#the campus will be closed at 5. i doubt anyone will contact me over the weekend. or early enough monday morning for me to get a train
fingertipsmp3 · 7 months
I love having no idea what’s going on. Like this is fine actually. I don’t mind this
#induction for my new job starts on monday and most of it is online but i don’t know whether they want me to go there physically (to do the#induction stuff on a work laptop in the staff room) or if i can do it at home#i mean either way; i need to go in at some point to pick up my laptop and ID badge and meet my colleagues#and the departmental induction and a lot of the mandatory training is on campus and in person#it’s really just the nonspecific induction stuff that all staff need to go through that’s online#and in the email that HR sent me with the itinerary and stuff; they said my manager would be in touch to let me know whether they want me#to go physically to campus or to do the online induction at home. and they should also set up a time to meet me to do the departmental#induction and get me my ID and stuff since i can’t physically get into the building without another employee#well i haven’t heard from them and induction starts at 9:30 on monday. should i just assume if i haven’t heard anything that i can just do#everything online and wait for them to contact me to set up a meeting some time in the week?#i don’t know who exactly my manager is. if i did then i could search for them on teams#but three people interviewed me and as far as i could tell two of them have the exact same job. one of them is taking over from the other#i think; but i have no idea which is which#i just don’t want to get in trouble for doing the induction at home if it turns out they want me on campus#i mean i don’t think they can realistically get mad at me for something i didn’t know they wanted me to do? like i need to arrange travel#i take public transport. if you want me there you need to let me know so i can book a ticket#otherwise i will stay at home and do the online induction using my fully functioning laptop. like…#the campus will be closed at 5. i doubt anyone will contact me over the weekend. or early enough monday morning for me to get a train#that would arrive by 9:30. i’m just going to do the induction stuff on monday at home#if no one contacts me by like tuesday afternoon when the departmental induction is supposed to take place and i’m supposed to meet#my manager; i might just reach out to HR. just like ‘hey i haven’t heard from anyone in my department; can you just confirm with them#that they know i’m starting and they’re ready for me to go in and get set up? thanks’ and leave them to it#it’ll be fine. i think#personal
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dynyamight · 3 years
meet cute number 47 is interesting!
send me a writting ask
47. Texting the incorrect number but continuing the conversation.
“You got all that, right?” Shinsou asks, readjusting his stance, so others can leave their classroom door easily.
Midoriya hums absentmindedly. He’s still quickly jotting down the last few digits onto his planner. “And, you said tomorrow morning, around 7? At the library?”
“Yeah,” Shinsou shrugs, “Or anytime really. The deadline isn’t until next month, you know.”
“I kinda just want to get it done, as soon as possible.”
Shinsou breathes out a snort. “Figured you’d say that much. Just make sure you got my number. Repeat it, if you need to.”
“No time.” Midoriya drops his bag to the side, shoving his now closed notebook inside. “Thank you! I’ll text you later tonight!” He offers hurriedly, before taking off down the campus halls.
Shinsou’s warning falls deaf to his rushed mind.
He has to run the entire way, in order to graciously catch the last bus for the hour. Sweaty and flushed, Midoriya slumps into his seat in relief. Fortunately, he was able to cop a seat for himself, settling by the window and his backpack right next to him.
Staring out, Midoriya tries to remind himself of the rest of his priorities he needed to do.
He still needed to start on Doctor Chiyo’s online Physiology exam, and gather his notes for the open book portion. It was a bit bothersome to handle tests online, but if the rest of class prefers it, there’s nothing Midoriya can do about it.
Speaking of which, Ochako had requested for copies of those exact same notes, since apparently she barely writes anything during lectures. He wants to suggest to her to just simply take better notes, but alas, he will gladly help her out.
And, finally, Midoriya has to collect reliable, approved research articles for his and Shinsou’s debate, in their argumentative project in Communications. Being assigned “PRO SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCE”, while being the most uninvolved people on the internet, Midoriya and Shinsou had a lot of work to do.
Not to mention it was already 18:00 by the time he reached the school’s dormitories. And yet, he needed to shower, make dinner, water his plants, and watch the newest episode of his favorite drama, airing tonight.
University was eating him alive.
Thankfully, he’s able to complete half of his list.
He finishes the exam with a 98%, and quickly snaps the pages of his notes over to Ochako and Iida, making sure to highlight the main topics questioned in the exam. Ochako sends a ‘thank you’ gif, and Iida texts a long, yet endearing message of gratitude.
Midoriya doesn’t have time to shower, instead blasting the TV volume loud, as he waters his indoor plants at the same time. He overwaters them a little bit, busy glancing back at the screen for too long. But, at least he’s able to watch the episode. He pouts when it ends on a cliffhanger, almost drowning his bonsai tree in frustration.
He’s only able to warm up a plate of leftovers, and read through only one research article, by the time it’s already blinking 21:30 on his phone. Sighing, Midoriya closes his laptop and grabs his cell phone instead.
An all nighter wasn’t preferable. But, if Shinsou is working overtime at his late night job, Midoriya supposes he can stay up and keep looking through more articles, until he has at least the required ten.
Flipping open his planner, Midoriya inputs Shinsou’s number into his phone. He adds his name, a contact photo of him sleeping, and finally taps a quick message.
(21:38) < You working?
When Shinsou doesn’t respond right away, Midoriya simply sets aside his phone on his desk. Stretching his arms, he sighs in defeat, now expecting Shinsou to be stuck at work.
He’s never worked at a restaurant, but he bets Friday nights can get pretty busy. And, Shinsou always complains that group outings and dates tend to stay over, even after the place is supposed to close. And, Midoriya trusts his word.
So, by the time his phone dings, Midoriya has been clicking through more articles on social media, bookmarking a few to go over later, as he went.
He lifts his phone, and with a bright screen, a message stares back at him.
shinsou hitoshi (21:58) > Who’s this
Oh, he did forget to specify. But, Midoriya smiles, having a small prank in mind. There was no harm in teasing his friends, let alone Shinsou, who definitely needed a good laugh, now and then.
(21:58) < It's the cutie from your communications class ;)
shinsou hitoshi (21:58) > So, no one
(21:59) < Haha! I guess you’re right about that
(21:59) < Anyways, it’s Izuku! You still working late, Hitoshi?
shinsou hitoshi (21:59) > This ain’t Hitoshi
Midoriya's face drops, blinking. Oh god, did he mistype the number?
(21:38) < Wait, you’re not???
Another text pops up, shortly after.
shinsou hitoshi (22:02) > You got the wrong number
Embarrassment burning his entire face red, Midoriya wishes he could delete himself from the world.
(22:03) < I’m so so so so sorry!
(22:03) < God, I thought I wrote down my friend’s number right
(22:03) < But, I was in this stupid rush to get on the bus that I didn’t make sure
(22:04) < And, listen, if I had missed that bus, I would’ve had to wait
(22:04) < Not like a few minutes wait
(22:04) < Like, a whole two hours wait!
shinsou hitoshi (22:05) > I didn’t ask
Deleting the conversation, Midoriya erases the new contact completely. And instead, he looks back to his planner, and retypes the numbers in his phone onto a new conversation.
Hopefully, he has typed the correct series of digits.
(22:07) < Hey, Hitoshi! It’s Izuku
unknown (22:08) > ...
unknown (22:08) > What the actual fuck
unknown (22:08) > You've still got the wrong number, you goddamn idiot
Slamming his phone onto his desk, Midoriya grabs a pillow off his bed and shoves it in his face. The temptation to scream sounds awfully pleasant, but it’s too late at night to do so. His dorm neighbors would definitely wonder what the hell is wrong with him.
What’s wrong? Oh, he has completely done one of the most dreaded imaginary scenarios in his head; text a complete stranger. Twice.
What was he supposed to do now? Never text back? Delete it? Block it?
How is he supposed to contact Shinsou now?
His phone dings again.
Lifting the pillow off his face slightly, Midoriya eyes his phone warily from his swivel chair.
That definitely wasn’t supposed to happen. Another text from the same stranger sounds a bit unheard of.
After a seconds-long hesitation, Midoriya lifts his phone and opens it once more.
unknown (22:13) > Double check next time
unknown (22:13) > You can fucking wait the two hours, dumbass
Midoriya grows a little irked. He has a bad feeling that his stranger isn’t too friendly, to say that least.
There was literally no reason to text back something so rude.
(22:14) < Well, that wasn’t nice
unknown (22:15) > Wasn’t trying to be
(22:15) < ..Are you always like this?
unknown (22:16) > Pretty much
(22:16) < That’s sad
unknown (22:17) > What’s fucking sad is that I was woken up from my sleep
unknown (22:17) > Because a damn moron didn’t write down the right number
Midoriya winces. He hadn’t even thought about the other person’s predicament, let alone if he had interrupted anything.
(22:20) > I really didn’t mean to do that, I’m sorry :(
unknown (22:22) > Yeah whatever
(22:24) > You should try to go back to sleep, then
unknown (22:25) > I was
unknown (22:25) > But the same moron from before keeps texting me
(22:27) > Who?
(22:33) > Oh.
(22:33) > It’s me, huh?
unknown (22:34) > No shit
(22:35) > Right, of course. My bad!
(22:35) > I’m going to just stop now
unknown (22:36) > Thanks
(22:36) > For the umpteenth time, sorry! ><
(22:37) > Okay, Okay! I’m stopping now, for real
Midoriya desperately needs to call it a night.
After going through his nightly routine, he slips under his bedsheets, exhausted. He sets an alarm for 5:00 on his phone, hoping Shinsou will show up at the library, regardless of the missing confirmation text on Midoriya’s end.
He keeps his phone on awhile longer, swiping through his professors’ emails, before a surprising text notification pops in front of him.
unknown (23:01) > FUCK YOU FUCK YOU
(23:02) > …
(23:02) > What was that for??
unknown (23:04) > I CAN’T SLEEP
unknown (23:05) > AND IT’S YOUR FAULT
(23:06) > What do you expect me to do????
unknown (23:07) > HAHAHAHA OH DON’T WORRY
unknown (23:07) > IF I CAN’T SLEEP, NEITHER CAN YOU
(23:09) > Wait
(23:09) > No, please
(23:09) > My alarm is on my phone, I need it on
(23:10) > I need to go to an important meeting for a group project at 7:00!
unknown (23:10) > Aw, really? :0?!
(23:11) > Yeah! I really do!
unknown (23:11) > Sike. I don’t fucking care
unknown (23:12) > Hope you eat shit tomorrow
(23:13) > ..Why are you like this?
(23:13) > I could literally be a twelve year old, for all you know
unknown (23:14) > I doubt fucking twelve years do group projects
unknown (23:15) > But whether you’re a damn infant, or grown adult, I hate you
(23:16) > I wouldn’t say I hate you. That’s too harsh
(23:16) > But, wow, you are very unlikable :/
unknown (23:17) > That’s the fucking nicest thing anyone has said about me
(23:18) > It wasn’t supposed
(23:19) > Nevermind.
(23:19) > Do you have any friends? Just might as well ask
unknown (23:21) > Surprisingly yeah
(23:22) > Oh, so you also agree. That it’s a surprise
(23:22) > At least you’re self aware :0
unknown (23:23) > Yeah, they are annoying as hell
unknown (23:24) > But, also pretty good people, I guess
(23:25) > Pretty good or pretty dumb?
unknown (23:26) > SHUT IT
unknown (23:27) > Only I can make fun of them
unknown (23:27) > You. Don’t.
(23:28) > You’re right, I shouldn’t have said that
(23:29) > I’m sorry :(
unknown (23:30) > You like apologizing, huh
(23:29) > There’s a lot to apologize for tonight
unknown (23:30) > Still, you don’t have to say it every damn minute
(23:32) > You probably don’t ever apologize
unknown (23:33) > Fuck no
(23:35) > Right, of course
(23:36) > Well, you know what I need to do tomorrow
unknown (23:37) > Unfortunately
(23:38) > What about you?
unknown (23:39) > I’m covering a shift at my shit job at the ass crack of dawn
(23:40) > Unnecessary visual, but I digress
(23:40) > Uh, where do you work?
unknown (23:42) > No. I don’t even know your damn name
(23:43) > I told you?? It was in my first text
unknown (23:44) > Yeah, I ain’t scrolling
(23:48) > Well, it’s Izuku. Midoriya Izuku :)
unknown (23:49) > Great. I still ain’t giving you mine
(23:50) > ?? Is there anything I can know about you??
(23:50) > You know more about me, than I do about you
unknown (23:51) > You know I hate you
unknown (23:51) > That’s plenty
(23:52) > But, I have been staying up for you :(
unknown (23:53) > Because it’s your fault I can’t sleep
(23:54) > You aren’t feeling sleepy yet?
unknown (23:56) > ..Are you
(23:57) > I asked you first
unknown (23:58) > I asked you second
(23:59) > That
(23:59) > Look, it’s almost midnight
(24:00) > Oh, now, it’s actually midnight
unknown (00:01) > I have fucking eyes. I can see the time
(00:02) > And we BOTH have places to be tomorrow
(00:02) > So, let’s just sleep. Call a truce, please
unknown (00:03) > What about my petty retribution
unknown (00:10) > FUCK
unknown (00:10) > FINE
The rest of the night, Midoriya hears his phone go off, but he doesn’t bother to open the messages. Fortunately for him, the time staying awake quickly catches up to his body, the moment he shuts his eyes. And, in an instant, he falls asleep, heavy.
However, he’s jolted awake by the ringing of his phone, the tone alerting him of an incoming phone call. Banging his head on the headboard, Midoriya blindly grabs and answers his phone. “Uh, H-Hello?” He blurts quickly.
“Tch.” A low voice emits, “You owe me, Deku.”
Click. The phone call ends.
Confused, Midoriya hurriedly rubs his eyes open. Running his messy curls through his fingers, he lifts his bangs up, in order to correctly look at the time.
The time was 5:10. And, his 5:00 alarm had been off the entire time.
And, instead, that same unknown number from last night was his saving grace.
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sondepoch · 4 years
Chapter 6
Written in the Stars (Lucifer x Angel!Reader)
Four thousand years is a long time. In the absence of your most cherished friend, it feels even longer. But when a certain student exchange program in the Devildom reunites you and Lucifer, things aren't the same. Because four thousand years of separation is a long time. And the love you once felt for Lucifer has changed into something different—something forbidden. But that might not even be your biggest problem, because with each passing day, your holy wings are turning blacker and blacker.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | ✔
You're in your element.
All of you, really.
The demons love Solomon—well, "love." Most of them still avoid him, never really having taken the effort to look past the shadiness of his outward personality, but the few demons that have stuck around have been added to his collection of pacts, and they have iron-tight bonds with the sorcerer. You've never seen him so pleased.
And then there's Simeon: probably one of the most goodhearted angels even in the Celestial Realm, so blissfully kind that even the demons have grown used to him and his little antics. Of course, it absolutely helps that the angel is nowhere near as innocent as anyone expected, constantly keeping the demons on their toes, but they seem to consider that thrill an added bonus to his company.
Luke...well, Luke might be the one having the hardest time, if you're perfectly honest. He still gets teased by the lower demons for his youthful appearance, but once they grew to learn that he was more bark than bite, even they began to relax with the insults. By now, the angel boy is quite happy, with Beel readily available to taste whatever treats he produces, and Barbatos always equipped with a new "recipe he doesn't have time to make but would like to see made."
And of course, there's you.
Well, you always knew that R.A.D. would be a blast. Even if the lower demons hadn't grown to love you for your bubbly nature (a fresh change, they say), you had the entire House of Lamentation to keep you entertained. And not to mention the fact that you and Lucifer grew involved at the beginning of the year—that thought alone still sends a flutter of butterflies to your stomach.
But you can't think of Lucifer like that right now.
No, Lucifer is the enemy.
"MC, catch!" Luke exclaims, tossing two water balloons your way, which you somehow manage to grab without popping them on contact. "Everybody ready?"
You glance around at your teammates: the nine demons remaining alongside you, Simeon, Solomon, and Luke. Everybody has two water balloons in their hands, and your faces are all rock hard with the memory of your comrades who have fallen at the hands of the enemy team.
A firm frown fixes its way onto your face when you recall how Belphie and Beel had cornered you from the treetops earlier, and had almost released an entire bucket full of liquid onto your shoulders before you bribed your way out with promises of paying for dinner next time the three of you go to Ristorante Six.
"Alright, split into teams!" A demon shouts, and then you're at Solomon's side. The mage enchanted your body earlier with a weightlessness spell that makes it even easier to sprint around and evade balloons, and you're not about to leave his side after he already helped you out once. "And go!"
Wordlessly, you and the mage begin sprinting along the treeline, both of you harnessing the full strength of Solomon's enchantment to jump and land in the treetops, where you have the best view of what's going on below.
"What if someone else is in the trees?" You ask, making a long leap from one tree branch to the next. Your figure peaks out over the treeline every so often, but the giant oaks are so high up that you doubt anyone will see.
"Shouldn't be a problem. Demons don't like using spells to boost their bodies, and Diavolo said that shifting out of human forms will lead to an instant game-over for that person."
You nod, continuing the journey forward in silence.
The other demons may be taking this lightly, but for you (and the rest of your dormmates in Purgatory Hall), this is your only shot—and you all plan to win.
You briefly recall the assembly this morning from when Levi took the mic. At the time, you'd been shocked that the shut-in otaku was willingly giving a speech in front of the entire student body, but you quickly realized that this was a major source of his ego. At the end of every sentence, as Levi explained (probably for the thousandth time, since he remarked that this was an annual occurrence) the rules of the Water Wars, cheers would erupt from the entire student body.
It took a message from Lucifer to calm everyone down enough for you to actually learn the rules of the Water Wars, but they were simple enough.
There are only four rules.
Rule 1: No switching sides. Everyone is assigned to either the Southern Water Fortress or the Northern Water Fortress, based on which half of the campus their dorms are on. Friendly fire, even if accidental, is grounds for "Water death"—a fancy phrase Levi coined for being 'out,' but you're determined not to let it come to that.
Rule 2: No leaving the R.A.D. campus. Yep, for the annual Water Wars, Levi has clearance to use the entire R.A.D. (buildings included!), though the students who are more interested in playing will stay towards the center.
Rule 3: Participants must get one 'kill' every half hour. Evidently, the entire Water Wars game was framed in the image of an actual military war, so getting someone out counts as a kill, and being killed yourself really only means that you're out of the game. Rule 3 is what prevents students from hiding during the entire game, since it only lasts one day, and is enforced through an enchantment spell everyone was bound to at the start of the game.
Rule 4: Avoid killing. And now this is probably the only rule you actually have a problem with, since it only says "avoid" killing without explicitly prohibiting it, but Simeon reassured you that demons won't actually take it to heart.
But if Rules 1 through 3 attempt to create a semblance of order, the subtle openness of Rule 4 wrecks it all, perhaps the only reason why these Water Wars have begun to feel like actual war.
And Lucifer is the enemy.
It's nearing the end of the day, and both teams have suffered heavy losses. The enemy team is exclusively the remaining members of the House of Lamentation and some other odd demons, while your team's numbers are even fewer. But that's why you and Solomon are going straight to their base—to eliminate the brothers before they can eliminate you.
You glance at your wrist, where there's a timer that dictates how long ago your last kill was. Eighteen minutes.
"How much time is left for you?" You ask Solomon when the Southern Water Fortress becomes visible. It looks empty, almost completely abandoned, and the sight worries you.
"I need to make a kill within ten minutes," He mutters back, squinting at the ground in case any lingering demons are foolishly wandering around.
You don't bother.
This is the endgame, less than twenty people left on both teams after the eight-hundred that started the game, and no one who's lasted this long will be making careless mistakes.
"Ready?" You call to Solomon when the fortress grows close enough for the two of you to jump onto it. For a moment, you worry that his human body won't be able to take the force of the collision, before realizing that he's not stupid enough to allow something so trivial to kill him.
He nods.
The two of you jump, landing weightlessly in the heart of the enemy fortress not seconds later. Staying back to back, you slowly begin walking around until you realize that your earlier worries have indeed become reality.
"They abandoned their fortress."
"Damn," Solomon mutters, standing up straight after he realizes you're right. "Shit. Five minutes before Rule 3 gets me out."
"Same," You mutter worriedly, seeing that the timer has approached twenty-four minutes on your wrist.
But before either of you can further comment, an announcement from Diavolo interrupts you both, his figure lighting up the sky over the R.A.D. campus.
"Greetings, students!" He exclaims happily, arms crossed with a pleasant grin stretched across his face. "At this point, there are less than ten students remaining in Leviathan's annual Water Wars!" You hear a cheer go up, but you can't tell where it's coming from. "To keep with tradition, the formal betting will now begin! More interestingly, it is now exclusively exchange students versus demons, with three exchange students defending the Northern Team and seven demons remaining in the Southern Team!"
You and Solomon exchange wary looks.
"In light of this turn of events, your host Leviathan has decided to refill both fortresses with holy water and hexed water! The rules of elimination have been altered: to eliminate an exchange student, you must tag them with hexed water; to eliminate a demon, you must tag them with holy water. That will be all! The next update will come in either one hour when this session of the annual Water Wars comes to a close or when there is a winner!"
Double shit.
"Um, won't holy water kill a demon if it touches them or something?" Solomon asks. "And won't the same thing happen with angels and hexed water?"
"Not quite," You murmur, grabbing Solomon's arm and using all your strength to jump up with the sorcerer, the enchantment carrying you high into the sky where you can already see a group of demons returning to refill their water balloons. The two of you float to the ground right in front of their fortress, realizing that you're in for an all-out battle. "It'll sting a lot, but that's about it. Levi is probably only doing it to make us scared so that we fight even harder."
"Alright…" Solomon trails off, nodding his head hesitantly. "So, what's our current plan for those demons heading straight for us?"
"The reason they're returning to their base is because they need hexed water to get us out, right? That means they can only tag us with normal water right now," You respond, grabbing your two sad-looking water balloons.
Solomon nods, grabbing your arm. "Ready?"
And then the two of you have jumped forward with all your strength, soaring over the demons and their looks of utter shock as you begin the return to the Northern Water Fortress.
You and Solomon had managed to reset your Rule 3 timers on your journey back, both of you dropping water balloons on an unsuspecting Mephistopheles. It hadn't counted as a kill, but it had worked to give the two of you an additional thirty minutes.
On your return journey, you'd been completely cautious, making every effort to avoid demons for the sake of your own protection.
It seems that Simeon, on the other hand, went all-out.
"I'm not sure how they got here before you did, but the Southern team attacked our fortress!" He exclaims with his usual pleasant smile, sliding you both water balloons filled with holy water. You would worry at his revelation, but he says it with such a calm demeanor that you can't help but be suspiciously at ease as well.
"How did you manage to evade them?" You ask, squishing a balloon experimentally.
"Evade?" Simeon asks, shaking his head with a smile. "Luke and I attacked them, of course! Though Luke sacrificed himself to take Beel out. The lower demons came in range of the water cannons, so I managed to get them out like that—but I actually had to venture out to fight the rest of the brothers." He shakes his head, frowning. "I was only able to get Mammon and Satan. Lucifer is still out there."
Who put this overpowered angel on defense? You can't help but wonder, realizing that he's successfully reduced the entire enemy team to one demon in a single attack.
"Simeon, you're amazing!" You exclaim, wrapping him in an excited hug. Before, your team was the underdog—but with only one demon on the other side, your chance at victory has never been higher!
"What about the rest of the brothers?" Solomon asks. "Levi, Asmo, Belphie—are they already out?"
"Levi couldn't play, since he's hosting the Water Wars. I think Asmo got out in the morning because he didn't want to play and risk ruining his face and Belphie…" You actually don't know about Belphie. "I'm guessing he fell asleep and also got out because of Rule 3."
"So that means…"
There's only one enemy left.
"Alright," You say, crossing your arms. "Then let's make a plan."
In the end, it's really Simeon who makes the entire plan while you and Solomon stare at him in awe, wondering whether he was a battle commander in a past life. The angel's reasoning is perfect, and he thinks of everything: a counterstrategy, four different what-if scenarios, and a plan to throw Lucifer off-guard. And it absolutely helps that he still remembers everything about the fallen Morningstar, using his current knowledge of the demon to even pinpoint where Lucifer must be right now.
And, from your position in the treetops, it seems that Simeon was right.
You wave at the angel subtly, keeping movement minimal to not draw attention. He's hundreds of meters away, but you can still make out the subtle nod he gives you and Solomon, all three of you now in-position for the plan.
As expected, Lucifer is standing in the middle of an open field, arms crossed, with a bucket of water balloons next to him. His pride won't allow him to seek out the enemy on their terms, so he's forced the three of you to come to him, and now he waits. You know all too well that he's waiting for a single one of you to make a sound, so that he can pinpoint your location and throw a balloon filled with hexed water your way to knock you out. But you won't give him that chance. You bend your knees, hands firm around the two water balloons in your palms.
Ready, you mouth to Simeon. Solomon must do the exact same thing, because in seconds, the angel is moving—your own cue to begin the assault.
Simeon stays low on the ground, zig-zagging his way toward Lucifer as the demon pauses and aims, focusing on the angel while Solomon makes his own lunging jump forward with three haphazard balloon tosses.
Lucifer manages to dodge all three, barely taking a second to grab a balloon and knock Solomon out with it—the impact of the collision dropping Solomon's body to the ground, and you can't help but wince—before he's back to focusing on Simeon.
With the demon's brief shift off balance, you recognize your cue to make your jump out of the treetops, soaring over Lucifer while Simeon draws ever closer, and—
Oh no.
You can feel the precise movement when Solomon's enchantment wears off, likely caused by the sorcerer's sudden unconsciousness, and Simeon pauses for a moment to glance worriedly up at your flailing form. You've already jumped, but your body is no longer weightless, and you're charging headfirst at Lucifer with gravity pulling you down all the way.
Sensing Simeon's hesitation, the firstborn demon wastes no time in delivering a swift throw straight to Simeon's chest, the added sting of the hexed water crumpling Simeon to the ground in a hiss.
Still flying through the air, you decide that it's too late to turn back, so you do your best to take aim and throw your balloons at Lucifer, now approaching him directly overhead. Powered by your strength, the balloon cuts through the air faster than you, and it makes a streaming sound as if approaches Lucifer overhead, and it's so close to hitting him, just another hundred feet and he'll be out, and you're so close and—
Damn it.
Hearing the sound, Lucifer looks up, only briefly stunned by the fact that it must look like you're falling out of the sky armed with water balloons. His eyes widen, realizing that both his hands are empty, and then he comes up with perhaps the most frustrating solution he could possibly think of: throwing the entire bucket of hexed water balloons up at you, the pink and purple and yellow balloons soaring up into the air at top speed.
When they collide with the two balloons from your own throw, the sudden stop after such overwhelming speed is nothing short of chaos.
Seven hells.
The balloons collide in a deafening pop! that sprinkles holy water and hexed water everywhere in a mini-explosion: onto you, onto Lucifer, and every inch of space in between.
Your body streams through the suspended water particles in the air, and you hiss at the sensation of hexed water. On the ground, Lucifer is wincing with the same pain, feeling holy water sizzle on his skin—but really, that should be the least of either of your problems because your jump was extremely well-aimed and any second now gravity is going to your body all the way and you're going to collide with Lucifer and—
Goddammit—really, can you catch a break?
The two of you groan in pain, skin hurting from the holy and hexed water, bodies aching from you literally crashing into Lucifer from almost a thousand feet up in the air.
"Are—are you okay?" You manage to ask him, wincing as you try to stand up, only collapse onto his chest again.
"All...good…" He mutters, groaning. "And you?"
"S-same," You manage to stutter, holding your head.
And then you both black out.
Today's dinner is served in the House of Lamentation, with the food prepared by Luke and Beel.
At the beginning of the school year, you would all eat in your own dorms, separate from one another. But by the end of the second week of school, there was no point to it. You would always be texting the brothers on a group chat, Solomon would always be video calling Asmo, and it got to the point where even Luke, with his self-proclaimed hatred of demons, was texting Beel on his D.D.D.
Simeon and Lucifer got together and agreed that, to cut down on everyone's phone usage at the dinner table, your dorms would begin eating dinner together once a week. And then it turned into twice a week. Soon, thrice a week. And then it was every other day, and now the only time you guys don't eat together is on weekends.
But today, there's a competitive edge in the air, all of you having come fresh from the Water Wars. (Well, others did. You, Lucifer, Simeon, and Solomon were all temporarily stored in the infirmary until you regained consciousness.)
"Oh please, Asmo." Solomon crosses his arms, tapping his fork on his plate while Beel brings the dishes from the kitchen over. "You were out in the first half hour, there's no reason for you to act all cocky."
"Excuse me!" Asmo gasps dramatically, crossing his arms. "What if someone threw something at my face?! I know you're okay with being knocked out, but I have to look perfect all the time. You could never understand, Solomon."
"Alright," You interrupt, leaning back in your chair. "But I'm sure we all know that our team actually won, right? Lucifer totally lost to me."
"Those are bold claims, MC." Lucifer regards you with a smirk. "If I recall, I wasn't the one who was completely soaked to the bone afterward. Look, your hair is still wet."
"Shut it, Luci." You scowl. "The only reason it even counted as a tie was because gravity did all your work for you when I fell through the water. How did that feel, hm? To know that, if not for the Devildom's natural forces, then you would have lost?"
"Wasn't it you who came crashing into me, though? You needed me to break your fall. Are all your plans so thoughtless?"
"Only because Solomon's enchantment spell wore off!"
"And you didn't think of that as a possibility? Tsk, how disappointing."
"Hey!" You protest, crossing your arms. Lucifer still wears that devilish smile, daring you to continue. And you absolutely would, if not for Simeon.
"Now, now. No need to be upset, little lamb." Simeon pats your head, frowning slightly at the dampness before his lips curve upward once more. "We all know he's simply jealous because he knows we were the rightful winners."
A wave of laughter rises from the table as you continue to taunt each other, only finding eventual peace when Luke brings out the last of the food. You mindlessly take spoonfuls of whatever looks good, your plate a mixed assortment of Celestial and Devildom food. It took two months to get to this point, but you've finally grown used to the local cuisine.
Everyone seems extra talkative today, the excitement of the earlier events still not worn off. Levi chatters animatedly about everything that happened, regaling you with all the details you weren't able to see in person.
"Still, though. I can't believe no one thought to dry you off," Simeon tuts disapprovingly, a frown present on his face. "I hope you don't fall sick, little lamb."
"Oh, right!" Mammon exclaims, glancing at you. "I forgot that angels fall sick so easily. How ya doin', MC? All good there?"
"I feel fine," You say, stretching. "I think falling onto Lucifer was worse. He's not comfortable."
But as if on cue, you suddenly cough, a shiver following soon after.
Simeon sighs, his frown deepening.
The rest of dinner passes by quickly, but no one's in a rush to leave. As with tradition, the Water Wars took place on the third Friday of the second month of school, and no one has any plans for the evening.
The eleven of you end up spaced out over various couches (with Belphie napping on the floor) in the common room, chatting aimlessly about all the projects you have coming up. As usual, Mammon keeps trying to convince you all to play card games—and thus, to gamble on them—but Lucifer shuts him down quick enough.
Another violent cough is ripped from your throat, the room going silent at your momentary struggle.
"Little lamb?" Simeon questions, concern present on his face. "Are you sure you're alright? You know that this is how all our illnesses start, and I don't want—"
Another coughing fit comes from you, only stopping when Simeon moves forward to rest his hand on your back. "Little lamb?" He repeats, voice gentle.
"I, um…" You place your hand over your chest, where it still tingles from all your coughing. "I don't feel too good."
Simeon brings a hand to your forehead, and when he steps back, his frown is even deeper. He turns around, glancing at the brothers. "I'm going to take her back. Her forehead isn't incredibly hot, but it's warmer than usual."
But Lucifer shakes his head. "You know how cold Devildom nights get, Simeon. The journey back will only make things worse." He glances at you, worry written into his features. "It may be best if she spends the night here."
Simeon looks hesitant about the idea, still incredibly aware that the exchange students dorm separate from demons for a reason, but when he sees you shiver, he relents.
"I'll fetch her things," He says, unclasping his Celestial cloak in favor of using it to cover your body as a blanket. "Solomon, Luke, let's go."
"I'll come, too!" Asmo exclaims, jumping up as soon as his eyes settle on Simeon's bare shoulders. An amused smile dawns on the angel's face at the realization, but he humors the fifth-born and allows Asmo to tag along as he ushers the rest of the residents of Purgatory Hall out, Asmo practically clinging to his arm the whole time.
When they're gone, the air in the room changes.
"Are you alright?" Lucifer asks, moving to sit next to you on the couch. His lips ghost over your forehead, earning a small groan of protest from Mammon at the PDA. Even you're surprised at it—given that Lucifer has never liked showing affection so openly, even when it's as small as this—but when you look into his eyes, you see genuine worry.
"I'm fine," You respond, laughing a little. "Don't kiss me, or you'll fall sick, too."
"Demons don't fall sick as easily as angels," Satan comments from the other side of the room, leaving to give you some privacy. The other brothers soon follow suit.
Lucifer watches them leave, waiting until they're all gone before he pulls you into his lap, pressing his forehead to yours. "Excited to spend the night here?"
You laugh lightly, leaning into his warmth. Even with Simeon's thick cloak wrapped around your shoulders, you feel undeniably cold, and you shiver in the demon's arms.
"Still cold?" Lucifer asks. You nod, and he lifts you. (You have to stop yourself from gasping when you realize that he's carrying not only your body weight, but the weight of your Celestial cloak, plus the weight of Simeon's even-heavier cloak.) "We have a guest room in the House of Lamentation, so I'll set you up for the night in there."
"I can walk," You say, pouting lightly as he carries you up the stairs, but Lucifer ignores all your protests.
"You're sick," He justifies, entering a room you've never seen and setting you down on the bed. He goes as far as to tuck you into the covers, batting your hands away when you try to do it yourself. "Rest and sleep is the best remedy for a common illness like this. If we were in the Celestial Realm, I'd get you some medicine, but…"
"Luci," You reach your hand out of the blankets, slipping it into Lucifer's. "Don't stress. I'm fine."
You hold back another round of coughs, but not for long, and in half a minute, you're in a seated position once more, coughing into oblivion with no signs of stopping.
"Shower? Do you think a shower will help?" He asks as he helps you lie down, his eyebrows furrowed. "Or do you want warm water? I can get you some more blankets, too, but if you want some—"
"Lucifer," You interrupt, silencing him with a hand. "I'll be fine by tomorrow morning, really. I'm not as sick as you think."
But he's far from convinced.
"Fine, do you really want to know what might help me right now?" He nods, crossing his arms, ready to travel to the ends of hell to get you whatever you say you desire. "You. Come and lie next to me."
You tug him into bed, giving him no chance to retaliate as you snuggle into his side.
"Simeon will be returning…" He begins, hesitant.
"Shush," You say.
You close your eyes, forgetting how cold you are when Lucifer silently wraps his arms around you, keeping an ear open for the sound of a message on his D.D.D. or any approaching footsteps. But the only thing you register is the soft sensation of his hands as they go up to stroke your hair, and the feather-light kiss he lays against your forehead.
"Get well quickly," He murmurs softly, pressing his lips against yours as if he knows that you're already drifting off, and the action is more than enough to keep all bad thoughts away from your dreams as you're pulled into a deep slumber.
Simeon didn't leave your side the entire night.
Angels certainly fall sick more often than demons, but it's still unpleasant whenever it happens—and the last time Simeon had seen you shiver this violently was six centuries ago.
He frowns as another gasping cough tears its way through your lungs, your frame curled into itself as you try to stop the sickness from progressing, and a wave of sympathy washes over Simeon's heart.
Being sick is never pleasant.
But it seems that he's not the only one concerned for your well-being.
"You don't need to watch her from all the way over there," The angel calls, not bothering to turn around and face the demon standing at the door. "Come inside, Lucifer."
Simeon hears the firstborn hesitate before he finally accepts the request, quietly walking over to the other side of the bed.
"How is she?" Lucifer asks, raising a hand to your hair, brushing the loose tresses out of your face. You flinch at the contact, but your body leans in to the additional source of warmth soon enough.
"Worse. She began shivering around midnight. I think her fever started up two hours later. It broke for a while in between, but…"
"It's back."
Simeon nods, tightening his grip on your fingers as he holds your hand, thumb brushing over the knuckles as you sleep. He glances upward, trying to catch Lucifer's eyes, but the darkness is too overpowering. The moonlight falls into the room at the perfect angle, illuminating your body but neither the angel nor the demon, the two men as hidden from each other as their thoughts.
He watches with bated breath as Lucifer's hand trails from your hair to your cheek, gently stroking the skin in soothing circles, just how Simeon had done an hour ago.
"She's beautiful," Simeon comments, more to fill the silence than anything.
"She is," Comes Lucifer's response, a confirmation, but it's something more than that. It's an affirmation, a silent you're right, and you've done well that comes from the guardian of old to the guardian of new.
And then the angel doesn't bother saying anything else, because the silence that wraps around Simeon and Lucifer isn't a veil of awkwardness or edge, but one of serenity. Their faces are tranquil as they watch over your figure, at peace as they bask in the quiet knowledge that the bond they share—two guardians, past and present, connected through you—is something that words can never convey. Their bond goes deeper than brothers, deeper than the love they have for one another and deeper than any materialistic birthright that could bind them together: no, they are bound to each other by their love for you, pure as an angel in Simeon's case, passionate as a demon in Lucifer's.
The demon bends low against the bed, cupping your jaw gently with his hand to lay a chaste kiss against your forehead. It looks innocent, sweet; but Simeon knows the truth.
As Lucifer's lips ghost over you, you begin to stir in the slightest, eyes fluttering open as you look up for the first time since falling asleep. "Luci?" You ask, though it's more of a quiet mumble than anything.
"I'm here," He mumbles, leaning back. "Go back to sleep, MC. Save your strength."
But you don't heed his words, tugging insistently on his sleeve before he can draw your hand away. Your eyes are clouded with drowsiness, but your request is clear: "Come closer, Luci. Lie down with me."
There's a moment of silence, one where Simeon presumes the demon is raising his eyebrows in shock at the boldness of your request, before he lowers his head. The moonlight catches his eyes just the slightest, and Simeon can make out the question in his gaze—the silent May I? that Lucifer is requesting.
Simeon smiles. "Go ahead."
Lucifer is stiff as he shifts onto the bed, your body embracing him instantly with no regard for Simeon next to you in your compromised state. Your chest is soon rising and falling in a calm rhythm once more, arms wrapped tight around Lucifer's waist as you press into his warmth, but the demon is more preoccupied with Simeon than anything else. Now, in the moonlight, Lucifer's face is completely bare—the angel is the one who is concealed.
"Simeon, I—"
"You don't need to pretend," Simeon cuts him off, a soft smile present on his lips. "I already know, Lucifer."
"You...know?" Lucifer asks, voice incredulous.
Simeon can't help but laugh a little at that, the sound soft as it leaves his lips. He smiles, even though he knows that Lucifer can't see it in the darkness. "Being her guardian for four thousand years has taught me how to read MC well. She hides the truth with her lips, but not her actions. Even Solomon has figured it out."
For a moment, Lucifer is left speechless, evidently not having expected this of all things. And then, Simeon feels guilty for having his face hidden by the darkness and he sits on the bed, facing Lucifer where they can both have an honest conversation illuminated by moonlight.
"How long?" Lucifer asks, relaxing the slightest when he sees the kindness in Simeon's smile. "How long have you known?"
"As long as this has been going on, I suppose." Simeon taps his chin. "Though I only grew confident in my deduction that night before school started, when you called and covered for her."
Lucifer nods, remembering the night well.
And now, it's Simeon's turn for a question.
"Do you love her the way she loves you?" He asks, though he suspects he knows the answer.
"No," Lucifer murmurs, looking down at you fondly. "I love her more."
"I'm sure she would say the same thing."
"I don't think it's possible to love anyone the way I love her," Lucifer responds, raising his eyes back up to Simeon's. For once, the angel realizes that Lucifer isn't trying to hide any of his emotions behind his wall of pride, and everything is evident on his face: the love he harbors for you, the adoration, the inexplicable infatuation that nothing seems to surpass. "A part of me suspected that you knew," Lucifer comments, twirling a strand of hair between his fingers. "MC told me that you never asked questions, so that meant that you either hadn't noticed anything at all or you were consciously letting us be. And you've always been…" The edges of Lucifer's lips curl upward. "Observant."
"I wanted her to tell me when she felt ready," Simeon whispers. It's the truth—he knows that if he were to ask you an outright question, you wouldn't lie to him. "And I wanted to give her the option of keeping the secret. I can't imagine this relationship…"
"You can't imagine it has a happy ending."
Simeon nods quietly, dropping his gaze.
He knew from the start that this would happen. When you begged the High Seraphs to send you to the Devildom for Diavolo's exchange program, your heart only thought of Lucifer platonically—but that was before the element of temptation had been introduced in your relationship. When you used to both be two holy beings, proud and pure, it was unsurprising that only a friendship blossomed between you two. But when Lucifer's wings turned black, his nature changed as well, and four thousand years had only furthered your subconscious desires for the man.
And the High Seraphs knew it, too.
Part of Simeon's role as your guardian was to save you from temptation, to keep you walking the holy path and to halt any potential relationship between you and Lucifer. But he had never sworn it. And so when he saw the light in your eyes as you talked about the demon, he knew that he would not pry you away from the man who made you so happy.
Because he knew that in the end, the two of you would be separated regardless. So why not allow you the mercy of happiness in between?
"That night she left Purgatory Hall crying. It was two months ago, but I'm certain you remember. That night, she went to you. Tell me, Lucifer." Simeon's eyes darken, an occurrence rarer than a blue moon, but Lucifer doesn't flinch as their eyes meet. "Were you the cause for her tears that night?"
There's a moment of silence between the two, Simeon's protective instincts over you colliding with Lucifer's natural urges to shield you away, but Lucifer finally speaks.
"You are asking if I hurt her, correct?"
A nod.
"I did not." Lucifer casts his eyes away. "But I was inadvertently the reason she was crying."
A spark of curiosity lights Simeon's eyes for a moment, but it's gone as soon as it arrives. He does not seek forth anything beyond what is necessary, and the temptation for answers is one that cannot influence him. "Very well," He says, lips curved upward. "If you have not hurt her, then the two of you have my blessing."
Lucifer smiles.
The look in his eye is amused, and Simeon understands the reason for it. A relationship blessed by an angel is fated to succeed, it is said. Neither of the two know if this is truth or merely a myth cultivated from the heavens above, but both want to believe in it.
"Blessing a relationship that is doomed to fail," Lucifer mutters. "You have always had a strange sense of humor, Simeon."
"I have still yet to see a failed union that was blessed by an angel. Who knows? Perhaps, there will be happiness for you both in this."
"Perhaps," Lucifer responds.
The two of them remain in silence for the rest of the night, all things that needed to be said having been said. They only speak again to soothe you in hushed whispers when your figure begins to tremble particularly violently, or your cough grows especially bad. By the time the sun has begun to rise, you've broken out into a cold sweat, your entire body shaking as you try, in vain, to get warm.
"Are you leaving?" Lucifer asks when Simeon finally gets up, surprise written onto his features.
"Not quite. The High Seraphs gave me some medicine to use in case of an emergency...I know that a common cold such as this hardly constitutes as an emergency, but I'll deal with them later if I need to fetch more."
Lucifer nods, bidding Simeon farewell while the angel promises to return with Solomon and Luke, hoping that by the time he can bring you medicine, you'll be woken and eager to see your friends.
"Go," The demon says when Simeon hesitates. Only a final promise actually convinces the angel to depart: "I won't leave her side until you return."
As expected, mornings in the House of Lamentation are chaotic. Add all the residents of Purgatory Hall into the mix, and the house can hardly go a full ten minutes without a shout or the sound of something breaking.
Thankfully, both the parental figures of the dorms are locked by your side, tending to you while the brothers (and Luke and Solomon) pop in and out of the room.
"How long does the medicine take to work?" Lucifer asks impatiently, crossing his arms as he stares down at you. Simeon administered the aid over half an hour ago, but you've yet to show any signs of getting better. If anything, you've gotten worse.
"Relax," Simeon comments, amused at his friend's impatience. "It should kick in any second now. We'll know when it's working."
"How?" Lucifer asks, tapping his foot on the floor.
"Goodness, Lucifer," Simeon tuts disapprovingly. "Have you no recollection of how Celestial medicines work? We know it's kicked in when her angel form materializes. The natural boost to her magical power will force whatever toxins are causing this illness out of her system, and—"
"Her angel form will materialize?" Lucifer asks, with an intensity that Simeon doesn't understand.
"Yes. And then we'll begin to see symptoms of—oh look, it's already begun!"
Simeon watches with a pleasant smile as he recognizes the familiar light overtake your body, observing as you transform from human to angel. He hums approvingly, noting that it's been quite some time since he's actually seen you in this form.
And then the light fades.
Simeon's smile drops.
"Little lamb?" He whispers, eyes round in confusion. It quickly fades into horror, and then fear. This can't be right. His eyes are failing him, surely. How can it be possible that your wings, so pure and white and precious, have turned black?
The angel glances up at Lucifer, desperate for answers, for solace, for help, but the sympathy in the demon's eyes stops Simeon completely.
Lucifer knew.
There's another moment of confusion: a second of agony where Simeon simply doesn't understand why you would keep something so important from him but would tell someone else, why you would hide a change that must have torn your heart apart, why you would act like nothing is wrong when something clearly is.
And then the pain clears, and there's a flash of understanding where the truth dawns upon him. Not just the reasoning for your blackened wings, but truly everything. Why you never told him about your wings. Why you hid your relationship with Lucifer. Why you thought you could protect him if he never found out.
The two men glance at each other, eyes communicating more than words can ever say as they mutually vow to protect even this secret.
But then the sound of footsteps—the sound that they've both heard over ten times in the past hour alone—draws nearer once again, and they realize that while they can protect your secret, the moment the other residents of Purgatory Hall find out, it's over.
The door! Simeon's eyes seem to shout. But neither the angel nor the demon can move as they stand frozen at the sound of the footsteps drawing nearer. It roots them to the spot, freezing them like an enchantment stronger than anything they've ever experienced.
"Hey, guys!" The familiar voice of Luke calls out, drawing closer and closer. Simeon wills his legs to move, his mouth to say something, but his body isn't his own anymore. "Breakfast is ready!"
And then Luke is in the room.
Simeon doesn't think he'll ever forget the deafening silence of this moment, as the secret of your blackened wings that you've tried so desperately to keep hidden comes unraveled.
Because in one second, Luke is screaming at the sight, flinching at your impurity, and calling Michael's name at the top of his lungs, summoning the archangel in what he doubtlessly thinks is the right thing to do.
We failed her, Simeon and Lucifer seem to say to each other as they maintain eye contact, unmoving despite the sudden chaos that has gripped the room. They don't move, nor do they speak, nor do they flinch when the holy light of Michael's spirit materializes next to them, the rest of the brothers soon following suit.
I'm sorry.
The words are meant for you, a quiet beg for forgiveness that Simeon couldn't protect your secret. Would it have been different if he had known the truth from the start?
It matters not. I have failed her.
The angel's turmoil is written in his eyes, in his furrowed brow, in his slumped shoulders. But as the world around him continues to move in slow motion, he closes his eyes, sending a quiet prayer to God that this situation may somehow be salvaged.
Though in his heart, Simeon already knows that all is lost. 
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | ✔
Word count: 7.1k
Notes: Posting this really late at night because today was wild :( Also i took a nap in the afternoon and i am like 90% sure that it was just a graphic sex dream (straight up porn, but like mild plot) which is extremely interesting because i am not a horny person and he’s the last brother i would expect to dream about but maybe its a sign that i should give him sum attention
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Next Update: 6/9/20
I do not own the rights to Obey Me! or any of the characters within it.
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zukkkaashipper · 4 years
Falling hard
It had started as a blind date set up by one of their mutual friends, Toph. Right now, they were on their fifth date and Sokka could honestly say that the past month of dating Zuko had been the most amazing month of his life. Zuko was smart and funny in an ‘I’m not trying to be funny’ kind of way. He had been extremely shy at first, which had been adorable and had felt like a bit of a challenge to Sokka. All his friends could tell you Sokka was not one to back down from a challenge. However, the more time he spent with Zuko the less it felt like a challenge he had to win, but more like a need to get to know Zuko better. Adorable, smart, beautiful Zuko.
There had just been one issue, Sokka wasn’t sure Zuko felt the same way. Whenever Sokka got too close, touched him just a little bit too intimate, Zuko would freeze up and pull away. Sokka had started to doubt the connection he felt to Zuko as well as his seduction skills. But sitting here across from Zuko at the dinner table Sokka could care less about the physical aspect of their relationship. Just looking at Zuko shyly ducking his head with a small smile on his face, because of some stupid joke Sokka made was enough for now.
“What is it?” Zuko asked, when he looked up and noticed that Sokka was still looking at him.
“you’re cute,” Sokka shot back with a flirty smile. Once again, Zuko ducked his head and a crimson blush crept on his face.
“So, how has your week been? I haven’t seen or heard much from you the past few days,” Sokka continued once it was clear Zuko wasn’t going to respond to Sokka’s previous comment.
“It was fine, I’ve just been super busy with this new play. I’m sorry.”
“Did you get the part you wanted?” Sokka asked excitedly.
He knew Zuko’s major was a bit of a sore spot with his family. Zuko had told him about it on their 3rd date after a few glasses of wine. It had taken him a while to get through his story and Sokka had had to piece some parts of it together himself. As far as Sokka could tell Zuko’s dad was a hard-ass and had never once encouraged Zuko to do what he had wanted to do. Instead, he had pushed him to become a lawyer like his dad and his big sister and they had treated him like a pariah when he told them that he wanted to study arts. Zuko hadn’t spoken to his family in over 2 years, once he started at uni. The only person from his family Zuko still had contact with was his uncle, Iroh. From what Zuko had told him, Iroh was awesome. Supportive and kind. He had treated Zuko like he was his own son and had been so proud when he decided to major in theater. Iroh was his biggest fan, Zuko had told Sokka proudly.
“I did,” Zuko said. He would probably never admit it, but Sokka could see a proud glint in his eyes.
“That’s amazing! We should celebrate. Uhm champagne? Waiter!” Sokka raised his hand to wave over the waiter, “could we have two glasses of champagne please?”
The waiter nodded and disappeared to get the champagne. Zuko smiled at him again and Sokka felt a little bit weak in his stomach.
“You gotta tell me when it is! I want to come watch.”
Sokka could literally see the emotions cross over Zuko’s face. Shock, disbelief, hope, excitement.
“The play is only in 5 months,” Zuko mumbled and suddenly Sokka realized that maybe he had been too forward, pushed too hard again. He basically just told Zuko he hoped that they would still be seeing each other in months. It was true, Sokka really was hoping that he would still be seeing Zuko. But what if Zuko would pull away again and freeze up. At the moment, it didn’t look like Zuko wanted to pull away, so Sokka decided to take another change.
“Well, I can’t wait to see you in that play. You’ll be amazing, I know it.”
Sokka wanted to reach across the table to take Zuko’s hand, but he was afraid that would be pushing too much too fast. So he didn’t. He kept his hands on his side of the table and forced himself to take a deep breath. In the meantime, the waiter had returned with the champagne.
“Cheers! To you Zuko,” Sokka said while reaching half-way across the table so they could clink their glasses together.
“To us,” Zuko said quietly. He didn’t look at Sokka when he said it, which was a good thing, because Sokka could feel the blood rushing to his cheeks. Ok, so he wasn’t making this all up in his head. That’s good.
“To us,” Sokka repeated. Zuko looked up and gave him another one of his shy smiles and Sokka smiled back enthusiastically.
The rest of the dinner went smoothly. They talked some more about their families, their studies, and the places they would like to travel to the most. For Sokka, these places were mostly cold and snowy, like Greenland and Norway and Alaska. For Zuko it was the complete opposite. He wanted to go to Hawaii and Italy, as long as it was hot. They laughed about this for a while and Sokka made the stupid joke that they would never be able to go on holiday together. He realized his mistake as soon as he said it. Zuko’s face fell and he retreated in on himself. Sokka spent the rest of their dinner trying to get back to the carefree atmosphere they had before he had opened his big stupid mouth and ruined everything.
After dinner, they walked back to campus together. Sokka tried brushing their hands together, so he could gauge Zuko’s reaction. Every single time he would even softly graze Zuko’s hand, Zuko would jump and pull away again. Sokka sighed to himself and looked at Zuko sideways. He was getting so many mixed signals, he really didn’t know what to think anymore.
They had arrived at Zuko’s room. The uncomfortable silence dragged on and Sokka had become too self-aware to even try to go in for a kiss. Zuko awkwardly said goodbye and gave a small wave before he ducked inside. Sokka let out another disappointed sigh and started the journey to his own shared dorm room.
Aang was laying upside down on his couch groaning and looking at his laptop angrily.
“Hey buddy, whatcha doing?” Sokka asked.
“Oh! hi Sokka,” Aang perked up. “I’m just finishing my paper on coral bleaching and how it affects so many aspects of the ecological system and the poor aquatic animals. They deserve better! And hardly anyone cares. How can they not care about the animals!”
“I know buddy,” Sokka patted Aang on his head and sat down on the couch next to him.
“How was you date! Did it go well? Did you finally get to kiss him?” Aang asked excitedly.
Sokka pulled a face and Aang’s face fell a little at that as well.
“He just.. He’s so frustrating. At one point we’re laughing and I swear he is flirting with me, but the moment I get too close or try to touch him, even just to hold his hand, he pulls away! Maybe he just doesn’t feel the same thing I’m feeling. What if he just wants to be friends and I’m just reading the situation completely wrong. What if I’m misinterpreting everything and he just doesn’t have the heart to tell me,” Sokka groaned. “I really don’t know what to do, Aang.”
Sokka dropped his head on the back of the couch, groaned again and covered his head with his hands. He felt like a complete idiot.
“I’m sorry Sokka. I’m sure Zuko has a good reason to act the way he does. Maybe you’re right and he just wants to be friends, but I honestly doubt it from what you’ve told me,” Aang said with wide, honest eyes.
“Don’t you remember what an insecure mess I was when I was dating Katara? I over-analyzed every single thing she said, every small touch and I just didn’t know what to think and what to do. The only way you’ll find out what it is that’s bothering him by talking to him. You’re a very affectionate and touchy person, Sokka, maybe Zuko just isn’t like that. Just talk to him about it!”
“Please, everyone could see how smitten you and Katara were for each other. The only ones who couldn’t see it were you and Katara,” Sokka said incredulously.
Aang smiled softly to himself, remembering that time. Aang and Katara had been together for a long time now and they were so cute together, although Sokka would never admit that out loud. He was really happy that Katara had found such a good guy to take care of her and he hadn’t seen his sister as happy as she was when that goofball was around. Sokka would never admit this either, but he was jealous. He wanted that with someone. No, not someone, he wanted that with Zuko. And that thought was just incredibly terrifying, wasn’t it? He still hardly knew Zuko. Zuko wasn’t someone to get to know easily. You had to prick through all the layers and all the walls Zuko had build over the years, but Sokka found that he wanted nothing more than to break all those walls down and get to know more about the mysterious, shy and incredibly gorgeous boy.
Sokka knew Aang was right and that he wouldn’t get an answer without talking to Zuko, but he couldn’t. You could say that his ego was too big for it, but Sokka didn’t think that was the problem. It’s just that he hadn’t felt this way about anyone. Sokka had had girlfriends before and a fling here and there, but all of his relationships always ended because they realized they would work better as friends. But the thought of him and Zuko just being friends, that just hurts. He couldn��t put himself through that. Not after what happened to his mom. He could never feel as lost and hurt and sad as he did the day his mother died. So maybe it was better this way, to net get closer to Zuko, because it could only hurt more, right?
So, that night while Sokka was laying in bed, overthinking as usual, he decided he would wait for Zuko to contact him. He could do that, he could not text Zuko. He would just have to delete Zuko’s number, probably. Just to be sure.
A week went by and Sokka still hadn’t heard anything from Zuko, which only enhanced Sokka’s suspicions that he had read the situation completely wrong. Sokka tried to move and forget Zuko, but everywhere he looked he saw something that reminded him of Zuko. Sokka had never felt like such a useless and pathetic person in his life. How could he have gotten so attached to someone so fast? This never happened to Sokka. Sokka didn’t get attached easily. Honestly, it had taken months to get used to Aang’s bubbly nature. As well as at least a few weeks to get used to Tophs bluntness. In short, it just took Sokka a while to really get used to someone. Sokka always liked people, he was a social guy, but he just had a hard time really trusting someone. Afraid they would leave or something.
But not with Zuko, Sokka was completely smitten within the first two dates.  
It took another week before Sokka came face to face with Zuko once again. He walked into the coffeeshop on campus where Katara worked, together with Aang, when he saw Zuko sitting across from Toph. They appeared to be having an intense conversation and Zuko was gesturing wildly. Before Zuko could drag Aang to Katara at the counter, Aang was already on his way to greet Toph and Zuko.
“Hi guys!” Aang chirped. He sucked up his pride and followed Aang reluctantly to their table.
“Twinkle toes,” Toph greeted Aang. “Oh, and Sokka you’re here too,” Toph said in a tone Sokka couldn’t quite place. Sokka was still amazed Toph was able to tell who was in the room, even after all this time. Zuko froze up the minute he saw Sokka and he didn’t even look at him. Sokka felt anger bubbling up inside of him. If Zuko didn’t want to date him that was fine, but ignoring him and acting like he wasn’t even there? Sokka deserved better than that.
“Hello Zuko, good to see you again,” Sokka said in a tone that was maybe a little bit too harsh, because he saw Zuko flinch.
“Hi,” Zuko said under his breath.
“Whatever,” Sokka mumbled and turned away from Zuko and walked over towards the counter. Aang followed him after a few seconds.
“That was a bit harsh, don’t you think?” Aang asked cautiously.
Sokka didn’t respond. He didn’t want to think about stupid Zuko, with his stupid sexy scar and his stupid smile anymore. He focused on Katara and catching up with her. He ordered some way too sweet drink and tried not to look back towards the boy in the corner. When he finished his drink and couldn’t stop himself from searching Zuko again, he realized they had left. The pit in his stomach only grew bigger after that. He was an idiot.
This went on for days. Sokka feeling bad about himself and missing Zuko, so he locked himself inside his room whenever he could. Gaming with Aang or watching murder mysteries by himself in the dark.
This night wasn’t any different he was rolled up in his blanket staring blankly at the tv, which was playing another murder mystery. It was storming outside. The rain was beating against his window and every now and then the sky was lit up by a bolt of lightning. Suddenly, he heard a soft knock on his door. Thinking it was Aang he didn’t move and told him to come in, only to be met with the sight of a drenched Zuko dripping on his carpet. His hair was laying flat against his face and Sokka couldn’t stop his stupid brain from thinking how cute he looked like that. Sokka shot up from his bed until he was standing right next to it staring at Zuko.
For a few seconds neither of them moved. Both too afraid to be break the tense atmosphere that surrounded them. They just stood there looking at each other. After what seemed like forever Sokka’s stupid mouth betrayed him yet again.
“Zuko? What are you doing here?”
Zuko didn’t respond immediately. He seemed to be gathering his thoughts. He looked at Sokka as if it were the last time he was going to see him. He seemed to take in everything about him. Looking over Sokka’s body to his face, lingering on his lips and the looking up into his ice blue eyes. Zuko’s eyes held his gaze, Sokka couldn’t look away. Zuko’s golden eyes were just too captivating and Sokka thought to himself what a shame it would be if this were the last time he got to look at them.
“I-I.. I’m sorry for barging in here like this. I just, I hate not talking to you, not seeing you. I guess, I j-just wondered what I did wrong. Tell me what I did to screw this up. I know I’m not the most fun guy to hang around, b-but I uh I thought were doing ok. Did I just misread the entire situation? Did I say something or do something to upset you. I-I’m going crazy trying to figure out what I did. I need, I just need you to t-tell me, please,” Zuko pleaded and Sokka could see the desperation in his eyes.
It only took his brain a minute to catch up to the words that just came out of Zuko’s mouth. He’s afraid he did something wrong. Wait. Does that mean that he didn’t want it to go wrong. What is happening?
“I just didn’t think you actually liked me,” Sokka admitted. “You pulled away every time I tried to hold your hand. If I flirted with you, you froze up. I just thought that maybe you only wanted to be friends or that I was misreading the situation. You just didn’t seem that into it.”
“No! No!” The words flew out of Zuko’s mouth, seemingly without his consent. His eyes went wide and he seemed to make a decision.
“I really enjoyed all the time we spent together. I’m just, I haven’t been out for a long time and still not. My uncle knows and Toph knows too. But you, you are so out and open and proud of who you are and I’m just, argh why is this so hard..” Zuko groaned frustratingly to himself.
“I’m just not comfortable with the touching in public. I don’t think I’ve ever been comfortable in my own skin, but this? This is completely new to me! I just wanted, no I needed to take it slow. I-I like you Sokka, a lot. Probably more than I should at this point and that scares me, ok?”
The words seemed to stumble out of Zuko’s mouth and Sokka stared at him in shock. He had never heard so many consecutive words coming out of Zuko’s mouth and his story sounded so much like Sokka’s own. The insecurity and the feelings. God, they sounded like high school girls. No offence to high school girls, they probably would have handled this situation better than Sokka had.
Sokka stepped forward and slowly reached for Zuko’s hands. This time Zuko didn’t pull them away, but let his small hands rest into Sokka’s much larger ones.
“I like you too, a lot. You’re smart and you’re funny and you’re gorgeous. I guess I j-just felt afraid. I’m not used to liking someone so much and then it felt like you didn’t like me like that and I guess that just hurt me ego or something,” Sokka babbled.
“We’re both idiots, aren’t we,” Sokka said while leaning downward so he could put his forehead against Zuko’s.
“I guess we are,” Zuko said looking up into Sokka’s eyes.  
“Zuko,” Sokka whispered, “can I kiss you?”  
Sokka felt Zuko’s breath catch and he saw his eyes flick to his lips. He nodded shyly and leaned in just the tiniest bit. Sokka caught Zuko’s pretty mouth with his own and kissed him softly. He let his tongue slide over Zuko’s lips slowly and the smaller boy let out a small gasp. Sokka took that opportunity to slip his tongue into Zuko’s mouth and he wrapped his arms around Zuko’s waist. The smaller boy moaned softly, leaned into Sokka and put his arms around his neck.
After what felt like forever, but also like no time at all, they slowly pulled away from each other. They relished in their closeness and held each other close.
“I-I’m gonna need to take this slow,” Zuko said.
“Sweetheart, as long as you kiss me like that when we’re alone, we can take it as slow as you want,” Sokka said with a grin.
Zuko smiled and shyly leaned up again to give Sokka a quick peck.
Sokka would stay here forever if he could, wrapped up in Zuko without the prying eyes of others. Sokka felt lucky to be the person Zuko wanted to be with intimately. And he truly meant what he said. He would take it as slow as Zuko wanted, because all Sokka wanted was to get to know the beautiful boy better. Who knows, maybe one day they would be able to kiss in public. Maybe even at Aang and Katara’s wedding. But for now Sokka felt content and he would take everything Zuko wanted to give.
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tpwkxxangel · 5 years
Insecurities and Reassurance
*a/n: please know that this one shot is mature! if you are not okay with smut, don’t read this. this is my fist time writing something like this so i thought i’d give it a shot. please be nice!*
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Summary: Harry gets insecure when he’s about to leave for tour and feels like Y/N deserves someone who will be there for her all the time.
Happy reading!x
The sound of papers rustling around woke you up from a peaceful dream. The sounds are joined by a huff of frustration. Flashes from last night pour in, the way Harry got a little possessive at the tour kick-off party when one of the younger colleagues tried to make a move on you while he was in the bathroom. You politely declined his offer, because you are perfectly content in your, going on two year, relationship with Harry. When Harry caught the end of the conversation, he could easily piece together what went down. He is too nice to confront the guy, so instead he chose to be a little more handsy, which would usually be no problem, but when you got home, he claimed he was “too tired” to do anything other than sleep. You knew better though.
He starts tour in two weeks, and this tends to happen every time he leaves you. He worries he won’t be enough to make you stay, no matter how many times you remind him, verbally or physically. After the first year in your relationship with him, he asked you to move in with him while you continue with your education. That was a big step for both of you. Harry was tired of coming home to an empty house and you were getting lonely living by yourself, so you chose to take the next step in the relationship. After searching for the perfect home, you finally found a medium sized town home just off campus for you and down the street from the recording studio. You had your first fight in this house about what laundry detergent to use, but Harry finally decided you were right with the lavender scent. That’s how most of the fights went between the two of you. Harry would come to his senses and realize you were right, because ‘I am always right’ you claim. The fights were never about serious things, so there has never been one reason that he should doubt your relationship, except for his own insecurities.
The sound of a huff brings you back to the present. Harry’s probably in the office, throwing himself into work like he always does when he is stressed. You glance at the clock and realize it’s 5 am. You got home at 2 am, so he probably hasn’t gotten any sleep.
Carefully, you get out of bed and reach for your robe. The silk feels cool on your already cold skin. Harry has always been the heater and when he is gone, you get cold at night. The soft padding of your feet on the hard wood floors echo quietly through the house. The door to the office is already open, so you lean against the door frame as you take in his state.
His hair is slightly messy due to his fingers running through it, a habit he always has when he gets stressed. He changed out of his suit and into a cozy, cream sweater with a giant navy stripe across his broad chest. His left fist is keeping up his head as he leans back in the brown chair. A puff of air moves past his lips as he reads over a few papers in his right hand.
He is absolutely mesmerizing…
“H?” you try to speak softly so not to startle him.
He looks up quickly in alarm, but his gaze softens when he sees your sleepy form. “Y/N, baby, I’m sorry if I woke you up.” He apologizes. His usual lively green eyes don’t have the normal sparkle in them.
“S’okay. You should come to bed, love.” You make your way into the open room. Both of you picked every furniture piece in this room, from the coffee table to the couch that’s placed under the windows. It was hard to get Harry to agree to let you split half the price with him, but you finally got him to. He secretly put the money towards your college fund, but what you don’t know, won’t hurt you.
He glances at the clock on the desk and shoots a sympathetic gaze in your direction. “Baby, I’m sorry. Was gonna finish up some work here but lost track of time,” the crease between his brows deepen and you can finally see his exhaustion. The clench in your chest tightens as you see the bags under his eyes. This has to be more than just worrying about leaving for the tour…
You carefully approach his chair, turning him towards you and planting yourself in his lap. Your legs are on either side of his thick thighs and you nestle your head into the crook in his neck. This is where you belong, your home. The familiar scent of his cologne fills your nose as your fingers find their way to his soft curls. He lets out a sigh of relief. His arms wrap around your waist to bring you impossibly closer.
You stay like that for an immeasurable amount of time before Harry’s breathing picks up slightly. Before you realize it, he places his head in your neck, sniffling back tears. This shocks you, because Harry is not usually this emotional while cuddling. You give him another squeeze before you pull back to meet his teary gaze.
“What’s wrong, love?”
“D-D,” he tries to get out, but the words get stuck in his throat. He breathes in a shaky breath before letting it out. “Don’t wanna lose you when I leave…” he squeezes his eyes shut, willing the tears away, but one manages to slip out. Your hands cup his cheeks while you kiss the tears away.
“Why would you lose me, H? Got nothing to worry about,” You reassure him in between kisses.
“B-But you deserve someone who will be here for you, always,” his lower lip seems to tremble as another round of tears make their way to his eyes.
“Love…” you whisper, “It’s your job. I understand that. I don’t want anyone but you to be here for me. You’re it, H. You’ve been it for me since you spilled that cherry cola all over me all those years ago.” He smiles at the memory of your first encounter. He was rushing through the movie theater to get back to his seat before the previews ended, but he ran into you instead. Long story short, you both missed your movies and instead got ice cream.
“Promise…” he wants—no needs—the reassurance. He might be the heartthrob to the public, but to you, he has just as many insecurities as everyone else, if not more.
“Swear it,” you make direct eye contact to ensure that he understands you.
“M’sorry. Just don’t ever wanna lose you baby…” he whispers as he pulls you in for a kiss. His lips are familiar, warm. You can tell he has been biting his bottom lip from how swollen it is, but you can’t seem to care. A moan releases from your throat as he leaves open mouth kisses down your neck to your collar bone. His greedy hands grab at your night gown. A satisfied grunt leaves his lips when he finally gets it off, leaving you in only your knickers.
“Won’t lose me, H,” you almost moan out with how his mouth feels against your exposed skin. You grab his sweater and practically tear it off his body. Once your mouths are reconnected, he tightens his hold on your thighs before he stands up. He makes his way expertly back to the room and places you on the bed.
By the way Harry’s eyes rake over every inch of your body, you know how desperate he is to be intimate with you. Sex is a normal occurrence in your household, but this time it feels different. Emotions are high and promises of a long future together have been declared. This will be making love, no matter how cliché it may sound. “You look stunning, baby,” he breathes as he reconnects his lips to yours. “Never want another.”
His ring clad fingers make their way down your sides. You try to resist the urge to giggle at the feather light touch. A moan escapes you throat as his hand hooks on the sides of your underwear. You wiggle in anticipation, or desperation for his touch, both seem fitting for how you feel when Harry makes his way down your body with his lips, dragging your panties along with him. Soon enough his face is where you crave him most.
“Please, Harry,” you desperately cry, moving your hips up to urge him on. If only it were that easy. He loves when you beg for him. You’ve joked over the years that he has a praise kink, but he always denies it. Pure lust runs through your veins for the tattooed rockstar in between your legs, dangerously close to your core. You make eye contact with him as his eyes darken into something you can’t describe. There is hunger in his eyes that wasn’t there before. You seem to have awoken the beast inside of him, but you couldn’t care less as long as you get to be his feast for the night. “N-Need ya,” you stutter.
“Someone’s eager,” he whispers as he ghosts kisses on your inner thighs. “Tell me what you want,” he sucks gently on the skin above your core before biting it softly. There will definitely be a mark tomorrow morning.
“Need your tongue—please, need it now,” you wheeze out. You hear the desperation in your voice but by the way Harry slowly kisses towards your core, he’s enjoying himself. His mouth latches onto your dripping heat as a wave of pleasure runs through you. Gasps leave your mouth as your breathing starts to increase. The warmth spreading through your body sends shivers down your spine. “Oh God! D-Don’t stop,” you moan out as your fingers make their way to his curls. Tugging harder with each lick, the familiar knot makes its way to your stomach. Harry grunts with satisfaction when you tug a little harder than necessary, sending vibrations through your whole body at the same time he inserts a finger into you. The coldness of the rings he has yet to take off make your entire body shutter in pleasure. The other hand pins your waist down as you being to writhe under his relentless tongue. He knows you’re close from the whimpers flying out of your mouth and the feeling of your wall clenching on his fingers. “I-I’m gonna—” you cut yourself off with a loud, animistic moan.
“Let go, baby,” he swirls his tongue, focusing on your sensitive buds, “Cum on my fingers. Be a good girl and cum for me, baby,” With those words, you whine out in ecstasy. The bundle of warmth building in your stomach bursts through your entire body. Harry continues licking and sucking while thrusting his fingers as the waves of pleasure ripple through your body.
When you finally come back down, he makes his way up your body. “Y/N?” he nudges his nose to your cheek. All you can do is hum in response. “I love you more than words can describe.”
You slowly open your eyes to see him hovering over you with nothing but adoration in his eyes. “I love you too, H. I’ll never stop loving you,” you reach a hand up to his cheek to guide him down to kiss you again. Slowly but surly you come back to your senses and the knot in your stomach returns. You manage to flip Harry on his back. You kiss down his torso, spending extra time kissing his fern tattoos. Grabbing the top of his pants, you slide them down his long legs. It’s a lot easier to get these pants off than his tight skinny jeans. His angry cock springs out as he releases a sigh. He was always made it a point to pleasure you over him. He never asks for anything in the bedroom, because you beat him to it usually, but that is also not the type of guy he is. Pleasuring you, pleasures him, regardless of if he gets off or not. You grab a hold of his thick member, barley brushing your lips against him before he is grabbing you and flipping you on your back.
“Not gonna last, baby. Need t’be in you now,” he growls. He takes a hold of the head of his cock and rubs it between your folds. He attaches his lips to the side of your neck for a moment. Right as he sucks at your pulse point, he thrusts forward, filling you up in that familiar way only he can.
“Oh God!” you whine out for the second time that night when his hips meet yours completely. He grunts out in a choked breath.
“Bloody fuckin’ hell,” he moans, throwing his head back that the feeling of your wall adjusting to his size. “Fell so warm, baby,” he hums in your ear before bringing his hips backwards, “Always so greedy for m’cock.” He moves forward at a steady pace that has your toes curling. His nose trails along your jawline as his breathing picks up to match yours. You can feel every ridge of him inside you as he thrusts digging into you. He shifts his hips in a circular motion and your back arches when he hits a certain spot deep inside you.
“There—please, right there,” your voice hitches when he hits that same spot over and over again. Your walls start to tighten around him, leaving an aching pain in your lower stomach. His hand makes its way down your body to the bundle of nerves, slowly dancing across them, tightening that bundle of heat. Your nails scratch into his back when you pull him impossibly closer as you moan into his neck.
“S’alright, baby, I’ve gotcha.” Harry mumbles breathily into your ear. As your walls tighten around him, he whimpers at how good you feel around him. His name falls from your lips as his thrusts become sloppy with the way your walls squeeze him while you cum. He starts to feel his own end coming, and you can tell by the way his breath becomes short and his muscles tense under your fingers.
“Let go, love,” you whisper in his ear. “I’ll be here to catch you.” That’s all it seemed to take for Harry to fall over the edge as he barriers his face in your neck with a long, hoarse moan. His hips thrust a few more times before he relaxes on top of you. You play with his curls, scratching his scalp like he likes, as he comes down from his high. Slowly he pulls out, whimpering at the sensitivity, before dropping to lay next to you. He pulls you into his arms, kissing your forehead then placing his to yours. He sighs and opens his eyes to meet yours that are filled with all the love in the world for this man.
“I love you so much Y/N. M’sorry I get like that sometimes, just can’t imagine a world without you being with me,” he admits. There’s no reason for him to apologize for his insecurities. That’s what you are for, to reassure him that his emotions are valid, and you aren’t going anywhere.
Your hand cups his cheek softly. “It’s okay, H. No need to apologize. I’ll be here every time you need me to soothe those worries, because I’ll always be here. I love you no matter where in the world you are.”
115 notes · View notes
grublordcreations · 4 years
The Cafe
A commission I did for the sweet taloyo! 
It’s a human!AU where Hide and Haise are freshman in college and have a class together. Hide has a crush on Haise and the following is their first meeting/date :^)
if you’d like a writing commission, I charge $0.01 per word! You can contact me through this tumblr or my email at [email protected]
The first couple months of college for Hide were…surprisingly boring. Though he was easy-going and friendly, he failed to lock down a friendship that went passed pleasant greetings and discussions about the weather. Instead of making stereotypical college memories, he spent most of his time reading. Hide didn’t expect to be partying all the time, but he thought at the very least he’d have a person to eat dinner with by now. Even though he sometimes became bogged down with feelings of isolation and loneliness, he thought himself lucky that he had books to keep him company.
 On a particularly glum afternoon, Hide stared down at his notes, half paying attention to the Intro to Literature lecture. It was another student presentation day, so he wasn’t pressed about giving his undivided attention. The assignment was to find themes, symbols, and motifs in a text provided by the professor—which was something Hide already considered himself a master of. Rain pattered against the cracked windows, and the humidity made his blonde hair stick to this forehead. As he wiped the hair away, the professor flipped on the lights as the presenter asked if anyone had questions. No one raised their hand and she sat down.
 “Okay, for our final presentation, we have Sasaki Haise on the play Antigone.”
Hide lifted his head at the name. Everyday when the professor called roll, he would make a point to glance over at the boy; he was enamored with his fluffy white and black hair and kind smile. Even though he thought the class was too easy, he looked forward to it for a chance to talk to Haise. Hide meant to talk to him the first week of classes, but he would disappear out the door before he finished packing up. There was another time when Haise lingered behind to talk to the professor, but Hide lost his nerve at the opportunity. The months without a friend had worn on his self-esteem.
Haise brushed passed him as he made his way down the isle of desks and Hide’s body stiffened at the brief contact. He found him oddly familiar, and, well, cute. As he began his presentation, Hide did his best to not stare at him. Instead, he would sneak a glance, nod to show he was listening, and mindlessly scribble in his notebook to fake taking notes.
By the time the clock above Haise read 3:15, most of the other students were already packing up. He didn’t seem close to finishing his presentation and Hide felt sorry for him that the other students were so eager to leave at the end of class. The professor said he could end the presentation there, and that he did more than a sufficient job, but Haise seemed disappointed that he ran out of time. As he walked back to his desk, Hide slowly slid his notebook into his bag. This was another opportunity and he was determined to seize it.
 Almost all the students had left when Hide nervously walked up to Haise, who was frowning down at his desk as he put his things away.
“Hey, Haise?” Hide twirled his thumb nervously around the strap of his bag.
“Y-yes?” he looked up at him with the kindest eyes Hide had ever seen. His heart started to beat faster. 
“I thought your presentation was really cool,” he kicked himself for saying something so lame, but at least he was finally talking to him.
“O-oh, thanks. I wish I got to my analysis on Eurydice’s knitting symbolizing life, but that’s okay,” Haise slung his bag over his shoulders as he stared at his shoes, “Anyways, thanks again.”
Hide desperately didn’t want the conversation to end; that was the most he’d talked to another person in days. Plus, he was talking to Haise, who was without-a-doubt the cutest boy he’s ever seen in his entire life. He didn’t know what to say, he felt his throat closing up, and he started to panic as he watched Haise turn towards the door.
“Hey, wait!”
“Yes? What’s wrong?” Haise turned and tilted his head to the side, eyeing him sympathetically.
“Do you…would you like to get coffee or something? I mean, I’d like to hear more about your analysis, I’ve read Antigone probably a dozen times,” though it was a lie, Hide didn’t know what else to say to convince him and he found himself talking faster than usual. He prayed that didn’t put off Haise. Did he sound too desperate?
“Oh, um, I have another class,” Hide’s heart sank.
“I understa—”
“But I’m free after 5:30. Would that be okay?”
“Oh! Uh—yeah, that’d be great!” Hide’s excitement slipped out with his voice, but he played it off the best he could. The two decided to meet at the campus café at 6 o’ clock before parting ways.
 When Hide got back to his dorm, he threw himself onto his bed. He couldn’t believe he talked to Haise, and what’s more is that they had a date! Or, well, maybe not a date date, but at least a chance to hang out casually. Honestly, Hide would have jumped at the opportunity to hang out with anyone, but this was the most excited he felt in a long time. He couldn’t wipe the smile off his face, and he was grateful his roommate Nishiki wasn’t there to see him.
The hours seem to drag by, but when there was only 30 minutes left until the two were supposed to meet, Hide suddenly felt panicked. What if he couldn’t think of anything to say? What should he wear? He frantically flipped through his closet, but should he change clothes at all? Would that be weird? He checked the time on his phone which read 5:45; barely enough time to get across campus to the café. He stuffed his keys and wallet into his pockets before sprinting out the dorm.
 When Hide arrived at the café, he saw Haise already sitting at a table silently reading a book. He chastised himself for being late, but he told himself to let it go before approaching him.
“Hey, sorry I’m late! Have you been here long?” he offered a meek wave before pulling out the chair opposite of Haise and sitting down, who looked up from his book and smiled warmly at him.
“Oh, no, not at all,” he waved him off and took a sip of his coffee.
“Oh good,” the two fell into silence for a moment; they stared into their laps as they waited for the other to say something.
“Hey, I don’t think I ever properly introduced myself. I’m Nagachika Hideyoshi, but you can call me Hide,” though he was struggling with insecurities, Hide was determined to not let his fears get the best of him, “Are you majoring in Literature?”
“Yes, I am,” Haise took another sip of his coffee but didn’t say anything else after that, leaving the two in silence again.
“Um…so Antigone?” Hide felt uncomfortable with the silence, and he didn’t want to mess up this chance. He realized he failed to dedicate anytime researching the play prior to their date—er casual hangout—but he was confident he’d be able to hold up his end of the conversation.
“Um, yeah, would you like to know how my presentation was supposed to end?” Hide nodded, “Okay, so I what I was saying earlier in class about Eurydice…” Haise continued talking about knitting and life and class divides, to which Hide was only half paying attention to. He’d glance into his eyes and get distracted by how much light was behind them; it was obvious he truly had a passion for the subject. After a moment, he’d remind himself to not hold eye contact for too long to avoid being creepy, and he decided to look down at his mouth instead, which made his stomach feel warm and fuzzy. Thoughts of them kissing flashed across his mind, and he shook them away as his cheeks warmed. He decided to look down at the table.
“Anyways, sorry for rambling,” Haise shyly looked at him while rubbing the back of his neck, “What do you think?” Hide’s body stiffened and he began nervously rubbing his own neck. He kicked himself for not paying attention.
“Oh, well, I think, you know, the two sisters represent different human values…” Haise smiled warmly at him, encouraging him to continue, “And, uh, where an individual’s loyalty lies affects how they react.”
“Exactly!” Hide un-tensed his body and let out a sigh of relief. The conversation continued with general introductions; they shared where they were from, what they hoped to have as a career in the future, and what classes they were taking. Hide found himself relaxing more into the conversation, and his sense of familiarity with Haise grew the more they talked. It wasn’t long before they found themselves laughing and sharing stories. There was a natural lull in the conversation when Haise checked the time on his phone.
“Oh, it’s almost 8 o’clock. I should get going, I have some homework,” he looked at Hide sympathetically, as if to say sorry he had to leave.
“That’s okay,” Hide offered a smile while Haise grabbed his book, “Hey, um, so I had a lot of fun… do you want to hang out again sometime?” he held his breath.
“Y-yeah, what’s your number?” the two traded numbers before standing and pushing their chairs in. They stood there for a moment, awkwardly staring at their shoes because they didn’t know how to say goodbye. Hide looked up at him, feeling butterflies in his stomach as he thought about how cute he was. Something came over him, and he leaned in to give Haise a peck on the cheek. Haise’s body stiffened, and both of their faced glowed bright red.
“Um, uh, anyways, b-bye!” Hide ran out the door, across the street, and threw himself behind a tree. He leaned his back against it and slid down while covering his face with his hands. He couldn’t believe he just did that— it was so lame! He didn’t even know if Haise was gay! He felt ashamed, giddy, and stupid. What if Haise doesn’t want to hang out with him now? He sat there kicking himself for a few more moments before begrudgingly getting up and going back to his dorm.
When he returned, he threw himself onto his bed for the second time that day. Again, he silently thanked the gods for allowing him to have the room to himself. He smooshed his face into his pillow as a wave of shame crashed over him. I’ve got to fix this, Hide thought, and he tore his face out the pillow and dug out his phone. Scrolling through his contacts, his thumb hovered over Haise; you’ve got this, he thought, before writing his message:
Hide: Hey…sorry if I weirded you out earlier. I hope you don’t think any less of me.
           He reread the message several times and concluded that it seemed…too dramatic.
Hide: Hey…sorry if I weirded you out earlier!
           Okay, he decided that message seemed far less dramatic, and pressed send. He spent the next few minutes regretting sending it, reassuring himself, and pacing his dorm. Before long, he heard the familiar buzzing of his phone and leapt to grab it. The notification was a message from Haise. Oh god.
Haise: Hey Hide, you didn’t weird me out, I was just caught off guard! I’d still like to hang out again sometime, if you’d like to!
           The relief was almost overwhelming for Hide; a smile spread wide across his face.
Hide: Oh, that’s a relief! I’d like that very much 😊
Haise: Okay, it’s a date!! 
           Hide almost choked on air, which resulted in a coughing fit and him dropping his phone. He scrambled to pick it up again and reread the message to make sure he read it right the first time. A date! He couldn’t believe this; his cheeks flushed, and he collapsed into his bed.
Hide: Sounds great!
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livinwlina · 4 years
Not ready for a pandemic to end?
My life changed on July 2nd of 2018, I started this job with a credit union and had just enrolled to begin my associates degree, I found myself at a peak in life, working somewhere I loved, with people I liked, and had genuine connections with. The next year and a half were, nothing short of amazing, and then, it was almost like a horror movie played out before my eyes.
On March 11th 2020, the World Health Organization announced the Novel Coronavirus a global pandemic, in the very beginning, there was an overwhelming amount of uncertainty and doubt about just how strange and fatal the virus was. Grocery stores were practically barren as people rushed to stock pile on food, toilet paper, and disinfectant. Schools, libraries, restaurants, venues, malls, practically everything was closed and shut down for almost three whole months while everyone quarantined at home and entertained themselves on… unique documentaries, such as Tiger King, okay mostly Tiger King. However, I, in the last couple semesters of my associates degree at Forsyth Technical Community College, continued going to work every day (socially distanced of course). Truliant Federal Credit Union (where I have been employed in the Member Contact Center since July of 2018) sent anyone who could work remotely, home. Those of us on the phones stayed in the office or were across the building. Now I have to admit that when the pandemic begun, I, much like everyone else, was quite anxious about the next couple months, and was especially careful to avoid falling ill. The idea that all meetings and classes were being moved online was quite stressful to regular students, however, this switch to an online school format was routine for me. I had been taking exclusively online classes at Forsyth for the past 6 months and adjusted rather quickly. Suddenly, I found time to study and work on projects where I had not before. Having meetings and doctors’ appointments digitally, only benefitted me more, since I did not have to drive all over Winston Salem and could be home at a decent time so I could study. I did this and even connected with old friends and extended family thanks to the increased use of platforms like Zoom, WhatsApp and Skype.
So maybe the pandemic had not changed everything quite as dramatically as I thought it would…
Other than increased feelings of worry and anxiety, I was doing well in these first early months of the pandemic, I was in my final semester at Forsyth Tech when one day in June of 2020, I felt warm and noticed that my cheeks were very red, I had also noticed that all of a sudden, I had lost my sense of smell and taste. On June 19th I had been officially diagnosed with COVID-19 and took a 10-day quarantine per CDC guidelines. After the first initial days of general illness, I took up working on final projects during my quarantine and eventually graduated from Forsyth Technical Community College in July of 2020. I continued working full time and by this time had been accepted as a transfer student at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in Communication Studies. Some areas of life had begun to reopen and life was slowly gaining some degree of normalcy again. Classes for the most part still remained online, I had gotten into a routine that worked well for me, I got up and went to work in the mornings, worked all day long until 5:45 pm, got home at 6:00 pm, had dinners, worked out a bit and got started on class at 7:30 pm to about 10:30pm and then went to bed. I would even have some time to work on some school work during lunches and breaks at work, so I was feeling quite confident in my abilities of juggling UNC Greensboro’s classes and work just as I had been before, so confident in fact that I had decided that I would declare not one, but two minors in addition to my Communication Studies major, I was now going to be seeing Psychology and Spanish in the Spring. Since there was still only speculation of when a COVID vaccine would be approved for human use, I thought I had plenty of time before having to worry about face-to-face classes.
Well, I was wrong…
In December of 2020, finishing the fall (and my first) semester, the United Kingdom announced that it had approved Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine for use, and the vaccines would soon be distributed for the elderly and health care workers across the U.K. Soon enough the U.S would follow suit and approve the Pfitzer and Moderna vaccines. Okay, I thought, surely it will take a long time before I or anyone close in age could be vaccinated, right? I was wrong again. Just yesterday I got an email from UNCG stating that residents on campus could get vaccinated starting on March 24th, and while that is amazing news and I am more than excited at the idea of normal life and travel, this also means that my classes will be moving to a face-to-face format again. This announcement lined up quite well with the release of the Fall 2021 schedule for classes and for the first time in a year, I was met with a conflicting schedule. Most of the classes that I need to take are all on campus, in Greensboro, during the day, and I work in Winston-Salem, from 8:45 am to 5:45 pm. So, what now? Well, any logical person would say, just change your schedule at work! And while I am fortunate enough that Truliant has been incredibly supportive and willing to work with my schedule in the past, I only have so much wiggle room I could possibly ask for. 3 out of the 4 classes I will be taking have meeting times, and 2 of them are on campus, both more than an hour long and 30 minutes both ways from work, so now I am in a position where I am just not quite sure what to do. Being so close to the finish line (rising senior) but also being content with my job to the point where I see myself staying with the company for many, many years. There is always the option to work part-time for Truliant (which is actually how I started with them) but there is of course no guarantee that there will be a full-time position available as soon as I am done with school. In conclusion, I am ready for normal life to return, however, it would be beneficial to some of us, if universities and colleges, kept the online option for classes.
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krispyweiss · 5 years
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Bob Dylan and His Band at Mershon Auditorium, Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 4, 2019
Until precisely 8 p.m., Nov. 4, 2019, Sound Bites couldn't remember the last time he saw Bob Dylan play guitar.
Yet, there was Dylan, axe in hand and arrayed by his five-piece backing band that included fellow guitarists Charlie Sexton and Bob Britt, reeling off chords as he led the group through “Things Have Changed" to open a terrific, 19-song, one-hour, 45-minute single-set concert at Mershon Auditorium on the campus of Ohio State University.
The song was a portent of changed things to come - the band has two new members in Britt and drummer Matt Chamberlain - but Tony Garnier continues to anchor it on electric and standup bass. Dylan has lost the Tin Pan Alley feel of this recent tours and eschewed the occasional Frank Sinatra song that peppered his sets over the past half-decade. In their place were 19 Dylan compositions going as far back as a radical rearrangement of 1963's "Girl From the North Country," built around Dylan's piano and Donnie Herron's violin, and as far forward as Dylan's latest LP of original material, 2012's Tempest, which contributed three songs to the setlist.
Some things have not changed.
Dylan put the guitar down for good after the first track and focused on upright piano (a hard-charging "Highway 61 Revisited”); harmonica solos at center stage ("Simple Twist of Fate"); and crooning sans instrument as he held his hand to his heart, made eye contact with the first few rows and spat out gravel ("Pay in Blood"). Casual fans probably never would have recognized the grimy, early-20th-century arrangement of "It Ain't Me, Babe," the spooky, noirish rendition of "Not Dark Yet" or the uptempo, rockabilly take on "Gotta Serve Somebody," which closed the set proper and, like very other song of the evening, featured no background vocals. Even hard cores had to listen closely to ID signature cuts such as "When I Paint My Masterpiece" and "Tryin' to Get to Heaven" as Dylan's alternatively mumbled and well-enunciated words flowed from his ravaged vocal cords.
But this is the beauty - and sometimes the bane - of a Dylan concert. Never one to stand still or rest on his legacy, Dylan starts futzing with songs almost as soon as he commits them to tape and continues to do so basically forever.
Playing under sparse, white lights on a stage adorned with mannequins and busts, Dylan, like his compatriots, dressed in all black. With a few sequins sparkling on his jacket and no hat over his frizzy, poufy hair, he commanded the band to play a tender version of the rarely unveiled "Lenny Bruce;" lay back to allow his piano and voice carry "Tryin' to Get to Heaven;" strip "Early Roman Kings" of its "Mannish Boy" accompaniment, but not its bluesy core; and let fly - and bore down hard - on "Thunder on the Mountain," on which Chamberlain swapped his favored brushes for sticks and Sexton, Britt and Herron, now on steel guitar, fanned the flames and lit a fire under the seated, mostly sold-out auditorium.
I ain’t dead yet/my bell sing rings, Dylan, 78, growled on “Kings,” just in case anyone doubted the obvious.
This was a show on an upward arc all evening and after a standing ovation brought the group back for an encore, Dylan, back in harmonica-blowing, singer mode, sang the devil out of "Ballad of a Thin Man," making the song's Mr. Jones sound like an enemy to be cast aside and vilified. He then returned to the piano and remained standing as the sextet closed the evening with "It Takes a Lot to Laugh, it Takes a Train to Cry." Dylan then moved to center stage for another round on the harp and guided his bandmates in for a landing.
And then - without a word; Dylan didn't speak all evening - the group took a bow and the houselights came on.
Grade card: Bob Dylan and His Band at Mershon Auditorium - 11/4/19 - A-
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find-the-eyes · 6 years
I’ll Try Anything Once: Chapter 7
Written By: Sol Edited By: Allegra, ss
The next morning, Bob couldn’t help but grin as he peeked around the corner to see the figure wrapped up in blankets on his living room couch. Paul was still asleep from the exhausting day before, it felt good to see Paul finally warm and safe. Bob glanced over at him occasionally as he got ready to go to class, smiling at the fact that he had both found a roommate and made someone’s life genuinely better. He placed a small note on the coffee table for Paul to read when he woke up.
Good morning! I’m going to class for the day. Be back by 5. I left some cereal and a bowl of strawberries out on the counter if you want breakfast. Call me if you need anything. See you later.
Bob smiled as he patted Alvy’s head and left the flat for class. He met Alex at their usual spot by the window in their drawing class.
“How’s Paul?” Alex asked as soon as he sat down, eager to hear about how he had settled into Bob’s flat.
“Happy, I think. He was still sleeping when I left for class,” Bob said quietly as he unpacked his sketchbook from his bag.
“You’re cool with just leaving him alone in your flat?”
“If Alvy trusts someone, I can trust them too.”
Alex raised his eyebrows, still a bit unsure of Bob’s logic. He looked out the window at the trees blowing in the wind and the occasional student making their way across the campus. “Something kind of strange happened after I left last night,” he sighed. Alex almost didn’t want to tell Bob for fear of being judged (or a doubt that it even happened), but he proceeded anyway. “I heard someone playing piano in the abandoned prison a few blocks away from my flat. They stopped as soon as I looked in.”
Bob frowned. “That is quite strange.”
“I was thinking it could be a ghost or something.”
“You’re not in Athens anymore. Not everything is haunted here, Alex. It was probably just some kid messing with you.”
“Yeah, I guess that could be the case. I’m going to stop by later and see if they’re at it again.”
And right after class, that was exactly what Alex did. For the second day in a row, he went out of his way to pass by the old prison. In the daylight, he could see that there was a piano in the far left corner of the main room. He also saw a rope ladder leading up to the rafters, where there appeared to be a nest of blankets. Alex called out to see if there was anyone in there, but no one answered, so he closed the door and went back on his way to his flat.
Bob arrived back at his flat after stopping to get a new toy for Alvy. Despite his immediate trust in Paul, he still felt a bit uncomfortable about sharing the flat with someone else. When Bob opened the door, he was immediately knocked off balance as Alvy eagerly pounced on him. Bob laughed as he tossed Alvy his new toy. He stepped into the dorm and noticed that Paul was busying himself at the kitchen table.
“I made dinner!” Paul gestured to a bowl of pasta on the kitchen table. “I felt bad because you were doing so much for me and I hadn’t done anything.”
“You didn’t—”
“Of course I did. You’re my friend, Bob. I’m trying to be a good flatmate,” Paul said with a wry smile. He led Bob to the table, smiling with pride at the pasta he had made. Alvy hopped up to sit on the chair next to Bob, hoping to steal a noodle or two. He held his new toy in his mouth, squeaking it at Bob for attention. Bob patted his head and squeezed the toy, which Alvy dropped and nuzzled Bob’s shoulder instead, grateful for the attention. Paul made a tiny bowl of plain pasta for Alvy, seeing how much he wanted to be a part of the dinner.
“Do you want me to help you start setting up our room tomorrow?” Bob asked, twirling the homemade spaghetti around his fork. He was secretly hoping that Paul would want to settle in rather than leave.
Paul sighed. “Yeah, of course, but…”
Bob raised his eyebrows expectantly.
Paul poked his fork into a noodle, “I can do it by myself, you know.”
“Why’s that?”
“I don’t like to feel dependent, you know? I'm happy to be living with you, but… I feel like you’re going to be the one providing for both of us since I can’t seem to get a decent job.”
“Paul,” Bob said softly, gently laying his fork down, “I sincerely promise that that will never happen. I want you to settle in and feel comfortable, and I think tomorrow is a great time to get started.” He looked across the table at Paul, whose eyes had a glimmer of something in them. Could it be hope?
Paul scowled slightly but knew better than to argue against it. “Yeah, alright.”
Meanwhile, in another part of the city, Alex was investigating the old prison again on his way home from dinner. After seeing the little bungalow set up in the rafters, he was too curious not to. He waited behind the building until he heard the song being played again, and then walked around to the front door. He leaned his ear against the door for a few minutes, savoring the melody before he interrupted. When Alex pushed the door open, whoever was playing the piano stopped. This time, instead of retreating, Alex went inside.
Alex called to whoever was inside the abandoned prison with him, “I’m not here to hurt you. Please come out. I want to talk.”
Alex heard a bit of rustling from the rafters. “I thought your song was lovely… I just wanted to hear more.” Alex took a few more steps into the room. “Please come talk to me.”
There was a brief silence, and then Alex spied a figure descending the rope ladder from the rafters. When the figure reached the ground, they leaned over to turn on a few overhead lights, and Alex’s eyes widened as he recognized them immediately.
“You again,” Alex murmured, approaching the short, dark haired man, who looked either careless or emotionally drained, or both.
The man just stared at Alex with his sad, sunken blue eyes. He fidgeted a bit, but stayed nearly completely still.
“Alright, that whole staring thing is pretty creepy. You don’t seem into a fight. Let’s talk it out.” Alex’s heart beat a bit faster, his mind racing through the different reactions and outcomes of the situation.
The man nodded and gestured to the rope ladder, which he began climbing. Alex followed after him, a bit uneasy, but still willing to listen to him. Upon reaching the top of the ladder, Alex saw more than just the immediate nest of blankets and other soft items. A bunch of dusty instruments were strewn about as well.
“Sorry about your guitar,” the man said softly, looking down at the pattern on the blanket he was sitting on and tracing it with his finger.
“Oh, that’s fine now, but…” Alex looked out at the items strewn about the bungalow in the rafters. “This might be a bit much. Did you steal the piano too?”
“That was here already,” the man murmured. He broke his eye contact with Alex again, too ashamed to look at him.
“Yeah, it must be pretty hard to steal a piano,” Alex said, a small smile creeping onto his lips. “I liked the song you were playing earlier.”
“Thanks,” the man replied shortly.
“I haven’t seen you in class lately,” Alex changed the subject, trying his best not to be angry with the man as he recalled the recent event.
“Oh,” said the man. “I’m… from the music school.”
Alex frowned. “So you came to my class specifically to steal my guitar?”
“Yeah. Well. Not your guitar,” the man mumbled. Alex noticed his slight foreign accent.
“What’s your name?” Alex asked, curious about how much information he would reveal. How could a filthy thief like him also produce a melody so beautiful? Who was this mysterious man that had suddenly popped up in his life?
The man stared blankly at him, unsure of whether he should speak up or not, finally managing “Nick” in a small voice.
“I’m Alex. Your name sounds very proper English,” Alex laughed, “but you sound like you’re not from around here.”
“I’m from Germany.”
“Interesting. Why’d you choose to come to Glasgow of all places?”
“My brother got me into the music school,” Nick explained, leaning back against one of the beams.
Alex nodded thoughtfully. “I came here to get away from my family back in Greece.” Alex sat on one of the beams. “I have my own flat and some independence, finally, but I still feel a bit lonely here.”
“Least you don't live in an abandoned prison.” Nick chuckled nervously, feeling quite overwhelmed by the sudden visitor.
Alex raised his eyebrows. “Oh, you live here?”
Nick nodded, looking away from Alex.
“Have you lived here the whole time you've been in Glasgow?”
“I...had a flat, but...the money was running out fast, and…I couldn’t steal enough to keep up.”
Alex noticed the little bumps in Nick’s speech, and how it seemed like he was struggling to get every word out. “Are you alright?”
Nick looked up, confused.
“I mean, you sound like—”
“Oh, that. It’s worse than this a lot of the time. It’s just how I am.” Even while reassuring Alex, Nick refused to make eye contact.
Alex smiled. “That’s good to know. Now I don’t have to worry about you as much.”
Nick nodded silently, but on the inside, every single cell in his body was screaming at him to do something. Don't open up to him. Are you crazy?! Throw something, run away, hide somewhere. You’ve been found. Your new friend isn’t a friend at all. The police are outside. They’re coming in to get you, and…
“Nick?” Alex poked his shoulder, “Are you alright?”
Nick realized how much he had jumped when Alex poked him, and tried to release his perpetually tensed shoulders. “Yeah...”
“You don’t seem alright.”
Hearing that phrase come from someone other than himself, Nick finally made an effort to connect with Alex. “Thank you,” he said softly. “Thank you for being the first person to realize.”
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psychicwonu-blog · 6 years
Odd Behavior
Anon Asked: “they’re coming, hurry up and kiss me!” fake dating AU with Jeonghan please? ^^ it can be suggestive ;3
Group: Seventeen
Member/Pairing: Jeonghan x reader
Genre: fluff, non idol!AU, college!AU, fuckboy!Jeonghan fight me
Prompt: Fake dating 5. “they’re coming, hurry up and kiss me!”
Warnings: sexual themes & tension, cursing
Word Count: 4.4k
A/N: I know these were meant to be drabbles, or at least short-ish, but I kept getting carried away lmaooo, I hope you like this! I really enjoyed writing it. It’s long but I love the way it turned out. I am sooooooo sorry it took me so long to finish this btw, anon.
Don’t @ me but I love bad/fuckboy Jeonghan concepts sksjsksjsk
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Yoon Jeonghan. Popular, attractive, a bit mysterious, and your campus’s undisputed fuckboy. Everyone either knew him or wanted to, and you were no exception. Though your curiosity came from a different angle. You couldn’t understand why anyone would be interested in pursuing a relationship with him. His notorious reputation and extreme popularity kept you from ever approaching him, but if given the opportunity you’d love to ask why he acted so repulsively. It wasn’t even the sex that bothered you. Almost everyone has sex and you weren’t one to shy away from it either, but the way he played with people’s feeling made you despise him without even knowing him. 
You first saw him up close in the psych class you had together. You looked up from your notebook just as he entered the hall, and you couldn't look away. He was gorgeous, no doubt, but that wasn’t enough to make up for how he behaved. He, of course, sat with a big crowd towards the back, never really paying any attention to what was happening. You were in the front of the lecture hall, which made it awkward to sneak glances at him. Nonetheless, you contorted your body, pretending to stretch and look in his direction. He didn’t notice you thankfully, and you’d keep this act up for the rest of the week.
Jeonghan started showing up more and more after that. Not in a weird way, but ever since seeing him in your psychology class you’d notice him around. He was always surrounded by a bunch of people. Guys and girls alike, practically drooling over him. He seemed to love every moment of it, too. The smug look on his face never faded for a second. It confused you, seeing people act this way over a peer. He wasn’t outrageously rich and he didn’t seem to have any redeeming qualities, albeit what he could do with his body in the bedroom (or in semi-public places, so you’ve heard) kept people talking. He did seem to have a certain charm about him, but nothing extravagant. 
“You’re staring.” said your friend Soonyoung. You scoffed at him and turned the page of your textbook. 
“I was not staring, I was observing.” you argue. Soonyoung raises a single eyebrow as you pull out your laptop. Jeonghan had just walked into the library, and for some reason he was alone. 
“Sure, just like you ‘observe’ him in psych?” he teases. You ignore the urge to look at Jeonghan again, not wanting to give Soonyoung the satisfaction. Scrunching up your nose, you tilt your head and raise your shoulders. ‘Just like you observe him’ you mock. Soonyoung laughs, throwing a piece of popcorn at you.
“What the hell,” you laugh quietly. “you’re not supposed to have food in here.” Soonyoung copies your earlier behavior, scrunching his nose and tilting his head. You peak to the side a bit, searching for Jeonghan as Soonyoung switches out textbooks. He’s sitting a few tables down from yours, pushing his hair back as he releases a huff of air and turns a page of his book. You drag your eyes back to your friend before he catches you. 
You ask Soonyoung if he’s started his psych paper yet, to which he shakes his head. “I still need to find a good topic.” he whines. You silently agree with him, rubbing your temples. All this time spent in the library and you’ve yet to get anything important done. Soonyoung’s head perks up, brows furrowing. You tilt your head at him in confusion. “Why’s he coming over here- DON’T LOOK DON’T LOOK!” he aggressively whispers as you begin to turn. You jump a bit, startled by his voice. ‘It’s Jeonghan’ he mouths. Your eyes grow a little wider as the familiar figure stands at your table.
Your eyes travel up his body, meeting his eyes which are already glued to yours. He’s looking at you with...admiration? Infatuation? Whatever it is, it’s making you sweat. Your thoughts travel into impure territory and you start to panic. He hasn’t been near you for more than five seconds, and here you were thinking about your mouth around his dick. “Stop it.” you say softly to yourself. 
Jeonghan smiles. “Stop what?” he asks, biting his lip. You furrow your brows. Shit. Soonyoung looks at you, bulging his eyes at you. 
“Huh? Nothing. Can we help you?” you ask. Jeonghan points to the seat next to yours, asking if it’s taken. “No, but-” you begin saying, but he sits immediately. He smells really clean, like fresh laundry and soap. Which was unexpected. You aren’t sure what you were specifically expecting, but it wasn’t this. He looks between both you and Soonyoung, smiling awkwardly almost. 
“So...you guys are in Huang’s psychology course with me, right?” he asks. 
Soonyoung raises his brows. “You noticed us?” he asks, completely dumbfounded. You feel the same, but kick Soonyoung under the table for asking that. He rubs his shin, scoffing at you. 
Jeonghan laughs, pushing his hair back again. Your eyes roam over his face, taking everything in. “Distracted as I may appear, I’ve got great observational skills.” You smile at his response. 
“You and Y/N have that in common, then.” Soonyoung says, faking an innocent voice. Your vision flashes to him. He smiles at you, flicking his eyebrows up. Jeonghan appears lost by your silent conversation, but realization dawns on him soon enough. 
“I thought I felt eyes on me. It’s common though, what can I say.” Suddenly you’re annoyed with him. You turn away, pursing your lips. “Anyway, I was wondering if you guys would be able to help me out...with the paper?” 
Soonyoung smirks to himself, gathering his things. “I was actually just about to leave. Y/N should be able to, though.” he smiles. You shake your head, making a face of disgust, as he waves. “Good luck.” he sings, dragging out the word ‘luck’ and walking away. Jeonghan looks over at you with a devilish grin. He switches to the seat Soonyoung had been sitting in, directly facing you. You’re almost disappointed about not having him so close anymore, but then he reminds you why you can’t stand him. 
“So how come we’ve never...met?” he asks, leaning forward, tapping his pen on the table. You roll your eyes, ignoring his question. 
“What are you writing your paper on?” you change the subject. Jeonghan doesn’t let it slide, however. He leans back, biting his lip. Your eyes travel down his face, focusing on the shape of his mouth. His lips look so soft, and they’re the perfect shade of pink to compliment his complexion. You snap yourself out of your thoughts.
“We should hang out, you know, outside of school.”
“I’m not sleeping with you.”
“Is that what I said?” he laughs. “Interesting.” Your cheeks burn as he looks at you smiling, running his tongue along the bottom of his top lip. You force yourself to avert your eyes, focusing on the notes in front of you. You were beginning to understand why people fell for him on a shallow, physical level. He was mesmerizing. “Anyway, I was thinking about doing my paper on love.”
“Tch,” you scoff. “really?” He nods, resting his chin on the backs of his hands. You look up at him, directly in his eyes and say, “Well I was thinking of doing mine on Narcissism.”
Jeonghan knew this was directed towards him. He smirks, nodding his head. “Good choice.” he says flatly. “I understand if you don’t wanna help me though, I get the feeling you don’t particularly like me.”
“I don’t like your behavior.” you retort. He looks down at his bag.
“Understandable, but a person is their behavior, right?” he argues. 
“No, not always. Some people act a certain way because they feel pressured,” you explain. He’s watching you now, looking between your eyes and you lips. “not because it’s who they are.” He smiles. 
“You think I feel pressured?” he asks. Now it’s your turn to smirk. 
“Is that what I said?” you lean back, closing your laptop. “Interesting.”
Jeonghan sticks the tip of his tongue out of the corner of his mouth, scoffing in an amused way at your change of behavior. He’s interested in you. He has been since he first saw you. Being one of the only people who didn’t lose it at the mere sight of him, he had to know more about you. He craved for attention, but he wanted it from someone who wanted to know him, he hoped that would eventually be you. “You’re leaving?” he asks, watching your body as you stand, sliding your arm into the strap of your bag.
“I am. I have to go to work, and at this rate I’ll probably be late.” you inform him, looking at your phone to check the time. You actually had enough time to get changed and everything, but if you spent anymore time there with Jeonghan you definitely wouldn’t. He put you in some kind of trance, and as cheesy as it sounds, it’s the truth. You forget about who he is, or rather how he acts, when he looks at you, biting and licking his lips, and you wish that he’d kiss you. “I’ll help you on your paper though, if you still want me to.”
“I would love that.” he smiles. Your heart begins to race. “Give me your phone.” he says, reaching his hand out. You look at him confused. “So I can give you my number.” he smirks.
“Oh, right, here.” he takes the device from you, takes a selfie, then opens your contacts. He adds his number in, changes the contact photo, and hands you your phone. 
“Text me, whenever you have time.” he tells you. Nodding your head and smiling, you begin walking away. 
You make it to your small apartment in record time, quickly changing and throwing your earlier outfit into a hamper. Your commute to work is short, it takes you only five minutes or so to make it to the small bookshop. The bell overhead rings as you push the door open. Charlie, your manager and owner of the shop, greets you with a smile. “Thanks for taking this shift, Y/N.” he waves. You bow your head, walking up behind the register. The shop never had tons of traffic, but it wasn’t empty either. You enjoyed the pace. 
You had some time to play around on your phone after sorting through some books, and putting others back into their correct spaces. Clicking on your contact app, you decide to text Jeonghan. ‘If I don’t do it now, I’ll forget to later.’ you tell yourself, trying to justify your odd behavior. He’d put an eggplant emoji by his name. You removed it, scoffing to yourself. The selfie he took made you roll your eyes, too. ‘He’s so full of himself.’ you thought. 
You [5:30pm]hey, this is y/n
He didn’t reply right away, in fact it’d been so long you almost forgot you’d texted him at all. 
Jeonghan [6:25pm] it’s only been a few hours, sweetheart, miss me already?
It seems like you’re only able to roll your eyes at him, and now is no exception. He’s constantly annoying you. Acting all high and mighty, and your peers only encourage him. 
You [6:33pm] ffs
You [6:34pm] i don’t have to work all weekend, so just let me know when you’re free okay. my friends bf has a performance saturday at 9 tho, i have to go
Jeonghan [6:50pm] I’ll be at that show, too. A friend of mine is coming in for it. As for when I’m free, for you...whenever 
You have a funny feeling in your stomach. It’s like a mixture of disgust and butterflies. It’s weird to say the least. 
You [6:55pm] gross. i gtg
Jeonghan replies quickly this time, telling you that he’d text you later. You sent a thumbs up emoji, knowing that it’d piss him off. He didn’t reply however, but it only proved further that he was annoyed. You spent the last two hours of your shift organizing and cleaning. You didn’t mind it though, you loved the atmosphere of the shop. Being surrounded by literature was a big plus, too. 
Once you made it home, you kicked off your shoes and got some pj’s out and walked to your small bathroom. After you shower and change, you turn on some bad horror movie on Netflix. However you can’t focus. Your thoughts travel back to Jeonghan and the way he looked today. The way he pushed his light brown hair our of his face, exposing his forehead. The way he ran his tongue over his lips as he watched you shift in your seat. Your face became hot, your breathing heavier. 
You imagined what it would be like to have him. How would he handle you? How would he want to be handled? A loud crash coming from your TV pulls you back into reality. You laugh at yourself, thinking about how ridiculous you’re acting. The time on your phone reads 11:00 pm. You try to get ready for bed, but a call comes through. You pick your phone back up and scoff. It’s Jeonghan. 
“Why are you calling?” you answer the phone. Jeonghan chuckles. 
“I wanted to hear you.” he says in an obvious tone. The disgusted butterflies are back. 
“It’s late, what do you need?”
“Actually, don’t answer that.” you say. You’re afraid of where the conversation would be headed, and decide to end it. “I need to sleep, it’s been a long day.” 
Jeonghan sighs. “It’s only 11 though.”
“I’ll text you tomorrow, you’ll live.”
“Call me instead.” he says, lust clearly evident in his tone. “And hey, listen, I owe you one. For helping me.” his voice causes you to bite your lip.
“Goodnight, Jeonghan.” you say, shaking your head. You hang up after that, not waiting for a reply. You  fall asleep soon after, many dreams to come your way through the night.
Soonyoung wakes you up the next morning, knocking on your door at an ungodly hour. Truthfully it was already 9 am, but on your day off, not to mention on a weekend, it was early. You grudgingly walk to your door, rubbing your eyes as you open it. Soonyoung lets out a heavy breath, barging into your place as you look at him confused. 
“What the fuck, Soo-”
“Seungcheol is back in town,” he whispers. Your heart stops beating momentarily. Seungcheol, your ex, back in town? Just what you needed. “and he’s with someone else.” Bang. Right in the chest. “I didn’t think he’d be back so soon, Y/N, I’m sorry.” Soonyoung comforts you, pulling you in for a hug. You lazily wrap your arms around your best friend, not knowing how to respond. 
“He’s really moved on?” you ask quietly, staring at your feet. Soonyoung rubs your shoulders as you both walk to your couch. Seungcheol was your boyfriend for three and a half years. You’d thought he was the one, as cliche as that is, but it was the truth. He ended things with you a few months ago because you were “holding him back” from achieving his dreams. Whatever the hell that meant, you were his number one fan. Towards the end he found an excuse for everything. You’d known it was only a matter of time before he left you, but nothing could prepare you for how lost you felt when he finally did.
“He’s gonna be at the concert...” Soonyoung bites his lip, his voice getting smaller and smaller.
“What the hell, why?”
“His date is performing. You can leave right after Jihoon performs though, it’s really okay.” he reassures you. 
“It isn’t. You guys have been planning this for months, I’m not gonna let this keep me from going.” you retort. Soonyoung smiles, hugging you tightly. “Besides, how hard can it be to find a date?”
Soonyoung smirks. “You should ask Jeonghan. He’s gonna be there, right?”
You squint your eyes. “Absolutely not. How did you know he’d be there?”
“He’s friends with one of the people singing.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” 
Soonyoung only shrugged his shoulders. You didn’t press it any more, though. Truth be told, you suspected he’d be there anyway. Soonyoung and his boyfriend were well known in terms of entertainment, lots of people always showed up to support them. Even if that was the only time they were noticed. You let out a huff of air, if you were going to ask someone Jeonghan would surely be your last choice. What other option did you have, though? It wouldn’t be the worst thing...to spend a night with him by your side. It’s not like it would be a real date...
You grabbed your phone, swiping across the screen and tapping a few times. Soonyoung smirks again, “You’re gonna ask him, aren’t you?” Rolling your eyes, you tell him to shut up.  “Well, here goes nothing.” you whisper. Once your phone is dialing his number, you hold the phone up to your ear.
“Hello?” Jeonghan answers with a sleepy voice. ‘Goddammit that’s hot.’
“Sorry, did I wake you?”
“Yeah, but it’s cool. I needed to get up anyway.” he yawns. You bite at your nails. What if he has plans to go with someone else and can’t do it, or worse what if he laughs at you. “Hello, you there?”
“Huh? Sorry, yeah. Um...” God, this was going to be harder than you thought. “Um, remember how you said you owe me one...for helping you?” your voice is shaky and unsure. You mentally hit yourself for sounding so silly.
“Yeah that was last night. Change your mind about, what was it, ‘not sleeping with me?’“ he teases. You were already over this. 
“Jesus Christ, forget it.”
“Hey, hey, hey, I’m kidding!” he laughs. You look over at Soonyoung who is rolling beside you. “What do you need?” he asks. You sigh, rubbing your forehead.
“It’s gonna sound so stupid, Jeonghan.”
“Try me.”
You look over at your friend a final time. He encourages you to ask. “I need you to be my fake date for the concert. My ex is going, and well, I wanna make him jealous. Hopefully.”  The line is silent for a few seconds. You can hear your heart beating loud as a drum. Soonyoung is holding his breath beside you.
“That’s not stupid, sweetheart. Petty, but I happen to love petty.” he finally says. Soonyoung releases his breath, nudging your shoulder.
“So, you’ll do it?”
He chuckles. “I will. Sure you don’t want it to be a real date? What time do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?”
“Fake date, and 8 is fine. Thanks, Jeonghan.”
He replies “no problem” and hangs up without another word. You didn’t pay much attention to it, instead you look over to the giggling boy beside of you. You shove him, rolling your eyes, and smile. 
Soonyoung helps you pick out the best revenge outfit that was still appropriate for the occasion. You settled on dark washed skinny jeans, a deep red top that perfectly complimented your body and skin tone, topped off with your nicest leather jacket. “You’re gonna be okay.” he says with a hug. You hold him tightly, thankful for such a great friend.
As you throw your outfit on and make your hair look presentable Jihoon texts you. He let you know that he and Soonyoung were heading out. It was already 7:45 and you still hadn’t heard from Jeonghan. Panic began to set in when you realize you’d forgotten to give him your address. You adjust your jacket multiple times, worried about how you looked. Seungcheol would be there, with a date, and though it was probably petty, you wanted to make him jealous. You whip your head around when you hear light knocking on your door.
You hesitantly open it, surprised and confused to see your fake-date standing there holding your favorite tea in his hands.
“Ready? I know I’m a few minutes early, but I live pretty close by actually and-” Jeonghan stops rambling when he sees your face. “This is weird isn’t it? I just asked um, Soonyoung, for your address and a drink you liked, and I didn’t really think this through. God, I...sorry, um-”
“It’s a bit weird, yeah, but thanks.” you smile, taking the tea. You smile to yourself, opening the bottle and taking a sip. Jeonghan’s cheeks light up and you smirk. 
“Lets go.”
“You look great, by the way.” he says sheepishly. You cock a brow at his sudden awkwardness. 
“Thanks. And, you know, if you ignore the creepy aspects of all this, it was really sweet.” you shrug. He licks his lip, looking over at you and shakes his head. The drive to the concert hall was mostly awkward, but you learned quite a few things about Jeonghan. He likes to sing himself, and he can also dance. 
“I’ll show you sometime.” he winks. Jeonghan pulls into a parking space, quickly unbuckling his seat belt and exiting the car. Before you can reach the handle, he swings the door open and smiles. Your heart flutters, but you keep reminding yourself that he’s a player. 
“Hey, guys, over here!” Soonyoung shouts as you walk into the building. You see Seungcheol across the room with his arms around his date. You can’t make out their face, but they seem attractive. You press your lips together, trying to get your attention back on your friend. Jeonghan notices how uneasy you are. He follows you line of vision and squints at the couple.
“Is that your ex? The taller guy?” he asks. You nod slowly, breathing harder. Jeonghan grabs your hand and squeezes it a bit. “It’ll be okay.” he whispers, pressing a kiss to your head. He makes you feel confused. You smile and squeeze his hand back. Soonyoung wiggles his eyebrows as you two approach him. 
“Jihoon is already backstage. He’s performing first and last. Can you believe that...conceited bastard.” you laugh at his playful criticism. Jihoon was very good though. He had every reason to be both the opening and closing act, even if it did seem cocky. The performances go by rather quickly. Jeonghan cheers for his friend as they sing. Your heart drops when you recognize the outfit. Your eyes scan the room for Seungcheol, and when they find him, you regret searching. He looks completely in love. He was giving them the same look of admiration he used to give you. It didn’t help that they were friends with your fake-date. It only upped the chances of you running into Seungcheol. 
Jeonghan held onto your hand the entire time. You tried to distract yourself, and instead of thinking about Seungcheol you thought about Jeonghan. You wondered if this would drive a wedge between your potential friendship. On your end of course, you didn't think he’d feel awkward at all about it. Maybe if you remained friends after you helped him with his school work you’d ask him those questions you had. He didn’t seem so bad when he picked you up. He was a bit awkward in fact. It could’ve all been a show, though. Again, you have to remind yourself that he’s a player. 
Soonyoung taps your shoulder as the show continues. You hadn’t even realized that Seungcheol’s date had finished. You looked over to your friend. “They’re heading this way.” he whispers. You turn your head and see your ex and his date walking toward you, or Jeonghan rather, who had his eyes glued to the stage. 
“Shit...” you squeezed his hand. You decided in a spit second to put all of your conflicting feelings aside and make a bold move. “they’re coming, hurry up and kiss me.”
Jeonghan’s eyes widen, but when he realizes you’re serious his expression darkens. He grabs your face and goes hard from the get-go. You tried your best not to be shocked. You’d expected something soft, light, and appropriate for the occasion. Soonyoung whispers ‘ooh okay’ from beside you. You must’ve gotten really into the feeling of his lips dominating yours because you hear multiple people clear their throats. You pull away, looking up at Jeonghan who is already smirking at you. Your cheeks were on fire as you look around to see Seungcheol glaring. 
“Bit much, don’t you think?” asks your ex. You look down at your feet. Jeonghan pulls you into his side. 
“Mind your own.” he says flatly. You bite your lip trying not to laugh. “Hey,” Jeonghan smiles, nodding to his friend. “you were great up there.” They smile at him, muttering a ‘thanks’ before grabbing Seungcheol’s hand. You force yourself not to react. 
“It’s been a while. How are you?” Seungcheol asks. 
“Okay. Great, actually.” you say as you look up to Jeonghan. He winks at you, brushing some hair out of your face. 
“I’m gonna go find Jihoon.” Soonyoung says before disappearing. The conversation gets more hellish and awkward. You and Seungcheol exchange glances more times than you were comfortable with while Jeonghan caught up with his friend. After a while he senses that you’re growing more impatient to leave. 
“Let’s get out of here, yeah?” he says, grabbing your hand. You smile and nod. 
“It was nice seeing you again, Seungcheol, and you were amazing by the way.” you wave to the couple before turning away.
Once you’re out of the building you try to let go of Jeonghan’s hand. “Oh come on, the date isn’t over yet. Fake or not.” he whines. You don’t react much. Your mind is racing over seeing Seungcheol. “Hey, you okay?” he asks. 
“Yeah, I just...didn’t realize how much I missed him.” you explain. Jeonghan lets go of your hand and bites his lip. He seems sympathetic, and to be honest a bit jealous. You smile to yourself. “Thanks, for tonight.”
“You’re welcome. I had a good time. Even if it was a little awkward and I was a little creepy.” he laughs. 
“I really appreciate it. Tonight would have been a thousand times worse had you not been here.”
“Well, I’d love to go on another date with you. If you’d let me take you out for real.” he confesses. A part of you says to run from him, to not get involved, but another part of you is drawn to him. He seems a lot more down to earth when he isn’t with his friends, or surrounded by people that fed his ego. 
“Lets focus on getting your paper finished first, okay?” you smile. Jeonghan opens the car door for you and winks as you slide into the seat. 
“I’m taking that as a soft yes.” he laughs. 
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thestudyof5sos · 6 years
When Uber Becomes Tinder (tinder!Ashton) - part 1
Summary: "I think it would be nice if I get to see you again tonight. Think I forgot something in your car ;)"-An Uber passenger. When Ember, a 30-something grad student and Uber driver, clocked in to drive the college crowd on a Thursday night in the middle of a blizzard, she didn’t foresee how the (seriously adorable and flirtatious but probably way too young for her) guy she picked up twice would change her life. (Aka the night Ashton confused Uber for Tinder.)
Author: 🐾 @larryologymajor Fandon/Pairing: 5SOS /  Ashton x original characters Warnings/Tags: nothing yet Word count: (part 1 of ?)
A/N: This is a work in progress :) I have a few chapters done that I’ll be posting this week, but the updates will not be very frequent (sorry!)
When Uber Becomes Tinder.
Part 1: Thursday.
Ember squinted into the dark night, unsure that her Uber driver app directed her to the right pickup location near campus. She hesitantly slipped her SUV into park and flicked on the windshield wiper, watching a clump of ice slide methodically across the glass leaving an angry wet streak in its wake.
Minneapolis was in the middle of a 3-day snowstorm, and Ember was dead set on taking advantage of her new SUV's all wheel drive system to propel her through the icy slush. Ember blinked at the darkness and prayed to the imaginary rideshare gods that the ice would deter a lot of drivers in two-wheel drive cars from logging in tonight.
Ember was a graduate student with a full ride scholarship and part time pay. She more than a decade older and wiser than the traditional college-aged kids she saw daily on campus, but she didn't mind. Being around them made her feel young. Driving Uber also helped her feel connected to her community because she primarily drove the college-aged crowd. However, Uber was also an important supplement to her monthly stipend.
So tonight, in the middle of a Minnesota snowstorm, a lack of drivers would be a blessing in disguise, resulting in higher surge fares. Ember's bank account could definitely benefit from an extra income boost.
Impatient and irritated that her passenger wasn't waiting at the door for her, Ember glanced at the Uber app and noted that she still had more than two minutes left on her obligatory three minute waiting period. Although the countdown timer annoyed Ember, she was grateful that she could charge a passenger a no-show fee and be on her merry way if they didn't show up before the timer expired.
With the heat blasting in the car and her seat heater roasting her back, Ember was on fire. She threw open her door, unbuckled her seat belt and jumped out of the car. She grimaced when her left foot sloshed through an icy water puddle drenching over the top of her ankle height rain boot; she shrugged off her waist length down feather winter jacket and flipped the shiny black hood over the headrest of her seat to hang neatly before sliding skillfully back into the car, buckling her seat belt simultaneously; a maneuver she practiced daily after sitting in her car for a few hours. Ember swiftly adjusted the zipper on her favorite black band hoodie to reveal a hint of the pink wrap athletic shirt and black leggings she wore underneath. She was a firm believer in dressing comfortably and modestly while she drove.
The countdown timer on the Uber app blinked at Ember. With only a minute and a half remaining on the display, she was starting to doubt she was in the right spot; quickly tapped the button to shoot a confirmation text to her passenger, Ash: Hey! This is Ember with Uber. Uber directed me to your alley, is the street or the alley better? I can circle around to the front if I need to.
Killing time, it only took a few seconds for Ember to fiddle with the heat, restart her favorite Uber playlist, and flip down the mirror to check her appearance. She tucked a few strands of her chestnut hair back into the carefully styled fishtail braid that hung over her left shoulder and recolored her lips mauve with her favorite matte liquid lip paint.
She hummed quietly along to Niall Horan as he strummed his guitar through her speakers and squeezed her eyes shut for a quick moment, willing herself not to cry under the inky winter sky. Niall's song Flicker spoke to her heart in ways she couldn't describe and she cried nearly every time she heard it.
The instant her phone dinged, signaling a reply, she looked up: Either is fine! I'll be out in the alley in a sec!
Ember quickly tapped out another reply: Okay, I'm waiting in the alley in the green SUV with my flashers on.
Ember sighed; her Uber app was directing her to cancel the ride if her passenger didn't show. Like a stealth ninja, a college-aged boy yanked open the rear driver-side door and tumbled in. Laughter fell off his lips and he smiled, telling Ember, "Ugh. I swear the rest of the boys were right behind me!"
She figured it would be her luck that there were more than four passengers and she would have to cancel the ride because she didn't have enough seat belts in the car for them.
The door closed and the dim dome light above shone down on the boy revealing tufts of bubblegum colored hair peeking out from beneath a black slouchy beanie. While they waited, Ember eyed him suspiciously. "Are you a student around here?" she asked. There was a decent chance he'd say yes and it was a topic Ember could converse in without much effort.
Before he could reply, three more figures appeared from the murky shadows and Ember felt a wave of relief wash over her, grateful that she wouldn't have to cancel this ride.
The rear passenger door opened once again and Ember's ears filled with the playful bantering of several male voices. "Michael, move over!"
"Shut up, Luke, I'm already buckled in. You have long legs. Use them to walk around to another door!"
Ember was processing tidbits of information - the guy sitting behind her was a Michael. If he didn't order the ride, who did?
The boy, Luke, Ember thought, closed the door and quickly dashed around the front of the car. His long strides told Ember he was tall and Ember's eyes tracked his movement. Although it was dark, he paused mid-stride to look straight at Ember through the windshield, his blue eyes making eye contact with her. When he continued, Ember watched his curly hair bounced against his heather gray beanie as he lunged for the front door handle and piled in before anyone could stop him. He hadn't ordered the ride either.
Finally, the remaining door wrenched open. "Calum, I really hate you right now," a third boy spouted cheekily as he was shoved into the middle spot in the back seat. Despite the hurtful words, he had a smile on his face. He pushed his curly hair away from his eyes before extending an arm around the boy to his left, "Mikey, make some room!"
Ember watched the fourth boy, Calum, she thought, clamber in to occupy the remaining seat on the passenger side. Ember blinked. He was stunning in his black leather jacket. All of these boys were good looking, and for once, they didn't reek of stale cigarettes or liters of vodka Red Bull.
She felt the SUV shake as all four boys tried to situate themselves. When all the doors of the SUV closed, Ember clicked the button to start their trip and reveal their destination. Smiling warmly, she greeted the group. "Hey, I'm Ember. I need all of you to fasten your seat belts before we can get going. Which one of you is Ash?"
The boy in the middle spot of the backseat smiled widely, showing off impressively deep dimples and sparkling eyes, "I'm Ashton."
Ember studied him in the review mirror for a split second. His smile was friendly and she felt at ease with this group, unlike the creepy feeling she often got when she picked up groups of drunken college boys. She blinked and looked away from the mirror. He was seriously cute, probably a lot younger than her, and Ember felt a little intimidated by his his gaze.
When she heard the final seat belt click shut she turned around in her seat to face Ashton, "Where are we headed tonight?"
Ashton rattled off an address that matched the one on her display so she put the car in drive and made her way out of the alley. The five of them made insignificant small talk on the twenty minute ride to their destination; she and Ashton laughed flirtatiously, making eye contact a few times in the rear view mirror. The rest of the boys chimed in too, asking Ember rapid fire questions about driving Uber and school, then they chatted about local music venues and the rapidly expanding brewery scene in Minnesota. Detecting a slight Australian lilt to the melodic cadence of their voices, Ember nudged the heat up in the car just a bit, fully aware that these boys were not native to the Midwest and likely unaccustomed to blustery Minnesota winters.
Before they knew it Ember pulled into the parking lot of their destination and tapped the button to finish their ride and gave Ashton a 5-star rating. She already had another ride lined up so she hurried them out of the car with a bright smile and her standard parting, "It was nice meeting you all, have a good night!"
By the time Ember finished another five rides, she was desperately ready for a bathroom break, snack, and a refill of her giant Diet Coke for another caffeine boost. It was only 9:30pm and despite being Thursday night, she knew the college bar scene was only now coming alive. Ember wanted to drive into early hours of the morning, hoping to get another dozen rides before the end of the night so she could pay off most of her rent. After topping off her gas tank and taking care of business, Ember hopped back into her car and moved to a parking spot; there she logged back into Uber and waited for a pickup ping.
Ember really liked her Uber job. She liked to provide warm and safe rides to people during these terrible snowstorms. Her favorite demographic to drive was the college-aged, 20-somethings at bar close, especially on Thursday nights, and even more so on cold, snowy nights. She knew that most of her passengers were appreciative of her outgoing personality and personal driving mantra, "slow and steady," during icy conditions because it showed in the influx of tips and positive ratings.
Still waiting for a ride request to ping in, Ember scrolled through the tabs in her Uber app, quickly glancing at her earnings and passenger ratings. She had recently hit 1,000 rides and she was really proud of her 4.96 rating.
Tonight Ember was impressed by the unusually high number of notes left in her feedback tab. She stopped scrolling as a wide grin spread across her face. It didn't take much guesswork for Ember to know which passenger left this note: Thanks for getting me and my mates home safe. Sorry if we were too rambunctious for you. I'll be sorry if I don't see you again. Xx
Ember was lost in thought wondering what prompted the cute and flirtatious Australian boy to leave such a note. He was easily 24, but that still made him at least a decade younger than her. Ember knew she wasn't drop-dead gorgeous, but she wasn't ugly either. She considered her best publicly viewable assets to be her friendly smile, one dimple, and bright green eyes. On the inside, Ember was really self conscious about being overweight, especially when her large chest was always front and center. She didn't flaunt her breasts, like so many women her age would if they had them; however, she couldn't exactly hide them either.
The Uber app pinged, startling Ember back to reality. She reconnected her phone to the pop socket mount on her dash, clicked the button to accept the ride request and took a long sip of Diet Coke before backing out of her parking spot and putting the car into motion.
Two hours flew by and Ember didn't know where the time went. She had a continuous stream of back-to-back pickups, mostly college students heading out to grab dinner and drinks. Because the roads were icy and the snow was still coming down like an army of sleet balls, driving required serious concentration and Ember kept her eyes on the road and only glanced at her phone to tap the accept button when a new ping came in. Focused on the road and following the audible driving cues from Uber's navigation, she generally didn't pay attention to rider names or pickup locations provided on the screen until she arrived.
It was nearly midnight and Ember was on her way to another pickup. She slowed down, approaching a red light, when she realized that she'd already driven through this neighborhood earlier that night. She pulled into the parking lot of the small, 6 story, apartment complex where she ended her first ride of the night. It was the same spot where she dropped off the four cute Australian boys. And this was the same spot where she was once again waiting for Ash.
The Uber app started its 3-minute countdown and Ember busied herself checking the floors in the backseat looking for any forgotten items. A minute went by and there was still no sign of her passenger. Ready for another bathroom break, Ember was anxious to get this ride started and finished so she could freshen up before the madness of bar close began. She dialed the volume down on her playlist and hit the call button to connect with Ash through Uber's phone relay system, masking her identity and personal phone number.
The phone rang twice through her Bluetooth system sounding out through her speakers. "Hello?"
Ember heard a faint voice, barely audible over pounding bass and loud laughter in the background. "Hi, this is Ember with Uber again. Am I picking you up at the same door where I dropped you off at earlier?"
"Ugh, yeah. Hold on, I'll be right there!" shouted the voice on the other end.
Ember heard a click and the call dropped. She looked at the countdown timer. 45 seconds later the front passenger door opened and Ashton climbed in. Alone. Ember's heart stuttered for a second when he looked at her and grinned, his hazel eyes artfully studying her face. She didn't know what to say, so she said, "Welcome back. Where are we headed? Where's the gang?"
Still grinning, Ashton picked up pieces of their conversation from earlier like they hadn't skipped a beat. "The boys are staying in, but I'm going to check out that new brewery you suggested."
While Ember drove, they bantered flirtatiously and Ashton tried his hardest to convince her to quit driving for the night and come in to grab a beer. She was really flattered that someone so young and attractive would be interested in her company.
As she rolled up to the door, Ashton made puppy dog eyes at her. "Are you sure you can't come in for one beer? It's on me!"
Having a beer meant forgoing driving Uber for the rest of the night. Ember smiled, really tempted to join him, but she knew she would miss peak surge hours at bar close and lose out on making another good chunk of money if she quit driving now. "You're sweet," she started. "But I have to work tonight. Maybe our paths will cross again and I can take you up on that beer."
Ashton tossed her a wink and sheepish grin before he climbed out of the car. Ember closed her eyes and took a deep breath, inhaling the masculine blend of balsam, sandalwood and cypress that he left behind. Her scalp tingled. The scent reminded her of wet earth on a crisp fall day. Once he disappeared into the brewery, Ember pulled away from the curb and hit the accept button to take another ride.
At 3:15 am, Ember called it a night and headed home. Coincidentally, she dropped someone off about a mile from her apartment and knew it was a sign she should go to bed before her eyes became any more fatigued.
In her apartment, Ember stood in the bathroom, studying herself in the mirror. She had already taken off the little bit of makeup she wore, brushed her teeth, let loose her braid and put her crimped hair up in a bun on top of her head. She was reaching for her pink silk pajama set when her phone rang. She rushed into her bedroom to pick up, but she didn't recognize the number and hesitated. It dawned on her that she forgot to check the floor in her car for lost items before she ran inside. She instantly jabbed at the accept button to take the call, wondering if this was a rider calling because they lost something crucial in her car, like a wallet.
"Hello," she answered sleepily.
"Are you still out driving?" questioned a male's voice on the other end. Ember didn't recognize it.
"No," she replied, "I'm done for the night and crawling into bed. Who is this?"
"Oh. I need a ride," he replied.
"I'm sorry, I'm logged out." She yawned. "But you can put in a request through the app and you'll get whatever driver is closest to you," directed Ember. "Goodnight."
"Okay, bye," the call ended.
Ember didn't think once about the phone call, who was calling, or how they got her number. She laid her phone down on the night table then walked sleepily back to the bathroom to finish getting ready for bed.
Her phone rang again while she took out her contacts and gulped a small glass of water. Twice.
Ember tugged down the hem of her pink silk pajama cami. Her feet pattered across the wood floor of the dining room as she returned to her bedroom. She scratched her kitten under the chin before crawling under her down duvet. Tomorrow was her day off and she intended to sleep in. She picked up her phone from the night table to switch on Do Not Disturb mode and verify that her alarm wasn't set for an ungodly early time. That's when she saw the new text notification from Uber:
Oops! A passenger left something in car. Here's what they said:
I think it would be nice if I get to see you again tonight. Think I left something in your car ;) Text me 555-555-5555. Ash.
Call them directly at 555-555-5555. After you meet, you can request a return fee from the 'get help' menu in your driver ride history.
It was in that moment that Ember realized the mystery caller was Ashton and his intent was likely a hookup. Ember's heart stuttered. She was beyond confused and really wanted to question his motives, but she took a deep breath and her eyelashes fluttered slightly before drifting off to sleep.
... Kudos if you made it this far, thanks for reading! If you were Ember, what would you have done? Let me know!
Tags: @mycollectionofnuts, @kaxseychill, @sunnysidesblog Want to be tagged? Let me know!
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ikonislife · 6 years
-Namjoon x female reader
-Short drabble to sooth my raging love for this man
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Vanilla is boring. 
That phrase hadn’t entered his mind for as long as he had left his old life behind.
Vanilla is boring. 
No doubt she would’ve thrown a fit if he had said it out loud... But she’s not here and it had been 5 years since their friendship perished. As Namjoon laps at the melting goodness dripping down the tanned skin of his hand, the memories of her suddenly flood his mind with the vigor of the strongest of tsunami. Not that he doesn’t think of her in the slow moments of days, lonely moments of days, but rather he tries his best not to. To think of her is to have a drop of heaven, the very last drop of heaven only to come to the realization that never again will he be able to taste paradise. Namjoon can’t put himself through that, not if he wants to survive this harsh world completely lacks of all the quirks that had made her his sunshine. Strangely enough, the most vibrant memories of her that he had kept in his heart wasn’t a special one. “Some of the most mundane moments in life make for great essays,” she used to say.
 It was just a day like any other, a scorching hot afternoon after physics class when she had dragged him across campus for an ice cream. He had begrudgingly agreed, a bit grumpy but as with everything else in his life that had involved her, he could never say no despite time and time again promising not to. He grumbled and complained, but that had never stopped him from going with whatever shenanigans she had thought up. Deep down, he was secretly glad even that he was worth her effort. 
“Are you serious?” Namjoon remembers himself sassing at her, probably a proud owner of some obscure, experimental flavor the shop owner had conjured up in his sleepless hours, disdainful of her plain cone.
“What? What’s wrong with my vanilla?” She had replied, wide eyes with a mixture of delight, confusion, and stars. 
“Vanilla is like the most boring flavor ever. If you’re gonna drag me across the entire campus in 8000 degree weather, at least get something cool.” 
“It’s ice cream. By definition it is cool.” She had retorted, taking a big chunk of the melting mess of white before wincing at the frost. “Plus, that’s where you’re wrong, my dude” My dude... It was just so strange how endearing that had been, being called “my dude”. Out of all the cute pet names he had for her - bunny, little, sweet, the list goes on - she had given him “my dude” and it was the best nickname anyone had given him. 
“Am I now?. Enlighten me.” He questioned her half out of curiosity and his own amusement, but more importantly, half of Namjoon just really loved teasing her. It was quite adorable really, the way she tried so hard, her excitement in having the pleasure to prove him wrong, showing  the genius with IQ highest in school some profound facts that very fews could understand, let alone appreciate. He’d always quipped back with some insane thing just to see her all riled up. At the end of the day, he often found himself confounded, completely drawn into her sweet philosophy of life. 
“You sure you wanna know?” She bit her lips as if holding herself back awaiting his answer. Namjoon glanced at her, pretending as if her childlike excitement weren’t killing him inside and nodded gently. 
“Okay, you asked!”  She mused matter of factly, “A cone of vanilla is so beyond complicated because it’s so simple. There’s no fussy ingredients to hide behind, nowhere to run. It’s just is. Vanilla ice cream is either the greatest, most satisfying thing you’ve ever had the pleasure of eaten or it’s completely and utterly average, bad even.”
She spoke with such ease to her words and effortlessness in conveying her belief that it wasn’t hard to convince him otherwise. Suddenly the cone of ice cream in his hand didn’t seemed so impressive any longer. 
Thinking back of those days, it was unbelievable how incredibly foolish he had been, idiotic in the way he denied his own heart of its craving for vanilla... for her. Namjoon’s love life was in every way shape and form, complicated, and he told himself he liked it that way. Who would pay for a movie that has no drama, no complicated plot twist or moments that leave them breathless, so exactly in the same way, he seeked love in places perhaps he shouldn’t have been. All the while right beside him, the most perfect girl for him existed without ever asking anything of him. The perfect love story waiting to happen, wasted away with each ticks of the clock.
He had an inkling, called it gut feeling or whatever, but somehow deep down, he always knew she liked him. It was something he never bothered addressing, nor care much at the time to bring it to face the light of day, hell, even a a little bit desperate for it to never surface. He liked her the way she is, the way they were. There was no commitment to tie him down, no string attached, and most importantly, no emotional messes. They understood each other in ways no one else could hope or even dare to. Yet momentarily, in between the soft content sighs and bright smiles, sadness, hopelessness even, flashed so evidently but just as fast as it had ghosted her dainty features, vanished just as fast. 
She was there for him all hours of night and he, for her. Never did she judged him for dragging her along for some insane art show that he himself wasn’t sure he understood. No matter how crazy or how stupid something might be, she’d always just go along with no question asked. And although he pretended sometimes for the sakes of seeing that cute pout, Namjoon never once thought of her likes and dislikes as dumb or crazy as her ex had. He never did like the guy, always felt as if he put her down and shamed her for simply liking something. 
When she had finally rid herself of that parasite, Namjoon was undoubtedly happy she could finally move on, find herself someone worth her time. Yet there was something else, an inexplicable lightness, as if the weight of the world had been lifted off his shoulders and once more he could breathe. There was a joy, unprecedented happiness, smugness even that once again he could have her all to himself even if their relationship in no way bounded their souls together.
Through heartbreaks and endless cycle of one night stands, he finally understood what that something was. He fell for her. He fell for her but refused to give in because she just wasn’t the type of girl that caught his eyes... Or so he had told himself. As he basks in the crisp sunshine shining over the old campus on an unexpectedly hot autumn afternoon, Namjoon finds himself questioning, wrecking his brain to find the reason why he had denied himself happiness. Perhaps he was just idiotic and young and naive, or perhaps it was the fear that he could forever ruin the perfect friendship they had. And although he told himself it was far too late to be hung up on the past, there was no denying the sadness pouring from his heart every time he scrolls pass her name on his phone. The old contact still there, the picture he had taken of her still so adorable yet no longer could he call her up for absolutely no reason, call her up simply because he misses hearing her voice... 
There was no denying that his life was infinitely better with her to light its days. She had taught him to appreciate the simple things in life, that there was always excitement, even in the most mundane tasks, if only he knows where to look for it. Perhaps she had always knew that one day, he’d leave her and so she taught him as many life lessons as she could, to prepare him for the darks day without her smile to brighten the atmosphere. 
And as he watches her jogging his way, Namjoon was reminded of that very afternoon she had asked him to go for ice cream, same elation on her features and steps hasten as the distant grew close. Perhaps if he plays his card right, once again she can teach him the wisdom gathered in the 5 years they spent apart. Then perhaps one day, she could finally filled the hole he had emptied out the day he decided to leave her behind even if this very second, they’re barely friends. 
“Hey, Joonie!” She said. 
Perhaps there was hope after all. 
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mainexiii · 6 years
Always Be With You Forever Day6 Young K x OC
“Soo hyun came back to Korea to see her family, it's been 5 years since she went to the U.S to study, as she stepped her feet in Korea, memories came flooding back, will she be able to forget the tragedy that almost cost her life and killed her boyfriend or a miracle will happen?“ Also posted in AO3 = Mainexiii
also.. im lazy asf so i did not prood read all of this, hence, a lot of grammatical errors coz English is not my primary language. 
I’m having this strange feeling when I walk out on the arrival area at the airport, Jinnie my younger sister waving at her hands rapidly as if I can not even see her, I smile at her and waves back. “Soo hyun! Woah, I really missed you”, teary eyed she hug me tight and kiss my right cheek. “ yuck! You just smudged your lipstick on me, come on!” we laughed and went out of the airport, I was wiping my cheek when Jinnie asked a lot of things about my 5 year vacation in the U.S, well, it’s not just a vacation, I barely lived there during my college years and never came back to Korea.. I did not answer her question and just continue to walked until we reach her car, the both of us are silent the trip to my house, it’s not easy to talk about what happened years ago, it’s too hard to recall my memories that I’ve kept hidden inside my brain just to survive. “Jinnie-ya..can we please not talk about the past? I’m still not ready okay? Please..for me?” you gaze at her direction at holds her other hand and squeeze it. She heaved a sigh and squeeze back my hand. “ Okay.. you know.. after all these years without contact from us and your friends, one of these days you’ll find out about something and you have to be prepare for it”. I was confused about what she’s talking about and just shrugged it off. “ Wait.. is mom setting up a man for me to marry?, if that what it is.. then drop me off right now” I giggled but Jinnie is damn serious right now. “I hope so tho, but unfortunately that not it. I want you to stay strong, okay? She smiled and opened the radio. I panicked at her sudden action “Turn it off!” I screamed at her and she immediately turned off the radio. Jinnie apologized and stopped the car, Jinnie tries to calmed me down by caressing my back, took a deep breath and fix my hair and make up,I don’t want to let my mom see me like this, still a mess after all these years away from home. I face Jinnie and smiled, “I’m fine, Jinnie .. I’m sorry for startling you, I know all for you are worried about me and I’m sorry for everything, I hope you understand what I’ve through. Jinnie hugged me tightly and smiled and gave me an understanding nod. I'm meeting my family at the province with takes three hours of driving, I went by so familiar places and I feel that my heart’s going to burts with all these happy and sad memories with him.
8 years ago when I met Young hoon, everybody calls him brian. We went to the same high school and I was a transferee, he was the class president and he was assigned to help me everything to adjust to the new school, he took me a tour around the whole campus and introduced to different clubs, he was very helpful and nice, obviously the whole class loves him. I was bullied once when I was on my way to home on my first day of class, the kids who seemed to be rebels are ganging up on me , they took my wallet and ripped my school bag thinking they’ll find anything worth to steal, I was frozen walking the whole time and a girl from my class pat me at my back “ Hey, is this yours?” she turned over my lost items including my money, the only thing I did was hugged her and cry. She laughs and hold both of my shoulder, “It’s okay! I already took care of those bitches, they wont bother you anymore” I nod still crying. “Stop crying will you!” she offered her hand and introduced herself, “ I’m Hana, and you must be Soo hyun right?” confused, i looked up at her cause she’s quite tall “how did you know me?” I asked, “ Girl, we’re on the same class!” she replied, “ Oh, I did’nt notice you” doubting that she’s lying. “Brian gave you a tour around the campus?” she asked as we start walking outside the skirts where the bitches brought me, I didn’t even know this place, i felt my cheeks hotness and touch them, I smiled at the thought of Brian, he’s tall, handsome and I’ll figure out the rest, I was smiling the entire time when Hana confronts me, “Yah! don’t tell me you like Brian too?” she stopped facing me crossed arms, what the hell? I’m having a rival here already?! I stare at her her blankly, “ So what? You like him too don’t you? I gave her a question look, “ Bitch no! Brian’s my first cousin so don’t worry, I smiled at her reply and continues to walked when I saw my parent’s car near our apartment. “oh my parent’s already here” I glanced at her and pointed our apartment, “ I lived there!” I smiled at her took her hand, “ I’ll introduced you to my parents sometime” she smiled and shake my hand, “okay sure, but to tell you honestly, Brian has alot of admirers so good luck my friend..” she laughs and I slapped her back. She fakes a pain and laugh again seeing my red face, “ that’s not it,! I don’t like him at all! “ we we’re laughing and my parents called me to go up now, I wave at them and says thanks to my new found friend.
We arrived at the the province and my whole family welcomes me outside the house. Mom walks towards me as I opened the car door and hugs me tightly, I didn’t know I was crying until she wipes my tears, “Thank you for coming back” mom whispers while crying, seeing my mom, dad and two other siblings in front of me wont let me stop crying , I missed them so much that it hurts, everything hurts. We went inside and talk about everything excluding him. The day went by so fast I forgot I'm jet-lagged, mom prepared me a tea to help me sleep. I just want to take a rest now, I hope I’ll dream of him again, that’s the only thing that keeps me reminding of his face, I wished every single day to see him even in my dreams only, I missed him so much I think I will never moved on.
I woke up and look at the time on my phone, it’s already 9 am and I’m so freaking hungry. I climb out of my bed and I noticed a wedding invitation card at my bedside table, I open it and sees the fancy gold emboss font “Kang Hana and Park Sungjin” wow, how did she even know I’m back.”They did really end up together huh,” you smiled and recall little memories with them. I did not open the entire invitation since I don’t have the guts to see them. I took a shower, letting the water run down my body and close the clog to let the water full up the bath tub, I closed my eyes and recall the memories with him, I have to be strong, it’s been 5 years and I just cant accept the fact that he’s gone, I tried dating during my college years but none of them worked out.
After a year of being friends with Brian I decide to make the first move, it’s our last year in high school and I don’t wanna missed the opportunity, I know there’s something going on between us, but we just keep it casual, we’ve spent a lot of time together, holding hands, bus trips while holding hands, eat at cafe’s holding hands, watch busking holding hands and more holding hands, that’s it. We we’re contented about us just like that. We exchange stories about everything at our school’s rooftop. We wants to be a singer someday, play with a band, he’s good at guitars, basses, he was already a trainee at a company so most of his time are just in school, us going out and training, he rarely sees his family since he have been living in the dorm with his soon to be members. It’s fun spending our youth just like that. When I got the courage to ask him out, he already plans something, he brought me to the roof top and picnic basket, he let me sit down and runs at the back of the corner of the roof top to get his guitar, I was so excited I cant stop smiling all the time, he tuned his guitar and smiles at me widely, that the best thing that I liked about him, his smile that can lit up a dark world. He started singing one of his original songs, I listened at him looked him in the face and mouth “ I like you”, he stopped singing and walk towards me giving me a peck on the lips, I squeel covering my whole flushed cheeks. We spent the whole afternoon talking about our future and to travel around the whole world, Brian loves travelling as much as I do, we planned to go to Busan, Daegu and Jeju Island after our graduation. It’s the last day of our graduation and made our first trip to Busan, I was so excited spending my time with him, we ate and ate, went to the beaches, visit historical site. That feeling can never be replace by anyone. We’ve visit a lot of libraries around Seoul preparing for our college exam, he used to say that he loves me everyday, but I cant let out those words because I was unsure if it’s already love I am feeling for him,” it’s okay if you still don’t love me, as long as you let me love you, I’m okay with that” he smiled and hold my hand. It’s been 6 months since we had a trip outside Seoul, I was busy at school while Brian is busy preparing for their debut, Brian is amazing at multitasking, he went to school while practicing his bass skills, he’s so amazing at managing his study hours, practices and me. He always had a time for me, I mean everything, we eat breakfast together since my dorm is also close to his. Even when I’m sick, he can still take care of me, and that’s when I realized that I have loved him all this time, unsure of the feeling .. I shook the bad thoughts away and said my first I love you on his birthday, He keep on jumping and took me by his arms, hugging tightly. He kissed me passionately and I feel my hot cheeks probably flaring at this new feeling, he pulls away and widely smiled at me, “ We should go now” he says holding my hand leading me down stairs and went outside, “ oh wait, my gift for you” I hand him the box containing a couple dream bracelet. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You greeted him again with a hug and attached the bracelet on his right wrist. “ Thank you, really,”he hugged me tightly, he love giving tight hugs, his a hugger.
After our final exam, we had planned going to Jeju Island, just for one day since it’s expensive going there. I had pack my bag and prep up myself and called Brian, “ Bri, where are you now” I asked, looking around to see if I miss anything. “I just arrived downstairs, you coming down now?” he replied. “yeah, see you downstairs” I locked up my door went went downstairs.
We arrived at Jeju Island , the both of us feeling excited, we started to wander around , asked some locals what to ride to go to our accommodation, we took the bus that travels for 30 minutes to our place, we’re both excited as we planned the whole trip for months, we listened to some music on his ipod when I notice the sky is getting darker, I was nervous when it started raining heavily, the bus driver went on slowly to avoid accidents. The traffic light went red and the bus stopped, I hold Brians hand and lean on his shoulder, he felt the tension and my hands are shaking, “ You okay? Are you cold?” he ask with a worry look. I just nod and he brings his arms around my shoulder to pull me closer. The traffic light went green and as the bus driver starts to drive, I heard a loud bang! And I black out..
I woke up feeling my whole body aches, mom rushes to hold my hand and asked if I was okay. She was crying while calling the doctors. I didn't know what's happening, I only remember Brian and I was on the bus and I blacked out. Brian and I was involved in an accident , fortunately... I was okay ,nothing serious happened but Brian,  he was comatose. I felt my whole world turns into darkness, i immediately went to Brians room and cried for hours.
Days gone by, weeks turns into months...
Brian still not awake, he's condition is not getting good and i blame myself for it. If it weren't for me.. He would've been laying for months in this awful room.
I was with him the entire time, i helped his family taking care of him, i rarely went to school and because of it. . . Im about to fail all my subjects due to absences .
I went to my school to inform that I will be taking a break and also informed Brian's school. I went back to the hospital and as I was about to enter Brian's room , I heard the doctor and Brian's parents talking about his condition.They decided to end Brian's life support.
My whole world shattered .
How can they do this to their own son? !
How can they take a life without taking chances!
This is not fair !
I burst into the room and beg for chances, to give Brian chance to live. I was crying while tugging his mom's coat,
" please don't do this ! I beg you ! Please .."
We we're both crying the whole time and she explained to me the consequences if we let Brian stay like that forever ..
" Soo-ya, we dont want Brian to suffer too, his condition is not getting good his body is so weak right now . I dont want my child to suffer like this .." I saw the sadness and sorrow in her eyes, the pain of watching his son getting weak.. I also can not stand watching Brian suffer, but I can not let Brian lose his life without even trying. I won't .
But the decision is not mine to make.
They're going to end his life the day after. I have to be with him on that last day , my heart aches to much there's no tears left to cry .
My heart is too numb.
Brian's whole family is waiting for me at the hospital, while me .. Still at home, crying my heart out, " I thought there's no tears left" I mumbled.
I get up packed my clothes and documents and book the earliest ticket and went straight to the airport.
Brian's mom keep on calling me but I ignored and sent everyone a message that I'm boarding bound to America and never to contact me. I turned off my phone and cried myself to sleep.
I just lost the love of my life and im going to a unfamiliar place and tried my best to forget him.. But how can i? When I left my heart and soul in Seoul .
I finished taking a shower and went outside to grab some brunch, I found a cafe that serves American brunch sets and went inside . I keep on thinking the wedding invitation, I miss my best friend so much and she might hate me forever if I wont go to her wedding, I don't know what to do anymore .
Someone sat infront of me, I raised my head and saw Hana crossing her arms while glaring at me . Im so shock I almost spit my food,  " Hana! " I get up and hug her . She hug me back and gave me a wide smile.
"I missed youu Soo-ya!!!! " we hugged tightly and sit down. " Soo! It's been years.." She said giving me a faint smile "I know.. It's been years and I missed you too,  and I'm sorry Hana ..for everything"
"I understand you Soo, I know the pain that you went through but it's not worth it,  you made yourself a mess,  after all these years, no one knows where on America are you, you wont let us comfort you, you completely shut us down in your life.. And im telling you Soo, all those tears .. It's not worth it."
The pain that i've felt all those years.. I know, i did not help myself overcoming it. It was so overwhelming i kept myself busy working and studying, just to forget Brian .
But it did not help, because at the end of the day.. Brian is the only one who i think of. My love for Brian is irreplaceable. I blame myself everyday until my heart don't let any people inside it.
"It's not worth it Soo, it's the time for you to moved on and be happy, because it's not your fault okay?" I tried to remain calm for a few seconds, i wont let my tears be visible for this is the day that i have to let my old self go and open a new door and let people inside it. I take Hana's hand and squeeze it "Thank you Hana, i'll try my very best"
We went outside the cafe and walk towards the parking lot, she have to run some errands for her wedding tomorrow and bid goodbye as she went inside her car.
As I was going to the opposite direction, Hana's car stopped beside me she roll down her window. "Soo! I have to tell you something tomorrow, please come okay?! It's very important and you deserve to know it, please come okay?" She said and I answer her with a smile and nod and . She smiled back and drive away.
I gather my thoughts about everything, it's time for me to moved on and be happy again it's been years and there's too many people that i've pushed away. I shouldn't let myself be forever like this, it's time to say goodbye to Brian.
It's Hana's wedding day at 12pm and there's still a lot of time for me to visit Brian's grave. But.. I dont know where he was buried. I'll just ask Hana later after the wedding.
I arrive at the wedding hall and went to the bride's room. Hana was talking a picture with my high school friends and i feel so guilty losing contacts with them, Hana notices me as well as my H.S friends, their faces look shocked to see me and turns into an apologetic smile, I composed myself and greet them warmly, they hug me tightly and atleast i felt that they really miss me.
I turn my attention to Hana and praised her with compliments, the girls and we're catching up when the Host is announcing to start the wedding, we went out of the room and went to our table. As the wedding starts , I wander if im seeing familiar faces at the event and my eyes landed on Brian's mom, she was looking at me and give me a warm smile and a nod, i smile back and my heart skip a beat seeing her, it was so nerve wrecking... I always feel so attached at Brian's mother, during my stay at the hospital she also takes care of me when my mom is not around, we share stories about Brian and our trips and i felt her happiness as we talk about Brian.. I shrugged memories away. On the middle of the wedding the announcer says that there will be a surprise perfomance of a band called Day6, I looked at Hana and her face turned pale while she look at me, I'm confused at the sudden reaction and I looked at my friends , seeing their faces the same reaction as Hana while looking at me, suddenly i feel nervous and ask what is happening. They can not answer me and just keep silent when another stage appear and there i saw a familiar man with four more people each holding their instruments, the band starts singing when the man holding a bass put it down and went in the middle of the stage and hug Hana while singing, I stand up to see a clearer view and i froze .
No way this is happening, i was still frozen when the man singing averts his eyes on me, i recognized the same eyes, nose and lips, it's Brian. It's Brian! How is this possible? He's dead! Brian..is dead. My tears started to fall and notice Brian's reaction, he give me a small smile and finished singing. My kness are weak and i grip the table to lean on, my friends help me to sit down, and tries to calm me.
How can i calm when the man i grieve for years is alive?! I can not gather my thoughts my mind went blank as i was about to leave the venue .. Someone stop me by holding my arm, i face that person and my heart shatters to see him this close to me. I just let my self cry as he holds both my shoulder , the overwhelming feeling makes me unconscious and I blacked out. Again.
Chapter 3
I woke up hearing different voices , i open my eyes and saw Hana still in her wedding dress.
"GOD SOO! YOU'RE AWAKE! she hugs me tightly and cry.
It wasnt a dream..
Hana explained everything , They we're supposed to end Brian's suffering on the day that i left, but Brian's mom change her mind and give another chance for Brian to wake up, they keep on calling me to tell me the news but i already went abroad. After a month of intensive prayers a miracle happened and Brian woke up. Yet they still cant reach me. After months on theraphy, Brian decided to went after me on America but i  never told them where i live even my family didn't know. Brian eventually became busy because of training and catching up homeworks for school, and tried to move on from me too. He debut in a band two years ago and became known globally, which ofcourse I did'nt know because I shut myself from the universe...
My mind went blank,  all those pain and rejection and guilt , those feelings that ruined me..i cried and cried until i calmed down, Hana left me in the hotel room and went back to the venue. I lay down overthinking about Brian, how do i react when i see him again, that..if he still wants to see me ,but i want to see him badly my heart aches for him,  he probably hate me for leaving him. I hate my self too. All these years of heart break, i feel so pathetic. I heard  knocks on the door, i went down the bed and open the door...and Brian stands there, I took a step backwards as he went inside and lock the door. I can only hear our breathing standing face to face ,no one tries to speak.
We just stare at each other,when he took a step forward and holds my hand. The moment our skin touches all the memories with him came flashing back and all i can do is cry. He pulls me in a tight hug as i sob inside his arms. I keep on crying on his shirt as i feel the warm liquid on my head, i look up at him and saw him crying too. We cried in each others arms, we lay down the bed, he hugs me closer and stroke my hair still crying. No talking just tight hugs.
Chapter 4 Brian’s POV
After the accident i woke up in the hospital and never saw soo hyun again.. She went away unknowingly what happend to me , she thinks IM DEAD. We can not contact her phone, email we didnt even know her address in the states. She shut everyone down. Occationaly she sent letters to her family without the return address. That's the only communication that they have. She never came back.
I tried hard to finished my studies and training and finally i debuted with my band. I still cant forget her i think i will never forget her , she took my heart with her and i never dated anyone else , my friends even think im gay . Everything reminds me of her, my dream bracelet, the rooftop, the shirts she gave me on special occations, our favorite restaurant, she's everywhere. I cried so many sleepless nights thinking about her, i miss her so damn much . And eventually i set aside my feelings and focused on my work and studies ,and i graduate finally, i think of her every single day, so many what if's, she might be happy right now, she must've moved on . Thinking about her with another man makes my heart beats faster, i should be with her, she should be with me celebrating life. But she never came back.
It's Hana's wedding day, im not supposed to be at her wedding because of conflict of schedules but it was cancelled so i went and surprised her.
But i was the one whose surprise.
Soo hyun, the love of my life, is here.
We made eye contact, i can see her eyes full confusion, hurt, mixed emotions. I smile at her and she rushed to the door. I chase her calling her name and grab her arms, she froze standing looking at me and cry. As i was gonna hug her she collapsed.
I went to her room after Hana explained everything, she cried and cried as I hug her tightly . God i missed her so much i cried along with her, we didnt talk and i just let her cry her heart out. She fell asleep still sobbing. I watch her intently, i still cant believe it's her, i never thought she's coming back into my life again, she must've felt guilty about the accident she blamed herself all these years thinking that i was dead.  
"I'm sorry you went all through that" I stroked her hair, planting small kisses, i hug her tightly and she open her eyes, looking at me without blinking ,intently fixed her gaze on me, i smile at her and touch her cheeks..
"It's not a dream right?" She kissed my hand
"No babe, i'm real and alive" I cupped her cheeks and trails small kisses on her face and gently kiss her lips.
"I think it's time for us to be happy, you should let go all the burdens, let's start a brand new chapter of our life,okay? I missed you babe, i missed you a lot" i kissed her again this time passionately to let her feel safe and that im here with her.
" I love you Bri, thank you for being alive"
" I love you more Soo, thank you for coming back"
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trickstersantana · 6 years
[Para] A Name to Fear
Who: Santana, Dave @knockonkarofsky Location:  Sciron Square Time: 18 December 2018 Summary: Santana has Plans TM and maybe she doesn’t choses the best person for executing them but you know how she is. Triggers/Notes: Violence, probs some murder mention I don’t remember this is Santana
Santana walks around the hall of Sciron until she catches the person she wanted to talk to. "Hey, poison guy! You know we still need more food and stuff than what Brody brought, right? Because I have another mission for you to make this barricade stay strong." She tells him casually when she gets close to walk alongside him.
David sighs when he sees the trickster approaching him.  Any other day, he would be happy to be the guy others go to ask for help. But he was starting to notice people didn't see him as the reliable, helpful guy he wanted to, but just as a guy who said yes to anything. "Don't take missions from ya." Echoes of the words from the man who looked like him resonated in his mind, and he gave a glance to his shoulder, looking at Martin Frog. He knew this was important, more important than people’s perceptions of him or his feelings on the matter. "What?" He ends up asking, unhappy.
Santana is unamused. "Oh, so you can take missions from Dani Hot Guns, but not from me? Is this because I'm a trickster or because that one time I tried to shoot you with a gun? Because god damn it dude, get over it already!" She was sure it wasn't for the gun thing. "Anyway we need one witch to get out of here in secret, and pick up the food I'm going to order, put them in grimoires and bring it back. It's actually super easy, barely and inconvenience. I can help you get out and Brody can summon you in, so the only thing you have to do is arrive to a certain place in time."
"It's Danielle 'Dani Hot Guns' Harper for ya" David stopped walking when he heard the most difficult petition someone asked him to do in his entire life. Not getting lost in the city. "You sure there's not a better witch to ask? Why not Weston?" Even city witched called him city witch, clearly the most citiest witch of all.
Santana is so tired of witches not following her fucking very flawed and really bad plans without questioning how bad and flawed they are. "Oh, there are thousands of better witches to ask. But here is the thing, all of them may take this chance to drop the barricade and visit their families at christmas time and forget about the barricade because it's not a problem that affects them directly, and you know how people are super selfish and self-centered." Asking Brody for a favor always feels like making a bet. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. And she has won everytime and still Brody didn't ask her for something in return, but she didn't want to risk her luck much. The other options were Ryder, who was perfect until she remembered he was a werewolf now so if they catch him outside there would be trouble. Elliott, who could teleport but it was Illegal TM in every sense and he had to do a lot of travels to carry all the food and supplies, wich was more risky. Tina, Santana didn't like to ask favors to Tina because she never did them unless they were small and easy and no life was on the line. Matt, was thinking about dropping out and was more at risk of encountering problems. Sam, who was Sam. And more random witches she didn't trust. She didn't trust Dave either, but he still had not fail her yet. Not like he had the chance, but it was something. "Like c'mon dude, what's the problem?"
David decided to be honest and hoped the trickster didn't make fun of him for it. "Keep getting lost on campus. Would need time to find the place."
Santana though for a moment. "The place is at 40 minutes walking, 20 minutes on bus. We can get you 2 hours before so you have time. You can ask for directions. Or use googl- oh, you don't have a phone, don't you?" Why won't the useful witches be willing to do shit without betrayal. "Alright, we can make a deal so I illusion you the equivalent of google maps for you." She says, showing her hand.
David isn't going to make a deal with a trickster. It was one of the things everyone knew, because they had been told since they were little. Don't hurt the trees, don't disrespect the Aetherling, don't confuse Agaricus bisporus with Agaricus aurantioviolaceus because the first one doesn't heal, and don't make deals with tricksters. He wonders why Dani didn't tell him herself. Probably because she was busy. "Give me six hours. Seven."
Santana puts her hand down. "7? Really?" She rolled her eyes. "Alright, alright, we'll get you out 7 fucking hours before, holy shit." Maybe giving a 1 hour job to the witch who needed 7 hours to do it was making things more complicated than they needed to be. Geez I should just had told Matt to fucking do it, or send Brody. But, going to tell them now? Explain the really short plan again? Nah, too much work, the problem wasn't hers anymore. Unless Dave failed, then it would affect her actually. "Alright we will keep in contact, I think you have one of those crystals phone things right? Now. I have another proposition for you, but this is an after-barricade plan." She hoped she didn't need to actually do it at all after the barricade, but it was like leaving a last goodbye little present to the LN community. "We talked about this before but, the conversation turned into other shit. But, heard me out, from bully to bully. We know our fear methods worked, right? What if...we used that for good?"
David was a little embarrassed. "Wanna be sure to don't screw it up!" He defends himself. "Got one." Says showing his communication crystal, which looked like a normal cell phone. He listened, doubtful. He didn't trust Lopez, and has no idea what she wanted. If Elliott trusted her, he could listen, at least. "Think you assume lots of stuff." She wasn't wrong, but she has no way to know she was right. This was about a skill he has and not a mission of great difficulty. "How?"
Santana feared this could Go Wrong in many different ways but still was Hopeful. She looks at the phone, then at Dave. Then back at the phone. "That's a fucking phone you piece of lying shit, but ANYWAY..." She starts to explain her idea, trying to summarize it, and starts making illusions of the things she was speaking of, to add effect She starts with a little small model of campus. "NYADA. Their whole security system is shit and favors witches above LN, specially bloodlines. And the one in charge of it is ugly." She says illusioning the face of Dustin Goolsby. "So, if those fuckers aren't going to protect LN, why not do it ourselves? I'm the strongest bitch here, you have poison, I have illusions and people fear us. Let's use that fear and make our reign of terror a good thing! Let's become the real security sytem of NYADA. Better, fairer, in both the reasonable way and the hot way, because I'm way more attractive than Dustin Boolsbieber. And we will be wearing berrets." She says illusioning themselves with red uniforms and red berrets. Because you are going to eat your words Kurt Hummel I look great in red!
David looks proud at his communication crystal. "Looks just like a phone, but isn't." His mom made it like that, it could trick anyone, even when he said it wasn't a phone. She was so good at making those things. He looks at the illusions and tries to touch everyone of them and pass his hand for them like it's the most fun thing in the world. He wasn't going to comment about Mr. Goolsby attractiveness. He suspects it's a trick of the trickster to call him gay. He prefers to focus on most important parts of her explanation. "We have to wear berrets?" He knew Lopez wasn’t as strong as she think she was. She was strong, but not the strongest.
Santana rolls her eyes at Dave trying to touch her illusions. They weren't toucheable, he just pass his hand through the picture as if nothing was there. "Yes. The berrets stay. I'm not going to compromise my vision." She said, very seriously, this decision was unamovible. Unchangeable. "We are going to have cool badges I designed myself and all. And now, I was thinking of calling ourselves the LN Defense Gang, but are you going to fucking call this by it's name or you are going to skip over saying LN?"
David shaked his head.  "Not gonna call it that. Told ya makes no sense to me." He already has the same problem with Elliott's club. When he answered he was in the Elliott's club, people usually didn't know what he meant. He had really long conversations until people got it right. "What 'bout the Aetherling and others defense gang?"
Santana illusioned the words LNDG and AODG just to look at how the acronymons looked. They didn't look right. "First, Defense Gang doesn't actually look good in short. And second, we aren't going to call a fucking term only you and your grandma knows also I'm starting to think it's kinda discriminatory actually, so, no."
David wonders why Lopez complains about her own idea to him. "Isn't. Most Fae don't like getting called what's used here. Ones back home are okay with Aetherling. Most don't have a problem" Must be a situational issue. "What 'bout Fae, Faun, Satyrn, Lamia, Melusines, Shedim, Nephilims, Djins,  Shapeshifters, Undine, Sylphs, Selkies, Giants, Drakainas, tricksters, changelings, selkids, vampires, weres, doppels and commons force of security?"
Santana talks with a mocking voice. “Oh, poor fae they don’t want to be put in the same bad as the other dirty LN” Then she glares at him and feels the five stages of grief one by one in just 5 seconds after hearing all that crap, and STILL she makes an illusion of the acronym. "That's longer than Elliott's dick and FFSLMSNDSUSSGDTCSVWDCFS isn't really catchy."
David tries to react like a normal heterosexual to the comment, but he doesn't know how it should be. He simply answers angry. "Show some respect for Elliott Farrohk Gilbert. Don't need to shorten it to letters.” He wonders how she said it outloud. “Isn't that long. Back at my clan we have people with longer names and titles. Isn't a problem. 
Santana smiles her evil smirk. "Oooh, so isn't as long as Elliott's enormous dongus, eeeeh? You know it well, riiiiight?" She said like a bitch. "Anyway I'm going to sell this idea to Figgins, obviously explaining it all pretty and not mentioning him our reign of terror. But uhm... talking about reign of terror...maybe we shouldn't name the people we protect. Maybe we should put a name that our enemies will fear." She said...plotting.
David was getting more embarrassed and angry. "ᴵ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᵏⁿᵒʷ, ˢʰᵘᵗ ᵘᵖᵎ" He wasn't ready to admit he was gay to most people. But he had toyed with the idea of stop denying it. He still did it, out of defense. Because he was used to it. He was getting too angry already. "Tired of this. I'm leaving." He said while trying to get rid of the sigh of the trickster.
Santana was still thinking about cool names. "The Bloodline Beaters. The Justice Makers, the Bringers of Pain, the... wait! Oh well, if you are leaving then the name idea is going to be all mine!!" She shouts from far away. "And don't forget your mission!"
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lovelyyyoongi · 7 years
~College!au Pen Pal Jungkook~ PART SEVEN
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6] [part 8] [part 9] [part 10] [part 11] [part 12] [part 13] [part 14:END]
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You awoke to the feeling off movement under you. Furrowing your brows in confusion, you slowly opened your eyes. Oh. 
You didn’t remember falling asleep in this position so you assumed it happened while the both of you were asleep. Jungkook was laying underneath you, his right arm wrapped around your waist. Your head rested against his chest where your right hand was placed next to and your left hand was behind his neck, able to reach his soft hair. Not to mention you manage to cling to him like a koala: Your right leg was wrapped around his torso and his left hand rested on your knee.
Feeling flustered at your close contact, your face grew red. He stirred again and this time, his eyes started to open. You squeezed your eyes shut, hoping he couldn’t feel your racing heart beat. 
“I know you’re awake,” Jungkook’s hoarse voice made you snap your eyes open. 
Chucking at your flustered state, he took a strand of your hair and pushed it away from your face. 
“You woke me up,” You muttered, not bothering to move in the slightest, “You move around too much.”
“Well, if you moved around and didn’t cling to me like a koala, I wouldn’t be here,” He rubbed his face with his hand.
It was funny. The embarrassment was practically radiating off the both of you yet neither of you made a movement. You stayed, face planted against his chest, looking up at his expression. His eyes were still adjusting to the light pouring in from your window. His hands didn’t move from around your waist nor did his legs kick you off of him. 
Hm, maybe you were enjoying this a little too much.
“You don’t have class today, right?”
You shook your head, and wiggled in his grasp. Letting his arms loose, you sat up and stretched your arms out. Whining at the sound of your back cracking, you pouted, “Great. Now I’m sore from the position I was sleeping in.”
“You’re sore?” He asked with a smirk, “My leg has been asleep this entire time and the slightest movement puts me in excruciating pain.” He smiled at the end of his statement. Was this boy always so competitive and confident?
“Any movement, huh?” Now it was your turn to smirk. Before he could speak, you shoved him off your bed and he landed on the floor with a thud.
“Ow,” Jungkook said, void of any emotion. 
“Come on. You had to see that coming,” You grinned, walking over to where he was laying. 
Standing up, he puffed his cheeks out in an adorably angry way while you simply stared back at his with a cute smile. 
“You owe me breakfast.”
“Wha–Fine,” You grumbled. Grabbing some clothes from inside your dresser you turn to Jungkook who was looking around your dorm room. 
“Aren’t you going to change?”
“Right,” he snapped his fingers before grabbing his phone resting on your nightstand. “I’ll meet you at the cafe.”
“Okay, bye!” He stepped out of your room and you walked into the bathroom to take a shower. 
“You clean up well,” You smirked, remembering how he looked this morning: his disheveled yet still perfectly styled hair, his wrinkled clothes, and tired eyes. 
“I try,” Jungkook smiled with a shrug. He sat across from you and you slid him his usual order. 
“You know my order?” He grinned, mischievously.
For a second you paused before blurting, “Of course. I sit at the booth right near the line, so I’ve learned most of the usual customer’s orders.” When he raised an eyebrow as if in doubt, you proved it, “Like her. She comes every Monday and Friday and orders a milkshake.”
Just as you finished speaking, the girl was next and she ordered her strawberry milkshake and waited near the counter. 
“I don’t know whether to be impressed and call you observant or a stalker,” Jungkook chuckled, causing you to nudge his arm from across the table. 
“So what’re our plans for today? I’m being your wing girl, right?” You asked, as he took a bite out of his breakfast sandwich. 
“Yeah, but let’s have us day before we jump into finding my pen pal? It’s been a while since I’ve seen anyone from childhood,” He tilted his head to the side, a shy smile appearing on his lips.
“Me over your pen pal? I’m honored,” You placed a hand on your chest, and wiped a fake tear away.
Rolling his eyes, he crumbled the empty wrapped and grabbed your hand. Tugging you out of the booth, he lead you out of the cafe. 
“I’m going to show you all of my favorite on campus spots. I’m assuming the cafe is all where you’ve been?”
You scoffed as if insulted.“No! I’ve been to...the library,” You sighed in defeat. 
“Well, lucky you have me,” He walked towards a group of boys in front of the cafe.
“Hey, Jungkookie!” One of them grinned, motioning over. Ah, so these must be the friends he’s so ‘soft’ for. 
“Hey, hyungs,” he waved with his free hand. 
Another boy’s eyes flickered toward you and then your interlaced hands. “Who’s this?” He asked, with a hint of a suggestive tone. It was then when you both realized you were still holding hands. Jumping apart from each other, you fiddled with your fingers behind your back.
“That’s obviously Y/N,” The one with light brown hair, you recognized from one of your classes, named Taehyung, said.
“What do you mean ‘obviously’?” You asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Jungkook told us about his old classmate who’s going to help him find his pen pal!” One you actually recognized, Taehyung, grinned.
“They know about your pen pal?” You asked, curiously.
“Of course. All we ever hear is either ‘She can be so stubborn sometimes and I want to smash her face with a brick,’ or ‘She gets me and I just want to be able to thank her.’ There’s really no in between; Jungkook either hates her or loves her,” One of the boys said, matter of factly.
You did your best to refrain from blushing and turned toward Jungkook with a forced smirk. He was staring at the boy who just spoke with his nose crinkled up and eye slightly twitching. 
“Too much information, Namjoon hyung.”
Namjoon shrugged in response and you laughed aloud. “Awe, that’s cute. You have a little crush on your pen pal,” You pinched his cheek, lovingly.
Rolling his eyes, he gestured to you, “See? Now she’s not going to let that go!”
You nodded in confirmation, “Never.”
You went through introductions and now knew the names of his friends. Easier for you; now you didn’t have to refer to them as ‘insert hair color here’ boy. 
“It was nice to meet you, Y/N, but I have a feeling Jungkook wants us to go away,” Jin, the eldest, motioned toward Jungkook who was looking impatient. 
“Yes, actually. Please do,” Jungkook smiled, sweetly. The boys rolled their eyes and bid you goodbye and then it was back to you and Jungkook. It was when they finally left when Jungkook tugged at your hand again and begin walking.
“Now, where are we going first?” You asked for which Jungkook answered with a mischievous smirk. 
HEY!!! Miss me? Sorry I didn’t post at all yesterday *begs for forgiveness* but here’s part seven! I hope you enjoy!!
Part 8?
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cherrycxsmos · 4 years
I wake up to the sound of my alarm blaring at 6:29 in the morning. Letting out an exhausted yawn I force myself out of bed. A shiver runs through my body as my feet touch the cold marble floor. I trudge over to the bathroom, hitting my pinky toe on my desk chair in the process. A small hiss left my lips and I limp to the bathroom, turning on the light. The brightness of the light has me temporarily shielding my eyes as my pupils get used to the change. I glance up at the mirror and I catch sight of my tired, worn out, and annoyed appearance since I was robbed of my 1 minute of sleep. Baggy eyes, disheveled afro, dried up drool at each corner of my mouth. I let out a quiet chuckle and turned on the water faucet so I could wash my face and brush my teeth.
 It’s too quiet. 
“Alexa, play my k-pop music box playlist, volume to 3”, I said loud enough for the speaker to hear but quiet enough that it wouldn’t disturb the rooms that surrounded mine. The soft music played through my room as I finished getting ready for the day. 
By 9 am I was ready for my first class of the day, but I would rather stay in bed. I sigh and begin to walk out the door when I receive an email from my professor. “Class has been cancelled. Please work on the assignment that is written on the syllabus and prepare it for the next class.” Overcome with immense joy, I step back inside of my apartment and return to my room. I throw my bag onto my chair and climb on to my bed. I grab my koala stuffed animal and cling on to it as an actual koala would cling and the warmth of my blanket makes it easy for me to fall into a euphoric state of sleep.
  Wake up…
Wake up…
Wake up…
“Lorelei wake up...” I awake to the feeling of someone shaking me. I stretch and yawn, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and see that it’s my best friend and roommate, Hani. 
“Eonni... You’re gonna be late to your Korean class. Get up.” Hani says with an annoyed tone and her arms crossed. I check the time and oh my goodness it’s almost noon. I shoot up from my bed and grab my bag from my bean bag chair.
 “Do you think I will have enough time to get food?” I ask, “Class doesn’t start for another 45 minutes.” She shrugs and sits down at her desk.
 “If you hurry up and get there in the next…” She pauses to look at her watch and continues, 
“15 minutes, you should be fine.” I shoot her a thumbs up before putting on my pink fluffy slides and rushing out of the dorm. 
As soon as I step outside, the warm summer air greets me. It’s not terribly hot outside like it has been for the past few days. Should I get a snack or an actual meal? I look at the time seeing that I only have about 20 minutes before my next class starts. It looks like I’ll only have time for a snack. I walk briskly to the nearest corner market. Walking into the store, the smell of fresh bread fills the air and I see that a line of about 5-6 has formed in front of the cashier. I make a beeline straight to where the kimbap and the egg sandwiches are and I take one of each. By the time I get to the line, it has gone down to 3 people. I stand in line for 5 minutes before I’m next and I quickly pay for my food and hurry back to campus. 
As I walk into the building, a group of students that are in my class are standing outside of the classroom waiting for the door to be unlocked. There are some students talking about a party happening this weekend and their plans after this class, while others are stressing over a grade they got on their test in their last class. I lean my body against the wall and close my eyes, still tired from my nap, when I feel someone tap my shoulder. I open my eyes partly and turn my head to see my classmate that I am pretty good friends with, Eden.
 “Are you feeling alright?” Eden questions with concern etched over her face.
 I nod and stand up straight. “I’m just drained.. if I could drop out, I would but my parents would kill me. And I’d honestly give anything not to be in this class right now.” I reply with a chuckle. Eden nods and looks around my shoulder, pointing at the students that are filing inside of the classroom. 
“Lets go, the door is unlocked.” She moves towards the classroom. Following her into the room, I see a few new students and the most alluring guy catches my eye. I find myself staring and we make eye contact for half of a second before I look away. I quickly walk to my seat next to Eden and set my food down on the desk.
 “Hey… Eden… Did you happen to see the new guy?” I ask her in a voice loud enough for only her to hear. She scans the room with a confused look on her face. 
“Which one?” She asks. Before I can utter another word she notices. “Ohhhhh him?” She says loud enough for the whole class to hear. My eyes widen in sheer panic. I take a quick glance around the room to see if anyone heard her and I made eye contact with the new boy again. 
My face begins to heat up and I turn away from him utterly mortified. “Pipe down!” I exclaim as I cover my face with my hands in embarrassment and Eden suppresses a laugh.  I fan my face to ease the heat from the embarrassment I have been subjected to. As soon as I calm down, I put my kimbap in my bag and unwrap my sandwich, taking a bite out of it. 
 The surrounding chatter from the other students starts to die down as soon as our professor walks in. I internally groan. This man is the definition of boring. He sets his stuff down on the podium and starts his lecture. 
 “Good afternoon class. Today you will be starting on a presentation, and it has to be on something that we haven't learned about already in this class. Since this is beginner Korean, I’m not going to have you do it all in Korean. You guys can do it over the history of Korea itself, or pick an era during the Korean Kingdoms. I am going to pair you guys up. This project is due by the end of the semester so work diligently on it.” He then clears his throat to begin to call out our names and assign pairs.
 “I hope he partners us up together.” Eden whispers to me. I shrug knowing better than that. “I highly doubt it,” I respond between bites. ‘“Eden Yaloussi and Rylee Lambert…. Lorelai Beaulieu and Leo Castillo…” He starts to list monotonously. Leo Castillo? Who is that?
 “... Winnie Lau and Helena Brown… I think that's everyone. Please go ahead and break out into your pairs.” He sits his paper down and saunters up to the board to write our due date. I looked over to Eden, who is already packing up her stuff to move.
 “Do you know who Leo Castillo is?” I ask her as I take the last bite of my sandwich. She shakes her head. 
“That would be me.” Someone voices.
I shift my gaze to the boy that just walked up and is now standing beside Eden.  It's the new guy. Now that he is up close, he’s taller than I had originally thought. Eden quickly shuffles away and I stand up to greet him. 
“Hi, I’m Lorelai.”
“I’m Leo.” He responds back with a smile. I sit back down in my seat and gesture to the seat next me beckoning him to sit down. He moves to sit down next to me and the warm smell of his cologne wafts to my nose and intoxicates me. 
“So… I think we should do our project on the Goryeo Dynasty. There’s a lot of information on that time and we can even focus on one of the many popular kings.” I suggest and he just nods along. I glance at him and take note of tanned skin and scattered freckles along his cheeks. 
“I’m free after this class if you want to get started on it. We can meet in the library. ” He says and I nod in agreement. I write down our topic, as well as the due date that our professor had written up on the board. 
I start packing my stuff and peek up at Leo and see that he has focused his gaze elsewhere.  “Do you want to walk together to the library?” 
He shifts his gaze back to me and awkwardly laughs. “I thought that’s what we were going to do anyways.”
“Well I didn’t want to assume.” I laughed.
Soon after, the professor ends class and students begin filing out of the classroom. I pick up my book bag and turn to Leo who was packing his things.
“Ready?” I ask him
“Yeah, let’s go.”
With that, we walk out of the room and out of the building towards the library.
As we walk, the sound of other students' conversations fills the air and the sensible smell of magnolias and freshly mowed grass surrounds us. 
“So.. since we are partners, I guess it’s only customary that I get to know you a bit better.” I recommend, peeking up at him. 
He lets out a chuckle and nods. “Okay. What do you wanna know?”
“Anything.. Like where are you from? What’s your major?”
“Hollister, California and I used to major in Computer Science but I changed my major to International Affairs. What about you?” He asks.
“Me? Well.. I’m from Vancouver, Washington and I major in Business. And I guess that explains why you’re in Beginners Korean” I respond back to him.
He nods his head and hums quietly. The rest of the walk to the library is silent between us, only the sound of the birds chirping and cars passing by in the distance could be heard. Five minutes later, we reach the library and Leo holds the door open, allowing me to walk in first.
As I walk in, the familiar woody smell of the building as well as the scent of old books fill my nose. I lead Leo to an emptier area of the library and find a table big enough for us to spread our belongings out on. I set my book bag down on top of the table and take out my kimbap. 
“Would you like some?” I ask Leo, knowing it would be rude for me to eat in front of him without offering. 
He shakes his head. “No thank you. I ate before class.”
I shrug and sit down, pulling out my notebook and a pencil. “Okay.. So I know the basics of that era. It was founded by Wang Geon, who would be the first ruler of the dynasty, he unified the majority of the other kingdoms under Goryeo, and he had a lot of political reforms. That’s about it.” I twiddle my pencil in between my fingers and sigh. Leo takes a seat across from me and takes out his laptop. “Well that’s somewhat of a start. The only ruler I really only know about is Wang So… Well Gwangjong because of that one Korean drama. Scarlet Heart I think it’s called” He chuckles. I look at Leo in utter amazement. He looks back at me with a clueless look on his face. “I know that drama too.” I tell him in an excited whisper. He grins and we begin to talk about how one character was done wrong, completely forgetting about the reason we came to the library in the first place. I find myself staring at him as he spoke, taking into account the tiny details that I missed when I first came in contact with him. The raspiness of his voice, his emerald green eyes, and his honey coloured hair.  
“Lorelai.. Earth to Lorelai…” Leo waves his hand and front of my face and I jolt up. 
“I am so sorry. I zoned out for a second. It happens a lot… too much if you ask me..” The feeling of embarrassment washing over my body. “Let’s… Get back to work.”
We worked this way everyday until it was our time to present. During this time, we got to know more about each other. We even spent time together outside of working on the project. I started to notice the little quirks that he had and he probably didn’t notice that he had them. Like the way he would tilt his head whenever someone confused him. He told me that  isn’t the type to get angry and he is rather patient. We learned about each other's likes and dislikes during the month we worked together and it made us closer than we thought. I 
Finally, it was the day of our presentation. 
At 6:30 am, I wake up to the sound of my alarm blaring.  I force myself out of bed and hobble over to the bathroom, being careful not to hurt myself like I usually do every morning. I do my usual morning routine of brushing my teeth and skincare. My professor for my 8 am class cancelled again so this gives me more time to do my hair and makeup. I also make sure to eat breakfast so I am not rushing to get food before class.
A few hours later, I was ready for class. As I am leaving the room, Hani walks in with a look of glee on her face.
“Well well well.. I don’t think I have ever seen you this happy.” I backtrack and see how happy she really looks .
“I just got an A on my project for European history and an A on my statistics and marketing exam!” She exclaims as she plops down on her bed.
“Congratulations! I know you needed those two As in order for you to pass the class right?”
She nods and sighs out in sheer joy. “Now my parents won’t be on my tail about failing.”
“That’s true.. Well I have to get going now, I’m going to be late.” I say to her and before I can leave, she stops me.
“Eonni… You haven’t told him yet have you?” She questions.
I let out an embarrassed giggle. “No.. but I will today.. after class..” I respond back and scurry out of the room before she can say anything else. Walking out of the dorm, the smell of burnt charcoal from a barbeque fills my nose and the warm summer air touches my skin. Thankfully I picked out the right clothes for the weather. I travel to the building where my class is in and see that people have already gone inside. I stroll inside of the classroom and see that Eden and Leo were already seated. I wave at Leo and move to go sit in my seat beside Eden.
“So… have you told him yet?” Eden asks before I can get comfortable.
I sighed. “I’m going to tell him after class.”
She looked at me with a determined demeanor. “You better. You have to say something before it’s too late.” 
She’s right… 
Moments later, the professor walks in and sets his stuff down on the podium, starting his lecture.
“Today you guys will be presenting. We will have two pairs go today and 2 pairs go next class.” He pauses briefly, looking at his list. “First up is Lorelai and Leo. Their presentation is on the Goryeo Dynasty.” 
Leo and I move from our seats and up to the front of the class. Leo goes to the computer to pull up the powerpoint presentation. 
Leo moves to stand next to me once the powerpoint is pulled up.
“Hello my name is Lorelai.”
“And my name is Leo. Our project is on the Goryeo Dynasty.”
We spend ten minutes presenting, talking about the major accomplishments of the Goryeo Dynasty as well as some key figures. We finish with a bow and walk back to our seats. “Leo.. I need to talk to you after class. It’s important.” 
Glancing over at him, I watch him look down at his phone and his expression changes from a neutral expression to one of seriousness. He looks over at me and I quickly look away.
Fifteen minutes go by and the pair is done presenting, they go back to their seats and the professor comes back up to the podium. “Thank you to the two pairs that presented. That was very informational. Alright guys.” The professor says with a yawn. “I’ll see you guys next class. Be safe.” 
The students begin to file out of the class and I see Leo follow everyone out of class. I get up from my seat and say my goodbyes to Eden and a few of my other classmates before walking out of the classroom. 
“Lorelai!” I hear a familiar voice call out. 
I turn to see that it’s Leo and a wave of anxiety floods over me.
 How am I going to tell this guy that I like him? 
“You said that you had something important to tell me?”
“Yeah.” I take a deep breath and exhale. 
Now is the time to tell him… I can’t wait any longer.
“Leo… The time that I spent with you has made me the happiest person and I just wanted to tell you that I like you..” I blurt out.
He’s silent and another wave of anxiety washes over me. 
“Say something… Anything..” I say and I begin to lose the bit of confidence I had left. 
A/N: Should I continue?
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