#the lighting in this one is still odd but at least it isn't whatever the fuck i showed you yesterday anymore
just-jordie-things · 2 months
how do u think megumi would react overtime as he gets used to you bringing him flowers every so often?
no particular occasion, you just wanted to bring him flowers. what do you think he does with them?
oh lawd this is so cute~~
the first time you give megumi a small handful of wildflowers you'd picked while walking around on campus. you hadn't necessarily intended on giving them to him specifically.. you just happened to be in a rush to go somewhere and he just happened to be there and net thing he knew you were shoving them into his hands and shouting 'for you!' before running off again.
despite the slight warmth in his face, megumi hadn't thought too much of it. it was just coincidence, just you being your usual kinda forgetful self and gifting him whatever happened to be in your hands. it very well could have been a gum wrapper, couldn't it?
the small pile of flowers sit in a sad lump on his desk for a couple days, they're shriveled up and a bit smelly. when he throws them out he still doesn't think much of it- besides how odd it is that flowers can have such a rancid smell once they've whithered.
and then it happens again. this time you're walking back from a particularly easy assignment. a random yellow flower catches your eye and before megumi could tell you not to pick flowers from their well placed beds in town, you're carefully plucking it from the dirt and raising it to your noise. his scold dies on his tongue when you tell him it smells nice and bring it to his face for him to sniff as well. he feels like an idiot, but he finds himself leaning forward for a whiff. he doesn't say anything- but he doesn't deny the pleasant, light scent of spring. you must be able to read his thoughts, because you laugh, before breaking off a part of the stem so you could reach up to tuck it behind his ear. megumi winces at this, unfamiliar with the feeling and unsure of whether or not he should stop you. but you seem delighted when the bright flower stays against his mess of dark hair, so he tries to ignore the whole thing completely.
the nameless yellow flower sits in a small cup of water on his nightstand for a week. eventually the small amount of sunlight and water isn't enough to keep it in bloom, and once it's petals have fallen all around the base of the cup, megumi decides it's time to toss that one out too. but at least he tried with that one, right?
he's not sure exactly when it becomes a habit, but soon it appears every time you approach him, there's a gift of nature in your hands. sometimes it's just dandelions, but sometimes it's pretty flowers you've found on your walks or assignments. there's a few times you've even pulled a half wilted flower out of your pocket- it's petals already torn and it's stem weak and bent. you're only bashful when giving him the less than perfect flowers, but megumi accepts them all the same. with a mostly hidden smile and gentle hands as he takes them from your gentle fingers.
not all of your flowers go into cups, although he does keep them in rotation, replacing the old with the new when he deemed fit. but he only kept a few on his nightstand at a time. he couldn't have anyone noticing his habit of actually keeping your silly gifts after all. it'd be best if no one figured out his tiny, barely there soft spot for you.
so naturally, he kept the rest of your flowers pressed between the pages of his books, where they'd be best hidden. every book on his shelf became littered in the covers and pages with perfectly kept wildflowers. to the point where he had to be careful when opening them, just to be sure none fell out where they risked being lost or ruined. megumi was very thoughtful in his flower placement, taking great care to press them neatly in place.
because of course he couldn't have any of them go to waste, not when the lovely, delicate gifts were given to him by the most lovely thing of all.
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radiance1 · 5 months
New idea.
The entire world has been turned into animal like creatures. They still walk on two legs (most of them) and they're still human in form really. Some have only ears, some have only a tail, some have fur, some has the eyes.
Some even have all three.
There was a lot of outrage about this, mostly from shock, fear of the unknown and sudden change. Unfortunately, the government couldn't do anything about it, nor could the Justice League.
It was just... natural as it was unnatural.
In fact, it even seemed to be beneficial to everyone. Some adapted better to certain climates, some developed remarkable better immune systems than they did before and it seemed certain types of parasites and diseases just stopped affecting them entirely.
All in it, it was a beneficial change, one that the government saw no need to interfere with or ask the Justice League to find a way to revert this change.
Even if everyone needed to adjust to the sudden... shift.
Somehow, by no grace of will of his own, Vlad found himself with basically everything. He has the ears, the tail, the chest fur and fur along his arms and legs and he even has the eyes.
Red. Eyes at that.
Now you see, this wouldn't be that much of a problem actually.
If this mysterious shift in his biology didn't deem him a bunny. A prey animal and, nothing against bunnies, personally, he just wished he was given something more...
Like Lex Luthor-as much as he loathed to admit it-, who became a fox of all things. Honestly, a perfect example of his character if Vlad had to say anything, his cunning and deceitfulness.
Let alone the man's intellect...
Although, it did look a tad odd to see furred appendages on that man's rather... shiny head.
Such things aside, Vlad has not attended a gala in a mighty long while after the change and he already knew it would look like he was too off put by his change, or embarrassed by what animal he was given and yes, he was a tad bit embarrassed about it but unlike them he was working on a cure.
Something that provided, perhaps unsurprisingly, zero results.
Vlad did not take the government's choice lying down, he believed himself smarter, superior to whatever they have working away for them in their labs, and proved that he could create something that would give him back his human status.
Well, half-human, but that was besides the point.
He failed. So what did he do? Figure out how exactly it affected his biology, special case that he was only 3 in the world and, contrary to his expectations... it went very well? While his animal traits did indeed follow him into his ghost form, he could shift until he appeared exactly how he was before.
Small mercies. His identity wouldn't be any harder to realize than it was before, thanks to this.
He was so caught up in this, in fact, that he was surprised when Lex Luthor came out of hiding a month ago. Honestly, he would've thought he wouldn't have seen the light of day for at least a few years. So obviously, Vlad had to come out of hiding as well, and even if Vlad disliked his bunniness, it was an infinitely smaller feeling than the urge to cause Lex Luthor pain and misery.
It wasn't exactly a surprise to see the little badger being, well, a badger. A bit to see that he basically shared every trait Vlad had, if only in badger form.
But that isn't the point. The event he needed to attend-to spit (metaphorically) in Lex's stupid face- needed him to have a plus one or multiple, so what better person to go with him than his godson?
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yanderelmk · 1 year
It's my birthday today 😊🎂
How do various yanderes celebrate their darling's birthday?
Oh my gosh happy birthday!! :D For the sake of not running out of space Imma group this together: ☀️MONKEY MEN🌑: They tried to make you a birthday cake...thing is neither of them know how to bake. They had to set their bitterness aside (or- well, they tried to) and the result was Wukong trying to distract you while Macaque scrambled around trying to find you something, even sending out his clones so he could sweep multiple stores at once (while pocketing a few shiny things for himself b/c mfer is a magpie). 🚦TRAFFIC LIGHT TRIO🚦: Mei got you a gift weeks in advance, she stays on top of birthdays. Same for Red Son! MK however didn't remember until the night before because ADHD is a bitch, but he likely ended up drawing a bunch of pictures of you, him, Red Son, and Mei. Mei also has a cake ready b/c she's The Best Ever. The trio's general vibe is just "BFFs 5ever because it's longer than 4" and everyone they care about is given the same treatment. 📖FREE NOODLES🍜: Pigsy is gonna be cookin' up a whole-ass STORM!! All of your favorite foods will be made, and breakfast is definitely served in bed. Dinner's gonna be a whole feast with the cake made extra special. Tang's the type of guy that follows "It's your birthday, so whatever you say goes!" He'll be fully open to trying out something new, and his gift is going to relate to a really niche subject that he knows you absolutely adore. It's likely he's done research to make sure he got the gift just right! 🕷️SPIDER DEMONS🕸️: These four are so wild it's funny. Spider Queen probably used her silk to make you a really fancy outfit, Syntax (who had your birthday set up as a reminder on his phone) probably is gonna give you some kind of drone that can help you out with mundane stuff (you get to name it). Goliath tried to make something, but whatever it is it's gonna be messy...he did his best. Huntsman? Deadass he probably went to go hunt your favorite animal so he could stuff it. If your favorite animal isn't in the area or it's a fictional one catch this extra-ass motherfucker carving a big-ass statue of it.
They had these gifts prepared. They knew your birthday was coming. They still all forgot until the actual day/the night before, for various reasons. Hey, at least the gifts are well-made. ☠️BONE DUO👻: Both the Lady Bone Demon and the Mayor are going to appear on your doorstep at midnight. They have a full day planned with ways to celebrate your birthday and 'no' is not an option. You will be spoiled!! The Mayor's got enough money to take you out in style, probably in his limo to fancy restaurants, most likely one of those rotating ones. The gifts will be exactly what you need, even if you didn't know you needed it yet. Even if it seems odd at first, best to just go along with it. 🪷CELESTIAL SQUAD🌙: Chang'e has a gigantic cake prepared, most likely one layer for each year of your life. She's been working on this for forever!! Nezha helped her prepare a big party on the moon for you. Both of them are likely to gift you presents of Celestial origins (blessed jewelry that protects you from demonic possession, or a very rare book). They might have lost count of their own ages, but they understand how important birthdays are to some people. 🦁THE🐘BROTHERHOOD🦅: They're completely unfamiliar with how mortals celebrate birthdays, but they're going to do their best. Cake? OK sure they can make one (it looks god awful). Presents? Surely any mortal would appreciate dangerous weapons and armor (it's horribly wrapped)! With the whole "listen to the birthday person" thing they might take it too literally. Like if you say "Let's hit the road" they are going to demolish that goddamn road b/c you said to and are the birthday person. Your wishes must be followed. They're trying they really are.
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sunnynwanda · 6 months
hello!! i hope your day is going well <33 :D
could you please write a story about a hero and villain who are academic rivals? and one day before their final exams the villain finds the hero in the library late at night, really stressed about their exams. maybe the villain comforting a panicking hero?? :'))
i would really appreciate it if you could write this!! its completely fine if you don't want to :D
p.s your work is amazing!! 💙
Even Odds
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Hero shivers and shifts in their chair, folding their legs under them for warmth. They look up for a moment, noticing the snow cap on the lamppost outside the window, and rub their red eyes. It had been snowing for several hours now, and they had no idea how they were going to get home in their light coat and sneakers. It was warm in the morning when they ran out of their dorm room - not that they had time to look for winter clothes in the mess that was their wardrobe. The last month has been hectic, between classes, work, confrontations with Villain and all the catching up they had to do because of it. Not to mention that the smug bastard kept teasing them in class. They had no problem fighting Villain outside the classroom, yet facing them in class seemed infinitely more challenging and infuriating. All at the same time.
Christmas is coming up. Hero shakes their head at the thought. So are the finals. They close their eyes for a moment to let the wave of panic flash by them before returning to the subject matter. It takes Hero another two hours to realise the letters are blurring in front of their eyes. They can no longer discern the lines, and the paragraph looks entirely unfamiliar. They are doomed. Villain is going to destroy them with hungered passion, tearing into their flesh with snide remarks until Hero is left teary-eyed and defeated. And to think they enjoyed all of it once. They even went so far as to await the bickering arguments that followed after every class they shared.
With an exasperated sigh, they let their head fall onto the book. The panic returns with a fresh vigour, as do Hero's doubts. They want to cry from the helplessness that overwhelms their entire being. Their ears start ringing, probably from lack of nutrition. Hero presses their hands to their temples, trying to remember when they ate for the last time when a cough interrupts the flow of their thoughts.
"You look desperate," Villain muses, seemingly satisfied with the atmosphere in the 'enemy territory'. "I like it."
Hero has nothing to offer them but a deadpan look. They are too exhausted to muster any expression other than utter fatigue.
"What? Still trying to beat me?" They quip again, turning the chair to face their rival despite taking the seat right next to them. Hero doesn't react, much to Villain's dismay. They sigh, choosing another tactic - one that never fails to unnerve Hero. "Drop it, babe. No one can top me. Not in physics, at least."
Hero's eyebrows twitch, and Villain can't help the triumphant smirk that graces their thin lips. Gotcha.
"Sod off," Hero scoffs, flustered by their flirting and, more so, by their proximity.
Villain places their hands on the table and lays their head over them, mimicking Hero's position. "Says the one desperate to compete with me."
"Bold of you to assume I study for you," Hero's retort sounds surprisingly genuine. Villain isn't sure if they should find that offensive or not.
"Oh," their mouth forms a perfect round shape, and Hero almost reaches to touch their lips. Almost. They drop their hand over their eyes, trying to shake off whatever haze took them over. Sleep deprivation must be getting the best of them. It's sheer luck that Villain doesn't seem to have noticed. "Then why are you still here?"
"Because I have a lot of catching up to do, dimwit!" They don't mean to be mean, but they are just so tired, and Villain's nagging doesn't help. Not to mention that Hero is not ready for the exam, and both Villain and their professor will take their sweet time chewing them out tomorrow. Amazing start to the holidays!
"Shouldn't have missed the classes in the first place," Villain snaps back but softens upon spotting Hero's distress. Come to think of it, they had no idea why Hero would need to be absent so often. It's not like their confrontations took that much time out of their own week. So what was Hero so busy with? "Why did you miss so many, by the way?"
"None of your business!" Hero cuts them off rather harshly. They seem riled up for no reason, so Villain turns away towards the window, scrolling through possible distractions Hero might have been facing this semester. They're not fighting anyone else, and Villain was pretty damn sure they weren't dating. Or were they? Did Villain miss something? Should they be jealous?
Hero's low mumble draws their attention back to the matter at hand. "I'm still gonna score higher than you."
"Keep telling yourself that," Villain chuckles. Their brain is working overtime, trying to figure out how the smartest person they have ever met was behind the programme. "How long have you been here anyways?"
"I... don't know," the conclusion stuns Hero enough to get off the desk and sit straight. They have no time for conversations, but they also have no energy whatsoever to get up and leave. "What time is it?"
"Almost eleven..." When Villain glances at their watch, their eyebrows furrow in concern. "Wait, have you spent the entire day studying? Have you even eaten anything?"
Hero shakes their head instead of replying. Villain's eyes turn awfully round, and Hero smiles softly. This shouldn't look this endearing! They must have lost their marbles.
"Are you an idiot?" Villain questions, shaking their head when Hero attempts to answer. "That's not even a question, it's a statement."
"We have finals, dammit!" Indignation colours Hero's features, shading the weariness away. "I can't afford to fail, not after all the effort I've put in!"
"You won't fail," Villain sounds absolutely sure of their statement. They believe it, too. Hero, however, does not.
"How do you know?!" They break character, looking more panicked than Villain has ever seen. In fact, they haven't seen them scared, ever. Not even when they were hanging upside down from a skyscraper because Villain dared them to.
"I just do," they reassure, placing their hands on Hero's shoulders to get their attention. "I know."
"How?" Hero asks weakly. They look drained of life, and Villain hates to see the most cheerful person they know like that.
Fuck, is it them? Did they overdo it with the battles? Maybe they shouldn't challenge Hero so often. But then again, they only do that because they miss seeing their rival, and Hero has been skipping classes because of their job.
And then it strikes them. Their job. How could they forget Hero has to work? Ever since they lost their father, they took it upon themselves to support their family. And Villain had to go and add more to their plate - as if balancing classes and work wasn't bad enough. Shit.
They sigh at their stupidity, shaking their head to collect their thoughts before speaking.
"I've seen you ace every test, Hero," they cup Hero's chin, urging them to meet their eyes. "Not a single mistake, no cheating, nothing. You've got this. Trust me."
"What?" Hero's mouth is agape. Villain assumes their unexpected sincerity to be the reason but is proven wrong sooner than they can justify themselves. "Wait, do you cheat?"
"'Course not." They wait for Hero to nod before continuing. "I don't need it. You don't either."
"Well, I might this time," the claim makes Villain chuckle, baring the neat row of their teeth with slightly prominent fangs. Why the fuck do they keep noticing all this about Villain, of all people?
"Stop, Hero, stop," Villain catches their chin again, their stare intense when they speak. "You're not gonna fail. I promise. Now come on, you've got to get out of here, or your brain is gonna melt and drip out of your ears."
With that, they let go of Hero, and get up. Hero scrunches their nose at the graphic images that flood their tired head and starts collecting their books and countless pages of notes. Villain takes the last heap, shoving it into their bag while Hero fetches their jacket.
It's only later, after running through the showy courtyard back to their dorm and taking a hot shower to warm their limbs, when Hero pulls everything out of their bag to begin their night of studying, that they notice a few stapled sheets of unfamiliar notes. They are expertly organised and precisely what Hero needs to learn to pass the test. They stare at the pages for several seconds before shaking their head with a lopsided grin at the obnoxious and frustratingly sneaky little shit that slipped their notes into Hero's bag while they weren't looking.
They pull out their phone, sending a short "Thank you." text to their rival, only to receive a cheeky reply in mere seconds.
"Simply wanted to even out the odds. Let's see if you can top me now, babe."
Hello, dear!
Thank you so much for this request! I've wanted to write academic rivals for some time now, and this was the perfect opportunity for it. So yeah, thanks xD I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it :)
xo Sunny
P.S. I wasn't able to find the owner of the photo, credit to the owner.
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ominoose · 8 months
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𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬
Pairing: Leto Areides x Afab!Reader Prompt: Power Imbalance & Alien Summary: You wake up in an alien ship, being experimented on. Their leader offers "sympathy" and a deal. Warnings: Smut, extremely dubious consent WC: 1.7K
Kinktober Masterlist
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Cold metal was the first thing you were conscious of when you groggily came to life, blinking wildly at the blinding white light above you. Basic instinct made you attempt to bring your arm up as a shield, but when nothing happens, panic blossoms in your chest.
Finally taking stock of your surroundings, it immediately registers that you are nowhere familiar. In your gut, something screams danger. In the back of your mind, processes grind to a halt. The room is like no architecture you have seen before, all curves, odd shades of beige and shapes that don't make sense. 
Looking down you're completely bare, laid flat on a glowing slab. There are no bindings and yet trying to move feels like trying to tug a limb out of cement. The sudden sob that manages to escape you lets you know your mouth at the very least is still in your control, but the only answer to your cries for help are not ones you want.
The wall across from you slides open on its own, and a group clad in white uniforms enter with vacant, almost bored expressions. The aesthetic is once again foreign to you, some of them with strange markings tattooed into their face, but they look human. Your gut warns that they are not.
Whatever they are, they lack in the basic empathy and compassion you would associate with the average human. Without hesitation they're upon you, prodding you with metal instruments, shining lights across your limbs. A searing laser carves a small line across your chest and with trained hands someone takes swatches from the blood pooling around the hollows of your ribs. 
Not once did they bat an eye at your tear stained cheeks, your screams. You couldn't even thrash away from them, completely helpless to whatever their whims.
You don't notice the door opening through your panic, only realising someone had entered when the group of scientists turn and bow.
The man immediately strikes you as regal, commanding the attention of all those in the room. His uniform is militaristic, with gold trimmings and braided cords laid against his shoulder. A well groomed, peppered beard shadows the lower part of his face but doesn't hide the lips set in a stern line. 
"Please, please, make this stop, I'm begging you, make them stop." Your begging is barely coherent, still struggling to catch your breath, your lungs being the only part of you still functioning as normal under the circumstances.
Shocked expressions litter the faces of everyone around you, giving rise to a feeling of immediate regret and fear within you. Clearly you weren't expected to have spoken, but given your situation you weren't going to waste a chance. 
Only a single, thick eyebrow raises at your outburst, the man's eyes raking over your coldly before he steps forward with calculated steps.
When he reaches you he regards you seriously, raising a hand to brush away a stray tear with a curled finger.
"I apologise for my people's lack of hospitality, this must be very stressful for you."
You nod fervently, hope flooding through you when he shares understanding, a realistic outlook on such a situation.
"You're dismissed." His eyes never leave yours as his voice booms across the room. The reaction amongst the group is immediate, all of them dropping what they're doing and leaving through the door in a barely orderly manner. 
Only your sniffling breaks the silence as he quietly rounds you, assessing you, eyes softening ever so slightly. His silence isn't what you wanted, and in desperation you venture further.
"P-Please let me go. I don't know what's going on but I won't tell the police. Please, I just want to go home."
Your words seem to confuse him for a moment before recognition sparks in his eyes and an amused smile plays at his lips.
"Oh, my dear, you're not on your planet anymore. You're aboard my ship. My name is Leto Atreides, I believe your people would class me as an alien."
Part of your brain clings to what your reality was, clings to the fact that aliens and abductions are science fiction. With white knuckles your mind desperately begs to be told the real truth, to turn and see a window that reveals a normal street. Another part of your brain seems to have already known this wasn't the case.
"I don't think now is the appropriate time for a history lesson. All you need to know is you were brought here a few months ago, in deep sleep, to be studied. Again, I apologise at how stressful this must be, I had hoped my scientists would have extended the hospitality House Atreides is known for but alas, I assumed wrong."
The more he attempts to clarify the situation, the more your mind is caught between shutting or breaking down. To you, only a few hours before had you went to sleep on a rainy October night, and yet in a defenseless state you'd been carted across galaxies without a clue. Never had you felt so small, and so desperate.
"H-How long will you keep me here? What are you going to do to me?"
As fresh tears stream down your face he frowns, brushing them away with his thumb.
"I'm truly sorry, but I cannot let you go so easily. I have many councils waiting on this research, as well as other Houses funding it. To simply let you leave would be not only dangerous for myself and my people, but for you."
He leans closer, eyebrows knitting together as he strokes your cheek. Through quiet sobs you lean into his hand as much as you can, relishing the small comfort.
"I cannot let you leave. However…"
Again, a spark of hope is ignited at his prodding, stoking you, stringing you along.
"I do pride myself on giving others choice and chance. What say we make a deal? Since you are giving your body to important research for my House, in return, I will give you my time and boons. It might not sound like much, but as Duke Atreides, I will hear you and in time will do my best to carve out a route for your freedom."
The husky voice lulls you into a sense of security, making sense to your trauma ridden brain. It continues to stoke the fires of hope within you. Powerless and naked in front of him, completely paralyzed, it's the only chance you have, dangled in front of you like a carrot.
"What do I need to do?"
It seemed like precisely the words he wanted to hear. With a satisfied smile he steps closer, his hand lazily stroking up and down the skin of your thigh.
"We should cement some trust for each other, primarily your own. You're completely alone here, worlds away from home. Allow yourself to trust me, let me be an ally."
The calloused hand strayed upwards, stilling over your abdomen. A warmth emanated over your skin, a sharp contrast to the cold prickling over the rest of your body, grounding you. Further you lowered your guard, allowing yourself to trust him.
When the hand strayed lower again, between your legs, you gasped. Unable to move, you had no way to jerk away from the rough finger that traced along the soft lips of your pussy. Instead, you could only stare as he looked down at you with an indescribable expression, drinking in every inch of you.
As soon as his finger prodded against your hooded bundle of nerves and your breath hitched, his eyes flew to your face. You recognised his steely expression now. He was observing you, just as those scientists had. 
You had little time to focus on the thought, the flame of hope only flickering out a little before he traced circles over your clit with his thumb. At the same time two fingers slowly entered you, curled and setting a steady pace. 
It surprised you to find yourself already wet, but you paid it no mind. With your eyes fluttering closed, still clinging onto the promises he made, you allow yourself to get lost in the familiar feeling building in your core. The heat was slow to spread over you, and without the ability to move you were forced to focus only on the growing pleasure.
Silently he slid a third finger in, increasing the pace more as his curled fingers hit the sweet spot deep within your walls. When your head jerked back ever so slightly as you whined and moaned, he was there to take it in, going harder, wet noises filling the air.
"That's it darling, give yourself to me. You can trust me." His voice reverberated within you, low and rumbling. 
Your defences were completely down now, walls clenching around his finger. Words wouldn't form in your throat and you were left a panting mess, straining to move yourself closer to him but frustratingly unable.
You were so close, and on his order you came apart.
"Cum for me."
His voice was a seething whisper and had such power over you, you wondered if you'd been injected with something. Your pussy became like a vice around his fingers as he let you ride out the orgasm, legs nearly cramping with the strain you tensed with. 
Wetness dribbled down the curves of your ass as he slowly pulled his fingers out. Staring curiously at the slick coating his fingers, Leto seemed struck by an impulsive thought. Bringing his fingers to his lips he sucked your wetness from his fingers, a tiny strand getting caught in the hair of his beard.
"Hm. You taste exactly like the women from Caladan." The musing seemed more for him than for you. Leto barely regarded you now, offering only a small smile and a pat on the leg before turning towards the door.
"I'll visit you again soon, my dear. Behave until then, and we'll see if I can't squeeze in some allowances for you."
Without a single glance back at you he left, leaving you alone in the alien room, wet slick drying between your legs.
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laundrypause · 8 months
All I can think about lately is Logan getting hanahaki so here's a vague outline of a fic I'll never write. *Edited because good God there were so many spelling mistakes+tw of mentions of blood and dying
Being head over heels over your best friend isn't the best thing in the world. Even if you spend 23 hours with them it still won't be enough. Logan knows he should just man up and tell Oscar but like...no. Why should he tell Oscar when he could just suffer in silence?
When both him and Oscar gets into F1, Logan thinks it's high time he confesses but Oscar hasn't been around much lately. He chalks it up to having to get to know your teammate better and other team related stuff. But when you see Lewis Hamilton more than your best friend, he knows that he's basically lost Oscar to his papaya-clad counterpart. Surprise, surprise he gets hanahaki because when has the universe ever taken pity on him? It starts small at first with a few petals per day but then they start getting bigger and sometimes he throws up full-on flowers. He has two choices, well three but the third one is obviously out of the question, 1. Get the surgery to remove the flowers but he has to lose all memories and feelings he has of Oscar or 2. Not do anything. Of course, he chooses the latter because he's so whipped that he'd rather die than lose all the years of memories he has of Oscar. So he does that and suffers through races upon races of trying to stuff petals back into his mouth when he's not alone.
For some reason, Oscar finds out and he...he LIKES HIM TOO???? Like no cap, fr??? Wtf, so you're telling him that he could have confessed and wouldn't have had to be laying in a pool of flower petals and his own blood every other week? Damn, well, it may not have been the chosen path but at least they got there.
Logan's walking through the paddock, trying to find Oscar when he overhears a part of his conversation UNINTENTIONALLY okay, and if someone says that he moved closer to hear better, they're lying. And oh. Oh, it's really bad. Like 'I'm only with Logan because he's my best friend and I don't want him to die bad'. At that moment, at that instant, the hanahaki comes back full force. He's choking on petals, blood and saliva. He's grasping his throat, at a loss on how to get some well needed oxygen into his lungs when Oscar comes out to find him convulsing on the paddock ground. Oscar doesn't know what to do other than shout at someone to call an ambulance as he runs his fingers through Logan's hair, begging Logan to hold out a little longer.
Oscar's being presented with two options when they get to the hospital. Either consent to the surgery or let Logan die. It's a no-brainer, he consents to it even if that means Logan won't remember him. When Logan wakes up after the surgery, he sees a man clad in a mind numbing orange sat next to his hospital bed. Oscar, the name of the orange man, says he had to have an emergency surgery because his appendix burst. Weird, Logan thinks, because he doesn't see any scar at where his appendix should be.
It's the Abu Dhabi GP. Oscar's in his car, trying not to hack his lungs out. He doesn't feel sick but he can't stop coughing for some reason. He looks in his rearview mirror and sees the number 2 of a Williams car. His chest constricts for half a second which was odd. Whatever, he refocuses on the lights in front of him. He's not going to let some coughing fit affect his racing when McLaren's so close to getting third in the constructor's championship.
Finally, finally, he finishes the race with more than a couple close calls when he was having coughing fits in his car. He mutters a soft prayer as he cruises around the track one last time before returning to his garage. His legs are shaky as he starts the walk back with his helmet under his arm. He sees Logan's garage. Not too far from his own. He coughs. Just once. He coughs once and he sees it. A flower petal floating delicately onto the asphalt ground. A blue rose petal.
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which character do you think is the most sus and why
honestly i think everyone has at least one trait that makes me Wonder about them, so. i'm just gonna list those under the cut instead. i've gone over some of these in more detail in previous speculation posts, but i don't wanna just link to them for the 48545674567456th time, so consider this a spiritual sequel to that old ass conspiracy board i made. any links are to stuff that isn't readily available on the actual website. anyways:
do i really need to explain this one
okay i'm just gonna pick one of the less obvious things: have you ever noticed that his bio uses present tense the most? like after the little introductory blurb it introduces him as "wally is" as opposed to everyone else's "(x) was"? someone in my discord server pointed that out once and i haven't been able to stop thinking about it.
what little we learn about his relationship to wally from the website is Odd; both of their bios mention not only that they were best friends, but that this was stated Multiple times throughout illustrated pages and the like, as if someone was really desperate to impress upon people that These Two Are Totally Besties, We Swear. you'd think this would be a poor attempt to disguise there being some animosity between the two, but that doesn't seem be the case, either.
other than that, though, barnaby actually seems pretty normal - perhaps deceptively so...
has a first name that ends in a consonant and a surname that ends in a long "-ee" sound, as opposed to everyone else having a first name that ends in a long "-ee" sound and a surname that ends in a consonant.
is noted to have no canonical backstory; the only other character who falls into this camp is wally.
is an entomologist/lepidopterist (or at least an Enthusiast about those subjects) in a town where the only wildlife present seems to be bugs. this was first mentioned in an ask from 2020, so normally i would hesitate to put this here, but post-website launch concept art never shows there being any non-insect (or at least non-arthropod) wildlife, so i think it is Likely that this still applies.
there are Conveniently little to no notes regarding the construction of his physical puppet - all that the WHRP seems to have been able to confirm is that it did actually have a head-spinning mechanism.
hails from a cave in what is Explicitly noted to be the same forest that surrounds home; post-website launch concept art definitely seems to allude to there being something in those woods, or at least the general idea of julie wandering "out of bounds."
has the most detailed family background by way of her siblings having actual designs and names. her bio clarifies that they didn't live in Home, but no other characters with family members seem to need this clarification. is the implication that This level of detail for side characters is unheard of? then again, barnaby's mom also has a name and design...
can speak to flowers/plants, which definitely sheds a new light on whatever might be going on in this may 2021 concept art. i've seen a lot of people interpret the title of this piece - "liar!" - as an accusation from julie towards someone else (most commonly frank) but given that that the script linked in the february 2023 audition post establishes that julie is capable of lying about what a plant tells her for her own convenience, albeit in a far more playful context... who's to say that she isn't the liar?
her puppet is all but outright stated to have required more puppeteers than any other character.
having a character who's a playwright/director and whose house is built to resemble a mini theater in a story that relies so heavily on the fourth wall (or lack thereof) as a source of horror feels like a very... Dangerous combination.
some people have tried to draw parallels between her backstory and that of old testament satan, buuuut i'm not entirely sold on this. it feels a bit too outlandish even for me, considering that any remaining christian imagery seems to have been relegated Solely to wally and/or home.
her introductory blurb seems to have a nod towards poppy? "She’s a fire-cracker who is willing to let her imagination run wild in the name of a new adventure, albeit at the occasional expense of her more cautious neighbors." that aforementioned audition script Also all but outright confirms that this is about poppy, given her and sally's interactions there, i.e. sally trying to get poppy to come out of her shell by casting her as the lead in her next play and Clearly thinking very highly of her, but pushing her past her limits just a bit too far too fast. again, much like julie and lying, it's all in a playful context, but i wonder... sally, are you paying enough attention to your friends?
i could also make a joke about my sally/poppy agenda, but. i will refrain. for now.
is the only walk-around puppet to not have a live-hand variant.
her puppet also apparently has no surviving photos of it? or at least not any photos of it in its entire eight feet of glory.
in a similar vein to the possible relationship between sally being a playwright and welcome home fiddling with the fourth wall so much, i feel like poppy being a recluse in a series where one of the Main Themes is supposed to be "what happens when a Home becomes just a House/what it's like to live in a decaying home" is a very convenient setup for horror - one that Excites me as much as it scares me. if something happened to her, i wonder, how long do you think it would take for someone to notice?
his theme color, purple, is used very sparingly in his actual design compared to the rest of the cast and their colors - it only shows up on his eyelids and maybe the inside of his bag? even designs like poppy and howdy's make more use of their respective theme colors than eddie's. it being on the eyelids is an interesting choice, too, given the eye motif that's been present throughout so far. eyes are the windows to the soul and all that.
purple also makes an appearance just outside of his post office, in the form of a sprig of lavender with a butterfly on it - and, well. something about purple signifying secrecy/hidden truths, perhaps?
according to this post-website launch concept art, the only two clocks in the entire neighborhood are: A) the street clock between howdy's shop and eddie's post office, and B) the watch upon eddie's wrist. both also seem to share some design elements with him (and maybe sally?) - namely, the eyes.
and of course, his backstory. or rather, the fact that his backstory is so half-assed that it's a running gag that he can't remember his hometown and the most we know about his mom is that she has the same job and She Exists, Probably. like that's fucked up in the context of welcome home, right? we can agree on that?
howdy is an adult and yet Not a butterfly. he never actually pupated he just got Bigger. this is never explained or addressed in-universe as far as we are aware.
and also this is in the presence of a lepidopterist, aka a guy who should Definitely be aware of the fact that howdy should have pupated by now. foreshadowing for a future point of contention? a future alliance, even?
howdy. the shipments. where are your shipments coming from howdy.
much like wally, this one is so obvious that i feel stupid for even dedicating a bullet point here. just fucking look at anything on the website talking about or involving them. this house is All Unsettling Trivia.
imagine i am beaming this brian david gilbert clip directly into your brain whenever i discuss their relationship with wally until further notice
like i've said before, i don't think they're evil evil (or at least, not evil without reason) but i do think whatever they and wally have going on is, like, Not Healthy. they have codependent swag imo.
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the-simple-creature · 5 months
Uh... Lizzy. (every weird thing Lizzy has done)
Have we ever stopped to think about how Lizzy may be a bit more than we think she is?
We start off with Uzi's montage of her... being Uzi, and when she lights braidon's head on fire you can see Lizzy in the back smiling...
The rest of Lizzy in episode 2 can be just written off as her being an idiot but after episode 2 is where I think Doll gets her into the idea of assassinating V, and where things start to get a little bit more suspicious.
In episode 3 her first... odd thing is not being completely and utterly disgusted upon seeing Doll's room, I mean she comments that Doll should clean but... that's it. A much smaller thing before we get to the next "big" thing is that she and Doll supposedly see each other as equals until Lizzy's betrayal.
I'm saving her friendship with V for the end because OHHHH BOY.
Why does Doll just toss Lizzy? She snaps a drone's neck hardly a second later, why give her the chance to get up and betray you again? I think this may be because Lizzy is important to Doll in some way. I'm not shipping them (yet) but what if they were just childhood friends? What if Lizzy was Doll's first friend?
Now we get to episode 4, the main reason(s) I'm making this. We start of WONDERFULLY with Lizzy looting a corpse witch pretty much confirms that Lizzy is at least numb to people dying.
Nothing else happens until Uzi makes... that fucking THING and Lizzy is the ONLY one who isn't scared. Do I need to remind you that V was scared of Uzi, V, THE LITERAL GENOCIDE ROBOT, and Lizzy had more of an "Oh, that's a problem." expression on her face.
When Lizzy was being... chased? Stalked? Whatever, by zombie Uzi she had the AUDACITY to still comment on her clothes before being force choked.
And last but by no means least, Lizzy's last odd action (before we tackle her relationship with V) we have: Lizzy tanking the full blast of a DD missile at point blank. Lizzy was nether threatened nor fucking scratched by the missile. I don't need to explain why this is nuts.
Finally we reach Lizzy's weirdest action in the entire series: V.
My interpretation of it goes as follows:
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purefandomonium · 4 months
It's The Thought That Counts-Chapter 1
***Monday Night***
Vince had said his favorite food was lemons. Not lemon meringue pie or lemonade or lemon cake. Just... raw lemons. Rody was no chef—hell, he couldn't boil water without starting a fire. He was unfit and unqualified to be telling someone such as Vincent Charbonneau how to eat. The man obviously ate well enough to stay alive, so Rody really shouldn't have felt so obligated to stick his nose into Vince's lifestyle choices.
As he removes the fourth failed baking attempt from the oven, all smoldering char and dust, Rody starts seriously contemplating his. He lets out a tired groan as he sets the ruined baking sheet aside to let it cool so he can dump the contents into the trash with all the rest. Maybe he should just save up and buy something from a local bakery. 
The thought is dispelled immediately. The whole point would be lost if he just went out and bought the chef dessert. No. He needs to make it himself. He has to surprise Vince with something special. He wants to show the chef his appreciation with a homecooked meal. It's the least he can do, after being given the job and fancy leftovers at the end of each shift. Even if they were a bit on the bitter side. So he flips back to the start of the recipe and gathers up the necessary ingredients once more.
Rody can barely hide his irritation anymore. It's not terribly obvious to the customers, but by the end of the day any pretense of friendliness has been drained from him and he's been a tad snippy to the cooks and even Vince himself on occasion. He's stayed up late every night trying to get the hang of this whole baking thing. Cooking isn't worth it; he tried it after screwing up countless baking attempts and after two close calls with a pan fire he decided it would be best not to work with open flame. 
He wants to tear his own hair out. He's bought a bunch of cook books and supplies, learned how to use a mixer, and has put so much time and effort into this and he still can't get it right. The lack of sleep and immense frustration is really starting to catch up to him. Maybe he can pry Vince for alternative recipe ideas and try those. They might be easier than baking lemon-flavored dishes. Or maybe he should just buy a basket of lemons and slap a bow and a 'thank you' note on it.
Ugh. No, he can't do that either. He's already spent the money on the kitchen utensils and books, he might as well make the most of them. He just needs more practice, more time to get this right.
***Friday Afternoon***
Vince still can't bring himself to question Rody about his strange behavior as of late. Whatever has the waiter so high strung, it's clear he's taking it to the grave. The most he can be bothered to do is shrug and remind him he should be working when the questions become a bit too personal. So long as it doesn't affect his ability to do his job, Rody can stress about it all he wants. Even if Vince feels a little uncomfortable seeing the youthful man so restless and tired.
Locked in his office, the chef hums as he goes over this month's budget. He hates this, really he should just hire an accountant. If it weren't for his stubbornness, he'd have found one already. However, he's nothing if not meticulous, which is why the moment he sees something odd with inventory he's lighting a cigarette and cursing.
***After Closing***
Rody yelps and spins around to see his boss standing in the kitchen doorway, arms crossed and frown looking a little deeper than usual. Unease bubbles up. "Uh, yeah?"
His voice is firm. "I need to speak with you about something."
Painfully aware of the time and bummed he can't head straight home after a long day, Rody nods and follows the chef. He's quick to realize they're the only two left in the restaurant; all of the cooks must've rushed out as soon as the last customer of the day paid. He can't blame them, both he and Vince were especially short-tempered today. If his stiff strides are anything to go by, whatever's got him so irritated is still present.
"Um... What did you wanna talk about?" Rody says as they stop at the prep counter. Several papers are laid out atop it. There are a lot of numbers and hard to read scribbles that must be Vince's writing. If this is supposed to mean something to him, Rody doesn't get it.
Vince takes note of the blank look Rody gives the papers. Uncrossing his arms, he points to one. "This is the budget for this month. I was going over it and the estimated inventory costs when I noticed something."
"It seems we've been going through certain ingredients faster than anticipated."
"Well, it has been pretty busy lately." What is he getting at? Does he expect him to help budget? Rody glances at Vince and decides that, no, that is not the face of someone looking to give a promotion.
Vince pinches the bridge of his nose and tries not to sigh too loudly. "None of the dishes this week have featured lemons, copious amounts of sugar or," he checks one of the papers, "almonds. Those are for next week's menu. As you know, we make everything fresh here. There's also quite a bit of flour missing. More than expected. It seems someone has been 'borrowing' ingredients..."
Rody hopes the heat in his face doesn't turn his cheeks too red. Awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck and avoiding Vince's intense glare, he stammers, "O-oh... Funny that... M-maybe it went bad and one of the cooks... threw it out and ordered more?"
"Or-or maybe it was rats! Yeah... We should, uh, call an exterminator."
Vince has to resist the urge to slap the idiot. The annoyance makes him momentarily choke on his words. "Y... You're not seriously going to stand there and suggest that my restaurant is full of rats and old food."
Oh... Shit. There's no way he's going to come out of this unscathed and still employed. The words begin pouring out before he can make them coherent.
Vince brings up a hand to silence Rody's panicked backpedaling. "Since it isn't obvious enough, I'm asking you about this because one of the cooks saw you shuffle off with eight pounds of lemons this past Monday. I noticed the weird discrepancy with the supplies and costs and asked around." Nevermind how in the hell he'd managed to ride his bike all the way home like that, or how or when he smuggled everything else out. It would've been more impressive if Vince weren't so annoyed at the blatant theft. Does the fool have no shame?
"I can explain!" Rody blurts out.
"I'm listening." He leans back on an adjacent counter and waits for the explanation he's sure will get the idiot fired.
Rody's face feels like the sun. "Ah... Well, it's kind of stupid now that I think..."
"Keep in mind your job is riding on this," Vince supplies, lighting the proverbial fire beneath him. He's almost amused at the way Rody sputters and trips over his own words. Almost. The faint smile vanishes in an instant.
Rody sucks in a deep breath, halts his wild thoughts, and says, "It was for a surprise for you." It's hardly above a whisper. When Vince lifts a brow and leans in with an ear turned to him, Rody curses the universe at having to repeat himself. He forces his voice to be a little louder this time. "I was trying to make something for you. Like you always do for me?" His ears are burning now. He has half a mind to drown himself in the nearby sink.
Vince blinks. Once. Twice. "I... beg your pardon?" Rody wanted to prepare something for him? He can't even remember the last time someone wished him a happy birthday, let alone made something for him. Not that he cares; no, it's just...  The fact that Rody would go through all the trouble. Still...
The awkward squeal he lets out isn't much of a reply, but the poor waiter can hardly save his words from the embarrassment. "Do I really need to say it again?" he manages, hugging his arms tightly across his chest. "I just... thought that I could return the favor. I know you're a chef and all and you don't need me to cook for you and you probably do just fine on your own and-"
"But why lemons?" The look Rody gives him make his chest feel funny.
"...You said they were your favorite."
That... well, it did make more sense but... Ok, it was still stealing. He should... He should... Well he should definitely not be feeling...
Why does Rody have to look at him like that?
Cursing, Vince throws a hand over his face at the ridiculousness of it all. He hates the way hope blossoms in his chest. "Let me get this straight," he begins, the appendage still covering his features. "You stole ingredients from the kitchen to take home, all so you could cook something for me?"
"Lamoree..." The sigh isn't angry or indignant, only mildly disappointed. Like a parent annoyed their child jumped into the mud because they thought it would be a fun idea. Somewhere beneath that, however, is a small twinge of endearment.
"I'm sorry! Please don't fire me! I promise I'll stop. It was stupid anyway, I can't cook to save my life."
Vince removes his hand to meet Rody's nervous gaze. "What did you try making?"
"Forgive me for being curious as to what one could do with eight entire pounds of lemons in the span of a single week."
"Well, burn them mostly..." Rody rubs his arm as he recalls the many molten piles of former food he's pulled out of his oven these past several days.
Vince shakes his head. "You really are something."
"Man, cooking is hard! And baking too! You have to mix everything a certain way or it just ends up gross. Not to mention lemon pies. So many steps to make sure it turns out right..."
A small chuckle comes from the chef as he shakes his head again. "It usually helps to follow the steps, you know." Knowing Rody, he likely skipped a few key parts of the process due to his impatience. 'What's the harm?' he probably thought.
"Ugh... Well you don't have to worry about me stealing anymore ingredients," Rody says with a small groan.
"No. It seems not."
The two stand across from each other, one with an unreadable expression and the other slowly growing worried.
"Wait... Are you gonna...?"
Vince thinks about it, sighs, and pushes himself off the counter. "I'm not going to fire you, Rody," he says to the other man's wide-eyed terror. "I think whatever state you left your apartment in is punishment enough."
It did smell like burnt lemons and sugar in there. He's pretty sure it's seeped into some of his clothes by now.
"However... I do have one condition in exchange for your employment." He lets himself smirk at the waiter's bewilderment.
"...What's that?" Rody questions the sudden look of mischief.
"I'd like to see something by Tuesday next week." His smirk turns into a rare smile at Rody's shocked expression.
"I... I mean, I can try?" Vince... isn't mad at him? Looking back, eight pounds of lemons, a large bag of almonds and several bags of sugar and flour smuggled out of the restaurant probably is a lot of money. And yet, Vince isn't just letting him stay; he also wants Rody to bring something in for him?"
"I think it's the least you can do after you raided the supplies, no?"
"You're not gonna be upset if it's terrible?" While he hasn't made a successful batch of anything as of yet, he can at least say he's gotten better with his failed attempts. Tuesday is a bit of a stretch but maybe he can pull a rabbit out of the hat.
Vince shakes his head. "Just... don't steal anymore ingredients, got it?'
"Yes sir!" He turns to leave.
"Lamoree?" He waits for the waiter to face him once more. "Perhaps try cookies this time. I think you'll find they're much simpler than a pie, especially with your inexperience in the kitchen." He watches Rody nod before exiting through the back door. His mind drifts back to the lemons and he imagines the young fool pedaling down the street, bicycle swaying awkwardly as he tries to keep his balance. Vince supposes he is fit enough to manage.
...The idiot.
***Tuesday Morning***
"Hey, Vince?"
Vince jumps at the sudden call, dropping the chair with a thud. He lets out an annoyed grunt in response and goes to pick it up before positioning it at the table. He'd been too lost in his thoughts to hear the door. "You're awfully early today," he says as he turns to face the waiter. He quirks a brow and glances at the small aluminum tray he's holding.
Rody chuckles uncomfortably and lifts the tray. "You wanted me to bring something, remember?" He tries to settle the shakiness in his arms so the contents stop rattling. "They're lemon cookies. You were right; it was a way easier recipe to follow once I found one." He swallows the lump in his throat as Vince approaches. "They're not the best," he blurts as a hand reaches for the foil covering them. "They're still a little burnt. And I didn't really know how much lemon you liked but I added more than the recipe called for so you could maybe taste it more."
Silencing the rest of his nervous rambling, Vincent lifts the foil off and inspects the cookies. A dozen of them are stacked neatly in the tray. On the top they look completely fine. As he picks one up, however, the bottom is an almost-black that suggests too dark a baking sheet and far too much time in the oven. Still, the consistency is fine and as he takes a bite there's the faintest tingle on his tongue. He can't tell what it tastes like but knows it's lemon because that's the only thing that's ever given him the sensation. Burnt bottom aside, the cookie is chewy and somehow the perfect level of moisture.
To think, the young waiter did all this for him.
If Rody has to stand here and wait for Vincent's thoughts a second longer, he thinks he might explode. Watching him swallow the final bite, he speaks. "Well? How is it?"
For the first time in a long while, Vince smiles warmly. "It's good, Lamoree. A little burnt, but you did very well otherwise. I'm impressed. You did this all by yourself?" Something like happiness fills his chest.
He stands a little taller at the praise. "Yeah! I bought some cookbooks and just kept trying different things. I went through a lot of failed attempts though." And a couple ruined baking sheets.
"That's to be expected. Nobody learns anything overnight and practice makes perfect." The smile doesn't fade as he grabs another treat. This is the nicest thing anyone's ever done for him.
"So?" A confused hum is his answer. "The cookies, can you taste them?" He highly doubts that his miserable baking is enough to spark Vince's long-dead tastebuds, but part of him hopes it's true. He's never seen the chef actually smile before and his heart buzzes at the fact that he was the cause.
Ah, right. The entire reason to all of this. Vince's good mood deflates a bit as he contemplates how to break the news to Rody. The waiter is just so proud of himself that he feels bad about having to crush his joy. He takes his time finishing the rest of the cookie. "...Actually..." He buys himself a couple more seconds as he swallows the last bite. "I almost can. It's not entirely there but... I can discern there's something compared to the nothingness I usually get." Perhaps he doesn't need to be fully honest. As Rody's face lights up with glee, he can feel his own face grow warm.
"Really?! You mean it?"
"Yes, Rody, it seems not all hope is lost on your baking skills." A startled grunt escapes him as Rody hugs him tightly. He'd been so quick to set the tray aside and close what little distance there was that Vince had no time to react. By the time his brain catches up to what's happening, the waiter's already releasing him and gushing with excitement.
"I'm so happy you like them! I'm gonna keep practicing until I make something perfect! I'll bring in all my good attempts and maybe you can even put one on the menu!" He pauses as his brain processes what he just said. "I mean... If that's ok? I'll be buying my own ingredients, of course." He hopes he didn't upset the chef again. The look he's giving him is... indescribable.
Vince spends several seconds staring at Rody before realizing he has to respond. The gears churn as he formulates his reply. "I'd be fine with that," is the best he can come up with. Rody seems to take it fine, if a little more subdued than before. Still, he wants to see the excitement decorating his features once more. Even if it's for a moment.
Rody says nothing as Vince picks up the tray of cookies, letting him walk away. He's glad he likes them.
"I'll tell you what, Rody," Vince says as he carries the tray to his office. "If you keep practicing in the kitchen, I'll let you take a few ingredients here and there." For half a second, he debates teaching the newbie baker/cook himself. The thought of working alongside him, helping him, is alluring. But he's not so foolish as to think it would work out. 
He's thankful his back is turned so that the blush remains hidden. It seems Rody isn't the only idiot present today.
"Seriously?" To say he's stunned would be an understatement. He can't believe Vince is being so generous about it, and all because of some cookies? He can't help but wonder if there isn't more to it, but the thought is easily dismissed. Surely, Vince isn't... doesn't...
Nah. He's just happy to have something he can taste for once.
"If you've got time to stand there like a lost puppy then you have time to help get things ready," Vince says to the statue that is the waiter.
Rody snaps out of his thoughts and it's only now that he realizes they're the only two in the restaurant. They had another ten minutes before the cooks shuffled in and another thirty before opening. He should take the time to help get things in order and plan out the seating arrangements, should they get hit with more big parties like the last couple of days. The garbage probably needed to go out too; he'd forgotten last shift.
Vince spends most of the day in his office, no doubt gorging on cookies, while Rody spends his time between customers deciding what he should bake next.
Despite the not insignificant amount of ingredients missing, Vincent is quite happy Rody went through the trouble. If it were anyone else, he'd have half a mind to pin them to the wall with knives. But Rody isn't just anybody and the gesture is as sweet as he's sure the cookies are.
He can't wait to see what else his waiter brings.
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morns-fevered-dream · 12 days
Well I've tried to avoid spoilers but their are a few things I know going in the appearance of a character from ENT I'd originally guessed Trip Tucker because he died in a weird way and in non-cannon he did things after his "death" but a sci fi news article discussing Daniels gives me a feeling it's him makes more sense though and I saw two images one of a old Burnham and one of Burnham and Moll standing in front of some light on a cliff or something due to a current boycott of Paramount and Paramount+ I'm watching this from a pirate cove and I'd encourage you to do the same and without further ado live blogging of Star Trek Discovery and as always 🌟SPOILERS🌟
Season 5 Episode 10
I'm still sad this is the last episode of DIS
Well I'm glad it's longer then a regular episode but part of me was hoping for a 2 hour finale but considering it wasn't known until after shooting that it was the last episode and then reshoots that I'm sure are the extra length of this episode
I wonder if we'll see the Breen that went in before Moll and Burnham?
Huh Burnham had the same thought
Nooo Burnham
Oh there's one of three Breen cracked like an egg
And their is the other Breen not a happy one either maybe if the Breen had sent scientists instead of Soldiers they'd be more willing to work together Burnham
Damn that was a football tackle
About to be pulled away by a hurricane and still trying to punch damn Burnham is right "STOP IT"
Lots of slow mo
Damn the Breen is back
Why is Moll flying with a gun?
Why did Moll shoot the Breen? I mean the Breen is under her command
No wonder the Breen was so mad their own boss killed the other Breen like a cracked egg I'd be pissed too
Damn Moll is not likable even for a villain
Yeah that's what I thought
Now thinking about it I definitely thought that Detmer and Owosekun would be back by now tbh
Yeah Nhan stepping up suck it admiral
"At least the Breen have a vested interest" didn't you just kill your own Breen soldiers?!
Return of the spinning camera and a surprise appearance of shaky camera
Since it's the last episode I want to say I think DIS has my favorite Engineer crew out of all the Trek shows between Stamets, Adira, Reno and the occasional Booker, Tilly or Culber it has my favorite dynamic
There's one of the images that was spoiled them standing in front of whatever that ripple thing is
Oh they aren't fighting Tahal yet? Then what Breen Is Discovery fighting oh is it the Ruhn Breen Dreadnought or whoever runs it now Moll or that Asrisar Breen
"Ambassador Saru are you insane?" Is hilarious
Just like her Breen colleagues don't turn your back on Moll
Moll isn't very smart Burnham told you the clue and you didn't even use it
What was that scream Moll that was some serious yelling in lower case
Yes trust the good doctor odd visions or whatever
Damn Seru that was cold as ice
I swear Burnham is like the perfect Federation Captain because I would have been pissed
I kind of like that the most powerful tech in the universe is represented with some simple glass triangles
Ancient humanoid appearance!
Something before the progenitors? Mmmh interesting I know Q and the Guardian Of Forever were before the ancient humanoids I'm pretty sure but not much else is known
I love that it's Booker that's with Hugh others would try to explain or theorize but Booker is just like "damn that's crazy" the same nonchalant attitude when Hugn decided to join in the shuttle in the first place
Wow that's a lot of camera spinning
Separate the what?
Damn the ancient humanoids really trying to put this technology off on someone else
A TNG Enterprise D style saucer separation WOOOOOOOOOOO BABY
Is that the Breem Scout ship it looks nice
Ain't no way they just spun that colossal giant Dreadnought like a bayblade that was totally cool
Damn the Progenitor really gave Burnham a crash course on almost all of existence huh?
Honestly I've been thinking all season that kind of technology needs to go permanently
I'm sad Stamets won't get his legacy dream the spore drive program was canceled and made secret, spore drive didn't replace the regular warp drive in the 32nd century and now unable to study the progenitors tech what I'm really sad about is that this arc for Stamets won't be resolved because this is the finale
Picard Wine, Geordi old visor and a baseball presumably something to do with Sisko interesting
Kovich was Daniels all along?! This isn't what I thought the returning ENT thing was gonna be I'll be honest I was actually surprised
Yes! The Saru x T'Rina wedding what everyone was hoping for
Talaxian pirates? Mmmmh
All of the dress uniforms and fancy wedding clothes look great
Old Burnham and old Booker look like themselves but with gray hair I look forward to seeing irl old compared to TV old like they did for TOS, TNG and DS9 episodes where it showed a older version of a character and then people put up a image of them later irl when the actor was actually older
Burnham 33nd century civilian clothes look like she ready for the wild west I guess some fashion just comes around huh
Admiral you say
Oh that's a alien deer cool
Ooooo another uniform
They got kid in Starfleet already wow future jumps do that though
I like these even further in the future 33nd century uniforms that admiral one is nice I like the line going down the pants but I also liked that on the PIC S3 uniform too so I guess I'm just a sucker for that uniform design choice
I also like the new 33nd century Starfleet logo
For future versions of the Starfleet logo post ST Nemesis I think this new one and the Future Imperfect TNG one from the fake future are probably my favorites
Damn how many refits has that ship undergone to be still be in service
For a minute I thought she was about to pass down Discovery to her son
So a short explanation of Calypso but I still don't understand why Zora had to wait for Craft or the importance of Craft tbh and poor Zora has to wait 1000 years alone is so strange I also assume it was a life or death thing with the crew abandoned ship rather then this whole red directive thing its just kind of odd
Ah Detmer and Owosekun finally returned for the last few minutes of the finale
Ah a impressive fleet shot I do love the Merian Class, Kirk Class, Courage Class of my personal favorite out of the 32-33nd century ships the Eisenberg Class
So that's it the end of Discovery it had its hurdles but it also started Nu-Trek I personally am indeed a fan of the show this and Lower Decks are definitely my favorite of the Nu-Trek shows I am sad to see it go
It started my tradition of watching Nu-Trek and drinking canned Guayaki Yerba Mate late at night and it started many fond memories I've never said this online before but I never watched the last episode of ENT until the pilot of DIS came out I waited years to watch it but I couldn't bring myself to "finish" Star Trek until a new show was announced so I waited years to watch that last episode of ENT and after years of waiting and it was terrible but luckily this finale was better then that
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nanda-writes · 3 months
College girl sells soul to pay rent (not clickbait)
“So… your last wish is to make a deal with the devil?”
The ghostly woman nodded.
“It won't be possible, look, you need a physical body to perform this type of ritual,” said the medium “and I can't do it for you, because if I did, it would be my soul on sale.”
What if I possess you?
The spirit's voice echoed, the candles in the small clamped room in which the medium worked began to shake, transforming the trinkets scattered around the room into frightening dancing images. This could work… in theory.
“Not going to happen. Possessions are expressly prohibited on University internships. And honestly?” she added “I wouldn't endanger myself for a job that’s not even paid.”
I can pay.
The human raised one of her eyebrows. The candle flames flickered intensely, the ghost was desperate.
“Pay? Sorry, but we don't accept drachmas or whatever currency ghosts use, only cash or pix.”
She was joking, of course. What she didn't expect was the disembodied woman's response.
What's the key?
“Excuse me?”
Your pix, what is the key?
It wouldn't be possible that...?
Is ten thousand enough? Half now, half later.
It's worth a try, isn't it?
The medium shared her key. A few minutes later, she received the following message:
“Bank: Your pix has been received! Vellota ltd. sent you 5.000 reais”
Along with several confused emails by Grandma Vellota.
Looks like someone wouldn't have to worry about rent for a long time.
Kethelyn Correia — 21 years old, necromancy student at the Brazilian Federal University of Mystic Arts — is a medium in desperate need of additional hours for college and money. Kethelyn accepted the first internship that came her way without hesitating, realizing too late it was an unpaid one. Fuck it, we ball.
After months of late rent, days and nights on ramen noodles and various odd jobs to try to survive, selling a soul to the devil didn't seem like a bad idea. Anything was better than going back to her parents' house.
And that's how she ended up, three days later, on Carlos' — a college friend, master's student in demonology and ex-boyfriend — terrace at 2:30am on a Wednesday.
It was a nice evening, the sea nearby brought them a salty breeze, refreshing the warm summer night. The street lights were very close, illuminating the terrace together with the candles, revealing the unceremoniously dragged mess at the corners of the terrace. Carlos said they needed as much space as possible, the chalk circle in the middle of the terrace was the only clean space there.
“Okay, everything’s ready” said Carlos “candles lit, circles drawn, incense burning. Has she memorized the chants?”
Kethelyn nodded, they had practiced on this part together.
Carlos blew out the last match, looking around nervously. His eyes looked big behind the thick glasses he wore, his curly hair dancing with the breeze.
“Great, but seriously, this ghost couldn't have chosen a simpler invocation? Why go full catholic? There’s so many easier options…”
“Her name is Alice, I don't know about the choice for the ritual, but… thank you. Seriously. You didn't need to do all that.”
Kethelyn was being sincere. When she asked for her help, she expected at most a borrowed grimoire and some tips on how to not die.
“No problem, ha,” he replied, hands on his nape “it's the least I can do after that mistake I made.”
The “mistake” in question was the trigger for the end of their relationship. He cheated.
He cheated in a game of uno, shuffling the cards in a way that gave his friend — some 19 year old snake kid he befriended while traveling abroad — the advantage, causing Kethelyn to lose a bet.
“Ah, yes” She sighed, Alice's spirit approached floating upside down.
Hm? Share the tea, sis.
“Mind your own business.”
“She’s here?” Carlos asked, shaking hands making the sign of the cross.
“I still can't believe that you work with literal demons, but are afraid of ghosts.” She laughed, “obviously she’s here, she's the one who's going to make the pact, duh.”
“Oh, my saint” Carlos sighed, repeating the sign “You how much of a bad idea this is, don't you?” he spoke gravely “After all, why does she want this? She's already dead!”
“It's quite a story…”
Alice Vellota was a young lady from a rich family, you see, her parents were rich, her grandparents were rich, her great-grandparents were rich and so on.
Alice had everything she could want, except the person she loved.
Coming from an extremely Catholic family, it is not surprising that her love for Maria Eduarda, a college friend, was a big scandal. Her parents threatened to disown her if she pursued her love, all empty threats of course. Fortunately, nothing can stop lesbians in love, not homophobic parents, not even death.
But when Maria Eduarda suddenly passed away, Alice was devastated. Her only consolation was the possibility of meeting in the afterlife. She knew Maria Eduarda would be somewhere in hell — she was a Satanist after all — she hadn't gone to heaven! But, she thought, hell is huge... how can I find her among so many people? So, she decided to solve this problem in the most logical way possible, selling her soul.
I'm already going to hell, at least I can ask to be close to her.
The plan was perfect. She home alone and everything was set, she just had to sing the chants and…
A window broke next to her and figures started to circulate around the apartment with loud wailing sounds. It was just the neighborhood kids playing football, but the scare was too much for Alice, she had a heart attack, dying before even starting the ritual.
“So, here's the problem. She's supposed to be in heaven now. “Kethelyn explained “technically she didn't make any pact, but the desire to join her girlfriend keeps her on this plane.”
“Why didn't you try… I don't know” Carlos shrugged “convincing her not to go to hell?”
“I tried, believe me.” Kethelyn's eyes were dead-serious “she's as stubborn as a mule.”
“Oh my saint, give me strength…”
“If everything is ready, let's begin.” The necromancer looked at Alice's ghost and signaled her to come “Get in loser, we’re summoning the devil.”
Suddenly, the coastal breeze refreshing the dawn stopped, the candle flames flickered without wind, Kethelyn bent over her stomach, the lights from the nearby street lights went mad. Carlos looked apprehensive when suddenly everything just… stopped.
The breeze, candles and the street lights returned to normal, only Kethelyn remained in the same position.
“Kethelyn? Are you okay?” Carlos asked worriedly. He was about to touch her on the shoulder when she straightened herself on a whim, her curly hair covering half her face, a smile weirdly wide creeping through her face.
“Boo” the ghost mocked him in the deep voice of the possessed, “still afraid, scaredy cat?”
Kethelyn saw everything in third perspective, she saw her mocking smile and Carlos' pale face. It was a funny feeling floating around, was that how her customers felt all the time?
She wanted to tell them both to start straight away, but she had difficulty vocalizing her thoughts, she didn't have a mouth after all. How did Alice do it? In any case, she didn't need to do anything. She saw her body go to the center of the circle, Carlos raised the barrier and sat on top of an old freezer away from the circle, she — or rather — Alice started singing the memorized chants.
As electrifying as a ritual to summon the bad thing itself may seem, it's pretty boring when you're just a spectator. Kethelyn spent the next 15 minutes bored to death — hah! — she passed her time enjoying her choice of outfit for the night, a pair of pink cargo pants and a matching tight crop top — what? You have to look stylish when you're going to meet someone famous, even if it's the devil.
Suddenly, a strong smell of sulfur filled the air and an unnatural fog began to rise inside the terrace. From within the fog lights glowed like flames.
There he was.
Kethelyn had a lot of expectations about the devil, but she wasn’t expecting that. A white man, bald, wearing a polo shirt and the most hideous goatee. Hadn't Lucifer been the most beautiful angel in heaven? What a glow down.
The Demon stood still for a while, staring. All the corporeal beings present froze. He might have an ordinary appearance, but his aura certainly matched his fame.
“…So?” The Evil One broke the silence “What do you want, mortal?”
Kethelyn saw her body swallow hard, her hands shake. Alice finally took courage and said:
“I wan…” she hesitated “I want to have a reserved place, for me Alice Vellota and my girlfriend Maria Eduarda Almeida, in hell. A place where we can be together.”
The Fallen Angel raised an eyebrow.
“I want so that the moment this soul of mine leaves this body,” Alice kept going, more confident this time “I go straight to hell and meet her.”
Sathanas began to laugh.
“In so many centuries of work” his laugh was strondous “this is the first time I've seen someone who wants to go to hell!”
He continued laughing for a few more minutes, bending over himself and slapping his knees.
“So…” Alice was distressed “you accept the deal?”
“Ah, that, err…” Old Harry wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. “No.”
“Sweetheart, do you think I'm stupid?” He said in a fake-offended voice. “I know that the soul inside this body died a long time ago.”
He laughed mockingly.
“I am the devil” he stretched the last word as if he was RuPaul “having the courage to lie in the face of the father of lies?” he clapped his hands sarcastically “You’re a real one, baby.”
Kethelyn could see her shaking, Alice must have been desperate.
“To tell you the truth,” The enemy continued, looking at Alice again “your soul is worthless to me. But hers…” Kethelyn didn't have a body at the moment, but she felt her soul shiver the moment Satan made eye contact with her, grinning. “Oh, her soul is very precious”
Why did she think he wouldn't be able to see her? He was the devil!
Carlos, who was just watching, felt chills when he saw The Old One pointing into thin air, he did not need to see her to know.
The devil wanted Kethelyn.
The Serpent made Kethelyn and Alice switch places, the sale of a soul should not be done by third parties, and Old Nick was more than willing to buy Kethelyn's.
“Not gonna happen.” Kethelyn denied the moment she got her body back.
“Come on, dear” insisted the prince of darkness with the warm gentleness of a salesman. “There must be something you want, do you want me to help you summon more souls for your studies? I can make all the sinners in hell available to you! You want money? Fame? I can do it in the blink of an eye! I have great references, artists loved me in the 90’s. Just tell me your price.”
“Can you help me get my degree while keeping my mental health?
“Unfortunately, reality-bending miracles are my father’s department.”
“Then no,” Kethelyn was determined “I know what you want me for. I will not send innocent souls to your domain. I may work with spirits, but I still have decency.”
Beelzebub took a deep breath.
“Well, I wasn't called here for nothing.” His facade fell, the warm voice gave way to a cold, cruel tone. “Either you give up your soul, and stay alive for another nine years... or you both come with me to hell, now.”
That was the last straw. Carlos ran through the old furniture and Nick Nacks squashed on the terrace to get the holy water and his other emergency supplies. If he had to fight the devil, so be it, but he wouldn't let him take her friend.
However, before he could invade the barrier, Carlos heard a yelp:
It was Kethelyn.
“Lucifer Morningstar, I challenge you to a duel!”
Carlos wanted to tear out his own eyes, Lucifer grinned.
“And what are your terms, mortal?”
“If I win, you leave me alone and fulfill Alice's wish.”
“What if you lose?”
“...You can have my soul, as long as you fulfill her wish anyway.” She looked in the direction of Alice's ghost. “I know that fulfilling her wish is no big deal for you.”
From outside the barrier, Carlos was jumping, shaking his head, making an ‘’x’ with his arms, and mouthing ‘nooooooo’'. Kethelyn might be crazy, but she wasn’t suicidal, was she?
Was she?!
Lucifer pretended to think really hard.
“Okay, I accept your terms.” he smiled “And what do you challenge me to, little girl?”
Kethelyn smirked.
Carlos was banging his head on the support pole of the terrace, and Alice — if she had eyes — would have them wide open in shock. They both thought the same thing:
She wants to kill herself!
“I'm sorry I didn't notice you before, Carlinhos!” Lucifer patted an inconsolable Carlos on the back.
The barrier had been broken, but Lucifer could not and did not want to attack any of them until the end of the challenge.
“It’s okay, Mr. Capiroto… it’s okay” Carlos repeated defeatedly. The two had met before, college projects can take you to unusual places, huh?
“So” Lucifer looked at Kethelyn “how does this… uno thing work?”
Kethelyn and Carlos looked at each other.
If the devil doesn't know how to play uno... they have a chance!
Carlos' eyes shone. Kethelyn looked at him smugly as if she had predicted this from the beginning — although it wasn't the case.
The humans took turns explaining to the prince of hell the rules of the esteemed — and supposedly — human card game, even Alice tried to help, mentioning observations and details the couple missed.
The clock was already striking at 3 am when the game actually started. Carlos raised another barrier for the participants. This particular barrier prevented either of them from cheating, a necessary measure for those playing with the devil.
The house rules say that the deck must be shuffled facing away from the players by someone who is not participating. As the only corporeal being left, Carlos had to take the dealer's role.
Kethelyn and Lucifer sat at the table found by Carlos somewhere in the mess. They both held their 7 cards from the uno deck, the starting card was in the center of the table, draw deck on the side. Carlos took a coin out of his pocket to decide who would start; Heads to Lucifer, Tails to Kethelyn.
The coin was tossed. Seconds of tension dragged on like hours. The coin fell into Carlos' hand. He opened his palm:
It begins, Kethelyn's cards had nothing special, just a +2 red card as a special card and a predominance of reds, leaving with only one card for each other color.
The initial card, taken from the draw deck, was a green 3.
Lucifer started his attack, immediately launching a +2 green card. Kethelyn was unfazed, launching her red +2 card, doubling the attack and reversing the damage. Kethelyn, however, did not expect Lucifer to have a trick up his sleeve, as he placed another card in the pile.
Kethelyn had no way to counterattack this time, the medium let out a frustrated sigh as she picked up her eight cards: three red, three green, one blue and a special card, a red reverse.
“Color?” asked the medium.
Kethelyn nodded and threw three cards of number 7 into the pile, the bottom one yellow, the top one red.
Lucifer had no choice but to draw and place the same color.
Kethelyn places her red reverse card — drawn from the batch she just took — and then two number 4 cards, red and green.
Lucifer draws again and soon passes.
Neither red nor green cards… maybe the advantage is coming back to me. Kethelyn thought.
Kethelyn places her card again, this time two cards numbered 0, green and red, respectively. But the card Lucifer had just drawn was also red, so he places it in the pile combined with another card, changing the game's color to blue.
The game continues with blue cards until the devil places a card numbered 2, where Kethelyn manages to change the game's color to red again. Lucifer draws, and passes. But just one round later, he uses the same trick on Kethelyn, this time changing the color to green, Kethelyn places a card, Lucifer draws and places.
It's number 1, green.
Kethelyn ponders, she has three cards at the moment, the numbers 1 and 6 in red and the number 9 in green. She could try to change the color to red, she knows that her opponent doesn't have any red cards, but it would certainly inconvenience her later. She knows that Lucifer doesn't have any green cards either, and getting rid of the green card would avoid inconvenience, so that was the most obvious option, right?
Kethelyn wasted no time, playing card 9.
Lucifer smiled demonically.
— Uno! — he exclaimed, throwing the yellow card 9 on the table.
Kethelyn wanted to bang her head on the table, how had she not realized he only had two cards? What will she do now? She doesn't have another 9 card and much less yellow cards, she doesn't know the number or color of the last card, if it isn't a special card! She can't lose this game.
I can’t… I can’t…
The necromancer's hands shook as she tried to pull the next card from the deck, so much that the entire deck slid off the table.
Carlos approached it with an intense look, he looked Kethelyn in the eyes, silently asking her to trust him. Kethelyn didn't understand, but trust she did.
Carlos picked up the cards from the floor and explained that he would have to shuffle everything again.
Wait, will he…?
The game of Uno that Kethelyn lost last time was changed after Carlos shuffled the game, he knew many card tricks, including how to manipulate a deck without looking suspicious, and would never hesitate to cheat his way to uno.
But how? The barrier would prevent…
Kethelyn realized.
Carlos was outside the barrier.
The barrier unables Kethelyn and Lucifer to cheat, but that didn't count the Croupier.
When Carlos put the deck back, Kethelyn's hands were stable, she pulled out the top card...
A +4.
Kethelyn almost cried with joy as she threw the card on the table.
Lucifer drew his cards resignedly and asked the color:
“Red.” Kethelyn felt triumphant.
Lucifer played his card and Kethelyn followed without any problems, this time she was the one shouting Uno.
She placed the red 6 card. The only card left in her hand was the red number 1.
But instead of passing, the devil placed a new card on the pile.
A yellow 6.
Kethelyn felt a growing despair. She still had a chance, but it was frustrating. She was so close…
The human pulled a card from the deck and almost cried with joy for the second time that day.
It was number 1 in yellow.
Kethelyn could hardly believe her luck.
“I won!” Kethelyn announced, throwing the letter into the pile and standing up. “I won!”
Lucifer sighed mockingly.
“It seems so” he replied, and added, narrowing his eyes “this time.”
Lucifer stood up, assuming a relaxed posture as he looked in Alice's direction.
“Are you coming or not?”
The spirit looked dazed, her form flickering like candlelight.
“Isn't that what you wanted? No going back now.”
“Yes, yes” Alice alternated her gaze between Lucifer and Kethelyn “I just need to do one thing first, quick.”
“You know you can't run away, right?”
“I know!” She yelled before disappearing.
Lucifer looked at Kethelyn and Carlos.
“Don't think it's over yet, kids.” He gave another devilish smile. “I have as many tricks up my sleeve as you.”
Alice returned before the humans could respond.
“Let's go!” she exclaimed.
“Yes, let's go.”
Lucifer looked at the couple one last time, and pointed his two fingers first at himself, then at them in an “I'm watching you” sign, and disappeared into the darkness.
Before Kethelyn could open her mouth, a notification.
Bank: your pix has been received! Vellota ltd. sent you R$5,000.
Carlos looked at the cellphone screen clearly impressed.
“You know,” he broke the silence. “I kind of saved your life just now, so, I don't know... you could buy me a burger? As a thank you.”
Kethelyn smirked.
“Yeah, I guess we're even now, huh? I don’t know if there’s a burger place open at this hour, how about an açaí?
They laughed.
Kethelyn wouldn't have to worry about rent for a long time.
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radioapplerevue · 2 months
I always wonder a little when people assume that Lucifer and Lilith are absolutely going to get back together.
I'm not against it -- ignore that this is a ship blog, lol. This isn't about my ship, which will never be canon (we all know this, chill), this is just my hazbin sideblog so I don't have to bother people with my thoughts on my main blog.
But going back to Lucifer and Lilith. People point out Lucifer's ring as proof that they will get back together, but it makes total sense to me that he still wears his ring. They were married for millenia. That's got to be hard to let go of.
What I have questions about largely revolve around the last 200 years. For one thing, they were married for ten thousand years, so why did they only have Charlie now? And why only one child? And how did they have her? Lilith's a sinner, and sinners can't reproduce. It's all so strange to me.
And then soon after -- for their lifespans, at least -- they separate. And we know from Charlie that she and Lucifer were "never close", which doesn't make sense, because they are so very alike and Lucifer obviously adores her. Which makes Charlie saying things like "he doesn't want to see me" so odd. What makes her think that? We know it's not true, because Lucifer was beside himself with joy when she asked him to come to the hotel. Why in the world was their relationship so fractured? I really don't think it's just because of his depression, because he's still severely depressed and jumped at the chance to see his daughter anyway.
It feels to me almost like Charlie believed those things because someone else told her they were true. Like in the pilot, when she says "maybe my dad was right about me", I find it so jarring because Lucifer never says anything disparaging about Charlie. He looks at her like she can do no wrong. Even when he's being condescending about the sinners at the hotel, his critique is never aimed at Charlie, but at sinners and at Heaven, which he believes will make her dream impossible. So why did Charlie seem to believe such things about him?
I can only suspect Lilith, and that's largely because the one flashback we get with her, she's separating Charlie and Lucifer -- something that they are both clearly upset about. Why was she even taking Charlie away? They were both so happy. It is a very deliberate choice to show her doing that in her one appearance (until the end, of course). It makes me feel like the distance between Charlie and Lucifer was in some way orchestrated. Done on purpose.
I think Lilith has a plan, and she needed a child to make it happen. And she needed that child to do certain things and believe certain things. I'm not saying she doesn't love Charlie, I'm saying that she had a reason besides love to have her. Why, after all, have a child after ten thousand years? Only to split from your husband shortly after? And make a deal in Heaven? Lilith is planning something, and I'm very curious to find out what it is.
I don't think she's evil or bad or anything like that (and I don't want her to be -- too often media depicts Lilith in a negative light). I do think that whatever her plan is, it's likely to be something that Lucifer (and probably Charlie) wouldn't agree with. I think that's why she kept Lucifer and Charlie apart. I think she's ambitious, and I think it's significant that the show points out that Lilith's reaction to and perception of Hell is in stark contrast to Lucifer's. They want different things.
And that's why I'm unsure of whether or not Lucifer and Lilith will get back together, because... while I'm sure Lucifer still loves her, that's a lot to get over. Purposefully creating a rift between him and the daughter he adores? The daughter he calls "the only thing left worth fighting for"? Knowing that would hurt him so deeply. Perhaps they could work past it, but I just don't know.
Anyway, I may be wildly off the mark and the show will contradict me entirely in season two. And that's cool if it does, haha. I'm just extrapolating from the hints I believe were dropped in season 1. Either way, I'm very interested to see what happens next.
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pluppsauthor · 1 month
OC Interview Tag
Thank you to @phoenixradiant for the tag!
Rules: answer the following questions in the perspective of one of your OCs!
Last time I did Jesse and Reven. Continuing down the line of Forsaken characters (they won't leave my head), let's do my favourite (and currently only) blind boy, Zenith!
Are you named after anyone?
"...No..? I don't think so. It's not worth going back to my family just to ask them that. The dead gods know I already can't stand them as is."
When was the last time you cried?
"I don't think I could say the last... time... I've cried. But as much near-death experiences and hell we go through, I think I've always handled it the worst. Maybe because I can't see the threat, I hold this higher sense of danger, and it just sort of... eats away at me from time to time. So I cry from being overwhelmed sometimes."
Do you have kids?
"Eh, no. I don't think I plan too either, not as of now."
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
"Sometimes. Dusk and Dawn are always so serious. A strategist and a commander? If I don't crack a joke or use some sarcasm, they're gonna become heartless. Maybe not, but you know what I mean."
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
"Their voice. What did you expect me to say? 'Their eyes'? No, but really, I pay attention to people's voices a lot, tells me a lot about their character."
What’s your eye colour?
*5 straight minutes of laughter* "Oh, that's a good one... Oh, you're serious? I don't even know what colours look like! I've been told they're purple, and that purple is unnatural eye colour. But I don't know what purple is! Or what a normal eye colour is!"
Scary movies or happy endings?
*Another minute of laughter* "You must not have written these with the thought of asking a blind person, did you? While technically I can watch movies, it isn't really the same. But as for scary stories and happy endings... scary stories are way more fun."
Any special talents?
"Well, I'm blind--That's not the talent by the way--see, despite being blind I can kind of... I can sense gravity. It's hard to explain, but think of it like this: Dusk can make light, Dawn can... do whatever it is she does with shadows, I... can sense gravity. Along with a few other things of course. I guess I also a have good balance and hearing. But I don't know if its better than the average person."
Where were you born?
"North City. Okay... well... I wasn't born in my family home. Okay, so my family's house was very close to the Titan Family's main building (in north city at least). Because of this, there was a tunnel connecting them for medical emergencies. My mother went into labour and... didn't make it. So, technically, I was born in an underground tunnel between my home and the Titan Family's main building."
Do you have any pets?
"My family was on the border of being considered rich. So we did have a cat, a real cat, while I was growing up. I don't know how those things still exist today seeing how many other animals went extinct."
What sort of sports do you play?
"I didn't really play any sports."
How tall are you?
"I don't know, can't really check. I've only been told, but last that I remember... 180 centimetres? Somewhere around there if that's not it."
What was your favourite subject in school?
"Ooo... art. No, I'm joking, I'm joking. Uh... probably music. Oh, maybe history, but only when they talked about myths and legends and stuff like that. Mostly music. I can play a few instruments, should I have said that in the talents section? I probably should have."
What is your dream job?
"Dream job... hmmm... I'm not sure. Out of the main trio, between me, Dusk, and Dawn... I'm the odd one out. Both of them both want revenge and to take down the families, and I don't really. I just want to help people, but as for a dream job... ... ...I guess, if it can be anything, some kind of artist. Preferably also with the ability to see what I'm painting or sculpting, or whatever it is I would do."
A lot tamer, considering... last time... Anyway! Tags! @tildeathiwillwrite, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @mk-writes-stuff, and open tag! ❤
Here are the questions!
Are you named after anyone? When was the last time you cried? Do you have kids? Do you use sarcasm a lot? What’s the first thing you notice about people? What’s your eye colour? Scary movies or happy endings? Any special talents? Where were you born? Do you have any pets? What sort of sports do you play? How tall are you? What was your favourite subject in school? What is your dream job?
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imagine--if · 2 years
Imagine soft yandere Eddie with a super shy SO with very little relationship experience so she gets really easily flustered by the smothering affection. She isn't used to normal casual hugs and kisses let alone all of this. At first Ed is nervous that he overwhelmed her to an off-putting extent on accident but then he realizes she just doesn't know how to respond. The shyness makes him want to baby talk to her/ gush about how adorable she is even more. She also naturally hides her face when blushing and he's like "awe sweetheart! Please don't hide your face angel! I want to see your beautiful smile and your gorgeous eyes! My sweet precious baby... did you know that you are the light of my life?" At least 3-5 times a day she ends up snuggled up in his lap bc he can't get enough of her and his overprotectiveness is in overdrive. He's shamelessly wrapped around her finger
A/N: I've missed doing longer imagines, expect a lot more of these now 😁 (Also these gifs are amazing - the creator is so talented!! How have I not seen/used the beforeeee)
Pairing: Dano!Riddler x reader (The Batman 2022)
Words: 747
Warnings: Obsessive behaviour 😍
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You've always been called soft-spoken, timid, and shy, ever since you were little. In a place like Gotham, it's wise to keep your head down and get on with whatever it is you're doing, and don't attract unwanted attention. In just seconds, you could be pinned to a cold concrete wall, in the late evening or even bright daylight, and passersby will look away and avoid you and the thugs that steal your money from your pocket. That's just how it is, and you've grown used to it. This is Gotham.
When you told Edward that, it practically broke his heart.
It's easy to tell him anything and everything. He soaks it all up, listens and hangs onto every word you say, like they're the most important things he'll ever hear, simply because it's you that's saying them. Edward doesn't impatiently tell you to speak up like others have done, he'll lean in closer, or place you right in his lap, his head on your shoulder, loving every minute of it.
He seems to understand everything you say. He says he thought of himself as invisible, like a ghost of the cruel past, until you looked him straight in the eye last week. You hardly remembered, until Edward started popping up everywhere you went. Now, all of a sudden, you're in his apartment, you know everything, and you're not petrified like you expected. You almost feel calm here, in the home of a man that's been so mistreated, so underestimated, that it's driven him mad. He tells you that you inspire him, too, seeing him for him, and taking the time to. No one else would bother. No one else will, even now, until he makes himself known.
You know Edward Nashton, and it's only been a week. But he knows you too, and for him, it's been a lot more than seven days.
He thought he came off as too strong when you first arrived here, but he's told you that he couldn't help it. You're so beautiful. He had to have you, before some scum got to you first. You've never been loved so intensely in all your life, and with Eddie, it's the most passionate, exciting, comforting thing in the world to you. He tells you it's what keeps him alive, and when you look into those murky green eyes, holding so much earnesty and wonder, you have to believe him.
You whisper to him that you don't hate it. It's just so new. And, to this day, you still don't understand why it's you he chose to become so obsessed and infatuated with. Edward has hundreds of reasons why.
That only encourages him.
You instinctively go to hide your face with your hands, but Ed prises them off gently, collapsing on top of you in a hug that you can't help but return with an amused smile. You're slowly getting used to the smothering affections you're shown every day, so much so that it'd be odd not to feel protective arms wind around your middle every night and morning, or his fluffy brown locks tickle your cheek when he leaves sweet marks on the skin of your neck. He tells you that he's new to this too, but he's so glad he is, because he gets to go through it all for the first time with you.
The followers have heard about an angel, hidden safely away from Gotham's horrors, waiting to come out when the streets have been cleansed and judgements have been given. The Riddler says every word with confidence, while you smile to yourself from the corner, wrapped up in one of his deep green hoodies. There's a suspicious red stain on the fabric, but you ignore it, and let Edward pick you up with surprising ease when the camera's off, hugging you tightly to his chest and telling you how perfect you look in his things. The camera's still got battery left. There's enough time for some pictures, isn't there?
You're still softspoken and shy, even locked away with The Riddler, but it's something you can't change. Edward doesn't want you to change. It's everything else that's wrong. He apologises to you, that his poor little purity had to live in such a cesspool for so long, that it took him so long to save you. And so you bashfully call him your hero and kiss his cheek. He won't let you go now.
You don't want him to.
.・ Taglist: ・.
@simestandswithtaylorswift-blog @carley-carley-carley @lostbunn @dencchan @dragovegogrimborn @i-wished-upon-a-star-one-night @edwardspumpkinpie @murderbimbo00 @sweetums0kitty @beel-mcburger @cml-san @jervis-tetch-my-beloved @r4iner @bimboanime @phoenixgurl030 @vaylordd @dangerouslittlefairy @katjourno @yoyoanaria @yaeyuuki @vinxlsketches @beenz-beenz @ghoulsgraveyard @birds-have-teeth @repostingmyfavs @r3ptiliaaa @for3v3rda1sy @glitterycheesecakegladiator @moonwritesblog @lilyevans1 @httpsunflowers @hxney-lemcn @confusedchildsstuff @callsigncrash @sugahbabieexo @bokksieu @skateb0red @wilburrrsworld @philiasoul @darthcringe @felicityofbakerstreet @bloodypantomime @deadlights-darling @tianotfound @mortem-muse @ireadandream @tinyryder @kpopgirlbtssvt @truecobblepot @jessicainhell
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breakfastteatime · 1 year
Cal is quiet after Zeffo. Or, more accurately, he's quiet after the abandoned Venator. Greez wishes more than anything that Cal and Cere weren't still at odds. They're talking, sure, but not as easily as before. Venator is Jedi stuff. It's Cere-and-Cal stuff, not Greez-and-Cal stuff.
Except Cal isn't talking to her the way he needs to and Greez doesn't need psychic abilities to know the kid's hurting. They're enroute to Dathomir, and Cal isn't eating or sleeping the way he needs to.
Greez cannot let it stand.
He takes a plate of cookies and a cup of blue milk to the engine room where Cal is at the workbench, headphones on, lightsaber currently undergoing one of its many tune-ups. The droid is watching with interest... At least Greez figured BD-1's interested. What does he know about droids? Whatever. He gets BD-1's attention, who in turn he pokes Cal. Cal turns, sliding his headphones down and leaving them around his neck. He blinks at Greez, eyes glazed and shadowed, looking for all the worlds like an overtired child.
Crushing an urge to order Cal to bed, Greez holds out the plate. "Cookie?"
Cal looks, shakes his head. "No, thanks."
Gonna be like that, is it? "You gotta eat, so it's cookies and milk, or that weird slimy stuff at the back of the fridge I keep meaning to clean out."
Cal appears to actually consider it. Greez throws a cookie at him. He catches it without blinking, takes a bite. "Thanks," he says listlessly. "It's really good."
"Jeez, kid, really feeling the love."
"Sorry. I like it, promise."
Greez decides to go for the kill. "Didn't find anything good on that wreck, huh?"
Cal slumps. "No."
Greez sits himself on Cal's bed, patting the space next to him. BD-1 gets the message quicker, hopping off the bench and racing over. He starts scanning the plate, announcing his findings in such bright whistle even Greez can't help smiling at the little droid's joy. Cal joins them and takes another cookie and the milk. He dunks the cookie and sips the milk. He's still not talking. 
Silence is not Greez’s gift. "I'm sorry," he says. "I saw a crashed ship and got stupid ideas about treasure in my head. I didn't even think what a Venator meant to you. That was selfish."
Cal doesn't talk until he's finished the milk. "It's okay." He wipes his mouth with a sleeve. "Neither did I." He straightened his back. "I'm okay." He puts on a crooked smile. "It's not the first wrecked Venator I've been aboard." Greez barely represses a shudder. It doesn't matter anyway. Cal looks at him, takes another cookie. "It's alright, really. It happened a long time ago, and it didn't happen to me." And then he laughs. “Not exactly like that, anyway.”
If he wants to convince Greez everything’s fine, Cal’s doing a terrible job. "Anyone ever tell you it’s normal to have a bad day?" Greez asks. “That you don’t have to pretend it’s okay when you feel like someone’s kicked you in the gut?”
"Sure, usually after a bunch of scrappers died, and I had to work triple shifts."
It's all Greez can do not to slap the kid upside the head. "Look, Cal, you don't need to tell me details. You don't have to pretend this isn't getting to you. There's no shame in saying it was really shit, and you wish you hadn't gone aboard."
Cal laughs for real at that. "It was shit, but I needed to go aboard. Had to work through a few things in my head."
"And I'll get back to you," he says, grabbing another cookie. He stands, thumping Greez in the shoulder. "Thanks, Greez." He moves back to the workbench, reaching for his headphones. "I appreciate it."
It isn't the outright win Greez had been looking for, but he'll take it. "I'll make soup for dinner." Something light. Something easily reheated if Cal initially refuses. "Two hours. And wash up before you come to the table. I don't want lightsaber grease on my table."
"You got it." And with that, Cal's headphones are back in place and he's back to work.
BD-1 bumps his head against Greez's leg, whistles cheerily, and hurries after Cal. Leaving the cookies on Cal's bed, Greez heads out.
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docilepillow · 4 months
2024 February Media Post Thingy : Featuring Movies Also
I've never really liked doing editing " do-overs". i think if this was like a normal year with no leaping ( As of starting this post a couple of minutes ago ( 4:51 PM ) , i only just learned that this year was a leap year? Just goes to show how little i pay attention..! But yea, on topic, on topic, i don't look back to edit these kind of thought pieces after i write them, it'd feel odd to do so, ,and january's post was a mile and a half to write , so, after finishing the Big Thing for this year, i'm starting the writing on this on the 28th so i dont have to finish it all in one sitting this time. I'm not sure when i'll drop or pick up on it, and its not like, done Live with the month, so the actual timeline of things won't be completely perfectly accurate, but anyways : the things covered here are in rough sequencial order, mostly focused around New Media i've tried this month, with an added blurb about anything ive revisited this year at the very end. I'll try to add a blurb about everything, but no guarentees. Also, i said i'd have more screenshots to share, but i forgot again. A significant number of games here were also on 3ds which i have no good way to get screenshots for. planning is hard This month was heavily characterized by the absolutely wonderful time i had for my birthday and the days surrounding it, because wow, am i in love with my boyfriend! after many, many months spent long distance, i'm extremely glad to say that the first few days of this month were absolutely heavenly, and i do absolutely "get" all the lovey dovey emotional stuff that surrounds it. While he was over, we got to watch a whole bunch of different movies and such, and most of the video game focus was directed towards one big game, being God Of War Ragnarok, which is an absolute behemoth of a triple a game and also one aattached to the very sentimental god of war that i've also shared with him in the past ( they're some of his favorite games of all time, and he's especially knowledge on Norse stuff, so it's cute to listen to him ramble about it whenever actual mythology stuff comes up. Its absolutely adorable the way his voice lights up..! ) So, you'd expect the first piece of media i got through this month would be God of War Ragnarok, after all the time i've spent hyping it up already, while it's still fresh in my mind as of typing, And i'm on a massive, sentimental tangent on it, But...! TRUMP VS ILLUMINATI < Least Romantic Movie I've Personally Made Out With Someone Over >
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theres not all that much to say on this movie as the title'd show, actually, and, obviously, the movie's a complete joke, through and through ( the titular protagonist isn't even the real deal, he's just a clone of the guy who lives on mars for whatever reason as the last human alive (?) ); and it's so ameturishly put together that i'm almost certain the entire scripting process of it was put together by looking at the title of the movie and quipping in a discord call brainstorming for a couple of hours, but it's absolutely great for virgining couples beccause you'll want to watch the movie for a bit, a bit that's been going on for i want to say little over three quarters of a year, but then, when you actually get to watching, it, you'lll both decide unilaterally to make out sloppy style instead of watching the movie, wow!
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by the way, most of the movie is just weird little stock models talking at each other for what i rememeber being 50 or so minutes. i dont tihnk this is a good movie buut i thought itd be funny to bring up because in a shirtless daze after watching it i had the mortifying realization that this shitty movie was gonna be on the top of my media diary if i chose to go through with it . so here it is ! ! ! CATS & DOGS < tulpa movie >
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idk what to blurb about this movie i think its entertainment value comes from the varied" WHAT DOES THIS IMPLYYY " moments in the movie and how like
excessively silly it is im not sure if it was this movie in particular but i have a very specific anecdote of this movie as a child before my parents divorce where i was actually Forced to watch it for some reason with my dad and with an anecdote like that the only thing i can think to say about it is that i think i actually enjoyed it more then Wonka theres some puppetry with the cat villain in this movie thats actually pretty endearing actually. its a decently entertaining spy movie. DOCTOR STRANGE
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not having a title for this one isnt like reverence or anything i still watched this with my boyfriend in our little place and it was very enjoyable, and, in particualr, this was actually the first movie i watched of this list that i actually wanted to seek out to watch, actually! i've never been an mcu guy ( And, if you expect my movie reviews to professionalize, with like, research on the actors anything, you're dead wrong, i think , also. i think when it comes to assosiating characters with their actors or whatever celebrity or director or whatever, i just. .dont do that. i can see why normal people do but i dont have that built into me. so if i refer to a character it'll be for their character. ) i think this is a good movie i think this is a neat movie i think this a very pretty movie and i like mister stranges arch alot and i think it was really well characterized and enjoyable and id watch this movie again sometime maybe. im not a live action head but i think this movie just looks cool and is well presented in general. i think as an asshole mister strange is very watchable which is unusal for me cus i wince whenever characters do a thing thats like regrettable like noooo dont do that like an autistic weirdo but that wasnt really a problem with me for this movie i think its cool how this prick gets grounded by the fantastical shit in the movie and i think his little mini arch over the movie really stands out as a good character piece. thats all i have to say about it as someone who doesnt super hero movie this movie movies really good and stands on its own. i think its cool. i think this is a very enjoyable movie. i think people should watch it if theyre on the fence on it beingg mcu bc i dont think its like thoose other movies at all. im repeating myself. w/e Alot of early febuaary is characterized by movies bc i want to make it clear that the main game i played in that arch of time was God of War, and there were very much Not Media things that were more pressing for my time. lol VIDEO GAMES!!!! VIDEOVERSE < Most Heartwarming Eboy Game >
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the docism i picked for this game sounds demeaning but thhis game is absolutely worth i think everyones time and if theres a game from febuary i'd make as a general reccomendation to my friends, it'd be this one, i think! it's an absolutely heartwarming narrative about an early 2000s era internet community that's being shut down, and its very resonant to at least Me, as a wii u / 3ds era fan
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though it kinda melds that kinda stuff with a more early internet aestetic , which i think the combo works Really Well in terms of like vibe alone. the game is very naked with how it presents an early internet community and id describe it as being like hypnospace outlaw but without you the player being in the seat of like an internet moderator. Like you can moderate in the game a little bit but it's much less of a focus compared to the being in a game community with your friend aspect
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this games a very well executed narrative about this emmet guy ( in the image above this one, he's on the far left of the screen ) and playing it as the first non GOW game of the week was definitely a choice i made that made me kinda sappy and clingy ( since its very much about the internet anxiety of losing a bunch of friends you care about due to dumb internet social media crap, which feels pretty well timed with this whole tumblr drama going on. also, as someone in a long distance relationship, the romance thing in this game also is pretty relatable in parts )
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idk! its a very short game. i played it on deck and it was a very short but sweet pair of game sessions. i think if u like what you see here i reccomend giving it a shot if you're looking for a visual novel . ithink it is cute. if you like cute things this game is for Cute PRINCESS REMEDY IN A WORLD OF HURT < cute em' up where nobody has to die ! >
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i actually falsely appraised this as gameboy color style when its supposed to be dos evokative. i knew i was missing something.
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this is a free top down shmup game from steam about a cute healer girl! the game has really cute writing and is about an hour long. i think the writing makes it worth giving a try if you have an afternoon! the final boss is litearlly a guy with Every Disease that also has a refrence to ff6, so me being charmed by this game was kind of a given. Oops! I think more people should look at this game! it's worth it !
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also, since everyone in the world of hurt has some kind of injury for you to remedy, some of the ones that get picked out are pretty amusing, also. its usually structured around " heres the problem with me " dialogue and " thank goodness im better " dialogue. this game is also for the gays because u can marry whoever you want after the credits. Yay! SUPER MONKEY BALL 3D < worst game icon ive ever seen for a video game award >
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the games just kind of mediocre and the only reason i downloaded it is bc it was on 3ds and i just want to point out the games icon is Just a low resolution picture of ai ais face on a white bg. i think thats funny but the games so easy that thats pretty much the only novelty you'll extract of it if youre a monkey ball fan. oops .
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something like this ive spent longer trying to find this games home menu icon then thinking about the game after playing it sorry i dodnt think this game is worth that just kind of sad
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no reverence for this either pretty much all the games thatre gonna be talked about thatre on 3ds were just me looking through hshop slightly interested in something to do while waiting for my bf to wake up for more gow
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all i can really say is that this game is a gameboy demake of the x games thats just slightly worse and going in with that expectation is correct but also its just Really annoying sometimes is very much a game where the levels are short and easy and the boss fights are kind of choppily designed and difficult and i think finishing this game was kind of more of an act of stubbornness then anything. theres this one boss second to last from sigma thats just killing this boss that spams 4 nearly undodgable spammy fast projectiles while you're on two tiny platforms over death spikes and i think that kind of speaks for how much id reccomend this ( not at all ) i think this is the angriest ive been at a game in a bit actually remembering it . i think i said a funny misnomer about it but i dont remember. something about this contributing to why mega man fucking died or something. im realizing i didnt actually consume alot of good media this month took a break writing this on leap day and umm FIRE EMBLEM WARRIORS ( The 3ds version ) < POPCORN VIDEO GAME >
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as someone whose never played a dynasty warriors type game this was actually a little less boring then i was expecting it ? you'd assume picking the switch or wii u version would be more ideal, but, as someone whose favorite console is the 3ds , and considering it'd take less time to download to my system, i ended up picking this version. it actually runs pretty well and my only real complaint is that the character i wanted to play as is thuroughly stuck into the post game ( Celica from FE echoes ).
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functionally this is kind of just a game that exists to be a stim device while you're in like a voice call or something but at that its pretty good from what ive played. used minerva for most of it and it wasnt too hard but not especially annoying either. its okay. i never got to unlock celica though ( bummed out ) and its not bad at all for somemthing i pretty much only played to pass the time between when my BF was awake to watch me play god of war, which it succeeded at. ive played every FE naturally available on the 3ds. TOM AND JERRY WILL WONKA & THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY
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huh what happened howd this happen
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game i actually owned legitimately that i forgot i did. technically since the games are going down in a month from now this is my way on reminicing on Maker in general , but i mostly just reflected back on itt as a cute wii u memory and that cute packet that comes boxed with the game. the 100 or so challenge levels in this are neat but not Especially special. kind of existed to pad out the games i've tried and finished this year so far to an even 15. its not bad or anything, it did remind me of a few interactions i didnt know about before. maybe sometime before maker 2 goes down ill finish making that super world i started on when the game was new... putting all my thoughts togetherrrrr GOD OF WAR RAGNAROK
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Igod of war ragnarok is pretty cool. for context, im pretty sure the first game of the i wanna say ps4 " duo " of norse GOW games are the two video games that both started me on my ps4 journey recently and got me and my boyfriend together? which i think is very sweet its also very unexpected cus other then being a soft mythology nut i dont see how id get into these kinds of games naturally, considering i'm less genre savvy when it comes to i guess " modern-style " story focused 3d adventures. Considering i'm a nintendo head, these could count as some of the only super duper gamerhead games i've ever played? though i don't know if it means anything when i say that . i think this game definitely needs the groundwork of the first gow to stand up, but, thats not a bad thing, its a very well thought out start to end NARRATIVE, and its a really good one at that. lots of well thought out character interactions and setpieces,a friend of mine described it as a universal ride-style game , and , in terms of linearity, it kind of IS that, but in like the most postive way i can think of in terms of the kinds of games i play , this is probably the drop-dead most prettiest game i've ever looked at from start to finish ( When it comes to detail and realism, i mean. .i think its very pretty to just look at the environments n stuff ) god of war ragnarok is pretty cool. for context, im pretty sure the first game of the i wanna say ps4 " duo " of norse GOW games are the two video games that both started me on my ps4 journey recently and got me and my boyfriend together? which i think is very sweet its also very unexpected cus other then being a soft mythology nut i dont see how id get into these kinds of games naturally, considering i'm less genre savvy when it comes to i guess " modern-style " story focused 3d adventures. Considering i'm a nintendo head, these could count as some of the only super duper gamerhead games i've ever played? though i don't know if it means anything when i say that . i think this game definitely needs the groundwork of the first gow to stand up, but, thats not a bad thing, its a very well thought out start to end NARRATIVE, and its a really good one at that. lots of well thought out character interactions and setpieces,a friend of mine described it as a universal ride-style game , and , in terms of linearity, it kind of IS that, but in like the most postive way i can think of in terms of the kinds of games i play , this is probably the drop-dead most prettiest game i've ever looked at from start to finish ( When it comes to detail and realism, i mean. .i think its very pretty to just look at the environments n stuff ) ( I have screenshots of the game on my ps4, but as i'm a day late to uploading this in the first place, i'm too lazy to both fetch them with my capture card and upload them to an image sharing site, so here's a picture of Jalla, a cute cow critter you get to ride in the game thaat made me very happy . )
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I've heard of games that take up entire segments of people's lives for months , and while i've played lots of " longer " games, gow despite being shorter then something like SMT 4 is definitely one of the first games i've played thats been defined like that to me. i dont wanna say too much on the plot because i think these games are worth playing back to back on their own merits, though for me the experience definitely was raised above by , you know, sharing it with the love of my life, haha. its very cute to listen to someone visibly light up when talking about a game and its definitely my boyfriends infectiousness for the game that motivated me to keep coming back to it and dig for all the little details, even if i play 3d games like this like a game's journalist.... but yea god of war is really good i dont want to spoil anything on it but even if you haavent played the past games but have a ps4 and an appreciation for storytelling, i'd definitely reccomend it. Surprisingly cozy, heartfelt story on parenting and war and lingering regret n junk. also i like mimir alot hes silly and brok theres alot of characters in this i like alot
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if you know you know TERMINATOR 2
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oh yea i watched terminator 2 also very gripping very cool top moms in media for sure i can see why this is a classic movie it abosluely rocks and i was technically present for the voice call where they watched the first movie but i wasnt paying attention to it at all whoops thats technically the last of the new media i did but i also tried out a pokemon X nuzlocke and i replayed king of cards which was really fun and i remembered how much i liked madam meeber
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the nuzlocke was a disaster but i actually did do it so winner
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im sure there was other stuff too but im tired of typing and i forgot CLICKING SEND!!!!!
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