#the lost family au
chaosoftheages · 1 month
A Purple gets amnesia fic, but not F&S style.
So basically
He doesn't trust King
He still thinks Orchid is alive
He's still trying to seek Navy's approval
He has literally no clue who the CG is
SO HE RUNS OFF TO FIND NAVY AND ORCHID...only to learnt that Navy split town nine years ago and Orchid died eight years earlier
So while he's wandering around, questioning what the fuck he's gonna do now, he gets kidnapped by these ppl tryna make a quick buck(or some random shit like that idk)
And if we remember the necklace King got Purple, I should note that it has King's number on the back of this necklace. The kidnappers see this and are like "....Brilliant."
So King gets a random call, forgetting his number is on the back of Purple's necklace, realizes they have Purple, and is like "...SHI-"
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somegrumpynerd · 27 days
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Dust's nightmare
Dust has nightmares about fighting and killing here and there, but the ones that really stick with him are the ones that are just... memories. Things he can never have again.
What he can have though, is a distraction when he wakes up to help him settle and make sure he's not alone with his thoughts for too long
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Danny bursting into the full batcave: Jason has ghost cancer
Batfam: wut
Danny fazing kryptonite out of the lead vault: Jason has ghost cancer.
Batfam: who tf are you?!
Danny already turning the corner into a dead end part of the cave: wouldn’t you like to know weather boy.
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fangirlingpuggle · 2 years
Once again a dad clockwork AU/fic prompt only where everyone else thinks CW is Danny’s dad.
Basically AU where in big fight in amity against some powerful ghosts (Maybe Dan?) everyone is watching Danny fight and then CW steps in to try and help but gets hit, Danny accidentally calls out Dad and goes to help CW. Danny doesn't even realize he’s called him Dad....but everyone else does.
GIW, Maddie and Jack are freaking out because ghosts have parents? "Phantom has a parent? does he mean actually or adoptive or....this changes so many theories. If it’s biologically then ghosts can have kids?? If adoptive then ghosts have enough empathy and emotion to bond and care about a child and we have so many questions!!!"
All of amity is also freaking out because it’s just reinforced that the ghost kid saving them IS JUST A KID!
Vlad is currently being swamped with amity residents wanting they’re mayor to address this and we have to stop attacking the kid! Vlad is both annoyed as hell that all his plans have gone to hell but also apparently Daniel has picked another parent and  it’s not him! and he is pissed mostly because it’s CW one of few ghosts he does not want to fuck with and so is plotting.
Ghosts are not faring much better either the ghost zone is in fucking chaos because Clockwork has apparently become the dad of the kid they have all tried to kill on multiple occasions. THEY ARE FREAKING OUT! Clockwork is a legend he is terrifying and they all apparently nearly killed his kid. In fact a large part of ghost zone are pretty convinced that Danny may like literally be Clockwork kids because yeah he’s half human but honestly Clockwork is the master of time, he controls time if any ghost was going to have a kid with weird powers and able to change to a human it would be him.
The older ghosts and other ancients are all internally screaming because they know who Clockworks partner is. Now all the most powerful ghosts in the ghost zone have cork boards like Always Sunny meme drawing similarities between CW pariah and Danny. They are at this point convinced of a conspiracy in which they had a kid then Pariah went crazy and CW did some time shit to send the kid to the future and somehow make him human? They don’t know they’re freaking out.
Clockwork is trying to explain that no Daniel is not his child, there is no official adoption and no he is not his Pariah’s secret child... No one believes him.
Other ancients: We have connected the dots
CW:NO you haven’t there are no dots to even connect
Other ancients:We have connected them!
Danny is dying of embarrassment in the human world, this is so much worse than accidentally calling a a teacher dad. Tucker and Sam are still dying of laughter... less so when Fright Knight appears calling him ‘my prince’....and isn’t that a weird way to find out the CLOCKWORK IS MARRIED TO PARIAH.
Bonus: Pariah somehow busts out of the sarcophagus and busts into the tower
Pariah: WE HAVE A SON??
CW*head in hands* Ugh fine you know what just gonna roll with this
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chiocchi · 1 year
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The Knight and The King AU
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 5 months
How do the girls get along
Pretty great actually!
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Jenny and Kim are very good/close friends, since they met relatively early compared to others (they actually met each other first out of everyone, then others at one point and another) and had a shared adventure sometime after the ends of their respective shows (wink wonk).
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But, their first meeting was not actually very um, positive. There was some conflict, but after it was resolved both of them gained a very solid friend for life!
Jenny, was glad to meet someone else (beside Brad) who treated her like a person/normal teenager (instead of an 8th wonder of the world or a freaky robot) and not to mention she got a fellow superheroine girl friend! After Misty, she kind of missed having someone like that to kick butt with (considering that like, 70% of her friends are dudes) or just hang out.
Kim was fascinated by Jenny, not because she is a robot (tho she does think its pretty cool) but because it kind of gave her a contrast to her own life in a weird way? Like, Kim was a normal teenager who got into superheroing on accident and just went with it, while Jenny was created with a goal of being Earth's defender but rebeled to have some sort of normal life. And now they both live those weird semi-normal lives, that led them to meeting each other.
Jun is around 5-6 years their junior and while they met each other much later on, when Jun was a little older (like not 11-12 age of the show), she still kind of looked up to them and both Jenny and Kim felt an instant kinship with the girl.
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Before she met Jenny and Kim, Jun only knew a couple other guys as fellow heroes/magical protectors (guess who ;D lol), and while she had plenty of female role models (Ama/Jasmine being the most prominent) and friends, she kind of enjoyed meeting some cool older superheroines to bond with! It also helped that despite the age difference, both Jenny and Kim never looked down at her when it came to superheroing/fighting, but respected her abilities and expertise (considering that Jun was practically an apprentice to her Ama since at least 8-9ish of age, when her powers first awakened, she has a lot of experience).
They both are kind of like cool older cousins to her, who travel a lot for their work and come visit to hang out often and tell/share stories about their adventures. Their and her lines of work while similar, also run in completely different circles (human/interplanetary vs magical/supernatural), so its always a treat to hear about the things they do.
(And yes sometimes she feels jealous about the fact that both of them get to travel all over the world, and despite the developments, more often than not she has to stay town locked and limit her excursions to magical realms.)
Silly thing, but Jun absolutely adores Jenny, for one simple fact that she can travel to space just like that (she and Danny, fellow astronaut/space fans, share that, despite the fact that Danny kinda can travel to space just like that too.)
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bunnieswithknives · 2 years
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They’re going to Donsey land
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nico-moist-moses · 6 months
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Please don't take mental health advice from the emotionally constipated man, Dipper
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green-character · 5 months
One Piece Au where everything is the same but Tv and Disney exist
Perona perform Lost in the wood at least once a week to Zoro
Bonus sometimes she change the lyrics to make it match with the crew, sometimes it's about Luffy, pretty often it's about Sanji
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tiredofsatansbullshit · 2 months
do u think jason todd would be a good teacher and follow up question, what do you think bruce's reaction would be if he learned jason was actually alive and an english teacher in park row (au where jay became a teacher instead of red hood)
OOOH, OKAY (thank you for this ask, it's given me so many ideas)
Jason gets his GED, enlists in a university at 17 and gets his qualification to teach at 20 and so by 21 he's a teacher at Park Row High. He primarily teaches English but is also the cool teacher that students go to for anything an everything, especially because of how young he is. He occasionally helps out with gym class and takes part in a lot of school events.
Jason enjoys teaching so much and has gotten so many compliments on his teaching style and how it helps students and so he decides to offer tutoring on the side, both for high school and university students.
Stephanie Brown, recently enrolled at Gotham University has been struggling with an English essay (a course she took because she thought it would be fun) and decides to contact the English teacher from Park Row High for tutoring that everyone has been talking about. This leads to them becoming friends and Tim, the stalker that he is, gets suspicious of this tutor Stephanie has befriended, and immediately digs into the guys background, leading to a big reveal eventually that Jason Todd is alive, and a teacher.
Bruce would be so happy and proud. There probably would be a part of him that's relieved that at least one of his children is not a crime fighting vigilante anymore. Bruce would be fully supportive of Jason's career and would probably get a copy of Jason's teaching certification framed and put up in his study
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eddiemunsons80sbaby · 1 month
Hard Habit to Break
Pairing: EddieMunsonxOriginalCharacter
Summary: When a chance at the career he always wanted came knocking at the same time that she received the worst news of her life, they were forced apart. Long distance, time on the road, and stories in the tabloids destroyed anything they had left, leading him down a dark road, playing the role of the bad boy rockstar his manager wanted from him. Now tragedy will bring him back to the town he swore to never step foot in again and face to face with her for the first time in years. Will he be able to stick to the plan or will she be the one habit he can't break?
Trigger Warnings: Cancer battle, death of a parent, grief, addiction
18+ Only
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Eyes the color of whiskey, of the forest after the leaves had fallen, of safety and comfort, of love, of everything that had ever meant anything to her, meant everything to her, beseeched her, begged her to say what he wanted to hear. But she couldn’t. Her brain screamed at her, her heart raged at her, her blood was rushing, pounding through her ears, an insistent sound, her entire body revolting against the words that were coming out of her mouth but she had no choice. What else was she supposed to do? It was an impossible choice, one she’d never imagined she would have to make.
“Eddie…I can’t,” Tori whispered, each word fracturing a piece of her as she knew it would. The fracturing would continue, shards of her breaking off bit by bit, until there was nothing left of her but a pile of brittle sawdust on the floor. 
“Come on Funshine, don’t do this to me,” he pleaded, those ridiculously long lashes sparkling in the sun, beads of tears barely hanging onto the ends, each one just tearing her heart a bit more. If they fell, she was done for. She couldn’t bear to watch him cry. “I can’t do this without you, baby. I just can’t. I don’t know how to do this without you.”
She took his hands in hers, as warm as the rays of sunshine beating down on them. Hands that knew every curve of her body, hands that molded perfectly to her face, hands that held her together, hands that soothed her soul with just a touch. They were her hands. She knew every callous on those fingers, every ridge, every single line that shot through each palm. She’d traced them more times than she could count. She had these hands memorized, the chunky rings that left imprints on her skin just like this man had left imprints on her heart. 
Her fingers toyed with those rings, the massive skull, the boar’s head, the cross. She brought his hands to her lips, pressing them over the small black stone of the ring she’d bought him for his birthday her junior year of high school. Tori swallowed, the action painful, her throat refusing to swallow down the sharp, jagged agony of what she knew she had to do whether she wanted to or not. 
“I’m sorry. I have to stay,” she cried, staring at his hands, his short fingernails that he always bit down short. Her boy, full of nervous energy that kept him constantly in motion even when sitting still. They were jagged now, copper tracing along the ridges where he’d bitten too short and her heart broke just a bit more, knowing she was the reason for it. “You know that I have to stay right now. I can’t leave her.”
“Then I’ll stay too,” Eddie choked out, on the verge of panic, as if that were a real possibility. As if there were any reality where she would allow him to make that sacrifice for her, to give up everything he’d ever wanted. “I’ll tell them no. I’ll stay with you. I should be here with you anyway. I can’t leave you alone right now. You’re going to need me if…” He stopped, pausing to think about his words, a rarity for him which only indicated even more how much he truly loved her, not wanting to wound her worse than she already was. “When this is all over, when she’s better, then we’ll go together.”
Tori shook her head, finally bringing her eyes to his, sapphire meeting sepia, suffering mirrored in both shades. God, she loved him so much and she loved him even more for offering, for wanting to be by her side, for thinking it was even something he should consider but it wasn’t. She would never let him put his life on hold, possibly ruining his chances at achieving his dream, a dream he’d held for so long, for her. 
“No, baby. No…I can’t let you do that. You and the boys have worked too damn hard for this. You deserve this,” she told him, willing him to listen, to accept this because the tighter he held on, the harder it was for her to let him go and she had to. “You can’t turn this down. This is too big of an opportunity, Eddie. I can’t…no, I won’t let you do that.”
“You don’t get to decide for me,” he argued, tears that had been clinging to his lashes now slipping down his cheeks, silent streams of sadness and heartbreak. No. She couldn’t bear it. How was she supposed to be strong when he was falling apart? “It’s my life, Tori.”
“But it’s not just your life,” she reminded him. “What about Gareth and Jeff and Matt? You’re going to make this decision for them too? They want the band. That includes you. Without you, the deal is off. You can’t do that to them, Eddie. You’re not the only one this affects.”
A growl of frustration burst from within him as he broke away, turning his body so his back was to her. Eddie stomped a few steps away from her. His head dropped into his hands as he began pacing back and forth, back and forth, as if he could find some grand solution to this problem if he just kept moving. That was her boy, always moving, never stopping, never letting anything catch up to him. But she knew there was no solution to this, none that meant they stayed together. They had come to an impasse, the only option was the one neither of them wanted to face but had to.
“Eddie, this is everything you’ve ever wanted.”
“No, it’s not. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted. You’re the cake, Tori. This shit is just the icing on top. Us, you and me, that’s what matters. I can live without fame and money and some stupid record deal. I can’t live without you.”
“You can and you will,” she stated simply, closing her eyes against the pain, a thousand papercuts that would bleed her out slowly. But Eddie would move on. He would bury himself in his music career and he would meet someone else one day and she would become nothing but a distant memory. The girl from the small town he’d left behind. The very thought made her stomach twist painfully but this was all she’d ever wanted for him. For him to be happy, to finally show the world just how amazing he was, for him to get everything he deserved.
“I can’t do this, Funshine,” he admitted softly, words muffled against his hands. “How do you expect me to walk away from you?”
“You’re not walking away from me, Eddie,” she assured, closing the distance between them. Tori slid her hands around his waist, her cheek pressing against the back of his leather jacket, inhaling that scent was just his, that scent she would recognize anywhere, that scent that would haunt her for days until she couldn’t catch it anymore. “You’re not leaving me. We’re just stuck in an impossible situation and it sucks.”
“It does suck!” he roared, causing her to jump. With a deep sigh, he spun in her arms, pulling her into his chest, his chin resting on her head, cocooning her in the safety of his body. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m sorry. I’m not angry at you. I know you’re doing what you have to do. It’s just so unfair. I fucking hate this. I hate this so much.”
“I know…me too…” she agreed, burying her face against his jacket, opening her senses in an attempt to absorb him. She wanted everything about him to be imprinted on her, downloaded like a file into her body where she could never forget, never lose everything that was just quintessentially Eddie. 
He was going off to live his rockstar dream and it was everything she’d ever wanted for him. Tori had no doubt he would succeed. The talent this man had…there were no words for it. He was made to be on a stage, his presence larger than life. He exuded frontman energy in spades. And the other guys, their talent was wasted here in a small town like Hawkins that couldn’t appreciate them. They deserved stadium tours and standing ovations and hundreds of groups screaming their names. But she knew what that meant for her and her body recoiled at the very thought. 
Eddie was heartbroken right now but give it some time and he would move on. He would have girls throwing themselves at him every single night. Just look at him. He was the most beautiful man she’d ever laid eyes on. He wouldn’t stay single for long. He would have more options than he knew what to do with. He would be okay. He would heal. He would forget all about the girl he left behind in Hawkins when he was surrounded by gorgeous supermodels and actresses while she…she would never forget, forever clinging to the reminders of what was. 
“I love you,” Tori whispered, clinging to him, wishing she could crawl inside of him and stay there, follow him wherever this future took him. “I love you and that’s why I am letting you go, baby.”
“I don’t want you to let me go,” Eddie insisted, fingers pressing into the skin of her back as if he could mark her, brand her, claim her. He didn’t have to do any of that. She was already his, forever. It didn’t matter how much distance was between them or how much time passed, she was his completely and always would be. “Look, we don’t have to break up. We can do the long distance thing until…I mean, why not? I can call you and I can visit when I can and you can maybe come visit me and when you’re ready, then you can come be with me.”
Tori had thought about that. Jesus, this was all she had thought about for the last three months since Eddie had burst in their front door, grinning, bouncing with his good news only to find her on the floor, sobbing. He got the greatest news of his life on the same day she had received the worst news of hers. It was ironic really and not in a haha, that’s so funny kind of way but in a life sucks and just wants to destroy you kind of way. Just when she needed him most, his dreams were coming true and his dream was snatching him away. 
“Eddie…” she groaned softly because every time she convinced herself that she was strong enough to let him go, he would say or do something that would make her weak again, make her want to forget everything she’d said. Long distance didn’t work. It would only hurt them both more in the end. “We’ve talked about this. We agreed that…”
“No! We didn’t agree on anything. You keep saying it will never work. You have all kinds of reasons why it won’t work but you’re ignoring the one reason it will.” His hands came to her face and she turned into his touch, rubbing her cheek over his palm, her body searching for him the way it always had. “We love each other. Tori, I don’t care if thousands of other people haven’t made long distance work. I don’t care if Robin and Vickie couldn’t make it work. That doesn’t mean we can’t. We can do anything, Funshine. Come on. You know we can. Does seven years really mean nothing to you?”
Tori reeled back as if he’d slapped her, stepping away from him, eyes wide, gutted by his accusation. A new emotion began to take over the sadness, anger rippling along her skin. How could he even think that? How dare he have the nerve to even say something like that to her. Hadn’t she made it abundantly clear how much he meant to her? How much she loved him? How could he possibly doubt it?
“How dare you!” she snapped. “You know how hard this is for me, Eddie. I fucking hate this! You think I want to be without you? Especially right now? I don’t. When I think about the future, you’re the only thing I see. You’re the only thing I want but I can’t have you. Our paths are going in different directions right now and there’s nothing we do about it. I can’t go and you can’t stay. Please don’t make this harder. Losing you on top of everything else is killing me, Eddie. I am trying to be strong here but I just…I feel like I am falling apart, like I am just going to crumble into nothing and I…I just…” 
Sobs tore from her body, her shoulders heaving as she gasped for air, hyperventilating. Everything was falling apart. Her entire world was breaking, shattering. She was losing every single thing that meant anything to her and she was trying so hard to be strong, to hold it together for everyone around her but she was crumbling under the weight of it. 
Then Eddie was there, his arms coming around her, keeping those broken pieces together, her own personal superglue, whispering in her hair, “Baby, I am so sorry. I know. I’m sorry.” His hand ran over her hair, cupping the back of her head, pulling her into the solace that was his embrace. “Shit. I’m so sorry. You’re dealing with so much right now. I don’t want to make it worse. I just…I can’t just get on that plane knowing I will never talk to you again. Can’t we at least try to make this work?”
“Eddie…you’re going to forget about me,” she whimpered, wiping her face against his shirt. “You’re going to be so busy. You’re going to have so much to do once you get there. You’re not going to have time to call me. And what happens when you meet someone else? I don’t want you to feel tied down to me. You don’t need that right now and what I have going on, it’s just too much.”
“Wrap rope around my hands and attach me to you because there is no one else. I want to be tied down. Tori, there’s never been anyone else. There will never be anyone else. You’re it for me, Funshine. I love you so much.”
“I just…”
“Please, baby, please,” he pleaded, his lips pressing against her face, kisses of desperation and hope, kisses she was helpless against. “Please just try for me. Let’s just try, okay? It’s not going to hurt to try, right? We can make this work. I know we can.”
She was so tired, too exhausted to fight him anymore. Even though her brain was telling her this would never work, even though she’d gone over it a million times, weighing the pros and cons and the cons always came out on top, Tori just couldn’t battle anymore. Her body sagged against him in surrender. 
“Okay…okay…we’ll try,” she whispered. 
“I love you, Funshine. I love you so much,” Eddie mumbled against her skin, clinging to her. “We are going to make it, baby. This is going to work. I know it is.”
She wasn’t sure whether he was trying to convince her or himself but in the end, it hadn’t mattered.
Here is the prologue for my new Eddie fic. It will be original character. I have a hard time writing reader and I have been editing my chapters for Tumblr but it takes so much time. I understand if some of you would rather not read it because of that. I will start posting this book on May 29th so let me know if you want added to the taglist and of course I always love to hear what you think. Thanks so much for your continued support.
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stealingyourspins · 1 month
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Ninjago Mermaid AU- Zane.
Species: Narwhal. Chosen because of their ability to withstand cold temperatures plus their color pallet.
Zane is a Marine “spy” Robot used by researchers to record and collect data of Merfolk in their natural environment. Made in a partnership with Borg Industries and Julien Laboratories, he is a revolutionary advancement in the robotics field, going past a simple language learning model level to becoming a true AI in the 25 years of development. Zane’s expedition is simple: to help marine biologists to study Merfolk and blend in the best he can.
(Alt version with no spots under the cut and non transparent versions)
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tibb1ts · 7 months
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"Was I the problem?"
+ Bonus cus episode 5 came out as I was working
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fangirlingpuggle · 2 years
So a couple more half asleep random thoughts on my latest DP AU where Danny accidentally calls CW dad and then no one believes he’s not actually his dad (Link here)
Mainly Fright Knight. He hears Phantom called CW father and he starts thinking about kid running into fights with the odds stacked against him, ridiculously stubborn and noble, completely protective over the land he’s claimed to protect and winning through determination and force of will and suddenly is remembering what Pariah was like when he was younger and before the madness took hold and is 1000% sure Danny is Pariah and CW’s biological kid no one will convince him otherwise and after his mini breakdown that he literally tried to kill his prince he decides it is his duty to protect Phantom at all costs. He shows up and swears fealty to him and Danny is just like ‘wtf wtf wtf’ and tries explaining that he called Clockwork dad on accident and oh god he’s embarrassed enough about calling his sort of mentor dad but
Danny: Look Clockwork is not my dad and Pariah definitely isn’t
Fright Knight: Yes they are
Danny:...I-what no no they are not
Fright Knight: They most definitely are my prince
It’s a lost cause trying to explain they’re not Clockwork has shown the ancients the actual timeline they still don’t believe him.
Fright knight is not only super protective of Danny, Dash literally doesn't know what him but he ended up though a wall last time he tried to mess with Danny (Danny is torn between fuck you almost killed him and fuck that was amazing) but also very concerned about the future ghost kings education he finds out Danny is struggling and goes apeshit in the ghost zone like ‘ALL OF YOU WILL STAY ON THIS SIDE OF THE PORTAL OUR FUTURE KING NEEDS TO DO CALCULUS’ he also is deeply concerned his prince does not know about ghost zone lore so Danny ends up getting ghost history lessons....Jazz gatecrashes them, she is taking all the notes (She’s also heard about Pariah and CW relationship and is very invested)
Also he starts teaching Danny more fighting and Danny wants to argue and should be trying to convince everyone he’s not the ghost zone prince...but he’s sword lessons and it’s super cool.
He’s kinda just getting used to that when the ancients show up with presents to see their Nephew. Danny feels super awkward and is just very glad Jack and Maddie are still in the basement having an existential crisis and looking over all their life's work to busy to come upstairs and see all of the most powerful ancient ghosts of the infinite realms having tea around the table.... at least he gets to hear embarrassing stories about Pariah and Clockwork.
Clockwork shows up as well Danny is awkward as hell around him at first because haven’t really interacted since he pulled the ultimate accidentally calling your teacher dad move.
CW: I wouldn’t bother trying to keep explaining it to them Daniel just accept fate
Danny:...uh why is it for the best timeline
CW:No. They’re just to stubborn to accept anything else.
CW: In all timelines all trying to explain does is lead to a headache
He also not so subtly says that well he also sees Danny as a son and that he wouldn’t mind having that bond... it’s the weirdest most roundabout way to adopt someone.
Pariah shows up and instead of the dramatic reunion he and CW slide just into how they were before Pariah went crazy aka the most mushy romantic couple of all time, like able to kill you with a thought but to busy getting lost in each others eyes to think about it.
The observants are actually super happy Pariah is back because they totally shipped it they spent centuries observing these twos ridiculous pinning and romance and then Pariah went crazy and sunk their ship and so they are super happy to have their ship back they are sitting back watching eating popcorn watching this surprise child plot twist gasping and with their own cork board of conspiracies like ‘OMG THAT’S WHY CLOCKWORK SAVED HIM YES DOTS CONNECTED’
Bonus: Vlad bursts in to do evil plan he’s been plotting and... there is the fight Knight all the ancients, Clockwork and Pariah all just sitting there...he just very slowly walks backwards out of the house...Fright Knight still tracks him down and kicks his ass.
Bonus bouns: Dani. The zones find about Dani and lose their minds more nobody even questions how they could have 2 kids of different ages at all, they’re all like you control time weird shit happens but for sure that’s your kid.
Vlad: I made them that’s a clone of Daniel
Ghost Zone: ha right nah that’s Pariah and Clockworks kid
Vlad*Eye twitching*
Dani finds herself scooped up by Fight knight calling her the princess of the ghost zone and that her fathers have been looking for her and she’s confused but also like...ok and just rolls with it.
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emry-stars-art · 10 months
What are your thoughts on Neil and Katelyn being friends? Either in your au or just in general. Personally I’m insane about it
Like if you’re asking realistically, if I was to write a post canon Neil and Katelyn friendship it would be that they don’t actually seek out each others company, but when they DO get together it is chaos for the twins. Like no one expected them to have that much or that kind of energy around each other. I don’t even know if I can describe it, it’s something adjacent to a sibling relationship with a wordless agreement to mess with Andrew and Aaron as much as possible and also having that step-sibling vibe that is both ironic hate and a little bit of real “still not a huge fan of u”. I do like Andrew being better with kids so Neil doesn’t necessarily have a special in with kateaaron’s girls.
But they get along completely well enough and are comfy around each other. My weakness for better post canon relationships for everyone strikes again
In the royal au it’s similar, obviously it takes even longer for Abram to be comfy/casual around the queen but once he is they have a fine time when they happen to around each other. As stated previously, he sometimes ends up watching out for her at parties and stuff bc Katelyn has always been incredible at sneaking away from her people - if she isn’t on Aaron’s arm she’s gonna be on Abram’s and like at least halfway drunk, if she’s not somewhere on the floor dancing. Since this universe (or at least Palmetto idk) doesn’t have super strict policy on dances and stuff, sometimes she convinces Abram to dance with her as long as there’s someone else near enough to keep an eye on the room around the prince. Andrew always rolls his eyes at their friendly/sibling-like affection but he’s also relieved Abram’s relaxing enough to allow it. He always lets Abram go dance (Andrew himself keeps the same arm-length distance from Katelyn that he does from everyone else). Aaron doesn’t mind either, HE’S just relieved she picked someone capable of protecting her to go drunkenly talk to when she disappears (he also likes the way she lights up when Aaron eventually comes to collect her. She’s very happy to see her beloved husband and I love that for them).
Anyway Queen Katelyn is very sweet to Abram (bc she’s a sweet person) and eventually yes they ABSOLUTELY cause chaos for the twins hehe
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 7 months
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