#the fat shaming is shitty as well i agree
shoechoe · 6 months
Seeing as you also read the Invader Zim comics, did you notice the opening of Florpus takes after the first issue? Also I'm not going to lie, I absolutely hated how the comic version is just an excuse to dish out excessive humiliation on Dib. Like Zim straight up fat shames the kid and it annoys me when people brush it off as just "dark humor." especially because Dib wasn't even being a jerk. Sorry to vent too much but I feel like the only one bothered by that.
Yeah, I noticed. I actually heard that Florpus was a "re-imagining" of the first comic issue before, so I wasn't surprised by it. One of the things that did surprise me (from what I've read so far- I'm struggling to find the full fifth issue online RN, I might have to find where to buy it) was how mean they are in general- like, meaner than the show got, I think. The first two chapters just being Dib torture (as well as how much it tortures Dib in general) is a big example.
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(The comics seem weirdly like they try to change up ZIM and Dib's dynamic from "They each win their individual battles sometimes, but neither one gets what they want" to "Dib constantly fails at everything no matter what" which, to me, doesn't work as well.)
ZIM gets picked on quite a bit too, but his chapters struck me as a lot more fun to read than Dib's chapters. The one where the Tallests pick on ZIM and then it ends with him straight up killing them on accident was hilarious. I wish Dib's chapters were more like that.
Personally, if you don't mind me ranting about something slightly different, what I disliked even more from the first issue was Gaz's chapter. Like, Gaz didn't like how Dib tried to pull her away from her video games, so she tortures him by simulating him as a player character and has him die ten million times...?? I'm pretty sure that's worse than anything ZIM has even tried to do to Dib.
What really gets to me is the way that it makes Dib apologize to Gaz for "not respecting her interests enough" like he's the one in the wrong even though Gaz is putting him through I Have No Mouth-level torture just because he annoys her when she wants to play her video games. I'm all for Gaz being comically evil (I always thought she got too much shit in the fanbase for it), but not when you butcher a bizarre attempt at a moral in it.
The comics and Florpus definitely attempt to make Gaz and Dib feel more like a regular pair of siblings than just two assholes while keeping the IZ-style dark humor, but the last chapter of issue #1 failed pretty hard at it. It's especially frustrating because I feel like the comics do this much better later. The story where Gaz learns that Dib will explode if he gets sad so she spends the entire day trying to make him happy was one of the best ones, in my opinion.
Unfortunately, I feel like that chapter is an exception. Most of the time, I think IZ is just not very good at handling wholesome emotional arcs and positive relationships between characters. (Like I've said before, I could go on a whole rant about how Dib and Professor Membrane's relationship gets handled in Florpus.)
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lightofraye · 4 months
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Hi Cynifer! (And Dot).
Don't know you. Don't want to. I never even heard of you until I got informed of some hate my way. I don't even have you two blocked but you blocked me. Interesting!
Let's address a couple of things.
I don't hate Danneel. I dislike her, because she's vapid, materialistic, unsupportive, and humiliates Jensen on the regular. I have proof of a lot of this. I feel she's a bad wife, and yeah, a bad person. I'm willing to go on the word of a "rando" online over this too, because the rest of the evidence indicates it a lot.
Second, Cynifer, wow--you're also materialistic and unsupportive of Jensen. To quote your very words: "If I married Jensen Ackles I'd probably do nothing but make him babies, buy myself all kinds of expensive clothes and support whatever charities my heart desired."
Don't care about the charity thing but I can almost guarantee you that Danneel really doesn't. She's a performative activist, not an actual one. And wow--Jensen only wanted one baby. Danneel forced him to have two more, essentially. And did a shitty way of informing him as well. Expensive clothes? Why? The price tag doesn't indicate class nor taste. You can find nice stuff at cheaper prices, so the only thing you care about is the label? Pathetic.
And also: Nice dig at Gen there. Yeesh.
You also said: "I just think people who slut shame her and make up horrendous lies about her are fucking assholes who should be punched in the throat."
So that's considered a threat, BTW. Don't even try. And I'm not making up horrendous lies about how she humiliates Jensen, fat-shamed him, and has zero respect for him.
You also said: ""She identifies as a victim of abuse projecting her experiences onto Jensen for clicks."
I wasn't doing it for clicks. I never even planned to talk about Danneel this much; it kinda fell into my lap. And I'm not the only who who noticed all the abuse signs--and those are from people that, as far as I can tell, aren't abuse victims.
Sooo.... STFU.
Also, you being a Cockles shipper insults Jensen's and Danneel's marriage far more than my abuse allegations ever would. I sincerely doubt it's a poly relationship too--Jensen was agreeing that Danneel calls Misha her boyfriend, not saying he also considers Misha his boyfriend.
(I'm not anti-poly either.)
All you have are some cutesy looks and supposed interpretations of Jensen's and Misha's relationship as opposed to actual proof.
I have proof. I have tons of it. From Jensen's own mouth. From Danneel's own mouth and fingers.
Whatever. You do you, but don't make threats and claim I'm projecting or making up lies. I speak truth.
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skaylanphear · 2 years
Miraculous Future/Sentimonster Adrien AU
So once upon a time I had a Miraculous Future AU that I don’t think I ever talked about? But here it is! I think I’m going to tie it up with my Sentimonster Adrien AU. 
Trigger warnings for references to self-harm and attempted suicide. 
Basically, Adrien and Mari finally defeat Monarch Hawkmoth, and like in the fic I wrote called “Monster” (you can read it on AO3), he explains the reason why he and Emilie created Sentimonster Adrien, only I’ll tie in the rings and Felix and all that. EXCEPT that instead of Mari going up to find Adrien like in the fic, she never finds out that Adrien and Chat Noir are the same person. 
Therefore, Adrien is having to deal with the fact that his father is Hawkmoth and that his mother used the peacock to create him as a replacement for their first dead child. A lot to handle. So Gabe is arrested and put to trial, gets life in prison. Except he’s still infected with Chat’s cataclysm, so he dies, like, a year later. Meanwhile, Adrien has distanced himself from everyone due to the backlash of his father being Hawkmoth. That, and he’s dealing with his own personal demons as a result of being a sentimonster. He leaves Paris, severing contact with everyone out of shame and guilt and general self-loathing (what a happy AU this is). Then, say, two or three years later, Nathalie dies as well, because she’s sick from the peacock still, and so he loses her too. Just one shitty thing after another, because I like to torture the sunshine boy. 
So anyway, this all happens in, like, the first two chapters. However, on Marinette’s side, once the trial for Hawkmoth is done, she and Chat can finally reveal themselves to one another, which is something she actually wants to do now that we’re updated through what’s released of season 5. She and Chat have agreed to meet up or something, but when she goes, he never comes. AND she never sees Chat again after that. Adrien is too ashamed and heartbroken over everything that’s happened that his self-worth is in the dumps, and he’s pretty much convinced himself that he’s better off just... disappearing entirely. Ladybug doesn’t need him and his family drama around--she deserves better. So does Marinette, for that matter. 
SO THEN WE HAVE A TIMESKIP! Like, ten years or something. 
Marinette is the guardian again, only she doesn’t have Plagg or Duusu. She has no idea where either of these miraculouses are, and seeing as there’s been no disturbances caused by them, she’s never had any leads as far as looking. Part of her is betrayed by Chat’s abandonment of her, while another part of her fears the worst. They weren’t able to share their identities, so it’s just as Chat has once feared--that something may have happened to one of them and the other wouldn’t know. Of course, there’s nothing she can do about it, so she just... lives on. 
Mari doesn’t really “work” in fashion at this point. She still does it in her spare time, but I’m going to take a realistic approach and assume she’s still working toward that goal. As her day job, she’s a nurse or some kind of healthcare professional. I feel like that fits her personality and it fits the story too. She doesn’t keep in touch with everyone from their school days, mostly only Luka, Alya, and Nino (Alya and Nino are married?) Why hasn’t Luka told her who Chat is so she can find him? Well, she doesn’t know that Luka knows she was Ladybug, and he probably assumes they decided not to tell each other or something--he’s not one to pry. Anyway, so she lives in a flat in the city somewhere with all the kwamis and is leading an ordinary life. 
UNTIL Plagg suddenly shows up? That’s how I’ve always imagined it, tho I’ve entertained some other ideas. BUT FOR NOW, Plagg shows up and Mari is shocked to see him, obviously. But he’s anxious and goes on about how he needs her help, that he fears his holder is in trouble--that he might hurt himself (again). 
Adrien’s life has not gone... super great, obviously. He abandoned all his friends, the lawsuit against his father stripped him of any money, as the Agreste wealth was used to pay victims/damages. The only family he has is Felix and Amalie, whom he doesn’t have much to do with (I think? I’m not sure how big a role in this Felix will play, but I feel like he could be useful, as he’s also a “sentimonster?”). He’s been out of the public eye for a long time, and, to add to it all, he once tried to destroy his own ring--at a very low point--but it didn’t work. Instead, he very badly injured himself. He’s now disabled, being paralyzed from the waist down. He’s had a hard time, to say the least, and is in a very bad place mentally when Plagg breaks his word--as Adrien had previously made him promise never to tell Ladybug who he was--and goes to find Marinette. He doesn’t “tell her” who Chat is, but he does bring her to him. 
This starts a whole hurt/comfort thing where they both learn to deal with their problems and accept what has happened together. Very angsty, but I guess that’s what I’m in the mood for. Adrien is kind of a jerk, because he CAN be a jerk in canon when he’s upset, and Mari is distrustful and defensive. They have a lot to work through and, I dunno, I like a good angst-fest. 
Anyway, who knows if I’ll write this, tho I am thinking about it. I do like to be mean to the children.  
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“Ppl just really need to think how they would feel if ppl kept commenting on their pics like, why are you sad? What’s bother you? Did you lose weight?”
To add on to this, imagine Evan has body image issues, which he may very well have a lot of people do, and he stumbles across those comments. How do you think seeing those is going to make him feel? I know for myself I would feel pretty shitty. I get that some people have genuine concern about Evan’s wellbeing but some other comments I’ve seen are so rude I can’t help but think they just want to insult Evan and it’s weird. Back in 2013/2014/2015 there were whole blogs dedicated to fat shaming Evan and now people are calling him malnourished and shit. He’s just a human being, his weight is going to fluctuate and there’s really no need insult his appearance and then try to psychoanalyze him based off of said random photo you see.
i agree that to a certain extent, it’s gotten to be a bit too much. it’s more like a criticism than concern. as i said before, i don’t think everyone who mentions something about evan looking thin or unhappy is ill-intentioned, it’s just that much of it is just not realistic as far as expectations go. people fail to put themselves in his shoes and think about whether or not they’d apply the same logic.
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Miss Manners on: Fat-shaming
Q: I have breakfast once a month with a friend I went to school with. For the most part, our time together is enjoyable. However, I have noticed that she has a problem with people who are overweight. She will make nasty comments about them as they walk by our booth, sometimes loud enough for them to hear. I remain silent. This friend was a bully in school and seems not to have grown out of that persona. What is a good comment I can say to her that does not bring me down to bully level?
Miss Manners says: Other than “Sorry, I’m not free for breakfast”? Well, you could try saying, “Why are you making these people feel bad?” If the response is anything like, “It’s for their own good,” Miss Manners resubmits her first suggestion.
Your Head Bitch says: Oh hell no. I have zero patience for that kind of nastiness. By staying silent in the moment, your friend thinks you agree with, or at the very least condone, her behavior. You should push back -- which does not make you a bully, to be clear. In the moment, you should say something along the lines of 'That was unnecessary and cruel. I'm upset that you would intentionally try and hurt someone like that.' If your friend (well, 'friend') looks contrite or backs down, that's one thing. If they double down, I would say 'I'm going to get the check, I'm really upset' and leave. Perhaps an apology and a promise to do better might make me come back, but I kind of doubt it. Do you think those poor people don't hear it enough from their families, and their doctor, and society as a whole? Or perhaps they have a medical condition they have no control over over? Or maybe, for one quick moment, they were feeling happy in their body and your friend ruined it for absolutely no reason other than being fucking nasty? Frankly, anyone who thinks being rude to anyone else about their body for any reason is acceptable can go fuck themselves in my book. But there is a difference between pointing out someone has done something unkind and giving them the opportunity to reconsider their shitty choices and being a bully. Anyone who thinks the former counts can come take it up with me directly. Having a backbone with a bully, especially when you can defend someone else, is always worth it in my book.
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Letting that shit pass only compounds the problem.
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kingdaddydaichi · 3 years
can i request consensual hate sex between bakugou and f!reader
Oooooh yassssss! This idea got better and better the more I thought about it, Nonny. Love it! I hope you enjoy this naughty little slice of grudge fuck pie. 💖
Riding The Fine Line 💥 Katsuki Bakugou x f!reader 💥 NSFW
MINORS DO NOT INTERACT or I'll have my Big Scary BoomBoom Man blow your little ass up!
Word Count: 2k
"Oi! Who picked this shitty restaurant anyway?", Bakugou sneered as he walked towards the table.
You rolled your eyes and mumbled, "Oh look, Gorilla Man is here".
"Watch it, shitty girl. M'not in the mood for your shit tonight".
You'd made plans earlier in the week to meet Kiri and Mina for dinner. You knew Bakugou had been invited too, but after having suffered through it so many times over the past year or so of having some friends in common, you somehow managed to tolerate his presence. It helped that the drink you'd been sipping on made him somewhat less intolerable than usual.
It was like nails down a chalkboard every time Bakugou reared his big dumb head. His only redeeming quality was that he was quite easy on the eyes. Shame that such a hot guy is also such a huge asshole.
He's always given everyone a hard time, but unlike most people, you just wave a dismissive hand at him. And it makes him crazy. He doesn’t understand why he doesn’t get under your skin like he so easily does others. Oh, he annoys the piss out of you to be sure, but he doesn't hurt your feelings per se.
"Y'know, for such a massive ego yours sure is delicate, you meat head".
"Oh yeah? Well, for such a massive ass yours s-"
"God, Bakugou, do you ever just shut up?", you snipped.
Kiri and Mina both jumped in, laughing nervously and smoothing things over to lower the tension. He growled at you. You flipped him a subtle bird before looking away and trying to ignore him.
Kiri's birthday was approaching and several of his friends decided to throw him a surprise birthday party. You, Denki, Mina, and ugh, as luck would have it, Bakugou, were are all put in charge of decorating his house while some other friends took him out for dinner. Midway through, Mina whined while sorting through various sacks, "Oh no! We forgot the disposable rainbow shot glasses!" Mina had a way of putting a cute touch on everything she had her hands in. Denki offered to go with Mina to procure the missing miniature party cups, leaving you and Bakugou alone to hang streamers in Kiri's living room. Probably not the wisest of decisions, but consider the source. 👀
It didn't take long after they were gone for Bakugou to start in on you with his bullshit. Only this time no one was around to referee. You groaned. This was going to be a free for all. You'd already both cut eyes at each other a couple of times.
"You're not doing it right, dumbass!"
"That's a matter of opinion and you can shove yours up your ass, dumbass".
He flipped you off saying, "You can shove this up your ass!", then turned back to his task.
You were so done. Without thinking, you reared back and hurled the roll of streamers as hard as you could, nailing him right in the back of the head. Damn, it felt good.
He whipped around, a vein popping out of his forehead, clenching his teeth. You were quite proud of your aim until he made little explosions in his free hand and said, "You're really pushing your luck with me, woman! If we weren't in Kiri's house right now I'd blast you right through that fucking wall!"
"Pfft, whatever! You wouldn't do shit. You're all bark and no bite, you fucking douche canoe!"
"You ever stop to think that maybe if you weren't such a bitch guys might actually want to talk to you?"
That did it. He'd finally found one of your hot buttons and you couldn't take his shit anymore. You marched right up to him and got right up in his face, height difference be damned.
"You know what, fuck you, Bakugou! I'm not normally like this! You're the only person who…drives me to this madness!", you spat with tears in your eyes.
A second later, his hands were on either side of your face, crashing his lips down onto yours. You were so shocked you froze before pulling away from him, staring at him in astonishment. He just stood there, huffing, glaring back at you, waiting.
You stepped forward and pushed him, his back hitting the wall, hard. But before he could protest, your lips were on his again. He grabbed you by your arms and spun you around, pinning you against the wall. You slipped your tongue past your open mouth, his meeting yours halfway as he pushed his knee between your legs. He pressed his thigh against your sex, shoving his growing cock against your thigh in the process.
Taking the bottom of his shirt into two fistfuls, you eagerly pushed it up to his chest, exposing his washboard abs and god-like pecs. He quickly pulled it over his head and threw it to the floor while your shaky hands got busy with his belt and zipper, urgently, like you couldn't get to him soon enough. But his will took over when he grabbed your wrists and pinned them above your head so he could peel your shirt off. He dipped down to take a mouthful of your tit, cupping what he couldn't fit in his rough hand, swirling his tongue around your nipple, sucking, then releasing you from the inside of his mouth to flick the tip of his tongue over your pink nub. You grabbed two handfuls of his ash blond locks and arched your back off the wall as he gave your other breast the same treatment.
You impatiently tugged on his hair, hungry for the taste of his sweet lips again. Your tongues once again fought for dominance and you gasped when he picked you up in one swift movement. You wrapped your legs around his waist as he carried you to Kiri's bedroom, swinging the door shut behind him before slamming your back against it.
"Put me down", you said forcefully.
He stopped sucking on your neck long enough to rasp, "And why the fuck should I?"
"Because I want to get into your fucking pants, asshole".
For once you two agreed on something and with your feet back on the floor, you got back to work on his pants before reaching in and wrapping your hand around his hot dick. Shit, you could barely get your fingers all the way around it, it was so thick. You stroked him a couple of times before pulling him out, exposing his manhood in all of its mouth-watering glory.
He ran his hand down his sculpted stomach, spreading his fingers to either side of his girth. "Like what you see?" You realized you were staring at his dick and the pre that dripped from it.
"Wouldn't you like to know?", you sassed.
He growled and spun you around, pushing your front against the wall and swiftly closing in behind you. Wisps of your (color) hair fluttered around his hot breath as he breathed down your neck. "You keep on tryin' to hide it, but you want me just as much as I want you, princess, and I'm gonna make an honest girl outta ya".
His battle-hardened hands found their way down your back, around your waist and all the way to your belly before he slid them down, his fingers reaching below your waistband. You willed him to push his hands further down, pressing your backside against his erection. He used one deft hand to unbutton your pants and work your zipper down, granting himself better access. When he mercifully slipped his middle finger between your folds, you couldn't choke back the moan that emerged from the back of your throat.
"Damn", he growled behind your ear, "for someone who can't stand me, your pussy sure is wet for me".
"Shut up", you gritted through your teeth.
The feeling of the rough pad of his finger teasing your swollen clit nearly sent you over the edge. But it was short-lived and you whined when he pulled his hand away to shove your pants down around your ankles, accompanied by your damp panties. Your hands slid down the wall as he yanked your ass back towards him. You hung your head and watched the head of his cock as Bakugou fucked your thighs, back and forth over your slit, coating his fat cock with your slick, readying himself.
When he began pushing into you, your legs shook from the sheer pressure as he slowly filled you up. When he bottomed out, he held himself still, at least considerate enough to give you time to adjust to his size. He waited until you started grinding against him before grabbing your hips, and slowly withdrawing.
"Now let's see if I can fuck all that hate for me out of you". Before you could retort, he slammed his cock back into you, your pitiful cry mixed with his loud groan echoing off the walls of Kiri's bedroom. He set his pace, steady and hard, the cold buckle of his open belt pressing into your skin with every crash of his hips.
"Yeah, who knows? Maybe if you'd get your dick wet every once in a while you wouldn't act like one", you quipped, voice faltering as he pounded into you.
He slowed his pace to bend over you, pushing your hair out of the way before biting down on the nape of your neck.
"Oww!! What the fuck?!"
He stood up straight again, laughing and said, "All bark and no bite, hah? You just hadn't pushed me far enough yet!" The sweet and salty mixture of his sweat and your need could be heard with every loud slap of his skin against yours.
"Fuck! Bakugou-", you whined in spite of yourself.
He grabbed a fistful of your hair and gave it a firm tug. "When're ya gonna stop callin' me by m'last name and call me Katsuki instead?"
"When you stop acting like a raging asshole towards me", you managed as he fucked the breath out of you.
"Brave words for someone in such a compromising position. Now - say - my - fucking - name!". Each word came with its very own plunge of his cock into your mess of a cunt.
Your legs started to give out. "Katsuki!" You hadn't meant to obey him, but he'd kept his word and made you honest.
"That's better". You could hear the smirk in his voice after hearing his first name fall from your quivering lips.
You turned to face him when he pulled out, kissing him hard, his fingers going into your hair. You inched backwards onto the bed, Katsuki crawling in towards you with a primal look in his crimson eyes before nestling his thighs between yours and sheathing himself deep inside you again. Your head rolled back as you arched your back off the bed. Gods, the feeling of him filling you up was quickly becoming your new favorite sensation.
He nuzzled his face against your neck as he rutted into you, pulling your thigh up to his hip bone, raking his teeth against your skin. His breathing had become more labored and he started thrusting faster, your pleasure mounting with the increased friction of his pubic bone against your clit until rays of bliss shot out from every pore of your skin at the speed of light.
"K-ka-tsuki, I'm c-cumming hahh oh goddd!" The pulsating grip that you had on him finally sent him to his end as well, growling your name and cursing between clenched teeth, burying himself deep inside you as he unloaded rope after thick rope of his white hot cum into your snug, soft warmth.
"Seems Shitty Hair’s gonna get more than one surprise tonight", Katsuki said, catching his breath.
You laughed so hard that Katsuki hissed at the feeling of your walls squeezing his sensitive cock so soon after his orgasm.
"You still hate me?", he asked, brushing his lips against yours, supporting his weight with his elbows.
"Hmm...that depends", you said thoughtfully, tracing the cut of his back muscles with your fingertips.
"On what?"
"On whether or not you'd still fuck me if I don't hate you".
He smirked. "I'd still hit it even if you love me", he whispered, showing his softer side as he kissed you, smiling.
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dreamlanddoll · 2 years
idk if this is fucking dumb but like.. being flat chested/assed fucking sucks when you’re someone who presents as a woman and wants to be seen as feminine and sexy but we live in an age where there’s this obsession with a Very Specific Shape of woman and it’s not even just in mainstream media it’s in nerd communities on Tumblr and fandom culture (etc.) as well. Feeling good enough is hard when being a DD with a fat ass is considered more desirable and like.. kinda has been forever (not in every decade ofc like obviously early 2000’s we’re not the decade but mostly historically it’s always been curves = feminine) and you know in your brain that yeah that kinda makes sense but that just makes you feel more shitty like am I just inherently not feminine enough?? Idk but it sure does feel like it. And it sure does suck when I have to sit and try to be the “cool girl” when my friends who are attracted to women talk abt how much they all love big bobba and thighs that could crush them and it’s like that in almost every friend circle you’ve been in since middle school. How guys that are into small chested girls MUST be “gay” or (ew) “p*dos”. Without sounding like the “skinny bitch” that wants all the attention on her because god forbid we be insecure. Idk if this is just a very specific experience to me and a handful of other people but I honestly seriously don’t know why we’ve all just collectively agreed that “yeah shaming this specific body type is fine, it’s not like they get any flack from mainstream media anyway” which, 1. It’s not ok to shame anyone, and 2. yeah, we fucking do. And it’s exhausting. I can’t count how many times I’ve cried in the mirror for hours over feeling like I was disgusting, boney, boy-ish, feeling like I have the sex appeal of a corpse, desperate to hopefully maybe develop into someone more voluptuous but it never happened. I’m aware that being thin is an immense privilege and I do not get treated like crap and dehumanized for my weight, but this isn’t about that. It’s about how there is a Specific Ideal for women’s bodies, that is seen as “perfect” and “sexy” which is small shoulders, big boobs, no stomach, big ass/hips, and slim but not too slim. Which, surprisingly, a lot of people who present as women, do not fit and it fucking kills a lot of us.
(this is a terf hostile blog, terfs do not fucking touch)
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empressofdiamonds · 3 years
Body posivity and what isn't
Tw: body&health stuff related to weight.
Someone in my most recent post commented that they did agree with everything EXCEPT that they're accepting all bodies and didn't accept any body shaming.
The thing, I'll say it brutally, being fat or being skeleton thin is just NOT healthy. And this is saying the truth and it is not shaming.
Shaming is using derogatory language to bash down someone, it is using manners, voice, to induce a sense of shame and guilt in the other person.
I've been obese in the past, it caused a whole slew of health issues and I honestly think that if I would've carried on, I would've been in the hospital now. It caused me knee and joint pain, heart problems, being short of breath, acne, and induced in me a sense of feeling shitty and ill constantly. I thought it was just my knees being shit and it came with me at birth, but let's be honest, the extra weight wrecked havoc on them and exacerbated the pain. I know it because I've been there.
Promoting that being bigger is also being healthy is just so wrong. I am not talking 15 lbs above normal BMI, I am talking 40+ lbs, well outside overweight BMI. When the heart starts having a bit of trouble pumping blood into the tissues, causing stress on it. When the joints starts hurting, some mild arche. When you aren't able to run for one minute, even at slight jog, when you have difficulty finding clothes that fit you well and make you feel good... Something's wrong and that's not society's fault.
At the beginning, the body positivy was all about amputated people, people with physical deformities or oddities, etc. Those people that couldn't do anything about their body. Those people felt like shit about something they couldn't change at all, and the body posivity movement came in, to support those people through their body complexes related to that. It made their different bodies normalized in the eyes of everyone. The goal was to reduce the wrong eyes people cast on them, reduce the marginalization, and make those people feel better about themselves. All of which are noble goals.
Then morbidly obese people hopped into the body posivity to make themselves feel better about their body, allowing themselves to not guilty/uncomfortable about their unhealthy body. The movement wasn't for them at the beginning.
When there's something that's actively harmful to you, and that you blame everything else and excluding completely your own behaviour... it doesn't belongs in body posivity. Dot final.
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
shinsou and the very terrible, horrible, no good, very bad shift
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— You, a new sidekick, screw up a case for a Pro Hero Shinsou, and he demands compensation.
pairing: older!shinsou hitoshi x younger fem!reader
warnings: age gap (shinsou 25, reader 18), nsfw, 18+, pwp, DEGRADATION, power imbalance, spanking, marking, cursing, shinsou is a major asshole, mindbreak, sorta subspace, happy ending for shinsou, depending on person unhappy ending for reader, public sex, dubcon because of power imbalance
word count: 3,892
a/n: happy halloween. this is mean degradation imo like I thought ive done degradation but this made all those look like praise kink. be careful and click out if its too much
kinktober day 20 main kink: degradation | kinktober masterlist
How you ever forgot that as a high school hero-in-training student, you were a big fish in a tiny pond was beyond you. Well, to be quite honest, you never thought yourself to be a big fish, to begin with.
You were eighteen, a few months from turning nineteen and had just graduated from the hero course over at UA. That in itself was a huge accomplishment, one that you should take with bubbling pride and joy, but to be quite honest, having such a big name attached to you only made you nervous. To tell the truth, you often wondered just why a hero within the top 50 even scouted you to work as an intern with them and then offer you a position as a sidekick as soon as you entered your third year. Still, it seemed to be a common predicament with BMI Hero: FatGum.
Today was your first day on the job, no longer a student part of a hero work-study, but as a physical, government paid hero — a fickle sidekick! You shuddered as you slipped on the shoes to your outfit, your teeth gnawing at your bottom lip as you made your way out of the locker room, ready to report to your first assignment.
FatGum agency was quite a lovely place, loud and warm, being the first two adjectives you thought of when you first joined their ranks. It did wonders for your self-esteem, and seeing newly turned Pro Hero Suneater, who apparently was a million times more of a nervous mess than you were, made you feel oddly in good hands.
But still, nothing could keep you from the shock that ran through your body when FatGum proudly thrust forward a patrol route for you to follow.
“Alright, pipsqueak,” FatGum jovially spoke, his eyes closed while he smiled. “This is your route for the day! It should take about an hour to get through unless anything happens! You’ll go on the route every three hours, and in between those patrols, it’s the same paper system as before! Good luck out there, y/h/n, you got this!”
“Oh my god, no, I do not?!” you spluttered, hands shaking wildly as you went through the folder Fat had so quickly presented. “What if I die?!”
“You’ll be fine. Remember how Deku and Ground Zero complimented you the other day?”
“Yeah!” you exclaim, your face burning with your shame as you remembered that confrontation. “But that only happened because Deku is a living saint, and I spilled my noodles all over him and Ground Zero! Ground Zero was also, by the way, forced to compliment me by Deku! And all he said was that my combat skills were absolutely shitty but not as shitty as he thought they would be!”
“Ah yes, I remember Red Riot discussing how his friend was less than inept at expressing his gratitude,” FatGum hummed in memory, although that dumb, proud smile never left his face. “If I remember correctly, that means he has great respect for you!”
You made a dying noise at the back of your throat.
“But Deku doesn’t lie! He speaks honestly, so all his compliments were definitely true. Now, y/h/n, let's get through this day together, ne?”
You didn’t agree, but that wouldn’t stop him from throwing you out to the streets, your heart hammering in your throat as you walked through the path he used to take you on every day. Your smile was shaky and wobbly as the people you recognized waved and cheered you on. They were all excited to see you on your own. 
However, they did point out that you were here an entire hour earlier than usual, but hey! That’s what happened when you went from being a student to trying to function as an adult!
“You’re okay, you’re okay, you’re okay,” you chanted as you passed by the spookiest alleyway on your patrol.
The hour-long patrol was almost done if your watch wasn’t lying to you: a full patrol and not a single instance of needing to help. Well, you had assisted some people in carrying groceries and holding a child as a mother shopped for dinner that night, but there were no altercations, nothing out of the ordinary. 
You marched through the alleyway, your fists in a shaky clenched grip as cold, nervous sweat dripped down your neck.
You were okay, you are okay, you will be okay.
“Nothing to be afraid of! Just a normal, average, no villains insight day!” you spoke to yourself, your body shaking as you pass an opening in the alleyway, and you turn your head to look and freeze.
“Alright, and I don’t want fucking nobody hearing goddamn shit about this drug, got it?!” a man with a quirk that made him look like a blowfish snapped.
Six men stood in the alleyway, all with tall, massive, threatening vibes. You didn’t make a single noise; you knew that for a fact, but their gazes still fell on you the moment the man stopped speaking. A horrible, stupid movie cliche that happened too often in hero life.
Your life probably flashed before your eyes at that single moment, your body and mind instinctively moving to call the heroes before realizing that you were the hero now. What do you do?! What could you do?! Drugs?! Did they have drugs?!
Panicking greatly, you watched their mouths move, but you couldn’t hear them as you took in their faces in a blur. Before you knew it, your mind shut down, and your body took over. You weren’t sure what it was. If you were way stronger than the entire group or if you just had an untapped potential that burst open right now, because you blinked and suddenly there were all thrown onto the floor, busted and bloody and tied up.
You… you did it?!
“Oh my god!” you exclaimed, your hands rising to your mouth as you looked at each and every one of their smushed, dirty faces. “I WON?! I won, oh my god, I won — wait?!”
You stepped over to the purple-haired man on the floor, his mouth stuffed with a cloth fabric you probably shoved in there at some point.
“M-Mindjack-sensei?!” you cried, your excitement of betting this drug handoff simmering off immediately. “W-What are you doing? Were you gonna stop this drug handoff? I — oh my god, let me get this off!” You scrambled to get the restraints off of Shinsou, unaware of the way the other captured men glared at Shinsou, utterly shocked and betrayed as you cleared him.
“Thank you for the capture, y/h/n!” a police officer congratulated you as you freed Shinsou, and you smiled, nodding your head. “Is it just four of them?”
You froze.
You had counted six men at first, and with Shinsou recovered, that made five men.
“I didn’t… I lost one of them?” you deflated, all sense of confidence draining you as Shinsou remained on the floor.
“Ah,” the police officer grimaced, his head shaking before he paused and looked up at you with a halfhearted smile. “Well, you still did good work! We’ll see what drug they were talking about, and if it’s nothing too crazy, they’ll be good to go!”
“Yeah, of course,” you smile weakly, feeling ready to cry as you hold onto your wrist.
“But, uh, who’s the guy on the ground?” he nodded towards Shinsou, who was looking entirely pissed off and ready to bite like some cornered, raging animal.
“Oh, Mindjack!” you respond, hands motioning toward one of the other older Pro Heroes you looked up to. 
The police officer stared at Shinsou, an unconvinced look on his face.
“I thought he was… ah, well, old? And didn’t he have black hair?” he muttered before shrugging. You didn’t manage to stutter out your knowledge of the older man with black hair being Eraserhead because he was long gone already, fingers pressed to his radio, chatting with his HQ.
Breathing out a nervous sigh, you turned to Shinsou with a shy and fully apologetic smile. “I am so sorry for hurting you! Are you okay?” you asked, your eyes scanning the older heroes' stance, unable to read anything but annoyance radiating from his body. 
“No, I’m not okay, actually,” Shinsou spat, his face finally looking up from the floor, and you felt your throat run thick at the rage and anger simmering from his face. 
“W-Wha—” you stammer, taking a step back, overwhelmed.
“You just fucking ruined six months of undercover work,” he seethed, his feet moving to stalk towards you. You found yourself stumbling backward, looking everywhere but at him. You can feel your balance giving; the cold filth of the alleyway wall your saving grace as his fingers grabbed your jaw, forcing you to face him. His purple eyes black in his fury. “I don’t think you realized just how badly you fucked up?! You stupid fucking child!”
A wash of ice-cold realization flooded through you, the horror of what you knew you just did completely dawning on you as tears sprung in your eyes. You felt nauseous, utterly sick to your stomach because this seasoned Pro Hero definitely had shit to do, and you practically shat all over it.
“I am so sorry,” you whimper, pain shooting through you just slightly at the grip he has on your chin. “I am so so sorry, i-is there anything that I c-can do?! How can I-I fix it?!”
“You think I need help from some crybaby?” Shinsou snapped, thoroughly unimpressed by you, his eyes narrowing further. You didn’t even realize you were crying already. 
“I-I’m useful, I promise!” you cry a bit more, your body struggling as the older hero trapped you against the wall, his face glowering down at you with the intensity of a million suns. “I-I’m a sidekick over a-at Fatgum’s agency, but, oh fuck, I’m so sorry! I’ll do anything you ask of me!”
There’s a looming silence, a heavy tension as his eyes drop from your eyes to your parted wet lips. He’s much taller than you, and you can feel every heavy breath expelling on your face. 
“You think a pathetic, worthless little sidekick is able to do anything for me?” Shinsou snapped, his eyes narrowing as he loomed even closer. “A pathetic fucking bitch like you? I don’t think you can give me even a simple fucking action that would prove your worth.”
The words are hot embers on your ears, making your jaw drop, and your body trembles at the simple degradation. You feel your tears hot on your cheeks, your parted lips invaded by his dirt-covered fingers as he pressed onto your tongue. It had to be the shock of it, the reality of the hot, hard dick pressing into your stomach and the way he was staring at you like some piece of fucking meat, but you gagged around his fingers.
“Why am I not fucking surprised, you goddamn fucking whore,” he sneered, his fingers shoving faster into your mouth, pressing dangerously hard against your tongue, trying to get you to gag and choke around his fingers. “You fucking sure you’re a fucking sidekick? Look at you, pathetic, stupid, crying like a baby in an alleyway? You’re a hero, aren’t you? Fucking save yourself from this, you fucking bitch.”
You violently shake, your hands finding themselves tethered to his shirt, your head shaking nonetheless.
“Oh, you don’t want to save yourself?” He coos, his expression turning the slightest bit amused, maybe a bit possessive, but it lasts a second. You blink, and anger has replaced the amusement, red streaking in his vision. “Why the fuck not?”
“B-Because,” you strangle, your tongue flat against your mouth, your throat instinctively opening and closing against his fingers. “I said I’ll do anything y-you wanted!”
There’s another pause, and you wait pressed against the wall, your chest heaving with your anxiety and weird turned-on state. Shinsou was a Pro Hero, someone who was eight years older than you, someone you had respected since you were in grade school. Yet, here you were, looking nothing more than a slab of meat to him, a hole for him to abuse in his anger because you had fucked up.
“Oh, you stupid fucking slut,” he laughed, his teethed bared into a feral smirk. “You want this, huh. You want to please me any way I see fucking fit, fucking perfect. Turn around.”
There’s no room to argue or think; he turns you around without a second's notice. His hand shoving your chest into the wall, and you cry at the discomfort. He grabs your ass, pushing you uncomfortably into an arched position as he tears your pants down from your legs.
 “You’re a worthless fucking cumdump. Not even noon yet, and I’m going use your fucking body however I see fit.” Shinsou promises, fingers raking down your supple ass. Nails tearing into your skin, fingers slapping your covered cunt. “You worthless fucking slut, dirty fucking whore, already goddamn wet.”
“I’m n-not wet!” you cry, hips spasming against his rough hold, and slaps to your aching cunt. You know it’s a lie, you know that clear as day, but it doesn’t keep you from lying. Doesn’t stop you from shivering when he pinches at the cloth of your panties and removes them from your sopping wet folds.
“You think I don’t know if you’re wet or not?” Shinsou growled in warning, his fingers pinching together your soaked folds. An action that makes you cry loudly, the sharp pain too much for you. “You think I’m some fucking idiot?”
“N-No!” you cry, his fingers shifting to where your throbbing entrance is and his other hand going to your mouth, once again claiming your lips as his nails purposefully impose pain on your heated cunt. 
“You must think that since you’re lying to me,” he snaps, his mouth pressed to your ear, his hot breaths making your eyes roll to the back of your head. You want to speak up, say something, but his fingers are fucking your mouth, keeping you from speaking back. “But again, you aren’t fucking worth anything, are you? You’re not fucking anything.”
Those words whip against your skin, making you twist in his arms, hot tears pushing past your eyes again as you cry.
“Oh, you don’t like that?” Shinsou comments, his fingers pinching and pulling your tongue, and his hips begin to grind his hot, burning flesh into your ass. “Well, you better stop fucking crying because I’m not gonna stop until I’m fucking done — until I’m fucking relieved. This isn’t about you; this is for me. You aren’t shit, fucking worthless piece of shit whore.”
You sob into the brick wall, the tears unable to be stopped, unable to clear as his fingers that were scraping at your folds begin to fuck you at the same time as he fingers your mouth faster. The sensation of being outside, finger fucked in an alleyway by a Pro Hero you admired and respected beyond comparison, made you tremble with want and need. His cruel, completely degrading words a warm fire in your belly and against your skin. 
The sounds of the wet caverns he was currently fucking begin to echo in the wall, his throbbing cock grinding against your ass. It’s a sensation that makes you cry with need, your ass shifting back to feel him more, to get more from the contact he’s giving you.
“Of course some screwup like you likes this shit,” Shinsou grunted, his fingers fishing and rubbing against the spongy warmth of your walls, fingers scraping ever so gently against the velvetiness. You spasm against his touch, your whiney, pleasure-filled noises filling up the alleyway almost as loudly as the choking and the squelching of your pussy.
His hands suddenly leave your mouth, and you’re heaving at the deserted feeling in your mouth. You whip your head around, trying to see just why he had abandoned your mouth, desperate to please him more in any way he saw fit. But instead, you’re met with the sicky coldness of your saliva spread across your face. Almost instantly drying against your face as your still tear-soaked eyes looked into his dark ones.
“Don’t look so fucking sad, stupid cockslut,” Shinsou snapped, his hand that had been fucking your cunt abandoning your warmth and meeting your face. You whined, unable to come up with words as he spreads your slick against your face. A shiver wrecks your spine, a pathetic whimper at the smell, and the feel of the warm thickness of your slick. “You wanted this, fucking asked me to wreck your worthless holes.”
“I-I’m not sad,” you try to defend yourself, your body shaking as you feel the heated warmth of his cock suddenly between the curves of your ass. It presses heavily onto you, skin twitching and throbbing with its emitting warmth and simmering heat. 
Shinsou pauses, his eyes deadly and threatening as he glares at you. Unamusement heavy in his gaze, his mouth set in a small, teeth-baring snarl. “Then why the fuck are you crying? You think you deserve to be crying right now? No. You fucking worthless slut, you don’t. You ruined my damn shift, my damn case, I should be the one fucking crying. Your pathetic ass is worthless and tried to make my life the same, and that won’t fucking fly.”
The words tighten at your throat, your body trembling as tears continue to flow. His words are white-hot against your skin, and although it hurts to hear it, your cunt clenches in response, slicking even more.
His hand comes down suddenly onto your ass. The slap sharp and stinging, echoing loudly against the alleyway walls as you scream in pain. It throbs, your back contorting as you try to stretch the skin that makes you ache. But Shinsou spanks your ass again, without warning, his hand unmerciful against your soft, swelling flesh. You yelp again.
He spanks again, and again, and again. Each echoing action sending your voice screaming, counting them without even being told, succumbed to him and his every action and thought without needing to be. He spanks you until your ass feels raw and bloody, the bruises undoubtedly forming as he pinches the folds of your dripping cunt.
“Stick your ass out more,” he growls, tugging at the fold, making you stumble. The cock pressing onto the split of your ass feels heavy, and you twitch at the seeping pre-cum dripping onto your muscled rim. The bricks scratch at your face, and you find your ass wiggling out further from the wall, your back arched more as the cold wall sings through the clothes on your breast. “I’m not gonna put more fucking effort into fucking a goddamn worthless bitch than I should.”
And with that, your ass perfectly exposed for him to use and fuck. His throbbing cock presses through your pussy and slams all the way into you.
There were many pains you were used to as an aspiring hero. You were used to being punched, kicked, stabbed, thrown about, etc. Each of those pains were something you had been taught to make feel better, each pain demonstrated to you so that it wouldn’t be the thing that took you out. But there was no training for the way that his thick cock pressed through your impossibly tight entrance. There was no pain that could relate to the white fire of your rapidly fluttering entrance that was trying too hard to keep up with his slamming thick cock.
“IT HURTS!” you shriek, body twisting, tears flooding your cheeks as you feel weak in the legs. Body moments from falling. “It hurts so much! Please! It hurts!”
“Oh? It hurts? It's supposed to fucking hurt you fucking idiot, fucking whore,” Shinsou snapped in return, his hips firing into even faster than before. His massive body practically caving onto you as his cock rockets into you. Unforgiving, relentless, and with the drive to make him cum. Your vision swirls and spins as the pain reaches its peak, your mouth opening, your voice no longer working. But oh, how the saliva dripped from your mouth as his hands abandoned your waist to grab onto your stretched cheeks. He held onto your cheeks like some gag, slamming your head into his chest so your dazed eyes could stare up at him as his menacing gaze bore down on you. “You think this was supposed to make you feel good? I don’t give a shit if you cum. This is for me. I’m not fucking stopping until I’m done using you, so shut the fuck up.”
Your whimper is soft, no longer able to keep up with the pleasure your body begins to reach as the pain becomes one of pure bliss. Your eyes crossing as every thrust of his welcomed cock drives you further and further up the wall. The squelching of your meeting sexes almost sounds like a nursery rhyme. A pleasant noise that makes you giggle deliriously as Shinsou continues to degrade you continues to spout how insignificant you are.
“Your only purpose in your shit life is to be my fucking cumdump, fucking bitch, do you understand me?” Shinsou spat, his thrusting becoming barbaric, stammering in his power and speed. You laugh, your head nodding as you stare up at him with loving eyes, the drool and tears on your face trailing down your throat, soaking your uniform. “Tell me what your purpose is?”
“To be your cumdump!” you laugh, elation bubbling in your chest, fluttering deep around your cunt until you felt Shinsou’s teeth sink into your throat.
The feeling of hot, sticky cum expelling into your cunt feels like blistering euphoria, his heavy, rough breathing on your skin, making you moan softly. Your own orgasm hits, much softer, much more controlled than his as your walls clamp down like a vice around him. Your orgasm is warm, sounding deep within you that you almost didn’t realize you were dropped to the floor.
A soft, pitiful moan sounds from your lip, your eyes focused on Shinsou, who’s shoving his limp cock back into his pants, but his eyes are on the skyline.
“I-I’m sorry for messing up your… your case,” you rasp on the floor. 
Shinsou shifts on his feet, his gaze lingering longer onto the skyline before finally setting onto you. The anger seems to have disappeared, a look of slight boredom but the excitement in his eyes as he leans down over you. You feel breathless when his mouth presses against yours in a short, chaste kiss.
“I think you just helped me keep my cover, slut; maybe you do have some worth,” he laughed against your mouth.
He leaves you there, your body going limp and blackness taking over the moment he disappears.
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Prompt: Y/N has the life she’s always dreamed of: a good house, a nice car, a fat paycheck, her dream job and some loving friends. Her life feels like a fairytale...but just like every fairytale she’s not safe from the villain, the problem with that? He’s not only an incredibly hot Scotsman but also a fucking pain in the ass!
Word count: Long-ish
Pairing: Drew McIntyre x Reader
Warnings: +18 smut, clit stimulation, angst, dirty talking, cursing, name calling,(possible part 2?Idk)
Notes: I think it’s time for me to face my biggest fear: Drew McIntyre! 😂 all jokes aside, I’ve lost count of how many one shots I have written and soon after deleted about this handsome hunk. There are so many good stories of him out there that I’ve always felt like mine were actually horse shit compared to those so I’ve never had the courage to make this Scottish wet dream an official brand of my writing, but I’m looking forward to achieve new accomplishments on my writing in 2021, so here goes nothing folks! Y’all know the drill loves,sorry for misspellings,english isn’t my first language (bla bla bla),check out my other stories if you’d like to(it would make your girl here very happy 😊) and if you’re comfortable with it,please let me know what you think? Some feedback is always welcomed and appreciated ❤️You can check out my other stories typing ‘masochist writes’ on the search bar on my page and my newest story as a fixed post.Okay,now let’s get to the fun part,shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy 😉
“Oh Thank God! Just the woman I wanted to see”
I turned around to meet Becky Lynch, one of the few dear close friends I’ve made while working for the WWE as a massage therapist.
“Hey Becks! What’s up?”
“Y/N I need your help, I was doing some training with the guys when suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder and now I feel like I wanna cry”
“Oh Becky, c’mon let’s go to my office”
Once we got there I mentioned for her to sit on the massage table.
“So tell me exactly what you were doing”
“I was doing some regular weightlifting, then all of a sudden I felt this sharp pain stretch from my elbow to my shoulder”
“Ok, did you warmed up before hand?”
“Did you added the weights in progressively or were you in some sort of competition against Sheamus, Cesaro and McIntyre as to whom could perform a proper weightlifting faster?” I crooked my eyebrow
“Y/N! You know I would never do that” She tried to hide her shame for being caught
“Becky, I know you! I know how competitive you are and how competitive you GET when you train with Sheamus, Cesaro and the Scottish prick.”
“They started ok?! They said I was no match for them, so I had to make them swallow word by word” She said slightly angry
“Calm down” I chuckled “And I presume you won?”
“Of course I won! As if they stood a chance” She scoffed
I touched her shoulder and palmed the back of her upper arm til I reached her elbow
“And your prize for that my darling is” I looked into her eyes “Six muscular knots, probably some small damage to your elbow nerves resulting in a little trip to the physical therapists and shit ton of pain, congratulations! Are you happy now?”
“Oh no!” She whined “Y/N, please don’t send me to the physical therapists, they will eat my ass off and they’re gonna tell Hunter about this. Please Y/N, please tell me you can fix it?” She stared at me with begging eyes
“Becks” I sighed “I can undo the muscular knots but I ain’t no fairy godmother! If you have some sort of nerve damage that’s up to the physical therapists...there’s nothing I can do about that honey”
“Please Y/N give me some of the red magical relief juice you gave to Kofi” She pleads
“Red magical relief juice?” I asked confused
“Yes, Kofi said he had this horrible pain from an injury and you gave him this red magical relief juice that helped him better than any medicine! Please give that to me too!”
I laughed before answering
“Oh Kofi, Kofi... it’s not an juice, it’s a liquid... a toner. A home made medicine I learned with my grandma. Technically I’m not even allowed to use that, but I know it works, better than these crap versions of Vick’s Vapor Rub” I tossed a little small green package in the trash can.
“Can you give that to me?” She asked with her eyes full of hope
“Fine” I said and she smiles widely
“But, you have to promise me that you will stop with these stupid and senseless competitions! They could permanently damage your nerves you know?!”
“Ok I promise”
I took a small plastic bottle from the cabinet and filled up with some small amount of the toner and placed the bottle inside a small paper bag. I also gave her a little bit of my grandma’s famous ointment in a tiny tin can.
“Alright, so here’s what you’re gonna do: once you get to your hotel room, you’ll take a hot shower and before you put your clothes on, you’re gonna rub the toner from your neck to your elbow all over your shoulder and back upper arm” She nods and I proceed “Then right after you’re going to take a small amount of this ointment” I show her the little tin can “And rub it all over your shoulder, back upper arm and elbow. Right afterwards you get dress with a long sleeve shirt and go to bed. Remember that you cannot leave your skin exposed to the cold air of air conditioning, because if you do it will make your pain and damage way worse! Do you hear me?”
“Yes Ma’am”
“If in three to four days you still feel any sort of pain you’re gonna have to go to the physical therapists”
“Becky I’m serious”
“Okay Y/N I got it” She smiles softly
“Good, now please, don’t tell anyone about this” I shook the little bag “And tell Kofi to keep his mouth shut. I know he means well but I could get fired for this”
“My lips are sealed” She pressed her lips in a thin line
“Thank you” I chuckled “Now, go on and take 20 drops of this” I give her some Ibuprofen “And come back in 20 minutes”
“Why?” She asks confused
“Because we still have to undo those knots and it’s not gonna be the fun kind of pain my dear”
“Argh” She groans
One week later
I was finishing tidying up the massage table from the session I just had with Bayley when someone knocked on my office door
“Come on in”
“Hey Y/N” Seth Rollins said in a voice full of pain as he tried to walk towards me
“Seth are you ok? Jesus, you look like somebody just kicked your balls so hard that they went up to your throat! What happened?” I tried to hold back my laugh
“A long story involving Cesaro and Drew. Moral of the story is my back is fucked up, do you think you can help me?”
“Can you lay down here?” I patted the table
“I guess so” He made his way to it excruciatingly slow as I helped him to lay down
“Where’s the pain worst?”
“My lower back” I touched and he gasped in pain
“Do you think you could give me some of that red magical relief juice?” He whispered so only I could hear it.
Of course I wasn’t surprised about him knowing of the “magical relief juice” since he and Becky were together I figured she told him.
“Did Becky told you?”
“Only today, once she saw I was in a tremendous pain...When she was using it I pressed her to tell me who gave it to her but she didn’t wanted to say, she said it was her fairy godmother”
I couldn’t help but smile at Becky’s inside joke and loyalty. I truly love that girl.
“Sure thing Rollins, just please don’t-“
“I won’t tell anyone Y/N don’t worry! Your witchy recipe is safe with me” He chuckled “Ouch fuck, that hurts” He groaned
“Did you bring any jacket on with you?” I laugh
“Yeah Becky told me to”
“Ok, let’s get start it”
Forty minutes and a relaxed thankful Seth Rollins later. I was finishing washing my hands while Seth pulled the zipper of his jacked up. I could feel his eyes on me
“What is it Rollins?”
“Can I ask you something?”
“If the question is if I am a 450 year old witch then my answer is, you will never know” I whisper as I turn to face him with a smirk
He laughs before saying “Well I’m sure you are sweetheart” He winks playfully “But that’s not the question though unfortunately”
“What is it then?”
He looked at me with a sense of caution before asking
“Why do you hate Drew so much?”
“McIntyre? The Scottish prick? The shitty bearded version of Gastón from Beauty and The Beast?” I ask in disbelief
My hatred for Drew McIntyre goes way back to 5 years ago. To make a long story short he has being a pain in my ass every since I started working here. It all resumes to the bad flirting and endless fights. We’ve always fought at least 3 times a week for as long as I can remember. It’s like a weekly ritual for us, and our fights are always petty and ridiculous such as who will get in the elevator first or who will rent the last SUV car.
“Yeah...” He answers slightly embarrassed
“Well that’s simple, he’s an asshole! A smug fucker who thinks he’s the most beautiful man to ever walk the earth and that every woman alive must fall for him in all fours”
“Is there anything else beyond that?” He asks
“No! Of course not!” I lied. As if I could tell him about my deep sexual desire for the Scotsman
“Are you sure? I mean, you must agree with me that he is very beautiful” Seth answers
“I’m not saying he’s not. I have eyes, so trust me, I know he’s hot as fuck and a very handsome man but that doesn’t mean that every woman on this company wants him!” I scoffed
“Does the ‘every woman’ equals Y/N?”
“Why are you asking me this?” I asked aggressively
“Look, there’s no need for you to get all defensive ok? I’m your friend and I’m just asking this as a friend. I’m not coming for you by any means” He says with a soothing voice
“Sorry, it was just my automatic response”
“It’s okay sweetie”
“But Seth...why this question now?”
“Let’s just say that I may or may not have heard some backstage talk and I would like to know this from your own mouth instead of other people’s”
“Backstage talk? About what?” I ask angrily
His eyes widened “You know what? Let’s forget I ever men-“
“No no no Rollins you’ve started this now you will finish it!” Now I was really angry
“Fuck, I should’ve kept my mouth shut” He murmured
“But you didn’t! So spit it out”
“Ok...I’ve heard one of the girls say that the reason why you hate Drew so much is because you kinda have a hidden want for him to fuck you but since he’s ‘not interested’ you get pissed off” He whispered
“Y/N please keep your voice down! Somebody is gonna hear you”
“I COULD GIVE TWO FUCKS IF SOMEBODY CAN HEAR ME! Who’ve said that Seth?” I was boiling with rage
“Sweetie, I’m not gonna tell you who’ve said it because I know you will-“
I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and whispered
“If you don’t tell me who’ve said that right now Rollins I swear to God on God in heaven that I will cut your balls off and shove them down your throat!”
He gulped
“Now who’ve said that?”
“Carmella” He whispered and I smiled letting go of his collar “Y/N please don’t do anything stupid!” He said as I removed my coat
“Don’t forget to rub the toner on your back once you’re out of the shower” I patted his shoulder and made my way to the door
“Y/N where are you going? Y/N please whatever you’re thinking about doing it, just don’t ok? She’s not worth it! Y/N PLEASE!”
But his screams were now faint as I make my way down the hallway to find the blond gossiper girl.
I finally find Carmella “talking”, to Sheamus in one of the hallways.
“Oi Y/N, how’s life treating ya lass?” Sheamus smiles widely at me, making his usual greeting. At any other day it would’ve made my afternoon happier to find that amazing Irish man, but not today! I was so furious that I ignored him and went directly to Carmella
“Would you mind telling me why the fuck are you not only minding my business but also spreading rumors about me and McIntyre?”
From where I stood I saw Sheamus visibly gulp
“Hey Y/N, what do ya say about we go to tha catering grab some coffee huh?” He said urgently pleading
“So? I’m waiting for an answer” I said to her fully ignoring what he just said
“Well Y/N, from woman to woman, I think we both can agree that it’s no rumor. It’s quite visible, to not say pathetic, the way you can’t deal with rejection my dear” She batted her lashes
“And what exactly are you implying?”
“The obvious Y/N! That you want Drew in between your legs but he doesn’t! I mean, let’s face it, he’s too much of a man for you anyways! It’s not like you can handle him, because we know you can’t” She measured me from head to toe making me feel very conscious about the difference between her slim toned body and my thick one full of curves.
I know that most of the men’s in this company usually date or even have one night stands with women who were body equivalent to their own - slender and beautifully toned - , but that doesn’t mean that they didn’t saw my own curvy beauty. Hell, I even got some dinner invitations from some of the guys! Cesaro, Baron Corbin, Finn Bálor and even Seth Rollins (before he got with Becky) were some of them.
“I bet that I received more dinner invitations in a week than you in a year” I scoffed
“But not from the man you want the most right darling?” She evilly grins and I see red! Pure rage in it’s rawest form took ahold of me and I jumped towards her neck but a pair of strong arms stopped me from attacking her.
“Wow, easy now lass” He said
HIM! The cause of all this gossiping with my name, I couldn’t get even more angry even if I tried.
“Let me go McIntyre!” I roar
“Uh, enjoy it while it lasts Y/N, it’s as far as you’ll ever get anyways” Carmella chuckles
I tried to wiggle out of his arms “What the fuck did you just said bitch? I’ll feed you your own teeth you fuck-“
I couldn’t finish my sentence thanks to Drew, who lifted me off from the floor and tossed me on his shoulder, taking me to back my office.
“What are you doing? Let me go! I’m gonna punch her stupid rat’s face!”
“No you won’t”
“What are you doing?”
“I’m preventing your ass from getting fired!” He answers
I tried to release myself from him, but who was I fooling? The man is a brick wall, I couldn’t let myself go not even if I tried hard!
Once we got into my office he locked the door, placing himself in front of it and released me.
“Don’t you never, EVER, dare to manhandle me like that again! Do you hear me?” I stare at him with my eyes full of rage
“You know Y/N, all that anger is not good for you...you could have a heart attack” He chuckled
I was so mad, that tears of anger rolled down my cheeks as I cut the small distance between us and begin to punch his torso, arms or whatever I could reach
I was starting to loose my strength due to my ferocious attack, and I would be damned if I let him see that...
When suddenly everything changed, the air in the room thickened and I saw myself now pressed against the door with my hands forcefully pinned on top of my head.
“Aww, that was sweet princess” He smirks confidently
“What are you doing Drew? Let me go” I murmured
“Oh it’s Drew now huh? Why the sudden change love? What happened with ‘Scottish prick, asshole and Gastón’?” He cackled “What’s wrong princess? Not feeling so confident and in charge anymore are we?” He pouts
“You’re hurting me” I lied
“Nu uh, we both know that, that’s a lie. I know you Y/N, every inch of you so don’t you lie to me now! That’s not what pretty little girls like you do” He reprimanded me
I felt confused and slightly turned on by his whole dominant character. But still I felt the urge to fight back.
“And what do you know about me McIntyre? NOTHING! So don’t YOU dare to pretend that you do! You know nothing about who I am or my needs, so quit the act”
He laughed before saying “And that’s where you’re wrong princess” He towered over me, securing my wrists with one of his hands while the other grabbed my cheeks making my lips pout(like one would with a child) and tilted my head up to meet his blue gaze.
“You see Y/N, we’ve known each other for what? 5 years? I’ve done a lot of observing in those years... I became quite good at reading you” He leaned forward..his beard,lips and mustache brushing against my own lips
“So I know for a fact that what triggered you into fighting Carmella wasn’t what she said...But the fact that what she said is true” He searched my eyes for confirmation and when he found it he smirks in appreciation
A murmured ‘Fuck you’ came out of my lips the best way I could since he had this vicious grip on my cheeks.
“Oh Y/N, Y/N... what am I going to do with you princess?” He asks amused as he release my cheeks “I must say though... I agree with almost everything Carmella said” He vaguely added
Pure humiliation filled me, the thought of him knowing that deep down I had a thing for him which wasn’t reciprocal at all made my stomach turn. I felt the tears of humiliation start to rise to my eyes, but I wouldn’t give him the pleasure to see that he had broken me. Instead I reached for the safety of the one thing I knew I could do: fight!
“You let me go right now you fucker or I swear you will regret it!” I said as threatening as I could
“Oh my, won’t you look at that? Kitty has claws huh?” He chuckled lightly
I took advantage of his distraction and yanked my arms as fast as I could out of his grip. The action caught him by surprise, giving me the upper hand to turn around to unlock the door so I could leave. But his surprise didn’t last long as for he saw what I was about to do and pressed me against the door once more, instead now my back was the one facing him so he pressed his semi hard bulge up against my ass with my hands and face now pressed on the wooden door.
“Where do you think you are going princess? We’re not done talking just yet” He whispers in my ear, making my whole body shiver.
“As I was saying before you rudely interrupted me” His lips were glued to my ear “I almost, I said almost, agree with everything that she said..except for one thing”
“If you’re gonna say that-“
“Maybe I’ll have to buy you a ball gag, since you don’t seem to ever know when to shut up...or maybe I should choke you instead,what do you say?”
I gulped loudly
“Or even better, I should fuck your mouth..bury my cock so deep on your throat that you will have no other option but drool all over yourself” He pressed his bulge harder against my ass “, that will make you shut up! I can already imagine how gorgeous you will look with my cock shoved down your throat” He moaned “Would you like that princess? Would you like for me to show you where’s your place? Where you really belong?” He grinds his erection on my ass and the feeling makes me moan softly
“Drew...” I pleaded
“The only thing I don’t agree with Carmella” He continues his previous statement ignoring my plea “Is that I’m too much of a man for you. To be honest I think you’re the only woman in this company who can actually handle me! The only one who will love and beg to be fucked faster and rougher..” His hands let go of my wrists and roam down to cup my breasts roughly, pulling me even closer to his body
“The only one who is the perfect fit for me...who will let me use every single hole as I please” He bites my ear making me gasp for more air.
“Won’t you Y/N? Do you want me to use you like the good little whore that you are?”
My head was buzzing with excitement, I could feel the now very wet pool of desire in between my legs. To think that all of my darkest fantasies with this man were about to come true made me moan a faint ‘Yes’ to him
He grunts at my positive response while one of his big hands unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans so his hand could sink down the fabric to find my very wet core.
“Hmmm I’ve been waiting 5 years for this lass...Fuck, you already feel amazing on my hand I can’t wait to feel this pretty little pussy around my cock” He growls
“Fuck Drew, please” I whisper
“It’s Sir to you, my good little pet” He smirked “Now tell me, do you think I should fuck you right here, right now so that everyone in this company can hear me make you my fuck toy or should we head back to the hotel? What do you say pet?” He asks as his fingers firmly circles my clit making my legs shake
“W- Whatever pleases you Sir” I stuttered
“I see you’re a quick learner huh?” He chuckles amused “I say, let’s show this roster who is the only woman who can properly handle me” He says as he removed his fingers from my core and licked them clean while staring at me. I softly moan to that scene and he smiles deviously before whispering
“Strip now pet and show what a beautiful fuck toy you are for Sir”
To be continued...
Please let me know if you would like to see a part 2 🥺?
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TW ableism, body shaming, fatphobia, gaslighting mention, accusing someone of faking stuff and manipulation ///////////
I appreciate the post you made not too long ago about peoples disability being "enough" (idk if the quotes are correct to put, I put them there because all disabilities are valid and putting "disability" and "enough" in the same sentence isnt a gr8 thing Hdhdjhdkd)
But yeah, I need to get rid of my internalized ableism as well, it also comes from trauma and although I validate others disabilities no matter what, what I say about my own can reflect onto others, and I'd hate for that to effect (affect???) people.
I had a horrible friend group once who gaslit me into thinking i was faking my fibromyalgia for attention/using it as an excuse to be lazy and fat (I'm very much fat but LOL fuck them.) Or using my brain fog and pain as an excuse to be a shitty person and such. I developed a horrible case of imposter syndrome bc I believe it all, it sucks. I feel like a manipulative, compulsive liar that only uses people and that my disability really is made up and all in my head (they especially say that about fibromyalgia) and they said I'm just obsolete and that's why I'm in pain.
It's strange because, why would you make me feel bad about being obese if I was obese? Why is being big so frowned upon?? Why is it that thin people get cared for WAY more easily compared to bigger people who are suffering? (But btw, to clarify, body shaming is horrible, and I'm not denying that thin people suffer too, I hate that society is horrid towards anyone)
Correct me on anything I've said please!
(Agreeing with you)
It's really dumb because fatphobia is rooted in being unhealthy. The whole idea behind being an ass to fat people is because "it's unhealthy".
The fact that fat isn't an indicator of health aside.
They're literally putting someone's value in their health.
They're literally looking at fat people and saying "you have less value because you're unhealthy".
What are us disabled people supposed to say/ think when we see this fatphobic society pointing at fat people and calling them less than because they're unhealthy?
Not to mention, a lot of people are fat because of their disability, but the opposite is also true. A lot of disabled people are skinny because of their disability. At my worst I couldn't hold down food for days on end because of my migraines. DAYS without eating. I wasn't just skinny, I was hella out of shape because I couldn't exercise because I couldn't move because I couldn't eat.
I'm not trying to compare my experience to yours. Obviously fat disabled people get more shit from doctors and society because they're fat.
But since the vomiting was the worst symptom for my, I felt like ignoring my weight because I was skinny was equivalent to ignoring the worst part about my disability.
I also just feel gaslit by society because everyone calls migraines a headache disorder, when it's a neurological disorder where headaches aren't even the most common or the most severe symptom. A lot of my internalized abelism was people calling migraines "just a headache" and it took me years to realize and accept that the headache wasn't even the worst part. Depending on the severity, I could deal with just the headache. The WORST part is the vomiting, vertigo, and the fatigue for days after.
One migraine was so bad I had a bruise down my back for 2 weeks after because I fell on my desk trying to get my meds, and I ended up crawling to my meds.
(That doesn't include the memory issues because that's a whole nother post.)
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A dumb analysis of OH3 well, of the chapters we have for now by a dumb person (aka me) if you might care idk
Alright. I've finished playing the available chapters for Open Heart. I'm glad I did because I've formed my own opinion. Let me know what you think because I'm curious.
Let's begin with the last sex scene.
It wasn't bad at all but I do understand why people would have found uncomfortable Ethan's proposition. Needless to say, if you don't romance Ethan and you still received such peculiar offer, I understand why you might have laughed at the screen. Pixelberry has a strong, strong, strong, strong preference for him and we all know this. They don't even try to hide it. But they probably have to contractually put every offer for diamond scene and for every LI even if you don't have a relationship with them.*** This connects to their huge preference for Ethan, since he has so much screen time, and well... basically, I'm very sorry for people that don't like dr. Ramsey because I'm sure they say no to him A LOT.
A thing that bothered me was that Ethan proposed something so intimate while still in the hospital. They could have at least went outside or in a more private area. You don't want coworkers or patients to hear this type of things. Especially since Ethan made clear many times that he doesn't mix private life with work. And he fails every time to separate the two things: Harper, MC, the shitty decision. He even made out with MC in his office and I'm sure at a certain point they'll offer a sex scene in there.
Didn't he have a dog? Did they die? Where the fuck is the dog. I ask this because if I remember correctly in the first book he said he had one but no one knows or has seen it. Was he hallucinating? What if he invented it because he was lonely?
I'm joking of course but I really wanna know where his dog is.
There are some "improvements" that I noticed.
Improvements that still need to be improved, that is.
So, they're giving more screen time to our friends. Slightly and slowly but they're doing it. It's still not enough, though.
And they're somewhat changing their personality, I kinda noticed? I'm not sure this is an improvement.
I can't represent people who have other characters as LIs (they are surely paying more attention to them so they'll be more adapt to speak about this, if they agree with me) but Jackie not saying how bad the intern was when she fucking fat-shamed a patient? Yo? Jackie what's going on?
Sienna is becoming slightly more "badass". She's always been a bad bitch, let me be clear, but she's showing her tough side a little bit more. I like it.
Keep in mind that I finished playing OH2 recently, so I still freshly remember her behaviour towards Mitch. In this book, I believe she is the one to have the least screen time of the whole gang.
Elijah is a sweetheart, really. Remember when I said that they're kinda "changing" the characters' personalities? With Elijah they're doing the opposite. They're fully going with sugar and optimism. This might be an unpopular opinion but it's like if he almost doesn't want to see that his boss might be a snake? It's okay though. Keep doing your research babes, I'll punch Bloom. And Ethan.
Bryce. The scalpel jokey has made a mistake. It's one of the few changes I like. Bryce has always been charismatic and confident but we also knew (more or less) that, even if he is obviously a pure talent, some of that confidence is a facade. I like that he, well, fucked up a little because it makes you remember that he's human. And I've always had a crush on Bryce, I mean how could you not. He will jump back on his feet, he always does.
I just wanna go back to Jackie for a moment. I know that some of you might object saying that she is taking care of her intern and being a bitch is not going to help, showing that she's human (the process that's going on with Bryce) too but idk, Jackie not calling you out on your bs? Why would she do that? And it wasn't just a small mistake, the intern already had difficulties with some medical procedures and lacked of some basic respect towards a patient. I don't know, I'm not convinced.
I honestly can't tell who has the least romantic scenes, if Jackie or Raphael.
I know Aurora's stans are laughing at me after reading this.
BUT why isn't Rafael coming to live with us? I mean, why not? What's stopping him?
I really like you Rafael.
Oh btw, if you think that the plot could have been better with Rafael's death, ding dong your opinion is wrong.
I'm happy we cyber-bullied PB about it.
I have another question: if you don't romance neither Bryce or Rafael, why couldn't they be a couple? They'd be so cute together, the Slytherin and Hufflepuff relationship we all need.
Idk, just think about it.
Aurora's stans I didn't forget about you.
How's life? How does it feel to work with your girlfriend's aunt?
This is another unpopular opinion: I don't like dr. Harper. But I'll glady marry her niece.
Who wouldn't marry Aurora, come on now
I feel bad because in the beginning I really didn't like her but now I'd beg her to step on me
Oh wait she's not our gf because PIXELBERRY IS A BITCH
Whatever, I don't care. She will be.
I'll write fanfictions about Aurora and I'll spam them to PB.
She's just so beautiful and perfect djksoso
Sorry, I got carried away.
ANYWAAAAYSSSSS, yeah I have not much to say about her. She's great. Not enough scenes like usual but yeah.
Are Kyra's stans still here?
I have no idea what's going on about Kyra because I let her travel away from that fucking hospital
So I'm not sure. If you asked her to stay, does the story change?
Oh, the thing about changing the characters' personalities obviously applies to Ethan too. To be honest, I'm not that surprised about him breaking the rules for his ideals but coherency is not his strongest suit, is it?
Book 2 was all about being cold and rational and blah blah blah. But he clearly didn't think enough about this. Oh well.
It happens, we've all been in front of a court because we might have fucked a patient's life in one way or another.
But you might have caused trouble to Elijah too man, and THAT'S where I cross the line.
Plus, dr. Harper immediately jumping to fire MC without even knowing if it was them but then admitting that if she'd known it was Ethan, she wouldn't have said shit.
I'm shaking my head. Really bitch? Whatever.
Tobias. I wouldn't exactly pick a diamond scene with him because it would feel like a betrayal (even if I know that other LIs wouldn't care) but I would be so tempted.
I really like him too. I hope PB won't make him a bad guy.
That's it for now. English is not my first language so I apologize for mistakes I didn't notice.
Let me know what you think because I really wanna speak about this book with someone and I hope someone feels the same lol
*** UPDATE: I'm not deleting that particular part just to help you have a better context about what I was thinking ("hey, this scene is coming, are you interested in spending diamonds for it even though it doesn't match the path you're choosing? Our company wants you to and we have to follow their rules") but after a few answers, I've been informed that THEY'RE NOT OBLIGED IN ANYWAY TO OFFER YOU PREMIUM CHOICES WITH LOVE INTERESTS YOU HAVE NOTHING TO DO so yeah, just letting you know lol
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rpf-bat · 4 years
In The Dress Your Husband Hates
Pairing: Frank Iero x Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Written for Gothtober 2020, Day 12. Prompt: “Dark Bride”. 
You’re trying on wedding dresses, and you know that you’re supposed to be excited, about your upcoming nuptials. But, the dark truth is, that you don’t love the man, you’re expected to marry. Frank finds you outside the bridal shop, in tears. You’ve never seen him before in your life - but, before you know it, you find yourself, telling him all your troubles. 
You stood in front of the fitting room mirror, staring at yourself, in the poofy white dress, and gauzy veil. It wasn’t an ugly dress, by any means. The price tag that clung to the collar, had a well-known designer’s name on it, in gaudy letters. A normal bride would feel lucky, that her generous future mother-in-law, had agreed to buy it for her. 
“You look pretty as a peach in that gown, Y/N,” the older woman smiled at you. “I can’t wait for my son, to see you walk down the aisle in it.” 
You arranged your facial features into a smile, knowing that this was what Mrs. R. wanted to see. But, even though you knew you should be happy, something about all this, still didn’t feel quite right.
“Ma’am?” interrupted a bridal shop employee, as she walked past. “You look lovely, but, um, your dress isn’t zipped up all the way in the back.”
“Oh,” you blushed. “Um, yeah, I couldn’t get it all the way up, when I was putting it on.” 
“Here, let me help with you that,” Mrs. R. offered. You flinched, when her matronly fingers grazed your skin. She tugged at your zipper. 
“Well, now, it just won’t budge,” she frowned. “Let me try again.” 
“Don’t pull so hard,” you hissed. “You’re going to break it.” 
“May I try?” the shopkeeper offered. You didn’t really care for the thought of more people touching you, but you acquiesced. 
“...Oh,” the shopkeeper pursed her lips, struggling to find the polite words, for what she wanted to say. “Ma’am, it seems that you’re too, um….”
“Yeah, I know, I'm too fat for the dress,” you snapped, feeling humiliated. “There’s no way you can squeeze my body into this thing, so just...get it off me, okay?” 
“Do y’all carry this dress, in a size up?” Mrs. R. asked discreetly.  
“No,” the shop girl shook her head, throwing you a pitying look. “I’m afraid that’s the biggest size we have.”
“Oh, my,” Mrs. R tutted. “Y/N, I didn’t realize that you had gotten so…..large.” 
I look like shit, you thought, cheeks burning. How am I supposed to stand at an altar, in front of all my friends and family, when I know I look this shitty?
“Maybe you can try a specialty store,” the girl suggested. “For, y’know….bigger women?”
“Fuck that,” you barked. 
“Watch your language!” the older woman hissed. 
“No!” you cried, hot tears beginning to well up in your eyes. “I...I can’t do this right now!” 
“What do you mean, you can’t?” Mrs. R. demanded. “I take you dress shopping, when your own mother doesn’t want a damn thing to do with your wedding, and this is how you repay me? By throwing a hissy fit in the store?” 
“I just...can’t, okay?!” you insisted, feeling overwhelmed. The tears began to stream down your cheeks. 
I have to get out of here, you thought, pushing past her. 
“Y/N!” she called after you, as you ran out the door. “Where do you think you’re going?!”
You didn’t know - but you didn’t intend to slow down. 
You ran across the street, dodging cars that swerved and honked at you. On the other side of the street, you found a small, public park. You started running down the winding hiking trail, but you tripped on your train, and tumbled to the ground. 
“Ow!” you cried. “Goddamnit!” 
You had skinned your elbows when you fell, and the white tulle of your hemline had turned to muddy brown. What the hell am I doing? 
You sat down on a park bench, burying your head in your hands, as you wept. What the hell am I doing with my life, in general?
You looked up, when you heard a jingling sound. A large, brown dog stood in front of you, sniffing you curiously. 
“Oh, h-hey,” you said shakily, extending your hand, for the dog to sniff. “Where’d you come from, girl?” 
The dog licked your hand, as if she was trying to comfort you. It made you stop crying, if only for a moment.
“Lois!” cried an unfamiliar voice, and you watched, as a short, dark-haired man came running over. “You can’t run away from me like that, when we’re in public!” 
“Oh, is this your dog?” you realized, gazing up at him. His short-sleeved shirt revealed intricate tattoos on his arms. 
“Yeah, I’m sorry, she escaped from her leash,” the man explained, chuckling. His laughter died on his lips, as he took in the tears that stained your face. “Uh….hey, are you okay?” 
“I’m fine,” you lied, wiping your tears on the back of your hand. 
“Here, take this,” the man offered, pulling a tissue from his pocket. You took it, gratefully, and began dabbing at your eyes. 
“I’m Frank,” the man introduced himself. “And this is my dog, Lois.” 
“I’m Y/N,” you replied. “Sorry, did you want to sit down, so you can put Lois’ leash back on her?”
“Yeah, thanks,” Frank nodded, and you scooched over on the bench, to make room for him. He took a red leash out of his pocket, and hooked it onto Lois’ collar. 
Lois turned to you again. You patted her head, and scratched behind her ears. She gave your hand another appreciative lick. 
“So,” Frank asked curiously, “is there a reason that you’re wearing a wedding dress?” 
“Yeah, I was just at Betsy’s Bridal, across the street,” you explained. “I was supposed to be picking out a dress, to wear on my special day.” 
“Oh, congrats on your upcoming marriage,” Frank said politely. “Who’s the lucky guy?” 
“His name’s Ronnie,” you replied. 
“How long have you and Ronnie been together?” Frank asked. 
“Eight months,” you told him, reddening.
“Eight months?” Frank repeated, incredulous. “And you guys are already getting engaged?!”
“.....I’m three months pregnant,” you explained, shame-faced. 
“.....Oh.” For a moment, this revelation rendered Frank speechless. In the awkward silence that followed, the only sound was Lois’ wagging tail hitting the dirt, as you petted her some more.
“So,” he said bluntly, after a moment, “it’s a shotgun wedding?” 
“N-No!” you denied. “I mean, Ronnie’s mom is very Christian, and she was the one who insisted that the child can’t be born out of wedlock. But...Ronnie agreed that this was the right thing to do. She didn’t have to put a gun to his head.”
At least, not literally, you thought darkly. He’d freaked out, at first, but Mrs. R had told him that a baby needed a stable household, with a mother, and a father. And besides - people would talk. 
“Do you think he’s gonna be a good dad?” Frank asked seriously. 
“I guess,” you shrugged. “I mean, he could have ditched me. But, he decided that he wanted to be in the child’s life.” 
“Pfft,” Frank scoffed. “Don’t give the guy a gold medal, for doing the bare minimum.” 
“Hey!” you protested. “You’ve never even met him, what do you know?” 
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Frank shrugged. “I’m just a stranger, so you can take my opinions with a grain of salt. But, as far as I’m concerned….yeah, there’s a lot of deadbeat dads out there. But, just because you didn’t immediately abandon your kid, doesn’t automatically make you husband material.” 
“Ronnie’s a great guy,” you insisted. “I think he’ll be supportive, when the baby comes.” 
“You think?” Frank questioned, raising an eyebrow. 
“Well..,” you hesitated. “To be honest, I haven’t seen much of him lately. He’s been out at the bar, with his friends, a lot.” 
“You serious?” Frank frowned. 
“Yeah,” you nodded. “He said that once the baby is born, he’ll be forced to spend a lot of time at home, helping me with childcare stuff. So, for now, he wants to enjoy going out with his buddies, while he still can.”
“If I had a pregnant girlfriend,” Frank sighed, “I wouldn’t ditch her, for my boys. I’d want to be with her, every second that I could, so I could make sure that she, and the baby, were doing okay.” 
That sounded nice….but it had nothing to do, with your reality. 
“I found out the other day, that it’s a boy,” you revealed. The excitement that should have been in your voice, was absent. “Ronnie, says he wants to name him, Ronald Junior.” 
“Is that what you want?” Frank wondered.
“I…..I don’t even know, if I want this baby at all,” you confessed, dissolving into tears again. 
“Hey, ssh, it’s okay,” Frank soothed, putting an arm around you. You cried into his shoulder. 
“Why….why am I even telling you any of this?!” you wondered, as your body became wracked with sobs again. “I just met you! I don’t know anything about you! There’s no reason for me to just give you my whole life story like this!” 
Were the pregnancy hormones, driving you insane?
“People say that I’m a really good listener,” Frank shrugged. “Or, maybe you’ve been needing to get this stuff off your chest for a while - and it doesn’t really matter, who you say it to.”
“I don’t have anyone I can talk to,” you admitted, sniffling. “My mom says she won’t even go to my wedding, because she can’t stand Ronnie. And my friends…..well, they all think I should be happy about this. I’m gonna have a husband who works hard to support me, and a son, and a house with a white picket fence….that’s the dream, isn't it?” 
“It doesn’t sound like it’s your dream,” Frank said softly. “Not if thinking about that future, makes you want to run away, and cry.”
You didn’t even really know him, and yet you clung to him, as he let you cry yourself out, against his sleeve. He was right - you really had needed this, for a while. 
“I’m an outside observer,” Frank admitted. “I don’t know Ronnie, or his mom. I don’t even really know you. But, that also means that I don’t have any biased feelings. Looking at it, from the outside in....it looks like, to me, you don’t really want to go through with this wedding.” 
“But….what will happen, if I don’t?” you hesitated. “I’ll be an unwed mother, and he’ll just be my baby-daddy….everybody will think I’m trash.” 
“I was raised by a single mother,” Frank revealed. “She’s the most amazing person I know. I don’t think that it’s trashy at all.” 
“But....,” you wept, “If I don’t take Ronnie’s ring, who else will ever want me? The pregnancy is already making me too chubby, to fit in my dress properly. By the time I’m due, I’m going to look even more disgusting.”
“You don’t look disgusting,” Frank said, his eyes staring into yours. “Y/N…..you’re beautiful.”
“Y-you’re just saying that,” you blushed. 
“I’m not,” Frank shook his head. “When I saw this gorgeous woman, in this strange dress, sitting here, crying…..I was drawn to you. I wanted to take you into my arms, immediately, to make your tears stop.” 
This whole situation is insane, you thought, unsure whether to laugh, or cry. Instead, you did neither. You hugged him, impulsively. He smelled like cigarette smoke, and dog treats.
He returned the impromptu hug, squeezing you tight. 
“I won’t promise, to be your son’s dad, or anything,” Frank whispered, his breath against your ear. “Because he has a dad - but, you can co-parent with Ronnie, without being in a romantic relationship with him. If you don’t love him, Y/N, don’t promise the rest of your life to him. I just met you today, so I’m not gonna offer you a lifetime. But, I sure as hell, would love to offer you dinner, and a movie, sometime.”
You stared at him, heart racing. “You’re asking me out?” 
“We can just see where it goes,” Frank stammered, cheeks burning. “I just….I get so mad, hearing about how this Ronnie guy is so bad to you. It makes me want to show you that you can be treated better.” 
“I don’t want to marry Ronnie,” you decided. “I think….I’ve known that I didn’t want to, for a while. Thank you, Frank for helping me realize that. I just don’t know what’s gonna happen from here. His mom….she’ll never forgive me.”
“Screw her,” Frank said defiantly. 
“But, what I do know,” you smiled, “is  that I would love to go to dinner with you.”
“It’s a date,” Frank beamed, and took your hand in his. The small touch, of his calloused fingertips, thrilled you more, than anything Ronnie had done to you, in months. 
“....I have to tell him that I’m breaking the engagement, before I do anything else,” you frowned. “I need go about this the right way. But, there’s going to be…..so much backlash, you have no idea.” 
“If anyone tries to judge you, for the decision you’re making,” Frank offered, “I’ll sic Lois on ‘em. She can eat them for breakfast.” 
You laughed at this. 
“Wow,” Frank gaped.
“Wow, what?”
“That’s the first time I’ve seen you smile, since I sat down on this bench,” Frank explained. “Your smile makes you even more gorgeous.”
His words made you smile even wider - even though your marriage was ending before it began, his warm hand in yours, made you feel, as if everything was going to be okay, after all. 
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adorethedistance · 4 years
Artist!Harry Styles x Reader part 3
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Part two here.
A/n: Let me just preface this part with the fact that writing this physically hurt me. I wanted to write more but I just feel like this ended exactly where it needed to, and that’s a feeling I just can’t ignore. This one is somehow much sadder than the other two which is a fat ouch and I apologize in advance for any broken hearts.
Words: 1455
“Would you like a tea or coffee?” Harry offers from the kitchen as I stand by the front door to take off my shoes. The house smells of the familiar waikiki beach coconut wall plug-in I bought him this past week, and I can tell from the entrance that he’s cleaned up the place.
“Sure,” I call back fully aware of the fact that that was not a yes or no question. As I round the corner to the kitchen I hear him giggle softly; he’s quiet so as to prevent me from hearing his laughter. My favorite mug, themed Elvis’ ‘Viva Las Vegas’, sits untouched on the dish drying rack. Harry may have cleaned the kitchen but my cup is still exactly where I left it ereyesterday.
He’s already begun making my drink and I can see a new box, sporting my favorite brand’s logo, is settled on the counter next to his Keurig.
“Hey, how come your parents didn’t just name you Harold?” he seems taken aback by my question but answers once he sets the full mug in front of me.
“I don’t know, why didn’t your parents name you Sharon?”
“I guess they didn’t like the name very much.” “Well, there’s your answer.” We’re sitting on the barstools of his kitchen island across the corner from one another, almost in the dark due to the gloomy London sky outside being our only light source. Harry’s got his right palm tucked underneath his chin whilst lazily watching me drink from my, but actually his, mug.
“You’re not gonna have anything to drink?” He shakes his head,
“No, maybe later,” and continues to stare at me with a fond expression. I hardly ever know what he’s thinking about, just how he’s feeling about what he’s thinking.
“Yes, Harry?”
“What’s your idea of a perfect proposal?” The question makes me choke on my drink, which sends Harry into a full on laughing fit; as a means to make amends, he grabs a napkin to help clean up the spilt liquid.
“Who’s the lucky lady?”
“Oh, shut up- I’m serious!” Now it’s my turn to laugh at his flustered demeanor. This doesn’t seem like small talk. It seems like he actually wants to know.
“I haven’t thought about it much, but…” I excitedly wrap both of my hands around my cup, absorbing it’s warmth, “The perfect proposal… is extravagant. I don’t mean fireworks and a bunch of adoring family members, but a grand gesture of sorts- and that means that whoever is proposing starts traditional. Down on one knee, a big speech about all the things he loves about me, and why he wants to marry me-”
“That doesn’t sound that extravagant.”
“I’m not done yet. The extravagant part is that we’re surrounded by thousands of red roses, and he’s got the most expensive champagne that money can buy, on ice for when I say yes.” When I finish, Harry seems amused with my event planning skills.
“For when you say yes?”
“If this man in question bought three thousand dollars worth of roses and dropped a couple hundred on the champagne, I’d have no choice but to say yes.”
Harry laughs wholesomely, with his head tossed back and his eyes cinched closed.
“What about the ring?”
“I wanna pick out my own ring so it’d just be best if the proposal happened without one.”
Irony is not my friend, as demonstrated in the memory of a conversation Harry and I shared exactly one week before he had agreed to do Camile’s portrait. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe he didn’t want to marry me… did he? Not that it matters now. He has yet to apologize but I get the feeling that’s what’s coming in our ‘talk’ that’s scheduled to happen as soon as I get to his flat.
I don’t even know why I’m going really. I should just turn the other cheek and trudge forward without him in my life.
But my heart won’t let me do that. No matter how much my head wants to.
Heading over now. 
I’m so tense and in my own head that I completely forgot to turn music on the entire car ride to his place.
Parked in its usual spot is Harry’s grey hybrid, which probably means he’s seen me arrive since he likes to watch cars from his window. Congrats, Y/n, it is officially too late to turn around.
Slamming the car door, I take inventory of my keys and phone. Do I need anything else? Whatever. Stop stalling. I’m a capable adult who can handle adult conversations.
Before I can speak a word into the intercom, Harry has already buzzed me in the complex’s gate. The buzzing of the mechanism is much more ominous now that I know I can’t turn back; I wish the elevator would break down or something.
The all too familiar bing of the lift doors seals my fate as I approach his front door. Am I making a mistake? I ask myself as I knock feebly on the wooden door in front of me. It was so quiet I thought he didn’t hear but then I heard the sliding of the lock in the latch, and knew he had been waiting by the door for my arrival.
“Y/n.” Why does he sound surprised?
“Look, that was a really shitty thing of you to do-”
“Do you want to talk about this inside?”
“Y/n. Please.” I guess I could at least do him the service of leaving his neighbors out of this conversation, so I hesitantly agree. Relief overwhelms him and he offers me his hand to take.
Harry’s hands are always really warm which I’m usually grateful for in the cold winters. But now it seems wrong. Something feels out of place between us, when all we’re doing is holding hands. Which makes me realize this conversation is going to be a lot tougher that I’d hoped.
After closing the door behind us, Harry leads me to his sitting area, his hand still in mine.
He sits me down in my normal couch spot but doesn’t sit down next to me. Confused at first, I follow his movement to see he’s already prepared my favorite drink and it’s sitting on the kitchen counter. He retrieves it silently, and once he’s back, he practically shoves the mug into my hands.
Instead of sitting on the loveseat perpendicular to the couch I’m perched on, Harry takes his place on the carpeted floor, facing the couch, with his back pressed against his antique coffee table. He’s sitting like a contemporary dancer with one leg bent and pressed flat to the floor, with the other leg bent over it with his foot flat on the ground. Must be a new habit, courtesy of the modern dance class he’s taking this semester.
“Can I talk first?” Realizing I don’t want him to curate an apology based on whatever grievances I’m armed with, I choose to let him go first.
“I want you to know how sorry I am.” I can’t help the humorless scoff that escapes my mouth at his stellar opening. “At first, I couldn’t understand why you were upset, because then, I didn’t see it as a complete violation of your trust-which it was! And I am so,” he crawls forward to sit on his knees in front of me with his palms facing up in his lap, “so sorry that I had ever even considered to turn to an ex of all people for that project.”
Looking up from the lip gloss stain on the rim of the mug, I see Harry’s head is hung in the guiltiest expression of shame I’ve ever seen.
“Thank you for apologising, but I just don’t know if I can bring myself to trust you so quickly after the fact-” before I can finish Harry lifts his head to reveal an onslaught of tear tracks down his creamy complexion. Seeing his face in such agony is the final hit that breaks down the walls of my cold exterior. I reach behind him to set my half empty mug on the table before taking his face in both of my hands to wipe away the tears. He sniffles once before holding both of my hands against his face and pressing a kiss to each palm.
“I know it can’t be easy, Y/n. All I’m asking is that you give me the chance to earn your trust again. I…” overcome with sorrow, Harry then throws himself forward and lays his head in my lap, a few desperate sobs wracking through his pained figure.
“I love you.”
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thedreammweaver · 3 years
If I Was A Flower Growing Wild And Free All I'd Want Is You To Be My Sweet Honey Bee Chapter 3 (Harley Quinn show, Harlivy, temporary Ivy x Kiteman, pregnant!Ivy)
Chapter 2 Chapter 4
Warnings: main character death (don’t worry, it’s not one anyone likes), violent murder, misogyny, body shaming
Harley was a bit awestruck as Ivy came out of her room. Over the four months Ivy had been pregnant Harley thought she somehow got prettier every day.
She looked like she was a bit further along than she was, they guessed she’d been accidentally helping the baby grow faster with her abilities. Currently she was in a floor length green dress with spaghetti straps and floral print. When they’d gone maternity wear shopping Ivy got frustrated at the lack of options in green and only agreed to get anything after Harley offered to dye it for her. Harley thought she looked like a goddess as she sleepily made her way to the kitchen. Her face falling as she noticed a gift basket on the counter “Oh, god..”
“It’s from penguin again.”
Ever since the news of Ivy’s pregnancy got out Oswald had been well and truly stricken with baby fever. He’d been absurdly nice to both her and Harley lately. “How does he keep figuring out what my favourite foods are...” Ivy mumbled, surveying the basket, angry that she actually appreciated it.
“He invited us to the lounge again.” The invites they’d been getting had seemed actually genuine this time.
“Let’s go.” Ivy said.
Harley sat up straight from we’re she’d been laying on the couch “What? He’s been inviting us for months and you wanted him to fuck off, now you want to go?”
“I’m getting stir crazy I guess.”
Frank laughed “Those hormones are no joke, Ivy actually wants a social life now.”
Ivy used her vines to shove Frank in a closet.
“Speaking of social life, how was your date with Chuck?” Harley asked.
Ivy got quiet, their date had just been both of them watching tv at her apartment “It was cool I guess but...”
“But what?”
“He is acting like I’m...not pregnant, I don’t know, it’s weird. He’s acting like I’m not carrying his kid right now.” Ivy sighed “I guess I’d be weirded out if he acknowledged it too much but he was acting clueless as to why I was going to the bathroom so much and why I couldn’t get comfortable. Maybe he’s in denial..”
“Or maybe he’s just stupid.”
That made Ivy laugh despite herself but she soon go serious again “I feel awkward around him like I can’t ask him to rub my back when it hurts like I ask you to.” As Ivy thought about it she realized she rarely had to actually ask Harley, the other woman always just knew when she was hurting. “Maybe you’d make a better baby daddy than him.” Ivy said absently, tracing circles on the counter top with her fingers.
Harley felt her face get hot “I’m gonna get ready.”
It only took a few seconds after entering the lounge for Oswald to make a beeline for Ivy and Harley, Ed in tow. “So glad you could finally make it, ladies!”
“My eyes are up here, fuckface.” Ivy said, as she noticed Oswald staring at her baby bump. Ed looked a bit dejected as Oswald cleared his throat and continued talking to Ivy “You know, I told my staff to serve you...and your emotional support clown,” he gave Harley a glare “anything you want, on the house.”
Ivy was a bit taken aback, she had only been planning to stay for a few minutes but she was kind of hungry and definitely didn’t feel like passing up free food.
Ivy was sitting by herself now as after they’d eaten Harley had migrated to the bar. She didn’t feel totally alone as she looked down at her stomach, she gently traced the floral patterns draped over it and got sort of lost within herself until someone sitting down next to her distracted her. It was Oswald “I wanted to talk to you about why I invited you here.”
Ivy gave him a look that said ‘get on with it’.
“I- uh...wanted to offer to cover all of your medical expenses for the rest of your pregnancy..” there was a shyness present in his voice.
Ivy’s brow furrowed “Why?”
“I-I’m just looking out for my fellow crimina-“
“You want to start a family but riddler isn’t sure and or doesn’t want to so you’re using me as an outlet for your pent up need to care for a baby?”
“Yes, ma’am...”
“You can pay for my medical stuff.”
“Oh, thank you!” Oswald said excitedly “You’re doing me a huge favour.” He said before getting up and walking away.
Ivy thought it was the other way around but brushed it off. Before she could get back to her thoughts someone else sat beside her. It was the scarecrow.
“What do you want?” She nearly growled.
“I was wondering if there have been any takers for the little one yet?”
“Why are you asking?”
“Well, I’d be willing to take it off your hands.”
Ivy had unconsciously wrapped her hands and some of her vines around her belly protectively “So you can do what? Experiment on them?”
“No thanks.”
“Oh come on, it’s not like you want it.”
“Just because I’m not keeping the baby doesn’t mean I don’t care about them at all.”
“I would pay you a lot for it.”
“No thanks.”
Jon frowned “Have it your way.” He said coldly as he got up and walked away.
The next day Ivy was still a little spooked from Jon’s offer and feeling a bit guilty for different reasons. Harley and her crew had a meeting in the abandoned mall for the first time in a while to plan a heist only to figure out that none of their plans worked without Ivy. Ivy could tell everyone was a bit disappointed which made her feel guilty which had caused her to start crying. King Shark had made her a smoothie to help her feel better which she was still sucking on. Clay face and king shark left already but Dr. Psycho was still there while Harley was cleaning up. Psycho turned his attention to Ivy “This is exactly why I’ve always thought giant women are the ones who should handle having kids. When my ex-wife was pregnant she didn’t even show.”
Ivy rolled her eyes, trying to ignore him as he continued.
“Normal sized chicks just get fat and useless and ruin everything, and then they stay ugly after the pregnancy. You’ll probably look especially horrible since you looked anorexic befo-“
Ivy’s vines suddenly wrapped around Psycho’s head and neck quickly separating his head from his body and crushing it.
“Ivy!” Harley had only just turned around after finishing putting stuff away “I was about to do that!” She stomped.
“You should’ve called dibs.” Ivy stood up “I feel extra shitty now..”
“Do you wanna go get ice cream?”
Ivy’s spirits lifted a bit, Harley’s eagerness to make her feel better causing her to smile “Yeah..that would be nice.”
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greekbros · 4 years
"greek-Bros: The Return of an Old Enemy"
Chapter 10: Two Sides to Show Business
Apollo confronted Ares, who was training out near his competitors tent. From what he had heard, Ares was doing his usual bit making sure he isn't a force to trifle with. "Ares, I would like to have a word with you before the joust. It's rather important.", Apollo greeted himself.
As if he was completely ignoring Apollo, Ares continued to strike the tree. To Ares, there was nothing Apollo could say that would interest him. "Yeah, what is it.", he gruffly responded. With a final strike, he cuts the tree in half with no hesitation. He turns around to turn to Apollo, "If that sniveling fat fuck Dionysus sent you hear, let him know that all of this-", he raises his hand to show the wide expense that is Delphi, "-is going to be the birth place of my own army.", Ares boasted.
Apollo looked at Ares completely dumbfounded, he saw Ares simply stood there with a grimace on his face, there didn't seem to be anything else in his mind. "Ares....I ask you to maybe.... you and Dionysus should just joust for the sport of it. I mean, is there even a purpose to you or him gaining any of each other's assets?", he politely asked, "I mean.... seriously why are you doing this, what would be the point of doing this to your own brother?". It wasn't uncommon for Ares to be meanspirited but in this situation it seemed there could be a different motivation. Why would Ares agree to do something he didn't want to do, just to make it harder for everyone. A stupid question indeed but there had to be something.
Ares turned to Apollo, "ugh.... didn't you hear me? I'm going to make all this land into a training field....", he stood there letting the cogs in his brain turn a little bit and remembered a small detail he so adamantly told Dionysus, "...OH you mean his girl? Nah, I wasn't going to do shit to her. I just told him that to see if he was serious about this stupid joust.", he chuckled as if it was all just a joke, a joke that if it was pulled on him with Aphrodite....he would have carved a hole in the middle of Mediterranean Sea with rage. The reality was that Ares wasn't interested in Ariadne in the slightest, the whole plan was to simply take Dionysus's land and scare him. "Why, what's it got to do with you?", he asked with a straight face.
Of all the terrible and cruel things Ares had committed, this could probably top them all. Apollo at this point didn't know if he should joust Ares himself or to smite him where he stood. However, he knew Hermes was already sabotaging Ares, no use in ruining the plan at this stage. Hiding his anger behind a false smile, "Oh....well...I was just worried about the whole thing.....that's all, personally I've never known Dionysus to be serious about anything but I guess I'm mistaken.....good luck at the joust....just please...don't make it worse.", Apollo quickly left Ares to the rest of his 'training'. He couldn't wait to contribute to humiliating Ares for basically ruining what was supposed to harmless fun for Dionysus.
Ares just shrugged, thought it was Apollo being his dramatic self and figured it could have been time for the joust. He didn't need to put any armor, mostly because he already wore armor all the time. He figured he'd raise the stakes to make things entertaining to him, maybe he could see how sharp the lances were or see how far he could if he could put oil on the handles. He went to find the lances to inspect them at the temporary stables. Ares took one look at the lances and saw that the tips of the lances had brightly colored cushions on them, one red cushion and one green cushion. "What the hell is this?!", he shouted. He poked one of the cushions and his finger was dyed red with fresh paint.
A young satyr came, trembling a little knowing the god of war what're answers. "Ugh, those are the l-lances oh great one. If one of the players gets hit with tip of the lance, they lose aananand you see it's to make sure ugh...no body gets hurt", the young satyr replied.
Ares glared at the satyr, he was completely undignified at such a soft centered idea. This whole arrangement meant that no one would get hurt, no one would shed blood or anything. "As expected from Dionysus.....shame, I was planning on giving him a taste of "fair play",.....where are my horses?", he asked sternly.
The young satyr's usually blushing, flushed face turned pale, he had recently checked on Ares's chariot horses. "Ugh...well...um... please understand that I had NOTHING to do with.", he sheepishly warned Ares.
His ears perked up, "WHAT?", Ares boomed. The satyr lead him to his chariot horses towards the end of the stable. The horses were plastered, lounging and drunkenly lapping up what ever whine was left on the ground. Ares gawked at his once mighty nightmares....now a trio of drunken dead weights. He turned slowly to the satyr, his face was glowing red with fury. "....did...you feed...MY war horses...your SHITTY WINE?!?", he roared. He had just about enough of this clown circus that was Delphi.
From out side of tent, Ares's wrath could be heard along with the pleads of that satyr, two gaurds ran in to break up the fight between them and left their post. In the vary moment the gaurds left their post, a curious wolf pup, whom have been sneaking around looking for snacks this whole time, was now currently scampering just past the tent, completely ignoring the fight inside the temporary stable. He sniffed the air, smelling the new unfamiliar sents just itching to be discovered. His nose lead him to the food tent, where he could smell bread, sweet fruits and the bittersweet sent of wine. He didn't hear anyone inside, nor did he smell anyone, it was the perfect chance to find food.
The pup lifted the tent's fold, as he crawled under the tent his claws accidentally cought on to a table cloth as he was reaching out to see in the dim light of the tent, causing some bottles to topple down and decorative clothes to fall on him. The little lycan's eyes weren't so use to the light shift from day to night. He was draped in a large table cloth, covering his head, shoulders and good portion of his body. He didn't mind it at all, the soft, silky cloth felt pleasant to his paws, so wear it he did, pretending to be his 'noble king's for a few seconds much like any like-minded toddler would. He took a long whiff of the air and smelled the tasty treats that were stored in this treasure trove. Searching around and near the table, he found several fruits, roasted meats, dates and loaves of bread rolls. His little pup heart couldn't contain it, he jumped onto the table and attacked a roll of bread and began chewing on it. Never in his life did he ever taste something so delicious, his whole life he had only eaten moldy bread and scraps of rotting flesh. His eyes floated to some roasted goat, just as fast as he went after the bread he jumped on to the goat meat. Fresh, seasoned, cooked meat was truly something worth howling about, he let out a small, somewhat gentle, inexperienced howl that sounded like a little trill rather than a hardy wolf howl, with every bite he would let out a short burst of happiness.
Outside the tent, Dionysus was in full ornate armor. He was fussing around with some of the straps on his arms when he heard one of the little lycan's short trills. He stopped in his tract to catch the sound again, but nothing happened. "Oh man, that better be one of the nymphs experimenting again, I can't take this anxiety anymore!", he loudly worried to himself. He took a deep breath and went off to find his chariot at the stable tent. He walked in to see Ares tied up to the support beam, foaming in the mouth, and very disheveled satyr and two of the gaurds tired from holding Ares back. "....sooooo.....uhm...I'm just here to pick up...my lance....", he awkwardly shuffled to his lance, takes it, turns to Ares, "see you there man...oh ugh...since well....I'm using mules... you'll have to use mules too....bye.", he quickly leaves the tent before Ares would blow his stack.
Ares, with foam in the corner of his mouth, growled loudly. "DAMN YOU DIONYSUS!", he roared in frustration. So loudly infact, the lycan pup heard it from his tent. The poor thing stopped knawing on the goat bones, perked up his ears thinking it was an adult lycan. He paused for a few seconds, he than promptly went back to knawing on the bone because a pup his age has other priorities, like chewing on some goat bones and eat bread.
With a sigh of defeat, Ares simmered down, and looked to one of the gaurds, "if one of you doesn't untie me right now and get me your most killer mules....I will rip BOTH your balls off.", he stared at the guards and the guards stared back. The gaurds both scrambled to their tasks and prepared Ares's chariot. The joust, was about to begin, finally.
End of Chapter 10
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