with it and somehow summon a cartoonishly large Geo hammer and slammed it down on Alice. Don't worry, he's still alive.
Now here's the kicker, Alice became your servant after losing to you and also became your simp pogchamp. (I mean, I wouldn't mind, dude reminds me of strawberry sweet roll. He literally looks like a snack).
You also meet Clara, a green haired female demon that you thought was on drugs and high amounts of caffine. You ended up getting roped into playing house.
Now let's check in on the wonderful, totally-sane world of Teyvat: Sagau edition! Albedo construct a portal like device as every playable character (or "blessed vessels" as they're called) were standing on a podium infront a rather large crowd at Dragonspine. The reason is that today is the "Heavenly Ascension" where the blessed vessels will travel to their creator's world to possibly bring them back home. Now the vessels walk up Dragonspine after a speech as Albedo activated the portal.
Now cut back to you sleeping peacefully as the TV in your room began to start. The screen was static as silhouettes with white holes for eyes grew larger as a gloved hand broke through the screen as the Genshin characters crawled out of it. You woke up to the multiple sounds of footsteps and screamed out loud as Sullivan, Iruma, and the neko butler I haven't mentioned before rushed in and saw the intruders.
After a while of talking (and pain), you found out that you're apparently their God.
"And that's why I have a hoard of people behind me" You finished talking to your friend group of Asmodeus, Clara, and Iruma.
"I knew you were powerful master, but I didn't know you were a god!" Asmodeus said as he started bowing at you.
"Your excellence, may I inquire about who this is?" Lizard daddy Zhongli (Me: *pukes in a bucket*) asked you.
"Ah, he's a friend of mine. Alice Asmodeus, this is Zhongli. Zhongli, this is Alice Asmodeus" You responded back to Zhongli.
"What's a friend?" Asmodeus asked as he look up at you.
"Well uh-" You were about to respond-
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Any tips for focusing on schoolwork? The quarter ends next week for me and I have 12 missing assignments but I can’t just sit down and do it smh. My meds don’t do shit to help me so I basically run on caffine and Doritos
I was planning on making a longer and more detailed post about this since I struggled with the exact same thing last semester but I’ll do a quick one since you’re in a hurry!
-Ask a university student with ADHD
How to overcome executive dysfunction and just get it done!
A quick overview for the stressed and depressed ADHD student
All strategies mentioned are ones I have tried during a very stressful period in my life and I can happily announce that I succsessfully passed all my re-exams!
1. Study at the library or a similarily quiet place, by no means attempt to study at home or god forbid a café you’ll regret it.
Studying at the library takes so much less effort and energy than studying at home or in s noisy café, save your precious energy for focusing on your work instead of trying to avoid distraction
Libraries are great and full of people who are also studying which will help you feel more motivated!
2. Get rid of your phone 📱
This one ☝🏻 oh boy, it was a game changer, I know you think you may have the discipline not to get distracted but it makes a world of difference
Put your phone in a seperate room on silent if you can, this is the most effective way.
If not, put it at the bottom of your bag and make it as hard as possible to find
Use wireless headphones 🎧 for music so you don’t have to keep your phone within arms reach
3. Write down exactly what you’re doing and divide into small easily doable tasks
Part of the struggle is not knowing what to do, or the task feeling too big and too hard. Write down the task in steps, as many as you need, as simple as you can. Break them down to the smallest and most easily done bits until you feel like you can handle them.
Example: For uni last semester I had 3 smaller tests per week apart from the usual exams. We had to translate between 1500-3000 words every two days on our own and during lectures We’d do a quick 15 min test based on what we’d read that would affect our final grade.
”Translate 2000 words” sounds like a lot so the way I did it was that I put the text into a word file and dived it into seperate paragraphs
I’d end up with 10-12 paragraphs and that would be my focus
So if I had two days to translate, I’d translate 6/12 paragraphs the first day and the remaining 6 the next day
It feels much easier than sitting with a document of seemingly endless work. Because we can have a hard time planning and looking ahead, it helps to give yourself some structure
4. Check off and visualize finished tasks to boost motivation ✅
Again, using last semester as an example
The way I did it is something I call:
The heart strategy❤️
At this time I was obsessed with Zelda games and I randomly drew a little heart in my planner while thinking of Zelda and thought ”huh, what if I used ”video game hearts” as a representation for my own work?” And I have been doing it religously since.
The way I did it was I drew 12 hearts in my planner in a line like this, seperating them with a line in the middle.
🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍 | 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
When I finished translating a paragraph I would fill a heart with a bright pink pen because I love pink💗 It was almost like a reward and it made me more motivated to keep going, it also provided a visual to let me know how much work I had gotten done and how much was left
So when my planner looked like this:
💗💗💗💗💗🤍| 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
It would motivate me because it meant I was almost finished for the day and I knew that I had completed half of the task already.
5. Wireless noise cancelling headphones 🎧 + ADHD friendly music
Noice cancelling keeps you from getting distracted by 🗣🎶👏🏻✍🏻👣
Wireless is just amazing in general but it also keeps you away from your phone which will often distract you even when you’re trying hard. Some models allow you to even change songs without touching your phone, which is super helpful
Make a list of music or find good mixes on youtube/Spotify that are not distracting 🎶 They can be motivational and upbeat or slow and relaxing, whatever helps you the most
I have a ”Motivational study songs” list with a lot of upbeat high tempo songs that are about reaching your goals, a mix of rock, pop, Disney and musical songs
Never gonna give you up by Rick Astley is the perfect ADHD study song idk why but it just works wonders for me
But some days the upbeat music is just too distracting so then I put on classical music (mostly Tchaikovsky) or a lofi youtube video. Changing up music is good since your ADHD brain will get bored of the same thing easily
There are also quiet and very aestethic ”☕️study with me 📖” videos on youtube that are like 2 hour long where a person just sits quietly and studies
they can be great because it makes you feel like you have a study buddy but they wont distract you by talking 🙊 as long as you don’t get distracted by them
That’s all for this post! BELIEVE ME i tried SOOO hard to keep it short and it was a lot longer at first i’m sorry if it’s a lot to read🙈
I hope some of this is at least somewhat helpful. Thank you for reading and good luck with your studies!💗
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akascow · 3 years
i'm completely vibing at a coffee shop rn because i have homework and wanted caffine
akaashi totally gives me the vibes of someone who did like all of their work in on sitting at a coffee shop in high school, and Bokuto went once because his sister or someone dragged him along and he kept coming to see the pretty boy who sat by the window
also akaashi defintely hates bitter coffee because he has sensitive taste buds, so he liked to get the speicals because they tended to be more flavorful.
bonus bokuto gets a job there and tries flirting w him and when that doesnt work he just straight up writes his number on the cup and hands it to akaashi or smth
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pinkipeachiikeen · 1 year
Maeve’s Masterlist
Created: 6/8/23
Kuroo: Feline Antics ( fluffy Drabble) (GN! reader)
Kuroo tries.... and fails to convince y/n that he is a dog person with his cat like antics
Yamaguchi: Galaxy Boy ( Hurt/comfort oneshot) (f! reader)
Yamaguchi overhears Y/n talking about how much she hates her *‘freckles’ so Yamaguchi wants her to give him a makeover- but gets a whole lot more than he bargained for
*Also even though it says reader has freckles- reader is not of specific race and their was no skin tone set in mind and does not have to have freckles (it makes sense once you read it lol)
Bokuto: Knight in shining Under Armour ( fluffy one shot) (GN! reader) 
The last year in middle school trouble-bound Y/n was assigned a partner in gym to protect them from from getting injured in PE again. Neither of them know how close they would get and neither of them thought they would see each other again in high school after a unexpected circumstance pulled them apart. 
Sakusa: Mint Chocolate Curse (Mini series) (Soulmate! F! Reader!) 
Mint chocolate chip is a commonly discussed flavor, some swearing that it tastes like toothpaste, others swearing that anyone who believes that has obviously never brushed their teeth before because no mint toothpaste tastes like that. Sakusa never cared much for ice cream in general, he doesn’t like things that are prone to mess, after all  but he didn’t necessarily dislike mint chocolate or anything.
That was until it was marked on his body for all eternity at the ripe age of twelve.
Here, it’s mint chocolate chip! Was tattooed in what could best be described as a fun, cheery, font, which was ironic because those  two words were rarely, if ever used to describe Sakusa.
It was also ironic because he seemed to be the only person in the universe who didn’t want a soulmate.
Part One
Osamu: The Intruder (F! reader) (Crack/fluff)
What do you get when you have a heavy sleeper, a twin brother with boundary issues and a sleep deprived, caffine high college student with a broom?
Complete and utter chaos.
Toge: Signs of Love (F! HOH Reader fluffy VALENTINES SPECIAL)
Dazai: And The Stars Will Guide Us Home (BSD x Batfam! Crossover fic!) (F! Reader)
My Hero Academia 
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sophiexteresa · 4 years
Thomas Sanders Instagram Q&A Transcript
From @thatsthat24’s Instagram story, 25/8/2020. Questions in bold. Text added to the story in (parenthesis/brackets), and descriptive info in *italics*. I tried uploading the video(s) too, but Tumblr is having issues, so here’s the transcript only! 
Thomas: I had some time this evening so I figured, hey, why not? Another lil’ Q an’ A, so if you want to ask a question *posh French voice* be my guest!
When approximately will the next sanders sides be out? Very good question! Uh, we are aiming this for a late September release, that’s what we’re all working towards.
Favourite musical you have been in or just favourite musical in general? This is really tough, I can’t decide. I’m between Rent where I was in the ensemble, Peter Pan where I played Slightly Soiled, which was just one of the lost boyos — boyos? Boys — and, uh, Into The Woods where I played Cinderella’s prince and that’s where Roman’s first costume came from.
Are you ever gonna due your hair purple again? I loved it! Yes! I miss the purple hair too.
Do you love me? *laughing* Yes of course! I do love me.
What would each of the sides’ reaction be to seeing the Grand Canyon? *speaking very quickly* Roman would be revelling that we made the journey, Patton would be marvelling at the memories being made, Logan would be telling you to look at these fascinating signs for important information, Virgil would be telling you to ‘get back from those cliffs!’, Janus would be telling you to take pictures to make it look like you’re next to the cliff, ‘for clout’, and Remus would be like *Remus voice* ‘you could push somebody and get away with it’.
Also when will we get more Picani, I miss him? You and me both, Bri, and honestly with the amount of amazing cartoons that have come out recently *sighs while smiling* yeah, I am a-hankering (?) to get back to Emile!
How have you been doing, like really? Mental health is important as you teach us: I feel like everybody’s kinda struggling with mental health right now, especially people in the USA with COVID. Uhm *clears throat* for me I continuously struggle with the balance between work and leisure time, um, social media makes that difficult, blurs the lines, and I’m working on it.
Do you have any tattoos? Umm, I don’t, uh, I struggle with the permanence of tattoos. And like do I, can I, make a decision that I like? But! There are tattoos that I might like. Where I’d put them, I have no idea, umm, but I think like, maybe like, little stars!
What rank of “Gay” are you? Big gay? What rank? *speechless pause* uh... General. You know? I wanna do my duty. Come back a hero. An all-American Queero *gets an idea* *roughly quoting Hamilton* Queer comes the General!
Can you please make Logan day something Patton would say? *Logan’s voice* Something Patton would say? Umm... please, I request more baked goods from the kitchen so that I can fill Thomas’s body with more trans-fats at 3 am. I don’t know, I don’t like this game.
Have you ever dated a girl? *awkward silence* I have. It was pretty uneventful.
Do you miss your friends? *laughs* Oh... *face crumples as if he’s about to cry*
What are you voice acting in or are you now allowed to say? Not until tomorrow.
When did you know you were gay? I think I answered this one on the last Q&A, but it was early. I was like, 9 or 10 at least.
When will we see Gavin? Gavin has started school! He’s back in his hometown, so I don’t know when I’m gonna see him. He’s still getting taller — I can actually include a picture of him that his mom sent me after he got a new little hairdo *insert photo of an awesome Gavin here*
Do you miss vine? For like, sentimental reasons, yes. Uh, I mean, technically it had its issues and I don’t miss being restricted to 6 seconds anymore *laughs*
What has been your favourite part of the day? My favourite part of today was actually... I came up with this last minute short video, and I got it done and I sent it to some friends and they really liked it. I have to save it until Thursday thought, but it’s just nice to come up with stuff that makes your friends laugh.
Janus acting like Remus? *Remus’ voice* Remus here! Looks like the Dukey just dropped in! *Remus’ laugh* *Takes a breath and snaps into Janus’ character* I spend a lot of time with him so I’ve had a lot of practise.
Why do I feel like we’re gonna have another angsty Virgil moment? When is Virgil not being angsty...?
Please can you say trans rights? Uh, heck yah trans rights! I, uh, this one was very simple but I wanted to say it!
Do you think Virgil would be into anime? Actually, if you remember from, uh, Accepting Anxiety, uh, part 2, there’s actually a Death Note poster in his room, so he definitely likes some anime.
Hi! Can you say hola to the Hispanic fanders in el vecindario fander? Please? We love you! Oh my gosh, *a very naturally american pronunciation* hola! that’s very kind of you guys. I appreciate all of the support you guys give, and I love all of you guys. 
STORYTIME! I love you: *upbeat voice* Storytime! I love you back.
How gay are you? Like, 15 gay! I rank General! 
How did you end up meeting and babysitting Gavin? Gavin is actually Leo’s nephew, so he would come up here, uh, during the holidays or during the summer, and alternate being baby-sat between me and Leo’s mom - his grandma.
What was the inspo for Janus’ outfit? Ooh, that’s a really good question, uh... Joan had a vision in their mind for almost kind of like this early 20th century or late 19th century kinda Jack the Ripper vibe.
Any advice for gaybies to fit in with society? Don’t apologise for being yourself. If people have an issue, that’s their issue that they have to work through. Do not apologise for being yourself. 
What type of gay are you? (Math gay, plant gay, caffine gay, etc): Wait, there’s such thing as a math gay? I am absolutely that, and I feel like I’m just gonna be naming traits about myself but I’m a trivia gay, a driving gay, apparently a math gay, a Disney gay *laughs* and a theatre gay.
Not a question but I’m glad to be alive at the same time as someone as great as you: Dude, this stuff is really sweet. *laughs* That’s really sweet, umm, trust me, I feel the same way about all of you. Honestly.
Why don’t you own a doggo yet? I... went to Petsmart today - I didn’t get an animal, but like... I’m thinking about it and this question is like... hmmm...
I’ve run out of cartoons to watch, any recommendations? Owl house! Owl house, owl house. I just tried it, and I immediately got hooked. Infinity train’s also a really good one, duck tales is amazing, and I’m getting ready to start Tangled: the animated series, so *shrugs*.
What is Patton’s opinion on rats? *adorable Patton voice, slowly zooming in on his face* They are tiny little squishy precious babies!!!
How do I ask people for their pronouns? I don’t know, I mean, I don’t think it’s like a big deal? I hope we could get to the point where we could just be like ‘what are your pronouns?’ and then they would tell you, and then you’d just, you know, carry on the rest of your conversation. 
A circle has no bounds and it’s the same with your beauty: This is really precious, and it of course came from Nash (?) who is a poet, he published a lot of wonderful, wonderful poems on twitter, they are are amazing, and you are once again far too sweet, Nash. 
Dream role? This is a pretty broad question, so maybe dream theatrical role would be Sweeny Todd, dream movie role would be anything in the marvel universe, uh, really just give me anything in any voice acting role, *smiling mischievously* egg rolls are also really good.
Can Remus please say ‘I am the sand guardian, guardian of the sand’? *Remus voice* I am the sand guardian, guardian of the sand! (love that vine)
Are there still plans for the Roman series? *nods* Oh, yeah, yeah, it was definitely hindered by COVID, uh, as was this Sanders Asides episode that’s coming up, which is why it’s taking longer in the editing stage, it is our, uh... strategy, for circumventing the obstacle, and we hope you like it.
Are we still getting an August playlist? Uh, heck yah you are! But honestly, actually, if you guys have any suggestions I should include in the playlist, lemme know! I’d be happy to get some suggestions - but yes. You will be definitely getting one.
May I please see your feet? *confused, slightly disgusted expression* *begins to move the camera away from his face* *holds up a tape measure, extended to 1 foot long* *grins*
Any shows on Netflix to recommend? Umbrella Academy is really good, Dragon Prince, uh, She-Ra, of course, umm The Hollow (?) is really cool, there’s a documentary about video games called High Score, that was really fun.
Roman, who would you say the gayest side is? *Roman’s voice* Oh, we’re all equally gay, okay? *chuckles* it’s a sexuality, not a personality trait. *takes a breath and speaks quickly* I’m just kidding it’s *sings* meeeeee!
If you were not a YouTuber, what would you see yourself doing and why? Uh, maybe putting my chemical engineering degree to some use. *laughs awkwardly* Uh, I went to school for 5 years for that one.
Like you literally make me so flipping happy: I’m glad! I don’t know what I’m doing to do that, but the feeling is absolutely mutual. 
Can we have Virgil saying “Falsehood”? *hair already over one eye, in Virgil’s voice* Uh, c’mon, okay, sure. *very quietly and unenthusiastically* falsehood. Is that good? Is that? I don’t know, I don’t wanna steal his bit.
Which Sanders Side do you feel you embody most? Ah, I would probably say it’s either Patton or Roman because Patton can be definitely me, all the time, just really enthusiastic about things and finding things cute, but Roman... Roman’s sensitivity, oh. That’s me. 
What was the first job you had? I actually worked as a page in a library! A- pages basically just kinda like, shelve books, check books out; it’s one of the chillest jobs I’ve ever had, one of my favourites, and my dad always had a lovely dad joke for it: ‘you’re working as a page, when do you get promoted to a book?’
How tall are you? I usually say 5ft 10, but I think I’m trying to be a little more realistic with myself. And I’m probably 5ft 9 and a half. *zooms in on his face, staring into the camera* I’m holding onto that half a foot for all dear life. 
DROP THE SKIN ROUTINE PLEASE! This is very sweet, uh, I, *laughs nervously*, uh, I use Curology? They’re very nice. Umm, just... different kinds of lotion, I guess. (I suppose I should write down what I do lol)
Can we get a FALSEHOOD? *is standing* *clears throat* *points upwards from his eyeline* FALSEHOOD! 
Do you have a boyfriend if not are you planning on dating soon? I do not, uh, dating is kinda difficult right now midst COVID, you know, kinda tough... love... in the time of Corona... umm, but, you know, option’s open.
When was your first kiss? I’m sure I’ve answered this somewhere, it was in high school, I might have been 15 or 16. It was with a girl. *Shakes head* And all I can remember is hitting teeth. A lot.
Can we get a super super vague hint about the new Asides episode?  Alright, I’m getting ready to end the Q&A, so this, you know, if you’ve made it so far you deserve this super vague answer, umm... it includes a side that was not in the last episode. (This isn’t much, I apologise lol)
Thomas: And that is it for this evening! Thank you so much, you guys, for watching. I know some of you are still over in Europe watching and it’s like 4 in the morning, and I need to go to bed so thank you all so much for your questions - I gotta do this more often ‘cause I really enjoy it. Love you guys, gals, and non-binary pals. Peace out!
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lilimot · 5 years
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This is my oc,Lavinia. Lavinia was born in Romania to Victor and Cristina Voiculet. They moved to Livermore,Colorado,a city with a high crime rate where her father joined the mafia when she was three years-old. She began preschool soon after moving,and quickly surprised the teachers with her advanced intelligence and maturity. She didn’t get along well with the other children,since to her,they were idiots. She hated being treated like a child,as in her eyes she saw it as demeaning,which caused a rift between her and her codling mother,but grew closer to her father,who was pleased by her intelligence,and treated her with the respect she desired.
Victor,a brilliant but prideful and arrogant man himself,was involed with the mafia. He sought to climb it's ranks by any means necessary,and made a good amount of enemies. One day,his most prominent rival tried to off him by planting a bomb in their car,but instead of killing him,it instead killed Cristina,and left half his face disfigured. Consumed entirely by thoughts of vengence,he abandons Lavinia,leaving her nothing but a switchblade,to kill his rival and to make his way to the top of the mafia.
Lavinia at the age of four,having no other known family is sent to live in Palmer's Children's Home. Over the next ten years she grew anti-social and reclusive from trust issues and the pent up anger of being abandoned. As she grew older she became more fustrated by the constant feeling of being the smartest person in the room and never having someone who could properly match her intelligence. She devoted herself to studying,but soon became bored by the seemingly easy school work. She sought to find thrills in puzzles and other hobbies,though she still kept an interest in academic fields,trying to learn as much as she could get her hands on. Soon she turned her attention to unsolved crimes. She found the minds of the criminals fascinating,and was enamoured with solving the unsolvable.
One day when Lavinia was fourteen,a boy named Collin DeWitt came to live at the Children's Home. Collin,a charitable and intelligent boy, had recently been orphaned,and instead of trying to draw away from people as Lavinia had,he instead tried to reach out. He tried to become friends with Lavinia,who was the only person in the Children's Home who was near his age,him being fifteen.
He attempted to speak with her as they walked home from school,but to little success. She was annoyed by his insistence to talk to her,and dismissed him repeatedly,till they came upon a dead body lying hidden in some bushes. Collin called the police,whereas Lavinia immedietly started inspecting the body and searching for clues. The police classify it as an accident and take the body away,but Lavinia correctly identifies it as a cover up. Lavinia decided to solve the murder herself and Collin,who had considered the man a friend,decided to help her. From then on they slowly became more attached to each other,to the point where they considered each other friends and would solve murders,robberies,and all other sorts together.
Personality: Irritable,anti-social,genius,obsessive,intimidating,confident,eccentric,apathetic,arrogant,analytical,quick thinking.
Age: 14
Weight: 130 lb
Height: 5'7
Likes: Caffine,challenges,playing piano,anime,forensics,psychology,learning,math,knives,and science.
Dislikes: Idiots,children,socialising,being talked down to,perverted justice,Ms. Fletcher (the overly happy owner of the Children's home).
If anyone has any criticism for her then please tell me,it's very much appreciated. Also,certain things will probably change in the future,such as her mother’s fate.
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mintcocodadmare · 5 years
Rotten: Is this Mexico?
Vans: No, you dumbutt!
Everyone Else: THIS IS ‘MERICA!!!!
((Ta-da! I took a spin off of Rotton’s post))
@strawberrydadmare @chocolatedadmare @color-sanses @vanilladadmare @rottenstrawberrydadmare @ask-cotton-candy-dadmare @skull-kid-dadmare @eternalskelepuns @blackout-forgottennightmare
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