#the less likely you are to eventually end up with a dog who has more entrenched Issues
lethalchiralium · 1 year
If ur taking requests can we get something like Ghost still doesnt trust fxreader at all even when they are together for like 1/2 years and she gets all sad and starts distancing herself tyxxxx
No More | Simon “Ghost” Riley x F!Reader
a/n: guys. guys i mean it keep the requests coming i love them. also : captain reader? because girlboss??? it’s kinda shitty but i love messy. gives me better control of future chapters :)
warnings: angst, cussing, realizations and sort of heartbreak.
summary: You’ve been with Ghost for a year and a half - you allowed him into things you kept safe guarded, and realized that he has never done the same for you.
REMINDER: This is a side-blog, not my main! If you have any questions, feel free to message this blog or reblog! Reblogs are always appreciated - as well as any comments, they keep me motivated to write stuff like this!
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You thought he would grow out of it. He’s an adult; given, he’s a very fucked up soldier, but an adult that has done adult things. He’s a few years shy of being in his thirties, and he doesn’t even understand the basics of having a girlfriend. He doesn’t understand a lot of things, and even though you’ve explained to him more times than you can remember, he still didn’t understand you after a year and a half of being together. Sure, you are on the same squad, you leave separately on break but always end up in the same apartment. The apartment that had framed pictures of you, your family, your dog - yet it always feels like he doesn’t give you anything.
It’s been a year and a half and the only personal thing you got out of him was a story about his brother when they were younger. You had told him countless stories of you and your childhood best friend, your single dad who fostered and adopted you. You even told him about your childhood dog who got hit by a car when he was young and still lived to be 15, about the very short memories you had of your godfather before he passed. You had told him everything, you had put your full trust into him and he hadn’t even given thought into putting an ounce of trust into you.
You couldn’t help it when you started to close yourself off - a trauma response from those years in the orphanage, then the system. You took less and less patients, eventually getting confronted by your Lieutenant, “What is going on with you, Captain?” You had given them a half-assed answer, “Got a lot of papers to go through from Price. It won’t be a long time.” And you kept yourself locked in your office, looking over case files and possible missions you could go on to escape this. Escape the feeling that has been gnawing at your soul since the last time you left your apartment with him three months ago. The feeling of distrust, of emotional abandonment.
You didn’t stop your tears when they came every night after Ghost had visited, but you never cried in front of him. You figured that would give him more ammunition to keep you at arm’s length.
Your hand ran across the hefty manila folder, the other held onto your vest collar. You opened the folder.
It was a stupid decision, you knew that. He would never let you get out of his sight, let you be anywhere without his knowledge and approval. But you needed something different - you needed somewhere where you felt like you could breathe, with people you trust and have put trust into you.
Your dog, Cerberus, whined from your cot across the room. You’d been sleeping more in your office than your own room, you figured it was because you were mentally preparing to be out on the friend with your old squad, and definitely not because you couldn’t stand to be in the same room as Ghost. He never let you move away from him in missions, never let you out of his sight when on them - it was suffocating, feeling like you were inadequate in a field you spent most of your life in because of the man you loved with everything you had. You gave him your all, your everything - he definitely made you feel that it would never be enough, without him even speaking a word.
Your eyes read over the mission again. Reconnaissance on a couple of enemy bases, a patrol of safe houses in the area to make sure they were still secure. That and to infiltrate a top secret base deep in the mountains to retrieve information on a possible illegal uranium enrichment plant being constructed. Your eyes darted back across the room to Cerberus, you whistled lowly. The German Shepherd leapt off your cot, scrambling to sit in between you and your desk, he plopped his heavy head on your lap. You smiled at him, scratching behind his ears. “Good boy, Cerby.”
Your team consisted of your good friends, Logan and Hesh Walker, as well as Keegan Russ. You remembered how threatened Ghost was with how close of friends you were with them, you had chose to follow him to 141 instead of stay in the comfort of the Ghost Crew. A choice you had regretted earlier, but not now. You felt a lot better equipped with such an intense task force, you have more medics than before and an actual base to stay in - that and Price seemed a lot more relaxed now that Hassan and Shepherd were no longer a problem.
Cerberus’s ears perked up and he darted out from under your desk as you heard thunderous footsteps coming towards your office.
“Lay down.” You ordered your dog, he looked back at you before he skittered back onto your bed. You stood, your seat wheeled backwards half a foot. It was only five more seconds before your office door slammed against the wall, Ghost stormed in and shoved it back into the frame with his foot. He held up a folder just likes yours before he growled loudly, “What the fuck is this?”
You closed your own folder, moving your hand from your vest collar and splaying your fingers on the cardstock. Your eyes stayed down on the folder stamped, “Classified.”
“You’re going on a mission with the Ghosts?”
Your eyes looked over some stamped patient files, taking them in your hand and opening a few to se did you had signed them.
“Price told me five minutes ago. You’ve known for how long?”
You closed the files and whistled lowly again, the clicking of claws against the concrete was heard as the massive search and rescue dog curled around the back of your legs. You didn’t even have to look to know that he had his hackles raised - when you were on guard, so was he.
Ghost marched forwards and slammed his folder down on your desk, his fist clenched as he growled, “Answer me.”
“A month.” You muttered, eyes staring at the folders in your hands before turning away. You’ve cried over him the night previous and the seven before that, must you face him?
“And you weren’t going to tell me?” His voice was gruff, appalled. “That’s reckless. And you told Price not to tell me? Really?”
“It was need to know.” You answered, placing the files back on your desk before you stepped around your dog to the head of your cot where your duffle sat open. He followed, keeping a distance of six feet from you because of Cerberus curling around your legs and staring at him. Your hands grew shaky as you began to double check everything in your bag.
“I tell you whenever I leave for any mission, any fuckin’ errand, and you don’t dare tell me about one of the most important ops we’ve had in months? Why are you going?”
“They need a medic, they requested me.”
He scoffed. “We need our medic.”
You slowed down, hand brushing over your beige t-shirts as you spoke, “You have my lieutenant, Gomez.”
“I want you here.” His voice softened a little, you shoved the clothes down farther in the bag, pulling out your spare medkit and opening it, eyes darting over its contents. “I only trust you to patch me up.”
You slammed your spare med-pack closed and back into your duffle. You quickly zipped it, sharply saying, “That’s funny, ‘cause you seem not to trust me any other time.” You turned to look at him, eyes brimmed with tears.
His eyes widened. “What?”
“You don’t trust me, Simon. You never let me take my lead when we’re on missions, let me be near you, let me talk with other people.” Your arms crossed over your chest, tears slicing hot on your skin. “You don’t trust me. do you even want to be in this relationship?” Your hand went up and quickly wiped away your tears. “Because it certainly feels like you don’t.”
He stood there, stunned - his hands at his side, he had no idea what to do with them. “Of course I do.” He took a step forward, cautiously placing his right hand out. “Of course I trust you.”
You backed away then, your calves bumped into Cerberus, your hand reached down to touch his head - an attempt to calm yourself. “Then why can’t you put a little faith in me? A little faith that you are the one I go to sleep thinking about? That you are the one I worry about when I’m out on the field, instead of my own safety? That I wouldn’t ever do this to you?” Tears fall rapidly, your heart beat roughly in your chest - anxiety was gripping your diaphragm. “I trust you with my life, Simon. I have since we got together. It’s been almost a year and a half and you still don’t even trust me to have your back.”
He just stands there, arms at his side - his eyes stared at you, dark and full of pain. “I do. I do trust you, Y/N.”
You threw your duffle on your back and walked towards him - shoving a finger into his chest, looking up at him. “You have this whole mission to think about this, about us. Because I can’t be trusting you blindly when you don’t even trust me to breathe.”
You moved around him, whistling for Cerberus. The dog swiftly followed you out of the office, and you slammed the door behind you. You swiftly walked down the corridor, and as soon as you turned the corner, your back hit the wall. Your hand flew up to your mouth, pressing into it to muffle the loud sobs that fell from your throat. Cerberus pawed at your leg before pressing his head to it.
part 2 here!
Copyright © 2023 lethalchiralium. All rights reserved.
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chemdisaster · 5 months
secret life joel has seriously got me so fucked up
it's something about how in 3rd life he was all alone, he had his dogs and his all-consuming propensity for destruction and that was that. he had the taste of fire climbing up his throat, the smoke that clouded his vision and turned everything red, and that was all he ever needed, no alliance ever meant a thing to him beyond how it would eventually look when it went up in flames. then in last life he made attempts at something resembling genuine connection, but they fell through and so he fell back on what he knew, what was familiar. he made alliances that only went as far as the shared blood they could draw, willingly relinquished himself to the comfort of loneliness and death, and ended up being damn good at it. he had his fingers with the red dripping from them and not much more, and he never asked for more, either. all he really had was himself and the fire. and he was fine staying like that, everything was as it was meant to be, it was fine.
but then came double life and etho and the relation ship, and suddenly joel had something to fight for, a cause and a direction for the destruction, and when the relation ship burnt it was a conscious, purpose-filled decision to let his own blaze explode outwards and reduce everything else to embers and smouldering ash. joel said, "the ship burns, everything burns," and even when his words came true in the cruellest way possible, when everything burnt and he and etho followed, in the spills of swirling lava, amidst their sizzling remains that quickly dissolved into nothingness, something had changed.
and then came limited life and the bad boys, and at this point joel had known what it was to be wanted and to want, and maybe he never expected the bad boys to matter as much as they did in the end, but it happened before he'd even had time to notice, slowly and then all at once, and there was no denying now that he cared. and this time when he died, it was reckless and desperate and with one name playing on repeat in his ears until the sky came down and he heard nothing at all. he died wanting to stay alive, in a world where suffering and loss grew on you like fungi until it was all you ever knew how to feel, joel died with something to live for and something to die for.
and now here he is. in secret life. and you'd think someone like joel, someone who never really asked for connection, someone who knows how to stay himself with nothing but an army of wolves surrounding him, would get burnt once or twice and close himself right off, go back to doing what he knows and what works. but for someone so accustomed to loneliness that he wears it like a second skin, joel remains startlingly willing to put himself out there. he remembers the bad boys, screams when jimmy dies and gives grian hearts and tells him he would always help him out. he, despite the complicated nature of their relationship and the way they always seem to go for each other in fights, despite how he's made sure to put on an air of being unaffected when it comes to their memories, nevertheless gets in a boat with etho and openly tells him that he still cares, it's just - it's just. when pearl is green and he is yellow, he purposely throws away his guess to ensure that she is safe around him. joel, the character who you'd think would be most likely to spurn every alliance and go back to fighting for himself only because if he doesn't, no one else will - joel, despite all that, is actively trying to be more, more than what he is and what he already knows how to be.
you can see it in how he is as a red life, too. in every previous season, to the point where other lifers have made note of it, joel has become imprudent, excessively reckless and rash when he's gone down to red. in contrast to secret life, where he's more or less calmly completing tasks, gathering resources and preparing himself for possible eventualities. his actions this go around are step-by-step, organised and calculated in a way they weren't before. and obviously part of that is to do with the nature of this season, there isn't much room to be reckless when everything you do has to correspond with what's in your book. and tomorrow is life day, probably the last session, and who knows what's going to happen. but still, it cannot be denied that joel's demeanour has changed to be more collected this time - especially impressive if you remember that he's lost three people he loved already.
over the course of the life series joel has been learning what it is to love and be loyal and fully and unquestionably open yourself up to someone. despite getting hurt over and over again, something that by all rights should have warned him off from getting close to people forever, he's instead taken everything good about those relationships and carried it with him. in a world that pushes everyone to fall to the same character flaws, he's found space for growth and healing, and that is so beautiful it hurts.
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ovaryacted · 2 months
Honestly just imagine RE2 Leon accidentally slipping out saying mommy and now you cant let him hear the end of it so now it's something that happens regularly. And then eventually it grows on you as your relationship progresses and it's literally just a turn on for both of you at some point. Plus I bet older Leon would love being called daddy and would eventually just want to call you something too, ykwim? Anyways, I LOVEE your writing so much and i hope you have a great day/night 🫶🏽 🩵
Thank you so much for ask anon! And thank you for the compliment, I hope you’re having a good day/night as well! 🫶
RE2 would definitely let the mommy title slip, and honestly, I headcanon that it would slip out of him with all of his versions. Leon in RE2 would just be less sensitive to feeling ashamed of saying it.
It’ll happen when he’s feeling too good, when he can’t think straight and you’ve been pleasing him for much longer than he originally anticipated. You always take such good care of him, tending to his needs and bringing him a sense of stability he’s never experienced before. He can feel his release twisting in his gut, pushing his hips harder against your body and feeling overwhelmed by your heat.
He cums with a few more thrusts against you, fills you up nice and deep, and presses his pelvis harshly against yours, not letting a single drop of him slip out of you. That’s when you hear the word fall from his lips in a weak mumble, a broken high-pitched whimper of *“Mommy”* said against your skin. You weren’t expecting him to say anything like that, clenching hard and your walls pulsing around him as you came after him.
There’s an awkward moment of silence that follows, Leon is a bit too nervous to lift his head and look at you in the eye. You let him stay there on top of you, rubbing his neck and shoulders and letting him enjoy the comedown from the intense but relieving moment. He wraps his arms around you, not wanting to part from you just yet, and sighs, but you can already read his mind.
“I’m sorry about that”, he says against your collarbone, hiding his embarrassment and the red in his cheeks.
“Don’t be, I was just surprised”, you tell him, pushing his hair back and kissing his temples. “But I didn’t *not* like it…”, his hazy blue eyes looked into yours full of understanding and what you believe is optimism.
“So it doesn’t bother you? To call you that I mean?”, he asks you, and you give him a chuckle.
“Nah, it doesn’t. I take care of you, don’t I? I don’t see anything wrong with that”, you rub your thumb against his cheek, noticing how he was about to fall asleep any minute now. He gives you a hum, nuzzling into you before dozing off, knowing it’ll be a topic for another day.
After that night, you tease him constantly for calling you mommy and letting it slip, but he knows it’s endearing more than anything. Sure, it gets him hot and bothered sometimes because he knows you’re right. You whisper things in his ear like “Mommy knows best” or when you praise him and verbally call him a “Good boy” that’s enough to make his pants tighten. In the bedroom, he calls you that as he gets more comfortable, and you can feel how it makes your body warm up when he does. Your chest tightens, desire pools between your legs, and all you want to do is make Leon feel good the way he deserves, the way he can feel only with you.
I also think the same applies to older Leon, who would be a bit more reluctant to admit he has this kink but once it’s out in the open it’s unavoidable. He may have a daddy’s kink once he grows into it (especially RE6 & DI I think), but that mommy kink will come and grab him by the back of his neck like a dog. To him, he doesn’t believe in any of that patriarchal bullshit, if he wants to call his partner mommy, he will, and he’ll do it with a damn smile on his face.
It’s a win-win situation, you get to have him wrapped around your finger, and he doesn’t have to take charge anymore. He obliges to calling you mommy without shame, especially since he knows it’s something you both like.
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akutasoda · 4 months
Hello! Can I request BSD men (especially Fyodor and Jouno, since they're both pretty sadistic) with a honey sweet s/o? Someone who is very caring, compassionate and gentle?
go back and show my love
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synopsis - how are they with a rather honey sweet lover?
includes - fyodor, oda, jouno
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, mentions of sadistic tendancies, wc - 493
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fyodor dostoevsky ★↷
↪it was no surprise to anyone to find out fyodor wasn't exactly the caring type. at the best he was tolerable of others but he truly wouldn't go out of his way to do much for anyone, probably only if they were really close but was anyone?
↪so how did someone as compassionate and gentle as you end up with a rather souless man? some say love makes you do crazy things while others say opposites attract.
↪but whatever it was, it seemed to be a good thing. fyodor didn't really like how openly kind you were at first, but now he found it rather comforting.
↪ it was a change of pace for him. he now had someone who showed him genuine care and he couldn't help but occasionally indulge himself in your natural gentle persona. and the way he saw it, you balanced out the relationship perfectly.
↪and eventually you would see a less and less sadistic version of your lover. but sometimes he couldn't help but feel that he could so easily destroy your kindness.
sakunosuke oda ★↷
↪he was a very special case. a mafioso that doesn't kill, one that has morals and has a genuine kindness behind his daily personality at his work.
↪this could be evident after he's done for the day. for example, hanging around his friends and visiting the orphans. so meeting someone as genuinely kind and compassionate as you was something he cherished.
↪he loved how caring you were. it was those sort of qualities he loved in someone. especially when you would show him that same kindness and reassure him in his darkest days.
↪your compassionate nature gave him comfort. it brought him much happiness to return to you after a long day and be able to be himself and experience your gentleness.
saigiku jouno ★↷
↪some may expect that those working in a military unit that is specifically designed to protect prople would be caring people. but the hunting dogs weren't all that caring, especially jouno.
↪being the interrogation expert had lead him to be less moral than he probably should be and prided himself on being able to extract information in any means necessary. a rather sadistic man hid behind his public front.
↪and while it may not surprise most, it surprised him that such a compassionate and gentle person such as yourself would choose to be with him. he had a rather dubious side to himself but somehow you seemed to put it to the back of his mind.
↪and eventually he grew to flourish in your gentle presence. one that seemed too good to be true and yet now he could willingly indulge himself in your genuine kindness.
↪and while that more sadistic side still festered in his mind, when he was wih you it seemed to temporarily melt. and he treated you with that same gentle kindness you showed him.
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illubean · 21 days
Could I get headcanons for Feitan, Illumi, Leorio, and Chrollo falling for gn!reader who by all means seems like a strong, nuturing, emotionally stable individual but every once in awhile casually says or does smthin that makes people go "Oh you're a little fuckin nuts, actually"
(e.x.: Most of their D.I.Y. furniture is made of different kinds of bone, morbidly interested in the more gorey parts of their jobs, probably works in a field that allows them to be around the dead often like a taxidermist or a mortitian, highkey just unabashashedly a morbid little freak™️ whenever it comes up naturally in conversation but otherwise comes across as just an attentive lil guy you could bring home the average parents would love.)
HXH Men with a Morbid!S/o
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Characters: Leorio Paladaknight, Illumi Zoldyck, Chrollo Lucilfer, Feitan Portor Type: Headcanons, Gn!reader
this is so me
Warnings: dead things and body parts and stuff
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Leorio Paladaknight
being an aspiring doctor, Leorio thought that your knowledge on both human and animal anatomy was pretty useful
at first he didn't think much about your job and just assumed you were some type of doctor or biologist or something
he often asks you questions as he studies and you're a pretty good tutor
the first time Leorio realized you were kinda weird is when one day you were walking down the street and saw some roadkill
and you were like "aww too bad, the skin and bones are too damaged to harvest"
and you kept walking like it was normal while he was like ?!!??!?
or you guys were having a normal conversation and you say something like
"if you died i'd taxidermy you and re-articulate your skeleton so you'd be with me forever <3"
1 taxidermizing humans is illegal and 2 WHAT
he is cold sweating wtf did he get himself into
when he comes to your house for the first time and sees a bunch of bones, animal skins and wet specimens he damn near passes the fuck out
how do you just casually have dead things and remains around your house!?
he is freaking the fuck out and you're just like "dw everything is ethically sourced :D"
yeah he thinks you're a freak and he is too fearful to break up with you ever (not like he was planning to anyways)
Illumi Zoldyck
whatever drew Illumi to you had to have been some type of power
aside from that power, to Illumi you were relatively normal and had a good grip on your emotions which made you a perfect candidate
that being said he could care less what your job was, you'd just end up working for or with him eventually
when he started bringing you around the estate, you often sought out their guard dog Mike and Illumi couldn't think of why
that is until you came back one day with a human femur and bright smile on your face
"... where did you even get that?" "From one of Mike's victims. If I collect enough I could make a whole set of bar stools!"
he blinked at you and chose to ignore your statement
i mean, to each their own am i right?
so you have ah hobby, big deal
Illumi just thinks you're pretty normal personality wise until you randomly but casually drop information about what you do in your free time or have in your home
so now whenever he has a job Illumi calls you in for cleanup
you get to do.... whatever it is you do and there's no evidence of a dead body left behind, it's a win win
Chrollo Lucilfer
he couldn't care less what your job is because it's probably not worse than his 😭
he didn't really notice anything "morbid" about you until he asked about your jewlery
you wore things like resin caster bug pendants or bird skull earrings and stuff
he just assumed they were fake and you bought them because they looked badass
but then you told him you make it all YOURSELF
he is intrigued
he doesn't really question you past that because you were probably buying the bones and stuff somewhere (spoiler alert you're not)
what really caused him to think was when you casually just picked up a dead rat off the floor in some abandoned building you were exploring and suck it in your pocket
bro was so confused
"What do you need that for?" "To make a new necklace :3"
yeah now he knows that your odd taste in jewelry goes deeper than just that
he won't judge you though, if anything you're a better person than he is considering you don't kill things yourself
he is literally a murderer and a thief and has committed like 3467633788 crimes so he couldn't judge even if he wanted to
so now when he sees dead animals and what not he bags them up and brings them to you
he likes to sit in on your cleaning and making process
you seem like a perfectly normal and sweet person to everyone else but Chrollo knows about your freaky little hobby and it just makes him like you even more
Feitan Portor
I feel like for you and Feitan to even be acquainted you have to be part of the troupe
whatever you do outside of it is your business
buttttttt since you are his s/o and Feitan is probably homeless he crashes wherever you are
thus him finding out about your hobby and other job
out of everyone on this list he is the most interested
he too is a morbid little freak
he goes with you to find things and will help you with the cleaning/taxidermy or whatever process if you let him
what he doesn't understand though is why you don't just kill the things you want instead of hunting for already dead things
sometimes he will go catch like a squirrel or something and bring it back to you like a cat and tell you he found it like that
Fei baby. No the fuck you didn't
after doing what you're doing for so long you can tell what caused an animal to die but you wouldn't tell him that
he's just so cute and wants to be supportive of your hobby <3
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dotster001 · 9 months
I came running once I saw requests were open. Can I please get househusband Riddle, Leona, Cater, Deuce, and Kalim? Ty! Love your work.
3k follower Masterlist
Part One part three
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Obviously, there's no world where this man starts out as a househusband. He's a highly paid Doctor to start out. Then you two adopt a baby. After his own childhood, he wants to give a child a chance that he didn't have. While You're both working, you still have more time to spend with the baby. When Riddle finds out he misses the baby's first words, he puts in his two weeks immediately.
He's still strict, but it's in a much more manageable way. He is a good tutor though, so all the neighborhood kids come to him for homework advice. Eventually, at the behest of some very stressed neighborhood moms, he starts a homeschool group.
The house is always spick and span, everything is in place. The home, and everything in it is white or red, looking very professional.
Every meal includes the proper portions of each food group. But there's also a rather sumptuous strawberry dessert at the end of every meal. He asked Trey to teach him as many recipes as he can. But that means…some of them look really good, but every once in a while, one looks like a gooey mess. It still tastes good, but he feels self conscious about it.
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Like Idia, he's only technically a househusband. He's an influencer, and he works from home. But according to his sisters, that's not a job, so call him what you will 😡
As much as he insists he's not a househusband, he sure acts like it. He says it's for his magicam, but you've caught him dutifully icing a cake with no camera present.
Like Riddle, he's super color coordinated, there's just much more variety of colors. And every room is designed in a way that can be "cammable" at a moment's notice.
He drives to your work everyday with a bagged lunch, and makes you eat with him. He never skips a day, even if he's sick. And he always adds a cutie element, like cutting your sandwich into shapes, or drawing a picture on the bag.
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He's a trophy househusband. Not doing anything. He hires a maid and a butler using his leftover allowance from his time living with his brother.
He's never worked a day in his life, and doesn't intend to start now.if you confront him about his laziness and spending habits, he'll say something like, "Baby, my job is to be here and look pretty when you get home. If you no longer want to be cuddled, then I can start doing housework." Obviously, that's not what you want.
Tbh you have no idea what he even does all day. You leave and come back hours later to him in the same spot and same position.
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He's average.but like, in a good way.
He puts 110% effort into everything. He likes to cook, but he has a 75% success rate. He's decent at cleaning, but he breaks stuff from time to time. Sometimes it's been three days and he remembers he's supposed to walk your overweight dog everyday.
But he's so happy to do what he does. And it's human to make mistakes. Plus, Everytime you forgive him for one, he goes husband mode, and makes out with you hard. (It used to be delinquent mode, but then he realized he could use it to his advantage)
He's still a rascal, still picks fights with some of the neighbors over how he can keep the grass as tall as he wants, still gets into trouble when Ace comes over to visit. But he's less likely to beat someone up so bad that you need to bail him out again
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*Sighs* a part of you knows that this might be a game to him. But you can't really blame him.
He has enough money that neither of you would have to work in your life. But for whatever reason, you feel the need to. Perhaps it's you also playing the game.
See, someday he has to take over his father's business. So you think that's why he wants to play house right now. Because he knows one day he won't get the chance.
Jamil lives in the guestroom, and does his best not to ruin the immersion. You can usually tell who cooked dinner that day (no offense Kalim) But other than that, Kalim gets left to his own devices.
He's the kind that will wake you up at three in the morning to tell you he reorganized the kitchen. When you go to look the next morning, half of it's a disaster, the other half just doesn't make sense. But he's so proud, and waiting for you to tell him he did a good job, so he'll keep doing it.
He's also the kind that you come home, and he has a whole litter of puppies, with a pout on his face as he begs if you can keep them 🥺
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wolfish-trickster · 21 days
Choso headcanons
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(I'm sorry i just love this gif so much 😩)
He likes to listen to indie bands
There's just something about having a band "all to himself" and being the sole fan where ever he goes
But after a while starts to feel a little lonely not having any fellow fans for friends
Doesn't really see the point in people taking care of plants in their home, especially those that only bloom once and then they die
Isn't a dog or a cat person, he likes both
Would want to learn at least the basics of every skill he can find
His favourite day of the week is friday
Stays up super late even thoigh he promises himself to fix his sleep schedual
Spoiler: he never does
Keeps fit and builts muscle to protect his family
If he meets people who are pretty agressive about their opinions and unable to listen to a different point of view he just up and leaves, doesn't want to waste the energy
Doesn't look like it but he's quite artistic, he especially enjoys making his nose mark into different shapes and ornaments to make himself look cool
His favourite part of working out is laying down and letting his body cool
Learned how to cook so he could take care of his brothers
At the begining he would be just observing you
Not even trying to befriend you or your friends, nah
Just quietly watching from afar
His brothers would call him creepy for that
But he just wants to be sure you'll be worth the try
Eventually he's betrayed by Yuji who straight up tells you he has been looking at you when you do your thing
He tries to explain that he isn't shy or anything, but yeah, he was pretty closed off from you after you guys started talking
But since he spoke less he heard more and learned all your little quirks
Where others would buy you generic things for your birthday like a book or a mug he would buy you three new headphones becuase he remembered how you complained to him how often they break for you
Or he would give you something you genuenly need in your life and what would be useful
Also he would want to show you his creative side
Sketch you, write poems and haikus for you
He even tried to crochet you a flower but that failed quickly
He made you an origami instead 🥹
As he started to have feelings for you he needed advice from his brothers on what to do
They all just told him to ask you out
He didn't like that idea
What he did instead was collect his favourite hard rock and metal songs about love and give you that playlist on a CD on your birthday
He hoped you would get the hint
Your oblivious ass didn't 😭
He literally had to spell it out for you the next time you guys met
You gladly accepted his feelings (who wouldn't)
He asked you out on a date the very next day
Homeboy had no idea what to do on the first date tho...
So he improvised and went to ask the almighty google
He made a list on his phone consisting of advices he took from google and rom coms: first he had to take you see a movie, then go to a theme park, then restaurant and then either take you home or to a hotel
Not his ideal plans for the first date but it's how humans do it apparently
Long story short, it was a catastrophy
As he went to your house to pick you up it started to rain real bad
You guys decided to wait it out in your home
Rain turned to storm
Choso then admited he had a plan written on the phone Yuji gave him
You told him ypu guys cane have home date instead
You and him watched a movie
You guys spent a long time deciding what to cook together but eventually agreed on pasta with some exotic sauce
You had lots of fun
You guys ended the date curled up under your sheet cuddling the night away as the storm raged on outside
Choso found out he loves home dates
He only ever does that from then on
One night him and you decided to take quizes to learn more about eachother
His love language is physical touch
Which makes sense since from his first night of cuddling he has had his hand on any part of your body anytime you guys met
It's like his hand and your body were two magnets
He loves hugging you from behind, shows how much smaller you are than him
Sometimes he likes to lay on your chest and listen to your heartbeat (is what he would tell you but really he just likes to listen to your blood moving in extreme speeds through your body, but he wants to be romantic for you)
Not the one for PDA, will jold your hand at max when outside but inside the house he goes all out
All cuddling positions, all surfaces, all times of the day
Your first kiss happened a week after you had the furst date
He honestly had no idea what kissing was
You introduced him and gave him few lectures 😉
It's safe to say the student surpassed the master
His lips are surprisingly soft and warm
The first time you kissed him he was a little stunned and his nose mark swerved a little
But then he got addicted
Giving you kisses all over your face
He likes the neck the most
Especially the parts where he can feel the blood in your veins
And when he found out tongues can get involved?
He almost didn't let you breathe
The feeling of your soft and wet muscle against his was heavenly to him
At first a little weird but he quickly got used to it
Would chuckle everytime your teeth clinked together
You also thought of introducing him to the concept of hickies but he already figured it out on his own
Doesn't like giving them too often tho, to let your veins regenarate properly, otherwise he would be painting your neck purple every day
He had his time when he read a post on social media about a guy literally dying after his girlfriend gave him a hickie and oit of fear and anxiety refused to give you any hickies for a month
After about half a year of dating he decided to introduce you to his brothers
They already knew all about you
Choso doesn't talk often but when he's in the mood he won't shut up
And lately he has been talking mostly about you
All of them were nice to you and all of you got along super well
Choso fell for you even more
One date night you picked a movie that was a little less innocent than all the ones you watched before
Thankfully you didn't have to explain the birds and bees to choso when a particularly heated scene came on
But you needed to explain to him how to get rid of his very first boner in his life 💀
Your first time happened a year after your first date
He wanted it to be special since it's both of your first time
He studied
Aka he watched porn
Didn't get hard from watching it tho, only after he started playing out the scenes in his head with you and him in the actors' places
His first ever jirkoff happened because of this
He made a playlist to get both you and him in the mood
Wasn't needed in the end
After the very awkward first round you went into it like rabbits
Remember what i said about Choso and cuddling? Same goes for positions
All positions, all surfaces, all times of the day
Tho he had his favourites
Among his favourite positions were those he could have you in his lap
He loved it when you could drap yourself all over him
He also like the access to the skin he got
His least favourite ones are where he can't see your face
The different facial expressions he gives with different thrust angles are what keeps him going
His favourite places are the bed or the couch
And he doesn't really care about the time of the day as long as both of you are willing and not busy
The first one to propose oral was him
He was curious about how it tasted down there
He didn't find the taste anything spectacular but could see the appeal
He liked the texture on his tongue more
He also found out your juices taste different during different parts of your month cycle
That way he could keep track of your period better than you
Sometimes after he was done eating you out he mentioned how your time of the month is coming so you should be prepared
Made you chuckle every time with how bluntly he says that
You also offered to give him head
Likes it when you gently drag your teeth along his shaft
Like the feeling when you have an itchy spot and you give it a good scratch, that's the same for him and your teeth
Isn't really sure if he prefers to give or recieve yet
But doesn't mind either way
Period sex is a whole different stuff to him
As soon as he found out coming can help period cramps he was all in
At one point he was curious about what would happen if he pulled out the entire inner lining with his cursed technique
Ended your period bleeding that very day
You loved him even more
Does that for you every single month
But he's not gonna lie, he has a little sadist hidden inside of him
Likes to see blood on his dick
But only period one, as soon as it's real blood from harming you he's out
Doesn't really have any other kinks than that but he's open to explore with you
Would quickly find out he has his horny days too
On those days he would ask you all shy if you two could fuck
You never told him no how could you with those eyes
Long story short he got to try a lot of exciting things with you, for which he's grateful
234 notes · View notes
whxre-bxby · 1 year
“Colonel’s Orders” 
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(oh to be manhandled by Mansk like Tsireya)
Smut with Mansk, Miles, and Lyle
Summary: Quaritch gathers everyone outside for a new type of training session. The recom team don’t know what’s about to happen except for Miles and Lyle. This lesson is meant to increase the team’s hunting skills, however, you and Z-Dog are excluded. We have to pretend to be the prey first, which we think isn’t fair. Eventually, we are persuaded and have a head start before being hunted. 
Warnings: HEAVY SMUT, a little Angst?, predator and prey kink, NON-CON SEX, bad language, tiny bit of voyeurism, breeding kink, degrading 
Word Count: 6803
Colonel's Orders Version 2.0
I was in the break room, getting a drink from the fridge when Lopez walked past, greeting me. 
“Outside in 10. We have training.” he says, about to leave. 
“What? But we finished for today.” I reply and he turns back. 
“Colonel’s orders. Outside in 10, dressed appropriately for training.” he repeated before walking away. I just stare into nothingness for a while, wondering why we suddenly have to gather again when we just ended less than 2 hours ago. It’s not like I could do anything about it so I put the cold drink back and went to my room to go get dressed in Cammie pants and a tank top. 
While leaving my room and walking down the hallway, I met Zdinarsk. She smiled, nodding to me. 
“Do you know what this is about?” I ask and she shakes her head no, shrugging. 
“Maybe the Colonel has some announcement.” 
“Why outside though?” I say, asking myself more than her. She scoffs, wearing the same things I’m wearing and we walk out onto the large concrete jet runway. The sun is beaming down strongly and the warmth of Pandora hits our skin. 
Quite a bit away, we see most of the recom-team already gathered. The Colonel, Lyle, Mansk, Prager, Lopez, Ja, Brown, and Fike are outside, all standing around each other, talking. 
Walker is busy with testing tools in the lab along with Warren and Zhang.
We walk next to each other and I squint, having to look at the ground because the sun was too bright. The wind caressed my face and made my hair flow. It made my hair flow… I forgot to tie it up. Oh no. 
Quaritch got angry about that once, I hoped he wouldn’t mind me running back before we started. 
“Finally, the ladies have decided to show up.” Quaritch loudly announces, grinning while his hands rest on his vest. 
I tilt my head confused. 
“Are we late?” I ask Z-Dog confused,  who is already checking her watch. She shakes her head. 
“We’re two minutes early.” she replies in a sassy tone but still keeping it respectful with our superior. 
“Could have been another two minutes earlier.” he says, before fully turning around to face us. We choose wisely to not reply or fire any comment back. It could cause problems. He seems to be pleased with our silence. 
“Y/N, hope that ponytail ain’t too tight.” Lyle chuckles, noticing my open hair. I glare at him, fully aware of my mistake. I almost always have to have my hair tied back, so it's rare anyone sees me like this. 
I glance at Quaritch who is looking at my hair. 
“I can run back and get it, sir.” I say, taking a step back to be ready to go. 
“That won’t be necessary.” He calmly states, looking from my hair to my eyes, before speaking to the group. 
“You won’t be needing it now. In fact, I think I prefer it like that.” he smirks, and I hear a few chuckles from the men. Z-Dog is just as confused as me. 
“Alright squad, today’s… second session will be a bit different from what we did this mornin’. “ the Colonel starts announcing and everyone quiets down. I quickly scan the team, and notice Lyle grinning to himself. As if he knew about something. Maybe this was some sort of surprise. 
“I discussed this matter with, Corporal Wainfleet here. We decided that this team needs less training as humans and more training as Na’vi. “ he continues. So Lyle does know what’s going on. I glance between him and the Colonel, wondering what they had planned. Maybe we would finally get to train our banshees today. 
Lyle looks up at me and Z-Dog with a shit-eating grin on his face. I exchange judgemental looks with her. We wanted to know why we were dragged out here. 
“If we want to find Sully, we need to be able to hunt Na’vi. I mean hunt like them and hunt them.” he says, his eyes roaming over all his soldiers, to make sure we understand and are listening.
“Which is exactly what we are going to do today.” 
I raise my eyebrows. We were going to look for and hunt down Na’vi people? I didn’t know whether I was excited or terrified. Lyle is grinning again and looking at his buddies. They don’t seem to know all he knows and he signals to them that they’ll know in a second. Mansk is nodding along to what Quaritch says, staying serious while Lyle is acting like a teenager about to do something stupid. Maybe that is an exaggeration. He is standing still, keeping quiet and listening, but his grin is irritating me. 
It doesn’t seem like a good sign. 
“We’re just gonna go into the jungle and find some more blue freaks?” Fike asks, and Quaritch is now grinning too. 
“Not exactly.” Lyle intervenes. “We’re going to practise that here, between us. We’re the only Na’vi for miles.” 
“How?” I blurt out. To be fair, it what his fault for not saying all the information at once. 
“Glad you asked, buttercup.” he smiles, turning to me. I frown at the nickname, straining my ears back. He does that often, to embarrass me in front of others I think, but it’s getting old.
“We’re gonna need two people to be the so-called prey.” he explains, while walking towards me. “The rest of the team will hunt them. As simple as that.” 
“Who’s gonna be the prey? I don’t think anyone wants to volunteer for that one.”  Prager announces after a minute and Lyle chuckles. 
“We’ve already got our prey.” Lyle says, returning his gaze to me and looking me deep in the eyes. 
Finally, I catch on to what he’s saying. I’m about to fire some comments back when Lyle is pulled away by Quaritch. 
“Prey, my ass.” I snap at him, not angry just pissed off. 
I glance between them and I hear Zdinarsk huff beside me in disbelief. 
“No fucking way.” she says, crossing her arms over her chest. 
Mansk and the others understand now too. I hear a few chuckles from them, while I just stare at Lyle and Miles in disbelief. 
“We’re not doing that.” I say, backing up Z-Dog. 
“That’s an order.” Quaritch says, smirking amusedly. 
“Why us? Why can’t one of them go?” I complain. 
“That’s an order.” he repeats himself, underlining every word. I frown, letting my ears droop as my tail flicks behind me in irritation. 
My silence is an answer to him and he returns to explaining. 
“Now, our lovely ladies will get a five-minute head start. Then-”
“Five?!” I accidentally interrupt and he looks at me annoyed. 
“I can make that three.” he threatens and I look down, not saying a word again. He turns back. 
“Using the stronger senses we have in our bodies, it shouldn’t be too hard.” the Colonel continues to explain. The recom-men exchange glances and smirks, some nodding while others nudge each other’s arms. They seem happy. 
Z-Dog and I exchange the hundredth glance for today, not seeming to believe what is happening. 
“Pfft… stronger senses.” I mutter under my breath. I’ll make sure they won’t find me. 
“That’s right Y/N,” the Colonel said. How did he even hear that?
“Some scientists told me that Na’vi get cycles. So-called ‘heat cycles’...” 
My eyes widen. I just keep hearing more and more bad news. 
“And apparently we are approaching our one soon…” Quaritch continues. Wainfleet is still grinning like the bitch he is. 
Everyone is surprised and listening. 
“Durin’ these times, it’s easier for us…” he points at the recom-men who are all gathered together, “to be able to pick up your pretty scent.” he turns to Z-Dog and me, smirking. Zdinarsk is very clearly not impressed, yet she seems almost unfazed by his words. 
On the other hand, I am mindblown and I don’t know whether I’m pissed at Lyle, Miles or the scientists who summoned me into this body. I still can’t decide whether this experience is a curse or a blessing. 
“To make it a tad easier for us, no shirts allowed.” Lyle added and Quaritch didn’t seem to disagree. That was it, that was my final straw. I couldn’t believe it. I snort, clutching my face in my palms while Z-Dog just chews her gum and watches my reaction. 
“This is bullshit.” I say, letting my hands slide from my face. The entire team’s attention is focused on me and I don’t know how to feel about it. 
Quaritch raises his eyebrow at me as if challenging me to continue my petty behaviour. I fall in line under his gaze. 
Z-Dog sighs beside me before peeling her tank top off. I sigh as well. If she’s doing it, I must too. I turn away a little, facing the open runway and pull my tank top over my head, leaving me in a sports bra and cammies, like Z. 
I turn around, arms crossed in front of my chest, holding the shirt. The team was oddly silent. 
It wasn’t the first time we’d been in a sports bra in front of them. During the hot days or really intense training lessons, we would just wear them while the others didn’t even wear a shirt. But it still seemed different because this time it had a different meaning. But training is training, what can one do?
“Drink before you go.” Quaritch ordered, his own arms crossed over his chest, seeming pleased that we followed orders without complaining too much anymore. 
After all, he was our superior, and responsible for us, so making us drink was not uncommon. 
Lyle handed us each a water bottle, from which we took a few gulps. Some water trickled down the side of my mouth and on my chest but I didn’t care. It was too warm to mind that. 
I handed it back to him, sending him a glare just to let him know that I was pissed. 
“Alright, you’re ready.” Quaritch said, but I wasn’t finished just yet. 
“What if I just don’t run?” I ask, more out of curiosity than sass. 
He takes an intimidating step forward. “Then I’ll deal with you right here, in front of everyone.” He stated firmly, staring me down. I looked away again, nodding a little before turning away and standing next to Z-Dog again who was already facing where we have to go. 
I didn’t quite know what he meant by that, I could only assume. And I assumed that he would do something I would not want others to see. 
“Alright, you see the entry in the fence there? That’s where the forest starts. You go through there and then wherever you want after that. We’ll find you.” Quaritch says, pointing to the gate with the opening, separating the forest from the concrete. I huff annoyed facing the direction we were supposed to run in after throwing my shirt at Lyle’s face. It wasn’t far until the fence. I wondered if I would encounter any native creatures, thinking that perhaps I should be armed but then again, none of them ever get close to here. 
“Happy runnin’ ladies. Time starts…now.” Quaritch says and once he finishes Z-Dog is walking away already. I jog up to her and we walk more or less side by side for a while. Then we hear someone yell that if we don’t start running now they will shorten the time. I groan out in frustration, letting my head fall back before picking up my pace and running to the fence, close behind Zdinarsk. 
Before we know it we reach the fence where we slow down and look around before walking into the forest. 
“Is it smart to stick together?” she asks me and I think about it. 
“Probably not. If we’re working as a team here, it makes sense for us to split. That way if they all find one of us, the other is still fine.” I reply, not quite knowing what to expect. 
“Let’s kick their ass. I say we continue for an hour, then we return home.” she says and smiles to herself.
“Heh- imagine if we just ditch the mission while they are still out here.” I chuckle and she joins. 
“We’d get in so much tr-” 
“Yeah, Colonel would kill us.” She agrees. 
We walk in silence again, thinking about what he would be yelling. Then I check my watch. 
“They’ll come after us in a minute. We should split now.” I say and she nods in agreement.
“Aight. See ya’.” we bump our fists together before I take a right turn and she goes left. The next time I look over my shoulder, I don’t see her anymore. 
I look at the time again. They must have already left the base. Probably just arrived in the forest right now. 
I push my way through leaves, my ears flicking around, picking up small noises. The forest felt very abandoned. There was almost no noise. 
I went deeper. If they would really follow my scent, I couldn’t have it going in a straight line. I let my feet carry me faster again and I made occasional turns while making sure I was putting enough distance between the base and me. With the new body came a new and better sense of coordination. If I would continue wandering for the next few hours, I still wouldn’t get lost. 
I looked at my watch again only to see it had frozen. ‘Great’ I thought. 
What feels like at least 2 hours have passed and my legs were getting a little tired. The sun was still up, it was only afternoon. I gave up on running. It seemed to me as though they had overestimated their capabilities and would not find me. Maybe I should start turning back? 
I stop for a while, standing completely still, trying to pick up anything. Any noise, sight or smell. But there was nothing. While standing I became aware of an odd feeling in my groin. 
I curse myself. The fucking heat cycle. It didn’t hit me, it slowly developed. I had felt something similar this morning, but it was growing now. 
“My scent is probably stronger now.” I whisper to myself. 
Once the 5 long minutes were over, Mansk had made it his priority to find you. While your aroused scent wasn’t present, your normal one was and that alone drove Mansk feral. He wanted to be the first one to get you. 
Since your scent had a serious effect on Mansk, he was able to recognise it easier and he left the team, going out to hunt you down on his own. 
I keep walking until I feel a different type of strange feeling. I look around myself and stay quiet, but no one is there. Yet, strangely I no longer feel like I am alone. As if I had some company that I didn’t know about. If my feeling was right, it was either a creature, Z-Dog or one of the soldiers. 
Then again, Z went the other way and forest animals don’t come so close to the human’s area, so chances were one of the soldiers was close. I continued walking, looking in front for a while then turning my head, to glance behind me while still moving. I turn around and walk a few steps backwards, not changing the direction I was going in, trying to find any movement between the leaves I just walked by. 
That’s when it happened. Suddenly I felt arms snake around me from behind. One held my arms down and wrapped around my waist while the other pressed someone’s hand over my mouth. I screamed from the sudden surprise but the short loud noise was muffled by the palm. It all happened so quickly, my mind was struggling to keep up. 
I was pulled against someone’s body and I could immediately tell it was one of the recom’s because of the gear they were wearing. They held me close to their body, preventing my struggle and walking a few steps back. 
“Shhh…” the voice cooed. “Stop strugglin’.”
My eyes opened wider. It was Mansk holding me. I let my eyes dart around, trying to find the others but it seemed as though he was alone. I calmed down, no longer trying to escape his grasp. 
Mansk let his hand slip from my mouth but surprised me when he wrapped it around my neck, forcing my gaze up a little. 
“Great, you- got me.” I say, attempting to get out of his embrace. “You can let me go now.” 
“That ain’t happenin’.” he replied, tightening his arm around me. I whine in protest, letting my head drop a little. 
“Can’t let you escape now.” he said and from the way the words left his mouth, I could tell he was grinning. 
His presence affected me. Smelling his musk and being pressed up against his chest had my heart racing and I knew it wouldn’t be long until he would pick up on that.  
“I won’t run away, my leg hurts.” I lie to him, knowing I need to distance myself from him as fast as possible. I wasn’t sure what would happen if he would know what was going on. Quaritch told us all about the heat cycles but I don’t think anyone was expecting it to start today. Maybe it was the fact that this predator-prey game had me feeling some type of way.
To my surprise, he lets me go but doesn’t step away. His arms just fall to his sides and he is examining my every movement. I turn around to properly face him. 
Mansk and I were never really close. The whole team was close but we were never more than that. But it wasn’t awkward between us. Some other atmosphere was created. I would have said I felt sexual tension but that could be just because slowly I was becoming painfully aroused and he happened to be really attractive. 
I took a few steps back, watching him as he watched me.  Something about the way he looked at me had me thinking that he seemed frustrated. Perhaps it was the way his tail was flicking around behind him. 
But without further ado, I needed to save myself and my ego. I was too prideful to give in to my feelings just yet. I couldn’t make it that easy.  
My feet took off, back in the direction I came from and away from Mansk. 
Of course, he was predicting a reaction like that so without hesitation, he was sprinting after me. 
In the next few seconds, I was tackled to the ground, letting out an even louder scream this time. Mansk must have thrown himself at me and I was planted basically face-first in the ground. I was laying stretched out and I felt Mansk on top of me. 
“Nice try.” he chuckled, pulling my arms behind my back. I groaned in frustration, knowing I had no chance to escape him and that time was running out. Mansk cuffed both my wrists together with the elastic red handcuffs we carried around. 
“Really? Handcuffs?” I ask, trying to ridicule his actions as my last resort. 
He turns me over so that my back is laying on the floor and I’m looking up at him. He’s on his knees, with each leg on either side of my thighs. 
“I caught you, sweetheart. I ain’t lettin’ you out’ my sight.” he said, pushing his shades up on his head to get a better look at me. 
I felt how my cheeks heated up and the feeling between my legs was now undeniable. 
“Look at you, all pretty and flustered.” he smirks. His hand cups the side of my face and he runs his thumb over my cheek. 
The sight and the scent of you have him feeling extremely fucking turned on. The whole hunt had him getting worked up and he had been fighting the urge to relieve himself. But it wasn’t something he could do himself. He felt the urge to breed. 
Seeing you under him like this, experiencing your own heat problems had Mansk lose control. Once he picked up the scent of you in the forest, most of his common sense was gone. His mind could only focus on finding you. Now he succeeded and he wasn’t able to hold back. 
Without another thought, he flipped me back around. His hands traced my body, running down my back and back up my hips. He fumbled with my bra, just touching the fabric before he attached his hands to my pants and started tugging them down. With his strength, the belt was useless. He removed my panties in the process too because his fingertips hooked under both waistbands.
Mansk pulled my hips up while my upper body remained pressed into the ground. He was positioned right behind me and I heard him groan a little once my pants were removed. My heavy breathing was accompanied by his. 
His hand wrapped around my nervously swishing tail and he moved it out of the way, while his own tail was revealing his own frustrations. 
Mansk’s urges were getting stronger the more he would try to solve them. He sense how badly I was suffering the heat as well and were both just desperate to solve our problems. I needed him so badly and vice versa. 
I heard him undo his belt hastily while wrapping his other hand around my braid to make sure I can’t escape. Soon enough he let out a sigh of relief and I felt him press his bare crotch against mine. I felt his throbbing dick, pressed up against my pulsating core. The warmth of our bodies was mixing and he couldn’t take it anymore. Mansk was quite literally panting now, his big hands gripping my hips. 
I felt him pull away before moving his hips forward. His dick was perfectly lined up with where I craved him the most and he thrust forward into me, burying himself as deep into me as he could. 
I moaned, arching my back and pressing myself into him more while he bit his lip, letting his head drop back in relief. 
“F-fuck babygirl… so tight f’er me.” he groaned, before pulling out and repeating his actions. 
Mansk then leaned forward, holding himself up with his hands firmly splayed out on the ground on either side of my body. He tucked my waist right below his stomach and continued bucking his hips up into mine. My mind was getting cloudy and I whimpered, the pleasure saving me from the uneasy cravings I felt before. Mansk started to ruthlessly fuck me from behind, but the more he did the more he realised how deep and strong his need to breed was. He needed you to stay in your place beneath him and take it. 
All chances of you leaving were eliminated when he wrapped both his arms around your tilted waist, hugging you while continuing to rut into my almost squelching pussy. My body's noises ignited a fire in him. The harder he fucked me, the louder the noise of skin slapping filled my ears. His head was lolling down and he quickly undid my handcuffs with one swift move. He needed to be closer to me. I pushed my upper body up from the ground, being rocked forward by his thrusts on all fours.
Mansk immediately pressed his chest against my back, one toned arm holding him up while the other hugged me, bringing my entire body closer to him. 
“Mansk-” I whine, feeling the building-up pressure deep inside me. It felt like too much but it was so good. 
“Take it.” he growled into my ear. His fangs were bared and his ears strained back as both of us had our primal sides take over our bodies. Mansk’s head rested in the crook of my neck, his panting breath heating up my already warm skin. 
I started to clench around him, feeling my orgasm approach sooner than expected. He felt the way I squeezed him and it stimulated him more, so he sped up his pace a little. My body was tensing and with a few more thrusts, I came undone around Mansk. 
My eyes rolled to the back of my head and I let out what sounded like another scream, followed by a string of moans calling out Mansk’s name. 
He relentlessly pounded into me and then had his climax take over his body. Mansk was drowning in pleasure and was only acting on his instincts. He needed to keep you in place so he tightened his grip around your body, caging you in, bit down between your shoulder and neck, stilled his hips and released his load deep into you. 
His tense muscles soon relaxed and his arm dropped to the ground to ensure he wouldn’t fall. My legs were shaking and both of us were trying to regain our breath. 
The mating bite he gave me didn’t even hurt in the moment. Once he released, he removed his fangs from my skin, just letting his hot open lips rest on it. 
I let my head drop, releasing a breathy sigh. The fuzziness in my mind was fading away and reality was returning. 
Mansk then slowly lifted himself off my back, pulling out in the process. He rested his hand on my back, while the two of us calmed down. I sat back on my knees, lazily lifting my head and checking our surroundings. 
“Y’ alright?” he asked me, and I heard a hint of worry in his voice. Maybe he thought that he hurt me. 
I nod, smiling. 
“Yeah, great.” 
He smirked, handing me my pants before pulling his ones up and adjusting his belt. 
I sit there for a while, holding the clothes and just trying to focus on clearing my mind. That’s when I pick up a noise. My head turns in the direction of the distant rustling leaves. I wonder whether I’m just hearing things but when I turn back to look at Mansk, who is geared up again I can tell he’s hearing it too. 
Seeing that you haven’t quite recovered yet, Mansk steps forward, feeling the need to protect you. His ears were tipped back but still trained on the approaching noise. He raised his weapon, waiting to see what would come out between the tall grass, huge leaves and trees. 
He stood in front of me as if he were shielding me from what was to come. I watched as well, staying alert in case of any danger. My hands held my clothes over my exposed self, trying to cover up what a few moments earlier I had exposed. 
After a few moments, the noise got so close one could tell it was footsteps by the pace at which the noise was coming in. My eyes widened and I went pale. Mansk wasn’t the only recom hunting me. 
Quickly I stood up, holding the clothes in front of my abdomen, fastening them by wrapping my tail around myself. I stood behind Mansk, peeking past him to see. 
A faint voice was heard and some mumbling until we saw the leaves rustling. Suddenly, Quaritch emerged from the forest with Lyle behind him. 
They looked just as surprised to see us as we were to see them. Well, the two men were following my scent just like Mansk had done, but they were surprised to see Mansk there with me. 
Manks lowered his weapon, wanting to let out a small sigh of relief at the false alarm of danger until he realised that they must be in the same state he was in before. While he still felt protective, he couldn’t prevent anything from happening. Especially because both of them were his superiors. Colonel Quaritch and Corporal Wainfleet. 
“Well won’t ya look at that,” Quaritch said looking at me. “I was hopin’ to catch you.” 
I don’t think either of them had caught on to what had happened. Lyle only now realised that I was standing behind Mansk. The Colonel observed Mansk, raising an eyebrow at him before Mansk huffed and moved out of the way. 
Miles’ and Lyle’s eyes landed on me and instantly noticed the newly bare skin I was showing. They seemed surprised again. The Colonel raised both his eyebrows, just staring at me pathetically trying to cover myself and he scoffed. 
Lyle was grinning, both of them seeming amused by how I was standing in front of them. Mansk on the other hand was cursing himself for not dressing you when he had the chance. He wasn’t thrilled about the idea of them seeing you like this. At least he got you first. 
That’s when I heard a voice in my ear and realised it was Z-Dog. My ears perked up and I flinched a little. 
‘Y/N?’ she asked and I pressed the call on my throat to reply. 
“Z-Dog? How you doing?” I ask, wondering whether she hasn’t been caught yet. Miles notices what’s happening and presses his own call on his throat, listening to our conversation. 
‘I’m kinda fucked, not gonna lie.’ she replies and I have to suppress a giggle. 
“Same here.” I reply and she starts complaining about this taking too long. Miles dismisses it with a wave of his hand and stops listening. I do too, needing to focus on the situation I was in. 
Quaritch walks past Mansk and towards me, while Lyle follows. He stares me down but not in a hateful way. He’s examining me. My reactions to him. He needs to know how I feel because my scent has had him and Lyle both feeling sexually frustrated over the past hour. 
Lyle passes his fellow soldier. “What? Don’t like sharin’?” he teases Mansk before returning his gaze to me. Mansk grunts, clearly not pleased. 
“I thought you were innocent, princess.” Miles said, putting his finger under my chin and forcing me to meet his eyes. 
I started feeling all flustered and overwhelmed again. If more soldiers would come after Miles and Lyle I would pass out. 
For slight comfort, I curled my tail around my lower thigh. My eyes looked away from Quaritch’s ones and I naturally had my ears tipped back, showing my restless state. 
“I think I prefer you like this, though.” Miles added and Lyle smirked. I looked up at Miles and noticed how his nose twitched. 
He picked up your scent which was 10 times as strong now. He had it flooding his mind with vivid imaginations for the past hour, but never was it this strong. 
I watched how his pupils seemed to dilate and his eyes magically grew darker. Lyle smelled it too, and groaned, adjusting his pants. I glanced down and almost gasped. They seemed to be just as lust-hindered as me. 
While my problem had just been solved by Mansk, seeing them had me feeling aroused all over again. I bit my lip and clenched my legs together and Miles’ eyes shot down, watching my movements. That’s what broke his restraining form. He grabbed my shoulder, angling me to the side so that his hand could grasp my braid. His other hand then went down and he tore the pants that were covering me from my grip. I squeaked at the sudden movements and then felt how Quaritch kicked in the back of my knees, making me fall down to mine with his guidance. 
Lyle chuckled, moving forward to stand in front of me. Quaritch got down on his knees behind me, examining me for a few seconds before his hand reached out for my bra and pulled it up so that my breasts were now bare in front of all of them. My face heated up in embarrassment because I was the only one exposed like this.
He then pushed me further down and I found myself on all fours again. My tail was trying to cover my pussy but it was no use. The Colonel had one hand wrapped around my braid, tugging it back, while the other grabbed my tail and moved it to the side. 
Suddenly, Lyle got down on his knees in front of me and I noticed how strained his pants were from his hard-on. He took over, holding the braid so that Quaritch could focus on my lower half. He held my tail to the side and let his fingers glide through the folds of my pussy. 
Still being a little sensitive from last time, I flinch but it feels so good that a soft moan escapes my lips. 
“Look at you, acting like a bitch in heat.” Miles teases, delivering a harsh spank to my right cheek. I yelp, biting down on my lip and the Lyle cups my face, stroking my cheekbone with his thumb, just staring down at me while his superior continues to tease me. 
I was in fact, a bitch in heat. 
“Don’t worry, baby. We’ll give you what you want.” Quaritch says and I feel a little relieved that the teasing will end. 
The Colonel would have continued but he needed to solve his own cravings and they couldn’t wait any longer. 
Behind me, I once again heard a belt being undone and a zipper opened. Lyle did the same in front of me and I gasped a little when I saw his dick. Holy shit, he was big. 
I felt Miles, push his head against my hot slick skin, rubbing it for a bit before he lined himself up with me. I held my breath, knowing there was almost no time for foreplay because our needs were too strong. One could call the hunt, foreplay.
Quaritch’s hand wrapped around my tail and his other hand gripped my hip and he thrust himself into me swiftly with one move. I was still wet from Mansk so it was easier to fit this time. 
Miles hissed at the feeling and pleasure started clouding his senses too. I moaned, arching my back into Miles and Lyle chuckled. 
“I didn’t think you’d be greedy, Buttercup.” Lyle teased, placing his cock on my parted lips. “You just got fucked and now ya gettin’ it again.” 
I couldn’t even comprehend what he was saying because Quaritch started moving his hips against mine, not being able to stop himself from mindlessly rutting into me.
“Open that pretty lil’ mouth, baby.” Lyle said, grasping my jaw into his hand. I do as he says and look at him through the eyelashes of my half-lidded eyes. Lyle lets my tongue glide over the tip of his dick and he bites down on his bottom lip, tightening his grip on my hair. Then he slowly angles my jaw down and pushes a bit of himself into me, so that his dick presses against the inside of my cheek. I wrap my lips around him, using my tongue to continue to worship his cock. 
Miles grunts, speeding his pace up. “Ya feel so good- fuck, sweet’eart.” he curses, keeping his eyes fixed on where he’s disappearing into me while occasionally glancing at how I’m taking Lyle. 
Lyle holds my head in place and rocks his hips back a forth a bit. I can see how he is fighting the urge to just fuck my face but if I would let him I would most definitely suffocate. Each time he pushes himself down my throat a little more, until I reach my limit and he’s only halfway in. Luckily, Lyle doesn’t seem to care because once he pushed in as far as possible, his head lolled back in bliss. 
Each time Miles hit a specific spot inside me that made me lose my mind, I moaned around Lyle which stimulated him even further. 
“Such a slut for us, huh baby?” Miles said breathily, knowing damn well I couldn’t reply. 
“So good…” Lyle sighed, his eyes watching my lips.
I was being tugged back and forth, and I felt Quaritch’s nails dig into my hip. Their pants and grunts were sending shivers down my body and I felt my legs start to shake. 
“Who’s fucking you this good, sweetheart?” Miles asks, speeding up his ruthless pace. I moan around Lyle in response, squeezing my eyes shut. 
Lyle can’t help himself but push himself a little further into you. It’s been overwhelming from the start and now I can’t restrain a choke, followed by a muffled cough. Quickly, I try to relax my throat and I feel tears stinging in the corners of my eyes. 
I look up pleadingly at Lyle and see how his bottom lip has almost turned white from how hard he is holding it between his teeth. His tail is flicking behind him in satisfaction and his muscles keep flexing. 
I feel Miles’ thrusts go sloppy and he lets go of my hip, his free hand travelling beneath me and almost immediately finding my clit. My eyes shoot open and I whimper. 
He applies pressure to my clit, rubbing it with his middle finger while I can’t stop myself from pressing further into him. 
“That’s it, almost there, baby.” Miles says between clenched teeth, focusing on having me release at the same time as him. 
I hollow my cheeks around Lyle and he groans again, throwing his head back while guiding my head up and down him. The fact that I’m able to take so much of him into my mouth turns him on so much he can’t suppress his climax anymore.
Lyle thrusts forward, holding my mouth firmly close to him while his entire body tenses and he empties himself down my throat. Since he’s so far down, I swallow all of his cum out of reflex. 
Lyle pulls out of me and I manage to finally breathe again. His fingers wipe some spit and cum off my lip as he watches the way my face contorts in pleasure. 
“Sir-” I moan, wanting to let him know I’ll cum soon. Addressing him like that at this moment made his stomach twist in excitement and he continued to pound into me. 
“I know baby, you can let go.” He breathes out, his finger still massaging my clit. He switches his angle again and perfectly hits my G-spot making me cry out. 
I come undone and swear that I can see stars. My mind and vision go blank for a few seconds as I spasm around Quaritch who rides out my high before climaxing. He curses under his breath, both hands gripping my hips as he thrusts himself as deep into me as possible and stills his movements. 
The Colonel’s muscles flex and his head falls back while he releases his cum deep into me, having it mix with Mansk’s. 
Lyle had zipped his pants up again, and was holding my head up with his hand, grinning at the way my eyes rolled to the back of my head. 
I hear a sigh behind me and Miles slowly pulls out and I start losing balance. My body starts tipping to one side but both men hold me steadily again before I can fall. 
“You still with us, Buttercup?” Lyle asks, chuckling when he sees my glossy eyes. I’m completely fucked out and they know it.
I nod, with a small cough and a sniffle. He wipes a few tears away, caressing my cheek again. My bra was adjusted down again and after Miles dressed himself, he helped me back into my underwear and pants. 
Mansk helped me to my feet while the other two adjusted their belts and picked up their weapons. I was leaning against him, my head pressed against his arm while I tried to regain my senses in reality. 
“You doin’ okay, pretty?” Mansk asks, his hand comfortingly rubbing up and down my back. I gently nod, sniffling a little again and rubbing my eye. I was so exhausted. 
“We’re headin’ back. We reassemble the squad and then return to base.” Miles orders and both soldiers nod. He walks up to me, smiling when I look up at him. 
“You did good, sweetheart. Can ya’ manage?” he asks, wondering whether I will be able to walk home. I tiredly nod, and he returns it before leading the way. Mansk guides me, letting me lean on him whenever I have to while Lyle walks at the back, to ensure our safety. 
Even though I was still in a rather scary and unfamiliar environment, to be completely honest, I don’t think I’ve ever felt safer in my entire life.
Colonel's Orders Version 2.0 (Ja and Prager smut)
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cinnamonest · 1 month
Can we talk about boobs? 👀 like im wondering if the boys are crazy over em or not since it's like... both intimate and perverted at the same time or one or either
Like it can also be super embarrassing for the reader when she's getting the life sucked out of her tits for like... minutes on end?? Just trying to pry these virgin boys off. It's also not "pleasurable" for either party in the sense that it gets you to climax (unless perhaps we're talking about Albedo who is insane), but if you're a horny yan boy you might not care
The Albedo slander I can't— but you're right he can and will get you to cum from nothing but sucking on your tits, no matter how many tries and experimentation with various substances it takes. Which you find laughable, mockingly tell him that he as an academic should know women don't work like that… until he makes it happen and you eat your words, somehow. It's equally humiliating for you as it is amusing for him… the sly you were saying? as you lay there shivering and panting makes you all flustered, turning your face away to bury into the pillow.
But hear me out — the animal boy club, most of them at least, have a predisposition to titty affinity.
Gorou and Tighnari experience this the most strongly. Stronger primal mammalian instincts mean he has a much stronger drive than a normal human man to very specifically be drawn to indicators of fertility and suitableness for reproduction and healthy offspring. Regardless of size, your breasts automatically send off all the right signals when he lays eyes on them — milk for the offspring, a good breedable mate… it's torturous that they're right there yet human social conventions demand he can't do anything.
Animals don't really have a sense of shame in that regard, so there's less natural inhibition holding him back, he has to make an active effort to remind himself that he can't just walk right up to you and sniff at you, press his face into your chest… the thought of how embarrassing it would be in hindsight is all that's holding him back.
Once things develop, though, and he has you behind closed doors and available, he can't keep his mouth off of them. It feels natural, instinctive, popping your nipple into his mouth and suckling like that for ages — he could keep going forever if you didn't stop him eventually.
The downside of this is that you have to remind them to be careful… it turns out they both have some rather pointy teeth. Dogs have more rounded teeth, but still a powerful biting force that you have to watch out for, whereas fox teeth are much sharper. He's being careful, promise! It's just very easy to get lost in the bliss of the moment and maybe start to nibble a bit too hard, making you jolt and squeal… except the high-pitched sound and the feeling of struggling against him mimics a little prey animal fighting back, and that triggers a whole new set of instincts, now you have much worse problems as you're getting bitten everywhere else, jaw locking down to hold you still as he ruts into you.
Razor has the exact inverse going on. Sure, he's technically not any more naturally inclined towards it than an average human, but his upbringing has long since wired the proclivity into his head. Thing is, with she-wolves, theirs swell outward from the body only once they're pregnant, so for him, seeing human breasts, which are constantly in a state of being pronounced from the rest of the body, might as well be a perpetual onslaught of blatantly provocative imagery.
Unlike the other two, though, he has the exact opposite degree of inhibition. He got the whole “personal space” talk already once or twice, he just… forgets.
However, unfortunately, by the time you meet him, no one has given him the “inappropriate staring” talk yet, so the moment you're introduced by the knights, you see his eyes widen, his head tilts slightly downward, his gaze fixates, and… stays there. No shame, no attempt to conceal what he's looking at, mouth slightly ajar in a dumbstruck stupor. You pause in confusion when he slowly reaches his hand up and out, fingers stretched out as if to grab something, only to be stopped at the last second by one of the knights who spotted the incoming social disaster just in time, grabbing him by the wrist and trying to change the subject with an awkward laugh.
Once he has you to himself, though, he develops a fixation with them. He will come up to you and just sort of… plant his face in the middle, like recharging energy, nuzzling and, to your dismay, sometimes trying to chomp down on them, which you have to actively discourage. During your naps in the sun, you often find yourself waking up to the sudden sucking sensation — and he’s relentless about it too, latching on firmly and refusing to let go. He’s a bit disappointed to learn that no milk comes out, though, at least not yet.
Xiao is the exception to this natural affinity — avians don’t nurse, so it’s a bit of a foreign concept… but the human form is still drawn to it. Except he’s more fond of them for softness, so once he’s more comfortable with touch (which does take a while), he tends to use them as a pillow, opting to rest his head on them for long periods of time. It’s comforting in a way that he can’t really articulate, it just makes him feel at ease.
And then there’s the staring — he’s more accustomed to human norms and social etiquette than Razor, he just sort of… gets distracted for a moment. You just bend forward in just the right way, or perhaps take a bouncing step or come down a flight of stairs, and it just grabs his attention to such an extent that there’s a solid few seconds where he’s left dumbstruck and completely captivated, trailing off anything he was saying, just staring downward in a slack-jawed daze… until you wave your hand in front of his face and he snaps out of it, going fully red in the face. You say you don’t mind, but that only serves to make him more embarrassed…
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AITA for not feeding my mom's dog by hand?
My (F23) mom (F55) has a dog named Lacey who is a 4 year old chihuahua/papillon mix. My mom has turned Lacey into a spoiled purse dog. Lacey refuses to walk on grass, or even leave the house if the temperature is below 68 degrees (20 celsius). In fact Lacey refuses to walk at all most days, and will scratch your leg and whine until you pick her up and carry her. If you're sitting down she'll do the same thing because she wants to be in your lap. If you ignore her she'll yip constantly and shiver until you give in and hold her. She also won't eat any brand of dog food, so my mom cooks for her twice a day. She gets 1/2 cup of ground turkey for breakfast, and 1/2 cup of unseasoned chicken and plain rice for dinner. She also rarely gets stuff like carrots or blueberries as treats.
A couple months ago my mom drove across the country to visit family, and left Lacey with me. She was only supposed to be gone a week, but ended up staying much longer due to a family emergency. She left Lacey with me and gave me very strict instructions on how to feed her (what time, it has to be cooked and unseasoned, you can't cook it all at once and then reheat it it has to be fresh or she won't like it, etc) but she also included something I didn't know about Lacey's routine: the dog won't eat out of a bowl or off a plate, you have to hand feed her. I told my mom that's ridiculous and I'm not doing that. She insisted, because Lacey just plain will not eat any other way. Eventually I told her fine.
I'm not gonna lie: I had no intention of hand feeding Lacey, and just told my mom I would to get her off my back. And Lacey did refuse to eat for the first couple of days, but eventually she would nibble on her food. I came to realize attention was a much more important currency to Lacey than food. If I was even in the same room as her she wouldn't eat, because there was still a chance I might hand feed and dote on her. If I set the food down, then left and closed the door though? Lacey DEVOURED her food in less than a minute. Every time. Even if it was reheated. It made me think maybe she wasn't as picky about her choice of food as my mom says, so I bought some wet dog food and guess what? She gobbled that too. Still wouldn't touch dry kibble though, but hey. Baby steps.
Same thing for letting her outside. If I went out with her she would refuse to even leave the porch, but if I put her out in the (fenced in!) yard and went back in (while still watching her on security cameras and never leaving her alone for longer than a few minutes)? She would go potty and then happily run and roll around in the grass, even if it were chilly out. Even if she wasn't wearing her little coat and booties my mom insisted she needed.
My mom got back and I was kinda smug when telling her these things, I'll admit. But I honestly expected her to be relieved her dog wasn't as high maintenance as she had previously thought. Instead she got mad at me and said I shouldn't have gone back on my word. And that she would never trust Lacey with me again since I admitted to neglecting her. That Lacey had clearly lost weight with me and that was proof I was starving her (it's true she lost weight, but she was a roly poly to begin with and still kinda is, just less so).
Should I have just caved to my mom's ridiculous demands regarding her dog, or maybe I'm wrong to call them ridiculous at all? AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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got any silly voxval headcannons? (Maybe velvette too idk)
like for example who cooks out of the three of them
Of course you can <3 I'm a really angsty girlie so I don't know how silly they actually are but there you go:
None of them can cook, but that's not really a problem for Vox and Velvette. Vox could survive on plain bread and black coffee for eternity, while Velvette could eat only candies. Val, on the other hand, is the ultimate hedonist. He's all about the tasty, full-fat fast food or gourmet stuff, and he's always pushing for takeout. Come on, guys, we're fucking rich, let's order something. Sure, they could hire someone to cook for them, but Vox is too paranoid to let an outsider near their food. He's still on the hunt for a chef who can match Val's extravagant tastes and is willing to sign off soul. If they had to pick someone to cook, Vox would probably be the best bet since he's the only one who can actually follow a recipe.
Velvette is the smartest when it comes to managing finances. Vox technically doesn't like to waste money but he has a taste for luxurious stuff, he can't resist an expensive car, fucking show-off. Valentino basically burns money on every useless shit he likes, I bet those crystals he badazzled his gun with were real diamons.
Velvette helps Val maintain his fluff, and he styles her hair. It's a cute little trade-off they've got going on.
Valentino has a habit of breaking electronic devices and downloading malware. Vox hates him for it.
Vox can easily go 72h without sleep, fueled by coke and rage. Valentino occasionally drugs his coffee to put him down to sleep, because after 68th hour all electronics in the tower starts malfunctioning.
Val used to be a full-time performer, but now he's more like a RuPaul—lending his face to the brand and only occasionally gracing the stage. But every time he does perform, Vox makes sure to be there front and center.
Their schedules are very incompatible and they have to spend a lot of time managing their businesses but they have weekly appointments to do catch up and discuss strategy. Those are usually very unserious, they end up hitting the bong and playing Mario Cart.
There was this one time Vox tried hitting on Velvette because she's totally his type. It was awkward as hell, and they both agreed to never speak of it again. Valentino has no idea about it.
Valentino would really want to have a dog but Vox really likes dogs so he doesn't allow him to get one by imposing strict anti-pet policy in the tower.
Val knows all of Vox's and Velvette's kinks and sometimes produces custom porn for them as gifts.
As much as they love spending time together, Val and Velvette can't stand watching TV with Vox because he gets overly emotional and doesn't allow to skip commercials because he enjoys them
Vox occasionally invites Val to be a guest judge on reality shows, which always skyrockets ratings but sometimes ends nasty for the contestants.
Val's obsessed with textures, especially nice fabrics. Give him a nice fluffy blanket and he will shut up for 15 minutes fixated on touching it.
Vox, with his business and strategic management degree, sometimes tries to pitch these ideas to Velvette and Valentino, he's like Guys, have you considered using the BCG matrix? Ever heard of SWOT analysis? We should discuss KPIs. They mock him relentlessly for it.
Val once tried putting drag makeup on Vox's face, and let's just say the result was... less than glamorous.
During their honeymoon phase, Vox and Val fucked everywhere. At first, Velvette found it amusing, but eventually, she grew to hate it. She finally snapped when she found out they'd fucked on the dinner table and she set it on fire.
Val "secretly" ghostwrote some trashy smut novels (they are absolutely horrible, worst Wattpad shit you could dig out). Vox secretly bought and read every single one, finding plenty of references to himself along the way.
Vox loves it when Val wears stripper platforms, even though it makes their height difference even more ridiculous.
Valentino's wardrobe takes two entire rooms and still expands. Vox doesn't know how to stop it.
Vox owns a few lingerie sets, only because Val loses his fucking mind whenever he wears them. Velvette designed them herself and keeps photos of Vox wearing them as blackmail material, just in case.
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secretlovezz · 4 months
I was wondering I could request headcanons with König, Soap, Price and Ghost celebrating a birthday with their s/o who thought that they’d forget/didn’t know? If it’s too many characters (😭I know writing is a struggle) maybe it’d be okay with just Ghost?
By the time I’m writing this, my birthday would’ve been tomorrow :]
I hope you have a good afternoon/day/evening/night
I'm so late omg (I'm horrible at getting requests done I'm so sorry!!!!) but here it is!!! I ended up only writing for Soap and Ghost even though the goal was to write for all of 141+konig so maybe there'll be a part 2 with everyone else eventually😭 Happy belated birthday babe and thank you for the request 🫶🫶🫶🫶 ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Simon "Ghost" Riley
I feel like because Simon most likely doesn't celebrate/do things for his birthday he won't do too much for you (this doesn't mean he doesn't care though).
He gets you the cutest presents, ones with meaning and love, ones that'll last for as long as possible.
Although he's nervous Simon is slick about the process of giving you your gift.
He's hiding it behind a cushion while the two of you are casually watching a movie together on the couch.
He hasn't said much to you all day (he is horrible at keeping secrets from you so he's kept his mouth shut so he doesn't spill the fact that he got you something).
You notice his silence just like you notice how Simon is being twitchy next to you, the arm around your neck is flexing and his free hand is wiping against his pants to get rid of sweat.
You don't think you've ever been more anxious and on your birthday no less.
Has he forgotten?
You feel sick to your stomach, nausea overtaking you and making you uncomfortable. Your body wiggles against your boyfriend's side and his eyes drift to you. His brown eyes are searching you intently; his gaze makes you all the more nervous.
He contemplates saying anything before his lips finally part to ask, "You alright, Dove?"
Your head is snapping in his direction before he can even finish his question, eyes wide in a way that make Simon's squint in confusion. He twists his body to face you a little more forcing you to look at him.
"What's wrong," He asks, your eyes are darting to any place that isn't his eyes because if you do he'll see straight through you. Sometimes you hate that he can just tell when you're upset.
When you don't answer him Simon sighs and stretches his arm to reach behind him. Your eyes water and your plump bottom lip quivers in response to his movement but when he pulls his hand back in between the both of you he's holding a little box.
Now your eyes squint in confusion causing a tear or two to fall out. Your boyfriend is quickly dropping the box and reaching to wipe them from your face pressing a swift kiss to your forehead before pulling back.
Before you can ask him anything about the box simon is grabbing your hands putting them together in a cupping motion and dropping the box into your hands. You look at him doe eyed and he motions for you to open it kissing your temple once more. If you weren't a little sad you would have laughed or giggled at the horrible attempt of a bow around the box. You pull at it and it comes loose and falls into your lap. You glance at Simon once more eyes still a little watery and he nuzzles his nose against your cheek.
You open the box slowly a little worried of what you might find inside.
When you open it to see dog tags you choke out a sob.
"It's a replica, not the real thing but still, happy birthday dove," Simon says while swiftly moving your face into the crook of his neck. You move yourself to straddle your boyfriend arms wrapping around his neck. You stop your cries to place a quick kiss on his neck. Your professions of love mumbled into his neck as you hiccup.
"I love you, hm? So much," he says and Simon chuckles when you whine at him.
"So so much," He whispers.
John "Soap" McTavish
I lowkey feel like there's no possible way for you to feel like he's forgotten.
He's talking your ear off about what you guys are gonna do weeks before.
But imagine he gets called away just days before your birthday, he'd get so sad :(
He wanted to celebrate it properly; take you out to dinner buy you some flowers and a present that you would adore one that could make you smile.
So alas he's away on your big day and he's so busy and has so much work to do he almost doesn't get the chance to call you.
You try to watch a movie, one that you and Johnny would enjoy together if he were home, cuddled up against each other, slipping gentle intimate kisses to one another, laughing and giggling at stupidly cringe movie scenes. His hands would never leave you, they never did.
You miss him.
The thought made your lips quiver and your eyes water. You felt that you usually did okay, good even when Johnny wasn't around but today was your birthday and he wasn't here and it was harder than you thought it would be.
You picked up your phone and turned it on.
No notifications.
You'd hoped he'd at least text you but it was rounding 10:30, it was dark out and the lack of natural light was making you sleepy, but there was still nothing from him.
You're nodding off trying to keep yourself awake but eventually, your eyes are closing and your head is leaning back towards the cushion of the couch. You're snapped out of your closeness to sleep by the ringing of your phone. You scrambled for it moving quickly to answer whoever was calling you.
"Hello?" You answer.
A rumbling chuckle on the other line causes tears to gather at your water line, "were you sleeping, can hear it in your voice," you could imagine the smile gracing his face.
Your voice is shakey and quiet when you respond, "I miss you," you pull your knees to your chest, "I wish you were here."
You hear the ruffles of fabric, you wonder what he's doing.
"Wish I was there too believe me... Jesus, I miss you. Was gonna have flowers sent to you but Cap'n's threw me into somethin' I couldn't get out of and-"
You smile, cheesing into your pajama pants, "You were gonna buy me flowers?"
Johnny scoffs softly, "'course, my pretty girl deserves her flowers always and when I get back I'm gonna get you so many flowers you won't know what to do."
You laugh and he thinks he's never heard a sound more beautiful. He joins your laughter for a moment before the both of you quiet down slowly.
"Happy birthday sweet girl," Johnny whispers, "I love you"
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impactedfates · 5 months
hii hellos pls yanqing and jing yuan hcs 🫶🏻
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★ A/N: Yanqing and JY best Father Son Duo!
☆ Genre/Trope: Platonic + Familial
★ Format: HeadCannons
☆ Warnings: None
★ Extra: Most are just general HCs so reader is not stated too much // 10 HCs each // Not fully proof-read // Jing Yuan has some Romantic HCs with reader // Yanqing has some Platonic HCs with reader
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He has photos of the HCQT in his room. A picture of each individual one and one with the whole group. He refuses to move them or sell them.
He knows Dan Heng isn't Dan Feng but seeing an old friend not remember you and bascially be someone different hurts him. He knows he shouldn't see DH as DF as he wants to listen to DHs wishes but his heart cannot forget the connection. He's trying his best though.
Once broke a hairbrush with how untidy his hair is. Like, the hairdresser was casually brushing it when suddenly the brush broke. JY paid for the damages ofc.
We all knew this, but bro's a Disney Princess. He attracts all kinds of animals and somehow, can understand them. If he had it his way his house would be overrun by all sorts of animals.
He would love to see his lover in his clothes if they were shorter then him. In fact, he'd purposefully leave out his clothes for you to take. If you don't, then he'll eventually outright ask for you to wear it.
If his partner was taller tho, then he'd love it as well. I mean, I doubt he meets many people taller then him. Just know you are now his personal pillow if he ever feels sleepy.
Loves when you run your fingers through his hair, even if it's tangled. He's used to it, so he'll be comforted even if you're trying your best not to tug and you end up doing so.
If you date him, now you have a child. No questions asked, Yanqing is your son now. I don't make the rules.
If you ever needed a day off work due to stress or what not, even if he himself cannot take the day off. Expect to be pampered none the less :> You have breakfast premade, gifts waiting for you and there's Mimi ready to give you rides around the house if you don't feel like getting up. And when he's home? Cuddles!
He loves staring at you, and is NOT ashamed by it. Who cares if you feel flustered or not? Or if people see or not? He wants to look at his lover and he will.
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Probably has attempted to steal JYs credit card once to buy more swords.
When that didn't work he opted to using puppy dog eyes which worked for a long while...until JY got used to it...looks like he'll need to find another way to get swords.
The type of guy who'll say he's not hungry then take your food.
Most definitely knows the history of each and every sword. (Well, most of the history)
His room was stored with so many swords that eventually there's now a room DEDICATED to the swords he gets. Now under moderation.
Cannot bake for the life of him, he tried once to bake treats once for the Cloud Knights to thank them for their work but more batter got on him then in the cupcake trays...
If you're introverted and don't like to talk, that's okay! He'll do the talking, and if you do talk as well. He'll listen and engage with what you say.
If you're more extroverted however, then you two can be outgoing together! I see him enjoying to go on runs and even going on races with his friends! So if you're up for that, then you two can race each other a lot :>
He loves getting compliments and loves giving compliments. If you do as well, then picture a battle with him but it's just who can give out the most compliments in a minute.
Once you two are close enough, he'll see you as a younger/older sibling to him. But he won't say anything.
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Teehee, honestly they're the best found family every in HSR dgriong
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whore-ibly-hot · 6 months
what are ur ocs endgame goals??? like with or w/o reader, what are they hoping for. like r we talking white picket fence n a golden retriever or is it like "reader lets me,,, look at them,,,, today :3"
Hmm... good question! Well, let's examine our boys and girls!
The mean girls haven't even really put that much thought into it, but they'd like to drag you along to whatever sorority they join in College.
Fritz wants to marry you, of course and have a minimum of three babies. Johannes would of course just desire to serve his general, and his generals wife. He adores you, and would help to raise the kids as uncle Josie. Fritz goal is just to love his family and keep all of you safe. He wants his sons or daughters as far from the army and war as possible.
Patrick and Ahmed have different goals. Patrick wants to feel in charge of something for once, to own your body. He also craves the softness you provide, so he seeks to keep you as a girlfriend. His pretty little partner on his arm, his own caring, soft pocket pussy, all for him, (and Ahmed when he's feeling generous.). Ahmed has no specific goal, besides being owned by you (quite the opposite of Patrick). Want a house husband? Great! Want him to work? He won't like being away from you, but his father can get him a good job. Don't want a marriage? As long as your gaze and touch remains on him, he doesn't care. He'll be your dog if that's what you really want.
Joey wants as many kids as he can get in and out of you before you just can't have anymore. Preferably quite a few animals too. He wants your young ones to have the experience and knowledge of farm life that he had as a kid. He wants you to stay at home, but you don't have to cook and clean if you don't want! Just sit pretty, and let him hold you and all your babies at the end of a hard day. And maybe, just let him put on more in you.
Mattias's goals is to give you the world. He knows your living in the slums right now, and this isn't the life he wanted for him and his ma, and certainly not for you. He's gonna make money boxing and kicking teeth in until he can afford to get you whatever you want, and put you up in a safe place. Maybe then, the two of you will slip up more, and you might get pregnant. He doesn't crave fatherhood as much as some of the guys, but once he sees his dark-haired little hijo or hija, he's hooked for life. Now he's gotta ramp it up, he's got his baby and his love to look out for.
Puck isn't one for setting goals, but he does have one things he needs. See, he lives hundreds of years, and you don't. He likes your mortal naivety, and how amazed you are at magic, so it shouldn't be that hard to trick you into drinking or eating something to make you immortal. He just can't imagine spending the rest of eternity without his favorite playmate!
Carl wants your eyes on him, and him only. He'll knock yo up, then you'll have to marry him? Right? Shit, he doesn't care most nineteen year olds shouldn't be dads, you've got his baby, and your gonna be hid wife. Who else would you want to marry besides your best friend? He's got a big family, he's sure he can figure out how to parent and be a good husband. Just... don't go anywhere.
Joshua knows you're not leaving the cult anytime soon, and you'll have to marry eventually. No boys or girls would dare go against him, not when he's as intimidating and revered as he is. It won't be hard to convince Gabriel to marry you to him. He couldn't really care less if you had a baby with him. He's not one for kids. He's mostly just excited to have you to bed, now that you're married. He's got a lot of hormones built up from years of abstinence in the cult.
Morgan wants to spoil you. He has to make up for all the awful things your ex-husband put you through. Gifts, vacations, a penthouse, it's all yours. He just wants to show you what a real man can provide. Of course he wants to marry you, but he's more eager for after the wedding, when he can finally call you his wife. He wouldn't know what to do with a baby, but whatever you want, he'll get you.
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wttcsms · 4 months
"i (Nanami Kento) bet on losing dogs" x the losing dog (reader)
no other sadness in the world would do, kento nanami ;
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pairing kento nanami x f!reader word count 1.5k synopsis a quiet and intimate examination of modern day suffering content contains implied abusive spouse (for reader), implied unrequited love (nanami has feelings for reader)
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There is nothing in this world that Kento Nanami despises more than baseless loyalty. 
What a pathetic trait, he would think to himself. How could someone just blindly follow someone, constantly chasing after their shadow, only to be mistreated time and time again? It’s disgusting. Shameless. Weak.
He feels disgusting, shameless, weak. 
Powerless, too. That’s a new one. That’s how things usually go when it’s just the two of you; you start evoking all sorts of new emotions, like he’s a video game character and you’re helping him unlock upgrades to his character. It’s a bit disarming, really. Kento much prefers to remain as impassive as possible while in the office because unnecessarily giving up any pieces of himself to this skyscraper shithole feels like he’s letting his stupidly rich clients win. 
Kento likes routine, which is why he settles into one quickly and refuses to make adjustments unless absolutely necessary.
Login, watch the markets, log off. Nothing more, nothing less. 
And then you became his new desk partner, and his perfect, meticulous cycle is thrown off course.
Being observant does more harm than good. He notices the shiny ring on your finger and draws an invisible, never-to-be-passed boundary. He already has made up his mind on not engaging with any of his coworkers, female or male, married or otherwise, but with you, he makes the mental effort to visualize the line, the flashing red warning signs, the whole nine-yards. This is the first sign that you are going to fuck up his life. Already, you’re embedded in his insides, owning real estate in his subconscious long before he can even realize it.
At first, you don’t talk to him much; you don’t talk to most of the men working here, and Kento can’t fault you for that. Most of them are assholes, and all of them don’t have any morals. If this wasn’t the case, they wouldn’t be working here, after all.
Eventually, you start to withdraw, and Kento becomes the person you’re most comfortable with talking to. What you see is what you get with him. Kento refuses to be one of those people who are a waste of perfectly good oxygen, and he doesn’t speak unless it’s absolutely necessary. You’re in an industry where men purposely like to talk over women, just because they can get away with it. With Kento, you are given free rein of the conversation. It’s kismet, you and him.
He gets used to your constant conversation, never seeming to be put off by the fact that he doesn’t offer up his opinion unless explicitly asked. Kento normally doesn’t like it when people talk to him when he’s trying to get work done, but your voice is pleasant, your topics always interesting (“do you think there are different levels in Hell, or is a one-victim murderer being prodded by pitchforks right next to Hitler?”), and he finds that listening to you speak relaxes him somewhat. He doesn’t go home with a tightness in his shoulders and a persistent, throbbing ache in his head that aspirin can’t seem to fix. 
The first time Kento initiates conversation is when he sees you wearing a blazer during the sweltering heat of one of Japan’s most unforgiving summers. 
“A bit warm for all that,” he says, trying to adjust his tone and make it sound like a joke. Even if it did sound like a joke, he knows that your reaction would remain the same.
“Oh,” you give a nervous, insincere laugh, reflexively tugging on the sleeves even though your arms are still very much covered. “I get cold easily.”
That’s a lie. Kento knows because he knows you well enough to tell that you are the most genuine person he has ever interacted with. He doesn’t know how you ended up with this job when you’re much better suited for a career that actually helps people. He thinks back to when the office’s air conditioning went haywire and blasted the office with near-freezing temperatures. You had remained in your short-sleeved blouse, saying that you love the cold.
He doesn’t call you out on it, though. He just makes a noise from the back of his throat and turns back to his monitor. 
He can only pretend to ignore your erratic behavior for so long. You keep yourself covered to the point where you make a nun seem indecent. You withdraw from him, not initiating conversation unless Kento brings something up (he’s never been good at making small talk, and so more often than not, the conversation fizzles out quickly and awkwardly). And then you come to work with a black eye, and Kento refuses to let you suffer in silence any longer.
You break down and cry, feeling pathetic, feeling lost. You beg him not to say anything to anybody, that this is just a rough patch, that this’ll pass, and everything will be okay. Amidst your sobs, Kento finds himself wondering who you’re trying to convince right now. 
He holds you on the comedown. 
Now, there’s a new cycle. Things don’t get better for you; it doesn’t take a fucking genius to figure that one out. If a man lays his hands on you once, he’ll do it again. And again. And again. 
To take a life is a serious thing, but sometimes, there are worse ways to kill someone without ever murdering them. Your husband is killing you right now, a slow, soul-sucking type of death, and Kento would like to kill him. Some people are more curse than human. 
What did your husband do, Kento wonders, to make you fall in love with him? What can your husband do to make you finally wake up and realize that he is entirely undeserving of your love? 
Kento Nanami does not belong to any religion, does not attend church, does not even bother questioning the possibilities of a potential afterlife because his current life is already a bust as is. But after every late night he spends comforting and consoling you, holding you while you wet his button-down with your tears, he goes home and prays that you get the strength to fucking leave him. Pack your bags and get the hell out of Tokyo. Even if it means he’ll never see you again, the only person who makes this insufferable existence somewhat bearable. 
But the cycle doesn’t seem to ever break. He’s watching you fade away, and he decides that all the faith systems are fucked up for ignoring his pleas. 
“You should leave him.” He tells you, handing you a tissue. It’s technically a waste of breath; he tells you this shit all the time, and you never take his advice, but he says it anyway. Foolishly hoping that this time will be the time where you decide to listen to him. 
(And besides, he finds that anything he says to you could never be a waste.)
“But I love him.” You give him that same sad, watery smile, and Kento wants to pity you, but you wouldn’t accept it. Outwardly, he treats you the same as he used to, before he knew all that stuff that happens to you behind closed doors, because he knows what it’s like to be treated like you’re incapable of processing anything but kindness. The sweet, sugary kind of kindness, too — none of that blunt, pragmatic stuff. Kismet, he snorts. How fortunate that the kindness you need — re: blunt, pragmatic — is the only type he’s capable of giving to you.
Being treated like you’re surrounded by broken glass and everyone around you is trying desperately to avoid it makes people feel even worse. When Yu died, everyone acted like not being overly nice to Kento would somehow make him snap and go off the deep-end. The fact of the matter is, none of these people have ever been so overly cautious around him, and it actually made the pain of losing Yu somehow more unbearable. 
There are lots of replies that rest on the tip of his tongue. 
But does he love you? 
Have some self respect, holy shit.
Your love is killing you from the inside out.
I could love you.
He tosses away your snotty tissues into the trash can, somehow not disgusted by you even though you think he should be. His grocery list now includes painkillers, band-aids, and bruise ointment. He thinks prayers are a waste of time, and before bed, he takes a shot in the dark and hopes some benevolent god is rooting for you like he is. There is nothing in the world that Kento Nanami despises more than baseless loyalty.
“I know.” And he leaves it at that.
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icedragonlizard · 5 months
Headcanon: Kirby hugs everyone
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Kirby is a very huggy boi. He loves giving hugs.
Pretty much anyone that is Kirby's friend is going to get hugs from him.
Hugs is one of Kirby's ways to try to provide comfort for someone. He's not good with words of encouragement as he's kind of nonverbal a lot of the time anyways. He'll give you a hug to try to make you feel better, and he also does it just to make you appreciated and cared about, since he wants that for pretty much everyone more or less.
Generally, this works out very well. Even people such as Meta Knight, Magolor, and Daroach that generally aren't huggers on their own are glad to accept hugs from Kirby. It's the least they can do after how lovable and endearing he is, and after everything he's done as a hero.
Every dream friend has received hugs from Kirby. Even Dark Meta Knight, who is generally the most reluctant out of them to accept a hug, has relented to Kirby hugs. Nobody can deny Kirby his hugs.
A lot of Kirby's friends love to return the favor and give him hugs! The most prominent examples of this are King Dedede, Adeleine, Ribbon and the animal friends. Out of the animal friends, Rick, Nago and ChuChu are the most happy to have hugs with Kirby any time. Nago in particular is just a straight up cuddlebug, he's a big hugger too!
ChuChu, Kine and Gooey may not have great skin texture for hugs, but does Kirby care? No. He gives them hugs anyways! Even though Kine and Gooey aren't able to hug back, it's not like they care, they enjoy getting hug by Kirby regardless! They appreciate him so much.
Marx rarely gets hugs in his life. Generally, he doesn't really care for hugs. That being said, Kirby has given him hugs... and he appreciates it! There's a part of Marx that does think it's rather amusing that Kirby chooses to give him hugs considering what happened between the two before, but he figures that the least he can do is accept those hugs! Kirby caught him by surprise one time by hugging him while he was bouncing on his beach ball, which then caused him to fall.. Marx ended up laughing after that because Kirby sure got him there!
The mage sisters normally aren't suited for hugs considering their elements cover their bodies (i.e. Francisca feels icy to touch, Flamberge feels very fiery hot to touch) but I headcanon that they're capable of turning off the elements inside their bodies to where they're capable of giving hugs. And they do that for when Kirby asks to give them hugs. They love hugging with Kirby! They owe it to him after he saved them and Hyness, who likes to hug him as well!
Out of all of Kirby's friends, though, the two that are definitely most needing and deserving of hugs are Taranza and Susie, considering the things that have happened in their lives. After Kirby reconciled with them, he's sometimes been going out of his way to act as emotional support for them. He's made sure to give them both tons of hugs... their grief makes him sad and he wants to them to still feel cared about and appreciated despite losing the people they loved.
Taranza needs hugs for obvious reasons. Dude is just heartbroken from all the things that happened to him. He's so grateful to Kirby whenever he gives him hugs, it often makes him cry happily. Kirby is effective at acting like an emotional support dog for him sometimes.
Susie has gone a very long time without any hugs. When she got banished to Another Dimension, she didn't have anyone that she could've given hugs to, and when she finally returned to her mind-controlled father that forgot her existence, he refused to accept hugs from her... tragic. The first hug that she's gotten ever since the Another Dimension incident was from Kirby when they reconciled.
Because Susie went so long without hugs, it's made her not used to physical affection for the most part. When Kirby hugged her the first few times, it made her flabbergasted, and it even made her cry when she tried figuring out how to respond to it. But eventually as she got more used to it, she really likes Kirby's hugs! Even if she's still not really one for physical affection otherwise, she's glad to have hugs with Kirby any time... she's grateful for it, as it's indeed helpful for her.
That's basically all I have for this post! As this post highly establishes, I headcanon that Kirby loves giving hugs, and will give a lot of hugs to those that need it. It doesn't really get more huggable than Kirby.
Kirby is such a softie. He has so much love and care in his heart. He cares so, so much. Whenever he befriends someone, he's going to act like a real friend to them. He might not talk very often, but it usually doesn't even matter because of how endearing he is. He wants his friends to feel cared about and appreciated, and giving them hugs is probably his best method of making them feel cared about.
Thanks for reading! More Kirby headcanon posts will come later!
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