#the limitless podcast
The Limitless Podcast Transcript [S2E10]
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TW: None. Notes: That's a wrap! Word Count: 2.0K
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Disclaimer: Please remember that this is an AU and a work of fiction, obviously the idols mentioned/written about in this story would never partake in these actions. The idols mentioned in this work are meant to be seen more as face claims rather than the actual idols themselves.
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Release Date: August X, 2021 Episode Title: The Beginning of a New Chapter Run Time: 24:56 Minutes
Intro Song: Study Morning - Study + Chill Lofi
Mark: Hello, everyone! And welcome to the tenth and final episode of Season 2 of the Limitless Podcast. Are you all excited?
Johnny: We know, we know, we're going to miss you all too, but we have a lot of stuff planned for season 3!
Mark: That's right! Holy shit, you should see out desks at home, it's a whole mess it's embarrassing but, good news, we already have all of season 3's topics picked out and outlined so it'll be like we never even left.
Johnny: Yup, we're also still working on trying to get season 1 back from the void, but it's taking a lot longer than we thought. Turns out that literally nowhere archives these things so we're a little dejected, but it's okay. A lot of season 3's topics are callbacks to season 1.
Mark: Yeah, it's mostly because nearly all the topics we covered have since been updated, and that's kinda true for this season too.
Johnny: Oh, hell, I didn't even think of it that way, you're right, Mark. The news segment of this episode is going to run by pretty quickly.
Mark: Alright! News segment speed run! First of all we are seeing a mass of reemergence of vigilantes all over the place, not just in our country! It seems that the new team-up of vigilantes has inspired both new and old names to join the fray once again. Just yesterday we saw Phantom return to London to stop what would have been the biggest museum heist in history!
Johnny: Yeah, but then he took the gem the original thieves wanted.
Mark: He literally outdid the doers! Like, at that rate I would've just let him take it too, not gonna lie.
Johnny: Nah, you're right, Phantom's "anti" heist was just so well done that so many people applauded it.
Mark: For real, it was trending on TikTok for a while and you know what? Deserved. It was so cool to hear him break it down.
Johnny: Speaking of TikTok, actually, it's kind of interesting how this new wave of vigilantism has really pushed some people into the social media stage. Like Radiohead, for example, has started using Instagram a lot more.
Mark: Do you think it's like a debate, though? Like the vigilantes who only do good deeds on camera versus the ones who have no social media presence?
Johnny: Oh, definitely. I'm sure that there's probably some tension among old versus new vigilantes too, or at least I wouldn't be surprised if there was.
Mark: I can see the whole 'Golden Age' before the ban and 'Silver Age' post-ban arguments too, I've already seen a couple on Twitter and some of the arguments get so heated.
Johnny: The whole fanbase surrounding certain vigilantes is interesting in and of itself, I don't really want to call it a cult following, but it's interesting how certain vigilantes become these icons.
Mark: I mean, iconism of anything is kinda... dangerous, right?
Johnny: Always. But in cases where it's done right, see Aegis, they can become certain symbols of hope that people look to.
Mark: Not to play that card, but Aegis had a pretty hard fall from grace too when they became the Blackguard.
Johnny: But that is a topic we delve into more in season 3! You all better pull up to that, I think I'd go crazy if I saw the new season having the same ratings as this one.
Mark: Dude I'm just going crazy period, I never would have expected this podcast to blow up at all but here we are, corrected.
Johnny: Absolute insanity. We are so grateful for you guys that I don't even know where to start!
Mark: Ditto, I know you all were expecting some crazy topic about vigilantes that we delve into but really this episode is for all of you! If you remember our Twitter post after last episode, we asked you all to send in your most pressing questions and we picked a couple to answer.
Johnny: Yes, yes, and real quick we are definitely going to talk vigilantes! We haven't forgotten our roots! But this is a celebration episode for all of us and especially for all of you! And with that said... Drum roll please, Mark!
Mark: [Drums on the table TN: Please excuse the feedback] This is gonna be good.
Johnny: A word from our sponsors: Us! Our patreon is booming and I cannot thank you all enough! For those watching the livestream, you've probably noticed the new equipment on our tables here in addition to the huge bump in quality of the video feed. Thanks to all of your generous support we are finally able to support ourselves and this podcast! We will keep delivering you all the quality you deserve and we hope that you continue to support us in the future! So, with that, onto the special episode of the Limitless Podcast!
Shotaro: I think that's my cue to step in! You two ready for the first question?
Johnny: Hit us, Taro.
Shotaro: Okay! From user LandBeforetheTimes this is a question for both of you: Which episode from season 2 is your favorite and why?
Johnny: For me it was definitely the episode on Cypher and Cheshire, I've always been a huge fan of Cypher since the day they started being active and I'm still following their work.
Mark: Wait, wait, would you argue that Cypher spearheaded the vigilantes on social media movement?
Johnny: Ugh, the audacity! Cypher didn't just spearhead it, they perfected it.
Shotaro: Actually, if I may step in-
Johnny: You may.
Mark: Shoot.
Shotaro: I think I'd argue that Cypher isn't on social media at all. Sure, they hijack social media, they've even hijacked this podcast before-
Johnny: I think I cried tears of joy that day-
Mark: You did, there are clips of it floating around.
Shotaro: But Cypher isn't following the usual MO of social media vigilantes. They don't "consistently" upload, for one, and for two Cypher has never revealed even a silhouette of who they are. There's absolutely no presence that they even exist.
Johnny: The perfect status for a hacker, in my opinion.
Shotaro: Exactly. But what about you Mark, favorite episode?
Mark: Oh, the Aces! I've always been a huge fan of them since they were an underdog team.
Johnny: Damn, that's right! I completely forgot they weren't that big when they started.
Mark: Yeah, they were easily outshone by the other already existing groups. I think it was their showdown with Alis that really solidified them on the playing field.
Johnny: Or should you say... playing table? [Laughs]
Mark: Oh, ha ha, very funny, I see what you did there.
Johnny: Wait but how did you feel about them disbanding? Just curious, I don't think we ever talked about it.
Mark: Heartbroken, obviously. But to be exact about it they never really disbanded, they kind of just... uh... fell apart, I guess. After what happened to Hearts and Diamonds I get why though.
Johnny: I think that was really one of the first actual "tragedies" that happened to vigilantes, I think things got a little more real after Diamonds passed away.
Mark: Yeah, exactly. A lot of vigilantes I think dropped out of the business once the details got released. I know Zero, Superhuman, and Sogdo for sure announced that they were done.
Johnny: Whoa, I haven't heard those names in a while! Actually, on the topic of Superhuman and Sogdo, I know next season we're going to talk a lot about vigilantes like them.
Mark: Oh yeah! Honestly, I know I shouldn't say it but it's kind of cool how certain people will take what would have been an unfortunate accident and turned it into a way to help out those in need.
Johnny: That's what I was thinking. The sudden emergence of vigilantes with, like, actual "superpowers" is another growing movement that I heard is pretty loaded in online communities.
Mark: Right, the whole "who does it better" argument, I feel like that's never going to go away though.
Johnny: Very true, but, let's try to get more questions in for today's episode. Shotaro, fire away!
Shotaro: Yessir! So up next is from Twitter user TheGrimDoggo! They ask: "If you could interview any of the season 2 vigilantes without any consequence, who would it be and why?"
Mark: Easy! I would... wait, actually? Let me think about that.
Johnny: I thought you said you liked the Aces!
Mark: I do! I do, but you know what they say, "Never meet your heroes."
Johnny: I mean from what I heard if you're innocent the Aces were very careful around you
Mark: Yeah, but then you hear about what happened to the people they beat the shit out of and you're like "damn."
Johnny: Damn? Damn? [Laughs]
Shotaro: [Also Laughing]
Mark: What? [Laughs]
Johnny: Dude, haven't you seen that one documentary about people who were beaten up by vigilantes? The dude who Diamonds punched has a permanently shifted jaw, that's like... horrible.
Mark: Oh... damn.
Johnny: [Laughing] Dude!
Mark: Sorry, sorry, that was insensitive I know, let's just do the last question, yeah?
Johnny: Last...? Oh, shit, we've been going on for a while now, huh? Okay, Taro, hit us!
Shotaro: Sure, so this last one is from the Twitter user GlitchedMask and says "hi! i've been a huge fan of the LP since it was still just a Twitter account! anyway for my question, hypothetically, if you could get it back, where would you like to have season 1?"
Mark: Whoa, they're like a super OG fan of ours then!
Johnny: For those of you who don't know, for the longest time the Limitless Podcast was actually just a blog on Twitter, and back then we were just called 'Limitless.'
Mark: Yeah, even the first episode of the podcast was supposed to be just that. One of the vigilantes we wanted to cover had so much going on with them that we found it easier to just, like, talk about it.
Johnny: Exactly. And then it kind of stuck, a lot of our followers loved the idea so we kept doing it and, badaboom badabang, the Limitless Podcast was born!
Mark: And we are so glad you all love it! But to answer the question, obviously, we'd like to have it on all our platforms, ya know? Patreon, Spotify, Podcasts, and etc.
Johnny: Yup, it would be nice to have it back, but we know it's been, like, permanently removed. That's on us though for not backing up our data.
Mark: Still sucks, though.
Johnny: Oh, yeah, it sucks ass.
Mark: All good though! But, for now at least, that's all the time we have today! As always, thank you all for listening or watching, we will always appreciate your viewership and support.
Johnny: And just to go through the checklist, subscribe to our Patreon! Follow us on Twitter, check out our Carrd, and- Oh yeah! Buy Crys a kofi! She's back from her bender.
[TN: Drink responsibly, kids.]
Mark: Love her for that.
Johnny: We'll see you guys in the next season!
Mark: Until- Why's the monitor doing that?
Johnny: Doing what?
Shotaro: Uh... it's frozen.
Johnny: Huh?! No, nah, don't tell me we have to rerecord.
Shotaro: No, it's just frozen and- Aw man the mics are out too!
[TN: From here on out their mics are shut off so their voices are a little muffled but I'll do my best!]
Johnny: Uh, try troubleshooting real quick, are we still live?
Shotaro: Yes, sir. But the streams frozen for them too. They can hear us though.
Johnny: Got it, not to worry everyone! We'll fix this in a second.
Mark: Hey! The monitor stopped frizzing out, looks like the picture is coming back.
Cypher: [TN: Ohmygodohmygodohmygod] Hello, this is Cypher, I am hijacking this feed from a further area. I love this podcast, so I decided to show my love by recovering Season 1. I will send the file over to both of these lovely hosts and, until then, I cannot wait for season 3. Please talk about me nicely. I'll do the honors of ending the stream for you all.
Outro Song: Easy Cheese - Daniel Fridell
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General Tag List: @stopeatread @bat-shark-repellant @raeincitizen @umbralhelwolf @yangsrose @kazooms @sadcoffeecritic  
Without a Trace: @naiify @sunsethw4 @leesalts @toxic-babexe 
If you want to be added to either tag list or removed just send me a reply to this post, and ask, or a DM and I’ll add you as soon as possible!
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artofwarforlife · 1 year
Episode 27:
"To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom." In Episode 27 of "Warrior: The Art of War for Life" I discuss how to develop an unbreakable mindset through self-knowledge. By examining the beliefs, thoughts, & feelings that drive us, we become unbreakable!
Know Thyself & Understand Others: The Secret to Becoming Unbreakable Hey, hey, hey! Welcome, everyone! Thanks for joining us! I’m so glad you’re all here listening. I really am. This week we’re going to talk about one of the most famous passages in the entire Art of War. We’re going to talk about knowing thyself and knowing others. So let’s go! If you’re a visual learner like me, check out the…
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positivelyqueer · 2 months
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season 3 chapter 8 / season 3 chapter 16 part 2.
He (Jon Ware) can’t kept getting away with this! (In awe)
[ID: two screenshots of transcripts from the podcast The Silt Verses. Image 1: Before I sent her once again to her grisly death last night, I told my mother that it would be a beautiful morning out here today: a clear and empty sky, and crystalline dew upon the fresh grass, and so it is. (Chuckling) Perhaps that's only a coincidence, in fairness. How powerful can one saint be? Am I really so arrogant to believe that the winds and clouds can turn on a single word from me, delivered to a frail old woman moments before her death? But even if it is only coincidence, why not revel in it? What is a saint, if not the unshackling of possibility? What am I, if not limitless?” Image 2: VAL: Glottage Meteorological Society? Yes. I live up by the border. (Lying one last time) The winds are changing. They're blowing strong, from west to east. Make sure everyone knows.” /end ID]
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verysium · 8 months
i assume that you listen to the weeknd sooo may i ask for a quick the weeknd song associations w bllk characters perhaps? if possible. i like the way you think of each character and im curios if we have a common perspective at some point
😭 if you mention abel in any ask to me, there is no way it's going to be quick and easy. this took me like a week to process and even longer to formulate my answer. it's difficult to assign just one song to each character because the discography is just so versatile, so there may be some overlap.
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this song is basically kaiser if he left someone in his past prior to joining bastard münchen in his rise to fame. i envision a reader who was with him during the early years of his career (maybe as childhood friends), and he abandoned them when his big breakthrough finally came.
"you did many things / that i liked, that i liked" the covert narcissism here was the selling point. now i'm not saying kaiser is a pathological narcissist, but the way he thinks inherently revolves around himself. he only likes people because they have something he likes. you have to possess something he actually wants before he even bats an eyelash at you. and even when you do get into his good graces, it's conditional. in other words, kaiser's buddy-buddy system is entirely based on value. how much value are you going to provide him, and how long is that value going to last? hence why he's so obsessed with isagi because our little blueberry sprout protagonist has both the novelty and adaptability kaiser desires.
"you made me feel so good / before i left on the road" i know this sounds like some shit a frat boy would spew, but here me out. i think the reason why half the fandom absolutely bashes kaiser's character is because his actions come off as emotionally immature. making arrogant claims with nothing to back them up? having no personal boundaries? manhandling other people? projecting his own insecurities in the form of jealousy? that sounds a lot like some of the male specimens i've seen in today's society, particularly those who make podcasts for a living. kaiser is not a hot bad boy. he's just pure jerk in some cases, and a tragic backstory is not going to justify those actions. but to apply that to a romantic relationship? some of y'all are not ready to hear this, but kaiser is not going to make a good boyfriend. he would most definitely use you.
"you deserve your name / on a crown, on a throne" if there's one thing you should know about kaiser, it's that he will find a way to pay homage to his past, even if it wasn't a good time for him. so despite the way he absolutely ghosted you years ago, he will find a way to enshrine your existence within his. i have a running theory that kaiser's tattoos are actually for the girl he left back at home. he'd probably get your name inked on his knuckles or something.
"but i remember on the bathroom floor / 'fore i went on tour / like you said we couldn't do it again / cause you had a thing with some other man" i've read a lot of fics where kaiser has a possessive meltdown whenever reader finds someone else after their break-up, or even just the reddit theories that kaiser will flip out when ness finally leaves him. i'm going to add my own take on this. yes, kaiser will freak out but only after a long stage of denial. at first, he's going to be unfazed because there's no way you'd actually leave him. and even if you did find another man, you would inevitably come crawling back to him. in his mind, the fact that you two should be together is about as debatable as defying the laws as physics. which is to say, there is no debate.
"now that i heard you're single /...i'll give you something to live for" mr. steal your girl is back. kaiser may be rash and impulsive in his everyday life, but his patience is limitless when it comes to biding his time against his enemies. you're finally big enough to eat, yoichi...does that ring any bells? he will literally wait just so he can see your new relationship crash and burn. and when it finally does, he will swoop in during your time of emotional need and make you co-dependent on him. this man has the self-seeking opportunism of a whole vulture committee.
"and it feels so priceless to me / that you're always free" ok but this double entendre??? like priceless as in you're valuable to the point you're free from anyone's definition of value. but also priceless in the way you're worth nothing, and people can have you for free. this is literally kaiser in any relationship where the other party overcompensates for him. i'm going to use ness as an example. i think kaiser knows how much ness is willing to do for him, and he appreciates it (he better lol) since ness is one of the only people he can actually get along with. but at the same time, the fact that ness would literally do anything for kaiser is also the reason why kaiser takes him for granted. given the large supply of admiration and support, it's only logical that the demand for it should wane. the key to keeping kaiser's attention is scarcity. you can't be too distant from him, but you can't be too close either. if you're right in the optimal middle, then you're scarce, and all scarce things are rare and, subsequently, valuable.
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this song could work for so many characters, but i'm going to go with noel noa because i haven't talked about him much. he fits into this model for "the strongest" character (akin to gojo in jjk or "the little giant" in haikyuu!!) this mentor/role model archetype is incredibly significant in the protagonist's journey to the top. noa is isagi's primary motivation and presumably his greatest obstacle if he were ever to become the #1 player in the world. the tragic aspect to this archetype is that we often aren't given the full picture for these characters. their internal consciousness is eclipsed in some way because the story is written from the perspective of the protagonist. noa grew up in the slums of france, but the manga doesn't actually focus on any of the struggles he had to face. all of that is implied and sometimes even expected. his strength (or at least the image of his strength) becomes everything, and he can't afford to lose any of it. i think that's the saddest part about any character considered the strongest. they push themselves to the top but simultaneously back themselves into a corner.
"if i'm gon' die for you / if i'm gon' kill for you / then i'll spill this blood for you" i know noa's peers like to shit on him for being so serious all the time, but when you're raised in the kind of environment where everything has been against you from day one, the survival mentality is literally ingrained in you. a lot of his advice to isagi is centered around this idea of eliminating any wishful thinking. he can't count on anything that isn't certain. so if he's going to have to make a sacrifice, it has to be worth it. i think that's also why noa doesn't relate to any of the other world class players. he isn't driven by greed or fame or popularity. the egoist mindset doesn't arise from his own personal ambitions. it's simply how he's learned to live life from a young age.
"my heart don't skip a beat, even when hard times bumps the needle" noa is solid. like rock solid, 10 on a mohs hardness scale. but more than solid, he's incredibly sharp in his focus. he specifically tells isagi not to try and play god because he's seen so many other players try to do that and fail. they get caught up in what their goal could mean: victory, prestige, grandeur, control over others. but to noa, a goal is simply a goal. he doesn't care if this is a win or a loss for his team. he doesn't care if this will put him at rivalry with others. all he needs to do is figure out the most efficient way to get a black-and-white ball through the net. and he's so goddamn good at this. he's mastered it to the point he can focus on what he desires right now in this moment and block out everything else as unnecessary noise. hence, he doesn't get overwhelmed by external pressures. everything about him, even his ego, is intrinsic. and that's what makes him the best.
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i'm running out of room, so i'm just gonna list the next few below:
starboy: i've seen this song being assigned to either rin or kaiser, but now that i re-evaluate it, i think the self-deprecative and bitter tone fits sae best.
call out my name: reo listened to this the day nagi left him. i was there, so this is a reliable primary source. it is his breakup song.
heartless: i would assign this one to sae. the melody, the vibe, not so much the lyrics. the overall impression just fits him. i don't know how to explain it.
the hills: this song suits barou, and you cannot tell me otherwise. i'm gonna blast this every time he makes an entrance in the manga.
lost in the fire: this is oliver's pre-game anthem. he's not actually as cool as the song implies, but he likes to think he is.
don't break my heart: this is rin when he's acting butt-hurt. his first big heartbreak was from a 180-cm redhead who drinks salted kombucha every morning and has ugly shorn-off bangs.
die for you: honestly this song was made for the children of divorce who grew up with a messed up conception of love and avoidant attachment style, so obviously i'm going to assign this one to hiori.
too late: kaiser plays this from his stereo while he sips on a martini and contemplates self-destruction. he recognizes that he was in the wrong, but is he actually going to apologize? hell no.
moth to a flame: this is isagi being the homewrecker he is. he's not innocent enough to be completely pardoned. i would classify him as either chaotic good or lawful neutral.
gasoline: niko would suit this song cus he can be somewhat nihilistic if he wants to be. also because i headcanon him as someone with a disorderly sleep schedule.
the morning: uh....honestly idk. this one stumped me. it's giving that one barou backshot where he was training shirtless. but it also reminds me of that one kaiser panel with his 300,000,000 salary.
sidewalks: kunigami plays this song while working out. he is the og grinder. started from the bottom and clawed his way up to the top.
how do i make you love me? ness plays this while doodling in his "operation make kaiser fall in love with me" notebook.
less than zero: this is kira after isagi ousted him from popularity. not much else to say.
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talonabraxas · 5 months
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Working with the Energies of Gemini Season
As the Sun enters the zodiac of Gemini on May 20th, it crosses over the Pleiades, a cluster of seven stars that carry a high vibrational healing energy.
As the Sun crosses these stars and activates their energy, it opens a portal that is beamed straight to Earth and into our hearts, reminding us to focus on the light, all that we feel grateful for, and the innate healing powers of our body.
As we welcome this incredible Pleiadean energy, and as the Sun settles into the zodiac of Gemini, energy begins to shift from our lower chakras to our higher chakras. We move away from the grounded forces of Taurus Season into the cerebral forces that Gemini Season brings.
Gemini is an air sign that supports communication and self-expression. As Gemini Season unfolds, it becomes a power time to work on voicing our thoughts and feelings, sharing our story, and becoming a better listener.
Gemini energy is also highly social, and a great time to surround ourselves with like-minded souls that we can jive and create with.
Connecting with others can enrich our lives and our souls, so make it a priority under the Gemini Sun to spend time with friends, or take steps to create community in your life.
On deeper levels, Gemini also helps us to build a bridge between our human selves and our soul selves.
Represented by the twins, where one twin is immortal and the other mortal, Gemini reminds us that we are both human and a soul, and that it is important to nurture both these sides of who we are.
Sometimes, our human side and our soul side work in tandem, but other times, it can be hard for our human side to truly understand what our soul side can.
If you have been struggling to accept life events or create a balance between either of these sides, you may find that Gemini Season brings the support and knowledge needed to bring some harmony.
As an air sign, Gemini energy is always sending inspired ideas and lightbulb moments across the airwaves, so be sure your mind is clear and free of chatter so these inspirations are easily received.
Ways to Use the Energy of Gemini Season:
Find a balance between the material and the spiritual Recognize that there are two sides to the story Reflect on your style of communication Share your story – begin speaking, writing, or podcasting Redirect anxious energy to creative energy Embrace being a social butterfly Express your truth Journal your thoughts and feelings Update or reconsider your social media habits Release fears around expressing yourself Activate and heal your throat chakra Work with your hands
Gemini Season Journal Prompts:
You don’t have to do all these prompts; simply choose the ones that resonate with you the most. I would recommend doing at least three throughout the season.
1.) I feel safest expressing myself when… 2.) I really want to say… 3.) How can I give a voice to all the parts of me that I have silenced… 4.) I can enrich my human experience by… 5.) I can acknowledge the soul within me and this limitless Universe by… 6.) Two things can be true at the same time. Explore where two opposing thoughts or feelings may be coming up for you. 7.) Reflect on 10 ways you can be more social 8.) Reflect on your social media habits/consumption of content and information. What are 3 steps you can take to create a healthier approach to social media? 9.)Where are you living in your head rather than in reality? How can you take some of the ideas or stories that live inside you and begin bringing them to life? 10.) Think of a story from your past that you keep telling yourself. Now, write a new version of that story with a more awakened or positive outlook.
Energies of Gemini by Talon Abraxas
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arctic-hands · 5 months
Thirty minutes and 9 paragraphs into an excited list of alternatives to Spotify's monopoly re: music, videos, podcasts, audiobooks, for weenies like me who are nervous about pirating, and my app crashes.
Well now I'm on a laptop and I swear to god if this crashes too I'm calling it a conspiracy.
Music: There are virtually limitless options here. Buy music directly from the musicians/band! If they don't sell mp3s directly from their site, they almost certainly have CDs for sale, so buy those and rip the mp3s to your computer (if your computer doesn't have a CD slot, you can buy an external one for fairly cheap). Go to a new/used music store, they still exist!, and buy albums there. Buy old albums from ebay! Go to goodwill or other thrift stores and browse there collection of cast-off music for cheap, you never know what you'll find. Hell, browse their cheap vinyl if you prefer their sound and get a vinyl-to-MP3 conversion device if you like. They even have conversion devices for cassette tapes, if you find a treasure that was only ever released on tape. Once upon a time I would have said Bandcamp for MP3 or even physical albums (I once upon a time got an AUTOGRAPHED TO MY NAME CD of Lauren Ruth Ward's Well Hell album), but they recently union busted and a lot of artists pulled their stuff from them. I don't really know anything about 7Digital's business practices, but they are another seller of MP3 music, as well as MP4, FLAC, and WAV.
Music DEVICES: If you just want to manage everything on one device, your phone, get the free VLC app! It's open source and is absolutely wonderful. I only ever used it for music, but it's capable of much more than I realized, and it's open source and ad-free! And the audio files are tiny, even when I was running out of room on my sixteen gig old phone, I still had a substantial music library on it before before I got a dedicated music player.
Which brings me to my next point: MP3 PLAYERS STILL EXIST! I own two! My first one is a twenty-dollar SanDisk Clip Jam (an established and sturdy brand), my current is a thirty-dollar Phinistec Z6 (that just came out of nowhere it seems). Each have their pros and cons, and there are so so so many options out there. Some are smart, some don't even have wifi (neither of mine do). Some have expandable card slots for even more music. Some are extremely basic, some have a plethora of features. Some are cheap but still decent in sound, some are high-end for that true audiophile experience. Some have touch screens, some have buttons, some have no screens at all. Some only use wired earphones, some only use bluetooth, some (like the Z6) can use both! There are so many brands out there even in Twenty Twenty-four. Even the random brands cropping up online are some really good shit, and I bought both of mine used bc I have concerns about the lithium industry. Oh, and some are regular battery powered. And you don't need iTunes or anything, I just use the basic Windows Media Player to rip my CDs or put mp3s music on my player. In fact I've been avoiding Apple players because I'm worried they'd brick older devices, especially ones with wifi. But there are so many options out there, it's impossible to name them all.
Audiobooks: YOU DON'T HAVE TO USE AUDIBLE! Libro.fm has a similar business model (an optional subscription fee with a free credit every month, or the option to buy book without a subscription for a little bit extra price), and you can direct the profits to the indie bookseller of your choice! I have mine set to go to Baltimore's anarcho-feminist bookstore, Red Emma's. How to listen to the audiobooks you buy? Libro has an app you can listen to directly from! AND they have the option to directly download from the site (meaning no program you have to install) the book in non-proprietary mp3/mp4 files so you can listen to it on any device that can use those files! THAT INCLUDES MP3 PLAYERS! Almost every music player on the market now not only plays audiobooks, but has sections on the device specifically for them! Some, like the Clip Jam, are even proprietary audible-compatible if you still use or already have books there (check audible's site, and you'll have to go thru a registration process). I was listening to audiobooks on both my CJ and the Z6 (the Z6 doesn't have a section for them, but still played them), but I recently bought an e-ink/e-paper (meaning no backlit LED screen causing eye strain or insomnia) ereader, a Pocketbook Touch HD 3, and that is mp3/mp4 capable for audiobooks, and is easier to maneuver books with since it's meant for books. ALSO: the library apps Hoopla and Libby also have audiobooks you can listen to via phone or computer/browser, depending on your library's catalog. Some ereaders can even have the apps for them, and if they have audiocapabilities you can use the ereader for that too.
Podcasts: There are so many apps for this. I have Podcast Addict (I don't remember off the top of my head if it's on apple, I use android, but there are still so many apps). Literally I only had to sacrifice one podcast when I stopped using spotify, PodcastAddict has everything else I've ever listened to or want to listen to in the future. You can download them for offline use on your phone, and, you guessed it, MOST MP3 PLAYERS HAVE PODCAST SECTIONS TOO. MINE DO! There are still ads at the beginning and end, but I usually skip over them without care.
Video: This one is a bit trickier as YouTube is also a monopoly, but what I do is just watch yt on my phone's Firefox browser with UBlock Origins adblocker installed. Sometimes yt gets into a hissy fit with adblocker, but UBlock usually gets ahead pretty quickly thus far. And if in the periods Origins is losing, I just find something else to do. I'm sure someone else has recommendations for videos, they're just not a big part of my life right now.
Anyway, don't let the horrid beast that is spotify monopoloize the audio industry OR your time! There are options, and even if you're not a luddite like me that hates having everything on my smartphone bc I'm worried about privacy or companies yoinking their stuff off my devices via wifi (like Amazon did once with their copies of, of all things, Nineteen Eighty-four about a decade ago) at the whim of corporations. You HAVE OPTIONS! YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CONTROL YOUR MEDIA AND REJECT MONOPOLIES!
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siberat · 8 months
I saw a while back you did some art of pregnant chubby drift and honestly I'd love to hear whatever headcanons or short stories you got on it tbh, we need more pregnant chubby drift in life
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( added the art pic as well)
Due to his current state, the living room was the most used room nowadays. Expecting their first batch of spark/lings in the next few weeks, Dr/ift spent most of his time lying in the berth or cozied up on the sofa watching podcasts. The heft of carrying three spark/lings weighed him down.
As his servos rubbed over his swollen- and sometimes moving- belly, he recalled the time he discovered their carrying. All the classic signs were there: morning sickness, mood changes, excessive tiredness, and, oh boy, the food cravings!
While Dr/ift considered him to have a broad palette, the treats he suddenly desired were out in left field. His normal foods were healthy, nutritious, and tasty. Now, his belly had an insatiable desire for sweets, briny foods such as pickles, and cakes.
The start was simple at first- the medic's snacks would be stolen from cupboards, or extra sugar cubes would be placed in the hot energon beverage in the morning. But as the days passed, the yearning for junk food seemed limitless! He’d reach in to steal another packaged cake to find he had long consumed them all. After supper, he would take seconds on those desserts Rat/chet was fond of. Ice cream was usually devoured with crumbled-up cookies and chocolate. And who can resist chocolates, peanut butter, and rich and creamy puddings?
This binge-snacking soon caught up with him: he sported a belly bulge. Yes, he was mortified at first, trying to hide his weight gain from his lover. His once sleek and tight frame now dropped and sagged. How could anyone find this blobby mess appealing? The swords/mech spent hours in front of the mirror grimacing as he pinched at the squishy, newly formed rolls. He nearly screamed in horror when he checked out his now wider aft in the mirror.
 And when the CMO discovered that starter belly, Dr/ift, being very cranky, nearly bit his head off, whaling in shame and defensive anger. And then he locked himself in the berthroom and cried, feeling guilty for becoming so irate with his lover. That was the longest night ever. Of course, Rat/chet attempted to soothe his distraught lover through the closed door, but it was useless.
However, the next day, the thought hit him like a ton of bricks. Was he carrying? Dr/ift nearly squealed with joy after picking up a test and testing himself! And you can imagine the excitement to be had upon his con/jux returning home. Both were delighted and celebrated.
With cakes, ice cream, and pickles, of course.
The evenings now consisted of pampering sessions. That belly swell was cherished, treated almost as if it were another living entity as Rat/chet stroked, caressed, and baby-talked it at any chance. Dr/ift briefly got jealous. Just kidding! He loved how Rat/chet cooed over his baby bump, smiling whenever gazing upon its swelled mass. Slag, when snuggling, the medic made out with the belly almost as much as he did with Dr/ift.
Anything Dr/ift could ever desire, Rat/chet provided. If there was a midnight craving and Dr/ift attempted to wobble his larger frame to the kitchen, Rat/chet would bark for him to lay back down as he got up to fix the desired dish. Even better was how the medic insisted on spoon-feeding him the treat, then rubbed his belly, whispering adoring words of encouragement as they drifted back into recharge.
Let’s face it: Rat/chet comes across as a crotchety old fart at times, right? However, he was such a doting creator. Whenever ankles would be swollen, he was there to rub them. Needed creams rubbed on his stretching and therefore itching protomesh? Rat/chet would eagerly rub some on. Later on, when Dr/ift really got huge, Rat/chet would help him shower, washing all the areas the swords/mech had trouble reaching on his own. Yeah, servo’s wondered, but use your imagination for that.
All the while, the doctor would continuously tell Dr/ift how much he was loved. If there were any doubts of still being attracted to such a large, bloated frame, Rat/chet reassured how hot the T/IC still looked. The frame of an expecting mech was a glorious sight to behold- just knowing his spark/lings were healthily growing filled his spark with pride and joy. He’d also show this admiration with all the kisses, cuddles, and caresses. Slag, one evening was spent with the medic kissing every part of the carrying mech’s frame.
The spark/ling room was all decorated and prepared for the arrival of their little ones. Pictures of cute cyberducks hung on the walls, three cribs with an excellent wood stain lined the back wall, and a study rocking chair rested in the corner of the room. Whatever the carrier would want, the other provided. Many nights, while Dr/ift was still relatively mobile, the pair would just gaze upon the nursery. Rat/chet held Dr/ift in his arms, kissing at neck cables as hands lovingly roamed over that big ol’ belly. Rat/chet would smile, proclaim his love to his con/jux, and tell him how much joy the swords/mech brought him.
Rat/chet always wanted to be a father
…. Hope you enjoy! Thanks for the prompt!
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Ash Wednesday, Isaiah 6, and the blessing in our limitations
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Painting by Justin Simmons.
(If you're interested in listening to this post instead of reading it, I also shared this on my podcast, Blessed Are the Binary Breakers.)
I said, “Mourn for me; I’m ruined! I’m a man with unclean lips, and I live among a people with unclean lips. Yet I’ve seen the king, the Lord of heavenly forces!” Then one of the winged creatures flew to me, holding a glowing coal that ze had taken from the altar with tongs. Ze touched my mouth and said, “See, this has touched your lips. Your guilt has departed, and your sin is removed.” - Isaiah 6:5-7
Did the glowing coal leave a mark? A smear of dark? A bright burn?
Reading this text on Ash Wednesday, I can’t help but connect Isaiah’s coal and our ashy crosses:
He confesses himself unclean — admits his limits, where he and his people have failed.
We profess ourselves dust — acknowledge our limits, the finite time we have here and now, and how often we’ve failed to cherish that time.
In the confession, we open ourselves to blessing. Accepting our limits, we fall into God’s limitless love.
Why these physical, ritual actions — coal to the lips, ashes to the brow — to mark these limits and the blessings they yield?
God knows, respects, loves our existence as embodied spirits, inspirited bodies. She pairs spiritual gifts with tangible signs to help us experience Her truths with our whole selves.
A glowing coal — dead plants packed deep, transformed over eons, unburied at last and set alight — touches truth-telling lips to set them free.
Ashes of palm branches once waved in worship, burned down to begin the cycle anew, mark us as individually finite, but gathered into an infinite love.
Take time to prayerfully consider your own limits. What blessings, what liberation can you imagine flowing from our individual finitude? How can you connect your limited time and gifts to a greater whole, in small ways with great love?
- Shared on Daily Ripple for 14 Feb, 2024
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ao3feed-jonmartin · 2 months
Jon was dead
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ceY2uDy by PatheticPaprika The almost-musings of an almost-man trapped within realities. Jon does not exist yet he feels each an every one of his limitless existences. And god does it hurt in all its non-existent pain. But sometimes there is Martin. OR Jon was dead. OR Jon was dead. OR Jon was almost alive. Words: 2299, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: The Magnus Archives (Podcast), The Magnus Protocol (Podcast) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Martin Blackwood Relationships: Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Martin Blackwood & Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Chester/Norris (The Magnus Protocol), Chester & Norris (The Magnus Protocol) Additional Tags: poetic prose, Surreal, Character Study, kind of, Angst, references to tmagp but only absurdly vaguely, a poor man's attempt at mixed media, No beta we kayak like Tim, Angst with a Happy Ending, ish, Mixed Media read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/ceY2uDy
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elijah-loyal · 8 months
Finished my TMA fic!! Very excited to write, and I absolutely enjoyed exploring writing fic in a different setting and world/universe than I usually do. I would love to continue if time (and school) allows!
art for this fic here
@mushroominawaterbottle I've done it lmao
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infectiouspiss · 2 years
i’m going to start a podcast so i can bring marina on and ask her about the catgirl outfit because i’m so certain that was just gerard walking into a party city with their limitless credit card and a dream
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The Limitless Podcast Transcript [S2E9]
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TW: None. Notes: Finally picked this up again! Word Count: 1.9K
[Previous] | [Next] [Other Groups Masterlist] | [Without a Trace Masterlist]
Disclaimer: Please remember that this is an AU and a work of fiction, obviously the idols mentioned/written about in this story would never partake in these actions. The idols mentioned in this work are meant to be seen more as face claims rather than the actual idols themselves.
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Release Date: August X, 2021 Episode Title: The Charlatan Run Time: 20:32 Minutes
Intro Song: Fake Luv - thankgoditswknd
Johnny: Hello, hello, everyone! Good evening and welcome to the ninth episode of the Limitless Podcast! We're your hosts Johnny Suh and Mark Lee, and boy do we have an episode for you all tonight.
Mark: Yup, that's right! As highly requested by our Patreons, we're doing an episode on the Charlatan, aka the serial killer who has been terrorizing multiple cities now.
Johnny: But before we delve into that, we have an announcement to make. We will be holding off on the podcast's transcripts for now, none of us have been able to reach Crys since the last episode, so we're going to have to put them on hold.
Mark: Don't worry, though! This isn't the first time Crys has kind of disappeared off the face of the earth, I'm pretty sure she'll text one of us soon with some outrageous story about what happened to her.
Johnny: And, also, as you can see, no special guest today, sadly.
Mark: Yeah, we're back to the old format for now, but we'll see who we can reel in next episode!
Johnny: Yup, so that's all for that for now, let's move onto the news! Mark, take it away!
Mark: Yes... so as everyone expected, the Vigilante Ban has been the hot topic for the last couple of days. It was recently put into question with the fight for better insurance policies and healthcare for victims of sudden mutations as well as for the appearance of the "A" team a few days ago at the bank. Speaking of that team up, they've been quiet since their debut, and many people are anxiously awaiting their next move after their bold stand up against the Charlatan. There has been no word from lawmakers or law enforcement about their appearance. And that's all for news!
Johnny: Onto our main topic, now. The Charlatan! Who are they? What are they? Why are they? Etc. We had you all send us your pressing questions or interesting theories on Twitter and Shotaro went through them and picked the ones that came up the most. But, before we do that, I'll have Mark give you all a brief introduction.
Mark: Yes, sir, the Charlatan, as we all know, is officially listed as a "serial killer" according to the police. All of their victims are specified in a "list" that they publish at random times but always after the previous list concludes. The victims on the list seemingly have no correlation to each other, but this is currently being investigated. The Charlatan's modus operandi evolved from murdering people themselves into a more organized crime ring and, as a result, we are even seeing their influence in other countries.
Johnny: Fucking wild.
Mark: Yeah, and since the first list was published, what, a year ago? I want to say it was in July of last year, and since then the Charlatan worked slowly but efficiently. If your name was on the list, then it was like a guaranteed death sentence. And this was true up until their penultimate list, we know for a fact that actor Han Jisung is still alive and well.
Johnny: Yeah, and all the way in Canada, hoo.
Mark: He really went as far as he could to avoid this, and I can't even be mad because, not gonna lie, same. If I had some known serial killer coming after me and I had that kind of money I'd run and hide too. But, I'm so sure about this, the Charlatan would have found a way to get to him if that group didn't push him into creating a new list. The Charlatan's fail rate is eerily low.
Johnny: Huh... with that much information someone would think you're the Charlatan, Mark.
Mark: Uhhh... I'll take that as a compliment? To be honest I just spent four hours on Twitter and went through the second page of Google.
Johnny: Whoa, talk about thorough there, bud.
Mark: Yeah, yeah, but we've barely touched the tip of the iceberg. To date, there have been up to eighty "Charlatan" cases, but really there have only been a confirmed twenty. Meaning, the actual Charlatan was only responsible for twenty while the remaining sixty were copycat cases. If you reference the Charlatan's list, we really only have evidence for twenty of them.
Johnny: Damn... so the Charlatan has followers then?
Mark: Sure, if you want to call them that. I was scrolling through their blog posts and they just seem like bandwagoners, know what I mean?
Johnny: Yeah, it's a little tasteless, I think. Calling yourself a Charlatan supporter after all the crap that's happened because of them, like, it's so disrespectful to the victims.
Mark: That's what I'm saying! But the fact that the Charlatan has such a cult following is interesting already, you know? When was the last time we saw something like this?
Johnny: Hm... probably the Loveholic cases.
Mark: Oh shit that guy.
Johnny: Yeah, that guy. That shit was crazy.
Mark: Quick aside to those who don't know, before the vigilante ban our last episode of season one was supposed to be about Loveholic, is he a villain or a vigilante? But, ya know, events happened and the episode never aired.
Johnny: We lost the script too, not gonna lie I was really sad about that.
Mark: Me too, but it's not like we had much on that guy anyway. Kinda sketch though, I wonder if his profile had changed over the years.
Johnny: Hold on, let me do a quick Google search and...
Transcriber's Note: Hey, guys! Crys here, this next part of the podcast ended up not being recorded for some reason? The mic went out and those two just didn't realize it. So I'm just going to pick up whenever the audio continues.
Mark: Uh... hello, hello?
Johnny: Dude, I can't believe that we didn't notice our mics turned off.
Mark: I know! Shotaro, how's chat looking?
Shotaro: Chat's saying that they can hear you loud and clear. But they didn't catch any of what you said last.
Mark: Damn.
Johnny: Damn.
Mark: It wasn't really relevant anyway, so I guess we can just move on and get back on topic. Seems like the Charlatan is really having a tough time with these vigilantes, huh?
Johnny: Honestly, they even changed their list for those vigilantes, that hasn't happened before and as far as we know all nine are still relatively active despite it.
Mark: Active and working together but, I have to play devil's advocate here, what's taking them so long? Nine against one? Not to be that person but I think with their members they should be able to pinpoint the Charlatan quickly, I mean, they have Cypher!
Johnny: That's what I was thinking! But they also have Mastermind, you know how particular he is with his plans, and even Timekeeper can be argued to be a careful risk taker too, you know.
Mark: I guess, and with the whole list change it's not like many others are at risk right now, but... it's still scary, you know?
Johnny: Of course. Who knows who's going to be on that hitlist next.
Mark: Exactly. But now I'm wondering what the Charlatan's motive could possibly be, you know? Murders and kidnappings, but why?
Johnny: Yeah, there really are no correlations with many of the people on the lists, let alone on the same list. I hope once he gets caught he explains his whole plan.
Mark: Like in the movies?
Johnny: Exactly like in the movies. The Charlatan just has this intriguing aura that I'm so curious of, and no doubt that's why those nine got together too, maybe.
Mark: I can see it, the Charlatan's always one step ahead somehow, like they have eyes everywhere, and their henchmen seem to be doubling and tripling, it's hard to tell who's affiliated with the Charlatan and who's faking.
Johnny: There's something really interesting about those henchmen, though! Have you noticed that they are using certain weapons?
Mark: From previous vigilantes, I know! Just the other day one of those henchmen were spotted holding onto Agust's pistols, isn't that insane? Where the hell did they get those? I'm pretty sure the police rounded up nearly all of them.
Johnny: Well, that's what they want us to think.
Mark: Of course, it is.
Johnny: It's just... interesting. And then there's why they use them too.
Mark: I mean... if you want to go into it... I have a theory.
Johnny: Ooh, do share.
Mark: Well, the definition of 'Charlatan' to begin with is "a person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill, or a fraud." And if the Charlatan's henchmen are using ex-vigilante weapons, maybe they're trying to mimic them? But with that said, whoever the real Charlatan is might be someone well know hiding in plain sight. Likewise, they could be someone entirely random just throwing us for a loop, you know? It kind of fits when we put it up with how the Charlatan seems to be one step ahead.
Johnny: Wait that's actually really good, Mark!
Mark: Then part of me wanted to take it to a larger stretch and say maybe the people on their lists are also somewhat of "charlatans" but, for the most part, the victims seem very normal, nothing stands out about them.
Johnny: I wonder how much more this case will unfold.
Mark: Me too, it really is a twisting case. The police are having so much difficulty figuring anything out about them, the broadcasts are just encrypted so well that the Charlatan's impossible to track down and the use of henchmen makes it even harder.
Johnny: Let alone their weapons, those belonged to vigilantes, and it's not like many of the police force are trained to take direct hits from those.
Mark: Yeah, the whole thing is just a mess.
Johnny: You think this is what they wanted?
Mark: Oh, yeah, definitely. Chaos of some kind, or at least instilling that fear into everyone.
Johnny: Shit... keep our doors locked, right?
Mark: Yeah. I think we went over a good majority of it all, the casefile is shockingly short.
Johnny: For it being a year old, the Charlatan covers their tracks well.
Mark: Uh huh, there's not much we can do about lack of information. There's only eyewitness reports of their henchmen, but nothing on the person themselves.
Johnny: Like I said, lock your doors.
Mark: And on that note, we can probably end this episode early. Thanks for listening, you guys, and as usual we’ll be active on Twitter to answer your questions on CuriousCat and, also as usual, we’ll be answering the first 100 questions that come in. We’ll leave a poll pinned for what vigilante you want us to talk about next and maybe we’ll even throw in something extra. If you check out Patreon right now you’ll see a nifty poll for a secret thing that I think you’ll all enjoy. Oh, and buy us a Kofi! Link’s in our bio on Twitter.
Johnny: Oh and thanks to Crys, as always, for transcribing! She works hard so we don't have to! Make sure to follow her on @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l​ and buy her a Kofi so she can keep transcribing more of your favorite podcasts.
Mark: And, seriously, stay safe, everyone.
Johnny: We'll see you in the next one!
Outro Song: the simmer down - deep priority
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General Tag List: @stopeatread @bat-shark-repellant @raeincitizen @umbralhelwolf @yangsrose @kazooms @sadcoffeecritic 
Without a Trace: @naiify @sunsethw4 @leesalts
If you want to be added to either tag list or removed just send me a reply to this post, and ask, or a DM and I’ll add you as soon as possible!
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whumpdoyoumean · 11 months
Whumptober Masterpost
Hey, all! Thank you so much for all of your support this year! I didn't quite make it, but here is a master post of the pieces I was able to complete. Are all linked below the cut, and all are linked with tumblr. Thanks to everyone who put this together and ran it this year!
Day 1| Fandom: The Bear; whumpee: Carmy Berzatto
Days 2-4| Fandom: Firefly; whumpee: Malcolm Reynolds
Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
Day 5| Fandom: The Penumbra Podcast; whumpee: Juno Steel
Day 6| Fandom: Kingsman; whumpee: Eggsy Unwin
Days 7-8| Fandom: DC comics; whumpee: Dick Grayson
Day 7 Day 8
Day 9| Fandom: Outer Banks; whumpee: JJ Maybank
Day 10| Fandom: Daredevil; whumpee: Matt Murdock
Day 11| Fandom: Limitless; whumpee: Brian Finch
Day 12| Fandom: 911: Lone Star; whumpee: Carlos Reyes
Day 13| Fandom: Stranger Things; whumpee: Steve Harrington
Day 14| Fandom: Half Bad; whumpee: Gabriel Boutin
Day 15| Fandom: Mighty Nein; whumpee: Caleb Widogast
Days 16-20| Fandom: The Man From UNCLE; whumpee: Napoleon Solo & Illya Kuryakin
Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20
Day 21| Fandom: Suits; whumpee: Mike Ross & Harvey Spector
Day 22| Fandom: 911: Lone Star; whumpee: TK Strand
Day 23| original content
Day 28| Fandom: The Man From UNCLE; whumpee: Napoleon Solo
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abigailharris99 · 1 month
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Are you craving the freedom to travel while building a thriving online business? Do you dream of exploring exotic locations without the constraints of a traditional office job? Welcome to World Adventurers—where the world of travel meets the realm of entrepreneurship!
The Struggles of the Digital Nomad Life
Being a digital nomad isn’t always a seamless journey. Many aspiring remote workers face common challenges:
Isolation: The nomadic lifestyle can sometimes feel lonely, especially when you're bouncing from one place to another without a stable community.
Work-Life Balance: Juggling work with travel can be tough, leading to burnout and a lack of productivity.
Finding Reliable Resources: Accessing quality workshops, networking events, and local experiences can be hit or miss, leaving you with fewer opportunities to grow your business.
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Exciting Locations: With access to 50 exclusive travel club locations globally—from the serene beaches of the Caribbean to the bustling streets of East Europe—World Adventurers ensures you experience adventure and relaxation, all while working remotely.
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criticallyobs · 10 months
Z WHOLEHEARTEDLY recommends...
As I mentioned in Episode #21 of our Dangerous Romance podcast I love this song so much. The melody is so pretty and catching in a way that is both uplifting but also strangely melancholic.
When listening to it, for me it invokes images of dappled sunshine and a warm summer breeze, it has such a vibe that I feel like I'm not doing it justice.
Positioned in the first episode around the five-minute mark, only the instrumental was used, and yet the lyrics work so beautifully for them also.
I found an AI-written article about the meaning of the lyrics and I was just going 'YES, YES, YES!!!' the whole time I was reading it. (I love it when my obsessive insanity is backed up by things more intelligent than me.)
I want to share some bits from it here:
'The song "Infinity" by Bluma Petersen (featuring Nadja Alsén) explores themes of self-discovery, growth, and the enduring nature of love. The song begins with a greeting to emotions, indicating a renewed awareness and connection to one's own feelings. The reference to oceans and rain symbolizes the vastness and fluidity of emotions. The singer acknowledges their familiarity with their own patterns and identity, expressing that they are aware of their own circles and name.'
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'The chorus, "Reform and rise to be so free, In time we seize infinity," conveys a message of personal transformation and liberation. It suggests that by embracing change and evolution, one can achieve a sense of ultimate freedom and boundlessness.
The verses continue to explore various themes. The mention of borders being out of order and being out of pain suggests breaking free from limitations and past suffering.'
Kang and Sailom both endure such substantial and life-changing character development, as they navigate first their friendship and then their romantic relationship and again when they're separated.
Sailom needed to break free of his strict self-imposed limitations and learn how to ask for help and also to allow the people who love him to care for him.
Kang needed to break away from his own self-doubt and fear while learning to understand that expectations can be a dangerous thing.
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'The lyrics also touch upon the idea of fighting and holding the line, which could imply overcoming obstacles or standing up for oneself. The references to never hiding and never lying indicate a commitment to authenticity and honesty in relationships.'
Honestly, this song could have been written for them.
We spoke many times about the honesty between Kang and Sailom in moments when it mattered. Except for direct feelings, as they struggled to express both their love and fear, they were honest with each other.
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'The repeated lines about coming home and going strong suggest a sense of reunion and strength within a romantic relationship. It implies that despite their individual journeys, they still find solace and support with each other. The conclusion of the song emphasizes the idea of limitless love, with the repetition of "infinity" signifying its eternal nature.
Overall, "Infinity" embodies a message of personal growth, perseverance, and the undying power of love. It encourages embracing change, facing challenges, and finding strength in relationships to achieve a sense of freedom and seize the infinite possibilities that life offers.'
This AI-written article makes me wonder if this particular AI has somehow become sentient and is a fan of Dangerous Romance and has devoured our podcast, because when I was reading the article it was like it was inteligently speaking on why I loved this song and why it couldn't have been more perfect both for that moment in the show and Kang and Sailom's relationship.
The fact that this song was chosen by someone involved in this show and they chose to only include the instrument piece at the start of the song both impresses and kind of angers me.
It's such a good fit - Did they not realize it? Or is this just one more way the Dangerous Romance crew made it known that they are far superior to other productions by encouraging its viewers to engage and really dig into this show?
The song ends much like the show with love and freedom to be themselves together, which will last an infinity.
The way the show ends with Kang coming back to Sailom who has become his home, and in return, Sailom coming to Kang in the hotel room to embrace past fears and hurts lends itself very well to the ideas of home and strength we see mentioned at the end of the song.
A line I somehow missed with my many screenshots "Now we're ready to be whole." Oh, my poor Kanghan Sailom heart.
I love this idea of them feeling equal to each other in the end because they make up each other's missing pieces and now when they're together they're whole.
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audiofictionuk · 5 months
New Fiction Podcasts - 21st April
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Their Final Moments Audio Drama Avery Lindon is troubled by lucid dreams and hallucinations. On the advice of his psychiatrist, he sets out to record each new dream for diagnostic purposes and a worrying pattern emerges. Every night, Avery finds himself in the body of another person and is forced to experience the events leading up to their death. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240409-01 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/theirfinalmoments/feed.xml
The House That Shadows Built Audio Book The House That Shadows Built is a six part fiction podcast  written and read by Joe Copplestone with an original soundtrack by composer Alix Lhoumeau. It's one story in six parts and combines elements of cyber-punk, satire and horror for fans of found footage films, JG Ballard, William Burroughs and Cronenberg. It's not suitable for kids or the faint hearted. In an a nameless city, a nameless narrator lives with their best friend ‘The Chewing Gum Kid’ on the very edge of modern society, squatting in deserted buildings and shoplifting for food. When the two of them discover and take over an abandoned cinema, we follow their transformation from scavenging outsiders to leaders of an underground counter culture movement but what starts as a radical experiment slowly descends into something much, much, darker. This is a dystopian mirror image of our world, a place of flickering screens, walls of video tapes and shifting shadows… https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240410-01 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2319717.rss
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Blades in Paradise Audio RPG In a world without fossil fuels, steam is the way of the future, or so they say in the city of Paradise. Join us in this TTRPG Actual Play of Blades in the Dark where the players are trying to make Paradise live up to its name- with crime. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240411-01 RSS: https://feeds.captivate.fm/blades-in-paradise/
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Imagitopia Audio Book Welcome to Imagitopia, a world where imagination knows no bounds. Follow our heroes as they embark on epic quests to subvert tropes and battle magical, otherworldly forces. Imagitopia is a weekly fantasy fiction podcast and digital magazine produced by Android Press. We strive to transport our listeners and readers to new worlds and inspire them to create stories of their own. Become an Imaginarian and join us on our journey as we explore the limitless possibilities of fantasy. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240405-03 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/imagitopia
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The 3’000 Year Long Lemon Ant War Audio Book Every week I bring to you a new chapter of my worldbuilding epic ”The 3’000 year long Lemon-Ant War”.I write for fun, but also with the hope that the story will with time gain such massive weight, lore and context that it will easily sit on any shelf next to the Holy Bible. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240409-02 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/portellibooks/feed.xml
Actual Play Broadcast Audio RPG Actual Play Broadcast is an actual play podcast where we play various tabletop RPGs and all together have a good time. We are a collective of nerds with a passion for the RPG space and strive to share our love for the hobby with everyone. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240410-02 RSS: https://media.rss.com/actualplaybroadcast/feed.xml
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L'Antre du Gnome Audio Drama Bienvenue dans L'Antre du Gnome, votre série audio de fantasy! https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240412-01 RSS: https://feed.ausha.co/ggwGefvXqkEG
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Det goda livet Audio Drama Vad är egentligen ett gott liv? För dig, idag? För dig, imorgon? Det goda livet är en fiktiv podcast som utspelar sig i framtiden. År 2050 har Europa blivit koldioxidneutralt. Skåne ska stå värd för världsutställningen 2055, på temat "Det goda livet". Som ett led i förberedelserna ger sig tre programledare ut i det skånska landskapet för att undersöka vad ett gott liv egentligen är; konstnären Esarosa, kändiskocken Enkido och den välrenommerade kulturjournalisten Johanna. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240405-04 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f476ded8/podcast/rss
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Song of Fairies Audio Drama Half Fairy Snow fails to prove she has fairy powers and is cast out to the human world. She is set on a journey to find her human father and find her place in the world, but she is slowly losing control of her powers. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240413-01 RSS: https://feeds.libsyn.com/523488/rss
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Resar Noir Audio Book Resar Noir is a podcast brought to you by Stephen Resar. This podcast is a collection of Stephen’s original short stories and mini-series that delve into dark fiction, espionage, investigation, crime, murder, the paranormal, hard-boiled detectives, and politics. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240414-01 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2343606.rss
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The Scrying House Audio Drama A weekly fiction podcast examining the old Scrying House, a mirage in the trees that residents of Cape Flattery can only whisper about. Join Margot Knight and some unexpected guests as she attempts to discover the secret of her late grandmother's estate by uncovering the mountains of case files and notes left behind. But beware, as you listen someone (or something) else may be listening with you... https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240416-01 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/scryinghouse
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Twitchals Book 1: Dwindling Magic Audio Book Audiobook of a middle-grade cyber-mystery-fantasy novel by TDL White. It follows the adventures of Nick Thompson, who has been sent to a rather exclusive boarding school where his hacker skills make him useful to a mysterious gang of slightly magical students. What starts out as simple hacks and easy magic soon descends into dangerous liaisons and a life-or-death situation for both Nick and his new found friends. Featuring magical portals, script-kiddie hacking, awful school uniform, a strange stiff-legged dog, and mercenary rats. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240412-02 RSS: https://tdlwhite.com/podcasts/twitchals1/rss.xml
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Simulacro Audio Drama Marcos Oliveira, uno de los padres de la inteligencia artificial, desaparece de forma misteriosa en Canarias y lo único que saben es que iba buscando una puerta. El escritor Santiago Álvarez recorre la última ruta que hizo el científico para intentar resolver el misterio pero, cuanto más lo busca, más perdido se encuentra en un laberinto entre la realidad y la simulación. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240417-01 RSS: https://www.spreaker.com/show/6147871/episodes/feed
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Dicey Bastards Comedy DnD Podcast Audio RPG A retired Swashbuckler and his questionable Sorcerer companion come out of retirment for one last epic heist. Can they put the perfect team together to steal a priceless artifact in time for the Festival of Heroes? Find out in this hilarious and chaotic 5E Actual Play podcast where six authors go head-to-head to weave a tale of legendary lunacy! https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240402-04 RSS: https://www.spreaker.com/show/6138774/episodes/feed
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The tall guy with the short stories. Audio Book I enjoy writing and reading short stories. I also love having new fresh stories to listen to while at work. Figured maybe you folks would like to join me. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20230413-03 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/cef43ca0/podcast/rss
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3P - Partners in Pen & Paper Audio RPG Hier unterhalten wir euch mit Actual Plays zu unseren Runden und einzelnen Spielvorstellungen. Unsere Schwerpunkte liegen auf Erzähl- und Indierollenspielen, mit Abstechern zu OSR. Auf unserem Discord-Server planen wir unsere Runden öffentlich, suchen nach Mitspielenden und tauschen uns gerne mit euch aus. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20210101-23 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/7fc96420/podcast/rss
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The Numbers Station Audio Drama Leave the world behind and immerse yourself in the nebulous world of nightmares and hallucinations so similar to reality, but...not quiet. Not real enough. Created by Charlie Mesure. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240407-02 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/the-numbers-station
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Aerrigo's Odyssey Audio RPG Welcome to Aerrigo’s Odyssey! Listen in as four unpolished heroes explore a homebrewed realm buried in secrets and danger, seeking answers and learning about themselves in the process. This is a passion project of mine, that originated as a collection of short stories and fantastical worlds that I created as a kid. I never dreamed that I would be able to bring it to life in the way I've been able to Since this is my first experience DMing and playing dungeons and dragons at all, I'm learning as I go. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240414-02 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/aerrigos-odyssey
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Crimson Ink Audio Drama After a major reporter for the city paper goes missing, it's up to his wife and the help of the city's greatest has-been detective to uncover the dangerous web of lies that led to his dissapearance. Under the table deals, bad blood, the mafia? There's not telling how far down this rabbit hole goes. A new audio drama inspired by the likes of The Adventures of Philip Marlowe and Yours Truly, Johnny Dolar. Brought to you by the students of Grand Canyon University. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240410-03 RSS: https://www.spreaker.com/show/6138872/episodes/feed
Joffrey vous raconte Audio Book Joffrey vous raconte trois histoires regroupées dans "Le Diable était là". Trois récits que le Malin écoutera avec beaucoup d'attention. Le premier, intitulé "Le Diable dans une cage", regroupe les nouvelles d'un professeur de français et ses élèves qui imaginent des histoires de maléfices et de destins tragiques, sans se rendre compte que le Diable est à leur côté. Le deuxième, "L'homme qui ne voulait plus aimer" nous plonge dans un conte de fée noir. Tandis que le dernier récit, "Un Souhait après l'autre" relate la rencontre du Diable, sous la forme d'une coccinelle, et d'une petite fille qui a la lourde tâche de choisir son meilleur souhait. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240404-03 RSS: https://joffreyvousraconte.fr/category/podcast/feed/
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Goodberry Pie Audio RPG Come take a seat at our table and we'll serve you a slice of Goodberry Pie! Goodberry Pie is a multi-genre TTRPG podcast where we create and play one-on-one microcampaigns consisting of two to five sessions. If you like your D&D ala mode, or your Honey Heist served with whip cream we got it all in the cooler. Order's up! https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240413-03 RSS: https://feeds.captivate.fm/goodberry-pie/
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The Usual NPCs Audio RPG We're thrilled to announce the premiere of our brand-new podcast, The Usual NPCs . It's a Norse inspired campaign with 4 real life strangers (and one person that brought them all together) and our GM. Join our eclectic group of characters—Althea the crocheting artificer, Levi the hungry paladin, Boomer the enigmatic sorcerer, Scrivmir the artistic rogue, and Fitz the historian bard—as they navigate treacherous landscapes and uncover the mysteries buried beneath the snow covered tundra of Midland. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240401-03 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/efc16c50/podcast/rss
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Natural Rollers Audio RPG Natural Rollers is a DnD 5e Podcast. Your dungeon master is Tyler McAlister, with the fantastic group of players, Tim, Leslie, and Lindy! https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240401-04 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f301c144/podcast/rss
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Halfway to Infinity Audio Book A series of original short stories by voice actor Michael Rhys. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240418-01 RSS: https://feeds.captivate.fm/halfwaytoinfinity/
Forever Yours Audio Drama Forever Yours, a love story that transcends time... Follow the written journey of a handsome and witty soldier and an aspiring baker,in the midst of the Korean War. Set in the Jim Crow south, the two share their captivating love story across oceans with weekly love letters. Together they learn that distance cannot erase the shared prejudices they face as African-Americans. Listen to Forever Yours, a new romantic fiction podcast brought to you by Well Writers Audio. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240416-02 RSS: https://media.rss.com/foreveryourspodcast/feed.xml
Operation Starship Infinity Audio Drama Welcome to Operation Starship Infinity. The year is 3856 and we left our planet New New Earth to find a new habitable planet, to hide from the evil intergalactic terrorist corporation that's trying to take over the universe. This corporation is called KBC Corp. The ship is owned by Lucious who owns Quantum Corp. We are headed on a journey that our Master Navigator, Aquamarine has calculated that it is going to take the ship 175 years to get to the next inhabitable planet carrying 1,200 passengers. However, an electromagnetic force field has hit the ship, the navigation system is down and there is damage to the ship. The Captain, co-Captain and a select few of others have been woken to help the androids fix the ship. Aquamarine figured out we have only been asleep 75 years and they are way off course. The mission now is : to get the navigation system back up, fix the ship and get everyone back to sleep. Can they find a closer planet to seek refuge? Well, I guess we're gonna find out. Welcome, to Operation Starship Infinity. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240311-07 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/operation-starship-infinit
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Way Out Audio Book Welcome to Way Out, a roadside diner with an imaginative waiter working tonight's shift. He's bored—as anyone would be during a slow overnight slog—so he begins imagining backstories for the sleepy patrons around him. The catch? He's a horror buff, so these stories aren't exactly sweet. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240417-02 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/ed613e90/podcast/rss
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Aufnahmen aus der Geisterwelt Audio Drama Achtung, ab 18 und ohne Gewähr! Wir haben exklusiven Zugriff auf den umfangreichen Nachlass von Dr. Walsh, einem zu Lebzeiten umstrittenen Parawissenschaftler. Erst nach seinem Tod entdeckte man seine umfangreiche Sammlung an tagebuchähnlichen Aufzeichnungen und Tondokumenten, mit denen er seine verstörensten Fälle dokumentiert hat. Es sind entrückte und erschreckende Aufnahmen - und wir dürfen sie nun hören. Mit großem Aufwand rekonstruiert die Podcasterin und Journalistin Milla König seine Fälle und erzählt Sie nach Besten Wissen und Gewissen nach. Jede Folge ein Fall von Parawissenschaftler Dr. Frederic Walsh. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240415-01 RSS: https://aufnahmenausdergeisterwelt.podigee.io/feed/mp3
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Spectacle of Power Audio Book A fantasy fiction podcast which follows one continuous story. Join a varied cast of characters as they strive to overcome a diabolical threat, coming face-to-face with the spectacle of power.Timothy Brunskill. </div> https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240418-02 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2353914.rss
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Rolling Midnight Audio RPG Dedicated to telling authentic and innovative stories through the medium of tabletop gaming, Rolling Midnight is the latest indie actual play podcast series released by award winning studio Midnight Ceremonies Media. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240419-01 RSS: https://midnightceremoniesmedia.com/feed/podcast/rolling-midnight/
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