#the fans made me not want to interact with it anymore tbh
pseudophan · 1 day
As a former larrie let me tell you: larries don't think we're delusional at all lmao in fact they wish they had what we have: a chill fandom, dan and phil actually want to interact with us, healthy boundaries, i could keep going on tbh... Also the larry fandom changed so much during the pandemic lol all the big people left and now there's only weirdos on twitter who make crazy theories that wouldn't even make sense to the og larries and for what? To literally get called "crazy, lunatic larry fans" by louis tomlinson (yeah that happened... more than once). There's actually enough real evidence to think something happened between them but it got mixed up with the made up stuff and that's why people call that fandom delusional, but it wouldn't have gotten so much attention if it was all fake anyway sorry for the rant no one cares about larry anymore but i just wanted to say that no other fandom will EVER have what we have and that's why dnp are so special 😌
i understood like half of that but like rock on, i will always platform rpf. and yes it does also please me that out of perhaps the two biggest rpf ships of the time, phan and larry, phan came out on top. like the 14 year old in me is so pleased with that can i just say
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tariah23 · 1 month
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beastabyss666 · 10 months
You know as a former member of Vivziepop's cult and yes its a cult not a fandom anymore I am disgusted by a majority of the people in it.
Like someone on the subreddit brought up it being kinda tasteless or fucked that they sold sexy Stella merch in bdsm gear when she's abused Stolas physically. The post was deleted quickly and judging by my experiences in the fandom people were stanning Viv or harassing OP and that has got me thinking.
Why is Stella in bdsm gear? Like Stolas and Blitzo are canonically into it yet you give the abuser that...
Like isn't a bit fucked that instead of choosing the canonical practicioners in your show you choose to put someone who uses pain not to pleasure but to slowly break and hurt someone.
We know Vivziepop has a merch rep so how did that get into production?
I also find it fucked that Vivziepop and crew are attempting to tackle an issue as serious as domestic abuse and do it so poorly by writing Stolas and Stella as bickering children next we see them. Then the staff has the utter gawl to sell merch in general of Stella and the fans buying it up.
Like I understand autograph signings slightly but that's the only merch Stella should have.
Vivziepop's cult loves to claim that they utterly depise Stella and deserves to suffer because she's an abuser so how dare people want nuance or not just a generically evil cartoon villain but the moment she is drawn in a sexy way they start throwing money at that.
Like I just want to know how these people if their friends ask about the character on the pin will explain "Oh this is Stella who's a sexy domestic abuser"
Then again am I surprised when Vivziepop makes merch of a rapist and most of the crew have some weird fascination with Valentino and not in the way that he's their best written villain way more like they are simping over him.
I think a lot of fandoms, especially nowadays, have a lot of genuinely bad people who really need help/therapy but see nothing wrong in what they do or just keep doing that, though they know it ain't okay. That's so frustrating when you can't feel comfortable even in an Internet community. But Viv's "fandom"(I mean exactly these two shows, although Zoophobia also had...... not very pleasant people) is surely something... Where'd you find so many blatantly oblivious and blind brown nosers which keep pretending everything's good when there's already tons of red flags from Vivienne? Yeah, that's a rare case. I don't wanna interact with this fandom or even talk about it, tbh. I still watch the show cuz it's fun to see how it manages to be worse with every episode, though sometimes I don't make reviews as many other people do it faster and better and I just have nothing to say(I need to take my jaw from the floor). Regarding Stella – well, I don't know on what principles Viv or her team makes merch with the characters, but aren't all characters being sexualized anyway? They even have merch with Chaz, a guy who, like, died in the same episode. And they keep doing new merch with this jerk. And that's obviously because there are people who simp for him. I don't know if Stella's merch may be an insult to those who practice BDSM, I'm not into it, tbh, and I don't take these things seriously, but I find this just a bland sexualisation. Well, it's "sexy merch", but yeah, Stella's all character is based on being a mean aggressive yelling bitch, and this thing....... it must be a character trait, I guess? Or just a sweet treat for rule34 artists, like most of the stuff Viv does. Again, I don't take all of this seriously, this sexy merch was made to tease and please the simping fans, but there's certainly a part of irony in it. Like, people in this fandom hate Stella so much that they shit on people who simply want her to be a more complex character, and they're........ still buying all this stuff. They........ enjoy Stella being "hot dommy mommy" and still keep hating her? Ngl, only Viv's fanbase can do that, lol. I've seen this fandom from the start and I can say that many people here always had some weird obsession with Valentino. I even remember some person passive aggressively telling me that "he's just very charismatic and it's your problems if you can't see it". When there were, like........ A musical clip and a comic where he just was being an abusive jerk. Yeah, that's a really weird fascination. Also, doesn't one of HH's crew, who is an animator or a director(don't remember correctly), has a rape fetish and has drawn an animatic on their beloved ship Angel/Val? Hella ironic that a show about serious portrayal of trauma and abuse has a crew member(or members) which legit....... find it hot or cute. That's sick af but I guess Viv doesn't care who she hires. Oh, that's definitely not a pit I would like to fall in. I'm not sure there's any hope on Hazbin portraying trauma or mental illnesses properly, but I'll still watch it anyway. Whenever it comes out....
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allastoredeer · 3 months
I didn't realize we could just drop in and say "hello"! Hello! I just wanna say that I legit haven't been so deep in any kind of fandom since the Harry Potter days and I'm SO GLAD that I came across "Just Kiss Already" a couple of weeks ago. It's been like a domino effect ever since. Firstly, I watched the show and was like "Okay that was really good but I need more! I wonder if people still write fanfiction?" I went my my old stomping grounds, fanfiction.net, but there was only like 1K HH stories there. Clearly there's another place. Thankfully I discovered AO3 and omg.. the OPTIONS it had! So I found your story, LOVED it, then found your tumblr, looked though it and found all the awesome fanart, made my own tumblr and now I'm drawing fanart again for like the first time in almost 20 years! I just wanted to let you know that you are such an AMAZING writer and I feel like I'm fortunate to have discovered your work as early as I did. The show alone, I might have lost interest already but because of fantastic people like you, you've made me so much more interested in the characters, their personalities and their possible stories.
It's going to be a painfully long wait for season 2 you make the wait more bearable. Please don't stop writing. You have an astonishing understanding of the characters and I check every day for new updates! Thank you!
HI! Hahah, I love it when people pop in to say hello, so feel free to do so whenever!
Ah, when that hyperfixation sets in deep and won't let you go. Oh man, I feel you. When you mentioned fanfiction.net you sent me ZOOMING into the past when that was my old stomping ground too XD I've since moved to AO3 and despite still having fics on FF.net I hardly go there anymore. So, welcome!! AO3 is a goldmine of fics, so I hope you're eating your fill!
AhhhhhhhhH! ♥‿♥ It's so awesome to see people getting creative and writing their own fics & making their own fan-art! TBH it's been a while since I've been in a fandom THIS active (actually, I don't think I've EVER been in a fandom this active), so interacting with so many awesome people with shared interests is just hhhhhhhhhh it's been amazing.
And thank you so much (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) I absolutely LOVE writing. It is a passion of mine. Storytelling and character analysis brings me so much joy, and to hear that it brings other people just as much joy makes me just
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I love sharing stuff with you guys 🥺 and I love that you love it in turn. It's a cycle of love and appreciation and it's beautiful. I have a lot of Hazbin thoughts and prompts squirreled away, not just for my RadioApple series ;) and I'm very excited to get into them!
Thank you so much for dropping by to say hi! 😍
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
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inspired by a convo i had with @rainbowsky and i thought to make a post. it’s been a while since i made a write-up like this and i think it’s timely to make one cause even now — i’m seeing new turtles. or those who are experiencing fandom burnout. no matter what group you belong to i hope this helps a bit. as someone who have been here for quiet some time, i’ll just share things i do to make my fandom life as peaceful as possible.
we really get the best of both worlds as bxgs who love two amazing guys : xz & wyb. but sometimes that also means twice the stress and everything else. whether from content they put out or the cpn side of things. i’m not saying to live in a bubble where nothing bad ever happens, however, fandom should primarily bring happiness and relief. it is not one that makes you dread everyday if things don’t go “your way”. so here’s how i manage to do that.
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1. The Truth is they Don’t Owe me Anything
They don’t owe us candy/ cpn. They don’t need to make us secure of their relationship. If you are a BXG that believes in szd, then you must accept that it’s their relationship and not ours. It is between them. Whatever clues we manage to dig up and see is because we are so attuned to them. Tho sometimes I do believe they turn gremlin and leave us stuff to see— but again, we should not feel like we are entitled to be given any of that regularly. At one point, it will be the best for them to live their life and enjoy their relationship quietly. I know candy can be addicting and is one of the pillars of the fandom but it’s not everything. It should not be a make or break for you as a fan, if it is, then you may want reconsider why you’re here.
There will be times of no sweets. People must accept that it’s not 2019 anymore. They are not promoting a project together and so we will not see them like we did. Don’t compare the amount and quality of CPNs from before and now.
Just enjoy what we manage to spot and see. 🤍 Also knowing their status as celebrities, the focus of the public must be their work and not their personal life. I think they both understand the risks of them interacting and being seen together & it’s better to be safe.
2. Appreciate their career
Sometimes I feel like i’m a full on career fan lol. Considering how I first started this blog as a CPN only space then evolved into an update account and so on. The thing is I really appreciate their work and whatever content they bring us. I am a fan of them as individuals and i’m happy that I was able to make that switch. I don’t think I would last this long if all i’m here for is their relationship and interactions. I don’t blame those who left, especially back in 2021, when they found a much better CP to support. It’s their decision. But that’s the point, they were here for the “relationship” and not XZ & WYB. that’s why they left.
This is the best way to not get distracted by unnecessary things. There is so much content to get through when it comes to the boys and that should keep you distracted — you’ll have no time for negative news.
3. Stay on your own lane
I am talking about fandoms in particular. Don’t talk about other fandoms unless absolutely necessary. Don’t look for trouble by mentioning other CP fandoms. Stay in the BXG fandom as much as you can. TBH, I am SZD so I don’t see them as a CP like what other fandoms do. That’s why I don’t get really nervous when other CP fandoms have their own candies. But if they do, it’s theirs. We are not the only clowns in the world. Other people can speculate and theorize on their own pairings. Remember that before XZ & WYB, they have other CP pairings too. We are not the first. We are the most popular, strong in numbers and resilient — but we are not the only one. There will be more. Especially with the more dramas and movies they will be making in the foreseeable future. You will never be happy if you keep comparing this fandom to others.
I have personally toned down my bias towards showing off their Double Standards. And what the hell are you even doing going to other CP pairings territory? LOL. Please stop. Again. Stay on your own lane. Don’t go looking for “evidence” in other people’s home.
4. Don’t go to toxic places
Expanding on #3. Do not go to obvious toxic spaces and give yourself a headache reading their bullshit. Don’t waste your time trying to argue with antis ( twitter especially ) who are only there to goad you in the first place. I admit that sometimes I do cross over to those places especially if there is something on the hot search but I don’t do it regularly. Knowing your enemy as a strategy does not necessarily apply here. Do your best instead into making a positive environment for those who like XZ & WYB. 🤍
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5. Take a break and live your life
The boys always say this and it is true. Take a break. If you catch yourself going down an unhealthy rabbit hole of fandom then please stop. Go out. Talk to your loved ones. Do some chores. Sleep. Rest. Do other things. Watch Buddy Daddies LOL.
At one point in the fandom it was truly unhealthy for me. I couldn’t sleep because of crippling FOMO. I had to accept that there will always be things I will miss. I can always catch up. There is no pressure for me to always be the first one to update and post. No one cares. I can do fandom in my own pace. It can be really overwhelming sometimes and it’s okay to take a breather. 🤍
6. Don’t crack your head open
This applies to CPN and other fan or anti theories. Don’t think too much about it. It’s not rocket science. CPN is mainly for fun and there is a little amount that goes into serious territory. There is no need to believe everything. Take what makes sense to you and stick to that.
7. Participate in the Fandom
I think one of the ways to have a good fandom experience is to be present. to participate. It doesn’t have to be anything big because I understand that not everyone has the time to do so. Personally, it took me some time to show myself because there is joy in being a lurker. Put something out there that you would want to see but you think isn’t available. Or even if there is already one out there, put your own spin to it. Don’t be overcome by the crippling fear that no one would bother reading it so you just won’t post. Someone will see it. You will. You will accomplish something and contribute to the fandom.
I’m keeping this list short and simple as a guide for those who want to live a ( mostly ) peaceful fandom life. or maybe one of these may be a reminder for you to take it easy.
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The road ahead is long, so take care of yourself. 💛
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invinciblelikeu · 3 months
Maybe this is trying to be hopeful (but tbh the way these guys have shown their true colours is rather then ) but I wouldn’t be surprised if the ccs who are “distancing then self” try and go back to the dteam in a few months. Not to be that person but a lot of their audience was dteam followers. And while yes their have gained their own fans, they have also lost a huge amount of casual viewers. Because while they did make their own confer, a lot of it also revolved around being friends with the dteam. What I mean by that is punz Would gain viewership when him and sap would play valo but sap wasn’t streaming (or he was on kick) Hannah would often bring up the dream and tell stories of them when they would hang out.
While yes on twitter they may look good and have people “support” them for it the main platform that actually matter could and will most definitely take a dive.
I was absolutely fine with still watching and engaging in content Hannah would be making ( because she was genuinely one of my favourite ccs) when she said she just didn’t feel comfortable around them anymore because fair enough she knows them and she may not trust them now. But seeing her stance as of her recent Reddit posts and comments, I don’t want to watch her. Everyone makes mistakes, it going to happen. So to scrutinise and isolate someone for making an honest mistake because you can’t “forgive mistakes” is a horrible outlook on life and helps no one. Especially when punz has all that against him (I’m not too caught up on him) and she hasn’t made one post about him. And what he has against him is 100% worse then this but twitter isn’t at is throat so it’s not important to these ccs
I genuinely feel like she was just hurt finding out what George did( she’s 100% valid for that) saw twitters reaction and panicked like the rest of them. Made her statement way to early or without gaining the proper details first and now people are starting to realise how out of proportion this how thing has gone, she’s trying to save her self from looking like a shitty person but just ended up doing the opposite
And don’t even get me started in punz because what was he even thinking ??
I think what we have all learned from this is people only care about their public image. These guys have been “friends” for a very long time, and it wouldn’t surprise if they still talk to dteam out side of content. They just wanna save their own asses and look good for twitter to gain brownie points, while still actively engaging with awful people behind the scenes or even in content (the whole beau situation)
long post
hmm i honestly don’t know the outcome of this, but if they do crawl back to dteam i think they would do it privately, and whether or not dteam will take them back, i don’t know either
and you’re right. the clout they’re getting right now isn’t from support for caiti, it’s from the hatred for dteam. they are fostering interactions from antis who will never give them the attention the way dt’s community has given them — that i can say for certain. once this blows over i don’t think they will see a significant rise in viewership
regarding hannah, i felt awful for her at first. because in my eyes she was a good friend who was blindsided. and then she didn’t even make it about supporting caiti, she made it about ousting the dream team, which let’s face it, is performative as fuck. it could easily be passed off as trying to take a stand for women in the gaming community — which in itself is a very good cause — but it seems pretty transparent to me that she either was trying to save face, or has the most narrow mindset when it comes to growth ever, or both. she’s not gonna have many friends to rely on if she continues with that mindset. the friends who are honest with you and tell you when you fuck up but stick around to see you grow are the ones that last. best case scenario she’s just hurt and making panicked decision after panicked decision, but THEN i saw her lurking in the dwt2 reddit so idk about that anymore 😭
and punz is an asshole who threw dream under the bus mere hours after he was begging people to talk to him if they have any issues with him, just so he can deflect and appease to the twitter mob’s anger and make a diversion from his own allegations which were much worse. i’m glad it backfired on him because that was embarrassing as fuck.
content creation and the streaming industry has made these cc’s spineless, shifted their priorities to be more self centered and selfish, and it’s come to the point where they will burn bridges to save their career and get their 5 minutes of clout. they pick and choose who to support and who to drop depending on the reaction they will get. they pretend to be heroes while being hypocrites off camera. they need humbling, and they need interactions with people whose lives don’t revolve around the internet.
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Honestly i have so much sympathy for Ailette and the way she mischaracterises Tesilid.
like i myself also fixate on certain parts of the story and extrapolate maybe a bit too much - although in my defence i've only read like half the story.
-but the same can kind of be said of Ailette? This Tesilid is having a new, currently-being-written chapter of his life. In fact she kind of has things even worse, because her characterisation of Tesilid is based off OG!Tesilid, but current Tesilid had his life and outlook irreversibly changed when they met aged 10. But they never really interacted enough afterwards for Ailette to realise just how much of an impact she made on him. She hasn't really had a strong reason to rethink her characterisation of him. Not to mention that she first read the book with her middle school reading comprehension, which. Probably coloured her interpretation for the worse, at least a little.
I really wish Ailette would go into more detail about her own experience as a reader, to really see better how she's viewing this world and its people.
Which paragraphs are the ones that she thinks defines Tesilid's character? (Mine is "I'm praying that they'll all fail the test and go home".)
Which are the ones that made her cry? (Mine's "Right... you're on the side of this world.")
Which are her favourite silly Tesilid moments that make her so fond of teasing Tesilid? (iliac bones)
Which are the ones that reverberate in her head and which won't leave her alone? (Mine is "Please... show me some of that petty mercy too.")
I feel like the fun part of these kinds of isekai story is that. Whatever reaction you had towards Tesilid, be it "wow what a cute kid" or "i'm going to cry, i need to wrap him in a blanket where the world can't hurt him anymore" or "actually he should just destroy the world tbh i would support him", she's been there first and has been doing for at least 10 years, she's the OG. And she's super intense about it too. Like she can say "I need to save him because the story dictates it" all she wants, but the way she reacts so intensely and immediately to Tesilid in danger really speaks volumes of how much emotional investment she has in this guy. Like idk if she really rotates him in her head as much as I do - that might be a me problem - but if you rotate a character in your head enough times while fixating on certain moments and not others, you probably would end up with a biased interpretation of the character. Especially if you don't have someone else to bounce ideas off. And this gets worse if you're actually living in the character's world, because characters in stories serve certain narrative functions, so all their actions which get included in the narration are inherently biased towards portraying them in a certain way that serves said narrative function. But humans are a lot messier and more dynamic.
i just. shakes her up and down. love the concept of an isekai protagonist and the OG protagonist that they love so much.
anyway this whole post is a testament to how much Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint changed the way I interpret fiction and especially isekai stories. Not me anthromorphozing Ailette as if she's really a person and fellow fan who exists and isn't a character lmaoo, i'm definitely not having a "we're all fragments of kim dokja" moment, no sir. i definitely didn't subconsciously draw connections between ORV's isekai'd MC and myself and S-Class Heroine's isekai'd MC and our commonalities as readers who rotate the same story in their heads very many times, and suddenly make a realisation that's actually more relevant to ORV than the actual story that prompted all this. one whole year after i last read ORV, because ORV's story is So Much and so monumental that i'm still haunted by it and figuring it out and it lowkey never left my mind, even after a whole year. (please read orv.) like there are a lot of otome isekai stories about isekai'd MCs realising that the people in their lives don't line up with the OG characters, but none of these stories ever made me viscerally realise what it was probably like for kim dokja, because none of them had isekai'd MCs be that unironically obsessed with their OG protags, and more importantly none of them made me constantly rotate the OG protagonist in my head the way S-Class Heroine does. Han Sooyoung was right, you get as much out of a story as you put in to reading it and re-reading it and re-interpreting it. By putting so much time into S-Class Heroine I accidentally made some relevations about the other story that I was always trying to figure out at the back of my mind. Holy shit.
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tencrimes · 19 days
BossNoeul FM in LA - Thoughts
I'm going to copy my twt thread here because it says most of what I wanna share about my experience anyway 😊 But I'll add some other thoughts!
They are so gracious and genuine, even after 5 hours of performing and interacting directly with fans while jetlagged. I did the m&g, selfie, hi touch and 2:1 photo and every time, they made all of us feel special
The m&g was the first time meeting them and they were /right there/. Apologies for the quality of this pic but I was shaking lmao. I also didn't take many or record for that reason. My gf mentioned that I was her girlfriend and they seemed excited, so that was sweet 🥹
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When we were leaving, they made direct eye contact with each one of us and thanked us. They did this e v e r y time we met without flagging in sincerity, it was a little overwhelming lol
I'm similar in height to both of them so the selfie was a lil awkward lol. It was moving quickly so I just crouched awkwardly and that's why no one is ever seeing that pic uncensored 😂🫠
The hi touch was also pretty quick and I didn't record cause I didn't want to miss anything. Their hands are very soft, and Boss cupped his around mine while thanking me and I'm not sure how my legs remained solid enough to leave the stage tbh
The 2:1 pic was my last chance to say something other than 'thank you' to them because I'd been too nervous before, and this was the end. I was brave enough to ask for the pose I wanted, which was them blowing kisses at me. Boss especially got very into it haha, it was adorable
Once the pic was done I made myself stop before immediately running lmao, and told them both as clearly as I could that they've both brought so much joy to my life, and thanked them again. It was the least I could think of to encompass how much meeting them meant to me
It seemed like they had an incredible time in spite of how tired I'm sure they were, and I hope they had an amazing night after and got tons of much needed rest
Oh, and I really wanna be able to tell you all they smelled amazing and I'm sure they did, but I don't know how anyone ever has the presence of mind to notice because I sure as hell did not 🥴
I've seen people comment on how low-energy Noeul seemed to be, but it makes sense; they were definitely tired/jet-lagged, and I think Noeul especially was pretty understandably nervous. They're so used to seeing a lot of the same faces at all of their events and I'm sure there were VERY few here, if any at all. I only heard of one girl who traveled from Hong Kong; everyone else seemed to be either local or at least from within the US. Regardless, he was still as funny as always and it was amazing to see it live!
I'm so glad they performed Strongest Love. I thought we wouldn't be hearing it anymore, but apparently these FMs were their way of closing out the lita era officially so I feel incredibly lucky to have been a part of it.
They also mentioned the possibility (or at least desire) of coming back, so fingers crossed! I just hope that everything was exactly what they were hoping for and expecting, that they felt it was worth the trip, and that they DO come back again and maybe maybe bring FortPeat with them next time 😊
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pumpumdemsugah · 7 months
tbh i don't even interact with fandoms anymore due to how entrenched it is with fan-made depictions of existing characters that are so warped from the original that they're basically unrecognizable. it's filled with people stating "X character is Y" or "X character would like doing X thing" but forced to fit the personal preferences of random online weirdos, so much of it is them projecting their own boring and 'quirky' personalities onto other people's (much more interesting) creations.
It's so ridiculous! I had no idea I'd get anonymous hate over it lol. I've had less aggressive messages that lasted for shorter periods of time over things much more important
God! Why does everyone need to participate in someone's own personal fantasy? I don't get why that's so important? Is it not enough to find people that like your theory and talk to them ? I don't want to talk about shit that isn't a part of the story or pretend I think it's just as important because that's upsetting to someone if you don't.
People are scolding me like there's some deep moral obligation to care that someone sees a character one way. I'm not doing that lol
The amount of it's ok if you think ..., it's ok if you headcannon ..., it's ok if you X because if you don't someone will have a meltdown. Does no one know how to manage their emotions and expectations?
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persephoneflouwers · 8 months
i used to go here a while back even though i wasn’t rlly a proper larrie (complicated lol). at one point i started talking mad shit about them and everyone hated me only for me to come back and see how different people move now. womp womp :/ i genuinely feel like everyone dislikes them a teeny tiny bit, it’s weird to see. back then it was a big deal if you got away with a tad bit of criticism and anyone who was proper bitter was ousted into a small corner of this site where they stayed bitter with their anons. and it was also like 3 people. now im checking random blogs and literally everyone has some shady thing to say. DESERVED tbh. leaving before I say more. sorry if this is annoying or unnecessary. i just wanted to say it 😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️😶‍🌫️
I mean… if you’ve been following closer, they have been clearly very hard on larries for a while. Take Harry for example. This past summer he made his life purpose to destroy all things larries used as… something lol blue bandana? Here, X*nder have it. Sweet creature? It’s for Gemma and he said it in front of 90K people which was very humiliating imo. Umbro shirt? Listen, he’ll have it for a pap walk he will have to promote his brand and yall like bluegreen nail polish. And the last one, the one people willingly ignore, he has O*ivia name tattooed on his INNER THIGH. I dont think it gets worse than this lol do I even have to mention the biking sessions to promote a theatre play or…?
Louis has been a dickhead on twitter since he was in the band. Yesterday he was even more of a dickhead than he used to. If he wants to be the third Gallagher brother he should be asking them first. He was unnecessarily rude with everyone and with the chicken parmesan thing he showed to me he doesn’t even read the tweets or whatever issue with reading comprehension he has going on.
The good thing about social media instead of live or interviews is that you can take your time to write down some articulated response and that you happen to choose what you reply to.
He announced he was going to do this thing 24 hours prior, went online and treated everyone with sufficiency. Totally unprovoked. Can you see how prepared this was? That makes it even worse because he is acting like this on purpose and everyone knows it. Like what’s the point of doing that speech on stage everyone gets so emotional for if you go online and bicker with your fans? They’re not taken for granted when they buy your tickets, but when they tweet constantly about you and keep you relevant on social they’re? This tells a lot to me.
The problem is he wants to deny what he created (he mentioned the recipe even for walls promo) but he puts a target on larries’ back as always, because his fans can be unreasonably nasty and the pop world hates larries already they don’t waste a minute to start alienating them, insult them and bully them out of the safe space they have created for themselves. It’s the marketing they have chosen, their propaganda.
It’s weird when accounts with huge following interact with this part of fandom, because they never do it to “protect” them. We’re talking about a loud, mostly queer and young side of his fandom… I wonder what would happen if larries finally decided to turn their backs at them (which I encourage to do). Yes, there still might be a target on them but at least it wouldn’t be like that. I’m pretty out of the fandom, barely talk about them but I still follow some blogs so I know a few things. I’ve realised I’m not comfortable anymore here. I still want to write a few stories because it’s fun and I like the exercise but that’s going to be it.
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petrichoraline · 10 months
For the honest answer ask game: what's the history of your blog? (this really just includes how/when you began blogging on tumblr, content, your interactions and your special moments on here etc; whatever you wish to prioritize for the ask in context).
honest hour question answered 3 days later <3 truly hope the wait was worth it love hahah
as someone who's gone through my archive already, you know i started out as a bts fan account in 2015. (my previous blog is not gonna be discussed for the simple reason that it's barely relevant to this one)
i believe i used to tag and organise my reblogs? there was a time where i cared enough and i loved srolling through my own blog, i stopped enjoying that when i became more involved w/ fandom on here and things weren't aesthetics based anymore. i don't like going through it that much now. i used to play around with themes, search for them, tweak colours and fonts for hours. after i returned years later there was an issue with the editor so now i can't change my theme at all and it sucks cause i just want to edit a few things.
so it started of as a bts fanblog, then i started rb-ing other kpop stuff, maybe afterwards i started sharing gifsets from movies and series i liked? as for fandom, i had a good amount of mutuals - accidentally became one with a girl from my country, we went out once and it was very nice <3 procrastinated and lost track fo tag games back then too lmaoo i felt a lot of dissatisfaction over it so i try to do everything now with my current fandom :)
back then is when i started reading fanfiction - i believe my first imagine was a taegi one where v was an artist and yoongi a photographer lol i stumbled upon it on the dash randomly and i got introduced to ao3 a bit after
iirc for the following years after i'd stopped stanning bts, i used to come back either relatively often or once in a blue moon - in the beginning i was just enjoying wtv my dash was offering me or seeking out specific stuff, then i started using it as a tracklist of what shows i've watched haha, no tags, just rb after finishing a show.
i started engaging with fandom around the release of episode 5 of kinnporsche, i read a bunch of posts on here, then tms2 came around and i got even more into reading people's takes..at some point i started talking to people i guess hahah i don't even know when i started trying to put out content, so to say, i just know i was doing screenshot posts short before i found myself pushed to attempt gifs and that was after big dragon had just finished airing.
then i started my giffing journey. had support from @gillianthecat whom i loved giffing paulnice for. honestly that and the discussions we had were such an important part of me having fun with this site and keeping it up. and @joyladagang, my self-proclaimed #1 hype woman, made me feel super welcome. then i got even more moots, at some point i started reaching out or actively reciprocating others attempts at getting closer (though i had been active in discussions before that, i just mean i got a bit braver and started acting more familiar with everyone (esp w/ ppl i got closer to through @joyladagang like @cankersoregirl, @feralmuskyscentedhoepran, @loserlesbianongsa etc.)
i'm grateful to a lot of people on here, truly. it's not supposed to be a shoutout post so i won't be tagging any more people (esp since i would have to tag everyone who follows me plus a bunch of people i follow which..it's a bit much) but i'm genuinely thankful for each person that enjoys my rants, gifs, theories or wtv the things i post classify as, whether they found a post by accident or follow the blog. and i'm grateful to the creators i follow, and i'm happy to talk to so many sweet, smart and funny individuals on various topics daily.
so this is where my blog is at right now - trying to do a bit of everything and talking a bit with everyone. my issue, tbh, is i'm trying a bit too hard to satisfy everyone which sounds ridiculous but i am a bit of a people pleaser at times so it checks out lol
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babycatlix · 1 year
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hello friends! 💖 and happy new year! i hope 2023 is kind to us all! 
let’s just get into it! at the tail-end of 2021, i wasn’t really sure i was going to stay on tumblr. a lot of the friends i had made on my main and on another side blog had moved on from tumblr/we didn’t talk anymore. the few IRL friends i do have, i don’t follow on here bc i got rid of my old account (c. 2011) so i wasn’t really sure i was going to even be on tumblr during 2022. 
but then... march, 2022, my friend wanted to show me a music video. i wasn’t super jazzed but said “okay.” and he said, “have you heard of stray kids?” and me being into kpop for the better part of 16-ish years i said, “yes, i’ve heard of stray kids. i don’t stan, but i have heard of them.” fast forward a few weeks, he’s made me watch the maniac mv like 10 times and he thinks now is a good time to tell me, “by the way, stray kids is a self-producing group.” in case you didn’t know, i love groups that self-produce. see the other groups i love, bigbang, bts, seventeen, winner and ikon. so as soon as he said that, i was done for. i fell even deeper into kpop and fell into stray kids. 
in april, 2022 i decided that i should make a side blog for stray kids. i didn’t think it would grow into what it has. i just thought it would be like my itzy and blackpink side blogs, where i occasionally post some fan photos and other ppls creations. instead... i thought a good way for me to catch up on 4 years of content was to start giffing and here we are. i say this every time i do a follow forever, but i'm so happy here in my corner of stayblr. everyone is so kind and wonderful! and i want to thank everyone that shows my gifsets love! i'll tag some ppl below, but i want to mention a few special ppl to me first:
@yonglixx and @quokki my lovely sun ☀️ and ale! 💚 we may not talk a whole lot these days, life is busy and school is way too much, but you two were some of the first ppl on stayblr that i really talked to 💖 you guys were my first mutuals 😭🥰
@jinniebit ahhhh anna! we also don't talk a whole lot, but you are special to me! i followed you from your svt main and when i realized that you were here on stayblr, i plucked up my courage (i'm a huge chicken when it comes to interacting first! 🙈) and filled out your mutual form 💖 and i'm so glad i did!
@changbeens wonderful, amazing, talented bee! you mentioned me in your birthday follow forever and i was like, "how have i NOT seen them in my notifs?!" turns out, i was just blind, you were there all along. i love the way you express yourself and you never hesitate to stand up for your friends.
@sunnishine my sunshine 🥰 i'm so glad you were brave one day (i know it took a lot of courage and i'm proud of you 😭) and reblogged one of my gifsets, bc you gave me my own tag and an emoji to go with it 🥺 it was so cute and tbh... i was so nervous to tell you that i wanted a different emoji 😂 but i did and the rest is history.
okay, with the sappy emotional stuff out of the way, here are other ppl that i love a whole lot. if you're not following them, consider doing so! they're all so talented and wonderful! no special order, just alphabetical!
@agibbangs / @atinystraykid / @chanrizard / @chanstopher / @cheekyquokka / @freckledbbokkiee / @geniaparadox / @ggthydrangea / @hanjesungs / @hanjisoonie / @hyunchanz / @jerirose / @jisungs / @juiceofmoons / @jisungsjaistandjeekies / @khairemisthios / @lee--felix / @leefelex / @leenow / @minzbins / @missyedits / @nevoono / @seo-changbinnies / @skz-films / @snug-gyu / @straykidsgallery / @winterfloral
i love you all, you've made being here on stayblr so nice and wonderful! i would've done this sooner, but i worked both new years eve and new years day. but better late than never! i hope 2023 is kind to us all! 💖
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eldritch-nightmare · 6 months
you seem like the type of person whos tried making a creepypasta before this isn't an insult or anything by the way thats just the vibe i get from you
thank you??
you would be correct. i did try writing a creepypasta, way back when i was 12 years old. i didn't. never finished her bc i utterly despised writing back then. it was like... the bane of my existence. my worst enemy.
this anon is now going to provide top-secret v lore bc memories flooded my brain when i saw it so!! pretend there's nostalgic piano music playing magically in the air as i clear my throat.
if you knew me from 2014 to roughly 2017 or 2018 (which i certainly hope you do not) then you already know this but i used to rp in this fandom. heavily. on quotev dot com. i still do rp, though not for creepypasta anymore because i lost contact with the people i used to rp with. i do however like making random accounts on q bc i made a jeff the killer account and i also plan on making a bloody painter one and also perchance maybe a nina one bc i have no sense of self control.
so, fun fact, all the creepypasta roleplays i did is what honestly made me get into writing but anyways.
i typically just roleplayed as the creepypastas since that's what everyone else did, y'know? original characters and self-inserts were looked down upon at the time because people thought it was 'cringe' and because i desperately wanted to be cool and accepted, i never really. roleplayed as my ocs. not that i had any fleshed out enough to rp as but. we'll get to that in a moment.
so, the three creepypastas that i roleplayed as exclusively, never once rping as any other because my mind latched onto them and refused to fucking let go, was homicidal liu, and both jane the killers. but mostly jane arkensaw. i love arkensaw so much it makes me look like a fool, honestly, and the way that i write her today is still heavily influenced by how i used to write her when i would roleplay. i never wanted to stop roleplaying for creepypasta because they are so near and dear to my heart but a lot of stuff was going on at the time and my friends at the time had moved on from the fandom so i just... stopped.
now, on the topic of ocs. i never had a fully fleshed out creepypasta oc. i always found it difficult to make one?? because it felt like there were a bunch of guidelines on how to properly make an oc so the oc wasn't 'cringe' or whatever and i found the whole thing to be tedious and annoying so i just never properly made an oc. i would come up with concepts, and would even draw some out every now and then but i threw all those drawings out.
i was, and still am, however, a big fucking fan of self-inserts. i only ever rped as a self-insert with one person bc they were the only person i knew that was chill with it and self-shipping and fucking hell it was the best rp i have ever done in my entire writing career nothing has ever compared to it man. the way we did it was we would control our two characters, our self-inserts, and then i would control the character they wanted to be shipped with and they would control the character i wanted to be shipped with. you... you can guess who that was i don't have to tell you, you already know. and we would make our self-inserts friends and have them interact and then they would meet the two creepypastas they were gonna get shipped with and it would slowly branch off so they'd have their own things going on so it was like two separate stories that still connected, and we would discuss what to do next in the rp in a separate message and.
god. it was one of the best moments of my life, excitedly sitting there and continuously checking my notifs, waiting to see a notification telling me they replied to our rp. i miss it, truly. both roleplaying with a friend and roleplaying as a self-insert. i never understood why self-shipping was frowned upon back then, because it was probably the most fun and cathartic thing i've ever done tbh.
thankfully, i've grown and no longer feel the need to please people so i happily and proudly ship myself with characters <3
anyways this got way off track to the anon uh, sorry. but!! special v lore!! yippee!! the more you know, i guess.
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thewarnerbrothers · 1 year
alright i gotta say something
you really cant do anything when you have a moderately popular blog huh
Tumblr media
look. im a lurker at heart. i just happen to have one issue: not being able to shut up when im interested in something. thats the only reaaon this blog exists. i didnt come here to make friends, though i ended up doing that along the way
i dont want or need your pity. what i need is for people i dont know at all to stop putting me under a microscope
newsflash: i dont matter. follower count doesnt matter. at all. do you know what its like having thousands of eyes on you all the time? it sucks
i literally cant do anything
if i block literal strangers, they get mad and try to publicly shame me for it. if i try to settle disputes amicably in private, its seen as bad. if i attempt to be open and transparent with modding decisions, its bad. if i ask people to actually talk to me, they dont. instead they kick up a frenzy in private to coordinate a stupid mass hissy fit disproportionate to any perceived slight they may have endured. if i make friends, people take it personally. people see that as some sort of insult. i cannot be friends with everyone. i wont. this hurts strangers feelings, dspite me not existing for their pleasure.
some of you feel very entitled to my time. you dont own me. i dont owe you anything. ive tried to not lose the few molecules of my mind left on a regular basis because of some people who are no longer in this fandom, and some who still are. and man. i am just. tired. of everyone. all the time.
i think even more than the fact that this series was released (mainly) as a bingewatch fest, what killed this fandom was you
not necessarily you, whoever is reading this. i mean the fans. in general. some of you are so annoying, rude, inappropriate, and willfully lacking in social skills. youre over dramatic. youre moody. youre dramamongering. youre liars. youre bullies. youre self-ascribed victims. you dont care about other human beings.
youre repulsive, frankly
you are part of the reason people have been leaving the fandom in droves. the homophobia. the transphobia. the ship hate. the inability to treat other people with basic human decency. the manufactured scandals. shut up and grow up
you know why i barely interact with larger fandom anymore? ill tell you
waves of harassment to varying degrees ad nauseam
creeps who refuse to even try to keep their fetishes to themselves in private groups that include minors
abusers (most of whom are thankfully now gone)
people befriending me only to reveal that they dont actually like or care about me as a person
the most willfully socially inept people to ever exist
nosy jerks who literally cannot stand not sticking their nose in personal problems that have nothing to do with them
people treating me and my blog like im google adsense. im not a billboard guys
people deciding i am evil for no apparent reason? sdkjfalsdjfa
thinly veiled anythingphobia pretending to be socially just (hi homophobes who imply that being lgbt by nature is 'adult')
people who just make things up. all the time. just make up a lie, say it passionately enough. if you try to defend yourself, youre seen as guilty/suspicious. if you try to resolve things quietly with only those involved, you're seen as guilty/suspicious. cant win
wankers who need to learn why parasocial relationships arent actually meant to be embraced wholeheartedly
really lame one-off trolls tbh
the most fandom discourse-poisoned takes i have seen since su hatedom was at its peak
im just tired of being nice all the time? i think you guys just like taking advantage of people you imagine to be good targets
listen. i am allowed to do whatever i want, regardless of how you feel about it. the same thing goes for you. i tend to try to resolve things reasonably and rationally, but i wont pretend ive never gotten mad or overreacted or made a decision i regret. ive made that pretty known. i like to think i've grown, and ive gone out of my way to apologize to people.
some of yall do not understand that just because your feelings got hurt, it doesnt mean you are deserve an apology or an explanation. sometimes it literally is just a you problem. a skill issue. you need to grow thicker skin. learn how to curate your online experience. get. over it.
lets talk about blocking, shall we?
blocking is great. i block people all the time. i block bots, i block tag spammers, i block people who make posts with rancid vibes, i block people who ive personally interacted with and no longer wish to, i block because i get tired of seeing someones posts, i block people who post things that trigger me, i block blogs with icons i dont like. there's usually no grand reason for it, aside from egregious cases where i've been harassed. its also usually not personal. i will block people who ive followed for years. i dont care. i dont know most of yall. i know i've been blocked by tons of people and that's okay! i would rather people who don't want to interact with me do that.
if you get blocked, thats it. dont attempt to contact me again unless i reach out. im not the only blog in this fandom. youll live without my posts. i am not the arbiter of all things animaney.
im just some guy
i know that the people who need to hear this most will not care nor will they actually absorb what i'm saying. ive gotten a lot of hate over the dumbest crap. im done. i think i need to stop trying to be so friendly, because some of you think being a little pissbaby is the only way to interact with others online.
cant wait til i finally explode one day and just delete everything
tldr shut up leave me alone oh my god its not that big a deal jesus christ
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transmonstera · 1 year
In regards to your posts about ao3 and how vile it is in actuality, I wanna say thank you. I've not put much thought into the website I've been using but this has put things into perspective. I no longer want my work (work that I am proud of) on a website like that. Ao3 doesn't align with my values and I'm assuming many other people's who use the site.
Do you have any suggestions on a better site everyone can use?
(Side note: I absolutely adore your work!)
sure thing!
while there are no websites quite like ao3 in terms of filtering, curation, bookmarks, likes/comments etc there are a few alternatives out there!
Wattpad - I know people make fun of this one because it's where all the rpf for bands went back in the day but it is still operating and many people use it so you'll likely just switch viewers from ao3 to wattpad pretty seamlessly
Tumblr - you can always post directly on here! there is a character limit i believe of 4k so it's great for showing previews or even cutting up a small fic into parts 1, 2, 3, etc. a little clunky but it's an option if you only write short stuff! (Twitter threads can even be an option for this though again, a lil restrictive and works better for super short works!)
Google Docs + Linktree - if you have a linktree account you can always just link a view only (make sure people can't edit!) google doc of the fic! having the fics on a linktree still give people the ability to see all of your work in one place, and you can even see on linktree the click statistics for each fic! while it doesn't give the reader the ability to like/comment, you can always encourage those who do like it to leave a message on your tumblr!
Discord (or any groupchat tbh!) - similar to above you can always set up a discord server and post your fics view docs links there! it gives a curated experience and you can see the comments of people directly in the server
AO3 has seemingly made people believe that each and everyone one of their fan creations must be thrown out into the void where you hope everyone sees it and loves it. I think this has really stifled people's abilities to truly be creative in terms of making content of their favourite medias (and even with transitioning to making original work!) because you may subconsciously be adhering the current trends and whatnot of everyone else, even if you don't really like it yourself! I mean look at how common modern/high school aus still are today when I have yet to meet anyone who actually likes them. Look at how many books that have been published lately that painfully follow AO3 tag systems, where they don't even havea blurb anymore and instead just have "friends to lovers meet blah blah blah! read it now!". (Not to mention the quality of the books being published is fucking atrocious)
AO3 has ruined publishing and I am being entirely serious about that.
But back to where you wanna go with your fics now. Don't be afraid to restructure how you interact with your hobbies! It doesn't have to be so exposed and vulnerable to anyone and everyone having their say on it. I used to participate massively in fandom and I'll be honest, it made me miserable. I constantly felt like I couldn't keep up, that my ideas were wrong because another idea was more popular, and I really struggled. So I took about a hundred steps back and only interact with the media I like through my friends who also like it! And it's a lot better! You may not get hundreds and thousands of likes on fics from here on out if that's what you're used to, but I guarantee you'll have more meaningful interactions that you actually hold dear to you far more than any "a guest has left a kudos on your work" notification.
(Also just a pre-emptive thing of anyone who wants to defend AO3 on this post because "it's an integral part of fandom!" or "they need that much money because they run a site with no ads!", or you want to try and tell me that the fics on there are fine because it's fiction regardless of what the fics is (including literal fucking CSAM), just know you are completely unserious and I don't value a single thing you say. So don't even try it. How about you donate to a marginalised person's mutual aid for the first time in your life and you'll calm down.)
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singinginthecar · 18 days
Tbh I think a lot of us are in a similar position, where we love her but are finding her increasing disconnect from reality disturbing. 2019/2020 was a frustrating time for me as a longtime fan bc part of me knew someone in her position could never keep up the political action. But to her (and others of immense privilege) activism is a role she can merely toss aside as she pleases bc the traumas of the world don't touch her. If she'd just been honest with herself and not played us for fools, maybe more of us could have accepted her as someone whose art we enjoy but perhaps not a person to look up to as we once did
exactly! i wish she hadn't made miss americana and portrayed herself as someone who deeply cared about social/political issues. i do think that if she was someone who occasionally helped, or occasionally or even never spoke up about things... none of us would demand anything from her. SHE said she wanted to help. SHE said that she didn't want to be muzzled anymore and wanted to do some good. so then why do the opposite now? honestly i guess we're all constantly feeling played by her hypocrisy. the only time she uses social media now is to promote her music or her 10 different vinyl variants and merch. or she interacts with influencers promoting her music. it's disappointing because this wasn't the person we became a fan of and we held so dearly in our hearts.
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