#the librarians au
I know any sort of AU for something like Overwatch in a different enough setting must necessarily involve futzing with everyone's backgrounds (while still keeping the core of their character) but if keeping them different-enough-yet-still-the-same-enough could be pulled off I had the coolest idea for a The Librarians AU for Overwatch.
I don't know which couple would make the best Fleve but I found the perfect characters to play corresponding roles to the canon LITs (though they'd still fight their own personal demons to the degree the lore's revealed them and have similar backstories to their canon (as much as that could be translated to our era/them not basically being superheroes) not just shoved into the canon characters' arcs and symbolism-where-the-story-doesn't-absolutely-necessitate-a-particular-symbol like that one really bad Librarians!AU for Harry Potter I found on fanfiction.net)
Jacob Stone - Cole Cassidy (and no, not just because of my headcanon that Cassidy's Van Helsing, Sherlock Holmes and Ebenezer Scrooge skins are meant to hint at him being a literature geek in addition to cowboy-related-history-buff-stuff)
Cassandra Cillian - Mei-Ling Zhou (she'd be the one with the magic that's more than just cryomancy (that'd just be one of her combat go-tos) it's just the symbolism/imagery surrounding her in this AU would be full of ice/snow and blue/white like how in Librarians canon there's stuff (that's more than just Cassandra's hair) linking Cassandra to fire and red)
Ezekiel Jones - Hana "D.va" Song (and no, not just because they're both Korean, and even the whole "the Library takes people the world wouldn't miss" thing wouldn't mean the modern-relative-to-us!her in this AU couldn't still do the whole streaming/pro-gaming sort of thing she just wouldn't have basically conquered the entertainment world with it)
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fanficandvidprompts · 9 months
I know because of the unique nature of Found as a procedural it's hard to make AUs for but there's something in me that feels like it'd work with a Librarians AU (esp. given the episode that just happened and how much (in the non-have-to-be-a-romantic-pairing-way) Librarian/Guardian energy was coming from Gabi and Dhan) and I figured out at some point during the "mid-season break" (god am I so thankful S2's apparently going to be a normal length, holy weird year) how one would make such an AU fit with Zeke's issues. Despite feeling like he should be because of his age and "found-family" role, Zeke wouldn't be a LIT in the Librarians AU, he'd be the Jenkins-type esp. as that also can work as a parallel to in canon how he's got family in high places and his trust fund funds their entire operation.
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morrigan-cotk95 · 2 years
New fic!
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disorganizedkitten · 7 months
Miracle Fighters
Miraculous Ladybug | 2019 | 1,968 | Ao3 | Next
“Using misdirection? How unlawful!” Riposte went after the right one, who dodged the hit and brought his baton towards her head. Riposte moved out of the way, but the left one threw a hit too. She blocked it, but between trying to keep herself safe from two attackers and the clouding of judgement that came from the Akuma serum, Riposte was completely open for Alya to walk up behind her and whack her with the abandoned Guitar.
“That is for Nino,” she snapped, watching Riposte crumple.
“You move fast,” Adrien noted.
“So, what should we do our mythology project on? I think the history of dragons around the world would be interesting.”
The redhead's parter hummed. “I don't know, dragons are a bit mainstream, and I don't want to lose points for lack of originality.”
He narrowed his eyes slightly. “Do you have something else in mind, or just not dragons?”
The brunette smiled, “Have you ever heard of the Miracle fighters?”
“No, what are they?”
“They’re immortals, only surfacing to fight demons and magic. You can find trace of them almost anywhere, if you look enough.” she tapped her throat coyly. “I just so happen to be an expert.”
Two rows in front of them, another brunet turned to his partner. “What do you think Nette, should we do our project on the Miracle fighters too?”
‘Nette’s’ deskmate snorted, pausing her own conversation to cut in. “Why, so you can both lose points for lack of originality?”
They both stuck their toungues out. “I don’t know, Nino,” ‘Nette’ shrugged, doing an abysmal job at hiding her smirk. “It’d be a little weird if the self-proclaimed expert doesn’t know as much as two or four random classmates.”
The other three laughed, each failing in their own degree to stifle it.
“That’s the problem with self-proclaimed experts. ” The brunette flicked the other’s cap, narrowing her eyes as she leaned back on her chair. “They never check their info against someone else.”
“Truer words have never been spoken.”
“Actually, I’m pretty sure sometime around the 12th Egyptian dynasty a certain Miracle Fighter said something to the tune of-”
“Anyway!” the blond cut in quickly, trying to bring the conversation back to the actual topic before he was embarrassed. ‘Nette’ laughed as he continued. “What are we doing?”
“What about the Fou Follet?!” Alya asked right away.
“The what?”
“They’re a version of will-o-wisp, Adrien,” Nino informed. “Nette, what about changelings?”
“That or Sidhe,” Marinette nodded.
“Perfect! We can fill each other plum full of Irish-”
“Or Creole,” Alya interjected forcibly.
“Yes, and/or Creole mythology facts around missions.”
Marinette yawned. “Sounds great. But I want a nap first.”
“Mood,” Alya yawned in response, leaning onto Marinette’s shoulder.
“Alright Sleeping beauties, let’s vacate the school before you two collapse.”
Adrien slammed his fist into the door. “You have got to be kidding me!” he turned around, rubbing his forehead. “Again. I’m really off my game.”
“We’re not out of the running yet,” Marinette said, barely panting as she surveyed the area. “There’s no way they had enough time to cut off all exits.”
“The open exit runs back where we just came from, and trying to loop around will take ages. They'll be gone by the time we make it over, and even then the stabilizers are going to be off.”
Marinette tutted lightly. “Think outside the box, remember? Can you give me a boost?”
Adrien shrugged, but obliged, bending down so she could climb onto his shoulders. Marinette scrambled up, caught her balance, and then jumped off his shoulders. She slammed a hook into the barred window, and hung off it. The window bent under her weight, slowly at first, and then completely peeling away and dropping her into Adrien's waiting arms.
“Nice thinking, Buginette.”
“Thank you.”
Adrien tossed her again, and Marinette latched onto the windowsill this time. She shimmied through, cursing the fluffy skirts of the 1700s -at least she wasn't trying in a 1850s skirt! That would be downright impossible - and somersaulted into the hallway. Marinette started to dismantle the lock, but gave up a second in, completely prying the mechanism out of the door.
“M’lady, you’re the best,” Adrien smiled.
Marinette nodded. “I know that, now come on. We still have an akuma to catch, an object to swipe, and then teammates to check on.” she cracked her knuckles, and then the two of them took off.
The building the akuma had led them too was a stereotypical movie maze-atory, hallways that led nowhere, winding around the building to hide where the real rooms were. None of the Miracle fighters disagreed when Plagg had huffed about the obvious discrepancy they had missed during the building’s construction. How would architects build this in the 1700s? And why would they think it was a good use of resources? Footsteps echoed across the hallways as the two timetravelers ran, the low heels on the tiles emphasizing the noise.
Marinette pivot-hopped around a corner, pausing a few feet in for Adrien to slam a vortex stabilizer into the wall, before they were both off again.
The Akuma organization dated back to.. well, they hadn’t figured that out yet. The problem with time travel was that they could go backwards and establish themselves in any time they wish, and since the Miracle fighters (someone in 1200 AD had coined the name, and it stuck) hadn’t caught on to Akuma’s meddling until they were rooted enough to change history, the Miracles didn’t actually know where to look. So they were stuck chasing the heads with flamethrowers, since they couldn’t cut it off before they split.
“Eat blade!”
Adrien and Marinette dove to the side, caught off guard. Of course Riposte and Guitar laid a trap.
“Sorry, I'm allergic to steel,” Adrien quipped. Marinette could hear his baton extending, and she pulled out her bandalore too.
“You take Riposte, I take Guitar?”
“Already on it, M'lady!”
Marinette nodded, and threw the yo-yo out. It twisted around the guitar - Why wouldn’t Guitar Villain fight with a guitar? That made sense in the grand scheme of things. Not. Then again, neither did Akuma.
Guitar hollered, trying to yank the weapon out of the string.
“It's not that easy to snap magic, now is it?” Marinette taunted, loosening the string as he stumbled forward. She dashed to a wall, sticking her tongue out as she leaned casually against it.
Guitar snarled and rushed at her, a shout that had something to do with feeling the music echoing off the walls. Marinette braced herself, and leapt onto his shoulders as he tried to crush her.
A well placed heel strike - that hopefully didn't cause any bleeding, these heels were sharp - and he was down.
Marinette rolled off the body as it came down, landing daintily. She looked up, finding Adrien and Riposte still trading blows. She stood up, staying far enough away to not be completely in range, but close enough to jump in at a moment's notice. “You good, Kitty?”
“Absolutely purrfect M'lady, never been better.” and then as he moved to dodge a blow, Adrien split in two.
“Using misdirection? How unlawful!” Riposte went after the right one, who dodged the hit and brought his baton towards her head. Riposte moved out of the way, but the left one threw a hit too. She blocked it, but between trying to keep herself safe from two attackers and the clouding of judgement that came from the Akuma serum, Riposte was completely open for Alya to walk up behind her and whack her with the abandoned Guitar.
“That is for Nino,” she snapped, watching Riposte crumple.
“You move fast,” Adrien noted.
Alya dropped the guitar and pulled her flute out. “It helps that I've been able to build solid illusions recently. Did you guys place all the vortex stabilizers?”
Adrien nodded.
“How..” Marinette glanced back at Riposte, flinching.
Adrien finished the sentence for her. “How is Nino?”
“He safely in the 21st century with the others, and is getting the medical attention he needs.”
“Are we ready to get outta here?” Alya glanced around, eyes wary.
“I think so. We can take these two and double back, Lady Wifi and Befana should still be waiting..” Marinette turned to Alya, “Are they-?”
Alya nodded. “I passed them both.” she held her flute to her mouth, and blew a few notes. Two stretchers appeared, which flew themselves over to the Akuma and picked the up.
“Now, who remembers the way back?”
Two pairs of eyes landed, unamused, on Marinette. She snorted. “I’m kidding! It’s hard to get lost in a box, come on.”
Despite knowing that Nino had made it safely to the atrium, Marinette and Adrien still ran towards the medical room as soon as they crossed the threshold. Alya joined them seconds later, having literally dropped the Akumas at Tikki and Orikko’s feet.
“How’s he doing?”
“The blade had traces of corruption on it, but we were able to treat the infection before it went too far.” Wayzz was sitting just to the side of Nino’s cot.
“Oh thank goodness.” Marinette laid her head on the edge of the cot.
“Thank you, Wayzz,” Alya said, reaching for Nino’s hand.
Wayzz just nodded.
Trixx appeared out of nowhere to kneel beside Alya. “If you had gotten him here even half a minute later it would have latched on too much to be pulled. I’m proud of you for keeping your head, kit.”
“Would you believe me if I said I was panicking the entire time? I think it was training that got me through it.”
“That’s why we train,” Trixx agreed.
They sat there for a while, the only noises being faint and coming from the Kwami going about their business in other rooms.
Pollen poked her head into the atrium, blonde hair still under a net. “Kids, you need to come eat. Nino isn’t going to pop out of existence while you’re gone.”
They started to grumble, but Pollen just clicked her tongue and ushered them into the dining room. Alya glanced back at Nino one more time as she left the room.
She stopped, eyes locked on his purple shirt. The purple shirt that was blue when she had been right beside him. Alya reached for her flute, but his shirt was blue again before she moved an inch. “Did anyone else see that?”
“See what?” Adrien asked, joining her in the doorframe.
“He flashed purple.”
Adrien sucked in a breath. “But he’s not now, right? Maybe you were just seeing things?”
“I know what I saw, Adrien!”
Pollen clicked her tongue again. “We kwami know what we’re doing when we kill corruption. It’s not uncommon for bouts of worry to change which images are transmitted to the brain, especially after such a traumatic event as this. Now get in here and get some food in you, or I’ll be forced to send Chloe on the next missions solo.”
Alya nodded, taking a deep breath as she turned. She had gotten him back in time. She had to have.
Bright. That was what he thought as he regained consciousness. Too bright. He belonged somewhere dark. Dark and alone. He wanted the dark.
The light lessened as he thought it. Once it was dark enough he could open his eyes he did so. There was a very dark bubble around the object he had been laid on. He sat up slowly, feeling around his surroundings.
He didn’t know where he was.
He didn’t know who he was.
He existed, but why? How old was he? What was his purpose? How did he manage the bubble?
He held up his hand, watching the brown fingers move. Another bubble, a smaller, blue, one this time popped out.
He made bubbles. What a fun purpose. Actually, why couldn’t that be a name too? Bubbler. Yeah, he liked that.
He snapped around, looking for the source of the voice.
“Bubbler, I am Hawkmoth.” It was in his head. “You are one of my warriors, tasked with retrieving the artifacts of the Mage from a group of thieves. You were captured by our enemies hours ago. It’s good to hear from you. Are you willing to retake your mantel and continue the fight?”
Bubbler nodded. That sounded workable. “Of course, man.”
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 6 months
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Happy Birthday, Boys!
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navybrat817 · 2 months
His Favorite Person
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Pairing: Librarian!Ari Levinson x Female Reader
Summary: You want to be more than friends with Ari.
Word Count: Over 1.5k
Warnings: Fluff, sweetness, friends to lovers (of sorts), Ari Levinson (he's a warning, okay?).
A/N: More Beach Fun Nonsense! Hope you lovelies enjoy. @lovebittenbyevans requested Librarian AU, friends to lovers with Ari, and to dig his Toes in the Sand (fluff) with prompt #7 in bold. Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You stood on your tiptoes to reach a book on the top shelf. You huffed out a breath and tried to stretch a little bit more, but your fingers barely skimmed the spine. It would’ve been easier to ask for some help, but you didn’t want to bother Ari. You bothered him enough during his shifts.
You should’ve known he was only standing a few feet away, watching the display with a smirk on his ridiculously handsome face. “Need some help?” He asked.
Managing not to fall into the shelf from the slight scare, you pointed to the book you tried and failed to grab. “If you wouldn’t mind?” You asked, dragging your eyes from his chest to his eyes. It was like looking into a storm, but warmth lingered in a way that told you not to fear any destruction left in its wake. “Please?”
Rugged was the word that came to mind whenever you glanced at him. A dark beard to match his long hair and jeans that showed off his large thighs, he even had the sleeves of his tight shirt rolled up so you could see his veins. The man could've easily passed for an adventurer instead of a librarian and you were certain he caught you staring at him more than once.
It wasn’t polite to stare, but was it fair for him to be so good looking?
“Don’t mind at all,” he said, plucking it from the shelf and placing it in your waiting hand. “You could’ve just asked me to grab it from the start, but you just had to be stubborn.”
“I wasn’t being stubborn,” you argued. He raised an eyebrow in response. “You just have a lot to do and I didn’t want to bother you,” you said, hugging the book to your chest.
“You were being stubborn, you’ve never once bothered me, and it’s part of my job to help.” Ari made a show of looking around, his silky hair flowing with the motion. “But I guess you’re right. I have so much to do since it’s so crowded today,” he joked.
It wasn’t a secret that the library was hit and miss in town. So many wanted their stories electronically and didn’t appreciate the feel of a book in their hands. Ari did what he could though since he took over as head librarian. Between overseeing the daily operations and managing his employees, he took his job seriously. You had no doubt he’d bring a much needed spark back to the place.
“Yeah, well, thanks for your help,” you said.
“Another romance novel, huh? Didn’t you just bring one back today?”
Your face grew warm before you nodded. Of course, he’d notice that. “You know me,” you mumbled, hugging the book tighter.
He took a step closer, searching your face with a gentle gaze. “Hey, there’s nothing wrong with reading what you love.”
There was no judgement in his eyes and that made the corner of your lips lift in a smile. “I appreciate that.”
Being single, reading books like that allowed you to dive into various worlds and experience love. You could immerse yourself and imagine having a partner who would not only overcome obstacles with you, but would ensure that there would be a happily ever after. In a world often dark and negative, the escape gave you hope that one day you'd manage to find someone who could love you so deeply. You didn't want to think that romance only existed in books.
If only you were brave enough to take a chance and ask Ari out.
“Oh, I almost forgot to tell you,” you began, walking beside him to head to the front desk. He took up a good portion of the aisle with his beefy frame and you had to tell yourself again not to stare. “I spoke with my boss about adjusting my hours and they approved it! I can do Story Time on Tuesdays.”
“That’s great!” The smile on Ari’s face was worth moving your schedule around. “I really appreciate you doing that for me. I owe you one.”
You wished you would’ve teasingly suggested a date as a form of payment, but you shrugged. “You don’t owe me anything. You’re my friend and that’s what friends do,” you said, cringing inwardly. It sounded lame to your ears.
“Yeah. Friends.” His smile faded slightly as he walked around the counter. “Just this book today, right?” He asked, slipping into his professional tone. Still pleasant to hear, but a touch of the usual warmth was gone. Like you were just like every other person who walked into the library.
“Yeah,” you replied, passing over your library card. “Did I say something wrong?” You added, your voice barely above a whisper.
“No, you didn’t,” he said, his large hand placing your card on top of the book. He passed it over to you and you couldn’t ignore the jolt of electricity that moved through you when your fingers touched. “Why would you think that?”
“It’s just…” Putting him on the spot wasn’t your intention and you didn’t want to point out his slight change in demeanor. “You do consider us friends, right?”
You didn't have a lot of close friends, but you considered Ari to be one of them. At the very least, he was friendly with you. It was possible that you read things wrong. Engrossing yourself in one too many books could’ve blurred your version of reality.
“Of course, I do. You’re my favorite person,” he replied. You leaned on the counter with a relieved and dopey smile at his statement. Were you really his favorite person? “But just because you’re my favorite person doesn’t mean I have to be yours.”
“But you are my favorite person,” you blurted out, covering your mouth when your voice echoed. “Sorry,” you added in a hushed whisper. It was a library. You needed to be somewhat quiet.
He chuckled and leaned on the counter, too, his eyes zeroed on you. “Oh, I am, am I? So, you don't actually come here to borrow romance novels. You’re just really looking for an excuse to see me.”
Your heart pounded, but you took a breath to keep your cool and hopefully not make a fool out of yourself. “I come here for the books and to see you, Ari,” you said carefully, the corner of your lip twitching in a smile. “But you obviously want to see me, too, otherwise you wouldn’t have asked me to do Story Time.”
“Well, yeah,” he smirked before softly adding, “Seeing you is the best part of my day.”
How did your knees not buckle? “It is?”
“Yeah, it is.” He smiled, almost to himself. “Can I ask you something?”
“You just did, but you can ask me another question,” you teased.
He stretched across the counter a bit more. “If I'm your favorite person and you're mine, why haven't we gone on a date?”
For a moment, it felt like the room sucked up all the oxygen. Breathing should've been natural to do, but you couldn't inhale as you stared at him. Glancing down at the book to get your bearings, it dared you to take a chance. A leap of faith. With a deep breath, you did.
“Because I've been waiting for you to ask me out and you haven't yet. And I've been too chicken to ask you myself,” you replied. You regretted the words the moment he stood up straight, his expression unreadable. He didn’t actually want that, did he? “I’m sorry. Forget I said that. Please.”
A second passed and his lips slightly parted, but he didn't speak. His silence said it all. Nodding with a heavy heart, you turned to walk away from the counter. You could lick your wounds later as you read another happily ever after.
“Shit. Wait.” Ari moved with impressive speed to block your path, his grip gentle on your arms to stop you. “Did you mean it? You really want to go on a date with me?”
You nodded. “Yeah, I do, but I understand if-”
“Thank fuck,” he sighed, your eyes rounding at his words. “I’ve been wanting to ask you out for days and I got worried there for a moment with the ‘friends’ comment that you didn't want anything beyond friendship.”
Your stomach did somersaults. Ari liked you. He wanted to ask you out. God, you almost ruined things before they started. “I’m sorry I worried you, but trust me. I'm very interested in you, Ari,” you smiled, forgetting you were in the library as you stepped closer. “And if you ask me, some of the best romances come from friendships.”
“They do.” He smiled back, his cerelain eyes lit up like yours. “And our story will be more romantic than any of those books you’ve been reading.”
Biting your lip, you watched as his gaze dropped to your mouth. What would it feel like if he bit your lip? “I don’t know. That’s a pretty tall order.”
He brought his mouth to your ear. “I’m a very determined man,” he whispered. No doubt he felt you tremble in his grasp. “Saturday night?”
“It’s a date.”
A date and the beginning of your love story.
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We know this man would plan the perfect date, right? Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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holylulusworld · 4 months
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Summary: You’re a strict librarian.
Pairing: Mafia!Steve Rogers x Librarian!Reader
Warnings/Tags: short reader, mafia au, size kink (Steve), kidnapping?
I changed by posting schedule to match @navybrat817's Monday ask. Go, have a look a her blog and stories.
I had this one in my finished WIPs so here we go with Steve Rogers saving us from our job and boring Mondays. :)
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You yawn and rub your tired eyes. It’s a slow day today. The library is almost empty, except for two teens hiding between two shelves to make out. You give them a pass for now if they don’t overdo it.
You turn your attention toward the books on your desk. Your colleague left them there after their shift for you to take care of. Just like always, they are selfish and lazy.
You huff and throw the pencil in your hands onto the desk. Your eyes are blurry, and you are ready to fall asleep. With only the two teens around, you allow yourself to close your eyes for a moment.  
Close to drifting toward your favorite fantasy you sigh dreamily. Your bed is calling for you, and you already miss your fluffy pillows. “So…tired…”
The door suddenly slams open, hitting the wall and you shriek in terror. Even the teens stopped making out to watch a tall man step inside the library.
He sticks out of this place like a sore thumb in his black slacks, black turtleneck sweater, and expensive grey overcoat. You can’t see his shoes, but you assume they’re expensive too, just like the rest of his outfit.
“Hi,” you put on your best-faked smile. If only he stayed away, you could’ve daydreamed a little longer. “What are you looking for?”
“A book,” he gruffly replies, eyes roaming the library. It seems like he’s searching for more than a book. “Where do I find the—” His tongue darts out to wet his perfect pink lips, “law books?”
“On the left side, the third shelf. Are you looking for a specific book, Sir? I can tell you where to find it if you know the title,” you offer, but he shakes his head. He’s halfway toward the shelf before you end your sentence.
You huff and turn your attention toward the stack of books left on your desk. You still have to handle the books, check them for damage, scan them, and return them to the shelves.
Engrossed in your task you don’t hear the man return to your desk. He clears his throat, drawing your attention toward him. You flit your eyes up to watch him run his hand over his thick, but well-trimmed beard. His blue eyes search yours for moment before he speaks again.
“How can I help you, Sir?” you repeat the line you said so often in your life you can’t even count it anymore.
“I’m looking for a book,” he repeats, earning a smirk from you. “A specific book.”
“Do you have a title?” You slowly get up from your swivel chair and round the desk. “Sir?”
“Hmm…” he simply watches you step next to him. Compared to him, you’re small, tiny even. “You’re short.” He states a fact you already know about. “Very short.”
You frown at his attitude. Yes. You are short. This doesn’t give him the right to call you short. “What?”
“Oh, that’s nothing to be ashamed of,” he takes a step closer to get a better look at you. “It’s cute, really.”
“Cute?” you are fuming and would love to shove your shoe up his ass. But you cannot risk getting caught while hurting a customer. “Do you know the title of the book, yes or no.” Your polite smile is fading, and you can barely hide that you’re pissed at the stranger.
“I know the title,” he lowers himself to whisper the title in your ear. “Do you have that one?”
“Yes,” you spin on your heels and march away, not waiting for him to catch up with you. He’s a stranger at this place, but you know it like the palm of your hand.
“You’re not very talkative,” he comments while following you.
“It’s not my job to entertain the people coming here. And it’s forbidden to be too loud at a library.”
“Ah,” he laughs. “You’re very strict, huh? I like someone following rules. I have a few too.”
“Hmmm…” you browse the shelf, finger sliding over the back of the books. “There it is.” You pull the book out of the shelf to hand it to the man. “That’s the one you are looking for.”
“You’re very helpful too,” he muses while his eyes roam your smaller figure. “How long are you working here?”
“Do you want to borrow the book? Are you already a member of our library? If not, you can fill out the application form.” You point toward the application forms on your desk. “I must warn you. Do not overdue the books, Sir.”
“Doll, do you honestly believe I came here for a book?” His features darken, and he licks those plump lips again. He dips his head to drink your trembling form in. “Do you?”
“What?” You splutter.
“You, out!” He jerks his head toward the teens. “Now!” They run out of the library, never looking back. “And you…” He turns back toward you, still that smirk on his lips, “will come with me.”
Your eyes widen in fear. “No.” You shake your head. “I won’t go anywhere with you. I don’t even know you, Sir.”
He chuckles darkly. Before you can blink you end up thrown over his shoulder. You slap him and scream. It’s no use. You wiggle and beg but he walks out of the library, with you hanging over his shoulder.
“I told you to take the day off, doll,” Steve laughs as you mutter under your breath. “Sometimes your man must take matters in his hands…”
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thewickedbohemian · 2 years
Current mood, thinking about the idea I had on my fic prompt sideblog (that’s basically just an AU dump one these days) for a The Librarians AU for The Orville and how despite it being hard to find a way to somehow incorporate characters like Bortus and Talla as nonhuman regular Library allies it works perfectly for the humans (and Isaac). Think about it; Ed and Kelly fit pretty much perfectly as the Flynn and Eve respectively and despite the different demographics Gordon, John and Claire could work as the LITs even down to reasonably-in-character reasons why modern-AU them would have thrown-away-or-otherwise-passed-up the Library invite ten years prior when Ed was chosen (Gordon thought it was going to be the lowercase-l kind of library job and therefore too stuffy for him (and if you want to still connect their backstories perhaps doesn’t understand why Ed got it then), John didn’t think he was smart enough, and Claire had too much on her plate with single-mother-ing but now her kids are old enough to basically almost be “junior Librarians” themselves). And as for Isaac, he’s the Jenkins and even though he’d look like his human self he’d still be some form of nonhuman with a connection equally as ancient and “lore-y” as Jenkins being Galahad (and in the equivalent of the “Identity” storyline perhaps temporarily goes a bit rogue when the higher-ups of whatever nonhuman race he is in this AU basically get mad at him for abandoning his heritage/life/whatever and make him have to choose “us or the Library”)
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doctorsiren · 6 months
Will you ever draw more 7yg defenseworth? I absolutely adore the drawings you did for the last post on this! :)
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Defenseworth getting his disbarment letter + doodles from various points during the 7yg ^^
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enbysiriusblack · 8 months
tired university student remus sitting in a library trying to study when a hot stranger dressed in leather and carrying a motorcycle helmet drops into the chair across from him, leans over to look at his work, and sighs that his work seems very boring and that he's never read anything on that subject before and then proceeds to explain everything about the subject and what paths he should take in his essay to get high marks, only to then lean back with a grin and declare academics to be tedious and instantly falls asleep until the library is about to shut and remus has to wake him up.
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emo-nova · 9 months
Okay, au where Shen Yuan is the older than Shen Jiu and Yue Qing. And this boy just goes "I'm a single mother of two" mode, he is responsible but is on the fringes of unhealthily independent as to make sure both of these kids get food and water and have a somewhat decent childhood.
Shen Jiu most likely sees Shen Yuan as a reliable adult but with a bad penchant of focusing too much on Shen Jiu and Yue Qi for resources. Yue Qi sees the same but wants to help Shen Yuan in getting more food and water.
Of course when the Qiu House comes knocking, Shen Yuan puts himself in the stead of Shen Jiu and ensures both of them leave. While Shen Yuan tries to both get a better standing in the house and looking to leave over the course of the years, he doesn't hold out much hope for Shen Jiu and Yue Qi to come back.
Last SY saw of them, they were kids, thin and tiny and barely fast enough to outrun adults. But when almost a decade comes, both of them rock up.
SJ is pissed, but looks composed, but still ready to burn the place down. YQ is livid, looking calm as anything, but is talking very nicely with the Young Master of the house in getting one of their slaves.
SY is brought out. He looks slightly healthier, not much, but he has some weight to him, and he is clothed better than rags. He looks presentable. He looks over to the two and has a mini heart attack.
Dawning realisation that "oh fuck, I was raising the scum villain and the head of Cang Qiong Peak" add a light anxiety attack in his head as he just watches everything happen.
They leave, SY in slight shock as he is now free, to Cang Qiong. Now this can go anywhere.
I personally want SY to not be a cultivator but a librarian to the libraries of SJ's peak to help Binghe get the correct manuel but also guide him a teacher-adjacent way to him and others.
Sure, SY would have a shorter life compared to others, but I think with him trying to become a cultivator when he is an adult already would be more difficult and just not worth it.
But anyone can pick this up to something else, possible with a hibernating system until Binghe comes around? Who knows? But enjoy this random, in the moment au :D
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buckrecs · 1 year
𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩 𝙛𝙞𝙘 𝙧𝙚𝙘 : 𝙅𝙪𝙣𝙚
masterlist | monthly fic rec masterlist
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Exhausted by @moonvis
Uncle Bucky by @/moonvis
Trying To Study by @pitubea1910
Secure Your Back by @writingcroissant
poppies and babies’ breath by @lizzie-is-here
More than friends by @theeleggymeggy
Lovesick by @/theeleggymeggy
Protecting What’s His by @jobean12-blog (bodyguard!bucky)
Pieces of Us by @majestyeverlasting
As Many As You Want by @/majestyeverlasting
How I Met Your Father by @pomelo-villano
Nerd by @imgoingtofreakoutnow
Trouble Doubled by @certifiedskywalker
magnetic mishaps by @aneluvs
Angel Eyes by @killatravtramp
hint dropped by @rocketrhap3000
pre-mission blues by @buckysblanket (husband!bucky)
Nightmares by @waiting4inspiration
Safe and Sound by @talesofesther
voicemails by @lovelybarnes
Chicken Soup for the Soul by @sebbytrash
Baking (fails) with bucky by @winter-soldier-vibes
booked on a feeling by @intrepidacious (librarian!bucky)
Theater by @loving-barnes
Sleepyhead by @tom-holland-parker
A Good Man by @/tom-holland-parker
A New Uniform by @hopelessromantic423
Manicure by @itsapeterthing
Speechless by @/itsapeterthing
I’ll Stop The World And Melt With You by @shamevillain
Flustered 2 by @/lovelybarnes
Aroma by @navybrat817
The Animal Within by @/navybrat817
ending unplanned by @starryevermore (bookstore au)
only angel by @cherryrogers (40s!bucky)
IDGAF by @amandaoftherosemire
Sleepy by @sunflowers-and-bucky
Happy Beans by @/rookthorne (barista!bucky)
Imagine by @buckyalpine
Shy Boy by @hiddles-and-skittles
A Good Man by @beyondspaceandstars
Meet The Parents by @/navybrat817
before sunset, i fell by @atlaese (modern au)
Lemonade and shields by @/atlaese
Old Fashioned by @rookthorne
Tip of the Tongue by @bucky-fricking-barnes
Who Did This To You? by @espinosaurusrexex
“Accidentally” by @/pomelo-villano
Just Tell Her by @girl-next-door-writes
New Love by @ro-is-struggling
jealousy, jealousy by @malum-forev
Jealous by @sweetbbarnes
A New Life? by @/waiting4inspiration (phoenix!reader)
We mend each other by @/talesofesther
Green by @/itsapeterthing
Smoke by @shurisneakers
The Ultimatum by @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
feel me by @flordeamatista (siren!reader)
youngblood by @sebbies (boxer!bucky)
Safe Place To Land by @sunlightdances (modern au)
Too Much (Not Enough) by @touchstarvedirl
Be it revenge or moving on by @writingsoftheloser
Cherry by @sweetdreamsbuck (camboy!bucky)
Your Daddy Did It Better by @princessbellecerise (billionaire!bucky)
Wrapped In Red by @/flordeamatista
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fanficandvidprompts · 2 years
Maybe I’m just projecting from lack of good sci-fi/fantasy “team” shows these past couple years (at least on things I get) but why does it feel like the new Quantum Leap reboot would work perfectly as an AU for The Librarians (Flynn leaping, Eve as his hologram and Cassandra, Ezekiel, Jake and Jenkins as the rest of the project team)
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percyaugod · 5 months
Turtle in the belfry AU
Serperated Donnie AU where he's raised by the Bat librarian, who I have called Agatha, and helps his mom as a library assistant.
Instead of just hush bats, you also get carried away by mini Shelldons.
His shushes sound like hisses.
He has to wear a special mask because he can't control his own volume and keeps accidentally getting carried away.
He has randomly busted out into song multiple times in the library multiple times and been carried away.
At this point, the kids know and love him.
Kids will ask where books are just hear him create a dung to memorize its location. They made it a game to bet if he gets carried off or not.
Normal-sized Shelldon was the prototype. He watches the kiddie room because he doesn't have much of a library… anything.
He's very friendly and energetic though, so great with kids.
Donnie has plants hanging around the library
Techno goth Donnie~
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designtheendless · 9 months
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Besties! At the Inn 🍸
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 5 months
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Just realized I don't think I ever posted the illustrations for this story here!
Here are the illustrations for chapter 1!
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