#the kind of joke that you laugh at on the outside and scream on the inside
yandere-toons · 2 years
Dina said they also go by he/them pronouns. Despie The Collector’s sceentime being short, they' showed so much personality. Do you think you could...
The Collector (Platonic & Romantic Headcanons)
WARNING: yandere, references to genocide, reality warping, violence, death, psychological manipulation, toxic mindset.
A.N. - Excited to see where this character goes.
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The Collector views their friend as more of a playmate than an equal, someone with whom they can pass the time by using their shapeshifting ability and shadow puppets to destroy the pretend world together. The Collector promises that the day will come when they make this game a reality. Until then, they settle for annihilating shadow people and counting everyone else their friend has ever known among the casualties.
If their friend is not designed to live as long as The Collector and shows signs of aging for the worse or nearing death, they scour the depths of their abilities and mercilessly exploit the magical elements of the Boiling Isles. The dreams and subconscious of shopkeepers are haunted by apocalyptic visions until a black-market potion of immortality finds its way to The Collector.
Healers are possessed and then dumped after operating on their friend, and while success is rewarded with keeping one's life, failure or a faulty potion is repaid with curses that turn the offender into an inanimate object.
The Collector is a harbinger of revolutionary destruction and thus has no concern for whether their behaviour is seen as acceptable or not. One of their favourite activities is sneaking up on their friend to spring an uninvited visit that lasts until Belos calls them away.
These visits are marked by nonstop chatter from The Collector, with the topics ranging from a desire to play together in the remains of the Boiling Isles to constant requests for hide-and-seek sessions that are hopelessly tilted in The Collector's favour.
The Collector lives for thrills and searches endlessly for a cure to their boredom. As a result, they are a dastardly influence who likes to sow chaos in their friend's daily existence by way of supporting the most dangerous option in every situation.
No one has much worth in their eyes except for themselves and one other, so The Collector offers no restraint when they get in the mood to taunt and cheerfully disregard life for the sake of a laugh.
Because they see themselves as infinitely more powerful than their partner, The Collector gives little weight to disagreements and reacts to insults and complaints as if hearing a funny joke. The Collector is aware of their own wishes before anything else and does not acknowledge the physical and mental limitations that their partner may have when they decide they want to play.
If the cosmic mind games are not enough, the poems and theatrics about committing genocide against the Boiling Isles will reveal how much The Collector feels that they are in control of their partner's life.
The Collector has the mind of a rambunctious child, so any idea of the relationship that they entertain is self-centred. They believe that their mysterious powers and untold knowledge make them immune to most dangers outside of upsetting their partner, the risk of which is not all that meaningful to them because The Collector enjoys mocking and teasing others just as much as they do the friendly alternatives.
Any kind of attention, especially from someone who they consider amusing, is fuel for the entity who has spent eons living under bones.
When they ambush for attention, The Collector expects their partner to ignore the rest of the world, disregard any previous engagements, and indulge whatever whims they have at the moment. The exits are blocked by walls of shadows to encourage this.
If someone still manages to interrupt or their partner manages to slip away, The Collector paints the room with screams and behaves like an omnipotent child throwing a tantrum that can obliterate hundreds of people in seconds.
The Collector takes a special interest in the reactions of their partner and shares bits of ancient wisdom in exchange for permission to toy with friends and family. Every time they launch an attack on someone who interacted with their partner, it is less about pride or vengeance and more about how much fun it would be to terrorize the person into madness.
The Collector cannot be reasoned with or bullied out of it once they decide to go on the offensive, and they are just as likely to break any deal that claims otherwise even if the person did nothing wrong.
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Do anything you want with my work, but never make me boring!
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tsukishumai · 2 years
pairing: sakusa kiyoomi x gn!reader
wc: 2k
tags: fluff, manager!reader
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Sakusa has heard it once, he didn’t need to hear it a thousand more times.
It’s been repeated to him often enough that it was now indoctrinated into his own self-image – a seed planted into the soil of his psyche, and watered by every off-handed comment about his mannerisms from strangers that hardly knew his name until he’d accepted it as a part of him just as much as his limbs.
Sakusa Kiyoomi was… difficult.
His family often referred to him as “fussy”, countless stories repeated back to him about his childhood days of only drinking his milk if it’s been heated up to exactly thirty seven degrees, or refusing to leave the house unless he was wearing his mask. He didn’t like it when his mother forced him to hug his relatives, and family dinners outside of the home could only happen if he was the one that chose the restaurant.
He didn’t really think this made him difficult … he was just a little particular.
That’s what he believed throughout the preamble of his adolescence, convinced that the dramatics lied in others, and not him.
But the reputation he had inadvertently garnered during his academic years had only served to prove his issues.
He didn’t have a lot of friends, the closest one to him being his own cousin — not that he really minded. He found nothing wrong with choosing to focus on his passions instead, even if it meant eating his lunches alone in class.
Unapproachable, is what Komori had called him, and Sakusa was finding it difficult not to be offended. Sure, he knew he wasn’t the friendliest, but he certainly doesn’t remember ever being uninviting.
Though, there was a rumor that spread throughout his second year that he was afraid of germs after he had spent seventeen minutes chewing out a first year for leaving the bathroom without washing his hands. He admittedly kind of liked the thought, and never bothered to correct anyone about it.
And, yes, he’d be the first one to click his tongue at the girls screaming in the hallways at seven in the morning. He wasn’t afraid to loudly shush at those speaking louder than they ought to in the library, and he’d clear his throat a little forcefully whenever there was a crowd blocking the doorways.
But how does that make him the rude one?
He didn’t understand it, but he had heard it so many times, so he figured it must be true.
“I can never really tell what you’re thinking,” Atsumu had admitted to him once, tipsy from the three cocktails he drank too fast, excited about Sakusa finally joining one of their ‘boy’s night out’.
Atsumu, Hinata, Bokuto were reminiscing about their high school days, laughing at the days when all four of them were battling it out in separate courts, far from the games they now shared behind the same net.
Sakusa had begrudgingly admitted that his teenage self didn’t have nearly as much as the other three did, and Atsumu was much too quick to throw in his two cents.
“I dunno if you like something, or if you hate it,” he slurred out, sloshing his drink when he points a sticky finger at Sakusa, “I can’t tell when you’re joking or what… It’s always a hit or miss with you! It’s unsettling.”
Unsettling. That was a new one.
You had been the third person in four months hired to manage the MSBY Black Jackals.
“Be nice to this one, Omi,” Bokuto mumbled to him during team introductions, and it had struck a nerve somewhere deep within Sakusa. There was a sort of implication that Sakusa was trying to be unkind, that his actions were spiteful in nature, but that wasn’t the case.
He didn’t know he had been a problem in the first place.
At the end of your first week, nearly the entire team had practically forced you to let them treat you to dinner – an official welcome into the deranged business known as the MSBY Black Jackal’s franchise. You had done well so far, all things considered. Sakusa knew from first hand experience that his teammates were not the easiest to get along with, but you seemed to be able to handle all of them with easy grace.
Sakusa hasn’t even had to complain about you once, and this was a fact that was quickly brought into the spotlight by the rest of the table.
“You should have seen the look on Omi’s face when Fujikawa-san scheduled him for an entire spread on GQ,” Bokuto nudged your shoulder, Sakusa cringing both at the mention of the old manager and at the force of which you flew to the side, “He nearly had an aneurysm right then and there!”
“You know what an aneurysm is?” Sakusa says coolly from above the rim of his beer, eyes slipping closed as he sipped and ignored Bokuto’s whining.
“That’s nothing,” Meian laughed, “Remember when Sakiyama-kun forgot to tell Sakusa that they were filming interviews in the locker room? That was the first time I ever heard him actually snap at someone.”
“At least it wasn’t directed at you,” Hinata groaned, dropping his forehead down onto the table, “When I first joined, he…”
The floodgates had been opened then, and if Sakusa had heard it once, he'd heard it a thousand times before.
When I first met Sakusa-san, I thought he was terrifying!
Be careful what you say around Omi, he can be a little grouchy sometimes.
Don’t worry about Sakusa-senpai, he likes to be difficult with everyone.
Omi-omi freaks me out, I never know what’s going on in his head!
Sakusa doesn’t enjoy being troublesome, he doesn’t like to be seen as strict and accommodating. He just likes things the way he likes them.
“I don’t think Sakusa-san is all that difficult,” you chuckled, “Maybe you guys are just having a hard time understanding him?”
You laugh out loud at the collective groan around the table, throwing your hands up in defense as everyone continues to try and prove you wrong. The desperate defamation of his character at the hands of the people he spends nearly all his time with should probably peeve him a little bit more than it does.
But you had stopped for a moment, and gave him a cheesy grin that lasted only for a blink, and for the first time in his life, Sakusa chased after the fleeting thought that maybe it wouldn’t kill him to be a little more agreeable.
He had kept this philosophy swimming somewhere in the back of his mind, and over the next few weeks, Sakusa could slowly feel a turn of the tide.
He no longer had to hunt down the janitor of the stadium every morning to open up the gym, always finding the door unlocked with a towel ready in his locker. He’d come back to a single banana and a bottle of that kombucha he absolutely hated but can’t seem to stop drinking placed innocently on top of his gym bag, and a note with a smiley face that didn’t need a signature for him to know who it’s from.
He was always placed in conference panels next to Atsumu and Bokuto, the two always eager to answer enough questions for Sakusa to avoid speaking too much into the mic. His training sessions were scheduled a half hour before everyone else’s, always giving him enough time to finish and get into the shower before the last black jackal could even step foot into the weight room.
The irritation he usually felt hiding beneath the surface of his demeanor had disappeared, and for some reason his coworkers all started speaking to him more. We
His life began to move forward as effortlessly as a well oiled machine, and it really didn’t take much for him to figure out why.
And it wasn’t as if you were giving him any special treatment. He knows you drive to the convenience store twenty minutes past the stadium because it’s the only one that carries Hinata’s favorite sport drink. You’ve shown him the dozens of fake twitter accounts you’ve made to tweet Bokuto good luck before every game. You make sure to steam Atsumu’s entire uniform before each game because a single wrinkle can throw him off the edge.
He sees you.
He was glad now for the part of him that Atsumu had found unsettling.
Because he wouldn’t want them to understand why he’s suddenly bringing an iced green tea with honey to work every morning and bringing it directly into the back offices. He doesn’t need Atsumu to figure out the reason why he started packing extra bentos for practice after seeing you work through lunch one too many times.
He allows them to think he stays later after games so he could have the locker room to himself, because that’s the way Sakusa’s always been, right? He’s gotta have things his way, or no way. And it definitely wasn’t because he wanted to wait for you to finish your work, and wanted to be the one to see you home safely.
He tells himself it’s simply out of kindness, to show his gratitude with what you’ve done. Who’s to take care of you after you’ve taken care of everyone else?
He wouldn’t mind if it was him.
He hopes you suffer from the same affliction as his teammates, unable to read the blank face hidden behind a plain white mask. He wouldn’t want you to think he likes the exasperated smile on your face when you see him waiting, or the excited hop in your step as you fall into pace with him. He doesn’t give away that he actually enjoys your ceaseless rambling, and that you never took offense to any of his teasing.
But something tells him that you understood anyway.
“Can you believe it’s been six months already?” You mentioned, sticking your hands deep into the pocket of your coat. Your steps were slow, feet dragging behind in a pace that Sakusa was more than willing to indulge.
He shook his head because no, he could hardly believe it’s only been six months, because he could hardly remember what his life was like before you walked in it.
But he doesn’t say that. Instead, he says, “We should celebrate.”
Your eyes brighten up at him with excitement, clapping your hands together with a big smile.
“Yay, let’s celebrate!” You cheer with a little pump of your fist, and Sakusa could feel the corners of his lips tug up into a smile.
“We should invite Shoyo and Atsumu, and the rest of the team! The karaoke bar down the street is open late, they’ll love that,” you say with such enthusiasm, Sakusa felt guilty for how fast his smile dropped to the ground.
He was thankful enough the mask on his face managed to hide his idiotic smile, but he was even more grateful now for covering his disappointment. He continued to follow the length of your strides, silently walking you to the train station just as he’s done in the past.
He doesn’t say much else, simply nodding in agreement. Honestly, he should have known you’d think that’s what he meant. It would only be natural to celebrate a milestone like this with the rest of your coworkers, wouldn’t it? He was too presumptuous to think you’d want to be alone with him. God, he was starting to feel like a real idio—
“Jeez, no need to act so gloomy,” your voice cuts through his thoughts like a scalpel, and he turns to see you snickering into your palm, “I was just joking!”
He doesn’t know what to say, so he says nothing, blinking down at you confusedly as you roll your eyes.
“I won’t invite anyone else. We can celebrate, just us two,” you smile, reaching up to ruffle your fingers through the tufts of his curls, “Gosh, you’re so easy to read, Kiyoomi.”
He tugs his mask up higher on the bridge of his nose, praying to God you don’t see how much he enjoyed that.
But the soft smile on your face tells him you do, and maybe Sakusa likes that.
Because with you, Sakusa Kiyoomi felt easy.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
a/n: this was supposed to be a drabble
rbs v appreciated <3
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cactus-stories · 2 years
Teen!Bruno Madrigal x Foreign Fem!Reader 「Chapter 1」
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This is probably gonna be a short fic instead of a one-shot, I wanted to start it on their teenage years, but will probably make the rest of the story pass by after the birth of Luisa, Isabela and Dolores!
Read it on AO3
Bruno Madrigal. You've heard this name so many times since you and your family moved to Encanto, it wass as if the guy was the only talk on the village. Be it via hushed whispers, disapproving gossip or even revolted screams, everyone always had something to say about him.
Being knew in the village meant you hadn't met the Madrigals yet, curious about their powers and what they would look like! The only one you've seen so far was Señora Alma, the lady being kind enough to introduce you to a few of your neighbours.
Now, a week has passed and you still haven't had the time to meet many people, more focused in helping your parents get habituated.
"That Madrigal boy is a magnet of bad luck! You and your family better stay away from him!" your neighbour commented one day, as you were helping your mom hang some clothes to dry outside. "Came to my son one day telling him he was gonna be in pain, and wouldn't you know? The very next day he broke his arm!"
Your mom hummed along, not really paying much attention to the older woman. She seemed to have taken a liking to you, already joking about how you and her son were the same age, nudging you into talking to him as much as you could.
"But why would it be his fault?" you asked, confused. "Did he break his arm or something?"
"He wouldn't dare, he's skinny as a stick, that one! It was his bad luck! If he had kept quiet it wouldn't have happened!" she seemed enraged about it. "Alma needs to do something about that boy, or else he'll keep spreading his curses around!"
The conversation didn't seem to be going anywhere, so you decided to tune it out, the older woman ranting about the boy to your mom, while you hummed to yourself. Finishing your task quickly, you blew your mom a kiss, waving to your neighbour and deciding to finally check out the village properly.
Crossing the bridge that connected one half of the village to the other, you heard the soft clicks of tiles tapping against each other, following the sound for a bit, stopping in front of Casa Madrigal, smiling softly at the sweet aroma of passion fruit in the air.
"Hii! You're new here, right? Mamá told us about you!" a red haired girl happily skipped next to you, colours lightly shifting around her as she spoke. "I'm Pepa Madrigal! But you can call me just Pepa!"
"Hi, Pepa!" you waved at her, introducing yourself. "It's nice to finally meet one of the famous Madrigals! Your family is pretty popular, huh?"
She laughed, linking yor arm with hers as she talked about her gift and how it usually got people's attention, walking towards the house and guiding you to the kitchen, where a brunette girl sat, munching on a piece of cake.
"Julieta! Look who I found right in front of our house! It's the new girl!" gesturing for you to sit down, Pepa took her place next to her sister, still happily chatting as she served you a piece of cake. "I was telling her about our gifts!"
"Ai ai, Pepita! Mamá told you not to go running your mouth already..." the girl said, jokingly, turning to you. "She's not overwhelming you, is she? She does that sometimes."
"No, no! I have no problem listening to you guys, really!" you waved your hands in front of your body, gesturing for Pepa to continue her story as you finished your piece of cake.
After a while, you noticed the sun starting to settle down, getting up and quickly thanking the girls for the chat, telling them you had to be home soon. They waved you goodbye, inviting you to come over any time, happy to have made a new friend.
As the days passed, you got closer to Pepa, accompanying her on her errands, talking about yout life before going to Encanto and laughing at her stories about her family, they were always very nice to you, but you still hadn't met the infamous Bruno, being told that he was either in his room or already left the house every time you came over.
On the other hand, it seemed like the villagers had even more to say about him than before, and it was starting to get in your nerves. Pepa and Julieta told you very few things about Bruno, but they were all positive, and you didn't get the hatred the people of Encanto had towards him.
You knew it made his sisters sad, hearing them complain about how it wasn't Bruno's fault what he saw on his visions, and they were your only friends there, so it was starting to get you down too. After passively listening to another of your neighbour's rants once more, you decided to go for a walk so you could cool off.
Her son didn't get the hint, apparently, rushing to your side as you walked towards the village's market, waving the cast on his arm, his mom too prideful and irritated to let Julieta take care of it.
"You've been awfully close to the Madrigal's lately, huh?" he started. "Did you get the weirdo to see your future already?"
"I'm sorry, who?" you cocked an eyebrow, turnining to look at him with an irritated look.
"You know, Bruno!" he reminded you, indignantly. "The one who broke my arm!"
"You broke your own arm out of sheer stupidity, Nicolas, Bruno was just trying to warn you." turning to one of the food stands, you looked at what they had for sale, still annoyed at the guy next to you, gesturing to his cast with your head. "And then you keep the pityful look, even after Julieta offered multiple times to help you out with that."
Nicolas let out an indignant huff, opening his mouth to complain once more, before looking behind you with a slightly frightened expression, and quietly gesturing for you to leave. You cocked your head, turning around to see a boy around your age, his skinny frame towering over you, a large green poncho almost engulfing him. He looked like he wanted to tell you something, but before he could even start, you were already warning him.
"Sí?" you locked your eyes on his, still annoyed. "I swear, if you heard me and are gonna try and tell me another puta historia about Bruno, I will not hold myself from doing something I might regret later."
"Well, I'll try not to be too egocentric." the guy in front of you gave you a short smile, before extending his hand for you to shake. "Bruno Madrigal, nice to meet you."
'Puta mierda'
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slttygeto · 2 years
jjk men + the film industry! (2)
synopsis: part 1 was really fun to write so!!! let's go again
featuring: nanami kento, itadori yuuji
warning: nsfw in nanami's part.
reblogs are appreciated!!
nanami kento
you thought you were going to pass out when you learned that you were going to be in the same movie as the nanami kento
one of the most handsome, gentleman-y, well mannered, talented actors of all time
honestly, a once in a lifetime opportunity
and he was exactly as you imagined when you started working together
he was very reserved, rarely engaged in conversations unless he was told to and kept to himself a lot
but after a few weeks of working together, you noticed that he started popping a lot next to you behind the scenes and especially out of nowhere
and silent minutes spent in the waiting room turned into full on conversations about the most random subjects, the recent books you had agreed to read together, etc.
a scene where you two had to be naked in bed was never part of the script.
you didn't know who pitched the idea for the writers, but suddenly you were asked if you were comfortable with the concept of nudity with the blond man
to which you asked "is he comfortable with it?"
you were waiting for a no as a response, nanami looked like he never wanted anyone too close to him so when his manager said that nanami said yes, you were embarrassingly too quick to agree on the scene.
it was so heated.
it started with a make-out session in the hallway, nanami pressing his knee against your crotch, eliciting sounds he had never imagined that he would enjoy so much.
"fuck," he whispered, a hand wrapping itself around your neck before pressing your head back against the wall.
you started grinding against his knee, the action sending jolts down the man's spine.
"atta girl, so good for me," you were pretty much ready to cum right there and then if you didn't remember that you weren't supposed to go that far.
the director almost forgot to say cut.
"it is time to read some thirst tweets with nanamin!"
"i told you not to call me that," and although said man had a stoic look on his face, the small curve of his lips at your laugh confirmed that it was all jokes and that he truly didn't mind being called such cute nickname by you.
"plus you shouldn't be so excited about them, aren't they all a bit...too much?" he wasn't wrong, from what you've seen yourself, thirst tweets were usually very out of pocket. but that was exactly why you were there with him today.
"cheer up, you're a handsome man and everyone wants to, let's just say, do you," you said as you grabbed a piece of paper from the bowl.
"the make-out scene from kento and (name)'s recent movie together had me wishing i was sandwiched between them," you read out loud, watching kento stare dead into the camera.
"i don't like threesomes,"
so blunt.
now it was his turn to read a thirst tweet.
"the way (name) was moaning for kento had me growling, barking, grabbing the sheets, choking, punching the air, moaning, screaming, dying—"
"you're not... you're not supposed to read everything,"
"I'm just really worried about their sanity,"
that, or he found it really funny. either way, everytime you laughed or hid behind him after reading an exaggerated thirst tweet, he felt his heart melt.
you were way too adorable.
itadori yuuji
a goofball, someone whom everyone was always excited to work with
and you were no exception
and as if you two had known each other for years, you clicked right away
staff members never paid attention to how comfortable you two were with each other, it's always been like this when you were on set
very touchy, always hugging each other, hell even stealing forehead kisses as a way to show "affection"
no one would've guessed that you two had more than just a really close friendship going on.
and as the chemistry between you two got more obvious, it became kind of hard to hide how whipped you were with each other during interviews or even outside
this was a moment that you never saw coming. you and yuuji receiving an award as the best couple in the movie industry for the year was heart fluttering. you were truly at loss for words.
yuuji walked you up on stage carefully, warm hands holding yours so gently almost made you tear up, the audience watching as you two shared small laughs and love filled glances as you walked towards the actors who announced your names as the winners to receive the award.
"this is, uh, surreal" you started as yuuji handed you the award, your hands staying on his for a bit too long as you tried to gather the right words to show how grateful you were for the entire experience.
"I think this award means a lot to me—us, mostly because the bond that yuuji and I created for the past year of working together is just, indescribable to say the least," you chuckled in the microphone, not daring to stare at the pink haired male standing next to you.
before you knew it, he grabbed your head in his hands, soft lips pressing against your forehead. a kiss that reminded you of the many times he's done them out of respect, love and now it was mostly admiration and gratitude. feeling lucky to have you.
the audience roared in approval, some cooing and whistling at the way you couldn't seem to stop laughing, your hands holding yuuji's wrists as he kept his lips pressed against your skin.
pulling away, he stared down at you, brushing his nose against yours before turning back to the audience to thank them one last time.
not gonna lie, it was a cute way to confirm your relationship with him.
2022 © all works belong to slttygeto. do not repost my work anywhere else.
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cybersvoid · 3 years
❥ Your Highness ii
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♡ Pairings: Shigaraki x Reader
Summary: Prince Shigaraki was born with a curse. Anything he touches with his bare hands turns into dust. Everything except you, the new maid who's working in the castle.
Tags: [18+ NSFW] Vaginal Sex, Possessiveness, Controlling, Dubcon, Masturbation, Jealousy, Cursing, Loss Of Virginity, Breeding Kink, etc.
≺Part One≻
Knock. Knock. Knock.
“Miss Y/N?” A gentle voice called, stirring you from your sleep. You lazily lifted your head, taking in your surroundings of the room as the prior night started coming back little by little. Your head whipped to the side expecting to see Shigaraki, but luckily he must have slipped away before you had even woken up. You hated the idea that you might see him again. Praying the bed swallows you whole so you could just disappear from existence.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
“Ah, sorry! Come in,” you called out.
“Please don’t apologize it’s me who has woken you up,” a woman’s voice explained, she had short brown hair and kind-looking eyes. A warm aura surrounded her in a comforting way. She was in a maid uniform, but she didn’t look familiar to you, but then again, you never had the opportunity to meet the maids in this hall since they ran a different area. She must be far more experienced than you to have been moved up to this section of the castle, but she still didn’t look much older than yourself. “His Highness has called me in to prepare a bath for you.”
A bath sounded nice. The perfect opportunity to wipe your slate clean and try to forget about the events of last night. “Thank you, I would greatly appreciate it.
She wasted no time drawing you a bath and helping you inside. You insisted that you were more than capable of bathing yourself, but she was extremely persistent. Claiming your only job at the moment was to relax. It felt a bit invasive at first, being naked in front of someone you just met, but she also made you very comfortable.
“What’s your name?” You asked to fill the silence.
“Oh, pardon my rudeness. My name is Ochaco Uraraka, please feel free to talk to me informally.”
“My name is Y-”
“I know. Everyone knows. There’s a lot of rumors buzzing around you Miss, I wouldn’t let it bother you though. You’re lucky.” She spoke up, bringing you a towel to dry yourself, “when His Highness has taken a maid to bed, they usually don’t survive through the night. He must have taken quite the liking to you.”
Lucky? Why did you feel anything but lucky in this moment?
After you bathed and ate, you felt eager to jump back into work, hoping it would help take your mind off of things. Maybe if you kept busy, His Highness wouldn’t look for you and you would be safe. So you did just that, throwing yourself into whatever work you could.
“Wow, you sure are eager, Y/N.” Uraraka laughed, “Are you sure you don’t want to take a break? His Highnes-”
“Yes, I’m sure,” you cut off, not in the mood to hear his name. Possibly picking up on that, she just nodded her head and continued showing you to your next assignment.
“I see, well, how about we sweep some leaves off of the pathway outside? It’s a beautiful day and I’m sure you could use some fresh air.”
“Yeah… that sounds nice.” You could use the fresh air. Everywhere you went you heard whispers, everyone’s eyes locked onto you no matter where you went. You couldn’t even pin the looks to one emotion. Sympathy and jealousy crowded you in every direction you looked. You wish you could just scream and explain to them that this wasn’t what you wanted in the slightest, and if it was up to you, you would be gone, but His Highness was right, it’s not like anyone would care, and even if they did it’s not like there was much they would do.
“Y/N?” Uraraka called, snapping you out of your trance. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, I’m sorry. I was just thinking.” You explained, continuing to sweep away the fallen leaves on the path.
“How about I go get us some water. Wouldn’t want you overheating out here.” She joked, a small smile making its way onto your face as she ran off, leaving you to work alone. You didn’t mind it though. It was strangely peaceful. The whole castle was beautiful. You never got to fully enjoy it yesterday because you were so busy, but you were glad you got to now. The breeze flowed against your skin, cooling you as you worked. The birds flew in the air as they sang a beautiful song of freedom. You truly wished this moment would never end.
“My my, you are a cute one!” A voice cooed, a short blond-haired girl skipping over to you, as a taller, more brooding, black-haired man trailed close behind. “You must be my future sister! Big brother Shigaraki has good taste, but I gotta say you’re way out of his league.”
“I-I’m sorry?” Did this girl just call you big sister? And she referred to Shigaraki as big brother which means they must be...
“Oh, don’t mind us,” The deep voice of the man next to her cut in, “we just wanted to check out our brother’s new toy. Word travels fast in this kingdom and when we caught wind that there was a servant lucky enough to survive the night with him, we just had to check you out personally. But now that I’m looking at you. I can see why he’s taken a liking to you.”
The way his eyes traveled up and down your body, his gaze lingering on some areas more than others, made you feel vulnerable. That he was somehow looking at every part of you despite the fact that you were clothed. You nervously began to shuffle in place, your arms crossing over your chest in an attempt to create some sort of barrier between yourself and the two strangers in front of you.
“Now, now.” He chuckled, taking a step closer, his hand trailing down your arm as he stood over you, “Don’t look so afraid. We aren’t here to hurt you.”
“Dabi, enough. You’re scaring them.” The girl warned before giving you a soft smile revealing her slightly pointed teeth,
“It’s not my fault she scares so easily.”
“Dabi! Toga!” An angry voice called out, Shigaraki approaching with a look of disdain coating his face. You felt your stomach drop at his sudden arrival. Feeling even more uncomfortable than before.
“Big brother!”
“Well, it was fun while it lasted,” Dabi grinned, sending a wink your way as you diverted your attention. Shigaraki slid next to you, his arm being wrapped around your side as he aggressively yanked you into him.
“Leave. Don’t come to my castle again without an invitation. You have your own, now use them.” That was all he said as he pulled you back inside.
The last thing you heard was the two mumble a “No fun.” before the doors slammed behind you.
He didn’t speak a word to you while dragging you around. Not even as you cried out about how his grip hurt you, he didn’t care, not even bothering to loosen his hold until the two of you were in his bedroom. He carelessly threw you onto the edge of the bed, towering over you with a terrifying look of anger on his face.
“I’m not a patient man. I tried, I truly did, but you made that impossible. So I’m not going to wait another minute to claim you.” Not even bothering to explain further, he ripped your dress off, your hands springing up in an attempt to shield your breast before he began tearing into your tights and panties as easy as if they were made of paper. He began unbuckling his pants, his cock springing free from its confinement. “When I’m done with you, everyone is going to know who you belong to.”
You tried to back away, begging him to stop, but he couldn’t care less about your futile attempts to stop him as he crawled on top of you. Pinning your hands above your head so you couldn’t hide from him as he palmed your core. It felt so embarrassing and invasive to be exposed like this to him once again, this time in broad daylight. You hated every second of it, crying in embarrassment, and he loved it.
“Stop crying, you deserve this. Bad girls need to be punished. You were just going to let that son of a bitch put his hands on you? How far would you have let him go if I didn’t show up? Would you have fucked him right outside in front of everyone?” He growled a single finger pushing it’s way inside you. You cried out as you felt him stroke your walls from the inside. “Jesus, you’re so tight I can feel your walls clamping down on just my finger. Well, maybe you are a good girl after all. This is going to feel great… well for one of us. This is still a punishment for you.” He smirked, took his finger out, giving it a quick suck before lining the head of his cock up with your entrance.
“Please, not there!” You cried, your mother’s words ringing in your head like an echoing bell. ‘Your virginity is something sacred, Y/N. Only to be given to your future husband, someone you love.’ Her voice was soft, yet stern. How you wished you were with her now. “This should be done between lovers. Husband and wife.”
“Husband? Do you think I would ever let you marry someone? You are a maid under me. I am the future king of this entire shit-hole of a kingdom. I own everyone and everything in it, which means you belong to me. No one else.” He grinned sadistically at your cowering form, “But… if it makes you feel better. You can call me your husband. Come on, give it a try. Say, I love you, Husband.”
You turned your head away, refusing to give in to his cruel game. His teasing was going too far, but worst of all there was nothing you could do about it. You felt the head of his cock start rubbing up and down your slit, a tingling feeling sliding through your body causing your nipples to perk up. A moan slipped past your lips as a new feeling started to overtake your body. “Come on, princess. I might go easy on you with it being your first time and all. Just say it. Won’t it make you feel better?”
You almost wanted to scream. You doubt in any way that this would ‘make you feel better’ but you also doubt he cared to begin with.
“I… I love you, Husband.” You cringed, gritting your teeth at the statement that just found its way out of your mouth. You hated calling him that word, but Shigaraki on the other hand seemed a bit excited by the new name. He couldn’t wait to fill you up any longer.
He lined up the head of his cock with your hole before pushing his way in. You inhaled sharply at the pain, your nails sinking into his shoulder out of reaction as he somehow managed to fit his entire length inside of you. It hurt, tears slipping past your eyes as Shigaraki was panting with desire. The feeling of your tight cunt wrapped around his cock as you were completely at his mercy felt incredible. There was no way he would ever let you slip out of his grasp. You and every hole in your body were his, and he would make sure that when morning came your body would remember that. Remember the feeling of him inside of you, and the feeling of his skin on yours, just like he did with you.
All day he was suffering. The feeling of your cunt pressed against him when morning came had got him turned on before the day had even begun. He ended up masturbating over your sleeping form once again, even though he was so desperate to just take you then and there. While in his office he couldn’t get the night prior out of his head, leaving him with a hard-on and a rather foul mood that only seemed to worsen at the sight of you and his shitbrained brother talking. But with you now, taking his cock like a good servant, maybe he could forgive you.
Before you were even able to adjust to him filling you up, he began pumping in and out of you at a fast pace, as your hole clenched around him. Every time he pulled out, he felt your walls pull him back in, keeping him wanting more and more.
This was sex? Your mind was finding it hard to focus as he continued to enter you with an almost animalistic desire. It hurt, but it was almost starting to become… pleasurable. Your walls slickened at the continuous feeling of him hitting deep inside you. Your toes curled as a strange sensation started to build up.
“Feel good?” He groaned, not even slowing his pace as he asked the question, too eager chasing his own high. You leaned back as chills ran up your body, you were starting to feel so hot, the cold breeze nipping at your skin. Shigaraki took this as an invitation to let his mouth wander, immediately latching onto one of your nipples, sucking and biting with such a desire, as if he was a starved man and your tit was the only source of nourishment he’s had in years. He bit the tender skin and pulled with his teeth quickly, before releasing your small bud and latching onto its opposite. You whimpered out in pain at his harsh treatment of your now sore nipple.
“I asked you a question.” He mumbled over your breast, sinking his nails into your thigh to give himself a better grip and pulling you closer so he could somehow manage to pound even deeper into your now soaking cunt. He was addicted to the feeling of your skin, he couldn’t get enough. He wanted to leave his mark all over you. “I asked, do you feel good?”
You could barely find the words to describe this feeling. It was hurt but in almost a good way. The pleasure somehow overpowering the pain and leaving you wanting more. All you would do was nod.
“How about a thank you? Didn’t I say I would make you feel good? Even though you don’t deserve it. You little slut, coming onto my brother, like a fucking whore. But luckily for you, I’m very forgiving. I think I deserved to be thanked. Don’t you? Say ‘thank you Tomura, my sweet husband’”
Once again he was feeding you words to say, but this time your mind was too fogged to put up a fight as he began to suck and nip at your chest and neck. Causing the skin to darken where his lips once lingered “T-hank you, Tomura, my sweet husband.” You managed to cry out, your voice quivering at all the overwhelming feelings erupting through your skin.
“Mmm, fuck. So obedient. So perfect. I want you to take all of my cum. I want you to be swollen with my heir. Every time someone looks at you, with my child growing inside of you, I want there to be no doubt that you’re mine.” The final word seems to finish him off as he shoots his load inside of you, filling you up past your limits as pleasure flowed over you, wave after wave. Your cunt clenching around him and sucking every drop out of him. Both of you became weak as your orgasms faded, a weight seeming to be lifted off your chest as your whole body felt relaxed. Shigaraki’s hand came up to your face wiping the stray tears off of your tired face. His hand slipped down to your neck, yanking your forward and crashing your lips against him as he stole what was left of your breath away in a kiss.
God, he could definitely get used to this.
“My father wants to have dinner with me and my siblings,” he stated, releasing you as he pulled himself out of your cunt, the tiniest of whimpers leaving your lips at the empty feeling, “he has some things he wants to discuss with us. I’ll be bringing you, so you better be on your best behavior… or don’t. I don’t give a shit. I sure as hell wouldn’t mind punishing you again if necessary.” You couldn’t think about leaving the room, your body feeling overly sensitive to even the air in the room, but at the same time, another punishment sounds less than ideal. Not to mention you’d be meeting the king, and be forced to reunite with Dabi and Toga, this whole situation seemed like a disaster just waiting to happen.
“I’ll send one of the servants in to help you bathe and get you a new uniform so just stay put until then. I’ll be right back, so don’t even think about wandering off.”
Again, you couldn’t even imagine it. Your body finding the bed the comfiest place in the world as of now.
"After dinner, if you're a good girl, I may just give you a present."
You cringed at the words. Why do you have the strangest feeling that the present would be something only he would enjoy?
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I apologize, this was rushed and crappy I just wanted to get it out, and had a flow going. Anyway, please don't repost/translate my works onto any other sites. If you'd like to give me a tip, consider donating to my Ko-Fi, it's greatly appreciated! You can find some of my other works here.
People who wanted a part two: @tesop @unamused-aang @artloverizzie2021 @xxshinimakixx @athalahild @azelmawhy
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unfriedough · 2 years
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‘Positive!’- Zuko x female!reader
Masterlist <3
An: HIYA! Okay, I wasn’t planning on writing but idk. Wanted to. ALSO ANYONE WANNA RECOMMEND ZUKO FICS TO ME?? I’D BE SO HAPPY PLEASE <33 
Thank you for the requests btw!! This was super fun to write, and hopefully I'll write the rest soon!! <33
@heejin1sm said:
 “waterbender fire lady (maybe related to sokka and katara) finds out she's preggo and she kind of freaks out and is scared that if the baby is a waterbender then the people of the fn will not accept them and attack the child. zuko comforts and helps reader.”
P.s: I didn’t include yn being sokka/katara’s sister as that kinda limits how Yn could look.
Warnings: pregnancy, established relationship, panicking, crying, zuko being insecure (he’s just like that).
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Two lines. Your eyes skimmed over the maternity test for what felt like the 100th time, disbelief setting in as the clock made no effort to slow the ticking. Your mind ran laps, unable to process the newly-found information. It was as if every voice in your head abandoned their assigned post, running wildly across the expanse of your throbbing head. 2 Lines sat pretty on the cheap screen of a pregnancy test you picked up in secret. It’s not that you didn’t want Zuko to know, you didn’t want to give him false hope. However, things took a turn when you realised your baby could be a water bender, and you crossed your fingers - praying it would be a single line.
“One,” you pointed shakely, “two,” a choked sob escaping your closing throat.
As if testing your ability to count mentally, truly, you must’ve looked like a joke to any spirits watching. Actually, they were probably sharing popcorn and a good laugh by now. You slid down onto the floors, back against the sink cabinet. You flashed back to the cruelty of the first few months of being a royal. People would give you the dirtiest looks unbeknownst to your busy husband. You tried to ‘suck it up’, but that made it worse. Not having anyone to talk to made you feel homesick - you’d jump at the opportunity to go back to the water tribes if it weren’t for the excessive bullying that would occur when you got back. A whiny voice pulled you out of your wide-eyed state, you would have laughed if it weren’t for the circumstances.
“You almost done? I’m gonna pee myself!” Sokka screamed from outside, his bladder on the verge of exploding. He had been standing there for like 30 minutes.
Sighing shakily, you wiped your eyes with the intricate sleeve of your red silk dress, the ornate golden accents dulling with the liquid. You stood and leaned against the sink for support, your hand clutching your stomach tightly. Your eyes were puffy, cold water ought to do the trick. Leaning over the counter, you allowed yourself to enjoy the feeling of the crisp coolness. Three more frantic knocks on the door, followed by the low chuckle of no one other than your husband. Zuko laughed at Sokka’s whimpering and whining state, 
“There’s like a million other bathrooms you know,”
“Yeah I only trust this one!”
“You trust the bathroom?”
“You don’t?”
You decided to take your leave then, bursting the door open and swiftly walking away, the watertribe boy speeding into the restroom.
Zuko followed you, a stapled batch of papers in his large hands, and a handsome smile on his face. Suki called it the resting smile, no matter what he was doing or saying, if you were in the vicinity, a smile graced his features. It was truly a sight to behold. His hair was in a loose top knot, showcasing the amount of effort he puts into his job. The firelord was a hard working man, and a loving husband, you can only hope he’ll be a present father too. 
‘Why now?’ tears pricked your eyes at that last thought.
“Hey yn, I was wondering if-”
“Not now hon,”
The firelord furrowed his brows, pausing his walk, “It’s really important,”
He sped up to your pace, before gently taking a hold of your shoulder. You whipped your head around, his face mere inches away from yours. He studied your face, the wrinkle in between his brows growing more prominent. The confusion on Zuko’s face twisted into an expression of pure concern.
“What’s wrong, love?”
You tried to keep your composure, but he made it so difficult. Zuko stared expectantly, his mouth slightly agape. You breathed deeper than before, your throat feeling hoarse. Alternatively, Zuko began to lose his patience - worry quickening his breath.
“Did,” a pause followed, “Did I do something?”
The firelord pouted as he watched you intently, did he forget your birthday? No, that wasn’t today. An anniversary? Nope, still got a month. What did he forget? Was it really that important? You probably hate him now. You deserve someone a million times better. Atleast, that's what he thought.
Then the waterworks started, your husband frantically examining you. You pushed yourself away from him and speed-walked to the nearest room, attempting to shut the door, only for him to stop it with his foot.
“Yn.”  To anyone, he would seem angry, assertive, scary even. To you, he was just a teenager afraid of rejection. “Can we please talk?”
You sighed, pulling the door back to allow him in. Quietly, he shut the door behind him and walked to where you stood - near the window.
“I’m sorry.”
“I think I forgot something but I don’t know what and I-”
You pecked him on the lips gently, “You didn’t forget anything,”
Sniffling, you pushed your hand into your pocket, and pulled out the pregnancy test.
Zuko’s eyes locked with yours as he gently held it. His eyes traced back and forth. Two lines.
“You’re pregnant.” he said, disbelief vident in his tone.
Zuko swallowed thickly, staring at your sad face, “Isn’t this good news?”
“I’m scared, Zuko.”
Your husband brought his lips to your head, landing a reaffirming kiss. You scrunched your nose as you sniffled again, wiping your wet cheeks.
“Do you wanna keep them?” a hand ran through his messy hair, pin long abandoned on the carpeted floors.
You nodded, looking into his eyes. A great big grin adorned on his face, as he pulled you tighter to him, tears pricking his eyes. You giggled as he peppered kisses on your face, tears spilling from his eyes. 
“We’re gonna be parents,” he cheered, you couldn’t help but give him a peck on the cheek - god he was adorable.
He wiped your tears, smile fading ever so slightly “Why were you upset though?” it seemed as if he snapped back to reality.
You sighed, pulling his hand towards the bed, sitting him down. Zuko rubbed his thigh nervously.
“I’m scared they’re gonna be a waterbender.”
The firebender furrowed his brows, before smirking slightly.
“Why? They’d just be more like their mom.” he joked playfully, pinching your side, causing you to squirm.
“That’s not why,” you said through a giggle, taking a pause before continuing “I’m scared the people won’t accept them.”
Zuko’s face seemed upset, “They accepted you, no?”
“Yeah but after how long, darling?”
He clenched his jaw, pulling you closer to him.
“I don’t want to sabotage a kid’s life you know,” you laid your hand on your stomach.
“You- we won’t. The world knows how amazing of a ruler you are, and even if the baby was a waterbender - they’ll be respected and loved. I’m positive.” he tilted your chin to meet his eyes.
“I suppose you’re right,” a kiss landed on your lips.
“Tell me something I don’t know.” he said, smugly, earning a nudge on the shoulder.
“Shut up.”
You paused.
“But what if, what if they attacked our baby?”
The gears seemed to turn in the firebenders head, “Then we’ll get them bodyguards! I know a few kyoshi warriors that won’t mind.”
You grinned, safety finally beginning to welcome itself into your body.
“Okay. I guess we’re gonna be parents.”
The firelord’s eyes sparkled as he hugged you so tight you could barely breath, “I love you, so so much,”
“I love you more, stupid.”
Zuko chuckled, wiping his tear filled eyes. He leaned closer to your lap, and laid his head against your thigh. “I’m gonna be a dad!” a muffled voice claimed, earning a giggle from you.
You ran your fingers through his hair, he really was just a massive dork. 
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An: This feels rushed but whatever i guess. As always, hope you enjoyed reading, SEE YA! <3
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smol-cherry · 3 years
◇MCYT Astrophobic S/O HCs
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◇A/N: This is a remake!! Astrophobia is someone who is afraid of extremely loud noise in natural environment, such as thunder/lighting.
◇Character(s): Dream, George, Sapnap, Wilbur, Tommy, Schlatt, Techno, Philza.
◇Type: Headcanon.
◇Genre: Fluff/Comfort.
◇TW/CW: Astrophobia/Brontophobia.
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CC! Dream:
He probably won't understand at first.
There's nothing around you that could hurt you, right?
Until he noticed the way you'd jump whenever you heard any thunder.
He felt terrible and hugged you close, assuring you that he would never let anything hurt you let alone some stupid storm.
Will try and make as many jokes as he can to brighten up the mood, maybe even grabs his headphones, plays some nice music and makes you listen to it.
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CC! George:
He's not great at comforting people but he really tries.
Gets you some water and a small treat to hopefully help.
Will sit or lay next to you, letting you cling onto him, he doesn't care if you get his shirt wet, he could just wash it later.
If you try to apologize he'll shut it down instantly, saying it's okay to express emotion and not to worry.
Doesn't speak much, just tries to comfort you.
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CC! Sapnap:
He gives you your space but will hug you if you let him.
Whispers sweet words to try and distract you.
Will probably put on music, unplugging his headphones and letting it play in the background.
Or he'll put something on the TV if that works better for you.
Will complain about his friends to you if he wants to see you laugh.
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CC! Wilbur:
He's really concerned when you walk into his room shaking and almost sobbing.
Doesn't ask questions just let's you sit on his lap, hugs you as tight as he can and starts humming.
He appreciates how you trust him enough to come to him while crying, though he certainly doesn't like to see it.
Puts his head on your shoulder and plays with your hair.
Asks you what was wrong after you've calmed down.
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CC! Tom my:
All he knows is that you've come to him crying and that's enough to know something's definitely wrong.
He was editing but now that's out of the question, before you know it he's hugging you and telling you comforting words.
"Hey, hey, it's okay, I'm here, let it all out, it's okay, you're okay I promise, I love you so much."
Lays on the floor with you, he couldn't care less about how uncomfortable it is, you come first.
Puts you on his chest so you won't be on the bare floor and rubs your back, still repeating sweet words and phrases.
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CC! Schlatt:
Actually only finds you due to Jambo meowing at your closed door.
He didn't expect to find you curled up with your hands on your ears.
Jambo makes his way over to you, licking your face for comfort.
He's immediately worries and sits next to you, asking what's wrong.
He doesn't mind if you respond or not, he'll just wrap his arms around your sides, putting his face in the crook of your neck.
Jambo will also cuddle you, snuggling up closed to your face.
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C! Technoblade:
He's.. Not great at comforting to say the least.
He doesn't even try to comfort you at first, just asking who hurt you with a dark and harsh look in his eyes.
The voices are absolutely screaming at him to kill whoever harmed you.
It's only when you jump at the lightning outside does he finally notice what's wrong.
He relaxes his shoulders a bit and takes a deep breath, relived you weren't actually injured.
He'll do.. Almost anything to comfort you, but will talk about some things that come to mind while sitting next to you, such as how his day was, literally anything interesting in his life and maybe even some Greek Mythology.
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C! Philza:
You're definitely not gonna be scared with him around.
He's very good at comforting people, mostly his children though.
He thinks it's kind of adorable that you're afraid of thunder.
Not that he'd say that..
Makes you your favorite snack for some comfort and some hot chocolate to go along with it.
He'll hum to you while rubbing your back, he doesn't care if his voice isn't the best, no ones is, well.. To him yours is.
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strxwberrymoonstar · 2 years
You’ve Changed -
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Summary: You've finally come back to Hogwarts after studying abroad for a while and during one of your check ins you bump into someone you thought you would never see again
Warnings: No warnings
Word count: 801
This has been updated !
Walking down the busy street you try and squeeze yourself into you, trying to refrain from getting barged with the shoulders of clueless people passing by. Your legs lead you to the shop that your favourite pair of twins had decided to create before you left to study abroad. Weasleys Wizard Wheezes. You admire the large figure on top of the building before opening the large doors and stepping inside the shop.
The bell above the door dings loudly, catching the attention of a certain redheaded boy as he looks your way. A small smirk appears on your face as you make eye contact with him. His eyes widen before he runs over to you, arms wide open as he drags you into a big bear hug. 
“Oh I haven’t seen you in forever!’ he exclaims letting you out of the hug. “How have you been Georgie,” you question. George gives you a kind smile before replying. “Oh y’know, been very busy since we opened up this shop,”. You nod. “Speaking about ‘we’ where is Fred? doesn't he also work with you?” You ask. George rolls his eyes harshly. 
“He’s off with his girlfriend of course,” He grumbles. You  both walk through the shop trying to catch up with each other, talking about how Hogwarts has been since you left and anything out of the ordinary. While walking your gaze is attracted to a certain item in the shop. You carefully speed walk over to it, careful to not tip over any of the shelves that held, expensive potions. Your mind swarms with thoughts about what it could be before your body slams into another.
A loud crash is heard as the twin's branded basket falls to the floor. The person grasps onto your wrists, holding yourself up while also trying not to tip over themselves.
“Oh my, I'm so terribly sorry, I didn't see you there,” you say while looking up at the stranger, giving them a guilty smile. Your smile drops as soon as you make eye contact with them, instead a harsh expression takes over your face. “Lucius Malfoy, to what do I owe the pleasure,” You say coldly. He stands tall, body slightly towering over yours as his gaze looks down. His grip releases on your wrists and leads down to his cane, tightening slowly.
 “(Y/N) (L/N), the pleasure is all mine,” He says softly, eyes searching through yours. Loud laughter cuts through the silence like a knife, everyone's head turning to look behind Lucius. Draco Malfoy stands, awkwardly holding his stomach as he throws his head back and laughs louder. His laughter dies down after a bit and looks to you. “You always were the joke of the town (Y/N),” He says, having to stifle some laughs to speak. Upon hearing this Lucius whips his head around and glares at Draco. He lifts his hand up and points outside the doors. “Go,” he says through gritted teeth. Draco’s laughter stops completely as he looks at his father's expression. His face contorts angrily before stomping his way out of the store. 
Lucius slicks back his hair swiftly before turning back around to face you and George. “I’m sorry about him, I don't know where his manners went,” He starts off before ending in a mumble while glancing at the door. Your gaze shifts off of Lucius and towards George. George stands there, mouth agape and a confused look on his face as he watches the scene unfold before him. Lucius clears his throat, successfully gaining your attention back onto him. 
"Maybe, I should buy you a drink sometime, somewhere far from here of course," His face contorts to one of disgust before he continues. "As a way to apologise,". Your eyes widen, understanding the hidden message in this 'apology'. "Oh, oh a uh, a drink, okay yeah I could do drinks," Your brain stutters, a million replies screaming in your head as only mush comes out of your mouth.
The gaze of lucius malfoy feels hot on your skin as you stumble over your words. He tsks lightly, placing a gloved hand onto the side of your arm, stopping you mid-sentence. "I'll pick you up,". No more is said as the clomp of his cane follows him out the door.
George walks over to your frozen body, your gaze still stuck on the door that Lucius just walked out of. He waves his hand in front of your face a few times, hoping for a reaction. He sighs before standing behind you, leaning down to place his chin on your shoulders while holding the sides of your arms with his hands. "I guess you have a date with destiny, my dear," he says, his hot breath spilling out over your shoulder and neck.
"I guess I do,".
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amateurasterism · 2 years
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dating camilo !
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synopsis ; dating camilo madrigal headcanons
pairing ; camilo madrigal x gn!reader
notes ; first ever camilo post!! more in the drafts ;), 18+ dni
word count ; 0.93k
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camilo’s favorite thing ever is to find gorgeous places on the outskirts of encanto and bring you there on picnics. he thinks you look amazing under the sunshine so you’re always outside.
he loves creeping up to you and tackling you in a hug from behind. never too aggressive though, because he’d never try to hurt you
when he’s anxious, he hides his face in the crook of your neck and traces shapes on the small of your back while whispering small sayings in your ear
he smells like sun, clay, and cinnamon
there’s always parties at casita, so he loves dancing with you during them. if you're into it, he likes preforming dramatic songs too
he LOVES it when you wear his rauna. he will go insane every. single. time. if you wear it in town where people can see, he loves it even more
camilo is always pulling harmless little pranks on you. he’ll hide your most current book, blow out your candles, and change the flowers in your vases every hour. if you wear glasses he’ll put them on his head and let you chase him around town for it
he is constantly shapeshifting into other people to trick you because he thinks it’s cute when you get mad at him for it
before dating- if you found someone else attractive, camilo would shapeshift into that person and do the things that he knows pisses you off so you wouldn’t like them anymore
he just always knows where you are. all the time.
camilo is definitely big on physical touch- it’s his love language.
cuddling is his favorite
when cuddling, he always tries to be the big spoon but it doesn’t work because somehow every time you wake up he’s the little spoon. it embarrasses him every time, but it’s cute
he loves when you give him kisses all over his face, especially when you try to kiss his freckles.
if you wear lipstick, he forgets that it makes a mark when you kiss him so in the morning he’ll leave his room covered in lipstick. all the madrigals find it hilarious when they point it out and he runs away screaming “STOPP” while covering his face with his rauna.
overprotective af
if he so much as sees another person glace at you, his arm will immediately tighten around your waist and he will send the worst of death glares at them. he’ll louden his voice when he calls you “mi vida” or “amor” just to make sure the message gets across
he sings silly songs all the time to make you laugh. recreating his verse in “we don’t talk about bruno” is routine
he literally melts every time you interact with babies/younger children. as encanto’s designated babysitter, he just finds it super cute.
he could watch you play with antonio for hours on end and never get tired.
camilo always makes sure julieta has cooked your favorite meal every time you come over
he likes to make you clothes, specifically skirts and dresses (if you wear them). when you show up wearing the clothing he made for you he’ll panic and start shapeshifting into random people because dios mio, you’re gorgeous
he looks at you every time he makes a funny joke or sarcastic comment to see if you laughed
the madrigal family loves you and all of them never pass up the opportunity to tease you guys
isabela and mirabel especially- they’ll catch you guys hanging out in the kitchen or outside and they’ll start making fun of camilo
“y/n, you know camilo used to kiss his pillow pretending it was you?”
“camilo won’t shup up about you, even in his sleep! ask dolores.”
dolores loves you, she’s just fed up with camilo talking about you all night and day
but she never turns you down when you ask her about what he says about you when you’re not there
its usually something about your smile or laugh or kind personality
pepa is obsessed with you and melts everytime she catches you and camilo goofing around
before you started dating, pepa scolded camilo for not making it official sooner
at family dinner, camilo will always make sure his family isn’t too overwhelming for you. if the madrigals start shouting over something, he’ll either pull you aside or hold your hand and rub your back under the table.
the madrigals go insane whenever you and camilo lean against eachother or call eachother nicknames. camilo tells them to stop, but when he knows it doesn’t make you uncomfortable he lets it happen because he thinks it’s cute when you go red with embarassment
you, pepa, felix, abuela, and mirabel are the first people camilo will shapeshift to when he’s surprised or panicked
because of his shape shifting ability, sometimes camilo will forget what he looks like, so he carries around a photo you took of him on your second date.
also because of camilo’s shape shifting ability, he sleeps and eats much more than normal. due to this, you have little stashes of food hidden around casita just incase he’s about to pass out.
he leans against the wall and smirks a lot when you’re around only because he knows you love it. he sees it in the way you turn red and smile uncontrollably
if he’s not with you, he’ll shapeshift into you so he can admire you in the mirror.
most of the time when he’s alone he’ll lay in bed and smile and ramble about you because he’s just that happy you’re his
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kageyamatobiyogurt · 3 years
haikyuu boys when you decide to jump scare them (because you’re mean)
a/n: y’all scary movies don’t scare me anymore i think i broke as a person 😭 also yes this is some more crack i offer you.
also if you’re feeling it- check out my last post: first times with haikyuu boys (suggestive) bc it’s flopping and my heart is a little sad
includes: sakusa, tendou, ushijima, oikawa
part 2
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why would you even want to do this ?did you really want to choose violence?
“OMI,” you yelled, making his shoulders jump at the sudden sound
sakusa isn’t one to really scream at a sudden attack but he lets out the smallest yelp when you jump out from behind a wall
his eyes are wide but they soften as soon as they realize it’s you
you’re giggling at the sight of your usually pretty stoic boyfriend but he won’t even look at you 😭
now he’s just a tad bit embarrassed you got him so good
he gets pouty as hell and tends to cross his arms for the rest of the day
he won’t even take off his mask because his face keeps getting pink
“omi i’m sorry you know,” you eventually try, wanting him to at least interact with you again
he’s so petty he’ll turn his knees facing away from you and huffs
“are you done now” he’ll ask timidly
“you won’t do it again?” he continues pls you really got him, he probably lost a year of his life
“yes omi, i just wanted to try it once,” you chuckled, reaching over to tug his sweater sleeve toward you
he caves pretty quickly at your tug, his body following your hand pulling it
“i won’t forgive you if you try it again, i think i had a small stroke, you know,” he pouts
it’s okay give him a kiss on his cheek when he pulls his mask down and you’re good
he kind of missed holding your hand anyway </3
you think you can scare him? LMAOO nice try
his intuition is just something else
mans doesn’t even jump during horror movies
i mean, he’s as spontaneous as you can get
but you tried to do something anyway
he was scrolling on his phone on the couch when you snuck up behind him, making no sound whatsoever
like, you even wore socks to avoid having to take steps
just as you bring your hands up to suddenly drop them on his shoulders he speaks
“hi y/n,” he says ever so casually
pls he doesn’t even turn around to look at you, he’s still scrolling
when you put and plop down next to him in defeat, he just gives you the most seemingly innocent grin
“did you really think that was gonna work?” he grins, reaching over to ruffle your hair
“maybe,” you mutter
you already know in your gut that somethings wrong
he chuckles at your response, “i’ll show you how you’re supposed to do it”
he’ll what 😀
what did he do to deserve this? NOTHING
you’d expect nothing to phase him but how could he expect the person he holds so dear to his heart to betray him like this
sometimes wakatoshi needs to get a glass of water in the middle of the night, and with him being half asleep, he really wasn’t in the right mind for defense
pls the way he was walking to the kitchen was so slow too
he was rubbing sleep out of his eyes as he half waddled
he got his glass of water and all, but he had no idea you were waiting right outside of the kitchen entrance
you waited patiently and just grabbed him and went, “boo!” not even yelling
he let out a gasp that was combined with a sharp inhale and stepped back into the kitchen so fast
this shit was so entertaining to watch in the middle of the night 😭🤚🏽
he hit the cabinets with a small thump, his hand coming up to rest on top of the counter
it took him like ten seconds to process what just happened
when you walked into the kitchen, you just saw one of his hands pinching the bridge of his nose
“y/n why would you do that”
you reach out to rub his arm
“supposed to be a joke toshi,” you explain, trying to avoid laughing
“are you satisfied now,” he mutters, glancing at your face, noticing your lips are pursed, trying not to laugh
“well it was kind of funny,” you say carefully, beginning to open you arms to see if he’ll at least let you hug him
pls he’s so unimpressed but he opens his arms anyway
the hug is soft anyway as his long arms wrap around you and give you a squeeze
“i don’t know why my heart racing like this would be funny,” he sighs
you literally didn’t have to try that hard
although i do have to admit this is a little mean lmao all of these are uncalled for but sometimes you gotta cause a little chaos
you got him when he least expected it: when he was coming home
he tended to make noise when he opened the door, making sure to announce to your whole house that your ✨lovely boyfriend✨ has arrived
so you really would get him to make noise
you hid behind the door so you could get him as soon as he closed it
so you made your way behind the door around the time he usually gets home everyday, squeezing yourself against the wall so he wouldn’t bump the door into you and know that you were there
your heart picked up a little for no reason as the lock clicked open
“baby!” he called out as soon as he stepped a foot in, “i’m hO-”
just as he was about to close the door you boomed a, “TOORU!”
oikawa really let out this screech combined with the last syllable of “home”
you’re somewhat wheezing, doubling over until you see the betrayal plastered on his face
mans held his arms so close to his body, still stuck in the direction away from you
“Y/N-CHAN WHy would you do that,” he goes, correcting himself when he realized he was still in panic mode and yelling
he tuts when you try to approach him and explain that you thought it would be funny
he’s so dramatic pls, he even peels your hand off his arm, flicking it away
“you know you’re going to be the reason i age faster and get more wrinkles,” he tuts
“will it help if i tell you i love you?” you try
“maybe,” he gives in
“i love you tooru,” you chuckle, reaching out to him again (this time he lets you)
“hm,” he pouts, “i think one time wasn’t enough, my heart has weakened you know”
you roll your eyes playful but tell him you love him again and even go on your toes to kiss his cheek
he doesn’t let this go so fast bc he’s petty lmao - be prepared to shower him in affection
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white-tulips · 2 years
y’know... we don’t see much of Kel and Hero’s family, so there’s a lot of interfamilial relations we’re not privy to, but... as someone who grew up with a mother who was very.... verbally aggressive. I guess is the best way to put it. it’s always painful thinking about what Kel and Hero probably had to deal with growing up (and Kel still has to deal with it since he’s a kid and lives at home)
Hero definitely had a lot of weight on his shoulders being the Star Child, and that position comes with a lot of it’s own troubles, but I can’t help but feel really really sad for Kel. being what could be described as an “underachiever” in academics, being a bit silly and airheaded, not always remembering to do certain tasks your parents ask of you... and then having a passive-aggressive mother who flies off the handle at the drop of a dime in response to literally anything you do or didn’t do. it’s an experience that I can relate to firsthand, and even though the scenes between Kel and his mom were brief and mostly played for laughs, I still saw a little bit of my own childhood in them
like, this line-
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it’s so inconsequential and definitely written as a joke but, when I first read it I was hit so hard remembering that bringing friends over was a tactic I would use just so I wouldn’t be screamed at for something as small as not wearing a shirt my mother picked out for me (she used to be extremely controlling over how I was dressed) 
I can’t remember when it was, but I remember a scene where Kel’s mom did the whole “oh you hate your poor mother boo hoo hoo” and I think that was also played as a joke, but it’s so real to have a mother who one second will be yelling at you for seemingly nothing, only for the next be crying because she thinks you hate her even though she does everything for you and now You’re the one having to apologize because it’s all Your fault for making your mother sad 
and if that’s the kind of shit that Kel has to deal with, then I can understand why he would get super into sports and stay outside until dark and do literally anything else except stay at home, because... that’s what I did (well, I stopped doing sports in middle school because chronic pain is a bitch)
I genuinely believe Kel is a positive and happy person, but I don’t think the struggle of being the younger child with a crazy mom should be ignored because that shit fucks people up, and we even get to see a little bit of that with Kel laughing off the fact his parent’s ignored him crying to instead placate Hero. like, you really develop a very skewed sense of self worth 
EDIT: something I forgot to mention is that, while all of this is purely hypothetical and inferencing, there is the fact that we only see Kel’s mom when Sunny is present and I think that is another factor to be kept in mind. I think all parents have a “guest is over” mask to an extent, but with really neglectful parents it’s especially a Thing. a lot happens behind closed doors, y’know? and with how she acts even when Sunny is around, I just can’t help but think about all of the things we’re not seeing.... (hence the tactic of bringing friends over so parents don’t act as bad)
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noctumbra · 3 years
𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥
summary ─ you took a deep breath and opened your mouth to answer him when the idea struck you. his offer.
pairing ─ bestfriend!bucky barnes x reader
warnings ─ smut, +18, bucky is also the reader’s roommate, kissing, oral sex, making out, beard burn, dirty talk, sexy pictures, lingerie shopping with bucky, cam sex, OF accounts lol, friends-to-lovers, mutual pining, i don’t know shit about creating sexy content jsyk lmao, very light choking
a/n ─ inspired by this ask! spider nonnie had blessed us with this great idea. edits and yellings happened and here i am lmao thank you @nix-akimbo​ for the edits, i drooled and screamed and had to change my panties:) hope you like it! please leave a comment if you do! thank youu!! (pictures i used for bucky are edits from, again, @nix-akimbo​ <3 
p.s.: so sorry for the delay! enjoy 5.2k words of filth! pls let me know what you think
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It was sort of an off day for both you and Bucky. After having to deal with all the exams and applying to colleges, today was a calm and relaxing day for you. Bucky offered to go somewhere where you could both just be outside and have a change of scenery after holing up in your rooms or dragging yourselves from one class to another. You agreed easily.
His choice was Central Park; he was claiming that some green and soil under your palms might do you good, and you couldn’t see why not. With a small picnic bag kind of thing, you went to Central Park and sat down on the thing sheet you brought from home. It was very nice out; the sun was smiling down at you people and there was a soft breeze. You could hear birds chirping, kids playing and dogs barking. It was peaceful.
“God,” you heard Bucky groan. “I could say ���fuck it’ to going to college thing and live out here forever.” You chuckled.
“I don’t think you’d like out here very much in winter,” you said as you grabbed a strawberry and handed it to him. With a soft hum, Bucky took it. “Though I wouldn’t say no to the ‘fuck it’ part.”
Bucky frowned. “What? Why?” You sighed. It had been troubling you for some time now, and even though your parents said that they would be supporting you, you still didn’t like the idea of making them pay for your schooling.
“College is expensive as fuck, James,” you grunted quietly. “It’s expensive which means that I have to get a loan, and it’s gonna be a huge problem when I graduate.” Sighing again, you bit into the strawberry in your hand aggressively. Bucky didn’t say anything, opting to stay silent, you continued after swallowing the juicy fruit you just bit.
“I mean,” you started. “I’ll probably apply to some of the scholarships, but I doubt that I’ll get one. M’parents said they’ll help me, but I don’t wanna be a burden.” You watched Bucky changing his position. Your mind was racing to find some brilliant idea that was going to help you get through this money issue. Scholarships were very hard to get, you could work ─ it was more likely to be happen anyway ─ or you could just let your parents crush under your college bill. You snorted when a thought struck you, causing Bucky to give you a confused look. “I might start an OnlyFans account. Seems like it’s the only way to earn some real money to get through college properly.” Bucky grimaced for a second, and then his face got thoughtful. When he looked back at you, he started snickering.
“Okay,” he agreed, grinning. “But promise me that if you ever want to create content with someone, it’s gonna be me, alright?” You chuckled. You knew that Bucky had a crush on you during your first year in high school, but he was over it now was what he said a year ago.
“You just want to have an excuse to kiss and feel me up, Barnes,” you said playfully. Bucky shot you a cocky smirk, causing you to laugh.
“Joke aside, I mean it,” he said after your laughter died down. “Those kinds of things are dangerous if you don’t know your partner. So, I’m offering myself. You know me.” You nodded slowly. Deep down, you knew he was right.
“Yeah, well,” you murmured. “I’ll let you know if I ever decide to do such thing.” Bucky shrugged.
“You have my number, honey,” he said, giving you a soft smile. He had a dreamy expression on his face.  You ignored the butterflies in your stomach that the pet name provided and pushed him back from his shoulder. He went down with a yelp.
“Stop thinking about me naked,” you grumbled. Bucky laughed.
It was a nice day.
Looking back, you probably should have taken him up on his offer. This year was your last in college, graduation was crawling close with every breath you took, and the closer you get to your graduation day, the more stressful your days were becoming. You were drowning in your loans, your rent and your share of bills were waiting for you to pay, your job at the library was on a shaky boat…
It was totally pure luck that you and Bucky were in the same college and decided to be roommates because dorms were too crowded and loud. He was understandable about your money issues, he didn’t have any problems with it since his family was actually rich. It was very nice of him not to force you to pay your part although it didn’t stop you feeling guilty about it.
“Earth to Y/N,” you heard a deep voice and jumped on your seat. Bucky was looking at you with a small smile, worry was waiting to take over his face around the edges. “You alright, honey?” You hummed approvingly, nodding at the same time.
“Just thinking,” you said, closing the book you’ve been trying to read for an hour now. “Got lost in my head.” Bucky didn’t say anything but continued to watch you. The worry was slowly taking over his face. “I’m fine, Bucky, really.”
“Look,” he started, “I’ve known you nearly for nine years now, so I know when something isn’t alright. What is it?” You sighed. You hated bothering him with your money issues because you knew that he was just going to offer to pay everything himself, and just let you be his roommate without having to pay anything ever again. You couldn’t have that. You also knew that he wasn’t going to let you go if you didn’t tell him what had been going around in your head.
You took a deep breath and opened your mouth to answer him when the idea struck you.
His offer.
You looked at him. The corners of your lips were curling upwards slowly as the expression on his face got more confused and worried.
“Why are you looking at me like you are about to kill me?” He asked, tentatively taking a few steps back. You grinned. You probably looked like a psychopath right now, but if he was still up to it, this thing was going to help you a lot.
“Do you remember the conversation we had in Central Park while we were still in high school? It was a week after the applications,” you explained. He frowned for a second.
“We had a lot of conversations that day, honey, be more specific,” he said, and you nodded. He was right. You’ve stayed there for hours and talked about thousands of things.
“We were talking about how expensive the college is and I said I might start an OnlyFans account? You made me promise that I’ll come to you if I ever wanted to create content with someone. Remember now?” You watched his eyes grow wide with a smirk.
“Um,” he stammered. “Look, I’m definitely on board with that, but I want you to know that I can cover you if you want, alright? Like, y-you don’t have to post pictures or videos of your body just to pay rent, I can handle it, okay?” Your smirk turned into a soft, fond smile.
“I know, James,” you murmured softly, “Thank you.” Then, you stood up from your seat and walked up to him. Your fingers trailed over the sharp cut of his jawline, nails scratching his scruff. “Even though the main reason of why I wanna do this is paying my share of rent and bills, but I won’t say no to get laid. God knows I need it,” you scoffed at yourself. “So, are you going to help me, James?” You looked at him through your lashes. You could see that his eyes darkening and feel his jaw twitching.
“You really want it to be me?” He asked. You nodded. Other than casual hook-ups, both of you were single, and you lived in the same apartment so, it was supposed to work perfectly. Bucky’s eyes darkened more like it was possible and stepped forward to press his body against yours. “We gotta set some rules,” he said as he brushed your hair back gently. You shivered. You’ve been this close before, he shouldn’t have been affecting you this much, but fuck him, he was.
“Okay,” you whispered. He smiled and leaned in just a little bit so that your lips would brush against each other. You gasped softly.
“Yeah, I know what you need, honey,” he whispered, and then smiled. Pulling back, he gave you a smirk. “Gotta go, but we’ll talk about the rules tonight,” he said and in ten seconds, he was out.
“Fuck,” you whispered as you let your body fall back onto the plush couch. Suddenly, you weren’t so sure about the whole thing because you knew he was going to ruin you for all the other men. “I’m fucked,” you whined.
Royally, you added in your mind and whined a bit more.
It was a week later when you decided to start.
Like he said, you talked about all the rules and things about what to do and avoid, and then you set up an account. Bucky went and bought a camera just for this purpose, and when you complained about it, he promised to use it for other purposes, too. After everything was ready, he took you out for a lingerie shopping.
“You’re already sexy as hell, honey,” he had said, “but we gotta make you look even sexier. I have an eye, y’know it, so I’m gonna help.”
Now, you were in a red colored lacy number with garter belt and fishnet stockings adorning your legs. You had shiny leather gloves that went up to your mid-upper arms. You decided to forego the shoes, and Bucky agreed. When you were done with putting on everything Bucky bought for you, you looked at yourself in the mirror.
You looked fucking sexy.
“You ready?” You heard Bucky ask and took a deep breath. You couldn’t help but feel nervous because Bucky was about to see you in a fucking sexy lingerie. He was about to your ass in its all glory since you were wearing a thong. “Y/N?”
You got out of the bathroom before you could convince yourself to give up the whole OnlyFans idea, and honestly? The look on Bucky’s face made it damn worth it that you didn’t back out.
He straightened up from where he was sitting on the edge of your bed. His eyes went dark quickly. His face darkened, and you saw his lips parting before his tongue peeked out to lick his lips very invitingly. His now-almost-black eyes moved down and up and down again on your body, and he took a deep breath.
“Motherfuck, Y/N, you look so fucking sexy,” he grunted, it was actually very close to a groan, your brain noted. Bucky took another deep breath and held his hand out to you. “C’mere, baby,” he whispered. Shivering lightly, you walked up to him, taking his hand. His fingers wound into yours immediately, squeezing just a little, and he pulled you forward.
With a gasp, you fell onto his lap, arms wound up around his neck and his arms around your waist. His body was so warm, so solid and big under you, you felt like you were very close to fainting.
“Damn,” he whispered, “You were already beautiful, and now in this thing? Fuck me, you have no idea how gorgeous you look, love.” You whimpered just a little, scooting a bit forward on his lap, plastering your own chest to his. His white, wifebeater was only providing you a nice view of his bulging biceps and giving you a little peek of his pecs. His sweatpants, however, they were doing very little to hide… things.
“James…” You breathed. Bucky cursed under his breath and pulled back just for a second to reach behind you. You knew he started the recording, you knew that there would be a little red light blinking at you; you shivered. This was so unlike you, but you wanted to it. Wanted to do it with Bucky.
“Ready, love?” He whispered, and you nodded. “You know what to do if you wanna stop or take a breather, right?” You nodded again. “Tell me your safeword, sweetheart.”
God, you thought, he’s laying it thick on pet names. “Winter,” you whispered. He placed a kiss on the tip of your nose, making you chuckle lightly.
“Good girl, honey,” he whispered and it was fucking on.
He leaped forward to catch your lips with his, moaning loudly in relief when the soft skin of his lips touched yours, you arched into it. His hands were roaming all over your body, nails dragging lines and making you shiver, while his hands were occasionally grabbing your ass and slapping it lightly. You moaned into the kiss when you felt his tongue licking on your bottom lip, and you felt it slip inside when you gasped.
Bucky already had you putty in his hands, you realized, and you wondered what you were going to be in when he was done with you.
“Alright,” he said with a low voice. He gathered you up in his arms and stood, turning around, he placed you in the middle of your bed. “I’m gonna take some pictures, that okay baby?” You nodded, teeth already digging into your bottom lip. Bucky watched your face a couple seconds; his thumb saving your bottom lip from the abuse of your teeth and he stroked it slowly. You poked your tongue out to lick his thumb, and then closed your lips around the digit. “Shit,” he cursed. “Pictures,” he grunted as he pulled his finger out of your mouth. You giggled.
He grabbed his phone that was sitting on your bedside drawer. He did a quick work on opening his camera app and looked at you. “Turn around. Lemme see that peach, hm?” You felt heat licking all over your body as you gasped. Slowly turning around, you pulled your knees under you as you stretched your arms forward to grab the headboard. This position gave your back a beautiful arch, you knew it.
“Goddamn,” he whispered as he moved himself around to get a good light for the picture, and you heard the soft ‘click’ sound a few seconds later. You looked at him over your shoulder, lifting your head just a little. You heard another ‘click’. Smirking, also feeling that you were gaining some sort of self-confidence, you placed your knees apart from each other on the bed, spreading them widely.
“God-fucking-damn, sweetheart,” Bucky groaned. He shuffled and pressed ‘click’ a couple times. You buried your head in the bed and deepened arch of your back, wiggling your ass playfully. Bucky hummed. He reached out to grab one of your cheeks, to dig his fingers into the soft flesh, and you gasped with the sudden touch. Click. Bucky hummed again and slapped your ass lightly. You moaned, pressing against the touch of his large and warm hand, you lay down on your chest.
Bucky trailed one finger down from your crack to your pussy. “Soaking it already?” He asked, voice low and hoarse. Lust, your brain realized, making you moan. Bucky rubbed you there with his thumb, over the soft fabric, and his other fingers dug themselves into the meat of your ass. “On your front,” he said, slapping your ass again. Swallowing a whimper, you did as he said.
“You look so fucking beautiful,” he whispered. You hummed and arched your back again, giving him a nice view of your chest. Click, click, click. Smiling, you lifted yourself up on your elbows. You could see that your effects for the pictures did not go waste: Bucky was hard and tenting his sweatpants. You lifted one of your legs in the air and pressed the sole of your feet to his stomach, right over his abs. You saw his cock twitching under the fabric, and your smile turned into a smirk.
“Drop the phone,” you whispered as you maneuvered yourself onto your knees, still facing him but also facing to the bulge in his sweatpants. Bucky did as you said and put the phone on the ground. “Lemme see you?” You asked next while pulling your gloves off. Bucky nodded and pulled his wifebeater off in a second.
He was a fucking god.
His beautifully tanned and smooth skin and taut muscles were blinking at you cheekily. You could see a faint happy trail leading to his cock. His arms were a bulging muscles and veins mess, and you wanted to trace those veins with your tongue.
Instead, you leaned forward and nosed his happy trail. His low groan and cursing were deaf to your ears because all you were focused on was the bulge that was touching your chin. You shuffled a bit forward and pulled his sweatpants down to his mid-thighs, making his cock slap against his stomach.
Thank fuck for Bucky Barnes and his love for going commando.
You’ve watched his dick swinging so many times when both of you were home. You’ve seen his dick both erect and flaccid through the thin fabric of his sweatpants. Finally, you were seeing it naked and all in display for you to play.
“Love,” Bucky whispered as he brushed a strand of hair away from your face. He sounded turned on. Good, you thought and grabbed his cock. Nosing right under his cock head, you inhaled the natural musk smell coming off of him. You were so goddamn wet just by smelling him, you knew deep into your fucking bones that you were ruined for all the other men already.
Tongue poking out, you licked him clean with slow, kitten licks. Bucky cursed. He couldn’t tear his eyes off you; he watched you as you wrapped your beautiful lips around his cock, watched your tongue licking him from root to top.
Bucky was going fucking crazy.
“Y/N, holy shit,” he moaned when you took him in your mouth. His eyes closed briefly as he tossed his head back with the pleasure. You hummed and bobbed your head up and down. He felt so nice, so thick and full in your mouth; you never wanted to let him go. Bucky grunted when you swallowed around him. He was already so damn close, it was embarrassing.
“Baby,” he said. “I’ll come if you continue to do that again.” You made a soft sound. You wanted him to come in your mouth, but there was this whole video thing to go through, so you pulled off. Bucky, always good at reading you, stroked your cheek. “Some other time I’ll let you have it in your mouth, alright?” You nodded. He smiled. “Move up,” he commanded, inclining his head towards the bed. You scrambled to follow his order. You spread your legs as soon as you were in a comfy position.
“I could eat you up…” He whispered. He crawled towards you on his knees, sweatpants ditched already and he was naked. He looked up at you, his dark eyes boring into yours intimately. Bucky nosed your clothed core. “Maybe I should…”
Whimpering, you wiggled slightly. He chuckled. It was a dark sound that sent chills down your spine. He grabbed your legs and threw them over his shoulder. Laying down on his stomach, he licked a fat line over the fabric.
“James!” You cried out. He rubbed his scruff covered jaw all over your inner thighs. His fingers grabbed the hem of your panties and he pulled them down, ripping them under the fishnet stockings and he threw them somewhere in the room. You gasped at the strength show. You could feel yourself getting even wetter. “Fuck,” you whispered. Bucky smirked. His tongue poked out to lick you clean.
It took you a second to realize that he was mimicking your ministrations on you. You let out a laugh which turned into a moan as the tip of his tongue nudged your clit. Arching your back, you grabbed his long hair. You knew he was good with his mouth; no mouth like his could be bad, anyhow.
“God, James,” you whispered harshly. He licked, licked, sucked and licked again, and you were going crazy. His beard was rubbing all over the slick and soft flesh, irritating the skin there. You were loving the fact that you were going to have some nice beard burn tomorrow.
Bucky slurped, licked you clean and flicked his tongue against your clit one last time before he pulled back. As much as he wanted you to come on his face, he wanted your first orgasm to happen on his dick.
You whined as he pulled back but purred in satisfaction when he laid on you, caging you under his big and muscle-y body. He was making you feel small and precious and honestly, you loved that feeling. It felt even better when it was Bucky.
“Lemme see them, yeah?” He whispered as he slowly peeled your bra off. Throwing it somewhere when it came off, Bucky didn’t waste any time to latch on to one of your nipples.
“Fuck!” You yelped at the sudden warmth around the delicate flesh, back bowing and chest pushing against his face even more with the new position. He flicked his tongue around, sucked and you felt his teeth nipping the flesh lightly. One of his hands was grabbing your other breast, fingers rolling the nipple. “Jaaames!” You whined, your fingers were still wound up tight in his hair. He hummed and pulled back with a pop.
“Fine,” he grumbled, turning your world upside down in a blink.
With a gasp, you were flipped around and were put on your stomach with your hips tilted up. Bucky’s knees were right outside of your thighs while your legs were as spread wide as they could. You could feel his hard cock right against your wet pussy, and you couldn’t help but moan and wiggle your ass a bit. Bucky groaned. His hips moved against yours, cock dragging up and down on your pussy as he reached for a condom. Both of you were clean and you were on pill, but he still wanted to make sure that you were not to get pregnant.
Bucky placed his hands on your waist and slowly moved them up and wound on of them in your hair. He made a fist, pulling them tightly to the side to expose your neck. You gasped and whimpered.
“Ready, baby?” He asked. You nodded. “You sure? Y’alright?”
“Yeah,” you whispered. “Yeah, ‘m fine, please.” Wiggling your ass against his cock, you moaned lightly. Bucky cooed at you softly, his free hand roaming all over your back in a soothing move. His fingers dipped into the holes of the stockings, ripping them just a little to make some room, and then he dipped his fingers inside of you. You cried out. Immediately clenching around the long and thick digits, you moaned.
“Fuck, Y/N,” Bucky cursed. “Tight as a fucking virgin, shit.” You hummed and canted your hips against him, practically riding his fingers. He made a sound of approval, removed his fingers and lined his cock up.
“Yes,” you moaned. “Yes, gimme!”
“Alright, love, don’t worry. I’mma give you what you need.” Swearing once again, Bucky slid inside of you with one slow thrust.
You screamed. Your back arched, hips tilted even higher and you clenched around his hard cock. Bucky cursed. His fingers were grabbing your hair tighter, almost making your scalp hurt, but you were loving the sting. You moaned and hummed as he started to thrust in and out. His pace was careful and slow, and remained like that until he deemed that you adjusted his length and width.
“God, shit, James,” you moaned. “You feel so good in me, so big…” Eyes closed, you threw your head back. Bucky responded your moan with his own. Just like you said, you felt so damn good around him. It felt like his cock was being wrapped tightly with hot silk. “Faster?” You asked, looking at him over your shoulder with wide eyes.
“Fuck,” he whispered as he let go of your hair and placed both hands on your hips for support. His hips fastened their pace. His balls, full to the brim, were swinging back and forth, occasionally slapping against your slicked covered skin. You were so wet that every movement of Bucky’s cock in you was making an obscene squelching sound. You could feel your thighs getting wetter with Bucky’s each thrust.
“James,” you whispered. “Fuck, James, ‘m close.” Your harsh whisper reached to his ear between the loud thrusts of his hips, and he grabbed you by the waist and throat to pull you up. You made a sobbing sound as the changed position made his cock drove in you even deeper. You loved the feeling of having him deep.  
Bucky hugged you close to his chest; one of his arms was around your waist while the other was winding under your right arm, his right hand was loosely wrapped around your throat. You found the loose hand on your throat surprisingly grounding, and you sighed. Your hips flushed against his, you looked like you were sitting on his thighs in this position.
“Come whenever you wanna, love,” he whispered in your ear and placed a kiss on your cheek. The arm around your waist shifted on your hip, and he resumed his thrusts.
Having him way deeper was going to push you off the edge quicker than before, you could feel it. The tension in your belly was coiling with every single thrusts of his, your clit throbbing and your walls clenching around him; you were right there.
You sobbed. Your hands scrambled to grab any part of him; one of them wound up in his hair while the other grabbed the back of his thigh. “Yes,” you whimpered. “There!” You moaned when a little shift in his thrust lightened something up in you. “Fuck, ‘m─” Gasping, you swallowed the sob down. Your legs were trembling, pussy and stomach visibly clenching, you felt your nipples tighten up almost painfully.
“Oh fuck,” Bucky moaned loudly. His long hair was obscuring his face just a little bit, the ends of it tickling your shoulders. His scruff was rubbing against your neck, you could feel his happy trail against your ass, and with all these heightened senses you couldn’t hold onto your orgasm any longer.
You came on Bucky’s cock with a scream got trapped in your throat suddenly. Mouth wide open with a silent scream, your body convulsed and trembled against Bucky’s. If it weren’t his arms holding you upright against his chest, you would have collapsed face-first down on the bed, you knew it.
The spectacular fog of orgasm had covered your mind, making you vaguely aware of Bucky’s jack-rabbit thrusts. He was panting in your ear, hands tightened on your flesh and throat, you could feel his cock twitching in you. You turned your head to him lazily, still drowsy from your orgasm. Your hand on his thigh moved to his cheek to turn his face to yours.
“Come for me,” you whined lightly against his lips. You gave him a chaste kiss on the lips and whispered again. “C’mon, James, come for me.” Kissing him again, this time you bit down on his bottom lip and clenched your pussy around him tighter.
He gasped, his thrusts going mad as he moved his hips one, two, three more times before he stilled. Cock twitching, balls tightening up, he came inside the condom as his body crumpled forward. As he went down on the bed, he took you with him. Never letting you go, he cuddled you against his chest.
Five minutes later, breathing turned back normal, Bucky chuckled. “Goddamn,” he said and you grunted in approval. “You alright? Was I too rough?” You shook your head as you gave him thumbs up. He chuckled again. He rubbed your hips gently as he pulled out of you slowly. You grimaced as he did and watched him disposing the condom. He got off the bed, stopping the recording. “I don’t think this video will ever need an editing, but we’ll see I guess,” he murmured. He walked into the bathroom to grab a cloth to clean you up and himself, and then joined you back in the bed with camera in his hands.
“Shall we watch it before we upload it online?” He asked, brow cocked. You looked at him; his hair was a mess and his lips were red, his body had sweat glistening all over. He looked thoroughly fucked out, and you wanted to see him fucking you while looking like this for… who knows how many minutes. So, you nodded. “Alright,” he murmured and poked around the camera. You settled against his arm, head resting on his meaty shoulder. “Here we go…”
It was no surprise that watching fifty-six minutes of heavenly sex tape had led you to another round of sex. This time you riding Bucky into oblivion as he dirty talked the shit out of you.
At the very end, you decided to post the pictures first because Bucky was a bit hesitant about posting your very first sex tape online since it was ‘probably amateur’ and ‘you needed to get better a little’. You didn’t buy it, of course.
So, you cornered him only to learn that he didn’t want the video of you having sex with him the first time to be all over the internet, he wanted to keep it private. It was a very touching thought.
It only took Bucky to a little bit more cornering to admit that his crush on you back high school had never passed.
“Y-you… What?” You asked, feeling dumb. He chuckled nervously. “You have a crush on me ever since high school?” Feeling absolutely dumb, you kissed him on the lips. Bucky let out a confused noise but returned your kiss anyway. “You idiot!” You shrieked.
“What?” Bucky shrieked at you back. You kissed him again.
“I was depressed all those times thinking that you moved on from me!” You said, causing Bucky to freeze for a second. “I thought you moved on and I lost my chance…” You continued but more softly this time.
“Wait,” Bucky pulled back. “You like me back?” You nodded. He looked at you without blinking for a little while. “We are idiots. You’re in this shit with me.” You snorted as he rolled his eyes. But then, he leaned in to give you the softest kiss ever. You sighed happily. “So, are you up for a ‘congrats-you’re-an-idiot-couple’ sex?” He asked, face scrunching adorably.
Laughing, you climbed on his lap again and kissed him passionately as his answer. Bucky just moaned and indulged in it happily.
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softtdaisy · 2 years
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andrew garfield x reader (neutral)
based on: barracuda by heart
summary: andrew is playing in the remake of a knight's tale and you have fun watching your boyfriend in an armor
words: 763
a/n: thank you to my lovely @arciella for requesting this story with Andrew in a fantasy movie. The song is more of a background music for the story. It's super fluffly and lovely. I hope you will like it and it's meeting your expectations.💛
Join my 600 followers celebration 💛
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“I don’t remember ordering a Prince Charming for Christmas!”
Being Andrew’s partner meant you could follow him in all his shooting. You loved seeing him act, you could tell all the passion he had for his job. Andrew loved having you around, it reassured him to see your face when he had any doubt on his acting. You always trusted him and made him feel like he was the best.
And you enjoyed seeing all the looks he had to get for movies. You took pictures for each one you got the chance to see. And this one…well, it was one you won’t forget.
Andrew had been cast for the remake of A Knight’s Tale. A movie that was long-awaited by fans. A huge role that he could add to his endless list of iconic characters he played. So yeah, it was a big thing. And you were proud of him for landing this role.
But the biggest thing about this movie was seeing Andrew in an armor. Something you never thought you would see.
He had taken off his helmet just before you entered the room. You could tell from the sweat on his face and how messy his hair looked. However, the armor was still on. And you had to admit Andrew looked extremely hot in this. Even if you had a little too much fun joking about it.
“Laugh all you want love, but I know that you secretly love this.” He looked at you with a little smile, the one he knew you couldn’t resist. It made him even more irresistible. You walked to him and kissed his cheek slowly. Andrew put an arm around you to keep you close. 
“Let’s just say that it’s interesting to see what you’d have looked like back in the days.” You shrugged and looked at him from head to toes. No doubt Andrew would have made a perfect knight or prince. He knew how handsome you thought he was, considering you were telling him all the time. But you loved playing around and pretend he wasn't that beautiful. You grimaced looking at him and Andrew pinched your arm as an answer. 
You had this lovely and playful relationship that made medias and fans obsessed with your couple. There was no doubt that you were making Andrew the happiest man in the world. When you were together, his smile spoke for his feelings. You don’t look much at tabloids, but you saw some paps pictures taken of you two. And you couldn't deny the love that screamed from them. 
“Andrew?” The director called from the corridor before appearing in the doorway. He looked at you with a sweet smile, the kind of reaction you always get when you’re together. “Oh hi [y/n] I didn’t see you there. So Andrew, we need to film the fight scene. You’re ready?”
“Sure.” He replied with a huge smile. He dropped his arm around you to take the sword that was laying against the wall. That. That was hot. When he turned around to look at you, you mimed a fan with your hand. And while Andrew was laughing again, you all went outside for the scene.
You stepped back to let the team work. From your position, you could see Andrew rode his horse with all the kindness he had in him. He was so sweet, making sure everything was alright. Once it was, they gave him his helmet and sword. And you wondered why Andrew had never played a knight before. He was made for this role. 
Before the shooting started, Andrew had turned his head to look at you. You couldn’t see his face at all but the small wave he gave you was enough. You were there for him, like you will always be. You sent him a kiss, that he captured by putting his hand on his heart. What a lovely and romantic boyfriend you had.
You couldn’t resist screaming “Fight for me my love!”. And even if the distance between you was quite big, you could still hear Andrew’s laugh. Or maybe it was the way he tilted his head back that made you imagine his voice. 
The scene started, and you just appreciated Andrew’s talent. How straight his back was, how confident he looked like he had done this his whole life. You were mesmerized by his presence. Suddenly you wondered if maybe you’ve been dating a knight since the beginning. In some way, your story with Andrew was your favorite tale. So maybe he was indeed a real knight.
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fly-forever-young · 2 years
•~Nct127 When you ask to make out with them
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-You: "Let's make out"
-Taeil turns to you surprised.
-Taeil: “I- What? - Now?"
-You: "Do you want me to ask you again?"
-Taeil: "No if the other members found out I wouldn't have a day of peace"
-Haechan: "Exactly not even a day"
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-You are eating together so you decide to play a joke on him by asking him if he wants to make out.
-Taeyong is drinking at that moment and the water goes sideways making him cough.
-You: "Oh my God sorry are you good?"
-Taeyong recovers and replies awkwardly.
-Taeyong: "Please don't say such a thing I might die next time"
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-Johnny is lying on the bed with the phone and you get bored but he doesn't pay attention to you.
-You: "Johnny let's make out"
-You say and then run away from the room with Johnny following you.
-Johnny reaches for you and traps you in his arms.
-Johnny: "What did you say miss?"
-You: "I was joking I was just bored"
-Johnny: "Well now you won't be bored anymore"
- You end up really making out.
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-You and Yuta are watching a movie curled up on the sofa with your back against his chest.
-Yuta always provokes you at all times and this is the right time to take revenge.
-You: "Let's make out Yuta"
-Yuta pauses the movie and makes you turn your face towards him.
-Yuta: "Okay baby"
-Yuta is about to kiss you but you shyly move away.
-You: "I was just kidding"
-Yuta: "Too bad I'm not"
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-Doyoung is focused on watching a video on his computer and since your favorite pastime is annoying him you ask him if he wants to make out.
-Doyoung looks up looking you straight in the eye in a serious way but as soon as you laugh his gaze gets angry.
-Doyoung: "Damn Y / n is not the kind of thing to joke about"
-He start giving you a lecture
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-Jaehyun and you are in the kitchen making popcorn for a movie with the other members in the living room.
-You: "Jaehyun let's make up"
-Jaehyun looks at you smiling and leaves the popcorn ready on the table
-You: "Did you hear what I said? -"
-Jaehyun with a quick movement takes you in his arms making you scream.
-Jaehyun: "Of course I heard"
-You: "I was kidding put me down"
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-You and Jungwoo are getting ready to go outside.
-Jungwoo is fixing his hair and you are doing your makeup.
-You: "Jungwoo what do you think if we make out?"
-Jungwoo looks at you surprised not knowing what to say.
-Jungwoo: "Oh ... If you want"
-Jungwoo comes dangerously close to you by lowering himself so that he is at the same height as you making you panicked.
-You: "I-"
-You can't finish the sentence that Jungwoo kisses you.
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-Mark is playing guitar and you admire him lying on the bed.
-You: "Mark, can I ask you something?"
-Mark: "Sure"
-You stay a moment to look at him deciding whether or not to do this joke.
-You: "Do you want to make out?"
-Mark opens his eyes wide then begins to laugh.
-Mark: “What? - Oh my God- Y / n are you serious? "
-You: "I was joking don't worry"
-Mark stops laughing.
-Mark: "Oh- I thought you really wanted to- You know how it is- Mmh- It's embarrassing- I'd even been okay with It"
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-Haechan has finished playing his video games.
-You: "Let's make out"
-Haechan looks at you amused ready to make fun of you.
-Haechan: "Oh somebody misses my lips what a disgrace"
-You roll your eyes regretting trying to play this joke on him.
-You: "It was a prank"
-Haechan: “Yes yes I believe it. You know you shouldn't look for excuses there's nothing to be ashamed of too I would like to make out with me too"
-You throw a pillow on his head to make him stop but it doesn't work
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beomglocks · 2 years
Imagine date night with husband of 3 years!yeonjun 😩 then telling him your preggeronis (you didn’t drink of course), and starting a family with him
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stop i just got all warm like :(
being at dinner with him then just being all nervous
it would be your anniversary or some kind of important date and yeonjun invites you out to dinner
he would be so excited bc lately you haven’t really been wanting to go out
(for some odd reason ;) )
but he’s finally managed to drag you out the house
and get into some pretty clothes too
everything is going great! you order the food you love ( you eat for 2 but yeonjun doesn’t question it )
actually he finds it cute and endearing that you’re eating so much
“wow they must’ve made the food just right this time huh” he jokes.
you’re just like hahah yeah i must’ve been hungry idk 🤡
suddenly the wine he ordered earlier comes out and his eyes light up bc he knows it’s both of your favs
“we should do a toast” he suggests.
in your mind you’re like “fuuuuuck how do i get out of this one..”
“oh yeonjunnie… im not really all that thirsty actually..”
he laughs thinking you’re joking around
“y/n you love this wine so much you once asked the waiter if we could take a bottle to go,” he rolls his eyes at the memory. “now come on.”
he motions his cup to you and ur just like nah i really can’t this time
he’s like you?????refusing??????your fav drink??????
“ok what’s going on did you find a hair in the cup who do i need to sue?”
you’re like “what no there’s no hair jeez yeonjun”
sees you hesitating a lot so he waits patiently
you pause for dramatic effect
he’s staring at you like you’re abt to say ur breaking up with him even tho ur married
no his mind is racing he’s like what did I do wrong
“maybe i shouldn’t have forced her to come outside ^]*]+]^[*\+ IM SUCH A BAD HUSBAND”
you don’t even know why you’re scared of his reaction
all he’s ever talked abt for the past 3 years is making babies and having mini mes
so you take a deep breath and decide to tell him
“im pregnant”
he’d still be staring at you as if you didn’t speak
when it hits him he’s like omg….
his brain is glitching he can’t even respond properly
literally happier than you
screaming crying the whole shabang
disturbing the other guests
everyone is staring at y’all bc he won’t stop crying
“guys im gonna be a dad” (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
everyone’s like ok??? ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°) can you stfu we’re tryna eat here
everyone who didn’t hear him just sees him crying they definitely get the wrong impression but he doesn’t care bc you’re FINALLY pregnant
pleading for you to stay forever with him and practically birth an entire country
“we’re gonna make so many babies i promise you” he sobs
you’re looking at him like woah there cowboy slow ur horses
“easy for you to say you’re not the one who has to carry them 🤨”
apologizes but you know if it were up to him he would make it happen
goes to your side trying to rub your belly and now you can’t stop laughing
“hey yeonjun jr it’s me your appa 🥺 can you hear me? im right here”
tears of joy are shed
“how many months has it been?” he asks.
“3 weeks…”
he’s like 😳 “so that time..”
you’re like plz we’re in public can we just enjoy this
kisses you so much
no bc he’s been trying like really hard to get you pregnant
it didn’t work during the honeymoon
didn’t even work 3 years later
and now you have a mini me inside you
“they’re gonna be so cute i just know it” he’s so sure
has been waiting for this moment so he has a mental list of girl and boy names on deck
he’s like are we gonna make more we need a full house im planning to buy a 5 bedroom
you’re like slow your horses i beg
he’s like nah that baby isn’t gonna be a single child they need siblings
siblings as in plural
not a question
he doesn’t want the baby to grow up alone like he did :(
granted single child’s get the most attention but he wants his children to be their own friends :(
after that is baby making time like every week
he’s determined for your first child to have little siblings
unfortunately for you it works
you tap out after the 3rd child
he knows your limits so he’s ok with it
ofc ofc makes sure you’re ok during the entire process
and he does end up upgrading the house
he’s literally the best father????
gives his children his all and truly cares for them 🥺✋
idk he’s just cool dad vibes
general taglist 🥝╰╮𖦹 ̣ ˖
@yeonyeonyeonjun @day6andetcetera @yuto-darling @starsoogyu @dreamiesminx @poppys-poppy @gyuza @xiaoting999 @kkyubear
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goodboylupin · 2 years
Limited Seating
For (my) @goodboylupin's Candy Hearts Challenge. My candy heart prompt was SIT ON ME. The prompting period is open until Valentines Day, so get one while you can! Thanks to @kattlupin for the beta help! Also available on ao3
Remus Lupin felt tired.
(Like that was new.)
It was September 1, and normally that was one of his favourite days on the calendar, circled in red and marked with gold stars, but this year had the inconvenient timing of the full moon falling two nights prior to the train ride that would take him to his fifth year at Hogwarts.
This wasn’t the first time the full moon coincided with the start of the year, but this was the first time it happened that he couldn’t spend the whole train ride recuperating with a nice nap.
Remus Lupin was honoured that Professor Dumbledore had chosen him to be the Gryffindor boys’ prefect for his year. Really. Truly. He was honoured. And deeply grateful for the opportunity! He would do his best to live up to the shiny badge now pinned to his chest, to keep the lower years safe and in line (even if he would inevitably feel like a hypocrite for telling them to go back to bed as if he hadn’t spent his nights mapping out every haunted hall and abandoned classroom of the castle when he was their age). He would be unbiased and kind but fair. And he would also be very grumpy that Head Girl, Carol Duffy, had kept the prefects for two hours to play icebreaker games and listen to her long meandering instructional speech liberally peppered with anecdotes and platitude and helpful hints — only for one of her fellow seventh years Drusilla Farley (Slytherin, Pisces, favourite sweet was fudge flies) to inform them at the end that a copy of the speech would be handed out alongside their schedules, meaning that they had all been taking notes for nothing. The Ravenclaw boy beside Remus (Tommy Taylor, fifth year, had a cat named Winston, though Remus knew all that without the ice breakers) had snapped his quill in frustration.
But at last, he was free, and so Remus hopped carriages and strolled down the corridor to the last compartment on the Hogwarts express, the one the Marauders had staked as their own their very first year, and the one Peter arrived early to claim every train ride as if the force of James and Sirius’ personalities wouldn’t be enough to protect their territory. He would have to go back to the prefects’ carriage to grab his trunk when it was time to change, but Remus would always feel safest going to sleep in the company of his friends, with the quiet murmurs of their jokes and laughter to lull him to sleep and welcome him back to waking.
He stopped short outside the frosted glass door partitioning the compartment, however, at the sound of a distinctly female shriek.
The screaming didn’t really alarm him. It didn’t sound fearful, it just sounded — and Remus thought this in the least mean way possible — a grating laugh, but hearing a girl in their compartment gave him pause. How could anyone possibly take over their territory? Everyone knew the space belonged to James Potter and Sirius Black, other than first years. And yes, Peter wasn’t the best at standing up for himself, but surely he could fend off a gaggle of eleven year olds? No, there was no question about it. even if these hypothetical children somehow impossibly overcame him physically and got his wand away, Peter fought dirty when the situation called for it. James still had bite marks in his arm from when he’d tried to steal Peter’s sweet-laden care package and play keep-away with it.
Cautiously, silently, Remus slid the door open.
There was indeed a gaggle of girls inside, but they were all familiar-looking enough for Remus to assume they were also fifth years, and they were all surrounding the boys he expected to find inside.
Really, Remus should have expected the gaggle of girls too.
He hadn’t gotten to spend as much time on Platform Nine and Three Quarters reuniting with his best mates as he would have liked, because he had arrived a bit later than usual on account of the post-moon exhaustion and he had rushed to make sure he got a good spot in the prefects’ carriage (ultimately unnecessary since Duffy had assigned seats, which was quite nice, really, so Remus would probably appreciate her much more as a Head Girl when he wasn’t tired and grumpy) but the brief moments he had with the Marauders had been long enough to notice the summer had been very good to them.
James had spent his vacation at his family’s estate in India, and the time running amok in the blazing sun that bore down between monsoon deluges had left him wiry but undeniably muscular and with a warm, even tan that made his white smile stand out even more. He had written Remus that he would be getting glasses, but Remus was still surprised at how unsurprised he’d felt seeing them on his face, like they’d always belonged there. Only James could get circular metal frames and not look the least bit swotty in them.
Peter had grown taller — not tall, mind you, but taller — and the lemon juice he’d confided in Remus to mixing into his shampoo had done its job, bringing his dishwater blonde to a more golden colour. What’s more, he seemed to have conquered the spottiness that had plagued his complexion for the last two years.
And then there was Sirius. It was embarrassing to say, even in the privacy of his own mind, but Remus had lost his breath when he first caught sight of Sirius now towering above the crowds, silky black hair down to his shoulders and confident as ever. He’d been surreptitiously admiring the new broadness of his friend’s chest when he’d been pulled against it for a hug, and his knees had honestly gone weak at the new strength in his embrace. (Remus couldn’t wait for an opportunity to squeeze Sirius’s biceps. Where did an aristocrat whose mother thought it unbecoming for her children to lift a finger get arms like that?)
Sirius had always been a handsome boy. Remus remembered thinking the first time he ever saw Sirius’s face that he looked like he belonged in a painting. But now… Sirius looked like he belonged in a magazine. And not a dirty magazine per se, but a magazine that Remus would use for dirty things nonetheless.
So of course their compartment was filled to the brim with girls hoping to gain the affections of a Marauder. So filled to the brim that there was no space for him.
Remus was tired, and grumpy, and sore all over, and honestly a little wee smidgen bit hurt that his friends didn’t save a place for him, but he did his best to wear a good humoured smile. “Well,” he drawled out, catching their attention and putting on a jokey tone. “I see how it is. Little old Lupin has to step out for a bit so you invite every beautiful girl on the train to sit with you and forget all about him.”
“Moony!” All three Marauders yelled in jubilation. They leapt from their seats and moved out into the corridor to hug him again like they hadn’t done so on the platform. James, the fastest, got there first and lifted Remus clear off his feet, twisting side to side and swinging him around like a ragdoll before putting him down just as abruptly. He was quickly followed by Peter, who thankfully made no attempt to lift him, though he too had the strength to do it easily, if not the height. Finally came Sirius, and this time Remus had the foresight to lock his knees for the moment so he didn’t swoon too hard, though it was a close thing when he felt Sirius’s nose skim along his hair.
“Now what’s this nonsense about us forgetting you?” Sirius demanded. He pulled back just far enough to cup the nape of Remus’s neck with one large hand and stare at him with an intense, smouldering gaze. “We could never.”
“We thought you would have to spend the whole ride with the prefects,” Peter chimed in. “We would have kept a spot empty for you otherwise!”
“They let us out early for good behaviour,” Remus said.
“And now we’ll make a spot for you,” James assured. He turned to face the benches and balled his fists to his hips, surveying the occupants and likely realizing, as Remus had when he first looked, that there were already more people squeezed into the seats than was reasonable or comfortable. “We might have to ask some people to leave…” he muttered to himself, stroking his chin with thumb and forefinger.
Remus was struck by two horrifying realizations in quick succession: the first, that James was pretending he had a beard, and possibly intended to try growing one for real, now that puberty had kicked in and he theoretically could; the second, more pressing concern was that James had an analytical glint to his eyes.
Remus loved his friends with his entire soul. His heart knew them to be some of the finest men to have ever walked the earth. His mind, however, was aware that they could, at times, be arseholes. James looking at a limited number of spots in a compartment and a group of girls of varying attractiveness, trying to decide who should be allowed to stay? He was about to do something very arseholey.
“No!” Remus cut in. “I can find a quiet place to take a nap, James, it’s fine.”
“Absolutely not!” James responded. “If you go, we all go.”
“We can’t go!” Peter protested. “This is our spot! I don’t wake up at 5 AM every year just for us to leave our spot!”
“Which is why it would be much better if we just—”
“James,” Remus whispered lowly, grabbing his wrist and looking him in the eye. “You cannot single out anyone here to kick them out. It would be cruel.”
James’ nose scrunched up in confusion, his mouth turned down in disagreement. In his mind, Remus knew, it was just a matter of practicality, because James Potter was not the sort of person who would ever be given the boot.
“You can just sit on me, Moons,” Sirius offered.
Remus stopped short. “What?”
“Yeah. They’ll all be wanting to go somewhere with more leg room before long. Til then just sit on my lap.” Sirius nodded decisively, like that was that. He then slid the door open again and strolled back into the compartment, so it would seem that was that. Sirius took a seat and slapped the top of his thighs, staring at Remus expectantly.
Actually, it seemed everyone was staring at him, expectantly or otherwise.
Seeing no other option, Remus perched himself gingerly onto Sirius’s knees. He was sitting on his best friend’s lap. His handsome best friend’s lap. His handsome best friend who he was crushing on’s lap.
Immediately, Sirius’s arms wound around his waist like the vines of a Devil’s Snare and yanked him closer. Remus let out a short yelp, trying not to seem too eager to melt into the warmth of the broad, muscular chest pressed to his back.
“You look great, by the way,” Sirius murmured into the nape of his neck. “Summer treated you well.” He then turned his head to resume whatever conversation he’d been having before Remus came in, perfectly casual as if this were all a completely normal occurrence.
Remus huffed out a long breath. He was not going to get a wink of sleep this train ride.
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