#the lost world scrapbook
albertayebisackey · 2 months
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"Time is a storm in which we are all lost." - William Carlos Williams
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feverdreamjohnny · 1 year
The Epitaph of Anything Goes
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I decided that this morning I would talk about The Museum of Anything Goes and the subject of lost media.
For the uninitiated, The Museum of Anything Goes is an obscure "game" released in 1995 by Wayzata Technologies, a company that is so far under the radar that I was unable to find any useful information about it outside of TMoAG.
All I could uncover is that they published a few multimedia projects (which are essentially lost now) alongside some asset discs (clipart, SFX, etc.). That's it.
The brains behind Wayzata are even more difficult to locate these days: there are only two main names credited inside of TMoAG - Michael Markowski and Maxwell S. Robertson.
The game alleges that Michael and Maxwell are well known in the art world, but any additional information about the duo is scarce beyond the confines of the museum. Attempting to search for either name online turns up plenty of rabbit holes - but none of them have anything to do with the Michael and Maxwell responsible for TMoAG.
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This is particularly fascinating because it essentially means that TMoAG is the only accessible record of their lives. Before we dig any deeper into that statement, let me step back and actually address what this game is.
The Museum of Anything Goes is, by definition, a virtual art museum. Functionally it's a prerendered point-and-click adventure game where you can explore a bunch of multimedia exhibits that give the surface-level impression of a children's edutainment game, but once you start exploring further it reveals a side that firmly plants the game's feet into a haze of substance abuse and surreal humor.
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Many exhibits are essentially just toying around with the astonishing new powers of CD-ROM. Everything has to make noise. Everything has to spin and flitter around. There's an air of genuine excitement for the medium, and I can't help but find it extremely charming.
The game also functions as a scrapbook, filled to the brim with photos of random trips to the zoo and snow-mobile rides with friends. At one point we even get insight into something as specific as Michael's one-year job as a tutor at a Chicago middle school, where he talks about how it opened his eyes to how poorly funded and mismanaged the school system is.
It's simultaneously quaint and chilling to see so much personal history packed into a world doomed to obscurity. As I explore the deeper parts of the museum, I contemplate if the creators are still alive today. It's a bit morbid, but imagine that - you create a single obscure game with your friend and it's all the world can see. TMoAG is currently the only surviving piece that gives any insight into who these two men were.
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While many exhibits are lighthearted or nonsensical, there are occasional moments where the game dips into the eerie.
One exhibit has the player kill a man by dropping him from the sky, and after burying him you open the coffin to a video of a rotting pig carcass being put into an incinerator.
Other exhibits just feature simple 3D renders shifting around a dark screen while haunting groans play in the background.
While I would never refer to the game as "scary," its darker moments combined with the occasional mature subject matter definitely begs the question: Who is this game for?
You have to remember that this game came out long before the concept of "alt-games" had become codified in the digital space. Sure, unconventional digital art had been around before the advent of 256 colors, but TMoAG was being sold on disk as a game! It came out 2 years after DOOM hit shelves!
The trend of using the PC for entertainment was certainly on the upswing around that time, but It's not like TMoAG had a massive audience to find a niche in. With its mature themes it certainly wasn't suited for the kids market either, so who was it for?
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At the end of the day, it's a moot question. We already know the target audience for The Museum of Anything Goes: Nobody. It doesn't have an audience because by its nature, TMoAG wasn't being made FOR someone, it was being made BY someone. It's a raw, unfiltered form of personal expression.
I think games like these are pivotal, because they question why people assume a game has to exist for the sake of being a consumable product. TMoAG certainly has the shape of a product: it features an intro cutscene, it has a tutorial, it features intuitive UX, it even has a map! These are all features that are solely integrated to provide comfort to an end-user. But once you actually wander around the museum for a bit, you realize how bizarrely its packaging fits its contents.
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I think TMoAG is criminally underrated. It's not because its core content contains some earth-shaking truth, it's because the game defied all odds and cheated death.
How many thousands of other personal projects were deemed a little "too exotic" to be archived? How much history was lost these past 40 years as the digital space evolved and ate its old skin?
God knows how many other TMoAGs we'll never learn about because they weren't lucky enough to be preserved.
The Museum of Anything Goes isn't just some nonsensical art piece, it's a grave marker for so much lost media. Its existence is a reminder that some people's lives were fossilized, then macerated into nothing because a construction company built a skyscraper over them. The only evidence we have of those other games existing is this little fossil that somehow slipped out from under the skyscraper unscathed.
Even though so much has been lost, TMoAG survives as an epitaph.
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weirdrandomtina · 7 months
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Poppy character development appreciation post!
In Branch's old pod, when Poppy says he can talk to her, she pays full attention, never takes her eyes off him, and when he hesitates she continues to smile patiently. In World Tour, while he's trying to talk to her, she has her back to him and is focusing on watering the flowers, and when he hesitates, she only half pays attention.
When a friendly but random stranger picks up Branch who is clearly not liking to be thrown around, Poppy doesn't laugh about it or go along with it. And instead of saying politely, "hey, excuse me, could you please put him down", she literally snaps at JD, "STOP, PUT HIM DOWN RIGHT NOW". (and of course she refers to Branch as her boyfriend🥰)
"JD is only here because he needs something". When JD confirms that's true, Poppy could've said, "Nah, there's more to it than that", and JD could've said, "Yeah, Floyd's in danger..." and Poppy would've gone "See, told you..." Instead, she gives JD a deadpan look and says flatly, "C'mon, I'm trying here." Again, blunt and not Queen Poppy's usual giddy politeness.
Poppy wants to hear the full story of how she and Viva got separated, whereas before Poppy would've accepted Viva's vague explanation like, "Oh well, we're together now, everything's cupcakes and rainbows!" Now, Poppy recognizes Viva is changing the subject to avoid discussing negative feelings, and thanks to Branch, Poppy now knows that sugarcoating everything is not the way to deal with your problems. Also, Poppy is patient and gentle with Viva - she understands this is a sensitive / painful topic for her sister, and isn't pestering, "C'mon, tell me, tell me, I gotta know!"
In Trolls 1, when Cloud Guy teases Branch who clearly is not amused, Poppy laughs despite the life or death situation they're in. In Trolls 3, when JD teases Branch about wearing a smaller diaper, Poppy doesn't find it funny and doesn't say something like "Oh, come on, Branch, just go with it, have fun!"
When Branch tells Poppy he didn't need his brothers growing up and doesn't need them now, Poppy doesn't object or try to convince him to go back and make it work with them anyway. She just follows him, supporting him in the way he needs: being there for him no matter what. Since things didn't work out with Viva, Poppy realized family is indeed complicated.
When Poppy stops Branch from walking away, she doesn't only say, "I've always been by your side, give me some credit". She says how they've been by each other's sides. She didn't get annoyed that he implied she'll leave him, because she sees now that he's afraid of losing her like he lost his brothers and his grandma. She tells him she's not going anywhere in a sincere tone, not being silly or dismissive.
At Mount Rageous, Branch is the one taking the lead / making the plans while Poppy supports it and follows his lead. She isn't being reckless with Branch blindly following along, and she isn't making light of the situation (like in the first movie she scrapbooks his plan. Also, her 'plan' is to 'rescue everyone and make it home safely', which Branch points out is not a plan. Now she's helping him formulate an actual plan). When trying to get onto the yacht, she asks Branch, "What do we do?" She now is willing to listen to him and respects that he can be a leader, not just her.
Poppy very bluntly points out Velvet/Veneer's bad behaviour. No trying to justify it, no trying to change their minds with kind words and catchy songs, no asking nicely to let Brozone go - she screams that their phonies in front of a massive crowd, and the way she's angrily pacing tells me she wanted to say something worse. A huge change from Movie 1 and Movie 2 Poppy.
The protective-hand-reaching forward thing that Branch has always done to Poppy - she did to him!
BONUS - development from both Branch and Poppy: when she goes on her sister rant and he snaps her out of it, he starts shouting her name then softens, while she realizes what she's doing, snaps out of it, instantly calms down and gets to the point.
Here are some other great Poppy development posts I came across:
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part two: when i think about you, i touch myself
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: takes place directly after eddie catches you touching yourself in part one.
word count: 6.6k 
warnings: oral sex (female receiving), fingering, squirting, breast/nipple play, unprotected sex, brief choking/throat grabbing & finger sucking, mentions of male & female masturbation, dirty talk. this is pure filth from beginning to end. 
a/n: i know a lot of you have been waiting for this one, so i hope you enjoy it!! sorry for such a long wait, but as you can tell by the word count, this one is longer than the first part. also, apologies if you asked to be tagged and weren’t; the taglist would have been massive!
minors dni!
You were collecting yourself as you lay upon your bed, lost in bliss from your climax. A lazy grin was forming on your lips, basking in the afterglow of your own creation. Despite the fact that you thoroughly enjoyed yourself, you knew that familiar guilt would inevitably creep in—the type that usually accompanied the fantasies and how you chose to act on them. It wasn’t as though you were thinking such things about someone famous, or someone you barely knew; they were about Eddie, your best friend in the whole damn world. Of course, you couldn’t help the way you felt about him, nor could you just flip a switch to stop being sexually attracted to him. He was gorgeous, he was so fun to be around, he had the most radiant smile and the biggest, prettiest brown eyes you’d ever seen…
And you were head over heels in love with the boy. 
You hadn’t always been, though, nor had you been in love with him for very long. Your romantic feelings were fairly recent–about six months ago, give or take–but they were so damn strong. In fact, you couldn’t believe that there was a time when you didn't love him; he was everything you ever dreamed of in a partner. When you discovered that you were in love with him, it was as if a curtain finally lifted and showed you what you were missing beyond. The realization came after a particularly difficult period in your life, where he had been there for you constantly. No one else was by your side in ways that he had been–sleeping over, cuddling with you all through the night, bringing drugs & booze (not the wisest decision, but it helped, all the same), and listening to you when you needed it most. You spent those days lying in his arms, his fingers brushing through your hair as you lay together, sometimes in complete silence as you took in the solace of the quiet company. That’s what sealed the deal for you, and opened your eyes to your own feelings; but even still, it felt so dirty to be imagining him in the ways that you always did. 
The first time you got yourself off to him wasn’t too long after your realization. You were in bed, listening to the mixtape he made for you as a birthday gift, while flipping through the other half of the present–a scrapbook that he put together, of the two of you. It was such a thoughtful gift, and something that just seemed so unlike Eddie. Mixtapes, sure; he had a talent for making some of the best tapes you’d ever heard. Scrapbooking, though? It just didn’t seem to be in Eddie’s wheelhouse, but either way, you appreciated it. He chose some of the best photos of you two, and you couldn’t help but smile as you turned every page. Every photo of him, especially the ones where he was smiling or being goofy, made your heart sing with so much love. 
Then you got to the picture of him out at Lover’s Lake last summer, and you could do nothing but stare as you swallowed thickly. This particular photo was a shirtless close-up of Eddie, showcasing the tattoos on his body and faint traces of muscle in his arms & chest. His long hair hung over his shoulders, curls frizzy from the humidity as he flashed devil horns to the camera with a wink & his tongue out. You’d seen him shirtless before, and only felt a small stirring of something you could never identify; but you never felt it as intensely as in that moment. You eventually ended up with a pillow between your legs, grinding against it as you coaxed two orgasms with the downright filthy thoughts going through your head. You felt a strange sense of guilt and bliss when you were done, and you also had time on your side that night. You had the entire night to fantasize about him, feeling the wetness spreading through your panties every single time you pictured him with his head between your legs, or his guitar-calloused fingers deep inside of you, or how goddamn good he would probably feel as he fucked the absolute shit out of you.
Now, though, you didn’t have the luxury of time. You had to get up and start getting ready for Eddie’s visit, even though he was still hours away from arriving. You needed a shower after that little session, since you were basically covered in a thin sheen of sweat and your own cum. You also wanted to have a little wiggle room to get yourself looking nice, so spending that extra time on those things definitely wouldn’t hurt. You began to wonder what he was doing at that moment, and how well practice was going for him. The very image of him playing guitar, his fingers running along the strings as he tossed his hair, nearly caused you to start touching yourself again. Every time you went to one of his shows, you had to fight with yourself not to jump him right there on that fucking stage. It made for some interesting fantasies later on, though; you had to give yourself that much, at least. 
You sighed before you could start touching yourself again, propping yourself on your elbows. You shook your head, trying to free the thoughts from your mind as you focused on getting ready & what outfit you should change into. You thought about choosing his favorite, the one that he was constantly complimenting you on every time you wore it, and decided to see if it was even clean or not. If not, you would probably have to throw in a load of laundry, on top of everything else. You almost slung your legs over the bed, so that you could get up and start getting ready. You never made it that far, though; you were stopped dead as your bedroom door further opened, and Eddie walked in.
To say that you were shocked would be a massive understatement. Eddie was now standing in your room, his body language conveying anxiety, with his fly unzipped and a noticeable outline in the front of his jeans. You were mortified, and didn’t know what you should do. You didn’t want to believe that he heard anything, but you knew better. From the way he was acting, to the obvious erection straining in his pants, you had an inkling that he heard part of it, at least. Your heart hammered in your chest, your cheeks flaming hot as you ducked your head. 
“What are you…?” you began, clearing your throat after swallowing. “What are you doing here? I thought you had practice.”
Eddie smiled, rubbing the back of his neck as you drew the blanket further up your body. “Oh, that got cancelled. I thought maybe I’d drop by a little early and surprise you; seems like I did a pretty good job of that.”
Your cheeks were still scorching, and you lay back against the pillows as you kept your gaze away from him. “How long were you here? I mean…how long did you…?”
“I’ve been here long enough,” Eddie replied, and you thought that you could see relief settling on his face. “It sounded like you were having fun without me–physically, at least.”
Eddie stepped further inside the room until he was next to your bed, and you kept your head down to avoid looking at him. Goddammit, you were foolish to believe that this would remain a secret; as often as you touched yourself to him, he was bound to catch you sooner or later. His fingers brushed your covered thigh, and the simple touch sent a shiver down your spine. You finally turned your head to him, and he was beaming at you with that familiar arrogance. You swallowed, unable to believe that any of this was real. If you weren’t so transfixed in those doe eyes of his, or still feeling so ashamed, then you would have pinched yourself. 
“I’m sorry,” you managed, shivering again as his fingers circled your knee. “I wasn’t expecting you until much later.”
“Nah, don’t be sorry,” he said. “It’s my fault; I should have called ahead, or just waited. But you know, if it makes you feel any better, that wasn’t the first time I’ve ever heard a girl moaning my name.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, watching his fingers as they trailed along your thigh. His fingertips glided down your calf, then up to your knee, before the backs of his fingers brushed along your inner thighs. His touch was innocent enough, but it sent a fresh jolt of arousal straight to your cunt. You pressed your thighs together after he moved his fingers back to your knee, trying to quell the ache that was settling between your legs. He sat on the bed, one arm on your other side as he leaned over you, his lips pulling into a smile. His face was inches from yours, and it took every ounce of willpower you had not to close the gap and kiss him until you were both breathless. The fingers that were on your leg now came up to caress your cheek, his eyes boring deeply into yours.
“What were you thinking about?” Eddie asked.
“I don’t know what you–”
“Oh, come on, y/n. You know damn good & well what I mean. Look, you can tell me, alright? I promise that I’m not going to judge you, or that it won’t be weird.”
“It really won’t be too weird?” you asked, chewing your lower lip in uncertainty. “I mean, I know you just…heard me in here–”
“Not only heard, saw,” Eddie interrupted, moving closer to you. Your eyes grew big, and he shook his head with a reassuring, gentle smile. “No, no, don’t worry. I’m not grossed out or freaked out, or anything. It was fucking hot as shit, honestly.”
“You’re really not disgusted?” you asked. “Considering how close we’ve always been?”
“Let me tell you a little secret,” Eddie said, looking around the room for dramatic effect. When he turned to you again, his lips were now barely an inch from yours. “You have been my top sexual fantasy for the last two years.”
Your eyes widened in shock, and you weren’t even sure that you heard him correctly. “Wait, what? Are you serious?”
“Dead serious,” Eddie said, putting his fist over his heart as a signal that he was telling the truth. He gripped the back of your neck, caressing the skin there as his eyes met yours again. “You’ve actually been my ONLY fantasy for two years, so I guess I kinda bent the truth a little bit when I–”
“Can you please stop babbling and just…kiss me?”
He smirked, but couldn’t mask the surprise at what you’d said. It was written in his eyes, in the way his lips slightly parted before he smiled, in his entire demeanor. He leaned in closer, but hesitated when his lips were just a breath from yours. You had a hunch as to why he was so reluctant, because the same thought had also crossed your own mind. If he kissed you, everything between the two of you would change forever. However, when you considered the fact that he just saw you masturbating to him, a kiss was actually the most tame thing you could do. You curled your lips inward, and then pressed them to his when you felt a momentary surge of courage. 
His lips were soft and sweet against yours, so warm and welcoming. You could feel the tension in his body melting away at the contact, and his hand that was on the back of your neck now settled behind your head. One of yours rested on his shoulder, toying with some of his long hair as you wrapped it around your fingers. He shuddered, kissing you harder and more desperately as you hummed against his lips. He drew you closer by the waist with his other hand, which caused you to mewl softly. His tongue found your lips, subtle at first as the tip swiped over the seal of your mouth. His desire became more obvious, though, with the greedy pressing of his tongue against your lips. You opened your mouth to accept him, and his tongue swiped past yours as you whimpered. He was an even better kisser than you imagined, and you couldn’t get enough of him already. You sat up and slung your legs on either side of his lap, the blanket that covered your body falling to the floor. You braced your hands on his shoulders for a moment, straddling him before tangling your hands deeply in his hair. The two of you were still kissing, and his hands came down to squeeze your now-exposed ass. 
“Eddie,” you sighed as the kiss broke, your breath stolen as he began kissing down your neck. 
“That’s it,” he cooed, smiling against your skin. “Say my name, just like that.”
“I…” you began, crying out as he gently bit on the most sensitive area of your neck. You began to grind against him, rocking your hips against his clothed erection, the wetness of your pussy soaking the front of his jeans. You could feel his cock pulsating against you through the fabric, and your nails grazed his scalp as he sucked the area where your neck & shoulder joined. “I did this to you, huh? Listening to me get myself off made you throbbing hard like this?”
“Mmm hmm,” he hummed, the pressure of his mouth on your sensitive skin making your head swim. “Seems like I’m not the only one who’s turned on, though. It feels like you’re making a pretty good mess all over my pants right now.”
“I can’t help it,” you said, your hips still grinding against him as both of you mewled. “You just have that effect on me.”
“That makes two of us, then,” he said with a breathy laugh, but before you could respond, he was attacking your lips in a hard, messy kiss. 
You were still stunned over how right all of this felt. You had been so worried that it might be awkward, or feel forced, or that it would be so wrong altogether. But his hands trailing over your back, as he kissed you like you were the very thing keeping him alive, squashed those fears. The two of you kissed hotly, sloppily, both of you moaning softly in each other’s mouths as his hands dipped under your shirt. With every trace of his fingers down your spine, you fell even more in love, and when they finally made their way to the front of your body, you felt something else entirely. His fingers caressed the bare skin beneath the shirt as they slowly, teasingly made their way to your breasts. You nearly exploded, your body leaning into his touch as you anticipated his next move. You were lost in lust, drowning under the waves of desire until you were breathing in nothing but him. 
“Mmm,” you breathed, his hands enveloping your breasts. Your hands tangled even more deeply in his hair, tugging as he massaged your tits in his palms. His tongue pressed deeper into your mouth as he kissed you passionately, his groan vibrating against your lips. Your head fell back as he pinched a nipple between his fingers, and he took that as an opportunity to leave open-mouthed, rough kisses over your throat. “Fuck, Eddie…”
“Shit,” he hissed, tugging both nipples before rubbing the erect buds with his thumbs. “Did you think about me doing this? Or maybe it was more along the lines of this?”
He pushed you onto your back, sinking lower until his mouth was level to your nipple. He put his mouth over the still-clothed bud, and it peaked further under his lips. You sucked in a breath, grabbing his hair in one hand and the headboard in the other. His breath, hot and damp, felt incredible as the cloth of your shirt held it hostage against your skin. The sensation that his tongue left behind–the added friction, the pressure he used, the feeling of his breath–had you clawing at his scalp as he mewled. His eyes trailed up to your face, watching you closely as he sucked generously. He stopped after a moment and you whined, eyes finding him to see what he was up to.
“When you imagined me doing this,” he said, his chin propped on your chest, “I’m betting the shirt wasn’t part of the equation. Was it?”
“No,” you said with a slight shake of your head. “It…It wasn’t.”
“So, you did fantasize about it, then?” Eddie asked smugly, tugging your nipple in his teeth as you moaned.
“Yeah, I did,” you admitted. “I imagined you ripping off my shirt and sucking on my tits. The thought of that always makes me so wet; you have no fucking idea.”
“Ripping it off, huh?” Eddie said, smirking as he studied the shirt. “How much do you like this one?”
“I didn’t mean literally!” you cried with a laugh.
“I think I could tear it,” Eddie mused. “It looks pretty thin and flimsy. Shall I give it a shot?”
“You’re unbelievable,” you teased, watching as he grabbed the neck of your shirt. “Do your worst.”
It took Eddie two tries, but he actually did tear it. It ripped down the middle, and you felt heat rushing to your pussy as you heard the fabric tearing. He licked his lips as your breasts were now fully exposed to him, studying them for a long moment before his eyes trailed to your face. He ran his hands over them, looking into your eyes before his gaze flickered back to your chest. He dipped lower, kissing slowly between the valley of your breasts before stopping just below your collarbones. He went down again, kissing the tops of your breasts and rutting against your thigh with a deep groan. 
“You’re gonna make me cum in my pants like a fucking teenager,” he said with a chuckle. “I knew your tits would be perfect, but I had no idea just how much.”
“If you need to cum, maybe we should get down to it,” you said. “I don’t want you to suffer for too long.”
“I’ll be fine,” Eddie assured. “This is about you, and making you feel good. I’m bound & determined to make your fantasy come true, no matter how long it takes.” 
“No buts. All I want you to do is relax, have fun, and tell me what you were fantasizing about so that I can recreate it. Okay?”
“I guess that doesn’t sound too bad...”
“Not at all,” Eddie replied, flicking his tongue over your nipple before pulling it into his mouth.
You thought that Eddie sucking through your shirt had felt good, but it didn’t compare at all to this. His tongue was like velvet against your hot skin, his soft mewls sending slight vibrations through your nipple. You closed your eyes as you moaned, his lips working firmly as he applied pressure with his tongue. He swirled it, tracing circles as his fingers pinched the opposite bud. Your breathing was growing heavier, and you were a wet, near-quaking mess underneath him. His weight on top of you–fully clothed, bearing upon you as he lost himself in his actions–was almost too much to handle. It was incredible, and you needed so much more than what he was currently giving you.
“Tell me more,” Eddie begged as he switched to the other breast. “Please?”
“You...mmm…” you breathed, his tongue massaging your other nipple as you gave his hair a slight tug. “I asked you to finger me while you…while you were doing this.”
“Is that what you imagined as you played with these earlier?” he asked, squeezing one of your breasts in his hand for emphasis. “And while you fingered yourself, too? That IS what you were doing, isn’t it?”
“Yes,” you said. “I pictured you fingering me so deeply while you sucked on my tits. I also fantasized about you eating me out; that one came as I was rubbing my clit.”
“Thank you for telling me,” Eddie said, smiling as he looked up at you. “You were honest with me, so now I’m going to be honest with you. Not only have I fantasized about those things with you, but I can certainly arrange to make them happen. If you want to, that is.”
“I do,” you say, practically begging at that point. “Please, I want that so fucking much.”
“Then consider it done,” he said, taking your nipple between his lips once more.
This time, however, his hand travelled lower, slowly taking in the skin of your stomach, hip, and thigh. You hissed as one calloused fingertip made contact with your wet pussy, and he groaned as he felt just how soaked you were for him. He dragged two fingers from your entrance to your clit, his mouth working harder against your breast as he did so. When he finally put his full attention to your clit, you whimpered from the slight overstimulation as a result of your earlier climax. He let off a little, ghosting his fingers through your inner lips instead.
“Sorry,” he said, gazing at you through his hair that had fallen into his eyes. “You’re so fucking wet, y/n. All of this because of me? Because of the fantasies you were having?” 
“Yeah,” you panted, crying out as he pushed two fingers inside of you.
“Doing okay, sweetheart?” Eddie asked, grinning as you nodded quickly. “Good. That’s my good girl.”
The praise caused you to mewl, clenching around his fingers as they delved inside of you to just below the middle knuckle. You felt so full, and the coolness of his rings in contrast to your hot cunt caused you to shiver. His tongue wrapped around your opposite nipple as he fucked you slowly on his fingers, and you knew instantly that you were already addicted to him. He was so much better than you had ever imagined, and your fingers could never compare to how good he felt. He was moaning as well, increasing the speed of his working digits before rotating them slightly inside of you. The sounds of his fingers fucking into you, along with the soft noises falling from his lips, were driving you up the fucking wall with desire. You moaned, closing your eyes again as you yanked his hair, the pads of his fingers pressing rapidly into your sweet spot every time he thrust them inside. 
“Jesus, you feel so good,” you panted, and he smirked at you. “Don’t say it.” 
“Better than you pictured, huh?” he questioned smugly.
“I thought I just said–” you began, cut off with a loud moan as he pumped his fingers even harder. “Eddie.”
“Fuck,” he breathed, withdrawing his fingers as you whined at the loss. He sat up a bit, bringing his soaked, glistening fingers to his mouth as he made eye contact with you. He separated them, and you could see a sticky line of your juices bridging his fingers together. He shivered at the sight, drawing them into his mouth and groaning as your taste hit his tongue. He didn’t stop until they were sucked clean, his brown eyes blown even darker with lust. “You taste even better than I always thought you would, and that’s saying a hell of a lot.”
Before you could respond, Eddie was making his way down your stomach. He playfully bit at your lower belly as you laughed, and then he was pulling you to the edge of the bed. He knelt in front of you, and you swung your legs over his shoulders as he held onto your thighs. The anticipation of what he was about to do nearly killed you, and he began to leave hard, needy kisses along your inner thighs that only added fuel to the fire. His gaze settled on your cunt, and he drew back to get a better look. He made a soft sound of approval, before squeezing your thighs and delicately caressing the skin there. 
“You have such a pretty pussy,” he remarked, nuzzling along your groin. “Is it still okay for me to carry this out, or did you decide that your fingers would do a better job instead?”
“Oh, stop it,” you teased, chuckling softly. “I definitely still want you to. I don’t think anything could change my mind.”
Eddie nodded, spreading your legs further apart for even better access. He dragged his nose through your inner labia, nuzzling along as you shuddered violently. The tip of his tongue ran through your folds, teasing as you began to whine pleasurably. His hair tickled the insides of your thighs, the cool metal of his rings on your skin sending goosebumps all over your body. His dark eyes found your face, and yours settled on him, watching as he drew your cunt impossibly closer to his mouth. You were getting wetter, and he apparently took notice as he groaned softly & began eating you out vigorously. 
You had imagined this exact scenario far more times than you would ever outwardly admit. It had to arguably be your top fantasy when it came to Eddie, in any and all forms: Sitting on his face, lying on your back, him eating you out from behind, every single conceivable position and situation. The real thing was far exceeding any & all expectations, and all you could do was moan & writhe as he played your body perfectly. His plump lips were kissing from your entrance to just below your clit, his silky, warm tongue swirling and tracing all along your soaked pussy. 
“Fuck, you really do taste incredible,” Eddie said, licking around your entrance before rapidly darting his tongue in & out of you. “I think I’m already addicted to you.”
“I’m pretty hooked on you, too,” you said, his fingertips digging further into your skin as he fucked you faster on his tongue. “Eddie…”
“Does it feel good?” he asked, a bit of uncertainty in his voice. “Should I do something else?”
“No, fuck,” you panted. “Don’t you dare stop.”
“Your wish is my command,” he said with a wink, and set back to work.
He lapped at the inside of your pussy, moving his tongue around as one hand came toward your inner lips. His thumb ghosted your clit, swiping softly as your back came slightly off the mattress. That same hand snaked under your thigh to bring you closer to his face, his lips & tongue working feverishly against your aching, drenched cunt. He watched your reactions, two fingers pushing inside of you again as he moved his mouth to your clit. His dark hair fell into his eyes, which were still taking in your every reaction while occasionally flicking to your heaving chest. His lips enveloped your swollen clit, sucking the small bundle into his mouth as his tongue pressed firmly against it. He moved his tongue quickly back & forth and up & down, pumping his fingers in time with those movements. He curled the digits against your sweet spot, and your head tipped against the pillows as the pleasure threatened to swallow you whole.
“Still doing okay?” Eddie checked in, adding a third finger after you nodded. “Your pussy is the best I’ve ever fucking had.”
“How many times have you used that line?” you joked.
“Including today?” he asked, his fingers still fucking you as he wore a thoughtful expression. “Exactly…one time.”
“Bullshit,” you said with a laugh, moaning hotly as his fingers pressed tightly to your G-spot.
“No, seriously,” Eddie insisted. “I can’t wait to fuck you. I’ll warn you, though: I don’t think I’ll last too long.”
You chuckled at that, and before you could hit back with a witty remark, he was eating you out again. Your mind was hazy, full of absolutely nothing but the surrealism of the entire situation. You never thought that you’d be here–three of Eddie’s fingers filling your cunt as deeply as possible, his mouth focusing on your clit, his ravenous eyes watching your every move–but here you were. He increased speed, going impossibly fast as he moaned loudly against your pussy, shaking his head rapidly as he did so. The vibration sent a fresh bolt of arousal through your body, and the coil in your stomach was so close to snapping as your moans echoed around the room.
Your hands found his hair, holding on and pulling as his tongue vigorously swirled your clit. He curled his fingers quickly, making sure to press firmly on your G-spot every time. His mouth increased pressure on your clit, tongue flicking before trailing downward to explore the rest of your pussy. He slowed, causing you to whine, before nearly pulling his fingers out completely. You were ready to protest, but then he was slamming them inside of you again before resuming an even faster pace on your clit. 
“I’m so fucking hard right now,” Eddie breathed, his free hand leaving your thigh to slide up your body and settle on your breast. “Are you close?”
“Mmm hmm,” you hummed, hissing as he rolled your nipple in his fingers. 
“Go ahead,” he coaxed gently, both hands moving from their previous positions to hold your hips down. “Cum for me. Show me that I can make you cum harder than you ever imagined possible during your little fantasies. I wanna know if I can do it better than you can yourself.”
Your thighs were trembling violently around his head, your skin on fire and breathing heavier as your climax approached. He kept his gaze on you, admiring your form through his hair & eyelashes as he ruthlessly ate you out. Watching him, feeling his hard grip on your hips, and feeling what he was doing, catapulted you over the edge. You came harder than you ever had in your life, either alone or with someone else. You squirted in his face, his name leaving your lips in desperation as you arched your back, your grip like iron in his long, thick curls as your orgasm rocked your entire body. You could feel him grinning against your cunt, groaning as you tugged roughly at his hair. His tongue continued to work, albeit much slower this time, but you were so overstimulated that you couldn’t tolerate anymore contact just yet.
“You enjoyed yourself quite a bit, by the looks,” Eddie teased, drawing away as you pushed at his head. “Don’t remember you cumming quite that hard earlier.”
“I didn’t,” you breathed, still seeing stars from the force of your climax. “Fuck, you were…”
“I’m good,” Eddie said, standing from the floor and stretching his legs. His chin was absolutely drenched, his lips glistening, and the tip of his nose shiny with your cum. “You don’t have to finish that sentence; I could tell from the way you just super-soaked my face.”
“Sorry,” you said, smiling bashfully.
“Nah, don’t be,” he said, shrugging his vest & jacket to the floor before sliding his pants down. He kicked his shoes & socks off to join them, the jeans following suit before he yanked his shirt off. “Get the rest of your shirt off for me.”
You sat up, discarding the remains of the torn shirt to the ground. He glanced you up and down, whistling at your fully nude form. You admired the tattoos that decorated his body, taking them all in as he finished undressing. His erection was now present to you, and you chewed your lip as you admired it. He was bigger than you expected–not huge, but definitely not average, either. He had a lot of girth as well, his thick shaft beading precum at the tip as his balls hung heavy. You moved closer to him, taking his cock in your fist to feel the warm, throbbing weight of it against your palm. His hips stuttered in response, and he moaned before gently pushing your hand away with an apologetic smile.
“We’d better do this now, unless you want me to make a mess all over your hand,” Eddie said. “How do you wanna do it?”
“I wanna ride you,” you replied, propping yourself on your knees to kiss over his upper chest tattoo. “I’m tired of being on my back.”
“Well, I certainly won’t say no to that,” he said, his arms encircling your waist as he threw both of you backward onto the bed again. Your nude bodies pressed together perfectly, and he kissed you messily before rolling onto his back. He pulled you with him, coaxing you into his lap before you straddled him. He eyed you from head to toe, licking his lips as he did so. “Hit me with your best shot.”
You positioned yourself over his cock, grasping it in your hand as you guided it toward your pussy. His hands settled loosely on your hips, his eyes on yours as he waited. You took a deep breath, shaking off the last of your nerves, before bracing your free hand on his shoulder. You fully sank onto his cock, moaning filthily as his thick, aching length entered you. Your cunt felt so full, so stretched, and you swore that you never felt anything quite like it before. You’d used your fingers, toys, anything you safely could, but it all paled in comparison to Eddie’s cock. He seemed to be enjoying it, too; his head was thrown back on your pillows, his dark hair spread over them with some in his face, his grip on your hips tightening as filthy groans fell from his full lips. You took a moment to adjust and get used to how amazing he felt pulsating against your slick, warm walls, your lips slack as you met his eyes. He was gazing back at you with such desperation and lust that you nearly combusted on the spot, his fingers tracing soft circles around your hips. 
“Christ, you’re so goddamn wet,” he said, his hands running up your sides. “You feel fucking incredible, y/n.”
“So do you,” you replied, lifting your hips a little and coming back down with a whimper. “I’ve never felt anything like this before.”
“Oh, you poor little baby,” Eddie said with a playful, mocking pout. “Were your fingers not good enough? Did none of the dudes before me have a dick this big?”
“Don’t get smart on me now,” you begged, finding a steady rhythm as you both gasped at the sensation. “Eddie, shit…”
“Mmm, that’s it,” he praised, his eyes on your breasts as you bounced a little faster on his cock. “Give me a show, sweetheart. Show me how desperate you are to cum for me again.”
Your hips moved at a medium pace, because you didn’t want to go too fast just yet, but you also didn’t want to go slow. Eddie’s hands grabbed your tits, squeezing them in his hands and giving each nipple a hard pinch as your head lolled. You mewled filthily as he kneaded your breasts, your lips open as he rutted upward to meet your rhythm. Your hands rested atop his before trailing down his arms, and finally settling upon his chest. You scratched him as he bucked directly into your sweet spot, his hands leaving your breasts to hold your waist as you rode him even more quickly.
“God, this feels so good,” you panted, trying to find a new angle so that he could hit into your G-spot more directly again.
“Did you imagine this, too?” Eddie questioned, his hands sneaking around to grab your ass. He gave it a playful swat, which caused you to groan hotly. “Riding me like this? Feeling me inside of you as I played with those amazing tits? Did the thought of any of this get that pussy of yours soaking for me every goddamn time you fantasized about it?”
“Yes to all of it,” you said. “Every single time.”
“What a little slut, getting herself off all the time because she can’t stop thinking about my dick,” Eddie said, and you moaned at the nickname. “You like being called that?”
“A little bit,” you admitted, grinding your clit against him as you brought your hips down fully. “I have so many fantasies about you. It’s kinda ridiculous.” 
“Doesn’t sound too ridiculous to me,” he said, his hand wrapping around your throat as he smirked. “Is this one of them?”
You nodded, and he reached between the two of you to gather some of your slick on his other fingers. Still holding onto your throat and tightening his hold slightly, he brought the wet fingers to your lips. He coaxed them open, inserting his fingers into your mouth and pressing them against your tongue. You tasted yourself with a groan, and he fucked them into your mouth with a grin. “How about that?”
You hummed and nodded as best as you could in reply, and he briefly cut your air off before withdrawing his fingers and letting go of your throat. “Noted. You’ll have to tell me more about these fantasies of yours later. I’m deeply curious now.” 
“I will,” you said, swivelling your hips for only a second before bouncing yourself on his cock again. “I promise I will.”
He took your hands then, placing them on your breasts. “Play with these for me.”
You do as he asked, massaging your breasts and tugging at your nipples. He just watched you, not taking his eyes from you for one moment. You ground your clit every time you came down, and Eddie soon got the hint. His thumb swiped at your clit, running circles over it as you rocked your hips at a desperately fast pace. He pulled you down for a hard, sloppy kiss, one that was full of moans and whimpers, both of you close to orgasm as you slammed yourself repeatedly onto his cock. Your wetness had gathered at the base, some of it dripping down his balls and onto the bed below. You sat up fully and Eddie followed, his mouth all over your chest as you embedded your hands within his hair. 
“y/n,” he panted, moaning as you clenched around him. “Fucking shit…”
You pulled at his hair, hands burying deeper into the messy locks as his mouth continued exploring your chest. You slammed down as the sounds of sex filled the room, his hips bucking to meet yours while he quickly rubbed your clit. It didn’t take much longer for you to cum, and you clung to him as your hips stuttered and body spasmed, your head thrown back as you cried out his name. Your body felt supercharged from every orgasm you experienced already, and Eddie was chuckling against your neck as he kissed it.
“That’s my good girl,” he praised, holding onto you while you whined from how sensitive everything felt. “That’s it, I’ve got you…”
Your hips kept moving, trying to help Eddie with his own climax. It came a lot sooner than you had anticipated; he twitched inside of you only seconds later, hot ropes of cum painting your walls. He moaned loudly, holding you tightly as he came, his head thrown back with a look of pure ecstasy written on his face. You mewled as you felt some of his cum dripping out of you, and you lifted your hips before he softened too much. You collapsed next to him, and he brought you into his arms as he kissed the top of your head. Both of you were breathless, sweaty, your cunt leaking his cum as his cock was drenched with your own. He felt so much like home against you, and you couldn’t help but grin as you lay your head upon his chest.
“Wow,” he panted with a chuckle. “That was fucking amazing.”
“It was, wasn’t it?” you asked, tracing one of his tattoos with your finger. “Is it bad to say that I’m really glad your practice got cancelled?”
“No, because I feel the same,” Eddie replied, tilting your chin so that you were looking at him. “y/n, this…this wasn’t just about sex to me. I mean…don’t get me wrong, it was so goddamn incredible, but...it was so much more to me than just that.”
“Really?” you asked, smiling as he nodded slowly, nervously. “It wasn’t just sex for me, either, if I’m being honest.”
That got his full attention, and his eyes widened. “Wait, seriously?”
“Yeah, seriously,” you said, giving him a tender kiss. “In fact, I wouldn’t be mad if we decided to be…maybe more than just friends.”
Eddie beamed at you, rolling you onto your back before hovering over you. “You wanna know something?”
“What?” you asked, fingers looping through his dangling necklace. 
“I wouldn’t be mad, either,” he whispered, sealing your lips–and your seemingly upgraded relationship status–with a kiss. 
taglist: @littledemondani @erosso @ranawaytohawkins @dumpsterfireoflove @fallinginfinitelyinlove @strangerthings64 @eddiemunsonssslut @pedrosrealgf @sweet-beliefs @dylobilysmomg @haiishodenki @eddiemunsn @patheticversace @madhatterweasley @eddiemvnsonworld @eddiethefreakk @hellv1ra @cailaif @2spock @cateycollins @aureateopia @homiesexual-or-homosexual @druigswh0ree @lunatictardis @strangerduchess
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grimmcheems · 6 months
Buff Chichi😤💖
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Just thought it’d be funny to draw this, but at the same time I’m so mad we were robbed of a buff Chichi. Like….Miss Ma’am was the world’s strongest woman at some point and you’re saying she had no muscle mass whatsoever?!!?!?!asiwybfuheu
There is no way she wasn’t able to have that body 😭 I can understand maybe losing some of it when she was having Gohan, but to lose all that FOREVER?!?! Nahhhh. GOKU WOULD’VE BEEN ALL OVER HER TOO, don’t lie. Punching the air rn. This originally didn’t even have all the other doodles, it was just gonna be a meme art of Chichi carrying her man but it evolved during the second phase of the sketch 🗿
either way it’s a crime that we never see much of her to begin with, much less for her to actually have a body that could hold up to her old title. I’ve seen other buff chichi arts on here and they make me laugh so much bc y’all are wild so that’s why I made this😎. Anyways, if you are part of Chichi nation please rise up bc I don’t see many who appreciate her character, our queen was lost to bad writing and lack of screen time.😢
Also toddler Gohan is-aeljnfwljnf. He would def tell some bully that his mom can “beat their a$$”, though she would flip for just hearing about him using that language by his teacher and would more likely monitor him around Goku’s friends there on out lmao.
HC that OX King very much treats Chichi like a “daddy’s girl” therefore he always keeps mementos of her milestones growing up, hence the photos of her being ripped while going to tournaments or just training in their villages’ dojo. He got into scrapbooking when he got into taking more photos of her and definitely commissions or makes borders for them and adds stickers to them for funsies. :)
Goku may or may not also be a thigh type of guy, idk he would fr go wild with it if he had a more sculpted chichi but that could just be me🤷🏽‍♀️
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rustytrident · 2 years
beelzebub who has obscure knowledge because he cares so much about his brothers' interests, they become his, too – or, a slight beelzebub character study at 3am because i need it and so do you.
beelzebub who can name every constellation in the night sky of all three realms, who knows both astrology and astronomy, who has read all of belphie's essays and research papers, who was there when they were written.
beelzebub who knows how to play (and cheat, and win) about every casino game, who knows how to do fast math even if he doesn't really care for it, who checks the fucking stock market every morning to see if mammon's mood will be affected by it or not.
beelzebub who knows the difference between the scent of white and red roses, who knows how to properly do your (and his) makeup, who has memorised which products are good for his complexion and how many times a day he needs to apply sunscreen, because asmo swears that the fridge light hits him as much as the sun would have in the human world.
beelzebub who can quote jane austen and poe and shakespeare and euripides from memory, who makes references from books that were destroyed with the library of alexandria, who knows about every breed of cat there is, who listens to satan explain whose fur is the thickest and whose the softest.
beelzebub who will rewatch tsl for hours, who will carry boxes upon boxes of games upstairs, who will (poorly) draw ruri from memory, who will know how to play most games levi hyperfixates on and the plot from most anime he has rambled about.
beelzebub who knows even the most bizzare of genres of music, who can taste the difference between a thousand year and a thousand and one year aged demonus, who immediately recognises the jazz song lucifer is playing when he wants to spend quality time with him but doesn't want to disturb him.
beelzebub who, if you ask him about his interests, will reply that he doesn't really have any, who will search within him for an ounce of self, who will give up after a while because he is six beings in one, and he doesn't know if there's room for one more.
beelzebub who decides that it's okay to be a mosaic of his favourite beings, who finds out that he has been carrying seven in him all along, who gazes in your – a human's – eyes and understands why she fought and why she fell and why she tried so much.
beelzebub who, in his spare time, will go in the human world to visit museums and archaeological sites and long abandoned villages, who will reminisce about when everything he just saw was once new and shining, who will retrace the steps he took aeons ago, alone this time.
beelzebub who often feels lost, who grieves and eats and grieves some more, who carries the memory of his sister because he once read that one truly stops existing when they are forgotten, yet smiles when he sees red roses and shiny coins and old books and video games and cursed records and the starry sky, who sighs into your neck right before he falls asleep and promises to never forget the way your skin feels under his.
beelzebub who, without you asking him, tells you he likes flowers and animals, who likes everything the sun touches, whose eyes glimmer when you ask him to tell you about yarrows and their meaning and their colours, who will explain in a heartbeat, just for you.
beelzebub whose self is a wounded one, a fighting one, whose self is a memory box he just keeps adding into, a scrapbook of eternity's erosion, who finds happiness in the little things, in the simple things, who binds his family together.
beelzebub who loved and loves and will love until there's nothing of him left, until he is the last one remembering, until the night sky is no longer a painting, but just an accumulation dead stars.
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em1e · 1 year
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weddings | emma and draken get married before you and shin question mark
⿻ mini series ft. you dating shinichiro and whatever chaos that comes from that !! ✕ fluff !! implied fem!reader but no gender-referring pronouns ♡ series m.list
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it doesn’t surprise you when emma informs you of draken’s proposal to her. 
the two had been pining after each other for as long as you could remember, and really it’s cute that he’s decided to propose to her at the age of twenty-two. emma is elated as she tells you and her now maid of honor hina what plans she has for the wedding. 
she’d been preparing for this since she was twelve, (you know because you helped her put together the scrapbook in her hands) and you and hina assist her with picking between some of the old, replacing certain things with more in-date styles. 
she decides the theme to be soft and pink, and it fits her really well, you decide, when she shows you bridesmaid dress options, and you and hina are there when she picks out her wedding dress style. mitsuya, mikey’s friend and fashion designer, takes it upon himself to create and design and fit emma’s dress to her perfectly, and when she twirls around in it, you can’t help the swell of pride that blooms in your chest at how much she’s grown, at how happy she is. 
she asks you to be one of her bridesmaids, with shinichiro being one of draken’s groomsmen. mikey is his best man, to no one’s surprise, 
your boyfriend -  yes, boyfriend, shinichiro helps in any way he can to give what little advice he can offer on the subject, and for the next few months makes it a point to ignore the way you imply being surprised that the two are getting married before you and he. 
“i just think it’s so cute they’re getting married so early in life.” you begin, laying in bed beside him, and shinichiro knows where the conversation is being directed from your tone alone. 
“it is,” he agrees, “very cute.” 
“kinda amazing, too, huh? they’re so young and so in love.” you hum out, arm wrapping around his waist with your head falling against his shoulder. 
“mhm.” he hums out, rubbing your back, “pretty amazing.” 
“can’t believe it’s all happening tomorrow,” your fingers drum against his stomach, wiggle their way under his shirt and leave goosebumps in their wake, “you excited?” 
“‘f’course,” he presses a kiss to the top of your head, “super excited.” 
“d’ya think our wedding will be as nice?” you mumble out, fingers stopping their dance as you await the answer. 
“even better,” you can feel his smile against your hair, “but don’t tell emma.” 
the wedding is, as you’d expect, beautiful. emma’s dress fit her perfectly, draken cleaned up nicely, and everything went even better than anyone could have hoped. 
during the party, hours later, emma and draken are tipsy as they dance with one another. most of their friends have left, either to get back to their home lives or to keep the party going at a nearby bar, but you and shinichiro stay at the venue, watchung as the two newlyweds sway back and forth to a soft song playing on the speakers. 
you sip on your wine, just over the line of tipsy, with shinichiro pulling you into his side, fingers pressing into your hip. you think he might be further gone than you, from the way he sways with the music as well, but he’s hardly drunk any from what you’d witnessed. 
“let’s dance.” he whispers in your ear, pulling you from your assigned seat before you have time to protest, and soon you’re a good two meters away from draken and emma, lost in your own world when he pulls you close and rocks you back and forth in tandem with the music. 
“love ya lots,” shinichiro is still whispering as he pulls you impossibly closer, arms at your lower back to keep you against him. 
your own wrap around his neck, head tilting up with that smile he just adores, absolutely eats up, on your lips, “i know ya do. i love you too.” 
“just don’t think i say it enough,” he continues, forehead bumping softly against your own as his eyes close, “don’t think i’ve ‘ver loved someone as much as i love you.” 
the words have a flush creeping its way up your cheeks, but you scrunch your nose at him, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips, “s’good to hear. don’t wanna have to split that love with anyone.” 
he laughs a little, pulling away from you slightly and digging into his pocket. your brows furrow at the loss of contact, pausing your dance (if you could even call it that) to question him instead. 
“you can’t smoke in here, you know? s’a private building-” 
“i know that,” he laughs again, cupping your face in with the hand not digging in his pocket. his thumb runs against the bone, looking at you with such an admiration that leaves you melting into the touch, eyes fluttering closed for only a second until he’s moving again. placing the opposite hand between you as if showing you something so top secret, so confidential, it has your eyebrows furrowing and head tilting out of his touch. 
“i wa’na spend the rest of my life with you,” he starts before you can ask, and your brows furrow even further at the implication, “was gonna wait for us to be back home, but you look so pretty right now, ‘nd i really don’t think there’d be a more perfect moment than now.” 
“shin . . .” 
“i love you,” he repeats, voice still just above a whisper, “so very much.” 
and when you look down at his hand between the two of you, you can make out the small, velvet box sat in the middle of his palm. 
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wintfleur · 20 days
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au masterlist - you can find everything under #👩🏻‍🎨 ͡ ꒱ Stella Hughes!
NAME Estella Hughes
NICKNAMES Stella, Stell, Stells, Stellur, Stink, tiny hughes.
BIRTHDAY May 5th 2004
SEXUALITY Bisexual (only a few people know)
BIRTHPLACE Manchester, New Hampshire
PIERCINGS 2 in each ear, bellybutton, nipples
FACE CLAIM Gracie Abrams
LANGUAGES english 100% Korean 100%
MAJOR An art major, she's on the woman's figure skating team.
PERSONALITY Stella can be very quiet , but she is very friendly and cheerful! She can be quite flirty to people , she's very sweet and always wants to help everyone , but she is a little bit of a people pleaser so she struggles with that! She can be very hard on herself.
HABITS going super quiet, getting lost in her own thoughts, biting her lips.
LIKES Her nintendo switch, bored games, video games, ear muffs, twilight, stuffed animals, the canucks, sleeping, mini skirts, lando norris.
DISLIKES hiccups, driving, messy places, being compared to her brothers, rude fans, feeling stuck, loud places, her anxiety.
HOBBIES reading, photography, hockey ,ballet, all types of dancing, baking, scrapbooking, singing.
FEARS drowning, deep water, being alone, being stuck in tight places.
FOOD cherries, french fries, blueberries ,
DRINKS water, coke, hot chocolate, redbull.
COLOR pink , green, brown, white.
ANIMALS bunnies, bears, dogs, cats.
SEASONS Winter, fall/autumn.
HOLIDAYS Christmas.
BANDS AND ARTISTS ABBA , Lana del ray, Tate mcrae, enhypen, wallows, 5 seconds of summer , honestly so many artists she listens to so many genres.
SHOWS pretty little liars, Criminal minds, too many kdramas to name.
MOVIES tangled, every batman movie, mamma mia, bride wars, mighty ducks 2.
PERSON quinn hughes and daisy ahn
She is the youngest of the Hughes clan, and as the only girl and youngest that means her older brothers are very protective. Mostly Jack and Luke, Quinn isn’t as intense as the other two.
Quinn is her favorite person in the whole world, she tells him everything. He likes to say that she’s his favorite, and it’s true.
She had the biggest crush on Trevor growing up, he likes to tease her about it. So does Luke.
Jack and Luke scared off all the boys growing up!
She’s not the biggest fan of swimming.
Her love language is physical touch, she’s a big cuddler and she loves holding hands.
Her two best friends are lily (lils) and Carmen (minnie) they have been friends since they were little, lily is on the women's volleyball team and Carmen does figure skating with her.
Her best best friend, who is like her sister is Daisy Ahn ( an oc made by @qoqurt ) they have been best friends since they were little
Her other bestie is dahlia !! (An oc made by @bbrissonn )
Her best guy friend is Park Sunghoon, yes the sunghoon from enhypen, they are childhood friends and met through figure skating.
Secretly made out with Luca fantilli in a closet at her first college party, obviously before she and Rut started dating.
She loves spending summers at the lake house.
She went viral at jacks draft, she goes viral a lot.
The nhl fans love her, the delulu fans hate her.
Is very close with her parents, she’s a family girl!
She’s a homebody, she likes going out but prefers to hang out at home/dorm or at her friends' homes/dorms.
She is a very talented artist and got a scholarship to umich for her art. She loves all types of art. She likes drawing and painting but has started loving ceramics.
Stella loves the library and I mean lovesss it! If you can’t find Stella, she’s either in her bed or at the library
She loves photography, ever since Quinn bought her a Polaroid camera when she was 13, she has quite the vault of embarrassing pictures of her brothers
Momma's girl? Daddy’s girl? No she’s a Quinn girl
She used to figure skate with a partner but things went wrong and she's very hesitant to have a new partner
She’s actually really good at hockey, and could join a women's team if she wanted to. But she could never, she hates getting hit.
She hates seeing her brothers and friends getting hit, makes her cringe and flinch.
Went viral after her reaction of Jack getting into a fight goes on the big screen.
The camera people are always putting her on the big screen whenever she goes to her brothers and friends game.
She did get exposed on the big screen taking a sip of Trevor’s beer…Trevor couldn’t stop laughing while her dad gave her a disapproving shake of his head.
Trevor and Jack accidentally got Stella really high for the first time, forgetting to tell her that gummies on Jack's desk are edibles. A freaking out Trevor and Jack trying their best to calm down a panicked Stella, let’s just say the two boys were anxious for Quinn to come back. (I really want to write a thing for this, it would be so funny)
Her and Lily secretly went and got their nipples pierced, Carmen being there to hold their hands.
Not really a coffee or tea person
She loves playing board games and video games with her brothers
She’s a sweet person, but isn’t afraid to speak her mind. She’s the youngest of three brothers, she knows how to stick up for herself!
She’s a passenger princess…with everyone!
She knows she’s in trouble if someone calls her Estella
Stella really wants to be a mother
Her trainer is pushing her (nicely) so she can be in the 2026 winter olympics!
Here is a link to more fun facts about her!
She has 3 instagram accounts. @/stellahughes is her main account that everyone follows, @/entersteller is her private account where only her friends and family follow, @/nicohischierluvergurl is her secret private account where only a few of her close friends and Quinn follow.
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˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( so this is the updated version of her profile !! I’ve been wanting to redo it for a while , I really hope you guys like it lovelys !! )
°. — taglist ( @cixrosie @toasttt11 @lovings4turn @bunbunbl0gs @petite-potato4 @winterbarnesblog @yoontwin )
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blingblong55 · 11 months
Invisible String Theory- Simon 'Ghost' Riley
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F!reader, fluff, establish!relationship
One single thread of gold tied me to you
The invisible string theory: All your favourite people will be hidden in plain sight until the universe decides you are ready to meet them.
As you sit with him, you can't help but think of all the moments in your life when he wasn't present, because now, he is there, holding you in his arms. You two are looking through the scrapbook he made for you, photos and souvenirs of your story, so far. As you look through you find a picture of task force 141, they were in the u.s., in the background, a lake with some people near it. Then once you look at the next page, there you were, with your friends in the same lake, a group of men in the background of the picture.
You had set for a small holiday in the u.s. because you wanted to study there the next semester. You couldn't help but notice that the same group of men was him and the task force and in his picture it was you and your friends as the background. You two were so close to each other, living different lives without knowing that the love of your life was not too far from you.
But at the time, he nor you were meant to cross paths. He wasn't ready for the life he now has and you weren't ready for his love or the life he has given you. It's beautifully strange when you think of it, so close yet so far from the one you'd be going home to. At the time of the photo, he was still very dedicated and not looking for any sort of romance, let's be clear here, when he met you he wasn't even ready for it and at times he feels like your love is so good it must be fake.
When you were in that lake, you were still a student, holding onto that degree like your life depended on it. You went out, visited parts of the world you never knew about, made friends and lost some in the process. But, in some beautiful way, he was there, unbeknownst to him, you were there too.
When he was at that lake, he was nothing more than a soldier, holding onto a mask to feel like he belonged. He lived a life full of guns and war, a helmet on his head and a knife at hand, he lost men to these wars but made a family with a group of fierce men along the way.
You look at him, a proud smile worn on his lips. He found that photo one day before he finished the scrapbook. To be honest, he was looking for a photo of you before you two met and by some beautiful coincidence he saw himself and his team. So of course he had to use that one. You were the girl a guy like him could only dream of, a goal that would never be obtained by a man with such a life as his. No soldier gets this lucky, especially not him.
You were his sunshine, the one he'd waited hundreds of years for. He wasn't much of a vocal man, you got the best of him, you are everything he could ever want and more. His mask kept him safe on the field and was a shield to protect Simon but when he is home, a single smile or a hug is shield enough for him. Ghost is just a soldier, Simon is a man, with wants and needs. Anyone can see it in his face, he is one lucky son of a bitch to land such a woman like yourself.
You once told him something he can never forget about; if he was lost in the light, it's okay because you can see in the dark. Love like this happens once if you are lucky enough and if dodging bullets or surviving betrayals wasn't proof enough he was lucky, one look at you and he'd know he was more than lucky. Soap always reminded him, of his fortune when he landed you. Gaz and Price did too, they knew you were valuable to a man like Simon. A fragment of a life he was worthy of.
So, if the invisible string theory is real, you and he are proof of it. You both hid in plain sight, meant to love the other when the time was right and what a time it was when he first met you. All the strings pulled by his hand and luck landed him with the greatest woman of all time. His love, his little piece of heaven and the proof that the theory was in fact real, at least to your love story.
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A/N: felt the need to explain the page of the scrapbook so you get the idea of what I tried to write about.
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prettyboywoll · 5 months
Introducing Ella Hughes | Maveric Lamoureux x Hughes sister AU
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A/n: All credits to go 🐧anon. Thank you so much lovey for helping me come up with ideas for this Au. Couldn’t have done without you. I appreciate you so much<3 ( feel free to correct me if anyone is wrong. Don’t much about tennis but did my best)
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❁ born September 9th, 2003 (Luke’s older by 5 minutes)
❁ height 5’5
❁ favorite music artist are Taylor Swift, Luke combs, Harry Styles and Gracie Abrams.
❁ loves to read books
❁ always brings them out on the boat to help her relax
❁ her family nickname is daisy because ever since she was little she had became obsessed with collecting anything that has daisies on them
❁ every year for her birthday the theme is always daisies
❁ doesn’t like hockey but still supports her brothers
❁ Quinn is her favorite
❁ out of all her brother’s friends she’s very close to Cole
❁ she’s introverted, a sunny person. always happy and carefree, very soft in general
❁ she loves the spring/ summer, because that's when everyone's together and her brothers are at the lake house to enjoy the summer with her.
❁ instead of going to the University of Michigan, she signed with the Sun Devil Women’s Tennis team.
❁ Luke cried the night she told him. He would not leave her side and made sure to spend all summer with her before she left. Jack cried happy tears and told her he was very proud of her.
❁ Quinn wanted to hold his little sister in his arms forever. He couldn’t believe how grown up she was. It didn’t feel real to him until the last box was in your dorm room.
❁ He kept a smile on for her but on the plane back to Vancouver, he couldn’t hold it in anymore
❁ all three brother promised to call her at least 3 times a week
❁ when she is on the court she’s a different person. Shows no mercy, is very competitive and likes to trash talk.
❁ Ranked as high as #18 in the women’s world rankings
❁ also ranked as #1113 WTA singles ranking and #850 WTA Double ranking
❁ started playing at the age of 5
❁ also played soccer for a few months before she was kicked of the team for scoring on the wrong side
❁ is very into scrapbooking
❁ in high school she took photography classes and fell in love with it
❁ had a tiny crush on Tyler Duke in high school
❁ dated for about 5 months until she lost feelings
❁ met Maveric at a coffee shop when he came to train in Arizona for development camp.
❁ talked for about 6 months before he asked her out on a date
❁ January 3rd, 2023 he asked her to be his girlfriend by setting up a picnic, having a heart shaped daisy with a sign in the middle that said “can I be your boyfriend?”
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partywithoutsmiling · 2 months
Do you think you can tell us what happens in would tour specifically at the end when the strings are broken? Is branch there? Does the world go gray or does it stay colourful because their technically is more strings? Oooooo how do the leaders react/find out about this random gray troll who sum how has made more strings?!?!
I think Branch would be there for sure
Skipping ahead of the timeline, after the events of the 1st movie- and realizing Poppy did miss him, he would be rather reluctant to leave his Tribe again for a while (his reawakened crush on Poppy certainly not helping matters)
However, he has now been on the move for so long, that staying in one place indefinitelly gives him jitters (and bit of a spoiler, but he did manage to meet at least one of his brothers on his travels, that made him realize that perhaps this Wanderlust is hereditary to an extent)
Also ever since returning to Pop Village, he came to realization that King Peppy seem to know more about the wide world than Branch had suspected; before, he just thought that the Pop Troll's ignorance stemmed from their isolation and decades of selective culling- knowledge and histories are bound to be lost and forgotten in that case, but given the nervous glances Peppy sends his attire and his rock guitar, Branch can put one and one together.
But Peppy doesn't ask and Branch doesn't offer any explanation, and while Poppy is curious enough to ask Branch where he went, she doesn't push when he just says 'away'. She still remembers when Branch just up and disappeared one day and no-one cared to notice that for weeks- to an extent, not even her, even though she is the most aware of his prensence than anyone.
After that fiasco with the funeral, Poppy just figured Branch holed up himself in his bunker to sulk- or so she thought- and will come out when ready. And truthfully, she thought that it was, for once, a good idea- because the mood of the community was not great, when it came to the grey troll, and she herself was at loss what to say or do to make it better. She could hardly defend Branch's actions for all that she understood his freakout (at least a little bit)
It was only when more time than usual passed that she grew concerned- while the other trolls around her didn't.
A little bit of angsty idea was that Branch, in his shame, left behind both Floyd's vest and his old Hideout Plan, as those were two mementos that really tied him to his old life, and Poppy- with bit of brute force- managed to get her way into the bunker and found both.
She was really just a teenager then- and was suddenly forced to come to a reality where a Troll that was supposed to be her responsibility as a future Queen just... left. Left, because he felt so unwelcome in the Village- unwelcome in her presence- that feelings themselves driven him away.
And similar to Branch, Poppy had no idea other trolls existed- there was only the Village and the Bergen Town, and all the dangers that existed between it. It was unspoken rule that to leave the Village meant a certain death- and here she was, holding Branch's iconic vest that he never ever takes off, holding a yellowed scrapbooked plan of childlike wonder, that revealed a familial history of heartbreak and abandonment (after all, she knows these names, she knows Brozone songs and trivia by heart)....
Honestly, She and Branch probably came to be peas in a pod, when it comes to feeling of self-loathing and lack of self-worth.
After all, perfect Queens don't allow their subject to become outcasts
Perfect Queens don't turn blind eye towards unjustified shunning
Perfect Queens don't certainly drive away their friends to perish in the wilderness
And for the next 4 years- especially after the uncomfortable realization that only handful of people even care that Branch was gone- she felt deep guilt and suppresed grief very keenly, plagued by what ifs; what if she went to him the day after the funeral, what if she checked up on him that very night- would he had stayed? What if she never pushed him like she did, secretly delighting in crafting the most annoying glitter-spewing invitations, knowing it irritated him What if she was kinder, respected his refusals better, listened to his warnings
Would he had stayed?
And honestly, up until the point that he returned, she had no answers, and thought she would never got any
So after their reunion, she burns with questions and curiosity- and holds it back, because he already left once, and she is terrified to push him away again, this time for good. Because that's what she focuses on now- he came back.
Of course, that relief changes nothing when mere seventh months after their peace with the Bergens- after they repaired their village, after Poppy got used to having Branch by her side, singing, dancing, playing, harmonizing
She is suddenly feeling like thrown into a cold water when he tells her he wants to go traveling again, and all the fears and past grief comes rushing
I believe they would have quite the row about it- unknowingly reminding Branch of the night his brothers argued and left, which only pushes him to be angrier- while Poppy uses her outburst to hide the irrational terror she feels
So it ends with Branch storming off in a huff and Poppy storming off in a huff- but when her senses catches up to her and she is quite panicked to make ammends and to sooth the argument over, Branch is long gone
Few more months passes, and while not as cheerful, Poppy tries to keep herself upbeat- then the invitation comes, Peppy finally admits to there being more kind of trolls, and to her it is like Oh, of course.
The excitement returning, she now has secondary goal to her 'unite the tribes together' under big party- she just knows Branch is living with one of the tribes now- and she is right, when she encounters him in Lonesome Flats
(Well, after he learnes that she got thrown into jail for her Crimes against Music that is pf)
Branch, naturally, still has no idea about the Strings (as he dipped out before Peppy gave that piece of history away) but learning about them now doesn't give him any more peace of the mind. Contrary to his first mindset in the original plot- where he wanted to avoid the other trolls altogether- he is now stalwart defender of all genres, and hates the idea of any of them disappearing.
(A side note: in his wanderings, I think the only rulers- or would be rulers- that he had met was Delta, Trollex and Barb; Trollex had just been freshly crowned and Barb has not been queen yet) (He and Barb probably struck a very odd friendship- where Branch had no idea he was hanging out with the princess of Rock- namely because Rock Trolls didn't use the term of 'prince' and 'princess' for their heirs- and he probably told her all about his travels) (Hearing that she is behind this mess makes him feel horrified. Did he gave her the idea to try and take over the world?)
Anyway, events happens, the finale comes- the final showdown XD
Only, the fight plays out quite differently
Branch and Barb being friends, he confronts her about what she's doing and quite stubbornly gets into her face about her ideas. Dares her to change him the way she wants to change everyone- dares her to erase him, like she dreams about
It makes her hesitate for sure- she already went so far, and wont be stopped now. Expression hardening, she aims her guitar at Poppy and strikes the chord- not expecting Branch to jump between them.
This event probably doesnt have the desired effect that she imagined. Had Branch had been just a normal Pop Troll- or as close as to one genre as one can get, he would have been Zombified without any issues.
But with the Power Chord, it's Strings against Strings- and the results are probably quite... explosive. Devastatingly so.
Only, Branch has an unknowing advantage- his seventh String, shining so innocently from his hair among the others.
When it comes to matching powers, the Royal Rock Guitar looses, pathetically so- and as the stage around them explodes, so does the guitar, taking the power of music with it, leeching everything of colours and light, untill nothing but darkness and greyscale remains.
Except for a singular troll that stands tall and proud in the middle of it all, injured, sure, but colourful, rainbow heart shining through the fuzz on his chest, the strings in his hair glowing brighter than ever XD
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albertayebisackey · 1 year
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Tuesday 7th February 2023 - “Utterly, irrevocably, lost”― Oscar Wilde
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They had it comin'!
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Absolutely, we love justified venom here, don't mind me living vicariously through y/n here
"Pfft can you imagine tape of all things?"
The snickers of a clique mocking something that someone can't control were painful enough, but for them to be directed at Sero of all people?
Least to say you were livid. They always do this every time they see or hear about him, and you were down right sick of it. The scowl on your face becoming harder and harder to suppress.
Sero's heard it all before, all his life actually, but it still feels like stabs at his confidence. After all, tape doesn't directly seem heroic, and it's not like he could just reroll his quirk, no one can.
"Why be a hero of all things, he'd be better off in a scrapbooking store!" One of the preps blantently shouted, followed by the hoots and howls of their friends.
Sero huffed and dug in his pockets for his headphones to block out the comments, but you were a broken dam of rage.
"And what makes you all better?!" You stood up from your seat, fists clenched, ready for anything that might happen. "He's taking hero classes while you're struggling with your general studies! How hard is an entry level class huh?! How about we focus on the bare minimum you can accomplish before we start tearing down the people will will actually make a difference in this world?!"
You were a derailed train of rage and you planned on taking out the entire clique in one swoop. Their faces paled in shame as a couple of them stammered for a comeback or excuse for their behavior.
"Well? I'm waiting for a snarky remark about my quirk! Don't tell me you've fizzled out!" Your heart was racing as adrenaline pumped through your veins from the anticipation of what they might come up with.
The clique gathered their things and left, uncharacteristically quiet. You sank back into your chair letting out a decompressing sigh as you tried to calm your nerves.
"Damn, about time they got a taste of their own medicine" Sero chuckled a little before turning toward you
"Thank you, Y/n, I really appreciate you standing up for me like that. Who knows how many people they do that to. I bet they'll think twice before mouthing off like that again." Sero gave you a sincere smile before rubbing the back of his neck nervously, "Sooo, are you doing anything after school?"
"There's no way he can be a pro hero with a quirk like that. It's too villainous."
"Especially with him barely having any control over it, can you imagine if he lost control around civilians? He's a massive liability for any agency."
You could feel frustration rising in veins, despite them whispering they were still loud enough for other people to hear, including Tokoyami.
You sneaked at glance at him to see if he heard them too, but it's always so hard to tell with him. Stoic natures are hard to read, but you can tell he was uncomfortable.
Sure everyone has a hard time mastering their quirks, some more than others, but does that really justify tearing down someone's dreams and aspirations? You started to tap your pencil on your notes, your mind split between focusing on the lesson and eavesdropping on their conversation.
"I just don't understand why there isn't a vetting process for risky quirks. One slip-up is all it takes to kill someone."
"Not to mention there's not enough heroes who can fight in the dark to begin with, and if there's an emergency at night he's either going to be useless or a hazard"
Your suspicions were confirmed, they only have rumors to base these accusations on. Of course no one focuses on how hard Tokoyami is working on his control in dark situations, just the basics of his quirk. They don't know that Dark Shadow is an extension of Tokoyami, meaning they share the same goals and morals.
"I just think he's taking up a valuable slot in the hero courses."
You turned around to face them, the two of the students shamefully avoided eye contact with you and started finding something in their notes or outside in the window.
"If that's what you really think then you're taking up highly valuable slots as the student body of U.A. I suggest you keep your focus on today's lesson than your peers' progress in classes you're not even a part in." You shift back into your seat and try to catch-up yourself to the notes on the whiteboard.
You check up on Tokoyami, he had to have caught on to what was happening right behind the two of you. His eyes were seemingly glued on the subject matter, occasionally darting back down to his notes.
You saw a faint shadow lay something on the corner of your desk.
A humble piece of paper that simply said
"Thank You, Y/n".
"It's a powerful quirk sure, but it's pointless if you can short circuit, besides he's not exactly smart to begin with."
The class discussion of quirks somehow landed on Kaminari. You could kind of understand how, given the lesson for today was about quirks and their relation to the human body.
"Hah! Maybe that's why he's dumb, he fried his brain cells!" A handful of students laughed at the joke.
Denki wasn't laughing though. His usually cheery disposition replaced with a silent one. Sure he's the class clown but that doesn't excuse blantent bullying.
"Hey, Kaminari? Do you want to swing by that one sandwich place we were talking about before?" You tried to lighten the mood and get his mind off of the pack of jerks.
"Yeah that actually sounds nice," he managed to muster up a half smile as he started gathering up his things.
"Careful Y/n! He might get too excited and electrocute you!" The laughter now becoming harder to ignore.
Denki sighs, "You know what Y/n, I think I'm just going to head back to my dorm."
Of course they would weaponize the one thing he's scared of.
You marched over to the group, making a B line for the ring leader.
"Those are some big jokes for people who are so insecure about their own futures they feel the need to tear down the greatest of our class. Really, what is wrong with all of you? If we're going to attack people for what they can't control how about we focus on your shortcomings" you jam a finger into the ring leaders chest.
"You can't even manage to pass a test without getting answers from your circus monkeys, even then you barely pass each one. Meaning collectively all of you are bottom tier students. Honestly, I'm not even sure how you're still in U.A at this point. Oh I know! I should tell our teacher about your collective cheating! That's what heroes do right?! I'm sure there's a bunch of people who could've gotten into this school but you thieves snatched that opportunity away from them. I'm sure they'll be excited to see you get transfered to another school."
You gather up your things before grabbing Denki's arm, his face in pure shock of what he just witnessed.
"C'mon Kaminari, we have to stop by the principal's office first, then we can get those sandwiches."
On your way out Denki comes to, he clicks his tongue and points finger guns at the bullies, "See ya losers! We're getting sammies!!"
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hyuuukais · 5 months
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.・゜-: ✧ :- FICTIONAL REALITY .・゜-: ✧ :-
pairing • bang chan x fem reader
synopsis • fiction or reality? y/n preferred the former, escaping into another world, escaping her problems. so what happens when reality takes that away from her; wiping her own story-in-progress off both her laptop and beloved usb? and what happens when she opens the door in the middle of a crisis to none other then the love interest of her novel... and he's holding her usb?
warnings • general, memories of y/n's past abusive relationship brought up
You scramble away from your phone, stumbling upward. Around you is a world you've long since forgotten, or at least, one you've shoved back enough to ignore. The apartment is modest in size, a one-bed, one-bath, colours exploding all over the place.
Closest to you is the living room, which you carefully step into. Every step is with caution, daring something to step out of the shadows. Cold moonlight seeps into the room through thin curtains blowing in the slight breeze an open window allows, painting the room in a blue hue. A framed painting hangs above the red chaise lounge, one-of-a-kind by yours truly. Before it captured two hands clasped together, a symbol of love, but now it shows a hand holding a pair of scissors and another, a red string to match the couch.
Lying open on the small, square coffee table is an album you remember making in commemoration of your six-month anniversary, all photos from the monthly dates Yeonjun would take you on and one thing you loved about him next to each photo. You thought he would love it, the thought, the dedication.
He was furious. It was the first time he had raised his voice at you, about how much he had spent on the diamond necklace for you, how you had given him a scrapbook in return. Yeji had let you stay at her house that night, endless tears spilling from your eyes. She never pressured you to tell her what happened, nothing more than understanding you'd had a fight and needed to get out.
The next morning he showed up with flowers and an apology, promising he loved your gift and he was just stressed from work. Never in his life would he want to hurt you.
Never, with the exception of stressful nights and small mistakes.
For the next six months, tension grew between you two. You never knew how he'd react anymore, scared to do something that would make him snap. So you played your part, the dutiful girlfriend, and said what he wanted to hear, did what he wanted you to, wore the clothes he picked, ate the food he bought.
On the wall opposite the sofa is supposed to be your TV, but hanging there instead is a collage of photos, each from a month in your relationship. You can barely look, watching yourself deteriorate in real time. How did no one notice?
Or did they, and they said nothing?
Dark circles under your eyes and a faded smile, weariness personified. Two years in, you wince. There's no smile in this one, just you and him sitting across from each other at the dining room table with a laptop in between. You remember that night clearly, the way he calmly stood up after confronting you about the man you were writing about, convinced he was a real person and that you were cheating. You remember him picking up the laptop and walking over to the edge of the table closest to you, raising it above his head.
For a moment, you thought he would use it against you. But then came the sound of electronics hitting hard wood and you flinched, splinters and sparks flying in every direction. One good hit was all it took, the laptop beyond repair, your story lost.
Tears welled in your eyes, both then and now. The little comfort of escapism you had gone, along with your growing passion for writing. He killed those parts of you, the pieces of love and creativity, creating a shell of a human in your place. You didn't try writing again until after you left.
Where there should be a photo of you in your wedding dress is a blank frame. You're about to turn away when you spot it, a paper tucked underneath.
Carefully, you lift the frame off the wall. The paper is partially tucked inside, hidden in the front by a piece of thin cardboard. You sit on the sofa, unfolding the note.
Meet me at midnight, water lily.
Breathing becomes hard for you. Only one person calls you water lily, and you know exactly where to find him.
Throwing on a coat, you leave the apartment, not caring enough to explore more. Midnight, thirty minutes away. Could you make it there in time? What if you had gotten the location wrong? But where else would he mean?
You arrive with two minutes to spare, looking out at the stars reflecting in the river. The city across from you was alive with lights and sound, but here was quiet, the perfect place to paint.
The clock strikes twelve.
At ten after, you start to doubt the message. Maybe it had been there much longer than you have been, intended to be seen by you earlier. The sound of a car rumbling drifts into your mind and you're partially convinced it's your imagination until the doors slam shut.
"Water lily?"
Spinning around, you see two figures descending down the small hill from the parking lot down to the rocky beach-like area you stand on. His hair is longer than you remember it being, half pulled back into a small ponytail. Before you know it, he's engulfing you in a tight hug.
"Where the hell have you been?"
For a moment you wonder how he knows about you leaving considering you're back in time and haven't left yet, but then you remember.
"Oh, um." You struggle to talk into his chest. "Pre-wedding nerves got to me and I went on a spontaneous trip back home for the week."
Not true and he knew it, pulling back to look at you with confusion.
"But you don't talk to your parents?"
"I thought I'd tell them about the wedding," you say quickly. "They deserve to know their only kid is getting married. They aren't coming, but still."
"Of course, they aren't," someone behind your hugging figures scoffs.
You look around to see your best friend standing there and can't help the smile that breaks across your face. Seeing her here, unharmed, still intact, it's reassuring.
"Fuck 'em." Hyunjin finally pulls away completely.
"Yeah, what he said."
Yeji comes to your side, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. Now that she's closer, you spot a sliver of a scar running down just below her eye and down to her jaw, extending right underneath. That's new.
"We have a lot to tell you, and not much time." Hyunjin looks around the empty beach as if expecting others to join. "We should go."
"Did Minho say-"
"Minho?" You blurt. "He's here too?"
Yeji glances over to Hyunjin, eyes unreadable. You swear the two have a secret language only they can understand.
"Like I said," Hyunjin sighs. "We have a lot to tell you. Now, did he say his place or ours?"
"Not ours," Yeji says sharply. "He knows where to find us. He doesn't know Minho is back too."
"He..." your breathing picks up. "As in...?"
"Yes." She looks down briefly, then back at you with soft eyes. "Yeonjun. We think he's behind all of this."
A vibration in your pocket catches your attention; your phone. How did it get there? Didn't you leave it at home?
Better hurry, it reads. Foxes get hungry.
"Jeongin?" Chan shakes his arm.
Since he went into the other realm, no one's come into your room. No doctors, no nurses, no other visitors, nobody. Looking outside, the lights in the hall have dimmed immensely making it hard to see down the hallway. Chan dared to open the door, staring into the darkness with an eerie feeling creeping up on him. He didn't leave the room, just sat back down and waited.
And now he's here, seemingly alone with anxiety gnawing at his very soul, not knowing what's happening to you or Jeongin or Minho. Although he doesn't know Minho as well, leaving him unprotected felt wrong. He shouldn't be alone with all this uncertainty in the air.
A door slamming somewhere down the hall alerts Chan in his near sleeping state. No activity for the past hour, but now he hears running. He's quick to leap up and close the blinds, turning your lights off completely so as to not show life in this room. There aren't any weapons to defend you, only a lone abandoned scalpel on the nightstand left by a nurse from earlier. The footsteps stop right outside the door.
"Let me in," a voice Chan doesn't recognize calls out. "I know she's in there. You can make this easy for yourself and everyone else."
Chan can't breathe, back settled on the door and scalpel held tightly against his chest. All he can hear is his heartbeat, fast and uneven.
"Do me a favour and look at her, really look at her." For some reason, Chan obeys. "She isn't the perfect soulmate you think she is. The one you think she should be."
This, this is what insults Chan. Why would he think of you that way? Why would he hold you to an unrealistic standard? He understands you have flaws and won't be "perfect" all the time. You're human. He's learned a lot from you. How could he ever be mad at you for that?
The door opens aggressively, knocking Chan stumbling forward. Scalpel in hand, he turns toward the intruder walking through the door. At first, he doesn't recognize him, but the who he is becomes obvious. Who else would be trying to get into your hospital room?
"How did you find her?" Chan asks through gritted teeth.
"Simple," Yeonjun laughs. "I'll always find her."
"Why'd it take so long then?" Chan moves into the space between your bed and the intruder, trying to buy time. "It's been what, a year?"
"A year and a half." Yeonjun looks annoyed, leaning against the doorframe. "Not that it matters, I still got here."
"Did you though?"
As the conversation continues, Chan notices the way Yeonjun's body doesn't quite hit the doorframe or the way his voice sounds more distant than it should be. Somehow he's here, but he's not here.
"Does he know he's not real either?" Yeonjun turns the focus onto Jeongin, who still sits next to you with his head down on the bed. "None of this is?"
"No," Chan starts, shaking his head. "I'm the only one who's not supposed to exist. He wasn't apart of her story-"
"There's a lot you don't know yet." Yeonjun strides up to Chan, looking down at him with dark eyes. "Maybe I should leave you to figure it out, or maybe I should end this all now."
Chan strikes quickly, but the scalpel doesn't pierce. Instead, he stumbles through a fog and turns around to see Yeonjun's back. He barely catches himself, standing up straight as Yeonjun just watches your unmoving body. Chan goes to strike again, knowing it won't do anything, but at least he'll be back between your bodies.
His leg goes numb and he falls to the ground. The scalpel rolls out of where his hand should be, emptiness found in place of an arm.
notes • enjoy the first hiatus chapter lol
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faerytreealtars · 10 months
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ “Less Work, More Play” ~ Ways to connect to your inner child ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
Hello again, my dear Saplings! 🌱 I am back once again with another new PAC today that I hope you enjoy, take a deep breath, and choose whatever images resonate with your soul and heart, Happy reading! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
  Being connected to our child-like energy does not mean to behave like a tantruming two-year old or to act naively in situations where you know it is necessary to have a sensible and mature head on your shoulders, no to connect with the child within us in a healthy way we should embrace wonder, never fear trying out new things and remember its okay to be silly and fun now and again, don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself and never mind the unneeded judgements of others. If they refuse to look after the child within in and feel uncomfortable to see yours thriving that's a them problem!
I would love to hear if the message you received resonated with you, so don’t feel afraid to comment, for it makes me so happy to connect with you all! 💕  
Song: Lost Boy - Ruth B.
Faery-Tale: Puss in Boots ~ “Perhaps the greatest gift that can be left to you is something you already have within”
[ My Instagram ♡ / Personal Readings ♤ /  Faery Masterlist ☆  ]  
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Pile 1
[Cards: Ace of Cups, Eight of Swords, The Chariot & King of Swords]
Ways you can reconnect with your inner child include slowing down in life, instead of rushing from one goalpost to another try to appreciate the journey. Collect memories physically & mentally - make an album of photographs from both adventures and ordinary life and fill it with pictures of those dear to you too. Listen & dance to music from your youth or even scrapbook/Journal about your days if you're feeling creative. Don't become another victim of the belief that once you've reached a certain age all fun must die only to be replaced with responsibilities and strict rules! Keep dreaming, keep playing, and keep growing!
Oracle: Benedicta
Don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zones, No one ever grew in stagnation - Just like a plant in a pot too small for its roots your run the danger of wilting. Be daring, be bold, and most importantly true to your soul!
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Pile 2
[Cards: Four of Pentacles, Knight of Cups, Three of Pentacles & Four of Swords]
To connect more with your inner child within you I suggest some much-needed TLC & self-care. treat yourself, you deserve it! Think to yourself if your child's self suddenly appeared in your life and you were entrusted to care for them. How would you treat them? Perhaps you would give them all the nice things they were refused in life. Now is your chance to do just that. Another message I'm hearing is to not burden yourself with all the decisions if you run a business or are in a partnership/Marriage Lean on those around you (spouse/Work Colleagues) to carry some of the load it isn't your responsibility to carry it all - You don't need to feel alone.
Oracle: Rubi
Make time for your friends and family don't feel afraid that you might be missing out on work, or some other important chore on your to-do list, it won't end your world to slow down and appreciate all you've got. Wouldn't you rather make fun and exciting memories with those dearest to your heart rather than worry and stress yourself out over work? The decision is ultimately in your hands.
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Pile 3
[Cards: Five of Wands, The Star, Ten of Pentacles & Nine of Swords]
The way you connect to your inner child within you may include singing along to your favourite tunes, but I'm also hearing a message to avoid conflict - don't go into situations heated and looking for arguments & if it is others not accepting you don't want to engage cut them off and take some time away from them for your own sanity. I would also advise against scrolling through social media or constantly watching content full of bad news or toxic drama. Please don't compare your life to perfect pictures online this is making you lose faith in yourself and your dreams. You're quite wonderful as you are and your inner child says they wouldn't change a thing! after all, no one but Mary Poppins can be perfect!
Oracle: Sir Norval & Elliot
Perhaps you are over due for an adventure somewhere quiet & far away from the noise and distraction of modern life. Somewhere that you can reconnect with nature and the joys of the simple every day. Put down your devices and go out there the next chance you get to fulfill the curiosity of your soul!
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I hope the message you received from the child within was joyful and uplifting to you! Make sure to embrace each day with wonder and joy as that is how you can help begin the first steps to inner-child connection! For magic truly is everywhere is just depends on how you choose to view things.
-Love, Fae🔮🧚🏻‍♀
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melpomene-writes · 10 months
can’t help falling in love with you
chou tzuyu x gn!reader /// fluff
summary: the two of you love each other, and that’s all that really matters.
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wise men say, only fools rush in but i can’t help falling in love with you like a river flows, surely to the sea darling so it goes, some things are meant to be — can’t help falling in love, twenty one pilots (cover)
the two of you meet when the sun touches the horizon and bleeds the world red. you’re lost and tzuyu’s confused but your fingers tangle together almost immediately, like two puzzle pieces of the universe finally coming together.
the two of you end up falling over, under, for each other as the constellations light up the sky. in this moment, the two of you are ethereal beings with stardust in your veins. in this moment, the world stretches as far as each other. in this moment, there’s only the two of you, but has there ever been anyone else?
and so you’re no longer lost and tzuyu’s no longer confused because it’s not difficult to smile when all you ever need is right there next to you.
tzuyu isn’t an artist but she paints a smile on your face every day. you’re not a fixer but she collects all the pieces of yourself that tzuyu throws away in her small hands and fits them back into their place. the two of you aren’t perfect but the two of you are perfect for each other.
sometimes it’s difficult to remember the strings that bind you both together, when shouting rattles the roof and both of you scream things that the two of you will later regret. gold and silver threads pull you both back from the cliff’s edge and the two of you hold each other like lifelines.
when the world is quiet, the two of you remember what love feels like, and then everything is okay again.
the two of you are painted in red, blue, white, backlit against the fireworks that bloom above you both. you’re silver and tzuyu’s gold and there’s so much pride in the sky that it’s almost tangible in the air but the two of you are only ever proud of each other.
lyrics spill from your fingertips as the two of you twirl into the night, laughter crystallising into the atmosphere. tonight, there’s nothing except for the feeling of warm hands wrapping around your heart and the slow pulsing beat of the earth as it spins to the rhythm of your feet.
the two of you don’t let go of each other until the moon fades away and even then it is only to fall into each other again as you both sleep.
there’s something wonderful about the permanence of ink. it breathes magic into all the pages of your lives. winter is followed by spring and the scrapbook that you both made together is slowly getting filled up. there are so many pictures stuck to the colourful pages that the polaroids almost drip off and float to the ground.
the two of you cannot help but smile constantly at the bright camera flashes, revelling in wanting to be captured in the spur of the moment, on the edge of feeling. you stick the images down and tzuyu captions them in black sharpie.
there’s an ‘i love you’ on every page.
tzuyu used to be afraid of the things that went bump in the night. now she has you to hold her hand and every scary silhouette turns into a bunny or a unicorn or a fairy. she finds that nothing is scarier than you leaving her but you’re right here and so close that tzuyu can count your heartbeats so there’s nothing else to be afraid of.
when morning comes, the shadows are gone but you’re still here and tzuyu realizes that her heart only ever skips a beat now when you smile at her.
she is no longer afraid.
the bonfire spits into the sky as waves break on the shore. it’s hot and cold at the same time but the two of you have each other so nothing else really matters. the sweet smell of roasting marshmallows hang in the air as the two of you navigate the crowd, always touching in one way or another. it’s customary now, this is how the two of you harmonize. the two of you play a duet with your broken strings and weave stories into your song.
tzuyu’s fingers are cold and she’s shaking as she fumbles with the buttons on her coat. you laugh as you cover tzuyu’s hands with yours and the sky burns orange as you slide the last button into place. tzuyu grins at you and you feel as if the sun has suddenly risen again.
this is how the two of you are now, and this is how the two of you will be forever.
fluff, fluff, fluff…
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