#the isle of the lost is neverland
The Isle is Neverland. Captain Hook is synonymous with Neverland, and so his children have the blood of Neverland within them as well. Harriet, truly Never. Harry, born in the midst of Neverland's deterioration, a mix of Never and Isle. And CJ, fully Isle, what Neverland became. But Wendy, back in London, is synonymous with Neverland just as much as Captain Hook is. What, then, is Jane?
That depends on one thing and one thing only: How old is Jane Darling?
Maybe she is one of the oldest Auradon kids, as old as Harriet. In that case, she is Neverland. She aches to protect the children that haunt her dreams, she just wants for them to have a childhood.
She failed before she was even born.
In that case, Jane Darling grows up with sad eyes and gentle hands, an echo of what no one knows was lost.
Maybe she is slighly younger, as old as Harry.
She mistakes her dreams, nighmares, really, for reality. She wakes up screaming – she was just almost murdered in that alleyway. She wakes up gasping for breath – she almost drowned in the foul, oily waters, infested with sharks and mermaids with sharper teeth. Confused, but giggling – she was just playing hide and seek with the Lost Boys, wasn't she?
She wakes up crying – or does she?
She doesn't know anymore.
And maybe, maybe she is even younger than that. Maybe she was born after Neverland finally fell. She laughs when she wakes up from confusing dreams full of broken glass and red eyes and on the Isle, CJ Hook echoes her laugh.
What else is there left to do?
They are Neverlands echoes, mirrors, afterlights.
They all are, except Jane Darling doesn't know.
So maybe, just maybe, it doesn't matter at all: Jane Darling is left with her nightmares and the painful void where the second star should be.
(thank you for the ask! I missed Isle is Neverland)
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dragoneyes618 · 1 year
The Isle of the Lost is Neverland.
Or it was, at least.
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herstoryheaven · 2 months
Descendants Harry Hook x Reader: Hooked On Pan
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Request: Hear me out... Harry Hook with the daughter of Peter Pan and Wendy Darling? Maybe she's helping out with everything in the third movie and they meet there. He finds out who her parents are and enemies to lovers shenanigans ensue. Also reader is an absolute menace to society because there's no way she got raised by Peter Pan and isn't.
Reader: Female
Word count: 3349
Average reading time: 12 min 10 sec
Category: Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: All events portrayed in my stories are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events is purely coincidental. Any actions or behaviours portrayed by the characters may differ from reality and cannot be connected to any actual person. This work is purely fictional and intended for entertainment purposes only.
Ben and Mal had both agreed to bring more kids from the Isle of the Lost to Auradon, hoping to bridge the gap between the two worlds. They believed that by giving more kids from the Isle a chance to experience the opportunities in Auradon, they could create understanding and unity. Y/n Pan, always up for an adventure, was right in the middle of it. Her role was simple, distracting Uma’s crew or more specifically Harry Hook.
Y/n found Harry by the docks, where the salty sea breeze rustled through the sails of Uma’s ship. Harry was leaning against a post, his hook glinting in the light as he lazily flipped it between his fingers. His ocean blue eyes were distant, lost in thoughts that were quickly interrupted by Y/n's arrival.
"Hey there, Hook." she called out, her voice laced with playful mischief. She sauntered towards him, each step measured, as if she were a cat stalking its prey.
Harry's eyes narrowed as she approached, his guard instantly up. "What do ye want, lass?" he asked, his tone playful but laced with suspicion.
Y/n grinned, her eyes sparkling with a mix of challenge and amusement. "Just thought I'd see what the infamous Harry Hook was up to. You know, keep you company," she said, her voice dripping with flirtation.
Harry's suspicion deepened, his grip tightening around the handle of his hook. "Company, huh? More like a distraction," he shot back, leaning closer, his voice dropping to a low, seductive whisper, Holding his hook to her chin. "What is Mal up to now?"
Y/n shrugged nonchalantly, her posture relaxed despite the tension radiating from Harry. She tilted her head, her expression one of feigned innocence. "Wouldn't you like to know?" she teased, a sly smile playing on her lips.
Harry's jaw clenched, and he took a step closer to her, his eyes boring into hers. "Aye, I would," he said, his voice a dangerous growl. "And ye'd best start talking, or else—"
"Or else what?" Y/n interrupted, her tone light and mocking. "You'll wave that hook of yours around? Come on, Harry, you're not scaring anyone."
Harry's eyes flashed with anger, but he took a deep breath, forcing himself to remain calm. He knew better than to let someone provoke him. "You think you're clever, don't you?" he muttered.
Y/n laughed, a musical sound that seemed to echo around the docks. "I know I am." she replied confidently, her eyes locking onto his. "But seriously, Harry, why the hostility? Can't a girl just want to chat without underlying motives?"
"Not when that girl is from Auradon and her friends are here too." Harry retorted, his curiosity piqued despite himself.
Y/n sighed, rolling her eyes dramatically. "You really are paranoid, aren't you? Maybe I just wanted to see if the stories about you were true."
Harry raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite himself. "And what stories might those be?" he asked, leaning in closer, his eyes never leaving hers.
Y/n leaned in closer, her lips almost brushing his ear as she whispered, "That you're the most dangerous pirate on the Isle." her eyes danced with mischief. She pulled back slightly, letting her gaze travel slowly over him before meeting his eyes again. "But all I see is a boy who's all bark and no bite."
Harry's eyes flared with anger, but before he could respond, a commotion from further up the Isle caught his attention. He glanced over Y/n's shoulder, his expression darkening. Y/n took the opportunity to slip out of his grasp and follow his gaze, seeing Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos helping four new Isle kids into the limousine.
"Looks like your distraction worked," Harry muttered, his voice laced with frustration.
Y/n turned back to him, her smile playful and triumphant. "Looks like it did," she grinned, her eyes sparkling with teasing challenge. "Better luck next time, Hook." She threw him a wink before sauntering away, leaving him staring after her. As she rejoined the others, she couldn't help but feel a thrill of victory. The mission was a success, and they had managed to bring more kids from the Isle to Auradon.
Over the next few days as Y/n sneaked often on the Isle, their encounters became more frequent. It seemed like every time Harry turned around, Y/n was there, always with a witty remark ready and a mischievous glint in her eyes. Harry found himself increasingly intrigued by Y/n. She was different from anyone he had ever met, fearless, spirited, and maddeningly hard to pin down. He would catch glimpses of her around the Isle, always just out of reach, slipping away before he could get too close.
One afternoon, Harry was on the docks again, lost in thought, when he heard the now familiar sound of Y/n’s laughter. He turned to see her balancing on the edge of a barrel, arms outstretched, grinning as if she didn’t have a care in the world. He couldn’t help but be drawn to her carelessness and the effortless way she seemed to navigate the chaotic world of the Isle.
Their eyes met, and she hopped down, walking over with that same teasing smile. "Missed me, Hook?" she asked, her tone light and flirtatious.
"Not in the slightest," he retorted, though the smirk on his face betrayed his words.
"Sure," she said with a wink, then jumped away before he could reply.
Each encounter left Harry more captivated, his curiosity about her growing. She was a mystery he wanted to solve, a challenge he was determined to meet. But everything changed when he discovered her true identity.
It happened one evening when he overheard a conversation between Y/n and a few little kids from the Isle. Harry was lurking in the shadows, trying to get a sense of what Mal and her friends might be planning next. He froze when he heard Y/n mention her father.
"My father always told me—"
"Wait," one of the kids interrupted. "Your father is Peter Pan?"
Harry's blood ran cold. Peter Pan. The name that haunted his nightmares, the source of his family's suffering. He stepped out of the shadows, his face contorted with rage. "You!" he spat, eyes blazing with anger. "You're Pan's brat!"
Y/n turned to face him, crossing her arms, unfazed by his outburst. "That's right, Hook. Got a problem with that?"
He sneered, the name 'Pan' dripping with venom. "Of course I do. Your father is the reason my family suffered."
Y/n's playful demeanor faltered for a moment, her eyes softening. "I'm not my father, Harry." she said quietly, a hint of vulnerability in her voice.
Harry took a step closer, his anger warring with the confusing feelings he had developed over the past few days. "Doesn't matter." he growled. "You're still a Pan."
Y/n held his gaze, her expression resolute. "And you're still a Hook. But that doesn’t mean we have to be enemies."
Harry's sneer faded slightly as he considered her words. There was something about the way she looked at him, something that made him want to believe her. But the wounds of the past were deep, and the name 'Pan' was a constant reminder of everything he had lost.
"Why should I trust you?" he asked, his voice a mix of anger and uncertainty.
"Because I'm not here to hurt you, Harry. I'm here to make things better." Y/n said, stepping closer, her eyes searching his. "I want to help bridge the gap between our worlds. But I can't do it alone."
Harry hesitated, his heart and mind at war. He had spent so long hating everything connected to Peter Pan, but Y/n was different. She was offering him a chance to move past the hatred, to find a new path.
"Maybe," he said finally, his voice softer, almost hesitant. "Maybe we can try."
Y/n smiled, a genuine, warm smile that made Harry's heart skip a beat. "That's all I'm asking for, Harry. A chance."
But as she walked away, the words "Peter Pan" echoed in Harry's mind, reigniting the anger and bitterness he had held onto for so long. He watched her go, the conflict within him far from over. Trusting a Pan, even one as intriguing as Y/n, was no small feat for Harry Hook.
Harry clenched his fist around his hook, his eyes narrowing. "All Pans are the same." he muttered under his breath. No matter how charming or different Y/n seemed, she was still a Pan, and Harry knew better than to trust anyone with that name. His mind was made up, he would never let go of his hatred, and he would never trust Y/n Pan.
Despite their initial dislike, Y/n and Harry were forced to work together when Audrey took Maleficent's wand, and chaos threatened to engulf Auradon. Mal had been spelled by Audrey, and they needed all hands on deck to help her and get Hades ember back on the isle.
The air was thick with tension as Y/n and Harry found themselves side by side in the bridge of the Isle to Auradon, their previous friction simmering just beneath the surface. Uma stood confidently, her gaze flickering between the two unlikely allies and Mal, who was pleading for the ember that could save Auradon.
"Well, and who is this?" Uma said with a mocking smile, her gaze landing on Harry and Y/n. "Seems like you’re in quite a tight spot."
"Cut the games, Uma," Mal snapped. "We need that ember to break a spell Audrey cast. People’s lives are at stake."
Uma’s eyes gleamed with mischief as she held up the ember, her grip protective. "And why should I just hand it over? What’s in it for me?"
Mal’s frustration was palpable. "We can negotiate, but not right now. The urgency of the situation—"
Uma interrupted with a smirk. "Oh, I’m sure it’s very urgent. But I need a guarantee. Every single villain kid who wants out gets a chance to leave the Isle."
"I can’t promise that," Mal said, shaking her head.
Uma’s face hardened, her eyes narrowing. "Then we’ve got a problem. How about a deal? If you can assure me of that, I’ll consider returning the ember."
Mal’s shoulders sagged in resignation. "Deal," she agreed through gritted teeth.
Uma’s grin widened. "Good but don’t think I’m going to just hand this over easily. If you think I’m going to trust you to fix everything on your own, think again. This is a job for pirates!"
Harry’s eyes were fixed on Uma with immense respect. He glanced at Y/n, a scowl still present on his face. "Looks like we’re working together." he muttered, his tone heavy with irritation.
Y/n shot him a sharp look, her patience wearing thin. "Let’s just get this done. We don’t have time for your grudges."
Harry snorted, not bothering to mask his contempt. "Yeah, sure. Just remember, this doesn’t mean I’m suddenly going to like you. I’m only here to follow my captain."
"Fine by me," Y/n retorted, her voice cold. "Just stay out of my way."
As they arrived at the castle and night deepened, the castle’s hallways seemed to press in on them, their shadows flickering like restless spirits. Harry and Y/n, though still struggling with their complex feelings, moved together with a newfound sense of cooperation. Their earlier tension had softened, if only slightly, as they navigated the castle hallways in search of Ben.
The silence between them was accentuated by the occasional murmur from Uma and Mal, who were engaged in their own banter. Uma’s taunt broke the quiet. “I bet you lost some sleep thinking about me on the loose, huh?”
Mal raised an eyebrow, her response dripping with disinterest. “No. Dragons don’t really lose sleep. I was more curious about what fried octopus tastes like.”
Evie, ever the mediator, interjected with a hopeful tone. “Okay, why do we always have to focus on the negatives? Why not appreciate the adventure we’re on?”
Mal and Uma shared a look that seemed to say they’d heard this speech before. “We’re celebrating our differences,” Uma quipped, her smirk widening.
Harry, who had been lost in thought, suddenly became more alert as the doors closed behind them. “I believe we’re being challenged.”
Before anyone could question him, the echo of clanking metal interrupted their conversation. The sound grew louder, more insistent, until enchanted armor guards emerged from the shadows, their eyes glowing with dark magic. The armor moved with a jerky, unnatural precision, and the creak of metal against metal filled the air.
“Girls! We have a situation here!” Harry’s voice cut through the chaos.
Without hesitation, the group sprang into action. Y/n, ever light footed, darted towards one of the armored guards, her sword clashing against the enchanted steel. Harry, though visibly annoyed, couldn’t help but notice Y/n’s grace and determination. He found himself instinctively moving to her side, fending off a guard that had swung its sword towards her.
“Watch your back!” Harry shouted, his voice tinged with frustration, though beneath the irritation, there was an unmistakable edge of concern. “Do you ever stop getting into trouble?”
Y/n shot him a quick, appreciative glance, her movements fluid as she took down another guard. “Got it, Harry. I’ll try not to make you worry too much,” she said with a playful smirk, the gratitude in her eyes softening the edges of her teasing tone.
Despite his best efforts to remain distant, Harry’s protective instincts were clear. He parried blows with precision, making sure Y/n had a clear path to strike. The two fought side by side, their coordination improving with each passing second. Harry’s earlier reluctance was replaced with a focused intensity, his actions betraying his true feelings.
In the midst of the battle, Y/n turned to Harry with a teasing grin. “So, Harry, I’ve been meaning to ask, do you always scowl like that, or is it just when you’re around me?”
Harry’s stern demeanor faltered momentarily as he deflected a guard’s attack. A rare, genuine chuckle escaped him. “I suppose you bring out the best in me.”
Y/n’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “Well, I wouldn’t want you to be anything less than your charming self.”
Harry’s smirk was short lived, quickly replaced by his familiar scowl. “Don’t get used to it. I’m still not going to be nice to you.”
Y/n’s grin widened as she ducked under a swinging sword, her playful energy undiminished. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
With the enchanted guards finally defeated, the room fell into a brief, uneasy silence. The group came together, catching their breath and assessing the situation.
“Let’s move,” Mal said, her voice firm and urgent. “We still have to find Audrey and end this.”
As the final battle raged outside Auradon prep, the chaos intensified with every passing moment. Mal and Audrey's confrontation crackled with magic, while Uma helped to turn the tide in their favor. Amidst the commotion, Harry and Y/n found themselves close together, their earlier hostility replaced with an unexpected closeness.
During the battle, an explosive burst of energy from Audrey’s attack sent shockwaves through the ground. Harry’s protective instincts kicked in, and he abruptly pulled Y/n behind him, shielding her from any possible danger.
“Stay behind me!” Harry said, his voice filled with authority and urgency as he faced where Mal and Audrey were still in a heated battle. His usual scowl was replaced with a fierce determination to keep Y/n safe.
Y/n, caught off guard, blinked up at him in surprise. “Harry, what—”
Before she could finish her question, Harry's hand tightened around hers, his grip firm and reassuring. “Just stay close, alright?” His tone was less harsh and more protective, revealing an underlying care he hadn’t shown before.
Y/n’s confusion turned into a playful smirk as she tilted her head. “You know, I thought you hated me. Now you’re acting like my personal bodyguard?”
Harry’s eyes met hers, and for a moment, the intensity of the battle seemed to fade. “I might have had my issues with you,” he admitted, his voice softer, “but I’ve got to admit, I’m not letting you get hurt.”
Y/n’s playful expression softened into one of genuine warmth. “I never knew you cared, Hook,” she teased lightly, her heart fluttering at his unexpected protectiveness.
Harry’s face twitched with a hesitant smile. “Don’t get used to it,” he said, though his eyes betrayed his true feelings. “But for now, just stay behind me.”
As the last echoes of battle faded and the castle grounds began to calm, Harry and Y/n stood close, their earlier friction now replaced with an undeniable connection. The night sky above them sparkled with stars, casting a calming glow over the school grounds.
Harry, with his usual confidence restored, looked at Y/n with a playful yet intense gaze. “You know, Pan, I’ve had quite a few realizations tonight,” he said, his voice smooth and flirtatious.
Y/n, her heart fluttering at his tone, tilted her head with a teasing smile. “Oh really? And what exactly did you realize?”
Harry stepped closer, his gaze locked on hers. “I realized that despite your troublemaker ways and that pesky Pan name, there’s something about you that’s irresistible. And I’m not one to back down from what I want.”
Y/n’s smile widened, her eyes twinkling with both affection and challenge. “Is that so?”
Harry’s smirk grew. “Absolutely. Though, if it really bothers me, I could always change that name of yours to Hook instead of Pan. Seems fitting, don’t you think?”
Without missing a beat, Harry closed the distance between them, his confidence radiating. He cupped her face gently with one hand, his thumb brushing her cheek. “But for now, let’s focus on what really matters.”
Before Y/n could respond, Harry pulled her into a deep, passionate kiss. The world around them seemed to blur as his lips moved against hers with a fervor that spoke of all the feelings he’d kept hidden. The kiss was filled with intensity and emotion, leaving no room for doubt about his feelings.
When they finally pulled apart, their breaths mingling in the cool night air, Harry’s eyes were filled with a mix of satisfaction and tenderness. Y/n’s cheeks were flushed, and her smile was both shy and radiant.
As Y/n whispered, “I promise I’ll try to be less of a troublemaker.” Harry leaned in, his lips brushing her ear as he spoke in a low, teasing whisper.
“I don’t think so, darling. That’s exactly what I like about you.” he murmured, his breath warm against her skin. “You’re never boring, and that makes you even more irresistible.”
Y/n’s laughter was soft and delighted, her hand still clasped in his. “I guess I’ll have to keep you on your toes then.”
Harry’s grin widened, his eyes dancing with mischief and affection. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Just as they were lost in their moment, Uma’s voice cut through the night air, filled with annoyance. “Seriously, you two? Major battle just finished and you’re over here making out? Can we have one minute without you two being all lovey-dovey?”
Harry and Y/n broke apart, their faces flushed with a mix of embarrassment and amusement. Harry chuckled, giving Y/n a playful wink before turning to Uma. “Well, Uma, can’t blame us for wanting to celebrate, can you?”
Uma rolled her eyes but couldn’t hide a small, amused smile. “Whatever. It’s great that you two don’t hate each other anymore, but we’ve got a lot to sort out. So let’s keep the PDA to a minimum, okay?”
Y/n laughed, her hand still in Harry’s as they joined the others. “Don’t worry, Uma. We’ll keep our celebration within reason.”
As they rejoined their friends, the air around them was filled with a sense of newfound joy and promise. The battles of the day were behind them, and the future ahead seemed full of potential, excitement, and undeniable chemistry. Harry and Y/n, now more connected than ever, faced the world with a renewed sense of purpose and affection.
Copyright: All stories contained herein are the intellectual property of the author. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, or distribution of these stories, in whole or in part, without explicit written permission from the author, is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action. Respect the creator's rights and creativity. For permissions or inquiries, please contact: [email protected].
Request Guidelines: When submitting a request, please ensure that your request does not contain any explicit sexual content or graphic depictions, and avoid any form of extreme violence or graphic descriptions of violent acts. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment for all readers. If you're unsure about your request or want to request about someone I haven't written about yet, feel free to ask me anytime.
Requested by: Anonymous
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hannahhook7744 · 8 months
Never Child Club Official members after d3;
Based on this post by @dragoneyes618 . Hope I didn't forget anybody but I probably did. This takes place in my Marvelous Misadventures of Hannah Hook and Co au, where Peter is still a kid. So he has no kids for this thing.
Link to Picrew I used.
Canon Characters:
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Tiger Peony Rossi.
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Jane Darling-Cooper of Darling Coast.
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Daniel 'Danny' Darling-Cooper of Darling Coast.
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Sterling 'Squirmy' Smee.
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Skipper 'Squeaky' Smee.
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Samson ‘Sammy’ Smee.
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Allison ‘Ally’ Liddell of Wonderland (Due to an au and headcanon).
Next up will be ocs and the honorary mentions.
The honorary mentions will not be getting picrews because I won't be naming any specifics.
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daydreamdoodles · 4 months
I still need to finish the books, but I don't think I'm loving the framing of magic in the worldbuilding
It's lowkey obvious that magic ban is in part to avoid going over budget in the movies with cgi effects. But especially in the books, it feels a little "oh magic bad and corrupts." There's good and bad, yet all magic seems to cause issues. The good acts of magic get written off, like they're an exception to the rule.
There's like. attempted nuance to it, but I don't think the execution really works with how everything else reinforces that previous idea of magic is bad.
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dovesdreaming · 24 days
Tides of fate
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Summary: You’re silver mists daughter and grew up with Harry hook in neverland. When you were sent away to Auradon you thought you had lost him forever until a chance encounter on the isle when you helped mal.
Warnings: none
You had always loved the water. As the daughter of Silvermist, one of the most graceful water fairies in Pixie Hollow, the gentle ripples of a stream or the crashing waves of the ocean had been your constant companions. But it wasn’t just the water that held your heart, it was the boy you used to share it with. Harry Hook. Back in Neverland, when you were both just children, you had found a friend in Harry. The son of Captain Hook was wild, adventurous, and fearless, everything you admired but didn’t quite have the courage to be. He loved the thrill of the sea, and you loved the way he made you feel like you could do anything, be anything, as long as you were together. But life in Neverland wasn’t all adventures and endless days. Eventually, your mother decided it was time for you to leave the island, to see the world beyond its shores. Harry had wanted to come with you, but his father wouldn’t allow it, and so you had been torn away from your closest friend, leaving behind the only home you had ever known. You were sent to Auradon, a place where everything was bright and perfect, but also stifling in its orderliness. You tried to fit in, to make friends, but no one understood you like Harry had.
The endless parties, the gowns, the formalities. They all felt so hollow without the freedom and chaos of Neverland. You had only recently found friends just under a year ago when the villain kids came to Auradon. You saw how they were somewhat similar to Harry in their behaviour, how they loved mischief. You were slowly welcomed into their group and while you still felt as though a part of you was missing at least some of the whole had been filled with a similar friendship. But then, everything changed when Mal decided to return to the Isle of the Lost. She was determined to rescue Ben, and something deep within you stirred, a longing you hadn’t felt in years. You didn’t know what you were hoping for, but you knew you had to go with her. And so, you found yourself sneaking onto the Isle, hoping that maybe, just maybe, you’d find Harry again. You didn’t know where he had ended up after you left but an island full of mischief was your best bet at finding your Mischievous pirate.
The Isle of the Lost was nothing like you’d imagined. It was dark, grimy, and utterly devoid of the magic and wonder that had filled your childhood in Neverland. The air was thick with despair, and the streets were a labyrinth of alleys and shadows. You hoped if Harry was here he was ok. You clung to Mal’s side as the group made their way through the winding streets, but your heart wasn’t in the mission. All you could think about was the possibility of seeing Harry again. What would he be like after all these years? Would he even remember you?
Your thoughts distracted you so much that you didn’t notice when you strayed too far from the group. By the time you realized you were alone, Mal and the others were nowhere to be seen. Panic surged through you as you wandered the unfamiliar streets, the darkened buildings looming above you. Every noise made you jump, every shadow seemed to hide some unknown danger. But then, as you turned a corner, you saw something that made your heart skip a beat.
A figure stood at the end of the alley, his back turned to you. Even in the dim light, you recognized him, the familiar outline of his hat, the long coat that brushed the ground (shorter on him now that he had grown), the ever-present hook gleaming at his side.
“Harry?” you called out, your voice trembling with a mix of hope and fear.
He froze, and for a moment, the only sound was the distant hum of the Isle. Then, slowly, he turned around, his blue eyes wide with shock as they met yours. “Y/N?” His voice was hoarse, as if he couldn’t quite believe what he was seeing. You felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes as you took a step forward. “It’s me, Harry. It’s really me”.
For a moment, neither of you moved. The years of separation, the pain of being torn apart, they all seemed to melt away as you looked at each other. Then, with a shaky laugh, Harry closed the distance between you and pulled you into a tight embrace, his hook carefully positioned to avoid hurting you. “I thought I’d lost you forever” he murmured into your hair, his voice thick with emotion. You clung to him, burying your face in his chest as tears of relief streamed down your cheeks. “I missed you so much, Harry. I never wanted to leave you”. He pulled back just enough to look at you, his eyes searching your face as if trying to memorize every detail. “You’ve changed” he said softly, his gaze lingering on your features. “But you’re still the same Y/N I remember”.
You smiled through your tears, reaching up to cup his face with your hands. “And you’re still the same Harry, just a bit more piratey and grown up”. He chuckled, the sound bringing a warmth to your chest that you hadn’t felt in years. “Aye, that I am. But you… you’re still my fairy”.
For a while, the two of you simply stood there, lost in each other’s presence, as if trying to make up for all the time you’d lost. You told him about your life in Auradon, how different it was from the freedom of Neverland, and he shared stories of his time on the Isle, the struggles and the battles he’d faced. “I always wondered what happened to you” Harry admitted, his voice soft as he twirled a strand of your hair around his finger. “I thought about you every day, hoping you were okay”. “I thought about you too” you confessed, your voice barely more than a whisper. “Auradon felt so empty without you”. He sighed, his grip on you tightening just a bit. “If I’d known you were there, I would have found a way to come to you”.
The thought of Harry trying to find you, despite the barriers that separated your worlds, made your heart ache. “But we’re here now” you said, trying to smile. “And that’s what matters”. Harry nodded, his eyes darkening with a mix of emotions. “I’m not letting you out of my sight again, Y/N. I lost you once, and I’m not losing you again”.
Just as you were about to respond, you heard voices calling your name. You turned to see Mal, Evie, and the rest of the VKs running towards you, their expressions a mix of relief and concern.
“Y/N!” Mal shouted, skidding to a stop in front of you. “We were so worried! What happened?”. You glanced at Harry, who was watching the VKs warily, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. “I… I found Harry” you said, your voice hesitant. Mal’s eyes flicked to Harry, her expression softening slightly. “Harry Hook”. Harry nodded, his grip on your hand tightening. “Aye. And I’m not letting her go”. Mal seemed to consider this for a moment before nodding once looking at your expression and the pleading in your eyes. “We need to get back to Auradon. Ben’s waiting, and we can’t risk staying here any longer”. You felt a pang of sadness at the thought of leaving Harry again, but before you could say anything, Harry spoke up. “I’m coming with you”.
The VKs exchanged surprised glances, but Mal nodded. “Alright. But if you’re coming with us, you’ll need to keep a low profile. We can’t risk drawing too much attention”. Harry smirked, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Low profile? Not exactly my style, but for my fairy, I’ll try” You couldn’t help but laugh at that, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. It was the first time in years that you felt truly whole,?like you’d found the missing piece of your heart.
The journey back to Auradon was surreal. Harry stayed close to you the entire time, his presence a comforting reminder that you were no longer alone. The VKs were cautious around him at first, but they quickly warmed up to him, especially after seeing the way he looked at you. When you finally arrived back in Auradon, Harry was in awe of the bright, pristine world that was so different from the Isle. But even as he marveled at the beauty around him, he never let go of your hand, as if afraid that you might disappear if he did. Life in Auradon took some adjusting too, but with you by his side, Harry managed to find his place. The other students were wary of him at first, but it didn’t take long for them to realize that there was more to Harry Hook than met the eye. His loyalty, his fierce protectiveness of you, and his undeniable charm quickly won them over. And as for you, you finally felt at home in Auradon. With Harry by your side, the world felt brighter, more vibrant. The days of missing Neverland were behind you because you had found something even better, someone who knew you, who understood you, and who loved you for exactly who you were.
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Can't stop this feeling - Harry Hook x reader- SMUT FIC- P8
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SMUT FIC-MINORS DNI- All ‘important’ characters are 18+!
Warning; Smut-drugged sex-CNC, swearing, someone drugging Harry with the intent to force them to have sex with them(they fail)
Oh wow….wowow its really been over a year since the last part eh?...sorry??? also sorry if this isn’t-up to par with the other parts, I’ve lost steam with writing in general(c.ai has taken over my writing life.)
“you look so pretty!”
Harry flushed at Gil’s compliment, swimming through the enchanted lake, his shimmering blue tail moving through the sparkling waters elegantly, his sisters watching him in awe, and maybe some envy as Harry swam about in his mer form.
(y/n) was swimming with him, her tail flowing about the water like fabric, a strong contrast to his sharp tail.
“Thank ye, Gil,” Harry said, swimming up to the pavilion and resting his arms on the cool stone, CJ reaching out curiously to touch the scales that lined his skin.
“I wanna have a mermaid tail too,” CJ said, pouting a bit, jealous of her brother's pretty blue tail and scales. Harriet snorted and Harry rolled his eyes, laughing as Harriet shoved CJ into the lake. CJ sputtered as she came back up and yanked Harriet into the lake with her, Harriet's iridescent scales appearing like Harry’s used to as she surfaced, flipping her wet curly hair out of her face, stalking towards CJ who attempted to use Harry as a shield as (y/n) and Gil laughed at the siblings.
“So really, how was Neverland?” Gil asked Harry as he swam away from his sisters, admiring his tail in the shimmering waters. Harry smiled, lifting himself up to sit with Gil, his tail fin still in the water as he leaned back on his hands.
“it was good,” Harry said, watching his sisters torment each other in the lake, “met me ma’s friend from when she lived there, the lass taught me how ta’ swim with me tail, and ‘er pod taught me how ta’ hunt, I’m glad I went.” Harry said softly, a smile on his lips.
Gil grinned, patting him on the back as they watched Harry’s sisters and (y/n) swim through the water, Uma was off with Ben and Evie doing isle representative things, but Gil had texted her earlier with a photo of Harry with his new tail and colored scales-to which she was very hype for.
Harry sighed happily as he leaned back on his hands, bathing in the spring sun as his girlfriend and sisters played around in the enchanted lake.
(y/n) sat down at the table the group had chosen for dinner that night, frowning a bit as she looked at the drink Harry had left unattended at the table while he went to go get his food. He had gotten a lemonade today, and yet the drink had a slight pink tint to it. (y/n) picked up the drink and sniffed it, it smelled normal... She looked around, trying to see if anyone was tense or suspicious of the fact that she had picked up Harry’s, clearly spiked, drink, but saw no one.
She put her lemonade where Harry’s drink had been and put Harry’s spiked drink on her tray, tapping her fingers on the glass as she stared at it, seeing a slight shimmer to the lemonade…it had surely been spiked. (y/n) perked up with a smile as Harry, Uma, Gil, and the rest of their friends returned to the table with their food, Harry smiling back at her and pecking her lips-making her laugh gently.
“Thanks fer savin’ our spot darlin’,” Harry said with a grin and (y/n) nodded, digging into her dinner and carefully avoiding drinking the lemonade on her tray, though eventually her eating habits got to her and she took a drink of the lemonade, pausing mid swallow.
She understood why Harry had been so-fidgety-while under the influence of the lust potion, because only an hour after she had taken the smallest sip, she was already feeling hot and needy, a growing heat between her legs that had her moving her hips in an attempt to soothe the ache.
“You okay lass?” Harry asked from beside her, his voice low so as to not draw attention to them while they were in Jay and Carlos’ dorm for a vk movie night. “Ye seem very…shifty,” Harry mused, his eyes locking with hers and they widened, seeing the flash of pink within her eyes. “lass?”
“Your drink got spiked again and I switched it with mine and I accidentally drank some,” (y/n) said in a hushed whisper, gripping his arm tightly as his breath against her cheek made her body heat up further.
“Shit,” Harry huffed, looking around and then grabbing her hand, pulling her up off the couch with him, Uma glanced at him with a raised brow and Harry just gave her a look-and Uma quickly turned back around, Harry pulling (y/n) out of the room and down the hall to his dorm room.
“Harry-this hurts-“ (y/n) panted, tears starting to bloom in her eyes as her body began to ache with need, she was really beginning to understand why Harry had always been so-rushed to do it when under the influence of the potion.
“I know, I really know love, I’ve got you-I’ll take care of you,” Harry cooed, locking the door behind him and bringing (y/n) into a kiss, which quickly turned biting and passionate as (y/n) threw her arms around him and pulled him close, grinding her hips against his, a groan escaping Harry’s throat as his arousal spiked, his cock growing hard in his pants.
“Harry-please,” (y/n) breathed, her body growing terribly hot and everything was aching. Harry shushed her gently and picked her up by her thighs, carrying (y/n) over to the bed and lying her down, peppering kisses along her neck.
“I’ve got you love,” Harry whispered against her neck, taking off her shoes and belt, pulling down her underwear, and pushing up her dress. (y/n) groaned as the cold air of his dorm blew between her legs, making her cunt clench as Harry pushed her legs apart and went right to work-making her cry out as his tongue connected with her dripping cunt, lapping at her clit-his brows furrowed and a low groan escaping him as he curled his hands around her thighs.
“ye always taste so sweet, even sweeter now,” Harry mumbled before diving back into her pussy, lapping at her clit and folds as her hips ground against his face, her hands clenching the sheets and the fabric of her dress over her stomach-gasping for breath as she moaned helplessly.
“ff-fuck-Harry~!” (y/n) moaned, panting heavily as she felt his long perfect fingers slip inside her, pumping slowly in time with his tongue on her clit. Harry groaned against her, watching her from between her thighs as she writhed and gasped from his actions, feeling her cunt clench around his fingers tightly, the lust potion making her far more sensitive than usual. “Harry-Harry-Harry-“ (y/n) panted, her hands flying to his hair and pulling it lightly, the coil in her gut tightening. “fuck-Harry~!”
He swirled his tongue around her clit, focusing his fingers on her inner sweet spot, groaning as he felt her clench around his fingers and came, her body pulsing with pleasure as he eased her out of her first orgasm. (y/n) panted heavily as Harry sat up, licking his lips clean and wiping his fingers on (y/n)’s thigh, undoing his pants and belt to pull out his hard cock, (y/n) almost whining at the sight.
“I’ve got you love, don’ worry,” Harry cooed, hooking her leg over his shoulder and leaning into her, lining his cock up and pushing into her wet and warm cunt, groaning at the tight feeling of her inner walls. “mmm fuck,” He groaned, starting with shallow thrusts as (y/n) writhed beneath him, her nails digging into his forearms as she grabbed at him, her head tossed back as he slowly picked up the pace of his thrusts.
“ah! Ahn-ah!” (y/n) cried out from beneath him, pleasure building in her gut again, feeling Harry’s lips on her cheeks, kissing away her tears as her body shook beneath his. “Harry-harry-harry!”
“let it out love, I’ve got ye,” Harry mumbled against her cheek, rutting his hips into hers, hitting that sweet spot deep inside her and making her tumble over the edge again, clenching around him, but he didn’t stop-knowing the potion didn’t let up easily, and he needed to flush it out of her system quickly.
He feels himself come close and he slows down, he wasn’t on the potion, for once, and he knew if he came now he wouldn’t be able to keep up with (y/n)’s need for relief, chuckling as (y/n) whined beneath him, clawing at his arms. “one-sec darlin’, need ta catch me breath,” Harry huffed, breathing heavily, sweat dripping down the side of his head.
So this was how (y/n) felt when she had to help him when he was under the influence of the potion, eh? It was exhausting and they’d barely even started. “Harryyyyy,” (y/n) groans and he groans back in return, burying his face in the crook of her sweaty shoulder.
“I don’t wanna come too soon love, gimme a second,” Harry chuckled in her ear, and that made her shudder, moving her head to kiss him heatedly and he groaned, pushing his tongue against hers as her mouth moved passionately against his. He began to move his hips again after a minute, smirking into the kiss as (y/n) moaned/sighed against his lips, her legs wrapping around his hips.
(y/n) shuddered in his hold as he brought her to orgasm again and again, and by the time he knew the potion was leaving her system, he was very on edge, his body thrumming with the need to release. “Shit,” Harry groaned against (y/n)’s shoulder, their sweaty skin sticking together as his fingers dug into her hips, his cock buried deep inside her, pulsing.
“Harry-please-“ (y/n) moaned, curling her fingers in his hair and he rolled his hips, sending himself over the edge, filling her with his cum. He groaned loudly, his mouth dropping open as his hips jumped and his stomach contracted.
“fuuuck, love,” He groaned, dropping on top of her as the last of the potion ebbed away from (y/n)’s system and she shuddered, feeling that unrelenting heat finally leave.
“That’s…not fun,” (y/n) mumbled and Harry grumbled in her ear, the two twitching and way too sensitive from the multiple rounds. “let’s…let’s not ever leave your drinks alone again…”
Harry nodded in agreement against her shoulder, slowly rolling so she was no laying atop him, his arms snug around her. “should’ve started doin’ that when this shit started,” Harry mumbled and (y/n) agreed with a huff.
“Happened again,” (y/n) muttered to Harry two days later as he returned to the lunch table, looking at his soda that was a bit too shimmery for its own good. Harry curled his lip at it, grabbing to go dump it out. “how did they even slip it in this time? Ye were watching it tha whole time.” Harry grumbled to himself, blinking as Uma took it from his hand and took a sample of the drugged drink.
“uhh, Uma, what are ye doin’?” Harry asked with a tilt of his head and she just gave him a look, it was very obvious what she was doing but she explained anyway.
“I’m going to test this, see if I can track down whoever it is drugging you, they need to be punished for this shit,” Uma said with a frustrated huff, pocketing the sample. Harry blinked. “we…should’ve done tha’ forever ago, eh?” Harry snorted and Uma nodded, unaware of the dark stare coming from the other side of the room.
Nyx stormed through her room, muttering curses under her breath, throwing a tantrum as she pushed potion bottles and papers off her desk, screaming as she tore up her dorm. Once again, for the 100th time-that damned mermaid had foiled her plans-she had to be doing something-she must’ve also been potioning Harry to get him to constantly draw him to her.
“Damn her!” Nyx screamed, throwing her hands down, her magic exploding at her feet and her bed splintered at the legs, a loud thud echoing through her room. She had enough-she wasn’t going to stand this any longer. Harry Hook was his, and if this mermaid kept stealing him from her-
Then no one could have him.
-end of p8-
Immm sorry if this isn’t up to par as the other parrrtssss, ive really lost my writing mojo and im trying to get it backkk, damn c.ai its taking all my writing creativityyy
uuhh taglist i guess lol
@sephiralorange @c-rose2081 @rintheemolion @living-for-romance
@queenofnightdreamland @kezibear
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fbfh · 1 year
curiosity is a wonderful thing - ch 4
wc: 3.8k
genre: political thriller (ish), slow burn, best friends to lovers
pairing: audrey x ben, eventual ben x reader
warnings: political shiz, audrey sucks even more than the last chapter, reader has time blindness and implied social anxiety, classism (from audrey at the isle kids), tense social situations
summary: you manage to make it to the Isle kids welcome reception without being irrevercably late, but what's worse than you're time management skills is Audrey's attitude.
song recs: running out of time - paramore
a/n: fangz 2 cici for beta reading. I'm going to sleep for 24 hours straight. bro I am so tired. love you guys <333 (plus optional fit)
tags @yesv01 @magcon7280 @hopefullhearts @thatawkwardlittlefangirl  @sunshineangel-reads @strawberry-cake1 @dustyinkpages @kiara7777
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"Shit, shit, shit!" 
You jolt up off the mushroom you've been sitting comfortably on, chugging the rest of your tea and shoving the cup back in your bag. 
“Goodbye,” you say quickly to the inchworms, “and break a leg for your choral concert!” 
You call back to them quickly before running into the trees and looking for a grassy clearing big enough to make a rabbit hole. You find exactly the spot you’re looking for, and quickly summon a rabbit hole to bring you back to Auradon. You watch the earth crumble and sink in front of you as the rabbit hole forms at your feet. As soon as it’s big enough, you jump in feet first, and the ground quickly closes around you. You fall for a few moments, plummeting much faster than before, spinning through the dark earthy air. After a few moments of tumbling through the darkness, there’s a rumbling as the earth opens up above you. You grab onto the ledge, and hoist yourself up, crawling onto your dorm room floor. You let yourself get your bearings for a moment, before remembering why you’re in such a rush.
“Shit, shit, shit…” You mutter again, brushing the dirt off your clothes as you hurry out of your dorm room. You scurry down several flights of stairs, twisting and turning through corridors to get to the reception for the Isle kids. You dust yourself off and straighten up all the little parts of your outfit, including the ribbon you always wear on your head in some way or another. It’s soft and worn, a gift from your mother dyed with Wonderland blackberries. It always carries the familiar scents of sweet summertime tea and fruit, and the reassuring embrace of your mother’s hugs. Lost in the thought, you find yourself tripping over your shoes and stumbling the last few steps to the great hall. You let out a loud noise of surprise before you manage to catch yourself.
“Oh- goodness!” You exclaim. You look around, hoping no one heard you, and you’re relieved to see that there’s no one else inside the great hall. Everyone is already outside for the reception, and the cheerful melodies of the school band must have covered up any noise you made. Wait, the band is already playing. 
“I must be later than I thought…” you mutter. You scurry down the cobblestone path, spotting Ben with Fairy Godmother and Audrey just past the statue of Ben’s father. You move quickly, managing to take your place among them, hoping to seamlessly blend in as if you’d been here the whole time. 
“Late again, Ms. Liddell?” Fairy Godmother asks quietly. Ben looks down in surprise, just noticing your arrival. You flash him a brief look of encouragement, one that says see? I told you I’d be here on time. More or less. Ben smiles, warm and sincere as he feels a renewed sense of reassurement and confidence that always seems to arrive along with you. After that moment of eye contact, you reply softly to Fairy Godmother. 
“No excuse, ma’am - I’m simply on Wonderland time.”
Which is, to say, no time at all, what with Wonderland being a timeless domain and such. The main difference between Wonderland and Neverland is that in Neverland, time stands still, but in Wonderland, it doesn’t exist at all. You’ve always had a hard time remembering that time is so important overland, hence the pocket watch. The feeling of Ben’s hand on your neck snaps you out of the thought, and you look over at him as he plucks a sparkling pink leaf off your collar, letting it fall to the ground as the limo pulls up.
“Thanks-” You barely have time to whisper before the car doors open, and two rowdy looking boys tumble out, fighting over a large piece of fabric. The band stops playing, shocked at the unusual display of behavior. Fairy Godmother approaches as the other two climb out of the car. The purple haired one - Mal, if you’re correct - nudges the boys and mutters something to them, causing them to straighten up. You wait next to Ben, with Audrey on his other side, as Fairy Godmother greets them and begins her introduction of herself, and Auradon Prep. Your eyes fall to the manicured hedges surrounding the brick path leading into the school. You let yourself watch the leaves rustle fluidly in the ambient breeze, thinking about the foliage in Wonderland. Given a choice, you prefer Wonderland plant life - it all feels much more dynamic and interesting. You think you could watch those little pink leaves shimmer and glisten all day long, if you had the time, of course. Although, you must admit to yourself how fond you've grown of these hedges too. They're uniform, but still individualistic when you look close enough. They’re quite stately. A real treat. 
"It is so good to finally meet you all."
You snap back to attention as Ben begins to speak, and introduces himself. Excitement starts to stir inside you as you and Ben both realize in that moment that it's finally happening. All your hard work is about to pay off. The only one who doesn't seem to realize the importance of this moment is Audrey. Ben barely has time to introduce himself before she cuts him off to interject. 
"Prince," she emphasizes, "Benjamin."
She squeezes his arm and looks up at him. 
"Soon to be king!"
You fight the urge to share a knowing look with Ben, all too well aware of how frequently Audrey seems to derail serious discussions and meetings for things that are barely relevant at best. Though his expression doesn't show it, Ben doesn't even need to look at your face to know the exact expression present on it. 
In front of you, the blue haired girl - the Evil Queen's daughter - steps forward and extends her hand to Ben with an excited look on her face. 
"You had me at prince," she says, clearly infatuated with Ben’s title. Her voice is breathy and flirtatious as she speaks, but something tells you that the stakes are higher for her than she's letting on. "My mom’s a queen, which makes me a princess…"
Before the sigh can leave her lips, Audrey interjects again. You watch her face subtly warp into one of the fakest smiles you've ever seen as she speaks with a performative, forced friendliness. 
"The Evil Queen has no royal status here." Her tone is somehow even more fake than her smile. "And neither do you!"
It's silent for a moment as Evie tries not to make her rejection known. Status seems to be important to her, and coming from a place like the Isle where one has so little, it seems cruel to you for Audrey to strip that away so carelessly. After another moment of painful, sad silence, Ben chuckles politely in an attempt to smooth things over. 
“...This is Audrey-”
“Princess Audrey.” She emphasizes. You wonder if she’s deliberately trying to make Ben’s job harder, or if she’s just that callous. Audrey grabs Ben’s hand in spite of the awkward distance between them - not far, but too far to hold hands comfortably. 
“His girlfriend.” She finishes, “Right Bennyboo?”
You don’t say anything, you don’t make a single noise at any of her comments. Somehow your silence is louder to Ben than anything else you could have said. You’ve never been a fan of Audrey’s nickname for him, something Ben has a slight suspicion about. You think his name suits him perfectly well. All of the cutesy modifiers seem to be because she likes saying them rather than for expressing her affection for him. A nickname, you think, should be like a kiss to the cheek. Soft and natural, pleasant every time it happens. But Bennyboo? It has never hit your ear right from the day she came up with it, and you find yourself cringing a little whenever its said in your vicinity. 
Ben leans over awkwardly, allowing Audrey to hold his hand for a moment. He knows it will make a worse scene if she doesn’t get her way, so he finds himself more prone to compromising with her in cases like this - which happens often. After that brief moment, he finds a graceful exit in removing his hand to bring you forward and introduce you. He rests the hand closest to you on your lower back, gesturing to you as you wave to them politely. You can take a little while to warm up to people, you’ve been that way since you were kids, for as long as Ben can remember. He rubs his thumb over the fabric of your shirt encouragingly. It’s familiar, a reminder that he’s there for you. 
The Isle kids’ eyes linger on you as Ben tells them your name, but Audrey’s eyes linger on Ben’s hand still placed comfortably on your back. After you finish greeting them, Fairy Godmother steps forward again.
“Alright!” She says, chipper attitude disguising the worry and stress beginning to fringe in around the edges of her mind. She gestures to you, Ben, and Audrey. 
“These three are going to show you around, and I’ll see you tomorrow in class.” She states in her usual soft, sweet tone before launching into one of her classic monologues, “The doors of wisdom are never closed!” 
The Isle kids look surprised at the way she speaks, gesturing dramatically. You and Ben share a look, knowing exactly what she’s about to say. 
“But, the library hours are from eight to eleven,” she adds, “and as you may have heard, I have a little thing about curfews.”
Ben catches a glimpse of you lip synching along with her, silently following along with a little thing about curfews at the same time as she says it. It catches him off guard, and he has to stop himself from laughing, which of course, leads to you suppressing a smile too. Audrey clutches her purse irritably as Ben tries to disguise his laugh as a cough. She takes note of the way you keep your eyes firmly fixed on the ground, the way you try to bite back a laugh and a smile of your own. You know if you look over at Ben then you’ll both devolve into inconsolable laughter, the kind only the closest of friends can bring about in each other. 
Fairy Godmother leaves, and Ben is able to collect himself, stepping forward toward the Isle kids to begin his speech. An uncharacteristically nervous flutter appears within him, making his stomach flip. He wishes he had had time to run it by you again, just one more time. But he got to run it by Audrey - sort of. Regardless, Audrey said it was good. She gave it her seal of approval, and as his girlfriend, Ben needs to trust her judgment, and trust that she has his best interest at heart. He lets out a little breath, preparing himself. 
This is it.
This is his chance to break the generational cycle that’s been created, to end the years of being stuck in an echochamber of war and unrest, to heal the trauma that the nation has collectively suffered - especially the innocent people stuck on the Isle. This is his very first chance to bridge the gap,to really connect with the Isle kids and let them know that they’re welcome with open arms, and they’re accepted unconditionally. It sounds improbable to say that seven teenagers can make history, but that’s truly what this is - history in the making. History that will benefit everyone in the nation years down the line. They’re building the future in this very moment. 
“It is so, so…” Ben begins, stepping forward, “so good to finally meet you-”
He’s cut off with a grunt as one of them punches him in the chest. Your eyes flare in concern for a moment, but Ben’s smile denotes it as a sign of camaraderie. Nonetheless, it catches you both by surprise. Ben recovers quickly and seamlessly, just like a politician, a future king, should. It’s one of his talents, and is something you’ve always admired about him. You walk next to him, and greet the first person in line - you’re almost sure he’s Jafar’s son - as Ben shakes the other girl’s hand. Your shoulder brushes against Ben’s, and he falters for a moment. He stares at Maleficent’s purple haired daughter blankly for a moment, all too aware of how close your arm is to his. He snaps out of it a moment later, and continues his speech.
“This is a momentous occasion,” he begins. You realize he’s going to do the full original speech, that he didn’t revise or edit it for this less formal occasion. He moves to shake hands with the next person. 
“And one that I hope will go down in history…” He trails off, feeling something sticky rub off on his hand. He looks down at the dark smudge, and brings his hand up to his nose, sniffing hesitantly. It smells sweet, and he’s a little relieved. 
“Is that chocolate?” He asks. 
His enhanced sense of smell inherited from his father confirms that it is, in fact, chocolate. Milk chocolate, with traces of peanut butter. Ben glances over at you for a brief moment as you flash him a knowing smile. Candy and sweets in the limo had been your idea, a welcoming gift to lift their spirits and ease their travels. Based on all the plastic wrappers and brightly colored sugar crystals here and there, it seems to have been a successful welcoming gesture. As you reach Cruella De Vil’s son, you pull a lacy handkerchief out of your tea pot bag, and hand it to him so he can wipe the rest of the chocolate off his hands and face. He thanks you quietly as Ben continues his speech.
“As the day our two peoples began to heal.” He states, as confident and well rehearsed as ever. Before he can continue, he gets cut off by Maleficent’s daughter.
“Or the day that you showed four peoples where the bathrooms are.” She says in an exaggerated, sarcastic tone of voice, eliciting a laugh from her peers. Just as you feared, this whole thing is way too formal for the occasion. Maleficent’s daughter seems to be the ringleader out of the four of them. 
Ben falters for a moment, realizing that he should have taken your advice and edited his speech before now. But when would he have found time to? He thinks back to his interaction with Audrey and realizes that she was more motivated to tell Ben all her gossip than she was to actually look over his speech with a critical eye. He remembers what you told him earlier, your concerns about it being too formal for the occasion. Once again, your judgment was spot on. You’ve never been one to say I told you so, but in this moment, he would let you if you wanted to. He's able to recover quickly.
"A little bit over the top?" He asks with a chuckle. She seems impressed that he wasn't outwardly hurt by her comments.
"A little more than a little bit." She retorts.
“Well, so much for my first impression.” Ben jokes back, eliciting something close to a chuckle out of her. You let out a small breath, relieved that he diffused the situation, and can now get their welcome and orientation back on track after breaking the ice like that. Being able to seem like a leader without coming across as intimidating or authoritarian is already a hard balance to strike, and it’s even more difficult when you need to seem personable and friendly without being unprofessional. Add in the unknowns of blazing a trail into all new territory like this, and what Ben is doing is truly impressive. Although you’re incredibly proud and impressed, you’re not at all surprised at Ben for being able to pull this off. If anyone could, you know it would be him. Moments like these really exemplify his passion for politics, for using his power the way it was intended - to improve the lives of everyone in Auradon. He's always been like this, you both have since you were knee high to a march hare. It's one of the reasons you have such a close bond. You've never minded too much that your peers are more inclined to the social aspect of your titles than the political end of things, you think it’s best not to venture into something as taxing as politics and government when you don't love it. On the hard days, that love, that drive to help is what gets you through. As if proving your point, Audrey’s overly chipper voice disrupts the atmosphere again. 
"Hey," she gestures to the purple haired girl, "you're Maleficent’s daughter, aren't you?"
You can sense Ben and yourself tense up, freezing imperceptibly. Nothing good can possibly come from this, and you both brace yourselves for the inevitable.
"Yeah, you know what?" She continues, "I totally do not blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff." 
Her tone is perfectly chipper, but paired with her underhanded words, the meaning behind them is crystal clear. Your stomach sinks, and you’re sure Ben must be stifling his panic better than you are, but the expression on Mal’s face says exactly what you and Ben - and presumably, the rest of the Isle kids - are thinking. You know Ben is going to have a lot to say to Audrey about this later. If she brushes off her petty at best behavior like she usually does, you’re not sure you’ll be able to restrain yourself from sharing some choice words of your own. The only thing stopping you is Ben. You know calling Audrey out would do more harm than good, and the best thing you can do for Ben is support him and help with any damage control he does later. 
Audrey has a habit of excusing behavior like this, especially if it’s hers, but she fails to see the fundamental difference between bitching about the other girls on the cheer squad and what she just did - there’s life beyond high school, but politics can have real, lasting consequences and effect innocent people’s lives for generations. This isn’t some junior counsel mock trial, you’re in the real world of royal government now. Every day that Ben’s coronation gets closer is another day you’re getting deeper and deeper into real politics with real people. 
“Oh, my mom’s Aurora.” She continues. You really, really wish she would stop talking. “Sleeping-”
“Beauty!” Mal quickly finishes for her. There’s a barely concealed, dangerous look on her face, and her eyes glow green like poison, flashing menacingly. “Yeah, I’ve heard the name…”
You can tangibly feel the years of resentment and hatred for her passed down to Mal from her mother, now directed right at Audrey. 
“You know,” Mal continues, “and I totally do not blame your grandparents… for inviting everyone in the whole world,” she takes a step closer to Audrey giving her a look that could kill, paired with a venomously fake smile that… could also kill. “To their stupid christening!”
You look between them, growing nervous. Audrey either doesn’t notice the venom in Mal’s words or simply doesn’t care, because she replies with a smile that’s approximately as real as her hair extensions. 
“Water under the bridge.” She says, deliberately scrunching her nose, trying to replicate the way that you do naturally - the little nose scrunch you’d never noticed until Ben pointed it out a few months ago, telling you how cute it is. 
“Totes!” Mal agrees sarcastically. They both let out an insincere laugh in unison. The tension between them jumps out astronomically with just those few words, and you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t getting a little overwhelming. Ben glances over at you, knowing you’ve never been good with tense atmospheres like this. His eyes immediately flick down to your hands, taking note of the way you fidget with the strap of your bag. He also notices the way you subconsciously shift your weight, unable to feel comfortable with so much animosity burning between Mal and Audrey. 
He needs to get the Isle kids away from Audrey before she says anything to make this already less than ideal situation worse, but more importantly, he needs to get things moving along for your sake. Without realizing it, his top priority is immediately you and your comfort. Once he gets them all settled into their dorms, he can pull you aside and check on you, make sure you’re okay. He has to get the Isle kids settled into their dorms, go over their arrival with Fairy Godmother and a few council members, then he has a late dinner with his parents… he’ll have to find time to finish the mountain of paperwork that’s in progress, too. 
Even though it’s a lot to get done, he finds himself looking forward to it - even the paperwork. Especially the paperwork. He’s always found it relaxing, mostly because he knows you’ll be in the room with him while he does, journaling and organizing your photographs. You’re always happy to keep him company and ensure he has a warm cup of tea in his hands. 
He would never tell anyone that he likes doing paperwork - except for you, of course. He knows that if he told Audrey or her friends or the guys on the tourney team, they’d never let him hear the end of it. It turns out that being in line for the throne doesn’t mean you’re immune to being called a dork. But you’re always happy to keep him company. He has a feeling you find spending time quietly working on your journal while he goes through different forms and reports just as relaxing as he does.
You let out a little breath and he looks back over at you, at the polite smile plastered on your face and unsettled look in your eyes. It snaps him back to the present, and he looks between Audrey and the Isle kids.
“Okay!” He says, clapping his hands casually, but just loud enough to get their attention. “How bout a tour?”
He looks over at you, silently signaling that he has your back. You nod, matching his energy, and smiling at him. 
“Yeah.” You say softly. 
“Yeah?” He repeats, looking at the Isle kids, who seem to agree. Anything to avoid another Mal and Audrey conflict sounds great right now. Ben glances at you again, and he can tell you’re already feeling better. Or at least a little better than you were a few moments ago. You share one more look for a split second, sharing a silent reassurance, an understanding, and you can tell you’re thinking the same thing. This is going to be… interesting. 
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edream93 · 10 months
I think it's time...(WLTF Outline)
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So, for my Descendants folks, I'm sorry to say that I think it's time to call it. Though I know exactly how I want the story to go, I've unfortunately lost a lot of motivation for "We'll Light the Fuse" and most of my other unfinished Descendants stories.
Post D2, being part of the fandom, especially the Huma/Sea Three Side of things was so inspiring. I vibed with a great group of mutuals and for the first time I engaged in a fandom outside of just being an observer. I'm not sure exactly what I'm trying to say, but I just want to thank my readers and other Descendants mutuals. Y'all unknowingly go me through a pretty rough time in my life. I hope you're all doing well ❤️
Anyway, I said I would give an outline of how I wanted WLTF to go. If you use any substantial bits, please reference me and also let me know! I'm not doing much writing but I'm still reading!
Neverland Arc/Hooked Intermission Arc:
Uma, Mal, and the others run into Tiger Peony and the remaining Lost Children who have hidden in an underground bunker away from Pan. Tiger Peony let them know that the spell that kept Pan asleep was broken due to the blood of Hook.
--- Long story short (and this would have been told throughout the arc, not just in one scene), Neverland always needs AT LEAST a Pan and a Hook to keep the island alive and thriving. The Pan (and technically the Captain Hook) that we see in this story is just the latest one. It's kind of one of those things where technically each Pan is unique in their own way but in the end all of their collective memories and experiences come together. When King Adam and the rest of the heroes got rid of/reduced the use of magic, it caused a magical blockage for Neverland as one of the few sources of pure magic in Auradon. It also was causing the current Pan to lose himself in thoughts and memories, like he would just space out. Sometimes he would forget entire conversations or days. It was shortly after Tiger Lily became leader of Neverland that people started noticing changes in Pan. Playing less. Spending time alone. Voice getting deeper...the Boy Who is Never Supposed to Grow Up getting...older... Around that time, the island was dying and the fairies were dying out. The Isle is Pan and Pan is the Isle. The Council of Magic (more on them soon) decided it was best to put Pan to sleep to halt his aging and to also naturally unblock some of the magical build up that he was unintentionally causing due to his unexplained growth.
---Not everyone was happy with it, especially those of Neverland but it was a time where unity was needed and Neverland, a historical site was dying (due to King Adam's decision to get rid of magic but no one really wanted to talk about that) so it was an agreed upon decision. Pan was put to sleep by the Council of Magic led by Fairy Godmother and Yen Sid, his loyal and faithful fairy Tinker Bell sealed away because they feared that she would find some way to wake him up. All very humane...Not.
---What people didn't realize, except for maybe Tiger Lily and her people is that Neverland is not inherently a Good place. It's also not inherently a Bad place. It's neutral, and with everything in life, has its good and bad. With Pan being asleep and Hook held prisoner under the barrier, there were no filters for the magic to go through and though it may have seemed like the magic was once again settling, it was actually building up dangerously. As stated before, Neverland always has a Pan and it always has a Hook. Even with Pan asleep, the delicate balance was skewed and magic will always find a way to get balance back, whether its outcomes are liked or not.
Anyway, back in the current timeline, Tiger Peony tells the Auradon gang that Neverland is forcing balance once again but unfortunately, the years of being asleep as well with his deteriorating mind has warped Pan. He has killed her mother and has put most of the island under his control. Tiger Peony was able to get most of the Lost Children (the kids who live in Neverland) into the underground bunkers under the hollowed old tree of Pixie Hollow the no longer spills out pixie dust. Since the Neverland fairies have long ago disappeared (around the same time Pan was put to sleep and Tinker Bell was sealed away) beneath Pixie Hollow has been turned into a disaster station.
Tiger Peony is grieving her mother and her home and angry for ever trusting CJ and thinking that she could be better than her father. She tells Mal that she did her duty and got High King Ben and Royal Counselor Evie back. Uma quickly notices that Harry, Carlos, Sammy Smee, and Big Murph are not present. Tiger Peony's make shift lieutenants (who were supposed to be heavily implied to to be either be the descendants of or were actually the three kids from the Nightmare Before Christmas - more of a world building addition/head nod than actual important part of the story) report that they thought the remaining boys were the few Lost Children under Pan's control.
Obviously Uma and Mal are not happy.
Across the Isle, Pan is not happy. He woke up to find Evie gone (there's a reason he's so obsessed with her) and CJ lost the Boy King (Ben). Thankfully he still has his Hook (Harry.
CJ is slowly starting to realize that maybe she isn't on the same page as Pan. She wants to be great and make a name for herself but Pan seems to be ordering her around worst than her siblings did on the Isle.
Harry tries to talk sense into her one last time but Pan (because he's connected to the island) realizes that the Auradon gang are now on the Isle and that causes CJ to get angry again at the thought of Uma and Mal coming in to ruin her fun and glory again.
Eventually, Uma, Mal, and the others find Pan. Pan tries to control Harry and make him his new Hook but Harry is so freaking devoted to Uma that despite having the blood of Hook (which basically means he's more susceptible to Neverland's influence), he easily breaks free of Pan's control like swatting a fly. (The power of simping compels him and all that jazz. I mean, there's an actual reason that'll be explained but that's what it comes down to basically, Harry's loyalty and devotion to Uma and vise versa.)
---"Why follow yer scrawny ass, when I have a goddess as a Captain?"
Obviously Pan is not happy and basically throws the world's biggest tantrum. The sky darkens, the waves rise high and crash violently against the shore as a storm begins to brew. Decides that if he can't have Harry as his Hook then he'll takeaway his thimble (aka kill Uma)
Back at Auradon, Audrey, Jane, and the left behind isle kids try to cover up for the others but Fairy Godmother and Mickey soon realize where they've gone.
Back in Neverland, though Pan may seem out-numbered, he has the Neverland mermaids and the Lost Children that he does have under his control. Basically a fight starts. Uma is trying to make sure she gets Harry, Gil, and the rest of the isle kids under her protection off this damn island but is struggling with her instincts which is to just destroy everything and take Harry and Gil away, somewhere safe.
In the midst of all of this chaos, Evie suddenly "knows" what to do to put Pan back to sleep and tells CJ that she's the only person who can help them do that.
At some point Mal turns into a dragon and goes rawr, flames, rawr trying to stop Pan.
Uma, while fighting Pan gets pushed into the water where all the Neverland mermaids are waiting to tear her to shreds. They pull her down into the murkey water and soon all that's seen is blood, rising from the depths.
The others try to fight Pan but he's too powerful.
Harry gets hurt. Like bad. Like might lose a hand bad.
Evie uses magic (her magic that smells likes roses - IT'S A CLUE that I've been sprinkling all throughout the written story so far as to what's going on with Evie and who Pan thinks she is), telling CJ that she's the only one who can stop Pan.
CJ blinks and suddenly she's alone and surrounded by darkness. With a far off light ahead. She walks and finds a fairy which she eventually realizes is Tinker Bell. -below is a scene I had typed up years ago because I loved it so much-
Silently, CJ watched Tinker Bell stroke the rusted surface of the thimble. 
“He was perfect. Made all up of starlight kisses and the wind’s laughter. Unwavering belief and the feeling of warm sand between your toes,” Tinker Bell smiled brokenly, her none-bent wing fluttering slightly. “My boy. My Peter Pan. Mine. My starlight asked me, so I gave him my heart.”
“The acorn,” CJ thought, heart lead in her chest.
She sank down to her knees before the fairy. She bit her lip, unsure of what to say. 
“But was it worth it? Was it worth the years stuck here? Broken? Trapped? How could you stand to be in a place like this all alone?”
A lone tear fell down the fairy’s cheek, but her smile never wavered. “Because he is my greatest happy thought. Even if he didn’t have my heart, I would shred my wings for him if it meant he would be happy.” Tinker Bell’s beautiful fae face twisted into something simultaneously cruel and longing. “That Wendy girl would never do that. Only me. Only Tink.” Her features smoothed out, and she looked at CJ with sudden new wonderment. “You understand...don’t you?”
The shadows around them shrieked and clawed, and CJ swore as the already small circle of light that surrounded them grew smaller. 
“Tinker Bell,” she desperately clasped the fairy’s hands, careful not to touch the almost tarnished thimble held so tenderly in Tink’s hands. “If you don’t help me, there won’t be a happy thought left of your darling Pan. And my brother-” CJ bit her lip, trying to hold back the sob that was threatening to claw itself from her throat. 
She was a pirate, dammit! No time for tears! 
“I’m not good at this mushy feeling crap,” she chuckled wetly, thinking back to Harry, her idiotic, brash, overprotective, heart on his patched-sleeve brother. She wondered if she would ever see him again. If he would ever forgive her...“Probably should be the last person to talk about this, but,” CJ gripped Tink’s hands tighter, willing what little warmth was left in her into her hands, “holding out like this, keeping him in this limbo instead of letting him pass along, you’re not helping him. You’re hurting what little is left of your boy.” 
“NO!” Tinker Bell shook her head vehemently, trying to pull her hands away from CJ’s firm grip with little luck. “No. No. No. No. Nonononono. He’s mine. He’s mine! My Pan. My Peter. My-”
Tink froze in shock as CJ’s arms wrapped around her, careful of her broken wing, in an awkward but firm embrace. “It’s okay to let him go,” CJ whispered softly. “It doesn’t mean you stopped loving him. Doesn’t mean you failed. But sometimes...letting go is the best thing...because holding on tight, no matter what you intended...it’s just hurting him.”
The withering shadows and breathing darkness pressed further against the perimeter of the circle and CJ could nearly taste the smell of decay and rot and death at their backs.
“CJ?” Tink murmured, leaning into her embrace. “I’m...I’m so tired, CJ. So so tired…”
“Then sleep,” CJ whispered, holding the broken fairy in her arms. “Sleep and dream of your boy, made up of starlight and laughter and belief and the feeling of warm sand between your toes. Sleep, and when you wake up, it’ll be a whole new adventure waiting for you.”
The darkness was now licking at her skin, threatening to consume her until nothing was left. She would embrace it. It was what she deserved. 
Slowly, so slowly that CJ didn’t even notice as the darkness crept higher until the only light that remained was the dull thrum coming from the rusted thimble as Tinker Bell turned over her hand, letting the small item fall into CJ’s. 
“Laugh always. Have many adventures. Cry just as much in laughter than in fear. And...cherish your happy thoughts...even when you grow too big for them,” Tink blessed as she pressed a kiss, as soft as fluttering butterfly wings on CJ’s forehead, just as they and the darkness shattered, until all that was left was faith, trust, and pixie dust.
(Note: ) Somewhere in all of this chaos, I would explain, drop hints that CJ's mother (because the Hook siblings all have different mothers) was Zarina, a fairy like Tinker Bell that fell in love with Captain Hook and when all the villains were forced onto the Isle, she gave up her wings and became human to be with him. Obviously did not end up well for her. Hook was horrible to her and around the time she had CJ she was deathly ill. Not sure if all of that was going to be explained in the story or not but basically my idea was that even though Zarina looked like a human, she was still a Neverland fairy, and unlike other fairies like Maleficent, Neverland fairies have such a strong, almost symbiotic relationship with Neverland. Essentially she died because she was cut away from magic.
CJ appears back - now with wings and more fae like features - in Neverland with the thimble Tinker Bell gave her that basically would put Pan back to sleep. (Essentially, Tinker Bell gave Pan her heart to try to fight against the deterioration of his mind due to the magic restriction. It ties into the bigger idea of magic is not something you can control and in its own way is kind of it's own entity, but essentially the magic of Neverland fed off of that exchange in a toxic way.)
Around the same time, Uma emerges from the water in her giant Sea Witch form looking like a goddess, the bodies of the dead Neverland mermaids turning into sickly foam around her.
The wind picks up, thunder and lightning pick up, and with CJ, Mal, and Uma (and Mickey though they don't know it) working together they are able to beat Pan and put him back to sleep.
Mickey arrives on a slightly newer boat than the steamboat they stole from them, basically giving the Auradon gang a ride back to the dorms. He also has Baymax with him who Harry who is slightly woozing from blood loss is surprisingly happy to see.
CJ apologizes for all the trouble she caused and asks Tiger Peony if she can stay to help restore the island. With Pan back to sleep, she wants to make sure that the magic of the island is actually balanced and as someone with the blood of Hook, she can influence that balance more now that she's aware of it and now that Pan is back asleep. Though still grieving her mother, Tiger Peony agrees.
The arc ends with Uma, Mal and the others returning back to school, hoping that's the end of all the weirdness.
Other things that were supposed to happen in this arc that I couldn't figure out where to put in the above:
Sammy Smee and Big Murph die under Pan's control which though she wasn't close to them, causes a lot more greif than Uma initially expected because 1.) she was supposed to keep them safe and 2.) she sees how it impacts Hadie and Diego
Carlos is fine but he's left with feelings of helplessness. He felt like such a damsel in distress all throughout this experience and that's going to have impact later on in the story.
Jay starts displaying more latent magic.
I hadn't decided when exactly it was going to happen but either in this arc or towards the beginning of the next arc, it would be revealed that Evie is the Sorceress (also known as Circe) from Beauty and the Beast reincarnated. She reincarnates every few years to make sure she's always experiencing new things and not getting stuck in her ways like other people. coughcoughFairyGodmothercoughcough.
Also, the remaining parts of this arc would have probably been another 3 or 4 chapter depending on how I broke things up with one of the chapters being a last Hooked Intermission. This was supposed to be happening during the same time the others were fighting Pan.
---Basically a riot happens on the Isle starting over by the docks but quickly spreading. Right before that though, Harriet runs into Anthony's mother, Anastasia, who warns her she should go somewhere safe to protect the baby. Though she appreciates the concern from the only adult who seems to genuinely care about her (despite her being her ex's mom) Harriet, with the help of Gil's brothers, Jonas, and surprisingly Sophie (Yen Sid's assistant) - who is back on the main part of the isle after checking the generators that partially help maintain the barrier - try to stop it. Harriet quickly realizes that the riot was started by Hook who is acting strange, even for him, almost possessed. They sword fight on the Jolly Roger. Harriet gets hurt but before Hook can deal the final blow, Anthony pushes her out the way and takes the fatal blow. Anthony gets a line out about how he was never good for her before dying. Some has lit the gunpowder that's on the ship and Sophie pushes Harriet into the water before jumping in herself before the Jolly Roger explodes. It's unclear who survives but it's implied that briefly the barrier was down.
---Back at Hades's place, while all this happens, the god of the underworld is paid a visit. He seems to expect it, going to his hidden stash and asking the uninvited vistor if he would like some wine. He doesn't get a response back so decides to drain the bottle himself pittering around his home wistfully murmuring: "'She will be a child of the sea; Chained to fae land, godly blood made mortal. Death’s attendant will be kind to her, protect her before his last breath. A coat of blood red will follow in her wake. And when the second star has risen. Then the realm of the dead and the sea shall be hers . And then the throne of Zeus will be hers, bringing upon a pantheon anew.' Or something like that, right sweetheart?"
---Hades says a few more things, basically implying that even though he knows the person with him in the room is going to kill him, that he'll come back again in another form. Death always needs attending to after all and death is one of the few things that humans still fear, still give power to. The person kills him, and just before he dies, Hades smiles, pressing a trembling kiss to Peresephone's lips as she pulls the dagger from the place where his heart would be if he were truly mortal.
And...that's how the Neverland arc would end! I'll come back and write the outline for the final arc if that's something folks are interested in.
Sorry again that I can't actually commit to writing this all out but I do have some scenes here and there written out that I had been saving.
Let me know your thoughts! Did this arc go the way you expect it to?
Also, remember, you can use some of these ideas, just give me credit and share so I can read and give you all the likes and kudos!
Eternally grateful for all the support ❤️
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„Neverland is a place of impossibilities even, or especially so, when broken.“
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dragoneyes618 · 2 years
Down the Rabbit Hole
Takes place in @panthera-tigris-venenata’s Ally of Neverland AU.
Alice was missing. 
This did not necessarily mean anything, Alice’s mother and father and older sister all told themselves. Alice was a big girl now, fourteen years old. Probably she’d just gone for a walk in the woods and lost track of time, or gone to the library and forgot to leave a note, or some such. She would be back soon, and they would scold her in relief. This did not necessarily mean anything.
But she wasn’t in her bedroom, and wasn’t in the kitchen, and wasn’t anywhere in the house, and wasn’t on the grounds, and the two maids and Alice’s governess hadn’t seen her, the groundskeeper hadn’t seen her, nobody had seen her-
As much as they tried to deny it, this brought back memories of the last time Alice had been missing, seven years ago. She had been gone for three days, and had reappeared at sunrise on the fourth in the middle of the garden, near the fence, hysterical, screaming about rabbits and caterpillars and broken mirrors, her dark hair a tangled mess, her hem and sleeves stained with blood from the countless small glass shards that had cut her hands and feet.
They knew, now, what sort of realm had set its sights on their daughter. It was for this reason that the groundskeeper was under strict orders to fill in any hole dug by any animal that appeared on the grounds, whether rabbit or mole or hedgehog, and that the Liddel house was unique in all of London in that it possessed no mirrors, not even a pocket one for the master of the house to shave with.
The day after Alice had been found, every single animal on the Liddel estate had died.
Mice, squirrels, hedgehogs, even a few unlucky birds had all been found dead in the garden, on the walks, on the threshold of the house. Even Dinah the cat had not escaped; she lay at the entrance to Alice’s room, her scarlet blood staining the rug.
They had not died of illness. Every single animal had been neatly decapitated, its head lying beside it.
It had been seven years, yet Alice still flinched at the sight of her own reflection.
It had been seven years. Surely the Land of Wonder would not try to reclaim their daughter?
Alice had been gone for approximately six hours by the time the door knocker pounded weakly against the locked door. They all jumped up, frantic; Alice’s mother opened the door and gasped in horror as her younger daughter came stumbling in.
The first thought that crossed their minds was that this had indeed been a repeat of seven years ago. Alice’s face was haggard, the cloth of her dress torn. She looked like she’d been in a waking nightmare, and her feet were bare, scraped and dirty. She clutched a big package wrapped in dirty cloths tightly to her chest.
They ushered her in, embraced her, sat her down. Alice’s sister went running to get her a soothing drink, Alice’s favorite; warmed milk - not tea. Never tea - with honey.
“What happened?” Her mother asked her. “Where have you been?”
“Was it-” Her father hesitated, leaning forward.
The package moved.
Everyone inhaled sharply.
Alice presented the package to them. Not a package after all, but an infant, a mere baby; a little girl of perhaps a year old, clad in filthy rags and wrapped in an equally filthy blanket, with wisps of blonde hair and eyes closed in uneasy slumber.
“No,” Alice said quietly. “Not Wonderland.”
“The Isle,” her father said quietly, after. “The Isle of the Lost. You’ve really been there.”
She nodded.
“And you took...” Her mother hesitated, gesturing toward the baby. Alice didn’t know her name.
“Her mother gave her to me.” They’d given the baby a bath - she’d screamed, but Alice had held her and sang to her and the baby had calmed down enough to fall asleep again as they were dressing her in an old dress of Alice’s that her mother had found in the back of a drawer, yellowed from thirteen years of disuse. Alice’s sister was currently hunting through the kitchen for appropriate food to feed the baby when she woke.
“The Isle...of villains?” Her father asked. “With a baby?”
“There’s lot of babies there,” Alice said. “Little kids, too. Younger than me.” She took a shaky breath. “It’s not just the villains there. All the babies - the children - it’s horrible there, they have no shoes, they’re all so skinny, there’s no food for them - her mother, she begged me to take her away from there-” She was crying now. Her mother drew her into a hug, and Alice let her.
“I promised, Mum,” she whispered. “I promised her mother I would take care of her. We can take care of her, can’t we?”
They could take care of her. They could take care of an innocent baby. But-
“The Isle,” her mother breathed. She met her husband’s eyes; they were each thinking the same thing.
Alice squinted up at them. “What about it?”
“She’s from the Isle. There were rules, set in place when the Isle was created....”
Alice’s father nodded. “No one may exit the Isle. To assist anyone in doing so may lead to being exiled to the Isle yourself.”
His words fell like pebbles into a silent well. No one moved.
“But she’s just a baby!” Alice’s eyes widened, still a child, so young, so sure that her parents could fix everything. “We wouldn’t get in trouble just for a baby, would we?”
“We would.” He hated to say it, but someone must. “You would be sent to the Isle, Alice. All of us as well, if we try to keep her.”
“But we can’t-” Alice’s eyes were like the sky, pale blue, just before a storm darkens them. “I promised! I promised her mother, I promised!” A mother who would rather be separated from her own child forever than see her grow up in her home.
“Perhaps an orphanage, or foster care?” Alice’s mother suggested. “She would still have a good life...” Better than the Isle, went unsaid.
Alice’s father shook his head. “We’d have to explain where we got her from. There would be questions. I suppose we could leave her on the doorstep of an orphanage or something...” He didn’t want to, none of them wanted to abandon a baby at a doorstep without so much as a note, with no guarantee of her being well cared for, but it was the only option.
“No,” Alice gasped. “We can’t. I can’t. I promised I would take care of her. I have to-” She was crying again now. “You don’t understand, you didn’t see, I promised!”
She jumped up and snatched up the baby.
“Alice!” her mother cried, reaching toward her, but she was already at the door.
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herstoryheaven · 2 months
Descendants Harry Hook x Reader: The Weight Of Words
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Request: I wanted to request a harry hook x plus size reader (who's the daughter of Peter Pan and Wendy Darling) and harry kinda hates her at first.
Reader: Female
Word count: 1722
Average reading time: 6 min 15 sec
Category: Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: This story contains themes of body image insecurity, bullying, and emotional intensity. If you are sensitive to these topics, please read with care.
Disclaimer: All events portrayed in my stories are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events is purely coincidental. Any actions or behaviours portrayed by the characters may differ from reality and cannot be connected to any actual person. This work is purely fictional and intended for entertainment purposes only.
Y/n Pan walked through the halls of Auradon Prep, a place where heroes and villains once again live amongst each other, with her head held high despite the nagging insecurity gnawing at her. As the daughter of Peter Pan and Wendy Darling, she holds a great legacy. She was known for her caring and nurturing nature, always there to lend a helping hand or offer a kind word. People often say that she is just like her mother: brave, adventurous, and responsible, all while maintaining a magical sense of imagination.
But despite the warmth she radiated, Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of self-doubt when it came to her body. She had a bit more weight to her then the average princess, and while she embraced many things about herself, her weight was a source of insecurity that sometimes overshadowed her confidence.
Harry Hook, the son of Captain Hook, was a constant thorn in her side. The hatred between their fathers seemed to have transferred to them, with Harry taking every opportunity to remind Y/n of her flaws. He saw her as nothing more than the daughter of his father's sworn enemy, and he used her insecurity to his advantage.
As Y/n walked through the crowded hallway, Harry stepped in front of her, blocking her path. His signature smirk was firmly in place.
"Watch where you're going, Pan." he sneered, his eyes raking over her form with a judgmental gleam. "Try not to take up the whole hallway next time."
Y/n's cheeks flushed with a mix of anger and embarrassment. She bit back a retort, knowing it would only fuel his taunts. Instead, she pushed past him, keeping her focus on the end of the corridor where her friends awaited.
"Hey, Y/n! Over here!" called Jane, waving her over.
Y/n plastered on a smile as she joined her friends, but the sting of Harry's words lingered.
"Don't let him get to you," Evie said, placing a comforting hand on Y/n's shoulder. "He's just trying to get under your skin."
"I know," Y/n sighed. "It's just... sometimes it's hard not to let it affect me."
"You’re beautiful just the way you are, Y/n," Carlos added. "Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
Despite their reassurances, Y/n couldn't shake the hurt. Harry's words echoed in her mind, feeding the insecurities she tried so hard to suppress.
Days turned into weeks, and Harry's cruel remarks continued. Each encounter chipped away at her confidence, but she refused to let him see how much it affected her.
One afternoon, as Y/n was heading to the library, she heard footsteps behind her. She turned to see Harry, his expression unreadable.
"Pan." he called out, his tone less biting than usual.
She stopped but didn't turn around. "What do you want, Harry?"
"I need to talk to you," he said, his voice softer. "It's important."
Y/n turned slowly, crossing her arms defensively. "What is it now? Another insult? Another way to make me feel like less?"
Harry's eyes softened, guilt flashing across his features. "No. I... I wanted to apologize."
Y/n blinked, taken aback. "Apologize? For what?"
"For everything," he said, stepping closer. "For the things I've said to you, the way I've treated you. I was wrong."
Her heart raced, a mix of confusion and anger bubbling up. "Why now, Harry? Why the sudden change of heart?"
Harry's gaze dropped to the ground for a moment before meeting her eyes again. "Because I see you now." he admitted, his voice filled with sincerity. "I see how my words have hurt you, and I hate myself for it. You're not your father, Y/n, and you don't deserve the things I've said."
Y/n stared at him, searching his face for any hint of deception. "Why should I believe you?"
Harry's expression grew even more pained. "Because... I need to be honest about something else too." he said, taking a deep breath. "I was scared. Scared of what it meant to care about you, beyond just hating you because of your father. The truth is, it was easier for me to lash out and insult you than to confront how I felt."
Y/n’s brows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"
"I was terrified of falling for you." Harry confessed, his voice cracking slightly. "I hated that you were the daughter of my father's sworn enemy, but more than that, I was afraid of how much I cared for you. So I pushed you away, hid behind my insults, thinking it would make it easier to stay distant. But it only made things worse."
Y/n's eyes widened, her anger giving way to a deeper understanding. "So, you were scared of loving me?"
"Yes." Harry admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "I was scared of what it would mean, of how it would change everything. I’m sorry for letting that fear turn into cruelty."
Y/n looked at him, processing his confession. "And now?"
"Now," Harry said, taking another step closer, "I want to make things right. I want to show you that my feelings have changed, that I want to be honest with you, and that I’m willing to work on it whatever it takes."
Her heart pounded, caught between lingering hurt and slight hope. "How can I trust you?"
"Let me prove it." Harry said earnestly. "Give me a chance to show you that I’m not the same person I was before. I promise, I’ll do everything I can to make up for how I’ve treated you."
Y/n's defenses began to soften, though her trust was still fragile. "We'll see, Harry. Actions speak louder than words."
Before she could say more, Harry gently took her hand, his touch surprisingly tender, his eyes so intense it nearly made her knees buckle. "I understand darling. And you're truly the most beautiful being I have ever had the honor of laying my eyes on, Y/n. Every single part of you."
Her breath hitched as he moved even closer, his hands resting on her shoulders before trailing down her arms and wrapping around her waist. "Harry, what are you doing?"
"I'm making it up to you." he murmured, his voice raspy and low, filled with emotion. He leaned in, pressing soft kisses along her jawline, moving to her neck, and whispering against her skin. "I'm so sorry for the pain I've caused. You deserve so much better."
Y/n's heart raced, a mix of confusion and longing flooding her senses. She felt his hands caress her sides, his touch gentle and reverent. "Harry..."
He pulled back slightly, looking into her eyes with a depth of feeling she hadn't seen before. "Let me show you how beautiful you are." he whispered, his lips brushing hers in a tender kiss.
Completely overwhelmed, Y/n felt tears streaming down her face. She was defeated, all the pain and frustration boiling over. Harry kissed her tears away, his lips soft and comforting against her skin.
"Don't cry, darling." he whispered. "Please, let me make it right."
"I can't help it." she choked out between sobs. "It's all been too much. And... and I'm too heavy for you."
Harry's brow furrowed in concern as he wrapped his arms around her. "Y/n, darling. You're not too heavy."
"You don't understand," she whispered, her voice filled with distress. 
Before she could protest more, Harry scooped her up with ease, cradling her against his chest. "Harry, put me down." she insisted, her voice shaky and weak.
"Not a chance darling." he said firmly, holding her tighter. "I’m not putting you down, you’re coming with me."
Y/n clung to him, feeling the strength in his arms as he carried her through the hallways. Her mind racing, but she couldn't deny the sense of safety and comfort that his embrace provided.
When they reached Harry’s dorm room, a quiet serenity settled over them, contrasting with the whirlwind of emotions that had been swirling inside Y/n. Harry gently guided her to sit on his bed, his touch so tender that it felt like he was handling something incredibly delicate. He took a seat beside her, his gaze unwavering as he reached for her hands.
The warmth of his fingers intertwined with hers was comforting, a subtle promise of support and affection. "Y/n, you’re perfect as you are." Harry said softly, his eyes locked onto hers with an intensity that spoke of both sincerity and regret. "Your weight doesn’t change that."
Y/n’s heart ached at his words. She looked into his eyes, searching for any hint of insincerity or pity, but all she found was a deep, genuine concern and love. Her voice trembled as she whispered, "I don’t know if I can trust you, Harry."
Harry’s expression softened even further, and he leaned closer, his breath warm against her face. "Then let me earn it," he said, his voice a low, earnest plea. "Let me show you every day how much you mean to me."
Without waiting for a response, he closed the gap between them and pressed his lips to hers in a kiss that was tender and full of longing. The kiss was slow, a deliberate dance of emotions, as if he was trying to convey all the words he couldn’t find into that single, intimate moment. The softness of his lips and the gentle pressure of his kiss sent shivers down Y/n’s spine, igniting a flicker of hope deep within her.
As their lips moved together, Y/n felt her defenses start to crumble. The warmth of Harry’s affection wrapped around her like a comforting blanket, and for the first time in weeks, she allowed herself to believe in the possibility of a future where she was truly cherished. She melted into the kiss, feeling the depth of his apology and the sincerity of his feelings.
When they finally broke apart, Harry rested his forehead against hers. The closeness of their faces, the shared breath, and the gentle smile on his lips were all part of a silent promise. Y/n could see the unwavering commitment in his eyes, and a small, hopeful smile tugged at her own lips. "You’re forgiven, Harry," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "But you’ll have to keep proving it."
Harry’s eyes sparkled with a mix of affection and mischief. "Oh, I intend to, darling." he said, his tone playful yet earnest. "Every single day for the rest of my life."
From that moment on, Harry’s actions spoke volumes. He made it his mission to uplift Y/n’s spirits, to remind her of her worth with each passing day. Whether it was through small, thoughtful gestures or heartfelt conversations, he showed her, time and time again, how much she meant to him. His constant efforts to cherish and support her gradually helped Y/n rediscover her own self-worth, and with each day that passed, the foundation of their love grew stronger, rooted in trust, understanding, and an unwavering devotion.
Copyright: All stories contained herein are the intellectual property of the author. Unauthorized copying, reproduction, or distribution of these stories, in whole or in part, without explicit written permission from the author, is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action. Respect the creator's rights and creativity. For permissions or inquiries, please contact: [email protected].
Request Guidelines: When submitting a request, please ensure that your request does not contain any explicit sexual content or graphic depictions, and avoid any form of extreme violence or graphic descriptions of violent acts. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a respectful and inclusive environment for all readers. If you're unsure about your request or want to request about someone I haven't written about yet, feel free to ask me anytime.
Requested by: Anonymous
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hannahhook7744 · 3 months
The Hook Family in my au (including their 'partners', pets, and next gen) Moodboards (Part 1);
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Zarina Hook.
First wife of James Hook.
Bio mother of Peter Pan, Harriet Hook, Harry Hook, Calista Jane Hook, and Ally Liddell (she was adopted by Alice and Pinocchio in this).
Stepmother of Ginny Gothel.
Adoptive mother of Hannah Hook.
Daycare teacher and worker at the Hook's inlet and shack as well as at Hook's Clock & Curiosity Shop.
No one is quite sure how old she was when she died because she's a fairy.
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Severin 'Bluebeard/Le Barbe Bleu' de Montragoux.
Husband of Lucretia 'Great Grandmumsie' Hook.
Father of Adelais 'Mama/Grandmumsie' Hook I.
Pirate and Aristocrat who murdered his first six wives and got murdered by the seventh.
He was around 47 when he died the first time.
He was brought back with everyone else when the isle was created and was killed again in year 11 when he was 58 years old by his wife.
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Lucretia 'Great Grandmumsie' Hook.
Wife of Bluebeard/Le Barbe Bleu/Severin de Montragoux.
Mother of Adelais 'Mama/Grandmumsie' Hook I.
Pirate and rich widower whose husband was 'lost at sea' (she still has his ship).
She is around 100 (no one knows how she's still alive).
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Adelais 'Mama/Grandmumsie' Hook I.
Mother of James and Jasper Hook.
Ex-Wife of Davy Jones and 'Friend' of Nanny Nell.
Former teacher at Neverland Academy of Pirates and Mermaids (which has been renamed to Neverland Academy).
Current Teacher at Serprent Prep.
She is around 80 years old physically.
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Nell Frost.
Childhood nanny of James and Jasper Hook.
'Friend' of Mama Hook.
She's around 80 years old physically.
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Davy Jones.
(Alleged) Father of James and Jasper Hook.
Pirate captain.
Ex-husband of Adelais 'Mama' Hook.
No one is quite sure how old he is.
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Captain Jasper 'Patch' Hook.
Oldest son of Adelais 'Mama' Hook and Davy Jones.
Partner of Arabella Smith-Hook.
Father of Atticus, Ian, Greyson, Nevin, and Morgan Hook.
He works at the Hook's Clock & Curiosity Shop and he's also a pirate captain.
He is around 60 years old physically.
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Arabella 'Bella' Smith-Hook.
Partner of Jasper Hook.
Mother of Atticus, Ian, Greyson, Nevin, and Morgan Hook.
She works at Gaston's Tavern.
She's around 55 years old physically.
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Captain James Bartholomew Hook.
Youngest son of Adelais 'Mama' Hook and Davy Jones.
Bio father of Peter Pan, Ginny Gothel, Harriet Hook, Harry Hook, Calista Jane Hook, Ally Liddell (she was adopted by Alice and Pinocchio in this), and Hope Hook (future).
Adoptive father of Hannah Hook (now), Hort Hook (future), and Hookling Hook (future).
Works at Hook's inlet and shack & Hook's Clock & Curiosity Shop.
He is around 50 years old (give or take) physically.
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Lady Hock.
She is a villain recruiter for the Hook family (mainly James) and also babysat the kids when they were younger. She also works at Hook's inlet and shack & Hook's Clock & Curiosity Shop.
She is rumored to be related to the Hooks in some way but no one is quite sure how or if it's even true.
She's around 35 years old (give or take) physically.
Next up will be more of the present Hook family members and after that will be the pets and future Hook family members.
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eviegrmhld · 1 year
I had this idea where Evie found a baby in the streets of the Isle and decided to take care of it. Decided to write it down. This is between d2 and d3, almost the beginning of d3.
It's also Jayvie centered cause I'm so soft for them <3.
Sorry for any grammatical mistakes, english is not my first language. Hope you like it (if you do, let me know cause I've already written like four parts, got excited lol)
Rescued and Restored - Part One
It was finally happening. Evie's beloved program to rescue all those children from the Isle of the Lost was finally up and running. The Second Chance Program.
After the Royal Ball and Uma's escape from the Isle, there had been several months of preparation. Ben appointed Evie as the King's Counselor, and she had never felt happier in her life. Due to her lack of experience in the field, Fairy Godmother enrolled her in some courses to help Evie learn and understand all the responsibilities that came with being a counselor. It was intense weeks of studying and classes, but Evie managed to impress everyone with her efficiency and organization in this royal position. And when she finally had time to discuss her ideas with Ben, the program for the children of villains was finally ready. She was finally able to make a difference, just as she had always dreamed.
Evie was proving to herself that she was not just a pretty face, as her mother had taught her all her life.
Being the King's Counselor helped Evie financially above all else. The salary was good, and with the profits that Evie 4 Hearts was generating, she managed to make a good deal for her first property. It was a cozy house, spacious enough to live in, host her friends, and work on her designs. It was everything Evie didn't know she had dreamed of.
After all, she wasn't a girl of grand castles. She discovered her love for small and cozy cottages. At least for now.
Jay, Carlos, and Mal helped with the move. Jay practically didn't leave since Evie's first night in her own home. The girl's wardrobe was gradually being taken over by pieces of Jay's clothing. It was the time of rest that both of them needed.
While Evie had all these responsibilities, Jay had now become a coach at Auradon Elementary School when he wasn't helping the blue-haired woman with the details of the villain kids' Program. He had never connected so well with children as he did with his team. The little ones adored him and had enough energy to last the entire week.
They never thought their lives would take such different turns than expected. They never envisioned a life completely free. And now, with the opportunity to offer that to other children, they couldn't be more excited.
"We have to meet Mal at the castle in an hour," Evie said, sitting next to Jay on the kitchen island. The four VKs would be meeting this morning for a discreet visit to the Isle of the Lost. Only Ben, their parents, and Fairy Godmother knew about it. They were going to the Isle to assess the number of candidates for the new project. Evie was eager. She forked a piece of her pancakes and murmured with satisfaction as she took a bite.
"Please tell me Ben isn't going this time," Jay joked, smiling as he saw Evie laugh. "Seriously, I couldn't handle another rescue so soon. I'm still recovering from the first one."
"Mal made sure he stayed at the castle this time," Evie replied, chuckling as Jay leaned in and buried his face in the crook of her neck, breathing in her scent and giving a gentle kiss to her collarbone. "We do need a vacation, don't we?" She reached up to caress the cheek of the dark-haired boy with one of her hands.
"Desperately," Jay murmured, still leaning against the blue-haired girl. "Let's go to Neverland, or Agrabah..." After thinking about it, he said,"You know what? Let's go to both. And maybe the beach afterward."
"Sounds like a plan to me," Evie whispered, giving him a quick peck before they both returned to their breakfast.
It didn't take long for the four friends to be on the other side of the barrier. Before they began their actual work, Mal reminded them of the task at hand. "We need to attract as little attention as possible. We're here just to observe a sample of children who might be suitable for studying in Auradon. If they recognize us, it's fine, we can be polite, but we can't stay here longer than necessary."
"What about Uma's territory?" Carlos asked anxiously. They were never 100% at ease when they were on the Isle, too many enemies, and especially because it was their second time there without finding their parents. It wasn't something they wanted to do; no one was ready for that yet.
"While we're apart, we'll stay away from the pirates' territory. We'll do our assessment there together," the girl said. "The same goes for any place near our homes, unless you're willing to find your parents."
"Definitely not," Jay said, while Evie nodded. It was too soon.
"Alright, let's get to work then. We'll meet back here in 30 minutes," Carlos concluded, and the four young people separated to observe, talk to the children on the Isle, and learn what they thought about living in Auradon and having a new life.
It was a fierce battle. Half of them couldn't care less about the "land of princes and princesses," but the other half dreamed of the opportunity to be whatever they wanted with the endless possibilities of Auradon. Evie spent the 30 minutes doing just that, and to her relief, most of the children and teenagers she spoke to were excited about the program.
However, the return to the meeting point was not as quick as Evie had expected. She walked calmly and purposefully back to the designated spot when she heard muffled crying as she passed by Enoja's Shop. The daughter of the Evil Queen abruptly stopped to give it her attention. It wasn't uncommon to hear cries on the Isle of the Lost, but this one seemed much more fragile and desperate than usual.
She looked around a few times, searching for a child huddled in a corner but found nothing. That's when she noticed something moving inside a dumpster in front of the shop. Evie's heart squeezed as she walked closer, and the crying became more audible. She looked down, and the scene immediately brought tears to the princess's eyes.
Wrapped in tattered cloth was a baby, inside a trash bag, discarded in the dumpster as if it meant nothing. Evie knew it wasn't an accident. The child was tied and wrapped enough to conceal the living being within the garbage. It was intentional.
"Oh no..." the blue-haired girl whispered, a mix of anger and sadness flooding her heart as she reached out to pick up the baby.
"Evie!" she heard a familiar voice call out, but she didn't bother to look back. Her eyes remained fixed on the baby, who cried louder than ever. "We were all at the designated spot, and you didn't come back. We got worried," Jay said, not yet seeing the child Evie was trying to untie from the trash. "Evie, what are you doing..." He trailed off as he caught sight of the same sight as the girl. Jay furrowed his brow.
"Jay, help me. There's something tied around her neck," Evie's voice was choked up, and the young man quickly approached, carefully tearing apart the dangerously tied cloth from around the baby's neck. He fell silent, stunned, as she removed the trash bag from the small being squirming in desperation. "I just found her. It's a little girl."
"Was she just thrown there?!" Jafar's son questioned indignantly. He saw Evie nod without saying a word as a solitary tear slid down her cheek. She cradled the baby in her arms and sighed, her heart breaking as Evie tried to soothe her.
"What do we do?" Evie whispered, her voice barely audible, as Jay approached and ran his hand through her blue hair. She couldn't bear to leave the little, fragile baby there after what she had witnessed, and Jay felt the same way.
"We'll take her with us," he said gently. Evie nodded without hesitation, and the two of them returned to the meeting point of their four friends. Carlos was the first to notice the bundle squirming in the arms of the daughter of the Evil Queen. Jay's nervous expression didn't go unnoticed by the platinum-haired boy.
"Who is this?" he asked, and only then did Mal notice their friends.
"We're taking her with us," Jay said. "We found her in the dumpster in front of Enoja's Shop."
"Oh my God," Mal exclaimed. "Wasn't there anyone around?" She approached to get a better look and tried to read her best friend's expression, but Evie never took her eyes off the baby. It was Jay who guided her through the streets.
"No, she was wrapped up enough to not survive until tomorrow," Jay replied angrily, and Mal and Carlos exchanged glances, shaken. Nothing more was said. The four of them returned to the car they came in. Evie managed to calm the crying child on the way. She seemed more tired than hungry. And that's when Evie looked up to meet Mal's gaze.
"Can we get a pediatrician to visit her at home?" she said, her voice sounding more fragile than Mal had ever witnessed.
"Of course, E," Mal smiled, tucking a strand of blue curls behind her friend's ear, offering some comfort. "I'll let Ben know and ask him to bring the best."
"Thank you," Evie smiled.
"Have you drunk the water I brought you?" Jay asked, taking Evie's hands as she stared at the baby lying on her bed, being examined by an excellent pediatrician and two nurses. "I'm talking to you..."
"I had a little bit," Evie finally answered, looking into the eyes of the dark-haired boy. "I'm not very thirsty." Her voice still carried anxiety, and Evie's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts.
"Hey, look at me," Jay called her attention once again. "She's fine, we're safe now. You can relax." He pulled her into a hug, and Evie wrapped her arms around her boyfriend's waist, taking a deep breath and releasing all the adrenaline that was rushing through her body, calming down a little more.
"I know," Evie affirmed. "Thank you." She smiled, expressing gratitude not only for his recent words but for Jay's calmness and support when she was on the verge of losing it. He responded with a kiss on her forehead and took Evie's glass, heading to the kitchen.
"Well, Miss Grimhilde," the pediatrician began. "We're dealing with a mild case of malnutrition. The little one has a slight fever due to that. Therefore, for the next few days, we'll continue feeding her with breast milk, along with some regulated vitamins. You can retrieve the milk from our Auradon bank, and I believe your proximity to King Ben will help with the process. We've already brought the milk for today; you just need to pick it up tomorrow." The doctor explained while Evie nodded, paying attention to every detail.
"Can we determine her age?" the blue-haired girl asked.
"With the examinations we've conducted, we estimate that she's only about three weeks old, which makes her survival a miracle," the doctor surprised Evie with her response. "And that also means that the next few days will be a bit challenging. Will you be her temporary caregiver?"
"I believe so."
"Alright, since I already have your contact information, I'll provide you with further necessary care instructions for the baby over time," the pediatrician continued, writing her prescriptions on paper. "I'll also be available if you have any doubts."
"Okay, thank you very much," Evie smiled, bidding farewell to the medical team.
Once Evie was alone with the baby, she sat beside her, getting close to the little one. Now that all the adrenaline had subsided, Evie felt a mix of fear and excitement about the idea of temporarily caring for the baby.
She would never understand how such an angelic being could be discarded in the trash.
She began tracing the small features of the sleeping little being with her fingers. The sparse brown hair she had, her rosy cheeks, her tiny, pointed nose, and her rounded chin. Evie smiled, her heart filling with a warmth she had never felt before. She gently ran her fingers over the chubby little hands of the baby, plump even for a malnourished baby. And as she touched the baby's tiny feet, the baby squirmed as if tickled.
Evie's giggle caused the little one to slowly open her eyes, wriggling. "Oh, sorry for waking you, little miss," she whispered. Evie carefully picked up the baby and cradled her, placing her head against her chest, smiling as she heard the contented sigh from the little girl.
Jay slowly opened the door to the room, only to find Evie singing a lullaby while gently rocking the baby back to sleep. He smiled, quietly closing the door, giving them more privacy.
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multifamdomfan · 29 days
My Stolen Hearts AU:
During the events of Descendants 4 when the two were teenagers Bridget and James Hook were secretly dating but they had a fight not that long before that so they wanted to go for a couple days away from each other to clear their heads. Their fight was that Bridget knew what an amazing and sweet James could be based on their interactions when they are alone but when he's with his friends he's a mean and arrogant jerk. She doesn't see why he can't just show the real him to his friends and everyone else. James got defensive but never gave a clear answer on why he acts the way that he does.
During the song Perfect Revenge he suggests making her walk the plank because it would hurt the least and he could be there to save Bridget.
After Red and Chloe go back to their time line James reaches out to Bridget and apologizes and explains why he was acting the way that he was. Being a pirate means that your life is constantly in danger and there is a certain way pirates are supposed to act so it's best to put up a front to avoid showing potential enemies your weaknesses. Bridget forgives him and for the first time James experienced unconditional love. He doesn't necessarily drop the act in public but he does lighten up if Peter Pan isn't involved though.
Bridget and James get married when they are in their early twenties. James wanted to go back to Neverland temporarily now that he has the advantage of being an adult to get revenge on Peter Pan since Peter never left the island. As you all probably know the revenge this doesn't turn out well but after almost being eaten by a crocodile again he returns to Auradon not wanting to waste a second of his life without his wife apologizing repeatedly for leaving in the first place.
Bridget of course forgives him and they make up for lost time if you know what I mean.😉 Bridget gets pregnant with Rook (my OC) and James is thrilled planning on everything that he and his son could do together but nervous that he'll ruin Rook's life but James gets banished to the Isle of the Lost before Rook is born. Bridget's parents force her to marry the King of Hearts since after the situation they are technically divorced. The king didn't know that Bridget was pregnant because it didn't show yet. Then the king and her have Red.
James fell into depression and became a womanizer in order to feel something, anything but it didn't work until the birth of his children. Harriet, Harry, and CJ.
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trizy0 · 2 months
Descendants- Entry #1: Kingdoms, Isles and Lands, Beast's rulling and how it affected the VKs, magic and magical beings
Kingdoms, Isle and Lands
The first thing we learn about descendants in the start of the first movie is that Beauty and The Beast are like 'High' Rulers of all Kingdoms, even with Cinderellasburg (and other Disney princess' kingdoms) existing, they had all control over the decisions that would impact all of Auradon (even if a certain ruler don't agree with the decisions made by the 'higher' ruler). The second is that the barrier between Auradon and The Isle of The Lost exists for 20 YEARS.
Later on, we learn about Wonderland existing and being a whole different than the Isle of the Lost (because in the start of the movies, we just assumed that every villain were in the isle), since Queen of Hearts and Red were confined to Wonderland for 30 years (even tho, the isle's barrier fell, probably, 8 years ago)
And if Wonderland exists, that means Neverland should exist too, even tho Captain Hook and his son, the iconic Harry Hook, were stuck in the Isle of the Lost, which doesn't make any sense.
Beast's Rulling and ho it affected the VKs
When Belle and Beast married and Auradon was formed, Beast made decisions that affected Auradon's citizens perspective of the VKs, leading to a biased society who treats bad those who's parents did evil, even tho anyone could be or become a villain, no matter who their parents were.
And the decisions made by Belle and Beast was (being the biggest Beast hater that I am):
1. Ban all magic (only allowed in events beneficial, like Ben's coronation or Mal's entering to the royal court, to Auradon or to save said kingdom)
2. Not teach dependant (in magic) magical beings on how to control their abilities (JaneJane that even tho she's fairy godmother's daughter she didn't know how to do magic, Mal and others)
3. Bring back to life all of their villains or break them free of their prison that was made to protect others
4. If said villains have children, they will locked up in the same isle as their abusive parents, having zero to none basic life care (food, system and health care).
Magic and Magical Beings
We also learn that magic and magical objects are forbidden in Auradon, which is strange since we see Fairy Godmother use her wand in Ben's Coronation, Mal's entering Court and her Resignation as Auradon Prep's Principal, which means that the use of magic only is permitted if it's beneficent to the kingdom (nah, I'm lying, it's if is beneficial to the royal family).
Jane, even with Fairy Godmother as her mother, didn't know how to control her magic or how to use it, she just knew the basic knowledge of it (how the enchanted lake and magical artifacts work).
As for Mal, she knew how magic worked and how to have some control over it (D1), since she already had some experience with it (the green eye thingy).
And Uma, who's mother was a Sea Witch, also knew a lot about magic and how it works.
The fact that magic in general was prohibited is ridiculous, Fairy Godmother existence is based on magic (she being a fairy already means that), just as Maleficent, she depends on her magic.
Plus, magic in Descendants is so badly explored, we don't know who could use magic (with Merlin Prep being the villains past) and how each of them carried out their destiny as villains and heroes.
End of Entry #1
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