#the heating pad is all i have and it doesnt do shit
does anyone else with chronic pain/fibromyalgia (or whatever the stupid new name is for it that they wont take seriously either) have any idea on how to alleviate leg pain? or even just discomfort?
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the-s1lly-corner · 3 months
Stuttering anon again, could I also request (platonic obviously) toby x reader who's on their period? If not that's totally okay!!
Platonic Ticci Toby x reader on their period
So so random but I'm so sick and tired of people romanticizing(?) Depression , "bonus points" if they immediately treat someone like shit for showing the uglier sides of it. Like
Idk I hate it so so much esp because personally my health is going to be affected by my depression in the long term if not permanently, even if I get better mentally
That aside uhjhuhhhhh idk
Hey you, Readers! Do you want to possibly win a raffle for customized posts with your favorite characters and your ocs? You can enter through the link in my pinned before march 27th!
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Honestly? I dont think Toby would know much about periods. Like at most is the things hes seen his sister go through when she was on her cycle
The most he knows is probably "oh blood comes out for a week every month" and not much else
And thus means hes knd of.. hopeless in the beginning if he wants to help you.. with the added fact that he has some struggles with relating to others when they're sore or aching since he doesnt have any experience to rely off of
Obviously that's not to say hes not going to try to help you out, or feel for you
Hes straightforward in asking you what to do. Do you need water? Medicine? Heating pad.. thing..? He can go get (steal) something for you, I mean he already steals snacks for you when he can
He tries to be there for you as much as he can when hes not doing his.. work..
Just sits and talks with you more than anything, which I guess isnt too much different than what you two do when you're not bleeding
I dont think he would be all that phased by the grosser sides of menstruation. I mean he might be... more than shocked when you describe how horrible the bleeding and cramping can get
He has questions, too, but its more like a morbid curiosity..
"How do you lose that much and not die??" Kind of reaction, really
Not grossed out, at least not by the blood itself. Not much to be said about that, hes already become almost desensitized to the sight of it thanks to the nature of his job working as a proxy
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stitchthesewords · 1 year
Or grian coming back from dl and he needs not only a cane but hes suffering from a bad-but-temporary case of tinnitus and cant get out of bed and no one sees him for a few days until scar comes over to talk bc holy shit dl and finds Grian in need of help
EXPAND UPON THIS. I AM INTRIGUED. if u want no pressure <3
To start w what the delightful @hitheeprithee said to me earlier that made me. Absolutely fucking insane. But Scar gifting one of his canes to Grian in the post-DL return to HC because he's having trouble with both just walking bc of the aches in his body and the dizzyness caused by the disorientation of being shouted apart. And grian tries, really, to be appreciative, but scar's cane doesnt sit at the right height and he's awkward with it so he just stays in bed and then a few days later Scar sheepishly shows up with a custom made cane for Grian that's the right height and has feathers carved into it and just. hhhh.
But its like. Grian having to learn to rely on others. And I mean this in like the. I am physically disabled and im still learinng. You are always learning how to do this. Every day is a new day for failures and learning in this task. And its grian who doesnt want to get out of bed, who's never felt his body be in such constant misery, not even after third life or last life. He went out - bad. I don't have the brain power to elaborate rn maybe I'll reblog this tomorrow but tldr: I headcanon that the deaths in the life series and way different to deaths on hermitcraft. They're permanently debilitating in some way, but the players keep coming back because they learn to cope, they hold tight to the love for each other that radiates through every time they go through it - anyway. This warden death hurts - and Scar is feeling it too, but not as bad, not as Severely, and furthermore he has coping skills in place already for chronic pains and aches and fatigue. Grian doesn't.
It's Scar showing up and adjusting Grian's pillows to help him sit up, nursing him to health with some food and water, an ice pack, a heating pad, some potions from Cub to help with the pains, to help manage. Its Scar teaching Grian to use a cane, to trust his weight to this inanimate object, to learn to use it as an extension of himself. Helping him learn the walking pattern. It's Scar opening up the bedroom window or whatever the fuck the equivalent is in Grian's base to help get some white noise and teaching Grian to focus on it to make the worst of the ringing go away, to massage the muscles in his head to help with the headaches and migraines.
Scar teaching Grian how to pull his weight up with other people, how to get up from the floor with his back hurts so much he can barely move, to shuffle around the room a little bit just to get the blood flowing in his legs.
And then its like. It's Grian leaning his head against Scar's chest and crying from frustration because his body wont cooperate and he's never had to deal with it before and he doesn't know how. And grian apologizing because he's just complaining about things scar lives with always. And Scar soothing Grian's worries and anxieties becaue he knows why grian's frustrated and its not guaranteed to help but by god he'll try, he'll try so hard to give grian the world back if he can.
god I wish i could elaborate more but. I am sleepy.
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wildpeachfarm · 2 months
cracks my little paw knuckles OK SO!!! these are copy pasted from someones retro where i expanded on it over ther
so!!! hybrids vs purebreeds. purebreeds are what hybrids call well. humans. and hybrids are obv hybrids, and them in soceity comes with bigotry and slurs and laws and lives becoming political and if youre a hybrid you Must be supporting this president or this political party dogs are called mutts. thats. p self explanitory i feel LMAO idk ones for cats tho? im sure the pred vs prey thing is an innercircle issue, with preds being called bloodthirsty monsters and prey being called brittle boned (???) but down to the nitty gritty of two species: dogs and cats dogs have firmer paw pads, duller claws, most of them have ears, all have tails, and theres obv the knot. cats i already described to sea in a bit (always having ears, sharper claws, squishier paw pads, always having tails, and spiked tongues) and with being a dog or a cat, there comes... problems. the topic of children and heats and ruts get brought up almost constantly if ur still in ur teens. then theres packs and clans, the social pressure to become a leader or a parent, god forbid having a job with how you are. animal instincts interferring with human instincts. the pressure to be more human. hide your ears hide your tail dont let people know youre not Them, youre It. getting fixed only means you'll be looked down upon by the wider population. keeping them means you're seen as a gross pred wanting to fuck anything that moves. collars for preds while prey live happily within interspecies relationships the working class and blue collar jobs are filled with pred hybrids, sometimes humans. theyre worked to the bone to come home and filter money into bills and rent and groceries and have 10 bucks leftover. at least its a bit more than last time, but you cant pay for shit now. pred neighborhoods being regarded as sketchy and unsafe when all theyre trying to do is make a living like some higher up bun leeching off of bus fares and the blue tailed bears down below building a new prey only office building (can you tell i liked the og plot of zootopia More.) then theres dream. dream grew up relatively normal, no tail, no ears. his parents assumed the best: he was purebred! but.. he started acting differently as a toddler. a tail sprouted and he growled and snarled and barked at others. his parents started to fear the worst. was he a hybrid? that... he cant be a hybrid. he's be bullied by purebreeds and would have to be outcasted and live with other hybrids. his parents are purebred- how can they have a hybrid? and it turns out he Is a hybrid. a dogboy to be specific. and he gets lucky, very lucky. he grows up in a purebred town and while everyones reluctant to have a dog running the streets ("what if he gives my daughter rabies!?" "he got his rabies shot"). sure he might look a bit different from other dogs, but hes alright. helps him blend in more george is an oddball. grew up in a family of purebreeds like dream, but less lucky. he had at least one cat relative, he knows that at least. its why his mom always commented on his bigger feet. a lion, he guesses. better a housecat than a fucking lion his tails a bit wonky, his ear tip is folded over. he doesnt act right, not like a human not like a cat. dream doesnt either, but its chalked up to "dogs will be dogs". its why he didnt get diagnosed with adhd for a while. george inspects things, rubs all over them to mark his territory. he thinks weird and acts weird and is a little sideways, a little to the left and never quite centered like his family. he gets yelled at for not acting correctly, "why are you like this?! why cant you just act like the rest of us?!" i dont know, i cant, im not purebred like you he does things very few hybrids are known for: going to college, getting an compsci degree, rejecting blue collar jobs and refusing to be placed under the paw of some lamb in parliment
neuters and spays. treated the same as abortions, really. those getting fixed are screamed at for killing future babies, for not thinking of the children and how the country will prosper with new youngins. but they know how theyll be treated, its a blessing really george thinks of being neutered. he brings it up during dinner and never again once he gets the expected reaction. his tail flicks and he tries his best to not let his ears flatten, but it happens anyway. his dad comments on how no vet will fix a stray like him (thats a lie, a lot of vets will fix a hybrid for the right price) anatomy is never really taught. sex isnt taught to preds bc of how "sexually obsessed they are, freaks". prey are taught consent, preds are taught that its best to stick with preds and never entangle with prey, or god forbid, purebreed dream is taught to ultimately just Care about others (although he has some unlearning to do abt preds), and george is taught to never trust prey or purebreeds. they only cause trouble and theyll fuck you over anyway its why years later, he doesnt talk to sapnap. bc sapnap is a purebreed. he was taught to never trust those things. ever. talking to them would only cause him to end up convicted of a crime he never did and lose his money and be back in england in some stupid fucking apartment
looks at youwith my autistic hyena eyes
oooh this is neat! :0
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formulawonu · 2 years
hi can you do a svt comforts y/n during their period and what they are mostly likely to do. <3
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seventeen & period cramps
seungcheol: whatever ur craving for or want hes buying it the moment u say it out loud dhjxkdjh i think he's a lil flustered when u bring it up but then he just goes into leader/protective-mode and just dotes on u and wants to make sure ur ok. if ur cranky he is staying away 🙏
jeonghan: because he would try to make u feel better by bickering with u sjhsjadkfj like if u say smth out of pocket he'd be like "rly 🤨" then u eventually just forget abt ur period cramps or crankiness bec ur busy being arguing w him. he tells u about his tactic after and ur like 🙄 but hes like "it worked tho????"
joshua: he's the sweetest!!!! like he'd be walking on eggshells just a teensy bit but he's nonetheless very receptive to what u need. if u want alone time he can do that if u wanna cuddle he can do that skjdhs he's also the type to heat up the heating pad for u without u needing to say anything
junhui: will pig out with u no questions asked. ur craving pizza? he'll by one for each of u. ur craving ice cream? a tub for each of u. just wants to make sure u are happy and does whatever he can so u feel u arent alone
hoshi: he would treat u like an actual baby and be so doting to the point where ur like "soonyoung i can FEED myself" "soonyoung i can walk im on my period im not injured" but thats just how much he cares about u 😭 asks u how u are every hour
wonwoo: he would stay in bed with you the whole day. like that's his way of making sure you're okay and that you know he's literally there if u need anything. u spend ur days napping cuddling doing ur own thing with him beside u just for extra care :( does not bother u at all and he's so understanding abt everything
woozi: the man is in his studio most of the time already but if he knows ur on ur period he would make an effort to check in with u more often or even leave the studio just that much earlier to see you and be with you :( IM GONNA CRY
minghao: this man just gets it. brings u tea or offers to give u a massage or heat up the heating pad like he does not get affected one bit if u get moody or whatever he just lets the attitude pass and helps u figure out what u want <//3 also he knows periods are different for everyone so he doesnt assume anything he just asks u what u need straightforward
mingyu: this man serves u shit in bed lets be real like if u say u want warm soup he'd make it from scratch or whatever 😭 he'd also be down to just cuddle u in bed if thats what u want or give u massages cus his love language is physical touch (fight me on this) sjhdfsdjh he'd also kinda steer clear of u if ur in a bad mood bc man does not wanna make things worse
seokmin: PLS HED BE SO FUNNY DKHFSDHAS like he's just constantly racking his brain for what to do while ur on ur period when u just need him to continue being the same like hes overthinking everything hes abt to say to u and wondering if ur gonna get annoyed. but honestly it just comes off cute u cant hate the guy
seungkwan: HES PERFECT FOR THIS LIKE along w hao hes the one that rly does not shift who he is or whatever. honestly u look for HIM when ur on ur period and hes there already ready to do whatever it is u need him to do. u ask him for reassurance food rest advice and hes ur man.
vernon: clueless and doesnt know ur on ur period unless u tell him urself or say u have cramps jhdfsdj u know what maybe if u say cramps he still wouldnt get it until he puts two and two together. lots of awkward laughs and he would also just ask u whats up or if ur in the mood to do this or that. hes okay
dino: HE WOULD GET ON UR NERVES TRYING TO HELP U JHSDFGSRJFGHD like i picture it u cant clearly explain what u want and hes trying to connect the dots so when he tries to do something ur like NOT THAT LEE CHAN and hes like omfg sorry im so sorry and hes mostly apologizing. hes trying his best <//3
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johnnyreincarnated · 1 year
Do you have any Whiskers headcanons? Also I'm sorry if I'm asking too many questions.
also don't worry about "too many questions" I LOVE getting stuff in my inbox
i. Would've responded sooner but I've been in a bit of a mental pit so I haven't had energy to respond.
OK so main thing. Whisker looks very different from his Canon counterpart. mainly with having feline and height aspects bumped up like hell. I actually have refs
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kinda wanna redraw them someday idk.
His personality and traits are vastly different too. instead of portrayed as bumbling, dim and someone who isn't really taken seriously, my whisker is intelligent and caring and is absolutely someone you should take seriously. Especially in battle.
Whisker is very very strong. ABNORMALLY STRONG. like we're talking can lift a car with ONE HAND STRONG. being a cat, he also has a tendency to bite and scratch in fights. His teeth are all sharp, with the front canines being almost saber like, also coming with an unfathomable bite force. Big hands comes with big claws, which can also cause a shit ton of damage if you're not careful.
Whisker doesn't use his internal flamethrower for battle as much as you'd think, due to him relying on his other aspects + being a highly skilled combatant. Instead it has a secondary use as a heating system. In turn, whisker is always warm and cannot feel much cold in most areas (exceptions being nose, paw pads and ears). He can also manipulate how hot his body gets, meaning he can get so hot, a small area around him is afflicted with an uncomfortable heat. This also means he's highly heat resistant so it doesnt just contradict with himself.
The skulls on his wrists are more like cosmetic clips ons and doesn't wear them much. His waistcoat is also removable, as its separate and not attached like it is (PRESUMABLY) to the canon counterpart. His back is covered in fur from neck to back, where the tail also blends in. (Tail is not directly attached to the back fur but due to layering and how thick it is it seemingly looks like it)
Whisker is actually fully waterproof and doesn't mind water and does enjoy swimming. (He shakes it off like a dog and it's really funny lol water gets everywhere)
Of course being a cat, he possesses many traits of one. Behaviours such as meowing and chirruping, constantly moving the ears when paying attention to sound, also being somewhat curious. Puffing up fur when threatened or angry, and, here's the kicker the peak part, being able to purr and enjoys the affection of being pet. (And probably more) He also possesses enhanced eyesight, hearing and sense of smell as well. Whisker also does act differently depending on where a person is on the likeability scale is. Absolutely hate them? Acts very human like and makes his hatred known. Deep trust bond and friendship? He's a lot more relaxed and in the most deeply trusted people, will curl up next or on them.
Despite being literally 15 feet tall (however his height actually does not include a certain part of his head and ears) whisker is a master at stealth and ambush and enjoys to playfully sneak up on friends, and also uses this to his advantage in battle, if he can.
whisker is a very kind man, he's patient and understanding. He's gentle and soft spoken when needs to be. he's laid back (when not provoked to aggression) and he's basically like the cool uncle. Hes cautiously curious of things that catch his attention and will inspect them at a distance, then get closer of its safe or appropriate to.
This actually does contrast to how he is at the beginning of my portrayal of sra. During the story of my version of sra, before the end, whisker is a lot more quiet and doesn't show himself to the heroes at all. They get a few glimpses from time to time but he never stuck around. Mainly because he was new to the world, feared his creators and was conflicted between self developing ai that very quickly caused him to become highly aware. By the pirates Island "boss fight" he actually just explains to the heroes he and Johnny really didn't want to do what they were forced to do and tries to express it with as much honesty as he could portray. He outright admits he returned the jeweled sceptre to its original belonging and and can prove it by taking them there. Blaze is a little cautious of him, but sonics like "no let's give him a chance" and whisker was telling the truth about returning it and that was enough for blaze to trust him a little more. And stuff happens from there. Whisker begins to open up a lot and his true personality does shine through eventually. (this kinda turned into a little background ramble but I can't help myself)
you've heard it before but I will mention it again, he practically Johnny's dad, very early on taking a protective and fatherly role to him. Especially as whisker is outright ageless but designed with being an adult in mind, whereas Johnny is a teenager. Johnny is a number one priority for whisker and if it came to a life or death scenario, whisker would be willing to sacrifice himself. He cares very deeply for Johnny's wellbeing and can virtually read him like an open book.
Whisker and blaze do get on very well. Both being cats and whisker often helping her with work when he can, often taking the bulk of it. Blaze also being forever appreciative of him returning the jeweled sceptre during their first encounters. Also the two enjoy drinking tea, whisker prefers his catnip infused (forget to mention he is strangely affected by catnip somehow). He has to hold the cup with two fingers because his hands are so large.
Don't have much planned for marine either.
I don't really have much to say for tails other than they do get along well and whisker is somewhat versed in mechanics and repair, so there is something they have in common.
Same goes with sonic, i actually haven't had anything planned out for how they interact with eachother. So, nothing here.
Whisker hates his creators, he hates eggman less than nega though. Nega is a special case of absolute seething hatred whisker has for him.
whisker is very work driven and will not stop until he is done, this tends to leave to burnout when he is finished. Robots need to take care of themselves too.
He also puts himself as last priority, he will sacrifice his entire wellbeing and mental health just for other people that he cares about.
He doesn't like to talk about any of his negative emotions and will bottle it up and let them eat him from the inside until he completely breaks.
Hell also refuse to talk about his early life. You'd need persuasion skills of a god to get him to open up.
Whisker can speak Russian and German.
His IQ is almost on a similar level to that of his own creators.
He also only goes by Whisker and will correct you if you call him whiskers or captain.
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hatespeechinvestthis · 6 months
so signing me out of facebook
i dont give a fuck about the old stuf f ill just keep making new just like you jguys do at delaware county northumberland and northCumberland because you need to hide people and add the same person to two different units and keep spelling the name different because you think youre all going to get away with a muslim fraud scam
im not the sentimental with stuff like my family is.
i dontfucking care that all of you set this up with litchko morgan cunningham woodys sleva klinger marcheski barwicki slaby rodgers leo
all of you miller hine
loose your genetics testing with danville my code and all the fucking shit you been leaking out of the fucking governemnt for a long time hiding all your drugs trafficking prostitution hbiiring highschool because you all think its okay to vote ffor kids on klids still
im not embarassed by kensington im more pissed at the medical and the people that really didnt listen to her this whole time you would have gotten caught longer if she would have been able to explain all this to some poeple so for the feud being this long and everyone in this gang cycle street fucking uh sports whatever organizations but some people been being monitored for a long time on probation and you all knew about the halo you all hadf put in you i always just new it to look like a heating pad and sit under patients in hospitals to set the alarm off when they moved
they been tracking the emotions and you all cant have access if you all just got your shit busted with this florida thin that was posted in jail on the news however all of you are still going to trust whitney pollack is going to lie for barwicki candice and amber reed passing all those stds and girls that couldnt get a bad diagnosis so that was before grasyce got weith him and now were here why still with amber reed and barwicki still spreading diseases
your all really fucking gross anyways
grayce doesnt want to live cause you all at strokhecker and whateever backs the bullies like amanda griffiths trying to make alyssa moo yes im going to kill you and that sarah bitch becaue they just recorded all the tactics you guys have used for years doing this to kids and CYA means dont erase put a line through it and tell someonme you need help theres too many missing gaps and corrupted files and broken URLS that are still showing up
how are you guys going to threaten to black ball my old psychiatrist at phillhaven who now has her own practices and you guys keep asking for cashapps while im in jail hacking gmails and social security scam on locust gap address on unemplotyment that led me to the prostituition all of you have been a part of helping from holy spirit lordes shamokin north schuylkill and the surrounding coal bucket funding method
just getting hopes up to fail thanks for the fucking aerotek too good to be true fucking job chance. ill pass and keep putting apps in because all your going to sdo is some shit like steve short behind the scene or the allentown strip club guy blaming me for all the other girls fuck ups and all the mess you all had left before stevce short could take anonymous into the court house from rodgers sleva pirate and wikileaks so now data is erasing at a high rate and you guys have to be making this shit up as you go. you have all been versed in sets up and movie roles leaking information and studdies using klids as experiments and test subjects without them fully understanding and just seeing fame and fortune.
basically from innova on the car ride bradley shooting himself was my wish i like the chance to evolve with some understanding generational curses suck when you fail a hit on this kid that was supposed to get hit by a car up in delano. so we are sorry.
thanks everyone for the diseases im not the fiends and whores just trying to get more or ruin peoples lives the stigma of its a hard road when your trying not to use.
thank you barry for being there when i quit the needle the first time and shared the peace pipe with me im glad i got the chance to meet you as an adult. im sorry delano for my action when i was getting high and at work.
using my credentials because no one trusts apparently
all of shamokin with the stroheckers boyles khaleer griffiths elliott thompson
litchko who gutted ya?
ashland at junk yard joes
craawford jonsie lutey
what ever is left in mount carmel
this family is fucking ridiculous sorry your all really famous porn stars or something to embarass everyone. assemblyu and iicp and psychopathic stevo jackass new jersey and clerks
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bishiglomper · 9 months
Cannot sleeeeeep. Have to w h i i i i n e
Woke up to stabbies. Been getting these electrical stabs the last couple weeks. Figure its fibro. I dont see why it would be my new pill. But my body picks a spot and then it feels like im being STUNG. REPEATEDLY. Tonight its the opposite spot of my scar's location.
And i hear beeping. I think its bro's alarm. He does not wake up easily. If i tell him to turn it off, he will and go back to sleep.
And the nephew keeps turning on the hallway light.
And I'm obsessing over a niece issue.
Bong water has not been using a litterbox. They're upstairs, i think she just isn't going upstairs anymore.
Conversation with niece went like:
"I picked up 2 piles of poop from bong water last night."
"You can take her back to my apartment whenever you want"
"Are you going to be there?"
"If i bring a litterbox down, will you help me clean it?"
"I dont do the litterbox at MY house."
Bitch. You do not deserve a fucking cat. Or any pet. She killed her rats from neglect.
If i wasnt so against returning poor helpless furbabies to the shelter for insignificant reasons...........
But also we already have FOUR CATS. We were supposed to stop at Cinderbelle. But then Pantera, Pooka and Reno happened....
We cannot own another cat. It's already been a month. If the landlord notices... 😣 We've babysat other animals before but like i said its been a month. Niece doesnt seem to have plans for leaving either. I guess shes fine paying rent for an empty house and just sleeping on our couch forever. If we kick her out, she'll just couch surf. At least her boyfriend is in jail.....ffs
I barely have the executive function to clean MY cats litterboxes, and they're right outside my door. For just this purpose. I'm not gonna be able to do a downstairs one. I cannot tote the container of litter between flights. Just. No.
I dont think i can tell her friend (original owner of bw) to take her because she lives with a toxic af mother and i dont think the situation is safe.
Also the house is so bad. Made worse by now cat shit all over the place. But everyone is really struggling physically, and between the house and our own bodies, our mental health is fucked up too.
Moms stomach is fucked. She does not want to eat. She does. She resorts to junk food when she gets hungry but i cant complain because she wont let us feed her otherwise.
And sissy fucked up her back. I dont know what all shes doing for it but shes done muscle relaxants, back brace and tens unit occassionally. She refuses a heating pad for some reason.
Lately my symptoms are fibro shit, stomach pain, asthma, a strained/tired back, and tachycardia. The tachicardia is the worst because it kicks up when I get up. And eat. It settles down when i rest. Also the asthma. Just going up/down the stairs makes me do this dry throat clearing kind of cough for the next 10 minutes after the tiniest pinch of exertion. And I've woken up gasping a few nights.
Those two need to see some fuckin doctors. Mine can't do anything for me, but at least I jump through those fuckin hoops. I see everyone. All the specialists. I'm trying my best here. I have some major flaws that im sure frustrate the family, but this irritates me that they won't see people.
Mom especially. The only appointments she has are for literal surgical consults and she flaked on ONE situation already. Next one is for somethig else. No idea if she'll ever do anything about her previous issue she needs fixed 🙄😤
And also my sister is going blind and has high blood pressure but won't take her medicine. Her reasoning is because then she'll have to order more and go through setting it up and shit. Executive function issues i guess. Mom has been setting it up and giving it to her but i never remember and sometimes she forgets too.
Like do you know how many pills i take to have some semblance of function and not die? This is also frustrating to see.
I don't know what to do about any of this.
If we got rid of the cat, the niece would disown us. Which honestly, if she werent already riding a fine line of unsafe i wouldn't mind so much, she'd get over it eventually. Once she had the maturity to. 🙄 Because it's not like it would be out of spite. But sissy is on eggshells making sure we dont push her away. Probably into the arms of another halfway house resident. 😒
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the fucker that gave me covid trying to lecture me about how people who are disabled “live normal lives and still work jobs” and how “no doctor” has given me the “diagnosis” of disabled and how my grandma is still going out and about and staying active with cancer while she can’t breathe while i “sit in bed for hours and hours and hours” is so FUCKING INFURIATING. telling me i’m suffering because i’m not working a job and being active or whatever the fuck and comparing me to an 80 year old with cancer and not even remotely fucking acknowledging i’ve been going to the gym AND THAT MY FUCKING ILLNESS DOESNT DEPEND ON HOW “PRODUCTIVE” I AM. I AM NOT THE CAUSE OF MY PAIN. it’s not gonna “get better” if i do more. and no doctor is going to fucking tell me i’m disabled that’s not a real thing no doctor will ever fucking say that to anyone ever. i don’t give a shit if other people with chronic pain are “still working” and “live with it” like yeah that’s the problem is it won’t fucking kill me. what kind of an unempathetic piece of shit disconnect is that? telling me i gotta “learn to cope” like yeah bitch what do you think i’ve been doing all year since you got me fucking sick? dumb asshole. constantly misreading everything i do seemingly intentionally. like no i don’t comfortably sit at my computer “for hours and hours and hours just fine” i have to have heating pads and pillows and i have to move and stand up every 30 minutes or i’m in severe pain. and i don’t do anything with my hands on it hardly. and some days i don’t even turn it on. of course you wouldn’t see/acknowledge that or believe me when i say that. fucking prick. telling me “everyone’s in pain” yeah bitch not like i am!!!! just saying the most braindead shit to me possible. “learn to live with it” my ass i wanna jump off a building just to spite that bitchass “piece of advice”. like no i don’t think i want to suffer constant pain to work a dead end garbage job for shit pay “just like the rest of us” i think that’s fucking stupid and anyone who buys into that is fucking stupid. capitalistic bullshit lol like nah i don’t think i’m wasting my limited time on earth caring about this made up trash if i gotta go homeless and OD that’s just the way it goes like what the fuck ever man.
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bbygirl-in-lace · 2 years
For International Womens Day I'd like to talk about periods for a bit cause women spend a huge part of their lives dealing with them and in fact i got my period today as well ✨️
If youre a man and the mentioning of periods makes you uncomfortable I especially want you to read this.
I personally have quite short, chill periods, but I have friends with PMS, heavy flows, horrible cramps and so on. Many of my girlfriends seriously suffer when they are on their periods. One of my closest friends has a very heavy period that lasts for up to 7 days and the week before she suffers from PMS. She basically feels like shit for 2 whole weeks a month.
I started my period at 12 years old. I was a child. And even though my periods are mostly chill now doesnt mean they always were. I remember often having really bad cramps and circulatory problems in school. Even heat waves. One time my circulation was down to the point of me feeling like I was passing out in class. I often packed multiple pads and bled through all of them so quickly I had to be picked up by a family member cause it was too much for me at school. I was extremely scared of bleeding through my pants which happened twice i think. But luckily no one saw it. Another time I was on my period when a friend celebrated her birthday in a theme park. I had cramps once again, bled through all my pads and was too ashamed to tell anyone so i asked my friends mom to call my mom and ask her to pick me up because of stomach ache. I remember crying the whole time because I felt like shit and the adults there treated me like a drama queen while i panicked about the thought of bleeding through my pants. But the absolute highlight of it all was when i was home alone for a couple hours before christmas eve and suddenly got cramps that were SO BAD I couldnt do anything but lay in my bed in fetal position and try not to scream. This might have been the worst pain Ive ever felt in my life. My mom left her phone at home so I couldnt call her and when she finally got back home I was just crying and screaming for her to help me. These things all happened to me at the age of 12 to 13. I was a child that felt absolutely overwhelmed with her period.
Even before i got my period for the first time i often heard boys joke about it which lead to me feeling too ashamed to talk about my period with anyone. I couldnt even tell my friends or close family. I felt gross and ashamed and alone. One of my friends once told me that her brother and dad would constantly make period jokes when she was a teenager and really struggling with heavy periods as well and this shit hurts.
Most of my followers are probably men that follow me for my nudes and thats exactly why I wanted to make this post. Being a woman, especially a young girl can be really fucking hard and I feel like men often don't realize that. Periods can be HARD. Female hormones can be HARD. Having a vagina can be HARD. And these things are nothing to ever joke about.
Now excuse me, I gotta take some pain killer to be able to get ready for my tennis lesson💪
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ellitx · 3 years
idk if requests are open but like i saw xiaos time of the month thing and i was wondering what would venti do like? would he panic and be confused as all hell or know what he’s doing ‼️anyways have a good day
I think venti knows what he’s doing, he might have read some infos about it when he’s in the library just flipping through the pages. Venti has no shame in asking you what are the truths and myths about it. Hey, he just wants to make sure he’s a good boyfriend to you so he knows what he’s doing. He doesnt have a full grasp of everything about period but he has basic knowledge on what to do about it.
Venti came back home with all the hygiene necessities you need. “[Name]! I bought everything you asked for!”
When he received no response he got worried. He opened the door to your room and see you curled up with blanket covering your entire body. Knowing that you’re suffering from these cramps, he immediately left the room to prepare a heat pad for you.
The problem is you dont have a heating pad and he has to make an alternative for it.
But how?!
He internally screamed to himself, looking around for any materials he can use to ease your period cramps. He hasn’t read any alternatives for this. Should he try making it homemade? But what if his methods were all wrong?
Venti was panicking and he doesn’t want to keep you waiting. Should he call for help? But if he does that, you’ll be alone in your house...
Oh, perhaps you have some medicines? In a hurry, he dashed to the bathroom and searched for any medical items that’ll help you. Shit, he doesn’t know which one to use. Several bottles and pills are inside the bathroom cabinet and he checked every label to see the appropriate medication to give to you.
“[Name], which medicine do you need?” He shouted across the room and yet again he got no response from you. This is bad, maybe he should just go with the home remedy idea.
Decisions, decisions. Venti’s mind was running in different places unable to focus on one thing and he just quickly decided to make a homemade heating pad for you. He just hopes what he’s doing is right and is in the right temperature to relive your cramps
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honeydew-mel0n · 3 years
A Week
It's been a week since Dante has been home, as well as a few weeks where he hasn't had constant jobs. While a good thing, the reader comes to miss her demon.
Anime! Dante x reader (Heaven in a Devil's Palm)
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Starring up at your bedroom ceiling, the only noise was the sound of your cat purring while curled up on your calves. You sigh, looking around at the various shit on your walls. Hoping one will spark a thought to take your mind away. The various movie and show posters, old photos of your family. Nothing seems to do the trick. Maybe you should redecorate.
Finally, you sit up. Looking down at your cat. "Hey Val." You whisper, giving him under jaw scratches. "Thank you for trying to make me feel better." He meows through the rumble of his little body. "We're fine, I promise. I just... miss him." Another meow as you get right under his ears. "He's been working a lot, and that's good! He'll finally be able to pay his bills but... ugh I don't know."
You throw yourself back onto the pillow, Val choosing to get up and walk up to your chest, curling up on your breasts. "I feel selfish, like I'm demanding his attention." He meows before shoving his face into his thigh, beginning to purr once again. "I wonder if he's back yet... what do you think?" You get no response other then a 'mrmmph' as you run your hands through his long black fur.
"Alright, my little purr engine. I can at least go check on him, or at least the shop."
The sharp wind would have bit at Dante's skin if it were not for his inhumanly heat. The red neon sign lights the two inches of snow, pink. The front door creaks loudly as he pushes through, opening to a cold and empty office. That was normal for him to come home to, the unfriendly emptiness.
Blood drips onto the floor in pools as he drops his weapons close to the door, it would all be dry by morning. And knowing Patty, she'd come by and complain about the 'mud' he tracked in. It doesnt matter, he'd been out for a week and hasn't slept in three days, Patty isnt what he wants to be worried about right now. Exhaustion like this isnt common for him, but god everything aches.
A familiar, lingering, sent masks the pungency of the blood, It made him internally ache for the one person who didn't yell or put a bullet into his head. That smell, your smell, made him want you. Not sexually, just wanting you to be around after days of blood and gore. The strict contrast is comforting.
The sound of his boots hitting the stairs echo through the first floor, he just needs to get to bed. The white cotton sheets were going to be stained with demon blood, but he knows you'll end up getting them out. It's almost frightening how well woman can get rid of blood. He drops face first into the pillows, lazily kicking off this boots.
He breaths in deeply, taking in your sweet lingering sent. It hung all around DMC, but it clung to his clothes and bed the strongest. It was almost as good as really having you here. Almost. His eyes flutter closed, ignoring how brightly the moonlight lit up his bedroom.
The snow crunched under your shoes, soon glittering pink in the light of that familiar neon sign. Your brows knit with consern at the front door, left ajar, with a trail of (hopefully just) demon blood. Well, at least you know Dante really is back. You let yourself in, gently closing the door behind you. Taking off your shoes in fear of being too loud.
You tiptoe past the rebellion, in the fabric guitar case he keeps it in. Your foot, covered in flesh toned pantyhose, comes down into a cold wet puddle. You arent stupid, you know what it is. Your eyes shut tightly as you whimper softly, mourning the color of your tights and the softness of your hands tomorrow when you have to scrub the blood stain out.
You set your shoes by his desk and quietly pad up the stairs on the balls of your feet. Peaking into his bedroom, in which the door was also left ajar. He's laying there, still in his leather coat. One of his boots is laying on its side on the floor, the other isnt even completely off of his foot and barely dangling off the bed. You stifle a small laugh and sneak in.
Dante feels his other shoe slip off and land on the ground with a light thunk. He doesnt know if the person in his room is really you, or if it's just that his face is buried in the pillow you always use. Said pillow slips from his arms, being placed in its rightful spot. His arm is lifted and a familiar form takes the pillows place.
You don't bother to pull the covers over yourself, just snuggle up against him. His overwhelming warmth doing the job better then any duvet. You don't mind the smell of demon blood on him anymore, you're just happy to be here with him. You close your eyes to try and finally sleep, but two muscular arms pull you in closer. Completely enveloping your form.
His face burys into your hair and he mumbles something into it. You can't tell what he said, weither that be from your scalp blocking it, or his own exhaustion causing him to slur his words. You smile, feeling him try to pull you in closer, tighter, like at any second the realities of his life will rip you from his arms.
That you'll be reduced to nothing but a bloody corpse, and it'll be all his fault.
You shove your face into his neck, placing a soft kiss to his warm flesh with a gentle hum. He feels your lips curve into a smile against his skin, and a feeling of relief finally washes over him as you whisper. "I missed you." He mumbles back against your scalp. "Missed you too."
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secretsniper3 · 3 years
Part 2: Wet..
I wake, rolling over my alarm says 08:00, my day starts now. Blinking and drinking in my surroundings im surprised that im not bound anymore, Master probably released me from my situation before he too went to sleep, makes sense since I still have my morning routine to do. Spreading my thighs my hand creeps under the sheets and massages my clit, moisture instantly wetting my fingers as i rub up and down, fingers dancing expertly over my throbbing clit, being denied for so long my reaction is second nature now as my back arches up off my bed as my hand continues its assault on my senses. 1 edge moments later my mind abuzz with desire. Another edge, 3 to go and my morning can really begin. On and on my fingers go, dancing circles around my needy clit. Stopping just shy of another orgasm, 3 edges down. Pushing a finger and then another into my wet pussy I rub the walls and pull out seconds later. 4 edges down, returning my fingers to my box as my other hand clutches my breast, back still arched high, I slams down to the bed and thrusts my hands to my pillow. 5 edges done.
Climbing out of bed I go and brush my hair and then my teeth. A outfit is already laid out by my Master. A latex sleeveless shirt and matching pants, black high heels and a corset. My day will clearly be a tough one for me. Looking around I cannot find anything even resembling underwear. Knowing my punishment would be beyond measure if I were to dress my pussy myself I don my latex outfit for the day. Shirt, then the pants, sliding easily up my smooth legs as my juices made for handy lubricant. Pressing the latex on my pussy I pause. A simple deep breath removes my hand from what I know is forbidden to me now my morning edges are complete. Sitting on the bedside I clip my heels on so it doesnt fall off and put on my corset, only being able to loosly cinche it without help.
With great care, I walk out my bedroom door, slow paces in my high heels, my pussy rubbing against the latex with every step sending chills down my spine making my mind drift to my little buzzer throbbing away relentlessly. down the stairs, Master was waiting for me. Standing before him I assume my position on my knees, legs open palms up, head down.
“Good morning Master” I say keeping my head low.
“Morning my dear, sleep well i hope, i have a few fun things for you to enjoy today” my Master sounds eager.. its a little unsettling.
Standing up at his command I follow him to the dining room. Breakfast is already served. Im stunned, something is going on and Im concerned by what this means, my Master has almost never made breakfast for me. Heading to my seat I spot it. A large dildo, right where my pulsing pussy would lay, with my Masters guiding hand I ease down onto the large toy. The latex over my pussy parting at the intrusion! how could I not notice that gap when I put it on?? sliding down the thick cock my pussy serving to lubricate it all the way to the base. With a wet shlop Im completely full and I havnt even touched my bacon and eggs! perhaps a drink to calm my nerves, as I take a large gulp I feel warm.. a little too warm. Looking to my Master, he confirms my suspicions by raising his own glass. My pussy now spasming around the dildo as the aphrodisiac runs its course as I lean forward and stifle a moan.
My Master laughs at my situation. “Eat up my dear, your going to need your strength.” he says sending a flurry of chills down my spine leading right to my throbbing womanhood! gasping for air I raise a shaking hand to my fork and eat my food, likely spiked as well.. yes, its spiked. With each piece I swallow I feel the heat burn hotter, like a raging inferno my body craving the 1 thing my mind knows it must never have without consent! finishing my drugged meal my Master takes me by the hand and raises me up. Stopping several times to prevent a unauthorised orgasm. Leading me to the play room I see a device I have never seen before but it scares the hell out of me.
Standing, or lying in the middle of the room is a series of Stock restraints circling a large padded seat, leading me over to it, my Master lays me down flat. locking my wrists in their own personal Stock holders, followed by my ankles. Breathing faster at this development and my need constantly rising im hoisted in the air by the cushion im laying on, my restraints following suit. Standing beside me my Master reveals more holes in my latex, a hole per nipple with which he inserts a suction cup with a wire and covering it with the latex again, leaving just the wire exposed. moving down to my clit he reveals a suction cup, its thin and long and now, attached to my maddening, throbbing buzzer, he begins pumping. My eyes fly open in a combination of fear and arousal as my clit starts to get sucked into the tube, further and further its pulled from its hood till I feel it. Something hard is touching my clit, looking down Im greeted with a wire, pressing the tip of my isolated clit with the means to make me thrash around were I not restrained already. My drug ridden mind flooding with thoughts of my soon to be, hellish day that started too calmly as my Master slides a thick metal cock into my ass. I cant see it but I can bet theres a wire attached to it as well.
Moving to my head Master puts a dildo gag in my mouth and a latex hood over my head, my long red hair pulled through the back and the hood sealed tight. I cant see, I can barely hear and I can only weakly moan around this toy in my mouth, and as my thoughts go to the toy in my mouth, it expands, and again, and again! My mouth now completely full with cock my pleas and moans now a dull grunt, barely audible to those outside my hood. My pussy feels cold air, Master has moved the latex away from my drooling slit, heat radiating off my hungry hole, I breathe deep as Master presses his tongue against my slick folds. If I could scream, I would have. instead my legs tremble uncontrollably and my arms spasm, locked in my restraints thats all I really can do. Master licks again and again drawing more fluid from me. My breathing now very audible as air rushes in and out through my nose, Then I feel it. its coming, shit IM CUMMING! and then.. pure agony. My nipples cop it first, but only by microseconds, as they light up with electricity, followed by my ass and worst of all, my throbbing clit. My eyes shoot up into my skull as Im torn down from the plateau I was cresting mere moments ago! My pussy spasms in need as my Masters tongue only redoubles its assault knowing he has me, right where he wants me.
A full hour passes, and Masters Tongue leaves my pussy as another orgasm is slammed away by the electricity as this setup is designed to deny, not reward so I scream into my inflated cock gag. A few moments pass by idle as Im left to stew in my burning need, electricity occasionally zapping my nipples to make sure im denied release from my drug fuelled arousal. I hear Master say something outside my latex hood, I cant make out the words but he seems to know that I was only moments from cumming just now and thats led his to this pause to let me calm down, if that were possible with the drugs coursing through my veins and the intoxicating latex still coating my body and head Im swimming in a sea of arousal and Im not allowed to cum even a little even in my intense exhaustion im allowed only this peace of not being dragged kicking and screaming to more denial! A familiar sensation returns as Masters tongue reaffixes itself to my Labia and once again im lit of with electricity as another orgasm is beaten back, Round 2 begins.
2 Whole hours of torturous orgasm denial at Masters hands and tongue pass as im finally lowered to the ground, it only took a minute to unlock my limbs from the hellish devices that held me down, and another minute to free my ass, nipples and clit from their own hellish devices. A flick to the clit confirms Im still conscious. My Master picks me up and carries me to the nearby lounge, there he removes my hood and gag, and rests my head on his lap and runs his fingers through my sweat soaked hair. Stripping me of my latex suit, leaving only my heels on he continues my massage, as I regain my senses slowly.
“Master.. Thank you for training this slave to serve” I say weakly, as he cups my cheek with his tender hand, I roll over and fish out his throbbing cock and begin sucking, after all that pain and denial i need something I love, i need Masters cum in my mouth to savour the taste then swallow like the Good Slave I am. Eventually im rewarded with a mouthful as i drink every drop im given and swallow, it really is delicious to me now, I cant go back to a normal life, I belong to my Master.
Taking me to the loungeroom Master instructs me to edge for my lunch. A simple task but as he turns to leave he gives me the number. 30 edges.. My pussy pulses again and the flood gates reopen, I still havnt had that orgasm my body just remembered it was desperate for. oh god could I really do 30 in a row without stopping or spilling over? My Master seems to think so. Already days into my denial and with drugs wracking my brain I begin my edges. It only took a hour but I finally got them all. Another dose of drugged lunch and Im back to normal, if horny out of my mind is normal. The rest of my day is fairly standard compared to my morning training, part of me wants to do it again but not any time soon.
Pleasuring my Masters cock I polish his shoes after that in my favourite maid outfit, remembering to always bend at the waist, never the knees, my Master loves a good show. My daily chores complete Im taken to the shower and cleaned by my Master, taking great care not to rub over my pussy too hard. A lovely steak for dinner with some wine, I could hardly taste the drug in that wine, but my pussy sure felt it. My Master, eager to set me to bed attaches a chastity belt tightly to my pussy. I dont see the point as I would never touch without permission.. right?
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realtalkswithfinn · 4 years
How Remus Would React to your Period:
A/N: YOU ASKED AND YOU SHALL RECIEVE also are you guys good?? Taking care of yourselves?? Drink some water and eat a snack while you read this I love you guys and you deserve it <3 And if you’re on your period change your tampon and grab a heating pad oKAY ENJOY
TW: mentions of blood, mentions of sex (no smut tho), swearing I think
Starting your day with blood dripping down your legs isn’t fun
No shit
Sometimes nights are worse - you have nothing to distract yourself from how much pain you’re in
So, you tend to find comfort in Remus
At first you didn’t tell him, you would just kinda ask if you could spend the night around that time of the month
But then you accidentally bled all over his sheets
He was catching on anyway
“I get it.”
He’d definitely be the plug for chocolate
I’m 100% sure he keeps chocolate frogs in his nightstand
If you don’t want chocolate though he’d definitely send Peter to get you something from the kitchen make Peter do his bidding
Always asks if you’re nauseous and offers water 
He has two go to moves:
He lays on his back while you lay on your stomach, half on top of him with one leg thrown over his
Every girl knows and loves that cuddle position don’t even pretend you don’t
And one where you’re on your back and he lays his head on your chest and hugs your stomach
The pressure on your waist helps a bit, you feel less like you’re about to fall apart
If your stomach makes a weird noise you both just laugh
“I didn’t know you spoke whale.”
*Queue you slapping him*
His hands
They’re so warm literally all the time
You take his hands and place them on your abdomen one night cause “It helps Moony, Trust me.”
From then on he does it without being told
Just pulls your shirt up a bit and rests his hands there oh my god the intimacy
He’d talk to distract you until you fell asleep
“You should’ve seen the look on the kids face when Sirius pushed him in the lake- he deserved it of course, he’s a bit of a git.”
“Prongs won’t tell Evans how much he likes her and it’s getting a tad annoying-“
*James throws a pillow directly into his face*
If he had a good book on hand he’d read that
His voice is so soothing, especially when he’s tired
If the cramps hurt so bad you end up crying, I think he’d grab James’ cloak and sneak you down to the prefects bathroom so the hot water could help
I just imagined him gently wiping away my tears and now I might actually cry-
“Is there not a spell or something to help with this?? what is the point of being a wizard if you can’t use magic for basic bodily functions??”
Sometimes if he could tell it was a perticularly bad cramp day he’d make you skip class and take you up to his room
“There’s no point of sitting through Slughorns today anyway. We can have Sirius give us the notes.”
“Sirius doesnt take notes.”
“... we can make Peter give us the notes.”
He just feels so bad and helpless
He’d mumble stuff like,“I just wanna make you feel better.” Into your hair
And rub your back
Oh my goodness and when his “time of the month” lines up with yours
You’d both just lay together and laugh at the irony
“I’d love to help you but my uterus is literally giving birth to itself and I can’t move.”
“Don’t even worry about it. Who’s blood do you think if gunna get all over everything tonight?”
Both still trying really hard to comfort the other
Sharing a chocolate bar to numb the pain lmao
Okay if you guys are just friends I definitely think the following would happen:
“Have you tried everything you know of to get the pain to go away?”
“I mean, just about. Drinking water, heating pad, stretching, pain meds. There’s one I haven’t tried...”
He pressures you to tell him cause he just wants his best friend to feel better damn it
“It’s embarassingggg.”
“You’re acting like you’re five just tell me.”
“...sex is supposed to help a lot.”
He doesn’t even miss a beat
Sirius would rush over and jokingly throw you over his shoulder.
“FINALLY, something I can help with- TO THE ROOM OF REQUIREMENT!”
Everybody laughs and it lightens the mood
if you liked this and want another one with the other boys let me know? And here are the people who commented on my last headcannon wanting more Remus: @figlia—Della—luna @misstummelisa @acciovisio dont want you guys to miss out 🥺
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aesthetekim · 4 years
So You’re Dating Jeon Jungkook
Junkook’s lil thing as a boyfriend
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the sass in the gif is what does it for me
but hi hello hope you are all doing well
still with you is a mfin BOP
that song rocked my shit and then called me baby
you get what i mean
so hear me out
Jungkook as your boyfriennndddd
we all know he competitive
he gives everything 130% like if he’s gonna do something you best believe it’s gonna be one for the books
so for those who have watched the movie Holes
i imagine Jungkook being the “I can fix that” guy 
or the “I’ll help with everything/ill do it for you cause i love you” same energy
need to decorate for a party but have too much on your plate?
jungkook’s already on it 
“baby I got this”
he blowing up balloons as we speak
and he’ll surprise you with how well decorated everything is in the end
like damn how did you even learn to do that
he’ll be waiting for your approval and wont stop cheesing after you praise his work
been wanting a lil desk area for all your make up? 
bam jungkook already has the vanity ordered and shipped
it comes with cute lights too 
extra treat is him watching you with admiration while you get all dolled up 
i imagine talking to him about something you want etc and he’s already taking the steps to get whatever that is 
because he just loves seeing your face light up when does it
and he wants to make you happy
so lets say
you’re on your period, it’s shark week, the uterus temper tantrum
the two of you are texting back and forth 
and you mention how bad your cramps have gotten and how you have the biggest sweet tooth
and how you wish he was there to cuddle you :( 
he goes silent for a bit, doesn’t reply which makes you over think 
idk about yall but i get hella in my head when it’s shark week
so you’re kinda moppy when you hear a knock on your front door
Jungkook is standing there like a god tbh
rockin grey sweatpants and an oversized tee 
hair a lil messy, bangs in his face
but he has the biggest grin on his face once he sees you
once you texted him, he instantly went to the store and got your fav period foods and came straight to you 
he even got a heating pad 
the rest of the night is filled with the two of you wrapped up in each other on the couch watching movies
your head resting on his chest while his hands play with your hair
you’ll hear him hum a song to you
occasional massages that may get more heated than that heating pad if you catch my drift
but yeah
ofc you can do things yourself and he doesnt try to suffocate you or anything
he just wants to help you out, show you that he cares deeply for you and that he’s always there for you 
even if it’s something ridiculous like helping you bleach a blonde strip into your hair out of impulse cause you saw it on social media
you best believe jungkook went out to buy all the materials 
even if he knows nothing about dying hair
he’s learning today and he’s gonna make that shit look good
bottom line is that he is the sweetest boyfriend who likes to take care of you and spoil you 
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk :) 
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meteor-sword · 4 years
wuko fic outline 🥺🥺
ok this is probably a wuko fic i’ll write sometime. 3 parter >:D 
chapter 1:
post season 4, wu sends a letter to the police station in republic city for mako (beifong gives it to mako and suggests he give wu his address or beifong will have to start screening them) 
it’s a basic update letter, but mako is surprised by wu’s eloquence in writing. maybe he’s a little intimidated by it and he doesn’t want to sound bad in writing so he doesn’t respond
so a second letter comes two weeks later kind of rehashing the same thing but saying he hoped to hear back, hopefully this letter made it to the right place! 
so mako writes back (after having anyone willing read over what he wrote) (and yes i think he had a similar process for writing to korra) 
so every week they’re getting new letters from each other, both expanding discussion topics to more and more personal. 
and then wu drops “i miss you” 
and mako didn’t consider that? that looking forward to getting these letters and taking it so seriously to write back might mean he misses wu too? 
and it evolves from there. maybe mako never considered feelings other than like. resigned obligation to wu-- but he thinks about it after sending another letter and realizes he is not replying to wu out of obligation?
so when wu’s next letter confesses feelings for mako, he internally combusts and coolly takes 2 weeks to write a response and admit he felt similarly (this time he does not have anyone read it over, which adds to how long it takes him to send it)
chapter 2: 
wu is visiting republic city
wu is visiting republic city
mako has not spoken to anyone about the revelations their correspondence has brought up, and he doesn’t know what will happen when he sees wu
mako meets wu not far from where he comes off the train and they go to wu’s favorite fusion restaurant in the city and it’s weirdly normal. wu’s new bodyguards are seated at the table and wu keeps the conversation very... shallow. maybe wu changed his mind about mako? :/
they go back to mako and bolin’s apartment for tea and the bodyguards stand outside the door, and it’s instantly easier to talk. mako puts the kettle on to make tea. they stand in the little kitchen together
"so, our letters...” wu starts as the kettle starts burbling. mako grabs it off and puts it on a heat pad
“what about them?” mako asks, pouring the water into the teapot, and wu isn’t looking at him but he
he says “well i was wondering if” and he puts his hand on the handle of the teapot next to mako’s “you meant everything you said” 
AND THEY’RE STANDING SO CLOSE AND MAKO LOOKS AT HIM SURPRISED AND WU LOOKS UP AT HIM and then they are making out in the kitchen against the counter in the way only 3 years of constant contact followed by 6 months of long distance pining can inspire
[fade to black] so then they’re in mako’s bedroom chillin and mako goes “oh no the tea!!!” and grabs it and they drink tea in his room and wu sleeps over :) 
chapter 3
mako wakes up cuddling with wu :) and then remembers the krew was getting brunch together and wu was invited, and bolin might have stayed out late the night before but he was definitely home and awake now so shit
shakes wu awake “hey how comfortable you climbing out a fire escape because you have to do that and we can’t let anyone else know we already met up” 
so um yeah wu climbs out the fire escape and mako gets up and eats a big breakfast with bolin and is entirely totally completely cool and does not give off any odd vibes
[here’s a secret. this apartment may be the first time mako and bolin lived together but had separate rooms, so there are very tenuous boundaries. maybe bolin read the newspaper that morning and went to mako’s room to show him and saw a mess of brown and black hair and froze in the threshold before turning tail and running or maybe not]
so the bros pick up opal from the docks and go to the restaurant they’re getting brunch at with korra, asami and wu. those three are already there, chatting away
so there are at least 2 silent conversations struggling to happen between all 6 of them (mako to wu “have korra and asami figured anything out??”) (bolin to opal “holy shit i have to tell you something”) 
brunch goes smoothly though, and then they’re just hanging out chatting. wu mentions something about the restaurant he and mako ate at the day before and korra points out that she thought he arrived late last night or early this morning
cue panic
bolin sees his opportunity and is like “yeah mako i thought you worked yesterday early morning shift but i didn’t see you at all yesterday?” 
essentially they catch them in the lie, but also bolin isn’t cruel so they leave it at “wow so wu arrived early and only visited mako? i didn’t realize you two were such good friends. ig there were those letters i proofread for you. good for you guys” [bolin doesnt know about the more sensitive letters mako wrote later] 
-- probably cut to the end of wu’s visit, after two weeks of almost constant dates to make up for the 6 months they didn’t see each other and the next 6 months before wu will be able to visit again, and they decide to tell their friends that they’re an item. 
sorry i literally just love the image of wu having to sneak out of their apartment LSKDJF
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