#the food here is unreal
oca-rinn-a · 1 year
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// Venn Canteen //
// A Padoca //
// Kind Kitchen //
// Outra Especie //
// Gelatopia //
and shout out to Apuro and daTerra Baixa. i ate before thinking of pictures. it was so good tho.
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thatsbelievable · 2 years
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will-ruadh · 20 days
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anormalkidingotham · 8 months
i don't think people who don't live in gotham really know how annoying it is to just do normal stuff here
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aircushionedsoles · 4 months
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osaka you are so cool !!
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lazicepie · 9 months
Thinking about the kids at Camp Here And There and their nutrient deficiency. Like. “Vegans get jello!” ?!! They’re kids!!! Only that for dinner?!!
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tielesiti-eftu · 10 months
hey so remember when I posted a while back about stealing a character design from AI slop
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this is Celia Whiterose and the art was somehow one of the last things I made in the process of making her. in between making the art, I wrote a fuckload of lore and character info. gonna paste a bunch of it under the cut
okay so. the lore I'm working with right now is that Celia used to be the Proper Actual Queen of Hearts in her Wonderland. aesthetics-wise for that Wonderland, I'm picturing a vibe like a mix of the Disney movie and the Tim Burton movie because Lol™. this Wonderland exists alongside a so-called "real" world, otherwise known as Fantasy Earth, and humans aren't able to see an entrance to Wonderland unless someone from Wonderland goes through it. the only Wonderland citizens that are able to go between the worlds freely are the royal family and anyone with one of their pocket watches. Celia, being The Queen, qualifies for that. she ran away into the real world after a mass breakout of a curse-disease-thing called "Unreality Madness," believing it would be the only way to be safe from it and potentially find a solution. she disguised herself (mostly by shrinking herself down to not be ridiculously tall) and left for the real world, where she lived for a long time. she tried to tell people about what happened, hoping for a solution, but people don't tend to believe that a parallel world exists that they can theoretically go to when they can't even see the entrances freely, and Celia was afraid to go back for fear of being (probably rightfully) called out for running away, so she just Didn't. she has depression because of it. her belief is that if she can get close enough with someone in the real world, maybe they'll believe her and she can try to fix the mess she left behind. unfortunately, a continuous streak of bad luck and cosmic joke coincidences routinely keeps that from happening.
some specifics on Unreality Madness: it's something that makes Wonderland citizens effectively disappear, dubbed "becoming not real," after going through extreme mood changes. stage 1 is always severe mania, and stage 2 varies between individual cases, but it's always able to be boiled down to experiencing one emotion at extreme levels, and different subsets have different titles (sadness would be Bawling Madness, depression would be Muted Madness, anger would be Fuming Madness, etc). the only thing that isn't a possible result is more mania. stage 3 is more or less a toned-down version of the person's normal self, but this is the point where they start to believe they may not be real, and this feeling gets worse as the stage progresses. if someone in stage 3 is fully convinced they aren't real anymore, they go into stage 4, which sees them actually becoming not real; this can be postponed by generally being around other people that believe they're real, but the funny thing about believing you aren't real is that you start believing others aren't real either, so if a large group of Wonderland residents came down with stage 4 Unreality Madness, then things tend to get a bit less exist-y pretty fast. once a person with Unreality Madness has been in stage 4 for long enough to also believe nobody else is real around them, and nobody around them believes they're real either, they vanish. technically, stages 3 and 4 can last indefinitely if at least one person without Unreality Madness regularly interacts with them.
personality-wise, Celia is very muted after everything that's happened to her. she's also very particular about time; if you agree to meet her for something, and you don't show up, she's going to find out why. she has a seemingly endless supply of pocket watches, which she uses as mementos to give to people that she considers friends. the watches themselves have some other properties; particularly, if you break one, you can temporarily project yourself back in time as a ghost, so you can see what happened but not affect things. Celia specifically is also able to break these with her bare hand, then jam that hand against a corpse to resurrect the person as something from Wonderland. she also has various props and treats from Wonderland; cookies that make you grow, small drink bottles that shrink you, paints that can alter the natural color of plants or animals, pipes with smoke that forms into letters, and so on. Celia can also create normal versions of any of these items without any effects, with a notable exception being her checkerboard cookies; unlike the frosted lofthouse cookies she can make, the checkerboard cookies are always just normal cookies.
the bracelets she wears are made of metal, and are able to transform into gauntlets similar to brass knuckles. Celia doesn't normally have to use them, hence why they turn into bracelets when they aren't deployed. these bracelet-gauntlets cannot be removed, as they are also her royal scepter, an heirloom passed down to the next-in-line when the acting ruler of Wonderland is unfit to rule anymore. it ordinarily isn't supposed to be altered in any way, but due to the current circumstances in Wonderland, Celia is giving herself some leeway. so long as it doesn't leave her side, it's fine in her book.
around people she feels safe around and truly cares about, Celia may remove her disguise and re-enter her normal form, a completely on-demand transformation that Celia performs when she feels like she has nothing to hide from. Queen of Hearts Celia is four times larger than her disguise and sports a different outfit, as well as her having a generally more cheerful default mood. her fur becomes pure white, her eyes change shape somewhat, the colors of her eyes shift around, the somewhat muted blues of her dress have shifted to vibrant reds and blacks, her dress has grown larger and now goes down to her ankles, her socks have changed to be red-and-black stripes with a black sole and red pawpads, her scepter regains its normal form, and the lofthouse cookies she produces have changed shape to appear like card suits (the checkerboard cookies remain unchanged). she now walks with a much more pronounced bounce on every step, and one can often see the latest winner of this royal rabbit's trust peeking from the front pocket of her dress. Queen of Hearts Celia has more control over the world around her, with enhanced time control by using her scepter that allows her to physically go forward and backwards in time temporarily, along with now being able to shape and transform it to mirror her Wonderland as she desires. this world-altering ability, which she calls "Wonderland Shift," is similar in execution to resurrecting someone as a Wonderland creature, but it now extends to non-sentient objects around her and even living people as opposed to only the recently-passed. Queen of Hearts Celia is also physically unable to harm things or people without intent; any building or infrastructure damaged by mistake is repaired by it automatically going backwards in time, passerby who fail to notice her approach and become trampled rise moments later without even a bruise, and so on. on the flipside, she is much more wrathful if upset, leaping into the air and growing thorny rose vines from the ground to ensnare and choke people that make her angry, sometimes even beheading them if she deems the transgression worthy of death. often, she reverts to her disguised form after the anger fades into apathy, and it tends to take some time for her to be able to return to her Queen of Hearts form.
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averagedualies · 10 months
Pelipper mail! (I've never done this beforeeee...u can delete this if u dont want that ! /ooc...)
[Multiple assorted Pokeballs and 3000 P$]
oh my cod thank you so much, I'm so hungry. I'm gonna go find a store.
...I wonder if they have crab snacks here?
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pouchedmilk · 1 year
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This is honestly one of my favorite places
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safyresky · 1 year
For the fic writer ask: 💋🧠🤲💔 
💋 First kiss fics. Love em or hate em?
Impartial! I don't read them but I HAVE written one! Lemme see if I can find it FOUND IT HERE! Diteline first kiss! It deffs needs a rewrite/tidy up methinks.
🧠 Pick a character, and I’ll tell you my favourite headcanon for them.
Gonna go with Jack bc I have a HC that I think is a me only one and that HC is that he's actually a really, really, really good chef, but like. In the weird michielen (sp?) star restaurant kinda way, lol. Oh sure, he can cook regular food that is nice and tasty but he is a slut for fancy dishes and the like!!!
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Of fucking course!!! You requested either Frostmas or Clifton Society Incident pt 2, and I can deliver on the latter (as Frostmas Y11 presently is. Oof. I am afraid to open it. I've written so many smile shots and cs things in the meantime I actually have no idea where that bad boy is saved)
Have a slice of Jacqueline ready to throw down bc someone's done some shit to her big brother 👀👀
With an angry grunt, Jacqueline thrust her hands to the side. The snow pushed him off the wall, and Clifton fell onto the brick hearth. Snow splattered along the brickwork, a pile crowding the fireplace and smothering the embers.
Glaring, Jacqueline stepped down from her pile of snow. It soared up behind her, spinning in place and waiting.
Clifton scrambled up as Jacqueline stepped beside him, the metallic ice picks in her heels clicking on the brick.
“You better hope that he’s still in one piece, Clifton,” Jacqueline spat, crouching down and giving him her best Winter look. Right down her nose, as though he was a bug beneath her boot. “Because let me tell you,” She continued, getting closer to his face. “Whatever you’ve done to him, I will do ten times worse to you.”
And, before he could reply, Jacqueline stood up. Behind her, the snow towered higher, mimicking her arms and turning into a snowy set of hands. She lifted hers, the snow following suite. At her command, it thrust forward, picking Clifton up and dropping him flat on his back.
His head hit the hearth with a not nearly as satisfying smack as Jacqueline would’ve liked. He looked dazed before falling limp, his red robes swirling around him.
“Get fucked,” Jacqueline spat, taking the time to fly a bird at his prone form before spinning on her heel. The snow gently slid under her boots, lifting her up once more, swirling around her. She brought her fists up to her chest, then thrust them out to her sides. With a loud smack, the windows in the living space shot open. The storm came pouring in, Jacqueline grabbing as much snow as she could before shooting forward towards the basement.
💔 Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
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morkify · 2 years
RECIPE for κοκτέιλ θανάτου Sunny Skies Cocktail
1/2 cup of Tequila
1/2 cup of Vodka
4 tbsp of Concentrated Citric Acid (citrus)
4 tbsp of Actual Acid (psychedelic)
1/4 cup of Weed Juice
1 tsp of Mud*
1/4 cup of Milk
1/4 tbsp of Coca-Cola Cinnamon
In a large shaker, mix tequila and vodka. Shake carelessly, then add the acids and weed juice. Shake “vigorously” and set aside to steep. After about 8-15 minutes, depending on the quality of the ingredients, the brew should have “settled”. Pour this liquid into a large glass. It should fill about two-thirds of the glass.
In a separate bowl, pour “milk”. Insert your “cola”, stir slightly, and stare at the bubbling mixture until the weight of your folly sinks in, about 2-3 minutes. Do you feel them? Simmer in them. Melt in them. Boil. When the “liquid” achieves the consistency of a lake of Acid (hydrochloric), it is ready to evolve. Note that the color will vary based on the cocaine content of the cola, but generally should manifest as a moist “brown”. With a similar technique to a latte handler, pour it into the other brew, making sure to mix the two as little as possible. This may “ensure” a swirled texture in the concoction. Use a tooth(pick) to gently swirl just the very top layer of “froth”. Garnish with mud mud to taste. Serve wet and/or creepy.
“This excellent “drink” is perfect for celebrating the start of a new year! It is flavorful, and all ingredients are most probably suitable for your consumption. It has a complex texture and flavor palette. And most importantly, it can be “enjoyed” by anyone and everyone, at least once!”
If you enjoy this recipe, leave a review! :)
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
wait if you haven't read stellarlune yet i guess this proves you aren't shannon messenger haha
And here I was thinking it was the fact some of you have seen my face that counted against my shannon-ness! But yeah, I definitely (wink), absolutely (wink), 100% have not (wink) read Stellarlune, the ninth/tenth (it's complicated) book in the kotlc series. I know nothing (wink) about what will happen next or what the secrets are (wink).
Sorry it appears I've got something specifically in only one of my two eyes that I haven't read Stellarlune with, just trying to get it out (wink)
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mosspapi · 1 year
"Are you sure you're eating enough?"
"Have you lost weight?"
"Why are you so thin?"
"Why don't you eat more?"
Idk ma'am, maybe having a physical disability that severely impacts my ability to eat will make me... not eat? Wild concept, I know. It's almost as if pretending I'm not ill won't actually make the problems go away.
But it also doesn't help that you actively guilt-trip me when I DO eat literally anything including medically prescribed supplements. Have you ever considered that telling someone who is physically ill that there are too many calories in their medically prescribed supplements, which are often the only things they can stomach, will make them simply stop eating because they aren't being allowed to eat the only things they physically can? Did you ever think of that? No, because you only think about yourself.
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We've arrived in Alamos Town.
... Who said this place doesn't get many visitors? This place is absolutely picturesque.
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oh fuck
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g8d · 3 months
its wack that i have to eat
dgmw i love food but like im binging and ive quit enough shit that i know i can grok Just Quit but like. moderation escapes me
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