#the genre the only way they could the shitheads
leeknowsnot · 8 months
kinktober — the god of love (minho)
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genre: smut (minors dni), fluff
content: minho x reader, god of love minho au, reader is a hopeless romantic because i am too, greek god themes, he is eros the god of love, modernized greek gods, body worship, vanilla, just pure love, mature themes, mention of p-rn
oh my god, this is my first smut on this page. i hope i did okay though, it's been a long while since i wrote smut. anyway, i'll try starting on the others soon! read at your own risk
kinktober masterlist
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Piles of paperwork laid before him. His eyes scrutinized every paper, dreading the sight of the amount of work he'd have to do. What was he doing here anyway? Right. He was called in for some extra work because the amount of stuff that the employees under him had to do was overwhelming.
Piles and piles of paperwork. "Over what?" his colleague would ask him and he would roll his eyes.
"Some dumbass woman who can't stop falling in love and getting heartbroken over every goddamn man," he would complain.
For Minho, being the God of Love wasn't all arrows and rainbows. Oh look, a girl crushing on a guy. Let's shoot an arrow to his chest so he could fall in love with her too! No. He wasn't highschool cupid. It wasn't as easy as that, unlike what most people would actually think. If he was going to be honest, there wasn't much field work to begin with. The only field work he'd do is to sit on his chair, observing people as they fall in love with each other, only to deal with multiple paperwork as soon as couples start falling out and breaking up with each other. He hated how people treated love as if it was something so dispensable. Like a one-time thing. Well, mostly because it gave him so much work to deal with.
And you, on the other hand, was one of those types that he hated the most: a hopeless romantic. He never really believed in hoping for love despite being the God of Love himself. Stop falling in love multiple times in a year. He always wanted to drill that into your brain each time he'd come down from HQ to observe you and your stupid attempts at pursuing whoever you were onto at the moment. He would lie if he said he never cringed everytime you'd blush at the smallest things. He was annoyed at how you always fell so hard over the bare minimum.
He types away angrily at his keyboard, cursing under his breath. "12th time this fucking year. I swear, if that shithead falls in love with the wrong guy again, I'm gonna shoot myself."
His fingers stop typing, eyes staring into the screen as his eyebrows rest on a permanent scowl on his face. He stared at your image through the documents, analyzing every feature on your face. He wouldn't deny the fact that you were attractive in a way, which made him wonder for a moment why you'd always fail at your attempts on finding love.
Minho sighs, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose before he stands up from his seat. "Better pay her a short visit. I need some amusement after all that headache she's been giving me," he mutters to himself.
Minho sat there, eyebrows raised. You weren't the type to wear revealing dresses and yet here you were, a scissor away from being practically naked. Okay, maybe he was exaggerating since you only opted to expose your shoulders but you never really showed much skin before. Each time Minho would drop by secretly to observe you during your dates to see if they'd finally succeed, you were either wearing cute floral dresses, or anything that was wholesome. But then again, he had to remind himself where he had to go just to check on you.
A nightclub.
In all honesty, some shoulderless blouse was just the tip of the iceberg compared to how the others dressed. Some were practically naked but Minho didn't pay much attention to them. His eyes were focused on eyeing you at the other side of the room, through grinding bodies.
Though, his gaze on your faltered as soon as a woman sat beside him, brushing her arm on his that was rested on top of the counter. "Hey there, pretty boy," the woman winked at him.
Minho wanted to puke then and there and his expression said it all. He eyed the woman from head to toe, immediately disgusted at her mere presence. He brought his eyes back to you but as soon as he did so, he saw you swaying by the dancefloor with some guy.
Now, Minho wasn't the type to be fazed by such a sight, but the way the man roamed his hands around your torso and attempted to grind his hips towards yours slightly annoyed Minho. Especially with how your face would contort and twitch in discomfort. You were trying your best to hide it and make light of the situation but Minho knew better than to not notice.
He stood up from his seat, tossing all reasoning aside and decided to pull you out of whatever shit you had gotten yourself into just so you could get yourself a lover. "To hell with that," he thought. You were looking for love at the wrong place. The worst place, in fact.
As soon as he arrived at your spot, he grabbed your wrist, earning a surprised yelp from you. He didn't look at you but at the man who was already 5 seconds away from zipping off his pants. Minho was glaring. "Keep your hands and your dick to yourself, yeah?" he tells off the man, earning himself a drunk response but all noise had been shut out and the fucks he could give was thrown out the window the moment he turned to you. "What were you trying to get yourself into, you idiot?"
Minho forgot that he was the only one who knew you like the back of his hand at this point. He was basically a stranger to you. But as he looked into your eyes, you lost yourself in them. His voice came out as muffled due to the trance you were in from the alcohol you just had earlier. And Minho noticed this so he snapped into your face but to no avail.
He dragged you out of the club and you could swear the door that was supposed to lead outside the streets led to somewhere else when Minho opened it but you decided that it was your mind and the alcohol playing its tricks on you. Minho brought you to his office through the club's door—an ability that always proved to be handy. He made you sit on his couch, giving you a glass of water.
"Drink that. It'll help with the hangover," he says. He never had hangover before since human liquor never really had much of an effect for him and the other Gods but he saw how bad humans had it each time they'd have hangovers. "How many glasses did you have anyway," he mumbles under his breath, not particularly expecting you to hear or respond.
His hand bring itself up to your face as he holds a towel, wiping off your sweat. "You suck at taking care of yourself. You always put those idiots first before yourself, that's why you're always getting rejected," he mumbles again, an annoyed expression now on his face. However, his expression turns into confusion as soon as he sees you squint your eyes at him.
"You... look familiar," you say, a hiccup following your sentence as you try your best to dig your memories through your drunken stupor.
Minho shakes his head. "Don't be ridiculous. No one looks like me," he says but you suck air between your teeth.
"No, I swear I've seen you somewhere," you dazingly tapped on your temple before your eyes widen in realization and you point at him. "Oh, I remember now! I see you a lot of times whenever I..." you trail off your sentence. You gasp. "You're always around whenever I meet guys for dates! Are you perhaps, my stalker?"
This earned you a light slap on the forehead from Minho.
"You didn't have to hit my head!" you pouted at him.
"Stop pouting, you look ugly," he says as he removes your shoes. "I wasn't stalking you."
You squint your eyes again at him. Both at his answer and as to why he was removing your shoes. "Then what were you doing? And what are you doing?"
Minho glances up at you with a look of disbelief. "Removing your shoes, if that's not obvious enough," he turns back to removing your other shoe. "I thought you were dumb only with love. You're dumb with telling actions too."
You frown, "Why are you even removing my shoes?! Put them back on??"
"For the record, you are not Cinderella. And you'd rather I let you get blisters? Why did you even wear heels? You never wore heels," he whispers the last part. You blink.
"You are my stalker," you gasp, earning another glare from Minho.
As he finished removing your shoes, he plops himself back down beside you. "I was observing you," he says, answering your question.
"Yeah, you were stalking me," you butt in.
"Stalking is different from observing. Get your facts right," he argues back.
'This man,' you thought to yourself as you look at him in disbelief. Though despite his sarcastic remarks, you could feel as if you knew him for a long time already. Or maybe because you'd see him a lot everywhere. You always thought it was coincidence.
"Why were you observing me?" you ask him.
Minho sighs, rubbing his face with a hand as he looks at you, probably being annoyed at how much you were asking him. "Entertainment. Your idiocy amuses me," he sarcastically replies.
You were speechless.
First, this man ruins your date. Your chances of getting laid tonight. You didn't mind if it was drunk sex, as long as it was sex, that was how hopeless you were. Second, he denies being your stalker. Third, he was mocking your poor taste in men and bad luck in love. And lastly, he was telling you that you were basically a no go because you were an idiot.
"I can't believe this," you scoff under your breath. "You ruined my chances for... this."
Minho raises an eyebrow at you. "Chances at what."
You roll your eyes at him. "Getting laid."
Minho stares at you for a while before sighing. You were such a piece of work. On second thought, he'd rather deal with paperwork than your attitude. He shakes his head in hopelessness, eyes still at you.
"You were going to settle with drunk sex?" he asked with a tone of as-a-matter-of-fact. When you nodded, he chuckled in disbelief.
"Well, what do you want me to do then?" you snapped your head at him. "I always fail at romance. I try to establish wholesome relationships but they... They just fail. And this..." you pause. "It may not be the best option, but it's my only chance of actually getting a guy."
Minho was amused at how emotional you were getting. He could see the tears forming in your eyes as you explain. Sure, Minho was getting frustrated over this ordeal, but you were too and he just realized that. If he was getting annoyed over paperwork, then it meant people were hurting too. You were hurting too.
For some reason, Minho disliked that idea. For the longest time, he'd see the brightest smiles on your face each time you fell in love or experienced something akin to love. He thought it was only for work that he'd come down to observe you each time you go on dates. But in truth, he liked seeing you smile. He didn't know how or when it started. He just... liked to see your face brighten up.
Maybe he wasn't annoyed at you because you always fell in love and get broken and give him more paperwork. Maybe he was annoyed at the fact that people kept on hurting you. He was annoyed at the fact that guys always took advantage of your love. He was annoyed at the fact that you always gave it your all to guys who didn't deserve any of your love. He was annoyed at himself for seeing it otherwise.
Minho chuckles, more at himself than at you. "That's such a sad excuse to find love, it's pathetic."
You turned your head towards him, about to retort but you shut yourself up as soon as he brought his face close to yours. Your eyes widened. "What—"
"You're pathetic," he mumbles. "I can't believe you're going to settle with just that." Then, he closes the gap between you two. His lips touched yours momentarily, brushing like a feather before diving deep. For a second, it was as if your world stopped. You may have had failed attempts at love but that doesn't mean you never had kisses. Though, most of them were empty. In fact, you've had too many kisses to the point that you had to think to yourself if you'll only get kisses for the rest of your life.
But this. This was... You couldn't put the right words. No, that was the perfect word for it. Right. It felt so... right.
The kiss felt too short as soon as he pulled away, eyes staring into yours. You could swear you could see the whole universe in them. You barely talked to this man for more than an hour and yet you feel like you've known him forever.
Minho's eyes trail from your eyes to your lips. He has always seen you. How you look. How you dressed. How you spoke. But he has never seen you this close. And now that he has, it was as if he was looking at Zeus' finest piece of art. Your beauty held more charm than Aphrodite herself. Hell, you'd start more wars than Helen of Troy ever did with that pretty little face of yours.
He parts his lips, his warm breath adding fuel to the warmth that had now spread on your blushing face. "In all of my decades, observing your kind and mine," he pauses. "I have never met anyone as beautiful as you."
"I wonder which God sculpted you," he mutters under his breath, eyes bearing themselves into yours. "Those eyes. They're like Narcissus. I could get lost just by staring at them."
He placed another kiss on your lips, this time much softer than the last.
"Those men are fools," he says. "They could never see true beauty. Beauty that has so willingly presented itself before them."
It was as if he had fallen right then and there. The irony of being the God of Love was that he barely fell in love himself. But when he does, he falls deep. Turns into such poet. Just as how he was letting himself become vulnerable before you.
He takes your hand in his, lacing your fingers together, intertwining them like perfect pieces of a puzzle. You were entranced. You didn't know how or why. But the way his hand would graze on your skin felt like electricity. The good kind where the hair on your back would stand each time you'd feel warm air breeze through while you are cold. Like goosebumps.
You wondered if there was something in that water that he had given you earlier. Aphrodisiac? No. There was nothing in there. And yet you felt so entranced. So pulled in. So dazed. You had never felt this feeling before from your past lovers. Then again, were those even love? Or just infatuation? Was it the true definition of love, or was this the true definition of love? Maybe it was just the effect of having the God of Love himself being so close to you. But you were none the wiser of his identity as a God. And yet he pulled you in like gravity.
His lips placed a chaste kiss on your lips once more, gradually travelling towards your cheek, your jawline, and your neck. They were slow yet passionate. His hands ran up your arms, holding your shoulder as he carefully lays you on the couch so you'd feel comfortable.
Minho looks at you once more. "Will you let me show you what love is?" he asks with a quiet tone. You stare at him for a short while, with him still placing soft kisses on your neck as he waits for your response. Eventually, you nod.
He hums quietly in satisfaction. "Just follow my lead," he says.
You don't know what happened after that. You only remember his occasional glances. His chaste kisses on your skin. His hands caressing everywhere they could land on, memorizing your every curve. You only remember laying there, naked.
His gaze on you never faltered. His eyes memorized every feature, taking in every imperfection that you had. As a God, he was but used to seeing only the perfect complexions. But with your body, the imperfections were what made you more beautiful in his eyes.
Minho leans down towards you, brushing the back of his fingers on your cheek softly. He held you as if you were porcelain. No rough movements. No raspy caresses. "Stop looking for love," he muses. "Because love himself is presenting itself to you." He takes your hand, placing a kiss on your knuckles. "Love itself is yours to take."
You part your lips with a soft gasp. No one, not even one man has ever told you such words. No one, not even one man has ever seen you this naked. No one, not even one man has ever held you as much as this man did. And he was worshipping you with both his words, his kisses, and his touches.
His hand pulled you closer for another kiss before caressing down your body, eventually resting itself on your thigh. His thumb brushes on your skin before travelling towards your inner thigh. His finger lingers too close to your core. Not touching, but you could feel it. Minho smiles at your reaction, chuckling as he finally runs a digit through your folds.
You lightly gasp, biting your lower lip to immediately stop yourself from letting out a sound. He looks up at you, amused by your sensitivity. You couldn't blame him. After all, you were a virgin. Both by touch and by intercourse. He could immediately tell as he continued running his finger through your heat, dragging through every slick as a string of your love juice connects your nub and the tip of his finger with every slow stroke. He traces small circles around your clit, earning a shivery hum from you as you cover your mouth with the back of your hand.
You hated how slow he was teasing you. Minho, however, was loving every second of it. How red your cheeks were right now. How half-lidded your eyes were. How wet you already were with just a few kisses and a few strokes.
He leans towards your chest, taking out his tongue to gently brush on one of your nipples, making you twitch. "You're quite easy to please," he mutters as he flicks his tongue and sucks lightly on your nipple. "But then again... You are a virgin."
This made your eyes widen. You tilted your head to the side, covering your face with embarrassment. You hear Minho chuckle before he takes your wrists, removing your hands from your face. "Shhh, it's okay." he whispers in your ear. He places a quiet kiss on your ear lobe. He faces you again. "At least you didn't get to experience how horrible and selfish those men are when it comes to making love."
His smile falters. "No. They don't call it making love, do they?" his eyes trail down to your stomach, bringing himself down so he could place kisses and kitten licks on your skin. "I believe most of them like calling it casual sex."
"Bastards," he curses under his breath before lowering himself again, this time being face-to-face with your heat. You embarrassingly closed your legs, momentarily making him react as your thighs envelope his head. He looks up at you with an amused smirk. "Guess you're into that, huh?" he mumbles with a husky tone before finally leaning in.
You could swear you momentarily saw stars as soon as his warm, wet tongue ran through your folds. His breath would always exhale each time he would swirl his tongue around your clit, slurping occasionally from his makeshift chalice.
You were sweeter than ambrosia and nectar, and he couldn't have enough. You were a walking cardinal sin, ready to prey on a God, to tempt him to indulge in such temptation. And that God was him. Except that you weren't tempting him, but it was him who willingly walked into your trap without any provocation.
The God of Love, enchanted by a human being. By you.
As his sucks and licks increased their pace, so did your stiffled moans. "Don't keep your moans to yourself," he says. "I'd love some good music." He stuck his tongue inside of you, exploring every crevice of your walls as much as he could while his teeth would occasionally scrape lightly through your clit. When you finally moan out loud unintentionally, he smiles. "That's it. Let me hear your pretty voice."
Every second that he spent worshipping you with his tongue brought you closer to something. You were already way past from what you used to consider as climax from your self-ministrations but this was something else. Something higher. Something more pleasurable.
You subconsciously grabbed his head, pulling his head closer. Minho's eyes widen a bit, surprised at your action but complies anyway. He smirks, tongue lapping you up faster as his mouth starts making the most sinful sounds as he sucks you in his mouth. He holds both your legs, determined to make you see a taste of heaven just as much as how he was tasting his own version of heaven through you.
As he gives you a long, dragging suck with the swirling of his tongue on your clit, it finally brings you to the edge. Your eyes shut tight, mouth hung open, and back arched as you cry out in pleasure. Your legs shake as they attempt to wiggle out from his grasps but his hold was strong, keeping you in place as he continues to suck on you, giving you overstimulation as you ride your first high.
He eventually lets you recover as you pant, now hovering above you as he licks away the remaining juices off his lips as if it was syrup. His eyes observe you, loving how helpless you looked as you tried to catch your breath from just a single climax, and just with a simple oral too. Minho brushes off a stray hair off your face, tucking it behind your ear as he places a kiss on your forehead.
"Well?" he asks. "It's good, isn't it?" You were too out of it to even answer. No one could blame you, the first orgasm—whether it was oral or not—was always the most mind-blowing. Too mind-blowing it turned you speechless in a matter of minutes. "That guy you were dancing with wouldn't even give a single fuck whether you'd cum or not," he says. "He'd only want to put his sad excuse of a dick inside that pretty little mouth and call it a day."
Minho places a soft kiss on your lips. "Human men won't care for you as much as Love himself would," he pauses. "Because they do not know love. They only know Lust."
He gently opens your legs, zipping down his own pants in the process. "Let me make love to you," Minho says, caressing your thighs as he raises them. He places kisses on your legs. When you finally recover from your trance, you glance at him. He was now as naked as you were but you could swear you were laying your eyes upon a God. And you really were.
He was perfect regardless wherever you would lay your eyes upon. Especially his arms. God, his arms were like nothing you have ever seen and yet they held you with such care. He could flail you around like a ragdoll, just like what most men would do in those porn videos you'd watch each time you felt a little lonely. But no, he held you as if you were a priceless vase. He'd trace your body as if it was some rare artwork to revel on at a museum. He'd draw you in his head like you were one of his French girls. Except that he didn't have any of those. You were the only girl that made a significance within his eyes.
You finally gave in, tossing all reason aside. If this was going to be your final chance at love, you prayed. Then you might as well let it happen.
Your tongues danced within a kiss, intertwining with each other both emotionally and physically. He clung unto you and you clung unto him, bodies pressing into each other as your sweat would momentarily stick each time Minho would close the proximity between you two. His thrusts started as slow yet passionate strokes, your velvety walls hugging around him as you moan in between gaps of your sloppy kisses. His hand caresses your waist, resting by your hips as he grips them only to pull you back towards him so you'd meet his thrusts.
He wasn't ruthless. He wasn't in a rush. He wasn't destroying you. And just like he said, he wasn't just giving you sex. He was making love with you. His slow thrust eventually increase its pace, the tip of his cock now kissing your cervix at each thrust. The sinful sound of skins slapping fill the walls of his office, mixed in by both your moans. He would always place wet, open-mouthed kisses on your neck and latch his lips on your nipple, never having enough of you as he drives deeper and deeper into you.
If he could, he would bury himself into you. Get lost in pleasure with you. Stay inside you. If it meant showing you what love really was, he would do it. Every stroke sent waves of pleasure through your body and his as your moans encouraged him to go even deeper. He couldn't get enough of the way you looked at him. How your lips would mouth incoherent words as he continues to savor the feeling of being inside you.
Soon enough, the room was filled with nothing but heavy breathing and ragged gasps. You wrap your arms around Minho's neck, pulling him closer as you yourself get closer to your own climax once more. He could feel you slowly tightening around him, a smirk finding its way on his lips.
"Cumming again?" he whispers, quiet groans lacing his question in between as he starts to thrust into you at a faster pace. You nod absentmindedly, eyes shut tight as you arch your back once more. He raises your legs, gaining more access to thrust deeper. "Deeper," he mumbles. "A little more."
With each thrust, his cock reached deeper depths that you didn't know were reachable. It sent you on edge. With his one final thrust, he finally hits that button needed for you to snap, making you moan out loud. The way you suddenly clenched around him as he was buried deep inside you made him reach his own climax as well, painting your walls with his own release. "Cumming cumming cumming!" you mutter, hands gripping on his arms as his groans muffle themselves in your neck.
You both laid there, gasping for air in each other's arms, savoring each other's warmth before Minho finally raises his head from your neck and looks at you. His face held the most loving and softest expression. He was smiling at your dazed state.
He places a kiss on your forehead. On your nose. And on your lips before looking into your half-lidded eyes. "I'll be back soon," he says. He said something else after that but you were too exhausted to even remember as your eyes finally closed, sending you into a state of rest.
You awoke with a jolt as you shot up from your bed, eyes open wide as you pant. You glanced around, immediately recognizing your surroundings as your bedroom. You frown to yourself, glancing down beneath the blanket.
What the hell happened? you asked yourself. You weren't exactly sure. You remembered being in a bar to meet up with that tinder date you have been crushing on since last week but after that, you passed out—probably from alcohol and now here you were, confused.
You wondered how you got home in the first place.
And that dream, you sighed to yourself, feeling your core wet from whatever dream you had. You shook your head, a palm running through your face as you groan in frustration.
"I can't believe I was so desperate to the point I'd dream of making love with someone," you roll your eyes at yourself as you throw yourself back on the bed again. This time, hugging your pillow and your curiosity piqued at your dream. "Whoever that guy was in my dream was really attractive though," you mutter to yourself.
Unbeknownst to you, Minho observed you through the window of your room from far a way, chuckling. He observes your pretty features first before finally turning around.
He'll remain in your dreams for now. After all, that was how Greek Gods would visit their human love affairs—through dreams. Though this time, he'd visit your dreams frequently.
Maybe because he wants less paperwork from you. Maybe because he wants you to pine for him more than the men you'd meet.
Eitherway, he can't wait until he visits you the next time you close your eyes again.
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896 notes · View notes
insanescriptist · 25 days
Cremation is just another fun(erl) service
So blaming random 4am thoughts that have been plaguing me all day for this
Jason woke to a bright room, thin sheets and the smell of a hospital embedded in his body.
First as always, assess. Hospital. No affiliation printed on the walls or anywhere. Private room, but small. That door looked like it led to a private bathroom. Generic flower picture, a mounted screen turned off. Really fucking bright sunlight from the windows.
There was no fucking way he was in Gotham then. Everything was too nice. Normal by standards outside of Gotham. There were blinds, not metal shutters. The walls were cleaner than Gotham allowed outside of Downtown and he could see greenery through the window.
Okay. So what had he been doing? Jason remembered and then wished he had his Jerichos to shoot himself with. Mystic Shit™. Okay. Okay. That was not one of his better ideas, but if he's recovering in a hospital, it worked. World saved.
So recovery. How fucked was he?
His skin looked so fucked. Which meant he had been worse. He's had time to recover and lose muscle tone in, going by how twiggy his arms were. His hands looked good. Clearly someone knew he cared about those if they went through the effort of restoring those.
Hmm, that was odd. No matter how much Jason hated the Lazarus Pits and all its by-products, it would have been a faster and more simple way to recover from near-death than the long incarceration in a hospital for a John Doe.
Jason wasn't sure if he'd been abandoned yet again by those who called themselves his family because he could, "take care of himself," or if he had been written off dead. Again.
Hospital beat the coffin by a long shot.
And it was with that cheery thought, a nurse -obvious meta human nurse- came in and burst into excited Japanese, because that was of course, his luck.
It's after the nurse and doctors leave that Jason loses his shit.
It looks like he's sulking in bed, but mentally everything in his head is exploding. Imploding.
Three. Fucking. Years. Coma.
Burn victim so bad they not only expected him to die in the first couple of days, but still expect it because of the infection risk his fucked up skin represents.
Still the conversation with the medical staff -of varying degrees of bizarre- was enlightening.
No, he has no idea who he is. Did he ever get anyone visit? How did he get here?
Of course some amnesia is to be expected. No, some of the nurses visited. No one knows how he got here.
Does he know what his quirk is? Uh?
Trauma blocked amnesia, the doctor mutters.
What's the last date he remembered?
Saturday. Maybe? The last year? No, I'm pretty sure my memory is shit and I'm trying hard not to freak out over not knowing anything. So could I get the year number?
And then there's the fucking year number. Once he got it translated into more normal terms.
Mystic Shit™ said fuck you to the future.
Except Jason knows this is not his future. Again, if it was, this would have been treated as a fucking inconvenience. Effective skin restoration goop -the proper name escaped him- was easily available to those with the right connections. A normal baseline human with 2nd and 3rd degree burns would be fine in less than two weeks with it, with nary a trace to show for it.
Thanks to the three year coma, his muscles were all atrophied as fuck, despite their best attempts at physical therapy. Because of all the burns and later burn scars and infections making it basically impossible to actually do fuck all about maintaining muscle tone until he was basically burnt skin and bones anyway.
He was so fucking weak now. It wouldn't last forever. He'd escape this hospital before he was discharged, before whatever "benefactor" showed up for whatever "purpose," he was suppose to serve now, as they had the medical debt over his head or was threatening his loved ones or whatever. If one didn't show up in the next week, he was losing his genre-savviness, because shitheads always wanted to claim shit, if it looked useful.
And Jason was used to looking useful, until he was no longer useful and they just didn't care. The amnesia made him less shiny, but Jason couldn't pull off the brain dead zombie imitation without actually being a brain dead zombie crawling up out of his grave.
So under the thin hospital sheets, Jason twitched his muscles.
Two weeks of emotional freak outs, watching the news, physical therapy and drugs Jason had had enough.
And he broke out.
Yeah, he regretted it almost immediately. Hard not to in the stupid paper gown, barefoot and bare ass.
Thankfully people were people, even with the plethora of meta humans he had seen, so it actually wasn't hard to find clothes. Someone left a hoodie in their car and Jason broke into said car. Put on the hoodie. Hotwired the car and drove off.
Somehow for being in the fucking future by two centuries and change, cars really hadn't changed. More evidence of Mystic Shit™ slamming him sideways.
He drove to the next town over, picked another direction, drove some more. Parked the car near what looked like a chop shop, negotiated the car for some money. He probably got ripped off, but better than nothing.
He walked to a corner store, bought some flip-flops after bullshitting an excuse that his had broken. First aid stuff. You know, for his feet. Hair dye in three different colors, because Rose Wilson could pick out a bad dye job at a hundred meters and so Jason learned how to dye his own hair properly so as to avoid her mockery, only to get mockery (affectionate) anyway.
It was a mix of instinct and lifelong observation that let him find an empty apartment quickly. He stole some sweatpants and passed out on the bed.
The thing is, Jason doesn't regret his crimes like Bruce thinks he ought to do, with a massive pity party and flaming self-hatred and punching criminals instead of shooting them. He hates the necessity of doing crimes, even if that crime is a net gain to society, but that's why all his serious crimes are premeditated. He's homicidal, not a psychopath.
Not Pit-mad either, no matter what the rest of them might have thought.
Again, he's homicidal, not a psychopath. And when he doesn't have to be some sort of costume soldier to be discarded by family for the disgrace of disfiguring the memory of a dead boy? He's actually chill and boring.
That is to say, he crashed at that apartment for three days, felt progressively more like himself, especially after the dye job -white hair all over, now a solid and boring black- but it still didn't change all the other issues the Mystic Shit™ inflicted on him.
This body isn't actually his. Too young, scars not right where the burns didn't fuck him over. Thankfully his existing coping mechanisms for dysphoria work and it's shoved to the side.
It's also a shit body. Not even a month out of a three year coma with inadequate -by his standards- of medical care. It's weak and building muscle to do everyday civilian shit, is going to take months to do. Pushing as hard as he did during the escape wrecked him the next three days. Jason may not know what's going to happen, but with his luck, it's going to suck and training is preparing to make it suck less. The only certainty he's got is that his skin or lack thereof is going to kill him from infection if he doesn't fix it.
He's got no legal identity here. Which basically puts him back onto familiar ground of legally dead.
Beyond the lack of paperwork, he's got a lack of funds. He also has no easy target to steal funds and equipment from, even just for fun.
For more disadvantages, he's in a different country, with different laws and a whole different culture. He would be climbing on board a fucking plane to Gotham, if it existed in this world, for some familiar ground.
He really is the unluckiest Robin. It also means he is also the most prepared Robin.
The first six months after waking up in this mockery world of heroics were the absolute worst.
He started at one foot in the grave and crawled out of it before the casket could really eat him alive. Jason had experience in casket busting. He didn't wanna repeat it.
He still didn't know who he was -in who was he inhabiting- but it wasn't like Jason had a lot to go on. 'His' quirk was thermo-manipulation, most obviously in the blue fire he could call to his hands but he could do some ice too; it was thanks to Duke's light and shadow manipulation that he had even tried for the duality. He had white hair. Presumably Japanese heritage but quirks had really erased or blurred a lot of racial lines. Also presumed dead and young.
Access to the Quirk Registry took some doing, but again, not everyone followed basic computer security, much less what it took to keep someone bat-trained out of their systems. Again, for nearly two centuries in the future, a lot of the technological development had stagnated. Searching through the Quirk Registry hadn't yielded any result but none of his other methods had struck anything either. And he had looked at the recently dead and/or presumed dead. Sure, he had some leads that looked viable, but he wasn't going to follow those up yet.
He had fixed a few of his most pressing issues the past six months. His ignorance of the local area, the local and national politics and so on. This world supported and had an entire industry catering to making child soldiers and sell their image and reputation to make money and more child soldiers that called themselves Heroes.
His weak ass body no long cried doing daily tasks and only hated him after working out. Yes, Jason was pushing it but he was well aware of how months of preparation could mean shit in the face of seconds.
His infection risk was severely reduced after quick research bender let him make the most generic knock-off brand of the skin restoration goop in a shitty homemade lab. Did it fix his skin being patchwork fucked in places? Some. He wasn't going to get feeling back properly, but at least he looked more normal. Maybe with enough moisturizing he might look a little less Frankenstien's monster.
He also had a cash inflow. It wasn't great, but it supported his apartment. And the second set of papers. And the 2nd apartment.
Which meant in grand old tradition for Jason, time for him to bounce to the next apartment and come up with a new name.
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mylovejimimi · 6 months
The Kims, your breeding problem | SJ & NJ TWO SHOT PT. 1
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— PAIRING: mafiaboss!seokjin x mafiaboss!namjoon x mafiaprincess!reader — GENRE: smut +18. minors dni — WARNINGS: dirty smut (hell yeah), vaginal sex, oral sex (f receiving), dirty talk ofc, fingering, ass action, anal penetration, double penetration, lots of degradation, some slaps, a bit of pain kink, breeding kink as per request <3, some plot that will be explained in part 2 (stay tuned), seokjin is MEAN — SUMMARY: Desperate to save your empire and your name, you walk into the lion's den with a plan. Turns out those two lions had a plan of their own, and now you're the piece of meat they had been so starved for. — WORDS: almost 9k SORRY DEAL W/ IT Ok babygirls i apologize for this eternal wait, it took me a month to finish bc i like to carefully plan my craft to not fall into boring stuff or repetitiveness. I hope it is worth the wait and you all like it <3 ALSO! part 2 will be up maybe tomorrow bc i wrote everything and it was way too long and u know, i wasn't gonna post a 20k words shot lmao Anyways pslease remember you can send me a tip by buying me a ko-fi if you like my works, it will meant the world to me ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ And as always, i look forward your thoughts on this. Enjoy !
Being the princess of an empire wasn’t as easy as you once thought – but you had triple the fun you expected.
The businesses of this lawless side of the world weren’t just for anybody, that’s why only a couple families survived and thrived despite of time and mass murders. In those select families, in which the highest honor was to have no fear of law or men, one must just grow up strong and shameless to fit in them; if not, it was better to step down (which, more often than not, meant dying). And you must, at all coast, beat anybody else with your intelligence and cleverness, or else you were relegated as a mere pawn. Even worse if you were a woman.
One of the top families in the businesses was yours, which couldn’t make you prouder – because you were the one behind their success.
For the world, you weren’t particularly different from the average woman, but you had many hidden qualities that set you apart: you had money and influence, charm and wit, though most important than anything, you had dauntless drive. Enough drive to make you break rules, promote corruption, break as many families as you had to, terrorize all other elite families into submission. You had the world in your hand and you were ready to eat it.
And because you knew you were danger, you recognized which other menaces out there were as deadly as you.
“I don’t give a shit whatever you plan” your older brother spat in your face, throwing at you the documents that you compiled so carefully, all of them full of valuable information about your biggest enemy in the business. You gritted your teeth; you went to the deepest of holes to get all that data, you bought many men for it – with money and anything you could give.
“I didn’t ask for your fucking opinion, I was just informing you before you get your stupid ass in my business and fuck it up.” The relationship with your brother has never been the greatest. Being raised to be ruthless, it only worsened when your parents got old and sick, because it meant that you were now competitors for the throne. You despised him mostly because he was a useless piece of shit that only leeched off of your hard work.
“I’ll fuck it up? You would get all of us fucked in the ass and then decapitated in a public park. Those fuckers are at the top of the food chain for a reason, shithead.” You reacted violently at the cowardice of your brother, hitting his desk with your fist.
“And they are burying our business! They’re already fucking us and massacring us! They stole all our dealers and our spots on the west and south; they killed all our links in the government; they even opened their disgusting brothels next to all of our strip clubs. And you will do nothing about it?!” Your brother rolled his eyes at your outburst.
“It’s not big deal. You will think of something else to avenge us.” And he turned around on his spinning chair, ending the conversation. You were fuming, to say the least.
“FUCK YOU!” you yelled before taking the lamp on his desk and throwing it towards the nearest wall. Then, stomping out, you decided to proceed as you wanted.
Your shiny dress moved with the wind and blinded the security guards as you stepped out of the car that drove you. Currently, you were in the Kim mansion, the territory of your enemies, infiltrating in the intimate party they were throwing for one of their birthdays. You thanked in your head the trusted friend that popped up out of nowhere when you needed them the most, offering you a way to take down the Kims. It was all you needed, the way in, you would take care of the rest.
After the long walk from the exuberant entrance to the more exuberant halls, you finally were in the big ballroom that hosted the most people. You noticed there weren’t that many; a couple you recognized from negotiations and such, and nodded your head in acknowledgment to them, but there were many new faces for you. And that worried you, because you didn’t know which ones were the Kims. Maybe it was a little careless to go there with just a description of their appearances instead of researching more for pictures (which was really difficult since the most powerful people in the business, including yourself, didn’t show their faces ever).
Taking a random glass from the service station and bar, you scanned the room and downed the strong drink in one go, thinking what to do next. But then, your luck struck again:
“Mister Kim, congratulations for your birthday.” You spun your head almost instantly to look behind you, to the supposed mister Kim. He was right behind you in the bar but giving you his large back dressed in black. And, damn, what a back. Peering down, you also checked his ass and legs, draped in black too. And daaaamn. How could all his behind look so hot? Was it the height? Were his proportions just mathematically perfect? You hoped he was as nice in the front because it would be really disappointing otherwise.
Right at that moment, Mr. Kim turned around to look at someone that called him in the distance, and you saw him clearly, but most importantly, he saw you. His dragon eyes fixated on yours intensely, pinning you in your place, for what you felt was an eternity. You recognized his fiery stare. He was deadly.
“I don’t think I know you, dear” he started in his deep voice, flashing you a smirk. You looked at him from behind your lashes, batting them coquettishly.
“Would you be interested in knowing me, sir?” Despite your strategic flirting, you were eclipsed by him. He was tall, graceful and so, so handsome. He looked like he could be on the cover of any magazine; be the face of every luxurious brand. And as far as you knew, he was single. Manly and powerful – your kind of man. If he wasn’t your literal nemesis, you would have tried to seduce him for real.
“A sweet thing like you? Very much.” Knowing as much as you knew, it ringed an alarm that he was that easy to approach, to fool. It was weird. You decided to be careful. “Tell me, beautiful,” he said, stepping closer to you and smiling darkly. “do you know who I am?”
“I do. And I find you a fascinating man, sir.”
“Do you now?” You nodded shortly, feigning shyness and sipping on your drink to avoid his sharp eyes. You realized quickly that he was a very calculating, very analytic man; he was observing you meticulously, and you felt like a rare specimen being studied when he dragged his attention all over your body and every inch of your face.
Though, you weren’t dumb. You knew how to pose, how to talk and how to dress to captivate a man; you did it a million times already, and you had big plans for this man and his brother in particular. His lingering on your almost naked legs; how he tilted his body more and more close to you; his constant smirk – everything told you that he was interested in whatever you had to offer. Still, the deal was yet to be seal.
“You are very well-known for doing what you want and getting what you want. You’re like a god, I heard.” You batted your lashes, also inching close to his standing body. “I like powerful men – and they usually like me back.” And you looked away, like ashamed of sharing that.
“So you like danger” he stated, while moving a strand of your hair behind your ear. His hand went down your neck slowly, caressing with the tip of his cold fingers your skin.
I am danger, you thought while smiling cutely for him.
“I find it kinda romantic to give yourself completely to a forbidden man.” You bit your lip lightly, mirroring his action when you grazed your fingers on the hand he rested on the counter.
He stared at you for a long moment, in absolute silence. It was difficult to read him with his impassive face and controlled attitude. Just in case, you passed a hand through your hair, the decided signal for your guards to be alert. By the corner of your eye, you saw one of them signing back discreetly. If needed, they would fire all guns to take you out of there.
“Would you like to watch the big man at work, sweetheart?” Mr. Kim suddenly said. You looked at him with big, naïve eyes, nodding.
“Really? I would love to, sir.” He offered his big hand, which you took eagerly. Once more, you carded your hand through your hair.
His slender fingers enclosed your hand firmly, guiding you from the bar across the groups of finely-dressed people in the open ballroom to long, dimmed hallways. You knew you were venturing into the lion’s den but what else could you do? You needed both of the Kims alone, and getting one of them at the time was easier. You would seduce one and get him, and later you would find and do the same with his brother – if they didn’t cooperate with you, of course.
“You know, sweet thing, we get lots of women at our feet daily. Some are useful, some are just a hindrance” Mr. Kim casually told you. You were getting to the end of a particularly secluded hallway; the end of your walk, it seemed. You decided it was safer to keep up with the façade until the very end. “Which one would you be?” Stopping at a large, wooden door, he looked at you expectantly. You found his eyes, and even in the dimmed light you saw something shine in his pupils.
Just now you realized the energy that swam between you.
His strong hand squeezed yours and he couldn’t take his eyes off you. You bit your lip. Kim Namjoon (you guessed it was the younger Kim based on the descriptions you were given) was the hottest man you ever saw: his secure posture, his devilish expressions, even his work ethics were attracting. You would never admit it out loud, but you were really impressed by how the Kims ran their business. In no time, they build up an empire equal to yours, which had years and years of existence, and took over almost all of the city. It was really hot to you how they were fierce, and ruthless, and did whatever they wanted without a care for consequences.
“I’ll be whatever you want me to be, sir” you replied in a low tone. His obscure smile showed up again.
“Mhm, I think we would get along really well, dear.” The door in front of you opened, and a spacious and well-illuminated office appeared. It was modern and austere, with scarce black furniture a desk that had not a single trace of clutter as you would see, for example, in your own. “Hyung, I just received the biggest gift for my birthday.”
The chair at the desk spun around to reveal the most stunning man you have ever seen. Kim Seokjin had his hair perfectly brushed back to show the most well-proportionated face you’ve seen so far: plum, kissable lips; round, conceited eyes; an instant derogatory grimace when he saw you. His haughtiness was nothing; what worried you the most was that now you would have to deal with the two Kims together.
 “Really? That’s the big gift? A cheap whore?” You had to bite your tongue. You may be a whore from time to time, no shame in it; but cheap? CHEAP? When you had your own queendom and where the owner of half the city? When powerful men had died just for touching your hand without permission? He definitely didn’t know who he was talking about.
“No, hyung, no.” Namjoon chuckled. Getting bolder, he circled your waist with an arm and took your jaw to emphasize his next words “I got us a toy to spend the night, and if it is good, maybe we could consider giving it more use.” Seokjin just arched an eyebrow to you.
“I admire both of you, sir, that’s why I want to serve you” you expressed, lowering your eyes to the floor in a submissive manner.
“Serve us? Are you a fucking slave or something, stupid bitch?” The older Kim didn’t need to yell to be aggressive and threatening like a rabid dog – his words, neutral tone, and overall mean energy was enough to aggravate you. It took everything in you to stop yourself from setting your jaw.
“Do you want me to be one?” It came out harsher than you intended, and yet, you felt a slight shift in the air.
“You couldn’t handle being my slave, dear” Seokjin said as a matter of fact. “I’ll make you and your slut holes unusable after a day.”
“How are you so sure of that?” you counterattacked calmly.
“It would only hurt you, sweetheart, really” Namjoon joined in with a teasing tilt in his sensual low register and a mild push of his hips into your ass. Well, at least you could be sure one of them was interested in you, judging by the hard member that poked your behind.
“Do you really think I’m a virgin in any way?” Something burned in Seokjin’s eyes. Bingo. “Would I be offering myself to you if I were?”
“Your performance as a poor, submissive girl was shit, but I was hoping you dropped the act sooner than later.” The man at the desk smirked. You thought that maybe he wasn’t the brightest of the two.
By his hold on your waist, Namjoon walked you around the desk until you were in front of his brother, who turned in his chair and was watching you expectant, with his legs spread apart and hands clasped together. “Why don’t you show who you really are then, angel?” As he said that, he pushed you to the floor until you were kneeling between Seokjin’s long legs, inches aways from his crotch. Honestly, what was about to happen kinda excited you.
You had understood right away that they were the typical hyper-masculine control freaks. As most men you had met in the business, you assumed they would feel challenged as soon as you showed a little bit of character. What dominant, powerful man didn’t enjoy taming a brat from time to time? And thus, you would put up a little fight, just for funsies.
“Would you be able to handle me, sir?”
“I’ll fuck you up so bad, don’t mess with me this early.” You scoffed at the warning.
“But I said nothing yet, sir. Mr. Kim,” you called the other Kim, turning your head to look at him. “can I ask you, then? Like, does your brother have any idea of anything? It feels to me he is capable of words and nothing else.” Namjoon snorted.
“You’ll fucking see what I’m capable of” The elder grunted and proceeded to stick your face on his groin. “But your nasty mouth won’t be on my cock.”
Unceremoniously, you opened your mouth and closed it on the shape his member made in his pants. The cloth was very thin and he had no underwear beneath it; you could feel almost every detail of him, including his faint throbbing and the very massive girth. You let yourself indulge in it a bit – Kim Seokjin was too damn hot after all. You sucked enthusiastically on his shape, lapping obscenely with tongue and all for the greedy eyes of your spectators. After a couple minutes, you realized that Seokjin´s cock pulsed more when you looked up at him, so you fixated on him while suctioning on the place his tip was.
“Hyung, look, she’s rubbing her legs together like a desperate slut. Is your hungry cunt too empty, sweetheart?” Namjoon said from above you but you had no time to even form a thought before you felt a cold object between your legs, pressing on the apex of your legs. “Get off on my shoe, baby, let’s see if you aren’t just talk.” And he pressed even harder on your pussy. You let go of Seokjin’s hard member with a high-pitched moan when the shoe’s tip hit directly on your clit, and Namjoon, as evil as his brother, touched that spot over and over again. But the oldest Kim couldn’t let you slack off on your duty; no, he had to push you onto his cock once more, shaking your head until you got back to gobbling him sloppily.
“Fucking filthy whore, look at the fucking mess you made” Seokjin grumbled, and you confirmed he was right with a quick peek. The dark and expensive fabric was even darker all over the lap, and the man’s penis would stand all the way up proud and hard if not for the restrictions of the pants. You patted yourself in the back for your great work, before getting down to devour him some more – though, you didn’t because he continued: “Aw, look at you so eager to spread your legs for the enemy to save the family business. Daddy must be really proud of you.” You froze. Stopping all motion midair, you stared at him. Kim Seokjin smiled joyfully while he caressed your hair.
“Did you really think we didn’t know you were coming? How, if we were the ones that invited you over.” Them? Your blood boiled once more at realizing you were betrayed by one of your closest, most beloved friends.
From behind, Namjoon took a hold of you by the hair roughly, yanking you back painfully until you were looking directly at him. You yelped and grunted loudly at that. And then, the door busted open and one of your guards entered pointing his gun at Namjoon; but the criminal wasted not a second in pulling out his own gun and firing it at the intruder.
“Shit!” you exclaimed as you saw the body fall down with a thud and Namjoon took hold of your arms, gripping them behind your back to immobilize you. If only one of your men got there, it must mean the others were already dead.  “You fuckers, let me go!” you yelled at the men holding you. Struggling to get free from their tight grasp, you could only lift your knee with force, colliding into Seokjin’s crotch.
“Fucking bitch!” Despite his brother folding into himself and holding his crotch, Namjoon cackled. You felt a little proud for causing him pain.
“I see you’re not as average as I thought” the younger mused near your ear. You turned as much as you could to look at him and spit at his face. He was shocked but still grinned.
“There’s no bitch like me, you better learn it now.” Namjoon’s hold on you tightened as his tongue peeked out to wet his lips, catching a single drop of your spit that rolled to his mouth.
“No bitch like me my balls” you heard Seokjin grunt, but when you turned to look at him, he took you by the hair like his brother did previously. You catched just a glimpse of him putting a liquid onto a rag but you knew right away what it was, and so you started to insult them louder, fighting them violently. “Oh, shut up already, stupid whore.” And when the rag was over your mouth and nose, it only took seconds for everything to turn black.
Consciousness came back to your body in what felt to you like an instant. You groaned, opening your eyes slowly. Why did your body feel so heavy? You could barely move to get on your side, feeling your wrists tied together but lying on a comfortable bed. And why were you in your underwear? Though, that was the least of your problems.
Looking around, you found yourself in a luxurious bedroom. You grimaced at its ‘single man’ decoration though, disgusted with the lack of good taste. Was it the room of one of the Kims? It looked like an isolation room in a psychiatric ward. Well, you thought, they’re fucking insane so it checks out.
“I have to get out” you murmured to yourself, but you couldn’t even try to sit up without feeling too lightheaded. Groaning, you left yourself lie on the soft surface momentarily. You would see how to escape on the go.
“Look who just woke up.” You grumbled when the voice of Kim Seokjin entered the room. You moved slightly to look at the door, watching your two enemies getting in and nearing the bed. Seokjin smiled to you. “It’s our favorite girl.” When he brought his hand down to stroke your cheek, you tried to bit him, missing him for an inch. “Wah, you’re a feral one, aren’t you?”
“I’m your worst nightmare, asshole.” Both men chuckled mockingly. Namjoon stepped forward and took a sit on the bed beside your body.
“Maybe you were, before intruding in our home and getting tied up by us. But you seriously thought you could just walk in and shoot us up?” You held his stare without an ounce of shame because they hadn’t realized yet that wasn’t your real plan. You played along. Men in power were that easy to trick, you only needed to show a little bit of skin and act a little clueless and their ego would get in their way to make them think you’re so stupid and they’re so in control. Truth be told, you were pretty desperate to end them, but you not only had beauty – most of all, you had brains.
“Whatever, just kill me now so the fuckface of my brother drowns in his own shit.” You resigned to your possible fate with a roll of your eyes. Namjoon smiled at you for the nth time.
“No, baby, that would just be the easy way out for you. You’d been in this line of work since birth; you know we can’t just let you go without a lesson.” Your breath hitched a little when the man posed a cold hand on your hip, fondling the zone. Got you.
At this point in your hectic life, you were not afraid of whatever these guys might do to you. If it was something sexual, it would be just a short-cut for the ending you expected. Also, you had sex with all kinds of men and women, who had all kind of kinks and weird shit, so sleeping with the Kims wasn’t big deal – it could even be fun, in your honest opinion. Fun like a smart cat playing two buff, dumb dogs that thought they were in charge. They didn’t know what kind of cat they just caught.
“And so? You want me to cry and beg for forgiveness? Please, sirs, spare me my life! Don’t defile my pristine, virgin pussy!” you exclaimed in a mocking tone, snorting for the absurdity of your own joke. Not even a shadow of a smile graced the Kims’ faces before they pull the serious, mafia-men façade up. They were not happy with your mocking attitude. “Yah, is not that serious, really.” Seokjin got close to the bed to grip your neck menacingly. Like he could scare you.
“It is serious if you come with the intention of murder.” You snorted. So fucking dramatic, and for what?
“It is so obvious that you both are newbies here. We, the real crime-syndicates, just have fun with it.” Seokjin tightened his grip. “Woah, you feel threatened by the tied up, drugged girl, I see.”
“Nah, baby, we just want you to be silent.”
“I swear I’ll stop!” you replied with a short laugh. You could see on their faces that they didn’t find you funny. “Just let me say –”
“Just shut up before we really make you to” Namjoon warned with a pointed look. The frustration became evident on them; they clearly wanted you to submit, scared of them taking advantage of you. They were too used to frightening people into submission. What pair of fools.
“Oh? Why don’t you try?” you dared, batting your eyelashes at both men. Seokjin scoffed before taking you by the hair (again) to lift you until you were sat on the bed, and he got nose to nose with you. You complained for the harshness of his action, but loved it nonetheless.
“Remember you asked for it, sweetheart” Seokjin said lowly, almost in a grunt, before crashing his mouth on yours so hard that both your teeth clashed and clicked. He kissed you with vigor and violence, making it really difficult to keep up with his rhythm. Your lips ached already from the way he suctioned them. The only thing you could do was to whimper.
It was even hard to breath properly in that heated make out, so you felt more and more lightheaded than when you were drugged. His tongue wasted no time entering and reclaiming the whole inside of your mouth, and you could feel his warm spit getting into your cavity but also dripping from your lips the sloppier he became. It was safe to say that you were elated with the ferocity of the older Kim and proof of it was the wetness that you felt leaking from your see-through underwear to your inner thighs. Suddenly, the man separated from you with a wet sound, and you instinctively took a big breath quick enough before Seokjin moved you by the hair to collide with Namjoon’s mouth this time.
If Seokjin was dizzying, Namjoon was electrifying. He wasn’t as pressing but his hands seized your hips roughly and his tongue wasn’t letting go of yours; he even bit your lower lip here and there. At some point, his lips took a hold of your tongue and he sucked it viciously, while his brother pushed your head against the assaulting mouth insistently.  
“Open up, honey” Seokjin grunted in your ear, and you didn’t know what he was talking about until you felt a big, cold hand on your inner thigh, a hair away from your pussy. He dabbed the skin there, no doubt entertained with all the wetness that seeped from your panties, but the demon that he was could not give you the satisfaction of touching your cunt properly.
With a man devouring your mouth and the other holding you still and rubbing nimbly your folds and flesh, you did start feeling overwhelmed – the kind of overwhelmed where you need more direct stimulation, though. So you whined loud. Namjoon released you.
“Want more, baby?” No words were left in your mind, so you nodded. The younger Kim, with wild fire lightning up his hooded eyes, smiled big in a shark-like smile – deadly, deadly, deadly. “Hyung” His brother looked up at him, and both shared a knowing look, like they already had planned the next step. Maybe they did.
But you had no time to think about anything. Each of them took one of your knees and shoved you back until you were lying on top of your tied hands; then, they parted and lifted your naked legs as much as your damned good elasticity allowed, ending up folded in half. And, somehow, they made themselves fit in that space side by side, as large as both were.
Next thing you knew, someone’s teeth were pulling your flimsy underwear down, grazing lightly your folds. You cursed, throwing your head back and thinking how the hell did you ended up in the best-case scenario possible. Taking you underwear out of your body in a flash, the Kim brothers seemed very eager to please you – or to torture you in their own way. Whatever they planned, you had no other choice but to take it.
Soon enough, a rough tongue parted your folds rudely and licked your juices away with the urgency of someone that doesn’t want a single drop wasted. Then, another tongue appeared, but this one went straight to your clit to punish you in the most delicious way possible: whoever it was, started by sucking it fervently, petting it with his tongue at the same time until he touched a nerve that made you scream, and jabbed at it repeatedly. They didn’t spare a single gaze in your direction, and, with the way you were losing your mind piece by piece, it was difficult to focus and distinguish who was who when both their heads were down – but whoever was lapping at your labia, now circled your wet hole with his whole tongue just the way you liked, both to tease and lubricate you.
Though their attention was getting overwhelming, it was also nice, because you had been shared by several men in various occasions in the past but none of them ever used you like this. No, they only cared to get their dicks in whatever part of your body they could and get off in there – and, really, you never minded since you weren’t expecting (nor didn’t want) a romantic lovemaking night where you ended up satisfied and chirping. Business was business. The Kims, however…
“You were so smart a minute ago, now can’t even form a single word?” It was Seokjin taunting you, lifting his head from your mount and you realized he was the one assaulting your poor clit. Of course it was him.
“You fucking idiot,” you started in a breathy voice, trying with all your might to fixate on him and not get distracted by Namjoon penetrating you with his tongue. “you don’t need my instructions, you’re eating my cunt like you’re my good bitch on your own.” At that, he pressed his thumb on your sensitive button roughly, and moved it in circles keeping the same pressure. “Fuck!” you exclaimed out of surprise.
“Goddamn, do I have to force something down your throat, stupid slut?” And then, he did force his index and middle finger into your mouth, pressing on your tongue to slide down your throat. The older Kim was extremely short-tempered, you concluded – it explained why people kept talking about the violent Kim brother whenever a massacre was done out of seemingly nowhere.
You have heard millions of stories of them, one worse than the other, but you were too prideful to believe even an ounce of whatever dumb shit they supposedly did. Burning down a whole building? Yeah, right. Bombing an enemy’s car? Suuure. Kidnapping a whole family because the father dared to go and try to take advantage of them? Well, maybe that had some truth, given your actual position. No doubt, all of those things – if true – were Seokjin’s idea.
Speaking of the devil, he almost hits the back of your throat with the tip of his longer digit, forcing the ugly and loud sounds of gargling out of you. The choking itself wasn’t so bad, but his insistence of keep pushing and pushing was making your jaw hurt a little. Drool was all over your lower face and his fingers, sliding down from between them and dripping into his palm. Through your teary vision, you catch a glimpse of Seokjin’s sadistic smile, so pleased with your degradation. You made sounds of complaint between gargles.
“See why you have to watch your tone with me, dumb cumdump? And quit pushing your luck because we will fuck your whore cunt into submission.” Right at that moment, you felt a hand parting your asscheeks and something wet circling your wrinkled hole. A surprised whimper escaped you. With a short chuckle, Seokjin took hold of your face with his free hand. “Right, and we will fuck your ass too, sweetpie.” His fingers left your mouth suddenly, and you took a big gasp of air, not knowing what else to expect from the brothers.
You didn’t have too much time to wonder because a finger surprised you bottoming out in your back entrance. No easing into it, no finesse, just plain, old Seokjin penetrating your ass with his long finger as a punishment of some sort. But was it really punishment if you were enjoying it? It was not, but Seokjin didn’t need to know that.
You could feel every knuckle, every ridge of his digit grazing your tender insides; stretching you, sliding in and out with the help of your saliva on his index. You whined out loud shamelessly at the sensations, which only spurred the men to go faster. You saw it in his eyes: he was merciless.
“You like it, sweetheart? You like when we’re rough to you?” This time, Namjoon got up on his knees to speak to you, in his low, raspy register. You moaned and clenched on Seokjin really hard when his eyes fixated intently on yours. Like bewitched by his dominant aura, you nodded to him dumbly. “Oh yeah? Should we take it up a notch?” His brother got out of his way so he could descend on you and capture your mouth in another ardent kiss. His whole frame pinned you down, coercing you to accept whatever nibs and licks he was giving into your cavity – not that you weren’t willing to accept them in the first place, though.
Distracted enough by his searing kiss, he seized his chance to push down your bra and take hold of your left breast; most precisely, to take hold of your nipple between his index finger and thumb, and squeeze it. He swallowed every noise or gasp you made while squeezing and rolling your nipple until it hardened. Meanwhile, his older brother had made way for a second finger in your ass and was scissoring them to open you up more and more. All of this was way more than you expected, but in a good way.
“Please,” you gasped when Namjoon went to suck your lower lip. “untie me, please” you begged in a whine. If there was just one thing you would beg for tonight, it was for them to let your arms go, because having your own weight on them plus Namjoon’s was cutting your circulation fast. Both men stared at you pointedly. “I swear I’ll not try anything funny, I just can’t feel them anymore.”
None of them believe you; however, Namjoon gets off of you and turn your whole body over with a single move of his hand, getting off the bed too. Seokjin is quick to get you on your knees and get his fingers back into you, now adding a third. You face to the side to the night table just in time to see the younger man opening the drawer and getting out a small knife. Your heart accelerated at the prospect of real harm but you didn’t show it. It would only put you in disadvantage in front of the men.
Luckily for you, Namjoon only used the knife to cut the ropes that bound your wrists. You let them fall to your sides with a satisfied moan at being liberated, despite not being capable of moving them yet.
“Does the princess have any other request?” The younger Kim, who was the one that tied you in the first place, inquired sarcastically with a tilt of his head, toying with the tip of the weapon. Closing your eyes and exhaling heavily at one deeper thrust of Seokjin’s fingers, you nodded.
“Can you fuck me already? The fingering is getting boring” you taunted in a thread of voice, weakened at the feeling of Seokjin’s dry digits grazing harshly your insides. The aching in your fingered asshole only added to your over-stimulated body – and to add to it, you felt a sting on your right ass-cheek that spread all over your skin. It barely even hurt on your long-stimulated body; instead, it felt like electricity hitting right on your sensitive clit. Seokjin’s hand was big and heavy, and he slapped you one more time on the same place. You moaned when it echoed between your legs.
“Boring? I was being nice.” And he slapped now on your other cheek. You yelped. “I was being a gentleman and stretching you.” He hit you a couple more time on the tender and red flesh; you kept your eyes close since the first impact and whimpered but still took it like a good girl. While all of that was going on behind you, something sticky and wet rubbed on your upper lip. When you opened your eyes, you were met with the sight of Namjoon’s monstruous cock pocking the corner of your mouth. You opened it to let him in, but he was content with painting your face with his precum. “But ungrateful whores like you don’t deserve niceness” Seokjin spat – figuratively and literally. You felt his spittle drip down the crack of your ass, and then, a hard rod impaling you.
You screamed out of surprise and the pain of being overstretched; the man’s fingers, as many as they were, did not compare in the slightest to his penis. The thick and curved meat hammered into you as soon as it entered, leaving you breathless with the vigor of the movement. Seokjin’s drove his hips into you with guttural groans and wild abandon, not giving you a moment to catch your breath. Honestly, you felt a little in love with the way he was rearranging your guts – and more so when you felt the tips of his fingers wandering on your clit.
“Ah, so now you finally have nothing to say?"
You were just about to give Seokjin an out of breath but clever retort, when Namjoon took advantage of your wide-open mouth and eased his own dick into it. Gentler than his older brother, he just glided his member in and out, more so to wet it with your saliva than to pleasure himself. Despite being a heartless hit man with no morals, he saw the overwhelming pounding Seokjin subjected you to and felt a little compassion for your clearly tired self.
Taking his cock out of your mouth, he started to fuck his own hand. You stared at him in confusion – didn’t he want to use you like his brother? – but you understood what he really wanted when he got his crotch closer to your face, still jacking himself off. Keeping your mouth open, you received one of Namjoon’s balls inside, slurping it right away. You licked and sucked on it hard, until you could hear him groan louder than the slapping of Seokjin’s hips into your ass. Letting saliva pool in your cavity, you soaked his nut thoroughly before passing to the other, and lave on it. Looking up pass the standing penis invading your vision, your eyes found Namjoon’s heated ones; you just now looked at him but his piercing dragon eyes hadn’t left your face not even for a second.
You intuited there was something behind his intense staring, but Seokjin’s hand snaked, once more, to your scalp and grasped, hair tightly in a fist and pulled back.
“You’re slacking. Weren’t you supposed to lure us to ruin with a good fuck?”
Namjoon seated with his back on the headrest and his legs on each side of where you and his brother were on your knees. Seokjin, with the zero consideration he had with you, threw you sideways onto his brother and you realized he wanted you to face him now. You smirked and gulped enough air to push his buttons again.
“You’re the one doing all the work. Can’t you not even satisfy yourself? Maybe the problem isn’t me but that teeny weeny peanut dick.” You saw a frown appear on Seokjin’s handsome face and, next thing you knew, his hand was coming down to slap you on the cheek. Just like the slaps in your ass, this one stung but send waves of electricity all over your skin. You groaned and put your still weak hand on your cheek to sooth the dull pain. “You’re too easy to work up, dude. Insecure much?” you sneered.
The man’s response was to take hold of your legs and open them to fit himself. He moved close enough to your body that you felt every inch of his manhood when he grinded it roughly in between your folds, which, at this point, were drenched and dripping, and that only made the glide very slippery. You moaned when his tip aimed to your nub, hitting the bundle of nerves repeatedly. He just grunted.
Behind you, Namjoon got his hands on your breasts, massaging them almost tenderly, while his hips thrusted up a little until his member lodged between your asscheeks. You didn’t expect his lips roaming on your neck, and much less for him to leave open-mouthed kisses and a trail of saliva there where his tongue licked; you were too distracted squealing as Seokjin gripped your waist and rammed his cock into your pussy in one go. By now, after everything you went through, nothing too soft or vanilla would satisfy you enough; the spark of excitement was always missing when men fucked you slowly and carefully. You were a woman of action, of adrenaline – so you liked how he was rough and wild.
“Are you liking how Seokjin fucks your pussy, baby?” Namjoon murmured right in your ear before taking your earlobe between his lips and sucking it. He was the real menace. “You want him to fill you up? Because, I’ll tell you a secret,” If it wasn’t for his closeness – his mouth glued to your ear – you wouldn’t be capable of hearing him due to the smacking of skin with skin and the blood that was rushing in your ears. “That’s all he thought about since he found you.” Through half lidded eyes, you looked up at the older man while Namjoon kept talking. “Fill you until you were gushing with his cum. Mark you as his bitch, he said.” He cupped your breasts and played with both your nipples, but you couldn’t even close your eyes at the feeling because you couldn’t miss even a second of the sight Seokjin was.
You didn’t really like him like that, but it was undeniable that he was one of the most beautiful men you have seen – now more than ever. His face was flushed and glowing, with a drop of sweat down his side; his full and bitten-red lips a little open in a panting; his cold stare down to you, judging you, hating you, and yet, fucking you franticly… And you haven’t even started on his god-like body. If you had to be attracted to someone, it would be someone like him: heartless, vain, profane. Someone not afraid of wanting, not afraid of taking.
“And, you know? Good bitches have to be bred.” Out of a sudden, Namjoon had his fingers shamelessly torturing your clitoris. You squeeze Seokjin’s member and moaned in a high-pitch, feeling your insides tightening fast. “That’s why we brought you, to stuff you with cum until our bitch is well bred– fucked until you beg to be filled over and over again.” Your breath shook as a result of his words, and your core was clenching until the point of no return. Just then, the older Kim reangled himself and penetrated you deeper, nudging all your hot insides with the tip of his long cock. “Would you like that, sweetheart? For us to put a baby into you? To fuck you until you´re round and can do nothing but take our cocks in all your holes all day?” The speed of his digits on you increased, rubbing past the hood that covered you most sensitive part. You cried when he started touching directly on the nervous nub. “Come on, baby, I know you want it. Beg for it.”
“Ye-yes” you exhaled, overwhelmed with sensations. You were so close that anything you heard sounded hot and cum-inducing. Being reduced to a bearing slave and a hole to warm their cocks? Hell yeah. “I wa-want you to – want you to b-breed me. Please!” With a sharp movement of his index finger, Namjoon made your tense core snap. You cried louder when your climax hit you all at once; your cunt tensed and gripped Seokjin like a vice, while all blood flushed down south of your body and electricity ran all on your clit, folds and thighs. For a second, everything was white and muted, and Seokjin’s clash with your body prolonged your climax, sending wave after wave of more electricity. “Please, breed me. I’m your bitch, cum in me, please” you murmured in the middle of ecstasy. You couldn’t keep your mouth shut normally, much less in that mind-altering moment.
Seokjin stopped for a moment, releasing your legs, though you didn’t realize it until you felt his tongue forcing his way into your mouth. You had no energy to kiss him back, but it was not needed; he took your jaw and forced your lips to apart with his. Once again, he licked all inside your cavity, brushing your tongue with his and sucking each of your lips until they were red. You let him do as he pleased, and it even felt quite nice to make out so passionately after cumming so hard.
However, none of the men had cummed yet. Still hazed, you felt strong arms hooking under your knees and lifting you, causing you to circle your arms around a neck to avoid falling. You hugged yourself to Seokjin while he got up from the bed and stood on the floor beside it – cock never leaving your pussy. Focusing again on reality, you felt the heat of Namjoon’s body behind you when his skin sticked to yours. With an extraordinary strength you didn’t know he had, Seokjin moved your body up on his standing dick and down until he bottomed out. From this upright position, gravity naturally made your body go lower and the thick penis go deeper. You whined from overstimulation.
“Shush, whore. Didn’t you wanna be bred? This is how filthy whores have their cunt filled” the older brother grunted. You whined louder like the brattiest of brats just to annoy him. At this point he could only roll his eyes to you. Though your fun didn’t last long – next time Seokjin pulled you down, you found yourself filled to the brim suddenly.
It took a little patience and team work from all parties to make both of them fit into your pussy at the same time. You whimpered for real the whole time, closing your eyes tightly, because you were stretched to the limit, and despite having done this before, it was never with two cocks that large. Between shaky exhales, you felt Namjoon tonguing at the spot under your ear and nibbling his way to the base of your throat.
“Holy shit, it’s better than I thought” Seokjin groaned, half lidded eyes posed on your strained face. “Do you like your cunt stuffed like this, baby?” He saw the intention to clapback when you barely opened your eyes, so he thrusted the tiniest bit up to tear a yelp off of you. He admitted to himself that he kind of admired your tenacity; you came this far and never once had you showed the littlest trace of fear or regret – no, you kept pushing and challenging them even in that moment. It really was admirable how far you would go for your fortune.
Finally, you felt yourself reaching the base of their penises, with much, much effort. You couldn’t think, much less utter a single word from how overwhelmed you felt. All you could do was gasp and gape like a fish, digging your fingers on Seokjin’s shoulder – who was enjoying every second of your helplessness. Having you at his mercy was all he had thought about for years, and all he had needed was patience and time. And there you were.
“You turned out just a meek kitten, baby” Namjoon commented on your left ear, swiveling his hips slowly into you. “I don’t like proving Seokjin right and I told him he was fucking crazy with this stupid plan, but here we are.” Both of them secured their hold on your legs, and just like that started moving taking turns; each time one was out, the other penetrated you with a hard thrust.
“Told you this dumb whore would fall for it” Seokjin grunted, looking down at the place where all three of you connected. “She thinks running a business is fucking people and that’s it. ‘Cause that’s how you made your way to the top, right? There’s no other way for you to get anywhere, as useless as you are.” Seokjin was really, really into degrading you. He spat his words to your face with the utmost disgust, pounding into you harder whenever he said something demeaning. “You’d been a disgusting slut since daddy gave you the wheel, hadn’t you? Letting anybody use your cunt, dripping everywhere you go with any bastard’s cum.”
Now they were really getting into it – and so were you. Heat stirred up in your core again and you found yourself panting and whimpering, needing more. You opened your glazed eyes and focused on Seokjin, expecting he catches up the silent begging. He did, but he would make you suffer before anything.
“It was going to be a surprise, baby, but your beautiful, tortured face is weakening me a little so I’ll tell you.” Still shaking you everywhere with their pounding, the older of the brothers got his mouth on the juncture of your neck and shoulder, and he bitted hard enough to hurt. When he heard you scream, he sucked the tender spot and laved his tongue on the dents he left, before getting right by your right ear to talk. “You’ll stay here with us. We will shoot your brother, steal your kingdom and make everything, including you, Kim property.”
Namjoon fucks into you at the last sentence, not waiting for his brother to be fully out. You shout as he fills you suddenly; the pressure of his entire cock inside of you, alongside the half Seokjin didn’t get out, got your whole body quivering. A collective gasp echoed in the room, and after that, the smacking of skin with skin resumed.
“You know what your future here holds, baby? It was true, we will knock you up,” Namjoon’s satin voice paired with his ramming into you every time he said will made goosebumps run up your spine and your insides to tighten. “We will make you bear our children, and we will make you tend to them only for the rest of your life. What about that, baby? The great mafia princess lessened into a breeding machine, good for nothing but popping out our babies.”
After hearing his brother, Seokjin begins fucking into you rougher, more urgent, moving one hand to your throat so you won’t look anywhere but at him as he fucks you. Sweat was making it difficult for you to keep your hold on his strained biceps so, in a particularly hard thrust, you sank your fingers, nails and all, deep onto his skin with a moan. Both brothers bang into you together, cocks heedlessly slamming and dragging over your walls, their pace picking up as they jackhammered into your pussy at the same time, into the same spot. They were rubbing your insides raw; sensitive skin swollen and unbearably tender, way past the point of pain and pushing into pleasure.
“This is your life now, sweetheart” Seokjin panted on your face, now holding you by the jaw. “Get used to being my bitch because I’ve been waiting for too long to fuck” he thrusted up with force. “my seed” His brother caught on his rhythm and now you had to cocks punctuating every word with rough movements. “into you.” With one last pound of the two members, filling ridiculously stretched and overly sensitive inside and out – and with a single stroke of Namjoon’s magic fingers on your clit – you tip over the edge. You scream, your muscles tense everywhere like a rubber band before releasing all at once, and both men keep fucking you despite you blacking out for a moment.
Fucking themselves into you, both brothers knew they wouldn’t last much longer given how you clenched around them, your walls throbbing alongside their cocks. Unable to hold out anymore, Namjoon groans low, hips getting sloppier as he started pumping his come deep into you. It just took Seokjin one more spasm from your cunt to moan loud and long and come beside his brother, white ropes filling you up as both of them continued to fuck every last drop inside. White, liquid cum seeped from your pussy and between their joined members to their thighs. All of your chests heaved in and out to catch your breaths, and just then they realized you let yourself fall onto Seokjin, body liquified and mind still out there.
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dalishious · 1 year
The Dragon Age Fandom’s New Favourite Charming Slaver
There is nothing wrong with appreciating and enjoying villainous characters, especially when they are done so well. Everything about Rezaren Ammosine makes a him a remarkable and fascinating villain. He’s very intelligently depicted; all aspects of his character matter to how he presents in the story. His design is that of a handsome young white man. He is animated with a graceful and gentle flow, not just in how he casts spells but literally how he carries himself. His voice has a soft and soothing tone, and he uses that soft tone as part of his powerful charisma and sway he has over the people around him, like Tassia. In fact, Rezaren uses all of these characteristics for his benefit. Because just like in real life, abusers do not always wear “I’m a shithead” signs on their chest. To the outside world, they are charming and gentle people who couldn’t possibly hurt a fly, could they? But make no mistake. Rezaren Ammosine is a villain to his core. And treating him as anything other than a villain is a grossly disrespectful interpretation to fans of colour, given the nature of his villainy.
From his very introduction, we see that Rezaren is used to getting his way, and becomes easily frustrated and angered when his will is denied. When he summons a spirit of memory to interrogate about the circulum’s creation, the spirit warns him that answering too much would be unwise. Rezaren ignores these warnings and orders the spirit to continue, to the brink of turning the spirit into a pride demon. This is called back into further example when Miriam refuses his plans for her. Again, he becomes easily angered and physically lashes out, using his magic to flare up the pain in her wound. Then to solidify the power he has over her, says “You live because I will it.”
Rezaren explains to Tassia, “Her name is Miriam. She's my sister. My mother owned her. She was to be my personal spy, assassin. Whatever was needed. My left hand, as it were. But she raised us as siblings.” Except we see how Miriam and Neb were really raised in flashbacks. We see how they were beaten for Rezaren simply tripping while playing with them. We see how they were forced to do hard labour, and told they were not allowed to own anything. And we see how Rezaren’s mother sacrificed Neb so that Rezaren would not become an abomination during his Harrowing, sending the demon into Neb’s body instead. And that raising has obviously shaped how Rezaren views this so-called siblinghood, because while he may call Neb and Miriam his brother and sister, make no mistake, he still views them belonging to him. Rezaren has no respect for their autonomy. Even in death, he defiles Neb’s body by using blood magic to put a demon inside it and controlling him. And Miriam? He cannot bare to accept that she refuses to submit to slavery again, no matter how pretty a picture he paints of them being like family. But you don’t own a sibling. “Selfish bitch! You and your ungrateful brother. You were mine!” he shouts at the very end, before Miriam fatally stabs him.
So, Rezaren is a villainous slaver. Why is it, then, that people are writing reviews praising his character while calling Miriam and her party the real baddies? Why are people saying he “deserved” a redemption arc? The only assumption I can come to is simply that people are so not used to the white guy being the one to lose in the fantasy genre, that they’re willing to bend over backwards to try and paint the only white person in the show as a victim of the #mean brown woman. Think about it. How many stories are out there where the hero is a white man? White people are conditioned to always be the centre of attention, so when they’re not for a change, they need to seek it out by shining a spotlight on whatever white man they can find. This is of course nothing unique to the Dragon Age fandom, but rather a disease found in fandom spaces as a whole. Hell, look at the Star Wars sequels, and how the bizarre love for and babygirlification of Kylo Ren was so strong it led to ruining the second and third films. This is why it’s such a relief to me that Rezaren dies in the end of Absolution, because otherwise it would truly end up a fear to me that the writers would try the same with him.
When you’re pushing Rezaren into the spotlight, you are pushing Miriam out of it. And Miriam is such a treasure of a character, it’s a crying shame to see her get so much disrespect. I have nothing against people who like Rezaren, but if your like for him goes to the extent of putting down Miriam in order to put him up, then we have a problem.
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shubblelive · 1 year
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summary : you have never liked wilbur soot. the two of you just always seemed to butt heads. you’re civil, though, especially because you have mutual friends. one of whom seems to have an ulterior motive.
genre : fluff
warnings : swearing, alcohol/drinking (not to excess) protective!best friend! niki is pissed at wilbur the ENTIRE time, reader has hair that reaches at least their shoulder (type, texture and colour aren’t described), tommy being a shithead
pairing : cc!wilbur soot x fem!cc!reader, one-sided enemies to lovers
pronouns : she/her
featuring : cc!wilbur soot, cc!nihachu, cc!tommyinnit (mentioned)
word count : 1.4k
note : ty for 300, can’t even begin to explain how much i appreciate it tagging @starsyoubreaklikesugardust because of how lovely she is. title stolen from one of my favourite taylor songs ofc
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“please, niki,”
he’d been begging for nearly 15 minutes at this point, but niki was stone faced. she was one of his best friends, he knew all the tricks to make her give in. he’d complimented her, talking about her new hair colour and how it suited her. he’d made himself seem as pathetic as possible so she’d be more likely to help. he’d given her begging eyes, trying as hard as he could to convince her.
he only had one more trick left, and after that it would be pure brute force: asking over and over again until she got pissed off enough to either yell at him to fuck off or she’d agree.
“but, niki, please,” she huffed as wilbur started talking again. “imagine,” he pulled his face up beside hers to guide her on his journey of persuasion. “events in which you can hang out with me and not feel guilty. events in which you can hang out with her and not feel guilty. picture not having to be weird and squirmy around me when you say you can’t film with me because you’re filming with her. not having-”
“enough!” niki put her phone down, looking at wilbur, unimpressed. “you know she’d kill me, right?”
“pretty sure she’d thank you if it works out the way i want it to,” wilbur said innocently, and niki picked up a pillow, ready to hit him with it. “come on! for me? for your best friend?”
“the answer is no wilbur,”
“no, i already have to listen to you whine about how much she doesn’t like you, i don’t want to have to listen you talk about how much she does.” niki shook her head. “i’m sorry. i can’t help you.”
lo and behold, thanks to brute force it was less than twenty minutes before she finally agreed, and wilbur walked out of her flat armed with his new knowledge.
there was only another 2 weeks before he had to use it. tommy had finally moved out of his shithole apartment, and he had a small get together with a few other brighton streamers. including you.
your cardigan had slipped off your shoulder, and he resisted the urge to pull it back up. not in a predatory “no one should see your shoulders” sort of way, but more in a protective, wanting you to be warm way.
you’d first met wilbur six months ago, and he’d declare it was love at first sight. niki had actually been the one to introduce you, and he’d never be able to thank her enough for all the help she’d given regarding you. the first night, you’d were lovely. all soft smiles and laughing too hard at his shit jokes. he’d brushed a lock of hair off your shoulder and it had given you both goosebumps. wilbur had decided right then and there that before the night was over, he was going to kiss you. or at least attempt to, unless you weren’t interested.
he’d left you alone for fifteen minutes to go get a drink and to use the bathroom, and on his way back he’d been apprehended by tommy. the bastard had made fun of him for how whipped he looked the entire night, and wilbur had been too self conscious to admit he wanted to go back to talk to you. when he’d finally lost tommy’s interest, he’d also apparently lost yours.
you avoided him for the rest of the night, sending short replies whenever he messaged you until finally, he stopped.
he hadn’t dated anyone since, putting it down to it simply not being something important right now. he pointedly ignored the fact that he still really wanted to kiss you.
now, he watched you sip your drink while you chatted with tommy. someone new showed up and tommy had to excuse himself to say hi, and that was when wilbur approached. "fancy seeing you here."
you smiled politely, trying to mask your evident distaste for him. "hi,"
"you look really nice," he tugged gently on the sleeve of your cardigan. "'s this new?"
you pulled back. "thank you. and no, i've had it for a while. i think i see niki, i should go talk to her. have a nice night, wilbur."
perfectly polite, if a little brusque. you floated off, pulling the cardigan back up over your shoulder as you reached your best friend. "what did he want?" niki asked curiously.
"just trying to talk to me," you didn't wanna start a fight, so you waved him off. niki, however, kept pushing.
"yeah? about what?"
"doesn't matter, nik-"
"why do you hate him?"
you shut your mouth. "i don't-"
"yes, you do. and i love you both, and i just want to fix it but i don't know how!" she sounded upset, and you frowned. she took a gulp of the rest of the water in her glass. "i'm going to get enother drink. i'll be back."
so you were left alone in tommy's crowded living room, having pissed off the one person you'd really want to talk to. the only other person who wasn't speaking to someone else was wilbur.
there was no point in staying at this point. you finished your drink and grabbed your bag, stepping out into the hallway to call a taxi. it was raining outside, and you were huddled under the awning as best you could, pulling your cardigan back over your shoulder.
the metal door to the building buzzed as it was open. it was wilbur, black coat pulled tight around him. he shrugged it off, shoving it towards you. rain had started trickling down your back, and you were shaking uncontrollably.
"are you insane?" he had to yell for you to hear him. when you didn’t take the coat, he tossed it at you. you caught it instinctively. "what are you doing?"
"going home." you replied, throwing it over your shoulders, leaving your arms out. "what are you doing here?"
"i came to check on you!"
"we're not friends, wilbur!" you rolled your eyes, rain pounding the top of your head and soaking you to the bone. "what do you want?"
"why do you hate me?"
your voice went up an octave. "why does everyone keep asking me that? i don't hate you! ok, we're fine. just go back inside, my cab's coming." you looked at your phone and your face fell. they'd cancelled on you. "fuck.”
"let me drive you home," he begged. "please."
"we are not friends!" you emphasised. "wilbur, come on-"
"you know i'm in love with you, right?" you stopped in your tracks, mouth left open. "i have been since i first met you! i thought you were the prettiest girl i've ever seen, and i was going to kiss you. the very first night we met."
tears had welled up in your eyes, blending with the rain. he wanted to wipe them away, but he kept talking. "and i had just worked up the courage to, when suddenly you decided you hated me! why? what did i do? please, just tell me!"
"you're being cruel, wilbur," you sobbed. he was taunting you. telling you what you wanted to hear, making you admit to how you felt only to shove it in your face. you were being pathetic.
"i love you," he said quietly. "and if you don't feel the same, then that's fine. but this has been the longest six months of my entire life. and it's because i was a coward. i was too afraid to tell you how i felt."
"you talked to tommy that night," your voice was low, so soft he almost couldn't hear you over the rain. "kid was making fun of you, said you were being a simp, or something." you wiped a tear away furiously. "and you said. "her?" as if the idea was so terrible. "sure." you said. you laughed, and then came right back to my side and tried to flirt with me."
he faltered. he did say that. it had been loud that night. he was a little drunk, and irritated with his younger brother figure, and all he had wanted was to get back to you. tommy wouldn’t stop making fun of him and he wanted to kiss you so bad his mind went blank. he was an asshole.
“believe me, darling,” he pleaded. “i know i was a dick, and i hurt you. but that was a lie. i wanted tommy off my back, so i said it to shut him up. but trust me, it’s not true at all. i love you, really. and i’ll wait forever and ever, if that’s what it takes for you to believe me.” there was nothing but sincerity in his eyes. “please, let me drive you home.”
so, you ended up in the front seat of wilbur soot’s car on your way back to your place. you’d noticed that he’d nearly died of shock when you’d let him hold your hand with his free one. you could only imagine how he’d react when you let him kiss you on the sidewalk in front of your house.
he’d have to thank niki later.
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ugh-yoongi · 11 months
ONG i neeeeed more brothers best friend seokjin you write him so well all awkward and flustered but then… not. Would you ever continue that Drabble or give us a prequel?
ah, thank you! <3
ask and ye shall receive. sorry it took me so long, but here's that time they fucked in the bathroom.
(read the original drabble here.)
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want it anyway
pairing: seokjin x f. reader genre: brother's best friend au; smut warnings: reader is a brat again & is wearing a dress, spanking, one corpse joke, brief protected sex, nonstop bickering, unedited. rating: explicit. minors do not interact. wordcount: 1.2k
“We shouldn’t be doing this.”
Seokjin only knows you’re rolling your eyes from your reflection in the mirror. Maybe Seokjin only knows a lot of things in that kind of way, because you’ve been over this a hundred times and it’s getting a little old. You’re not even a couple, but you’re now able to finish his sentences, already know what he’s going to say.
You roll your eyes again.
This earns you a swat on the ass. Despite the amount of noise on the other side of the door, it’s loud in the cramped space of your brother’s bathroom, and Seokjin immediately pales, goes stock-still like he’s at war and his life depends on going unnoticed. You think he’d abandon you to press his ear against the door, but he keeps his hand against your bare skin, grips tighter when one second passes and then two.
“We don’t have a lot of time,” he says. If it wouldn’t get you spanked again, you’d roll your eyes for a third time. Talk about stating the obvious.
“Really?” you deadpan. “Would’ve thought we had all the time in the world to fuck in my brother’s bathroom.”
He reaches around, gently tugs at your bottom lip. “Either put this mouth to good use or keep it quiet. No more bratty comments.”
“One might argue the bratty comments are putting it to good use.”
“Not me. Bend over.”
“I am—”
“More, then. Can you at least pretend to be helpful?”
Of course you can, but you’re not going to. Not with all the grief Seokjin had caused you up to this point: all the looks across the room, the way he’d choked and had to excuse himself after your brother had seated you two together at dinner and you’d rubbed his thigh just as the meal was winding down, the panicked text he’d sent from the bathroom saying his boner wouldn’t go away, to which you’d replied he was far too old to call it a boner, to which Seokjin had sent back an eye-roll emoji and asked if you were going to come help him. Maybe later was your response.
“Later” wound up being twenty minutes. Long enough to clear the table and half-ass the dishes. Long enough for your brother and the rest of his friends to break out the beer and video games. Long enough for you to slip down the hallway unnoticed, knock on the door, roll your lips at the exasperated look on his face. Long enough for him to drag you inside and lock the door, pull the skirt of your dress up and over your ass.
Seokjin sighs, undoes his belt. Makes another face at how loud the metal clangs together. “Why are you like this? Do you honestly think you’d die if you weren’t a shithead for five minutes?”
“Who could say?” you fire back. “You wanna take that risk? Might end up real weird for you.”
“Ugh, why—”
“You’d have to explain to my brother why you’re in here with my corpse.”
There are a lot of reasons that, of all your brother’s friends, Seokjin was not a smart pick for the kind of mutually beneficial relationship the two of you have, but sometimes he’s the best. Because it’s as easy to rile him up as it is to fluster him. Because one second he’s huffing and complaining about your smart mouth, and the next he’s rolling a condom on, pulling your panties to the side, and pushing inside.
You’re not sure who says it. Could be you, already overwhelmed at the stretch and the fullness. Could be Seokjin, with the way he’s rolling his hips and desperately trying to stay quiet; the way he whines a little every time his skin slaps against yours so he steps in closer, fucks in deeper, has to bury his face against the side of your neck to muffle his moan.
The proximity has you dangerously close. Has Seokjin’s cock pressing exactly where it needs to for your legs to tremble, knees threatening to give out. Lips still pressed against your neck, Seokjin smiles, asks if you’re close, if you’re gonna come undone for him.
All you can do is nod, and you do.
The sound Seokjin makes when he comes is nearly enough to pull another orgasm out of you.
There’s a brief moment of calm. Seokjin pulls out slowly, laughs a little—the huff of air feels nice on your heated skin. In the mirror, you watch as he hesitates: looks like he wants to kiss you. His lips had stayed pressed to your neck the entire time, and it only now feels strange that he hadn’t done it. Feels like you’ve been robbed of something, and you wonder if you should mention it. God knows you aren’t shy about asking for what you want, but Seokjin’s hesitancy has you second-guessing.
He doesn’t kiss you. Instead, he busies himself with tying off the condom. Crumbles up some toilet paper and cleans you off first, then himself. Fixes his clothes. Mumbles a shy, quiet excuse me and then he’s taking your place at the sink and splashing cold water on his face. When he surfaces, he still looks beautiful and not at all like he’d just fucked you right where he stands.
“Should I go first?” you ask. Normalcy feels weird. A little wrong.
Seokjin shakes his head. “No, I’ve been gone longer. Give me a couple minutes and come up with a story.”
You snort. “Probably won’t need to. They’re all so drunk they probably forgot we were even here to begin with.” Seokjin doesn’t look relieved. “Fine, go. I’ll figure it out.”
You wave him off. He still looks torn, but he turns to leave anyway, and it’s only when he goes to unlock the door and let himself out does he realize he’s still holding the tied-off condom and that torn look morphs into panic. “What am I supposed to do with this?”
“Huh? Just throw it away.”
“Your brother will see it!”
“Oh my god, who cares—”
“Should I just flush it down the toilet—”
“Are you insane? You won’t put it in the trash, but you’ll clog his plumbing?”
“Well, I don’t know! Can’t you just take it with you?”
“And do what with it?”
“I don’t know! Put it in your purse!”
“No, Seokjin, that’s disgusting. Are you serious?”
“Please. Please! I’ll owe you one. I’ll do whatever you want, I just can’t throw it away, it’s too risky.”
“Put it in your pocket, then!” He pulls a face. “Oh, so you’ll have me store it in my purse, but putting your own cum in your pocket is too much? You know what—”
You rifle through the drawers, sighing in relief when you find a box of pads. You pluck one from inside and open it, temporarily sticking the pad itself to the counter. With as unamused an expression as you can muster, you hold out your hand and wordlessly ask for the condom, which Seokjin hands over with trepidation. You place it in the wrapper and toss it in the trash.
“There. Can’t even tell.”
He points at the pad. “What are you gonna do with that?”
“You’re gonna stick it in your boxers and suffer. Consider it your favor repaid.”
Seokjin squawks in protest, but it dies on his tongue as soon as you pull the bathroom door open.
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zzoguri · 10 months
of linked arms and bruised hearts (you are the reason i keep on going) ➵ masterlist
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non-idol!ji changmin x reader, slight non-idol!jacob bae x reader
you and changmin have been best friends since high school, having seen each other at their best and worst. now in your second year of university, you are given the opportunity to work with the unattainable 5th-year you have had a crush on since—jacob bae. with your best friend on the receiving end of your rambles, you could only hope for something to come out of your time working with jacob. that is until changmin decides he wants something more out of his relationship with you.
general genre/warnings ➵ friends to lovers, slow burn, so much FLUFF, afab reader (they/them pronouns), slice of life, drinking, suggestive themes, so much platonic love in general, expect a lot of sentimental talks and bantering between changmin and reader, a lot of publication talk (sorry i am a writer), sunwoo is a shithead (and a terrible wingman), sweet angel jacob with his SIGNATURE SMILE!!!, also he may not be unattainable after all???, too domestic (not for the faint of heart), light angst on jacob's end though (i'm sorry baby), kissing and poetic words both from reader and changmin, a lot of tearjerker moments
word count for official parts ➵ 72.5k words
taglist ➵ @deoboyznet @kflixnet @blankjournal @winterchimez @sungbeam @miusgirl @jenoscafe @sweet-unicorn-world @mosviqu @vernyangel
playlist ➵ tongue tied by grouplove // supercut by lorde // falling behind by laufey // bad by wave to earth // ribs by lorde // bunk beds by dori valentine // bloom - bonus track by the paper kites // invisible string by taylor swift // apple pie by lizzy mcalpine // with you by seth arlan // love you twice by huh yunjin // captivated by iv of spades // i choose you by adam melchor // if there's nothing left... by niki // pancakes for dinner by lizzy mcalpine // around by niki // huwag kang matakot by reese lansangan // love. by wave to earth // old with you by grentperez // pasilyo by sunkissed lola //i <3 u by boy pablo // lucky by jazon mraz and colbie caillat // home by reese lansangan // sunny days by wave to earth
a/n ➵ hi everyone! welcome to the "of linked arms and bruised hearts (you are the reason i keep on going)" universe </3 making a series masterlist was long overdue tbh but surprise!! i don't plan on letting this pairing go easily, so i needed a proper way to have every part and drabble from this universe together!! i hope you guys enjoy this universe as much as i did writing it, and i hope you'll be seated for the little oneshots/drabbles that will come out. i would really appreciate it if you could take the time to reblog this.
want to be part of my taglist? send me an ask! masterlist
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official parts ➵ one
you and changmin have been best friends since high school, having seen each other at their best and worst. now in your second year of university, you are given the opportunity to work with the unattainable 5th-year you have had a crush on since—jacob bae. with your best friend on the receiving end of your rambles, you could only hope for something to come out of your time working with jacob. that is until changmin decides he wants something more out of his relationship with you.
➵ two
you expect that spending time with your crush will only have you falling harder for him. yet, you find yourself unsure of ever having a relationship with him. you need time to sort through what you want with jacob, but a trip back to cheongju for the winter break only brings you newfound emotions toward changmin.
➵ three
now face-to-face with your newfound affection towards changmin, you struggle to determine whether this is platonic or romantic in nature. but with time, you realize that it is not so bad to be in love with your best friend after all.
drabbles/one shots ➵ side-by-side bylines
when you first meet ji changmin, you note him as the intimidating friend of kim sunwoo. but when you are tasked to work with him in your high school's publication, you learn that he is not so bad after all. (in other words, how you became friends with changmin)
➵ used-up cotton pads
in every party, your best friend never fails to take care of you. (in other words, how changmin makes sure to take off your makeup before going to sleep)
➵ tossed-up bouquets and unworn heels
hanhee and byungho are finally getting married, and you and changmin are left with the duty to make sure everything is in order. (in other words, you cannot help but wonder how married life would turn out for you two)
➵ from start to end
to wake up in changmin's embrace means to go to sleep in his arms as well. (in other words, your domestic life with the preschool teacher | sort of an epilogue)
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a-whispering-echo · 4 months
this but its the band au-
ashjjfsdh - yes, thats them alright!
Kiler never has ANY idea about what notes are supposed to be played, "Tom drum? Who's Tom?" "bass drum? is that what Cross plays?"
Cross and Horror have, on more on one occasion, decides to change the whole genre of the song just for funsies leaving Killer and Dust stumped.
Horror repeatedly gets distracted because he's staring at his boyfriends asses all practice.
Nightmare has a water gun when the boys are being shitheads with theyre playing, and will call out random notes or runs, or chords or stuff like that, and if they can't play it perfectly quick enough they get soaked. Somethime, he is needlessly cruel with what he asks them to do, just so he can watch them squirm.
Poor Cross is always forgotton by fans :( Not by the band though!
Dust regually pulls this kinda shit
Despite all his formal-ness and his well mannered self, Nightmare write lyrics for a rock band, and theyre NOT always PG, he's made the boys goggle like school children over things before.
Killer changes the melody in practice all the time, because he 'feels like it', and it pisses everyone else off(mostly Dust) becuse they just have to go with it.
"Dust, play something for us." "Okay." *wonderwall starts* "NO!" "How dare you!" "Do you think you're funny?" "A little, yeah."
Horror chews his drunsticks when he's nervous, and goes through them WAY QUICKER than he should becasuse of it
Dusts left handed. He has, on many occasions, played a right-handed guitar, upside down - and when Cross notices he practically shit himself laughing.
"Stop messing up the timing!" "I'm only messing up the timing 'cause you keep changing the god damn tempo every 5 fucking seconds!"
Killer is WORRYINGLY bad at rhythm games! Dust, Cross and Horror are all great at them, Nightmares better than average.
Horror's drum set up is left handed - because his right side was very weak and somewhat paralysed for a good while, he learnt to play with the foot that COULD move!
im gonna stop now, i promise lmao <3
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lowkeychenle · 11 months
Lost & Wayward [NJM] (2)
Description: After the worst couple weeks of your life, you finally break down in the middle of an alleyway. Jaemin hears you and comes to comfort you, and little do you know, he's about to change your life--in more ways than one.
Genre: Fluff/Eventual smut
Content Warnings: I'm thinking maybe I'll put smut in the next part but for now still just fluff sorryyyy
Word Count: 2,833
Pairing: Na Jaemin x Reader (Canon!AU so all the Dreamies will be mentioned/appear)
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
Lost & Wayward Mini-Masterlist
Juliet's Masterlist
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It’s been a couple days since you’ve heard from Jaeseok. You’ve come to enjoy his company, even if it’s only electronic. You also haven’t received any updates from Minji. You try not to worry, but this is the opportunity of a lifetime.
Although not hearing from Jaeseok put a damper on you. You hope Minji will get back to you soon so you can have a reason to text him. Logically, you know he’s busy with something. The man works crazy hours apparently, because he’s always there…wherever there is.
Minji doesn’t call you until the end of the week. She comes with good news, though—you got the job, and you’d be starting the following Monday. In three days.
You debate even telling Jaeseok at all. If he wants to talk to you, certainly he’d do it, right?
Mid-thought, your phone dings.
Jaeseok (6:34pm): sorry i’ve been mia…things have been really hectic here. how are you doing?
Oh, for the love of God. This man was too caring and nice for his own good. You try to think of what to send back, but you draw a blank. You’ll have to just tell him what’s on your mind, apparently.
You (6:35pm): no worries! i figured you were suuuuper busy considering they give you breaks for dinner instead of just letting you go home Jaeseok (6:35pm): clever You (6:36pm): you wish you could be as clever as me Jaeseok (6:36pm): you got me there. any job updates?? i’m on the edge of my seat and i’ve gotten zero texts :( You (6:38pm): Minji called me a little earlier today. i got it!! i’m so freaking excited Jaeseok (6:38pm): HELL YEAH Jaeseok (6:38pm): didn’t doubt u for a second
You pause. You’ve talked to him via text nearly every day, all day except the last few. Unfortunately, you also get attached easily. You can only hope this friendship will last. He’s been the best friend you’ve ever had in the course of a week.
Jaeseok (6:40pm): are you doing anything to celebrate?! this is seriously great stuff You (6:41pm): unfortunately u are the only friend i have…what am i gonna do if u can’t hang bc u’re working Jaeseok (6:41pm): first of all…unfortunately?? i’m so offended right now Jaeseok (6:42pm): and second of all, u don’t need to do anything crazy. just go…get your favorite meal or something. u deserve it You (6:43pm): are u working? Jaeseok (6:44pm): nope. dogsitting for my shithead friend You (6:44pm): come with me
When it takes a few minutes for him to respond, your brain whirls. You shouldn’t have done that. He’s probably only being friendly because he feels obligated. You’re the one who broke down in the alleyway, and the longer you think about it, the longer you wish you could erase that. What he saw was probably the worst version of you. Great.
You (6:50pm): sorry if that was weird…i don’t know why i would say something like that Jaeseok (7:34pm): holy shit i’m so sorry! this dog is driving me up a wall and i didn’t see you texted. it’s definitely not weird to ask and i really really wish i could come celebrate with you but i’ll have to raincheck ):
You don’t even have the courage to text him back. Instead, you turn off your phone and toss it to the side. None of this should really upset you—he’s extremely busy. Seeing him that night must have been a major fluke, and you’d rather talk to him via text when he had time versus not at all.
At about 9pm, you get an Instagram update notification that Chenle posted. You click on it absentmindedly, pausing at the photo. It’s Chenle, Jaemin, and Daegal. Jaemin cradles Daegal to his chest and pouts at Chenle.
The caption reads, “I’m gone for three hours, and now Jaemin doesn’t want to give her back…”
For some reason, it makes you stop and think. You like the post, close the Instagram app, and open your messages with Jaeseok.
You (9:12pm): how’s dogsitting? Jaeseok (9:15pm): ahhh my friend came to get her a little bit ago…i need to get a pet
That’s one hell of a coincidence. You slide to the Instagram app once more, noting Jaemin’s blue hair. With your heart sinking in your chest, you shake your head. There’s no way.
No. Way.
Plus, Jaeseok wouldn’t lie to you like that. Not about something like this.
You (9:21pm): maybe try cats…if dogs are too much work for u Jaeseok (9:22pm): plus we all know cats are superior You (9:23pm): i’m gonna go to sleep…we’ll celebrate soon? i start work monday Jaeseok (9:24pm): as soon as i can! promise (:
The start of Monday is absolutely hectic. You get your own office up on the third floor. It’s everything you ever could’ve wanted, and you feel as if Jaeseok really is your good luck charm. Not only is this better than your dream job you lost, but it also pays nearly double what you were making.
It’s only when you’ve settled in that you realize your job is hyper-specific. Yes, you work in marketing, but more specifically, you do NCT Dream’s marketing. You almost choked on your water when you saw that on your paperwork.
And unbeknownst to you, you’d receive a visit from the group later in the day. You’re going through the paperwork the previously employed person left for you when a knock sounds at your door.
Your head shoots up and you allow whoever it is to come in. Mark walks in first, a smile on his face. You try to stop your jaw from dropping, but it gives way slightly anyway.
The other boys—the other six—tumble in the door afterward.
“We like to welcome new staff members,” Mark says, holding out an envelope. “It’s nothing crazy, just a card. But I hope we’ll all work well together.”
You grin, surprised your vocal chords work. “Thank you so much. I’m very excited for the opportunity, and I’m sure I can help you guys achieve great things.”
Your eyes scan over the boys, heart stuttering when you see Jaemin. His dark roots are starting to show through the bright blue, but you’re sure the hair stylists will fix it.
They all introduce themselves to you, even though you’re positive they’re all aware you know who they are, and you follow suit after. Again, you find your gaze wandering to Jaemin. He’s staring right back at you.
They leave shortly after their introductions, leaving you alone in your office to ponder on how to wake yourself up. This has to be a dream, but no matter how hard you pinch yourself, it’s not working.
With coincidences adding up, you decide to test your insane theory about Jaeseok being freaking Na Jaemin.
You (12:23pm): guess what
As you suspect, it takes him quite a while to respond.
Jaeseok (1:35pm): hmmm what You (1:38pm): i met nct dream. like for realllll. but also idk if i’m supposed to tell you that? but you’re my only friend so ig do with that what you will Jaeseok (1:39pm): are we close enough for you to tell me your bias now? i’ve been so curious
You grin. Let the games begin.
You (1:39pm): guess Jaeseok (1:40pm): Jisung You (1:40pm): love jisung, but he is so baby Jaeseok (1:41pm): alright then…no baby men. okay what about Mark? You (1:42pm): you’re distracting me from work with your incorrect answers dude Jaeseok (1:42pm): you always distract me from work. call it payback. andddd can you just tell me who it is??? i’ll just go down the list in age order smh You (1:43pm): ooooh you’re a dream stan too if you know age order. okay okay my bias is Chenle!! i want to be daegal’s mom Jaeseok (1:45pm): chenle?! why him????? why daegal’s mom??????? You (1:45pm): the man has the voice of an angel and a jawline for days. why wouldn’t i want to be daegal’s mom Jaeseok (1:46pm): that’s so foul that you only like him for his face You (1:47pm): and to think i was gonna tell you my second fave too… Jaeseok (1:48pm): tell me immediately You (1:49pm): i’ll just tell you the list in order Jaeseok (1:49pm): i’m waiting You (1:50pm): Chenle, Haechan, Renjun, Mark, Jeno, Jisung, Jaemin Jaeseok (1:51pm): ok now wait a minute because you said no babies but jisung is higher than jaemin??????? make it make sense
Even though he’s all but confirming your suspicion of who he is, you can’t help but laugh. What are the odds? Na Jaemin finds you crying on the street and comforts you? You thought you’d be a bit more upset about this, but in reality, you get it. He was nice enough to want to check in on you, regardless of his fame status and busy schedule.
Either way, you let him stew for a little bit. You actually do have some work to do planning for Dream’s upcoming comeback, so you put your phone away for a while. At the end of your first day, you gather up your things and send a text back.
You (5:46pm): Jaemin is the ultimate baby…that’s not a bad thing!! Jaeseok (5:47pm): but CHENLE is ALSO baby You (5:47pm): he’s a meanie and that’s how i like my men Jaeseok (5:48pm): the longer we talk the more i am convinced u need therapy… You (5:49pm): i’ll have you know i tried that and it didn’t work Jaeseok (5:50pm): jaemin is not more baby than chenle and jisung You (5:50pm): prove it
You grin to yourself as you walk out of your office. Waiting by the elevator, you press the button and scroll through Instagram on your phone. You find the picture Chenle posted from last night and linger on it for a few moments. Could you call him out? That’d be too much, wouldn’t it? He’d probably stop talking to you. At this point, you were happy to say he’s a friend, whether he’s really Jaeseok or if he’s Jaemin.
When the doors slide open, you walk in with a smile on your face until you’re confronted with Chenle, Jisung, and Jaemin. You blink in shock, obviously still not used to being in their presence. Bowing your head, you smile at them before turning toward the front. Nerves poke along your spine the longer you’re in there with them. They’re all incredibly nice, so the intimidation factor must be in your head.
You decide to test your theory a little further. You pull out your phone.
You (5:57pm): i see u cannot. i’m always right, u should know that if we’re friends
Mere seconds after you hit send, you hear something buzz behind you. You bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from smiling.
You (5:57pm): hope work isn’t killing u. that would suck to lose my only friend like that
It buzzes. Again.
“(Y/N),” Chenle says.
You clear your throat and glance over your shoulder at him. “Yes?”
“We’re about to go grab dinner. Our manager’s waiting outside if you want to come along with us?”
You look down at your watch, pursing your lips. It’s almost 6pm. You’re not sure if you’re supposed to hang out with them, but when he’s offering so nicely, how could you say no? You exchange looks with Jaemin and Jisung as well before nodding.
“Sure, why not?”
Everything you see about their friendships in videos is true. They have the same personalities on and off camera, which is pretty rare for people in the spotlight.
You didn’t decide the seating arrangement, but you ended up next to Chenle and across from Jisung. Chenle tells you a story about Daegal from the other day, Jisung listens to it even though he’s probably already heard it before, and Jaemin quietly eats his food.
“You know, you elbowed Jaemin in the face in the Broken Melodies performance video,” you tell Chenle.
“His face bumped into my elbow. He shouldn’t have been so close,” Chenle replies, sending a sly grin over at Jaemin. “He’s alright.”
“I can’t believe they left that in there.” Jaemin chuckles, running his fingers through his hair.
You pull out your phone, almost gasping when you see the time. “It’s almost nine.”
“Yeah, we don’t really get a ton of evenings to ourselves,” Jisung says. “I’m honestly surprised we got out as early as we did today.”
You feel bad for them, truly. They barely get a free moment, and here they are, bringing you along for it. By the time 9:30 comes around, the boys prepare to leave. As much as you vehemently say no, Jaemin pays for everyone’s food. You all climb into the van, and the manager drives everyone home. Jisung is the first to be dropped off, then Chenle, and then you.
You sit in the car alone with Na Jaemin, awkwardly avoiding conversation with him. He glances at you occasionally, but he’s too respectful to stare.
“You live by yourself?” he asks, shattering the silence between the two of you.
Thankfully, the darkness obscures your blush. “Yeah, I do.”
“And you usually walk?” Jaemin’s dark eyebrows furrow, his head slightly tilting to the side. “That doesn’t seem safe.”
“I’ve been doing it for years. Really, it’s fine.”
The car stops outside of your apartment building. You go to open the door, but Jaemin reaches out and grabs your wrist. Recoiling in shock, you look between his hand and his face.
“Sorry,” he says, letting you go. “But…I live down the street. You should let me at least walk you home when I can.”
“I appreciate the thought, but I really don’t need that. And the last thing you need is for someone to take it the wrong way.” You reach out for the door handle again. “Thank you for dinner. That was really kind of you.”
He pauses, letting out a small sigh. “Just…don’t worry about my end of things. You shouldn’t be walking home alone. Especially now that you work with us.”
“I’ll consider it. Goodnight, Jaemin.”
As soon as you’re inside your apartment, your phone buzzes in your pocket. You pull it out, a smile forming on your face on its own accord when you see who the notification is from.
Jaeseok (9:58pm): luckily for you, your only friend is still alive. You (9:59pm): ah yes, so lucky Jaeseok (9:59pm): also i don’t need to prove jaemin isn’t a baby, you’ll see eventually. they all do You (10:00pm): who is they? Jaeseok (10:00pm): everyone Jaeseok (10:01pm): but that’s besides the point. i hope you’re enjoying your new job You (10:02pm): loving it. especially considering I spent the whole evening talking to Chenle about Daegal Jaeseok (10:03pm): just chenle? You (10:04pm): wouldn’t u like to know Jaeseok (10:04pm): don’t ditch me for chenle. i will be very upset You (10:05pm): idk…chenle hangs out with me at least…
He should really just tell you. At this point, you have an NDA signed, so it’s not like there’s much you could say to anyone anyway. After hearing the way he talked to you in the car, you’re certain Jaeseok and Jaemin are the same person. Without a doubt.
Now, you just have to come up with a way to get him to admit it. Or you could call him out on it, but that’s nowhere near as fun.
That night, you toss and turn, unable to fall asleep. It seems like you’re not the only one—your phone buzzes against your nightstand.
Jaeseok (12:03am): there’s something i need to tell you.
So much for sleeping tonight…
You (12:05am): it better be good, cuz i’m trying to sleep Jaeseok (12:05am): depends on your definition of good i guess. i think this would be easier in person. can i come see you? You (12:05am): when? Jaeseok (12:06am): right now
Nerves blossom in your stomach at the thought. You stare at the conversation a bit longer than you should before shooting out of bed and trying to make yourself look presentable. Your phone buzzes again.
Jaeseok (12:10am): i really need to see you
You can’t say no to that. Your palms sweat at the idea of him coming to your apartment. At the end of the day, you’re fairly certain Jaeseok is Jaemin. But even if he’s not, knowing you have someone who craves to see you in person is a new sensation for you. It doesn’t matter who he is. He’s your friend.
You text him your exact address.
Jaeseok (12:12am): be there in ten
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m-jelly · 11 months
Hi! Hi!
Just wanted to start off by saying you’re my favourite writer that does levi x tall! reader works. So many people make levi taller than the reader when for me his face just reaches my chest.
That being said!
Could you do a levi x tall! slightly curvy! reader where they work in a plus size store but bc they can only wear the smallest size, customers constantly point it out and it makes them feel insecure about themselves. (i.e. they come home feeling down and not good about themselves etc.)
This may or may not happen to me often…
Anyway, tysm, bye!!
So, reason why I make Levi taller is because I don't do Canon as a main writing thing. I do AUs a lot and for me, in modern or other, Levi would not be deprived of the essential things to help him grow properly. So, he'll have all the food he needs and will be in the sun. Therefore, he wouldn't be 5ft3 but much taller around 5ft6-5ft8 because it was mentioned his father was short.
Now I don't normally do body-specific readers because I like everyone to be able to put themselves into the role of reader. However, because this involves needing Levi to reassure you about your body, then I am happy to make it because Levi loves you for you.
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@kenkopanda-art <3
Don't listen
Pairing: Levi x Tall! Slightly curvy! Fem! Reader
Genre and tags: Specific reader, modern AU, being a couple, emotional comfort, body issues, comforting Levi.
Concept: You come home feeling like crap and Levi provides you with comfort to your troubled mind.
Warnings: Body image issues are talked about in this fic. Please avoid if this makes you uncomfortable. Please also note the reader has a specific appearance as well.
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Levi looked over at you in the car and noticed you had a troubled look on your face. He gripped the wheel as he drove and thought about what he could say, but he wasn't sure. He wanted you to talk first instead of pushing and pulling at the subject.
He perked up when he saw a coffee place you liked. "You want a coffee?"
You gripped your skin a bit. "I shouldn't."
"Says who?"
You whined. "I just...I shouldn't."
"Talk to me."
"You'll think I'm silly."
He glanced over at you. "I love you, so anything you say to me isn't silly."
You rubbed the back of your neck. "A customer complained today about me."
You nodded. "She didn't like that someone my size worked there. I do shop there, but I have the smallest size they have and well...she didn't like that. She said she believed that people should be bigger than me if they're going to work there."
"I don't know what to do. I'm too big for some people and too small for others. I feel like I'm trapped in the middle. I try and lose weight, but it's just not shifting. I try and love myself as much as possible and I get so close to being happy with my body, but then someone makes a comment and I feel like shit."
Levi turned the car and pulled up to a parking spot at the coffee place. He leaned his head back against the seat. "Don't listen to them, okay? You are incredible." He looked over at you and smiled. "I know no matter how many times I say it, or how much I shower you in love and praise you won't always believe it. I know I cannot fix the damage in your head that years upon years of disgusting people have done."
He turned his body to you and smiled. "I love you with everything inside me. You are my world and my life. I love you just the way you are. Don't listen to those shitheads, okay? Those that lash out at you for your body do it because they too are hurting. They attack because deep inside they are hurting and damaged. They think that hurting others will make them feel better, but it doesn't. They will keep hurting others until they face themselves."
You smiled a little. "You're right."
He caressed your cheek as he smiled softly. "I love you so much. You're an incredible woman. You are my precious goddess and I love worshipping your breathtaking body." He pulled you closer and kissed you. He said your name against your lips. "I love you."
"I love you so much, Levi. Thank you."
He kissed you again and hummed. "So, what would you like from the coffee place?"
You blushed a bit and mumbled. "My usual."
He smiled. "Great." He got out of the car and helped you out. He held your hand and looked up at you. "Don't worry, okay?" He leaned up and kissed you. "You can always go for another job. Want me to help you look?"
You smiled a little. "Sure, yeah I'd like that. Be nice to be somewhere where people don't judge me."
Levi hummed. "I think that's impossible, my love. There are a lot of nasty people out there. No matter where you work or go, you will always encounter horrible people. All you can do is spread kindness. Your kindness can make someone's day, just like a mean person can ruin another person's day."
You hugged Levi tightly causing his face to be pressed into your breasts, which made him rather happy. "You're so smart and amazing."
"Mm, thank you."
"For the hug or the words?"
He looked up at you. "Both. Now, let me spoil you."
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grishaverse-chaos · 3 months
The Darkling
why I like them: could have been SO GOOD in theory okay? I will never shut up about this because "character who everyone thinks is evil is actually just the victim of a smear campaign and some really bigoted propaganda" is SUCH a good character concept and I wish darkling fans were right about him because it would be so fucking cool and aesthetic
why I don't: he uh. he isn't that. he could have been so fucking iconic and instead he was just a vicious murderer. who grooms teenage girls.
favourite episode/scene: LOVE the bit where alina stabs his hand in s1e8. tbf that's more of a fav alina moment than anything else lmao, let me think... okay fr I love the "fine. make me your villain" scene bc it just really showcases who he is as a character and how he sees himself (hint: those two things are not the same)
favourite season/movie: imo he's better written in s1 of the show than in s2, idk though. and I do love his story in the kos duology lmao
favourite line: that one bit in rule of wolves where he says "everything I have done has been for ravka" because it's so clearly Not True and yet.... he clearly thinks it is.... so where does intent stop and impact begin...... it's deep okay
favourite outfit: purely for shits and giggles I'm going to say his black kefta in s2 where there's bits of gold bc I loveeee people being haunted by those they've wronged and I think alina haunting him really fits into that theme
otp: no thank you! in all honesty he prob could have been Fixed™ if he'd had a genuine relationship at an earlier age but he didn't so I refuse to inflict him on any other character. darkolai is interesting to consider though bc I feel like the ways they see themselves clash so heavily.... it's about self image and it's about villainy and law and justice and power and and and. they would Not be a good relationship but I think they should interact more for the Narrative
brotp: his sister ulla! they'd have such a fun sibling dynamic lmao I think it'd be sweet
headcanon: tbh I don't tend to think about him much beyond the big narrative stuff so I'm struggling to think of something that fits the genre of "headcanon".... but let's humanise him a little! I bet he reads really literary fiction and gets ever-so-slightly pretentious about it lmao
unpopular opinion: is it unpopular to say that despite his original good intentions he's a bit of a dickhead and not as smart as he thinks he is? in some corners of the fandom it totally is but idk
a wish: at this point there's not much more that could be done with his character beyond what's already been set up (him being mercy killed so he's not suffering in the thorn wood for all eternity) so I'm going to say that I hope his stans get better reading comprehension bc dear GOD some of the takes I see (posted in the alina tag btw I'm not deliberately seeking them out) are absolutely horrendous. is that too salty? perhaps. idc though it's my blog and darkling stans are free to block me if they don't like my takes
an oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen: I swear if he goes NEAR alina genya or zoya again I will reach through the fourth wall to kill him myself. only half joking btw I'd be so pissed. imo they've all had the closure they need narratively and for him to seek them out again would be a dick move of the highest degree
5 words to best describe them: used to have good intentions. that might be cheating but idk if I can pick 5 random adjectives lmao
my nickname for them: I call him darkles sometimes (bc it's funny and also I think it'd piss him off if people called him that in-universe) also a lot of less positive nicknames ("that prick", "shithead" etc) but idk if that counts
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
Oblivious (Darius Martin x Fem!Reader)
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Childhood Friends to Lovers
Summary: You make it up to Darius (who just had a horrible evening) and more happened than you anticipated.
Word Count: 1,553 (my b)
Supreme Speaks: OKAY this one took me a while (school and work) sorry @hooks-martin. i hope you and everyone enjoys this cause tumblr started being an shithead about my character count. i will release more works next week (@wwenhlimagines 😉). anyways, i hope everyone is doing well and remember you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: not proofread, bffs being bffs, also this is my first time writing without bullet points (so again my b)
Taglist: @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @triscillal @diabloguapos @sheinthatfandom
“So, when’s the date?” You ask your best friend.
Your heart immediately dropped when he responded with “In two hours,” as he grabbed his suit.
You’ve been best friends with Darius Martin as long as you could remember. You two have been through everything together. From play dates on the playground to y’all’s high school graduation, to his first match, your first match, first crushes. Speaking of crushes, you had a crush on Darius since high school. And how could you not? The man fits your ideal type all the way; tall, athletic, amazing smile, great style, funny, the whole package. The bad news? He was so perfect that he fit the ideal types of others. So, he constantly had women in his face and on his radar. 
NOW YOU ON THE OTHER HAND? You were gorgeous, also athletic, and artistic too. Many people saw you as Darius’ equal and were confused about how ya’ll were not dating. But despite it all, he always made sure he had time for you; he would make sure that you knew you would always be number one (even though he didn’t show romantic interest). Which made you fall in love with him even more yet made you angry at him. How could he not know that you fell in love with him? Oh right, you never made your feelings known for fear he wouldn’t feel the same or ruin your friendship. So for years, you sat alone suppressing your feelings to not feel rejected. This leads to today; you sitting in his hotel room as he gets ready for his date.
“Oh,” you started, “I thought it was later this week.”
“Me too! But I’m excited. She’s a cool girl, you two would get along great.”
“I bet,” You said while thinking over my dead body.
“Hey, I promise we’ll hang out afterward. After all, you’re my favorite girl.” Darius smiled before shutting the bathroom door. Although it wasn’t the first time he called you that, your heart fluttered at the endearing term. You shook it off as him just trying to comfort you, rejecting the wave of feelings you experience.
Just as you were about to say something else, there was a knock at the door. “That her?” You rolled your eyes, hating how it was getting closer to that time of their date.
“No, we’re meeting at the restaurant. That’s probably Dante” He shouted from the bathroom.
Upon opening the door, you were met with the faces of Dante, Anthony, and Hook. “Hey guys.”
Anthony engulfed you in a hug, “Y/N! We missed you at Taco Tuesday.” Tyler (Hook) nodded at you and gave you a quick hug before walking in with Anthony. Dante closed the door with a sad smile and hugged you. He whispered, “I’m sorry he’s an idiot.” 
You slightly chuckled “I’m the idiot”
Dante always knew about your feelings toward his brother, trying on multiple occasions to get you together over the years. He was always the number one cheerleader for you guys. He truly believes that you are the one for Darius, no one else. “No, he’s really just being an idiot. I told him not to do this.”
As the boys (except for Dante) were hyping Darius up, you saw a flash of worry/sadness go across his face. You only saw that look when he was unsure about something; whether it was a decision, match, or test. Ever since that look, you didn’t feel right about the date.
As you were gonna ask what’s wrong, his timer went off, signifying it was time for him to leave. Darius grabbed his things before dapping everyone up and hugging you, then he left without any more words. Just like that, making your heart grow even more uneasy as his cologne scent became faint. “Something feels off about this” You spoke moments after he left.
Dante stood up, “Yeah, that’s because he’s going on a date with the wrong woman.”
Anthony turned to you, “Aww, are you jealous Y/N?”
Your eyes flicked around the room, avoiding eye contact. “No, I just don’t feel well right now. My head hurts so I’m gonna go, bye!” You said very quickly before leaving.
As you began walking down the hall, you heard Tyler’s muffled voice, “They’re both idiots.” 
You got back to your hotel room that you were sharing with Willow Nightingale, who knew something was wrong. As you explained what happened and how you felt, Willow immediately told you to put on some nice clothes and said you were going out on a “Girl’s Night”
This is the time you were really appreciative that you and Willow were close friends, to the point you can do spontaneous plans.
Two hours go by of you and Willow parading around the town in gorgeous gowns, looking like you were coming from the Met Gala even though you were going around Target. Your mood was uplifted and soon you started to forget your dilemma. Finally, you and Willow went to a restaurant that fit the themes of your outfits. Very fancy, very upscale, and expensive.
 As you were being led to a table, you saw a familiar face on the side. Upon closer look, it was Darius, alone on the phone. Your heart churned and skipped a beat in both happiness and sadness. As you turned to continue to walk, Willow shook her head and shooed you to Darius’ table. You hugged her tightly before walking towards him. Walking up to his table, you heard him being on Facetime with someone. “Dante-“ Darius started
“No, you should’ve done what I said and asked Y/N out. Then, you wouldn’t be there by yourself. Y/N really likes you and has been for years. I can’t believe you would let her go.” His younger brother said before hanging up abruptly
Darius slumped in his chair, leaning his head back. “You know he’s right in a way.” You spoke, startling him. 
“Y/N?” He got up to pull your chair out and sat in his seat again. “You look amazing but, what are you doing here? How much did-“
“No, first question: How long have you been here by yourself? And what happened?”
Darius sighed as he recounted his evening, “An hour and a half. I thought she would show up but I look on Instagram to see her with Carmelo Hayes at another restaurant.” You immediately were filled with anger yet sympathy for Darius. He didn’t deserve to be treated like this, no one did.
He continued, “Then sitting here made me think about myself and what I don’t have. Maybe it’s because I’m not signed to WWE. Or I don’t make enough money. Or maybe because I don’t look as good as him-“
You immediately cut him off, “Stop. Don’t do that. Darius, you are more than enough. You are an amazing man with incredible athleticism, a great personality, and handsome looks. I refuse to hear the man that I am in love with, degrade himself when that woman doesn’t understand what she’s missing out on. It’s her loss, not yours. Don’t act like that.” You sat back in your chair after a heartfelt monologue. 
You look back up at Darius, who’s smirking down at you. “So you are in love with me?”
Then, the realization of what you said just settled in your heart, mind, and face. There was no point in disagreeing, sighing, you said “Yeah. I’ve been in love with you since high school. I just thought there was no way you would like me back.” 
 “I thought you didn’t like me.” Darius said making your eyes go wide. “I’ve been in love with you since middle school. Every time I would hint at something, you never responded to it or you would think I’m joking.”
“That’s because you always dated other people!”
“That’s because I wanted to distract myself from you!” He exclaimed, making the table go silent in shock. Both of you realizing that you were oblivious and didn’t try to understand each other. Just making up assumptions. 
Darius chuckled, “We are so stupid.”
You giggled while nodding, “Yeah, we are. More you though.”
He smiled at you before grabbing your hand and saying, “Better late than never.”
“Yeah, but I prefer we start this over. Correctly”
“I agree.” Darius cleared his throat and looked into your eyes while intertwining your fingers, “Y/N, will go out on this date with me?” Again, Darius always made sure that your relationship was smooth sailing. This was nothing different, even if he was late or you were too oblivious to see it.
You looked up at the ceiling as if you were thinking about your answer. “Absolutely.”
As you two looked over the menu, with hands intertwined and all, Willow was on the phone with Dante, giving him the details of what just unfolded…
Quietly telling each other good job on their scheme.
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plasticfangtastic · 7 months
Pssst... Try not to take what they say in interviews too seriously. Sometimes things will be intentionally vague or an outright lie to confuse or appease people or throw them off from something. Ennis is infamously known for that although I don't think everyone realizes he does this, but he's also working on the show with them.
They said Marie surviving "wasn't as simple as them needing her alive" and it's kinda funny to see fans take it one way or the other when that can be so many different things in context of The Boys universe and especially what we saw in Gen V.
"Plans to kill Homelander" is Billy every season without success, but even if he did, I think we'll see him getting haunted by Homelander big time after the fact. I still want Hughie to be the one who kills Billy but maybe it's beyond the grave Homelander who's there as Billy is dying instead of Becca. I think that would be fitting and Billy honestly deserves it.
There's definitely an element of groundwork they are following from the comics which has been pretty consistent but what I really suspect will happen is that the control virus will end up used on Homelander by someone to purely weaponize him. I think we'll see him become an attack dog and fully efficient berserker without getting to enjoy any of it and having a different sort of mental break after.
The comics sort of rob you of the gratification Homelander's death could give and I think they want to recreate that effect for the show but who knows.
The scary part for me is all the genocide apologism that is going around but The Boys is sort of meant to unmask people and have us reevaluate the way we think so I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. Still hurts though.
As far as Cate "going too far", he's technically right. Not because Shetty wasn't a complete scumbag who wouldn't deserve death, but because she'd been completely neutralized with Cate's powers.
Neutralizing someone by killing them and killing someone who has already been neutralized are two very different things. Just jail her and let her suffer and stew in her own anger and actions knowing she lost at that point because death is the easy way for someone like that. She asked for them to just make her forget but Cate should have forced her to remember or even live through the memories of her victims.
Actually, if they wanted to make Billy fail and survive with Homelander permanently haunting him I'd be completely down for that because fuck that genocidal shithead.
Lol I don't know if this will make you feel any better but just things to think about I guess.
I could see Homie being a ghost haunting Billy as Billy already hallucinates Homelander for some reason that they still havent explained but he its a cash cow for Amazon and they might not just give us 5 seasons so I doubt the execs would want to get rid of him... the writers ans Kripke might hate HL but audiences have proven he its likable and profitable and frankly the idea that all of HL fans are maga type fascist its absurd bcuz my gay brown ass sure as fuck isnt maga and i adore him.
Its getting clear that they will copy the comic to some degree like Homie building an army to have a coup and Billy wanting to use a virus to commit genocide.
Will disagree on Cate v Shetty cuz absolutely nothing she did was wrong in my opinion and yes am being an apologist but i dont feel anything for killing child abusers like absolutely nothing. this bitch was Voguelbaum lite and everybody in the woods deserved it. My only issue its just how jarring the writing and ediring made the whole scene play out but its likely the shortened ep count and time per ep did that.
My ideal ending its Homelander winning and realizing it didnt fix anything and that now he its even more alone than before. I think bad guys winning its the most subversive thing for the stale af genre of superhero media. I want him to win not bcuz i love him but bcuz it would be more devastating for the narrative and shocking to the audience if he did.
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sassycheesecake · 2 years
A/N: Yello everybody! Here’s a new One-Shot with our hot Atsumu Miya<3 wrote this while I was on vacation :D
Genre: fluff
Warnings: cursing, Atsumu Miya being a shithead
Words: 4849
Hotter than Hell Itself (Atsumu Miya x f!Reader)
It was a very hot day in the middle of the summer in Osaka. Seriously, no one told you it could be THIS hot in Japan when you decided to move here.
When your hospital offered you an international job opportunity, you wouldn’t have thought of moving to Japan, let alone to the hottest part of it.
Since it’s not even midday, all you wanted to do was to sleep all day long after you were done with work and enjoy the cold air of your AC blowing down your naked skin. But of course, the universe needs some popcorn to chew on once in a while. And you just happen to be one of those kernels ready to pop just for their entertainment.
It all started when you came out of your night shift at 07:30 this morning. Afterwards, you drove with heavy eyelids back to your apartment, only to find out that your AC broke while you were at work. As if that wasn’t enough, you received a text message from your friend during your shift, asking you to join her at the pool party she is hosting. The problem is, you’re not exactly a social butterfly. You met her in your preparation class for Japan 101, both of you coming from the United States, taking the opportunity to venture out into the world and experience something new.
Unfortunately, since you already quit her too many times, she threatened to change her Netflix password. Obviously, you can’t let that happen, you need to know if Dustin, Steve, Robin, and Erica make it out alive from the hostage situation of the evil Russian weapon company.
So like the good and supportive friend you are, you agreed. (And also saving you a Netflix subscription every month.)
‘There r gonna b sum hot 🔥 boys @ my party, I think some basketball or volleyball players. Dunno I think they are called the coyotes or smth. And you’ve been a little bitch recently, you need to get laid, girl. And m’ not accepting a no as an answer or any other shitty excuse y’gonna come up with!’
So here you are, in front of the building of your friend. Still sitting in your car, tired and hot as hell, you’re overthinking this again. You glance into your rearview mirror, checking if your makeup is still as good as it was earlier when you applied it. ‘Good. Even though it’s hot as hell outside and only 11:43, I still look somehow presentable.’ You think to yourself as you grab your purse and get out of your car.
Locking it, you hear the car honk twice and you make your way across the street to the building.
Since your friend is an event planner, she earns accordingly. Having the penthouse all to herself is still something that you are envious of.
But then again, you chose the route of being an OR nurse. Prepping patients, prepping the OR table, and sterilizing everything are tasks daily for you. Your coworkers are easy to get along with, the working hours aren’t too bad and it’s always the same routine for you. Which is great, since you are a person of habit. Sometimes though, you get called in on your off days due to someone calling in sick last minute.
Now entering the building you see a tall and bulky security guard standing next to the revolving doors. He is wearing a full black suit, and dark sunglasses and is carrying an earpiece in his left ear. Giving you a watchful look, as he is eyeing you up and down, like a hawk stalking its prey.
Feeling uncomfortable and honestly slightly scared you show him your electronic invitation with shaking hands.
The security guard with the name tag „Daisuke“ bends down a little bit to read the letters on your phone. He then takes out a device himself from the front pocket of his suit to scan the QR code.
After hearing a confirmation sound from his phone, he backs up a little bit to let you pass through the doors.
“Geez, a security guard at the front door? She must have invited someone special.” you mutter to yourself as you enter the building.
Suddenly, you remember the text message from your friend, stating that some famous athletes are going to be there since she is good friends with someone that works at the Sports Promotion Division.
Your steps carry you to the elevator and you press the button for going upstairs.
Waiting for the elevator to arrive, you glance around yourself.
Your eyes wander over the rich-looking decorations of the building.
Taking in the eggshell-colored walls and the sculptures of Greek women decorating the side of the hallway immediately give you a rich vibe feeling.
Scoffing to yourself about the unnecessary decorations, you glance back at the floor guide for the building which shows that it’s still six floors away from the lobby.
Breathing out a heavy sigh, you cross your arms and sway gently from side to side on your feet.
All of sudden you hear someone loudly greeting somebody else from outside and you turn around to see a tall younger guy with short blond hair greeting the security guard at the front. They give each other a firm handshake and start talking together, sharing loud laughs in between their conversation. You can’t see him that well, you’re only able to make out black jeans, a white button-up shirt with its sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and a pair of sunglasses resting on top of his nose.
You’re guessing that the security guard wants to take a picture with the blond-haired kind of good-looking guy, as he pulls out his phone from his back pocket. The mysterious yet handsome stranger moves beside him and holds up a peace sign. After taking their picture together, the mystic man moves back to the side, almost ready to enter the building.
Shocking and almost in disbelief, you continue to observe them.
The blonde guy tells the security guard something with an almost cheeky smile on his face and pats him on the shoulder a few times. Now walking inside as well, he takes off his sunglasses and places them on top of his head.
You give him one last look before turning back to the elevator and seeing that it’s still two more floors away.
’Just hurry up!‘
The stranger stops right next to you, almost too close to your liking, as you can smell the strong aroma of his cologne. His very strong scented cologne you might add, smelling like a pinewood forest with a hint of vanilla.
Scrunching your nose a bit at the strong smell, you move a bit to the side, which catches the stranger’s attention.
“What’s yer deal? Don’t like my Sauvage perfume?” he smirks at you.
“As a matter of fact, I don’t. You smell like a male prostitute.”
Taking your words in, he lets out an offended gasp and turns around a little bit to view you a little bit better.
Now looking into his face, you see him scowling directly at you.
You turn towards him as well, trying not to get intimidated by his towering figure.
You’re not scared of him, you have handled far worse than this.
“Do you have any idea who I am?“ he looks at you, hopefully expecting the right answer.
You size him up and down with your eyes, thinking hard.
The fact that you take so long to think, kind of concerns him. By now you should apologize profoundly and give him the biggest heart eyes as any other woman would.
“No I don’t. Should I? Are you one of those basketball players or something?“
He scoffs at your answer and retorts.
“It’s volleyball ya little shrimp. The fact that ya don’t know who I am honestly concerns me. Ya been livin‘ under a rock or somethin‘? Every human being in Japan knows who I am.“
“Oh, I am sorry that I have better things to worry about than knowing who you are. You must be very special then. A thousand apologies to your highness.”
You pause while looking at him with the most disinterested face you ever made. And it irritates Atsumu even more.
“Geez yer a real happy camper ain’tcha? Must be fun to have you at parties.”
Okay the fact that you barely slept and the audacity of this freaking guy are just about enough for you. You close your eyes, turn around and inhale deeply through your nose. As soon as you open your eyes and you breathe out, you start to feel a little bit better. You’re not going to let him worsen your already bad mood.
Choosing to ignore him, you hear the ‘ding’ of the elevator and its doors finally open.
The blond guy and you enter inside and you press the button for the penthouse of your friend.
Remembering that your nephew likes someone called the ‘Schweiden Adlers’, you know that he always brags about one of the players. Not knowing if Blondie is on the team, you decide to ask him about it.
“Are you from the Schweiden Adlers? I heard that they’re the best team in Japan and my nephew loves them. I’d like to get an autograph for him.”
You give him an almost aggressive sweet smile as you stare at him, waiting for an answer.
What you don’t expect though, is for him to reach out for the fire alarm button, which immediately stops the elevator.
Utterly shocked by his actions, you start yelling at him.
“Are you crazy?! Why did you do that?!”
He whips around and gives you an angry look.
“First of all, I am NOT from the Schweiden Adlers, I am from the MSBY Jackals princess. And excuse the shit out of my goddamn French but did you just say ‘best team in Japan’? We have beat those guys twice now! Second, since you obviously got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, I am NOT going to give you an autograph even if I was part of their team. Third, since you still don’t know who I am, I am Miya Atsumu, the best setter in Japan!” He exclaims loudly while still staring at you.
Not having any of his shit, you decide to poke the bear a little bit more with the stick.
“Is that so? Well dye-job I have a newsflash for you. I don’t care that you apparently hold that title. I honestly feel sorry for your teammates that have to put up with you every single day. Send them my deepest condolences.“
Atsumu just gives her a look of fury but doesn’t reply.
‘This small ass chick is crazy.’ He thinks to himself.
“Just push the button so the freaking elevator starts again.”
After hearing her words, he forgot that he was the one who pressed it in the first place, but still went with her request anyway.
Feeling the elevator move again, she can still feel her blood slightly boiling and her heart racing from the frustration she just had to witness.
Atsumu is not feeling any more different than her, clenching and unclenching his fists, while still trying to calm down himself.
What feels like a thousand years later, the elevator finally reaches the final floor, doors slowly opening.
‘I need some fuckin’ beer.’ Atsumu thinks to himself as he heads straight for the bar, without even saying goodbye to the woman that he shared the elevator ride with.
Atsumu sits down in one of the bar chairs while glancing over the menu of the drinks that were offered today.
He turns to the barkeeper and asks him for a beer.
“I am sorry sir, since this is a sports division event, no alcohol will be served. It was requested from the coach.“ The barkeeper gives Atsumu an apologetic look as he cleans a glass with a green little towel.
“Yer gotta be shittin‘ me.“ Atsumu puts his face in his hands and lets out a small grunt of frustration.
You step out of the elevator, taking a few steps before stopping to look around.
You notice that the event party has a lot of tall guys there, most of them probably over 6 feet tall.
Compared to your small size, they are giants. Before you can look around any more, someone runs towards you, attacking you in a bone-crushing hug.
You stumble back a little bit by the sudden force but quickly catch the person that engulfed you into a hug.
The scent of cherries and almonds fill into your nose, recognizing your friend by the body lotion she always uses.
“Hey girl, how’s it going? I missed you so much!“ She gushes at you, while giving you a look over.
“Goodness, you look a little bit pale, those night shifts aren’t doing you any favors. But good thing I just have the right things around here.“ She points to various things, giving each an explanation.
“So over there is the buffet, help yourself with all those treats! And in the corner over there, is the bar but since this is a sports event, no alcohol unfortunately. Since, you know, all these hot guys are volleyball players, they need to stick to a strict diet plan and blah blah blah.“
She rolls her eyes a little bit and you just nod along, quietly thanking her for the invitation. Looking back at you, she gives you a mischievous smile and wiggles her thin eyebrows up and down, almost in a suggestive manner.
Bumping your hip with hers, she starts talking again.
“Soooo… I saw that Atsumu Miya exited the elevator with you. Tell me, how hot is that dude! Did he talk to you? Did he give you his number? Did he give you his number one ‚one-in-a-million-smile‘? Did you guys make out in the elevator? Because both of you were having quite the flushed faces whenever you both exited the elevator.“
You give it out a small sigh and shake your head a little bit in reply, slightly irritated by her flooding questions, as you recall the conversation you had with Atsumu.
“No we didn’t do anything, don’t be silly. He was just being a rude asshole and I was bitching back at him.“
You cross your arms over your chest as you spot the blonde sitting at the bar, talking with an orange haired smaller guy and another tall guy with white-blackish spiked hair with a grumpy look on his face.
Your friend gives you a shocked look, following your gaze.
“Really? According to these magazines I read, he is a proud guy with a flirty personality. Ah well, looks can be deceiving. But not to worry my precious little birdie, there’s plenty of hot guys here. Talk to one of them and maybe see if one of them can take you home with them. Or even multiple if you’re into that shit.“
She gives you a wink and starts laughing at your flushed face.
Embarrassed that she would even dare suggest such a thing, you gave her a reply in a squeaky undertone.
“W-what? No! I am NOT into that! And I already have had enough volleyball players in one day. One is more than enough.“
“Whatever you say sweetie. Well at least eat some stuff from the food table, I paid a lot for that shit.“ She gives you a slight pat on the shoulder and walks around to greet more of her guests.
Turning your body a little bit, you start heading towards the table with all the goodies on it.
Taking a plate you let your eyes wander over the delicious varieties of food.
From Onigiris, to Takoyaki and even a big grill with tons of Yakiniku and Yakitori on it, makes your mouth water like a waterfall.
You haven’t eaten anything yet, you stayed awake since you were too hot in your apartment and you had to wait for the AC repairman.
Suddenly, you feel a presence beside you and you tilt your head a little bit to the side to see the white-blackish haired guy that was talking to Atsumu earlier at the bar.
Eyeing the massive amount of food on his plate, especially the meat, you can feel your jaw almost dropping to the floor.
Bokuto can feel you staring at him and just gives you a laugh combined with a large grin.
“Sorry, just a huge meat fan, trying to grow some more.“
“You're already pretty tall, and having meat fill up almost 90% of your plate doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re going to grow much more. Also, eat more eggs or whole grain foods, they should help better.“
You explain while looking at him with an eyebrow raised.
Bokuto raises both of his eyebrows, then his face transforms into a deep thinking one and quickly develops into a beaming smile.
“Really?! Oh my gosh thanks I will definitely take up your advice. Here, have some! You‘ll definitely need it more than me!“ Handing you his heavy full plate, he takes off to his friends and starts talking to them energetically.
Dumbstruck, you stare at him with wide eyes, then looking down to his plate.
Blinking a few times you were about to put the plate down, when Atsumu joins you at the buffet table.
He looks at your plate and raises one of his eyebrows at you.
“A bit much don‘tcha think? ‘Specially for someone yer size.“
You can feel your eye twitch in annoyance but don’t reply anything to that.
You set Bokuto‘s former plate into the hands of one of a very confused waiter, before grabbing your still empty plate to move around him, to look for something to munch your frustrations out.
A single pink-frosted vanilla cupcake has caught your eye and you were about to grab it when a bigger hand snatched it right away from you. It was the last one on the platter too. That asshole did not just do that.
Your hand is still frozen midair, trying to process what the hell just happened.
“I was just about to grab that and it’s the last one. Couldn’t you have at least asked me if I wanted it? You usually do that to be polite.“
Atsumu thinks hard for a moment, taking a good look at both beauties in front of his hazel brown eyes. Analyzing the situation for mere seconds, he chose to play dirty.
He wants to get you back for insulting his pride earlier.
Before you can blink, Atsumu shoves the entire cupcake into his mouth, looking almost like a snake devouring a mouse in one single bite.
Dumbfounded, you watch him with an open mouth as he chews and swallows.
“Man, that was good. Ya wanna taste?” He smirks at you while he licks the pink frosting off of his lips.
Still shocked, you act before you can think.
You push him into the pool behind him.
The sound of splashing water rips you out of your fury, realizing what you‘ve just done.
Holy shit.
You just pushed a star athlete in the pool.
Not just any star athlete, freaking Atsumu Miya.
The Setter of the Dingos.
Still highly in shock, you stare at the moving water of the pool.
Atsumu’s drenched head pops out of the water, coughing some water out of his mouth.
“The hell’s yer problem?! Yer could’ve killed me!” Atsumu shouts at you in exasperation.
“Don’t be so melodramatic! You’re obviously fine.” Crossing your arms against your chest, you stare at him with an annoyed frown.
“Can ya at least help me outta here?” You scoff at his request and retort.
“You’re a big guy, get out yourself. Also, you're way bigger and taller than me, how am I supposed to pull you out?”
He just gives you a look and thinks for about two seconds.
“Aint’cha a nurse or something? Use yer super strength to pull me out.”
Sighing, you still give in, after seeing his begging eyes.
You hold out your hand for him to grab onto. Atsumu gets closer to the edge of the pool and you can feel his very wet hand grabbing your own.
Flinching at the wetness you try your best to pull 80,4 kg out of the water.
As soon as you try to pull him out, his other hand comes out of the water and pulls you into the water with him.
Screaming at the sudden tug, you splash into the pool.
The cold water of the pool soaks through everything. Your hair, dress and make up are now ruined. All thanks to that blonde shithead.
Your head pops through the water surface and you give Atsumu the most hateful look anyone has ever seen.
Even if you’re fuming right now, Atsumu still has to admit that you’re even beautiful looking this angry. He just HAS to ask you out.
“You’re the most inconsiderate, most rude piece of shit I have ever met!” You furiously yell at him.
“Yeah, yeah I got that part from the start. Ya wanna go out with me sometime?” The drenched blonde gives you a tilt and his brown eyes kind of remind you of a cute Golden Retriever and- STOP. NO! Not only has that asshole just pulled you into ice cold water, it’s his fault you’re completely soaked, he was incredibly rude to you, he has the audacity to ask you out?!
Gaping at his request, you glance around you, to see that all eyes were on the two of you. Their mixes of emotion completely overwhelm you. You see confusion, pity and some even have a mix between shock and disgust.
Groaning loudly in frustration, you walk to the end of the pool to step out.
You see a hand outstretched for help and you see a black-haired tall guy whose hair is mid-length and slicked back.
Thankful for his help, he helps you out of the water and hands you his big soft yellow jacket, so you don’t freeze.
“Thank you but I am leaving now so you can keep it.” You say to him with tears in your eyes as you make your way to the elevator with hurried steps. Your pace begins to quicken, as you can hear Atsumu’s voice yelling after you to make you stop. Ignoring him, you bolt through the door to run down the stairs.
A few seconds later you can hear the sound of door opening again and loud footsteps chase after you.
“Stop, please! I want to apologize!” His deep voice echoes in the stairwell.
Still ignoring him, you can feel your tears running down your cheeks and you finally reach the bottom of the stairs.
Seeing your car on the other side of the street gives you a relief and you fetch your car key and unlock it.
As you are about to enter your car, you can hear Atsumu’s quick steps coming closer to you.
“Wait! Please!” He huffs out of breath.
“What the hell do you want?! Haven’t you humiliated me enough already?!” You whip around to yell at him.
Breathing heavily, flushed cheeks and with a worried look he looks to the ground like a kicked puppy.
“I am really really sorry. I didn’t mean ta humiliate ya up there. I know I was a jerk so I want to make it up to ya.”
Your hands wipe your tears away from your cheeks and you listen to what he has to say.
Still guilty as hell, he looks up to you with regret in his eyes.
“Please let me make it up to ya by takin’ ya out to dinner. I know I don’t deserve it but please give me a chance.” He pleads with you.
Your eyes fall to the concrete of the street as you overthink his offer.
The cold wind makes you shiver and it doesn’t go unnoticed by Atsumu. With another idea in his mind, he asks you to wait a few seconds.
You watch in confusion as he runs to what you’re guessing is his car and Atsumu grabs a yellow jacket with a black lettering that spells out ‘MSBY’.
Quickly running back to you, he hands you his jacket with the words that you should wear it so you don’t freeze.
You grab his jacket with uncertainty and remember you haven’t given him an answer yet.
His effort to try to make you feel better kind of helps you with your decision.
Breathing out with a heavy exhale you look up to him with ambivalence and accept his offer.
The concern in his eyes disappears and all of sudden his eyes shine brighter than the brightest Christmas lights.
“O-Oh awesome! Great! I’ll uh… Just give me yer number and we can arrange the date.” He stutters with a slight blush across his cheeks, you doubt it’s still from chasing you down the stairs.
You type in your number on his phone and his adorable smile is making you blush. If you actually look closer, you can make out some freckles across his nose and cheeks.
To be honest, Atsumu is really attractive. So attractive that it annoys the hell out of you.
Yet, you can’t wait to see what the date will turn out like.
Realizing you’re still wearing his jacket, you want to give it back to him.
“Nah, keep it beautiful. It looks better on ya anyway.” He compliments you with a wink.
Laughing a little bit, you push a loose wet strand of hair behind your ear and give him a cute smile that he returns.
Bonus scene <3
“So….. Papa and mama met at a party?“
Two sets of hazelnut eyes watch you and Atsumu carefully with confused but still exciting looks on their faces. Both of your children are a spitting image of their father, when he was younger. Cheeky hazel colored eyes, with messy dark brown hair.
“That’s right kiddos, yer ma was super into me the first time she laid eyes on ya handsome dad.“
Atsumu gives them a proud smile and turns around to look at you.
You catch his gaze and he gives you a wink, rolling your eyes as you continue to clear off the dinner you just shared with your family.
The younger one raises his hand to ask a question.
“Mama, why did you push papa in the pool?“
Your husband looks at you, with a mischievous smile on his face.
“Yeah mama, why did ya push poor dad in the pool?“
Giving your idiot of a husband a fiery look, you still answer your child’s question.
“Well to be honest, your dad had it coming. He snatched something precious away from me and obviously had to pay for it somehow.“
“Aw c‘mon baby yer not still mad ‘bout that are ya?“ Atsumu pouts.
“Mad about what?“ The mini Miyas glance at you with a twinkle of curiosity in their eyes, while scooting closer to listen to their parent‘s “romantic” story.
You stop wiping and hang up the dishwasher towel for drying. Standing behind your husband, he gives you a fearful look.
You lean over the chair, set both of your hands firmly on Atsumu‘s shoulders and you can feel the anxiety from his tense shoulders.
“He stole Mama‘s precious cupcake.“ You whisper to your children in a dangerous tone.
Both of your children gasp loudly at the reveal of the reason why you pushed your husband into the pool out of anger back then.
Atsumu chuckles a bit nervously but regains his composure quickly.
“Lesson learned not to steal food from mama. But I got her back for it, I pulled her in the pool as well.“
The gasps of your twins get even louder as they stare with open mouths and wide eyes at their father.
“In the end though, it kinda looked like the lion king scene, when Simba pulled Nala into the water. Afterwards…. Well let’s just keep that PG-13 for now. Ain’t that romantic kiddos?” Atsumu holds your hand with his own and squeezes it gently while giving you a lovesick smile as he looks up at you.
“What does papa mean?PG-13?“ The older one of the twins asks, while tilting his head to the side like a confused puppy.
Atsumu turns his face from you to his children, is about to give the talk about the birds and the bees and you quickly interrupt him.
“Atsumu! They are six years old for crying out loud!“ You scold him from behind and hit him lightly on the back of his head.
The blond Setter is startled by your loud voice and slap directed at him and he immediately shuts up.
“Hehe, Papa is scared of mama.“ The older twin turns towards his brother and starts giggling.
“I ain’t scared of her!” The Setter argues with his children.
“Atsumu.” You give him a deadly look.
“Shutting up dear.” Puts a hand to his head in a saluting way and glares at his children, as they continue to giggle and laugh at their cowardly father.
@wake-uptoreality @nerd-of-karasuno @rukia-uchiha-98
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alpaca-clouds · 2 years
Winter Whumperland Day 04: Needles
My entry for @amonthofwhump's Winter Whumperland Day 04. As the prompt is Body Modification I kinda wanted to write about some canonical ones. :D
Fandom: Arcane - League of Legends
Characters: Vi, Jinx, Silco, Sevika
Genre: Whump
Length: 1923 words
[Ao3 Link]
A/N: For formating reasons I highly advice you to read the fic on Ao3!
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When the needle first hit her skin…
… Vi only winced for a moment. They had started with her upper arm. It was as good of a thing to do as any in prison. Not that she was ever gonna get out of here. She was not sure, what she had expected. Pain? It did hurt, sure, but it was more in the way a little scratch might hurt. Something one would normally ignore, so she leaned her head against her arm and just waited while Milux was continuing his work. She was not even sure, why she was doing this. Just, that it was something she could have control about in her life. Yeah, this was something about her that would not be controlled by the wardens or anyone else. This was hers and hers alone. She liked the idea, because the gods knew, there was not much about that left.
It had been four years, since she had ended up here. Four fucking years.
… Jinx yelped. She had sworn herself not to do that, but yet she could not help it. Even though she actually liked pain. She absolutely did. Yet, feeling the needle against her skin was… different. She gritted her teeth, while Sevika only grunted.
“I told ya the stomach was the worst place to start.”
She had indeed told her. But fuck this all. Jinx was not even sure why it was Sevika doing it. She guessed because Silco had told her to. “It's not like it is actually hurting,” she pressed out between her teeth.
Sevika looked at her, raising an eyebrow. There was a grim look on her, as she grunted again. “Yeah, sure.” She continued her work on the little cloud. Jinx had planned it all out. It would be pretty. Blue like her hair. And it wasn't hurting that much. She would just grit her teeth and power through it. At least the voices stopped talking to her while the pain was real.
When their second session started…
… Vi had a hurting jaw once more. That shithead Fein had gotten into a fight with her again. All of them followers of Silco of course, that even Marcus could not have kept out of prison. She knew what was going on out there. At least in parts. Though not much of it mattered. Vander was dead. They all were dead. And Powder… Powder had been all alone in that alley. She was probably dead, too. And it was Vi's fault of course.
“Wow,” Weilin said, as she sat down on the chair opposite of Vi, while Milux was still working on Vi's right shoulder. “Fein has messed you up real good.”
Vi growled at this comment. All she had was a bruised jaw. “You should see how he is looking.” Actually, she had been lucky to not end up in solitary again.
“Don't move,” Milux muttered, as his needle was moving across the shoulder in a slow and steady motion. Once you got used to it, the feeling was almost pleasurable.
“Sorry, bud,” Vi muttered.
“You can't go on like this forever, Vi.” Weilin said, watching her. They were in the dinning hall, because there really was no other place to do this. Dinner would not come for another hour, so they had a bit of time.
“Like what?”
“Fighting with every Silco goon thrown in here.”
Vi sighed, grinding her teeth. All of this was Silco's fault after all. “Watch me.”
… Jinx found herself way too tense. She hated it and the voices laughed at her for it. The fact that there was this certain grin on Sevika's face didn't help any of it. This was bad. Because Jinx was not a poor little girl who was afraid of a little needle. She would be fine… The clouds in the front would get finished today and then it would get easier.
“We could do the back, first,” Sevika offered, leading to Jinx just staring at her.
“No. We'll do this now.”
Sevika however was not impressed, instead just giving a disdainful laugh. “Whatever you say, little girl.”
Jinx hated her. But she hated everyone but Silco. Because they all were just trying to hurt her, leave her, harm her. In the same way that Vi had done. Vi had left her. Alone. In that alley. And they all were dead. They all…
There they were, Mylo and Claggor standing behind Sevika – until the moment the needle hit Jinx's skin. She almost sighed with relief this time as the ghosts vanished and the voices stopped. Actually, the pain was not that bad. Yeah. Actually, this was kinda nice.
It was during the fourth session, that…
… one of the wardens came through the dining hall. By now most of Vi's right side was finished, with only some finishing touches to be made. The warden – Julian – was clearly out for trouble, banging his baton against some of the metal tables. When he came over to them, he stopped.
“What'cha doing there?”
“Getting a tattoo,” Vi muttered, only looking at the guy from the corner of her eyes. She knew he was out for trouble, but she did not want to give it to him.
“Who said you're allowed to?"”
She growled, leading to Milux to tap her arm. “Calm down.” He reminded her.
“Fuck no,” Vi muttered. “It's our own deal what to do in our free time, right?”
Apparently Julian was not of the same opinion, as he grabbed Milux's hand. “Where did you even get that?”
“I bought it,” Milux said calmly.
“Yeah, and from whom?”
Vi could the anger burn in her guts, as she got up. “Leave her the fuck alone!” Of course this was, what he wanted, as a grin crossed his lips.
“Or what?”
… Jinx started to wish, this would never end. It was so nice, so calm. No voices. No Mylo and Claggor. Just her, Sevika and the needle. She smiled, as the pattern was drawn across her shoulder. Blue clouds, symbolizing the vapors from the chem factories, that would suffocate the lanes and yet had not suffocated her. She was the one who had survived. She was the one who had in fact thrived. She was doing great for herself, especially as her bombs were by now finally working.
She just watched the wall of her room, which she had skillfully decorated in neon colors. There was no one, who would touch her ever again.
After all there was an upside to not trusting anyone – anyone but Silco at least. Because when you did not rely on anyone, no one could ever disappoint you. They had all died. All of them. Every last one of them. Her parents. Vander. Mylo. Claggor. Vi, probably, too. But maybe they had deserved it. Maybe they…
“Falling asleep, princess?” Sevika teased, earning only a grunt from Jinx.
“Just shut up, will ya?”
By the sixth session…
… Vi had almost gotten used to the little pricks of pain. She knew that by their current speed it would take still at least take two or three more sessions, but who cared? It was not as if she had anything better to do. Days, even weeks were bleeding into each other. At times it was hard to even keep track of time. If she only could get out. If she only… She was not even sure what she would do. She would hunt down Silco or die trying, that much she was certain of. But what would she do after that?
There was no place for her to return to. She did not know what had happened to The Last Drop, but it was probably either gone or under Silco's control. Neither did she know if anyone else from back then was still alive. What about little Ekko? Did the boy still live?
She sighed, as she closed her eyes, just trying to relax. It was just so… She did not even have words for it. They were all dead. There was nothing for her out there – or in here. Nothing but revenge.
.. Jinx was looking forward to these sessions. While there were the voices talking to her, as she returned from the bathroom, having cleaned herself, they almost immediately stopped as the needle touched her skin. She grinned, as the ghosts vanished.
“You seem to be in rather good spirits,” Sevika noted, as she noticed this.
“I am,” Jinx replied. She was not going to tell her about the ghosts of course, because Sevika was a liar and would just use it against her someday. Silco always said that Jinx should be kinder to her, as Sevika was one of his most trusted partners. But Jinx did not trust that woman.
After all: Sevika had betrayed Vander, so it was only a matter of time until she would betray Silco as well. So, really, why would Jinx even think about trusting her? Having her do this was something else. Like, Jinx would've done it herself, if she only could. But she was sane enough to know that was a bad idea. So, she let it happen, knowing that if Sevika tried anything, Silco would have her head – no matter what kind of a good partner she was.
After the last session was finally done…
… Vi found herself in her prison cell, looking into the dirty little mirror. She had to turn her head quite a bit to even get a look at the machine now covering her shoulders. But it had turned out great, she thought. Milux and her had come up with the pattern together. It was a symbol for the undercity. The beating machine heart of Piltover, even though those stupid uppercrust folks never saw it that way. A machine heart spewing out fumes. She found herself almost sighing.
Well, this was done now. So she would find a new thing to spend her time with. This was prison, after all. It was not that there were a lot of things to do here. It was by now more than 5 years since she had ended up in there - and she knew chances were slim that she would ever get out.
At least her cell right now had a little window – even if the view from here was not the best. At least she could dream of being out there again. Being out there and getting her revenge.
… Jinx tried to ignore the ghosts following her, reminding her of her failings. She put on a smile, as she entered Silco's office, jumping easily onto his desk. “Look! It's done!” She twirled around, ignoring that her shoes pushed papers of the table.
Silco, though, would not chide her for it, instead smiling as he looked at the still red skin on her arm. “You look beautiful, Jinx.”
She let herself fall onto the edge of the table, putting her feet into his lap. She was grinning. “I know, right?”
“And Sevika did not strangle you, did she now?” This was meant to tease her, but Jinx rolled her eyes, blowing a stray hair out of her face.
“Only because she knows you'd kill her.”
His eyes wandered over the tattoos that now adorned her body. The first ones had already healed well. “You two really should try and work together,” His hand found hers, holding it gently. “Just at least try for me, will you?”
She grumbled, looking at those two uneven eyes. “I guess.”
This at least got him to smile. “That's my girl.”
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adultswim2021 · 2 years
Hey everyone! I’m sorta back. If you didn’t read my last update, here’s the rundown: My computer shit the bed and on it I had weeks worth of write-ups that I didn’t wanna have to do-over. I still don’t! And I lucked into taking my computer to the most unresponsive repair shop in the universe. Would you believe I called them last week and they, for the seventh-or-eighth time they told me they were too busy to talk to me and would call me right back and didn’t? I’m literally this close to showing up with a [PARODY/SATIRE] and [PARODY/SATIRE] up the place.
Anyway, this blog has always been about covering Adult Swim comedy originals and ONLY Adult Swim comedy originals, opting to skip acquisitions and anime all together. But, in a perhaps vain attempt to make it seem like the blog isn’t dead, I decided to come back with a little something to hopefully tide the four-or-five people who read this. I’m gonna review the first Adult Swim acquisition: Cowboy Bebop. What? You think I should’ve done Family Guy, maybe? 
So strap in for the first installment of: “THIS IS WHY I DON’T REVIEW ANIME”.
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Cowboy Bebop #1: “Asteroid Blues” | October 24, 1998 | S01E01 Adult Swim premiere: September 3, 2001 - 12:00AM
Okay, I need to be VERY CLEAR HERE: I’m not even particularly that good at reviewing shows I care about, but I think I am definitely predisposed to wanna talk about genres I actively enjoy more than ones I actively don’t. So I’m guessing my write-ups for Cowboy Bebop won’t be quite as robust as my comedy write-ups. Also, I’m doing my customary thing of making the first episode write-up consist of mostly preamble with a short actual episode synopsis tacked on as an afterthought, so don’t let the length of this one fool you. I’m about to go on a lotta tangents.
Back when Adult Swim was young, an anti-anime sentiment began developing almost immediately. That’s because the block consisted of 80% abrasive comedy shows for fans of somewhat specific comic sensibilities. Then there was anime, which appeared to be the polar opposite in almost every way. Cowboy Bebop was not only beautifully animated, but it was also primarily NOT comedy: It was more traditionally nerdy in that it was about science fiction, brooding badasses performing super-heroics, cool action scenes, etc. etc. These were all things I was specifically NOT into in 2001. I tend to have an aversion to almost anything that is presented as COOL, in the proactive/heroic sense of the word. COOL to me just meant being funny and mean and/or being a shithead punk. To be more succinct with an analogy: I didn’t think Han Solo was cool because he did stuff.
Despite being an obnoxious individualist I got swept up in anti-anime sentiment to the point that I actually identified as anti-anime and gleefully posted about it on a message board called ANIME SUCKS. The board was started by a mentally-deficient online ex-friend of mine who started it on a service called Ezboard. On Ezboard you could start your own message board very easily and would-be posters could register “global” accounts, which meant that you could post on any public Ezboard without having to re-register. That meant if you were a public board you were always a few clicks away from being discovered by a random person who had no barrier of entry from browsing and posting if the mood struck them. There were only about a dozen of us anti-anime heels that posted on ANIME SUCKS, but we attracted literally over 1000 angry anime fans who would come to the message board just to argue with us. The banner for the board was a found photo of a trio of absolute dorks cosplaying as various anime people, taken at an American comic book convention. One of them was Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop albeit doughier, bespectacled, and sporting a flat-looking bowl cut. 
Internalized racism much??? Eh, we went to that well sometimes, sure. We were, and still are, huge shitheads. But usually we tried to be as aggressively dumb as possible when we argued with people, which was the best way to frustrate them. Also, I think the single most revolting thing to us was the idea of American anime fans. Dorks who were so alienated by the culture they were born into they gravitated towards what might as well be alien. I too grew up alienated by the culture I was born into, and I only embrace technology to the extent that it can show me my old shows I like to watch from before I lost my heart. Clearly, I’m not the loser here, right? RIGHT???
When that first night of Adult Swim premiered I remember how important it all felt, and how mandatory the viewing of all the shows seemed to me at the time. That is, until I got to about 5 minutes in on the first episode of Cowboy Bebop. Then it was time to turn off the TV. The amount of time that’s passed by between that moment and this moment is now old enough to drink (I missed Adult Swim’s birthday on the 2nd. Sorry!). I’ve done a little bit of growing since then, not to brag. So now I have more patience for media where people don’t get kicked in the nuts and then you see a close-up their face going cross-eyed while they fall. So now it’s time to watch Cowboy Bebop FOR REAL. 
In Asteroid Blues we get the premise of the show: Spike is a bounty hunter flying around in Space on a large spacecraft. He and his partner, a burly android type of guy, are scraping by, even though their last job brought in the bacon all the property damage they caused put them back in the red. 
This episode is about them going after a fella who is smuggling a synthetic drug that you spray in your eye. It seems to have PCP-esque qualities and it also makes time perception slow down for those who use it, making them almost superhuman. It also gives the user big bloodshot eyes. His pregnant, big-titty GF is also along for the ride.
I’ve seen one other episode of this show and both of them had this in common: it’s the future, and presumably it’s fairly early in the timeline of humans colonizing space; therefore the space colonies (I assume many of them are on asteroids [shoulda paid closer attention, sorry if I’m wrong]) are pretty crude, and resemble the old west. So the show hops back and forth between being on a futuristic spaceship and being on a dusty wild west planet. I don’t know if EVERY EPISODE follows this formula, but the two I saw sure did. 
I still maintain that this isn’t entirely my thing. I can appreciate more about this show now than I did then. There are cool actiony moments and I appreciate the craft that went into this. But I’m still waiting to be wowed. But the music is great and the show is fun and I get why people liked it.
I rented the box set from Movie Madness in Portland, OR, and I’ll probably hang onto it long enough that I’ll wind up paying late fees. But--and this is just a heads up--I’ll probably be way briefer on future write-ups so I can get through these quicker on my end. In other words: you’re being cheated. Still, better than nothing, right?
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