#the crises
ionomycin · 1 year
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Mother of Pearl
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prokopetz · 2 years
I’m not sure how much of it is innate and how much of it is imitative, but a thing I’ve always found interesting about feline vocalisation is that they enunciate for emphasis in pretty much the same way that humans do, so when a cat is being emphatic you can literally hear the exclamation point.
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mindofserenity · 8 months
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“Death is no longer terrifying, this life is.”
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hussyknee · 7 months
I know some dickheads have now decided that Judaism is the "bad, violent, terrorist religion" and Islam is the "good, peaceful" one, which is only to be expected of white people, but how much of an issue is it currently? Like I've seen some USAmericans sharing how the Islamic faith shapes Gazans values and perseverance (good) except with that distinct white hippie "I'm about to imprint on this like the world's most racist duck" vibe (bad), but I didn't think they're already turning on Judaism in numbers.
Do they realize that Christianity is also the same kind of comfort to Christian minorities in Asia and Africa? That it was Buddhists that genocided the Rohingyas in Myanmar and Tamils in Sri Lanka? That Hindu fundamentalists are even now trying to ethnically cleanse Muslims in India? How Hindus and Christians are terrorized and persecuted in Pakistan? That Muslims have a history of persecuting and ethnically cleansing Jews too?
Really tired of asking y'all to be normal about people's religions man. There's no religion that's inherently violent or exceptionally peaceful. It's just like any other ideology that becomes a weapon in the hands of ethnic power. Interrogate power, not religion, and respect people's belief systems insofar as they aren't in your business.
Edit: I've amended the "long history" of Muslim persecution of Jews because it might be misleading in the current political climate. Zionism and antisemitic Arab nationalism are twin births resulting directly from Christian colonization, and Islamic empires tended to actually be more tolerant of other religions compared to Christianity, especially Judaism, which was considered a sibling religion. Antisemitism wasn't ideologically entrenched in Islamic tradition. It's simply that ethno-religious power will lead to ethno religious domination and intermittent cleansing of minorities, and Islam is no exception. Humans be humaning always.
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taitavva · 6 months
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a teen assassin's daily job hazard? hot ppl
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amereid1960 · 2 years
قياس الآثار التبادلية بين التكتلات الاقتصادية والأزمات - حالة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ضمن تكتل منطقة التجارة الحرة لأمريكا الشمالية للفترة (1980-2012)
قياس الآثار التبادلية بين التكتلات الاقتصادية والأزمات – حالة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ضمن تكتل منطقة التجارة الحرة لأمريكا الشمالية للفترة (1980-2012)
قياس الآثار التبادلية بين التكتلات الاقتصادية والأزمات – حالة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ضمن تكتل منطقة التجارة الحرة لأمريكا الشمالية للفترة (1980-2012)   قياس الآثار التبادلية بين التكتلات الاقتصادية والأزمات – حالة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ضمن تكتل منطقة التجارة الحرة لأمريكا الشمالية للفترة (1980-2012) الكاتب : عبد اللاوي عقبة . مخزومي لطفي . عبد اللاوي يحي . الملخص: تُركّز هذه الدراسة…
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alewaanewspaper1960 · 2 years
قياس الآثار التبادلية بين التكتلات الاقتصادية والأزمات - حالة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ضمن تكتل منطقة التجارة الحرة لأمريكا الشمالية للفترة (1980-2012)
قياس الآثار التبادلية بين التكتلات الاقتصادية والأزمات – حالة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ضمن تكتل منطقة التجارة الحرة لأمريكا الشمالية للفترة (1980-2012)
قياس الآثار التبادلية بين التكتلات الاقتصادية والأزمات – حالة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ضمن تكتل منطقة التجارة الحرة لأمريكا الشمالية للفترة (1980-2012)   قياس الآثار التبادلية بين التكتلات الاقتصادية والأزمات – حالة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ضمن تكتل منطقة التجارة الحرة لأمريكا الشمالية للفترة (1980-2012) الكاتب : عبد اللاوي عقبة . مخزومي لطفي . عبد اللاوي يحي . الملخص: تُركّز هذه الدراسة…
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acpsalewaanewspaper · 2 years
قياس الآثار التبادلية بين التكتلات الاقتصادية والأزمات - حالة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ضمن تكتل منطقة التجارة الحرة لأمريكا الشمالية للفترة (1980-2012)
قياس الآثار التبادلية بين التكتلات الاقتصادية والأزمات – حالة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ضمن تكتل منطقة التجارة الحرة لأمريكا الشمالية للفترة (1980-2012)
قياس الآثار التبادلية بين التكتلات الاقتصادية والأزمات – حالة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ضمن تكتل منطقة التجارة الحرة لأمريكا الشمالية للفترة (1980-2012)   قياس الآثار التبادلية بين التكتلات الاقتصادية والأزمات – حالة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ضمن تكتل منطقة التجارة الحرة لأمريكا الشمالية للفترة (1980-2012) الكاتب : عبد اللاوي عقبة . مخزومي لطفي . عبد اللاوي يحي . الملخص: تُركّز هذه الدراسة…
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glittxrghoul · 2 months
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⋆⁺₊🦇彡⁺₊ ⋆🌙
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maridotnet · 5 months
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she's a normal girl with a normal amount of proficiency at cutting her own bangs, which means sometimes she'll have to wear a hat for a little while
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fuyu003 · 9 months
Donate to help
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i saw them in the cookbook pages and Immediately thought of this meme:
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amygdalae · 8 months
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true wuv
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justalittlesolarpunk · 8 months
You have to take care of your own heart. You were not meant to carry the pain of the entire world. Do what you can for others, because you owe it to them, but be realistic with what you can achieve. If you’re already going to protests, donating money, working for liberation, holding power to account, taking care of the worst affected - then breathe. Take a step back and stop doomscrolling or endlessly refreshing your news app. Go for a walk in the woods. Eat your favourite chocolate. Watch a film with a loved one. Sleep. I promise you all the agony and cruelty and suffering will still be there when you get back. But maybe you’ll have a little more strength to fight them if you’ve remembered to keep tending the fires of joy inside you. You save no-one by letting them go out.
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comradekatara · 2 months
Ik you went into the whole stupid "nonbenders are oppressed" thing in lok in one of the asks I sent you, but it keeps on making me think about how much I wish i got to see mako and bolin's mixed earth kingdom fire nation heritage play a role in the story. Maybe if lok had the themes of atla it could go into how the two are treated differently for Mako looking more fire nation and bolin looking more earth kingdom. I think it'd be interesting if Korra keeps on hearing Amon's followers yell on the streets about how benders oppress everyone but then notice how Bolin gets treated significantly better when he pretends to be a non-bender fire national/lean into his fire nation heritage by ignoring his bending compared to when he is openly an earthbender which directly ties him to his earth kingdom heritage.
right!!! i am literally always saying this. like it’s sooo weird how lok does not understand what it means to be mixed in any meaningful capacity. neither with the kataangs nor with mako and bolin, they’re each just largely tied to the element they bend with no consideration given to the other half of their heritage. bumi doesn’t consider himself an air nomad until he magically gains airbending, despite his father literally being the only air nomad currently in existence. instead of trying to preserve his familial heritage, he completely undermines all of aang and katara’s cultural values and joins the fucking military. kya doesn’t seem to give a shit about air nomad culture either, seeing as she doesn’t even know guru laghima’s name (and he’s the wisest air nomad who ever lived!). despite apparently being an independent free spirit who values her freedom, she seems 100% affiliated with her mother’s heritage, because waterbender. even though the values of community and tradition kind of conflict with her whole “you can’t tie me down” attitude, so. um. and they never once explore how the value of, for example, hunting as an important cultural tradition in the water tribes may conflict with the value of vegetarianism and doing no harm to any living organism. these are interesting tensions that could have been explored!! but instead, tenzin is merely an air nomad who takes after his father both culturally and physically, kya is a waterbender who takes after her mother, and bumi is a…..cosmopolitan, and nobody likes him.
as for mako and bolin, they don’t even get the privilege of being the children of the avatar and the chief of the southern water tribe (i said what i said), so being mixed race in the neocolonial cesspit that is republic city would be bound to cause some tensions. but instead of actually addressing what the ramifications and complex colonial dynamics of inter/multiracial family structures in a postwar society that is nonetheless still struggling to contend with a century’s worth of global imperialism and the lingering trauma of that violence would be, they kind of just….ignore it. yes, mako is a firebender who takes after his fire nation mother, and bolin is an earthbender who takes after his earth kingdom father, and they live in a city that was once earth kingdom land that now functions as a neocolony of the fire nation, but also, the police force are all earthbenders, and there isn’t any sort of lingering racial/colonial tensions in this city whatsoever! you know how mako and bolin were orphaned as children and forced to live on the street and dumpster dive for food and eventually did labor for a gang because they had no other means of survival? are we going to question or implicate the systems that enabled those abject conditions? no, of course not. look at mako fumble two gorgeous, ridiculously privileged girls! look at bolin do the charleston! isn’t republic city FUN???
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jvlianbashir · 8 months
"ezri was 21 when she was joined and became the counselor on ds9"
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