#oh man that ben drabble is old
alexsoenomel · 23 days
About Love(Dean Winchester x Reader drabble)
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Summary: You and Dean have a conversation about life before falling asleep.
Warnings: None
Note: I saw this kind of dialogue in Neil Gaiman's American Gods and since I'm trying to get back to writing I decided to write just that, no descriptors, just dialogue.
"Dean, what was your dream before becoming a hunter?"
"I've never really thought of that, why?"
"I've been thinking about my dead dream and started wondering about yours."
"And what was it?"
"I was young and lost, so I had a couple of things in mind and that would also change from time to time. From a psychologist to librarian, but one thing always stayed and that was I wanted to write books."
"You never told me you like to write."
"Used to. And you never told me about your dream."
"I never had time to think about that. My old man gave me a riffle before I even realized I could have a dream."
"That's impossible everyone has a dream."
"Dreaming wasn't a thing in our household, I guess."
"What about love? Family? Something you wanted to do when you were a kid."
"I was too busy taking care of Sam to think about my own needs and wants. But I wanted a family at one point when I got older that's for sure."
"Like kids?"
"Yeah, I told you about Lisa and Ben. I've experienced what it would be like to have a normal life and I really liked it, but the job never leaves you."
"I know. When I was a teenager I used to write stories every single day after school and I was convinced I would grow up to be a writer slash something because doing one job for the rest of my life sounded so boring and yet here we are."
"What kind of stories did you write?"
"Romance, lots and lots of romance."
"Wait, really?"
"Yeah, I was a lonely teenager obsessed with love and being in love. My parents used to tell me that I loved too much and guys I dated never appreciated that."
"That makes sense."
"How so? You appreciate the way I love and put the same amount of effort in this relationship."
"Yeah but it took time. I didn't really know what I was doing when we first got together. I knew your heart was made not to be broken, but I was still struggling not to hurt you. I knew underneath that badassery was someone gentle and kind."
"Hey, sue me but I still try."
"And I knew you needed time, especially since you're not really famous for communicating your feelings properly."
"Yeah, you do. You're the first person to NOT hurt me just because..."
"That's the last thing I wanna do and you know that."
"I do. You're also the first person that made me think about having kids with..."
"I know."
"I never told you I wanted kids."
"Last year when you thought you were pregnant I saw it on your face. You were so disappointed when you saw only one line."
"To be honest I was scared, but at the same time..."
"Yeah, me too."
"Do you still want it?"
"Yeah, I think about it all the time but hunting is not something you can just quit."
"I know. Maybe in another life we will find each other again, have boring jobs and a family."
"How many?"
"A boy and a girl."
"I don't think I'd be good at being a girl dad."
"Oh you'd be perfect. A little bit overprotective but she'd have you wrapped around her finger."
"Like her mom."
"And our son would admire you and would think his dad is a badass."
"I like the sound of that."
"Like I said, maybe in another life..."
"Also great music taste would run in the family if you don't count Sam."
"That's for sure."
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angel-of-the-moons · 1 year
It’s found family central up in here I’m loving it. Hobie who’s readers lovable dumbass step in adult child almost. Accidentally called them ‘mum’ once, neither him nor reader mention it (simply just out of not wanting to embarrass him or because reader doesn’t want to push him away without meaning to). But reader’s always there for him in the little ways
Hobie: Hey y/n what’re your plans tonight? Mine are trying to fix the fucking roof of my boat because it’s fuckin’ rainin AGAIN and it’s COLD
Reader: Oh I’m just gonna light some candles, make some stew and have a little wine and get cozy under a blanket :)
Hobie: …..Can I come over plea-
Reader: Yes you may come over I already have some spare pyjamas for you and some of your favourites orange sweets. I knew you were gonna ask, honey ☺️
Awwwwe 🥺
That One Mum-Friend
Platonic!Hobie x Mom Figure!Fem!Reader
TW/CW: None, mostly a short fluff drabble
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You were only a few years older (at most) than your peers. Hell, a bit younger in some of the cases (cough cough Peter B cough cough), but everyone knew you.
You were the mom friend. The chaperone, the babysitter.
But you couldn't help it, your motherly nature was just so deep into your personality that the two could not be separated. It kind of was the reason why you didn't have many friends outside the Society, most people deemed you too "overbearing" or y'know. Motherly. You'd step in before any "fun" or crazy stuff happened.
You were there to console the others when something happened, when someone was upset, or hell, was just lonely. You were there for them when they needed that gentle hand, or a hug, or a nap in your lap.
Your balanced nature was often why Miguel would pair you with Hobie, or Ben Reilly, to bring them a bit of stability (and to stop Ben from lamenting about his backstory or talking about his muscles for five minutes).
On one mission in particular, Hobie had actually slipped up, and in front of Ben, Peter, and Pavitr and Gwen, he called you "Mum" over the comms. He quickly sputtered and tried to backpedal, but the grin that erupted on your face had already fixed itself there.
You pretended you didn't hear it however, that you weren't paying attention to your comm.
Ben and the others? Never. Let. Him live. It down.
They even gave Hobie things to give to you on Mother's Day for extra effect.
But today? Today, Hobie showed up in your universe, soaked to the bone, his wicks soggy and shoes filled with water.
"Got stuck in the rain, lost the key to my flat, and I don't feel like crashing at HQ because of the Old Man. Can I--"
You chuckled and stepped aside, "Come on, Hobie. You look like a drowned poodle."
"Oi, you havin' a dig at my wicks?" He frowned, walking past you and into your warm, cozy apartment.
"Yep!" You grin, walking over to your linen closet and grabbing some towels, handing them to him.
"Go into the bathroom and get dried off, I might have some clothes that'll fit you. Pajamas at any rate." You hum, walking into your room to rummage through your dressers for something that might fit his tall, lithe frame.
He mumbled a thanks and trudges into the bathroom, his shoes making a depressingly loud squishing noise with every step.
You giggle to yourself and pull out some red plaid pajama pants, and one of your oversized novelty t-shirts.
They should fit.
You knock on the bathroom door and Hobie pokes his head out. He takes the clothes from you when you hand them to him and quickly ducks back to change.
And when he comes out you practically squee.
"Awww! You look so cozy!" You snicker.
"Ohhhhh stuff it." Hobie mumbles, dropping onto your couch and crossing his arms, towel still draped over his head.
"Now Hobie..." You tsk, draping your fluffy, heated blanket over his shoulders, which he automatically snuggles into on sheer instinct alone.
"Is that any way to talk to your mum?"
"Oi! It was one time!" Hobie retorted, trying to cover the blush rising in his cheeks.
"Leave off it, will ya?!"
You grin and grab a tin of sweets, and grab his hand, placing them in his palm.
His eyes get big. His favorite candies; he found them once in your universe, got hooked, and apparently yours was the only one that had them.
You had a shit-eating grin on your face as he popped the candies in his mouth.
"Nahhhh. I'm not gonna. Not when you look like a little kid all snuggled up under that fluffy blanket."
"Hey! Who d'you think you are, eh?" He said, trying to sound miffed, but failing as the warmth from the blanket seeps into his cold body, relaxing into the soft cushions of your couch.
"Oh, me?" You hum, grabbing his wet clothes to be washed.
"I'm the Spider-Mom. Didn't you know that?"
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bridgertonbabe · 1 year
Bridgerton Drabble - Harry Potter AU Edition #5
Prior to Simon and Daphne’s wedding Sophie had been researching jobs and careers, trying to figure out what it was she most wanted to do. At the beginning of her sixth year of Hogwarts she had had a meeting with Professor Danbury in which they discussed her plans for the future in what she wanted to pursue, what she was most passionate about, and what the headmistress thought might be a good fit for her. Sophie had said she was open to muggle jobs as well as wizarding ones as a means to broaden her prospects (though it was also to prevent any possible disappointment if she failed to be hired by her fellow wizarding kind). Professor Danbury had told the modest and unsure sixteen year old that as an all-round accomplished academic that many doors would be open for her after graduation and that any employer would be lucky to have her on their team. She gave Sophie several pamphlets to look over, though the teacher recommended she looked over the curse-breaker handout in particular. 
She had planned to start applying for jobs once the nuptials were over and done with so she would be able to focus on her job hunt without distraction - though she hadn’t been anticipating that the man she had been in love with for half her life would confess his love for her during the reception. Eleven years of wishful thinking had finally become a reality and Sophie was still in a state of disbelief that she was in a relationship with Benedict. That Benedict Bridgerton was her boyfriend. That she got to kiss him whenever she felt like it, tell him she loved him whenever it crossed her mind, be held by him as they lay in bed together. 
It was a dream come true - although after a week full of love and romance had flown by Sophie knew she had to keep her head screwed on and start her job applications. She refused to be one of those women who obsessed over their boyfriend, who couldn’t do anything without being distracted by the mere thought of him, who let everything fall by the wayside just to be with him. Sure, if she could would she never leave the blissful comfort of Benedict’s bed? Of course, but this was the real world and she needed to be able to stand on her own two feet, forge a career, and make her own money rather than being some sort of glorified mistress who did nothing but lounge in Benedict’s bed waiting to make love to him again. 
“I might not be around as much this week.” she informed him a week into their newfound relationship as a couple.
“Oh. Have you already grown bored of me?” he pouted as she pulled her summer dress back on.
“Of course not.” she rolled her eyes as his arms crept around her waist. 
“Mhm, good to know.” he hummed and began dropping kisses to her neck. 
“Ben.” she sighed in reluctant bliss, wanting nothing more than to crawl back into bed with him but knowing she had to power through explaining her planned absence for the following week. 
“Soph.” he parroted and she could feel his lips smirking against the column of her neck. 
“I mean it. I’m going to be busy.”
“Busy doing what?”
“Job hunting.” she sighed, this time in a wearier, more anxious sounding tone.
Hearing the shift in tone in her voice Benedict pulled back and brushed a hand through her hair before drawing her round to face him.
“Hey. Don’t fret. You’re going to get whatever job you set your mind to.” he told her assuredly. 
“It’s not going to be as simple as that.” 
“Oh but it can be. Sophie; you’re the most intelligent person I know, you’re dedicated and hard-working, and you always strive for the best. Believe me, you’re going to have your pick of whatever jobs you apply for. Anyone would be a fool to not want to hire you.”
She brought a hand to his face and stroked her thumb against his cheek. “You’re very sweet.”
“It’s the truth.” he told her simply and kissed her nose. “So you’d better believe it.” 
Sophie nodded and pecked him on the lips, eternally grateful to have such a lovingly supportive boyfriend hyping her up even when she didn’t quite believe in herself. 
“And how about after a good few hours of applying for jobs, you come round here so I can reward you for a hard day’s work, hm?” he proposed, turning and pressing a kiss against the palm of Sophie’s hand. “I’ll help you unwind, destress, relax...” he hummed and moved in closer to kiss along her jaw.
Sophie couldn’t help but elicit a contented sigh as her boyfriend managed to drag her back down into his bed and she had absolutely no argument against his suggested incentive for getting her through her job hunt. 
✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨ ✨
She kept it to herself about wanting to become a curse-breaker. She had applied for several different curse-breaking positions, some which were at Gringotts, others at the Ministry, and a few other roles in various companies. As much as she was vying for a career that she truly believed she would be good at, she hadn’t limited herself to applying for jobs outside of her aspirational role. Edmund was eager to help her in applying for a variety of positions at the Ministry and nosed around other departments during work hours to see if he could twig any other roles that might be up for grabs for her to apply for. She also applied for retail jobs in Diagon Alley as well as in the muggle world just as a means to make money should her applications for loftier jobs be turned down, trying to cover all her bases. 
Yet still she worried. What if her school grades alone weren’t enough? She had worked jobs during her four years of interrailing but the likes of waitressing and pouring pints weren’t the kind of experience to wow the employers taking potential curse-breakers into consideration. She tried not to let it get to her, tried to stop fearing the worst that she would be rejected for every curse-breaker position and have to work unfulfilling jobs just to make ends meet; but it was easier said than done to simply not think about it.
Luckily she did have her boyfriend to distract her in the evenings once she clocked in a solid eight hours of sending off resumes. She’d apparate into Benedict’s flat (claiming to the residents of Aubrey Hollow that she was visiting Phillip and helping him decorate his new place since she and Benedict were still keeping their relationship under wraps) and be met with a glass of wine and a kiss before he served her dinner, then dessert, and then after he’d lead her to the bedroom and make sure he rewarded her for her strenously long day. 
As good a distraction as he was, while they were cuddled up in bed together he would make conversation and ask what jobs she had applied for or if there was anything in particular she was aiming for. She didn’t really want to think about it and didn’t want to share her hopes with him in case they ended up dashed, so she’d answer vaguely accompanied with a shrug before she began pressing her lips against his chest in the hopes he could empty her head again of nothing but the heat and passion that pulsated between them. 
She kind of hoped he’d take the hint after she utilised this tactic constantly throughout the week - and yet he still persisted in enquiring after her job searching. 
“So; what did you apply for today?” he asked conversationally as they lay intertwined between the sheets, his finger absent-mindedly tracing shapes across her arm. 
“Please, ask me any other question that doesn’t have anything to do with the job hunt.” she sighed tiresomely. 
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to annoy you.” 
“No, no, no; you didn’t.” she reassured and nuzzled into him, kissing his collar bone. “I just don’t want to think about it after a week of it, you know?” 
“I get that.” he pressed a kiss against her hairline. “What do you want me to ask you about instead?”
“Whatever you want. Any other burning questions you have for me, now’s your chance.” 
Benedict paused as he considered what to put to her, his silent contemplation dragging out for so long that Sophie was almost on the cusp of drifting off against his chest.
“I know it’s none of my business.” he began and she was surprised by the uncertainty in his voice. “But I guess... I’m just curious... no, actually, you know what; it doesn’t matter.”
“No, go on.” she encouraged him. “You can ask me anything, Ben.”
He gave a wavering sigh before continuing. “I just wondered... and obviously you don’t have to give me an answer or tell me anything at all... but I wondered...”
“Wondered what?”
“How you hadn’t been with anyone before... how I was your first.” he swallowed hesitantly. 
Sophie hadn’t expected the line of questioning. On the night of the wedding when they had snuck up to his bedroom she had admitted before things got any further that she had never had sex, wanting him to know in case she underwhelmed him with her utter lack of experience or even if the fact alone would put him off her. While he had been mildly surprised, it hadn’t changed anything and he had gone about making sure her first time had been worth the wait. She didn’t think it was something that would still be weighing on his mind, considering it hadn’t appeared to have fazed him when she had told him initially.
“It just didn’t happen.” she told him. “I had considered it but... like I told you that night... I think I had always held out hope to be with you... and no matter what, no one else would do.” 
“I’m sorry.” he murmured, referencing the heartache he had put her through for the best part of eleven years.
“Don’t be. It all worked out in the end, didn’t it?” she smiled, running her hands up and down his back. 
“But still. I guess I’m just surprised... I mean, especially as you and Michael were... were makeout buddies.” The words sat uncomfortably in his mouth but before Sophie could reassure him, he carried on. “I’d just assumed that at some point you guys would have become... more than that. I mean, it is Michael after all and you guys are best friends... it would have only been... natural...” he said and tried swallowing down the quiver in his voice as he expressed his reluctant understanding for the hypothetical situation of her sleeping with Michael. 
But as much as Sophie wanted to dismiss the idea entirely out of hand, there was a truth she hadn’t told him, and while it was strictly a secret between herself and Michael, she also didn’t want to keep anything from her boyfriend. She didn’t want their relationship built on distrust and she dreaded to think how he might react if the secret managed to come out later on down the line.
“I... I want to be truthful with you.” she began and drew back so she could look him in the eye - already he looked anxious at what she might be about to tell him. “There was a night where... where something almost happened. Between Michael and I.”
Benedict immediately tensed up though he kept his arms around her, waiting to hear her out.
“I had been hanging out with Marina and I accidentally let slip that I had never been with anyone and she picked up on the fact that I was clearly struggling to get over someone.” she explained and saw the regret immediately glimmering in his eyes. “So she urged me to sleep with someone just to get over,”
“Me.” Benedict supplied in a small voice. 
She rubbed his back comfortingly, giving a reluctant nod before continuing. “And since Michael and I were already makeout buddies, Marine suggested I go to him. Especially since he’d know what he’s doing. So I very brazenly asked him outright if we could sleep together. Just to get it over and done with. And a part of me hoped that maybe I might be able to... to get over...” she trailed off and both of them silently acknowledged what she had left out. “He, um, agreed but... but god, we were both so nervous. It was so strange and we even had some Firewhisky in the hopes we’d loosen up a bit... I mean, I know it did nothing to help me. So we, um... we tried to get things going... except I wasn’t into it and neither was he. But I was so desperate just to get it over with that my mind wondered... I thought about you and thought the only way I could get through it is if I imagined I was with you instead. It actually worked for a second - but then I ruined it.” Benedict, while tentatively listening and visibly uncomfortable, quirked a brow up in curiosity. “I... well in the moment of the foreplay neither one of us were actually into... I might have... well, I cried out your name.” 
Benedict stared at her as his other brow jumped up to meet it’s comrade in astonishment from what he had just been informed of. 
“Hang on - so you’re telling me that the only moment in your attempt to sleep with Michael Stirling that you felt any bit aroused... was when you were thinking about me?”
She gave a small nod. 
“And that you said my name... you said my name while in bed with Michael Stirling?” 
“Yes.” she swallowed.
Benedict stared at her long and hard - and then he cackled with laughter. His body vibrated against hers and he cuddled her tighter to him as he laughed into her hair with wild abandon.
“Ben.” she couldn’t help exhaling with amusement laced in her voice from his uproarious reaction. 
“Oh, Soph!” he wheezed and she felt a drop of water brush against her cheek - and it was only then that she realised he was tearing up from laughing so hard. 
“God, I’m never living this down.” she muttered under her breath.
He rolled over so he was on top of her, his hands cupping her face as he kissed her still through his continued laughter. 
“I love you so damn much, Soph.” he cackled. “Truly, you are the gift that keeps on giving.”
“Come on now, Ben.” she sighed.
“No, but you don’t understand just how funny this is.”
“I think I’ve got the hint.” she replied sarcastically.
But he shook his head. “Soph; I have a confession of my own to make.” 
Now Sophie was the one left perplexed especially as he had managed to calm down from laughing. What did Benedict have to confess to her?
“What is it?”
“The reason why Gen broke up with me,” Sophie instantly stiffened from the mention of his ex but Benedict immediately caressed her and kissed her reassuringly, “hold on, you’ll see. The reason she broke up with me is because one night while I was with her; it was your name I called out.”
Sophie’s eyes widened now that she was the one left stunned by such a revelation. She searched his eyes for confirmation and he gave her a small nod as his lips curved up, anticipating her reaction - and then a cackle of laughter burst out of her and instantaneously Benedict joined in. Their bodies trembled against each other through their shared laughter and Sophie felt herself tearing up as well just from how much her boyfriend’s confession had tickled her.
“Well,” she managed to get out several minutes later as they finally began to calm down, “we make quite the pair, don’t we?”
“We certainly do.” he replied with a lazy smile on his face.
He then began kissing her before trailing his lips down her body, eliciting groans of pleasure from his girlfriend.
She felt him smirk against her breast as her hands carded through his hair.
“Sophie.” he parroted back and in turn a smirk pulled on her lips as she imagined him groaning her name while in bed with Gen - and she understood why his eyes had sparkled so smugly up at her when she had groaned out his name seconds before, knowing he was envisioning her saying his name while she was Michael. 
And as they made love again, they carried on groaning each other’s names out for their mutual additional pleasure, the pair of them wickedly satisfied by just how deeply they desired each other - even when they had been in bed with other people.
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mystarwarsmatters · 1 year
This is super old stuff, from my teen dad Luke Skywalker crack fic I still want to make someday in the future maybe idk I’m a woman possessed by motivation fatigue going on 5 years now.
if you’re interested you can find scattered drabbling under the cut, I like to share what I write :) :
Obi-Wan had been out of the loop for far too long, it would seem. He’d only just found Luke and an astromech squirreled away within the crevices of the Dune Sea, when his gaze was stolen by the wailing bundle in Luke’s arms.
Luke had managed to wait it out, having been struck upside the head hard enough to have blood dribbling down his temple, but not enough to fall unconscious. He was staring, wide-eyed, while rocking what was surely an infant in his arms as if it were second-nature.
“Oh, please don’t give me that look.” Luke begged melodramatically. “I get enough of that from Owen and Beru.”
Luke turned from the smoking hull that was once his home and slowly trudged back to Obi-Wan. He took his baby from the elder man’s arms and pulled her close to his chest. 
It took a few lingering, painful moments of silence before Luke finally spoke. “I want to come with you to Alderaan, Ben. There’s nothing left to keep us here.” 
Kenobi refrained from speaking any further as the young man in tow murmured softly, “I can’t believe I almost left you there. I almost lost you.”
The old Jedi also refrained from looking in Luke’s direction when he heard the distinct sound of sniffling. 
“You’ve actually got something in common, kid.” Han said, brows furrowed together in what was either a sarcastic or sardonic expression. “Chewie here’s a dad too.”
Luke blinked, mouth falling open. “Wait, really?” 
Chewbacca groaned, much more softly, as he cradled the little girl in his great, furry arms. He gently rocked her back and forth at a soothing pace, which did nothing to assuage Luke’s surprise. 
“Got a kid back home on Kashyyyk, usually sees him every few cycles, but things have taken a bit of a turn lately.” Han’s nonchalance included brushing off invisible debris from his vest. 
Obi-Wan’s lips pursed as his brow rose, feeling his own surprise intermingling with the echoes of it from Luke. 
“I dunno how we’re gonna manage this with a baby that could tantrum at any moment.” Han cracked sharply.
Luke exhaled through his nose indignantly. “It’ll be fine. She’s fine! Koré’s a good baby! I swear!”
“Alright! Alright l!” Han 
Chewbacca had managed to rip two little holes into the bottom corners of his satchel after emptying, creating a crude sort of papoose. Koré fit into it snugly, and was secured against the Wookiee with a quick shift and tightening of the bandolier across his chest. 
When Chewie righted himself, Koré was already snuggling into his fur, eyes growing heavy. Luke just barely held in a coo, rubbing a hand against her back and then up to ruffle her dark hair.
He looked up at Chewbacca in earnest. “Thanks. This is a great idea.”
The wookie gurgled gently, tolerant of the young man’s presence in the face of keeping Luke’s daughter safe. 
“Is that a baby?” Leia exclaimed, pointing at the bundle that Chewie was holding against himself for emphasis. “What in the galaxy possessed you laser brains to bring a baby on a rescue mission?!”
“Han fly!” The toddler cried, bouncing up and down in her seat. 
Han couldn’t help but smile as he turned around to face her. “That’s the idea, sweetheart.” 
Koré tugged on Han’s jacket, peering up at him questioningly. “We fly?” 
Han felt the guilt that had been building in the back of his mind drop like lead down into his stomach. For a split second, he hesitated to even look at the little girl waiting for an answer. 
He exhaled heavily, giving Koré a weak smile. “We’ll ask your dad when he gets back, ok kiddo?” 
Vader left the site without further fanfare, but his strides remained purposeful. 
The carbon chamber was an alternative to what had become a far more succinct plan. And it involved the small girl who’d been lodged into a separate, smaller area of the (). 
He had no (good) experience with children, but purportedly, the child that Luke Skywalker toted around was well-behaved enough to remain on different rebel bases over the years. And if all went well, Vader would not have to deal with the baby for very long. 
“I will not harm you, little one.” Vader said. “We are waiting for your father to arrive.”
The toddler continued to stare, and it was with a deeply hidden but still arresting discomfort that Vader realized her eyes were blue. 
Her little hands laid against the tabletop. “Leia?”
“The princess will not be joining us.” 
“No Chewie? Han?” Her eyes once again leveled on his mask, eternally earnest. “Daddy?”
“You brought an infant onboard the Death Star…” Darth Vader’s lack of facial expressions or unvocaded voice could not hide the sheer disapproval emanating from his enormous figure. 
“It wasn’t part of the plan!” Luke exclaimed. “We were supposed to stop off on Alderaan before we found it blown to bits…” 
“You are barely more than a child yourself.” Vader intoned, not acknowledging the immediate bristling of his younger counterpart.
“She did! She… wanted Koré. We both wanted to keep her.” Luke’s eyes grew glassy and dull as he spoke, drifting away as the memories resurfaced. “But her parents… they wouldn’t accept it.”
“They were so angry they… they left almost as soon as Koré was born. And they wouldn’t even acknowledge her, much less take her with them.” 
“But I swore I’d take care of our baby. I promised her and Koré that I’d be here no matter what.” Luke vowed. 
Vader felt the vaguest kinship with Luke, at their mutual inability to speak about their love without feeling pained. 
“You and your child would be treated as royalty.” Vader said, as gently as he could. “And you’d never need run for your lives.”
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pencilofawesomeness · 3 years
For the WIP ask game : demon.
Hello Penguin! Heh, I'm sure that one has cropped up a few times. Alrighty, let's see:
“Besides, he might not even make good bait; those guys were targeting local demons, but Natsu wasn’t a local or a normal demon.” —Demon Tales
“We don’t even know for sure that they’re behind the demon disappearances.” —Demon Tales
“We’ll get old-lady-Eleanor and all of the missing demons back and we’ll beat up anybody who gets in the way.” —Demon Tales
“Then again, how hard was it to accept your demons when you were already dead?” —untitled Umbrella Academy drabble
“Mael didn’t know why the Demon Prince had asked him to come here. The war was over now, finally. With the Demon King dead and the Supreme Goddess still formless, the conflict between demons and goddesses was resolved.” —Brother Talk (title pending)
“No, the Demon Prince wasn’t here to fight.” —Brother Talk (title pending)
“It would have to be handled by his older brother, though he understood why any demon would want to circumvent Ludociel if at all possible.” —Brother Talk (title pending)
“Estarossa was just a demon. Estarossa was just a demon.” —Brother Talk (title pending)
“They were all fooled by the demon Gowther’s illusion.” —Brother Talk (title pending)
“He just assumed that it was because he was… because Estarossa was the son of the Demon King: fighting was all there was.” —Brother Talk (title pending)
“Mael pretended that he didn’t see the tear slip down Meliodas’ cheek; there was no reason that the Demon Prince should be so vulnerable with him.” —Brother Talk (title pending)
“There had been a demon inside of him all this time—a terrible one, at that—and now he was a demon himself.” —untitled FT/SDS crossover
“But… He knew how much demons had hurt them.” —untitled FT/SDS crossover
“Natsu knew he wanted to be angry at those demons that hurt him and Lisanna and Happy but… Was he mad at the…the demons that… saved them? That saved their lives? Was it…was it because they were demons?” —untitled FT/SDS crossover
“He didn’t feel comfortable in his own skin anymore, and he didn’t know whether it was because that black miasma stuff was there and smelled different, or if he didn’t recognize himself with the etherious demon missing.” —untitled FT/SDS crossover
“You’ve never met a demon that wasn’t trying to kill you, have you?” —untitled FT/SDS crossover
“The demons of the book of Zeref were evil, after all.” —untitled FT/SDS crossover
“Only for him to be a demon?” —untitled FT/SDS crossover
“She’s half-human, half-demon.” —untitled FT/SDS crossover
“Demon, human…giant, fairy, goddess.” —untitled FT/SDS crossover
Whelp I used it a lot, but only concentrated into a few obscure obscure workshop fics, and of course in Demon Tales. Though this did remind me that the Brother Talk oneshot was pretty much done save for editing, but I forgot about it. I should polish that up soon, heheh. Then that crossover is a fun idea and I'm keeping it on the list, but I wrote that before 4KOTA started so that affected my timeline. And my ideas... So unless I kick SDS canon in addition to SDS canon, that's not going anywhere anytime soon. I got enough on my plate anyway XD
Ask about my WIPs
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kneamet · 2 years
the extinguished star
Trigger Warning: angst, a little obsession, depressive thoughts, drabble
Word Count: 738
Character: obi-wan kenobi/reader
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the extinguished star
At the fair, there were hurried shouts of sellers fighting for products, and especially tools and parts for shuttles, an unbearable price. He walked through the crowds of people, covering his overgrown face with a brown, battered hood. There was an unbearable stench in the city, which would have taken a lot of effort to endure — people stank, expired meat stank, streets and alleys stank, clothes stank, animals stank. Obi-Wan did not come here so often, it was not desirable for him to appear among the common people; recently, inquisitors have been coming here more and more often, trying so hard to destroy all the remaining Jedi. He lived the rest of his life as a poor man, pressed against stone walls, and surviving on barely earned money, watched young Luke all his free time.
Obi-Wan regretted the past, regretted that he had fallen so low that there was nowhere else to fall. It was as if he was on strings, he stopped controlling himself. Minutes turned into hours, hours into days, days into months, and months into years... More than eight years have passed since order sixty-six, and the reflections of death were still fresh in his memory. Every night he turns over on his bed, mutters short phrases, almost suffocates and no one has the right to help him. He is alone in this world, he has lost everyone.
At least, it was only for the first few years.
"Oh, Ben! How are you? Everything is fine?” Her melodious voice caused Obi-Wan's cheeks to turn a slight blush, and his lips curved in a crooked but affectionate smile. He raised his head, carefully examining you — you waved to him and smiled, squinting your eyes from the bright sun-ball, flooding everything around with a dazzling light that opened his soul. His gaze was kind, he almost didn't listen to you while you mumbled something about work and a younger brother who likes to make himself, in secret, a Jedi.
Obi-Wan couldn't imagine how you coped with all this — how you managed to feed your family alone, working in the same place as him, with this disgusting meat, pieces of which had to be stolen; how you found time for a second job and classes with your brother, caring for your sick father and mother. There are no immortals among the gods for a long time, and the war took the lives of all the Jedi. Beyond the endless mountains and deserts, forests and oceans of planets, somewhere in the distant the earth with champions of ashes faded.
For a long time he was tormented by doubts, but he was no longer a Jedi, he did not need the tarnished Power, he could only observe, be someone who does not live, but exists. He was afraid of making mistakes and any oversight. Deceiving himself only visually, he was grieving deep down — the whole life on Tatooine, rejections of the Force, was just a mask, just a farce. Obi-Wan was not afraid of death, was not afraid of hunger, he was trained as a Jedi, but he was afraid to fall in love.
He is a child of ruins, he did not receive awards and recognition, no one needed an old Jedi, devoid of power and gift, who forgot about honor and morality, living somewhere in the lost dunes. His whole life was painted from his birthday to his death, his plans did not include falling in love... Obi-Wan stared at you, smiling warmly; he will never be able to admit his little made-up passion, you will definitely not accept him. Perhaps you'll just grin without even paying attention to it, and Obi-Wan will understand you: who needs a Jedi confused in himself? Sometimes he wanted to give you all the stars, bring them to your feet and just thank you
Someday his wings will rise, becoming outstretched from tiny ones, but now he will just watch over you, guard you. Emotions were lost, loneliness seemed like a gift, attracted moths with its beauty; Obi-Wan lied to himself with an oath, repeated to himself endless thousands of hours that he was guarding young Skywalker, as he promised, but it was not real. The unbearable cross was carried out for the Jedi and everyone laughed at it, everyone hated them.
His sun had long since gone out.
Obi-Wan didn't expect his heart to beat faster at the sight of you.
and so, yes, i finished watching the two episodes that came out and i want to say that everything was as i imagined. unpopular opinion: i really liked the first episode with its melancholy and calmness, which reflects the state of obi-wan, but the second episode was bad. i think this series is better than the last three episodes, but worse than the mandalorian. (but obi-wan is of course just fine here, ewan coped with the role very well). what do you think?
i also ask you to forgive that it's not quite yandere here, i wanted to write something light. i want to write a small work on this series, is it worth it? i just have some good idea.
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samwontshare · 3 years
Ben/Phastos drabble:
@novembermurray asked for the couple lost around Gen Z speak. Hope this is okay!
“I speak every language,” Phastos complained, glaring at the teenager preparing his drink.
“Yes,” Ben acknowledged.
“Literally. Every language. I was there when they all started. Caught you gossiping about how cute I was to your sister when you thought you were being slick.”
Ben only hummed as he retrieved their drinks. Always with a bright smile and a thank you.
“And I still have no damn idea what that child just said to me,” he finished with a huff.
“I thought it was very clear,” Ben laughed as he blew on his coffee.
“Okay, Oh Wise One, let’s hear the explanation.”
He took Phastos’ arm to lead him away. He shot the teen another look. Making up words. He’s too old for this. He’s too bitter to admit it tickles his soul for invention and ingenuity, that whenever Jack’s language expands and evolves, he’s thrilled at the progress. “She only meant we should have a glorious day.”
Phastos sucked his teeth. “You just made that up right now.”
“Yes, habibi, but I’m starting to go grey and you are forever a spring chicken. I get to have my fun with the old man I married.”
“Old is your teta who still clings to this life out of pure spite for her enemies. I am mature, thank you.” Phastos adjusted the glasses he didn’t need. But it was a look and he was working it.
Ben kissed him on the cheek and warmth spread through him as it always did. How did he find a human so patient and kind? “Yes, my dear.”
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penwieldingdreamer · 3 years
Falling for you
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The second installment of my drabble series. Let me know what you think about it. A big thank you again to @fortheloveoffanfic for being my beta 💗 Happy reading everyone
Also here are the songs played at the pub:
Bean Pháidín , Tell me Ma-Gaelic Storm , Galway Girl - Fiddler's Green
Summary: A few weeks later finds the reader in all kinds of embarrassing situations - mostly tripping over stuff or falling over people - right in front of Lee
Warnings: none, besides fluff, clumsiness and a little tinge of jealousy
Words: 2231
Another day on the set of the second installment of the Hobbit series and already you felt like the clumsiest of all people on set. Either you’d slip, trip or let stuff fall to the ground. But it wasn’t random, it only happened whenever you were around Lee or in his close proximity.
James and Martin had made fun of the fact that it would only happen with the tall actor, but you waved them off and of course Benedict chimed into the scheme.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re falling for the King, luv.” he said one time while the four of you had been granted a break from filming. “You make a fool out of yourself because there’s that one person that makes your heart skip a beat.”
Angrily shuffling your food around the plate, you glared at the British actor. “Well thank you for the vote of confidence. If you hadn’t said it I wouldn’t have known I was such a joke on set.”
“What Ben means to say, dear,” James started, putting his hand on your arm. “is, that when you feel something for another person you get clumsy, do crazy things or fall all over yourself because you can’t concentrate around them. All three of us went through that when we met the women we knew would one day be our wives. It has nothing to do with you being bad at your work, the opposite, actually.”
Reluctantly you nodded your head, feeling like you just made a fool out of yourself again in front of those that were your friends. “I’m sorry, it’s just that I’ve never been like that before and I fear if this happens more Pete will get tired of me messing up. I don’t want to lose this job.”
“You won’t,” Martin said with so much conviction, you couldn’t help but give him a small, teary smile. “Peter isn’t like that. He values your work as part of the crew and how you bring up new ideas or possible changes. Now if you were to set the whole place on fire that would be another case.”
Ben and James laughed softly and you couldn’t help the giggle escaping your lips when you listened to him. You were very lucky to have friends like them or you’d probably would have resigned after the first incident. “Thank you, you have no idea how much I needed this.” you said sending them a grateful smile. "But now I got to head back to work. The king on his throne is waiting for me."
All three laughed before Martin called after you. "Be careful up there and if you fall, fall in his lap, that's a lot more comfortable than the ground." he joked when you had turned back to the three actors but waved him off with your own middle finger. You knew he had a knack for putting his fingers up for the camera when he shouldn't and you were sure there were some scenes he snuck his middle finger in, just like he always did.
A chorus of laughter followed as you righted your work bag and made your way back to the set with Thranduil's throne.
Orlando stood underneath it, grinning up at Lee dressed up as the Elvenking and waited his turn. "Looking good, dad." he called with a chuckle and you could see the tall actor grin.
"Thank you, son. I feel very good up here." he answered leaning back on the chair, trying to fix his robes and wig as best as he could while a few strands were hanging in the branches of his crown.
Peter saw you emerging from the mass and called you over. "Ah, Y/N, good that you're here. Lee's just had a bit of a stumble up the stairs but we'll be doing a few headshots of him and well, you see the mess."
"Sure, I'll get right on it." you told him, taking a deep breath and steeling yourself so you'd be as relaxed as possible while working on fixing the actor. When he saw you approaching, Lee stood up and made to walk down, but you halted him with a motion of your hand. "Stay, I'm coming up so there's no repeat of that."
He stayed standing, watching you make your way up the stairs. Thank God there were handrails just in case. "If you insist
I could have come down, didn't want you to fall to your doom, dear mortal."
"Charms get you everywhere, huh?" you asked him with a grin as you ascended to the Weta built throne, pointing to the seat so he would sit back down again, keeping his long legs tugged to chair so you could start your work on his hair.
"So far it worked out rather well, I think." He told you, smiling as you gently pulled a strand away from the branch of his crown.
You couldn't help the small smile forming on your face as you listened to his jokes while you freed the last of his hair and righted his crown. A final touch of powder over his nose and you were finished. "Now, you're all done and you're looking regal again." You packed up your bag and turned to descend the stairs when you lost your footing and if it hadn't been for Lee's swift reaction, you would have tumbled down.
Short puffs of breath were leaving your mouth when you held on tightly to his shoulders, his arms circling your waist as you had fallen into his lap with that move. "Hello there." he whispered, watching your shocked face, eyes blown wide with fear. "You okay?"
Biting your lip, you couldn't help but enjoy the feel of his hands on your hip, the warmth spreading through your clothes. "I-I'm sorry, I, the stairs…I guess…missed steps." you brokenly mumbled, apparently having forgotten how to talk when you looked into his blue eyes. The contact lenses only intensified his gaze.
"Yeah, they're dangerous." Lee agreed, his head leaning closer, the rest of the world around you forgotten.
Yet before he could close the gap, Peter interrupted you with a loud whistle. "If you two turtledoves are ready, we'd like to continue." he called out to you with a chuckle. Of course everyone had seen that and you already felt the heat of your blush rising all over your body.
Carefully, yet hastily you scrambled off of Lee's lap and made your way down the stairs and to the back of the set. You would have loved for the ground to swallow you up when Benedict had come over and grinned at you.
"So, I don’t think you will tell me what that up there was.” he said matter of fact, knowing you wouldn’t even be able to describe it.
“Nope,” you said, eyeing the actor and PJ going over the next scenes with a dummy. “I’d rather leave it like it is. This is just too embarrassing."
He put his arm around your shoulders pulling you close. Martin was just walking around the corner having seen the whole thing and he instantly knew you'd be shutting down, only doing your work and nothing more, keeping your distance from Lee. The Brit found the eyes of his friend and co-Sherlock-actor, nodding once, then twice. They were your friends and could see that the sparks between their fellow actor and you were there, now they only needed to kindle the fire.
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"Oh, this is wonderful." you gushed, looking around the Irish pub everyone decided to visit at the eve of their day off. "It's been too long since I had so much fun besides being on set."
Already the ciders and beers and whisky were flowing and everyone was laughing and singing with the band that played that night. James had decided to take a row of tables next to the musicians so the cast and crew that wanted to go there would fit into the seats.
"You all deserve a time off after the amazing work you did." Peter said, raising his pint of Guinness for a toast. You all followed suit, calling out a shout of "Hear, hear."
Laughing and listening to all the stories everyone was telling about their time on set, you enjoyed the feeling of warmth that spread through you. Not because of the alcohol but because of your family away from home.
"Are you enjoying the music?" James asked after a short while, himself listening to the tunes and words from his home country.
Nodding your head, you clapped your hands to the rhythm and smiled as a few people started to dance to the songs you couldn't understand the lyrics to. “What is she singing about?” you asked him, leaning in so he could understand the words with the louder music.
"It’s a really old Irish song, dating back hundreds of years in Ireland. This is one of the funny old Irish songs that is sung by a woman, and she sings about another woman." the Irish actor tried to explain over the loud music. "Back in the day women would get together and sing this song about the woman in town that was married to the man that they all wanted to be married to. ‘It’s a pity that I’m not Phaidin’s wife,’ and this woman who’s married to him, they hate her, and as the verses go on, they talk about what they’d like to do to her, like they want to break her legs and get rid of her and do anything to be this man’s wife. It’s a fun song. Irish music is like that. When you translate the words, sometimes it’s like gruesome and dark, but they’re meant in a lighthearted way."
You were always blown away by the way such a story could be shown in a nice tune. "The music is so lively, you'd never guess it's such a sad and dark story behind it."
"That's just the way the Irish are." James grinned at you before another song was starting.
"For our next song we'd love for you guys to get up, dance some more and just have fun." the female singer announced and waved to all patrons in the pub. The violin, banjo and drum began to play the first chords before the singer joined in. "Tell me ma when I go home, the boys won't leave the girls alone."
Benedict and James smiled at you, holding their hand out and pulled you from your seat and onto the provided dance floor where others had already started twirling around. "Let's dance and have some fun." the Brit said, giving you a twirl.
You couldn't help the smile that found its way on your lips as you danced around with the two actors, unbeknownst of the dark blue eyes following your moves. The dance was exhilarating and both James and Ben led you through the steps, jumping and twirling with other patrons until you were out of breath and another song was over.
When you came back to get something to drink you saw one of the seats being vacant. Lee was missing from the group of merry friends and you leaned over to Orlando, who had been sitting besides him. "Where did your dad disappear to?" you asked him, mirth coloring your words as you took a large sip of your drink.
He turned to you and smiled, patting the seat next to him, so you didn't have to stand. You were grateful for that with your feet aching from all the dancing you did with his fellow actors. "He said he needed to get back to the hotel, his flight back to the States is taking off early." Orlando said and your face must have shown your confusion as you didn't know Lee was needed back in America. "Shooting for Guardians of the Galaxy is starting in a few days and he wanted to get back earlier so he arranged it in the last few days. Peter knew about it, I'm surprised he didn't tell you."
"Oh, no, I really didn't know and Lee hadn't mentioned anything before." the disappointment colored your words and you sank back down in your seat. You couldn't help the feeling that it was something that recently happened and especially something you did or he would have been open enough to talk to you.
The British actor patted your leg and grinned. "Don't worry, he'll be back before you know it. Once he's done with that movie Lee's going to annoy us again with his dad jokes."
Nodding your head, you tried to feel confident, but still you didn't know why he didn't at least wait until you were back at the table to say his goodbyes. No he just left without so much as a word. Of course you were only there doing his make - up and hair but you had hoped that in the time you worked together you at least had become friends. Giving the dark haired actor a small smile you made your way back to your corner seat, staring off into space and trying not to get too drunk on your cider while thinking about why not even Peter had bothered to tell you his Elvenking was leaving the set sooner than planned.
@fortheloveoffanfic @toomanystoriessolittletime @omgkatinka @fuck-yeah-hope @wholelottatiffy @axshadows ​@a-really-bi-girl @madbaddic7ed @maggiemoo1892 @pinkzsugar @agniavateira @mary-ann84 and everyone else who wants to read this.
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binniesthighs · 4 years
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a/n: and we’ve got another lil valentines day drabble eeee hope you all are staying cuddly and fuzzy! 
sweet like strawberry | reader x felix
Paring: self insert, gender neutral reader x lee felix 
Genre: fluffy fluff hehe 
Tags: valentines day special, coworkers au, friends to lovers, cafe au, two cuties in love, stuck with you au, wintertime au, teeeny bits of magical vibes, mentions of food, teensy bit of food play (sfw but like a leeetle suggestive), that good good makin’ out hehe 
Word count: 4.7k 
Tagging: @stayhavens​ thank you for letting me join for Felix as well ❤️
“Oh! And one more thing, for some reason, the security system keeps acting up. If the doors don’t lock up the first time around, just try it a couple more times and I think that it should work...I kind of just try it enough times until it works.” 
Felix nervously adjusted his cap with the little embroidered yellow chick. 
“Okay. Sounds good to me.” 
Your boss tucked his neck deep into his cable scarf, then tipped both you and your coworker a little salute. 
“Thank you both for being here on Valentines Day. Just a couple more hours! You can do it!” 
The back door to the café slammed shut from the blustering winter wind behind your boss’ coattails. 
“It’s really coming down out there isn’t it?” Your friend, and coworker-in-suffering Felix, shifted from foot to foot. 
Outside of the shop windows, the howling of wind shook at the shutters of the the display case filled with little mock-up cakes and pastries. The snow storm had been unexpected, but it hadn’t seemed to dampen anyone’s spirits on the holiday. Since the snow had picked up in the afternoon, customers still came rolling into the cafe with flakes all caught up in their hair, scarves and hats. On this day in particular, you had seen dozens of school girls and boys come in carrying their stash of valentines letters, bouquets of flowers and all kinds of candies. Little groups of friends would share slices of your special Valentines Day cake and smear cream over each other’s noses in a tizzy of laughter. 
You didn’t mind Valentines Day; there was something extra heartwarming and universal about it all. One day, out of all the days of the year, everyone stopped for just a few moments to say “I love you” or give out an extra hug or kiss on the cheek. How could you not feel all lovey and gushy from it all? Maybe you were a romantic, or maybe you really had just watched one too many dramas to make you feel this way. 
Earlier, you had been making a couple lattes, and a couple sitting by the window had arranged to meet right at the loveseat by the door to exchange gifts. One of them had given the other a couple books and a journal, and the other gave them what looked like hand-knitted mittens. They held the frayed fabric in their hands while the watched how their partner reacted. Of course, they accepted the mittens with a wide smile then pulled their love in to give them a giant hug. 
I love them. So much. Thank you. 
You thought that was what they had said from as far away as you were. 
This kind of love, was your favorite kind. The kid of love that was unconditional, that was given no matter what time of day, no matter what it looked like or how it was expressed, it simply was. 
You had always hoped, this was the love that you would have some day. But, you hadn’t found it yet. Not in all your years of crushes from afar, or love letters written in the night when you should have ben doing work. You had wondered, what was it really like to have someone love you like that: a love that existed in the early mornings, and dead of the night; the kind of love that looked over at you for no reason, and smiled at you just because. 
Perhaps you would spend your whole life looking: and while it saddened you, in a few ways, you had come to terms with it. If you had to wait, that just meant that you were waiting for something really great...right? 
You wondered what kind of love Felix wanted. The thought had crossed your mind time and again. You figured, he was the kind to fall in love fast and all the time. He would even get crushes on people who would come to the register to pay for their coffee and custard tart. It was supremely adorable. He’d stammer over his words with hands trembling at the keys of the register, and the tips of his ears would turn rosy pink. 
“U-ummm here-here’s your receipt....” 
A tiny smile would spread across his freckled face after they would leave, then he would rake his cute little hands though his hair, stammering even more about what a fool he had made of himself. 
“Well, when you think about it, you might never see them again?” You’d joke to him with a playful jab to his side. 
“But what if I doooooo??” 
Maybe Felix was the kind of person who wanted a love that would last forever, or the kind of love that he could daydream about. You thought that this might’ve suited him. It seemed as if that boy was often in a faraway place. There had been a couple times when he would stare out the shop windows wistfully with his mop in hand, or would giggle a little when he made designs into the lattes and mochas. He was just so happy all the time, but for what, you had no idea. 
Maybe Felix already had a love. You wouldn’t put it past him seeing how dreamy he was often. Felix deserved love more than anyone in the world you had decided. He deserved some to love him so hard and all the time. Admittedly, it made your heart ache a little thinking about how badly he deserved it. He deserved someone to kiss away on all those freckles on his cheeks on his cute little wrists. He deserved someone to shower all their love into his strawberry pink lips, and ruffle up his golden hair just to make him laugh. 
Maybe...you wished that you could’ve been the person to do so. 
“Do you think that we’ll get any more customers?” 
Felix had squatted down on the floor behind the counter into a pseudo-sitting position. His tan apron crinkled on the ground. 
“Don’t you think that everyone’s gone out by now? And the snow is picking up?” 
You squatted down next to him. “I don’t think we’ll be seeing anyone else. There’s only one more hour left anyway.” 
A sly smirk started to sprout on his lips, “What if we left a little early? No one is coming so...” 
“Have somewhere that you need to be?” You patted his head. 
“...No, unless spending the night with my cats counts as “plans.”” 
“Date?” He scoffed, “Me? Nooooo.” He paused, and with a tentative air, met your eyes. “Do...you have plans tonight?” 
Felix sucked in a tight inhale, as if he was mustering his courage. 
“Well, m-maybe, after we leave, --only if you want--we could--” 
The bells over the café door tinkled, sweeping in snowy and white air in with it. 
“I’m sorry, are you still open?” 
The old woman carefully closed the door behind her and clung tightly to her shawl that was wrapped around her shoulders. Only dressed in the thin fabric, you figured that she must’ve been freezing. Both you and your coworker sprung to your feet to attend to her. 
“Yes! How can we help you?” 
She was an odd woman, the kind that you could only really describe to look witch-like. While she had warm features, her aged skin had grown stretched with little marks and veins feebly showing. Bags under her eyes were deep, but they didn’t look tired, but like they held many years of wisdom, like he had witnessed much, and knew much. 
“A-aren’t you cold?” Felix rushed to the other side of the corner to help her to a chair. “It’s so freezing outside, and you’ve barely got on a hat.” 
His tone was gentle, like the one that you guessed he would speak to his cats with. 
“I’m fine. Nights like these, I’ve lived through many of them. They don’t phase me any more. I just thought that I could come inside for a moment to have a slice of that strawberry cake that you have in the window. It looks very delicious.” 
You nodded quickly then plated the second to last slice for her. You brought the dish over quickly with a little fork. “Anything else that we can get for you?” 
The woman shook her head politely, then took up the fork in her shaking hands. She ate quietly, merely making little “mm’s” as she licked the cream away. You and your coworker didn’t really know what to do, seeing as she hadn’t paid, and wasn't shivering from the cold at all. Felix shot you a confused glance, then rushed to the back of the café and to his locker. You heard the usual metallic clang, and he came jogging back with his own scarf that he had worn that day. 
“H-here. Please put this on.” He offered her the periwinkle blue fabric. 
“Oh. Dear, you are so kind. I just knew that you would be such a sweet soul. I could sense it.” 
The woman dabbed her mouth with the napkin that you had placed under her plate. 
“That was wonderful, I could really taste the love that had been baked into that cake. It’s always refreshing to feel that.” 
You and Felix nodded, still unsure of the situation, but smiled as politely as you could. She then swaddled her neck in the scarf, and sighed in her contempt. 
“No one has ever offered me something like this before. You are quite special young man.” 
She had voiced the comment about Felix, but she had held your eyes as she said it. Her eyes were a bit hazy, some kind of color that must’ve been blue at some point, but here now a type of soft grey-lavender. They were enchanting, and mysterious, but you had felt that you had known them somehow. 
The old woman rummaged around in her pockets, the pulled out two gold coins that were hefty in size, and thick like the kind of candy ones. You had never seen anything like them before, and they were a bit comical to look at, but still shone like the golden sun. On both sides of the coin, there was no writing, but merely an insignia of two arrows crossed over eachother. 
“I think that should suffice.” Her chair creaked under her as she rose, and placed one in your hand and the other in Felix’s. “Thank you so much for taking care of me. Both of you deserve all the love that’s coming to you. I hope that you remember this.” 
Felix muttered and turned over his coin in his hand. “T-thank you.” 
You shot Felix a glare. You had not the slightest idea how you could have accepted this as payment, but Felix seemed completely fine with it. 
The woman’s crinkled hand wrapped around the door handle, and she pulled her shawl around her once again, then buried her neck back into Felix’s scarf. 
“Happy Valentines Day!” She waved to you both, and you found yourself waving back. 
The door slammed, and you felt as if you had been snapped out of some kind of hypnosis. 
“Wow.” Felix whispered with a little smile. 
“What. The heck. Was that?” Your body trembled in the way that you would’ve have as if you had plunged right out of cold water. 
Felix stood smiling and gazing out, not even paying attention to your remark. 
“Felix? ...Felix?” 
“Hmm?” He turned nonchalant. 
“Did you hear me?” 
You reached your hand down the pocket of your apron to study that strange coin only to find that you couldn’t feel the cold metal. 
“...What?” You rummaged around even further. “I could’ve sworn...” 
In Felix’s hands which he had left cupped in front of him, his gold coin had vanished too, and he hadn’t even noticed. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“I hope that this works.” 
Felix’s mittened hands tapped over the keys of the security system keypad and he mouthed the numbers as he did so. The pad illuminated with a green light and made little beeping sounds with each number. Once he finished the sequence, it flashed with a red light. 
“...Does that mean that it didn’t work?” 
“I think so?” 
The two of you had shoved your bodies together in the little corner nearest the back exit of the café. 
“I should try it again?” 
“Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do?” 
Felix gave a determined nod, then did the passcode, only for it to flash red again. 
“Oh my god, what if we mess this all up and then someone breaks into the café and then we get fired--I mean--I get fired because it would be all my fault--” 
You snarked out a laugh and pushed him lightly aside, “Here, let me try. No one’s getting in trouble.” 
You pressed in the same code, getting red once more. 
“What do we do????” 
As if it was his security blanket, Felix tucked his neck into his coat collar. 
“One more time, alright? Maybe there’s a manual in the office or something. We can try that.” 
An ahhh circled Felix’s mouth and he let out a relieved exhale. “Right. Right. That’s a good idea.” 
This time, you pressed the numbers in hard, as if that would make any difference, but you thought it best to try. But, red again. 
“I’ll go check the office,” Felix announced, and shuffled closer to the manager’s office near the back door. He wiggled the doorknob, finding it locked as well. “We’re doooooommed.” 
“No, we’re not. I’m not giving up.” 
In your head, you cursed out the damned security system up and down. If it wasn’t going to work, you would make it work. 
“5. 9. 2. 5. 0. 8.” 
beep beep beEP! 
“Oh my god!!! It worked!!” Your friend jumped up and down in his excitement. 
“Thank God.” 
Felix hiked up his backpack on his shoulders, grabbing the door handle at first, but then stopped. 
“Wait.” He licked his lips, “Before we go out there, I...I wanted to ask you, since it seems like we’re both not doing anything tonight, would you like to maybe...do something...with me?” 
His anxious eyes widened, and you could see his breaths quicken under his wool coat. For a moment, you couldn’t even believe that he had said such a thing. Normally a timid boy, his strike of courage was something that was astonishing to you, but it also made your heart beat just a bit louder in your ears. 
“You want to do something...with me?” 
He giggled lightly. “I just said you.” 
“On Valentines Day?” 
“I-is that weird? I-I’m sorry if I’m weirding you out, I didn’t mean to. I know that we’re friends a-and I think that you’re really cool--I’ve always thought that--but, I never really had the guts to say so, and honestly I don’t know how I’m getting it out now but, I just don’t like the thought of being alone right now, or you being alone. So--” 
“--Felix! Felix, calm down...” Even though your chest was thumping, your sweating hands squeezed your palms to calm yourself down. 
“Sorry...I ramble when I get kind of nervous.” 
His hands nervously fidgeted at his sides, and under the light of the emergency exit sign, a glimmer of gold winked between his fingers. 
Felix asked his question with glimmering eyes. “Would you like to?” 
“Yes. Yes. I would really really like to.” 
“Really?” His smile was filled with the very sunshine that he seemed to carry with him every day. 
“Okay.” He reached for the handle once more, yanking it down, but instead of it swinging from it’s hinges, it clanked, glued to the wall. 
“What?” Felix shook at the handle once more. “It’s not...budging.” 
“Let me try.” You mirrored his action, and sure enough, the door had locked itself in place. “Wait. I thought that it wasn’t supposed to lock after we exited?” 
“I...thought the same.” 
Once giddy, Felix turned solemn and worry chased across his brows. 
“No. Nononono. This can’t be happening.” 
“It’s okay. We’ll just unlock it again.” 
You went back to your mortal enemy, the keypad, and pushed in the buttons, but no green light came from the action. 
“Is it on? Is that supposed to happen?” Felix’s tone edged with anxiety. 
The display screen on the interface had turned blank too. You had seen in movies that if you slapped the thing, maybe it would turn on, but after you had tried, nothing happened. 
“I’ll try the other door.” Felix scuffled over the the front of the café, and you could hear the answer loud and clear even from the back. The other door also had locked and it’s metallic clang resonated through the empty tables and chairs. 
“What do we do?” He asked once he returned to you in the back. 
Even though your heart was racing its way up your throat, you remained as calm as you could. “We call for help. It’ll be okay. Look, there's a phone number here on the panel to call the service company.” 
You drew your phone from your pocket, and it added yet one more object to your list of worries. “I-I don’t have service?? What the hell?” 
Felix opened his phone screen too, and showed you his non-existent bars. “Me too. It’s gotta be the storm right?” 
Your coworker’s eyes flicked back and forth in the darkened hallway, and you could hear his breaths start to quicken one after the other. 
“Hey, hey, it’ll be okay.” You fluffed his hair like you had down a few times before, an action that never failed to make him giggle, so you hoped it helped put him at ease. He keened his hand into your hand a bit like a cat would, and it was just too frickin’ cute, even in a situation just as this. 
“So we’re just gonna wait? Wait until our service comes back?” 
“I guess so.” 
Felix started with taking his coat off, and hung it back up in his locker. “Who knows how long that we’ll be here?” 
You did the same, but left your hat on, merely liking the way that it warmed up your head. “Maybe we can make ourselves something to drink? How about, I make something for you, and you make something for me? Sounds kinda fun?” 
“Sure.” Felix responded with a faint smile. 
In the dim lighting of that hallway, you reached for his small hand at his side. 
“Um, looks like we’re still getting to spend tonight together. I wish that it wasn’t like this, but, it’s something, right?” 
He was startled by your action, but let your fingers lace between his. The small connection was the one that had made you feel butterflies just thinking about, and now it really was happening. 
“Felix...I’ve thought before, I think that you’re really cool too.” 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
You knew that using the ingredients for your own experimentation was against the rules, but you had hoped that your boss would’ve understood considering the situation. The rule had been written on the little spreadsheet that he kept taped to the side of the syrup holder, but that wasn’t going to stop you. 
“No peeking.” Felix giggled as he shook something together in one of the hand-held mixers. 
“No peeking to you either.” You said, scooping some macerated strawberries into the bottom of a cup. 
For a boy as sweet as him, you knew exactly what you wanted to make: it was your own version of the strawberry milk that you had made in the café, but it had chocolate dripping down the sides of the glass and it was topped with chocolate shavings and a lovely amount of whipped cream. 
“You done yet?” You asked while adding your finishing touches. 
“Juuust about.” He rummaged around the little array of fresh prepared herbs that you kept in the minifridge under the counter. “Oookay! Now I am!” 
In the corner of your eye, that last slice of strawberry cake called your name. You thought to yourself, I could always make more. It was the last slice anyway. 
The two of you made a little set up at one of the tables and Felix even thought to turn off a few of the light fixtures, and brought out a couple of those birthday candles that you would use on customers, and arranged them in a cup to burn. 
Happy Birthday! 
You Are Special! 
“Aw, cute.” You slid your drink for him closer, and admired the way that the yellow glow of the candles flickered in his soft brown eyes. 
“I-I thought that it would make it more special, considering that where we are isn’t like, the most special place. Especially for tonight.” 
“I think that it’s special. Or, who you’re with is what makes it special.” 
Your coworker smiled coyly, then took a sip of your strawberry milk. 
“Try yours!” He pushed the iced drink in front of you. It looked a bit like lemonade, but not exactly. Swirls of purple juice danced along with the pulp of the lemons. He had garnished it with a sprig of mint. “It’s blackberry lemonade. I’m sorry if it’s kind of tart. It was my first time making it, but I thought that you would like it.” 
You took a sip, and the second that the concoction touched your lips, it was heavenly. While it was a little tart, the juice of the lemon bit wonderfully on your taste buds, and was complimented well with the sweetness from the ripe berries. 
“Really good. Thank you.” 
He sighed a sigh of relief, then passed you a fork. 
“Maybe this isn’t so bad after all.” 
“You thought that being trapped with me would be a bad thing?” You teased. 
Felix’s eyes adorably widened, looking as if he had spilled his strawberry milk all over the table. “N-no, I didn’t mean that, I just thought that being locked up would feel--” 
“--I’m kidding! Kidding, okay?” 
A tiny oh formed on his mouth, so he took another sip to fill the gap of silence between you. “Your drink is really good too. How did you know that I liked strawberries so much?” 
“Hm, it was a hunch.” 
Actually, he had said it a dozen times or more, but, it was much cuter letting him think that he hadn’t said it before. 
With the light of the candles now dripping a bit of wax onto the table, all of his features seemed so much softer: he was like some kind of dream, almost like a mythical being that you must’ve imagined. 
You wondered, maybe this was the kind of love that he wanted: the kind of love that was sharing something that you had made, something special to you in a simple place, a place that was not much else other than the people who made it. Or, maybe this was the kind of love that you wanted. 
Your pants pocket felt a little heaver, and you snuck your fingers in. The touch of your fingertips felt the cold and smooth metal first, then they ran over the outline of the arrow shapes on the flat side. 
“Mmm. You made this cake so well!!” Felix did a little dance while popping in a bite. 
“Felix?” You ran your finger over the golden piece. “I’m glad that we’re stuck here together.” 
“Me...too.” He shied. 
Carefully, you took your fingers to trace the yellow strands of his hair dipping over his forehead, taking in the way that they tickled your skin. In his nervousness, he took another sip, gulping loudly with eyes fluttering. On his lower lip, a bit of the cream streaked, and all you could do was wonder how it might’ve tasted there on his strawberry pink lips. 
“Can I...kiss you?” 
You could nearly see the way that his heart was beating as fast as a hummingbird in the way that his shoulders rose and fell with his anticipatory breaths. 
“Yes.” He whispered. 
You leaned forward slowly as to not scare him, tilting your head to the side as you pressed your lips against his. You had thought right: there really was nothing sweeter. His shaking breaths quivered over your lips while he tentatively kissed back, and it made your chest ache thinking about how nervous he must’ve been. You didn’t want to startle him, bur rather gently kissed him slow, carefully and respectfully. He shivered at the feeling, and his hand crinkled the napkin in his hand. The other, he had drawn out to rest on your leg, and rubbed his thumb into your jeans. The sweetness of the cream on his lips caught on yours, and it was unlike any kind of flavor you could have ever imagined. 
After a moment, you drew back, and Felix appeared like he was about to burst with giggles but held himself back. 
“I-I really liked that.” He tried his best to keep his composure. 
“Me too.” Turns out, you really didn’t know what to do with yourself either. Instead, Felix made the decision for you. In seconds, he had launched his small body into your arms and wrapped himself around you in a hug so tight that it was nearly suffocating. 
“I always kinda wondered what that would be like...with you.” He squeezed you tighter. “I can’t believe that just happened.” His smile cracked though his words. 
You wrapped your arms back around him and you could have sworn that you could feel his fluttering heart against your own. 
“Me too Felix.” You breathed in his scent which was that of daisies and candy floss. 
“Can we...do it again maybe?” He leaned back with arms slung around your shoulders and pleading eyes. 
“Of course.” You wove your hands into his puff-ball hair. “Can I try something?” 
An even more sickly sweet idea crept into your brain. 
“What’s that?” 
You took your thumb to scoop up just a little bit more of the cream bubbling on his drink, then carefully wiped it over his bottom lip, just as if you had been coloring him like a finger painting. You sucked off the excess, and he watched as you did so with wonder. 
“You’re just so sweet, I can’t get enough of you.” You hushed into him, leaning closer once more. 
His eyes fluttered closed, and with his quivering breath, he waited for you to kiss away the taste there, sucking the flavor into your mouth, then going to kiss over his parted mouth. A rather awkward creaking of chairs echoed, and he pulled his body closer to yours, and let you fill him to the brim with kisses in all of the places that you desired. A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth and he even giggled into some of your kisses too. His hands found the sides of your face where he held you there gently. Once he was comfortable, the warm feeling of your tongues met, and he nearly melted from the sensation. Your hands crept around his tiny waist, and you never let go. 
It felt like the moment that you had been waiting for. 
Your lips broke, and Felix threw his arms over your shoulders again, dipping his head into the crook of your neck where he stayed for a while as you ran your fingers up and down his back. 
Outside it was a much colder and harsher world, but here, it was your own kind of paradise, and it was sweet like strawberry. 
»»————- ♡ ————-««
At some point, you had fallen asleep together on one of the loveseats: a pile of legs and arms all tangled up together. When the morning came, the snow had subsided, but rather was caught up everywhere in the streets and sidewalks, and sparkled like diamonds. 
It was your manager that had woken you up, and of course you had gotten in trouble, not at first for sleeping in the café, but for leaving the all the doors unlocked. 
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The One: Chapter Two
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A/N: Heeeeey everyone! I’m back, but not completely. I got my muse back though! Anyways, sorry for the long wait!
Enjoy kids!
The One Masterlist
Masterlist of Drabbles and Series
Summary: You have finally returned back home in Toronto. 
You sat in the window seat of the plane, looking out through the window. A million things ran through your mind, and one of them was returning home. You haven't been home since you left four years ago and after your breakup with Simu. He had tried to call you a few days after you left. Your brother, Ryan, warned him to stay away. But Simu didn’t listen and called you. Of course, you didn’t pick up the phone. Simu tried many times, but soon he stopped when you disconnected your number and got a new one. All he knew was you were somewhere in the states for your studies but not sure which one. 
After all this time, you wondered how he was doing. From time to time, you would either look him up on his facebook or instagram. Sometimes you even ask your brother occasionally but you always met with the rolling eyes and ‘why do you care when he doesn’t care’ tone from him. Either way, Simu is a hotshot in Canada.
You made the mistake of working last night and headed to the airport right after. The plane landed, and you realized you had made it home. You got out of the aircraft and headed to the international gate. You waited in the lengthy line and got your luggage, and you finally made it out of the darn airport. All you wanted to do was to sleep.
Yawning, you saw your best friend driving her BMW up the road. You waved her over and ran towards the car. Diana parked the car, and she jumped out. You both didn’t care if you got onlookers. You haven’t seen her in two years.
“Okay, enough. Better get in the car before I get yelled at. You placed your bags in the trunk and got into the front passenger seat. Closing the door and Diana was off.
It was quiet for a few moments when Diana looked down at the shiny platinum, 1-carat ring glistering on your left finger.
“Jesus, Chris went all out on you, didn’t he?” Diana asked as she made it into the freeway. You looked down and smiled.
“Yes, he did. I told him that I didn’t want anything extravagant. But he insisted because he loves me, and I deserve everything.” You said.
“Well, it’s nothing compared to mine,” Diana said, quickly showing her engagement ring.
“Oh, please! You have a beautiful ring!” You said, “But, it shouldn’t matter.”
“Anyways, tonight we have dinner with my family. Then after that, we have drinks at Ransom’s Bar. We are going to meet with Ben and his best man.” Diana said.
“Sounds like a plan! Ben’s best man is from college?” You asked, and Diana nodded, “Yep! He went to the same school as us, but he’s from a different department.”
“Have you met him?” You added, and Diana sighed.
“I haven’t. All I know is that they met after Ben finished his residency.” Diana said.
It was quiet for a moment when Diana looked down to see that you were trying to call someone. Then released a muffled fuck and hung up.
“Is Chris coming?” Diana asked, changing the subject as she noticed that you kept looking down at your phone. You sighed and turned to your best friend.
“He is, but he’s coming from London." You said, looking at your phone again. He has some work stuff to do.”
“Did something happen? You look worried.” Diana asked. You sighed once more and ran your hands to your hair.
“I called him last night, and he hung up. I thought he was busy. When I called him before leaving earlier, he didn’t pick up. He always picks up on the first ring with me.” You said, getting concerned.
“I’m sure it’s nothing, hon. Come, let’s not think about that!” Diana said as she made a turn off the freeway and towards her and Ben’s house.
“Oh, and not to worry. Ben is staying at the old apartment. He’s letting the rest of the girls and me, plus my parents and family stay.” Diana said.
Later that night, you were getting ready for the night. You took a nice, warm shower, blow-dried your hair, and did your make-up. The outfit you chose was a simple black fifties-style cocktail dress. Before you headed down, you looked at yourself once more. Nodding to yourself, you grabbed your purse and your phone. Diana, let you sleep in a bit, knowing that you worked that last night.
Once you went down the stairs, Diana was there with her brother Daniel and her parents. Looking at your phone screen, your heart sank, as you didn’t see one single response from Chris. You wanted to cry but held yourself back.
You went to dinner at one of the best French restaurants in Toronto. Wine, good mussels, and frites.  You caught up with her family, as they treated you like their own. After a good chat, it was time to go and meet with Ben and his best man. During the drive down to Ransom’s Bar, you stare at the street lights as memories of him begin to flood back into your mind.
You moaned and let out a loud growl as your phone rang and rang. You blindly reached over to the nightstand and snatched it. You didn’t even bother to see who it was and answered the phone.
Ooo, sweetheart.
A smile escaped your sleepy face.
Babe, it’s too early!
Too early? Honey, it’s 10:45 am.
You heard him laughing, and that sent you blushing a million shades of red.
I had a long study night, babe….
I know you did. But listen, I’ll be there in 20 minutes.
Your eyes widened.
I’m sorry, WHAT? I look like death; I don’t even have time-
Honey, I’ve been with you since the beginning of our college years. Trust me. I’ve seen everything from you looking like death to an angel.
With that, you hung up and laid back down on the bed.
“2 minutes,” You told yourself.
20 minutes later
“Babe-“ You heard and felt those familiar lips against your forehead. You moaned and attempted to roll over, but you felt the bed dip, and a pair of arms were wrapped around your waist. That familiar scent of warm vanilla and citrus sent your body into overdrive.
“Why do you smell so good, like I want to eat you.” You said, snuggling closer to him. Simu laughed and kissed your forehead.
“You always want to eat me.” Simu said, still laughing, “Anyways, why don’t you get up, take a shower, and then we can have lunch, mama made?”
The thought of Simu’s mom’s cooking made your mouth water.
“Please tell me, and she made congee?” You asked, sitting up.
“Of course she did. Mama knew you would want some when I went over earlier, now get ready, and I’ll have it ready by the time you're done.” Simu said, getting up from the bed.
But you just sat up and pouted.
“But what, babe?”
You continued to pout, as you didn’t want to come out of bed. Simu looked at you and sighed.
“I take it that you want to eat first, then get ready?” Simu asked you.
“I mean, I’ll get up. But I was hoping to stay in bed with you.” You said. Another sigh came out from Simu, and he took a seat next to you.
“Okay, how about this. You get out of bed, and I get the food ready while you wash up and look less like death, and then we cuddle on the couch. With trashy Netflix movies?” Simu asked, then got up.
You smacked him playfully on his arm as you were about to get up; your man scooped you into his arms and carried you out of the bedroom.
The car came to a complete stop, and you and Diana got out of the vehicle. Placing the alarm on, you walked towards the bar. A smile grew on your face as memories came to you. This was your go-to place. Either you and Diana come after an exam, or hang out with friends. But what made your heart warm was when Simu took you here on a first date.
You followed Diana towards the back, where her fiancée Ben was. You laughed as you watched the two kiss and say many mush love words towards each other. You cleared your throat, and the two let go of each other.
“You two see each other every day.” You said, shaking your head while letting out a giggle.
“And someday your prince will come!” Ben said, placing an arm around you. You playfully pushed him away and stuck your tongue at him.
“Oh, don’t worry, Ben, she’s already found her prince!” Diana said, giggling. Ben looked at you with a shocked face.
“Wait, it’s that Ch-“ Ben started, as you and Diana hushed him. Ben got the message and zipped his lips.
“ANYWAYS, tonight is about you two! Where is your Best Dude?” You asked, taking a seat as the couple did the same. Ben signed and checked his watch, “He’s running late.”
Simu sighed as he parked his Jaguar to the side of the curb. He was running his hands against his face letting out another sigh. His phone rang as he looked at who it was. Simu wasn’t in the mood for another fight but still picked up.
“Where are you?!” a voice yelled over the phone.
“If you pay attention for the last month or so, I said I’m going to my best friend's rehearsal party. You chose not to listen and decided to go out with your friends as always,” Simu stated as he heard a loud annoyed groan on the other line.
“Why are you going to those types of parties anyways? It's not necessary when you can attend other ones” 
“Listen, babe, and I don’t understand why we need to keep doing this and argue about the same thing over and over.”
A loud upset moan came about.
“Then don’t make it! I’m attending these parties for you and throwing them for you-“
Slamming his hands onto the steering wheel, Simu groaned in frustration.
“Don’t put this on me, Jess. I prefer to attend my best friend's wedding and none of those extravagant parties you like to attend. You are always with friends or with those high-end classes, so call friends or associates and don’t make me mention Bret.”
Before she could argue back, Simu hung up. The phone rang again, and he denied the call. Turning off the engine, Simu got out and headed towards the bar.
Tonight was the night he looked forward to. He hasn’t seen his best friend in a long time, and he gets to meet the Maid of Honor. He had asked about Diana’s Maid of Honor but didn’t get much from Ben. As he walked and looked around, memories started to flow into his mind. Simu paused for a moment and realized where he was going. It was all too familiar to him. When Ben told him about the bar, he didn’t even stop to think about it until now.
It’s been four years since you left, and he has you still tucked into his heart. You were the one that got away. Everything around the place still brings back memories of you. Simu moved on with life, but from time to time, you would pop up. Sighing, he rubbed his hands together and headed into the bar.
Walking in, the bar was in full swing. Walking through the crowd, Simu spotted his friend and headed towards the back. He was sitting by himself, looking at the phone. The bar was busy for a Thursday night, and he was grateful that it was so he wouldn’t be noticed.
“Ben, my man!” Simu yelled through the loud crowd as Ben looked up and smiled. Both men gave hugs and took a seat.
“The girls went to get drinks. I hope you still drink-“
“Whiskey Sour?” Simu finished, and Ben laughed, “Things never change.”
“Speaking of who’s the maid of honor, do you know who’s keeping a secret?” Simu asked. Before answering, Ben looked up “well why don’t you find out yourself?” Ben said as he nodded his head as Simu turned around. Diana placed her drink down on the table next to Ben. A figure emerges from the crowd as she puts her drink down on the table, digging into your purse for your phone.
“Damn, it's pretty packed for a Thursday night,” you said as Simu slowly turned to his side to look at the person next to him. 
He knows that voice, and he remembers that voice. Even after four years, it still sounds the same to him. You looked up after finding your phone when you turned to your right when you stared into a pair of eyes you know too well.
@jtargaryen18 @patzammit​ @icanfeelastormbrewing​ @what-is-your-plan-today​ @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ @mariestark @jassy2101 @onetwo3000 @rainbowkisses31 @katiew1973
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Things are getting ✨spicy✨ and all of us are here👏 for 👏it👏!
...don't be shy, do gods work, open up your vault and gift us spicy benedict and sophie😯😌
(If you are comfortable with that of course! We will take anything you are willing to give☺️💕)
Hello! Hello! Hello! 
I know you actually sent this last week but things probably got a little... spicier this morning between Kate and Anthony over here if anyone missed it, and like... Not sure if you guys would be interested in Spicy Sunday Which may be a new segment coming to this blog??? depending on the reaction to these posts I suppose! 
Anon also asked: Have you got any drabbles or headcanons about Ben and Sophie’s first time? And the first time Ben sees where Sophie lives and vise versa and their reactions to it? 😍
Okay So, here I go, doing God’s work I suppose, though I’m not sure this is what he intends me to do with my life, it is what I’m doing. 
Sophie Beckett wasn’t an idiot, she knew exactly what she was implying when She’d stood at the end of her third date with Benedict and asked if he had plans or if he was just going home. And his eyes had widened with surprise when he’d caught her implication but clearly wanting to be sure when he’d said he was just going home. And she knew exactly what she was asking when she said  “Would it be okay if I joined you?” She was nearly 27 years old, she knew exactly what she’d been implying. And Still Benedict was watching her carefully, the entire way back to his house. As though he thought she would sprint away from him the moment she opened the car door. And maybe that was the reason she’d summoned all of her courage to ask for it in the first place. The soft little looks he’d been giving her all afternoon, as though he couldn’t genuinely believe that she’d chosen to spend her time with him. 
He’d cleared his throat awkwardly when they’d gotten to his house, which was startling large compared to her own. With its warm rustic feel and it’s slightly scratched floorboards and pictures plastered all over the walls. So many pictures she couldn’t help herself from edging a little closer to look. And she recognised Anthony smiling brightly with Kate tucked on his lap, her face tucked into his neck. And Violet and a man who could only have been Benedict’s father, three tiny boys between them. And the joy and warmth radiating from his house  seemed so right, So inherently Ben, that her breath had caught in her throat. 
“Sophie, I don’t want you to think I had any expectations of today. I know what people say about third dates but ... umm... you know I want you... no not want you... um... just because we’re here doesn’t mean we have to do anything.. Shit...” Benedict was stuttering out and her heart swelled with affection for this man who looked like he was about to pass out. And maybe it was that more than anything that made her stand on her toes and seal their lips together, the fact that he truly had wanted to spend time with her. No expectations of anything else, that made her want to give him everything. 
“Benedict,” Sophie said when she pulled back after several moments, her voice rough as she steeled herself to be brave enough to take what she wanted for the second time in her life  “ I really want you to kiss me, and then I want you to take me to your bedroom. Would that be alright?” And his eyes had darkened and he’d pulled her fiercely against him, their lips meeting, teeth clashing in a way that had heat building quickly in her stomach and jesus christ his hands were everywhere and she stopped thinking altogether when he nudged her softly until her back hit the hall way wall. And his lips were on her neck and she could barely catch her breath at all when he whispered “Oh but I’m very curious about the acoustics in this hallway Sophie.” as his hand slid further and further up her thigh, fumbling for the button of her shorts and when she came apart for him moments later she barely had it in her to protest at all when he removed his hands, tossed her over his shoulder as though she weighed nothing at all, and carried her to his bedroom. 
And when he groaned her own name again and again in her ear as they moved in sync she had to admit 2 things. 
She’d never liked her name as much as she did when it was wrenched from his chest like it was the only word Benedict remembered how to say 
The acoustics in the hallway had been a little better 
I repeat for the second time today: Kill me.       
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❄️Week 1: December 9-15❄️
stars in the city ch. 10 by @parkrstark (Pt. 3 of constant as the stars above)
Summary: Peter and Steve are finally settling into their new life with Tony. Recovery isn't always a straight line, especially with a four-year-old, but they're trying their best. Their newfound fame has Steve juggling between his private life and the one plastered on the front page of every tabloid. He shouldn't have been surprised that the public didn't believe in his rags to riches love story. Tony usually makes it easier for him to handle it all. Until he starts to distance himself from Steve, as if now he's the one hiding something. And Steve is left wondering if he's about to lose Tony for good this time.
Relationships/Tropes: Stony, Irondad, Papa Steve, Homeless Peter Parker, Homeless Steve Rogers, No Powers AU, (Coffee Shop AU??? Sorta)
Review: This fic just always makes my heart ache in the best way. So much fluff, so much angst, it's a perfect balance that I'm just absolutely in love with!
Devils Roll The Dice ch. 9 by @ephemeralstark
Summary: “I miss you Mr. Stark,” Peter admitted as he stared up through the leaves overhead at the stars that twinkled promisingly at him, “I wish you were back here. I would give anything to fix things, I would give anything for you to be alive today.” What Peter didn't know, as he made that wish and closed his eyes, letting the tears fall shamefully, was that the Universe was always listening, and it was dangerous to make a wish and offer up anything. - Tony Stark wakes up in his bed one morning, not realising that months have passed since his death - that's going to be awkward to explain to the world. Peter Parker has been living on the streets, trying to hide his identity as the entire world wants Spider-Man dead, and dealing with the trauma that Beck left him. To make things worse - it's now his fault that yet another bad guy thinks they're entitled to owning Earth.
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Spideychelle, Pepperony, Happy Hogan/May Parker, Homeless Peter Parker, Post-FFH, Post-Identity Reveal, Tony Stark Comes Back To Life
Review: Oh man this fic is so sad and so sweet, I love it so much! I love how it combines Peter's trauma after Mysterio with his reaction to finding out that Tony is alive again, it's just so creative!
His Heart Bloomed Sunflowers (and he wore them on his skin) by @littlemissagrafina (Pt. 24 of Comfortember 2020)
Summary: Peter honestly didn't know how no one had discovered his tattoos yet. He wasn't broadcasting them but he wasn't exactly being the most subtle either. Although he was partly grateful for it since he was dreading what would happen when May on Tony saw them. But he was pleasantly surprised at the reactions that he got when he was found out. Peter had expected anger, disappointment, maybe annoyance at the very least. What he got was far from that. (A sequel to Comfortember Day 4. Anxiety) Comfortember Day 29. Make/Build/Create Something Beautiful
Relationships/Tropes: Minor Spideychelle, Tattoos, Comfortember
Review: I love this fic so much! I loved the description of how the flowers wilted when the ones he'd drawn had faded, and how the ones he got tattooed never wilted again :']
I’ll drive all night (to keep them warm) by @littlemissagrafina (Pt. 23 of Comfortember 2020) 
Summary: For the next hour they tried to calm Morgan again but, just like the rest of the day with Tony and Pepper, nothing was working. No teething rings, gel, nothing. The little girl was just well and truly grumpy, tired, and sore.
Suddenly an idea came to Peter and he turned to Tony and Pepper. 
"Can I try something?"
They both nodded at him, prompting him to continue with his idea.
"Can I take her for a drive?" He asked. "I'm not sure if it'll work but Ben used to do it for me when I was younger and it always calmed me down."
Comfortember day 28. Car Ride
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Peter & Morgan, Pepperony, Baby Morgan, Car Rides, Comfortember
Review: This one was so cute! I love Peter being a good big brother to baby Morgan, and I relate to finding trips in the car relaxing and nice :D
It’s What Brothers Do by @littlemissagrafina (Pt. 22 of Comfortember 2020)
Summary: Morgan was somehow full of even more energy than usual that day and wanted to see if she could do the monkey bars that were attached to the jungle gym herself. Before Peter could stop her, she had already grabbed hold of the first one and let herself swing towards the next one.
But the little girl had misjudged just how heavy swinging your own body weight was and almost immediately started falling. Peter shot forward from his place on the ground, jumping and diving, just managing to catch her before they both hit the grass of the park grounds. Comfortember Day 27. Park
Relationships/Tropes: Minor Pepperony, Peter & Morgan, Irondad, Peter Protects Morgan, Comfortember
Review: Another cute Big Brother Peter fic! I love that Peter was really protecting Morgan in this one, he loves her enough to put himself in harm's way to protect her
The Burger Debate by @littlemissagrafina (Pt. 21 of Comfortember 2020) 
Summary: Tony and Peter shared a lot of similarities, there was no doubt about it. A lot of their mannerisms were the same, personality quirks (especially in the lab), occasional recklessness, selfless hero personas, etc etc. However, one thing they didn't share was their taste in burgers. Whenever the topic came up there was a friendly, yet heated, 'disagreement' as Tony called it. No matter what anyone ever told him, Tony thought that a cheeseburger was the holy grail of burgers. And Peter, well… he happened to think the same only for chicken burgers.
Comfortember Day 26. Junk Food
Relationships/Tropes: Irondad, Peter & Morgan, Pepperony, Infinity War Compliant, Not Endgame Compliant
Review: This was so sweet and so sad, especially the part where Tony couldn't eat burgers while Peter was snapped because it hurt him too much. It showed his grief really well
Career Day Drabble by @jen27ny 
Summary: uncle happy and uncle rhodey come to peter’s career day
Relationships/Tropes: Happy & Peter, Rhodey & Peter, Happy & Rhodey, Minor Irondad, Career Day
Review:  I loved this story so much! I really appreciate seeing some nice Uncle Rhodey and Uncle Happy content!!
Gifts by @wayward-fairchild (Pt. 5 of Holiday Collection 2020) 
Summary: Rhodey and Tony have been together to the point Rhodey sees the kids as his own. Maybe that is why the kids agree to help with Rhodey's biggest gift to Tony yet.
Relationships/Tropes: Rhodey & Tony, Irondad, Rhodey & Peter, Christmas, Kid Peter
Review: This was just absolutely adorable! I love some Irondads content and this was very sweet
evermore by @lyssismagical
Summary: Just a Solid Vent Fic. I wanna do 30 days of Taylor Swift-inspired fics (folklore and evermore) lmao but idk yet we’ll see lemme know tho
Relationships/Tropes: Spideychelle, Irondad, Peter Overworks Himself
Review: I loved this one a lot! I definitely relate to Peter with tending to overwork myself during school and letting other things fall away, and then feeling quite exhausted after it's all over haha. I'm glad MJ and Tony were able to help him <3
Two Hours Spent Cuddling by @skeeter-110 (Pt. 2 of Twelve Days of Christmas)
Summary: A giant snowstorm takes out the power in the tower. While waiting for the backup generator to come up, the Stark-Rhodes family finds a way to stay warm.
Relationships/Tropes: Ironhusbands, Irondad, Papa Rhodey, Kid Peter, Christmas
Review: I. Love this story. So much. I haven't seen very many stories that center around Rhodey being a father-figure to Peter, and this one definitely filled all my desires for such a story! It's so fluffy and sweet, and I loved every word :D
Three Stark-Rhodes’ Decorating by @skeeter-110 (Pt. 3 of Twelve Days of Christmas)
Summary: Tony, Rhodey, and Peter Stark-Rhodes begin decorating for the holiday season.
Relationships/Tropes:  Ironhusbands, Irondad, Papa Rhodey, Kid Peter, Christmas
Review: This story was absolutely adorable! It was another featuring Papa Rhodey and Dad Tony with Little Peter, and it was so well done! I love that Tony's robots and JARVIS each get a stocking hung over the fire too, and the way Peter pronounce ornaments as "orminents" was so cute!!!
Four Poorly Wrapped Presents by @skeeter-110 (Pt. 3 of Twelve Days of Christmas)
Summary: Peter has two presents each for his Daddy and his Papa. The only problem was, he had no idea how to wrap them. He figures the Avengers could help.
Relationships/Tropes: Ironhusbands, Irondad, Papa Rhodey, Avengers Family, Kid Peter, Christmas
Review: This was so sweet! Clint, Nat, and Steve treat Peter with such sweetness, and it made my heart all fuzzy and warm <3
If you look at any these stories, be sure to show the author your appreciation with a comment/kudos/reblog where applicable!
Click here for more fanfic rec lists!
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reddie-is-my-life · 3 years
I’m not sure if any of the people that follow me are even active anymore but its been a couple of years since i posted on this account. I’ve written a couple things throughout the time that I actually posted on this account which is what this post is about. I was scrolling through my wips and turns out I have a not completed fic that could really be considered a drabble. Anyways, I wanted to post it just to say i did. You don’t have to read it. Or you can. Its up to you. I wrote this in 2018 so if you do decide to read it don’t be harsh. Thank you.
The thrum of the music under his feet guides him further into the pack of bodies grinding against each other. The smell of sweat, weed and alcohol curls around him making his nose scrunch up from distaste, the further he walks into the house. Someone in the crowd bumps into him slamming their shoulder into him, making him stumble slightly before someone reaches out to steady him. He decides to not acknowledge the hand considering the owner of said hand is the one to blame for his presence at the party. The same hand leads him into the open kitchen where all the liquor is lined up on the counter.   
“Come on Eddie, I know you don’t wanna be here but at least don’t look like a 5 year-old that got their favorite toy taken away from them,” Bill pouts already reaching for the bottle of whiskey.
“Oh, I’m sorry for being so petulant. I should’ve realized that it was hurting your feelings Billy. I also didn’t realize that your favorite toy was a party filled with people that don’t care who sees them wasted and filled with idiocy ,” Eddie snaps back. 
Bill only raises his shot of whiskey in the direction of the other boy before tipping it back. Swallowing he takes a moment before he responds, “You seem snarkier than usual, something up?”  this time he takes a step closer as if it’ll block the dark room, loud music, and the dozens of people surrounding them. 
Even if Eddie wanted to talk about it, he sure as hell would never hold a heart to heart conversation with Bill in front of so many people. Instead he shakes his head and reaches for the cooler filled to the brim with beers. Expertly popping the cap off with his car keys he turns to Bill again finally meeting his expectant eyes, “It’s nothing, I just have a small headache is all,” it wasn’t a complete lie, he did feel the beginning fingers of a migraine graze his head. Ignoring it he decides to change the subject before the other man decided to pry more, “So what’s the deal with this guy? He’s got a pretty nice house to be someone of the middle working class.”
It was true after all, no one with decent money income could afford a sleek looking chandelier hanging in the middle of what looked to be the living room. The couches seemingly pushed next to the walls giving more space for people to grind against each other. The couches were filled with people either shotgunning or just full on making out. The sound system though, playing songs that made him skeptical about the type of music the host listened to, seemed mighty expensive even from his vantage point in the kitchen. The place itself was big, the open kitchen looking out into the living room and what seemed to be a room with a pool table, leading into a hallway Eddie was sure was a couple bedrooms. He wondered if the rest of the place would look just as expensive as the part that was filled with people. Maybe he would sneak away and explore the rest of the house if Bill got caught up with someone else. 
Bill nods his head in agreement, “Yeah, it is a pretty damn good house. The guy that invited me here, Ben,” he takes a second as if remembering the man. And if he’d be damned he thinks Bill is blushing lightly ,”he’s, uh, best friends with the host. Said he was a radio host or something and he had his own show even. He also said he would be here but I haven’t seen him yet,” he looks around the room but it’s no use due to how smokey and dark the whole house is. 
Looking at his friend more closely he realizes that he is indeed blushing like some schoolgirl with her crush instead of a 25 year old man. He wonders when Bill met this so-called Ben and when he had formed his crush. But more importantly he wonders why in the world Bill never even mentioned him to him. Eddie was surely privy to this information, he was his best friend after all. Perhaps Bill finds you annoying now. Maybe Bill doesn’t even want to be friends with you but is too nice to tell you directly so he brought you to the party you didn’t want to go to so you would leave him. Perhaps Bill finally sees you for who you really are. You dirty-, “Hey Bill, do you happen to have a crush on this Ben fellow?” 
“Uh, w-w-why wouldd you say that Ed-d-die?” Bill's stutter comes out clearly, making him flustered and proving his hidden secret. Instead of coming clean he reaches for his third shot. Swallowing it cleanly only slightly wincing he takes a look around the dark room again as if someone will appear and save him any second from the questions Eddie is surely going to press him with. 
Eddie moves to the side when someone comes up behind to get something to drink but pulls Bill right along with him. Deciding to at least ask, without intention of harm he opens his mouth, “Come on, Bill. You don’t need to lie. I am your best friend for a reason. You can tell me these types of things,” he laughs ruefully at that, “actually technically you can tell me anything, that’s what comes with being best friends. A small dumb crush definitely falls in that category.”
Bill winces at that and a sad glint fills his eyes along with disappointment but before he can answer him someone calls his name out. He turns along with Eddie to meet a guy smiling and walking towards them, “What’s up, Big Bill? What are you doing huddling next to the drinks? Don’t you know this is a party?” Eddie watches the man come closer and notices how Bill lit up with excitement as soon as he recognizes him. So this must be Ben. He would let out an appreciative whistle if the man weren’t so close and Bill wasn’t so infatuated with him. The man - Ben - was handsome as hell. His light colored hair was styled to look as if he hadn’t done anything with it but it wasn’t a lazy look, it looked rather sophisticated. The beard that adorned his face looked sharp and regal, complimented even by the small scar that lay on the corner of his top lip. God damn, a scar has never looked so right. His build was leaning towards gruffer and broader. His arms seemed to bulge even from Eddie’s vantage point. It was all on top of legs fit into jeans that seemed to only highlight the fact that his arms weren’t the only thing taken care of. Though the man would look intimidating with a face and a body like that but his eyes were kind and his tone was playful. 
He takes a second to catch on to the nickname and is soon distracted by that rather than the man standing across from him, “Big Bill?” he whispers quietly turning to face Bill.
Before he can say anything about the nickname he receives a hearty laugh from Ben. Facing him again he waits for his answer, “Ah, you haven’t met Richie yet then. He gives everyone a nickname. Or at least everyone he likes. I’m Ben or Haystack,” He says extending a hand to shake. 
Though Eddie finds it strange to shake hands as if in a business setting instead of a raging party he shakes his hand, “Eddie or Eddie.”
Though it wasn’t a joke, Ben still lets out a smile at his response. His brown eyes twinkle before turning to Bill. He goes to touch him before seeming to think better of it and turns to Eddie again, “You wouldn’t mind if I took Bill from you would you? At least for just a little bit.”
Raising his eyebrows he shakes his head, “No, no, not at all. You guys should go dance.”
Bill clears his throat before responding, though Eddie sees right through it. Almost as an afterthought it comes to him that Bill usually clears his throat when he plans on what to say without having to worry about his stuttering. Guess Ben makes him nervous, “You sure Eddie? I can stay if you want,” but from the way he was looking at the other man he doubted that it was something he wanted to do.
“Yeah, I’m sure. I’ll go find something to do. Maybe even find the host to tell him how shit his beer is,” he cracks a smile at that, urging his friend to leave him in the kitchen and dance with the handsome devil that clearly seemed interested in him too.
“Alright, just give me a second,” he tips his head back taking the shot in his hand before turning and taking another one. He shakes his shoulder at it and turns to face the other two, “Alright, let’s go dance.”
Eddie almost expects a high pitched giggle from his friend for a second by the way he grins so widely. He makes no reaction outwards but inwardly he’s utterly confused. Bill wouldn’t be acting this way if it was just a small crush. He wonders when Bill met Ben once again before he notices that his friend has turned his head looking at him briefly making Eddie smile and pumping a fist in the air before he turns around once again saying something in Ben's ear that makes the bigger man face him smiling widely. He lets out a quiet sigh, confused as to when Ben had made an appearance in Bill's life enough that he would look like - funnily enough - he was given his favorite toy. 
Before he figures out what he wants to do while he waits for Bill to come back - if he even comes back - his eye catches on someone walking up to the counter looking more than enough wasted that he feared that the second they got their hands on another drink they would puke all over Eddie’s shoes. Deciding not to even chance the thought of it or at best try to hold a conversation with them he walks towards the pool table. Sidling up to a corner of the pool table he takes into account the people surrounding it. Most seem pretty similar to each other making commentary on the play going on in front of them. Yet, he focuses on one of the players, while most people around the table - hell even the other player - are more drunk than not, he seems perfectly sober. 
His moves are crisper than the other guy who is moving around slowly. He watches as the small bun on the man's head bounces around a little as he jumps up and down from seeming excited on his clear victory. His actions lead to a couple curls coming out and framing his face. Eddie looks at him closer and notices that the man has a shocking color of blue eyes that pair nicely with his sharp cheekbones and jaw. Strangely he remembers Ben and thinks how complete opposites these two are. While this stranger is just as attractive as Ben he falls on the opposite spectrum. Pool table guy has such a pale color of skin he kinda looks like a ghost in the soft lighting hanging above the table. The light casts shadows on his face making him seem sharp and cold, while his electric blue eyes set off a vibe of mysteriousness making him that much more intriguing to Eddie. 
As he finishes off his beer he watches as the handsome stranger takes the final shot landing him the victory that was obvious as soon as Eddie walked over to the table. He watches in something close to amusement as he celebrates around the table before bringing the other player closer and clapping him on the back. The only response he gets from the drunk player is a couple grunts in disdain with the occasional mutter that the game was unfair and he demanded a rematch. Handsome stranger only chuckled in response before letting him go. And suddenly driven by who knows what force Eddie spoke up, “I’ll do the rematch for him, considering it wasn’t a fair match between a drunk man and a sober one.”
Both men turn to look at him but he focuses on the blue eyes of the handsome man. They seem to stare at each other for eternity before the other man breaks the silence by breaking into a smirk, “It wasn’t my idea to play the match. It might actually be an unfair match to me considering I had to drag it out way more due to consideration of this poor drunk man, isn’t that right, Zach?”
The drunk fool- Zach, didn’t let out a reply instead opting to slump further into the chair he had let himself fall into. It seemed to Eddie that he was getting ready to fall asleep in the chair. The host surely must care about the random people falling asleep in his property. He turned his attention back to the other man before cocking an eyebrow. With a small jerk he silently questioned if he would take him up on his offer. Said stranger only seems to smirk even more before heading to one side of the table.
As Eddie grabs his pool stick the stranger talks to him again, “So, cutie what’s the name to the face?”
“Don’t call me that and it's Eddie. And you would be?”
“Richie Tozier at your service. Seriously though, anything you want,” he finishes with a wink. A fucking wink, how cheesy could this guy get? God could only do so much for someone Eddie supposed, good looks, bad personality. 
Eddie scoffed instead of deeming him a response. Setting the balls into place he felt as Richie watched him. Looking up at him he met his gaze allowing only the smallest bit of discomfort set into him before he spoke again, “So, do you not drink?”
If Eddie hadn’t been watching his reaction closely he wouldn’t have noticed how Richie’s smirk faltered for a second before righting itself quickly. Only faint curiosity crossed his mind soon fading away because even though he was intrigued in Richie he didn’t want to actually get involved in anything with him where he would care about him in any way. Richie seemed to ponder the question for a second before answering, “I do drink, just didn’t feel like drinking yet, plus weed is sufficient enough to last until I decide I want a drink,” he shrugs.
Only raising his eyebrows slightly he gestures for Richie to begin the game. He watches as the other walks around the table before setting the white ball down. Just as he’s about to lean down to perfect his shot he looks at Eddie, “What about you Ed’s? I saw you put the beer bottle away but I doubt that you’re drunk.”
He observes as Richie lines up his shot before deciding to respond, “Again, my name is Eddie, if you already forgot. E-d-d-i-e. And secondly, I don’t really enjoy the idea of me passing out on an uncomfortable wooden chair next to a pool table surrounded by people I don’t know,” he pointedly looked at Zach quickly passed out on the chair already.
“Mmm, we’ll have to see about that, won’t we.”
Lining up his shot, Eddie hums low in his throat right before the balls fall into the pocket. The game continues as the silence covers them like a fog. The small clinking of balls against each other along with the loud music playing from the living room do nothing to hide the hot gaze of both men as they move around each other. Brief touches of hands, shoulders and hips go throughout the game with the occasional smirk thrown at each other. Eddie though usually not one to find interest in a random stranger that quickly can’t help but feel curious toward the curly haired man. As the game comes to a close, Eddie sinks the final shot winning but only allowing himself a small humpf of victory before looking at Richie. 
Even though they’ve basically been eye fucking each other the whole entire game Richie places his hand on the small of Eddie’s back steering him towards the drinks, “I think i need a drink,” Richie offers offhandedly. 
Eddie silently watches as Richie makes up a concoction of tequila with orange juice stirring it slightly before tipping it back. Slightly covered in sweat Richie’s neck shines faintly under the faint light filtering from the small light on top of the stovetop. Watching as his Adam's apple bobs as he swallows, Eddie also swallows along with him suddenly hit with a dry throat. He reaches for the whiskey Bill had been drinking earlier before pouring up a shot. Taking it straight, he tries to clear his thoughts so he won’t end up in bed with the man that’s staring at him currently. That’s not how it works dumbass, you should definitely not be drinking alcohol. 
He swallows.
“Holy shit, Ed’s didn’t know you had it in you. I would’ve thought you would go for another weak beer,” Richie smirks.
“Shut up prick, you don’t know shit about me.”
“Maybe so, but by tonight I’m hoping I’ll know a couple more things about you,” and once again he winks but instead of making Eddie's eyes roll it makes his stomach turn in excitement. 
“Sure pal, whatever you say,” he deflects.
Richie only laughs in reply before pouring up four more shots and gestures to two of them looking at Eddie pointedly. Eddie lets out a scoff before stepping closer and taking one into his hand. He makes eye contact as he tips it back and if the eyes aren’t deceiving him Richie’s eyes darken a shade. He smirks before bringing the shot glass back to the countertop, “So?”
Richie lets out a dark chuckle before taking both shots one after another. The only reaction of the burn is a slight twitch in the corner of his eye before he stares at Eddie in amusement. Eddie takes the remaining shot before heading over to the group of bodies grinding against each other. He briefly glances behind his shoulder making sure the other man still has his attention directed towards him.
And that’s it. Thanks.
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bioodorange · 4 years
so. i have been thinking. i know you said you wanted drabble ideas, but this is just a thought i had. how would the creeps react to seeing their s/o after a long time away? like, what do they do while they can't see their s/o? when they can see them in-person again, how is it? like, it's been months since they've seen each other and now they get to be together again?! :) (quarantine loneliness has low-key been getting to me lately tbh 😔) - dove anon 🕊️
Please excuse my shitty layout i have no idea how to use tumblr on a computer (thanks ava for letting me use your laptop at work) Also Im gonna include your favorites because you're my favorite.
So Toby is a very clingy person(?)
He craves attention, validation and emotional security
This mans would be a mess without his s/o around
You guys would be apart a lot considering you’d either be a proxy OR a human
You’d be used to him being gone alot because of missions but if it was for more then a week he’d have a hard time
During the time you were gone he’d call you A LOT
And on face time, not just calling or texting
He’d excitedly seggust you stay up all night
Three nights in a row
He would send you his hoodie in the mail or leave it in your room if it was quarentine or something
Would tell you everything about his day and send pictures of the smallest things that reminded him of you
He’d need a lot of support and love on your end
When he finally sees you again no matter your size you’re getting tackled in a hug
Lots of face kisses and nuzzling his face in your chest
He wants to play with your hair, look into your eyes, everything he couldn’t do before
Good luck getting away, this dude plans on keeping you in his lap for as long as he can
Tons of cuddling and him filling you in on absoulutely everything
When he’s done talking he’ll sit there and wait patiently while you tell him all about your life
Will be 100% you changed something about yourself even if you look the exact same
Tim is a grr im too cool for this shit kinda guy
But will melt upon seeing his s/o for the first time in a while
For this I kinda imagine maybe you’d have something outta town?
He would scroll through his phone all the time
Read old texts, look at old photos, hell he’d scroll to the end of your social media timeline
Constantly look at something when you posted
If you had a favorite food or something your favorite show- it’d be weird to him without you though
This dude would get so upset each day he woke up without you
Would call you just to hear your voicemail
Whenever you do have time to talk to him lots of asking if everythings ok
“I’ll come down there if I have to, it’s not a problem”
Just wants to make sure you’re okay as you can be
When you do come back he feels a bit awkward not sure how to express his emotions
Will offer lots of activities to do
Hiking, watching a movie, whatever you’d like
He’d hang around a lot more then he usually does
Wouldn’t be as clingy (physically) as Toby but would keep his arm around you
If he’s in the right mood might even make you breakfast or something
If you’re away for a REALLY long time he’d take picture of pretty views and make them into little postcards to send you
Babes doesn’t know how to express himself
As possesive as this little shit is
Thinks ‘Oh yeah I won’t miss em THAT much’
But thats because he can reach you like anywhere there’s a screen
Once he learns theres no devices allowed (where ever you are I dunno)
Automatically everything changes he’s like “Wait- wait what”
And suddenly he feels emotions
Tries his best to convince you not to go or to tag along 
“Fit me in your suitcase I’m t i n y!”
Will definetely get discouraged when you keep telling him now
This petty bitch would consider the silent treatment
Only consider because you’d be leaving you soon
When you leave he tries to tough it for the first few days
But not having you around REALLY gets to him
Would bug everyone else for attention and shit
When they eventually get tired of his shit he starts plotting
Lets say you were like doing one of those long cross country trips
Where you stay in hostels and shit
This dude would have like a 35 step plan just to show up in your room
and be like “I told you so!” “...Ben how are you gonna get back home?”
Would sulk around at the fact he was kinda dumb
Inbetween laughs you’d comfort him
Spend time with him as much as you could before he had to go back
From there he’d wait around his phone until you had internet to talk
As soon as you get back he hangs around you
When you’re watching TV hes there
Even if you can’t see him
Will NEVER admit how much he missed you
But you both know
So out of all these salty crackers this mother fucker is the saltiest
like so much damn salt the ocean is jealous
sorry I just like bullying Jeff
Anyway! He’d try and get you stay with really shitty tactics
Like he’d take your toothbrush or some shit 
“Aw dam what a shame you cant go anymore, why don’t we go watch some TV”
Dumb potinless arguing like “Why do you h a v e to go, you’re not gonna die. What if I die while you’re gone? How would you feel then hUH!?”
Will sit there sulking as you get ready to go cause he wants to see you leave
As soon as you leave he’s calling and checking in to make sure you’re ok
Would send you texts every morning for you to wake up too 
Would scroll through your social media and accidently do the thing where you like a 5 year old photo
Quickly unlikes it and tosses the phone in the corner 
begone demon!
He’d look through stuff on your desk or maybe a sketch book you left behind
Read old books you like
Just chill in your room all day cause he misses you
Has the day you’re coming back marked on a calendar
When you come back he‘s like “Yeah you’re never leaving again”
Picks you up and takes you to his bed or something
Yeah you guys are sitting there and cuddling until someone dies
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lunaemoth · 4 years
I discovered it’s Jangobi week. I don’t have the time to write anything brand new, but it’s a good occasion to share this drabble I had in my drafts... I’m not sure about it, but it’s written so... here you go.
[EDIT: Read it on AO3 in an edited and expanded version]
Jango/Obi - Time Travel -/+1600 words - Rated Teen
Even after years of this new life, cantinas weren’t his cup of tea. This one, the only one on this backwater moon from the outer rim south quadrant, wasn’t much better than all the similar ones he had visited before. 
Ignoring the motley company, he looked for Kal Skirata in a shadowed and out of the way booth. His buir had his habits. Apparently, he also had company. No matter. Ben was too tired to hang around waiting for his buir to free.
Kal looked up at his arrival and scooted over on the bench to let him sit by his side. Ben paused before sliding next to him. The Mandalorian in beskar'gam sitting opposite was unexpected and stole his breath away for a second.
“Ad,” Kal said, calling him back to reality, “meet Jango Fett. Jango, this is Ben Skirata, my son.”
Ben assessed Jango thoughtfully. He had met him so briefly during his previous life that it was a bit hard to guess what kind of man he was. The kind who could raise an army for money, certainly, but did he know how his clones would end? as mindless pawns in a Sith’s hand? Ben Kenobi had thought so, had believed this was some kind of revenge. Ben Skirata hoped it wasn���t so. 
“Su’cuy,” Jango greeted him, leaning with a forearm on the table.
“Su cuy'gar,” Ben replied. He removed his helmet and smoothed his hair back. 
“Great timing as always, Ben,” Kal said, throwing an arm around his shoulders and pressing him against his side. Ben leaned against him gratefully.
Weeks alone always left him drained physically and mentally. Too much time to think about old, dark, and lonely memories. He might not be as young as his body made it seemed, but feeling old could sometimes make you seem young to others… At least that’s how he explained Kal taking a look at an eighteen-years-old man and deciding to adopt him (that and the need to compensate for the children he had lost).
“Jango has an offer for me,” Kal explained. “Lots of money, but complete blackout for years. I was going to tell him I didn’t go anywhere without you for too long, nowadays.”
“He can come. Depends on what he can bring to the pot,” Jango said with a shrug.
“Ben is the best negotiator and stealth specialist you can get.”
“Aggressive negotiations included,” Ben added instinctively. His heart was beating quickly. This was it. This was what he had been waiting for. The Cuy'val Dar were being recruited. The clone army was being created. He needed to be part of this. All his planning was based on his ability to join the crew of trainers. He had met Kal Skirata for this (being adopted hadn’t been part of his plan, but it was a side benefit he didn’t regret). Breathing deeply and slowly, Ben calmed himself. “I wouldn’t say no to disappearing for a few years, actually,” he told Kal.
His buir tilted his head and raised an unimpressed eyebrow. “What did you do?”
“Oh, you know… I might have killed Dred Priest... a little bit? He got in my way. So, his girlfriend might have sworn to kill me back? Yes, that might have happened,” he admitted with a lopsided smile.
“I thought you were on a simple escort mission?!”
“Yes, and it turned out they were hired to catch or kill my clients. I suggested a compromise, but they pretended to take it and double-crossed me, so they triggered my fail-safe and got blown up,” he explained with some hand gestures. “It’s not really murder if the other one triggered a trap, right?”
“No,” Jango agreed.
“That’s just assisted suicide,” Kal concurred, “but Isabet Reau is a tenacious little chakaar. Couldn’t you get rid of her?”
“Well, that would be murder, buir,” Ben pointed out with a roll of his eyes. “And the rhodian family was already freaked out enough, I think.”
“So, she’s after your blood.”
“I was planning on adding Priest and Reau,” Jango commented, stone-faced.
“Well, I’m worth the two of them,” Ben said cheerfully.
“He is,” Kal promised.
oOo Two years later oOo
Ben fell hard. His back met the ground, and a body was immediately striding his hips, pinning him down with a secure position. After a brief struggle, Ben sighed, tapped the ground, and muttered in Mando’a: “I yield.”
Jango let him go, standing up and offering a hand to pull him up: “You’re distracted.”
Ben hummed in agreement. “I wanted to ask you a favor,” he admitted as he dusted himself.
They hadn’t been wrestling for long. It was the end of the day, and after hours of lessons and meetings, they were just trying to relax and let off steam.
“Is this about the decommissioned?” Jango asked as he walked away, removing his training gloves.
“Yes,” Ben confirmed. It was a familiar argument now. He added quickly before Jango could shut him up: “Hear me out. I’ll talk to the Kaminoans myself. I’ll convince them, you won’t have to say a word. I’m just asking you to back me up. They won’t listen to me if I don’t have your support.” 
Ben reached for Jango, brushing his elbow to appeal to him. They had grown into good friends these last years, but they still had disagreements and weren’t equals in the little hierarchy of Kamino. Ben had to learn how to navigate this organization and to get to know everyone among it, their reasoning, and their motivations. This time, he felt confident he could negotiate things to his advantage.
Jango wasn’t a talker, and negotiations were a chore for him. He was also excellent at compartmentalizing his emotions. The clones were part of a job, and a job never encroached on his personal life. However, he wasn’t cruel and unfeeling. If it didn’t go against his job, he’d help. Therefore, Ben was hopeful this approach would work. Jango had backed Kal Skirata about adopting the Nulls, after all, it wasn’t much different.
The Mandalorian looked away from his gloves to consider Ben’s pleading expression. After a moment, he grunted: “Fine.”
Grinning, Ben squeezed his friend’s forearm. “Thank you!”
“I hope you know what you’re getting into,” Jango sighed.
A day later, Ben looked up from the group of clones he had managed to save from decommissioning and grinned at Jango, radiant. The kids were between one and three anatomically speaking, and they had exhausted themselves cheering when they had learned that they were adopted by “Instructor Ben” immediately renamed “Buir Ben”. Thus, Ben was now sitting with four toddlers dozing, cuddled against him. And instead of daunted, he was overjoyed. 
“You’re worse than your buir,” Jango sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “All of them, really? Dozens of clones are decommissioned each year, Ben. You can’t adopt them all.”
“It will be logistically challenging,” Ben conceded, “but I’ll make it work. I’ve got some training helping Kal with the Nulls, and I’m sure I can get them to help. What matters is that they’re safe.”
He was petting the hair of the youngest one curled into his arms. He was color blind. His eye mutation was so severe that he could barely see any color and was bothered by too sharp lights. He was fond of the dark and had accepted the name of Nyx. Next to him, resting with his head on Ben’s knee, the oldest clone had a mutation of the vocal cords. He was mute, making his incorporation into a team too complicated for the Kaminoans’ taste. Ben had offered him the name of Harpo, based on the name of a mute god he had read about. The boy had indicated that he wanted it shortened, thus he was now Harp.
Jango turned around when the door opened to let in Kal Skirata. The man took a look at his oldest son and shook his head with an amused smile. 
“Well, ad… It seems like you might need some extra arms to get those in bed.”
Ben smiled sheepishly. “I wouldn’t say no to that.”
“So, you got the long necks to give you what you wanted, uh?”
“He got them wrapped around his little finger in ten minutes,” Jango explained with a mix of respect and exasperation. “He made it sound like he was doing them a favor.”
“I am,” Ben replied serenely. “I’m sure they can all be raised into brilliant men if given the chance, and I’m offering to do it all on my own.”
“Not on your own, ad,” Kal said as he walked up to him and leaned over his grandchildren. He squeezed his son’s shoulder. “I’ve got your back.”
Smiling softly, Ben thanked him and let him lift a boy. Jango crouched to take another, allowing Ben to stand up with the last two. As they walked back to his quarters — and Ben would need larger ones —, Ben nudged Jango’s shoulder.
“They can be Boba’s playmates,” he suggested.
Jango hummed, considering, before commenting: “I’d trust your children more than Kal’s.”
“Hey. I’m also Kal’s son.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Ben asked, laughing.
“You’re trouble,” Jango stated, smirking.
oOo One year later oOo
Ben’s back met the wall, and a body pressed against his, keeping him pinned. Ben hummed in approval and held into Jango’s shoulders. It was a shame they were still in beskar’gam, he loved nothing more than the contact with his lover’s skin.
Their lips parted, leaving them breathless. Jango’s mouth slid to the sensitive skin under Ben’s ear, and the red-headed whined at a little nip.
“Jango. Bed,” he demanded, tugging gently on his lover’s short hair. “Yours or mine?”
“Boba is with your kids.”
“Yours, then.” 
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scribblingfangirl · 4 years
GLOWING IN THE DARK #0 | The Punisher - Billy Russo
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Author’s Note: What is this? A new Billy Russo series? Yes, yes it is and then from someone who has only written Jaskier from 'The Witcher' (if the few lousy fics even count) and one Daredevil drabble. I really enjoyed working my way through multiple Billy Russo fics here on tumblr. And while I do not agree with his character (he's an asshole and definitely not a 'cute' bad boy), I am in love with Ben Barnes (*cough* Prince Caspian, Logan Delos *cough*)… so that's a problem. This is why I wanted to throw my own take into the depths of tumblr. Now, I'm no US citizen so I have no clue how the military, goverment and all these institutions actually work, but thanks to my good friends Internet and Google I might have a chance to not totally… hmpf it. Anyway, there will probably be some MAJOR mistakes, so as this will be an Billy Russo AU anyway, just look at it like an entire AU in general, yeah? But then again: It's the marvel universe so anything's possible. Thank you in advance! However, if you wanna swing by my messages and correct me and/or help me? Yes please, let's chat and bring me up to speed on how everything works! :D Anyway enough rambling, let's start, shall we? I hope you enjoy this prologue! This is more of a warm-up to have some slight context, Billy will make his debut in the next part.
word count: ~ 1.4k
summary:  A conversation on the way to the airport can lead to interesting new insights. (beginning of a Season1!BillyRusso AU)
warnings:  language and there are some sentences that are waaaay to long, punctuation mistakes (in general just a weak English vocabulary) 
| next part | - | series masterlist |
The guy sitting under the tree behind the picnic table you and your friends were sitting at had been playing the same song for the past 20 minutes. Worst thing? 10 minutes into it he even started to sing it out loud, or rather, tried to do so. 'What an Asshole,' you thought groaning, shook your head and started to massage your temples. "That's not how I imagined my first day back in the States to be."
Maria, your best friend, giggled as she threw an arm over your shoulder and pulled you into her side, patting your head mockingly. "What? Are you telling me the soldier boys over… well, wherever you're stationed don't have such angelic voices?"
"Don't know. Couldn't hear them over the purring of our birds. Though I guess they would have sounded the same. Like plucked chicken waiting for their death sentence."
"That's kinda what they are though…," you heard one of your friends mumble on the other side of the table. From the corner of your eye you saw how another one poked her elbow into her side.
Maria released you, seeing how the other ones had pained expressions on their faces as well and clapped her hands on the table. "Well. That won't work, will it?" She stood up, smiling and walked briskly to the man.
"Hey buddy. You know anything else? Because we're sick of hearing you butcher this one."
Joining your friends in laughing at Maria's comment you turned around and caught a glimpse of the man. Poor thing was turning beet red.
"Sorry ma'am. I'm trying to learn this new song."
"Struggling a bit, aren't we?"
"Yeah well, but I don't do requests. If you want one, it's going to cost you."
Three months. It didn't even take them three months after that first conversation to get pregnant and decide to spend the rest of their lives together. It was a beautiful little ceremony, rushed for sure, but perfect for both of them. It fitted right into their relationship. And what a relationship it was. You hated seeing the uncertainty in Maria's eyes now, but you all knew it would come to this. You liked to think that she was accustomed to this, having brought you to the airport multiple times. Yet, you knew this time would be different. She wasn't just bringing her best friend, she was also bringing her now-husband and soon to be father of her child.
"You know," you said as you heaved your duffel bag into the back of the car, "If any of you dares to make me this kid's godmother, or worse, aunt-"
"We'll have your eternal love and gratitude. We know Y/N, we know."
You jokingly glared at Maria before you opened the back door of the car and sat in the seat behind her. "Not what I was trying to get to, but I let you live in your little fantasy world. This way at least one of us can sleep peacefully at night." You regretted the words almost as soon as you said them. So you quickly added, "And you know what? I'll even add a promise of being the best godmother or aunt this kid could have if you call him Pete."
Maria started the car, her pregnant belly making it harder for her to manoeuvre, and shot you a quick look as she made sure that nobody was in the way while backing out of the driveway. "I am not going to call my baby after a bird."
"You're not going to call our child Sparrow or Robin? That's good to know, after all, it will be a Frank Jr.," Frank said, having only caught the latter part of your conversation as he had checked the door one last time before entering the car the moment it was on the road.
"Goddamn Frank… Old-fashioned are we? You do realize though that it ought to be Francis Jr. right?" You smirked as you leaned over and pinched his ear a little. "You're also going to make him sound like a banker or lawyer with that name. '
He grunted and swatted your hand away, turning to look out of the window. "Oh yeah, god forbid he has a safe job and can go home to his wife and kids every day."
Silence filled the car as you slowly slid back into your seat. There it was again. You leaned your head against the window and saw Maria searching for Frank's hand with her free one, holding on to him like a lifeline. After all, it was. Even the slightest touch counted now, as it would be well over a year until their hands would find each other again.
You sighed and watched the blurry landscape pass you by. You knew that you weren't ready for a relationship. You'd love to have one, envied Maria and Frank many times over the past three months but… You wouldn't be ready to leave it all behind, leave him behind. 'Get yourself a military man,' the people said. 'That would be worse,' you'd answer, 'The possibility of seeing him out there? It's slim.' It was already hard to stay in contact with the people you left behind. You couldn't imagine how it would be trying to catch up with another solider. And not knowing if he was still alive? If you'd be able to hug him as soon as you're back on friendly territory again? You pressed your lips together.
"What's the matter?" You met Maria's eyes in the little front mirror. "You seem lost in your thoughts."
You shook your head and sadly smiled at her. "Just thinking of how strong you both are. Sure there's no possibility of me convincing you to allow Francis Jr. to live as Pete instead?" You added the last part to raise the mood.
"What exactly is it with you and Pete? I don't really fancy to call my son after an amazing ex-lover of yours."
You smirked and turned to Frank. "As you know I'm a gunner on one of the UH-1Y Venoms the Marine acquired recently. Our callsign is Blackbird, but we all call him Pete." You stopped and furrowed your brows. "Not sure why actually. I guess the boys didn't like me having the honour of naming our bird and had to overpower me somehow."
"You choose the callsign Blackbird?"
"Yes sir." You did a little salute as well as you were able to in your seat belt. "Very proud of it. Inspired by me being a little bitch who loves shiny things, especially if those shiny things can cause explosions. The shiny things are the bullets," you added at Frank's confused face. "Because I shoot them at the targets to make them go boom?"
Frank grinned as he looked over to Maria. "You knew. That's why you've been pestering me into introducing her to Billy."
You raised your eyebrows and looked at Maria through the little mirror. "Wow hold on. Declaring me aunt of your child and trying to set me up with someone? Someone's gotta show you how to draw a line Maria!"
"Don't worry. I'll be sure to learn it together with my child. And as I recall it you made me the promise to make me sleep soundly at night, so don't start moaning at us. What you reckon Frank? You think you'll be able to meet up? Introduce her to Billy? Somewhere, somehow?"
"Na…," he muttered as he slid deeper into his seat, remembering again that you weren't going on a road trip but to the airport. "We're stationed in different parts of this goddamn mess. It'd be a big surprise if we ever met on the battlefield, right kid?."
"We're the same age Castle, but yeah. However, if we ever fly over your base I'll be sure to wave at you. And, who knows? If we do ever land near your base I'll let you introduce me to your buddy. If you managed to beat me in a friendly round of combat that is. Or else you'll call your son Pete."
"You guys are children," Maria muttered as she set the blinker to turn into the airport, but you and Frank grinned at each other and high-fived.
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