#the days blurred together but i at least remember how my day generally went?
ladykailitha · 8 months
Staking My Claim Part 3
Hey, guys! We're back!
Part 1 Part 2
We finally get the lowdown on what happened. Otherwise known as don't mess with Jeff.
Robin freaks out.
And Gareth is loaded. Or at least his parents are. ;)
I'm also going to try tagging the untaggables separate and see if you can't get you lovelies tagged.
@redfreckledwolf, @mira-jadeamethyst, @itsall-taken, @emly03, @rozzieroos
He hurried over to the phone and called Family Video.
“Hello, thank you for calling Family Video,” the soft female voice said. “How can I help you?”
“Robin!” he cried again. “I’m so sorry!”
“Steve!” Robin shrieked. “Where have you been? Are you okay? You’re not in the hospital or jail are you? What happened?”
“I’m not in jail or the hospital,” he assured her. Eddie huffed out a laugh. He whirled around to stick his tongue out at him. “I’m okay. I’m still in Indy. I just landed at some friendly metalheads’ apartment.”
“Wait...” Robin said. “Those friendly metalheads wouldn’t happen to include one Eddie Munson, would it?”
Steve looked over at said metalhead and turned away to hide his blush. “Maybe,” he mumbled into the phone.
“Hell yeah!” she crowed. “Now tell me what happened now!”
Steve pressed his lips together. “Um...to be honest...I’m not one hundred percent sure I know what happened last night. Like I remember bits and pieces, but it all kinda blurs together.”
Eddie walked over and pointed to the phone. “May I?”
Steve nodded and hand it to him.
“Robin?” Eddie asked. “This is Eddie Munson.”
“Hello, Eddie,” she said coolly. “Would you like to explain why my best friend isn’t, I don’t know, home?”
“I would love you to tell you that story if it’s okay with Steve finding out by me telling you?” Eddie questioned, looking over at Steve.
He shrugged and waved his hand for him to go ahead.
“He’s says it’s fine,” Eddie said.
“Noted,” Robin said. “Now spill.”
So Eddie did. He told her about the sleazeball at the bar who wouldn’t take no for an answer. About his daring rescue of pretending to be his boyfriend.
Steve blushed when he heard Robin go, “Awww,” at that.
Eddie grinned at him. Then he launched into the actual fucking rescue. It turned out that Mr. Persistent bumped into Steve to lace his drink with a drug to knock him out.
Steve’s eyes went wide. “He did what now?”
Eddie hummed. “Yeah...it was this whole thing. Jeff even got to punch the guy in the nose. I think the bartender has a crush on him now.”
Steve’s eyebrows went up. The bartender was a thirty something Asian dude with tattoos and piercings. But he supposed it made sense, considering the bar’s general attitude toward that specific portion of the population.
“At least he’ll get free drinks for life, right?” Robin said with a chuckle.
“That’s certainly one way to look at it,” Eddie agreed. “So yeah, this dude bumps into Steve and suddenly our friend is getting tipsy, fast. And I’ve been at many a rager to ply my wares, there was no way Keg King Steve was drunk after two beers, a margarita, and a half of a Cosmo.” The half a Cosmo was from sharing with Gareth.
Steve blushed. He wasn’t proud of those wild days in high school, but it probably saved his life in this case.
“Yeah...” Robin agreed. “I’ve seen him drink men under the table who were bigger and had been drinking longer.”
Eddie nodded even though she couldn’t seen him, but Steve could.
“Then the asshole comes over and starts flirting with Steve again, trying to draw him away,” he continued. “That’s when we really got that Steve wasn’t acting normal. So Brian steps in and tells asshole to leave him alone. But this guy has gone past persistent and into full creep territory.”
“Eww...” Robin hissed. “How did Jeff get his punch in?”
Eddie chuckled. “That’s honestly the best part, so Brian and Gareth take Steve out to my van and I go and get the bouncer. We come back and asshole is trying to get past Jeff to make his escape. So he takes a swing at Jeffy.”
“Bad idea, I’m guessing?” she said with a hint of laughter in her voice.
Steve tilted his head in interest and Eddie fought down a smile.
“Jeff’s dad is a former boxer who taught him how to fight to make the bullies leave him alone.”
Steve’s eyes go wide and Robin said, “Oooh. Please tell me he laid this asshole out! Please!”
“Dude stiffened like a board and went straight down,” Eddie confirmed. “The only downside is that they couldn’t prove anything, so he just got tossed out, but make no mistake, they’ll make sure spread the word around the other gay bars about this guy.”
“That’s good,” Robin agreed.
Steve wandered back over to his food, safe in the knowledge that he was in safe hands.
Jeff and Brian were at the counter grabbing their breakfast so Steve joined them. Coffee was was doled out by Eddie a few moments later.
Creamer, milk, and sugar were placed next to the coffee pot.
“Robin says not worry about coming into work,” Eddie murmured to Steve. “She said she would tell Keith you have the stomach flu. Which according to her will get you at least three days off.”
“That’s pretty impressive,” Brian said. “I don’t think there is anything I could tell my boss short of being in the hospital that would get me even a couple of hours off.”
Steve laughed. “Keith has a weak stomach. You just mention vomiting and the dude turns green.”
“Handy that,” Eddie said with a smile.
“It’s very handy when you’re out drinking and drink too much,” Steve said with a shrug.
“I’ll say,” Jeff said. “I’m just glad we were there, man.”
Steve blushed. “Yeah, me too.”
He dug into his food and was happy to note that while it didn’t necessarily ease the queasiness in his stomach, it didn’t make him want to throw it all back up, either.
He cleared his plate.
“So this is what’s going to happen, Stevie,” Eddie said as he cleaned up the pans from breakfast, “you are going to stay here until I am sure one hundred percent that you won’t throw up on the three hour journey back to Hawkins.”
Steve opened his mouth to argue, but he couldn’t. Right now nothing was coming up, but put him in a moving vehicle and he couldn’t say for sure that breakfast wouldn’t come right back up.
He nodded.
“I gave Robin the address so she’ll be stopping by after she gets off work,” Eddie continued. “I recommend that you get so actual rest, she seems like she’s a lot without her worrying about you, I can only imagine what she’s like when she is.”
Steve blushed.
“We’re going to all stay here,” Gareth said. “At least for one more day. I talked to my mom about it and she would rather pay more for utilities this month then worry about Steve getting worse.”
The other boys nodded their agreement, while Steve blinked at him in confusion.
“What now?”
“You do realize I live in Loch Nora, right?” Gareth asked, raising an eyebrow.
Steve shook his head. “My parents were very much exclusionists, dude. I only got to hang out with people that they deemed acceptable. Nicole, Carol, Tommy H. If they thought they weren’t in the right trade or held more liberal views, they weren’t worthy to interact with their son.”
Gareth blinked. “Fuck, that must have been lonely.”
He ducked his head and half shrugged.
“Anyway,” Gareth continued into the now deafening silence. “They pay for this apartment in the city for when we play gigs or need a place to crash after a night of drinking.”
Steve frowned. “You’re not eighteen yet, though, right?”
“No,” Gareth said with a laugh. “But my parents trust these guys to keep me safe.”
Steve thought about Dustin and his mom. That despite all the things that Steve had gotten up to in his high school career that she still trusted him to take care of her baby.
“Yeah,” he said fondly. “I can see that.”
Eddie came over to the other side of the counter. “Come on, up you get. You’ll be sleeping in my room.”
Steve’s eyes widened. “How many rooms does this place have?”
“Three,” Jeff said. “Brian shares with Gareth, but Eddie and I get our own rooms.”
“That’s because you’re both sluts,” Brian said rolling his eyes, “and me and Gareth don’t want to be kicked out of our rooms when you bring someone home.”
Steve laughed. “Yeah, okay. That’s fair.”
“I’ll give you the tour when I steer you back to my room,” Eddie promised.
Steve nodded and allowed himself to be lead back through the apartment and back to the bedroom.
Eddie tucked him back in and put a garbage can next to the bed. “I’ll be out in the front room, holler if you need me.”
Steve nodded and let himself drift off to sleep.
Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Yeah, I'm sorry, I doubt even a middle class family would buy their very young son (if we hold to the belief that Gareth is OG drummer and was in the talent show with Eddie and Chrissy, putting Eddie in 8th grade, Chrissy in 6th, that would make Gareth in 5th grade) a drum kit.
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @itsall-taken @vecnuthy @bookbinderbitch @redfreckledwolf @littlewildflowerkitten @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon @anne-bennett-cosplayer @irregular-child @lololol-1234 @r0binscript @monsterloverforhire @mugloversonly @live-the-fangirl-life @f0xxyb0xxes @lublix @breealtair @croatoan-like-its-hot @confuseddisastertm @dissociatingdemon @sleepdeprivedflower @thedragonsaunt @jamieweasley13 @hellfireone @dragonmama76
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professional-yearner · 7 months
Can't Help Falling In Love With You 🤍
Pt. 1
Yandere! Cheater! Officer Clone trooper x Fem! Reader
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Series TW!: cheating, mistresses, grief, murder, Evil-ish, being trapped, toxic relationships, forced relationship, obsessive love, obsession, general insanity, manipulation, disloyalty
A/N: I hope you guys like this first installment of my new-ish series! I do intend to finish it this time lol. I really hope you like it! :3
You sat in the dark, staring blankly at the messages. They were sweet, affectionate, and playful, with a deep sense of connection that made bile creep up your throat and your head light. You remembered when Steel used to message you like this, it seemed so distant now, but you could remember it almost vividly.
You hadn't realized you were crying until you had to sniff to keep mucus from dripping onto the data pad. It made sense why he had been so distant recently; staying out late on his leave instead of being with you, always on his data pad doing 'work', never really touching you anymore.
The name opposite his own messages seemed to be laughing at you, bold and victorious as it burned into your retinas;
Was that her name? It was pretty, like she must be. Was it just that, or was she funnier, smarter, more capable, more interesting? Maybe all of the above.
You cried out, pain racking through your entire body; you had thought he was your person. You thought he thought you were his person.
It had all come together when you met him, and now it had so rapidly fallen apart.
The morning following your discovery was bleak, but you had to keep it together, at least until he left again for the day.
It was a sisyphean task to hold back your tears without him noticing as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head before he went (something he hadn't done in a while), but you didn't think you could face him now, not until you got yourself together a bit.
You finally broke once he closed the door behind him, trying to take air between sobs as you did your best to move towards the bathroom.
Skincare didn't work, the tears and snot wouldn't stop long enough for any of your products to set.
Putting on a nice outfit didn't work either, you just found new ways to compare yourself to how pretty his new girl must be, making your crying all the more intense.
Finally, you found yourself in the kitchen, exhausted from a day that sped by you and stomach rumbling.
You had to climb the counter to get the ingredients that you needed, seeing as the it only reached your hip at the most.
Steel had insisted on you not "wasting your money" on a step-stool, going on about how he'd always be there to get things down for you. Remembering that made you grit your teeth, grief momentarily replaced with vitriol.
Karking liar.
Mixing and cleaning went by in a blur, you were so practiced by now it felt like a reflex. You looked down at what you were making.
It was both of your favorites; pancakes.
It was simple, basic even, but it had kind of been your thing. It seemed appropriate considering you had met in a diner.
You felt your eyes heat as you flipped the pancake.
You really thought he loved you.
You could remember the first time you had kissed, the first time you had felt so wanted and right with someone;
You giggled as he bumped your shoulder with his, the rough material of his uniform scuffing your bare arm lightly as he grinned down at you. The rain pattered on the two of you, your hair and his hat beginning to drip.
You paused your walking as you caught his eye, the look he was giving you catching you off guard; his brown-gold eyes shone more openly than you had ever seen them, soft affection following your every movement as his lips curved into a warm smile.
"What?" You smiled up at him, laughing lightly.
He stepped out in front of you, leaning down to push the hair away from your face and touching your nose with his,
"You're perfect, angel."
Your eyes widened as you took in the moment, a desire settling itself against your ribcage at his declaration. Stomach fluttering, you worked up every scrap of courage you had, finally leaning forward and closing the distance between the two of you, pressing your lips shyly to his.
He seemed to be in shock for a moment, making you pull back, only to give a small squeak of surprise as he shot out a hand to bring you back, capturing your lips gently, but passionately, against his once more.
You both stayed like that for a while, lips moving against each other in quiet tenderness before he pulled away slowly, rubbing your cheek with his calloused thumb,
He breathed softly, face only an inch from yours, "Sweet girl."
You bit back a silly grin, bringing your forehead to his and placing your hands at the sides of his face in a Keldabe kiss, one last show of your overwhelming adoration before pulling away.
"You want to come back to mine? I could make breakfast for dinner; your favorite."
He said nothing for a moment, looking at you as if you were the beginning and end of the galaxy, making you almost tear up before his face broke into a lopsided grin once more. He picked you up by your waist suddenly, causing you to squeal as he spun you around, laughing,
"Cyar’ika, you are the love of my life!"
You stared at the pan, watching the pastry grow black as you zoned out. The love of his life.
You sobbed, clutching the counter as the smell of burning pancake filled your nose.
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lvverleavr · 16 days
Mutually Exclusive | Entry Two
Entry Two: All The Young Dudes
༘ Jake x f oc (Annalise)
༘4k words
༘warnings: language, discussions of strained parental relationships, smut(oral f receiving)
A/N: I had to rewrite and repost this part just to encapsulate the pieces I really wanted so hopefully you all love it as much as I do! I'm thinking of starting a tag list if the demands calls for it. Read part one Here!
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Entry Two:
May 30, 2017. The date that started a whirlwind of the next six months. Saying six months was being generous but if I’m being entirely honest the whole second half of that year became a big blur to me as the year went on. I never understood how such a beautiful exciting summer could turn colder faster than the days the leaves began to fall. I dropped out not long after the run in with Juliet and you graduated on the 30th. It seemed like our lives were just set to begin. I’m not sure why but when I always thought of my future it was always “our” future. Like our past was ours so why can’t the future be the same way. I had Josh and Sam and even Danny but it wasn’t the same if I didn’t think of you there with me.
 I took Juliet on three dates over your last semester, just three before she told me I was too “emotionally detached” to date seriously. I had to hold back any form of laughter when she said that because two of those three “dates” we went on were just hooking up in the back of my truck after a shitty movie. I don’t think she understood what a serious relationship really entailed and if we’re being honest neither did I. The difference between us was at least I didn’t pretend to know. You always said you wanted the summer to last, something to remember and look back on like our last grip at being completely free before the adult word hit us in the gut. 
The day you called me to come pick you up was a Thursday, I remember it to be a Thursday because I listened to the highlights of last night's baseball game on the whole ride to your house. Your driveway was gravel and the lawn was overgrown, I used to mow it back when we were in high school and your dad would pay me $5 each time. Your mother told me to stop once he died, she told me they didn’t have money to just give away like that. I would’ve done it for free, I grew to enjoy doing it. It’s how I got to know you so well. I’d mow the lawn with my dad’s old mower, you’d come out and offer me a glass of water but always would end up just sitting on the steps and watching the patterns of the cut grass as I pushed the blade across the lawn.
I stopped just at the doors of the barn, the lock had been rusted shut from being locked all these years. You’d think your mother would have you open it, sell all the old tools of your fathers but I don’t think even she was that cruel to put such a task on you. 
The front door swung open, her voice yelling echoing off the trees surrounding the house as you ran from the steps and into my truck, “Just go please go.” You say quickly, pulling the seat belt over you as I back out of the driveway, watching you roll down the window and giving her a big wave before clicking off the radio.“Hey I was listening to that-” I frown, turning it back on as you buckled yourself into the passenger seat. “We have more important things to talk about,” You reply, pressing the dial to turn the radio off once again. “My grandfather.”
“The dead one or the mean one?” I ask. 
“My mothers father, the mean one.” You clarify, “Get this. He’s taking a two month trip to Europe with his fourth wife.” The smile growing on your face seemed contradictory to the words coming from your mouth. 
I giggled slightly, “Good for him?” My tone pitching up at the end, trying to piece together the point of the news. 
“No fuck him I don’t care about him. What I do care about is him asking my mother to watch the house for the next two months,” You shoved my arm, kicking your feet slightly against the floor mat. “He wants my mother– the woman who hasn’t left the house since Bush was president to drive two hours out of town to stay at his three acre mansion.” I made my way onto the highway, still struggling to understand what seemed like a growing inconvenient story and how it left you nearly shaking with excitement. “Someone has to watch the house, Jacob. My mother can’t do it but we both know she won’t tell my grandfather that so who does that leave!” 
You shove me again, I chuckle out a small ‘ow’ as I rub my arm, “Stop! you get violent when you’re excited,” centering my car in the lane before glancing at you again. 
“Who does that leave to watch the house!” You repeat again, playfully slapping my leg closest to you, interrupting before I could even open my mouth. “Us!” You squeal, “Us, two months in his stupidly huge house with a liquor cabinet that hasn’t been touched since the 70’s and three acres to do whatever our hearts desire.” 
“So you want me to pack up and spend two months at your bitter old grandfather's mansion so you can have a party and not have an excuse to be home instead?” I ask, you nodding excitedly in agreement. 
He left for his trip on August 15th and we got there on the 16th, the first night was oddly eerie. The air was cool once the stars came out but every creak and croak echoed down the halls. I left my things in one of the downstairs guest rooms while you unpacked across the hall. We were a half hour out of the nearest town and the air conditioner made a low hum that you would mistake for a voice if you weren’t paying attention. “You all set in here?” I ask as I open your bedroom door, your attention on the paintings that lined the walls 
“That's my mother.” You reply quietly, disregarding the question. “When she was young, see? She did ballet…” You came to your feet, your hand reaching out and gently brushing the painting with the tips of your fingers. “She was beautiful… My grandmother used to tell me about it, she was supposed to go to Juilliard–but she found out she was pregnant three weeks before she left.” 
The painting was beautiful, the subject was a young girl– she looked just like you there was no mistaking it, but her face was curved to a frown. “With you?” I ask, looking at you beside me. 
You nod, your eyes only moving to the painting beside it, another one of who I assumed to be your mother, though you never told me who it really was. “I think it's why she never liked me.” You continue, resting your head on my shoulder as we look over the paintings. “She loves me… I think she loves me but I think part of her resents me. Like me, being born is what made her the woman she is now. Now I’m stuck paying her back for it until one of us dies.” 
I let out a soft sigh, shaking my head slightly. “She can’t blame you for something you had no control over. You’re not the one at fault for what she became.” 
“Tell her that,” You chuckle lightly, standing back up straight as you shake out your shoulders. “Alright that’s enough. This is supposed to be fun right?” 
I nod, offering you back a smile as you turn to me, gently shaking my shoulders and walking out of the room. 
 August seemed to pull out from under us and before I knew it, it was mid September. As the days slipped out from under me I felt myself grasping for any piece of you I could, things that seemed to pass by my mind like nothing suddenly made my head spin. It could’ve been the lack of contact with much of anyone else but something just felt like a knot tying itself over and over in my stomach. I had come to find comfort in the creaking of the old house and the pictures that hung above my bed didn’t scare me anymore. It was almost midnight when I heard your voice from the hallway, you never stayed up late so hearing you awake past ten pm felt concerning. “An?” I call out, hearing no response. I waited a few seconds, flicking on the lamp beside my bed but still being met with nothing. “Anna? If you’re fucking with me its not funny.” 
Against my better judgment I left my bedroom, wandering down the hallway to see the front door cracked open. For a moment it felt like some horror movie, the feeling fleeing the second my eyes registered you sitting on the front steps, the faint smell of your cigarette wafting towards the doorway. “An?” I ask again, this time catching your attention. 
You turned, quickly wiping your eyes with your sleeve as you offered me a smile, “Hey- I thought you were sleeping,” The porch light illuminated your face as you looked at me, your eyes were slightly red and your hand shook as you held the cigarette between your fingers. 
“I heard something– were you talking to someone?” 
You shook your head, taking a short drag of your cigarette before pushing the smoke out between your lips, “Just my mom… I think she just wanted someone to yell at.” Gently patting the wood beside you with a gentle smile. 
“I don’t understand why you answer her calls this late at night…” I sighed softly as I sat beside you, feeling your head gently rest on my shoulder. “She always calls when she’s been drinking just to yell at you for stuff that doesn’t even have to do with you.” 
“Like when she called me during prom to yell at me because my brother decided to go to San Diego with his girlfriend instead of coming home for summer” You giggle, handing me the cigarette as I reach for it. “She pulls the, you promised your father you’d always be here after he died, card.” 
I shake my head, turning my head to the side as I blow the smoke out carefully, “She pulls that card to make you feel guilty… It’s gonna stop working one day.” 
You nod in agreement, taking the cigarette back and pressing it firmly into the ashtray beside you, “Thank you for coming here with me.” Tilting your head up to look at me, your cheeks hinting just a brief shade of pink as you notice me already looking at you, “I don’t think I could stay here this long with anyone else.” 
I can’t help but smile, giving you a gentle nod, “It’s been really fun… I couldn’t think of a better way to end the summer.” My eyes trailed to your lips, involuntarily at first but after the first few moments it became entirely voluntary. I felt my heart pick up, a softness grow in your gaze that I never experienced before. You smiled, your eyes flicking across my face every shift of our gazes seemed to drop to a slow motion. I felt your body shift closer, my fingers grazing yours and I felt cemented in place, completely unable to move as you closed the gap. The warmth of your lips finally pressed to mine and I felt as though I could melt right there, tension that could be cut with a knife suddenly melted to a puddle at our feet. My hand reached up, gently cupping your cheek as I kissed you back— feeling your lips curve into a smile against mine. Your fingers gently interlaced with the ones that rested in my lap, thumb running over the bumps of my knuckles as I caved to the urge to kiss you deeper. 
My cheeks were red hot when we finally pulled away, your eyes fluttering back open as you gently wiped your thumb under my bottom lip, “It’s late…” You whispered softly, your fingers grazing along my cheek and down to my jaw before dropping back to your lap. 
All I could muster up was a soft nod, swiping my tongue along my bottom lip as I loosened the grip I had on your other hand, “Are you coming to bed too?” I ask, following your lead and bringing myself back up to my feet. 
“Why?” You smile, nudging me playfully, “You worried about me?” I could tell you were trying to cut the tension, a moment that lapsed the dynamic we had for so long– it changed just in that moment. 
“Just don’t wanna hear you talking to yourself out here in the middle of the night,” I smile, pushing the door open as I let you step inside. “I’ll see you in the morning…” You turned to face me as you stepped in, our gazes following one another until it would’ve been too obvious if you kept it. 
I left the door open a crack, a decision I didn’t notice I had made but it just felt right, like some metaphor in reflection of the moment I just walked away from. I could feel you still on my lips, my tongue swiping along them instinctively as I thought about it. I watched the fan whirl above me, so lost in my own thoughts, I barely heard the creak of the door opening. 
“Jake…” I leant up, feeling the bed press down with the weight of your knee, your body moving to lay in the space left empty beside me. 
“Are you okay?” My heart started to pound, your eyes were on mine as you settled on your side, my eyes falling to your lips near immediately, “Did something happen-” I barely let out the last word before your lips pressed to mine once more. I kissed you back without hesitation, feeling your hand press against my chest. 
I let out a small breath against your lips, my hand gently holding the side of your neck as I pulled away. Your lips parted as you looked up at me, my eyes scanned over your face as I looked for some reasoning, part of me wanting you to lean back in– every part of me craving you as your hand slid up to my cheek, cupping it softly. “Please-” Was all I could remember you saying, your lips connecting softly to my jaw, like something neither of us could explain had a hold over us in that moment. Nothing mattered other than how quickly we could intertwine ourselves in one another right in that very instant. My hand gently slid down your side, fingers nudging the hem of your shirt up as my finger tips grazed your bare side. You let out a whine, barely audible but your hips stirred slightly at the feeling of my touch against your skin. I pulled away just for a moment, slipping your shirt over your head and dropping it on the floor beside us as your lips connected with my neck. My lips parted, feeling your hand take mine, guiding it down to gently cup your breast. 
“Shit-” You mumbled softly, my thumb gently swiping over your nipple. Your hand dropped from mine, pushing my shirt up until I could pull myself away long enough for you to tug it over my head. The corners of your eyes softened as we made eye contact, giving me the opportunity to carefully lay you on the bed beside me. No second thoughts clouded my brain as my lips lined your jaw, mapping a trail down your neck and slowing as they fell down between your breasts. Your fingertips gently grazed my bare shoulder, nails just barely scratching my skin as I finally reached the hem of your shorts. My kisses grew needier as your hips gently stirred under my touch, feeling my hands guide them off.
“Fuck-” I couldnt help but mumble out, the soft glow of the bedside lamp illuminating you underneath me. My eyes trailed back up to yours, your hand gently cupping my jaw as your thumb rubbed my cheek. 
“Please… Please I-I’ve always-” You whispered, a shake in your voice. “I need to know what you feel like against me…” 
I nearly moaned at the words alone, the pure need dripping off both of us. My eyes never lingered from yours as I dipped my head down, soft kisses pressing against your thighs as your hips stirred, jolting as my touch finally connected to your core. My fingers gently pressing into the soft skin of your thighs as my tongue swirled against you, it was near addicting. Your noises circling my head left me wanting to stay right there forever. My nose gently nudged at your clit, my hands slid to hold your hips as your fingers twisted and tugged at the roots of my hair. I could feel your movements growing more sporadic the more I delved into you, feeling you gently roll your hips against my face as you whined softly, “I’m so- I’m so please,” You begged, a low groan escaping my lips as my tongue pressed flat against you. 
Your hips slowed as your fingers flexed and released from my hair, moving to gently graze the back of my neck as you panted softly. I gently pulled away, feeling you move to caress my cheek softly, your smile guiding me back up to your lips. 
“Wipe your face don’t be gross,” You chuckled breathlessly, I blushed and nodded. Swiping the back of my hand across my lips before pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
That was all that night was, you kissed me back and in the morning I woke up to my shirt that was on the floor missing and the trail of your clothes still scattered around. I rubbed my eyes, stretching out as I slid my pants back on. The hallway was cold, glancing both ways down it to see the front door propped open again. Shit I mumbled to myself, my initial thought being that your mother was at it once more. As I padded softly down the hallway, rubbing my bare arms I was met with the sound of music from the kitchen instead. I glanced over, seeing you stood at the kitchen sink, realizing where my missing shirt had gone. 
Neither of us brought the night before for that entire day, if anything I would take it how it was, relish in the feeling it gave me but allow it be exactly that, a feeling, just one night. 
“What if we’re getting cabin fever and we don’t even know it?” You ask me, laid out on the cool kitchen tile as I washed the last few dishes that lingered in the sink. “Like how Jack pushed it off until he just picked up that ax and went crazy.” 
I let out a small chuckle, shaking my head as I turned off the water, “Do you have random visions of killing me?” Looking down at you, your head just inches from my left foot. 
“Who knows,” You shrug, stretching out your arms in front of you, fingers sprawling out from one another before letting it shoot out to the side to grab my ankle, “REDRUM!” You yell, your voice gritting as you squeeze my leg, causing me to jump back.
“Shit Ann, don't– that scares the shit out of me!” I couldn’t help but let out a soft chuckle as I jumped from your grip. “I think the house is getting to you,” 
“Not my fault it makes me feel like I’m stuck in 1895,” You huff as you bring yourself to sit up, “Like Dracula is gonna walk in on me showering one of these nights or something, ask me why I’m in his house.” Your eyes followed along the shelves and cabinets that were laid against the hallway wall just adjacent to the kitchen doorway. pointing your empty wine glass up at me as your other hand wipes the tear from your eye. 
“Same kind?” I ask, you nodding as I grab my glass and taking down the last gulp before filling both back up. 
“This fucking house creeps me out.” You mumble, running your fingers through your hair as your eyes land on the large record player in the corner of the room. “So he does enjoy some things.” You giggle, crouching down and pulling it from a shelf, it was in a large case with an old cord trailing out of the back of it. “Bring those into the living room–” You say with a small oof the weight of the player hitting your stomach as you stand back up. 
I couldn't help but smile as I watched you lug it into the other room, you were too enthralled by the collection of vinyl in the hallway to see my gaze lingering on you, the sight of you made my stomach twist. 
“I’m, um- just gonna run upstairs for a second to grab something I’ll be right back,” I say softly, passing you your glass as you drag your finger along the line of tattered spines on the shelf. I didn't need anything, nothing at all. If anything I needed a second to breathe, as days passed these moments beside you overwhelmed me and the alcohol already flushing my cheeks didn't help.
I shook off the feeling, making my way down the stairs and rounding towards the living room. The music drifted down the hall, it was loud and the song changed. I couldn't help but smile, your voice just barely over the first words of the song as I passed the doorway into the living room. I stood there for a few moments, smiling as you gently spun in the middle of the room, your hair fell over your face as your head hung down– the chorus echoing off the same old walls.
Hey Dudes!
You called, finally lifting your head to see me. A toothy grin taking over your face and your wine glass near empty now in the other, 
Where are ya?”
I called back, stepping forward as you reached your hand out. I took it in mine and carefully spun you, laughing as we danced. 
I never danced. We never danced but that night we did. We spun and we skipped and you ran back over to pull the needle to restart the song. I loved every second of it, the tenth time for the last verse on our fifth glass of wine. 
All the young dudes
You sung out, giggling as you looked over 
“I wanna hear ya!” You smiled, jumping back over as my eyes glued to yours. I couldn't take my eyes off you, my chest was on fire as you looked at me. You wrapped an arm around my shoulder, your voice slowly fading as my arm slid around your waist. 
Both our smiles were wearying slightly, and the music seemed to do the same thing. I could feel my heartbeat in my ears when you kissed me, the song dwindling down as I kissed you back. The euphoria of the moment only lasted just that, a moment, before the guilt set in. Watching as you stood there so peacefully, completely unaware of the news I had been holding onto for nearly two weeks now. I had meeting after meeting for the last three months with every and any label that would us. I grasped at any straw, any city, state even one even being up in toronto. I never really figured out what I was going to do when one of them called me back. 
“An?” I say softly, watching as you nod, taking the last sip from your glass, a small smile on your lips. “I’m moving to Tennessee.”
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captainsophiestark · 11 months
The Best of the Best
Finn x Reader
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Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: Star Wars
Day 26 Prompt: "Honestly, why would I care?"
Summary: Finn's not the first member of the First Order to defect, although he is the first Storm Trooper. An unexpected happy reunion comes when he first lands on a Resistance base.
Word Count: 1,475
Category: Fluff, maybe a tiny bit of angst?
A/N: Disclaimer, I have not seen the Force Awakens in literal years
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"The Millennium Falcon just landed outside!"
"General Solo is on it, from the Rebellion!"
"It's got an ex-Storm Trooper on it!"
The shouts of my fellow Resistance members echoed around me as they shouted and gossiped about the recent touchdown of a ship. I wove my way through the crowd, keeping one hand on my blaster. I needed to be ready.
A few years ago, I'd been part of the First Order. More than that, I'd been responsible for training the Storm Troopers we took from birth, helping indoctrinate them into the system. I'd been younger or the same age as most of them, and watching them go off to die in a pointless war had jump started my realization that we were the bad guys.
Once the realization had fully settled in, I'd up and left without looking back. I found the Resistance through my now best friend Poe Dameron, and I'd had a lot of valuable information to share with them. I'd been here for almost four years now, and not once had I seen a Storm Trooper defect. So, when I heard everyone whispering in the hallways about one stepping on base, I went into immediate red alert.
I made it out to the tarmac and immediately I noticed the Falcon. The ship was impossible to miss. I quickly scanned the crowd between me and the ship, and my best friend's signature jacket jumped out at me amidst everything else. But Poe had lost that jacket on Jakku in the process of his escape from the First Order.
The guy with Poe's jacket had his back to me, but as I approached, he turned around. I froze in my tracks, my mouth dropping open a little.
FN-2187 stared back at me. I barely remembered most of the people who'd come through the ranks of the First Order under my training. They all blurred together, and the guilt over everything I'd done to uphold the dictatorship was too much for me to look back on all I'd done with any kind of regularity. But I knew the man standing a few yards from me, beyond a shadow of a doubt. I'd know him anywhere.
He was one of the first people I'd been completely responsible for training without supervision, when I was around the same age as the classes I trained. He'd been the first one I'd ever felt a connection with, the first one I'd ever let myself get close to. We'd been friendly, we'd been supportive and understanding of each others' mistakes despite the First Order trying to make us be anything but. Before Poe, he'd been the closest I'd ever come to a best friend.
Unfortunately for both of us, the First Order had noticed how close we'd been getting. We'd been ripped apart immediately, and I learned quickly not to get attached to any more of my trainees. I'd never seen my friend again.
Until now. Now, we were face to face again, on a Resistance base free from the reach of the First Order. The side of my mouth quirked up in a small smile, he beamed back at me, and that was all it took to have me running across the tarmac to him.
I jumped up and wrapped him in a tackle-hug, which he quickly returned. He wrapped his arms around me tight and spun me around, then buried his face in my neck as we came to a stop. I squeezed him tight, not wanting to let go lest this all turn out to be a dream. From the way he held me, I could tell he felt the same.
"Is this real?" he breathed. I huffed a hysterical laugh, a few tears sliding down my face.
"I sure hope so."
If both of us had had our way, I don't think either of us would've moved again for at least a few hours. But a certain pilot popped into my line of sight, a confused look on his face.
"Do you and Finn... know each other?"
"Finn!" I said, breathlessly happy as I pulled back to smile at the former Storm Trooper. "That's a great name."
"I think so too," he said, matching my smile. "Poe gave it to me."
I looked at Poe. He still seemed a little confused, but he had a proud look on his face all the same.
"You're really the top recruiter of defectors, aren't you?" I mused. He shot me a wink.
"Don't you forget it. Now come on, we have a fascist dictatorship to take down."
Finn and I shared a smile as Poe headed off into the crowd of the base. I sighed.
"We probably should follow him, huh?"
"I guess so. How long have you been here, though?"
"A few years," I replied. Finn looked shocked, so I continued. "I... couldn't stand watching the people I'd trained go off and die, killing a bunch of people in the process."
Finn nodded, sagging a little, shoulders slumping as he looked away for the first time since we'd found each other. I nudged him with my arm, suddenly insanely worried about him.
"Hey. What's wrong?" I asked, trying to keep my tone light. He huffed a humorless laugh and shook his head.
"It's nothing. It's just... I can't believe you've been here for so long. It took you a lot less time to realize how wrong we were than it took me."
My eyes went wide, shock nearly rocking me off my feet at his revelation. I quickly grabbed his shoulders and turned him to face me.
"Finn! Are you kidding me? I understand the guilt over our past, seriously, I do. But the fact that it took you a little longer than it took me means nothing. You were literally brainwashed from birth, something I was a part of! I didn't have that excuse, and I still served them for years."
Finn didn't look totally convinced, although his posture wasn't quite as slumped as before. I continued.
"Finn, I spent years convincing myself not to leave. I convinced myself not to care. Honestly, why would I care? It was all part of a righteous cause, canon fodder being expended killing bad guys trying to take down the government." I shook my head at myself in disgust. The fact that I'd ever believed that nonsense, that damaging propaganda, would haunt me for the rest of my life. Finn let his hand rest on my waist, giving it a gentle squeeze to comfort me, and I took a deep breath before continuing. "The realization that I was on the wrong side started long before I left, and I'll always regret the extra damage I did to the galaxy before listening to what I knew was right.
"But Finn, I went through all that as someone who grew up with a family, in school, with some varied viewpoints, although not many. You were told from birth that the First Order's morals, politics, and methods of enforcement were the one and only right way from almost the day you were born. And still you came to your own, different conclusion and left those sons of bitches behind, because you are that good of a person, Finn. That's... amazing."
I'd caught myself rambling, saying more than I'd maybe initially intended to, but I couldn't bring myself to regret it. I loved Finn, and the last thing I wanted was for him to put himself through any more pain than he'd already survived.
Finn laughed, a disbelieving sound, and the smile he gave me felt as bright and warm as the sun. I wasn't sure what I expected him to say, but I got a pleasant surprise when he finally did speak up.
"...Can I kiss you?"
"Hell yes."
We shared a beaming, happy smile, our first free smile, and then Finn leaned down and kissed me. He wrapped his arms around my waist again, pulling me to him as I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing in the middle of the runway without a care in the world who saw us. It didn't matter who saw us now. No one here would exploit us, or use one of us to hurt the other. We were free, together.
"Hey! I'm happy to see my two best friends making out and all, but we actually have things to do today, remember?"
Finn and I broke apart reluctantly, still smiling even as we turned to Poe, the interruption. He was right, unfortunately. In order to take the First Order down for good, to free the rest of the galaxy, we had a lot of work to do. But it didn't seem quite as daunting now that I had Finn.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
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fandoestrans · 1 year
The makers of <Take Us Home> discussing Bai Yu and his character Xijue:
Producer Xiong Xiaoling: Xijue laoshi is just perfect-- I mean Bai Yu laoshi. The director and I have both worked with Bai Yu before so when we read the script we were already inserting Bai Yu into the role so he did match perfectly. And we also came to understand a lot of subtle similarities between them (Bai Yu and Xijue) throughout the process
Author of the original novel Di An: when I write, I never have a very clear picture of what these characters faces look like, the image is always blurred or just a silhouette in my head. However when I saw Ma Liyi laoshi and Bai Yu laoshi's interactions as Xijue and Dongni, including the very complex tensions between them, I suddenly felt like they brought to life the atmosphere written in the novel
Director Lin Yan: (Ma Yili and Bai Yu as Dongni and Xijue were) very very good. With Bai Yu, I honestly just know him way too well, it's our 4th time working together. But these 4 times were all when we were in our own different life stages, so we watched each other grow. This time, what left the deepest impact on me from Bai Yu's performance wasn't 1 scene, its how he brought out all of his energy to portray the role of Xijue. When we met a few days ago, he was still telling me "acting Xijue really emptied me of all my vitality". Even up until now he still says acting Xijue completely drained him, even though filming finished 1 year ago. This 4th time working with Bai Yu, the improvement in his acting, the inner pivoting point and the strength of his performance as his role really made me so happy. We worked together too many times, I've been constantly watching gradual improvements in his performance and his ability to shape his character all these years. So meeting again, filming a complex show together with a complex character, the improvement in his acting blew me away.
Author Di An: of course the character I'm most heartbroken for is Xijue. He just suffers so much! I can't remember what was going through my head when I wrote the first book <Xijue>, I was only 25 years old I really dumped everything bad on 1 character! Now I feel like I went too far.... in the following book <Dongni> I didn't fix anything for him, I just let him keep suffering... Once he became a very familiar person to me, I felt really bad for putting him through that. I was thinking while writing, if their third uncle/auntie pass away, will this family still stand? Is there a child in the next generation who can become the person who pulls the family together? i used to think it might be Xijue. But after I finished writing I'm not so sure, its very complex.
Scriptwriter Wu Nan: the traditional big Chinese family is disappearing. That's what's precious about <Take Us Home>, it touches on this issue. Do we really wish for Xijue to keep such a big family together? From an individual perspective, Xijue needs to live his own life, that's the modern day values in this society.
Author Di An: Dongni and Xijue are like two sides of a coin. It's impossible for them to spiritually/mentally separate from one another and exist on their own.
Scriptwriter Wu Nan: I think the ending is quite gentle. Everyone's definition of a satisfactory ending is different. But I think the ending they had in the drama is quite gentle, at least more so than what Di An gave them!
Director Lin Yan: Bai Yu's crying scenes are real raw emotion. Every single time he cries my heart hurts. On one hand I have to admit that it's Xijue I'm heartbroken for but when we're on set I feel for Bai Yu more. Because he really used every cell in his body to shed tears for Xijue.
Scriptwriter Wu Nan: every crying scene Bai Yu has, he cries differently. It's so magical
Director Lin Yan: because the reason why he cries is different
Scriptwriter Wu Nan: every time he cries in a way that expresses all the different reasons! It's just so unfathomable!
Producer Xiong Xiaolin: I would be all too happy (if Ma YiLi and Bai Yu could work together again in another production)
Director Lin Yan: I definitely will work with Bai Yu again.
Q: why does Xijue love Jiang Yi so much? He seems to always go for jiejie types, older than him, is it because of his original family?
Director Lin Yan: that definitely plays a part. And Jiang Yi's appearance in that point in his life was like meeting That person at That time
(sorry I am unable to attach the video in any other way as it is too long and file size too big!!)
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specialscum · 5 months
Past a certain point (I wanna say sometime in 2022 but that year was kind of a blur with the ones before and after it, so I can only really be sure that it was after '21 and before '24) I realized I wasn't playing competitive games because I consistently found it fun, but because I thought it *might* make my own or someone else's day a little better. I swore off doing that again (not for the first time, hehe) in the middle of a team deathmatch because I realized no one ever benefits from it long term. You get to not completely hate the entire world for one or two games, and then one of two things happens:
A: Turns out you're a normal person, and you go back to treating others in game like a normal person does (very respectable if you're not rude and/or unreasonable, not very useful)
B: You go back to thinking of people with their in-game roles in mind, but without necessarily liking them (generally a big part of how most people get an understanding of what they're playing and with who, can go really right if you allow yourself to learn, makes you go fucking insane)
The best thing to do for someone in that kind of game is to convince them to quit. Not by telling them that they're "trash" and should "uninstall", just by pointing out the obvious and saying it's just throwing diluted rabies at yourself with the occasional victory to keep you going.
I realize this post may or may not make zero sense, I'm kinda completely pissed and overjoyed and scared and salty and tired right now. If you want something to take away from it that does at least sound coherent, though: There's nothing to be gained. Proving your own skill? Come back at a different time of day, time of month, couple years of people with the same ambitions and fresh faces. You'll try the same thing again, but against your own past. You'll be either old news, old shit, or an old man trying to pass as a veteran to everyone watching.
Or maybe you really are just here for fun? This is the Internet, we don't get together to have fun here. We get together to get divided, and we get divided to have some morbid parody of "fun". Man, remember fun? Fun was so fun, I wish it wasn't brutally murdered in a gross little shed in the back of the middle of nowhere when I turned twelve.
There's no "reason" why people get together in little teams where things either go to hell within 10 minutes, or you make a little alternative interpretation in your brain where we DID fuck up, it just wasn't immediately obvious to the ones who got to feel good together because we were too busy preaching about how great teamwork is while the others went off to die and have the worst cry's ever induced by entertainment. No "reason" to do THAT every day. Just excuses about how "oh but it'll be fine once I just [whatever achievement you're aspiring for, not thinking about how badly you'll want another one after {unless you're not as stupid as me, of course}]". Well it won't be fine. You'd have to get to a point where there's nothing more to achieve for that to happen. Which would only even be possible if you were completely incapable of setting your own arbitrary (pseudo-reasonable) goals *ever*, out of the question.
So that's the post. Last paragraph's conclusion is a little shorter than I planned, but I'm slowly getting more tired and less capable of writing like this. I hope no one ever reads this, and I'm sorry for making it. I would also say I'm sorry for existing, but I'm not in the mood or state to do much more than just lie down and shoot literally *anything* other than this through my brain right now.
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platinumdragonchaos · 2 years
Well, it's been a crazy month. Hard to believe it's almost December and only a handful of weeks until 2023. Time is strange. I really do try and "stop to smell the roses" but things still have a way of flying by so fast that it feels like a blink regardless of what's going on. I suppose that's just how things go and a quote I heard long ago about how "life is like a roll of toilet paper as the closer to get to the end the faster it goes" is always kinda in my mind but having dealt with the death of a loved one recently I guess I can't help but think about it more than usual. It's a tough thing and we all deal with it but it hit me really hard.
Grieving is a process, a long one. When you're used to someone being around every day for so long, at least 12 years (not sure exactly, but what is a year or two when you're talking at least a dozen?) it takes some adjustment when they are no longer around. It's something that will just sort of hit me randomly and it hurts but it gets a little better every day. In many ways it's even harder than dealing with a human death...my list of loved ones has always been kinda short and it's not like I don't have friends but it sadly IS a short list and losing even one, a BIG one is really hard. You really can't replace that...
But speaking of friends, I saw some very old ones at a bar Saturday. I went there with some other friends to see a band play and they were just there hanging out. It had been years since I saw any of them and it was good to catch up a little and at least throw the idea around of hanging out again sometime in the future. It also made me very nostalgic for the past. So many good times and these are real and high quality people, which are in my world are very hard to find these days.
Those were some fun times and though I still have them it's a lot rarer and it's just harder in general to get people together. Work schedules, weather, just being busy in general, we all have stuff we gotta do and there are only so many hours in a day/week/etc, esp for those with spouses and or kids. That's part of getting older but it sucks when you just want a bit of companionship and have a few hours after a long week to really decompress but everyone is doing other things.
The pandemic didn't help that AT ALL, obviously and sometimes I still feel like I'm trying to make up for lost time but in the end I have fun when I can and even though it's generally something pretty simple, like having a fire in the woods or playing cards with a few people, it really is the people you care about and that care about you that makes the journey worth taking.
Also music. I listened to hours and hours over the weekend. Having a nice buzz and listening to some tunes is how I generally end my night after hanging out and this long weekend was no exception. A nice family meal Thursday, playing games and such Friday and then going out Saturday. Can't really ask for more than that.
In fact, the only real blemish was Ohio State looking terrible during the most important game of the year and totally choking. I can't believe they've let Michigan beat them two years in a row now. In the end it's just a silly game and I'm no huge sports nut but to have the season end like that is kind of embarrassing.
Anyway, to cycle back to the beginning, it's been a tough month. There were a lot of days I did not feel good at ALL, separated by a few weekends when I actually got to do something with some people and maybe get out of the house for a bit. That's all understandable but it just made everything a blur. The weekdays def weren't worth remembering and melded right into the weekends, and time always flies when you are having fun and then boom, it's back to Monday and starting all over again.
It's been a strange blend of bliss and misery, very polar. Having days when your heart hurts and everything feels so heavy, then times when you're laughing and feeling good. Life is often like that I suppose, esp when dealing with the trauma of death but it's also sorta hard being pulled in that many different directions in such a short time. Not to mention the weather, which for Nov around here hasn't been all that bad but we've had nice warm days with sunshine mixed in with cold and snow so it's just one more thing that's been a little crazy in the mix of it all. Very exhausting.
I'm so thankful for my friends. If not for them being around some lately I dunno that I'd be feeling okay. It's also good to remember that even if years pass, people that you're important to will still have open arms. Times are tough all over and we're all feeling a lot of strain with various things and I've had more on my plate than usual but I'm still trying to remain positive and it's a lot easier when you know some people truly do care, even if most others don't.
So yeah, it was a good Thanksgiving weekend, I prob said some silly things that made people shake their heads but that's not so unusual for me and hey, I think I have a good excuse to be a little crazier than usual. In the end I'm doing all you can really do - you endure the hard times and enjoy the good ones - but damn, I just wish the good ones didn't go by so quickly. I'd love to be able to wake up and have it be Thanksgiving again and do it all over, probably pretty much the same as I did because it was good for me, mentally especially, to be able to focus on the really important things in life. Family, food, friends, fun, etc. I'm well aware that not every day is gonna be amazing and I try to make the most out of all of them regardless, but I feel like it was just what I needed.
I'll still feel sad and lonely at times, and some weekdays will be extra boring and I won't have anyone to talk to and the weekends might be too if people are too busy to hang but I wanna end this year on a decent note so I'm just gonna take it all one day at a time.
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oflgtfol · 4 years
me: hm im in the last stretch of my linear algebra hw, perhaps listening to The Wheel Is Turning Now by Everything Everything will help get my brain working like how it always helped me when programming
me: *starts this song* *cries*
#summer 2020 was fucked up but lowkey im glad i did take those comp sci classes bc like#on one hand ive been doing schoolwork with no break since like.... late january of this year LMFAO#no substantial break at least#but on the other hand i think this summer would've legit just been a black hole in my mind#it already kind of is except for like the few times i was able to hang out with my friends#the rest of the summer is already kind of a blur#but i think if i legit just spent it wallowing in my bedroom doing absolutely nothing productive then it wouldve been worse? lol#like i may not remember anything specific beyond those like.. 5 total days where i hung out with my friends#but i at least like. have memories? gneeral memories of my daily routine?#the days blurred together but i at least remember how my day generally went?#so now listening to this song its like oh man it just reminds me of those comp sci classes and like#yeah they got me thru the summer in terms of mental health but also like . they were also just like. enjoyable overall? LOL#like i rlly hope i can get into the CS class i want next semester bc omg i miss those programming hws LOL...#LIKE HONESTLY IVE NEVER HAD FUN DOING HW EVEN IN CLASSES I ENJOY . ITS ALWAYS JUST HW#but programming is so fun its like even the hw assignments are enjoyable#MAN I MISS BUSTING OPEN THAT WEEK'S PYTHON ASSIGNMENT AND DOING IT IN A SOLID 2 HRS#AND LISTENING TO THE WHEEL IS TURNING NOW DURING IT DX#blows a kiss to google colab... for my python hw assignments </3#now im doing hw daily and for what? its just suffering#and i have so much fun programming even when i cant get it to work and it makes me wanna tear my hair out?#like even then in the long run its still fun LOL#except for the mpl assignments those were tedious as fuck#for my java class im mostly reminiscing over the ACTUAL hw assignments which involved us working in eclipse LOL#UGH I MISS ECLIPSE TOO DX#AND SEE LIKE I ENJOY PROGRAMMING BUT I DONT HAVE THE TIME TO LIKE DO MY OWN PROJECTS?#brot posts
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hyuukais · 3 years
It’s What You Do To Me
Hey there, Delilah, I know times are gettin' hard
Word Count: 692
Genre: Yeonjun x reader, angst, just a whole lot of angst, song fic (?) ig
Warnings: descriptions of loneliness and crying yourself to sleep, generally just heavier themes involved with a long-distance relationship
Author: thank you @bbanghoonie , @taecup-fics , and @fullsunfluff for beta reading because the majority of this was written in a sleep-deprived stupor
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Hey there, Delilah
“Um, hey, Junie. It’s me.”
What’s it like in New York City
“You’re probably really busy right now, but I just wanted to call. Leave a little voicemail for you when you get back.”
I'm a thousand miles away, but girl, tonight, you look so pretty, yes you do
Times Square can't shine as bright as you, I swear it's true
“I saw your guys’ stage today! You looked absolutely amazing, as always. Oh, and that cool pyramid move you did! It was awesome!”
Hey there, Delilah, don't you worry about the distance
I'm right there if you get lonely, give this song another listen, close your eyes
“I’ve actually been saving up a bit so I could maybe come visit soon. Get to see you and the boys, y’know. It-it’d be really fun!”
Listen to my voice, it's my disguise
I'm by your side
“Ah…well, yeah. Call me back when you get the chance. I love you. Bye.”
Oh, it's what you do to me
Oh, it’s what you do to me
Sighing, I ended the call. I don’t know why I even tried in the first place. He’s probably asleep. God, I should’ve known. I should’ve known the moment those two words came up, those two disastrous, dreaded words. Long-distance.
We had been trying for about six months at this point since I moved away for school and his career skyrocketed. Most days went by with little-to-no contact, the majority of the time one of us was busy while the other was free. Calls were few and far between, and any type of video chat was usually out of the question. Today, for instance, my back-to-back classes and work rendered me unable to even send a voicemail until now, just past 10:00 pm for me but crawling into the early hours of the morning in Seoul.
The moon slowly slipping its way through cloudy skies, familiar loneliness settles in my heart. It comes every night, weighing me down, pinning me to the sheets. It presses against my eyes, pounds in my head, it fills every inch of my skin yet it leaves the biggest piece of me hollow. Every other limb so heavy, I can only feel the hole expanding in my chest, the venomous grip around my lungs, every tug and pluck at my heart. Solitude playing my heartstrings to the tune of my own misery. A tune of poignant nostalgia, of remembering the ghost of his touch, how it was soft and rough and everything in between, how he’d hug me tight as the moon rose and sleep settled in my bones. A tune reminiscent of the one Yeonjun would hum as we lay draped over the couch, tangled in the essence of love. Nothing but each other in mind.
These scenes once bathed in gold in my memories now plagued with the rot brought by time and distance. They said distance would make the heart grow fonder but neglected the growing pains. It’s been months since I’d seen him, held him, kissed him, and every day in between I’d been lying to him. My days were never the best. Lessons blurred together, day and night no more. I was no longer truly me, every day on autopilot stumbling through studies till I could finally get in bed. Till I could finally see him or at least hear his voice. Yeonjun was a home to me in a new place where I felt like I didn’t have one. The warmth disappeared along with his calls. I would never blame him for the cold. My brain was what brought it in absence of light. The cold that drenched me in yearning for warmth again as exhaustion took over, paralyzing the tears streaking my cheeks. Yeonjun’s only fault was making me fall this hard, only to be dragged back up in the absence of him. He drove my heart crazy. He made me laugh and smile and cry. And it’s all I'd ever wanted and hated so.
Oh, it's what you do to me
Oh, it's what you do to me
What you do to me
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thesunicarusfellfor · 3 years
Safe With Me (Yandere!Plat!C!Ranboo x F!Reader) 2/???
TW: Yandere, blood, canon lives lost, mention of painkillers, kiddnapping, swearing
Part One
Over the next few days, he practically begged you to come to live with him in the Snowchester mansion, claiming that you could be much safer there, and closer to him. A.k.a, away, FAR away from Technoblade.
While you liked the thought, you explained to him that you liked your home and wanted to wait a bit before moving in. Ranboo was a little upset but quickly went back to smiling and saying he understood... He couldn't be mad at you... This was life changing for ender's sake.
Then your last day at his home came quicker than he would have liked.. but that's not the only reason he hated that day...
Maybe the voices took over?
Or maybe he was of his own free will when he did it..?
He never fully got the answer out of you and he never understood what happened... He never understood why that damned man decided to take everything from him that day...
You had walked out the door a few minutes ago with a smile on your face and a travel cup full of whatever hot drink you had made before leaving... Then he heard an ear-piercing scream.
Stumbling over his own long and lanky legs, he ran out the door as fast as he could, crashing and tripping over furniture before reaching his front door. He threw it open with a cry of your name and saw the scene he feared the most...
Every single one of his fears had come true.
You were laying lifelessly on the stark white snow, eyes and mouth wide open with dull terror as your clothes were covered in an almost beautiful ruby red liquid seeping from a hole in your chest. Your once shiny (e/c) eyes were glazed over like the glass eyes of a doll, your skin rapidly losing any sort of beautiful hue he had once studied.
Ranboo couldn't stop the scream of bloody murder that escaped his throat as he stumbled through the snow and collapsed to his knees beside your colourless corpse. His hands quickly became covered in the red liquid as it seeped into the snow, flowing freely from the wound that had been created by the man he has once respected.
He knew you were already gone by the time he came out, but he still kept trying to get you to wake up. His colourless hands gently shaking you, holding your face in between his stained hands, trying anything to keep the life from leaving your body, but obviously failing.
"She has one more life left. You're overreacting." His pink-haired neighbour growled softly as your body began to break apart into particles. Despite the piglin's words, the other hybrid sobbed hysterically with his head thrown back to the sky, ignoring the tears burning into his skin.
"I'll kill you."
"I'll kill you for this, Technoblade." Ranboo tilted his head back down as the black part of his skin began to seep into the white part. His green eye turned into an amethyst-coloured purple and his mouth began to split open.
The next few days to him were a blur... Or that was his memory getting worse...
He'll never really know...
He just knew that you weren't safe without him... You were on your last canon life! You had to be protected...
Even if that meant you couldn't leave...
He had a few more days before you woke up from your respawn, so he set to work quickly. Ranboo began to build an obsidian building, reminding him very much of his panic room, but he couldn't focus on the fact for very long. He had to build something only he could get into. Something that would protect you. Something that couldn't be destroyed.
It was difficult and took longer than he would've liked... But it was safe and out of the way. No one would find it, but that was what he wanted. It was for your safety! And so he could remember you forever! He couldn't complain even if he was tired and his hands were covered in blisters from mining for so long...
Carrying your momentarily lifeless body through L'Manberg was stressful enough, with the emotional and mental pain of carrying the person he held closest to him, but with everyone quickly running up and asking what happen... He found himself unable to say anything other than, "Technoblade..." before brushing past them as quickly as possible, trying to get you to your new home.
There was an almost disgustingly familiar throbbing in your head that awoke you a few days later. You couldn't place where you had felt the headache before, but didn't think too much about it as you just decided to get up and start your day, "I wonder if Ranboo wants to hang out again, I mean... Then again, we've spent an entire week together. Mans is probably sick of me by now..." You laughed a bit to yourself, trying to hide the little stab of self-deprivation that filled your body.
Pushing yourself out of bed, you looked around and sighed, seeing nothing out of the ordinary, "At least I unpacked before I passed out... Now, where did I put the stupid painkillers...?" You walked out of your room, cringing at the cold wooden oak floors and sight of the darkened windows, "Ooookay. Slept less or longer than I thought... Maybe social interaction is more draining than I would like..."
You shuffled around your house and lit a few of the lanterns in your kitchen, digging through the cupboards to find something to alleviate the throbbing pain behind your eyes, "Oh! I went shopping before I passed out? Huh... Maybe I got a bit tipsy or something? Wait... I didn't buy painkillers? Dammit! I always need something I didn't buy..."
Groaning, you put your hand to your head before grabbing a sweater to put over the clothes you slept in, which were the clothes you left Ranboo's house in, before slipping on your shoes. Once you looked at yourself in the mirror, you deemed yourself ready to go outside and head by the store, so you opened the door...
Only to walk into a solid black wall.
"H-huh?" You whispered, gently reaching up and touching the cold material blocking your exit, "Ob...Obsidian? What on earth?... What kind of prank is Tommy pulling now?!" You huffed angrily and walked over to a window... Only to realize it wasn't dark... Every exit was covered in obsidian. "Okay, okay, what the- oh, wait I have tools! Ha ha Tommy, suck a pickaxe."
Walking over to your storage room and opened the chest that held your tools and materials to make tools, only to find it completely empty. Your armour was gone too! This... Was an elaborate prank... Maybe Tommy got help with it. You pushed yourself up and walked over to your enderchest, only to find it completely gone!
Dammit, Tommy definitely got help with this...
Realizing that they wanted you to panic, you huffed and sat down on your bed, crossing your arms in thought, "This... Ah, just gotta wait it out I guess..." You mumbled angrily, flopping onto your couch, groaning in annoyance as the action irritated your headache. Maybe you could sleep it off? Yeah, that was your best bet.
You weren't exactly sure how much time had past to be completely honest? Maybe a few days? Or a few hours? There wasn't much to really do during this horrible prank, you couldn't even enchant your tools or even make any! You didn't even have knives for cooking dammit! Plus... You were beginning to run low on food...
This time you woke up to something different. It sounded like Redstone activating and pistons sliding against each other before the door creaked open. The prank was finally over! Thank god! You shot up from your bed and walked towards the front door, only to see Ranboo standing there with bags filled with groceries dangling off his arms and tail. With a sigh, he decided to put them on the kitchen counter before looking around, only to completely light up at the sight of you, "(Y/n)! Hello!"
"Ranboo..." You smiled, your voice a bit hoarse from the lack of use, "Please tell me Tommy's terrible prank is over and I can go outside and touch grass again.
The hybrid's expression didn't change, "You can't go."
Your smile faltered a bit and you grit your teeth. This prank was still going on? How annoying. Turning quickly towards your door, you huffed as you saw it blocked off by obsidian again, "Boo... Please let me out... I'm not enjoying this prank anymore. I don't even have a clock-"
"Oh? Did I forget to build you a clock when I built this place? My bad, I'll make you one tonight so I can give it to you tomorrow." He continued to smile, beginning to put away your groceries for you... Somehow having the exact brands you always bought... And... Knowing exactly where they went, "But, you can't leave."
"This... This isn't funny anymore, Ranboo." You spoke firmly, but your voice wavered a small bit in realization as your face drained slightly of colour, "Built... This place? You put me here?"
The tone of voice, while still not lessening his smile, caught his attention, "Oh... You're looking pale... Here, let's get you to bed. You aren't looking too good and I don't want you getting sick." He walked over and put his hands on your shoulders, trying to get you to head into your room, but you wouldn't budge, "(Y/n), come on, I'm just doing what's best for your health and safety. We don't want you to lose your final life, especially to an easily preventable sickness, do we?"
"Final... Life...?" You were going to be sick... Quickly lifting your arm into view, you realized he was right. There was only one black line left. There were two when you visited Ranboo... What...? "I'm-I'm not tired... Ranboo, what happened?!"
"I'm not going to taint your memories with something so horrifying..." His voice, while sounding sickly sweet, sounded disgustingly morbid, "That's why you're in here! So I can keep you completely safe from the dangers of the outside world and remember you forever!" He was still wearing that damned smile...
He took you away from your life...
And he was fucking smiling...
'SAFE WITH ME' TAGLIST: @kylobensgirl
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What I Want - Part 2
AO3 Link
Chapter Title: What I Need
Pairing: Crosshair x fem!Jedi Reader
Summary: Following the awkwardness of the night before, you go to an old friend to try and process your feelings for Crosshair.
Click here for Part 1
Warnings: 18+, a bit more frisky business but not full on so rated 18 just to be safe. Swearing.
Word Count: 2.6k
Author’s Notes: You ask, you get!! Thanks so much for all the support and love for part 1 ❤️. As a thank you, I bring you part 2, I hope you enjoy! If this one takes off a bit as well, I do have an idea for a little bonus chapter around the Bad Batches' reaction. As always, feedback/comments are massively appreciated along with reblogs. Fic is below the cut off, thanks for reading!!
Taglist: @aerynwrites @shannon-lynn-21 @saltywintersoldat @tired-night-owl @wille-zarr
A comm alarm beeped softly, slowly pulling you out your slumber. Giving the device a sleepy glare, you shut it off and huffed back onto your bunk. Wrecker’s snores were echoing off the small ship barracks, you rolled your eyes at his sleeping form across the room as you swung your legs over the side of your top bunk. Below you, Tech slept soundly, he managed to fall asleep with his goggles on which were now sitting wonky on his relaxed face. He also had a datapad clutched to his chest, almost like a teddy bear, which made you chuckle to yourself.
You’d barely slept after getting back from the mission but being a General stopping over on Coruscant meant rest would be a pipe dream. Your alarm was set to get you out of bed and ready for the first of what you were sure would be a hundred and ten briefings today. You were always happy to shoulder the politics for the team, removing that burden from Hunter so they could keep to themselves. But today, you could really do without it.
You looked over at Hunter and Crosshair’s bunks, the former sleeping up top with an arm over his eyes. Probably to block out the few small coloured lights on the ship that shone from critical systems, preventing the room from being truly pitch black. You didn’t envy Hunter’s enhanced senses, they seemed to cause him quite a bit of discomfort when they weren’t on missions. You should probably pick him up an eye mask one of these days.
Below him, Crosshair slept with his back to the open room. One of the few times you ever saw his body relaxed was when he slept. You cringed as you remembered yesterday’s awkwardness with the sniper and mentally cursed at yourself for causing, what was, an easily avoidable situation.
Shaking your head you jumped silently off of your bunk, mindful to not wake any of the batch. You gently removed Tech’s goggles, placing them in their usual spot before moving over to grab some fresh robes and head for the fresher. Today was going to be a real drag.
“Hey! Look what the Lothcat dragged in” someone called after you as you trudged up the steps to the GAR Headquarters. You turned around to see none other than Anakin Skywalker jogging up behind you.
“Nice to see you too Skyguy” he chuckled at the nickname as he threw an arm around your shoulders.
You fell into companionable chatter as you made your way to your first meeting, the dark halls of the military headquarters looking indistinguishable as you attempted to find the correct room. Members of the Coruscant Guard patrolled the halls, nodding politely to you both as you strolled past.
Eventually you found the room where Mace, Plo and Luminara were waiting, along with some clone and human high command. You stood outside the door for a moment, readying yourself to seal your fate of being talked at for a solid eight standard hours.
Eventually you caved, mostly as you were on the verge of being late if you debated standing outside any longer. Begrudgingly, you sat through briefing after briefing. All the voices and different rooms blending into one grey blur as you tried to take in what information you could, but your tired and stressed mind was having none of it.
While it was nice to catch up with some of the other Jedi, you always felt a bit out of place among the perfect members of the council. More so now than ever.
You ended up wandering back to the temple with Anakin where you both retired to his room and you flopped down onto his simple bed with a whine.
“Okay, what’s going on? You’ve been off all day” Anakin was the closest thing you had to a brother, you trained as Padawans together and due to your similar age you became fast friends. You knew about his marriage to Padme and decided that if you could offload your dilemma on anyone, it’d be him.
“I fucked up” you groaned out from behind your hands.
“What’d you do?” Anakin replied in a playful tone.
“I might’ve got a bit hot and heavy with one of the clones in my squad, led him on and then cut it off” Anakin raised an eyebrow at your confession. “And now he’s pissed at me”
“Why?” You weren’t entirely sure which part of that entire thing he was questioning.
“Because I started the whole thing, I wanted it. Then all of a sudden I did that whole guilty Jedi, must follow every word of the order thing, gave him some pathetic look which said really sorry I can’t have attachments mate, hope you understand. He called me out on it before I could even utter the banthashit excuse and then he stomped off and hasn’t spoken to me since.”
“In his defence, seems like he was probably wound a little tight” Anakin replied with a chuckle which you just groaned at.
“He has every right to be pissed. Hells, I would be if the roles were reversed. Whats with this whole self-righteous act us Jedi have going on?”
“Look, it’s hard being a Jedi at the best of times. It takes an inhumane amount of self-control, which is why its not a path for the weak. But being a Jedi while at war… it’s a lot. You’re emotions are running high, you’re forming bonds with soldiers on the battlefield that you shouldn’t be, but none of us can help it because it’s uncharted territory. Maker knows I’d hunt down anyone who hurt Obi-Wan or my Captain. Yes, It’s not the Jedi way, but neither is fighting a grand-scale war.” Anakin’s eyes were alive with emotion as he spoke, be he quickly caught himself and then it was gone.
“My point is, don’t beat yourself up so much. No one is getting kicked out the order or in his case reconditioned if that’s what you’re worried about. Figure out what it is you want, and then just be discreet about it” you looked at Anakin like he’d grown two heads, he just winked at your confused stare.
“Okay let’s keep it simple. Are you attracted to him?” You thought back to the night before and firmly nodded in response.
“Do you like him as a person?” You pondered his question.
“Well, it’s Cross. I wasn’t sure if he even liked me for a long time. He’s closed off, anti-social, but he’s also a good guy, cares about his brothers, has saved my ass multiple times, and he is kinda funny in his own, snide way” you rattled off with fondness in your words.
“Well then I suggest you go and talk to him.” Anakin replied, giving you a knowing look when he spotted the small smile on your lips as you spoke about the sniper.
You took a deep breath, glad to have finally gotten that off your chest and feeling content that you now knew what to do next. “Thanks, Ani”
“Ugh please don’t call me that” he moaned back, apparently only Padme was allowed to get away with that one.
Your walk back to the Marauder felt like it dragged on and on. Your brain ran over a thousand scenarios of what to say, how he’d react and you were about to short circuit. There was so much risk, so much possibility, that you did your best to shut your mind off and let yourself handle it in the moment. These things never went as planned anyway, it was best not to guess.
The large door to the ship hissed open, your boots clanking on the metal surface as you cautiously walked into your home. It didn’t take you long to find Crosshair, he was sat in the main hull methodically cleaning his hand blaster. Everyone else must’ve been asleep. He was just in his blacks, the material hugging him in the most wonderful way, it’s like whoever designed those things was trying to trip you up. The contours of his arm muscles flexing as he worked, his strong chest looked practically chiselled at the heart of his lean frame. You had to force yourself to calm down a little bit.
“Uh, hey” you greeted awkwardly. “Mind if I join you?”
You took his silence as a well he’s not saying no. He didn’t spare you a glance as you walked in and took a seat opposite him. As a General in the GAR, you rarely got nervous. War, as a concept, was simple. You knew your purpose, your objective, you had a job to get done and you’d do it. The risks never stopped you, rather they fuelled you. Probably why you’re such a good fit for the bad batch.
But this right now, personal feelings, not knowing where you stand with someone you care about. Because if you were honest, you really did care about Crosshair, the same as you did the rest of the team. You’d only been with the squad just under a year but you’d gladly lay down your life for any of them in a heartbeat. If you could at least get back to where you were before the other night, you’d be over the moon.
You weren’t used to being so nervous, you let your hands fiddle with you dark Jedi robes as you readied yourself to speak again.
“Look, I’m not here to throw some crap about being a Jedi at you, I promise. And I’m sorry for trying it before” he still didn’t look at you, finding his blaster much more interesting. But you could tell he was listening, you had his attention. Might as well keep babbling.
“In terms of an explanation for what happened yesterday, well I guess I panicked.” You sighed as you tried to find the next words “The way you made me feel that night, I… I’ve never felt like that before and everything i’d been taught over the years screamed at me that what I was doing was dangerous and wrong. I now realise that I’m just an idiot. I make my own decisions and I… uh -well, I stick by that one, starting something that is.” Still nothing.
“I know this is probably a long shot. But in the interest of being transparent” you rambled “uh… if you want to go down that road again, I’m up for seeing what happens, can be as casual as we like. I promise I won’t freak out on you again.” You chuckled and thought you almost spotted a slight pull in the corner of Crosshair’s lips “But if you want to go back to how we were before, I’d also really like that.” You watched him for a while as he gave no acknowledgement of your words, his cleaning finished as he now gave the weapon a once over in his hands. Having said everything you needed, you got up from your seat, looking away from him.
“Well, if I can do anything else, let me know” you turned on your heel to leave, feeling slightly defeated but glad you’d at least made the first step.
“I could think of a few things” he finally spoke as he leaned back into his seat and continued to stare at his blaster, still not meeting your gaze.
Well that caught your attention, you turned back around to face him as he carried on ignoring you. While his tone was unbothered as he spoke, you knew him just enough to know his words held a meaning. He was playing with you, back to his usual teasing and you could’ve laughed at the relief that washed over you. This you could work with. A cheeky idea popped into your head and you’d decided to run with it.
“Oh really?” Throwing caution to the wind, you strode over to the sniper slowly. His gaze finally meeting yours after all this time, watching you as you got closer and closer. Practically drawing you in with his amber eyes. You pushed him back by his chest, creating enough room so you could straddle his lap. “Care to elaborate?”
He huffed out a short laugh at your words, his face overall unbothered but his eyes, they were burning into you. “You’re a smart girl, I’m sure you’ll figure it out”.
You hummed in response, deciding to kick things up a notch you wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing your faces just breaths apart. “Something like this?” You asked, pausing for another second before bringing your lips to his in a surprisingly soft and gentle kiss. You felt his hands come up to rest on your back, pulling you closer as you continued your slow dance. This was so different from the other night, where before there was desperation and lust, now there was something more… tender, passionate. You were quite glad you weren’t standing as the way he moved against you would’ve definitely made your knees weak.
Dragging yourself away from his lips, you searched his face. His mouth pulled into a barely there smirk “That’s a start.”
“Who said I was finished?” And just like that, the last few strands of tension between you both snapped and you relaxed in his arms. You fisted your hands into the front of his blacks and pulled him back to you, his tongue slipped between your lips, curious and demanding. He was everywhere again, filling your nose with the scent of the standard cheap GAR soap but mixed with something earthy, something so distinctly Crosshair and you couldn’t get enough.
You could tell why the Jedi order frowned upon such activities, kissing Crosshair was intoxicating. You couldn’t think of anything else other than the handsome clone in front of you and just how much you wanted him in that moment.
His hands wandered lower and lower down you back until they rested comfortably on your backside, pulling you further up his lap. Feeling mischievous, you started trailing kisses along his jaw. Setting a teasing, languid pace as you mapped out the spots that made him squirm. Crosshair was never a man of many words, so you made it your mission to see just how vocal you could make him.
As your lips met his pulse point, he gave a loud exhale and you smirked in victory against his skin as you continued the onslaught on his senses. You definitely seemed to be doing something right as his hands found themselves in your hair, clutching slightly and you couldn’t help the soft moan that escaped you. Even while trying to gain the upper hand in the situation, he always had some control over you. It was maddening in the best way, setting your veins alight with desire.
Determined to get another victory you traced your tongue against the base of the side of his neck and trailed it all the way up to the bottom of his ear, which you teasingly took into your mouth, teeth grazing the soft skin. A strangled moan escaped the clone and that was the moment where you knew you were hopelessly and utterly gone. Your mind filled with nothing other than wanting to be closer to Crosshair.
“Not very Jedi of you” he commented, slightly breathless when you finally stopped teasing him and came back up to meet his eyes. Looking down at where your bodies were pressed against one another, you chuckled.
“What exactly about this situation led you to believe I was ever a model Jedi?” You smirked, though it was only visible for a second before his mouth was back on yours, devouring you as his hands greedily roamed your body.
You continued making out like teenagers for most of the evening, taking the time to explore each other, enjoying the closeness. Contentment settled over your body, almost as if this was were you were meant to be. If Crosshair’s arms were where you belonged, well, you could think of worse places to be.
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timelesslords · 3 years
Girl’s Night
Read on AO3
In which Annabeth has a little too much wine at Girl's Night and feels very guilty about it. Thankfully, Percy doesn't mind taking her home.
Annabeth Chase was very good at holding her alcohol.
In all honesty it was mostly because she didn’t drink that much to begin with. Being drunk had never been all that appealing to her— years of being on edge for the next fight made it difficult for her to intentionally dull her senses, and she never liked how foggy it made her brain either. Living in New Rome for the past few years hadn’t completely squashed those instincts, despite its top of the line anti-monster security.
But still. Annabeth could keep it together pretty well, when she chose to indulge. She’d gone to a few wild parties earlier in college, mostly at Piper’s behest, and she didn’t mind having a few glasses of wine every once in a while.
Girl’s Night was every once in a while. Every first Friday of the month, if you wanted to be exact about it. In all honesty the practice was probably a bit dumb and middle aged for a bunch of people (and, okay, ‘a bunch of people’ was generous- it was really only Piper, Annabeth and Hazel) in their early twenties, but Annabeth didn’t care. It was hard to keep up with people these days, and Annabeth appreciated the emphasis on female camaraderie and friendship.
Plus, Piper had really stellar taste in wine.
Tonight’s had been especially good, and after a long and stupidly stressful week at school (Annabeth wished she could emulate Percy’s senioritis, but unfortunately the Architecture program only got harder as it went on, not easier) Annabeth found herself a little extra appreciative of the relaxing effects of alcohol.
It seemed like all of them had had a tough week, because they were all buzzed pretty fast. Piper was even happy to deliver the latest Hollywood gossip, courtesy of her dad, and Hazel was telling them a story about a probie getting stuck in the unicorn stables that made Annabeth laugh so hard she was practically sobbing. Piper and Hazel were not much better; Piper had completely fallen off the couch from cracking up so hard, and Hazel could barely get a word in edgewise before she completely dissolved into giggles again.
It was then that Annabeth caught a glance of the two completely empty bottles of wine in front of them, and realized that all of them— though mostly she, specifically— had made a grave mistake. She had no idea how many times her own glass had been filled and then subsequently emptied, but it was enough that she was well past tipsy and solidly in drunk territory.
It was hard to care about the bad parts of being drunk when you were currently drunk, Annabeth was finding. Everything was just so much funnier.
Apparently Jason had also sensed that they were drunk, or maybe he just had heard the deranged cackling coming from the living room, and wanted to make sure they were all still alive.
“Are you guys alright?” he asked, sticking his head through the doorway.
“I’m fantastic. I mean, I don’t know about you two, but I am—” Piper paused, letting out a small hiccup, “Feeling awesome.”
“I feel great,” Hazel agreed, barely able to stop laughing long enough to let the words out.
Annabeth wasn’t sure she remembered how to form coherent words anymore, so she just gave a thumbs up.
“You guys are really drunk,” Jason said, voice an impressive mix of concern and amusement. He walked into the room, picking up one of the empty bottles of wine they’d left on the table and examining the label.
“That’s my man. Very smart,” Piper said, apparently completely seriously, leaning against Jason’s leg.
“Pipes, you realize this wine is like, 20%, right?” Jason asked, ignoring her declaration of his intelligence.
Piper frowned. The expression seemed very exaggerated, or maybe Annabeth’s head was just messing with her. It was very funny either way, and she had to stifle a laugh.
“Shut up Annabeth. Let me see that,” Piper said, holding her hand up for the bottle. Jason very wisely did not let Piper hold the bottle herself, instead holding it at eye level in front of her. She gripped the bottom of it, pulling it towards her and squinting at the label.
“Nevermind. I can’t read anymore,” Piper said, relinquishing her grip on the bottle. That sent Hazel and Annabeth into another fit of laughter. They would probably be drunk even if the wine wasn’t that strong, but it certainly explained why Annabeth felt like she was floating right now. She hadn’t been this wasted since at least freshman year, maybe ever. Everything was a little blurry at the edges, and she was dizzy in a kind of delightful way. She let out one last giggle.
“And that means we are officially at the me-calling-your-boyfriends time of the night,” Jason said, setting the bottle back down on the table. Piper groaned.
“Party pooper,” she grumbled, though she didn’t move herself off his legs.
“Sorry babe,” he said, apologetically, “You guys are welcome to crash here, obviously. I’ll just call Frank and Percy to let them know.”
“S’fine,” Hazel said, yawning and pulling out her phone, “I’ve been texting him. I’ll just tell him now.”
“That’s against the spirit of Girls Night.” Piper said, pointing an accusing finger at Hazel, “You’re a cheater.”
“I had to tell him about your dad’s friend secretly dating his co-star! She was in his favorite movie!” Hazel protested.
Annabeth had not texted Percy tonight, in part because, as Piper had said, it was against the spirit of Girl’s Night, but also because he was probably asleep. Usually he’d stay up and wait for her to get home, even though New Rome was probably the safest city on the face of the planet, and the chances of anything happening to Annabeth on the six block walk between their respective apartments was ludicrously slim. But he’d been practically dead on his feet when she left, and had agreed pretty easily to turn in early when she suggested it.
She immediately felt bad about the prospect of waking him up. She knew she should though— he’d much rather be woken up in the middle of the night than wake up in the morning with her not there. Even though it would take about three seconds to check his phone and realize everything was fine, old habits die hard and it would unnecessarily stress him out. Especially since it was the one night he’d agreed not to stay up and wait for her.
So waking him up was inevitable. Worse, she was starting to realize that she really wanted to be home with him. As comfortable as Piper’s floor was (and given how drunk Annabeth was, it was genuinely pretty comfortable) she just really wanted to be in her own bed, preferably with Percy also in it.
“Annabeth’s gonna want to go home,” Piper predicted, drawing Annabeth out of her thoughts, “She gets boyfriend clingy when she’s drunk.”
“I do not,” Annabeth said, even though she most definitely did.
“You’re a bad liar,” Hazel said, patting Annabeth’s leg sympathetically.
“I’m an excellent liar,” Annabeth said. Under normal circumstances this would be true. Unfortunately being drunk was not normal for her.
“Uh huh.” Piper said, “Look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t want Percy to come pick you up.”
Annabeth looked into Piper’s eyes, currently a very pretty green shade. Not as pretty as the shade of green Percy’s eyes were, but nice, for eyes that were not Percy’s. What was she supposed to be doing again?
“This feels like a trick,” Annabeth said, squinting.
“She wants Percy to pick her up,” Piper said, tugging at Jason’s pant leg.
“Yeah, I got that,” Jason said. Annabeth was pretty sure he was laughing at them, but in her current state it was a little hard to tell. “Let me go get my phone.”
Piper whined as Jason walked away, leaning back against the couch.
“Can you even walk, Chase?” she asked, looking dubiously at Annabeth “He’s going to have to carry you home.”
“I can walk,” Annabeth said, very offended even though she didn’t entirely know if her statement was true. Piper snorted.
“You’re lucky Percy is strong.”
“This is all your fault, McLean. Don’t think I’ve forgotten,” Annabeth said, aiming a soft kick at Piper’s leg.
“Okay, in my defense I didn’t read the label,” Piper said, pulling her leg back just in time to avoid Annabeth’s foot.
“How is that a defense?” Hazel asked, though she was giggling.
Piper did not have time to further defend and/or implicate herself, because Jason appeared in the doorway again.
“Percy’s coming, he’ll be here in ten.”
“Was he mad?” Annabeth asked anxiously. Piper rolled her eyes.
“I don’t think Percy is physically capable of being mad at you,” she said.
“He thought it was funny, actually,” Jason said, ignoring Piper.
“Told you so,” Piper said smugly.
“Shut up,” Annabeth grumbled.
The next ten minutes passed in a very drunken blur. Now that she had fully realized she was intoxicated, the feeling only seemed to compound, each uncounted drink catching up to her with a reckless abandon. She was vaguely aware of Piper crawling back on the couch to lie down, and Hazel curling up in an armchair. Annabeth just stayed on her little patch of floor. If she got too comfortable, she wasn’t going to want to get up.
She could feel something anxious starting to prickle under the surface of all her artificially happy feelings, but it was sort of difficult to dissect when she couldn’t really think straight.
“Hey, Wise Girl,” a familiar voice said.
Annabeth looked up to see Percy smiling down at her. He looked so pretty she almost started crying. Almost. Crying as a normal human function was fine and good and emotionally necessary and all that, but crying because you were drunk and your boyfriend was hot was just embarrassing.
“I’m drunk,” she told him. Might as well get right to the point.
“Yeah, I gathered,” he said, still looking at her with entirely too much affection, “You feel okay enough to walk home?”
“Yeah. I wanna walk,” Annabeth said, accepting his hand and pulling herself to his feet. If he hadn’t been holding her she probably would have fallen over.
“You sure about that?” he asked skeptically, putting his other hand around her waist, steadying her. She leaned into him, because she always leaned into him, and yeah, okay, maybe she needed his support to walk straight, but what about it.
“Very sure,” Annabeth said. Already she was adjusting to being on her feet. Percy half looked like he wanted to protest, but making it out of the living room seemed to convince him that she was okay to at least make it a few blocks home.
Sitting down on the bench in the front hall to put her shoes on was somehow worse than walking. She managed to shove her shoes into her sneakers, but getting them tied was probably not going to happen.
“I can’t remember how shoelaces work,” Annabeth admitted, looking up at him, “Does that mean I’m screwed?”
“Well, there’s good news and there’s bad news,” Percy said, leaning down to tie her shoe for her. Annabeth shut her eyes tight, then opened them again, trying very hard to focus out her vision. It didn’t work.
“What’s the bad news?” Annabeth asked, because bad news tended to ruin good news, and she’d rather just get it out of the way.
“You’re going to be very hungover tomorrow.” Percy said, straightening up. She thought he was smiling, but considering there were two of his head floating around in front of her, it was kind of hard to tell.
“Are you laughing at me?” Annabeth asked. He was definitely smiling now.
“I would never,” Percy said, wrapping an arm around her waist, “C’mon, lets go.”
Their goodbye was not as extended or elaborate as Annabeth expected, mostly because Piper and Hazel were already half-way to being passed out. Still, there were some waves, some I-love-yous and a partially incoherent apology from Piper, though who it was aimed at was something of a mystery.
Stairs were just a bit tricky, but she managed to stumble down them without seriously injuring herself. She was sure Percy helped somehow, but she could barely tell the difference between his arms supporting her and her own movement.
“What’s the good news?” Annabeth asked, once they were safely on the sidewalk, heading in the direction of her apartment. It was probably cold, but between Percy’s body heat next to her and her own drunkenness, she could barely feel it.
“You haven’t thrown up?” Percy offered, half-heartedly. Annabeth swallowed down a gag.
“Don’t say those words again,” she warned. Percy winced.
“Right. Sorry.”
“That wasn’t even good news, that was irrelevant news,”
“I think it’s excellent news, personally.” Percy said. He was laughing at her again, probably, but she also probably deserved it. Probably. She was wrapped under his shoulder because his arm was still helping hold her up, so it was kind of hard to see his face. She focused her eyes down at the sidewalk in front of her instead, focusing on not tripping.
“You would,” Annabeth said, “You didn’t have good news, did you?”
“I was sort of hoping you would forget,” Percy admitted.
“I never forget,” Annabeth reminded him. She had an excellent memory. Especially for things that had happened only 2 minutes ago. Admittedly the rest of the night was already starting to get a little blurry.
“I’m sorry for doubting you,” he said, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
Annabeth felt a small stab of guilt. He was teasing her, sure, but he was also being stupid nice even after she’d dragged him out of bed in the middle of the night to practically carry her intoxicated self back home.
And now she was remembering where that little wiggle of anxiety had been stemming from. He didn’t like being around drunk people. He never really said anything, because he was him and thus was probably allergic to the mere thought of even mildly killing anyone else’s fun for his own personal comfort or convenience. But she knew him well enough that he didn’t need to say anything. He’d never taken up Piper’s offer to go partying with them, even though he encouraged Annabeth to go when she’d wanted to, and he hardly ever drank himself. Even then it was only in social situations, and usually just one drink that he probably didn’t even feel.
So maybe he hadn’t flat out said he didn’t like people being wasted around him, but he had told her about Gabe; how he was a drunk, abusive asshole. It wasn’t too hard to put the pieces together.
“I’m sorry I got drunk,” Annabeth said. It was kind of a lame apology considering she was probably slurring her words a good amount, but she meant it anyways.
She felt something shift in his demeanor— if she was sober, she would know instantly what the slight change in pressure meant. As it was, she was kind of in the dark.
“Why are you sorry?” he asked. She thought he sounded surprised, but maybe she was mishearing, because it would be dumb for him to be surprised by that. At the very least, he should understand she felt bad about ruining his night.
“Because, I got messy and you had to wake up and take me home even though I could have just slept on Piper’s floor,” Annabeth said. Words were sort of flowing out of her without her completely approving them, in a jumbled rush. She didn’t like it, but she couldn’t quite remember how to stop it either.
“I don’t mind,” he said, just as she’d known he would. He meant it too, even drunk off her ass she could tell he wasn’t annoyed at her at all, even though he would be totally justified to be.
“But I could have just slept on the floor,” Annabeth repeated, though even the thought caused her to lean deeper into him.
Percy slowed his pace, almost stopping. Annabeth tried looking up at him to decipher what he was thinking, but she couldn’t really make out his face well enough to tell.
“This isn’t just about waking me up, isn’t it?” he asked.
Ugh. Why did she forget in her drunken stupor that he knew her just as well as she knew him? Obviously he was going to pick up on something deeper that was making her feel guilty.
“I just—” Annabeth started, then stopped. It was difficult to pick words precisely enough for the thoughts she was having.
“I know you don’t really like parties and stuff. Or drunk people. And I’m a drunk people right now, so I’m sorry.”
Great job, Annabeth, Annabeth thought to herself. Very delicately put. The lack of subject verb agreement, that was a nice touch. You didn’t sound completely fucked up even a little bit.
God, she hated being drunk.
“I didn’t want you to wake up alone, tomorrow,” Annabeth said, trying again, “But I forgot that me being drunk might be worse, so that's why I feel bad.”
Percy stopped walking. At first Annabeth thought it was in response to what she’d just said, but then she realized they were in front of their apartment building.
Then she realized he wasn’t making any moves to go inside, so it was about what she’d said after all. Instead he turned her around so she could see his face, keeping his arms around her waist in support.
She couldn’t quite read his expression, yet another reason why alcohol was the devil.
“I have a feeling we’re going to need to repeat this conversation in the morning when you’re sober,” he started, “But just for the record, you being drunk doesn’t make me uncomfortable at all.”
Annabeth studied his expression, searching his face for any signs of mistruth. She found none, but she also couldn’t entirely trust her senses at the moment.
“Are you just saying that?” Annabeth asked, suspiciously, “Because that’s the sort of thing you would lie about.”
She had sort of expected him to sigh in annoyance, but to her surprise he smiled instead.
“I’m not lying, I swear.”
“But you don’t like other drunk people,” Annabeth insisted. For some reason the two ideas could not coexist in her mind.
“I don’t like drunk strangers,” he corrected, “You’re not a stranger.”
“Well, duh,” Annabeth said, which made him laugh. She hadn’t meant to, but she liked hearing him laugh, so she would accept it anyways.
“But doesn’t it— I don’t know, bring up bad memories, for you?” she asked, cautiously, “I don’t wanna do that. I don’t even really like being drunk.”
He just shook his head.
“If it did, I would tell you. But it doesn’t, I swear.”
Annabeth frowned. It was probably just her stupid wine brain, but she couldn’t quite connect the dots between all the points he was making.
“Why?” she asked.
“Because,” he said, somehow still smiling, “You’re you.”
“That’s a lame answer.” Annabeth said.
“It’s true,” he said, in that stupid earnest honest voice of his, “I mean, maybe if you started throwing beer cans at my head when you got tipsy it’d be different, but you’re the opposite of aggressive when you’re drunk. You actually get really cuddly, it's kind of cute.”
Annabeth knew he was trying to comfort her, but she also knew that Gabe had done a lot worse than throw beer cans at him. She felt a surge of anger on his behalf, but more powerfully a wave of sadness looking at his upbeat expression. It was so supremely unfair that she wanted to cry, but she just hugged him instead. She was probably proving his point about being cuddly, but she didn’t even care.
“I’m so glad your mom made him into a statue,” she mumbled into his chest.
“Me too,” Percy said, resting his chin on the top of her head.
“I love you so much,” Annabeth said, because she really, really did. Like so much. An embarrassing amount, if she were capable of feeling embarrassed about anything having to do with Percy Jackson, which she was pretty sure was impossible.
“I love you too,” he said, kissing the top of her head to prove it.
“Piper said I get boyfriend clingy when I’m drunk,” Annabeth admitted. He laughed, his chest vibrating beneath her.
“She might be right about that.”
“She’s usually right about things,” Annabeth said, without thinking. Then—
“Don’t tell her I said that.”
He laughed again, but it was quieter. She felt it more than she heard it this time.
“Your secret is safe with me,” he promised.
“I’m sorry I woke you up,” Annabeth said, because she really did feel bad about that, even beyond all the other stuff, “I should have paid more attention to what I was doing.”
She felt him shrug underneath her.
“Stuff happens, it's not a big deal,” Percy said easily, “We’ll just sleep in tomorrow. Speaking of, we should probably go inside.”
As soon as he said ‘go inside’ Annabeth’s brain suddenly registered that she was exhausted. It was late, her head was swimming, and his chest had been very warm and very comfortable. She’d fallen half asleep without even realizing it.
“Inside sounds good,” Annabeth agreed, yawning.
“C’mon, I’ll carry you the rest of the way,” Percy said, finally pulling away, brushing a few stray curls out of her eyes.
Maybe if she had been sober she would have protested. As it was she was pretty happy to climb on his back and rest her head on his shoulder. He looped his arms under her legs and lifted her up easily. Gods, he was stupidly strong. She should appreciate that more.
“I love you,” she mumbled one last time into his shoulder. Whether he’d heard or responded was a mystery to her, because she was asleep before he finished climbing the stairs.
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milkiane · 3 years
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radio silence
pairings: fred weasley x fem!reader
warnings: character death, panic attacks, grief, mental breakdowns, tell me if i missed anything.
word count: 1676
note: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANGST for @love-peachh’s writing challenge
“hello there! you’ve reached fred and y/n weasley’s fellyto--”
“fred, it’s called a telephone,”
“--fellytone. unfortunately, we can’t come to the phone right now, so leave us a message after the beep!”
beep. beep. beep.
a long excruciating silence was the only thing surrounding your dark and gloomy room after that. you sighed, turning the dials to give it another call.
“hello there! you’ve reached fred and y/n weasley’s fellyto--”
“fred, it’s called a telephone,”
“--fellytone. unfortunately, we can’t come to the phone right now, so leave us a message after the beep!"
it doesn’t make any sense. nothing makes sense.
you should really change your answering machine, because it doesn’t make any sense anymore. it’s not fred and y/n weasley’s fellytone anymore. it’s just y/n weasley’s telephone now.
but it’s the only way you could hear his voice again.
you sniffed. click, click, click.
“hello there! you’ve reached fred and y/n weasley’s fellyto--”
“fred, it’s called a telephone,”
“--fellytone. unfortunately, we can’t come to the phone right now, so leave us a message after the beep!”
it’s been five months. five months without fred. five months without the light of your life.
it’s ridiculous, honestly. how you still haven’t moved on from what had happened.
fred always told you how he admired you for being strong. you knew that he would be disappointed if he was watching you right now, how the love of his life is nothing but a tiny ball of misery.
so you took a bath and cleaned yourself up, making sure to spray an extra amount of perfume that fred loves. loved.
you shook your head, walking towards your mirror. you plastered on a smile. because today is a brand new day, you aren’t going to walk around with your head down. you aren’t going to feel so blue today. for him.
one second.
two seconds.
three seconds.
it faltered away. clenching your jaw, you stared into your reflection.
how can you be such a selfish person? how can you still manage to smile when you’re alive and fred is not?
you took a shaky breath, placing a hand on the mirror. you touched it ever so lightly, letting your fingertips caress the cold surface before smashing the glass. you broke down, grabbing a fistful of your hair as you sobbed on the heap of the floors, shards of glass prickling your skin.
i’m sorry, freddie, maybe next time.
you brought the cups with you when you made your way towards the living room. one was a cup of coffee with the right amount of milk, and the other one was a cup of tea with a spoonful of honey and a cube of sugar.
you placed the cup of tea on the table’s coaster, making yourself comfortable on your couch.
you took a sip of your coffee, watching the steam of the unattended cup of tea slowly rise. looking around your silent house, your eyes stopped on the muggle radio fred had bought the time you went on a date in muggle london.
you set down your warm drink down on the coffee table. slowly dragging yourself towards the device. you held it in your hands, trying to turn it on as you sat back on the couch.
“and we'll build this love from the ground up,
for worse or for better,
and I will be all you need,”
you gasped, tears welling in your eyes the moment the music enveloped you. your hands shakily tried to turn off the radio.
of all the songs that could play, they chose to play your song. the song you and fred would always slow dance to.
when your trembling fiddles did nothing to stop the noise, you whimpered, dropping it on the carpeted floor. your hands immediately finding home by covering your ears, whispering a chorus of no’s and stop’s to yourself.
and as if sensing that you were in distress, george apparated in with a pop, inviting himself in for his usual visit.
he ran towards you immediately, trying to figure out what was triggering your attacks. you were already doing so well. you haven’t had any attacks or meltdowns for a few weeks now.
“what’s wrong, y/n?” george asked softly, pulling you into a hug.
“turn it off,” you whispered, “please turn it off.”
george looked around, his gaze falling onto the radio. truthfully, he didn’t know how it worked. it wasn’t like the old one his dad owned, so he just twisted and turned every button there is, consequently making the music grow louder than before.
you cried, frustration and anguish taking over you as you snatched it off his hands and threw it against the wall.
realizing what you did, you sobbed, rushing over the broken pieces, “no, no, i’m sorry,” you looked at the frozen man in your living room, “fix it george, please,”
snapping out of his state, he walked towards you, trying to remember the simple spell to repair the broken apparatus, “i-”
“george, please, i’m sorry,” you continued to weep beside him, tears still falling down stubbornly no matter how many times you’ve tried to wipe them away.
he sighed in exasperation, “give me a moment, y/n,”
once he remembered what the spell was, he immediately placed the radio away. george looked at you in sadness, fishing out the emergency draught.
“no, george,” you shook your head, retreating backward until your back was against the wall, “no, we don’t- i don’t need that anymore,”
george’s heart broke as he watched you gasp out for air, tears relentlessly falling down your cheeks, “shh, please don’t cry, y/n,”
he immediately tackled you on the floor, wrapping an arm around you to prevent you from thrashing around as he forced the draught down your throat.
george waited a few moments for you to calm down and let the potion do its work. he thought you were okay now, you were doing so well.
he sighed, carrying your body towards your bedroom.
george was seated on the sofa near your bed. fred thought it was necessary for the room, though it hasn’t really been used until now. he was reading one of your books when you woke up.
“it’s our anniversary today,” you murmured, your voice raspy from your breakdown and from just waking up. george looked at you, but your eyes were focused on the calendar affixed on the wall.
george stayed quiet, so you continued to speak, your words still being slurred from the effects of the potion, “i wish i could fix my calendar, y’know? because there’s no more freddie, meaning there’s no more anniversary.”
he sat beside you on the bed, letting you sob on his shoulder, offering silent company.
“i’m so exhausted, george,” you cried, clutching his sweater, “i can’t keep playing pretend. i can’t- i can’t,”
“shh, it’s alright,” truthfully, george doesn’t know what else to do, he doesn’t know what else to say, not when he’s going through the same pain you’re feeling.
“he’s always in my mind. i can see him everywhere. everything reminds me of him, and how it used to be and it hurts,” you cried, “it hurts and i just want the pain to stop, just make it stop, georgie,”
george was crying by now, his body shaking as he held yours, “i wish i could, y/n, i really do,”
when you were certain that george was already sleeping somewhat peacefully in the guest room, you sneaked out of your own with your blanket wrapped around you.
you turned the lamp on once you’ve reached the living room. sitting down, you composed yourself, trying to convince yourself that you wouldn’t cry again, for him.
with a last shaky breath, you grabbed the radio. you turned it on and gently lowered the volume.
settling it down on the mahogany coffee table, you steadied yourself on the couch, letting the smooth melody coming out from the device shroud you.
the lyrics of the familiar song going from one ear and out the other, tears yet again blurring your vision.
you and fred have been stuck in your kitchen, trying to bake a cake for molly. your flour-covered fingers tracing through each word of the recipe book, “hey fred, can you grab the-- ergh,”
fred laughed as he smeared the frosting on your nose.
you scoffed, dipping a finger in and smearing it from his nose down his lips. you smiled up at him, stepping onto your tiptoes as you gave his frosted lips a peck.
the both of you smiled through the kiss, “i guess the frosting is perfect now, no?”
“when we have a child, can we name them after constellations?” fred asked, still running his hand through your hair, “or at least their second name will be named after a constellation?”
you smiled, “of course, freddie,”
“after the war, we’ll start our own family,” he beamed, “i mean, we’ve got the house already. all we need now is our ginger babies.”
“are you sure they’ll be gingers?” you laughed, turning to look at your husband.
“us, weasleys, we’ve got the strongest genes, ‘course they’ll be gingers.” he boasted, flexing his arms to prove his point.
“we’re going to make it out here together, alright?” fred whispered, his forehead on yours, “we’ve got a whole new future out there waiting for us,”
“i love you, freddie,” you mumbled, pulling him into a kiss.
“i love you, too, darling,” he said, kissing your forehead before pulling away, “i’ll see you later,”
click, click, click.
radio silence. you sniffed, carefully setting down the device.
radio silence. the only deafening noise you could hear after turning off the radio.
radio silence. the only deafening noise you could hear in the house which was once filled with love and laughter.
radio silence. the only thing you’ve faced after losing the love of your life.
radio silence. because fred weasley brought all your happiness and lightheartedness with him when he… radio silence.
general taglist: @daltonacademia @inks-and-jinx @weasleyyy @oldschoolkiddo @accioweaslcy @inglourious-imagines @buckysbeloved @iwritesiriusly @fives-cup-of-coffee @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @band--psycho @marswilson24 @miraclesoflove @chokemepansy @spideyspixies @lolooo22 @justfangirlthingies @sw33tgirl @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts
golden trio taglist: @bromelain-blessednereid @oldschoolkiddo @sweetnspicysimp @cherie-draco @eunoniaa @acosmis-t @georgeweasleysbabe @gaycatlord-stuff @cedrics-grave @dracosgoodgirl @hufflepufflesbianthings @magicalxdaydream
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agathasangel · 3 years
you just don’t know it yet but baby, i’ve already got your heart (diane sherman x fem!reader NSFW)
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both an anon and @magnifique-monstre  requested yandere prompt 6 and 17 (i think?) so I’m gonna combine them because they would go together well
prompt 6: “Pretend you never saw that. I can’t stand it when you look so scared.”
prompt 17: “I’m the only thing keeping you safe from a filthy, disgusting world.”
warnings: everything, basically. it’s pretty fucked up actually. TW for drugging, stalking, dubcon, emetophobia warning (just one mention), kidnapping, etc. also teacher!diane
summary: Diane Sherman was your Professor, and then your girlfriend, and then your caretaker. As the days start to become hazy and mixed up with one another, you wonder if Diane is trustworthy. 
Every day was basically the same. Wake up, take your meds, have breakfast with Diane. Then you would either accompany Diane to school or she would take you to the doctor’s or sometimes, if you felt up to it, she would take you on some sort of outing. She never liked to leave you alone and protectively followed you nearly everywhere you went. She took you home, and you would rest by her as she worked on her grading. At night Diane would make dinner for the two of you, the two of you would relax together, she would make sure you took the medication you needed at night and then you fell asleep in her arms.
It was nice. But you noticed that you started to forget things. You sometimes forgot how you even knew Diane, you even forgot your whole life before you met her at times. You were supposed to be on medical leave for a semester, which turned into a whole year, and- how long has it been now? You had no idea. You thought it was still summer, but the days started to blur together. The next year may have started, you had no way of knowing. Diane taught year round, so you went to school with her either way.
You remembered how everything started, though. You were a freshman, and you had moved across the country for college. You felt alone, and scared. You took a Chemistry class because you had to take some sort of science course, and it was the only one available when you signed up. You dreaded going, until you saw Professor Sherman. You struggled a bit in the class, so you went to her office hours. It was also a good excuse to talk to her, you thought. 
She was a lot nicer than some of your other professors, and she helped you through the problems you struggled with.
“You know, students don’t usually like to come to my office hours, so feel free to show up whenever you need me. Alright, hon?”
“Of course. Thanks, Professor.”
How did it turn into this?
Oh, right. You and Diane started to get closer, and you started to come down with lots of rashes, general pains, and you started getting sick to your stomach more and more. 
One day, you emailed Diane to tell her you couldn’t make it to her lab because you had thrown up that morning, to which she responded by asking what dorm you were in and if you needed anything.
It might be nice if you could bring me some saltines or something to settle my stomach? I have nothing in my dorm and can’t really stand up yet. Don’t worry about it though. I don’t want to get you sick, and are you even allowed in the dorms?
- (y/n)
I’ll be fine, and it really isn’t a big deal. We’re both adults, and I just want to help you.
- thinking of you, Prof. Diane Sherman
Next thing you remember, Diane showed up to your dorm a few minutes after your lab would have ended and brought not just crackers, but ginger ale, soup, water, blankets, and several different medicines. You talked for a while too, but couldn’t for the life of you remember what about. But you did remember that she stayed with you as long as you needed her, and promised to come back if you needed it.
You didn’t get better. You managed to get through your finals and pass your first semester classes, but you ended up having to spend much of Winter break in the hospital. Your parents came to visit, as did Diane. Diane actually came back every day, making sure you were okay.
You remembered that because of the silver necklace Diane gave you that Christmas that you still wore every single day. You felt bad when you got it because you didn’t think to get her a gift, but she told you not to worry about that, this was just a little thing that made her think of you. Besides, you were in the hospital!
“You know (y/n), I don’t have anyone else to visit over the holidays. I’m glad I get to be with you. I just wish it were under better circumstances.”
You started feeling a bit better and were able to come back for your second semester classes. You didn’t have Diane as a professor anymore, but you started to become friends. You would get coffee, or dinner. One night she asked you to come home with her, and be her girlfriend, to which you immediately agreed.
You slowly spent fewer nights at your dorm and more nights with Diane, and then you got sick again.  After that, she convinced you to move in with her full-time, and you’ve been living in her house and sleeping in her bed ever since. 
Right now, you were sitting in Diane’s and your bed, as she made dinner. You struggled to remember what happened next. This was when everything started to blend together. Your illnesses worsened even more shortly after you moved in with Diane. You remember being confined to the very same bed as Diane helped you do your finals from home, as she explained the situation to your parents and easily charmed them, convincing them you were in great hands.
“(Y/n), time for dinner!”, Diane called. She then walked to the bedroom to check if you needed any help.
“I’m fine, actually. I’ve been feeling a little better.”
“Good. Such a brave, good girl. Now eat up, alright baby?” cooed the older woman as she led you to the table and sat you down.
“Well, physically I’ve been feeling better, but-”
“What? What’s wrong? Have I not been paying enough attention to you? Are you feeling sad? anxious? My poor baby-”
“No, none of that. I’ve just been- forgetting things. Like, big chunks. My memories are so foggy. It’s hard for me to think at all sometimes.”
“Oh, honey, that’s just a side effect of your medication. It’s okay, it won’t last forever. And I’ll help you fill in any gaps you need until then. But you don’t need to worry. Not when you’re with me. Okay angel?”
“Yes, Mommy.”
“Oh, we’re in that kind of mood, are we?”
“Is that okay?”
“Very, very, okay, little one.”
Mommy was what you called Diane most often during sex. It turned her on immensely, and it excited you as well. 
Diane grabbed you and brought you to the bed, tearing off your clothes.
“Are you still feeling good?”
“Yes Mommy.”
“Such a good girl for me. Such a good girl for Mommy.”
You spread your legs for her and she started touching you. But then-
“Mommy stop please. I can’t do this, Diane-”
“Alright. I’m sorry, I’ll go get your meds.
Diane went to the bathroom to get your meds and sleep aids.
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“Why can’t I remember things? I can’t even remember some things about my family.”
“A side effect of some of your medication sweetie. I told you that.”
“You did?”
“Yes. I will tell you this, my love. People have hurt you, in your past. I remember when we met you were having such a difficult time. You wanted friends, you had so much trouble making friends. The other students were so mean to you. Your parents they- they acted like having to come see you when you were in the hospital was some kind of inconvenience. It was awful. You were so lonely.”
“I know I was lonely.”
“Yes, sweetheart. You needed someone. You needed me. I have to be the one to take care of you. I am the only person that can love the way you deserve to be loved. I’m the only thing keeping you safe from a filthy, disgusting world. And I need you too. I need to love and protect you.”
“Yes, Diane. I need to sleep now.”
“Alright. Come here, darling,” said Diane. She held you until you fell asleep.
Next thing you knew, you were tied to the pole in the basement with several ropes. Diane was tying more and more ropes around you, around different parts of your body. The world felt heavy, blurry, fluid. 
“Please stop, Diane. Why are you doing this?”
“It’s for your own good, darling. Trust me. You need this.”
The ropes began to cover your entire body. Your face, eyes, neck. Especially your neck. There was a sharp sting on your neck.
Your eyes flew open, and you awoke in a cold sweat, and screamed. 
It was just a dream, I’m safe, thank God. Diane would never-
But then you noticed Diane. She was holding a small syringe, that seemed empty. And your neck stung. She was startled by your scream, clearly not expecting you to have woken up.
“Pretend you never saw that. I can’t stand it when you look so scared.”
“What did you do to me? What was in there, Diane?”
“You need it, sweetheart. I know you don’t like needles.”
“No. Why didn’t you tell me? What’s going on?”
“You need this. You need me. Your-”
You searched for the syringe and found it. There was a thick, black residue on it, and you sniffed it. It gave you a head rush.
“You’ve been drugging me. This is why I’ve forgotten things, isn’t it?”
“Come on, angel. You know I wouldn’t”
“Don’t worry, just go back to sleep.”
You did feel tired. So tired. And you couldn’t even remember what you and Diane were even fighting about. So you went to sleep in her arms.
The next morning, Diane made you breakfast. 
“How did you sleep, (y/n)?”
“I don’t know. I think I had a nightmare but I can’t remember-”
“Oh no! At least you can’t remember it, right?”
“I- I guess so.”
Diane felt relief that you didn’t remember what happened last night. Her plan was working. You would be hers, her precious girl, forever. All that work to find you, to make you trust her, making you sick, making you need her. She knew everything about you. You were her perfect girl, and she was yours. And you always would be.
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lepusrufus · 3 years
To bargain for immortality pt.2
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Finally, she felt well enough to leave the infirmary room for good. Her internal organs were at peace for the most part and she could keep some food down without the risk of seeing it for a second time. Her sinuses still seemed to refuse to recover though. Occasional nosebleeds would have her head spinning and the scent of blood so often present within the castle was somehow too offensive to her senses. Nicole couldn't help but wonder how exactly she got it this screwed up, but then again the first few days of the infection were a painful blur that she'd rather not remember.
For now she was content to sit in front of the fireplace with the rest of her family. They decided to have a movie night to break her out of the mopey state she had been in and, for the most part, it was quite the success. She wasn't paying much attention to the projector screen, some sappy scene from a movie chosen by Daniela playing at the moment. Instead, she was simply enjoying the close proximity to Cassandra that she so dearly missed in the last few weeks. Nicole was in the brunette's lap, with hands loosely around her waist and leaning against her shoulder. She was vaguely aware of Laura complaining about the poor life choices of one of the characters only to be unceremoniously shushed by the youngest sister. It made her chuckle.
Bela was passing the popcorn to her mothers when a knock on the main entrance reached their ears faintly. Lady Dimitrescu narrowed her eyes in the general direction of the sound, and listened. Soon enough the rapid steps of Alexandria, their Steward, reached them.
"My Ladies, Mother Miranda's assistant is here."
The whole family got up hesitantly and tried to look as presentable as possible, given their "lazy day outfits". For some like Bela that was a baggy shirt and shorts, while for the Lady it was one of her trademark white dresses. They made their way to the main entrance of the castle, where the assistant, a woman in her late thirties and the air of an annoyed teacher, was waiting. It was Alcina the one to ask why she was there.
"Mother Miranda wants to see um… Nicole was it? Yes, to take a look at the regenerative abilities."
"Why not do it here like last time?"
"Mother Miranda's laboratory is far better equipped for whatever she may want to test. Unless you have something to say against her wishes." She finished that with a raised eyebrow that would've gained her a talon through the skull were she not there as per Miranda's wishes.
Who's talons exactly was debatable.
"I'll come too," Cassandra spoke up from just behind Nicole.
That only got her a dismissive wave. "No, I was told specifically to only bring her. Come now, we don't want to make Mother Miranda wait."
With that, the woman turned around and started walking towards a carriage that would take them away. Nicole looked briefly at her family. They all had either confusion or mild concern in their eyes. All but Alcina who looked as if she'd like to protest and snap at the woman but was holding her tongue.
She reassured Cassandra that she'd be fine and started jogging after the assistant.
Needless to say, that was Nicole's first time stepping foot inside the underground network of tunnels. Not that she complained. Few people went there willingly and probably fewer left the same way they came in.
The ancient looking hallways were in such stark contrast with the occasional medical equipment and the pristine looking labs with doors left slightly ajar that Nicole had to wonder if the woman had no taste for a consistent aesthetic. At least Lady Dimitrescu kept all wiring and modern devices carefully hidden or blended in with the castle's decor. Here, the harsh neon lights illuminated worn out stone so dark it was almost black. Not to mention the smell of… old that seemed to ooze off the very walls she was walking by.
She was led inside a spacious lab, the bluish lights above being too bothersome for someone who got used to the warm or natural light in the castle. The room was rather long, numerous hospital beds lined up against a wall, some separated by white curtains and some left visible. An almost imperceptible whiff of an all too familiar foul odor reached her nose, but it was mild enough to be easily ignored. Nicole had a suspicion that the unmoving person laying in one of the cots further away could be the source, but she sighed and hoped not to join them by the end of the day.
Mother Miranda was sat at a desk, microscope in front of her together with a small stack of documents and a laptop. She was typing in what could probably be notes on whatever she was looking at, when icy grey eyes finally shifted to Nicole.
"Get changed and lay down," she ordered, not even moving from her spot.
The assistant that had brought her here, pushed a hospital gown that had been pulled out from a cupboard in her arms. At least she was allowed the decency of changing into a bathroom as opposed to stripping then and there in the middle of the room. The gown was surprisingly comfortable, fabric folding around her body and being held closed by a loose ribbon that she tried at the side.
Once she was back in the lab, she was ushered to one of the beds where she laid down, nervously waiting for whatever Miranda had in mind.
It was quite odd to see her without her usual attire, especially without the gold talons that Nicole was now far more familiar with than she'd ever hoped. The white lab coat looked far too normal on her and, were it not for the unmistakable cold eyes and regal posture, the woman would’ve been unrecognizable.
She finally got up, a few documents in hand, and approached her. The papers were handed over to the assistant, along with a few other objects and finally, Nicole had her full attention.
Mother Miranda bent down, scalpel in hand, and grabbed one of Nicole's wrists. Just like she did back during the first examination, the blade was dragged across the length of her forearm. Despite fully expecting it, Nicole couldn't help flinching at the pain, but she kept her eyes fixated on her arm, at the blood slowly starting to flow from the wound.
Soon the same tingling as before took over the pain and before their eyes, the skin started to stitch itself back together.
"Time," Miranda asked while wiping the blood to allow for a closer inspection of the now good as new skin.
"Five seconds."
"Three seconds."
Miranda hummed, seemingly pleased with the results. Or at least as pleased as the woman was physically capable of being.
"Hook her up to the cardiac monitor," she further instructed while moving to retrieve something from another cabinet.
The assistant, Emma, if the tag pinned to her lab coat was to be believed, stuck a series of electrodes to her chest and abdomen. Nicole bit her lip to stifle a yelp when one came uncomfortably close to the still sensitive skin of the scar.
In no time, the machine came to life, familiar beeping sounding through the otherwise silent room.
"I hope you're not afraid of needles," Miranda said while grabbing the same arm she had before, lips pulled into a faint smirk.
Nicole only shook her head as she saw the needle of a syringe attached to a transparent slim tube slide into her arm. How ironic would that be. The sting was close to imperceptible, taken over by the now familiar faint tingle. Unlike with the cut, it didn't fade away, most likely due to not being able to fully heal the small wound with the needle embedded in the skin and vein.
She looked away, in the direction of the other occupied bed in the room. It was far away enough that she couldn't make out any detail, only messy brown hair sprawled on a pillow. The face was turned towards the wall and body covered up to the neck. She grimaced and decided instead to focus on the beeping machine, mildly annoyed by Miranda's lack of properly separating her dead lab rats from the living ones. At least she hoped she'd stay living.
The numbers on the machine started out normal. With the slight uncomfortable feeling of blood being drained however, her heart rate started to slowly increase.
Alright. Normal enough. Especially when someone is clearly in a fucking blood draining mood.
Nicole decided not to look at exactly how much blood Miranda was drawing, keeping her eyes glued to the various color coded numbers. The heart rate kept increasing until Nicole could swear she could feel her heartbeat ringing in her ears. She gulped. Still relatively within the norm.
Two things were at odds however. First, the blood pressure remained constant, almost as if her body simply refused to acknowledge the fact that it was currently being drained. Secondly, the temperature rose from the normal 36 degrees to a staggering 41 in less time than it should have.
"What the fuck…" She couldn't keep her tongue at the weirdness of her situation, her brain thankfully choosing confusion and curiosity over the dread that it probably should've felt instead.
Mother Miranda didn't seem to care though as she turned to type something on the laptop that she brought over from the desk. She tapped her finger on the device for a few seconds and finally spoke up.
"The accelerated healing means the blood is being regenerated constantly, thus not decreasing in volume. Which explains the constant pressure." She narrowed her eyes at the monitor once again. "It doesn't, however, explain the heart rate and temperature. Any bright guesses?"
It took Nicole a second to realize the question was actually addressed to her. Miranda seemed in an oddly good mood. Not any less hell bent on causing her pain, mind you, but she also seemed genuinely curious. Being a biology nerd will do that to you, she couldn't help but think.
Nicole hummed and thought for a second. She tried to recall any information about the topic at hand that she had studied prior to running away.
"Heart rate could just be the normal body response that stayed even with the mutation. Like… like a reflex. It remains even though it's not needed." Then she tapped a finger on her chin trying to find a less random explanation. "Or maybe it's the body's way of making sure that even while healing all body parts remain at least decently functional. No idea about the temperature though," she shrugged.
Miranda once again typed something up and then, without warning, pulled the needle out of Nicole's arm. She flinched, barely holding in an angry protest as she turned towards the woman. Which was a mistake. She couldn't help the gag that raised in the back of her throat at the sight of the metal container full of blood.
No, no, blood did not bother her. That would've cut her career as a medical examiner short before she even stepped foot in med school. It was the knowledge that that was her blood that made her stomach churn. The container could easily fit three liters of liquid in it, and it was full to the brim. Not to mention the smell that assaulted her still messed up sinuses mixing oh so perfectly with mr. corpse over in the corner.
Miranda just chuckled at her sour expression. "Do you think your darling wife would like to have this?"
With a sneer, masked by Nicole turning once again towards the monitor, she couldn't help slipping an edge of snark in her reply. "No need, she likes it fresh."
The numbers were back to normal, all but for the temperature that was taking slightly longer to go down.
By this point her vocal cords were raw from screaming and each shuddering sob felt like clumps of spines in her throat. Nicole was curled in on herself, small frame trembling pathetically on top of the uncomfortable bed. Her hands were shaking uncontrollably, the tingling sensation feeling like needles constantly pricking at her skin around and under the wired leather cuffs wrapped around her wrists. The frantic beeping of the machine was grating to her ears.
An electric shock test.
Of course.
Mother Miranda decided to test out how the increased heart rate worked. Results? Her body vehemently refused to allow her to pass out. Even when the shocks traveled through every part of her body, causing the nervous system to short circuit. Even when damage to internal organs and muscles ripped painful sobs from her throat, that turned into gags as soon as the tingling turned to nausea. Even when she could feel her heart hammering against her ribcage so fast that she was sure the small organ would burst any second. But it didn’t.
Every muscle in her body flared up in a sensation of painful pins and needles when Miranda pushed the button to release another shock. The cardiac monitor started screaming again and Nicole brought shaky hands over her ears in an attempt to block out the sound. Her whole body was on fire while all the damaged tissue repaired itself, making her stomach turn painfully. She felt like throwing up. Not that she had eaten anything today, but bile and thick blood still coated her esophagus. It was all swallowed back with a disgusting gulp.
The nausea was oh so kindly accompanied by searing pain from her still damaged sinuses, who’s condition only worsened exponentially with the electricity. The blood that seemed to coat all the way up to the inside of her mouth felt horrible mixed with the putrid smell of death.
She swallowed again, but that proved itself a bad decision as now that same smell permeated the very inside of her nose and mouth and throat and the feeling of blood sloshing on her tongue behind clenched teeth made her head spin.
She lurched forward, a small river of dark blood flowing from her mouth and nose, into her palms that she instinctively brought to her mouth. Wet coughs made it splatter into crimson splotches on the white sheets, herself and anything else within proximity. It took surprisingly long to realize that, after the initial wave that rose up her esophagus, the rest of the blood was from her sinuses. It was cruelly invading her nose and sliding back into her throat only to come out of her mouth. Fuck fuck fuck-
“What’s wrong?” Miranda’s tone lacked any trace of sympathy.
Nicole simply coughed out the remaining fluid from her mouth and unceremoniously grabbed a piece of cloth from Emma’s hands. She pressed it to her nose, only to feel it soaked against her skin far too soon.
“Damaged sinuses, as you said,” she croaked, her voice sounding so unlike her own.
That made Miranda frown. She kept that same expression while noting down the previous results. “It should be healed by now.”
“Well they aren't,” Nicole spat. The blood and the horrid smell were clouding her mind and, as many knew, pain and holding her tongue did not mix well in her. “And did we really have to do this in the same room as a dead fucking body?!”
Nicole’s angry outburst gave the woman pause. Annoyance mixed with a hint of confusion on her face. She looked at her assistant, an eyebrow raised in a silent question.
“No. Just- just anestesia.” Emma answered promptly.
“What the fuck do you mean anesthesia? Anesthesia doesn’t make you smell like a goddamn decomposing corpse, do you have cotton stuck up your noses?!” Thankfully the bleeding was starting to subside, which meant there was nothing to stifle her steadily raising angry tone.
Miranda, now sporting a scowl, got up and grabbed Nicole’s chin between two fingers. It made her flinch back, but there was no escaping the iron grip.
“I can assure you that the man is not dead, simply under anesthesia and recovering from a bad infection.” She moved Nicole’s head from left to right, eyes scrutinizing as ever.
Afterwards, she turned back and wrote something down on a piece of paper and simply instructed Emma to wrap up and lead Nicole out. The sudden shift not only in demeanor, but also in her position from the bed to standing upright was mildly dizzying. She swapped the gown for her normal clothes as quickly as she physically could, not wanting to spend another unnecessary second in this underground grave.
While she was ushered out the door, Mother Miranda’s sickly sweet voice rang after her.
“I’ll see you in a couple days.”
Her stomach turned.
The trek home was short and silent, Nicole simply wanting to get home as soon as possible and get a damn hot shower and sleep.
She bid the young man that was accompanying her goodbye the moment the Castle’s entrance was within jogging distance, and hurried steps took her to the imposing doors. It was Alexandria to answer her knock, Nicole having left her own keys in her bedroom.
“Welcome back my la-” the polite smile was all but wiped off the woman’s face, replaced by wide eyes. “Are you injured?”
Nicole looked at her confused, then down at herself. A muttered curse escaped past her lips when she remembered the bloody mess on her skin. “I’m okay. Just-... just don’t tell anyone I’m here yet. I'll change first.”
Her plan went out the window when a set of hasty steps came booming toward them.
Cassandra’s voice died in her throat when her golden eyes landed on Nicole’s small frame, dried dark blood on her face and arms and her clothes stained. An angry growl slipped from between bared teeth.
“What the fuck did she do to you?”
Nicole was quick to answer, too tired to deal with anything other than a few hours of sleep. “I’m okay. I’m just-...” she shook her head, then turned to the Steward. “Alexandria kindly ask a maid to draw me a bath.”
“At once.” And with that the woman turned and scurried away, most likely also not wanting to be in the vicinity of an angry Cassandra.
The hot water felt like pure bliss on her skin. It seemed to make every muscle relax and get rid of the awful tension. She leaned back, eyes closed and hands idly moving through the water.
It was just mildly difficult to fully relax with Cassandra muttering and pacing back and forth in the same room though.
"I'm-... I'm not letting you do this again."
Nicole simply sighed and started to scrub away at dried blood. The miniature red waterfall from earlier had gotten blood all over her arms and chest, some splatters even getting on her legs. Her face was also a mess, trails of blood going from her nose and mouth to the chin with smudges and splatters.
"What did she even do to you?"
Before she had a chance to reply, a knock came from the door and a maid entered with a few clean towels and a change of clothes from Nicole's own bedroom. The girl didn't linger, simply giving them both a courteous bow and exiting the room.
Looking for something to change the subject, Nicole focused on the pleasant honey smell. Honey with a slight citrus-y undertone, maybe lemon or orange.
"Did you get a new soap?"
Cassandra stopped pacing, brows furrowed. "No? It's the same one."
Confused, Nicole brought a hand that had just been scrubbed with that very soap right under her nose and took a deep inhale. It was indeed the same one. Chamomile and mint. She sighed in annoyance and leaned back against the cool porcelain while Cassandra came and bent down on one knee to be somewhat on eye level.
"Nose still not working properly or…?" She said while gingerly tilting Nicole's chin up with two fingers. She grimaced at one yet to be washed trail of dried blood that made its way to her wife's thin upper lip.
Nicole simply shook her head and grabbed Cassandra's hand. "Can you… go get ready. I'm beyond tired and just want to lay down with you."
Cassandra pursed her lips but nodded none the less. With a kiss on top of red hair, she turned and left the spacious bathroom, door shutting with a heavy thud.
Left alone, she scrubbed every inch of skin again and took a few extra minutes to enjoy the warmth of the water. It felt so incredibly odd to not feel any actual pain after the day's events. Any trace of what her body went through had been erased by her newfound ability, not leaving behind even the faintest mark of a scar, nor blackened skin caused by electric shocks.
She pushed herself out of the tub, grimacing at the slight pink tone the water had taken. Body and hair quickly dried with the towels, she put on the clothes, a comfortable pair of shorts and a tank top, and finally stepped out of the bathroom too.
Cassandra was waiting for her in bed, velvety dark robes hanging loosely on her shoulders and eyes fixated on the window while her fingers were tapping furiously on the cover of a book forgotten in her lap. Book that was quickly placed on the nightstand when Nicole climbed in beside her and pushed her way into the brunette's arms. She was tired and absolutely not above demanding cuddles.
Her wife wasted no time in wrapping an arm around her and pulling the soft blanket up to cover them both. Nicole interlocked their fingers, absentmentally turning the ring on Cassandra's finger. The same ring she had, albeit in a smaller size. A golden band with intricate floral patterns engraved on it. It had no protruding gem, something they both opted for so that the rings wouldn't need to be taken off while working and wearing gloves. Instead, eight small ocre gems were lined among the minuscule curled leaves.
It took Cassandra about two minutes to take a deep inhale and open her mouth. New record.
"Are you… are you hurt?"
Nicole didn't look up at her, the concern dripping from her words alone were enough to squeeze her heart painfully.
"No. I'm all healed up, just tired." She could almost feel Cassandra's question of clarification, but not wanting to go over what had happened down in the laboratory so soon, she opted for something the brunette would hopefully be just as interested in. "We did get some odd results though."
At the lack of any interruption she went on. "Accelerated heart rate whenever I get hurt. Can't pass out." Which was both a blessing and a curse, depending on the point of view and situation. "Also for some reason my temperature gets really high."
"You get one hell of a fever?"
Cassandra tapped a finger on Nicole's hand, mentally going over possibilities. "Aren't fevers used against infections? Maybe that has something to do with it."
A small hum passed her lips. Could that have something to do with it? It was possible that her healing abilities caused a fever in order to fight off any possible infection before it even became one. Maybe it was her body's way of lessening damage as much as possible since, as the day's events showed, the old replaced tissue had a tendency to get purged. She grimaced at the memory of slowly choking on blood and went for something at least slightly more pleasant.
"Oh and… I can't bleed out. Blood volume stays constant."
She looked up at Cassandra with what could only be described as a shit eating grin. Her wife blinked, realization seeming to dawn on her together with the faintest hint of a blush on her cheeks. She coughed.
"Yeah well. I'll keep that in mind. For when you don't need to sleep."
"And deny me some fun now?" Nicole's pout was purely for dramatic effect and it gained her an eye roll.
Two slender fingers gripped her chin to keep it in place while narrowed golden eyes bored into her green ones. The pout slowly morphed into a smirk. Cassandra was not the kind of person who did not indulge in her own pleasures and that, although to a more careful extent, included drinking her lover's blood. A fact that Nicole was not only not complaining about, but also learned to use in order to push all the right buttons.
When Nicole turned her head in the uncharacteristically gentle grip to plant a small kiss on the soft palm, Cassandra finally gave in. Concern was momentarily put on hold in the name of the normalcy they both have been denied in the last few weeks. She bent down, their lips meeting into a kiss that soon turned needy with tongue slipping past sharp teeth and a hand scratching lightly at her nape. Soon Cassandra broke their kiss, but only to slowly trail her way across her jawline with kisses and small nips. She bit at the soft skin right under the jaw bone, eliciting a quiet groan right by her sensitive ear. Black painted lips took her down the neck and across collarbones, planting a kiss right in between them, at the base of Nicole's throat.
When she slowly made her way to an exposed shoulder, Nicole's hand at the back of her head guided her further up, right above where her pulse was. After an inquisitive hum against her skin, she spoke quietly.
"Since blood loss isn't exactly a problem… no need to avoid the neck really."
Cassandra hesitated for a moment, but ultimately decided to trust her wife. She placed a gentle kiss on the spot right above where blood was flowing in rhythm with her heartbeat. The same gentle kiss that was placed on the skin countless times before and that only Nicole had the privilege of experiencing.
Sharp fangs sunk into tender flesh, the warm blood invading Cassandra's mouth making her moan low in her throat. Being used to the feeling of the bite by now, Nicole simply closed her eyes with a sigh and let her body melt into Cassandra's arms. The familiar blissful ache was welcomed, even though, she noticed, it did not bring with it the lightheadedness she had grown accustomed to.
Although she wasn't aware of it, Cassandra was, in a way, a creature of habit. Every time she would drink her blood, her hand would come up to cup Nicole's cheek, thumb slowly tracing the jawline, right before she would pull her mouth away. Every time, without fail.
This time however, when that happened, Nicole kept her in place with the hand tangled in brunette hair, her voice coming out breathy when she spoke. "Go on."
Cassandra would never admit it, but her self control would always waver while feeding. Therefore, she didn't need much convincing, continuing to take mouthfuls of blood in between a satisfied groan. When she finally had her fill, she pulled back with a bashful look in her eyes. Concern quickly flashed on her face at the sight of the crimson mess on her wife's neck.
Nicole however, not wanting their moment to get ruined, took one of Cassandra's hands in her own and slowly placed a soft kiss on each knuckle. After that was done, and the downright ticklish sensation of skin patching itself subsided, she guided the fingers over the bloody skin.
"See? Healed," she whispered.
Cassandra gingerly traced her fingers over the spot, looking for no longer existing puncture marks. She smiled upon not finding them and turned to pull out a handkerchief from a small drawer of her nightstand. A ritual of sorts, one practiced more times than they cared to count over the years. Cassandra passed the white cloth over the skin, wiping away the crimson stains while her wife relaxed into the touch.
"Feeling good?" It was a remark meant to poke fun at how much Nicole seemed to enjoy herself, but the double meaning did not go unnoticed.
A smile tugged at Nicole's lips and she nodded.
In turn, Cassandra hummed. "You taste different." And, at her lover's furrowed brows and the slightest hint of alarm flashing in her eyes, she clarified. "Not bad. Just different. Slightly sweeter actually."
"Is that so," Nicole purred, the smile returning to her lips.
Cassandra discarded the cloth on the floor to be retrieved later and shifted both of them back down on the myriad of pillows.
"Yes. Now how about you get some sleep."
Nicole wasted no time in snaking an arm around her waist and nuzzling into her side. It would never cease to amaze her how Cassandra's presence could make her feel so at ease, as if nothing beyond the castle's walls existed. At that moment, she couldn't help but be grateful for her newfound ability, useful in far more ways than one.
She stretched slightly upwards, auburn hair like a small waterfall behind her.
"I love you," she whispered against cool ashy lips.
"I love you too," Cassandra replied, closing the almost nonexistent space between their mouths in a soft kiss.
It left behind a slight coppery taste on Nicole's lips, but she couldn't bring herself to care, instead readjusting her legs to tangle comfortably around her wife's thigh.
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wasbangtanhome · 3 years
late, late, late | KSJ
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banner made by bangtanhome! (me)
Summary: Is he late? Yes. Were you mad? Yes. Was it a special day? Yes, yes, yes! You had everything prepared and you just wanted your boyfriend to come home. Now.
Pairing: Office worker!Kim Seokjin x F(Reader) | also kind of dom!Jin
Warning: 18+. Smut in the form of: pwp, provocative dress, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it hehe), oral sex (M receiving), fingering, use of the word "slut", cumming inside, impact play (ass and pussy). also he used the L word.
Word Count: 4.4k
Author's note: Short and sweet to start off my journey here on tumblr!! I hope you enjoy it and to please please let me know about any improvements. I worked really hard on it! Also my first smut fic! Also, also, there are not a lot of pet names ever since I saw the post about what Namjoon, Jungkook, Jimin, and Jin would call their lover. I got super sappy.
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From the kitchen window, you have a clear view of the entrance leading to your apartment that you share with your boyfriend. The sun has set and it's well past dinner time but you have yet to see his face walking up the steps, blowing a kiss at your general direction.
You chew the inside of your cheek. He's late, you thought, peering out the window for the nth time while drying the dishes. You can't help but worry. Seokjin usually calls if he picked up an extra shift, but your phone has yet to move.
Today marks a year of the two of you living together. The year hasn't treated you kindly. A while back, your company had some budget cuts. Your department was abolished and unlike the lucky coworkers that were transferred, you were a part of the handful that received severance pay.
You figured going back to work would be easy, especially with your qualifications. However, you have yet to get a call from any of the places you applied to. With you unable to work, you spend your days maintaining the apartment. Your boyfriend, his smile ever present, told you he would just have to take more shifts.
‘You know, ______, housework is really hard to do,’ he remarked. ‘Besides, I make more than enough money to support us both.’
You smiled at your boyfriend then. It was true, there wasn’t really a need for you to go to work. You eased up on your stress over not finding work and dutifully cleaned the apartment.
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You trudged your way to the entrance of the apartment. Head resting on the front door before unlocking it with your key. Seokjin was drinking tea by the window sill, looking as ethereal as ever. He noticed you had entered the apartment, smiling lovingly at you.
Before he had a chance to say hello, you broke the news about what happened during work. Instantly, your boyfriend came towards you, his smile faltering as he saw the state you were in. The fatigue in your bones left you slumped on the ground.
Seokjin did not say a word, opted to close and lock the door behind you before sinking to his knees to meet you at eye level.
‘Hey,’ he murmured softly. ‘It’s going to be okay.’
He nudged your shoulder and you fell to his embrace. This was the straw that broke the camel’s back. You whimper softly as you seize his dress shirt, hot tears falling on his dress shirt, turning the color a shade darker than it was. Your knuckles turned white as your chest rose and fell rapidly, ragged breathing moaning the loss. And yet, your Seokjin rubbed circles on your back soothingly, hugging you tightly, not saying a word.
‘Sorry,’ you remembered mumbling as the coil in your stomach loosened.
‘Don’t be sorry, _____, there’s no reason for you too,’ he whispered back.
Silence fell before he piped up. ‘What do you call a bike that can’t stand on its own?’ he waggled his eyebrows when you looked at him, confused at what he’s saying. It took you a good moment to know that he was joking.
‘Two-tired!’ he exclaimed, laughing at his own joke. You smiled at your lover and before long, laughed along with him; his joy infecting your sadness.
He took out his handkerchief, wiping the streaks of tears away and giving it to you. At his gesture, you snickered before dissolving once more into tears. He had fretted then, worried that he had done something wrong.
‘I’m so lucky,’ you mumbled in tears. ‘Lucky to have you as my boyfriend, Kim Seokjin.’
He smiled softly at your comment, proceeded to pull you in his lap. ‘So, what do you want to do now?’
‘Easy,’ you sniffled, plastering a smile on your face. ‘We order fried chicken and drink!’
Seokjin had looked at you funny, surprised to hear you crave alcohol. Your smile was infectious and he ruffled your hair to agree. ‘That’s my girl!’ he exclaimed. ‘Let’s find you an even better paying job, okay?’
He was so enthusiastic, making the tragedy that happened to you that day seem so… trivial. You got drunk that night, your body not used to the alcohol.
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You smile softly at the memory that happened after, your boyfriend’s hair stuck to his face, panting heavily as you came all over him. You try to push the memory away, focusing instead on your task at hand, but the damage was done- you're wet.
You chew on your bottom lip, hands traveling lower, touching your folds.
I’ll just start without him.Something nagged at your brain, and as your fingers sought out your clit, you realize how unsatisfying it would be without your boyfriend coaxing orgasm after orgasm from you.
You moan, anticipation and desperation threatening to consume you. Distracting yourself, you went through your mental checklist again. Skimpy apron? Check. Food? It’s cold because it’s been in the fridge, but check. The line that you’ve been practicing for the past few months to win over your boyfriend? Check, check, and check.
You glance again and the parking lot was empty now, its residents taking space in their respective homes. No sign of Seokjin.
You huff, grabbing your phone and pressing the on power roughly, almost causing it to clatter on the ground. Almost. Your screen flickers on and you see an image of him smiling back at you. You stuck your tongue out at his face, and punched a string of numbers you know by heart.
The line rang for a long time. You were about to let it go to voicemail. At the last second, you hear a tired voice answer you.
“Darling?” Seokjin’s voice was gruff and sleepy. You can make a mental image of him running a hand through his hair. He sounded distracted, probably looking at his spreadsheets as the numbers start to blur together.
"Hi," you try cheerfully, clearing your throat, hoping he can’t hear the anticipation across the phone. You cradle the device between your ear and your shoulder before brushing lint from your apron. "Are you coming home soon?"
Seokjin looked at his watch, knowing something was clearly bothering you. Looking at the time, he scrambled to his feet: 19:32.
"Wh-Wha--?" came the stunned response. You hear Seokjin push his chair back and the familiar beep of his computer turning off. You laugh quietly as you hear doors slam and his voice echoing in the staircase.
"Oh, _____, I'm so sorry. I had no idea what time it was," he pants, high on adrenaline trying to get home as soon as possible.
"I'm so sorry, ______. I'll be home soon. You can start eating without me, okay?"
You feel a grin paint your face, relief that he was at work. "I'm okay! You must be hungry, love. Just glad you're finally coming home. I can't wait to see you. Drive safe!" you exclaim hurriedly, knowing he won’t want to call when he’s driving.
He murmured a confirmation and you ended the call. Seokjin may be late but there’s still cause for celebration. Settling the butterflies in your stomach, you open the fridge door to take out the food you had prepared earlier, heating them up.
You finally see a familiar figure run from his parking space. His dress shirt untucked and he stopped for only a moment to blow a kiss towards you. His hair clung to his scalp, his tie was loose, and his eyes shining with adoration. You waved back quickly before seeing him disappear into the building.
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Seokjin expected you to be angry, ready to apologize for coming home so late. At the very least, he expected a hug, you seemed happy enough, asking how his day was in the office. What he didn’t expect was you in an apron… wearing nothing else. His eyes roamed your body, stunned at the lack of clothes, briefcase dropping heavily on the floor.
"Are you going to close the door?" he heard you ask.
Never taking his eyes off of you, he closed and locked the door, sliding out of his work shoes. Like a deer caught in headlights, you can’t help but wonder what would happen if you approached him.
You hear him gasp as you get closer, his face incredulous. You pressed your chest towards his, relishing in his ears turning red.
"Now,” you smirk and grab a hold of his tie. “Would you like to start with dinner,"-- you croon as you fling it behind you.
"-a bath,” you say seductively as you open the first couple of buttons of his dress shirt. “-or me?" you finish, dress shirt completely unbuttoned as you watch his delicious figure.
You don't often see your boyfriend at a loss for words. But this... this was something else. Seokjin opened and closed his mouth, blinking rapidly. You hid your smile behind closed lips, enjoying the fact you’re making him squirm.
"What did you make for dinner?" he stammered, forcing a chuckle.
You waved at the table. "The works, japchae, fried chicken, corn, kimchi… You know, our favourites."
"Huh..." he managed, swallowing. Seokjin knew how hungry he was when he left the office, but he couldn't seem to focus on the steaming delicacies on the table. He turned his gaze back to you, slowly closing the distance between your lips.
"Good answer," you murmur.
"Didn't know it was a test," he whispered, dipping his head back down, claiming your soft lips once more.
You smiled into the kiss, content that he was finally home. His hands stopped trembling as it snaked lower. One hand circled your waist, the other trailing soft circles on your back. You shivered at his delicate touch, arching your back into his hand to feel more.
Seokjin seemed to understand your signal and lifted you up, making your way through the living room to reach your bed. Once you landed with a soft plop, he continued the kiss. Heat was rising to his cheeks as he fully shrugged his dress shirt off, returning shortly to connect his lips to yours.
"Jin, I can't see... it's too dark in here," you whined, feeling your skin burn where he touched your body.
You did not receive an immediate response from your beloved, only hearing the thud of a belt on the floor and you hoped his pants came off with it.
"I think it's the perfect amount of light to make you squirm," he whispers. You feel the mattress sink with his weight and the heated kiss resumes, your hands flying to tug at his hair with urgency. You start to feel feverish from the kiss, trying desperately to connect your hips to something so you can feel the first waves of pleasure. You’ve been waiting for such a long time.
He smiles at your impatience and starts tweaking your clothed nipple. "Off..." you whined, wanting the apron gone.
Seokjin slipped the shoulder straps down. You arch your back and he untied the ribbon holding everything together easily. He threw it over his shoulder and finally, his large palms directly touched your tits. He sucked on a nipple while his hands were busy, roaming every inch of your body. You moaned underneath him, thrusting your chest upwards to give him more access.
"Mmm..." you sigh as his hand travelled south and pressed onto your clit.
"You're so wet already," he released your nipple, chuckling darkly. "Have you been waiting all day? Did you want to be fucked that badly?"
You winced at his words. He continued circling your clit, waiting patiently for your answer. "Well?"
"Yes, darling," you pant out. "I have been waiting all day for you! Ah- and you were late," you whined pathetically.
He chuckled again, muttering apologies under his breath while he continues to play with your clit, your nipple back in his mouth. You knew you were going to get a real apology after you're done, but this was enough.
You felt his finger enter your pussy, testing out to see how tight you were. Your eyelids fluttered shut as he added another finger, eliciting a moan from you.
"Yeah? You like that?" came the breathy response.
Your head spun as he curled his fingers at the sensitive bundle of nerves. His thumb pressed and circled on your clit, his pace getting faster and his thrusts getting deeper.
"Jin, I'm close," you squeak out, squirming at his unrelenting force. Your high was right there, waiting for your undoing. But your boyfriend had other plans and his thrusts stopped completely before you came.
You whined, your hands tugging at his hair dangerously. Frustration swept overr your face as it turned even more crimson than his ears. "J-Jin..." you grumble weakly, catching your breath. Your cunt squeezed at nothing when he removed his fingers completely.
"Wanted to feel you cum on my dick," was his simple response.
In the fog of your pleasure, you weren't aware of his veiny cock rapidly growing harder, tip already leaking precum. You stared, dazed as he pumped his length. You also had other plans when you moved to the floor.
You licked a stripe down from the tip to the base, earning a hiss from your boyfriend. His eyes fluttering shut when you look up, his cock slowly disappearing into your mouth.
You suck lightly at first, taking care that your teeth don't make contact with his sensitive member and begin bobbing to a rhythm. He groaned as you stuffed your mouth with his cock, hands grabbing fistfuls of your hair.
"Ah- ________, ah-, can I move?" he huffed out, unable to form sentences without groans.
You moaned to signal your affirmation and he used your hair as leverage to pull you closer to the base. You struggled and gagged, feeling so fucking full. You whimper as he held you there, his head falling back with a groan.
Seokjin snapped his hips, thrusting deeper into your throat. The sensation made you moan, tears blurring your vision. He picked up the pace when he saw you, loves the view of you struggling with his cock in your mouth.
He loved to ruin you, would never admit that out loud, but seeing his lover whimper and sob because he was too big made him moan. Seokjin was holding your head in place, letting his hips do all the work. You groaned out, the vibrations on his cock almost sent him over the edge.
You knew he was close. In ragged breaths, he was saying how beautiful you were, how well you were taking his cock, how amazing you felt, and all the sweet nothings you often hear. However, when his thrusts turned messy, an indication that he was close, you shifted backwards and his beautiful cock fell out of your mouth.
"Fuck!" he cursed loudly, careening forward. He held your head in place for balance, not wanting to fall, worried he hurt you somehow. However, he was greeted with a teasing grin. "Payback, love," was all you said smugly.
You knew you shouldn’t have pushed his buttons that way. But you couldn't help it, knowing the wonderful outcome that awaits you.
He growled, anger flaring with every second that passed since you denied his release. "Bed. Now,” he muttered under his breath. You obliged at his command, though you did it slowly, never taking your eyes of him
This side of Seokjin rarely comes out to play. He was always worried he'd hurt you.
‘Yeah, that's the point,’ you snorted, recalling the memory of explaining what you wanted like he was 5.
Even still, this was a welcomed surprise. You made a mental note of how you pushed his buttons that day, hoping to recreate it in future events.
You were about to sit on the bed when you turned around, climbing on all fours instead, excited about what he would do to you.
“That’s not what I asked you to do, slut” he chuckled, waiting for you to get settled. You teased your ass, moving it closer towards his dick before pulling back.
You didn't anticipate the first slap, the sound of his palm hitting your skin filling the room. You moaned, wiggling your ass towards his face, eyes shining bright with lust.
"Ah- you like being spanked, huh?” Seokjin said, scratching his chin. “Who knew you'd this much of a slut."
You moaned at the word, loving when he said such mean things to you. Your knees buckled when the next smack wasn’t on your ass. He clicked his tongue as he watched your juices flow out from having your cunt smacked. Seokjin reached gingerly towards your clit, teasing it to ease the pain.
"Oh?" he said simply before smacking you again, this time back at your ass. He alternated between slapping your ass and your sopping cunt, the uncertainty of where the next pain would land causing you to see stars.
You whimpered and whined underneath him. Fully lying on your stomach, your ass no longer in the air. You held a pillow, moaning into it, praying the neighbors wouldn't complain about the noise. "J-Jin... please fuck me."
"Huh, I didn’t know this one could beg," he chuckled. The thought of him being with another slut left a twinge in your chest, but that jealousy subsided when he slapped you hard this time, snapping your mind from your thoughts. There was some shuffling behind you and you felt the tip of his cock on your entrance, Seokjin coating his erection with your juices.
"Shit- it's so slippery..." he said mockingly, "slipping" past your cunt. "I can't seem to get it in."
His teasing left you desperate, clinging so hard on to the pillow that your knuckles started to turn white. And just as you felt the anticipation was too much, Seokjin thrusted into you fully, his girth entering you all at once, not caring that you usually needed time to adjust to his cock.
Seokjin dragged you closer towards him, your legs off the bed. He held your neck down with his arm and thrusted hard into your cunt. Before long, you begged silently as your high approaches, hoping that this time your boyfriend would let you cum.
"Baby, I- I'm close."
"Are you now, sweetheart?" You nodded and whimpered at his question. Your voice was getting higher, moans filling your small bedroom.
And he stopped again.
You buried your face in the pillow to scream. You were so agonizingly close and he denied you just like that. Tears fall out of your eyes now, you hiccup and sob, glaring daggers at him.
Normal Seokjin would've scooped you into his arms, a myriad of apologies would spill from his mouth.
But not this time. Instead, he grabbed your hips with his muscular arms before flipping you over so you lay flat on the bed. His cock went back inside, thrusting slowly while he spun circles on your sensitive folds.
"Please-" You breathe in deep, trying to stabilize your hiccups.
"One more for me?" he asked. His voice low and husky.
You start shaking your head, pleading, no- you couldn’t do it again. You were begging him to let you cum. He continued his shallow thrusts and his attention on your clit. You sigh underneath him, overstimulated beyond belief.
"One more," he insisted and leaned close to your ear. "For one whole year of living together." He nibbled on the shell before moving down to your neck. "Please?" You moan when he sucked on the delicate flesh.
You melted into his embrace and nod. "One more."
Perhaps you should've considered longer. Perhaps it was your lust-addled brain that made you say yes. Perhaps you should not have fallen for his devilish charm. But it’s all too late now as he lay on the bed, and you climbed over him.
"Mmph..." you moan, throwing your head back while you grind your pussy on his cock. You snuck a glance below only to find seeing your boyfriend drowning in pleasure.
You leaned forward and bumped your forehead with his. Seokjin's eyes open gently. He pants quietly as he cups your face, gently stroking it with his thumb. An angelic smile spreads upon his face, love and affection in his eyes. You whined as you continue riding him, trying to chase your own high while helping him with his, picking up the pace.
You were still moving a bit too slowly for his liking so he thrusted his hips to match your movements. It sent shivers down your spine and you moan deliciously.
"Baby, I can't- ah- Jin..." you pant, bouncing and grinding on his cock, just then realizing how close you actually were. You expected the stop, but it didn't make it any easier. Your boyfriend stopped his movements and held your hips firm, causing your body to convulse.
Seokjin sat up quickly, hugging and kissing your face profusely. "You did such a good job, ______." he said, his apologies in the form of kisses. He tucked a stray hair behind your ear. "You were so pretty bouncing on my cock like that."
You sigh and smiled weakly at him, "Can I rest?" you asked meekly.
You hear him genuinely laugh. His friends always said that his laugh sounded like windshield wipers. But to you, it sounded like wind chimes dancing in the summer.
Seokjin grabbed you and laid you down on the bed gently. He turned to his side and stroked your hair. You faced him, a content smile on your face as you also stroke his cheek.
"I love you."
The sudden confession made you halt. You knew Seokjin meant it. However, he does not say I love you very often. He shows his love with physical touch and "have you eaten?" questions that make you feel so happy he cared. But hearing him say he loved you almost made you cry. Almost. You had enough tears for the day.
"I love you too, darling."
You scoot closer to kiss him, tongue asking permission to enter. He groans when they collide. Your spare hand moved down and stroked his softening cock gently but he sprung up instantly.
"I kinda blue-balled you, sorry," you broke the kiss sheepishly. Seokjin just chuckled and continued the kiss, moving on top of you.
“Are you okay for more?” he asked, back to his usual self.
You nodded enthusiastically.
His cock slid in effortlessly, your pussy already wet and stretched out enough to take him in without any discomfort. Pleasure caused your body to groan. You wanted so badly to come.
He held up both your legs and toyed with your clit. He was able to thrust easily into you. He started out slow, making sure that you were actually okay before it turned manic, his cock going in and out of you with such force.
You whined when his thumb pushed harder on your clit, feeling your walls clench at his huge dick.
His cock going deeper and deeper inside you combined with him touching your clit was all it took. You were suddenly right there, at the edge of pleasure before you snap. You yell his name, your voice getting increasingly higher. You look at him with desperate eyes.
"Cum on my cock, ____," he groaned, marveling at how tight you were getting.
He kept the pace and soon, you were moaning his name, your juices creaming his cock. You loved being filled. You were so full as your walls clenched around him.
A few more hard thrusts and he joined you in pleasure. "Ah- _____," he moaned out as your walls were painted white. You winced when you thought Seokjin was going to fall on top of you, though he caught himself at the last second.
He slid out of you with a hiss and ran to get a towel to clean you up. After he was done, the towel was placed in the laundry basket, along with all the clothes that were discarded from the floor. You roll your eyes, knowing how neat your boyfriend was.
He plopped right next to you and you cuddled closer, throwing an arm over his muscled abdomen.
"Hi," he sighed out in bliss, tucking another strand of hair behind your ear. "Happy one year anniversary of living together, my dear."
His head dipped towards your and you both nuzzle your nose at each other. "Happy one year, Jin."
"So," he started, clearing his throat. "I can tell you liked getting spanked. Push my buttons some more and maybe it'll happen more often," he laughed at his own comment., waggling his eyebrows at your direction.
This time, it was you who were at a loss for words. You shook your head, rolling your eyes before snuggling so close to him. You found the perfect spot on his chest, as always, pulling the blankets towards the both of you.
He removed himself from underneath you and stared seriously into your eyes. "I know I don't say it enough,"-- you smiled as you notice his ears turning red again-- "but I meant what I said. I do, love you, ____." He held your gaze and you found the strength to sit up slightly to kiss him.
"I know, Jin. This was enough. You are enough."
You've never seen him so giddy and he kissed your forehead again, finally settling down.
"Good night, Kim Seokjin. I’ll clean the food in the morning," you say drowsily.
"Don’t worry, let me get it. Good night, soon-to-be Kim _____," he whispered. You heard the comment but you were tired to ask what he meant. In the morning, you thought to yourself. I'll deal with that in the morning.
When you finally slept, soft snores filling the room, Seokjin got up, carefully detangling him from your arms. You protest slightly but rolled over, not waking up. He padded softly to the kitchen to put the food away. Washing his hands, he looked to the bedroom once more to make sure you were indeed asleep, before opening his briefcase.
Inside, there was a small blue box and Seokjin opened it gingerly, fearing the worst. He sighed in relief as the band reflected a light coming from outside, still intact even though he dropped it earlier. He closed the small box and placed it back in his briefcase.
Seokjin came back to the room to find you had gotten up, hands rubbing your eyes. “Where did you go?”
“Bathroom and grabbed a glass of water,” he lied casually, praying that you didn’t see anything, his heart hammering in his chest.
You mumbled something and he sighed in relief, putting on a pair of boxers before snuggling you close, kissing your forehead.
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All characters depicted in this fic are 18+ and fictional.
Any resemblance is just a work of fiction.
All rights © bangtanhome.tumblr.com
Posted on 04.13.2021 at 11:11am GMT+7.
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