#the last genius
sithzuko · 1 year
sometimes i think about how sokka literally invented submarines and how aang is literally the avatar but when the both of them put their braincells together, they come up with ideas like writing a letter to katara from toph
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fincherly · 1 month
my gf was looking through wesker's wiki page (as you do) and sent me this
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and i lost my shit bc it just seems like they're looking at him like girls look at a weird bug
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linalisss · 20 days
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I think I need a “Kid Tim Drake gets kidnapped and held for ransom but his parents don’t even pick up the phone so now these criminals are like whelp, this kid is ours now. Sucks to suck.” Fic.
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ricky-mortis · 3 months
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Curtwen Week Day 4: Haunted
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azuzulira · 8 months
So, reveal gone right. Maddie and Jack are nothing but supportive of Danny. Of course they feel guilty, for their bigotry, attacking their son, never even noticing the accident. It's Jasmine that proposes a family bonding activity, to spend time together and work through the years of issues that they can only now address.
The activity in question? Family Road Trip & Field Study! That's right; what better way for a family of scientists to bond than correcting literal decades of bad science? Which is how the Fenton family, alongside Sam and Tucker at Danny's request, wound up in Gotham, hoping to interview one of the strongest Genii Loccorum in America.
Of course, there's more than a few ectoplasmic encounters waiting for them in Gotham. Everything from an angry Revenant, to a baby liminal that Danny just knows is related to the guy who's been bathing in dirty ecto for like centuries, to a horde of restless spirits following some clown like a permanent thunderstorm.
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dayurno · 2 months
this is like. not a real issue but out of all the ways kevin gets mischaracterized i think my least favorite is when people assume he is a sore loser and, specifically, will be one when the foxes lose against the trojans. 1) kevin has been playing exy for as long as he has been able to pick up a racquet, he is more than used to losing gracefully and probably had to learn it the hard way 2) the foxes lose a whole lot. like a Lot. they’re a bad team. when they first lose to the ravens kevin’s reaction is to say that despite their flaws he was happy with their performance, because he is not stupid and he knows when they are not evenly matched against a better opponent 3) he LOVES the trojans. he knew the trojans would beat the foxes in tkm and he was still just happy to be in their court. he warned jeremy to not throw away their game even if he was certain the foxes were going to lose if jeremy didn’t. if there is one thing kevin doesn’t do in exy it’s underestimate his opponents and, especially for the trojans’ case, there is very little in the world he’d like to see better than jean winning with the trojans. cope. stop fantasizing about kevin day getting humbled like he’s your middle school bully
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linusbenjamin · 10 months
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We're perfect for each other. You're gonna figure that out someday.
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crowlixcx · 11 months
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You see, I do have a gift for props. Well, a sort of natural dexterity.
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bruhstation · 8 months
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man who enjoys every single second he's dedicated to hating to the point it pisses everyone except him off
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nyoomfruits · 30 days
Landoscar and 19+20 please (the little nose scar is too good for this) 🧡
19. kiss for luck + 20. kiss on a scar
Lando’s been whining about it all morning. A normal person would probably find it annoying, but Oscar’s never pretended to be any kind of normal and so instead he mostly finds it kind of. Cute.
“I’m going to be scarred forever,” Lando says, dramatically draping himself over the couch. “Marked for life.”
“It’s a nick,” Oscar says, barely looking up from where he’s looking through the schedule they gave him for the day. Interview, interview, interview. God. He wonders if it would be rude to ask their PR rep if they can schedule in a nap. “It’ll heal.”
“But what if it doesn’t and I will have this giant gash on my nose forever,” Lando’s pouting at him, he knows it, but he doesn’t look up from the schedule. The pout will only distract him and then neither of them are getting any work done.
“I could always kiss it better,” he says, a little dryly. There. One hour break for lunch. If he just scarves down his food he might be able to squeeze in a nap. Or he could skip lunch all together, but he’s scared Kim will have his head if he does. Maybe he can eat his sandwich during the hat signing they have after. He could technically do that one handed, even though it would slow him down a bit. But. One hour nap. That has to be worth it, right?
Suddenly he notices the silence, the uncanny silence, so he looks up to find Lando just kind of staring at him.
“Would you?” Lando asks, cocks his head
Oscar frowns at him. “Would I what.”
Lando sighs waves his hand, a ‘keep up please’ motion. “Kiss it better.”
Suddenly their conversation catches up to him. The things Lando said. The things he said. “Oh,” he says. “Uh. I guess?”
Lando beams. “Neat!” He says, and promptly scoots over, plops himself down in Oscar’s lap, sticks out his face, his nose.
“Ah,” Oscar says. Lando’s so warm, he always is. Warm and soft and somehow perfectly fitted in Oscar’s lap. Like he belongs there. Oscar breathes out a little shakily. “Okay.” He leans forward and presses a featherlight kiss to the bridge of Lando’s nose, right over the bandaid. “There.”
“Cool,” Lando says, shuffles off of Oscar’s lap again. Oscar tries not to miss him immediately. “Thanks.”
“No problem,” Oscar says, and figures that’s the end of that.
It would have been, probably, where it not for Lando winning that race.
“You have to do it again now,” Lando insists, at the next race. “For good luck and shit.”
“I don’t think me kissing your nose made you win your first race,” Oscar says. “Reckon some of that was down to like. Raw talent and a fast car.”
“Mostly raw talent,” Lando says, nodding sagely. “But it doesn’t hurt. Just in case, you know.”
Superstition is a slippery slope in F1, Oscar knows. It’s why he tends not to participate in it. Or you might end up having to wear a pair of red pants every Quali day like Charles, or well. Kissing your teammates nose.
“Fine,” he says, because he has yet to figure out a way to say no to Lando. “C’mere.”
They’re walking behind the motorhomes, mostly hidden from view, so no one sees when Oscar presses another fleeting kiss to the bridge of Lando’s nose. The band aid is gone, and now there’s just a little white scar marking the spot. Oscar’s lips linger there for only a moment before he pulls away again.
“There,” he says. “For good luck.”
“Mint,” Lando says. “I owe you one.”
Lando doesn’t win that race. Or the one after. Or the one after. At some point, both of them have to admit the nose kissing isn’t as much about the luck thing anymore as it is about the kissing thing.
Luckily, neither of them really have a problem with that.
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pria-png · 1 month
So we already know that the family names are related to house numbers in tlt. And they're taken from various ancient languages.
The "Nav" in Gideon Nav is 9 in Sanskrit but you know what else it means? New. It means new!! Means she's the "new" Gideon!!
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snuuufi · 3 months
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i need to put him in a snowglobe and shake it. he's prancing around in a whorish manner and i can be trusted with this i promice
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Does anyone one else think the power to travel through dimensions would be cool?
Not to check out your alternate self, because that could be depressing.
No. There’s only one right way to use a power like this.
And that is to watch the shows were canceled!
Just think about it! Shows that we loved taken from us far too soon, maybe even never getting a proper ending.
In another dimension, it continued on. Something you probably watched for hours on end is back in life and the story goes on.
Hell! It doesn’t just have to be TV series. It could a book series, YouTube series, A MOVIE YOU THOUGHT SUCKED IN THIS DIMENSION COULD BE BETTER IN ANOTHER!
Well, that’s all I have to say.
If you have a series of something you would love to see the full story of, put it in the tags below.
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continuumalloy · 11 months
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Moodboards for Laika and Mars from @laikascomet (by @fourleafisland), with themes of flowers, stars and summer
This is my first time drawing little fake glitter stickers to put over a board, but I'm really happy with the result, because it gives it much more of the scrapbook-sort-of feeling I'm going for :]
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thesherrinfordfacility · 11 months
this is going to be the speediest speculation you have ever seen in your life because it is gone 3am and im losing my mind BUT. this little snippet? from rob wilkins? well i think - i think - i found what he was referring to.
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in the frame behind the bentley and aziraphale, it's clearly flooded. we know the set was built within a studio, so elemental factors can't be at play here - this is deliberate. and noone seems to notice it, but it's very neatly framed between the two.
now, let's consider references to flooding re: second coming. well, matthew was a bullseye:
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"as it was in the days of noah", there will be a flood that arrives when the second coming does. it will be there before anyone knew it, and swept them away. ergo, i think we can assume that the second coming has in fact already happened (still think it's greasy but whatever)
but also look at the splitting of humanity; sound familiar to the final fifteen? one will be taken, and the other left? marrying and giving in marriage - failed in our boys' case 💀 but did nina set a timeline, saying "one day", when she's ready to be with maggie?
also - people eating and drinking? sounds familiar also, when you consider how ham they went on pushing the vol-au-vents, the tiny dinners (thanks jim) on people at the ball.
im not okay.
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