#the demon race is not creative lol
pheita · 16 days
OC Smash or Pass
I was tagged by @eternalwritingstudent ( I don't start to count how many times you tagged me during these last 2 weeks lol )
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Thanks for my Sims obsession I have a nice pic of Arritit.
Age: 389 years (equalls roughly end 20's in human years)
Gender: female
Race: Ma'Bashan aka lust demon
Sexuality: pansexual with strong preferences for women
Info: As the youngest of five children to Akamratit and Ranhirin you would think she is a spoiled brat but the contrary is the truth. Tormented by the twin sisters directly above her in age since the earliers childhood years, life was always tough and got tougher when she understood her father's views about the past and the demon's position in the cosmos of the dimensions made the family outsiders of the community.
It was so strong the polyamorous nature of their kind went inexperienced since her parents had no other partners with no one wanting to deal with Akamratit, also ending in the children having rarely any friends and only the siblings relying on each other.
She became the family mage of her generation within the family, since she has the strongest magic. Technically, Sojan could have become it if he had been able to grab the basics of higher magic, so it fell into her hands.
Because of all this, she doesn't only has shaman knowledge but also studied math, basic architecture, botanics and many more if she didn't use her lil sis status to make Sojan cook for her.
Reasons to Smash
Arritit, or Ari in short, is caring in her ways which can be sometimes accompanied by swearing and name-calling, and loyal till the end as long as you don't betray her. Her hedonistic tendencies are always good for a surprises, and life surely will never be boring. Life is an adventure for her, and knowing her power made her sure enough to handle everything. Her thirst for knowledge can only be matched by her love to play stupid people and to burn down nasty monsters. Or her hunger for chocolate.
Reasons to Pass
Her self-esteem sometimes boarders on megalomania, and you only risk getting into a fight with her when you are sure there is nothing inflammable around. After Akamratit killed her fiancée decades ago, Ari's hedonism sometimes has self-destructive moments, and she is still damaged from her fiancée's death and never really got over it.
I tag @writernopal @writerfae @tabswrites @writingamongther0ses @incandescent-creativity
@indecentpause @ashen-crest @dreaminggoblin-yells
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teresawymore · 10 months
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I'm new to fan fiction. Only Good Omens has ever inspired me to jump in, and I've been so obsessed I'm falling behind on my actual paid writing lol.
Pinning and updating my fanfic and fanart here. Please check my descriptions so you don't get yourself into something you'd rather not. I write transgressive fiction more than romance.
"Anger invariably stimulated his master’s licentious disposition.
The twitching jaw and preoccupation of his usually fearless master made Crowley uneasy. Aziraphale wasn’t a worrier. He was prideful and abrasive but not timid. He enjoyed a good fight and had the wits to make any man appear a fool.
In fact, Aziraphale hadn’t changed much from his first corporeal existence. Crowley still adored the soft angelic features that contrasted with discerning eyes. Over the millennia, his gaze had grown more piercing and his appreciation for the world’s delicacies had made him a bit plump. He kept his white curls, bright teeth, and charming smile, though Crowley had seen his geniality vanish like a flash of lightning before a storm of rage."
explicit, violent, dubious consent, historical, Rome, AU, demon!Aziraphale
"Under the sultry lighting of art deco chandeliers, the angel’s gaze roamed the exotic room. Velvet wallpaper covered three walls, and luxurious benches filled the space in front of a long wood and brass bar. The far side had no wall but a brass railing that partitioned the club from the expanse of an open three-story warehouse.
The demon’s attention was captivated by the dancers, a mix of couples that spun and stomped to the rhythm. Young women in fringed dresses drank and danced alongside men in sharp suits. All the races of the great Midwestern city mingled in this black-and-tan club with crossdressers and other members of the twilight aristocracy.
It was an era of defiant music and defiant mores.
Humans are so very creative."
angsty, romantic, historical, Prohibition
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another-lost-mc · 5 months
Hi, just want you to know I have Michael Brainrot bc of your works with him…. I’m not asking for more or anything, i love everything you do anyway….. but damn your Michael hits different….
Oh, thank you so much! I love Michael. Even in NB he still seems a bit underdeveloped and we don't even know what he looks like yet. (I've talked a lot about my personal headcanons about his appearance and at this point I stubbornly accept the likelihood that he's going to be a tall, long-haired and blue-eyed blonde instead. lol)
When I first started playing OG, he was one of my favourite characters even though we knew next to nothing about him. Some of my first fic ideas were about Michael, if you'd believe it. Maybe that's why I liked him so much? I treated him like an OC before Nightbringer came out because I took quite a few creative liberties exploring different versions of him.
I've mentioned before that I treat angels and demons in this game (and Father and the Demon King) as fantasy races rather than religious beings. To me, Michael is a leader - a flawed leader, sure - but he has so much personality and friendship and affection to give. He loves sweets and he's fashionable and even though his bond with Lucifer is undeniable, I think he genuinely cares about all his celestial brethren too.
Unfortunately for Michael, he seems like the type of angel that wants to be everyone's friend, but the problems arise when he has to stop being a friend and start being leader of the angels. We've seen him make difficult choices and we've seen evidence that he's struggled with the consequences of those choices. I think he has a lot of regret and unresolved trauma/guilt from things he's done, especially when it comes to Lucifer and his brothers.
I have no idea what the original plan for OG was after Season 4. My rough guess (or at least how I hoped it would play out) is that:
Season 5 would involve MC at least talking to Michael directly again (re: Simeon) and visiting the Celestial Realm on his behalf.
Season 6 would be the point when new angels visit the Devildom, including Michael (think of it as a diplomatic visit with higher-ranking angels making the CR's peace with the Devildom "official").
A lot of my Michael x MC/Reader stories assume that he and MC would've met in-person for the first time in Season 5. MC deserves a proper visit to the Celestial Realm (overnight, at least one week but preferably two or three) and a chance to meet Michael and the other important angels that help him run things. So many of my Michael blurbs are just him and MC interacting during that first meeting together because the first meeting trope is one of my favourites.
And as much as I love Michael, visiting the Celestial Realm wouldn't be complete with some more angels to liven things up. We have other established canon angels - Simeon, Luke and Raphael - but Uriel's been mentioned twice I believe, and I doubt he's the only other angel worth meeting. (OC Angels like Metatron and Gabriel help fill in the gaps so that my CR-based writing doesn't feel so empty.) We just need more angels in general - how else will a MC goes to the CR for the exchange program AU play out if there's only like, two angels there? >_>
Anyway. I try not to think about the implications of Michael's involvement in NIghtbringer since it took an odd turn with HM Lesson 20. I did outline some possible story ideas based on that particular plot point but I still prefer to write Michael in the OG setting for obvious reasons.
As a side note - I know I keep talking about it, but the OC story I've been working on features Michael as a major character in Part 1 that takes place in the Celestial Realm. We get to see him interacting with Lucifer (who is still an angel then) and other angels of various ranks, and the two main characters of course. We see Michael who tries to be a friend, who tries to be supportive and balance out Lucifer's different approach to handling things...and we also see Michael who abides by the rules angels are meant to live by and expects everyone else to do the same. I could've made him the "bad guy" in this, but I didn't. He has his good moments and his "omg you're such an asshole" moments, but no more or less than the other characters. It's very exciting.
......................yikes, that was a lot of words to say, "Thank you, fellow Michael fan! I also enjoy his character a lot."
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communist-ojou-sama · 3 months
what did you think of the way Frieren handled the demons story? i thought that they didn't necessarily need to make demons inherently evil because then it comes v close to doing fantasy races and particular race is only intelligent and capable of advanced speech bcz they want to hurt and kill and that is all they are capable of.
Especially since the setting and background in anime reminds me vaguely of Europe.
I'm not cancelling the show or anything, like it's still a very good anime and i've watched quite a lot of it and will continue to do so. i do get uncomfortable with fantasy stories doing, x group was inherently evil. idk if you have any deeper thoughts as opposed to my knee jerk reaction lol, on why the arc was structured the way it was? And do you like it?
mmm it's problematic but it feels like this is just a fundamental problem with western fantasy. I will say that while it's unpopular to say this, it is genuinely true that western fantasy arrived in Japan very much as A Foreign Recieved Tradition and that the historical and cultural baggage and dogwhistles that are prevalent throughout the genre are genuinely like, not well known to Japanese people in general including western creatives, and that many of its tropes and lore quirks are often just replicated without much thought of their original social implications, as foreign recieved traditions are anywhere else in the world. Obviously Japan does have its own very real racism problems and issues of emulating too much of all the worlst aspects of western "civilization" imo, but that's a topic too broad for this ask I think :P
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strawberryspiced · 5 months
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For years, I've poured my heart and soul into my art, yet insecurities have often derailed my vision, whispering doubts about the worthiness of my creations and whether anyone would truly appreciate them. But through it all, I've come to realise that art is not just about external validation; it's a deeply personal journey of self-expression and growth. Yes, this is something I know well - but your insecurities are very good at convincing you otherwise sometimes.
Growing up, I was always drawn to art in many forms. Whether it was sketching in my maths book during class or losing myself in front of the piano, creativity was my sanctuary, my safe space - a place where I could escape everyday pressures and troubles and just dive into my imagination. But as I got older that annoying and nagging voice of insecurity began to creep in, creating doubts over my passions.
I remember very clearly the first time I hesitantly shared my artwork with others, waiting for their reactions. My heart raced with anticipation, longing for validation yet fearing rejection. Would they see the flaws I saw? Would they dismiss my creations as amateurish or unworthy of attention? These questions plagued my mind, threatening to overshadow the joy I found in creating. How simultaneously CRAZY and sad, right?!
Yes, I understand that art is a journey of self-discovery, a process of embracing imperfections and celebrating individuality. It's not about conforming to external standards of perfection, but rather about staying true to oneself and embracing the unique perspective we each bring to the world. Acceptance of this, I began to loosen the grip of insecurity and embrace my art with newfound confidence, but sadly that does not lock the demons away for good, lol.
No… My journey has not been without its challenges. There have been moments of frustration when my vision refused to materialise on canvas or digital canvas and there are still times when self-doubt threatens to derail my creative aspirations - But through it all, I have clung to the belief that art is a reflection of the soul, a testament to the beauty and complexity of human experience. So… regardless of what my inner ramble says, I have made a conscious decision to let go of fear and to continue sharing my work with the world.
If I am truly honest with myself… making the decision to share my art with the world, despite my lingering insecurities has been one of the most transformative aspects of my creative journey. Yet, even as I received positive feedback towards my art, I still find myself having to silence my insecurities. As frustrating as this has been, I have also come to witness and realise that it seems to be something which many creatives battle with, so at least I know I am not alone, lol.
Nonetheless, I've come to realise that my creative journey is not defined by what others think or whether or not my stuff even sells… it is about the joy and fulfilment I find in the act of creation itself. Each piece I create is a reflection of who I am, a snapshot of my thoughts, emotions, and experiences frozen in time. And whether or not others choose to purchase my art is ultimately beside the point – what matters is that I continue to create, to explore, and to grow as an artist and as a human being. So, yay to that haha!
So here I am, denying my doubts entry and just moving forward with what I want - and what I want is to share my art with the world… to have it up on walls and enjoyed, not only from a visual perspective, but from an emotional one too.
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misc-obeyme · 9 months
You're Mc sounds interesting tbh and I could tell it suits them well. I mean, as far as I've seen. Mc in the game tends to be calm and like the soul healer? You get what I mean, they're positive, moral and bring peace. The idea of your Mc being half Leannàn is unique ngl, I never thought of that. But about the story part I was focusing more at Lilith and Belphie's part. Which means, at first Belphie used admire dragons/leannàn or other species that players choose for Mc. Which also effects on Lilith's death? Eh..idk. Personally, my Mc is a full dragon with a human form, and was raised in a human island. It's kinda like yours. Btw thanks for the idea of Diavolo brings my Mc Dragon's ass to Devildom to represent the dragon world. The whole RAD will be scared and intimidated by my race MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. It's kinda cool having a solo dragon on Devildom tbh.
Well, my MC is all human now, but for a while I was very obsessed with the half leannán sídhe idea. And I was really leaning into the more monstrous aspect of that particular fairy in that they feed off of people's energy and creativity lol. It was all angst! But I was just really fascinated by the idea of what having such creatures in existence meant for the Devildom and everything. I have an interest in that stuff anyway, so I got really into creating the au for it!
But yes! I was just using the human representative thing as an example because there are a lot of parts in the story that use MC being human as part of the plot. Belphie and Lilith is the perfect example of that!
I think if your MC is a full dragon that just has a human form, that could potentially alter all of what happened with Belphie.
His whole thing was that he hated humans because of what happened to Lilith. But if your MC isn't actually human, it doesn't really apply to her, does it?
You could go a couple ways with this, I think. You could say that upon realizing that your MC is not human, Belphie doesn't kill her at all. Maybe he still asks for her help getting out of the attic. Maybe he becomes friends with her instead. Maybe he tells her the truth of everything that happened. Maybe she finds out on her own about Lucifer's pledge to Diavolo.
Or perhaps you change Lilith's part of it. Perhaps you say that Lilith fell in love with a dragon instead of a human. And then Belphie would have a hatred of dragons instead and everything that happened in Lesson 16 would go down the same way.
You could say that Lilith fell in love with a human as usual, but Belphie still considers your MC an enemy. Even though she's not human, she still lived with humans and has a human form and for him that's close enough? He sees her as a human apologist, perhaps?
I guess it just depends on how you want the story to go. I think you could work it so the story doesn't change, but I think you could also alter it to be completely different if you wanted to!
And yes, of course, I'm glad you liked one of my ideas! She would scare the crap out of all the demons, I think. Can you imagine if this person they first think is a human just straight turns into a full sized dragon?? Terrifying!
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catchingbigfish · 2 years
15 tags, 15 mutuals tag game <3
thank you for tagging me, @doublegoblin! (i know you tagged me on my main, but it just makes life easier to post to my more active sideblog) no-pressure tag for @ls-daydreams, @words-after-midnight, @saintedseraph, @horrormama, @winterandwords, and anyone who might want to participate!
1: are you named after anyone?
kinda, lol. my dad picked my name because he liked it, but my middle name is such a common one on my mom’s side that i can think of half a dozen who share it. 2: when was the last time you cried?
i’m a frequent crier so the most recent circumstances don’t actually stick out in my mind. i know that i’ve somewhat recently welled up because of how sick i am, lol. almost any emotion can get me to cry. 3: do you have kids?
nope! i actually got my tubes tied at 24. 4: do you use sarcasm?
sometimes! it used to be a default mode and in the last few years i’ve worked away from that a bit. 5: what's the first thing you notice about people?
usually i notice their general vibe, if that makes sense. how do they present themselves and interact? like, are they nervous or outgoing or reserved, that sort of thing. 6: what's your eye color?
kinda golden brownish — hazel-y, i’d say. 7: scary movies or happy endings?
if i have to pick, scary movies, but they can have happy endings! one of my favorite films is They Look Like People and i would call that both. 8: any special talents?
i liked @doublegoblin’s answer a lot — my memory is really detailed. i can remember conversations near to verbatim; if i remember something, it’s almost like a video i can replay. 9: where were you born?
louisville, kentucky — never lived there, though! 10: what are your hobbies?
fiber crafts, primarily crochet and hand-sewing my own clothing; cooking vegetarian food; and tarot! 11: have any pets?
one kitty! he may actually be a raccoon, or perhaps a raccoon-demon hybrid. 12: what sports do/have you played?
i have never been athletically gifted but i tried cheerleading and volleyball as a kid! 13: how tall are you?
i think around 5’5”. 14: fave subject in school?
in k-12, english, no question. in college i liked my creative writing classes but religious studies and gender studies superseded the lit and writing classes pretty quickly. 15: dream job?
i actually really love my day job. it's like that concept of "what you love, what you're good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for". i investigate allegations people are being treated unfairly due to a protected class (like race, gender, religion, and disability) -- primarily in housing, but i'm also assigned to cases involving education and attempts to access businesses (think hotels or stores). if you've heard about recent allegations Black people's homes are being appraised for more money when they whitewash it, that's the sort of thing i'd investigate. plus, i have clean enough work/life boundaries and work standard enough hours that i have the mental capacity to devote my time outside work to things i love and enjoy (like my writing!) without suffering burnout. it's a pretty good gig, all things considered, and i plan to be here long-term.
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alreadyzdead · 1 year
My MC's Information
Wow, this took way too long to make. Anyways, here's some information on my MC, Ajax. Also my friend's MC, Mackenzie, is in this since I just felt like I needed to add her lol.
Template was made by @fandom-scatteredthoughtsonpaper (Here's the blank template btw https://www.tumblr.com/fandom-scatteredthoughtsonpaper/652350312629354496/obey-me-mc-oc-written-template-blank-version) Personal - Basics
[Name] Ajax Ry
[Race/Species] African American
Demon [] Angel [] Human [x] Other: []
[Age] 19
[Birthday] 7/6
[Height] 5’7
[Fingernail Polish Color(s)] Bright pink
[Hair color/description] Messy bleach blonde hair partially pulled up into a high ponytail, part of his bangs pushed behind his left ear. He has a bright pink racoon print streak of hair on the right side of his face.
Personal - In-depth
[Gender or no | Pronoun(s)] Transmasc who uses exclusively he/him pronouns, but wouldn’t be bothered if they/them is used
[Sexual/Romantic Orientation or lack thereof] Gay…literally just gay
[Occupation Before Devildom Life] Typical failing college student
[Favorite Color(s)] Any shade of pink or red
[Personality]  Ajax is pretty chill, but will most definitely cause trouble if he finds the opportunity to. Despite being so helpful to those around him, he doesn’t really help himself and tends to bottle up his emotions. Once he’s grown more comfortable around a person, then he’ll begin showing more of his true self. If he doesn’t want to do something, then he most likely won’t do it. Chaotic neutral and doesn’t like kids at all.
Enneagram: 584
Zodiac: Cancer
Personal - Other
[Likes] Orcas, any and all stuffed animals, cured meats, annoying Lucifer
[Dislikes] Unprompted touching, bright lights, bland things, boring people
[Positive Traits] Chill, creative, open minded, intelligent
[Negative Traits] VERY stubborn and petty, holds grudges, competitive
• Fears | Dislikes | Acquaintances | Friends | Close Friends | Crush | Loves | Indifferent | Tolerates | Respects | Suspicious
[With Demons]
Lucifer - Tolerates/loves. Ajax and Lucifer’s relationship is complicated. Since Ajax loves defying him and just doing whatever he pleases, Lucifer doesn’t like him very much. Despite that, he still managed to coerce the demon into a pact, so that has to mean something…right?
Mammon - Loves/dislikes. Ajax and Mammon’s relationship is just confusing. They hate each other, yet simultaneously love each other. The two bicker constantly (mainly because of how Mammon calls Ajax “blondie” instead of his actual name), yet always end up in each other’s beds at the end of the day. It’s a mystery.
Leviathan - Close friends/loves. Ajax and Leviathan’s relationship is your typical friends pining after each other. The two spend most of their time together gaming or watching anime in Levithan’s room. Though, Ajax can’t just hang out with him and not tease him at least a bit.
Satan -  Close friends/loves. Ajax and Satan share many common interests with each other and have probably the least complicated relationship (aside from Beel). Ajax loves raving about classic literature to him and is glad he has someone to talk about it with. They exchange book recommendations and enjoy spending time together. Bonus points for annoying Lucifer.
Asmodeus - Close friends. Ajax and Asmodeus are honestly just really close friends. Ajax has told him that he’s not really his type and Asmo respects that. Despite the rejection, the two are still very close and enjoy doing…just whatever together. Also, Asmo reminds him to take care of himself and is very thankful for that.
Beelzebub - Close friends/small crush. Ajax and Beelzebub are pretty much cured meat buddies. Plus, Ajax finds Beel’s presence calming and enjoyable. No matter what they’re doing together, Ajax just enjoys being around him. There may be a small bit of romance blossoming between the two as well, but who’s to say.
Belphegor - Tolerates/suspicious. Ajax and Belphegor’s relationship is rocky to say the least. Due to how Ajax holds grudges and is a petty bitch, he purposefully placed Belphie’s pact mark on his neck as a constant reminder of what he’s done. He’s still a bit wary that Belphie will change his mind and kill him again, so he tries to keep a good distance between them. The only time he feels somewhat relaxed around him is when taking the occasional nap together.
Diavolo - Loves/respects/friends. Ajax and Diavolo’s relationship is pretty chill. Ajax respects and trusts him (especially after the lunatic pudding incident) which is a pretty big accomplishment. Despite not being close friends, the two enjoy spending time together whenever they can…plus, Ajax enjoys dragging him away from his work just for fun. Ajax usually jokes about becoming Diavolo’s husband and becoming king, but it usually doesn’t go further than that…usually.
Barbatos - Respects/fears. Ajax and Barbatos’ relationship is rocky as well. Mainly because Ajax enjoys dragging Diavolo away from his work, much to Barbatos’ dismay. Despite that, they hold a sort of respect for each other and Ajax appreciates that Barbatos had technically revived him.
[With Angels] (+ my friend’s MC)
Simeon - Close friends/small crush. Ajax and Simeon are way closer than one may assume. Since Simeon is such a good listener, Ajax vents to him sometimes. He can’t help but feel at ease whenever he’s around Simeon, though can’t help but feel like he's hiding something…he’d never ask about that though.
Luke - Tolerates. Ajax and Luke honestly just act like siblings. Sure, Ajax may dislike kids, but he can at least tolerate Luke. Despite all the jabs he throws at the little angel, he at least somewhat cares for him and would take care of him if he absolutely needed to. Plus, he’s like the younger brother he’s never had.
Michael - Indifferent. Ajax and Micheal know little to nothing about each other, mostly because Ajax hasn’t spent time around him at all. Ajax does like to hate on Micheal and constantly throws jabs and insults at him, he knows he would lose miserably in a fight, so he keeps everything he says within reason. Mainly sticking to saying things along the lines of “fuck Micheal.”
Mackenzie- Friends/dislikes. Ajax and Mackenzie’s relationship is yet another love/hate situation. It seems like the only thing they have in common is their dislike of Lucifer, though Mackenzie’s dislike is a lot stronger. The main problem in their relationship comes from Ajax’s constant insults of Micheal, which Mackenzie doesn’t take too kindly to.
[With Humans]
Solomon - Close friends. Ajax and Solomon are pretty decent friends. Ajax enjoys being his little guinea pig for certain potions and such, mainly because of his curious nature. Plus, being the only two humans in the Devildom, it’s only natural that they’d become friends.
Favorite Things About the Devildom
[Favorite Job(s)] The Royal Library, The Fall
[Favorite Place(s) to Hang at] Hell’s Kitchen, Leviathan’s bedroom, planetarium 
[Favorite Food(s)] Family pack sushi, instant noodles
[Favorite Class Subject(s)] Demon language, art, Devildom history
[Favorite Devildom Version of Something from the Human World] All stuffed animals, both cursed and normal
Least Favorite Things About the Devildom
[Least Favorite Job(s)] Akuzon, Ristorante Six
[Least Favorite Places to Go] The labyrinth, Lucifer’s office
[Least Favorite Foods] Black coffee of melancholy, unidentified matter
[Disliked Class Subject(s)] Math, potions, Devildom law
[Stuff that Can be Considered a Negative About the Devildom] Having to worry about being eaten by a demon whenever going outside alone
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braintaster · 2 months
I want to like Fr!eren but the way the demons are written makes me insane. (Spoiler-ish under the cut along with rant&rambles)
'No matter how hard they 'look like' they are trying this race is evil and can not feel the way we do' - is way it felt like reading it. If at some point in the story there are good demons or she turns out to be one somehow I might pick it up again. It honestly makes the story oddly boring when one shows up since all the demons are so very one note always a villain. Especially the whole Macht thing, could you imagine if instead of 'lol he was unable to actually understand human emotions the whole time' he actually managed one of the you will instantly die emotions and went that way? (note I read 120 chapters) Like there really is so much that's great in this series, the exploration of an elf realizing they gave up the chance to know someone they might have grown even closer too. Raising a child with a former friend too. That tournament arc was amazing, the art is beautiful, the magic system could be even engaging at times. I wish there was more creative magic though, like understand the building the most defensive magic is a thing, but it rarely looks different. Love the enthusiasm for finding those small everyday spells though, it's one of my favorite parts. Really truly honestly? It feels like so far the demons are a tacked on antagonist group that's there to be there like an unforgiving monster of the week.
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mysticdragon3md3 · 2 years
I guess that's it for The Game Awards 2022. It's still kind of early in the night. Maybe I'll watch SuperButterBuns' VOD of her reactions. I wonder if Professor Thorgi did a reaction stream.
Anyway, here are my remaining reactions that I let pile up instead of posting as I typed them.
6:47 PM 12/8/2022 Oh. Oh? What's this? Big stage performance with big fantasy staging elements? o Halsey Lilith? So many costumed cloak people and a big demon in the back of the stage? Nice. Ooh. Big architectural thing. O.o Wait. Blizzard? Is this Diablo? Y'know, I never looked into what the story was about in Diablo. Are normal humans travelling into hell? Is hell invading Earth?
6:52 PM 12/8/2022 Best Audio Design. God of War Ragnarok won. I'll be honest: I didn't know who to vote for. But I was so tired of car racing sims and military shooters winning this category, even though I know they do painstakingly gather the realistic sounds. I just wanted some recognition for a fantasy series that has to make up sound effects for creatures that don't exist, magic that doesn't exist, etc. I think that type of creative sound design is much more impressive these days. At least to me.
6:53 PM 12/8/2022 Content Creator of the Year. Nibellion is who I voted for. Ludwig won? Who's that.
6:53 PM 12/8/2022 Most Anticipated game. I voted RE4. Zelda Tears of the Kingdom wins. To be expected.
6:54 PM 12/8/2022 Ooh! More Horizon! Is it III or DLC? Has to be DLC, right? this trailer was too "in medias res" for a part 3. "Burning Shores". The Hollywood Sign is still in tact. LOL And it takes place in Los Angeles? Well, I'm biased.
6:55 PM 12/8/2022 What the---? *o* The Last of Us series cast on stage with the videogame cast? ^o^ Pedro Pascal bowing to the voice actors. ^o^ First, he was all hugging that Grogu puppet at interviews and now this. He seems more fun the more I see him.
Best Action Game. Bayonetta 3. Hell yeah. Doug Bowser accepting the award for Platinum Games. I forgot it was a Nintendo game---franchise since Bayo 2. lol
6:59 PM 12/8/2022 I need to note something. Normally, TGA feels too padded with repetitive trailers, that it feels more like an ad show. But tonight hasn't felt like that at all. Normally, award shows feel so annoying whenever they try to have presenters appear on stage or point out stars in the audience, or especially when they have banter/skits. But none of that has felt annoying to me tonight, astoundingly. I guess it's different---effective when you care about the people taking up the time in the show. Even the devs that I've never heard of, you can feel how important all this recognition is for them. Normally, they get overworked and never recognized. So all of this, this awards show, feels special, whenever the camera turns to them, gives them stage time, gives them a chance to talk, etc. It's nice.
7:09 PM 12/8/2022 Also Keegan Michael Key is doing a comedy skit on stage, and normally I hate those at award shows, but this is nice. Y'know what really helps? This audience is so interactive. The cheering and reactions really help avoid any sense of awkward silence, waiting for jokes to be funny/entertaining. Keeps things flowing. Also the fact that the presenters/banter/skits tonight have been few, but also talking about things I'm actually interested in, when it does get used in the show, really helps. Is toad's mushroom cap a hat?...or not? Hm...???? ^o^ (But also maybe I haven't noticed the banter I'm not interested in, because I'm too busy typing/posting through it. lol)
6:59 PM 12/8/2022 Bandai Namco. Blue Protocol. "Your future needs you." Ooooh.
7:04 PM 12/8/2022 Transformers Reactivate???????? I can't believe I was getting excited for this concept of AI POV, watching time pass, suggesting immortal POV story themes, some kind of alien invasion…And I was eager for this "new" IP. And it turned out to be Transformers. lol Well, looks good.
7:07 PM 12/8/2022 Behemoth VR for Meta? Are people still using Occulus?
7:07 PM 12/8/2022 All these awesome trailers tonight, with cinematic tones and fantasy environments… It reminds me why I'm just not impressed with Avatar The Way of Water. That movie is trying so hard to build hype for itself. One of the trailers is talking about how Avatar is "the story of a generation" or something. And I'm like...These movie people have not seen videogames for the past 10 years.
7:11 PM 12/8/2022 Hey, does this Super Mario Bros Movie clip mean that an upcoming Mario game will have clear pipes?
7:11 PM 12/8/2022 Animal. I wonder why they chose Animal out of all the Muppets. What's this Muppet Mayhem that Geoff mentioned? Yes, we all love Malenia, Animal. lol And an Animal Crossing joke. With Animal. lol These Muppet skits at TGA are always good. ^u^
7:13 PM 12/8/2022 Best Score and Music. God of War Ragnarok. Nice. I voted for them because I still remember that E3 2016 Sony Press Conference when this same composer for God of War conducted the orchestra, and I really enjoyed that music piece from God of War that they played.
7:14 PM 12/8/2022 Animal is still screaming across the auditorium. lol
7:15 PM 12/8/2022 Action RPG from the Life Is Strange devs???????? Ok? Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden. Angsty. But I like the idea of the protagonist being followed by an ally ghost. Both in terms of interesting AI support during gameplay, and for narrative. The protagonist isn't really alone. Angsty, but still emotional support too.
7:24 PM 12/8/2022 More show-crashing? Ever since Joker did it for Persona 5's collaboration with Super Smash Bros Ultimate, this has been a good gimmick for TGA.
Oh, it's Crash Bandicoot. He did Tweet something yesterday that put everyone on alert. I didn't know they're covering the mascot wearer's face now. Good choice. That was fine for short commercials decades ago, but I don't really want to see a real man's face through Crash's teeth in an awards show's lighting. Because of the circle indentation/patch in Crash's teeth, I can't tell if they covered his human face at the last minute, or if it's purposefully visible as a joke.
7:27 PM 12/8/2022 Accessibility award. God of War Ragnarok. I can't remember what I voted for, because I don't know much about this category. But I did a little research for this aspect of the nominees. And there was one game that said it could be played by blind players, and I was just just blown away. THAT is an accessible videogame! So I voted for it. What was it?…I think it was As Dusk Falls.
7:34 PM 12/8/2022 Best RPG: Elden Ring It was close between Elden Ring and Xenoblade Chronicles 3 for me. I want them both to get recognition.
7:34 PM 12/8/2022 Players Voice: Genshin Impact. Well, that's good. Genshin is so popular, I'd be sad if they didn't win something to reflect that. Funny that Geoff mentioned that they sifted through all the bots. lol
7:34 PM 12/8/2022 Best independent game: Stray WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!!!!!!! CAT GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7:35 PM 12/8/2022 Best Action Adventure Game: God of War Ragnarok I voted Stray because I thought it'd be hilarious if the cat game won over the AAA cinematic games. But honestly, I know that God of War Ragnarok and Horizon Forbidden West are a little more actiony than Stray. So I'm ok with this.
7:35 PM 12/8/2022 Best Ongoing Game FF14 Wait. 2nd award tonight for them? What was the first award they won today?
7:40 PM 12/8/2022 Best Game Direction. Yay! Reggie! Ooh, Elden Ring. Oh! Well deserved. Yay! Miyazaki!!!
7:44 PM 12/8/2022 Ooh! New Cyberpunk 2077 content! "Phantom Liberty". Edris Elba too! Ooh!
7:45 PM 12/8/2022 What's this big "global" announcement? Bandai Namco. Could be anything. Bandai Namco has so many IPs… Is that a meteor crashed into lava? Or some kind of manufactured satellite or space craft? "Feed the fire." What? "Let the last cinders burn." From Software! Y'know what I love about these live audiences still being heard over the trailer premiers? You can feel the excitement building! Wait a second…Is this that old IP???? Just remade for current image quality standards? Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon omg it is an old pixelated IP, brought into HD. O_O!!!!!!!!!! I love that Resident Evil 2 seems to have started this era of remaking series so old that they actually need more than just an HD image enhancement. No more of this "remaking" recent, already-HD games with unnecessary enhancements only 5 years later. lol
7:52 PM 12/8/2022 YOSHI-P IS HERE????????????????? OMG HE'S ACTUALLY HERE! I thought it was going to be a video message! O.O!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, he memorized his announcement in English! O.O! Look at this FF16 trailer, man! This is the type of thing we see in this industry, and the movie industry wants us to be excited for Avatar? C'mon. Look at this! I guess Ifrit will be the protag's main summon. Again, I love hearing the audience cheering through the trailers.
7:57 PM 12/8/2022 Game of the Year. I love these orchestra montages of the nominees. ^-^ It's probably going to be God of War Ragnarok. Good choice. But also, did Horizon Forbidden West win anything tonight? I'd feel bad if they lost all their categories after getting their release window distracted by Elden Ring. I'm glad Xenoblade Chronicles 3 got nominated. I'm not familiar with it, but I heard everyone who has played it, LOVES it. At least it got recognized as a nominee. Like when Persona 5 snuck into the game of the year nominees. I want recognition for the anime-esque games. STRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAT GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH, there's Elden Ring. I'm pretty sure God of War will win. It's been winning so much tonight already.
8:01 PM 12/8/2022 Ooh! Elden Ring won! Nice! How could I forget how much everyone was obsessed with that game when it released? No wonder Miyazaki came all the way from Japan. He already won another award, but having 2 awards is definitely worth the plane trip.
8:03 PM 12/8/2022 No, Miyazaki, this IS the appropriate place/time to say you have more ideas than even Elden Ring. We are excited. ^_^
I'm sorry, I was blowing my nose and couldn't hear what that 2nd person was saying. But interesting that TGA dropped out the music when they realized another person started talking. That was really nice of them. How many times have I seen the Oscars cut into the final speech and then even just drop the feed sometimes? But they dropped the music to accommodate the winners, then just brought it back up after he was done talking. Easy. Good.
8:05 PM 12/8/2022 6/25/2023 Collaboration with the LA Philharmonic, I think Geoff said.
8:31 PM 12/8/2022 Wait. Did IGN Live just say that the 2nd guy talking during the Game of the Year acceptance speech was arrested on stage? He wasn't supposed to be there??? What did he say??? I've got to go back and rewatch that.
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pencilofawesomeness · 3 years
For the WIP ask game : demon.
Hello Penguin! Heh, I'm sure that one has cropped up a few times. Alrighty, let's see:
“Besides, he might not even make good bait; those guys were targeting local demons, but Natsu wasn’t a local or a normal demon.” —Demon Tales
“We don’t even know for sure that they’re behind the demon disappearances.” —Demon Tales
“We’ll get old-lady-Eleanor and all of the missing demons back and we’ll beat up anybody who gets in the way.” —Demon Tales
“Then again, how hard was it to accept your demons when you were already dead?” —untitled Umbrella Academy drabble
“Mael didn’t know why the Demon Prince had asked him to come here. The war was over now, finally. With the Demon King dead and the Supreme Goddess still formless, the conflict between demons and goddesses was resolved.” —Brother Talk (title pending)
“No, the Demon Prince wasn’t here to fight.” —Brother Talk (title pending)
“It would have to be handled by his older brother, though he understood why any demon would want to circumvent Ludociel if at all possible.” —Brother Talk (title pending)
“Estarossa was just a demon. Estarossa was just a demon.” —Brother Talk (title pending)
“They were all fooled by the demon Gowther’s illusion.” —Brother Talk (title pending)
“He just assumed that it was because he was… because Estarossa was the son of the Demon King: fighting was all there was.” —Brother Talk (title pending)
“Mael pretended that he didn’t see the tear slip down Meliodas’ cheek; there was no reason that the Demon Prince should be so vulnerable with him.” —Brother Talk (title pending)
“There had been a demon inside of him all this time—a terrible one, at that—and now he was a demon himself.” —untitled FT/SDS crossover
“But… He knew how much demons had hurt them.” —untitled FT/SDS crossover
“Natsu knew he wanted to be angry at those demons that hurt him and Lisanna and Happy but… Was he mad at the…the demons that… saved them? That saved their lives? Was it…was it because they were demons?” —untitled FT/SDS crossover
“He didn’t feel comfortable in his own skin anymore, and he didn’t know whether it was because that black miasma stuff was there and smelled different, or if he didn’t recognize himself with the etherious demon missing.” —untitled FT/SDS crossover
“You’ve never met a demon that wasn’t trying to kill you, have you?” —untitled FT/SDS crossover
“The demons of the book of Zeref were evil, after all.” —untitled FT/SDS crossover
“Only for him to be a demon?” —untitled FT/SDS crossover
“She’s half-human, half-demon.” —untitled FT/SDS crossover
“Demon, human…giant, fairy, goddess.” —untitled FT/SDS crossover
Whelp I used it a lot, but only concentrated into a few obscure obscure workshop fics, and of course in Demon Tales. Though this did remind me that the Brother Talk oneshot was pretty much done save for editing, but I forgot about it. I should polish that up soon, heheh. Then that crossover is a fun idea and I'm keeping it on the list, but I wrote that before 4KOTA started so that affected my timeline. And my ideas... So unless I kick SDS canon in addition to SDS canon, that's not going anywhere anytime soon. I got enough on my plate anyway XD
Ask about my WIPs
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bubblystinkfreak · 2 years
I know this is random but I was wondering since I saw it in your tags. What race did you make the powerpuff girls and the rowdyruff boys?
Also what inspired you to make them that way?
Hey thanks for the question, I didn't even know people actually read my tags so.. Wow!
To begin this LONG spiral, I'll start with blossom.
When I was redesigning blossom, she was originally going to be white since I wanted her to be the most recognizable...but that decision changed when I realized that everyone (except boomer and bubbles) have different ethnicities and or races. I thought it would be fun to actually be creative and try something unique, you know? I mean, I'm black and I would love to see a black ppg leader and junk. Plus I really wanted to show that anyone race can fit into being a perfect little boy or girl.
Fun fact: since I made her black, I gave her a little bit of a reder skin tone (like brick) since not only can it make her colors pop but it can also make her design even more unique.
Another thing that inspired me to make blossom black was @/racketballz art if her!! You should go check it out it's really nice <33
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Now let's get to brick.
I made brick mixed [mixed w/ native american and Hispanic descent] since I feel like it would really fit him! Plus I love to hc that when he's furious he just starts swearing like a sailor in Spanish.
Also, I decided to give the rrb horns for when they use their powers. I felt like it would be cool since they did regain their powers from him so I thought it would make sense for them to have some demon like features. (for example, their claws).
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Now, let's talk about butters and butch since they'll be the easiest to talk about (besides bubbles)
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I decided to make buttercup Asian (specially southeast Asian) since I just REALLY felt like it not only matched her design but I also thought it would be cool to have a lot more diversity in the main cast.
Another is that it wasn't really hard creating her design 🧚‍♀️✨
Ok, now for Butch.
For butch, decided to make him Native Hawaiian. As for his design, uhhh tbh idk. I gave him goggles since I love the hc that he loves to blow up stuff so in the process he decided to learn how to make bombs from brick (which later on becomes his job since brick literally pretty much does everything else for their team). And idk.... I just tried to make him look as chaotic as possible.
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ok now it's time for the blues lmao
Ok, so when I made boomer I really wanted him to be a shy lil introvert. I also hc him to have ADHD since not only do I have it but I feel like he also shares many characteristics that most of us have.
Also. He's literally just white lol. Yehaw.
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She's white and she's pan and nothing can change my mind, good night. Thanks for the Ted talk.
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OK I'm done but I hope you liked this little explanation 😼😼 here have this little recolor thingy of them
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amoransia · 2 years
I have a stupid theory that maybe Satan and Imuri are related or at least close. From the little of what we’ve seen of Satan, he seems like a chill guy but he puts a foot down whenever he needs to (punishing Yamato, for example). 
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However, Imuri talks to him casually and what seems to be without a care in the world? He calls her captive princess, and their “tone” in the raws reads casual as well.
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She even cuts him off! There’s something going on, methinks.
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While looking at the raws, this one dialogue caught my attention. It seems that in the raws, Satan calls Imuri “困った子”.
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Directly translated, it’d basically mean “troublesome child”. It could indicate that they could be actually blood-related, but it could also simply mean that she’s acting childish or simply means “girl” as 子 is often used with the meaning of “young woman”. Regardless, maybe Imuri is his daughter or something? It became a sort of crackhead theory of mine.
But then I looked Imuri’s actual demon race, Lilin, up.
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Wow okay, okay.
My crackhead theory may be not so stupid after all. I decided to look up info on Lilin but in japanese, to give myself an idea of what kind of information the author is getting. 
So I buffed myself up on the Bible lore or whatever.
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The JP wikipedia version for Lilin basically straight up says that the Lilin are Satan's daughter(s)? (as far as I can read it).  And there's basically no info on Lilin other than this in both JP and ENG, so it has to be true? Unless Arima-sensei is getting his lore from a physical source which I can’t really say anything on.
But I think it's good because since there's little to no lore about her, Arima-sensei has a lot of creative liberty to fuck around with her character.
Anyway, in the case Father-kun and Imuri want to get married in endgame chapters, he’d have to ask for Satan’s “blessing” for it. Lol.
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Trying to dig around for Obey Me-themed templates to work on for my OM MCs I've realized a lot are geared towards artists rather than writers, so I've thrown together a basic thing to work with since I can't draw lol
Feel free to use with your own OM characters!
Obey Me MC / OC Written Template - Blank Version!
Personal - Basics
Demon [] Angel [] Human [] Other: []
[Fingernail Polish Color(s)]
[Hair color/description]
Personal - In-depth
[Gender or no | Pronoun(s)]
[Sexual/Romantic Orientation or lack thereof]
[Occupation Before Devildom Life]
[Favorite Color(s)]
Personal - Other
[Positive Traits]
[Negative Traits]
• Fears | Dislikes | Acquaintances | Friends | Close Friends | Crush | Loves | Indifferent | Tolerates | Respects | Suspicious
[With Demons]
Lucifer -
Mammon -
Leviathan -
Satan -
Asmodeus -
Beelzebub -
Belphegor -
Diavolo -
Barbatos -
[With Angels]
Simeon -
Luke -
Michael -
[With Humans]
Solomon -
Favorite Things About the Devildom
[Favorite Job(s)]
[Favorite Place(s) to Hang at]
[Favorite Food(s)]
[Favorite Class Subject(s)] {You can check out this awesome list by @hyper-super-clover for ideas or be creative}
[Favorite Devildom Version of Something from the Human World - Be Creative!]
Least Favorite Things About the Devildom
[Least Favorite Job(s)]
[Least Favorite Places to Go]
[Least Favorite Foods]
[Disliked Class Subject(s)] {You can check out this awesome list by @hyper-super-clover for ideas or be creative}
[Stuff that Can be Considered a Negative About the Devildom]
Personality Chart
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This is free to use, no credit required but appreciated! Feel free to add or take away pieces, and remember to have fun
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true-blue-megamind · 2 years
FAN THEORY THURSDAY – Why Does Megamind Wear Black?
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No, your eyes do not deceive you! This is today’s second Megamind fan theory post! After skipping last week due to illness—as explained in the previous blog article—I’ve decided to make up for lost time by writing and publishing two Fan Theory Thursdays! You’re welcome! LOL!
If you haven't seen it yet, you can read today's first Fan Theory post, concerning why Megamind didn't notice Hal was a terrible choice for a here, HERE.
Although Minion threatens to sew everything out of super-itchy 1970’s polyester every time I say this, here it is anyway: SPOILER WARNING!
As you can see, this fan theory topic was suggested to me by a fellow Megamind fan. Thank you very much to Big-Dick-Garfield for asking about this! Keep being epic!
Like many imagined sci-fi races, Megamind’s people seemed to have something like a cultural uniform, in this case form-fitting, high-collared white with blue accents. Furthermore, the blue man likely knows it. Despite having been days old, he is clearly able to recall his early life as he recounts the destruction of his home world at the beginning of the film. And yet he chose to reject this evident norm of his original society, opting for black instead. Is there something significant about that color choice? Let’s find out!
At first glance, the answer may appear simple: Metroman dresses in white and Megamind dons black as befits a hero and a villain. It’s quite possible, however, that there is more to it than that. Is it possible that there is some basis for Big-Dick-Garfield’s suggestion that this was a rejection of the overall goodness and light in Megamind’s home world? Does he feel he is the opposite of his demonstratively upstanding parents? And are there clues in the original film that might help us discern an answer?
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Let me begin by saying that I love this supposition. It’s creative, interesting, and insightful. While researching this question, I did find some solid information concerning why the former supervillain chose his color scheme. Here’s what we know for certain.
In the DVD commentary as well as an interview with Jason Schleifer, who headed up all character animation in the film, the creators clearly state that Megamind’s style and persona were both inspired by heavy metal singer Alice Cooper while Metroman’s character design was significantly influenced by Elvis Presley. (For a more in-depth look at Megamind’s persona, feel free to read Who is the Real Megamind Part Two.) Once considered, it makes sense. A few things both performing artists are known for include larger-than-life stage presences, over-the-top costumes, and massive performances. Indeed, according to Schleifer, both aliens “play the good guy/bad guy game to the crowd like rock stars.” Similar to their musical counterparts, Megamind and Metroman have big personalities, attention-grabbing personas, and knacks for putting on a great show. Clearly, this inspiration for their character designs goes more than skin deep, if you will, and that’s important because it indicates that there may be more than one reason for our favorite blue genius to wear black.
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Firstly, consider the significance of Megamind choosing the aforementioned rock star as a basis for his look along with the specific music he blares during battles—a playlist that includes bands such as Guns n’ Roses and AC/DC. It’s not difficult to deduce that our favorite villain-turned-hero is clearly a Punk Goth Metal Head. Secondly, let’s compare American society’s views concerning each of the previously-mentioned musical artists. While Elvis was an edgy and controversial sex symbol during the 1950’s and 60’s, by the time the film Megamind was made he had become synonymous with older generations and straight-laced conservatives. Many among that same demographic, however, still viewed Alice Cooper as shocking, negative, and even “demonic.” This likely parallels with the images both characters, within their own world, were trying to project. Being the local hero, Metroman wanted to portray himself as a hometown Good Guy while his nemesis was purposefully aiming to stun, offend, and even frighten. Both his hard-rocking Gothic tastes and desire to unsettle those around him are major reasons why Megamind might don black leather and spikes.
That doesn’t mean that these are the only explanations, however. If you’ve read posts like What’s Hidden in the Animation and Are There More Hidden Details, you already know that the DreamWorks’ animation team put a lot of thought and attention into subtle-but-significant minutiae. As such, it seems highly doubtful that the choice to clothe both Metroman and Megamind’s parents in white was accidental. Indeed, the color does seem to symbolize goodness in the film, as Megamind, upon taking up the role of Defender of Metro City, is swathed in a white cape by his love interest, Roxanne. It is therefore likely that the choice to clothe the blue man’s mother and father in the same hue may have been the animators’ way of clearly indicating these were truly good people.
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So is there room to suppose that the former villain’s choice of black clothing represented his rejection of goodness and acceptance of his perceived place as its evil counterpart? Yes, there is. It’s a viable fan theory. Unfortunately, it’s also one for which I have been unable to find any solid proof.
Why do I say that? There is one particular line in the movie, occurring when Megamind has taken over the city and settled himself in the mayor’s office, which calls this idea into question. When the blue genius says that he wishes his parents could witness his success, Minion responds with: “I’m sure they’re smiling down from evil heaven, Sir.” Evil heaven is significant. Keep in mind that the self-proclaimed Criminal Mastermind believed he was, as he stated near the beginning of the film, “destined to be a supervillain.” This means that he believed he was innately evil, his very nature so powerfully predisposed toward badness that it was unavoidable. Given both this and his conviction that his beloved parents had found some sort of odd evil paradise, it seems extremely unlikely that he believed his family had been good.
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There is one more point which ought to be considered. While quite a few fans are not exactly enthralled with the short film Megamind: The Button of Doom—and admittedly there are a few aspects of it that make me cringe a little as well—it is nonetheless considered canon. In that piece, we see Megamind initially dressing himself in a white super-suit built to imitate Metroman’s abilities—essentially trying to become his predecessor rather than his own brand of Defender—but by the end we see him returning to his familiar black uniform and using his previously “evil” inventions to do good. Thus the blue man embraced his own unique style of heroism.
Furthermore, we see that the city has installed a searchlight displaying a blacked-out version of the blue man’s logo, similar to the Bat-Signal. It’s seriously doubtful that the choice was made on a mere whim, and indeed, there are some marked similarities between Batman and Megamind. Neither possess superpowers; instead, they each rely upon advanced technology, awesome gadgets, and intelligence. Both are heroes who wear black clothing—the hems of their cloaks are even similar—and, given the sort of fear Megamind was seen to inspire during the original movie, it’s likely that both, although decidedly Good Guys, strike terror into evildoers. All of that, combined with the fact that the original film was a spoof on DC comic books and Batman is, of course, a DC superhero, renders it likely that this was a very deliberate choice foreshadowing what sort of Defender Megamind will be. Thus, the idea that white equals good while black equals evil is turned on its head.
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So, did Megamind choose to wear black as a reflection of the evil he felt was in his very core? It’s possible, but it’s also possible that his Gothic Rocker look simply matches his personal style. Beyond this, it seems that the blue man may continue wearing black as a hero, reaffirming one of the movie’s major themes: being different does not make a person bad. The rejection supposition is certainly interesting, and one of the marvelous things about fan theories is that we can all choose which ones we wish to believe, but, as I’ve said before, there is no firm evidence that it might be canon. And that might not be such a bad thing; I don’t know about you, but after watching Megamind finally learn to embrace his identity and work toward being the best version of himself possible, I would hate to see him thinking that he has to change his style and tastes in order to fit the role of hero. Let’s hope we all see our favorite blue alien still wearing black leather and spikes in the upcoming series!
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maerinhearts · 2 years
About Me
As my follower count continues to increase, I wanted to post an "About Me" so that you all can learn a little more about who I am and what I like!
If you don't like long posts, this isn't for you :)
Call me Mae; 18+; She/Her/They; INFJ-T; Gemini.
My favorite anime's include: Haikyuu, Ouran High School Host Club, Fruits Basket, Soul Eater, Jujutsu Kaisen, My Hero Academia, Attack on Titan, The Case Study of Vanitas, Black Butler, Bungou Stray Dogs, Seraph of the End, Eighty-Six 86, Life Lessons with Uramichi Onii-san, Tokyo Revengers, Black Clover, To Your Eternity, Chainsaw Man, and Blue Lock
My Favorite Characters:
Haikyuu: Tsukki, Suga and Suna
Ouran: Hikaru and Kaoru
Fruits Basket: Hatori, Shigure, Hatsuharu, and Ayame
Soul Eater: Soul (ofc)
JJK: Inumaki, Yuuta and Nanami
MHA: Todoroki, Amajiki, Hawks and Fat Gum
AOT: Levi (ofc), but lately: Armin, Jean and Connie too
The Case Study: Vanitas and Noe (I also love Jeanne and Domi)
Black Butler: Sebastian and Undertaker
BSD: Dazai and Chuuya
Seraph: Mika, Shiho and Shinya
86: Shin
Life Lessons: Uramichi, Kumatani and Iketeru
Tokyo Rev: Mikey, Chifuyu and Mitsuya
Black Clover: Yuno, Yami, Luck, Finral and Gauche
To Your Eternity: Fushi and Gugu
Chainsaw Man: Denji, Aki and Power
Blue Lock: Bachira, Isagi and Chigiri (I call him girly pop)
Special mention shows: Given, Yuri on Ice, Takt.op Destiny, Platinum End, Demon Slayer, Tokyo Ghoul, Link Click.
I'm currently watching: Tokyo Revengers Season 2, To Your Eternity Season 2, Bungou Stray Dogs Season 4, My Hero Academia Season 6, and Blue Lock.
What music do I listen to?: Harry Styles (I was a 1D stan), The 1975, Post Malone, BTS, Seventeen, OneUs, VAV, Ateez, Pentagon, Got7 (and all of their solo works), Woodz, NCT, Stray Kids, TXT, KARD, Mamamoo, The Rose, Wonho, Monsta X, The Boyz, N.Flying, Victon, Nu'EST, Enhypen, Day6, Xdinary Heroes
Fun facts about me:
I attended college out of state straight out of high school, played softball there, started having seizures my second year, came home, attended community college for two years and then quit school.
I used to work in a daycare.
I don't think I want kids (daycare ruined that for me, lol).
I'm back in school online with a major in English and Creative Writing. I should be graduated by the end of 2023.
I write all the time, but only about 25% of my library is smut related.
I have a dog and a cat.
I work full-time selling glasses.
My favorite food is cheese ravioli.
I have tattoos.
I love makeup.
I hope to remain anonymous so neither my real age nor my real name will ever be revealed on Tumblr.
I try to post once every two weeks. I do work and go to school full-time. I may even post twice within that time frame. I just ask that you all be respectful of my time and just be nice. I have feelings too :')
I try to keep my writing as gender and race friendly as possible. You should never see any mentions of body type, skin color or pronouns other than they/them in my work. All of my work will feature a fem!bodied reader, but that's about it. If I do any of the above, please message me privately and I will fix it immediately!
I want anyone and everyone to have the ability to enjoy my work and will always strive to be better and do better at being all inclusive.
The only thing I will not be inclusive about is age. If you are "ageless" or a minor, I ask that you do not interact with my blog. I will block you. I am writing porn. I do check who follows me and who interacts with my posts. :)
All that being said, I appreciate every single one of you. If you ever need someone to talk to about anything, my inbox is always open.
Happy reading and I hope you all have a day/night that is as wonderful as you all are, wherever you are!
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