#the devil ta
salmonidos · 1 year
I want more Devil TA content but do I know how to draw furries?? No. Not YET that is
I want more Major Arcana content in general honestly I feel there's a LOT there to explore there... Shame the big majority of the fandom is dead btw hi to my fellow five Lucio fans while we're at it have a WIP I might not finish in months
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(yes it's mirrored and yes I'm struggling with his precious arm- uhh yes we love messy sketches here!! Rlly thinking of making my own arm prototype for both cosplay and 3D reference reasons tbh)
And the amount of animatics with this man I make in my head y'all don't. Know. 😭
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decisiontostay · 2 months
baldurs gate show this baldurs gate show that what i actually want is a limited animated series of durge and gortash's heist where they go on an adventure to steal the crown of karsus and fall in love on the way
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paprikaries · 1 year
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The Prince & The King _ Dancing Gamblers Fanart: Joker / King Dice (Batman franchise / Cuphead franchise)
Joker: “Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?” King Dice: “I’m the Devil’s right-hand man”
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nostalgicfun · 6 months
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phoenix--flying · 2 months
"Percy did nothing wrong" he blew up a 12 year old
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stealthydemocracy369 · 11 months
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“This whole business started with my father sealing the entrance between the two worlds. And now, my brother is trying to break that spell and turn everything into demonville. This is my family matter too. Quite frankly, at first, I didn't give a damn. But because of you, I know what's important now. I know what I need to do.„~ Dante to Lady
“We are the sons of Sparda, within each of us flows his blood, but more importantly, his soul! And now, my soul, it says it want to stop you!„~ Dante to Vergil
“JACKPOT!„~ Dante's signature quote
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rejectedfables · 6 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
Character: Draco Malfoy (HP) Why I love them: I don't. I love the version of him I frankensteined together from fics I read/wrote as an undiagnosed autistic preteen who wished I knew how to be meaner, and was hopelessly demisexually gay for a brunette with glasses.
Character: Uzumaki Naruto (Naruto) Why I love them: Emotionally neglected ADHD powerhouse who thinks "what do 600 hot girls look like? Me with titties and pigtails 600 times obviously" followed by "what do 600 hot boys look like? All my male friends with bedroom eyes OBVIOUSLY" and somehow hasn't figured out he's into dudes and is probably genderfluid. The Haku and Zabuza arc came SO close to "child soldier figures out that making children into soldiers is bad, actually, and resolves to create a better society where fewer people needlessly suffer" but then I think the author got old and forgot his own trajectory in favor of endless spectacle creep and, idk, something about the moon crushing Konoha or whatever. I lost interest in the story, but not the BOY. Also his relentless fixation with that dark haired cool guy he kissed one time makes every other character feel awkward, and I relate to that.
Character: Urameshi Yusuke (Yu Yu Hakusho) Why I love them: LOVE me a guy who even HEAVEN writes off as an irredeemable asshole surprising everyone with an act of selflessness. Love me an asshole who dedicates his life to love and friendship. Yusuke's narrative is basically "Obviously all yokai are evil. Wait, some aren't (some of my best friends are yokai)? Wait, most aren't (I actually really enjoy the yokai world/community)? Wait, I'M a yokai? (THAT'S why I am the way I am, and actually that's not evil it's just different)??? So there's evil humans AND evil yokai but neither are inherently bad, MOST are just regular people on both sides, and both are worth protecting" and anyway this is a neurodivergent and queer allegory to me, which slaps severely.
Character: Shi Qingxuan (Heaven Official's Blessing) Why I love them: Gender
Character: Luke Fon Fabre (Tales of the Abyss) Why I love them: Nobody's doing character growth like this little shit. An icon. It takes like 30 hours of gameplay for him to become likable and when he does it's somehow genuinely worth it.
Character: Changheng (Love Between Fairy and Devil) Why I love them: (I'm picking only one character per story, which is the only reason Xiao Lanhua and Dongfang Qingcang aren't also on this list.) You're telling me the God of War's narrative is a "tragic princess, betrothed since childhood, can't escape her family's expectations, constantly has to put everyone else above herself, until finally she snaps" story blended with "man who has been forced to live in war, falls for the first person who acknowledges that he, too, needs protection, ultimately rejects the violence he's been forced to endure and enact in favor of pursuing peace" and I'm what? NOT supposed to go insane? Also his nose freckle gives me heart palpitations.
Character: Logan Echolls (Veronica Mars, specifically season 1) Why I love them: What an excellent example of a badly coping shithead jerk fuckup boy who would be SO soft in any context where he's not under constant threat. Something about his mouth-breathing under duress compels me.
Character: Kyo (Fruits Basket) Why I love them: Badly coping under duress, the entire system is stacked against him, anger management issues and the snatched waist of a 90's manga twink. What can I say, a feral cat finding stability and love gets me every time.
Character: Xue Yang (MDZS) Why I love them: Irredeemable asshole feral cat ass man, coping badly at all times with all things but holding it together with a winning personality (gratuitous violence and bad jokes). Falls SO hard for the first person to show him love and kindness, becomes SO soft when not under threat for the first time ever, and then fucks up SO badly he ruins his whole fucking life. Spends more time trying to get back what he lost than he actually HAD what he lost. He's irredeemable. He's irredeemable. He makes apple rabbits for A Qing because she's sad. He's irredeemable. He doesn't pull a weapon on Xingchen even when Xingchen has already stabbed him and he's renowned for violence and revenge. He's irredeemable. I starting writing a post in his defense and hit the character limit halfway through my 'notes to flesh out later' bullet pointed list. He's irredeemable?? Xiao Xingchen could, though, is all I'm saying. The deeper you look into his actions the more humanity there is to find. I'm rotating every single thing about him in my mind like a rotisserie chicken.
Character: Chu Wanning (ERHA) Why I love them: He's hopelessly demisexually gay for literally just one guy. His story is gratuitously tragic but with a happy ending. Autistic Yearning incarnate. He's a burnt out husk of a blushing virgin, and the horniest person alive. Would readily die for his convictions, but won't ask for help. Prettiest wife anyone could ever wish for, with a strong masculine jaw. Total knockout gorgeous with body dysmorphia. Hyper competent with zero emotional intelligence. Widely respected and beloved with intense self loathing. He's never not masking. He's an atticked wife, he's a bossy husband, he's a piece of wood. He's 45. He's 6. He's 20. He's 32. He is catnip for me.
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spaciebabie · 10 months
if you draw straptrap i will make you a drawing of anything you want lmfao
you should take this statement back immediately if you know what's good for you
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xiakeponz · 1 year
Love between Fairy and Devil / Cang Lan Jue by Jiu Lu Fei Xiang translation (part translation of chapter 1)
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I started this translation idly because I haven't gotten over this story, and I already have 11 translation notes that I haven't filled (translators will know, this is where the real work is...), I need to think of a better way to format... (and I skipped the prologue because ch1 dialogue just cracked me up).
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quarterpastmidnight · 4 months
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thealterscrolls · 2 years
Elvis was so offended by the usage of his music in this fancam of mine that he personally rose from the grave to remove it from Twitter, but he has no power here so I'm going to share it!
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salmonidos · 1 year
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psychoetheric · 6 months
basically the dream is to be like a pokemaniac trainer that is always wearing pokemon fan merch in the games, except for real life animals.
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Jag hade sagt "fan ta dig Michael Sheen" men jag antar att han redan gjorde det...
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inviktales · 9 months
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➤ Crawl and Beg and Plead
Fandom: The Arcana
Chapters: 1 / 1
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Relationships: Apprentice/Lucio (The Arcana), The Devil | Lucio's Patron/Lucio (The Arcana)
Characters: Lucio (The Arcana), The Devil | Lucio's Patron (The Arcana), Apprentice (The Arcana)
Additional Tags: Devil Apprentice (The Arcana), Suspension, Bottom Lucio (The Arcana), Top Apprentice (The Arcana), Submissive Lucio (The Arcana), Dominant Apprentice (The Arcana), Master/Pet, (kind of), Objectification, (Slightly), Blood and Injury, Blood Kink, Dacryphilia, (mild), Anal Sex, Sex, Rough Sex, Public Sex, Throne Sex, Roughness, Biting, Scratching, Bondage, Teasing, Begging, Creampie, Unsafe Sex, Butt Plugs, Exhibitionism, (just a little), (or a lot depending on how you look at it), Dirty Talk, My Apprentice OC Azarias, OC POV, AMAB Apprentice, Apprentice Uses He/Him Pronouns, Male Apprentice (The Arcana), One Shot, Smut, Fluff and Smut, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Fluff and Angst, Light Angst, (also i forgot about the dogs so i guess they're just watching the entire time)
The Apprentice has ascended to the Devil's throne and Lucio is his sole loyal soldier. Soldier, lover, pet. He's earned his way into being spoiled in the Devil's lap. (Expansion of Lucio's Reversed ending in Book XXI ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I'm not done with this series yet fellas.)
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allig8er · 2 years
Why don’t the actors of KinnPorsche post some TikToks? Don’t they know I have very little else to live for?
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