#the galaxy...ad infinitum
scifigeneration · 1 year
How the James Webb Space Telescope has revealed a surprisingly bright, complex and element-filled early universe – Podcast
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by Daniel Merino and Nehal El-Hadi of The Conversation
If you want to know what happened in the earliest years of the universe, you are going to need a very big, very specialized telescope. Much to the joy of astronomers and space fans everywhere, the world has one – the James Webb Space Telescope.
In this episode of “The Conversation Weekly,” we talk to three experts about what astronomers have learned about the first galaxies in the universe and how just six months of data from James Webb is already changing astronomy.
The James Webb Space Telescope successfully launched into space on Dec. 25, 2021. After about six months of travel, setup and calibration, the telescope began collecting data and NASA published the first stunning images.
One of Webb’s nicknames is the “first light telescope.” This is because Webb was specifically designed to be able to see as far back as possible into the earliest days of the universe and detect some of the first visible light.
You can see these galaxies in the images NASA has released. Jonathan Trump, an astronomer at the University of Connecticut, is on one of the teams working on some of the early James Webb data. He was watching the release of the first images live and noticed some things many nonastronomers might have missed. “In the background, behind these beautiful arcs and spirals and massive elliptical galaxies are these tiny, itty-bitty red smudges. That’s what I was most interested in, because those are some of the first galaxies in the universe.” This compound image shows some of the earliest galaxies ever seen, highlighted by the small boxes in the images on the left and right, and shown up close in the images in the center. NASA, ESA, CSA, Tommaso Treu (UCLA), CC BY-SA
To see any of these galaxies from the earliest days of the universe would be exciting, but right off the bat, Jeyhan Kartaltepe, an astronomer at the Rochester Institute of Technology, found something exciting when she started digging into the data.
“One of the things we’ve learned is that there are more of these galaxies than we expected to see.” In addition to working on identifying these early galaxies, Kartaltepe has been using Webb’s incredible resolution to study their structure and shape. “We expect there to be discs because discs form pretty naturally in the universe whenever you have something that’s rotating. But we’ve been seeing a lot of them, which has been a bit of a surprise.”
In addition to noting the shape of the galaxies in the early universe, astronomers like Trump are starting to be able to assess the chemical composition of these galaxies. He does this by looking at the spectrum of light James Webb is collecting. “We look at these distant galaxies and we look for particular patterns of emission lines. We often call them a chemical fingerprint because it really is like a particular fingerprint of particular elements in the gas in a galaxy.”
The universe started with just hydrogen and helium, but as stars formed and fused elements together, bigger, heavier elements started to emerge and fill in the periodic table as it is today. And just like Kartaltepe, Trump is finding evidence that things were happening faster in the early universe than astronomers expected. “I would’ve guessed that the universe would have struggled to make the periodic table and build up things. But that’s not what we found. Instead, the universe seems to have proceeded pretty rapidly.” This photo shows Webb’s first deep-field image, a long exposure of a small part of the sky revealing thousands of galaxies, many of which are too faint for even Hubble to detect. NASA/STScI
The discoveries coming out of James Webb are already changing how astronomers think of the early universe and challenging much of the existing theory. But the truly exciting part is that we are just beginning to see what this telescope is capable of, as Michael Brown, an astronomer at Monash University, explains.
“I’ve been on science papers that have used literally just a couple of minutes of data,” Brown says. “The image quality is just so good that a couple of minutes can do amazing things.” But soon Webb will begin to do follow-up surveys, take deep-field images and stare at parts of the sky for days and even weeks. Over the coming months, years and decades, Webb is going to keep giving astronomers plenty to work on, and astronomers like Brown are excited. “There is just all this complexity there, and we are barely scratching the surface. This will be the stuff that people who are students now are going to devote their careers to. And it’s going to be marvelous.”
This episode was produced by Katie Flood and Daniel Merino, with sound design by Eloise Stevens. It was written by Katie Flood and Daniel Merino. Mend Mariwany is the show’s executive producer. Our theme music is by Neeta Sarl.
You can find us on Twitter @TC_Audio, on Instagram at theconversationdotcom or via email. You can also sign up to The Conversation’s free daily email here. A transcript of this episode will be available soon.
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Daniel Merino, Associate Science Editor & Co-Host of The Conversation Weekly Podcast, The Conversation and Nehal El-Hadi, Science + Technology Editor, The Conversation
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
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thelaurenshippen · 7 months
re: that *chef kiss* PERFECT Franken-Drummer post and tumblr not being all over The Expanse, I know right?? it’s such an amazing show with so many delightful, complicated characters yet it’s so unfairly slept on! maybe because S1 takes awhile to get going and ppl give up? idk but it makes me sad that I have so few ppl to squeal about Drummer and Amos and Bobbie and Christjen and Ashford and Naomi (ad infinitum) with 😭🚀😭
WHY ARE PEOPLE NOT OBSESSED WITH THE EXPANSE HELLO!?!?! there's literally so much to love about it oh my god. you're right, it DOES take a second to get going but once it does!!!
for those of you who have not read or seen The Expanse series (I myself have yet to read the books), let me tell you why you'll love it:
political space drama with incredibly distinct cultures and phenomenal world building, if you're a details girlie (gn), you're gonna go nuts
the found family vibes!!??! are off!?!? the charts!?!? (minor spoilers for the first few episodes) four people are thrown into a situation in which they accidentally become the most important people/fugitives in the whole galaxy and most of them DO NOT trust each other, what could possible go wrong, and even better, what could possibly go RIGHT
Christjen Avasarala. you are not ready for her. most powerful mover-shaker on earth with the most incredible outfits you've ever seen, refined elegance with the filthiest mouth, plus she's got a classic "whatever those two have going on is so gay it veers into something else entirely" with her younger protective knight lady, Bobbie
Bobbie. the "not to be a lesbian but oh my god" post is made for her. we meet her in the show for the first time when she arm wrestles a robot and WINS. you will be begging for her to step on you with her mech suit
speaking of women I want to step on me Camina Drummer. angry revolutionary pirate queen of my heart. do you miss the unique agony of 2000/10s queerbaiting but want it to be not baiting somehow? this show does that, idk how else to explain it. the most agonizing sapphic pining you've ever seen but it's textual and also not painful because its gay. don't worry, Camina fucks, just not the girl she wants most (also spoilers, but this is not a bury your gays show don't worry)
Jim Holden is literally just Some Guy who becomes the special fantasy chosen one because he simply cannot stop Getting Involved. nosiest bitch in the universe, I love him.
imagine you're a girl who leaves your shitty ex and gets a normal industrial job on a spaceship, only to have a six foot, two hundred pound killer dressed as a mechanic imprint on you like a baby duck, and its unclear whether he wants to fuck you or call you a little sister but he definitely WILL kill for you and will do literally anything you say and then you both end up caught up in a weird galactic war by mistake and there's this other guy with a captain america level moral compass and he's cute and you're into him except your shitty ex is still out there with the biggest secret you have and meanwhile your best female friend is the coolest person you've ever met but you don't think you can be what she needs and you're holding your family together, you're holding the universe together and all you want is justice for your people but unfortunately you've gone and fallen in love with the accidental most important man in the galaxy. well, every day Naomi Nagata wakes up
Praxideke Meng. botanist of my heart. literally tames the rabid guard dog that no one else could. gentle and able to stay gentle because of said dog. which brings me to...
Amos Burton. I saved him for last because he is my guy. he is THAT guy. canonically aromantic pansexual king. are you into guard dog characters? do you find yourself drawn to the "sorry my love language is acts of service and all I'm good at is killing people" characters? amos burton is like seventeen tumblr posts come to life. previously mentioned enormous killer dressed as a mechanic, former heels wearing "I didn't always work in space" sex worker who is always rolling into brothels and being like "you guys unionized?", gives a shit about basically no one in the universe except his crew and every single child in the galaxy, accidental comedian because he cannot stop saying weird shit, not a nice or good person but a loyal one, and one who is always trying to relearn the empathy that was carved out of him as a young person. every time he goes homicidal to protect one of his chosen people (crew + any and every child), an angel gets its wings.
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steddiebang · 7 months
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Tessellation | Explicit | 25k
Author: @maryofdoom / ArgentumCivitas Artist: @sparkle-fiend
Steve is a knight. Steve wants to be rescued. Steve knows how to swim. Steve is tired of the ranch. Steve is pretty good at stitches. And Steve has been told that the Void is endless. Eddie wears a knight’s favor. Eddie is a tiefling bard who’s here to save the day. Eddie is a rusalka. Eddie has a way with horses. Eddie is about to bleed to death in the guest room. And Eddie has seen the Void from the other side. Six stories, six universes, ad infinitum. Steve and Eddie.
Fic | Art l Banner
Pairings: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington & Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington & Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington & Dustin Henderson, Steve Harrington & The Party, Eddie Munson & Hellfire Club, Eddie Munson & Wayne Munson; Past Steve Harrington/Nancy Wheeler, Implied Robin Buckley/Chrissy Cunningham Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Jim Hopper, Eleven, Max Mayfield, Jason Carver, Patrick McKinney, Chrissy Cunningham, Mike Wheeler, Will Byers, Erica Sinclair, Jeff, Gareth, Unnamed Freak (who is named Grant in this one), Wayne Munson, Steve Harrington’s Father, Bob Newby, Robin Buckley’s Parents Tags: multiverse, multiple stories, multiple endings, alternate universes plural, epic poem, Russian fairytale AU, Greyhawk - Dungeons and Dragons campaign setting AU, Western AU, a long time ago in a galaxy far away, Hawkins in 1986 with open gates, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions of Violence, animal death, they both die, they both live, happy ending, sad ending, ambiguous ending, all tagged characters have a speaking role, some things are the same in every universe, Steve Harrington Has Bad Parents, first kiss, sex with an ex, mutual pining, sexual content, murder husbands, the vibe is very much everything everywhere all at once Trigger Warnings: Major character death, graphic depictions of violence, animal death
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thehollowwriter · 1 month
♾️ teehee
Okie I'm gonna be honest I cheated a little bit but only because this song is also Azul vibes if he drank like 20 litres of caffeine and Monster energy and I think you'd like it (and there's a Hamilton reference lmaaao) I recommend checking the YouTube video as well :). Especially because it was so hard choosing the lyrics (again) 😭
Ad Infinitum by The Stupendium
So you're manically grabbing at the
Shelves amid the panic
Seems that everybody has it, man
You really gotta have it so you get it
You're ecstatic but a crackle in the static
And the it is out of fashion, just a fad
A piece of plastic so you trash it then you
Get back into your car
'Cause you don't have it
And the fact is everybody's gotta have it
Gotta have it
Or (because I could not choose between the two)
Legally grey but sweet with the phrasing
Feet in the grave but gleefully trading
Feeding the cravings, eat little plaything
Yeah I'm bad at sticking to ask game rules lmao
Tagging for Stupes stuff yet again:
@distant-velleity @br3adtoasty @rainesol @theleechyskrunkly @jovieinramshackle
@galaxies-and-gore @cyanide-latte @cynthinesia @officialdaydreamer00 @krenenbaker
@offorestsongs @kitwasnothere @elenauaurs @boopshoops @am0nline
@1dont-really-know @minteasketches @elysia-nsimp @skrimpyskimpy @casp1an-sea
@offorestsongs @tixdixl @poisoned-pearls @the-trinket-witch @ramshacklerumble
@ghostiidasponk @thegoldencontracts
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sneverussape · 1 year
For the fanfic writer questions (tho feel free to sub art if you prefer): ❤️🏷💕🥳🦈📗💭😎💘🚦🤩🤖🎨
God, that's like ⅓ of them... feel free to skip any you don't like, otherwise I'm all ears!! :) <3
omg this is a lot and idk if i'll be able to answer them properly so it's all going under the cut :))) (if read thru mobile some of the answers get cut off. idk why this is but it works fine on desktop lol. 🙃)
❤️ - what is your favorite line that you've written in a fic? it's definitely one of the evans!severus ones. this au is quite personal for me so everything i write or draw for it has a basis on something that i've experienced irl. it's a coping mechanism of sorts, and a way for me to understand certain things that happened in the past. my favorite lines are from the ficlet i did titled Hello World [ad infinitum] and it's:
You are ready to crawl out of your skin, jump out of your bones, and enter your child’s bloodstream. Hold him nerve for nerve. Calm the exploding suns in his mind. He births universes at least once a week. You all are surrounded by the ghosts of galaxies.
This was a fic that forced me to get into the headspace of parents forced into a near-impossible situation, but one which they powered through if only via sheer will and determination. i think the lines captured not only how the condition [epilepsy] itself manifests in the physical sense, but also the ephemerality and intangibility of it all. i was pretty chuffed too that i didn't have to think too hard about these lines; they just came to me! 🏷 - is there a tag you like to search for when looking for fanfics to read? this applies more to a03. i don't really search tags unless i'm in a specific mood for something, like specific characters, certain pairings, or "______'s A+ parenting". :)) i grew up reading untagged fics on forums and later on livejournal, so tend to ignore tags when searching a lot of the time. i mostly depend on summaries. when on ff dot net (which is actually my preferred platform over a03 because of the amount of old fics on there), i filter by genre, usually sticking to drama, angst, hurt/comfort, adventure.
💕 - what is your favorite fic that you've written? ohhh, for hp definitely the first one i ever wrote for this fandom, which is with friends like these. i love how lucius is characterized here, and how he's just a step from the edge. the desperation and the intense level of his grief interspersed with guilt was so satisfying to write and to read over and over. i also like how i had written other people's treatment of him, as though he's a bomb set to explode. he's in disgrace, but he's still managed to keep the last shreds of his dignity intact, and is still capable of doing harm when pushed.
🥳 - why did you start writing fanfic? purely for my own indulgence, like most people! :)) i like imagining what-if scenarios but also still sticking to canon for a lot of other things. i also use it for catharsis.
🦈 - which character is the toughest to write? ooooooh i'd have to say eileen prince, mostly because i cannot for the life of me decide how i want her to be. i hate the idea of her being submissive. it doesn't sit well for me at all and not something i particularly want to read and write about. i want her to have a stronger personality but can't figure out what her exact story is, apart from having had an ambiguous past with abraxas malfoy (vague hints of a previous relationship which was cut short) and tom riddle (were they friends? rivals? both?). i'm not keen on the abused wife trope mostly because it's so overused and not something i like. i'd rather have her be apathetic and neglectful than be abused (because why? why would a witch allow for it? i can't find a reason for i, especially if you have another world you can escape into), but really haven't figured out the nuts and bolts of it.
📗 - do you want to write something outside of fanfiction? if so, what about? i used to want to, when i was younger. i used to want to be a writer! for the time being, i don't want to write any original fiction. i work in a very rigorous and mentally- and emotionally-draining industry which involves a lot of strategizing and diplomatic hoo-hah. life is far stranger than fiction, and anything i can write will pale in comparison, i think. :)) i'll let life unravel first and see where i end up.
💭 - what inspires you and your writing? my basis for writing is a lot of complex emotions - mostly grief and loss - that i want to sort through, and this shows up a lot in my work. some people have said that i create too many angsty pieces but hey, i create for me. :)) i find the act of creation very satisfying and is something that helps me figure out how to deal with things. alas, my blorbos suffer for it (and i'm not sorry). it also helps that i have plenty of enabler friends! >:)
😎 - what fics do you prefer on a scale of canon compliant to wildly original? oooooh, i like both! it depends on the plot tbh. i've read so many fics that were so au the entire world was practically rebuilt, and other worlds were created for the characters to traverse through. i love those! especially if the lore was thought through really well. some fic writers could honestly give tolkien a run for his money.
on the other hand, i also love canon-compliant fics because those present its own set of challenges. imagine creating your own world within a world that's already created? fanfic-writing is so great because it stretches the limits of creation and co-creation. i love how creative people can get while working with canon and never breaking its rules. i'm always in awe of what comes out of it.
one thing i love is when people incorporate something that they know about really, really well and make that the center of the fic. it can be a hobby, a culture, a language, a sport, etc. you can always tell when an author is knowledgeable or passionate about the topic because it shines through and i love that! if i like the writing style, these types of works can make me read about anything, even about things that i normally wouldn't be interested in in real life.
💘 - is it easier to write angst or fluff? definitely angst. these are emotions that are readily accessible for me because i internalize a lot and like to figure out why i felt x when y happened. usually that involves a lot of angst. not to say that i never experience any happiness irl but happiness/fluff is also not something i think too deeply about, and therefore not something i find satisfaction writing about. it's an itch that already gets scratched enough, but soothing angst irl is not something that happens, so i do it via fic.
🚦 - what sort of endings do you prefer to write: ambiguous, bad, happily ever after, etc..? ambiguous! i like it when readers figure out for themselves what happens. i like the act of co-creation that happens in writing, specifically when the reader will have different interpretations of endings or events, and it's usually a reflection of their own experiences and thoughts. given the choice though between doing a good and bad ending, it really depends on the characters and what takes place in the plot. i normally don't have an ending figured out when i start writing. i'm more interested in the journey of growth that happens in between. my normal route is i plot that (the journey/change), then let the characters make their own way. i decide what type of ending they should have once we get there.
🤩 - what led to your interest in the fandom? i've been an hp fan for a long, long time but did not get involved in the fandoms outside of forums and various lj communities. even then i kept my distance, because i was still in school and didn't want it taking over my life lol. i couldn't afford to be on the family computer every day after school; i had to study and stuff, y'know? i was in varsity teams, orchestra, student council, etc on top of everything else so getting completely immersed in the fandom was not an option. the last few books were released while i was in university and the only fandom i could really get involved in then was the one among rl friends where we knew who was fans of which characters and we'd discuss the plot over lunch and thingss. apart from that, we were too busy to get involved in the internet wars that happened then ahahaha.
i only got really involved in fandom during COVID. i needed a space to just forget about the real world for a while and being in the snapedom worked. i got to writing again and started drawing digitally. i don't regret it at all!
🤖 - are non-fandom friends aware that you write fanfic? hahahahaha NO. i think one or two suspect it but they've never asked. these are friends i've had since childhood and who know i read fanfic (they do too), but we've never revealed whether or not we create fanworks ourselves. they know what fandoms i'm in however, and we share some of them, so i guess not knowing is the best arrangement. we like that we're able to keep our fan lives private, and are able to vent anonymously.
🎨 - if someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see? idk to be honest! it would be interesting to see a DTIYS (draw this in your style) based on my snape. or even the hcs i have of them, a fave being catholic!snape. i have many imagined works based on catholic!snape but i'm not brave enough to attempt them, mostly because it would involve a lot of rigorous and detailed work :))) i want to draw him in a huge empty cathedral sitting on one of the last pews, while looking up at the altar in front. the idea of the altar alone is enough to put me off the entire thing. my wrist already hurts just thinking about it. :))
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runemyth0 · 2 years
I think the folks who say “Oh yeah, Din will become Mandalore and then he’ll lead them to a new future of proper Mandaloring by encouraging adoption of foundlings and honorable mercenary work!” are ridiculous. Like, there was already a leader who embodied what Mandalore could become, should they stop obsessing over themselves and their “honor”. And she was deposed, imprisoned, and then killed.
The fact of the matter is that a entire culture of mercenaries cannot survive. You need support personnel: farmers to grow your food, manufacturers to build and fix your gear, and numerous other people to support the warriors. Sure, the mercs could pillage or trade for food, spend their hard-earned credits to hire technicians, and generally survive off the generosity and good-will of the people they are employed by, but that ain’t sustainable at all!
And what of the people who grow tired of war? Just because your culture is obsessed with war and fighting to an unhealthy degree does not mean that there aren’t people who suffer from mental illnesses as a direct result of their experiences in combat. In fact, it’s more likely that a significant portion of the combatants–those who survive, anyways–have serious hang-ups around their time in combat. And that’s not even mentioning the folks who lost limbs and other body parts, who likely replaced them as quickly as possible so as to not slow down their comrades.
What happens to the people who want to lay down their arms and seek peace? It may be custom to return a spike in the eye with a spike in the eye, but what happens to the people who try to escape the cycle of violence?
They die. Constantly. Violently.
It is only when the rest of the galaxy is busy with their own issues that Mandalore can actually unite as one. During a period of unprecedented peace, Mandalore finally puts their people before their pride and tries to become better. While the Empire is busy with other things, the Mandalorians fought back in order to liberate their world. In a time of lawlessness on the frontier, Mandalorians desperately want to cling to the old ways, believing they make them strong.
But as soon as a powerful player sets their eyes on them, the Mandalorians are torn apart like wet paper. Because for all their skills, equipment, fascistic warrior culture, etc, a good warrior does not make a good soldier.
A crime boss/former Sith waltzed in and usurped the title of Mandalore by their own rules after they had overthrown the legitimate government. As soon as the Mandalorian rebellion reached a tipping point, the Empire deleted the planet. When they should be uniting, the survivors fracture over petty bloodline feuds and a fancy sword.
So, yeah, I don’t exactly have high hopes for the future of Mandalore. They are literally the “War is bad / Cool robot!” meme repeated ad infinitum, just replace robot with armor.
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widowshill · 8 months
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WE CONSTANTLY FLIRT EVERY TIME WE MEET BUT IT’S NEVER GONE ANYWHERE. @godblooded said: i never knew you felt that way about me. 🩷 love, a Barbie. Fucking submit button.
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EVERY TIME SHE FALLS IN LOVE she thinks ' this. this is what it means, I understand it now. ' the milkyway galaxy is BUBBLEGUM PINK tonight and Miss Winters' heart beats light with the confession. they should be somewhere grand and romantic : a park, a planetarium, a long stretch of white clear beach with the waves marking regular PULSE-BEAT. instead she tells Barbara Handler she loves her in an ordinary auto repair shop, holding her hand while she gets dizzy from the smell of oil and gasoline and the flood of relief that it is a pink 57 Chevrolet exposing its insides and not her.
❝ I didn't either, I guess. 'til now. is that silly ? ❞
what she has known with Barbara defies the most straightforward ways of the world in love as she has KNOWN IT : you are in love with him because he is your fiancé, he is your fiancé because you are in love with him, X EQUALS Y ad infinitum. reason that lives little room for human error. not so with the girl blonde like morning sunlight, eyes blue like dew reflecting the sky. she knows she loves her not because of anything she could prove, like showing your work on paper to a DISCERNING tutor, but because .... when she makes her laugh it's the same feeling as watching birds play in the fountain. because she has counted every last tiny faint freckle across her nose a hundred times and never bores of it.
the songs say you know love from the moment it begins, at first sight, SO GO THE STORIES. maybe it isn't true love, then. Victoria cups her cheek anyway, thumb brushing over perfect, soft skin, gaze lingering on the pout of a lipgloss-sticky mouth. or maybe the stories have it all wrong. maybe love is more like the garden, more like the oil painting, than it is the quick impression of the flower vase or the photograph. it requires patience to bloom. she breathes in the scent of the lipgloss, and imagines its summer strawberry taste.
❝ Miss Handler, can I kiss you ? ❞
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etherealpagesmedia · 10 months
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The Hermetic Principle of Correspondence is one of the fundamental principles of Hermeticism, an ancient esoteric tradition that traces its roots back to the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus. This principle states that there is a correspondence and connection between all levels of reality, and as above, so below. According to the Principle of Correspondence, the macrocosm (the universe) reflects the microcosm (the individual), and vice versa. This means that the patterns and laws that govern the cosmos are mirrored in atom as well as the galaxy, theoretically ad infinitum. The idea of Correspondence suggests that everything in the universe is interconnected and interrelated. This concept has far-reaching implications, both in the realms of spirituality and practical applications. Despite it’s usefulness, the law of correspondence is often misunderstood. Common misconceptions include the idea that it implies causation or the idea that comparable things correspond. On a spiritual level, the Principle of Correspondence invites individuals to recognize the divine spark within themselves and see the interconnectedness of all life. It teaches that every thought, action, and emotion has an impact not only on oneself but on the broader universe. Practically, understanding Correspondence allows individuals to apply the wisdom of the universe to their lives. By recognizing patterns and analogies, one can gain insights into various situations and make better decisions. It also opens doors to explore different systems of knowledge, such as astrology, tarot, and alchemy, which are based on the idea of Correspondence as well as other Hermetic Principles.
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scifigeneration · 4 years
Astronomers discover unusual monster galaxy in the very early universe
An international team of astronomers led by scientists at the University of California, Riverside, has found an unusual monster galaxy that existed about 12 billion years ago, when the universe was only 1.8 billion years old.
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Dubbed XMM-2599, the galaxy formed stars at a high rate and then died. Why it suddenly stopped forming stars is unclear.
"Even before the universe was 2 billion years old, XMM-2599 had already formed a mass of more than 300 billion suns, making it an ultramassive galaxy," said Benjamin Forrest, a postdoctoral researcher in the UC Riverside Department of Physics and Astronomy and the study's lead author. "More remarkably, we show that XMM-2599 formed most of its stars in a huge frenzy when the universe was less than 1 billion years old, and then became inactive by the time the universe was only 1.8 billion years old."
The team used spectroscopic observations from the W. M. Keck Observatory's powerful Multi-Object Spectrograph for Infrared Exploration, or MOSFIRE, to make detailed measurements of XMM-2599 and precisely quantify its distance.
Study results appear in the Astrophysical Journal.
"In this epoch, very few galaxies have stopped forming stars, and none are as massive as XMM-2599," said Gillian Wilson, a professor of physics and astronomy at UCR in whose lab Forrest works. "The mere existence of ultramassive galaxies like XMM-2599 proves quite a challenge to numerical models. Even though such massive galaxies are incredibly rare at this epoch, the models do predict them. The predicted galaxies, however, are expected to be actively forming stars. What makes XMM-2599 so interesting, unusual, and surprising is that it is no longer forming stars, perhaps because it stopped getting fuel or its black hole began to turn on. Our results call for changes in how models turn off star formation in early galaxies."
The research team found XMM-2599 formed more than 1,000 solar masses a year in stars at its peak of activity -- an extremely high rate of star formation. In contrast, the Milky Way forms about one new star a year.
"XMM-2599 may be a descendant of a population of highly star-forming dusty galaxies in the very early universe that new infrared telescopes have recently discovered," said Danilo Marchesini, an associate professor of astronomy at Tufts University and a co-author on the study.
The evolutionary pathway of XMM-2599 is unclear.
"We have caught XMM-2599 in its inactive phase," Wilson said. "We do not know what it will turn into by the present day. We know it cannot lose mass. An interesting question is what happens around it. As time goes by, could it gravitationally attract nearby star-forming galaxies and become a bright city of galaxies?"
Co-author Michael Cooper, a professor of astronomy at UC Irvine, said this outcome is a strong possibility.
"Perhaps during the following 11.7 billion years of cosmic history, XMM-2599 will become the central member of one of the brightest and most massive clusters of galaxies in the local universe," he said. "Alternatively, it could continue to exist in isolation. Or we could have a scenario that lies between these two outcomes."
The team has been awarded more time at the Keck Observatory to follow up on unanswered questions prompted by XMM-2599.
"We identified XMM-2599 as an interesting candidate with imaging alone," said co-author Marianna Annunziatella, a postdoctoral researcher at Tufts University. "We used Keck to better characterize and confirm its nature and help us understand how monster galaxies form and die. MOSFIRE is one of the most efficient and effective instruments in the world for conducting this type of research."
Other researchers taking part include Daniel Lange-Vagle and Theodore Peña of Tufts University; Adam Muzzin and Cemile Marsan of York University, Canada; Ian McConachie and Jeffrey Chan of UCR; Percy Gomez of Keck Observatory; Erin Kado-Fong of Princeton University; Francesco La Barbera of INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte, Italy; Ivo Labbe of Swinburne University of Technology, Australia; Julie Nantais of Andrés Bello National University, Santiago, Chile; Mario Nonino of Astronomical Observatory of Trieste, Italy; Paolo Saracco of Astronomical Observatory of Brera, Italy; Mauro Stefanon of Leiden University, Netherlands; and Remco F. J. van der Burg of the European Southern Observatory, Germany.
Wilson led the W. M. Keck Observatory data acquisition. Forrest led the processing and analysis.
The study was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation and NASA.
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cherryobx · 4 years
Up Up//JJ Maybank x reader
requested?: yes honey “okay this is gonna sound weird but could you do a fic w jj that just has the same vibe as the song Up Up by Sanddollar bc that's one of my favorite songs. like maybe them vibing on the beach or just having a fun day or somethin🥺 thank you🥰”
summary: just having fun with JJ on the beach
warnings: none, pure fluff, typos and bad grammar probably
WC: 853
(not my gif, creds to the owner!!!)
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“JJ? What are you doing?” you sleepily asked, a bit mad that you had been woken up from your afternoon nap. JJ was running around his room, a backpack in his hands. He was throwing some random clothes and towels into it.
“We’re going to the beach. Duh!” he said like it was so obvious.
“Who’s we?” You sat up, rubbing your tired eyes and almost transporting to another galaxy (you know the feeling).
“Me and you, dumbass.” He zipped up his backpack and quickly leaning down to give you a peck on the lips.
“And where did this incredible idea come from?” you asked, emphasizing the word incredible. 
“I just want to spend time with you. That’s all.” 
“We literally just spent the entire day together.”
“I want to spend time with you ALONE. Just me and you. Not with the other pogues.”
That made you smile. You were always down to spend some time alone with your boyfriend. He was so fun to be around.
So you got up from the bed and threw on one of JJ’s muscle shirts on top of your bikini. It was an unspoken rule that if you lived in the Outer Banks, you must always have swimwear on. You never knew when you needed to spontaneously go swimming, surfing, or even tanning.
“Hey, JB! Can we borrow the van?” JJ asked John B when you both entered the kitchen, seeing him standing there, a beer in his hand.
“For what?”
“We just want to go to the beach.”
“Okay, fine. But please keep it clean. I just cleaned it yesterday because JJ decided to make the whole van muddy. I don’t know how don’t ask me.”
“Sorry ‘bout that,” JJ laughed. John B threw him the keys and off you went.
You were blasting music on the way there and a song came on called “Up Up” by Sanddollar. It had such good summer vibes and you were both just jamming out. Looking over at JJ and seeing him happy made you smile like crazy. That boy deserved all the good things in life. He deserved to be happy.
After a few minutes of driving, JJ pulled over and you both got out of the van. He parked as close as possible to the shoreline. JJ took your surfboards down from the top of John B’s bus. He slung his backpack onto one of his shoulders and you started walking closer to the water.
You set your stuff down onto the sand and pulled off the shirt that you had on.
“Damn girl! You lookin’ fine as hell!” JJ basically shouted, making you giggle.
“Shut up!” you laughed and grabbed your board.
“You wanna race to the water?” he asked, smirking. “Are you ready to lose?” you replied with a question.
But of course, JJ won. It wasn’t a fair race though. Because like he was so much taller than you, which meant his legs were also longer than yours. And that meant he ran faster than you.
“It wasn’t fair! Your legs are longer than mine.” 
“Doesn’t matter, princess. I won.”
You surfed for a bit, but you weren’t taking it really seriously. You were doing some stupid and silly tricks to make JJ laugh. It was the most beautiful sound in the world. You could listen to it 24/7.
When you were beginning to grow tired and the sun was starting to set, you got out of the water.
And then you just sat on the sand, your head resting on JJ’s shoulder, looking at the sunset. His arm was around you, holding you close to him.
“Thank you, J.”
“For what?”
“For bringing me here today. I’m the happiest when I’m with you.”
“I could say the same.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too. More than you’d ever understand.”
“Oh, I think I understand,” you laughed, putting your hands onto his cheeks and pulling him in for a kiss.
“Do you want to dance?” he asked when you finally pulled away from the kiss.
“What? Dance? Here? Right now?” You looked at him in confusion.
“Yes.” He got up from where he was sitting beside you and headed towards the van, which luckily wasn’t far away.
He put on the music and then came back to you, giving you his hand to help you up. There were no other people there so it was just the two of you.
“Come on, Y/N! Let loose!”
So you danced with him. But of course, you couldn’t keep it serious and you both started doing weird and funny dance moves. You had so much fun. You forgot everything else and focused on this moment, on this boy foolishly dancing in front of you.
“You look so dumb right now.”
“So do you.”
The vibes were IMMACULATE. Nothing could compare to the feeling that you had at that moment. You really loved this with this boy with your whole entire heart. Truly, madly, deeply. You fell deeper in love with him every day. And there was nothing you could do about it.
taglist: @teamnick @www-imbored-com @delightfullynlove @prejudic3 @afterglows7b-tch13 @tomhardybby @ad-infinitums @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless @ilovejjmaybank @mdlyncline @allycat449-blog @teenwaywardasgardian @copper-boom @canibeoneofthepogues @fttayla @ifilwtmfc @bedazzledbanks @jeyramarie @joshy-obx
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thehumanfront · 3 years
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Fleas on fleas: our gunky universe?
Have you ever wondered what the smallest thing is in the Universe? Maybe there is no such thing.
We’re used to observing objects that match us in size, like tables and chairs; and we can visually make out small’sh and big’sh objects, like grains of sand and mountains, at least with some perspective. But we have to notionalise things on an extreme scale, beyond our perception—the cosmos and its fundamental parts, quarks and neutrinos and all. We use numbers with plenty of zeros to characterise them; we infer their existences; but we don’t see them.
We might, then, dare to imagine that the Universe is stacked infinitely: a flea on a flea’s back on a flea’s back . . . divided and divided with no smallest part. And so goes this wonderful poem, Siphonaptera, by Augustus De Morgan:
Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em,
And little fleas have lesser fleas, and so ad infinitum.
And the great fleas themselves, in turn, have greater fleas to go on;
While these again have greater still, and greater still, and so on.
Is this possible? Some philosophers and physicists think so. The Universe, they say, is ‘gunky’. There is no largest part either: planets and stars and galaxies are perhaps smaller particles of an even bigger universe.
A fractured universe is already commonly accepted in quantum mechanics: fields underly ‘particles’ with no defined locations. Conversely, classical physicists see a grained universe: electrons are fundamental, indivisible particles, ~ 10^-15 m in size. But this is a false move, say quantum physicists, since the Universe is funkier than that: electrons are point particles of no spatial extents.
However, while quantum physicists like funk, they don’t necessarily like gunk! Their theories often entail indivisible building blocks (e.g. ‘ground states’ and properties). This is also true for string theory, whose building blocks are ‘vibrating strings’. A world that can be infinitely carved up threatens both worlds.
True or not, a gunky universe is fantastically different to the one we think we inhabit: no smallest or largest thing, just never-ending division.
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the-river-person · 3 years
Any interesting world-building tidbit that wasn't included in your tales? This is a very interesting world you've got
I have three major bits that I desperately wanted to include in the story but never could find the right moment for. 1. (This hilarious dialogue snippet from Gaster and Alphys that never made it into the story but I decided was too funny to not save.) Alphys: (laying on floor) I’m nothing. Not a scientist. Useless. I’m just garbage. Gaster: (glances down at her briefly, looking thoughtful).... you’re recyclable. Alphys: !?!?!?!?!?? 2. I wanted to better explore the area below Waterfall, the deep pits that all the falls plunge down into, where once Alphys stood and considered throwing herself down into. The concept of it was a sort of transformation for Alphys and Undyne. They return to this place that might have been a place of tragedy, and they make it the start of something amazing. The cliffs below were riddled with caves and openings, an entire city carved straight into the rock, with grand staircases that lead down, and elevators that see a lot of use for those who don't want to walk (or can't). Can you imagine the place? Beautiful caves where every window opens up to the underside of the cascading, thundering waterfalls. And because they had hundreds of years to develop it all, the Lower City had gardens and fascinating landmarks to visit, a gallery devoted entirely to the art of Alphys' favorite animes (and oh boy were there some truly gorgeous works there. For some reason there was also a portrait of Mettaton as God and Alphys as Adam in a lovely oil painting that is a sort of imitative transformation piece of Michelangelo's very famous "The Creation of Adam". Nobody really knows who painted it, nor why, but the gallery director informed the public that it was donated anonymously as a gift to commemorate the gallery's Grand Opening.) Because Undyne had a huge part in the City's inception, there ended up being several small schools for various physical activities such as: Wrestling, Ballet, Clogging, Modern Dance, Taekwondo, Spear fighting, Sword fighting, and Water Aerobics. Also one very tiny school for Piano that consisted of Undyne herself and whoever she was teaching to play at their lessons three times a week. Down below are the Depths, the deepest and darkest part of the Underground's caverns. A massive lake that the falls plunge into. Most of its life has been spent without light of any kind, and even now it's still very shadowy. The Lower City of the cliffs sort of spills out between waterfalls to drift around the shore of the lake. But even 300 hundred years later it hasn't all been explored and the Lower City hasn't expanded much more (even with the Underground populous trying their best to spread out, they can't possibly fill every space. I'm working with an upper limit of 1,400-2,000 monsters total in the Underground, with a lower limit of 322 for the souls visible coming from Asriel in the game when he breaks the barrier. Due to the fact that Ghost Monsters were excluded from the soul snatching event, and the fact that there is literally no way to estimate how many spiders are in the Underground, both have been excluded from this counting.) At the far end of the dark lake a lonely outpost sits, home to a very very few monsters who either prefer the total solitude and darkness, or have come there for reasons of science. To study the pools of super-heated water and geysers, or the aquatic life somehow managing to thrive in the pitch black lake that is swimming with garbage from humans and monsters alike, or even geological strata that possesses very interesting formations this far down. There are numerous guidelines in place that prevent Monsters from staying at the Outpost for more than two months at a time for Mental Health concerns. Both Royal Scientists tried (separately) to use their position to override this rule. Undyne was sent to retrieve Alphys and bodily carried her back despite protests, and Queen Toriel herself came to order Gaster back to the Upper Underground (there were fireballs thrown before he finally gave up). 3. And finally, I actually fully intended to have a scene in the story where Sans demanded that Gaster tell him exactly how long they spent trapped down there, after all, he's the only one who kept track of it if you recall. But I completely spaced it when it came to writing those last few scenes. So I'll tell you my final calculations here. We know that Determination had a strange effect on the magic of the Barrier. Whenever a Reset happened, time in the Underground would move a tiny bit slower than time outside. The time spent inside the Barrier, counting both the truly ridiculous amount of time wasted in resets by both the Human and by Flowey, as well as the 300 years afterward that this story covers, comes somewhere around the area of 51,967,952,715 years. Or Fifty One Billion, Nine Hundred and Sixty Seven Million, Nine Hundred and Fifty Two Thousand, Seven Hundred and Fifteen. An insane amount of time. What’s my explanation for how the minds of various characters remained intact? Well, Gaster spent long long periods of time sleeping. He wasn’t fully himself yet as his assistants hadn’t managed to collect enough pieces of him. So unstable and having a warped perception of time kept him from actually going insane, instead letting him sleep for centuries at a time. Sans actually didn’t start to become fully aware until quite a long ways into the resets, and then spent a while trying to figure out what was going on, fought with everything he could for a while in endless genocide routes, and then eventually lost hope entirely and sort of... went on automatic for a long time before he woke up enough to change something (a single question was all it took). And Flowey stayed in a similar state for thousands of years, quietly repeating the exact same conversations, the same actions, the same patterns. The only times he was even aware enough to notice the passage of time was when something new happened. These are not in any way realistic ways of reacting to such a vast period of time. From what science we understand about the brain, it would barely last more than a couple hundred years at the very most, but probably less than that. And that’s if you can keep it in perfect condition without any decay. Memories would begin to go long before that, only fragments remaining and the brain keeping only what is relevant to you now. But lots and lots of old stories depict supernatural and magical beings as sleeping for centuries in forgotten temples, under castles, in sealed magical caverns, in caves on beds of treasure, and a thousand other variances. So I wanted to explore that in the way of a part of the Monster Soul that would act as a self defense mechanism to the Mind of the Monster who was somehow living and living and living without possibility of dying and needed to be able to stay sane throughout that. So it either makes them sleep, or in severe circumstances it can put them on a sort of automatic mode where they repeat a sequence ad infinitum. Both have their roots in folklore, but the way it works is my own interpretation of the idea. Outside the barrier, however, is a different story. The full total of time that has  passed out there is 10,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000. Known as Duotrigintillion, or also as one Googol. While the Underground got slower and slower and slower, the rest of the Universe continued on at its usual pace. The planet earth was destroyed by the Sun going into its Red Giant Phase, and then it became a White Dwarf. Then a Black Dwarf. Galaxies and super-galaxies went slowly dark, matter was dissolved or eaten by black holes, even black holes eventually began to decay due to Hawking Radiation. And because the light, garbage, and air being let into the Underground were the exact same stuff that was being let in at the beginning and was just on repeat forever, the Monsters never noticed. It was only when a run went on a little longer than usual, when the Barrier started trying to correct itself by syncing up time again, when you could see the darkness beyond. A darkness without stars and without life. Only cold and shadow, forever. The absolute and inexorable Heat Death of the Universe. Is it the only Universe in the Multiverse that has lived its full possible lifetime from beginning to end? Possibly. Ink would know. Whatever the case, its certainly a very very old Universe indeed (It probably is one of several branches off the original Universe, a stray timeline become a Universe in its own right).
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tomasorban · 4 years
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Merkaba - Star Tetrahedron
The Star Tetrahedron is a sacred geometric shape, also found within Metatron’s cube. It is made up of two Tetrahedrons (three-dimensional equilateral triangles) one inverted through the other. This powerful shape is also referred to as the Merkaba, an ancient symbol. It is principally a three dimensional Star of David. It is an electro-magnetic field that is geometric in nature.
The Mer-Ka-Ba field is extremely complex, involving the five Platonic solids and other sacred polyhedrons. The word Merkaba, derived from ancient Egyptian text, is translated as Mer: light, Ka: spirit, and Ba: body. In Hebrew it means “Heavenly Throne Chariot.” This electro-magnetic field is also referred to as the Vehicle for Ascension.
The Star Tetrahedron/Merkaba is an extremely powerful symbol and tool in assisting one in the ascension process. The combination of two Tetrahedrons - one pointing up to the Sun and heavens, connecting with Divine Life Force Energy from the Universe to the earth plain, and one pointing downwards, drawing Divine Energy from the earth. Both these Universal Energies connect at the Heart Chakra when meditating upon and activating the Merkaba.
The Tetrahedron pointing upwards to the sun and the heavens is male and rotates clockwise, while the Tetrahedron pointing to the center of the Earth is female and rotates counterclockwise.
By meditating on the Merkaba one is able to merge with Source, God, the Divine, All There Is and this is a beautiful reminder to remember that we are, true, loving, and Divine in nature. The awareness and remembering of the Mer-Ka-Ba is unfolding all over the world. This unfoldment is all part of the evolving shift in our DNA.
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The Golden Ratio
The Golden Ratio symbolized by the Greek letter φ “Phi”, is a mathematical proportion that occurs every where in nature. Phi is a special sacred number approximately equal to 1.61803... The decimals go on ad infinitum without any discernible pattern to the digits.
We find the golden ratio when we divide a line into two segments so that the longer segment divided by the shorter segment is also equal to the whole length divided by the longer segment as shown in the diagram to the left. This ratio is expressed as, approximately 1.61803.....
A great geometric example of phi is the pentagram resulting from connecting the points of a pentagon, which consists of five lines. Each of the intersecting lines are divided into the Golden Ratio, as in the example to the left: a/b = a+b/a = 1.61803 = φ “Phi”
Similarly, within the pentagram the Golden Ratio is evident throughout its entire structure, as also shown in the diagram to the left: A/B = 1.61803 . . . B/C = 1.61803 . . . C/D = 1.61803 . . .
The Golden Ratio is also sometimes called the golden section, golden mean, golden number, Divine proportion, Divine section, and golden proportion.
Dating back thousands of years, the Golden Ratio has been revered as the proportion of harmony, perfection and Divinity.  
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The Golden Ratio & Vesica Pisces
The Vesica Pisces provides a simple way of arriving at the basic patterns and measures of sacred geometry, especially the fundamental ratio of the Golden Section….. These are the ratios, proportions and harmonies found in Nature, in the form of plants, animals, crystals and the human body. They are also present in music and mathematics, and so form the underlying structures of creation.
The Vesica Pisces is a shape that is the intersection of two circles with the same radius, intersecting in such a way that the center of each circle lies on the perimeter of the other. In adding a third circle as in the sequence of drawing the Flower of Life, a third Vesica Pisces emerges. These three circles and corresponding three Vesica Pisces are frequently referred to as the Trinity.
Within this simple structure of the Vesica Pisces, one can extract the Square, Equilateral Triangle, Hexagon, Pentagon and Pentagram, amongst other polygons.
The shape formed where the two circles of the Vesica Pisces intersect is known as the mandorla (the almond shape in the centre) and it represents the womb where the Seed of Life is birthed into the duality and then eventually evolves into the trinity – it is the seed bed of all trigonometry.
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Fibonacci Sequence & Golden Spiral
The Golden Ratio within the Fibonacci Sequence, is a sequence that was introduced by the French mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, also known as Leonardo Fibonacci. Leonardo Fibonacci began study of this sequence by posing the following problem in his book, Liber Abaci.
How many pairs of rabbits will be produced in a year, beginning with a single pair, if in every month each pair bears a new pair which becomes productive from the second month on?
The Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two numbers in the list together to form the next and so on and so on. (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, ...) Divide any number in the Fibonacci sequence by the one before it, for example 144/89, or 34/21, and the answer is always close to 1.618. This is known as the Golden Ratio.
This Golden Section Spiral is obtained when we make a set of rotating squares beginning at 1, that produces a logarithmic spiral. The spiral begins where the two faint lines intersect at 1, and the ratio of the lengths of these two lines equate to the Golden Ratio.
Another most significant example of this special ratio can be found in Deoxyribonucleic Acid, DNA - the Divine Blueprint of all living organisms. The spirals are found extensively in nature and resonate with the innate human spirit. The spiral pattern is found encoded in our DNA, in plants, animals, crystals, aspects of the earth, our Milky Way galaxy and the countless galaxies around us.
Even the Cochlea, the part of the inner ear that converts impulses into electrical signals, has a Nautilus shell spiral shape. A cross section of the Cochlea shows that it forms a Golden Spiral.
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Music & Sacred Geometry
Music, Phi and the Fibonacci Sequence.
Musical frequencies are often based on Fibonacci ratios.
Notes in the scale of western music are often based on natural harmonics that are created by ratios of frequencies. Ratios found in the first seven numbers of the Fibonacci series ( 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 ) are related to key frequencies of musical notes.
Fibonacci and phi relationships are often found in the timing of musical compositions. As an example, the climax of songs is often found at roughly the phi point (61.8%) of the song, rather than the middle or end of the song. In a 32 bar song, this would occur in the 20th bar.
It was Pythagoras who first described the fifth interval which has come to be universally recognized for its harmony. The fifth is the interval found in most western and sacred music, and it has a profound balancing effect on the human energy field.
This basic harmonic musical relationship called the fifth, is simply the interval between the first and fifth notes of a major scale. For example, in the key of A the fifth note is E (A=1, B=2, C#=3, D=4, E=5, etc). This interval is so primary and profound in music it is called the “perfect fifth.” The perfect fifth identifies that there is a progression in music that naturally cycles through all 12 keys in a way that is harmonically pleasing to one’s senses, also referred to as the cycle of fifths.
Using the 12-around -1 matrix pattern as a guide, a do-decagon, one can observe two sets of the five Platonic Solids in this structure.
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Shri (Sri) Yantra Sacred Geometry
A Shri “Sri” Yantra is a Sacred Geometric Mandala, the origin of which is said to be of ancient Vedic texts, dated as far back as 5,000 BC. It is a type of mandala with geometric patterns of nine interlocking triangles. The center triangle is an equilateral triangle and the center point within this triangle is referred to as the Bindu, representing unity of All There Is. The center Bindu is also said to be representative of the Flower of Life.
The nine triangles are of various sizes and intersect precisely with one another. In the center is the Bindu, inspiring the highest potential, the infinite center from which the Universe expands. The triangles are enclosed by two rows of (8 and 16) petals, representing the lotus of creation and Vital Life Force Energy. The four openings to the rectangles of the outer frame denote sanctity, with the four openings gaining access to the highest regions of the Universe.
The two layers of lotus petals outside the circle are pointing outwards, as if opening to awareness, ultimately enlightenment. It is said they illustrate unfolding of our understanding, awareness of the greater self in Oneness with God, Source, All There Is. The lotus also represents the heart connected with the Crown Chakra.
Shri ‘Sri’ means wealth and prosperity and ‘Yantra’ means instrument. The Shri Yantra is a symbolic representation of aspects of divinity, the creative forces of the Universe. It is an interlocking matrix of Sacred Geometric fractals, comprised of circles, triangles, lotus petals, and floral patterns that invoke atonement to the majestic elegance and harmony of the Universe, Source, God - The Kingdom of Heaven within.
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zerm1v0hg · 4 years
Legendary Ghidorah’s backstory (Headcanon thoughts and musings)
Just my own made-up thoughts and ideas (which I’ve built up over months) about what I think the golden trio’s (Ichi, Ni and San’s) backstory before they came to Earth is or could be in KOTM.
Ghidorah’s powers are a lot more advanced than the kaiju who are native to Earth. I think on Ghidorah’s original homeworld, life including the planet’s kaiju are a lot older and more evolved than on Earth, and they’ve evolved to the point that some of them can escape their homeworld’s gravity and travel through the vacuum of space. This enabled the space-kaiju to travel to neighbouring planets and moons in their system and maybe even reach neighbouring star systems, and consume radiation sources and other minerals there. But since they weren’t confined to a single planet and maintaining that planet’s natural balance for their own survival anymore, the space-kaiju gradually lost sight of and interest in their original purpose, and instead started treated their homeworld (and any other territory that was within their reach and they wanted) like it was their property to do whatever they wanted with it. Kinda like how humanity’s ways have become ecologically unsustainable as we’ve technologically advanced.
A bit cliche to use the species-doth-protest-too-much trope like this, but I like to think Ghidorah is so far from home on Earth because it’s an outcast among the other space-kaiju on its homeworld. Maybe it tried to usurp territory from a space-kaiju for itself and lost; and either it fled into space rather than be killed by its opponent, or it was forced into exile by the other space-kaiju under threat of death, so it sought out a world beyond their reach where it wouldn’t have to worry about other space-kaiju.
Now my headcanon for why Ghidorah isn’t just an invasive species but a truly sadistic, ax-crazy piece work that enjoys killing things WAY too much to be natural. If Ghidorah travelled across space from its homeworld to Earth slower than the speed of light (and didn’t rely on opening wormholes or whatever to cut distance), then the journey must’ve taken a while, AND it must’ve been pretty slow and boring. My theory is that Ghidorah spent hundreds, thousands, millions of years straight travelling in space looking for a new world - and it was conscious through all of it. Yep, Ghidorah spent all that time wandering the universe without any social contact with other animals whatsoever, in a state of long-term sensory deprivation (the stars and other sights around it probably shifted at a snail’s pace, taking years before things looked any different - and that’s assuming Ghidorah didn’t spend time travelling through the dark space between galaxies), and it drove Ghidorah completely and utterly, psychotically, destroy-anything-it-sees nuts.
Now for whether or not Ghidorah wants to make Earth its own kingdom. Because of the writer and book-lover in me, I’d say Ghidorah does want to turn Earth into its own kingdom, but it’ll never be able to stick by it. After Ghidorah’s finished killing all the humans, animals and plants and then all the kaiju once it doesn’t need them anymore, sooner or later, it’ll get bored with Ghidorah-Earth, and it’ll abandon it and fly back into space so it can find another suitable world and then destroy and reshape that world into its kingdom - then it eventually gets bored with sticking to that world, ad infinitum.
Ghidorah’s species (or its lineage if biological diversity is different to the terms humanity classifies life by) has a pretty bizarre growth cycle: Ichi, Ni and San weren’t always conjoined, they were originally born separate of each-other, but as they matured, they fused into one functional body with three heads.
Who knows, maybe if Ghidorah spent millions of years travelling through space and went completely nuts, even the three of them can’t really remember where they came from anymore.
So, yeah, I thought these up over several months. I might include bits or all of them in future fanfictions of mine in FF.net if I write any more with Legendaryverse Ghidorah, but this is basically the reference sheet if I do.
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Loki's Daughter
TITLE: Loki’s Daughter CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 9: Life, the Universe, and The Meaning of Everything AUTHOR: traveling-classicist ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Avengers: Endgame AU Loki that gets away with tesseract has been using it to explore the universe. During his adventures, he comes across a little girl with developing but oppressed magical abilities. Intrigued (and subconsciously lonely) Loki keeps her around.
AO3 Link: Here NOTES/WARNINGS: This is like draft 15 of this chapter. I’ve been pulling my hair out over this one so CC is appreciated. I don’t have a beta reader and would love one if someone is interested. Warnings apply to this chapter mainly those concerning mentions of past torture for Loki.
            Kuna felt like she was flying, the wind was whipping through her hair. She tried to open her eyes but they immediately filled with tears. All around her there was darkness with flicks of blue light swirling about her. Vaguely, she could feel Loki holding onto her. In her hands, was the tesseract. It felt like it was trying to buck her off, flinging her up and down, left and right. She struggled to hold onto it.
            Then, in front of her, she could see the brown orb of a planet coming up fast. This had never happened before when they had used the tesseract, but then again, Loki had always been in control of it. They were not slowing down. She turned her head away, bracing herself for the impact with the ground. They crashed into the planet but Kuna felt like she went further, crashing through the glass of the tesseract and into the blue, shimmering ocean inside. Then, she was flung into darkness once more.
            She could not see anything. There was no sound, no light, no smell, no feeling. Had she died? This didn’t feel like hells. She didn’t really know what hells felt like. She assumed it would be painful, but this was peaceful. She felt as though she were floating at the bottom of an ocean abyss. She could feel nothing but the emptiness all around her. She could still breathe, so it wasn’t a real ocean, she figured.
As she floated there, she began to feel a presence. In the absence of all her senses, this presence was soothing. She tried to focus on it as it moved closer to her. There was a familiarity to it but she couldn’t place it. Slowly, the presence began to spin around her. It was soon joined by another and another and another until there were six of these strange presences swirling in a circle around her. They seemed to vibrate and hum with the same frequency. It made Kuna feel peaceful, despite them moving faster and faster around her. They were causing a beautiful hum that Kuna could sense deep inside her. However, in front of her eyes – if she even still had them – she still saw nothing but darkness.
Curious about these presences, she tried to stretch out her hand to touch them but her hand did not move on her command. Kuna did not have time to feel fear at the fact she could not move, as now the hum began to intensify. The circling essences began to close in around her, spinning faster and faster. A rushing sensation overcame Kuna. Energy began to pulsate around her. They felt as if they were just inches away from her.
There was a sudden explosion of light and color. Kuna’s senses rushed over her like a wave. She was overwhelmed by what she saw but she had no time to take any of it in before she was sent hurtling through the newly formed space all around her. Beside her, a blue gem glowed. Without its pristine carrying case, it had been difficult for Kuna to recognize the tesseract, but now she could feel its friendly energies guiding her. For a brief moment, Kuna could see five other brilliantly colored gems fly off in different directions.
 All around her she saw clouds giving birth to little lights: the stars. The lights began to circle each other just as the humming presences had done her. Galaxies formed; massive collections of spinning stars and dust. Planets and moons formed, colliding in massive explosions that sent debris flying into the new universe. A balance of chaos and order surrounded little Kuna.
Kuna’s eyes glittered at the creation of all things around her. She and the tesseract flew through the universe together. It showed her life forming on the newly formed planets. It showed her how life began to evolve; how some came to stand on two legs, others four, some even more, some none at all; how they made tools and conjured fire; how they looked to the stars for the answers to their deepest questions.
Time flew by before her little eyes. The tesseract showed her the immense beauty of the first dying star, as it grew and grew, and then cooled and cooled, before exploding into a brilliance of light and dust. They continued to zoom through space, sometimes closing in on an event, others retreating to an unimaginable distance. Kuna saw branches of dust, incorporating innumerable galaxies; branches like those of the great trees on Torileena. Massive trunks and swaying limbs made up of trillions of galaxies made up of trillions of stars and tiny planets with clinging life, that swayed in the breeze of the first explosion.
They drew back further and Kuna could see even more universe trees. Her little eyes struggled to grasp the enormity of it all. Her mind agonizing over the vastness of the forest laid out in front of her, which seemed to stretch on ad infinitum. The tesseract drew them in again, back to her tree. The tesseract began showing her the beauty of the creation it had made, again. Planets with mountain ranges of volcanoes, planets made entirely of diamonds that sang to her as she passed, flat planets, round planets, planets that were alive.
The life that clung to them were growing smarter and some more violent as a result. She watched in horror as they began to destroy each other with the weapons they had made. She watched as they began to enslave one another. The sight frightened her.
The tesseract turned them away from the horrors. It showed her stacks of swirling dust creating more stars for the growing universe. It showed her galaxies colliding but never touching; combining and swirling around each other until the separated once more. She laughed at the sheer beauty of it all. She outstretched her arms and pretended to fly like a dragon.
Once again, it turned her view back to the tiny planets in the galaxies. She watched as some of the life that had arisen from the planets started to reach for the stars, flying amongst each other with great ships. She smiled as they began to find the answers they had been searching for; as they found out they were not alone. But the happiness for them was short-lived as they began to war with each other, destroying one another. One came to power over another, causing untold suffering and grief. Another came to power over them and then another over them and on and on. Kuna wept for them.
Another glowing gem, this one purple, shot past them, colliding with a planet. She gasped at the impact it made. The life that walked the planet began to fight over the gem. One gargantuan being tried to control it and in so doing, wiped out all the life on the planet. The sight made her tremble with fear. She saw this over and over again with the other gems as they visited the planets around the universe. Again and again, life tried to control them; they tried to give themselves more and take away from others. They tried to conquer whole systems, whole galaxies, only to fail.
            They passed by a gigantic hole in space. It sucked in everything around it: stars, planets, whole galaxies. Nothing came from it, not even the smallest flicker of light. Its hunger never seemed to be sated as it just kept eating and eating. Kuna did not like this thing. It was scary, not beautiful like the rest of the universe the tesseract was showing her. She wanted the tesseract to take them away from there. It seemed to acknowledge her fear and turn them away from the mean black hole. They sped away, towards new beauties.
Suddenly, Kuna felt a tug on her being. The tesseract let out a vocalization like a cry of pain. The two of them were violently jerked back toward the black hole. They were so far away now, Kuna could not imagine that the black hole was trying to eat them. Another painful yank pulled them closer. Kuna tried to swim through space away from the giant hole but it just pulled her in faster. She reached out for the tesseract and grabbed it. The gem pulsated in her hands.
A sickening, stretching feeling came over her. She closed her eyes and clutched the tesseract tightly in her hands. Her body burned as if they had flown too close to one of the stars. She felt a horrific pain like she was being torn apart. She was sure this was a portal into hells. She lost track of herself for a moment before she and the tesseract were spat out onto a planet, or what was left of one.
Kuna turned over on the ground to find a massive man looming over her. His skin was deep purple like he had held his breath for too long. His muscles were big and scary and he had a golden hand. He smiled and laughed at her.
“How cute,” he said, laughing at her. He turned and pointed to the sky with his golden fingers. “Go see what you’re savior has done.”
The tesseract picked her up and flew off in the direction he had pointed. They circled a blue planet, covered in large swaths of ocean, painted with blots of green land, and white swirling clouds. She found the planet delightfully beautiful. Life walked its surface, only just discovering flight and electricity, like Loki had shown her; still looking to the stars for signs that they too were not alone.
The tesseract began to cry and scream again like it was in pain. It exploded, creating a hole like the one that had swallowed them but this time, instead of eating everything, it spat out an army. The little people on the planet tried to fight back. This was not the answer they had wanted to their questions. Not at all.
Kuna was drawn in closer to the battle, circling a mighty tower in a city on an island. The attackers zoomed around her in flying vehicles, killing the innocent ground-dwellers with blasts of energy. One of them flew past her. She saw a flash of gold and green and felt a familiar presence. She was pulled along behind it. Above her, the tesseract still vomited out armies of attackers.
As she closed in on the vehicle, she could see a figure on it with huge golden horns. She sped closer and caught up with it. Loki stood tall on the front of the flying vehicle, commanding the armies from above. He blasted at the life below without restraint. She felt another presence with them.
“He’s no god,” the voice of the big, purple man said. “He’s a demon.”
Kuna could feel this man’s presence encircling Loki. She could feel the anger and hatred of both of them.
“Loki, stop!” she cried to him but he did not hear her. She flew in front of him and yelled again, “Loki, please! Stop!” but he did not see her. Something was wrong with him, something was wrong with his eyes. They weren’t his eyes. She reached out to grab him but he did not feel her. She hit his face.
She felt a sudden burst of pain through her body. She closed her eyes and saw a flash of the purple man, his arm raised to hit her, his teeth clenched in a horrible smile. She heard Loki’s voice cry out in anguish.
“You can be king again,” the purple man said. He stood over Loki’s naked, bloody body. Loki’s chest was heaving, his body shaking from the pain. He was pale, his face drenched in sweat. His eyes looked blackened. “I can help you.”
Another tall, thin man stood nearby. His skin gray, his mouth black. He made a smooth gesture towards Loki. Kuna could feel magic at work. Loki convulsed and screamed in pain. Shards of glass stabbed at him causing his blood to boil.
“Stop, please!” he pleaded them. The pain stopped. “I’ll do it.”
The purple man approached him, holding a scepter with a blue gemstone in its crown. Kuna could feel the presence of one of the other gems. It must have been inside the gemstone. The purple man pressed the point of the blade into Loki’s forehead. Kuna gasped, afraid he might hurt him.
“Loki!” she cried out but he did not hear.
Tendrils of blue energy broke out across his forehead and surrounded his eyes, turning them an eerie shade of icy, blue. A smile crept across his face.
“Tell me when I begin,” he said.
Kuna felt as though she hit a wall and crashed through it. Once more, she was on the blue planet, flying beside Loki.
Her chest felt tight, her fists clenched. She had to stop the purple man from hurting Loki. She shoved into him with all her might. An explosion rang out and his vehicle crashed into the tall building, sending him flying inside. A big, green monster picked him up and smashed him around on the floor. She felt he deserved at least a bit of it. The purple man’s presence began to fade from Loki. She felt a sudden grip around her chest as if she was being yanked out of flight. She was pulled up through the hole in the sky. It closed behind her and the tesseract followed her. She saw a massive spaceship looming over them.
            Something zipped past them. Kuna watched as the ship suddenly exploded. The shockwave hit her like a gigagrunt. Blinded by the light of the explosion, all she could see was whiteness. She shook her head as things began to come into focus. She was laying on the ground somewhere. It was a cold, hard ground. She blinked and the world came into focus. She was laying in a crater on a planet made up of the broken remains of moons, asteroids, and other planets. On the ground beside her, was the tesseract in its cube form. She reached for it when the purple man’s voice boomed all around her.
            “Why don’t I show you my future, little one?” he said.
            “Kuna! KUNA!” Loki cried. He was frantic. They had crashed into this planet and for a moment Kuna had been there before another portal opened and then she was gone, the tesseract with her, leaving him there alone. He could not feel her aura anymore nor the stone’s.
He was completely alone on this barren, desert planet. All around him, he could see nothing - no one - for miles, except for sand dunes. The wind whipped around him, blowing sand into his eyes and mouth. He put his hand up to cover his face and shouted into the wind again.
            “Kuna!” he shouted again. “Come back! Please!” He fell onto the sand, slamming his fists onto the ground. The earth rippled beneath his fists, creating a wave of dust that reverberated around him for miles. Despite his weakness and lack of energy, he could not help his emotional magic. Stars flew before his vision at the unintentional exertion.
He had let this happen, he could not protect her, he could not keep her from the cube. There was no hope. He could do nothing to help her. He had no energy to conjure anything, not even clothes for himself.
His muscles trembled as he stared at the ground, trying to figure out what to do. He’d lost her.
            The purple man held Kuna upside down by her leg and swung her a little. She was terrified. He could see her. No one else had been able to: not Loki, nor any of the other life forms they had encountered, not even the purple man the first time she had seen him, but now he could see her. And touch her.
            “Ah, I remember when they were this small,” he mused. “Your daddy has made me very upset, little one.”
            “M-my daddy?” she asked, quite confused.
            “He took something that belongs to me. Something that you have now. And I need it back,” he said, pointing at the tesseract.
            Kuna glanced at the cube floating beside her. She shook her head, no.
            “Well, I tried asking nicely,” he said and grabbed at it. The tesseract reacted, sending out a volt of electricity-like lightning that burned his hand up to his forearm. He recoiled and dropped Kuna. The tesseract dropped with her.
As they both impacted the ground, Kuna saw visions flash before her eyes: The purple man with his golden hand, little lights glowing in the knuckles; Loki holding up the cube to the purple man.
He held the tesseract in the palm of his golden hand. He crushed it, revealing the little gem within. The scream rang out in Kuna’s ears as the gem’s energy writhed in pain. The purple man snapping his golden fingers; pain, a terrible, horrible pain that encompassed her entire being and would not stop; the universe trees wilting, dying, turning to dust.
            Kuna’s vision went blindingly white for a moment. She shook her head to make it go back to normal. Her ears were ringing; she couldn’t hear. The purple man was holding his hand, baring his teeth at it. He looked up at her, his eyes burning with hatred and malice. Four other beings were slowly approaching from behind the purple man. One, she recognized from before. The one that was torturing Loki. Her breath came quickly in her chest. She was petrified.
            The tesseract made a noise from beside her. A blissful vocalization calling out to her. She slowly turned her head towards it and the beings attacked. She dove for it.
            “NO!” Thanos cried out, but Kuna and the tesseract were gone before he or the Black Order could lay hands on her.
            As the tesseract teleported Kuna away, she saw more visions: People turning to dust; plants and animals dissolving into nothingness; entire systems imploding into soot; the universe trees were being overcome by the ashes like a deadly creeper, girdling their trunks. She closed her eyes, trying to make the visions stop but they would not. She saw the beauty that the gems created turning to darkness and desolation.
            “Stop,” she pleaded with the tesseract. “Please, take me back to Loki!”
            Loki sobbed, hugging himself, rocking back and forth on the spot. The items from their satchel were strewn all around him, slowly becoming buried in the sand that blew over them. He had frantically torn everything apart, looking for anything to help him. He had found nothing. Now, the voice in his head was taunting him again and he could not make it stop.
You’re pathetic! Look at you! Sobbing because of a child? You should be more worried that you lost the fucking tesseract! Now, we’re stuck here, you idiot.
It was hot. Loki hated the heat. His Jotun blood could not take it. He was boiling in the massive sun that loomed overhead and there was no shade anywhere. He produced very little sweat and was quickly overheating. His body trembled with exhaustion. He put his head in his arms, crying. The tears evaporated off of his arms so quickly, they provided little relief from the heat.
Suddenly, a portal opened above his head and Kuna came tumbling through it, screaming. He leapt up, holding up his arms to catch her.
Forget her! Catch the tesseract! Get out of my way! I’m taking control, here!
The voice took a corporeal form in Loki’s mind, attempting to take over. He broke free from the prison Loki had made for him. Loki did everything in his power to stop him but he was weak.
In a split second, Loki’s eyes darted to the blue cube flying beside Kuna. He reached for both the girl and the cube, both of them hitting him full force and knocking him back but his arms wrapped around Kuna, hugging her tight.
            She writhed about in his arms, screaming and crying. “NO! NO! Don’t let him take it! Don’t let him take it!”
            “Woah, woah!” Loki said, trying to calm her. “It’s me!”
            “He can’t have it! We can’t let him snap his fingers! We can’t!”
            Loki felt a chill flood his body and it was not his frost giant blood. How could she know about that? He felt a rumble within him as the other aspect of himself roiled with hatred and suspicion at Kuna. Loki pushed it down with all his might.
            “Kuna, look at me? What are you talking about?”
            She struggled in his arms, trying desperately to reach for the tesseract that was laying on the ground just a few feet away. Loki’s eyes landed on it. He exhaled faintly at the sight of it. The glimmer within the cube called out to him. He reached for it, slowly.
            “No! No! We can’t let him have it!” Kuna cried. She dove out of his lap for the tesseract. He pushed her out of the way. She rolled down the dune a few feet. Loki snatched the tesseract out of the sand, reeling his arms in with a jerk. He held the cube close to his chest. Kuna sat up in shock that he had shoved her. He stared down at her, briefly appalled by his behavior.
            Then, he felt the lovely energy reverberating from the cube. It was intoxicating. It overpowered him just as the voice in his head had. He took a deep breath from his nose and absorbed some of the tesseract’s energy. The sting of the tesseract’s heat radiated down from his hands, throughout his whole body, but he could feel himself becoming invigorated once more. Clothes conjured themselves onto his body, the wound on his chest began to slowly knit itself back together.
            Kuna gasped and screamed, tackling Loki. “No! Can’t you hear it! It doesn’t like it! You’re hurting it!” she screamed at him. She hit him several times on the chest and face. Loki still held tight to the tesseract in his left hand, hoisting it above his head.
            “Kuna, stop! It’s me! It’s Loki! Ow! Knock it off!” Loki struggled with her, trying to catch her little fists.
            “Give it back!” she shouted, crawling over his body, reaching for the cube. “You’re hurting it!”
            Loki did a backward somersault, landing on his knees. Kuna tumbled off of him. He held the tesseract aloft. She jumped up and down, hitting him over and over with the hardest punches she could muster, which felt rather more like being hit by a fluffy cloud to Loki.
            He watched her first temper tantrum with arrogance. “It must be awful, being so tiny,” he teased with a little smirk.
This only enraged little Kuna more. She tried to climb on Loki like he was a tree, but he put his free hand on her face and gently pushed her back onto the sand. She plopped down. A glint of light in the sand caught her eye: the shiny dagger from Tenanci’i.
            “Don’t you dare!” he warned, following her line of sight. He pointed a finger at her to make sure she understood.
She dove for it, scooping it up. She stood and pointed at him.
            “Put that down before you get hurt,” Loki ordered her.
            “Put down the tesseract,” Kuna ordered back. She immediately broke eye contact with Loki, fearful at talking back to an adult, let alone ordering one to do something.
            “Kuna, I’m not messing around. Put that down. You don’t know what you’re doing.”
            The tesseract made a vocalization to her again. A cry for help. Kuna charged. She stabbed at Loki but missed as he took an easy sidestep out of the way. Kuna took a stab at his legs, but he danced around her. Catching her by her free arm, Loki held her up. She swung at him with the dagger and missed again.
“You stop that right now, young lady! Give me that before you hurt yourself!” He tried to grab the dagger out of her hand before he lost his fingers. She growled and flailed at him, swinging the dagger this way and that with her eyes closed.
            “Alright! That’s it! I’m putting this away! It’s freaking you out!” he shouted. He moved his left hand in a circular motion and the tesseract disappeared into his pocket.
            “No! You’re a big meany, just like the purple man! You’re hurting the tesseract!”
            “The who?” Loki’s eyes darkened and he held her closer to him. His tone scared her and she stopped long enough for Loki to grab her hand. He slid the dagger out of her fingers and threw it into the ground with such force that only the hilt stood above the sand. Suddenly, Loki felt an electricity within his aura. A tiny portal opened and the tesseract reappeared out of his pocket and plopped onto the sand.
            “WHAT?!” Loki screamed, staring at the cube now glinting up at him from the ground.
            “L—Let go of me!” Kuna cried, reaching for the tesseract with her free hand. “I have to keep it safe if you won’t!” She clawed at Loki’s fingers, trying to free her wrist, but he was too strong. She swung and planted one foot as hard as she could right between his legs. He let out a yelp and dropped her, falling to his knees and putting his hands between his legs to stem the pain. She dove on top of the tesseract, cradling it.
Loki turned over on his side, holding himself for a moment, trying to regain his breath. The voice in his head cackled at him. How did the tesseract just teleport itself out of his pocket? Why was Kuna suddenly acting like a little warrior gremlin?
            “This is anarchy,” he puffed. “Mutiny.”
            I told you this would happen, the voice said. You should have listened to me and killed the kid when I told you.
            “Shut up, you git,” Loki muttered, his face pressed into the burning sand.
            Well I am you so what does that make you.
            Loki pushed himself up, slowly. He crawled towards Kuna who was sobbing on the ground, hugging the tesseract like one of her toys. He collected her actual toys from their scattered positions on the ground where Loki had thrown them. He carefully brushed them off and returned to her.
            “Go away, meany!” she sobbed.
            Loki hesitated. He sat down a few feet from Kuna and the tesseract, giving them some distance. She laid there, staring into its shimmering faces while she cried. Her face was still covered in blood from the fight on Tenanci’i. Her nose was bloody and her eyes were blackened as a result. Her hands and knuckles were busted and cracked from fighting. She was covered, once again, in bruises. Loki sighed, ashamed. He had shoved her. For a moment, he had allowed his other self to take control; to let the tesseract have priority over her.
            “Kuna, I’m sorry,” he said, softly.
            She sniffled but did not look at him.
            “Kuna, please. Talk to me,” he said.
            She snapped her eyes shut and shook her head, hugging the tesseract closer. Loki did not like how adherent she seemed to suddenly be to the tesseract. It was dangerous. She could accidentally teleport away again at any moment.
            Or purposely teleport away, the voice said. Loki batted the comment away and scooted a little closer to her, offering her the real toys. He inched closer.
            “Kuna,” he whispered. “It’s okay, now. I’m here. We’re safe. You got us away from the bad guys. You were very brave.”
            She opened her eyes and slowly looked up at him. He had her attention.
            “Can you tell me what you saw?” he prompted her. “What the tesseract showed you?”
            She wiped her face on her sleeve and sniffled. A couple of final sobs escaped her mouth as she tried to calm herself down.
            “It’s okay,” Loki said. “You can tell me. I’m sorry I was a big meany.”
            You sound like a moron, the voice taunted.
            “T—The purple man… he—he wants to destroy the universe forest with the gems. The ones like the tesseract,” she sniffled.
             “How did you meet the purple man?”
            She took in several gasping breaths. “H—H—He…” she stammered and started crying again.
            “Come here,” Loki said, picking her up.
            She fussed. “No! NO!”
            “I’m not going to take it from you. You can hold it. Just sit here, with me,” Loki said, calmly. Kuna held the tesseract in one hand and clutched a fistful of Loki’s shirt in the other. She laid her head on his chest and cried for a few moments. Loki placed her toys in her lap beside the tesseract. He was fighting his inner self to not grab it from her, but he was currently winning the battle. He was not sure how long it would last.
            “He pulled us into a black hole and onto his busted up planet. He wanted me to give him the tesseract. He showed me you and what you did to the blue planet and what he did to you. He tried to take the tesseract away from me, but it wouldn’t let him. It burned him up. Then, it showed me what he wanted to do with it and the other gems.”
            “The ones like the tesseract?” Loki asked, softly.
            Kuna nodded, rubbing the tears away from her eyes. “H—H—He wants to put them in his golden hand and destroy the life in the universe trees.”
            “The universe trees? You mean like Yggdrasil?” There was no way she could know about the Asgardian world tree. Loki had not mentioned it and Asgardians had yet to reach her system.
            Kuna shook her head, frustrated. She did not know what Loki was talking about, only that he was not understanding like she was.
            “The gems… planted the universe trees. This one came from our tree but there are other trees too and they all have them. And… And… And…”
            She put her hands on her head as she suddenly became overwhelmed by the memory of what she had seen; the journey she had been on. Her head started to spin. Her brain hurt. She pressed her nails into her scalp, clutching handfuls of her hair.
            “Alright, alright. Just slow down,” Loki said, putting his hands on hers, gently pulling her fingernails out of her head. He could see her pain. He could feel it too. It was not that long ago that he had felt the same pain brought on by the tesseract.
He stroked her head. “I understand, Kuna. You have a very… familiar way of describing what you’ve seen. We…” – Loki sighed – “We have a lot to talk about. But, look at me, darling.”
            Kuna opened her eyes and looked into his. Her lip was quivering and tears were beginning to overflow onto her cheeks again.
“What matters is, you’re here now with me and I will protect you from him.”
            She nodded and hugged him. He hugged her, placing his chin gently on top of her head.
            Loki’s nostrils flared with fear and anger. They needed to leave and now. If Thanos had truly caught Kuna while she was traveling with the tesseract, then he had discovered a way to track and capture the cube. They would need to be cautious from now on, even more so than they already were. Loki needed to get the cube back from Kuna without upsetting her again.
This had all been an accident. He had never meant for her to see the horrors the tesseract could show. He was impressed at the depth at which she understood the workings of the universe. She had comprehended it in such a way as a little girl who had grown up on a planet full of gigantic trees would.
            “How did you get back here, Kuna?” Loki asked, genuinely interested.
“The tesseract zapped him and got us away from them. I asked it to bring us back to you!”
            “Wow. I’m very proud of you, Kuna.”
            “I don’t really think you’re a big meany!” she cried, burying her head into his shirt again.
            “It’s alright. I can be sometimes. I’m sorry,” he said.
            “We can’t let the purple man have the tesseract, Loki.”
            “No, we can’t. You’re absolutely right, Kuna,” he said, looking down at her. “Listen very closely to me. We need to leave this desolate place but we have to do it carefully. The purple man can track us if we aren’t careful. I know how to use the tesseract; how to travel with it so he can’t catch us. Can I see it so I can take us away from here?”
            She sniffled and looked down at the cube in her lap. “It doesn’t like you.”
            “What do you mean?” Loki asked a bit taken aback by her response.
            “All you do is take from it. It doesn’t like you,” she said.
            “Well it needs to get over itself really quickly or we’re all going to be in trouble,” he grumbled.
Kuna looked up at him, her face scrunched together in anger. “You have to ask nicely. It doesn’t like to be ordered around.”
            “Okay then, I’ll be nice to it.”
            You are such a pushover. Just take it from her!
            He stretched out his hand for it. Kuna considered giving him the tesseract.
“Please, Kuna? We don’t have a lot of time and I’m boiling out here. Aren’t you? I promise I will ask it nicely.”
She gingerly gave it to him. “Thank you, Kuna,” he said.
            He stood up and picked her up, holding her on his hip. He gathered their things into the satchel and put it over his shoulder.
            “Okay,” he said, looking at the cube in his hand. “Please, tesseract, take us somewhere nice. Far, far away from Thanos.”
            “With no alcohol water,” Kuna said.
            “That’s right,” Loki agreed. “But drinkable water, at least,” he added, just in case.
            “And no snowman monsters,” Kuna said.
            “Right, no snowmen.”
            “Or angry, queen whore mommies,” she said, rubbing her face.
            Loki laughed. “Right, none of those either, please.”
            The tesseract gleamed, opening a portal in front of them. They stepped through.
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So, I’m adoring this show, and all the characters, loving it to bits. And I come to tumblr to squeal in excitement and maybe share a few tears and surprise, surprise, encounter metric tons of vitriol about how Jean-Luc Picard is to blame for everything that has ever gone wrong in the galaxy, and he’s horrible, and he’s hurting everyone, and his “quest” is selfish, and his ego is massive, et cetera ad infinitum.
And...I’m just really, really tired of these fights about who is to blame and whose trauma is more valid and who is a pure snowflake and therefore everyone else is horrible and  never remembering that people are just people! They’re flawed, even Jean-Luc Picard, but that doesn’t mean that they’re horrible people, or to blame for everything wrong with the galaxy.
So, this is me checking out. I’ll be off writing fic and building a Hugh and Seven and Rios and Raffi and Elnor, and yes, Jean-Luc frikking Picard Defense Squad.
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