#the cat king is definitely pan
Am I supposed to be attracted to the Cat King👀🤔
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shit-talker · 5 months
Roach definitely has a tiktok where he literally just shitposts but it is super fucking popular for no reason. Because of the really spotty internet he has basically all of the time, he doesn't really interact with any of his fans, but there was once like five months where he didnt post and people started cancelling him for "propaganda".
It had all pretty much calmed down by the time he even realised it was happening, but in response he posted a video of Gaz and Soap, both high on pain meds laying in beds next to each other meowing at each other because they both think the other is a real cat (for some reason). He just slowly pans it to Ghost, who is sitting deadly still, eyes balnkly staring at a wall. He looks tormented. He switches the camera to his own face and pulls the polite-awkward-british-smile and just nods.
It's got clown music playing in the background, and the caption with absolutely no hashtags is just "Honestly thought my account was the definition of 'anti propoganda' but ok (i am in hell (please save me (this is a joke (for legal reasons (god bless the queen)))))
Almost every single comment is ; "It's a king now actually"
He then posts a video of him and the guys all saluting to a picture of Trisha Paytas. No caption at all. No hashtags.
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stainedglassandpigs · 2 months
Some of my head cannons for luffy
-Wavy hair but he rarely lets it get past his shoulders mostly a short shag
-Brook often styles luffy outfits
-He has freckles but not manny just a few big ones
-(I love his little running thing with Hercules beetles I think he loves them most but generally has a fascination with bugs)
-Ppl often make the mistake of thinking sending Robin out to a new island with luffy means everything will be fine but they often have to leave islands early bc of the Kaos the two get into while out together
-Has a tattoo on his back (its the one from the official art where they all have tattoos I just really like that one but I don’t really see luffy having many visible tattoos) ofc he got it after meeting law on the low luffy is a big copy cat
-He had his ears pierced (5 in total. Each side both have the standard done but one side has a singular cartilage done and the other has double) it’s a family thing so Garp, dragon, sabo, and ace all have at least their standard lobb pierced.
-He doesn’t drink much not for any real deep reason, and especially won’t drink Sake with random people, only his crew on rare occasions bc of the significance with his brothers.
-Isn’t a good cleaner but not bc he doesn’t try he’s just genuinely not good. Sanji and him spent so much time in the kitchen together eventually he was a bit above average at helping in the kitchen, everywhere else he’s horrible at
-His rooms is moderately decorate but the area in his room with the most attention is the photo wall area
-The crew hold a spa day once a month (mostly in part bc nami got so tried of the collective lack of care from certain crew mates *camera dramatically pans to zoro and luffy*) when they do nail polish luffy is always matching with someone bc he can never just pick one color
-Big big hugger, don’t even try to run it will only make the hug more intense
-Unibrow king, it naturally thins toward the center but it’s definitely there
-He may not be much of a trinket keeper cause he’s always moving so much from place to place after merry he was more strict with what came in and out of his room but if you give him something he’ll keep it for as long as possible. I know we see that with his straw hat but in other aspects to like you go to put some of his laundry away and see a pen you lent him a long time ago laying around.
-Luffy hates to be still for to long but if someone on the crew is sick you’ll usually find him near them or if they will allow it lying in bed right next to them and be really gaf bout getting sick, he just wants to be there for his friends
-Because there can be a lot of dead time out at sea Robin taught him to crochet but he only knows one pattern and that’s a fish and he refuses to learn more patterns bc the first one was so hard. Now though on particular boring days random crochet fishes will pop up around the sunny
-Someone once called chopper a pet and got flung cross the island
-He doesn't have a favorite flower but whenever the town/island ppl give them gifts after the crew helps them without fail luffy always ends up with sunflowers.
-He has sharp k-9s ( no one knows this put him and nami both have a matching gold tooth there isn’t even any big reason either they were out shopping on day and nami seen a beautiful women with a grill and convinced luffy to get one tooth done with her )
-Ussop makes his jesus sandals
-Sabo and him penpal cause Sabo wanted to be more up to date with his little brother in as many ways a possible and the den den Mushi calls weren’t cutting it . Sabo’s are nicely done and always have a cute photo of something he’s seen while luffys just always written on the back of a wanted poster of people he knows and luffys always sends him a sea shell from each island
-Luffy loves a good sweet but he also loves his friends more and chopper’s favorite food category is sweets so when they’re on island luffy always gets him the last piece of a really good sweet.
-He can sleep anywhere, once Franky found him alseep standing up and it scared ts outta him
-He has a Portuguese (Spanish if you think of him more as the live action) accent but rarely get to actually speak Portuguese so when he does he’s even more excited.
-He’s taught the crew enough to understand him and respond, Sanji on the other hand knows Spanish and argues with him all the time.
-When him and Sabo are on the phone they speak in Portuguese exclusively
-Always giving ppl the middle finger
-Sometimes he just won’t want to sleep alone and the crew will randomly wake up with him snuggled up to them, locked doors will not stop him.
-Zoro try’s to get the crew to train with him sometimes and fails but he has a trick up his sleeve for each member to get them to train. He got luffy bc he turns it into a game, only downside for zoro is he does genuinely have to come up with a prize each time for luffy
-I know the street love ace luffy and I can see it but I can also see the he gets bitches angle, I’m more of a middle man with this and that he got moves but barely cares to put them into actions and most times doesn’t
-On sight when it comes to insulting his loved one like the person barely can finish letting out the insult (or whatever) b4 luffy on they ass
-He’s bad with dates but big on birthdays, like the one number he can always remember without fail and will have a lil sum arranged
-Jimbei luffy favorite nap partner and they be going Olympic when it comes to taking long ass naps on sunny days
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Marius: absolutely cannot believe that there is never a line for Muppet 3D. Favorites rides: Muppet 3D and Journey into Imagination with Figment definitely. thinks the Disney junior dance party is cool even though he's an adult
Javert: hunting Valjean, no time for rides. goes to customer service asking if they've seen a strong older fellow and his daughter walking around magic kingdom. (Alternative: works there) however, he does like one ride. favorite rides: The Haunted Mansion
Enjolras: forcibly removed from animal kingdom for trying to free the animals, forcibly removed from magic kingdom for trying to start an uprising against the king of this supposed kingdom, is only allowed at EPCOT and Hollywood Studios now. Favorite rides: he thinks toy story mania is ok, that's basically it. Definitely a fan of the World Showcase though.
Valjean: literally just there because cosette wants to go, favorite rides are peter pan's flight and the nemo ride.
Cosette: Absolute thrill ride fanatic, favorite ride is Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind because yes. Likes watching the fireworks w/ Marius. People mistake her for being a Disney princess 24/7
ENTIRE THENARDIER FAMILY: Trying to actually bond with each other for once, gets in absolutely insane escapades. They lose Gavroche for like 6 hours at Animal Kingdom and Madame Thenardier's like ''eh he'll be fine'' and later they find him hanging out in like, the monkey habitat somehow. They also lose their car for like another 6 hours in the parking lot and Monsieur Thenardier is like ''you brats were supposed to remember the goddamn number'' until he realizes Gavroche is missing again. Favorite rides/attractions: Gav - Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular, Eponine - Slinky Dog Dash probably, Madame + Monsieur Thenardier - probably Mission Space or anywhere where they can easily steal from people.
Les Amis (Includes Enjolras, Marius, and Ep/Gav despite the fact that I mentioned them already. They go on multiple trips aight): They all go on Kali River Rapids @ Animal Kingdom (before Enj was banned) and Enjolras ends up looking like a grumpy wet cat after it. Courf's favorite ride is Soarin', 100%.
that is it for now this had no point I hope you laughed feel free to leave suggestions in the tags or comments
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mundane127 · 8 months
i just wanna watch tv / m.taeil
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inspired by this really cute illustration by Paige Tompkins on instagram (@paige_on_a_page)💕
here's some domestic! lazy day! taeil because i am missing taeil a lot!
it was a constant battle, a challenge between the fastest of hands and the earliest bird. it would determine whether you would be bored to no end or deeply enthralled, while of course, everyone's choice is subjective. there is no doubt about how much you and taeil love your flat-screen television. man's best creation that allowed the world you've never had the chance to explore to magically appear on that slim layer of perfectly engineered bulbs, wafers, and circuits. did you mention that this is no ordinary flat screen? it's the newest flat-screen with enhanced color and had the highest definition of all television sets in the market. taeil's friends flock to the living room whenever they come over to play video games, instantly after dropping their gifts on the kitchen counter and screaming a quick hello to you.
today, unfortunately, you emerged second place and taeil was the king of the television. he must have secretly set an alarm and prepared his cereal choice the night before because lo and behold, you were awoken by conversations from what seemed like a documentary. pushing your comforter away, you put on your plush slippers and walked towards the living room. the glow of the TV blinded your eyes a little as you squint at the title.
"love transit 2"
ah, taeil's favorite programme. how could you have forgotten that today was the broadcast of the latest season and of course, taeil has to be up first to binge it. you panned your vision to see the love of your life, cross-legged and leaning into the crevice of the sofa, savouring a bowl of now soggy cereal between his palms, while still in his loved muji striped pajamas, clearly extremely absorbed to realize your presence.
you sauntered towards the empty spot beside him, shoulders sagged in defeat. leaning your legs against the wall as you lay upside down, watching the contestants and panelists dissect every micro-detail with every tiny action made. you weren't exactly the biggest fan of reality series because they lingered in the grey area of a drama and a documentary which kept you guessing if they were truthful and natural.
like a well-conditioned cat butler, taeil places his cold palms on your exposed belly, giving it small scratches and rubs, but his eyes never once left the screen.
"blood is going to rush to your head like that, sit right." even when he was engrossed, he was still so wary of your well-being.
the position of the remote control caught your attention. right in the middle between you and him - almost less than an arm distance away. peeking up to see taeil lifting his bowl to his lips to sip on the milk, you exploited that momentary vulnerability. reaching your hands out, your fingers deftly gets hold of the top of the remote control. so close to victory, only for five tiny feet fingers (aka toes) to anchor them back down.
turning to taeil, you see his eyes now fixated on you and an evil grin etched on his lips. he slowly sets the empty bowl on the coffee table, his toes simultaneously dragging your precious remote control towards his side,
"nuh uh baby, you know the rules. remember when you made me binge watch the shrek franchise with you? and now you shall feel my wrath." taeil scoffs before letting out a despicable laugh.
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thelemonsnek · 5 months
Lmfao @ tmau: There must be a bit of an adjustment period for the strange new things that keep happening around the bosses since they got back. Emmet just shows up to work like a zombie out of the floor sometimes. How does boss Ingo seem to always be in the other room when we need him/ gossip about him?? I didn't even know we had a room there. I swear that room was not there before.
Also. Apocalypse ds. How did that pan out for Jon and the crew?
Yup! There's a bunch of stuff that the commuters, challengers and staff all need to get used to shdjd for example, Curio and I made it canon that Ingo eats paperwork if he's not paying attention, as a reference to a fic we both read!
Cameron: hey if you have a moment I'd really appreciate your feedback on this form,
Ingo, not paying attention: [eats the form]
Cameron: hey Ingo could you check out this other form too,
To keep things even Emmet gets to have dirt snacks. As a treat <3
And YEAHDJDJ Ingo just always being in the perfect place (for him)
Isadore voice guys I think Ingo has been gaslighting me, I don't know how he's doing it but he is
Ingo peeking around a doorway that definitely was never there before: what?
Isadore: HW-
And godd the idea of Emmet just rising up like a classic horror movie zombie in their office is SO funny
But yeah to be clear, despite the joking around it's not. Good. And the only ones who know how bad it really is are Ingo, Emmet, and their victims
And the apocalypse ds
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[image id: an edit of a cat's face that has been heavily edited. The eyes are edited onto the ears, and nose and mouth are both vastly larger, taking up the majority of the face and giving it a big ol dopey smile. A few heart emojis surround it. End id]
Gonna be so real we haven't developed this as much as everything else, except we definitely know that there's just a beat up old ds cartridge spinning at the center of it all. Honestly maybe it's still kiiind of the eye reigning over everything, since it's Jon's game?
Ingo and Emmet do get domains btw :3c which becomes plot relevant later on in the story
@curiositykilledtheradiostar is there anything else we developed about the apocalypse that I forgot about?
Actually also. Wouldn't it be so funny if the equivalent for the pupil were just. Someone playing the game. To be king of a ruined world you've gotta give in and become a gamer, Jonah 😤
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parrot-with-a-mohawk · 5 months
B the Beginning opinions and season 2 rewrite
The opinions
Recently, I rewatched B the Beginning, since I found out it had a season 2 and was like "heck yeah, I'd like to see more of those characters and that world".
Season 1 was great. 9.5/10. The plot was woven well and it was compact, the characters were adorned with small details and quirks that made them complex people rather than just characters and the animation and direction were full of character. Legendary outro song. The whole show had it's own unique feel. I don't really have any criticisms.
Season 2 was garbage. The plot was all over the place. The characters were reduced to caricatures of their former selves. The snappy dialogue and the neverending and meaningful action (even in the short quiet scenes) were replaced with neverending dialogue and short and meaningless action scenes. The animation and direction were bland and generic. The outro song was also generic. To me, it was a bore even as background noise. I quit during episode 4.
Which is why I made a rewrite of season 2 in my head. I don't claim this rewrite to be a fix, or even good. I'm sure whoever worked on season 1 would be able to write something much better than what I am about to vomit here.
The rewrite
The season starts with Keith and Lily together at a crime scene, eating freshly baked bean buns and sharing clues. They say "yeah, this is definitely a copy-cat" then the shot pans out to reveal the Killer B signature on the wall.
Cue intro, then the scene shifts to Kirisame showing up just like the original, but, instead of his "new world order" thing, his plan would have been to make Koku the king of Cremona. He was shown in season 1 to be the one most loyal to Koku. Koku would refuse, because he just wants to live peacefully with Yuna and his violin repair job, even offering Kirisame his arm back. Kirisame says no and that he'll be back.
Meanwhile, the RIS is super busy, because a big series of murders is happening: the king's heirs are being killed one by one and all of them have the "Killer B" signature on them (the crime scene at the start was also one of those heirs). Also, Keith is nowhere to be found (again). Lily is the one to have to find him (again).
Lily and Keith both know it's not Koku this time, even though the signatures look like his now. All of the crime scenes had golden ampule residue, including inside the bodies and all of the vicious wounds happened after death.
Keith is doing independent investigations and has already figured out Kirisame is involved. Then, late at night, at the heir crime scene from the beginning, Keith finds some golden ampule residue and also meets with Kirisame. The latter is like "Canopus, you have to convince Koku to claim his rightful place" and Keith, in his mind, is like "yeah, this guy is NOT the mastermind" (with a subtle close-up shot of his eyes and no inner thoughts monologue, to let the audience interpret the scene).
Anyways, there is only one heir remaining (it's the bald dude with the ginger beard) and RIS has to protect him, together with all the cops and the royal security. Meanwhile, Lily is revisiting all of the other heir crime scenes and uses her own methods to deduce the mystery. She discovers that all of them were cut with the same sharp weapon that was used to carve the Killer B signs and asks Yuna about it. Koku is also nowhere to be found. Yuna says that it was definitely done with blue steel (because maybe it leaves some kind of residue or something), so Kirisame couldn't have killed them, because he doesn't have any of that, since Koku has it as his arm. So, together they go to the library to do some research on the royal family history, to find some more leads. Lily finds out from Yuna that the royal family branched out some 1000 years ago and that the current king is from that branch, while the original bloodline fell into obscurity. Lily then wonders if Koku might be of the original bloodline, and that is why Kirisame wants him to be king that badly, but Yuna says no, the royal family are heirs of the guy who killed the first Black King (she did lots of research together with Keith).
Suddenly, Lily gets a call from Boris, who called everyone. The last heir disappeared, everyone is dead, including a bunch of armed strangers and Mario is gravely injured and unconscious. On the way to the station, Koku shows up, all beaten and bruised, but he heals while he tells them basically the same thing and that the apparent leader of that attack had a mask on his face, so he couldn't tell who it was. Then, a video transmission is put on tv. Someone is tied to a chair, with a bag on his head, in a castle room, and Kirisame's voice booms out "Let the rightful King take his place! If he doesn't claim his throne in the next 24 hours, then the person on the chair will die and we know you don't want this to happen to this particular person.".
Everyone at RIS is now in full activity. Kaela is tracking down the source of the transmission, Bran is gathering data on all medieval places, Eric is managing everyone and Boris is contacting all of the important and helpful people who are left. Lily realises that she can faintly hear waves while Kirisame is talking, so Kaela and Bran narrow it down and find out that there is a lone tower at sea, that had been around since the first king of Cremona.
Koku gets out his wings and everyone is like "What is this, what is happened, Lily explain". So Lily tells them the truth about Killer B. Everyone is conflicted and Chin-four-eyes says that he should have all three of them arrested, but they'll deal with this after the first heir is saved.
Then, Boris gets a call from the hospital. It's Mario and he tells them that they were attacked by a small army of people (who the audience knows they're all Reggies), and that Koku fought most of them off and that it's thanks to him that he's alive to tell the tale. Lily insists that Koku is a good guy, while Yuna is ready to throw hands with anyone who would touch even just the tip of one of his feathers. Everyone is conflicted, but Eric takes the lead and starts directing everyone to their priorities. Kaela gives them communication devices and sets up a tracking software (for their security, but also just in case they try to flee). Lily, Koku and Yuna get a boat and head to the King's Tower.
It's strangely empty, except for a few other boats. Koku goes bird and flies to the top. Lily and Yuna climb the stairs there (actually, does Yuna also have wings? I remember both skeletons had wings, so Yuna should be able to go bird also). They find the hostage and Lily pulls the bag from his face, but it's not the heir. It's Keith, all bruised up and unconscius. Lily tries to wake him up, but she doesn't get to do much, because Kirisame shows up and holds a monologue about Koku "finally coming to take his place as rightful ruler of this land". Keith wakes up briefly and tells Lily ina muted voice that Kirisame is not the mastermind. Koku jumps to fight Kirisame but, just then, someone comes from behind and stabs Kirisame in the back. Kirisame dies, but not before giving his last words ("Koku,... you are... our true king"). The backstabber comes in to the light and it's... the last heir guy. He manipulated Kirisame to do his bidding, so he could be the last heir and inherit the throne. Now that Kirisame is dead, everything is resolved and they can just take him back to Creona so he can be crowned. It's not like they can do anything to him, since he's crucial to the succesion and it would cause some more war, when Creona had just recovered from the previous one. Koku can't help but notice that the knife in his hand is made of blue steel ("so you were the one impersonating Killer B"). Koku tells Lily to get Keith and get away from here, to somewhere safe, then he proceeds to fight with the last heir guy. Lily gets Keith and moves to the boat, while Yuna protects them from the mini-army of Reggies that was now raiding the place.
During the fight, last heir guy tells Koku about the line of kings and the branching out and that it connects to the Jaula Blanca institute. That one of the big hands there was actually his uncle/grandfather/something, who was also a scion of the first king, therefore making Koku also a rightful heir to the throne (which would make his killing all the more satisfactory).
Finally, on the boat, after Yuna dispatched the last Reggie, Keith fully wakes up and tells them that he know who the real mastermind is. It's not the last heir guy either. Is the king himself. While Keith was imprisoned there, Kirisame told him about the new age of prosperity for the Reggies Koku would bring and that, soon, the Reggies would no longer need golden ampules to live, but that Koku needed to take the throne for that to happen. Kirisame was also dropping hints that he didn't have much left to live/keep his sanity anyway, because he was chugging golden ampules like water. Keith figured the rest out by himself.
Basically, the mastermind was someone who had an interest to have the heirs kill eachother and that the golden ampules had something to do with it. The Reggies would die without those ampules, so they clearly contain something to prolong life. Therefore, the mastermind was someone who was seeking immortality as a human and who was also rich enough to be able to invest in research to make the ampules work on normal humans, not just Reggies. And that someone could only be the king.  Lily was like "you crazy, immature, reckless, good for nothing, dumbass", while holding his face in her hands and crying. Right then, Koku, landed on the boat, carrying the unconscius and beaten up last heir guy (Kirisame's body turned to ash). They went back to the mainland.
Back at mainland, Koku, Yuna and Lily instantly get their hands cuffed, as well as last heir guy (still fainted), and they have to explain the Lohengrim prophecy thing, together with the king's conspiracy, with Keith backing them up. Kaela and Mario understand. Bran doesn't really agree with all this. Boris sees Lily as a daughter, so he looks at this with an open mind and tells Eric to do the same. Eric says that they'll see if they can confirm this when they interogate last heir guy later.
They interrogate him and confirm everything. Last heir guy was like "Father never cared about us anyway! He was always absorbed in his research and politics, that he didn't even notice his sons and nephews were dying". They also found out from him that he was the one who poisoned the other heirs with golden ampules. So now the RIS was making a plan the stage an interview with the king and somehow get him to reveal the location of the research facility. Thankfully, a big meating with the press was happening in a few days, related to the last heir's arrest.
Lily and Bran disguise themselves as reporters and go to the press meeting and ask the king about the "miracle cure he's investing in that they heard rumors about". Every other reporter becomes super interested in this and everyone starts pestering the king. That was the plan, because, while all this was happening, Kaela was hacking into the royal computers, while Mario and Boris were doing spy work, in case it was all on paper. They find some stuff about chemical recepies and also a secret schedule with a "special" meeting at one of the historical sights.
That was all the proof they needed. All of the RIS agens come out and arrest the king for crimes against humanity. The king flees to the royal chambers. The agents run after him. In the royal chamber, the king opens a drawer and drinks the golden ampule inside. The shot then pans to Koku, sitting in the window frame all menacingly. The king says, without turning "I was planning to save this for after I framed my own death. Oh, well." The king's body then starts to shift all weirdly and he becomes young again. His hair is dark red and he sprouts wings, just like Koku's. Epic aerial battle ensues. The king is very strong and nearly kills Koku, who was already tired from fighting constantly. Still, Koku wins epicly and kills the king (strikes him doooowwwnnn).
Epilogue happens. After Lily and Yuna bring genetic evidence, it is proved that Koku is a legitimate heir. Koku is crowned as king. He takes Yuna as his queen and invests in golden ampule research to make ampules that have permanent effects to make Reggies healthy and autonomous even after 20 years of age. The kings death is ruled out as a stroke from overdose. Lily and Keith are on a nice date at the newly opened cafe. Keith is blushing aggresively the entire time. The other RIS guys are shown minding their personal lives in still shots (like, Boris with his grandkids, Bran playing a detective video game, Mario with 2 cats, Kaela with a big dog, Eric with his wife and kids, stuff like that), all with a chill anime song on the background. Or the season 1 outro. Or both.
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catalyst-and-chaos · 2 years
the squad’s sexualities because I’m gay and I said so:
Zila: she’s not tall.
Scar: pan.
Fin: bisexual king
Tyler: definitely bi but in denial
Kal: omni. I cannot explain it.
Auri: golden straight, also ace (?)
Cat: have you seen the girl? Bisexual.
Saedii: queer. can’t explain it, only that she’s not straight.
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twistedtummies2 · 9 months
Fifteen Days of Disney Magic - Number 6
Welcome to Fifteen Days of Disney Magic! In honor of the company’s 100th Anniversary, I am counting down my Top 15 Favorite Movies from Walt Disney Animation Studios! To introduce today’s entry, I have only this to say: “Most Everyone’s Mad Here.” Number 6 is…Alice in Wonderland.
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This is the other film, alongside “The Great Mouse Detective,” where I feel – if you know me well – it’s high placement will not remotely be surprising. Whereas, if you don’t know me well, it will likely be VERY surprising. Honestly, I can settle why “Alice” is so high on my list with a single sentence: Lewis Carroll’s “Alice” stories are my favorite books, and I personally think the Disney version is the best movie treatment of the books, as well as one of my personal favorites. That’s really all I NEED to say. But you came here to hear me ramble, I think. Possibly. Maybe. So I guess I have to. :P The history of Walt Disney and “Alice” is actually pretty fascinating on its own, leaving the movie alone: this, alongside “Peter Pan,” was one of the first movies Walt wanted to make, and was actually considered for his first feature film, and then his second, way back in the 1930s. Ultimately, Walt went with “Snow White” for his first film, but he never gave up on “Alice.” It’s pretty clear that Walt loved the story, because even before the Disney film ever got put into development, he’d used Wonderland as the basis for several of his earlier works. There were the famous “Alice Comedies” he produced during the silent era, which were not so much directly based on the books so much as just inspired by them, but are still worth noting. Later there was one of the best Mickey Mouse cartoons ever made, in most people’s minds, “Thru the Mirror,” where Mickey goes through the Looking-Glass, dances with the Queen of Hearts, duels the King, and has to deal with a multitude of animated objects. Initial treatments of the “Alice” story were much darker and more surreal than the final product; most notable was a treatment of the film by artist David Hall, which has sort of become legendary amongst Carrollians and fans of Disney trivia and lost media alike. However, it wasn’t until artist Mary Blair came onto the project – and after World War II drew to a close – that Disney finally felt confident in making the movie. Interestingly, when the film finally came out in 1951, it was something of a disappointment: critical reactions were lukewarm, at best, and it underperformed at the box office. However, over the years – with subsequent re-releases and exposure through various forms of merchandising and rides at the parks – the film gained a bigger and grander following. Nowadays, “Alice” isn’t exactly considered a great Disney classic, but it’s definitely not considered a failure.
In fact, in some ways, one could argue it’s one of the single most influential Disney movies of all time. It was certainly influential on later renditions of the story: coming from somebody whose obsession with the Carroll classics is well known, I can say with certain fact that the Disney film is actually far more responsible for the public perception and love of Alice today than perhaps ANY other version of the stories, including the books. (The only other possible contender is the video game “American McGee’s Alice” and its sequel, “Alice: Madness Returns.” Incidentally, RIP “Alice: Asylum.” May flights of EA idiots sing thee to thy rest.) A lot of things in this film that weren’t in the books now seem to just be accepted as common knowledge: for example, the Cheshire Cat in the books was an ordinary orange or gray tabby cat. The popular purple-and-pink design you’ll find riffed on in some fashion throughout so many interpretations was ENTIRELY the invention of Disney; it never existed before them, to my knowledge. Similarly, characters and story elements that are in the books but WEREN’T in the Disney film tend to be forgotten, even if they’ve been used and reused in tons and tons of other adaptations: there are plenty of versions of the Duchess and the Gryphon out there, but since neither of them are in the 1951 movie (nor the 2010 feature made by Tim Burton, for that matter), most people forget they even exist.
Even beyond other versions of Alice, however, the film has had a huge impact on pop culture, and even Disney itself, than most other films in the canon. Heck, at Disneyland, right now, there are no less than four rides that all reference “Alice in Wonderland.” Four! And that’s not even counting any other shows or attractions, or even any of the other rides at other parks. Nor is it counting video games, nor the numerous other Alice reimaginings that have come out and in some way been influenced by the 1951 picture JUST from Disney’s vaults alone, nor the ABUNDANCE of merchandise – both official and fanmade – based on this one movie. It isn’t a film that has the depth of plot, character, and thematics as something like “Beauty and the Beast” or “The Lion King,” nor is it as historically important as movies like “Snow White,” but I think “Alice” makes up for it by just being fun. It’s a fun, weird, psychedelic ride through the wilds of the imagination, and really, that’s always been what “Alice” SHOULD be, at the end of the day. Really, given my love of the story, in general, the REAL question should be not why “Alice in Wonderland” ranks so highly for me…but why isn’t it even higher? All I can say is, perhaps the films that do rank above it will offer some explanation… The Top 5 are upon us! The countdown continues tomorrow with my 5th Favorite Disney Movie! HINT: It’s the Only Modern Movie on The Countdown.
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beyondplusultra · 2 years
Akira/Ren for the character thing?
Sexuality Headcanon: Le Creuset (pan) Gender Headcanon: i can see him fitting anywhere in the spectrum, to be honest! genderfluid king A ship I have with said character: you must be new here if you really need me to answer this A BROTP I have with said character: i already answered with akira for ryuji, so i'm going to go with the coffee siblings for this one. points at them. POINTS AT THEM. he probably helps her dye her hair. he's her key item. it's very sweet. funnily enough, i also do believe that futaba definitely had a bit of a misunderstood crush on him because that's a common occurrence when someone is around you all the time and helps you out daily. she definitely latches on to him and hasn't really felt that way for anyone before, so she interprets it as infatuation. i can't see them going anywhere romantically though. as i've mentioned before, she's too sister-shaped. A NOTP I have with said character: here's the thing. he meshes so well with all of the other teen cast that i can't really say i have a notp there! even the ones that make me scratch my head, i can still understand where it comes from. A random headcanon: akira is allergic to cats, but mona isn't a cat. so to both their delights, that never poses a problem. General Opinion over said character: 10000/100. very good. blorbo. (also when i first saw the teaser trailer for vanilla, i had such intense feelings about his design. another case of anime crush, or so i thought. i've long since figured out that it was gender envy, of course.)
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skywitchmaja · 2 years
okay i’m gonna try this
disney movies ranked arbitrarily based on my selective memory, bias, and other petty reasons <3 the rules are pretty simple— each movie gets a point for every song i like, no points for songs i don’t care about/skip, and negative points for songs i hate <3 im excluding anything live action and anything outside of the main animation studio, so no pixar, no dreamworks, and no sequels, and no enchanted, mary poppins, and definitely no into the woods. otherwise i’d never stop talking. some of this will be repeated from the categorized post i just made but it’s a different sorting system because i love sorting systems
if these movies have songs i cannot tell you what they are— dumbo, fox and hound, black cauldron, oliver, rescuers down under, great mouse detective, bambi, atlantis, raya and the last dragon, strange world, king arthur, three cabelleros, brother bear, anything else i can’t even think of right now (score: 0)
they’re not really musicals but there is at least one major bop: robin hood (the “oodilalee oodilalee golly what a day” song is cute), lilo and stitch (hawaiian roller coaster ride), 101 dalmatians (cruella de ville is so funny), aristocats (everybody wants to be a cat), lady and the tramp (bella note is nice and he’s a tramp is funny), alice in wonderland (happy unbirthday is cute) sleeping beauty (once upon a dream is pretty, i like how it incorporates the melody from the ballet) (score: 1)
pinochio: i guess wish upon a star is from pinochio, i thought it was in peter pan at first oops, actually i do think there are other songs i do hate but i can’t remember them well enough, which works in this movies favor (score 0.5)
the empowers new groove: the only one i can think of is yzma’s song, which was cut so (score: 0)
song of the south: i’ve never seen this nor do i want to but i do remember when ally and an covered zipidee doo dah (score: 0)
peter pan: i actually like “you can fly” but this point is revoked for the racist tiger lily song (score: 0)
jungle book: bare necessities is a cute proto hakuna matata, but i don’t like monkeys (score: 0)
fantasia: none of the characters are singing, all the music isn’t even original, but there is some impressive animation (score: 0.5)
tarzan: i don’t think phil collins did a BAD job, but compared to disney musicals where characters sing their own songs, these all sound kinda same-y. (0.5 for strangers like me, which is, okay, pretty good)
the princess and the frog: i only really remember “almost there” and “friends on the other side” but those are both great songs (score: 2)
snow white: “hi ho” isn’t as good as other fun and games songs imo, but it is memorable, “someday my prince will come” is nice enough (score: 1.5 i guess)
aladdin: one jump ahead, friend like me, and prince ali are so energetic and fun, and a whole new world is really lovely. -1 for the original arabian nights being so racist they had to change a line. (score: 3)
the little mermaid: i really love “part of your world” and “poor unfortunate souls” so so much. “kiss the girl” is cute, sure. “under the sea” is a little over rated but i can’t say it’s not good. “les poissons” is funny but not enough to get points (score: 3.5 i guess)
hunchback of notre dame: hellfire, god help the outcasts, and bells notre dame are so good. topsy turvy is not bad enough to lose points. (score: 3)
pochahontas: i liked this one as a kid because of ~nature~ and because pochahontas gets two solos. i like “just around the river bend” and “colors of the wind” even if they are kinda similar. loses a point for both sides-ing colonialism in “savages” (score: 1)
mulan: “reflection” is beautiful and emotional, “honor to us all” introduces is a great ensemble piece, “i’ll make a man out of you” is a great hype song, “a girl worth fighting for” is fine. this gets a bonus point for having a song in the sequel, “like other girls”, that was SO memorable i thought it was in the original (score: 4)
cinderella: “a dream is a wish your heart makes” is sweet, “so this is love” is pretty, and “bippiy boppity boo” is cute. there’s another song where the mice are like “cinderell-y cinderell-y” but idk which one. i still like rogers and hammerstein better. (score: 3)
tangled: i like repunzels i want song, gothels villain song, and the romantic duet. the fun and games song is okay (score: 3)
frozen: i like the snowman song, let it go is pretty good despite how over played it was, love is an open door is funny, and that song elsa and anna sing before the coronation that i can never remember the name of. the troll song is annoying, but not SO bad i want to take away a point for it. however, the reindeer song and “in summer” are annoying enough to take away points sorry (score: 2)
moana: i like how the melody from “how far i’ll go” recurs in the climactic song “i am moana”, and “your welcome” is a lot of fun. shiny is okay. (score: 3)
encanto: i like meet the madrigals as an intro song, surface pressure and bruno are pretty good, and i think i liked isabella’s song but i can’t remember the actual song (score: 3 i guess)
the lion king: “circle of life” is cinematic, i “hakuna matata” and “i just can’t wait to be king” are fun, and “be prepared” admittedly goes really hard. “can you feel the love tonight” is different because it isn’t sung by the characters, but it’s fine i guess. i’d really love to see the broadway adaptation for the costume designs alone. (score: 4)
hercules: the aesthetics really are the strength of this movie. i already mentioned i love the idea of using a gospel chorus for a movie about green gods, the muses are so fun. “gospel chorus” and its all its reprises are the best exposition i’ve ever heard. “go the distance” is lovely, chiron’s training montage song is fun, “zero to hero” is even more fun, “won’t say i’m in love” is my faaaavorite! (score: 5)
beauty and the beast: i am more than a little biased, but this soundtrack simply does not miss. “belle” and “belle reprise” i’ll count as one song, but i think it’s a really cool to put belle’s i want song in contrast with the world she lives in. “gaston” is a fun and games song for the villain, while setting up the mob mentality for the “mob song”, “be our guest” is a stellar piece of animation/choreography, “human again” isn’t even IN the original movie, but i think it’s nice to see the castle staff confiding in each other, and it’s a a waltz! yay! i actually didn’t realize it was only in the extended edition until like. three weeks ago. i never understand why sometimes it was in the movie and sometimes it wasn’t. anyway! “something there” is less a love song and more of a falling in love song, which i think is really nice, i love how belle and the beast have little asides about their new feelings, and how the castle staff gossips about them. and then “beauty and the beast (tale as old as time)” is just really really lovely sonically, lyrically, and animation wise. it’s unusual for the love songs because it’s not sung by either of the characters or any sort of narrator but a side character, but mrs potts is great, i love the well meaning nosiness of the castle staff, love angela lansbury, but i have to say, i do like how belle and the beast reprised this in the 30th anniversary edition they just did. and of the songs they added to the broadway musical, i really like “home” and “if i can’t love her” and the rest i like well enough, they all add something at least. “prologue” is the only song i don’t give points to because it’s spoken rather than sung, but the musical motifs are quite lovely, and i love the storybook feel (tangentially— according to google, the broadway version of “mob song” changes the key from f major to a minor… what’s up with that? does that happen a lot? i just think it’s interesting) (another random note, i vaguely remember bernadette peters little angel character for the christmas sequel but i don’t remember any actual songs) EDIT: i almost forgot but i wanted to add a note about how beauty and the beast includes the ensemble in nearly every song, beauty and the beast, the only true solo, is a love song sung by a character outside of the love story. i think it’s really cool and makes the world seem more filled out (score: 6)
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hikari-ni-naritai · 2 years
1 7 9 11 17 19 20 24 26 27 29 30
what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
hmmm. religious trauma. mlp. runescape?
7. what scares you the most and why?
honestly like. pain? do not do well with pain. in terms of things that dont like, actively cause me harm, though, like irrational fears, darkness.
9. tell a story about your childhood
i didnt like, DO anything during my childhood, so i mostly only have stories about shitty things my parents did. but mostly the shit my parents did wasnt horrible enough to be interesting. uhhhh. well i dont know when this was but at some point when i was young my mom took me to see some comedian and i ended up sitting next to a cute blonde girl who was like. extremely touchy-feely, which i dont think id ever experienced before. like she was like one of those southern old ladies who would touch your shoulder when they laugh. yknow? anyway i got her email address bc i didnt have a phone or social media at that age and we talked a little bit before she dropped off the face of the earth. i hope shes doing okay, she was a very nice girl.
11. what do you consider to be romance?
i dont have an answer to this! it might be the kind of thing where i know it when i see it? but i dont really have any kind of definition of romance.
17. name 3 things that make you happy
cats, cute girls kissing, cute catgirls kissing
19. favourite thing about the day?
i have only been up for an hour and a half but i did have time to run to Town Proper and get mcdonalds for breakfast instead of having to eat burger king again
20. favourite things about the night?
OH i understand the previous question now. theres nothing good about the Day. things are open. fuck the day anyway the NIGHT is excellent. theres no one around and if i need to drive anywhere the roads are fuckin empty. im so used to being able to not think about driving that when i go anywhere before midnight i get kinda overwhelmed by the existence of people.
24. what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
ive answered this already but i can think of another one. im proud of myself for making the insane decision to start hrt while still having to go to work in the office. it didnt pan out, obviously, bc we went into lockdown within a month of that decision, but it was an uncharacteristically powerful decision.
26. fave colour and why?
i like sky blue, bc back in college when i was still an education major, when i ahd to like, shadow a teacher in their school, i had to dress up and the nicest shirt i had was a blue button-down shirt that went really well with a couple ties i had. around this point my artist friend i mentioned in a previous response started up a comic about our friend group and he put my character in that shirt. used to use a picture from that for my tumblr and stuff for ages so the colour has just kinda stuck with me since then
27. any nicknames?
some variations on emily but thats it.
29. what do you do when you’re sad?
really depends! sometimes i listen to sad music, sometimes i take a drive for an hour, sometimes i complain about whats wrong to someone, sometimes i mope around in bed until i pass out. who knows!
30. what’s one thing that never fails to make you happy/happier?
i dont think theres any surefire cure it really depends on what im sad about. probably bc some things that WOULD make me feel better are things im nowhere near in the mood to experience.
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x-heartofthecards-x · 2 years
It’s really sweet that you’d teach me.
Has he ever heard those words before? Has he ever been told that what he’s doing is nice? If so, it would’ve had to have been so rarely and offhandedly that he’s not bothered to file it away anywhere. This one, though, he will end remember for a while.
The promise to try and refrain from burning the place down gets a snicker - and reminds him to check the fire extinguisher under the sink later. It’s been… some time.
Seto flattens his meatball and presses his thumb into the center just enough to leave an indent. He remembers reading about it somewhere - to keep the thing from ballooning, he thinks. He sets it on the empty sheet pan and then repeats the process for a second burger patty. The rest, he’ll set aside for later.
Another laugh. The warning is more for his companion than it is for his cat. She’s smart enough to know that Seto won’t feed her anything but kibble or wet food, but he’s certain that she’ll sniff out Yugi as a bleeding heart.
He pops open the fish grill and sets the burgers down before setting a timer and closing it back up. Then he steps over to the sink to wash his hands again, and looks at his… date… with a little confusion.
“Really?” He isn’t able to stop himself from asking. “King of Games, owner of the best shop in town, and a sense of loyalty strong enough that you’ve risked your life multiple times - and nobody’s interested?”
In the past, Seto has called Yugi a loser more times than he can count, has degraded his friends and his dreams so often he’d be hard-pressed to name all of the occasions he’s done it. And now here he is, on the opposite side of the arena - praising him. The words feel foreign coming out of his mouth, but they’re not untrue. He wouldn’t have invited the man over if he hadn’t actually found him special. Yes, he understands why people would be interested in the Pharaoh. No, he doesn’t get why those same people wouldn’t fall head over heels for Yugi Mutou.
Kindness, consideration, a smart sense of humor, and with an intellect and eye for strategy that rivals - perhaps even surpasses at some points - the greatest minds of this age. All qualities that the executive finds attractive. He’s also quite nice to look at.
When his hands are dry once more, he crosses his arms, eyebrow cocked.
“I’ll gladly be the first.”
Yugi gave a small chuckle, one hand lifting to sheepishly rub at the back of his neck. It was really nice to have compliments dished out to him, especially from someone who had been as hyper-critical of him as Seto Kaiba had always been. But it was hard to not be dismissive of those compliments.
After all, Atem had been the King of Games. It was only attached to his name because he was the body. His game shop was treading water at best. Most months it only just barely got enough to keep the lights on. His sense of loyalty and self-sacrificing nature he could take, but it often came across as just clingy and foolhardy.
But he definitely didn't want to have a personal pity party on his first date ever. No one liked a downer.
Instead he gave the other a soft smile and said, "Yeah, ah. No one has been interested yet. I mean, either that or I have just been super fucking oblivious about it."
He dropped his hand, shoving both in his pockets as he rocked back on his heels and added with a shrug, "Which I suppose is possible. Unless it involves card games, I am out of my depth a bit where life is concerned."
It was a very watered down version of his internal dialogue, but the sentiments were much kinder and a much more flattering way to respond to the incredibly handsome man that was looking down at him with that wry look that had his stomach somersaulting.
With a little chuckle he added, "I'm still a bit surprised that you are interested. Pleasantly surprised. Thrilled, actually. But definitely didn't see that coming."
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live4evil · 30 days
Baphomet is the name of a false god associated in times past with the Knights Templar and today with Satanism and the occult. Modern representations of Baphomet picture it with a goat’s head on a human body (with both male and female traits); between the goat’s horns is a torch, and the image often includes a pentagram. The origin of Baphomet-worship is subject to much debate. Even the origins of the word Baphomet are unknown. Some believe it is a French corruption of Mahomet (“Muhammad”). Others believe it to be a code from Kabbalah meaning “the father of the temple of peace of all men.” Or the Arabic word for “the father of understanding.” Or, finally, the Jewish Atbash cipher as applied to Sophia—the Greek goddess of wisdom. However its name came to be, Baphomet apparently arrived in Europe with the Knights Templar upon their return to France from the Crusades. In the early 1300s, the Inquisitors of King Philip IV accused the Knights of discovering and worshiping the foreign god Baphomet during the war. Some Knights did confess, but only under torture, and the convicted gave different accounts of the idol’s form: it had one face, it had three faces, it was just a human skull, it looked like a cat. Worshiping an image of an animal or man pre
sumed to be Muhammad is inconsistent with Islam, but it would match the misinformed beliefs about Islam found in France at the time. In addition, there is no mention of Baphomet in Templar literature. Attempts have also been made to link Baphomet to Free Masonry, but these accusations are either inconclusive or complete fabrications. The modern representation of Baphomet originated in 1861 with the French occultist Eliphas Levi, who drew an image of the “Sabbatic Goat or Baphomet of Mendes” in his book Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie(Dogmas and Rituals of High Magic). Levi’s image is a hermaphroditic figure, sitting cross-legged, with the head of a goat. The figure contains several opposites: one male arm and one female, women’s breasts but a Caduceus phallic symbol, one arm pointed up at a white moon and the other pointed down at a dark moon. The contrasts were to symbolize conflicting forces in the universe that must be balanced to make true light. Levi meant to combine several icons: the Templar figure; Satan; the fertility god-goat of Mendes, Egypt; and the goat that witches supposedly worship at their Sabbats, or pagan holidays. The goat-like appearance of Baphomet also resembles Pan, Puck, and the Celtic Cernunnos. Levi claimed the name Baphomet came from reading the Latin abbreviation for “the father of the temple of universal peace among men” backwards.
In 1897 Stanislas de Gauaita adapted the head of Levi’s Sabbatic Goat to fit inside a pentagram. De Gauaita’s version of Baphomet included an upside-down, five-pointed star surrounded by two circles. Between the circles are five Hebrew letters, one on each point of the star, spelling the Hebrew word for “Leviathan.” Around the arms of the star on the top is the name Samael, the angel of death in Talmudic lore; and on the bottom, Lilith, a female demon who was Adam’s first wife according to pagan beliefs. In 1969 Anton LaVey adopted the pentagram goat for his Church of Satan and definitively identified it with Baphomet.
Aleister Crowley, the occultist and magician of the late 19th to mid-20th century, interpreted Baphomet as the “divine androgyne.” Crowley rejected the concepts of the biblical God and Satan and followed the Gnostic teaching that Satan brought wisdom to mankind—that old lie of the serpent in the garden. Baphomet was his symbol and represented life, love, and light. With the addition of the Zodiac sign Capricorn (the goat), liberty is added.
The myth of Baphomet has grown over the last few centuries via occult symbolism and numerology. Christians should obviously avoid the use of Baphomet; the ideas it represents are patently unbiblical. It is the Lord God alone who gives wisdom (Proverbs 2:6), and to seek for wisdom or enlightenment from a source other than God is to be led astray: “The idols speak deceitfully, diviners see visions that lie; they tell dreams that are false” Zechariah 10:2. We should have nothing to do with Baphomet or other blatantly occulticons. As Joshua told the Israelites who were inheriting the land of Canaan.
“Do not associate with these nations that remain among you; do not invoke the names of their gods or swear by them. You must not serve them or bow down to them” Joshua 23:7
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sorion · 2 years
Our Flag Means Death - Fic Recs
I’ve been asked about fic recs, so here you go  🏳️‍🌈 🏴‍☠️ (Please let me know if any of the links are messed up.)
My favourites in alphabetical order with word count and AO3 rating (list might be expanded; you can find the link in my profile)
$2 Taco Night (5k, E) The guy in the expensive sports coat and fancy Apple watch has been sitting at the end of the bar since 3 PM.
A Bit of Fanfiction (4.8k, T) The crew picks up on some vibes between Stede and Blackbeard...so they decide to write about it.
All His Sea Dreams Come to Me (2.7k, T) Ed’s never had time just to be, before. Of all the beautiful things Stede’s given him, that might be the best of them all: time.
Born to Run (24.8k, T) Alma Bonnet, 16 years old, feels trapped in her proper, upright life. What could be the risk in sneaking aboard a merchant ship anyway?
Captive of the Pirate King (19.4k, M) Stede sits down to read his nightly bedtime story to the crew of the Revenge, only to discover that Lucius has saddled him with a particularly trashy novel.
The Choiceless Hope in Grief (9.5k, T) “Curses can be broken,” Stede argues. 
Half Agony, Half Hope (34.5k, E) The first letter appeared only a few weeks after Stede left him alone on that beach. Ed burnt the first, and the second, and the third. But they kept coming.
Haul Away (18.5k, E) Stede is angry; Ed is angry; it takes work for both of them to get to where they need to be.
Like the Sea Around the Shore (50.5k, E) Pining. Personal growth. More pining. Some violence, which leads to more personal growth.
The Little Mermaid (4.6k, T) As a teenager, especially, bullied and lonely, Stede remembered he had definitely identified strongly with the little mermaid, in love with the sea.
Look What the Cat Dragged In (11.5k, T) Stede and his crew acquire a cat, whether they like it or not.
The Love of a Pet (8.8k, E) Newly divorced dog person Stede Bonnet and local business owner/hot biker and cat person Edward Teach meet in the waiting room of a vet's office.
My Beloved Has Come Home With the Rains (25.2k, E) “What if I told you the Edward you loved died on that dock?” That Blackbeard’s all that’s left, now.” - “I’d say they’re one and the same and I love them both.”
My Heart Could Break for a One-Legged Seagull (That’s Bad Luck) (10.7k, T) Frenchie was born for this kind of espionage.
My Mother Told Me To (5.5k, T) “Hi mum,” Ed said.
The Nature of My Game (2.7k, G) When Ed gets pulled from the depths of Hell by a summoning spell, he's really not expecting the kind of deal he ends up making with Stede Bonnet.
On the Shores of Darkness, There Is a Light (10.2k, T) Sometimes, love alone isn't enough. Stede comes back, and Edward has to learn to trust again.
Our Mast Stands Still in the Wake of the Storm (20.7k, M) “If” is the crux of the matter, isn’t it? He feels he’s had the word “If” written on his heart since the moment he saw Edward Teach running his rough fingers through his fine silks and linens.
Rain Cloud Reading Nook (6.2k, T) Stede reads Ed "Peter Pan".
Red Sky (10.9k, M) It takes a deadly storm to bring down his walls and bring them back together.
Ship Full of Nobodies (9k, T) “Sailors, sailors, looking for sailors.”
A Small Adventure (4k, T) “This pompous little amateur had the nerve to ask for a review on his new podcast,” Izzy spits the word like that’s not what they’re doing.
Somewhere Beyond the Sea (58.4k, M) Salvage diver Ed Teach is no stranger to the story of Blackbeard and the Queen Anne's Revenge. But then Professor Stede Bonnet waltzes through the door of his shop and requests his services in finding the wreck.
Ten Fathoms Deep on the Road to Hell (18.8k, E) The British aren’t too happy about the contract being broken on the Act of Grace and this time Stede Bonnet gets to be the one coming to the rescue.
There's no Kenning for That, but There Is a Ship (8.7k, T) Also, Lady Mac-Izzy, which was tragic. Mainly because the man didn't seem to get he was in a comedy.
Til Things Get Brighter (29k, E) Sometimes, the best way to facilitate healing is by being a sneaky little minx - luckily, Lucius is the sneakiest little minx around.
Time Does Not Bring Relief (14.4, M) A few weeks after he re-embraces Blackbeard, Edward Teach wakes up in bed with Stede Bonnet. Only problem? He can't remember how the hell he and Stede reconciled.
Wayfaring (34.7k, E) The downside to being stuck on a desert island is that Stede's not awfully good at adapting. The upside is that he and Ed can finally have some peace and quiet– that is, if Ed ever wakes up from the gunshot wound in his stomach.
When I Return, I Swear I’m Gonna Stay - Series (T) Blackbeard has come to terms with the loss of Stede Bonnet. He has. The legendary Blackbeard does not mourn, he does not grieve, and he certainly, most of all, does not miss the man who abandoned him.
You Belong in That Home By and By (8.2k, T) Stede schemes up a plot in the hopes he can deter every pirate this side of the Prime Meridian from propositioning him.
🌈 🏴‍☠️  And here’s my own contribution  🏴‍☠️ 🌈
Yo-Ho... and Whatever Comes With It (3.7, T) There's some fuck-ups to un-fuck.
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dillydallydove · 3 years
Your headcanon about sides as kids
Ok no idea how long this has been in my ask box but I apologize for the wait pfftt
Starting with Roman and remus. Though ik a lot of ppl think there was King and then he split, I feel like it takes time to develop a “bad” and “good” creativity. Like you don’t just suddenly decide all of the qualifications for a “bad” idea. So i think they were close as kids and as they got older and remus started exploring more adult ideas, they grew apart. As for personality: Little Roman gives me Peter Pan vibes. And little remus gives me stitch vibes.
Logan was probably a very excited and curious child. You don’t start off with a bunch of facts logan had to go through the process of learning all he knows. So I like to think he was very enthusiastic about learning. ESPECIALLY stuff like space and dinosaurs! Number one word he used was “why?”
I think Virgil was a very big scaredy cat and just… not the brightest in the bunch. Little kids r usually afraid of stuff like monsters and the dark. Definitely slept with a night light. But also had the mindset of “if I hide under the covers/shut my eyes that counts as protection.” Little kids don’t always know what to do with fear and many times just end up panicking and crying. But as he got older -especially middle school years- he just got embarrassed whenever he cried and tried to just suck it up.
I think patton was less morality and more emotions. Kids usually blindly follow their parents as an example of what to/not to do. Saw Thomas’ parents and said “we gotta be just like them when we grow up!” And so morality was pretty cut and dry to a kid. As for emotions, I think he was very emotionally reactive to stuff. More so than as an adult. But I do think he was an absolute sweetheart and cuddle bug as a kid.
I think Janus would have actually been pretty close with Virgil. I feel like the main reason why kids lie sometimes is because they’re scared of getting in trouble. So virgil might want Thomas to lie to avoid punishment. I also think as a kid janus would lie about the most obvious but also least impactful stuff. Like poke another side and firmly deny it was him. And just get into silly “‘nuh uh!’ ‘yuh huh!’” arguments with the others.
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