#the lonely bitch in me just wants someone who I'm interested in to say i love you and wrap their arms around me
nor-4 · 4 months
Formula 1 Incorrect Quotes with reader Two
F1IQ - Part One
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Y/n: Bitch why don't you shut the fuck up before i slit your throat and watch the honor roll out?
Max: Are you threatening me??
Y/n: No, I'm hitting on you, flash me a titty bitch.
Lewis: Yeah uh, there's something I've been wanting to say lately.
Y/n: Oh what's that?
Lewis: The N-Word
Y/n looking at toto: Look at your dad. Such a dork, keeping bees.
Y/n: I mean atleast it's interesting though. At least like, i wish my dad kept bees.
Y/n: I mean it's kind of cute. Like, your dad keeps bees.
Y/n: How old is your dad? He's obviously beekeeping age. I dont know. I think It's kind of sweet.
Y/n: George, i wanna fuck your dad.
George: Oh really?
Yuki: Hey can i sit with you?
Y/n: Why
Yuki looking at stroll and ocon: The kids at the other table keep throwing ketchup packets at me.
Y/n: You're not covered in ketchup, though
Yuki: They don't know you have to open it first
Y/n: Damn. We need remedial bullying class too.
Yuki: So how do you like your remedial english?
Y/n: I guess it's whatever. My mom was really pissed, though.
Yuki: Yeah? What about your dad?
Y/n: My dad killed himself.
Charles: I'm finally seeing someone good for me.
Alex: Omg who is it?
Charles: A therapist
Y/n: max is pissing me off *20 minutes ago*
Y/n: nvm just got dicked down
George: Girl what..
Fernando: Every time i talk to you i feel confused.
Fernando: I've never met anyone that speaks like you do
Y/n: Stop lovebombing me
Fernando: what? It's not a compliment
Fernando: You scare me
Y/n: What are you hiding from me?
Zhou: Nothing..
Y/n: Zhou Guanyu.
Zhou pulls out a cat: The cat distribution system chose me okay
Y/n at drive to survive: If he cheats on you, put hair remover in his shampoo, you wanna act like Andrew tate, u gon look like him too.
Lewis wearing a beanie: I CAN'T LIVE LIKE THIS FOREVER
Toto: That's your fault. Being too quick signing your seat with ferrari
Oscar: Are you high?
Lando: Am i what?
Oscar: High
Lando: Hello
Christian: So what could a Mercedes principal possibly have then?
Y/n: I just feel like he'd be into satan-worship, or at the very least have a sex diary.
Christian: A toto wolff sex diary would be horrifying. He's like our rival.
Y/n: We say that about Stephen king books, we still read those.
Daniel: "Dear diary, hot candle wax hurts so good"
Christian: No it'd probably be like a thesaurus of words for "Good"
Daniel: Yeah he probably sexts with perfect grammar.
Y/n: "My wife showed an exquisite exhibition of lust for me."
Toto: Let me try something different here. Do you guys have thoughts and feelings for one another?
Y/n: Uhh i think George's kinda spoiled
George: And i feel like y/n's a bitch
Y/n: What're you gay?
Alex: What.. How did you know? I've never told anyone that.
Y/n: Dude look at your hair dye, you're either gay or color blind.
Lance: bro stop chanting in dead language's your scaring the hoes
Y/n: Bitch you is so lonely I'm summoning the hoes
Sebastian: You used to be shy, now you're a whore
Y/n: There's a thing called character development
Oscar: Reminder that I'm very sweet and endearing so be nice to me
Carlos: or what
Oscar: or I'll punch your lights out
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Hey yall this is a bit short cause I'm finna make a random crack twitter posts n I'll post it in the most random day. I love yall baby💋
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buckybarnesss · 1 year
I’m back with more Thots™
(Sad ones this time sorry)
When Kate shows back up in town and comes to the burnt out Hale house and attacks Derek it literally makes my stomach turn. Like. This is his rapist, assaulting him in the place where she murdered his family, the place where he’s punishing himself by staying. Like. To me, it always reads as an act of psychological self harm to stay in the burnt out ruins of his home, the destruction of which he sees as his fault and it just. It ruins me.
It’s always interesting to me to see how quickly Derek accepts harm to himself as acceptable—he tells Stiles to cut his arm off, pushes him out of harms way, and over and over again we see him devaluing his own well being. As a therapist watching the show, it makes me ache for him, to see his trauma so deeply affecting his every decision, to see him being hurt over and over again because he thinks he deserves it. He throws himself on the sword every time to try and protect others, and it’s always at the cost of himself.
And then I think about Stiles and him losing his mom and how he’s got his dad but he doesn’t really—he shares him with all of Beacon County, and what a lonely heartbreaking existence that must be for him. I feel like he sees in Derek so many of the things he feels, and that sparks a deep interest in him, a sense of kinship that only grows as he learns more about Derek, and in turn, Derek senses in him a person that understands pain, loss, and loneliness and with whom he can be himself.
Idk idk, I just, there’s so much depth to these characters that is so rich and I wish we had gotten more time with Derek and Stiles one on one where they talked about these things they’ve experienced.
this is such a good analysis. you are absolutely correct. i've said it before but i'll say it again: derek hale is one of the most traumatized characters to be on television.
the scenes in the tell where kate is just tormenting derek are brutal once you know the whole story. kate is truly an evil, evil person.
in my meta on laura i discussed how in addition to everything kate is doing to derek she's also demeaning laura and refusing her personhood. she never uses laura's name, refers to her as a literal bitch dog and croons at derek how they desecrated her body. it is a deeply, deeply fucked scene when you peel back the layers.
kate and gerard argent are the two biggest villains of the show and so many issues are because of them. especially gerard. like, fuck that guy.
most of stiles and derek's relationship is in the subtext of the show but the threads are there and once you pull on them it unravels revealing a surprisingly deep relationship despite the audience not seeing it all playout on screen.
(a lot of the relationships on the show are like this tbh but it's there).
it amazes me to realize that stiles learns so much about derek and is the only one who actively seeks out to know and understand him. stiles wants derek to trust him and once that trust is earned derek would do just about anything for stiles. it's such a core aspect of their relationship.
their first real scene in the back of the cop car where stiles is all "I'm not afraid of you." is practically his thesis on derek the entire show. derek believes he is something to be feared not because he's a werewolf exactly but because people around him die. he thinks someone caring about him, loving him is a death sentence and he doesn't deserve it. stiles deconstructs all of it by sheer stubbornness.
in the finale of the show stiles -- on his own -- saves derek from an fbi raid where he was falsely accused of murder. it's the inverse of the beginning of their relationship where stiles was the one accusing him of murder.
and the writers never make stiles confront derek over anything, or use it against him. it does nothing but give stiles more pieces to the puzzle that is derek. he holds derek's secrets just like he holds his own.
i think if derek had been around in s5 stiles would've turned to him for support with the whole theo ordeal and derek would've backed him up which would've honestly been a nightmare scenario for scott for a lot of reasons.
(but theo would've had no choice but to go die of shame once derek called him the wish version of peter and shooed him away.)
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mycupofteafanzine · 11 months
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My Cup of Tea contributor announcement: part 1!
We are excited to share our list of artists in the zine! You can also find our cosplayers and writers here. See below the cut for links to their socials and their answers to the question: Why do you love Martin?
Ghoulie | tumblr
Oh man, what's not to love? I fell for him immediately for his sweet nature and softness and ended up admiring his inner strength even more. I see so much of myself in him and he makes me want to be better by killing with kindness and finding beauty and love for others even in the loneliness.
Willow | tumblr twitter insta
martin is just a silly little guy. he is one of my favs of the tma cast bc i love his voice tbh LMAO
Bori | tumblr twitter insta tiktok
He's such a sweet character while also being an absolute bitch when he wants to and I just love that for him!! 80% of my love for him stems from "he's just like me fr" and the other 20 is just "he's so effortlessly funny, damn mister there's-a-door-in-the-way"
Charlie | tumblr
He absolutely steals the show--Where else are you going to find someone with an aficionado for spiders, tea, and lying? The perfect man's right here.
Pikachic | tumblr youtube
The second I heard his voice in podcast I was like “oh no I’m going to love this guy aren’t I” and I was right! I initially just liked him because he was the nice one, but I found myself relating to him a lot and I loved seeing his character arc unfold.
Wormthist | tumblr insta
I really enjoy his growth as a character over the series!
Elias | tumblr
I relate to him, I feel loneliness in a very similar way and I'm way too nice and forgiving to people who may not deserve it. When Annabelle said "Because you always managed to get what you wanted through smiles and shrugs and stammerings that weren’t nearly as awkward as they seemed." I had to reconsider a few things about myself. Also I adore whenever he gets to be a bit bitchy, he's just an interesting character overall.
Sprig | twitter insta
I love Martin because of how passionately loyal he is. It takes a truly special person to prefer the world ending over losing someone they love. He deserves as much love as he gives out.
Dol | tumblr
I’m bad at putting feelings into words, but let’s give it a shot. Martin is a well written and complex character, and his arcs throughout the podcast really gets to me— but in a good way! A lot of the things that he say in relation to the Lonely and general loneliness hits quite a bit close to home, and not to mention his responses to situations and the occasional comedic/light-hearted moments that just,, make him Him! He’s portrayed realistically to me (or, well, as realistically a horror anthology podcast can be), and is just,,, a really good character trying to make the best out of the situation he is given. But I get sad thinking about him so thinking of him being happy is also ideally the short version to this aha
Squeeney | tumblr insta
I really connected to his storyline with the Lonely and his overall struggle to be the one that 'keeps it together'. He's incredibly multifaceted, like many characters in TMA, and I love the way his character is explored through how others choose to perceive him and his actions.
GUTPUNKS | twitter insta neocities
saintmalev | twitter
He represents that we can all just but that little guy who can do great things and fall in love. The epitome of 'the littlest people can make the biggest difference'.
Ochre | tumbr ko-fi
he tries his best <3
yakov-ukha | tumblr
Great guy, hater of rollercoasters, overall exquisite person.
Lee | tumblr
Martin has been such a relatable character to me and thats why I first started liking him. I slowly fell in love with how silly, cute and sweet his character can be.
Hawkfurze | tumblr
I love him for being both a sweet character and being so so flawed, its much more interesting than the blundering sweetheart they could have went with
Butzenscheibe | tumblr
he's a great representation for all us people pleasers, those guilty of self isolation and people with hearts big enough for everyone but themselves. he is someone you're not sad to recognize yourself in and it's a thing of great importance
Jox | tumblr twitter tiktok
Mmmartin,,, Martin is a huge comfort character for me and I heavily relate to him alot, i love his character development over the series and his interactions/ appearances too. I found that he was the first character i started liking when first listening to the magnus archives !
Mossii | tumblr tiktok youtube
mmmmmmartin. I think he's an incredibly well written character. The way he interacts with and is affected by trauma is very well done, not to mention how it then changes the way he experiences and approaches relationships. Overall he's a very three-dimensional character, something that probably isn't easy to create with an audio-only format. Also he's sassy.
K.M. | tumblr
I’m accidentally a Jon kinnie so did I really ever have a choice? Big /jk there. An honest answer would have to be how much he kept surprising me- kept me coming back for more!
Gammija | tumblr insta
There's a lot of answers to this, but most of all I love how multi-faceted he is. He's kind, a people pleaser, he wants everyone to be happy, and he's passive aggressive and needs his alone time. He wears his heart on his sleeve, and he lies about stuff all the time. He avoids acknowledging the awful truth as long as possible, and he has already considered the worst case scenario. And on top of all that he likes spiders. Character of all time.
Xenoglssie | tumblr
I like that he’s sympathetic and emotionally intelligent, but also kind of really mean. He’s a really well written character.
Leland | tumblr insta
Because he's Martin!
Wyatt | tumblr insta
"I can't hear you, Elias, there's a door in the way" or whatever the quote is ywy
Taro | tumblr insta
I have a crush on him <3 also because he's such a multifaceted character with so many layers to him. I love his bitchy side and his sweet side. He's very dear to me and I relate to him in some aspects.
Candlecoo | tumblr
Martin is just such a strong character emotionally, he is the teams rock taking the blunt of everyone's (mostly Jon's) outbursts yet still comforts them when he can. He's not perfect but he try's. and I think that's rather admirable. He's also really funny and relatable too, but that's just an added bonus.
FateSpoiled | twitter insta
It's Martin, have you seen him? No but, for real, he's such a sweet character who goes through so much across each season, and grows from each experience. His character development from that soft, bumbling idiot (as John portrays him) into the Antichrist's +1 is beautiful to watch, and, quite frankly, I love his voice!
Starryspells | tumblr twitter insta
Martin is a character that slowly found his way into my heart! He has so much depth to him beyond first glance, and I really resonated with his story and feelings! I’m overwhelmed with gratitude at the opportunity to express my love for this character!
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crybabylulu · 4 months
You just don’t get it
Sugar mama Lin Beifong x sugar baby reader
Summary: Lin just doesn’t understand the bond you and Miyuki have
Lin took me to my apartment and I introduced her to Miyuki. “Miyuki meet Linny. Linny meet Miyuki.” I said. “I can’t believe you got a cat.” Lin said as she looked at Miyuki. “What? I got lonely.” I said. “Really?” Lin asked. “Yes. It was really hard being without you so I got Miyuki to cure my loneliness and isn’t she the cutest thing ever?” I asked as I held her up to Lin. “Yes I suppose she is cute.” Lin said. “She’s a very sweet girl.” I said and then sat on the couch. “Did you mean what you said at the gala?” Lin asked. “I said a lot of things Linny but I meant every word.” I told her. Lin sat next to me. “I do love you and I want us to be together but I won’t force you.” I said.
“I want to be with you, I just worry.” Lin said. “Worry about what?” I asked. “My job is a lot and I fear you’ll get hurt.” Lin said. “I can protect myself Linny, I’m a big girl.” I said. Lin sighed. “I’ve been through a lot, I can handle myself, remember I told you I’m worse than my sister.” I said. “I still don’t know what that means.” Lin said. “Lin I’ve fought my whole life. My dad made me and my siblings fight day and night. We had to fight till we either drew blood or until someone was knocked out.” I said. “Again your father should be in jail.” Lin said. “I’ve got a few scars over my body because of this, especially from my brother. My sister and I made sure to not scar each other but my brother didn’t care.” I said.
“Why didn’t your brother care?” Lin asked. “Because he’s the son. My dad wanted a boy so bad so he let him do whatever he wanted just assuming my brother would be the best of us but he’s not. I am and he hates it. I worked day and night to be the best fire bender in the family. I thought he would be happy but not really he’s just angry about why my brother isn’t the best.” I said. Lin kissed my head. “You worked so hard and you must be so tired. You didn’t deserve any of this treatment.” Lin said and stroked my hair. I felt my lip quiver and I hugged Lin. “Ugh, why did you have to say that?” I asked.
“Because I know it’s the truth. You’ve worked so hard and haven’t been treated right, you weren’t appreciated and on top of that abused.” Lin said. “But I survived. I’m a bad bitch.” I said. “Honey no.” Lin said. “Honey, yes, I survived like the bad bitch I am.” I said and laughed. “No, don't laugh.” Lin said. “If I don’t laugh then I’ll cry and I don’t want to cry.” I said. “It’s ok to cry, I'm here for you.” Lin said. “I know, but I don’t want to cry.” I told her. “I understand.” Lin said. “I told Kya this part so I have to tell you. So obviously my dad wanted to sell me because he’s broke and needed some money but also the guy who wanted to buy me only wanted me because you know I’m young and he thought he could pump me full of babies.” I said.
“Ew.” Lin said. “I love babies don’t get me wrong but I’m not popping babies out every fucking year or whatever.” I said. “Do you want kids?” Lin asked. “Meh. I’ve got Miyuki so I’m ok.” I said. “You sure?” Lin asked. “I’m sure, do you want kids?” I asked. “No.” Lin said. “Ok then we just get multiple Miyukis.” I said. “How many Miyukis?” Lin asked. “I don’t know. I just know I want another one and I’m gonna name it Yo-Yo.” I said. “Yo-Yo?” Lin asked. “Yes Yo-Yo. You got a problem?” I asked. “I just think that’s interesting.” Lin said. “I like the name, don’t you?” I asked. “It’s interesting.” Lin said.
“You don’t like it.” I said. “I just think it’s interesting and it’s your cat you do what you want.” Lin said. I stuck out my tongue. “Put your tongue away.” Lin said. “Don’t tell me what to do.” I said. Miyuki meowed. “Exactly tell her.” I said. “You don’t even know what she’s saying.” Lin said. “Hush, Miyuki and I understand each other very well.” I said. Miyuki meowed again. “Sure you two do.” Lin said. “You’re just mad that you don’t have a pet to communicate with.” I said. “Sure baby.” Lin said.
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joseopher · 1 year
Let's talk about how Callum desperately wants to be liked by Tristan in the "what we had was significant" scene.
"Liked" is perhaps not the word considering that he is partly trying to upset him with the whole Rhodes situation. Yes, he's presenting Tristan with the fact that Libby needs to set off a nuclear bomb because he promised he would find out how to get her back buuuuuut he is also presenting the knowledge specifically to Tristan, with no interest to present it to anyone else.
And thinks this:
"Which was thoroughly impossible. A comedy of errors to the highest degree. And this was who Tristan had chosen over Callum! This was what he had done, and in the murky plumbing of Callum’s allegedly nonexistent heart, he hoped that Tristan suffered for it."
This is punishment. This is jealousy. This is also a cry for attention.
The main reason I'm making this post is that Callum is constantly applying techniques from "How to Win Friends and Influence People":
"For example, one way to make people like you was to smile, which Callum winningly employed now."
Why is he applying this?
A) For the irony
B) Because he is a petty bitch
C) Because he is a sad lonely man that connected his sense of love to Tristan and then was betrayed by him and still longs for his attention
D) Because he wants to be liked by Tristan specifically despite how he says he doesn't want to be liked in book 1 (perhaps he wants more complicated emotions than liked, he wants to be remembered, he wants to matter to someone)
E) All of the above
Tell me doesn't want Tristan's attention after reading this line:
"And yet, I am the only one in this house who’s been any help to you at all, Tristan, so you’re welcome."
It's not only that he wants to be "liked" by Tristan. It's mixed up with several other emotions as well but wanting to be "liked" is also there.
The punishment theme is there as well mixed in with bitterness of the world, Callum knew he shouldn't have gotten attached but he did anyway:
"This was just the world. You trusted people, you loved them, you offered them the dignity of your time and the intimacy of your thoughts and the frailty of your hope and they either accepted it and cared for it or they rejected it and destroyed it and in the end, none of it was up to you. This was just what you got. Heartbreak was inevitable. Disappointment assured."
Then Callum claims he's fine for no reason, which just further emphasizes he's not:
"Honestly, Callum was doing just fine with his grief."
His grief over being betrayed? Being almost murdered? Grief over losing Tristan?
Likely all of them.
Then he admits that Tristan is correct about the "what we had was significant" speech:
"Mostly, though, Callum wanted Tristan to suffer profoundly for every honest word out of his mouth."
This speaks for itself.
I will conclude this with Callum's parting words to Tristan:
"Callum exhaled. And smiled. People did not like to be contradicted, said Dale Carnegie, master of influencing, apparently. It was best not to criticize, even when people were wrong about silly things like where they had placed their loyalties.
'Good luck,' said Callum. 'With everything. Hope it works out between you and Rhodes.'"
A) For the irony
B) Because he is a petty bitch— *GETS SHOT BEFORE I CAN TALK ABOUT THIS FOR 100K WORDS*
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titaniasthings · 1 year
Ginny and Luna's Relationship
I struggle so hard trying to figure out Ginny and Luna's friendship, which makes it a million times harder to figure out what a romantic relationship would look like for them. Fanon/movie Luna has really soured my view of her. She's this flanderized, whimsical(derogatory) girl who's just a vehicle for easy jokes and poetic lines. I'm re-reading parts of the last three books for a possible silver trio fic, and Luna in canon actually has so much more potential than I remembered.
“I’ll be quite glad if he has,” said Luna. “He isn’t a very good teacher, is he?” -Order of the Phoenix p.255
“Luna did not seem perturbed by Ron’s rudeness; on the contrary, she simply watched him for a while as though he were a mildly interesting television program.” - Order of the Phoenix, p.256
“I liked the D.A.! I learned loads with you!” “I enjoyed the meetings too,” said Luna serenely. “It was like having friends.” This was one of those uncomfortable things Luna often said and which made Harry feel a squirming mixture of pity and embarrassment.” - Half-Blood Prince p.153
“Well, they were right, weren’t they?” said Hermione impatiently. “There weren’t any such things as the Blibbering Humdinger or the Crumple-Horned Snorkack.” Luna gave her a withering look and flounced away, radishes swinging madly. ”- Order of the Phoenix p.333
I know I just threw a lot of quotes at you, but do you see the vision? Luna Lovegood is kind of a bitch(complimentary). She's off-putting, harsh, and argumentative. She is pretty rude sometimes and not accidentally. Doesn’t that sound like someone we know? It’s not coincidence that Luna and Hermione parallel each other. It was such a disservice when R*wling drops this dynamic for her own self insert.I personally like them being head-strong and messy about it.
I love the idea that Luna is actually very self-aware and thinks about the things she says. She doesn't just talk to talk contrary to popular fanon belief. She has strong beliefs and a backbone. She willingly goes to the Department of Mysteries, revels in being right and others not seeing the truth, and bites back when she wants to.
This version of Luna pairs very nicely with how I view Ginny. In canon, the level of their friendship kinda varies, but we can ignore that for the fun of it. They both are very passionate people, especially when it comes to their values. They do connect on a more emotional outside of that though. We see that both are desperate for friends at some point in their lives. They don't just want any friends; they want friends who understand them and make them feel seen. We don't know if Ginny actually agrees with Luna's politics, but I don't think their seeing eye to eye is what makes their relationship interesting. What makes it interesting is their mutual respect and defensiveness for each other's vulnerability. If we view Luna's strangeness as a guard, like how Ginny's short temper is a guard, we can see them strengthening each other's defenses.
“‘There’s no need to take that tone with me,’ she said coolly. ‘I was only wondering whether I could help.’ ‘Well, you can’t,’ said Harry shortly. ‘You’re being rather rude, you know,’ said Luna serenely.” - Order of the Phoenix p.937
“Oh, it’s been all right,” said Luna. “A bit lonely without the D.A. Ginny’s been nice, though. She stopped two boys in our Transfiguration class calling me ‘Loony’ the other day —“ - Half-Blood Prince p.347
I like that they protect each other, not just Ginny protecting Luna. Luna recognizes how difficult it is for Ginny to be open and wants to persevere it because she thinks her feelings are beautiful. I like to believe Ginny gains a lot of self-confidence before and after HBP and it’s because of that friendship with Luna. She heals Ginny’s girlhood a little.
They're the type of friends you only make in school. They wouldn't have known each other if they weren't forced to be around so much. They wouldn't have connected if they hadn't seen themselves reflected in each other.
I'll share a headcanon to display what I think their dynamic looks like. Ginny writes songs, and Luna composes the music. Ginny likes to write but doesn't do diary entries anymore because it feels too personal. She writes lyrics and distances herself from them even more by letting Luna sing them. Luna sings them because Ginny's words are so potent and raw that it gives Luna something to explore emotionally. Feelings she's never thought twice about.
As a Trio, Ginny, Neville, and Luna work well together. Neville bridges a personality gap that Ginny and Luna might have. Ginny and Luna's friendship is something I appreciate more now. I think they care about each other deeply and value their impact on one another. I don't think I can ship Linny simply because I think they'd get bored of each other. I am excited to dive into a Luna with this Catherine Morland-esque mindset.
To end I’ll leave you with an excerpt from “the wolf’s just a puppy (and the door’s double-locked)” by @pebblysand which has a really rich portrayal of their relationship in only a paragraph.
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catboypalug · 3 months
Looking, in retrospect, at the wreck of the not-quite-relationship that was the closest I ever got to dating, I'm coming to terms with how I caused part of it.
That girl was a crazy bitch, but I was also unhealthy in how I approached it. When she showed interest in me, I had this constant feeling of "this is the only girl who will ever like me, I HAVE to date her, this is my only chance to have a relationship, this is it, this is the one." And, well, that kind of mindset makes you act weird about someone. I'm realizing I probably seemed like a creep to her at times. Like a drowning man clawing at the first hand to reach out and dragging them under, my desperation just hurt everyone involved. And it made me think about how many other lonely dudes trying to date are probably suffering with the same problem. They start socially awkward, don't have much success, and the more they remain alone, the more desperate they become to find someone, anyone who would be willing to be with them - but that very desperation drives people away. The failure causes self-hatred and insecurity that only causes more self-hatred, more pain. Things only seem to get worse, a downward spiral of loneliness and desperation.
I don't really have any advice to give that hasn't already been said a thousand times over - pick up a hobby, work on a creative activity, cultivate good friendships, find happiness in your life and don't attach your self-worth to the idea of having a relationship. I just want to point out what a vicious, self-reinforcing cycle it can be, and say: I get it. I know how awful it can be, but things can get better.
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hyugaruma · 9 months
Okey— this took me a bit because (as the try-hard I am) wanted to make everything ethically detailed,, It's a bit of a read so I apologize in advance இ௰இ p.s. I'd like to be matched with the og cast, thank uu <3
I'm a Humanities and Social Science student planning on taking social psychology (major), multimedia arts (minor), and creative writing (minor) courses.
I'm somewhat what you call a "lone wolf." I prefer to be independent and responsible for my own well-being and actions. I am a-okay with being left alone and away from the limelight.
But that doesn't mean I totally dislike social interaction. I love being around talkative and engaging people. I'm naturally a listener, so I enjoy seeing things unfold rather than participating.
I've recently learned most people are afraid to approach me because, apparently: I have a "resting bitch face," I don't talk much, and my body is unconsciously defensive to ANY physical interaction (leaning away, lack of eye contact, etc.). But, when I get comfortable enough, I can entertain small talk and express myself unapologetically.
I have some auditory problems. 1.) Any information fed to me won't automatically click in my brain. It takes me a good few minutes to get it, and I will ask you to repeat yourself just to make sure I'm understanding you right. 2.) I am very sensitive to loud noises. Unreasonable shouting, loud noises, and incessant chattering will melt my brain.
What I am looking for in a partner is someone who respects my boundaries; who I can vibe with without being judged; who encourages my self-improvement; and who is mutually understanding and transparent with each other. It will take some time for me to open up, so I also hope they have god-tier patience 😅
Thank you so much for opening this opportunity to the H&L community! Again, so sorry for the long ask TT w TT, I just love match-ups and am so interested in writers' takes on my personality n' stuff... mwah! have a great rest of your day ;D
thanks for the req :-)) don’t apologize, more info is better tbh. enjoy your day!
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I match you with… Smoky!
God-tier patience, you say? This man has patience even beyond that. Smoky is the type who will spend as long as it takes for you to open up and become comfortable around him. He’s really good at understanding different types of people, being that his Nameless City family has a big variety, so he wouldn’t be put off by your “RBF” or recoil of physical interaction. He is the epitome of acceptance, so you can always be yourself with him. Even though he’s a partner who enjoys quality time, he has no issues with giving you space when you may need it. Even though there can sometimes be a lot going on around Nameless City, Smoky knows plenty of quiet and secluded spaces for you to have that peaceful place for whenever you so need it.
Alternate Matches: Rocky, Kuki Genji
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doctorweebmd · 10 months
hi this isn't a question i just desperately need to tell you how much zero sum game ruined me and put me back together again. lurking mental illness and suicidality under shit circumstances, physical disability, mental and physical scars, constantly fighting off the ptsd and having to learn how to cope in ways that don't hurt other people so you can hang onto the person that makes it all worth it. it's everything i've gone through, right down to soul destroying and healing intimacy, at first to feel pain and then to attempt feeling truly good for the first time. zero sum is undoubtedly going to be one of those artworks i can never shake off my psyche in the best way, like an abstract background hug for my heart. thank you so much for taking so many scary themes to tackle and packaging them so beautifully, i really needed that lately.
sincerely, a previous battle of the bands fan who is now absorbing your entire oeuvre into their personality.
first i want to thank you profusely for sending me this. thank you for sharing your own experience, and your own pain. i know thats not easy and i'm some random person but honestly reading this makes me feel not so alone in the world. of course, thank you for reading, but also for relaying that you felt seen by it. i always feel so silly because its a my hero academia fanfiction but, with all sincerity, words like yours are what make writing it worth it.
zero-sum is sincerely my favorite thing i've ever written and probably always will be. not because i think the plot is awesome or the physics stuff was cool (EVEN THOUGH I STILL THINK THOSE THINGS ARE TRUE) but because its the first time i was able to write about my own personal experiences with mental illness (heavily projected onto Katsuki and Izuku, lmao) in over ten years.
Okay fair warning i am going to overshare under the cut so please feel free to stop reading also I love you and cherish you and appreciate you thank you so so so much for sending this
i'm sharing this because, at some point, i needed to read this. maybe someone will stumble on to it and realize something. maybe not. maybe its just another way for me to continue to process what happened. i think i'll always be processing it. mental illness is a bitch
when things got really bad for me (the first time around) i stopped writing completely. at that time, i truly, from the bottom of my heart, believed that my disorder was the only thing that made my writing interesting. that if i was to recover, that means i could no longer do the only thing i was good for. unironically, writing was actually a major barrier to my recovery for some time.
writing, the thing i loved most in the world, started heavily triggering me.
so i stopped.
the problem was, i heavily romanticized what i was going through in my writing. i made the suffering 'beautiful.' by thinking it was beautiful, i was trapping myself in a loop of self-destruction.
they say, 'write what you know.' but all i knew was misery. so misery was what i wrote.
romanticizing your pain is something i think we all do. sometimes you have to. its a survival mechanism. if the pain is 'beautiful,' then its 'tolerable' to go through.
what no one really tells you about mental illness is that its really, really fucking lonely.
what no one tells you about recovery is, its even lonelier. its the most isolating thing in the world. everything you relied on, everything you thought to be true, the way you interact with the world completely changes.
things are always going to be different. you can't go back to who you were before.
what i did do, when i went into recovery, was read the very few published books about people with (disorder) who recovered. over and over and over again. i needed something to latch on to. anything. i needed to believe it was possible. i needed to believe people like me survived. that they could find happiness. that they could find love. that there is space in this world for people as broken as me.
i dont know. zero-sum, to me, was a love letter to that 19 year old kid that hit her (first) rock bottom. i pretended she didn't exist because it hurt too much to think about her. but what she needed to know, then, that recovering, no matter how difficult, was worth it. that life can and WILL get better. that she will one day wake up every morning and think 'fuck. i'm so glad i'm alive.' that even people like her can find happiness.
that one day, many years later, embarrassed, she'll show her scars to a person she just started dating. that he'll sheepishly show her his. that they'll exchange police reports like love letters. she'll learn that there are people out there that understand her. have felt her same pain. have lived through the same hell. she'll learn that survival is sometimes based on hope, and sometimes based on spite.
but is, despite it all, always worth it.
she'll learn that her suffering does not preclude her from love and connection and happiness.
that one day, she won't feel so alone.
and that one day, she'll be able to sit down at her computer and write about it. maybe it will be in the form of my hero academia fanfiction lmao but that doesn't make it any less real.
maybe it will reach someone. maybe it won't.
but one day, she'll be able to do the thing she loved more than anything in the world again, because nothing is ever truly lost.
there is a future worth fighting for.
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artistic-argonian · 11 months
Seeing how we're in the middle of Ace Week, I felt like saying something about my experience with Asexuality, and how my perspective on things has changed over time.
I first realised I was Ace when I was 18, found the label and realised I never had any interest in relationships (I'm aromantic too) and didn't even know what sexual attraction was. When I first realised this, I felt confident in myself in a way I hadn't before that.
Then as the years went on and I learned more about the Asexual spectrum and met more people on said spectrum, I somehow began to feel more validated and more isolated at the same time. As I met more people I could relate to and realised more and more that I wasn't alone, but also realised that among most of them I was still... different. I felt like the "stereotypical" Asexual who's sex-repulsed while everyone else fights against and defies stereotypes. On my good days I felt good about myself, but on my worst I felt like an alien trying and failing to blend in with a world that I couldn't understand or fully relate to. I would and still do agree with posts I see about how not all Asexuals are sex-repulsed and people who do want that are valid and should be able to express themselves without shame, but felt bad for being the way I am. Like I was a boring, immature prude.
This mentality came and went for years, as I'd go between confident and happy with myself to lonely and hating myself, then back again. And it slowly got worse over time.
Now, while I still have those negative thoughts sometimes because my brain is a bitch and loves to give me reasons why I suck, I've started to change my perspective and feel a lot better about myself recently. After someone I have a lot of respect for and consider a good friend told me, "I think you just know what you want in life." I felt less ashamed and alone, and more self-assured. That someone I look up to not only doesn't view me as the womanchild I fear people see me as, but even respects me for being the way I am, meant and still means so much.
And now I hope other people like me can feel that way too: that you do belong and you're not alone or broken. Wherever you are on the spectrum, your feelings and experiences are valid, even if you don't know how you feel or what you want and are still figuring things out (I still am in some ways.) All that matters is that you're comfortable and happy in how you identify, even if it takes a while. And I wish you luck in your journey.
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Personal share: I just needed to vent this out to a void of some sort.
Nobody warns you about the 'literal' COST of Living you face once your born. I feel like my childhood was me being scammed into spending a bunch only to be later slapped in the face with the receipt and expected to pay it. "What?You can't pay it? Well let's make it a debt you owe me, now get to work bitch"
I'm sharing this here because honestly, I think if anyone I know and love in my real life were to hear me out they'd tell me what I already know "That's just Life".
With how sensitive i am right now, I'd break down into a sobbing mess and I can't afford that right now......
- Im on the verge of feeling numb again, like brittle and so ready to disappear.
-Im struggling to feel passion and feel stuck in an endless cycle of work, sleep, eat repeat.
- I feel empty and a constant thrum of nausea at everything I say, do or when I see my reflection.
-Ive tried buying my joy and short bursts of satisfaction but it always leaves my bank account empty and fades too quickly.
-I miss my parents, but I'm a adult now and they expect adult things from me. They don't have time for my mood swings because I'm "just too much"
-My sister is drained from work and I don't want to be an additional burden
-My best friend is preparing to fight for her new career and I don't even have my liscense to drive. (I have no idea why she still keeps me around when I'm so unambitious)
- My cousin has lost so much weight and im growing jealous of her confidence. (She's married and has 3kids!! I'm jealous that she's found someone she trusted to start a family with and I'm still a lonely sob)
-My brother is moving out to live with his long term gf and start his studies. (He has no loans thanks to my sis and I, Obvs doesn't respect or care for me as much as he does her. I deserve it honestly, but it still stings sometimes)
- I struggle to speak most days because I just don't think. I have anything worth saying. (But my job requires me to call ppl and I cant afford to lose this gig)
-I struggle to eat because I just can't find the balance between starving and overindulgence. (I love my body. But there are parts of me I feel I need to change because society or loved ones say I should)
-I struggle to socialise because I just don't share the same interest as those around me or my work colleagues. (Is this because I don't know who I am some days? Or because I just don't have the energy to be contradictory to somebody else's opinion?)
-Im constantly sick and feel guilty for taking days off and still getting sick leave pay. (My job caters to this!! It's in my contract so why can't my brain stop making everything feel like doomsday!?)
- I don't often make mistakes but when I do their huge and I feel immense shame and guilt everytime. I'd offer up my limb if it would make the bad feeling go away. (These are the moments I wish I could read minds, I just want to know what I'm doing wrong so I can fix it!? Is it actually ok or are you just saying that then talking shit bout me behind my back?)
Honestly..... I just don't think I value myself enough right now, I don't think Im seeing my worth and I desperately need to fix it before it becomes worse.
I've had this fight before and I won, I'm not doing it again.
I'm tired.
God am I tired.
If this doesn't ease up before my next one to one with my boss, I'll ask them to send me to therapy (work benefit is that'll be free)
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curs3dn0va · 7 months
TW: death, substance use, pick me behaviour, and backstabbing, swearing
After my ex-something left I was in such bad state I actually got internalized in a mental hospital for a while, I can only descrive it as a limbo of trying to face the complete void in my life that he left behind, I've heard some people with addictions say that recovery takes away your "personality" because all that you defined as "yourself" was or was a part of your addiction. That's sort of what I went through when he left, I was't even half a person, everything I liked and anjoyed was highly linked to him, and same with my friends... or the people I was friendly to, they reminded me of the person I was around him, so I stopped talking to them... but I did have someone I knew from before him: lets call her B (it does stand for bitch but I'm getting ahead of myself).
B and I had a long friendship together, we met in elementary school, she was a year younger but it was a Montessory system (look it up) so we were in the same room and often "worked" together. As I had mentioned before I was severly bullied during elementary school, it started as teasing because of my glasses and grew as the years went by, and even though B was my only friend -that I remember at least- I wasn't hers, and in the end we were in different grades. In my las year of elementary school, B transferred to another school, and that's the year that the bullying got truly horrible. But we reconnected... well, I reconnected. You see, I was always the one begging to hang out, and being autistic and very lonely I would call her a lot, I would ring her house like 10 times if necessary, but as soon as a concice "no" was given I would stop, the thing is that B would make excuses and I was a problem solver, so we would be talking fo a while about all the reasons she couldn't hang out, and then I would be sad. She was my only friend, and probably my favorite person (remember, I also have bpd) which is a heavy burden for a child, so I don't really blame her for trying to get rid of me in a very subtle way that I was just not getting.
Enter middleschool and I start making other firends, B and I are still in contact and out parents are friends so my mom recommends my school and she enter on my second year, I immediatetly adopt her into my friend group and things progress nicely, I do worry about her a bit, because with the years I have come to love her like a sister, and I wanted her to make her own friends from her grade so that she wouldn't be lonely when we graduated, and she kind of managed. Middleschool was an okay time for our friendship, at least that I can recall, but I was still the one always reaching out, always the first texts, always the first call.
We kept in touch during highschool, although she was an overachiever and I was in 4 different highschools... well, I kept in touch. And then my ex happened, and 4 years later, I knew there was one person I could call who predated that whole fiasco, B and I had just drifted apart for those years, and I wanted to see how she was. B was happy to hear from me, and our friendship resumed -hell, she even visited me in the looney bin- her life started to get hectic with her uni graduation coming soon, so I did all I could to help (because that all I knew how to do). Those were some fun few months... and then we went to this party, very unremarkable really, we drank a little and made fun of some people, her friends asked her when she was getting a boyfriend and she responded "Who needs a boyfriend whe I have Nova?" and pretended to faint into my arms, it was a joke that we used to make mostly because I was very protective and attentive, and she wasn't interested in anyone, until we were playing ping pong. I went to get us some pie because our ride was about to arrive and we wanted pie, when I came back to our game some dude was playing with her, I approached and he said "oh I just want to teach her" and I shrugged, told B our ride was coming and sat down to eat my pie. We left and everything was fine, she crashed in my couch and that was that.
Next day B told me about the guy, her friends know him from some other friends and -her friends- told her he asked for her number, she seemed excited aod I wanted to know about it, and she explained that he was actually her type while showing me a picture of the party, I was very baffled since when we were making fun on people we had said "who the fuck brings a suit to a party? that's so pretentious" and there he was... the guy in the suit was "her type". I tried my best to be supportive, but I have to admit that having come from a very toxic situation myself I was not the "omg he did the bearest minimum??????? MARRY HIM", even less for B. I would've killed for her. I wanted someone who worshipped the ground she walked on, and he was... a bare minimum kinda guy. B had never been in a relationship before, so everything to her was "so original" and "very thoughtful", and when I didn't share her enthusiasm she would get short with me. One night after watching Midsommar (great movie btw, highly recommend) I drunkely said "I just really wish I could pick up all the shitty ways a man can hurt you out of my brain and put them on yours, just so that you'd know in dvance" we looked at eachother, I don't remember what she said anymore, but I did make it clear that I was sorry for coming across as unsupportive, but I was just trying to look out for her, and she understood.
He ended up being a scumbag, the most shocking part is that no one but me saw it coming, I was there to comfort B every time he would bail on a date, but those were rapidly becoming the only times we would talk. I had made another friend at this time, he was really cool and we hung out often, but B was very consumed in her relationship, and when it ended she was acting like "I really get what you meant now" and "men are really trash", which I didn't care much about, but I had been starting to get myself out there and trying to date, this is when the "jokes" about me being better than a boyfriend whent from "Jokes" to just presenting me to people as her boyfriend (I used to look very femme back then, but no one would laugh anymore). The trouble began when I met this boy, let's call him L (for "leeching piece of shit") and he was a karmic twin flame for me, I confirmed it every way I could, but he really was my twin flame, and so I went feral for L, at least for a month, then I realized my traumas ran far too deep for a relationship so intense so soon, so we just became friends, and it was all platonic from then on with him.
Why is a random idiot I met relevant? well because B made him relelvant. I will admit that I had also just started using weed to cope with my trauma, I moved out of my house with L as roommates, and I don't remember all the things I did, but the things I do remember doing were shitty. And after a while of me running around trying to contact her, B cut me off from her life over a pretty silly argument. But this is not the thing that blew our friendship appart, because I'm sure in her eyes I deserved it. No, what blew it up happened a few months later.
My grandmother was an amazing woman, she took in my grandpa's children (including my mom) and raised them as her own, she moved to a state she knew nothing about just to help my mom take care of me while she focused on her studies, she took care of my older half-sister's (my father's side) children while she was in the hospital in a high risk pregnancy, plus me because my mom was the one looking after my older half-sister in the hospital. My granmother was a saint, if people started praying to her instead of god we would see a resurgeance of miracles. Anyways, she diead in April 26, 2023. It was a hectic day to say the least, my mom and I were a mess, but I had to stay strong because my mom is the type to shut down during emergencies. And at the funeral there were many things happening, it was stressful. And then in walks in, with a group of people, that fucking narcicistic Bitch, comes right to where my mom and I are standing, the group of people hug me and my mom, but she only hugs my mom and then looks down as the group makes awkward conversation.
Who is even that sick? I don't even think I could pull a stunt like that at someone's loved one's funeral, which should tell you a lot because I am a truly sick fuck, but going to my ex-bestie's grandmother's funeral, the grandmother that I know raised them because she also took care of me when we were little, and not eve offer a "I'm very sorry for your loss"? What. The. Fuck. Is. Wrong. With. You? How fucking pathetic do you have to be to go top someone's funeral to attract attention?
This is what B looked like: (fictionalized dialogue)
atendee: "how do you know the deceaced?"
Bitch: "Oh, that my ex-bestfriend's grandmother"
atendee: "oh... have you come to make amends? to show support in such a vulnerable time?"
Bitch: "what? psh no, I just want to cause emotional distress under the guise of coming to offer support to my ex-besties mother, she's also like my own mother and probably loves me more than that loser she has as an offspring, anyways I have to go parade my new hair in front of the casket brb"
And dear reader... you want to know what the worst part is? I lent her some books that I haven't trusted myself to pick up since I'm afraid to gauge her fucking eyes out with a spoon, so I sent her a text and she said "oh yeah, you can pick them up whenever! btw I have a boyfriend now!". I am not kidding you dear reader. This delutional piece of human waste actually gave me an update on her life as if I would... what? be happy for her???? SHE RUINED MY GRANDMOTHER'S FUNERAL AND SHE WANTS ME TO BE HAPPY FOR HER? I hope she get's cheated on, dumped, ran over by a car 3 times and survives but lives with chronic pain, becomes addicted to pain medication, and lives a miserable life away from me. Am I evil for wishing something so horrific to someone? yeah, but not evil enough to go to her grandmother's funeral and not ever make aye contact. Fuck you Bitch. If you read this I hope you contact me so I can insult you to your stupid fucking face.
*I want to set aside a space for the poeple that B tried to make me drop from my life but I kept around because I love them and they are worth every second: my mans S, you're a real one; My buddy L2, I'm sorrry I already used your initial fro someone sucky, but I wanted to thank you since despite not having seen eachother in months you were working at a parmacy my mom went, saw her crying and came by to the funeral even though it was very late and you had just gotten done with work; and last but not least, my amazing Boyfirend, who came running after work and stayed as late as he could. I am so greatful to all of these people for making the funeral bearable. I love all of you.
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khaleesiofalicante · 8 months
Yeah, I'm not done unfortunately...
Although I love AJ and Lance with my heart, soul and more, Cami and Arjun are the most relatable sibling duo😂. Also, I'm really interested in her dynamic with Anjali, bc we all know Cami is a daddy's girl and Arjun is a mommy's boy, but how about the opposite??
I loved how she apologized to Régine about the Convo of wanting different things in life. I don't like people who dislike others because they are not like them or don't have the same way to view life
AND the conversation between Camila and Kincaid was TOP TIER. Like, Cami is right, Kyle and Victoria are bigoted and Kincaid doesn't do anything to stand up to them, but I also get what Kincaid said about how some people don't have the privilege of doing that. Besides the whole exiling thing...
Lance turning into a whore PLS JSHSJDJSKDK. Teenage boys are so dramatic fr
“I don’t care if you love me less,” Arthur said honestly. “Not if all that extra love goes to Lance.” Okay yeah. Completely normal about this🙂🙂
Harry and Arthur are the cutest and the fact they are a canon event just like Jackson and David's friendship means the world to me 😭😭
“I’m in love with you, Kincaid,” Arthur told the other boy. “But Lance is my soulmate. He always will be. With or without a rune.” LET THOSE BOYS BE PARABATAI. THEY ARE LITERALLY SOULMATES YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH THEY MEAN TO ME🥺🥺🥺😞
Malik can do no wrong in my eyes. I will protect him always😌. Selena and Gabriel living the best life ngl... And idk how to feel about this Hermes thing. I know he is hot and a dilf and smart and sexy, BUT IRIS NO!
“Not you,” Ragnor observed. “Is it because your family is not lacking bad bitches?” I'm gonna tattoo this sjhsjdjdkdk
“That woman made life hell for my uncle and his family. I don’t care what kind of bad bitch she is. She doesn’t have my respect.” IRIS IS MY FAVORITE I RELATE TO HER A LITTLE TOO MUCH OMG
“Lucifer,” Iris replied. “It seems everyone’s forgotten about him.” HER HER HER. SHE IS THE ONLY BAD BITCH HERE
“Why does everyone in your family think mine is made of monsters?” idk why, but this quote hasn't left my mind. It's just so heartbreaking, both because he loves his parents, and because it's partially true...
I love how Iris is so perceptive. Like she sees something in Kincaid few people see, she understands that Madeline is hurting her family, despite how good she may seem... AND SHE IS LONELY AND HAS A HARD TIME MAKING FRIENDS SO SHE'S JUST LIKE ME FR
“Men only wage war for two things,” Hermes smiled. “Love and greed. You know Lance better than I do. What do you think his cause would be?” LOVE LOVE LOVE OBVIOUSLY LOVE
“More like foresight,” Ragnor corrected. “I see in you, Iris, what I saw in Magnus all those years ago. I see potential. So, I hope, like Magnus himself, you will actually use it.” I sincerely think this is the highest form of compliment someone can say and I would die for it tbh
Other Max really has no sense of reason when it comes to David. He's ready to cause a disaster in space-time to be with David for an hour. Oh to be loved like that sigh😞
We'll explore Cami and Anjali as we move forward in the story. Desi moms and daughters are something else entirely I'll tell you that.
Girls who relate to Iris are superior. I said what I said.
Other Max is...WILD AF BRO. Like how is he not in prison or dead by this point I will never know.
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Zsasz Family Incorrect Quotes:
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@keffirinne @jason-todds-bitch @flaysthings @howl-fantasies @animegoddexx
Maggie: You have to apologize to Y/N
Victor: Fine.
Victor: ‘Unfuck you’ or whatever.
Victor : Are you laughing at that video of Basil and Y/N fighting?
Maggie : No.
Maggie : I'm laughing at the comments.
Maggie : I’m gonna die alone.
Basil: Maggie , you’re not gonna die alone.
Maggie : Jim , was my safety net, okay? They got married and now I have to get a snake.
Victor : Uh-huh. Why is that?
Maggie : If I’m gonna be an old lonely person, I’m gonna need a thing, you know? A hook. Like that guy in the subway who eats his own face.
Maggie : So I figured I’ll be “Crazy Lady With A Snake”, you know? Crazy snake lady.
Maggie : Then I’ll get more snakes, call them my babies. Kids won’t walk past my place, they will run! RUN AWAY FROM CRAZY SNAKE LADY!
Why is this one accurate 👀
Basil: I'm bored.
Victor : Wanna commit first degree murder?
Basil: Sure!
Maggie , hearing them: No- Stop, don't do that! Put that knife down! Put Oswald down!!
Y/N : Who wants to go out of the country on a road trip?
Basil: Yea, I could drink legally!
Victor : I could hang out with the boys!
Maggie : I could hide from the consequences of my actions.
Victor : Why is Maggie crying on the floor?
Basil: They took one of those 'what person are you?' quizzes.
Victor : And?
Basil: They got Y/N .
Literally screaming, I can imagine the offended look of Y/N face and the smirk on Victors.
Maggie : We need to distract these guys.
Basil: Leave it to me.
Basil: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.
V & Victor : *immediately begin arguing*
Ahhh yes, father daughter bonding.
V: Basil has no idea I’m high.
Basil: You’re high?
V: Oh, I’m sorry.
V, leaning over to Maggie : Basil has no idea I’m high.
Maggie , excitedly: Heeyy!!
V: Hey, someone's excited.
Basil, deadpan: Yeah, and it's making me sick.
Maggie : So, are you two friends?
Basil: Yes.
Harvey : No.
Poor Basil doesn’t know how to make friends 😭
Harvey : What makes you think it's okay to watch Hannibal given its subject matter?
Maggie: Sometimes, I watch television shows for entertainment purposes.
Basil: Because I condone murder and cannibalism.
Not me just projecting another special interest onto my character. 
 Maggie : Victor is okay.
Basil: They're okay? They said they were going to break my legs! And don't tell me they didn't mean it, okay?! 'Cause they gave me the mackerel eyes, they meant it!
Maggie : Basil, Victor threatened me. They threaten Y/N every day. They probably threatened Jim before breakfast this morning. It's what they do. Grow a pair.
*Everyone is giving advice to Maggie *
Jim : It's okay to ask for help.
Y/N : You're not a burden.
Victor : Murder is okay.
Basil: Your feelings matter.
Maggie : What are you writing?
Selena : The government wants to know what kind of weapons we have in the house. I'm letting them know it's private information.
V, looking over Selena 's shoulder: This just says 'fuck around and find out' in calligraphy.
Selena : V! What did I tell you about lying?
V, looking down: ...That it only works on Maggie.
Basil : Isn't it weird that people kill mosquitoes just because they're annoying?
V: Damn, if people did that to each other, Selena would've killed me years ago.
*Selena is telling a story*
V: Wow, Selena, this story has everything! Action! Adventure! Romance!
Basil : Romance?
V: I have a crush on them.
She would totally say this 🥺
Maggie : Basil , I am questioning your sanity...
Jim : I never questioned it, I knew their sanity was missing from the start.
Jim : Basil , gather the others. We need to have another Maggie -is-doing-something-stupid-again-and-we-have-to-stop-them-before-they-hurt-someone convention.
Home girl really needs to stop running head first into danger, I swear!
Maggie : We've got to find a way to cut down our expenses. What can we live without?
Basil : Jim , probably.
His petty ass would 😂
V: Happy birthday Y/N! I'm your gift!
Y/N, whispering to Victor : Did you get the receipt, or do I have to keep them?
And the step mom of the year award goes to…
Y/N: All in all, a 100% successful trip.
Victor : But we lost V.
Y/N: All in all, a 100% successful trip!
Victor : V, what do you have?
Victor : Okay, have fu-
Y/N: NO!
Y/N: What is it called when you kill a friend?
Basil: Homicide.
Maggie: Murder.
Victor : Homiecide.
Basil: Oh god, they texted you ‘hi.’’ punctuation only means one thing, Maggie. They're mad at you.
Maggie: No, it's Y/N. They're just being gramatically correct!
Y/N: And then I used a period so they'd know that I'm mad at them.
Victor : A period doesn't say 'I'm mad', it says 'you're dead to me'.
Y/N: I stand by my choice.
V: How do you connect with a fictional character?
Y/N: What?
Victor : What?
Basil: What?
Maggie: *pulls up a 500 slide presentation* I'm glad you asked.
Maggie : You three, explain right now!
Y/N : It was Victor .
Basil : It was Victor .
V: It was Victor .
Victor :
Victor : …fuck.
Maggie : You’re a loose cannon, Y/N .
Y/N : No, I’m not. I’m a cannon, maybe, but a loose cannon? Is that what you think of me?
V: I think you play by your own rules.
Basil : No way, they think rules were made to be broken.
Maggie : Those are all attributes of a loose cannon.
Y/N : No, I’m just a reckless renegade. Victor is a loose cannon.
Victor : *smashes a chair* Aah! You shut your trap, Y/N !
Basil : I’d say Victor ’s more of a cop on the edge with nothing to lose. That’s an entirely different thing.
V: Now I’m just confused. Is Y/N a loose cannon or not?
Maggie : All right, put on a pot of coffee. We’re gonna get to the bottom of this.
Y/N : *groans*
Victor : Aw, man.
Victor : Hey, Y/N, what do you think it would be like if we had kids?
Y/N: What would it be like? Inconvenient, mostly.
Victor : No, I mean, what would they be like, the kids? You ever think about it?
Y/N: Can't really say I have.
Victor : You know, for someone as eccentric as yourself, you can be boring as fuck sometimes.
Y/N: Sorry, Victor . For what it's worth, I'm picturing them now. A boy and a girl. Two perfect little freaks of nature raised by people who've clearly got no business bringin' up anybody.
Where’s the lie?
Victor : I think you're still suffering the effects of your party last night.
Maggie: All I drank was Redbull!
Victor : How many?
Maggie: Eighteen.
Maggie: Hello Victor , made anyone cry today?
Victor : Sadly, no. But it’s only 4:30.
Kidnapper: We have your child
Y/N: I don’t have a child?
Kidnapper: Then who just asked for warm milk and made us cut the crusts off their sandwich?
Y/N: Oh god, you have Maggie
Maggie: Y/N, I screwed up, big time.
Y/N: Maggie, given your daily life experiences, you’re gonna have to be more specific.
Basil : What are you drinking?
Maggie: Vodka.
Basil : Straight?
Maggie: No, gay. Why?
Maggie: *fast-forwards all the way through the movie*
Basil : You can't just skip to the happy ending!
Maggie: I don't have time for their problems.
V: Hold on, I can explain!
Maggie: Really? Can you now?
V: I can if you give me a minute to think of a convincing lie.
Maggie: I'm going the fight the next person who insults V.
V: I hate myself.
Maggie: Alright, square up.
Harvey : Maggie, is that legal?
Maggie: When there's no cops around, anything's legal!
Harvey: *glares in cop*
Maggie, entering the room: *Sees Jim and leaves*
Jim , watching Maggie leave: There’s my monthly dose of Maggie…
Fucking accurate!
Basil : Y/N taught me to think before I act.
Basil : ...So if I smack the shit out of you, rest assured that I thought about it and am confident in my decision.
Victor : Go big or go home!
Y/N : Please, for once in your life just go home. I'm begging you. Go. Home.
Victor : I'm going big!
Y/N , grinning: I have a knife!
Victor : Put it down, Y/N .
Y/N : Make me! *sprints away*
Y/N : Did you like the food I made?
V: No, not really.
Y/N : But I put my heart and soul into it!
V: No wonder it tastes so cold and dead.
Basil: Are you mad?
Y/N : No.
Basil: So sharpening your knives at 3 in the morning is just a hobby?
Y/N : Why are you drinking?
Harvey: I drink when I'm depressed.
Y/N : But you're always drinking?
Harvey: *smug grin*
V : I am in charge of this disaster!
Selena : I have a name, you know.
An: Yes I added Jim and Selena, there part of the ‘family’ through association. I don’t have to explain why uncle Harvey is here.
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antiv3nom · 2 years
You know, I'm only ever gonna ask about Bachira...
Tell me why he's the best
LMAO YOURE VALID THERE! IM HAPPY TO TALK ABOUT HIM <3 okay so disclaimer but i sort of answered a slightly different question? instead of why hes the best i felt i could better talk about why i personally love bachira so much and think hes fantastic, so please enjoy this fuckin essay of a post
okay, we have to start with the basics here. the very first thing that drew me to bachira was for SURE his character design. i mean. once again i will mention that i'm growing my hair out to look like his. and hes soooo androgynous!!! and as a nonbinary person who leans towards masc/androgynous styles im HERE FOR IT!!!! plus the yellow was already cool, even before i knew the bee fact about his name :D
and ofc there's also his personality!!! as my friend grin has. accurately read off me. my favorite characters are typically those that are surprisingly competent, and those that embody the :3 face (and thus also the >:3 face), and like. bachira is introduced as a sleepy little guy and then kicks someone in the face so he IMMEDIATELY checks both of those boxes and he really fits my character type
also, elaborating on the surprisingly competent piece—bachira is DECIDEDLY competent, but its not in a like...power sort of way? its all about his technique and his ✨ style ✨ and i really enjoy characters who are great at what they do in a more unconventional way or not having to do with their physicality (coming from a weak little bitch) and i dont know. really anything about soccer irl. but its easy enough to see that bachiras good at this shit!!!!
okay so now we get into the meaty shit, starting with his backstory <3 immediately his being an outcast...really fit, honestly, it tracks a lot for him. but it hit me HARD as someone who was/is kinda an outcast and never really had a solid group of friends until relatively recently? and just...his loneliness resonates with me, a lot. but ANYWAYS im not here to vent or anything, the other thing abt his backstory is the monster metaphor and its beginnings, because it is SO easily read as an allegory for neurodivergence (and without too much stretching, queerness as well). being set apart and left out and seen as weird because of honest, genuine passion and this undeniable part of you and just feeling like something is WRONG with you even if you love it is...such an experience that ive had. and its so so easier to see that in bachira!!!! moral of the story, bachira is bisexual and nonbinary and autistic because i am and i say so <3
anyways anyways straying away from headcanons, bachira's development arc? WRECKS ME. it's so very well done, that evolution of the prior loneliness and the desire to both be independent and to not be left behind are...gorgeous. amazing. i can and will write an essay about it. it really builds well on his backstory and what he's done in blue lock prior to that game and seeing him evolve past his monster and his need for someone to play with but not fully abandon either? it means a lot that he still values companionship even if he feels like he doesnt need it <3
moving onwards, i really adore bachiras interactions with other characters!!! the most obvious example is him and isagi, and we all know at this point how big of a bachisagi fan i am (i just think theyre neat <3 <3 <3) but a genuine FRIENDLY rivalry, emphasis on the friends, doesnt seem to pop up that often in blue lock, and its really nice to see with isagi :D and just!!!! they make each other want to be better!!! its good stuff
theres also bachira and rin, which...that shit is COMPLICATED but it's really really interesting how rin like, almost sees bachira as a rival (and thus an equal) but is the first one to really recognize the idea that bachira is still deeply lonely and dependent on having someone with him? rin is the one who kickstarts bachiras development with the line, "[your soccer] is a soccer that is looking for someone," which i will NEVER forget. i like that bachira still tries to interact with rin and crack his shell despite rins cold behavior towards him, it makes for some fun fun interactions <3
okay finally, and ik we've talked about this before, but bachira's motivations are the perfect blend of being individual enough to survive in the environment of blue lock, while still not being completely disconnected from the idea of teamwork and companionship, you know? it means a lot to me that a lot of these characters arent wholely self-centered because. well. many reasons. i could make a whole other post about egoism in bllk and why it Worries Me A Little but i wont get into it here lmao, the important part is that bachira has enough of a goal on his own that he can keep himself going without anyone else, but he WANTS to play with isagi and make friends and have that companionship that he didnt have when he was young and that just.....it resonates and means a lot <3 <3 <3
anyways, this was the definitive why i love bachira post <3 hope you enjoyed!!!!
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catboy-sinister · 1 year
So I've been doing some deep thinking for a bit. And by a bit, I mean literally over a year. But I think that this kind of thing deserves some deep introspection. Pondering, if you will. And I wanted to share this with my echo chamber of darling mutuals because I've never really talked about who I am on this blog. I plan to stick to that for the most part by the way.
Now for the focus of this post: Why do I like Mister Sinister so much?
Rather dramatic introduction for that, I know. But really, I've been doing some deep digging to understand why I'm drawn to this POS out of countless characters from countless forms of media.
Firstly, though: there are plenty of problematic elements to Sinister... in general. I could make a whole longpost airing out my greivances over the writing of the Weapon X era in general, but that's not what this post is about. I bring this up to state: I do not condone any of Sinister's actions, or his beliefs regarding eugenics. This should be a no-brainer, but there are plenty of nobrainers running around this website. I digress.
I think there are several elements that draw me to him. First off, the surface level characteristics. He's always been a bitch, no matter what incarnation, and I find that hilarious. To the flamboyant Gillen-Krakoa bitchiness, to the subtle/not-so-subtle bitchiness of even his Claremont days. His unapolagetic creepass is just a delight.
His design is also *chef's kiss*. Dr. Frank N. Furter went through a shredder. The cape? Love it. The diamond motif? Love it. The slutty thigh high boots? Love it. Victorian aesthetic? Love it. Victorian aesthetic while simultaneosly being a massive slut??? Incredible. Sign me up. His pasty bitchass has me kicking my feet, I'll admit it.
Sinister was also a major villain of my favorite media of X-men, the Animated Series. (And he was just as bitchy!) I have the Phalanx Episodes on repeat, I tell you. Funny enough, I thought he was annoying at first, but upon rewatching I had the oh...oh moment. (Mister Sinister turned me transgender pass it on)
He presents some interesting politics too. I don't think this is the post to dive into that, though. I've touched on it a bit before.
But apart from the fun stuff, I need to acknowledge the not fun stuff that drew me to him over time on a more emotional level. Now I'll actually talk about myself, as in Apollo, not just catboy-sinister (lmao).
All my life, I've struggled with emotion. As in, I feel emotion a lot less deeply than other people. Feeling something intensely only comes along once every few months. Most of my days are just spent kind of... numb? Checked out? It's hard to describe. But basically, I just really don't feel stuff.
Sinister was transformed by Apocalypse, which took his regrets, morality, grief, etc. Nowadays he expresses all sorts of emotion, but that wasn't the case before. Before, and especially in Further Adventures of Cyclops and Phoenix (origin story), his entire emotional range was wiped or drastically reduced. And lowkey, I felt that? There are plenty of heroes/antiheroes/villains written as manly men who don't need emotion or morals... but that's not something I can project on. A bitchy Victorian themed scientist, though? That checks a box.
Sinister is also just kind of unsettling to a lot of characters in the world. Which honestly, I can relate to. I've literally been told I'm unsettling, lol, and stuff similar to that but a lot less nice. Even though I hadn't done anything.
During my youth, I never really fit in, never made genuine friends who I had a genuine connection with. My friends had always thought we had a connection, but I think differently. In fact, I think I can say that I've never made a genuine connection with someone before. Sounds sad when I say it, but I'm never really lonely. I just don't need that connection. I think Shithead Essex feels the same? He never seems to get lonely either, I'd say.
If I'm honest, it's kind of hard to feel human sometimes. I wonder what I'm missing out on a lot, which I'm sure Sinister never did, because he already experienced that. I feel detached a lot of the time. But I don't feel empty. I have hobbies and interests, likes and dislikes. I just don't feel things like other people do, or connect to them. Don't worry, the psych appointment is coming up in June (it was moved back).
The hardest thing to talk about is our similar grief. I won't talk about what I'm going through, because frankly I don't want to, but I can describe it. I'll be blunt. I know the feeling of watching someone immediately close to you slowly die as you can do nothing about it. So you detach yourself, preferring to feel nothing at all. There is nothing you can do about it, you feel helpless and alone. Essex was a doctor, I am not, but we both went through this similarly, diving into academic work and shutting ourselves off from the world. Of course, his 'academic work' was far more egregious than mine, but the baseline simularity is there.
There's really not a way to wrap this all in a neat bow. It's messy, but I'm a messy bitch, and so is Sinister. I think my final thoughts will be this: you don't NEED a deep, introspective reason to like something. It's nice to have it. It's healthy to do some good introspection from time to time, and critically think about why you like something. But sometimes you just like to look at the sky, or paint, or watch movies. A simple life is an equally fulfilling one, in my opinion. Or look deep in your soul to find WHY you like the sky and painting and movies.
It's up to you.
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