#the life of tu fu
kammartinez · 21 days
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kungfuwushuworld · 1 year
Wing Chun Kicks and Elbows by Sifu Tu Teng Yao
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moonsupremesblog · 1 year
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Dylan Wang and the order I met his varied characters. 😍
Source: Pinterest
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outlawarchive · 4 months
Sobre "A Vida de Tu Fu"
Dizem que essa é a única árvore no mundo que dá essas peras, porque essas peras não têm interesse em se propagar por outro lugar.
Pensei no Velho Que Chamava Suas Galinhas. Ele tinha centenas de galinhas e cada uma tinha seu próprio nome. Ele chamava pelo nome e a galinha vinha. Pensei nele quando todos os candidatos, inclusive eu, falharam no exame.
Na Capital Oriental, é cansativo ser inteligente.
Recitando poemas no Salão de Coletar Penas de Guarda-rios, bebendo no Pavilhão de Contemplar Nuvens.
Pensei no poeta Hsi K’ang, a quem frequentemente diziam que era talentoso, mas imprudente. Pouco antes de ser executado, ele escreveu o poema "Agora Sinto Vergonha".
Esses dias já estou triste antes mesmo de ficar bêbado e, bêbado, não tenho para onde ir.
Puxo meu robe mas ainda não cobre minhas canelas.
Dizem que os imortais comem arroz de semente de nuvem, que é mica esfarelada.
Pensei em Wang Hsien-chi. Quando ladrões invadiram a casa dele, ele pediu que não levassem o tapete verde esfarrapado.
A música para; a luz da lua brilha nas tábuas do chão.
Me mande uma carta.
Eu tenho dificuldade em repetir o que todo mundo diz.
Não sobraram homens; estão recrutando meninos.
Os gordos têm mães se despedindo; os magros parecem que foram só largados lá.
Todo mundo tem primos que morreram na guerra.
Eu lembro de quando éramos crianças, você era melhor do que eu em contar moedas.
Ele disse: "Aos quinze, você é enviado ao norte para proteger o rio; aos quarenta, é enviado ao oeste para as fortalezas. Aqueles que voltam para casa têm cabelos brancos; o resto são ossos em algum campo."
Metade do povo de Ch'in são agora fantasmas errantes dos que não foram sepultados. Nas aldeias abandonadas, os fantasmas novos estão em tormento e os fantasmas velhos choram por eles.
Ele disse: "Para matar um homem, sou instruído, primeiro atire no cavalo. Eu observo as nuvens, mas não consigo segui-las."
Um pátio abandonado: uma árvore velha:
O sino de um templo caído de lado:
O mundo em que eu vivo.
Eles ganham e a gente perde; a gente perde e eles ganham.
Videiras contornam os ossos podres.
Ela sabe que ele não vai voltar do exército, mas remenda as roupas que ele deixou só por precaução.
Nenhuma novidade; a neve gira.
Esses pobres crisântemos criaram raízes no lugar errado.
Meus brotos de feijão apodreceram na umidade e os melões racharam na geada.
Uma cabana com uma única janela feita da borda quebrada de uma panela grande.
O Vento do Leste cheira a sangue.
Os pássaros se escondem, mas cantam.
Na rua, uma mulher chora.
Um menino passa assobiando.
Um policial troca de cavalo.
As nuvens estão marrons e paradas.
O vento aumenta.
Todas as coisas fazem o que fazem:
Pássaros mergulham para pegar um inseto.
A luz da lua atravessa as folhas da floresta.
Soldados guardam a fronteira.
Eu estou preso neste corpo.
Levanto meu rosto para ver os pássaros.
Viro minha cabeça pensando ter ouvido alguém me chamar.
Eu escrevi quatro poemas:
em um cipreste doente, em uma laranjeira doente, em uma palmeira murcha e em uma árvore de nanmu murcha.
Você pergunta como estou:
Escute os gansos selvagens ressoando
e os cavalos de guerra galopando.
Milhares de corvos de cabeça branca no Portão do Pássaro Vermelho.
Por três meses, as fogueiras dos rebeldes nas montanhas.
Lembro de quando as pessoas comuns só desconfiavam.
Aqui os homens sentam e as mulheres ficam em pé; os homens ficam em casa e as mulheres sobem as montanhas pra buscar lenha.
A paisagem é bonita, o clima é terrível, e eles chamam o templo de "Tomando Veneno".
Existem cucos em Sichuan Ocidental, mas não há cucos em Sichuan Oriental.
Existem cucos em Yunan, mas não tem cucos em Fuzhou.
Dizem que quando um cuco chora, soa como as palavras "Você deveria ir para casa".
Amigos com empregos bons pararam de escrever.
Árvores que quase não dá pra ver na névoa; apenas o som dos tambores da guarnição.
Impossível saber se a novidade é apenas um rumor:
Autoridades, dizem, estão se disfarçando de pescadores e açougueiros.
Rebeldes cavalgam com os cavalos dos fantasmas.
Por que eles sempre queimam tudo?
Pensei naquele Imortal que vivia em um mundo dentro de um vaso de argila.
Tão escuro que eu como o jantar no café da manhã.
Tão chuvoso que imagino a montanha se lavando.
A queda d’água tão forte que os peixes no rio afundaram.
A lama tão ruim que eu lamentei ter te chamado para vir.
O mundo é úmido e seco, úmido ou seco.
Duas andorinhas entraram subitamente no meu quarto.
Elas foram criadas no pó e no vento.
Levou muito tempo para chegarem aqui,
escapando da umidade e da secura do mundo como eu.
Uma única pétala caindo significa menos primavera.
Um ninho de guarda-rios, uma asa de libélula:
Estude de perto o padrão das coisas.
A mente é cristalina.
Chuva encharca minhas roupas.
Aqui as casas são impressionantes, tem gente e música nas ruas.
Não conheço uma alma.
Na sombra de uma amoreira, eu só paro e olho para a ponte.
Ninguém caminha à beira do rio.
Vento no bambu, espuma do rio na areia.
Que notícias da capital? Ouço que a cavalaria recuou.
Luz da lua em roupas velhas.
Roupas velhas e os mesmos corvos de sempre.
Pensei naqueles macacos que ficaram furiosos por receberem três nozes de manhã e quatro à noite; então o cuidador lhes deu quatro de manhã e três à noite, e eles ficaram pacíficos de novo.
Eles batem tambores a noite toda; eles se autoflagelam; eles queimam estátuas de dragões; eles colocam um homem morrendo embaixo do sol para que o Céu tenha pena, mas ainda assim não chove.
Soldados continuam usando suas armaduras no calor; todos os outros ficam em casa, deitados.
Vagando por dez anos, tentando pousar em um galho seguro.
Abro meu baú e encaro as roupas.
Pensei no filósofo Yang Chu, que sempre chorava quando encontrava uma encruzilhada na estrada.
Plantas com espinhos parecem só crescer onde as pessoas andam.
Soldados ainda guardam o palácio em ruínas: ratos correm pelas telhas.
Um esquilo com as mãos fechadas fora de seu ninho quebrado.
Aquele dente-de-leão ao vento já teve raízes.
Viva como um pardal, despercebido em um galho alto, e você ficará vivo.
Já se passaram tantos anos: eu imagino o rosto dela olhando cético para mim.
Pensei na passagem de Confúcio onde um faisão em uma ponte nas montanhas cheira três vezes e então voa. Ninguém nunca entendeu o que isso significa.
Pensei no General Yin Hao, que perdeu uma batalha e foi rebaixado a civil. Ele passou o resto de seus dias escrevendo os mesmos dois caracteres repetidamente no ar com o dedo: que estranho.
A lua, o rio, o barco, uma garça, um peixe, um respingo, uma lâmpada balançando ao vento.
Eliot Weinberger - Traduzido por Victoria Viana
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christinesficrecs · 7 months
Would you be able to put your finger on this fic? "stiles has magic and he made a deal with a powerful witch to protect beacon hills, but it supposedly took away his love for derek in the process (or maybe Derek made the deal), except that he's growing a garden to break the spell" My google-fu is failing me. I know I've read it before, but going through my history is a month-long endeavor! I think Derek is a deputy and he keeps running into Stiles and it's not clear what has happened between them at first. I think Stiles is referred to as a hedge witch at some point?
savileho found this one. Thank you!!
que tu m’aimais encore by magneticwave | 19.9K
Wolves mate for life, don’t they?
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Genshin and hsr characters as pinned messages (out of context) from discord servers with my friends: a shitpost
(uhhh cw some nsfw jokes and cuss words)
wriothesley: "i do not want an alpha transformation happening rn "
march to danheng: "my coquette lungs are better than your emo lungs"
hu tao: *ghostly voice* "oooooogly boogly why'd you skadoodly me?"
xiao, learning how to spell: "i lvove elmo music"
childe: "he is in my feet"
klee: "yeah my grandma's actually kim kardashian"
bronya to cocolia when she got sick as a kid: "Mother please carry me outside before to see the sky one last time before the consumption takes hold of my body and soul"
hu tao: " "weenis", said eerily"
blade: "that link is longer than my plans for the future"
serval: "i pledge allegiance to the american bra"
itto: "i am in heat growls the summer has come and i am in heat growls"
zhongli: "*old man voice* when i was your age i fought kids"
stelle/caelus: "when i was my age i eated drywall"
diluc, about venti: "i like to prentend he was a fever dream i came with at 4am"
fréminet, trying to speak french: "they said Lyney tu dumbass"
sampo: "I think Luka would beat up Luka while Luka watches. and then Luka would join in and beat the living daylight out of Luka"
silver wolf, about blade: "ppl with lactose intolerance boutta have their 2nd period ongomg"
kayea and rosaria: "we're a match made in the deep dark depths of the abyssal caves in fuck knows where"
jingliu: "am i.........one of those queers........."
yanquing: "shout-out to my home dawg Charles aka history teacher for dropping this wisdom on me"
shinobu: "itto if you say anything penis related you are banned"
ayaka as a kid: ""please take me to the garden so that way i can see the shining sun for the last time before my frail body decomposes with the disease known as ligma""
lyney: "imagine Neuvillette seeing a bunch of orphans blow up infront of him"
yoimiya: "are you really friends if you dont have matching vagina bracelets ??"
wriothesley: "My name is actually marlinus maximilianus Merlin guys"
caelus/stelle: " *bites your toes playfully* "
Pompom: "i eat gender for dinner"
xiao: "is life without endless pain and suffering only for it all to end leaving nothing but emptiness and all your suffering being just for the entertainment of the entity that we call god. an entity who is the real reason as to why we humans end up hurting others, for pain and suffereing is nothing but an endless spiral no matter how hard you try."
kafka, messing with blade: "do you like the gay foot"
Furina: "they oui oui'd me"
shenhe: "the cld never bothered me anywa......."
kiara: "agressive meow"
ganyu: "are you a tree cause i wanna eat you"
dainsleif: "while youre kissing you bf or whatever ill be watching in the walls"
scaramouche: "childe I will shave you bald"
itto: "perry plaptypussy"
seele, in response to hook's drawing: "10/10 Einstein could never"
razor, to bennett: "I WILL LICK YOU TO SLEEP"
sucrose, about to collect more bones: "*deranged loud breathing*"
kequing, to half of liyue: "SHUT UP COLOR WHEEL"
cyno: "genderfluid people's favorite song is liquid smooth"
kequing: "the feminine urge to beat up your coworkers with a stick"
dehya: "i piss on biphobes" kaveh: "but what if they have a piss kink..."
albedo: "he looks like a failed science project"
baizhu: "blowjob? nah, blownose"
silver wolf: "story time, honkai star rail made me leave my brother at a gas station and i do not regret SHIT"
blade: "if i end this year without killing myself its a miracle"
columbina: "btw dead bodies take less space if you bury them like theyre standing up"
zhongli: " *cracks back and walks away leaving a trail of dust behind"
@muachiro @geetkk @veimwah @etherific @zohakutenstan
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its-not-a-pen · 1 year
Chinese darth maul head cannons
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ok so i thought about a chinese version of the Brothers Opress and it's hurting me emotionally. (I haven't seen any of the mandarin dubs yet, i'm putting this out ahead of time to see if the translators agree with me.) Ok so in Chinese there's multiple ways of saying "brother", denoting different levels of closeness and familial bonds, so my headcannon is that Maul goes through ALL of them one by one as his relationship with savage develops.
headcanon Opress Bro's ages: Oldest- Savage 36 yrs Middle - Maul 34 yrs Youngest- Feral 17 yrs
Savage calls Feral 弟 [di] "little brother" Feral calls Savage 哥 [ge] “big brother" at the start.
When Feral is being strangled by Savage, he begs for his life and calls Savage 哥哥 [ge ge] "big brother" it's got childish connotations, e.g. something a kid would say which makes it Uniquely Painful.
After Maul regains his sanity, he insists on being called 师傅 [shi fu] "Master" and refers to Savage as 徒弟 [tu di] “Apprentice", completely rejecting all familial ties. (it's also got a bit of that twisted Journey to the West vibes, but instead of going to India to find Budda and Enlightenment they're going to Mandalor to find Violence and Mental Illness.)
After their near-death experience where Savage gets his arm cut off, Maul refers to Savage as 兄弟 [xiong di] which means "brother" in a comradely sense, e.g what monks call each other, and that's how they introduce themselves to the Deathwatch.
the first time Maul calls Savage 哥哥 "big brother" is when Sidious kills him. From that point on, until the day he dies, Maul only refers to Savage as 哥哥. There's something slightly childish about it which speaks of his unresolved trauma at the hands of sideous, that he was denied something critical to him and he's forever emotionally stunted.
Ok that's enough Pain for one day here's some funny shit:
Had Feral survived and met Maul, he would have to switch to calling Savage 大哥 [da ge] “eldest brother" and Maul 二哥 [er ge] "second eldest brother" . If I wrote CWs, there'd be this hilarious scene where Feral's like "Ai ya, forget about the revenge, intergalactic wars and spider legs. Let's talk about the IMPORTANT stuff! which one of you is older??? because I need to address you correctly, I can't just call you Maul it's RUDE." and then they start counting on their knuckles being all like "hang on are we going by the luna calendar or solar calendar?" BTW here's no "age neutral" way to say brother in chinese and you know it would make Maul EXPLODE if savage slipped up and called him 弟弟 "little brother" instead of 二哥 “second brother “ by accident。
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Day 14
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Liber Stella Rubeae
A secret ritual of Apep, the Heart of IAO-OAI, delivered unto V.V.V.V.V. for his use in a certain matter of Liber Legis, and written down under the figure LXVI
A.'. A.'.
Publication in Class A.
N. Fra A.'. A.'.
{WEH NOTE: The manner of sacrifice is veiled. This is a ritual of sexual sacrifice, not murder. There are suggestions that the sexual act involved both homosexual and heterosexual acts illegal in England at the time of the writing, hence it is characterized under a metaphor of "child sacrifice". See also the Paris Working and Vision and Voice.}
Apep deifieth Asar.
Let excellent virgins evoke rejoicing, son of Night!
This is the book of the most secret cult of the Ruby Star. It shall be given to none, save to the shameless in deed as in word.
No man shall understand this writing --- it is too subtle for the sons of men.
If the Ruby Star have shed its blood upon thee; if in the season of the moon thou hast invoked by the Iod and the Pe, then mayest thou partake of this most secret sacrament.
One shall instruct another, with no care for the matters of men's thought.
There shall be a fair altar in the midst, extended upon a black stone.
At the head of the altar gold, and twin images in green of the Master.
In the midst a cup of green wine.
At the foot the Star of Ruby.
The altar shall be entirely bare.
First, the ritual of the Flaming Star.
Next, the ritual of the Seal.
Next, the infernal adorations of OAI
Mu pa telai,
Tu wa melai
a, a, a.
Tu fu tulu!
Tu fu tulu
Pa, Sa, Ga.
Qwi Mu telai
Ya Pu melai;
u, u, u.
'Se gu malai;
Pe fu telai,
Fu tu lu.
O chi balae
Wa pa malae: ---
Ut! Ut! Ut!
Ge; fu latrai,
Le fu malai
Kut! Hut! Nut!
Rel moai
Ti --- Ti --- Ti!
Wa la pelai
Tu fu latai
Wi, Ni, Bi.
Also thou shalt excite the wheels with the five wounds and the five wounds.
Then thou shalt excite the wheels with the two and the third in the midst; even Saturn and Jupiter, Sun and Moon, Mars and Venus, and Mercury.
Then the five --- and the sixth.
Also the altar shall fume before the master with incense that hath no smoke.
That which is to be denied shall be denied; that which is to be trampled shall be trampled; that which is to be spat upon shall be spat upon.
These things shall be burnt in the outer fire.
Then again the master shall speak as he will soft words, and with music and what else he will bring forward the Victim.
Also he shall slay a young child upon the altar, and the blood shall cover the altar with perfume as of roses.
Then shall the master appear as He should appear --- in His glory.
He shall stretch himself upon the altar, and awake it into life, and into death.
(For so we conceal that life which is beyond.)
The temple shall be darkened, save for the fire and the lamp of the altar.
There shall he kindle a great fire and a devouring.
Also he shall smite the altar with his scourge, and blood shall flow therefrom.
Also he shall have made roses bloom thereon.
In the end he shall offer up the Vast Sacrifice, at the moment when the God licks up the flame upon the altar.
All these things shalt thou perform strictly, observing the time.
And the Beloved shall abide with Thee.
Thou shalt not disclose the interior world of this rite unto any one: therefore have I written it in symbols that cannot be understood.
I who reveal the ritual am IAO and OAI; the Right and the Averse.
These are alike unto me.
Now the Veil of this operation is called Shame, and the Glory abideth within.
Thou shalt comfort the heart of the secret stone with the warm blood. Thou shalt make a subtle decoction of delight, and the Watchers shall drink thereof.
I, Apep the Serpent, am the heart of IAO. Isis shall await Asar, and I in the midst.
Also the Priestess shall seek another altar, and perform my ceremonies thereon.
There shall be no hymn nor dithyramb in my praise and the praise of the rite, seeing that it is utterly beyond.
Thou shalt assure thyself of the stability of the altar.
In this rite thou shalt be alone.
I will give thee another ceremony whereby many shall rejoice.
Before all let the Oath be taken firmly as thou raisest up the altar from the black earth.
In the words that Thou knowest.
For I also swear unto thee by my body and soul that shall never be parted in sunder that I dwell within thee coiled and ready to spring.
I will give thee the kingdoms of the earth, O thou Who hast mastered the kingdoms of the East and of the West.
I am Apep, O thou slain One. Thou shalt slay thyself upon mine altar: I will have thy blood to drink.
For I am a mighty vampire, and my children shall suck up the wine of the earth which is blood.
Thou shalt replenish thy veins from the chalice of heaven.
Thou shalt be secret, a fear to the world.
Thou shalt be exalted, and none shall see thee; exalted, and none shall suspect thee.
For there are two glories diverse, and thou who hast won the first shalt enjoy the second.
I leap with joy within thee; my head is arisen to strike.
O the lust, the sheer rapture, of the life of the snake in the spine!
Mightier than God or man, I am in them, and pervade them.
Follow out these my words.
Fear nothing.
Fear nothing.
Fear nothing.
For I am nothing, and me thou shalt fear, O my virgin, my prophet within whose bowels I rejoice.
Thou shalt fear with the fear of love: I will overcome thee.
Thou shalt be very nigh to death.
But I will overcome thee; the New Life shall illumine thee with the Light that is beyond the Stars.
Thinkest thou? I, the force that have created all, am not to be despised.
And I will slay thee in my lust.
Thou shalt scream with the joy and the pain and the fear and the love --- so that the Lambda-Omicron-Gamma-Omicron-Sigma of a new God leaps out among the Stars.
There shall be no sound heard but this thy lion-roar of rapture; yea, this thy lion-roar of rapture.
Picture source: https://ecclesiagnosticauniversalis.org/tarot/
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contractbound · 3 months
more chen/yu vale thoughts, but specifically related to the main world quest series.
my thoughts unrelated to the questline can be found here
978 words
overall, i found the questline interesting, and a welcome addition to what we already knew. the echoes of an offering artifact set painted a compelling but incomplete picture. much of it was expanded on in the questline, along with other things being introduced, allowing for more clear understanding. unsurprisingly, i came out of the questline still harboring questions, but that can only be expected, so i'm not discontent. having this much to chew on is fine enough for me, for now.
one thing these quests established that felt like a breath of fresh air was how they blurred the line between "adep/tus" and "non-adep/tus". in particular, fu/jin's dialogue about how "no one is born an adep/tus, and no one stays an adep/tus forever" stood out to me. i imagine among mortals in-universe, the divide between adep/ti and non-adep/ti can seem clear-cut. some could consider it a divide between species, lifespans, ability, power, and knowledge — what is second nature to one party may be unfathomable to the other. so, i find moments like these interesting when gen/shin blurs the lines between us.
this is a little tangential, but specifically in the case of mortals, adep/ti have been adep/ti for their entire lifespan and more, so from their perspective, we may as well have been adep/ti forever. since the game follows the perspective of a new arrival to tey/vat as well, it's possible for players to develop a similar perspective. adep/ti were adep/ti long before the traveler had arrived, so we may give off the initial impression that we are eternal, and easily identified. there are a good few cases though, where gen/shin states the contrary.
in particular, hearing the perspectives of other adep/ti is invaluable to me, especially from someone like fu/jin. many of us tend to be proud, and at times imposing, but fu/jin isn't like that. she's modest, perhaps even to her detriment. she has the experience and the humbleness required to reflect on existence as an adep/tus in a more raw and honest way. if only she could have a little more confidence in herself and her abilities....
another individual that stood out to me particularly strongly was ling/yuan. it's nothing earth-shattering or profound; i just relate to her, to an extent. it hit close to home how she was more isolated, and couldn't understand the whims and tastes of mortals. there had been a few times where i too thought about what it might be like if everything "reset", so to speak, and humans no longer interfered with the environment. still, there was never any real desire or effort behind those thoughts; it was only idle musings. after all, the lives and desires of mortals were intertwined with mine for most of my life, whether or not i want to accept it.
still, i can also understand being stuck to one's ways. i can understand going about your life thinking certain behaviours are simply your nature, and you have no desire (or perhaps not even the ability) to go against it. it also resonated with me when she had to come to terms with the fact she'd gone against her "nature", and felt compelled to understand more. i hope to hear more of her perspective in the future.
a final thing that stood out to me particularly strongly was chen/yu vale's former god — fu/jin, ling/yuan, and herb/lord's former master. not much information was given, but it was enough to sound suspiciously familiar. how this "unnamed god" was described makes me wonder if she's the same god i served before mor/ax came along. i don't want to go into too much detail, but i'll write down the gist of my thoughts.
for one, fu/jin described this god as having "made many dreams come true". this is probably the single line that gives my suspicions the most substance. it sounds like something that would have been within my former lord's power and jurisdiction, considering they ate dreams in excess during the war. in tey/vat, "dream" is a word that holds a certain weight — i doubt such wording of fu/jin's dialogue was unintentional. there's also the matter of my personal connection to dreams within my canon, but i'll write about that another time.
another thing that sounded familiar to me was fu/jin describing the god as having "gone mad seeking the position of a god who may rule this world, or perhaps seeking survival". while as of now, i personally have no conclusive knowledge of the reasoning behind my former god's motives (and may never attain it), these sentiments fall in line with some possibilities i've thought of.
the morality of the ar/chon war isn't clear-cut. it's been established many times that bloodshed was the only option. whether i forgive or absolve my former god for what they've done is another story entirely, but we cannot assume certain gods are wholly good while others are wholly bad, especially not during a time like the ar/chon war. i had been considering for some time now if perhaps the prospect of power had driven them mad, or if they simply threw morality out the window just to survive. either way, it was affirming to see fu/jin describe my exact thoughts.
thinking back on their powers, and on their affinity for dreams, i've wondered for some time too whether or not their abilities had a more benevolent use. had their spent their whole reign mistreating their subjects, or was there a time where they treated humans' dreams kindly? could the ar/chon war have changed or corrupted them? if fu/jin and i truly do share the same former lord, i suppose my questions are answered. but until either the game's canon or my own memories confirm this, i can only continue to speculate.
regardless, i feel no sympathy for them. whether their temperament was innate or acquired, that doesn't change a thing.
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diceriadelluntore · 5 months
Falsi ortopedici
Capita a tutti di citare erroneamente. capita anche di credere vera una citazione o un aforisma legati a qualche personaggio che si ammira. Io che ne scrivo tante, ne sono certo, avrò fatto qualche errore di valutazione. Qualche volta però mi capita di incuriosirmi e verificare: per esempio una molta bella e famosa dice
Volevo scriverti, non per sapere come stai tu, ma per sapere come si sta senza di me. Io non sono mai stato senza di me, e quindi non lo so. Vorrei sapere cosa si prova a non avere me che mi preoccupo di sapere se va tutto bene, a non sentirmi ridere, a non sentirmi canticchiare canzoni stupide, a non sentirmi parlare, a non sentirmi sbraitare quando mi arrabbio, a non avere me con cui sfogarsi per le cose che non vanno, a non avermi pronto lì a fare qualsiasi cosa per farti stare bene. Forse si sta meglio. Forse no. Però mi e venuto il dubbio, e vorrei anche sapere se, ogni tanto, questo dubbio è venuto anche a te. Perché sai, io a volte me lo chiedo come si sta senza di te, poi però preferisco non rispondere che tanto va bene così. Ho addirittura dimenticato me stesso, per poter ricordare te.
Attribuita nientemeno a Kierkegaard nel suo Diario di un seduttore. Ebbene, grazie anche ad una mia splendida amica lettrice, ho constatato che nel libro non esiste niente di tutto ciò, e la citazione è costruita prendendo parti diverse da altri libri.
In questi giorni, mi è capitato di rileggere un post che sostiene questo:
Anni fa, uno studente chiese all'antropologa Margaret Mead quale riteneva che fosse il primo segno di civiltà in una cultura. Lo studente si aspettava che Mead parlasse di armi, pentole di terracotta o macine di pietra. Ma non fu così. Mead disse che il primo segno di civiltà in una cultura antica era un femore rotto e poi guarito. Spiegò che nel regno animale, se ti rompi una gamba, muori. Non puoi scappare dal pericolo, andare al fiume a bere qualcosa o cercare cibo. Sei carne per bestie predatrici che si aggirano intorno a te. Nessun animale sopravvive a una gamba rotta abbastanza a lungo perché l'osso guarisca. Un femore rotto che è guarito è la prova che qualcuno si è preso il tempo di stare con colui che è caduto, ne ha bendato la ferita, lo ha portato in un luogo sicuro e lo ha aiutato a riprendersi. Mead disse che aiutare qualcun altro nelle difficoltà è il punto preciso in cui la civiltà inizia. Noi siamo al nostro meglio quando serviamo gli altri. Essere civili è questo.
L'autore è qualche volta sconosciuto, altre volte Ira Byock, un medico scrittore americano. Dato che sono in vacanza, mi sono messo a cercare un po' di notizie, poichè secondo me questa affermazione è altamente improbabile che l'abbia detta l'antropologa Margaret Mead.
La prima evidenza della frase appare in un libro del 1980, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, del chirurgo Paul Brand e di Philip Yancey, in cui dice "reminded of a lecture given by the anthropologist Margaret Mead, who spent much of her life studying primitive cultures".
La storia però cambia quando un articolo di Forbes durante la pandemia (del Marzo 2020) cita lo stesso episodio: How A 15,000-Year-Old Human Bone Could Help You Through The Coronacrisis di Remy Blumenfeld:
Years ago, the anthropologist Margaret Mead was asked by a student what she considered to be the first sign of civilization in a culture. The student expected Mead to talk about clay pots, tools for hunting, grinding-stones, or religious artifacts. But no. Mead said that the first evidence of civilization was a 15,000 years old fractured femur found in an archaeological site. A femur is the longest bone in the body, linking hip to knee. In societies without the benefits of modern medicine, it takes about six weeks of rest for a fractured femur to heal. This particular bone had been broken and had healed.
L'aggiunta è questa datazione del reperto osseo, e l'articolo continua suggerendo pratiche di condivisione di aspetti gioiosi e comunitari nei periodi di segregazione sociale imposto dal Covid19. L'articolo diviene virale e diffonde sul web lo stesso misterioso passo.
Tuttavia, pur ammettendo che in una determinata occasione non documentata Margaret Mead abbia detto come sopra, ad una domanda specifica "When does a culture become a civilization?", l'antropologa rispose così:
Well, this is a matter of definition. Looking at the past we have called societies civilizations when they have had great cities, elaborate division of labor, some form of keeping records. These are the things that have made civilization. Some form of script, not necessarily our kind of script, but some form of script or record keeping; ability to build great, densely populated cities and to divide up labor so that they could be maintained. Civilization, in other words, is not simply a word of approval, as one would say “he is uncivilized,” but it is technical description of a particular kind of social system that makes a particular kind of culture possible. (Bene, questa è una questione di definizione. Guardando al passato abbiamo definito civiltà le società quando hanno avuto grandi città, elaborata divisione del lavoro, qualche forma di conservazione dei documenti. Questi sono i fattori che hanno fatto la civiltà. Una qualche forma di organizzazione ( il senso di script è questo N.d.t.), non necessariamente il nostro tipo di organizzazione, ma una qualche forma di organizzazione e di conservazione dei documenti; capacità di costruire grandi città densamente popolate e di dividere il lavoro in modo che potessero essere mantenute. La civiltà, in altre parole, non è semplicemente una parola di approvazione, come si direbbe ad un altro “è un incivile”, ma è la descrizione tecnica di un particolare tipo di sistema sociale che rende possibile un particolare tipo di cultura. - fonte Talks with Social Scientists, a cura di Charles F. Madden, Southern Illinois University Press, 1968).
Che non è affatto la stessa cosa. Ci sono poi altre questioni, ancora più profonde: tra tutte, è "la cura medica" il fulcro della umanità? Non è che quella esigenza, in quel contesto storico preciso, era necessariamente più sentita e ben accolta?
Probabilmente non saprò mai se davvero Margaret Mead ha raccontato la storia del femore. Ma sono certo che ha scritto questo:
La natura umana è incredibilmente malleabile, tale da adattarsi accuratamente, con aspetti contrastanti, a condizioni culturali in contrasto (Sesso e temperamento in tre società primitive, Il Saggiatore, 1967, pag 184)
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sciatu · 2 years
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D’amuri su fatti i me pinseri i d’amuri chi brisci e non mori d’amuri paccioscu, oggi com’ieri chi stuta a testa, bampa u cori, ti studdi, ti brucia ma fa campari picchì idda è aria, acqua, vita i to sogni, u stissu rispirari. Idda t’inchi i paci mai finita chi si sì sulu ,ti brucia di notti, d’amuri chi provi pi quantu campi chi pi sempri, diventa a to sotti chi ti libbira e chi non scampi, d’amuri chi mai basta o stubbia d’amuri chi si tu, tu sulamenti, tu, nto cori l’anima, a fantasia accussì pi sempri, semplicementi e oggi dumani, comi fu ieri d’amuri tu vesti i me pinseri
'amore sono fatti i miei pensieri, di quell'amore che sorge e mai tramonta, quell'amore mezzo pazzo che è oggi com'era ieri che spegne la ragione, infiamma il cuore, ti stordisce, ti brucia, ma ti fa vivere perchè è aria,acqua, vita, i tuoi sogni, il tuo stesso respirare. Lei ti riempie di una pace infinita, e se sei solo, di notte ti brucia, quell'amore che provi per quanto vivi, che per sempre diventa il tuo destino che ti libera e che puoi evitare, quell'amore che non ti basta mai e che non ti sazia, quell'amore che sei tu, tu soltanto, nel cuore, anima e fantasia, così per sempre, semplicemente, oggi e domani, come è stato ieri, perchè d'amore, tu vesti i miei pensieri.
My thoughts are made of love, of that love that rises and never sets, that half-crazy love that is today as it was yesterday that turns off reason, inflames the heart, stuns you, burns you, but makes you live because it is air, water, life, your dreams, your own breathing. She fills you with an infinite peace, and if you are alone, it burns you at night, that love you feel for as long as you live, that forever becomes your destiny that frees you and that you cannot avoid, that love that is never enough for you and that does not satisfy you, that love that is her only her, in the heart, soul and fantasy, so forever, simply, today and tomorrow, as it was yesterday, because of love, she dress my thoughts.
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libertariantaoist · 6 months
“The valley spirit that doesn’t die we call the dark womb the dark womb’s mouth we call the source of Heaven and Earth as elusive as gossamer silk and yet it can’t be exhausted”
-Lao-tzu- (Taoteching, verse 6, translation by Red Pine)
THE SHANHAICHING says, “The Valley Spirit of Morning Light is a black and yellow, eight-footed, eight-tailed, eight-headed animal with a human face” (9). The Shanhaiching’s “valley spirit’ is the moon, which runs ahead of the sun during the last eight days of its thirty-day cycle, lags behind during the first eight days, and faces the sun during its eight days of glory. For the remaining days of the month, it’s too close to the sun to be visible. Like many other cultures, the ancient Chinese viewed the moon as the embodiment of the female element of creation.
WANG PI says, “The valley is what is in the middle, what contains nothing, no form, no shadow, no obstruction. It occupies the lowest point, remains motionless, and does not decay. All things depend on it for their development, but no one sees its shape.”
YEN FU says, “Because it is empty, we call it a ‘valley.’ Because there is no limit to its responsiveness, we call it a ‘spirit.’ Because it is inexhaustible, we say ‘it doesn’t die.’ These three are the virtues of the Tao.”
SU CH’E says, “A valley is empty but has form. A valley spirit is empty but has no form. What is empty and has no form is not alive. So how can it die? ‘Valley spirit’ refers to its virtue. ‘Dark womb’ refers to its capacity. This womb gives birth to the ten thousand things, and we call it ‘dark’ because we see it give birth but not how it gives birth.”
HSUEH HUI says, “The words Lao-tzu chooses are often determined by the demands of rhyme and should not be restricted to their primary meaning. Thus, p’in [female animal] can also be read p’in [womb].”
HO-SHANG KUNG says, “The valley is what nourishes. Those able to nourish their spirit do not die. ‘Spirit means the spirits of the five organs: the gall bladder, the heart, the kidneys, and the spleen. When these five are injured, the five spirits leave. ‘Dark’ refers to Heaven. In a person, this means the nose, which links us with Heaven. ‘Womb’ refers to Earth. In a person, this means the mouth, which links us with Earth. The breath that passes through our nose and mouth should be finer than gossamer silk and barely noticeable, as if it weren’t actually present. It should be relaxed and never strained or exhausted.”
WU CH’ENG says, “The empty valley is where spirits dwell, where breath isn’t exhausted. Who relaxes their breath increases their vitality. Who strains their breath soon expires.”
TE-CH’ING says, “Purposeful action leads to exhaustion. The Tao is empty and acts without purpose. Hence, it can’t be exhausted.”
SUNG CH’ANG-HSING says, “The valley spirit, the dark womb, the source of Heaven and Earth all act without acting. That we don’t see them doesn’t mean they don’t exist.”
LIU CHING says, “It’s like the silk of a silkworm or the web of a spider: hard to distinguish and hard to grab. But then, it isn’t Humankind who uses it. Only the spirit can use it.”
TU TAO-CHIEN says, “This verse also appears in Liehtzu: 1.1, where it is attributed to the Yellow Emperor instead of Lao-tzu. Lao-tzu frequently incorporates passages from ancient texts. We see their traces in ‘thus the sage proclaims’ or ‘hence the ancients say.’ Thus Confucius said, ‘I don’t create. I only relate’ [Lunyu: 7.1]”.
LIEH-TZU says, “What creates life is not itself alive” (Liehtzu: 1.1).
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scogito · 2 years
«L’atto del creare è un atto contrapposto alla realtà, perché, se la realtà ti bastasse, non andresti a creare il cinema, la danza, il disegno, la pittura. Tutto ciò che noi facciamo è perché, evidentemente, non ci basta quello che abbiamo, altrimenti vivremmo al rango degli animali che si fanno bastare quello che hanno e, quindi, non subiscono un’evoluzione, perché quello che hanno a loro basta. Vivono così, e forse hanno pure ragione loro. Ma noi siamo diversi. Abbiamo questa potenzialità della creazione che, nel mio caso, nel mio personale caso, ha salvato la vita, tante volte. Ecco perché nel disco c’è una frase lapidaria che dice: “Art is better than life”. Perché deve essere per forza così, altrimenti non la creeresti, altrimenti non esisterebbe. Tu cerchi qualcosa di meglio di quello che hai intorno.»
--- Condivido e aggiungo che arte è la creazione del nuovo. A prescindere da quale forma esso prenda. Fu in un colloquio di lavoro che lo appresi. C'era una tizia che si vantava d'essere creativa, non faceva che rimbalzare in ogni argomento con lo stesso concetto, senza però dire niente che non fosse mirato su di sé. E capì che di "artistico" lì c'era davvero poco. Se invece osservi chiunque stia risolvendo un problema sta creando una soluzione, attingendo a nuove risorse o edificando di suo pugno ciò che manca. Conosco casalinghe che mandano avanti una famiglia senza un pennello in mano, ma apparecchiano ogni sera la tavola e Dio solo sa quanta creatività hanno avuto nelle 10 ore precedenti per gestire tutto e arrivare lì col sorriso.
L' Arte è Creazione, non vanità. La forma che prende dipende da Chi sei tu.
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elizabethanism · 2 years
It's not that my love for flowers exceeds life itself -
Just that I grieve how petals, like years, rush to fade
-杜甫 Tu Fu
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christinesficrecs · 7 months
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Lost fics. Any help would be appreciated! ❤️
Hi! I'm looking for a fic that was based on Léon The Professional, though Stiles was older than Mathilda. Derek was the hitman, and Stiles's family had been murdered. If I remember correctly, Isaac and Scott had been his little brothers.
Would you be able to put your finger on this fic? "stiles has magic and he made a deal with a powerful witch to protect beacon hills, but it supposedly took away his love for derek in the process (or maybe Derek made the deal), except that he's growing a garden to break the spell" My google-fu is failing me. I know I've read it before, but going through my history is a month-long endeavor! I think Derek is a deputy and he keeps running into Stiles and it's not clear what has happened between them at first. I think Stiles is referred to as a hedge witch at some point? que tu m’aimais encore by magneticwave | 19.9K Wolves mate for life, don’t they?
I think this fic has been deleted off ao3 and I'm very sad. De-aged Derek. He and Stiles become a couple. Stiles ends up a human alpha of the entire pack. (TBH it's rather porny and there's voyeur/exhibition) and there's a lake house or beach house. Eventually Derek goes back to regular Derek.
Hi! Bit of a long one: there's this fanfic that is uncompleted, where Stiles was in the Hale House when he saw a crystal ball (??) on the floor, got down low to grab it and fell through the floor, waking up in the past. He met teenage Derek in a diner with Laura, started talking to them, and decided to protect Derek from Kate before he ever met her. Derek is a lifeguard at the lake where Stiles goes to monitor him and there was a scene where Derek lapped the lake to impress Stiles. Stiles also squats in the Stilinski House to survive and Sheriff doesn't know who he is. Do you know the fic? I've been looking for it for forever
Hi! I have been trying to find a teen wolf and marvel cross over fic. It’s where I believ Tony stark and Claudia where best friend growing up and fell in love. And then she gets pregnant with his baby(aka stiles). Stiles finds out from a bunch of letters but keeps it to himself until I believe Tony get captured and goes missing for months.( iron man 1). Then he goes into a depression and won’t eat or anything until the day Tony is found. Also involves when aliens attack and stiles freaks out again and makes it his mission to go to New York and meet him. Hidden Truths by Harmonious113 | 212.4K | WIP Claudia Stilinkski always did her best to hide the truth from her family-her past, her family, the boy she couldn’t quite seem to let go of- to spare John and Stiles from the heartbreak. Stiles finds a trunk of letters and pictures unearthing the truth. His father is Tony Stark.
It was a Teen Wolf Sterek fic, an au with magic. Claudia either adopted stiles or was his bio mom and pretended to adopt him, but stiles had a familiar who constantly turned into dead grotesque bodies and the only person who accepted them fully (and laughed at the familiar being gruesome) was laura. laura dies somehow and derek comes in. I think laura and stiles were partners for the magic things law enforcement? I remember that they thought stiles might have killed laura/tried to pin it on him, but after lauras death derek takes over as stiles' partner. I remember one scene with lydia and maybe heather and stiles with candles? I'm pretty sure both lyds and stiles lived with claudia. by the end of the fic the familiar sacrifices itself to save stiles and his friends from the argents, and I'm pretty sure there's a scene where ally defects from her aunt/grandpa. (There's) Sulphur in Our Blood by WonderWolf | 210.9K | Explicit | WIP Secret Agent AU where Derek blames Stiles for his sister’s death and Stiles is pretty sure that Derek’s going to murder him. As if that weren’t enough to deal with, Stiles’ familiar keeps having public breakdowns
Hi Team! Hoping the community can come through on finding two fics... First one - Stiles gets a stressful job in IT (poss in San Fran?) and starts hallucinating rich Derek drinking posh coffee in NYC. After several hallucinations of Derek being all "you really need a new job," it turns out that Derek is real, is an alpha, and Stiles is fated to be his emissary. The Sun to Rise by andavs | 7.5K Stiles has an imaginary friend. He's kind of a dick.
Second one - (which may have been deleted from AO3) is a canon divergent S1 AU. It hits the beats of S1 but instead Scott doesn't hesitate when Derek offers him the chance to kill Peter and possibly reverse the bite. Scott kills Peter and is human again. The main thing I remember is after the fact, Stiles visits Derek at the burned down Hale house and says something like "it's like none of it really happened." And Derek levels him with a sour wolf look and says "it happened." Timshel by jsea | 12.5K Derek lets Scott kill Peter for the cure at the end of S1. This is the story of how that choice changes everyone's fate. "Sir, you should know..." Derek starts to say, then snaps his mouth closed when the Sheriff takes one hand off the steering wheel, and holds it up in a halting gesture. "You're not a bad kid, Derek." "I'm a werewolf," Derek says, before he can think about it. For the first time in his life the word feels dirty, like something to be ashamed of. It makes him feel like a little kid again, using a curse word without understanding what it means.
I can't remember if it was a steter or sterek fic. It's a short humourous fic where Stiles has an injury but he was adamant that bandaids could fix it and it was at least a six inch long-ass gash or something. If this sounds familiar to anyone? Thanks!
Looking for a fic where I don’t remember much just Isaac coming home to Derek trashing the loft and saying something like “I just saw stiles, he reeks of sex” then it cut scene to something else. I don’t think it was a king fic but I could be wrong. Thank you so much in advance Noticed by forestofbabel | 35.1K Stiles left on a Tuesday. Nobody Noticed.
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fairy-lovelace · 1 year
read this year;
— the great gatsby by f. scott fitzgerald — first term at malory towers by enid blyton — second form at malory towers by enid blyton — third year at malory towers by enid blyton — upper fourth at malory towers by enid blyton — in the fifth at malory towers by enid blyton — last term by enid blyton — jane eyre by charlotte brontë — the atlas six by olivie blake — daughter of the deep by rick riordan — the glass town game by catherynne m. valente — six of crows by leigh bardugo — sweet bean paste by sukegawa durian �� antagonick by anne carson — the song of achilles by madeline miller — one last stop by casey mcquiston — the tenant of wildfell hall by anne brontë — the merchant of venice by william shakespeare — her royal highness by rachel hawkins — dekada '70 by lualhati bautista — anna and the french kiss by stephanie perkins — aphorisms on love and hate by friedrich nietzsche — florante at laura by francisco balagtas — royal diaries: anastasia, the last grand duchess by carolyn meyer — diary of a mad old man by tanizaki jun'ichirō — in a grove by akutagawa ryūnosuke — death register by akutagawa ryūnosuke — the life of a stupid man by akutagawa ryūnosuke — japanese tales of mystery and imagination by edogawa rampo
— abaude with burning city by ocean vuong — ozymandias by percy shelley — les roses de saâdi by marceline desbordes-valmore — the river merchant's wife: a letter by li po — moonlit night by tu fu — fish shop by matsuo bashō — prayer for the hungry by willibrordus surendra broto — mokkye market by shin kyong-nim — this soiled sorrow by nakahara chūya — ariettes oubliees by paul verlaine — a une femme by paul verlaine — a quoi bon dire by charlotte mew — un grand sommeil noir by paul verlaine — caling the spirit by kim sowol — marina by t.s. elliott — o saisons, o chateaux by arthur rimbaud
graphic novels;
— on a sunbeam by tillie walden — les miserables (manga classics) by victor hugo, tszmei lee
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