#the long tail of fandom growth
triflesandparsnips · 1 year
An abbreviated list of the many, many reasons I love that the season 2 OFMD episodes are being released more closely to a regular television schedule than a single huge binge drop:
1. It allows for this cumulative building wave of meta and art and conversation to develop between episodes, growing higher and higher, yes, but also wider, broader, bringing in people who might have otherwise been missed in some big there-and-gone surge, creating (when in any fandom where new canon drives enormous fan engagement and creativity) an experience that I consider to be the greatest benefit of being in a live, active fandom: immersive fannish compersion.
2. It gives time for people to come up with theories based on one ep, and then have those theories absolutely smashed with the next (an important part of learning to play in the tidepool of media analysis rather than making oneself stationed there).
3. It gives time for us to literally feel time-- as Stede and Ed must spend time apart in the narrative, we must spend time watching them apart in real life, providing an element of emotional consonance that heightens our understanding of the characters and our engagement with the text. (In game design theory this is called ludonarrative consonance, btw, and it's fucking fascinating.)
4. And relating all this together, the slower release helps with the long tail effect, where the longer OFMD is out there and being actively engaged with, the longer there's space for new fans to enter into the fandom while fan activity is at its most FOMO height-- thereby increasing the show's overall reach (in terms of accessibility to new viewers through word of mouth and shared experience) and depth (through fan engagement and iteration on the canon and one another's work).
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julymarte · 2 years
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  since my only real contribution to this fandom has been thedifferences analysis i did with my friends i think it’s time to separate it from the AU post and make it into a real masterpost, this is gonna be pretty long so be ready for it Disclaimer: models and art are fluctuating so i’m going to highlight only the recurrent stuff and the related evidence for the candy theory, so i’m not claiming this to be the indiscutible canon so take this evidence as you polease, just know it’s there but going forward....it’s time to begin with a few copy and paste from the previous posts with a few corrections along the way What is the candy theory? the Candy theory generates by the names of their alchemy lesson candies, according   to it, they highlight their strenghts/charm points so  Tail Fin Candy for floyd meaning legs and height and   Dorsal Fin Candy  for  jade focusing more on his torso/back i’ve seen many people comapring sprites to prove this theory on twitter so it’s time to show some examples, i tried to recreate them as best as i could (consider as i said art tend to be a lil less reliable than spites as it heavily depends on the lineart artist who’s assigned to the job)
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this repeats in pretty much all the  versions aside the mermaid sprites that are copy/pasted  BUT on that someone call in the octavinelle trailer  to support the theory
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some also link that to floyd possibly being a late bloomer as we clearly see baby floyd  was indeed shorter than baby jade in middle school even without the  aid of guiding lines
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both the tweels are of course still growing, since despite being GIANTS  they are afterall still 17 but we heard a detail from  floyd unique from what we know about jade, In floyd’s starsending episode translated by Ekala  he states that
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to adjust the mold of custom made shoes  he has probably gotten considerably taller within the year
According to some this means that floyd’s uniforms aren’t short on purpose  but are simply his first year ones and hedidn’t change them...but in that case jade wouldn’t have grown much  in height... according to these theories then floyd “just started” getting his growth spurt  while jade is pretty much settling his height and frame, but considering his apetite i wouldn’t be surprised to see himweighting more than floyd if we wver get an official weight for the boys(as we do know trey weights less than rook etc) but we are swimming too much in headcanon waters let’s proceed with the analysis in the previous posts these were the differences that emerged some of them are based on artwork so i’d take them with a lil caution especially on the topic of the hands that proved to be especially unreliable (floyd even got them changed in one of his sprites cause they looked too soft , sometimes jade has softer hands too) shoulders seem to be fluctuating as well
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starting with some artwork analysis  in the  magic archives we get a view of the eels from the back, and  floyd  was the only one with sketch underline, this was the result considering jade and  azul wearing clothes properly (and even pretty tight in jade’s case as we saw before)
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further update to support the  theory  comes  from the Union Birthday  model atlases starting with the   difference in rendering  of  their  vests that  being the  same  shape have  some pretty distinct  rendering on the  contrary of  the usual ( mermaid  copy/paste-very similar  halloween) as in jade  we  even find   back the  return of  the  button crying  for  help
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another element is   the  belt as  all the models  come  with a   separate  belt  but  i  decided to merge  it with their  hips  to  give better context as there’s  no  variation in the  legs  and  as usual floyd’s  are  slightly  thicker but  something we  never  analized   surfaces here , and  i  think there’s  not even need to explain this
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some relate this to their  first bday art too even if their  model don’t show significant difference
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also in mer-form when having the  same  position  you can see another visible  difference  between jade  and  floyd  
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in the masterchef ones we see pretty much we see a similar thing to the birthday boy vests even if shoulders and waist are pretty much the same they still keep a small but consistent difference
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before jumping  to the “it’s just the clothes” bandwagon i remind you that once again jade wears skin tight clothing and floyd loose/oversized stuff
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this pic actually leads us to the latest difference found aka the forearms always  from the masterchef models
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i hope to update this masterpost next month with their proper leg difference with floyd’s basketball club wear coming out to compare with jade’s vargas camp leggies so yes apparently  jade’s the  titty twin and floyd the ass one, and you may wonder wasn’t jade the ass one? i am afraid to break it to you but his beansday backside is  fake af and all thanks to the  harness
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in conclusion these are the predominant differences it’s also left to dind the  difference that rwas mentioned to riddle about the fact that  ears  are also different  but  the art is inconsistent on that matter and  we  didn’t come to a proper   solution and it might be  something only  perceived  by  the  characters
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trainsinanime · 1 year
Representation and Recreation
Usual disclaimers: I like the show, I liked season 5, I had a lot of fun with the finale and I think it had a lot of great elements, like Bug Noir and Kung Fu Jagged Stone. I don't intend to be salty (though whether it is salt is, of course, up to you), I'm generally watching the show and in the fandom to have fun, not to complain, and season 5 as a whole delivered on fun.
With that out of the way:
Goddammit, this fucking season 5 finale! I want to write analysis posts, but I can't make heads or tails of it. I've seen analysis posts by others, and I've reblogged some, but I think all of them are lacking, both the ones that like the finale and the ones that don't.
For example, part of me wants to make a post explaining how the finale really only makes sense if you see it as three parts, taking Representation into account, and what it tells us about Adrien, Marinette, Felix, Kagami and Sentimonsters. I would really like that to be true. But then I start thinking about this, and it turns out I don't actually have a thesis here, it's just that Representation is a way better episode that sets up a completely different finale.
Think about it. Representation's "A" plot is that Marinette learns about the history of Felix and Adrien through an avant-garde theatre show. I think this is the best visual storytelling the show has ever had, and it's the prettiest too. Here, we learn about the Sentichildren, about Gabriel's role in creating them, and how Gabriel is a threat to them. And the Sentichildren need help, from Ladybug. As the presentation ends and morning dawns, it seems like Marinette has understood all that, and resolved to help the sentis.
This has no bearing on the finale whatsoever. Marinette learns that Gabriel is evil, again, and is surprised, again. In retrospect it almost seems like she thought there was a third Adrien-Felix cousin or something. The sentibeings don't appear, it's all about the wish.
Meanwhile, Adrien's plot is all about him beating the crap out of his father, and finally telling him off. This toxic relationship is finally severed. Adrien is still under his father's control, but he's managed to see him for who he really is, and articulate that, and finally symbolically defeat him, with the help of his friend. That's really great thematically, and it's arguably the culmination of the character growth we've seen all season.
This has no bearing on the finale whatsoever. Adrien just doesn't appear in the final battle whatsoever, and when he does appear (actually, who unlocked his cell?), he's just happy and seems to have made peace with the memory of his father again.
That's weird, right? If it weren't for Adrien and Kagami being imprisoned, Representation would have no impact on the finale at all, even though it's written as if it were the big lead in to the final big fight, where all the big thematic questions are brought out in the open.
Representation clearly sets up something, I think, but not the big season and arc finale that comes after it. Does it set up season 6? Does it set up anything at all? I certainly hope so!
Several people in the fandom have said that they trust the writers to pay this off. I'll be honest, I do not. This isn't meant as an insult to the writers, I enjoy the episodes they write, but the show just has a long history of doing things that look like setup that don't pay off. Marinette doesn't have trauma from Chat Blanc, she's got it from Kim. The Ladynoir conflict in season 4 ended up not that big a deal. Su-Han never mattered, and neither did the sisterly relationship between Zoé and Chloé.
(Aside: I have read all the posts explaining why it makes sense that Adrien isn't at the final battle, and none of them were convincing to me. Yes, it's Marinette's show, and I like that. They're not equals, no matter what the subtitle pretends. But to not have him around at all? His relationship with Marinette is the crucial engine of the show, and the whole thing with Gabriel also concerns him.
I particularly disagree with arguments that say Chat Blanc and Ephemeral proved it was a good idea to keep him out. He could have totally overcome whatever Gabriel put on him if the writers had chosen to write it that way.
The whole argument is flawed. It's a fictional tactical argument to explain away a real story issue. You can do that when discussing why the crew of the USS Enterprise didn't turn the Tricorder into a Transporter again or whatever, but this is a fun explanation, not an actual argument for why the story had to go this way.)
Anyway. This finale. I have no idea what it's about. I'm not even entirely certain I know what happened. I'm not sure the writers knew, and even if they do, they're certainly not saying. That is so, so weird. I love Bug Noir, though.
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poke-imagines · 2 years
Any headcanons for ortega? Literally anything at all I love the star bosses with all my heart
I'd be glad to! Ortega needs more love in the fandom
Ortega Headcanons
Ortega is in the same age range as the rest of Team Star (18/19) he just hasn't had a growth spurt yet. He contantly gets teased about it and it was one of the reasons he was bullied so heavily
Has gotten mistaken as a preteen by the teachers a few times, much to his embarrassment
Pretty much addicted to sweets, and he absolutely despises bitter tastes like Dark Chocolate. Sour candy is on thin ice-
You know that pixie stick/captain crunch sandwich from Breakfast Club? Ortega tried it on a dare and ate the whole thing (horrifying Giacomo in the process)
He doesn't really understand the standards of food between wealth classes. He always had gold flakes in his cereal, is that not common?
Whenever he is around his family he censors every swear word (heck, darn, frick, etc). When he's at school though he is a swear machine, even rivaling Mela on his bad days
Total sore loser, even when it comes to board games. Mela loves to bring up the fact that Ortega once flung a Scrabble board across the room
As we know, Atticus made Ortega's outfit. But Ortega actually collaborated with him to make his cane, providing the materials and concept. It took a few days of collaboration but it turned out super well! Ortega treasures that cane and is never seen without it
Is super close with all of Team Star, but he probably is closest to Atticus. Whenever Ortega gets upset or fussy, Atticus is always able to calm him down simply by talking to him
Has a real brotherly relationship with Mela. They constantly bicker and argue, but deep down they care about each other (they will never admit it tho)
When Ortega has a tantrum, sometimes Eri will just sort of... pick him up like a cat. And hold him till he calms down. Surprisingly, it works pretty often!
Giacomo handcrafted Ortega his own theme song, and plays it whenever Ortega enters a room. He acts like it annoys him, but he secretly adores it everytime
He absolutely adores bunny pokemon. Something about their long ears and fluffy tails just makes him so happy! He definitely owns a pair of bunny slippers
Thanks you for requesting!
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kitkatt0430 · 5 months
Answer the Questions and Tag 5 Fanfic Authors
Thanks for the tag @goldheartedchaoticdisaster :D
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction?
Writing fanfic was something I just started doing because I wanted to have more Voyager stories about Seven of Nine when I was still pretty young. Actually posting up fanfics I'd written? Junior High, I think - so preteens/early teens - when a friend introduced me to the wonderful world of Fanfiction.net; I started reading fic and worked up the courage to actually post my own after a bit.
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
51? I think? It's at least that many, anyway.
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
I joined FFnet in 2002 so let's just go with 22 years. I did write some stuff before that, but none of it was posted and all of it is lost.
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
I read more, but I certainly do write a lot. :D
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer?
I've gotten a lot better at world building. But also establishing initial characterizations and making character growth make sense.
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Not necessarily weird, but I've looked up information on various degrees and how long they take to complete as well as different types of power of attorney - yes, there is more than one! - and the different ways they apply.
7. What’s your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
I like the comments that have reactions to different parts of the fic/chapter and maybe favorite quotes as they read along. Those are the types of comments I like to leave most too.
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
Lol, does writing a Fringe/Flash crossover fic count? ;)
I've got some pretty rare pairs that I've written for - Reverb/HR and Savitar/Reverb and Savitar/Eobard are probably the most rare thus far but I find I enjoy the challenge of rare pairs that are of the ships that pass in the night variety so I may wind up with more very rare pairs as time goes on.
There's been a few experimental-ish fics I've written, like Spiral which… I'm not really sure how to describe the style for that fic.
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
I struggled a lot with the ending to You Must Live (For Me) because it was a bad guys win fic and so I knew from the start I'd be killing off Iris. But it was still difficult to do.
So overall I think fics that kill off main characters in some way? I don't write that often, but even just the aftermath of such a thing can be really difficult to write. Grief is just… hard to write because it hurts so much.
10. What is the easiest type?
Fluffy, silly fics. Things like Buzz Buzz often just flow easily because they're silly and fun.
But often also fics that address things I feel strongly about. Not always - sometimes I get in my own way with those fics - but sometimes that strong emotion will just carry me through writing something until suddenly I have an entire fic. Seeress was definitely one of those where replaying the ending of Final Fantasy 13-2 where the bad guy has basically pulled a 'heads I win, tails you lose' scenario (which the final game rectifies) had me speculating on how some of the foreshadowing in the game indicated there could have been a different ending to things.
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
On my computer - though a tablet + keyboard combo will do in a pinch. Rarely on a notebook these days because I can't guarantee I'll find the motivation to transcribe it later, though notebooks are a good place for making story notes instead of fic writing.
I'll typically use LibreOffice because it's easy to use and free. I'll also use Notion, which has a free tier and is good for when I want to be able to work on a fic from my tablet or on a different computer from usual.
For my sins… sometimes I'll write a fic directly into Ao3's editor.
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
I'm trying to get better at making 'one day' become 'today' when it comes to this sort of thing. I feel like my Flash/Fringe crossover series falls into this because what I want to do for the series is ambitious and so while I don't want to bite off more than I can write (as it were), I don't want to keep putting it off because it makes me worry I won't do it justice. I won't do it anything at all if I don't at least try.
13. What made you choose your username?
My sister picked it out when she helped me make my first email account as a kid and I've been partial to it ever sense. Kitkatt0430 is in many ways as much my name now as my real name. I've used it for FFnet, my short lived attempt at Live Journal, Ao3, Tumblr (though I have Starstruckpurpledragon here too), and a few other places.
@sophiainspace @coldflasher @incorrectcoldflashblog @terrie01 @fezwearingjellybananas & anyone who wants to play :D
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Blue and White
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy Summary: Viktor Hargreeves in ordinary in everything but his love life. While everyone around him is getting pushed and pulled towards their soulmates, his world has remained shrouded in black and white his entire life. He knows that it will stay that way, too. At least he has one unique thing about him to try and start a conversation with his siblings when he attends their father's funeral. Warnings: Angst, canon-typical child abuse, and mentions of toxic relationships Word Count: 6,092 Ship(s): Five Hargreeves/Viktor Hargreeves
Archive link!
A/N: So I really struggled with choosing a prompt for this one and eventually I went to my mutual ( @lovely-number-7 ) and they helped me choose one! I really liked how this turned out even if it was, once again, very long in exposition and world building and very small in actual fiktoring. I promise that one day I'm gonna fix that, lol. I hope that you all enjoy and please feel free to ask me about the AU if you want in the comments! Stay sissy and bitchy everyone <3
Year of Fiktor
Blue and White
An Umbrella Academy Fanfiction
A Five Hargreeves/Viktor Hargreeves Fanfiction
By Sissytobitch10seconds
AU of your choice - time travel - meet cute/blind date - “you’re the only one I could turn to for help” - storm - vampire/werewolf/DC vs vampires AU
At thirteen years old, Viktor Hargreeves lost his best friend and learned that he had super powers within the same twenty-four hours.
Due to both of those monumental events happening on top of each other he remembered every moment from that day with breathtaking clarity. The morning was the blurriest part, since he had always been slow to wake up and his brain was clouded with the medicine his mother had given him the night prior. He had shoved on his clothes and then trudged down to the dining room with all six of his siblings like he had done since he was big enough to get himself dressed.
They had gathered around the table, standing behind the seats assigned to them while waiting for their father. It had been before they had gotten names, each of them receiving a list of gendered names from their home countries. Ben and Luther had chosen theirs but everyone else was still poking through their list and trying out names to figure out which fit best. They still went by numbers outside of the classroom where their mother and teacher were happy to indulge them in such trivial matters, unlike their father. The odd numbers were on the right and the even on the left, with Viktor sitting at the end of the table so he was directly across from their adoptive father.
Eventually they had been allowed to sit down when Reginald took his place. He barely paid them any mind as they shuffled into their seats and began to poke at whatever had been served to them. Diego and Klaus had both been on the tail end of a growth spurt so they inhaled their food faster than should have been possible without choking. Luther and Allison were eating with refined poise, so much that it was annoying and aggravating for everyone else at six in the morning. Ben and Viktor never had much of an appetite so were shuffling the food around their plates like they were hoping it would go away if they did so for long enough. Five was toying with the knife that he had no doubt stolen from from Diego the night prior.
The silence had stretched on until their father finished his morning cup of tea. He hated caffeine, that much they all knew, but Viktor was also sure that there was no way he suddenly became awake after the murky liquid was consumed without it.
Five was the one to finally break the silence. He usually was, unable to keep his ideas from bubbling up inside of him and spilling out into the open air despite their father’s strictness about it. Viktor knew that the silence itched at a part of his brain neither of them knew enough about science to name yet, which is why he only jumped a little bit when the tip of the knife was dug about an inch into the wood of their morning dining table.
“I want to time travel,” Five had snarled as he turned towards his father. His eyes had looked to Viktor for just a moment, shining with desperation and that fire that he got when he had made a break through on their school work.
“No,” Reginald had immediately replied. There had been something in his voice other than the usual annoyance that he had when his children were speaking with him. They knew that their father was a bit of a recluse, always hiding away in his office unless he had to monitor their training or needed to be presented in front of a crowd. He didn’t like spending time with them when there were better things, his words, that he could be doing. Viktor was certain, especially after he became an adult, that was why all of their meals were taken with lessons or silently. When he spoke this time, he sounded partially annoyed but in the way that Pogo became after Klaus asked his thousandth purposefully obtuse question during their lessons.
“Why not? I know that I can do it,” Five had immediately shot back. He had removed his hand from where it had been white-knuckling around the dagger. They had snapped back and forth at each other for a while longer before Five had begun to use his power to teleport to different spots in their dining room. 
Then suddenly he had stormed out of the house, leaving behind the echoing noise of the front latch bouncing around the walls.
Viktor had been distressed for the rest of the day, borderline inconsolable. He had bolted from the table to try and follow after his brother but Luther had stopped him before he had even fully gotten down the hall. He had been returned to the classroom where they were all going to be taking their lessons only to sit and stare at the desk where Five should have been, sobbing.
Grace had to give him a double dose of his medication since she had claimed that his nerves were getting the better of him. He had trusted her, he had always trusted her back then because she was the only mother that he had ever known. He had been moved back to his own room and told to wait until someone came to get him. He had known that there would have been very strong consequences if he didn’t so he listened and laid on his bed. He drifted in and out of the worst sleep of his life until his mother brought him lunch and he ate alone. 
During the afternoon, he sat near the window, having moved his desk chair to do so. His eyes had felt glazed and his insides hollow in a way that they never had before. He didn’t have separation anxiety from his siblings, they went away too much for that to be the case. Something about Five leaving that morning had struck something deep inside of him that he didn’t have the words to name. It felt feral, all consuming, and overwhelmingly intense.
He had stared at every minute movement of the grass waving in the evening breeze and the leaves fluttering over the baked earth towards the corners of the yard where they would get caught. He desperately wanted to find anything that meant Five was going to come back for him or return to the house at all. Something in the very back of his mind had understood that was going to be more complicated than he originally thought. He had never been able to name it and he still couldn’t to the present day.
He had taken his dinner alone in his room like his other meal. Grace had returned around bedtime with another dose of the medication that he had been given in earlier in the morning before he realized that something was horrifyingly wrong.
Viktor didn’t know what it was. That was the only place that the memories of that day had gotten hazy in the slightest. He remembered bolting up from his chair and clinging to his mother like he was a lost toddler being reunited with his family. He had wet her skirt with tears and snot as he blabbered incoherently, apparently his volume raising so loudly that his father had to come and intervene.
Reginald was a distant man but he didn’t like seeing his children hurt. The way that he protected them was strange and upsetting to many, but comforting to them when they didn’t know any better. They were all starved for his validation and any form of reassurance that they could get from him, so his methods back then had seemed justified.
When he had realized how distressed Viktor was about with both his brother’s disappearance and what he had reported was a very vivid nightmare due to a side effect of the mild sedative he had been given, Reginald had called in Allison. She had stood shyly behind him for a while until he had given her the fateful order that still rung through Viktor’s head whenever he had the recurring dream he could never remember. “Number Three, please inform your sister that she has never seen color and simply had a nightmare. Then return to your room and go to bed as you were instructed to earlier this evening.”
After that he had turned on his heel and left the room. Viktor could remember hearing the sound of his cane matching with the thumping of his shoes. Something deep inside of him panicked when he saw the look that took over his sister’s face. They had never been close enough for him to annoy her into getting rumored the same way that Diego and Klaus were, but she had come to enjoy her power quite a lot since the Academy debuted. He knew that she was going to embellish the rumor that had just been co-signed by their father.
She knelt down in front of him and then opened her mouth to speak. That was the most vivid part of the memory for the violinist. He remembered the cool of the wood floor ebbing through his knee socks and soaking into the exposed skin of his thigh from where his skirt was just a little too short. The robotic motions of his mother’s fingers carding through his hair to get some of the strands off of his face from where they were sticking to his tear-streaked cheeks. The feeling of his shirt pulling too tight on his hips and shoulders, the uncomfortableness of the collar and blazer on his neck. 
He could see Allison kneeling in front of him as she said, “I heard a rumor that you had never seen color before because you’re extraordinary enough to have dreamed about it.”
The bitterness in her words said it all. She had done what her father had said, but something about the way that she had phrased the rumor had broken something else inside of him. Viktor knew that Allison hadn’t meant to and she would have gone back to change her wording a thousand times over if she knew the importance of it, but the damage had already been done.
The end of what she had said in her second rumor counteracted the first that she had given him when they were young, which had brought back the memory for Viktor and upset him even more.
A flurry of things had happened, including a hole developing in the wall and more tears rushing down Viktor’s face. It had ended with Allison and Viktor standing in front of Reginald’s desk, then Allison being lectured for her recklessness at not doing exactly what he had asked her to. Then Viktor was alone as his father detailed the fact that he did have powers but he was a danger to society so had to keep them locked up. He had been told about what they were and why the medication he was on was so important to take.
Viktor’s life had been the same but somehow different than it had been before. He got a minute amount of training from Pogo and Reginald, mostly just yoga and anxiety exercises to try and make sure that his emotions never got too out-of-hand to the point that the medication would stop working. The formula had also changed a couple of times since he had realized that he had powers, allowing him to feel more while still making it impossible to do what he had naturally been gifted with.
He had lived his entire life knowing that he had powers and thinking back to that strange daydream that had caused it all to happen. The rumor had made it so that he didn’t remember what it was about, nor did he really want to since he had been so traumatized by it at the time. Some part of him was still curious about the idea that he had somehow met his soulmate’s eyes enough in that dream to see the world in color.
Now that he was nearing his thirties, he knew a lot of people that had met their soulmates and most of them had gotten married or were living with them. It was very common for the universe, or whatever higher power someone believed in, to bring them closer to their soulmate so that they inevitably met. It was incredibly rare for someone to die of old age without having met the other half of their being, even if sometimes it took up until someone was in their fifties for it to happen.
Being surrounded by soulmate pairs made Viktor wonder if he was ever going to meet his own soulmate. He had gone on all of the trips and visited all of the new stores in town, which was the advice that he had gotten from some of the people in his orchestra when they told him about how they had met their own soulmates. Nothing had worked and the world remained in simple white-and-black. He didn’t notice and didn’t mind it most days, but certain things set off the feeling of wrongness in the back of his brain that he always tried to attribute to the rumor that Allison had cast over him when they were teenagers.
Not finding his soulmate was a sticking point on that particular day, however, because he was going to be returning back to his childhood home so that he could attend his father’s wake. His siblings were all happy with their soulmates nowadays, which left Viktor as the only one who had a gaping hole in his life where another person should have been.
For the last couple of months he had been pursuing someone romantically to try and combat that emptiness that he had felt ever since his best friend left but there was only so much that he could do to try and mask the hurt it had left. Leonard was sweet but expected them to move too fast and got annoying whenever Viktor shot down his advances because he was uncomfortable with them.
He shook himself from his thoughts as he finally arrived in front of the home that had been his cage for eighteen years. It had only ever felt like a cage when Five had left, though. 
Viktor paid his fair to the cab driver and then got out. He slung his violin onto his back as he stood in front of the wrought iron fence, his eyes tracing over the umbrellas as they had done every time he had come home from college for the breaks. He had even taken summer classes and joined a smaller orchestra during his college years to avoid being exactly where he was as much as he could.
There was no delaying the inevitable, however, so he pressed the gate open and then hopped up the steps to the landing. He paused for a moment there as he tried to figure out if he should knock, ring the doorbell, or just enter since it was technically still his home even if he had moved out after getting his first job. He settled on knocking and then waited as he listened to the sounds inside of the house. There was arguing coming from the closest sitting room to the door but it didn’t sound like any powers were being used, which meant that it was probably Luther and Ben talking about their newest hobby. He could also hear clanking from the kitchen a few feet beyond that where Diego and Ben’s soulmate were helping Grace in the kitchen.
The door swung open a little while after that and Viktor was met with the being that had acted more like a father than the man that had adopted him ever had. “Young Master Viktor, you’ve finally decided to come and visit us,” he said, though his tone was lighthearted and teasing. 
He chuckled weakly and kicked at the ground with the toe of his chucks. “I know, I’m sorry, Pogo. I just never really felt welcome back when he was alive. I promise that I’ll come and visit you both more now that he’s not lurking around.”
“I always did enjoy your wit even if it was always directed towards your father,” Pogo shook his head the way every disappointed parent had since the beginning of time. He moved to the side and gestured into the house with his head, “Your mother just finished making lunch if you want to come and join us.”
“Who else is here?” Viktor asked as he stepped over the threshold of his childhood home. He had been right in his hypothesis, the light and love from his siblings and their respective partners made the entire place feel more chipper and lively than it had the entire time that Reginald had been occupying it. Now that the door wasn’t in the way of the soundwaves, he could hear even more lively conversation happening from another room in the house, where he supposed they were going to be eating lunch. It was one of the rooms that he had never been allowed into since he wasn’t part of the Umbrella Academy, even after he found out that he did have powers.
“Each one of your siblings and their soulmates. Miss Allison and Master Diego brought their children as well,” Pogo said as he shut the front door.
Viktor had just removed his jacket to place it over the only hook on the wall left for him to do so when the tiny four-year-old they were just talking about rounded the corner. “Uncle Viktor!” she screamed as she crossed the space between them and then flung her arms around Viktor’s waist hard enough to knock him back half a step.
Despite the melancholy that had been hanging heavy in his heart all day, he was happy to see his niece. He had only seen her once, the most recent Christmas that they had when Allison was out in New York shooting something over the holidays and thought to do a visit. Christmas was his busiest time of year so he was never able to attend any of the gatherings his siblings always held in other parts of the world. “Hey Claire,” he laughed.
He leaned down and then wormed his arms under her own so that she was hugging his shoulders and neck instead. He picked her up and situated her on his hip despite her already growing stature and his height. “Are you happy to be back in New York with your mom?”
“Yeah,” she chirped with a nod. “I got to see Uncle Luther where he makes spaceships!” her eyes were glittering with the kind of childlike excitement that Viktor could never remember having the privilege to possess. He wanted to protect that in his niece more than anything in the whole world since it was likely he would never be able to do that with his own kids.
“Claire?” Allison called before her daughter had the chance to continue blabbering to Viktor about what her trip had been like so far. He would have been happy to hide out in the hall and talk to his niece until the wake was over, but the universe had other plans.
“Sorry, she heard me and decided that she had to come say hi,” Viktor said as he carefully put the little girl back down on the ground. 
“I found Uncle Viktor, Mommy! You said that he wasn’t going to come but then he did so that means you owe Uncle Klaus,” Claire blurted. She gave her mother a quick hug and then darted around Allison’s leg, most likely to go tell the information to someone else in the bowels of the house.
Hurt marred his heart, it always had, but that was adding in another scar. “You didn’t think that I was going to come to my own father’s wake? You guys were betting on me not showing up?”
“You haven’t come to a lot of the other things that we’ve had. You haven’t been at anyone’s wedding or come to the holiday stuff that we do. I don’t think that it’s that big of a stretch to assume that you wouldn’t show up to this either, especially not after the kind of relationship that you and Dad had,” Allison replied as she lazily folded her arms over her chest.
Viktor snorted, “First of all, the wedding and holiday stuff was always held in either LA, Dallas, or Chicago and I make a teacher’s salary. Second of all, none of you came to my college graduation, came to visit me after my top surgery, or attended any of the many concerts that I put on even when you were all in town. If we’re talking about fairness then I think it’s pretty fucking fair to say that I’ve given as much as I’ve taken. But, you know, I can leave if you don’t want me here.”
“I want you here,” Luther said from behind Allison. He was standing next to Ben in the doorway of the formal sitting room that they had been talking in when Vitkor arrived. He felt a bit shocked that his brothers had both noticed that he was there and cared enough to interrupt the conversation that he was having with his sister.
Things had been tense, to say the least, between him and Allison ever since the second rumor when they were thirteen. They had gotten in a lot of fights when they were younger and just barely out of their guardian’s hearing. They had been ugly and a lot of very mean things had been said but it was assumed that most of that would blow over once they became adults. When Allison had brought Claire to visit Viktor last year things had been civil, but it was clear it wasn’t always going to be like that.
“Hey Luther,” Viktor smiled fondly. That was one of the things that had made his relationship with his only sister so tense. He and Luther had gotten along very well when they were in college, before Luther transferred to a more specialized school instead of continuing on with the first major that he had picked. Allison didn’t like the idea of the brother she favored hanging out with any of their other siblings more than he did her. She had gotten better since she had married her soulmate but not by much.
“How are you doing?” Luther asked. He gave Viktor an awkward side hug and then forced him further into the house so he was closer to the rest of the family.
“Fine. Trying to figure out how to break up with my boyfriend,” he answered with a small shrug. Nothing ever really happened in his life that he thought his family would want to hear about.
Ben poked his head out from the other side of Luther and asked, “Why do you need to break up with your boyfriend?”
He groaned, rolling his eyes. He half wished he hadn’t brought it up because now he was actually going to have to talk about it. There was always a fifty/fifty chance that something he said about his life would be ignored which is why he had done it in the first place. “He thinks that we can move in together when we’ve only been dating for three months. He keeps trying to pressure me into making huge relationship decisions that I am definitely not ready for. I just need to find the right words to break it off without him flipping out and it getting messy.”
“I love messy,” Klaus grinned as he walked out of the dining room and then wrapped around Viktor like a snake coming in for the kill to hug him.
“I don’t,” the smaller brother replied, his voice muffled by Klaus’ denim shirt.
“Where have you been? I feel like we haven’t seen you in forever and ever,” Klaus whined as he wound his arm around Viktor’s back and began to steer him into the throbbing mass that was the rest of his family preparing for lunch.
“I was busy. I had a bunch of concerts that I had to do and I took on another twenty students,” Viktor explained, a little too defensively for who he was talking to. Klaus lived in Dallas with his husband, Dave, and was notorious for falling out of contact with his siblings.
“Another twenty? Do you ever get a second to just breathe?” Jill, Ben’s soulmate, asked as she walked over so that she could meet her husband. “I mean, I get busy when I take on more than five clients that have overlapping dates but never that many.”
“It’s a little bit different when its just an hour lesson every week or two. I barely work as much as the average American does. And I needed a little bit more money for the rest increase that my landlord decided to surprise me with for my birthday,” Viktor sighed.
“They’re making you pay more for that dump?” Ben asked, wrinkling his nose. He lived in Chicago with his wife but came back to The City often so that he could visit with the siblings that still lived there. Out of the six of them that were left, only three lived where they had grown up while the rest had left. Even then, Diego spent half of his time with his wife, Lila, in London with her family or traveling to spend time training other stunt actors.
“It’s the only place I know outside of here. Plus I grew up in a glorified broom closet Klaus stole from me after I left for college. My apartment is just… homey,” Viktor defended. He had been meaning to look for another place to live but some part of him, the part that had been silenced by layers of rumor, thought that if he moved around too much then it would decrease the chances of Five being able to find him.
“Don’t be mean,” Jill chided her husband after giving her brother-in-law the time to finish talking. She then ushered him over to the chairs that were open at the end of the table and Viktor was left blissfully alone for a moment.
He sat down in the single chair at the end of the table, where he had always sat when he was a child. He felt like the other again when he was surrounded by everyone and their growing families. Ben had Jill, who was a fiercely intelligent and kind lawyer who loved him to the ends of the earth but pushed him to be better. Klaus had Dave, a Jewish veteran that let him get away with just enough to keep the recovering addict happy. Diego had Lila, an international nature advocate leaning towards nuisance that kept him on his toes and happier than any of them deserved to be, and their son Stanely, who had been adopted three years ago and was just about to turn twelve. Luther had Sloane, who was a professor of physics at the university in The City that they had met at when Luther was still going to school with Viktor. Allison had Ray, who was a civil rights lobbyist, and their daughter Claire.
“Viktor, I’m so glad that you were able to join us,” Grace beamed as she walked into the room with two serving dishes grasped in her hands. Viktor stood up and took one from her so that he could give her a kiss on the cheek. There was a flurry of movement as all the food was placed on the table and then they all took their seats around it.
Eventually they melted back into the rhythm that they always had with each other, forgetting that they were there for what was supposed to be a somber occasion. They caught up on each other’s lives and made fun of the small things that they did, something that they had always done. They had a brief moment of respectful silence when it was time to say a few words about Reginald. No one really wanted to, not even Jill or Sloane and they were the people that saw the best in everyone.
Viktor had been the last to arrive and the first to leave when he realized that he just couldn’t bear to be around them when they were all being so happy and chipper and in love with each other. He didn’t want to bring down the joy that they had by reminding them that he had never found his soulmate, that he was still walking around in a black and white haze, but he also couldn’t endure it anymore. He said goodbye to Claire and Stan first, then sought out his mother and teacher to tell them he was leaving as well. He left his siblings and their spouses alone so that they could realize he was gone in their own time. He had spent long enough being separate from them that he didn’t really care what they would think of him leaving that early in the day.
Instead, he found his favorite bar that was just a block away from his house and ordered one of his favorite drinks. Viktor didn’t like being anywhere past the point of tipsy but he needed a small balm for the aching in his chest. It wasn’t something that he allowed himself to do often but he figured that since his father had just died he had an excuse. He sat in the back and sipped on his amaretto sour for half an hour until he felt pleasantly buzzed and paid his tab.
He walked back home with his fingers tapping out the rhythm of his most recent piece. It was the one that he was going to be playing the solo for when he auditioned for first chair again later that spring. He had been stuck playing second for almost three years, not because of his own inability to excel at his instrument but because of something going on between the conductor and the current first chair.
Thinking about Helen Cho had made him frustrated once more by the time that he had reached his front door. He was mocking her under his breath as he stuck the key in the lock to get in, “Oh I’m so cool that I can buy my way in to having the same position in the same stupid orchestra because I have a real soulmate with a job that makes lots of money. I’m so much better than that stupid Viktor and his soulmate-less life.”
He slammed the door behind him hard enough that he knew he was going to get a noise complaint from the crotchety old man that lived across the hall from him. He was glad that he was already looking for a new place to live since that man had been looking for a way to get Viktor evicted from his home for months.
“You should have locks on your window,” said a voice from inside of his apartment.
Fear shot through his body fast enough that he immediately felt ten times more sober than he had a second prior. He turned around so that he could see who was talking and then felt the air be stolen from his lungs while his heart was still beating up in his ears.
The man was at least six feet tall and he carried himself like he knew it. He had broad shoulders but a slender form that made the suit he was wearing look the best it could ever hope to be. It was a dark material with a gray vest that was adored with black embroidered flowers. The man’s haircut was long on one side so that his dark chocolate locks would fall down in front of his dazzling green eyes. He had sharp cheekbones and a strong jawline that brought attention to where his Adam’s apple was bobbing up and down in his throat.
“What the Hell?” Viktor asked, his brain so full of adrenaline and the shock of losing his pleasant alcohol-induced buzz that he could barely realize what was happening.
“I know that I’ve been gone for almost two decades but don’t tell me that you’ve completely forgotten me,” the man replied as he stepped towards Viktor.
The smaller of the two examined the way that his hands were tucked into his pockets and how his body was leaning, which only cemented who it was in his head. “Five?” he asked, utterly breathless.
It had never felt real. Some part of him, the part that was devoid of hope and full of sadness, had always known that his brother was never going to return to him like he had always wished for. Some part of him had known that Five was unable to come back to him and wasn’t even in the same realm of existence as him.
“Hello,” he replied, a sheepish flush taking over his features. “Long time no see.”
The feelings overtook him before he was even able to realize what they were. He reached up and placed both of his hands on either side of Five’s suit lapels to bring him down so that he could crash their lips together. Tears were streaking down his face much like they had been when Five had left all those years ago.
Electric rightness passed between the two of them where their lips met. Every place that their bodies pressed against the other’s seem to carry with it a shock of pleasantness that made Viktor feel like he had slipped back into the correct part of the universe. His chest felt heavy and his heart was finally beating in the proper measure. He was warm all over in a way that felt like curling up with a blanket during a thunderstorm or drinking his favorite lavender chamomile tea.
“How fucking dare you leave me?” he whispered, hiccuping out a sob when they separated from each other so he could heave in breath.
“I didn’t want to. I’ve been working to get back to you ever since, my love,” Five replied. During their kiss he had brought one of his hands up to cup Viktor’s hip and the other to brush across the rivulets of tears down his pale face. “I have worked tirelessly to get back to you, my beloved soulmate.”
“Soulmate?” Viktor exhaled like the word was somehow forbidden for him. He had been thinking about it all day since he had been around everyone with their respective other halves, but this was different. “Five, I’m not your soulmate.”
“Viktor, look at me,” he whispered as he tilted the other man’s face up slightly so that their eyes met. “You have the most beautiful hazel eyes I have ever had the pleasure of gazing upon. Your cheeks are red when you’re embarrassed but only over your nose and under your eyes. Your hair is the darkest chocolate brown. I can see color, but only when I’m with you. I haven’t been able to see color in the last seventeen years that I’ve been away from you.”
“Why did you leave me? Where we you? God, Allison really fucked me over,” he blurted out all at the same time. He was stumbling over his words because of how right it felt to be in Five’s arms, and how bright the world looked now that it was doused in vibrant colors. The way that he had lost his color came back to him, his mind replaying the memory it had lost of the tunnel of brightness slowly closing in until everything was white-black-gray.
“It’s complicated, beloved. I never meant to leave you and I don’t plan on it now. With Reginald finally gone, we can live as we were meant to. If you want me,” Five sounded a little insecure towards the end.
To assure him that his advances were very much wanted, Viktor brought their lips together in another passionate kiss. “I want you to promise me that you will never leave me again.”
“I promise,” Five murmured, pouring his entire soul into the words as he held his soulmate as close as their atoms would allow.
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I do recall there being someone in the dadmight side of the fandom who does NOT like mermaids (I think?) so please ignore if that was you, otherwise, merfolk AU?
It was me, but I’m in a charitable mood. Though as a compromise, the merfolk are the antagonists and there’s some flavors of Aquaman in this.
While the merfolk are at about the same capacity for intelligence as humans, their culture values a more instinct-based, animalistic lifestyle. Survival of the fittest. The only way to determine who deserves the best food, territory, and mates are to fight for them. Often to the death.
While merkind tends to view humanity as lesser than themselves for their reliance on tools rather than their own bodies, a maid named Inko admires their organization and altruism. She’s watched from a far as divers remove hooks from the mouths of sharks and cultivate new coral growth on artificial reefs. Others would point out that humans caused those problems in the first place, but the willingness to go out of one’s way to fix their mistakes is a lot more than the average mer is willing to do. So she finds herself spending lots of time near the shore, going so far as to befriend a kindly but lonely lighthouse keeper and hobby free-diver named Toshinori.
But their friendship doesn’t last long. A powerful and cruel mer-king takes her as a mate, and since young mer adapt to the environment they grow up in, he wants to take his pod somewhere harsh, far away from shore, so his offspring can grow up to be as fearsome as possible. But before they leave, Inko sneaks away just long enough to give her newborn son to Toshinori, who will raise him with more kindness that his real father ever could.
Izuku starts out more fish-like, with gills and a shining green tail. For the first few years, he sleeps in the bathtub and drinks ground krill slurry instead of milk. But mer adapt to their environments as they grow, so by the time he’s six, his tails splits into a pair of legs. And Toshinori loves him, just like Inko knew he would. Lighthouse keeping leaves a good deal of free time, which is almost always spend playing or teaching. The days requiring the least amount of work are spend in the nearest town almost two hours away so Izuku can meet and play with other kids. He even joins the swim team once he gets to high school. Apart from some teasing for his weird obsession with water, Izuku has a fairly normal childhood.
However, the cruel mer-king All for One eventually learns that one of his children has eluded him. His favored mate’s first no less. Such insubordination cannot stand, so he sends Izuku’s siblings out to capture him, killing anyone who gets in their way. They attack more than once, culminating in one of them nearly drowning Toshinori by smashing his head into underwater rocks. Izuku is able to get him to the hospital in time to save his life, but he realizes that these attacks aren’t going to stop unless they get him. That night, he swims out to sea on his own, dozens of glowing eyes waiting for him.
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basuralindo · 1 year
I'll be predictable and ask you to ramble about Jamil for the character ask. ;)
lmao I appreciate you
Oooookay, so, head's up: I'm obsessed with Jamil for relatability reasons and imma try really hard not to overshare too much on the tragic backstory but it's gonna happen a little anyway and also I'm on the (hopefully) tail end of a manic episode so I'm ...chatty, to put it lightly. Sorry. There's a tldr
What I love about them: Short answer: representation! ...Long answer: SO many layers of representation! Surface level, I'm mixed, but my looks heavily pull the middle eastern, aaand growing up during the bush era, I didn't get to see a lot of characters that looked like me unless they were being murdered, and even if they lived they didn't get enough of a personality to be relatable, so Jamil is refreshing (also same color aesthetic +eye makeup and hair charms while still getting to be a guy. I've never gotten that combo in a character before!). Beyond that, an honestly disconcerting level of childhood trauma themes in common, leading to an alarmingly similar and very specific set of issues and, uhh, "personality quirks". And while I didn't have any real constant threat of assassination to build that kind of paranoia around, I'm bipolar and always had paranoid delusions, which were fed by my mom's unchecked paranoid delusions that there was always potential murderers lurking everywhere. And yeah I get to see characters somewhat like that now and then, but this is the first time I've seen one who then has to go to school in the 21st century and try to act normal and not draw attention to himself or say anything that might reflect badly on his abusers. So that wasn't what I expected out of a goofy sounding gacha game that I downloaded as a joke, but I'm glad I found it. Also just, getting to see a character that looks like me and acts like me (pre 10 years of therapy and growing the fuck up) and has almost exactly all the flaws I've learned to be ashamed of and hate about myself be humanized like that, not destined to die tragically, and loved and accepted by fandom, has been genuinely healing. So tldr, I can project on him endlessly, but still get to step back and enjoy him as a character, especially all the room for complexity his situation offers in fics.
What I hate about them: Wellllll, also relatability. As cathartic as he is, sometimes it's like watching an ugly mirror of my teenaged angst, and his bullshit makes me cringe at myself.
Favorite Moment/Quote: It's really hard to choose, but I really like his vignette appearances involving Floyd. Floyd has a way of goading him into engaging with his passions in a more honest way (like getting him to demonstrate breakdancing, or in the robes vignette when Floyd started a dance party at his dorm and he just gave up and joined in for fun). It's the closest he gets to having fun with his classmates and I love that. Another favorite moment would be in the halloween event where he just starts maniacally terrorizing the ghosts and stealing their shit. Peak bastard moment, and I appreciate the "I'm not trapped in here with you, you're trapped in here with me" attitude.
What I would like to see more focus on: I wanna see him form more real friendships with people. Just gimme some growth where he starts letting more people in and chooses to spend time with people because he personally enjoys their company, not just cause they get dumped on him. Like his thing with Azul in canon cracks me up, but imagine if he actually accepted any of the help or kindness. I just, often think about the fact that after every overblot, the character wakes up to people caring and accepting them and offering some level of support/community, and they can accept more love than they thought they'd find. But after Jamil's, the people there trying to support him are the ones he sees as enemies, and he just pushes them away and ends up even more alone than he started. I wanna see him grow less isolated.
What I would like to see less focus on: I guess less of the way Everything centers around Kalim? Like obviously it's a huge part of his character and I wouldn't want it gone completely, it's his main conflict specifically because it takes up every waking moment of his life, but again I wanna see growth. It'd be cool of that became gradually less of a factor and his scenes started focusing more on moments of autonomy I guess?
Favorite pairing with: I'm sure everyone following me already knows it's the whole octatrio lol. I like them either as a polycule or individual relationships though, I think there's a lot to explore in all of their one-on-one dynamics with him, and I wish there was more fan content of Jamil with either or both of the tweels. If I had to put them in order of obsession though it'd probably be Jamil/Azul very narrowly before Jamil/Floyd, and then Jamil/Jade last only because Floyd and Azul are better foils for his personality and hangups, while he and Jade alone would be more likely to enable the worst in each other. That said, I still think the four together balance each other out the best
Favorite friendship: Ehhhh it's a tossup between Ruggie, Idia, and Cater for me? I mean all three have very minor building blocks set up but tbh I just like the characters and wanna see them hang out together. I feel like Ruggie would be able to really see him as Just A Guy separate of his situation and employers, like he's got enough of his own problems to not be shocked by Jamil's, and neither have moral issues with the other's behaviors, so they could be candid with each other without feeling othered or pitied or judged, and I'd love to see more of that. Cater seems like the type to notice that he's not okay and try to pull him into normal life activities, like give him a break from his work to just be a person, even if he doesn't quite Get It (also Fake Bitch solidarity). And Jamil and Idia are just So Fucking Weird??? I would kill to watch them hang out
NOTP: I'm conflicted... There's a lot of ships I have no interest in, the only one I really have Feelings about is Kalim. On one hand, there's interesting drama potential. On the other, that just pulls them both so much deeper into the problems they're both tryna change. Jamil's never been able to have choices or desires or say no to Kalim in any aspect of their lives, how would they be able to not have that carry over into any attempt at a romance? I think that could make for an interesting story if anyone was willing to tackle it in depth, but it bothers me otherwise.
Favorite headcanon: Uhhhhh shit I have so many. A tiny one that makes me laugh a lot is him being just, the most ungraceful sleeper imaginable. Like facedown, sideways, hair everywhere, drooling on the pillow, buried under three more pillows. A Mess. Like not naturally a morning person at all, but forced to be anyway, so he catches up by passing tf out at any given opportunity (like visiting his bfs and falling asleep while cuddling). I also like the idea of his family being descended from Jafar, post becoming a genie, and the Vipers are part djinn. (I'm choosing to support this theory with the fact that he's the only one who physically changed form during overblot. Azul notwithstanding because he just reverted to his natural state). I know this isn't remotely canon, but I think it's neat.
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mordenheim · 2 years
Fictober 2022 29:  You love this, don’t you?
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Prompt number:  29. “You love this, don’t you?”
Fandom: MLP, My Little Pony
Rating: E
Warnings/Tags: Growth, Macro, Destruction
Gloria winced at the sting of the needle in her flank and the cold fluid being injected into the muscle.  Within seconds, though she started to shiver in anticipation, turning to watch as her fur shifted from yellow to white starting from the point of injection.  AS it reached her tail the long hairs turned a brilliant red from base to tip. The mad zebra, Victor took a step back from the couple and started to record data on the results of his latest experiment.  The couple had done this many times before, in fact the female seemed to almost have an obsession with it. Her coltfriend, a tan pony with a brown mane named Coffee Bean stepped in closer.  He wrapped a foreleg around her shoulders and smiled, hugging her close as he felt her body start to rise.  Her eyes, which had been below his were suddenly right in front of him, then above his own.  He felt his foreleg being lifted by her shoulders until he was forced onto his hind legs to keep up. He leaned in a nuzzled her cheek gently, whispering into her ear, “You love this, don’t you?” Gloria shivered as she felt her lover shrinking against her body, her hooves sliding over the tiles that started to crack under her increasing weight.  She nodded, lowering her head to nuzzle the little stallion lovingly, “Oh yeah…  Every minute of it.” Coffee finally couldn’t reach her shoulders any more and dropped to the floor.  The growing mare made her way towards the front of the abandoned shop they were in, ducking her head to peer out of the windows. Victor clapped his hooves with glee, brushing his own red mane out of his single eye as he  jotted down the results of his experiment as quickly as he could before setting the clipboard aside and digging into his saddlebag once more. Coffee stepped back a bit as Gloria’s head banged against the ceiling, shaking dust from above.  She smiled and lowered her head, starting to crouch down as her back started to spread across the surface of it.  Her ears twitched at the sound of cracking plaster and creaking wood as she prepared for her breakout. The little tan pony only seemed to have eyes for her huge and rapidly swelling white flank, watching as it slowly ballooned towards him.  It threatened to overtake him and squash him under its pillowy mass, but would that be a bad thing?  He had often thought during these experiments that if something went wrong it would be one heck of a way to go out! Finally deciding she had waited long enough, the mare pushed herself up off of the floor.  Coffee and Victor ran for cover as plaster and bits of wood started raining down.  Gloria shoved her way right through the ceiling, her head breaching through as the rooftop crumbled off of her back like an insect shedding its carapace. She threw her head back and gave out a mighty roar as she stomped her way out into the town.  Every hoof step that slammed into the street left a larger and deeper crater than the last.  First she was kicking carts out of her way, smashing them and throwing them around like toys.  Then within moments she was bucking houses right off of their foundations. Coffee grinned as he watched her.  “There she goes again, The Giant of Manehattan!” Suddenly he let out a yelp, turning to see a needle in his flank and a cool liquid flowing into the muscle.  He looked back and forth from his flank to Victor, speechless at first. The fur around the injection was rapidly darkening from tan to black and as it reached his tail, the long hairs transformed into a brilliant, almost glowing green! His head swam as his point of view began to rise.  His heart raced as he had never experienced this before.  It almost felt like he was in a rising elevator.  He turned on the mad zebra, staring at him. “What.. have you done?!” Victor just grinned, “I got tired of the same thing over and over again.  Besides, every great monster movie deserves a sequel!”
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alirasworlds · 2 years
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(Cross posting from Pillowfort so if you’ve seen it on there dw same person here XD) Hiii, been a bit since I’ve used this place but with the frightening possibility of twitter going out ala the dinos way of going out, I need to try and use this place again. Also, fandom hopped again XDD Currently hyperfocused on Genshin Impact, but am becoming interested in FFXIV again. Dunno if I’ll post my writing here again or keep it to my pillowfort, but I can share some OCs I used a picrew  (link here) and my own editing skills to make ^W^
From left to right and top to bottom with mini bios for all:
Name: Voyager Kika Race: Kitsune (Eight tailed, missing ninth with remaining tails being heavily mangled and damaged besides two) Gender: Female Age: Slightly younger than Yae Miko by four hundred years Vision: Dendro with Inazuma frame Weapon type: Sword Faction: N/A, has loose ties to the Resistance and Adepti Family: Odyssey (Little sister) A kitsune youkai who was born in Liyue and raised by the adepti, if her claims are to be believed. Forthright and not afraid to speak her mind, she’s spent the most time among the people of Liyue alongside Ganyu and has a greater understanding of how they are than most of her kind. Currently is looking for any trace of her younger sister who disappeared shortly before the Khaenri’ah Cataclysm and has traveled to Inazuma prior during her search.
Name: Odyssey Kika Race: Kitsune (No remaining tails, formerly nine tailed, lost them five hundred years ago shortly before Khaenri'ah Cataclysm) Gender: Female Age: 600 years old Vision: Cryo with Snezhnaya frame Weapon type: Catalyst (Elemental Skill "Blade of the Fallen" lets her wield daggers at the cost of her HP being drained until the Skill is used again, fully capable of depleting her HP to zero) Faction: Fatui, direct subordinate of the Balladeer Family: Voyager (Older sister) A wayward and damaged in her own words kitsune currently working for the Fatui. Despite her ears, she is completely lacking in any tails to show for her race, and cannot draw upon most magic besides with her vision after having them taken from her. Firm yet kind hearted, it’s a surprise she’s a direct subordinate of the Balladeer who he doesn’t often berate. Has no connection to her youkai heritage and many in the Fatui plan to keep it that way.
Name: Katisurika Mae Race: Kitsune (Nine tailed) Gender: Female Age: 400 years old Vision: Geo with Inazuma frame Weapon Type: Catalyst Healer Faction: The Resistance Family: Yae Miko (Older sister) Head medic of the resistance besides Sangonomiya Kokomi and often seen with general Gorou, Katisurika is a cheerful, gentle and carefree kitsune who has no problems being open about that or showing her tails. Having largely grown up around mortals, she acts more like one than her older sister, and privately struggles knowing which world she belongs to, the mortal realm or the youkai one.
Name: Nahikana Race: Half Elf(?) half dragon hybrid (Artificially created, partial clone of Lesser Lord Kusanali) Gender: Female leaning Genderfluid (she/her/they/them) Age: 18 (in appearance after Sumeru MSQ and sudden growth spurt) / 2 years old (from the date she was cloned/created) Vision: Hydro with Outlander/Descender frame Weapon Type: Polearm Faction: The Traveler Family: Nahida (Half sibling) A byproduct of a series of experiments to bring Greater Lord Rukkhadevata back to life, Nahikana was the second success at bringing a vessel to life, this time by using both some tissue samples from Nahida and the bones of a long dead dragon to create a superior vessel. However, much like the last one, it wasn’t the Greater Lord they brought back, instead they stole the soul of someone from another world and dragged her into this body. After a few months of close monitoring and rigorous testings the poor girl barely managed to clear, she managed to escape like the last success, and with the aid of an unlikely Fatui Harbringer who happened to be in Sumeru and ran across her managed to completely leave Sumeru and escape her chasers. Currently she lives in Liyue under the care of Childe, with the Harbringer who aided her checking on her every so often. (exclusive to one universe and not generally in most of my Genshin verses)
I have more OCs but that's it for now as I'm running out of steam X'D
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cinisemperium · 1 year
Tagged by: no one, i stole it
Tagging: anyone who wants to yoink this, be my guest!
whoo boy i have a lot of muses so here we go. will be listed in alphabetical order by fandom. putting a read more here because it's A LOT
side note - i ship with just about anyone. just because it isn't my OTP does not mean i'm not interested!
Apex Legends Wattson - Darksparks. I adore this ship so much.
Arcane Jinx - I don't really ship her with anyone, but if I had to pick, I'd go with Ekko
Darling in the Franxx Zero Two - Hiro, obviously. Hiro - See above.
DA:I Solas - Female Lavellan
Fairy Tail Natsu Dragneel - It's a tie between Gray and Lucy Yukine Dragneel ( OC ) - Grey
FFXIV Emet - Selch / Hades - @starsasunder 's WoL, Inanna. If not a WoL, then Hyth
Fullmetal Alchemist Edward Elric - Winry
Genshin Aether - Xiao Cyno - Tignhari Kokomi - Gorou Lumine - Zhongli Xiao - Aether
MHA Shoto Todoroki - OT3, actually, with Katsuki and Izuku Toga Himiko - Ochako Dabi - Hawks Rumi Usagiyama - I actually don't have one for her yet!
Naruto Naruto Uzumaki - Sasuke Sasuke Uchiha - Naruto Sakura Haruno - Naruto
Oshi no Ko Ai Hoshino - I don't have one for her. Aqua Hoshino - Kana Kana Arima - Aqua
Overwatch Widowmaker - hahahaah have fun shipping with the murderous one Lifeweaver - Baptiste
That depends on a lot of factors, including the muse ( like for example Emet Selch is thousands of years old ), and the verse ( such as vampires, reincarnation, etc. ). I will NOT, however, do any form of NSFW shipping with minors, and I will not ship minors with adults. I will ship teenage characters, but that will all be kept strictly SFW.
Anything that goes beyond gentle kissing and light touching.
I used to be, but not anymore. You wanna ship? Throw it at me. NOt sure I'll go for it? Throw it at me anyway.
I'm open to shipping anyone with just about anyone, provided we can make it make sense.
Sort of? I consider throwing a shippy meme at me asking. If I'm down for it ( and chances are I will be ), I'll reply to it and off we go.
Yes and no, to both. I adore shipping, don't get me wrong. I think ships area great way to explore characters and their growth and depth. However, I do not think a plot needs a ship to be a good plot. I'm more of a if it happens then it happens kind of shipper.
Naruto and Sasuke, Natsu and Gray, Zero Two and Hiro. I will write these ships all day long, any day of the week.
Hop into my inbox! Whether that be my DMs with a plot hook or even just 'hey can we ship', or my inbox with a shippy meme. Throw it at me and we'll see where it goes!
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entomjinx · 2 years
Before you continue: Eat something, drink something, take your meds, and get some rest if you haven't. This blog will still exist tomorrow. <3
I don't think I ever had a proper pinned post for this blog, so I'm doing that now! (Last updated: 9/23/2023)
My name is Jinx, and I use all pronouns. You may perceive me however you see fit to, and it is impossible for you to be incorrect.
This blog is for my orginal content. I do not reblog things here unless I am adding to it, or doing an ask game of some sort. The blog where I reblog literally everything and anything I see is @jinx13gxa2 . Follow that one at your own risk, because there is so much spam.
My ask box is always open, and anons stay on. I'm to anxious to leave asks on people's pages 99% of the time so I want to keep that curtesy extended for others like me. I'm a loser with too much going on in my head and I'd love to talk with you! Honestly, I'm probably as anxious about answering you as you are about sending something!
This links you too all of my socials.
I mostly write fics on Ao3, but I occasionally post doodles and such here too. I love to do headcanon lists, but I haven't made any in a long time.
Fandoms I currently create content for:
Fairy Tail (Link to the post about the LGBTQIA+ friendly server that I help run (still semi-active: 2/28/23)) (I don't currently plan on coming back.)
One Piece (Main Fandom as of 2023)
Fandoms I previously created content for, but likely will never return to:
Edens Zero (No new posts.)
I would like to keep this blog as discourse free as possible, as every time I've been thrown into it, I've been harassed, told to kill myself, and in two cases, doxxed. Some of that harassment still continues to this day, and I regularly have to delete anon asks with disturbing content. I will block drama causers without response, as I no longer feel the need to try and back sass you to "one up" you like I did as a teenager. I'm 22, I've grown passed that, and I'm tired. We can coexist quietly and amicably or we can block one another and move on.
Below this is the context of the previous discourse I was involved in, because I'd rather be transparent for anyone just showing up. Warning: It's not as short as I'd like. (TWs: mentions of stalking, harassment, death threats, and suicide baiting)
I will not be deleting any old discourse. It is something I was involved in regardless of how much I wish I wasn't, so I refuse to just erase it despite my personal growth. Everyone may do stupid shit as a teen, however, that will not stop me from holding myself to a higher standard explicitly because it's me. 2019-2020 ish is where the last of the public responses end, I believe.
When I first joined the Fairy Tail fandom, I had a real life stalker, who used the ship Gray/Juvia (and many others) as an example of why I would have to fall in love with him eventually. I was fourteen. This fucked me up beyond belief.
Because of that whole fiasko, I politely asked shippers of the ship and people who really loved Juvia's character to DNI. I wanted nothing to do with it because it brought up all of that trauma and fear. I immediatly began recieving harassment and I was being told that the only reason I didn't like them was because I shipped queer ships in the fandom and thought Juvia was "in the way." The latter didn't bother me much, but the mass amounts of messages telling me to kill myself was incredibly straining.
I fully acknowledge that none of the following was the correct way to go about things, even if it was much better than the alternatives(ex: harassing back).
So I started putting out little anlyses showing the toxicity of the relationship and Juvia's various mental health issues that are never dealt with in the series, and I've even written fics about it. The harassment only grew worse.
I couldn't---and still really don't---understand why people would seek out people who don't like what they do just to harass them, and vice versa. That's why I and a few others who didn't enjoy the ship created a vent blog to keep all of the dislike for the ship contained, and even encouraged shippers to block us, which unfortunately, did not work. We wanted it to stay away from anyone who didn't want to see it, but to be there for those who needed that space to vent about it without it being traced back to their blogs where they could be harassed and sent death threats for disliking something. (This blog is no longer used by anyone. it's been fully shut down, as it should have never existed at all.)
It backfired greatly, and even now I get 15-20 anon asks a week telling me how I should end my life. Sometimes they spike up randomly into 100 a week for shits and giggles.
Because of the way that the harassers treated my friends and I, I believed fiction affected reality on a 1:1 ratio for a long time, which it doesn't. I thought the whole "Anti vs proshipping" discourse was a firm stance on your morals because no one corrected me, yet I was being harrassed by both, which is what forced me to come to terms with the fact that I was being played like a fiddle for a fool.
The entire thing was incredibly immature and ridiculous. Fiction does not affect reality on a 1:1 scale, and it's better for dark topics to be explored in fiction than in real life. That doesn't mean I should have been harassed for not wanting to interact with a certain aspect of it, but that also means I should have just blocked people who were harassing me instead of giving them the angry responses they wanted.
I will fully admit to many of my responses being made out of anger, fear and with more generalizations than they should have been because of the above. Those people were also harassing my friends and I, so I do not feel remorse for being unkind, only for being unfair with my comparisons of fiction to reality.
I have never told anyone to kill themselves, that they should be caught in an accident, or harassesed anyone. I hate the way it feels to be told those things, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies nor the people who harassed me.
Should you scroll down into my blog, you may encounter some of this very angry discourse, and you will, due tumblr showing you the most recent posts first, encounter some of the final, angriest pieces of that discourse without the context for any of it. So here's your context, make of it what you will, and I can only hope that you don't judge me solely on 14-18 year old me's poor descisions and reactions.
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grimalkinsquill · 2 years
For the fanfic ask game: 🍬📗💘
Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favourite fic of yours for each fandom?
Yes! I write for multiple fandoms for enrichment purposes (what I learn in one fandom space can be translated to another and I am literally a hunter-gatherer for tropes and prompts for my friends of one fandom).
Uh, this answer will be long, but favourite fic for every fandom I've written for (as recorded by Ao3, as my Quizilla fics and FF.net fics are no longer accessible):
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Cliché Spy Tactics. Rivals-to-friends-to-mutual-idiotic-crush meet-cute! I still find it actively hilarious.
Red vs. Blue: Storytelling. An unreliable narrator fic told entirely by the world's most eccentric best friends.
Overwatch: Sostener. A start of redemption, built out of the Year 1 Overwatch Lore of Scraps. One of the things that endears me to this story is that I got to play with my SoCal heritage with it.
Warframe: Midnight Mother, Cinnabar Children wins by default, being my only Warframe fic 😂 I do think there's good about it though, simply from the two lines
Simaris snorted. “I’m so glad you’re not like them. You’re sensible.”
“False,” she teased, “I have you to be sensible for me. Like a father of ancient myth.”
Dungeons & Dragons: Dangerous Woman wins by default, but also because it spawned me to write a 72-page homebrewed worldbuilding document that's gained a life of its own.
DC Comics: Guardian. My beloved "Drag Black Adam from Lawful Evil to Lawful Good" fic. What stands of it now is largely me pulling together different instances of his backstory together into something remotely coherent. Runner up is A Study in Cyan, largely because it has a cat-based hero who compares the experience of her boyfriend slowly coaxing her down from her various traumas to "getting a cat out of a tree" and that's a metaphor I'll stand by.
Young Justice: It has 3 fics in it, but the Low-Key series overall is my baby. I think it gets extra shoutouts for having 80k words of platonic slow-burn (it takes Captain Cold a LONG time to figure out that Theo is His Kid. Like, not biologically his kid, but oh my gods is She His Kid. Like, emotionally. He has been dadding her for 75k words and he writes it off as being a team leader and a mentor for a baby hero. Understanding he's Being a Dad takes him an embarrassingly long time. His teammates knew before he did, the bastards [derogatory]. Like. Way before him. Right when she first stole his signature cold gun from him, the little shit [affectionate], which is at like. Chapter fucking One of the first fic in this series)
Guild Wars 2: EASY WINNER the four times that pact commander magna and shining blade asset canach gave the rumor mills false ammo and the one time they didn't. It's SO FUNNY. Fake dating during a dragon-slaying saga between two non-humans with different cultural spheres. All because a nosy 6-year-old thought they should have (gasp) friends.
Fallen Hero: Rebirth: Does it say? is still. So fucking good. I took a scene from the game and slipped in personal traits in between, lovingly-crafted flashback sequences pondering the nature of what it means to be human. Fall In Line is a very close second, as it unpacks a LOT of gender trauma for me (in a way that's subtly mirrored by Felicette's Everything. Fall In Line is more blatant about it than Felicette's arc will ever be).
Pokemon: Do Something Crazy! It's a story of healing and growth for everybody involved! And also includes speculative biology, because y'all know I Am Like This.
FFXIV: Ganzhyllsyn's 4 Steps to a Heist, hands down.
Critical Role: I was broken; now We're golden. I saw Essek and went "what if big brother?" and ran with it.
Fairy Tail: the heart is hard to translate / it has a language of its own. My sole attempt at a NaNoWriMo-esque challenge. I still like this weird translation of the manga's events as MMORP events and inter-guild drama.
Miraculous Ladybug: of Sages and Warriors. Duh. You knew this. Close seconds are O' Neighbour Mine and A Tricky Treat.
Na Daoine Maithe: I only have Lighting the Wick thus far, but there'll be more. This visual novel has lit brainworms and they are persistent.
And uh, if you're still here after all that, here are the OTHER TWO questions you asked (I'm sorry, I like a lot of things and thus write a lot of things)
Do you want to write something outside of fanfiction? If so, what about?
So like. I have three original project ideas, two of which are interactive fiction games. The first idea is that I take Dangerous Woman, strip it of all the DND stuff, and make that a novel in its own right (because that'd be extraordinarily easy for me to do, I'd just have to, y'know, finish it. I know how it ends, it's just a matter of landing the execution).
My two interactive fiction game ideas:
You play as an orphan in the setting of Dangerous Woman, ending up as one of King Oberon's adopted kids. You investigate a weird anomaly in Oberon's territory and meet a cast of odd characters (some of whom are romanceable, all of whom are friendable).
You play as someone who just got reincarnated as one of those flat villainess characters in a fantasy novel...that you, the player character, have never personally read. Frantically remembering the info-dumping of your best friend, you try to survive: will you give in to how easy it is to be what people think you are or will you fight it?
Is it easier to write angst or fluff?
Fluff. Any day of the week. I find a lot of what people consider to be angst to be boring melodrama and a lot of what people think of what I think of as angst to be "tame". Like a lot of things with me, both terms have an asterisk and a lot of variables, but fluff has fewer variables, so fluff wins.
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firedragon1321 · 2 months
Predictions for What Will Happen to My Works if They Are Put in the Fandom Machine
Just me bullshitting. Nothing to see here.
High School/College AUs
I'm putting these under the same banner since college AUs have gained in popularity over the years. The very plague that infested some of my first fandoms will invade en masse. This will be uniform across my works. The reason for this prediction is very simple.
My work is absolutely infested with teenagers. The "old" characters tend to be in their 20s. One of my "older" characters- Bruno- is only 25, because those kids needed a goddamn adult.
I usually don't write protagonists older than me for a few reasons. One is they're my babies and it just feels- odd. Another is teenagers are fascinating to write. A third reason is I look forward to "unlocking" new ages as I grow older. Looking back on the previous periods of my life without fear and playing with them is a sign of growth.
The side effect of this is that my works will fall into the YA crowd, who will project their experiences onto them. From my sixteen years of fandom experience, I know what that means.
Modern/No Power/Human AUs
This is also universal. Going hand-in-hand with sticking my characters in a stifling school environment, they'll also be stripped of any powers they have. Right now, I have only one story where that means basically nothing.
My OC Kova is from a post-apocalypse story set on Earth. No-one has powers. Literally everything else I write has some degree of thunderbolt flinging or fire-breathing. I write fantasy, sci-fi, and sci-fi fantasy almost exclusively.
I get people want to put the blorbos in Situations. But sometimes, the Situations run against the characters and I Can't. It's worse when it comes to species because a species can be an entire identity.
That's the case with Jake, to some extent. He was a genetic experiment whose species was killed off, save for a few children. He was adopted and raised by humans. This and an incident in his childhood create fertile ground for an identity crisis, which he slowly has to untangle over the course of the story. He wouldn't be Jake if he didn't have a tail and antlers.
Casual Albiesm
As an autistic person, I can't wait to have my obviously autistic or autistic-coded characters made neurotypical by fanworks. It makes me feel all fuzzy inside thinking of people doing the very thing the antagonists of one of my main works set out to do. Jackie's entire character arc is about being autistic and proud but ignore that I guess, lol.
Oh! You know what else is gonna rock hard? Infantilism! Never mind that Jackie masturbates off screen (he is a fifteen year old boy). No he is an innocent baby who doesn't even know how to say "fuck"! What's that? I added those scenes to counter that trope? Haha that's funny! :3
I also can't wait for people to completely ignore other forms of disability. Just ignore that the gay cyborg is an amputee, or the bird boy is a part-time cane user.
Look, I've made mistakes with this kind of stuff. I get it. But I'd rather make a mistake than wipe away the character's identity. This is similar to the Jake example above. It'll be really obnoxious with Jackie, though, because it's really in-your-face with him. His form of autism is heavily based on my own, too...
The above applies to making black or brown characters white, etc., etc. I'm just talking about albiesm because this is the only thing I really have expertise on. I make mistakes in the race arena all the time. Ignorance is one thing. But if someone draws the mixed race Native-American/Asian Kova as a white guy, that's a conscious choice and I will puke.
I'm okay with genderswaps (I've even done it myself), as long as the character's core personality is the same and you aren't being sexist with it. Not every character needs to be a supermodel with breasts the size of Nissans. Please. I beg of you.
I have been in fandom sixteen years, and this is the thing that terrifies me the most (about equal with solo sexualization of underage characters). Shipping is part of the lifeblood of fandom. It is what fans do the most with downtime between installments, and the focus of many an analysis. Sometimes, meta will mention ships for no reason (a pet peeve of mine- if you're talking about how trauma effects your blorbo, there's no reason to go off-topic).
The scary part is I know exactly who is getting shipped.
Protagonist/deuteragonist slash pairings are expected. I grew up on Digimon and Kingdom Hearts. I'm a born again Trekkie. I've seen this pairing type in all its forms and know it is inevitable. I've even made canon pairings that were basically this. My OCs Jake and Zak are both eighteen, so I'm more comfortable showing (some) of the physical side of their relationship. This will be catnip to fangirls if the book ever sell and I accept that.
What will bug me is when people ignore other types of relationships and character ages to go straight for romantic relationships. I am talking explicitly about Soren and Beck- the ship that doesn't exist that stalks my nightmares.
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These two are cartoon characters from different in-universe shows (that's why they look different). Soren is 12, Beck is 16. They have a platonic, elder brother/younger brother relationship. Both are dumped out of their cartoon and into reality. Beck arrives first, so he serves as a guide to Soren, especially in the first two books. He's also the first friendly character Soren meets, with other characters providing advice but not much warmth or outright trying to harm him. Something happens to Beck in the second book that gives Soren nightmares. He goes through hell trying to undo that thing. When Soren learns that Beck smiles to hide a lot of pain, he does what he can to help. These two characters provide support and would die for each other. But at the end of the day, they're brothers- a word Beck used and Soren wholeheartedly adopted.
I think you see what a shipper would do with this information.
This bugs me not only due to the huge gap in their ages (for children/teens, four years is a lot), but because it ignores the nuances in their relationship in favor of TEH SEX. That also ignores a lot of the book's themes. One of the main villainous factions is made up of people who have become quite rich sexually exploiting toons.
I think my main fear is putting up huge signs that say "look at this thing- it's important" and having people spit on them. The Soren/Beck ship is the crown jewel of this. It throws the whole story in the trash to feed the fandom machine.
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nerdarena2 · 1 year
Do You Still Miss Watching Dragon Ball Z?
Anime has played a crucial role in bridging cultural gaps and promoting cultural exchange. Through its unique storytelling and art style, anime has introduced audiences around the world to Japanese culture, traditions, and societal values. Overall, anime has had a profound influence on the audience by providing unique storytelling, diverse representation, emotional depth, visual innovation, and fostering passionate fandoms. It continues to captivate and inspire viewers around the world, shaping popular culture and leaving a lasting impact on the entertainment industry. That is the reason why one of the anime series Dragon Ball Z is considered to be one of the greatest anime.
Overall, Dragon Ball Z's combination of compelling storytelling, iconic characters, intense battles, and lasting cultural impact solidifies its status as one of the greatest anime series of all time.
   Prime Characters Of Dragon Ball Z
  Below is one of the prime characters of the dragon ball z series till now :
 He is a Saiyan warrior who is known for his incredible strength and fighting abilities. Goku starts off as a young boy with a monkey-like tail and possesses a kind-hearted and innocent nature. Throughout the series, Goku goes through various transformations and power-ups, becoming one of the most powerful characters in the Dragon Ball universe. He is often depicted as wearing his iconic orange gi (martial arts uniform) and is recognized for his signature move, the Kamehameha wave. Goku is a beloved character in anime and is widely considered an iconic figure in the world of manga and animation. If you are a true fan of the dragon ball z and you wish to purchase such action figurines online india then you can find these at anime figurines india.
 He is a Saiyan prince and rival to Goku. Initially introduced as a villain seeking to obtain the Dragon Balls and gain immortality, Vegeta later goes through a redemption arc and becomes one of the main heroes in the series. Vegeta is known for his proud and arrogant personality, often driven by a desire to surpass Goku's power. He possesses exceptional combat skills and is a highly skilled fighter. Vegeta's character develops throughout the series as he forms a family, strives for personal growth, and protects the Earth alongside Goku and their allies. Like Goku, Vegeta is also known for his signature moves, such as the Galick Gun and Final Flash. He is a fan-favorite character, celebrated for his complex personality and his journey from antagonist to anti-hero. If you are a true fan of the dragon ball z and you wish to purchase such action figurines online india then you can find these at anime figurines india.
 Frieza, often spelled as Freeza, is a major antagonist in the Dragon Ball series. He is a galactic tyrant and one of the most powerful beings in the universe. Frieza is a member of the alien race known as the Frieza Race, and he is known for his ruthless and sadistic nature. He has the ability to transform and increase his power level, making him a formidable opponent. Frieza is responsible for the destruction of several planets and is feared by many throughout the galaxy. He is known for his iconic appearance, with a purple and white body, a sleek design, and a long tail. Frieza has appeared in multiple arcs of the Dragon Ball series and has become one of the most iconic villains in anime and manga. If you are a true fan of the dragon ball z and you wish to purchase such action figurines online india then you can find these at anime figurines india.
 He is the eldest son of Goku and Chi-Chi, and he plays a significant role in the Dragon Ball Z storyline. Gohan possesses a unique combination of Saiyan and human blood, which gives him immense potential for power. As a child, Gohan displays incredible strength and latent abilities, often surpassing even his father Goku in certain moments. He is known for his kind-hearted nature and reluctance to fight, but when pushed to his limits, Gohan can unleash immense power. Throughout the series, Gohan goes through several transformations and power-ups, such as the Great Saiyaman persona and his ultimate form, which unlocks his full potential. Gohan plays pivotal roles in various story arcs, including the Cell Saga and the Buu Saga, where he is crucial in defeating major villains. Despite his preference for peaceful pursuits, Gohan has proven time and again that he is a powerful and important asset to the Dragon Ball universe. If you are a true fan of the dragon ball z and you wish to purchase such action figurines online india then you can find these at anime figurines india.
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amethystandemma · 2 years
I made a complex character sheet. Feel free to use it! The blank one will be in the comments. Please tell me what you think!
. . . . .
Fandom(s): DC, Batman
. . . . . . . . . .
Full name: Aquafina Marie Charming
- Preferred name: Aqua
- Married name: Grayson
Birthday: November 2, 1991
- Star sign: Scorpio
Parents: Chandler and Ella Charming
Sibling(s): Chandler Charming II (oldest brother), Pamela Charming (oldest sister), Adlynn Charming (older sister), Ruby Charming (older triplet sister), Violet Charming (older triplet sister)
Children: Richard “Rickey” Grayson II, Caroline Grayson, Conner Grayson, Mar’i Grayson (adopted daughter), Molly Grayson, Jake Grayson, Ella Grayson
Partner(s): Dick Grayson
Best friend(s): Donna Troy, Mera
Nationality(ies): Brooklinian
Species: mer
Pet(s): Nerida (immortal kelpie)
. . . . . . . . . .
Alter ego(s): Blue Comet (current)
- Aquatic breathing (born with)
- Telepathy (born with)
- Speed swimming (born with)
- Songspellik (born with)
- Tail growth (born with)
- Communication with aquatic animals (born with)
- Sharing aquatic breathing VIA kiss (born with)
- Supernatural strength (first awakening)
- Water manipulation (first awakening)
- Supernatural agility (first awakening)
- Enhanced leap (first awakening)
- Water generation (second awakening)
- Aerial adaptation (second awakening)
- Enhanced stamina (second awakening)
- Flight (second awakening)
- Mist generation (third awakening)
- Empath (third awakening)
- Vapor manipulation (third awakening)
- Concussion beams made with water (third awakening)
- Enhanced dexterity (fourth awakening)
- Sea foam form (fourth awakening)
- Vacuum adaptation (fourth awakening)
- Control over all forms of water (fourth awakening)
- Aversion to iron (born with)
- Aversion to fire (born with)
- Aversion to extreme cold (born with)
- Aversion to electricity (born with)
- Clumsy (first awakening)
- Exhausted after long flights (second awakening)
- Headache after using empath powers for too long (third awakening)
- Parts of body remain in sea foam form when used too often/too long (fourth awakening)
- Dizzy spells after controlling large bodies of water (fourth awakening)
Alignment: good
Team(s): Teen Titans (formerly), Titans (current), Young Justice League (former), Justice League (current)
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Favorite color(s): teal, turquoise, blue
Favorite food(s): apples, watermelon
Favorite drink(s): water
Favorite hero(es)/villain(s): Wonder Woman
Favorite hobby(ies): swimming
Favorite book(s): The Scarlet Letter, The Outsiders, The Odyssey
Favorite movie(s): The Sound of Music
Favorite TV show(s): Gilmore Girls
Favorite video game(s): Donkey Kong
Favorite animal(s): dolphins
Favorite element(s): water
Favorite subject(s): everything
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Gender: female
- Pronouns: she/her
Hair color(s): dark brown (teal in mermaid form)
Hair texture: wavy
Hair length: waist length
Hair style(s): mostly down
Left eye color(s): turquoise
Right eye color(s): turquoise
Skin tone: Caucasian
Physical build: curvy hips, muscular
Sexuality: straight
Other: cherry red lips
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Occupation(s): Queen of Brooklina
Workplace(s): Brooklina
Position(s): N/A
Relationship with coworker(s): good relationship with citizens and castle staff
Enjoyment of job(s): very enjoyable
Education: K-12
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Enemy: Violet Charming
- Reasoning: multiple murder attempts
- Relationship: despised
Enemy: Pamela Charming
- Reasoning: multiple murder attempts, many crimes committed
- Relationship: despised, eventually they’re able to tolerate each other
Enemy: Johnny Alto
- Reasoning: multiple murder attempts, many crimes committed
- Relationship: former boyfriend, now she despises him but he still loves her
Fear(s): everyone she knows and loves getting hurt while she is powerless to do anything
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Random fact: she always wears dresses or skirts
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