#the crane twins
bridgertonbabe · 1 year
Could I ask you for an director's cut of what happened after Eloise and Phillip banged in the library? How did they go from hot, public hook up to meeting his kids and dating? Sexual chemistry is one thing, becoming a family is another. I suppose that is also a theme of TSPWL.
After finishing what they had started in the library back at Eloise's flat, Phillip asked if she would be interested in seeing him again. He said he'd quite like to take her out to dinner or go on a date in general, or even if she only wanted to have something casual he was up for it; he just wanted to see more of her in any way that he can. Of course Eloise was just as eager to see him again in any capacity that he wanted and so after swapping numbers they agreed to arrange a date.
It was Eloise who suggested a date to Kew Gardens, feeling incredibly excited to walk around with a hot botanist on her arm explaining every single bit of flora to her in passionate detail. Before their planned date they texted all day everyday non-stop and once Phillip had put his kids to bed they'd Facetime and speak for hours on end, never tiring of talking to the other. They greatly enjoyed seeing each other in person by the time their date came about (and this time they got away with some sneaky public fornication without receiving a lifetime ban) and then Phillip asked her if she wanted to come back to his before immediately rescinding the invitation.
Eloise was momentarily left dumbfounded by his swift u-turn before he quickly explained that obviously if she came back to his she'd meet his kids and he had been so caught up in the joy her company brought him that he had completely forgotten about such a massive component to the future of their relationship; whether or not she wanted to be with a single father. Even though Eloise didn't have the best track record when it came to kids, she already felt the connection with Phillip was so indelible that nothing could scare her off him.
So he brought her home that night and introduced her to Oliver and Amanda as his "friend" (Eloise was more than happy to be introduced as such, and greatly acknowledged the sensitivity that came with this particular situation). Though the twins were initially wary about her (with Amanda's first question to her being, "why the fringe?"), after sharing a takeaway for dinner and spending the evening playing Mario Party, both Oliver and Amanda quickly warmed to her. Eloise spent the night with Phillip, the pair of them pleased with how well the first meeting with his kids had gone, until the next morning when Eloise woke up to find two sets of narrowed eyes staring at her from her bedside before Oliver asked, "are you a hooker?"
Immediately Phillip balked at his son's line of questioning and demanded to know where his son had learnt such a word and if he understood what it meant. It transpired that the twins were prone to picking up things they had heard in the school playground (and as Phillip later explained to Eloise this was where the twins learnt curse words before putting them into practice and shocking him in the process), which is how they had come to to the conclusion that Eloise was a hooker. Phillip immediately set his children straight, telling them that Eloise was not a hooker, but when the twins asked why their father was sharing a bed with his "friend" it was Eloise who explained she was their father's girlfriend - before immediately realising that she and Phillip had not had the boyfriend-girlfriend discussion yet and that she should not have accidentally made this assumption in front of his young and impressionable children. She looked apologetically to a surprised Phillip and waited with bated breath to see how he'd react; but then his face softened, his lips curving up into a smile, and he squeezed her hand before reaffirming to the twins that Eloise was his girlfriend. Though it might have been considered far too early to become boyfriend and girlfriend after a single date, they had spent two whole weeks prior to their first date getting to know each other over the phone and they had already expressed to one another how they had never felt this way about another person before.
From then on Eloise spent several days a week at her boyfriend's house, enjoying Phillip's quiet companionship throughout the day as they worked on their respective books in the same room but equally enjoying the fun and laughter when Oliver and Amanda came home. The four of them would play games, watch films, and eat dinner altogether, and Eloise would help the twins with their homework as well as help Phillip get them ready for bed in the evening. They'd go on family days out, whether that was trips to the park, nature reserves, and the zoo, and on one occasion Eloise even flew solo and took the twins to a classmate's birthday party and stayed for the duration of the children's party (her own personal nightmare). She didn't know when it had happened but she had fallen as much in love with the twins as she had with Phillip, with her favourite part of the week being Sunday mornings when Oliver and Amanda would wake up and join her and Phillip in bed for cuddles and nonsensical conversations. She never could have believed that a sudden heated hook-up in a library would lead to her becoming part of a little family after only a few short months but now she had them, there was nowhere else she'd rather be.
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gskycy · 2 months
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strawberryvulture · 1 year
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the bride of frankenstein (1935) // the red shoes (1948) // psycho (1960) // twin peaks (1990) // “strangers” by @mothercain
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booigi-boi · 10 months
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Bunch of The Case of the Greater Gatsby characters for your enjoyment! 🍪
If this doesn't make you go listen to this funny film noir audio narrative then I don't know what will (on your typical podcast platforms 🤍)
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sugaronyourtongu3 · 3 months
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More show titles on my crt tv
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still-july · 10 days
sorry for my varied tastes, my music taste is just like that. if you like any of these please please hit me up so i can be Insane about them!
(really rude that i can't add more than twelve albums, by the way. impossible to choose)
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sea-owl · 27 days
You know what would be a cute scene? If Phillip and Eloise were sitting in the greenhouse or Romeny Hall's library and they were both teaching one another their special interest.
They both talk passionately and excitedly. Going into deep dives of knowledge, pulling out books and notes they've taken. Phillip will be embarrassed later that he let himself go on like that and Eloise will smile, it's nice he listened even if it was just to be polite. But they got to learn something new so that's a bonus! Later on they'll surprise one another when they see the other applying their teachings or teaching their new knowledge to the twins.
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lexi0widow · 1 year
Hi if your taking requests could you do pre!spray Jeremiah fluff headcanon like how he would be with his lover
Of course i can do that for you honey 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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We all love Pre spray Jeremiah lets be real
He works like a lot so you’re probably gonna need to pull him away from his work
When hes not working he loves spending time with you!
He likes to go on dates wether it’s spoiling you to a fancy dinner or just staying in with you
He loves spending money on you
Since he works a lot i’m guessing that his love languages would be gift giving and words of affirmation
Loves cuddling with you!
Hes probably the littke spoon because sometimes he just wants to be held
Will happily lay on your chest whilst you play with his hair
If you do any sort of skin care PLEASE make him do it with you
he won’t be too sure at first but you two will have such a fun time
giggling about what each of you look like with facemasks on
Literally everytime you’re with him you two are making core memories
You both lie in bed at like 3am and talk about memories, what yoy two should do and just life in general
If you’re ever sad he is a great listener and even better at giving advice
He’ll ask you your opinion about whatever hes working on
If he ever gets home from work and you fell asleep wating for him he would be so sweet about it
He’d pick you up and take you to bed before getting into his pajamas and joining you
Hes a forehead kisser 🤷‍♀️
Idk he just looks like he would
Trying on his glasses
Just because
Hes not fond of it but he can’t say no to you
I hope this is okay for you anon <3 thank you so much for the request!!
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someone in the comments said they wanted to see the adepti mentioned for the attack on celestia, so here’s the crew
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crazyvaleska · 2 years
okok i should really stop
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hozaloza · 2 months
Jasmine and Logan angst type snip-shot
((TW!!!! Gore Ig? Violence)) (eye twins <3)
Jasmine walked the empty halls, being fueled by the pent-up anger she had been carrying since forever. Despite it being difficult to see out of her right eye, she still was able to make her way to the child's room. Who cared what her boss said? The little shit shot her eye out. This would be an annoying process she did NOT want to deal with. The raven-haired woman opened the door and walked in. The boy was still laying in his bed sound asleep. She lifted the needle up, ready to stab his eye out, when suddenly... he rolled out of bed, dodging her attack. He grabbed a book and threw it at her, causing her already aching headache to worsen. "GAH!! Ugh, you little piece of shit! Hadn't you already caused me enough pain this night??!!" "What are you talking about??!! YOU'RE the one who sent me and my friends to literal HELL!" the child yelled, throwing another book. She knew he was weak against her; he had no gun to aim, no weapon to defend. "You shot my fucking EYE OUT! Now I'll have to deal with this worthless eye forever!! It's only right you deal with it as well." She hissed, knocking him to the floor. Jasmine tried stabbing again, but he bit her arm, causing her to let go of the needle. "SHIT!! GOD, YOU ARE A FUCKING PRICK--" it was a quick flash, but her arm had shifted into the phantom, and she slashed at his left eye. "GAH!" she heard the child yell from below her. As soon as she got off of him, he held onto his eye, panting heavily. The blood and tears stained his face, leaving a puddle of red below him "Relax, you big baby. The doctors will help you out. But don't count on gaining your vision in that eye. Bye for now, loser." She muttered as she walked out, shifting her arm back before anyone who was in the lower ranks saw. No one did, at least no one she worried about. Just standing around the corridor, the guard heard the whole commotion, and watched as the centipede woman walked out with blood on her hands. He sighed, pressing a button on his controller to call for doctors in his area. 'Fucking dramatic bitch..." Ryan thought as he walked away.
woah, a fanfic that actually has one of the kids in it???????? Woahhhhhhh HELP Idk
I don't like this one bc it doesn't fit close to the canon anymore, so..... it's an au I'll never work on </3
@b3achysurfur omg a logan angst no comfort fic???
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clumsy-mudpuppy · 4 months
hgnnghfj. bob builder brainrot
(also oh, would you look at that, its a human design,)
gripper is SOOOOO babygorl okay. listen.
this clip lives in my brain (along with a few others)
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thekatebridgerton · 10 months
On the show, I want to see the family surprised by Eloise really taking to step-motherhood.
I am excited to see Daphnes reaction to Eloise who had always bemoaned women being straddled with children, become a loving step mother. I like to think the twins look at her like she hung the moon.
In the book, I felt she struggled more with becoming a wife than a mother.
Do you agree or disagree?
Oh you are not wrong on that. She absolutely did adapt faster to motherhood than she did to being in-love. The thing is that what did it for Eloise is that she felt needed in Phillip's household. The way she felt she wasn't truly needed anywhere else.
When she decides to stay in Romney hall, she doesn't do it because of Phillip, at first. But because of his children. Because Oliver and Amanda need her. And they need her in the sense, that Eloise knows as soon as she meets them, that her particular personality and combination of personal quirks IS going to make their lives better. So she rationalizes that she can't leave them. And as such, she must impose of Sir Phillip's hospitality. Because finally there is someone who's life she's making better by just being herself.
She doesn't tell herself she wants to be their mother, or their step mother as the case may be. In Eloise eyes what she's doing is standing up for the weak and defending Oliver and Amanda's right to free speech and better treatment from their father. Which is a very noble cause.
Watching Eloise discover that she is in fact a very capable mother to Oliver and Amanda is very funny. Because she just takes charge like she was born for it. And doesn't let anything stop her from actively advocating for these kids, who just need someone to listen to them.
And I hope that this is the direction they take Eloise with in the show. I want to see show Eloise pass from being this belligerent dissatisfied young woman who does not like kids, to one that slowly comes to the realization that nobody has ever needed her the way Daphne needs Simon, or the way Colin needs Penelope. And then, she finds that at first, it's Phillip's kids who need her. Not as a mom, but as a brave woman who can speak up for their best interests. And in the end she discovers that she may not think she's made for motherhood but neither is Phillip, and for the first time in her life, she realizes that this is okay. There are a million ways to be a good mother and she doesn't have to be like Daphne or Violet. Maybe she can be more like Mary.
And it's Eloise insistence in fighting for the twins emotional well being, that she gets to know Phillip better, and fall inlove with him later in the story. The whole being a wife thing was harder because in a sense, that was the one thing Eloise wasn't prepared for. Nobody ever prepares you for love, it just happens, and Eloise likes to control everything that happens to her, but she doesn't control her heart. So this was more of a struggle for her. Learning how to be a wife and a lover when all she knew before didn't compare to what she was feeling with Phillip.
And that's the tea
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gotham-swag · 2 years
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bettertwin1 · 1 year
you look like the type of person to listen to the crane wives /lh
What the fuck- HOLD ON? PAUSE? Why did you add a light hearted tone tag what are you trying to say??????
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silvercrane14 · 8 months
They didn't show us how cozmez activate their phantometals im so upset. I need to see it so bad cmon
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