#the entire thing is unsettling and upsetting as HELL
selarina · 1 year
Synopsis: You're mad at Gojo, and he spirals.
Warnings: Mention of a fire
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Getou doesn’t feel like hanging out today, but he shows up anyway — it’s routine after all, and he doesn’t want to deal with a whiny Gojo Satoru, especially since he doesn’t have you to split the burden with today.
Summoning a deep breath and exhaling slowly, Getou walks into the threshold of Satoru's house.
He looks around the house and nothing. No one.
But something felt out of place. Satoru always seems to sense when Getou walks in, and he would be out the door just as quickly as he walked in, he’d be out at this new restaurant, or this new arcade Gojo wanted to check out. But today, he's met with silence.
"Satoru?" Getou called out, his voice echoing through the cavernous house, only to be greeted by the eerie emptiness.
A tinge of panic brushes its touch against Getou's hand. "Satoru, where are you?" he called out once more.
Some rumbling and soft sounds of several thuds emanate from above him. Without hesitation, Getou ascends the stairs, driven by an insidious sense of unease.
Upon entering the library upstairs, he was met with an odd sight.
An assortment of books lay scattered across the floor, each laying at different stages of unraveling — while most of them are closed, some of them lay open — some open on the last page, some halfway through, and some open to the first page. 
Then, amidst this chaos on the floor, Getou spots the white blur of hair through his peripheral vision. He turns, finding Satoru, who seems to be very intently jotting down something in a black notebook, seemingly oblivious to his presence in the room.
“Satoru, I called for you?”
Satoru looks up, caught off guard — something must be truly wrong.
“Suguru! Today’s no good. I’m busy,” he replied, his eyes immediately flitting back down to his notebook.
Getou thinks he should thread this lightly, he’s all too familiar with the boy’s ability to brush things off entirely too quickly. His eyes roved the scene — going over the balls of discarded papers, the books, and the plate of lunch that seemed to be untouched.
"Uh," Getou began, inching closer to the boy with his hands in his pockets. He's weaving his steps across the slew of books — careful to not step on any of them. "What are you up to?"
No response at all, it’s like Suguru isn’t even here.
Suguru bends down, picking up the nearest book on the floor — an austere hardbound volume with golden lettering, bearing the title "Time Travel in Einstein's Universe." His fingers gently placed it down, only to lift another book, paper this time — it read "How to Build a Time Machine: The Real Science of Time Travel."
Standing upright, still holding the book, Getou asks, "Satoru, why are you reading about time travel? No, better question — how come you’re… reading?”
"I'm trying to time travel," Gojo replied with an unsettling nonchalance, as though he was merely discussing matters of the weather.
A few beats pass, mainly because Suguru was deciding between a simple  “Why?” and a more emphatic “What the hell?”
But because Suguru is Suguru, and he’s been equipped with the art of patience, he oppted for a measured, “I don’t think you can do that.” He makes sure to punctuate his sentence with a faint chuckle. 
"I need to," Satoru asserts, standing up as his eyes scan the floor for another book.
"Pretty sure no one can change time," Getou countered. "Not even us."
"We could," Satoru insisted, his voice unwavering. "Maybe—if we tried hard enough." His gaze then locks into Getou's, his conviction unwavering. “We are the strongest after all.”
Getou decides to indulge this because he’s just far too curious. "All right," he began cautiously. "Why do you need to time travel anyway?"
"You know how my partner is upset with me?" Satoru asked.
"Yeah," Getou replied, a weariness permeating his voice — he vividly recalls Satoru's relentless whining on the subject from the previous night. He eventually got the boy to shut up, only for him to start all over today morning — it’s part of the reason he didn’t feel like hanging out today, but you’ll never catch him saying this out loud.
"Well, if I reversed time," Gojo continued with an unnerving grin, "then they'd never be upset with what I did. Problem solved!"
Getou feels the sudden urge to chew on a notebook to satiate his frustration. “Are you serious?” he asks.
"Satoru," he snatched the notebook from Satoru's table—the very notebook the latter had been intently writing in. His eyes find themselves looking at a plethora of mathematic equations he doesn’t understand. He sighs, looking up at the man.
“Do you know anything that can help? Help me, please,” Satoru implored, his head bobbing fervently.
Getou thinks that this is surely the height of insanity. Surely, someone needs to lock Gojo Satoru up.
Speechless, Getou succumbs to laughter — like a total madman. 
He dials it down as he notices Satoru’s escalating exasperation with him. He spoke again, “You’re an idiot. How about you actually apologize to them instead of doing… whatever this is.” 
He tosses the notebook back to Satoru, who catches it with a swift, outstretched hand.
“Please, stop!” He rushes behind you, as Getou trails right behind him. “Stop avoiding me please or I’ll die.”
“Wow, you really are like those high-maintenance plants,” you quip as you come to a stop, finally turning to lay your eyes on the boy. 
"I'm not..." He totally is. 
“Glad to see you’re not too torn up about our fight since you’re out here at an arcade,” you say, sarcasm dripping to the floor beneath you, just a few more missteps, and Gojo could slip and fall everlastingly.
“No! I was very upset. Ask Getou,” he points to the man, who simply nods in tandem. He starts again, "Can we please please just talk this out? I'm really sorry."
"Oh? Are you?" you questioned, skepticism etched into your features. "Is that why you ghosted me for a whole week?"
"I got scared," he admits. "I thought you'd leave me."
“I considered that,” you reply, arms crossed.
His eyes widen, and you think he looks like a kicked puppy. But this was a serious matter, and you suppressed the urge to ruffle his hair.
"See—now I want to run away, so you never will," he whimpered. "But I won't, because I'm genuinely sorry, I mean it."
You stared at him, the genuineness in his eyes catching your weary gaze. You had been tired all week. Finally, you relented.
"Fine," you sigh. "Let's talk it out."
"Okay! Thank you baby!" he says, an immediate smile spreading across his face. 
"See? I told you it's not a big deal—" Getou began, his smile mirroring Satoru's. However, he falls silent when he noticed your changing expression.
“Not a big deal?” You exclaim, clearing seething with a bubbling anger. It’s seemingly a harmless sentence but something in you must have broken down at the sound of that.
"I-I mean, it's not a big deal because I'll fix it, and everything will be fine," Satoru's voice stammers through.
"It's not all going to be just fine, Satoru. You burned down my house," you stated.
“I burned down your kitchen,” he corrects you.
“Wow, I’m sorry I don’t know why I was making such a big deal. It’s only my kitchen!” You start to chuckle, a deranged sense of amusement escaping your lips as you turn to Getou, “Do you hear that Suguru? It’s only my kitchen, he says.”
Suguru gulps, not wanting to be more involved in this than he was. He turns his head away, only now noticing that everyone’s watching the scene unfold like it’s their favorite telenovela. “Guys, maybe let’s not do this here.”
"Yeah, I was done here anyway," you declared, shooting a final glare at Satoru before making a swift exit.
Satoru immediately chased after you, throwing himself out the arcade's door.
“Baby, please!” He finally comes to grip your arm, stopping you in your tracks. You look up at him, and he notices you carry no malice really — just a weariness that shows in your tired tired eyes, he feels the urge to take you home, so he can run his hands over your eyes and put you to sleep. So he can finally sleep beside you himself.
“I’m sorry, Getou’s an idiot. It is a big deal. I never should have done that. It was obviously an accident but I was just trying to be nice, and obviously… that didn’t work out as I planned. And of course, I’ll fix the kitchen, I’ll pay for everything — even add in upgrades if you want. And before you say anything… this is on me. I should pay,” he says.
"I was going to make you pay anyway. What were you even trying to do in my kitchen?"
"Well," he began with a sheepish look on his face, almost ashamed. "It was our anniversary, and wanted to make you something."
“Why would you do that? You can barely boil rice,” you sigh, your eyes coming up to soothe your forehead.
“I-I don’t know. You mentioned how your ex-boyfriend made your food all the time when you guys were together so I thought you’d like that.”
“Yeah, well. Osamu was a chef, and you’re the opposite of that,” you replied, your arms encircling his in a soothing grip.
He sighed, gazing out at the street — his eyes staring down at the passing cars before speaking once more, “It’s not just that.”
"What then?" you inquired.
“I’m not good at this,” he confesses.
You maintained your steady gaze, urging him to continue.
“At this — Romance,” he clarifies. “I can’t do it so I’m always looking and copying others. I only leave you notes because you do that. I only give you keychains because Getou does that with his boyfriend. I only knew I had to invite you to work when Nanami mentioned it. I just—”
You hummed softly, encouraging him to continue.
“I don’t know how to love. It’s part of the reason why I even tried to cook. You’re so good at loving me, I can’t ever pay you back for it.”
“Satoru, you’re good at it too,” you say. “Just not in the ways I am, or Getou, or Nanami. You’re good at it in your own way. It’s about how you know when to order in when I’m feeling tired. It’s about how you pick out the stones I like for the keychains. It’s about how you showed up all the way to my Switzerland work trip when I was on the verge of a fucking mental breakdown. It’s about how you always draw something hideous when you leave notes knowing I’ll find it funny when I’m back from work. It’s about you trying in the first place,” you say.
"The drawings are supposed to be cute," he mumbled.
“I know you think that,” you chuckled softly. “And besides, I only leave notes because my mother did that for my father. We all learn from someone.”
A moment of silence enveloped you both, broken only by your gradual approach. “You can teach me, and I can teach you. If you let me.”
He sighed, enfolding you in a tight hug.
“Also, as much I appreciate the effort now, I hope you know you’re banned from my kitchen,” you mumble across his chest.
“Okay, I’ll learn how to cook though,” he says. “For you.”
“Okay,” you say. 
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dragonrider9905 · 6 months
Celebrating You!
Hi guys! I’ve been on here for a bit now and while I never had a follower goal, I do appreciate you guys who have decided to follow me! So now I’d like to celebrate you!
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In light of TBB ending, and how much we'll be missing the boys, I thought this was as good as a time as ever!
Here’s the idea! I’m opening a prompt request for the dates of April 5th through May 5th, 2024 (you may start submitting now though!) and choose from the prompts below! You can choose one from each category, or just one category. It’s ok if it is just the prompt or the prompt and a brief idea. If you have a fun idea or prompt not listed, please share!
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Rules: I only write SFW. I typically write for clones; I reserve the right to refuse requests which make me uncomfortable for whatever reason. I have had a few requests in the past that really unsettled me for various reasons. Or if I don't know the character. I'd hate to try to write something then upset the person because it is so ooc that it's cringy. (But if I said I would write your request and haven't yet, I just honestly haven't gotten to it :D I like to do well on the stories you guys entrust to me so it does take me a bit :D)
This is supposed to be fun so lets keep it fun!
You may submit as many requests as you'd like! The more the merrier!
Characters: Star Wars Clone Wars or The Bad Batch (as long as I know them. I know a lot of clones but alas, not all.)
Story genre:
Classic SW! (Pick an era if they exist in more than one if you wish)
AU of choice (modern, western, pirate, mermaid, time traveling, etc if I’m unfamiliar with the genre, I may have to change it or request more details)
Dialogue Prompts:
“Don’t go where I can’t follow.”
“If we’re going to do this we’ll need—“ “A plan?” “No! Code names! Cool ones!”
“I don’t need to be anything to you. I just want my life to mean more to you than my death.”
“You are playing a dangerous game without even a glimpse of the rule book.”
“I’ve never been terrified of death, til he set his sights on you.”
“What the hell are you doing here?” “Yeah, you’re not allowed to ask that in this situation.”
“Where’s your shoe?” “The giant mud puddle in the road demanded a sacrifice.”
“Love at first sight doesn’t exist.” “Then how else do I describe the feeling I got when I first saw you?” “You…love me?” “Apparently not, according to you.”
“A fate worse than death….” “They’re burnt cupcakes.”
“White paint has more color than your face.”
“Why is there a dragon in my fridge?” “It was hot.”
“Touch **, and you’re dead.”
“I am the law.”
“Do that again and I’ll throw you out the window. Wait, what are you doing?” “Checking how high the drop is; seeing if it’s worth it.”
“I’d rather have you hate me than loose you entirely.”
“I have a mission but don’t know what it is.” “Well that sounds incredibly counterproductive.”
“I would like to join you in acknowledging the difficulties in your life.” “You are the worst at this comforting thing.”
“I don’t know if you’re aware of this but I’m quite petite.” “Really? I had no idea in our twelve years of friendship that you’re shorter than I am.”
“But what is power?” “Loyalty.”
“Don’t you sign to me in that tone.”
“I’m with him/her for better or worse.” “It’ll probably be worse.” “I knew that the day I met him/her.”
"I'm sorry I tried to kill you." "It's fine, but next time you should try harder."
"C'mon, like I need an excuse to spend time with you."
"You're not as bad as everyone says you are."
"The only one who gets to kill you is me."
“blood loss”? well it’s not lost. I know exactly where it went. right over there.”
“How the mighty have fallen!” “It’s a dropped chocolate bar, stop being dramatic.”
“Shit, we’re gonna die” “Now I don’t want to hear that negative attitude, look on the bright side!” “Yay! We’re gonna die! Woo!”
“How do you do it?” “How do I do what?” “Pretend you are ok.” “I’m not pretending.” “Yes, you are. Every single day and it breaks my heart.”
“Hey, so I know things are pretty f**** shitty right now but I need you to breathe for me.” “Wha-wh-wh-” “You’re having a panic attack. It’s gonna be ok. Just breathe with me.”
“Please, my arms—I can’t wipe my tears, don’t let them see!”
"Smiles are contagious!" "Don't worry, I'm vaccinated."
"I don't want to get involved, it's too risky." "Please do it for me, you're the only one I can turn to." "It's not worth it. You really want to lose everything? 'cause I don't."
"Do you ever think of anyone other than yourself?" "No"---a long pause---"actually yes, at Christmas time"
"There is a reason I go through that door first, It's to make sure everyone else walks back out"
“I can’t leave you here!” “You can and you will.”
"OH! Are you alright? Are you alright?" "Apart from being trapped under here, and maybe suffering from broken bones and embarrassment beyond what I am capable of handling. . . I'm dandy, why do you ask?"
Oh no, are you alright? You're covered in blood!" "Yes, it's yours, Now will you please let me take you to the hospital?"
"What did love ever do anything for anyone anyway?"
"What the hell were you even thinking?!" "You told me not to think!"
"With love comes loss, that's part of the deal. Sometimes it hurts, but in the end, it was all worth it. There's no greater gift than love."
“'Temporary stitches' all stitches are temporary if you have a pair of scissors and aren’t a coward" "What do you....that better not mean what I think you mean......" "Am I just talking about sewing stitches or sutures too? Maaayyybe?" "NO! Absolutely not!"
"I made the calculations, and boy am I bad at math."
"It'll be over soon, I promise."
"Working together again, just like old times." "Well, not just like old times."
"I am many things but not your enemy."
Action Prompts:
Forehead kisses
Palm/hand kisses
Dramatic rain scene
Touching foreheads
Last stand
Christmas/Life Day celebration
Accidental hand touch
First date
First kiss
Spending time with the family
Bad day cheering up scheme
Going to a pet shop
Going to the movies
Always go after the girl
soft spoken person has loud, unnerving scream.
pretend/mistaken to be married/in a relationship
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Honestly I find it very interesting how unsettled Teru is during his entire date with Aoi. It's like he's waiting for her to snap/refuse him/return to the Aoi he knows from the other timeline. He asks for her hand while fully expecting her to say no, but when she says yes, he doesn't look happy, he's uneasy. And with how Aoi acts the whole time, really leaning into the whole "ooh isn't this scary? good thing I have Teru here to protect me!" it just makes him more unhappy, uncertain if she's bullshitting him or actually likes him, but regardless, it is very un-Aoi. Finally, he pushes for one final test with the food, and Aoi still obliges, but when he shows his unhappiness more publicly to others, that's when Aoi snaps and has no fear in slapping Teru, finally showing herself. I think this speaks to her dynamic with the Teru in this timeline (they have an unspoken, understood dynamic of sticking to the script, but Aoi isn't afraid to tell Teru when he's fucked up/when she's angry at him, and she's also not afraid of slapping him. I'm guessing Teru asking her to give him food in public was also not usually in their roster, since even Aoi couldn't help looking unhappy while doing it, or at least Teru publicly commenting on her reluctance was not usual, since they were both aware everything they did was just for show). And Teru doesn't seem upset or surprised at all that Aoi likes Akane, in fact he's the one who brings it up, and it's like that part of the world is righted once again. So, yeah, I was sure his intents weren't to drive Akane and Aoi apart in the long run, and this just further cemented it for me. I think he just wants to be close to both of them, and he knows they come as a set lol.
This also makes me wonder what Aoi is thinking in regards to Teru right now, like is she at all wondering why the hell Teru can't remember any of this important stuff?? (Or does she just think his brain got addled in an exorcist encounter but it's temporary lol).
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c-t-r-l14 · 9 months
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I'm just gonna make my own headcannon real quick.
Dontis is definitely the type of guy to be calmly angry. He doesn't scream, or yell, or curse at people. He doesn't get violent because that's simply not in his nature. He'll speak to you in an even tone, and his voice would be low and flat.
But you can definitely tell when he's at his wit's end with you —because the entire vibe of the room changes. An unsettling, eerie feeling that fills the air, and suffocates you as you try so desperately to breathe. And the most scary part is that you don't even know what's coming next.
The only way I could describe is that very uneasy feeling you get when you're in a relatively calm, and quiet place in a horror game. You're looking over your shoulder every two seconds, and you're staying vigilant because the last thing you wanna do is to be caught off guard when the enemy comes out.
You can hear the venom behind that calm tone as he speaks to you. And you can see the displeasure in his eyes.
I feel like seeing Dontis angry would be a very frightening sight—-and its not even because he's calm about it; but because the whole vibe of the room is thrown completely out of wack when he does. I'd imagine that it'd even make Xanthus a little scared.
To cool off, I think he'd go on a long walk, or sit in a park. Take a few deep breaths, and enjoy the scenery in silence.
After he's had time to cool down, he'll definitely try to talk to you and try to see your perspective on things--and will make the effort to work things out with you. Unlike some people.
All I know is, if you somehow got DONTIS to be angry at you —then whatever happened between ya'll is YOUR FAULT. 'Cause how in the 7 circles of HELL did you get the most kindest, forgiving, and empathetic soul in ALL of the SAKUVERSE upset with you??? Whatever you did must've been deliberate--because Dontis doesn't get angry easily at all.
For god's sake, he found a way to befriend and fall in love with the hunter who LITERALLY tried to take him OFF the UNITED STATES CENSUS‼️ Hunter listener literally tried to put my man Dontis on a shirt and he STILL found a way to be understanding and forgiving‼️
Whatever you did, you better be sorry. And knowing Dontis, he will still find a way to forgive you, even if you don't deserve it.
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It's a quick sketch and very messy, but this is what I'd imagine how he'd look like if someone were to piss him off. I have a headcannon that Dontis is a little over 6 feet tall, so he already has a very imposing stature, but him being angry on top of that makes him all the more intimidating.
(I tried to make it look like he's staring down at you but I suck at perspective and just drawing men in general. I hope ya'll see the vision anyway 💀)
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toasted-valentine · 6 months
Beatrix Valeria Campbell Analysis
Beatrix is a very smart character, this ends up being their downfall. Ambition is their greatest flaw, along with their wit, which is a lethal combination in the end.
Based on direct statements and implications throughout the show, Beatrix doesn’t come from a wealthy background like Ambrose or Quincy, and didn’t get the chance for an international scholarship like Vincent did. It’s also implied she has clinical depression and had a major episode in the past, causing her abuela to become protective over her. Beatrix makes no mention of their parents, asides from a throwaway line about not having a father who went to Ardess, their abuela most likely having been the person to raise them in place of their parents. Everything Beatrix has at Ardess they got from working themself to the bone and never taking a moment to rest, giving blood, sweat, and tears to get to that point.
All of this combined makes Beatrix’s mentality click together. She is fiercely independent, seeming bitter at the idea of being looked down upon, but having the affect of making her ignore genuinely well meaning advice from loved ones. Not eating, sleeping, brushing off anything that could potentially be dangerous. Beatrix directly says “…so I don’t have to rely on her more” when speaking about their abuela during The One Who Pulls The Strings, this makes me believe they feel guilty about having to be cared for by their grandmother. A depression symptom is feeling like a burden on loved ones, this combined with not wanting to be dependent fuels their ambition. Beatrix has to do everything on their own, cause in their mind it’s the only way, they didn’t get any help to get into Ardess so why start now when things are all going to hell.
Beatrix also faces racism, keeping them from progressing like their peers or having the same opportunities. Roswell ignores Beatrix for promotions, keeping her in the prize section for her entire college career, making Beatrix’s resentment build. They are incredibly cold towards Roswell when approached, are very touchy about their position in the prize section, and snap at Portia about it multiple times. It’s a sore spot, anger about being overlooked in spite of their skill level boiling over. Along with that, when Portia and Beatrix are doing a mock interview, Beatrix states that her grandmother says she should just accept that there are going to be people who hold them back. Beatrix respects their grandmother greatly, but also has the vibe they are a bit upset about her protectiveness over them, their grandmother worrying about Beatrix potentially having another depressive episode causing coddling.
All of this combined creates an environment where Beatrix has enough room to do Olympic level mental gymnastics to justify their wrongdoing. I do believe that Beatrix has the best of intentions throughout the show, a strong conviction to do good, but having a “the ends justify the means” mentality that overshadows the desire to do good. She is horrified at Vincent’s actions, saying she didn’t think he’d actually do it, studying the newspaper article intensely when Ambrose died, seeming unsettled at the end of Read All About it before existing the stage. She acted selfishly, but didn’t fully expect anything to come out of it, and is left reeling to grasp onto any potential reasoning behind the killing afterwards.
During Beatrix’s different songs you can see how they justify their actions in their mind. The One Who Pulls The Strings lays the groundwork for the kind of mindset Beatrix is in, being angry about falling behind and not having the same opportunities, but reasoning they can get ahead by being in the background and following along with the social rules of Ardess. Beatrix also states during The One Who Pulls The Strings that they want to change the world, want to make a difference, have a strong combination to do good. During the reprise, their brain jumps between not thinking telling Vincent is a good idea, to believing he could help them get ahead, before finally settling on Vincent being a tool and ignoring the potential sting of it. Me, Myself, and I shows how, even after the initial choice, Beatrix is still doubting her own actions, unsure if they’ve made a horrible mistake. Again, they make excuses, reasoning that “Lin’s never followed through before…” and that if anything happens it’s Vincent’s fault. Plus, it’d give Beatrix the advantage, so it’s worth it. Within Read All About it, Beatrix is deeply off put after Ambrose’s death, but continues to justify their actions, this time with the fact Ambrose is already dead and he can’t be brought back so there’s no point in interfering.
Finally, within Ghost Writer, they say what they want to do. Ambition, sure, but also that the award could help them do some real good in the world. Beatrix wants to do good, wants to make the world a better place for girls like her, but doesn’t realize the path they’re going down in the process. It’s peak “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”. The thought of potential good done by all this death is what allows Beatrix to really reason with their own mind, a trolly car problem of a pile of bodies being sacrificed in order to help Beatrix do good. Beatrix’s own selfish desire to prove their worth and be on top mixes with want to do good creates a monster of a situation.
Beatrix has mental illness and would’ve known better than to manipulate someone whose in a spiral like she did, but still did so, and it caused blood to spill. They are such a good liar that they managed to convince themself with their own lies, trying to push blame onto Vincent, or that since they aren’t doing the killing it’s not their fault it happened.
In the end Beatrix has to be honest, give up the strings of lies, and admit to Vincent and Portia what she did. She takes accountability for her actions in ways that Vincent and Quincy never do, which allows her to have a happy ending with Portia.
Beatrix is my absolute favorite, I have so much fun dissecting their character, and it’s an absolute joy seeing them slowly realize that karmas a bitch. I could go on for hours, I’m fucking feral about Adamandi.
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vulpinesaint · 7 months
waitttt tell me about faedren’s fantasy surgery i don’t think i know about that
omg yeah cause it only happened a couple weeks ago! ummm so basically faedren was turning into a vampire right. got bitten by his friend who was essentially possessed by the power of a vampiric goddess and Fucking Died about it (didn't see heaven that time but he went to 0 hp) so! whoops! vampire time! which sucked and his body kept rejecting all of his own blood and eventually like. his guts. so the party had to get him what THEY thought would be essentially a blood transfusion to get him back to how he was before.
throughout all of this he's being terrible to his friends and especially the party member that got possessed and bit him. and it's because he's really shaken and having to confront his own mortality but truly he's been AWFUL to everyone. that party member says she loves him and he won't even really acknowledge it. bad time for this group.
anyway they had to make a choice between the creepy priestesses of that goddess or a rlly volatile wizard who wanted them to like. commit terrorism. faedren (religious freak who hates wizards) wanted the priestesses to do it but! none of the rest of the party trusted those guys (they were really creepy and their cathedral had a river of blood and stuff which was not too bad for faedren who was raised in a cult of murderous revenge but was really unsettling for everyone else) and eventually faedren agreed to let the wizard do it (not because he wanted to but his goddess sent an emissary to tell him that he had been practicing heresy and that he should stop being a dick to his friends and he was so upset about upsetting his goddess that he fully accepted that he was probably going to die and it was what he deserved 👍)
so they show up to the wizard after going on a little side quest for the materials that they need (some unmagical blood) and the wizard tells them that what they're going to do is Fully Kill Faedren And Bring Him Back. which is HORRIFYING but again he goes into this accepting it as punishment for being a bad follower of his goddess so he goes in there and lays down on the table and confesses his love to one of his party members fully thinking that he's not going to come back from this. (party member is a devil stuck in mortal form and he says "i love you" in infernal it's super emotionally meaningful actually.) they knock him out and then like. god. can't even remember all the things the dm said happened to his body. so many dice being rolled for all the wizards doing this operation... cracked him open and took out his heart and all his other organs, put his body in An Incinerator, reform it, reanimate it, it becomes a zombie for a second, they kill the zombie, and then bring his spirit back into his body—
and while his party is watching all of this go down, horrified, faedren appears in some kind of celestial meeting room, sees his goddess, sees his friends' gods, receives a sacred mission to go hunt down and slaughter the cult that raised him for their heresy against their goddess, and chooses to take the help of his friend's god and travel to the hells for like. plot reasons. can't entirely remember what's supposed to go down with that but! emotionally significant because what faedren chooses is an option that lets them go back to the place his party member considers to be home and an option that he thinks might let them like. settle down. incredibly meaningful gesture. and his friend's god tells him that when he comes back to life he'll be better than he was before but his blood will run like tar. and faedren goes "alright. cool. sounds good man" (<— awestruck from speaking with his goddess and run emotionally ragged)
so back on the mortal plane what happens is his party member (under the influence of like. theoretically his god) Sinks His Hand Into Faedren's Chest And His Nails Into Faedren's Heart and taints faedren's blood with his own blood. and THAT'S what brings faedren back. incredibly poetic moment where the party member who doomed him by poisoning his blood saves him by tainting it with her own. and faedren comes back and he's slightly more gorgeous than before and all his scars are gone but his blood runs black now 👍 and he's not going to get turned inside out by his own body transforming into a vampire 👍 hooray for modern medicine. he was absolutely correct to be horrified and it Did kill him but divine intervention came through for him in the end...
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sarahgrows · 1 month
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When I had Tumblr back in like, 2010-2012?, I used to share really intimate things on my page. It's nice to have a space to vent. I know you don't follow me for that, so here is a pretty picture of my plants from this morning 🌱💚
Now here we are. Vague and brief but still helpful all the same...
Although overall I have been having incredible weeks in terms of my mood stabilizing and genuinely feeling the serotonin from my new meds. They are starting to really help and it's easier to feel more like myself again.
That being said, a former friend/still coworker has been making my actual family friend/also coworker's life a living Hell at work. What's worse is that management really hasn't or won't do anything about it because my friend is a contractor, not an actual company employee. So they can't call our company's HR, just their own. I'd go into detail but I really don't want to get worked up.
Leads me to my next point...this is the only thing that is truly triggering me right now. Unfortunately it is the biggest trigger I've ever had on a near regular basis. It is entirely disruptive to my peace. Just thinking about it while looking through my microscope working, my pulse rate will jump up rapidly and I will start shaking.
I understand I am allowing this to happen to myself. It's just something I have been struggling with. There is absolutely no reason for any of it, which is the cherry on top. I always try to see different perspectives but this really doesn't seem to have one for the aggressor. Who has also lied to many other coworkers about them, myself, other coworkers, and the fact they got a raise and promotion. But nothing will be done because "legally she can say whatever she wants". Yes she can, but we also have standard conducts of business, our "work culture" that is a key highlight and pride of the work experience for the company I work for.
It's just been incredibly frustrating. She stopped talking to me out of the blue, which I am fine with. I have no idea why she did but I'm at peace with it. Then this begins to happen and I can't help but feel guilty because I A) got my friend the contractor job and B) may have been the one that upset the chick in the first place and since she never sees me she's taking it out on someone she can, especially since the contractor is my dear friend/son's "auntie".
So that's been unsettling and a reason I have been rather closed off. I don't like interacting when I feel such negative energy in me at all. It's leaked out before and I'd just rather keep it to myself.
Here is to a better tomorrow, and an even better one to follow 💚
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emmy-dekarios-bg3 · 4 months
Heart of the Weave - A Baldurs Gate fanfiction- part 3
Chapter 10
It’s a rather eerie evening and by that I mean I feel an unsettling presence nearby; then again, it could be my disturbing amount of anxiety that never leaves my body nowadays. With Fanden spying on us before, I wouldn’t be surprised if we’re actually being watched. Our friends, except Astarion and Shadowheart, are visiting tonight to discuss the venture ahead of us tomorrow and the plan to get rid of this vile situation for good. The last thing I want is confrontation with Gortash. Each time I visualize his face, I clench my fists and feel my heart about to burst into flames from the hatred I feel toward him. I thought I hated him before, I thought he was just a tyrant. He’s my father, someone who could have changed, someone who had the opportunity to choose love over power… But that’s too much to ask of him. Secrets were kept from me my entire life, and I’m still upset with my mother for not telling me the truth ages ago. Right now is not the time to feel this rage and overthink it; we need to go into action and prepare for what’s ahead.
Astarion is at home with Shadowheart and their toddler. With him being immortal and not being directly involved with our scenario, it’s safe to say they’ll be alright. If either of them need us while we’re away, I told Tara to let them know where we are and what we’re doing, and that neither of them need to be directly involved.
“Okay, so the plan is that we get all the explosives – yeah, WHIZBANGS! – and blow up Moonrise? Isn’t this like, crazy illegal? Then again, what those fucks are doing is much worse and it’s best to put an end to it… Okay, I’m in,” Karlach chimes in enthusiastically as she cracks her knuckles as an attempt to be intimidating.
“It’s a shame it has to come down to such a devastating circumstance since it was once such a beautiful place. The place will forever be corrupted by the, uh…corrupted, it seems,” Halsin adds. He’s right. It’s tragic that such a once-lovely piece of architecture ended up corrupted, and will only hold the horrible memories and lost souls within it. How unfortunate.
“I couldn’t agree more. Now, either Emmy or myself will have Jenevelle, but will stand far away from the explosives. All of us will be invisible so we won’t get caught. Once we arrive, it shouldn’t take long at all. Go in, boom, out we go,” Gale explains with a hushed tone.
“I hope once those bastards are dead, they’re dead for good.” My voice is full of worry, though I’m relieved we’re getting this over with.
“No kidding! I’m sick of seeing Gortash’s stupid mug! No offense, Em. If it makes you feel any better, you look nothing like him.” Karlach always knows how to brighten someone’s day, that’s for sure. Gale sits down next to me on the sofa, wrapping his arm comfortably around my shoulders. If he’s nervous or anxious in any way, he’s doing a fantastic job at masking those feelings. Maybe it’s to keep me calm and collected.
“Baby, we’ll get through this like we always do. Jenevelle will be alright.” He’s right. Perhaps I’m second-guessing everything, or just letting my antsy mind get to me. I can feel my mind fogging, losing all recollection of previous thoughts from the past five minutes. An unexpected tingling sensation is causing me to feel drained.
“I wonder what he’s going to say to me. I know it won’t be an apology, that’s for sure.” Everyone in the room stares at me with puzzled expressions, as if I made no sense just now. “What?”
“Good thing you won’t find out, Emmy. We’re going to blast his ass before he’s aware we’re even there. Remember?” Wyll reminds me. What the hells. Am I losing sight of the plan now? Did I just have a huge moment of weakness where I completely lost track of what we’re doing? Get it together, Emmy.
“Right. Yes. I won’t have to say a damned word to him.”
“Say, when this is over with, can we go to the circus? I hear they hired a new clown, a professional this time. He has a background in stand-up comedy,” Karlach says excitedly, and I chuckle as I nod my head in agreement. She’s always so positive no matter the circumstances. Wyll rolls his eyes and kisses her cheek, admiring her goofy and authentic self. It seems she’s not the only one that wants to see clowns. Their alignment with one another is perfect, and I love to see it after all this time. From enemies to unconditional lovers.
After our friends leave for the night, I steep myself some chamomile tea to relax before going to bed. I hold my cup, inhaling the soothing scent of fresh herbs, and feeling the calmness greet me as the steam is absorbed through my nostrils. Gale stands next to me in the kitchen while in his night time robe.
“Hey, I love you,” he murmurs, smiling at me with that particular smile that made me fall in love with him. The way it lifts his cheekbones and the sincerity of love it shows me causes my heart to throb with intensity, and I never want the feeling to fade. I smile, trying to hide my face as I blush but he chuckles, taking my chin with his fingers and moving my face toward him. “Ah-ah, you know I love to watch you blush.” He did that to me on purpose!
“Grr. I love you too,” I finally respond, fighting laughter. “Thank you for putting my mind at ease.” As he places his hands on my waist, I place my tea on the counter and proceed to wrap my arms around his neck, which I can hardly reach.
“Allow me to hold you for a moment, please?” He gently kisses my forehead, leaving his lips there for a moment. I close my eyes as I feel the endless warmth of his lips upon my flesh, feeling him rock me as we stand here in the middle of the kitchen. “I know you’ve been feeling so tense and that it feels like we’ll never catch a break. We will, I promise.”
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Bracket D Round 1
Poll 22
Yew (@ficti0nal-b0yfriend) vs. Erin Sky (@totally-six)
235. Yew (@ficti0nal-b0yfriend)
She/Her, doesn't really have a concept of gender but she's a #girlthing
Yew is simply the world's silliest girlthing ever! She loooves killing and murdering, but that's fine cause shes having fun with it, okay?
A tall and lanky doggirl with an off-putting aura. Wears cutesy dog paw gloves to hide her real hands (long unsettling clawed ones). Has cute little floppy dog ears and a "unicorn-like" tail.
236. Erin Sky (@totally-six)
I obsess over this scrunkly scrimbo every day of the week, every waking hour. I have made others see my vision- this man is so wet sopping cat. He grew up in an abusive family with a monster milf of a mom and a little bitch dad, ran away at 16 and DIED, got revived by his friend via dark arts and had like 2 years of stability before literally going through his world war 3 and having his entire planet bombed. He dimension travels through many different places and pulls a grand total of roughly 13 bitches (note: over the course of time bitches got added and subtracted. as of now he’s in a polyamorous relationship with 3). He has died over 6 times and come back because god loves his ass, and he has recently gone directly to hell. This man is a FREAK and he uses TUMBLR VOCABULARY and he is 22. I need him so bad. I have convinced others that they need him so bad. I have an entire friend group of just erin-likers. God help me. ALSO HE BECAME A CATBOY ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS AND CAN SUMMON THINGS AND CAN GO MONSTER MODE LIKE THE FUCKING EDGY GACHA KIDS WHEN HE GETS TOO UPSET. IF THAT ISN’T SCRUNKLY I DUNNO WHAT IS.
He is a blue stickman. He has white hair and blue eyes (right eye has a black eyewhites because of burns). Half of his face is burned, and he has dark blue claws and horns. He wears a bright blue backwards cap, a pair of sunglasses on his head, a white collared shirt, a black trenchcoat, blue jeans, and black boots with a white stripe around the upper part of it (like, the part that makes it a boot). He has two gill-like cuts on the sides of his neck, and has two sets of those also on his lower torso. He also has a fat dumpy.
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voxiiferous · 10 months
if (vox & andrealphus) had a kid...?
Name: Eligos (“Eli”)
Gender: gender-fluid/non-binary
General Appearance: The first thing most people would notice is that they look unsettling. Their eyes, on first glance, have the same eye-shine as a lot of birds, and it's only once you get a little closer that you realize they're actually glowing. Speaking of their eyes, they inherit a more dramatic form of Vox's demonic heterochromia. One eye is the pupil-less blue or Andrealphus, the other is the swirling red that Vox has, and that eye does, at the very least, have a pupil! As for their plummage, it's the same colour as Andrealphus, white and blue, except that the ends of all their feathers fade into what looks like glowing fiber optic cables.
Personality: Eli is, despite their parents, and being raised in Hell, sort of a cupcake. They're sweet, they run an advice column in one of Vox's many publications, with some actually useful advice that isn't just 'kill them'! They guest star as a judge on the game shows, most often art or cooking based ones. They aren't super politically minded, but they do want to help people.
Special Talents: Andrealphus has cryokinesis and Vox has electrokinesis, and it makes sense that Eli has powers as well, and they do! They inherit neither parent's direct powers, but do have hydrokinesis. Bath time as a child was an affair, because they loved it, but also the entire room had a tendency to end up very, very wet.
Who they like better: Vox
Who they take after more: Vox
Personal Head canon: Eli marries very well, as in they end up outranking Andrealphus' position as marquis, as a Duke, but are, despite that, very down to Earth. They spend most of their life on Pride, living the life of a well-off urbanite in the public eye more than royalty, and they get upset with the Exterminations, because those are their people, they know them! They write into the advice column and are contestants on the show they judge. They aren't sure what to do to help, but for now, they're working with Belphegor.
Face Claim: I may do up some art for them in the future but for now there's nothing!
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Kiss And Tell
The job had been a resounding success.
Everyone had been riding a morale high, as they'd regrouped to head home together. Everyone, that was, except for Ekko and Jinx - there was something tangibly off about the way they were stood so far apart on the same board, about Jinx's unsettling quietness and the rigid tension in Ekko's shoulders as he flew. He didn't even turn his head to acknowledge his friend, as Scar fell into cruising position alongside him. The vastaya frowned behind his mask. That wasn't right. Had something happened?
Before he could ask, there was a flash of movement in his periphery, and his board dipped a little at the rear, signifying the additional weight of an unexpected passenger. Scar shot a sharp look over his shoulder - what the hell?! - only to do a double-take at the sight.
Jinx had just jumped onto his board. From Ekko’s board. Wordlessly and without explanation. He could feel her hands gripping the back of his shirt tightly for balance as she recovered from the hasty leap.
Baffled and increasingly concerned, Scar's head swivelled back to fix his gaze on Ekko.
What is going on?
For a fleeting moment, his friend seemed just as visibly surprised by this development, jolting upright, his head snapping around to see where Jinx had gone. Then Ekko's shoulders hunched in that familiar way they always did when he was feeling defensive and upset; his head ducked down a little, and he abruptly sped up, pulling ahead to fly alone without another backwards glance.
...What the fuck was that?
There was no opportunity to ask.
As soon as they arrived home, Ekko simply flew straight for his workshop with the decisive acceleration of someone who did not want to talk to anybody; they all watched him go in speechless silence.
Then Jinx jumped down from the vastaya's board and stormed off on foot.
...So much for the debriefing session.
It was blatantly obvious to the entire team that something had happened, at this point. Unfortunately, everyone seemed to be looking between him and Eve now, which made it pretty clear who was being put forward for the task of checking up on their teammates.
Scar sighed, looked at Eve, and tilted his head in Ekko's general direction.
You go deal with that one. I've got the other.
This was not how he'd wanted to spend his evening.
After a quick stop at the house so that Zee knew he was, in fact, back safe, Scar set off to track down Jinx.
Annoyingly, she was not easy to find.
"Hey. You okay?" His voice was gruff and slightly awkward, with an undercurrent of cautious concern, as he approached. Talking things out with an upset Jinx wasn't really his area of expertise - they weren't close - but someone had to check up on her.
"...What happened?"
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truearchangel · 22 days
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   THE CLIPBOARD seems to unsettle some people, or maybe Michael’s presence in general does, he isn’t entirely certain. He was trying to keep himself as out of the way and small as possible when doing this, knowing that if they saw him watching them it would unsettle them more. He tries to make it not obvious which person was his subject of the day, but that isn’t the easiest thing in the world to do. 
   Today’s subject: his own twin. 
   He debated this for a while, since he isn’t certain Lucifer lives here permanently? But the apple shaped tower attached to the hotel makes him think he lives here enough that he could count for this. Every single piece needs to play into the process if he’s going to get an understanding of what is going on with the hotel. So Lucifer was the subject and his brother was more than aware of that fact. He was trying to act natural while also overly acting natural and therefore of course, making this a failure already. He won’t tell Lucifer that though, everyone gets nervous when being observed. Given enough time, he might relax. 
   The first note he makes is it seems Lucifer had calmed down greatly since the situation in the palace, where he had cuddled his twin to a more mentally stable state. He was bouncing around the hotel excitedly, trying to keep up with Charlie’s energy and that seemed more draining on him than anything. He gives him kudos for trying though, his daughter was certainly a ball of energy and anyone would struggle to keep up with her. The girlfriend doesn’t even try. 
   The next note he has: Lucifer was still wearing his hairpin. 
   This note was surrounded by a few question marks. He had honestly expected to have it thrown back at him at some point? When Lucifer remembered it was even there? It was situated just slightly beneath the rim of his hat, off to the side and above his ear. It was keeping a bit of his hair pinned back in that odd way he chose to wear it, and he had to know it was there the positioning was too intentional. 
   Lucifer frowned and shifted a bit in place, adjusting the clipboard in his hand and making another note on that. Why wouldn’t he just chuck it at his face? Surely a little cuddle session on the couch when his twin was upset was not enough to endear Michael to him. He wasn’t stupid, Lucifer probably still wanted to run his sword through his chest and scatter his soul to oblivion. But he didn’t? 
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   Michael startled when a tophat peeked over the edge of his clipboard and quickly swung it down, tucking it behind his back as he watched his twin give him that sheepish look at being caught. Sighing he pulled one of his hands out from behind him and reached up, poking the tophat on his brother’s head with the end of his pen. “If you want to be more inconspicuous, try wearing something less than half our height. Anyone sees the hat before they even see you, dear brother.” He teases, the edges of a smile pulling on his lips. 
   As an afterthought, he added; “Apples suit you.” 
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agentrcmedy · 1 year
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       Come out of the rubble, stronger than you knew
      It’s hard to find the will to fight when all you can do           is            survive.
- Hang On a Little Longer // UNSECRET, Ruelle
The following backstory is heavily triggering. TW: Childhood abuse, Violence, Bullying, Attempted murder, foul language, prejudice/bigotry, emotional abuse, parental loss, blood, asphyxia, gaslighting, knife violence, physical assault. I’m putting it under a read more so that I do not upset those who do not wish to see such things. For those comfortable with all of the above, I give you feels on Melina’s worst day of her life, and the day her entire life changed for the better at the same time.
Wrenching her front door open with blood-stained hands, Mel’s harsh breathing echoed in the short hallway. Shut it quickly behind her and moved through her home until she reached the kitchen, turning on the sink and running her crimson fingers under the water. That and her weary sniffling were all that could be heard from the brunette as jumbled thoughts rushed around her head so intensely that it caused her head to ache. She understood nothing that was happening to her. The blue, warm to the touch glow that had emanated from her body, the sudden swelling inside of her chest as memories not her own flooded through her and left her breathless.
Everything happened so quickly, she barely had time to process before instinct took over and she felt the urge to save her friend’s life. A prank gone wrong is what it started out as, but when it ended up with someone on the ground bleeding, all laughing ceased as people screamed and started to call 911. Melina jumped in with her basic knowledge of first aid from her nurse mother and tried to put a tourniquet over the limb to stop the flow of blood, and not a minute later, the wound had disappeared against his skin and the entire room was staring at her like she had grown seven heads like a Hydra.
“What the hell?” “Oh my God…” “Witch!” “Monster!” “The fuck did you do?” Voices of her classmates blended together as she just gazed down at her trembling hands with a slack jaw.
“I-I…I don’t know…” she had whispered before holding out her hand to her previously injured friend to help him up.
“Jesus, get away from me. You’re one of those mutant freaks…don’t fucking touch me.” It had stung hearing those words from him, as he had been someone she had had feelings for since their eighth grade year. All she had wanted to do was provide aid until the ambulance had arrived, not become a despised circus act that became horribly harassed until she raced home from school.
“Come on…come off my hands…” Muttering to herself, she poured more soap on her skin and scrubbed at the blood until she was sure her skin would be raw. She grabbed paper towels and wiped off whatever she could before walking back into the living room. And that is when she overheard the door to her father’s study bang into the wall roughly as it opened. With a wince, Mel glanced towards the stairs and wondered if she could just hole herself up in her room; however, that would mean passing him upstairs on the way there. He seemed in a foul enough mood already, so it wouldn’t be in her best interest to antagonize him. Unfortunately, it appeared there was no avoiding him, as feet stormed against the floors aiming for the stairs. She hastily reached for the hoodie on the couch, threw it on over her stained uniform top, and shoved her hands into her front pocket to hide the evidence of what had transpired.
“Melina.” The darkened, icy tone of her father’s voice dropped her heart to her toes. Somehow, she knew that he had discovered the truth regarding what she had done. It was a strange and unsettled sensation in the pit of her stomach, like an overstimulated intuition.
“Dad? I didn’t know you were home…” Keeping her voice even, the teenager glanced up as he landed on the bottom stair and began to stalk into the room.
“I just received an interesting call from a classmate of yours. It did confirm some suspicions I’ve had since the night your mother died.” Overly calm, his rage boiled just underneath the surface, and Mel’s frown deepened at the mention of her mom. The way he spoke of his former wife was callous and unfeeling, but the young woman knew better than to speak up.
“I-I have homework to do. Can I go-?” Standing up, Mel made a step to the stairs with a small gesture of her hand, but soon paused from a sharp pain due to the stronger hand of her furious father enclosing around her wrist and squeezing.
“Sit the fuck down.” There was no request in his stance, and with a soft gasp of discomfort, she took a shaky seat. He sat beside her, too close a proximity as the hatred in his heart left her reeling. How could she feel his emotions so strongly out of the blue like this?
“When were you going to tell me that you were just like that bitch?”
“What? Dad, what are y-“ Pop. Before she realized it, her head snapped to the side after the back of his hand made a loud contact with her cheek. Her hand shot up to cup the burning skin in disbelief, but his fingers grabbed her chin hard enough to bruise, and forced her gaze back towards his, his eyes almost black.
“You do not ask the questions. I ask, you answer. And you will tell me the truth.” A target of his temper prior, this time felt eerily different. “Nod to let me know you understand.” Her head tilted forward once.
“How long have you known you were a mutant?” He inquired.
“I’m not a mutant…” Smack. The stinging against her face had her shrinking away as far as she was able. Her headache worsened as she shook against his hold. “Dad, pl-please. I don’t know what is happening to me…I swear. I didn’t know.” The grip on her chin tightened as hot tears blurred her vision.
“You can’t tell me you have lived your entire life without knowing what you are. Your mother kept it from me for the entire time we were married…and you see what happened to her? I had wondered how those men suddenly stopped shooting and returned to their cars without checking to make sure she was dead. Now I know it was you.” Melina was utterly confused, and though she tried to pull away from him, the hold he had on her was too secure.
“I don’t understand. How…how did you know they stopped?”
“Did you think you could outsmart me? You thought I would not notice that you’re just like Anna…calculating, secretive, dangerous. She could influence emotions…she called herself a “healer,” but she was a mutation, a disgusting abomination that should have never existed.” It was Melina’s turn to be enraged at the memory of her deceased mother. Swinging with her fist, she caught him against the shoulder, catching him off guard as he fell back halfway against the sofa, releasing her face. He never expected her to finally fight back.
“That’s my mom! She was a good woman. She helped people. She wasn’t a corrupt politician, like you.” She knew the fire those words would stoke. She knew the consequences that would follow if she did not leave at that moment. Scrambling to her feet, Mel glanced to the front hallway and began to race to freedom. A swift grasp of her hair yanked her back as she cried out, and her feet were swept out from beneath her. Her back slammed to the wood floors, effectively stealing the breath from her lungs. While she lay gasping, her father leaned over her with a sneer and threw a kick into her stomach to add insult to injury.
“Stupid bitch. You should have known better. You know better than to upset me.” He paced back and forth as he raked a hand through his hair and rolled his shoulder a few times. “If this gets out, if I send you back to school, my future as mayor will be over. Why did you do this to me?! Why did you have to be born with that bloodline? You’re ruining everything!” Mel rolled over onto her stomach coughing as he growled out his words, trying to think of a way out as he disappeared into the kitchen. “You should have been normal! This is your fault. Your fault I have to do this…not mine…” When he returned, her legs had managed to force her up, though her chest and ribs throbbed with every movement.
“I’ll have to make it look like an accident. You couldn’t live with yourself…you were a depressed child after the death of your mother…I can be quite convincing for the press.” Grabbing the first thing in her hand, which was a statuette on the table beside her, she flung it at him, and he cringed as it glanced off his arm. The extent of his unbridled fury slammed into her like a freight truck as she stumbled back, giving him the time to rush her. He brandished a knife, grabbing her by the throat and shoving her backwards until she hit the wall.
“I am doing the world a favor…humans will never love what you are. They will never accept you. You will always be a freak…you will always be hunted. They will not touch you or be with you. What person would ever want something so defective? Everyone will see you’re a monster. They will be afraid of you. You’ll hurt people. I am saving this world!” Struggling to gasp past her bruised windpipe, every impulse inside screamed at her to resist passing out.
Survive…she heard a whisper in her head as her arm rose up instantly to defend herself, his knife that was aimed for her chest slicing through her hoodie and leaving a deep cut in her skin there instead. Though she wished to scream in agony, her throat became even more restricted as his fist tightened, vision beginning to blur as a fight response took over. Her nails dug into his arm as she thrust her head forward, making contact with his nose. A cracking sound told her it had broken as he howled out his pain, and she felt the grip loosen enough for her to breathe.
“Let go…” she croaked through her lightheadedness, the adrenaline coursing through her veins the only thing keeping her from slumping forward. Yet, there was something else bubbling up inside of her as she willed him to stop, willed herself to live. It was a powerful, almost commanding feeling as her father released her reluctantly as though he was no longer in control of himself or his actions. She lurched to the lamp on the end table and tugged the cord out of its socket before turning and crashing it into his head with whatever strength remained, watching as he crumpled to the floor.
Though he appeared lifeless, her body was assuring her he was not dead. Still holding the now broken lamp, the temptation to swing it down on him again threatened to overpower her as she began to sob, the enormity of everything that had occurred within minutes finally registering in her brain. But then his words echoed back in the silence. ‘They’ll be afraid of you. You’re a monster.’
“N-No…No…You are…” she gritted out weakly as she staggered to the home phone and dialed a familiar number, the only person left in this world that she could trust. Only two rings before it picked up.
“Oh, my Melly Bean! Happy Birthday, love!” The sweet motherly voice of her grandmother rang out, a normally welcome respite that had her sobbing even harder, clutching the phone in bleeding hands as she fell on her knees. Not even a beat passed. “What happened? What’s wrong?” Gone was the softer tone, replaced with alarm and concern.
“Grandma…I’m a mutant…I-I’m a mutant…I hurt Dad…it was self-defense, he was trying to kill me…but I hurt him…” she broke down, shaking her head as she hurriedly stole a glance back at his prone form and prayed he remained that way. “Please help me…I have to go…I-I have to leave…”
There was a silent moment before Connie finally responded. There was snapping on the other end of the line and a soft yet quickened conversation between her grandmother and someone else beside her. She could have sworn she heard her name and then shouted orders from a male voice, but her mind was hazy.
“We will be there in ten minutes, sweetheart. It’s going to be okay. You’ll be okay. We’ll take care of everything.”
“I work with an organization that cleans up messes for people like us.”
“You…are you like me?”
“There's so much to tell you, later…just know you’ll be safe now. Stay on the line with me. I need you to breathe with me. Are you hurt?”
“And your father?”
“I, uhm, I hit him...with a lamp. He's unconscious.” The older woman chuckled in her ear, which strangely eased her panic by a little.
“Don’t feel bad. Bastard deserved that. And more.” The bitterness of losing her daughter was palpable before she began to sound out of breath as though she was running somewhere. “You did what you had to, Melina. You’re alive. You are so strong and brave. You hear me?”
“I’m tired.” Her adrenaline had begun to crash as she slid down the wall, and groaned in pain.
“I know…I know you are tired. But I need you to be strong a little longer. I’ll be there soon, and then we’re going to help you. Sweetheart? Mel? Melina! Agent Hill, get this chopper in the air now!” The wounded empath heard none of this, however, as the shock overtook her and she slumped to the floor, unable to remain conscious any longer.
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1lvaites · 2 years
not gonna tag any posts about human rights <3
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ineffably-human · 2 years
"Well why didn't you do something? You should have gone and done something about it instead of just sitting here."
When the leaks came out two weeks ago, I was seriously in a period of mourning. Like I was truly, deeply upset for three days trying to process what was actually half-translated and poorly communicated. And it's a lot of the stuff other people were thinking when 4x9 first dropped. Were we being told it was wrong to desire growth and progress in these characters? Are we stupid for caring about the humanity in them? Were we supposed to hope Guillermo just escapes this toxic limbo forever?
We see so much of how these violent, sometimes half-crazy, ancient beings are dissatisfied with their lives. How they're capable of love and connection, how they want the same things that humans do... I couldn't believe that stagnation was the entire point. I couldn't believe the answer to 'can you change who you've always been?' was 'nope, sorry, nobody really does even when they're miserable.'
It feels important we care. It feels important that we feel unsettled by Colin reverting back to exactly how he was before, without even the slightest memory of being loved and looked after when as an adult he's so lonely. (That whistling, the way it breaks your heart and gives you a hope spot at the same time!) It's important they made it clear, before he finds that room, that as much as his instincts are calling out to him it's not what young Colin wanted or something he had a choice about. It was important that Laszlo and Nadja felt like they lost major, important pieces of their new lives, experiences they'd never had before even if they ended badly.
And Nandor... I don't think Nandor's as okay as he says. I think Nandor seems as aloof as he was when we first met him. It's withdrawing for recovery after the end of a lot of striving and struggling and pain. Eventually the scab is going to rip off and leave him with grief and depression again. Who's to say he hasn't had this experience before? He did tell Guillermo that he hadn't been really happy in decades. Maybe for a vampire, taking some 'me time' after a rough period is a decades-long affair.
But there's such a clear rift between him and the person he loves most now. Everyone's lost something, and Nandor and Guillermo have lost some of what they were building. I think they were losing it before the Freddie incident even happened. (Now would be the part of the slow-burn, by the way, where they get it back and reaffirm how much they belong together.)
When the leaks dropped, I read Guillermo's decision and I thought 'why?' This was the first season where I could think of plenty of explicit reasons he shouldn't become a vampire. He might never see his biological family again, even though he knows they love him. No matter what, he has to deal with his chosen family's selfishness. He sees how slow vampires change, he sees their ennui, how the big things they want are band-aids over their dissatisfaction. He knows he can stay human and still have physical power, emotional leverage, life experiences he's missed out on up to now because of all the waiting-waiting-waiting. Even having a foot in the supernatural world wouldn't have to change. His devotion and loyalty have waned somewhat, he's built relationships with the other housemates but they're not as strong.
It's not like he's so unexamined about his feelings that he'd ignore all those things to go be a vampire alone, to go hang out with a lonely dude working a counter (just like he was when Nandor met him) when that lonely dude just happens to be a vampire. Was he regressing? What the hell was he doing it for at this point? He hadn't even said goodbye!
It was like a gut punch of relief (seriously, the noise I made) when I found out exactly what the line was, the last thing Guillermo says before taking the money to Derek.
"Nothing in this house ever changes, nothing's ever going to change unless I change it."
He doesn't pack his things. The bag is full of money and only money. He won't need that closet anymore because it's no place to keep a coffin. (The attic, on the other hand, newly renovated and now the biggest room in the house...)
I want so badly to believe Guillermo is becoming a vampire because he is going to march straight back to the house, show off his fangs, and drag them all kicking and screaming into the life he's dreamed of along with him. To rescue them from themselves.
'I can use this power better. I can be the new blood. You need something to react to? React to this.' Because his dream is relentless but so is his capacity to love these people at their worst.
And if that just sounds like Guillermo saving the day again, well...
You guys want a jealousy arc? Imagine Nandor seeing that someone else stepped in and did what he wouldn't. Imagine a Guillermo made newly sexual as a vampire, having a well-deserved slut era as Nandor watches and wonders what's so different about him these days. Nandor being the one to eagerly listen to him, to sit beside him as he bosses people around...
More importantly, imagine Guillermo having a conflict between his slayer blood and vampire blood. Or leaning into the selfishness that comes with being a vampire, so much so that he starts to lose the parts of him the household really needs. Or pretending 'it's fine, it's fine, it's fine' when it's really anything but and this isn't how he's supposed to end up.
I need Guillermo to be the one to fuck up for once. I need him to do something so selfish it hurts others, I need him to do the right thing when it's hard. I need Nandor to save him or remind him of the best, most human parts of him when he's lost.
I can't wait to get that, if that's where we're going.
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domestic life w/ bakugou thoughts pt 2910488:
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- biggest scary dog privilege imaginable. just- nobody is even going to look at you when you’re walking with bakugou. (bc even creeps wont try to provoke an animal that clearly has rabies)
- tries to eat as many meals as he can w/ you. regardless of what he says, he truly doesn’t like eating alone and will wait if he has to
- if u ever manage to drag him into a self-care day, he’s falling asleep .3 seconds in. somethin about the nice smelling products, your gentle hands against his skin, your soft voice explaining how long to leave his face mask on???? pls he’s out
- gets genuinely upset over any of his houseplants dying. like, full-day grieving event bc he feels frustrated over being a “failure” (he’s so dramatic i swear)
- rlly good at mumbling “5 more minutes- ‘s cold, don’t fuckin’ get up.” into your shoulder blades on the rare chance you try to leave the before he’s ready to
- he will fully argue w/ any pets you have. just, red in the face and debating w/ your cat who just swiped a glass off the table
- probably begs you to work out with him. n it’s so hard to say no bc he literally never asks for anything he truly wants. you’ll be wishing u did say no tho bc working out w/ him somehow feels way more like self-harm than self-improvement
- snores like a kitten. no u can’t convince me otherwise and no i will never under any circumstances be taking criticism about this
- bakugou normally gets up way earlier than u, but if u rlly wanna treat him, set his alarm back like 5-10 mins. while he “sleeps in” make him breakfast n eat w/ him before he goes off to work,,, 10/10 times he’ll almost be late out the door bc he can’t figure out how to stop pulling you into his arms (he can’t help it okay, it’s not his fault when you’re being so sweet)
- gossiping w/ him is genuinely entertaining. not bc he has anything of interest to share, but entirely bc of the comments he makes. like sometimes you’ll look over at him, and he’s just completely heated, spitting as he goes on a tirade about how your shared friend is such a “fuckin’ idiot, empty-headed, loser”
- runs into shit constantly. u cannot tell me this man isn’t clipping doorways w/ his shoulder, isnt accidentally cutting a corner and hitting his hip. he is. he just is.
- he probably does little stuff for u. like always making sure your pantry is stocked up w/ stuff you like to eat, or always replacing toilet rolls so you never have to run out. just tiny, minuscule every day stuff. like, if you’re not looking closely you’ll never notice, but once you do it’s like the list of all he does is endless
- calls his mother a lot actually. legitimately sounds like he wants to kill himself the entire time he’s on the phone, but always hangs up with a “Yeah, yeah, call you next week, hag. Same fuckin’ time. Don’t be late.” ,,, n then he keeps his word. he’s on the phone the same time next week w/out fail
- mans always has a hand on you. like if ur sitting next to him than his hand is on ur thigh, or wrapped around ur ankle, or idly running up the inside of ur arm,,, not even bc he’s trying to start something or anything,, he rlly just doesn’t realize he’s even doing it
- bakugou says that stupid as hell “I’m just resting my eyes” dad thing when he’s falling asleep and doesn’t want to admit it
- has a set of knives for cooking that only he is allowed to use. sometimes u swear he loves them more than he loves u
- u’ve never seen this man put something down gently. he has slammed down every item he has ever held in his hands
- probably sleeps all curled up into a ball. u cannot tell me that bakugou’s raging insecurities don’t have him absolutely locked up into fetal position every night
- lmao if u live with him long enough bakugou will straight up develop separation anxiety. like, he’ll just be pissy and disoriented and unsettled if he’s separated from the routine of being with u for too long
- has a frightening obsession with keeping your home bug-free. takes a slightly worrying amount of joy from squashing insects beneath his fingers
- sniffs food out, like a literal dog, before he eats it
- bakugou is such a primadonna about home decor. no rlly. if u ever try to pick out any major furniture without him, mans is throwing a fit
- taking him shopping is so funny lmao. if u faked that you were “worried about all the bags being heavy” and tried to “carry some of the burden” ,,,, pls u could have that fool looking like a pack animal by the end of the day. easy work bc his ego will never let u carry anything
- will melt immediately if you offer to give him a massage after he’s done w/ hero work for the day. just completely boneless beneath your fingers as he shuts his eyes
- bakugou probably does weird little exercises when he’s got too much energy. like he’s being annoying, complaining that he’s bored one moment and then next he’s got a yoga mat out and he’s rolling himself into a pretzel the next
- eats the nastiest looking health food you’ve ever seen. like it honestly looks disgusting but he swears its good for him
- will absolutely create new words just so he can call people incredibly targeted and personal slurs. gets the happiest u’ve ever seen him on the rare chance u repeat an insult he came up with
- bakugou will talk shit about ur neighbors even if he’s never met them. even if he’s never seen them. just cannot keep his mouth shut about anything ever and unfortunately ur unsuspecting neighbors make the easiest targets
- has a tendency to praise himself when bakugou feels that something he did goes unnoticed. like, if he did cleaned the kitchen and u don’t immediately comment on it then its “Wow, Katsuki, thank you so much for bustin’ your fuckin’ ass for this family! The kitchen looks great!” mumbled indignantly under his breath
- chugs any/all drinks he has ever had. breathes heavy afterwards like a toddler. its embarrassing for everyone involved
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