#so like .if anyone has any idea my brain is very foggy and about to clock out for the night
austinshotbutlers · 2 years
The Wedding Date - Part Four
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner × Fem!BAU!Reader
Summary: Your sister's wedding is approaching fast and the thought of showing your boyfriend off to you family and your ex-boyfriend seems like a very appealing idea. The only problem is... you don't have a boyfriend. Luckily your stony faced, serious, sexy boss has agreed to be your fake boyfriend for the weekend. What could possibly go wrong?
Word count: 4.9K
TW: Smut (Hotch is a boob man at the start, semi-public sex? (they have a quickie in a bathroom), unprotected sex, vaginal fingering), swear words, violence.
A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Part four is finally here! I’m sorry it took so long and this part is also the longest one so far. I apologise for any mistakes, I don’t know how well I proofread it! But I hope you enjoy it, it’s fluffy, smutty and also a little bit angsty. Please let me know what you’d like to see in part 5!
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Being woken up by the bright sun shining through the gap in the curtains was not ideal when dealing with a hangover. Your head pounded as you buried it in the pillow, trying to remember just how much you had to drink at the party. You smiled to yourself as you replayed the events of last night in your brain; you couldn’t believe you and Aaron had sex. You couldn’t believe the two of you had admitted your love for one another.
You sat up slowly, expecting to see Aaron still asleep but there was no sign of him. You laid back against the headboard, chewing lightly on your thumbnail with a look of pure satisfaction on your face. You hadn’t slept with anyone in a long time and it had been an even longer time since anyone had left you feeling so satisfied, so loved. No man had ever made love to you the way Aaron did last night and it was just incredible.
Then, your bedroom door opened gently and Aaron walked in, carrying a tray of food and drink. He looked up and smiled when he saw you were awake.
“Morning.” He smiled, as he walked in and placed the tray down on your bedside cabinet. “I thought you might be hungover so I took the liberty to bring you Advil, water, black coffee, plain toast and a banana. Whatever might do the trick.”
Your heart swelled at his thoughtfulness and you immediately reached out for the pack of Advil and water. “Thank you so much.” You smiled, popping the Advil in your mouth and taking a huge sip of water.
Aaron sat down on the bed beside you and leaned forward for a kiss which you happily reciprocated, placing a soft kiss on his slightly chapped lips. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling Aaron in deeper and he adjusted your bodies so that you were back lying down. You both leaned in for another kiss but you bumped heads in eagerness and laughed but Aaron quickly captured your lips again.
“I’m still naked from last night.” You giggled and Aaron groaned into your ear.
“God you make me feel like a horny teenager again.” He murmured and you laughed, placing light kisses behind his ear. Aaron pulled the duvet down to reveal your breasts and you shuddered at the sudden loss of warmth the fabric was providing. Aaron spread kisses from you neck down to the valley of your breasts and you took a deep breath as his mouth fell to your right.
“Oh!” You managed to moan out as Aaron closed his mouth around your nipple, his tongue swirling while his other hand massaged your left. “That feels so good.” You mumble breathlessly, running your hand through his hair. The pleasure from Aaron’s tongue flicking and sucking on your nipple while his other hand kneaded your left breast made your brain foggy with rapture as the building pleasure settled in your lower abdomen.
Suddenly, your bedroom door creaked open and you could hear you mom chatting away as she was about to enter. You shoved Aaron off, who fell back against the mattress, and you frantically pulled the duvet back up to cover yourself.
“Oh my god mom! Have you ever heard of knocking!” You groaned frustratedly. “It’s like being 15 all over again.”
“Sorry, I forgot! It’s all the excitement of the rehearsal dinner tonight!” She said cheerily which told you she didn’t see anything, much to your relief. “How were the parties last night?” She asked as she wondered into your room, opening the curtains and the sun blinding you.
“Jesus mom.” You hissed and squinted your eyes. “Well the bachelorette was fun, you should have seen Sarah dancing.” You laughed.
“Well I heard you at 3 this morning.” Your mom said and you and Aaron threw each other a panicked look. Had your mom really heard you two have sex last night? “You slammed the front door so loud,” she went on to say. “I’m surprised you didn’t wake up your dad and Aaron as well.” And the two of you relaxed. “So! Tonight, we need to be heading to Thomas’ Parents’ house at around 4, guests will be arriving from 5 and I expect you not to drink so much tonight please Y/N. I do not want you hungover on your sister’s wedding day.”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re making it sound like I have a problem but whatever, it all sounds good.” You said trying to get your mom to leave the two of you.
“Make sure you wear a nice dress and Aaron, I hope to see you in a suit again.” You mom winked to him and Aaron awkwardly chuckled.
“Of course Mrs Y/L/N.” He smiled politely.
“Great! I shall leave you two now. I can tell when my company is not wanted.” She joked and quickly walked out of your room, closing the door behind her.
“Well…” you sighed. “That killed the mood a bit didn’t it?”
“Just a little.” Aaron said, turning back to look at you.
You started to laugh. “The way we both looked at each other when my mom said she heard me come home last night.” You tried to catch your breath. “We really thought we had been caught! It’s like being a teenager again when I used to sneak my boyfriends in through the window in the bathroom and always being so scared my parents were gonna hear us.”
Aaron laughed. “You were quite the rebellious teen.”
“Weren’t we all? At least I didn’t have a punk phase like Emily did.” You giggled. “What were you like as a teenager?”
“While you may not have had a punk phase in high school, I hate to say that mine was in college.” Aaron said.
“Shut up! There is absolutely no way you were a punk. I couldn’t even imagine what you would have looked like.” You’re practically in hysterics now, trying to picture Aaron in college.
“When you come to my apartment, I’ll have to show you the photos.” He said, amused at how entertained you were by the thought of his, very awful attempt, at a punk phase.
“I miss you too buddy.” Aaron smiled into the phone “But I’ll be home in 3 days and you can tell me all about your museum trip with aunt Jessica as soon as I get back. I can’t wait to hear what you saw.”
You smiled from your place at the dressing table, listening to Aaron talk to Jack as you put mascara on your lashes.
“I love you too.” Aaron said. “Be good for Jessica. Yes I love you too Jack.” He chuckled. “Bye buddy.” And he hung up the phone.
“How is he?” You asked, turning to face Aaron.
“He’s good. He went to the museum today and bought a giant shark teddy.” He said.
“He’ll have to show it to me when I next see him.” You smiled , going back to finishing your makeup and Aaron’s heart swelled because Jack loved you. Whenever he would come to the BAU, he would always make a beeline for your desk knowing you would have a chocolate for him in your drawer and make him laugh with some silly story that he would then go home and tell Aaron about 15 times.
“He would love that.” Aaron smiled.
You stood up and turned to show Aaron your dress. “How do I look?”
Aaron felt like he’d stopped breathing as he took in the gorgeous dark green dress you had on. It hugged your figure perfectly, accentuating every curve and falling just above your knee.
“You look gorgeous.” He breathed out and walked over to you. “So, so gorgeous.” He whispered, leaning in and placing soft kisses behind your ear.
“If you keep that up, we’re going to be late to the dinner.” You mumbled breathlessly as Aaron continued to kiss your neck.
“I don’t care.” He said lowly against your skin.
“Neither do I but my mom will go pure psycho on us and the rest of the team will be coming to claim our dead bodies.” You joked and Aaron chuckled. “But I promise we can continue this later tonight.”
“Deal.” Aaron smirked as he pulled away, standing up straight to look at you. You reached up to tighten and straighten the silky red tie he was wearing and smoothed down his shirt.
“You look very handsome Agent Hotchner.” And you reached up to give him a peck on the lips. “We better get going before my mom starts hassling us.”
Aaron reached for his suit jacket and swiftly put it on before the two of you exited your bedroom and made your way down the stairs. Your mom came into view and she gasped when she saw you.
“Oh sweetheart! You look beautiful.” She smiled.
“Thanks mom.” You said smiling back.
Aaron placed his hand on your lower back and you both made your way to the car.
“So Aaron,” you dad started as he drove. “Have you enjoyed your time in LA?”
“Yes, very much Sir,” Aaron said. “It’s nice to be here for leisure and not dealing with a case.”
“Do you enjoy working for the BA…. Whatever it is?” Your mom asked.
“I do enjoy working at the BAU, my son thinks I’m a superhero.” Aaron chuckled.
“Oh you have a son?” Your mom questioned obnoxiously.
“Yes, his name is Jack. He’s almost 8 now.” He said with a smile and you placed your hand on Aaron’s thigh to apologise for your mom’s abruptness.
“Would you want anymore children?” She continued.
“Mom!” You called our frustratedly. “What kind of question is that?”
“It’s fine Y/N,” Aaron smiled to you, taking your hand in his and squeezing it. “I suppose I am open to more children but only if it feels right.”
The rest of the car ride went in a silence, your mom and dad occasionally exchanging a few words and sentences but you soon arrived at the house of you sister’s future in-laws. You took in the extravagant building.
“At least we know Sarah is going to be rich for the rest of her life.” You joked to Aaron and he chuckled.
“Oh shush!” Your mom reprimanded you and she knocked a few times on the door before Sarah excitedly ran to open it.
“Can you believe I’m getting married tomorrow!” She said excitedly.
You all made your way into the lavish home and were greeted by Thomas and his parents.
“Luke is here, he’s just in the dining room.” Thomas smiled as he shook your dad’s hand.
Anger flared in Aaron’s chest at the mention of Luke as their conversation from last night replayed in his head. You noticed Aaron tense up and placed your hand on his back, rubbing softly to help him relax.
The large party sat around the dining table as the second course had just been finished, chatter and laughter filling the room.
“Sarah and Y/N never used to get on! They hated each other growing up.” Your mom was telling the table.
“That’s because Y/N couldn’t stand the fact that I was more popular than her.” Sarah interjected. “She was far more interested in her boring criminology books.”
“We all know you were only popular because mom had to beg the coach to let you on the cheer squad.” You laughed and Sarah threw you a glare.
“Well at least you two girls get on together now.” Your dad said, trying to calm the conversation.
“Get on? No. Tolerate? Yes.” You said laughing and a few chuckles came from around the room.
Aaron looked around the large table at the guests and his eyes settled on Luke who was downing another drink, much to his girlfriend’s dismay. She was muttering something to him and he replied angrily. Always the gentleman.
“Do you want more wine?” Your voice drew Aaron from his thoughts and he turned to you.
“Please.” He smiled, holding out his glass as your poured. “Thank you.”
Aaron pulled his chair in closer so that he could rest his hand on your thigh and the small action sent instant waves of calmness through your body.
“So, Aaron and Y/N. Why don’t you tell us what it’s like working for the FBI.” Thomas said, everyone’s eyes falling onto the two of you.
“It’s hard work but we love it.” You said, looking up at Aaron with a smile.
“Tell us about the serial killers.” Thomas pleaded.
“I don’t think that’s appropriate dinner talk honey.” Sarah said.
“I’d like to hear about it.” Your dad interjected.
“Maybe we should leave this talk until after the wedding.” Thomas’ mother said unimpressed.
You and Aaron looked at each other as everyone spoke over one another and laughed.
“We profile more than just serial killers.” You said.
“Have you ever shot anyone?” Thomas asked eagerly.
Aaron opened his mouth to respond but your mom’s desperate tone cut him off. “Why don’t we go back to talking about the wedding!”
You turned to Aaron and rolled your eyes before the excited chatter of the wedding filled the room again.
Eventually, the guests dispersed from the table, mingling around the grand house with one another. Your mom was excitedly chatting away with Sarah, Thomas and Thomas’ mom while your dad was talking to a couple of your great aunts. Luke was solemnly stood in the corner, sipping slowly at a large tumbler of whiskey. Aaron had his hand placed at the small of your back, holding you close as your cousin spoke.
“You should have seen your mom’s face when Thomas asked if you had ever shot anyone!” Liv laughed. “She looked absolutely horrified.”
“Well, you know better than anyone my mom hates my job.” You replied with an eye roll. “She never wanted me to take my job at the BAU.”
“I’m glad you did take it.” Aaron said, rubbing a circle on your back. “Or we never would have met.”
“Blah!” Liv said. “You guys are so in love it makes me sick. Where can I get myself an Aaron?” She joked.
“Join the FBI.” You replied with a laugh.
“I’m going to go and get another drink and consider your proposal.” Liv chuckled and walked off to the kitchen.
You looked up at Aaron with a smile and leaned in for a kiss which he happily reciprocated, placing a gentle peck on your lips. You leaned in for another but Aaron pulled away.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to control myself.” He mumbled into your ear. “You look so breathtaking in this dress.”
Heat rose to your cheeks and you smiled shyly into Aaron’s neck. “Keep talking like that and I won’t be able to control myself.” You replied and looked around the room. Everyone was occupied or engaged in conversation, all centred around Sarah and Thomas. “I don’t think anyone would notice if we disappeared.” You said and the implications in your tone told Aaron exactly what you were thinking.
“Are you sure?” He asked, his hands sliding to yours hips and you nodded eagerly.
The two of you quickly made your way down the long hall to the ostentatious bathroom and checked if anyone was around before you both stepped into the room, locking the door behind you. In an instant, Aaron’s lips were on yours, catching them in a hungry kiss and you stepped back, the back of your legs hitting the the bathroom counter. Aaron swiftly lifted you up and effortlessly placed you softly onto the counter. You parted your legs so Aaron could stand between them, letting him be closer to you as he kissed your jaw and you pushed his suit jacket off his shoulders.
“I never took you as a quickie in the bathroom kind of guy.” You joked breathlessly.
“Neither did I.” He said as lips trailed down to your collarbone. “But you can be quite persuasive Agent Y/L/N.”
You pushed your clothed centre into Aaron’s crotch and he groaned into your ear as you slid your body closer to his from your position on the counter. You could feel him getting harder as each second passed and your kiss grew rougher and more passionate.
“This dress is just so beautiful.” Aaron mumbled. “You are so beautiful.”
You kissed him again hard on the lips and began to unbuckle his belt.
“Eager?” He jokingly muttered as you unbuttoned his pants and unzipped them.
“We don’t have long until they realise we’ve disappeared.” You said. “And I’ve been thinking about this all day.”
Aaron pulled you closer to him and hastily hiked the skirt of your dress up. You could feel how hard he was through his pants and leaned into his ear.
“I need you.” You mumbled desperately.
He reached for his wallet out his back pocket and quickly ruffled through before muttering frustratedly.
“Fuck! I don’t have anything.” He said gruffly.
“It’s fine,” you mumbled as you pulled him back to you by his tie. “I’m on birth control.”
“Are you sure?” He asked. “It’s not always 100% effective…”
You cut him off with a kiss before reaching for his boxers, slipping your hand beneath the waistband and pulling his cock free. Aaron groaned as you took him in your hand and reached down to your panties, pushing the fabric to the side and sliding his fingers inside your slick folds.
“So wet already.” Aaron grumbled and you gasped as he began to pump his index and middle fingers in and out of you slowly.
“Please Aaron.” You pleaded and helped line his length up to your entrance.
Aaron pushed his cock inside you slowly and your hands grabbed onto the edge of the counter tightly. Once he was completely inside of you, he stilled and gave a moment for your body to adjust.
“You ok?” Aaron mumbled and you nodded.
“Yes!” You exhaled.
Aaron began slow thrusts, rocking back and forth, driving into you over and over again. Each thrust felt like ecstasy to him as your walls clenched around his length. It was enough to send him into overdrive. You moaned out quietly and bit your lips to stifle any noises.
“Feel so good.” Aaron grumbled into your neck as his pace picked up and his grip on your hips tightened.
“Aaron!” You moaned at the building pressure between your legs, your grip on the edge of the counter so tight as Aaron’s thrusts grew faster and harder. He placed soft kisses on your neck as he continued to fuck you against the counter and you felt as though you were about to crumble from the pleasure. “Fuck! Right there…” you gasped out as he hit the perfect spot and he positioned himself to make sure he continued hitting the right spot.
“Where do you want me to?…” Aaron began to ask but was cut off by a moan from himself as his own pleasure neared its climax.
“Inside.” You managed to mumble. “Aaron! I’m going to…” all brain function was clouded as your orgasm took over your body.
Aaron buried his head into your shoulder, his thrusts growing sloppy as his own climax neared. A soft moan from your lips was all he needed and he was tumbling over the edge and you gasped at the sudden hot sensation as he filled you up. Aaron continued rocking his hips as he rode out his orgasm. Then, the two of you froze as the doorknob began to aggressively twist as someone attempted to enter the bathroom.
“Occupied!” You managed to call out and you heard a gruff mumble reply from the other side of the door. “Quick, we should get cleaned up.” You whispered and Aaron nodded, pulling out of you slowly and reaching for several tissues from the countertop.
Once you were both cleaned up and looking much more presentable than you were a mere 5 minutes prior, you unlocked the door and quickly exited.
“Remember the quick fucks we used to have?” A voice mumbled from behind you as you and Aaron began to walk down the hall. You turned to see Luke standing against the wall, taking a large swig from his glass.
“I’m sorry?” You asked, taken aback by his abruptness.
“Don’t act dumb Y/N, we all know you two just fucked in the bathroom. We used to do it all the time.” Luke slurred as he walked towards you and Aaron. “I told you she was a good fuck didn’t I?”
“I don’t want any trouble Luke,” Aaron said sternly as he stepped in front of you, shielding you from Luke in a protective manner.
“Come on Aaron, admit it! You’re only with Y/N for the sex. God knows that’s the only reason I stayed with her for five years.”
Anger grew inside Aaron and he stepped forward to Luke. “Just go back to the party and stop bothering Y/N. I warned you last night to leave her alone.”
Luke stepped away and threw his hands up defensively. “Hey whatever! We’re cool man. I mean, I can’t say I envy you being stuck with the needy slut.”
Aaron didn’t even hesitate, his fist formed a ball and without a second thought, he threw a punch to Luke’s jaw and he fell to the floor from the impact. Everything happened so fast and you barely had time to process the situation but you were back at Aaron’s side in an instant and he wrapped his arms around you. Luke slowly stumbled upright as he found his feet, clinging onto his nose as bright red blood spilled over his suit.
“What the fuck! I think you broke my fucking nose!” Luke shouted.
All the commotion had drawn people’s attention from the party as they all made their way to the hallway to see what had happened.
“Oh my god! What have you done?” Sarah shrieked as she looked at the scene before her.
“Broke my fucking nose!” Luke responded angrily.
“It’s not broken.” Aaron rolled his eyes.
“You had to make this about you didn’t you?!” Sarah fumed, turning to you.
“Wh…what?” You fumbled in shock.
“You couldn’t stand the fact that this week was about me and you had to create a scene!”
You started to laugh at her preposterous suggestion. “Are you serious?”
“Girls! Let’s leave this argument until after the wedding.” Your mom said as she tried to intervene.
“You just can’t get over that I’m getting married first so you had to ruin it.” Sarah continued.
“No Sarah! I just couldn’t stand the fact that your let that,” you aggressively pointed at Luke who was now being fussed over by his girlfriend and Thomas. “Asshole to be a part of it.”
“He dumped you two years ago! Get over it.” Sarah replied angrily.
“Trust me Sarah, I’m fucking over it! And you know what? I’m over this wedding as well.” You exclaimed.
“Y/N!” Your mom hissed.
“She’s a fucking psycho mom!” Sarah said. “No wonder she catches them for a living.
Aaron’s grip on your waist tightened as he pulled you closer to him, the tension in the room so thick you could cut it with a knife.
“Why don’t we all calm down and go back to the party?” You dad suggested as he tried to calm the situation.
“I think me and Aaron should go.” You muttered.
“Yes. I think you should.” Sarah said venomously.
“I’ll drive you home.” Your dad offered but you shook your head.
“We’ll just get a cab.” You replied and took Aaron’s hand in yours.
“I’m sorry.” Aaron said as the two of you walked into the deserted house.
“For what?” You asked, turning around to face him.
“I escalated the situation. I should have never punched Luke but I couldn’t stand listening to how he spoke about you.” He loosened his tie as he spoke.
“Don’t apologise.” You said sternly, walking over to him and intertwining your hands with his. “I’m lucky to have you defending my honour.” Your tried to joke and Aaron smiled.
“But you’re sister…” He began but you cut him off.
“Needs to realise that not everything is going to be perfectly smooth.” You rolled your eyes. “We’ll know in the morning if I’m still maid of honour. But, it’s going to be hilarious seeing Luke tomorrow standing at the end of the aisle with a broken nose.”
Aaron groaned and rolled his eyes. “I did not break it! It was just a light punch.”
“A light punch? You nearly killed him!” You laughed and Aaron sighed defeatedly despite the small smile on his lips. “But I must admit, it was very sexy.”
Aaron chuckled sheepishly and placed his hands on your hips, still in awe of your appearance and your dress. You leaned up and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Let’s go upstairs and pretend everything today didn’t happen.” You muttered against Aaron’s lips.
“Everything?” He quizzed, pulling away and raising an eyebrow which caused your to giggle.
“Ok, not everything.” You laughed and the two of you began to trek up the stairs to your bedroom.
When you entered your room, you immediately kicked off your heels and began to unzip your dress. Aaron followed closely behind, taking off his jacket and tie before sitting down on the bed to untie his shoes.
Soon, you and Aaron were sat in bed together, he had his arm wrapped around your shoulders while you nestled into his side. It felt so natural, so domestic. You could still smell Aaron’s cologne on his neck and it smelt like heaven, sending ripples of relaxation through your body.
“I could spend all day in your arms.” You mumbled into his chest.
“I’d love nothing better than to lay in bed with you all day.”Aaron replied.
“What will the team say when they find out about this?” You asked.
“They will definitely tease us. Dave would claim he’d always known we would get together.” Aaron scoffed. “He actually…” he paused, a hint of embarrassment in his tone. “He actually tried to get me to ask you out.”
“Really?” You asked surprise, sitting up straight so that you were facing him.
He chuckled nervously. “Yes. His voice kept circling my head that night I agreed to do this with you. I could hear Dave’s words repeating over and over.”
“What did he say to you?” You asked eagerly.
“He said ‘If you don’t tell Y/N how you feel, I’ll do it for you’ and I couldn’t stand the thought of you finding out how I felt about you from David Rossi of all people.” Aaron laughed.
You suddenly gasped. “Oh my god! Rossi is the reason you bought me those earrings for my birthday isn’t he?”
Heat rose to Aaron’s cheeks before he nodded slowly. “Dave saw you show a picture of them to Garcia and JJ and told me to get them for you. I rarely listen to Dave’s advice when it comes to relationships but this was the one time I listened to a suggestion from him.”
You leaned forward and kissed Aaron passionately, wrapping your arms round his neck. His hand instinctively went to your hips as he held you in place. You pulled away and looked deeply into his eyes.
“I love you.” You said breathlessly.
Aaron smiled brightly. “I love you too.” He said before leaning in to kiss you again.
“Did you go to that party with a plan to ruin your sister’s wedding?” Your mom shrieked as she burst into your room. You and Aaron jolted apart at her sudden entrance, her shrill voice piercing your ears.
“Mom, oh my god.” You sighed. “You made us jump!”
“You were very rude to your sister at her rehearsal dinner.” You mom continued, a sour look on her face. “She is downstairs so upset with what happened. You’re lucky she still wants you to be her maid of honour tomorrow.”
“I think you’re both being over dramatic. Luke got what he deserved.” You rolled your eyes. “It’s not my fault Sarah started an unnecessary argument.”
“Luke has got a potential broken nose! We don’t know of he’ll be able to go to the wedding tomorrow.”
“Would that really be so terrible?” You asked.
“Enough! Tomorrow is Sarah’s day, let the past with Luke go and try and behave for the wedding tomorrow.”
“Jesus mom, I’m not 5 anymore.” You huffed at her ridiculous words.
“In Y/N’s defence,” Aaron spoke from his position next to you on the bed. “Luke has said some disgusting things about Y/N this weekend. I don’t usually go round throwing punches but I couldn’t stand there and let him call my girlfriend, your daughter a slut.”
Your mom was taken aback by what Aaron said. She struggled to find the words she wanted to speak.
“Just make sure you apologise to Sarah in the morning, she’s staying here tonight. The night before her wedding and all that.” Your mom muttered and then swiftly exited your room, shutting the door behind her.
“Christ tomorrow is going to be painful.” You groaned, throwing your head back against the pillow.
The Wedding Date Taglist 1/2: @wanniiieeee @notsopersonalcharlie @blackeyedangel9805 @preciousbabypeter @stxlemate @twilightlover2007 @justarandommom @impala1967dwinchester @spencermiromantiko @julyhoney @thecubanator2 @xphantomphanphanaticx @lawlesshedgehog @louderfortheback @ssamorganhotchner @essenceproxima @lespendy @stiles-argent24 @rousethemouse @tvdstelenaforever @wandererseye @bibella8swan @yourfavunsub @bibimangines @lou-the-confused-bisexual @realm8626 @sophiaj650 @bylones @howabouticallyou @madz-19 @hotchnerxo @supercriminalbean @jayxox @sweetpeterparker @mina2000alex @xoxokiwi @rayofeffingsunshine @helmihotchner @pedrohoe04 @blackqueenie-18 @crocodilefeet2707 @mynotesapptbh @cryingraccoonn @victoriaholland @1d-obssesed @jemssafespace @red-red-rogue @fandomalert31 @valentinaromanoff @smad809 @pretty-little-bunny382728 @tim-thefrog @mojo366 @jazzymariexoxoc @dankfarrick29 @gffesegjoiegi @fuckthealarm @users09 @8crazy-freak8 @jazzerbelle14 @vsophb
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spilledmilkfkdies · 3 months
So ever since @calissarowan posted their Dumantlos fan child, my brain has rotting about my old Gantlogron fan child and couldn't help but ask, in your opinion how would Gantlos and Ogron be like as parents to their own child other than Duman?
Oooooo hm!!
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Jk- Kinda.
Though I have given Gantlos a dead daughter from his "pre-wizard" years, so I don't doubt he has more experience. I was gonna remove her from the equation temporarily, but you said MY opinion, so I'm letting her stay 🗣🗣
Now I do think it depends on when they manage to acquire a child, in whatever way, but rn let's pick the foggy period between locking away the fairies and S4, my absolute favourite one for random stuff to take place in fr. Enough room for them to slip into a more normal lifestyle, but still with that sneaky lil "We're not done yet." to add a bit of drama oOoooOooo
All things considered though, I would like to think they do try as parents. They'd never intentionally harm their kid in any way, and they do care so very much, even if they don't always show it in the most obvious ways. But I'd hope a gantlogron baby would know that at some point, having spent enough time with them to pick up on all the cues and all that. Can I guarantee that a person raised by them is the kindest, most understanding individual around? Probably not. But neither are Ogron and Gantlos themselves, so there. I guess.
Next on my list of things I wanna bring up; would the child be magical? BECAUSE, don't get me wrong, they'd love em either way- But. I know for a fact Ogron especially would be ecstatic to learn their child had magic in there somewhere. Exploring it with them, training, that's so much more interesting to him than all the reading and writing (even though he absolutely adored all of that too, but shhhh don't tell anyone). Might go a little overboard, can definitely see that happening, so Gantlos will have to help balance it all out.
At the end of the day, I'm a "There's worse parents to have" TRUTHER idc idc. Gantlos might need a sec to adjust to things and get used to the idea of having another child after what happened to his last, but also that was so long ago fr, who's to say that even matters anymore (me??). Things would end up fine either way, Ogron would help him right through it. That and the. "I fear I'll break them with the slightest touch" period he'll undeniably go through as well. In which Ogron did all the holding, but Gantlos would be on his ass constantly about "doing it wrong", all the while being too stressed to hold the baby himself. Getting out of that phase was a joy for everyone involved.
Overall they both have their parenting flaws, but again, they're not the worst. They do a decent job and have a pretty good time. Until the kid becomes a teenager, they're gonna be fighting for their lives. Ogron is gonna "While you're under MY roof-" it up, Gantlos would pull a "Because I said so." I'm so sorry 😔😔
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xxxdreamscapexxx · 1 day
Hi there x
First of all, I hope you're doing well, you haven't been active much and just know that I really hope you are doing well, are safe, and are taking really good care of yourself 🌻
Your writing is absolutely incredible. I think I've read almost each and every one of them. The details, the length of words, the dialogue, it's all absolute perfect and paints such vivid images in my head. You are an extremely good writer
I have a possible request, if you ever have any time however if not you can totally disregard it 🤎
My request is: Wanda and Y/N have been in a very long term relationship. However, usually Y/N is the one "in charge". One night, she comes home after being at a bar with some old university friends and comes home drunk. Wanda finds it amusing, and tends to her. However, she starts to find mind freezing at certain moments. Such as when she walks into the bathroom and sees y/n on her knees in front of the toilet, looking up at wanda with glossy eyes and a pout. Wanda releases a small gasp when she hears a small sound y/n makes as she holds her hair up and grips it a bit. She's never seen y/n so vulnerable, and is starting to really like it. She knows she won't do anything right now, because y/n isn't sober, but is figuring out that there's a side of her that wants to see y/n like this in another situation. Begging for attention, glossy eyes, red lips, shaky legs, on her knees, etc.
This was originally a Wanda x Nat x Y/N idea however if you want it to just be a Wanda x Y/N idea that's perfect too 🤎
Hi there!
Awww ^^ Thank you, dear! I'm doing very well. I'm planning the celebration of my birthday this weekend and then I have a nice little vacation planned. ☺️
I'm actually a lot more active than I appear, I just don't have too much time for writing... But I'm happy to talk to anyone and share ideas.
And thank you for the kind words as well. I always feel all warm and cudly when I know someone appreciates my writing 💜
Oh, that's such an interesting concept...
I like the idea of Wanda discovering a new side of herself, when she's considered herself to be the more submissive one in the relationship.
I can picture Wanda tossing and turning all night, replaying little moments that are now stuck in her head.
Remembering her girlfriend on her knees, so vulnerable and exposed and completely dependant on Wanda.
A moment when R's hands were stuck in her shirt and all she could do was whine for Wanda to help her.
The way R's words came out slurred and slow, her brain foggy and unfocused...
It will haunt Wanda for days! And her brain will keep twisting the situation, re-imagining it, turning it heated and then sexual, adding on more and more fantasies, until she can't take it anymore.
This has so much potential for a great story! I keep thinking of the details of it.
I'll definitely try to write more about it at a later stage.
Thank you for sharing your idea with me! 💜
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|| 29. Public Sex ||
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Matt Murdock x female reader
Warnings: p in v, fingering.
Author's note: if you enjoy my writing please comment or reblog to share it with others, thank you so much, it's makes my day!
It was your second year anniversary and Matt had asked you if you wanted to go out for a meal to celebrate, but you told him you’d be happier with the two of you taking a day off during the week and maybe just going to the park for a picnic. He’d loved the idea and so you’d found a quiet corner, a blanket laid out under a tree with a myriad of extra special tasty food and a bottle of champagne that Foggy and Marci had gifted to you.
You both sat leaning against the tree, clinking plastic glasses together with smiles and kisses. Of course it didn’t take long until the kisses turned a little more passionate and it was then that you pulled gently back from Matt’s gorgeously soft lips, smirking to yourself.
“I’ve got a surprise for you Matty.”
He tilts his head and smiles, “Aw sweetie…you didn’t need to-” he starts to say, but you lean in, your breath warm against his ear as you whisper into it.
“I’m not wearing any panties.”
“Christ…” He clenches his jaw so hard he thinks he might have cracked a tooth.
You grin and swing your leg over him while he’s still stunned, straddling him and fluffing out the skirt of your summer dress to cover his lap entirely.
“Fuck. Sweetheart-”
“You wanna?” You ask, chewing on your lip and feeling extremely mischievous, running your fingers over his chest as your proposition sinks in.
He shakes the fuzz of hot blood out of his skull and tries his best to compose himself. Which is difficult as you’re sitting on his cock which is apparently completely onboard with the idea of you riding him in a public park in the middle of the city.
You’re already sneaking your hands underneath your dress to undo his pants and pull him out before he can seem to get any proper words out. He feels hot and firm in your hand and it’s ridiculous how easy this is. You’ve been thinking about it all day up till now and so you’re absolutely wringing wet, sliding the tip of his cock along your pussy a couple of times before sinking all the way down, loving how he fills you completely. You lean forward, burying your face against his shoulder and neck, to anyone passing by it would just look like you were having a cuddle, albeit a rather intimate one.
Matt is stroking your back with a trembling hand, trying his best to ground himself. “I can’t believe you. You’re a fucking menace.”
You grin and shift a little, his cock drags against your inner walls and he winces, trying to hold in moan. “You love it Matty, and don’t try to pretend you don’t, you’re a shit liar.”
He groans as you lift yourself up and excruciatingly slowly lower back down with a ‘mmm’.
“Okay okay, just- just go slow? Really slow…please.”
You smile and kiss him just under his jaw, stubble scratching your lips. “Since you asked so nicely…”
You rock at a very leisurely pace, loving how on edge Matt feels in this whole situation, his senses are spread out on high alert but you’re just so fucking distracting and this whole thing has knocked his legs right out from under him. He brings his other hand up to rest on the back of your neck, holding you close as you grind the brains out of him.
“Just how long have you been planning this?” He manages to grit out, pressing a kiss at your temple.
“Not long…” you hum and move your hips a tiny bit faster with a smile.
“Shit shit shit-”
“You’re so cute when you’re nervous Matty,”
He swallows, hard. “Not nervous, sweetheart, just very much, uh, aroused…”
You take his hand and guide it under the hem of your dress. “Me too. Help me out?”
Matt manages to collect himself enough to move his fingers over you, quick and focused, and even though you’re not riding him like a bucking bronco, he knows that the instant you come you’re gonna take him with you.
It doesn’t take long. The thrill of being seen, or being caught is a lot, but combine it with the way it’s affecting Matt…
You bury your face in the crook of his neck, shaking, panting against him, your breath condensing on his skin as it hits you. He’s gripping you tightly with the arm that’s wrapped around you, pulling you impossibly close as you both fall apart.
“I love you so fucking much-” he guides your lips to his, pressing the words into them as he lets go.
“Love you too, happy anniversary baby.”
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mochie85 · 2 years
had a quick thought that could maybe turn into something? Not sure lol
Okay well, I was crawling on the floor like an idiot trying to dig up my slippers from under the bed (I have short arms) and I had a thought…Loki finds y/n in a similar situation and just can’t help but stare, becomes a bit a flustered mess if you will, god forbid anyone catches him off guard tho (especially y/n), something fluffy or something funny, anything goes, up to you! He also may selfishly put y/n a similar situation or two after the first instance just to get repeat of his first view bc he’s a mischievous little prick, y/n isn’t stupid tho and catches on quick, starts playing into his games, and starts making it unbearable for him after she starts wearing skirts or something, ok lemme shut up now
To Fold and To Flex
One-Shot Masterlist Complete Masterlist
Summary: Loki didn't realize he was in love with you until he saw you from a new perspective. A/N: I hope you liked this @loopsisloops. Sorry, it took so long. Pairing: Loki x Female Reader Warnings: Mostly fluff. No details of smut, but very suggestive scenes. Dividers: @firefly-graphics
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The cloud inside Loki’s mind wouldn’t lift. It wasn’t a headache perse, more of an annoyance. He’s felt like this for a couple of months now. A feeling of something he’s missed. It was almost within his grasp but he couldn’t, for the life of him, figure out what it was.
It was better whenever he would spend time with you. The clouds would go away and he found joy in your laughter. He found excitement in your shared love of mischief. He found peace in the late afternoons with you, sharing your love of music with him.
However, whenever you were not around, the fogginess in his head somehow got worse. It traveled down his body, onto his chest. Squeezing him tight. Making him unable to breathe at times. What unexpected power you had over him?
You did not have any magical talents as a witch or perhaps a mutant. Loki has checked your file multiple times and asked both Wanda and Strange to look into you. Strange just rolled his eyes at him - the nerve! Wanda - Wanda wouldn’t stop smiling after Loki explained the situation to her.
“Maybe you should just hang out with her more often. Make those clouds go away for good!” She suggested with a smirk.
“What kind of half-brained idea is that? Would you tell an alcoholic to drink more liquor? Or an addict to take more of their narcotics?” Loki shouted back as he turned and walked away from her. They were ridiculing him. They must be. No one here ever thought him serious.
Hence, here he was, sitting up alone in his bed. His head in his hands trying to figure out where this heaviness came from. What was it about you that made him think of you at all hours of the day? Why does every melody he hears remind him of the twilight evenings listening to old records with you?
Walking down to the kitchen, he decided to raid Tony’s liquor cabinet. A habit he picked up from you whenever you needed to stop overthinking about something serious. Then maybe tomorrow he would confront you about your power over him and perchance he could bargain with you to let him go. You must have some sort of control or spell bewitching him.
Perhaps you had some elven blood in you, some Aether. And you weren’t aware you were doing it. He could help you! He could help you control your powers. Yes! It would undoubtedly lead to more time spent together. But if it’s for your own good. For your own safety. Then he would risk this dense cloud over his heart and mind a little longer to help you.
As he strode quietly to the kitchen, Loki could make out loud clinks of glass coming from the bottom cabinets of the bar. There could be any number of you still awake at this time and he turned to go back into his room. He found the thought of making small talk with anyone from the team tedious and insincere.
“Ugh, where are you?!” he heard your muffled groan. He stopped midstride, turning back around towards the kitchen, with a wide grin on his face. He was about to say some amorous remark about how you needn’t look any further, for here he was – the perfect specimen - standing in front of you.
But he couldn’t. He rounded the corner and was met with your curvaceous rear end in some remarkably tight leggings. Loki’s eyes widened. He tilted his head as his mouth opened to an appreciative shock. He found you on your knees as you were reaching for something deep in the cabinets. Your small grunts and curses invaded his head.
It wasn’t until he saw you, in that precarious position, that it hit him. A hard blow to the lungs. Like the clouded air was knocked out of him and all he could do was just stand there and look at your luscious arse.
I want her. He finally admitted to himself. Loki closed his mouth and snapped out of it. Is that drool coming out of my lips?
“Ugh…come on. Just a little closer,” you grunted. Loki bit his bottom lip at hearing your phrase. “Yes!” you breathed out as you found whatever it was you were looking for.
As if the gods themselves slowed down time, he watched you stand up. Your hair gathered to one side of your face. Your body slid up along his and he felt warmth emanating from you. The light in your eyes turned the color into a new hue. When you looked up at him, you had released your bottom lip from the bite you held it in.
And Loki’s heart skipped a beat.
“Shit!” You whispered. “I wasn’t stealing anything!” You said hiding the bottle of whiskey behind you.
“What are you hiding dear?” His wide smile made your heartache and double over. He pushed his arms under yours and around your waist, pulling you closer in his embrace. The scent of his cologne muddles your senses as he reached for the pilfered bottle you were holding behind you.
“When did you get here? I didn’t hear you come in?” you asked him.
“I haven’t been down here very long. I heard the sounds of thieving and was wondering who would be brave enough to rob the Avengers in the middle of the night.” You giggled at his words. Gods, he loved the sound of your giggle.
He took the bottle from behind you and opened the twist cap with his nimble thumb. The cap opened so fast it flew off the bottle onto the counter. Loki took a swig of whiskey. His eyes never left yours while his other hand still wrapped around your waist.
“Hey! That was mine. I stole that fair and square!” You stomped your foot. Gods you look adorable!
“Why are you up so late?” Loki smiled, offering the bottle back to you.
“My mind wouldn’t rest,” you said, taking the bottle and drinking a sip yourself.
“Couldn’t sleep either, huh?” Loki asked as you moved away from his embrace. He fought the urge to squeeze you to keep you in place.
“Ya. I’m still jetlagged from the mission.” You offered. It wasn’t a lie. But Loki knew it was only a half-truth. “That’s my excuse. What’s yours?” you quickly asked.
You, he wanted to say. “As I said, I heard someone trying to steal something in the kitchen. And I thought I would be proactive and stop the evildoer from doing any harm.” He teased you. “Or from stealing all of Tony’s beloved liquor.”
“Stop. I wasn’t stealing!” You jokingly pushed him on his right peck, feeling the strong hard muscle underneath. He caught your hand as it was touching him and he held it against himself for a short while before conventionality made it seem awkward. He couldn’t stop wanting to touch you.
“I’ll replenish what I sto-borrowed.” You said blushing. You busied yourself finding two old-fashioned glasses for the whiskey. Trying to hide the dimpled smile forming on your face.
Your hair had fallen down, covering you. Loki wouldn’t have that and he delicately pulled your strands back behind your ear. You turned to face him with a warm smile, “Thanks,” you said.
Loki was stunned. All this time, he never once saw you as anything more than a friend. How could he? He was resigned to the thought that no one here in this realm would ever want to be with him. He couldn’t – no, wouldn’t – think of anyone here that way because he didn’t want to get himself attached and subsequently get hurt.
So he turned off that side of him. Looked at the world through the hazy filter of friendship and amiable companionship. That cloudy filter inevitably obscured his view of you and your relationship together.
But one look at you in that indefensible position - your beautiful body offered up before him like a sacrifice to an insidious god - he couldn’t help but break that filter and replace it with lust-filled longing and a desperate stare.
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It went on for quite some time. His stare. His longing. It was like he was looking at you through new eyes. Your soft supple skin, your buoyant laughter, that round curvaceous ass! He couldn’t stop thinking about that night he found you, on your knees with your plump cheeks in the air, tempting him to run his palm around you. He had to see it again.
“You got a little something…” Wanda said to Loki, breaking his train of thought. “…right here.” She said motioning to the side of her lips. “Are you drooling?” Loki quickly went to wipe his lips only to find them dry. Wanda started laughing.
Loki was upset at being mocked. “Why are you here? Come to give me more asinine advice on my predicament?”
“It’s the tower’s gym, Loki. I’m here to train. Just like everybody else. Although, you’re spectating more than you are working out. What, or rather, whom are you watching?” Wanda’s eyes followed Loki’s stare.
They watched you mount Wilson on the mat. Your arms and legs wrapped around him in a chokehold. Wilson tapped your arm, yielding to your capture. How Loki wished it was him your arms were wrapped around.
“Uh-huh. I’m glad you took my asinine advice! You’re welcome by the way.” Wanda provoked.
“I beg your pardon?!” Loki asked confused and heartbroken.
“I overheard Bucky trying to ask her out for a cup of coffee and she said she’s flattered but that she’s seeing someone.” Wanda relayed. “So I assumed you took my advice and asked her out. That’s why you’re drooling in the middle of the gym making that heart-eye emoji face.” Wanda rounded her fingers shaping them into a heart against her eyes as she walked back to her yoga mat.
Loki looked back at you. Were you being courted by someone already? Had he missed his chance? He watched as you bent down stretching your back. Your legs spread apart as both hands reached for your left ankle. You did a quick little bounce and reached over to your right ankle.
Loki groaned inside. He swallowed hard, as he watched you stretch your upper legs and back muscles. You stood back up and turned towards him. Both of your eyes briefly meet. Norns, I got caught staring. Loki quickly resumed his own workout of…for fucks sake, what was I working out? Loki conjured weights in his hand and he proceeded to do reps.
“Hey Silver-tongue, what’chu working on?” you asked as you strode towards him.
 “498, 499, 500…oh, hello darling. How can I help you?” You watched him do his bicep curls. His lean muscle stretched the thin fabric of his shirt. You could follow the veins in his arms as he made them taught and then relax.
“I was hoping for a spotter. I wanted to work on my quads.”
“I would be happy to oblige.” Loki quickly agreed. He had no idea what a spotter was or what part of your body the quads were located in. But seeing that you chose him over anyone else in the gym - over the seething Barnes who was watching with narrowed eyes over in the corner - he couldn’t help but be elated.
Loki quickly learned what he had to do and now he regretted putting himself in this predicament. How could he possibly get out of this without embarrassing himself in front of you?
He stood behind you as you carried a long bar over your shoulders with heavy weights on either end. You proceeded to do squats. Bringing your body down and then back up again. “What exactly am I to do again, darling?” Loki asked as you continued to do another squat.
“Watch my form. Make sure I’m doing it correctly. One misalignment could mean an injury or at the very least aching muscles tomorrow morning.” Oh, he was watching your form all right.
“And this is supposed to help…” Loki’s head tilted as he watched you squat down, “…your thighs?” Those delicious thighs.
“Yes. And I know you can take this weight off me easily if I can’t continue.” You grunted as you stood. The primal sound embedded itself in his imagination. “I know how strong you are. You can probably carry this weight with your pinky finger.” You complimented.
Loki huffed. “Are you flattering me? And they call me ‘Silver-tongue?’” he smiled.
“I’ve seen you Loki, I know how strong you are. You shouldn’t hide under so many layers.” You winked at him.
“Watch what you say around me, darling.”
“Or what? It’ll inflate that ego of yours?” you giggled. As you stood up from your last squat.
You watched him come closer behind you. A smirk on his lips as his tongue peeked out. He leaned in closer to your ear and whispered, “Or else, I’ll have to show you the genuine reason why they call me Silver-tongue.” His voice vibrated in your ear, tickling it, sending shivers down your side.
You dropped the barbell behind you. Loki caught it with one hand. “Looks like you did need someone to spot you after all.”
Is Loki flirting with me? You looked into his glinting eyes searching for that familiar friendly gaze. The one he always gave you after he said such things. The one where he placed you back in the box labeled ‘friend’. Only this time, it wasn’t there. There was something deviant in his eyes. As if you were seeing them for the first time. Clear and dark.
His eyes roamed your body as if he were imagining all the lewd things he wanted to do to each and every single part of you. You shivered at his gaze. What changed? You wondered. When did he stop being my friend and started wanting something more?
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Neither of you could help it. The tension was too irresistible to fight. Flirting with the god of mischief was dangerous. You trusted your friend, Loki. The one you would spend afternoons listening to music with while he read to you on the couch. But Loki - the silver-tongued god of mischief? Silver-tongue was someone different. He was darker. More dominating. He was confident and arrogant. And you would be lying only to yourself if you said that it didn’t turn you on. Neither of you were bold enough to admit your feelings to each other. And both of you were too proud to give in. The two of you stuck in an endless game of cat and mouse.
You started wearing skirts to tease him. But he would play into it, knocking down whatever you had in your hand with his seidr, just to see you bend over. Short of doing “the Bend and Snap,” you teased him by running your hands up your thighs, then your hips. Lifting your skirt slightly as you slowly got up. You would roll your eyes secretly. You knew Loki was around somewhere watching you, but you didn’t know where.
You would get him back though! Whenever you would pass behind him you would drag your fingernails across his back, shoulder to shoulder. You never passed up the opportunity to touch him. You particularly liked it when he would wear his long hair up in a messy bun. You would have access to his long neck and you would run your fingernails lazily along the back.
 He would shiver in response. You especially liked it when he was around other people and you caught him off guard and he would just freeze and stop whatever he was doing. He’d close his eyes and just relish in your touch as you softly play with the hairs on the back of his neck.
It all came to a head one night when Loki was on his way down to the kitchen for some more of Tony’s expensive, top-shelf liquor. He heard some rustling in the cabinets again and wondered if it was you. Eager, he came around and saw you fishing the cabinets for the whiskey he purposely hid in the back of the cabinet. Loki stood there, mesmerized once again by your curvaceous body in your sleep shorts. The fabric riding up so high they barely covered you. His hand involuntarily moved closer. On their own, they reached out to you. You quickly found the bottle and stood yourself back up with ease. Those squats really do help.
“Darling,” Loki said as his hands curled around your waist. He couldn’t resist any longer. You were surprised to find him behind you.
“Loki. What are you doing here?” you asked. “Couldn’t sleep either?”
“No. Not with you running through my mind all night.” His hands felt warm against your body. He buried his nose on the side of your neck. His lips threatened to kiss your skin, but he was still hesitant. He knew that as soon as his lips touched your body, there would be no going back. He would crave you more and more and there would be no satisfying his addiction to you.
You placed the bottle down on the counter, forgotten, and placed your hands on top of his. You guided him up your torso, to your eager breasts. He moaned as he leaned into you. Your body was trapped between his growing length and the cold kitchen counter.
Your hands continued up towards his hair, splaying your fingers and reaching that sensitive part behind his neck. Making a fist in his hair, grabbing it, pushing his face closer to your neck, aching to feel his lips on your skin.
“Don’t tease me, Silver-tongue.” You simpered. That pet name does things to him. Only you would be able to call him that and make it sound so wicked. So desperate, yet so reverent.
“Unlike the way you’ve been teasing me, kitten? With those scratches on my back. Touching me the way you do.” He growled, giving in to the taste of your honeyed skin on his lips.
“I thought you liked my hands on you.” You asked naively.
“Hmm. Why do you think I started wearing my hair up?” One of his hands roamed up to your neck, while the other pulled your hips flushed against him. “Do you know how many times I’ve pictured taking you, bent over for me like a common harlot? Every time I see you bowed over, presenting your delicious curves to me like a maiden offering up herself to a selfish god.”
“Why do you think I started wearing skirts?” You asked playfully. You could feel Loki’s smile against your skin. He pulled your face towards his, finally capturing your lips in a deadly kiss. His thumb stroked your cheek as he sucked on your upper lip.
Loki broke off the kiss, his lips lingering a little longer over yours. “Come,” he commanded. He led your dazed figure back towards the bedroom hallways.
“What are we doing?” You asked beguilingly. We. He liked the sound of ‘we.’
“Neither of us can sleep. I know a couple of ways to make us tired,” he said as he picked you up over his shoulder, laying his hand on your delicious ass and smacking it.   
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All Taglist:
@alexs1200 @a-witch-with-words @britishserpent @crimson25 @el-zef @fictive-sl0th @gigglingtigger @goldencherriess @huntress-artemiss @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @immersed-in-mischief @kellatron55 @kkdvkyya @lokiprompts @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @lokisgoodgirl @lokisninerealms @lokischambermaid @loopsisloops @lucylaufeyson3 @luvlady-writes @michelleleewise @mischief2sarawr @muddyorbs @nopenottodayson @one-oblivious-nerd @ozymdias @salempoe @theaudacitytowrite @user13cabs @vbecker10 @wheredafandomat @xorpsbane
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1bringthesun · 2 years
okay i do NOT know how tumblr works so i’m making this new post bcuz someone commented about the Mori comment i made last post so basically i’ll go over a crash course on why i don’t think he’s a pedo!
1) he calls Elise his wife
yup, he says this in an omake of bsd. however, the word he uses in this context is 妻 (tsuma), which is used to mean wife NOW, but meant something more along the lines of “lifelong partner” in the past. he’s being a screwy bastard and trying to toy with Fukuzawa by using a word that means either “wife” or “partner,” but basically he’s trying to see how far he can take it. calling a kid your wife is strange, sure, but calling a kid your partner could really mean anything.
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2) he sees Elise naked
tbh i’m not really sure why this one proves anything. he’s trying to put clothes ON her, not take them off. he doesn’t look aroused or anything. actually, he looks… no thoughts brain empty. there’s not a single thought in that head of his at this moment, much less any sexual comments about Elise’s body.
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3) Elise is based off of Yosano, Mori was obsessed with Yosano
once again, there’s nothing inherently sexual here. he abused Yosano (not with the intention to hurt her, but with the idea that her mental and physical well-being were a worthy sacrifice for the hundreds of thousands of other lives on the line), he didn’t prey on her? he canonically feels remorseful over Dazai’s lack of will to live, so it’s not too much of a stretch to say he has regrets about Yosano as well. in that case, Elise would represent the petulant and innocent attitude Yosano could have developed instead of her hardened views of the world. i think he sees Elise as a daughter, and i think he regrets not being able to treat Yosano as one either
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4) “i prefer those 12 and under”
i’m foggy on the details, but he says something to that effect in a conversation with Kouyou. The context is that she’s calling him a capable boss, to which he replies, “i prefer my subordinates to be younger” (or something…). once again, this isn’t something that strikes me as inherently pedophilic. he likes young subordinates because they are weak and impressionable, and that sort of docile attitude just so happens to fit in well with his pastime of mansplain manipulate malewifing the yokohama underground. anyway, it’s nothing sexual. his organization literally human traffics, and he’s never once stepped in to do strange things to the children on their way to be sold. he couldn’t care less about them, he just wants smart yet dependent and naive underlings. also anyone who read this scene as them flirting is very ill-read in my opinion. they are not flirting. stick your shipping agenda back into fanon interpretation of characters. Mori and Kouyou are girlbossing the entirety of the port mafia together, but they’re not girbossing each other.
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5) his character sheet
his character sheet does indeed have “young girls” in the likes category, but let me amend this- the words used are 幼女, aka “maiden.” you might say, “tai, japanese doesn’t differentiate singulars and plurals,” to which i reply, “have we seen him even interacting with woman out of his job?” the answer is no. he basically speaks to Elise and Kouyou, and there’s his female companionship. he’s married to his job, guys. he doesn’t have the time to frolic around with young women. but anyway, it doesn’t say “young girls,” it says “maiden(s)” so just take the plurality in the translation with a grain of salt. it could be referring to one single girl (Elise cough cough) (his daughter cough cough). also please ignore how astoundingly high res this image is.
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6) Mori and fukuzawa’s argument
who’s surprised at this point when i say that this was also a mistranslation? not me! Mori says something to the effect of, “are you still fawning over stray cats?” to which Fukuzawa replies “and are you fawning over that girl still?” it was translated, for some inconceivable reason, as “only as much as you fawn over young girls” (or something) which i just don’t understand. yenpress, look me in the eye, this is not you. anyway zenki soukoku beloved.
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7) letter to nathaniel
Mori plans on killing nathaniel and margret in the guild arc, right? so he has absolutely zero reason to lie when he sends them a letter saying “i want your ship and also you guys’ lives. thanks uwu” right ????? in the official translation in that letter, he calls Elise his child. idk how much more specific you can get there, chief. Elise is Mori’s daughter, your honor.
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is this all i have to say? absolutely not. i could talk my head off about why Mori isn’t a pedo for ages, and i can connect it to “vita sexualis,” “the dancing girl,” Asagiri’s own opinion on Ougai’s legacy as an author and general, the irl Mori and Yosano’s relationship in comparison to the bsd version, and also the opinions of the fans in different languaged-fanbases. unfortunately, it’s way too early for my brain to function, and i now depart to feel the warm embrace of my very own Yoshiko chan. goodbye, tumblr, and i hope you agree with what i’ve said in this long-winded message~~
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lizard-shifter-noms · 10 months
Wayward Waters Chapter 16
Hello everyone! Chapter 16!
absolute Chaos!!
this Story contains Vore, Dont like dont read.
have fun reading!
and as always Reblogs are appreciated! (Also ASK’s are open so feel free to bother me!)
AO3 Link for those that prefer the layout there;
AO3 Wayward waters
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I stared up at the Gigantic being, my brain still weirdly foggy but now clear enough to finally move on my own.
Not really having any idea what to do as I was way too far for any screams to ever reach anyone I twisted at the Bracelet,  growing Giant, though still small in comparison to this being.
Weirdly enough the Kraken didn't do anything,  aside from lowering itself down to be more eye level.
Didn't it do the same with Cassidy?
The weird fog in my brain kept me rooted to the spot, and I had no doubt that it was this Gigantic Mer that was the cause of it.
It was probably the reason I walked out here to begin with.
But why? And why me of all people?
It bent down, its face getting way too close for comfort,  and let me see that even though I was in Giant form the Kraken's head was as big as I was.
Huh, so that's how people felt when they saw me.
Suddenly I had to commend Robin's bravery even more.
Its unsettingly Lilac eyes with the W shaped pupils focused on me,  the face getting even closer as I was rooted to the spot.
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It got close enough to touch, its unusual eye larger than my hand.
Hoo fuck, was i about to die?
Apparently not as the Kraken simply let one of its tendrils softly touch at the top of my head.
I Jolted, like back with the electric eel, at the sudden voice that somehow was in my head but also not.
“Apologies, it is not my intent to frighten you, i simply wanted to talk”
The voice, which was very deep and sounded somewhat Female?,  said, the sound again vibrating through my entire skull as the Krakens' lips never moved.
“I- what? Wait, why do you want to talk to ME of all people?”
Well, at least the Kraken wasn't here to hurt people it seemed.
“Be calm child of Elven blood, my name is Grella and i have sought you out because i sensed magic on you”
So the Kraken was Named Grella, not what I would have imagined.
“Magic on me? You mean the Bracelet? 
Ronan got one too now, so why did you only call me out? 
How did you do that anyway? It felt like sleepwalking”
The behemoth in front of me blinked,  the weird eyes disappearing for a moment.
“I suppose those questions are rightfully asked, so I shall explain.
Yes, the bracelet is what drew me near. 
I have the ability to sense magic and even use the magical energy in the stead of food.
I myself am a magical being, I am sure you have heard of sirens before yes? What I did is not that different, and it keeps the rest of the island fast asleep, even your Statue friend has laid down to rest for now.
And i only called you out as you have more experience with the Bracelet than Ronan, and quite frankly are more responsible”
Well, aside from the fact that apparently she'd managed to get the entire island to sleep, INCLUDING Akeem she was kinda right about Ronan.
If I told anyone that even the Kraken said he was an irresponsible idiot he'd never live it down.
“Well I do have to give you right at the last part,  but still, what am I here for?”
The massive body, which was mostly underwater shifted a little, the many tentacles changing color and blending in with the water.
“I have called you here to tell you to be careful, the Bracelet uses the magic of the environment to let you change your shape.
The world of Tern has lines not unlike rivers of blood vessels running through it filled with magic, so called Ley Lines.
I myself use their energy to sustain my life force,  but in the last few hundred years I have noticed a steady decline in how much magic they carry.
I had to retreat to Graves keep to stay alive,  not able to leave for more than a day now,  seeing as at that place multiple of the Ley lines intersect.
But you realize what that means, yes?”
I stared at her, mind reeling from what she had told me.
“Magic is disappearing, but why? And why tell ME that?”
She leaned in closer and I instinctively took a step back.
“If magic is gone you will be stuck in whatever form you chose last, be that Giant, Half Elf or Ardua, and you will take this form to the grave”
I stared horrified at her.
“You mean one day I won't be able to shift anymore? 
Even with the Bracelet?”
“Exactly, so you better think about what form you want to live your live in and get buried in, with the way things are going you have thirty years at most before that happens, i myself will Die in less than twenty”
Ah, so she wanted to tell the land dweller early as it wasn't exactly likely I'd ever come back here, Ronan could be told anytime really.
“Wait, WHY is the magic disappearing? 
Is that why less and less human mages have been born? 
The last case i know of is two hundred years back”
She slowly nodded.
“Yes, and tell me when was the last time you heard of anyone seeing one of the older true magical creatures, 
such as Unicorns and the true Dragons? 
When was the last time you have seen actual grand magic that wasn't more than some meager little spells?
When was the last time you saw something truly grand that could only be magic?”
I had to think about that, sure Fable had used a light spell and set his thumb on fire but even he admitted that was all, and elves used to be regarded for their magic skills.
And Unicorns hadn't been heard of even in my mothers lifetime,  same as dragons, at this point they were just stories,  and Drakes weren't even real dragons.
“I do not think i have, there used to be an Icemancer but Oakley took his staff which apparently held all the power? Or at least the Gem on it did”
Grellas' eyes widened for a second,  and I almost thought I had imagined it.
“It is Possible to store Magic in specialized gemstones, however even those will run dry one day, i suppose if you get stuck in a form you don't want you might be able to use that Gem as a last effort to change.
Given that you don't use it for anything else”
So, Magic really was dying, what a sad fate.
“So, if magic Dies i will get stuck in whatever form I took on last,  and you will simply Die?”
Her mouth twisted into something like a sad smile.
“I am fated to die regardless, I am the last Kraken, my brethren either starved or have been hunted to extinction before they could reach maturity simply for being something the human mind didn't understand.
The Elder Behemoths are almost all gone, especially those with magic, The only other one, that I am not sure where he is now, is an Elder Dragon of a similar coloration as me, his name is Siokhain.
Though if my memory serves correctly his eyes are of a more Amethyst shade instead of my pale Lilac.
It is a shame really, the Violet eyes used to share their knowledge with the smaller folk, our lifespans far longer than that of any other mortal and capable of storing the memories of those that asked us to.
If magic Dies a lot of knowledge will too, and if that happens people will revert back to attacking things they used to know out of fear”
So, basically if Magic Died a lot of other things were fucked as well.
“Yeah, people attack things they fear and don't understand,  i know that too well, i guess they don't want to be afraid and instead become angry because it's easier for them, and hey, if they destroy the thing that scared them they won't have to be scared anymore”
Grella let out a sound that was probably a chuckle,  albeit distorted from her being so big.
“But they should be scared, not of things they don't know,  but of things they DO know.
Anyone can take up a weapon and murder if the conditions are right,  a person that is generally seen as helpful and loving could be the serial killer that haunts the streets at night.
And i think that people should in fact be uncomfortable sometimes,  if you never have the way you view the world challenged it lets hatred foster and stagnate your heart.
Sadly a lot of people do not seem get that being safe and feeling safe are two different things”
Taking all the bravery I had, I looked her straight into the eyes,  well one eye.
“Is there nothing we can do to stop it? 
Are you just content to Die like that? WHY is the magic disappearing? And where to? Where the fuck does all the magic go to if it isn't in those Ley lines anymore?”
There HAD to be SOME way to fix it, right?
Grella smiled sadly, a tear shining in her eye uh oh.
“Little man, it does not matter if i am content to die or not,  But I did have to accept that I cannot do anything to stop it,  and worrying everyday about it will not make it better,  Instead I have chosen to enjoy the time I have left, even though these days I'm mostly confined to Graves keep and my life isn't that bad.
Cassidy is a dear friend and as I told him I could not leave for long he offered to see the world for me.
He goes out on adventures and then comes back home to share the memories with me, be they made on land or at sea.
Even though I cannot go far,  I still have seen more of the world than most ever will.
There are fates worse than this, but thank you for wanting to help.
As for where the magic goes, I cannot really say, but I suspect the land of Valyria had something to do with it about three hundred years ago as they have managed to alter the flow of a few of the lines.
I would have investigated had it not been on land,  and had they not aimed their weapons at me as I swam closer.
Had i known what i do today i would have tried harder,  but now i cannot go too far from Graves keep or risk withering away, besides at this point they surely have better defenses against threats, they've seen me once so they surely prepared in case i came back”
Valyria huh? That sounded ominous,  and Elven maybe I should ask Fable as soon as I was back.
Still, I kinda felt sad for Grella, but at least she wasn't alone,  and apparently could see memories.
That and she cared enough about a stranger to warn them that they could get stuck in one form for the rest of their life.
“Yes child of Elven blood?”
It was a weird title but I WAS of elven blood so she wasn't wrong.
“You said you can see and store memories, yes?”
She nodded slightly, probably to not disturb the surroundings too much
“That I can, yes, are you asking to see some of them?”
I shook my head.
“No, opposite actually, id let you see some of mine, i don't think Cassidy has ever been In Kamerasca so i could at least show you what it looks like?
I mean, you came this far from Graves keep just to warn me of the magic thing, that's the least i can do,  just promise to not show them to anyone else okay?”
Grella actually smiled, showing off three fangs,  two of which pointed up and framed a third one that grew down the middle of her upper jaw, not unlike an octopus beak.
“I will not show anyone as long as i live,  thank you young man, are you truly sure?”
I nodded, I already offered so no backtracking, that would just be mean.
“Yeah, i am, though i warn you that most of it is not happy”
She gave a slight nod once again, more of her hairlike tendrils curling and uncurling near my own head, gently touching at my own hair and skin.
”Rest easy now young Ardua,  and be assured your sleep will be untroubled”
The tendrils curled around me,  getting the foggy feeling back into my brain.
“Tell Oakley my regards, and that i enjoyed the time we had so long ago”
Then it was black.
I woke up who the fuck knew when later still on the sandy strip,  sun out and Kraken gone.
Did that really happen? 
Judging by the fact I was still here AND giant sized, yes, it did.
What the hell.
Hopefully I made no one worry, seeing as the sun was just going up,  but at least I did not have any bad dreams or any dreams really.
At least Grella had been right in that,  but what the fuck was that last comment about Oakley?
The way she said it made it sound like they had something going on in the past.
Of course Oakley would fuck a Kraken, why the hell not.
I twisted the gem on the bracelet and shrunk back down to human size, dusting the sand off of my legs and finding a bunch of very colorful seashells next to me.
Considering how far from water I was,  Grella had to have placed these here.
I picked up the five or so shells, 
finding a twisted one with spikes about the same Color as Grella was, which I now realized was just pearl white with a hint of blue.
There also was a blue, red and purple one I would definitely give to Arthur and a few others I could decorate my nearly empty shelf at home with.
I really ought to find more stuff to put in it,  empty as it was, it just looked sad.
Well, better get back before anyone got worried.
Good thing i at least somewhat remembered the way back,  and in nearly no time at all i was back near Imugi’s saltwater pond.
“Donovan! Where have you been!”
I looked at where the voice came from,  seeing Robin had somehow gotten on top of the weird house.
Well, what the fuck was i supposed to tell here? That the Kraken herself had called me out in the middle of the night to tell me magic was dying?
Absolutely not.
So instead I held the seashells up.
“Got shells, I did tell Arthur I'd get him a pretty one after all!”
Robin leaned over the roof to look down and I prepared to shift in case he fell.
“Ohhh those are pretty! Which one are you gonna give him?”
“Come down here and I'll show you all of them! And don't fall!”
He nodded, scrambling out of sight and to wherever he got up in the first place.
I did not know one could go on their roof,  if a somewhat flat stone top of a cave even counted as that.
If anything it really was just a very big boulder that had gotten hollowed out, however the fuck that was done.
Holding the seashells I walked around to the entrance and found that there was a ladder going up to the roof,  which Robin was currently climbing down.
Before I could say anything to him though Ronan popped up,  well rather fell out of his hammock and landed face first on the floor.
“Ouch! Hey where did you get those shells? 
They are from some deep sea species! Can I have one?” 
Deep sea species? Of course Grella would give me something like that, why not, well whatever counted as deep sea for humans probably was still rather shallow waters for her.
“I found them in the sand, and one of those is for Arthur,  but i can give the small blue one”
I handed the small but rather long and thin twisted blue shell to him after he managed to stand up.
“Thanks! Can't wait to measure it after I find my measuring tape! 
Where did I put that anyway?”
Before he could get far he got scruffed by Akeem,  who held the other a good foot or so above the floor.
“No science for today, we have stuff to do, namely repair the ship.
You are going to go get supplies Imik listed for you,  you can ask someone else to come with if you want”
Ronan pouted at that.
“Fine, at least let me stash this properly so it doesn't break!”
Akeem nodded and shoved a list into his hands before letting him fall to the floor.
As the stone man walked out his eyes met mine for a second,  almost as if trying to look through me.
He knew something was off, clearly as he usually didn't sleep but the Kraken had managed to make him do just that.
I tried my best to stare back with a blank expression,  which seemed to be enough and he left.
Ronan had stashed the shell away, letting me use one of his boxes to put the other ones in and then invited us to tag along as apparently he just had to buy more wood so they could make a new railing.
Robin of course was immediately for it as he wanted to explore the city, but apparently the place to get wood was outside of it, near a little forest.
Well it kind of was still exploring the island, and he'd probably need help dragging the stuff back so we went along with him anyway.
Also I did not trust him to not do something dumb,  especially now that he could shift.
“Hey wouldn't it be easier to shift big to go get stuff?”
Yep, there it was, he already wanted to shift in the middle of the day in the middle of the island.
“Better not, you might give someone a heart attack doing that, also not everyone takes well to having a giant suddenly appear out of nowhere”
He made an unhappy face but before he could say anything Robin had found the weird door that was built directly into the stone,  still featuring that odd tree.
“What is this door for? Can I open it? Where does it go to?”
It was the door I had been told nobody could open so they just let it be.
Ronan laughed.
“If you manage to get it open i will eat a dozen raw eggs!”
That sounded like a great way to get sick very fast.
Still Robin tried to pull the door open with all his strength, and even tried to see if the door had to be pushed instead before going back to pulling.
It obviously wasn't working, not that something like that had stopped people from doing things before.
Grabbing him I heaved him away from the door,  the ginger still clinging to the very old and used looking handle.
“Aww come on, is it rusted shut or something?”
Instead of letting go he tried once more to pull it open, using me as a sort of brace but when even that didn't work he gave up.
“Why build something like that anyway?”
Good question, though it might have been part of something else once and was now just rotting and rusting here.
“Eh it was probably meant for something else that just never got finished”
After that I had to tell Ronan at least two more times to not randomly shift where people could see as he might cause some panic.
He clearly didn't like being told what to do but still didn't shift.
It wasn't long before we came across the sawmill near a patch of woods, already hearing the telltale sound of wood being cut.
Ronan of course waltzed in without knocking.
“Heya old man! How's it going? Still have all your fingers?”
Robin looked at me,  clearly aware that Ronan was rude to whoever worked here,  and neither of us would be surprised if he'd get a log tossed at him.
Going in after him I saw him handing a list to a man that looked very familiar.
He looked like an older version of Nemas, minus the face tattoo.
Right, the Captain of the Victory Rose had mentioned that his father had chosen to work in a sawmill instead of being a sailor.
Though I had not expected that to be here, well if he was anything like his son Ronan should prepare to get his ears talked off.
Which he didn't, but he did whack Ronan with a flexible stick for being rude before shoving everything that was on the list into his arms, not caring if Ronan could actually hold it or not.
Which he definitely couldn't so me and Robin went to help.
Well mostly me, Robin struck up conversation with the man, telling him that he looked like Nemas, who was indeed his son, and then walked out after hearing his son was here but apparently hadn't visited him so far.
Well, that sure was something just now.
Helping Ronan gather up the not so small amount of materials we helped carry it back towards the Halcyon, the new shifter complaining all the way that he wanted to get big to carry the stuff.
We did not let him, even Robin was aware that randomly shifting in a populated place was a bad idea so we were stuck bringing the wood back the old fashioned way.
Apparently once he'd given the wood to Imik and Akeem who worked to restore the ship he deemed it far enough away from people and jumped into the water, shifting to the creature form.
Of course Imugi had her fun with that,  swimming around him happily clicking and splashing.
Well, if Grella was right I had only about twenty years of shifting however I wanted, so why not join them for a bit?
Jumping down I also shifted and a moment later the big and green form of the Ardua was also splashing in the water.
I yelped as Imugi suddenly spit water at me from behind,  turning around and splashing back with my paws.
Imik yelled from somewhere on the ship for us to fuck off if we weren't helping and i could clearly hear Robin laughing loudly at the silly display we did.
We did as told, Ronan and Imugi a lot faster than me seeing as i wasn't a sea dwelling creature like them.
Somehow Imugi got a new tree, which I actually started to suspect was stolen from the other side of the island where the sawmill was, and let me hold onto it as she dragged me towards shallower water.
At least I could stand here, and Imugi wanted to play tug o 'war again, which I lost considering I was still in water.
Ronan tried to sneak up and get Imugi by spitting water at her,  but missed and hit me instead.
In retaliation I dunked his head under,  The flat surface of it was perfect for placing a paw on top.
“Hey! Haha! How long do you think I can hold my breath? 
This form doesn't have gills so I guess it's more like a seal? maybe?”
Honestly I had no idea how long those could hold their breath either.
“No idea! You can test it later if you want!”
Imugi forced her head against Ronan, shoving him around like a piece of cork and dunking him every time he tried to get away.
“I blame you for this!”
I just grinned at him, splashing Imugi who then turned her attention to me, bonking her head against my own.
Despite barely being able to stand i tried to shove her trough the water like she had done, with only mild success.
It was fun nonetheless and she used her beak to gently tap at me.
I responded by bapping at her with a paw,  a motion that would have anything just half her size falling over.
Ronan then headbutted me away, trying to shove me over the sandy ground of the little bay we were in and trying to dunk me as well.
Standing up on my haunches I shoved him backwards with both front paws, the situation quickly escalating into stupid and childlike play fighting, well if one could call two shapeshifting creatures trying to shove, harmlessly hit or headbutt each other that.
Imugi tossed the log shed found between us and like some stupid dogs we fought about it, me biting one end and him biting the other one.
Whoever let go first lost.
Water splashed as we each tugged and tore at the wood, Imugi click-whistled happily as we both acted like animals if just for this moment.
Then we got interrupted by someone yelling.
I let go of the wood surprise, Ronan keeling over backwards as I suddenly stopped holding it and making a spectacular splash as his back hit the water first.
Looking up I could see Yamet standing there, waving us out of the water.
What time was it anyway? Judging by the sun at least midday now.
He'd probably cooked lunch or something, so better we'd dry off now.
Walking out of the water closely followed by Ronan I shook myself like a dog as soon as we were on dry land again, Ronan immediately trying as well and getting the water from his fur all over me.
I placed a paw on his head and pressed down a little,  seeing him squish his body like that was funny and more reminiscent of a cat being slightly annoyed.
Before he could think to do it back I jumped up the few boulders closer to Yamet, shifting back to human form as soon as I was next to him.
“What is it? Did you make Lunch?”
He shook his head, which I found a little disappointing.
“No, though i should soon, but whatever, your friend, the black haired one is looking for you, i think he wants to go to some other island soon?”
Ohh right, Kamerasca had a colony here, whatever that was called, of course Rikaad would want to take a look at it when he was already here.
“Uh, sure? Where is he now? Do I have to get my stuff?”
Well, it looked like we were leaving pretty fast,  though that was just like Rikaad really.
I was, however, a bit sad, being here had been fun! And now that they were here also i had wanted to at least stay a day or two more.
Yamet just shrugged and pointed me back towards the boat.
As said Rikaad was there,  and the guy with the oversized chicken as well, Chicken included.
I could see Imik keeping his distance from it while Jamie was gently scratching its head.
As Rikaad saw me his face got a good bit less grumpy.
Nice to see he cared.
Robin was right behind him, also staring at the Chicken.
“Donovan! There you are, why are you drenched in seawater?”
“Ronan was testing his new form a bit more, and Imugi wanted to play”
Rikaad glanced at the water where Imugi was swimming back to the boat.
“I see, anyway since we are here i wanted to go check out Naroa island, Which is the colony's main place,  Do you want to come with? We will come back here after and stay here till Nemas manages to repair the ship”
Oh right, the Victory Rose had gotten quite a bit damaged, wait how would we get to Naroa then?
“Uh, sure why not, see a bit more of the world,  but how are we going to get there if the Victory Rose is damaged?”
Rikaad pointed all the way over to where they had parked the Call Of The Damned.
“Cassidy is going to take us there, apparently his wife is also there for the next two or so weeks and he wants to talk to her”
Oh yeah that would work, wait wasn't Cassidy divorced? 
Eh not my life so not my problem.
“Yeah why not? I am curious what that place looks like!”
Suddenly Ronan interrupted.
“Can we come with? I've never been there either! 
And only Yamet and Imik know how to repair the ship anyway!”
He had to duck as a hammer was tossed at him from Yamet.
“Then fucking learn!”
Ronan ignored it in favor of listening to Rikaads answer.
“I do not see why not, as long as Cassidy lets you on the ship i have no problem, anyone else here want to come with?”
Jamie jumped, grabbing at Ronans arm with their bird claws and standing sideways.
“I'd like to see! I have no idea where on the fucking map that is anyway!”
“If Jamie and Ronan go then so will i, someone has to stop them from doing stupid things”
Ah so Akeem would come as well, nice, and yeah he was right in that.
Rikaad nodded curtly.
“Very well, get what you need and meet us at the ship”
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does anyone else with chronic pain/fibromyalgia (or whatever the stupid new name is for it that they wont take seriously either) have any idea on how to alleviate leg pain? or even just discomfort?
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
#71 kastle if it hasn’t been done already?? thank you queen 🙌🙌
71. "Would you just shut up, please?"
It's been a while since she's seen Frank -- it always is, usually -- and for once, Karen hasn't been thinking about him all that much. Not forgotten, because she never does that, but just pushing him back to the corner of her mind that keeps things deep and dark and quiet. She has a life of her own, after all, and she intends to get on with it. Besides, much as she likes Frank, his appearances do tend to come paired with a lot of violence, drama, chaos, and very bad people trying to gruesomely murder one or both of them, and there is only so much you can take at once. Maybe, she thinks every time. Maybe this is the time he'll disappear and never come back. Perhaps she should want that. Her existence would certainly be a lot more peaceful if he did.
(And yet. And yet.)
It's spring in New York City, trees greening and buds blooming and everyone still optimistic about the Mets' chances this year, and it's at least six months since Karen has seen him. Her life is never exactly quiet, but quieter, and she, Matt, and Foggy are plugging along with the law firm and Foggy's half-baked ideas about asking Marci to marry him and move to Queens. Matt is appropriately horrified ("Queens?!?") and doing that Matt thing where he tries to control everyone in his life for "their own good," and Karen's getting tired of their half-serious arguments. Foggy deserves some happiness and a respite from the Murdock Nonsense Machine. Matt, if he's honest, has to admit that too, and probably does. Still. It's always been them. The idea of breaking up the dream team can't fail to be frightening.
Karen gets home later than usual that evening, clutching another bag of takeout -- she hasn't had the time to cook or shop, and her apartment is mostly devoid of food. She's digging in her purse, looking for her keys, when the shadows move and a man in a hooded sweatshirt steps out of them. "Hey," he says roughly. "Hey, Karen."
She reacts by instinct -- after all, she's a single woman who lives alone in New York, and that's even before the misadventure she attracts on a regular basis. She yells, seizes his arm, and vaults him into a makeshift-but-not-ineffective judo throw, whereupon he hits the deck with a whoof and a very startled expression. "Shit!" he splutters. "Shit, Karen, what the hell? It's me! It's me!"
"Frank?" Karen glares down at him, as her brain catches up with her reflexes and assures her that yes, she does know that voice, and no, it could hardly be anyone else. "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"
"Course not." Frank rolls over and gets to his feet, still looking slightly miffed at such a rude welcome. (Considering the ones he's given her over the years, he does not have any right to complain.) "Just, you know." He shuffles his feet, almost shy. "Back in town. Thought I'd drop by and see how... see how things were."
Back in town, Karen thinks. Implying, of course, that he was out of it for God knows long doing God knows what, and wants to drop by her apartment for a shower, a proper dinner, and some downtime before running off to God knows where for God knows why. Frank Castle is nothing if not deeply, singularly frustrating, and yet, he's looking at her with big brown puppy eyes and she can't summon up the heart to shoo him off like a nuisance stray. "Fine," she says shortly. "Inside, before my neighbors see you."
Frank, who doubtless wishes to avoid a reunion with the NYPD at any cost, takes the hint and scuttles inside, and Karen closes the door behind him. Her hands are shaking, which seems stupid, and for a very long and very awkward moment, they just stare at each other. Finally she says, "Why are you here, Frank?"
"Like I said." He looks confused. "Check in."
"You think that's what I need? You to just turn up on my doorstep out of the blue, make sure nobody has murdered me yet, and then go on your way?" Karen's voice is sharper than she intended, but she's tired of this dance, and the way they keep doing it in circles, over and over. "Of course, if you have some new psychopath after you, that only increases the odds that they'll go after me too, but I guess that doesn't matter to you, does it?"
It's unfair -- she knows it matters to Frank, matters perhaps more than anything else in his world, and for all her accusations, she too is terrified to think about the meaning of that -- but she's fed up, she's had a long day and a long week and a long everything, and she is torn between smacking him and -- well, not smacking him. Why, why can't he just be normal and why can't they just be normal and why can't he just, for once, stay. That's all she wants from him, when it comes down to it. That. This. Them.
"Well," Frank starts at last, sheepishly. "Madani might have called and said that there was a situation she could use my help with, and -- "
"Would you just shut up?" Karen doesn't care about his excuses, and there's always going to be one, some other mission, some other damned-fool idealistic crusade. "Please? Fine. You're here. You saw me. I'm alive. If you wanted anything more than that -- "
His eyes sear through her. He opens his mouth, wets his lips as if to speak, and stops. Then he takes a step forward, and then another, and almost without their own volition, his hands come up, cupping her head. Karen is sorely tempted to push him away, or knee him in the balls, or throw him on his ass one more time, just because it feels like she still owes him about a hundred. But then his mouth is on hers, rough and gentle and wet and hungry and devouring all at once, and there's nothing else she can do but whimper, and clutch at him with both arms, and kiss him back like the world is ending.
Time slows, stops, turns into molasses and honey the same hue as the evening light, the lengthening sunset. Karen doesn't know how long they stay there, like that. But then at last they break apart, and she can't breathe and doesn't care, and Frank is looking both slightly shocked at his own nerve and oddly proud of himself. "So," he says, smile crooked. "Still want me to go, Karen?"
"You are -- " She stops to make a funny wheezing noise, like a stepped-on soccer ball. "You are the worst."
He shrugs, unrepentant. "Yeah," the Punisher says. "I know."
(Of course he stays for dinner.)
(Of course he stays the night.)
(And maybe one day, at last, he will finally stay forever.)
[fic prompts]
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silversatoru · 4 years
Hello! I wanted to request for a chubby reader x Levi oneshot. I feel like there aren’t many stories that have chubby readers ): As for the storyline, I’m not sure if it falls in the angst or hurt/comfort category. It would be the reader feeling insecure about themselves because they have a harder time training than the others (them blaming it on their own weight) and seeing how everyone is much thinner than them, they start avoiding food. To not make it look suspicious, they’d go into the kitchen alone and put the food away along with the left overs. The reader would act normal with Levi and he doesn’t suspect anything at first. Later on, the reader would push themselves harder to the point where they’d train on their own whenever they had to chance so they can lose weight and improve their training. At this point, Levi starts noticing the reader looking paler than usual and the slight difference in their weight. One day during training, the reader ends up fainting from exhaustion and dehydration. They wake up on Levis’s bed with him looking over them. He asks what happened and the reader lies by saying they didn’t drink enough water. Levi calls it bs and ask if they think he’s stupid and goes on to tell them about how they noticed the reader sneaking off into the kitchen with a plate and coming out without it. He didn’t think anything of it at first, but he started putting the pieces together. They end up telling Levi the truth, the way they feel towards themself and how they don’t like the fact that they’re bigger than Levi. He comforts the reader and lets them know that they’re an idiot for thinking that way, etc. Thank you! I’m so sorry if it sounds so cheesy!
hello dear!! i dont think your idea was cheesy at all, i love it actually. these kind of issues live very close to my heart, so writing about them is always really fun for me. that being said,, this fic definitely got very dark and very real, and i would advise everyone to read the warnings before deciding to read this <33
levi ackerman x gn!reader
synopsis: levi catches you skipping meals and does what he can to help
tags/warnings: eating disorder, skipping meals, hurt/comfort, but it does have a happy ending! 
word count: 2.2k 
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Throbbing headaches and hollow, gnawing pains in your stomach — they’ve quickly become your new normal. You see everything through a hazy fog these days, nothing feels real and everything hurts but it’s worth it — that’s what you keep saying to yourself. You’re tired of lacking the same agility, momentum, and grace that your thinner counterparts have. 
Your weight was always something that ate away at the back of your head, but joining the scout regiment multiplied it tenfold. You were constantly working twice as hard as your fellow scouts, and it seemed like it was never enough. Everyone around you was not only ridiculously athletic, but so fucking thin. You didn’t hate your comrades for their bodies and the way they were born, but you made up for it by inflicting all of the hate onto yourself.
You wonder if anyone notices your zombie eyes or the abnormal paleness to your face — god, you hope they don’t. The last thing you want to do is have to confront your feelings and admit what you’ve been doing lately. Every night you shamefully sneak back into the kitchen and pour your plate of food into the large pot of leftovers. You pick at food here and there when your friends are watching, but behind closed doors you haven’t eaten much of anything lately. Your body is running on empty, and it’s only a matter of time before it fully catches up to you. 
You hear your last name echo from across the training fields, slowly turning around to see an angry captain sulking towards you. His face was twisted into an unpleasant grimace, his eyebrows knitted together into what almost looked like concern. 
“I’m excusing you from the remainder of training, leave,” his words were flat, but there was a subtle emotional edge. 
“Sorry, what?” you gave him a confused look — Captain Levi never excused anyone from training, not unless they were practically on their deathbed. 
“Go home, and eat a big dinner tonight, your energy has been less than adequate lately,” his face softened slightly, “I expect you to be back to normal by tomorrow. Your skills and abilities are needed here, so go get some rest and be better tomorrow, yeah?”
“But, I-,” you stammered, trying to come up with some kind of valid excuse. 
“That’s an order, cadet”. 
His words surprised you, and before you could even rack your brain for an appropriate way to respond, he was turned on his heels and walking away. You swallowed thickly, your throat dry and stuffed full with anxiety. 
Reluctantly, you followed his orders and made your way back to the Scout’s base early. You grabbed a stack of fresh clothing from your room before heading to the showers and scrubbing yourself free of all the sweat and grime from training. You were careful to avoid mirrors when you navigated bathrooms, and tonight was no exception, your eyes glued to the tiled floor. After showering, you hesitantly walked to the kitchen, preparing a plate of food and bringing it back to your room.
That food stared you in the eyes for hours, taunting you and teasing you and making intense nausea creep up your spine.  Tears were stinging the backs of your eyes and your lungs were shaking with heavy, anxiety-filled breaths. You couldn't do it, and you were overwhelmed with shame and guilt. If you couldn’t do it for Levi, you were hopeless that you’d be able to do it for anyone, never mind for yourself. 
After making countless pitiful attempts to take a bite of your untouched meal, you decided it was going back into the leftover pot — just like everything else. The other scouts should have returned and been sleeping by now anyway, you’d just silently creep down the hallway, dump the food, and creep back, no harm no foul. 
Except for that a certain short, dark-haired captain was standing at the end of the hallway — you didn't notice him, but he certainly noticed you. A boiling anger rippled up inside him as he felt an overwhelming disappointment in your actions. He’d been suspecting this kind of behavior for a while now, but watching you tip-toe down the hall and into the kitchen with an uneaten plate of food confirmed all of his suspicions. 
You could barely crawl out of bed the next morning, your ribs aching and your head pounding with a dull pain. You grasped at your tall dresser, catching your balance as you dangerously swayed back and forth for a few seconds. After regaining consciousness and stability you carefully changed into your uniform, having to stop and take breaks every few seconds because you were running out of breath. Your body felt utterly devoid of any kind of energy, and you wondered — when was the last time I actually ate something? 
It was far enough back that you couldn’t quite remember, maybe a few days at this point, you really weren’t sure anymore. You’d have to suck it up for training though, because the last thing you wanted was to be confronted by the captain again. 
You chugged back a full glass of water before lacing up your boots and throwing on a convincing facade. People don’t seem to notice something is wrong as long as you're smiling, laughing, and going along with what they say — it’s easy enough to fly under the radar of your fellow scouts. 
Levi’s radar is a little sharper though, and he keeps a close eye on you from the second you walk up to the training grounds. He’s disappointed in your hand to hand combat — it’s sloppy, slow, predictable. Your hands look shaky too, and maybe it's the light playing tricks on him but it looks like the color is draining from your face. 
Things are feeling deplorable on your side — you can barely stand anymore, never mind throw punches or avoid the oncoming attacks. Your vision was starting to tunnel, foggy black surrounding your periphery as you began to lose feeling in your fingertips. You tried desperately to cling onto whatever semblance of consciousness you had left, but failed miserably, your body collapsing to the hard earth beneath you. 
The soft glow of warm candles illuminated the walls around you when you finally woke up from the earlier incident. This wasn’t your room, where the hell were you? You uncomfortably shifted to the side and flinched when you saw your captain sitting in a chair in front of you. His arms were crossed and one of his legs was propped on top of the other, an icey look in his eyes.
“What happened today?” His words were very short and his tone was flooded with irritation — he didn’t even give you a chance to take in your surroundings.
“Ah- I didn’t sleep well last night,” you lied, “And maybe I haven’t been drinking enough water or something”. 
“I’m offended that you think I would fall for such a pitiful lie,” He clicked his tongue off the roof of his mouth, “I saw you sneak into the kitchen last night, how long have you been doing that?” 
Your eyes grew wide with anxiety, your heart abruptly dropping to the floor — you made sure to go extra late last night, why the hell was he still up?
You stayed quiet for a moment, pondering over how honest you should be with Levi right now. The two of you had always been a little closer than he was with the other scouts, but unfortunately there was no room for things like love in this world. You also assumed that maybe he never reciprocated your feelings because of your weight — but that was just more toxic fuel to the fire blossoming in your head. 
“Pretty long,” you sighed, ultimately deciding to be fully honest with him, because knowing Levi, he’d continue to see right through your lies anyway. 
“I figured,” He grumbled, uncrossing his legs and leaning back into his chair, “Why?” 
“Everyone around me is thin, I stick out. And, I’m not as agile or flexible as the other scouts either. I just thought that maybe...,” you bit down hard on your bottom lip, rolling onto your back so you wouldn’t have to look at him, “I thought my weight bothered you too, and also that I’d be more useful to the scouts if I was skinnier”. 
“You think I’d like you better if you were dead?” Levi was leaning closer now, heat boiling in his eyes, “Because that’s where you’re headed right now. If you truly think you’ll be more helpful to the scouts when you’re six feet under, you’re delusional. And who the hell gave you the idea that your weight bothered me?”
His harsh words were cold slap in the face, your eyes burning and threatening to spill over with tears. You didn’t want to die, not really, you just didn’t want to hate yourself anymore. 
“No one! I don’t know, I just thought, maybe because I was bigger than you-,” You continued to stammer over your words, tears beginning to leak down your cheeks. 
“It doesn’t matter,” he waved you off, not wanting to push the issue further, “You’re wrong, and I’m hurt that you’d even think that. I’ve never once thought that you were anything other than the way you should be”.
“I’m sorry,” your voice was weak and shaky, but your heart was pounding against your chest at his words. 
“I’m not the person you should be apologizing to, that’s something you owe to yourself” he shook his head and stood up to retrieve two small bowls of food from a nearby table, “I brought you something to eat”.
You watched him intently, pondering over his words about apologizing to yourself.
“It’s only a bowl of soup, so you can start small, yeah?” He offered one of the bowls to you, which you hesitantly took into your hands as you sat up. 
He sat down again across from you again, leaning back and taking a sip of broth from his bowl. You were grateful that he was here, that he was eating with you — it made things a little easier. You grasped the spoon in your hands and scooped up some brothy vegetables before lifting them into your mouth. 
“Good, finish the bowl,” nodded at you, giving you a reassuring look and lifting his own bowl to his lips again. 
The two of you ate in silence until you were finished, and then he sat the bowls back on his nightstand before finding a seat next to you on his bed. 
“Stay here tonight,” he stared at you with his signature tired eyes, but there were hints of concern laced through them now, “We’ll have breakfast together in the morning”. 
“Okay,” you gave him a weak nod, trying desperately to bottle up your growing emotions, but they were becoming too much to bear. 
Small sobs began to rack through your body, your chest tightening and your stomach lurching with anxiety. You were experiencing so many feelings tonight — eating for the first time in days and being here with Levi, it was overwhelming to say the least. 
You could barely see the captain through your blurry vision, but you could feel his arms maneuver themselves around you and pull you against his chest. You stayed like that for a while, Levi’s arms delicately holding you in place while quiet sobs worked their way out of your lips. 
“You’ve dug yourself into a deep hole, I won’t lie to you,” you heard him let out a tired sigh, “And it’s gonna take time and effort for you to dig your way out, but you’ll get there. We’ll start by having breakfast and dinner together every night, how does that sound? Just you and me, no one else has to watch”. 
You nuzzled a tiny nod into his chest, your tears finally running dry. It was a terrifying thought, eating normal again, but you were starting to feel hopeful that you might actually be able to do it. 
And so the two of you met every morning and every evening for your scheduled meals, and day by day things began to get easier. You even found yourself staying over in Levi’s room after dinner and into the morning for breakfast sometimes. Spending so much time together was definitely pushing the two of you to address the feelings you’d been hiding for so long. 
But not everything was perfect, it would be irrational to think it would be. You still have bad nights, where eating is so hard you break down into tears, and where you want nothing more than to rid yourself of the food in your system. It’s a draining process, but Levi works hard to make sure you stay on track with your progress. 
It’s slow, but eventually your face starts to glow again, your skin gets smooth and soft, and the aching pains in your body start to fade. Your war with your body is far from over, but you’re doing what you can, and you’re healing yourself one day at a time.
thank u for reading this, and now i would like to give you a gentle reminder to do something nice for your body today. eating disorders and mental illnesses are huge mountains to climb over, but taking things one day at a time makes it a little easier. try and eat a meal today (even if it’s small), go to sleep early and get some rest, take a shower and rub lotion all over your legs so they feel nice against your blankets when you lay in bed. baby steps are better than no steps at all, so be patient with yourself. n go drink some water, ur body loves that shit
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Sick Akaashi & Caretaker Bokuto Headcanons!!
Bc they’re my faves & I love them.
Hello! I’m back for a little. Thank you for your patience as I work through my personal issues!! I can’t guarantee that I’m back back, but I felt like writing this, so I took the feeling and ran.
I didn’t plan for this to inspire me to write a fic, but honestly it really did so you’ll probably get a fic that’s like this.
Anyway...here ya go!!
TW: bokuaka fluff & mentions of vomiting, nausea, and headache
The thing about their relationship (and it’s always freaked everyone out) is that they just know how to take care of each other. Neither of them has to say what they need. The other just knows. It’s not like they can’t take care of themselves; if the other isn’t around, the problem still get solved, but resolution comes a lot quicker and with a lot more comfort if they help each other out because they almost just force each other to do what needs to be done without any run around.
This comes in handy particularly when Akaashi is sick. While Bokuto is pretty vocal about when he’s not feeling well, Akaashi tries to keep to himself. He’s not trying to hide it. He probably doesn’t even realize he’s sick. He just knows his patience is running thin aand he’s just trying to keep from hurting anyone’s feelings.
Bc I feel like while Akaashi’s generally very quiet, he’s subtly chaotic. He’s the kind of guy that always quietly says things that make people stop and go “wtf?” And sometimes that means he’s whispering chaotic and idiotic ideas to others to try and get them to do something crazy.
But when he’s not feeling well, he kind of retreats into himself because his filter disappears and the normally fun, teasing comments may come out meaner and harsher than he means them. He still does what he needs to do and responds to things when appropriate, and he doesn’t make a big fuss, but he’s subdued. Mostly because he knows he has less control of his brain and tongue, and doesn’t want to worry about his normal sarcastic comments coming out more viscously than normal.
For a while, he didn’t think anyone noticed. After all, he’s a calm, quiet person anyway. It couldn’t be that different. But not his team. The team notices the lack of sarcastic, fire-starting comments, and they just know that something is wrong, even if their setter looks otherwise normal.
They all try to figure out what’s wrong in round about ways, but Akaashi just laughs quietly, or responds with a straight forward answer, so eventually they just give up. Eventually, Bokuto—the only person who’s strangely left him alone all practice—calls him out on his weird behavior and just straight up asks him and Akaashi is so stunned, that he just admits that he’s not feeling well without hesitation. Bokuto scolds him for coming to practice, but asks him what’s wrong and somehow knows exactly how to take care of Akaashi respective to the answer he’s given.
If he has a headache, it’s almost certainly from tension and it starts in the back of his head and works it’s way to his jaw and cheekbones, which is why he doesn’t talk much. Bokuto makes him sit out the rest of practice and has Yukie give him one of her famous shoulder massages to ease the tension out of his wound up body.
If he has a fever, he’s probably colder than usual and his patience a little thin, so he just bites his tongue when people talk to him so he doesn’t snap at them unnecessarily. He hates being cold and hates how his limbs ache and his head is foggy and how he has no energy, so he knows if he speaks it’ll be more sarcastic than normal and with more venom than needed. Bokuto makes him call his mom to come pick him up and forces him to go sit in the club room where it’s quiet and he can bundle up in other people’s warm up jackets while he waits.
If Akaashi is nauseous, it’s a little trickier. If it’s just simple nausea, with no other symptoms, Bokuto can usually just get him to sit out the rest of practice. But if he has a fever too, then things get dicey.
Akaashi doesn’t like throwing up, so he’s probably been trying to ignore the feeling. He probably hasn’t eaten more than what’s required of him to keep living. These two things together make for a very grumpy, very disheveled setter. Sure, he still tries to bite his tongue and remain normal, but the smallest thing could set him off and it would probably end up in whoever pissed him off in tears. Bokuto has to be a little more forward and a little more captain-like in this case. He’s comfortable enough with Akaashi to know that whatever insult comes out of his mouth is not sincere and he escorts the protesting setter outside in the fresh air and wraps him in a jacket and sits with him until the setter’s mom shows up. All the while, Akaashi grounds out sarcastic comments quietly while leaning into Bokuto and Bokuto just laughs and rubs his head.
The really really big issue is if Akaashi has a fever, a headache, and he’s nauseous to the point of thinking he may throw up. Bokuto really has to step in here. Akaashi isn’t stupid, so Bokuto knows that he wouldn’t have come to practice if he’d felt that bad all day, so it must have snuck up on him and he’s too dense to really diagnose himself as probably having the flu. It’s more evident to the team that he’s genuinely sick bc he’s pale and flushed and dazed. And angry. Not at anyone in particular, but at himself. Because he’s pale and flushed and dazed. And his arms and legs are sore for some reason he doesn’t understand and his head hurts, but it’s not his normal tension headache and everything is foggy and loud. Needless to say, his team stays away and waits for Bokuto to step in.
Bokuto tries to step in. He really does. But Akaashi isn’t as forthcoming about what’s wrong, so Bokuto doesn’t know what route to take. It’s not until he sees Akaashi suppressing tiny, breathy burps behind a hand that he knows what’s wrong. By that point, Akaashi is drained. He doesn’t want to be standing anymore. He doesn’t feel well at all and he just needs enough energy to tell someone what’s wrong and ask to leave, but he’s too afraid to open his mouth. That’s usually about the time Bokuto marches up to him and gently puts a hand on his cheek and frowns when he finds the fever there. Akaashi, relieved that someone has come to rescue him from his own stupidity, starts crying. Bokuto pulls him into a hug and lets him cry for a minute and tries to warm up his shivering body. Then he leads Akaashi outside the gym and into the club room, where they’ll wait together for the nausea to pass (or for him to puke) and then Bokuto calls Akaashi’s mom to come pick him up.
Akaashi doesn’t like throwing up, so if it comes to that, it’s bad. He resists and maybe he cries silently, but he obstinately refuses to even look at a bin or a bucket. He chokes down heaves and gags and whimpers and pants. Bokuto usually just sighs and tries to coax him into letting things happen, but Akaashi refuses, so Bokuto just makes sure that a bin is within arms reach of himself and waits for the inevitable.
When he finally does throw up, it’s seemingly without warning for the setter, but Bokuto is prepared and manages to get the bin under his chin just in time. Akaashi is pretty quiet, save for some gaspy breaths, airy hiccups, and the occasional wet burp. But unfortunately for him, he’s not really a one and done kind of guy. It usually takes him a few rounds before he gets everything up and by then, he’s so traumatized that he’s given up control and finally just lets Bokuto take care of him.
The routine doesn’t change much after they graduate. The year that Akaashi is still in high school and Bokuto isn’t there, someone usually tries to call or text him if Akaashi is being weird. If he can answer, he talks to Akaashi and whatever the problem is gets taken care of. It’s not like Akaashi needs Bokuto to tell him what to do. But Bokuto just kind of gives him the push he needs to do it.
When Akaashi graduates, he moves to Osaka and lives near the MSBY dorms and tries to take care of himself if he gets sick, but Bokuto somehow always knows, and is at Akaashi’s door as soon as he can get away from practice.
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kurowrites · 4 years
“I hit you with my car and was the only one to visit you in the hospital” AU Prompt for Wangxian, if you like?
When Wei Ying woke up, he had to blink a few times to adjust his vision to the bright glare of the lights overhead, momentarily blinding him. Something was weird. This definitely wasn’t his own bedroom, whose lighting was rather dim and most definitely off when he was sleeping.
He blinked a few times more and then turned his head to examine the room he was in.
It took him far too long to understand what he was seeing, but once his brain actually started processing it, there was no doubt. He was in a hospital room, complete with barren walls and the strong smell of disinfectant. But he had no memory that could explain why he would be waking up in a hospital bed. In fact, now that he thought about it, he had no idea what he’d been doing before he’d woken up here, or even what day of the week it was.
Impatient to have his questions answered, he tried to wriggle around and slip out of bed, but his body felt oppressively heavy, and his vision started to swim as soon as he lifted his head off the pillow.
Exhausted and distressed, he fell back into bed. What the hell had happened to him? Why was he feeling so terrible?
Just that moment, the door of the hospital room opened, and a nurse stepped in.
“Oh, you are awake,” she said. “Good.”
She moved up to the bed and started to check his vitals – or harass him, Wei Ying couldn’t really tell which one it was. She was probably around fifty and had a distinct aunt-y vibe that made Wei Ying lay still on danger of getting stabbed with a needle.
“Do you know why you’re here?” she asked, after she had apparently determined that he was conscious and held it together enough for conversation.
“No,” Wei Ying croaked, and immediately started coughing. His throat felt terribly dry.
The nurse went to his bedside table, where a cup and a pitcher of water had been placed, and filled the cup for him. Then she made him drink.
“You’ve been in a traffic accident,” she told him without ceremony. “You got hit by a car and had to be brought here in an ambulance.”
Shit. Could that be true?
He didn’t remember any of that.
“I don’t remember,” he told the nurse.
“Honey, it’s probably better if you don’t,” she said, patting him on the arm absent-mindedly. “That’s your brain protecting you. You’re also on painkillers right now,” here, she pointed at one of the drips that went into his arm, “and they tend to make your brain a little foggy. You only need to focus on getting better right now.”
That wasn’t particularly comforting to Wei Ying. He’d been lying here, doing–
“My work!” he suddenly remembered.
“Oh, don’t you worry about that!” the nurse said, shaking her head. “I think that nice Mr. Lan has taken care of all that.”
She checked her watch.
“It’s almost time for him to visit, too. Such a nice young man, if only youngsters nowadays were a little more like him.”
She sighed, patted Wei Ying’s arm again, and then left, hopefully to tell someone else that he had gained consciousness again.
Wei Ying sighed and stared at the ceiling. He wasn’t sure what the nurse had meant with “that nice Mr. Lan,” because he didn’t know anyone with the last name Lan. Certainly no one who would visit him at the hospital. Had she gotten his visitor’s name wrong? He tried to think of a different possibility, but couldn’t think of anyone. Wen Ning was away. And Jiang Cheng still wasn’t speaking to him, not to mention that no one in their right mind would ever call Jiang Cheng a ‘nice young man’ if they had spent more than 30 seconds in his presence.
He wasn’t kept in suspense about the identity of his visitor for very long, though. Only minutes after the nurse had left, the door opened again, and through came a man that Wei Ying had never seen in his life. He would have definitely remembered meeting him, Wei Ying was sure, because the man was a devastating combination of tall, handsome and well-dressed. Very memorable. Even in his current drugged-up state.
The man hesitated for one small moment when he saw Wei Ying looking at him, but then continued his progress through the room with a measured pace, finally arriving at Wei Ying’s bedside. He did not speak, but silently placed several items onto Wei Ying’s bedside table. Wei Ying saw a book, what looked to be some healthy snacks, as well as… his phone? It looked terribly beaten up, but a traffic accident might do that to a phone. He should probably be glad if it still worked.
The stranger must have noticed the direction of his gaze, for he finally opened his mouth.
“I have taken the liberty of contacting you place of work.”
“Thank you,” Wei Ying said, sending the stranger an ironic smile. “What I’d rather like to know, though… who are you?”
The stranger bowed slightly, as if to apologise for his rudeness.
“Lan Zhan,” he said. “I was the one… who hit you with my car.”
“Oh, I see,” Wei Ying said, several things suddenly becoming clear to him. “This is a ‘I’m feeling guilty’ visit. Don’t worry about that. It’s fine. I’ll be out of here in no time.”
The stranger, Lan Zan, frowned at Wei Ying’s words.
“It is not guilt that has made me come here,” he said.
Then he was silent again. Wei Ying waited for a moment, but when nothing else happened, he raised his eyebrows at Lan Zhan, encouraging him to go on. Lan Zhan looked as if he’d rather do anything else than open his mouth again, but eventually, thanks to Wei Ying’s pathetic wheedling, he conceded.
“The one responsible for your accident was the driver who suddenly came out of a side street and nearly ran you over,” Lan Zhan explained. “You ended up in front of my car because you were trying to escape his path of collision. He also crashed into my car, nearly hitting you a second time. I have no guilt to speak of, but I am grateful that you survived. I was worried, however, when your family could not be contacted.”
“Oh, uh, well,” Wei Ying stuttered. “Honestly, that shouldn’t be any concern to you. I’ll be fine. My family… well, it doesn’t matter.”
“Your family should care for you if you are injured.”
There was a stubborn set around Lan Zhan’s mouth, and Wei Ying suddenly found himself smiling. He wasn’t sure if he should call it fortune or misfortune, but this Lan Zhan was clearly an incredibly stiff man with very strict notions of propriety, to the point where he involved himself into the affairs of others.
“Ah, Lan-gege,” Wei Ying sighed. “Not to say I’m not very grateful for your help, which I am, but let me assure you that you have officially fulfilled your obligations and are free to leave. You have already done more than I can ask for. If it is as you say, I have no ill feelings towards you. Feel free to go on with your life, and sorry about the car. I think I need to sleep again, I feel very tired.”
He was, in fact, feeling very tired, and it was getting harder to keep his eyes open by the minute.
Lan Zhan seemed to realise that that was the case. He said his goodbyes, but before he left the room, he announced, “I will come again.”
Wei Ying wanted to object, but Lan Zhan was already gone, and Wei Ying’s eyes were closing.
The next few days passed in the monotony of sleeping, check-ups by doctors and nurses, terrible hospital meals, and occasional visits from Lan Zhan.
As handsome as he might have been, at first Wei Ying really didn’t want Lan Zhan to come back again. He quickly learned to be grateful for his frequent visits, however. Staying in the hospital was extremely boring, even with the books that Lan Zhan brought him, and everything was much better once he trained Lan Zhan to bring him spicy snacks.
After a few excessively boring days in bed (more than he cared for, certainly), he was finally allowed to walk around a little in order to regain his strength, and Lan Zhan would take him outside into the garden whenever he visited. Wei Ying was extremely grateful for that, since the nurses didn’t allow him to go alone.
Wei Ying quickly learned on their little excursions that Lan Zhan rarely spoke, but was an extremely attentive listener who would prove said attention in the most unexpected moments. It was almost shocking sometimes; Wei Ying would ramble on about something, and Lan Zhan would suddenly say one thing or another that made clear he had been paying attention when most people would have tuned out already. It was… flattering, to say the least. To have someone pay attention to him so much. Definitely something Wei Ying could get used to.
Lan Zhan was also very attentive to Wei Ying’s physical state. More than once, when Wei Ying felt his own strength lagging, he suddenly found Lan Zhan’s hand at his elbow, steadily and unobtrusively making sure that he didn’t fall over his own clumsy feet. Lan Zhan seemed to know that he needed support almost before Wei Ying himself realised it.
Normally, he would complain about being thought a weakling, but if Wei Ying were honest, he would admit that sometimes, he really needed the support. And well… he couldn’t really bring himself to mind being spoiled by a handsome man. If he were really honest, he would confess that he simply liked Lan Zhan’s hands on him, and any excuse that provided him with an opportunity was good enough, even if he had to play up his weakness.
“Lan Zhan,” Wei Ying said when they were on one of their garden excursions one day, eating little cups of mango panna cotta that Lan Zhan had brought with him today on a bench. “I will be released tomorrow. You don’t have to visit me here any longer after today.”
“Hn,” Lan Zhan agreed. “What time?”
“Around ten, I think? Why do you ask?”
“I will pick you up.”
Wei Ying sighed deeply and swallowed the last spoonful of dessert.
“Lan Zhan, ah, Lan Zhan. I can ask a friend to pick me up. You shouldn’t do so many things for me. If you are too nice, people will end up misunderstanding. Well, I will end up misunderstanding. You wouldn’t want that to happen, now would you?”
He directed his best salacious grin at Lan Zhan.
“Nn,” Lan Zhan replied noncommittally. “I will pick you up.”
Wei Ying stared at Lan Zhan for a moment. Could it be that Lan Zhan was that thick? That he didn’t realise what Wei Ying was getting at? Did he have to spell it out for Lan Zhan? That he meant misunderstanding in the sense of kissing and possibly getting naked with each other?
“Lan Zhan, I’m serious,” Wei Ying complained, tugging at Lan Zhan’s sleeve to make him look at him properly. “I will misunderstand.”
Lan Zhan looked at him, and it struck Wei Ying again how beautiful Lan Zhan’s eyes were. He had thought that Lan Zhan was pretty much expressionless when they first got to know each other, but that had been patently untrue. His perpetually serious eyes were the source of so much deeply felt emotion. Everything Lan Zhan felt, he felt with his entire heart. So when Lan Zhan looked at him, Wei Ying automatically felt his pulse speed up and his cheeks start to grow hot. That was the effect Lan Zhan had on anyone he really directed his attention towards.
“I will pick you up,” Lan Zhan repeated once again. Stubbornly, insistently. Mulishly.
Without breaking their line of sight even once. Just serious. And steady.
“Oh,” Wei Ying whispered.
Oh. Lan Zhan didn’t want him to misunderstand. Lan Zhan wanted him to understand.
Wei Ying shot up from the bench they had been sitting on and walked over to the trash can close by, to throw away his empty cup of panna cotta. Lan Zhan followed him, throwing his own cup into the trash. As he did it, he looked about as disquieted as Lan Zhan ever did, but right now, Wei Ying was unable to handle anything.
Could he be right? Did Lan Zhan – that Lan Zhan –
As he stood there, he slightly tilted to the side – and there he was, Lan Zhan was right at his side, steadying him. But right now, Wei Ying didn’t want to be steadied. He leaned further into Lan Zhan’s side, putting most of his weight on Lan Zhan right until his head a found a home in the crook of Lan Zhan’s neck.
“Ah, Lan Zhan,” he sighed. “Taking advantage of the weak and injured, I see. Do you always flirt like that? Picking people up at the hospital?”
He looked up at Lan Zhan and smiled.
Lan Zhan didn’t answer, but one of his arms most definitely found its way around Wei Ying’s waist, holding him securely to Lan Zhan’s side. It was… intimate.
It was answer enough.
“This is the part where you’re supposed to say ‘No, Wei Ying is the only one for me,’” Wei Ying pouted.
“Wei Ying is the only one for me,” Lan Zhan intoned seriously.
Wei Ying had to bury his face in his hands and scream a little.
“You can’t say things like that out of the blue!” he complained. “My poor, beaten body won’t be able to take it!”
Then he peeked out between the gaps between his fingers, up at Lan Zhan.
“Say it again.”
 (When Lan Zhan picked him up the next day, he received a kiss for his efforts.)
(One kiss, or many.)
(Who was going to count.)
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blonde-in-charge · 3 years
Wildcard, Chapter Four
Summary: Steve Rogers found you on the side of the road after a mission involving Hydra and convinced the Avengers to take you in. You have no name, no memories, and no idea of what you are capable of. All you know is that you are a super soldier with more hidden abilities than you care to admit. The first step to finding answers was to train you. Nobody, including you, knows what is up your sleeve. (Slowburn)
Characters: Bucky x reader, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, Random Hydra guy
Warnings: Fluffy!Bucky, Flirting, bed sharing
Words: 2.5k
The ride to the safehouse was relatively quiet besides the sounds of the road outside of the vehicle you were in. The drive took about 2 hours, and you had no idea where you were. By the time the agents had dropped you off, the sun had started to rise over the small cabin. The SUV that had dropped you off, drove away quietly behind you, while you and Bucky looked at the small house. You looked at each other and then raced inside. You were ahead of Bucky, trying to get to the bed first but he grabbed you around the waist and spun you around with him as you squealed out. He set you down and you pushed him aside to open the bedroom door. Bucky tried to grab hold of the shirt you were wearing but was just short as you threw yourself onto the bed. You rolled over. Your hair sticking up in every direction as you grinned triumphantly. Your face was heated from the small workout racing the soldier provided.
Bucky groaned as he walked back into the living room to fall backwards onto the couch, “How am I supposed to sleep on this thing?” 
You laughed from the other room before walking out and joining him on the old couch, plopping down with a sigh, your thigh resting against his. The last twelve hours has been the most Bucky has ever spoken to or even touched you. You were still processing the way he held you while you slept. That was the first time (that you remembered) you had been held like that. You sighed softly at thought and Bucky turned his head to look at you.
“Everything alright?” He asked and you nodded your head, not looking at him. You knew you were easy to read and you were afraid if you looked into those steel eyes, your fears would come true. You have always had a soft spot for the soldier, you never truly realized what it meant until now. You haven't let yourself really have feelings after your rescue, you wanted to be the easiest to work with. You haven't even cried since you had been found, now when you were around Bucky, your stomach would do flips and you barely even knew the man. You knew what he had been through and how he took his coffee, but who was Bucky Barnes? 
“What did you want to be when you grew up?” You asked him, staring up at the ceiling.
He studied you with his eyes. He crossed his arms over his chest and sighed, “I think I always knew I would become a soldier when I was younger.” You smiled at the thought of a baby Bucky running around with toy guns, so innocent. “Did you always want to be…. An accountant?” The question made you let loose a sharp laugh. You shook your head and covered your eyes with your right hand.
“No, I decided I wanted to become an accountant senior year of high school.” You smiled slightly at the foggy memory, “I had always wanted to be a police officer or FBI agent. I wanted to help the world in whatever way I could.” You could feel Bucky’s eyes searing into the side of your face. You cleared your throat, “Do you remember your parents?”
The questions went back and forth for what felt like hours. You learned Bucky spent the most time around Steve's mom, he had two sisters, his favorite color was green, and he hates olives. You had told him what little you remembered of your family, about your little sister. You didn't remember their faces very well but you remembered the dynamic. You told Bucky about your random love for olives and he started dramatically gagging. Your laugh echoed through the cabin you shared with him. For the first time in eight months, you felt light. You had somehow shifted to one end of the couch and wrapped yourself in a blanket, Bucky sat on the over end with your feet in his lap. The more you talked to him, the more memories you accessed. 
“Okay, okay. Who was your first girlfriend?” You asked as you stood up from the couch in search of a bottle of wine. You heard Bucky chuckle as he thought about it. You emerged from the kitchen with two glasses and a dusty old bottle of red. 
You had Bucky open the bottle and pour the glasses as you returned to your spot on the couch. “I think my first girlfriend's name was Ruth?” He said squinting his eyes as if it would help him remember. 
“Damn Barnes, how many girls have you been with?” You asked, taking a glass of wine off of the coffee table. 
He shook his head and leaned back against the cushions, “No, it's your turn to answer now. How was your first boyfriend?” He wiggled his eyebrows and you gently slapped the hard metal of his shoulder. 
You closed your eyes searching the memories that surfaced on your brain, “Josh? His name was Josh Noah, I was 16, maybe?” You drew a blank when it came to remembering faces and you didn't push yourself to. You opened your eyes and smirked, “So, you were a ladies man, huh?” 
You laughed as heat rushed to his cheeks, painting his face but he didn't look ashamed. “Yeah, I got around quite a bit.” You studied his face as he searched through his thoughts. You smiled slightly wondering what a date with Bucky Barnes would be like. 
You sipped at your wine and made a small face at the flavor. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't like what you had at the tower. Bucky laughed at you and you stuck your tongue out at him in defiance. You absentmindedly reached out to touch the cold metal of his arm and he flinched away from you. You gave him an apologetic expression as you pulled your hand back, “Sorry, I should have asked first.” 
“No, no. It’s okay, I haven't really had anyone touch me in a long time who wasn't trying to attack me.” The way he said it made a heat rise to the surface of your skin all over your body. You looked up into his eyes and felt your stomach start to do backflips once again. You reached your hand back out slowly and splayed your fingers against the metal forearm. 
You adored the man in front of you, you knew the types of nightmares he had. You wished you could just take them away. “Bucky, you deserve all of the good things in life.” You made circles with your thumb as you spoke softly. “Your past does not define you. Your favorite color changes and so do you. You are not the bad guy anymore.” You didn't know what possessed you to say it, but you had to. Bucky just stared at you with wide eyes. You smiled softly before leaning back and taking your hand off of his arm. You brought the glass up to your lips and chased down all of the liquid in it. You frown at the uncomfortable burn in the back of your throat as you stood up from the couch and made your way to the kitchen once again. You were hungry for the first time in the last 24 hours. You looked at the clock and realized it was almost dinner time. You and Bucky had sat on the couch for hours just getting to know each other. The feeling in your chest started to rise once again but you pushed it back down to wherever it came from. You pulled the sleeves of the shirt you were wearing, his shirt, over your hands as you searched through the kitchen for ingredients. The house had been stocked with all the things you would find in the tower, you added a mental note to thank Steve for the shopping list he had created. You peeked out into the living room to see Bucky was exactly where you had left him. Oh god, you broke Bucky Barnes. You leaned against the entryway to the kitchen and cleared your throat.
“Do you have any objections to taco soup?” You asked him, crossing your arms.
He snapped out of whatever haze he was in and looked at you, “Tacos in a soup?”
“Yeah, it's actually really good. Wanna help me cook?” You gestured into the kitchen as he nodded and stood from the couch.  “Hey Buck?” He looked at you and tilted his head as you spoke, “Did I say something wrong?”
He looked panicked, “No! You didn't say anything wrong I-” He sighed and ran his hand through his long hair, “I never realized how much I needed to hear that until you said it.” 
You understood where he was coming from, hell you would have shut down if someone said those words to you. You nodded before turning around and disappearing into the kitchen to start the cooking. You want to eat dinner at a decent time so you better start now. 
Taco soup was the poor kids dinner from college. The only real ingredient that wasn't in a can that you needed was ground beef. Everything else was in a 79 cent can. You browned the meat in the pot while Bucky went to work on opening the cans for you while you cooked, you smiled at him as he passed each one to you and you added them to the pot. You finished combining all of the ingredients and placed the lid of the pot on. 
“Okay so,” You looked up at the clock on the wall and did the math in your head. “Let it boil for about 20 minutes, then we can eat.” You walked over to the fridge pulling out sour cream and shredded cheese, setting them on the counter top. You looked over at Bucky, who was eyeing the soup questionably. 
“It looks like we are boiling the rust off of something.” He stood up straight and looked over his shoulder at you as you shrugged and pulled out two bowls.
“I could just let you starve, but I actually like having you around.” You shrugged and swatted him away as he poked at your side. You leaned against the counter top and watched him. The kitchen was not very big, making the space crowded between you two when you were both working around the kitchen. He came to stand next to you as you both stared at the boiling pot in silence. Your stomach growled loudly which made him chuckle. You smiled, the laugh you elicited from him made you feel like you were floating. You smiled brightly at him, watching the way his chest moved as he laughed. He looked down over at you and you realized you were staring. You averted your eyes back to the boiling pot in front of you and sighed loudly, which he dramatically copied. You grinned and shouldered his side, getting a well deserved, ooph. Bucky turned around as the minutes counted down and pulled out two bowls and spoons. You turned off the stove top and lifted the lid of the pot, taking a deep inhale of the delicious scent. You were starving, so you were quick to fill the two bowls with a ladle. You dressed your soup up with a spoonful of sour cream and half the bag of cheese, while Bucky only dressed his with a handful of the cheese. You both carried your bowls to the small round table in the corner of the kitchen. You sat in one of the small wooden chairs, sitting criss crossed as you always did when you were comfortable. You raised one spoonful of the soup to your mouth, blowing on it gently before actually tasting the contents. It was delicious, as it always was. You really enjoyed cooking, it came so naturally to you. You looked up and saw Bucky was thoroughly enjoying his soup the same way you were. You both ate in a comfortable silence until you were full. You stood up from the table and reached to grab his empty bowl.
He smacked your hand away playfully and stood with you, “Let me clean up, you did all the cooking.” He extended his hand out, waiting for you to place your empty bowl in it. You wanted to say something snarky, but you knew he genuinely wanted to help out. You lost the war in your head so you let him take your bowl away to the kitchen. You decided to change out of the clothes you were wearing and into your pajamas. There wasn't much to the cabin, it wasn't an open floor plan and it only consisted of a living room, kitchen, bedroom, and one bathroom. You knew there was a shed out back that served as a weapons vault, and you also knew the bathroom mirror that opened up into a medical supply cabinet. You maneuvered past the couch to the bedroom. You pulled Bucky’s shirt off over your head and threw it onto the corner of the room, you put your bag on the bed and rummaged through it. You pulled out an old tee shirt you knew was Steves, you pulled it over your head and worked on stripping your legs out of the leggings you wore. You wanted to remain in your underwear but you also didn't want Bucky to feel uncomfortable, so you pulled on a pair of cut off sweatpants and walked out of the room. Bucky was trying to set up the couch to be somewhat comfortable for the night. You leaned against the door frame of the room and crossed your arms over your chest.
“Hey, Buck?” You asked. He looked up and met your eyes, “Can you sleep in the bed with me tonight?” 
You weren't able to read his eyes, you watched as he stood up straight and contemplated the offer. He nodded his head, “Yeah of course I will.” He stripped the couch of its blanket and walked up to you. You smiled and led him into the room, shutting the door behind him. “I just need to use the restroom, then I'll be ready.” You nodded as he dropped the blanket onto the bed and disappeared into the bathroom with his duffle bag. You slipped off your shorts and crawled into the bed. The sheets were so soft against your skin, the feeling was welcome. You fluffed up the two pillows behind you before sinking down into the bed. You turned the lamp off besides you and sighed. The bathroom door creaked open and spilled light into the room. You could see the outline of Bucky, the light clicked off and you listened to him approach. The bed dipped under his weight as he pulled back the covers. He laid beside you and covered himself up, tucking his right arm behind his head. You rolled on your side to face him. 
“Goodnight, Bucky.” You said quietly to the figure next to you.
“Goodnight, doll.”
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bosspigeon · 3 years
not if it's you
Prompt: Day One: Cooking, Day Two: Cuddling💕 Pairing: Mason/Male Detective Words: 3293 Summary: Mason is sick. Mason's not supposed to get sick, but magic tends to not give a shit if you're a big, tough vampire man with a reputation to maintain. A prompt fill for @wayhavensummer that I wasn't sure I'd finish, but I'm glad I decided to. I combined two prompts into one, along with the inclusion of the bonus challenge, "love languages!" Juni's love language is Acts of Service~ CW for emetophobia. Nothing actually happens, but it is discussed!
“I’m not a vampire, Mason,” Juni said to him when he clicked on the lamp on his dresser and Mason growled loudly in protest. “I’m sorry, but I can’t see in the dark.”
Mason's growl became a long, low groaning noise as he dragged a pillow over his face. It helped more than he cared to admit, being immediately plunged into soothing darkness and smothered in the warm, sweet scent of the detective buried in his pillow.
Still, he feels like absolute shit.
The illness should run its course in just a few days, from what Juni’s relayed to him about Nate’s research—since he won’t leave Juni’s apartment (he’s not going to say can’t, because that implies weakness, implies that he couldn’t even if he wanted to, and he could, he just won’t, and that’s all there is to it) until he’s well, and refuses to go crawling to the Agency when he just needs to wait things out.
If he went to the Agency, he’d just be “waiting things out” the same as he is there, only he’d be doing it alone in a stiflingly empty observation room, bored out of his fucking skull until someone decided to come poke at him for science. At least here, he’s got Juni fussing over him.
It’s sort of… nice, being fussed over.
And Juni would be fussing whether Mason was here or not. He’d probably be driving himself crazy with worry, making himself sick with it, if Mason were stuck at headquarters without him, and the thought of that makes Mason feel even worse than he already does. It’s really best for the both of them that the vampire is here, buried in a metric fuckton of blankets (because even if he feels like he’s going to burn alive, the second he leaves them the sweat cools on his skin and leaves him trembling) looking into the blank, beady eyes of a patchwork plush cat.
His entire body aches, throbbing dully from the top down, but he reaches out with a heavy arm and turns it around so it’s not fucking staring at him anymore.
Juni’s been gone for a while, but Mason can hear him over the low ringing in his ears, puttering around in the kitchen. His senses are weakened by the bizarre magical illness Juni’s likened to the flu after hearing the symptoms, but he hears the detective humming quietly to himself, smells some spices and herbs he’s too exhausted to bother identifying over the low thrum of something metallic and familiar.
Mason's stomach growls at the same moment it churns. Hungry, but the very thought of consuming anything, blood included, makes him feel nauseous.
He doesn't know how Juni managed to sweet-talk Adam into handing over Mason's blood rations for the few days it would take this sickness to work its way through his body, but it makes him faintly irked he'll have to disappoint the detective when he tells him he doesn't even think his traitorous stomach can handle it, no matter how hungry he is. Juni always looks so pitiful when he can't help, soft doe eyes and pouty mouth and genuine, heartfelt distress rolling off him in waves. Mason groans into the pillow and comforts himself by drawing another detective-scented breath deep into his lungs.
And then Juni knocks on the doorframe (of his own fucking bedroom, because he's ridiculous, and Mason's chest squeezes) and calls, "Still alive in here?" softly teasing, his voice carefully lowered in deference to Mason's throbbing skull.
He makes a rough noise and tosses aside the pillow, because the only thing better than being buried in Juni-perfumed sheets is taking in the scent of him right from the source.
Juni always looks so different when he's at home. He relaxes, softens, like a bird coming to roost. His shoulders aren't so tense, his eyes stop darting like he's waiting for an attack (something Mason noticed even before Juni was actually under attack every other week) and he just, he looks settled and safe. After the shit he’s been through, he deserves to feel safe.
He opens his mouth to say something, but Mason just awkwardly squirms his way out of the blankets to free his arms enough to reach out.
"C'mere," he grunts.
Juni laughs, and the way his cheeks curve, the way they make his eyes crinkle at the corners, makes Mason hate whatever magic bullshit allowed him to get sick in the first place with a burning fury that feels like it's immolating him from the inside.
Or maybe that's the fever.
"I'm coming, I'm coming," Juni teases when Mason growls. It's not as fierce as he hoped it would be, which is more than obvious when Juni only smiles indulgently at him.
He perches on the edge of the bed and smooths a hand over Mason's clammy forehead, making a soft, commiserating cooing noise. Mason wants to be annoyed, wants to growl again, complain about being coddled, but the sound that comes out of him is not a growl, or a curse, but a soft moan. He pushes up into Juni’s hand and closes his eyes.
“You’re still burning up,” Juni sighs, sinking his fingers into the vampire’s hair and scratching at his scalp. He moans again, lower and rougher. A little awkwardly, he adds, “Nate said you should, y’know, drink something.”
Mason’s stomach turns, and he grits his teeth and shakes his head.
He shakes his head again, turning his face into the pillow again when it starts to make him dizzy. He wants to break something. He feels so pitiful.
“Mason, you’re not gonna get better if you don’t—”
“You ever seen someone puke blood, detective?” he snaps. Juni’s hand retracts sharply, and Mason keeps his eyes closed. He doesn’t want to see the hurt streaking across that soft, expressive face. “It’s not pretty,” he adds gruffly, and it takes all the strength in his flagging body to roll over and turn his back.
Juni’s quiet for a long moment, before soft fingers are sliding into his hair again,rubbing at the nape of his neck. “I had kind of a weird idea that might help, if you think you can stop pouting long enough to hear me out,” he says.
“You sure know how to sweet-talk a guy, huh?” Mason grumbles, but his body, an aching knot of sweaty tension, starts to slowly loosen up under the gentle petting.
Juni goes quiet again, and then, with a little laugh, he says, “Would it make you feel better if I told you you’re really cute when you’re all whiny?”
“How fucking dare you,” he snarls impotently into the pillow.
Juni laughs, and when Mason rolls over again to glower at him, he snorts trying to stifle it. “Do you want to hear my idea or not?”
“Not exactly in any position to stop you, am I?” Mason scoffs.
The detective pokes his nose. “Nope!” Mason nips at his finger, but his reflexes aren’t exactly great at the moment, and Juni just pulls it back with a smile. “I wanted to ask before I, like, ruined one of your blood rations for a weird experiment, but I’ve been doing research on different recipes that use blood—” “Why?” Mason interjects.
Juni flounders a bit, shoulders drawing up to his ears. “I… Well, I know you don’t like to eat human food, for good reasons, but sometimes I can convince Felix and Adam to try stuff I make, and Nate likes to eat sometimes, and I like… I like cooking for people? And I can’t really do that for you, because I know how overwhelming your senses can be, but you’ve said they’re kind of dull right now, so I thought maybe I could make, well… sort of a blood soup?"
Mason blinks at the detective.
Juni nervously babbles on to fill his befuddled silence. "If I thinned it out with a mild broth, I figured it would go down easier. And I know ginger is really strong on its own, but it also settles the stomach, and with the blood and the broth, it might help? I thought about adding some other things, but I tried to be picky with it, because even if your senses are dulled, I don't want to overwhelm you."
Mason chews it over, and even though he can tell his silence is making Juni nervous with every second that ticks by (fidgety, fussy, open and honest to a goddamned fault, a ball of nerves Mason wants to drag into bed and shield from the world) he can't really think of much to say, except, "Sure. Why the fuck not?"
"That's okay! I figured it was a long shot anyway, and—" Juni freezes, his knee-jerk anxious capitulation cutting off like he’s run into a brick wall. "What?"
"I'm already overwhelmed, sweetheart," Mason groans, and honestly, even talking is getting exhausting, his aching throat protesting every word he can manage to eke out. He wants Juni closer, wants to bury his face in his neck and hide like a wounded animal crawling its way home. "It honestly can't get worse at this point. If you think it'll help, I'll try it."
Juni still looks stunned, but is also clearly jangling with nervous excitement. Nate's used the term "puppyish enthusiasm" before when describing the way Juni lights up when he's actually able to help, and it's almost comically accurate.
Juni's bolted from the room before Mason's sluggish brain has a chance to even process the humor at the observation into a snort.
He's alone again, and if Juni were still here, he'd call what Mason's doing pouting, but he's scowling, damn it. Not that anyone's around to see it save for Juni's stuffed animals. He pulls the pillow to his chest, half-burying himself underneath the blankets again. He keeps his foggy focus stretched far enough to hear Juni in the kitchen again, making a game effort not to clatter around noisily and failing spectacularly. It's the thought that counts, Mason supposes.
It doesn't actually take all that long for him to come back, but it still feels like ages with how shitty Mason feels. He's painfully aware of every single ache in his body, radiating down to his bones, of the fever burning him up, the mutinous turning of his stomach even as it gnaws itself apart with hunger. He’s becoming so bogged down in the prison his ailing body has become, he almost doesn’t notice Juni pattering his way back into the room. Almost.
The second he crosses the threshold, Mason senses are honing in on everything they can about him, his smell, his warmth, the way his cozy sweater (it’s midsummer, for fuck’s sake, and sure the AC is cranked due to Mason’s fever, but it always is, because Juni’s body regulates temperature like a goddamned lizard and he hates the heat almost more than Mason does) makes him look soft and touchable. It takes him a long while to even notice the detective is carrying a tea tray with a bowl on it, as well as a glass of water, and when he does, he’s honestly not sure what to make of the smell.
Human food is overwhelming, usually. But usually, Mason’s sinuses aren’t swollen and borderline useless. Juni is walking as carefully as he can, and there is a palpable relief when he sets the tray down on his bedside table without incident. “I made the broth already, because I didn’t want it to take too long if you said yes. It actually smells, like, really good? Is that gross of me to say?”
Mason tries to push himself upright, and his muscles protest loudly enough that he can’t quite bite back a grunt of pain. Juni makes a sound like he’s been shot, and his hands are on Mason with an urgency that vibrates through his skin. Still, his touch is an instant balm to the vampire’s overwrought senses, his hands gentle as they ease him upright and fussily pile pillows behind him to support him. It fucking sucks to be so weak, but at least it’s only Juni seeing him like this. He can’t quite express why, when it feels like his head’s stuffed full of cotton, but he thinks it would suck a lot more if he were riding this out alone, or in a sterile room at HQ. He lolls his head towards Juni, his cheek smashing against one of a half-dozen goddamned pillows piled around him, and laughs weakly. “Gonna feed me too, Nurse Fenn?”
Juni blushes, and the usual rush of his blood doesn’t smack Mason in the face like usual, but it washes over him in a gentle wave of warmth, that tempting smell tickling the back of his tongue. “Do you need me to?” he asks, and it’s pretty clear he’s trying to make it sound teasing, but it comes out much more earnest than anything else.
Mason almost wants to say yes, but he also doesn’t want Juni to be in the splash zone if his stomach decides it can’t handle the detective’s little experiment. “Nah, I got it,” he grunts, reaching for the tray. It trembles dangerously when his shaking hands lift it, but Juni’s quick to steady it and guide it to his lap. He mutters a quiet thanks, and Juni mercifully doesn’t rib him for his uncharacteristic politeness. “You’d make a cute nurse, detective,” he says to cover the strangely loaded silence.
Juni laughs and sits on the edge of the bed, close but not quite touching. “I’m too squeamish,” he offers with a shrug that rubs their shoulders together.
“You just made me soup out of blood,” Mason says dully.
“I also have a borderline breakdown giving myself the same shot I’ve been giving myself every week for the last decade,” Juni retorts. “Do you really think I could do it for someone else?”
Mason snorts. “Probably not. Would kill to see you in one of those little dresses, though.”
The only thing protecting Mason from getting a hilariously ineffectual swat on the shoulder is the bowl of soup in his lap. He’s not even sure his current feeble condition would be enough to stop Juni otherwise. “Eat your soup, asshole,” Juni groans, covering his burning face with his hands. He peeks through his fingers after a moment’s hesitation, “And maybe I’ll show you the Halloween costume Tina got me as a joke a couple years ago when you’re feeling better.”
Mason’s whole body reacts to that, and he can’t be sure if the chill that rolls down his spine is due to the illness, or something else entirely. If nothing else, choking down some soup will be worth it, just for that promise.
The first spoonful goes down surprisingly easy. He doesn’t really taste much, at first, not even the coppery tang of blood. It’s thin, as Juni promised, so it doesn’t quite coat his mouth the same way fresh, raw blood would. Juni’s watching him with obvious concern, eyebrows scrunched together and plush bottom lip caught between his teeth. Either concern that Mason’s body is going to reject it fully, or he just won’t fucking like it. Probably both.
“It’s not too hot, is it?” Juni asks, touching Mason’s knee lightly through the blanket. He swallows his mouthful hard and bites down the urge to ask the human not to stop touching him.
“S’fine,” he grunts, trying to parse what exactly he makes of it at all. The warmth feels nice, soothing his raw throat. He takes another bite. He thinks he can sort of make out the individual spices underneath the taste of the blood and the broth (slightly watered down bone broth, he;d guess) but he can’t really smell them either. The ginger, at least, is obvious. He knows the smell enough to guess the taste, even with the complete lack of culinary experience. It’s, strangely enough, not horrible. It does taste mostly like thinned-out blood, which is weird, and gives him a sense of dissonance from the texture he expects blood to have. “Weird.”
Juni doesn’t seem to take offense to that. “Well, you’re not spewing it across the room like you’re possessed, at least, so weird is better than bad?” he laughs, squeezing Mason’s knee. “How’s your stomach?”
Mason takes a second to consider. “Not great, but not terrible.”
Juni almost deflates with relief. “And the taste? It’s not too much, is it? I can be kind of heavy-handed with my seasoning, so I tried to be really careful. It’s really only a pinch of salt, sage, and ginger, with a little bit of licorice root, which I know is kind of weird, but it’s good for sore throats?”
“Tastes like…” Mason screws up his face, realizing he has absolutely no context to work with. “I don’t know. I think I like it?”
Juni smiles like the goddamned sun, and it somehow makes his snarky little pet name for Mason that much funnier. “Really?”
Mason’s not sure he’d be saying the same thing if his senses weren’t dulled to near-uselessness by his traitorous body, but the way Juni looks, like he couldn’t be happier to be dealing with a sick, cranky vampire hogging his bed and sweating in his sheets, makes him bite his tongue. There’s always a brightness to the human when he brings food to the warehouse for Nate and Felix, he smiles so wide his face almost cracks when Adam crumples under the weight of those puppy eyes and takes the smallest portion of whatever concoction Juni’s brought to nibble on, and offers the most awkward compliment he can manage. Juni just likes doing things for people, providing for them any way he can. Food is his usual go-to, but if he can help at all, he’s happy.
I can’t really do that for you.
It almost makes Mason wish he could enjoy whatever the detective whips up in his cramped little kitchen, just to make him smile.
Christ, his brain must be more addled than he thought.
He manages a few more spoonfuls of soup before his stomach starts to feel uncomfortably full, but the gnawing hunger of going too long without drinking has gone away, and he doesn’t feel so much like he’s going to puke like he did earlier. He feels heavy, and tired, and honestly that’s one hell of an improvement. Juni’s quick to take the tray and spirit it off back to the kitchen, bending to press a quick kiss to Mason’s cheek before he goes, and when he returns, the vampire is slumped in his pillow nest and half-asleep, eyes shuttered to thin slits.
He feels more than he sees Juni approach, and when a gentle hand smooths over his clammy forehead, he pushes up into it with a raw, weak noise he has zero energy to be embarrassed by anymore. He reaches out blindly, tangles his fingers in the knit of his detective’s sweater, and tugs. He can’t be sure how it happens, a jumble of movement and complaining muscles, but Juni winds up in bed with him, slouched comfortably against the pillows so Mason can rest his head on the soft curve of his belly. The human plays idly, sweetly with his hair, twirling damp curls around his fingers.
“I’m sweaty,” Mason halfheartedly protests. Juni’s stomach rises and falls beneath his head. It feels like being on the ocean, like being rocked to sleep on quiet waves.
“I don’t mind,” Juni murmurs, thumb stroking the shell of his ear.
Before he can think of anything to say to that, he’s being pulled under, dozing off between one breath and the next.
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Friendship and Fate {03}
Summary: You and Stiles have been friends for years. You’ve loved each other since you were kids but when Stiles presents as an Alpha and you never present at all… well you’re not going to let him not claim his omega when she comes along.
Author: @lettersofwrittencollective​
Pairing: Alpha!Stiles x ??!Reader
Word count: 5740
Chapter Rating: G
Warnings: I do not think this one has any?
Request prompt: Anonymous: could you do a fic of Alpha!Stiles and Beta!reader where they are best friends and they have to share a hotel bed together and reader and stiles slowly go into heat/rut together because of each other and they try to resist it because they want to be friends but give in and get together with ABO dynamics? (i know that was very specific i have so many ideas but can’t write for my life💀) also i life your work!- you deserve so much more recognition!
AN I am so sorry it's shorter than the others but it just felt like a good place to end it?
<<Prev || Friendship and Fate Masterlist || Next>>
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Eyes opening, you attempted to stretch, only to discover that you couldn’t actually move. Just as panic was about to sink in, your foggy brain reminded you that you were sharing a bed with Stiles which meant it was his arms around you.
You were half tempted to roll over, snuggle into his chest and go right back to sleep but the smell of the ocean air and the soft sound of crashing waves reminded you that you were not, in fact, at home but on an island for the pack bonding trip.
Slowly, carefully, you moved tried to move Stiles’ arm from your so that you could go and get ready for the day but you froze when you heard Stiles groan behind you as he pulled you flush against his body and nuzzled into your neck.
Chuckling softly, you tried to wriggle out of his arms and whispered to him, “Sti… we need to get up.”
“Ten more minutes Harls,” he mutters, his voice thick and groggy with sleep, his breath on your neck making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and a shiver travel down your spine.
You bite back a small moan as you grab his arm before lifting it, “We don’t have a choice Bats. If we don’t get up Lydia is going to murder the two of us.”
Stiles’ reluctant groan fills your ears before you hear him give an exaggerated yawn and his arm lets go of you as he stretches out. Instantly, your body misses his touch but you push yourself off the bed and call the first shower.
The warm water of the shower was amazing on your body and you couldn’t believe just how relaxed you had found yourself this morning. Typically you had minor aches that the warm water would help with but this time there were no aches, nothing sore, no pains - just the comfort of a warm shower in the morning.
When you got out, you had thrown on a fluffy towel before you called out Stiles’ name, asking him what was on the agenda for today.
“Snorkeling and scuba lessons,” he reminded you as he passed you and you mentally rolled your eyes- Lydia had told you as much yesterday.
As you heard the water start up again, as Stiles jumped in the shower, you grabbed your duffel bag. Finding it empty you reminded yourself that you, Stiles and Lydia had unpacked all the clothing and you moved to the drawers. Quickly pulling out a couple of the swim suits, you decided to go with your most comfortable swim suit and after slipping into it you did your hair. You had enough time to grab Stiles a pair of his swim trunks before you heard him turning off thew water.
“Sti, I left you your swim trunks,” you called out as you slipped on some shoes and threw on a cover up, “I’m gonna get some breakfast with the pack.”
Making your way out to the kitchen, you most of the pack in the main part of the villa. Luke was making breakfast fo the group and Kira and Alex were helping him out.
“Anyone else notice that it’s the non-Alpha’s that are out here making breakfast?” Malia pointed out after a moment. You looked around and realized that she was right, it was you, Malia, Kira, Alex, Lydia and Luke.
“Mason’s not an Alpha,” Lydia pointed out and you heard Luke practically snort.
“It’s still us out here,” Malia scoffed and your small group had to laugh.
“Guarantee its only cause we were the ones to actually get up,” Kira points out, “Getting Scott out of bed this morning was a bear.”
“Jordan wasn’t much better,” Lydia confirmed with a shrug, “he seems to be exhausted.”
“Well we are on the other side of the world,” Malia said with a shrug before grabbing a water bottle.
“I pretty much told Stiles the same thing,” you said with a chuckle as you made your way over and grabbed the coffee pot and a cup and made yourself a cup.
Sitting at the breakfast table, sipping your morning coffee, you allowed yourself to just enjoy the time with your friends. It didn’t take long before the rest of the pack was up and about and after a decent breakfast, it was decided that it was time to make your way down to the docks to meet your boats.
You made your way back into the bedroom, thankful that Stiles had bought you a diving mask, snorkel  goggles, fins, and booties last year when the two  of you had decided to go to Cabo for the weekend and you were even more grateful that they still fit.
She and Jordan checked you in before you were split up into two groups of six. You and Stiles went with Theo, Malia, Lydia and Parrish.
Your instructor, Seru, took you on one of the smaller boats and out into the waters, to Beqa Island Lagoon and just far enough for you to enjoy what the waters of Fiji have to offer he says.
You were grateful that Lydia had booked this particular diving company. The group of you had been out snorkeling before but the way that this man explained things just made you feel more at ease.
It also helped that the company provided inflatable snorkeling vests because you hadn’t bought any while in Cabo and you’d forgotten to buy one before coming  and weren’t sure where to buy them on the island.
He checked with you, confirming that you knew what you were doing and you were aware of the basic safety procedures and risks involved with diving.
You were each paired off, coupled up of course, but everyone was planning on being the others snorkeling buddy. As a pack you took care of each other. It helped that Malia and Lydia were here with their mates which meant they were more attuned to each other.
It had been the reason that Scott and Kira had decided to go with Liam, Alex, Mason and Luke.  They were the youngest and newest couples. Ever since Liam had joined the pack, Scott had always treated him more like a little brother then just an Omega and once he and Kira had gotten back together - they treated the youngest members of the pack almost like their kids.
You were sure that you were going to meet up with them during your small expedition in the water and you and the rest of the pack would all end up looking after each other but your instructor was worried more about your small group and theirs would be worried about them.
After the safety protocols had been gone over and he had confirmed which of you were paired with who, the instructor had decided to go ahead and let you all get in the water.
Jumping in with Stiles and the others it took your body a moment to adjust to the waters but thankfully it wasn’t too bad, the warmth of the water was nice and after the water settled you could see the others in the water as well.
You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned around, Stiles offered you his hand and you placed your hand in his. The two of you started to explore and you find that the reef is absolutely beautiful. It’s full of the most beautiful coral formations you’ve ever seen. The colors are absolutely fantastic and with the sun reflecting around them you find yourself getting lost in them.
There’s fish that you’ve never seen and a part of you is tempted to reach out but you remember that the last time you’d been snorkeling Stiles had managed to get stung by a jellyfish.
So you kept your hands to yourself outside of just swimming.
Stiles tried to keep his eyes on the rest of the landscape he really did. He tried to pay attention to the fish they’d never seen. The coral formations, the sea anemones, even the turtles. However, his eyes kept getting dragged over to her.
Logically, he knew that the world around him was beautiful. He knew that they’d likely not get a chance to see the barrier reef again.. At least not this one… but he kept getting distracted by her.
He was unsurprised that he couldn’t keep his eyes off her. Long before he’d ever presented, he was drawn to her like she was the sun.
It had gotten worse after he’d presented and he’d had a hard time staying away from her. Something within him had always demanded that he claim her. He’d wanted to but when she hadn’t presented after a few years… He hadn’t cared. He still wanted to be with her but  then Chris had told them about how Alpha’s could only be with Omega’s… that only an Omega would be able to take his knot.
So he’d waited… he’d waited for her to present as an Omega because that was the only thing that had ever made sense. From everything Chris had told them… With how much he wanted her, she had to have been an Omega.
But she had never gone into a heat… she had never presented as an Omega and Chris had confirmed that it meant that she was a beta… like the majority of the world.
Then she had decided that they should stay friends only. She didn’t want to stop him from being able to take an Omega should he find one.
But she didn’t stop… she was the only thing that he wanted. Nothing else had mattered and he’d gone to talk to her about it but he’d read it on her face. She’d asked him to leave it alone and he knew that it broke her as much as it broke him.
So he’d agreed.
Breaking his heart in the process, he’d agreed.
It hadn’t stopped him from  wanting her… hadn’t stopped the Alpha in him from wanting to claim her.
She was the absolute light of his life.
But Stiles loved her… he respected her wishes and so he’s done everything he can the last couple of years to make sure that he respected her wishes. He had done everything he could to just stay her friend.
There’d been Omegas that had thrown themselves at him but they’d always disgusted him. They never smelled as divine as she did.
He’d avoided her during his ruts because he knew… he knew that if was around her when he was that out of his mind.. He’d want her and he knew that his need for her… whatever that primal voice he was able to ignore, would win out and he’d claim her. He’d hurt her and that was the last thing he’d ever want to do.
It had worked for the most part…
But the last couple of weeks since his last rut… it had been harder to not think of her that way, of what she would look like with his marking on her shoulder. What she would look like as she presented herself to him and what it would feel like as he sank into her and stretched her to him, how she’d clamp down around his knot… he did his best to shut it down when those thoughts appeared.
So yes, his gaze kept getting dragged over to her, no matter how hard he tried and his shorts felt uncomfortably tight even in the water but he did his best to focus on the  world around them.
It wasn’t working and Stiles felt like he needed a breath of air. Looking around, he caught sight of Theo who gave him a knowing look. Sending the were-coyote a desperate look,  Stiles waited until Theo simply nodded.
Quickly, Stiles made his way for the surface. No sooner than his head had broken through and he was gasping for air, taking large gulping breaths as he treaded above water.
The sound of their instructor calling his name caught his attention and Stiles had to turn to the man. Taking a moment to actually focus he realizes that the mans asking if he’s okay. The boat isn’t making its way over but he can see the life ring has been tossed out, floating just a little ways away.
The boat won’t come any closer in case there are others also on their way up.
“I’m fine!” he calls out to the man as he waves his hand in the air before giving the man the okay signal they’d been taught. ‘
Taking a few deep breaths, he allows his body to relax, forcing himself to get back under control before he dives under again and while it takes him a second to actually spot the others, he does so quickly and makes his way over to them.
It’s as he’s swimming over to them that he can see you making your way towards him, Theo and Malia just behind you. It isn’t until you’re close that he can see your face is twisted in worry and it throws him off balance for just a second when your body almost slams into his.
Your hands are instantly moving and it takes him a moment to realize that you’re actually signing to him.
Thinking back to the classes you’d gotten him to take, he  realizes that you’re pointing at him and then one hand is flat while the other is parallel moves against it in an almost fishlike move before you point at him again.
You do this movement a couple of times and Stiles eventually realizes that you’re asking him if he’s alright. He can’t remember how to sign that he’s fine but thankfully, he knows you paid attention to the instructor and he uses the same signal to tell you he’s fine…
It had been a small school of Masked Butterfly fish that had caught your attention and you’d turned around to get Stiles’ attention so he could see them too when you’d realized you couldn’t find him. You’d been looking around, moving enough to cause a ruckus and Theo had caught your attention. Pointing towards the surface and waving his arms.
Without a second thought, you’d propelled yourself upwards when you’d seen Stiles making his way back towards the reef. It had taken a bit of effort and you’d thanked swimming lessons when you managed to not slam into him.
A quick signed conversation later you realized he was fine. He’d probably just needed a little more air and didn’t wanna disturb you.
The group of you had been down for about seven minutes and you’d thought he would have still had air in the little pump thing they gave you guys, after all it was supposed to last ten minutes, but you shrugged it off.
Turning around, you realized that you could see the Butterfly fish not too far off and you still wanted to show Stiles so you pointed it out to him. But your lungs were starting to need more air so you motioned that you were heading back up for air real quick.
He nodded and followed along with you. When the two of you broke water, you gave him a skeptical look and all he did was smirk at you before pointing out, “Buddy system.”
“You left me alone!” you reminded him, playing at outrage.
“First off, I  did not, I told Theo to keep an eye on you,” he rebutted, “and besides, you didn’t even notice”
“For like a minute!”
“A minute I could have drowned in!” he dramatically grasped at his chest, making you laugh at his antics.
“Alright point taken,” you told him as you splashed some water at him,  before asking “but let’s go see the Masked Butterfly school then?”
“Which ones were those?”
“The yellow ones,” you remind him with a roll of your eyes.
You can hear Stiles laugh but shake your head before making your way back into the water. You meet up with Malia, Lydia, Jordan  and Theo.
Eventually, however, Scott, Kira and the others joined you and the pack simply enjoyed an early morning of snorkeling. You found that it was some of the most beautiful sights you’d ever seen. One of the things that you liked about traveling was the sights that you didn’t get in California.
Sure Big Bear was pretty, the beaches could be gorgeous and Yosemite was absolutely breathtaking but getting out of your little world.. Getting to travel and see the rest of the world. Well it always left you a bit breathless.
The Fijian reefs were so different from the ones you’d seen in Mexico. Perhaps it was just your memory but the colors were a thousand times brighter and you knew that there were animals you hadn’t seen in the waters in Mexico.
Kira and Alex seemed to be having a blast with it. Dragging each other towards different things.
You, Lydia, and Luke all got together and explored the area.
It wasn’t long before the morning got away from you and you each heard your respective instructors calling you back towards the boats.
Once you were on the boat, you slipped on the cover-up before you had Stiles tie the backing straps and you slipped on his shirt.
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Thankfully, the company had decided that they would honor Lydia’s request and decided they would drop you off on the other side of the island. It would take about 30 minutes to get to the other side.
You curled up with the girls and the three of you chatted away happily. While you didn’t mean to, you found your gaze kept sliding over to Stiles.
Having kept his shirt you had noticed that there were drops of water shining off his skin.
You could feel your breath catch in your throat and you must have been staring because a moment later, you can feel Lydia nudging you and when you look over, Malia’s giving you a knowing look.
You can feel your skin heat in embarrassment.
“See something you like?” Lydia teases you.
“Of course she does,” Malia chuckles and waggles her eyebrows at you.
“Shut up,” you mutter to the two girls.
You can hear both Theo and Jordan holding back a chortle and out of the corner of your eye, you can see both of the male's shoulders shaking.
Turning slightly, Stiles catches your eye and gives you a questioning look. Shaking your head all you can do is laugh softly because of course, this is how things work out.
Stiles merely shrugs at you before turning back towards the guys and the three of them seem to continue whatever conversation they’d been on.
You could feel your heart practically pounding in your throat and the girls just gave you knowing looks
Rolling your eyes, you shook your head.  It’s not like you weren’t actually aware of Stiles. Quite the opposite in fact.
Thankfully, they didn’t press the issue further and the three of you fall into your own conversation until, thankfully, you make it to the island again.  Scott, Kira, and the others are just behind you.
“Alright, let’s do lunch!” Stiles points out with a clap of his hands as you all get off the boat and his arm finds itself over your shoulders and you smile softly as you scoff softly.
Thankfully everyone agrees and you decide to go ahead and do some sightseeing after the fact.  The group of you find a smaller restaurant and, unsurprisingly, are advised that due to the size of your group, you’re going to have to wait for a little bit.
You catch up with Scott and Kira who are telling you about how their guide had actually suggested a pretty delicious family-owned restaurant for you to have dinner at. Apparently, they had taken a lot of the classic Fijian dishes and added American twists to them. Something they had learned the Americans appreciated.
The dishes were actually smaller dishes and served like samplers. You got to choose which one you wanted most. It would be a set of three, the dish that was the fusion, the American dish that it was fused with, and the classic Fijian dish that was the other half of it.
The idea sounded intriguing enough that mostly everyone seemed to agree with it. Theo, Liam,  and Alex were a bit more hesitant but they had agreed to it either way.
As the pack sat down and enjoyed their dinner, you all decided that you wanted to get back out in the water. Lydia had already suggested scuba diving and, thankfully, there was an area further out that you could go scuba diving in.
After some back and forth, Scott, Liam, and Theo thinking it would be better to get out there today, and Lydia, you, and Kira arguing that it would be better to get out there later this week as you’d already spent the morning in the water. Eventually, everyone agrees to go ahead and make it a trip for later in the week.
After lunch, the pack had decided that it would be good to explore the island a bit. After which, you would meet up at the villa before making your way down to Ivi Restaurant in order to enjoy a good night of food and some good old pack bonding.
Unsurprisingly, everyone kind of paired off with their significant others. You and Stiles started going through the small island where you knew you were obvious tourists, sticking out like a sore thumb in the crowds but you enjoyed it anyway.
You explored the little shops and made sure that you bought something from the locals. Things that were locally made. You’d promised yourself when Scott had taken the pack on their first out-of-country trip and Stiles had done a bunch of research about how some of the areas had issues with their own cultures disappearing because of tourism.
While buying the work didn’t fix the issue, it did help the people that lived in the area and you figured that was the  best possible action you could take.
While you were going through the shops you actually ended up meeting up with Scott and Kira, who had been doing pretty much the same thing. The four of you hung out for a little bit and as you moved through the island, you found yourself catching up with both of them.
You hadn’t actually realized how long it had been since you’d talked to either of them. So, linking your arm with Kira, pulling her closer to you with Scott and Stiles on either side of the two of you.
The four of you explored a few more shops and before you knew it, it was late enough in the day that you made your way towards the villa.  On the way, however, Kira wanted to stop and grab some groceries for the pack.
Nothing big, mostly just making sure there were some snacks and fruits that the pack could snack on. It had been something that she’d actually wanted to do yesterday but with how tired everyone had been and how much sleep she needed, she’d decided to hold off.
You had made your way through the island and had found a local outdoor market. Thankfully, you were able to get some items pretty quickly. It was mostly a lot of nuts and fruits but seeing as how that was something the entire pack was going to enjoy.
You and Stiles checked out a few different stalls for yourselves, trying to find something that you might want just for you. Picking up some strawberries and some nuts you were walking by a stall when a woman called the both of you over.
She offered you both a drink that was in a coconut shell. The thing was that it didn’t smell all that great and looked like maybe it was supposed to be water but it wasn’t actually very clear.
Looking over to Stiles, you knew he could see the question on your face and thankfully, he stepped in, clearing his throat, “Ummm what is it?”
“Kava,” the woman tells him, “It’s for you and your wife. It’s to relax, to smile, and for better sex.”
You can feel your skin heating up and you kind of want the ground to open up and swallow you whole.
Stiles’ face flushes a pretty red and you know that he’s feeling the same way. It’s the same look he’d had last night with the masseurs. He looked panicked and this time, you figured you’d save him.
Clearing your throat, you stepped forward, somewhat between him and the woman and cleared your throat, “Thank you… umm.. It will be good for relaxation.”
She looks between the two of you almost questioningly but you simply take the drink from her and shrug your shoulders.
Thanking the woman, you offer Stiles a soft, slightly embarrassed smile before the two of you make your way back towards the villa with Scott and Kira not far behind you.
Once you make it to the Villa you find that the rest of the pack was already there. They had apparently decided to make the most of their varying time with some intentional couple time.
It took you all of half a second to realize what that meant for some of them and you didn’t bother to bite back your laugh. After all, it had to be uncomfortable for the were’s in the group to have to listen to or smell some of the others.
Malia had shoved you with her shoulder, as retaliation, as she walked by her. Making you laugh even harder.
“Don’t be a jerk,” she mutters to you, “Too many scents.”
“You could’ve left,”  you point out to her, sticking your tongue out.
She merely shrugged her shoulders and offered you a wink.
“Well as wonderful as this all is,” Lydia’s voice cuts in, “We have reservations. Go get ready, all of you.”
You can see Stiles out of the corner of your eye and you know he’s rolling his eyes before he gives Malia a mock salute with two fingers making you laugh,
The two of you make your way back towards the room you’re sharing and you know that the others are making their way towards their rooms as well.
Rummaging through your clothes you realize that the last resort you had stayed at had a dress code when you went to the restaurants and you had no idea what this one was.
“Hey Sti?” You ask as you turn around from the clothes on your side of the closet and towards the brunette who’s holding up a set of different shirts, a regular t-shirt, and a button-up.
He looks up, meeting your gaze and he’s thinking the same thing because he smirks and asks you, “Dress code right?”
You nod your head and he’s practically bounding out the door, likely in search of Lydia, and you chuckle as you pull out a couple different options. Thankfully, you had brought a pretty stable wardrobe for the week with a few statement pieces that could either make an outfit more casual or more dressed up.
Grabbing Stiles’ flannel that you’d slept in and a clean pair of underwear, you made your way towards the bathroom
While you were showering, Stiles’ voice echoed through the bathroom,  “Lydia said they told her smart casual. But make sure you wear pants cause they’re expecting cold weather.”
“Got it!” you called out from under the water.
Once you were out of the shower, you walked out to find Stiles had changed into a pair of dark blue jeans, a black shirt, and a black button-up that he had thrown on top of the shirt. The sleeves were rolled up and you were treated to the sight of his forearms, one of your personal favorite features of his.
You must have stared too long because you can feel his eyes on you and you glance up to meet his eyes. He’s giving you a knowing look and you can feel your skin heat up.
“Don’t look at me in that tone of voice,” you tell him.
“I didn’t say anything!” he defends himself, a laugh on his lips,   and you can’t help but snort.
“Your face did,’” you tell him as you cross over to the closet and grab a pair of dark blue wash jeans, a white cotton shirt that’s loose and flowy in the front, scooping down further in the front but it’s not so loose that you drown in it.  Going through your shoes, it takes you a second but you settle on a pair of black sandals you had brought specifically for the beach. Everything else seemed either too casual or too… much.
You stick your tongue out at him, playfully, before you start to make your way over towards the doors when Stiles calls your name. A glance back and he’s lifting his jacket, a reminder that you need your own.
You make your way back towards the closet and grab the caramel-colored pleather jacket that he’d gifted you last year for Christmas and you shrug it on, happy that it’s just enough to keep you warm and comfortable enough that you can move mostly freely in the material.
The two of you met with the rest of the pack a few minutes later when Lydia got a look at your shoes and practically screeched in outrage. All you could do was raise an eyebrow at her and share a confused look with Parrish who just signed as he shook his head affectionately while the redheaded banshee ran to their shared room. Before anyone could actually say anything, she was out of the room again. A pair of nude heels with a thin strap across the toes and around the ankle with a thick chunky heel for you to use.
“Use these,” she practically hissed at you as she shoved the heels into your arms. Trying not to chuckle, you nodded your head and did as you were told.
You’d learned long ago that when Lydia was on one of her fashion moments, it was best to just follow along and do as she asked.
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Finally, finally, after what had felt like forever - the pack made its way towards the main part of the island. You had to take another boat to get to Ivi Restaurant.
Thankfully, someone, likely Lydia or Mason, had had the foresight to call ahead and when you got there, you were only waiting a few minutes before your large group was being seated.
The table had a beautiful view of the ocean and you quickly took a seat on the side of the table where you would be able to see it. Would be able to watch the sunset over the beautiful water as you and your friends enjoyed the night.
Everyone ordered something. Luke had even asked for a possible vegan option - something that had thrown the waiter off for a moment before she asked you all to give her a second.
She came back with the chef a few minutes later who, after talking to Luke and getting his preferences, asked if he would trust her to put something together.
Luke had wholeheartedly agree before the woman had nodded and made her way back towards the kitchens. You all sipped on your respective drinks and talked about what you had done during the day… meaning most of the conversation was about Kira, Scott, Stiles and you as the rest of the group had made the most of their time just being a couple while the four of you had managed to actually explore.
You felt your eyes widen as Kira shared about your trip to the market. Apparently, she had overheard the woman about you and Stiles when she sold you the Kava and you couldn’t help but drop your head into your hands as the rest of the pack just laughed at your poor misfortune.
Thankfully, before you could scold any of them, the food came out.
The chef had made Luke something that looked like a taco that must have been tofu-based, something that looked for all the world to be green curry, a salad that was filled with local fruits that had to be in season currently, including oranges, and a rice dish that smelled like heaven.
The pack just spent the night together, the  moment settling something in your soul as you got lost in this moment.
With these people that you called home.
Time had flown by and the next thing that you knew, you felt a hand on your thigh. Looking over, you saw Stiles motioning towards the water behind Luke.
Following his line of sight, you felt your breath get caught in your throat at the site in front of you. You had seen beautiful sunsets before but there was something about the way that the sunset over the beautiful crystalline water took your breath away.
Stiles had to remind himself to breathe.  One of his favorite things was to just watch you. It always soothed something in him, made him feel warm inside in a way he couldn’t really explain. Looking at you now, he felt his heart catch in his throat, the way that your face lit up at the  sight of the sun setting in front of you.
Stiles couldn’t properly describe it but if he did have to put words to it…. Well it was like watching an old man, blind from cataracts, being gifted with sight again and seeing the world with an appreciation that most people would never know to have… that most people would never know to even consider.
That was just Y/N’s way though. When the rest of the world was too busy to notice the beauty in front of them. Hell even when the pack was too busy to notice the beauty in front of them, she always noticed it. She always took the time to see beauty in the world around her and, in return, the world gifted her with the most beautiful sights to exist.
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Do not copy and paste my writing anywhere without my consent. This work is the property of lettersofwrittencollective. Associated characters belong to MTV and are being borrowed for this work, all OC’s are the property of lettersofwrittencollective. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author/publisher
Posted 17 Apri 2021
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autumnsart22 · 3 years
A Dream Come True: Shigaraki x Dabi x Reader part 1/2
So my friend wrote this fic but she didn’t have anywhere to post it so we decided to share it here! All creds go to her 🤪
I’ll post part 2 tomorrow, which is when it gets spicyyyy
“Y/N I am leaving for the night. You know what to do and your paycheck is on the desk in my office.” 
And with those final words, a cheeky wink, and the slam of the back door, your boss stalked out of the empty bar. He wasn’t a bad person but a lousy boss and an even lousier business owner. Most of the liquor went into his morning, afternoon, or evening coffee sometimes forgoing the coffee altogether. You overheard some of the other workers in the area saying that this place was gonna go under pretty soon. Even without the boss’s nasty habit of drinking the alcohol, you’re are in a part of town that doesn’t attract many people. On a busy night you might have three or four people come in for a lonely drink. It was a lonely place and a lonely job but it was easy work and the boss always seemed to pay you more than what the job is worth. Just another poor business practice. 
Tonight had been the same as usual. You came into work at 6 and set up the bar for opening at 6:30. It wasn’t until 9:45 that another soul entered the bar. He was one of the usuals and it was nice having another human being to chat with while you fixed his drink. He made the routine comments about how you’re still young and shouldn't be working in a run down place like this, and you gave him the same answer as always that you were saving up to finish school, and that it was a fine job. When he left it was back to mindless wiping of surfaces and organizing the glasses and no one to talk to. It was 11:30 now and no one else had entered the bar, but that was normal. It was almost closing time now, and the boss never minded if you shut down 15 minutes early.  
You were locking up the liquor, back turned to the rest of the bar when two male voices came from the front door. That’s weird you didn’t hear the door. They seemed to be arguing, and one of them seemed to be in pain based on his frequent groans and strained voice. 
“Sorry we’re closing up for the night.” you yelled, continuing the shuffling of bottles. 
“And who in the hell are you?” 
You had heard that voice before, but that was insane, just a coincidence. However at that moment you felt an arm roughly grab around your waist and a strong lock around your wrists violently pushing them into your back. 
You were violently pushed around, body finally turned to see the man that wasn’t currently restraining you from behind. If this was some dumb cartoon your jaw would have touched the floor. What the hell was going on? All logical thought swept from your brain. How could this be? This man could not be standing in front of you. No you’re dreaming. You must be. You fell asleep at work and you’re dreaming. Okay. Okay. You just need to wake yourself up. Yeah that's it. You tried pinching yourself but you couldn’t move your hands out of the tight grip. The only unrestrained part of your body were your legs. You violently landed a kick to your left shin.
“FUCKING SHIT!!” Was that supposed to hurt that much in a dream? 
“If that was aimed at me, you’re pathetic” The deep voice behind you chuckled lightly at the self inflicted kick. You felt the reverberations of the low tone where your body was pressed against his. You knew that voice too! You looked down at the arm still gripping threateningly around your waist. Charred skin ran all the way down to the hand where a ring of staples held it to viable flesh.  Oh my god. This can’t be happening. You continued to violently kick yourself, closing your eyes tightly before opening them again, persistently trying to wake yourself up and make sense of this situation. 
“Hey. Hey. Hey quit squirming” You felt a leg separating your own, preventing you from further abuse to your shins. The arm around your waist tightened in support since your legs started to give out. 
“Crusty come help me out I think she’s gonna faint” 
When you opened your eyes, the lights of the bar were harsh against your blurry vision and foggy brain. 
“That was a weird dream. What time is it?” you wondered aloud, looking up for the clock on the wall.
“And she’s back, and this isn’t a dream sweetheart.” the deep voice sent a shock down your spine.
No way. Your eyes darted to the two men standing next to the bar. It was only then you realized you were slumped awkwardly in one of the leather chairs scattered throughout the room, ropes replacing the rough hands from earlier.
“Now as I asked you before? Who the hell are you?” This time it was the scratchy voice that shot at you. The familiar lanky form of Tomura Shigaraki was leaning against the bar, this time the edges of his frame curved into shadow and his height adding much more presence than what you could have imagined. 
“You… you’re Tomura Shigaraki” you stuttered in shock.
“I asked for your name girl, not mine. Now spit it out” He barked impatiently. 
“I-I-mm Y-yy-/N-nn” 
“What are you doing here?” He shot again. 
“I-I work here” Eyes darting between the two men you’ve studied so closely before, but always through a screen. This can’t be real. They can’t be real. It was rather ironic how defiant your mind was being to the presence of two men you had spent hours watching, reading, and fantasizing about but this was insane.  
“No you don’t.” Shigaraki’s voice becoming more and more impatient with your slow and stupid answers. 
“This bar has been closed for years.” Dabi stated flatly as though proving you’re lying. 
“I can’t believe this. This has to be a dream” you started mumbling to yourself quickly trying to understand how this was reality. 
“HEY! This isn’t a dream, you stupid girl! Now tell us why you're in our bar!” 
“You’re Tomura Shigaraki and you’re Dabi from My Hero Academia” you started calming down and succumbing to the fact that this was happening even if you were going crazy. Two villains from an anime you watch are standing in front of you seemingly real. 
“From wha–– oh nevermind. What’s your quirk?” Shigraki continued to shoot questions at you but none of his words could cut through the hurricane of questions storming through your brain. 
“How are you guys real? How are you guys here?”
“I am the one asking questions here. Now tell me what your quirk is?”  He said annoyedly, starting to scratch his neck.
“I don’t have a quirk. No one here does” 
“What are you talking about? Nearly everyone has a quirk.” Dabi questioned coldly. 
“This is the real world. There are no such things as quirks here.” You continued finally allowing yourself to come to the ludacris idea that this was in fact reality. 
“Very funny. Dabi what do you say we just kill her?” Shigaraki said with a sadistic grin evident behind the hand, taking a step closer to you. Dabi shrugged leaning against the bar, an air of unamusement lingering in his face. 
“WAIT...wait...What if I can prove to you that this is a different reality?” 
“Well go on then prove it” Shigraki teased continuing his advance on you. 
“You’re Tomura Shigaraki leader of the League of Villains ––” 
“Blah Blah everyone knows that” He said annoyed now looming over you, his deadly hands reaching out. 
 Closing your eyes and turning away from him, you continued to spurt out facts, waiting to be turned into ash. 
“Your real name is Tenko Shimura, the hand on your face you refer to as father, you…” 
SLAP! Your face stung but your body still seemed to be intact. When you dared to open your eyes,  Shigraki’s face was inches from yours, murderous crimson glaring at you from between the fingers of his mask. Pinned into the chair between his two arms gripping the armrests, you were trapped. 
“How do you know that?” He said through clenched teeth. 
“You’re a character from an anime I watch. I’ve watched you guys for months”
“Liar. You must have hacked us or stolen or….” You could tell he was trying to figure out how you knew information that isn’t in any record or known by anyone. 
“I promise. I didn’t do any of that. I am telling the truth.” you continued to plead. 
“What about me? Do you know shit about me?” Dabi didn’t seem to be convinced. 
“Ummm...Well I know your name is Touya Todoroki and you’re the oldest son of Endeavor and...
“You’re the son of Endeavor?” Shigaraki standing up and looking at him revolted. 
“Hey I didn’t say that. She did.” Dabi seemed pissed behind the flat face. 
“Okay but SHE seems to know everything about us so…” 
“Fine. What do we do then? Kill her?” Dabi asked.
“Fine by me.” Shigaraki shrugs. You stared helplessly as the blue haired man turned back to you still tied in the chair. 
“Wait! I know information about other people. I’ll tell you everything I know please” 
“Sorry, but I’ve made up my mind” 
The excitement was evident in his scratchy voice as he violently grabbed your face smushing your cheeks together uncomfortably. Shigaraki’s cold fingers dug into your skin, nails sharp and ragged. You could see his pointer finger still raised in your field of vision. You shut your eyes tightly as he slowly brought his pointer finger down to meet his others. You waited for something to happen. Were you already dead? Was it that simple? You opened an eye when you felt Shigaraki’s nails dig further into your skin. He was still standing in front of you with his hand still on your face, just as confused as you were on why you weren’t a pile of ash.
“I guess your quirks were erased when...” 
SLAP! Where his hand had laid flat moments before was now red and stinging as he landed his second blow to your face tonight. 
“Scar face any fire?” he shot, standing up straight again and turning towards Dabi.
“Nope. I am just as useless as you” Dabi returned. 
You could see the annoyance fuming in Shigaraki’s eyes as the realization that what you had been stating was true. He was currently stuck in a different dimension with no quirks. You let out a sigh of relief, glad that you didn’t have to be worried about being turned into ash by either men.
“Alright brat” Shigaraki hissed turning back to you. “ What were you saying about information?”
“Well like I said before. You two are characters in an anime in this universe, and that means I know just as much about other characters... I mean other people in your universe. Of course not everything but just what’s been released”
“An anime you say. What’s this show called?” 
“Um…” You hesitated knowing he wasn’t going to like the answer”
“Spit it out” 
 “My Hero Academia” 
“Tch. Of fucking course it’s about the heros.” He said the last word with such disdain that it oozed onto the floor. 
“Let me guess. All Might is the main character?”
“Well not exactly.”
“Then who the fuck is it?” 
“Well….Izuku Midoriya” 
“That annoying little green haired brat is the main character?! What makes him so special?” 
“Well that’s kind of a long story and the whole premise of the show” 
“Well we’ve got time, and we need to figure out how in the hell we got here and how the fuck we’re gonna get back, so keep talking” 
“Fine, but first untie me.” 
“What did you say?” Shigaraki questioned. A small chuckle came from Dabi who was now playing with the toothpicks you used in drinks, lazily moving them around with his hands, one already perched between his teeth. 
“I told you to untie me” You were gaining some confidence since you realized you had the upper hand. 
“There are no quirks here and I have no intent on trying to deceive you two, believe me I know what you’re capable of ” They could still harm you in many ways but you were a source of information and someone who understood their situation. 
“So if you would please untie me. I promise to help you” At this point you surmised that they had somehow been warped here by someone else’s quirk either in or after some kind of fight. Shigaraki had a growing bloodstain seeping through his jeans, and Dabi had some deep cuts and few staples loose. Dabi and Shigaraki looked at eachother deciding whether or not to trust me.
“Look” You said exasperatedly. You were starting to lose feeling in one of your legs that was pressed awkwardly underneath you, and your shoulders becoming sore from the awkward angle of your arms. “I don’t know how you are here or why it was me you happened to run into, but you need help and are you really gonna try and explain this situation to someone else?” 
“She’s right you know” Dabi said casually to Shigaraki who was obviously trying to come up with an excuse to hurt you. 
“Fine. Go utie her” 
With a heavy sigh Dabi slid off his stool dropping the toothpicks in his hand, the one still pursed between his lips moving idly as he chewed on it. He stalked over to you as Shigaraki sat on a stool at the bar from the growing pain in his leg. Dabi came up in front of you, and you couldn’t help but flush at how close he was. You thought back to the copious amounts of fanfic you’ve read as he reached around you to untie the rope. He was so close you could feel his breath on your neck and hear him chewing on the toothpick. He smelled of worn cologne with a musky yet slightly minty scent mixed with what you presume to be the scent of charred flesh. Once you were free and he was no longer in your personal space, you rubbed your wrists standing up trying to get blood flow back to your legs. 
“Thanks” you say casually to Dabi as he walks back over resuming his seat at the bar next to Shigaraki. He doesn’t respond. 
You start to walk towards the door at the side of the bar that leads to the boss’s office and the back room where you keep your stuff. 
“And where do you think you’re going?” Shigaraki asks sliding off his stool threateningly, but he nearly stumbles when he lands on his ill leg. 
“Don’t worry I am just going to grab my stuff” 
“Dabi go with her” 
“No. She’s not gonna go anywhere. Besides if this is anything like the bar then that room has no exit”
“Tch–” was Shigaraki’s only response. You take this as a concession and push open the door to the back room. When the door closes, you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. 
Dabi and Shigaraki from MHA were real and standing in the room next door. And you were going to help them?! Did that make you technically a villain? How were you supposed to figure out how to get them back? Did you want them to go back? After all you had dreamt of scenarios similar to this many times. Maybe if you figured it out could you go with them? That thought alone was enough to make your simp dreams explode. What weeb gods had blessed you? 
Your brain was racing as you gathered your sweatshirt and bag. You popped quickly into the office attached to the back of the room to grab your paycheck. Like you suspected, he gave you a random bonus but you weren’t complaining. You stuffed it into your bag and walked back towards the bar. You took a deep breath before pushing open the door, half expecting to be met with an empty room, but there they were, talking in hushed tones. They immediately stopped when they heard you come back. 
“Are you going somewhere?” Shigaraki asked, noticing your bag as you pulled on your sweatshirt. 
“This place closed over 20 minutes ago and unless you want the other business owners around here to come poking around, since I always close on time, we should head out” 
“And where exactly are WE going?” Dabi asked boredly, staring off at the ceiling. 
“I live about six blocks from here. Think you can make it? I have first aid shit at my place” You directed the last part towards Shigaraki. 
“I will take that as a yes.” you said as you turned off the decorative lighting around the bar, and locked the register. You walked towards the front door and you heard the two men shuffle around to follow you. You open the door letting them walk out in front of you. Shutting off the main lights shrouding the bar into complete darkness cept the bright green exit sign above the door, you locked the bar door and turned to see Dabi and Shigaraki looking around at the buildings surrounding the bar. Shigaraki had stowed father into his pocket and Dabi popped up the collar of his jacket to try and obscure some of his scars. You also glanced around taking in the familiar scenery. You never really noticed how similar it was to the shots in MHA. Weird. 
Anyways you can think about that later. You started the route back to your house the two men trailing closely behind you whether it was for their own comfort or to make sure you didn’t try to bolt, you didn’t know but you felt much safer with these two with you. Normally you would walk quickly, key in hand, always crossing the street to whichever side had the most light, but tonight you didn’t worry too much about the potential danger lurking on the streets. All of them seemed miniscule to the two men behind you. 
You walked in complete silence for the majority of the time. You had so many questions but all of them could wait till you got home. I am sure they have just as many questions for you. You could hear Shigaraki grunt in pain every once in a while, walking becoming harder as time went on. You were about a block away coming up on the small 24 hour grocery/convenience store where you frequently bought snacks and food on your way home from work. 
“Hey I need to quickly grab some stuff. I don’t have much food at home. Are you guys hungry?” 
Neither responded. 
“Okay then.” Neither one objected as you turned into the small parking lot walking up to the store. They both followed you inside like two overgrown shadows. You grabbed a basket and started making your way through the isles grabbing essentials like milk and cheese. 
“Feel free to grab some stuff if it catches your eye. There’s Soba cups down that aisle and Shigaraki there’s chips and other snacks there too. I just need to grab something over here” you say pointing towards the other direction. Dabi and Shigaraki glance at each other and stalk off together. 
“You know it's getting rather annoying how she knows all this stuff about us” You catch Shigaraki telling Dabi as you turn to go grab all the other items you need. When you return they’re both there, bags of chips and soba cups in hand. It was rather cute how they stood there waiting for you to return. You walked up to the counter to check out and once Dabi and Shigaraki dropped their haul for you to pay, they walked outside to wait for you. 
“Good Morning Y/N” 
“Oh. Hey Thomas” you say to the cashier you’ve come to know over the many late night trips. He always amused himself by saying good morning whenever you came in after midnight. 
“Who were the two guys with you? They seem kinda rough. Is everything alright?” he finished scanning your items as you handed over your card. 
“Oh haha. Don’t worry they’re some family friends. They came to visit me while they’re passing through” 
“Oh alright then. Well I hope you have a good morning” He said with a cheery smile.
“Good morning” you returned, resistantly. You grabbed the bags of groceries and waved to Thomas, pushing the door open and stepping outside scanning for Dabi and Shigaraki. 
You spot them leaning against the side of the store watching some teens try and pick a redbox movie. 
“We only have a block to go,” you told them as they stood up straight to follow you.
“Woah!!! Jamie look that dude is dressed up as Dabi!” 
We turned to see one of the teens staring at Dabi. 
“Look at the guy next to him! That’s the best Shiggy I’ve seen” 
You had to bite your tongue to stop yourself from laughing. The look on Shigaraki’s face at a random teen calling him Shiggy was priceless. If only these kids knew. Dabi continued walking down the parking lot and Shigaraki looked like he was about to murder someone. 
“Hey do you think we could get a picture with you guys?” one of the teens asked walking towards Shigaraki. 
Oh no bad idea. 
“Hey guys. Not tonight. Sorry” You intervened quickly, shooting Shigaraki a look that said don’t do it. He seemed to understand because he started to walk towards where Dabi was waiting. 
“Aww man. Shigaraki’s my favorite character. Tell them amazing costumes.”  
“Will do” you said with a smile and turned to walk towards where the two men were waiting for you. 
The rest of the walk had an air of impatience as you all wanted to just get to your destination. You had finally made it to your apartment, unlocking the door and stepping inside. It was a fairly new building so the apartment was rather nice however it was one of the smallest models. There was only one bed and bath but the open concept living room and kitchen made it feel rather spacious. You walked into the kitchen putting away all the groceries as Dabi and Shigaraki looked around surveying your apartment. 
“Feel free to make yourselves at home. I’ll grab my first aid stuff. There’s food and drink in the kitchen”
You walked down the hall to your room kicking off your shoes and taking off your sweatshirt. You grabbed the rather large first aid kit from the bathroom and brought it back into the main room. Both Dabi and Shigaraki had shed their jackets and seemed to have found some left over beers in your fridge. Dabi was sitting on the kitchen counter and Shigaraki was sitting at the dining room table, prodding at the wound on his leg. 
“Don’t touch it. That's only gonna make it worse” you told him. 
“Oh shut up. Don’t tell me what to do” he hissed.
“Fine I guess I’ll fix Dabi up first” 
Shigaraki shoots Dabi a look of incredulity and annoyance, to which Dabi only raises his eyebrows and shrugs as he takes another swig of his beer. You set down the first aid kit and grab the extra stuff you bought at the store. 
“Do you even know how to do first aid?” Dabi asks, watching you rummage for supplies. 
“Yes. I had to get certified in order to work at a summer camp, so don’t worry I know what I’m doing. Although I’m not much help if it’s anything more than stitches. Of course unless you’re drowning or need CPR” 
“Okay I get it” he said, taking another sip. 
“Can you roll up your sleeves so I can see the cuts?” You turned to dampen a towel in the sink, and when you turned back around you were not expecting to be faced with a shirtless Dabi. You paused for a second, staring, before you heard Shigaraki ‘tch’ snapping you out of simp shock. You shook your head and started to address the wounds to Dabi’s arm and shoulder. 
“(another name that’s close to Y/N) it’s time you answered some of my questions” Shigaraki said while sipping on his beer and propping his leg up on another chair. 
“ It’s Y/N. Also if your gonna put your feet up at least take off your shoes” 
“Whatever Princess” he said snarkily, dramatically kicking off his shoes. It took you a second to register the pet name he had just called you. No get your mind out of the gutter this is the real them, not the fanon fanfiction them. You continued to wipe away the dirt and grime surrounding Dabi’s wounds. 
“So... we were recognized earlier by those stupid kids. Just how popular is this show you say we’re from” 
“Umm that’s kinda hard to say since it’s within a specific genre but within that genre I’d say very popular, maybe one of the most currently” 
“How do we fit into this show?” 
“Well you’re the main antagonist as the leader of the League of Villains. The show introduces you through the USJ attack in season 1” 
“What about me?” Dabi asks. 
“Oh.. well you don’t come in till season 3 I think. Wait actually I think it’s the end of season 2 after the Hosu incident” 
A small chuff came from Shigaraki, no doubt in whatever pride there was in being a more prominent character. 
“Do you guys have any idea how you got to this world?” You asked. 
“Hey I’m asking the questions here, but no. We were on an important recruiting mission when it turned ugly. I called for Kurogiri and we ran through his portal and you know the rest” 
“Did you know any of the quirks you were battling against?” 
“One guy had a weak poison quirk but I took him out in the beginning.” Dabi stated flatly. 
“The two guys in front both had strength related quirks I think,” Shigaraki continued. 
“There was that one tall girl in the back behind the pillar. Could have been hers but who knows” 
“Hmmm….maybe somehow a quirk mixed with Kurogiri’s. Sorry this next part might sting a little” You said this last part to Dabi dabbing some rubbing alcohol onto the cuts to which he made no verbal reaction but his muscles tensed at the cold stinging. 
“So you said the main character was the green haired brat right? So what’s the plot as you say? Why is it all about him and the heroes?”
You pause for a moment thinking. Is it okay to tell him this? He is a villain. Are there consequences to other characters? 
“Sorry...um basically the show starts with All Might choosing him to be his successor as the number one hero. Then it follows him through his path from being weak and quirkless to his journey through UA. That’s when you guys come in as the villains with all your attacks on the school and students” 
“What do you mean quirkless? Green top has an annoyingly powerful quirk.” Dabi questions. 
“Yeah… he defeated Muscular and that Overhaul bastard” Shigaraki continues. 
Screw it. 
“Well All Might gave his quirk to Midoriya” 
Shigaraki’s eyes widened in interest, but kept silent in his thought process. 
A few minutes pass in silence and you finish patching up Dabi and handing him a mirror so he can fix his own staples. He claimed to be pretty good at it now. You move the first aid stuff over to the table where Shigaraki sat. 
“Your turn” you say looking down at his leg. He looked up at you defiantly. 
“What are you not wearing boxers? Or do you not want me to treat it?” You said pulling a chair to where his leg was resting. He rolled his eyes but stood up and undid his belt and pulled down his black jeans. He was wearing red boxers that looked a size too big as they hung loosely around his lean muscles. You made sure not to stare after being caught earlier. You started to repeat the same process you did on Dabi but Shigaraki was much more vocal about the discomfort you caused as you cleaned the wound. 
“You’re cut is deeper. It’s gonna need stitches if you want it to heal properly”
“Whatever” he said in response.“I wanna know more about how people here see us. That kid back there said I was his favorite character. How do people see us in the show” 
“Well it depends. Everyone has their favorite characters for different reasons” 
“Yea...yea.. answer the question” 
“Fine. Most people like you as a villain and as a character. However you’re seen as childish.” A chuckle from Dabi that earned him a death glare. “Dabi you’re more popular and your past is a rather hot topic for fans. However both of you are pretty popular in the fandom. Does that answer your question.” 
“What do you mean popular in the fandom?” 
“Well you know like fan theories, fanart, fanfiction, etc. A lot of people like you guys. However a lot of it is fan theories, guesses, and headcanons, but people don’t actually know” you said threading the needle for the stitches. 
“What kind of theories?” Shigaraki asks hesitantly
“Well for example for a long time it wasn’t actually stated that Dabi was the missing Todoroki child but fans believed it so much that it was basically thought of as fact, and then it became truth. Other theories are less intense like Dabi again for example is presumed that his favorite food is hot soba and yours is junk food or hand food like chips and stuff.” 
“How the fuck do you people figure these things out?” Shigaraki asked, wincing at the pinch of the needle. 
“Well the food thing was because you have the thing with hands so hand food” 
“That’s so stupid” He hissed. 
“But is it wrong?” You asked, already knowing the answer based on the grocery trip. 
“Why hot soba for patchwork overthere?” 
“Oh because it was revealed that Todoroki, I mean Shoto’s favorite food is cold soba and the whole brothers thing. People connected dots” 
“That’s so stupid” Dabi was the one who spoke this time. 
“And again were they wrong?” You looked up at him raising your eyebrows knowingly. 
“Also those aren’t even the stupid ones. People make up the weirdest shit, some as jokes, others as forms of comfort or just for imagination’s sake. Okay you’re all done.” You say  standing up and clearing away the dirty gauze and other first aid supplies. Shigaraki pulls his dirty and bloodstained pants back up over his neatly bandaged leg. You take all the first aid stuff back to the bathroom and return a little bit later to find Shigaraki and Dabi arguing over who knows what.  You hear some words like ‘She’ and ‘think’, so you assume they’re talking about you but just as before they stop when you walk back into the room.
“So I set out some towels in the bathroom along with some old clothes my ex boyfriend and my brother left here. They may not be the best fit sorry but it’ll do. If you leave your clothes in the laundry basket I’ll throw them in the wash tomorrow” 
“I call dibs on the shower first” Dabi said, hopping off the counter. 
“Bastard” Shigaraki muttered.
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