#the girl in the bottom is like idk some person both guys know and someone they encounter in the loops sometimes
sqlmn · 1 year
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Anyway I have been OBSESSED with lime loops for a while and had this idea a tiny bit ago where there's two detectives for private hire that are investigating something. And one dies. And the other is like "no that's not..." and as he's mourning the death of his friend he just hears a faint voice ask "would you like to try again?" and he just doesn't even hesitate to say "yes".
So that's how the time loop starts! And now that both are alive, the guy who died to kick it off is like "HUH WILD? I THOUGHT I LIVED TODAY AND DIED THAT'S BONKERS" and then watches as the other guy keeps.... well, dying. Instead. In weird ways. And both of them are actively aware of the loop but they're too stupid to talk about it and so they THINK only they're aware of it. So you get everyone else forgetting the day's events and then two dumbass detectives that remember and keep trying to figure out how to get out of it. Which is fine except one keeps dying on purpose to avoid the other dying thinking surely as long as the other guy lives that's good, right? And the guy who keeps living (above) gradually begins to lose his grip on things and is getting super stressed over seeing his friend die over and over.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
ok so personally, Im usually so adverse to romantic interactions that even if I click on that someone is genuinely pursuing me, ill ignore it or pretend they arent. maybe a defence mechanism? idk BUT it does make for the most rabid situations and thoughts ever ever ever
imaging best friend!James and reader maybe getting into the situation in which they have to share a bed sometime. maybe its a group vacation or something. in my head - James potter is a serial humper in his sleep sometimes. hes a big guy in all aspects, and he also cant help but wanna cuddle with you to sleep!! but that also means he wakes himself up a couple times by grinding softly on u, and he feels so bad, but thankfully youve never woken up cus of it. separately, youve also learnt to not mention that you can quite clearly uh..feel him some mornings when ur both drowsy, pressed together n still groggy. and you, oh so conveniently also never mention that you kinda like how it feels. but, hey-ho.
its the middle of the night, and as usual, James is spooning you from behind, he has to be bent a little to fit his head in ur hair, and hes pressing his entire body against ur back. the air still smells of washed-off sunscreen and sea salt, and theres a fan going in the corner of the room. and this time James wakes up to YOU humping HIM. im talking, his breath hitches and everythingggg until he realises ur sleep. ur asleep and grinding back on him and ur breathing is all stuttered and he always guessed youd be a little quiet but ur little noises are so breathy and holy shit ur wet????? theres no way you get this wet.. until James realises that hes propped himself up on his arm and is just staring down at where ur moving ur hips on him and he tries to snap himself out of it by waking u up. ur still groggy but absolutely mortified when he tells you "yeah bug, you uh- y'got a little excited 'bout me in ur sleep, huh? s'okay yknow, its okay :]"
and he 100% offers to help you out. even when u say that friends arent suppose to do that, AND also mumbling about how guys normally didn't really make girls cum and mentioning abt how you always hear people say its too complicated, he just brings up how you just grinded on his lap in ur sleep, and that felt good, so, how can it not be allowed? its just a friend helping out a friend! :) and that he can definitely get u off, he'd be sooo good at it!! the only way this goes in my head is that not much shuffling around is done, all that changed is that ur on ur back now, and hes licking his bottom lip into his mouth as he looms over you slightly from ur side, his hands moving down and down. he'd definitely be tilting his head and "yeah, this part feels really good, yeah? yeah" all nodding and smiling n shit. 'best friend' James from that point on, takes any opportunity to 'help you out', he'd transition into using more than his fingers too. he was in love with you before this but now???? hes a goner.
babe thank u for blessing me with these cause i did NOT feel like writing today so i let you tell me a story and it was amazing <333
this post is 18+, minors dni.
james potter sleep slut is canon in my mind... just the way he wakes up with his big beefy arms wrapped around you while his hips move?? mhm. and he wakes up and is like ohshitohshitohshit but he doesn't wanna let go!!! so he just tries to dial himself back in, but he most likely needs a minute in the bathroom to compose himself </3
no but if you feel it in the morning.. you don't wanna point it out 'cause what if he says something like 'oh sorry i'm just really sensitive' or 'sometimes the wind makes it do that' LIKE NO. YOU WANNA KNOW IF IT'S REALLY BECAUSE OF YOU. so you just keep quiet, but in the early morning when he's sleepily begging for fivemoreminutes and isn't quite in tune with his body yet, you're definitely hyper aware of his hard on digging into your thigh or butt or hip or belly or whatever <3
when HE wakes up to YOU grinding on HIM he's mindblown.. he knows he likes you, he knows you're pretty, but he marvels at how amazing you look while dragging your hips back against his, like how could you look this amazing??
but he feels even worse watching you than he does accidentally doing it in his sleep, 'cause this isn't an accident!! he's not catching you in the act by mistake anymore, he's just watching you grind on him and getting all worked up about it, which in turn is only making him more hard. finally he decides to just wake you, smoothing your hair away from your face and kissing your cheek, murmuring your name softly until you finally rouse. and when you're blubbering sleepily at him 'why'd you wake me?' he just smiles like :] oh you were having a wet dream :] just wanted you to know :] and you're !!!!!!! WHAT !!!!!!!
you're instantly apologizing a million times but he's reassuring you like no no no!! it's okay bug, really!! happens to the best of us <3 but if you want some help w that i can help you!! i mean i've got the facilities, trust me. just say the word and we can make your dreams come true :]
you're just instantly terrified. you're shaking your head, sitting up like no, that's not what friends do. and- and it's hard! to make a girl- y'know... and he's like ?? no it's not ?? i promise i won't have a hard time with you bug.
so once you've suggested that he won't be able to do it.. he's gonna do it. he'd never ever force you to do anything against your will but the only excuses that you have are that friends don't do that (and they totally do!!! james is right now!!!!) and that it would probably be hard for him, and nothing about you not wanting it. so when he finally gets it out of you that yes you want it, but no he won't be able to help, he's gonna go to town. he begs for a chance to prove you wrong and you should have known with his super competitive nature that challenging him would be dumb, but i mean. worst case scenario he can't do it. you're already expecting that. why not??
so he tries, rubbing your pretty little clit and stroking over your folds before dipping between them, only a little upset that you're already wet because it means that he can't get you all worked up first, he can't kiss the slick out of you, he can't suck on your neck until you're wet, it's already there </3 but next time for sure, for now he's very excited about just being able to touch you
your cunt is warm and wet and everything he's ever dreamed of, but he's too nervous about overstepping to ask to eat you out, so he doesn't.. but in future, it's coming.
but he absolutely soaks in the moment, humming and cooing and crooning at you about how good it feels, asking you every time you whimper if it feels nice, if he's doing it right, if you think he'll be able to finish you off. and it's so intoxicating having him that close that you absolutely have to use all of your willpower to not kiss him while he hovers over you. he guides you through your orgasm and brings you down gently, absolutely the perfect lover, and he even asks if he can lick his fingers clean. he's like wouldn't think it was weird, would you, bug? I can clean 'em off? and when you nod he sucks them clean, humming at your taste and grinning giddily at you.
now you have a helper ! he will not leave u alone. bed sharing is a must now, and the more you sleep together, the more horny you are for him, and the more you wake up in the middle of the night, and the more he 'helps you out', and it is a cycle that you couldn't break if you tried, not that you'd ever want to.
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wonuwrites · 2 months
are you still looking for MTL suggestions? how about MTL likely to have the rest of the group scheme to get them a date.
so like Most = the guy with zero rizz. he's shy or awkward or both but he needs all the help he can get. or he's the dummy who doesn't know he's in love. the members all "casually" DM you on the same day to see what you're doing on the day that he has open.
Least = this guy pulls. the members don't even know who he's out with, or if it's the same person every time, just that he's always out. the members trying to get him a date would actually backfire by throwing him off his game. their hijinks would be disastrous and he would be mortified but his blushing is so cute you still agree to a date. this man cannot be stopped.
Always looking MTL suggestions and sooo excited for this LOLOLOL. Thank you for asking for a MTL <3
Warnings: mostly fluffy but def some will be suggestive. *Cough Cough MINGYU Cough Cough*
A/N: I hope I did this the way you wanted if you wanted it to be written. also I'll be adding "songs" I was listening to while writing each of their parts to their name. For example:
Wonwoo (song linked is Message In A Bottle by Taylor Swift)
just doing so bc sharing music is a love language of mine and getting 13 chances to do that is awesome imo <3 LOL
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before we begin I do want to say something: I do think all members have a bit of rizz to them. I think if they were presented with an opportunity they would kill it. I mean, they have MILLIONS of people who love them because they are them. The way I wrote this is based on my interpretations on how they've done things with Nana Tour and GoSe episodes. Please note this may differ from what others may see. Please let me know what y'all think after reading it. <3 ok let's start :D
✫ Woozi *song note: this song has nothing to do with this one shot but ye*
Jihoon is one of those weird ones where he can charm people like nobody's business but idk I feel like he is really into his work so dating or anything like that is at the bottom of the barrel at the this point. I can see if he were to have a crush on someone, he would love them from afar because he doesn't want to ruin things with you but also not with his work. Due to this thought process is why I have him at first. He would NEED the members to step in because honestly, he could be okay with just loving you from afar. I could see members setting up blind dates for him actually. I could see all 12 of them trying so hard to be a wingman but honestly it was up to him whether or not he would want to have extra commitment at the time or not. Let's say a blind date did happen and you were the apple of his eye and all the members were in on it. I feel like it would be the most adorable yet most awkward date because of nerves and everything like that. He thought you were pretty and tbh, so did you. You thought he was cute as hell (which you are right.) If the date went well, he would def be the one to ask you for a second date and your number if he didn't already have it. <3
✫ Jun *song note: I'm obsessed with this song.*
I was debating on putting Jun and Jihoon at most for the longest time. Like I said in my Authors Note, I do think all of them have some type of rizz or whatever but Jun is one of the more quiet and shy members. The reasons I have him second is because I feel like he would like people that intimidate him at first meeting? haha. According to his K Profile he likes "someone who looks pure. He also likes sexy girls." So take that as you will. Anyways, I feel like he'd be a bit shy if he liked someone at first and would really be in his head about it. The members would literally drag him to your first date and if there was an outing with you they would always make sure you two were near each other. After a few awkward moments of adorable giggles and glances at each other, you both went on a double date with one of the other members (tbh probably Soonyoung or Minghao) and it was at that moment all the anxieties had went out the window. Over time, he became more confident and comfortable with your budding relationship. so sorry this is all jumbled, I had no inspo for this one :(
✫ Seungkwan *song note: the last NCT 127 I genuinely liked :(*
Seungkwan is pretty extroverted but he gets into his head a lot so out of all the members I can actually see him asking one of his hyungs to help him out. LOL. He just trusts his hyungs for the most part and he really wanted to be yours but he was afraid. He would try to act confident at all times but when it came to you he was a shy bean. He would probably have Seokmin or Jeonghan help him out if he were to personally ask for help. ngl, I can also see Mingyu trying to help him out as well but it would be more of a "I want Boo Seungkwan to be happy and I'm tired of him not making a move." After the guys planned a date for y'all, similarly to Jun his anxieties lightened up. He was enchanted for this moment and he was hoping you were also enchanted.
✫ S Coups *song name: this was high school and i miss hearing it on the bus*
Look, Seungcheol has got rizz, we all know this. HEAR ME OUT THO. There was a thing I saw a few weeks ago where he said he was sad because one day he would break million of carats hearts when he gets married which :') (PRECIOUS.) So because of this I feel like that's his mentality right now where he doesn't want to hurt anyone plus his main focus is Seventeen. I feel like he'd be the member where if he had a crush on you, he rather admire from a distant instead of hurting you because idol life and fear of what dating news would be like. I feel like Seventeen would hate seeing him hurt himself in process of trying not to hurt you but they could see his unintentional cold shoulder to you would be killing you inside. One day, Joshua couldn't handle it anymore and just texted both of you to meet at a restaurant to meet up and just see how things go. Which it did as everyone but you two assumed would. help this gives me a one shot idea. if someone wants it pls let me know xo
✫ Hoshi *song note: ngl I might make a oneshot with Soonyoung with this song in future*
Soonyoung is such a wild card so I put him in a category of "could go either way" along with Minghao and Wonwoo. With Soonyoung I feel like he is someone that would not have trouble in dating or getting numbers but I also know he is a bit more shy and reserved around others that he doesn't know so he wouldn't mind if other members got involved. I feel like he'd be more chill about their help then Wonwoo and Minghao. I think it wouldn't even matter which member or members were to help him out. He'd just be grateful for the support from them. If it was from members, it would mostly be a blind date where neither of you really knew each other but if you were friends with one of the members already he'd be a bit more comfortable. If your date was because of him, expect a very blushy Soonyoung who would be smiley the whole time because someone as special as you agreed to spend a few hours with someone like him.
✫ Minghao *song note: this is my fave song atm*
Minghao like I said in Soonyoung's part is part of my "it could go either way" line. I feel like unlike Soonyoung it would matter who helped him out because I feel like he'd ask for advice from the older members or the 97 line on what he should do. I feel like he would want to pursue you but he would be nervous about rejection which... who in their right mind would ever reject him?! Anyways, that would be why he would go seeking for help. I feel like once he got over that hurdle of self doubt and lands a date with you with the help of Jun he would be such a gentleman and you would wonder how in the world you were able to meet someone as amazing as Xu Minghao.
✫ Wonwoo
The final member of the "it could go either way" is the handsome as HELL member Jeon Wonwoo. (yes they are all handsome as hell but I am so whipped for him it's not okay.) With Wonwoo, I feel like he would admire from afar for a while and debate on if he would want to pursue someone or not. From what I've read online, it takes him awhile to get used to people which is why it would take him a month or so to see what he wants. Which is why his members would get involved. Some members, ie Hip Hop Unit (especially Seungcheol) might get impatient with is prolonged plan and would message you and invite you to an event with them. While at the event, they would try to subtly make sure that you both were near each other the whole time. I can see Seungcheol smirking if you both started to talk throughout the night and ignoring everyone else in the process. Mission accomplished.
me after i saw this gif
✫ Jeonghan *song note: I'm not even sorry about this song. it's a bop*
Now we are getting into the "members that don't need help" category. I feel like it is perfect to start it off with Yoon Jeonghan. Jeonghan has such a loving personality and has rizz that makes anyone blush. Don't believe me? Watch him with Hyungwon from Monsta X LMAOOOOO Anyways, I feel like if he likes you he would tease you like a school yard kid. Some might find it strange but it would win you over and have you tease him back as well. Bottom line you both would be leaving said conversations with new phone numbers in your phone afterwards.
✫ Joshua *song note: Help this song just gave me inspo for a Joshua one shot o.o*
Hong Jisoo is such a flirt, if you don't agree you can argue with the freaking wall. He would have you kicking your feet by just saying hello LMAO. He might act shy but we know homie is an extrovert and honestly I could see him pulling an Ariana Grande with you. "I see it, I want it, I got it." but of course make it *gentleman-y* He would come up to you first and would ask you questions and would just have you smiling and honestly as would you. Anyone looking would have thought y'all have known each other forever.
✫ Vernon *song note: this song is song of all songs*
Hansol doesn't need ANY help when it comes to dating but he's similar to Wonwoo where he is very selective to who he dates. He's the type of guy if he likes somebody, he will tell them or just pursue him. I can see him being one of the most casual members when it comes to asking you to go on a date or to be his. He'd ask you what you like to do and then would say something along the lines, "oh cool, would you like to do that sometime with me?" He would be all smiles if you said sure and honestly, it would surprise some of his members how good he was at getting dates. But then again, they all were obsessed with his charms as well so????
✫ Dokyeom *song note: hot people are swarats. (Swifite x Carats)*
For the final three we are in the "they def fuck" category LOL. I know Seokmin seems like a wild card pick but hear me out. I feel like even though he is introverted, he is also outgoing and not afraid to make connections. Plus he is part of the 97 group chat and idk to me the majority of that line just drip with rizz and able to get dates. I feel like Seokmin is similar to Jeonghan where his loving personality and just how he is makes people swoon. At first you were hesitant when you first became acquainted with him. You thought he was too good to be true. When you told him that, he would be taken aback and do everything in his power to show you that he was serious about you. idk how i feel about this one, I might come back and rewrite this or do a drabble later
✫ Dino *song note: this is my husband. yes he makes baby making music.*
pls don't tell him wait~~ sorry. anywhore. LEE CHAN fucks but also is a lover boy. I could end it there but that would be boring and Dinonara's deserve better. To be fair, if it wasn't for Wait he would not have been this low but Wait was just wow. Chan just has an aura where he would be such a tease to his significant other or his future partner. I can see him being a mashup of Mingyu, Jeonghan, and Joshua. He would be such an annoying flirt and would laugh or smirk if it made you flustered. Even if it came of cocky, it worked pretty well on his behalf. His members still would tease him regardless of the outcome too.
✫ Mingyu *Song Note: :) :) :) I love this song*
Kim Mingyu. This man fucks and it's delulu to think he does not. It's honestly weird when I think about Mingyu. I mean this respectfully when I say he gives such fuck boy x house husband vibes and sometimes it pisses me off. That's an aries for you tho. LMAO. Anyways, it's almost impossible to not fall in love with Mingyu. Not only is he super attractive but he also is just genuinely so nice which is why he would not struggle. Even if it is easy for him, if he was with you. He was with. you. He would be so down bad and would constantly compliment, flirt, and just love you. It would be as simple as basic math to him.
this took so much longer than I thought it would. I hope I did it the way you wanted me too <33
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fl3shm4id3n · 1 year
𝓑𝓵𝓾𝓮 𝓢𝓴𝓲𝓮𝓼
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐌𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞. 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝'𝐬 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬. 𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞, 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬, 𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐨. 𝐇𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐧.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ɴᴇᴛᴇʏᴀᴍ x ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ! ꜰᴇᴍ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
ꜱᴏɴɢ: ʟᴀɴᴀ ᴅᴇʟ ʀᴇʏ- ᴄɪɴɴᴀᴍᴏɴ ɢɪʀʟ
Tw: Teenage love, mentions of passed bullying, weapon mentioned (spear), mamas just want what’s best for their kids, Tonowari being a loving father, Titanic reference, confession, kissing. 
Author’s note: I thought of spicing things up a bit, they will be more conflict later but not too hard because I am rooting for Neteyam and Y/n. Also comment some ideas for the next part, idk how long this series will turn out, but I'd like to see what you guys want to see next. I hope I’m not moving too fast, I just really love where this is going. I also forgot to add the masterlist on the other fics, I’ll be sure to add the link.
P.s. I apologies for late tagging people on my taglist, its my first time doing a taglist and I go back to my other posts and check the comments to see if anyone else would want to be tag. Also for some reason some of the people I tag won’t pop up, sorry :(
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Neytiri knew something, she knew that her eldest son had began to catch feelings for someone. The thing is she had no idea who her son was falling head over heels for. She wanted to know who it was and find out fast because the curiosity would consume her, if he ended up lying to her, she would not be happy than she already isn’t. Neytiri was still mad that she had to leave her home, it still irked her that her family will now have to live differently then what they were used to in the forest. 
She wanted to keep a close eye on him but she would be invading his privacy, her mate was already hard on their kids, she didn’t want to be that kind of mother, but if it was for the sake of her children, so be it. Neytiri will give Neteyam some space, allowing him to tell her when he is ready.
Even after that talk with her mate, Ronal was still worried, she feared that her child may be taken away from her from an unworthy mate. She wanted her child to be happy but with the right person. It was hard enough that y/n could not mate before eywa light rest of the people due to her being different. Ronal did not like to call her child a human, humans were demons that destroy beautiful things for their own benefit.
Y/n was strong, yes she may not be a na’vi but she is a strong girl who deserves to be a Tsahik in the future, but she knew that the responsibility will lay on Tsireya due to being the oldest. She hopes in finding out who this person was sooner rather than later, before it is to late. Every time Ronal looks at Y/n, she sees her as a baby she once held for the first time, her small body covered in red, her baby. Ronal would do anything in her power to keep her baby happy.
You had finished getting ready for the day, instead of going for swim, you decided to go practice with your spear. You wore a top that was made of rope, seaweed and some pearls that hanged. For the bottom you wore a small skirt around your hips made out of light and dark net, you tide a cloth under you to cover your intimate parts. You tied your hair up to keep it out of the way, when you were using your weapon. 
When done you left to the beach, the day had been going smoothly. Some kinds were running around playing in the water, the fishermen had come back from the ocean with fish, everything was normal. You stopped in a small spot that was bit farther away from the beach, it was like a training ground of yours and your father’s. You both would come here to practice on how you could use a spear. On your thirteenth birthday he gifted you the spear he made for you. You loved it very much, you didn’t allow anyone to touch, the people who could touch it was Tsireya, your mother and father. You didn’t trust your brother with your spear, he’d probably break it or something. 
You were throwing your spear as hard as you could, you wanted to go farther than you already were. Your father has taught you how to use a spear from a young age, due to it you had got some muscle, you wish you were more muscular like him. Also not to mention what you can do with a blade, when your mother found out that your father gave you a blade at a small age, she nearly popped a blood vessel. Ronal was very protective of you, she feared that anything could harm you due to not being a na’vi. Tonowari had a talk with her about you learning how to fight and such, he knew that one day they will not always be their to protect you, he wanted you to be a warrior and to fend for yourself when they were no longer around.
After what felt like a while, you managed to throw the spear farther away hitting a palm tree near by. You began jumping of joy, you finally manage to do it. “Good shot” you stopped to turn, seeing the oldest forest boy. You felt your face feel a bit warm. “Oh, thank you, I didn’t know you were here” you said as you walked over to the palm tree to get your spear. Neteyam walked closer, just incase you need help with pulling out your spear.
You got a good grip on your spear and pulled hard enough, taking the spear out the palm tree. Neteyam watched as his mouth dropped, you were strong, of course you were, you’re the daughter of the Olo'eyktan. You smiled at him seeing his face. “What?” you giggled which made him change his face real quick. “Oh! Nothing, you’re just... really strong” he said shyly looking away as he rubbed the back of his neck. You smiled at him “well, you can thank my father for that” you said walking back to your spot having him follow. “Would you like to try?” you asked making him nod, no questions asked.
You had been showing Neteyam how hold the spear properly, you didn’t mind having to position his arms the right way, you loved being close to him. Neteyam was trying to do what he was told but he was distracted by you, how close you were. When you’d instruct him how to properly hold it and positioned him, he felt butterflies in his stomach, he also couldn’t help but look at you, you were just so beautiful. “You ready?” You asked as he then snapped out of his trance and nodded. “Okay, now throw it as fast as you can” he did as he was told. The spear landed on the sand, a couple feet away from the palm tree. 
“Nice shot, soon you’ll be able to master a spear, you’ll be a...pro?” you said a bit confused, trying to use the word he used the other day. Neteyam chuckled seeing that were tying to use the word. “I’m not as good as you” he mentioned making you smile at up at him. You got a good look at his features again, you loved seeing him, you wouldn’t mind staring into his eyes for the rest of your life.
You then walked over to were your spear was breaking the trance you had on him. “Have you gone to your lessons today?” you asked retrieving your spear. Neteyam shook his head “no, not yet, shall we go?” he asked as you nodded, walking over back to him and leaving together to where the rest of the teens were.
As you both walked towards the small group, you heard a deep voice call out to you. “Y/n” you turned to see who it was, it was your father. “Coming!” You shouted back, turning to look at Neteyam “you go, I’ll catch up.” You said towards the tall na’vi in which he nodded and left towards the group, you walked over to your father, spear in hand “yes father?” you said looking up at the gentle giant. “Come, lets go for a ride, we haven’t gone in a while” you nodded, following him.
You both approached to his skimswim, Tonowari got on first then he helped you hop on, you sat in front of him holding tightly onto your spear and held onto the handle of the saddle. Then you both took off, the ride was silent but you like having a moment like this with your father. He’s a scary looking giant but he was gentle at the same time, you’d referred to him as a gentle giant a couple times since you were smaller. The skimswim dived underwater, taking you both down with it. It made you smile, since that the creature felt playful today. Your father looked down at you smile, making his chest warm up seeing his child happy. 
It reminded him when you were a child, the first time you were scared of the creature but you warmed up to it. Since then your father would take you on rides with his creature. When you went back up to the surface for a breath, you laughed “that was fun” you said petting the skimswim, making the creature wag its tale for being praised. Tonowari then asked “so, tell me, what are your thoughts on the Sullys?” he asked as you looked up at him. “They seem very nice, well, Neytiri is a bit scary like mother... don’t tell here I said that!” you playful warned your father making laughing at you. “I won’t” he said. “But, Neteyam, he is really nice to me, well all the sully kids are nice to me including Jake, but he is the sweetest.” 
You said feeling your face heat up, your father noticed this, he knew that look very well. He had that same look when he began to catch feelings for his now Mate Ronal. He hummed then talked “y/n? If that boy makes you happy, don’t let him go” he said catching you off guard. “Hm? what do you mean?” you asked a bit confused. “I know that look, you have the same look when someone is interested in another, I was young once too.”  Now you understood, he was referring to your feelings towards Neteyam. 
“You approve of him?” You asked curiously, he smiled down at you “just a bit, he still has to prove himself though, so far he is doing a great job” he said, this made you happy, seeing that your father seems to be approving of Neteyam. “Thank you father” you said smiling at him, he pulled you into a hug, in which you hugged him back gladly.
Neteyam was wondering where you were, the lesson was over, he was worried that you had got into trouble. Then he saw you with your father on his Skimswim approaching, he saw that you father told you something before you got off and swam towards the group, then he saw your father take off. “We were wondering where you were” your brother said as you finally reached them. “I was with father that’s all” you said. 
“Well, the lesson of today is over, so everyone is just going to do whatever” Lo’kak chimed in, giving his brother a look, making Neteyam glare at him. “That’s alright, you guys have a great teacher” you said refuring to your sister. “What about me Y/n?” Ao’nung asked giving you a look, in which you pretended to think for a moment “you’re alright” you said making the group laugh, in which your brother let out a dramatic gasp. “My own sister thinks I am alright? How outrages” he said chuckling.
Everyone swam back to shore, going their separate ways. Only leaving you and Neteyam, it was silent until you spoke “so, do you want to do anything?” You asked looking up at him. You noticed how he had a little smile on his lips “I mean, I did promise you a ride on my banshee” you got excited now “shall we do that?!” You asked, and he responded “if that’s what you want, then yes, lets do it” he said as he took your hand, now taking you were his banshee was.
When you got to where is beast was, you were nervous, you had never seen such a beast. “Don’t look at him in the eyes” Neteyam warmed you, in which you looked away from the beasts face, not looking at its wings. They reminded you of a skimswim but instead of being in the water, they were from the sky. Neteyam got close to his beast, petting him and calming him down. “Want to pet him?” he asked as you nodded, walking closer towards him, he took your small hand and placed it on the beasts head. You softly pet him, feeling him purr under your touch. “Wow” you said fascinated by the beast. “Cool right?” Neteyam asked as you nodded while still petting the beast.
Neteyam got on his banshee and latched into him using his queue, then he turned to you and helped you up onto the banshee. He placed you in front of him and guided your hands to hold into the settle. “Ready?” he asked as you turned to look up at him “I was born ready” you said, Neteyam then gave the cue to his banshee, then the beast took off onto the sky.
You held tightly onto the handle and closed your eyes, afraid that you may end up falling. Neteyam took a note of this, then he wrapped his free arm around your waist and help you tightly close to him. You felt your face heat up at the feeling of his arm. After a couple minutes, you opened your eyes and looked around. Seeing how high you are in the sky, you felt fascinated seeing how close you were towards the clouds and near the blue sky. 
When you looked down, you saw how small the village looked smaller, the air felt good going through your hair, it felt as good as when you go swimming. You slowly let go of the handle then stock your arms out on both sides, wanting to feel more of the wind. Neteyam was confused at first but he saw how relaxed you were, he still held onto your waist keeping you safe while his other one held onto the banshee. 
You didn’t even notice the time, it was going to be dark soon, the sun was setting. You had landed on a small mountain near the village, seeing the sun set. It was beautiful, even better with the person you were with. “I had fun today” you said looking at Neteyam who had a smile on his face. “I am glad” he said looking down at your small face, he just loved looking at you, he could just stare at you all day, forever if he could. He had a feeling that he needed to say, if he didn’t say it he’ll probably regret it later. 
“Y/n, I have been meaning to tell you something” Neteyam said shyly, now your face turned into one of curiosity. “What is Neteyam?” you asked as you felt his lard hands taking yours into his. “For the last few days, I’ve been having feelings, feelings I’ve never felt before, ever.” He took a deep breath, he felt like a fish out of water now, getting nervous. “Whenever I look at you, I feel like, I am at home” he said, his words made your face feel hot. “I see you y/n” he finally said it, he felt the weight on his shoulders fade, but he felt like his stomach drop, fearing rejection by the one who he wishes is his mate. 
Your face felt even more heated, he saw you, Neteyam Sully saw you like you saw him. Still a bit in shock at his confession, you broke into a smile. Squeezing his hand lightly and spoke back to him. “And I see you Neteyam, the moment I first set my eyes on you, I see you” you said seeing his face turn into one of relief. “May I...kiss you?” He asked shyly looking down at your small hands. You smiled at his shyness, softly lifting his head “Of course, Ma Neteyam” You said softly locking eyes with his.
Neteyam leaned down, placing both his large hands on your small face. You came closer towards him, closing your eyes, feelings his warm lips touching your cold ones. This felt nice, this felt right, you placed your smaller hands on his large ones that held your face. You stayed like that for a bit before slowly pulling away from him and looked into his sun colored eyes. Then he whispered only for you to hear. 
“Ma Y/n”
Taglist: @byunpum, @moony-artemis, @aonungs-tsahik, @rennyramen, @somewereinthegalaxi, @em-asian, @fanboyluvr, @mashiromochi, @eternallyvenus, @teenagemuffinlampcalzone, @ssophiebirkas​, @fanficblogs,  
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bonkquartz · 6 days
a hat in time au; what if the conductor fought dj grooves instead?
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just a sketch for an animation meme i wanna make. gave grooves more stars on his jacket and also a little, idk what it's called but it's like, a stitch? on the open part of his jacket at the bottom (i don't know how to explain it but i thought it looked cool). his trousers have diamonds on the side.
conductor looks a bit more casual here, he is wearing a blazer tucked into his belt, loose tie, holding his hat in his hand. he's also wearing trousers that have two pockets like the ones in cargo pants. his trousers are tucked into his boots which have some belts on them. maybe he has the dead bird studio logo on the back of his blazer and on the chest pocket?
i hope these designs look cool, i think they look cool !!
extra sketch + my opinions on the intended boss in botb under the cut [long scroll]
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little beady eyes poking out
ofc it's plausible that both characters could be the actual intended boss, and there's evidence for both, but i wanna explain my idea on things !!
at first i was conflicted because at the start it shows that the conductor has 3 time pieces while dj grooves has 2. this led me to think that the conductor has to be the winner because he has two to give for his levels and then one final one to give for his award ceremony, while dj grooves only has two to give for his levels. but i realised recently that the conductor actually gives away one of his time pieces before you even get to any of their levels, which would mean that both of them have 2 time pieces each for their levels, and my original theory is false !!! so now i am completely convinced that it is MR. GROOVES HIMSELF who is the intended villain (i know that there probably isn't an actual 'intended' boss, this is just headcanoning really and i'm completely fine with others thinking differently to my headcanon).
first off, it's a plot twist i personally love. he's such a kind and chill guy, how could he turn on us like this ?! i LOVE it. i think that all of those continuous losses really can take a toll on him, especially because he DID win once. it must've felt amazing, but it means the failure afterwords would be all that more upsetting. i believe all of this really affected him. i mean, how couldn't it? it seems obvious that it'd negatively impact anyone's mind. i feel like it festered inside of him, as a large mass of hatred and despair; he couldn't take it, what good is it being a filmmaker if you aren't even good at it? when he finally started considering the idea of quitting, the perfect solution fell into his lap - a girl approached him, speaking of mysterious hourglasses with time-shifting abilities, about how they're the optimal fix for problems such as theirs, speaking about the fame he could have - the power he could wield.
and then he had it. the annual bird movie award was right in his flippers. it was his, all his. but he didn't do it alone. he had produced a new star. was it because of her that he won? a familiar feeling of jealousy encapsulated him. she had to go.
but he failed, he failed to dispose of her, and there were so many witnesses to his failure.
his moon penguins, they were like a family to him, and they saw him like this. even the conductor was there, helping the girl. why? why did it turn out this way? all he wanted was to feel proud of himself, he wanted to feel like he deserved the admiration he got from his fellow moon penguins, he wanted to make them proud.
WHY did this turn into a fanfic??? but anyways, i wanted to give an insight into how i believe he felt during the whole thing, and i guess a fanfic was the best way to do that????????? but um, actual reasons that convince me:
- the hitbox is always dj grooves' - it's more interesting to me story-wise, personally - in hat kid's diary, she seems shocked by the betrayal and like someone else pointed out, i feel like she would have seen the conductor betraying her coming, so that wouldn't be shocking, but dj grooves being the boss would be shocking to her. after all, he's been so nice to her from the start!! - dj grooves is one of my favourite characters.... - he isn't majorly featured in any subsequent chapters - could show that he feels too guilty !! - in the concept game he was always going to be the villain - he gets his own storybook (i think it's in the dlcs?), the conductor doesn't. the main bosses all have their own storybooks i think.
probably more but i have to sleep away !!!
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expired-applejuice · 1 year
Part 5 of incorrect quotes
Bahorel: Guys, there's a monster under my bed and it's really ugly.
Grantaire, on the bottom bunk: Honestly, fuck you.
Cosette: i made a Marshmallow Inspector Javert.
Cosette: see? his arms are crossed because he's mad at Marshmallow Valjean for escaping him.
Cosette: you like it?
Javert: *choked up* it's fine.
Courfeyrac: Once again, Courfeyrac and Combeferre save the day.
Enjolras: You didn't do anything It was all Combeferre.
Courfeyrac: We're a package deal. Everybody knows that.
Grantaire: Hello, fellow idiots
Enjolras: Hello, Grantaire
Grantaire: No, no, not you, you're not an idiot
Enjolras: You underestimate me
*Combeferre is cooking*
Grantaire: Any chance that's for me?
Combeferre: It's for Courfeyrac. I'm planning on making some bad choices tonight, and I need him on my side.
Enjolras: I never realized the forethought that went into being a disappointment
Enjolras: Feuilly isn't answering his phone
Bahorel: I'll call
Combeferre: Enjolras and I have both tried six times each, what makes you thi-
Feuilly: Hello?
Javert: God, give me patience.
Valjean: I think you mean "give me strength".
Javert: No, You better hope God doesn't give me strength because if he did, you'd be dead.
Joly: Hey, Bossuet? What does IDK, ILY, and TTYL mean?
Bossuet: i don't know, I love you, talk to you later.
Joly: Oh, okay, I'll just ask Musichetta. I love you too.
Jehan: You have to apologize.
Montparnasse: Fine, but this might make me a better and more likable person and that is not the man you fell in love with!
Someone may have done this
*playing truth or dare*
Eponine: Okay, truth or dare?
Grantaire: Dare.
Eponine: Kiss the next person who arrives.
Grantaire: Gross, I'm not kissing any of you. None of you are my type.
*Enjolras walks in*
Grantaire, using breath stray and putting on chapstick: Well, a dare's a dare.
Courfeyrac: You know my motto: carpe diem, carpe noctem, carpe coles.
Marius: Seize the day, seize the night, what's the last one?
Courfeyrac: Seize the dick.
Grantaire: mean, sure, I have my bad days. But then I remember what a cute smile Apollo has.
Combeferre: *seductively takes off glasses*
Combeferre: Wow...
Courfeyrac, blushing: Haha... what?
Combeferre: You're really fucking blurry.
Bossuet: Hey, babe.
Joly: Hmm?
Bossuet: I need your help with a math problem.
Joly: Oh, sure! What do you need?
Bossuet: How do you simplify 2i<6u?
Joly: i<3u
Bossuet: Awww, i<3u too!
Enjolras, texting Bossuet: Send dudes
Bossuet: You mean-
Bossuet: You mean send nudes??!
Enjolras: No, we crashed the funeral and I'm bleeding. Send Grantaire
Grantaire: *already ran out the door*
Combeferre: I know every song to ever exist, doesn't matter when it was made.
Enjolras: Oh, yeah?
Grantaire: Finish this; I don't cook, I don't clean-
Combeferre: but let me tell you how got this ring,
Combeferre, Grantaire, and Courfeyrac, who came out of no were: GOBBLE ME, SWALLOW ME, DRIP DOWN THE SIDE OF ME-
Eponine: You don't think can fight because I'm a girl.
Marius: 'Ponie I don't think you can fight because you're in a wedding dress. To be fair, don't think Bahorel could fight in that either.
Bahorel: No, but I'd make a bomb ass wife.
Valjean: You're pouting.
Javert: I'm not pouting, I'm brooding.
Valjean: That's how pretty men pout.
Valjean, picking up his phone: Javert? I'm kind of busy right now-
Javert: Do you think drinking thirty-six cans of Redbull consecutively would heighten my senses or would I just die?
Valjean: I'm on my way.
Eponine: Bitches be like "I'm baby" but have childhood trauma and were neglected.
Eponine: Like what do you know about being baby? You were forced to grow up from an early age.
Everyone else:
Eponine: It's me. I'm bitches.
Gavroche, sighing: We know.
Feuilly: Y'all ever get so tired you see spiders?
Grantaire: Me when I take seventeen Benadryl and start seeing the Hat Man.
Jehan: THE WHAT?
Grantaire: Oh, so this is suddenly not a safe space?
Courfeyrac: Relationships should be 50/50; Combeferre cooks dinner while I sit on the counter looking pretty.
Bahorel: Not everyone likes you, Montparnasse. You aren't Feuilly.
Montparnasse: Not everyone likes Feuilly??
Enjolras, coming out of no where: Who?
Bahorel, cracking his knuckles: we need names, Montparnasse.
Musichetta: Can you two cut me some slack? I'm sort of in love.
Joly: I'm sorry, but that's really not our problem.
Musichetta: I'm in love with you both.
Bossuet, blushing: Oh... that brings us into the loop a little.
Combeferre: I fell-
Courfeyrac: From heaven?
Combeferre: No, I literally fell-
Courfeyrac: In love with me the moment you saw me
Courfeyrac: Ok, but am I pretty? Be honest.
*Combeferre and Grantaire in a casino*
Combeferre: Grantaire, we're about to get kicked out-
Grantaire: Shush!
Combeferre: We gotta-
Grantaire: Shut up!
Combeferre: R-
Grantaire: Shh! Shush, shush, shush! Do you hear that?
Combeferre: Wha- are you drunk?
Grantaire: Yes, but listen!
Grantaire: It's the sound of me not giving a fuck.
Javert: We all have our demons.
Javert, pointing at Les Amis: These ones are mine.
Valjean, helping Marius stand after being wounded: You need to be careful, you're loosing a lot of blood-
Marius, loopy: I'm not "loosing" it, I know exactly where it is!
*Marius points to the puddle of his blood on the floor.*
Valjean: Oh, dear Lord, I should just leave you.
Enjolras, making his third cup of coffee: Why are my hands so shaky?
Combeferre, on his fifth: Your skeleton is ready to hatch.
Montparnasse, to Feuilly: What's the first thing you notice when someone approaches you?
Bahorel, holding Feuilly's hand: The audacity.
Combeferre: Did you know-
Bahorel: That somethings are better left unsaid?
Combeferre: Nice try.
Eponine: Do you have any idea how dangerous I'd be if I had zero self doubt?
Jehan: If I were a drink, I'd be cherry vanilla coke. If you were a drink, what would you be?
Grantaire: Bleach.
Bahorel: Blood
Montparnasse: arsenic
Feuilly: Alright, calm down edgelords.
Grantaire: Dad didn't raise a quitter!
Joly: I thought your dad left?
Grantaire: Which is why I'm quitting.
Grantaire to Combeferre: Do you think I'm ugly?
Combeferre: It's not about looks, R. What's valuable is on the inside.
Grantaire, touched: Aww...
Combeferre: For example, someone's heart.
Grantaire: You're a good friend, Combeferre -
Combeferre: It can be priced at over one million US dollars, you know.
Grantaire: Ok, here's my wishlist.
Musichetta: This is surprisingly reasonable.
Joly: We could probably get all this by Christmas.
Enjolras: Oh, so no one's gonna ask why I'm on the list?
Grantaire: That's more of a hope.
Enjolras: I still don't get why I'm on the list?
Bossuet, to Grantaire: Are you sure you don't want someone else?
Grantaire: Nope, I want him.
*playing Would You Rather?*
Eponine: Ok, R. Would you rather die or-
Grantaire: Die.
Cosette: She hasn't even-
Grantaire: Die.
Marius: Grantaire, we talked about this...
Enjolras: I was born for politics.
Enjolras: have great hair and I'm great at lying.
Bahorel: I've thought about taking swim classes for adults, but honestly that's sadder than just drowning.
Combeferre, to Grantaire: I need 45 minutes away from you, and then we can be best friends again.
Montparnasse: *raises eyebrows *
Jehan: Put those back down
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runin-reads · 6 months
Trans James Potter headcanons
This is just me brain dumping for my current prongsfoot WIP where James is a stealth trans guy and how this would affect the way he navigates relationships and his place in society. I try to base my writing on canon text so let me know if anything is inconsistent with the books
Not much would change. I see Sirius as someone who genuinely doesn’t care for a guys physical traits when it comes to falling in love. He’s perceptive and can see past a persons facade in seconds. He sees James as just another guy and falls for him because of his character— anatomy be damned. So wrt to their relationship they’d still be obsessed with each other and fit into that ‘two bodies one soul’ narrative
Nothing is off limits between them so I imagine Sirius would be very involved in James’ transition. He helps him do his T shots and he’s always the first person to notice and be told when James goes through a certain change
James would be the type to identify as a guy his entire life. It’s established in the books that his parents were very doting and wealthy, so even though they’re elderly I think they would accept James as their son and he’d have the support available to transition early on. James would be such a different person if his parents didn’t spoil him as a child, so I want to keep that aspect of his upbringing no matter what.
the way he would view his trans-ness would differ greatly from the current generation. I imagine there would be a huge dissonance between him and the label “trans” because he’s seen himself as a guy for as long as he can remember.
His idea of masculinity would be very hetero-normative given the time period he was raised in. His parents were happily married his entire life and I think their relationship would influence how he imagines his own future to be like. He wants to be a father to a child and a husband to a wife, and he subconsciously decides that that is the way a man should be.
In Snape's Worst Memory it’s implied that James cared a lot about what others think. While he and Sirius are antagonising Snape James kept looking back to see if the girls (namely Lily) were watching. I think being trans would only heighten this urge to be cool and popular. He’d love the attention he got from girls because it affirms his masculinity and he’d put a lot of effort into maintaining his image
I’ve already written about how prongsfoot (james/sirius) is queer coded. To add to that, there are two possible ways by which James deals with his not-so-platonic feelings for Sirius. One, he accepts these feelings much more easily than he would have in canon because he’s already trans so what’s a little more queerness. Two, he denies these feelings, preferring to stick to the hetero-normative standards set by his parents and society. (Both possibilities are based on my own experiences as a trans guy so trust me, trans people can still experience internalised homophobia)
On a more lighthearted note he’s the type of guy to try to put a permanent sticking charm on his packer/STP device lol. Key word: try. Sirius would talk him out of it but he would at some point find a way to use magic to keep his packer from falling out in the changing rooms etc.
His confidence would only grow once T starts taking effect on his body. He'd probably brag about his bottom growth to Sirius which, unbeknownst to James, ends up flustering Sirius a LOT
He doesn't bind because even though puberty blockers weren't used back in the 60s/70s, let's just say Monty and Effie found a magical alternative like a potion for example
idk if the wizarding world has its own equivalent of gender affirming care and I highly doubt JKR ever wrote about it, so I'll go off on a limb and say James uses both muggle and wizarding methods to transition depending on what's more convenient for the plot of my fic
If j/s did fool around I think James would be pretty bossy in bed lmao and he'd be very adamant that Sirius should avoid 'female' terms for his body and stick to words like 'cock' or 'front hole'
It would take a long time for James to be open to intercourse so uh they'd get very creative in the meantime
not an expert on magic but James would definitely find a way to like charm his packer so that it gets erect and he can continue living in stealth.
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canonically47 · 5 months
didja see the first All Stars ep yet?
yes!! i really liked it, fiore and yul’s exchange was hilarious and i literally screamed when alec and grett came on screen, i missed them so much. aiden and james are so fun and bounce off each other so well. also, i need gabellie + tess friendship in this season. better yet, tellabby polyam relationship 😌 also... tomjake... please do not get back together. if you haven’t communicated these past two years at ALL and neither of you (OR MIRIAM???) tried to reach out... at this point just call your whole relationship off. you are not meant to be, romantically or otherwise. just boot jake or tom first, i am tired of dealing with them
i’m rooting for the blue team the hardest. ngl they could all make it to merge and i stand by that. i’m looking forward to seeing their interactions. the other teams contain characters i don’t really care about and some i really love (alec, grett and fiore <333 ...yul, ashley, connor, riya <<<) so i have mixed feelings on them. also yul now also being homophobic beside racist is not the funny haha joke i think they were aiming for, or i guess i’m not the target audience for it
i’m also happy to see the improvement in some of the sound quality and acting. aiden, tom, alec, fiore all still sound great in both of those. james got a new mic but i still feel like he doesn’t express the right emotion in some scenes, i’m hoping that will change. ally got a new actress! i really like her! but i swear to god that as soon as ally and hunter start fighting and not communicating they will be shoved to the very bottom of my list. those two are already annoying me, and more than tomjake, if that was even possible
i like ellie more already this season. her outfit encaptulates her personality better, she is more confident, she’s attending uni woohoo! also she is the nastiest bitch ever and i LOVE HER for it. yeah girl drag alec and ashley through the dirt, how they are so annoying is beyond me too! (i love alec but i agree so much with ellie WHY DID BRO DROP THAT ON FIORE LMFAO)
anyways again, blue team are my saviours, maybe except tom but i feel like he is less in the wrong than jake. he deserves to take a break from dating. and jake should’ve gotten a therapist with miriam’s money cause girl 💀 you are 26 you better act like it
i really wanted nick, kai or rosa maria back :< i feel like ashley wasn’t as fun as nick could’ve been, and like, seriously who the hell wants connor here, just bring back someone more relevant. i’m sure everyone will get a chance in the spotlight tho, i trust ONC know what they’re doing, i just like some characters better than others
DEREK AND TREVOR I MISSED YOUUUUUUU <333 nina go back to whatever demon spawn you crawled out of. she was my least favorite running gag of s2 and i am so tired of her already she is literally not even funny 😞 KRISTAL AND OLIVER GETTING ALONG THAT’S RIGHT also EMILY!! kind of a queen idk guys.. i like her
i am so excited to see these people in action i am bouncing off the walls
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teresalace · 7 months
The Doplerganger Phenomenon (Halloween 2023) PART 1
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Pairing: (Professor) Loki Laufeyson x Female Reader (College Student)
Warnings: Vague horror mentions, SFW. Words: 2911
Tropes: A doplergnager of someone you know...A string of unexplained deaths and on top of that things are going missing from your apartment.
A/N: 🤪 Inspired hugely from a childhood Japanese horror (?) Romance movie that ws titled Dooplergnager!! #no beta, no editing. My first MCU FIC. Sadly I can't find it on YouTube and I lost the CD, if anyone can find it-- the movie goes like this without any gore. An office girl (I think) lives alone at home, uses charcoal to draw on a canvas and is thinking of entering a museum's art contest... but is so indecisive, and suddenly the door bell rang, she goes to see who it is and sees its a blind guy who idk is asking if it's the right address or smth. She says no and he goes away. ... Boom from one floor beneath her apartment, at the same location as her door, another her appears... her dooplerganger-- who does what she was indecisive about, draws, enters the art contest, basically this whole movie is some detective supernatural thing where a detective discovers that some ppl jump off buildings after seeing their dooplergangers achieve better than them. Sooooo ;) this is not an original idea, just wanna honour this movie.
 "Listen here. If nobody takes this Friday exam seriously, I'll have Mr. Laufeyson take over all my classes for the rest of the week." Lightheartedly said Thor, his wide voice overpowering the whole classroom, grinning in playful triumph, yet the threat was very real. 
Groans and moans—some boos here and there—fill out the jam-packed classroom, ranging from zombie-tired to actual fear responses. My reaction lied delicately, balancing on the tightrope of both dread and hope, but my heart twisted in excitement. 
Among the chorus of complaints, chatter, and chairs shrieking surrounding me, I took my sweet time filing and packing my things, which were not so neat. Class ended on a very motivational note. .   .   . 
Professor Thor's brother was not one most students willingly paid a visit to after-hours, unlike the other teachers, and looking for him without a purpose in academic advice is as pointless as buying rope from a camel. 
His striking slim features, like his most prominent and popular emerald gems for eyes and boney face, take a stand in attracting many to sign up for his courses. I so happened to be one of the lucky few who didn't check the profiles of the teachers and allowed that to influence my decision-making. 
Beauty is always deceiving. 
And it never fails to be so entertaining to watch from the back rows when another person rage-quits, abruptly leaves in the middle of his teaching, or slumps defeatedly in their seats each and every week. It never stopped Mr. Laufeyson from carrying on the lesson—not even when a wasp flew in by mistake and terrorised the class while he didn't bat an eye.
Until it went after him, he took immediate action, swatting it hard against the wall with a ruler. 
He froze. 
Holding that fatal position, he rotated his head towards me—I meant, the class obviously. 
"Now, any questions? And if there are, you best make it good; otherwise, you'd like your future grade to fall from a height." He removes the ruler, revealing a flattened wasp slowly unsticking itself from the wall and plummeting down with a comically weak buzz.
Then silence.   
"Just like that." 
I held back from laughing, except for a tiny chuckle joining the other students'. Sucking in the bottom of my lip, I focused on the assignment on my laptop while keeping an active ear for any tidbits of information from him. I really liked his humorous side. But there was something else about him that I loved. 
 There went the bell, and class was dismissed. Mr. Laufeyson, with a smooth ease, was the first to leave, and the others and I stalled to watch him before following suit in hushed giggles. 
"—ho! Just now, that got me feeling some type of way." 
Another girl low moaned, "I'm melting like an ice cream in the sun."
 "I wish he used that ruler on me instead." 
Mr Laufeyson's back disappeared after a sharp turn, he's never in the cafeteria during lunch breaks but in a way what a relief he won't ever see the dumb side of me. Not that he sees me as anything else except a student. 
But it will change.
Thankfully graduation was right around the corner… By then I'll have a chance to ask him out properly. Maybe buy him some flowers? As a farewell appreciation gift. 
.   .   .
"I heard you used my name again to scare the children," Loki piqued, hands studiously behind his back as he approached the sun-lit kitchen.
His brother, shining blonde tied-back hair, grins wolfishly after downing a beer can and tossing it in the trash, making it over to Loki.
"Relax, it's just a joke, brother!" Thor let out a boisterous laugh, smacking a large hand on Loki's shoulder and causing him to slightly flinch. "College kids need the motivation. A kick of adrenaline, am I right?" 
"More work that is unnecessary doesn't sound very funny to me. I will not be babysitting your class again after last time, a word of warning."
"Oh come on now, you have a knack for torturing students to greatness— and I can supply you with as many peoplee as you wish. Just say the word!—"
Loki's unamusement showed in his thin smile and poise stance.
"—Don't think I've seen the way you've been holding yourself back from having fun these days." He winked, walking off with a whistle in the direction of his study.
Loki didn't think it was obvious but of course his brother noticed his recent shift in behavior, more avoidance. But like all things in life, it would soon pass. It has to. And it will.
The root of his avoidance would graduate soon enough next month. He'll just have to exercise more patience and wait it out.
.    .    .
Friday nights are always the best to rewind and treat myself to fast food on the couch. It's fun to pretend that there's 3 days in the weekend.
Time to imagine the handsome actor in the Notebook as Mr Laufeyson.
"Sorry, can't join you tonight girl. I got a 2nd date with Taro!" Juliet whooped excitedly, pumping a fist towards the ceiling as she one-handedly strapped on her glittery heels with urgency.
I waved weakly at her bursting enthusiasm, smiling hard and happy for her. "Goodluck—"
The door slammed in my face, faint clip-clops of her heels muffled away into the buzzing night, and the disappointment of my ruined plans reflecting off the smooth rogue-wood. 
Welp and there goes movie-night with my bestie roommate… Now I've got the whole place to myself, wowie, nice. Time for some self-care.
Was what I thought before accidentally falling asleep in the middle of a firework love confession scene on the big screen, an empty bag of popcorn kernels laying at the foot of the couch I slouched on. As I finally snored myself awake, a series of insistent knuckle-punching came from the door, louder than the TV audio.
That is so unlike the bubbly optimistic Juliet I know, she wouldn't be coming home until… I patted around me for my phone and checked the time. 
9:00 PM. 
Yep. It's far too early. 
Instantly I sat up straight, unblinking, eyeing the front door with a tight clutch on my phone. No way is Juliet even close to retiring from her date, ever. No one is supposed to be here and not at this time.
Step by cautious step, I neared the door and tiptoed to peer out of the peephole at what–or–who was causing the commotion. My phone at the ready to call the cops.
A mop of slick black hair blocked the majority of my sight: as if this person was leaning forwards, face-first, into the door like he was either trying to hide his identity or didn't know how doors work. Since usually people wouldn't be standing so absurdly close against a door with knowing the possibility of it hitting them.
Or this is a drunk idiot who wondered off from one of the other houses. An uncommon occurence but happens.
"Stop!" I shouted, my free hand taking hold of the doorknob firm and full of annoyance. Ready to give this possible-drunk a piece of my mind.
The person listened then a soft, almost feverent breathing came through the wood after hearing my voice. Are they drunk and sick? Not the first time seeing this terrible combo.
"Please take a step back!" I warned the person on the other side and swung the door wide open in a rush of concern. 
My unsuspecting self, dumbfoundedly, receiving the best shock of my life. It was a man. I knew.
"Well," glimmered a pair of deep green gem-like eyes once settling in my face. Upclose and too personal.  "Hello, my darling. It's been too long." 
That infamous silky voice that slithers into anyone's consciousness for days. Belonging to non other but my– I mean, that man.
My vocal cords decided to stop functioning without my consent. "H…" 
Almost all of my vocabulary disappeared from my brain the second I fully registered the familiar handsome face in my head. His petal-thin lips parted while my jaw hung as we both looked at each other in a mutual deadlock.
"M– Mr Laufeyson?" My tongue muscle memory took over. 
He nodded curtly in confirming his identity, still staring wide-eyed at me as if drinking me in like a new sight to behold. 
Wait he shouldn't be here. I wasn't hallucinating this hard, right.
There was no reasonable explanation as to why I could be hallucinating without a drop of alcohol in my system. Unless he stalked me, which is impossible to imagine the busy man ever doing, even pondering it, to me of all people. 
Hah. I wish.
But lo and behold it was him, genuinely in the flesh, smiling the most biggest white-teethed smile I've seen. 
"May I come in, please. Darling?" 
In where? In what? 
Trying to make sense of the current reality standing infront of me, hoping this wasn't a prank. 
"Why are you here… Sir." I intoned, politely, darting my eyes around him at the dark corners suspiciously. This wasn't some graduation prank right, I secretly hoped it wasn't.
"Why?" A, very nice sounding, humourous chuckle ripples from him before he continued.
"How could I not pay a visit to my most brilliant student? I would regret it for as long as I live." He said it extremely convincing as if it was normal to show up out of the blue at my house in the middle of the night. 
"Right. Um, please come in."
I beckoned him in with an instinctual welcoming smile, holding back the urge to tidy my no-doubt ratty appearence and adjust my clothes as he entered. 
Brushing his whole arm against mine, on accident I think, but he didn't seem to notice, too focused on removing his shining boots. 
Nervously, I closed the door behind him while deeply breathing in the faint passing of his leafy cologne. My mind long forgetting if I should've let him inside. 
I tersely said, ignoring the happy booming in my heart, and gestured to the gray couch. Hoping he wouldn't notice the tiniest shade of darker gray, the imprint of where I lazed earlier. 
"Please, sir, make yourself at home." 
"Oh, I planned to." Mr Laufeyson winked uncharacteristically, smoothly shrugging his coat off him and folding it over the armrest– where I laid my head earlier– casually. One of his hands had a purplish-dark marking across the skin, must've been from him knocking something. 
"Thank you, darling."  
"No problemo." That was not a cool response at all. Internally I cringed at myself while mentally noting to get him a bandage for his hand injury.
It took much willpower not to lose control of my eyeballs from running down the rare sight of him in only his white button-up while feeling his intense emerald gaze all over me. 
Juliet is not going to believe this.
Alright, I'm going to be a good host. And only that. He probably wants to ask about what career path I'm choosing or something, so hold back.
I cleared my throat, meeting with his eyes.
"Sir, would you like some tea or coffee?" And maybe stay longer.
"From you? Anything will do."
.   .   .
Crackles of laughter sitting together on the couch, his arm draped over the back of the cushion behind my head, silly banter over past lessons he taught, tiny tidbits of his favourite things and color (as I suspected was green) proven correct. We share more things in common than I had thought. 
Who knew I'd be the lucky one to be graced with getting personal with Mr Laufeyson. 
1:10 AM.
In a blink of an eye, time seemed to skip over and the hour hand crossed midnight. Even though I felt no ounce of drowsiness— it wouldn't be appropriate to let him get caught by my roommate. This wasn't exactly all that inappropriate too, we only talked. 
"Sir, it's getting very late. I'm sure you have another student to visit tomorrow or something," I tried to sound casual with mild contact, genuinely smiley, and not at all like I was pushing him to get the hint. 
His emerald eyes flashed understanding as he gave a relaxed smile, getting up from the couch slightly slow. "I'd hate to overstay my welcome and have you lose your beauty sleep." 
I chuckled and copied his action while he collected his coat, his slim fingers fiddling with the buttons almost mindlessly. It was a rare sight to see Mr Laufeyson act… Nervous? Maybe, that would be funny to imagine but he must be feeling discourteous for accidentally not watching the time slip by. 
I know I would.
"Oh and dear." 
My gaze instantly flicked up to his already on me. "Don't think for one second I could ever forget you," he closed the distance between our bodies and said my name so intimately. Leaning in, tilting his head, my heart a combustion of excitement, as his eyes shut and he left a peck on my cheek. 
The signals were green. He was giving all the right signals and I'd be a fool not to go for it. Just not right now. 
I muffled my own giggle, leading him to the door as I held it wide open for him. "Thanks for stopping by, Mr Laufeyson. It means a lot to me." More than he could ever know. If only he could stay longer but that would be a huge violation to my roommate's trust. Darn it.
"As it is for me." 
He softly smiled, taking his sweet time to walk down the small steps. Glancing back at me twice. 
He left without a hurry into the swallowing darkness where the streetlights lacked reach, and I continued staring out the peephole long after his ghostly tall figure lost itself in a concerning direction. Only alleyways and deadends there. 
But I shouldn't be too worried, he looked like he knows where to go.
Tik. Tok.
 Tik tok.
It felt like an eternity wishing for Monday to arrive quicker, my nerves aflamed for the entire weekend as I picked out cute outfits in advance. Surely he'd appreciate a different look from me, I couldn't wait to see his face again.
.    .    .
Back to class. Here we go!
For once throughout my college days, I woke up an extra hour before my alarm and prepped an all natural make-up look. Taking special care to choose a flattering outfit and spritzing all over myself with my favourite scent until I knew I would be a walking cloud of sweetness. Hopefully something to be remembered by.
 Out the door I went after leaving some waffles for Juliet's breakfast. Way too early but it was worth it.
"—Right, let's continue where we left off before another bee decides to steal the thunder and my job. All at once." Mr Laufeyson placed away the long ruler responsible for last week's insect death, I noted that he was wearing the same coat from coming over last friday, as a round of chuckles and soft giggles in the mix, erupted at his words.
Mr Laufeyson was putting extra work into being humorous today of all days or his mood improved positively better... Possibly because of me. Because of last Friday night. Or I was getting too ahead of myself when he could've easily paid a visit to the others. Right, he's just being a good concerned teacher. As always...
Class went on like normally. And he didn't even glance at me.
. . . The hour had passed.
Hoping for the littlest of interaction after class, I sprinted the steps down to the front of the classroom. Ahead of anyone else. "Mr Laufeyson!" 
Once I stepped around the desk to properly stand before him, a perky excitement in my every movement to be upclose to him again. My expectations of mildly receiving a smile from him was shattered the second he angled his face towards me, his stiff folders collected under an arm.
 Mr Laufeyson said harshly, "—exactly do you want? My time is limited. My email is on the Google classroom, you can easily find it online to contact me. However If it's a matter you believe is urgent, see me in my office after school hours immediately."
Not expecting this... Kind of standoffish tone.
I deflated under the scrutiny of his sharp green eyes and downturned pink lips, hopes of my outfit and being noticed stomped by his quiet impatience and unusual agitation. Right, we were still in school. Why did I choose such bad timing to talk to him.
Too eager, I must've came across as desperate. Yikes.
"Okay, sir. Thanks," I gave a weak smile as he spun to leave swiftly. 
Probably not hearing me in the midst of everyone else's small chatter joining the outside noise as I adjusted the strap of my bag on my shoulder. Heart heavy but I survived.
His change in attitude was unexpected but not unwelcome. The iciness of it. A telltale sign that something or someone had bothered him. By the troubled ook of his deepened wrinkles, I guessed it must be recent— An hour or few ago, maybe— his stiff body language told me it's a personal matter.
Either I was deducing nonsense or being a kick of delusional away from acting on my deepest urge to confess my feelings.
How could I even help him?
.      .      .
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So Taryn Manning played Scott’s character’s ex-wife/baby momma in One Day as a Lion. 
I was like  👀 👀 👀
That’s almost one McGarrett away!
But of course my fanfic brain’s gonna do what a fanfic brain’s gonna do. So imagine if Joanie and Gracie were Danny and Mary’s twins. 
It hadn’t been love but lust that brought their girls into the world. Co-parenting with both of their personalities at those ages back towards season one had to be a balancing act. 
Somehow they’d have to end up in Hawaii just slightly before the Hesse situation(or if I can’ think of another reason idk) but it all ends up with Danny working John’s case like in canon, Steve comes back to the island and it’s all very canon-ish...until Steve realizes that Danny’s been staying at the McGarrett home longer than he has(minus the last couple of days. Danny heard Steve was making it for John’s funeral and they’ve never really met and  better or worse, he was getting to the bottom of his girl’s grandfather’s case, so he was staying in a motel for the time Steve said he’d be there) so more canon as Steve takes the task force, forces Danny to join, Steve’s tunnel vision is pretty bad because later he’ll be slightly embarrassed it took him too long to realize how much time Danny spent at his house “working on the case” but also helping with the girls. 
This is season one Steve so he wasn’t going to question someone who probably knew how to deal with kids to help his sister with her girls. Mary wants Danny to stop wasting money on the motel and just move back in full time. If he’s her baby daddy and working with her brother? Why not? 
Danny’s pretty sure Steve doesn’t know and she’s like, don’t be ridiculous, but sometimes people are blind to stuff when there’s a lot going on and not only did Steve just lose his dad, he’s still got a big fish to catch that’ll leave a stain on his career if he doesn’t, and all while adjusting to not being in the military any more. Mary ends up sitting Steve down and bluntly revealing Danny is the girl’s father. 
It’s a weird clash of protective older brother/I’m now your boss but we’ve been becoming friends mental gymnastics Steve’s got to do but he does. But Danny’s a good guy, they get more leads and they work pretty well together, the bickering’s also fun. Living in close proximity to Danny, as in the room down the hall(I’m very confused about rooms in this house, but it’s with the assumption that there’s the master bedroom that belonged to john that will then belong to Steve. With Mary’s and Steve’s old childhood rooms available. I can assume after he sent his kids away, maybe he had them made into offices later? Or if the house already had an office. idk but I’m assuming it minimumly had three. Steve gets the master bed room, mary takes her old child hood room, the girls get Steve’s old room, and Danny still sleeps on the couch for the time being so a McGarrett invites him to bed.) 
Is it Soap-opera-y for Steve to fall in love with his sister’s baby daddy? Yes...yes it is. 
But Scott’s Character had a baby Steve look a like with Taryn’s character! And I’ve been watching more Spanish novelas so...to ponder at.  
I mean it also inspired some CA:TWS ideas too because the actor who played Rumlow is in One Day as a Lion as someone Scott’s character knew, so Danny having a dangerous fake SHIELD/actually HYDRA ex-lover who comes to the island to cause trouble and it brings to light maybe some Captain Rogers/Danny history too, for some GREAT Jealous!Steve McGarrett who is also very possessive of Danny and had some boyhood dreams crushed because his old childhood hero SLEPT WITH HIS DANNO! And he’s gotta prove to be the better Steve so there’s also a competitive Steve story plot in there. 
This year my goal is to wrap up my WIPs so I’m just gonna get these ideas out of my head somewhat/somehow  xD maybe i’ll come back to them next year 
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torturecave · 5 months
it seems that a lot of your ships have shifted to top/dom boys mostly, bottoms/subs girls mostly. its interesting, i feel like its reflective of your relationship with avvy and such... its sweet, to see you two grow into yourselves and others like that !! but i wonder if you have any feelings for dom poppy at all ? if yes, what are they... if NO, why do you think it doesnt appeal to you anymore :o ?? i love dynamics n hearing peoples opinions on them
[personal sex-life talk so, a read more as a courtesy for you guys 😅]
Haha, so much has changed over time due to our relationship (and us) growing together... I can't help the way I do ships now — I need to connect to it and see it as 'us' in some essential way. The gender skew isn't necessarily always boy/girl (though it often is) ; more importantly, we define things by being 'Birds or Avvys'. And Bird is the seme while Avvy is the uke, such is the way we are built. We didn't always do this though, and so you had a middlezone where we both sort of related to characters... like I think Branch was a kind of 'shared' form of expression for us. It's funny to look back on now, but also cute, we were still playing together...❤
This is why I say, even if I feel embarrassed about some old stuff, I have to understand that it embodies what I felt at the time, and there's unique euphoria in the past. [scratches nose] Especially considering that once we were getting more 'serious' than a couple hook ups, I became Avvy's sub. (Though I was still like, in the role of fingering / humping etc., that's just always been the preference lol.) Even if that changed eventually, the early parts of our dynamic was reliant on Avvy taking charge and moving us forward.
Back then, I wasn't confident to be in the position of dom, as around when I met Avvy I was in quite a low place with my self-esteem and mental health. In a state of recovery, as I was still coming out of some bad times.. I needed a lot of caretaking and encouragement, which I would say isn't so dissimilar to what our 'bb branch AU' was focused on — being taken under a cool older girl's wing haha, helped from depression and isolation, kissed better. <- Not to get too fiddly with details, but this art actually came before my subbing... wait, maybe before we ever had sex kfkfjhg so... I wasn't self-aware how much I was expressing my desires at the time.
That being said, it means when I made that art, I lacked a lot of tangible experience, so I didn't really know what my preferences would be. A lot was 'hypothetical'... I knew I liked things, nebulously, but maybe not sure whether I'd prefer to be on the receiving end or not. [glances...] And when you're a soft-spoken, passive, people-pleasing guy IRL, it feels like the most logical conclusion would to being dominated or something? Sure, I will be good boy, bark bark.
The funny thing is HISTORICALLY... I've actually been a dom in past relationships, and Avvy's been a sub — so I think we headed towards our natural conclusions, over time. As I recovered and became more confident, and had someone to figure myself out with, a lot clicked. Things became less 'maybe I would be into that? idk' and more defined by, this is something I'm absolutely into. In fact I'm so into it, I want to do this, and nothing else...
ALL THAT TO SAY!! I can't get into a dom Poppy, as that is no longer what I want to see from her. Part of the 'why' would be that it's not something I can inhabit? Which is key in shipping and art for me, I need to connect to it, as I mentioned. It's almost like... if I saw a depiction of a dom Poppy nowadays, I'd be like 'eh I don't see it'... Genuinely just can't grock it.
But I want to clarify, I'm still attracted to all her playful rowdy traits, I like the way she pushes Branch's buttons, all that good stuff. She's wonderful, she's forward, she still overwhelms and steamrolls, she's a whirlwind of energy. I think it's all essential aspects of Poppy still. It's just that the 'conclusion' I see for those behaviors has shifted.
Basically I feel like, a girl can be all those things, and subsequently be a manic excitable sub. Which is fun to think about!! In fact, it's quite enticing to get a girl like that on her knees. Reduce her, have her bent over and whining... [Sorry to take you into my basic straight guy brain.]
She can still give Branch a run for his money, like yank his chain around a bit, that's fun. That's like the core of their chemistry you know, Branch needs to be challenged... It's good for him lol. But I suppose I see it now as being baited almost, spurred to be forward in response. My wife vibes the term sasoi uke and I'm often like [nods stoically.] It's.......... fun to be tempted, you know? lol...
Anyways that's enough rambling, hope this was an interesting read. 😷
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alyjojo · 2 years
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October 🕷 2022 Monthly - Capricorn
Whole of your energy: The Fool
Your indecision about love is working out in your favor. You’ve waited to make your move towards a specific person, and October looks like it’s go time (and you’re getting the guy/girl too). The Fool shows you’re ready to jump off the cliff whether you know what’s at the bottom or not, though you’ve probably deliberated for awhile. King & Queen of Pentacles clarify, this is probably your person and you probably know that already. If not romantic, there are two Knights here, which may be children if you’re in a solid connection, or it can be parents or an older couple if you’re younger. You or they are at a beautiful new beginning that’s been anticipated for some time.
What’s going on in October:
Knight of Swords:
This Knight has GOALS, and he doesn’t let anything stand in his way, sometimes he can rush in and cut whatever obstacles are in his path with the sword he carries (or his words). Sometimes he wounds others, and doesn’t stop moving to care. If you’ve been rejected in the past, or not chosen for something, looked over for some reason or another, you’ve healed for that and it’s brought you to a more decisive mindset. Before, you were more uhh…idk, and it could be because of some level of rejection that you cleared that thinking away and made some solid goals for yourself moving forward - which is where you’re at now. You have big dreams and big goals, and The Magician following shows you having every ability to create these things for yourself. No blocks 💯
The Magician:
10 Cups clarifies, you want to create the life of your dreams, which could include a specific person, for some, this completely revolves around love. If this is family, then this King & Queen of Pentacles are living out their own dreams in some way, and it’s affecting you as well. In really good ways, you’ll be just as happy as they are. It’s possible someone is trying to start a home business.
2 Wands:
This card is planning for the future, in the most realistic sense. You can’t move until you know where you’re going, and being clarified by Strength & 9 Swords, you haven’t had any clue where it is you’re going until now, or recently. It could be details are tripping you up and stressing you out, putting a wrench in your wheels because of things like…time, cost, what’s available, what’s possible, etc. Whether it’s love related, family or business, doesn’t matter. The reality of things has you stressed out, you may feel unable to plan simply because you don’t want to choose the wrong path.
Knight of Cups:
Loving action is being taken to bring you peace wherever you’re stressed out. The Sun & Ace of Swords both show “shedding light” on a situation that had you tied in knots, you’re happy to be getting the clarity you’ve been needing. If romance, then you or they are taking the first step towards the other person and are being met with communication and happiness, a very good outcome. These Pentacles can be two people that are simply coaxing your worries out of you to see the light so they can talk you through them. All very positive and centered around emotions & those that care about you.
You are going to come to clear resolutions about whatever has been stressing you out, and you’ll feel more powerful and sure of yourself as a result. Wherever you’ve been confused or indecisive about is being addressed, and you’re coming out of this feeling like you’re more in an even & balanced mindset, free of worries and anxieties. If it’s love, you’re probably getting your chance. If it’s family, that’s working out well. If it’s business, you’re getting overwhelmed but it’s a short period. Whatever has your brain on overload is coming to a successful conclusion, so you can get back to moving toward these big dreams & goals you have.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Aries, Libra, Gemini, Aquarius & Leo
Oracles: ✨
31 Omens 🦅
Hawks are messengers. This majestic bird flies high and reaches the realms of the spirit. They bring back messages from both the seem and unseen. Drawing this card speaks of focus and intuition. Pay attention to the coincidences in your life right now. Focus on where you want to go - how high do you want to fly? When you see a hawk, someone is trying to get your attention. Pay attention to serendipity in your life. Be glad, for this is a reminder that you are living in the flow of energy. Things will soon shift for you.
We enter into October as:
Grass 🌱:
“Your message to others is best expressed by being uniquely you.”
The time is right for you to move on from anything holding you back from full self-expression. You are being told to break away. Be different. Be unique. It is time to grow! It could be time to plan a change of scenery. Take a tour, go to a spa, get into shape, visit a foreign place, learn a new skill, depart from the mundane. Take the chance you’ve always wanted to. Most importantly, grow. This is an indication you also need to become more in touch with your spiritual side. You’ve strayed from your inner voice, Spirit invites you back. It is time for your personal growth.
What is to be learned in October:
Princess of Amber 👸🏽:
“I quietly sizzle and shine.”
You are connecting with your passion. It is time to focus on the task at hand and not divert your attention. If you are being of service to others, you will reap great rewards. This is a sign of great abundance with selflessness. Put your eye on the work and not the rewards. You’re also being urged to stand up for what you believe in. If you are being asked to compromise yourself, you must not. You are correct to feel passionate about your position, you know intuitively what a fair request is. When your intentions are good and true, you will always land with two feet on the ground. You may be up against pretty big odds, but you mustn’t give in to what you know is not correct. Others see your worth, it’s time for you to, and have faith that you are doing the right thing.
Orange/Amber may be lucky colors 🧡
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nathank77 · 16 days
10:04 p.m Added to/Edited
You know what sucks about wearing glasses? When you need to look to your side. You got to turn your whole head bc you see nose pads and it distorts your view. And the way my living room is set up, I have to turn my whole head to look at my mother.
Also she talks so much. I have no room to speak. It's hard being around her. I want to be here and I want to be around her. I just wish I got to talk about what I'm going through. I wish she wasn't drunk 24/7.
I'm still considering throwing out my glasses. I mean and maybe I should cancel my ENT appt. I'm not wearing hearing aids unless I get a gf who doesn't care about it. I got to go to the gym get muscular and get tighter shirts/show off my body.
A lot of bald guys are muscular cause girls won't look passed the baldness. I mean maybe that's what I should do. Toss out the glasses, get muscular and overcompensate for my bald head. I won't be able to see right or hear right... but I got to attract someone..
I know that my chances to find someone are less for 3 reasons:
1) I'm short....... it's delusional to not think a lot of women won't give me a chance due to my height.
2) I'm balding/bald... so I mean- some women don't mind the combination... but a short bald guys it's not a plus.
3) I have glasses and I mean I'm the type of person who is immediately unattracted to women with glasses. Idk why but I don't like glasses. I don't find them attractive and I'm not the only one. Idc if she looks good with them. I don't like them. Wear contacts and only wear glasses when your eyes are irritated.
4) if I get hearing aids I'm never going to find a girl if I wear them. Not with all these factors....
What's can I do to attract women?
1) get muscular and wear tighter more professional clothes to show it off. I can look really good in a polo.
2) throw out the nerd wear aka my glasses and look immediately cooler. And more attractive and not deter the girls who aren't attracted to them... even if I can't see.
3) not get my hearing aids. Cause no girl is going to date me the way I am with these added to the whole package...
What can I do now?
-Not get buff it takes time. Getting new clothes takes times and money. Both do. I got to work out and spend money on both and it's going to be a few months at least before I get the aesthetic look.
- All I can do now is throw away my glasses and not get my hearing aids as I work on my body.
- I can't get taller. I can't get less bald. I mean maybe when I get my back pay I can consider a wig and some tattoos. To attract women.
- the real me isn't cutting it. Imma be alone for fucking ever. And I got to sell myself being trans and having mental illnesses and being on disability....
- I mean I have no desire to have bottom surgery and some girls won't be okay with that. I like my trans dick. It's small but useful. I can have multiple orgasms so I mean 🤷
- Certain things I can't change but other things I can and I must cause there are cute girls on okcupid but they never swipe right on me. And I know it's one of the reasons I listed above...
- And once I get a cute girl to swipe right, one of my flaws will make that girl dip out cause she won't be okay with me being trans or she won't be okay with me being on disability or something.
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vntako · 5 months
mixed miscellanea: under 30 minutes
short thoughts on ripples, negaeba, liar liar
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"ripples" is—as its author describes—the beginning of a journey. it's only like, 10-ish minutes long, and it's free
sakevisual: Ripples
i find the story behind this vn helps reinforce its message. the story of a person deciding to make something for their friend to cheer them up is a bit cheesy i think, and an action with so much sincerity behind it. and ripples is very sincere about its message. the protag is a big jerk, but he meets a girl who shows him the sincerity in people. how like, people can be so wholeheartedly and so unashamedly honest in what they believe in.
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i tend to like these kinds of stories where the characters act as mouthpieces for clashing philosophies. it's probably the whole dialogue aspect of it. talking to each other, hearing each other out, discussing, changing. i like to believe i can change the world, but a part of me vehemently denies that. mm. well, whether or not it's true, i don't think it's too hard to see that we make ripples (wao) in each other's lives no matter what we do
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"from the bottom of the heart" (negaeba kitto...) is a short story, shorter than ripples up there, this one is even less than 10 minutes
al|together 2008 "CROSS THE RUBICON" official website (insani.org)
it was translated along with a few other vns in al|together (i believe the first translation for narcissu was released in an earlier al|together, so the project is very dear to my heart). you can find downloads for this one and others in the link above. i don't actually have much to say about this one, it has a nice soundtrack, and i do agree with the author's sentiment in the Read Me.txt
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sometimes a story is just a story, and not anything groundbreaking. this one tackles themes of regret and redemption. i feel a few elements were underused, such as the protagonist and the love interest having the same illness and being admitted at the same time that seems to set up for something more than what we got.
i can appreciate negaeba in that it's a story about weakness, i think. or something adjacent to that, probably? weakness and wanting to make amends, is perhaps a bit more precise. the story ends abruptly, and while i do think it certainly works as an ending to a story, i was left a bit unsatisfied with this one.
ooh, i will say i quite like the music in this one, though.
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"liar liar" is a short game made in 5 days. the author describes it as a test for technical code stuff exploding into smth else
Liar Liar by tokimekiwaku (itch.io)
a compelling plot is understandably not the main goal of this vn. despite that i found it kinda compelling. got the good ending on my first try and i thought the sequence of events was engaging enough. i find the art direction appealing too, it's super cute. went and did the other endings after too.
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i wanted to play this a few years back in high school but never really got around to it for some reason. i had more fun with this than i expected ngl.
i didn't expect it to but you can look at this as a sorta women empowerment kinda story i think. both girls in the story are screwed over by guys in diff ways (cheating, stalking) and they exact their revenge upon them and the system by killing 'em. idk. it's something like that methinks.
vague spoilers for good ending here
the good ending tells us that having a support system is a good thing and knowing you having someone to be there for you helps keep you safe. or smth like that.
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loobdoob · 2 years
god i’m literally never going to fuck again i’m so embarrassed 😭 worst part is the dick is literally not even real and i still finish faster than a guy with a real dick that can actually feel ur pussy 😩 ugh that’s so pathetic and ickkkk of me. i wnt 2 die!! i have no desire to ever have sex ever again in my life. and like i was already pretty much there bc of the whole trans thing and i hate having a fake dick it’s so stupid it feels like playing make believe ugh everything is so humiliating and sex is so weird when ur not a real man and just thank god this happened it was my final sign 2 stop having sex bc it already made me want to die and now knwing u think my dick game is weak just solidifies that i shld just stop having sex for a while because i dont even want it and i dont do it for me and of course i’m sacrificing my comfort feeling like i’m doing u a favor bc you’ve been wanting it more lately and i’m the only one who cums 😂 what a joke i am. not even the one who wants it & i suck it up bc i want to be the kind of man that u want so you dont replace me with a real one. the kind of man that’s rough and wants to fuck soooo bad all the time and flips u over and fucks u like a slut i know u love that but it’s just not me i guess. i just feel like a wannabe, a dyke with a dick yay! just can’t do it anymore can’t stand now being a joke to you when i was already a joke to myself which is why i stopped wanting sex because i’m not real. it feels like the stakes are higher now that we both refer to me as a man or not as a girl, idk. maybe i’m an OK dyke but 4sure a pathetic man and i feel like if ur already letting a “man” fuck u awfully, what’s stopping u from replacing this pathetic 2 minute wonder with the next one but at least his dick will be warm and you’ll know when he cums in 2 minutes it’s because he can actually feel inside you and it’s such a deeper connection. not just some stupid vibrator forced on my clit while i fuck you and there’s no connection. i want to feel it, i know u want me to feel it but sadly all i get is vibrator and we both know someone else could just fuck u way better the way u want and it won’t just be an act it will be real and there will be a deeper connection that we could never have because i’m sadly incomplete. just wanna die tbh but what’s new ! just shocking everyday when i think i can’t feel worse about myself or existing and i think how much closer could a person get to suicide without actually doing it and then low and behold just when i think i’ve realized all of the pain i can handle here comes some more realizations and more frontal lobe development so i can look down the line into my shitty life for the first time yay!! that’s totally helping ! i’ll forever be a struggling pathetic “man” with a vagina and a cold fake dick that i can’t even put in with no lube because the material is bullshit and just a stupid fucking bone ppl throw to weirdos like me who convince themselves it helps to wear this, or even tho i can’t feel it i have phantom limbs ! like ugh we are all so desperately trying to be okay and like sometimes when reality hits i realize how pathetic,miserable and not okay i am and i’m like wow i truly don’t know how much longer i can take pretending i’m fine with all of the fake “build a man” bullshit. don’t want to have scars on my chest. don’t want to wear a binder anymore, they hurt so bad. don’t want to look like a man to everyone on the surface but have a fucking pussy like do u know how hard it is to make ur pussy masculine💀 it sucks so bad getting head and im like man i wish it didn’t feel like i was a lil bottom busting it open for my top rn 💀wish it felt like my girl was gargling on my dick but nope the imagination can only create so many delusions. it cannot turn a pussy into a dick sadly, and it can’t make me feel like a man no matter how i feel i was supposed to be born, i know i’ll never be able to accept this half assed reality. i would rather die than live as a joke to myself and everyone around me. and i’m truly learning how to find peace with that
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creepyhottakes · 2 years
what the creepypasta (/other related character) you want to fuck/have a crush on says about you
I’ve wanted to make a tiktok series like this with the fandoms I’m in but tiktok is hard and scary and idk how to not get flagged so we’re just gonna do it here.
The Bloody Painter
you probably have daddy issues, but other than that you’re a chill person. your friends appreciate you.
Candy Pop
you’re a clown fucker. you fucking love circuses, fairs, anything with that kind of atmosphere. you like people who are gnc af.
you have some stuff to work through. you have little impulse control or self-preservation. you probably try to fix people.
Dr. Smiley
you probably like tumblr sexymen. and you have a doctor kink. might I suggest: Iwamine Shuu from Hatoful Boyfriend.
you’re definitely a monsterfucker. possibly into vore. probably have a thing for Michael Myers/Jason Voorhees. also you’re probably into that culty shit so maybe you’ve got religious trauma. sorry buddy.
you probably are fairly well-adjusted and sociable in your daily life. most of your interests are probably pretty normal. but you have a guilty pleasure for being treated like shit. you probably fantasize about being a groupie or a stripper.
you’re definitely an exhibitionist, but other than that you’re pretty vanilla. you either love himbos and/or boy next door types, or confident bad boy types. especially the ones that are snarky and standoffish at first but have a softy interior.
you want to be stepped on. spit on. insulted probably. you want to be someone’s bitch, and you know what, good for you. you have good taste. you also don’t take shit from anyone. your friends can always count on you to back them up.
you want to feel needed. you probably like The Greatest Showman. your fashion sense…whoa.
you are not immune to propaganda. you’ve definitely been in the fandom for a while. you probably listen to 3OH!3 or Hollywood Undead or both. you either have a savior complex or simply have horrible taste but you own it. you love eboys. you definitely used to read wattpad imagines. definitely have a blood kink and/or knife kink.
Judge Angel
you’re probably a power bottom. you like girls with swords. you definitely like anime.
oh, you’re a freak. definitely a weeb, and definitely a monsterfucker. you probably used to do the asterisk roleplay.
YOU DEFINITELY ARE INTO BEATLEJUICE. you should listen to Creature Feature if you don’t already. you love sugar and gorey horror movies. you’re definitely not squeamish.
you like squishy bodies and body hair. you love being a source of comfort for a significant other. you like a partner who’s a little unpredictable.
you definitely have a thing for yanderes. you love 2000s webcore and rave fashion. you definitely have colorful hair. you have a lot of energy and a lot of love to give.
Nurse Ann
similar to Jane. you want a woman who could break you in half. you like taaaaall ladies. you love it when you can make someone who’s otherwise cold melt for you. you should watch Jennifer’s Body.
you also probably have daddy issues. you should read Fifty Shades of Grey. you have a thing for tentacles, and maybe being stalked/kidnapped. you love cryptids. you like nature, especially forests (if for no other reason than imagining getting railed)
you are…unsettling to me personally. you’re definitely a clown fucker, into Pennywise and/or the guys from Security Breach. you know the ones. you definitely have thought about what desert his cum tastes like, and that keeps me up at night. you’re more of a freak than anyone in this fandom and that’s saying something.
The Puppeteer
you like nasty men: soundcloud rappers, don’t practice basic hygiene, work late-night shifts at gas stations and walmarts. but you’re incredibly loyal. you’re also definitely into bondage.
you might be into mcyt 😔. you love himbos and boys with fluffy hair. golden retriever boys. probably a switch or full top.
you have a good sense of style. Rarity is definitely your favorite pony. you’re gay as fuck. you probably got into this fandom ironically at first, but then, well, you know how it goes. you listen to drag queen music.
holy shit. you would do anything for some good dick, including sell your soul. you like monsters AND dilfs. your head game is so strong. your ass is fat and your vibes are threatening.
you were lonely as a child. you have so many emotions buzzing around inside of you waiting to burst out. you have a lot of ocs, probably at least partly as a coping mechanism.
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