#the institute would be like a treasure trove
cielkie · 1 month
idk how this would work in the OIAR bc i just feel like they wouldn’t let anyone from outside look at their files, but i think it would be really funny to have like. a college age researcher show up to the og magnus institute or the OIAR who’s like studying the paranormal or folklore or some shit (cue guy with an actual degree in parapsychology which makes martin shit himself when he tries to start conversation HELPP) who’s just like oh hi guys this is my honors project! :) can i look at some spooky stories? 🤗 and the OIAR/MI staff are like NO. DO NOT LOOK INTO THIS ANY FURTHER RUN FOR YOUR LIFE. but i feel like elias would 100% require that they help this person out, bc he’s evil and he’d want a fear to eat them, and like… it’s just funny to imagine like. the staff trying to keep the true nature of the institute/OIAR away from this totally clueless 22/25 year old and feeding them the silliest statements possible that don’t connect at all to throw them off track so this poor kid is confused and hopefully gives up. but also kinda bittersweet imagining them all coming together to protect a stranger from falling into a world they can no longer escape… the old “it’s too late for me but it’s not too late for you” makes my heart hurt
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delta-orionis · 5 months
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For the past couple of days, I've been tossing around the idea of an iterator OC who is focused around astronomy. I love astronomy, and there's a conspicuous lack of any information about it in Rain World, which I find pretty intriguing. (I made a post about some of my random theories here.) So, I started to think about what an iterator specifically designed to study astronomy might be like. I named them Three Stars Above Clouds (in reference to Orion's belt, because I can't help but put references to Orion in everything I do, I guess). I actually ended up having a lot of thoughts about them, which I'll detail below. (Warning, there's A Lot.)
Three Stars Above Clouds (TSAC) was designed and built by a splinter group of Ancients who believed the Solution to the Great Problem wouldn't be found deep underground, but in the sky. TSAC was created in order to help them collect data about the sky, house their institutions, and conduct research. They were built into a mountain range, where clouds are less likely to form and the air is thinner. (Real world observatories are often built on top of mountains or in arid places like deserts in an attempt to avoid interference from clouds and rain. You can't see the stars if they're hidden behind clouds, after all.)
Three Stars Above Clouds' city is home to several large observatories which keep a constant watch on the sky. I got the idea for TSAC in part from the currently-under-construction Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (also called the Vera C. Rubin Observatory). The LSST is designed to take ultra-high-definition pictures of the entire night sky every couple of nights, in order to monitor for changes. This data will be a treasure trove for astronomers, and can be used for anything from discovering new asteroids and rogue planets, to monitoring distant galaxies for supernovae. One problem that arises from this, however, is the sheer amount of data that this telescope will produce- it's way too much for any human to hope to be able to sift through. I imagine that the Ancients who built TSAC would run into a similar problem; TSAC's observatories generate colossal amounts of data, so a large part of TSAC's duties as an iterator are to sift through and analyze this data to find anything that might be useful in finding the Solution.
Three Stars Above Clouds is relatively isolated as an iterator. They are located at a much higher altitude than their peers, in the middle of a remote mountain range. Their citizens are also somewhat isolated from Ancient society at large, due to their fringe religious beliefs. (Due to the lack of anything astronomy or space-travel related in Rain World's lore, I think the Ancients either largely don't have an interest in studying astronomy, or it's considered taboo due to their religion's focus on ascension, as well as the subterranean Void Sea.)
As for Three Stars Above Clouds themself, they have a bit of a reputation for being a loner. Other iterators sometimes see them as obsessing over something pointless, because despite the vast amounts of data TSAC has collected, so far it's turned up nothing useful in terms of the Solution. However they are sometimes contacted by iterators who might be interested in their data, either for the purpose of research or just out of curiosity. TSAC is happy to talk about their personal research to anyone who is willing to listen.
Three Stars Above Clouds worked closely with their citizens while their city was still inhabited, and misses them deeply. Despite their citizens being gone, they continue with their sky surveys, partially because the desire to do so is hard-coded into their programming, and partially because it at least gives them something to do. Deep down, TSAC is convinced that someday they will come across something extraordinary among the stars.
In order to store the immense amounts of data generated by their observatories, TSAC's city and internal structure contain a wealth of data pearls, which has inevitably led to the amassing of a large Scavenger population both in and around their structure, who regularly raid TSAC's supply of pearls. However, due to TSAC's high altitude, their external structure and surrounding mountains are also home to large colonies of Vultures, which help control the Scavenger population, at the very least. TSAC is quite fond of Vultures for this reason.
The mountains are very cold, which means Three Stars Above Clouds' rain freezes almost immediately into snow and sleet, which falls down onto the surrounding mountains. As the glaciers and snowfall on these mountains melt, the water flows down the mountains into large rivers, and is collected in several dams at ground level. These dams are home to pumping stations which pump water back up into TSAC's can. TSAC's can is fed water through a vast array of underground pipes that snake underneath and through the mountains. The upkeep of these pipes is mostly automated, however, there are some issues that only an engineer can fix. With all of TSAC's engineers gone, their pipe network is extremely prone to failure due to its complexity. They've had a dam or two break in the past, and TSAC knows that it's only a matter of time before all of their dams break and they will lose their water supply for good.
Their void fluid filtration system is also similarly complex; mine shafts are scattered throughout the mountain range and reach deep underground to access the Void Sea. Even though TSAC's ancients don't think Void Fluid is the key to ascension, they still recognize its usefulness as a potent energy source.
These networks of tunnels, pipes, mines, and maintenance stations have become home to a wide range of creatures over the cycles, many seeking refuge from the cold. Maybe there's even a colony of subterranean Slugcats running around down there.
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I've also made an annotated version of the drawing of TSAC's can; you can click on the alt text for transcriptions of my notes if you can't read my handwriting. One thing I forgot to note was the green lasers, those are Laser Guide Stars. (I just think they look cool.)
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And here's a closer look at TSAC's city, because I'm pretty proud of the way it turned out. (I even snuck the LSST in there on the left, hehe.)
Aaaand I think that's everything! If I got any of the lore wrong, I apologize. Rain World's lore is pretty vague at times, and I tried to do the best with what I know. I also have a pretty strong grasp on astronomy, but not so much on climatology and geology, so if I got some of those things wrong as well, go easy on me, haha. X]
I will say, creating an iterator is an interesting thought experiment. You need to think about the effect they have on the surrounding environment, while keeping in mind that they're sentient and also have an entire city of people living on them that they need to help manage. Iterators are fascinating to me, and I love reading about other people's OCs and seeing the ways they're able to make them unique.
If you read this far, thank you for devoting some of your time to listening to me ramble. You get a gold star: ⭐⭐⭐
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Edit: Here's a closeup of their in-game sprite as a reward for reading this far. Yippee
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letters-to-rosie · 4 months
You said last month that it's not Ekko if he's not involved in activism, anarchism, just actively doing shit to make a change. I absolutely agree. But you also said you "come out of a particular background and that means [you] have certain thoughts and approaches to social change that leave out things that others do and are involved in". Would you please elaborate further on that? Not just for writing Ekko, but for the sake of knowing and maybe applying to real life. You made me curious.
So I sat on this for a while not because I didn't want to answer it but because I wanted to answer it thoughtfully, and I've typed out some things that didn't feel right, but I'm going to try again now.
I tried to find the exact context for where I said that and I failed lol so I am working off memory, but again I will try.
So in terms of background, I'm a Black American. When I was young, I pretty much assumed that my family history would be depressing and I didn't want to look into it. And some of that is there: family trees that get lost once you hit enslavement, dysfunction you can pretty much trace right back to that period, having to explain to people that your family is on the light side not because of consensual relationships but because you're from one of those states that exported slaves, you get the deal. A byproduct of this is that by the time I was an adult and wanted to dig into it and found that there was actually a lot to learn, many of the elders I wanted to learn from had passed on.
That, mixed in with me trying to understand my... financially turbulent?? life led me to engage with black radical thinkers as an adult. And that led into left-wing politics in general. So that's like half of it.
The other half is I've always been the type of person who likes a hands-on problem. My approach to social change has always just been "find a problem and throw myself at it." And that translated into a social service background. Even now, to pay for my classes, I work in social services at my university, still throwing myself at a problem that's sort of followed me around for a decade or so now. I'm not in love with the conditions of trying to fight a problem within the walls of an institution that helps perpetuate them, but for me, the immediacy of people's needs supersedes any need I feel for ideological consistency.
On top of that, I study race. And media. So imagine my excitement when I see Ekko!
I don't know that I've ever encountered a character who checked so many boxes. He sees problems and throws himself at them. He practices radical compassion with people struggling with substance use. AND their victims. And even though he's fighting Silco, he knows that the problems in the city go straight to the top (I oughta write a fic someday where he does make it across the bridge and gets to yell at the council because he so deserves that).
He grieves. I've said before that grief is the emotion that has most defined my adult life. I feel like I'm always grieving. And Ekko models how you do that and keep moving. Rather than giving into the hopelessness of the setting, he creates a place where people can heal and be their best selves. AND HE HAS NATURAL HAIR!!! My natural hair journey is another story but it's honestly tied up in all of this lol.
He's like a treasure trove of things that matter to me, honestly. I'm not even sure how much I realized it at first. But as time passed, I'd keep going back to this character and thinking. His revolutionary spirit is truly to be admired. And I think that evolution in how I've thought about him comes through pretty clearly in my writing, as I come to fully embrace a bottom-up style of conceptualizing revolutionary thought and practice. I know I'll grow and change as I get older, learn more, and do more, but at this particular moment, I think Ekko has a lot of value for me.
So what am I not interested in? Off the top of my head...
versions of the character that leave out that political dimension. I'm not inserting politics into the show. The division between what is political and isn't is a false one. If the politics aren't registering, that's because they're close to the politics of the status quo
which is not to say I think everybody has to write him with politics fully foregrounded, but I wish more people would, you know?
and speaking of the politics, not really interested in ones that aren't radical. Not trying to pass a certain purity test, but we can keep in mind that Misfit Toys shows Scar beating up a dummy Enforcer, in gear. Which they probably got by fighting them. Fun!
another thing I think is key and I would like to see engaged with more is that Ekko doesn't view people using shimmer as enemies. I honestly wonder whether the Firelights know as much as they do about Silco's stuff because they have members who formally worked in the syndicate.
and I bring that up because another thing that the show as a whole and Ekko's interactions with Jinx invite us to think about is not viewing anyone as too far gone. I think in the rush to clearly delineate good and evil, we make too many lines and ignore the material conditions that motivate and contextualize people's actions.
and on that note, I don't like to make Ekko a paragon. I think casting him as a pure soul who is working tirelessly for his people ignores his indignation at the situation around him and how he is actively choosing, every day to do the things he does. I like to keep agency foregrounded.
To close, I wanna share some quotes, because y'all know I love reading revolutionaries.
“It is necessary that the weakness of the powerless is transformed into a force capable of announcing justice. For this to happen, a total denouncement of fatalism is necessary. We are transformative beings and not beings for accommodation.” —Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the Oppressed
“We have chosen a different path to achieve better results. We have chosen to establish new techniques. We have chosen to seek forms of organization that are better adapted to our civilization, abruptly and once and for all rejecting all kinds of outside diktats, so that we can create the conditions for a dignity in keeping with our ambitions. We refuse simple survival. We want to ease the pressures, to free our countryside from medieval stagnation or regression. We want to democratize our society, to open up our minds to a universe of collective responsibility, so that we may be bold enough to invent the future. We want to change the administration and reconstruct it with a different kind of civil servant. We want to get our army involved with the people in productive work and remind it constantly that, without patriotic training, a soldier is only a criminal with power. That is our political programme.” —Thomas Sankara, Speech before the General Assembly of the United Nations
“Let me just say: Peace to you, if you're willing to fight for it.” —Fred Hampton
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dearestones · 6 months
The Perils of Being Better than Everyone Else (Idia Shroud and Yuu)
Warnings: The Prefect is described as being shorter and smaller than Idia, gamer lingo, Idia’s poor self esteem combined with his arrogance. 
@fjshii Request: Hello lovely! :)
I was wondering if I could make a request? There's something that's been rotating in my head :) Of course, I just want to emphasize the fact that this is a very casual ask!!! If you're working on other projects or just honestly don't feel like it then yes!!! Perfect :) I am in 100% support 😌😌😌 I enjoy whatever's on the table <3 But yes!!! I just wanted to say that! It was important :)
As for the actual request lol, I was wondering about a twst scenario with one of the boys teaching Yuu how to tie a tie? I just think it could be very sweet :) or hilarious if depending on who we're talking about. Whoever out of the cast is fine! :) I'm just hoping one of the students instead of the faculty (and oddly enough, not Vil please LMAO he just fits the bill a bit too much? if that's okay😂), but honestly, yeah, wherever your gut takes you. I also think this could be a really fun way to test out some characters we haven't seen from you yet before their debut in Caged Birds :)
Anywho! Yes! Only if you really want :) I hope you're having an enjoyable week, and thanks for all you share! :) &lt;3
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Dying on the inside certainly wasn't the worst thing that could ever happen to Idia, but it was definitely one of the top five sensations that he wished he didn't have to live with on a day to day basis. It was a feeling that had plagued him for a long time now, but it seemed that the occurrence of such a feeling seemed to happen with higher frequency after he had first started attending Night Raven College. It didn't take long to amass data points and map it out onto a graph: the points were clear and simple.
Out of everyone else in that hallowed institution, Idia Shroud was a being 'other' than the rest of them.
Yes, there were students who sported fangs. There were those who were blessed (or perhaps even cursed) with furry ears and tails. Others still had pointed ears and a longevity that most mortals would have killed for.
However, among the treasure trove of such eccentricities, Idia was by far one of the strangest.
It was quite obvious, with the flaming hair and the inevitable display of the veritable knives that rose from his gums, that Idia would be singled out as 'strange'.
Well, that was all relative when one had to consider that there was even a student from another world! It was an interesting phenomenon and Idia was sure that there would be more of a hubbub around that student’s origins, but surprisingly, there wasn’t any. At least, Idia hadn’t observed any sort of curious reactions from any NRC students. Then again, he could relate. After all, while the magicless student definitely had main character vibes, they were not as noteworthy as other famous individuals at the school like royalty, child prodigies, and the like. 
So, you would think that having a person with main character vibes would give them plot armor, but…
One should not underestimate the power of SSR Problematic Children, especially those who had orchestrated their own boss battles. 
The incident happened when Idia had been busy getting a drink from one of the vending machines that was situated in one of the hallways of the school. On this particular school day, he had been tasked with the brunt of a presentation and because it had been weeks since he had set foot into an actual classroom, his professor had requested that he attend in real life. Idia tried to put up a fight (read: he had begged and pleaded via email), but his professor had cited the rubric’s requirements and that it was a mandatory project that needed his presence. Needless to say, despite the fight in Idia, he had ended up folding the instant he thought he read an irritated tone in the email correspondence. 
(Idia would have definitely shown up the professor considering that the subject he was required to present was basically the fundamentals to understanding the integration of magic into technology, but decided to let the matter go.
He was merciful like that and he was above such triviality). 
When the time came, Idia felt himself sweating buckeyes and burrowing into the safety of his hooded jacket. Why did the entire world have to be composed of extraverts? Thankfully, during the presentation, his partner had taken the reins, which meant that the Ignihyde Housewarden didn’t have to speak as much as he thought he would. It may or may not be because of the contingency plan he had constructed back when he was a lowly first year. (That is to say,  Idia made sure to send a copy of the presentation and notes to his partner beforehand). 
As always, his plan worked because, after all, he was a genius.
So, after a lengthy class session that involved Idia pretending to listen to his peers drone on and on about their presentations (most of which were either not well researched or as well presented…and sometimes, it was a combination of both) while he was surreptitiously playing games on his phone, Idia was thirsty. It wasn’t like he had talked much, but effort was still effort, even if it wasn’t at his one hundred percent. 
And besides—
Precipice Moirai had teamed up with a lesser known energy drink that Idia had yet to taste. After having checked out the reviews, it was a widespread opinion that the energy drink wasn’t all too dissimilar to others of its kind. The taste wasn’t too remarkable and wasn’t well worth the hype except for the members of the famed idol group plastering their faces upon the tin. 
To say that Idia was annoyed was an understatement. Even if Premo had teamed up with a drink that didn’t taste good, that didn’t mean that fans should turn their backs against their beloved idols! Honestly, what sort of fans were they to talk such pessimistic sentiments about something that they didn’t have to buy? Idia was loyal and he was going to drink at least one can. 
And for those weirdos who left such disparaging comments on the forums… Let’s just say that they were going to be in for a treat when they finally logged back on. 
As Idia punched in the correct combination that would release the sweet, sugary nectar into his waiting grasp, he heard a familiar voice in the hallway. Even if it was from a distance, he felt himself shrink a little in his oversized hoodie and his hands trembled in anxiety. Out of everyone else in this school, no other SSR Problematic Child could appear so cute and unassuming, only to reveal that he himself was as much of a problem as his contemporaries. 
Riddle Rosehearts. 
A taskmaster to the core, the infamous Teapot Tyrant of Heartslabyul was busy berating a first year while Idia could only watch in detached horror. Fascinatingly enough, the first year only looked faintly amused by Riddle’s seemingly heated tirade. Now that Idia thought about it (from the safety of the bulky vending machine), Riddle hadn’t raised his voice or shouted his Unique Magic. Yes, the Taskmaster had been gradually mellowed out because of his Overblot (sadly, the experience hadn’t given Riddle a debuff when it came to his perfunctory nature), but Idia had only observed from hearsay and the off chance he decided to note Riddle’s behavior during meetings.
The change wasn’t drastic, but it reminded Idia of the character development for one of the villains in a manga series he had read a few years’ ago. A scary thought to be sure. There was no way Idia could try to compare the intricacies of an award winning manga to the messiness of human nature, but the fact that he had thought of it! For a mere second! 
Ughhhh… 2D was always better than 3D.
Before the Ignihyde Housewarden could suffer another meltdown that paled in comparison to the ire he felt at the idea of partnering with someone for a school project, he became all too aware that he was no longer alone at the vending machine. Now, Idia was no macho man (the S.T.Y.X. situation had certainly taught him that much), but he would rather go down into the depths of Tartarus or give access to his laptop without restriction to his mother before saying that he shrieked upon the realization. 
Yes, he will admit that he emitted a high pitched sound and jumped a foot in the air at the scare. 
But still.
It was nothing more than an excited exhalation of air. 
Nothing more. 
“Oh, gosh! Sorry about that, Idia! I thought you noticed me since I saw you watching Riddle and I earlier!” The Prefect’s voice was not as grating or as needlessly loud as some of the other students at this school—in fact, it was rather soft and apologetic—but Idia had to bury the urge to cover their mouth with his hands. (No way was he going to risk contaminating his gaming hands with someone who never heard of Premo before!) 
Taskmaster Riddle could be still lying in wait for the next person to scold!
“Q-quiet down!” Idia’s tablet may have generated his voice, but it clearly conveyed the urgency and the volume that Idia’s vocal cords would have produced. “The world may be okay with catering to the whims of the extraverted, but as an introvert, I will not bow to such societal pressures.”
The Prefect cocked their head to the side and gave Idia one long, hard look. 
“For sure. Fight the power, Idia.”
Did he raise his friendship meter with the Prefect? Not that he wanted to, the Prefect was calming to talk to on most days, but that didn’t mean that they were exempt from the disease known as “sociability”. Idia didn’t do that. 
“So… is that any good?” 
Idia was about to ask what the Prefect meant by that question before realizing that he was still holding the energy drink (unopened). Ah, he had yet to fulfill today’s daily quest. 
Idia shrugged, feeling a little bit foolish as he regarded his loot. A part of him wanted to run away or shrink into his hoodie, but it would be too troublesome to rule up the Prefect because once you piqued the Prefect’s interest, bad things happened.
Like Riddle mellowing out. 
Or Leona actually taking initiative. 
Or Azul—No, he hadn’t changed a bit. A shady businessman to his core, that one. 
Whatever the case, Idia was so busy trying to come up with an exit strategy to leave ASAP (he had an afternoon campaign and he was AFK for too long!) that he nearly missed the Prefect’s little sigh. 
Utter madness, why did anyone willingly submit themselves to the horrors of etiquette and good manners? The rules of polite society never made that much sense to him… 
“Gosh, I wish I could have some of that.” When did the Prefect step closer to inspect the can? “But if Riddle catches me overloading on sugar again, he’s going to make me help ADeuce with dressing up the flamingos for midmorning croquet.” 
Three years and Heartslabyul was a puzzle that Idia was not hard pressed to solve. RIP, GG to the n00bs who thought that Heartslabyul was one of the nicer dorms. 
Spoiler alert: It wasn’t.
“I know he means well, but he’s not my dad, right?” 
There was a note of ruefulness in the Prefect’s voice that Idia was quick to note, but just as quickly discarded because no. Absolutely not. No, he was not going to get roped up into the Prefect’s problems. He had Board Game Club following the events of the winter holidays and Azul was quick to complain about the destruction done to his restaurant! (There was also the Scarabia Overblot, but not many people talked about it unless you were a Scarabian and offended on Kalim’s behalf, but that was another matter entirely). 
“And you know what else?” Was the Prefect still talking? Sevens, the Prefect was still talking! Was Idia’s blatant discomfort not enough to dissuade further social interaction? Or had Idia unlocked a secret achievement: meeting a sassy, sadistic Prefect? “He told me that I needed to start tying my ties because he won’t do them for me anymore! I can do them, I just like it when he does it because his knots are perfect and I feel like an honor student.”
Idia was going to regret this later (in hindsight, he could have ended that conversation then and there by agreeing with the Prefect and then saying that he had plans to do! because! he! had! a! campaign!), but he piped up, sardonic judgment in his voice, “So that thing around your neck is Riddle’s doing?”
“This gorgeous thing?” The Ramshackle Prefect patted their tie that had been so horrible crumpled and knotted into a sad mass of fabric that looked like it wanted to be a tie, but was weighed down with too much responsibility. Like child support. Taxes. And maybe vehicular manslaughter. Or you know, weighing down your future with expectations that you had to fulfill because of your lineage. “You know, you have the same look Riddle gave me when he saw me earlier. It’s like… he was so amazed by my mad skills that he had no choice but to stare. A total loss for words!”
“You…” Gloomurai abort. Gloomurai. Abort. Gloomurai! Abort! “You need help.”
Scratch that, Idia needed help. 
Send dudes! Send the troops! 
Call in the reinforcements!
Sevens, screw his thoughts regarding internet anonymity! Send in Muscle Red!!! 
He needed an adult!
(Yes, he was technically not a minor anymore, but he needed an adultier adult!)
Idia huffed a little to himself as he looked at the length of the Prefect’s tie, the fabric somewhat wrinkled and worn from their attempts to make some sort of bow around their neck. For reasons that Idia could not quite fathom, the conversation right after he had noted how much the Prefect sucked at tying their tie had resulted in this. 
(“You’re such a total n00b! ROTFLOL. No wonder the Taskmaster himself singled you out! In fact, I wonder why the final boss from Pomefiore hasn’t talked to you yet!”
“Oh, Vil? He did.”
“And?” Idia hadn’t meant to ask, but his curiosity was piqued. Thr Ignihyde Housewarden managed to evade his fellow third year because of their differing class schedules, but that didn’t mean he did not have his fair share of scoldings. 
“He told me that poor little potatoes like me needed to get tended to better. Whatever that meant.”
Lucky! Usually, Vil would have had Idia on the ropes, fighting for his life, while Vil threatened to throw toner, moisturizer, and other beauty products at him. Pfffttt, as if the family curse wasn’t already doing wonders to his body.
“Ha! I definitely could do better than you!”
“Oh really?” Oh. Oh no. Whenever normies looked like that, it could mean only one thing: trouble. “Why don’t you show me how?”
Say no. 
Idia say no. 
Idia say—
“You’ll be like my kouhai! For tying ties. Unless you’re as bad at it like me”
That did it. 
Idia placed the energy drink on the ground and began typing in a search query into his tablet. 
“First of all, kouhai means junior. Obviously, I’m your senpai or your senior. Second of all, of course I know how to tie a tie! What do you take me for? I’m going to tie a tie so—“)
After wrangling the Prefect’s tie away from their ratty uniform, Idia tried to remember how to tie a tie. His fingers, as deft and as quick as they were when commanding the keyboard or maneuvering a mouse, were somewhat slow and clumsy as he tried to shift the fabric into a loop. How did his father teach him again? It was somewhat awkward—when were things not awkward?—and it lasted a lot longer than it should have, but eventually, Idia was choked into submission into society’s standards of what a young man with a promising future should look like. 
And then his dad tried to talk to him about the future, but Idia kinda, sorta tuned him out because he really didn’t want to think about the future any more than he had to. Thus, Idia was dressed like any first year student should… But that was only for a little while. 
After Idia suffered through a week of choking himself or looking the fool with his poorly tied tie, he ordered a special, custom-made hoodie. And then he never looked back. Yes, he was not as well dressed as someone like Vil or Riddle, but it wasn’t like he aspired to be them. As if anyone other than overachievers and those with images to maintain actually cared about what they looked like.
Idia was already a freak; if he looked like a normal preppy extravert, he would undoubtedly look even more freaky. 
(Like an alien trying to fit in). 
Anyway, back to the matter at hand, Idia was screwed. 
He screwed up. 
All of his HP had decreased to  an increasingly concerning level and now, he was only a second away from curling into a ball and crying. Where was Ortho when he needed him? You could only watch the same Magicam video of how to tie a tie so many times before you began to realize that you were not as skilled as you thought you were. 
Also, the Prefect was giving him a strange smile that made Idia’s cheeks heat and his hair—SEVENS HIS HAIR! 
Curse this curse!
“So… do you give—”
Idia, in an uncharacteristic manner, bared his teeth wide as he glared at the Prefect with the power of a million dying suns. “No! I will git gud! This tie will bow down to my brilliance!” 
The tie was not OP, it couldn’t be. 
That was unreal and Idia was being realistic. 
All he needed to do was breathe and—
“You know—” Stop talking. Stop talking. Why are you talking? “—I think I know what the problem is!”
Idia, in near tears and just about ready to call it a day, had no choice but to blurt out, “What? What could it possibly be?”
Yes, he was that desperate. 
“Well, you’re holding it in your hands and tying it that way. Don’t you think that it would be easier if you tied it on me? Plus, if you succeed, I get a perfect tie!”
And then, Idia heard the ‘if’ that the Prefect said. And then the implication set in. 
If he succeeds?
There was obvious psychological manipulation here—the Prefect must have spent way too much time at Octavinelle because this stunk of seafood—but Idia had no choice. 
This was like the sunk cost fallacy. He had already spent so much time trying to show off in front of the Prefect that it would do him no good if he backed off now. 
“O-oh! O-okay!”
Idia’s fingers trembled as he approached the Prefect. Now that he was close to them, he realized that even though he was slouching, the Ramshackle Prefect was actually really short compared to him. In hindsight, he shouldn’t have felt so nervous—the Prefect was not as intimidating as other Night Raven College students—but still. 
Was the Prefect going to recoil in disgust when he touched them? 
Were they going to make fun of him for fumbling for so long?
“Keep going, Idia!” The Prefect cheered. Their eyes were on his hands, both of which were maneuvering the fabric of the tie around their neck with slow, stuttering movements. Swallowing hard, Idia found himself entranced as the Prefect’s small hands began to guide his own into vaguely familiar movements. 
First, the tie was measured out to its correct length. Then, when Idia began to falter, the Prefect (again) guided his hands until he remembered that he had to cross the length of the left piece of fabric over the right. He would then bring up the left piece again. A beat passed as Idia tried to remember the succeeding steps before starting up again, this time, with a little more confidence. Once that was done, he brought up the left piece of fabric that was longer and thicker than the right so that it could enter into the loop that was created from the previous steps. 
And then, Idia tugged until the knot of the tie was perfectly formed and flush against the Prefect’s throat. 
He actually did it?
He actually—
“Oh, wow! That’s so cool!” The Prefect beamed the world’s brightest smile at Idia. 
The effect was immediate and painful; the AoE would have been off the charts if it were not for the following move that the Prefect made. 
Without so much as a look of remorse, the Prefect tugged off the tie, undid the loops, and gave Idia the looping, crumpled fabric.
“Now, you gotta teach me this time.”
“Ortho, I have now entered my villain era.” Idia slumped into his bed, not at all minding the crumbs from his ultra healthy dietary habits. As he curled up, he saw that Ortho was floating beside his head, a look of concern over his childlike features. 
“Are you referring to your fashion session with the Ramshackle Prefect? I saw the entire thing! I had no idea that the Prefect was so bad at tying ties!”
“Me neither.” 
“But at the very least you managed to taste that new energy drink, right?”
Idia felt his breath catch.
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bluespring864 · 4 months
I just read this insane thing and thought the folks of tumblr might appreciate it
The European Parliament is a peculiarly Byzantine place, which is all the more baffling for an assembly that only sprung into life in 1979.
It’s replete with obscure working groups hived off from real committees, opaque voting procedures, feeble attempts to keep tabs on the Commission, and dull, empty plenary sessions taking place weeks after the news trigger has passed. And don’t forget the gift vault on floor 5 ½. 
And the article in full because it is insane:
Inside the European Parliament’s gift vault
APRIL 17, 2023 4:00 AM CET
BRUSSELS — Down a curving corridor on floor five and a half, there’s a dark alcove hiding an unmarked door. 
This is the final resting place for the European Parliament’s would-be bribes. 
The secret chamber is piled high with diplomatic gifts, all carefully labeled and left to languish in bureaucratic limbo under lock and key — neither accepted nor rejected. 
There’s the opulent; there’s the bizarre. One cupboard contains a Taiwanese wristwatch given to a Polish EU lawmaker. Another holds a pot of French mustard, a miniature Saudi Arabian door and a commemorative plaque from the Indonesian parliament.
Expensive bottles of wine, children’s toys, wireless headphones, books, stationery, figurines — five dusty containers are brimming with the forsworn freebies that governments and parliaments from all over the globe have showered on EU lawmakers. 
The crypt — essentially a glorified janitor’s closet — has sat largely unperturbed since the collection began almost 15 years ago. But in recent months, it has taken on a new significance due to revelations over alleged bribes that countries like Qatar, Morocco and Mauritania were funneling to EU lawmakers. 
The scandal, dubbed Qatargate, has prompted soul-searching within Parliament, which is now squabbling over how to revise the code of conduct that governs lawmakers’ behavior — including what they should do when offered a gift.
But here, in room 55A031 of the labyrinthine Paul-Henri Spaak building, remain the gifts given but not received.
Too small a room
Outside, there is no indication about what the room contains. It is permanently locked.
Besides the renounced gratuities, the room stores old MEP files.
POLITICO’s access to the vault was facilitated by the office of German Green MEP Daniel Freund — a vocal proponent of tougher transparency rules in the institution — plus three European Parliament officials, including a spokesperson.
“It’s a bit anticlimactic if you expected some kind of treasure trove,” Nurminen said, standing on the squeaky linoleum floor of the vault as the air conditioning thrummed in the background.
With MEPs rushing to declare many more gifts than before in light of the Qatargate scandal, this storage room could soon become too small. Between 2009 and 2014, EU lawmakers declared just 15 gifts — but in this parliamentary term, which began in 2019, they’ve already registered 266.
The higher numbers are largely due to a massive dump of gifts by Parliament President Roberta Metsola, who declared 170 gifts since the start of the year — most recently a traditional shirt from the chairman of the Ukrainian parliament and a decorative box from Harvard University.
The president’s gifts are either displayed in her office, stored in this gift vault — or already long gone. When it comes to gifts of chocolates, wine or crunchy snacks, some have been “served in the course of Parliament’s functions,” i.e. consumed during official work meetings.
Even though she missed the internal deadline to declare many of the gifts, Metsola — who has been Parliament president since January 2022 — argued she was being radically transparent by declaring the gifts and turning them over. This broke with years of the institution exempting the president from declaring gifts on the public register.
Because of this change, many gifts given to previous presidents and kept in boxes by a set of civil servants called the “protocol service” are now being transferred to this room from undisclosed locations. The Parliament spokesperson described this gift vault as the only dedicated room where such gifts to former presidents are kept.
Just 17 gifts to presidents past and present are on display in glass cabinets at the Parliament’s seat in Strasbourg, next to a tiny kiosk selling Roberta Metsola-themed stamps. They include a statuette of a horse from the United Arab Emirates’ National Council; handmade artwork from the president of Nigeria; a silver bowl from top U.S. politician Nancy Pelosi; a peace-themed mosaic from Pope Francis; and a vide-poches or decorative tray from French President Emmanuel Macron.
Manfred’s mobile
For now, the gifts in the chamber in Brussels are essentially in limbo — neither displayed nor used — a fate that might perhaps make lobbyists or foreign dignitaries think twice about going to the trouble of making any such gesture in the first place.
A case in point is a Huawei smartphone that was worth more than €150 when given to European People’s Party chief Manfred Weber by the Chinese tech company — in 2013. It’s been gathering dust here ever since.
The “end of life” rules, as Parliament speak would have it, means dead but not buried.
According to the current rules, EU lawmakers can keep these gifts permanently if it can be proved they have no “obvious” value to the Parliament. Or they may be temporarily displayed in their offices if the president gives her blessing.
In theory, parliamentarians can also bid to buy back their gifts in a public tender — but such an auction has never happened.
At a later stage of the ethics reform plan initiated by Metsola, senior parliamentarians could at some point tweak the code of conduct to allow the gifts to be given to charities — as happens with used furniture and food waste from the canteens. But such a tweak is currently not under consideration.
“If you have more presents handed into the institution, there needs to be a way to process them. So the existing 2013 rules might be revised,” the spokesperson said as the door quietly closed.
 source: politico.eu
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literarymemories · 1 year
The Humanity in Memory
Personally, Kathy H.’s humanity was never up to debate for me. The topic of cloning in and of itself, though scientifically relevant and current, would not be of interest to me as the focus of a science-fiction novel. Never Let Me Go is not really a science-fiction novel, but rather a speculative memoir; a recollection by the first-person narrator Kathy pertaining to her childhood and time at the secluded boarding school Hailsham. Cloning seems more like a frame to the painting that is this story, a reason to ask the question: What makes us human?
Ishiguro answers: Memories, experiences, feelings, and loss.
We are introduced to our narrator and focaliser with no knowledge of her destiny and role as a donor of her organs, a clone of someone who already exists or has existed in the world. Kinship comes easy with the vulnerable and tentative way Kathy shares her life, assuming we already know every aspect of the system she lives under. The students of Hailsham have no knowledge of what their original blueprint’s life looks like; if they wear their hair the same way or have the same mannerisms. Though they are genetically the same and are the only feeble origin as clones have no biological family, no family-tree to retrace, they share no real connection with the ‘possibles’. Kathy’s friend Ruth, in hopes of finding her possible in the imaginary lost and found treasure trove that is Norfolk, only finds disappointment, connecting the fate of a ‘possible’ with the fate she imagined for herself – a wishful attempt at rewriting her destiny. The Hailsham students would never revolt against this destiny, as it is so much part of their perceived identity and how they grew up.  
It’s not the role they fulfil or their genetic connection to their clones that makes them human. Kathy’s memories, the joy and fondness with which she retraces her days at Hailsham, the gravity of the loss she feels as all her friends slowly ‘complete’, perishing for the purpose for which they have been created and abused - that is what makes her undoubtedly human. Even her lack of resistance, her simple acceptance of her role within this grotesque system characterises her as multifaceted and imperfect person.
Growing up at Hailsham, a revolutionarily progressive school amidst its fellow future-donor raising institutions, has Kathy constantly revisiting and grasping for that time. Everything is orbiting her childhood. Despite the manipulation to keep students healthy and compliant like cattle, the seclusion from society and being “told and not told” about the way their life is written for them, it is the most human they have and will be treated. It makes sense for Kathy to want to relive those days, rather than face the reality of her life, something she is unable to grasp fully under the oppression of the system she grew up in.
Her somewhat happy childhood and the relationships made there are her North Star: Hailsham is her focal origin and her silent protest. As Kathy remains complacent in her doing, to the point of frustration for the reader, there is an unspoken strength within her. Her existence, the way she grew up and how she shapes her identity through her memories is an opposition in itself, a refusal to be solely a victim.
Every place and building slightly resembling her former school make her hold in for a second in remembrance after it was torn down. When given the opportunity to choose her next donor to care for, she seeks out her former schoolmates, desperate to talk about snippets of memories, even as those around her seem to forget slowly. Clinging on desperately to her memories, unable to let go of the past, only Kathy remains and with her what she remembers, and the feelings connected to it. This is what resonates with us, the readers of Kathy’s recollection. That is what makes her human to us.
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sathya32 · 19 days
The Rapid Rise of Data Science: Exploring Its Market Growth
With the proliferation of information and the rapid advancement of technology in today's digital world, the area of data science is seeing exponential expansion in the market. In layman's words, let's examine the elements driving the data science boom.
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1. Increasing Data Availability:
The enormous amount of data generated daily is one of the main causes of data science's explosive growth in popularity. We are continuously producing enormous volumes of data due to the introduction of smartphones, social media, IoT devices, and other digital technologies. This data is a treasure trove of important insights just waiting to be discovered. By giving organizations the means to discern valuable patterns and trends from this abundance of data, data science gives them an advantage over competitors and allows them to make well-informed decisions.
2. Advancements in Technology:
The development of data science has been greatly expedited by technological advancements, especially in the areas of processing power and storage. Nowadays, enormous datasets can be processed and analyzed in a fraction of the time it would have taken a few years ago, thanks to strong algorithms and sophisticated machine learning models. 
3. Demand for Insight-Driven Decision Making:
Data-driven decision-making has become crucial for staying ahead of the curve in the fast-paced business world of today. Businesses from all sectors understand how important it is to use data to understand consumer behavior, industry trends, and operational effectiveness. With the use of data science, businesses may fully utilize their data assets, resulting in better strategic planning, more focused marketing initiatives, and streamlined operations.
4. Diverse Uses in Different Industries:
A growing number of industries, including healthcare, banking, retail, and transportation, are embracing data science, which has its roots in technology. Almost every sector might profit from the insights gathered through data analysis. In the field of medicine, predictive analytics has uses that can improve treatment outcomes and help determine patient risk factors. For automated trading, risk assessment, and fraud detection, financial institutions use data science. Retailers can provide clients with a more personalized buying experience by utilizing recommendation engines. Because of their broad applicability and business needs, data science applications are appealing to a wide range of users.
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In conclusion, a number of reasons have come together to cause the market for data science to grow rapidly. These factors include the abundance of data, the development of technology, the demand for data-driven decision-making, and the wide range of applications that data science has in different industries. In the upcoming years, there will likely be an even greater demand for qualified data scientists as businesses continue to realize the strategic value of data science in fostering innovation and accomplishing goals. A more data-driven future is awaiting us if we embrace data science capabilities, which will also open up new doors for efficiency and growth.I'm grateful that you shared your precious time with me. Have a wonderful day.
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csanoopjain1 · 1 month
CS Classes Coaching In Laxmi Nagar
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Company secretaries ensure that business entities are compliant and run effectively within the complex corporate framework by acting as quiet watchdogs. They are crucial to maintaining accountability, integrity, and transparency in firms since they serve as both administrative assistants and strategic advisors. Company secretaries are responsible for a number of important tasks, such as planning board meetings and managing regulatory compliance, that support an organization's integrity and reputation.
The function of company secretaries in today's business environment has changed dramatically. They are essential in guiding people through the complex web of rules, laws, and moral principles, safeguarding stakeholders' interests, and advancing sustainable development. As stewards of good governance, they serve as a liaison between the shareholders, management, and board, promoting efficient dialogue and decision-making.
Company Secrtary Role
Corporate Oversight: Company Secretaries make sure that the business is operated efficiently and that all rules and regulations are adhered to.
Strategic consultants: They provide guidance for the company's strategic decisions in addition to carrying out administrative tasks.
Accountability, ethics, and transparency: Company secretaries assist in making sure that the business acts in an ethical, accountable, and transparent manner.
Board Meetings and Regulatory Compliance: They plan and run board meetings and make sure the business abides by all applicable laws.
Stakeholder protection: Company secretaries assist in defending the interests of all parties involved in the business, including creditors, employees, shareholders, and customers.
Sustainable Growth: They support the company's efforts to grow sustainably.
Bridge between the board, management, and shareholders: They help the board, management, and shareholders communicate and make decisions together.
This article sets out on a journey to unlock the treasure trove of opportunities hidden in the educational landscape of Laxmi Nagar, with a special focus on Company Secretary Coaching. Aspiring Company Secretaries often find themselves at a crossroads with a plethora of options, wondering which organization would be ideal to begin their professional journey. Therefore, this article is intended to act as a guiding thread to navigate through the myriad of options available for Company Secretary Coaching in Laxmi Nagar.In the upcoming sections, we delve deeper into the role of the Company Secretary in corporate governance, highlighting the important role they play in maintaining transparency and compliance. Furthermore, we walk the vibrant streets of Lakshmi Nagar, drawing a vivid picture of its educational ecosystem, replete with coaching institutes dedicated to nurturing the future mentors of corporate governance.
Laxmi Nagar as a hub for coaching classes:
In the center of Delhi, Laxmi Nagar has become a well-known center for education, providing coaching sessions for a range of exam preparations. Laxmi Nagar is well-known for its active coaching culture, which draws students from all over the nation who are looking for a top-notch education and direction to reach their professional objectives.
The Laxmi Nagar coaching institutes shine like a flame of knowledge amid the bustling shops and little streets, guiding numerous students toward success. These coaching centers have extremely competitive classes and admission requirements that are frequently impossible to meet. On the other hand, pupils who are accepted here are given close supervision by knowledgeable instructors.
Why is Laxmi Nagar famous as a coaching hub?
Varied Coaching Classes: Laxmi Nagar provides coaching for government entrance examinations like Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), Staff Selection Commission (SSC), Railway Recruitment Board (RRB), as well as national entrance exams like Engineering and Medical Entrance Examinations (JEE and NEET). Coaching classes are available for level entrance examinations.
Experienced Teachers: Many coaching institutes in Laxmi Nagar have some of the best teachers in the country, who have wide experience in helping students achieve success.
Study Material: These coaching institutes also provide study material to the students, which includes practice papers, mock tests and shortcut techniques.
Library and other facilities: Many coaching institutes also have library, canteen and hostel facilities available to the students.
CS Classes Coaching In Laxmi Nagar : Anoop Jain CS Classes
Located in the heart of Laxmi Nagar, led by experienced professionals and industry experts, our institute is an epitome of excellence in Corporate Governance coaching. We guide aspiring company secretaries towards a promising career. Come see what our strengths are and why we are your ideal place for CS coaching in Laxmi Nagar.
Why Choose CS Anoop jain Classes ?
Vision: Established with a vision to develop the future mentors of the corporate world, Anup Jain CS Classes is an epitome of excellence, integrity and dedication to quality education.
Founder: With years of experience in the industry, our esteemed Founder Mr. Anup Jain, brings unparalleled expertise and insight in the area of corporate governance.
Comprehensive Curriculum: Our curriculum is designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills and competencies required to succeed in the field of company secretarial practice.From Company Law and Corporate Governance to Securities Law and Regulatory Compliance, our curriculum covers a wide range of topics essential for a good understanding of corporate governance.
Experienced Teacher:At Anoop Jain CS Classes, learning is not just about acquiring information but gaining knowledge from experienced gurus who have experienced the corporate scenario.Our teachers include industry veterans, experienced business people and subject matter experts who bring real-world knowledge to the classroom, thereby enriching the learning experience.
Individual attention:We understand that every student is unique, with different learning needs and aspirations. Therefore we prefer individual attention and small batches to ensure that each student gets personalized guidance and support.Our teachers are available both inside and outside the classroom, creating a conducive learning environment where doubts are resolved and concepts are strengthened.
Overall Development:Apart from academics, we believe in holistic development by nurturing critical thinking, problem-solving skills and professional ethics in our students.Through interactive sessions, case studies and group discussions, we encourage students to think analytically, communicate effectively and develop a proactive approach to challenges in the corporate world.
Success stories:The success of our students speaks volumes about the effectiveness of our coaching methodology. Many of our alumni have secured top positions in Company Secretary examinations and are becoming successful in their professional careers.We are proud to be the catalyst in taking him on his journey to success as an accomplished Company Secretary.
Concluding our exploration of Company Secretary Coaching in Laxmi Nagar, it is clear that the role of the Company Secretary in corporate governance cannot be underestimated. These silent custodians play a vital role in maintaining accountability, honesty and transparency within organizations, thereby protecting the interests of stakeholders and promoting sustainable development.
Laxmi Nagar, with its vibrant coaching culture, emerges as a ray of hope for aspiring company secretaries, providing ample opportunities to kick-start their professional journey. Amidst the busy roads and competitive coaching institutes, Anoop Jain CS Classes shines brightly as a bastion of excellence guiding students to master Corporate Governance.
With a visionary founder, comprehensive curriculum, experienced teachers and personal attention, Anoop Jain CS Classes stands at the forefront of nurturing future mentors of Corporate Governance. Our commitment towards holistic development and the success stories of our alumni testify to our unwavering dedication towards excellence.
As aspiring company secretaries begin their journey towards success, they should remember that their choice of coaching institute plays a vital role in shaping their career direction. With the right guidance and interaction, they can navigate the complexities of the corporate world with confidence and emerge as exemplary professionals.
In the dynamic scenario of corporate governance, let Anoop Jain CS Classes be your guiding light, illuminating the path to success and excellence in the field of company secretarial practice. Join us, and together let's embark on a transformational journey towards mastering corporate governance and building a brighter future for ourselves and the organizations we serve.
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xasha777 · 1 month
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In a distant future, on the arid desert planet of Caelum, technology has interwoven with human life more deeply than ever. Among the sands and the scorching sun, a figure known as Ava stood out as a symbol of human ingenuity and technological prowess. Ava was not merely human; she was a fusion of advanced robotics and organic material, an avatar created by the Maritime Consortium of Earth to explore and manage the vast, untapped resources of alien planets.
Ava's latest mission had brought her to Caelum, a planet with hidden oceans beneath its seemingly barren surface. These underground seas were rich in unique marine life, holding the promise of new resources for Earth's overburdened ecosystems. Her objective was to establish a new kind of institution on Caelum: a Fisheries and Maritime Museum that would not only harvest and study the marine life but also serve as a bridge between Earth and the mysteries of Caelum.
Equipped with high-tech gear and a body designed to withstand the harsh environments of outer space, Ava was the perfect envoy. Her suit, a sleek blend of durability and design, featured an intricate system of life-support modules and was equipped with tools for both exploration and combat, reflecting the unpredictable nature of new worlds.
Her most striking feature, however, was the mechanical limbs that resembled the legs of a spider, engineered for rapid movement across the shifting sands and stability during high winds. These limbs, combined with her human-like torso, made her an imposing figure against the backdrop of the large, orange suns of Caelum.
Upon reaching the location for the museum, Ava began her work, her systems interacting seamlessly with the environment. As she delved deeper into the planet's crust, she discovered an ecosystem thriving in darkness, illuminated only by bioluminescent creatures. This hidden world was a treasure trove of biodiversity, offering new species that could revolutionize science back on Earth.
As she cataloged these findings, Ava transmitted them back to the Maritime Consortium. Plans were drawn to build the museum as an underwater facility, which would allow visitors to view Caelum’s marine life in their natural habitat through reinforced glass tunnels. The museum would not only be a center of research and conservation but also a testament to human resilience and curiosity.
The establishment of the Fisheries and Maritime Museum marked a new era for Caelum. It attracted scientists, students, and tourists from across the galaxy, eager to learn about the marine wonders of this unique world. Ava, now a guardian of both the planet and its seas, continued to explore and protect Caelum, ensuring that its secrets were preserved and shared responsibly.
Through Ava's eyes, Earth learned that even the most desolate planets hold the promise of life, reminding everyone that in the vastness of space, there are always new horizons to explore.
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mellimo191 · 3 months
NYC Private Sightseeing Tours
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Explore New York City in Style: Private Sightseeing Tours with MelLimo
New York City, the vibrant metropolis that never sleeps, is a treasure trove of iconic landmarks, cultural attractions, and hidden gems waiting to be discovered. Whether you're a seasoned local or a first-time visitor, exploring the Big Apple's bustling streets and towering skyscrapers is an experience like no other. And what better way to immerse yourself in the city's rich tapestry of sights and sounds than with a private sightseeing tour with NYC Private Sightseeing Tours? Let's embark on a journey to uncover the magic of New York City through the lens of luxury and comfort.
Introduction to MelLimo's Private Sightseeing Tours
MelLimo isn't just your average transportation service; it's a gateway to unparalleled luxury, convenience, and personalized experiences. With years of expertise in serving clients from all walks of life, MelLimo has earned a reputation as the premier provider of private sightseeing tours in New York City. Our mission is simple: to offer discerning travelers an exclusive opportunity to explore the city's most iconic attractions while enjoying the utmost comfort and style.
Tailored Itineraries for Every Taste
One of the key advantages of booking a private sightseeing tour with MelLimo is the flexibility to customize your itinerary according to your preferences and interests. Whether you're passionate about art and culture, history and architecture, or simply want to soak in the vibrant atmosphere of Times Square, our expert team will work with you to craft a bespoke tour that caters to your every whim.
Cultural Landmarks: Immerse yourself in New York City's rich cultural tapestry with visits to world-renowned institutions such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), and the iconic Guggenheim Museum. Marvel at priceless works of art spanning centuries of human creativity, guided by knowledgeable experts who offer insights into each masterpiece's significance.
Historical Sites: Delve into the city's storied past with visits to historical landmarks like the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, and the 9/11 Memorial & Museum. Gain a deeper understanding of pivotal moments in American history as you stand in the shadow of these monumental symbols of freedom and resilience.
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Safety and Peace of Mind: Your safety and comfort are our top priorities at MelLimo. Rest assured that our professional chauffeurs and guides are fully trained and licensed, with extensive knowledge of New York City's streets and attractions. Sit back, relax, and enjoy peace of mind knowing that you're in good hands.
How to Book Your Private Sightseeing Tour with MelLimo
Booking your private sightseeing tour with MelLimo is simple and hassle-free. Visit our website or contact our friendly customer service team to discuss your preferences and create a customized itinerary tailored to your needs. Whether you're planning a romantic getaway, a family vacation, or a corporate outing, we'll work with you to design the perfect tour that exceeds your expectations.
Embark on a journey of discovery and adventure with MelLimo's private sightseeing tours in New York City. From iconic landmarks to hidden treasures, our expertly curated itineraries promise an unforgettable experience that showcases the best of what the Big Apple has to offer. Book your tour today and let NYC Private Sightseeing Tours be your guide to the ultimate New York City adventure, where every moment is a masterpiece waiting to be explored.
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Find a Road to Becoming a Great Entrepreneur
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Are you an aspiring entrepreneur, dreaming of launching a business that captures the hearts of many? The journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur begins with mastering the art of business. SSIU Gandhinagar stands out as the premier institution dedicated to moulding future business leaders. Offering specialised courses in MBA, B. Com, and BCA, SSIU Gandhinagar equips you with the comprehensive knowledge and skills needed to kickstart your entrepreneurial venture. Here, you're not just learning about business; you're preparing to make a significant impact on the world.
Why Gandhinagar?
Gandhinagar isn't just any city in India; it's a treasure trove of opportunities for folks eager to learn and kick-start their own business adventures. The city loves new ideas and supports the person who wants to make those ideas real. It is a great place to learn and grow.
What's SSIU Gandhinagar?
SSIU Gandhinagar is such a school that helps its students become a leader and an entrepreneur. It offers courses like MBA, B. Com, and BCA to the students. It doesn't teach you bookish knowledge but how to use that knowledge practically in life to start and run your own business.
MBA in Entrepreneurship from SSIU
The best MBA in Entrepreneurship course at SSIU feels like it's made just for you if you're dreaming of starting your own business. They walk you through everything, from that first lightbulb moment of an idea to helping it grow into something truly amazing. Many students who studied here have started their own successful businesses.
B. Com College in Gandhinagar
The B Com college at Gandhinagar in SSIU is all about learning the basics of business—about how to earn, how to sell, and how to make one's business strong. It is excellent for everyone who would like to know everything about how business works.
BCA College in Gandhinagar
Business, today, has been an integrated part of technology in general. The course of BCA in SSIU shows you how to deal with it in terms of being able to exploit it for your business. For those in love with both computers and business, it is perfect.
How SSIU Teaches You To Become AN Entrepreneur
SSIU teaches in a special way. They don't just make you read books but actually let you try doing business in real life. Being a member of SSIU gives you an account that uses your Microsoft account, so if you are ever not able to access the website, you can get in through your social media accounts. Further, members get the opportunity to take part in different activities which incorporate peer reviews, training in entrepreneurship, workshops in consultancy, international exchange programs, and business plan writing, among others.
Learning by Doing
In SSIU Gandhinagar, you do not actually sit like that in the classroom. It is where you may try out your business ideas. They provide specific programs where you can do something on your own. It is like getting a little taste of being an entrepreneur while you're still learning.
People who have been there
One of the coolest things about SSIU is you get to meet and learn from people who are already doing it. People in this category are friends with shared ideals, ethics, and vision of life. Having people around with similar outlooks on life helps encourage and draw inspiration from each other.
Classes Engaging in the Latest Business Trends in the Business World
The business world is too dynamic. While at SSIU, you are taken through the latest trends in business and technology. This means learners learn the latest innovations and tools that may help their future businesses to be ahead.
Support for Your Business Ideas
SSIU does not only teach you, but it helps your business idea come true. There are a lot of contests to present your business plan and sometimes even money is given to help you start the business. It's great for a start in a business adventure.
SSIU Gandhinagar is not a school only; it is a place from which you learn to become a great entrepreneur. Right from MBA courses to being the top BCA college in Gandhinagar, they teach you everything you need to know and help you practise it in the real world.
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theknowledgereview · 4 months
The Future of Architecture Education in India
Revolutionizing Architecture Education
The realm of architecture education in India stands on the brink of a revolution. In a country where history and innovation converge seamlessly, the time is right to reimagine how we nurture future architects. This transformation isn’t just about teaching design principles; it’s about equipping students with the tools to shape the future. It’s an initiative to make students industry-ready. A key facet of this revolution lies in embracing technology. By integrating virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and sustainable design software, students can interact with designs in multiple ways, inculcating creativity and problem-solving skills. Moreover, fostering collaboration with disciplines like engineering and environmental science can create architects who are not just designers but holistic problem solvers. Ethics and social consciousness must also be ingrained. Architectural education should inspire a sense of responsibility towards communities and the environment. Practical exposure through internships and real-world projects should become the norm, bridging the gap between theory and practice. In this journey, tradition remains the foundation, but innovation is the beacon. By revolutionizing architecture education, we aren’t just shaping architects; we’re nurturing visionaries who will design sustainable, culturally resonant spaces that stand as testaments to India’s progress and heritage.
In this article let’s discuss the methods to be incorporated to train young and enthusiastic architects to paint the skylines of India with magnificent artistry.
Fundamental Tenets of Heritage:- India’s architectural heritage is a treasure trove of wisdom that needs to be interwoven with the future of education. Just as an arch stands sturdy due to its foundational pillars, architecture education too can thrive on the strength of traditional values. By incorporating elements of Vastu Shastra and indigenous architectural principles, educational institutions can ground their curriculum in a deep cultural understanding. This fusion would not just bridge the gap between old and new but also infuse a sense of identity into modern architectural practices.
Harnessing Technological Breakthroughs:- While tradition forms the cornerstone, the future of architectural education also necessitates a robust integration of technology. The advent of Building Information Modeling (BIM), virtual reality, and augmented reality has opened new dimensions for architects to visualize and simulate their designs. These tools can transform classrooms into virtual construction sites, enabling students to gain practical experience before stepping into the field.
Fusion of Disciplines:- The future architect is not just a designer but also a collaborator in a diverse ecosystem. Hence, architecture education should transcend boundaries and engage with other disciplines. Collaborations with civil engineers, environmentalists, sociologists, and artists can infuse a holistic approach to problem-solving. This interdisciplinary learning can shape architects who are not only creative thinkers but also capable of addressing complex societal challenges through their designs.
Integral Sustainability Principle:- As the world grapples with environmental concerns, the architect’s role in sustainable design becomes paramount. The future of architecture education should integrate sustainable practices as a core tenet. By teaching students to design with minimal carbon footprint, optimize energy usage, and utilize eco-friendly materials, educational institutions can contribute to a more ecologically responsible built environment.
Global Exposure:- The world is shrinking due to technological advancements, making global exposure an essential part of architectural education. Collaborations with international universities, study tours, and exposure to international design competitions can broaden students’ horizons. Learning from diverse cultural contexts enhances creativity and prepares architects to design for a global audience while respecting local sensibilities.
Applied Learning and Real-world Engagement:- The theoretical aspect of architecture is crucial, but practical training holds equal significance. Incorporating internships, apprenticeships, and industry projects as part of the curriculum can bridge the gap between academia and practice. These experiences offer a taste of the challenges architects face in the real world, nurturing problem-solving skills and cultivating professionalism from the outset.
Catering to Unique Learning Styles:- The future of education lies in recognizing and catering to individual learning styles. Architectural education should embrace diverse pedagogical methods, allowing students to learn through hands-on experiences, case studies, collaborative projects, and traditional lectures. This personalized approach nurtures a deeper understanding of concepts and encourages students to explore their unique creative processes.
Ethics and Social Responsibility:- Architecture is not just about constructing buildings; it is about shaping communities and improving lives. Hence, the curriculum should emphasize ethical considerations and social responsibility. Architectural education should encourage students to think beyond aesthetics and functionality, prompting them to envision designs that uplift society, enhance inclusivity, and contribute positively to the urban fabric.
The future of architectural education in India is brimming with opportunities for transformation. By blending traditional values with technological advancements, embracing interdisciplinary learning, prioritizing sustainability, and providing practical industry exposure, educational institutions can craft a new generation of architects poised to address the challenges of the 21st century. As India strides forward, the architects it produces will not just design structures, but will mold environments that resonate with the nation’s aspirations, values, and global standing. The revolutionizing of architectural education is not just a choice; it’s a necessity for a better, more sustainable future.
Read More : https://theknowledgereview.in/the-future-of-architecture-education-in-india/
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srenvs3000w24 · 5 months
My Ideal Role as an Environmental Interpreter
My ideal role as an environmental interpreter, although a little out of reach, would undoubtedly be a guide/interpreter at the Great Himalayan National Park in Himachal Pradesh, India. This park is not just a sanctuary; but is packed with an abundance of biodiversity, making it one of my dream destinations.
The attraction of the Great Himalayan National Park lies not only in its breathtaking landscapes but also in its rich diversity of life. It is home to an estimated 832 flora species and 261 fauna species (Great Himalayan National Park, 2023). This park also provides habitats for globally threatened species, making it a living treasure trove of biodiversity (Great Himalayan National Park, 2023).
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This is my ideal role as an environmental interpreter as my beliefs align with the park's mission to protect and conserve this remarkable natural wealth. Additionally, I would be given the opportunity to constantly be surrounded by the rich biodiversity. This role, I believe, would be a blend of purpose and pleasure, allowing me to spend time surrounded by nature's wonders while sharing the importance of conservation with others.
As an environmental interpreter in this dream scenario, my primary role would entail leading diverse groups of people, spanning all ages and backgrounds, through the park's landscapes. Whether they are students from educational institutions or travelers exploring the wonders of the Himalayas, my goal would be to connect them with the environment on a profound level.
My goal is to not merely be reciting facts but to convey my knowledge with genuine passion and authenticity; aimimg to make a lasting impact, to instill in others a sense of caring and responsibility for the natural world. I want them to see that my words are not scripted but born out of a genuine love for the environment.
I understand that a broad skill set is necessary for me to thrive in this role. A deep knowledge of the park's flora and fauna, coupled with the ability to identify and spot various species, is fundamental. Effective communication skills are essential, as I envision myself addressing groups of varying sizes and backgrounds. Adapting my teaching style to resonate with different learning preferences is crucial. Understanding that every individual absorbs information differently, I would strive to engage diverse audiences by incorporating hands-on activities, creating an inclusive and immersive learning experience.
For the younger audience, like kids, incorporating interactive elements such as scavenger hunts would be essential to maintain their enthusiasm and curiosity. The goal is not only to share knowledge but to create a spark of passion for nature that continues to grow long after the guided tour concludes.
Great Himalayan National Park. (2023). Flora and fauna. Retrieved from https://www.greathimalayannationalpark.org/about-us/flora-and-fauna/#:~:text=These%20include%20794%20angiosperm%20species,species%20and%20125%20insect%20species.
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shortbloch48 · 6 months
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jcmarchi · 7 months
Search algorithm reveals nearly 200 new kinds of CRISPR systems
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/search-algorithm-reveals-nearly-200-new-kinds-of-crispr-systems/
Search algorithm reveals nearly 200 new kinds of CRISPR systems
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Microbial sequence databases contain a wealth of information about enzymes and other molecules that could be adapted for biotechnology. But these databases have grown so large in recent years that they’ve become difficult to search efficiently for enzymes of interest.
Now, scientists at the McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT, the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, and the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the National Institutes of Health have developed a new search algorithm that has identified 188 kinds of new rare CRISPR systems in bacterial genomes, encompassing thousands of individual systems. The work appears today in Science.
The algorithm, which comes from the lab of pioneering CRISPR researcher Professor Feng Zhang, uses big-data clustering approaches to rapidly search massive amounts of genomic data. The team used their algorithm, called Fast Locality-Sensitive Hashing-based clustering (FLSHclust) to mine three major public databases that contain data from a wide range of unusual bacteria, including ones found in coal mines, breweries, Antarctic lakes, and dog saliva. The scientists found a surprising number and diversity of CRISPR systems, including ones that could make edits to DNA in human cells, others that can target RNA, and many with a variety of other functions.
The new systems could potentially be harnessed to edit mammalian cells with fewer off-target effects than current Cas9 systems. They could also one day be used as diagnostics or serve as molecular records of activity inside cells.
The researchers say their search highlights an unprecedented level of diversity and flexibility of CRISPR and that there are likely many more rare systems yet to be discovered as databases continue to grow.
“Biodiversity is such a treasure trove, and as we continue to sequence more genomes and metagenomic samples, there is a growing need for better tools, like FLSHclust, to search that sequence space to find the molecular gems,” says Zhang, a co-senior author on the study and the James and Patricia Poitras Professor of Neuroscience at MIT with joint appointments in the departments of Brain and Cognitive Sciences and Biological Engineering. Zhang is also an investigator at the McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT, a core institute member at the Broad, and an investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Eugene Koonin, a distinguished investigator at the NCBI, is co-senior author on the study as well.
Searching for CRISPR
CRISPR, which stands for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats, is a bacterial defense system that has been engineered into many tools for genome editing and diagnostics.
To mine databases of protein and nucleic acid sequences for novel CRISPR systems, the researchers developed an algorithm based on an approach borrowed from the big data community. This technique, called locality-sensitive hashing, clusters together objects that are similar but not exactly identical. Using this approach allowed the team to probe billions of protein and DNA sequences — from the NCBI, its Whole Genome Shotgun database, and the Joint Genome Institute — in weeks, whereas previous methods that look for identical objects would have taken months. They designed their algorithm to look for genes associated with CRISPR.
“This new algorithm allows us to parse through data in a time frame that’s short enough that we can actually recover results and make biological hypotheses,” says Soumya Kannan PhD ’23, who is a co-first author on the study. Kannan was a graduate student in Zhang’s lab when the study began and is currently a postdoc and Junior Fellow at Harvard University. Han Altae-Tran PhD ’23, a graduate student in Zhang’s lab during the study and currently a postdoc at the University of Washington, was the study’s other co-first author.
“This is a testament to what you can do when you improve on the methods for exploration and use as much data as possible,” says Altae-Tran. “It’s really exciting to be able to improve the scale at which we search.”
New systems
In their analysis, Altae-Tran, Kannan, and their colleagues noticed that the thousands of CRISPR systems they found fell into a few existing and many new categories. They studied several of the new systems in greater detail in the lab.
They found several new variants of known Type I CRISPR systems, which use a guide RNA that is 32 base pairs long rather than the 20-nucleotide guide of Cas9. Because of their longer guide RNAs, these Type I systems could potentially be used to develop more precise gene-editing technology that is less prone to off-target editing. Zhang’s team showed that two of these systems could make short edits in the DNA of human cells. And because these Type I systems are similar in size to CRISPR-Cas9, they could likely be delivered to cells in animals or humans using the same gene-delivery technologies being used today for CRISPR.
One of the Type I systems also showed “collateral activity” — broad degradation of nucleic acids after the CRISPR protein binds its target. Scientists have used similar systems to make infectious disease diagnostics such as SHERLOCK, a tool capable of rapidly sensing a single molecule of DNA or RNA. Zhang’s team thinks the new systems could be adapted for diagnostic technologies as well.
The researchers also uncovered new mechanisms of action for some Type IV CRISPR systems, and a Type VII system that precisely targets RNA, which could potentially be used in RNA editing. Other systems could potentially be used as recording tools — a molecular document of when a gene was expressed — or as sensors of specific activity in a living cell.
Mining data
The scientists say their algorithm could aid in the search for other biochemical systems. “This search algorithm could be used by anyone who wants to work with these large databases for studying how proteins evolve or discovering new genes,” Altae-Tran says.
The researchers add that their findings illustrate not only how diverse CRISPR systems are, but also that most are rare and only found in unusual bacteria. “Some of these microbial systems were exclusively found in water from coal mines,” Kannan says. “If someone hadn’t been interested in that, we may never have seen those systems. Broadening our sampling diversity is really important to continue expanding the diversity of what we can discover.”
This work was supported by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute; the K. Lisa Yang and Hock E. Tan Molecular Therapeutics Center at MIT; Broad Institute Programmable Therapeutics Gift Donors; The Pershing Square Foundation, William Ackman and Neri Oxman; James and Patricia Poitras; BT Charitable Foundation; Asness Family Foundation; Kenneth C. Griffin; the Phillips family; David Cheng; and Robert Metcalfe.
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666-777-888 · 8 months
❥ ... 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒆𝒍 ✶
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"... Oh, I was captivated by her irises,"
In the heart of Melbourne, where the city's pulse quickened with every passing tram, there was a girl like no other. Born on a crisp 30th of November morning in 1997, she was destined for greatness. But this was no ordinary destiny; it was a tale woven with threads of sophistication and a dash of audacious charm.
Meet her, the "Human Chanel." She was a vision in every sense, her grace and allure akin to a fashion icon. Her wardrobe resembled an art gallery, each piece a masterpiece, and every ensemble a story in itself. Isabella had an insatiable penchant for Chanel, as if her veins coursed with the essence of Coco herself. Her closet, a treasure trove of luxury, spoke volumes about her taste. The clinking of pearls and the rustling of silk were her lullabies. Meet her, Chanel Montgomery Beausejour.
Was born in the famous Beausejour family in Melbourne, Gregory Beausejour & Anne-Marie Bass treat Chanel like the finest diamond since she is the only child of the family. She was allowed to enter any kind of school that she wanted, but ended up she choosing Fashion Design as her major and graduated from Institut Français de la Mode in Paris. She attended Huntingtower School during her high school period and met a lot of friends who became her best companions.
During her highschool day in the sunny afternoon, Chanel sauntered down Collins Street, the epitome of elegance. As she passed the luxurious store, a group of her friends, led by her closest confidante, Jake chimed in, "You truly are the 'Human Chanel.' But don't you ever get tired of the brand?"
She laughed, her laughter as melodious as a city pop tune. "Tired of Chanel? That's like asking if one can ever tire of the stars in the night sky. Chanel is my constellation, my guiding light. Chanel is me, duh?"
People were drawn to Chanel's magnetic aura, much like the way the city lights beckon the wanderers on the streets of Melbourne. She had a way of turning synecdoche into symphonies, taking small moments and making them resonate in the hearts of those fortunate enough to be in her presence.
But she was more than just a walking, talking fashion statement. Beneath the lavish suits and the designer shades, she was an intellect with an insatiable curiosity. She devoured books like a starving artist savors the colors of a painting, each page a feast for her mind.
With her positivity and clear vision, people might consider her as the modern-day Fitzgerald character; filled with a fiery passion, endless dreams, and a tiny dash of sassiness in every step he takes. She also would to pursue her career as an assistant fashion designer in Elle Magazine.
Her life was a symphony of style, intellect, and a hint of audacity. In a city that thrived on diversity, she stood out like a rare gem, a modern-day embodiment of a Gatsby-esque elegance. Melbourne, with all its grandeur, had found its queen, and she went by the name Chanel, the "Human Chanel."
•Name: Chanel Montgomery Beausejour
• Birthday & Place: Melbourne, Australia, November 30th 1997
• Blood Type: B+
• Height: 168cm
• Weight: 55kg
• Nationality: Australian
• Siblings: —
Footnote by Velveted-Nymph.
Velveted-Nymph has decided to use Ruby Jane as her muse to channel her thoughts through words. Ruby Jane herself was born in Seoul on January the 16th, 1996.
It is prohibited to steal any assets from Velveted-Nymph since both Chanel and this blog were never made as a free source for everyone. We should respect each other's art instead of stealing it, aren't we? Though this is just a mere writing, but me, myself, consider this as my work of art.
I must clearly declare that anything that Anastasia does have no affiliation with BLACKPINK, YG Entertainment, Chanel, or any other significant parties and made zero profit nor ever monetizing any action, be it in the past, present time, or even later in the future.
With love,
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